A true Relation of the Trauels of M. Bush. a Gentleman: who with his owne handes withou [...] any other mans helpe made a Pynace, in which hee past by Ayre, Land, and Water: From Lamborne, a place in Barkshire, to the Custome house Key in London. 1607


London printed by T. P. for Nathaniel Burter, 1608.

To the Reader.

IN different Readers, whose iudgments are sophistically mixt with humors, or con­ceits, as many are now a dayes, who are more ready to condemne with their turbulent tongues, then to amend with sensible iudg­ments: As for them, or any such carpers, I am reasonably perswaded to set as lightly by their censures, as they are farre from conceiuing well of any thing, but what agrees with their owne humors, or fictions. To those that are of more plausible spirits, who (for the most part either say little, or conceit the best, and either applaud what is good, or passe ouer with silence what is not hurtfull: And to those that ha­uing some vnderstanding themselues in this Arte, as either Nauigators, or Shipwrights, and are de­sirous to be partakers of the Experiments & Pra­ctises of other mens knowledge. To the one I commit the censure, to the other the profitte of this Trauellors labours: knowing that such as are [Page] wise, will rather winke at samll faults, then rashly reproue what may pleasure others. Though such as are curious, and thinke themselues sufficiently expert in this Arte, finde nothing herein contei­ned that may satisfie their expectation: yet the Gentlemans hope is, they will iudge fauourably of his intentions and proceedings, and passe it ouer with patience, for affections sake to the Arte it selfe: and hereafter doubts not but to doe them more profit and pleasure in matters of some other deepe performances. If any thinke, that what this booke speakes, is very strange; he may see the very title saies as much: And it is good for an Au­thor to be as good as his title. If any thinke it is but a Tale, and no truth, I cite you my Tales­maister, (which is more then most men will doe.) And he to auoide euery such imputation, hath his confirmation hereof, vnder the hands and seales of the chiefest of the Custome house in London, besides many thousand witnesses in the Coū ­trey. Then sit downe and read it, if it doe not profit thee, yet his trust is, it shall not displease thee.

A. N.

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