AN ANSVVER VNTO THE CATHOLIQVES SƲP­PLICATION, PRESENTED VN­to the Kings Maiestie, for a tolleration of Popish religion in England. WHEREIN IS CONTAINED A confutation of their vnreasonable petitions, and slaunderous lyes against our late Soueraigne Queene Elizabeth, whose happy and gratious gouernement, the Papists in their said Supplication doe so peremptorilie traduce. Together with an information vnto his Maiestie of di­uers their wicked and treasonable practises, attempted in the life time of our late Queene his worthy predecessor, whose life they alwayes sought meanes to extinguish. Wherevnto is annexed the Supplication of the Papists, word for word as it was presented vnto the Kings Maiestie: With some necessarie an­notations thereupon. Newlie corrected and augmented.

Written by Christopher Muriell the elder.

Imprinted at London by R. R. for Francis Burton, and are to be solde in Paules Church-yard at the figne of the White-Lyon. 1603.

TO THE MOST GRA­cious renowmed Christian King; IAMES by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the true Catholique and Apostolique faith: All diuine, and celestiall graces, mercies, and blessings, be multiplyed from generation to generation, for euermore: Amen.

MOst Gratious, and renowmed Christian King, whereas the Pa­pists, (who vsurpe the name of Catholiques) hauing posted vnto your Maiestie, to exhibite vnto your royall person a Sup­plication full of vntrueths: I one of the meanest of your Maiesties most hum­ble and loyall subiects, mooued with zeale of the holy and vndoubted true religion, now professed in England; haue thought it not inconuenient (with your Graces fauour, which I humbly craue) to answer the chiefe and most materiall points of [Page]the saide supplication, because it tendeth to the greeuous slaunder of our late deceased Soue­raigne Queene Elizabeth, and also of the no­ble and worshipfull personages of this your Graces Realme of England: and the rather, be­cause I heare that some fauorites of the Romane religion, doe so highly extoll and aduance the learned and eloquent penning of the same, and the imaginary validity and force thereof, that they vaunt that it cannot be contradicted, yet doubt I not but that the plaine verity of this short aunswer will be of sufficient force to daunt their expectations, and to bewray their vntruthes, to their deserued discredit. The saide Supplication consisteth of feauen seuerall partes, as by perusall thereof may appeare.

1. The first part is their exordium, wherein they pretend faith and dutifull obedience, and loyaltie vn­to your Maiestie, the which protestation I pray God they may effect in verity, in as effectuall and ample manner as they haue in flourishing and glosing shew of words professed the same. But I commit that to God who searcheth the harts and reynes, time trieth all things: nil fictum diuturnum essepotest.

2. In the second part they doe complaine that they were ouer-whelmed with greeuom persecutions, by the seuerity of our late deceased Queene: We doe not a little maruell that they blushed not to in­forme your Grace with so manifest vntruthes, [Page]if they supposed (as they in wordes pretend) that God hath blessed you with a wise and vnderstanding hart, rightly to discerne betweene truth and fashood: For I dare boldly affirme that they cannot prooue that any one receiued the sentence of death onely for professing the Romish religion, except treason were thereunto also annexed: And if it may please your most Gracious Maiestie to waigh in equall ballance the persecutions (to vse their owne wordes) they suffered either by im­prisonment or fining by the purse, (wherewith verye fewe in comparison were touched) your highnesse shall vnderstand that their owne wilfull obstinacie, and not the Queenes Maiesties feue­ritie vrged the same; for whensoeuer it pleased them to resort to their parish churches vnto di­uine prayers, they had present releasement both of their imprisonment, and also of their fines and fees: But seeing that their vniust exclamations in­force me to call to fresh remembrance the most sauage and brutish dealings of the Papists in Queene Maryes dayes, how they then dominered your highnesse cannot be ignorant: how vnmer­cifully did they torment vnto death the faithfull seruants and Saints of God, for professing the glo­rious Gospell of our redeemer Christ Iesus? Some they tormented with most sharpe and long imprisonment, some they whipped with roddes, some they secretly murthered in prison, but the greatest and generall number were sacryficed [Page]in the fire, in which kinde of torment they spared none, no not any degrees of persons, not so much as women great with childe, but tormented them to death, euen when the children did fall out of the mothers wombes into the fire, in the view of the Papists, who being past shame and grace, nothing regarded it. Yea such was their raging madnesse, that they digged vp the dead bones of those two godly and learned fathers Martin Bucer, and Paulus Phagius, and burned them in Cam­bridge: It is manifest vnto the world, that the Pa­pists tortured to death, as graue, as wise, as vertu­ous, and as learned, and Catholike fathers, as Eu­rope affordeth: Acts and Monu­ments. The records of these things are so manifest, so true, and so fresh in memorie (of many yet liuing) that they cannot bee contradicted. But to returne to our late deceased Queene, wher­as the Papists doe vniustly charge her, that she was A grieuous persecutor of them, their assertion consist­eth of contrarieties, for after the death of her bro­ther King Edward, they vndelayedly persecuted her Grace: in the dayes of Queene Mary, they tossed her from prison to prison, threatning her with continuall death, so that she dayly expected the Axe to seuer her sacred head from her Prince­ly shoulders: D. Sut­cliffe in his reply to the Apo. pa. 84. and once a precept was giuen for the executing thereof, to the Lieutenant of the Towre, by the treacherous dealing of one of the Popes Gardiner Bishop of Winche­ster. minions (the bearing great sway in Eng­land,) in so much that if the Lieutenant of the [Page]Tower had not himselfe presently posted vnto the Court vnto the Queene her sister, to vnder­stand certainly her pleasure therein, she had dyed before the Queene had beene acquainted there­with. But in processe of time, she by Gods pro­uidence beeing freed from that danger, and her selfe enioying the royall Crowne, Scepter, and dignitie of the Realme: did not the Pope deale with her as his predecessour did in former time deale with King Iohn? By his cursed Bul he cursed and excommunicated the aforesaid King, & inter­dicted the whole realme: So that for diuers yeares none were suffered to be Christianly buried: he charged all his subiects that none of them should releeue, helpe, or succour him by any meanes, ey­ther directly or indirectly, vpon paine of his curse: so that the rebellion of his nobles was so great that of force (to procure his peace) he was constrained to Stovves Chro: in the life of K. John. Page 255. and 256. resigne both the kingdomes of England and Ireland into the Popes hands, and did take it again of the Pope by fee farme, paying one thousand markes yearely for the fame. And euen the like he practised against our late Soueraigne Queene Elizabeth: But the sacred word of God had taught her subiects a better lesson of fidelity, & loyalty to their Prince, then to regard his vaine & wicked Bull which by his Felton. Stovves Chro: page 129. agents he caused to be hanged vpon the Bishop of London his gate. After this he instigated a mighty Prince (who is now dead and gone) to attempt his pretended in­uincible [Page]inuation, and with his many fold forces vtterly to subuerte the flourishing state of this Realme, and to extirpate (if it had beene possible) the true worship of God. Moreouer also the Pope instigated Parry, Babington, & Lopez, and diuers o­thers their confederates to conspire the Queenes vntimely death, he fent also his cursed brood of Ie­suites and Seminaries (the firebrands of sedition in all kingdoms) to induce her subiects to rebellion: whereunto also the Pope (their vnholy father) ad­ded his yeerely curse at Rome with booke, bell, & candle: hereby may you plainely see and perceiue, that the Pope & Papists which pretend to be (but indeed desire rather to make) Martyrs, did conti­nually persecute her Maiesty and sought all the meane that they possibly could to procure her vn­timely death, yet shame they not to cry with open mouthes vnto your Maiesty that they were perse­cuted. As for our Queene, the only, omnipotent, wise, & all seeing God, preserued her frō all their bloudy practises, & gaue vnto her an happy, ioy­ful, & peaceable end, to his glory, her own and our comforts, & to their vnspeakable griefe & sorrow.

3. In the third part, this generation of vypers relate vnto the world their owne wicked and tre­cherous endeuors to induce some now liuing, to aspire vnto the royall dignity of this kingdome. O cursed Parasites and false harted Papists, cannot you be soliciters of mischiefe, but you must needes brag thereof; it argueth that discord and rebellion are [Page]the chiefest vertues (if I may so say) of your new and false Catholique Romish religion. But most gratious King, let vs praise and glorifie God, who hath so directed your godly proceedings by his holy spirit, and hath also giuen you wisedom and fortitude to relie vpon his diuine prouidence, who workerh all things for the best, to them that serue and loue him. And that it hath now pleased God to crowne your royal head with the crowns of these kingdoms of England, France and Ireland, it cannot be any wise imputed vnto the Papists, for they were (like traitors) wholy bent another waye, vntill they perceiued that their designes were in vaine, and their hopes frustrate. For no sooner had it pleased God to call vnto his mercie our gracious Queene (who at & before her death resigned vnto your highnesse, as vnto whome of right it appertained, the royal scepter of all her do­minions) but that once her, now your most faith­full nobles, caused your rightfull title vnto all her kingdoms, to be by open proclamation published vnto the world, the vndoubted trueth of which your royall and lineall discent, together with the spirit of God working in their hearts to acknow­ledge the same, hath so vnited the harts and minds of all the nobilitie, clergy, and communalty of this land, that all (the Papists excepted) doe ioye to behold your royall face, and are ready to serue, honour, and obaye you, with their bodies and goods euen vnto death: The Lorde blesse and [Page]preserue you from the practises and conspiracies of the wicked Romanists (for surely they hate you in their harts because you professe the Gospell of Christ as your predecessor Queene Elizabeth did) who if (notwithstanding their flourishing shew of words) their wicked and desired expectations had bin effected, whē the general inuasion of this land was intended (your Maiesty knoweth by whom) neuer had your Grace inioyed the scepter of these kingdoms of England & Ireland, yes hardly (if they could haue effected the contrary) should you haue reteyned the kingdom of Scotland, which then (& now also God be thanked)you possesse quietly.

4. In the fourth part they do greeuously complaine of two euils that doe vex their harts: The first is, that this Realme of England is deuided into fourereligions, to wit, Protestants, Papists, Puritans, & Athists, ouer all which the Protestants did domineere all the raigne of our late disceased Queene: Thus much we do truely, to the glory of God confesse, that all such as did professe the sacred Scriptures, were protected first and principally by God, next by her Maiesty as an instrument from God, against the tyranny of the Pope, and all bloud-thirsty Papists; and that the Barrowistes (who may most iustly of all other among vs be termed Puritanes) as Iesuites which are the Popish Puritanes amongst them, and all Pharisaicall Iusticiares, together with all turbulent Athiest, (if any such be) which haue sprong vp in this flourishing time of the Gospell as euill weeds [Page]amongst good Corne, haue beene continually re­pelled by the preaching of the Gospell, by the wise, aduised and faithfull ministers and dispensers thereof in this kingdome. And we are fully assu­red that the said religion is so firmely established and founded vpon the sacred Scriptures, yea euen vpon Christ Iesus that sure rocke, and is so migh­tilie defended with the two-edged sworde that proceedeth from the mouth of God, which is able to cast downe strong holdes, and euery high thing that shall exalt it selfe against God and his true Church: that the gates of hell (that is to say, the Diuell himselfe, nor cursed Pope, Turke, He­retique, Infidel, Papist or Athiest) shall neuer be able to preuaile there-against so long as the world endureth. The second thing they complaine of is, that warres and bloudshed haue seldome ceased, Taskes and Subsidies neuer so many, discontented mindes in­numerable Behold the children of the Diuell can­not but lye, for their father the Diuell hath beene a lyar from the beginning: How iniuriously doe they charge that blessed buried corpes whose spi­rite is inglory, with these vntruths? did not euery man sit vnder his owne Vine, and eate the labours of his hands quietly and peaceably without mo­lestation, fortie and foure yeares and better to the great admiration of the worlde? See the Kings own testimony of her Ma­iesty in the latter end of the preface prefixed before the booke of instructions to his sonne. The words are these. But notwithstanding since there is a lawfull Queene there presently raigning, who hath so long, with so great wisedome and felicity gouerned her kingdoms, as (I must in true sincenty confesse) the like hath not bin red nor hard of either in our time, or since the dayes of the Romane Emperor Augustus, &c. If it please [Page]your gratious Maiestie to peruse the Chroncicles, you shall finde, that no King nor Queene before her time hath euer gouerned this realme in so godly peace and Christian vnity, so long time pro­tecting it most: miraculously against the tyrrannie of the Pope, and all other forraine and domesti­call enemies. Moreouer, her Maiestie hath beene a nourishing mother, and a louing Neighbour vn­to diuers Princes, countries and states about her (as their consciences can witnesse) and their in­gratitude cannot but acknowledge, if not requite, and gratiously protected she the distressed people from the bloudy tyrannie of their implacable, in­solent, and cruel enemies. Yet hath she resigned her Kingdomes vnto your Gratious Maiestie in such state as your owne eyes doe now and long may behold, and the world doth admire. And no doubt, but as the Protestants haue beene faithfull vnto her, so will they also be vnto your Maiestie: wherefore let all faithfull Christians, extoll, praise and magnifie, the omnipotent and onely wise God, who hath waged his battels by hir hand, be­ing (in the respect of her sex) a poore Grashop­per (in mans iudgement) against all the enemies of his sacred Church, as he waged battell against Pharao and all his hoast, with an armie of Gras­hoppers: And therefore let the Papists cease to publish so great vntrueth, redounding vnto their owne perpetuall shame and discredit for euer.

5. In the fift part, they make their humble sute [Page]vnto your Grace, that they may obtaine freedom to vse the Romish religion freely without molestatiō, though not openly, yet secretly, alledging two reasons: the first is, that because they be restrained of that liberty, your kingdomes is abhorred of all kingdomes that professe the Romish Religion. The second reason is, that it would bee a ioyfull thing to all the said Kingdomes, to graunt them their said sutes. And to the end to induce your Grace to graunt their requests, they alledge two arguments. The first is, that the now French King yeelding to the Papists to secure the vse of the Romish religion, they honored him with these vene­rable titles, Pater patriae, et pacis restitutor. If it be true that he now deserueth these honorable titles, why then since that time hath not that honorable King been freed from the dangerous conspiracie of the Papists, who haue diuers times since sought to murder him? If it please your renowmed Maie­sty to peruse the trecheries of the Papists, you shall find that they haue greater murdering harts then cursed Caine, who murdered his own brother. For to omitte the many and continuall treasons and conspiracies of the Papists against our disceased Queene, did not a gracelesse Monke poison King Iohn? did not a cursed Friar of France murder with a poysoned Pen-knife the last diseased French King? In vita Pii quintí. did not the Bishops, Monkes, Friars & Iesu­ites of Spaine, cause the kings eldest sonne of Spaine to be murdered, in letting him blood? did not the Papists of France vrge the King of France to cōmit [Page]a tragicall Butcherly massacre at Paris, in poyso­ning the Queene of Nauarre, and in a brutish but­cherly order to murder the most part of the peer­lesse Nobilitie in France, their wiues and children, with a great number of the common people in diuerse parts of his realme: So that in one yeare by one meanes and others, they did massacre a hundred thousand, as by their owne histories it doth appeare. But why should I stay vpon recitall of particularities? doth not the bloudy Inquisitiō at this day testifie, that this tyrannie is still conti­nued in Spaine, in Rome, and amongst other their confederates? Beholde the fruites of the profes­sors of the Romish Religion.

The second argument is drawne from the graue and wise counsell of Salomons Counsellors vnto Ro­boham ( si loquaris eis bona verba, &c.) This Text is as rightly alledged, as the deuill alledged the Scripture vnto our Sauiour Iesus Christ, when he tempted him: for there was no request made vn. to Roboham as concerning religion, but onely for a mitigation of greeuous exactions. And the Counsell of Salomons counsellors in that behalfe, was both wise, right, and good.

But in causes of religion, O most renowmed King, let the sacred Scriptures be your direction, and preferre them before and aboue all worldly policies, royalties, dignities, and honours whatso­euer: for therein consisteth your true honor, your true wisedome, your true authoritie, and royall [Page]dignitie. Moses teacheth from the mouth of God, Deutero: the 15. chapter & 6. verse. that if thy brother the sonne of thy mother, or thy owne sonne, or the daughter of thy wife that lyeth in thy bosome, or thy friend that is as thy soule, shall intise thee secretly, saying, Let vs goe serue other gods: thou shalt not consent to him, nor heare him, neither shall thy eye pittie him, nor shew mercie, nor keepe him secret: but thou shalt kill him, thy hand shall be first vpon him to put him to death. And our Sauiour Iesus Christ hath assured vs, that if we confesse him before men, he will confesse vs before his heauenly Father. And if we denie him before men, he will denie vs be­fore his heauenly father. And whosoeuer loueth Father or Mother, brother or sister, wife or chil­dren, or any worldly honour, riches, dignitie, or regalitie, more then him, is not worthy of him: for we cannot serue two Maisters, for we shall ey­ther loue the one and hate the other, or els we shall hate the one and loue the other. And to this effect serueth the perswasion of Eliha vnto the Is­raelites, If God be God, serue him, &c. Therefore let the feare of God and his sacred word, be your di­rection; Let it be a Lanthorne to your feete, and a light vnto your pathes, that God may bee with you and blesse you in all your actions. And then (as the Apostle saith) If God bee on your side, who can be against you? But if God be against you, who can bee with you? For most gracious King, if all the Kings and Potentates in the world [Page]did loue, fauour, and honour you, what is it to the purpose if God be against you? And there­fore the Lord blesse you with his grace and holy spirite, that no wordly thing may seperate you from the loue of God, which is in Christ Iesu our Lord, Amen.

6. In the sixt part they imploy their wittes to perswade your most gracious Maiesty, that their religion is venerable for antiquity, constant for conti­nuance, irreprehensible for doctrine, inducing to all vertue and piety, maintained by the first Christian Emperours, sealed with the bloud of millions of Mar­tyrs, &c. We doe not a little maruell that they be not ashamed to auouch so great vntruthes. But it is truely said (amisso pudore omnis virtus ruit) for if their ascertions were true, why hath one Pope caused the dead corpes of his predecessor to be digged out of his graue and to be dismembred, and haue condemned him for an heretique, and all his workes for heresie? And the next suc­cessor hath ratified the first dismembred Pope to be good and Catholique, and all his workes Catholique: wee must needs be here in a La­byrinth, not knowing how to iudge which is the Catholique Pope: the condemnor, or the con­demned, haue not some Popes beene condemned and depriued by generall counsels? hath there not beene two Popes at once, and sometimes three, and euery one hath cursed other, and ex­communicated others, and fought bloudy bat­telles [Page]one against another, to the disturbance of all Christendome, and the shedding of the bloud of many thousand Christians? And he that was the valiantest tyrant, was the most religious Pope. But to let them passe; let vs remember Constan­tine the Emperour, who first endowed the Pope with stately reuenewes: But in his dayes where was their holy Bread, and holy Wa­ter? where were their pardons of free remissi­on of sinnes, both veniall and deadly? (soulde now for money throughout Christendome to redeeme soules out of purgatory) where was their Ladies Chappell, their Ladyes Masses, their pilgrimages to Saint Iames of Compostel­la, &c? Where was their praying to Saintes? Where was their diabollicall authority to de­priue Kings and Emperours of their King­domes, and to dispose of them at their free will and pleasure? Where was the supremacie of the Pope vniuersally ouer all Realmes, Kings, and Emperours, and ouer all degrees of persons spirituall and temporall? but it hath beene since great honour for an Em­perour to leade the Popes horse by the bri­dle, and for a King to hould his stirrope, yea for an Emperour to be a foote-stoole to the Pope to treade on when hee went vpon his horse: This Luciferian pride was not heard off in Constantines time, nor long since: and as for the religion that was professed in those dayes and [Page]long before Constantines time, it was the same re­ligion that we in England doe now professe. And it is for certaine that the Heathenish and Infidell Emperours, both long before Constantines dayes, and long since, did persecute the now professed religion in England, and that it was sealed with the bloud of many Martyrs, adorned with the vertues of many thousand confessors, beautified with the bloud of the pure and Immaculate vir­gins: neither were the Bishops of Rome in those dayes, freed from the said persecutions. But when Infidell Emperours by Gods diuine prouidence ceased their tyranny; Then the Luciferian Popes by degrees and steps climing the highest staffe of the ladder of pride, did so farre exceed in haugh­tinesse of hart, insolencie, and tyranny, that they first did shake off the lawfull authoritie of Empe­rours in the electing and admitting the Pope, and then presently after, they did domineere and ty­rannise ouer Emperours, Kings, and all degrees of persons spirituall and temporall, so that it is to be doubted whether the heathenish Emperours in their time, or the irreligious Popes in their time haue persecuted and tormented to death the grea­ter number of faithfull Christians and the Saints of God. It is superfluous to rehearse the stories of these things, seeing they be recorded in all Ec­clesiasticall Histories, and in the Chronicles of all kingdomes: And wee are perswaded that your grace hath both seene and read the Historie of [Page]these bloudy tragedies: But of late time the Pope hath beene well plumed tof his borrowed fethers, and his Luciferian pride somewhat depressed: Yet, if the Papists will so be content, we will ioyne with them to procure that a Generall and free Counsell may be held in Christendome, where­vnto both Papists and Protestantes may freelie repaire, that thereby the Church of Christ may haue peace, and the ignorant may be confirmed in the true faith: and to this purpose hath one of our learned Diuines offered himselfe to dispute with any Papists whosoeuer (and many other will doe the like) so that his person may be secu­red red from perrill. D: Sutcliffe in the re­ply to The vvoord. pag. 43. This I pray God that it may be effected, and that he that is the true God may be worshipped of all, and that Baall may be vtterly forgotten, that all Christian kingdomes agreeing in true doctrine and sinceere truth may ioyntlie acknowledge one veritie, one faith, one baptisme, one religion, and one onely God in Trinity, and Trinitie in Vnity, the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, Amen.

7. In the seuenth and last part they make a sol­lemne profession before God and his holy An­gels, of as loyall, as obedient, and immaculate allegi­ance to your Grace, at euer did faithfull subiects in Scotland or England vnto your progenitors, and in­tend sincerely and truely with goods and liues to serue your Grace, for confirmation wherof they confesse merite in obeying, and demerite in disobeying, and [Page]therfore cannot but in soule be greeuously tormented for the least preuarication: This protestation is indeed with a flourishing shew of good words, let the fruites of their obediences trie the veritie thereof: where was the fruites of their obediences in the dayes of their annointed Queene now deceased that they may haue merite for it? These Roma­nists haue sugered wordes, but their harts be full of deadly poyson, for although they be a genera­tion of vypers, yet they can change their shape into an Angel of light, to deceiue the very elect, if it were possible. The world cā testifie that the ma­nifoulde treasons and conspiracies of the Papists, were sufficient testimonies of their demerit: And if they must needes be tormented in soule and consci­ence for their least preuarication, needs must thousāds of their soules and consciences be tormented for their many treasons & conspiracies, against their late annointed Queene now deceased. But what­soeuer they professe in wordes, it is impossible so long as they professe the Romish religion to bee faithful subiects vnto your grace, for this is a max­ime in the minds of most papists, fides non est seruā ­da cum hereticis, & we are sure that the Pope hath censured al Protestant Princes for heretickes, and their religion for heresie: Therefore whatsoeuer they professe in wordes, they cannot serue God and the deuill, neither can they truely serue and obaye you and the Pope: (Two so great con­trarieties cannot concur in one subiect) And thus [Page]I conclude, praying to God (as our bounden du­tie requireth) that of his great goodnesse, he will vouchsafe to blesse, preserue, and defend your royall maiestie, our noble Queene, and all your Princely Children, from all your enemies both forraine and domesticall, spirituall and tempo­rall, and from the treasons and conspiracies of all Romanists: That your sacred Maiestie and your posterity, may liue and raigne ouer vs in the feare of God, and to his honour and glory, in re­gall dignity, happy prosperitie, godly peace and vnity, and that after this life, you may haue celestiall felicitie in the life to come for euer­more, Amen.

Your Maiesties most humble and dutifull subiect CHRISTOPHER MVRIEL, Senior.


Most puissant Prince, and orient Monarch,

SVch are the rare perfections and admirable gifts of wisedome, prudence, valour and iustice, wherewith the bountifull hand of Gods diuine Maiestie hath endued your Maiestie, as in the depth of your prouident iudge­ment, we doubt not but you foresee what concer­neth both the spirituall and temporall gouerne­ment of all your kingdoms & dominions. 2. Not­withstanding your Graces most afflicted subiects and I pray God that your Maie­stie neuer stand in neede of their ser­uice. deuoted seruants, the Catholikes of Eng­land, partly to preuent sinister informations, which happily may possesse your sacred eares, before our answere bee heard; partly almost as men ouer­whelmed with If they be perse cu­ted, them­selues are the cause thereof, for they are neuer well but when their heads are hat­ching of rebellion. persecutions for our conscien­ces, we are enforced to haue speedie recourse, in hope of present redresse from your Highnesse, and to present these humblelines vnto your royall per­son to pleade for vs some As you deserue, so I pray God you may haue. commiseration and [Page]fauour. 3. What Nay, what des­perate and vnnaturall designe­ments will they not, to their power, at the Popes cōmande­ment at­tempt a­gainst thē? for they hold it a matter of great merit at the Popes cō ­mandemēt to kill and murder their law­full Prin­ces. See Parry his Treasons, Squire his treasons: Likewise Peter Bar­ricre, and Iohn Cha­stell, their desperate attemptes againsts the French King, Iesuites Catechisme 3. booke, page 148. 155. allegeance or dutie can any temporall Prince desire or exped at his vassalls hands, which we are not addressed to performe? How many Noble-men and worthy Gentlemen, most zealous in the Catholike Religion, haue en­dured some losse of lands and liuings, some exile, others imprisonment, some the effusion of bloud & life for the Busie fellowes, that would take in hand such treasonable actions be­fore they had acquainted the partie for whom they vndertooke them therewith. Iesuites Catechisme 3. booke, page 138. aduancement of your blessed Mo­thers right vnto the scepter of Albion? Nay, whose singer did euer ake, but Catholikes, for your Maie­sties present title & dominions? How many Happie is that countrie, that is rid of them, for it is better haue their roome then their compaine. fled to your Court offering themselues as hostages for their friends, to liue & die in your Graces His Maiestie in publique Print acknowledgeth (and euer did) that Queene ELIZABETH was lawfull Queene, and therefore must those that so offered themselues, by the Kings owne testumonie be traytors. quar­rell, if euer Aduersary had opposed himself against the equitie of your cause? If this they attempted with their Princes disgrace, to obtaine your Maie­sties grace; what will they do? nay, what wil they not doe, to liue without disgrace in your Graces fauour? 4. The maine of this Realme, if we respect Religion (setting petty sects aside) consisteth vpon foure parts: Protestants, who haue dominiered all the former Queenes dayes: Puritanes, who haue crept vp apace among them: Atheists or Polititi­tans, who were bred vpon their brawles and con­tentions [Page]in matters of faith: And Catholikes, who as they are opposite to all, so are they detested of all, because Errour was euer an enemie to Truth. Hardly all, or any of the No thankes to them, for if their de­seignes could haue beene ef­fected, all protestants throates had beene cut long agone: call to minde they yeare 1588, and then iudge whether it be so or not. first, two, three can be suppressed: and therefore we beseech your Ma­iestie to yeeld vs as much fauour, as others of con­trarie religion (to that which shall he publikely professed in England) shall obtaine at your hands. For if our fault be like, or lesse, or none at all; in They pleade m­iustice a­gainst the Kings Ma­iestie, if they may not be per­mitted freely to vse their Idolatrous religion. equitie, our punishment ought to bee like, or lesse, or none at all. The Gates, Arches, and Pyra­mides of France proclaimed the present King Pa­ter patriae & pacis restitutor, because that kingdome being well nigh torne in pieces with ciuil warres, and made a pray to forraine foes, was by his pro­uident wise dome and valour acquired in it selfe, and hostile strangers expelled; the which he prin­cipally effected by condescending to Hath he beene since that time freed from the danger of Papists, search the French Chronicles, and you shall finde the contrarie. tollerate them of an aduerse religion, to that was openly professed. Questionlesse, dread Soueraigne, the kingdome of England, by cruell persecution of Catholikes, hath bin almost odious to all Christi­an Nations: Trade and traffique is decayed, wars and bloud hath seldome ceased, Subsidies and taxes neuer so many, None (or very few) discontented but Papists, whose heads do alwayes ake but when they are working of treasons, and draw­ing of others into the same state of discontentment with them. discontented minds innu­merable; all which your Maiesties princely con­niuencie to your humble Suppliants, the afflicted [Page]Catholikes, will easily redresse, especially at your Highnesse ingresse. Si loquaris ad eos verba lenia, erunt tibi serui cunctis diebus, said the sage Counsel­lors of Salomon to Rehoboham. For enlargement af­ter affliction resembleth a pleasant gale after a ve­hement The Pa­pists haue caused more stormes & tempests to arise in this land, then all other Sects be­sides that they can inuent names for. Who but Papistes sought meanes induce the late Earle of Essex (if he would haue beene atraytour to his Prince) to be a Pen­cioner for the King of Spaine? Earle of Essex his owne Apologie. Yet had they vnder-hand acquainted therewith the late Lord Treasurer Sir VVilliam Cecill, insomuch that if the Earle had consented vnto them, presently had he beene entrapped. VVatson the Priestin his booke of Quod libetts. tempest: and a benefit in distresse dou­bleth the value thereof. 5. How gratefull will it be to all Catholike Princes abroad, and honoura­ble to your Maiesty, to vnderstand how Queene Elizabeths A manifest slander of his Maiestie, for she was farre more merciful vn­to them then euer they deserued. Nay the Priests themselues in their own bookes acknowledge the iustice of his Maiesties lawes against them seuerity is changed into your royall clemencie: and that the lenitie of a man reedified that which the misinformed anger of a woman destroyed: That the Lion rampant is passant, whereas the passant had beene rampant? How acceptable shall all your subiects be to all Catho­like countries, who are now almost abhorred of all, when they shall perceiue your Highnesse pre­pared not and pikes and prisons for the professours of their faith, but permitted them Temples and To offer sacri­fice vpon vnto their Popish Idols Altars for the vse of their Religion? Then shall we see with our eyes, and touch with our fingers that happy benediction or Esay in this land, that swords are changed into ploughs, and launces in­to sithes. And all Nations admiring vs will say, Hi sunt semen cui benedixit Dominus. Wee re­quest no more fauour at your Graces hands, then [Page]that wee may securely professe that Catholike re­ligion, which al your happy Predecessours profes­sed, from Donaldus the first conuerted, vnto your Maiesties peerelesse Mother last martyred. 6. A Religion venerable for D. Sut­cliffe in his challenge vnto N.D. hath proo­ued the contrary, chap. the 2. page 27. antiquity, maiesticall for amplitude, constant for continuance, irreprehen­sible for doctrine, inducing to all kinde of vertue and piety, disswading from all sinne and wicked­nesse. A Religion beloued by all primitiue Pa­stours, established by all Occumenicall Councels, vpheld by all ancient Doctors, maintained by the first and most Christian Emperours, recorded al­most alone in all Ecclesiasticall Histories, sealed with the bloud of millions of Martyrs, adorned with the vertues of so many Confessors, beauti­fied with the purity of thousands of Virgines, so conformable to Therein I thinke they speake more truly then they are aware of. natural sence and reafon, and fi­nally so agreeable to the sacred text of Gods word and Gospell. The free vse of this Religion we re­quest, if not in publike Churches, at least in pri­uate houses; if not with approbation, yet with toleration, without molestation. 7. Assure your Grace that howsoeuer some Protestants or Puri­tanes, incited by morall honesty of life, or innated instinct of nature, or for feare of some temporall punishment, pretend obedience vnto your High­nesse lawes; yet certainely the onely Are the chiefest stirrers vn­to rebelli­on in all Christian common­wealths. Catholikes for conscience sake obserue them. For they de­fending that A meere vntrueth, for no Pro­testants maintaine any such position. Princes precepts and statutes oblige no subiect vnder the penalty of sinne, will little [Page]care in conscience to transgresse them which prin­cipally are tormented with the guilt of finne. But Catholikes confessing merite in obeying, and de­merit in transgressing, cannot but in soule be grie­uously tortured, at the least preuarication thereof. Wherefore most mercifull Soueraigne, wee your long afflicted subiects, in all dutifull submission, protest before the Maiesty of God and all his ho­ly Angels, as loyall obedience, and as immaculate allegeance vnto your Grace, as euer did faithfull subiects in England or Scotland vnto you High­nesse Progenitours; and intend as sincerely with our goods and liues to As long as your Maiestie will serue their pur­poses, but no longer. Let them all oh Lord, if it be thy will, be conuer­ted and a­gree with vs in one truth. Amen. serue you, as euer did the loyallest Isralites King Dauid, or the trusty legi­ons the Romane Emperours. And thus expect­ing your Maiesties customarie fauour and graci­ous bounty, we rest your deuoted Suppliants to him whose hands do manage the harts of Kings, and with reciprocate mercie will requite the mercifull.

Your sacred Maiesties most deuoted Seruants. The Catholikes of England.

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