IAmes, by the prouidence of God, Bishop of Bath & Wels. To all and singular Arch-deacons, Officials, Parsons, Vicars, Curates, Church-Wardens, Side-men, & al other Ecclesiasticall Officers, And to all Teachers whatsoeuer within our said Dio­cesse, greeeting. Where is his Maiesty, for the seasoning of all youth in their due Al­leageance, hath caused a Booke to bee Compiled and Imprinted, containing the sum of the Oath of Alleageance, Intituled GOD and the KING: Or a Dialogue, shew­ing that our Soueraigne Lord King IAMES being immediate vnder GOD, within his Dominions, doth rightfully clayme what-soeuer is required by the Oath of Alleageance. And to the end that the same may bee duely read and exercised within his said Kingdome, hath by his Highnesse Letters Patents, bearing date on the thirteenth day of March last past, commanded all Arch-bishops, Bi­shops, Arch-deacons, Officials, and all other Ecclesiasticall Officers and Ministers whatsoeuer: That by publique Act, Edict, Order, or such other waies and meanes as they shall thinke fit, They make knowne his Maiesties royall pleasure to be: And further to take order that euery Teacher, as­well men as women, teaching eyther in the English or Latine tongues, within their seuerall Diocesse within the said Kingdome, eyther publikely or priuately, shall take care that euery Scholler (accor­ding to their capacity) shall and may be taught the saide Booke eyther in English or Latine. And that all such Teachers whatsoeuer, as shall refuse so to doe, shall by the Bishop of the Diocesse where the said Teacher teacheth, be disabled and prohibited from teaching of Schollers, vntill such time as they shall conforme themselues thereunto: And further shall incurre his Highnesse displeasure, besides such other punishment, as by the Lawes of this Realme may be inflicted vpon them, for their said con­tempt of his Highnesse royall commandement.

And further by his Highnes said Letters Patents, hath commanded all and euery Arch-bishops, Bishops, Maiors, Bayliffes, Shiriffes, Iustices of Peace, Officials, Parsons, Vicars, Curates, Constables, and all other the Magistrates, Officers and Ministers, and all other his Subiects of his said Kingdome: That they and euery of them, at all times within their seuerall Iurisdictions and places, doe further the vniuersall reading and exercise of the said Booke. And that euery Parson, Vi­car, and Curate, respectiuely within their saide Parishes, doe take care, and see that euery Childe (taught publikely or priuately) be taught the same eyther in the Latine or English tongue, as they may best sort with the Capacitie of such Children. Aud that they and euery of them, be ayding, helping & assi­sting, in the due performance and execution hereof, with effect, as they tender his Maiesties royall plea­sure and commandement herein.

These are therefore in his Maiesties name, straightly to require all Masters of Families, and euery Teacher, or Teachers, men or women, priuate or publique, teaching eyther in the English or Latine tongues: That they take such a speciall care, that all, and euery their youth, Schollers, seuerally and respectiuely, may forthwith within the space of tenne daies next after monition giuen vnto them, by such as shall be authorised for that purpose, haue, read, exercise, and learne, and bee taught the saide Booke (order being already taken that there shall be a sufficient number of the said Bookes in readi­nesse, in places conuenient for the buyer.) And that the said Bookes bee sold by such persons, or their Deputies onely, as his Maiesty hath thereunto authorised. And that they, nor any of the said De­puties shall presume to take aboue the rate of sixe pence the Booke, neither in Latine nor English, the same being in Octauo, within the said Diocesse. And further that all Persons, Vicars, Curates, Church-Wardens and Side-men, doe at their ordinary day of appearance in any Ecclesiasticall Court within our said Diocesse, quarterly present a true note of all their Teachers, men or women within their seueral Parishes, with the true number of Schollers as euery such Teacher teacheth, that their Schol­lers may be furnished with Bookes accordingly, Together with the names of all such as shal refuse to conforme themselues thereunto. And also that all and euery the said Parsons, Vicars and Curates, Church-Wardens and Side-men, bee truely and faithfully ayding, helping and assisting, for the vni­uersall dispersing and teaching of all youth whatsoeuer in the said Booke, being vnder the age of xxi. ac­cording to his Maiesties Royall pleasure, and late Proclamation, Dated at Theobals, the viii. of No­uember last. Commanding all his Highnesse louing Subiects, to obey such directions, and order, as by my Lords grace of Canterbury, my Lords grace of Yorke, and other the Bishops of this Realme shall be taken therein for the better accomplishment, and due execution hereof, according to his Highnesse will and Commandement. Iames Bath: & Well:

Imprinted at London. 1616.

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