TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE, THE LORD MAYOR OF THE CITTY OF LONDON, AND TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVL ALDERMEN of the same, Thomas Morley Gent. of her Maiesties Chappell, wisheth long health and felicitie.
I Am bolde to present vnto your good Lordship, with the right worshipfull Aldermen your assistants in the gouernment of this noble Citty, some few fruites of perfection of the most perfect men in their quality, that in the censure of many which can well iudge in Musicke, haue beene, and are at this day held very rare and excellent, both for their skill and practise: whose works that I might not abase in denoting them to a meane patron, nor abuse the workers in ioyning them discordes for their true descant, I chose your Lordships vertue with the rest, to grace their deserts with your gracious fauours: and not to disgrace my care and trauaile, which at the instant request of my very good friend haue beene very carefull truly to set them out. The songs are not many, least too great plenty should breede a scarcenes of liking: they be not all of one kinde, because mens fansies seeke after variety: they bee not curious, for that men may by diligence make vse of them: and the exquisite Musitian may adde in the handling of them to his greater commendation. They be set for diuers Instruments: to the ende that whose skill or liking regardeth not the one, may attempt some other. This pain is past, in hope to procure your Lordships pleasure and recreation: and your Honorable acceptance shall be a sufficient warrant that my time is well spent: for I desire not to satisfie bablers, which are baser then brute beasts in reprouing excellencie, neuer attaine to the first degree of any commendable Science or misterie. But as the ancient custome is of this most honorable and renowned Cittie hath beene euer, to retaine and maintane excellent and expert Musitians, to adorne your Honors fauors, Feasts and solemne meetings: to those your Lordships Waits. after the commending these my labors to your Honorable patronage: I recommend the same to your seruants carefull and skilfull handling: that the wants of exquisite harmony apparent being left vnsupplied, for breuitie of Proportions, may be excused by their melodious additions, purposing hereafter to giue them more testimonie of my loue towards them. Thus as with my protested dutiful endeuor and obsequie I begun to your Honor and the right worshipfull Brethren: so with my humble petitions to the Almightie for your prosperous preseruations, I end.
For the Base Violl.
1. THe Quadro Pauin.
2. THe Galliard to the Quadro Pauin.
4. CAptaine Pipers Pauin.
6. GAlliard Can shee Excuse.
7. LAcrime Pauing.
9. GAlliard to Phillips Pauin.
11. ALlysons Knell.
14. MY Lord of Oxenfords Maske.
16. MIchells Gallyard.
17. LA Volto.
18. BAlow.
19. O Mistresse myne.
20. SOla Soletta.
21. IOyne Hands.
23. MY Lord Sowches Maske.
The Table.
- THe Quadro Pauin. 1.
- Galliard to the Quadro Pauin. 2.
- Dela Trombo Pauin. 3.
- Captaine Pipers Pauin. 4.
- Galliard to Captaine Pipers Pauin. 5.
- Galliard Can shee Excuse. 6.
- Lacrimae Pauin. 7.
- Phillips Pauin. 8.
- Galliard to Phillips Pauin. 9.
- The Frog-Galliard. 10.
- Allisons Knell. 11.
- Goe from my Window. 12.
- In Nomine Pauin. 13.
- My Lord of Oxenfords Maske. 14.
- Mounsers Almaine. 15.
- Michills Galliard. 16.
- Lauolto. 17.
- Balowe. 18.
- O Mistresse mine. 19.
- Sola Soletta. 20.
- Ioyne Hands. 21.
- La Coranta. 22.
- The Lord Sowches Maske. 23.
TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE, THE LORD MAYOR OF THE CITTY OF LONDON, AND TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVL ALDERMEN of the same, Thomas Morley Gent. of her Maiesties Chappell, wisheth long health and felicitie.
I Am bolde to present vnto your good Lordship, with the right worshipfull Aldermen your assistants in the gouernment of this noble Citty, some few fruites of perfection of the most perfect men in their quality, that in the censure of many which can well iudge in Musicke, haue beene, and are at this day held very rare and excellent, both for their skill and practise: whose works that I might not abase in denoting them to a meane patron, nor abuse the workers in ioyning them discordes for their true descant, I chose your Lordships vertue with the rest, to grace their deserts with your gracious fauours: and not to disgrace my care and trauaile, which at the instant request of my very good friend haue beene very carefull truly to set them out. The songs are not many, least too great plenty should breede a scarcenes of liking: they be not all of one kinde, because mens fansies seeke after variety: they bee not curious, for that men may by diligence make vse of them: and the exquisite Musitian may adde in the handling of them to his greater commendation. They be set for diuers Instruments: to the ende that whose skill or liking regardeth not the one, may attempt some other. This pain is past, in hope to procure your Lordships pleasure and recreation: and your Honorable acceptance shall be a sufficient warrant that my time is well spent: for I desire not to satisfie bablers, which are baser then brute beasts in reprouing excellencie, neuer attaine to the first degree of any commendable Science or misterie. But as the ancient custome is of this most honorable and renowned Cittie hath beene euer, to retaine and maintane excellent and expert Musitians, to adorne your Honors fauors, Feasts and solemne meetings: to those your Lordships Waits. after the commending these my labors to your Honorable patronage: I recommend the same to your seruants carefull and skilfull handling: that the wants of exquisite harmony apparent being left vnsupplied, for breuitie of Proportions, may be excused by their melodious additions, purposing hereafter to giue them more testimonie of my loue towards them. Thus as with my protested dutiful endeuor and obsequie I begun to your Honor and the right worshipfull Brethren: so with my humble petitions to the Almightie for your prosperous preseruations, I end.
For the Flute.
1. THe Quadro pauin.
2. THe Galliard to the Quadro Pauin.
4. CAptaine Pipers Pauin.
6. GAlliard, Can shee Excuse.
7. LAcrime Pauin.
9. GAlliard to Phillips Pauin.
11. ALisons knell.
14. MY Lord of Oxenfords Maske.
16. MIchels galliard.
17. LA Volta.
18. BAlowe.
19. O Mistresse mine.
21. IOyne handes,
23. THe Lord Sowches Maske.
The Table.
- THe Quadro Pauin. 1.
- Galliard to the Quadro Pauin. 2.
- Dela Trombo Pauin. 3.
- Captaine Pipers Pauin. 4.
- Galliard to Captaine Pipers Pauin. 5.
- Galliard Can shee Excuse. 6.
- Lacrimae Pauin. 7.
- Phillips Pauin. 8.
- Galliard to Phillips Pauin. 9.
- The Frog-Galliard. 10.
- Allisons Knell. 11.
- Goe from my Window. 12.
- In Nomine Pauin. 13.
- My Lord of Oxenfords Maske. 14.
- Mounsers Almaine. 15.
- Michills Galliard. 16.
- Lauolto. 17.
- Balowe. 18.
- O Mistresse mine. 19.
- Sola Soletta. 20.
- Ioyne Hands. 21.
- La Coranta. 22.
- The Lord Sowches Maske. 23.
TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE, SIR STEPHEN SOME KNIGHT, LORD MAYOR OF THE CITTY OF LONDON AND TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVL THE Aldermen of the same, Thomas Morley Gent. of her Maiesties Chappell, wisheth long health and felicitie.
I Am bolde to present vnto your good Lordship, with the right worshipfull Aldermen your assistants in the gouernment of this noble Citty, some few fruites of perfection of the most perfect men in their quality, that in the censure of many which can well iudge in Musicke, haue beene, and are at this day held very rare and excellent, both for their skill and practise: whose works that I might not abase in denoting them to a meane patron, nor abuse the workers in ioyning them discordes for their true descant, I chose your Lordships vertue with the rest, to grace their deserts with your gracious fauours: and not to disgrace my care and trauaile, which at the instant request of my very good friend haue beene very carefull truly to set them out. The songs are not many, least too great plenty should breede a scarcenes of liking: they be not all of one kinde, because mens fansies seeke after variety: they bee not curious, for that men may by diligence make vse of them: and the exquisite Musitian may adde in the handling of them to his greater commendation. They be set for diuers Instruments: to the ende that whose skill or liking regardeth not the one, may attempt some other. This pain is past, in hope to procure your Lordships pleasure and recreation: and your Honorable acceptance shall be a sufficient warrant that my time is well spent: for I desire not to satisfie bablers, which are baser then brute beasts in reprouing excellencie, neuer attaine to the first degree of any commendable Science or misterie. But as the ancient custome is of this most honorable and renowned Cittie hath beene euer, to retaine and maintane excellent and expert Musitians, to adorne your Honors fauors, Feasts and solemne meetings: to those your Lordships Waits. after the commending these my labors to your Honorable patronage: I recommend the same to your seruants carefull and skilfull handling: that the wants of exquisite harmony apparent being left vnsupplied, for breuitie of Proportions, may be excused by their melodious additions, purposing hereafter to giue them more testimonie of my loue towards them. Thus as with my protested dutiful endeuor and obsequie I begun to your Honor and the right worshipfull Brethren: so with my humble petitions to the Almightie for your prosperous preseruations, I end.
For the Pandora.
1. THe Quadro Pauin.
4. CAptaine Pipers Pauin.
[...] [Page] [...]
5. GAlliard to Captaine Pipers Pauin.
15. MOunsers Almaine.
17. LAuolto.
19. O Mistresse mine.
23. THe Lord Sowches Maske.
The Table.
- THe Quadro Pauin. 1.
- Galliard to the Quadro Pauin. 2.
- Dela Trombo Pauin. 3.
- Captaine Pipers Pauin. 4.
- Galliard to Captaine Pipers Pauin. 5.
- Galliard Can shee Excuse. 6.
- Lacrimae Pauin. 7.
- Phillips Pauin. 8.
- Galliard to Phillips Pauin. 9.
- The Frog-Galliard. 10.
- Allisons Knell. 11.
- Goe from my Window. 12.
- In Nomine Pauin. 13.
- My Lord of Oxenfords Maske. 14.
- Mounsers Almaine. 15.
- Michills Galliard. 16.
- Lauolto. 17.
- Balowe. 18.
- O Mistresse mine. 19.
- Sola Soletta. 20.
- Ioyne Hands. 21.
- La Coranta. 22.
- The Lord Sowches Maske. 23.