THE TRIVMPHS OF Honor and Vertue.
A Noble Solemnitie, performed through the City, at the sole Cost and Charges of the Honorable Fraternitie of Grocers, at the Confirmation and Establishment of their most worthy Brother, the Right Honorable PETER PROBY, in the high Office of his Maiestus Lieutenant, Lord Maior and Chancellor of the famous City of London.
Taking beginning at his Lordships going, and perfecting it selfe after His returne from receiuing the Oath of Maioralty at Westminster, on the Morrow after Simon and Iudes Day, being the 29. of October, 1622.
LONDON. Printed by NICHOLAS OKES. 1622.
TO The Honor of him, to whom the Noble Fraternitie of Grocers, his Worthy Brothers, haue Dedicated their Loues, in costly Triumphs; the Right Honorable, PETER PROBY, Lord Maur of this Renowned City.
THE TRIVMPHS OF Honor and Vertue.
IF forreine Nations haue beene strucke with Admiration at the Forme, State, and Splendor of some yeerly Triumphs, wherein Arte hath beene but faintly imitated: There is faire hope that things where Inuention flourishes, cleere Art and her gracefull Proprieties, should receiue fauor and encouragement from the content of the Spectator, which next to the seruice of his Honor and honorable Societie, is the principall reward it lookes for; then not despairing of that common fauour, this takes delight to present it selfe.
And first, to beginne with the worthy loue of his Noble Fraternity, after his Honors returne from Westminster, hauing receiued some seruice vpon the Water, by the conduct of two Artfull [Page] Triumphs. Viz. The Throne of Vertue, and the Continent of Jndia; which also by Land attends his Lordships most wished arriuall, accompanied with the whole body of the Triumph, which neere vpon the time of his Honors approch are decently and distinctly placed; the first, bearing the Title of the Continent of India: A triumph replenished with all manner of Spice-plants, and trees bearing Odour, attends his Honors arriuall in Paules Church-yard; A blacke Personage representing India, call'd for her odours and riches, the Queene of Merchandize, challinging the most eminent Seate, aduanceth her selfe vpon a bed of Spices, attended by Indians in Antique habits: Commerce, Aduenture and Traffique, three habited like Merchants, presenting to her view a bright Figure, bearing the inscription of Knowledge, a Sunne appearing aboue the trees in brightest splendor and glory: The blacke Queene before mentioned, lending a voyce to these following words:
The Speech.
The Speech being ended, to adde a little more help to the fainter Apprehensions, the three Merchants plac'd in the Continent, haue reference to the Lord Maior and Sheriffes, all Three being this yeer Brothers of this Ancient and Honorable Society, which triple or three fold Honor hapned to this Worthy Company in the yeere 1577. Sir Thomas Ramsey being then Lord Maior, and Master Nicholas Backhouse and Master Francis Bowyer, Sheriffes; hauing cohereuce with this yeeres Honor, [Page] matcht and paralell'd with these Three their as worthy Successors, the right Honorable, Peter Proby, and the generous and Nobly affected, Master Iohn Hodges, and Sir Humphrey Handford Sheriffes and Aldermen.
By this time his Lordship being gracefully conducted toward the Chariot of Fame, which awaits his Honors approach neare the little Conduit in Cheape; Antiquitie a graue and reuerend Personage, with a golden Register-booke in his hand, giues life to these words:
The Speech.
For farther Illustration there are contained in Antiquities golden Legend, the Names of many Worthies of ancient Time, by whom this Noble Fraternity ha's receiued much honor, such as were the worthy and famous Sir Andrew Bockerell, who was Lord Maior of this City, the sixteenth yeere of King Henry the third, and continued in the Magistracie seuen yeeres together, also the Noble Allen de la Zouch, who for his good gouernement in the time of his Maioralty, was by King Henry the third, created both a Baron of this Realme, and Lord chiefe Iustice of England. Also that famous Worthy, Sir Thomas Knowles, twice Lord Maior of this honorable City, which said Sir Thomas [Page] beganne at his owne charge that famous building of Guild-Hall in London, and other memorable workes both in the City and in his owne Company, Reedifying also Saint Anthonies Church; with many others that are faire Ornaments to Memory. Viz. Sir William Seuenock, sir Robert Chichsley, sir Stephen Browne, sir Henry Keble, sir William Laxton, &c. Who by those Vertues that they were most addicted vnto in their lifetime, are Illustrated by persons of Brightnesse in the Throne of Vertue, the next part of Triumph that presents it selfe: next beneath Antiquitie, sits Authoritie, plac'd between Wisedome and Innocence, holding a naked Sword, a Serpent woond about the Blade thereof, two Doues standing vpon the crosse Barre of the Hilt, and two hands meeting at the Pummel, intimating Mercy and Iustice, accompanied with Magistracie, who holdes in his hand a Key of gold, signifying both the Key of Knowledge and of Confidence, the City Magistrate taking into his trust the Custodie of the Kings Chamber, the proper Title of the City; and which Key of gold also stands in his Lordships Crest, viz. an Estridge holding a Key of gold in his Mouth, his Necke circled with a golden Crowne.
[Page] His Lordship by this time arriuing at the Throne of Vertue, plac'd neere Saint Laurence-Lane end, Receiues this greeting from her Deitie.
The Speech.
At the close of the Speech, this Throne of Vertue with all her Caelestiall Concomitants, and the other parts of the Triumph, take leaue of his Lordship for that time, and till after the Feast at Guild-Hall rests from Seruice; but the Feast ended, the whole state of the Triumph attends vpon his Lordship, both to Saint Paules and homeward; and in Soper-Lane two parts of the Triumph stand ready planted; viz. the Throne of Vertue, and the Globe of Honor, which Globe suddenly opening and flying into eight Cants or distinct parts, discouers in a twinckling, eight bright Personages most gloriously deckt, representing (as it were) the Inward Man, the Intentions of a Vertuous and Worthy Brest, by the Graces of the Minde and Soule, such as Cleere Conscience, Diuine Speculation, Peace of Heart, Integritie, Watchfulnesse, AEqualitie, Prouidence; Impartialitie, each exprest by Its proper [Page] Illustration. And because Mans perfection can receiue no constant Attribute in this Life, the Cloude of Frailty, euer and anon shadowing and darkening our brightest Intentions, makes good the Morality of those Cants or Parts, when they fall and close into the full round of a Globe againe, showing, that as the Brightest Day ha's his ouercastings; so the best men in this life haue their Imperfections; and worldly Mists oftentimes interpose the cleerest Cogitations, and yet that but for a season, turning in the end like the mounting of this Engine, to their euerlasting Brightnesse, conuerting it selfe to a Canopie of Starres: at the foure corners below are plac'd the foure Cardinall Vertues, Wisedome, Iustice, Fortitude and Temperance, by each of them fixt a little Streamer or Banner, in which are displayed, the Armes of this Honorable City, the Lord Maiors, the Grocers, and the Noble East-India Companies: The outparts of the Globe shewing the Worlds Type, in Countries, Seas and Shipping, whereon is depicted or drawne Ships that haue bene fortunate to this Kingdome, by their happy and successefull Voyages; as also that prosperous Plantation in the Colonie of Virginia, and the Bermudaes, with all good wishes to the Gouernors, Traders and Aduenturers vnto those Christianly Reformed Islands.
The Speech at Night, presented by Honor, A Personage mounted on the top of this Vnparalel'd Master-piece of Inuention and Art, the Globe or Orbe of Honor.
FOr the body of the whole Triumph, with all the proper Graces and Ornaments of Art and Workemanship, the Reputation of those, rightly appertaine to the deserts of Master Garret Crismas, an Exquisite Master in his Art, and a Performer aboue his Promises.