THE Famous Historie of Chinon of England, with his strange aduentures for the loue of Ce­lestina daughter to Lewis King of Fraunce. With the worthy Atchiuement of Sir Lancelot du Lake, and Sir Tristram du Lions for faire Laura, daughter to Ca­dor Earle of Cornewall, beeing all Knights of King Arthurs round Table.

By Chr. Middleton.

AT LONDON, Printed by Iohn Danter, for Cuthbert Burbie, and are to be sold at his shop by the Royall Exchange. 1597.

To the right worshipfull Master Edward Stanley Esquire.

SIR, were I not more comforted with assurance of your Generous disposition, than perswaded of a­nie merit on my part, by offering the Patronage of this Historie to your hands; I should as certainly dispaire of the acceptaunce, as I am vncertaine whether it bee worthie to bee ac­cepted From the time of my first entraunce in Printing till now, it is the first Booke of this kinde I euer had power to dedicate, from my first yeres of capacitie to read anie printed thing, my affectionate dutie hath to your W. been dedicated.

Enisham one of your Lordships was my [Page] birth-place; and as my Frends there pay due­ties for the place they liue in, so tender I this here as part of my duteous loue.

The Authour of the Booke hath left it to the wide world without a Patron, perchance esteeming it vnworthie protection: neyther doo I thinke it in the least part worthie your protection, before whose excelent iudgement (so daily conuersant among the most iudiciall) it cannot but vanish like light smoake before a bright flame. All my excuse is loue, all my re­quest is pardon; which as (I first inferd) your noble disposition assures mee of. On which foundation building, I cease now to bee more bold.

Your VVorships, most du­tifully affectionate: Iohn Danter.

[Page]The famous History of Chinon of England, Sonne to Lord Cador Earle of Cornewall, with his rare atchiuements for faire Cellestina daughter to Lewes King of Fraunce.


How Chinon the Earle of Cornewalles Sonne was borne a foole, and of the excellent orna­ments of nature wherewith his faire Sister Laura was beautefied.

IN the beginning of this flourishing Kingdome, when Arthur then Mo­narch of this little worlde, with his attendant Knights, whose valorous exployts euery where acted for theyr Countries honour, hath eternized their euerliuing names, euen in the farthest coasts of the barbarous Pagans, where yet in despite of consuming time liues their eternal Trophies as spectacles for all posteritics.

[Page]In this time liued there in England an auncient Knight, whome this famous king for his many merits and well deseruing déedes, had installed in the Earle­dome of Cornewall, a dignity as hee thought fitting the deserts of this famous man, that had so often vndergone the furious attempts of the vnciuill Pagans, enemies to God, foes to his countrie, and great hindrances to the then but young plants of springing Christianity, as also endeuoring himselfe euery where to defend the fame of his countrie, then of all other only fame worthy the Ho­nour of his order euery where honored, and the dutie be­longing to his Knighthood, which hee alwaies perfor­med, till at the last when the waight of many wearie yeares, gan bow his declining bodie downe to the lowly earth, making his oft tried Armour too heauie a burthen for his now war weakned body, his brandishing sword beating downe his age fallen armes, and euery suppor­ter of his lustie limmes beginnes to faile of their for­mer force, he determins to end his life in peace at home, whose beginning he had spent in warres abroad, incou­raging younger men with the spectacle of his former valours, couragiously themselues to attempt the like in­deuors.

In which time of his home aboad, the heauens bles­sed him with two goodly Children, a Sonne & a Daugh­ter: but yet as it is the continual course of al ruling for­tune to mixe with euery good some ill, with euerie swéet a sowre, & with euery sunshine show of promising hap, a tempestuous storme of ill boading hurt, so fared it in the issue of this yet vnhappie Prince: for when the stea­ling houres of all ripening time had brought them from their Infant Cradelles to some participation of sencible knowledge, his Daughter whose name was Laura, so forwardly prospered in euery Liniament of her beauti­full bodie, & all eternall quallities of a vertuous minde: [Page] so that in short time she became the censured subiect of all wise iudgements, in determination whether nature had better beautified her bodie, (where indéede shee had excéeded her self) or the Gods quallified her mind, wher­in they had made her the only similitude of themselues. No penne that was not busied in painting her praises, though all too little for that purpose, and no tongue but was still telling her perfections, though they neuer could attaine them: for too bright was her beautie, to be sha­dowed in the couloring cunning of a mortall capacitie, and too high her heauenly minde, to be enstauld with the earthlie wéedes of mans base wit, that as the toile some Sailers in the dangerous Seas watching the misfor­tunes of a tedious night, doth with themselues mighti­ly admire the gorgeous state of many twinckling stars, till when the siluer Moone proudlie rising from her glo­rious bed, drawes backe their daseled eies to behold her more than common countenance: so fares it in this age of theirs, where no starre may compare with her state, no face with her faire fortune, nor no grace with the least glimce of her glorie: so to leaue to expresse that in wordes, which could not bée comprehended in all wits, neuer did nature before compose of so rude a Chaos, so comely a creature: But her Brother whose name was Chynon, outwardly formed in as faire a fashion, as might well beséeme the sonne to such a fire, but in his minde more than a maimed man, wanting that portion of sensible capacity which commonly doth accompany euen the meanest seruillitie: So that by how much his Sister excéeded in extraordinarie wisedome, by so much was hee scanted in ordinarie witte, where in stéede of Princely feature, was nothing found but foolish behaui­our, for high atchiuementes boyish follies: for that which is required in a man, not so much as is commonly found in a childe, vncapable of the rudiments of good [Page] counsaile, and vnsit to conceiue the commoditie of come­lie quallitie: whence as all men with admiration won­dred at the one, so none but with commisseration pittied the other, that so well fashioned a body should containe so ill formed a minde, strongly had nature forged hys limbes, which promised his valour, but weakely had the enuious Fates framed his mind, wher was no hope of better, So that heere nature vnnaturally hand­ling so good a subiect, had enclosed in the perfecte body of a man, little better than the vnperfect soule of a beast, like almost the imitating of an apish artificer, that in faire showes deciphers a formall substance, in cu­rious cunning colours painting a Princely perfection, which satisfies the outward sence as the same, but can­not content the inward conceit, beeing but a bare show: So by euery outward appearance was he iudged well, till triall by experience to euery one proued him worse, but how great a corsiue it was to his careful Parents, I leaue it to thē to consider whom experience hath taught to conceaue the like inconuenience, great griefe was it to his old father that had béene himselfe full of valour, to sée his young sonne though able, yet vnfit for any such endeuour, which turned his hoped for rest to haplesse ru­ine, his aged mirth to angrie moane, and what so euer other content, into a contrarie conceit, to sée his poore neighbours comfort their seruile liues with the sight of their forward Children, and hee their vnfortunate Lord wanting that redresse which those poore creatures in respect of him in such plentifull manner do daylie pos­sesse.

Thus grieuing to remember that which hee cannot forget and sorrie to haue so discontented an obiect to his aged eies, which he stil be wailed, though by no meanes his griefe could be healed, atlast learnes with patience to beare that which with paines he cannot amend, and [Page] instantly solicites the great Parlament of heauen, in whose dispose rests the estate of all creatures, that in their vnsearchable wisedome they woulde either open the eyes of his blinded soule, forged in the mistie vale of a cloudy ignorance, or els cut short the vnpleasant date of his wearie life, and so preuent the insuing ignominie of his future times: where wée must now leaue him a while in his follie, till the processe of our History bring vs thither againe.


How two of King Arthurs Knights, ariued in Earle Cadors Court, and how Launcelot du Lake obtained the Ioue of faire Laura.

DUring which time this young Ladie Daughter to this worthie Earle Ca­dor, with the report of her match­les beautie, resounded in euery eare the welcome sounde of selfe pleasing loue, and thereby incited many ad­uent [...]rous Princes, and matchles Knightes to forsake their farthest Countries with con­tented trauailes, to confirme with their eyes what had [Page] so filled their longing eares, as doth the neuer moouing pole drawe the adamantine touche of euerie stéely com­passe, still to direct their purpose to one point, so fared it here, whether declines the glance of al eies, the thoughts of all harts, and the aime of all actions, amongst whom arriued two Knightes of the honourable order of King Arthurs rounde Table, which was then so fullie furni­shed with a peareles troupe ef couragious Cauiléers, as iustly compared with all countries for like compa­ny, whose names were Sir Lancelot du-lake, and Sir Tristram du-Lions, two wonders for their worthines, matchles for their might, and for their curtesie excée­ding compare: who amongst many millions of other braue Gallants there all for one purpose assembled, proudly opposes themselues against all approaching powers both of forraine and homeborne foes that durst any way set themselues against her Soueraignetie, wherein they so valiantly behaued themselues, especial­lie Sir Lancelot du-lake, whose vndaunted courage stroke such terror to the hearts of his foes, and won such fauour in the sight of his friends, as hee was generallie admired of all, but especiallie of Laura whose maiden heart béeing nowe touched with the pricke of affection, receaued so déepe an impression, as could neuer after be raced forth againe, and looke as there is no substance without his accident, no fire without his smoake, nor shadow without his body: so is there no loue how close­ly soeuer it bée shadowed, howe cunningly soeuer it bee dissembled, or how farre so euer remooued, but will by some meanes manifest it selfe, which in her proued true: for though her modest countenance blushing, ashamed at first to discouer the earnest affection of a so soone con­quered louer, labored what in her lay still to repres her new mounting thoughts winged with the aspiring de­fence of a restles louer: yet like fire the more it is kept [Page] downe the fiercer it riseth, floods the surer they are stop­ped, the sooner they ouerflow their bankes, and windes the greater that are their oppositions, the more furious are their forces: so fared it with the laboring heart of this lawles louer, sometimes determining to disclose with her tongue what lay so hid in her heart, and then she blushed for shame: then determined to smother it in obliuion; and then lookes she pale as fainting in dis­paire: no minute but there entred into her minde the thought of a thousand doubtes, no doubt but redoubled her trouble some thoughtes, and both more and more dou [...]tes, still increases she vnquenchable fire of her loue-thirsting soule.

In that thinges by howe much they are hard to com­passe, by so much are more worth being once compassed, gladly would she forget that which most shée delighteth to remember, faine would she shunne the snare that shée so willingly runneth into, and desires to winke at that shee doeth most desire: On the other side the worthie Knight dispairing of his good fortune, or els doubting his former force, grew with melancholly demeanor to spend halfe in dispaire, the dayes hee was wont to ouer­passe in the fulnes of desire, thinking eyther her affec­tions were els where so throughly setled as could not be seuered, or his worth merriting demeanor deserued not so much as a fayre aspect from those powerfull plannets that guides the distressed estate of his sicklie soul. Looke as a weary wayfaring man, that tired with the toilsome labor of a tedioust auaile, dispayring with in his time to enioy the end of his iourney, and therefore vseth a spéedier pace to perfourme his purpose, so fares it with the still troubled minde of this distr [...]ssed Knight, who determining with himselfe how he might worke some meanes that might merrite mercie in the moodie cen­sure of that disdainefull Judge, who as he thought [Page] with a seuere sentence, would rather pronounce his death than promise his life, determined with him­selfe how he might doe his endeuour to obtain her frend­ly fauour, which with long consultation hee thus con­cluded, namely to vndertake some hardie aduenture, & dedicate his labour to her loue, and so if peraduenture the happie course of all helping heauens did so prospe­rously further his attempts, as that in his wearie plot­ted way, hee might but fortunately finde any worthie worke, whose conquest might deserue commendations, he fed himselfe with this hope, that the setled perswati­on of his sure loue confirmed by the dangerous endeuors of his longing life, perfectly presented to her memorie, by the atcheiuements of his worthie victorie, wold som­what asswage the fury of her contemptuous conceit, & if not at the first win her, yet by little & little weare out the blot from her memorie, that detaines his loue from her minde: yet least his abrupt departure might be a grea­ter cause of his disgrace, hee determined before hee went to paint forth that passion in the vnblushing lines of an amoreus letter, which he could not disclose with the inforsiue words of a pittie moouing louer, & therfore sequestring himselfe from the resort of all company, hee thus in pittiful termes discouers his pure loue.

Lancelot du-Lake, to the Soueraigne of his soule, matchles faire Laura.

LAura, pardon my rude pro­ceeding, in that I so barely be­gin with thy naked name, for that thou dimmest all accents of fayre, and exceedest all E­pethites of wit, the Poets thought Venus fayrest when she was naked, for that her beautie being sufficient of it selfe, scorned all the artificiall ornaments of rich apparell: And so of thee, whose shaddow fairer than her substance, canst not bee fitted with any stile which thou doest not farre surmount: Looke downe vppon the seruile estate of a subiect slaue, that burning in the fierce flame of a neuer dying fire, prostrates his sillie soule at thy perfections shrine, so deepely imprin­ted in his hart, as but the comfort of thy plea­sing selfe, no salue may ease his dying smart, [Page] onely thou hast hurt mee, and saue thy selfe none can heale mee. Ah doo not then tri­umph in my tragedie, because peculiarly from thee proceedes my remedie: nor bee not proude of thine Art, because thus piteouslie I implore thine aide, but with gentle fauour in­tertaine what with humble submission I in­treat, and in requitall of that deede I will im­pose to my selfe a toile without rest, a trauell without end, and be a Conquerour without conquest, till my ceaselesse paine may deserue thy pittie, my toilesome trauell procure our truce, and the Trophies of my victorie re­quite some part of thy curtesie: Thus what I doe or what I suffer, what I presently pos­sesse, or whatsoeuer I shall haue, I sacrifice at thy Altar, as propitiatorie offrings, and with the sad sighes of a sorrowfull hart cense thy sacred shrine, still intreating but this, that thou wouldest gently accept these rude lines of a rude Louer, and when discontented di­stance shall diuorce mee from thy Angelicall presence, thou wouldest at the least pittie my sorrow, though thou wilt not salue my sore.

Thine whilst his owne Lancelot du Lake.

THis Letter he deliuered to a Page atten [...]ant vpon him, and whilst his seruant was gone to conuay it to her, himselfe went in to take his leaue of the Duke and the rest of his Noble friends and fel­low Knights, where with a tedious discourse he dis­couers the cause of his so sodaine departure, vowing his deuoted seruice wholly to her honor, for whose loue he was now forced to leaue his Country, an [...] séeke straunge Aduentures in forraine Coastes, whom they all were sorry to forgoe; yet séeing his im­portance, solemnely commits him and his intended enterprises to the good fortune of his still fauourable starres, except Sir Tristram du-Lyons, who for loue of him, and honourable care of his solemne order, would néedes in despite of what euer contrarie per­swations, accompany him in his course: whom whē Sir Lancelot had with many perswasiue arguments of forceable friendship diswaded from his indeuour, laying open vnto him the great cause of his delefull departure, which so deuoutly hee had vowed to per­forme, as also what discontent the absence of so ma­ny Knights would bréed in their King and Captaine Arthur of England, whose royall furnished Table had ransacked the treasurie of the world for to supply his want: yet all in vaine stroue his wordes to dis­swade the other from his will, for not all the sugered wordes the others oratorie could afford, would anie whit diswade him from his former purpose: but in despite of what euer accident should ensue, he would needs accompany him in his iournie, vowing to su­staine what hardy stormes of abiect misfortune soe­uer shoulde betide this thrice famous Lancelot hys vowed brother, that neuer should the burning heate of all springing sommer, nor the cruell colde of deade killing winter, weale nor woe, prosperous felicitie, [Page] nor aduerse extreamitie, sunder their soules whilst life did vphold their bodies: Whom when Lancelot saw that by no meanes he could diswade, hee gentlie admits his so long desired company, and with as ma­ny thankes accepts it, as the other with millions of offers had vrged it.


How Lancelot du-Lake, and Tristram du-Lions ariued in the French Kings Court, & how Lancelot du-Lake ouercame Rode­rigo Duke of Austria, and wonne the chie­fest prizes in the Turnament, with other thinges that hapned.

THus these two aduenturers for ho­nor, after they had solemnly tane their leaues, ioyfully set forwarde on their iournie, & with a prospe­rous winde quickly cuts ouer the calme consenting Seas vnto the bordering rockes that walles their countrie France from the furie of the sometime surg­ing Sea, and after their ariual, being proudly moun­ted [Page] vpon stately Stéedes, stout of courage, able of limmes, and beauteous in show, attended onely with two Pages, who for that purpose they had appointed, takes vppon them the nearest and directest way that bordered vpon that coast where they lately landed, & spending the partching heate almost of a whole som­mers day wandring through desart woods and manie vnpeopled plaines: till when the sweating Horses, of the weary sunne swiftly descending from the high­est top of that heauenly hill, whence in his glory hee ouerlookes the mightiest mountaines that the earth affordes, & by their fiery tract summoned the silent night vp to her wearie watch, they began to looke out where they might espy any conuenient place for their purpose, where that night they might repose them­selues to rest.

At last after much curious search descending down into the pleasant bottome of a lowlie dale, where by chance ran from forth, the bowels of a mighty moun­taine, a coole fresh spring, whose siluer current sha­dowed ouer with the heat expelling power of thicke tuffted trees, refreshes the increase of all adioyning vallies, who weary with wandering, and willing no thing more than such pleasure as there was plentiful­ly promised, they alighted, and rayning all their hor­ses to the big bowes of an aged neighboring Oake, gins with the fresh coole current of that plesant spring to alay the thirst of their hot stomackes, where they had not long solicited themselues in the shade after their great trauaile, but that an auncient Hermite inhabiting the desart roomes of that unaccquainted corner, walking his accustomed iournie, by chaunce lightes vpon these wearie knights, as they were coo­ling their weake limmes in the delightsome depth of that pleasant spring, who as ioyfull to see some crea­ture, [Page] of whome they might be better directed for the furderance of their affaires, as the other was willing to supplie their wants, with that poore prouision that himselfe wanted not, they with curteous salutation entertaine him, and hee curteously regréeting them with the like wishes of good lucke, requires what, whence, and who they were that had so farre wan­dred from the beaten wayes of those wide Desarts, to whome Lancelot with reuerent regard to his olde age, mildely answers that they were two Knights of the round Table, aduenterers in Armes, that had for the honor of their order, the credit of their countrie, & the loue of their loue worthy Ladyes, vndertaken to trauaile euen as far as sunne and seas, the one would giue them light, and the other afford them land.

Then answered the old Hermite, are you happely come into these Confines: for not far from hence is the great Court of that mighty Monarch Lewes of France, that for the eternall memorie of all succée­ding posterity, hath for to trie the strength, valour, & manhood that all the wide world can afford, appoin­ted thrée Prises, the first a rich Armour curiouslye wrought, and richly bee deckt with precious stones, whose worth I cannot in words sufficiently set forth, with al the habilliaments thereunto belonging: the next a gorgeous Bedde curiously couered ouer with beaten gold, the fashion whereof farre excéedeth the worth of the massie worke, & all the rich adorninge [...] thereunto appertaining: the last but best, faire Ce­lestina his daughter and heire, whome I may well call the wonder of our world, whose beautie I will not labour to blase, least fayling in furdering that rare report, I should discredite my selfe in séeming curiously to commend that whose least moytic ex­céeds the highest reach of any earthly minde: There [Page] may you trie the trust you haue in your selues, & cut short the processe of your long pretended iournie: for that thither will resorte all the flowers of Cheualrie, that now flourishe ouer the face of the whole world: To morrow begins these triumphes, whether in good time you shall attaine, and for that this day well nigh done, will not afford you any further trauaile, please it you but to accept the turfi [...] Cabbine of a homely Hermitage, and the simple supper of a sillie [...]questered man, that hauing forsaken the vaine de­lights of his young dayes, hath be taken himselfe to the melanchollie remembrance of his after life: where to supplie your want of meate, you shall haue store of welcomes, and when the next morne shall bring glad tidings of the swift insuing sun, my selfe will direct [...] you backe thither, from whence you far erred in de­clining your wearie iournie hither.

These two Knights curteously accepting the plea­sure of this aged Hermite, contented themselues that night with the vnbolstred bed of a hard hurdle, & whē the liuely Larke a gladsome Harrald to the dawning day, gan with her siluer sounding note to discharg [...] the melanchollie glooming night, hence haste these same following aduenturers, to practise their forward indeuours, whome the olde Hermite duclie directes how they should againe get into the great traced way that directlie would carrie them to the Court, and so with manie praiers for their good spéede, committeth them to the charge of him that carieth the care of all creatures: from whence they had not long trauailed recounting to themselues the happie chance of theyr spéedie ariuall, but before them ouer an euen leuelled plaine, they might espie a wide beaten way, béeing full fraught with still approaching trauailers, that like a huge and mightie streame sending all [Page] his force to the sea, turnes all the course of their con­ueiance to one end, directs their iournney with al spéed thither, supposing that to be the way that should lead them to the Court, and those trauailers wandring thither to be witnesses of the rare report of those déeds of Armes, wherof their old Hoast had the other night giuen such great commendations: where when they came, they found it to be euen so as they before imagi­ned, and turning themselues that way whither pres­sed the streame of the increasing company: At la [...] they ouertooke a mightie knight clad in habilliment [...] of gold, such as was the Armour of Achilles, moun­ted on a blacke Barbarian Stéede, that with his stately gate stoutly contendes to put downe his Master in pride, trapped with the rich pompe of Persian work [...], curiously set with starres like Diamonds, that play­ing with the dazeling beames of the golden Sunne, dimes all the gazing eyes of the gréedy beholders: be­fore him rides richly mounted ten Esquiers bearing ten lustie Launces, and thus martching in as trium­phant a state as euer did Caesar in the Romane stréet [...], he comes to the Court, where were readie prepared all necessarie circumstances for such Knightly serui­ces: where before the Court vppon a plaine gréene prouided for that purpose, the attendants appointed to bee erected a riche Pauillion of wealthie wrought Crimson silke, the ropes of the same colour wrought with [...]luer threds, and what els belonged to the sup­porting thereof was workemanlike wrought of the same mettall: there till the time that euery thin [...] was ready for the Tilt, he reposes himselfe, where Lancelot longing to know and proue what was con­teined with in all this Port, boldly gins inquire of an attendant vpon him what he should be, who answe­red that his M [...]ter was sonne and heire to the great [Page] Soldan of Babilon, drawne from his Country with the same of faire Celesti [...]a, for whose loue hee came thither, to aduenture his life.

Shortly after approaches the place another puisant Knight clad all in blacke, and he onely attended by a little Page that bore his Lance, erected a sable Tent, of whom when he required to knowe, it was answe­red that he was called Triamore, sonne to the Duke of Brittaine, who for that hée had long affected this beauteous Prince (for whose sake all this was proui­ded) and shée with like affection answered his loue, séemed discontented in himselfe, that shée should be offered to any but himselfe.

Next him came many other of whome were too long seuerally to dilate. But in the ende when all were ready, & euery thing for these stately triumphs orderly prouided, the Prizes brought forth, the Judges set, and euery other appurtenance orderly appointed, the first that entred the Lists was Ferdi­nand heire to the Emperour of Alma [...]ne, mounted on a white Courser, that being artificially arrayed with cunning conceited wings, Peggasean-like deceaued the earnest eies of euery beholder, with a showe of fained flight.

Against him prepares a Pagan, mightie of body, and cruell of countenance, who furiously méeting, like the fatall opposition of two Elements, shiuers their strong staues, whose splinters spinning in the emptie Aire, with their buzsing sound, tels the braue encounters of their furious fight from whome they flew, which course the Pagan borne from his Horse, and sore brused with the big bound of his vnweildie body, was conuayed from the place of their Chiual­rie, almost past hope of recouery.

In whose reuenge stepped footh many mightie [Page] men, hardie and approued Knights whome this yong Prince with like furie, forced to fall with their fel­lowes: till at last like an angry Bore newly roused from his drowsie den, busling vp his big brissels, as aiming at an act of rigorous reuenge, steps foorth the proud Soldans sonne, and he pricking his Palfray to the end he might rigorosly root out the springing hope of this young Prince, clapping as heauie a Launce in his strong rest, as euer Aiax fore the walles of Troy, shiuered for the recouerie of their vnhappie losse: euen like the furious stroke of two strong streames, that with their tirrible thunder affrights the vnacustomed eares of their neare neighbours: méetes in the midest of the Lists the liuely Lordes, where with equall en­counters they were both dung downe to the grounde, where Ferdinand his horse vnhappily falling vppon his Masters leg, so brused it, as hee was not able a­gaine to recouer his saddle, but was conueyed thence: which when the young Soldan perceaued, stoutlye triumphing in his valiant victory gins saucely to pro­claime aproud challenge against all Christians, for the reuenge of those fore punished Pagans: which vaine glorious vaunt so stirred vp the neuer va [...]qui­shed valour of valiant Lancelot, as that addressing him to the fight, gins shew himselfe at the other ende of the Listes, as ready to recouer the almost lost Ho­nor of his Christian Countrie, whome so soone as the Soldan had espied, spreading his winges like a grée­dy Goshauke houering ouer a fearéfull [...]ouie of cow­ardly Fowles, gins addresse himselfe to his former demeanor: whome Lancelot with such courage en­countred, as bearing downe both horse and man to the ground, astonished the vnchristned slaue with so fearefull a fall, as almost quite expelled the vitall spi­rits from his bigge swollen breasts: But yet féeling [Page] himselfe in so great a daunger of deuouring death, & out of all hope of the pittifull compassion of his eager enemie, beganne againe to rouse himselfe, and spée­dily preparing his strong fencing furniture, so assay the fortune of a furious fight, casting ouer his shoul­der a large sheltering shield and brandishing in hys hand a kéene edged Turtle-axe, gins no we a foote to assayle him, that before on Horse backe hee did assault.

When Lancelot perceaued it, he prouided himselfe for the like purpose, and couragiously encounters this harme hammering Heathem, where betwixt them againe beganne a farre more fiercer fray on foote, then was cruell encounters before with their Horse, which continuing very long on both sides confirmed with the fierce falles of their vnwildie weapons, makes at length Sir Lancelot du-Lakes armes (weakned with the issue of much blood, that the Pagan had spilt with his blowes) almost to faile of his former forces, which béeing espied of the Christi­ans, and especially of the King, who aboue all other, despised a Pagan should possesse so Princely a Prize, as they had there prouided, gins euery where to en­quire of that Knight, on whose strength almost nowe depended their whole estate, to whom at length word was brought that it was a Knight of King Arthurs round Table, whose name was Sir Lancelot du-Lake, to whome all the Confines of Christendome hardly in Chiualrie afforded a fellow: which stroke such a dismall dumpe into the moodie minde of this discontented King, to sée the Champion of Christen­dome so néere vanquished, vnder the pittilesse power of a most hellish heathen, as almost driues the bright Rosiall colour from his afore well coloured Chéekes.

[Page]Till when this still triumphant Knight shakeing himselfe as from a sluggish slumber, reaches at the Pagan with such power, as that at one blow with his well tempered sword, hee quite cuts a sunder the strong turret that hemmed in his head, & settling fur­ther downe to his harmefull head, batters a sunder the siluer wall that shieldes the principall partes of soule seruing sence, and the rest remayning remnants of that little world, wanting the direction of their greatest guide, altogether faile any further to sence their fainting fellowes from his battring blowes, which sight bred no small content to the almost sickly soule of the King, who expected nothing lesse then the so spéedy death of his spitefull foe, who béeing by the conquered disarmed of his rich habilliaments, was by the rest of his company quickly conuaied to his cu­rions Tent, and all his attendants sent home with sorrow, that whilome flourished in such hope for feli­citie.

After this approached many other Knights to trie their fortunes in that fight: from whence Sir Tri­stram du-Lions won the honor of that day, still work­ing for greater glorie with more manlike demeanor: Till when the nights blacke shadow, gin [...] set an end to that dayes bright showes, and so euery one expect­ing the end of their aduentures, thronged to heare the iust iudgement of that sure censuring Senate, fore­pointed by the King to determine of this doubt, who with one assent after they had highly commended the many valerous déedes of diuers couragious Caui­léers, did aboue all wholly attribute the honor of that dayes dutie to Sir Lancelot du-Lake, as one that had best deserued it of them all, and so putting him to the King, at whose hands he was to receaue this renow­ned reward: he there with no lesse pleasure to heare [Page] the murmering noyse of the muttering multitud, buz­sing the report of his valerous déedes: then with the hope of those rich rewardes appointed for the Con­querours méed, receaued at his Kingly hands al those robes, of more than estimable estate, and whatsoeuer by due was sitting his desert.

Amongst which was that more than faire Celesti­na, for whom rather than the rest was assembled such and so many mightie men, euen from the furthiest Coasts of al the Esterne Kingdomes to the Westerne Iles, bound vp in the Oceans bosome: but for that himselfe had before setled his seruice, to honour that Saint whose Idea grauen with the Diamond points of Christall caruing eyes, in the impregnable table of his secret heart, whence no furie of newe assaulting force, can euer wash it away, determines in this to winne to himselfe the report of more worth, than by his former acts he had fully atchieued: and therefore with many thankes to his Maiestie, receauing the rewardes of his honour, which nowe lay all in hys power to dispose after some conference, such as to like affaires are most fit, calling for Sir Tryamore, of whome we before told you, that he was sonne & heire to the Brittaine Duke, gins thus discourse his honora­ble intent.

Since quoth he the vnmerited mercy of euer help­ing heauen, from the great attemptes of many more mightier than my selfe, hath attributed the honour of this day to the vndeserued dutie of my deedse: By the censure of which sentence, I am to enioy the pos­session of all this pleasure, whose especiall good, rests in the glorie of this more than a Goddesse: yet since my minde not cappiable of her loues impression, be­cause alrerady it retaineth the beautie of another, in such sure possession, as that no time can trie it, no beu­tie [Page] blot it, nor other loue with languishment lauish it away, to thée will I giue what I might by right take away, and so gaine more honour by the voluntary re­lease of her loue to thee, then I should get fame by the forceable detayning of her affections to my selfe: In which I shall binde thy loue to me, as to a friend, her liking as to a fauorer of her fortunes, and further the faire fruite of a yet scarce blooming bud, in the blessed bosome of anothers beautie; & so deliuering her fréely ouer to Sir Triamore, twixt whome there had béene afore such settled likeing of likely loue, to the Kinges great content, the louers full consent, and his owne more furthered intent, he disposed of the greatest part of his prize: the other seueral rewardes he determined to send ouer into England to present to his Laura: for whose conueyance he adressed a trustie Esquire of his owne, that from a childe had followed him in all hys actions of honor: where awhile we must leaue him to his further aduentures, and prosecute the present­ment of his Prize to his peareles Parramour, which by his Page was quickly performed: who flying with the fauorable fortune of well wishing windes, in shorter space than commonly acompanieth such ti­red trauellers, ariued in England at the olde Earle Cadors Court, where was then a Royal assembly of Courtlike company: to whom when it was knowne that there was arriued one ready to tell straunge ty­dings of the admirable atchiuements of their late for­tune finding friends, assembled all together to heare those welcome wordes into the Earles great Hall: where both himselfe, his daughter and his vnséemely sonne, as also the rest of that Royall resort orderlie placed with attentiue diligēce, quieted themselues to heare expressed these straunge exploits: to whose presence did prease a comely Esquire attended by a [Page] drudging Dwarffe that was loaded with a rich Ar­mour, who after he had in order rendred deseruing duty to euery seuerall assemblant, thus deliuered hys message.

Great Earle to whose honor wholly submites it selfe the whole worth of his worke, that from the fierce furie of Alians armes hath brauely born away these Princely rewards Grant pardō to my rash re­sort, and giue licence to my truth telling tonge in few wordes to disclose the especial cause of my hastie com­ming: and then with the honorable accidents of these worth worthie wars, gins he to paint forth the prai­ses of that famous fight: wherein from the stil flow­ing force of many furious foes, had his matchles ma­ster brauely borne away the home brought booties: Which tale hee so furnished with fitting Epethites, and true titles of aduenterous valour, as neuer sung the swéet tuned tongue of heauenly Tullie in the fa­mous Capitoll of still renowmed Roome, with more applausiue spéeches of a truth vrging tale, extolling the eternized honor of those thrice famous aduente­rours with the heauen scaling stile of a more than earthly Oration: and then with the blacke tragicke tunes of strange misfortune, s [...]ch as was the Art framed action of that Thracian Knight, when he de­scribed to doleful Dido the true story of Troys estate: To whose powerfull spéech listned the attentiue care of that pitty mouing Prince of whom we before told, whē the happy heauens dispersing now the sable vale of sad faced follie, that so long in the darke dungeon of ignominy, had lockt vp the happines of his after hopes, being now able in himselfe to sée, that which before in another he could not discerne, euen as the Eagle after her age casts her bill, the Serpent slides off his skin, or the wanton Bucke his harmles head: [Page] So he to the great admiration of all those worthy wit­nesses, suddainely starting at the strange tale of this well spoken Page, griuouslie be wailed the lucklesse date of his forespent dayes that had so sluggishly ouer slipt the young yeares of his youthfull iollitie in the fabling fancies of childish follie: wherein hee ney­ther had discharged the duty of a sonne, satisfied the ho­nour owing to hys countries seruice, nor won the least part of that worth, that by due desert he saw generally attributed to many men of far meaner byrth, & there­fore nowe turning his former foolish demeanors to more Princely promising [...]ndeuours, he suddainelie sollicited his old sorrow tyred sire, that hee would thus far further his intent, as to graunt him leaue a while to forsake his natiue soyle, and learne thus to aduen­ture for honor in far forraine lands, whose instant in­treatie not brooking the deferring of further delay, earnestly vrged his now more fortunate Father to further so his forward Sonne, as that presently pro­uiding all such necessaries as to him was most néede­full, without any more meanes made for his bootlesse abode, fitly furnished him in euery point for such a purpose: where euery necessary being prouided, and himselfe now readie to depart, blessed with the many praiers of hys ioyful father to sée hys forward sonne recouered from the helples horror of darke ignorance, to the approuing prowesse of Princely pusance, and with the well willing wishes of all his friendly fauo­rites, he departs his home to séeke his so long lost glo­rie abroad.

Meane while whilest thus Lancelot has sent ouer to hys Mistris the afore named fauors, spéedy prepa­ration was prouided in Fraunce for the solemnezing of this Royall marriage betwixt Sir Triamore, and faire Celestina: which for that his father then resi­dent [Page] vpon his Dukedome, was desirous to content his old conceit with the sight of his sonnes marriage: Syr Triamore earnestly intreated of the King, that he would so farre further his olde fathers request, as to licence their departure home into Brittanie, where­to the old King willingly condiscended and most Roy­ally furnished this their ioyfull iourney: whither be­ing attended with sir Lancelot du Lake, and sir Tri­stram du Lions, besides many other aswell valiant Knights as beauty brauing Dames, drawen out from the chiefest choice of all that Countrie, merrily sets forward on their way.

In the meane time the Soldan hearing of the dis­graced death of his sonne, and certefied by some of his [...]spials, of the pretended purpose of these Christian Princes were the onely sharers of that glorie, gins presently to leuy what forces his Countrie in so short a time was able to lend, and imbarking with all spéede his Armie, in short time landed all his men vp­pon the vnhappy Coast of Britanie, where orderly in­camping themselues, about the warlike walls of that strong defended Towne, where the Duke with all his attendants kept then a puisant Court for the wel­comming of his sonne and his beauteous Bride; cut­ting off all those conueying passages, that leades any way to their neighbour compassing Confines, re­moouing all semblance of succour from their longing fight: And being further certefied of the néere ap­proach of that triumphant troope of valiant Victors, that fearing nothing lesse than such trothlesse treason, weares out their iourney with such ioy, as experience in farre meaner mens matters proues passing all o­ther pleasure.

Whose purpose the subtle Soldan purposing to preuent, in an old ouergrowne wood, scituate some [Page] foure miles from the Citie, flily insconse [...] a great Scout both of horse and foote: who as soo [...]e as they had encompassed this carelesse company within their ill intending Armes, rudely rusht out vpon them: who for because their comming somewhat too sudden in with the other Knights, could hardly prouide to re­sist their foreplotted purpose, and the numbers so far different, as scarcely might they afford one Christian to twenty Pagans, whereby they were forced to a fu­rious sight: In which sane onely Lancelot, Tristram, and Triamore all were slaine, and Celestina maugre all their force, conueyed away in the sight. Which when they perceaued, like three inraged Lions, a­midst the troopes of the Forrests feareful inhabitants, prayes vppon the cursed carkases of these vnchriste­ned Curres, till when no more fuell was left for the [...] fire, no remainder whereon they might, worke their further reuenge, nor any other subiect for their con­quering swords, hope of recouery was past, because their numbers were too great; the furie of further fight in vaine, because themselues were too weake; and being desperate almost, what way to take to find reliefe.

Long time they spent in disputing what were best to doo in this extreame danger, themselues being sore wounded with the many blowes of their ouer num­bred foes, their Armour brused with the oft falling forces of their Foe-mens swords, and their weapons almost all broken in this barbarous battell, incites to their sadde thoughts what secure meanes they might séeke for their best safegard.

Being thus left destitute welnigh of all defenc [...], they wandred vp and downe the vntrodden wayes of those wast woods, one reciting this, another inditing that, and the third misliking both; till when the [Page] comfortlesse couering of the sad faced night, gins hide away the life ioying sight of the lightsome day, when these sorrowfull sighing soules wandring in the vn­peopled paths of these wide woods, spent all that tedi­ous night in tyred trauels, sometimes straying this way, and then stepping that way againe, till the sor­row of their sower chance had almost quite taken a­way the ready remembrance of them selues.

At last as euery sorrowe hath an ende, so had this long night, and the pleasant spring of the next insu­ing day gins somewhat to cheare vp their troubled mindes from the cruell cares of their ouer passed paines, when determining with themselues to make spéedy post to euery seueral Christian Kingdome, and from thence to leuy such powers of people, as should perforce make this heathen Hel-hound again to ren­der vp to their handes this beauty staining Bride, whom he had so cowardly caught away: Till wan­dring together downe the pleasant side of a summer showing hill they might espy beneath in the broade bottome of a dismall dale a great worne way, yet not such as accustomably are the conueyances of peopled beaten [...]athes, but as it were the fatall foot­steps of some mighty Monster that with his ill fauo­red féete had poyson [...]d the sprouting springes of that pleasant Plaine. Which after they had a long time followed, prying euery way what this wonder should import: At last they a farre off might heare the vnac­customed cryes (as it should séeme) of some tormen­ted soule, that beeing grieuously afflicted with some straunge torments, made those ruthfull moanes to mooue the compassionate mindes of some wayfaring wanderer to deliuer her from that great miserie: which they like two lost fellowes in a great growne woode, that with the resounding Ecchoes of theyr [Page] lowde scriking cries, brings themselues after long search together againe, who listning from what like­liest place this same might growe, at last vnder the darke shade o [...] a sh [...]ltring Cipresse that overhung the mouth o [...] a traggie Caue, h [...] went out (as it shoul [...] seeme) of the big bo [...]y of a ruinous Rocke, they might perfectly perceiue the same to proceede: Whither po [...]s [...]ing in all hast, striuing who should stand in most sted for the release of this losse (as they supposed) rudely they together ran downe without regard into this darke Denne, who as s [...]ne as they were in, from out the darke couert of another cabbining Caue st [...]pt foorth a mightie Monster, framed with the de­ceitfull face of a faire woman, but the big body of a subtill Serpent, whose poyson swolne bowelles bea­ring the breadth of a mighty Tunne, was supported with the ioyntles legs of a Castle carrying Elephant, hands had she in forme like a man, but in the substāce of her frame more than a monster, a tayle that Ser­pent like catcheth in the vnprouided trauailers, her backe strongly fenced with broad buckling scales, that proudly opposes it selfe gainst the toughest stéele, her force more than could bee comprehended within the reach of a reasonable conceit: for she (after her Crokadile complaints she had) [...]rawing the harme­lesse Knight into that subtill snare, quickly routes vp against the mouth of the hole a mightie stone, which the force of many men could not els remooue, and so locking in these well meaning men within the com­passe of her loathsome Denne, shée leaues them to the comfortlesse consort of their nowe almost curelesse cares.


How Chinon after his transformation from his foolishnes, betooke himselfe to seek for forraine aduentures, and after how hee en­countred Sir Lancelot, and Sir Tristram in a Forrest, where hapned a straunge aduen­ture, and how Chinon pulled a sword from an inchaunted Rocke of stone.

By this had Chinon crossed the Sea [...] out of his owne countrie, and ari­ued in Fraunce where hee neuer ca [...]e before, and himselfe yet igno­rant in the course of trauaile, wan­dred vp & downe a long time, séek­ing some worthy work wh [...]r [...]n he might make triall of his strength. But for that the desolate Coasts bordering vpon the sea side, afforded no matter for his manly courage, after he had there spent some fewe dayes, he takes a new course of tra­vell ouer the vntrodden hilles into the bosome of the next bounding Country.

Which weary way, for that his horse being young [Page] and not yet vsed to the hard hap of aduentures him­selfe, euen as a childe that newe sprung from his cra­dle, can hardly counteruail the worlds weary works; so fared it with this new Knight, who was gréedy of glorie, but vnfit to finde it: yet hoping of better hap, drawes out his iourney ouer many high hilles, and then settles hee downe into the melancholly shade of déepe darkened valleys, wher before neuer footed any earthly creature, saue foule Serpents, no noyse but the sorrowfull sound of the ill boading Owle; no light saue the glimmering of a little beame that shi­ning through the transparant leaues of blacke Cy­presse boughe [...] showed him some comfort amidst this more than the shadow of death: No meate could hée come by, saue such as that vnfruitful earth did afford, nor drinke saue the troubled streames of an vn­pleasant spring, that mixed with the vnholsome sorts of deade dropping leaues full of the filthy slime of sluggish Toades, and many such vnholsome crea­tures: his Bedde the ouergrowne mosse vpon the side of the mountaine; his pillowe the toppe of an vneuen ston [...]; his couering nothing saue the ouershadowing bowes of age trembling trées; his nightly sléepes often affrighted with the hissing of many soule s [...]ks, vnacustomable antomes to his eares: yet as he that will trauell vpon the sea, must addresse himselfe to a­bide the trouble of euery storme; hee that will enioy the swéet content of felicitie, must néedes vndergo all the hard haps of enuious aduersitie: so he that wil in this spacious world séeke the aduantage of Honour, must beare base direction of vnséemely misfortune.

So this yong Prince after hee had long time wan­dred thus without the direction of any way, at length espies a far off a chalkie path, scaling the top of a high hill, whether with much adoe at length he came vnto, [Page] and after he had long time climed vpō the side of this mount, at length with many wearie steps he attains the toppe: from whose height hee might againe looke backe at his ouerspent iourney: following a longe while the broad tract of that beaten way, presentlie he came to a narrow cut of passage out of the side of a flintie Rocke, where the high hill stéepe ore his head, troubles the course of the winde wandring cloudes, beneath the lowlie bottome of a blacke dismall Dale, filled with the furious force of aspyring springs, that working from the wombe of the sea, euen vnto the highest toppe of that mightie Promontany, breaks out againe, and with a fierce fall downe into the dis­mall Dales, makes such a hidious noyse: as when the vnbridled force of the ouerflowing sea breakes downe the boundes of his neighboring bankes, and drownes all the nere placed plaines, with his euer­working waters: Yet Chinon still hoping that after showers, at length would come a sunne; after woes, weale; & after these hard passages pleasanter plaines; with as much patience as hee could, ouergoes this griefe he had, and gins at last to sée the farther side of his wearie way: from whence looking downe, hee might espie a more pleasant dale, whether descending by a downe falling path that went into the bottome of a Hill he gladly at length attained, and there in a more fresher and pleasanter streame than before of a long time hee had met withall: hee some what re­freshes himselfe, and beeing content with such fruit as that soyle did afforde him, hee goes forwarde on hys iournie, still searching for that hee coulde not finde: At last he came as hee thought to the mouth of some Caue that was fullie filled vp with the stronge bulke of a mightie bigge stone, whose hugenesse was such as could not be remooued by the might of manie [Page] men, where in olde almost outworne letters, were these lines ingrauen.

In prison here a puisant wight,
Betraied by cunning craft now lies:
Whence no man but a maiden Knight,
Can free him from his miseries,
Whose first tried valour must assay,
To rid this wretched man away.

Which when he had red and curiously considered, gins to resolue with himself, to assay whether his for­tune should bee so good as to performe this seruice, where looking round about for him that did heere in a peremptorie painted challenge kéepe the passage of that place, where this Knight whereof mention was there made, is by subtiltie inclosed, at last sodainelie, but from whence he saw not, there was a huge defor­med Monster, such as before he seldeme or neuer had séene, whose shape neyther imported the proportion of man nor beast, but a mixture of them both: from foorth the furnace of whose fierie bellie, issues like the ashes of Aetna, many cloudie mists of darke smoke, that almost smoothered this famous follower of har­dy déedes before he began the fight, and in this Fogge armed with the bulke of a yong springing Dake, the fell force of whose fall, had béene sufficient to haue ground him a sunder, gins vnawares to assaile him: which when perceaued, nimbly leaping backe to eschue the heauy stroke, prepared in as short space as he could to prouide himselfe for this fray, but ere he [...]ould be in euery point armed, gins againe this mon­ster [Page] the second time to assault him, which he in the best sort he could deuise, sought meanes to escape, for to vndergoe it he could not: and then nimbly con­ueying himselfe within the ende of his mighty wea­pon, with his well tempered sworde gins assay to worke vppon the Monster, but all in vaine, for so strongly was it euery where buckled with insconsing scales, as no more entrance was affoorded for his sword, then if he had stroken vppon the hard face of a flinty Rocke, when the subtle serpent with a sodaine turne gaue the Knight such a heauy blowe with the poysoned weight of her strong tayle, as perforce beat him downe to the grounde, and almost banished the breath from his body: But hée mindfull of what hée had in hande, to encounter so vnnaturall an enemie; long lyes not in that case, but nimbly rousing vp himselfe againe, gins freshly to assaile his enemie: who still threatning him with the bigg blowes of his vnwieldy weapon, puts him euery way to his shi [...]t how he might best shun them.

At last spying a fit oportunitie, he with his sword indeuoured to cut asunder her vnacustomed kinde of weapon, which in short time he performed, so that now frée meanes he had for to assay what he could doo vppon her vnwieldy body: But all his labour was lost, for so safely was shée garded from all entrance, as not the kéenest stéele the smoakie Cyclops forged for the mighty God of wrathfull warre, could euer enter into her: when hée troubled at once with two illes, the furious force of her serpentine taile, which now prooues her best weapon, and the brimstone fla­ming which still issued out at the Furnace of her fiery mouth.

At the last after much labour, the weary Knight tyred almost with this tedious toyle, gins somewhat [Page] to returne backe, to the end he might recouer againe his nie lost breath: which flight for that the Serpent did not with such eager force pursue, as she was went to doe in the beginning of their fight, hee made longer stay to recouer thereby better strength, & then as two furious fighting Stagges that fetching a farre flight, thereby to encounter with more force, begins againe these new olde enuies and with their furious blowes so plagued one another, as if the opposition of two great Armies had sent the noyse of their battering Armes from euery resounding eccho: till at length af­ter the many fierce assaults of the furious Knight, hys foyled enemie in a sudden as she came, vanishes away, which he suspecting but to be some diuelish de­uise, with an intent to set vpon him againe at vna­wares, gins circumspectly to prie into euery corner, to the end he might be sure that no intrapping ambu­shes of her hobgoblin companions, might priuily lurk to insnare his life: when vnwares he perceaued the mighty stone so meruailously laid ouer the Caue of it selfe to roule away, and from foorth the hole issues out thrée goodly Knights, two whereof he knew, for hys Countrymen and olde acquaintance: but the thirde which was a stranger he neuer saw before, these wer they of whome we said afore were by the subtill shift of a deceauing Syren, cunningly compassed in that Caue: where when Syr Lancelot du Lake and hys fellow Tristram saw Chinon, that at their departure from England they left foolish in their friendes, & his fathers house, miraculously transformed to a valiant Knight, and so luckily there ariued, for their reliefe: no maruaile if with admiration, theyr woondering wittes were drawne into a laborinth of such deepe conceites, how this might come to passe; that béeing amazed as were those stone turned people, which ga­zing [Page] vppon Gorgons heade, coulde hardly beléeue in their mindes, what was so liuely presented to their eyes, till Chinon perceiuing their passion, gins thus to waken them from their drowsie and sluggishe dreame.

Fellowes in Armes (quoth hee) the very reporte of whose valour hath from the heauy weight of ob­scure follie, rowsed my deade drooping thoughtes to the liuely remembrance of a higher mounting mind, not happier shall you be in this your release, than I in bringing you reliefe; in that the succession of af­ter growing ages, shall eternize my name for the o­pening of this worse than hellish mouth, and for the vanquishing of that more than miraculous Monster, for that by the one I againe restored to the world two such valiant Knights: and by the other, rid them of a pestilent plague.

Stand not in a maze, for I am the man that lately you left in a world of follie, but now by the power of prouident heauen, raised from that deiection. At last Lancelot (ouercloied with ioy to sée him thus fortu­nate, that whilome was so foolish) regréetes his good hap with many ioyfull wordes, such as commonlie passe betwixt long parted friends at their vnexpected méeting, and then sir Tristram likewise salutes hys honorable aduenture, with the many great thankes and good wishes of like future good fortune: then sir Triamore for that he [...]mselfe altogether vnacquain­ted with Chinon, although hee had often heard hys friendes and then followers in Armes, with mickle griefe to relate the wofull case wherein they left such a Prince, as there they named in England: yet hee begins to enquire of sir Lancelot the whole passed storie of hys friendes estate, who with ioy repea­ [...]i [...]g, what oft with sorrow hee had seene performed: [Page] gins certesse him in euery point according to hs as­king, which when sir Triamore vnderstoode that hée was a Knight of comely carriage and curteous de­meanor, he forthwith with many gentle gréetings and more thankes to heauen and him for their happy deliuerie, vowed vnto him all the honor of his acti­ons: Who long professing kindly friendshippe and duteous indeuor, to deserue this more then com­mon curtesie, they were presented with a troope of Fairies; mongst whome was Oboram there King, who especially choosing Chinon from the rest, began with many wordes of woonder to commend his Che­ualry, for that last being his first Combate, he had so valiantly behaued himself, as had all the chiefe choise of powerfull Christendome stroue with themselues to haue excéeded his worth, their Forces all ioyned in one, in respect of him had béene none: And then tur­ning to the rest of the Knights, tolde them that the Monster by whose deuise they were there deceaued, was no other than himselfe, who for the desire he had to approue the Prowesse of this newe come Knight, vndertooke that shape, in requitall of which wrong he had prouided a costly sword, which by his Art was fastned within the close binding body of a strong Rocke, and he of them that should stoutly pull it out, should for his paines inioy a Jewell of rich price: which sword was artificially framed for Julius Caesar, by the cunning craft of a migh [...]y Magitian, inhabi­ting within the desolate places of those darke vallies, and for that it so pleased the great Director of all mens dealinges, that that worke should come to naught, for that the valiant Romane was before the perfection thereof vnluckily slaine in the Senate, hée had closely reserued it to another vse: But who that should be of al them foure, (of which by necessity [...] [Page] néeds bee one) that as yet was not knowne to him­selfe, and then leading them through the darke shades of many light lacking vaultes, she wing them the sea­crets of his close couched Kingdome, bound vp with­in the bowels of the earth: whether when they were a little descended, they might partly sée armies of ma­ny little Elues come posting towards him, as speciall attendants on his traine, whose busie fingers woulde gladly haue béene pinching theyr wearie legges▪ for higher they coulde not reach: but that forbidden by the great charge of their commaunding King, they durst not aduenture it againe,

Thus after their long walke in those close kept countries, hee brought them at length into a broade vale, in midst whereof was grauen vp a mighty rag­ged Rocke, wherein was a faire fashioned sword cu­riously contriued of many sundry mettals, which should seeme by some or other meanes to haue béene stroken thereinto, where this fairie King told them they were all to approue their forces at the pulling of it, and he whose lot it should be to win it, for his pains should alwaies were it, whose temperature was so good as would clearely cut a sunder what euer, stone, mettall, or any harder obiect was opposed against it, the vertue this, that whosoeuer wore it shoulde neuer be assailed by base crosbiting of anie slie deceitful In­chanter.

And thus with many words extolling the excellen­cie of the thing, and promising good fortune to them whosoeuer should attaine it. Hee first appoints Syr Lancelot, who as gréedie of this goodly weapon, as a hungrie hauke of her pray, stoutly steps foorth, and laying hold of the sword with a maine force, offering to vnsheath it, could nothing at all remoue it. The next was sir Tristram, and he also offering to doe his [Page] endevour therein was also at the first expelled: Next him steps T [...]iamore, but his force as féeble as the rest let stand still that for which they also stroue: till Chi­non taking sure hold vpon the hilt, with one hand did more than they were able to effect with all their pow­er: which when he had done, brandishing it about hys head, as promising therewith to worke some extra­ordinarie wonders, he [...]traight waies by Oborams direction was presented with a rich Armour, and all necessarie furniture thereunto belonging, borne by two little Elues, which he straight put on, and then girding himselfe with his new got sword, makes all possibe spéede to returne as one longing to approue what those rich habilliments did promise: to whome Oboram after a long oration of much prefiguring va­lour and valiant exploytes by him to bee performed, with many offered assurances of what readie helpe rested in his power to performe, whereof quoth he thou shalt ere long stand in need: giues him further, a faire shield, composed by the cunning of a famous In­chantres: wherein was in rich mettall curiouslye en­graven a statelye flintie Rocke, shiuered i [...] péeces by the power of a naked man, vnder which in let­ters of gold was ingrauen this posie, Nihil d [...]fficile, & appointing him a Page of his owne bringing vp, a little ill fauored Eluish Dwarffe, but trusty it all as­sayes, commits him to the kéeping of good [...]uoring fortune, till time and his necessity shall agai [...]e bring them together.


How Chinon and Tiamore redeemed Ce­lestina from the Soldan of Babilon, after a most strange maner, with other Noble at­chiuementes that they performed in the same exploit.

THus in a sodaine trance they being back againe conueyed to the place whence he first led them: where they then beginne to acquaint him with all the manner of their tri­umph in France, the losse of their Lady, the victory of the Pagan, & what els ill hap had betyded them since theyr depar­ture from the King of Frances Court, which tragick tale so whetted the longing lust of this pearelesse Prince, to reuenge the iniuries of those his so happy met mates, as that he straight gins to deuise how hée might best worke some spéedy meanes for her deli­liuerie, that nowe was closelie pent vp in delights, farre more worse vnto her than darke Dungeons: [Page] which with many hammering plots: At length hee thus purposed to bring to passe.

Thou Triamore quoth hee, for that by thy default this Lady so vnluckely lost her libertie, shalt venture with me thus to recouer her, and these my friendes shall in a nother sort employ themselues, as I will di­rect them: then seeing thy yeares are yet young, thy face louely, and euery well fashioned part of thy bo­dy fit to further our intent, thou shalt take vpō thee the shape of some inchantres, I & my dwarffe trimmed vp in other apparrell will attend vppon thée as dilli­gent seruants which thou shalt pretend thou imploy­est in such secret a [...]aires, as none saue such simple slaues, will abide to beare: where thou shalt vnder­take to procure the likeing of faire Celestina, to affect him which for that no welcommer newes can come to his besotted minde, than the sound of such seruice, he will easily condiscend to doe any thing that thou shalt direct him to: which béeing done, leaue the rest to my disposition, and in the meane time these my an­cient friends shall whilest we worke within, attende here without, and the next night when the Quéene of shades gin in her quiet rule to dimme the glimering show of lesser lights, in some secret place, that thou (for that the best cannot direct vs in this cuntrie) shalt appoint to attend our comming: where for the next dayes arise we will worke a déede of such worth, as shall eternize our honour in all ages, and make vn­borne Children hereafter to repeat what excéeding valour, we for our Christian Countrie (ouerloaden with the hatefull burden of barbarous Pagans) per­formed, and then instructing them throughly in euery point of his purpose, and carefully prouiding to take away euery obstacle of aduerse suspition, that might any waies be a hindrance to their well intended pur­pose, [Page] they méeting all againe on their sturdie Stéedes rides foorth, till they came neare to the place whereas the Pagan with all his Armie lay, and there in the same place wherby treason they were surprised, staies Lancelot and Tristram in a thicke Castell, couered o­uer with thicke leaued hollie, where they might ea [...]y shrowd themselues from the sight of all passeng [...]s: whilest Chinon; Triamore, & hys Dwarffe sets boldly forward to execute the fore plotted purpose: who com­ming into the Campe, made it straight knowne to some of the Soldans nearest attendantes what they were: Triamore pretending himselfe to be (as afore we told) an Inchauntresse, that was come from far, to further the loue of the great Soldan to faire Ce­lestina: Which newes when it was told him, soun­ded no lesse pleasant in hys eares than Ane Caesar at his Coronation: where charging them straight to be brought to hys presence, he gins to question with Tri­amore of his skill, posing him in the relation of kings past, as how, when, and where he first surprised that Lady: which Triamore for that himselfe was an vn­fortunate acter in that dolefull Tragedy could in eue­ry point [...]tly answere him: which the Pagan simply attributing to hys great skill, giues thankes to hys gods that in so good time had thither directed the skil­full Inchantresse, by whose meanes he hoped not one­ly to enioy hys new ioyles loue: but also to performe such prodigious exployts, as should redound to the e­ternal dishonour of all Christtan Countries, and then begins to question with him about the recouerie of his loue.

Triamore with a fine forged tale, gins tell him that if he would but practise such meanes as he should ap­print, he would so Inchaunt the louely minde of that fayre Christian Princesse to assert hym, as mangeral [Page] the mallice of whatsoeuer opposing power, she should forsake father and friends, kinsfolks and Countrie, & only bind herselfe to tarrie with him.

Which soule pleasing sound, did ring such swéete musicke in his rude eares, as that he with all spéede willed her but to determine what was herein to bee d [...]e, and he with asmuch expedition would fully ef­fect, if it were to the losse euen of halfe his King­dome.

Then quoth Triamore, this night hath Cinthia fil­led fullie vp her emptie hornes, whose fauorable as­pects will fitly futher our purpose: when therefore the silent night hath shut the eyes of euery watchfull creature, thou, thy loue, and my selfe, must by some such meanes as thou shalt best appoint, be conueyed secretly from the Campe into the bosome of a neare bordering wood, where wee may clearly sée all the coarse of the ceasles frames of neuer resting heauen: where I with my inuocations, and sorcesiue Magick spels, will so Inchaunt the minde of thy beauteous loue, as hence foorth shee shall neuer affect any other saue thy selfe, and then pretending to prepare such necessarie furniture as should fit her purpose, she desi­red that her selfe and her seruants might a while bée remooued into some secret place, where they might prouide all thinges fit for their purpose, and where they might haue some speech, with the Damsel, which was spéedily done: for a secret seruant nerely belong [...] to the Soldan, was appointed to direct them: where by themselues they had frée talk with faire Celestina: to whome Triamore begins to relate al that had hap­ned them since their inforcesiue departure, with the happie aduenture of Chinon for their deliuerie, and what els had befallen them, in that trauel: and then comforts her with the hope of escape, by theyr thus [Page] plotted purpose: where long they were repeting their ouerpassed paines and reioycing in their hoped hap­pines, till time approached of their departure: when the Soldan not vnmindefull of this matter, sent to the Sorcerer to sée if all thinges were readie for their purpose: which affirmed that shee was orderly p [...]o­uided.

At last the latest houre is come, when he calling to­gether all the chiefest of his Captaines & acquaints them with the cause, which tended so much to the fur­therance of his desire, & intreating the most of them that they would walke with him out into the next ad­ioyning wood to be witnesses of this work: to whom they willingly condescended, & then gathering them­selues together, after the watch was set, they secretly departed: where the Soldan stil thinking on the in­ioying of his loue, neuer dreampt of any pretend [...]d treason that might thereby insue, but gréedily catching like a foolish fish at the golden baite, they still fol­lowe on theyr way, till they were come to the place where Lancelot and Tristram lay hid: where Chi­non casting off his disfiguring maske, begins now to shew himselfe in his owne likenes, and with a watch word calling for his fellowes, brauely sets vpon these their enemies: where in short time they had sent to hell all the rest, saue the Soldan himselfe, and taking him prisoner, carries him away bounde: when Triamore now once againe reuelling in the treasury of his loue: gins with all humble submission, attri­bute to the honour of Chinon all the fore passed proofe of this their fortunate se [...]uice which they had perfor­med.

But Celestina that nowe like the Thracian Damosell returned with the Lorde of her loue from the dismall Gates of Hell, beginnes with the [Page] teares of true ioy to prostrate her selfe at his honora­ble féete, whose force had againe restored her from the tedious slauerie of loathsome captiuitie, to the plea­sant presence of life féeding libertie, vowing deuo­ted seruice for this her second life: But Chinon dis­dayning that the foule faced earth shoulde enioy so much as touch of her heauenly hew, with gentle in­treatie rayses her vp, and thus replied to her suppliant spéech.

Fairer quoth he than is the common composition of earthly creatures, and therfore of more worth than millions, if I haue ought done in this that hath bred thy content, it is no more than the beséemeth the dutie of my degrée: Then doe not thus attribute more honor for my méede, than is due by deserts to my deed: more is thy smile towards the reward of a well deseruing worke, than the rich rewards of many millions of an others vowes, more pleasant is the sight of an houres sunne, than the show of twenty shadowed daies: but thy sight excéeding the brightest shining sunne, that day is at the mid dayes height the pearcing beames of euery bright eyes sight, more welcome to vs, than day to the wearie watch, or the repose of a quiet Inne to a tyred trauailer, gracest our paines with thy pre­sence. More worth is his worke that rifles in the rich bowels of the gold growne earth, than hee that drudges in the bottome of a dunghill ditch, and yet the last labor is more than the first: but that the sub­iect excéeding in worth, excels the reward of his work more than the trauaile graces the thing: but the worth of the subiect dignifies the desert of the déede, whereby our credit by thee is maintayned, and not thy match­les selfe by our might magnified.

Looke on hym that for thy loue aduentured his life, and the rewarde of my paynes is this, that they re­dound [Page] to thy pleasure, and for thée Triamore, fish [...]ew againe thou hast thy hearts content, remember the e­state of thy old father as thou toldest mee, is compas­sed within the circle of yonder beséedged walles, still expecting the spéedy help of his forward friends: but yet hath this nights worke so weakned hysfues, as that there is no doubt of further danger.

By this with such like that had they chased awaie the sable show of this silent night, and next the sunne gins with chearefull countenance to looke vpon the ho­norable actes of their thrise prayse worthy exployts, when by this time they were wandred farre from the place where they first gaue the onset to atchiue this honour: where Chinon calling to him his two coun­trymen, giues this carefull charge,

You two quoth he whose honors accents is euerie where blayed for your valours, shal hencefoorth leaue these wandring wayes, and returne with me into our Countrie: where I will present to my longing Fa­ther this Pagan Prince, the first frints of my May­den manhood, dooing all my humble dutie to hys Ho­norable age: but first in safety let vs conueye these Fayre friends to their fathers Court, and set them there safe from further sorrow at home, that haue sus­tained the hard brunt of fell misfortune abroad, where may as many pleasures attend them there in peace, as honorable accidents happen to me in warres.


Of Chinons returne into England, accompa­nied with Sir Lancelot and Sir Tristram, with their most honorable entertainment there.

AFter that hee had thus aduentured for the recouerie of beauteous Ce­lestina from the handes of the Sol­dan, that had traiterously tane her away from Syr Triamore, & sent them home to her fathers Court to solemnize their marriage. Lancelot, Tristram, and himselfe, tooke the direct way that led then home in­to theyr own country, that there they might in quiet tell those thinges with pleasure amongst theyr friendes, which they had in trouble performed with l [...]bour amongst their foes: In which i [...]u [...]nie no oc­casion of further let encountered them anie more, but as fareth with ordinary trauailers, they peaceablie passe ouer their iournie, till they came home into Corne wall to Earle Cadors Court, that was not a little glad to sée the returne of his sonne, with good hap to answere the long expectation of hys faire hope, [Page] he entertaines them with such curtesie, as common­ly passe betwixt lost friends, at theyr vnacquainted méetings.

Chinon discoursing to hys old father the storie of their trauailes whose very wordes bréedes new life in the dryed sinnowes of hys old limmes: as deeth the approaching sunne cherrish the decayed winter worne strength of the earths increase. Lancelot hee presents to hys loue the Trophies of his victorie, with many perswasions how for her loue hee had ad­uentured his life in winning those Princely Prizes, the chiefe wherof (whose worth exceeded all except herselfe) he had bounteously bestowed vppon sir Tri­amore, Tristram, he followes on his friends with the praises of them both: first how by their meanes the Lady was atchieued: then how by Chino [...]s deuise she was secondly attained, with all the whole History of their former fortunes: where what ioy was general­ly receaued, as well of the King himselfe, and her, that whose life still lasts in the euerliuing acts of suc­céeding ages, famoused as much for the renowne of his round table, as Alcides for his twelue labors, Iason for hys iournie to Caicos, or the Gréekes for theyr triumphes at Troy. Hee now in the winter of hys waning age, affecting to heare that now of others which before in his youth he had effected the like him­selfe, welcomes home all these wearie wanderers, that had béene so long abroad, writing in the Regi­sters of other realmes the courage of their own coun­try: as also the poore inhabitants of this pappy King­dome, that ioyed to sée their neighboring lands dispoyled of such riche rewardes as was brought home by their countrymen. Thus when euery man had filled his eares with t [...] report, A [...]thur willing also to fur­ther the courage of this young Caualéer, summons a [Page] solemne méeting of all the Nobles and Péeres of his country to his Court: where when at the time apoin­ted all were gathered together, the King at a Royall banket, gins to declare the cause of this their calling together, that themselues should sée how Princely he had, and would still pay the rewards of such deserts, as by the aduentures of their yong countryman Chin­on had béene prosperously performed, and then with Epethites accents of honour, telling the victorious tale of his fight, as Aeneas the Tragicke storie of their fight he concludes hys spéech with the perfor­mance of hys promise, which was the solemne or­ders he commonly vsed at the instalment of any of his Knights, and dubbing him, therewithall appoints him his place at the Table: where a while he remai­ned, as well to comfort the decaying date of his Fa­thers yeares: whome wrestling age had almost now layed along in hys graue, and as Mariegold that neuer spreadeth her flowers but against the sunne: So he neuer opened his age dimmed eyes to beholde the chearefull countenance of any creature saue his Son Chinon, and like the melancholly Turtle when her mate is from her sight: So fares it with this aged Earle, that neuer sléepes but dreames of hys Sonne, neuer is well waking when he sées him not, & neuer contented with any sounds if he heare him not: as al­so the intire affection of hys King and Captaine Ar­thur of England, that inamored with his curtesie, was lost to leaue hys company, he was forced a while to refraine his affections, whose body thought it was walled in at home, yet was his minde wandring a­broad: which the fates foreséeing, (as do the careful Parents prouide for their forward children) séeke meanes for theyr furtherance in that quallitie where­to they are most inclined, loath that so many vertues [Page] should be cooped within the compasse of a [...] Iland, and not spread their braunches abroad to the wide world, carefully contriued a meanes to conuaye hym away.


How Chinon was by the Fairies conuaied in­to Egipt.

THus hee spending the pride of his dayes at home in daliance, letting rust eate away his well tempered Armour, that warres before had scoured, lying one day vppon a pleasant ouerspread banke, vnder the couert of a nature framed Ca­nopie, bound together with the bowes of swéet smel­ling roses: vpon whose pleasant spraies sate the seue­rall sorts of musicke making [...]irdes, that with theyr naturall notes, calles on inchaunting sleep to possesse the quiet organes of his body with all pleasing rest, in the midst of a swéet slumber, suddainely appeares to the view of his drowsie thoughts, two airie bodies such creatures as we call Fairies, whome some im­magine [Page] to be those spirites that fell dawne vpon the earth, and since that time inhabit the seuerall corners thereof; sometimes deluding mens senses with the showes of that they are not: other, somtimes show­ing themselues in the semblances th [...]y commonly ac­custome to put on, dancing roundelayes ouer the ple­saunt [...]neades, searing the secrete corners of euerie shade: in which sort it should séeme they found thys Knight, to whom they gan shewe a rich embrodered armour, curiously carued and richly set with all man­ner of precious stones, and a faire sword with all the formall furniture thereunto belonging, faire passing that which before he had pulled out of the Rocke, and there withall ginnes féed his fancie, that they nouri­shed his imagination in the perfectest ioye of all natu­rall delight, with the show of a faire Virgin, whose rare countenaunce promised more than her outward colour of attire, for that meake were her wéeds, such as commonly we read of the Arcadian Shepheardes­ses, whose perfectiōs haue put to silence so many pens in labouring to portrait their picture. But her selfe more than a mortall Maid, looked vppon with the im­partial censure of a iudging eye, might draw into an endlesse Laborynth, the labouring thought [...] of an i [...] ­ [...]euoring wit, striuing with it selfe to picture forth her worth. Where a while we must leaue him [...]-like spending his time in this swéete speculation, and for a time talke of this rare fight here showed hym in his sléep.

This Ladie, was daughter to an ancient Lord, na­med Bessarian cheif Counseller to [...]gba [...]a [...] then King of Egypt, and was th [...]re earnestly beloued of a noble Man named [...]osin who for that he saw by no way he could compasse h [...] desire, neither by amorous de­meanor of himselfe, instance of his frends, nor ear­nest [Page] soliciting deserts of his dumb intermissiue gifts could-preuaile to drawe towarde him the dutye of her loue he determining by another drift ether to win her to himselfe, or to w [...]are her out of conceit with all o­ther, [...]re [...]ly [...] [...]e with an old Witch, whose name was Eurropa, who hyred by him, hammered a­bout to work some meane how she might change the setled affections of her maidenlyke minde, somwhat to encline themselues to his intent: which when by no meanes she could bring about, she straight works a way to remoue her quite [...]rom all companie, to liue on the vnpeopled Plaines among [...]rute beasts, and to that ende aiming her actions, by meanes of an ayrie Spirit attendant vppon her, suddenly conueyed her from the Courtly presence farre off to, an vnfrequen­ted Plaine, scit [...]te by the [...]tiuer Nylus, where shee percesuing her [...]l [...]e displaced, but séeing no reason of her remooue, straitwaies begins to consider with her selfe what luckles occasion might thus crosse her in her hopefull course, and when after long search in the selfe knowen recorde of her inward conscience, shée could finde no readie reason, how her offences should anie wayes haue procured so great a punishment, as this vnnaturall diuorse, not onely from the comfort of her kindred, but [...]ll other [...]nds, [...] with all humble dutie alwaies honore [...] her superi [...]is, & wyth carefull turto [...] [...]intr [...]a [...]e [...] her in [...]w [...] beeing euer held as the my [...]rrc [...] of good demeanor. [...] thus fin­di [...]g her selfe as cle [...]e [...]rom those veng [...]unc [...] meri­ting [...]nes that [...]wes do [...] the heauie wr [...]h of all-iudging Gods so sharply with such seuere plagues to punish the o [...]ces of men, shedding manie show­ers of a [...]ber warēs, whose power were able to haue drawne pittie from the stéely hearts of h [...]ll-holden fu [...] ­ries, [...]ts her downe by the side of that siluer streame, [Page] that with his seauen heads, still sends fre [...] supplie to the all eating sea, and tuning her voice to the bubling musick of his gliding course, & to the flocking sortes of sundry-fishes, that [...]ke the dancing Dolphins at the swéete sound of Arions Harpe gather themselues to­gether.

She singes this Dittie.

Ye free borne people from th' inthralling b [...]nds,
That we poore soules perforce are subiect to:
You glide with pleasure ore these golden sands,
And feeles no hope of weale, nor hap of woe.
Time, fortune, foes, nor any other power,
Changes, casts downe, or turnes your sweet to sower:
But we whome nature wrought vnto the best,
Triumphant time still tosses vp and downe:
And they whome former fortune whilome blest,
Cruell misfortune with a suddaine frowne:
Casts from a throane where sur'st we seeme to dwell,
To worser woes than death, dispaire, or hell.

Thus while [...] with this song [...]ee sought to please her sorrow sodainely this wicked woman, by whose meanes shee was brought thether,) carried through the emptie [...] in [...]erie flaming [...], such as was that secret searching Medea, [...] the sable shadow of the [...]ilent night, ouerr [...] so many toys of hilles to [...]ade those hearbes, that in the age worns limmes of a bloodles man, cals backe fresh spring to kéep againe his residence in that body: [...] presenting her selfe vnto her in the accustomed shape at other times shée vsually shewed her selfe: begins at her first entrance [Page] to disclose vnto her the manner of translation from her father and friends vnto these peopleles plaines, confessing her selfe both to be Author and actor of this diuellish deuise: where quoth she for the coy counte­nances that so oft thou haste repayed to the pitty moo­uing perswations of him, that for thy loue well nie [...], weares out in woe, the daye [...] and watches with tirrible torments the night, that in euerie sentence he speakes, so oft cites thée by thy proper name, and himselfe with bare conceit that hee hath, thee whom by consent he rightly should haue had, pines awaie poore soule in the phisicke fits of a passionate louer. In whose reuenge quoth shée I haue here seated thée by thy selfe, far from the resort of men, where desolati­on shall here teach thée to tell thy selfe that thou art now worse than wilde beast [...], that before estéemest of thy selfe better than faire framed men: where quoth she, till thou canst call backe thy proude presu­ming thought, to pitty his case that for t [...]ée spends his life in such care, here shalt thou haue thy abode, and be as far from any con! [...]ation of others, as then art from comforting of him, and so sodainely leauing her againe to her selfe [...]he departed.

At which abrupt Oration, the maid séemed at the first dismayed: yet at length com [...]ortes somewhat ma [...]e her conceit, in that she knew the meanes of her re [...], and [...]at last after shee had long remained [...] in that people wanting world, to eschue the ec­ [...] [...], and the effect of idlenes, shée be tooke [...] care [...]ll kéeping of some [...]imple natured [...]pe, whereof that place was stored, o [...] whose wooll [...]e now [...]gi [...] to spinne her [...]e some homely atire, that was wont to be robed in [...]he richest aray that na­ture and Arte could a [...]ord, and in the meane time, the weary workes preuenting all occasions of further [Page] misfortune, that might els in the continuance of time haue crossed theyr intent; work or mea [...]e [...] to disert & it her wofull Father: who now destitute of all his chil­dren, his daughter the hope of comfort to hys dicli­ning age, and hauing three g [...]ly sonnes, whome na­ture had euery way furnished with gifts [...]itting their degrees, whose names [...]ere Michander, Terpander, and Theonas: all those had hee employed in the quest of their sister, when as his foes taking the aduantage of their time, Perosus that was also a Coun [...]ller, gins secretlie to informe the King of certaine treasons pretended to his life and land, by Bessarian father to thys new shepheardesse, of whome before wee tolde you: to the end that hauing vnf [...]ished him of the Kinges fauour, himselfe might the eas [...]ier effect what occasion soeuer should be offered, and the poore father left destitute of all meanes to [...]thr [...] his sonnes af­faires: which the king at the first was [...]o [...]th to beléeue, both for that he had had so long tryall of the faithfull seruice old Bessarian had alwaies performed, as also that hee supposed that such subtiltie could not harbour in a siluer coloured heare: for that quoth he Serpents alwaies lurke in young gréene tufftes, & not in win­ter wythered grasse, [...]age abolishes deceits, as it a­bandons daine delights, & as the bodie waxes weake, by so much more doth the minde waxe strong, as be­ing nowe freed from all the intisin [...]eni [...]ns in [...] age, whereunto the vaine pleasures of this wick [...] world did still intise him to in h [...]s y [...] [...] the other ready so replie with fre [...] [...] [...] ­ment, shewes straight to the King the intermissi [...] letters that so long had passed to and fro, betwixt Bes­sarian and many of his Maiestie [...] enemies, for the ef­fecting of their treasons, to which he had so cunningly [Page] counterfetted the oldmans hand, as if himselfe had substantially set it downe, and the better to proue eue­ry seuerall circumstance of this his surmised tale, hée presently produces two or thrée periured compani­ons, who for that purpose hee had subborned: whose substantiall tale tooke such effect, and so farre incensed the King, that in all haste sending for the old guiltlesse soule who was so farre from pretending this ill, that notwithstanding all the crosse occasions that so vn­luckely had hapned vnto him, he spends all his time intending still naught but hys Soueraignes good: where when hee came, the King breaking foorth into impatience, beginnes with traiterous names to vp­braid him, who God knowes was so farre from in­uenting it, that he studied nothing more than the pre­uenting it: and then vntipping vnto him the forged treason, shewing him the counterfet letters signed by his own hand, the seuerall circumstances prooued by such sufficient witnesses, as there pretended them­selues to be, impatient of excuse, and therefo [...]e vtter­ly denying to heare his further answere, still v [...]g [...]d by the enuious inuented perswasions of his subtill ene­mie, gins thus to be wray his hatred.

Experience quoth he hath taught vs, and the dayly proofe of still present time offers occasions to our [...]es of new examples, how in brute beasts the countināce of long time groundee perfect loue, as the silly deg [...]e that brought vp at hys Masters trencher, in his [...]inde remembers his curtesie, and whiles nature lends him libertie of life, indeu [...]rs himselfe still in all duty to re­quite i [...], and shall th [...]n man their reasonable ruler, be worse than these [...]eason [...]s thinges, by him so ruled herbs, trées, and other vegitable creatures increasing from the ea [...]th, to them that with care manure their roots, & pru [...]e their brāches render fruit for a reward, [Page] the beastes they in their sundrie kindes requites their owners cost: as one with his skinne, another with hys flée [...]; one with his [...]uffe, and another with hys horne; one with hys labour, and another with hys lou [...]; and shall not then he whome God hath made as Master of all these creatures excéede them in his rea­sonable raign, that subiect thēselues reasonles to be ruled. Since first I came to sway the heauie Scepter of this great Kingdome, and tooke into my hands the tuition of so many people as inhabite these spacious plaines of wide west [...]gipt, haue nourished thée euen in my bosome; nearest haue I kept thee to my selfe, because I would draw thy affection from all other, & haste thou now with [...]opes vngratefull snake, sting­ed him in the breast, that so carefully sought to pre­serue thée in his bosome.

Can it be that vnder the reuerend show of such ho­nourable age, should rest the vndeserued thoughtes of vnreuerent reuenging rage. Is there founde foule drosse in faire gold, bad showes on good substances, & can there be such hatred in sure hearts? I, I, I sée the fayrest s̄omer shine hath his sodaine shower she best blossome is oft times s [...]ne [...]bla [...]ed & the truest frien [...] prooues oft the most trecherous foe: But as no man cōmends the sunnie morning, nor the showrie night, the frustrate hope of his fruite, for the bad blasted bud: so let euery man especially condemne the soules secret friende, when her turnes to a sore serching [...]e: which simile I to thy selfe must now a [...]plie: that vn­der the faire show of friendship, hast secretly gone a­bout to ouerturne my estate, & bring this welgouer­ned common weale to a ruinous decayed wracke, which fault is so apparant, both by thine owne hand sufficiently set foorth, as also confirmed by the Testa­ment of others: as that my pacience, scarce [...]t [...]n­ing [Page] it selfe within the bounds of euill behauior, can­not abide to heare any excuse, and therefore will I a­gainst thée pronounce this heauie doome for thy ill deseruing déedes, the punishment of death were a plea­sure to thée, so that so I should ease thée of a great deale of sorrow, if thou shouldest still continue in thy best state thou wert likely to sustaine, and therefore from hencefoorth like a cursed creature, shalt thou wander in the world and eate the bitter bread of banishment in a forraine soyle, that whilome liuedst so swéetly in thine owne naturall seat, and so for euer I banish thée from the compasse of this Kingdome, to burie thy sil­uer haires in sorrow, that haddest such hope to harbour them in their graue with ioy.

At which wordes the olde man not able to speake for the abundance of feares that stopped vp the way of his wordes, was forced to leaue him without fur­ther replie and hopeles of any helpe, patiently to de­parte. By this time had the King (more to punish his supposed amis,) seazed vpon all his goods, to the ende he might leaue him no succour to saue himself abroad: which when he saw, sorrowfully sighing to himselfe, desperately departes away without any further fol­lowing the King, for the repeale of this his punish­ment, and straight way betakes himselfe to hys trauaile: which when Perosus perceaued how they now had brought euery thing euen to the bent of their own bow, gins glorie to themselues in their likely prospe­ritie, purchased by the hard hap of an others aduersi­tie: but on a sodaine Eu [...]ropa, the Witch by whose counsell all this trecherie was contriued, looking fur­ther into the matter what was likelie to follow: by these meanes perceaued in the speculatiue glasse, how that the rig [...]tful reuenging gods had by many means determined her release: [...] first by Chinon, whom for [Page] that purpose they had brought out of England: then by her brethren, who had vndertaken to search all the world for their sister and lastly by her father, whose giltles banishment could not long be concealed, & thē beeing called home to hys former place, woulde séeke such meanes for her recouerie, as their power coulde hardly preuent, and therefore to escape these insuing illes he thus determined to deale. The maide who though she was from thence far remote, and in a place whether lay no ordenarie passage: yet foreseeing how at length that all would hit vpon that way inclo­ses by her wicked workes this faire Damsell within the ruine of an olde Rocke hard by the riuer side, vp­on whose bankes before shée made her abode: where accompanied with shadowes of naturall creatures, hauing faire womanly faces like her selfe, that see­med to outward sence of the far beholders, to make her merrie with melodious musicke, but to her selfe she found it far contrarie, proouing nothing els but a harsh discord of misliking sounds: which outward semblance was for this purpose by them prouided, that it might somewhat satisfie any idle beholder, to sée that her prison was rather a pleasure, than anye such paine as should mooue the mindes of men to ven­ture any thing for her release: where poore soule shée now coopt vp in a Cage that before tooke her pleasure vpon these spacious plaines, like to the beguiled bird that vnwares falling into the Fowlers gin, is nowe raged vp in a little compasse, that whilome was went to play vpon the broad branches of euery springing Plant.


How Bessarian her father was by the Witch turned into the likenes of a Beare, and how hee met with his sonnes in that shape.

THVS hauing determined of her, they straight waies begin to striue with themselues how they might deuise some drift to remooue the feare that they had of her Fathers rising againe to his former state, which by the meanes of Eutropa the Witch they thus contriued.

Shée calling to counsaile her attendant spirits: by whose meanes shee brought to passe all this matter, gins giue them seuerally in charge to vse their Artes in plaging of this poore man, which they should so surely effect, as no hope should be left of any more comfort to [...]ome vnto him: where beating together their hell bred braines, they thus concluded with thē ­selues, that they woulde chaunge hym from the shape of a man, into the big body of an vgly Beare, [Page] and so let him die a beast that was borne a man, and further yet, to aggreuate hys woes, which might not­withstanding this enuie haue an end, they intended in his disguise to hasten on hys death, leas [...] by some cros­sing occasions, as oftentimes are vsually séene vnex­pectedly fall out for the release of Magicke bandes, which they thus determined when they had wrought their willes in his transformation, about his necke they hang a scroule, wherein were written two ver­ses which were these.

He whose good hap shall kill this beare,
That man shall haue his hearts desire.

Thinking by this meanes the better to drawe on euery mans might, to the effecting of their former plotted purpose, for that all men by a naturall instinct ar gréedie to get any hope of pursuing their purposes, though oft times they doe it with the danger of theyr liues; where the oldman turned after this manner, wanders through the woods, clogged with the burden of selfe féeling sorrow, and in dispayre of reliefe, set­tles himselfe to that thraldome without hope of re­lease. Many w [...]re the miseries in this shape hee sus­stained, as the many hungry dayes that in spite of himselfe he was forced to spend, for that his stomacke was not vsed to féede vpon such filthie carion, as those beasts accustomably deuoure, the raw restlesse nights without couert hee must now continue, the want of his friends, and feare of hys foes, with a countlesse company of more griefes than the capacitie of man can conceaue was conteyned in him, being then as a beast, sauing that still he retayned the vse of his reaso­nable soule, which they by no meanes could make to miscarie. In the meane time the Witch now in the [Page] midst of her busines, séeing in her speculatiue Glasse (wherein sho vsually saw what accident soeuer was likely to happen) the approach of her Brethren, who (by tracing vp and downe in the World) were some of them come néere (at vnwares) to the place where she was; poasted her selfe with all spéed, the better to prosper her purpose, and with violence inforces a spi­rit (one of her owne Attendants) to vse the organes of her bodie, to an ende which her selfe had deuised: that was, to send sundrie wayes her Brethren, who were like seuerally to come thether where now their Sister did soiourne.

And by that time this Hag had brought this pur­pose to passe, Michander her eldest Er [...]ther (that now almost wearied with walking vp and downe among the high desolate Hills) has framed his iourney to­wards that Riuer, the which with his swelling wa­ters moystens once euerie yere those pleasant Egyp­tian Plaines, to refresh his tyred limmes in the coole streames of that pleasant Current, bathing his swéet bodie in those refreshing Springs; suddenly in the midst of a clouen Rocke he espies sitting a companie of faire Creatures, whereof one (excéeding all lyke the Huntresse amidst the naked troupes of her atten­dant Nimphs) hee quickly startes vp and hies to the place where he supposed they should bée: to which as hee came néerer, he might perceaue the middle most Ladie that so farre excéeded the rest, to be Cassiopem his Sister, for whom he had made such search; when in an extasie of ioye, standing still as not able at the first to vtter the sudden mirth of his minde, the enui­ous Stone closes his sides and shuts them al from his sight. At which sudden accident, his senses as farre cast downe as before they mounted themselues with the hope of recouering his Sister, gins with himself [Page] deuise what this matter might meane, till from the Rocke hee heard one pitifully call him by hys owne name; which at length he perceiued to be the voice of his Sister whom before he had séene: and answering againe to her sudden call, ginnes demaund by what meanes he might come vnto her. To whom straight she answeres, that there was no passage to that p [...]ace: for that by the wicked worke of an enuious Inchan­tresse, she was ther so surely inclosed, as neither force of man, edge of weapon, violence of fire, nor any o­ther earthly meanes whatsoeuer the World could af­foord was able to auaile, except himselfe would ad­uenture one thing for her deliuerance. And then shée coniures him by the dutie he ought to his Father, the loue to her his Sister, and the care of preseruing their Kindred, that he should vndertake this Aduenture: which he with more earnest desire offers to doo, than she could with her former reasons perswade hym too, desiring her to tell him his taske, that he might slip no time, but in al hast hye him to the performance of this thing, which was like so highly to pleasure th [...] ̄ both, her with comfort, and him with content. To whom she thus begins to vnfold her intent.

Vnder (quoth she) that toplesse Hill which we call by the name of Taurus, that with his length gyrdells in the wyde Continent of flowring Asia, vnder the roote of an euerlasting Lilly, stands there a Viall full of Virgins teares, that encoūtred with the like crosse as I am now (poore Soule) in, and before her release dyed there for sorrow: to whose eternall memorie, a­gainst the infectiue rage of this ouer ruling power, the Fates haue there reserued that powerfull Potion, whose Vertue is to breake the strongest inchaunte [...] Bands; and so Shee that by them was thus bound while shee liued, haue the Gods ordained as an In­strument [Page] to vnbinde them now she is dead. But the still working wits of these wicked wretches, hatch­ing nothing but harme, intending nothing but what is ill, and perfourming nothing but that which tends to our plague, haue to preuent that which is thus pro­uided, strongly garded the ground where thys Vyall standeth, with the power of a sight killing Serpent, such as we call a Cockatrice, against whom no pow­er is able to preuaile.

At which words Terpander breaking her from hir furder discourse, ginnes to perswade his sister a little with patience, and ere long hee doubted not by hys meanes to work her libertie. And thus like the gree­die Grey-hound that suddenly sets out to follow the swift footed Hare, flies he to attaine his purpose, be­léeuing as his sorrowfull Sister did, that there had béen that vertue in the water, but it was onely the de­ceipt of her deadly Enemie, that determined to make away all her Bretheren whose indeuours were else likely to worke her release: and therefore (as before wee said inforced her tung to tattle that which her minde did not meane, whereby shee might bee theyr deaths in séeking to doo her good.

Not long after Te [...]pander had thus b [...]taken him­selfe to his iournie, with hope that her release from that place shoulde repay the desertes of his paines, comes to her the second brother, whose name was Micande [...], and hee as the first ioyfull to sée the ende of hys iournie, which was the sight of hys sister, begins after the manner of newe met friendes to resalute her, and as he offered to haue kissed her hand for ioy of his good happe sodainely the Rocke shutting her from him, deuorees a sunder both their desires to re­salute whose proffered kindnesse, she speaking from her prison, telles him with tea [...]es t [...]e manner of her [Page] inclosure, intreating him by all the true loue that na­ture workes in the mindes of men, that he would vn­dertake some meanes for her fréedome; which he rea­dier to offer than shée willing to inioyne, calls to hys solemne vow all the Gods of Heauen and Guiders of Earth, that were it a greater toyle than to number the sands of the Shore, the droppes in the Sea, or the starres in the Skie, more heauie than the burden of Atlas, more foylsome than the Labours of Hercules, or more tedious than the Laborynth of Theseus, hee would with ease vndergoe it, with courage performe it, and with pleasure procéed in it: and therefore ha­stened her forward (poore Soule) to pronounce hys harme.

She gins tell him, that in the Deserts of Arabia rests Orions Harpe, brought thether by the meanes of an Inchauuntresse, to release from the thraldome of such subiection as now I am in, a valorous Knight, whom another Magitian had there imprisoned: and fayling by some crosse occassion to perfourme the pur­pose whereunto it was brought, there still remaines; but kept by a man-eating Canniball, hauing néither the forme of a man, nor the fashion of a beast, but compound of them both. Him (quoth shee) if thou canst ouercome, and bring backe that well tuned In­strument, at whose stroakes the dauncing Dolphin delighted, beares on his backe wofull Orion from the furie of the fierce swelling seas, when by the Pirates he was cast among the waues. The sound whereof wilbe sufficient to vndoo the doores of this diuelish de­uice: for which déed thou shalt bee blessed, and I bor­rowed from this punishing prison. Which said, the forward yong Man, loath to loose time by standing on reply, gets spéedily from the place and hies him to his labour.

[Page]After whose departure, by chance (as did both the first) comes Theonas the yongest and last of these bre­thren, who at a sudden séeing his Sister there inclo­sed in the Rocke, gins as did the other, to resalute her with such louing looks as accustomable passe betwixt longing frends at their first meeting; wher after ma­nie words on both sides, Theonas wondring why she should sit so still in her seate, and not offer the like cur­tesie he intended to her, gins to draw néerer the place where she was, when on a sudden, the Rock (closing together) denies his néerer approach: at which, shee sorry within and he as sad without, gins both of them dis [...]il as manie amber teares from their christalcies, as might haue dissolued againe the craggie cliffes of those [...]ittiles Rockes. At length shee (as afore to the other two) gins tell him the manner of her life, and intreates his aid for her release, telling him of a peri­lous Iland that was somteime kept by a skilfull wo­man named the wise Erganea, where on an Altar in a Temple (there built vnto her name) lies a golden Booke, in which (quoth she) is contained all the En­chauntments that Arte can affoord, and their seuerall releases again, kept by two Harpies (such were those monstrous birds with whom Alcides fought, and for his conflict with them was so great, it was accounted as one of the xii. Labours hee atchieued): thence if thou canst but fetch it away, it wil be the only meane to worke my release, and end thy long desires and te­dious labour.

Where too the yong man attentiuely harkening, as one that longed to eternise his name to succéeding po­sterities, for the perfourmance of some such famous Worke, makes small delay to prosecute this busines, with comfortable promises of fairer dayes, cheering and comforting her minde, leaues her to the mercy of [Page] her Foe, till his happie returne make her more for­tunate.

These seuerall Aduentures by her imposed on her Bretheren, had this Witch before prouided, only for a meane to destroy all them that should in this labour indeuour themselues, and perforce made her tongue the vnwilling Instrument to incite them to this ill: who otherwise intended their indeuours only for her good.


How Chinon came to the Rocke where the Ladie was inchaunted, and what happened thereof.

IN this time the Fayries (by whose meanes Chinon was couueighed out of England) had brought hym to the place, where in the Vision whilest he lay asléep vnder the Ar­bour in England, they shewed him the faire Shepheardesse, and had taken their leaue, telling him, how (by his meanes) that Ladie (now in Captiuitie) was to bee released: but how manie dangers hee must first passe through, left him there to folow his farder fortune, with great promises that after labour he should finde rest, after [Page] stormes calmes, and after frowning aduersitie smy­ling prosperitie: and so on a sudden vanished away. When he (séeking vp and downe for her, whome by no meanes he could find) wondring how so rare beu­tie could be bred in such a homely soyle, whereas the Earth was vnfruitfull for want of tillage, the Trées vnorderly bearing frute for lacke of pruning, and the seuerall Beasts disagréeing in their owne kindes for want of ordering: plainly the true definition of soli­tarie desolation, that oft abounding in all things, is cause of decay to euerie thing. At last as hee wande­red along the Riuer, he heard excellent musique, and a more excellent voyce tune forth this Ditie.

How sweete a thing is this Content
To which poore countrie Swaines are born?
These falls of Fortune they preuent,
And other hard mishaps doo scorne.
Oh how thrice blessed had I beene,
If (but obscurde in countrie weedes)
Those mightie men I nere had seene,
Whose loathed loue my sorrow breedes?
But such is the vnconstant state
Of this still-changing Worlds delight,
Making the meane a Princes mate,
Crossing high hopes with low despight.
Which makes my Soule (in sad despaire)
Die here ten thousand times a day,
Woond vp within a world of care,
Whence nought can it release away.

[Page]When hée following the sound of the voyce, at length found her where she was sitting in the hollow side of a Rocke, hemmed round about with a show of such creatures as her selfe, to whom Chinon ginnes thus to bewray himselfe.

Ah thou more than thy selfe, in that thou retainest too heauenly a forme for anie earthly frame. How im­partiall are the Fates that turnes the neuer standing Whéele of Fortune, to grace with so continuall a Sunne this Soyle, and lowre with obscure showres on other places. Goddesse of these Plaines that gi­uest more grace to these fields, than did the Goddesses to the place where they pleaded for the golden Prize. Hadst thou liued in those dayes when young Apollo loued, then hadst thou béen the Paramour of Learn­ings Prince, and guided his will that now gouernes the World. For thy sake am I transported from the furthest place of the wide western World, into these cynged Plaines of euer ouer dried Egypt. For thée will I follow the aduentures of Armes, so that when for thy sake I haue sought the World, and with my sword engraued (in neuer changing characters) thy God like name in the farthest corners of all-bréeding Earth, where no consuming fire, cutting sword, nor eating eternitie shall euer weare awaye thy memo­rie: so that for my labour thou wilt reward me with thy loue.

When with excéeding passion he had deliuered these spéeches, with more than common admiration he paused, like one that were suddenly amazed wyth the showe of some vnacquainted sight, stood a long while as in a traunce: when as the wylie Witch per­ceiuing this new come Companion likely to marre what shee and false Perosus (by their practises) had béen so long a making, beginnes to take once more [Page] the charge of her tongue, and thus boldly begins to tie him to his taske.

Faire Knight quoth shee, whose willing minde to doo me seruice, wins more reward than I am able any wise to bestow: If I were what now I am not, then would I doe what now I doe not, with fauour re­quite thy forward fortunes: but thus it is, and then she begins in a long Historie to relate her frowning fortunes. First drawne from the Court, then perfor­ces long time by her selfe to dwell solitarily vpon that vnpeopled soyle, and lastly when shee began to com­fort her selfe with that country content: then solitari­ly to shut her vp in that place, where was no passage for any people to come to her, and she depriued of all power to come out to them, & then telling how there rested no hope of redresse, if that for her sake some mighty man would not vndertake a trebble taske, worse than tormented Sisiphus hys toyle.

Which words wrought such a desire in the minde of this forward Knight, as vowing to performe more mightie deedes than those déedes of the olde Giantes that heaping hill vpon hil assayd the height of heauen, he instantly begins to intreat that in this her charge, she would admit of him as her Champion.

At which wordes the Hag that all this while had hid her substance in an inuisible shade, gins vrge her to impose vpon him all those plagues she had appoin­ted the other thrée, and when hys perswasiue Oration was scarce done, hys eager minde that alreadie was working for so faire a rewarde, like the towring hawke, that swiftly takes the aduantage of the feare­full foule fares hee, that proud to himselfe so faire a Saint should so soone accept of his seruice, and imploy him in so serious a peece of seruice as was the remedy of her release, flies with at spéed to effect hys purpose, [Page] and shée poore soule hoping well that one of her work­men would at last returne againe with the reward of their worke, with comfort contents her selfe to a­bide the end: where wee must a while leaue her very melancholily meditating with her selfe, howe shée might best spende her time in that wicked Prison, thinking euery houre to bee a whole yeare, and eue­ry yeare a thousand, till shee had heard againe some newes of her searching seruants, that had spred them selues all abroad in the wide world to séeke her some meanes for to mittigate her miserie, and restore her to her former fréedome againe, and nowe a while follow our seuerall Aduenturers for her aide, that by this time had trauailed far from the place where they first tooke in hand this iournie.


How these brethren came to the seuerall pla­ces appointed by the sister, and of their ad­uenture there.

TErpander the eldest brother, who first vndertooke this charge, iour­nying through the spacious plains of Asia, hopelesse to finde: for that béeing long since, hee came to the side of the mountaine, where hée was promised to finde this viall of teares, and had almost sought euerie seuerall corner of the same, and yet could finde no likelyhood of any such matter: Notwithstanding loath to leaue vnsought any place, where shewed any appearance of such a matter. At last he saw a farre off the rising as it were of an Alablaster Rocke that halfe ouershadowed a hole, artificially cut into the side of the hill: whether hying him apace to see what there by might be meant, came at last to the place, and there at the first seacute;eing nothing that might any waies auaile him, was about to depart againe, till hearing somewhat hasting [Page] it self foorth of the hole, he stood stil to sée what it might bee, at last appeares vnto him the forepart as it were of an ouergrowne Cocke, but farre greater than any of that kinde, that with his fierie eyes poysons euery obiect he sées, against whose force Terpander had pro­uidently prouided a bright Armour of stéele, which couered euery seuerall part of him, on whome when he looked, the reflexe of hys sight, sending back againe the dart of poyson to himselfe, that hee threw out at another, powerfully poysoned himselfe, the hinder part of this beast was framed after the manner of a Cocodriles tayle, such as are commonly resident a­bout the bankes of Nilus in Egipt, that with the force thereof had béene able to haue brused the best prooued Armour: with which when by the retorquation of hys ouer sight, he had lost the vse of his eyes hee lusti­ly laid about, till such time as the vpper part of hys bodie forceably swelling with the inwarde working poyson, made him so vnwildie that now vnable to weald his body any more, was forced to fall downe, and with the power of the poyson shortly after died: which when Terpander perceaued that his we was so soone foiled, taking it to be the place of which his sister had foretold, by reason that in her disccurse, she discri­bed vnto him such a like kéeper of that precious wa­ter, as was this same, that there kild with his owne weapon, lay dead before him, gins diligently to search vp and downe for the thing it selfe, which at last on the other side of the rocke he perceaued: where vnder a faire Lillies roote stoode the treasure for which he had spent so much paines: which when he said, hartely thanking those helping heauēs, that had so mightely, not only preserued him from the force of hys foe, but also helped him to the inheritance of that hee so much desired, goes boldly forward to the place, where hee [Page] saw this Lillie spring, & taking away the viall which he poore soule tooke to be no other than the teares of a virgin, that by such kind of meanes as his sister had discribed vnto him was placed there, and about to re­turne with ioyfull newes of his sisters deliuerance, hee had not gone farre from the place where first hee found it, ere the Viall beginning to warme with the heat of his hand, sodainely by vertue of the venomous water therein inclosed, infused such a contagious heate into euery seuerall vaine and sinnow of his bo­dy, as that wherewith the poysoned shirt was that in­raged madding Hercules: So this poore man, that for his good meaning, was thus recompensed with ill measure inraged with the extreame paine of his in­uenomed limmes, gins fall into a frantike humor, leauing the way should lead him backe againe to hys Sister, and furiously without regard of himselfe, gins reuenge hys iniurie vpon sensles and brutish beastes, that had now lost all the power of a man.

This was the end the sorceres had intended shuld beside to him, that in hope to fetch his sisters blis shuld there finde his owne bane, and by some meanes or o­ther kill himselfe, or els vnable so with reason to rule himselfe, should fall into the daunger of some wilde beast, who without pittying his case, might cast hym away▪ where we must leaue him in his lunacie, and come to the s [...]cond brother, who by this time was at­tained to the appointed place, scituate in the bosome of the Arabian deserts: where vpon a Cypresse branch he might a far off discerne the golden instrument, on whose trembling stringes the beauteous beames of the sunne delights to dally: There vnderneath this dismall shade, for that now the sunne at the Zenith of this Sphere, dartes downe his perpendicular beames with such force vpon the face of the earth, as [Page] makes euery creature séeke to shelter himselfe in the coole shades: for which cause this monster was then crept vnder the Cipresse shadowes, and ouercommed with the heate of the aire war then falne a sléepe: to whome when Micander came néere, diligently vew­ing each seuerall part of his deformed body, for that the Instrument hung high vpon the trée, and without styrring this stubborne beast could no waies be come by prepares himselfe after the best manner hee could to Combat with this Curre, and when he had buck­led on his Armour, made readie his weapon and was now encouraged to encounter with hys enemie, gins with some such noyse as then hee made to rouse hym from hys rest.

When as the Canniball like the throted Dogge whome Theseus awaked in the Gates of hell, sends out such a hideous crie, as affrighted the neighboring Birdes and Beastes that inhabite that part of the world with his terrible sounde, and shaking of him­selfe, gins shew in hys vpper parts the perfect forme of a Dogge with long eares, which long dangling eares that excéeded the substance of the greatest span­niels, hung well nie downe to his middle. From the middle downeward he had the shape of a man, big boned as are these wilde people that liuing lawlesse in such vnruled places, seeding themselues after their fashion vpon the fat of the earth, cut growes the com­mon sort of well guided people, and taking vp from the earth a great Iron club, such as was in his iudge­ment too big to be swayed by a mā, without any war­ning gins fall to his weapon: where betwixt them two was begun a dangerous fight, & long time conti­nued with vncertaine hope of succes, till M [...]cander nimbly eschueing the weight of his weapons fall, gins get within his reach, & so carues his skinne and [Page] bones with his well tempered sword: which for that purpose he had only prouided, that in short time hee made him with the great issue of blood that [...]ll from hys wounds so weake, as he was not able any more to beare the waight of his blowes, but was forced to fall vnder his foe: which when Micander perceaued, he straight waies dismembers him of all his limmes and leaues nothing behinde for his helpe, but the na­ked bulke of his body, and then reaching downe from the trée that fatall instrument, (which the Witch to a­nother end than hee aimed at had prepared,) gins turne back his course, and with that Consort, hie him home to comfort his sister.

As thus hee was trauailing to his long wished for place of ariuall sodainely hee determined with him selfe to trie what was the harmonie of that famous instrument, that with his sound coulde call the cense­lesse trées from their rootes, remooue the craggie Rockes from their Cliffes, mittigate the reuenging wrath of brutish deuouring beasts, compose concord betwixt the Lambe and the Lyon, the Hound and the Hare, the Fawcon and the sillie foule: whose strings he had no sooner touched, but determining with him­selfe to sing some delightsome Ditty to the sweete tenth of these siluer sounding stringes, for ioy hee had compassed his desire. The powers of his tongue de­nying any more to execute their office, hee was so­dainely stroken dumbe, which was the plague this witch had pretended should light on him, by the Ma­gicke made sound of this Instrument, which was nothing els but an illusion as were all the rest, to draw these brethren into danger, where we will leaue him making what shift his dumb demeanes affordes him to trauell homeward, and come now at last [...]o the third brother. Theonas that by the fauorable hope [Page] of winde and weather was nowe ariued vppon the perillous Iland: where comming into the Temple of Erga [...]a the wise Inchauntresse, that was rich­ly adorned with all peculiar thinges therevnto be­longing. At the vpper end thereof vppon an Altar of cleare Christal that was couered with a curious cloth of gold, ouer whome was hung the perfect picture of an ancient woman, which woman was the fore na­med Erganea, there twixt two golden Candlestickes that were filled with two continuall burning Tayers censing the Temple with swéet sauours, lyes a gol­den book which was kept by two harpies, monsterous byrdes, halfe Women, and halfe Serpents, that with their winges so beats the young aduenturer, as hee was scarce able to abide theyr force.

But as hée that looking still vpon the goles is bet­ter incouraged to goe forward, hee that sees the har­bour, takes greater paines to get home, hee that is neare an end of his labour, thinkes all the paines but little hee hath to spend: So fares it with Theonas, that looking vpon the end whereto hee had endeuored himselfe, thinkes the paines but a pleasure hee indu­red, & in short time so behaued himselfe, as that he had ouerthrowne one of hys enemies, and then like the Hart, that by casting his horne, renues his strength, the Eagle by loosing his bill strengthens his flight so he at the sight of hyr fall, begins to fight a fresh, and in short time had the like succes of the one as before he had found in the other: so that nowe there was no partition betwixt him and his pray, but that he might take away the booke, to w [...]ch when hee came, ope­ning it that hee might bee an eye witness what was there included, in sréed of those powerfull spels that there he shuld haue read, from out the closure thereof came such a dustie fogge, as filling his eies with a [Page] blacke myst like vnto pitchie smoake he was sudden­ly stroken blind, and there left to grope his way back, that came thether with the perfect vse of his eyes. This Booke (as were both the rest) was nothing els but a deceipt of the Inchaunteresse, to drawe thether one of these Brethren; where (in stead of reléeuing their Sister) th [...]y might inthrall themselues. Thus poore Theonas (euen in the prime of his Spring) ha­uing lost the vse of this light, which is the especiall comfort of mas life) wanders vp and down like old forsaken Oedipus in his exilde life: where we must a while leaue him in this pitteous case with hys Bre­theren.


How Chinon met with these Bretheren seue­rally one after another, and what became thereof.

BY this time was Chinon come to the place where we first left Ther­s [...]nder mad after hee had taken vp the Violl of Water: who séeing him fare so with himselfe, rending vp trées by the rootes, tearing vp mightie stones from theyr places where they stood, and tumbling them downe from the [Page] tops of high hills, into the bottomes of déepe vallyes; who (notwithstanding his misfortune) kept still the Uia [...]l about him vntouched: to whom Chinon came wondering to sée what man should walke that waye, begins to question with him about the manner of his comming thether? To whom the mad man far vn­like himselfe, (for that before he was courteous, but now contrarie to his kinde hee had changed his coun­tenance to hair-braind crueltie and in stead of cour­teous behauiour, answeres him in rayling opprobri­ous tearmes, and at the length begins with force to assaile him as an enemie; which Chinon perceiuing, closing with the mad man as hee came to incounter with him forceablie casts him downe, & taking from him the Uiall of water, which all this while hee had kept closely in his handes, beginnes to looke what it should be the poore soule had in such request, when sud­denly by the like mischance that the other was chan­ged, himselfe was with Lunacie presently possessed: and raging like Aiax after his foyle for Vlysses hys armour, or mightie Al [...]ides when on the Mountaine Oeta he built the Altare whereon himselfe was sacri­ficed, tearing his clothes from his backe, the hayres from his head, and launcing with déepe wounds the limmes of his bodie; releases Tirpander from the plague wherwith he was possessed, and brings it vp­pon himselfe. Which the other perceiuing how hee was deliuered from that daunger, pittied the wofull estate of this worthie Man, but helpe him hee could not, for that such was his inuincible strength, now by the force of his furie much more augmented, which force neither man nor beast, stocke nor stone, nor any other creature whatsoeuer was able to stand in hys hand▪ so that in short time, what with his vnorder­ly tracing through vnfrequented passages to finde fu­ell [Page] for his fire, and his swift paces that stil ouer-went the other wearie wearie man, who had tyred himself before in his furie, Chinon was quite gone out of his sight, whom wee must now leaue after the recouerye of his wits, trauelling home againe into hys owne Countrey, to séeke out some other meanes for the re­lease of his Sister, and followe Chinon, who raging and rauing like an angrie Lion at last ouer-takes Micander, who (poore man as quiet for the sorrow he had lost the vse of his tongue, as the other vnruly in his rage, séeing him a farre off, staid still to expect the euent of his sudden epproach; when the madde man comming to him gins with vnséemly behauior to a­buse the other poore distressed Soule, and wyth force pulling from him the Instrument which he was loth to loose, though by it he had incurred such a displesure: yet at last Chinon (farre stronger than the other per­force pulls it away, and assaying with his fingers to strike the strings, was at the first sound thereof stro­ken dumbe, whereof as soone as Chinon was posses­sed, Micander was straight waye released. Which infirmitie when Chinon perceaued in himselfe, re­doubling the rigour of his handes for the vse hee had lost of his tongue, gins furiously to fall vpon Michan­de [...] and beate him, for being the Authour of his ill: which the other perceiuing, farre vnable to sustaine the strength of his streake makes meanes to escape his hands, which by his swift flight hee soone attay­ned. So in short time ridding of himselfe enough from the feare of this foe, hee for his owne safetie, takes home the neerest waye hee could finde into hys owne Countrey.

In the meane time Chynon wandring wyld­ly thus about the World all carelesse where hee went, because how soever hee turned, euerie where [Page] lay his way, at last comes downe vnto the Sea side, where by chaunce he findes a Boate readie furnished with all prouision necessarie for the Sea; who (after the manner of such madde men) leaping there intoo, (though ignorant what to do or careles whither to go, more than to satisfie his mad humor) launched from shore, and making shift to set vp his saile, was quick­ly conueyed farre from the sight of anie Land into the midst of the merciles seas, sayling too and fro manie dayes not fearing to be drownd, because he perceiued nothing: nor expecting anie place whether to goe, for that he scarce knew, where he was either at sea or on shore. But at the last (flying with his Barke before the Winde) he was suddenly driuen on shore vpon an Iland, where (leaping a land) he betooke himselfe to trauaile vp into the countrie, to sée what people it did affoord: where he had not long trauelled, but a farre off vpon the side of a Hil he espied one sadly sitting by himselfe, towards whom he made what hast he possi­bly could.

This was the yongest Brother of those thrée, that before we told ye of was stroken blind by looking in­to the inchanted Booke; to whom when he came, sud­denly snatching the Booke out his hande (after hys fond furious fashion) opens the claspes to sée what was therein contained, when suddenly issued out such another fogge, as that wherewith Theonas was stri­ken blinde, and in like manner bedazels his eyes: when presently Theonas was againe restored vnto his sight, and wondring to see there so goodly a man possessed with so manie plagues at once, ginnes then with himselfe consider how it should come to passe? who for that himselfe was vnacquainted with what had happened to his other Bretheren, could gesse at none but that which lately he was punished wythall [Page] himselfe: one, for that the reasonlesse Man (for all these troubles wherewith hee was tormented) could not (by his meanes) be brought within the compasse of quiet behauiour, thought it best to prouide some meanes for his owne escape, and leaue hym there to the mercie of GOD, that would not be ruled by the meanes of a man; so he betooke himselfe to his Jour­ney, where wee must also leaue him (ridde by thys meanes of a mischiefe) retourning to séeke hys Bre­theren, and take some other order for their inchanted Sister.

The Inchauntresse now (that all this while sawe the issue of this matter) gréeuing that her cunning should be so crossed, and yet ioying that all these pu­nishments were light vppon his head, whom she be­fore feared more than all the rest: set all her wits a­worke, to deuise a meanes how shee might (now ha­uing him at such a vantage) make him sure for euer escaping out of her hands againe foreséeing, that by his meanes all this scattered Kindred were likely to be restored againe to their former estate. And there­fore (by her power) incloses him within the clift of a Rocke, against which she rouled vp a mightie stone, such as the force of manie ordinarie men was not a­ble to remooue: and so least by any meanes he might be recouered out of this inchaunted Castle, shee pla­ces as Porter before the doore thereof a mightie Gy­ant, twice as great and grim as the ordinarie kynde of such ouer-growen Creatures vse to bée. Where, when hee was inclosed (supposing him now safe e­nough from anie resort that should bring him reléefe) she was content all his plagues should cease, and hée (the more to aggreuate his griefe) be restored againe to his wits; which was effected as speedily as deter­mined.

[Page]No sooner was he closely shut vp into that vncom­fortable Cabin, but all his Instruments (by whose meanes he came by those crosses) as his Water, his Harpe, and his Booke vanished away, and he him­selfe restored (as I before said) againe to the same e­state of sense as he was before, his libertie onely ex­cepted: where we must now awhile leaue him in his melancholy Cell, and retourne againe into England. to sée the sorrow of olde Cador Duke of Cornwall, for the sudden departure (without taking leaue) of Chi­non his Sonne.


How Arthur of England sent three of his Knights to search for Chinon, & how they found him.

CAdor Earle of Cornwal whilst that these things were thus by this di­uelish Inchauntresse effecting, stil spent his yeares in sorrow for the sudden losse of his Sonne, and at last (wearied with too much grief) he intended to make some friend­ly meanes to the King, for to haue his royall fauour [Page] and helpe for his recouerie. Therefore on this deter­mining he repaired one day to the Court, and there finding the King and all his Knights, as carefull for his crosse misfortune as himselfe, gins in very hum­ble manner (yet with honourable regard) thus to in­treate his Maiestie.

Most royall Souereigne (for whom from my first able yeares may seruice hath béen imployed) vouch­safe me in my decayed yeares this Kingly comfort: Send foorth I beséech you) some of his worthie fel­low Knights to séeke Chinon my Sonne; who albeit he hath yet deserved little either of your Grace or of them, yet his forward endeuour hath alway showne he would much more ere this haue merited, had not enuious fortune crost him in this sort.

To whom the King and all his Nobles present did most willingly condiscend. Then calling together al the Knightly companie of his Round Table, decla­red to them Duke Cadors request, and his owne rea­dinesse to haue it vndertaken: who all were not one­ly to goe in Quest of Chinon, but each man manifest­ed his more than common earnestnes, by taking of­fence if anie one were named beside himselfe. To ende this controuersie, the King thus prouided, that euerie man should drawe his Lot, and on whom soe­uer it fell, that Knight should foorthwith chuse hym two Fellowes from the rest of the Companie, and so they thrée shuld take vpon them this desired trauaile. The Lots accordingly were made, and euerie one of the Knights drew, and the Lot fell vpon Sir Calor, who was Sonne vnto Sir Lancelot du Lake and the beauteous Celestina Daughter to the King of France, whose Parents Chinon before valiantly rescued, be­ing betraid and taken in the hands of the trecherous Souldan.

[Page]But before their departure, it was thought conue­nient (for the better furtherance of their Journey) to take some counsell of Merlin, who then liued accoun­ted as a Prophet in England, and by his skill I could tell of secrete things forepast, and hidden mysteries to come.

Merlin beeing sent for by the Kings commande­ment, came to the Court, and shewes them in a spe­culatiue Glasse the manner of his departure out of England, the manie troubles hee had endured in hys Journey, and now at last opens at large the whole manner of that great miserie whereuntoo he is now brought by the meanes of that subtill Inchauntresse: telling them further, that except they made verie ex­céeding great spéed for to procure his release, hee was likely to dye there for want of reléefe, being there de­tained from all necessaries fit to sustaine a man; or at least hauing of those necessaries a verie short pit­tance allowed him.

Merlin hastening them forward on their iourney, promised al the cunning he could affoord for their spée­die conueyance, which he effectually perfourmed, so that in short time they were arriued in this perillous Iland: where after long search for the place wherein Merlin did promise they should finde their friend, at last they might espie this monstrous man, iaylour to that unfortunate Knight, stretching himselfe at the mouth of the Caue wherein in Chinon was kept. To him they made all possible spéede, and first of all Syr Calor addressing himselfe to fight, gins before hee of­fered violence with curteous gréetings to salute hym gently, demaunding what he was that liued so deso­lately in that vnfrequented Iland? To whom the de­tested and currish Carle made this vnmannerly aun­swere.

[Page]I am quoth hee as thou séest, one within whose clawes thou and the rest of thy sawcie companions haue compassed your selues: if therefore you will submit your selues to my mercy, then will I thus dispose of you héere within a hollow Caue hewne out of this craggie Rock, wherein lyes inclosed a knight such a one as you are, who for the like offence that you now haue offered, is condemned to the eternall slauerie of perpetuall imprisonment, within shall you spend your hatefull liues, and when for hunger you are welnie starued, fall freshly then to eate one ano­thers flesh, but if you stubbornely stand out against mee, thus will I dispoyle you in renting your cursed limmes péece meale a sunder, or els fastning you se­uerall to the big bulks of some of these trées: where when the imperiall punishment of hastning hunger shall seaze vpon your selues, you shall there be infor­ced to eate your owne flesh that might here haue fed vpon another, to whome Syr Calor thus answered.

Foule vglie fiend, wee come not to knéele to thée, but to force thy subiection to vs and for the release of a Christian Knight thay thou kéepest Captiue within thy power.

At which wordes the Giant séeing them addresse themselues to fight, presently be stirs himselfe, and taking an Iron mace, (which to that ende the Witch had prouided) lets driue at Sir Calor with all the might he could, from which he nimbly leaping away eschued the force of the fall, whē as the other Knights comming in to rescue sir Calor, before the Giant could againe get vp his weapon from the grounde, they had so mangled hys limmes, as he was now far vnable to fight, but falling prostrate downe before them, humblie intreats for his life: which they were willing to graunt, as not séeking the losse of him, but [Page] the life of their friend, to whome the Giant gins re­late all the manner of the imprisonment of Chinon, and at the last opens the doore of the Caue, and calles him out to his friends, who resaluting one another with such friendly gréetings as are vsuall at such ad­uenturos accidents, take their iournie from thence vp into the Countrie, and for that the Giant had told [...] them in hys former discouse of the manner of Chi­nons imprisonment, how that Perosus for whose loue all this had come about, had in Egipt taken Armes against the King, for that his treason béeing discoue­red, he intended to recal old Bessarian from his banish­ment, and that his power so daylie increased, as that it was now far greater than the Kings, they intended to shape their iournie thetherwards and help the king in his warres against this traiterous rebbell: where wee must let them goe forward a while in their iour­ny, and returne againe to our thrée aduenturers for their sisters libertie.


How Bessarians sonnes met with their Fa­ther in the shape of a Beare.

AFter that these thrée yong men were againe restored to their former estate, Terpander the first of them trauailing homewards to séeke a­gaine his sister, méetes by the way his transformed Father, who not a little glad to see his sonne, though the other taking him for no lesse than he séemed, made some hast to fly from him, till looking backe and perceauing the scroule a­bout his necke for the regaining of his harts desire, strikes his poore father with such a blow, as breaking his sword vpon the scalpe of his head, he was forced to flie for want of weapons, fearing least the Beare should haue fallen freshly vppon him, béeing tyred when as God knowes the sillie man astonished with the stroke, was rather afraid of an vnnaturall deaths wound by his sonne, then willing to prosecute any re­uenge for the same.

Not long after Terpander had thus hurt his Fa­ther, comes that way the second brother, who in like case méeting with the Beare and hoping by his death to obtaine his desire, gins with a Borespeare hee had in his hand eagerly to assayle him, in so much shal in [Page] short time hee had grieuously wounded hym, but the head of his weapon by chance breaking off, hee was forced to flie as did his brother: to be short the Witch that intended by the meanes of some of these sonnes, to make away their father. After that the first two had fayled, brought thether the third, who eager to accomplish his desire, promised by the scroule that hung about hys fathers necke, begins a fresh fight, & so wounded his sillie sire, as that for want of blood which hys weapon had lauishly lanched out, hee was forced to fall downe, whome Theonas supposing to be dead, left there to follow his desire.

In the meane time whilest these thinges were thus in dooing had there béene sought a great battaile in E­gipt, betwixt Egbaton their King, and Perosus the traitour, of whome before we told you: where by the meanes of the Englishmen the King ouercame, and Perosus was put to flight: who for his sauegard for­saking hys Countrie, betooke himselfe to the Moun­taines: where after hee had long traueiled, hee by chance met with Bessarian transformed, as afore wee haue t [...] you, who hauing some what recouered him­selfe after the wounds of his sonnes, fearing least his foe should at his sight fiie a way, layes sodaine holde vpon him.

At which Perosus béeing afraid séeing himselfe as­sailed, gins make all the meanes hee could for hys es­cape: but the other loath to requite him euill for hys ill dealing, in stéede of such rauinous behauiour, as comnonly is found in such like beasts, gently fawnes vpon him, shewing himselfe rather willing to helpe him, than readie to hurt him.

When Perosus calling to mind hys former offence in the bewitching of the old man, and séeing by the writing about his necke, that this was he whome hée [Page] [...] so cruelly crost, falles downe before him, & with [...]missiue teares intreats his pardon: to whome the Beare though vnable to speake, yet with dumbe de­means shewing the effect of his minde, answers in dum tokens what he could not tel in plausible words: to whom Perosus there promised, that would hee but follow him, hee would foorthwith conduct hym to the place where hys daughter was imprisoned, & where he hoped also to méet with her, by whose meanes all this was brought to passe.

In the meane time Chinon and his fellow knights following their foes from the fight, by chaunce inter­cepted Eutropa the Witch as shée was flying awaie, whome presently they intending to kill, & shee know­ing very well their crueltie, fell downe before them, humbly asking pardon for her life, and in requitall thereof shée would restore to liberty, her for whose sake Chinon had suffered all this extreamity, than which Chinon desiring nothing more graunts her requests, whome shée presently transportes to the place where Cassiopea lay imprisoned: where when they came, they found her thrée brethren dilating vnto her theyr seuerall ill luckes, whome as soone as they came, the Witch released from the bondage of the Rocke, and falling downe on her knées askes hartie pardon for her amis, to whome the Lady glad of her release straight forgiues that offence, and then Eutropa tel­ling her the great perrill Chinon had ouerpassed for her loue: shée with all curtesie falles downe at hys seéeke, submitting her selfe for requitall thereof to be disposed at hys pleasure, whom he taking vp from the ground, offering himselfe likewise to her.

In the meane time whilest these folkes were thus reioycing, comes in Perosus leading of the transfor­med olde man, and humbly there asking pardon of [Page] them all for his offence, telling them the manner [...] he had found the old man, who was by the meane [...] the Witch presently restored to his former shape, and then returning all backe to the Court to certifie the King of their seuerall affaires. Bessarian was then againe restored to his dignity, & Perosus sauere­ly punished for hys offence, & Chinon and C [...]ss [...]p [...] by the consent of their [...]cends, and mutuall loue of themselues, were matched together in marriage.


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