A short and faythful Instruction, gathered out of holy Scri­pture, composed in Questions and An­sweres, for the edifyeng and comfort of the symple Christianes; whych intende worthely to receyue the holy Supper of the Lorde.

1. Corin. xi. ‘¶Who so euer shall eate of thys Bread & drinke of the Cuppe of the Lorde vnworthely, shalbe gylty of the body and bloud of the Lorde.’ 2. Corin. 4.

¶I beleue, and therfore I speake.

¶To the faythful congregacion of the Dutch Churche at London. Grace and peace from God the fa­ther, and from our Lor­de Jesus Christe.

FOrasmuche as our Lorde Jesus Christ hath cōmaunded all true Christiās to obserue, holde and vse hys holy Supper in remembraunce of hym tyl his cōmyng agayne: & seyng also that al they whiche [Page] accordyng to the rule of holy scripture neither do examyn, trye nor proue them selues ryghtly before y e recept of the sayd holy supper, neither yet do truly iudge & discerne the difference of it frō other prophane bankettes, are gyltie of the body & bloude of Christ: and seyng also that no man can accordyngly other trye & proue hymselfe, or ryghtly iudge & discerne the body of the Lorde, except he first knowe and vnderstande the foūdacion & groūde of the christen fayth and religion: Ther­fore haue we (as they whych are carefull for the health of your soules) wryttē this brefe & shorte sūmary of the moste nede­full and principall partes of the christen religion, to your moste profytable instruction & comforte to thentent that no mā other through ignoraunce shulde despise that cōmaundement of Christ: or els tho­rough stubburnes shuld [...] not re­garde the recepte of that holy [...]upper, or in any wyse slaunderously or vnworthe­ly abuse it. In consideracion wherof we humbly beseche you of charitie and for Christ Jesus sake, that you wyll thank­fully take thys my labour, and wyth all diligēce imbrace it, to the further aūce of your owne saluaciō, and our ioye in the daye of the Lorde. Gyuen in London by [Page] your welwyllyng Minister. Marten Micron. 8. Decemb. 1552.

Question. Welbeloued brother or syster N. seyng that thou intēdest to receaue with vs the holy Supper of the Lorde Jesus Christe, so before all thynges (yf other­wyse thou wylt not make thy selfe gyltie of hys bodye and bloud) thou muste be a christian: therfore we aske of thee.

Wherby knowest thou, that thou arte a Christian.

Answere, Rom. 8. 2. Cor. 1. Two maner of wayes: Fyrste bycause the holy ghost by the witnesse of fayth certifieth me in myne herte & sea­leth my conscience, that I am the chylde of God alonly through the merite of Je­sus Christe. Secondarely, because that I thorowe the same spirite (as touching the inwarde man) am moued wyllyng­ly and gladly to the due obedience of goddes holy cōmaundementes.

Question. Whych are the cōmaūdemētes?

Answere. Those whych God hymselfe cō ­maūded, & Moses in the .xx. Cha. of Exo. wrote, in maner and forme folowyng.

¶The. ten cōmaundementes.

I Am the Lorde thy God, which brought the out of the lande of Egypte out of the house of bondage: Thou shalte haue none other God­des but me.

[Page] commandment 2 Thou shalt not make vnto thy selfe any grauen ymage, nor the lykenesse of any thinge that is in heauen aboue, or in the earth beneth, nor in the water vnder the earth, thou shalt not bowe downe to thē nor worship them: For I the Lorde thy God am a gelouse God, and viset the sinnes of the fathers vpon the chyldren vn­to the thyrd & fourth generacion of them that hate me, & shewe mercy vnto thou­sandes in them that loue me and kepe my commaundementes.

commandment 3 ¶Thou shalte not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne. For the Lorde wyll not holde hym gyltlesse that taketh hys name in vayne.

commandment 4 ¶Remember that thou kepe holy y e Sabboth daye. Sixe dayes shalt thou labour and do all that thou haste to do, but-the seuenth daye is the sabboth of the Lorde thy God. In it thou shalt do no maner of worke, thou and thy sonne, & thy dough­ter, thy man seruaunt and thy mayd seruaunt, thy cattel, and the straunger that is wythin thy gates, for in syxe dayes the Lorde made heauen and earthe, the Sea and all that in them is, and rested the se­uenth daye. Wherfore the Lorde blessed the seuenth daye, and halowed it.

commandment 5 ¶Honour thy father & thy mother, that thy dayes maye be longe in the lande, [Page] whych the Lorde thy God gyueth the.

¶Thou shalt do no murther. commandment 6

¶Thou shalt not cōmitte adultery. commandment 7

¶Thou shalt not steale. commandment 8

¶Thou shalt not beare false wytnesse agaynst commandment 9 thy neyghbour.

¶Thou shalt not couet thy neyghbours commandment 10 house, y u shalt not couet thy neyghbours wyfe, nor hys seruaunt, nor hys mayde, nor hys Oxe, nor his Asse, nor any thing that is hys.

Question. Howe are these cōmaundemen­tes deuyded?

Answere. Ex. 23. 34 Into two tables, wherof the first pertayneth to God, Deute. 9. and the other to oure neyghbour.

Question. What learnest thou in the foure fyrst cōmaundementes whyche belonge alonly vnto God?

Answere. Esa. 44. That I shall set my fayth, truste and confidence vpon no creature, Psal. 115. but vp on God alone. Mat. 15. And hym, Exo. 25. not wyth yma­ge seruice or any other counterfayt worshippyng, 1. Reg. 15. but alone in spirite and truthe shall worship and serue, Ioh. 4. & shall also day­lye prayse hys holye uame, Esa. 48 [...]. and exercyse my selfe diligently not onely in hearyng hys holy worde, Ephe. 5. but also in the vse of his Sacramentes, Luk. 8. 10.

Question. What learnest thou in the sixe cō maundementes folowynge, whyche be­longe [Page] to our neyghbour?

Answere. That I shalbe obediēt vnto thē, whome God hathe set ouer me, and that I shal by no maner of meanes be hurt­full to my neyghbour in hys body, wyfe famylie, goodes, honour, name, fame, or estimacion, no not so muche as w t any euel luit, but in al godly and honest thinges shalbe to hym an helpe & furtherāce.

Question. Haste thou these cōmaundementes in all pointes so perfytlye fulfylled, that y u art able to stande in the iudgemēt?

Answere. Och naye: for seyng that y lawe is spiritual, and I am carnal, I can not but confesse my selfe in many thynges agaynst that holy lawe to haue offended, not onlye in leauyng vndone that that is therin cōmaunded, but also-in doynge that, Deute. 27. that is therin forbydden.

Question. Gala. 3. Seyng that man because of one synne by the sentence of the lawe is con­demned and excluded out of the kyngdōe of God, Iaco. 2. howe shalt thou then be saued, for asmuche as in many thynges thou haste synned, and because that no man can entre into Goddes kyngdom vnlesse he be cleane from all synne?

Answere. My saluacion dependeth onely of mere mercy and grace thorow Jesus Christ, whyche wythout al my deseruing hath taken and accepted me for one of [Page] hys members, & also hath made me par­taker of all hys gracious merites & good dedes, because wyth a repentaunt herte I beleue vndoutedly to be saued thorow hym.

Question, Seyng the grounde of thy fayth is set alone vpō Jesus Christe, wylt thou shortlye declare, what thou beleuest on Christe? Rom. 1. 9.

Answere. Ioh. 1. 3. I beleue that Jesus Christ in one persone is very God of God: 1. Ioh. 2, & very mā of man: 1. Tim. 2. and also that he is my only me­diatour, Heb. 7. 8. aduocate, intercessour, hyghe Preest, Deute. 18. Kynge and Prophete, whyche hath taken vpon hym my curse and con­dempnacion, Act. 3. 7. and hath to me agayne re­restored frely hys holynes and righteousnes, Gala. 3. as it is moste briefly comprysed in the chiefe articles of our Christen fayth. Roma. 8.

Question. Whyche are the chief articles of the Christen fayth?

Answere. ¶I beleue in God the father almyghty, maker of heauen and earth. &c.

Question. What vnderstādest thou by that worde (I beleue) as thou confessest sayeng: I beleue in God the Father: I beleue in God the Sonne: I beleue in God the ho­ly Ghost.

Answere. I meane thys, that I set all my fayth, truste and confidence in God the Father, who hathe made me and all the [Page] worlde: In God the Sonne, who hathe redemed me and all mankynde: and in God the holy Ghost, who sanctifieth me and all the chosen people of God.

Question. Beleuest thou then, that God the father, the sonne, and the holy Ghost are one true God?

Answere. Yea moste surely, for so all the holy scripture teacheth vs, and therof are we admonyshed in our baptyme wherin we are baptysed in the name of y e father and of the sonne, and of the holy Ghoste.

Question. Hathe Christe ordened no sure outward exercises and certaine markes and tokens wherby hys congregacion maye be knowen and discerned from all other churches and sectes?

Answere, Yes doutles, and that because of oure weaknesse, that we thorowe them maye be exercysed and strengthened in a sure fayth, & also by the due administra­cion of them may so muche the better be styrred vp to the due obedience of the for­sayd cōmaundementes of God.

¶Sure markes and tokens of Christes true Churche.

Question. What are y e sure exercises, mar­kes & tokēs, of the true church of Christ?

1 Answere. The fyrst is, the syncere prea­chyng of Goddes holy worde.

2 The seconde is, the ryght vse of the Sa­cramentes [Page] instituted and ordeyned of Christe.

And the thyrde is, the christen correcciō 3 of the congregacion. In whych thre thinges all true christianes ordenarely with all diligence and obedience ought to ex­ercyse them selues, wherby also they are seperated & disseuered frō al other sectes.

Question. Wherin standeth the syncere preachyng of the holy worde of God.

Answere. In the ryght declarynge of the lawe, and of the holy gospel, wherof hy­therto I haue made my confession.

¶Of the Sacramentes.

Question. What are the Sacramentes?

Answere. They are holy exercises, seales & effectuall tokens of remembraunce, or­deyned of the Lorde him selfe for the comforte of his congregacion. In whych ex­ercyses the free forgeuenesse of synnes in and by Christ Jesus, before our eyes, and that moste clearly and euidentlye is set out and sealed. And besyde that, we are therby admonyshed of our duty both towardes God, and to our neyghbour.

Question. Howe many suche Sacramen­tes are there?

Answere. Two, that is: Baptyme. And the holy Supper of the Lorde.

¶Of Baptyme.

Question. What is Baptyme?

[Page] Answere. It is an holy ordinaūce of Christ in the recept wherof all the membres of hys congregacion (in whych yonge chil­dren are conteyned also) are baptysed w c water in the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost.

Question. What comforte hast thou of thy Baptyme?

Answere. Great cōforte. For albeit of na­ture I am vncleane & the child of wrath, yet neuerthelesse by fayth in the promy­ses of mercy am I fully persuaded, [...]ala. 3. that thorowe Jesus Christe I am assuredly & certeynlye accepted and taken into the grace and fauour of God, as my body in the recept of baptyme is besprenkled and wasshed wyth water.

Question. What more comforte haste thou of Baptyme?

Answere. Forsoth thys: that I may all my lyfe longe haue a continuall forgeuenes of my synnes, into the whych thorow the deuels temptacion & myne owne weak­nes and fraylnes I maye chaunce to fall: whensoeuer I wyth a repētant hert in spirite and fayth thorow Jesus Christ do praye and aske pardon and forgeue­nesse of the same.

Question. Wherof moreouer arte thou admonished in thy baptyme?

Answere. Truly, that I shal al my lyfe lōge [Page] forsake the deuell, the worlde, and all the fylthy lustes of my fleshe, and wyth al di­ligence continually walke in a new and godly lyfe.

¶Of Christes holy Supper.

Question. What is the holy Supper of the Lorde?

Answere. It is an holy soule banket, Math. 26. orde­ned of Jesus Christe, 1. Cor. 10. for an effectuall re­membraūce of hys death, He. 7. 10. especially that he vpon the crosse once for all offered vp hys innocent bodye, and there also shed hys moste precious bloude for the forge­uenes of synnes.

Question. Wherfore intendest thou to re­ceyne the holy Supper of our Lorde Je­sus Christe?

Auswere. Math. 28. Because my Lorde and Maister Jesus Christe hath wylled, Mar. 14. ordeined and cōmaunded it to be receyued in remem­braunce of hys death, 1. Cor. 11. for the synguler cō forte, profyt and cōmoditie of me, and of all the worthy receyuers of it.

Question. What profyt and comforte fyn­dest thou in the due and worthye recepte therof.

Answere. Truely, in the ryght ministraci­on therof, it is lyuely and effectually set out to me myserable synner as it were before myne eyes, beaten into my remē ­braunce, yea wytnessed and sealed to my [Page] feble conscience through the holy Ghost, that Christ hath once for al vpō the crosse made an euerlastyng full and parfyte o­blacion and sacrifice for my synnes, Heb. 7. 10. and that I also beleuynge in hym haue tho­rough hys death and oblaciō once made, forgyuenes of my synnes wyth comfort and full truste of euerlastynge lyfe as verely, truly and certeinlye as I at hys ta­ble eate of the breade broken and drinke of the cuppe of the Lorde, whyche (after the vse of holy scripture & maner of Sa­cramentes) he calleth his body & bloude.

Question. What fourme, maner, and pro­pertie of speakyng vseth the holy scripture in all Sacramentes?

Answere. Uerely, that the outwarde par­tes or matter of the Sacramentes in the holy scripture are decked, bewtifyed and adourned wyth the names of the myste­ries and hyd thynges, whych they signi­fye: to thentent it myght be knowē wher vnto they were ꝓperly ordeined, & wher­fore they shulde be receyued. Gen. 17. As circumcision is called the Couenaunt of God: Exo. 12. the Paschlambe is intitled the Passeouer or passe by: Tit. 3. Baptyme is named y e wasshing awaye of synne or bath of the new byrth. Actu. 22. Euen so the holy Supper is called the body of Christ broken for vs, 1. Pet. 3. and his bloud shedde for vs. 1. Cot. 10. and, 11.

[Page] Questi. Is y very natural body & bloud of Christ necessarely present here vpō erth, so that in y e supper it may be eatē & drōkē.

Answere. Nay truely: For fyrst it were vt­terly contrary to the nature & propertie of al Sacramentes. 1. Syxe reasons a­gaynst the 2 corporal presens of Christ in the supper 1, Cor. 10. Againe, the opinion of corporal presence obscureth the spiri­tual eating & drinkyng of the body and bloud of Christ, whych al the old fathers (as S. Paul sayeth) dyd: whych spiritual eatyng and drynkyug alone in holy scripture is required vnto saluaciō. Besyde that, it defaceth and in a maner blotteth 3 out the verye true nature & propertie of Christes body, whyche was made of the substance of the virgine Mary hys mo­ther, and not of breade. Further it ma­keth the preestly office of Christe of none 4 effecte, or at the least vnsufficient. For in that office he once for all offred hys body and shed hys bloud for our redempcion, and doth not yet dayly seperate & diuide his bloud from his glorified body again Moreouer, thys corporal presence is contrary to the article of hys ascencion, and 5 our continuall lokynge for hys returne at the laste daye. Finally, this fond yma­ginacion of Christes bodely presence set­teth 6 out & describeth to vs suche a Christ as in the wrytynges of the ꝓrophetes & apostles is vtterly vnknowen.

[Page] Question. Wherof els art thou admonished in the vse of Christes holy Supper?

Answere. Truly, that I w t all myne herte shall thanke my Lorde Jesus Christ for thys great benefite of my redempcion. And thys thankefulnesse by hys graci­ous fauoure, wyth pacience, loue, morti­ficacion of carnall desyres, sobernesse of lyfe and conuersacion, and finally wyth a continual and free cōfession of hys ho­ly name, shal I signifye and declare vnto my lyues ende.

¶Of Christen correccion.

Question. Where is the correccion of the Churche commaunded of Christ?

Answere. Uerely in the .18. tha. of S. Mat. gospel vnder these wordes: Math. 18. yf thy brother trespase against the. Go & tel hī hys faut betwene hym & thee alone. Yf he heare the, thou hast wonne thy brother. But yf he heare the not, then take yet with thee one or two, that in the mouthe of two or thre wytnesses euery matter may be sta­blyshed. Yf he heare not them: tel it vnto the congregracion. Yf he heare not the cō gregacion, let hym be vnto the as an heathen man, & as a publican. Uerely I say vnto you: what so euer ye bynd on earth shalbe bounde in heauen: and what so e­uer, ye lose on earth, shalbe losed in hea­uen. [Page] Thys ordinaunce of Christ S. Paul also confirmeth & putteth in vse as appeareth in the .i. epistle vnto the Corinthes. 1. Cor. 5.

Question. What is the correccion of the Churche of Christ.

Answere. Math. 18. It is an ordinaunce of Christ, through which euery christian is bound orderly after the worde of God, Luke. 17. louingly to admonishe hys brother of hys faute: Rom. 15. & also agayne willingly & gladly to receiue and take admonicion, Collo. 3. warnyng & chari­table rebukes for the same. Heb. 3. 12. Or els yf he refuse and vtterly despyse all suche godly admoniciōs and warnynges (so that ac­cordynge vnto Christes rule they be or­derly done) then by the authoritie of god­des worde he ought to be excōmunicated & put out of the cōgregacion & delyuered to sathan: Iaco. 5. and as an heythen & publican to be estemed, 1. Cor. 5. reputed & taken, 1. Thes. 5. vnto such a tyme he returne, amēde & recōcile himselfe agayne vnto the congregacion.

Question. 1. Petri. 5. Seyng that subtile sathā seketh alwayes & meanes to pluck awaye man from hys fayth and obedience to Jesus Christ, how shalt thou thē be able to stāde in thy profession?

Answere. Mar. 13. By the only grace of God & such meanes as he hath ordeined, Ephe. 6. which are: watchyng, Iaco. 4. resistyng and prayeng. &c.

Question. To whom prayest thou? & howe?

[Page] Answere. To God onely thorowe Jesus Christ, in spirite and truthe.

Question. For what thynge prayest thou?

Answere. I praye fyrste for those thynges 1 that are to the preferrement and aduan­cement of goddes glory & our owne sou­les 2 health. And then for suche thinges as are profytable and necessary for the su­steynyng of thys lyfe, but so as they agre and stande wyth the wyl and pleasure of God: And finally, that it may please god 3 to delyuer and defende vs from all thyn­ges that are to the hynderaūce of his glorye & to the decay of the health of our soules. Al whych thynges are cōprised in the praier which Christ taught his disciples: which is: Our father which art in he. &c.

Question. Wylt thou accordyng to this cō fession of thy fayth lyue: And wyth al diligēce obserue the discipline of the church, and bond of charitie: & also (al enuie, malice & hatred of herte set aparte) wilt thou reconcile thy selfe & be at one withal mē wyth whome thou arte at variaunce?

Answere. Yea by the grace of God, so farre as is possible to thys myne infirmitie & weaknes, y e whych I shal earnestly pray vnto God to strengthen me dayly more and more. Amen.

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