A SERMON OF fasting, and of Lent, and of the antiquitie, dignitie, and great necessitie thereof; Preached vpon the 14. of Februarie, anno 1607. at Shaftesbury.


Daniel 9. 3.

And I turned my face vnto the Lord GOD, and sought by Praier and Supplications, with fasting, and sackecloth, and ashes.

LONDON. Printed by W. Hall, for John Helme, and are to bee sold at his shop, in S. Dunstones Church­yard. 1609.

To the right Worshipfull WILLIAM WILKS Doctor in Diuinitie, and one of his Ma­iesties Chaplaines in ordinarie: And to the Worshipfull Maior and Recorder of the Borough of Shafiesbury; and to the Masters and Burgesses of the same.

THere was neuer any age that bragged more of knowledge, and yet, ne­uer any that had lesse soundnes. For as the harts of men were neuer more empty, and their hands neuer more idle: so their tongues were neuer more stirring, and their braines neuer more stuffed: not so much stu­dying to doe what they know, as to find what they may beleeue: being like to those Pyrro­nian Philosophers or Scepticks of whom A. [Page] Gellius writeth Lib. 11. Cap. 5. who would alwaies seeke and consider, but neuer decree, appoint, nor comprehend any thing; but on­ly according to their owne fantasie, and the depth of their owne capacity. Some thinke, that Gods schoole is more of vnderstanding than affection; and they endeuour to haue much knowledge though it bee without zeale, and to get much skill, though it bee without loyallobedience and good gouernment. It is not sufficient for such to bee of Gods court, but they will be of his counsell also. They will needs prie into his Arke; inquire into things not reueled; and be puffed vp, and be wise in themselues; teaching, preaching, and per­swading that, which tendeth rather to liberty, fancy, and selfe-will, than to praier, fasting, almes and mortification of the flesh. Yea, and not content with that, they depraue and traduce others that follow not their owne humors and opinions therein; and speake of them, not humbly as Judah said of an offen­der Gen. 38. 10. She is more righteous than 1: but hatefully and without peace, as Iosephs bre­thren did of him. Gen. 37. 4.

The reason and occasion why and where­fore I write this, may soone bee vnderstood, both of you, who are a teacher in the Church, and haue had great experience of this cree­ping and encroaching euill: and of you also, who beare publike office and authority in the common-wealth, hauing seene the pangs and practises of these kind of people, still murmu­ring and muttering against princely procee­dings [Page] in eccleasticall gouernment, and a­gainst things in themselues indifferent, but by authority necessary, as commanded by his Maiesty. It is charities precept to speake well of all; and Ciuilities rule not to backe­bite the absent. And yet we see, that some of them consider of other mens doings, that tend to forme, order and decencie, As Satan con­sidered of Iob, and his actions, when God said vnto him; Hast thou considered my seruant Iob? And he signified yea, but it was to belie & calumniate him. And although we now see the staffe of our bread broken, and the euill arrowes of death and famine sent amongst vs, to make vs humble our selues before the al­mighty God of heauen, with fasting, praier, and repentance: yet they can not be brought to obserue and keepe any time and season of abstinence and fasting, commanded by au­thority, but they will rather hazard an oppo­sition to the peace of the church, and to the good of their cuntrey, than suffer their appe­tites to be bridled, and their zeale to be guid­ed by the limits of any good lawes.

The consideratiō of this matter hath moued mee to publish this Sermon, and to dedicate it, both to you, whom for many causes I re­spect & reuerence, & whose fauour and kind­nes I haue found in no small measure; and to al you also, who haue shewed your loue and countenance towards me, not only in hearing patiently, but in construing courteously, that which is now come to the generall view of others. Accept of it I pray, and take it as com­ming [Page] from him, who wisheth you all increase of happinesse, and all grace mer­cy, and peace in Christ IESVS.

Your Worships most assured to be commanded IO. MAYO,
Psal. 69. 10. ‘I wept, and chastened my selfe with fa­sting, and that was turned to my reproofe.’

THE booke of the Psalmes is a booke Sapientall: set foorth vnto vs by the holy Ghost, and doth serue for manie and diuers purposes. Someof the Psalms serue formu­sicke, as we may know by their ti­tle. Some for Praiers, some for Thanksgiuing, some for Consola­tion, some for Doctrine, some for Prophecie, & some for Storie. All to this end and purpose, to giue vnto vs present remedies against troubles and temptations of the mind and conscience, and to make vs liue in the true faith, feare and loue of the Lord.

[Page 2] Dauid the sonne of Ishai, a man according to Gods owne heart, was called the sweet Psalmist of Israel; who not onely made Psalmes himselfe, but ordained wise and skilfull men to make Psalmes, and to prophecie with all kind of instruments, as Asaph, and his sonnes: Corah, & his sons: Heman, and his sonnes: Ieduthan, and his sonnes. Which Psalmes, or prayses according to the He­brewes, were chiefly ordained to praise God, & to giue him thanks for his blessings and benefits; and are called the Psalmes or the songs of Dauid, because the most part of them were made by him.

This Psalme, in which my text is contained, was made by Dauid, and is called [...], a wishing song or Psalme: and of Apollinarius, [...], a song of a conuer­ted heart; & it doeth containe spe­cially two parts: First, a Petition from the 1. verse to the 30. Se­condly, a praise-full conclusion frō the 30. verse to the end of the [Page 3] Psalme. For the Prophet Dauid being atype of Christ giuē of God, doeth séeme to haue written this Psalme in the name of Christ and of his Church, euen as the Euan­gelicall historie doeth shew it; & as the Apostles thēselues do apply it.

These words which I haue read vnto you being written in the 10. verse, doe containe in them two parts, 1. An Aaction of Dauid. 2. A construction of that Action by o­thers. An action of Dauid, consi­sting of his Passion & Mortifica­tion. Of his passiō, in these words, I wept. Of his mortificatiō, in these words, And chastened my selfe with fasting. The construction of the Actiō, in these words; And this was turned to my reproofe.

I wept (saith Dauid). He wept not heere as he did for Abner, or as hee did for the death of his sonne Am­mon. He wept not here as hee did when he fled from his sonne Abso­lon, or as hee did for the death of his sonne Absolon▪ Hee wept not heere as Iacob did for his sonne [Page 4] Iosep, or as Ezekiah did when hee heard he should die; but hee wept here as Peter did when he had de­nied his master, and as Josiah did when he heard the words of the booke of the Law. Hee wept with care, with compunction, and with contrition of heart, for his sinnes and offences committed against the Lord, euen as hee did in Psalm. 6. 6. where he saith: Eue­rie night wash I my bed, and water my couch with my teares.

I wept, saith Dauid, being a Pro­phet, a Prince, and the seruant of the Lord. A thing not vnfitting, nor vnseemely for a Prophet, a Prince, & the seruant of the Lord in such a case. Because such kind of waeping is a signe of true and heartie repentance; It is the fruit of passion, a token of a broken heart, and (as S. Basill saith,) the food of the soule. And therefore the Lord himselfe saith by his Prophet Ioel 2. 12. Turne vnto me (saith hee) with all your heart, and with Fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning. And our Sauiour Christ himselfe [Page 5] saith Luke 6. 21. Blessed are yee that now weepe, for ye shall laugh. And the Apostle S. Iames saith to the wic­ked rich men, Chap. 5. 1. Goe to now, ye rich men, weepe and howle for your miseries that shall come vpon you.

And chastened my selfe with fasting▪ Insome translations, I wept, & my soule fasted: as it is in Psal. 35. 13. Leuit. 23. 27. And as Apollinarius vp­on this Psalme saith:


I haue broken or subdued my soule with the labours or sweates of fasting.

The Propher Dauid not onely wept, and shewed his passion, but chastened himselfe with fasting, & shewed his Mortification. So did the Apostle S. Paul, as he himselfe writeth, 1. Cor. 9. 27. But I doe cha­sten and beate downe this my bodie, and bring it into subiection: why? Lest when I haue Preached to others, I my selfe should be reproued. So did the Prophet Daniel, as wee may read, Cha. 10. 3. where he saith: I was in heauinesse for three weeks of daies. I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine into my mouth. So did [Page 6] that blessed Hilarion, as S. Hierom writeth in his life, who would say vnto his bodie, thus, as S. Hie­rom there relateth: Ego (Asine) faci­am te vt non calcitres. O thou Asse, (said Hilarion to his bodie) I will make thee that thou kicke not. I will feed thee, not with barlie, but with chaff. J will tyre thee with hunger, J will load thee with great thrist, I will bring thee ouer heats & coldes, that thou shalt ra­ther thinke vpon thy meate than wan­tonnesse.

Wherewith did the Prophet Dauid chasten himself? with fasting. I wept, and chastened my selfe with fa­sting. So he did in Psalme 109. 23. where he saith: My knees are weake through fasting, & my flesh is dried vp for lacke of fatnesse. So did the chil­dren of Israel in the house of the Lord. Judg. 20. 26. So did Anna the daughter of Phanuel in the Temple of the Lord. Luke 2. 37. So Dauid and his men wept and fasted till euen, for Saul and for Ionathan his sonne, for the people of the Lord, and for the house of Is­rael, [Page 7] because they were slaine with the sword, 2. Sam. 1. 12. And so Dauid himselfe fasted, praied, and lay all night vpon the earth for the childs life. 2. Samuel 12. 16.

Some thinke that abstinence and fasting are one and the same, because they are both imployed a­bout the same matter, and manie times the one is taken for the o­ther. And some thinke that to fast, is nothing else but to liue soberly and conueniently to nature. Ab­stinence euen as temperance, doth bind euery man to keepe and ob­serue it. For as it is not sit for any man at any time to liue intempe­rately, so it is not meet for any mā to admit that which is against true abstinence, because we ought to eate and drinke no more than reason willeth, or necessitie of na­ture requireth.

Fasting doeth not bind all, nor alwayes, but some onely in their time and place. For most certaine it is that our Sauiour Christ and [Page 8] his Apostles, with many others both before and after them liued soberlie and conueniently to na­ture, and yet they not alwayes fa­sted. For if they had alwayes fa­sted, our Sauiour Christ would neuer haue said: The bridegroome Luke 3. 25. shall bee taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those dayes.

And that was turned to my reproofe, Here is the Construction. Dauid was reproued for his wéeping, and for chastening himselfe with fa­sting. By whom? By his enemies, who would destroy him guiltlesse, and were mightie. Psal. 69. 4. By his enemies, who spake against him, tested vpon him, and being drunke, made songs vpon him. It hath not alwayes bene a fault, but a fashion for wicked men to re­prooue and reprehend vertue & ve­ritie in good men. And therefore Iudas grudged at Mary Magdalen for breaking of the bore of oint­ment, and for powring it on Jesus head Mark. 14. 4. The Pharisees [Page 9] reproued Christs Disciples to his face for plucking the eares of Corne vpon the Sabbaoth day, Matth. 12, 1. And our Sauiour Christ himselfe was mocked, scof­fed at, scorned, scandalized, re­proched, reproued and reuiled by the Jewes, by the Scribes, and others, and told that he was a friend to Publicanes and sin­ners, and that hee had in him Bel­zebub the prince of the Deuils. Marke 3. 22.

In the time of the heathen, the Cynicke Diogenes despised all things: the Philosopher Democritus laughed at all things: the Philosopher Heraclitus wept at all things: the Philosopher Aristotle thought hee knew all things: and the carping god Momus blamed and reprooued all things. Enuie and reproofe doe alwaies waite at vertues elbow. For Isboseth shall neuer want a man in his owne campe, Elah a seruant in his owne house, and Dauid a sonne [Page 10] from his owne loines, besides Achitophels, Doegs, and Shimees, not onely to reproue him & reprehend him, but to worke treason and treacherie against him. And ther­fore the Orator saith well in his first Paradoxe, Ista omnia talia videmus: We see all such things, that also wicked men haue wealth, and do hurt the good. And the Prophet Dauid saith truly, Psalm. 11. 2. The vngodly bend their bowe, and make readie their arrowes within their quiuer, that they may pri­uily shoote at them which are true of heart. Thus much of the Phrase. The Matter, as I said before, is an Actiō of Dauid consisting of his Passiō, and his Mortification: & a Cōstruction of that Action by o­thers. In the Actiō, I haue thoght good to obserue these fiue parti­culars.

  • 1. What Fasting is.
  • 2. How manie sorts of Fasting there are.
  • 3. The effects of Fasting.
  • 4. The causes of fasting.
  • 5. The antiquitie, dignitie and ne­cessitie of Fasting.

[Page 11]In the Construction of the Ac­tion I haue thought good to ob­serue three Particulars, and two Questions.

  • The 1. Particular, what Lent is.
  • 2. By whom it was first ordained.
  • 3. To what end and purpose it was ordained.

The 1. Question; Whether set daies, and times of abstinence and fasting, ought to bee commaunded by au­thoritie.

The other Question: Whether it bee a sinne wilfully to breake and to despise set dayes and times of absti­nence and fasting commaunded by authoritie.

Fasting (as some define it) is a proper acte of Abstinence, or a cer­taine peculiar manner of Austi­nence. As other some define it, It is a Parsimonie of liuing, and an Ab­stinence of meates. Tertullian saith: That it is a worke of reuerence towards God.

Gregorie lib 5. Moral. saith: That it is, Quando quis pro amore Dei, &c. When any one for the loue of God and [Page 12] his owne health doeth abstaine, not onely from things vnlawfull, but from things lawfull and graunted.

That reuerend Bishop Iewel of Salisbury of famous memory, saith: That it is a religious worke ordained to testifie our humilitie▪ and to make the flesh the more obedient to the Spirit, that wee may bee the quicker to Praier and to all good works. A late excel­lent and exquisite Diuine of ours, saith: That it is an helpe and furthe­rance Perkins Reform. Cathol. pag. 222. to the worship of God, & a good worke if it be vsed in a good manner. For (saith he) it is a worke allowed of God, and highly to be esteemed of all his people and his seruants. The Greckes will haue it to be called [...], of [...] and [...] of not eating, or of eating nothing at all. And the Latines will haue it to bee called Ieiunium, ab intestino ieiuno, because with hunger the bowels are voyd and empty.

In the holy Scripture wee find 4 sorts of fasts.

  • 1. A miraculous fast.
  • 2. A fast from euill works.
  • [Page 13]3. A penitenciall fast.
  • 4. A fast from surfetting,

Moses, Elias, and our Sauiour Christ himselfe vsed the Miracu­lous fast; for they fasted 40. dayes and forty nights.

Of the fast from Euil works, the Prophet Esay writeth, Chap. 58. 5. Nunquid est tale ieiunium quod elegi, &c. Js it such a fast that I haue chosen, that a man should afflict his soule for a day, and to bow downe his head? &c.

Of the Penitentiall fast, wee read in the third Chapter of Ionas, the seuenth verse: where the king of the Niniuites at the preach­ing of Ionas proclaimed a fast in these words, Let neither man nor beast, bullocke nor sheepe taste any thing, neither feede nor drinke wa­ter.

Of the fast frō Surfetting, our Sauiour Christ himselfe spea­keth Luke 21. 34. Take heed (saith hee) to your seiues, lest at any time your hearts bee oppressed with surfet­ting and drunkennesse.

[Page 14]Some there bee that make two sorts of fasts.

  • A Publike fast.
  • And a Priuate fast.

A Publike fast, is that which is per­formed and vsed according to the Prescription of law, the Comman­dement of the superiour, and the Custome of the countrey.

A Priuate fast, is that which is done voluntarily without any constraint or compulsion of the Law.

Some there bee, that make 4. sorts of fasts.

  • 1. a Mosaicall fast.
  • 2. An Euangelicall or Ecclesiastical fast.
  • 3. A couetous fast.
  • 4. A Philosophers fast.

Some there be that make 4. other sorts of fasts.

  • 1. A Spirituall fast from sinne.
  • 2. A corporall fast from eating and drinking.
  • 3. A fast of necessitie.
  • 4. A Christian and Religious fast.

Of the Spirituali fast from sinne, [Page 15] we doe read in the 7. Chap. of the Prophet Zacharie, the 5. 6. 7. verses.

A Corporall fast from eating and drinking, is of 3. sorts.

  • 1. Naturall.
  • 2. Super-naturall.
  • 3. Ciuill or Politike.

Naturall is that, which is pre­scribed by Physicke, for healths sake.

Super-naturall, is as the pro­hibition of Saul, which Ionathan was angry with, because the people waxed faint.

Ciuill or politike, is that which is for the generall good and bene­fit of the whole Common weale.

A fast of Necessite, is that which we cannot auoid, as in the time of dearth. That great Schooleman Aquinas doth call this fast, Ieiunium ieiunij, a fast, of a fast: because the earth forbeareth her fruits, we for­beare food, and would eate, if wee had it.

A Christian or Religious fast, is either Common, or ordinarie; Speciall, or extraordinary.

[Page 16]Some there be that make seuen sorts of fasts, which be these.

  • 1. A Pharasaicall fast.
  • 2. A gluttonous fast.
  • 3. A deceitfull fast.
  • 4. An inordinate fast.
  • 5. A superstitious fast.
  • 6. An hereticall fast.
  • and 7. a diuelish or satanicall fast.

A Pharasaicall fast, is to fast with hypocrisie and dissimulation, to get an applause and opinion of holinesse among the people, of which Christ himselfe speaketh in Matth. 6. 16. Moreouer when you fast, looke not sowre as the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces, that they might seeme vnto men to fast.

A Gluttonous fast, is not to keepe the lawes of due temperance in fasting. Of which S. Hierome writeth in his 2. lib. against Iouinian: where some (saith hee) which were to fast, the Dinner or Supper be­fore they began their fast, would eate so much that they were not well able to digest it in two dayes after.

[Page 17] A Deceitfull fast is to vse wine, or any other meate or drinke before or after meales, vt fallamus ieiunium, that wee may deceaue or cosen our fast.

An Inordinate fast, is to keepe no order of Christian charitie and wisedome, but to passe ouer the meane of reason, as well in kée­ping it, as in leauing it.

A Superstitious fast, is to apply ones selfe rather to the manners of the Jewes, the Saracens & the Mahumetans, then of the Chri­stians; or to thinke one selfe not well to haue fasted, if one breake his fast before the starres appeare in the night. Or to fast in dayes exempt from fasting by the lawes and custome of this Land, not with any good or godly cause, but with contempt and disdaine of them.

An Hereticall fast, is to fast with the custome and minde of the Ma­nichêes, Nouatians, & other He­retikes; or doubtfully to obserue [Page 18] times which they out of a certaine error haue consecrated to fasting.

A diuelish, a satanicall fast, is to obey the law of fasting, and yet to make no end of sinning, but to continue and perseuere in the wic­ked custome and delight thereof.

A rare and renowmed Diuine of ours, whose iudgement is best to be followed in this matter, doth make thrée sorts of fastings:

  • 1. A Morall.
  • 2. A Ciuill.
  • 3. A Religious fast.

Morall fasting, is the practise of sobrietie and temperance: when as in the vse of meates & drinkes, the appetite is so restrained, that it doeth not exceed moderation.

Ciuill fasting, is when vpon some particular and politike con­siderations, men abstaine from certaine meates. As in this our common weale, the lawe doth en­ioyne vs to abstaine from flesh meate in this time of Lent, vpon Fridayes and Saterdayes, and other times of the yéere.

[Page 19]A Religious fast is, when the dueties of Religion are practised in fasting; as the exercise of Praier and humiliation.

The effects of Fasting, are ei­ther speciall for our selues, or ge­nerall for the whole Common­weale. Speciall for our selues; to bridle the wantonnesse of the flesh, and to make it the quicker to Praier, and to all good workes. General for the whole Common­weale, to preserue the brêed of cattle, to maintaine the Princes nauie, and the Calling of the Fish­erman.

And the like is affirmed by our moderne Diuines, that the Prin­cipall and right ends of fasting are thrée.

1. To make the mind the more attentiue in the meditation of the dueties of godlinesse to bee per­formed.

2. That the rebellion of the flesh may bee subdued: For the flesh be­being pampered, becomes an in­strument of all, and all licentious­nesse▪

[Page 20]3. To professe our guiltinesse, and to testifie our humilation before GOD, for our sinnes and offences committed against him.

This is proued by many places of Scripture, as Numb. 30. 14. E­say 5. 11. Rom. 14. 21. where the A­postle saith: Non est bonum, It is not good, neither to eat flesh nor drinke wine, whereby thy brother stumbleth or is offended.

This is proued by many exam­ples of the Scripture, as of Dauid, Daniel, Tobias, Cornelius, Paul, and others.

This is proued by the testimo­nie of the ancient fathers, and especially these: of that learned father Saint Austin, lib. 3. Chap. 5. against Faustus, where hee saith: Non ideo carnes prohibentur quia malae sunt, sed quia illarum epulae carnis lux­uriam gignunt. Flesh is not therefore Ser. 66. sup. Cant. forbidden because it is ill, but because the banquetting thereof breedeth riot. Of S. Bernard, who saith: Abstineo à carnibus, &c. I doe abstaine from [Page 21] flesh, lest whiles I doe too much nourish the flesh, I doe also nourish the vices of the flesh. And of Chri­sostome in his seuenth Homilie vp­on the first Chapter of Genesis, to­wards the latter end of the Ho­milie, where hee saith: Abstinen­tia propter hoc recepta est. Abstinence is for this cause receiued, that it may bridle the wantonnesse and riot of the flesh.

The causes of fasting are many, and specially 4.

  • 1. The Holy Ghost.
  • 2. The Commandement of God.
  • 3. Faith.
  • 4. Repentance.

The Holy Ghost is the cause, for three reasons.

1. Because by Nature wee are giuen to gluttony and drunken­nesse, which naturall vices wee doe not leaue without the grace of the holy Ghost.

[Page 22]2. Because it is not sufficent to abstaine from gluttony and drun­kennesse, vnlesse the heart doeth also cōsent thereunto. 3 Because Fasting is a good worke, and all good workes are the fruits of the holy Ghost. Gal. 5. 22.

The Commandement of God, is the cause, for 2. reasons. 1. Be­cause it is expressed in the Com­mandement of the Lord, that wee should abstaine from gluttony and drunkennesse. 2. Because the Lord by his commandement doth require of vs such Abstinence, and forbids the contrary.

Faith is the cause; because with­out faith it can not bee well done, nor acceptable vnto the Lord. For whatsoeuer is without faith, is sinne: and without faith it is impossible to please God.

Repentance is the cause: because fasting is a true signe thereof, and an outward meanes whereby wee doe acknowledge our guiltinesse and vnworthinesse of the least be­nefits of Almightie God. And [Page 23] therefore the fasting of the Nini­uites was a signe of their repen­tance; and their repentance a signe and fruite of their faith, whereby they beleeued the prea­ching of Ionas.

Thus much what fasting is: How many sorts of fastings there are: Of the Effects of fasting: and the Causes of fasting. Now of the Antiquitie, Dignitie & Necessitie of fasting.

Fasting is no new inuention, nor any late vpstart. The Antiquitie of it doeth make it venerable; and the Perpetuitie of it vntil this day doeth highly grace it. Some haue deriued it from Paradise, & made it as auncient as the first man A­dam. For the forbidding of the tree of knowledge of good and e­uill, they say was a law of Absti­nence.

The Stories of Gentilitie and Poetry, doe shewe the Antiquitie of fasting most plainely. For Ceres had her fast, Iupiter his fast, and Priamus in Homer bewailes the [Page 24] death of his sonne Hector with fa­sting, and in dust. Besides, the Patriarkes vsed it, the Prophets for­sooke it not, and our Sauiour Christ and his Disciples departed not from it.

The Dignitie of fasting is great, eminent, and very excellent: for it is the exercise of nature, theprac­tise of Gentilitie, & the Law and the Gospel of Christ himselfe. It is comfortable, Diuine, Medici­nable, Spirituall, wholesome, and an instrument to euerie good work. It doeth administer wisedome, it doeth extinguish the wicked de­sires of the flesh, doeth lift vp the mind to heauen, it doth vnit man with God, and as Tertullian sayth, It doeth cast out deuils. Nay our Sauiour Christ himselfe so sayth, as wee may read in Matth. 17. 21. where it is said; This kind of de­uils is not cast out but by Fasting and Praier.

It is strange to see what the an­cient fathers haue written of fa­sting, [Page 25] & how much they haue attri­buted thereunto. Athanasius saith, Lib. de Virg. That it is the meate of the Angels, and that hee who doeth vse it, is to bee thought of Angelicall order: Great (sayth hée) is the force of Fasting. Great things and excellent things are done by it. Basil saith thereof thus: Ie­iunium Ser. 1. de Ieiu. Prophetas ingenerat, &c. Fasting doeth breed Prophets, and doeth adde strength to the mightie. In warres it doeth adde fortitude: in peace, it doeth teach quietnesse.

And that I may speake in a word, as many holy Fathers as haue béene, thou shalt finde them all to bee directed and guided to leade a life worthy of God, by abstinence and fasting. Isydorus sayth of it thus: Est res sancta, opus coeleste, &c. It is an holy thing, an heauenly worke, a gate of the kingdome, a forme of the king­dome to come: and hee that doeth it well and holily, is alienated from the world, is made spirituall, and is ioyned to God.

[Page 26]The Necessitie of fasting is such and so great, that in this our com­mon weale, set dayes and times of Abstinence and fasting, are ap­pointed for ciuill and politike re­spects; and (as I said before) to maintaine the Princes Nauy, to preserue the breed of Cattell, and the calling of the Fisherman.

Of this, I will say euen as a zea­lous and Religious Diuine of ours saith in the conclusion of the 12. point of Fasting: It were (saith he) to bee wished, that fasting were more vsed of all Christians, in all places: considering the Lord doeth daily giue Perkins Refor. Ca­thol. pag. 231. vs new and speciall occasions of publike and priuate fasting. These words of our Diuine we find to be true: for the All-great, and Euer-gratious GOD of Heauen, hath of late giuen vnto vs new and speciall oc­casions of both priuate and pu­blike fasting.

You know, how after the death and dissolution of our late Soue­raigne of happy memory Queene Elizabeth, wee all feared great tro­bles [Page 27] and tumults to arise amongst vs: And yet we saw that our peace and prosperitie was not eclipsed, by reason of our good and godly King, whom the louing Lord of Heauen hath placed vpon the seat of this kingdome, to rule his peo­ple with a wise and prudent heart.

You know, how the Almightie Lord hath shaken the sword of the deuouring Angell manie yeeres together vpō the Citie of London, and vpon most cities, townes, and villages of this Land, to rowse vs vp (if it might be) from the sleepe of sinne and securitie, and to make vs humble our selues vnto him with fasting, prayer and repen­tance. You know how mightily and miraculously the same Lord hath deliuered vs out of the very iawes of death and destruction; and from a treason, What treason? A treason of such horror and monstrous nature, that the tongue of man neuer deliuered the like, the eare of man neuer heard the like, the heart of man [Page 28] neuer conceited the like, and the malice of any earthly and infernall deuill neuer practised the like.

And you know also, how this great Lord hath made the seas & the waters but this last yeere to rage and to rore vpon this Land, with vnheard & vnséen flowings, inundations and risings, to the drowning of Corne and Cattle, Men, women and childrē, yea, and of whole Parishes. If now wee doe not conuert from our wicked waies, and giue our selues to fa­sting, praier and amendement of our liues, surely, surely, some hea­uie, yet iust iudgements, yea, some great and grieuous plagues and punishments are like to come vpon vs; which God for his mer­cies sake, Christ for his merits sake, and the Holy Ghost for his Names sake, withdrawe, with­hold, and keepe from vs. Thus much of the fiue Particulars ob­serued in the Action. Now of the three Particulars and the 2. Que­stiōs obserued in the Construction. [Page 29] What Lent is. The name of Lent was not at first idely giuen, nor without great reason & graue consideration. For it doeth signi­fie a time of forty daies, according to the Greeke and Latine denomi­nation.

Men in ancient times haue re­uerenced this number of 40. with so great obseruation, that they ce­lebrated a feast thereof which they called [...], a feast of forty daies. This number of fortie hath not lightly bêen neglected, nor lewdly, nor loosely beene reiected, because it was thought a mysticall and wholesome number, and verie sig­nificant in the religiō of expiation, penitencie & great mysteries. For forty daies and forty nights the Gen. 7. 4. raine was vpon the earth. After forty daies the waters ceased, and Gen. 8. 6. Noe opened the windowes of the Ark which he had made. Moses was in the mount, how long? 40. daies Exod. 24. 18. and 40. nights. The destruction of the Niniuites was deferred, how long? till after forty daies.

[Page 30]The children of Israel had 40. man­sions in the wildernesse. The chil­dren of Israel were 40. yeeres in the wildernesse, and before the time of that mysticall number was out, they could not enter into the land of promise. Moses, Elias, and Christ Of this number see, Gen. 6. 3. and 18. 29. himselfe fasted 40. dayes and forty nights. Our Sauiour Christ was forty weekes in the wombe of the blessed Virgin. Forty dayes from Numb. 18. 34. & 33. 38 & 13. 26. his Natiuity he remained in Beth­leem, because he was offred in the Temple. Forty moneths hee Leuit. 12 4 preached publikely. Forty houres he lay in his Sepulchre, and the fortieth day after his Resurrectiō he ascended into Heauen.

Al which, some Diuines in times past haue written not to bee done without the secret mysterie and proprietie of this number. Also, this number of forty, is a number of affliction and repentance, and therefore the Prophet Ezekiel slept fortie dayes vpon his right side for the tribe of Juda.

S. Austen doeth call the time of [Page 31] Lent, tempus venerabile, a venerable Ezek. 4. 6. Ser. in Sab. ante Qua­drag. time. S. Bernard doeth call it, tempus Christianae militiae, A time of a Christian warfare. Gratian and others of the Ser. 1. de Quadrag. Part 3. di­stinct. 5. fol. 579. ancient fathers doe call it, Decima dierum, the tenth of the dayes; Or the imitation of Gods conuersation: be­cause in it wee doe pay vnto God the tenths of the yeare.

Some of the ancient fathers haue gone so farre, that they haue thought Lent not to be an humane institution, but a diuine and Apo­stolicall tradition, and first broght into the Church by y e Apostle Peter. Where as likely & somewhat pro­bable it is, that the first Institutiō of Lent was by Telesphorus, the 6. Pope in Rome, as some doe rec­kon him, a thousand foure hun­dred and three score yeares since and more. For this Telesphorus first Platyna in vit. Teles­phori. ordained that full seuen weekes before Easter all Clarkes should fast frō flesh, because (as they then thought) there ought to be a diffe­rence in fasting, euen as the life of the Clergie ought to bee differing [Page 32] from the life of the Laitie, which time was called Quinquagesima, as Gratian writeth, 1. part. distinct. 5.

This time of Lent in ancient times hath beene diuersly begun, diuersly obserued, and about it there haue beene diuers tontenti­ons and controuersies. The Ea­sterne Church beganne their Lent on Quinquagesima. Other some be­ganne it on Sexagesima, as in the time of Bede. Some other on Quadragesima, as Mediolanum, & all Greece. Some vpō Ashe-wensday, and some vpon an other time.

This time, in times past also hath bin diuersly obserued. Some in this time haue abstained from all things which had life in them, as Pythagoras did. Some haue ea­ten onely birds. Some haue eaten onely fishes. Some haue abstai­ned from egges and all kinde of flesh meate; And some haue eaten nothing but dry meate, as Socrates doeth write, lib. 9. Chap. 38.

There haue beene also diuers contentions and controuersies a­bout the continuance of this time [Page 33] how long it should be fasted: when some would fast but one day, some two daies, some a weeke, some 2. weeks, some more, & some 40. daies as Ierenaeus writeth, lib. 5. Chap. 24.

By reason of these differences and diuersities about this time of Lent, and because this time was first ordained and cōfirmed in the Church of Rome, and yet is speci­ally obserued therein: some there be that count this time a time of superstition, & would haue no Lent at all, scorning in very lawfull pol­licies to be imitators of the Papa­cie; and like self-witted Captaines disdaining to vse any stratageme vsed before of the enemy, althogh the putting of it in exploit might giue them assured victory.

To such kind of people, that may well and truely be said, which our Kings most excellent Maiestie spake at the conference at Hampton Court. No Church (said his Maiesty) ought farther to separate it self from the Church of Rome, either in doctrine, or in ceremony, then she hath departed frō her self, when she was in her flourishing [Page 34] Or that which reuerend Hooker doeth write in his 5. lib. of Ecclesi. Poll. It is not our best pollicie (saith he) for the establishment of sound Religion, in all things to haue no agreement with the Church of Rome, although vnsound.

The end and purpose why and wherefore Lent was first ordai­ned, was, not onely to preserue the breede of Cattell, to maintaine the Princes Nauie, and the Calling of the Fisherman, but especially for the worthy receiuing of the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist [...]. or Lords Supper. For in the be­ginning of the primatiue Church, many came to the holy mysteries promiscuously without any prepa­ration. Which when the ancient fathers vnderstood, and saw the great harme and hurt that did a­rise of that negligent comming to that holy Table, they established a Preparatiō or Correctiō, & decreed forty dayes of fasting, praying, hearing of the Word of God, and comming to the Church: that in those dayes the people being dili­gently [Page 35] purged by praier, by fasting, by reares, by compassion, and by other such meanes, they might come to these holy mysteries with purer consciences and better deuotion.

The time of Lent was ordained at this time of the yeere, in the Spring time, for three reasons.

1. By reason of heate encreasing, and abundance of humors or moi­sture growing or comming on.

2. To preserue brêed and en­crease: because at this time there is a generall bréed and encrease of all things,

3. Because of the feast of the Lords Resurrection, which requi­reth a peculiar Preparation. For the general receiuing of the Eucha­rist or Lords Supper, did alwaies fall out in the spring time.

I might speake more and much of these Particulars, but I will conclude them with the saying of a worthy & praise▪ worthie Knight in a booke which he writeth of the relation of the religion of the west [Page 36] parts of the world, where he saith thus: I am so far off (saith he) from thinking the instutition of Lēt to be su­perfluous, or the restraint in it vnprofi­table, that I rather encline to the cu­stome of the Greeke Church, who be­sides their great Lent, haue three other Lents also in the yeere, though the other neither so long, nor in them so strict an obseruation. Thus much of the 3. Particulars. Now of the two Questions. The first Question.

Whether set daies and times of absti­nence and fasting ought to be comman­ded by authoritie.

Fastings are either of mens own frée & voluntary accord, as their particular deuotion doeth mooue them thereunto; or els they are publikely enioyned in the Church, and required at the hands of all men, Montanus (as Eusebius writeth) was the first author of these ap­pointed times of fasting, & of this [...], of this set lawe-making of fasting. For which cause manie there bee that reiect and renounce the same. But most certaine and assured it is, that set daies and [Page 37] times of fasting appointed in spi­rituall considerations to bee kept of Christian people, tooke not their beginning either from Montanus, or frō any other whose heresies may preiudice the credit & due estimati­on thereof, but haue their ground in the law of nature; are allowable in Gods sight, were in all ages heeretofore vsed, and may till the worlds end be obserued, not with­out singular vse and benefit.

They haue their ground in the law of nature, because they teach vs to kéepe order and moderation, sobrietie and temperance in our meates and drinkes. For nature doeth content her selfe with a litle. Nature is our best guide, which if we follow, we shal neuer go astray. And therefore Cyneas the Philoso­pher was of this opiniō, that when the gods framed Nature, they went beyond their owne skil, why? because the maker (quoth hee) is subiect to y e thing made. They are allowable in Gods sight, because they are daies partly of pēsiue hu­miliation and sorrow, and partly [Page 38] a signe of duety, deuotion, and re­uerence towards God.

They were in all ages héereto­fore vsed for preuention of disor­ders and riot, for the preseruation of Cattell, and the maintenance of Sea-faring men, because the decay of the one, and the waste of the other, could not well bee pre­uented without such politike order and consideration.

They may till the worlds end be obseruéd not without singular vse & benefit, because they draw men to penitency, to temperance, to so­briety, to all Christian duety and deuotion, and to the generall good, and publike profit of the whole Common-weale.

Some there bre that would proue set dayes and times of Ab­stinence and fasting out of the Scripture, and specially out of these places; Leuit. 16. 29. The tenth day of the seuenth moneth, ye shal hum­ble your soules. Leuit. 23. 27. The tenth day of this seuenth moneth, shal be a day of reconciliation. And Zach. 7. 5. [Page 39] When yee fasted and mourned in the 5. and 7. moneth.

Trueth it is, that these set and prescribed fasts in Leuiticus were commanded of God, as a part of a legall worship, which had their end in the death of Christ. And trueth it is also that the fasts spo­ken of by the Prophet Zacharie were appointed vpon occasion of the present afflictions of the Church in Babilon, which ceased vpon their deliuerance. But our set dayes and times of Abstinence and fa­sting are appointed and comman­ded to be obserued, not for consci­ence or religions sake, but for Ci­uill and Politike regards; and not for the priuate good, but for the generall good of the whole Com­mon-weale. Which if they were left to the peoples owne choise, li­bertie and will, it may soone bee coniectured what would follow thereof: because the corruption of the time is such, and the wickednes of mans nature is so exorbitant, that it is a hard matter to hold the [Page 40] ordinarie sort of people within the lists of duetie, obedience, and good order, without the cōmandement of the superiour, and the seueritie of good lawes. For which cause very necessary it is, yea a good and godly thing it is, that set daies & times of abstinence and fasting should be appointed and comman­ded by authoritie. Which no one will dislike or disdaine, vnlesse hee bee like vnto Aerius, who opposed himselfe against fasting, and said: These set fasts away with them, they are Ephipha. haer. 75. Iewish, and bring men vnder the yoke of seruitude. If I will fast, let me chuse my time to fast, that Christian liber­tie be not abridged.

I might prosecute this Question more at large, but I hope euerie charitable Christian, and equally-minded man and woman is heere­in satisfied. And therefore I will conclude it with this argument or this syllogisme.

  • Whatsoeuer is for the general good and publike profit of the whole Cōmon­weale, [Page 41] that ought to bee appointed and commanded by authoritie:
  • But set dayes and times of Abstinence and fasting are for the generall good and publike profit of the whole Common-weale.
  • Therefore they ought to bee appointed and commanded by authoritie.

The other Question.

Whether it be a sinne wilfully to breake and to despise set daies and times of Abstinence and fasting commanded by Authoritie.

To hold this question affirmati­uely, may peraduenture seeme vn­to some a Paradox, or rather a grosse errour and grieuous absurdity. But seeing Kings and Princes are Christs deputies here on earth to gouerne the world, and in the Scripture are called gods: See­ing Christ willed his disciples to beware of offences; and seeing S. Paul willed y e Corinthians to giue no [Page 42] offence neither to the Jewes, nor to the Grecians, nor to the Church of God; I can not chuse but be­léeue and say, that it is a sinne wil­fully and without cause to breake and despise set dayes and times of Abstinence and fasting cōmanded by Authorite; and this shall bee proued vnto you by 6. speciall ar­guments.

  • 1. By the fift Commandement.
  • 2. By the testimony of S. Paul. Rom. 13. 1.
  • 3. By the definition of Sinne.
  • 4. By Examples,
  • 5. By the Ancient Fathers.
  • 6. By generall Councels.

This is proued by the fift Com­mandement. In the 5. Comman­dement, which is the first Com­mandement of the second Table, we are commanded to honour our Parents: where, by honour is meant, loue, feare, and obedience; and by our Parents not onely our naturall Parents, but all Kings, Princes, Gouernours, and Su­periours which doe rule vs. Well [Page 43] then, if we wilfully breake and des­pise set dayes and times of Absti­nence and fasting commaunded by Authoritie, we doe not honour our Superiors. If wee doe not honour our Superiors, we breake this Commaundement. If wee breake this Commandement, I hope none will deny but we sinne.

This is proued by the testimony of S. Paul, Rom. 13. 1. where the A­postle saith: Let euery soule be subiect to the higher power. Why? because there is no power but of God. We must not (saith he) resist the power: for if we resist the power, we resist the ordinance of God. They that resist, what shall they receiue? They shall receiue to themselues iudgement. Heere­hence I frame this argument. Whosoeuer doeth resist the power, doth resist the ordinance of God. But they that wilfullie breake and despise set daies and times of abstinence and fa­sting commanded by Authoritie, doe re­sist the power. Therefore they doe re­sist the ordinance of God. If therein [Page 44] they doe resist the ordinance of God, who can deny but that they sinne?

This is proued by the definiti­on of sinne. To sinne, as S. Austen saith, is facere quod non licet, to do that which is not lawfull to doe. Héere­hence I drawe this argument: Whosoeuer doe that which is not law­full, doe sinne: but they which wilfully breake and despise set daies and times of Abstinence and fasting commanded by Authoritie, doe that which is not lawfull; therefore they doe sinne:

This is proued by Examples. Adam in Paradise was comman­ded Gen. 2. 17. of the Lord not to eate of the tree of knowledge of good and e­uill: If hee did, hee should die the death.

Aarons sonnes were commanded Leuit. 10. 9 of the Lord, not to drinke wine, nor strong drinke in their ministe­rie: which commandement be­cause they brake, they were slaine. The man of God, that came out 1. Reg. 13. of Iuda was slaine by a Lion, be­cause [Page 45] being seduced by the false Prophet, hee did eate bread, and dranke water in his house, con­trary to the Lords Commande­ment.

Saul would haue put his sonne 1 Sam, 14. Ionathan to death, because igno­rantly he tooke a little honny con­trary to his commandement. If Adam, Aarons sonnes, and the Pro­phet of God were punished of the Lord for their not abstinence: and if Ionathan was in so great danger, for breaking his fathers comman­dement in eating a little honny: Is it not a sinne before God for vs, wilfully to breake and to de­spise set daies and times of Ab­stinence, and fasting commanded by Authoritie, seeing wee are commanded of the Lord to sub­mit our selues to our Princes or­dinances; and bound in consci­ence truely and vnfeinedly to o­bey them?

Let vs yet goe further. [Page 46] The noble kings Ezekias, Iehosa­phat and Iosias, made lawes for the exercise and the recalling of Gods seruice. That Christian and reli­gious Emperor Constantine made lawes also in things pertaining to holinesse towards God and to­wards his Church. Theodosius his successour, tooke the same course. King Alured or Alfred appointed and commanded set daies and times of Abstinence and fasting. And so did king Edgar, Anno Dom. 958.

Had it beene a sinne for people in those daies to haue broken these their Princes lawes and or­dinances, wilfully, wantonly, and without cause? and shall we thinke that it is not a sinne for vs in these daies to doe the like?

This is proued by the testimony of the ancient fathers. Most cer­taine and assured it is that Austen, Ambrose, and other of the ancient fathers were of this mind, and thought it a sinne wilfully to break and to despise set daies and times [Page 47] of Abstinence and fasting com­manded by Authoritie. S. Austen de temp. Ser. 62. calleth them new teachers that shut out the merite of fasting, and asketh what saluation we can ob­taine if we blot not out our sinnes by fasting, séeing (saith hee) the Scripture saith, that fasting and almesdeeds doeth deliuer from sinne, Alijs diebus ieiunare (saith he) reme­dium est aut praemium, &c. To fast on other daies is a remedie or reward: but not to fast in Lent is a sinne. S. Ambr. in ser. 25. de Quadrag. saith thus a­mong many other things, Non leue est peccatum. Jt is no small sinne to breake a fast that is commanded.

Although these two ancient fa­thers had their errors, and in some sort thought corruptly of fasting: yet I will say of them and of their opinion concerning fasting; as re­uerend master Hooker saith, lib. 5. Eccle. pol. lib. 5. pag. 208. Ecclesiast. Poliicie. Concerning euery mans duety herein (saith he) that which Austen and Ambrose are alleadged to haue done, is such, that all men fauou­ring equitie must needs allow, and fol­low [Page 48] it also if they affect peace. Well then, if according to master Hoo­kers iudgement al men must néeds allow this opiniō of these two Fa­thers, if they fauour equitie and affect peace: then I hope I may say, that it is a sinne wilfully and without cause to breake and to de­spise set daies and times of Absti­nence and fasting commanded by Authoritie.

This is prooued by generall Councels, and specially by that of Chalcedon held in the yeere of our Lord 454. to confound the errour of Eutiches, who held, that in Christ, God and Man make but one Na­ture.

The Councell of Mentz vnder Canon 35. Charles the great, made this decrêe. Si quis indictum ieiunium super biendo contempserit, &c. If any one shall with pride contemne fasting commanded, and will not obserue it with other Chri­stians, let him be accursed.

The like was established by the Councell of Carthage in their 63. [Page 49] Canon, By the Councell of Lao­dicen in their 50. Canon, and by the Councell of Toletan in their 7. Ca­non.

If those Councels thought them fit to bee accursed and excommu­nicate, that would not obserue fa­sting commanded by Authoritie; shall not wee thinke, that they thought it a sinne in them that did wilfully breake and despise the same?

I might stand longer, and much longer vpon this question, but I will conclude it with the saying of the Apostle S. Peter, & say vnto you e­uen as the Apostle Peter said to the Jewes, 1. Epist. 2. 13, and 14. Sub­mit your selues to all manner of ordi­nance of man, &c.

But some peraduenture may say, you haue spoken nothing of Imber Fasts, and Fasts on Saints Eues. What can you say of them? are not they altogether i­dle, superstitious, and to bee abo­lished?

[Page 50]I pray you giue mee leaue and I wil speake somewhat of them also. And 1. I will shew you why they were so called. 2. By whom they were first ordained. And 3. the oc­casion why they were ordained.

They were called Imber-daies vpon no other reason and occasiō, but of eating bread baked vnder Imbers or ashes. Whosoeuer doth say otherwise, saies it either of malice or ignorance. For the peo­ple vpon those dayes vsed to fast, and to eate nothing but bread ba­ked vnder Imbers. Which they did for two causes. First, to pay vnto God at such times, the tithes of their soules & bodies, in thanks­giuing for the fruites of the earth, and the fruites of his grace. Se­condly, that the holy Ghost might the more plenteously bee powred downe vpon them which receiue holy orders. For the Sunday af­ter these Imber-fasts, and at no time els, alwaies hath beene, and yet still is the ordering of ministers by the Bishops.

[Page 51]Some refer the first institution of these Imber-fasts to Pope Vrbanus Some to Calixtus the 2. And some say, that they were first confirmed in the Coūcel of Mentz, held vnder Charles the great, of which I spake but now, for this intent, that peo­ple vpon those daies should come to the Church, should fast to the 9. houre, and abstaine from flesh and all things els.

But most certaine it is, that these Imber-fasts are most ancient, haue béene most common, and in all the Christian world most religi­ously obserued foure times of the yeere: and therefore they are cal­led Ieiunia quatuor temporū, the fasts of the foure times, because of the foure speciall turnings of the sun, the first about the Spring Equino­ctiall, the second about the Sum­mer Solstice, the third about the E­quinoctiall in Autumne, and the 4. about the winter Solstice. And vp­on these three daies of the wêeke, the Wensdaies, the Fridaies, and the Saterdaies: because our Sa­uiour [Page 52] Christ was solde vpon a Wensday, crucified vpon a Fri­day, died vpon a Saterday, and rested in his sepulcher. These reasons haue beene alleadged heeretofore for the institution and obseruation of these Jmber-fasts.

The eues of Saints-daies are called in Latine Vigiliae, which is, watchings; because in the time of the Apostles, and alōg time after, watchings, prayers, and almes­déeds, were accustomed to be ioy­ned to fastings. These fasts on saints eues were not at first idely inuented, and haue not in times past beene fondly nor foolishly ob­serued. And they haue beene set (as master Hooker writeth, as v­shers Eccle. Pol­lib. 5. pag. 214. of festiuall daies for preuen­tion of disorders as much as might be: which may bee kept not without great good to the kéepers, and singular vse and benefite to the whole Common-weale.

Concerning which, as the Apo­stle S. Paul said to the Corinthes, [Page 53] so say I vnto you: Let all things bee done honestly and according to order. Great is the dignitie of order, and therefore the Apostle saith, Let all things. Great is the necessity of order: and therefore the Apostle saith, Let all things be done. Great is the eminency and the excellency of order; and therefore the Apostle concludeth his Chapter with the same.

Will you haue common dutie kept which Nature requireth? then let all things be done honestly, and ac­cording to order. Will you haue common law regarded which Pol­licie willeth? then let all things bee done honestly and according to order. Will you kéepe your goods, your houses and all things that you haue, in peace, quietnesse and pros­peritie? then let all things bee done honestly, and according to order. Will you be faithfull and firme, louing and loyall subiects to our graci­ous Soueraigne? then let all things bee done honestly, and accor­ding to order.

[Page 54]And will you haue all things to go well with you, and to prosper well with you in this world: then let all things be done honestly, and according to order. Without this order, there is no duety, no deuotion, no chari­tie, no concord, no law, no loue, no peace, plentie nor prosperitie, no grace, goodnesse, nor any godli­nesse, although we heare neuer so much, know neuer so much, talke, debate and dispute of diuinitie ne­uer so much. Thus much of the 2. Tim. 3. 16 matter: Now of the application and the vses.

Because all Scripture is giuen by inspiration, & is profitable (as the Apostle Paul telleth vs) to teach, to improue, to correct, and to in­struct in righteousnesse; we ought heere to follow the example of Da­uid, and to chasten our selues with fasting as he did, although by some it bee turned to our reproofe. Of which his fasting, Humiliation was the cause, euen as diuine specula­tion was the cause of Moses so long fasting in the Mount.

[Page 55]For in the holy Scriptures wee reade how not only Kings fasted, as Dauid and Iehosaphat, but Pro­phets fasted, as Moses, Elias & Daniel: women fasted, as Anna, Hester, Iu­dith and Sara Raguels daughter: the children of Israel fasted, the inhabi­tants of Gabish Gilead fasted: the Apostles fasted: Saints, Fathers and Confessors fasted: yea, the very heathen (as wee reade) fa­sted, as Iupiters priests in Create; with the greatest Philosophers Antisthe­nes, Pythagoras, and Socrates. But in these our daies it is strange to see, the scorne and the scandall, the contempt and the disdaine which many make of fasting: in so much that if a man or a woman doeth but for ciuill and politike respects obserue and kéepe set daies and times of Abstinence and fasting commanded by Authoritie, he shall be of some reproched and reproued for it, & he shall be of some thought to bee popish and superstitious. We are all now growen to excesse and to extreamities, to lust, liber­tie, [Page 56] and licentiousnesse. We are all for the most part giuen to glut­tonie and gourmandice, to securi­tie, sensualitie, and surfetting. We are all now growen to bee Epicures, to be Sibarites, and to loue the two daughters of the horse-leach, although they sucke out all the blood of our bodies.

The best feastmaker, is thought with some to be the best Christian, and the least faster, is thought with some not to bee the least pro­fessour. Wee care not for the pre­seruation of the breed of Cattell, the maintenance of the Kings Maiesties Nauie, or the Calling of the Fisherman. Wee care not for any good Lawes or Statutes whatsoeuer, that enioine vs to Ab­stmence and fasting, but like Helio­gabalus, we will be our own heires, and make an end of all things our selues: like the children of Israel when they were without Kings, we will doe that which is good in our owne eies: and like the two [Page 57] sonnes of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu we will offer strange fire, although we be burned in the flames there­of. Worshipfull, and beloued in the Lord, Men, brethren and fa­thers, I pray you giue me leaue to say thus much vnto you: The wisest and the worthiest men of this Land are perswaded, that the not Abstinence, fasting, and meane diet, is the occasion of so many great, grieuous, and outragious sinnes which are committed a­mongst vs. There was neuer more teaching, more preaching, more lawes and more Statutes, and yet neuer more excesse, more intemperance, more riot, more surferting, more hypocrisie and dissimulation, & neuer worse and worser liuing. The world is bold to surfet, and hath taken an habite to fry in words, but to fréese in deeds; & to bee rather a disputant than an agent in Religion, and to count sinnes, no sins, but to turne them from sinnes, to trades and occupations.

[Page 58]The world doeth blush, and doeth scorne to fast, because it thinkes it to be an abridgement of Christian libertie, to bee Jewish, a Montani­zing, and rather the bewraying of a disease then the exercising of a vertue. And therefore some say as they did in the 2. Chap. of Wis­dome: Come, let vs enioy the pleasures which are present, and let vs cheerefully vse the creatures as in youth, &c.

Some say as they did of whom the Poet writeth: Wee are a num­ber, Horat. ad Lollium epistol. lib. 1. and we are borne to consume, and eat fruites, and fill our bellies.

Some againe will fast, but when? when they list themselues, and not otherwise. For when we fast, they will feast: and when we feast, then they will fast; And out of Lent they will eat flesh meate, though not vpon other daies, yet vpon Fridaies and Saterdaies; and in the time of Lent, they will eate flesh-meate seuen daies in the weeke: behauing themselues ther­in much like vnto them, to whom it was sayd by our Sauiour Christ [Page 59] him­selfe: We haue piped to you, and yee Mat. 11. 19 haue not danced: we haue mourned to you, and yee haue not wept. Some againe will kéepe extraordinary fasts; but how? without the know­ledge and authoritie of the Maie­strate, to preuent his decree, and controle his gouernment. To such kind of persons, that may wel and truely bee said which a reue­rend and learned Doctor hath written: A wilfull law-breaker, would Of obedi­ence or Ecclesiasti­call vnion. sect. 19. fol. 62. willingly breake the law-giuer: that is, he that is not a friend and wel­willer to the Princes lawes, can not be a friend and welwiller to the Prince himselfe. Many good and wholesome lawes and Sta­tutes haue beene made and enac­ted to bridle the lust and libertie of people in this point, as in the 5. and 13. yeere of our late Queene ELIZABETH, and in the first yeere of our now gratious dread Soueraign King IAMES; which Acte, because it specially con­cerned this matter, and is fit and necessary to be heard, knowen and [Page 60] vnderstood of all heere present, I wil read vnto you as it is set down in the booke.

You which are now in place and authoritie, looke to this good Act, and to the due execution thereof, as you ought to doe. First you your selues, giue good examples thereof in your houses, to your children, to your seruants, and in other places also where you come, Look to those Butchers, and that without all fauour or partialitie, that shall offend heerein, and to those Tauerners, Inne-keepers & Ale-house-keepers, which make a common course and custome of offending heerein, and that with­out any feare or intermission.

You which are Parents, giue good examples thereof to your children: and all you which are masters, mistresses, and dames of houses and families, giue good ex­amples thereof to your seruants, to your apprentises, and to others that are with you.

Let the superior sort giue good [Page 61] examples thereof to the inferiour, the richer to the poorer, and the elder to the yonger, without the honny of hypocrisie, or the leauen of maliciousnesse, contempt or wilfulnesse; that wee may all liue in the feare, die in the fauour, rest in the peace, rise in the power, and remaine at last in e­uerlasting glorie with Jesus Christ our Sauiour, to whom, &c.


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