THE IMPERIALL AND PRINCELY PEDEGREE OF THE TWO MOST NOBLE and vertuous Princes lately maried, FRIDERICK the Fift of this Name, Prince Palatine, Duke of Bauiere, Knight of the most noble order of the Garter, First Prince of the Imperiall blood, sprung from glorious CHARLE-MAIGNE, and ELIZABETH Infanta of Albion, Princesse Palatine, Dutches of Bauiere, the onely Daughter of our most gracious Soueraigne CHARLES-IAMES.
Being both of them on their most noble Fathers side lineally descended, He in the ninth, She in the tenth degree, (which numbers in them vnited, make vp King Iames his auspicious and luckie number of ninteene) from two most noble, vertuous and worthy Princes, ROBERT Prince Palatine and Emperour, and ELIZABETH princesse Palatine and Empresse.
1 ROBERT surnamed the Noble, Prince Palatine, Duke of Bauiere, Knight of the most noble order of the Garter, King and Emperour of Romaines and Germaines; a Prince renowned for his great spirit, quick wit, heroicall courage, for his loue and studye of Iustice, and his carefull endeauoring to repaire the ancient glory of the Empire. His great vncle ROBERT the first of this name, did once choose EDWARD the 3. the victorious King of England, to be Emperour, as LODOVICK his great great Grand-father had likewise chosen RICHARD Earle of Cornwall, sonne of King IOHN, to be Emperour. The said Prince ROBERT, being the 3 of this name, came into England with a goodly company, as FABIAN writes, to see the magnificence of the Court, and the commodities of the Countrie: who of King HENRIE the 4. was honorably receiued, and feasted, and during his abode lodged at Saint Iohns, and lastly, conueyed toward the sea side, where either departed from other with exchange of rich and precious gifts; for this ROBERT was a Prince of great bountie, liberalitie and magnificence, saith the said English author Fabian. His wife Elizabeth, Princesse Palatine, and Empresse; was a Lady of great vertue, piety, bounty, chastety, and charity towards the poore: and brought him forth many fine children. | |
2 STEVEN Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bauiere and Bipontz, Earle of Obrink, Veldentz, and Spanheim, Landgraue of Alsace, the youngest of ROBERT the Emperours fiue sonnes by his wife ELIZABETH the Empresse: for his elder childrens Race in processe of time did faile. | 2 MARGARITE the eldest daughter of Robert the Emperour by his wife Elizabeth the Empresse, maried to the most noble and valorous Prince Charles surnamed Marcelle or the Warlike, Duke of Lorraine, from whom I haue deriued our hopefull prince Charles his pedegree, as well on his most noble Mothers, as on his Fathers side, and yet more, from Emperors, Kings and princes or the name of Charles to the number of nine, besides those of other names. |
3 FREDERICK Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bauiere, Earle of Simmer, Obrink and Spanheim, sonne to Prince STEVEN. | 3 ELizabeth Alias Isabelle, Dutchesse of Lorraine the eldest daughter of prince Charles the Warlike; by his wife Margarite, maried to Reny Duke of Aniow, Calabrie and Barre, Earle of Prouence and Guise, and King of Sicily and Naples. |
4 IOHN the first of this name, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bauiere, Earle of Simmer, Veldentz and Spanheim, sonne to Prince FREDERICK. | 4 IOlanthe Dutchesse of Lorraine eldest daughter of Reny Duke of Aniow, King of Sicile, and Naples, by his wife Elizabeth, maried to Friderick Earle of Vadimont of the ancient and honorable stock of the Dukes of Bullion. |
5 IOHN the Second of this Name, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bauiere, Earle of Simmer, Veldentz and Spanheim, sonne to Prince IOHN the First; he is celebrated to haue beene a Prince very learned, well seene in antiquities, and a great fauourer and fosterer of the Muses. | 5 REny Duke of Lorraine, Calabrie, and Barre, Earle of Vadimont, King of Sicile, Naples and Aragon sonne to Earle Friderick, by his wife Iolanthe Dutchesse of Loraine. |
6 FREDERICK the Third of this name; prince Palatine, Elector and Archsewer of the holy Romaine Empire, Duke of Bauiere, Earle of Obrink, Simmer, and Spanheim, sonne to Prince IOHN the Second; a Prince father-like, peaceable, learned, a singular Patron to Schollers: he likewise planted the reformed Religion in his Citie of Heidelberge. | 6 CLaude de Lorraine Duke of Guise and Aumale, sonne to Reny Duke of Lorraine and King of Sicile and Naples, brother to prince Antonie; all of them, princes of great spirit, prudence and heroicall courage. |
7 LODOVICK the fift Elector of this Name, Prince Palatine Elector and Arch sewer of the sacred Romaine Empire, Duke of Bauiere and Biponts, Earle of Simmer and Spanheim, sonne to Prince FRIDERICK the 3. a Prince godly, and vertuous, carefull to establish Iustice, policie and peace in his Princedome: he enriched the famous Colledge of Heidelberg with new reuenues. | 7 MArie de Lorraine Dutchesse of Longouille daughter of prince Claude, a Lady of a heroicall heart maried to the most noble and worthy Britannish prince, Iames the 5. King of Scotland, and knight of the most noble order of the Garter, Grandchild of the most prudent and puissant prince Henry the 7. King of England. |
8 FFRIDERICK the fourth of this name, Prince Palatine, Elector and Arch-sewer of the sacred Romaine Empire, Duke of Bauiere and son to Prince LODVICK; a prince endued with many heroicall parts, a louer of learning and of the learned, the most magnificent house-keeper of all the Germaine Princes; he was exceeding officious towards our Soueraigne, King IAMES, and very kinde and curteous, both to English and Scottish trauailers. | 8 MArie, surnam'd Clarabelle, for her incomparable bounty and beauty and fortitude of minde; the onely childe of King Iames the 5. and Marie de Lorraine, Qneene heire of Scotland, Queene Dowager of France, and princesse apparent of England, France, and Ireland, after the death of King Francis the 2. her first husband, maried to her nearest and dearest Coosin, the most comly & noble prince, Henry Lord Darley Earle of Rosse, Duke of Albanie King of Scotland, and Knight of the most noble order of S. Michaell. It pleasing God to disappoint all the policies and practises of the deuill and euill men tending to the hinderance of the foresaid happy mariage. |
9 FRIDERICK the fift of this Name, the Inheritor of his Noble Fathers Princely dignitie, vertue, and worth; sonne in Law to our most gracious Soueraigne Charles-Iames, of whome I will vtter this one thing, worthy of obseruation; that they are both in one, and the same degree of lineall descent (as I can shew) from 20. Emperours and as many Kings of diuers countries. | 9 CHarles-Iames surnamed the Concorder, Britaines King of concorde, the onely Sonne and heire of King Henry and Queene Mary of Scotland. |
10 ELizabeth, surnamed the Beloued, the mirrour of mildnesse, courtesie and humanity, the onely daughter of our most gratious Soueraigne King Iames, and of his most noble wife Queene Anne, the deare sister of our late peerlesse prince Henry, surnam'd the glorie of Gallants; & of prince Charles Albions hearts-ioy, whose Pedegree I haue deriued from Otho once Earle of Yorke and Emperour, brother to Henry Prince Palatine: and likewise from prince Albert Marquis of Brandeburge, who for his incomparable courage was called the Achilles of Germany, wishing that like as prince Charles was borne on his day, and doth participate of his bloud, so he may likewise inherite his heroicall prowesse and one day be enstiled the Achilles of Britanny. |
This Imperiall Princely Pedegree is Dedicated by the Author to the valorous rescuer of our King, the right honorable Iohn Lord Ramsey, Vicount Hadington, whose Eagle, heauen make to soare as high, as euer did the Eagle of his noble ancesters, Iohn Lord Ramsey Earle Bothwell, and William Lord Ramsey Earle of Fife.