noted that the cittie of Francford having latitud degres 50. minutes 12. longitude, degres 25. minutes 28. standeth yn that part of Germanie that hyght Franconie, situat apon a fresh riuer wych ronneth yn to the Rhene over against the cittie of Mens, yn Latin Moguntia: wythin xx. Englishe myle, and ys nauigable betwē, wyth bargis & lyghters drawē by horsis, wyth ordinari & dayli passage to and fro, wych cittie of Franckford beying Metropolitan of al Germani, and set yn place most indifferēt for acces of all Princis of the Empire, from everie part, & also for prouision bothe of vyctual & harbour, most apt & propice to receyve much people, assembles, and recours of strangiers, cōmonlither for the Election & Coronation of their Emperours & Kyngs ys & hath ben vsed to be holdē there of lōg tyme, as now yn the year of owr lord 1562. the month of Nouember,
[...]s accordingli, solemly parformed by the Kyng Maximilian instant Emperour, wyth su
[...]he pōp & triūph (as ys thowght) not to
[Page]haue ben dō the lyke at amy tyme, synce the great Charles Kyng of France, & Empereur of Rome. Nor: as yt ys not posssible, to tel all the Royal preparation & sumptuus prouision, so ys yt nether nedful at this tyme but only touching som special poyntes thereof, the gentel reader that hath not sene, nor herd the lyke before, may refresh hys mynd a lyttel wyth the noveltie of the matter, and content hym self wythal.
❧ Hier foloweth the Names of Dukes Marquesssis, Princis, Lordes, & other hygh Estats wych came to the Caronation.
Electers or Coruesters.
The bushop of Trier. The bushop of Colē. The bushop of Mens. The Conte Palatin or Palsgraue. The Marques Brandenburg. The Duke of Saxon. ☆ Embassaters. The Duke of Ascot for the Kyng of Spayne The Popes Emb. The Frenche Kyngs Emb The Kyng of Portingals Emb. The Kyng. of Denemarcks Em. The great Turkes Em. The Duke of Pomerans. The Venetians. The Duke of Mantua The Duke of Ferrara. ☆ Other estats. T [...] [...]uke of Bavier. [Page]The Duke of C [...]ue. The Duke of Lorain. The Duke of W [...]tenberg. The Duke of Makelburg. T [...] [...]ince of Orange. The Lansgrave. The Counte Egmond. The Counte Horn. The Counte Hoghstratē ☆ Ladies. The Quen of Bohem, her dowghter & 2. yōg sons. The Duches of Lorain & her Dowghter. The Duches of Bavier. The Duches of Saxon, wyth manny other great ladies & damosels vnknowen, and nōbers of Lordes, Ereles, Barons, Knyghts, Squyers and Gentilmē, wych nēther them self, amōg them self wer al known: nor yeat theyr names, or number ys possible to remembe [...].
All wych companie of nobiliti fyrst ass [...] bled & com toguyther at Frankford, abowt the 20. day of Nouember the yeare aforsayd, There abode, for the coming of Ferdinando. Emperour and Kyng Maximilian hys eldest son (whose Coronation we now speak of) coming toguither owt of Bohemia & those est parts of Germanie. Wych beyng arived wyth yn one dayes Iournei, all the afforsayd noblemen wyth [...] traynes well apoynted, & mounted a [...]k, yn nomber about [Page]5000. horsis, rood fourth of the cittie the morning, yn good order abowt 12. Ynglish myle to receyve the Emperour, & hys son coming on the way from Augusta, wych beyng then Ioyned wyth themperour & hys trayn retourned toghuyther to Frankford the same evenyng after son set, & then the hoole nōber toguither was thowght to be 40000. horsis in all. And they rade al wyth dagges at theyr saddelbows, & everi man a hearen leash & a lyttel bugle horn about hys nek hū terlyk, and yn hys hat an oken brāche wyth faded russet leaves as token of wynter. Thē abowt sonset came before yn to the cittie all their carriage wyth wagōs, carts, moyles & horsis, yn great number & camels 4. Wythī 4. dayes after, was bylt vp wythin the great cathedral churche scaffoldes rownd abowt, stagies, particions & seats, convenient and as apertayned for such a cor [...]nation, and from the sayd churche to the town hawle half an English myle long the way planked even, wyth tymber, where thes princis shold passafoot after the coronatiō to dyner The Turck wyth hys company yn rych & [Page]sayr apparel, had got astandyng yn a corner hows to se the passsing of thys pōpe, on whō was more gasyng of people, then was apon Emperour, Kyng or any thyng elsbesyde. Affter the ceremonies of coronation, wyth long & solē masssong, about 3. aclock at after none, themperour wyth hys son on the left hād & both having riche & precius crownes apō their heds, and robes of crimosin furred wyth ermines, came frō the churche afoot apō this plāked way, vnto the town pallace, where the dyner was prepared & next before thē wēt the 6. Corvesters, lykewyse apareled & the residu of the other nobiliti eche mā yn hys degre, & certayn officers wer apoynted to cast & strew abrod monoy new coyned, amōg the people both of syluer & gold. And yn the greatest market place, wych was before the Palace was acoūduct made, runnyng cōtinuali wyth wyn, both whyt & red wych poor people fet away that wold & ther beside was a tymber hous erect, wyth in the wych was a mighti great ox put on a broche, & rosted hwole hed, legs, fete & tayle & all except the skyn & bowels, & wyth in the boddy was farced & stuffed dyuers sortes of other smal [Page]4. footed beastes, & fowle of sowndri Kyndes, as valow deare, hare, kyd, lam, pygg, cō nye, squyrel, swan, goose, heron, byttour, malard, phesant, pecok, capō, partricg, quayle, p [...] giō, wodcock, curlu, plover, snyt, blackbur [...] thrush, larck, & so frō the greatest fowle to the lest, & vnto the veari wren, and tytmose, wych after 2. dayes, and as many nyghts rosting, was deuyded amōg the people to yeat the same day of the coronatiō. Themperour then at dyner sat vnder ariche cloth ofestat next thewaule, & Kyng Maximilian ouer against hym near the end, at the same table, & no mo parsons but they 2. then wer ther 6. other tabels prepared wythin the same hawle for the six Coruesters, to syteche by hym self but they sarved yn the fyrst cours to thē perour, & the Kyng, & the rest of the Dukes & Noblemen sat at dyvers tables ther besyde som 16. som 20. som. 24. at a table toguyther in order acording to their degreis. The Duke of Saxon: lord marshal, by enheritance, that day mesured ottes yn the market place, wyth apec [...] of syluer. Wythin ij. dayes after came the Turks Embassator to thēperours pallace & presented hym wyth an amblyng [Page]bay puystant stede, 4. camels furnished, and certain auncient Vessel & dyshys, of purselā, & other old monumēts late fownd vnder the earth, wyth in the temple of Sāta Sophia yn Cōstātinople, he roode thorowgh the strets to & fro, wyth 6. cōpanions also an horsbak, be yn agown of cloth of gold, & the other yn cry mosin vellet, and before hym a foot a 30. sarvants & slaves booted, and wyth spores a foot long fro the heale to the rowel, he hym self ys a Cristen man renegat & born yn Polonia. Ther war also rūnyng wyth horsis at the ryng al one day, & Kyng Maximiliā began, & al the Dukes & other Noblemen followed, affter wych tryūph wythin 4. dayes thēperour fyrst departed, by water to Mens, & the Kyng the next day wyth hys Quene by land to Augusta. And every, lord & other Gentilman hys way, home to hys own coū tre, & last of all the Turk, wych as he was cō ducted In, wyth 40. or 50. armed men a horsbak, so was he lykwyse safe conveyd back again, that no rude people shold mysvse hym apon the way.