ARTICLES OF THE PEACE agreed vpon, between the Archduke Mathias, on the Emperours part, and the Deputies of the Lord Botzkay, and of other Lords of Hungarie on the other partie.
In like manner, the Articles, and Conditions of Truce, set downe betweene the Emperour and the great Turke, for 15. yeares.
All beeing faithfully translated out of high Dutch into French, and out of the same into English.
LONDON Printed for Nathaniel Butter. 1607.
The Articles of the peace of Hungarie, conuented and accorded vpon, betvveene the Archduke Mathias, on the Emperours behalfe, and the Deputies of the Lorde of Botzkay and of other Hungarian Lords.
In like manner, the conditions, and Artickles of the truce, betweene the Emperour and the Turke.
1. FIrst, that such degrees as were heretofore made, touching the defence and exercise of any other, then the Romaine Religion, without there consent, shall at this present bee reuoked and annulled, and that from henceforward, al Lords Gentlemen, Townes, or other estates holding of [Page 2] the Crowne of Hungarie, as in like manner, all men of warre, vpon the Frontires, shall be permitted to exercise and professe whether of these three Religions they doe make choise of, the Romaine, Lutheran, or Caluinistical, excepted alwayes without any Infringement or preiudice, to the rites, reuenewes, and profits, of the Catholike, or Romaine Churches, as also such goods shall bee restored vnto them againe, which were taken from them during the troubles past.
2. That there shall bee a Treatie of peace with the Turke.
3. That it shall bee lawfull, and permitted them, to chuse a Count Palatine, according to the custome heretofore in vse, and with those dignities, prerogatiues, and requisite authoritie. But because his Imperiall Maiestie, for many other important Christian affaires, can not be personally in Hungarie, or vpon the Confines, and so on the other side it would be very inconuenient for those of his Kingdom, to follow his Maiestie, and vpon all occasions to trauaile to his Court, hee hath reestablished the same generall authoritie, & power which before times seemed necessary, in the Archduke Mathias his Brother, to bee his [Page 3] Lieftenant Generall in the same Countrie, it being his Maiesties pleasure, that in all affaires of importante, conceiuing y e aduancements and benefit of the Crowne, that he bee heard, and absolutely obeyed, as his owne proper imperiall person.
4. That when the Realme shall be in peace, and free from the dangers which now threaten it, his Maiestie will be content, to transferre his Court to Presbourg vppon Danubius in Hungarie.
5. That the Lord high Treasurer General, shall be an Hungarian, whose charge shal extend, but to the treasurie, and reuenewes, without medling any wayes in matters of State: as also in like manner the Receiuers generall, and particular, shall be men natiuelie borne in the Countrie, and chosen by the estates thereof, & for the differences betweene the Bishoppes of Clan, and Varandine, they are referred to the censure of the Estates of the Realme
6. Because his Maiesties royall authoritie, may no wayes be infringed by any thing aboue mentioned, hee shall bee free, to nominate, and elect, such as hee pleaseth to bee Bishops, onely with this prouiso and condition, that they bee Nobles, and naturally borne in the Countrie, without augmenting vpon this occasion, the number of Counsellours of Estate.
7. That Ecclesiasticall reuenewes, shall remaine in their present State, and if any plea, or sutes growe vpon them, they shal I bee adiudged by the Estates.
8. That the Iesuites shall haue no proprietie of their owne, nor may not acquire, or purchase any succession, or inheritance within the Realme, onely they shall be permitted to enioy such donations, as his Maiestie doth bestow vpon them.
9. That his Maiestie shall depute vnto the Offices of the Realme (as to those of the neighbour Countries of Slauonia) Dalmatia, [Page 5] and Croatia, Naturall Hungars.
10. All ciuill causes, and whatsoeuer depend thereupon, shall bee decided according to the custome of the Realme.
11. That Helias Hary, and the other Lord also, which made a complaint of their particular greefes, shall be heard, and contented, and that all inmunities and priuilidges, shall be granted vnto the Towne of Caslonia, which it heretofore obteined from the King of Hungarie.
12. In that it is impossible, to restore all such losse and damage, as hath beene procured by the last troubles, it is thought fit to surcease, all sute, and prosequution thereof.
13. Such Donations, as were made, by the Lord Botzkay, shall bee renewed by the Estates, and those that are but reasonable allowed of: but all Contracts, and leuies of money, morgages, or transferments made ouer, as well by the Lords, as by Helias Hary, shall be confirmed, and stand good til redēption bee made of them by the Proprietaries, and they by them ennobled, so they be originally borne of the Countrie, and of qualitie, shall be confirmed by the Estates, & enrolled.
14. Lordships, and lands morgaged, shall remaine likewise in their due valew, till their redēption and release, which shall be permitted to y e prōprietaries, according to order, and modera [...]ion, set downe by the Estates.
As for the particular matter, of the saide Botzkay, hee shal bee allowed the Title, and dignitie, of a Prince of the Empire in Transiluania, Count of Cicles, and Lord of the parts of high Hungary, with the reuenewes of the same Landes, as also he shall hold the Castle of Touay, and two generalities depending on the same, as well on this side, as beyond the riuer of Tubisque the Fortresse of Iacmar, and the two townes called Hereuenture, and Torreualy, togither with the Tenthes of Erlan, and whatsoeuer before specified for him selfe, and his heires males, discending of him, without that, in default of such issue, any of his other kinsmen, may pretend any right, or succession thereunto but if hee leaue one, or more daughters they shalbe kept, and maintained, according as his Maiestie hath couenanted with the said Lord.
16. Whatsoeuer hath bin attempted and atted, both by the one part, and the other shall bee committed to vtter obliuion.
Articles and Conditions of the Truce made betweene the Emperour, and the Turke, translated out of high Dutch.
1. THat euery one shal be permitted, to reedifie their houses foretresses, or any other buildings, and to repaire and resettle them in the same estate, wherein they were before the wars, and moreouer to builde newe, as they shall thinke good.
2. That the Embassadors, both of the one and other side, shall attribute vnto their masters, the title of Father and Sonne: which is to say, the one of sonne, to the great Turke, and the other of father to the Emperour: and that one reciprocally demanding any thing of the other, by letters, it shall quickly be dispatched, and agreed vnto: and that writing [Page 8] respectiuely one vnto the other, they shal vs the title of Emperour, and not of King.
3. That the Tartars also shall bee comprehended within this Truce, with an iniunction, and inhibition vnto them, to doe no kind of dammage, or make any incursions vpon the Christians.
4. That the truce shal continue, for the space of fifteene yeares.
5. That all the Lands, Kingdomes, and Lordships, belonging to the house of Austriche, shall bee comprehended within this truce, and if he determine to make peace with the Spaniard, that he may herein no waies bee hindered, but rather assisted, & furthered by the Emperour.
6. That Incursions, and Inroads, as well of the one part, as the other be prohibited, & if any one of the seuerall parties, doe not obserue this, the transgressors shall be imprisoned, and punished with exemplare iustice, as well on the one side, as on the other, making restitution of dammages.
7. That no man be permitted either openly, or secretly, to betray, or surprise, either foretresse, towne, or house, to take any prisoner of the one or other part, nor to entertaine, be it the one, or the other, any spies, principally in Hungary and that no kind of reuenge be pretended, for matters before time euill carried.
8. That Merchants, and all tran̄quants, may freely, and securely trauell, & that they may be safe conducted by Captains, or other Commanders, to the borders and confines of countries: and that places be nominated, and ordained of set purpose, for Faires, respectiuely fowre or fiue times in the yeare.
9. That the Gouernors of Raab, and Basha of Offen, may haue full authoritie, to appease all partialities, and diuisions, which may peraduenture occurre vpon the Confines: and the affaire beeing of great importance, that it be determined by Mediators, towards the Emperour or the great Turke.
10. That all prisoners, conformable to their [Page] dignity, and place, bee set at libertie, by way of Counterchange.
11. That according to the Agreement passed, and concluded hertofore within Buda, by Caesar Gallo, an Embassador be sent by the Emperour to the great Turke with a present: & that in like manner, conformable to the accord set down by the Visio Basha, that an Imbassador be sent from the Turke to the Emperour with a present of horse, armes, rich raiment, or some such like things.
12. That this truce be firme, and indissoluble for fifteene yeares, and that without all faile, there be Embassadors appointed euery three yeres, of like condition, and quality, with requisite and conuenient presents, without any waies specifying of them, but it being referred to the discretion of him which shall send them.