Wherein is contayned, a most true, plaine, and briefe mani­festation of the meaning and scope of all the Reuelation, and of eue­ry Mystery of the same:

Whereby the Pope is most plaine­ly declared and proued to bee Antichrist.

BY THOMAS MASON Preacher of the word of God at Odyham in the County of South.

Printed at London by G. Eld. 1619.

TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTY, KING IAMES, by the especiall Grace of God, of Great Bri­taine, France and Ireland King, and in all causes, whether Ecclesiasticall or Ciuill, next vnder CHRIST su­preme Head, and a most faithfull De­fender of the true Catholique and Apostolique Faith, in all his Realmes and Dominions; Grace, Mercy and Peace be multiplyed.

Most Excellent Soueraigne:

HAuing attained vnto some cer­taintie of the scope and mea­ning of the Re­uelation, and of the Mysteries [Page]thereof, by earnest prayer, per­vsing of Expositors, and con­ference of the Prophesies ther­of, with the Ecclesiasticall Histories; and being desirous to inlighten others, I haue cō ­piled, in as briefe and easie manner as I could deuise, the true scope and meaning of the same, and of euery Mysterie thereof: And being well as­sured, that as God gaue vnto the Kingly Prophet Dauid a rich measure of his Spirit, so he hath bequeathed vnto your Highnesse most abundantly, his holy Ghost: so that none more knoweth the minde of Christ then you Maiesty doth. [Page]Which imboldened me to de­dicate this my Worke vnto your Highnesse, most hum­bly crauing, that this little shew of my dutifull loue vn­to your Maiestie, may obtaine pardon for my too much boldnesse: so, as it is my boun­den dutie, I will neuer cease to offer vppe supplications vnto God and vnto Iesus Christ, for the dewe of his Spirit to be daily distilled in­to your Royall heart, for your direction, and that God would alwayes charge his ho­ly Angels for the preseruation of your Maiesties person, and of our most gracious Queene, [Page]our most Royall Prince, and all your Highnesse Kingly Progenie.

Your Maiesties most faithfull and dutifull Subiect, THOMAS MASON.

THE EPISTLE to the Reader.

FOr the better vnder­standing of the Reuela­tion (Christian Reader) I would haue thee to obserue in the three first Chapters, the then present estate of the seauen Churches: and in the fourth and fifth Chapters, the vision of Saint Iohn in Heauen, in what manner hee receiued the gene­rall Reuelation from Christs ascensi­on vntill his comming vnto iudge­ment: in the sixt and seauenth Chap­ters, the estate of the Church vnder the Idolatrous Emperours, vntill the [Page]Christian Emperour Constantine his time, and the flourishing of the estate thereof by him; and in the eighth, ninth, and tenth Chapters, the estate of the Church vnder the Emperors that were after Constan­tine, and the Popes: how men became as cold as hayle in true Religion, and as hot as fire to maintaine supersti­tions to the shedding of blood: and how the Emperours, signified by the great Mountaine, tooke part with the superstitious, with a burning zeale persecuting those that would not con­sent to their superstitions.

The great Starre that fell from Heauen as bitter as worme-wood, was the falling of the Bishop of Rome from Christ and his word, to maine­taine superstitions, and for that pur­pose was exalted of the Emperours aboue all other Bishops: The second Starre is the Popes, which exalted themselues aboue all the Emperours and Kings, and filled the world with [Page]their mighty Locusts, that is, Cardi­nalls, Popish Bishops, and their offi­cers, Abbots, Friers, and such like: and when these were multiplied, as the sands of the sea, the Diuell that was bound for a thousand yeares, from Constantine his time, is let loose, & obtaineth these innumerable com­pany of Locusts to take his part, and persecuted the Saints, & by these An­tichristian Locusts, martyred more then euer hee did by the idolatrous Emperours, yet Christ and his Saints obtaine the victory. And from the beginning of the eleuenth Chapter vnto the end of the Booke, are pro­phesied againe the very same things of Antichrist: but much more large­ly, and with other similitudes.

In the eleuenth Chapter, the super­stitious are called the Courts, and the faithfull the temple, and Saint Iohn is commanded, not to mete the Courts but to cast them out, and it is prophe­sied that they shall tread the holy Cit­ty, [Page]which is the faithfull, vnder their feete, 1260. yeares.

In the twelfth Chapter, the Empe­rours which before are called a great mountaine, are heere called a great red Dragon, and are prophesied to be they which shall be the greatest cause of the treading vnder foote the Chil­dren of God, all this time of the 1260. yeares.

In the thirteenth Chapter, the Popes that were called two Starres before, are called two beasts: the first Beast the Emperours shall set aboue all other Bishops, of purpose to main­taine superstitions, and to tread the faithfull vnder their feete all the said time of 1260. yeares, and for this purpose the Dragon shall giue him his power and authority.

The second Beast which had two hornes like the Lambe, is the second Starre as before, which is the Pope, when hee tooke vpon him not onely to bee the whole ruler in spirituall [Page]matters, but to bee King of all Kings, as Christ is, and exalted himselfe a­boue the Emperours.

All the other Chaptors vnto the end, declare the manner of the de­struction of Antichrist, and of Rome, and the flourishing of the Gospell after Rome shall be destroyed vntill Christs comming to iudgement.

As Christ foretolde the destructi­on of Ieausalem, and truely at his time appointed performed it; so surely bath Christ Prophesied, and as truely in his time will accomplish the destruction of Rome: and as a whole yeare before the destruction of Ieru­salem, there was seene an extraordi­nary Blazing Starre; so the Blazing Starre that now so strangely appea­reth, seemeth to manifest Gods fiery indignation against Rome, which shall shortly destroy it, and to bee a forewarning vnto all men that they flye from her false Doctrines, lest they be pertakers of her punishments, [Page]and that all Kings and the Children of God should haue their hearts in­flamed like the flaming Starre, a­gainst that abhominable Strumpet, to gather themselues to battell against her, and burne her with fire.

And because euery one of Gods Children must claime by a liuely faith as perticular vnto himselfe all the generall promises of Christ, so we ought to apply the generall iudge­ments of God, euery one vnto his owne soule. Let vs therefore examine our hearts whether wee retaine there any Poposh superstition, or sinne a­gainst any of Gods commandements vnrepented of; for against such that will not repent, the Lords anger bur­neth like the blazing Starre.

But if wee flie by true repentance and a liuely faith, and catch hold of the blood of Iesus Christ, to wash a­way our sinnes, and of his righteous­nesse to couer our imperfections; then may wee with ioy looke vpon this bla­zing [Page]Starre, and prayse God for de­claring his fierce wrath against An­tichrist and sinners, and for hasten­ing to reuenge the blood of his Saints, and that the time approacheth to in­large and decke with his graces his Spouse the Church, which shall bee vpon the destruction of Rome, that the number of the elect being ful­filled, Christ may come to iudge­ment, and exalt vs vnto his eternall glory.

And because the more neere the Diuell seeth his time of eternall tor­ments to approach, the more hee ra­geth against Gods Children: there­fore this flaming starre must certifie vs, that euen now the Diuell by his priuie Counsellors the Iesuites, is most busily plotting and practising the destruction of all Protestant Kings and Countries, and it ought to prouoke vs to earnest prayer vnto our chiefe Captaine Iesus Christ, to con­found their enterprises, and to destroy [Page]them in the same suare which they haue laid for others.

To the Prince of the Kings of the earth, that loued vs and washed vs from our finnes, and made vs Kings and Priests vnto God, to him bee all honour, glory and power now and for euermore. Amen.

A REVELATION of the Reuelation.


EVen as GOD so much loued faithfull Abra­ham, that hee would not destroy Zodome, vntill hee had foretold him thereof, and likewise his cho­sen Children Israell, that he would doe nothing but he would foretell them therof by his Prophets: Like­wise as Christ so loued his Disci­ples, that hee foretould them his Sufferings, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and the comming of the holy Ghost, their troubles that they should suffer for his name, the successe of the Gospell, the destruc­tion of Ierusalem, the glory that [Page 2]they & the faithful should haue with him in Heauen, such immeasurable riches of his loue hath God shewed vnto his faithfull ones in these last ages, in shewing vnto them what shall happen vnto his Church from the blessed Ascension of his Sonne Iesus Christ vntill his glorious comming to Iudgement.

And because he hath exalted Ie­sus Christ on his right hand, and gi­uen all power vnto him in Heauen and earth, and made him the onely saluation of all that are or shalbe saued; hee hath likewise giuen vn­to him this Reuelation: and be­cause Angels be his ministring spi­rits for our saluation, Christ hath sent it by an Angell: and because the Lord will not vse the ministry of Angells immediatly for our in­struction, the Angell brought it to Iohn, to conuey it to the seauen Churches of Asia, and although it is directed of God, onely to the [Page 3]seauen Churches of Asia, it doth as properly belong to all Churches & people of God as vnto them.

In that it is said to bee of things that shall shortly come to passe, a thousand yeares with the Lord is but as one day with vs: In that they are pronounced blessed that read, heare, and keepe the things of this Prophecie, it should stirre vs vp, neuer to be weary of knocking, as­king and seeking, vntill the true vn­derstanding here of be giuen vs; and this as the onely meanes, S. Iohn by his example commends vnto vs, in that hee beginneth with Prayer to the Father, Son and holy Ghost, for grace and peace for them.

In that he calleth the holy Ghost which is one Spirit, seauen Spirits; it is in respect of the seauen folde operation therof in the 7. churches.

And hauing now seene Iesus Christ in heauen, hee cannot passe by him by barely naming him, but [Page 4]declareth what hee hath seene of knowne of him; That he is a faith­full witnesse, the first begotten of the dead, Prince of the Kings of the earth, that loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes with his bloud, and made vs Kings & Priests vnto God: he commeth with clouds, and euery eye shall see him, yea, they that pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wayle before him, euen so Amen.

In that by persecutions hee was faine to leaue his Churches, and to saue himselfe in a desolate place, he might think that God had forsaken his faithfull Churches, and him his faithfull seruant, but wee know that all things work for the best for Gods children; now euen now in this de­solate place, he seeth more comfort then euer he did, and receiueth the greatest Reuelation that euer was, and most beneficiall to the comfort and direction of the Church to the [Page 5]end of the world, and fends this vn­to his Churches farre passing the comfort of his presence.

In that the seauen golden Can­dlestickes, which by Christ is inter­preted the seauen Churches, the gold thereof sheweth the puritie of their Religion, without any drosse of humane traditions or Iewish ce­remonies.

The office of a Candlesticke is to hold vp the candle, that it may ligh­ten all the place where it is, where­by is noted vnto vs, their care and loue of the Gospell, and the con­uersion of others vnto the same, by holding vp and maintaining their Ministers to edifie themselues, and to bee a light to them that be in darknesse. And as Christ walked a­mongst these golden Candlesticks, so wil he neuer be absent from such golden Candlestickes.

No man as he is flesh and blood can see Christ as he is, therefore he [Page 6]appeares vnto S. Iohn by vision, and so no doubt hee did vnto S. Stephen when he saw the heauens open, and Christ sitting at the right hand of God. Christs long garment & gol­den girdle was after the manner of Kings and Priests, & declareth that he is the King of kings and Lord of lords, and the onely Ruler of all things in heauen and earth, and our onely high Priest. In his haire he re­sembles auncient Senators, which sheweth his wisedome, and that he is the first and the last, Alpha and O­mega, hee that was, and that is, and that is to come. His flaming eyes sheweth that hee is the searcher of all reynes and hearts, and that no­thing is hid from his eyes with whō we haue to doe.

His brasen feet declare that hee shall stampe the diuell and all his instruments, his and our enemies vnder his feet.

His loud voyce manifesteth that [Page 7]hee shall be heard vnto the end of the world, how forcible his Gospel is to conuert the elect, how it shall be able to awake to life all that are dead, and to make the elect to meet him in the ayre, and to follow him vnto glory, and to cast the diuell and all the wicked into hell.

His two-edged Sword out of his mouth, sheweth his wrath and in­dignation vnto the enemies of his Church, and their destruction.

His shining face sheweth his lo­uing fauour vnto his children, and assureth them of his saluation.

In that the Ministers of the sea­uen Churches are called Stars, they are shewed their office, euer to bee inlightning those that are in darke­nesse, with the bright beames of the Gospell, and to shew forth their loue vnto God and his children by their good workes, that men may glorifie their Father in heauen.

In that he holds them in his hand, [Page 8]whereas hee is said but to be in the middest of the Candlestickes, it as­sureth vs, if wee be such Starres, he will haue a speciall care ouer vs, he will hold vs in his hand, and none shall be able to hurt vs, or take vs from him.

S. Iohn at the first sight did think him to be like Christ, but lest hee should be deceiued, Christ telleth him that He is he that was dead & is aliue, and bade him behold him, and told him that he liued for euer, and had the keyes of hell and of death.

In that Iohn is commanded to write these things, it sheweth how necessary they are to be read of his Children: and in that Christ in­terpreteth the hardest things to be vnderstood in these visions, it certi­fieth vs, that wee may attaine vnto the meaning of all the rest by ear­nest prayer.

CHAP. 2. & 3.

IN that Iesus Christ commands Iohn to write seauen Letters vnto the seauen Churches, and indites euery Epistle with the words of his owne mouth, wee are assured that hee is the only head of the Church, and that his care and loue vnto the Church is no lesse then when hee was vpon earth, and that hee seeth whatsoeuer is done, whether it be good or bad. Therefore let euery one of vs in his calling serue the Lord Iesus, as walking alwayes be­fore his face: for such an high Priest it behooued vs to haue, which is ho­ly, harmelesse, vndefiled, seperated from sinners, and made higher then the heauens, and which once hath offered himselfe a sufficient sacri­fice for all the elect, and is consecra­ted for euermore.

All Ministers must striue to serue [Page 10]Christ in those things which hee commends in the Ministers, for they concerne all Ministers to the end of the world.

The Minister of Ephesus is com­mended for his workes, his labour, his patience, his zeale, that he can­not forbeare the euill, but exa­mines false Apostles & findes them lyars, and for suffring patiently for his name, and not fainting, for ha­ting the workes of Seducers as the Nicholaitans.

Hee saith to the Angell of the Church of Smyrna, I know thy workes, and thy labour, and pouer­ty, but thou art rich.

He saith vnto the Angell of the Church of Pergamus: I know thy workes and where thou dwellest, euen where Sathans throne is, and thou keepest my name, and hast not denyed my faith, when Anti­pas my faithfull Martyr was slaine amongst you.

He saith to the Angell of Thya­tyra I know thy workes, thy loue, and seruice, and faith & patience, and thy works are more at last then at the first.

If we follow these things vnto the end, we shall ouercome; then shall wee eat of the Tree of life in the midst of Paradice, which is Christ; wee shall eate the Manna that is hid, which is the ioy of the holy Ghost, and peace of conscience, wee shall haue a white stone and a new name, that wee are Christs written on it, which none can read but them which haue it, that is, the Spirit shall assure vs that wee are Gods Children, and none but our selues can know the assurance of our hope; then shall we haue pow­er to rule the Nations with a rod of Iron, that is, we shall ouercome the Diuell and sinne, and his instru­ments, and in the world to come breake them in pieces like a Pot­ters [Page 12]vessell. As Christ receiued the morning starre of his father, so he will giue it vs, that is, the spirit of wisdome; wee shall be clothed in white, that is, with his righteous­nesse, and not bee put out of the booke of life, but Christ will con­fesse our names before his father and his Angells; we shall be made pillars in the temple of God, and goe out no more, and wee shall haue the name of our God, and the Citty of our God, and Christs new name written vpon vs, Christ will grant vs to sit in his throne, as hee sits in his fathers throne.

In that the aduersaries vnto the truth & vnto Gods Ministers are in the letter vnto the Smyrnians, & in that to Philadelphia called the syna­gogue of Sathan, & in the letter to Pergamus their dwelling is called the dwelling of Sathā & the throne of Sathan, and in the letter to Thia­tyra, their false doctrine is called the [Page 13]deepenesse of Sathan: let all such know of whom they are, and call to God for his grace in Christ, that they may repent with Saint Paul, and be translated from the power of Sathan into the Kingdome of Christ, neither needs Gods Mini­sters and Children bee afraid of them, their lies, subtile practises, or persecutions, for he that is with vs is greater then he that is against vs.

Likewise let all Gods Ministers and Children marke what things the Ministers are blamed for, that they may be wary not to offend in the same.

Christ remembers the Angell of Ephesus that hee is fallen from the loue he had at the first, belike be­cause hee reaped vnthankfulnesse and ill will for his labour, this must not discourage vs, wee must looke for our reward of God, and if wee had neuer so many afflictions, they are not worthy of the great [Page 14]glory wee shall haue in Christ.

Christ threatneth him to come against him shortly, and remoue his Candlesticke out of his place if he amend not; and surely this want of loue was it that remoued all these Candlestickes out of their places, and long time these places haue beene inhabited of Idolaters.

See what a many of commenda­ble vertues, euen of Christ him­selfe, the Minister of Ephesus had, and lost the reward of them all by loosing his loue, if hee did not a­mend.

Christ findes fault with the An­gell of Pergamus for suffering the doctrine of Balaam, and of the Ni­cholaitans to be maintained there, and threatneth to come against him for it, this must make vs wary not to suffer false doctrines to bee maintained.

The Angell of Thiatyra is found fault with, for suffering Iesabel to [Page 15]intise Christs seruants to sinne, we must take heed of such.

Christ findes fault with the An­gell of Sardis: that hee had a name that he liued, but he was dead: let vs therefore examine our selues well whether wee liue in the spirit, or be dead in any sinne, and let vs awake and repent, else Christ will come vpon vs suddenly and de­stroy vs.

Christ findes fault with the An­gell of Laodicea because hee was neither hot nor colde, and threa­tens to spue him out, and in that he boasted of his riches and trust­ed in them, saying that hee lacked nothing, and telleth him that hee was poore, and councelleth him to buy heauenly treasure, and that hee was blinde, and willeth him to buy the eye salue of the spirit, that he might see the riches of Christ; and therefore for the want of Christs righteousnesse imputed [Page 16]vnto him, was naked and misera­ble: Christ telleth him that as many as hee hath he rebuketh and chasteneth; and telleth him that he stands at the dore and knocks that is, at the heart, and if any heare and open, hee will come in and suppe with him, and he shall suppe with Christ, that is, Christ will re­ioyce to saue him, and hee will re­ioyce that he is saued of Christ.

In that Christ from heauen sti­leth the seauen Ministers, and in them all other Minsters, by the name of Angels, it sheweth, that he vseth them the onely meanes to call the elect to grace, and it tea­cheth Ministers to looke to God and his word onely for their Doc­trine, and hearers to receiue the word preached as of God and not of man.

CHAP. 4. & 5.

NOw this Vision concerning the present estate of the sea­uen Churches being ended, S. Iohn is taken vp into Heauen in the spi­rit, to receaue a Reuelation from Heauen, touching the whole af­faires of the Church vnto the end of the world, but this was likewise directed to the seauen Churches, and therefore here the spirit is said to be seuen spirits, & Christ is said to haue seuen hornes, that is, his power in euery Church.

As S t. Paul when hee was taken vppe into the third Heauen could not vtter that which hee saw and heard there, so no doubt it was with S t. Iohn, but this vision was shewed him for our intelligence.

The things in summe which hee saw, was the inspeakeable glory of God and Christ, & all Angells and Saints, praising God for their sal­uation, [Page 18]and hee saw Gods anger against the damned, by the voyces, thunders, lightenings and earth­quakes which hee saw in the vi­sion.

God seemes to him like a King, sitting in Parliament in his chaire of estate, with a Raine-bow com­passing him, to glorifie him: his face like a Iasper stone, and a Sar­dine. But the glory of God is the truth of his promises, which is sig­nified by the Raine-bow, which was giuen to certifie vs of the truth of his promise, that hee would neuer drowne the World againe; and the face of the Lord is his louing kind­nesse vnto his children in Christ, which is signified in these most beautifull stones, the Sardine and the Iasper.

The 24. Elders are the bookes of the law and the Prophets, the foure Beasts are the foure Gospells, these set forth his glory, and declare the [Page 19]truth of his promises more then the Raine-bow, and the brightnesse of his loue vnto his Children more then the Iasper and Sardine stones.

The Elders are cloathed in white, to shew the purity of their doctrine; they haue Crownes, to shew how powerfull they are to conuince sin and error: these and the beasts are about the throne, because none come to God but by them: they sit as Iudges, because at the ende of the world all shall bee iudged by them.

These comforted Saint Iohn when he wept, so will they all of vs if wee seeke comfort of them, and if any bee ignorant of any thing touching their saluation, they will certifie vs thereof.

One of the foure Beasts had the face of a Man, this seemeth to bee Saint Mathew, because the begin­ning and face of his Gospell decla­reth the generation of the huma­nity [Page 20]of Christ from Dauid.

The Beast like the Eagle, signifi­eth Saint Iohn, because he mounts like an Eagle into Heauen, spea­king of the Diuinity of Christ; the other two are Marke and Luke, one like a Lyon, because hee speakes more largely of the resurrection of Christ, wherein he rose like a Lion from death, and conquered sinne, death, and hell: the other was like a Calfe, because hee spake more largely of the offering of Christ, vpon the Crosse, which was prefi­gured by the sacrifice of Calues in the old Law.

Their sixe wings a peece, shew­eth the speedy flying of the Gos­pell about the world.

In that they are full of eyes, it sheweth that by the new Testa­ment wee may see Christ more plainely then by the old, there we see but the types of him, heere wee see Christ himselfe.

In that Saint Iohn saw thousand thousands of Angells, it shew­eth what an innumerable num­ber there be; the office of these bee to preserue the faithfull in this world, what need we then to feare?

The Angell interprets the waters where the Whore sitteth, Reu. 17.14. to bee people, so this glassie Sea before the throne signifies the soules of the faithfull; so it doth in the beginning of the 14. Chap­ter: The faithfull of the old Testa­ment are called Heb. 12. so great a Cloud of witnesses, signifying, that there was as many of them, as droppes of raine in a great cloud; so the soules in Heauen are called a Sea, to signifie vnto vs that there bee such a number as droppes of water in a Sea, according to Gods promise vnto Abraham, that his seed, that is, the faithfull, should be so many in number, as the sands on [Page 22]the Sea shore, or the starres in the Element.

In that it is a glassie Sea, though heere afflictions may tosse our mindes as the windes the waues, yet as no winde can stirre a glassie Sea, so all sorrow is parted from them, nothing can disturbe their mindes but they alwayes reioyce in the Lord.

In that this Sea is of glasse an intire substance, it sheweth how the soules in Heauen be vnited to­gether in loue, reioysing euery one at anothers saluation as at their owne.

In that the Sea is like Christall, it sheweth how holy they are, ne­uer offending their louing God, but are all crowned with Crownes of righteousnesse.

In that the Angells and they did especially reioyce, when Christ obtained to open the seales, to shew vs this Reuelation, it decla­reth [Page 23]how dearly they loue the elect vpon earth, and how profitable this Reuelation is to vs.

CHAP. 6.

IN that one of the foure Beasts calleth Saint Iohn vnto the ope­ning of euery seale to see what fol­lowes, and his voyce was as thun­der, it sheweth that the way to come to Christ, and to obtaine any thing at his hand, is to hearken vnto the Gospell, and that it is as forcible to the heart, as thunder to the eares.

The white Horse signifieth the Apostles & Preachers of the Gos­pell anone vpon the sending of the holy Ghost, the Rider is Christ, his bow whereby hee conquers, the preaching of the Gospell, his Crowne sheweth that the Gospell so preuailed, that it got him a Kingdome.


In that the Apostles are called Horses, it sheweth their swiftnesse in publishing the Gospell: that white Horse Saint Paul, what a number of Countries did he plant the Gospell in! Ioseph of Arima­thia and Philip brought the Gos­pell into England, Saint Paul in the tenth to the Romanes affir­meth, that then the sound of the Gospell had gone through all the earth, and into the ends of the World.

The red Horse signifies the idola­trous Emperours of Rome, which raised the tenne persecutions a­gainst the Christians, the rider was the Diuell, prouoking them there­to, for he had permission of God, to take peace from the earth, and to kill with the sword, and he had a great sword giuen him, which sheweth that the Diuell doth no­thing vnto Gods children, but by Gods permission, the causes why [Page 25]God will suffer the Diuell to perse­cute his children, are best knowne vnto his wisdome.

Nero Domitius caused the first Persecution: He regarded neither sexe, condition, or age, the streets were spred with dead bodies of Christians, he indeuored vtterly to abolish the name of Christians, and his Successors followed his steppes: for their speed in persecu­ting they may well bee compared to Horses.

The blacke Horse are such as went about to darken the light of the Gospell, and to maintaine the blacknesse of Idolatry; the Diuell the Prince of darkenesse was their Rider, because he prouoked them therevnto: but he had no power to hurt the oyle and the wine, that is, those that had the oyle of the Spi­rit, and the wine of Christs blood by a liuely faith.

The pale Horse seemeth to bee [Page 26] Dioclesian which moued the tenth Persecution, hee is called Death, because hee martyred so many Christians in all Countries, at one time hee slew 6660. of his owne soldiers, because they were Chri­stians, hee destroyed all the Chri­stians in England: no tongue can vtter the deaths and torments that this Tyrant vsed, hanging them by one hand, scourging them, and broyling them not to death, but e­uery day: Eusebius saith hee saw the swordes of the Persecutors blunt with often slaughter, them­selues for wearinesse to sit downe and rest, but the Martyrs nothing dismaid were patient for Christs sake: so he did likewise in all Coun­tries. Then the soules of the faith­full that were slaine in these tenne Persecutions being vnder the altar which is Christ, cryed to God as Abels blood did for vengeance, and they had long white robes, [Page 27]which is the righteousnesse of Christ, and they were bid to rest vntill their fellow-seruants should be killed as they were, that is, vntill Antichrist should be more drunken with the bloud of Saints then the Emperours were. But their cries moued the Lord to vengeance, and hee destroyed these idolatrous per­secutors by the hand of Constantine whom the Lord made a most Chri­stian Emperour.

The Earthquake, the blacknesse of the Sun, and rednes of the Moon, the falling of the Stars, the vanish­ing of heauen, the remouing of the mountaines, and the feare of the great ones, desiring the mountains and rockes to couer them from the wrath of God, describeth the feare­fulnes of Gods wrath executed vp­on these persecuting Idolaters: & although these things shall not tru­ly come to passe vntil the comming of Christ, yet these words were vsed [Page 28]by Christ in prophesying the de­struction of Ierusalem, and in other places of Scripture, when the exe­cution of some great Iudgement is prophesied.

CHAP. 7.

THe foure Angels that held the foure windes from blowing vp­on the earth, sea, or any tree, shewes the peace that God had giuen vnto the Church by Constantine, & how God by his Angels preserued them from persecutions, signified by the windes.

The sealing of the 12000. of eue­ry Tribe, a certaine number for an innumerable number, and a greater number of other Nations, sheweth the flowrishing of the Gospell at that time.

This likewise is declared by the wonderful reioycing of the Angels and Saints in heauen, ascribing vn­to [Page 29]God praise, honour glory, & wis­dome, and thankes. What haue the Martyrs lost by these persecutions? Though they suffered tribulations for a small time, now they are in long white garments, which signi­fieth Christs righteousnesse, being in the presence of the throne of God, and serue him day and night in his Temple; and hee that sitteth on the throne will euer dwell with them, and they shall haue no more hunger nor thirst, nor be hurt, but God will gouerne them and leade them to the liuely fountaines of waters, and wipe away all teares from their eyes.

CHAP. 8.

IN that this peace is said to conti­nue but halfe an houre, it shewes that it did not indure long: for the Church beganne to waxe wanton with this great peace, & indeuored [Page 30]more to get large reuennues and riches of the world, then to set forth the Gospell.

In their establishing Christianity in Rome, to please the most super­stitious and idolatrous Romanes, they translated all their Heathen gods of Rome to bee their gods, only by giuing them other names; Pantheon which was the house of all gods, is Maria rotunda, the house of all Saints: the place of Cibel mo­ther of gods, is now placed to Mary the mother of God: the temple that was dedicated vnto Pallas and Minerua is now dedicated vnto Mi­nerua a virgin; and they inclined to many other pernicious and idola­trous superstitions both of the Iewes and Gentiles: Therefore Christ is siguratiuely said to stand before the Altar, with a golden Censor, and much odors was giuen him to offer, which was the prayers of Saints; and the smoake of the o­dors, [Page 31]which is the prayers of Saints, went vp to God out of Christs hand, and hee tooke the densor and filled it with coales from the Altar, and cast it into the earth, and there was voyces & thunders, lightnings and earthquakes, all which signifi­eth Gods most heauy indignation against them.

And there was hayle & sire min­gled with bloud cast vpon the earth, and burned the third part of Trees and greene grasse. The earth signi­fieth the great men, as the earth is higher then the sea and flouds; these were first perswaded to superstiti­on: the haile signifieth their coldnes in true Religion, the fire mingled with bloud their heat to maintaine superstitions, euen to the shedding of the bloud of such as would not consent to their superstitions.

The great Mountaine that was cast into the sea burning with fire, was the Emperour, which by the [Page 32]perswasion of the superstitious, cast himselfe from God and Christ, and tooke their part to maintaine their superstitions, and with a burning zeale persecuted the third part of common people, which are signi­fied by the sea.

As the Starres signified the Mini­sters of the seuen Churches, so this great Star that fell from heauen is the Bishop of Rome: by falling from heauen is meant from the Church. This seemes to be about the yere 666. according to Chap. 13. His bitternesse called wormwood, are his wicked Canons and Consti­tutions: for in that yeare Vitillianus Pope sent into England, and into other Countries, to set vp Latine Seruice and Masses, Ceremonies, Letanies, and other Romish ware. This Star fell into and made bitter the fountains and springs, these are the Clergy, for they should mini­ster to all men the water of life, as [Page 33]riuers feede both sea and land: so likewise in that he darkned the Sun, Moone and Starres, and the day, this meaneth the Ministers likewise, which ought to make shine the bright beames of the Gospell vnto great and small, and make thēselues and others Children of the day; the meaning is, that the Bishop of Rome silenced the Bishops & Prea­chers which were within his Iuris­diction from preaching the truth, & made them preach superstitions and bitter doctrine, to the poyso­ning of their soules. In that there is mention made in all these iudge­ments but of the third part of men, it is because there was neuer but the third part of the world that would consent vnto the Suprema­sie, superstitions, and false doctrine of the Pope.

CHAP. 9.

IN this Chapter is a Prophesie of another Star, which S. Iohn saith was fallen from heauen, because the Popedome was fallen before. This seemes to be Hilaebrand the Pope, which ioyned vnto the Pope­dome the temporall Sword, that is, iutisdiction ouer all Emperours & Kings, to place them and displace them at his pleasure. Which ap­peares in that hee gaue such power to his Locusts, as hereafter is de­clared: he is said to haue the key of the bottomlesse pit, which sheweth that as the Angell in the 20. Chap. had the key of the bottomlesse pit to binde Sathan, and to shut him therein for 1000. yeares, so when the 1000. yeares were expired, the Pope had the key of the bottom­lesse pit to let him out againe. The smoake that came out of this pit [Page 35]when it was opened, and darkned the Sunne, was their superstitions and false doctrines, that darkned the Gospel as smoake darkens the Sun. The Locusts that came out, were the Cardinals and Bishops. These farre differed from the Bishops of the primitiue Church: they were the onely planters and maintainers of true Religion, these the onely confounders & destroyers therof.

The Locusts in Egypt neuer more deuoured the fruits of the land, then these Locusts did the riches of all Countries, both of their soules and of their bodies. Their crownes shew the power that they had: their faces like men sheweth their hypo­criticall and fayre speeches: their hayre like women declareth their flattering allurements that they v­sed: their Lions tee [...]h their cruelty, and what deuourers of men they were: their iron haubergions shew­eth the temporall iurisdiction that [Page 36]they had: their wings, and chariots with many horses, sheweth their swiftnesse and power to doe mis­chiefe: their tayles like Scorpions, with heads and crownes on them, and stings, were their Substitutes and Officers, to whom they gaue great power, as appeareth by their heads and crownes; These so much stung and vexed the people, that they were weary of their liues.

In that these had not power to hurt those that were marked by the Angell for God in the fore-heads, it sheweth, that yet the diuels time was not come, to bee let loose to shed the bloud of Saints; and it de­clareth the prouidence of God vn­to the faithfull, and that hee had euer his Church in the most trou­blous times.

In that these Locusts came out of the bottomlesse pit, it sheweth that they were of the diuell, and if the Diuell himselfe had beene in [Page 37]the shape of man, he could not be worse then they were.

In that they had power to hurt but for fiue moneths, it is common with the holy Ghost in prophesies, to set a day for a yeare, and at 30. dayes to the moneth, which was the Iewes computation, fiue mo­neths is 150. dayes, which sheweth that their chiefe regalitie and pow­er was to continue but 150. yeares.

In that this Starre is said to haue the key of the bottomlesse pit, wee may see how much the Pope decei­ueth vs, in vaunting that hee hath the keyes of heauen, when they are but the keyes of hell.

The mighty power of the Pope at this time, is declared, in that that hee is called the King ouer the Lo­custs: and in that he could conferre such great power vpon them: and in that hee is said to be the Angell of the bottomlesse pit, it sheweth, that hee had all the power that the [Page 38]diuell could doe to strengthen him, and it appeares what a destroyer the Pope is, in that the holy Ghost nameth him Destruction.

This Vision following in the 14. Verse of this Chapter, and the Vi­sion in the 7. Verse of the 20. Chap­ter, are all one: Now the 1000. yeares that the diuell should bee bound, being expired, the Gospell beginning to reuiue again, he hath liberty to rage and stirre againe, that the might of Christ might bee seene in defending his silly Lambes against the diuell the roaring Lion, and all the popish Wolues though they were neuer so strong.

The infinite number of warriers that S. Iohn saw and told, were the very same Locusts before mentio­ned: for the description of these & them are all one in all points, and their battell was against the Saints, as appeareth in the 20. Chapter.

The fire, smoake, and brimstone, [Page 39]that went out of their mouthes, were their Excommunications, in that like smoake they breathed out, that whosoeuer disobeyed them should be eternally burnt in Hell with fire and brimstone.

In that the Diuell is said to be foure Angels, it is because as soone as he was set at liberty, as is decla­red in the 20. Chapter, he went in­to all the foure quarters of the earth, to prouoke men against the Children of God: in that hee got such an infinite number, these were the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Ab­bots, Fryers, and their officers, to martyr the Saints.

In that it is said hee came from the riuer Euphrates, it was to signi­fie, that as the Babilonians came from Euphrates to destroy the ma­teriall Temple, so should this spiri­tuall Babilon destroy the spirituall Temple.

If wee consider the martyrdome [Page 40]of the Waldences in France, and their massacres, and the Martyres that their Inquisitions haue deuou­red there, and all that haue beene martyred in England fince Wicklifs time, & those that haue beene mar­tyred in Bohemia, Germany, Scot­land, and by their Inquisitions in Spaine & other places, we shall see that the Diuell by these Locusts since his letting loose hath slaine more of Gods children, then euer he did before he was bound.

CHAP. 10.

NOtwithstanding the mighty hoast of the diuell, and all his Popish train, yet we see how Christ hath preuailed. As Sauls kingdome decreased and Dauids increased, so the Lord be praysed, wee daily see Christs kingdome increase, & the Popes more and more ruinated: let the Iesuites the Angels of the bot­tomlesse [Page 41]pit, deuise neuer so many diuellish practises to vphold the same, the vision of Christ in this Chapter declareth so much.

His Rainebow about his head, teacheth vs, that the Diuell by the Pope and his Locusts shall preuaile no more ouer vs, euen as the Rain­bow assureth vs the world shall bee no more drowned.

His face shineth, to shew his fauor to such as haue forsaken all Popish errors and trust in him onely: & his brasen feet certifieth vs, that he will tread the Diuell, the Pope, and all his Locusts vnder his feete.

In that he sets one foot on the sea, and the other foot on the land, it may hence infallibly be gathered, that after Christ shall destroy the Popedome, the very Turkes and Iewes, and all Papists that remaine, shall bee conuerted to beleeue in Christ onely, and his elect among them shall be saued.

In that Christ sweares that there shall be no more time, but in the dayes of the voyce of the seauenth Angell, when hee shall blow the Trumpet, the mystery of God shall be finished, it may be most certain­ly concluded, that not long after the destruction of the Popedome Christ shall come to Iudgement.

In that S. Iohn is forbidden to to write the voyce of the feauen thunders, we must learne that there be some things that the Lord will not haue reuealed vnto vs, as is the day of Christs comming to iudge­ment, and the certaine day of the destruction of Antichrist, and such like: and that whatsoeuer is written by his commandement, we may be bold and ought to begge of Christ by prayer, and by all meanes seeke for the vnderstanding thereof.

Saint Iohn his eating of the booke was his certaine vnderstan­ding of the things contained there­in, [Page 43]and the knowledge thereof was sweet to him at the first, but when hee had well considered how the Diuell should haue such great power to persecure the Saints, and to spill their blood in such aboun­dant manner, the knowledge heer­of was most bitter vnto him, then S t. Iohn is commanded of Christ to prophesie againe amongst the people, Nations and Tongues, and to many Kings, according to which in the next Chapter, Saint Iohn beginneth a new Reuelation of all things that hath beene re­uealed touching Antichrist, in a more large and ample manner, then in this Reuelation already is declared.

CHAP. 11.

IOseph telleth Pharoah Gen. 41 32. therefore the Dreame was do [...] ­bled vnto Pharoah the second time, [Page 44]because the thing is established be­fore God: euen so, because the Pro­phesies in this Reuelation are esta­blished and sure to be performed: and to make them the more cer­tainely and manifestly of vs to bee vnderstood & beleeued, all things that haue beene reuealed touch­ing Antichrist, are from this Chap­ter vnto the end of the Booke re­uealed againe, but farre more am­ply and plainely delared then in the former: but in this is nothing prophisied but the things concer­ning Antichrist.

In the 8. Chapter Christ offe­reth the prayers of the faithfull to God, and then filleth the Censor with coales of the Altar, and threw them vpon the earth, and there fell vpon the earth hayle, and fire min­gled with blood, and it burnt the third part of Trees and greene grasse.

Wherein I shewed the great [Page 45]peace the Church enioyed by Constantine; in which prosperity the Romish Church fell to super­stitions and anger'd God: where­fore hee gaue them ouer to their owne lustes, vntill the Romane Church became the Synagogue of Sathan and Antichrist, and they became as colde as hayle in true religion and as hot as fire euen to the shedding of blood, to main­taine their superstitions.

In this Chapter they that trust­ed only vnto the blood of Christ, by an allusion vnto the temple of Salomon, are said to be the temple of God, and Saint Iohn is comman­ded to measure them to God: and the superstitious Romanes, and those that tooke their parts are said to be the Courts, because they make a shew of Religion, but with superstitions prophane the truth, therefore Saint Iohn is comman­ded to cast them out, and not to [Page 46]mete them; and these shall tread the holy Citty, that is, the Children of God, vnder their feete 42. moneths, this time is likewise set forth in this Chapter to bee 1260. dayes, and also 3. dayes and a halfe, these times are all one, the three dayes and a halfe, signifie three yeares and a halfe, and in three yeares and a halfe there is iust 42. moneths, and in so many moneths, at 30. dayes to the Moneth, which was the Iewes Computation, there is 1260. dayes, and it is common with the Holy ghost in Prophesies to set downe a day for a yeare, so Antichrist must raigne 1260. yeares.

The two witnesses are the olde and new Testaments, and all that preach and teach them all the time of Antichrist, these shall bee two oliue trees spiritually to feede the soules of the Elect, and to conuey the oyle of the holy Ghost into [Page 47]them, and they shall be two lamps to lighten them in the wayes of sal­uation, and they shall stand before the Pope the God of the earth, and if any hurt the Preachers of them, the Lord will send plagues from heauen vpon such.

In that they are said to be cloa­thed in Sackcloth, it sheweth, that the Professors of them shall be no­thing regarded, and shall haue all this time great cause to mourne for the little regard that the Gos­pell had, and for the superstitions and sinnes of the people.

In the seauenth verse, when they haue finished their testimony, the Beast out of the bottomlesse pit shall make warre against them, and ouercome them, and kill them; this is after the loosing of Sathan.

Their corpes shall be dead and vnburied in Rome; that is, as a dead carcasse long vnburied, is noysome to bee seene or smelt, [Page 48]euen so noysome was the word of God, and the preaching thereof vnto them all the time of their su­perstitions, yet they could not bu­ry their corpes all this while, that is, they could not quite pur downe the preaching of the word; but the Lord still stirred vp some, (yea though they dyed for it) to tell them of their idolatries, supersti­tions, murther, sorcery, fornicati­on and theft.

It sheweth what great power the Diuel hath ouer the vnregenerate, that hee can make them reioyce, and bring gifts one to another, for ioy that the preaching of the word is supprest, and the bookes of the word it selfe, as the Papists haue done these many ages, reioycing that their meanes of Saluation is taken from them, and that they are not hindred from go­ing headlong vnto eternall dam­nation.

Rome is called spiritually Zodome, because they exceed Zodome in the sinnes therof; and it is called Egypt, because they haue oppressed the Children of God more then the Egyptians did the Israelites, and Christ was slaine in Rome, in that Pilate a Romane Iudge condem­ned him, and the Romane officers crucified him.

That after the 1260. yeares God sent the spirit into the two witnes­ses, wee see the truth of this Pro­phesie performed, and we see them stand vpon their feet, and the feare of them is vpon the Pope, and all his Clergie, and God hath taken them vp into Heauen, and exalted and preserued them in the sight of their enemies and the Pope­dome by them hath beene sha­ken, as with a mighty Earth­quake, that the tenth part haue become Protestants long agoe, and dayly his Kingdome hath de­cayed, [Page 50]and the Protestants increased.

In that it is said that 7000. were killed with this earthquake, and the rest glorified God, it sheweth that when Rome shall bee destroyed all the Papists (that then remaine shall become Protestants.

When the seauenth Angell shall blow his trumpet, the Pope shall bee quite destroyed, and the King­domes of the world shall bee our Lord Christs, and hee shall raigne for euermore; and all in Heauen shal reioyce and say, We giue thee thanks Lord God Almighty, for thou hast receiued thy great pow­er, and obtained thy Kingdome; the Gentiles were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time that the dead shall bee iudged, and that thou shouldest giue reward vnto thy Prophets and Saints and them that feare thy name, and that thou shouldest destroy them that de­stroy the earth.

In that it is said, then the temple of God was open, and the Arke of the Couenant was seene, and that there were lightenings and voy­ces, thunder and great hayle; it sheweth Gods anger against the disobedient to his word, that then there shall bee no interruption of the preaching thereof, and that the Lord will hinder and punish such as offer to hinder, and will not obey it.

CHAP. 12.

AS in the eighth Chapter, is a vision of a great Mountaine that fell burning into the Sea, which there is interpreted to bee the Emperour, taking the part of the superstitious Romanes, against the faithfull in Christ: Heere the Emperour is called, a great red Dragon which sheweth the fierce­nesse of his persecution against [Page 52]Gods Children for resisting super­stitions.

The woman that was cloathed with the Sunne, and the Moone vnder her feet, and vpon her head a Crowne of twelue starres, shew­eth the flourishing estate of the Church by Constantine: the Gos­pell shined from them as the Sun and Moone, and the testimony of the twelue Apostles was their Crowne and reioycing, and as twelue starres to direct them: her trauelling with child, was the in­crease of the faithfull, which the Dragon, the Emperour, sought by all meanes to deuoure: they are called a Man child, because Christ the Man-child and they are but all one; their taking vp into Hea­uen, sheweth their preseruation of God.

In that it is saide, they shall rule the Nations with a rodde of Iron, it is, because Christ their [Page 53]head shall doe so for them.

The Dragons Taile that drew the third part of the starres of hea­uen, and cast them to the earth, his taile signifieth his edicts, and the executioners therof; the starres are the faithfull Children of God, which shine like starres in respect of Infidells: the third part signifi­eth all the Popes iurisdiction, for he neuer had dominion but in the third part of the World, and the Heauen heere is the Church: I leaue the interpretation of his 7. heads and ten hornes vnto the 17. Chapter, where the Angell inter­prets them.

The flying of the woman into the wildernes, sheweth what feare the faithfull were put in, that they were faine to haue priuate mee­tings, as if it were in a wildernes; and this continued, 1260. yeares: concerning the battell in Heauen, Michael and his Angells are Christ [Page 54]and his Preachers, against the Di­uell and Papists his Soldiers; and Christ and his Children gatte the victory in the end; and Christ and his shall raigne in inspeakeable glory, when as the Diuell and all that tooke his part in resisting the Gospell, shall inherit eternall paine and torments.

When this victory was, Saint Iohn heard a loud voyce, saying, Now is Saluation in Heauen, that is, the Church, and strength, and the Kingdome of our God, and the power of Christ, for the accuser of our brethren is cast downe: there was neuer any that so falsly accu­sed the faithfull, as the Papists haue, and still doe, like vnto the Diuell their Captaine, which accu­seth vs day and night before God; but they ouercame him by the bloud of the Lambe, and the word of their testimony, and they loued not their liues vnto death; this [Page 55]certifieth vs who were Christs An­gells that fought against the Di­uell.

Reioyce yee Heauens and they that dwell therein, meaning the faithfull in the true Church: woe to the Inhabitants of the earth and and sea: The earth is often in­terpreted great men, and the sea the common people; meaning carnall men, for the Diuell is come downe vnto you hauing great wrath, knowing he hath but a short time; this is, since the 1000. yeares that the Diuell is let loose.

When the Dragon saw that hee was cast into the earth, that is, ouer­come, hee persecuted the woman, but God preserued her as an Eagle saueth her selfe with flying aloft, and as one that saueth himselfe by hiding in the wildernes; and the Dragon cast out water after the woman, like a flood, that he might [Page 56]carry her away, but the earth hel­ped the woman, that is, God pro­uided men of the earth euer all this 1260. yeares to defend and suc­cour his children: by the Dragon is meant, not only the Emperours, but the Popes; for since the Empe­rors power decaid, the Popes were as Emperours.

Then the Dragon made warre with the seed of the woman, which keepe the Commandements of God, and haue the testimony of Iesus Christ, these are the warres that long haue beene, and now are betwixt the Papists and the Pro­testants.

CHAP. 13.

THe two Beasts in the Prophe­sies of this Chapter, are the two starres that the Prophesies are of in the 8. and 9. Chapters, and both set out vnto vs the Popes.

The first Beast is said to arise out of the Sea, that is, from amongst the lower sort of men; which is, when Phocas had slaine his Maister Mauritius the Emperour & all his Children, and made himselfe Em­perour, he gaue Boniface Bishop of Rome preheminence to be highest aboue all other Bishops, and sole ruler of them.

In that he is said to haue seauen heads, and tenne hornes, with Crownes vpon them, the reason is set downe in the second verse; be­cause the Dragon gaue him his ver­tue, and his throne, and his great power, to enable him to fight a­gainst the Children of God.

In that there was set vpon his head the name of blasphemie, is be­cause the Pope taketh to himselfe that which onely belongeth to Christ, to haue all power in Hea­uen and Earth, and whatsoeuer prerogatiue the Scripture attribu­teth [Page 58]to Christ, the Pope most blasphemously taketh to himselfe.

In that he is like the Leopard, no Beast is so beautifully spotted as the Leopard is; so no Emperour or King was euer so richly or glo­riously decked with gold and pre­cious stones, as the Popes haue beene.

In that his clawes are like the clawes of a Beare, which hath the strongest pawes of all Beasts to catch and to hold withall; it shew­eth that neuer any Emperour, or any else, hath been such an exactor of the riches of all Lands, as the Popes haue beene, as Ecclesiasti­call Histories make mention.

In that his mouth was as the mouth of a Lyon, it sheweth his tyranny, cruelty, and mercilesnes, in deuouring Gods children, and well may the holy Ghost stile him a Beast that hath these beastly qua­lities: his head that was wounded [Page 59]to death was the Emperour, when Mauritius and his Children were slaine: But Hiraclius the Emperour killed Phocas that slew them, and re­stored the Empire againe.

And the superstitious gloried in the Pope being made so great by the Emperour, and worshipped the Dragon that gaue power vnto him; and they worshipped the Beast, saying, Who is like vnto the Beast? Who is able to warre with him? And the Beast blasphemed God, and his name, and his taber­nacle, and them that dwell in Hea­uen, that is, his faithfull Children: and hee warred against the Saints and ouercame them, and power was giuen him ouer euery King­dome, and tongue, and Nation; therefore all that are in the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Booke of life. But heere is the benefit of the patience and faith of Saints; if any [Page 60]lead into Captiuity, he shall be led into Captiuity, and whosoeuer killed them by the sword, shall bee killed by the sword.

This second Beast, is the second starre in the ninth Chapter, which is Hildebrand, which ioyned the su­premacie, vnto the Popedome, that is, temporall iurisdiction ouer the Emperour and the ten Kings, to place them and displace them at his pleasure, which is manifest­ed in that hee is said to haue two hornes like the Lambe Christ, that is, to bee King of Kings and Lord of Lords, as well as Ruler ouer soules.

Whereas his Predecessors had the Emperours power and iuris­diction but by permission and fa­uour, hee and his Successors clay­med the supremacie of duty giuen vnto them of God, alleadging all those places of Scriptures, which declareth what supremacie God [Page 61]hath giuen vnto Christ ouer all in heauen and earth, for his proofes thereof, and so made the image of the first Beast, that is, like as the first beast had the power of the Em­perour, but in fauour; hee annexed the power and supremacie aboue all Emperours and Kings, as an ap­pertinent and duty vnto the Pope­dome for euer, and he spake as pre­sumptuously as the Dragon, & did execute his power in the Emperors sight, that is, as not hauing his po­wer from him but from God.

This Beast did great signes, so that hee made fire to descend vpon earth in the sight of men, but these signes were done by Nigromancy, wherefore after Pope Hildebrand was condēned by a general Coun­cell, and for coniuration and dea­ling with the Diuell, & many other grieuous offences, hee was by the said Councell depriued from being Pope: but his Successors vnto this [Page 62]day still maintaine the doctrine of his vsurped Supremacie ouer all Princes. And this Beast made a law that whosoeuer would not worship the Image of the Beast should bee slaine.

The number of the beasts name is 666. this is to shew, that at that time the first beast beganne to cor­rupt the Church with superstitions and false doctrines, as is declared in Chap. 8. of the first Starre.

In that in the fift verse of this Chapter, there is a mouth giuen vnto the beast to speak blasphemies 42. moneths, which is interpre­ted, Chap. 11. to be 1260. yeares, so that iust this time was appointed vnto the People, Emperour, and Pope, and it sheweth, that they all this time ioyned together, to tread downe the holy Citie, the true Church, all this while.

CHAP. 14.

NOw Antichrist is reuealed in such liuely colours, that none except the diuell blinde his eyes, but may see the Pope to bee Anti­christ: now in this Chapter begins to be declared his destruction.

Christs standing vpon mount Sion, signifieth his presence with his children: the 144000. that were with him, which were sealed in the 7. Chapter, a certaine number for an innumerable number, declaring that all the Saints who all this time of 1260. yeares were martyred or persecuted by Antichrist, were with him in glory, and none of them lost.

In that the sound of their voices was like the roaring of many wa­ters, and like thunder, it declareth, what a multitude of them there be.

In that they played vpon harps, and sung a new song which none [Page 64]could learne but themselues, their harping sheweth how ioyfully they praised God, & that none can sing such new songs, and so much praise God, as those which haue suffered for standing faithfully in the truth, and haue beene deliuered.

In that they are commended for not being defiled with women, it is not onely meant of their bodily chastity, but also of their spirituall chastitie, in that Antichrist had not made them commit spirituall for­nication by following his idola­trous doctrines: but they were vir­gins, that did onely cleaue vnto their Spouse Christ and his word. In their mouthes was found no guile, they taught onely the truth, they were without spot before the throne of God, that is, in the righ­teousnesse of Christ.

Now the 1260. yeares of Anti­christ appeare plainely to bee fini­shed, in that the Gospell doth so [Page 65]plentifully flourish: and in that wee see Christ vpon mount Sion, that is, defending his Church. And here wee haue a promise that this shall be an euerlasting Gospell, that is, to indure vnto Christs comming, as which so great a grace was neuer shewed vnto former ages; therfore the Angell that brings vs these glad tidings, exhorts vs, to feare God & giue glory vnto him, for the houre of his iudgement is come; and wor­ship him that made heauen and earth, and the fountaines of water.

Then is prophesied that Rome shall bee destroyed, called by the name of great Babylon; because as the Babylonians destroyed the ma­teriall Temple, so haue they of Rome the spirituall Temple, the faithfull: the cause of her destructi­on followeth, Because shee hath made drunken all nations with the wine of the wrath of her fornicati­ons, that is, of her idolatrous and false doctrine.

Therefore there followes a war­ning that whosoeuer shall worship the Image of the Beast, that is, the Pope, and receiue the print of his name, that is, make holinesse in crossing himselfe, and in other su­perstitions, hee shall drinke of the wine of the wrath of God, and bee tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy Angels and before the Lambe, and the smoake of their torments shall ascend euermore, and they shall haue no rest day nor night.

In that the destruction of Anti­christ followeth the preaching of the Gospell, it declareth, that by it Antichrist shall bee destroyed, and that the suppression of the preach­ing of the word was the cause of the growth of it: and therefore it is, that the diuell puts into the heads of Papists, to keepe all peo­ple from the reading, hearing, and preaching of Gods word.

The voyce from heauen that bad Iohn write, Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, for they rest from their labours, and their workes fol­low them, ought to incourage vs to preach the Gospell, to the bea­ting downe of Antichrist, though we suffer neuer so much for our la­bour.

After the fall of Antichrist by the preaching of the Gospell, and that the Lord hath fulfilled the number of the elect, then shall Christ come vpon a white cloud wearing a golden crowne, & in his hand a sickle, and because the har­uest of the earth is ripe, heeshall thrust in his sickle, and the earth shall be reaped, that is, by an allusi­on to husbandmen in haruest, is de­clared how Christ shall gather his Saints to him into heauen.

And by the Angell that with a sharp sickle cut vp the vineyards of the earth, because her grapes were [Page 68]ripe, and cast them into the great winepresse of the wrath of God, & the winepresse was trodden with­out the Citie, & the bloud, or wine, of the grapes was vnto the horse bridles by the space of 1600. fur­longs. By an allusion to grape-ga­therers is declared how Gods An­gels shall cast the reprobate into eternall torments: and in that the winepresse is without the Citie, it sheweth that the place of the dam­ned shall be separated from the E­lect: and in that there was such plenty of grapes, that the wine or bloud of them was vp to the horses bridles that trode the presses, for the space of 1600. furlongs, it shew­eth the multitude of the number of the damned.

CHAP. 15.

IN this Chapter begins the man­ner of the destruction of Rome [Page 69]and the Popedome, by the seauen last plagues: which vision S. Iohn cals a great and meruailous signe. The glassie sea in the 4. Chapter is interpreted the soules of the faith­full: there it was like Christall: but here like fire, shewing that the soules of the faithfull burned in zeale for the martyrdomes and per­secutions of Antichrist: and when they saw these 7. plagues goe forth they reioyced, especially the soules of those whom Antichrist had mar­tyred and persecuted. Their ioy is signified by their harps, and they sung the new song of Moses when he was deliuered from Pharao, and the song of Christ when hee was raysed from death, that is, Great & meruailous are thy workes Lord God Almighty, iust and true are thy wayes, King of Saints, who shall not feare thee O Lord, and glorifie thy name? for thou onely art holy, and all nations shal come and wor­ship [Page 70]before thee, for thy iudgments are made manifest.

The Tabernacle in heauen that S. Iohn saw open, is the Church of the faithfull, which by preaching opens a doore for all, by beliefe to enter into the kingdome of heauen.

In that the 7. Angels with the vials of Gods wrath came out of the Ta­bernacle, to wit, the Church, it sheweth, that they were sent at the prayers of the faithfull: their long white roabes is the righteousnes of Christ: their golden girdles signifie the gloriousnesse and purenesse of their loue to God and his children, for loue is the band of perfection.

In that the Angels poure out the vials of Gods wrath, it shewes that God vseth them as instruments to punish the wicked: and though An­tichrist is and shall be destroyed by men, they are but the instrumentall cause of God and his Angels.

CHAP. 16.

THe first, second & third plagues are, that there fell a grieuous and noysome sore vpon them who had the mark of the Beast and wor­shipped the image of the Beast: in that the sea and waters became bloud, it signifieth that many of thē should be slaine. These seeme to prophesie the victories that the Turks, & other the Popes enemies, haue had against the Papists, & the slaughters they haue committed vp­on them, which was the iust iudge­ment of God, as appeares ver. 5. in that an Angell saith, Lord thou art iust, because thou hast iudged these things; for they shed the bloud of the Saints, & of the Prophets, ther­fore hast thou giuen them bloud to drinke, for they are worthy. And an­other Angell said, Euen so Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy iudgements.

The fourth plague poured vp­on [Page 72]the Sunne, seemes to bee vpon their clergy; this was the ouerthrow of the Cardinals, Bishops, Abbots, Monks, Friers, Nuns, and all their houses and dens in England, Scot­land, & other reformed countries: this plague tormented them with heate of fire, and made them boyle in great heate, and blaspheme the name of God, yet they repented not, to giue God glory.

The fist viall fell vpon the throne of the Pope, & this was the cutting off of his reuennues, which were in­finite out of all countries, and Eng­land was the most profitable in re­uennues vnto the Pope of all coun­tries, and therefore was called the Popes Asse, for bearing all taxes & impositions that the Popes & Car­dinals laid vpon it; but now the Pope is faine to allow maintenance for vpholding of Popery in al coun­tries: this hath wonderfully darkned the brightnes of his glory and king­dome, [Page 73]and this makes them gnaw their tongues for sorrow, and to blaspheme the God of heauen for their paines and their sores, and yet they repent not of their works.

The sixt plague is the drying vp of the waters of Euphrates, that the way of the Kings of the East should be prepared: this is an allu­sion to the destruction of the tem­porall Babilon; the meaning is, that as the Medes and Persians, turned the Riuer Euphrates out of his course, whereby they went ouer & destroyed Babilon; so the Lord will take away all impediments, that the ten King domes that haue hitherto taken part with the Pope, may destroy Rome the spirituall Ba­bilon, as the Angell interpreteth it in the next Chapter.

The three vncleane spirits that came out of the mouth of the Pope, for now the Pope is the Dra­gon in that hee is aboue the Em­perour, [Page 74]and as mighty and full of venome, and as ready to sting and poyson Gods children as any Dra­gon: and he is the Beast in respect of his beastly conditions, and the false witnesse in respect of all his false doctrines.

These vncleane spirits are the Iesuites, for they are sworne at the Popes command to goe into any Countrey and spend their liues for the vpholding of the Popedome; these are the rotten pillers which proppe vp the falling tower of Ba­bell, the Popedome; they are called three, in respect of the triple diui­sion of the Popes Dominions, to wit, into the land, the sea, & Riuers.

They are compared to frogges, to shew they doe as much hurt all Countries as the frogs did Egipt, and they are as lothsome in the sight of God and men, as frogs are in our sights, as frogs turne all things that they eat to poyson; so [Page 75]doe they all Scriptures to the poy­soning of soules, and their study is nothing but treasons, poysonings and murders of protestant Kings, Princes, and Countries, but accor­ding to this Prophesie, at the time that God hath appointed, their wicked practises shall open the eyes of all Kings to see the vildnes and horrible wickednes of Anti­christ, and bee prouoked against that great day of the Lord to con­gregate themselues in Arma Ged­don, which may be interpreted, a house or temple falling, meaning Rome, and the Popedome, being now ready to fall.

The seauenth Angell powreth out his viall into the ayre, that is, sets the ayre against Antichrist, which is, the breath of Gods Mini­sters, and their preachings vexed and tormented him like thunders and lightenings, and shooke the Popedome like the greatest earth­quake [Page 76]that euer was, and made the greatest part of the Popedome to fall, and become Protestants, which the Lord be praised for it, wee see already to bee performed: and their preaching was like vnto the greatest hayle that euer was, euery haylestone as big and heauy as a talent weight, by which figu­ratiue speeches, is signified the vt­ter destruction of Rome, as the An­gell interpreteth it saying, It is done, and in that it is said, The Cit­ty of the Nations fell, and great Babilon came in remembrance be­fore God, to giue her the cup of the fiercenesse of his wrath, and that the Iles, that is, them of the Iles, and the mountaines, that is, the great ones, fled away, that is, departed from the Popes false doctrines.

CHAP. 17.

IN this Chapter an Angell shew­eth St. Iohn Rome in a vision, and interpreteth all the hardest things to bee vnderstood in this Reuela­tion.

He calleth Rome the great whore that sitteth vpon many waters, and sheweth that all Kings and Nati­ons of the earth are drunken with the wine of her fornication.

In the vision, Saint Iohn saw a woman sit vpon a skarlet colou­red beast full of names of blasphe­my, which had seauen heads and tenne hornes, and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and guilded with gold, precious stones, and pearles, and had a cup of gold in her hand full of abominations and filthines of her fornications, and in her forehead was a mystery written, Great Babilon the Mother of whoredomes and abhominati­ons: and the woman was drunken [Page 78]with the blood of Saints and mar­tyrs of Iesus, and he wondred with great maruell, then the Angell told Saint Iohn he would shew him the mystery thereof.

The Beast which thou hast seene was and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomlesse pit, and shall be destroyed, and all that are not written in the booke of life shall wonder at it, that hee being so mighty could be destroyed: this Beast is the Emperour, which was before the Reuelation, it seemeth at the time thereof the Emperour: was dead and no other then cho­sen, and the Pope should ascend out of the bottomlesse pitte, and be aboue the Emperour, and for all his greatnesse yet hee shall goe into perdition.

The Angell declareth the seauen heads to signifie seauen moun­taines wheron the Whore sitteth, which plainely sheweth the Citty [Page 79]of Rome to bee that Whore, for that is builded vpon seauen Moun­taines, and so is no other Citty.

Againe, the Angell interpreteth the seauen heads to bee seauen Kings, that is, seauen kinds of go­uernment in Rome, of which fiue were fallen, and the Idolatrous Emperours did then raigne: but Constantine should quite alter the gouernment of Rome from idolatry to Christianity, and hee and the Emperours following him was the seauenth King, and the Beast in this vision, which is the Pope, is one of the seauenth gouernment in name, because he professeth the name of Christ, but indeed he is the eighth gouernment; for hee hath quite changed the gouernment of Rome, from Christianity to Popery.

The Angell interpreteth the ten hornes, to be ten Kings which at the time of the Reuelation had not receiued a kingdome, but shall re­ceiue [Page 80]power at one hower with the Pope, and they shall be all of one minde and giue their power and authority to him, and fight with Christ, but hee shall ouercome them. Then the Angell interpre­teth the waters where the Whore sitteth to signifie people, multi­tudes, Nations and tongues; which plainely declareth the Citty of Rome to bee the Whore; for no Citty from Christ to this day hath so many Countries and People vn­der her dominion, as that Citty: and in the eighth verse, the Angell interpreteth the woman to be the great Citty, which at the time of the Reuelation raigned ouer the Kings of the earth, and then was the Emperours seate there.

In that the woman sitteth vpon a scarlet coloured Beast, it is, be­cause the ordinary attire of the Pope and Cardinalls is scarlet: and his fulnesse of names of blasphemy, [Page 81]is, because most blasphemously he attributes vnto himselfe all Christs names.

In that Saint Iohn saw the wo­man so richly arrayed in purple, scarlet, and guilded with gold and precious stones, and pearles; thus were the Popes, Cardinalls, Bi­shops, Prelates, Churches and Idolls arrayed, and doth most eui­dently declare that these Prophe­sies are of Rome.

The golden Cuppe that she hol­deth in her hand, is, her golden name that shee stileth her selfe withall, calling her selfe the Catho­lique Church, but her doctrines which shee teacheth, are filthy and abhominable blasphemies, Idola­tries, & superstitions, which are the wine of her fornication, wherewith shee made all Nations of the earth drunken, and shee is called the great Whore, in that shee is depar­ted her selfe, and hath carried so [Page 80]many from Christ our Spowse, and from his word, and committed for­nication with the Diuell and his wicked doctrines, and for this cause it is, that the mystery, Great Babi­lon, is written in her forehead, be­cause shee is the mother of whor­domes and abominations of the earth, as Babilon was.

If there were no other note wher­by it might bee knowne that these Prophefies are of Rome, this were sufficiēt to declare the same, in that she is said to be drunken with the blood of Saints and Martyrs of Ie­sus, for the Romane Gouernours crucified Christ, and the Romane Emperours made the tenne perse­cutions, and the Romane Popes haue slaine more Martyrs & Saints of Iesus, then euer were slaine in the world before.

The Angell telleth vs in the 16. verse, that the ten Kings which did with one consent giue their King­domes [Page 83]vnto the Pope, vntill the wordes of God, which hee fore­told were fulfilled, are they that shall hate the Whore and make her desolate, and naked, and shall eate her flesh, and burne her with fire, and the performance heere­of is contained in the two next Chapters.

CHAP. 18.

AN Angell from Heauen cry­eth mightily with a loud voyce; Babilon that great Citty, it is fallen, it is fallen, and nothing shall inhabite there but Diuels, wilde Beasts, and foules; because all Nations haue drunken of the wine of the wrath of her forni­cation.

And there came a voyce from Heauen, saying, Goe out of her my people that you bee not perta­kers of her sinnes, and that you [Page 84]receiue not of her plagues, re­warde her as shee hath rewarded you, giue her double according to her workes, because shee hath glorified her selfe and liued in pleasure, and saith in her heart, I sit being a Queene, and am no widdow, and shall see no mour­ning: therefore shall her plagues come at one day, death, and sor­row, and famine, and she shall be burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God which will condemne her.

And the Kings that haue com­mitted fornication with her, and the Merchants that haue beene made rich by her, and euery ship Maister, and all that occupie ships, and ship-men, shall stand a farre off for feare of her tor­ments, and cry when they see the smoake of her burning, saying, What Citty was like to this great Citty? and they shall cast dust on [Page 85]their foreheads, and cry, Alas, alas, the great Citty, wherein were made rich all that had ships on the Sea, by her costlinesse; for in one hower shee is made de­solate.

O heauen reioyce of her, and ye holy Apostles and Prophets, for God hath giuen your iudgement on her; and an Angell tooke a great Mill-stone and cast it into the Sea, saying, With such vio­lence shall the great Citty Ba­bilon bee cast, and bee found no more, and there shall bee no more Musicke, nor Trades­men, nor Mill heard to grinde, nor candle shine, nor Bride­groomes voyce bee heard there any more.

CHAP. 19.

IN this Chapter is declared the praysing of God in Heauen and Earth for the finall destruction of Antichrist, but I will first make an end of the destruction thereof.

In the eleuenth verse Saint Iohn saw Heauen open, and Christ ri­ding vpon a white horse, and hee was called faithfull, and hee that iudgeth and fighteth righteously, his face like a flame of fire, and vpon his head many Crownes, hee had a name written that none knew but himselfe, hee was cloa­thed in a garment dipped in blood, and his name was the word of God, and the warriers in Heauen followed him vpon white hories; these are the Prea­chers of the Gospell, their pure white linnen is the righteousness of Christ: out of his mouth wen [...] [Page 87]a sharpe sword that he might smite the Heathen, for hee shall rule them with a rodde of Iron: for hee it is that treadeth the wine­presse of the fiercenes of Gods wrath, and hee hath a name writ­ten, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords: all these figuratiuespee­ches haue beene sufficiently de­clared heeretofore.

And an Angell cryed to the fowles of Heauen, these are the tenne Kings and their armies, to gather themselues vnto the supper of the great God, to eate the flesh of Kings, Captaines, and of mighty men, and of horses, and of them that sit on them, and of free-men, and of bond-men and of small and of great.

And the Pope, and Kings, and Warriours gathered themselues together, to make Batraile a­gainst Christ that sate vppon the Horse, and his Soldiours; but [Page 88]the Pope the false Prophet that deceiued them that receiued his marke, and worshipped him, these were aliue cast into the Lake burning with fire and brimstone, and the remnant were slaine with the sword that came out of Christs mouth; and all the foules were filled with their flesh, that is, the tenne Kinges, and their Captaines and Soldiours had a most rich and full booty of the destruction, and sacking of Rome.

When Rome was destroyed, Saint Iohn heard a great voyce of a great multitude in Heauen, saying, Halaluiah, that is, Praise the Lord, saluation and glory and honour, and power, bee to the Lord our God, for true and righ­teous are his iudgements, for hee hath condemned the great Whore which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and [Page 89]hath auenged the blood of the Saints shed by her hand. And a­gaine, they said Halaluiah, and her smoke rose vp for euermore, and the Elders and foure Beasts said Amen, Halaluiah: Then came a voyce out of the throne, saying, Praise our God all yee his ser­uants, and a great voyce as of ma­ny waters, and as thunder, said, Halaluiah; for our Lord God Al­mighty hath reigned, let vs bee glad and reioyce, and giue glory to him, for the marriage of Christ is come, and his wife, that is, the faithful, hath made herselfe ready. This sheweth that the Gospel shall flourish more, when Rome and the Popedome is destroyed, then euer it did: And to Christs wife was granted that shee should bee cloathed in pure fine and shining linnen, that is, in Christs righte­ousnesse, and Saint Iohn was bid to write, blessed are they that are [Page 90]called vnto the Lambs supper, say­ing, These words are true.

Saint Iohn was so rauished with the ioy of this vision, that hee wor­shipped the Angell that shewed it; but hee forbad him, and bad him worship God, saying, I am but one of your brethren, which haue the spirit of Prophesie which is the testimony of Iesus.

CHAP. 20.

IN this Chapter is declared the history of Sathan, the Authour of the first tenne persecutions: but when as Constantine had ouer­come those persecuting Idolaters, Saint Iohn seeth in a Vision, that God bound the Diuell for a thou­sand yeares, that is, from generall martyring and deceiuing of the elect and chosen Children of God. Yet in this time Sathan brought [Page 91]in all popish blasphemies, Super­stitions and Idolatries, and grie­uously persecuted those that stood to the puritie of the word against Antichrist.

The Seates that Saint Iohn saw, and them that sate vpon them, was Christ and the faithfull, and gaue Iudgement, and condemned the idolatrous and superstitious Papists, who these thousand yeares persecuted the faithfull.

And Saint Iohn saw the soules of them that were persecuted for the witnesse of IESVS, and the word of GOD, and did not wor­ship the Pope, nor had taken his marke on their fore-heads, or on their hands, and they liued and reigned with Christ.

To arise from popish errours, sinnes and superstitions, is the first resurrection; on such the second death shall haue no power, but they shall bee the priests of God [Page 92]and Christ, and reigne with him for euer.

After the Diuell had bin bound a thousand yeares, from the time of Constantine, as an Angell in the first Verse had the key of the bot­tomlesse pit, and bound Sathan, then the Pope had the key of the bottomlesse pit, to loose the Di­uell, as appeareth in the ninth Chapter, and when hee was loose, hee went out to deceiue the peo­ple in the foure quarters of the earth. Gogge and Magogge, that is, the open and the secret enemies of the faithfull, which are in the ninth Chapter shewed to bee the Locusts, and their tayles, that is, the popish Cardinals, Bishoppes, Abbots, Fryers, and such like, to gather them together to battell against the faithfull, and the num­ber of them was infinite as the sands of the Sea: but as they com­passed the beloued Citie, that is, [Page 93]the faithfull, fire came downe from heauen and deuoured them, that is, the Lord in his wrath destroy­ed the popedome; and the Di­uell that deceiued them, and the Pope the false prophet, were cast into a Lake of fire and brimstone, where they shall bee tormented day and night for euermore.

After all these things it is pro­phesied that Christ shall come vn­to iudgement, sitting vpon a great white throne, from whose face fled away both the earth and the Sea, and their place were no more found. And Saint Iohn saw the dead both great and small before God, the Bookes were opened, and another Booke was opened, which is the Booke of life, and the dead were iudged of those things which were written in the Bookes: this is a Vision according to our ca­pacitie; for Gods wisedome is his Booke, whereby hee alwayes seeth [Page 94]all things that euer were, are, or shall bee: and Death and Hell, that is, the Diuell the cause of them, were cast into the Lake of fire, which is the second death, and so were all that were not found written in the Booke of life.

CHAP. 21.

IN these two last Chapters is de­clared how flourishing the Church shall be after the destru­ction of the Popedome vnto the end of the world. This is decla­red in the tenth Chapter and the second Verse. In that Christ is said to set one foote vpon the sea, and the other vpon the land, that all Countries shall confesse Christ, and hee shall haue of his elect in all places. As Mahomet rose iust with Antichrist in the yeare 666. so no doubt but the example of [Page 95]the destruction of Rome and the Popedome, shall make the Turkes, Iewes, and them of other Nations, to become Christians. This is de­clared likewise in the 19. Chapter. Let vs be glad and reioyce for the destruction of Rome, because then the Lambs wife shall be made rea­dy, and blessed are they that are called vnto the Lambes Supper.

In that there shall bee then a new heauen, meaning the Church; and a new earth, meaning tempo­rall gouernment, and the old is passed away, it sheweth, that things touching the Church and Com­mon wealth shall bee wholly ru­led according vnto the Word of God, and that all Popish and Iew­ish lawes which are contrary to the Word of GOD shall bee no more.

And there shall be no more sea, that is, ignorant and vnconstant men carryed away with euery wind [Page 96]of false doctrine, as the waues of the sea are tossed with the winde.

Then the Church shall be pre­pared as a fit Bride for Christ her husband, that is, the Tabernacle of God shall bee with men, and GOD shall dwell with them, and they shall bee his people, and God himselfe shall be their God, and wipe away all teares from their eyes, and there shall bee no more death, sorrow, crying or paine, for the first things are past, that is, then there shall bee no more martyring, persecuting, moc­king, blaspheming and deriding of Gods Children.

In the tenth Verse an Angell shewes Saint Iohn a Vision of the glory that the Church then shall haue. In that it is called a great Citie, it shewes what a great num­ber shall beleeue: in that it is called holy Ierusalem, it declareth the holinesse of their Faith, Hope and [Page 97]Loue, and other graces: the de­scending of it from God out of heauen, sheweth that God from heauen, shall fill her with the ri­ches of his graces: and shee had the glory of God, which made her shine like precious stones.

The three gates on euery side, are the Trinitie, without which there is no way to enter into the Church: the Angels that are at these doores, are the Preachers: the twelue foundations of this Church, is Iesus Christ, which the twelue Apostles haue taught vs to build all our hope vpon: in that the three gates were on euery side of the Church, it sheweth that the doores of grace shall lye open, and the Gospell be preached vnto all nations.

The twelue thousand furlongs, the length, the bredth, and the height of it, haue an allusion vn­to the twelue thousand of euery [Page 98]Tribe that were marked for God in the seauenth Chapter: the wals being, an hundred forty foure cubits, haue an allusion vnto the hundred forty foure thousand, the whole number of them that were marked of all Tribes.

The stones of the wall signifie the faithfull: in that they are preci­ous stones, it is by reason that the precious righteousnesse of Iesus Christ is imputed vnto them, and of their precious Faith, Hope and Loue, and other graces giuen them of Christ.

In that they are a wall to the new Ierusalem, that the Diuell nor any vncleane thing can come into it, is declared how louingly they shall ioyne one with another as stones in a wall, and how strong­ly they shall support one another, to expell and to keepe out fals­hood, and to defend the truth.

In that this Citie was of pure [Page 99]gold, it sheweth the puritie of their Religion, without any drosse of su­perstitions.

In that there was no Temple, it sheweth, that they shall truely serue God in spirit and truth, and Christ shall bee their Temple, in whom all their hearts shall meet, and in him offer all sacrifices of prayer and praysing of God, and of good workes, which the Lord will ac­cept for his Sonne Iesus Christ his sake.

In that it hath no neede of the Sunne nor of the Moone to shine in it, the holy Spirit shall so illumi­nate their vnderstandings more then the light of naturall reason can teach them: and there shall be no night: for where the spirit of God is, there is no darknesse.

In that the gates shall neuer bee shut, it certifieth, that none that come with a liuely faith shall bee shut from Grace, and that Grace [Page 100]shall alwayes bee offered.

In that the glory and the honor of the Gentiles shall bee brought vnto it, it sheweth that the Kings and chiefest of all Countries shall beleeue in Christ: and there shall enter into it no vncleane thing, that is, wicked men; nor whomso­euer worketh abhomination and lyes, such they shall hate and ex­communicate: but onely such shall enter as are written in the Lambes Booke of life.

CHAP. 22.

THe pure riuer of water of life, like Chrystall, proceeding out of the Throne, is the doctrine of the Gospell of Iesus Christ; who­soeuer drinketh of him shall neuer thirst for any other meanes of sal­uation: their thirst shall bee so fully quenched in him, that they shall alwayes reioyce in their saluation. Hee is the tree of life, whosoeuer eateth of him with a liuely Faith [Page 101]shall haue eternall life, and he shall neuer hunger, that is, doubt there­of. Christ alwayes is fruitfull, and the leaues of his righteousnes shall heale the imperfections and disea­ses of the faithfull in all nations.

There shall bee no curse, but the throne of God and the Lambe shall be amongst the faithfull, and they shall be his seruants and serue him, and they shall see his face, and his name shall be written in their fore­heads, that is, they shall not bee a­shamed to confesse his name, and they shall reigne for euermore, that is, in the world to come.

Then S. Iohn concludes the truth of these Prophesies by the Angels testimony and his owne: and lastly, hee bringeth in Iesus Christ spea­king for the testimony of the truth hereof; I Iesus haue sent mine An­gell to testifie these things in the Churches, I am the roote and ge­neration of Dauid, the bright mor­ning [Page 102]Starre. The Spirit & the Bride exhort men to come to me, and let euery one that heares exhort men to come to mee; and let all that thirst, and will take of the water of life freely, come: for I protest that who so shall adde any thing to this Booke, God will adde to him the plagues written in this Booke: and if any diminish of the words here­of, God will take away his part out of the Booke of life, and the holy Citie: he that testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly, Amen, Euen so Lord Iesus. The grace of our Lord Iesus be with vs all, Amen.


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