Together, VVith

  • A Map of the Countrey,
  • The Conditions of Plantation,
  • His Majesties Charter to the Lord Baltemore, translated into English.

These Bookes are to bee had, at Master William Peasley Esq his house, on the back-side of Dru­ry-Lane, neere the Cock-pit Playhouse; or in his absence, at Master Iohn Morgans house in high Holbourne, over against the Dolphin, London.

September the 8. Anno Dom. 1635.



CHARLES By the Grace of GOD, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defendor of the Faith, &c. To all to whom these Presents shall come greeting.

WHEREAS Our right Trusty and Wellbeloved Subject Cecilius Caluert, Baron of Baltemore in our Kingdom of Ireland, Sonne and heire of Sir George Caluert Knight, late Ba­ron [Page 2] of Baltemore in the same Kingdome of Ire­land, pursuing his Fathers intentions, being ex­cited with a laudable and pious zeale for the propagation of the Christian Faith, and the en­largement of our Empire and Dominion, hath humbly besought leave of Vs, by his industry and charge, to transport an ample Colony of the English Nation unto a certaine Countrey hereafter described, in the parts of America, not yet cultivated and planted, though in some parts thereof inhabited by certaine barbarous people, having no knowledge of Almighty God, and hath humbly besought our Royall Majestie to give, grant, and confirme all the said Countrey, with certaine Priviledges and Iurisdictions, requisite for the good govern­ment, and state of his Colony, and Countrey a­foresaid, to him and his heires for ever.

KNOW YEE therefore, that Wee fa­vouring The bounds. the Pious, and Noble purpose of the said Barons of Baltemore, of our speciall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, have given, granted, and confirmed, and by this our present Charter, for Vs, Our Heires, and Suc­cessors, doe give, grant and confirme unto the said Cecilius, now Baron of Baltemore, his heires and Assignes, all that part of a Penjnsula, lying in the parts of America, betweene the Ocean on the East, and the Bay of Chesopeack on the West, and divided from the other part thereof, [Page 3] by a right line drawne from the Promontory or Cape of Land called Watkins Point (situate in the foresaid Bay, neere the river of Wigh [...]) on the West, unto the maine Ocean on the East; and betweene that bound on the South, unto that part of Delaware Bay on the North, which lieth under the fortieth degree of Nor­therly Latitude from the Equinoctiall, where New-England ends; And all that tract of land betweene the bounds aforesaid; that is to say, passing from the foresaid Bay, called Delaware Bay, in a right line by the degree aforesaid, un­to the true Meridian of the first fountaine of the River of Pattowmeck, and from thence trending toward the South unto the farther banke of the fore-said River, and following the West and South side thereof unto a certaine place called Cinquack, situate neere the mouth of the said River, where it falls into the Bay of Chesopeack, and from thence by a straight line unto the foresaid Promontory, and place called Watkins Point▪ (So that all that tract of land di­vided by the line aforesaid, drawne betweene the maine Ocean, and Watkins Point unto the Promontory called Cape Charles, and all its a­purtenances, doe remaine intirely excepted to us, our heires, and Successors for ever.)

WEE DOE also grant and confirme un­to the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires and Assignes, all Ilands, and Iletts within the [Page 4] limitts aforesaid, and all and singular the Ilands and Iletts, which are, or shall be in the Ocean, within 10. Leagues from the Easterne shoare of the said Countrey, towards the East, with all and singular Ports, Harbors, Bayes, Rivers, and Inletts, belonging unto the Coun­trey, or Ilands aforesaid: And all the Soile, lands, Fields, Woods, Mountaines, Fennes, Lakes, Rivers, Bayes, and Inletts, situate, or being within the bounds, and limits aforesaid, with the fishing of all sorts of fish, Whales, Stur­geons, and all other royal fishes in the Sea, Bays, Inletts, or Rivers, within the premises: and the fish therein taken: and moreover all Veines, Mines, and Quarries, aswell discovered, as not discovered, of Gold, Siluer, Gemmes, and pre­tious stones, and all other whatsoever, be it of Stones, Mettalls, or of any other thing, or mat­ter whatsoever, found, or to bee found with­in the Countrey, Iles, and limits aforesaid. And Furthermore the Patronages and Ad­uowsons of all Churches, which (as Chri­stian Religion shall encrease within the Countrey, Iles, Iletts, and limits afore­said) shall happen hereafter to bee erected: together with licence and power, to build and found Churches, Chappells, and Oratories, in convenient and fit places within the premises, and to cause them to be dedicated, and conse­crated according to the Ecclesiasticall Lawes [Page 5] of our Kingdome of England: Together with all and singular the like, and as ample rights, Iuris­dictions, Priviledges, Prerogatives, Royalties, Liberties Immunities, Royall rights, and fran­chises of what kind soever temporall, as well by Sea, as by land, within the Countrey, Iles, I­letts, and limits aforesaid; To have, exercise, Iurisdiction of a Count Palatine. use and enjoy the same, as amply as any Bishop of Durham, within the Bishoprick, or County Palatine of Durham, in our Kingdome of Eng­land, hath at any time heretofore had, held, u­sed, or enjoyed, or of right ought, or might have had, held, used, or enjoyed.

AND HIM the said now Lord Balte­more, his Heires and Assignes, Wee doe by these Presents for Vs, Our Heires and Succes­sors, make, create, and constitute the true and absolute Lords, and Proprietaries of the Coun­trey aforesaid, and of all other the Premises, (except before excepted) saving alwayes, the faith and allegeance, and Soveraigne domini­on due unto Vs, Our Heires and Successors.

TO HAVE, hold, possesse, and enjoy the sayd Countrey, Iles, Iletts, and other the Pre­mises, unto the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires and assignes, to the sole and proper use and behoofe of him the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires and assignes for ever.

TO BEE holden of Vs, Our Heires, and Tenure. Successors, Kings of England, as of Our Castle [Page 6] of Windsor, in Our County of Berkshire, in free and common soccage, by fealty onely, for all seruices, and not in Capite, or by Knights ser­uice: YEELDING and paying therefore to Vs, our Heires and Successors, two Indian Rent. Arrowes of those parts, to be delivered at Our said Castle of Windsor, every yeere on the Tues­day in Easter weeke; and also the fifth part of all Gold and Siluer Oare within the limits aforesaid, which shall from time to time hap­pen to be found.

NOW THAT the said Countrey thus by Vs granted, and described, may be eminent above all other parts of the said territory, and dignified with larger titles: Know yee that wee of our further grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, have thought fit to erect the same Countrey and Ilands into a Province, as out of the fullnesse of Our royall Power, and Prerogative, Wee doe, for Vs, Our Heires, and Successors, erect, and incorporate them into a Province, and doe call it Mary land, and so from henceforth will have it called.

AND FORASMVCH as Wee have hereby made, and ordained the foresaid now Lord Baltemore, the true Lord, and Proprietary of all the Province aforesaid: Know yee therefore moreover, that Wee, reposing especiall trust and confidence in the fidelitie, wisedome, Iustice, and Provi­dent [Page 9] circumspection of the said now Lord Power to e­nact Lawes. Baltemore, for Vs, Our Heires and Successors▪ doe grant free, full, and absolute power, by vertue of these Presents, to him and his heires, for the good and happy government of the said Province, to ordaine, make, enact, and under his and their seales to publish any Lawes what­soever, appertaining either unto the publike State of the said Province, or unto the private utility of particular Persons, according unto their best discretions, of and with the aduise assent and approbation of the Free-men of the said Province, or the greater part of them▪ or of their delegates or deputies, whom for the enacting of the said Lawes, when, and as often as neede shall require, We will that the said now Lord Baltemore, and his heires, shall assemble in such sort and forme, as to him or them shall seeme best: And the same lawes du­ly to execute upon all people, within the said Province, and limits thereof, for the time be­ing, or that shall be constituted under the go­vernment, and power of him or them, either sayling towards Mary-land, or returning from thence toward England or any other of Ours, or forraine Dominions, by imposition of Penal­ties, Imprisonment, or any other punishment; yea, if it shall be needfull, and that the quality of the offence require it, by taking away mem­ber or life, either by him the said now Lord [Page 10] Baltemore, and his heires, or by his or their De­puties, Lievtenants, Iudges, Iustices, Magi­strates, Officers, and Ministers to be ordained or appointed, according to the Tenor, and true intention of these Presents: And likewise to appoint and establish any Iudges and Iustices, Magistrates and Officers whatsoever, at sea and Land, for what causes soever, and with what power soever, and in such forme, as to the said now Lord Baltemore, or his heires, shall seeme most conuenient: Also to remit, release, pardon, and abolish, whether before Iudge­ment, or after, all crimes or offences whatsoe­ver, against the said Lawes: and to doe all and every other thing or things, which unto the compleate establishment of Iustice, unto Courts, Praetories, and Tribunals, formes of Iu­dicature and maners of proceeding, do belong: although in these Presents, expresse mention be not made thereof, and by Iudges by them dele­gated, to award Processe, hold Pleas, and deter­mine in all the said Courts and Tribunalls, all actions, suits, and causes whatsoever, as well cri­minall as civill, personall, reall, mixt, and praeto­riall; which laws, so as aforsaid to be published, Our pleasure is, and so Wee enioyne, require, and command, shall be most absolute and avai­lable in Law, and that all the Leige people, and subjects of Vs, Our Heires and Succes­sors, do obserue and keepe the same inuiolably, [Page 11] in those parts, so farre as they concerne them, under the paines therein expressed, or to be ex­pressed: Provided neverthelesse, that the said Lawes be consonant to reason, and be not re­pugnant or contrary, but as neere as conueni­ently may be, agreeable to the Lawes, Statutes, Customes, and Rights of this our Kingdome of England.

AND FORASMVCH, as in the Govern­ment of so great a Province, suddaine accidents doe often happen, whereunto it will be neces­sary to apply a remedy, before the Free-holders of the said Province, their Delegates, or Depu­ties, can be assembled to the making of Lawes, neither will it be conuenient, that instantly up­on every such emergent occasion, so great a multitude should be called together: There­fore for the better government of the said Pro­vince, Wee will and ordaine, and by these Pre­sents for Vs, Our Heires, and Successors, doe grant unto the said now Lord Baltemore, and his heires, that the said now Lord Bal­temore and his heires, by themselues, or by their Magistrates and Officers in that behalfe duely to be ordained as aforesaid, may make and constitute, fit and wholesome Ordinances, from time to time, within the said Province, to be kept and obserued, as well for the preservati­on of the Peace, as for the better government of the people there inhabiting, and publikely [Page 12] to notifie the same to all persons, whom the same doth, or any way may concerne; which Ordinances, Our pleasure is, shall be obserued inviolably within the said Province, under the paines therein to bee expressed. So as the said Ordinances be consonant to reason, and be not repugnant nor contrary, but so farre as conve­niently may be, agreeable with the Lawes and Statutes of Our Kingdome of England, and so as the said Ordinances be not extended, in any sort to bind, charge, or take away the right or interest of any person, or persons, of, or in their Life, Member, Free-hold, Goods, or Chattells.

FVRTHERMORE, that this new Colony Licence to goe to Mary land. may the more happily encrease by the multi­tude of people resorting thither, and may like­wise be the more strongly defended from the incursions of Saluages, or other enemies, Py­rates and Robbers: Therefore Wee, for Vs, Our Heires and Successors, doe give and grant by these Presents, Power, licence, and liberty unto all the liege people, and subjects, both present, and future, of Vs, Our Heires, and Suc­cessors (excepting those who shall be specially forbidden) to transport themselues and families unto the said Province, with conuenient ship­ping▪ and fitting provisions, and there to settle themselues, dwell and inhabite, and to build, and fortifie Castles, Forts, and other places of [Page 13] strength for the publike, and their owne pri­vate defence, at the appointment of the said now Lord Baltemore, and his heires, the Statute of fugitives, or any other whatsoever, to the contrary of the premises, in any wise not­withstanding.

AND WEE will also, and of Our more People borne in Mary­land, made Denizens of England. speciall grace, for Vs, Our Heires, and Succes­sors, wee doe straightly enioyne, constitute, ordaine, and command, that the said Province shall be of Our Allegiance, and that all and sin­gular the Subjects, and Liege people of Vs, Our Heires, and Successors, transported, or to be transported into the said Province, and the children of them, and of such as shall descend from them, there already borne, or hereafter to be borne, bee, and shall be Denizens, and Lie­ges of Vs, Our Heires, and Successors, of Our Kingdome of England, and Ireland, and be in all things held, treated, reputed, and esteemed as the liege faithfull people of Vs, Our Heires, and Successors, borne within Our Kingdome of England: and likewise any Lands, Tenements, Revenues, Seruices, and other hereditaments whatsoever, within Our Kingdome of England, and other Our Dominions, may inherite, or o­therwise purchase, receive, take, have, hold▪ buy, and possesse, and them may occupy, and enjoy, give, sell, aliene, and bequeath, as likewise, all Liberties, Franchises, and Priviledges, of this [Page 14] Our Kingdome of England, freely, quietly, and peaceably, have and possesse, occupy and enjoy, as Our liege people, borne, or to be borne with­in Our said Kingdome of England, without the let, molestation, vexation, trouble, or grievance of Vs, Our Heires and Successors: any Statute, Act, Ordinance, or Provision to the contrary hereof notwithstanding.

AND FVRTHERMORE, That Lincence to transport goods and merchandise Our Subjects may be the rather encouraged to undertake this expedition, with ready and cheerefull minds; KNOW YEE, that We of Our speciall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, doe give and grant, by ver­tue of these presents, aswell unto the said now Lord Baltemore and his Heires, as to all o­ther that shall from time to time repaire unto that province, with a purpose to inhabite there, or to trade with the Natives of the said Pro­vince, full licence to Lade and Fraight in any Ports whatsoever, of Vs, Our Heires and Suc­cessors, and into the said Province of Mary­land, by them, their servants or assignes, to trans­port, all and singular, their Goods, Wares, and Merchandize; as likewise all sorts of graine whatsoever and any other things whatsoever, necessary for food or clothing (not prohibited by the Lawes and Statutes of our Kingdomes and Dominions to bee carried out of the said kingdomes) without any lett, or molestation of [Page 15] Vs, Our Heires, or Successors, or of any of the officers of Vs, Our Heires, or Successors; (sa­ving alwayes, to Vs, Our Heires and Succes­sors, the Impositions, Customes, and other duties and payments for the said Wares and Merchandise) any Statute, Act, Ordinance or other thing whatsoever to the contrary not­withstanding.

AND because in so remote a Country, and Power of warr and peace. situate amongst so many barbarous nations, the incursions aswell of the salvages themselves, as of other enemies, pyrates and robbers, may pro­bably be feared: Therefore We have given, and for Vs, Our Heires, and Successors, doe give power by these presents, unto the now Lord Baltemore, his heires and assignes, by them­selves, or their Captaines, or other their officers, to Leauy, Muster and Traine, all sorts of men, of what condition, or wheresoever borne, in the said Province of Mary-land for the time being, and to make warre, and to pursue the Enemies and Robbers aforesaid, aswell by sea as by land, yea, even without the limits of the said Pro­vince, and (by Gods assistance) to vanquish and take them, and being taken, to put them to death by the Law of warre, or to save them at their pleasure, and to doe all and every other thing which unto the charge and office of a Captaine Generall of an Army belongeth, or hath accustomed to belong, as fully and freely, [Page 16] as any Captaine Generall of an army hath ever had the same.

ALSO, Our Will and Pleasure is, and by Martiall Law. this Our Charter, We doe give unto the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires, and assignes, full power, liberty, and authority, in case of Re­bellion, Tumult, or Sedition, if any should happen (which God forbid) either upon the land within the Province aforesaid, or upon the maine sea, in making a voyage thither, or retur­ning from thence, by themselues, or their captains, deputies or other officers, to be autho­rized under their seales for that purpose (to whom we also, for Vs, Our Heires and Succes­sors, doe give and grant by these presents, full power and authority) to exercise Martiall Law against mutinous and seditious persons of those parts, such as shall refuse to submit them­selves to his, or their governement, or shall re­fuse to serve in the warres, or shall flie to the Enemy, or forsake their Ensignes, or be loyte­rers, or straglers, or otherwise how soever offen­ding against the Law, Custome, and Discipline military, as freely, and in as ample manner and forme, as any Captaine generall of an army by vertue of his office might, or hath accustomed to use the same.

FVRTHERMORE, That the way to Power to con­ferre honor. honors and dignities, may not seeme to be al­together precluded and shut up, to men well [Page 17] borne, and such as shall prepare themselves un­to this present Plantation, and shall desire to deserve well of Vs, and Our Kingdomes, both in peace and war, in so farre distant and remote a Countrey: Therefore We, for Vs, Our Heires and Successors, doe give free, and absolute pow­er, unto the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires and assignes, to conferre favours, rewards, and honours, upon such inhabitants within the Province aforesaid, as shall deserve the same; and to invest them, with what titles and digni­ties soever, as he shall thinke fit, (so as they be not such as are now used in England) As like­wise to erect and incorporate, Townes into Bo­roughes and Boroughs into Cities, with conve­nient priuiledges and immunities, according to the merit of the inhabitants, and the fitnesse of the places, and to doe all and every other thing or things, touching the premises, which to him, or them, shall seeme meete and requi­site; albeit they be such as of their owne na­ture might otherwise require a more speciall commandement and warrant, then in these Pre­sents is expressed.

WEE will also, and by these Presents, for Vs Our Heires and Successors, We doe give and grant licence, by this Our Charter, unto the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires and as­signes, and to all the inhabitants and dwellers in the Province aforesaid, both present and to [Page 18] come, to import, or unlade, by themselves, or their servants factors, or assignes, all Merchan­dizes and goods whatsoever, that shall arise of the fruits and commodities of the said Pro­vince, either by land or sea, into any of the ports of Vs, Our Heires and Successors, in Our king­domes of England, or Ireland, or otherwise to dispose of the said goods, in the said Ports, and if need be, within one yeere next after the unla­ding of the same, to lade the said merchandizes and goods againe, into the same or other ships, and to export the same into any other Coun­treys, either of our Dominion or forreigne, (be­ing in Amity with Vs, Our Heires and Succes­sors) Provided alwayes, that they pay such Cu­stomes, Impositions▪ Subsidies and Duties for the same, to Vs, Our Heires and Successors, as the rest of Our Subjects of Our Kingdome of England, for the time being, shall be bound to pay: beyond which, We will not that the inha­bitants of the foresaid Province of Mary-land, shall be any way charged.

AND furthermore, of Our more ample and speciall Grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, We doe, for Vs, Our Heires and Suc­cessors, grant unto the said now Lord Balte­more▪ his heires and assignes full and absolute power and authority, to make, erect, and consti­tute▪ within the Province of Mary-land, and the Iles and Iletts aforesaid, such, and so many Sea­ports, [Page 19] Harbours, Creekes, and other places, for discharge and unlading of goods and merchan­dises, out of Ships, Boates, and other vessells, and lading them, and in such and so many pla­ces, and with such Rights, Iurisdictions, Liber­ties and Priviledges unto the said ports belong­ing, as to him or them shall seeme most expe­dient. And that all and singular the Ships, Boats, and other Vessells, which shall come for merchandize and trade unto the said Province, or out of the same shall depart; shall be laden and unladen only at such Ports as shall be so erected and constituted by the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires or assignes, any Vse, Cu­stome, or other thing to the contrary notwith­standing; saving alwayes unto Vs, Our heires and Successors, and to all the Subjects (of Our Kingdome of England and Ireland) of Vs, Our Heires and Successors free liberty of fishing for Sea-fish, aswell in the Sea, Bayes, Inletts, and navigable Rivers as in the Harbours, Bayes and Creekes of the Province aforesaid, and the Priviledges of salting and drying their fish on the shore of the said Province; and for the same cause, to cut and take underwood, or twiggs there growing, and to build Cottages and Shedds necessary in this behalfe, as they here­tofore have, or might reasonably have used; which Liberties and Priviledges, neverthelesse, the Subjects aforesaid, of Vs, Our Heires and [Page 20] Successors, shall enjoy without any notable dammage, or injury, to be done to the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires, or assignes, or to the dwellers and inhabitants of the said Province, in the Ports, Creekes and shores aforesaid, and especially in the woods and Copses growing within the said Province: And if any shall doe any such dammage, or injury, he shall incurre the heavy displeasure of Vs, Our Heires and Successors, the punishment of the Lawes; and shall moreover make satisfaction.

WEE doe furthermore, will, appoint, and ordaine, and by these Presents, for Vs, Our Heires and Successors, We doe grant unto the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires and as­signes, that he the said Lord Baltemore, his heires and assignes, may from time to time for ever, have and enjoy the Customes and Subsi­dies, in the Ports, Harbours, and other Creekes and places aforesaid, within the Province afore­said; payable, or due for merchandizes and wares, there to be laded or unladed, the said Customes and Subsidies to be reasonably as­sessed (upon any occasion) by themselves and the people there, as aforesaid; to whom we give power by these Presents for Vs, Our Heires and Successors upon just cause▪ and in a due pro­portion, to assesse and impose the same.

AND FVRTHER, of Our speciall Power to cre­ate Tenures. grace, and of Our certaine knowledge, and [Page 21] meere motion, Wee have given granted, and confirmed, and by these Presents for Vs, Our Heires and Successors, doe give, grant, and con­firme unto the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires and assignes, full and absolute licence, power, and authoritie, that hee the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires and assignes, from time to time hereafter for ever, at his, or their will, and pleasure, may assigne, aliene, grant, demise, or enfeoffe of the Premises so ma­ny, and such parts and parcells, to him or them that shall be willing to purchase the same, as they shall thinke fit, TO HAVE and to hold to them the sayd person, or persons, willing to take or purchase the same, their heires and as­signes in fee simple, or fee taile, or for terme of life, or lives, or yeeres, to bee held of the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires, and assignes, by such seruices, customes, and rents, as shall seeme fit to the said now Lord Bal­temore, his heires and assignes; and not imme­diately of Vs, Our Heires or Successors: and to the same person or persons, and to all and every of them. Wee doe give and grant by these Presents for Vs, Our Heires and Successors, li­cence, authoritie, and power, that such person or persons may take the premises, or any par­cell thereof, of the foresaid now Lord Balte­more▪ his heires or assignes, and the same hold to themselues, their heires, or assignes, (in what [Page 22] estate of inheritance soever, in fee simple, or in fee taile, or otherwise, as to them, and the now Lord Baltemore, his heires and assignes, shall seeme expedient) of the said now Lord Balte­more, his heires and assignes; the statute made in the Parliament of Edward, Sonne of King Henry, late King of England, Our Predecessor, commonly called the Statute Quia emptores terrarum, lately published in Our Kingdome of England, or any other Statute, Acte, Ordi­nance, Vse, Law, or Custome, or any other thing, cause, or matter thereupon heretofore had, done published, ordained, or provided to the contrary, in any wise notwithstanding; And by these Presents, Wee give, and grant licence unto the said now Lord Baltemore, and his heires, to erect any parcells of land within the Province aforesaid, into Mannors, and in every of the said Mannors, to have, and to hold a Court Baron, with all things whatsoever, which to a Court Baron doe belong, and to have and hold viewe of Franck-pledge, (for the conserua­tion of the peace, and the better government of those Parts▪) by themselues or their stewards, or by the Lords for the time being of other Mannors, to bee deputed, when they shall bee erected: and in the same to use all things belonging to View of Franck-Pledge.

AND FVRTHER, Our pleasure is, and by [Page 23] these Presents, for Vs, Our Heires, and Suc­cessors, wee doe covenant and grant to and with the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires and as­signes; That Wee, Our Heires and Successors, shall at no time hereafter, set, or make, or cause to be set, any Imposition, Custome, or other Taxation, Rate, or Contribution whatsoever, in or upon the dwellers and inhabitants of the foresaid Province, for their Lands, Tenements, goods or Chattells within the said Province, or in or upon any goods or merchandizes, within the said Province, or to be laden, or unladen within any the Ports or harbours of the said Province: And Our pleasure is, and for Vs, Our Heires, and Successors, Wee charge and command, that this Our Declaration shall be hence forward from time to time received, and allowed in all Our Courts, and before all the Iudges of Vs Our Heires and Successors, for a sufficient and lawfull discharge payment, and acquittance; Commanding all and singular, our Officers and Ministers of Vs, our Heires and Successors, and enjoyning them upon paine of Our high displeasure, that they doe not pre­sume at any time to attempt any thing to the contrary of the premises, or that they doe in any sort with stand the same, but that they be at all times ayding and assisting, as is fitting, unto the said now Lord Baltemore, and his heires, and to the Inhabitants, and Merchants [Page 24] of Maryland aforesaid, their seruants, ministers, factors and assignes, in the full use and fruition of the benefit of this Our Charter.

AND FVRTHER, Our pleasure is, and by these Presents for Vs, our Heires and Succes­sors, VVee doe grant unto the said now Lord Baltemore, his heires and assignes, and to the Tenants, and Inhabitants of the said Province of Mary-land, both present, and to come, and to every of them, that the said Province, Te­nants, and Inhabitants of the said Colony or Countrey, shall not from henceforth bee held or reputed as a member, or a part of the land of Virginia, or of any other Colony whatsoever, now transported, or hereafter to be transported, nor shall be depending on, or subject to their government in any thing, from whom Wee doe separate that, and them, and Our pleasure is, by these Presents that they bee separated, and that they be subject immediately to Our Crowne of England, as depending thereof for ever.

AND IF PERCHANCE hereafter it should happen, that any doubts or questions should arise, concerning the true sence and un­derstanding of any word, clause, or sentēce con­tained in this Our present Charter, Wee will, ordaine, and command, that at all times, and in all things, such Interpretation bee made there­of, and allowed in any of Our Courts whatsoe­ver, [Page 25] as shall be judged most aduantagious, and favourable unto the the said now Lord Balte­more, his heires and assignes. PROVIDED alwayes, that no Interpretation bee admitted thereof, by which Gods Holy and Truely Christian Religion, or the allegeance due unto Vs, Our Heires and Successors, may in any thing suffer any prejudice, or diminution.

ALTHOVGH expresse mention bee not made in these Presents, of the true yeerely va­lue, or certainty of the premises, or of any part thereof, or of other gifts and grants, made by Vs, Our Heires, and Predecessors, unto the said now Lord Baltemore, or any Statute, Acte, Or­dinance, Provision, Proclamation, or restraint heretofore had, made, published, ordained, or provided, or any other thing, cause, or matter whatsoever to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

IN WITNESSE whereof, Wee have cau­sed these Our Letters to bee made Pattents. Witnesse Our selfe at Westminster, the Twenti­eth day of Iune, In the Eighth yeere of Our Reigne.

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