[Page] A TRVE DISCOVRSE OF THE whole occurrences in the Queenes voyage from her departure from Florence, vntil her arriuall at the Citie of Marseilles, together with the Triumphs there made at her entrie: whereto is adioyned her receiuing and entrie into Lyons.
HEREVNTO IS ANnexed, the first Sauoyan: WHEREIN Is set forth the right of the conquest of Sauoy by the French, and the importance of holding it.
All faithfully translated out of French, by E. A.
Imprinted at London by Simon Stafford, for Cuthbert Burby: And are to be sold at his shop at the Royall Exchange.
[Page 1] A TRVE DISCOVRSE of the whole occurrences in the Queenes voyage from her departure from Flo rence, vntill her arriuall at the Citie of Marseilles, together with the triumphs there made at her entrie: whereto is adioyned her receiuing and entrie into Lions.
MY Lord, according to the promise which you enforced of me at my departure from Paris, namely, that I should repaire to his maiestie, and vpon receit of his command, to hasten with all diligence to Marseilles, where I haue spent my time in expectation of the so long desired arriuall of the Queene: I doe now write vnto you these presents, infull discharge of my said promise: wherby you shall vnderstand, that vpon the thirteenth day of October, the Queene departed from the Citie of Florence, towards France, and arriued at Liuorne the seuenteenth day following, where she embarked in the generall Galley of the Lord the great Duke, where she was attended with fiue of the Popes Galleyes, fiue of the Galleyes of Malta, and sixe of the sayd Lord Dukes: in all seuenteene Galleyes. Her first harbor was at Espetie, where the Embassadours of the state of Genes came to salute her, with tender of their Galleyes on the behalfe of the sayde [Page 2] state, for the which shee returned them great thankes. From that harbour shee arriued at Fin, where through tempest and soule weather, shee was forced to soiourne nine dayes full: but ordinarily lay in her Galley. From Fin shee tooke harbour at Sauonne: the next day at Antibe: thence at Saint Maryes: then at Treport: next at Tollon, where shee tooke land, and stayed two dayes: and from Tollon shee arriued at Marseilles, the third of this moneth of Nouember, betweene fiue and sixe of the clocke at night, and landed vpon a great bridge, purposely erected on the Kay ouer against the lodging prepared for her: vpon the which bridge wayted on the left hand the Lord Cardinalles Ioyeuse, Gondy, Giury, and Sourdy, the Archbishops of Arles and Aix, the Bishops of Marseilles, Tolon, and Paris. The Lordes Duke of Guyse, the Constable and the Chanceler, assisted with the Councellors of his Maiesties Councell. On the right hand stood the Ladie Dutchesse of Nemours and Guyse, and Madamoyselle her daughter; the Lady of Vantadour, the Lady Chanceler, the Marquesse of Guyercbeuille, and other Ladies.
At the entrie vnto the sayde bridge, the foure Consuls of the said Citie of Marseilles, in long scarlet gownes, holding in their handes a Canapie of russet violet, vpon a ground of siluer, vpon their knees presented her Maiestie, with two keyes of gold fastened vpon a chaine: which keyes her sayd Maiestie immediatly deliuered to the Lord of Lussā, Captain of her guard: the Consulsrysed and withdrawne some three or foure steppes backe, the sayd Lord Cardinalles did their obeysance and receiued her: then the Lords of Guyse, the Constable, and Chanceler. After them came the Duchesse of Nemours, and saluted the Queen, then the Lady of Guyse, and Madamoyselle her daughter, and so consequently all the other Ladies.
This done, her sayde Maiestie returned vnder her Canapie: before whom marched the sayde Lord of Guyse, Constable, [Page 3] and Chaunceler, ledde by the sayde Lord Cardinalles of Ioyeuse and Gonay: then followed the Lady great Duchesse of Florence, ledde by the Lord Cardinall of Giury: then the Ladie Duchesle of Mantua, ledde by the Cardinall of Sourdy: after these marched the Ladies Duchesses of Nemours and Guyse, with her daughter: the Ladies of Vantadour, Chanceler, and others, according to their degrees: and so ascending a great stayre that was purposely made, they came to the doore of a great chamber prepared for that purpose, for the sayde Lady Queene, and so to the presence, where many Ladyes wayted for her.
This done, shee entred her chamber, followed by the said Ladies, the great Duchesse, the Duchesses of Mantua, Nemours, and Guyse, and the yong Lady of Guyse, with the other Ladyes, who all made but short stay, but returned to their lodgings, so as there remained with her none but the Princesses and Ladyes that had accompanied her in her iourneyes. The Lordes likewise that had accompanied her, did depart, namely `Don Iouan, Don Virginio, and Don Antonio, who also had assisted her in all her sayde voyages: neyther am I able to expresse the magnificent discent out of the sayde Galleyes, each taking place according to their degrees, enriched with all kindes of honour, as well in regard of the multitude of the Nobilitie, as for the sumptuousnesse of the furniture of the sayde Gallyes, especially of the Queenes, which was vnder the conduct of the Lord Marc. Anthonio Colicat. Therein were two hundred knights, that bare the crosse of Florence. The Galley-slaues were magnifically apparrelled. In them of Malta, vnder the conduct of Don Peter Mendoza, a hundred and fiftie Knights, and so in the rest: so that in the whole, it is accounted shee had for her conduct at the least seuen thousand men, all at the Kings pay and expences.
[Page 4] The next day, the fourth of this moneth, all the Ladyes came to helpe vp the Queene, whom they brought to the Chappell purposely prepared neere to the great Chamber, where shee had the Masse celebrated, at what time the Princes, Princesses, Lords, and Ladyes, had their Gentlemen, Pages, and seruants as proudly apparrelled as may be: nothing but cloth of gold, embrodery and spangles.
A DISCOVRSE OF THE RECEIVING AND TRIVMPHS vpon the Queenes entrie into the Citie of Lyons.
MY Lord, this bringer comming to Paris, I haue accompanied with these presents, as wishing in what I might, to make shew of the friendship which continually I haue vowed vnto you, and in regard thereof to participate vnto you the pleasures whereof my selfe was an eye-witnesse in this towne, where, through Gods grace, hearing of the expected, and long wished approach of the Queene of France, I was forced vpon a desire, as well to behold the magnificence thereof, as to write vnto you of the whole proceedings, to intermit whatsoeuer any other affayres.
The Queene therefore vpon Saturday last towards the twy-light, arriuing in the suburbs called La Guillotier, standing at the end of Rosne bridge, was lodged at the Crowne, a verie large lodging, and of great receipt.
The next day being Sunday, shee returned two leagues backe to a Castle, called La Moth, where shee dined, whither also the inhabitants of Lyons came to see her. After dinner the Burgesses troopes issued out of the towne, and marched to the sayd Castle to meete her, being in number some three or foure thousand gallant and very choyse souldiers. Their chiefe captaines were all attyred alike, euerie man his mandilion of blacke veluet, his white satten doublet, his netherstocks [Page 6] of white silke, his gascognes and buskins of black veluet, all garded with gold parchment lace. Their Lieutenants all in violet veluet, garded likewise with gold parchment lace. The Captaine Ancients all in russet veluet, layd also with gold lace, and Beuere hats of the like colour, with feathers, garnished with Agate stones, set in gold ouall wise. The Coronell marched before them excellently well appoynted, and mounted vpon a mightie courser, barded and garded with gold lace, himselfe apparrelled in blacke veluet, all couered with gold parchment lace.
Then followed the souldiours, one third part pikes, another third part Musqueters, and another third part harquebuziers: the musqueters their cassocks of greene veluet, with the bandoliers of the same, and white doublets, all layd with siluer lace. The harquebuziers for the most part white doublets, and cassocks of violet cloth. The pike men white doublets, with cassocks of blacke russet cloth, all well lay de with lace, and hattes all seathers of one colour, and armed in white armour.
Then came forth the towne watch, armed at all assayes. Next the Serieants on horsebacke, and the Lawyers. Then the Gouernours of the towne, the Steward, and Sheriffes, accompanied with thirtie Burgesses, all attyred in violet veluet and foot-cloathes. After them the Italian nation.
The streetes were hanged with tapistrie, from Rosne gate, to the church of Saint Iohn, which was also hanged, and the sayd streetes grauelled all the way that the French Queene should come.
First entred the troopes that went foorth to meete the Queene in verie good order: then the Burgesses and nations: then the Gouernours of the towne: after them the French and Italian Nobilitie mixed. Next the Queenes bastard brother, accompanied with the chiefest of the Nobilitie, and with them tenne pages, apparrelled in cloth of gold. [Page 7] After all followed the Queene, who entred the citie in an open lictier, about foure of the clocke in the after noone: her lictier all layde with gold parchmentlace. At her entrie into the towne gate, she was receiued vnder a canopie of cloth of gold, borne by foure of the chiefe Burgesses of the towne, vnder the which the sayde Lady Queene passed along the towne, attired in cloth of gold, set with an infinite number of Diamonds, and stones that gaue such a reuerberation, as to the beholders seemed a number of sunnes: yet was all this nothing, in regard of her own most excellent beauty, whereat all men did much maruaile: and withall, the voyce of the people so sounded forth their blessings and prayers, crying, God saue the Queene, that the verie mountaines about returned an eccho. Her Pages marched before her, with two that guided the lictier, apparelled in cornation cloth of gold, accompanied and followed with Princes, Lords, Cardinals, Bishops, Gentlemen, Princesses, and Ladies, as well French as foreyn, so many, that if I should vndertake to describe the whole, it would take a quier of Paper. Thus was she brought to the church of Saint Iohn.
Thus much in breefe haue I written vnto you, of our Ladie the French Queenes entrie into our citie of Lyons, whom I beseech God to preserue for vs, and shortly to send her some issue, which is the thing that with my heart I doe most desire. From Lyons this fourth of December.
WHEREIN Is set forth the right of the conquest of Sauoy by the French, and the importance of holding it.
Imprinted at London for Cuthbert Burby: And are to be sold at his shop adioyning to the Royall Exchange.
The first Sauoyan.
Wherein is set forth the right of the conquest of Sauoy by the French, and the importance of holding it.
ALbeit my manifold woundes receiued in the seruice of our good Kings, Charles & his two successors, haue chayned me to my bed, and in manner extinguished all hope of recouerie of my health, considering my age: yet can I not chuse (sith it will be no better) but serue my king and countrey with all that is left mee, namely my speech. In as much therefore, as I can not deliuer any thing so faire & conuenient, as that excellent subiect which I haue vndertaken, euen the equitie and benefite of the conquest and presernation of Sauoy: I will without farther preface, aduow that the King hath sufficiently made demonstration to the whole world, how vnwilling hee was to proceede by force of armes, in that he stood onely vpon his Marquizate: For as well might hee haue called an account of sixe times greater duties: euen such duties as were neither vncertaine nor doubtfull, but most euident, and iustified by authenticall titles reserued among the treasurie of the charters of France, whereof the most part are sufficiently knowne by the histories of these three latter ages, albeit wee seeke no farther for them.
First, the Earles of Sauoy haue without any colour or pretence, seyzed vpon Nice and Villefranch, members of the true, and ancient bodie of the Countie of Prouince, whereof the Earles of Prouince haue euermore beene acknowledged [Page 4] to be Lordes: as Queene Iane, daughter to Robert king of Sicile, and Earle of Prouence: who enioyed the fame in the yeare 1380. and with all other her goods gaue them to Lewes the first Duke of Angeou: who, as also after him Queene Marie, in the name of Lewes the second Duke of Aniou, did peaceablie enioy them as Earles of Prouence. Howbeit, during the great warres betweene the houses of Aniou and Arragon for Naples, the Duke of Sauoy, without any title or pretence, but onely of seemlinesse, seyzed vpon the territories of Nice and Villefranch. Albeit consequently the French Kings, as heyres generall to the Earles of Prouence, are the vndoubted Lords of both these places.
Secondly, the house of Sauoy hath forcibly & by violence seyzed vpon the countrey of Piemont, an other part of the ancient bodie and patrimonie of Prouence: For aduow of the truth hereof, in the yeare 1306. was the principalitie of Piedmont vnited to the County of Prouence, and the Earles thereof peaceably enioyed the same, vntill the yeare 1363. at what time Queene Iane was defeated of it.
Thirdly, they haue also encroched vpon a great part of the Countie of Ast, which appertaineth to the house of Orleance, as being giuē in dowry to Valentine▪ As also they haue seyzed vpō the homage of Fousigny, which depēdeth vpō Dauphine.
Fourthly, in dutie they are to obey the contradictory sentence giuen the 10 of Iune, 1390▪ in the parliament of Paris, where they proceeded, & by all meanes defended themselues: for by that decree the K. Dauphin was pronounced soueraigne Lord of the Marquizat of Saluces. And in execution of this decree, the Duke of Sauoy is to yeeld vp a great deale of land appertaining to the said Marquizate, together with the fruites of the same. These lands are called Barges, Caours, Pancalier, Ennee, Villeneufue de Solier, Morel, Murel, Carignan Monasterol, Carde, Vigon, Villefranche Cauallimours, Raconis, Moullebrune, Carail, Someriue, Camaraigne, Caualerlyon, Polongnieres, Cazalgras, Fortpas, Faule, Malazan, Villefalet, & Busque.
Fiftly and lastly, Philip the seuenth, Duke of Sauoy, had two wiues. The first, Margaret of Burbon, who brought [Page 5] him sixtie thousand crownes. By the contract of this marriage, the children that should be borne to thē, should succeed each other in the whole, and vnto them (as in aduance) is giuen the Countie of Bauge and Castelwick of Bourg in Bresse. Of this marriage issued a sonne called Philibert, and Loyse that was mother to King Francis the first. By the second wife hee had two sonnes. Philibert succeeded his Father, and dyed without issue, leauing his sister his heyre generall, as well by course of the common law, which preferreth the conioyned on both sides, as by the expresse clause of the contract of marriage. True it is, that in those lands that preferre the male child, our Lady Regent pretended no part: but in al her mothers goods, in that which was giuen in aduaunce, and in all the moueables and goods, shee was her brothers vndoubted and sole heyre.
In the yeere 1534. King Francis the first sent diuers times sundrie great personages to Charles the ninth, Duke of Sauoy, his Lady Mothers halfe brother, to demaund his rights. But this Duke, preuented by the passions of his wife, and lingring in hope of a certaine exchange most daungerous for vs, not onely denied to doe him reason in these so euident and palpable rights, but also resolued to debarre the Kings passage, as he was on his iourney, to be reuenged vpon Sforce, Duke of Millan, for the most villanous act that euer was committed, namely, the beheading of the Lord Merueilles, Ambassadour of France.
Hereupon did the King denounce warre to the Duke of Sauoy, who wrongfully detained his rights: and according to law of Nations, which giueth to the strongest in true and full proprietie, the goods of him that hath denied him his right: his Maiestie in the yeere 1536. conquered Sauoy, Bresse, and Piedmont, which he reserued twentie three yeres: And very presumptuous he had been, that durst haue mooued this great King to abandon this principall rampier or [Page 6] bulwarke of the Gaules, for the custodie whereof, wee neede not to crosse the seas, or trauaile through forrain Countries, but may come to it by firme footing. Thus are great empires cymented and established.
But such was the calamitie of France, that in the yeere 1559. wee made a treatie, whereby wee rendered 198. places, where the King held his garrisons, as the Marshall Monluc doth testifie, who tearmeth it the vnfortunate and accursed peace, saying, that since the same, wee haue neuer beene free from misfortunes. Also that our Ciuill wars haue wasted more valiant Captaines in seuen yeeres, then any forraine warres in seuentie. Yet spake he not this vpon any good will that hee bare to those, with whome wee were at warres: for they neuer had a sorer enemie, or any that dealt more rudely with them. But the Flower de Luce was painted in his heart, and hee most vehemently did affect any thing, that might tend to the greatnesse and glorie of this crowne. In this regard he could not without griefe speake of so vnprofitable a restitution, whereto our mishap had forced vs, with a whole sequence of all sorts of miseries, in that so many warlike people (as he termeth them) could not otherwise employ themselues, then in most furious cutting each others throates. Neuerthelesse we did not at that time so farre giue way to the storme, that tossed and turmoyled this Realme, but that wee retayned fiue of the principall and strongest townes of Piedmont, as pledges for the reason that should be done vs in our rights, namely Thurin, Quiers, Chiuas, Pinerol, Villeneufue d' Ast, wherein we are also to note, that our treatie of peace in 1559. in expresse words imported, that the King should holde Thurin, Chiuas, and Villeneufue d' Ast, with all their confines, territories, commaunds, iurisdictions, and other appurtenances: and as for Quiers and Pinerol, the king should hold thē with such confines & territories, as he should find to be necessarie for the sustenance and defence [Page 7] of the fayd places.
Now at the same time dyed King Henry the second, leauing king Frauncis verie young, which occasion the Duke of Sauoy would not ouerslip: For being still at Paris, fourteene dayes after the fathers death, he obtained the sonnes letters patents (neuer verified as the treaty of peace was) wherein the confines of these fiue townes were restrained to a Piedmont myle, which was as much as to abridge vs of the fiue sixt partes at the least of all that was left vs, as if it had not beene enough that we had yeelded vp so many places, vnlesse wee were also so straightened in the remainder of our shipwrack.
All which notwithstanding, I would to God things had yet so remained: But in the yeare 62. during our first ciuill warres, they that had alreadie found opportunitie so to shorten the territories, seeing the realme in trouble, and King Charles but twelue yeares old, gaue the aduenture, & restored into this Dukes hands, Thurin, Quiers, Chinas, & Villeneufue d' Ast. Ten battelles would not haue wrested from vs such places, which had cost Fraunce so much gold and bloud.
Not long before, they had in fit time made away Marshall Brissac, who would rather haue cast himselfe headlong from the rockes, then in the kings nonage haue giuen vp townes of such importance to the crowne, the value whereof hee was better acquainted withall, then any man aliue. His successor in this gouernment (yet accounted one of the fayrest, in regard of the great importance thereof) forgat no remonstrance: and in deed he satisfied all men but himselfe: for thrice did he refuse the execution of so wonderfull hurtfull an acte, vsing most vehement and liuely remonstrances and protestations, crauing an assemblie of the Estates, or at the least considering the Kings minoritie, the verification of the Parliament of Peeres, sitting at Paris.
Had they had any hope to obtaine this promulgation, it [Page 8] had not beene denyed him, especially considering that it would haue stoode for a discharge to all others: But they knew very wel, that such a parliament, consisting of so many great personages, practised in all sorts of affayres, who also by the reading of hystories were acquainted with the truth of our rights mentioned in the beginning, would neuer by their decree haue authorized an acte so preiudiciall to the estate. In this regard, not daring to exhibite such letters to the Parliament of Fraunce, they grew to such grieuous and strange threates against this Gouernour, that at the last hee gaue way: howbeit with such and so violent griefe, that it stucke by him to his end, and brought him to his graue, enforcing him sundrie times to crie out, that he was accursed, that he ought to haue dyed in Thurin, vnlesse his master after declaration of his maioritie, had of his owne absolute authoritie reuoked him: also that peraduenture his Maiestie finding what a faire flower they sought to plucke from his crowne, and what a griefe and losse the same might for euer remaine, both to him and his successors, would haue altered his purpose, and beene of another mind.
Thus we see how in 62. these foure places were lost onely for Sauillan, and 33000. Franckes, for a moneths pay for the Souldiours, which was no doubt a proper change. All the Artillerie was drawen to Carmaegnolle, which by this meanes was as well stored as all the rest of the Realme: and in this wise was the assurance and pledge of all our rights reduced to two holds, Pinerall, one of the fiue, and Sauillan, which was but little worth: yet was not the Duke of Sauoy thus content: for the pledge, howsoeuer small, did still remember vs of our rights, which he labored to rase out of our minds▪ & therfore at the late kings returne (whō God pardon) out of Poland, passing through Sauoy, the same were begged in recompence of a collation: and the Prince, whose onely error rested in his too great goodnesse, granted them: [Page 9] whereupon the late Duke euer after acknowledged himselfe greatly bound vnto him, and good reason. His sonne an ambitious Prince, as any bred in Europe these fiue hundred yeeres, who in imagination hath swallowed the whole Monarchie of all Christendome, grounded vpon the decease of his neerest allies without issue, which his sorcerers and Magicians doe promise him, together with the decease of his Maiestie, which God in his mercie forbid, seeing the late King in 88. excluded out ofhis chiefe Citie, accompting him vndone, and contemning the Salicke lawe, immediatly perswaded himselfe that he had most apparant right to this crowne: or that at the least hee would carrie away one of the best partes of the broken shippe, and that the Rhosne should streame vnder his banners. And to bee the first at the bootie, and to beginne with those places that are allotted to the Kings eldest sonne, as a pledge of his future succession, in the face of the estates assembled at Bloys, during a most secure peace, hee inuaded the Marquizate of Saluces, by the surprize of Carmagnole, and the beating of Rauell.
Were the losse of such fortresses, the sole remainder of the French name beyond the Mounts, verie great, yet was the losse of the Artillerie no whit inferior thereto: for there were laide vp the Canons, which vnder the banners of the Flower de Luce had made the proudest rauelins of warlicke Italie to stoop. At the beginning of this vsurpation he sought sundrie pretences, and sent his Ambassadors expressely to the King, to assure him of restitution of the whole into his hands. But immediately he disgraced his Maiesties officers, & of his Ducall authority established others: he pulled down & brake the Flower de Luces, & raysed the armes of Sauoy: he furnished his towns with part of our Artillery, & at the same instant, to acquaint al the world with the trophees of his victorie, he forgeth a proud coyne, whereupon he stampeth a [Page 10] Centaure, treading vnder his feete a crowne reuersed, with this deuise, Opportune.
All such as are acquainted with Histories, can testifie, that since the establishment of this great Monarchie, the most auncient in the world, it neuer brooked such an outrage: for if iniuries are much the more aggrauated by the consideration of his weaknesse from whom they doe proceede, what greater shame, what greater reproach to the chiefe Crowne in Christendome, to the most sacred King in the world, the Prince ouer a Nationa, euen borne to Mars his occupation, the subduers of Asia and Affrica: at the report of whose name, euen the fiercest Nations that euer had dominion vpon the earth, haue trembled, then to see his forts and store-house beyond the mounts, carryed away by a pettie Duke of Sauoy?
Surely no true Frenchman can speake of this insolent brauado, without griefe and extreme anguish. All words are too base for such an indignitie, to say that this great & mightie kingdome should beare this reproach and blemish in her forehead for the space of a dozen yeres, and that it hath rested onely vpon this vnthankfull person, that hee neuer felt the punishment for such an outrage, done to the maiestie and glorie of the French name.
But it was not Gods will, who hath hardened his heart, that he might receiue the reward of such treason, accompanied with the most notable ingratitude that was euer heard of, and with a thousand cruelties that haue insued the same. For not content with this inuasion, he hath since practised all the cruelties that hee could deuise against all such sorts of Frenchmen, as hee hath found resolute in the defence of the liberties of their Countries, with the price of their bloud, or that preferred death before bondage. Prouence & Dauphine, which he assumed to revnite to the Crowne of Sauoy, as his predecessors haue done Piedmont, Ast, Nice, Villefranche, [Page 11] and many other places to vs appertainiug, doe yet groane vnder the anguish of such wounds, as his cruell tyrannie hath inflicted vpon them: yea such, so great and intolerable, that euen they that had opened him the gates, were forced to driue him out again, wheresoeuer their strength would serue.
Afterward seeing this Realme quiet vnder one of the mightest and most excellent Princes that euer swayed this glorious Scepter, a Prince growne vp among the allarmes, the nurse-child of legions, and in all poynts requisit in a most perfect Captaine, most accomplished, and withall a mightie King; he was not so slender witted, but that he well perceiued how very difficult it was for him, any long time to hold this Marquizate by force, especially considering, that by the treatie euerie man was to reenter into like estate, as hee enioyed before the warres, at the least, within one yeere: besides, that his Holynes had sufficiently giuen to vnderstand, that before all things it was requisite, fully to restore him, that in the time of peace had perforce beene robbed.
Finding himselfe therefore in these perplexities, with the Kings permission, whom he had assured euery way to content, he came to Paris, where he was receiued with al cheerefulnesse and honour that himselfe could desire: after long and often treaties, hee finally in the month of February promised within the first of lune, to yeeld vp the Marquizate in like state as he tooke it, or the exchange thereof agreed vpon betweene his Maiestie and him: and this was solemnely signed, as well by the one as by the other. Afterward being returned into Piedmont, hee was so farre from certifying the King that his mind was changed, that contrariwise from day to day hee entertained him with goodly promises of faithfull performance of all that he had promised. So that as ordinarily such men as had rather incurre a thousand deaths, then break their word, do imagine al others to be like themselues, especially where they haue to doe with Princes, whose greatnesse [Page 12] and honour shining as well during their liues, as after their decease, consisteth in the exact obseruation of their fayth, the Queene of men, the sunshine of this world, and the ornament of all vertues: his Maiestie accounted the restitution of his Marquizate, as sure as if the Lord of Passage, a Gentleman without reproch, whom hee had chosen to bee Gouernour, had alreadie beene entred with his garrison appoynted to that effect. But the Prince of Piedmonts purposes had a farre other drift: he sought onely to win moneths, weekes, and dayes, that so the winter comming on, might debarre the King from any enterprise for that yeere, which was alreadie well spent, assuring himselfe, that before the Spring he would set so many matters on broach, & ftir such coles, that they should haue other matters inough to thinke vpon, rather then the Marquizate of Saluces, withal conioyning his extreme confidence that hee reposed in his Witches, Sorcerers, & prickers of waxen Images. But God had otherwise appoynted: for after forbearance of feuenty daies aboue couenant, withall that this Prince had declared, that hee would not performe or accomplish that which his Ambassadors and pastors had aduised: the King, whose wisdome was correspondent to his bountie, finding himselfe thus vnworthily intreated in the execution of this accord, that had beene made by his predecessor, in the inuasion of his inheritance, did finally resolue by force of armes to reuenge so many wrongs offred to this Crowne & withall, to let all the world, where the fame of his conquests and victories should be bruted, to vnderstand, that it was neither want of power in his Kingdome, neither feare of danger that forced him to like of the sayd accord, in liew of sixe times as large an inheritance, by this vnthankfull wretch detained from him: but rather for that hee was most religiously bent to obserue the peace of Veruins, which since the Prince of Piedmont had on his part broken, & withal, shrunke from his promise so solemnely [Page 13] signed: as also that God, the great Iudge of both good and badde meanings, who giueth victorie to the righteous quarrell, hath so prospered our armes, that with his help and a little patience, we may soone compasse this so important a conquest of Sauoy and Bresse: shall we then possibly find any of our owne Nation, so carelesse of the glory and safetie of their Countrey, as againe to desire the presence of the most mortall and passionate enemie that wee haue in this world, on this side the Alpes, on this side the Bulwarck of the Gaules, and euen in our bowels?
Nature, sayd our elders (and in that word we comprehend the power of God) hath limited the great Empires with deepe seas, with high mountains, with mightie and swift riuers, perpetuall and vnchangeable bounds, farre more sure then any made by mans hand, which must alwayes bee repaired. The true bounds of the Gaules East-ward, are the Alpes: what more profitable, and withall, more honourable, can any man imagine, then by so iust a warre, and so acknowledged throughout Christendome, to driue all forraine Dominion ouer the Mounts, and to take such order, that albeit all Transalpine Gaules fayle vs, yet so much as is on this side, may conspire the preseruation of the glorie and greatnesse of the Flower de Luce?
Hereupon especially let vs likewise consider the diuers accidents that may befall this great bodie, and remember that when the enemies armies must needes climbe these high Mountaines, and crane vp their Canons, a verie small resistance will mightily trouble them: and contrariwise, that the estate wherein wee liued before this happie conquest, Dauphine and Prouence lay open to all inuasions.
If they that liued in former ages had not regarded our safetie, as wee are also to take order for our posteritie, the fire would dayly haue flamed in Angoulmois, [Page 14] in Anieow, and in many other parts of this Realme, If our former Kings had had no meaning to liue among vs (as they doe) through the glorie of their great and stately conquests, or that they would haue surrendred the inheritance of such as durst presume to trie their forces, and what a French armie, fighting in the view of their Prince, is able to doe: vndoubtedly wee should now haue neither seas nor mountaines to bounder this Kingdome.
Neither is there any person so vnexperienced in worldly affaires, as not to know, that the Pyrenian limits are not vnto vs of greater vse and commoditie then the Alpes: for from them we stand in danger of the assault of one onely Nation, which since the creation of the world, could neuer alone so fight with the French, but that the honour hath rested with vs. Contrariwise, by the Alpes wee lie open to all the most fierce, proude, and most capable of extending their Dominion, had the Ottomans prosecuted their progresse through Italy, as well as they caught sure footing by the taking of Ottranto, which could not be wrested from them vnder eighteene moneths siege, after his decease that conquered it, euen those against whom we are now to make warres, must haue beene the chiefe bulwarke of our fortresse to keepe it: such men are they to support such cloudes of innumerable men.
Let vs not imagine these considerations to be scar-crowes, as things vnpossible, which I would to God they were, for we must confesse, that it is not halfe so farre from Mont Senis to Zigeth, or into Esclauonia, as from thence to Constantinople, which Mahomet tooke but in the yeere 1453. Hereby let vs consider, in how short a time they may come vpon vs, or vpon our children, to whose good we are to referre all our labours: God of his mercie keepe vs from this miserie: yet must we thinke vpon all, and that in time, holding the Alpes as we doe, and vnited to the Switzers in a sure league, the [Page 15] greatest power in the world is not able to force vs in a groūd of such aduantage.
And this may stoppe the mouthes of some that obiect vnto vs the power of Turks, to make vs giue ouer, whereas contrariwise, that is the chiefe matter that should the rather mooue vs to the safe custodie of our principall rampier. Here vnto we may adde, that whilest we lost Naples, Milan, and Flanders, we did not consider the Turkes great successe in the meane time. When the Duke of Sauoy euen of late inuaded the Marquizate, and bent all his forces to vsurpe Pronence and Dauphine, no man regarded whether the Infidels prospered or not: but now that our affayres are at a better stay, & the case altered, by and by they crie out, The Turke, Beware the Turke: by these policies incroching vpon vs, when wee haue the worse, and lingering and lulling vs asleepe, when our fortune smileth vpon vs: they haue made vs lose almost as much as wee haue left. Thus doe they dandle vs like children: but let vs no longer brooke this entertainment; rather let vs keepe this naturall and incomparable rampier, that shall on that side warrant and secure vs from all sorts of enemies.
The remainder of this great Realme is bounded with the East and West Seas, except toward Germany, where our Germaine, francke and valiant brethren, men deuoyde of all malice, or purpose to enterprise, doe inhabite: vnited with them, we shall at all times so fiercely, and with such courage defend our selues, that all the world conspiring our ruine, shall not be able to beare vs: we neuer fayled them of helpe in their neede, and therefore with great reason did they account vs as an arch pillar of their libertie, against all that would assault them. Neither haue we euer holden any great warres against them, except by the policies and instigation of others more politike, and lesse valiant then our selues, who sundrie times haue fleshed vs each against other, [Page 16] to the end to weaken both parts, as our Histories doe testifie: but now our eyes are open, and these policies discouered and blowen vp: and I doe certainely beleeue, that France and Germany were neuer greater friends then at this day: so as we may say, that God hath deliuered into our hands, that which we ought most feruently to defire, namely this great bulwarke against all inuasion: and wee may truely say, that this so important a matter, was our greatest want for the accomplishment of this fortresse.
God likewise with the eyes of his mercie hath looked vpon these poore Sauoyans, that speake our language, and are our true fellow Countrey men, borne for the most part vnder the lawfull Empire of our Kings, Francis the first, and Henry the second, who at this day do feare nothing so much, as to returns vnder the proud dominion of the Piedmontaine, whom they hate as much, as they honour and loue the most excellent vertues of their true King, at whose knees they prostrate themselues, that they may not be miserably abandoned, sith God hath vouchsafed, that he that held them so short, hath shrunk from his word, from whence may proceede the beginning of their libertie. Should wee returne it into his hands, we may well thinke how these poore people that were noted to bee so ready to open their gates to his Maiestie, shall bee tormented: besides that, in so doing wee shal neuer find any people willing to acknowledge our king, but by extreme force: for by that example euery man shall see, that in vs there is no hold, who make no difficultie to thrust out those to the crueltie of our enemie, that haue yeelded thems elues into his Maiesties armes, to liue and die his most humb le subiects, to whose preseruation by the law of Nations hee is no lesse bound, then they to obey his commandements in all fidelitie.
It is likewise a matter of great import for the Kings seruice, with all speede to roote out of the mindes of his subiects [Page 17] in Sauoy, al doubt of passing away a Prouince of such importance: for so shall you soone see them the more bold and resolute to serue his Maiestie in all sorts. But some there are, and peraduenture euen among our selues, who with their coldnesse, and some speeches that slip them, doe driue this poore people into despaire, as imagining that we doe alreadie deliuer them bound into the hands of the Piedmontaine. Well doe I suppose, that the procurers of this mischiefe, do it not maliciously: but some there are both fearefull and too mistrustfull, yet must they bee gently admonished, to alter their countenance and speech, and for their more assurance, to cast their eyes vpon the valour and good fortune of their great King, and of this mightie Empire, as also vpon the ingratitude and trecherie of our enemie, and the iustice of this conquest.
As in truth, if among all Nations reprysals be holden for a inft title of Lordship, when one of the two Soueraignes is vnwilling to make restitution of things violently vsurped: If the equitie of lawfull warre, bee another title throughout the world aduowed for iust, whereupon the greatest Monarches are also grounded: what man, considering the enterprises of the House of Sauoy against that of France, and the Kings long patience before he would enter into warres, but must confesle his conquest to be so iust, that his Maiestie hath as good right to Sauoy, as to Paris it selfe? Likewise, if the Prince of Piedmont by his policies and mediators, should now rob vs of the fruits of our labors, and our good fortune, what mā aliue would feare hereafter to inuade vs, or to falsifie his faith or word, with ful resolution in all extremitie to follow his victorie (if hee could obtaine it) when he shall bee sure, being ouercome, alwayes to recouer himselfe through the helpe of some great mediatour (whereof France, to her great hurt, was neuer destitute) as our Annales doe testifie, which haue beene written principally to admonish [Page 18] nish vs to shunne the like ouersights?
By the same Histories doe we learne, that the Monarch that pardoneth his subiects, doth seldome repent it: for they be his children, euen such as returning to their duties, do many times indeuour by notable seruice to make satisfaction for their former defaults, and finding the discommodities and incredible hindrances that they incurre by the losse of their Princesfauour, they vow, and bind themselues for euer to his seruice, and vtterly roote out all other conceits or cogitations out of their mindes. But it is farre otherwise with the Soueraigne, who can neuer forget the griefe of being ouercome or an incredible desire of reuenge, and continuall care to recouer the wants in his estate, eyther to enter into new leagues, and practises to atchieue the victorie in his course, whereby the world may be informed as well of his reuenge, as of his misfortune. The more hee is bound to you, the lesse will he remember you: such remembrance will lie ouer-heauie and intolerable vpon his mind: he wil, if he can, take you at aduantage, seeke by some new quarrel to be freed from such a wonderfull and excessiue fauor. What must we then do? euen take from our enemie all meanes to hurt vs, though he would. And this may we now easily doe, if we leaue him nothing on this side the Alpes, and so crosse all his drifts for Lyons, where he shall get small good, by planting whole families of his subiects at his owne cost, to bee as it were secret colonyes, when al is gone on this side the Mounts. Without Dourlans, Amyens had neuer beenetaken: Saint Denys in the end carried away Paris: and had we not giuen vp Thurin, Carmagnole had neuer beene lost.
How mightily doe we thinke, shall the Citie of Lyons, one of the eyes of France, yea, euen of Europe, the ordinarie seate of sundrie Romane Emperours, and a place ofthe greatest trafficke in the world, which yet at this day giueth law to all other places, increase hereafter in wealth, and multitude of Citizens, [Page 19] being couered with Bresse and Sauoy, whereas before shee seemed rather a Frontier towne, then a Citie of the Realme? as also in regard of the multitudes that still arriued there from all parts, and the vsuall passage of great armies neere to her confines, she was alwayes in danger to be surprized, to the great losse and incredible ruine of the whole estate? Euen this poynt is a matter of great weight, and worthie manifold consideration: for it is no small matter to stop forraine armies, without denouncing of warre, from making the mow at such a Citie as Lyons, one of the strongest in Christendome, and ofmost difficult recouery, if it should be lost: wee cannot bee too iealous of such places, neither too curious to keep away all sorts of Courtiers. This proposition doe I hold, and there of referre my selfe to all Captaynes, namely, that Lyons remaining a Frontier town, is one of the easiest to be surprized, in regard of the great trafficke, and multitude of strangers there sciourning, & dayly arriuing out of all parts without suspition: which if you ween to hinder, yee vndoe the towne: It shall no longer bee Lyons, it must haue great libertie: but standing at this day so farre within the Frontiers, there is no more feare of it then of Paris. I do also hold this second proposition, that Lyons continuing a Frontier towne, is, except Bourdeaux & Marseilles, the most difficult towne in this land to be recouered, if it should be once lost. Would not such and so great a blow, deserue the conclusion of the exchange propounded in the yeere of our Lord God 1 5 3 4. so necessarie an exchange for the passage of the armies into the Low Countries? What know wee what is alreadie determined betweene so neere kinsmen? If this should come to passe, and this mightie towne be obstinately defended with the whole forces of such a neighbour, into what a miserable estate should we be reduced? What should become of Prouence and Dauphine? Into what a straight should foure or fiue other great Prouinces be brought? Had any man told vs twentie yeeres agoe, that a handfull of people [Page 20] should haue surprized Amiens, wee would not haue beleeued him, and indeede there was lesse likelihood: for it was not so begarded with forraine families as Lyons. It maketh mee to despaire, to see men be such cowards, and sometimes purposely to amplifie the forces of our aduersaries, and yet when afterward we come to propound these great considerations, they make but a mocke of it: for indeed they care not greatly. For my part I feare no open forces. Our Fathers haue seene in Prouence 50000. at the least at once, and whole cloudes of men in Champagne and Picardy: this neuer hurt them, it made them not so much as afraide, so long as the Realme was in itselfe at peace, as now it is. What should I then feare? euen practises, policies, and surprizes of our Frontier Townes, such as Lyons should bee, if wee should render Sauoy: vnlesse we should think that we should be loth to break the peace for Lyons, sith wee would not breake it for Carmagnole. I thinke indeede that on the behalfe, or by his commaund that should send his armies along our frontiers, wee should not feare to incurre such a storme (for wee must still thinke, that great Princes do make some account of their fayth and honour) yet might there bee some Generall of the armie that would gladly be spoken of, but neuer looke for the answere that Sextus Pompeyus made, saying, Thou shouldst not haue told me of it. The most that wee shall get, he shall be disauowed: then must he fortifie himselfe. Hereupon the warres are kindled, but the smarting losse is ours, which if it once grow old, they will forget to doe vs right, vnlesse at the howre of death in discharge of conscience: but if yee looke for the execution of the will, yee must seeke your Iudges at Pampelune.
It is therfore a great aduantage, to be out of this continuall feare of Lyons: for vndoubtedly, they with whom we are at this time so threatned, are more craftie, more close and secret then wee, and their drifts haue a further fetch. In the [Page 21] field with open force, wee shall alwayes beate them well inough: had neither Germaines nor English-men set in footing, they would neuer haue had the faces so much as to looke vpon vs: three hundred French horses will alwayes beate a thousand of theirs. And as for foot-men, ours are of more force, dexteritie, and contempt of death, but lesse discipline. It lieth in our selues to remedie the last, the rest proceed from nature, who hath giuen vs these aduantages, which wee must not lose. We can keepe them when wee list: witnesse the Ocean, which euen this yeere hath seene our French aduentures, who cannot possibly be retained, vnlesse we should chaine vp all our youth. For what can we tell who shall escape? they be no troopes or garrisons licensed at pleasure, so might there be fraud: but they be stragglers, comming some from one place, some from another, the whole Nation being so borne to the warres, that they must seeke it where it is, or make it among themselues. The Ocean, I say, hath seene of these mad fooles, that haue beaten the flower and choyse of the best & oldest Captains & souldiers, whom we hold in such esteeme. Go ye therfore and report in those countries, that the French foote-men are nothing worth.
But who shall make it as gallant, as firme, and withall, bring it into as good discipline as it was at Cerisoles, if this our great King cannot compasse it? Is hee of lesse abilitie then his vnckle, who was but a most faithfull and most profitable seruant vnto him that swayed the Scepter and crowne which hee hath succeeded? Eight yeeres had we held Sauoy and Piedmont, when the Lord of Anguien, vnder the command of King Francis, wonne that glorious day, where our foot-mē with the push of the pike, most furiously ouerthrew all those old triumphant bands of two parts of the world, albeit they were a third part more then wee, and so well armed, that we wonne from them eight thousand corcelets. [Page 22] The storie telleth vs, without the Conquest of Sauoy, Fraunce had missed of that great and stately triumph, as wanting wherewith to haue fed the armie one day. Had this commodious a conquest been atchieued before the yeere of our Lord God one thousand fiue hundred twentie and foure, King Frauncis, who should haue found himselfe vpon the Marches of his estate, neere to all succour, treasure, and refreshing, had not fallen into that calamitie that hath stucke by vs euer since.
Very high had he bin mounted, if the Lord of Anguyen had not caught him by the throate, that should haue wished him to speake to his Lord the King to yeelde vp Sauoy: so long is it since this fatal & valiant race of the Bourbons was promised to restore the eminency and perfect glory of the Flowre de Luce.
The ten first yeeres of his raigne were spent in his establishment, that was hindered by those that alwayes feared the greatnesse of this estate. At his entrie into his second tenne yeeres, God hath vouchsafed to adde vnto his Empire the highest mountaines in the world, thereby to lift vp this Prince, and to place him in the view of the whole worlde, as the Grandchilde of his beloued King Lewis the fifth.
What men be these then, that seeking to plucke him from his type of glory, would fetch him sixe dayes iourneyes backe againe, and in one moment defeate him of that great eminent and shining fame, which shineth euen into the East, atchieued in fiue & twenty yeres, through his so wonderfull prowesse and famous victories, still following his good fortune, and proceeding still forward, without stumbling or retyre?
Is it possible for this mighty Prince, who was able to conquere his Kingdome with the swordes point, now for euer to defraude his memory of the glorie of this increase, thatis of such importance to his Crowne? In regarde of our selues [Page 23] now liuing, whatsoeuer his Maiestie doe ordaine, or whatsoeuer he do, our perfect obedience, yea I will say more, our loue and feruent affection shall neuer quaile: But what will the posteritie say, when they shall heare of so happie a conquest, and find the inconuenience of the not keeping of the same such inconueniences as will happen either first or last, and those very sharp? Let vs not flatter our selues: It is hard to take away the sobs, the sighs & bitter complaints from those that feele the smart. Why haue they not spokē? why haue they not written of the restitution of 1559? and yet in truth wee were forced thereto by an extreme mishap: besides that almost all Europe was conspired against vs. But who forceth vs now? what colour? what retence shall our historie find? what excuse shall ve make to our nephewes, for giuing away such an aduantage? Surely I see none: all things do smile vpon vs, and for one that fretteth at our conquest, foure are glad of it though they say nothing. Such there are that will intreat his Maiestie, and exhort him to let go his hold, yea & make orations vnto him for the same, that in heart would be sorie to bee beleeued.
Here will some man aske, whether we must alwayes continue the warres.
Whome I wil aunswere, that France hath many times beene driuen to peace, without the recouery of Naples, Millan, or the soueraigntie of Flanders. Why must we then of necessitie, for the making of peace, restore that which we haue so lawfully conquered, sith wee haue so often beene forced to agree without recouerie of our owne? Is it because Fraunce is weaker then Piedmont, or that we are such dolts, as to thinke all things lawfull for others, and nothing for our selues?
Let our enemie beg peace if he list, as well as hee drew on and prosecuted the warre: but it may please his Maiestie to call to mind, that it is were requisite that prosperitie should [Page 24] recompence aduersitie: also that he that so playeth that hee may alwayes lose and neuer winne, will be soone vndone.
True it is, that they reply that so we shal draw on a greater warre against vs. But hereto we may find a double answere: First, that it is vnlikely, that they that haue so longed after peace, a matter to them as necessarie as profitable to vs, would now breake it, especially vpon so bad and base a title as is the Prince of Piedmonts. The second answer is this, that sith our cause is good, they that we are threatned withall, will neuer enter warre against vs, vnlesse they haue before resolued vpon it for other causes, and motiues farther fetcht: and in that case it is far better for vs to keep our aduantage, then to lose it, and be sorie for it when it is too late. Withal, that this ground standing fast, that our enterprise is iust, and consequently the conquest thereof proceeding: If we be so timerous as for a threat cowardly to forgoe that which wee haue so lawfully and happily atchieued, then farewell all: there is no more Frenchman, no more Gaule in the world. For how can any man imagine, that this valiant natiō, in former times an actor in all the greatest warres in the world: a nation that hath sought them from one end of the earth to another: that hath taken the imperiall Citie of Constantinople, and forced the mightiest cities in the East and South: that feared nothing but the falling of the skie, as assured to ouercome all that should withstand, should at this day bee so degenerate and so quailed, as for a Rodomontade or Spanish brag, to abandon that which so iustly to vs doth appertaine? that is to say, should shew themselues so fearefull and such cowards, that through the default of his subiects hearts, aforetime the terrour of all nations, so great a King should not bee able to keepe his owne conquests? But in deed wee are farre from those termes. For albeit our lamentable warres haue greatly diminished vs, yet shall our experience, valour and courage recompence the want of our number: besides that, [Page 25] our head shall alwaies be counted for twentie thousand: hee is the great Lion that guideth the lesser to the battell: his soldiers are not counted by their number, but by their valour: yet if need be, and that this Empire must stirre vp her stumps in earnest, we shall couer their largest fields with soldiers, & make the earth to tremble vnder the feet of our horses: wee shall drie vp the riuers, and of these old French armies bring forth a hundred or two hundred thousand warriors, as gallant and couragious as euer were their ancestors: euen such as will go to the field with as good courages as others come thence. Let no man therefore thinke to terrifie vs with such threates. We seeke peace with euerie one but this vngrateful person, yet feare we not the warre. If any be resolued to set vpon vs, we were fooles to shrinke backe: wee must pleade for all, we must defend all, or rather march halfe the way to meet with any that would ioyne with this presumptuous person, who in liew of humble reuerence to the Maiestie of so great a neighbour kingdome, as nature and wisedome doe teach, and all the world do put in practise, hath shewed himselfe so presumptuous and desperate rash, as to seeke to ouerrun a great Lyon, who at one sole lift is able to squeaze him asunder. But these be vaine conceits, for there is no prince in the world willing to rayse warre against vs, vpon so bad a quarrell as is the Prince of Piedmonts. Well may euery one intermeddle to agree vs, and we will giue them the hearing: For in the midst of our weapons we seeke for peace, yet in any wise let vs remember two things: First, that wee brooke no delay whilest our wind bloweth faire: as our Kings Lewes the 12. Francis the 1. and Henry the 2. alwayes did. Our histories do make mention, and our ouersights are noted, but when it is too late. It is not ynough to be valiant in the field: the chiefe point is to be wise & circumspect in counsell. And in that regard did Homer neuer commend any valiant Captaine for his courage, vnlesse withall it were accompanied [Page 26] with wisedome, witnesse his speech of Agamemnon: In armes valiant, and in counsell discreete. So wise was Hercules, that his valour was the least part of his glorie. This wisedome & this excellent counsell, so far as it concernes the soueraigne, consisteth not onely in the well pitching of a field; in the furious assault of a great citie by the weaker; or in choosing the field: but the chiefest skill is in the knowledge how to vse the victorie and his forces, and cutting off his enemie from all means to take heart again: as also in the forecast how to stop his eares against the faire words of certaine intermeddlers, that seeke no more but to hinder the course of such prosperitie as they do suspects that so he haue no cause to repent that he beleeued them, and through this beliefe limited his good fortune and conquests, and so lost the occasion of assuring his frontiers. It concerneth no lesse, and so let vs remember.
Secondly, we must beware of ouerbuying our quiet. Darius sent to offer Alexander part of his Empire: but this great Prince, the true image and perfect patterne of all generosity, also of curtesie, so long as the same was not preiudiciall to his estate, answered in one word: Behold where thou findest me: I haue alreadie passed more then he offereth: we must speake either of atonemēt, or fight for that that is left him: for all that is behind me, is past compromise. And he said truth, for a great Captain neuer returneth backe: he that forsaketh it, is vnworthie the prosperitie that God sendeth him: yet had Alexander to do with so mightie an enemie, as soone after met him with a million of men: albeit when he made that braue answere, he was not ignorant what forces this mightie Emperour of Persia might haue, yet could he not be terrified, because he was Alexāder. But had hee exchaunged the hope of his victorie with the agreement offered, both bodie and fame had beene shut vp in one selfe tombe, whereas now contrariwise while the world lasteth, he shal still liue as fresh & famous as when hee dyed. And in truth wee must confesse either pusillanimitie, or extreme [Page 27] weakenes in those that yeeld vp that which they haue lawfully conquered. But we are (thanks be to God) farre ynough from both. For as for feare, it neuer came neere our Kings heart: for had he had neuer so small a spice thereof, he had long since bin ouerthrowne, and his estate couered vp in darkenes. Rather may we say, that so many valiant actes and so many trophees, whereby he shineth as a faire Sunne ouer the face of the earth, do but burgeon forth conceits of higher enterprises against all that dare giue him good cause, as hauing the hope of things to come, still fighting in his fancie with the glory of things passed.
As for force, it cōsisteth especially in money & mē: concerning the first, the K. treasures well husbanded, as they are wil go farther thē men ween for: forren war doth somewhat helpe to maintaine it selfe. True it is, that it is now high time to begin (sith to our great detriment, we did it not sooner) I say to begin yeerly to spare 3. millions of gold, which we do wretchedly consume in silkes which wee neede not, whereas our neighbours cannot forbeare so many of our commodities necessary for mans life, which to vs are in stead of mines of gold and siluer. This done, wee shall growe into abundance of wealth: for as the Philosopher saith, Nature is neuer no loser: because that that which commeth forth of one place, reentreth into another: euen so the expences of this Realme do stand vs in nothing. The 3. millions, which we so miserably for lacke of forecast, or rather for want of wit, doe yeerely waste vpon wormes worke, through the enchanting speeches of such as reape the benesite thereof, doe more empouerish this estate in 6. moneths, then 6. yeres of forren war. Powder, Cannon thot, and most part of our weapons are made in the land, & so cost vs little to speake of. The souldiers pay returneth to the hands of the K. receyuers, to whō the cōmons that haue earned it with their labor & cūning, do returne for their taxes. Any man that list to deale with vs, shall haue [Page 28] more neede of forraine souldiours then wee, and all things reckoned, must spend more duckets then we testornes, and so see the bottom of his purse sooner then wee. Were wee to be assaulted by such as had a hundred millions ready gathered, the danger were the greater: but if wee haue any discommoditie, they that we are threatned with, are in necessitie, and in farre lesse credite then wee, as being long since with all their partakers, drawen drie, through their incredible expences continued these 34. yeeres, which their last mishap must force them to redouble, or to lose all. Were we throughly acquainted with their bullion, we should find that they are rather to stand in feare of vs, then we of them; also that he that threatneth most, is in most feare. As for multitude of men, the conceiued opinion that the King at this time would haue no more, together with the collection of the fruits of a fruitfull yeere, and the beginning of winter, detained a number in their houses. But if his Maiestie should earnestly call for assistance, and giue out that he would find meanes to discerne the house-birds from the true Gentlemen, whose seruice he would haue truely recorded, to be monthly sent to his Parliaments and Chambers of accounts, that thither hee might hereafter haue recourse; wee should soone see our armies increase, with an incredible number of Gentlemen, who would be loth in themselues or their posteritie, to beare so shamefull a badge, as is the abandoning of their King and Countrey in time of neede, especially, in so iust and honourable a warre, whereto from all parts both great and small haue recourse.
No man can complaine of such remembrances, as do consecrate to the posteritie, the names and valour of those, that as the true children of their gallant ancestors, haue hasted to the place, whither the presence of their King, and glory of their Countrey hath called them. Hee that would bee an vnprofitable seruant to his Prince, and yet misliketh that he [Page 29] should be knowne, seeketh to confound labour with idlenesse, valour with cowardize, and the forsaker of his countrie with the true Gentleman, that alwayes considereth in what regard his ancestors had their lands giuen them, with freedome from such charges as other Citizens doe beare. To be briefe, he indeuoureth to make a mixture of all vice, with the rarest vertues: yea, so dangerous a mixture, that the greatest obseruers of antiquitie, whose principles wee haue to our cost tryed to bee most true, doe agree, that when such confusions take place, in whatsoeuer forme of gouernment, the same are an infallible token, that that estate is extreme sicke: yet if it be in a Monarchy, the cure is both readie and certaine. For the Prince may speedily reestablish vertue in her eminencie, and so open the deformitie and shame of her contrarie, that for one of his subiects that continue in this filth, hee shall find tenne thousand hasting to that glorie, wherwith it may please the soueraigne to note the affection, courage, and trauailes of his faithfull seruants: neither shall we want men, yea, as braue men as euer the earth bare. But in any wise, ridde me from these men that depend vpon our enemies wages, whose onely care resteth in daily writing from the army, that peace is concluded, that is to say, that no man must come. My selfe doe know, that this policie hath within these two moneths detained a hundred Gentlemen within tenne league about the house of my abode: yet haue we one rule in Monarchie vndoubtedly true, namely, that it is in the King onely to thinke vpon peace, when he thinks it profitable for his estate, and in the subiects no farther to trouble themselues, but to keepe their hands nimble, and their swords sharp, according to the saying of Aemilius, and to vse no communication but of weapons, of horses, and of warre, after it is once proclaimed. This is it that maketh a Prince to bee feared, yea, this is it that maketh him condiscend vnto profitable peace, when he findeth that the heate [Page 30] of his subiects, boyling in a burning desire to fight, must bee restrained.
Let vs peruse our Histories, and we shal find, that this great Monarchy was founded, augmented, and preserued, not by luke-warme and effeminate humours, but by valour and generositie, by entring into ferraine warres, not for threates, but for benefite and aduantage. Ciuill and intestine warres haue sundrie times, and twice within these two hundred yeres, brought it to the poynt of destruction, other warres neuer shooke it: but contrariwise, haue euer beene holden as an exercise of our principall profession, and as the substance and theatre of our glory. For as Lycurgus referred all his lawes to the warre: and as the Romanes made their vaunts, that they were not acquainted with any other arts or occupations, but left thē all to their subiects, as vnworthie themselues, so our ancestors, inured to the natures of this war-like Nation, did vtterly reiect from all succession to the crowne, that sexe which they thought vnfit to leade the French-men to the warres, and withall, established the foundation of this Empire, vpon the force of armes, and the perfection of militarie knowledge, the most generous of all, and most noble, as well in the cause as in the end.
Through the excellencie of this Art, the Romanes ouercame the multitude of the Cymbrians, the force and craft of the Affricans, the wisedome and policie of the Grecians, and the riches and power of Asia.
But when they went about to alter their braue and valorous principles, and in liew of Iron to vse gold, flatterie for commaundement, treaties for battailes, and composition in steade of victories and triumphs▪ the resplendent Maiestie of this mightie Empire withered, the fame thereof vanished, the subiects feare changed into contempt, and the reuerence of the Neighbours into dension. And it was with all men, as with the Nations, which [Page 31] beforetime trembled at the viewe of the Romane Magistrates: but when they saw themselues renting and dismembring their Empire, they also set vpon them, and assaulted thē euen in their Capitoll, which they haue so often and so miserably sacked and razed, that now there remaineth no more but the sole tombe and cinders thereof.
Let vs beware that wee fall not in the like fault, and that we alter not our old principles, both bold, couragious, and in a word, right French, into their contraryes; and withall, let vs remember, that so soone as we, like women, shall beginne to quaile at the threate of some great warre, wee shall see our selues enuironed round about, euerie man will ouer-runne vs, one will plucke at the one side, another at the other, and wee shall bee the contempt and scorne of the children of those that could not, without trembling, heare any speech of our fore-fathers.
Yet doe I not say, that we should preferre a continuall warre before a wished peace, which through Gods goodnes, and the valour and wisedome of our great King, wee doe at this day enioy with all men, except this vngratefull person, that hath infringed his promise and fayth: but rather to confirme our first proposition, namely, That being iustly grounded in this warre, and the Conquest being both iust, lawfull, and most profitable to our estate, neither threate, nor any other consideration, should make vs to giue ouer that which we hold, or to steppe one foote backe againe.
If wee can firme our selues in these principles replenished with equitie, glorie, and honour, and bee resolued couragiously to set vpon any that would intrude into so wrongfull warre against vs, wee should euen against the whole world, releeue the auncient glorie of this mightie Empire, yea, wee should giue them to vnderstand, that it is not good meddling with France in her afflictions: also that either first or last, God, who fauoureth her as the chiefe crowne [Page 32] of those that are baptized in his name, will enable her to bee quit with her enemies. To be briefe, that she knoweth how to liue in peace with those that account of her amitie and alliance, and to treade downe all such as will attempt against her glorie and honour.
Thus haue we finished this discourse, and yet the principall is behind, that is, most feruently to pray vnto the heauenly goodnesse, so to vouchsafe to touch the heart of our King, that he will courteously heare, and at length yeeld to a most humble petition, which our iust feare of extreme perill hath wrested, not out of my heart and penne onely, but out of the hearts and mouthes of all his subiects.
The Petition.
SIr, your self are as wel acquainted with al worldly affaires, I wil not say as any Prince, but as any man in Europe▪ how is it then possible, that you should not conceiue the principall drifts of your enemies▪ If you please attentiuely to cōsider, you shal vndoubtedly find, that their great hope is built vpon your tombe, whom they see so extreme aduenturous, that euery houre, yea, euery momēt, they hearken afterthat desired newes, euē the type of all their vowes. Cut them off, Sir, from this hope, by a moderation worthie your glory already atchieued, worthie the Imperiall throne whereto God hath exalted you, and worthie the extreme necessitie that all your France, and all your confederates haue of the preseruation of your life. So shall your Maiestie immediatly see the weapons droppe out of your enemies hands, all their deuices confounded, and their drifts dispersed. Indeed, Sir, we are to confesse, that hitherto this great contempt of danger was necessarie for the reestablishment of your estate, which was so sicke, as vsuall remedies could neuer haue recouered it. It was requisite to aduenture farther, then stood [Page 33] with any discourse of militarie reason, to execute before deliberation, and with extraordinarie and more then humane confidence to plunge your selfe among many dangers, yea euen the dangers of death, But God enuironed you with his Angels: for it was no rashnes, but perfect valiancie. But now sir, that he hath graced you with the restitution of your kingdome, quiet and in peace: also that your Maiestie haue the assistance of so many great Princes, and excellent Captains, (almost all trained vp at your owne hand) and of these, braue Frēch horsmē, so famous & so feared throughout the world, followed with the great squadrons of thundring legions, replenished with yong and gallāt nobilitie, who burne with an incredible desire to ioyne & ouerthrow your enemies in a pitched field, in case they dare stād you, or proudly to assault some strong fortresse. Seeing your selfe also entred into such and so mightie alliances as neuer any king your predecessor was the like: Is it not time, sir, that the same affection to your subiects that caried you into all these hazards, should now make you to reserue your selfe to such as are worthie of your Maiestie? If a king, said Theophrastus, must needes die in the warres, let him die like a king: that is to say, in some fierce and bloodie battell, enuironed with all the gallant, noble & braue men of his estate: let him be drowned in some maine sea of his enemies bloud, mixed with the bloud of his owne soldiers, and neuer be slaine as some meane Captaine at the siege of some towne, or in some skirmish: For so should his glorie and triumphes bee so farre from increase, that they should euen wither and decay: witnesse that great & couragious Captaine, that thought himselfe greatly disgraced, in that a quarrel shot out of Samos, light neere him: wherewith had he beene slaine, his armie through his default had stood as a bodie without a head at the enemies mercy, to the reproach and ruine of his countrey.
But as the excellent Archimedes, by planting his engines, [Page 34] threw more darts & shot at the Romanes, then all the rest of the Siracusans together: euen so your Maiestie, beeing the soule infused into the veynes, sinewes, & arteries of this great body, and proud preparation for warres, and kindling the courages of all his Captaines and souldiers, doth alone make all hands to walke, all Cannons to rore, and all the swords of his armie to cut. Assure your selfe therfore, Sir, that if you wil vouchsafe to yeeld to the feruent supplications & teares of all your subiects, that prostrate themselues at your feet, onely to obtaine this sole request, as the fulnesse of their felicitie, and so take from them this extreme feare and incomparable terror, which onely doth freeze the bloud of all your souldiours; you shall reuiue their courages, and maruailously cheere vp their forces, as knowing, that so long as your person are in safetie from so many Cannons leueled at your heart, the affayres of your Fraunce, euen of your warlike Fraunce, will prosper and grow from better to better: and contrariwise, your enemies that cannot stand and beare vp thēselues but vpon this cowardly & cursed hope, seeing themselues fallen from the same, shall find their destruction, and that they are in worse estate, then if they had lost tenne battailes. Doing this, Sir, you shall surmount your selfe, which is the most difficult, gallant, and glorious victorie of all other, and withall, by this great poynt of discretion, crowne all your triumphs and trophees, whose glorie and fame shall neuer be limited, but with the bounds of the earth, and all eternitie; and besides, Sir, you shall reserue your anoynted [...] to infinite Garlands of great victories, yet due to your good fortune, which it hath pleased God to giue you, for a faithful companion to your Heroycall and excellent vertue.