HEreafter Folow­ith the boke callyd the Myrroure of Oure Lady very necessary For all relygyous persones.


The fyrste prologue. ¶Here Begynneth the Prologue of thys presente boke folowynge which is called oure Ladyes myroure.

VIderunt eam Filie Syon / et beatissimam predicauerunt. Cantice. vi. These wordes are writen in holy scrypture & are thus to say in englyshe / The doughtres of Syon haue sene hyr (that is to say oure lady) and they haue shewed hyr mooste blessyd. In whiche wordes the holy goste sayth thre thinges that longe to the praysynge of oure mooste blessed lady. ¶Fyr­ste who they be that prayse hyr / whan he sayeth. the doughters of Syon. ¶The seconde / what they doo or they begynne to prayse hyr / whan he sayeth that they haue sene hyr. ¶The thyrde / the maner of hyr praysynge / whan he sayeth & they haue shewed hyr mooste blessed / therfore he sayeth. The doughtres of Syon haue sene hyr and they haue shewed hyr moste blessed. ¶Fyrste the holy goste tellyth who they be that prayse our Lady / for he callyth them doughtres of Syon. But though all chrysten soulles that treuly lyue in chrysten fayth / may be called doughtres of Syon / that is to say of holy chyrche: yet more properly ye ar called doughters of Syon. For not onely ye ar doughtres of holy chyrche by chrysten byleue as other chrysten people ys: But also ye are doughtres of this holy relygion / which as a mother noryssheth youre soulles in grace in this Monastery that ys na­med Syon. And therfore as ye are doughtres of this bodely Syon / so ought ye to be doughtres of Syon [Page] gostly / For Syon ys as moche to say / as a cōmaun­dement or byholdinge. And ye ought to be doughtres of cōmaundement by meke & redy obedyence to the byddynges of god / and of youre reule / and of youre soueraynes / ye ought also to be doughtres of byhol­dynge by cōtemplacyon. & specyally in byholdynge of youre owne wretchednes / and of youre vnkyndenes agenste god / and of the charite & goodnes that he dothe to you. ye oughte to beholde also the shortnes and vnstablenes of thys lyfe / the hastynes of dethe / the ferefulnes of dome / the bytternes of paynes / and the swyete and ioyfull rewardes of blysse. And if ye be thus good doughtres of Syon by meke obedyen­ce and by trew beholdynge of these thynges: then ar ye well dysposed the more worthyly to prayse oure moste gloryous lady. ¶The seconde thynge that the holy goste tellyth in these wordes (ys) that ye ought to doo or ye begynne to prayse oure lady. And that ys that ye oughte to se her. For ye wote well that no man ne may well shewe the worthynes or the propertyes of any thynge to the praysynge therof: but yf he haue fyrste som syght & knowlege of the same thinge by one meane or other. How shall ye then condewly shewe by outwarde praysyng the excellent hyghnes and worthynes of the moste blyssed heuenly quene oure reuerente lady / as yt is full fayre expressed in al youre holy seruyce: but yf ye haue fyrste syght therof by inwarde vnderstandinge. ¶But for asmoche as many of you / thoughe ye can synge and rede / yet ye can not se what the meanynge therof ys: therefore to the onely worshyp and praysyng of oure lorde Iesu chryste and of hys moste mercyfull mother oure lady [Page] and to the gostly cōforte and profyte of youre soules I haue drawen youre legende and all youre seruyce in to Enlyshe / that ye shulde se by the vnderstōdyng therof / how worthy and holy praysynge of oure gloryous Lady is contente therin / & the more deuoutely and knowyngly synge yt & rede yt / and say yt to her worshyp. ¶And in many places where the nakyd letter is thoughe yt be set in enlyshe / ys not easy for some symple soulles to vnderstonde▪ I expounde yt and declare yt more openly / other before the letter / or after or else fourthe wyth to gyther. ¶And farther­more / that ye shulde haue the more sprytuall loue / & inwarde delyte and deuocyon / in thys holy seruyce I tell the causes & the meanynges of eche parte therof that is to say / whan I come to the fyrste Inuitory▪ I tell what an Inuitatory ys to say / and why yt ys namyd so & set in suche a place. And so I do of Psal­mes / and Hympnes / and Antempnes / and respōces and versicles / and all suche other. For I declare why they ar callyd so / that ys to say / why an hympne ys callyd an hympne / and why an Antepmne is callyd an Antempne / and so fourth of other / and why they ar set & sayde in suche wyse / as ye may se more play­nely in the story of the Sonday / eche thynge in hys place. ¶Of psalmes I haue drawen but fewe / for ye may haue them of Rycharde hampoules drawynge and out of Englysshe bibles if ye haue lysence therto ¶Also when I drawe a thynge ones in to englysshe I write it not agayne as often as I fynde it after in eche place / but onely in the fyrste place / as Gloria pa­tri, is declaryd i [...] the begynnyng of matyns on Sonday / and Maria m [...]er, and Gloria tibi domine, in the en­de [Page] of the fyrste Hympne the same daye. And then I speke nomore therof in all your seruice after / as ofte as yt is sayde. And the same I doo of all suche other for the moste parte. ¶ye shall also vnderstonde that thys boke ys deuyded in to thre partyes. For fyrste I haue compyled a lytell treatys of .xxiiii. Chapy­tres / wherein ys shewed the condycion of diuine seruyce / whan and where / and in what wyse yt ought to be sayde & songe / & specyally of youre holy seruice how heuenly / and gracyously it was ordeyned and made. And this treatyce ys the fyrste parte of the bo­ke. The seconde parte ys of youre seuen storyes / accordynge to the seuen dayes of the wyeke. And the thyrde parte is of youre masses. ¶And for asmoche as ye may se in this boke as in a myrroure / the praysynges and worthines of oure moste excellente lady therfore I name it. Oure ladyes myroure / Not that oure lady shulde se herselfe therin / but that ye shulde se her therin as in a myroure / and so be styred the more deuoutly to prayse her / & to knowe where ye fayle in her praysinges / and to amende: tyll ye may come there ye may se her face to face wythouten eny myr­roure. ¶And therfore now moste dere and deuoute systres / ye that ar the spouses of oure lorde Iesu chryste / and the specyall chosen maydens & doughtres of his moste reuerēde mother / lyfte vp the eyen of your soulles towarde youre souerayne lady / and often & bysely loke and study in this her myrroure / and not lyghtely but contynually / not hastynge to rede mo­che at ones / but labouryng to knowe what you rede that ye may se and vnderstonde her holy seruice / and how ye may serue her therwyth t [...] her most plesaūce [Page] that lyke as it goyth dayly thorughe your mouthes so let yt synke & sauoure contynually in youre har­tes. ¶And where aboutes may youre hartes be bet­ter occupyed [...] where may ye haue more holy and he­uenly medytacyons▪ And where may you haue de­per or swetter contemplacion▪ then to beholde in the story of the Sonday / the glory of the blessyd endeles Trinite in onehed of substaunce and of Godhe. And to se hym / how he Ioyed euer from wythout the be­gynnynge of the gloryous vyrgyn Mary / hauynge her endelesly as presente in the syghte of hys Godly forknowynge. ¶And on modaye to beholde and se wyth youre gostly eyen the felycyte and blysse of vnnumerable multitude of Aungels / and how they all and one as they were made Ioyed of oure glory­ous lady that was then vnmade▪ and loued her mo­re then themselfe. ¶On twesday / ye may se how Adam after he was so worthyly made / fel so wret­chydly in to synne / and what sorow he had therfore And how he and all Patriarkes and Prophetes had forknowynge of oure Lady / and thereby were comforted in all theyre trybulacyons. ¶On wednes­day ye may se / how thys gloriuos Lady / so moche loued / and so longe desyred▪ began to come fourthe in to thys worlde by so meruelous clene concepcion and holy byrthe / and what charyte God had in he­uen to mannes helthe / and what charyte that same Lady had in erthe / after her byrthe. ¶On thurse­day ye may Ioyfully se / how excellente she was in vertues / how holy in conuersacyon / how full of fayrenes [Page] in soulle and in body / and the maruaylous in carnacyon of oure lorde Iesu chryste in her. ¶On fryday ye maye se her greate and vnspe [...]able sorowes that she had before her sonnes incarnacyon and after hys byrthe / and specyally in tyme of hys moste bytter passyon. ¶On Saterday ye may se the holy lyfe of oure Lady / namely from tyme of her sonnes passyon / vnto her assumpcyon / and how she was taken vp in to heuen bothe Soulle and body. and sette moste nyghe the blessed Trinyte aboue all creatures. And so the Ioye that the same blessed Trinyte had of the same glorious Lady / endelesly or she was made as ye rede on Sonday: was fulfylled in her. effectually in dede / in her assumpcyon / as ye rede on Saterday. ¶And thus from Sonday tyll Saterday / dayly / wekely / and yerely▪ ye ar occupyed w t youre tongues in oure Ladyes seruyce / wher­fore ye ought to take hede / that youre myndes be as besy and cōtynually occupyed aboute the same thin­ges by inwarde vnderstondynge and deuocyon. And for that cause▪ loke often & ryght often in thys oure Ladyes myrroure▪ that yt maye sothefastely be veryfyed of you / that the doughtres of Syon hathe sene her. ¶The thyrde thynge that the holy gooste shewyth in the sayde wordes / Is the maner how ye shall prayse oure mooste reuerende and gloryous Lady / and that ys / openly / mekely / and de­uoutly. For openly ye owghte to prayse her and dystynctely / that other folke may vnderstonde youre praysyng to theyr edyfycacyon. & therfore he sayeth [Page] they haue shewyd / For a thyng that is shewyd / is made open to other folkes knowlege / ye ought also to pray se her mekely / so y t in the open shewynge of her pray­synge ye seke her worshyp / & not youre owne. And therfore he saythe. They haue shewyd her. And not hym­selfe. Deuoutly also ye ought to prayse her / beholdinge in youre mynde in tyme of youre praysynge / by inwarde loue and deuocyon: how glorious / how ex­cellente / and how blyssyd she ys aboue all creatures whome ye prayse. And therefore he saythe They haue shewyd her mos [...]e blessyd. ¶And in all this / ye ought euer to thanke & prayse / and to worshyp god. For that he hathe made this most reuerende lady / so gracious so glorious & so good. And for he hath gyuen her so moche worshyp & excellence & power aboue all hys creatures / & for he hath callyd you so specyally to her seruyce & for he hath gyuē you so open knowlege of her moste hyghe & excellent worthynes / For these greate benyfytes / & for all other / ye oughte euer & cōtyneu­ally to ioye in your god & to prayse your heuēly kynge / namely w t hys holy dyuyne seruyce / as the Pro­phete in the psalter exhorteth you & saythe. Psal. C.x [...]ix Filie Syon exultent in rege suo, laudent nomen eius in choro / that is to saye / the doughters of Syon muste ioye in theyre king / & they must prayse his name in y e quier ¶And when ye ar thus occupied in these godly praysinges & in other tymes also / namely whē ye ar moste nygh to your kynge & to youre quiene / I praye you hert [...]y & lowly / & not only you that ar now / but all y shall com after you / & loke in this myrroure: that lyke as trew charyte to your soulles helth / & cōfort / forsothe hathe styred me to thys laboure / and none other erthly [Page] thynge: so ye vouchesafe of youre tender charyte. hartely to praye for oure right poure & full wretched soulle / that oure mercyful lorde Iesu chryste clenseyt and cure yt w t the medycyne of hys mercy / and graū te yt euer to Ioye and to delyte in loue of hym / and of hys mooste worthy mother / and in nothynge else. And the same Lorde by meane of the same gloryous vyrgynhys mother: maye graunte you all / the same that lyueth and rayneth wyth the father / and wyth the holygooste endeles god Amen.

¶Here endyth the fyrste prologue / and begynneth the seconde.

YT is not lyght for euery man to drawe eny longe thyng from latyn in to oure Englyshe tongue. For there ys many wordes in Latyn that we haue no propre englyssh accordynge therto. And then suche wordes muste be turnyd as the sentence may beste be vnder­stondyd. And therfore though I laboure to kepe bo­the the wordes and the sentence in this boke as farre as oure language wyll well assente: yet some tyme I folowe the sentence and not the wordes as the mater asketh. There is also many wordes that haue dyuerse vnderstōdynges / & some tyme they ar taken in one wyse / some time in an other / and som tyme they may be taken in dyuerse wyse in one reson or clause Dyuerse wordes also in dyuerse scryptures: ar set & vnderstōde some tyme other wyse then auctoures of gramer tell or speke of. Oure language is also so dyuerse [Page] in yt selfe / that the cōmen maner of spekyng in Englysshe of some cōtre / can skante be vnderstondid in some other cōtre of the same lōde. ¶And for these causes and suche other / yf any persones there be that holde them selfe cōnyng as some do / that whan they can onely a lytell gramer / or a lytel latyn / and scar­cely that wel▪ they ar more bolde to catche at a man­nes saynge / or at hys wrytynge / then wolde many wyse clerkes that be. Therfore yf eny suche parsone happen to se this boke or eny other of oure drawyng and fynde eny thynge therin not drawen to hys en­tente / and therfore is redy to blame yt / and to say yt is wrōge▪ I coūsell you that in symplenes seke your soulles fode▪ and to take lytell hede at hys saynges. wyttynge well that the wyser that eny man ys▪ the better wyll he be aduysed / or he blame an other mannes studdy. And the lesse good that he can▪ the more presūptuous wyll he be to fynde defaulte and to de­praue / ye often tymes tho thynges that he vnderstō ­dyth not. And therfore they that holde them selfe so wyse / may be contente wyth theyr owne wysdome For I began thys werke nothynge for them / but for the edyfycacyō of you y t fele symplely in your owne wyttes / & loue to be enformyd. I am not wyser thē was seint Hierome / that in y e drawyng of holy scripture frō other lāgage in to latyn / sayth how he was cōpellyd at eche boke to answere to the bakbytnige of them that depraued hys laboure. In prologo primo super Ioh. ¶But for that I knowe myne owne feoblenes / as well in cōnyng as in verteu▪ therefore I wyll neyther seke defaulte in other / ne maynteyne myne owne▪ but lowely I submyt me and all oure wrytynges / and other werkes [Page] to the correccyon of oure mother holy chyrche / & of the prelates and fathers therof / and of all that are wyser and can fele better. Besechynge you all way mooste dere and deuoute systres to praye / that bothe thys / & all other dedes be euer rewlyd to oure lordes worshyp. Amen.

¶Here endyth the seconde prologue. And begynneth the Chapytres of the fyrste parte of thys presente boke.
HOw and why Goddes seruyce ys sayde eche day in .vii. howres.
Capitulo primo
¶why yt ys sayde in these .vii. howres / rather then in other.
Capitulo secundo
¶why oure Lady ought to be praysed and serued in these same howres.
Capitulo .iii.
¶How your seruyce and youre Legende / and your rewle were all gyuen of one spyryte / and how holy a man he was that by heuenly inspiracion set your songr and youre se [...]uyce.
Capitulo .iiii.
¶How the holy goste wrought bothe by the aungel & by mayster Peter / but diuersely in eyther of theym And what rewarde the same mayster shold haue for writynge of youre songe.
Capitulo .v.
¶How an Aungell was sent of god to seynte Byr­gytte to endyte youre Legende in her owne tongue. whiche mayster Peter drew fyrste in to latyn.
Ca. vi
¶That thys holy seruice ought to be sayde w t more dylygence & deuocyon then other prayers.
Ca. vii.
¶That the seruice of these howres oughte to be said in dew tyme / and why youre seruyce ys sayde after the brothers seruyce.
Capitulo .viii.
[Page]¶That these holy howres ought to be sayde in dew place / that is the chyrche.
Capitulo. .ix.
¶How perlous yt ys to be absente from chyrche / in tyme of these holy howres / w tout very nede
Ca. x.
That ye shulde neyther be to slowe to chirche warde ne has [...]y to go thens.
Capitulo .xi
¶what profyt is in the songe of diuyne seruyce / more then in the saynge without note
Ca. xii
¶who ordeyned fyrste the praysynge of God to be songe in quiers / and why psalmes ar oftener songe in holy chyrche / then other partes of holy scrypture.
Ca. xiii
¶That the howres of thys holy seruyce ought to be songe and sayde in clennes of conscience
Ca. xiiii.
¶That the harte owght to be kepte in tyme of these holy howres from dystraccyon / & from thynkeynge on other thynges.
Capitulo .xv.
¶what causeth dystraccyō of the mynde in tyme of goddes seruyce & what remedyes are to be vsed there ageynste.
Capitulo .xvi.
¶Of them that are vayne or troubelous in tyme of goddes seruice & let bothe them selfe & other.
Ca. xvii
¶Of them that ar lyghte to speke or to slepe in tyme of goddes seruyce.
Capitulo .xviii
¶That all the wordes of thys holy seruyce / oughte to be sayde or songe / wyth entendaunce therto / and what paryll yt ys to leue any parte therof vnsayde.
Ca xix
¶Of hasty saynge of these holy howres and of ouer skypynge.
Capitulo .xx
¶what entendaūce ought to be had aboute the song of these holy howres.
Capitulo .xxi.
¶How the songe of these holy howres / owght to be [Page] meke / and sad wythoute all vanyte / and curyosyte
Ca. xxii.
¶How ye ought to dresse youre entente in sayng / or syngyng of this holy seruyce.
Ca. xxiii
¶Of reuerence and deuocyon that oughte to be had in thys holy seruyce / bothe inwarde and outwarde
Capitulo. .xxiiii.
¶Here endyth the Chapitres / And begynnyth the Fyrste parte of thys Boke that is called oure Ladyes myroure.

¶How and why goddes seruyce is sayde / eche daye in .vii. howres Capitulo primo.

[Page] SEpcies in die Laudem dixi tibi, Psal. C.xviii. These ar the wordes of the prophete Dauid saynge thus to our lorde. Seuen times on the day. I haue sayde praysynges to the. ¶All resonable creatures were made to knowe / & to loue / and to prayse god / & therin to haue theyr endeles ioy. But whyle our soulles ar prysoned in these dedly bodyes / we may not for corrupcyon & heuynes of the same bodyes / enten­de cōtynually to y godly praysinge / lyke as they do that by deth ar made free from thraldome of the flesshe / & are come to the ende of theyr ioye / that ys the presence of god Therfore our mother holy chirche reulyd by the holy go­ste / knowynge the fraylte & feblenes o [...] her children / hath set vs eche day seuen howres / whiche at leaste we ought to occupy in the seruice and prayseynge of god / that is to say / Matyns / prime / tyerse / Sexte / none / euensong / & cō plyn. Prouer. xxiiii. ¶For sythe yt ys so as Salomon sayth / that a ry­ghtfull man fallyth seuen times on a day / and the nōbre of all wyckednesse is namyd vnder seuen deadly synnes agenste whyche in holy chyrche is ordeyned seuen sacra­mentes / and gyuen seuen gyftes of the holy goste▪ therfo­re to gette remyssyon of oure synnes / and to thanke god for hys gyftes▪ we say prayseynges to hym in the sayde howres / seuen tymes eche day. ¶And for god made all thinges in syx dayes / & fulfylled them in the seuenth day & restyd▪ Genes. .ii. therfore doynge thankeynges to god for all his werkes / & for all that he made▪ eche daye we prayse hym seuen tymes. ¶Also for the lyfe of man is departed in seuen ages wherof we haue spente some full ydelly or euyl therfore to thanke god for oure lyfe / & to recōpense suche neglygence▪ seuen times on the day we do seruice to god ¶And for all y e time of this lyfe passith vnder .vii. dayes [Page] wherein [...]he people of thys worlde that ys gyuen to ac­t [...]e lyfe is occupyed to gette cheyrly flode and oures / so that they may not frely entēde eche day in all these times to prayse god wyth theyr tongues▪ therfore we that are callyd to cōtemplatyue lyfe / ought to prayse god for thē & for vs euery day .vii. times / y we may say to our lorde w t Dauyd Lorde god I praysed the .vii. tymes on the day Psal. C. [...]viii.

¶why these .vii. howres / rather then other Ca. ii.

BUt now perauenture ye might aske why these seuen howres / that is to say / matins tyme / pryme time / & so fourthe / ar rather assyned of holy chyrche to the praysyng of god / then other howres / syth there ys many mo howres on the daye / & in the nyghte then .vii. And to this I answere / that these how­res ar more specially priuyleged then other for grete werkes y t god hath wroughte therin / for which he is euerlast­yngly to be praysed / & therfore we rede that sayntes both in the olde lawe / & in the new praysed god in these how­res. For Dauid the ꝓphete sayth to god of hymselfe thus Media nocte surgebam ad confi [...]endum tibi, Psalm. Cxviii That is. Lorde at mydnyghte I rose to prayse the. & also he sayth thus. Vespere, et mane, Psalmo. liiii. & meridie narrabo et annūciabo, that is. By the morow. at pryme tyme. & at none. and at euensonge tyme. I shall tell & shewe thy prayseynges. Danielis. vi. Also Daniel the prophete worshyped god thryes on the day knelynge / y t was after the exposycion of saint Hierome / at tyerse / at sexte / & at none. suꝑ Daniel. vi Actus. iii. Also Peter & Iohn̄ wente vp in to the temple to pray at the houre of none / as yt is writen in y e actes of thapostles. Actus. .xvi. And saint Paule & silas beynge in pryson / prayed to god at mydnyght / & then the erthe quaked / & all pryson dores openyd / & all the fetters & bondes of prysoners were losyd. Our lorde Ihū cryst also prayed / not only in on parte of y e nyght [Page ii] but all the night he wooke in prayer as the gospel [...]ellyth Luce. .vi. And in the begynnyng of holy chirche / the clergy & the comon peple both men & women rose to prayse god .iiii. ty­mes in y night. First in the begīnyng of the night / whan [...]olke ar wōte to go to bed. The secōde tyme at mydnight The thirde tyme a lytel before day / & the .iiii. tyme in the selfe morow tyde. Math. xxvi For at euen / our lorde was taken of y e Iewes / & boūde and scorned. At midnight he was borne Before day he spoyled hell / & in y e mornyng he rose fr [...]m deeth to lyfe. Sedm̄ cōsuetu [...] dinem ecclesie Sarum. And therfore in some feastes matyns ar yet said at euen / & in som relygiōs at mydnight. And in som before day / & in other dyuerse tymes of the night. And in som chirches they say mattyns in the morow tyde. Math. .xxvii. ¶At pryme tyde / our lorde Ihū crist was led to Pylate & accused / & in the same howre after his resurreccyō he apperyd to mary Magdeleyne / & an other day he apperyd to [...]ys dysciples / as they were fysshyng y e same houre. Macci .xvi. At houre of tyerse / our lorde Iesu crist was scourged & crouned w t thornes & scorned. Ioannis. .xxi. The same houre after hys resurreccion he appered to y e women cōyng from the sepulcre. Math. .xxviii. And on Penthecoste sōday the same houre he sente the holy goste downe to thapostles. Act. .ii. At sexte / our lorde Ihū cryste was done on the cros / & fed w t eyse & gal. Ioannis. .xix. The same houre after his resurreccyō he apperyd to thapostel seynt Iames / & on the Assenciō day the same hour he sat & ete w t his apo­stels. Math. xxvii. At houre of none / oure lorde Ihū crist cryed / & gaue out his soulle by dethe / the same houre a knyght openyd our lordes syde w t a spere / & smote thorugh his herte / where out came water to our baptym / & blode to our redempcion. Ioannis. .xix. And on Ester day he apperyd y e same houre to seint peter. At euensonge tyme / oure lorde Iesu crist on Shere thursday supped w t hys apostels / & ordeyned the holy sa­crament of his holy body and blode. Math. xxvi. The same houre on [Page] good friday he was taken downe from the cros. Math. .xxvii. And on ester day the same houre he met w t too of his disciples go­yng towarde Emaus / & made hymselfe knowen to the [...] in brekyng of brede. Luce. .xxiiii. At cōplyn tyme / our lorde [...]hū cryst on shere thursday at euen prayed / & swette blode. Luce. xxii. The same Math. xxvii.houre on good fryday he was buryed / & on Ester day the same houre he apperyd to hys dyscyples gatheryd to­gyder in a close place for fere of the Iewes / & said to them Pees be to you. Ioannis. .xv Thus ye may se / that not w tout grete causes / these houres ar set & ordeyned to be specyally occupyed to the seruyce & praysyng of our lorde god▪ rather then other houres on the day.

¶why oure Lady oughte to be praysed and seruyd in these same houres. Capitulo .iii.

NOw in happes ye thynke that these ar good cau­ses why god shulde be serued in these houres / but syth all youre seruice is of our lady / ye wolde wytt why her seruyce shulde be sayde in these same .seuen. houres. And as to thys ye oughte to thynke / that yt ys full con­uenient y t her holy seruice shuld be sayd in time according to his / for her wyll was neuer cōtrary to his blessyd wyl And furthermore som say that for at matyns tyme ther apperyth a sterre in the fyrmament wherby shypmen ar rewlyd in the see & brynge themselfe to right hauen / & for o [...]r mercyfull lady is that s [...]er y t socoureth mankynde in the troubelous se of this worlde / & bringeth her louers to the hauen of helth▪ therfore yt is worthy y t she be serued & praysed at matyns tyme. At prime tyme there apperyth a sterre before the sōne / as yf yt were the leder or brynger f [...]rth of the sōn / & our lady cam before & brought forth to mankynde y e sōne of rightwysnes y t is our lorde [...]hū crist. At houre of tyerse / labourers desyre to haue theyr dyner & o [...]r lady hath brought furth to vs / him that is foude / [...] [Page iii] brede of lyfe / our lorde Ihū crist cōfort & refecciō to all y t laboure in his seruice. At houre of sexte / y e sōne waxeth mo­re hotte / & by mene of our lady the euerlastyng sōne hath shewed the hete of his charite more largely to mankynde. At houre of none y e sōne is hiest / & the hyest grace & mercy that euer was done to man in erth / was broughte in by mene of our lady. At euensōge tyme y e day fayleth moche [...] whan all other socour fayleth / our ladys grace helpeth Cōplin is thende of the day / & in thende of our lyfe we haue moste nede of our ladys helpe / and therfore in all these houres we ought to do her worshyp & praysyng. Also the paynes y t our lorde ihū crist suffered in his holy passyō in all these .vii. houres as is before said / our lady his moder sufferyd the same paynes in her harte by cōpassyō / & therfore yt is cōuenient to prayse her & do her seruice in all the same houres. There be also .vii. ages of the worlde. The fyrste is frō Adam vnto Noe. The secōde from Noe tyl Abraham. The thyrde frō abraham to moyses. The .iiii. from Moyses vnto dauid. The. fyfte. from Dauid vnto iechonye The .vi. from Iechonye / to y e cōyng of our lorde Ihū / & the .vii. from thens / vnto y e dome. And in all these ages our lady hath be desyred & loued of holy faders that haue be in eche of thē / as is shewed more openly in the le­gende of your seruice. On tewsday And all the chosen of god / that euer were or shall be in these .vii. ages of the worlde▪ ar or shal be brought to helth by mene of her. And god hymselfe lo­uyth her more then he loueth all creatures y euer were or euer shall be in all y e same ages▪ therfore yt is resonable y t vii. tymes eche day she be worshyped & praysed & our lorde god for her / of all hys chirche / & more specyally of you that ar so specyally callyd to be her maydens & dayly to synge / & to say her holy seruice. Cap [...]o. iiii. re [...]gule s [...]tī sal [...].

¶How youre seruyce and your legende / & the rewle were all [Page] gyuen of one spyryte. And how holy a man he was / that by heuenly inspyracyon set your songe & your seruice Ca. iiii

ANd so moche the more dilygent ought ye to be in syngyng / & sayng of your holy seruice / as it was in a meruailous wyse ordenid & giuen frō heuen / by our lorde hymselfe / & not by eny mānes wyt or cōnyng. For lyke as our lorde Ihū crist which is one god w t the father & the holy gost endited y e rewle hymselfe by his holy mouthe to saynt Birgit▪ so the same god endited your legēde by an angel / & your seruyce by an holy man. Thys holy man was saint Birgittes cōfessoure & her master / for he taught her grāmer & sōge / & gouerned her & her housholde whose name was master Peter. Of whome our lady said thus to saint Birgit. In extrauag. Capitulo. .vi. Say she said to thy master y t loueth the holy trinite in all his power▪ y t I haue furtheryd him so moche in to the charite of the same holy trinite / y t he ys one of the pryestes y god loueth most in the worlde / wherfore it was gyuen vnto him to endite that sōge / which is as golde / y t shall be to many in solace & cōforte. Thys ys the songe of your seruyce / wherof our lady sayd to saint Birgit an other tyme thus. He y t hath endited the rewle / & that spirite y t tolde the / the lessons▪ Ibidem. Capi [...]ulo. Cxii [...]. the same spiryte gaue hym to endite the sōge w t meruaylous tokens & shewynges. For there came to hym so grete a wynde in his eres y hys brest / and the celles of hys hed were al inwardly fulfylled / in whyche fulfyllynge all hys herte was enflau­med to the loue of god / wherof after that fulfyllynge and enflaumynge and softe meanynge of hys tonge / he broughte fourthe the wordes / and the notes. ¶And therefore yt ys not semely that they shulde be shorted. For though in my songe there be no masterly makynge ne no Rethoryke Latynne / yet thoo wordes endytyd by the mouthe [Page iiii] of this my loued frende / plese me more / then sotel wordes of e [...]y worldely maysters.

¶How the holy goste wroughte bothe by the angell / and by master Peter / but dyuersly in e [...]et of them. And what rewarde the same master shulde haue for writynge of your sōge Ca. v

THe mother of god sayd to saynt Byrgit. Thou oughtest to wyt y t yt is no more mastery to god to make of ought / & to make of nought▪ In extraua. Cap [...]o. C.xiiii [...] then it is to speke / he made venemous wormes & gaue thē suche vnderstandyng y t they know wether they may crepe for theyr lyfe fode / & for to kepe theyr lyfe. But the same benyngne god ys more enclyned to mānes nature. y t is to say to man hymselfe / lyghtnynge hys soule after his beningne plesaūt wyl / w t the spūal vnderstōdyng of hys wordes / & that in tow wayes. For yt semyth to the as a persone shewid the tho thinges that thou hast to say This our lady sayth to saynt Byrgyt of the angell that apperyd to her in mānes lykenes whan he endyted your legende as shall be saide afterwarde. ¶The secōde wyse yt semyth to thy master as though hys eres & mouthe were fylled w t wynde / & as though hys harte were stretched out w t brenyng charite to god / as a blather full of wynde And in that swete harte brenyng he gat knowlege of sō wordes & saynges whiche he coulde not before / & how he shulde make respōses / & antemps / & hympnes / & ordeyne the sōge in notes. And ether of these wayne is of y e holy gost / after y e departyng of his verteu / y t is to say. to y e angell to y e shewyng of y e lessōs / & to the other / y t is to master Perter in ordenyng of the sōge. Therfore yt behoueth to shorte ne to lengthe nether of thē by mānes natural wyt netheles yf eny worde seme derke▪ yt is lefull to make yt more opē by more esy translaciō. An other time our lady said to saint Birgit thus. Libro. iiii. Capitulo. xxxii Say to him y t writeth my sōge & my praysynge / not for hys owne praysyng / ne for his [Page] owne rewarde / but for y e praysyng of hym y t is worthy all praysynge for all his werkes▪ y as the prynces of the worlde gyueth worldly rewarde to her praysers▪ so shall I rewarde him gostly. For as one sylable hath many notes vpō it▪ right so plesyth yt god to gyue hym croundes of rewarde in heuen / for eche sylable y t is in the sōge. & yt shall be sayde to hym in heuen. Lo here cometh y e prayser y e endyted the sōge for no tēporall good but for god alone

¶How an angell was sence of god to saynte Byrgyt to endyte youre Legende in the congue of Sweche / whyche mayster Peter drew fyrste our of Latyn. Capitulo. vi.

WHan saint Birgyt had dwellyd many yeres in rome in a Cardinals place y t ioyneth vpō saint Laurences chirche in damaso▪ In prologo super sermonem angelicum. thē for she wyst not what lessōs shulde be redde by y e nōnes in her monastery y e christe bad her bylde in Swethe whose rewle he endyted himselfe to the worshyp of his mother / she prayde to our lorde Ihū therfore / & he apperyd vnto her & sayd I shall sēde y e myn an­gel y t shall reuele / & endyte vnto the / y e legēde that shall be redde at mattyns by y e nonnes in thy monastery in wor­shyp of y e vyrgyn my mother / & write thou yt as he saith vnto y e. Then had saynt Byrgyt a chābre ioynyng vpon the sayd chirche of saynt Laurence / & a wyndo to the hye auter / wherby she myght se y e body of chrysteche day. I haue often ben in y e same chirche / & there I haue sene both the auter & the wyndo. In y e chābre saint Birgit echeday af [...]er she had saide her houres & her prayers / she made her redy to wryte w e pen & yncke & paper or parchemyn / so abydyng y e angell of god / and when he cam he stode by her syde ryght vp moste honestly. hauynge allway hys face with reuerence berynge and beholdynge towarde the aulter / whre the body of chryst was hyd and closed in a box as the maner ys. And so stondynge he endyted the sayde legende dystynctely and in order. in the moderly tongue [Page v] of saynte Brygytte / and she full deuoutly wrote yt eche day of the Aūgels mouthe / and mekely shewyd her gostly father eche day what she had writen the same day. But some dayes yt happened that the Aun­gell came not / and then whan her gostly father asked her yf she had writen eny thinge that day▪ she answered agen full mekely / and sayde. Father I haue wry­ten nothynge to day / for I abode longe the Aungell of god / that he sholde come and endite / and I wryte but he cam not. ¶Thus was this Aungels sermon of the excellence of the glorious vyrgyn Mary / endyted and wryten / whyche the same Aungell departed in lessons as they sholde be red at mattyns weykely thorugh oute all the yere. ¶And whan he had done he sayde to saynt Byrgytte / lo he sayth I haue sha­pen a cote to the quiene of heuen the mother of God. Therfore so we ye yt to gyther as ye may. ¶O how glad ought ye to be for to sowe on thys heuenly cote / how dylygente and deuoute oughte ye to be to rede / and to here this holy legend. How depe and inwarde comforte shulde yt be to you / to synge and rede & say thys holy seruyce / wherof the holy goste hymselfe is auctoure and maker / that hat he gyuen yt to you by so holy meanes / as by his holy augell / by holy saynt Byrgytte / and by so holy a pryeste. For whan saint Byrgytte had wryten the Legende of the Aungels mouthe in her owne tōgue▪ then the aungell bad her take yt to master Peter for to drawe yt in to latyn / & sayde thus vnto her. ¶Say he sayde to thy mayster that he and I ar bothe one membre in god. In extranag. to Lxv. For he ys as yt were the outwarde membre / and I am the in­warde [Page] membre Therfore write he these wordes that I saye to the / and put he thereto / and therefro that hym semyth ys to be put therto / and therfro / as yt pleasyth hym / for we bothe ar gouernyd of one spy­ryte. Thys puttyng to & fro that the aūgell spekyth of / was as I trowe. for a thing may not alway wel be turnyd frō one language in to another wythout som chaungeynge of wordes more or lesse. ¶whan mayster Peter had turned thys Legende in so latyn out of the tongue of Swethe / for he was a manborne of the same lōde▪ then he sent yt to master Alphōse whyche was a doctoure of dyuynyte to whome our lorde bad that all the reuelacyons shulde be taken after they were drawen in to latyn / for the same Al­phonse was borne in Spayne / many an honderyth myle from Swethe / and coulde nothynge of her language. Ibidem. Ca. xlviii. et .xlix. Item le. vii. Capitulo. xxxi. And thefore they neded to be drawen in to latyn or he se them. To hym the lessons and reuelacy­ons were taken / that he shulde se that they were sett in trew and conuenyente termes / wythout erroure or darkenes / for he was a greate clerke. And though the fyrste drawyng were good and trew / and don by the helpe of the holy goste▪ yet oure lorde wolde that moo men of dyuerse contryes and language shulde laboure therin / to theyr more meryte & to more open shewynge and wytnesse of hys maruaylous workeynge. In extra [...]ag. Capitulo. xlix. For as he sayd to saynt Byrgytte / though the Euangelystes wrote the gospelles by the holy goste / yet other doctoures came after / that by the same spyryte dyscussed and expoūded theyr wrytynge moche more playnely and openly / And so yt neded to be. [Page vi] Therfore thus after the settynge of mayster Alpōse is youre legende red in all places of this order.

¶That thys holy seruyce ought to be sayde with more dylygence / and deuocion then other prayers Ca. vii.

BI all this ye may se that ye ought to be full besy in all the wyttes and mightes of youre soulle / to synge / & rede and here the holy houres of your seruyce ful deuoutly. And more deuoutly then eny other prayers. Not only for the holy ordynaunce / and settyng therof. as I haue now tolde you▪ but also for ye ar more boside therto in dyuerse wyse. Extra. de cele [...] misse. Ca. do [...]entes. ¶One for the ordenaunce / and obedyence of holy chyrche / where all that ar bounde to dyuyne seruice ar bydden straytly in verteu of ho­ly obedyence to say or synge the seruyce of these .vii. houres studyously and deuoutly as f [...]r as god geueth them grace. For thoughe yt be not in oure power to haue deuocion at oure wyll / for yt is the fre gyfte of god / yet yt is in ou [...]e power by grace to do that is in vs to dyspose vs to deuocion. And the grete curteyse of oure mercyfull lorde is frely to gyue the gyftes of grace & of deuocyon to them that faythfully dyspose them therto. And yf he gyue them not to oure felyng he gyueth them to our most profyt / yf the defaulte be not in vs. And therefore we oughte to be right ware that we gyue none occasyon to oure selfe / ne to none other of lettynge of deuocyon / by herynge or saynge [Page] worde or token or in eny other wyse. For that is for boden vs / by holy chyrche in all wyse vnder greate payne. De celeb. misse Ca. graui in clementi. & the prelates of the chyrch be charged to take hede therto. ¶An other thynge that byndeth you to these holy houres is your foundacyon / for your foū der hath gyuen you your lyuelode / that you lyue by for that cause specyally that ye shulde prayse god in hys holy seruyce in these seuen houres. Io. in s [...]ma c [...] ­se [...]o [...] libro. primo . [...]i [...].vii. questio. xviii. And therfore ye ar bounde of deutye and of ryght / syth ye take the lyuelode▪ to satysfye them after theyr entente and els ye ar gylty of wronge wythholdynge of youre dette ¶The thyrde bonde / ye haue by the rewle of youre professyon / wherby ye ar bounde to synge euery day these holy houres of oure lady solemply. Ca. iiii. regule. And this solempnyte asketh both inwarde besynes to haue deuocyon in harte / and also in syngyng and redyng with tongue / and in other outwarde obseruaunce. ¶And lyke as ye ar more bounde to this holy seruyce▪ then to other prayers▪ so yt pleasyth god more and is more profytable to you. For we rede that the soulle of a holy relygyous man apperyd to hys abbot after his deth / and bad hym exhorte hys bretherne to say this holy diuine seruyce w t all reuerence & deuocyon that the aungels of god myght offer yt vp to god at tyme of eche of these houres. For thys holy seruyce he sayd that ys deuoutly songe of relygyous people in erthe pleasyth god as moche / as that / that is done of aun­gels before hys hyghe maieste in heuen. ¶It ys also more medefull to you / for yt deseruyth not onely the rewarde of prayer as other deuout prayer dothe / but also yt hathe the rewarde of obedience / that is better [Page vii] then oughte that any man can deserue by hys owne deuocion. De opere mo­machorum [...] Ca­pitulo .xvii. For after the sentence of saynt Augustyne one prayer of hym that deuoutly saythe hys seruyce in obedience of holy chyrche▪ is better then ten thou­sande prayers sayd of an other after hys owne wyll and deuocyon / that rechelesly sayth the seruyce that he is boūde to. ¶And therfore they erre greatly / that hastely / and rechelesly say these holy houres / for haste of other besynes / or of other prayers. And so do they that wythdrawe theyr voyce from syngynge / for saynge of other deuocyons. thoughe they say the same thinge and moche more wythout note. ¶They are also blamefull that of theyr owne wyll / medel other prayers / or other besynes with these holy houres / as yf any wolde say a lesson or a response by hymselfe / whyle other syng yt or rede yt by note / and then say other prayers / or entende to other thinges / and afterwarde torne agayne & synge fourthe with the quier Or if eny in tyme of mattins / or of eny other of these houres wolde stynte of / and entende to other deuocyons or to other occupacyons / and then saye fourthe where they lefte / namely yf yt were eny longe thing or longe tareyng. For though / bothe thys holy seruyce & suche besynes / or deuocyon be good / eche by themselfe▪ yet whan they ar medelyd togyther / they plese not god. As wyne and ale ar good drinkes eyther by themselfe / but and they were medlyd to gyther / men wolde not drynke them. Right so oure lorde wyll haue hys seruice sayde hole eche houre by ytselfe / wythout medlyng of eny other thing. Leuit. xix. Therfore he forbad in his lawe that eny man shul sowe hys fylde wyth [Page] diuerse sedes at ones. For the sede of these holy houres oughte to be sowen in the fylde of youre soulles / in theyr owne tyme by them selfe. And in other tymes of the day / ye may sow the sede of other deuocions / & of other good besynes / as layser wyll gyue you / & yf ye haue no leyser therto▪ then obedyence of this holy seruice fulfylleth / & recōpenseth all suche thinges moche more fruytfully of youre soulles profyt / then yf ye sayde or dyd moche thyng / & were recheles in this And therfore though youre legende be longe / & a lessō is red but of one alone / yet thinke not / that y is a voyde tyme to all the other to do what they wyll. For ye ought that tyme to sytfull stylle & to here eche worde that is red / w t full greate dylygence & deuoute enten­daūce therto / sekeyng to haue deuociō therin▪ & to fede your soulles therw t / for yt is fode of lyfe / & ye oughte not onely to take hede to y ye say or synge your selfe. but ye ought also to take hede & here all that is red or songe there / of eny other / be yt lessō or verse / or orison or eny suche other thynge.

¶That the seruice of these houres oughte to be sayde in dew tyme. And why youre seruyce is sayde after the brothers seruice. Ca. viii

FUrthermore yt longeth to the obedyence of this holy seruyce / that yt be sayde & sōge in dew time / in dew place / in dew maner / & in [...]dew tyme / for men & women of holy chyr­che / namely relygyous people oughte to saye theyre seruyce eche houre in hys owne tyme / y t is to say mattyns Extra de celeb m [...]sse. Ca. p [...]no. / at mattyn tyme / & pryme at pryme tyme / & so furth of all y e other houres / but yf offyce / or syckenes [Page viii] or other resonable cause let thē / so y t they may not / & then yt is coūsayled thē to say all theyr seruice before none / by tymes / in y e mornyng / leste they be lettyd in dew tyme of sayng / w t other casual besynes. & ageyn after mete y e seruice of after none For whan these houres may not be said in their oune time / they ought to be said before the tyme rather thē after. Hugo sup reg. Aug. Ca. iii. For as a holy doctoure sayth. Obedience wyl that dyuyne seruice be sayd in tyme / but whan yt may not▪ prouydence wyl that it be sayd before the tyme. But for to tary after y e tyme yt is he sayth blameful negligence. Trinet sup reg Aug. Ca. xix. And therfore sayth an other holy doctour / that god heryth redyly the prayer & seruice that is sayde in dew tyme as he sayth by his ꝓphete, Esa. .xlix. Tempore placito exaudiuite That is. I haue herde thy prayer whan thow pray­ [...]est in dew tyme. ¶Thys tyme is to be vnderstonde as for your seruice / soche tyme as yt is sayde in your quier / after the vse of the monastery. as the day and the seruice asketh. For y brothres seruyce ought to be sayde before youres in dew tyme after the cōmon vse of the chyrche. And therfore youre quier may not kepe tho same tymes But yt is medefull obediēce / that they that ar out of y e quier say theyr seruice & houres in soche tymes / as they ar sayde in the quier / as mo­che as they may as is before saide. ¶The cause why your houres be sayd after the brothres / our lorde [...] cryst tellyth to saynt Birgyt and sayth thus. ¶The scripture whiche ye calle the byble / that we calle the scripture of golde▪ In extrauag. Capitulo .iii. Ecclesi. .ix. sayth y t a pore man by his wysdō delyueryd a Cytye that was bysegyd of a myghty man. And afterwarde no man had mynde on y pore [Page] man. ¶This cytye is mankynde / whome she sende bysegyd in foure sydes / for he bysegyd man w t foure synnes / that is to say / fyrst by inobedyence of godes cōmaundement. The secōde by trespas ageyns [...]e the lawe of nature. The .iii. by noyous couetyse / & the forthe by hardenes of harte. ¶This creature of mankynde my mooste holy mother in maner delyueryd / whan she lefte all her wyll in to my handes / & wol­de suffer all trybulacion that soulles myght be saued This is veryly godly wysdome / to cōmytte all wyl & power vnto god / & to delyte in cōtrary thinges for god. The [...]fore for this wyl. I god. & the endeles sōne of god. was made man in y e virgin / whose harte was as myne hart. And therfore I may well say that my mother & I haue saued man / as yt had be w t one hart I sufferynge in harte & body / & she in sorowe of harte and in loue. Therfore this virgin was veryly poure for she desyred ryght nought of rychesse / ne the leaste synne cleuyd [...]euer to her soulle. ¶For there ar sōme pore from good / but they ar full of couetyse & of pry­de / & these ar not the pore that I mente of in my gos­pell. Math. .v. But other ar ryche in rychesse of goodes / & pore in spyrite. And these ar they that coūte themselfe but asshes and dedely / & desyre to be w t cryst / and they haue rychesse onley for nede / & for profyt of theyr euen crysten. These ar veryly pore / and ryche in god. And amonge these / was my mother. ¶Therfore the po­uerte / & the wysdome of this vyrgyn my mother / ys as yt were forgotten. For there ys but few / but that though they prayse her w t theyr mouthe / yet they cry not to her / in all theyr harte nor they folowe not the [Page ix] steppes of her charyte. ¶Therfore. for in the chyr­che of god / the worshyp of god ys songe of many / se­uen tymes on the day / after the maner of of oure for­ne fathers▪ therfore I wyll now / that fyrste the bre­therne synge theyr houres in dew tymes. And after­warde / that the systers fulfyll the offyce of theyr ser­uyce / somwhat more tareyngly. For to them ys not set the seuenfolde nōbre of theyr houres after y e course of y e sōne / but as they may / they muste do / & kepe the tyme as they may. ¶And thys I my selfe ordeyne y e endyted the rewle / that yt shulde be knowen / not only of crysten men / but also of the hethen that shall be cōuertyd / whow greate worshyp god wyll haue his mother worshyped. ¶And also for she is hed & lady of this monastery / by whome I wyl do mercy to synners. And also that the scrypture shulde be fulfylled that sayth I shall prayse god in all tyme / & in al my lyfe. Psalmo. xxxiii ¶Thus this synguler grace is not to be refused for a lynguler good / dothe no preiudyce to a generall good. Ne the praysable custom of fathers is not ther­fore to be repreued▪ but yt plesyth me y t in other chyrches / the houres of y e vyrgyn my mother be sayde fyrste / and that then after be songe the houres of the day after the tymes set / & ordeyned in holy chirche. ¶By this reuelacyon ye may se / that not wythstondynge the vse of the chyrche ys in many londes & cōtres / to say fyrst the seruyce and houres of our lady / as lesse worthy. & afterwarde the houres of the day as more worthy▪ yet our lorde wyl do y e reuerence to his holy mother / that in thys order the houres of her / shall be sayd after the houres of the day to her most worshyp [Page] ¶ye may also se in this same reuelacyō that though ye may not kepe the tymes vsed of the chyrche for causes before sayde▪ yet ye oughte to kepe the tymes as moche as ye may / in soche wyse as I haue said before

¶That these holy houres ought to be sayde in dew place / that is the chirche. Ca. ix.

Inno super. caplo presbiter. THys holy seruyce ought also to be sayde in dew place / that is in the chyrche / but yf syknesse / or soche resonable cause lette / that ye may not come thyder. For chyrches are ha­lowed & ordeyned for prayer & for diuine seruice to be sayde & harde therin / as oure lorde sayeth hymselfe. Domus mea, Math. xxi. domus orationis vocabitur, That ys to say. My howse / y is holy chyrche. shall be called a howse of prayer. And yt ys moste spedefull to you / to pray .i. in that place for many causes. ¶One for more worshyp of oure sauyour Iesu cryst & of hys blessyd mo­ther our lady in whose worship y e chirche is halowed .ii. ¶An other cause for the blessyng & the prayer of the bysshop in tyme of halowyng of the chyrche / which helpith & furtherwith moche the prayer of them y e pray .iii. therein. ¶The thyrde cause / for the aungels of god dwells there to helpe vs in time of prayer. & to ꝓmote our prayers towarde god. Otne [...]. xxviii. And in token therof / the holy Patryarke Iacob se a vysyon in a place callyd Bethel / that ys as moche to say as the howse of god & betokeneth holy chyrche▪ aungels couiyng downe frō heuen / & goynge vp agayne to heuen / menyng y t when we pray in chyrche & the aungels of god come downe to helpe vs / & go vp to offer our prayer to god. [Page x] And therfore sayth saint Bernarde. Super cantica (ser)mone .vii. O he saith. who so had open eyen and myght se wyth how grete cure and ioye aungels ar amongeste them that synge de­uoutly and praye / wherfore he saythe I admonysshe you my moste loued frendes / that ye stonde purely in the praysyng of god / so that ye do yt reuerently / and gladly. ¶The forthe cause is / for the fēdes haue lesse .iiii. power to lette prayer there then in eny other place / & therfore the same patriarke Iacob / after he had sene the sayde vysyon / he sayde. Genes. xxviii. (Q) Quam terribilis est locus iste, That is. How ferefull is this place. For the holynes of the chyrche / & deuoute prayers made therin / & na­mely the presence of y e holy sacrament of the auter▪ rebuketh the boldnes of the fende / & maketh him aferde ¶And the fyfte cause ys for our lorde god wyll take .v. hede of them / & here theyr prayer y t pray in holy chyr­che / as he sayde himselfe. Oculimei erunt aperti, et aures mee erecte ad orationē eius qui in loco isto orauerit, Secundo. pacalip. vii. That is to say. Myne eyne shall be openyd to se hym / and myne eres shall be dressed vp / to here his prayer / that prayeth in thys place / thac is holy chyrthe.

¶How perylous yt is to be absente from chyr­che in tyme of these holy houres wythout very nede. Capitulo .x.

THerfore they that myght come to chyrche in tyme of goddes seruice and do not▪ they do not only offēde god & hurte theyr owne soulles by inobedience agenste god & holy chyr­che▪ but also they hynder the spede of theyr prayers & lese all the greate furtherynges beforesayd. ¶And though they be well occupyed / & haue leue to be thēse [Page] yet yt suffysyth not / but yf very nede cause yt / as ye may vnderstonde by thys example. In speculo spiritualisi parte. iiii. Ca. xxi. ¶There was a grete & a worthy clarke that lefte the worlde / & becam a relygious man in the cyte of Parys & kepte the ry­goure of hys relygiō in full greate streyghtnes vnto hys lyues ende. Netheles by cause of hys clergye he was lysensyd by his abbot to be absent fro the quier to entende to hys studye / wherby he cōpyled & made full many notable bokes to the ꝓfyt of all holy chyrche. But after he was dede & buryd / on a nyght as y e abbot stode at mattyns w t his bretherne / he se one stō de in this dede mānes stalle / y e lowly enclyned to him & by sygne asked cōfession. Than the abbot vnderstō ding that it was y e same mānes soule▪ he went w t him out of the quier in to the chapitre hous / where the soule was take a non & sore tormēted lōge tyme to gidre And after his torment he apperred agen to his abbot & then the abbot asked hym the cause of his peyne. He answerid & sayde. For dyuine seruice / by cause I fulfylled yt not in y e quier night & day as othrr brethern did Then said the abbot. Thou gadrest & made many bokes out of holy scripture / & hast lefte them to y e profit of many other y shall come after the. And for that cause I gaue the leue to be frō diuine seruice The soule answerid & said An vnlawful leue is not leue / but it is violēce of y e ordre for suche lysence shold not be graū ted but seldome / & only whan nede cōpelleth The abbot asked him what myght delyuer hym frō his payne▪ and he sayde a trentalle of masses songe for hym in the couent / whyche was done / and the soulle was delyueryd by the mercy of oure lorde Iesu chryste. ¶Thus ye may se that though this mannes labour [Page xi] were good and done by leue: yet yt excusyd hym not from payne for yt was not nedefull ne longynge to the obedience or profyt of hys relygion. ¶But they that wolde leuer be in the quier then thense / and may not be there / for office or occupacyon that they haue to do in charite / and by obedyence to the cōmune profyt of the monastery / or of the relygion▪ Inno. de celeb. misse. Ca. pmo. they ar not only excused / but also they ar parteners of theyr me­rytes that kepe y e chyrche / lyke as they that kepe the chyrch ar parteners of theyr mynistracion & labours for all ar as membres of one body in oure lorde.

¶That ye ought nether to be to slowe to chyr­che warde ne hasty to go thense. Capi. xi.

THerfore they that haue helthe and strengthe and ar not lettyd by obedience▪ they ought to be full hasty and redy to come to this ho­ly seruyce & lothe to be thense They oughte not to spare for eny slowth or dulnes of the body / ne yet though they fele some tyme a maner of payne in the stomacke or in the hed / for lacke of sleape or indygestyon. For they that quycly aryse for loue of god­des seruice / and feruently dyspose them therto▪ they shulde fynde our lordes helpe / and often fynde them selfe better at ease sone after bothe in body & in soule then yf they lay for fauoure of the flesshe styl or withdraw them thense. ¶Forlyke as they that styrre vp themselfe wyth a quycke and a feruent wyll thyde [...] warde / ar holpe fourth and comforted by oure lordes good aungels▪ right so fendes take power ouer them [Page] that of slowthe kepe them thense / as ye may se by example of a monke that was suffycyently stronge in body but he was slepy / and dul to ryse to mattyns. Often he was spoken to / for to amende / and on a nyght he was callyd sharpely to aryse and come to the quyer. Then he was wrothe / and rose vp hastly and wente towarde y e pryue dortour. And whan he came to the dore / there was redy a company of fendes cō ­ynge to hym warde / that cryed agenst hym wyth ferefull noyse and hasty / often saynge & cryyng. Take hym / take hym / gette hym / holde hym. And w t thys the man was sodenly afrayde / and turned agayne & ran to chyrche as fast as he myght / lyke a man hal [...]e mad and out of hys wytte for dreade. And when he was come in to hys stalle / he stode a whyle trem­belyng and pantyng / and sone after he fel downe to the grounde / and lay styll as dede a longe tyme with out felyng or sturyng. Then he was borne to the farmery / and after he was come agayne to hym selfe he tolde his bretherne what him eyled / and from thense fourth he wolde be in the quyer wyth the fyrste. And so I trowe wolde other that ar now slowthefull / yf they were hastyd on the same wyse. But yt is to drede leaste they be worse treated in theyr soulle of the same company / and fele yt not / & therfore they amende not. But alas what shal soche do at that hour when an innumerable cōpany of fendes shall com agaynst them / and they shall not knowe whether to fle ne ren from them. ¶Therfore yt is holsom to fle by tymes from theyr seruice / and to renne hastely and spedyly to oure lordes seruyce. And when ye are there▪ none [Page xii] oughte to go oute tyll that seruyce / or houre be done that is begonne / wythout the greater nede. For lyke as the fende ys besy to let folke / that they shulde not come there. Right so laboureth he whan they ar there to make them to go out / or to haste them thense. ¶Hereof spekyth saynte Gregore in hys dialogges. Libro secundo Capitulo. iiii. where he tellyth that saint Benet had many abbeys vnder hys gouernaunce. And in one of them was a monke that coulde not abyde in the chyrche in tyme of goddes seruyce. But often tymes when other we­re moste besy in prayer / he wente out and wandryd aboute / or dyd some other occupacyon / whan his abbot had often warned hym / and he amendyd not▪ he led hym to saynt Benet / and he blamed hym sharpely / and then he amendyd a day or tow / but the thyr­de day he turnyd ageyne to his olde maner. ¶Then came saynt Benet thyder hymselfe / and at seruice tyme when all gaue them bysely to prayer and deuocyon: he se how a lytel blacke boy / toke that monke by the lappe / and led hym out of the quyer / and how he arose anon / and went after hym. Then sayde saynte Benet to the abbot and to an other holy monke cal­lyd maure. Se ye not who yt ys y t draweth out thys man▪ They sayd no. Then they prayed two dayes and maure se / how the fende in lykenes of a lytel blake boy drew fourth the monke / but y e abbott myght not se yt. ¶The nexte day when the seruice wos do. saynte Benet went out / and founde the same monke standynge wythout. And then saynte Benet toke a rodde and bette hym well / for the dulnes and blyndenes of hys harte. And fro that day fourth / the blake [Page] boye was no more hys leder / but he abode stabely in the quyer & in prayer wyth besy deuocyon. ¶Thus whyle the monke was beten / the fende was dryuen a way. And by thys ye may se / that yt is the fendes besynesse to make folke go from the quyer in tyme of goddes seruyce.

¶what profyt ys in the songe of dyuyne seruyce more then in the songe wythoute note Capitulo. xii.

AND no meruayle / though the fende be besy to lett folke from the songe of this holy seruyce / for in deuoute syngynge and herynge therof / is manyfolde pro­fyt .i. to mannes soulle. ¶Fyrste for yt sturryth a mannes soulle somtyme to contrycyon / & compunccyon of hys [...]ynnes. [...]ibro tercio de sūmo bono ca­pitulo. vii. For the holy doctoure saynt Isodore sayth thus. Though the swetnesse of the voyce or songe ought not to delyte / ne sturre a cristen mannes harte / but the wordes of god y t ar songe yet I wote in what wyse more cōpunccyon aryseth in the harte / then by the voyce of syngynge. For there ar many he saith y t by swetenes of y e sōge / ar styred to wayle and to wepe theyr synnes. And the sweter that the sōge is / the more they folow out in wepyng .ii. teares. ¶The seconde / yt meltyth the harte in to more deuocyō / & therfore sayth saynt Augustyne to god hīselfe in his cōfessyons. Libro nono ca-Capitulo. vi. A lorde he sayth how I was styrred to Ioye / and I wepte in hymnes and songes of thy chyrche that sowned swetely. Tho voyces fo­lowed in to myne eres / and trouth was molte in to myne harte / and therby the affeccyon of pytye and of [Page xiii] loue was made hotte in me / and feares ranne out of myne eyen / and I was full well wyth them. ¶The thyrde yt causeth some tyme deuoute soulice to be rauyshed .iii. and to receyue spyrituall gyftes of god as ye rede in saynt Mawdes boke / how she had many of her reuelacyōs in tyme of goddes seruice. Quarto regum tercio. And therfore on a tyme / whan Helysee the prophet had not redy the spyrite of prophesy / he bad gette hym a synger of psalmes in the harpe or in y e sawtery. And whyle he songe / the spyrite of god came vpon the prophet / and then he tolde by the spyryte of ꝓphesy to them y t cam vnto hym what they shulde do. ¶The forthe profyt .iiii. of holy chyrche songe ys / that yt dothe away vndyscrete heuynes. And therfore sayth the apostell saynt Iames. Iacobi. v. If eny of you he sayth be heuy▪ syng he and pray he wyth an euen harte / for as the glose saythe there. The swetnes of syngynge and of psalmody▪ puttyth a way noyous heuynes. Ubi supr [...] And Isodore saith that deuoute syngyng in holy chyrche conforteth he­uy hartes / and makyth soulles more gracyous / yt refresshet them that ar wery and tedyous / yt quycke­neth them that are dulle / and yt sturryth synners to wayle theyr synnes. For though the hartes he sayth of flesshely people be harde▪ yet when the swetnes of that songe soundyth in them / theyr soulles ar stur [...]d to the affeccyons of pyte. ¶The fyfte is / that yt chasyth .v. and dryueth away the [...]ende / and tha [...] was fy­gured in Dauid / when the fende vexed kynge Saul Primo. re. x [...] and Dauid smote on hys harpe and the fende fledde away. And moche rather he flyeth where y e psalmes of Dauyd & other diuyne seruyce is deuoutly songe [Page] .vi. ¶The syxte profyt is / that yt cōfoundeth and ouer cometh the enmyes of holy chyrche / & of goddes ser­uantes as well bodely as gostly. And thys is shew­ed in holy scrypture / by kynge Iosaphat / that was kynge of Ierusalem. Secūdo parali xx. For when hys enemys came agenste hym in so greate power that he wyste well he myght not by mannes power w tstonde them▪ he or­deyned syngers of goddes seruice to prayse god / & to go afore hys hoste syngynge. And whan they began to prayse god▪ god tornyd tho enemys eche of them agenste other / & eche of them slew other / so that none of them all escaped alyue. A maruelous werkyng of goddes seruyce. In cronica An­toni [...]u. xvi Capitulo pmo §. xviii. ¶So we rede of kynge Roberte of fraūce that was a cōnyng man / & so deuout towarde goddes seruice / that he wolde be in eche feaste in some monastery for dyuine seruyce. And not only he wolde synge w t the monkes▪ but also he wolde do on a cope & stande and synge as a chantoure in myddes of y e quier / wherof it hapned on a tyme whan he beseged a castel that was rebel agenst hym / & the feaste of sa­ynt Anyan fell to be the same tyme at Orleaūce▪ he lefte his hoste at sege / & went thyder and toke a cope and songe in the myddes of y e quier as he was wōte to do. And when he came to Agnꝰ dei / & had begōne yt thryes w t an hygh voyce / knelyng doune at yche tyme on hys knees▪ the walles of y e castell that was beseged fell downe sodenly to the groūde. & so the ca­stel was dystroyed / & his enmys ouercomen. ¶And thus ye may se / y t there is no better armure of defence agenst all enmyes▪ then deuout syngyng of our lor­des seruice / wherfore Dauid the prophete sayd thus [Page xiiii] Laudans inuocabo dominum et ab inimicis meis saluusero, Psal. xv [...] That is / I shall calle vpon oure lorde in praysynge▪ and so I shall be safe from all myne enemys. For yt hathe not bene sene / that euer eny place myscheued. where goddes seruyce was deuoutly kepte. ¶The seuenthe profyt of holy chyrche songe is / that yt pleasyth .vii. so moche god / that he desyreth and ioyeth to here yt. And therfore he sayth to hys spouse holy chyrche Sonet voxtua in auribus meis. Canti. secūdo. that ys [...] Thy voyce may soūde in myne eres. Glad then ought ye to be / to sing that songe that god himselfe desyreth to here. But so yt oughte to be longe / that it soūde wel in to his eres for else yt auayleth but lytell. For he taketh more he­de of the harte / then of the voyce. But when bothe accorde in hym / then is yt beste. And yf ether shulde fayle / yt is better to lacke the voyce / then the harte from hym. ¶Therfore they that wolde prayse god wyth voyce of syngynge / & can not or may not▪ our lorde wyl holde them excused / so they saye deuoutly suche seruyce as they can / & kepe theyr hartes clene in me­kenes and in obedyence. For as oure Lady saythe to saynt Byrgit. Libro tercio c [...] pitulo primo. A clene harte & a meke / plesyth god in scylence as well as in syngyng. And therfore as we se that all mēbers of one body haue not all one wor­kyng / for the eynese / the eres here / the tonge spekyth the handes warke / and so eche dothe that longeth to hym / and helpyth other. Ryght so oughte eche of vs to helpe and to bere other / and to do as we can & may in the callyng that god hath callyd vs / and to serue oure god with the gyftes that he hath gyuen vs / that in all thynges he be worshyped in vs all.

¶who ordenyd fyrste the praysyng of god [Page] to be songe in quyers / and why psalmes ar oftener songe in holy chyrche then other partes of holy scrypture. Capitulo. xiii.

SAynt Austyn sayth that Moyses was the fyrste fynder of this maner of syngynge inquyer. For when god had smyten Egypte w t seuen plages / & delyueryd thense hys peple Exo. .xiiii.whyche wente thrughe the red see on theyre fete dry / for the water stode vp as a walle / and abode tyl they were paste / & Pharao the kinge of Egipte w t all hys hooste folowyd after for to haue slayne them▪ then the water fell vpō the same Pharao / & vpon all his / & drowned them euerychone / wherfore Moyses in prayng and thankyng of god for that greate my­racle / made a songe that begynneth. [...]xodi. .xv Cantemus domino whyche is youre fyrste psame at lawdes / on fryday & then he ordenyd tow quyers / one of men / an other of women / to synge & to prayse god. And in the mennes quyer he was chyfe chanter hymselfe / & hys sys­ter Mary was chyfe chanteres in y e womens quyer as saint Austyn sayth / & as yt is writen in the secōde boke of scripture. Exodi. .xv. ¶After this many other bothe mē & wymen fylled w t the spiryte of god made songes & psalmes to y e praysyng of god / & specyally the kynge & prophete Dauyd / whome god chose fro chyldehod to y t great gyfte / that he shulde be prynce of syngers of goddes meruayles / & maker of psalmes to our lordes praysynge, ¶These songes and psalmes ar wri in the psalter boke whiche ar sayde & songe in the seruyce of holy chyrche / oftener then any other boke of .i. holy scripture for dyuerse causes. Fyrst for y e ebrew­es [Page xv] / that is to say the Iewes / whiche were goddes speciall people / vsed moste to synge these psalmes in the temple of god. ¶An other cause is / for example of penaūce .ii. & hope of mercy to synners / whyle we se that Dauyd whome our lorde chose after hys oune harte felle so depe in synne / & by penaunce rose agen to so moche mercy and grace. ¶The thyrde cause is for y e .iii. propertye of these psalmes deuoutly songe / is to dryue away fendes / & all euel spirites / as I sayd before The forthe cause is / for there is more prayer in these .iiii. psalmes / then in other bokes of scrypture. ¶The .v. .v. cause is / for the greate worthynes therof / for in few wordes they cōteyne moche mystery & grete sentence more then other scrypture. In prologo s [...] per psalmo. For as saynt Austyn sayeth. All that the olde lawe. All that the prophetes / & all that the gospel & the new lawe bydde & ordeyne is cōteyned in these holy psalmes / & therfore he sayeth the syngyng of them pleasyth god moche / for al that is in them / longeth to hys worshyp / what he sayeth may be founde in these psalmes / that is not in y e pro­fyt & edyfycacyon of mankynde / what degre or age or cōdycyon that he be of▪ Eche man & woman and childe yonge & olde / may fynde in these psalmes that shall teche hym / & that shall delyte hym. For psalmes he sayth cōforteth the heuy / & tempereth them that ar mery / they appese them that ar wrothe / & they refre­she the pore / they warne the riche to knowe themself and not to be prowde / & so they gyue able medycyne to all that receyue them. They dyspyse not synners▪ but they offer and gyue them holsome remedy of pe­naunce. For oure lorde god hathe made a drynke by [Page] hys seruante Dauid / whiche is swete to taste / & effectuall to hele the woundes of synners by hys verteu. This drinke is these psalmes / that ar swetely harde when they ar sōge / & they go thorughe the harte whē they delite. Moche more is said in praysyng of these psalmes / whiche I leue to write here for lenghte. ¶The holy pope called Damasus / ordeyned y t these psalmes shulde be sōge one verse on the tone syde of the quier an other on y e other syde. For a holy bysshop that was y e thyrde of antioche after saynt Peter harde aungels on an hyghe moūtayne synge psalmes in suche maner▪ quier to quier / & so was that maner of syngynge fyrste begonne in grece / & after ordened to be kepte in the chyrche of Rome as is before sayde. ¶How hympnes and antēpnes / & responses & suche other were made & ordeyned / and set to be sayde and songe in holy chyrche / by holy sayntes & popes / and generall conseylles. I hope yt nedyth not moche to write here to you. For ye haue nye all suche thynges made and set to you of new in your seruice / in suche a meruelous and gracyous wyse / as I haue sayde before.

¶That the houres of this holy seruyce ought to be songe and sayde in clennesse of conscience Capitulo. .xiiii.

TO the maner of syngyng of youre houres / longe many thynges. Fyrste y t they be sayd w t clene cōseyence. For yf any erthely lorde loue to haue tho seruaūtes y t ar nexte about him honest and clene in all theyr gouernance & aray▪ moche more yt longeth to the lorde of lordes to haue [Page xvi] hys seruauntes clene w tout fylthe of synne / namely them that ar called to be cōtynually occupyed in his holy praysyng / & therfore sayth the prophete Dauid Deo nostro sit locūda, decora (que) laudacio, Psal. .C.xlvi [...] That is / to our god may be geuen ioyfull / & fayre praysynge. And here is fayre and ioyfull / wel set to gyther. For there may no soulle verely ioye in y e praysyng of god / but yf yt be fyrste made fayre / and clensed from synne. ¶wherfore he that hathe remorse in cōscyence of dedly synne / & therw t saith / or syngeth goddes seruice▪ he synneth in the sayng. De celeb. mi [...] capitulo grau [...] in Clement. And yet yf he lefte yt vnsayde he shulde synne more greuosly / what shall he then do syth he synneth bothe in the doyng / & in the leueynge Thus shall he do. He ought to repente him of his syn & to be in ful wyl / & purpose to shryue hym therof / & to amende / & so lowly meke hym to god / & aske hym forgyuenes. And then trustyng in our lordes mercy he shall say hys seruyce w t sorow of harte / & with mekenes & drede. For he ought not to thynke y t he ys in dedly synne when he is cōtrite & sory therof. Libro secundo. Capitulo. xi. ¶And hereof ye haue a notable example in saynt Maudes reuelaciōs / bothe for diuine seruyce / & for howslyng That lyke as a man agenst a lordes comyng to hym maketh clene his house / & yf he may not for hast / cast out all y e vnclēnesse before his entrey / thē he swepeth yt vp togyther in to a corner & castyth yt oute after­warde. Ryghte so whan a persone goyth to dyuyne seruyce / or to the howslynge / & felyth grudgeyng in cōscyence / yf he may not get his gostly father to shryue hym / then he ought to sorowe hys synnes in his harte by contricion / and to shryue him therof to god [Page] and so swepe yt in to a corner of hys mynde tyll he may gette hys confessour / and trustynge in oure lor­des mercy / go to hys seruice or to hys howslyng. ¶This is to be kepte in all times / and in all synnes as for dyuyne seruyce. It is also to be kepte in youre howslynge / as for suche dayly defaultes / or neglygē ces as ye ar not syker that they ar not dedly. ¶But & eny know himselfe gylty in dedly synne▪ he owght not to be howsled tyl he be shryuen. An [...] also of dy­uyne seruice / yf eny fele remorse of dedly synne / wyttyng well that yt is dedly synne / yf he may esely get hys confessoure or he begyn hys seruice▪ he ought to be shryuen before / & to take hys penaunce. For trew shryfte of mouthe w t absolucion folowyng lyghtyth moche a soulle / and gyueth conforte & hope of forgy­uenes / wherby he may the more frely and deuoutly prayse god in hys holy seruice / whyle he felyth hym selfe clene and sewre in conscyence.

¶That the harte ought to be kepte in tyme of these holy houres from distraccion / and thynkynge of other thynges. Capitulo .xv.

THE seconde thinge that longeth to the dew maner of sayng or syngynge of thys holy seruyce ys the stable kepyng of the harte & of the mynde ther vpon so that ye gyue all youre entendaunce therto / and to none other thynge for that tyme. Super cantica [...]mont. xlvii. in tine. For as saynte Bernarde saythe / we oughte not in tyme of oure Lordes seruyce / to occu­pye oure mynde on holy scryptures / ne none other thynge be yt neuer so good / Moche more then ou­ghte we to beware / that we lette not oure mynde [Page xvii] tenne vpon well and vayne thinges in tyme of this holy seruyce. For ryght as bodely meate is not ryght profytable / but yf yt be wel chewyd in the mouthe & swolued in the stomacke▪ So thys holy seruyce / but yf yt be well chowed in the mynde / & sauerly felte in the harte / yt fedeth not the soulle suffycyently. & therfore sayth saynt Bernarde that yt profyteth but ly­tel / to syng only with the voyce / or to say only with the mouthe / wythout entendaunce of the harte. Super psalmo Qui ha [...]itat. sermone .xvi. For as Isidore sayth. Libro tercio [...]e sūmo beno Ca. xii. Prayer longeth to the harte / not to the lyppes. For god takyth hede to y e harte / not to the wordes. ¶Therfore they that say theyr seruyce / and occupy theyre minde ther whyle on other thinges / ar lyke to a man that payeth hys dette wyth false mo­ney / that semeth golde or syluer wythout / and ys co­per or bras wythin / whiche contentyth not his lorde that he payeth yt to / but rather ꝓuoketh hym to dysplesaunce. For he that wylfully / and of purpose occupyeth his mynde in tyme of these holy houres about other thynges / and takyth not hede what he sayth or syngeth. Or yf he gyue stede wylfully without nede by herynge or by seynge or in any otherwyse to eny thynge wherby he is distracte fro mynde and aduer­tence of y e seruyce that he saith / though he say or syngfully all wordes▪ ro. in cap [...]o gr [...] ni in clement [...] yet he payeth not treuly hys dette ne pleasyth not god therwyth. but he offendyth hym and synneth greuously. And he ought to do penaun­ce therfore and to say the same seruyce agen with better entendaunce. But this doyng of penaunce bothe here and in other places after▪ vnderstandyth repentaunce of harte and shryfte / wyth fulfyllynge of su­che [Page] penaunce as hys goostly father enioyneth hym. For yt standyth in hys dyscrescyō to enioyne hym penaunce for hys neglygence / and therwyth to enioy­ne hym to say the same seruyce agen. or other thynge in stede therof bothe in this case / & in other lyke that folowe after / as hym semeth moste spedefull to hys soulles helthe. Inno. de celeb. misse. ca. pmo. Nethelesse yf he haue sayde the same seruyce agen or he come to shryfte: then he shal not be enioyned to say yt agen. But he shall haue penaūce only for his fyrste myssayng. ro. in capitulo graui in clemē ¶But he that dressyth hys harte to god at the begynnyng of hys seruyce w t wyll and purpose to kepe his mynde stable thervpō though yt happen hym afterwarde of neglygence or of fraylte to be dystracte in hys thoughtes from that he sayeth / besyde hys fyrste purpose / yf he abyde not wylfully in suche thoughtes / after he hath perceyued them / but turnyth hys mynde ageyne to hys seruyce and ys sory therof▪ then he is not bounde to say that seruice ageyne. But it is good that he meke hymselfe and knowlege hys neglygence in sheryfte / other ge­nerally or specyally as the matter askyth.

¶what causeth dystraccyon of the mynde in tyme of goddes seruyce and what remedyes ar to be vsed there agenste. Capitulo .xvi.

BI this ye may se that ye haue full greate nede to laboure aboute kepynge of the mynde in tyme of these holy houres / and to be full well ware of all occasyōs that myght cause eny scateryng or dystraccion therof. And therfore ye [Page xviii] shall vnderstande y t there be foure thinges that cause moche soche vnstablenes of harte in goddes seruyce. ¶The firste is besynes and occupaciō before / about .i. bodely or worldely or vayne thynges. De sūmo bono libro tercio Ca­pitulo. vii. For as Isodore saith / whan y e mynde hathe bene applyed to suche worldely or ydel / or vnlefull thoughtes / by herynge or spekynge / or thynkeynge or in any other wyse / & so from thense goeth to prayer / or to goddes seruyce▪ anon ymaginaciōs of the same thynges come to his mynde / and stoppe y e entre in to deuoute prayer / that the harte maye not frely dresse vp yt selfe to heuenly desyre ne abyde vpon that / that the tongue sayth / or syngeth. ¶The remedy agenste this lettyng. is / that a man laboure not onely in seruyce tyme / but at all tyme to kepe and to stable hys mynde in god / and to kepe hym from ydelnes & vanyte / bothe in thoughte in worde / in herynge / and in seynge & in other wyse. ¶And yf he be nedefully occupyed aboute eny worldely / or outwarde besynes▪ that he departe therfro a certayne tyme / or seruyce begynne / and laboure by some deuoute excercyse of prayer / medytacyon / or redynge to gather and to stable hys myndes to gyther & so to make hym redy before as the wyse man byd­deth / and sayeth. Ecclesi. xviii. Ante orationem prepara animam tuam, that ys. Before prayer make redy thy soulle. For he that shulde harpe / or make other mynstralsy before y e kinge▪ he wolde be besy to make redy his instrumen­tes before. And moche more oughte we to make redy the harpe of oure harte / whan we shall synge / or say the melody of oure lordes praysynge. ¶The seconde .ii. thynge that causeth distraccyon of mynde in goddes [Page] seruice is neglygence of kepyng of the harte in tyme of the same seruice / whiche is roted by lōge and yuel custome / & so the frayle & wretched soulle is boūde / & borne doune / y t yt can not sturre vp yt selfe frō wandryng and vagant thoughtes that yt is accustomyd in / as a man that rennyth downewarde frō an hye hyl▪ he may not stynte hymselfe / after he is ones go­ynge tyll he comethe to the vale. Ryght so they that haue vsed theyre harte to renne downewarde where yt wyll vpon erthly or vayne thynges▪ they can not lyghtly stynte yt / ne gather yt to stablenes. Sup Ioh. trac. .xlix. For yuel custome as saynt Austyn sayth / byndeth a man and as a burden beryth hym downe. ¶And for this va­gacion is caused of dulnes / and of heuynes of harte or else of slouthe / by whiche a dullarde lyste not to laboure aboute the kepynge of hys owne harte / tyl he be fallen in suche yuel custome / that he can not lyghtly breke away therfro▪ therfore the remedy agenste this / muste be other sharpenes of drede / or quycknes of hope / after the soulle is dysposed. ¶For he that is lyght harted / & vayne of condicyons / nedeth in this case to vse his mynde bysely in thoughtes of drede of hys deth of hys dome / & of paynes beholdynge ther­wyth what pareyl he stondyth in / yf he cōtynew re­chelesly in suche wandryng of mynde vnto his deth whiche shall come he woteth not how sone. ¶Thys dredful beholdynge often and depely vsed / and con­tynewed / may in shorte time by grace / make hym to restrayne / & to gather to gyther his flowing thoughtes / from all vanytyes. But they that ar disposed to greate heuynes and dulues / nede in thys case not only [Page xix] to sharpe hymselfe with drede / but also to beholde the grete goodnes and charite of oure mercyful lorde and the presence of hym / and of hys holy aungels in tyme of hys seruyce / and so to quycken vp theyr he­uynes / and lerne to delyte them in oure lorde / and so to stable the mynde in hym as the prophete saythe. Delectare in dn̄o, et dabit tibi petitiones cordis tui. Psal. .xxxvi. that is Delyte the in our lorde / and he shall gyue the all that thyne harte wyll aske or desyre, For he that felyth very delyte in him▪ desyreth nothing but hym / in whome he may haue all that hym nedeth. ¶The thyrde .iii. thynge that causeth dystraccyon in prayer & in god­des seruyce / ys the malyce of the fende / that ys moste besy to lette them / that gyue them to deuoute prayer and to praysynge of god. For yt brennyth hym / and woūdeth hym so sore▪ that though he suffer a soulle to haue sōe peace eny other tymes▪ a non as he seyth yt turne to prayer & go to goddes seruice▪ he rennyth and laboureth in all hys myghtes to brynge worldely or vayne / or yuel thoughtes or besynes in mynde and so to scater the harte from deuocyō / and to make hym lese y e fruyte of hys prayer. Sermone quarto de Ieinnio. For as saynte Ber­narde sayth / the more effectuall & spedeful that prayer is / yf yt be done as yt oughte▪ the more felly / and bysely laboureth the malycyous enemy to lette yt. ¶Remedy agenste this / ys to make vpon your brest pryuely and contyneually in suche tymes the token of the crosse / wyth stronge and stedfaste faythe. And paciently and perceuerantly to laboure to kepe / and to holde your mynde vpon our lorde / and vpon that ye saye or synge. And ye shall fele that the these shall [Page] fle a way as yf he were smytten w t a staffe as saynt Iames sayth. Iacobi. .iiii. Resistite diabolo, et fugiet a vobis. that is. w tstande the fende & he shall fle away frō you. But & eny geue stede to his sturrynges at the begynnyng & play w t suche vagante thoughtes as he laboureth to put in hys mynde▪ then he wyl take holde on him / & brydel hym on hys yuel maner and lede his harte to as moche lewdenes as hym lyst. And therfore beware & inwardely ware & dryue hym a way be tymes.

¶Of them that are vayne or troubelous in tyme of goddes seruyce and lette bothe hymselfe and other. Capi xvii

BUT thys malycyous serpent when he seeth that he is thus chased of ma­ny and dryuē a way / he seketh to entre agayne by an other way. For thē he assayeth to gette holde in some one whome he sturrethe anone / to make some vayne chere or synge or token / wherby one or other and some tyme many ar meued to some maner of dyssolucyon / and so dystracte from the sadnes of inwarde deuocyō. An other he sturreth to make somwey warde token or to do some thynge comberously where thrughe other ar taryed in theyre myndes and troubeled / & so theyre spyrytes ar dryuen from quy­etnes of deuocyon in to anguysshe / & paynefull grudginges. Then but if they haste thē the faster to theyre armure / & begynne to gyue batayle to suche vayne or troubelous sturrynges and laboure to gather and holde theyr mynde to gyther as I sayde before▪ or el­se the subtyll enemy wyll enter vpon theym ageyne [Page xx] ¶And therfore suche vayne or comberous people ar the fourthe cause / that make dystraccyon in goddes .iiii. seruyce. And they are the fendes chyldren and fulfyl hys desyre / that he may not brynge aboute by hym­selfe / as oure lorde sayth to them in hys gospel. Vos ex patre diabolo estis, et desideria patris vestri vultis facere, Ioan. .viii. That is. ye ar chyldren of the father the fende. And ye wyll do the desyres of youre father. ¶If a kynge were at meate and hys seruantes aboute hym to serue hym. Or yf he were in the feylde to fyghte / and hys knyghtes with hym to warre for hym. Or yf he had laboures in hys vyne yerde or in hys gardyn / & there came one and made hys seruantes and his knyghtes and hys laboures to be skatered & to flye from his seruice. Shulde not suche one be called a traytor to the kynge / and be put to dothe▪ How moche more parlously ar they traytours to god / that other by vanyte or by trouble / cause dystraccyon in hys holy seruyce / and make the myndes of his trew knyghtes & laboures be all to skatered. ¶These ar bad felowes for they let the comon profyt of all theyre felyshyp. Lyke vnto thornes and bryers that wyll not suffer y e corne that groweth amongest them to brynge forthe fruyte. But a non as yt wolde growe vp / they op­presse or strangle yt and bere yt downe. So these folkes when goddes seruantes ar besy to growe vp / by holy desyres and deuocyō in hys seruyce▪ they with theyre vanyte or troubelousnes pulle downe theyre myndes / & let them. Therfore yt ys good that suche thornes be ware of that our lorde sayth by the ꝓphet Spine congregate igne comburentur, Esaie. .xxxiii. that ys. Thornes [Page] gatheryd togyther shall be cast in to fyer and brente ¶Remedy ageynste this is / that the gyuers of suche occasyon be sadly blamed with all dylygence of charyte tyl they amende / for therwith ar the prelates of the chyrche charged by the comone lawe / as I haue writen aboue. Capitulo. vii. ¶A nother remedy is / that all that ar occupyed in oure lordes seruyce / be full ware and besy to kepe theyr syghte / and all theyr outwarde wyttes from all occasyons that they take no hede of eny thynge but only of that holy seruyce that they haue in hande / so that they take none occasyon / ne brynge in no tydynges to the harte to occupye theyr mynde w t all. But that in all theyr berynge / they kepe y e sadnes of relygious dysciplyne. For soche sobre and sad outwarde kepynge so yt be done in trouth / and not fayned▪ helpyth moche to y e inwarde stablenes of the harte / as the scrypture sayeth. Ecclesi. primo. Religiositas custodiet et iustificabit cor, that ys [...] Relygyousnes shall kepe the harte / and make yt ryghtfull.

¶Of them that ar lyght to speke or to slepe in tyme of goddes seruice Capitulo .xviii

AMongest these other letters of our Lordes holy houres▪ ar spekers and slepers namely they that ar lyght to speke / for they let other as well as themselfe / & gyue occasyō of yuel. How perylous this vyce ys / ye may se by these exāples. Cesarius in dialog. dist. xii. Capitulo. vi. ¶There was a yonge religyous vyrgyn aboute ten yere of age in y e order of Cystews whose name was Gertrude / whyche after her deth / cam agayne on a day at euensonge tyme when all the Couent was in the quyer / & encly­ned [Page xxi] lowe before the hye auter / she cam in to her place there she was wonte to stande in the quier / & at the ende of euensōge of our lady / she fel downe ꝓstrate / tyl all was done & then she rose / & wēther wayes None saw her but a nother mayde of the same age / y t was wont to stande by her in y e quier whiche was aferde & tolde yt to y e Abbes / & on the nexte day by byddyng of the Abbesse she asked of the same virgyn when she came agayne and sayde vnto her. Syster Gertrude good syster Gertrude from whense comest thou now & what doest thou amongest vs after thy dethe Then she answered and sayd I come hyther to make amendes for my trespace / for I rowned to the in the quyer halfe wordes / & therfore I am byden do satysfaccion in the same place / & but yf thou be ware of y e same vyce / thou shalte suffer the same payne after thy dethe. And after she had appered so foure tymes▪ she sayde Sister I hope I haue fulfylled my penaūce frō hense furthe y t shalt no more se me / & so she went to blysse. ¶But take ye hede syth this yonge mayde of ten ye­re of age / was punysshed so / for halfe wordes▪ what shall they suffer that ar of greater age for hole wordes spoken in tyme of place of sylence. ¶It is also redde of saynte Seueryn archebysshop of Colyn / whyche was so holy a man y t he harde aungels synge / when saynt Martyn dyed many hūdereth myles fro hym & gat by his prayer that hys Arche deacon harde the same sōge. This same saint Seuerine apperyd after his deth to y e same archedeacon / arayed in his bysshopes aray & standynge as yt had bene in y e ayre betwene heuen & erth / & aboue his hed was as it had bene a [Page] clowde of fyer sparkelyng & dropyng vpon his hed & vpon all his body. Then said the archedeken vnto hym. Art y u not my lorde Seueryne / he answeryd & sayd ye. & the Archedeken asked / what is that / y e I se art y u in fyer▪ he sayd / ye am I. Then the archedeken sayd / we worshyp the syr he sayd as a saynt & thow sufferest so grete tormente▪ saynt Seueryne answe­ryd. This I suffer / for in syngyng of goddes seruyce in y e quier I was more neglygente thē I shulde haue be. For whyles my clarkes sōge y e seruice of god / & I was p̄sente w t them▪ somtyme bothe my seruaūtes & other came to speke to me of dyuerse nedeful thenges & I entended to them / & gaue thē answeres / the archedeken sayde / syr I trowe yt be no greate tormente y t thou sufferest / & when he had said so▪ a droppe of y e fyry clowde fel vpō hys arme / whyche brent y e flesshe a non vnto the bone / & he cryed a myne arme myne arme / then said saint Seueryne vnto hym. Drede y t not for now shalt y u se. notw tstondyng my paynes / how moche I may do agenst god / & then the holy bysshop lyfte vp his hande & blissed his arme. & anon yt was hole / so y t he felte neuer payne therof after. ¶Here ye may se what payne they deserue y e ar boūde to sylēce & w tout nede speke in tyme of our lordes holy seruice▪ whyle this holy bysshop y t was not boūde to sylence of relygiō / was thus greuously tormēted / for hespake in tyme of these holy houres thinges y t were nede­ful. ¶Of them y t ar dul & slepy in goddes seruice / we rede y e saynt Bernarde se an angel w t a sencer go al aboute y e quier & sence thē y t prayed & sōge deuoutly / & passed forthe by them that were slepy & neglygente. Of an other holy man we rede / that was on a tyme [Page xxii] oppressed wyth heuynes of slepe in oure lordes ser­uyce. And there cam an aungell in lykenes of a reuerende persone / and toke hym by the breste and drew hym out of the quyer / & whyle he was thus drawen he beganne to a wake and openyd hys eyen / & sawe hym and sayde / what arte thow syr he sayde / & why drawest thow me so. He answered. And why slepest thow so▪ whither comest thow to chyrche to slepe or to wake▪ And a non he was gon / and the goodman droue sleape from hym / and was more ware to kepe hymselfe waker in goddes seruyce alway after.

¶That thys holy seruyce ought to be sayde or sōge / or harde wyth entendaunce therto And what pareyle yt is to leue eny parte therof vnsayde. Capitulo .xix.

THE thyrde thynge ys / that longeth to the dew maner of saynge of these holy houres ys to saye them wyth besy entendaūce. Sugo. Capi. iii. & Triuet. ca. xxi super regulam. Augustini. For god lyste not to here his prayer / that hereth not hymselfe ne takyth not hede to here hys prayer. that heryth not hymselfe / ne takyth not hede to that he sayth. And therfore byddeth saynt Austyn in hys rewle and sayeth when ye prayse god / or pray with Capitulo secōd psalmes or hympnes▪ thynke in youre harte on that same thynge that ye say with your mouthe. ¶This thynkyng & entendaunce in the [...] / may bein .iiii maner wyse. One is to kepe the mynde vpon the selfe .i. wordes wythout eny vnderstandynge. And therin som symple soulles haue other whyle good sauoure and deuocyon / though they vnderstande ryght nou­ght what they say. ¶An other is to take hede to the .ii. [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] letter only / after the lytterall vnderstondynge. And thys ys sometyme sauory / sometyme barayne / after .iii. that the letter ys. ¶The thyrde is to kepe the mynde and to entende to the inwarde gostly vnderstōdynge of the wordes that ar sayd or songe. And this ys ful harde to do cōtynually / for heuynes of the frayle body / that often beryth downe the feruoure of the spy­ryte. But yt is full confortable / and yt geueth grete gostly foude to the soulle yf yt be laboured dyscretely in meke and clene conscyence. But these tow last en­tendaūces longe to them that can vnderstande what they rede or synge. ¶And therfore that ye shulde ha­ue som maner of vnderstondynge of your seruyce / yf ye lyste to laboure yt▪ causeth me to begyn thys worke. For yt conforteth a creature moche in eny thynge that he dothe▪ when he knoweth what yt meanyth. And else▪ he maye the soner be wery of hys laboure ¶But what euer entendaūce he bad / other to y e wordes / or to the vnderstandynge▪ yt is alway expedy­ente that at the begynnynge of thys holy seruyce / ye make youre harte as free as ye can frome all erthely thynge and sette vp youre desyre as myghtely as ye maye to oure Lorde god / beholdynge hym as presente. And in that styenge desyre / and inwarde behol­dynge of hym to abyde and to kepe you as moche as ye maye. And [...] say or to synge youre seruyce in loue and ioye / and reuerence of hys presence / as yf ye spake to hymselfe / or to oure blessed Lady / whan the seruyce longeth to her / or at the leaste in her presence / and heryng desytynge you in them wyth all the myghtes of youre soulle. And yf he doo thus. I hope [Page xiii] ye shall fele moche comforte and grace of deuocyon therby. ¶And then ye muste be full ware in kepyng of youre selfe after / that ye lese not rechelesly suche grace and deuocyon as ye haue receyued in tyme of youre seruyce / leste yt be wythdrawen from you an other tyme for youre owne defaulte. ¶And also yt is spedefull for gettynge of suche deuocyon▪ to take some lytel layser before the begynnyng of eche houre for to sturre vp the harte to god. For as a holy father sayth / therfore ar we so colde / & dulle in goddes seruice▪ for nether we ar quykened before in deuocyō / newe ar not ware to cast from vs vayne thoughtes in the begynnynge / & to stable oure mynde in god / and vpon that we say. And therfore as we come therto / so we go therefro / dyssolute and vndeuoute. ¶The .iiii. for the entendaunce ys / to take hede that all the seruyce be sayde as yt oughte to be / bothe psalmes respon­ces and lessones / and verse / and all other thynges as longeth to the seruice of that mattyns / or houre that ys in saynge▪ wythout erroure / or ouerskypynge or other defaulte. This is not so harde to kepe as ar the other / and therfore ye ar more bounde therto. For yt may be kepte of all that wyll do theyr besynes there aboute. ¶And therfore they that synge or say to gyther in the quyer / ar not only bounde to take hede to that / that they rede or synge thēselfe▪ but also to here wyth entendaunce / all that is red or songe there / of other as I haue said before. ¶And he that wyttyngly leuyth oughte of these holy houres vnsayde & vn­harde / wythoute nede or syknes / and purposeth not to make amendes▪ Ioh. in sūma libro primo. titu. vii. quest. xviii. he synneth deadly. And the more [Page] that he leuyth therof▪ the more greuously he synneth ¶But he y t leuyth oughte by vnwylfull neglygence or by forgettynge▪ he synneth not deadly / so he may make amendes therfore when yt cometh to his mynde. ¶And also yf yt happe in tyme of dyuyne seruyce / that any by nede or by sodeyne neglygence / or by any obseruance or offyce that he hathe to do in y e quyer fayle or stomble. I [...]no. in capt [...]o dolētes de cele­bracione misse. or be dystracte from saynge or hering of eny worde / or verse / or psalme / or suche other and may not say yt / but yf he withdrawe his voyce from syngynge / he ought not for sayng therof / leue of his syngyng / but he oughte to synge fourthe with the quier / and to do penaunce for hys neglygence. yf neglygence be the cause of leuynge. But and he say alone / then he oughte to say y t he hathe lefte yf he may conueniently. w. sup capitulo graui in clemēt ¶On the same wyse / yf eny be lettyd by obedyence / or by nede / so that they may not come to y e begynnyng of eny of these houres / or abyd fully to the ende / and cōuenyētly say that / that lacketh / as whan they can yt not by harte or haue no boke redy or no cōuenyente tyme to say yt fourthe wyth▪ than they ar not boūde to say yt. Netheles yf yt be a grete parte of the houre / or many psalmes / or soche other then ys well done to say yt. ¶But and the late com­ynge be of slouthe / or of neglygence. or though yt be for thynge of obedyence / so yt might be done in other tyme▪ they oughte to do penaūce therfore. But they oughte not to begynne the houre / and abyde of syng yngetyll they haue ouertaken y t quyer / but they shall synge fourthe wyth them / there where they founde them. Iuno. vvi supr But for they ought not to wythdrawe theyre [Page xxiiii] voyce from syngynge / and also for suche saynge myghte be occasyon of dystraccyō or of lettynge of other ¶ Nowe thynke yt not that I am aboute to make lawes and ordenaunce vpon you by thys wrytyng for I do not so. But I wryte to youre enformacyon what the lawe of holy chyrce / by sayng of doctours ordenyth and dysposeth to be kepte / in sayng of dy­uyne seruyce / of you and all that ar bounde therto. ¶Furthermore / they that ar so sycke that they may not say theyr seruyce ne here yt▪ ar excused therof for euer. For they ar not bounde to say yt / after they are recouered for there ys no lawe set to bynde them that ar sycke Netheles yf they may and wyl say yt afterwarde of deuocyon▪ yt is not yuel. But for to say yt of suche conscience / as yf they muste nedes of dewse yt were neyther praysable nor expedyente. ¶But they that ar not so sycke / but that they may saye or here theyr seruyce without any hurte or pareyll / and yet leue yt of slowthe and of neglygence▪ than they ar bounde bothe to saye yt after / and to do penaunce for the leueyng. ¶If eny be in doute whether he my­ght haue saide yt or no▪ yt is good in suche case to be gouernyd by the counsayle of a dyscrete gosty father leste the dome of hys owne cōscyence be other to scrupulous or to recheles.

¶Of hasty sayng of these holy houres and of ouerskypynge. Capitulo .xx.

AND for yt ys so greate parel to leue ought of thys holy seruyce / as ys before sayde▪ therfore all that are bounde therto / oughte not onely to acustome theyre harte to haue [Page] mynde theron / but also to vse theyr tongue to say yt tretably and dystynctely / wythout faylyng or ouer­skypynge of worde or sylable. For lyke as a good harper smytyth all the strynges in hys harpe eche in hys owne kynde / and yf he smote the fyrste and the last / or yf he smote rechelesly ouer all at ones / he shulde make no good melody. Ryght so goddes seruice is lykened to the songe of an harpe as the ꝓphet sayth. Psallite domino in cithera, Psalmo. 97. that ys. Synge to god in the harpe. And therfore in thys harpe of our lordes ser­uyce / ye oughte to smyte all the strynges / that ys to say all the wordes and syllables eche in hys kynde. and in his place / and not rable them out togyther as though ye wolde say them all at ones. For the praysynge of god in hys chyrche / oughte to accorde to hys praysynge in heuen / wherof saynt Iohn̄ in the Apocalypse after he had harde yt. he sayd thus. Et vocem quam audiui sicut citharedorū citharizanciū in citharis suis. Capitulo. xiiii. that ys. The voyce that I harde in heuen / was the voyce of harpers harpyng in theyr harpes. ¶Ther­fore when Aaron by oure lordes cōmaundement of­fered a calfe vpon the aulter / he cutte yt in gobettes. Leuite. .ix. and then offerde yt vp wyth the hed / and wyth eche member therof. By thys calfe is vnderstonde the seruyce of our lordes praysyng. whiche ys moche more acceptable to hym / then the offerynge of eny calfe / as the Prophete saythe. Psalmo. lxviii. Laudabo nomen dei cum cantico, et magnificabo eum in laude, Et placebit deo super vitulum nouellum, that ys. I shall prayse the name of god w t songe / and I shall make moche of hym in praysyng. and yt shal please god more then the offerynge of eny [Page xxv] yonge calfe. But whan this calfe of our lordes praysynge is offered / yt must be cut in gobettes / for all the wordes and syllables oughte to be sayd dystynctely from the begynnynge vnto the ende / in eche member and in eche parte thereof. ¶For lyke as clyppers or falsers of the kynges money are punysshed by deth▪ Ryght so they that clyppe away from the money of goddes seruyce / eny wordes or letters or syllables / & so false yt from the trew sentence / or from the trewe maner of saynge therof▪ deserue to be greuously pu­nysshed agenste god. ¶And therfore the fende sendeth redely hys messengers to gather all suche neglygen­ces to gyther & to kepe them in accusynge of the soule as we rede of an holy Abbot of the order of Cystreus In scilogio . [...]. ix. Capitu. vii. that whyle he stode in the quyer at mattyns / he sawe a fende that had a longe and a greate poke hangynge about hys necke / and wente aboute the quyer from one to an other / and wayted bysely after all letters and syllables and wordes / and faylynges / that eny made▪ and them he gathered dylygently and putte them in hys poke. And when he came before the Abbot / waytynge yf oughte had escaped hym / that he myghte haue gotten and put in hys bagge▪ the Ab­bot was astoned and aferde of the foulenes / and mysshape of hym / and sayde vnto hym. what art thow▪ And he answered and sayd. I am a poure dyuel / and my name ys Tytyuyllus / & I do myne offyce that is cōmytted vnto me. And what is thyne offyce sayd the Abbot / he answeryd I muste eche day he sayde. brynge my master a thousande pokes full of faylynges / & of neglygences in syllables and wordes / that [Page] ar done in youre order in redynge and in syngynge. & else I must be sore beten. ¶Thus ye maye se / that though suche faylynges be sone forgotten of thē that make them▪ yet the fende forgetteth them not / but he kepeth them full bysely in sure store / to accuse y soule therwith at our lordes dome / wherfore yt is good to know the cause of suche hast and neglygence / and to .i. put remedy therto. ¶One cause may be yuel custom that some hathe vsed theyr tongue to rable vp theyr seruyce in suche haste▪ that they can well do none o­ther wyse. And this custome nedeth to be vnlernyd. that the worthynes of oure lordes praysynge maye brydel theyr tongue to say yt more tretably. as oure lorde sayth / by hys prophete. Esaie. xliiii. Laude mea infrenabo te. That is. I shall brydel the wyth my praysyng. ¶Another .ii. cause ys vndeuocyon. For some haue so lytell deuocyon in oure lordes seruyce / that they thynke yt a payne to them / as longe as they are saynge therof. And therfore they haste them as faste as they can / y t they were delyuered therefrom. And this vndeuocy­on cometh other of grete slowthe / that they lyste not to laboure in thys holy seruice to gette deuocyon / or else yt cometh of som synne that is hydden in theyre conscyence whyche beryth downe the soule / and maketh yt so heuy that they can not lyfte yt vp / to no gostly desyre in eny prayer. ¶The remedy hereof ys to purge theyre conscyence by contrycyon / & shryfte and to sturre vp theyre dulnes to laboure after the deuocyon as moche as they can or may / and to abyde vpon the tretable sayng of theyre seruice / be yt neuer so werysom / tyll they haue broken the hardnes / and [Page xxvi] the coldenes of theyr owne harte. ¶The thyrde cau­se .iii. is worldely / or outwarde occupacyon. For some haue theyr hartes so moche vpon bodely workes / or vpon other besynes that they haue to doo / that they rappe vp theyr seruyce as faste as they can for haste to be at their worke. And yet whyle they ar in saing theyr mynde is more vpon theyre worke / then vpon theyr seruyce / and therfore they may fele no sauoure therin. Sermone sexto de Assentione. For saynte Bernarde sayth / that holy delyte of deuocyon flyeth from the harte that ys occupyed w t worldely besynes / for trouth may not be medlyd wyth vanyte / ne endeles thynges. w t thynges fayle­ynge. ne spirytuall thynges / w t flesshely thynges / ne hygh thynges / with lowe thynges. For thou mayste not he sayth sauoure bothe at ones tho heuenly thynges that ar aboue / & erthly thynges that are beneth. Therfore as Crisostome saith / he that wyll kepe the commaundementes of god / he nedeth to dyspyse the wylles of the worlde.

¶what entendaūce ought to be had aboute the songe of these holy houres. Ca. xxi.

THE forthe thynge that longeth to the dwte of thys holy seruyce / is to take hede to the songe / whyche is the leaste ef all the other before sayde. For why oe there ys thre thynges in goddes serluyce / that ys to say. The sentēce / the worde / and the songe. the notes and sōge serue to the wordes, and the wordes serue to y e inwarde sentence [Page] And all thre bothe sentence. worde. and songe / serue to sturre y e soulle. to loue. and to worshyp & to prayse god & to haue ioye and deuocyon in hym. And ther­fore all thentendaunce / that shulde be had aboute the songe▪ oughte to entende to thys ende. and therafter to be demed. For ye oughte not in syngynge to seke pleasaunce of voyce / ne delyte you in swetnes of the selfe songe / ne in hygh songe. ne in curyous syngyng ne in no maner of vanyte. but only to seke cōpuncy on for youre synnes / and deuocyō in god. and in hys holy mother / whose praysyng ye synge. In regula. Ca. xxxviii. et Capitulo. xlvii. ¶And tho­ugh yt be so / that as saynt Benet sayth / suche ought to rede and to synge / as may edyfye the herers▪ yet yt is not expedyente to haue eny respecte in the harte towarde the herers. For that sōge that is songe moste deuoutly towarde god▪ edyfyeth moste all other tho ye thinke right noughte on them. & the lesse ye thinke on them by fleynge of vanyte / the more ye edyfye. ¶ It ys necessary to take hede in syngynge / that all the notes be songe / as they ar in youre bokes. eche of them in theyre owne towne / and that the mesure of syngynge / be euenly sette and kepte. But all this oughte so to be rewlyd / that the spyrytes of all be kepte in reste / and that deuocyō in god. be furthered therby and not letted. And therfore eche one oughte to haue an ere to other. so yf eny dyscorde hapen▪ eche one be redy to gyue stede to other. And not one haste fourth warde / an other drawe backeward / but all ought to synge to gyther and accorde to gyther / that as ye oughte to be all of one harte / so ye prayse god / as yt were wyth one voyce.

¶How thys sōge of thys holy seruyce oughte to be meke & sad without all vanyte and curyosyte. Capitulo. xxii.

THERE ys neyther syngynge / ne redynge that may please god of it selfe / but after the dysposycyon of the reder or synger. theraf­ter yt plesyth / or dysplesyth. For oure lorde taketh hede to the harte & to thentente / and not to the outwarde voyce. And therfore they that reioyse them by vayne glory / or delyte them in the swetnes or plesaunce of theyr owne voyce / they please not god wyth theyr syngynge / but they offende hym. and please the fende. For saynt Gregory sayth / that when plea­saunte voyces be soughte▪ sober lyfe ys forsaken. ¶And therfore the fende hathe so grete entre in this vyce. Cesarius in dialog. dist. xii. Ca­pitulo .iiii. that somtyme he vsyth yt hymselfe. As we rede that there was ones a clarke. that had so swete & [...]ayre a voyce / that many had delyte to here hym synge. But on a day when a relygyous man harde him synge / he sayde yt was no mannes voyce. but a fen­des. wherof all folke were ameruayled, Then the holy man coniured hym before them all / and he anon lefte there the stynkeynge body that he appered in / & wente hys wayes. ¶Therfore the more pleasaunte and fayrer that eny bodyes voyce ys▪ the more besy oughte they to be aboute the kepynge of the harte in mekenes & in deuocyon / that yt may plese in goddes syghte. Cesarius in dialogis. dist. iiii. Capitulo .viii. For yt is writen of a monke that was in the same abbey / where saynte Benet was Abbot / that he had a voyce moste pleasaunte & swete. Thys monke halowed ones the Paschall on Ester euen / & song [Page] so swetely the songe of the halowynge / that yt sow­ned to the eres of all that herde hym / as yf yt had be a melody mooste swete and delycyous. But he had hymselfe suche delyte and vayne glory therin▪ that anon as he had done / the fendes toke hym to them bothe soulle and body / in so sodeyne & meruelous wyse that no man wyst how / ne where he became. ¶Here by ye may se how perylous yt ys to eny body to de­lyte hym other to hys owne voyce / or in the outwarde songe. Libro .x. Capi­tulo .xxxiii. For saynte Augustyne sayth in hys confessyons / that as often as the songe delyteth hym more then the inwarde Sentence of the thynge that was songe / so often he knowleged that he synneth greuosly. Libro .vi. Capitulo .xxxv. ¶And oure Lorde Iesu cryste shewed to saynte Byrgytte / howe the spyryte of vayne glory accused the soulle of a relygyous man. at oure lordes dome. for hys hyghe & vayne syngyng / where the fende sayde thus to hym. He songe he sayde for vayne glory / & for a vayne name. And when hys voyce fel eny thinge downe. & waxed wery▪ then I lyfte yt vp hyer / & cam rēnynge gladly for to helpe him. And so for this & for other synnes / y e wretched soulle was dampned. ¶Lyke to thys in party I rede of a yonge monke of Cystrewes / that of pryde / and of selfe wyl. Cesarius in dialogis. distinc. v. Capitulo .v. when the psalmody was begonne in a meane voyce▪ he set yt thre notes hygher. & though sōme of the elders wolde haue songe fourthe as yt was begonne▪ yet he wyth the helpe of other y t fauoured him / preuayled agenste them / & helde fourthe hys owne. And they gaue stede But anon yt was sene openly how the fende comynge out of hys mouthe in lyknesse of hotte brennynge [Page xxviii] yren▪ entered in to all hys helpers. ¶Therfore as a man that clymbeth hygh fayleth fotynge and holde somtyme / and so fallyth & breketh hys necke. Ryght so suche hygh syngers. that fayle fotyng of mekenes byneth. and haue no holde of deuocyon aboue / falle downe by pryde / and breke theyr neckes gostly. For lyke as euery note of meke and of deuoute songe shal haue a specyall rewarde of god▪ ryghte so the fende marketh euery note of suche prowde sōge / to haue y e syngers punysshed therfore. Ide. dis. quar [...] Capitulo .ix. ¶For on a tyme / when clarkes sange in the quier wyth hygh & lowde voyce a relygyous man sawe how the fende satte on hyghe wyth a grete sacke in hys lyfte hande / and with his ryght hande he put therin all theyr voyces and songe And when the seruyce was done / they made greate ioye and gladnes amonge them / as yf they had praysed god wyth theyr songe ryghte well. And then the holy man sayde to them / ye haue songe faste he sayde and ye haue fylled a grete sacke ful. They asked him what he mente / & he tolde them what he had sene. and then they were ashamed / as moche as they were re­ioysed before. ¶And therfore oure mercyful lorde Iesu cryst wyllyng that all suche songe shulde be excluded from thys order▪ he byddeth hymselfe that youre songe shulde not be curyous / ne hygh / ne vayne but in all wyse meke. sad. & sober / sayng thus to our holy mother saynt Byrgyt. In extrau [...] Capitulo .iiii. Exodi. .xv ¶Hast y u not redde that Moyses syster for the grete myracle y t was done in the red see / went out w t vyrgyns & women syngyng in tympanes / and in cymbals a songe of ioy vnto god. So oughte my mothers doughters go out of the red see. [Page] That ys to saye / from the couetyse and plesaunce of the worlde / hauynge in the handes of theyr workes tympanes that ys to saye / abstynence from flesshely luste / and cymbales of clere praysynge / whose songe oughte not to be slowthfull / ne broken / ne dyssolute but honest and sad / and accordynge in one / and in all wy [...]e meke. Folowyng the songe of them that ar called charterhowse. whose psalmody sauouryth more the swetnes of the soulle / and mekenes & deuocyon▪ then eny vayne shewyng outwarde. For the harte is not clene from synne / when the songe delyteth more the synger then the thynge that ys songe. And yt ys in all wyse abhomynable agenste god / whan the lyftynge vp the voyce / is more for the heres then for god These ar the wordes of our lorde Iesu chryste. [...]bi supra.

¶ How ye oughte to dresse youre entente in sa­ynge / or syngynge of this holy seruice. Ca. xxiii.

THE fyfte thynge that longeth to the dew maner of saynge of deuyne serui is to take hede to what entente ye say yt. For thentente gyueth euery good dede hys ryght name. So that yf the entente be good / the dede is good / and yf thentente be yuel. the dede ys yuel. But yuel dede may neuer be made good / be thente neuer so good / all thoughe yt maye be the lesse yuel / when yt ys done of good entente. ¶But to saye or synge dyuyne ser­uice ys a good and an holy dede yt selfe▪ and therfore yf yt be well done. and to good entente / then ys all good ¶Therfore ye nede to take hede / that nether ye synge ne saye thys holy seruyce for vayne glory / as they done that wyll be taken as holy and deuoute. [Page xxix] Ne for vayne pleasaunce as they do / that seke to plese other thereby / or desyre to beholde louers of goddes seruyce. Ne for vayne drede as they do / that wolde not come there / saue for drede leste they shulde be shent Ne for vayne shame / as they doo that come thydre. for they ar a shamed / but yf they do as other do. But ye oughte to do yt only for god / and for good entent so that though no creature shulde here you / ne se you but eche of you by your selfe alone▪ yet ye wolde be neuer the lesse dylygent and deuoute to synge yt / and to say yt and to come therto. ¶And for as moche as all that god asketh of man / ys conteyned vnder one conclusyon of charyte / that standeth in loue of god and of oure selfe / and of oure euen chrysten as oure selfe▪ therfore yt is nedefull that not only in goddes seruyce / but in all that ye do / ye entende oure lordes worshyp / and the helthe & profyt of youre selfe / and of all your euen chrysten. ¶And for all your seruice ys of oure blessed Lady▪ therfore yt ys good that ye entende specyally therin / her praysyng and worship and that god be thanked and praysed for all the gyf­tes / & benefytes that he hathe gyuen to her & by her to all mankynde. ¶And farthermore for that thys ho­ly seruyce ys not sette of youre selfe but by holy chryche▪ therfore yt ys expedyente that ye entende to say yt in vnyte / and in obedyence of holy chyrche and to theffecte and entente that god of hys chyrche hath or denyd yt to be sayd and songe. For so may yt alwayes be accepted and harde. ¶ye oughte also to entende the fulfyllynge of youre founders entente / that was to the helthe of hys owne soulle / and of hys progenitours [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] / and of all chrysten soulles. In regula Capitulo .xxxi. §. and specyally for peace and welfare of all thys londe / after the byhesle of oure lorde Iesu chryst in reuelacyō to saynte Birgytte / where he behoteth that in eche lande where eny Monastery of thys order ys founded / there shall be encresed peace & accorde. ¶It ys also spedefull / y e ye entende in saynge of thys holy seruice▪ y e fulfyllyng of your bonde & dewtye / in as moche as ye ar boūde therto by youre rewle / and by youre holy professyō ¶And for the prayer of these holy houres ys rather sped and harde of our lorde / then other prayers as I sayde before▪ therfore yt ys good that in the saynge. or syngynge therof▪ ye entende to gette forgyuenesse of youre owne synnes / and suche helpe & graces / and vertewes as ye fele nedefull to you / & also to the hel­the and profyt of all that ye ar bounde / or haue deuo­cyon to praye for. ¶And the more specyally & often that ye offer vp these ententes to god / with meke and feruent desyre in him▪ the better and soner spede shal ye haue of that thynge that ye desyre and praye for. Netheles ye oughte to dresse youre hartes after these ententes or ye begyn / for in tyme of this holy seruy­ce ye oughte to stable youre mynde only in god / and vpon the same seruyce / and vpon none other thynge as I haue sayde before.

¶Of reuerence & deuocyon / that oughte to be had in this holy seruyce bothe inwarde and outwarde. Capi. .xxiiii

THE syxte thynge that longeth to y e dew ma­ner of saynge / of these holy houres / ys to ta­ke hede that they be sayde wyth meke reuerence / and [Page xxx] deuocyon / bothe inwarde in harte / & in all outwarde obseruaunces. as in knelynge. enclynynge. syttynge and stondynge. and in sad and reuerente kepyng▪ of all the members of the body / moche more then yf ye were in p̄sence of eny erthly kynge. or quene / or other erthly creature / as ye that are there in the presence of almyghty god to do hynt seruyce / bothe wyth body and w t soule. lyke as he made bothe to that same ende ¶Therfore the holy obseruaunces / are not onely to be kepte of them that synge in y e quier. Ex regula bel Bndicti. Ca. l. but also of all other / to theyr power where euer they say theyr seruice. For a relygyous persone oughte to be gouerned relygiously ouer all. whether he be alone / or with other and what euer he do. and namely in sayng of this holy seruyce. ¶Netheles they that haue no cōuenyent place to kepe all obseruaūces / and therfore say theyr seruyce in cōtynuall and reuerente knelynge. or somtyme stondynge▪ I trowe they are excused. But for to say yt syttynge or lyeng / wythout nede of syknes or walkynge vp and downe▪ yt were a token of ly­tel loue / and of lytel reuerence to god. Libro quarto. Capitulo .8 [...]. For oure holy mother saynt Byrgyt had in reuelacyon / and wrote to a seculer clarke that suche walkynge to and fro in seruyce tyme / is a shewyng of an vnstable and a vagant harte / and of a slowe sowle. and of lytell charyte and deuocyon. And syth yt ys so in seculers. moche more yt ys blamefull in relygyous. ¶And therfore tho bokes that say how som haue moste deuocyō syttynge / or else whether yt be syttynge or knelynge or goynge. or standynge. a man shulde do / as he can fele moste deuocyon▪ suche saynges / ar to be vnderstand [Page] of tho prayers and deuocions / that a man chosyth to say or do after hys owne wyll. But in oure Lordes seruyce. we oughte to laboure for deuocyon / in suche maner of saynge and of obseruaūce / as holy chyrche and relygyō hath ordenyd to be kepte therin. ¶And yt is gretly to take hede / of y t holy obedyence wherby the Pope in the cōmoun lawe of holy chyrche / that gyth them that are bounde to saye the holy houres of dyuyne seruyce▪ Extraua. de ce­lebraciōe misse captlo dolētes. that they saye them studyously and deuoutly. For by the wounde of orginall synne and by oure owne actuall synne / and yuell custome / the corrupte body is so heuy / and lothe to all verteu and the harte so vnstable▪ that wythou [...] greate inwarde laboure / and w tout we do a maner of vyolēce to our selfe / we can nether make the rebel & inodedient fles­she to do reuerētly▪ ne gather the mynde in onched to felynge of deuociō. ¶And therfore the Pope byddeth that this holy seruice shulde be sayde studyously. For study is a grete and a vyolente applyeng of the harte to do a thynge wyth a greate & a feruent wyll. And therfore firste he sayth studyously and then deuoutly For but yf youre harte be set sadly / and inwardly to study aboute the stablynge of y e mynde in god / ye can not synge ne saye hys seruyce deuoutly. ¶And thys gostly study may not be done shortly. ne now done and now lefte▪ but yt muste be contynued ful bysely and abydyngly / euery day. and euery howre & tyme of the day. For he that in other tyme let hys harte [...] where yt wyl / & weneth that he shall kepe hys myn­de vpon hys prayer or seruice when he cometh therto he shall fynde that yt is not in hys power. ¶Ther­fore [Page xxxi] after our lorde Iesu cryste had sayde in hys holy rewle that neyther golde / ne syluer ne precyous sto­nes shulde be oure tresure / but the grace of god shulde be oure rychesse▪ Capitulo .viii. he sayde that thys treasure of grace must be kep [...]e wyth contynuall studyes / w t deuoute prayers / and w t godly praisynges. Take hede what order our lorde kepeth in his wordes. Fyrste he saieth study / and then prayer / & then praysyng. For inwarde gostly study techeth to pray. and cōtynuaunce of this study causeth to pray deuoutly. & deuoute prayer bryngeth gostly strenghte and comforte in the soulle wherby yt is lyfte vp and restyth / and delyteth in loue & praysynge of god. And whyle the soulle is thus occupyed▪ the treasure of grace ys kepte full seurely therin. ¶And therfore thys gostly study to kepe the harte / ys youre chyefe laboure / thys ys youre moste charge and gretest bonde / this maketh the soule to be vertuous. and this causeth all the outwarde beryng to be relygious. Prouerbio. iiii. As the scrypture sayeth. Omni custo­dia serua cortuum, quia ex ipso vita procedit, that ys. Ke­pe thy harte w t all dylygence / for thereof cometh thy lyfe. For yf the harte be well kepte / all y e lyfe ys well And yf the harte be yuell kepte / all the lyfe ys yuell. ¶Therfore w tout besy & ware kepynge of the harte nothynge may make a man very relygyous. For as yt is wryten in Uitas patrum. when hethen phylo­sophers mette w t relygyous fathers in deserte▪ y e phylosophers asked them. and sayd / what do ye that we do not▪ ye faste & lyue in abstinence. and so do we / ye dyspyse all erthly good & lyue in pouerte. & so do we. ye loue to be dyspysed. and to haue mekenes & pacy­ence [Page] and other verteues▪ & the same do we / what do ye then more then we▪ The holy fathers answered. we truste in god. and kepe our harte / kepe oure harte sayd they ageyne. may we not. That may ye not do And why▪ For they knew not god. & the harte may neuer be kepte but only in god. For there is nothyng that may fylle the soulle but god alone. But for god ys one. in whome is all▪ therfore all scaterynges of the mynde may be oned in hym. And for he ys only more then the soule▪ therfore a lonely in hym the harte & soulle is rested on eche syde. ¶Therfore be ware that ye lyue not rechelesly. go day / come euen. and so spende youre tyme in vayne. and your laboure with out fruyte. but inwardly & bysely / and cōtynewally trauayle in thys spyrytuall study to stable the harte in god. namely in tyme of thys holy seruice. And for charyte pray that I may do the same. For though yt be a laboure amongest all laboures. thus to kepe the harte▪ yet yt ys in all wyse nedefull. & also yt is full medefull as the scripture sayeth. Bonorū laborū glorio sus est fructus. that is. The fruite of good laboures is gloryous / therfore so to laboure in oure lordes holy seruice / that we may come to y e glorious fruite of en­deles rewarde. graūte vs by prayers of hys mercyful mother / oure mercyfull lorde Iesu cryste. Amen.

¶Here endeth the fyrste parte of oure Ladyes Myrroure

HERE begynneth the seconde parte of our Ladyes Myrroure that ys of youre .vii. storyes and fyrst how ye shall be gouerned in redyng of this Boke and of all other bokes.

DEuoute redyng of holy Bokes. ys called one of the partes of contemplacyon. for yt causyth moche grace. and comforte to the soulle yf yt be well and dyscretely vsed. And moche holy redynge is ofte loste. for lacke of dylygence. that yt is not entended as yt oughte to be. Therfore yf ye wyll profyte in redynge▪ ye nede to kepe these fyue thynges. ¶Fyrste ye oughte to take .i. hede what ye rede. that yt be suche thynge as ys spe­defull for you to rede. and conuenyente to the degre that ye stonde in. For ye oughte to rede no worldely matters. ne worldely bokes. namely suche as ar wythout reason of gostly edyfycacyon. and longe not to the nede of the howse / ye oughte also to rede no bokes that speke of vanytyes or tryfels. and moche lesse no bokes of yuel. or occasyon to yuel. Forsyth youre holy rowle forbydeth you all vayne and ydel wordes. in all tymes and places▪ by the same yt forbyddeth you redynge of all vayne & ydel thynges. for redyng is a maner of spekeynge ¶The seconde. whan ye begynne .ii. to rede. [...] to here suche bokes of gostly fruyte as accordeth for you to rede. or to here▪ that then ye dyspose you therto with meke reuerence and deuocyon. For lyke as in prayer. man spekyth to god▪ so in [Page] redynge god spekyth to man. and therfore he oughte reuerently to be herde. And also meke reuerence had to the worde: causeth grace. and lyghte of vnder [...] dynge to enter in to the soulle. wherby y soulle [...] and feleth more openly the trouth of the worde. and hathe the more comforte. & edyfycacyon therof. And therfore sayth the scryp [...] Esto m [...]nsuetus ad au [...]ien­dum verbum dei vt intelligas, Eclesiastice. v. that is to say. Beth [...] meke and mylde to here the worde of god that thou vnderstande yt. As yf he sayd. But thou [...] in herynge and redynge the worde / thou mays [...]e not be sewre of the trew vnderstandynge therof. For our lorde Iesu cryste sayth in hys gospell. Math. xi. that the father of heuen hathe hyden the mysteryes and trouthes of hys scrypture form y e prowde. that a [...] wyse in th [...]yr .iii. owne syghte & he hathe shewed them to [...]ke ¶The thyrde that ye laboure to vnsterst [...] the same thynge that ye rede. For Caton taughte [...] ne to [...] hys preceptes. that he vnderstande them. For yt is he sayth grete neglygence to rede. & and not to vnderstande. And therfore when ye rede by yourselfe alone. ye oughte not to be hasty to rede moche at ones. but ye oughte to abyde thervpon. & som tyme rede a thynge ageyne twyes or thryes. or oftener tyl ye vnderstonde yt clerely. For saynt Austyn sayeth y t no man shulde wene to vnderstōde a thynge suffy [...]yently in my wyse by ones redynge. And yf ye [...] what ye rede. aske of other y can [...] you. A [...] that can oughte not to be lothe torech [...] other. For as a clarke writeth. there be thre thynges y t make a dys­cyple passe his master. One is often to aske [...] to lerne [Page xxxiii] that he can not. Another is bysely to kepe in mynde that he lerneth & herith. And y thyrde is redely & frely to teche fourth to other. tho thynges y t he hath lerned [...]. ¶They also that rede in the Couente. ought so bysely to ouerse theyr lessō before & to vnderstōde yt: that they may poynte yt as it oughte to be poynted. & rede yt sauourly & openly to y e vnderstōdinge of the heres. And y may they not do▪ but yf they vnderstō ­de yt. & sauoure yt fyrste themselfe. ¶The .iiii. thing that is to be kepte in redyng. is y t ye dresse so your entente. .iiii. that youre redyng & study. be not only for to be [...]ynge. or for to can speke yt fourthe to other▪ but pryncypally to enforme your selfe. & to set yt a warke in youre owne lyuynge. For saynt Paule sayeth. Regnū dei nō [...] sermone [...] Pri. Cop. iiii. sed in virtute. that ys. The kyngdome of god is not in worde but in verteu. For he [...] after [...]nynge to be holde wyse. or to [...] say [...] not to do therafter▪ he labo­rith agenste hymselfe. For our lorde sayth in hys gospel. that the seruant that knowyth his lordes wyl. Luce. xii. & dothe yt [...] ▪ shal be been to many woūdes ¶The [...] thynge ys. dysti [...]. So y t after the matter ys .v. therafter yt [...]resse you in the redyng. For ye shall vnderstōds [...] dyuerse bo [...]es. speke in dyuerse wyses. For [...] bokes at made to enforme the vnderstondynge. & to tel he [...] persones oughte to be gouerned in all [...] that they may knowe what [...] what they shall do: how they shulde [...] in [...] theyr co [...]cyence. & in gettyng [...] they shulde w tstonde reptacyons. & suffer trybulacyon [...]. & how they shall pray. & occupy [Page] them in gostly excercyse, w t many suche other full holy doctrynes. And when ye rede eny suche bokes [...] oughte to beholde in yourselfe sadly. whether ye lyue & do as ye rede or no. & what wyl and [...] ye [...]oue therto. & what entendaūce & laboure ye do therabout And yf ye fele y t youre lyfe ys rewled in [...] dynge to that ye rede▪ then ye oughte h [...]rtely & mekely to thanke our lorde therof. that is [...]euer of all gooddes. & to pray hym w t a feruente desyre. that ye may cōtyneu & encrese euer more & more in his grace [...] And yf ye fele & se in youre selfe. y t ye lacke suche vert [...]ues gouernaūce as ye rede of▪ then nede ye to be right ware that ye passe not rechelesly fourth ouer as though ye roughte not therof. But ye ought to abyde ther vpon. & inwardly sorow for y t defaulte & lacke that ye se in yourselfe [...] & besely to kepe in mynde [...] lessō that so sheweth you to youre selfe, & oft [...] to rede yt ageyne. & to loke there. & on your selfe / w t ful purpose & wyll to amende you & to dresse youre lyfe therafter. In thys wyse. oughte ye to rede the fyrste parte of thys boke. whyche enformeth you to vnderstande. [...] kn [...]we how ye oughte to be gouerned in saynge, & syngyng & redyng of your deuyne seruice. ¶Other bokes ther be y t ar made to quyken & to s [...]urre vp the [...] eccyōs of the soule / as som y t tel of the sorowes & dredes of dethe & of dome. & of paynes. to sturre vp y e [...] of drede. & of sorow forsynne. Som tel of y e grete [...] of our lorde god. howe he made vs. and [...] and what loue and mercy he shewyth contyne [...] to vs. to sturre vp oure affeccyons of loue and of hope in to hym. Somme telle of the ioyes of heuen to sturre vp the afffecciōs of ioye to desyre thyderwarde [Page xxxiiii] And some telle of the foulnes & wretchednesse of syn. to sturre vp the affeccyons of hate and lothynge ther agenst. ¶whē ye rede these bokes. ye oughte to laboure in yourselfe inwardly. to sturre vp your afffecciōs accordingly to the matter y t ye rede. As when ye rede maters of drede. ye ought to set you to cōceyue a drede in yourselfe. And whē ye rede maters of hope / ye ou­ghte to sturre vp yourselfe to fele cōforte of the same hope. and so fourth of other. ¶Netheles yt is expediente that eche persone vse to rede. and to study in this maner of bokes / suche matters. as be moste conuenyente to hym for the tyme. For yf eny were drawen downe in bytternes of temptacyō. or of trybulacyō yt were not spedefull to hym for that tyme. to study in bokes of heuynes & of drede. though he felte hym­selfe wyllyng therto. but rather in suche bokes as mighte sturre vp. hys affeccyons to cōforte and to hope And so is yt to be sayde dyuersely. after the diuersyte of dysposyciōs that persones ar sturred wyth for the tyme. Secūda parte. §. 98. de exhor­tatōibus Patrū For yt is writen in Uitas patrū. that whē fendes had longe tempted an holy man▪ at last they cryed and sayd vnto hym. Thow hast ouercome vs. for when we wolde lyfte the vp by to moche hope / thou berest downe thy selfe in drede. and sorow of thy synnes. & whē we wolde brynge the in ouer moche drede and heuynes / then thou rerest vp thyselfe to hope / & cōforte of mercy. And so we can gette no holde on the ¶There be also some bokes. that treate bothe of maters. to enforme the vnderstōdyng. & also of matters to sturre vp the affecciōs. Somtyme of the tone. and some tyme of the tother. And in redynge of suche bo­kes. [Page] ye oughte to dyspose you to bothe as the matter asketh, and as I haue now sayde before. And in this wyse oughte ye to rede the seconde parte of this boke For therin is youre vnderstōdyng enformed to wyt what youre seruice menyth. And in the selfe seruyce your affeccyōs ought to be sturred. sometyme to loue and ioye. and praysynges of oure lorde Iesu cryste. & of hys moste holy mother / sometyme to dreade. sometyme to hope. and somtyme to sorow. & to cōpassyon and that specyally on fryday. where is made mynde of oure lordes holy passyon and of the cōpassyon of hys blessed mother oure lady. ¶Also in thys seconde parte. the fyrste worde of eche Antempne. and of eche hympne. and of eche responce. and verse. & so fourthe of all other / is writen in latyn with Romeyne letter that ye may know [...] therby where yt begynneth. And the selfe englyshe of all the same latyn folowynge. is imprynted wyth a smaller letter. And that ys the exposycyō of the latyn. And by this dyfference ye may knowe which ys the bare englysshe of the latyn / and whyche ys putte therto for to expounde yt. And therfore they that se this boke and rede yt / may better vnderstande yt. then they that here yt / and se yt not. ¶Also when thys seconde parte ys redde openly in the Couente. yt shall not nede alway to rede the latin namely where y e mater hangeth to gither. as yt doth in your legende & in some other places. For yt shulde in maner let the vnderstōdynge from y e herers. And therfore yt is ynough to rede only y e latyn in y e beginnynge of eche lessō. And not in y e begynnynge of eche clause of y e lessō. But in other places of your seruice. [Page xxxv] where y e mater hangeth not to gyther. but eche thing ys dyuerse in sentence from other. as ar the Antem­nes / and responces. and other lyke▪ there yt ys well done to rede the fyrst worde in latyn as yt is wryten For the layn is writen so / in the begynnyng of teche clause that ye shulde redely knowe. when ye haue the latyn before you. what englysshe lōgeth to eche clause by yt selfe. And also when youre legende ys redde at mattyns. yf eny wolde in y e meane tyme haue the englysshe before her / and fede her mynde therewyth. then the latyn that ys wryten in the begynnynge of eche clause of the englysshe. shulde helpe her moche / & dyrecte her that she may go forthe with the reder clause by clause. For else she shulde not knowe by the englysshe a lone where the reder of the latyn were. This lokeynge on the englyshe whyle the latyn ys redde. ys to be vnderstonde of them that haue sayde theyre mattyns or redde theyr legende before. For else I wolde not counsell them to leue the herynge of the latyn. for entendaunce to the englysshe. ¶And for asmoche as yt is forboden vnder payne of cursynge / that no man shulde haue ne drawe eny texte of holy scrypture in to englysshe wythout lycense of the bysshop dyocesan. And in dyuerse places of youre seruyce ar suche textes of holy scrypture▪ therfore I asked & haue lysence of oure bysshop to drawe suche thinges in to englysshe to your gostly comforte and profyt. so that bothe oure consyence in the drawynge. and youres in the hauynge. may be the more sewre and clere. to oure lordes worshyp / whyche kepe vs in hys grace. and brynge vs to hys blysse. Amen.

HEre Begynneth the story and Seruice of the Sonday, and fyrste of rysynge to mattyns,

[Page xxxvi] MEen vseth in londe of warre to kepe contynuall watche in Cytyes and Castelles and walled townes. and when eny enemyes co­me nyghe. they rynge a certayne bel. wherby all men ar warned to arme them and to make them redy / and to go to places of defense to fyghte and to bete of theyr enemyes. On the same wyse. we ar closed in thys holy Monastery. as knyghtes in a castell where we ar beseged wyth greate multytude of fendes that nyght and daye laboure to gette entre and pocessyon in oure soules. and often they ar most besy in nightes tyme [...] when the wyttes ar oppressed wyth heuynce of sleape. for to assaye to ouercome. or at the leaste to vexe & to trouble them of whome they myghte not haue the ouerhande by day. ¶And therfore when we here the belle rynge to mattyns. we oughte a none as trew goddes knyghtes aryse quycly and arme vs with prayer. and make vs redy by dressynge vp of oure entente to god. wyth some deuou [...]e medytacyon / and haste vs to the place of our defense that ys the chyrche. whyche ys ferefull to the fendes oure enemyes as a place of defense. And there we oughte to lyfte vp. the longe spere of [...]eruente desyre of oure hartes styeng vp to god. and drawe out the sharpe swerde of the worde of god in hys holy seruyce. & s [...]iyte greate strokes by deuoute sy [...]gynge and [...]ay­eng thereof / wherby oure enemyes shall be rebuked. and we kepte sewre in godly praysynges. vnder the baner of hys proteccyon. ¶Thys redynesse of com­ynge [Page] oughte not only to be kepte at mattyns. but at euery houre of the day. for though we reste som tyme fro syngynge or praynge wyth the mouthe. our eny­myes rest not to warre agenste vs. And therfore we oughte not to cesse of kepynge of our mynde s [...]abely on god alway. and in tyme of prayer to be redy and glad to go therto / as to a castell of socoure. and as to the fode and gostly comforte of oure soulles. ¶And when ye come to the chyrche before the begynnynge of eche houre. ye say a Pater noster. and an Aue ma­ria. knelynge. And that ys for to sturre youre hartes to more deuocyon. or ye begynne youre seruyce. And therfore yt is sayde in sylence. shewyng that god ys more pleased wyth the preuy deuocyon of the harte. wherto ye oughte pryncipally to entende in all your seruyce▪ then w t the outwarde noyse whyth the voyce ¶In thys Pater noster. are seuen petycyons. forto gette seuen gyftes of the holy goste. and seuen verteues. wherby we may be delyuered frō the seuen dedly synnes. and so to come vnto the seuen b [...]ssednesses. ¶The exposycyō of thys holy prayer ye haue in dyuerse bokes. whiche yf ye study bysely to vnderstōde wyll gyue you cause to fynde grete cōforte & deuocyon in the sayng therof. But I wyl telle yt you shortly lyke as ye may sōwhat y e better haue yt in mynde when ye say yt. yf ye wyll laboure theraboute.

PAter noster, That ys. Oure father. Thynke now that as a [...]hylde goeth trustely to his father in what dysease so euer he be in: so ye in what dysease or trouble. or tempta­cyō. or synne that euer ye be in▪ mekely and trustely [Page xxxvii] lyfte vp youre hartes to god youre father. and telle hym what you eyleth. and say to hym. PAter noster, Quee father. ye saye not my father. but oure father. wherby we ar enformed to haue greate charite. and loue eche to other. and to all oure euen crystens. in as moche as we ar all chyldren of one father. to whome we say all. Pater noster, Oure father. Qui es in celis, That arte in heuens. Therfore lyfte vp youre hartes from erthly. and vayne thinges. and offer them to hym. that is not onely in heuens aboue in blysse. but also in the soulles of hys seruauntes [...] by grace [...] whiche ar called heuens. And in eche place he ys by hys beynge. and by his presence. & by his power. Thynke then where euer ye be. that god your father ys p̄sente before you bynethe you. with you. and all aboute. and in eche of youre allers hartes. by grace. that ys out of deadly synne▪ and in thys beholdynge saye to hym wyth greate loue. and ioye. and reuerence. Our father that arte in heuens. Sanctificetur nomen tuum, Thy haule be halowed. that ys. The worshyp and loue of thy holy name be so confermed & stabeled in oure mynde that what euer ye thynke [...] or say or do▪ we more cure move entende the holynesse & praysynge of thy holy na­me. and not the danyte of our owne name. And that our lyfe may be so holy▪ that thy name be halowed [...] worthyped therby in vs. ¶And father that yt may be thus. Adueniat regnū tuum. Thy kyngdome ma [...]come. that ys. The lordeshyp of all synne maye be so caste out of vs. and thou may so reygne in vs. by grace. & plente of all verteues. that we be [...] to desyre thy comynge in fulnesse of thy kyngdome. at the day of [Page] dome. or at the ende of our lyfe. And also that thy kyngdome may so com to them that ar in purgatori that they be delyueryd from all payne. and come to reste in ioye of thy kyngdome. And so in thys pety­cyon. ye aske that god shulde reygne in you. and in youre euen crysten by grace. And that bothe ye and other quycke. and deade. shulde come to the kyngdo­me of blysse. ¶ Fiat voluntas tuasicut in celo et in terra, So be thy wyl done in erthe. as yt ys in heuen. that ys. As thy sayntes that ar in heuen are cōformed in all thinges to thy wylle▪ so gyue vs wylle and strenghte to desyre and to fulfyll thy wylle in all thynges. be yt neuer so cōtrary to our veyne wylles. so that yf thou wylte haue vs in syckenesse / or in tribulaciō / in wele or in wo. in heuen. in erthe. or in helle / thy fatherly wyll be done in vs. Thynke not that our father wyl haue eny of hys chyldren in helle. But oure obedyence to oure father oughte to be feruente and symple. that we take no hede of heuen ne of helle. but only of the fulfyllynge of oure fathers wylle. ¶ Panem nostr um quotidianum da nobis hodie, Gyue vs thys day our day­ly brede. that ys. The sustenaunce of oure bodely lyfe whiche thou sendest vs▪ graunte vs to take yt soberly without surfe [...]. & pacyently without grudgeynge and gyue vs suffyciently therof to our nede. And the brede of thy worde gyue vs thys day / by sauory de­uocyon in thy holy seruyce. and in prayer and in all redynge and herynge of thy worde. Gyue vs father the brede of thy grace. whyth whyche we be comfor­ted and strenghted to withstōde yuell. and to do good And gyue vs suche faythe. & charyte. and deuocyon [Page xxxviii] in our soules that therby we may receyue euery day the brede of thy holy sacramente of the aulter. that is lorde Iesu thyselfe. in y e vnite of thy chirche▪ though we receyue yt not eueryday w t our bodely mouthes. ¶ Et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus de bitoribus nostis. And forgyue vs oure trespasses / as we forgyue oure trespassoures. This peticiō semeth heuy to them that beholde other mennes synnes. and forgette theyr owne. But and wese clerely. how greate and many oure synnes ar agenste god. and how lytell in regarde therof eny offense ys, that ys done agenste vs▪ we shulde thynke yt a petycyon of vnspecabel comforte that by forgyuenesse of so lytell and few▪ we maye gette forgyuenesse of so many and so greate. I haue synned ageynste god. and deserued payne. another hathe synned ageynste me and deserued punysshyng yf I forgyue the offense and not the payne. my father my god. shall do the same to me / yf I forgyue payne & all▪ so shall god my father forgyue me. Glad ther­fore oughte we to be. when eny trespace is done agenste vs. in worde or dede. and more glad to forgyue yt and with harte. and worde. and there. and dede. to loue them. and to do for them. For by them we haue occasyon to gette of god oure father. the large. and gretly desyred pardon of forgyuenes of all oure synnes. & of all paynes that we haue deserued therfore. The grete cōforte of thys petycion that yt geueth to a synfull soulle. can not lyghtly be tolde. For he is trouthe that byddeth vs pray thus. and it may not be in vayne. but as we forgyue. we shulde be forgyuen. who myghte come to a better fayre▪ How myghte we make [Page] an esper chaūge. then to forgyue. and be forgyuen A how well were me. yf many folke. had trespased ageynste me. that I mighte forgyue. and be forgyuen Therfore dyspose we thus oure selfe. and saye we in greate fayth / and hope. Forgyue vs oure trespaces / as we forgyue oure trespassoures. And yf we be in wylle to for­gyue. and fele contrary sturrynges in oure selfe▪ yet say we neuertheles that same petyciō trustely to our father thynkeyng thus. Graunte vs good father ve­ryly to forgyue oure trespassoures▪ as we desyre to be forgyuen of the. Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem, [...]nd lede vs not in temptacyon. that is. Suffer vs not for oure vnkyndenesse. and demerytes. to falle to synne by eny temp [...]acyon. Thys ys a petycyon hartely to be asked. For none maye profyt in verteu wythoute temptacyon. ne none maye wythstonde eny temptacyon be he neuer so parfyt. wythout specyall helpe. and grace of god. And therfore pray we oure father ferefully and desyrously by thys petycyon. not to kepe vs from temptacion. but to kepe vs that we falle not by eny temptacyon. Sed libera nos a malo. But de­lyuer v [...] from yuel. we can neyther. ne may not of oure selfe. eny thinge do but synne. newe can / or may eny thynge deserue. but payne. And therfore mekely and dredfully knowynge oure owne feblenesse. we pray oure father to delyuer vs from yuel of all synne. and of all peryll. and of all payne temporall. and euerlastynge. Amen. thys worde. Amen. ys a worde of he­brew. and some tyme yt ys a worde of affermynge. and ys as moche to say. as Treuly. or Faythfully. And some tyme yt is a worde of desyrynge. and is as moche [Page xxxix] to say. as So be yt. or Be be yt done. And so is yt set here. for to shewe a grete desyre that we oughte to haue that all that is asked before in thys prayer be ful­fylled. For in these seuen petycyons. is asked all that ys nedeful to vs / to body & soulle. in this lyfe. & after ¶Thus may ye haue youre mynde on thys prayer when ye say yt. yf ye wyll study. and laboure to vnderstande it. and kepe yt in mynde. Nat that ye shal haue mynde on all the wordes that I haue wryten. but on the sentence. For the vnderstandynge of man namely. when yt is lyghtened by grace. may cōcey­ue more in a lytel whyle. then the tongue may speke in moche lenger tyme. And therfore whyle ye say the wordes of youre Pater noster. I hope that youre vnderstandynge shall the better be fedde w t the inwarde sentence. as I haue now wryten. at the leaste wyth some therof. yf ye wyll do your deuoyre. And for as moche as oure sauyoure made thys prayer for oure helthe▪ yt is good that ye entende alwayes to say yt to thentente that he made yt for / and to aske therby all thynges that he entended shulde be asked thereby whan he made yt.

AVE MARIA. Luce primo. Thys salutacyon ys ta­ken of the gospel of the gretynge of the aungell Gabryel. and of Elyzabeth. & yt was the begynnynge of oure helthe And therfore thys worde Aue. spelled bakwarde. is Eva. forlyke as Eues talkynge with the fende was the begynnynge of oure perdycion. so oure ladyes talkynge w t the aūgel when he gryte her w t thys Aue. was the entre of oure redempcyō. And [Page] so Eua is turned in to Aue. for our sorowe is turned in to ioy. by meane of our lady. For Eua ys as mo­che to saye as woo. & Aue ys as moche to say as Ioye or wythout woo. Therfore mekely. & reuerently thank­yng this glorious quien of heuen. and mother of our sauiour. for our delyueraūce▪ say we deuoutly to her Aue maria. Hayle mary. Marye is as moche to saye as Sterre of the see. or lyghtened. or lady. For all that ar here in the see of bytternesse by penaūce for theyr synnes. the ledyth to the hauen of helthe. Them that ar rightfull. she lyghteneth by encresynge of grace. And she shewyth herselfe lady and Emperesse of power. aboue all yuel spyrites in helpynge vs agenste them. bo­the in oure lyfe. and in our deth. & after. Therfore we oughte often. & in all our nedes. calle bysely vpō this reuerent name Mary. For as the same marcyful lady saith to seynt Byrgit. Libro primo. Capitulo. .ix. when aūgels here that gloryous name. they ioye. & they that are in purgatory. herynge that name ar cōforted. & gladded. Ryghtful men are strengthed the more / by more nere assystence of aūgels to them. by namynge of y t holy name. Fendes trembel for feare. when they here this dredfull name. And there ys no synner in erthe so colde from the loue of god. but that yf ye calle vpon thys moste helpy name Marye wyth that entente. that he wyl­le turne no more ageyne to hys synne▪ the fende flyeth a waye fro hym. and neuer dare come ageyne to hym. but yf he falle ageyne in wylle of deadly syn­ne. Therfore bothe for loue. and worshyppe of oure moste reuerente Lady. and for our owne profyt▪ say we often and deuoutely. AVE MARIA, Hayle Mary. [Page xl] ¶Some vse when they here the fēde named in play or in wrathe to saye Aue maria. that lyke as he ioy­eth of the vycyous namynge of hys owne name. so is he rebuked. by namynge of thys holy name maria Gracia plena. Full of grace. Dyuerse sayntes had dyuerse gyftes of grace. but neuer creature had the fulnesse of all graces. but our lady alone. For she was fylled in body and in soulle wyth the lorde and gyuer of al graces. and therfore yt folowyth. Dominus tecum. The lorde is wyth the. For wyth her he was in her harte by excellence of grace. and in her reuerente wombe. takynge there a body of oure kynde. Benedicta tu in mulieribus. Blyssed be thou in all women. & aboue all women. For by the. bothe men and women arrestored to blysse euerlastynge. Et benedictus fructus ventris tur Iesus. and blyssed be Iesu the truyce of thy wombe. Blyssed be the wombe. and blyssed be the fruyte therof. whyche ys lyfe and fode to aungels in heuen. and to men in er­the. that is. Iesu. that ys to say, Sauyoure. For he ha­the saued vs fro synne and from helle. he sauethe vs dayly from the malyce of the fende. and from peryl­les. and he hathe opened to ve y e way of endelesse sal­uaciō. therfore endelesly be that swete fruyte blessed. Amen. So be yt. Some saye at the begynnyng of this salutacyon. Aue benigne Iesu. and some saye after Maria. mater dei. wyth other addycyons at the en­de also. And suche thynges maye be sayde when fol­ke saye theyr Aues of theyr owne deuocyon. But in the seruyce of the thyrche. I trowe yt be moste sewer. and moste medefull to obey to the comon vse of saynge. as the chyrche hathe set. w tout all suche addicions [Page] ¶If ye wyll say the Exede at the begynnyng of matyns. and of Complyn. yt ys well done. by cause ye saye yt not at Pryme / ne at Cōplyn as the vse of the chyrche ys in other seruyce. And what thys Crede is to meane. I hope wyth oure Lordes grace to wryte. when I come to the masse Crede.

THEN after these prayers ye aryse. & turne you to the aulter and enclyne. in token that ye entēde to say that h [...] ly seruyce to the onely worshyp and praysynge of oure lorde. and of hys gloryous mother oure lady. ¶And then ye blysse you wyth the sygne of the holy crosse. to chase a waye the fende with all his dyscoytos. For as Crisostome sayth. Super Math. omelia .lv. where euer the fendes se the sygne of the crosse. they flye away dredyng yt as a stafte that they are beten wyth all. And in thys blyssynge ye begynne wyth youre honde at the hedde downewarde. & then to the lyfte syde [...] and after to the righte syde. in token. & byloue y t our lorde Iesu cryste came downe from the hed. y t is frō the father in to erthe be his holy incarnaciō. & from the erthe into the lyfte s [...] de y t is hel. by hys bytten passyon. & from thense vnto his fathers ryght syde by his glorous ascenciō. And after this. ye bryng your hande to your bres [...]e. in token y t ye ar come to thanke hym. & prayse hym [...] in the enderest of youre harte for tho benefytes. ¶But fee as moche▪ as nether ye. ne eny other creaturs in erth is suffycient or worthy dewly to prayse y e gloryous quyne of heuen. that is the reuerent mother of god. & lady of aungels▪ therfore fyrst at the begynnyng ye aske her leaue to prayse her and saye. [Page xli] Digna [...]e me [...]udare, &c, that is. Holy vyrgyn vouchesafe [...] I prayse the. ¶And for the fendes are euer besy token her praysynge / as thynge that turneth them to theyr great shame and reprefe / by cause that the me­denesse of y e cleue vyrgyn ouercome them in all theyr pryde therfore ye aske helpe ageynste them. when ye ye say. Damithi virtutem, &c, that [...]. Geue me strenghte agenste thyne enemyes. ¶Then trustynge that she hathe gyuen you leaue▪ ye begynne to prayse her. with the aungel Gabryel. sayng in reniembraunce of the ioy of the incarnacyō of oure lorde Iesu cryste. in her moste reuere [...]te wombe. Luce. primo. Aue maria, &c, that ys. Hayle marye full of greate ou [...] lorde in w t the. Benedicta tum mulieribus Blyssed be thow aboue all women. and blyssed be Iesu the fruite of thy wombe. ¶when ye haue this begonne wyth oure lady and founde comforte in hyr. ye begynne to desyre to prayse oure lorde god. But for yt fele youre selfe vnworthy. so moche as to open youre mouthe therto. therfore ye pray hym to open your lyppes. to hys praysynge and saye. Psalmo. l. Domine la [...]ea mea aperies, that ys. Lorde thow shalte open my lyppes. Etos meum m [...] ciabus. &c. and my mouthe shall shew thy praysynge. Thys verse ys only sayde at mattyns. that ys the begyn­nynge of goddes seruyce. in token that the fyrste openynge of youre lyppes / or mouthe. shulde be to the praysynge of god. and all the day after / they shulde abyde open. and redy to the same. and be so occupyed and fylled therwyth / that nothynge contrary to hys praysynge myght enter in. or out therby. ¶But for ye may neyther say. nede eny thynge wel. eny tyme of the day. w tout hys helpe. as he sayeth hymselfe in [Page] hys gospel. Ioan. xv. Sine me nichil potestis facere, that ys, wythe out me ye may do ryghte noughte. Therfore bothe at mat­tyns. and at begynnynge of eche houre. ye aske hys helpe. Psalmo. lxix. & say. Deus in adiutornīmeum intende. That ye [...] God take hede vnto my helpe. ¶And for as moche as he that ys in doynge of a thynge. and may not brynge yt aboute. hathe nede of hasty helpe▪ therfore felying youre nede. ye pray oure lorde to haste hym. and say [...] Domine ad adiuūandum me festi [...], that ys. Lorde haste the to helpe me. ¶And take hede that all thys verse. bothe that parte. that ys sayde of one alone. and that. that ys answered. of all togyther▪ ar sayde in the singuler nomber, as when ye say myne. or me. and not oure. ne vs [...] in token that ye begynne youre praysynge and prayer in the persone of holy chyrche. whiche ys one. & not many. For though there be many members of holy chyrche. as there ys many crysten men. and women [...] yet they make one body. that ys holy chyrche. wherof cryst is the hed. ¶ And for that prayer that ys sayde in the persone. and vuy [...]e of holy ch­yrche. is neuer lefte vnspedde▪ therfore truslyng that oure lorde hathe harde youre prayer. and ys come to helpe you. ye begyn all to gyther. lowly enclynynge to prayse the blyssed trynyte, & say. Gloria [...]atri et filto et spiritui sancto, that is. Glory be to the father. and to the so­ne. and to the holy goste. One glory to all thre. For tho thre persones ys one god. Thys worde glory ys u [...] comon englyshe. and therfore ye shall vnderstonde y t glory ys called a good fame often spoken of w t praysynge. Therfore when ye bydde glory to the father. & to the sonne, and to the holy goste▪ ye aske aud desy [...]t [Page xlii] that the blyssed trynyte shulde alwayes be praysed & thanked. and worshyped. for hys endeles goodnesse that ys in hymselfe. and for all the benefytes. that he hathe done. and dothe. and shall do to hys creatures. bothe in makyng of creatures in the begynnynge. & cōtynuall kepyng of thē in theyr beyng. & in the parfyt ende that he shall brynge all thynge to. And therfore ye adde to. & saye. Sicut erat in principio. That ys As [...]y was in the begynnynge. and now and alwayes. and wythout ende. Amen. ¶And for ye shall not in this praysynge delyte you in melodye of the songe. or of the notes. ne in youre owne voyces. but all youre ioye. and delyte muste be sette only in god▪ therfore anon after Gloria patri. ye saye. Alleluya. that is a worde of ioy. and praysyng. and specyally yt betokeneth that vnspecable ioye. that ys in heuen endelesly in pray­synge and lawdynge of god. Therefore praysynge oure lorde wyth suche goostly ioye as ye can haue in hym here. & desyrynge to prayse hym in euerlastyng ioy▪ ye say. Alleluya. Doctoures sayeth that. Alleluya is as moche to say. as prayse ye god. or the praisyng of god. or lorde make me safe. or synge praysynge to god / or father and sonne and holy goste / or lyghte. lyfe. and helthe. ¶But for yt ys a worde of ioye▪ therfore in tyme of penaunce. that is from Septuagesi­me tyl Ester. yt is lefte. & in slede therof ye say. Laus tibi domine rex eterne glorie. that ys. Lorde praysynge be to the. Kynge of endelesse blysse. For though penaunce doynge be praysynge to god. yet yt ys done in sorowe of harte. and sharpenesse of body. and not in gladnesse and ioye. namely for synfull people. And therfore in [Page] tyme of penaunce. we saye. Laus tibi. not in ioye. but in praysynge of god. and not Alleluya. whyche ys a worde bothe of praysynge and of ioye.

¶Of the Inuitatory.

BUt for yt suffyseth not to you to prayse. and to ioye in god alone. but yf ye sturre other to the same▪ therfore after Alleluya or Laus tibi. ye begynne the In­uitatory. that ys as moche to saye. as a callynge. or a sturrynge. wherby eche of you sturreth. and exhorteth other to the praysyng of god. & of oure lady. And therby also. ye calle them that here you. and desyre other that ar absente to co­me to prayse w t you. And therto accordeth the psalme Venite. that foloweth. and ys songe. wyth the Inui­tatory. But the Inuitatory ys som tyme songe hole. and somtyme halfe▪ for som come hole to goddes seruyce to prayse hym. with body and soulle. & all theyr myghtes. And some come but halfe. for thoughe the body be there. the harte ys on other thynges. as oure lorde sayth bothe by hys Prophete. Esaie. xxix. and in hys Gos­pel. Populus hic labus me honorat, cor autem eorum longe est a me. Math. xv. Thys people worshypeth me wyth theyr lyppes. But theyr harte is farre from me. But fyue tymes yt is songe hole. for they that wyll be hole in oure lordes seruice muste full warely kepe theyr fyue wyttes, bothe the vtter wyttes and the inner. And thryes yt ys songe halfe. for there is thre maner of people. whiche as the gospel tellyth. Luce. xiiii. were called to oure Lordes soper. and came not. for Pryde. for worldlynesse. and for flesshelynesse. ¶But ye that ar closed fro the occasyons of [Page xliii] soche lettynges. muste come wyth hole harte. and feruente wylle. to the praysynges of the blyssed trynite and of the quyene of heuen. and saye. ¶ Trinū deum. et vnum pronis mentibus adoremins. Virgini (que) matri gratu­lantibus animis iugiter iubilemus. that ys. worshyp we wy­th meke and redy soulles god. that ys thre and one. that is to say thre in parsones. and one in substaunce & in god hed. And prayse we besyly and intencyfly the vyrgyn mother. wyth ioyfull hartes.

VEnite Thys psalme is writen in the Psalter. Psalmo. 94. and yt contey­neth fyue verses. In the firste verse. we ar called. and exhorted to come to prayse god. In y e tow nexte verses ys expressed the cause why we shulde prayse hym. And in the tow laste verses. ys tolde y e pareyl of them. that wyl not come to loue hym. and prayse hym. Then ye be­gynne and say. Venite, that ys. Come ye. To whome speke ye▪ they that are presente / ar come alredy. they that ar absente▪ may not here you. whome bydde ye come. and whyther▪ Oure lorde ys ouer all presente and euer more redy to here them that pray in chyrche but all ar not come to hym. that ar come to chyrche. For he sayeth of some that worshyp hym with theyr mouthes. that theyr harte ys farre from hym. Ther­fore to them ye say. Venite. Come ye. as yf ye sayde. Gather to gyther all the thoughtes. and myghtes of youre harte. and sette them onely vpon hym. and so come to hym in the reuerente drede. & deuocyon. and Exultemus domino, Ioye we outwarde with all the seruyce of oure bodyes in oure Lorde. And in none other thynge. [Page] Iubilemus deo salutari nostro, Ioye we in god oure sauyoure. That is Iesu cryste. wyth all the powres of our soulles inwarde. that oure loue. and deuocyon be so mo­che in hym. that neyther we maye hyde yt. ne fully shew yt. For so meanyth thys worde Iubilemus. And that we may the better ioye thus in hym. Preocupe­mus faciem eius in confessione, Occupye we hys fa [...]e before in confessyon. There ys confessyon of synnes. and con­fessyon of praysyng. Oure lorde Iesu cryste sheweth now hys face of grace and of mercy. but at the daye of dome he shall shew his face of ryghtwesnesse. and for we wote not how sone y dome cometh by our oune deth. therfore come anon. er he shewe the face of ryghte we [...]nesse. and occupye we the face of hys mercy and of grace in cōfessyon. knowlegynge our synnes and vnkyndenesse ageynste hym. and hys goodnesse and manyfolde benefytes and kyndenes to vs. Oc­cupy we thus his face before. er the fende occupy our hartes. wyth eny vanytyes. that shulde dystracte vs from hym. Et in psalmis iubilemus ei, And Ioyefully synge we to hym in psalmes. To him synge we. and not to plesaunce of the herers. But why shulde we do thus▪ Quoniam deus magnus dominus, For god ys a great Lorde in power & lordeshyp. aboue all thynges. Et rex mag­nus super omnes deos. And a greate kynge aboue all goddes Aungels. and sayntes. and all good men & women. specyally they that ar in dygnite. and astate of power▪ ar called goddes. by cause that god hathe parted wyth them. of hys verteues. power, or grace. But all these ar subiecte to hym. & may not do but by hys leaue. therfore he is a greate kynge aboue all goddes [Page xliiii] And though he be thus greate in power. he ys neuer­thelesse large in plenty of benygnite & of mercy. wherby wote we▪ Quoniam non repellit dominus plebem su­am, For the same lorde shall not forsake. ne caste from hym hys people. haue they neuer done so yuel. so they wyll be hys. by amendemente. and of what secte or contreso euer they be. hethen or crysten. sarasen. or Iewe. Quia in manu eius sūt omnes fines terre. For in his hande & power ar all the contrees of erthe. And amongest them all he taketh hede of them what euer they be. that meke them selfe in fayth and penaunce. loue and deuocyon. And therfore yt folowyth. [...]t altitudines monciū ipse cōspicit And the hyghnesse and depnesse of mounteynes he beholdeth. As hygh as a moūteyne is to the beholdynge of him that standeth bynethe▪ as depe ys yt to the syghte of hym that standeth aboue & loketh dounewarde. then a mounteyne ys bothe hyghe and depe. for they that make them selfe depe and lowe to god. by mekenesse. he beholdeth by hys mercy. and lyfteth them vp. and maketh them hyghe mounteynes by hys grace. And therfore sayeth the prophete here. that the hyghnesse. and depnesse of mounteynes he beholdeth. ¶ Quoni [...]am ipsius est mare et ipse fecit illud, For the see ys hys and he made yt. For lyke as the bytter see ys kepte wythin hys boundes by the power of god & may not flowe vpon the erthe but by hys leaue▪ Ryghte so no try­bulacyon ne temptacyon maye c [...]me to man but by the sufferaūce of god. whyche temperyth all thynges to hys seruauntes. Primo. Cop. [...] as they may bere to theyr mooste profyt. For of them he hathe greate cure. and therfore yt shewyth. Et aridam fundauerunt manus eius, And the [Page] drye erthe. hys handes hathe grounded. For them that ar drye from all moysture of synne, and thryste onely the loue of god. and reuerence of hym. he foundeth and strenghteneth in soche stablenesse of vertew. and grace. that no fersenesse of the see of temptacyon. or try­bulacyon. may preuayle ageynste them. And for he dothe all this. yf ye wolde not afore▪ at y e leaste now Venite adoremus, et procidamus ante deum, Come ye & worshyp we. and falle we downe before god. Come. by loue and worshyp hym. by synguler reuerence that longeth onely to god. And falle we downe. by mekenes of body and soulle. before god. beholdynge hys reuerente presence. Ploremus. wepe we. yeldyng vs gylty. not for the thanke of man. but Coram domino. Before oure lorde. qui fecit nos, That made vs. For there ys a greate homelynesse and truste of the thynge made. to the maker. that woteth what. and why he made yt. For after oure bo­dy we ar made frayle. and therfore oure maker wyll spare vs. and helpe vs. and graunte vs mercy. After the soulle. we ar made to hys lykenesse. and therfore we maye and oughte to desyre. to be lyke to hym by grace. And after bothe the soulle and the body. he made vs to be parteners of his blysse. and thefore we oughte to dyspose vs therto. and seke. and desyre to ha­ue hym for oure rewarde in euerlastynge pocessyon. Quia ipse est dominus deus noster, For he ys oure lorde god. And we may sykerly desyre to haue that ys oures. And we ar his. For we are hys people. Nos autem populus eius. And the sheepe of hys pasture. Et oues pascue eius. For he fedeth vs wyth pasture of hys holy sacramentes. and of hys holy worde. and of his confortable grace [Page xlv] & hathe ordeyned vs to haue hymselfe to our endeles refeccyon in blysse. yf we be hys trew sheepe. fruyte­fulle in wolle of verteues. and in mylke of pyte. and in lambren of good dedes. and in dongue of mekenes and in flesshe of charyte. and deuocyon. ¶But sy­the oure lorde. sheweth thus many benefytes to vs. we haue nede to beware that we forfet them not by oure owne wylfull vnkyndenesse. and therto we ar exhorted in the verse folowynge. when he sayeth. yf ye here hys voyce thys day. harde not youre hartes. or haue not in wylle to harde youre hartes contrary to hys voyce. ¶ Hodie si vocem eius audieritis, nolite obdurare corda vestra. If ye here hys voyce thys daye. do not harde youre har [...]es. The tyme of the olde lawe that was before the incarnacyon of oure lorde Iesu cryste. was lykened to the nyghte. And the tyme after hys holy incarnacion was lykened to the daye. Romanos. xi [...] as the apostel saynte Paule sayeth. In this are we. and in this grace we here oure lordes voyce. bothe in hys holy gos­pell. and in hys scrypture. and by inspyracion of his holy gooste. And yf ye wylle not obaye therto. then we deserue. that grace shulde be w tdrawen. by why­che wythdrawynge. oure hartes waxe harde and ob­stynate ageynste all goodnesse. And therfore we are warned to take hede. to the voyce of oure lordes worde. and to the slurrynges of the holy goste. whyle the daye of hys lyfe lasteth. And therto ys gyuen vs ex­ample of the people of Israell. whome god broughte oute of Egypte. Exodi. xiiii. Capitulo. xx. Capitulo. xvi. Capitulo. xvii. in a drye waye thorughe the se. and gaue them hys lawe. and fedde them wyth Manna in deserte. & when water fayled them. he made water [Page] come oute of an harde stone to gyue them drynke. & many other maruayles he shewed them. and dyd for them. Numeri. xiiii. and allwaye they were rebelle ageynste hym. and prouoked hys yre forty yere to gyther. so moche that oure lorde swore that they shulde neuer come in the londe of reste that he had behyghte them. And no­more they dyd. For all that came oute of Egypte. dyed in deserte saue tweyne that obeyed to the wylle of god. And by thys ensample we are exhorted of oure lorde in thys psalme to be ware. leaste by mysvse of oure free wylle. we falle in blyndenesse. and hardnes of harte as they dyd. and so be priued from the londe of endeles reste. that is the blysse of heuen. Therfore sythe god hathe spoken to vs. and shewed vs many mo meruayles then euer he dyd them. he sayeth now to vs. Nolite obdurare corda vestra sicut in exacerbatione secundum diem temptationis in deserto. Harde not your hartes as they dyd. prouokynge me to wrathe in deserte. vpon the day of temptacyon. Vbi temptauerūt me patres vestri prob [...] uerunt et viderun [...]t opera mea, where youre Fathers tempted me. & preued & sawe my warkes. ¶ Quadraginta annis proximus fui generationi huic, Fourty yere to gyther was I nygh to thys generacyon. By whyche fourty yere ys vnder­stonde to vs. all the tyme of oure lyfe. whyche ought to be in penaunce. that ys to vnderstonde by fourty. for oure lorde fasted fourty dayes. and halowed that nūbre to doynge of penaūce. And all the tyme y t men lyue in erthe. our lorde ys nygh to them. & redy to re­ceyue them to mercy yf they wolde amende. Et dixisē per hu errant corde. But I sayde allwayes they erre in harte. [Page xlvi] For thoughe eny thynge appere well outwarde. the harte inwarde is euermore wandrynge from the drede of god. Ipsi vero non cognonerunt vias meas, For they knew not my wayes. By blyndenesse of theyr oune sine Quibus iuraui in ira mea, si introibūt in requiem meam, To whom I swore in my wrathe, they shal neuer enter in to my rest ¶God hathe sworne. he may not be vntrew. yf we do as they dyd. we muste haue as they had. and worse. for we haue receyued more to reken for. This psal me beganne in ioye. but yt endyth in dreade. that yf we wyll not serue hym for loue of hys benefytes. at the leaste we shulde come to hys seruyce for dreade of hys ryght wysnes. Dreade therfore & be not recheles in hys seruyce. but bothe in dreade of hys ryght wylnes & in loue. & ioye of his goodnesse▪ ende ye alway in hys praysynge & say. Gloria patri, &c, vtsupra, Thys verse. In Epistola ad Damasuin. Gloria patri, was fyrste made. in one of the generall coūsaylles. And afterwarde saynte Hierome made therto the secōde verse y t is. Sicut erat, & wrote them bothe to the Pope y t was called Damasius. to be saide after psalmes in dyuyne seruyce. And then the same Pope ordeyned and badde that so yt shulde be done.

¶Of Hymynes and Psalmes.

AFter ye haue thus called youre selfe and other to the praysynge of god. & of hys glorious mother. our lady. ye synge an hympne in worship. and praysynge of her and then psalmes and antempnes. Thys worde Hympne ys a worde of gr [...]w. and ys as moche to saye. as a praysynge. And thys worde [Page] psalme. is a worde of grew also. and ys as moche to saye also as praysynge. But hympnes betoken that praysynge that ys sayde of harte wyth tongue / and psalmes betoken that praysynge that ys done of harte in dede. By hympnes therfore is vnderstonded the lyfe of them that prayse god in contemplacyon And by psalmes is vnderstonded the conuersaciō of them that prayse god in dedes of actyue lyfe. Therfore at mattyns that ar sayde in the nyghte. whyche is a tyme moste apte to contemplacyon. the hympne. is sayde before the Psalmes. in token that contemplatyue people. prefarre the excercyse of contemplacyon before all other thynges. And at laudes. that ar sayde more nerer day whiche is a tyme of workynge. the psal­mes ar sayde before the hympne. in token that people of actyue lyfe. ar moste occupyed in outwarde dedes and lesse in gostly excercyse. And also a Pryme. tyerse. Sexte. and noune. whyche ar sayde before meate. when better dysposycion ys to contemplacion. then after meate. the hympnes ar saide before the psalmes And at euensonge. and complyn whyche ar sayde at after noune▪ the psalmes ar sayde before the hympne in token of the same thynge. And for the moste par­te of people of all the worlde. ar occupyed. moste with dedes of actyue lyfe. therfore the seruyce of holy chryche that is comon to all. begynneth at euensōge. where psalmes ar sayde before the hympne. But for ye ar moste sette to contemplacyon as youre rewle sayeth y t ye shulde entende to cōtynewall study. & to deuoute prayer / & to godly praysynges▪ therefore your seruyce begynneth at martyns where y e hympne ys sayde [Page xlvii] before the Psalmes. in token that ye oughte to prefar cōtemplacyon before dedes of actyue lyfe. Nethelesse neyther hympnes ar sayde without psalmes. ne psalmes wythout hympnes. for cōtemplatyue lyle may not be wythout actyue lyfe. ne actyue lyfe wythout contemplatyue. After hymnes. ye saye Gloria tibi do­mine. And after psalmes. Gloria patri. For whether ye be occupyed in contemplacyon gostly. or in other bo­dely dedes▪ all oughte ye to do to that ende. that the blyssed trinyte be praysed and worshyped therby.

¶The Hympne.

O Trinitatis gloria Thys Hympne hathe but foure verses proper. for the too aste verses ar comon to all the hympnes of youre seruyce. saue thre. whyche thre are of dyuerse metre. from the tother. And therfore these tow verses may not be songe after the not of thothre. In the tow fyrste verses of thys hympne ye prayse oure Lady of syxe greate prerogatyues. that she hathe aboue all o­ther creatures. A prerogatyue. is an excellente wor­thynes. In the thyrde verse. ye shewe that for tho prerogatyues. all creatures oughte of ryghte. to prayse her. In the forthe. and fyfte verse▪ ye offer youre petycyon to her. and aske that ys nedefull to you. and to all mankynde. And in the laste verse. ye thanke god. that he wolde chuse her to be hys mother. & to be bor­ne of her. ¶Thys hympne begynneth wyth O. that ys taken in dyuerse places. after dyuerse vnderston­dynges. but here yt meanyth praysynge and merue­lynge. as when a man seyth. or heryth. a thynge that [Page] ys ryghte meruaylous. he sayeth. O with other wordes. As O. what ys thys. or soche other. So ye beholdynge these syxe grete excellences in oure lady. for ye neyther can ful thynke them in harte, ne ful tel them with tongue▪ therfore wyth reuerente maru [...]ylynge and meke praysynge ye begynne, and say O. ¶The fyrste prerogatyf. ys the greate ioye. that the blyssed trynyte had. & hathe of her endelesly in hymselfe wy­thout begynnynge. more then of all other creatures. And the greate worshyp. that god hathe of hys crea­tures. by her. and for her more then by eny other creature. And thys ye shew in few wordes when ye say to her. O trinuatis gloria, O glory of the Trynyte. Thys worde glory menyth praysynge / as I sayde before. when I spake of Gloria patri. And yt menyth also ioy & gladnes. Therfore ye calle our lady the glory of the blyssed trynyte, that ys to say the ioy & the praysinge for of her he had moste ioy in hym selfe. & by her he ys moste praysed of other. as I haue sayd now before. & yt is shewed more playnely in the legende of thys seruice. ¶The secōd [...] worthynes is y t all the courte of heuen is worshyped by her as yt is worshyp to an hoste or to a cōpany. that a kynge. or a worthy ꝑsone be amongest them. And also all angels & sayntes wor­shyp her aboue all thynges. nexte after god, and therfore ye say to her. Celestis decus curie, The worshyp and beawrye of the courte of heuen. ¶The thyrde worthynesse ys that she ys the spouse of the father of heuen. And the forthe that she ys. the mother of the sonne the secō de persone in trinyte. The fader of heuen choyse this gloryous vyrgyn. to be the mother of hys onely son­ne [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page xlviii] of iesu cryste. He father. and she mother of one sonne. And so she ys called the fathers spouse. and the sō nes o [...] others. And therfore ye say vnto her. Sponsa re­gistaltiss [...], Spouse of the kynge moste hyghe. That ys the father of hou [...]. [...]ui (que) materia [...], And mother of hys sonne. Then chy [...] ys thus in englysshe. O trinitatis glo [...], O glory of the trynite. worshyp of beawte of the courte of [...] spouse of the kynge moste hyghe. and mother of his sōne. ¶The fyft [...] worthynesse ys that god ordeyned her without begynnyng to be quyene of heuen. And the [...] that he ordeyned her to be lady of al that he maner [...] too ys showe in the seconde verse sayng [...]. ¶ To deus ab initio. Got ordeyned wythout begyn [...] to be [...] of blysse. and made the Lady aboue all that he made. Vt de poll. wherfore heuens. erehe. the see. and al that [...] them. prayse the of dew ryghte as moste accep­table treasure in her souerayne lorde. I Here take hede. that all creatures ar cōteyned in these thre places. that ys heuens. erthe. and see. One heuen ys where aungels and sayntes are. A nother heuen ys called the fy [...]mamente where are the sterres. and vnder that sōne and [...] and other planettes and elementes In erthe ar [...] and beastes and fowles. In the see are fys [...]hes. and other beastes of theses. And all these are bounde to prayse oure lady. as ye saye in thys sayde verse. ¶After ye haue thus praysed oure Lady. You make youre petycyon to her. trustynge that she wyll here you and saye. Uirgo dum gratissima. Uirgyn moste ac­ceps [...]. and pleasaunce to god of all creatures that he made. make vs kynde and acceptable to hym. whome he boughte wy­th hys bloud [...]. Here ye maye se. that ye praye not onely [Page] [...] [Page xlix] And therfore in praysyng of the holy trinite for that bede. ye say. Gloria tibi domine, Glory be to the Lorde. that was borne of the vy [...]gyn, wych the father and the holy gooste w t [...]. Amen [...] vnderstond [...] not. that the father & the holy gooste wer [...] bor [...] of the vyrgyn. but onely the sonne wyth wh [...]heye gyue glory and praysynge to the father and to the holy gooste. Amen.

¶Of Antempnes and Psalmes.

OAmabilis virgo, After the Hympne cometh Antempnes. and psalmes. Antem ys as [...]oche to say as a so wnynge before. for yt ys begonne before the Psalmes, yt is as moche to saye as a sownynge ageynste. The antempnes of youre seruyce. are taken of the psalmes that they serue to, as thus, the fyrste psalme here ys Quare fremuerun [...]. In thys psalme ys a verse that begynneth thus. Ego [...]utem cōstitutus fum rex abeo super syon montem sanctum eius [...] And a nother verse thus. Seruite domini in ti more. et exultere es cum tremo [...]e. And these wordes are applyed to oure lady. and sette in the fyrst antempne that ys. Oamabilis. And the same ye may se of al other antempnes. and psalmes. for the moste parte. ¶Psalmes betoken good dedes. as I sayde before. And antemnes betoken charite. The antempne ys begonne before the psalme. and the psalme ys tuned after the antempne▪ tokenynge y t there may no dede be good. but yf yt he begone of charite. and rewled by charite in the doynge. ¶The antempne ys also taken of the [Page] psalme▪ for dedes shew where charite ys. as saynte Gregory sayeth. Omelia. xxx. Probatio vere dilectionis est exhibitio operis, The doynge he sayeth of dede. ys the proufe of trew loue and charite. The antempne ys fyrste begonne of one. & afterwarde ended of all▪ in token that charite beginneth fyrste of god that ys one. for he loueth vs fyrste. as saynte Iohn̄ saythe. Pri. Ioan. iiii. and therfore we oughte to begynne our loue in hym. and so sprede yt after to all. And therto accordeth. that the syster that begynneth the antempne alone. standeth turned to y e auiter. and afterwarde turueth to the quyere / in token that cha­rite begynneth in the loue of god. & afterwarde stret­cheth to al other. The antempne before the psalme is begonne but a lytell. but after yt is sōge all hole▪ to­kenynge that charite without dedes is but lytell. but in good dedes yt is encresed. and at the ende when the rewarde of good dedes shall be gyuen in blysse. then shall the Antempne be songe all hole. and that of all togyther / for then sahll Charyte be full and parfyt. wherby all shall ioye in god. and all togyther eche of other. ¶The Psalme ys songe. one verse on the tone syde [...] a nother on the tother▪ in token that the gyftes of the holy goste. wherby men do good dedes. are gy­uen some to one. & some to an other. But in syngyng of psalmes. y e quyere standeth turned. eyther to other & syngeth face to face. in token that the gyftes of god that eche one hathe receyued. oughte to be vsed to the helpynge. eche of other. He to helpe hym with that he can or may better then he. & he to doo ageyne for hym the same wyth that. that god hathe parted with hym and so eche to helpe other / and to bere other. And then [Page xl] ar the psalmes well songe. quyer to quyer. ¶In psalmodye somtyme ye stonde. For ye oughte to be redy & stronge. to do good dedes. And somtyme ye sytte. for ye oughte to se that all youre dedes be done restfully wyth pease of other as farre as in you. when youre souerayne cometh. she dothe the same. for sōtyme she muste stonde strongly by correccyon of yuel. & mayn tenaunce of ryght. And sōtyme she muste sytte easely by fauoure of verteu. and by pyte of feble and frayle and by pacyence vnto all [...] ¶Though thys be trewe after the sprytuall meanynge / yet after the letter. the chaungeyng that is in goddes seruice frō one thynge to a nother. is ordeyned to let. and dryue a way your bulnesse that ye shulde not waxe tedyous and wery. but gladly. & ioyfully. not in veyne ioye. but in ioye of sprytuall deuocyon▪ contynew in goddes seruyce Therfore somtyme ye synge. somtyme ye rede. som­tyme ye here. now one alone. now [...]wayne to gyther now all. Somtyme ye sytte. somtyme ye stonde. somtyme ye enclyne. sōtyme ye knele. now towarde the au [...]ter now towarde the quyer. now in stalles. now in the myddes. And in all thys. ye medel hymnes w t psalmes. and psalmes w t antempnes. & antempnes w t versycles. & lessons w t responces. & responces with verse. & so fourthe of many suche other. And all to the praysynge of our lorde Iesu cryste. and of hys moste reuerent moder our lady. & so to excersyce the body to quyckenynge of the soulle▪ that the [...] w t all soche bodely obseruaunces shulde not be founde w tout cause of gostly vnderstondynge as I sayde ryght now before ¶Now ioyne to all thys▪ the fruyte of that thynge [Page] that ys songe and redde. and therto▪ the felyshyp of aungels amongest you in tyme of goddes seruyce. & moste of all▪ the meruaylous &vnspecable presence of god hymselfe. from whome oure lady is not farre namely amongest you that ar chosen so specyally to syng her dayly praysyng▪ & se whyther yt be not ny a nother heuen▪ to serue and prayse god in the quyer. ¶ In thys beholdynge lyfte vp youre hartes to that glorious quyene of blysse [...] to that pytefull mother of mercy. & to that moste gentyl and worthy vyrgyn. & .i. say. O amabilis virgo, O amyable & louely vyrgyn. O may­den worthy to be loued of god. that arte ordeyned & made quiene vpon hys holy mounte of Syon▪ make vs to serue thy sonne in drede. and to ioy to hym intremlynge drede. Understōde by Syon specyally yf ye wylle. thys monastery of Syon. where vpō our lady is chyef lady & quyene. But generally & more to her worshyp. vnderstōde by Syon. all holy chyrche. where vpō she ys quyene. for she is mother to hym that is kynge & hed of all holy chyrche. .ii. ¶Antempne. O susceptor. O receyuer & glory of mari alway vyrgyn. aryse ageynste oure aduersaryes. & thy blyssynge may come vpon thy people. Here ye calle god allmyghty our ladyes receyuer. for all graces. and vertues that euer she had. and all good dedes. thoughtes. & wordes that euer she dyd. or thoughte. or sayde▪ she offred thē all vp to hym. & kepte ryghte noughte to hyrselfe therof. And they were suche. as hym lyste to take. & kepe in hys owne tresourye tyl at the laste. he receyued vp her soulle and body in to hys endelesse blysse, ye calle hym also her glory. For as god ioyed moste of her. so all her ioy. was euer in hym. so moche. that all thyng [Page li] to were. better to her. saue he a lone. ¶Antempne. Interuenience te, O [...]ther of god. god make vs worthy by mene .iii. of thy prayer to offer to hym sacryfyce of ryghtewsnesse. vpon whome ys sealed the lyghte of hy [...] chayre. ¶The sacrifyce of ryghtewsnesse ys to fle yuel. and to do good. Oure resonable soulle ys called oure lordes chayre. for yt ys made to hys lyke [...]esse. but yt was defoyled. and darkyd. and mysshape by syn [...]e. But by y e lyghte of grace in our baptym. and by penaūce doynge. yt is now sealed ageyne. and reformed to the lykenesse of god. as ware taketh lykenesse of the seale. and as a peny hathe impressed the image of the kynge. And therfore ye say. The lyghte of his chayre is sealed. or impressed vpō vs ¶All these thre Antempnes begynne with O. as ye may se by the Englyshe. and that ys mente here. bo­the for praysynge. and for prayer. for bothe praysynge. and prayer ys conteyned in eche Antempne. In the fyrste Antempne and in the laste. ye pray to oure lady. and in the mydel Antempne ye pray to oure lorde. and so ye begynne and ende wyth oure lady. and mydel with oure lorde. for oure lady muste be the mene to brynge vs to our god. and to kepe vs stylle there. when weare wyth hym. that we falle not frome hym. And for the same cause. all your howres begynne fyrste wyth oure Lady when ye saye. Dignare me, and Aue maria, and they ende wyth her also. for afttr eche howre ye say Aue maria, and that ys for her mer­cyfull helpe shulde kepe vs in to oure lorde fyrste and laste, and on eche syde.

¶why ye haue thre Psalmes in the begynnynge of eche story.


[Page] YF ye wyll wyt why ye haue eche daye thre psalmes before youre lessons▪ ye shulde vnderstonde that there ys thre maner of dedes that we oughte to do. some longe to god. sō ­me to oure selfe. and some to our euen crysten. ¶But these thre maner of dedes are often lettyd. and somtyme destroyed by thre synnes. that is Pryde. Couetyse and flesshely synne. in whiche ar vnderstonde all synnes. as saynte Iohn̄ sayeth. Pri. Ioan. ii. And so by them. the thre powers of the soulle. that is mynde. reson. and wylle are defoyled. Therfore yt ys necessary for vs to caste oute these synnes. and to refourme our soulle. by thre partes of penaunce. that ys contrycyon. confessyon. and satysfaccion. And after to kepe oure soulle stable in these thre vertewes. Fayth. Hope. and Charite. That the same soulle maye come at oure ende to the trynyte of blysse. father and sonne and holy gooste. And there to be endowed. wyth thre doweryts. that is to knowe god in full clerenes. to haue hym in sewre pocessyon. and to loue hym in fullnesse of perfeccyon. and so to abyde wyth hym endelesly in ioye. And therfore that thys shulde be the ende of youre laboure youre seruyce that is departed in seuen storyes. hathe at the begynnynge of eche of the seuen mattyns therof. a trinyte of psalmes. that ys to saye thre psalmes accordynge in nombre to these seuen trynytes that I haue now spoken of. whyche be these. the fyrste. a trynyte of dedes. the secōde. a trinyte of synnes. the thyrde. a trinyte of powers. the forthe. a trinyte of penaū ce. the fyfte. a trynyte of vertues. the syxte. a trynite of blysse. and the .vii. a trynite of dowryes in heuen. [Page lii] And in thys ye shall ende your storyes. and begynne to synge there a new songe of praysynge. and of ioye that neuer shall haue ende. Amen.

¶Of the Uersicle.

INclina aurem, After ye haue praysed god. & hys moste glorious moder. in psalmes & antēpnes. ye turne you to reding and herynge of lessons, to techyng & edyfycaciō of your soulles. And therfore betwene bothe. ye saye a versicle. y t is to say a lytel torning for ye turne you from psalmody. to redyng & heryng And when the versycle is in sayng ye turne you to y e aulter. or to y e Eest. bothe in token that all is entended to the worshyp of god. & also to aske forgyuenesse of hym. yf ye haue oughte offended him. by eny neglygē ce in your psalmes. & for to aske helpe y t ye may rede. here your legende to his pleasaūce This versycle is sō ge of tweyne as the Venite is for lyke as the Venite is a callynge to psalmody. so in maner is the versycle a warninge. y t ye shulde be redy to take hede. & to turne your mynde to y e lessōs. And therfore all the quier answereth accordyng & assentyng to y e same. And for ye shulde be the soner spedde. y e versycle ys dyrecte vnto our lady. wherin ye pray her. y e lyke as our lorde vouched safe to meke himselfe to her. so she vouche safe to bowe her ere to hering of your prayer therfore ye say thus. Inclina. O quyene of heuens enclyne thyn ere to vs. Ad quam, To whome the lorde of lordes enclyned hymselfe for vs.

¶Of the Pater noster before the lessons.


[Page] THEN ye knele downe & say a Pater noster, asking lyghte of wysdome. and of grace to vnderstonde that shall be redde. & askynge strengthe to w tstande the besynesse of youre enemy, that is full besy to lette you by some occasyō from the fruyte of that holy r [...]d [...]ng. And therfore after youre Pater noster, and Aue maria [...] Whiche ye say in scylence. for to gather the more restfully your mynde togyther▪ ye say ageyn tow petycions of your Pater noster, all a lowde. that is Et ne nos and Sed libera nos askyng to be delyuerde from the malyce of the fende that he ouer come you not by eny tēptacyon in tyme of redyng. & heryng. And this is done. to shew the nede that ye haue to be spedde of tho tow petyciōs. that causeth them here to be asked twyes. fyrste priuely. & after openly. for bothe she that redeth openly. hath nede to be kepte from vanyte. & they that here yt in styl­nesse. haue nede to be kepte from dulnesse & dystracciō

¶Of the Absolucyon.

AFter Pater noster foloweth an Absolucyon. that is as moche to say as a losynge fro. or a fredome. for therin ye aske to be saued. & defended. & so to be lose. & free from all thynge that myghte let you from deuoutherring. or redyng. of the holy lessōs y t folowe Netheles absoluciō ye ta­ken here for soche a fredome as is determyned to no­thinge in certeyne. but yt may be applyed generally or specially to what a man wylle that good is. And therfore in this absoluciō. ye aske to be saued. & defended. but fro what thing yt is not expressed. And therfore eche one of you may apply yt to suche thyng. as ye fele ye haue moste nede to be saued & defended from [Page liii] [...] [Page] [...] [Page liiii] trynite of persones. and the vnite of substaunce. and how the endelesse worde of the father. that is oure lorde Iesu cryste was not departed by hys incarnacion from the father. and frome the holy gooste. And how god knew all thynges wythout begynnynge before or eny thynge was made. And how hys only chary­te. and none other thynge sturred hym to make crea­tures. that they shulde euerlastyngly ioye wyth hym And how oure Lady was moste excellente in goddes syghte endelesly wythout begynnynge aboue all creatures. And how god sawe that all the foure elementes shulde be so dysposed in her holy body. y t she shulde neuer do ageynste the wylle of god. And how therfore in the endelesse for knowynge of her. the blyssed trynyte ioyed more then of all other creatures. ¶Thys lesson begynneth thus. Ioan. Primo [...] Verbū de quo. The worde that Iohn̄ the euangelyste maketh mynde of in hys Gos­pel▪ was endelesly wyth the father and wyth the holy goste one. god. Tres enim, For there ar thre persones and in them is one parfyt godhed. Hee siquidem, And these thre persones▪ were a lyke euen in all thynges. Erarnan (que) [...] For to them all was one wylle. one wysdome. one power. one fayrenesse. one verteu. one chary­te. one ioye. Imposibile vt [...] (que), For yt were impossyble this worde to be god▪ yf yt myghte be departed from the father and the holy goos [...]e▪ as ensample maye b [...] had of thys worde. Ita. that semeth to sowne trouthe. and to conteyne thre letters in yt selfe. Quemadmodū enim, For lyke as yf eny of tho thre letters were with or a wen from other▪ they shulde not then haue the same [...]ffecte that they had before. for they shulde not make [Page] the same worde▪ on the same wyse yt ys to be vn­derstonde of thre persones in one godhed. For yf eny of them were departable from other. as yf it were vn euen to the tother. or faylynge in eny thynge. that an other had▪ then shulde not godhed seme to be in them. for yt ys vndepartable in ytselfe. Per humanitatis, It ys also vnlefull to beleue. that the worde. that ys the sōne of god. was departed from the father. and from the holy goste. by takynge of his manhode: Sicut. For ryghte as a worde that we speke. though yt be thou­ghte in harte. and spoken out wyth the mouthe. yet yt may not be touched or sene. but yf yt be writen or Impressed in som materyall thynge▪ Ryght so also had yt bene vnpossyble. that thys worde that ys the sonne of god. shulde haue bene touched or sene. for the saluacyon of mankynde. but yf yt had bene vned to mannes body. Quemadmodum etiam. And as a worde when yt is sene wryten in a boke. then yt may bothe be thoughte in harte. and also spoken out by mouthe Ryghte so yt ys in no wyse to doute. but that the sonne of god. whyche myghte be sene in the body that he toke. was neuer the lesse wyth the father and wyth the holy goste in endelesse beynge. Sunt igitur. Therfo­re the thre persones. are vereyly vndepartable. vn­chaūgeable. endelesly a lyke euen in all thynges. one god. ¶ In hoc ita (que) deo, And in this same god. all thinges were knowen endelesly or they were made, beinge presente all to hys syghte, reuerently wyth fayrenesse. to hys ioye. and worshyp▪ whiche afterwarde when yt pleased hym. he broughte fourthe moste wysely in to beynge by makyng of noughte. Nulla. And [Page lv] god was not cōstrayned to make eny thinge. by eny maner nede. or for defaulte of lacke of ioye. or for his owne ꝓfyte. Impossibile, For yt was impossyble that he shulde suffer eny defaulte or lacke in himselfe. Sola igitur. Therfore his only moste feruente charite. drew hym to make thynges of noughte. that many shulde ioye with hym euerlastyngly of his vnspecable ioye Vnde omnia, wherfore he made afterwarde in moste fayre wyse all tho thynges that were to be made▪ in the same forme, and in the same maner. as they were presente in moste fayre wyse to hys syghte endelesly er they were made. Inter omnia. But amōgest all thynges that were then vnmade▪ there was one thinge before god. that soueraynely and holely passed all the other. and of that thynge god hym selfe ioyed mooste. ¶In illo nan (que). For the foure elementes. that is. the fyre. the ayre. the water. and the erth. though they were not then made▪ apperyd endelesly to y e syghte of god in that thynge vnmade. in thys maner wyse. that ys to say. that the ayre shulde be made so softe and easy in that thynge. that yt shulde neuer brethe ne blowe ageynste the holy goste. Terrae quo (que). The erthe also in that thynge vnmade. shulde be made so good & fruyte f [...]. that there shulde growe nothyng therin. but that shulde be profytable to all nedefull thynges. Aqua. The water shulde also be so peasyble therin. that frō whens euer the stormes of wyndes blew thervpon. there shulde neuer eny tempest be moued in eny wyse therin. Ignis etiam, Also the fyre shulde be so hyghe in that thynge. that the flaume & the heate therof. shulde touche to the dwellynge place wherin god was hym [Page] selfe. ¶ O maria. O mary virgyn moste pure. and moste fruytefull mother▪ thow arte thys same thynge. Sic nan (que), For so and suche were thow in the syghte of god endelesly. er thou were made▪ and afterwarde of the forsayde pure and clene elementes. thow haddest the matter of thy blyssed body. Talis ita (que). And suche were thou vnmade before god before thy makynge▪ as thow haddest deserued to be afterwarde. Erideo. And therfore thow were moche more excellente endelesly in the syghte of god to hys moste ioye▪ aboue al creatures that were to be made. Deus enim. For god the father. ioyed of thy fruytefull warkes that thow shuldest do by hys helpe. and the sonne. of thy vertu­ouse stablenesse. and the holy goste. of thy meke obe­dyence. Erat tamen, yet the ioye of the sonne and of the holy goste. was the ioye of the father. And the ioye of the father and of the holy gooste. was the ioye o [...] the sonne. And the ioye of the father and of y e sonne was the ioye of the holy goste. Vnde [...]icu [...]. wherfore lyke as to them all was one ioye of the▪ so had they al to the one charyte.

¶Of Tu autem. after the lesson.

TU autem domine mise re [...]e nostu, when the lesson is thus ended. the reder dres [...]yth her harte & voyce to god. and sayth Tu autem, that is. But thow Lorde haue mercy on vs As yf she sayde. I haue offended in my redynge. by some vanyte of my selfe. or by vnreuerence to thy holy worde. or by some other neglygence. and the herers [Page lvi] in happe also by some dystraccyon of theyr myndes. from thys holy lesson. But thow lorde haue mercy on vs. ¶Then the herers answere not to hyr askyng mer­cy. but for the holy doctryne that they haue harde in the leson and say. Deo gratias, we geue thankynges to god The reder asketh mercy rather then dothe thankynges. for he that techeth or dothe eny thynge. though yt be neuer so good. and done to neuer so good entente▪ yet he oughte not anon to gyue thankeynges to god as though he had done wele. Lu [...]e xviii. lyke as dyd the prowde pharyse as the Gospell tellyth. but he oughte to me­ke hym and aske mercy. dredynge leste he haue offen­ded in eny thinge. and not done wele. as the holy and ryghtfull and pacyente man Iob dyd. For notwythstandynge that his dedes were holy and good. yet he sayde Verebar omnia opera mea, Ioh. ix. That ys. I drede all my workes. For he that loueth clennesse o [...] conscyence. dre­deth all waye leste eny thynge shulde fyle yt. ¶ But the herers. thanke god. and saye. Deo gratias, For he that ys taughte or receyueth eny benefyte of god ou­ghte to gyue thankeynges therfore. Nethelesse the reder asketh in [...]rey for the herers. as well as for her selfe. and the herres gyue thankeynges bothe for the re­der and for themselfe▪ for all good dedes. done in ho­ly chyrche. are comon to all them that are in charyte.

¶Of the Responce,

SUmme Trinitati, After lessons foloweth Responces. that are as moche to say as answers. for the sentence therof answereth accordyngly to the matter of the lessons. as ye may se in thys fyr­ste responce. For the lesson redde befor. speketh of the blessed Trynyte. and of oure Lady. and so dothe this responce. wyth the verse. And the same is yt of other responces for the more parte. ¶The Responce wyth the Uerse betokeneth good wylles. and good dedes. whyche oughte to answere to oure knowynge and cunnynge. lyke as the responce answereth to the les­son. That lyke as we ar taughte by herynge and re­dynge▪ so we sette yt a worke in dede in oure leuyn­ge. For he that knowyth hys lordes wylle and dothe yt not▪ he shall be beten wyth many woundes. as oure lorde Iesu cryste sayeth in hys gospell. Lu [...]e. xii. ¶Thys fyrste responce ys songe in faythe and in praysynge of the blyssed Trynyte. and the verse ys prayer. ther­fore ye saye. Summe Trinitata, To the souerayne Trynyte. one symple God. fader and sonne and holy gooste [...] ys one god­hedde. euen glory. one lyke endelesse maieste. whyche makyth all the worlde subiet to hys lawes. verse. Prestet, God that ys thre and one. to whome thow O Mary plesydest soueraynely from wythout begynnynge▪ mote graūte vs grace. Benedictio [Page lvii] Succurre nobis, Helpe vs. and socoure vs mother of cryst. that broughtest ioye. to all the wofull worlde.

¶The seconde Lesson

TU quo (que) In thys Lesson ys tolde the Ioye that oure lorde hadde endelesly of oure la­dy. before she was made. by ensam­ple of the the ioye that Noe had of his shyppe before the makynge therof. after be vnderstode that he shulde make yt. And in this lesson ye speke to oure lady herselfe. and therfore thinke that oure Lady ys presente before you. and speke and synge. and rede to her wyth as greate mekenes. and reuerence. and inwarde loue and deuocyon. as yf ye se her wyth youre bodely eyne. And say to her. ¶Tu quo (que) o maria, O marye worthyest of all crea­tures so were thow endelesly before God. er then he made the [...] as the shyppe of Noe. Genesis. vi. was before the sa­me Noe. after he had knowynge of the makyng therof. er then he endyd yt as he was bydden. Nouit enim, For Noe knew. what tyme yt plesyd god to let hym knowe yt▪ what hys shyppe shulde be. Nouit deus, But God knew before all tymes what hys shyppe shulde be. that ys to saye. thy gloryous body. Gaude­bat [Page] Noe, Noe ioyed of hys shyppe er then yt was made▪ but god hymselfe Ioyed soueraynely of the. O. vyrgyn. er then he made the. Gaudebat, Noe ioyed. for hys shyppe shulde be seth rely fa [...]ned to gyther. that yt shulde not be dyssolued. or broken [...] sondre w t the strokes of eny tempestes [...] But god Ioyed that thy body shulde be made so vertuous and so stronge that yt shulde neuer be bowed to eny syne. by the harde­nesse of eny malyce. that euer shulde be in helle. Le [...]a­batur Noe, Noe ioyed that hys Shyppe shulde be so pycked wyth in and wyth out [...] that there shulde no thorrocke that myghte syre or droppe in therto.

¶ye shall vnderstonde that there ys a place in the bottome of a shyppe. wherein ys gatheryd all the fylche that cometh in to the shyppe. other by lekynge or by syinge in to yt. by the bourdes. when the shyppe is olde. or when yt is not wel pycked, or by eny other wyse. And that place stynketh ryghte fowle. and yt ys called in some contre of thys londe. & thorrocke. Other calle yt an ha [...]ron. and some [...]alle yt the bulcke of the shyppe. And thys is the thorrocke. that this Lesson spekyth of. For the shyppe of Noe was showell pycked. that there gatheryd n [...] soche fylthe ther in. as thys legende sayeth. Letabatur en eo, But God ioyed for he knew that thy wylle shulde be made so good of hys goodnesse. that thow shuldest deserue to be anoynted wythin and wythout. wyth the anoyntynge of the holy gooste. that there shulde neuer entre be openyd in thy harte to loue or couetyse temporall [Page lviii] thynges. that were to be made. in the worlde. Ita enim For as hatefull to god ys worldely couetyse in man▪ as the thorroke to Noe in hys shyppe. Letabatur Noe, Noe ioyed of the large bredeth of hys shyppe. But god ioyed of thy moste brode and moste mercyful pyte. by whyche thow shuldest loue all moste parfytly. and thow shuldest. hate no creature vnreasonabely. But pryncypally. for that thy moste benygne pyte. shulde be made so brode. that God hymselfe whyche ys so greate. that hys greatenesse maye not be vnderstonded. shulde vouche safe to lye. & turne hym in thy blessed wombe. Letabatur etiam Also Noe was glad y t hys shyppe shulde be made lyghte ynough. but god was glad. for thy vyrgynyte shulde be kepte so clere vnto thy dethe. that no fylthe of synne myghte derke yt. Letabatur ex hoc, Noe ioyed for he shulde haue in hys shyppe all the necessaryes of hys body. but god ioyed for that he shulde take all his body without de­faute. of thyne only body. Magis quo (que), And more ioyfull was god of the. O moste chaste of virgyns▪ then was Noe of hys shyppe. For Noe knew before that he shulde. go ouer of hys shyppe wyth the same body that he came in w t. Pres [...] [...]bat. But god knew before y t he shulde enter w tout body. in to the shyppe of thy moste honeste body. and that be shulde go oute of y e same shyppe. w t a body, taken of thy moste clene body. and moste pure bloude. Nouitse, Noe knew well. y t when he shulde go from his shyppe. he shulde leue it voyde. & from these fourthe. neuer turne ageyne therto. No­uit etiam. But god wyste wel before y e begynnynge of the worlde. that when he shulde be borne of the w t his [Page] manhode. thow shuldest not be lefte voyde as was Noes shyppe [...] but show shuldest abyde vyrgyn. and gloryous mother mooste fulle of all the gyftes. of the holy gooste. Et qmuis, And though hys body shulde be departed fro thy body in hys byrthe & yet he knew welle that thow shuldest neuerthelesse abyde wyth hym vndepartabely wythouten ende.

¶The seconde Responce.

O Maria v [...]hiculum. Thys worde ys taken generally for charet or shyppe or beaste or eny suche other that beryth. or caryeth eny thynge. from one place to an other. And therfore oure Lady ys called here Vehiculum, for she caryed and broughte God from heuen vnto erthe. She caried and bare god and man in one persone. in her wombe. and in her blessyd armes. She caryeth synners frome synne to grace. She caryeth and beryth all that wyll telle vpon hee ouer the see of trybulacyons. and temptacions. She caryeth and bereth precyous stones. that ys to say ryghtefull mennes soulles. from the vale of thys wret­ched worlde. so reparell [...]he Cyte of heuenly Ierusa­lem. that ys to saye. the holy company of aungels. wherof a grete parte was dystroyed and loste by the falle of fendes. Thys mercyfull lady caryeth. & bryngeth the loue of god in to the hartes of hyr seruantes. Therfore ye say to her. O maria digniss [...]um vehiculum O Mary moste whorthy cha [...] by whych the kyng of blys. hath [Page lix] vouched safe to vysyte the langurynge poure. that ys to say mankynde. that was poure from grace and langu­rynge in synne. before the comynge of cryste. Perte. and by the. precyous stones are contyneually borne from oure vale. in to the mounte of oure lorde to the reparacyon of heuenly Ierusalem. verse. ¶Infer. Therfore brynge thow in to our hartes. the very loue of hym. that by the came vnto vs. Benedictio, ¶Deum nobis, She mote make god mercyfull to vs. that was made hys dwellynge howse. Amen.

¶The thyrde Lesson.

DIligebat In thys Lesson is shewed the greate loue that god had to oure lady ende­lesly or eny thynge was made. by ex­ample of y e holy patriarke Abraham that loued his sonne ysaac or he was borne or begotten. after he was behyghte to haue so­che a sonne. And in thys lesson ye speke to oure lady herselfe. as wele as in the tother before. and therfore dresse youre mynde reuerently to her & say. Diligebat The patriarke Abraham loued hys sonne ysaac an­non as god had behyghte hym. that a sonne shulde be borne vnto hym. many yeres or he was conceyued. But wyth more charyte god almyghty hymselfe lo­ued the. O. moste swete vyrgyn Mary er eny thynge was made▪ for he knew endelesly before. that thow shuldest be borne to hys moste ioye. Minime. The pa­triarke wyste not before that hys charyte whyche he had vnto god. shulde be shewed by his sōne that was [Page] behyghte vnto hym. Sed sciebat, But god wyste flul wel wythout eny begynnynge. that hys moste grete charite. whyche he had to mankynde. shulde openly by the be shewed to all. Prenouit, Abraham knew before that hys sonne shulde be conceyued wyth shame and borne of a woman that was carnally coupled vnto hym. Presciebat, But god knew before that he shulde be conceyued in the. O. vyrgyn mooste chaste. wyth worshyp. wythout mannes workynge. & that he shulde be borne of the moste honestly. thy mayden hed alway kepte hole. Intellexit. Abraham vnderstode that the body of his sōne shulde be departed in being and in substaunce from hys body. after he had begotten hym. Presciebat vero, But God y e father knew that that blessyd body whyche hys moste swete sōne was preposed and aduised to take of the. O. moste bryght heuenly mother▪ shulde neuer be departed fro his maieste. For the sonne in the father. and the father in the sonne. in beynge. and in substaunce vndepartable. ar one god. Intellexit, Abraham vnderstode that the bo­dy begotten of hys body. shulde rotte and turne in to poulder. as well as hys owne body. Sciebat But god knew that thy moste clene body shulde no more be turned in to pouldre ne rotte. then hys moste holy body. whyche shulde be cōceyued & borne of thy maydenly body. Edificauit, Abrahā buylded a dwellynge place to hys sonne or he was cōceyued. to that entente. y t he shulde dwelle therin when he were borne. Tibi vero, But y e howse that thou shuldest dwelle in. O. peerles vyrgyn. was endelesly ordeyned before. that ys. god almyghty himselfe. O ineffabslem, O that vnspecable [Page lx] howse. that not onely closed the outwarde all abou­te. defendynge the from all pareyls. but also yt abode wythin the. strengthynge the to the perfeccyon of all vertewes. ¶Triade [...]de, Farthermore Abraham purueyed for hys sonne er he was conceyued. thre thynges. that ys to saye. whete. wyne. and oyle. that when he were borne. he shulde be fedde therwyth. Hec enim, And these thre thynges were dyfferente and dyuerse eche from other in syghte. in beynge. and in sauoure. But to the. O. desyrable vyrgyn. was purueyed frō wythout. begynnynge to thyne euerlastynge refeccyon, god hymselfe in thre parsones. not dyfferente one from a nother after the godly beynge. Et hic idem, And thys same god. was purueyed to be endelesse noryshynge to poure mankynde▪ by the. O. mary norishe of the poure. Per illa, And by these thre that the patryarke purueyed for hys sonne. may be vnderston­ded thre persones. that ys to saye. father and sonne. and holy goste. Nam sicut, For as the fatnesse of oyle may not burne. tyl a weyke. or matche be put therto▪ ryghte so the moste feruente charite of the father. sho­ne not openly in the worlde. tyl hys sonne had taken to hym a manly body. that ys vnderstonded by the weyke▪ of the. O. synguler chosen spouse of god. Quemadmodum. And as whete may not be made bre­de. tyl yt be made redy wyth many instrumentes. ryghte so the sonne of god. that ys the refeccyon of aun­gels. appered not vnder the lykenesse of brede. to the fowde of man. tylle hys body was made of many membres and ryghte shape. in thy blessed wombe. Sicut etiam, And also as wyne may not be borne but [Page] yf vessels be fyrste made redy▪ and lykewyse. the grace of the holy gooste. that is vnderstonded by the wyne oughte not to be gyuen to man. to endelesse lyfe. tylle the body of thy moste loued sonne. that ys vn­derstonded by the vessell. were made redy. by passy­on and by dethe. Hoc enim, For by thys holsom ves­sell▪ all swetnesse of grace ys mynystred and gyuen moste plenteously to aungels and men.

¶The thyrde Responce.

MAria, In thys Responce ye prayse oure lady of tow thynges. & tow thynges ye aske of her. And in the verse ye aske foure thynges. ¶The fyrst thynge of praysynge is. that ye calle her an howse so fayre arayed with the flowres of all vertewes▪ that the blessed Trinyte wolde dwelle in her and yet he closed her and all thynges in hym. And to thys praysynge. ye put a petycyon. that she vouche­safe as an howse to close in all wretches vnder her defense. ¶The seconde praysynge ys. that ye saye that she ys prudente and a ware spender and dysposer of goodes. And therfore for the secōde petycyō. ye pray her to fede them that are hongry after vertewes and grace. In the verse. fyrste ye pray her to helpe the peo­ple that is in peryl. The seconde to helpe them that ar in pryson. The thyrde. to cōforte them that ar in trybulacyon. and lacke helpe. The fourthe. to helpe and puruey for all. ¶Therfore ye say thus. Maria, Marye. howse of the hygh trynyte that closeth to gyther the and all thyn­ges [Page lxi] in hymselfe. that arte fayre arayed w t the flowres of all ver­tewes. and moste ware dyspender▪ close in wretches all aboute wych thy proteccyon. and fede the hungry wyth thy benygne prouydence. verse. Respice, Beholde mercyfull. the peryls of pe­ple. the waylynges and sorowes of caytyffes. and prysoners. the trybulacyons of fatherlesse and motherlesse. that all mote fele▪ that thy prouydence hathe be profytable to them.

¶what is vnderstōded by the thre lessons wyth the Responces & verses folowynge.

THre thinges ar nedefull to the comon helthe of man. The fyrste ys. that the vnderston­dinge. be lyghtened with knowlege of trouth to knowe what ys good & what ys yuel. And for thys knowlege ys had by redynge & heringe of holsome doctryne▪ therfore yt ys vnderstonded by the lessons. ¶The seconde ys. good vse of the frewyl that the wylle assente to loue that. that ys knowen good. And to hate that. that ys knowen yuell. And for the wylle answereth thus to the knowynge. ther­fore yt ys to vnderstonde by the responce. that ys as moche to say. as answere. for yt answereth in sentence to the lesson as ys before sayde. ¶The thyrde ys. to worke that thynge that the vnderstondyng knoweth yuel. and the wylle hateth▪ be fled in dede and es­tewed. And y e thynge. that the vnderstondynge kno­weth good. and that the wyll reuled by grace loueth▪ be done in dede. And this is vnderstōded. by the verse that is as moche to saye as a tornynge. for the knowlege and wylle. oughte thus to be turned in to dede. [Page] And after the verse. a parte of the responce is songe ageyne. For as a good wylle causeth good dedes. soo good dedes helpe to stable, and to strengthe the good wylle. ¶The lessons are harde. and the responce are songe syttynge. for knowynge of trouthe and ryghte rewlynge of the wylle. maye not be. but in a restfull soulle. But the verse ys songe stondynge. for good dedes may not be done wythout laboure. The respon­ce ys songe of all. for euery man maye haue a goode wylle. that is vnderstonded by the responce. But the verse ys songe but of few. for all folke may not ful­fylle theyr good wylles in dede. that ys vnderstonde by the verse. so moche as the holy apostell saynt Paule sayde. Romanos. vii. that he myghte not do the good that he wol­de. The lesson ys redde of one and herde of all▪ In token that eche congregacion oughte to lyue vnder one gouernoure. that shall teche them and rewle them af­ter goddes lawe. For eche man namely relygious oughte not to do after hys owne wytte or knowynge. but after the obedyence and techynge of holy chyrche and of hys souerayne. ¶Also ye shall vnderstonde that all thys worlde ys departed in to thre tymes. The fyrst tyme was. when men lyued after the lawe of nature. that ys to saye. when good men were go­uerned by theyr owne naturall reason. lyghtened by grace▪ wythoute eny lawe wryten vnto them. And thys tyme endured fro the begynnynge of the worlde vnto Moyses. The seconde tyme was when men lyued vnder the lawe writen that god gaue to Moyses And thys endured to the comynge of cryst. The thyrde tyme ys. from thense vnto the day of dome. whyle [Page lxii] chrysten men lyue vnder the lawe of grace. that oure lorde Iesu cryste taughte in hys gospell. and confer­med yt after by sendynge of the holy gooste. ¶And for in all these thre tymes. the chosen of god had suffys [...]n [...] knowynge of good. and yuell. whyche know­ynge ys vnderstonde by the lessons. and also they applyed ther wylle to the loue of god and hate of yuell. whyche wyll ys vnderstonded by the Responce. and therto they dyd theyr dewte to set theyr wylle a worke in dede. that ys vnderstonded by the verse▪ therfo­re these thre tymes ar vnderstōded by the thre lessons at mattyns. wyth the responce and verse folowyng ¶But after the laste responce. ys songe Gloria patri, For after the laste ende of these tymes. that shal be after the day of dome. all the chosen of god shall synge glory and praysynge to the blyssed trynyte wythout ende Amen.

Te deum laudamus Saynt Austyn and saynt Ambrose made fyrste thys Hympne. For after saint Austyn had lyued not only out of crysten faythe. but also as an herytyke and an enmy of cristen byleue. tyl he was aboute thyrty yere of age. And then by the prayer of hys mother. and by prechynge of saynte Ambrose was conuerted vnto the ryghte faythe. when saynte Am­brose had baptized hym. he gaue thankynges to god and sayde. Te deum laudamus, And saynt Austyn answered Te dominum cofitemur, And then saynte Am­brose. [Page] Te eternū patrem omnis terra veneratur, And then saynt Austyn the nexte verse. and so fourthe the tone one verse. and the tother a nother vnto the ende. as the feruente grace of the holy gooste wroughte in theyre soulles. and enformed theyr tongues. ¶Nethelesse ye shulde take no greate hede in the syngynge. or sa­ynge therof who made yt. but ye oughte in thys. and in all youre other seruyce as saynte Austyn sayeth. dresse youre mynde to god. and say yt as youre ow­ne speche to hym. or to hys blyssed mother. as the ser­uyce asketh. ¶But ye shall vnderstande that thys Hympne deuoutly songe▪ ys an Hympne of ryghte grete deuocyon. Cesarius. dist. viii. Capi. 90. For we rede that in the contre of sax­ouy. there was a yonge & an holy vyrgyn. in a Mo­nastery of nunnes. And yt happenyd ones in a greate feaste that she was at mattyns in the quyer. But for her mystres dred her feblenesse▪ she bad her go rest her in the dortour. The mayde was sory and lothe to go thense. and therfore after she was gone oute▪ she abode a whyle wythoute the quyer. And when thys hympne. Te deum laudamus, was begōne▪ she se in spirituall vysyon heuen open. and the systers quyer lyfte vp to heuen. And when they came to thys verse Tibi omnes angeli, She se all the orders of aūgels knele downe. and wyth greate reuerence do worshyp to god, syngynge wyth the quyer. Sanctus, Sanctus, San­ctus dominus deus sabaoth, And when she came to thys verse. Te gloriosus, She se the apostels knele doune to god, and singe fourthe with the quier. The same dyd the prophetes. when they came to thys verse. Te pro­phetarum, [Page lxiii] And the martyrs also. at thys verse. Te [...], And then all confessours. and vyrgyns. ioyned [...] the quyers sange fourthe wyth them wyth grete praysynge and ioye. And when the laste [...]. In te domine spera [...], was in syngynge▪ the quy [...]r came easely do wi [...]e agayne towarde the erthe. and heuen closed. and that blyssedfull heuenly company was sene no lenger. But moche gostly gladnes and ioye abode in theyre soulles. that were that tyme in the quyer. And by thys ye maye se how moche oure lorde god and all hys aungels and sayntes are plea­sed wyth the deuoute saynge of thys holy hympne. All the matyer of thys same Hympne ys praysynge and prayer. And fyrste ys prayse god by youre selfe. and by all creatures in erthe and saye. Te deum. we prayse the god. we knowelege the lorde. Te eternū patrem And all erthe. that ys to saye all erthely creatures. wor­shypeth the. endelesse fade [...]. Here ye call hym god. to whome longeth loue. ye calle hym lorde. to whome long­eth dreade. And ye calle hym father. to whome longeth worshyp. Therfore yf ye loue hym soueraynely in the holnesse of all youre harte. as god. And dreade hym reuerentely in the same holenesse of harte. as lorde. And soueraynely worshyp hym on the same wy­se. as father▪ then prayse ye hym trewly in these tow fyrste verses. ¶But for ye thynke youre praysynge lytell▪ therfore ye reherse to hym in spyrytuall ioye. and desyre. the praysynge that he hathe in heuen of aungels and of sayntes. And firste of aungels. when [Page] ye saye. Tibi omnes angeli [...] All aungels synge to the. heuens That ys. all spyrytuall creatures that are in heuen. And all powres. That ys to saye that order of aungels that are called potestates, synge to the [...] Tibi cherubyn, That order of aungels that ys called Cherubyn. And that order of aungels that ys called Seraphyn. synge to the. wyth voyce that neuer c [...]ssyth. And what synge they. Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus deus sabaoth. Holy. holy. holy. Lorde god of hostes. Here ye saye fyrst thryes. holy. for the trynyte of parsones. Father. and Sō ­ne and holy Gooste. And after ye saye. Lorde god. not Lordes. ne goddes. for the vnyte of substaunce. and of godhed. ye saye also. of hostes. that ys to saye of aū gels. for as an hooste in batayle ys departed in thre. that ys to saye. the forwarde. the mydel warde. and the rerewarde▪ so are the nyne orders of aungels de­parted in thre pryncehoodes. as in thre hoostes. And eche pryncehode ys departed in thre orders. as in thre wardes. Thys aungels songe is taken of the prophete Isaye. Esaie. vi. that se in spyrytuall vysyon oure lorde god sytte on an hygh sete. and Cherubyn and Seraphyn syngynge lowde eyther to other. Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus. Dominus deus sabaoth, And therfore accordynge to the aungels. ye synge quyer to quyer. one Sanctus. on the tone syde. and a nother on the tother syde. and so fourthe of other verses. And for by cause that aungels prayse god in grete reuerēce. therfore ye enclyne when ye synge theyr songe. Pleni sunt, Heuens and erthe ar full of the glory of thy maieste. Thinke euer on this verse. Thynke inwardely theron. & lett yt neuer oute of [Page lxiiii] youre mynde. Heuens and erthe are fulle of the glory of thy maieste. A thynge that ys fulle. hathe no place voyde. Then ys there no place in erthe ne aboue erthe. ne bynethe yt. no londe. no contre. no place. wythin vs. without vs. aboue vs bynethe vs. but all ys full of the glory of the maiestye of god. O god of pytye. and fa­ther of mercyes. lyghten oure darke soulles. that we may se. and contynewally beholde the presence of thy godly mageste. O wyth what reuerence. wyth what drede. wyth what inwarde deuocyon. & wyth what besy kepynge of oure selfe in thoughte. in worde and in dede. oughte we to haue vs in euery place. and in euery tyme. and in euery thynge. that euer are in presence of thys gloryous maieste. Heuens and erthe ar full of the glory of thy maieste. ¶After ye haue thus songe how aūgels prayse thus god in heuē ▪ ye reherse how sayntes prayse hym. And thys ys done. to make you lyfte vp youre myndes to ioye of theyre ioye. and to prayse god with them. and to desyre thyder where ye shall euerlastyngly prayse and ioye. Therfore ye say to oure lorde god. Te gloriosus. The gloryous Company of the Apostels. prayse the. Te prophetarum, The praysable nombre of Prophetes. prayse the. Te matirum, The fayre hoste of martyrs. that ar wasshed whyte and fayre in theyr owne blode. prayse the. ¶And not onely sayntes in heuen. but all holy chyrche in erthe prayseth hym. And therfore ye say. Te per orbem, Holy Chyrche knowlegethe the. and prayseth the thrugh out all the worlde. ¶And who yt is. that is thus praysed▪ ye telle. that yt is the blyssed Trynyte. Father. and Sonne. and holy Gooste. when ye saye. Patrem, Father of greate and of vnmesura­ble [Page] maiestye. Venerandum, Thy very and worshypfulle and onely sonne. Sanctum quo (que), And the cōforter of the holy goste ¶when ye haue thys shewed y e praysynge of the blyssed trynyte▪ ye turne to the praysynge of oure Lorde Iesu cryste. and fyrste after hys godhed saynge vnto hym. Tu rex, Thow christe arte kynge of blysse. Tu patris, Thow arte the endelesse sonne of the father. ¶And then ye prayse hym after hys manhoode for foure thynges. One ys hys incarnacyon. A nother. hys passyon. the thyrde. hys ascensyon. And the fourthe hys comynge to the dome. And these foure are shewed in the foure nexte verses after when ye saye. Tu ad liberandum, when thow shuldest take vpon the mankynde for the delyueraū ­ce of man▪ thow horydest not the vyrgyns wombe. ¶Here ye enclyne. bothe in token and in reuerence of our lordes meke comyng downe for to be man. and also in worshyp of that moste clene and holy vyrgyns wombe. wherin almyghty god ioyed for to dwelle. For yt is redde that when a deuoute woman had vsed to enclyne alwayes when she sayd thys verse in worshyp of that moste reuerente wombe▪ on a tyme she se oure lady stonde before her and enclyne ageyne to her. And therby ye may se that oure lady ys pleased wyth su­che reuerente enclynynge. Tu deuicto, Thow ouercame the turmence of dethe▪ and opendest the kyngdome of heuens to them that beleued. Tu ad dexteram, Thow syttes on goddes ryghte hand in the glory of the father. Iudex, we beleue that y arte the Iudge that shall come. ¶After ye haue thus praysed oure lorde Iesu cryste. ye pray vnto hym and say. Te ergo, Therfore we praye the helpe thy seruauntes whome thow haste boughte wyth thy precyous bloude. [Page lxv] ¶All thys verse ye enclyne for tow causes. One for here ye begynne fyrste in thys hympne to pray. A nother cause is. in worshyp of that moste riche lyquore. that most precyous pryce of our soulles. the reuerent and holy bloude of oure lorde Iesu cryst. Eterna, Make thy seruaūtes to be rewarded in endeles blysse. with thy sayntes Saluum fac. Lorde make thy people safe. & blysse thyne heritage Thys Herytage ys the hethen people. that after the passyon of our lorde Iesu cryste. are turned to ryghte faythe. & now are called crysten people. And of them saythe the Father of heuen. to hys sonne Iesu. by the prophete thus. Psamo. secūd [...] Postula a me, et dabo tibi gentes heredita­tem tuam, That ys. Aske of me. and I shall gyue the. the he­then people to thyne herytage. Therfore ye pray hym here to blysse hys herytage. that ys to say crysten people. Et rege eos. And gouerne them. here by grace. And enhaūce them in to blysse wythout ende. Per singulos, Eche daye we blysse the. Et laudamus, And we prayse thy name from tyme to tyme vnto the ende of the worlde. and after wythouten ende. Dignare domine, Lorde vouche safe to kepe vs. thys day wyth out synne. Miserere nostri. Haue mercy on vs. lorde. haue mercy on vs. Fiat misericordia, And thy mercy mote be vpon vs. as we haue trusted in the. In te domine, In the lorde I haue trusted. that I be not confounded w tout ende. Here in this worlde that hathe an ende. I wyll be confounded. and shamed. for so I must nedes. by knowlege of my synnes Here I wyll be reꝓued and despysed. for yt is to my beste. Here I wyll be scorned. & in alwyse set at nou­ghte. as thow were lorde thy selfe. that so I myghte come to thyne endeles worshyp. for thys lyfe hathe a shorte ende. and yt is noughte. And therfore lorde for [Page] I haue thus hoped in the. takynge and wylfully suf­ferynge a lytell shorte shame. in thys shorte tyme of noughte. I shall not be shamed. ne confounded w tout ende.

¶The Uersicle.

ESto nobis, Lady be to vs an helpe and forsake vs not. The answere. Nec despicias, Ne dispyse vs not souerayne lady. ¶Thys versycle ys sayde bytwene Matyns and Lawdes. for as I haue sayde before. a verse or a versycle where euer they be sayde in youre seruyce. they betoken a turnynge frō one thing to a nother. and also a warnynge to take hede. that yf the mynde were eny thynge scatered before. then to gather yt ageyne to gyther to that thynge that fo­loweth. and therfore they are alwaye sayde of one. or of twayne. or of few. that ar goddes messengers. that gyue warnynge to all the other.

¶Of the Lawdes.

[...] A laudes, Some tyme mat­tyns were sayde by themselfe in the nyghte. and laudes by them selfe at morow tyde. and the same ys yet vsed of some relygyons. and therfore laudes begynne with Deus in adiutorium, as other howres do. By matyns that are sayde in the nyghte ys vnderstonded the olde lawe. that was all in fygures of darckenesse. And by laudes that ar sayd in the morow tyde. ys vnderstonded the new lawe that ys in lyghte of grace. Also matins betoken the heuynes [Page lxvi] that was in tyme of our lordes passyon. And the laudes betoken the ioye of hys resurreccyon. whyche endureth vnto the ende of the worlde. And therfore laudes are as moche to saye as praysynges. for we that be borne in thys tyme of grace. and also of endelesse ioye. oughte to prayse god therfore. and in praysyng to thancke hym. for all hys gyftes. bothe of nature & of grace. and also of endelesse ioye. whiche ys now redy to the soulles of all that wylle dispose them therto and at the ende of thys tyme. the bodyes of them shal be arered to endelesse ioye also.

¶Of the psalmes at Laudes.

IN these Laudes ye say .viii. psalmes. which betoken eyghte orders of goddes chosen in holy chyrche. in thys sayde tyme of grace. And these eyghte orders were fygured in tho eyghte soulles that were sa­ued in the shyppe in tyme of Noes floudde when all other perysshed. Genesis. vii. Prima petri. 3. For all that ar wasshed in the floude of baptym. & kepe them in the shyppe of holy chyrche. by stedfaste faythe. and trew obedyence to god. & to the chyrche shall be safe. And all other shall be pe­ryshed in the floudde. for theyr baptym shall not hel­pe them. but if they be foūde in the shyppe of holy chirche at theyr ende. ¶The fyrste order was of the iewes that were cōuerted to the ryghte faythe by oure lorde Iesu cryste. as were hys apostels and dyscyples. & [Page] other that were turned by them. in whome oure lorde Iesu cryste reyned fyrste by grace. and began to buylde hys chyrche. And hereof speketh the fyrste psalme of laudes. that ys. Dominus regnauit, ¶The seconde order was of hethen that were called to y e faythe. and praysynge of god. in all the partyes of the worlde by the apostels & therto longeth y e seconde psalme that ys Iubilate domino omnis terra, ¶The thyrd order was of them that were in tyme of persecucyon of tyrauntes and of heretykes. when crysten people awoke in bu­sy prayer. and in ware kepynge of thēselfe. that they myghte be redy to suffer martirdom. & many thrysted that tyme in greate desyre to be martyrde for the loue of oure lorde Iesu cryste. And therto longeth the thyrde psalme. that ys. Deus deus meus, ad te de luce vigilo, ¶The forthe order ys of trew crysten people. that ar and shall be from thense vnto the cōynge of antycryst And to thys tyme longeth the forthe psalme. that ys. Deus miseriatur nostri, And take hede that the thyrde psalme & thys forthe. are ended vnder one. Gloria patri For in tyme of persecucyon. whyche is vnderstonded by the thyrde psalme as I sayde before▪ crysten peo­ple lyued in caues. and in dennes. and durste not. or myghte not come togyther to synge the praysynge of god. But after the persecucion was ceassyd and holy chyrche had foūde peace. whyche ys vnderstonded by the forthe psalme▪ then they myghte restfully prayse god to gyther. And therfore after bothe psalmes. ys songe one Gloria patri, ¶The fyfte order shall be in tyme of antecriste that was figured by the kynge of babylone. For as holy scrypture sayeth the kynge of babylone. Danielis. iii. [Page lxvii] when he had goddes people in thraldome. he put thre of them in a burnyng furneyse of fyre by cause they wolde not worshyp a certeyne ymage that he had set vp. But god kepte them in the fyre vnhurte. and there they made and songe thys psalme. Benedicite omnia opera domini domino, And lyke wyse in tyme of antycryste they that wyll not worshyp hym. shall suffer the greatest persecucyon that euer was done to crysten people. But god of hys specyall mercy & grace shall kepe hys chosen. in that fyre of trybulacyon vnhurte. so that they shall abyde in faythe and pray­synge of god. And in token therof ys thys fyfte psal­me. Benedicite, songe at laudes wythoute Gloria patri For the greatenes of that persecucyon. shall lette the open praysynge of god. that ys vsed in holy chyrche And yet tho few that shall then abyde in trew fayth and charite. shall not cease of goddes praysyng. And therfore the laste verse of the psalme saue one. that is Benedicamus patrem, ys of the same sentence. that Gloria patri. ys. but not of the same wordes. For thoughe the chosen of god in y t tyme haue not power to warke myracles and to do other open dedes to the praysyn­ge of god as martyrs and sayntes haue done before▪ yet they shall not be lesse of merite towarde god. then eny of them were. And therfore ye encline at that verse. Benedicamus patrem, as ye do at Gloria patri, ¶The syxte and the seuenthe. and the eyghte orders. shall be of them. that shall abyde. and be conuerted of all the thre partyes of the worlde. after the dethe of anticrist whyche shall then prayse god in more peace. then hathe ben in holy chirche before that tyme. And for these [Page] chosen shall not be of one people. ne of one nacyon. ne at dyuerse tymes. but at ones of all the thre partyes of the worlde. for all the worlde ys departed in thre▪ therfore they are vnderstonded by these thre laste psalmes of laudes that are songe vnder one Gloria patri, that ys to saye. Laudate dominum de celis, Cantate domino. and Laudate dominum in sanctis eius. For these thre psalmes. were made in ioye and praysyng to god. for delyueraunce of goddes people out of the thraldome of babylone. And therfore they ar cōuenyently songe in thankynge and praysynge to god for delyueraūce of hys chosen from the persecucyō of antycryste. whiche ys vnderstonded by the kynge of babylone. as yt ys sayde before.

¶Of the Antempne at laudes.

BUT all these eyghte psalmes ar tuned after one antempne. for al these eyghte orders though they were. and shall be in dyuerse tymes. yet all they are go­uerned after one faythe. and one charyte. whyche ys vnderstonded by the antempne. And the antempne ys sōge all. after the psalmes. for after these orders. the generall dome shall be when all chosen shall be broughte to fulnesse of charite in blysse of soulle & body euerlastynge. ¶ And for the saluacion of all these orders come in by oure lady and by her medyacion. yt shall be broughte to parfyt ende▪ therfore the antempne that ys the begynnyng and the ende of the psalmes. ye synge in worshyp of oure lady when ye saye. Domum tuam, Euerlastynge holynesse [Page lxviii] bysymeth lorde thy howse. that ys the vyrgyn mari in whome y u hast cladde the in fayrnesse. & gyrthe the in strengthe. ¶Here oure lady is called goddes howse. for he dwelled in her wombe. as in a howse. and there he cladde hym in fayrenesse that ys to saye in a body of man­kynde. whyche was the fayrest body that euer was sene of man. in naturall fayrenesse. and moche more after hys resurreccyon whan yt was vndeadly. He gyrthe hym also wyth strenghte of soulle by pacyent and myghty sufferaunce of all trybulacyon. And so he was fayre in them that loued hym. and stronge a­geynste them that pursued hym.

¶The Chapyter.

ECce virgo, Esaie. vii. A chapyter ys as mo­che to say as a lytel hed yt ys called lytell. for shortnesse. And yt ys called an hed. for yt ys alway taken of ho­ly scripture. and often of the pystel that is redde in the masse the same daye. And holy scrypture ys chyefe aboue all other scryptures. as the hed ys aboue all o­ther members of the body. And the chapters ar redde at other howres in stede of lessons. in way of doctry­ne and techynge as lessons ar at mattyns. And ther­fore in other howres after the chapyter. folowyth a responce with a verse. which meneth the same vnderstondynge. as dothe the lessons & responce. and verse at mattyns. But the chapyter is not begonne wyth Iube domine, ne ended wyth Tu autem, by cause yt ys alway sayde of the ebdomedary whyche occupyeth an offyce of perfeccyon. to whome yt longeth rather [Page] to gyue blyssynge then to aske yt in that offyce. And by the same way yt ys presumed that she shulde not lyghtly offende in so shorte a redynge that her shulde nede to aske mercy wyth Tu autem, But ye answere all Deo gratias, as ye do after a nother lesson. and for the same cause. as ys sayde before after the fyrste les­son at mattyns. Thys chapyter. Ecce virgo. is taken of the prophete ysaie. Esaie. vii. and they were sayde of oure lady. and of her sonne Iesu crist many hondereth yeres or eyther of thē were borne in to y e worlde. And thus they ar to saye. Ecce virgo, Lo. a vyrgyn shall cōceyue and bere a sonne. and hys name shall be called. Emanuel, He shall ea [...]e butter and hony. and he shall knowe to forsake yuell. and chuse good. ¶Emanuel is as moche to say as god wyth vs. that ys to saye partener of oure nature. and [...]o thys vyrgyns sonne ys bothe god and man. that ys Emanuel, god w t vs. For whyle he ys god in his owne nature. and wyth vs in our nature▪ so is he god and man in one persone. By butter and hony ys vnder­stonded all other meates accordinge to man. wherby is shewed that he was very man. and lyued after his body. by mannes meate. And he shall knowe to forsake y­uel and chuse good. For thoughe he were fedde as an in­faun [...]e. yet he was as wyse then as when he came to mannes age. ¶They that treate of nature saye that cheyse is yuel. and the lesse yt hathe of butter. the worse yt is. Therfore oure chylde eate butter that is with out cheyse. for he toke our nature wythout synne. He eate also hony that is swete. for he delyted hym to do mercy to synners. and to all that were in disease or in nede. the doynge of whyche mercy was to hym swetter [Page lxix] then hony. A bee gyueth hony and styngeth. So our swete bee. Iesu cryst. in his fyrste comynge gaue hony of mercy & of pyte. But they that wyll not dyspose them to receyue this hony here. shall be stonge w t the tonge of sharpe rygoure at hys seconde comynge when he shall forsake the yuel to endelesse peyne. and chuse the good to euerlastynge blysse. Therfore yt ys sayde. He shall eate butter and hony. that he can repreue yuell and chuse good.

¶A nother chapyter.

IN omnibus, Thys cha­piter ys co­monly expoūde of doctours of our lorde Iesu crist. But in holy chyrche yt is redde of oure lady. And so yt maye be vnderstonde of bothe. And thus yt ys in englyshe. In omnibus, I haue soughte reste in all people. I shal dwelle in the heritage of the lorde. then the maker of all thinges cōmaunded and sayde to me. and he that hathe made me. ha­the rested in my tabernacle. ¶ Understonde these wordes as yf our lorde Iesu cryst sayd them thus. In omnibus I haue soughte reste in all folke. For there is no nacyon. ne people, no man. ne woman in erthe. but that he desy­reth to haue saued. and seketh by sturrynges of grace to dwelle in theyr soulles. Prouerbi. vi [...]i. for hys delyces are to reste in mannes harte. But for all dyspose them not to re­ceyue hym. therfore he abydeth not but in the heryta­ge of the father that ys holy chyrche. that ys to say in them that by trew fayth and charite. and good dedes lyue in obedyēce of holy chyrche. In all he seketh. but [Page] in them onely he abydeth. Then the maker of all thynges. that ys the father. Cōmaunded & sayde vnto me. By thys cōmaundemente ys vnderstonded the sendynge. by whiche the father sente his sōne Iesu to become man. whyche ys called a cōmaundemente. as he sayeth in his go [...]pell thus. Ioan. xiiii. Sicut mandatū dedit michi pater sic facio As the [...]ather hather gyue me in cōmaūdemente. so I do. And he that hathe made me. that ys the father that made the sō ­ne after hys manhode. hathe rested in my tabernacle. that ys in the manhode of cryste. for the father was neuer the more departed from the sōne. ne the sōne from the father. thouge the sonne were become man. ¶Thys same chapyter ys also vnderstonded of oure lady. for by mediacyō of her prayers she seketh a restynge place to god in all soulles. And the fruyte of her prayer abydeth in them that ar trew chyldren of holy chyrche and partener to the herytage of heuen. The father of heuen also cōmaūded her. and also sayd vnto her. for she was euer gouerned after his cōmaundementes. & mekely obeyed in all thynges to his holy worde. and therby she deserued to be the mother of god. & so he that made her▪ rested in y e tabernacle of her swete wombe

¶The Hympne.

ALme pater thys hympne maketh mynde of the blyssed trynyte in the fyrste & the secōde. and the forthe verse. In the first verse ye speke of the incarnacyō of our lorde iesu cryst. & that ys for thre causes. one to thanke & prayse god therfore. A nother y by that holy incarnaciō. the blyssed trinyte shulde be sturred. to here your prayers And the thyrde. that ye shulde be the beter dysposed [Page lxx] and the more able to receyue the graces that ye aske. And thus vnderstondeth alwaye when eny mency­on ys made in youre seruyce of eny specyall benefyte that god hathe shewed to mankynde. as ys the ma­kynge of creatures. or hys incarnacyon. or passyon. or eny suche other that ys done. for these thre causes. ¶In the other thre verses▪ ye aske of god eyghte grete gyftes. The fyrste ys to loue hym. The seconde ys to worshyp dewly the sonne & hys mother. The thyrde ys. to lyue chaste. The forthe ys to lyue relygousely. bothe in crysten relygyon. wherto ye bounde you in youre baptem. and in thys relygyō. whereto ye ar bounde by specyall professyon. The fyfte ys. that ye be not vnredy to dye. The syxte ys. that ye be not pr [...] ned of endelesse lyfe. The seuenthe ys. that the holy goste mote dwelle in your soulles. And the eyghte is that ye fede and noryshe wyth hys grace. These gyftes ye aske for youre selfe. and for all crysten people. and saye. Alme pater, Holy fathe [...] that madest thyne onely begotten sonne to be borne for vs vretches. of the wombe of the chaste vyrgyn. Da nobis, Graunte vs to loue the alway for so greate a gyfte. and to worshyp the sonne wyth the mother. and to lyue chaste and relygyously. Ne mors, That dethe come not vnwarely. and fynde vs gylty of endelesse dethe. and make vs to lese the lyfe of blysse. Patris, Spyryte of the father & of the sōne brynge in thy selfe in to our hartes. and fede vs. and defende vs by thy grace. whome thow haste purged by baptem. Maria mater, Gloria tibi, These tow verses are declared before after the hympne at mattyns. The versycle. In eternū The worde of the hyest fader abydeth w tout ende. Quod aulam That dwelled in the hawlle of the vyrgyns wombe.

¶Of the psalme Benedictus.

[Page] BEnedictus, ye haue ī youre seruice thre gospels, that ys. Benedictus, and Magnificat, and Nunc dimittis, and all thre are songe standynge for reuerence of the gospel. ¶zacarie saint Iohn̄ baptystes father made Benedictus, and oure Ladye made Magnificat, and the holy man Symeon made Nunc dimittis, ¶These songes are not songe in the same order that they were made, for Magnificat [...] was made fyrst and then Benedictus, and laste. Nunc dimittis, But Be­nedictus, is songe fyrst. for yt maketh mynde of saynt Iohn̄ baptyste whyche was the forgoer of oure lorde Iesu cryste. as yt is sayde in the same songe. And for saynt Iohn̄ was lykened to the day starre. for as that starre goeth before the sōne. so saint Iohn̄ wente before our lorde in his cōcepcion & in his byrthe. in his prechynge. & baptysynge. & in his dethe▪ therfore thys sō ge ys songe at laudes. y t is the seruyce of the morowe tyde when that starre apperith. And also for this sōg begynneth w t praysyng & thankeyng of god for the redempcion of mankynde. & laudes are sayde to prayse god specyally for the same benefyte. as I sayd before at y e begynnyng of laudes▪ therfore yt is cōuenyente that yt be songe at laudes. ¶The fyrste parte of thys sōge speketh of our lorde Iesu crist. And the secōde parte of saint Iohn̄ baptyst. The gospel sayth y t after the aūgel gabryel had tolde zacharie. Luce. primo. how Elizabeth his wyfe shulde bere hym a sōne▪ then for he gaue not credence therto▪ he abode dōme. and myghte not speke from thense fourthe tyl after saynt Iohn̄ was borne [Page lxxi] But on the eyght day after his byrthe. when he had wryten that his name was Iohn̄ ▪ anon hys tongue was losed. & he was fylled wyth the holy gooste. and in the spyryte of prophesy. he blessyd god and sayde. Benedictus dominus deus israel, Ibidem. Blyssed be the lorde god of Israel. for he hathe vysyted & made the redēpcyon of hys people ¶Our lorde Iesu cryste was yet then in his mothers wombe. but zacarye spekyth of tyme to come. as of tyme past. for sykernesse of hys ꝓphesy. For yt was syker to be fulfylled. as yf yt had bene done. Et erexit coruu, And he hathe set vp an horne of helthe to vs. in the how­se of Dauyd hys chylde. ¶An horne growyth in the hy­est parte of a beaste. and yt ys harder then the flesshe. and softer then the bone. and therwyth the beaste de­fendyth hym ageynste noyous thynges. So oure lorde Iesu cryste toke hys body of the hyghest and wor­thyest parte of mankynde that ys our lady. and that manhod of hym ys myghtyer aboue all mankynde. and weker then god. and therwith not onely he ouer came hys enemys. but they also y e cleue therto in fay­the and deuocyon. maye therby sewrely be defendyd from all contrary powers. And therefore oure lorde Iesu. ys an horne of helthe to vs. in the howse of Dauid. whiche was goddes chylde. For though he were a greate kynge and a prophete. yet he was meke and obedyente to god. as a chylde to hys father. Sicut locutus est, As he hathe sayde by the mouthe of hys holy prophetes. that are from the begynnynge of the worlde. ¶Many Pro­phetes. & but one mouthe. for as many as were from the begynnynge of the worlde tyl then▪ all prophecyed also accordyngely of the comynge of cryste. as yf [Page] they had spoken all wyth one mouthe. Before he spake of the horne of helye▪ and now he tellyth what helthe. and sayeth. Salutem, Helthe of oure enemyes. and oute of the power of all that haue hated vs. That is to say offendes. vnder whose power man was broughte by the synne of Adam. but by the passyon of our lorde Iesu cryste he was saued from that power. And why dyd god thus▪ Not for eny merytes of man▪ but Ad faciendam, For to do mercy wyth oure fathers. and to haue mynde on hys holy testamente. And what was that testamente Iusiurandum, The othe that he swore to oure father Abraham▪ to gyue hymselfe to vs. Genesis. xxii. That was hys testamente. that was his othe. to gyue hymselfe to vs. A greate gyfte and vndeserued. But wherto gaue he vs thys gyfte▪ Vt sine timore, That we so delyuered oute of the power of our enemys. serue hym wythout drede. of oure enemyes. For hys passyon ys suffycyent shylde to vs. agenste them all. And how shulde we serue hym▪ In sanctitate In holynes. of soulle. and of conscyence inwarde. and in ryghtewsnes. of worde. and of dede outwarde. And that not to the praysynge of man. but before hym. Not one day to begyn well. a nother day to leue of. but all oure dayes. whyle we lyue. ¶when zacharie had thus prophesyed of oure lorde Iesu cryste. he turned hym and spekyth to Iohn̄ hys sonne. and sayeth. Et tu puer, And thow chylde shalte be called the prophete of hym y t ys hyest. that ys of god. For thow shalte go before the face of the lorde that ys cryste. to make redy hys wayes. ¶Here say some doctoures that lyke as saynt Iohn̄ beynge in his mothers wombe felte the voyce of our lady when she gaue gretynge to his mother Elyzabeth. and ioyed ther [Page lxxii] wyth of the presence of his sauiour▪ so now when he was out eyghte dayes olde. he vnderstode the wordes of hys father. And therfore hys father dressyth hys wordes to hym in this verse and in the tother that folowyth. ¶But how shulde Iohn̄ make redy crystes wayes▪ Ad dandam scienciam, To gyue knowynge of hel­the to hys people. that ys. to enforme the people. and to make them knowe that he was crist that cam for helthe. And what helthe▪ In forgyuenesse of theyre synnes. that ys the helthe. And that by no merytes of man▪ but Per viscera, By the bowels of mercy of oure god. wherein he hathe vysyte vs spryngynge from hyghe. that ys comyng fro heuen. Illuminare, To gyue lyghte to them that syt in darkenesse. that were in the partyes of helle. and to them that sytte in the shadowe of dethe. that ys to synners in thys lyfe. and to dresse oure fete. that ys oure affec­cyons in to the way of peace. For our lorde Iesu crist made peace. betwene god and man. and betwixte angel and man. and betwyxte man and man. and he geueth man peace in hys owne conscyence.

¶The Antempne. Benedictus,

Blyssed be the lord god of Israel father. and sonne. and holy goste. oure god. for as he hathe sayde by the mouthe of Prophetes▪ so he hathe vysyted vs by the vyrgyn. whome he ordeyned. from wythout begynnynge to be a clene mother. and by her he hath [...] made the redempcyon of hys people.

¶Of Collectes. and Orysons.

DEus qui de beate, Orisōs ar sayd in the ende of eche howre. for the apostels when euer they were to gyder. they kneled [Page] downe on theyr knees. and prayed or they departed asonder. And she that saythe the oryson. stondeth turned to the este. For paradys frō whens we ar exyled. ys in the este. and therfore thynkynge what we haue loste. and where we are. and whether we desyre▪ we pray torned towarde the este. Oryson ys as moche to saye as prayer. yt is also called a Collecte. that is as moche to saye a gatherynge togyther. for before thys prayer ye dresse you to god. and gather you in onhed to pray in the person of holy chirche. that ye shulde be the soner harde. And at the ende of the laste orison. yt do the same when ye saye Domine exaudi, Lorde here my prayer. Et clamor, And my cry. that ys to saye my desyre mote come vnto the. Oremus, Pray we. Deus qui, God that woldest thy sonne shulde take a body of the wombe of the blyssed vyrgyn Mary. when the aungel was messenger▪ graunte to vs that mekely praye vnto the. that we that byleue veryly she is the mother of god. be hope ageynste the by her prayers. Per eūdem By the same oure lorde Iesu cryst. thy sonne. that lyueth and reyneth god wyth the. in vnyte of the holy goste w toute ende. Amen ¶ye ende all youre orysons by oure lorde Iesu cryste and in hys blyssed name [...] by cause he sayde in his gospel. that what euer ye aske the father in my name. Ioan. xv. he he shall gyue yt you.

¶A nother Oryson.

DEUS qui salutis ete [...]ne, God that haste gyuen medes of endeles helthe to mankynde. by the plenteous virgynyte of blyssed Mary▪ graunte. we besech that we mote fele her pray for vs. by whome [Page lxxiii] we haue deserued to receyue the [...] of lyfe. oure lorde Iesu cryst thy so [...]n [...]. that lyueth and [...] god wyth the. in vnyte of the holy goste wythoute ende. Amen.

¶A nother Oryson.

COncede nos Lorde god we beseche the graunte vs thy seruaūtes to ioye in perpetuall helthe of soulle and body [...] and by the gloryous prayer of blyssed Marye alwaye vyrgyn. to be delyuered from thys presente heuynesse. and parfytly to be fylled wyth endelesse gladnesse. Per dominum, By thy sōne our lorde Iesu crist. that lyueth and reyneth god with the. in vnyte of the holy goste wythoute ende. Amen.


PRosit nobis, Almyghty father. the contynewal mynde of mary. mother of god. and vyrgyn. mote profyt vnto vs alwayes. but pryncipally amongest these esternly solempny [...]yes. of thy sonne. whyche mary. wounded in charyte stode by the same thy sonn [...] our lorde Iesu cryste bothe hangyng on the crosse. and now she standeth quyene on the ryghte syde by hym reynynge in heuen. Qui tecum, That lyueth and reyneth god wyth the. in vnyte of the holy goste wythout ende Amen. Antiphona. Gaude Birgitta, Byrgytte ioy thow. a songe of glory ys dew vnto the. lede vs in to refresshynge out of the lake of wretchednesse. Ora pro nobis Pray for vs blyssed Byrgytte. byloued spouse of cryst. Vt ad, That he be to vs the ryghte waye. vnto the contre of heuen.

¶Oremus. Pray we.

[Page] DOmine iesu christe Lorde Iesu cryste that haste ordeyned blyssed Byrgytte to be called thy spouse for inspyra­cyon of [...]ny pryuytes. and for the synguler araye of vertewes▪ graunte. we beseche. that we be made lyke to her in vertewes. in thys lyfe. and that we be borne wyth [...] the worlde vnto the syght [...] of heuenly thynges. Qui viuis, That lyuest and raynest god. with god the father in vnyte of the holy gooste wythoute ende. Amen.

¶Antiphona. Sponsa regis,

O Byrgytte kinges spouse [...] recher of lawe. folowyng the ensamples of strengthe. thow bōdest thy lyppe with a redde lace. whyle thow loue [...]est the sonne of god bothe in spekyng. and in scylence pray the kynge that he lede vs hys flocke vnto the ioye of heuen. ¶Here saynt Byrgytte is called a techer of lawe. for the reuelacyons that she had of god. to the techyng of mankynde. She folowed the examples of strengthe. that ys to say of sayntes that were stronge in pacyence and in penaunce. By the redde lace ys vnderston­ded the drede of god. for as a lace. or a strynge openeth & shutteth the mouthe of a bagge or of a purse. so sainte Birgytte opened her lyppes to speke. & closed them to sylence. wyth y e lase of the drede of god. neyther spekeynge ne kepeynge sylence. but as the drede of god taughte her. And thys lace was redde. that ys the co­loure of fyre. for she drede not to offende god only for fere of payne. but for burnynge loue that she had to y e sonne of god.

BEnedicamus, Blysse we the maydens sonne. very god and lorde wyth the father and the holy goste. Deo dica­mus gratias, Say we thankeynges to god. ¶Thus ye begā ­ne youre mattyns wyth prayer. & ye ende them with [Page lxxiiii] thankynges. For lyke as at y e begīnyng of eny good dede we oughte to knowe oure selfe vnsuffycyente. & therfore pray for helpe▪ ryghte so at the ende yf ought be good. we oughte to offer yt vp vnto hym. w t than­keynges for his parte. & meke our selfe for our parte. ¶And take hede that ye say not. we blysse god. or we thanke god. but ye say. Blysse we. & thanke we. sturryng your selfe to blysse hym. & to thanke hym. more & mo­re. For ye can. ne may neuer blysse hym. ne thanke hī so moche. as worthy ys. And therfore ye ende in desyre to blyse hym & to thanke hym euer more and more

AVe maria, This antēpne. & the collecte folowynge is sayde at the ende of euery howre. y t ye shulde ende w t oure lady. as ye began w t her. The ordenaūce. & the comon vse of holy chirche in sōme place is. De cōsecra. d. [...] Ca. Id. semper [...]nde angelum in sūma. Hora. §. xix. to say a Pater noster. at y e ende of eche howre. lyke as at the begynnynge. for lyke as we haue nede at the begynnynge to make vs redy to pray. y t we may gette grace & deuociō ▪ righte so haue we nede at y e ende to pray & to haue ware kepynge of our selfe. that we lese not the grace & deuociō that we haue gotten. & foūde in prayer. or in goddes seruyce. And this may be one cause. why at y e ende of eche houre of your seruyce that is all of our lady. ye grete her w t the salutaciō of gabriel. & of Elysabeth. as ye dyd at y e begynnynge. and say. Aue maria, Heyle mary full of grace. god ys w t the. blyssed be thow amongest all women. and blyssed be the fruyte of thy wombe with oute ende.


OMnipotens, Almyghty endeles god. that haste vouched safe to be borne for vs of y e moste chaste virgyn▪ we pray [Page] y make vs to serue the w t chast body. & to plese the w t meke harte ¶A fayre knyttynge to gyther. a chaste body. & a meke soulle. For a chaste body may serue god. but yt can not plese god. w tout a meke harte. Ne very chast can not be kepte in body and soulle. wythout mekenesse. Oramus ette, And we pray the moste mercyfull vyrgyn mary. quene of the worlde & of aungels. that thow gette refresshyng to them whome the fyre of purgatory purgyth. to synne [...]r forgyuenesse. to rightwyse people. perseueraūce in good. and defende vs frayle from presente pareyles. that is yo say from pareyl­les that cōtynewally falle vnto vs. Per eundem, By the same oure lorde Iesu cryste. Amen

¶At Pryme.

O Veneranda, In this hympne ye aske of y e blys­sed trynyte. by prayer of our lady▪ to haue lyghte of grace. wherby ye may se to flee yuell. & t [...] doo good. For pryme ys as moche to say as fyrste. for as mattyns lōge to the nyghte. & Laudes to the morow tyde▪ so Pryme longeth to the fyrste houre of the day after sōne rysynge. And therfore as the sonne gyueth bodely lyghte that ye may se wyth your bodely eyne what ys whyte. & what ys blacke & suche other. so ye aske in this hympne to haue gostly lyghte of the endeles sōne that is god. to se what is yuel. & what is good & therafter to be gouerned all the day. O veneranda, O worshypful trynite. O. one godhed of thre persones▪ lyghten vs. wyth trew lyghte for the vyrgyns pray [...]r. Quam, whome thow ordeynedest with out begynnynge. to be mother of endeles lyghte▪ that we mote alwaye se to do good thynges. and [...]o flee yuell thynges. Maria mater, Gloria tibi domine.

¶Of the Psalmes at Pryme.

[Page lxxvii] THE firste psalme that ye haue at this pryme. Psalmo. x [...]iiii [...] is Eructauit, that speketh of the spousayle. that ys betwene oure lorde Iesu cryste. and holy chyrche. And for oure Lady ys chyefe persone of holy chyrche vnder criste. and that persone in whome abode onely the faythe of holy chyrche in tyme of her sōnes passyō. therfore moche of the scrypture that is expounde by doctours of holy chyrche. is redde of oure lady. And so is yt here of this psalme. & in many other places of youre seruyce. And on the same wyse ys yt of dyuerse scryptures that are expoū ­de of her sonne Iesu cryste the endelesse wysdome of the father. whyche are redde in holy chyrche often ty­mes of oure lady. bothe for they may be expounde of her. and also for her sonnes worshyp ys hers. ¶The seconde psalme ys. Psal. C.xviii. Beati immaculati, whiche ys all one psalme vnto Ad dominum cum tribularer, But for the lengthe therof. yt is parted in youre houres in many partyes. for after eche syxtene verse ye say Gloria patri Saynte. Ambrose sayeth. that this psalme ys a paradyce. full of fruyte. and a shoppe full of spyces of the holy gooste. ¶Thys psalme in hebrew. ys so made. that the fyrste eyghte verses. begynne wyth the fyrste letter of hebrew. & the scōde eyghte. w t the secōde letter & so fourthe to the ende. And therfore as there is .xxii. lrtters in the Abce of hebrew. so is there .xxii. tymes eyghte verses in this psalme. ¶By the nombre of eyghte. ys vnderstōde the endelesse ioye. that all goddes chosen shall receyue at the laste resurreccyō at the day of dome. whiche shall be as yt were in the eyghte age [Page] of the worlde. And by the nōbre of .xxii. ys vnderstō de the .x. cōmaundementes. and the .xii. coūsaylles of the gospell. for ten. and twelfe make .xxii. And therfore he that syngeth this psalme well. not onely in worde but more in lyuynge. kepynge the ten preceptes. & the .xii. counsayles▪ shall come to the ioye of the laste resurrecciō. ¶This psalme Quicum (que) vult, enformeth vs fyrste in faythe of the godhed. and after in faythe of the manhode of cryste. wythout whyche faythe no man may be saed. For when thys faythe was gret­ly ympugned of heretykes▪ an holy man that was called Atthanasius. Bysshop of Alysaundre made thys psalme in strengthe of the ryghte faythe. agenst the heretykes. and to cōforte and enformaciō of thme that were in trew byleue. And therfore holy chyrche hathe ordeyned that yt shulde be songe eche day openly at pryme bothe in token that faythe is the fyrste begynnyng of helthe. and also for people vse that tyme moste to come to chyrche. But ye syng yt only on the sondaye. for yt accordeth moste to youre seruyce that day. whyce ys moche of the blyssed trynyte.

¶Antempne. O speciose,

¶O fayrest in shape. before all the sonnes of men and women sonne of the clene and vnspotted vyrgyn▪ make vs to go contynewally in the bypathe of thy lawe. wythout spotte of synne. ¶There ys a dyfference bytwyxte an hyghe waye. and a bypathe. for the hyghe waye ys large and commune to all. and therby is vnderstonded the cōmaundementes of oure lorde that all muste kepe that wyll be saued. By the bypatthe is vnderstonde the coūsayles that longe to relygyous. & to folke of perfeccyon.

¶The Chapyter.

NEc est virgo. This is an holy & a gloryouse vyrgyn. for god and lorde of all thynges. hathe loued her. Responce. Iesu christe, Iesu cryst. sonne of god a lyue haue mercy on vs. Uerse. Qui natus, That were borne of the vyrgyn Marye. Uersycle. Ora pro nobis, Pray for vs holy mother of god. The answere. Vt digni, That we be made worthy the grace of chryste.


SAncta maria Holy mary mo­ther of oure lor­de Iesu cryst. benygne god and perpetuall vyrgyn. quene of he­uen. vouchesafe wyth all sayntes. and chosen of god. to pray for vs. to oure lorde god father all­myghty▪ that we mo [...]e deserue to be holpen and saued. and heled and socoured. and defended of hym. that lyueth and rayneth god in parfyt trynyte. wythoute ende Amen. Benedicamus domino Blysse we oure lorde. Deo gratias, Thanke we god.

¶At Tyerse Antempne.

AUerte oculos, Turne awaye oure [...]yne mooste honeste mother, that they se not vanyte. and informe vs in the dyscyplyne. & lernynge of thy sonne. for hys handes made vs.

¶The Chapyter.

AB initio, Eccless. .xxliii. The Chapiter is sayde in the persone of oure Ladye thus. Ab initio. Endelesly before all tymes I was made. and I shall neuer fayle. & in holy dwellynge I haue mynystred before hym. Thys ys thus to mene. Endelesly before all tymes. I was forknowen and ordeyned of god to be made. This forknowyng of god. is tolde more openly in the legende of this same daye before wryten. And I [Page] shall neuer fayle. neyther in soule by eny synne. ne in body by eny corrupciō. For our ladies holy body is not turned to corrupcion in erthe. but take vp & knytte to the soule in the glorye of heuen. And in holy dwellynge I haue mynystred or serued before hym. was yt not an holy dwellynge. whan our lorde Iesu crist dwelled in his mothers wombe where she mynystred vnto hym the mater of his holy body▪ was yt not also a holy dwellynge. when our lorde iesu crist. & our lady his moder & Ioseph dwelled togyther in one howse. where oure lady serued her blyssed sōne [...]esu cryst of mete. & dryn­ke. & clothe▪ Ful plesa [...]te was that seruice before him & before all the blyssed trynyte. Father & sonne & holy goste. yt is also a holy dwellynge. where goddes ser­uaūtes dwelle togyther in on cōgregaciō. & in on charite [...] for there is our lorde thū crist in the myddes amō gest them [...] Math. xviii. as he hymselfe sayth in hys gospell. & there our lady mynystreth her helpe & grace ful besyly that they myghte serue her sōne to his plesure. And therfore she sayth. And in holy dwellynge I haue mynystred byfore hym. Respōce. Inclina, Bowe th [...] ere to vs. O. quene of he­uens. Uerse. Ad quam, To whome the lorde of lordes bowed hymselfe for vs. Uersycle. Esto nobis, Be to vs a helper and forsake vs not. Answere, Nec despicias, Ne dyspyce vs not most hye lady.

¶Of thys psalme De profundis w t the Oryson folowynge.

DE profundis, ye haue in the monastery a beer & a graue to be cōtynually in your syghte. The beer▪ in mynde of dethe. & the graue. in mynde of the laste dome. when all bodyes shall aryse out of theyre graues. And in token therof the Abbesse castyth ou­te a lytel erthe with tow fyngers. for then the soulle. [Page lxxvii] and body, that are vnderstonded by the tow fyngers and are sondered here by dethe. shall then be knytte ageyne togyther euerlastyngely. And sōme shall aryse to ioye. and sōme to payne. ¶Thys arysynge was begonne in the resurreccyon of lorde Iesu cryst. and shall be ended in all other at y e ende of the worlde. And thereof ys made mencyon bothe in thys psalme. De profundis, and in the oryson. Domine sancte pater. that foloweth. ¶And therfore eche day after tyerce. ye go to thys graue. to brynge your dethe. and youre dome to mynde. or ye begynne to speke. or to be occupyed aboute eny other thynge. that ye shulde nothynge say ne do all the day after. but as ye dare dye anon ther­wyth. and appere before oure lordes dome. And so ye pray the father of heuen that as he kepte the holy bo­dy of hys sonne Iesu cryste. clene in the graue. and a rered yt vp. the thyrde day▪ so he vouchesafe to kepe youre bodyes clene in hys seruyce. and so to gouerne you eche day whyle ye lyue in this worlde. that at the laste dome your bodyes may aryse not amongest the reproued. but amongest hys chosen. and your soulles wyth the bodyes ioye w t hym euerlastyngly. ¶And in the ende of thys prayer ye saye. In nomine patris et fil [...]i et spiritus sancti, that ys. In the name of the father. and of the sonne. and of the holy goste. And thys ys sayd not onely for ende of the prayer▪ but more for begynnyng of your dedes. that all your wordes. and workes in the day folowynge. shulde haue theyr begynnynge. and be sayde and done. in the name & worshyp of the blyssed trynyte. ¶For thoughe your cōtyneuall scylence be in maner ended when oure ladyes masse ys done▪ [Page] yet the place that ye ar in. that ys the quyer. causyth yt to be cōtynued til this tyme▪ that ye shulde begyn in goddes name. and so warely kepe you all the day after vnder hys drede. as ye be alwaye redy to go to youre graue. ¶And for ye haue prayed to hym in feruente desyre bothe at mattyns. and at masse. and in all youre seruyce. and asked of hym suche grace. and mercy. as ye thynke you nede for youre selfe. and for other. therfore ye aske now that tho prayers be herde and spedde. & not letted by your synnes or eny others whē ye say. Psal. C.xxix. De profundis, Lorde I haue cryed vnto y from depnesse. lorde here my voyce. ¶All thys worlde ys as a depe prysō from heuen. but synne is an yuel depnesse namely to them that loue to abyde therin. for they cry not after helpe. But they that in beholdynge of theyr owne synnes. throwe downe themselfe in to the dep­nesse of mekenesse. and in repentaunce and sorowful desyre aske mercy. they crye well to our lorde fro depnesses. ¶Thys psalme ys the syxte of the seuen psal­mes. and the eleuenthe of the fyftene psalmes. Six is a nombre of perfeccyon. for god made all thynges on syx dayes. Eleuen ys a nombre of trespace. for yt goeth from ten. that ys the nombre of goddes lawe. and of hys cōmaūdementes. therfore syx and eleuen come togyther vpon thys psalme. for there ys none so parfyt in erthe. but that he hathe in hym trespace & synne and nedeth to cry to god for mercy and helpe. Fiant aures tue, Thyne eres mote take hede vnto the voyce of my prayer when ye say Lorde here my voyce. & thyne eres mote here the voyce of my prayer. yt is al one sentence. but yt ys sayde twyes. to shew the gretenesse of nede. and [Page lxxviii] the freuoure of your desyre. And for nothyng lettyth grace. and the spede of prayer. but synne▪ therfore ye allegge hym thre cawses to sturre hym to here you. notwythstandynge eny synne. The fyrste cause ys the comon fraylte. & feblenesse of man. that may not dereche rygoure of doume. that synne deserueth. and thefore ye say. Si iniquitates, If thow wayte streyghtly oure synnes and wyckednesses. to punysshe them in rigoure of dome▪ Lorde who shall bere yt or suffre yt▪ As who shulde say. there ys none a lyue. that may so escape payne. or gette blysse And therfore thy rigoure may not an­swere to that we deserue. but yt must be tempered by thy mercy. Quia apud te. For ag [...]ste the ys mercy. and sacrifyce to apese the. And thys is the seconde thynge that ye allegge for to be herde. and spedde in youre prayers. not by youre merytes. but by his mercy. & by means of the passyon of oure lorde Iesu cryste. where he sa­cryfysed hys moste holy. and precyous bloude. that ys contynewally in the syghte of the father of heuen to apease hym agenste mankynde. Therfore ye say. For agenste the ys mercy and sacryfyce to apese the. ¶Then ye allegge the thyrde cause and saye. Et prop­ter legem tuam, And for thy lawe lorde I haue suffred. and abyden the. As yf ye sayde. I haue kepte thy lawe. & ther­fore I abyde thy rewarde. For yf we kepe and do that he byddeth. we may be sewer to haue that he promy­seth. what byddeth he▪ Forgyue. And what ꝓmyseth he▪ And youre synnne shall be forgyuen you. Then yf we forgyue other▪ we may sewerly aske forgyue­nesse and mercy of oure synnes. And yf we gyue hel­pe. & do well to other for hym▪ we may sewerly aske [Page] helpe. and grace. and endeles blysse of hym. for he sayeth. Gyue and it shall be gyuen vnto you. And if we forbere and suffer other▪ he wyl spare vs. Not for oure deseruynge▪ but for hys beheste. And therfore ye saye. Sustinuit, My sowlle hathe su [...]red in hys worde. and my sowlle hathe hoped in the Lorde. That lyke as my sowlle suffereth pacyently wronges. and contraryous thin­ges in obedyence of his worde. so I hope to be rewarded after the trouthe of hys worde. But howe longe shulde ye thus suffer. and abyde in hope. A custodia matutina. From the kepynge of the morowe tyde vnto nyghte [...] Israel mote hope in the lorde. ¶The morowe tyde kepe­ynge. ys oure yonge age. when we are come to yeres of dyscreciō. that we can knowe good. and yuel. and kepe vs from the yuel and do good. For tylle that ty­me. a chyldes lyfe ys. as yt were in nyghte of vnkn­owynge. but then begynneth the morowe tyde kepe­ynge. The nyghte folowynge ys oure dethe. And in all this tyme from the morowe tyde of yonge age vnto the nyghte of dethe. Israel that ys to say eche good crysten man. oughte wylfully to suffer penaūce. and laboure and trybulaciō: in hope to be then rewarded As a labourer trauayleth all the day in hope to haue hys hyre at euen. For the day of hys lyfe. is ordeyned to labour. and to suffer. for them that seke to haue the rewarde of endelesse reste. and ioye in the lyfe foloweynge. ¶Also by thys morowe tyde kepynge▪ ys vnderstonde the resurreccyon of oure lorde Iesu cryste. For he arose in the morowe tyde. when the knyghtes kepte hys sepulcre. By the nyghte. ys vnderstonded the day of doume. when all shall aryse. and hys cho­sen [Page lxxix] shall be taken to endelesse blysse. in body and sowle. lyke as he ys now gloryfyed in heuen in sowlle. & body. Hys resurreccyō is paste oures is to come. But as veryly as he ys arysen. so veryly shall we aryse. And therfore glad shulde euery crysten soulle be to suffer. and to laboure hys body here in penaūce. and trybulacyon. in hope to brynge yt to the glory of that resurreccyon. for we haue synned. and be not suffycient to make full amendes. ne to deserue to haue that ioye yet yf we haue a good wylle. and suffer and do that we may. we oughte sewrely to hope. Quia apud dn̄m. For ageynste the Lorde ys mercy. and plentyous redempcyon. So that for all that lacketh in vs. that raunsome ys suffycyente to paye for vs. onely that we dresse vs. to be parteners therof. Et ipse, For he shall agenby Israel frō all hys wyckednesses and from hys synnes. And therfore ye thanke the blyssed trynyte wyth Gloria patri.

¶The Oryson.

DOmine sācte pater Lorde holy father that keptest the body why­che thow toke to thy sōne of the vyrgyn ma­ry vnhurte in the graue. and arreredyst yt vp vncorrupte▪ we beseche the. kepe our bodyes [...]ene. and vndefowled in thy holy seruice. and dresse so our way in thys tyme. that when the greate and ferefulle daye of doume cometh. they may be are [...]ed amongest thy sayntes. and our soulles mote ioye endelesly with the. and deserue to be felowed to thy chosen. In the name of the father. and of the sōne. and of the holy goste. Amen.

¶At Sexte Antempne.

[Page] OMnia mandata, Hyest god all thy co­maundementes ar trouthe. therfore by thy gyfte thy worde mote be a launterne to oure fete. for the gloryous prayers of thy moste worthy mother.

¶The Chapyter

EGredietur, A rodde shall sprynge out of the rowte Iesse. Esaie. xi. and oute of the rowte therof shall sprynge vp a flowre. and thervpon shall reste the spyryte of the lorde. The spyryte of wysdome and of vnderstondynge. the spyryte of coūsayle and of strengthe. the spyryte of knowynge. and of pytye. and the spyryte of drede of the lorde shall fulfyl hym. ¶Iesse was the father of kynge Dauyd. of whose lynage came oure lady. and therfore she is called the rodde that came oute of that rowte iesse. And oute of her spronge a flowre that is oure lorde Iesu cryste. vpō whome rested in moste excellence the seuen gyftes of the holy goste that ar named and nombred here.

¶A nother Chapyter.

Ecclesi. xxiiii. ET sic insyon, And so I am sewrely se [...]e. & stabled in Syon. and I haue rested also in the halowed Cytye. and in Ierusalem ys my power. ¶These wordes ar redde bothe of oure lorde Iesu cryste. and also of oure lady. for by her▪ we haue hym. Here ys named three places. Syon. Cytye. and Ierusalem. By Syon. that ys as moc [...]e to say as beholdynge. ys vnderstonde sowles. that are gyuen to contemplacyon. where in oure lorde Iesu chryste ys sewrely stabled. for they are not trowbled aboute many thynges as other are. ¶By the halowed Cytye. ys vnderstonded sowlles gyuen to [Page lxxx] actyfe lyfe wherin oure lorde Iesu restyth by charyte that they haue to theyre euen crysten. For cyte ys as moche to say as one hed of Cytezyns. and yt is sayde halowed by the purenesse of entente that they offer to god in all theyr workes. ¶By Ierusalem is vnder­stonde prelates. & gouernoures that haue power & cure vpon bothe cōtemplatyf and actyfe lyfe. & therfore theyr lyfe is called meddelyd lyfe. as a meane betwene actyfe & cōtemplatyf hauynge parte withe bothe. For they oughte to se that bothe. be kepte in peace. ac­cordynge to theyr callynge, & therfore they ar vnder­stonde by Ierusalem. that is as moche to say as y e syghte of peace. for they oughte to haue sighte of wysdome. & of dyscreciō to canne kepe peace. on all partyes And to that ende he hathe parted w t them of his owne power. And therfore he saythe. And in Ierusalem ys my power. Responce. In eternum, The worde of the hyest father abydeth without ende. Uerse. Quod, whiche hathe dwelled in the halle of the maydens wombe. ¶Here vnderstondeth by the worde. the endelesse worde of the father that is oure lorde Iesu cryste. Uersycle. Da nobis, Lady gyue vs chastyte of body and of sowlle. Ne vn (que), That we neuer offen­de the sōne of thy chastyte.

¶At None Antempne.

REconcilia, Reconcyle vs vyrgyn mo­ther. to thy most rightewys sōne. that we erre not as shepe that hathe peryshed for hys mercyes at many.

¶The Chapyter.

BOrate, Esai [...]. xlv. Dew heuens from aboue and cloudes m [...]e rayne the ryghtwys. erth mote be opened. and bery on the sauyour. and rightwysnes myghte aryse to gether with hym. I lorde made hym. ¶By heuens. ar vnderstōde [Page] aungels that dewed from aboue when gabryel cam downe wyth salutacyon to oure lady. By clowdes. ar vnderstōde prophetes. that rayned w t besy prophesy of the comynge of our lorde Iesu cryste. By the er­the ys vnderstonde our lady. that was opened by cō ­sente to gabryels gretynge. and so bare our sauyoure Iesu cryst. with whome spronge ryghtwysnes. that is to say grace that maketh a man ryghteful. By the lorde is vnderstōde the father of heuen. that made oure lorde Iesu after hys manhode. Rede nowe ageyne the chapiter and ye shall fynde yt playne & easy to vnderstonde.

¶A nother Chapyter.

Ecclesi. xxiiii. ET radicaui, And I haue fastned my routes in a people worshyped / & the herytage of that people is in the cōtrees of my god. & my abydyng is in the fulnes of sayntes. ¶ Crysten people ys worshyped aboue all people in konwlege of ryghte byleue. & in the sacramētes of holy chyrche. And therfore in them our lady is roted by spūal helpe. & fauoure. namely in suche. as seke theyr chefe herytage in heuen. and not in erthe. Also our lady abydeth in fulnesse of saintes. for there was neuer saynte in erthe. ne aūgel in heuen. that was or ys. so full of vertues & graces. but that our lady had. & ha­the them all in more fulnesse. and perfeccyō then they And therfore sayth saynt Bernarde. Uerely he sayth her abydynge is in fulnesse of sayntes. for she fayled not the faythe of patriarkes. ne the spyryte of prophetes. ne the zele of the apostels. ne y e stablenesse of mar­tyrs. ne the sobernesse of confessoures. ne the chastyte of vyrgyns. ne y e plenteousnesse of wedded. ne the cle­nesse [Page lxxxi] of aungels. Responce. Pax multa, There is as moche pease to them. that loueth the law of the maydens fōne. Uerse. Et non. And there is no hurte of occasyon to them. but euerlastynge worshyp. Uersycle. Errauimus, we haue erred as shepe that peryshed. Reduxit, The good shepeherde that the vyrgyn bare. hathe broughte vs ageyne

¶Of Euensonge and of Indulgete.

THere ar certayne houres of dyuyne seruyce that longeth to the day. as Pryme. Tyerce. Sexte & None. And certayne other that lō ­ge to the nighte. as Euensōge. Cōplyn and Mattyns. And for euensonge is the fyrst howre that longeth to the nighte. therfore yt is called the songe of euen. that is the begynnynge of the nighte. & yt hathe hys name in latin of the euen sterre that apperyth at euen. ¶Now yt is so that man ys so frayle & vnsta­ble in hymselfe. that. that thynge that plesyth one ty­me. yt dysplesyth hym a nother tyme. & that he wyll now. he wyll yt not sone after. And that the reasō desyreth. the sensualyte agayne fayth. And that the soule wolde haue. the flesshe contraryeth. And sythe one man ys thus contraryous. & dyuerse in hymselfe. no meruayle thoughe many men gatheryd togyther be often tymes dyuerse & cōtrary in felynges. and in cō dyciōs. wherof riseth amongest them somtyme troubles. & grudgeynges in harte. or in worde. or in chere. or in dede. ¶But though yt be not in oure power to [...]s [...]ape alwayes. but that we sōtyme take occasiō of other. wherby we ar me [...]ed ageynste them. & sōtyme [Page] we do thynges that other take occasyon of. & are me­ued ageynste vs▪ yet yt is in our power by grace. not to cōsente wylfully to suche sturrynges of ire. & of vnpacyence. namely & we be besy. and hasty to put re­medy there ageynst. that is. to be redy to forgyue eny thinge that ys done ageynste vs. & sone to aske forgyuenes. where we fele that eny ys hurte by vs. And therfore saynte Austyne byddeth in hys rewle. Capitulo. vi. that other we shulde haue no stryues. or else we shulde so­ne ende them. That is to meane. that thoughe we be moued by fraylete in harte to eny vnpacyence. we shulde notte geue suche stede therto. for to breke oute w t wordes of stryfe. And yf we be so ouersene to breke oute in to stryffe. then we muste haste vs. to make an ende thereof by redy forgyfyng. & askynge of forgyfnesse for the lenger that suche forgyfynge. and askynge of forgyfnesse is taryed▪ the lenger endureth in the harte the sturryng of Ire. And the lenger that they endure. the more they encrese. tyl the sowleys ouercome and then grace withdrawyth. and the fende enteryth And therfore sayeth saynte Paule. Ephesi. iiii. Sol non occidat su­per iracundiam vestram et nolite locum dare diabolo, That ys to saye. Suffer not wrathe to abyde in you tylle the sonne goynge downe. and wylleth not geue place to the fende. For he that kepyth wrathe in har­te▪ ys occupyed wyth yuell and bytter thoughtes. whereby the fende catchyth holde. to brynge hym to worse. Capitulo. xiii. ¶Therfore saynte Benet ordeyned in hys rewle that eche day in the ende of mattyns at begynnynge of the daye. and in the laste ende of Euenson­ge at the begynnynge of nyghte▪ the Pryoure in the [Page lxxxii] name of all. shulde saye a lowde the Pater noster, that all myghte here yt. so that by the saynge of that pe­tycyon. where he sayeth. Et dimitte nobis, That ys. And for gyue vs oure trespaces as we forgyue them that trespace to vs. all shulde be sturred. and drawen to forgyue eche other. Capitulo .iiii. ¶For these same causes hathe our lorde ordeyned in his holy rewle that ye shulde euery day before the bynnyng of euensōge. eche of you forgyue & aske forgyuenes of other. saynge a lowde with harte and tongue. Indulgete nobis, Forgyue vs. for god. and for hys moste mercyfull mother Mary▪ yf we haue offended you. w t worde. or dede. sygne. or token. For yf eny trespace be in you a­genste vs▪ wyth moste full wylle and harte we forgyue yt. ¶And before thys ye say an Aue maria [...] to oure lady that therby ye shulde be the more strōge to breke downe all cōtrarious sturrynges. that ye may forgyue veryly of harte lyke as ye say with the mouthe. ¶And thys ye saye before euensonge rather then before eny other of youre howres. by cause that euensonge is the begynnynge of the nyghte as I said before. And therfore that the sonne shulde not go downe vpon youre wrathe. for pareyles that I haue rehersed before▪ ye forgyue and aske forgyuenes at this tyme of all occasyons. and trespaces that hathe hapned in all the day before. that ye may in clene. & pesyble cōscience pray-god w t youre euensonge. For his holy seruyce oughte to be sayde wyth clene and restefull hartes. ¶If eny were so ouercome wyth temptacyon of Ire. whyche god forfende. that she wolde not say thys Indulgete, by cause she wolde not forgyue▪ then she were gretly to blame. and yet she were neuer y e more excused. For yt is sayd in the name of all. and therfore it byndethe [Page] all whether they saye yt. or saye yt not. and whether they be there. or thense. And therfore they that are absente. and saye theyre euensonge alone. oughte neuer the lesse to say yt. For thoughe there be none presente to speke to. yet they speke to all. and in the name of al And in vnyte of all the congregacyon. the forgyue­nesse is asked and offered. And this ye may wytte by that. that eche person sayeth. we forgyue. for an eche one spake onely to her owne name. she shulde saye. I forgyue. & forgyue me. And also yf yt were not sayd in vnyte of all▪ they that stande on the tone syde. shulde not forgyue eche other. for they speke all to gyther ouer to the tother syde. & not to themselfe. as yt shulde seme. But for eche one sayeth yt in the name of all. & in vnyte of all▪ therfore yt byndeth all to forgyue. & pardoneth all theyr trespace. And therfore wretched were that persone that for eny way wardenes of harte wolde be vnreconcyled. and dysceuered from that holy vnyte at that tyme. ¶Thys ys that dayely sa­cryfyce that ye offer euery daye to God at euensonge tyme. fygured by the contyne wall sacrifyce that god bad by moyses shulde be offered dayly to hym at euen songe tyme. Exodi. xxix. before the sone goynge downe. And then he sayd he wolde dwelle amongest them. and be theyr lorde god. & they shulde well know that he were theyr lorde god. ¶Therfore sewre may ye be. that ye shall haue of oure lorde god all that ye wylle aske of hym to youre helthe. yf ye gette hym to dwelle thus amongest you by dayly offerynge of thys sacryfyce. of cha­ryte & of vnyte. ¶But nowe perauenture ye myghte aske whether thys askynge of forgyuenesse by thys. [Page lxxxiii] Indulgete, be suffycient for eny trespace or offence that eny dothe agenste a nother without eny specyal askeynge. ¶To thys I answere that the persone agenste whome the trespace or offence is done▪ oughte not after Indulgete, is saide in the quier. whether she be there or no. to bere wylfully eny heuines in harte. or to make. or to shew eny heuynes in worde. or dede. agenste that persone y t hathe offended her. as far as the offēce lōgeth to her owne selfe or to her owne cause. though y e other aske her neuer other forgyuenesse before ne after. But the trespaces y t ar done agenste god. & agenst the relygyō ▪ oughte to be correcte after the rewles of relygyon. when tyme ys. netheles for Indulgete, But be ware. that none kepe wrathe. ne make quarell to other for her owne cause. vnder coloure of relygyon or of zele of the obseruaunces therof. For all personal causes as far as they hurte not the relygyon. ar to be forgyuen. by Indulgete, as ys before sayde. And thys ye may se by the wordes. when ye say. If eny trespace be in you ageynste vs. wyth moste full wyll we forgyue yt. And therfore if eny forgyue not in all the wyll of her harte when these wordes ar sayd▪ she makyth a gabbynge. thoughe she say not the wordes herselfe. ne he­re them sayd. For they ar sayde in the quyer in the name of all. and bynde all as I sayde before. ¶But the parsone that hathe wyttyngly offended a nother▪ oughte to do that ys in her to be reconcyled and to aske forgyuenesse of her that she knoweth she hathe offen­ded▪ before or Indulgete begynne. And yf the wyl not then thoughe the other forgyue yt at Indulgete, and oughte no more to speke therof▪ yet she muste aske forgyuenesse [Page] afterwarde and y e souerayne and serches that haue cure of the relygyon. oughte to se that she be sad­ly correcte. not onely for the trespace y t she dyd agenste her syster. but moche more for her obstynasy and in o­bedyence agenste the intente of the rewle. that she wolde not seke to be recōcyled. For in that she breketh the vnyte of the congregacyon. & myghte cause oure lorde to wythdrawe hys gracious presence from all. for he loueth to dwelle in vnyte of restful soulles. And also she geueth a way to the enmy to take power ouer her selfe. in that. that she dysceuereth herselfe from vnyte of the holy congregacyon as a shepe that wandereth alone from vnyte of the flocke. ys sone taken and de­uoured of the wolfe. And y e same ys to be sayde of her that wyll not forgyue. namely at that tyme. of Indulgete, ¶And therfore eche one oughte to be full ware y t they kepe ne bere no grudgeynge. ne wrate in harte for though eny man can hyde yt for a tyme from out warde shewynge: god knoweth yt well ynoughe. & wythdrawyth hys grace. and the fende catchyth holde in that sowle. ¶Now in happes somme myghte thynke. what shall I do. I wolde fayne forgyue. but I can not. Loke yt be as ye saye wythout feynynge. that ye wolde forgyue veryly. and of harte: and then ye forgyue. thoughe ye fele neuer so many contrary sturynges. so ye folowe not y e sturynges in worde ne in dede. but are veryly dyspleased with them. & lothe them. and compelle youre selfe to do the contrary of suche frowarde sturynges. then they hurte not y e sowle. for we haue oure wylle free. but not oure felynges And therfore we may wylle and not wylle what vs [Page lxxxiiii] lyste. but we maye not fele. ne vnfele what vs lyste. And therfore oure mercyfull lorde takyth vs not af­ter oure felynges but after oure wylles. ¶Netheles though a persone felte many bytter sturrynges of ire and of vnpacyence. yf he had a very dysplesaūce ther with. and arose ageynste them wyth a myghty. and a feruente wylle. and prayed oure lorde. and hys ho­ly mother of helpe. and so wente to chyrche. and say­de. Aue maria and Indulgete. wyth the couente. in hope to gette grace. & to ouercome hymselfe▪ I trowe that by prayer of oure lady. and for obedyence of the rewle. and by knyttynge of hymselfe to vnyte of the con­gregacyō ▪ he shulde fele the fersenesse of hys sturryn­ges sone abated. ¶Thus therfore recōcyled to gither ye begynne youre euensonge where ye say fyue psal­mes to haue forgyuenesse of all that ye haue offended god in youre fyue wyttes. And by meryte of our lor­des fyue woundes. whyche he had in hys holy body. bothe at euensonge tyme of the day. when he was lo­sed and taken downe frome the crosse. & at euensonge tyme of the worlde. Fro in the begynnynge of the laste age of the worlde. he suffered hys holy passyon.


Beati metuentes, Blessed ar they that drede the lorde. and kepe the cōmaundementes. of the vyrgyns sōne. that sytteth on the fathers ryghte syde. For to them he shall say. Come ye blyssed of my father. receyue the kyngdome that ys prepared to you from the begynnynge of the worlde.

¶The Chapyter.

Beata es maria, Blyssed art thow marye. that haste borne the lorde. maker of the worlde. thow haste broughte fourthe hym that made the. and endelesly thow abyddest vyrgyn.

¶The Hympne.

LUx deus indeficiens, In this hympne ar fyue verses answering to the nōbre of the fyue psalmes. and so are there in youre hympnes at euensong of foure storyes But in the tother thre storyes. where ar mo or fewer verses in the hympnes at euensonge▪ thoo hympnes ar taken of other seruice of the chyrche. and not specyally made for your euensōges. as the tother foure ar. ¶what hympnes. & psalmes & antempnes betoken. I haue wryten before at mattyns. ¶In the tow firste verses of this hympne. ye pray to oure lorde Iesu cryste for gostly lyghte. that in the wythdrawyng of bodely lyghte by goynge downe of the maternall sō ­ne▪ he lyghten oure sowlles with the lyghte of grace And for when the sōne ys gone. the sterres appere to mynysshe the darkenes of the nyghte▪ therfore in the thyrde verse ye calle oure lady a sterre that broughte fourthe the sōne that is our lorde Iesu cryste. prayng her to dryue from you the darkenesse of synne In the fourthe verse ye pray her to kepe youre hartes. & wylles to god▪ whyle your bodyes ar aslepe. And in the fyfte verse ye praye her to correcte youre thoughtes. wordes. and dedes. And therfore yt were well done. that eche nyghte ye proclaymed youre selfe preuyly before her of all defaultes that ye had done or thoughte. or sayde all the daye before. that she myghte helpe you to be corrected. and clensed therof. And by the mater of all thys hympne. ye may se that the euensonge longeth to the begynnynge of the nyghte as I sayde [Page lxxxv] before. Lux deus, God that art lyghte neuer saylyng. lyghten thow mercyfully the howse of oure hartes. whyle the beame of the sonne goeth a waye. Qui virginem. Thow that shonest aboue heuens dwellynge in the vyrgyn▪ nowe dwellynge in heuen. lyghten vs that are lowe bynethe O stella, O starre that brou­ghtest fourthe the sonne. chase awaye the darkenesses of dethe. whiche the envyous ennemye is wonte to brynge in to wandrynge sowles. Vt sopitis, That whyle the bodyes are a sleape. the hartes mote cleue vnto god. and the wylle mote alway abyde redy to the wylle of oure lorde. Correctrix, Be thow correcter of thoughtes. of wordes. and dedes. that by the helpe. all mote be pleasynge to thy [...]ōne. Maria mater, Gloria tibi, v. Pax multa [...]

¶Of the Psalme Magnificat.

MAgnificat, Thys ys our ladyes songe. Luce primo. and yt ys sayde euery daye at eueusonge rather then at other howres. for dy­uerse causes. ¶One for in the euensō ge tyme of the worlde. our lady by her synguler assente. broughte in helthe to mankynde. ¶A nother cause ys. that we shulde dayely haue in mynde the incarnaciō of our lorde Iesu cryste. which was wroughte in the euentyde of the worlde. for ioye of whiche. thys songe was made. ¶The thyrde cau­se ys. for oure lady is lykened to the euen starre. that begynneth to appere in the euentyde. ¶The forthe cause ys. that the myndes that haue bene laboured & weryed in the day wyth many thoughtes and besy­nesses. shulde then be cōforted wyth the songe of ioye of oure lady. and be holpen by her prayers. ageynste temptacyons of the nyghte. Luce primo. ¶The gospell sheweth. [Page] that after onre Lady had conceyued oure lorde Iesu cryste in the Cytye of nazareth▪ a none she wente to ierusalem to her cosyn Elyzabeth. the mother of saynte Iohn̄ Baptyste. And at her comynge thyder. saynte Iohn̄ ioyed in hys mothers wombe. & hys mother was fylled with the spyryte of prophesy. and blyssed oure lady and sayde. Blyssed be thow amongest all women. & blyssed be the fruyte of thy wombe. Then oure lady as she tellyth to saynte Birgytte. Libro. sexto. Capitulo .lix. was sturred in her harte wyth vnspecable & vnknowen glad­nesse. so moche that her sowle mighte skante holde yt selfe for ioye. but her holy tongue brake oute w t wor­des in praysynge of god. wythoute studye. or thynkeynge before. and sayde. Magnificat anima mea dominū. My sowle prayseth the lorde. Et exultauit, And my spyryte ha­the ioyed in god my sauyoure. ¶Here we may lerne of ou­re lady to forsake all veyne ioye. For after the aūgell had bene with her from heuen. after she had cōceyued the sōne of god and after Elyzabeth had blyssed her and praysed her as most worthy mother of god. in al thys she was meued to no vanyte. ne to no presump­cion in her selfe. but to more mekenesse. and to pray­synge and ioyeng in god. And that not faynedly on­ly with tongue. but of all the inwardenesse of sowle. And therfore she sayeth. not my mouthe. but my sowle prayseth. and my sowle ioyeth And that not in her selfe but in god. that ys maker of all thynges. & now ys become man. and so sauyoure of mankynde. And that in oure lady. and therfore he ys specyally. and syngulerly hers. and none others in that wyse. For by her. helthe and saluacion ys come to man. Ther­fore [Page lxxxv] she sayeth. My spyryte that ys my sowlle. hathe ioy­ed in god my sauyoure. Here sayeth saynt Bede. that his spyryte ioyeth in god hys sauyoure▪ that delyteth in nothynge that ys in erthe. ne ys plesyd with no plente of goodes. or of worshyppes. ne ys broken wyth grudgeynge. or vnpacyence in eny trybulacyon. or dysease▪ but onely he delyteth. and ioyeth in mynde of hys maker. of whome he hopeth to haue endelesse helthe. Quia respexit, For he hathe beholde the mekenesse of hys hande mayden. Here oure lady tellyth why she praysed. why she ioyed in god. why god was become so syngulerly hers. for he behelde her mekenesse. wherby ye may se. that mekenesse was the cause. why god chase her to be hys mother. And therfore sayeth saynte Ierome. what ys more noble and worthy. then to be the mother of god▪ what ys more bryghte & wor­shypfulle. then she. whome the bryghtenesse of the fathers glory chase to hymselfe▪ what ys more chaste▪ then she that bare in her body. the body of cryste▪ And yet she sayeth that god behelde onely her meke­nesse. that ys the keper of all vertewes. And what fel therof▪ Ecce enim ec hoc beatam me dicent omnes ge­nerationes, Lo for that. from hense [...]che. all generacyons shall calle me blyssed. ¶All generacions of heuen. and and of erthe. of crysten. and of hethen. of iewes. and of sarazyns. of men. and of women. of poure. and of ryche. of men. and aungels. of ryght wyse. and of synners. of wedded. and of syngle. of soueraynes. and of subiectes. all shal say me blyssed. all shal prayse the blyssednesse that god my sauyoure hathe wroughte [Page] wyth me. and hathe gyuen to them by me. For of euery nacyon and people. some are turned to the faythe of cryste▪ that prayse. and worshyppe hys holy mother. Quia fecit, For he that ys myghty hathe done greate thynges to me. and hys name ys holy. what be these greate thynges. that he made her. that he kepte her clene from all synne. That he halowed her. and endowed her wyth gyftes of the holy goste. that he toke his body of her. That she a creature broughte furthe her maker. she hys seruaunte bare her lor­de. that she a vyrgyn. ys mother of god. That by her he boughte mankynde. and broughte hys chosen to endelesse lyfe. These greate thynges dyd he that ys my­ghty. to rewarde. aboue all that eny man maye deser­ue. And for he ys myghty. he hathe done myghty and greate thynges. And hys name ys holy. For he ys more good and holy. then may be thoughte or spoken. And for hys holy name. not for mannes meryte. He hathe done greate thynges. to the helthe of man. Et misericordia eius. And hys mercy ys from kynred. in to kynredes. to them that drede hym. Thys ys that mercy that he hathe wroughte by oure lady. and by hys incarnacyō. and passyon to mankynde. The mercy of saluacion that Dauid asked after when he sayde. Ostende nobis do­mine misericordiam tuam. Psalmo 84. Lorde shew vs thy mercy. As yf he sayde. thow haste shewed vs thy power in ma­kynge of all thynges of noughte. Thow haste shew­ed vs thy wysdome in meruaylous gouernynge of all thynges. Thow haste shewed vs thy ryghtwys­nes in punysshynge of synne. bothe in aungel. and in [Page lxxxvii] men. And therfore shew vs now thy mercy by incarnacyon of thy sonne. to the saluacyon of manne. Thys mercy bryngeth oure lady furthe and sayeth. hys mercy ys from kynred in to kynredes. From one kynred. in to all kynreddes. from the kynred of iew­es. in to all kynreddes of the worlde. For amongeste the iewes thys mercy was wroughte. and after war­de spred abrode vnto all people. But all take not profyte and saluacyon by thys mercy. for thoughe yt be more suffycyent then all men nedeth. yet yt auayleth not but to them. that dyspose them therto. And what ys that dysposycyon▪ The drede of god. For wyth­oute that drede. none maye be saued. Not the drede of payne. But the drede of god. as oure lady sayeth. timentibus eum, hys mercy ys to them that drede hym. Fecit potenciam in brachio suo He hathe done powre in his arme. That ys to saye. in hys sonne. For as the arme cometh of the body. and the hande of bothe arme. and body▪ so the sonne hathe hys beyng of the father. and the holy gooste bothe of the father. and of the sonne. In thys arme that ys hys sonne. he hathe done pow­er. for by hym he made all thynges. and by hym he saued mankynde. and by hym he hathe throwen downe the power of fendes. And therfore sayeth oure la­dy. Dis persit superbos mente cordis sui, He hathe dyspar­sed the prowde in the wylle of thy harte. ¶These prowde are fendes. and iewes. and all prowde people. For as an hooste that ys dysparsed ys not myghty to fygh­te. ryghte so the prowde fendes are dysparsed by the passyon of oure lorde Iesu cryste. and not myghty to [Page] warre agenste man. as they were before. ¶The prowde iewes also. that wolde not meke them to the faythe of Iesu cryste. ar dysparsed abrode in the worlde. so moche. that they haue nether londe. ne contre. ne Cyte. ne towne of theyre owne to dwelle in. in all the erthe. But somme dwelle in one londe. somme in a nother. And somme in one Cytye. and somme in a nother. vnder trybute. and thraldome of chrysten people. Thus are these fendes. and iewes dysparsed by oure lorde in the wylle of hys harte. that ys to say in the ryghtefulle iudgemente. of hys preuy domes. ¶All prowde people also are dysparsed in the myn­de of theyre owne hartrs. for as meke people lyue in vnyte and reste. ryghte so prowde people. are bothe scattered in theyre owne hartes by many vanytyes. and vnlefull desyres. and also they are deuyded agenste other. by trouble and enuye and debate. Deposuit potentes de sede, He hathe putte downe the myghty frome the seate. and he hathe lyfte vp the meke ¶These myghty are they that haue greate power temporall. or spyry­tuall: and mysse vse yt agenste the wylle of god. and ageynste theyre euen chrysten. and ageynste theyr owne sowlles helthe. And these myghty god throwyth downe from the seate of grace. For by grace. god shulde haue hys seate in theyre hartes. And frome the seate of dygnyte. and of power. whyche they mysse vse. And from the sete of cōnynge. & of wysdome. for they ar blynded in theyre owne malyce. & at laste from the sete of dome. where the wylfull powre shall sytte and [Page lxxxviii] deme wyth cryste. Math. xix. them that shall be demed in the en­de of the worlde. From that seate shall suche myghty be throwen downe. and to that sete shall the meke be lyfted vp. For he hathe lyfte vp the meke here in gra­ce. and after to blysse euerlastynge. These wordes oure lady spake as prophesy of thynge that was to co­me. and yet she sayeth as yf yt were paste. for sycker­nesse of the fulfyllynge. For yt was as sycker to be fulfylled in tyme then to come. as yf yt had bene then past. And for that cause prophetes vsed ofte suche maner of spekynge. Esurientes impleuit bonis, He hathe fyl­led the hongry wyth goodes▪ and the ryche he hathe lefte voyde ¶Bodely hongre is an appetyte of meate. so gostely honger is a desyre of grace and of vertues. He that is hongry. hathe nede of meate. so he that is hongry gostly. thynketh that he hathe noughte. that good ys. na­mely not of hymselfe. ne by hys owne merytes. And for he feleth hymselfe nedy of all goodes▪ therfore he seketh. and desyreth. and laboureth faste to gette them and suche hongry▪ god fylleth wyth goodes spiritu­all in grace. and endelesse in blysse. ¶But the ryche ar they that presume of themselfe. & wene to be better then they are. and to haue more then they haue. or tokonne more then they canne. And that they haue. or canne. or may. they coūte yt to theyre owne merytes and worthynesse. as though yt came all of themselfe These ryche god leuyth voyde from grace. and from glory. For they that ar here wylfully poure frō worldely welthes and comfortes. and honger and desyre goddes grace. and heuenly comfortes▪ theyre desyre shall be fulfylled. But they that haue here rychesse of [Page] worldely prosperyte and take theyr ioye. and comforte therin. and seke after none other▪ they shall be lefte voyde. from all goodes temporall. and euerlastynge Suscepit israel, He hathe taken israel his chylde. he hathe mynde of hys mercy. ¶Israel was one of the patriarkes. that was called also Iacob. of whose lynage oure lady came. And therfore oure lady sayeth. y e god hathe taken israel y t ys to say a body of mankynde. of y e lynage of Israel. whyche israel ys called goddes chylde. for he was meke and obedyente to god. as a chylde to the father. And in thys dede god hathe mynde on hys mer­cy. by whiche he promysed to the patriarkes and prophetes that he wolde become man. Genesis. xxii. And therfore say­eth oure lady further. Sicut locutus est. As he hathe sayde to oure fathers. that ys. to patriarkes. and prophetes. from the begynnynge of the worlde. and specyally. to Abra­ham. and to hys sede. that ys. to the people. that come of Abraham by bodely generacyon. of whome oure la­dy came. and of her. oure lorde Iesu cryste. not onely to the helpe of that people. but of all that trewly fo­lowe the faythe. and leuynge of Abraham. vnto the ende of the worlde. For they are properly called the sede and the chyldren of Abraham. with whome they shulde. be parteners of the fruyte of oure lordes comyn­ge endelesly in ioye and blysse Amen.


PAtrem cum filio, Oure sowlles ioyenge mote contynewally prayse the father wyth the sonne. and the holy goste wyth eyther of them. one very god. [Page lxxxix] whiche endelesly before knowynge oure fraylte. endelesly he or­deyned before. the vyrgyn mary to be oure helper. whose sowlle ioynge in god. praysed hym soueraynely. Antempne. Rosa rorans, Byrgytte that arte a vessell of grace. and a rose dewynge goodnesse. and a sterre droppynge clerenesse. dew thou the pytye of heuen. and droppe the clennesse of lyfe in to the va­le of wretchednesse. Antempne. O Birgitta. O Byrgytte droppe of myrre. exāpler of abstynence. thow haste made a playster of penaūce. to sorowfull peple / whyle thow wr­ote the wordes of cryste Thow that arte a new lyghte of the chyrche / be a defēder & a norysher to the meke meyne of thy howsolde ¶Myrre ys a bytter gomme in taste. but in smell yt is swete. and yt kepyth deade bodyes from rottynge and therfore yt betokeneth penaūce. that is bytter in felynge of sorowe. and of sharpenes. but yt smellyth swete in goddes syghte. and yt helpyth a sowlle. that is dede by synne. and kepyth yt from endeles corrupcyon. Suche a droppe of myrre was saynte Byrgytte. for bothe by example of her owne lyueynge. and by warnynge that she gaue to the people of mystyef that shulde falle for synne. but they amended. & what mercy & grace they myghte haue. yf they wolde turne them and amende▪ she made a holsome playster of penaunce. to all people that ys sorowfully combred in synnes. The worde of cryste that she wrote. are the reuelacyons that she had from heuen to the enformacyon of all mankynde. And therfore she is called a new lyghte gyuen to holy chyrche in thys laste worlde. Her mayne is all tho that serue her. and haue deuocyon to her. and more specyally we that are professed in her relygyon.


[Page] DEus qui ecclesiam, Mercyfull god that haste vouched safe to lyghten thy chyrche by blyssed Byrgytte / wyth ho­ly counsayle & examples▪ graunte by her prayer that we mote fullfylle in dede wyth deuoute sowlles / tho thynges that thow haste mercyfully shewed by reue­lacyon / for clensynge of oure synnes. Per dominū nostrum

¶Of Complyn. and Collacyon.

COmplyn ys the Seuenthe and the laste howre of dyuyne seruyce. and yt ys as moche to say as a fulfyllynge for in the ende therof. the seuen howres of dyuy­ne seruyce ar fulfylled. And therewyth also is ended. and fulfylled. spekynge. etynge. & drynkynge. and laborynge. and all bodely besynesses. So that after that tyme oughte to be kepte grete stylnes. and strayth scylence. not onely from wordes. but al­so from all noyses and dedes saue only preuy. and softe prayer. and holy thynkeynge. and bodely sleape. For complyn betokeneth the ende of mannes lyfe. or the ende of the worlde. when the chosen of oure lorde shall be delyuered from all trauayle and wo. and be broughte to endelesse quiete. and reste. And therefore eche persone oughte to dyspose hym to bedde warde. as yf hys bedde were hys graue. For as a man dyeth or he be borne to hys graue & buryed. righte so at complyn tyme ye shulde be dysposed as yf ye were in dy­ynge. And kepe you so sober. and stylle afterwarde. [Page lxxxx] as yf ye were deade fro all bodely dedes. and wordes And in token therof in the responce at Complyn. ye praye our lady to cōmende you in the handes. and kepynge of her sōne. as a man dyenge. sayeth. In manus tuas, and cōmendeth hys sowlle to god. And dyuerse other thynges that ye saye at Complyn. accordeth to the same. ¶And for the same ende also. before Com­plyn. ye haue a collacion. where ys redde some spyrytuall matter of gostly edyfycacion. to helpe to gather to gyther the scaterynges of the mynde. from all outewarde thynges. And therfore all maner of bokes ou­ghte not to be redde at that tyme [...] but onely tho bokes that ar inwardely spyrytuall. and easy to vnderstande that all sowlles maye be fedde therwyth and hol­pen thereby. to kepe themselfe in inwarde peace and stablenesse of mynde all the nyghte folowynge. For not onely the tongue oughte to be kepte in the nygh­tes tyme as deade from speche. and the bodyes from dedes▪ but also the harte oughte fulle besyly to be kepte from all vagaunte thoughtes. bothe tylle ye falle a slepe. and when ye wake eny tyme in the nyghte. and anon as ye wake to aryse. For as the holy father Cassianus, sayeth. Before all thinges yt is necessary to vs to haue a waker and a besy kepynge of oure selfe in nyghtes tyme. For as the clene. and besy kepynge of the harte. and of all the outwarde wyttes on the day maketh redy the body. and the sowlle to kepe clennes and chastyte in the nyghte. ryghte so the waker and stable kepynge of the harte in deuoute and holy thou­ghtes or prayers in the nyghte watche. arrayeth and gyueth a grete inwarde strengthe. and sadnesse to the [Page] sowlle. in all obseruaūces and dedes. that are to be done all the day after. ¶Thus ye may se that many holy obseruaunces. are ioyned to youre dyuyne seruyce to cause you alwayes to take hede. and to haue myn­de vpon youre helthe. As at the begynnynge of eche howre ye saye. a Pater noster, and an Aue. to sturre vp youre deuocion in hys seruice. And at the ende of eche howre ye synge Aue maria, wyth a collecte folowyng to kepe the deuocyon that ye haue gathered therin. After tyerce or ye begynne to speke. ye go to the gra­ue to arme you in the name of the blessed trinyte with mynde of youre dethe. and of youre dome ageynst all temptacyons in youre dayly dedes. Before euensonge. ye aske & graunte forgyuenesse eche to other wyth Indulgete, And before complyn ye arraye you wyth deuoute herynge of holy doctryne at youre collacion ¶And in y t deuociō ye go to youre complyn. whiche hathe a verse in the begynnynne other then ys sayde in other howres. that ys Conuerte nos, God oure sauy­oure conuerte vs. and turne vs to the. Et auerte, And turne a­way thy wrathe from vs. we rede that many tymes folke haue fallen in mystyef on nyghtes tyme for theyr sinnes. And thefore at euen in the begynnynge of com­plyn. holy chyrche prayeth for all her chyldren. that they may be so conuerted from synne. that oure lorde turne from them hys wrathe. Also for in other how­res of dyuyne seruyce we oughte to drede that we haue offended god by sōme neglygence. for there ys no­ne that dothe so welle. but that and he thynke hymselfe he dothe welle and dredyth not defaute in his dede▪ he maye by that same thoughte of sykernesse. make [Page lxxxxi] hymselfe gylty. For he that seyth no defaute in hym­selfe. he oughte to drede l [...]te he be blynde. which blyndenesse may be worse to hym. then many greatesyn­nes. that are sene. and sorowed for. And therfore yel­dynge vs gylty to god in all that we do on the daye▪ we aske at euen to be cōuerted to amendemente. and pray our lorde to kepe hys ire from vs. when we say in the begynnynge of complyn. Conuerte nos, ¶The comoun vse of the chyrche is to say foure psalmes at complyn. but saynte Benet settyth in hys rewle but thre psalmes to be sayde at complyn. And therto ac­cordeth youre seruice. that hathe at complyn but thre psalmes. whiche are these. Memento domine, Ecce qm bonū, Ecce nunc, In the fyrste psalme, that is Memento ye behyghte that ye wyll nether go to bedde, ne slepe tyl ye haue foūde in your selfe a restynge place to our lorde god. And how that shall be. the tother tow psalmes teche. for the tone that ys. Ecce qm bonum, tellyth of the loue and vnyte that eche one oughte to haue w t other. and the tother that ys Ecce nunc, spekyth of the praysynge and ioye. that oughte to be had in oure lorde god. And in what sowlle euer these tow thynges are. that ys. vnyte. and peace to all other. and loue. & ioye in god▪ therelyketh oure lorde to reste. and to a­byde. And therfore yf ye say well youre complyn. ye shall not be wythoute these tow. And yf ye fele these tow in you veryly▪ then blysse you. and go to bedde. and slepe restfully and safely. for oure lorde hymselfe restyth in you. and he wyll kepe you whyle ye slepe. ¶Antempne. Iocundum est, It ys mery to them to dwel in one▪ y t of the inderest of harte bysely worshyp god & his moder

¶The Chapyter.

MUlte filie, Many Doughters haue gathered the richesse. but thow alone mooste holy mary. haste ouer paste them all. These many doughters are chosen sowlles. whiche haue gathered rychesse of meny graces and vertewes. But our lady passyth them all▪ for in her alone were all graces & vertues more parfytly then in al saintes ¶Responce. In manus tui, O noble and gloryous vyrgyn cōmende vs in to the handes and power of thy sonne. Uerse. Quem redemptorem, whome we knowlege our ageynebyer and god of trouthe. ¶A nother Responce In manus tuas [...] I betake my sowlle lorde in to thy handes. Uerse. Redemisti, Thow haste boughte me ageyne. lorde god of trouthe.

¶The Hympne.

¶Ingenitore, In y e fyrste verse of this hympne. ye knowlege the faythe of the blyssed trinite. ¶And in the seconde verse ye saye that the same blessed trinyte was bothe in heuen and in the maydens wombe. Not that all thre persones were become man. but where euer the sonne was. and is. there was. and ys the father. and the holy gooste. ¶In the thyrde verse. ye saye that in tho thre persones ys one godhed. and onely in oure lady ys maydenhed and motherhed. ¶In the fourthe verse. ye knowlege that her sonne ys god & man. and that none other saue he. hathe a vyrgyn to hys moder ¶In the fyfte verse ye pray god to beholde you with hys mercyes. and not forsake you. ¶Then ye begyn and say thus. In genitore. The sonne ys the father. and the father is the sonne. the holy goste is in eyther of them. and eyther [Page lxxxxii] of them ys in the holy goste. Hii marie, These thre per parsones dwellynge in the maydenly bowelles of Marye. kepte the hye seate amongest the companyes of aungels.. In hiis, In these thre parsones ys one. godhed. and in thys woman alo­ne shyneth clere vyrgynyte and plenteous motherhed. Eius (que) solum, we knowlege her onely sonne. very god and man. and that none other hathe a mother vyrgyn. Vbi (que) presens, ¶ Beste and moste myghty god. ouer all presente. beholde vs that drede the. and dyspyse vs not. that pray the. Uerse. Ecce ancilla, Luce. primo. Thys versycle ys taken of the gospel. when oure lady answered to Gabryel. and sayde. Ecce ancilla, Lo the hande mayden of the lorde. Fiat michi, Be yt to me after thy worde.

¶Of the psalme Nunc dimittis.

Nunc dimttis Saynte Luke tel­lyth in hys gospel. Luce. secundo. that after oure lorde Iesu cryste was borne on crystmasse nighte. the forty day after. that is now called Candelmasse day. oure lady hys mother brou­ghte hym in to the temple of Ierusalem to doo as the custome of the lawe asked. ¶Then was there in ierusalem an olde and a holy father whose name was Symeon [...] Thys man had vnderstonde in his lyfe ty tyme by the prophysyes. that the incarnacion of oure lorde Iesu cryste was lyke hastely to be fulfylled. as y e comon opyniō was then amongest the iewes. And therfore he desyred and prayed so hartely there after▪ that he was answered by the holy goste. that he shulde not dye tyl he had sene wyth hys bodely eyne oure [Page] lorde Iesu cryste in hys manhod. Therfore when oure lady broughte fourthe her blyssed sonne Iesu cryst in to the temple as is before sayde. this holy man had knowlege therof by inspyracyon of the holy gooste. and came and mette wyth oure Lady in the temple. and toke her blyssed sonne Iesu in hys armes wyth greate ioye of harte. as he that hadde founde the ioye that he had longe desyred. And in that inwarde ioye and comforte that he had of that heuenly chylde▪ he brake oute in wordes of praysynge and thankeynge to god and sayde. Nunc dimittis seruum tuum domine, Now lorde thow leuest thy seruante in peace after thy worde. ¶Thys man was now glad to dye. for very peace of mankynde was come. by whome he shulde be br­oughte to endelesse peace. Before that tyme all went to helle. and wyste not when to be delyueryd. But for thys man was seker of hys delyueraunce for he had hys sauyoure in hys armes, therfore ioyfully he say­de. Now lorde thow lettest me thy seruaunte. dye in peace after thy worde. as thow behyghtest me. Quia viderunt, For myne eyne haue sene thy sauyoure. That was y e same chylde that he bare in hys armes whiche was and ys sauyoure of all hys trew people. Hym he se w t hys bodely eyne in hys manhod. and hym he se with hys gostely eyne by faythe after hys godhed. Quod parasti, whome y u haste made redy before the face of all people. ¶He that ys before a mannes face may esely be sene. so the faythe. and knowlege of our sauyoure Iesu cryste was made open by his apostles. before all people And therfore at the laste doume he shall be sene in his manhod as mercyfulle sauyoure to all that in faythe [Page lxxxxiii] and in drede & in loue beholde hym here. before theyre face. And to all other that turne theyr backe to hym here. by mysbyleue. or deadely synne. and so dye▪ he shall be sene as moste ferefulle iudge. Thus as thys holy man sayth. he ys made redy before the face of all peple. not only of iewes. but also of hethen. And therfo­he sayeth farther. Lumen ad reuelacionem, thow haste made them lyghte to the lyghtenynge of the hethen people. and glory of thy people of Israel. ¶The hethen were then all in darkenesse of mysbyleue and therfore. our lorde Iesu cryste was to them lyghte. to brynge them oute of all darkenesse. in to the lyghte of faythe. and grace. as the apostel saynt Paule sayde to them afterwarde Fuistis aliquando tenebre, Ephesios. v. nunc autem lux in domino. ye were he sayeth some tyme darkenesse. but now ye are lyghte in oure lorde. The iewes that were in lyghte of ryghte byleue. had grete worshyp of oure lorde Iesu. in that that he toke hys manhode amōgest them of theyr kyn rede. And therfore Symeon callyth hym the glory. that ys the ioye and the worshyp of the people of Is­rael. ¶Nethelesse he namyth here the hethen before the iewes. for greate multytude of the hethen were & are turned to crysten faythe. whyche are called now crysten people. but the multytude of the iewes abode in blyndenesse. But they shall come after. to ryghte faythe. in the ende of the worlde. ¶ In thys songe oure lorde Iesu cryste ys called Sauyoure. lyghte. and glory. He ys sauyoure to synners by mercy. and whom he saueth from synne. he lyghteneth by grace. & ther­fore he ys called lyghte. and whome he lyghteneth by grace. he rewardeth by endelesse blysse. and so he ys [Page] called the glory of hys people. ¶Also for thys ho­ly man Symeon desyred to dye. after he had sene ou­re lorde Iesu. as ys sayde before in thys songe. and for by thys complyn. ys betokened youre dethe. and by youre goynge to bedde. youre beryalles as I sayde before▪ therfore thys songe ys sayde at complyn ra­ther then at other howres. that ye shulde euery nygh­te be redy to desyre dethe. as he dyd. O regis pacifici, O vntouwched mother of the kynge of peace. sette vs thy ser­uauntes. and hande maydens benygnely togyther in the helthe­fulle peace of thy sonne. ¶Understande by these seruan­tes and handemaydens. not onely the systerne & bre­therne of thys order. but all cristen men and women. for youre seruyce ys ordeyned to be sayde in the par­sone of all holy chyrche. as I haue sayde often before


GRatiam tuaminfūde Lorde we beseche the. powre or shedde thy grace in to oure sowlles. that we that haue knowen by mes­sage of the aungel. the Incarnaciō of cryste thy son mote be ledde by his passyō. & crosse. vnto the glory of resurreciō Per eundem, By the same our lorde Iesu cryste thy sonne. that lyueth and rayneth god wyth the. in vnyte of the holy goste with oute ende. Amen.


Detevirgo. Fathers desyred the sauyoure of the worlde. to be borne of the. thow vyrgyn. Prophetes colde yt before. fygures betokened yt. at the laste the same heuenly messenger Gabryel. shewed it by salutacyō. the holy goste by shadowynge made the wyth chylde. O when shall he com so moche desyred. O. when shal he be borne of the. so longe abyden. Come. come lorde. now come. by the vyr­gyns bowels. vysytynge vs. spryngynge oute from hye aboue. [Page lxxxxiiii] Uerse. Egredietur virga, There shall sprynge a yerde oute of the rowte i [...]sse. Et flos, and oute of the rowte therof shal stye vp a flowre. ¶The vnderstandynge hereof. ye may se before at the howre of sexte.


¶ Gaudendum nobis est, It longeth to vs to ioye. that cryste mediatour of god. and men. borne of the mooste holy vyrgyn of vyrgyns▪ hathe enhaunsed the nature of vs. in to the parsone of hys godhed. prayse we hym. gloryfye we hym. loue we hym. before all thynges. knyttynge often this therto Mary. Mary. Mary. of all holynesse, and pryncy­pall precious stone▪ defende vs that mekely serue the frō the thousande thousande gyles of the olde enmye. Uerse. Post partum, Thow hast abyden clene vyrgyn after the byrthe. Responce. Dei genetrix, Mother of god pray for vs. Antempne. Regina celi, Quene of heuen ioye thow. for he whome thow haste deserued to bere. hathe ary­sen as he sayde. pray god for vs. Uerse. Virgo mater, Uyrgyn mother of hym that ys arysen. make vs to gette the fo­de of lyfe endurynge. ¶At assencyon tyme ye saye. Iam ascendit sicut dixit, Now he hathe styed vp. as he sayde ¶And at Pentecoste ye saye. Iam emisit quod promisit Frow he hathe sente oute that he be hyghte. that ys the holy goste. And in the verse ye saye. Mater ascendentis Mother of hym that styed vp. And Mater inspirantis, Mother of hym that enspyreth. Not that oure lady is mo­ther of the thyrde person. in trynyte that ys called the holy goste. whiche ys worshyped in the feaste of Pentecosse and to whome longeth to enspyre as the comō maner of speche ys. but she ys mother of the seconde [Page] persone oure lorde Iesu cryste that enspyreth grace in mannes soulle as welle as the holy goste for the workes of the holy trinyte ar vndepartable. Also our lorde Iesu ys sayde to enspyre. in that. that he sente the holy goste on Penthecoste sondaye to enspyracyon of hys dyscyples. Also in the verse at the Ascencyō. and at Pentecoste ys sayde. Gaudia, Ioyes. in stede of Pas­cua, Fowde. For at Ester oure lorde is taken of crysten people in y e sacramente of the aulter as foude of theyr sowles. But at the Ascenciō. he toke pocessyon for al hys chosen in the ioye of heuen. & from thense at Pen­tecoste. he sente the holy goste. And therfore at Ester. ye aske foude of lyfe. & at Assencion. and at Pentecost ye aske ioy of lastyng lyfe. ¶what Alleluya is to say ye haue before at the begynnynge of mattyns. For where euer yt is sayde. yt menyth spyrituall. and en­delesse ioye. And therfore yt ys moste songe in Ester tyme for ioye of oure lordes resurreccyon by whome we shall all aryse in the ende of the worlde. and come to euerlastynge ioye in sowle. and body. Uerse. Speciosa facta es, Thow arte made fayre and softe Respōce. In delic [...]s, In thy delyces holy mother of god. Antempne Alma redemptoris mater, Holy mother of the ageyne byer that arte the abydynge open gate of heuen. and starre of the see. socoure the fallyng people that studyeth or laboureth to aryse. thow that haste begotte thy holy begetter. nature meruelynge. vyrgyn before and after. takynge that Iue. of Gabryels mouthe. haue mercy vpon synners. v. Ora pro nobis, Pray for vs holy mother of god. R. Vt digni, That we be made worthy the grace of cryste.


Famulorum tuorum Lorde god. we beseche the. forgyue the trespa­ces of thy seruantes. that we. that may not plese the. of oure owne dedes. more be saued. by the prayer of the mother of oure lorde god thy sonne. Per eundem [...] By the same oure lorde cryste Amen

¶Here endeth the story of the Sonday, And begynneth the story of the Monday,

[Page lxxxxvi] ON Monday at mat­tyns the Inuitatory.

Regem angelorum, Come ye. worshyp we the kynge of aun­gels ioyenge of hys mother.

¶The Hympne.

PEr se lucens, Thys hympne tellyth how god almyghty beynge suffycyente in all ioye. in hymselfe. was moued onely of hys owne goodnesse to make aungels. to that ende that they shulde be parteners of his ioy And how sōme of tho aungels dispysed hym. & felle to mystyef and how other abode in praysyng of god. knowyng that the falle of theyr felowes shulde be reparelyd by oure lady. ¶There is a precyous stone that is called a carboncle. whyche shyneth bryghte as fyre. of hys owne kynde. so that no darkenesse may blemysshe yt ne no moysture quenche yt. And to thys stone ye ly­ken oure lorde god. when ye saye. Per se lucens, The carboncle shynynge by yt selfe nedeth none other lyghte. so god alone endelesly suffycyente to hymselfe. Claros creauir, Made bryghte aungels of hys owne goodn̄esse. wyllynge that they shulde be made parteners of hys glory. Exercitus, Anon as the hoste of aungels se them selfe made [...] sōme of them waxte prowde. and dyspyfed theyre maker. H [...] ruunt, They felle downe in to wretchednesse. the tother praysynge god. knewe that theyre brekynge shulde be redressed by the. marye. ¶Antempne. Benedictus, Blyssed be the lorde. whome we hope. to here the voyce of oure prayer. for the moste worthy prayers. of hys mother. ¶Antempne. Filu hominum Sonnes of men brynge ye glory and worshyp to the vyrgyns [Page] sonne. that ye may be made the sonnes of god. Antiphona. Conuerte domina, Lady mother of ioye. turne oure sorowe in to ioye. and close vs all aboute with ioye. that we ioyenge mote shew the trouye of god. Uerse. Angelorum, Moste myghty lady of all aungels. Responce. Esto nobis, Be to vs a defender from the gyle of wycked. Benedictio. Ad so cietatem, The quene of aungels mote lede vs to the felyshyp of the hyghe cytezyns Amen.

The fyrste Lesson.

SCiens ita (que) deus, This lessō tellyth how. after god of his only charite had made the greate multytude of aungels▪ sōme felle to dampna­cyō. and sōme bode in blysse. And how they that abode in blysse. had knowlege that oure ladye that was then vnmade. shulde be moste nere god aboue them al And therfore they had more ioy. thē they had of theyr owne makynge. Therfore the aungel sayeth thus. Sciens ita (que) deus, God knowynge all thynge suffycy­ente to hīselfe endelesly in hymselfe to hys owne ioye was moued of the only feruoure of his charite. to ma [...]e sōme thinge. that other myght be parteners of his vnspecable ioye. Creauit- [...]gnur, Therfor he made an vnspecable multytude of aūgels. geuynge them free ch­oyse to do after theyr power▪ what they wolde [...] That lyke as he, constrayned by no nede. but of the feruou­re of hys owne charyte made them to theyr owne endelesse delyte▪ ryghte so they not cōpelled. but of their [Page lxxxxviii] owne free wylle. shulde gyue contynually wythout ceasynge to theyr maker. charyte for charyte. and re­uerence. for vnfaylynge comforte. In eodem, But in the same poynte. that they were made. sōme of them mooste wyckedly mysse vsynge the moste acceptable gyfte of free choyse▪ began malycyously to haue en­uye to theyr maker. whome they oughte. for hys mo­ste loue. soueraynely to haue loued. Vnde protinus, wherfore they felle anon wyth theyr malyse as they deserued▪ fro euerlastynge felycyte. in to endelesse wretchednesse. Alii vero, But other aungels abode with theyr charyte. in blysse prepared for them. whyche loued god feruently for his loue. beholdynge to hym all fayrenesse. all power. and all verteu. Intellexerunt, The aungels also vnderstode of the syghte and con­templacyon of god. that he onely was wythoute be­gynnynge and without endynge. and that they themselfe were made of hym. & that they had of hys good­nesse. and of his power. what goodnesse euer they had Nouerunt, They knew also in the gloryous syghte of hym. them selfe made so wyse of his wysdome▪ y t they se clerely after the demenyng of goddes sufferaūce, al thynges that were to come. Of whych they toke that in moste inwarde affeccyon▪ that they knew before. that god wolde of hys charyte and mekenesse. to hys glory. and to comforte of hys hoste. that ys to saye of his aungels. fulfylle agayne tho heuenly mansyons from whyche the inobedyente aungels wretchedly felle. for theyre pryde. and enuye. Intuebantur, They se also in that blessyd myroure that ys god theyr ma­ker. a certayne reuerente seate. so nye to god hymselfe [Page] that yt semed vnpossyble eny other seate to be more nyghe vnto hym. And they knew well. that. y e thinge was yet vnmade. to whome that sete was prepared from withoute begynnynge. Ex intuitu, Also the charyte of god wythoute doubte enfla [...]med them all in a poynte. momente or instante, of the beholdynge of the clerenesse of god so that eche of them loued other as hymselfe. Nethelesse they loued god moste. and a­boue all thynges. And they loued that thynge vnmade that shu [...]de be sette in the seate nexte vnto god▪ more then themselfe For they se that god loued souereynly that thynge vnmade. and had moste ioye therof. Omnium consolatio, O vyrgyn mary comforte of all. thow art this same thynge. to whome aungels from the begynnynge of theyr makynge. brente in so grete charyte▪ that thoughe they ioyed more then maye be spoken. of the swetnesse. & clerenesse that they had to be so nyghe the syghte of god▪ yet they ioyed moche more. for that thou shuldest be more nerer to god then they. and for they knew that there was reserued to the. more charyte. and more swetnesse then they hadde Videbant, They se also vpon the same seate. a certayne crowne of so greate fayrenesse. and of so greate worthynesse▪ that the maieste of none. safe of god alone. shulde ouer passe yt. Vnde qmuis, wherfore thoughe they knew. that god shulde veryly haue greate wor­shyp. and ioye for he had made them▪ yet they se that more worshyppe and more ioy shulde come to god of that. that thow shuldest be made to so hygh a crowne Et ideo ipsi. And therfore the same aungels. ioyed more for that god wolde make the▪ then for that god had [Page lxxxxviii] made them. Et sic tu, And so thou O. vyrgyn moste holy. that were souerayne delyte to god hymselfe withoute begynnynge. were ioye to aungels anone as they were made. Et sic vere, And so veryly. god with aungels. and aungels wyth god ioyed moste inwar­dely of the. ere thou were made. O virgyn most worthy of all creatures. Tu autem, ¶Responce. Te sanctum, All aūgels in heuen prayse the. holy lorde. sayng lorde. praysynge and worshyp belongeth to the. ¶Uerse. Cherubyn, Cherubyn and Seraphyn. and all the orders of heuen. erye praysynges to y e lorde. for thy glory O. vyrgyn. saynge Te decet. Lorde praysynge and worshyp belongeth to the. ¶Benedictio. In matrem, The vyrgyn chosen to be y t mo­ther of god. mote shew vs whiche is the righte way vnto heuen.

¶The seconde Lesson.

INtendens Igitur deus, In thys Lesson the aungel shew­eth that god hathe more worshyp. and aungels more ioye and man more profyte of our lady. then al creatures that euer were made in erthe. He sheweth also how the holy vertues and workes of oure lady. are lykened by dyuerse creatures. that god made in the begynnynge of the worlde. And thus he begynneth. Intendens igitur Therfore god preposynge to make the worlde wyth other creatures that are therein▪ he sayde Fiat, Be yt made. Genes. primo. Et statim, And anon that was parfytly made. that he entended to make. Mundo ita (que), And when the [Page] worlde. and all creatures, saue onely man were par­fytly made. and were reuerentely presente with fairenesse to the syghte of god. there was yet a lesse worlde vnmade p̄sente before god wyth all fayrenesse. wher of shulde come more glorye to god. and more myrthe to aungels. and more profyte to echeman that wolde vse the goodnesse of yt. then of thys more worlde. O predulcis, O moste swete lady vyrgyn mary. amyable and louely to all. and profytable to all▪ full conuenyently thou arte vnderstande by thys lesse worl­de. Ex scriptura, Genes. primo. Men also knoweth of scrypture. that yt plesed god to departe lyghte frō darkenesse in this more worlde. But for sothe that departynge of lygh­te and darkenesse that shulde be made in the after thy makynge. plesed hym moche more. That ys to saye. when the ignorance of thy tender chyldehode. whiche ys lykened to darckenesse. shulde in all wyse departe from the. and the knowynge of god. whyche ys lykened to lyghte. wyth wylle and vnderstandynge to lyue after hys wylle, shulde abyde moste fully in the w t moste feruente charyte. Cōuenienter ita (que), And cōuenyently. is all tendernesse of yong chyldehod lykened to darckenesse in whiche yonge chyldehode god ys not knowen. ne there ys had reason ne dyscresciō to wyt what ys to be done. Hanc vti (que), But thow. o. vyrgyn clene fro all synne haste ouerpassed thys tendernes of yonge age. Genes. primo. moste innocently. Deinde, Furthermore. as god made tow lyghtes. wyth starres also. necessa­ry to thys worlde. one for the day. a nother for the nyghte▪ so he se before, that tow lyghtes shulde be made in the. moche more bryghte. Primum, For thy fyrste lyghte [Page lxxxxix] was thy godly obedyence. whyche shone moste clerely as y e sōne in heuen before aūgels. & in the worlde before good men. to whome god is veryly euerlastynge daye. Secundum, And the secōde lyghte was thy moste stable faythe by whiche as by lyghte of the mone. many that in nyghtes tyme. that ys. frome that howre in whyche the maker of all thynges shulde suffer dethe in hys manhod for hys creature. vnto his resurreccyon▪ wandrynge wretchedly in darkenesse of dyspayre. & of mysbyleue▪ shulde be broughte agay­ne to knowlege of trouthe. Stellis, The thoughtes al­so of thy harte apered lyke vnto starres. in that [...] that from that tyme that thou haddest fyrste knowyng of god thou abodest so feruente in the charyte of god vnto thy dethe▪ that all thy thoughtes appered more brighte to the syghte of god. and of aungels. then starres do in the syghte of men. Volucrum, Also the hyghe flyghtes. and the swete sownynge songes of byrdes of dyuerse kyndes▪ bytokened al the wordes of thy lyppes whyche shulde stye up wyth all swetnesse frome thyne erthely bodye vnto the eres of hym y e settyth in trone of mageste to souerayn ioy of aūgels. Preterea [...] Furthermore thow were lyke to all the erthe. in that. that is all thynges that haue erthely body in this more worlde. shulde be noryshed of y e fruytes of the erthe ryghte so all the same thynge. shulde not onely take noryshynge of thy fruyte. but also the selfe lyfe. Florigeris, Thy workes also myghte worthyly be lykened to florysshynge and fruytefull trees. for thou shuldest do them with so greate charyte. that they shulde delyte god. and hys aungels. more then the fayrenesse of [Page] al flowres. and the swetnesse of al fruytes. Prefertim [...] Namely whyle yt is to be byloued wythout all doute that god se in the. before thy makynge. mo vertues then in all kyndes of herbes. of flowres. of trees. of fruytes. of stones. or of metalles. that mighte be founde in brede of all the worlde. Vnde, wherfore no mer­uayle thoughe god had more delyte in the. thow lesse worlde. that were yet to be made▪ then of thys more worlde. Nam licet, For thoughe the worlde were made before the. yet yt was to perysshe wyth all thyng­es that were therin. But thow in thyne vnfaylynge fayrenesse. after the endelesse fore ordenaunce of god shuldest abyde vndepartably in his moste loued loue In nullo, For that more worlde deserued in nothynge ne myghte deserue. that it shulde be made euerlasting. Sed tu, But thow O. blyssed mary. moste fulle of vertues. haste after thy makynge. moste worthyly deserued. by the helpynge grace of god. wyth the perfeccy­on of all vertues▪ all thinges that god hathe vouchedsafe to do wyth the. Tu aufem, ¶Respōce. Benedicta, Blessed be the erthe whose flowres. fade not. whose fruyte ys lyfe. of all that lyue. geuyng noryshynge to all mankynde. ¶Uerse. Vere, For southe thys erthe ys the vyrgyn mother. the flowres are her workes. her sonne ys the fruyte. ¶Thus the verse expouneth the responce. and bothe accordeth to the lesson. as ye maye se. ¶ Benediccio, Corona, The quiene arayed with the croune of vertues▪ be redy to vs contynewally in defense. Amen.

¶The thyrde Lesson,

[Page C] VIrtutum omnium. In thys Lesson ys tolde the cause why god gaue to man. and to aūgel fre choyse whyther they wolde do good or yuel And how god ys worshyped specyally wyth three crownes. The fyrste crowne ys the vertew by why­che he made aungels. The seconde crowne ys the verteu by whyche he made man. The thyrde crowne ys the verteu by whyche he made oure lady to the repa­rynge bothe of man and of aūgels. The lesson begynneth thus Virtutum omnium, God ys the worker of all vertues and the selfe vertew. so that yt ys vnposy­ble to all creatures that are made▪ to shyne with eny verteu wythoute hys helpe. Qui a principio, whyche from the begynnynge after he had made the worlde and all creatures▪ at the laste by hys verteu he made man. geuynge hym fre choyse. that by hym he shulde stande parseuerantly in good. to good rewarde. and not falle into yuell. to yuell rewarde. Nam sicut, For as agenste men, theyr workes are acounted for lytell that wylle not worke tyll they are compelled to worke by stockes. or by fetters. and theyr workes ar worthy loue and ryghte good rewarde. that not constrayned. but of free wylle do that they haue to do of pure charyte▪ & lyke wyse yf god had not gyuen free choyse to aungels. and to men. they shulde seme in maner to be cōpelled to do tho thynges that they shulde do & theyr workes to be worthy lytel rewarde. Placuit igit Therfore yt plesed that verteu that ys god hymselfe. to gyue them fredome to do what they wolde. and he made them fully to vnderstōde. what rewarde godly [Page] obedyence shulde deserue. & what paynes prowde vnobediēce shulde make his folowers worthy. Magnam And grete verteu god shewed when he made man of erthe. to y e ende. that by charite & mekenes. he shulde deserue to be made a dweller of the mansyon of heuen. from whyche aūgels cōtrary to goddes wylle. were wretchedly cast out for pryde & enuye. Erant enim, For vertues were hateful to them. for whiche they might hyly haue be crowned. Nam nulli, For be yt doubte to none. that as a kynge is honored & worshyped of his kyngly crowne. so eche verteu not only worshypeth his doer amōgest men. but also yt arayeth hym excellently. as w t ashynyng crowne before god & aūgels. And therfore eche vereteu may cōuenyently be called a shynyng crowne. Vnde. wherfore the nōbre of crounes is to be beleued vnthyncable. w t whiche god hym selfe shyneth moste hyly. whose vertues ouerpasse w t ­out lykensse. in multytude. & in gretnes. & in worthy­nesse. all thynges y t were. that ar. & shal be. For he wroughte neuer other thynge but vertues. whome yet specially thre vtues arayed more gloryously. as thre most bryghte crownes. Virtus nan (que), For that vertu by whiche he made aūgels. was hys fyrst crowne. from whiche sōme of thē hauyng enuy to the glory of god. wretchedly depryued themselfe. Illa quo (que). And that verteu by which he made man. was to hym the seconde crowne. from whyche the selfe man was also so­deynly priued of hys owne foly. consentynge to the enuyful sturrer and suggestoure. Verūptamen, Nethelesse the verteu of god or the glory of his verteu mighte not be made lesse. by the falle of tho aungels. or of man. thoughe they them selfe made vngloryous for [Page Ci] thyr wyckednes. felle from glory. for they wolde not gyue glory to god. for that. that he had made them to hys. and to theyre owne glory. but the mooste wyse wysdome of god. chaunged theyre wyckednesse in to the glory of hys verteu. Virtus vero, And that verteu by whyche he made the o, desyderable vyrgyn to hys endeles glory▪ gloryfyed hym as the thyrde crowne. by whyche aungels knew that the brekynges of the fyrste crownes. shulde be made hole agayne. Vnde o, domina, wherfore o Lady. hope of oure helthe. thow mayste ryghtefully be called the crownde of goddes worshyp. For as by the. he wroughte moste souerayne verteu▪ ryghte so moste souerayne worshyp came to hym by the. before all the creatures. Clare vti (que), And clerely was yt knowen to aungels. when thow were vnmade. presente to goddes syghte. that thow shuldest by thy most holy mekenesse ouercome the fende. whiche. by his pryde had dampned hymselfe. and of hys malyce begyled man. Igitur qmuis, Therfore thoughe aungels se man falle to greate wretchednes yet they myghte not sorowe for ioye of the syghte of god. namely for yt was open inoughe to them. what thynges. and how greate thynges god shulde vouchesafe to do wyth thy mekenesse. after thy makynge, Responce. Christi virgo, Moste loued vyrgyn of chryst worker of vertues brynge helpe to wretches. Helpe them lady. that [...]ye contynually vnto the. Uerse, Quoniam, For we are borne downe wyth the burden of synnes▪ we pray the most holy Uerse. Benedicat. All the cheualry of heuen more blysse god Responce. Pro suo. For the vnspecable glorye of hys mooste worthy mother.

¶At laudes. Anthiphona.

[Page] ANgeli In thys Antēpne ye calle all the nyne orders of aungels. to praysynge of the kynge. and of the quine of heuen. praynge them to make you worthy to prayse the same kyng and quine also. Angeli, Aungels. archaungels, verteus. potestates. pryncipates. dominaciōs. thrones. cherubyn. and seraphyn. prayse ye togyther the kynge of heuens. for the vyrgyn whome he hathe chosen hym to be hys quine. & make ye vs wor­thy to her praysynge.

¶The Hympne.

IN throno In the fourthe verse of thys hympne ye prayse oure lady of seuen thynges. The fyrste ys. that she hathe a seate in heuen aboue all creatures nexte vnto god. The seconde is. that she ys herselfe the seate of god most pleasaūte to hym. The thyrde is that the hygh aungels of heuen prayse her and do her worshyp. The fourthe ys. y t god wolde dwelle in her wōbe for a tyme. The fyfte is. y t she dwelte in god endelesly. The syxte ys. that all the company of heuen ys glad of her p̄sence. And the seuente is. that all that are in dysease. hope to haue comforte of her. Then ye say thus. In throno, Thou holy vyrgyn syttynge in trone nexte vnto god. geuynge thy selfe a throne to hym moste plesaunte aboue all thynges. Te throni, Tho aungels that are called trones prayse the wyth tho aungels that ar called potestates. and the hyghe orders of aungels. that ys Cherubyn & Seraphyn. prayse the togyther w t hygh soūdynge praysynges. [Page Cii] In te, The maker of all thynges rested temperally in the. in whome thow vyrgyn of vyrgyns restyst endelesly. Ex te, All the [...] of heuen ioyeth contyneually of the. and we that are in anguysshe. hope to haue ioyes of the. Maria mater, &c. Uerse. Sacra mater, The mother of holy chyrche mote ioye wyth aungels. Responce. Quam, whome the gloryous lyfe of mary blessedly lyghteneth. Antempne. Sis tu, Endelesse god. endelesly be thow blyssed. for the endelesse glory of thy mother. whome the companyes of aungels gloryfy wyth vnspecable praysynge. whome the companyes of helles tremel and drede. by whose helpe we wretched synners hope to be saued Therfore benygne maker. praysyng. worshyp. and glory. mote sowne to the endelesly. Benedicamus superni [...] Blesse we the onely sonne of the hyghe kynge. whome the innomberable company of aungels. blessyth. Benedicamus angelice, Blesse we the lorde of angely power whome the pure vyrgyn conceyued. Gabryel beynge messenger. Deo dicamus gratias, Say we thankynges to god.

¶At pryme the Hympne.

VIrgo fulgens, In thys Hympne ye prayse oure Lady of one thynge and aske of her syxe thynges, ye prayse her as moste full of vertues aboue all crea­tures in heuen. and in erthe. And ye aske of her fyrste that youre synnes be put awaye from you. The secō ­de. that vertues be broughte in to youre sowles. The thyrde. that when ye erre. she wyll correcte you. The forthe. that when ye falle. she wyll lyfte you vp. The fyfte. that she wylle put to her helpynge handes in al [Page] youre nedes. And the syxte. that she wyll chase away from you. all yuels. ¶And these thynges ye aske not onely for youre selfe. but for all cristen people. For ye praye in the ꝑsone. and in the obedyence of holy chyr­che. and so for the profyte of holy chyrche in all youre seruyce. as I haue sayde ofte before hande. And all youre prayer ys so moche the better. Virgo fulgens, Uyrgyn shynynge in vertues before all creatures. putte awaye oute synnes. and brynge vertues in to oure sowlles. Tu nos, Correcte thow vs when we erre. lyfte thou vs vp. when we calle putte oute thy benygne hande. and dryue awaye alwayes noy­ous thynges. ¶Antempne. Non obliuiscatur [...] O vyrgyn of vyrgyns thy blessed sonne mote not forgette vs. leste that oure enmye be enhaunsed vpon vs.

¶At tyerte Antempne.

OUictrix. O moste mighty ouercomer. in whose syghts [...] he wycked enmy of mankynde ys broughte to noughte. by the ouye herytage ys restored agayne to vs. ¶Responce Angeloium [...] Moste my [...] lady of all [...]ngels, ¶Uerse. Esto [...] [...] to vs a [...] from the frawde of a [...] Uerse. Benedicat, All the chyualry of heuen mote [...] god Responce. Pro sue, For the vnspecable glory of his moste worthy mother

¶At texte Antempne.

PReueninos, Lady come before vs in blessynges of swetnesse. that thy Sonne thynke not on oure trespaces. And ignorances. but that he haue mynde of hys mercyes. ¶The Res­ponce. and the versycle of thys howre ar englyshed before.

¶At none Antepmne.

ADiuua nos, O spowse of the hyghest kynge helpe vs. that our sowles. whiche thy sonne god of trouthe. boughte. be not loste wyth the wycked. Uerse. O laudabilem, O praysable vyrgyn. that gladdeth god. and aungels. Responce. Per quam [...] By whome god maketh men. aungels felowes.

¶At euensonge Antempne.

DEus noster, Good Iesu sonne of y e clene vyrgyn thou arte oure god. Therfore lyghten oure hartes. wyth ryghte fayth en­flawme them wyth charyte. and strengthe them wyth trew hope. O mother of grace socaure thou vs for thow arte the lordes gatt. by whyche ryghtfull men enter in to the kyngedome of heuen.

¶The Hympne.

DEus plasmator. In thys hympne ye prayse god of syx thynges. and thre thynges ye aske of hym. Fyrst ye prayse hym as god and man. The seconde. ye prayse hym of the largenesse of hys charite. by whiche he made man and gaue hym free choyse to do what he wolde. The thyrde. ye prayse hym of hys ryghtwesnesse. in that he punysshed ryghtfully bothe man and aungel. that mysvsed thys fredom. The forthe. ye prayse hym. bothe of ryght wesnes. & of mercy in that. that he forsa­keth them ryghtfully. that are harded in synne. & mercyfully receyueth them that do penaūce. And also in [Page] that. that he releueth them that meke thēselfe. & bereth downe them that enhaūce thēselfe. The .v. ye prayse hym as large in hys behestes to thē that obaye to his bydynges. And the .vi. ye prayse hym as trew in fulfyllyng ꝓmesses. bothe in geuyng of payne to y e wycked. & of blysse to y e good. And therfore ye aske of hym iii. thynges. One. that ye be redy to kepe y e he byddeth. A nother y t ye be rewarded w t his chosen. And y e thyrde that though ye deserue not to be harde for youre selfe. yet y t he wylle graunte you youre askynges. by prayers of his holy moder. thē ye say thus. Deus plasmator God maker of man. sonne of the vntouched vyrgyn. that gaue vs fredome. whome thow madest. Qui angelis, Ryghteful iudge. that haste punyshed by thy ryghtwesnes. aungels and men. that mysvsed thys grace. Tu induratos, Thou dyspysest them that art harded in synne. & thow receyuest them that do penaūet thou lyf [...]est them vp. that bere downe thēselfe. & thou ouercom­est them. that bere vp themselfe. Qui monita, Thow that haste behyghte lyfe. to them that fulfyll thy byddynges. graunt vs gladly to fulfylle. what euer thow haste cōmaunded. Vt cum. That when thow comest iudge. saynge. go ye. come ye▪ felowe vs to them. by thy motherss prayer. whome thou shalte sette on thy ryghte syde. ¶when oure lorde Iesu cryste cometh to the doume. he shall say to the wycked. go ye cursed in to the endelesse fyre. And to the good. he shall say. Come ye blyssed of my father. And therfore ye say in thys last verse of thys hympne. that when he cometh iudge. he shall say go ye. come ye. Antempne. Magnificetur rex, The kynge of heuenly cheualry be magny­fyed. and praysed. whyche beholdynge the mekenesse of hys hande mayden. hathe magnyfyed her aboue all thynges that he made. Hys benygne charyte be praysed wythoute ceafynge. that hathe ordeyned her to vs the mother of charyte.

¶At complyn Antempne.

Exultant. Sayntes ioye of mary the che­ste of holynesse whiche dothe a waye the nede of all that flye to her. of the plente of grace. that she founde towarde god.

¶The Hympne.

CElestis erat, This hympne ys spoken vn­derful fayre. and darke examples. and therfore yt nedyth som maner exposycyon. The fyrste verse tellyth how by the malyce of lucyfer. the nynte parte of aūgels. fel from heuen. The seconde verse tellyth how by the grace of the holy goste oure lady conceyued. The thyrde verse tellyth how by oure ladyes sōne. heuen ys to be ful­fylled agayne wyth holy towlles. And in the forthe verse ye aske that oure lorde Iesu cryste lyste to dwelle in you and fede you wyth hys comforte. ¶Fyrste ye shall vnderstande. that the northe wynde ys colde and bytyng. and maketh fayre flowres som tyme to fade. And therfore by the northe ys vnderstonded the fen [...] lucyfer. that by coldenesse of hys malyse caused other aūgels that are lykened to fayreflowree. to falle from blysse. ¶The holy goste also ys vnderstonde by the sowthe. for lyke as the sowthe wynde that ys in maner hotte. causeth often times rayne to falle vp on the erthe. wherby barayne londe and drye. ys made plenteous. and bryngeth fourthe fruyte▪ ryghte so the holy goste by the wynde of hys charyte. and holy [Page] inspyracion. maketh the rayne of grace to falle vpon barcyne sowlles. wherby they brynge fourthe [...] fruite of good dedes. But thys sowthe. that ys [...] goste [...] blew oute moste meruaylous rayne of [...] ace. when he made fruytefulle oure Ladyes [...]. whiche ys lykened to drye and bareyne erthe. for she was moste drye. from all flesshely luste. and barayne by moste clene maydenhed. By these tow examples of the northe and of the sowthe. ye maye vnderstonde the tow fyrste verses of thys hympne. when ye saye Celestis erat curia, The courte of heuen was fylled wyth fayre flowres. wherof y e nynte parte faded. by the wodnesse of the [...]orthe. Hinc austo Therfore the plesaunte sowthe blowyng [...]. the bareyne erthe is wette wyth very holsome rayne wherby yt was made plenteous. In valle, A grene lylye grew in a vale. of whose sede. the hyenesse of goddes moūte. flowreth w t fayre blossō [...]s ¶vnderstonde by the lylye oure lady. by the vale. the worlde. or mekenesse. By the sede of the lylye. our lorde Iesu cryste. By the hye moūteyne. heuen. And by the buddynge [...] holy sowles that are in the mounte of heuen. Chiste semen, Cryste that art the beste sede of this [...]ayre florysshynge lylye. sowe thy selfe in to vs. geuynge fruyte of [...]olace. ¶Antempne. Angelorum imperatrix, Empresse of aungels. assygne vs to theyre kepynge. that the wodde lyon goynge aboute. fynde not whome to deuoure in thy lytel people. Antempne. Aue regina, Hayle quene of heuen [...]. Hayle lady of aūgels. hayle holy roure. wherof lyghte is spronge to the worlde. Ioye thou gloryous. fayrest abou [...] all. fare wel ryghte fayre and pray alway cryste for vs.

¶Here endeth the story of the Monday. And begynneth the story of the Tuesday.

ON tuesday at matins

¶The Inuitatory. Filrum dei,

Come ye. worshyp we ioyeng the sonne of god. whome the prophetes ioyeng. prophecied before. to be borne of a vyrgyn.

¶ The Hympne.

DEcepte verbo, This hympne tellyth how adā for hys inobedyence. was caste oute of para­dyse in to the wretchednesse of this worlde. but for he repented hys synne. god lette hym wytte. that he wolde be borne of a vyrgyn. for hys redempcyon. Decepte verbo, The fyrste man folyly cōsentyng to the worde of his deceyued wyfe. was made inobedyente to y t cōmaundementes of god. Hic e [...]ectus. He wretchedly caste out from the glory of paradyse. was compelled to vysyte the worlde lyuynge in pouerte. Immortalis, He that was vndedly. was made subget to dethe. A man nye lyke to aungels. is made felowe to bestes of the worlde. Huic deus. For he sorowed that he hadde synned. god gaue hym to vnderstande that he wolde [...]e borne of a clere vyrgyn. Antempne. Ab omnibus [...] Oure lady delyuer vs from all our wyckednesses. reconsylynge vs to thy moste pyteous sōne. whyche of ryght wysnesse hathe chastysed man that synned. Antempne. Emitte [...] Sōne of god. sende vs out thy lyghte. & thy trouthe. that we be ledde in to the bosom of mercy. of thy gloryouse mother. An̄. Salua nos, Mo­der of helthe. & of lyfe. saue vs from them that trouble vs. y t the shadowe of dethe couer vs not. for we sprede oute oure handes. to thy sōne very god. v. Auctor mor [...]s. The auctor of dethe is caste out woūded. from the [Page] regyon. of them that lyue. R. Humanum, [...] mankynde to hym. in to [...] Abhos [...], The meke vyrgyn moote [...] from the wycked enmy. Amen.

¶The fyrste [...]sson.

ERo testatur, This lessō sheweth how Adam after he had synned. sorowed [...] for the essense of god that he was fallen in. by Eue [...] and howe he ioyed. for the helthe that he shulde [...] to. [...]ene [...]. .iii. by mary. Protestatur, Holy scrypture beryth wyt­nesse. that Adam beynge in the felycyte of paradyse. brake the cōmaundemente of god. but yt makyth no mynde. that he was vnobedyente to the wylle of god after he was come in to wretchednesse. Vnde vere, wherof yt ys veryly shewed. that Adam loued god wyth all the myghtes of hys harte. in that. that after hys sōne had slayne hys brother [...] he fledde the flesshe­ly felyshyp of hys wyfe. And afterwarde herynge y e byddynge of god▪ he coupeled hymselfe agayne obe­dyently to the same wyfe. as matrymony askyth. Grauius quo (que). And more greuously he re [...]nted hym that he had offended his maker▪ then that he had ca [...] hym selfe to be tormented in moste greuous paynts, Idcirco, Therfore yt is knowen. not to be vnrightful that as y t ire of god cam vpon hym for pryde. by whiche he had offended god in hys felycyte▪ ryghte so grete cōforte shulde be gyuen vnto hym beynge in wret­chednes. by cause y t he wayled [...] & sorowed in very [...] kenes. & in moste greuous penaūce. y t he had ꝓuoked to wrathe so benygne a make. Maiorem autem, And more comforte myghte Adam not parceyue▪ then to be certifyed. that god shulde vouchesafe to be borne of [Page Cvi] hys generacyon. to bye agayne tho sowlles by mekenesse and charyte. whyche the same Adam. depryued thorugh enuy of y e fende. had throwen downe by hys pryde from endelesse lyfe. Sed quia. But for yt semeth vnpossyble to all wyse men. and as yt ys. that god. whome besemeth no byrthe, but moste honeste. shulde take to hym a body of mankynde by flesshely luste as other chyldren▪ moche more Adam. that was made wythoute flesshely delyte. byleued yt vnpossyble. Ergo intellexit, Therfore Adam vnderstode that it plesed not the maker of all thynges. to make a mannes body to hymselfe in that wyse. as he had made his body, or Eues body. Credebat idcirco, Adam therfore byleued. that god wolde take mannes body of a person lyke in body to Eue. whyche shulde floryshe by par­feccyō. of all vertues aboue all begotten of man. and of woman. and be borne of her moste honestly wyth godhed. and manhed. her maydenhed safe [...] Vnde sine omni, wherfore yt is knowen to be byleued without eny dowte. that thys Adam. when he felte that god was in maner plesed to hym warde. had grete sorow of the wordes whyche Eue lerned of spekynge wyth the fende▪ an lyke wyse when he came in to sorowe, & wretchednesse, he had greate ioye and comforte of the wordes. whyche thow. O mary. hope of all. shuldest answere to the aūgel. Dolebat quo (que). Adam sorowed also. y t the body of Eue. made of hys body. had drawen hym deceyuably to endelesse dethe of helle▪ but he ioyed for he knew y t worshypfull body to be borne of thy body. O moste honest of vyrgyns▪ whiche shulde myghtely bryng agayne hym. & his ꝓgeny to heuēly [Page] lyfe. Tristabatur etiam, Adam was also heuy. that Eue hys felowe. had begonne of ryghte grete pryde. to be vnobedyente to her maker. But he ioyed. for he se before. that y . O mary. hys moste dere doughter. shulde obaye to god in all thynges. wyth souerayne meke­nesse. Dolebat Adam, Adam sorowed. for Eue of pryde had sayd in her harte. as if she wolde be made euen to god. wherfore she felle to grete hurte in the syghte of god. and of aungels. But he ioyed that thy worde by whyche thow shuldest mekely, ꝓfesse the. the hand mayden of god. shone bryghte in her fore knowynge to thy grete glory. Tristabatur etiam, Adam was heuy also. for the worde of Eue had prouoked god to wra­the. to dampnacyon of herselfe. and of all other that cam a [...] her. But he ioyed for thy worde shulde draw the charyte of god to grete comforte. to the. and to all dampned by the worde of Eue. Verbum enim, For the worde of Eue caste oute herselfe wyth man. in grete sorowe from glorye. and shutte the gates of heuen to them and to her chyldren. Tu autem. But thy blyssed worde. O. mother of wysdome. broughte the to grete ioye. and opened the gates of heuen to all that wylle enter, Vnde sicut,. wherfore as aungels in heuen ioy­ed. for that they se. before the makynge of the worlde that thow. O mother of god shuldest be borne▪ ryght so Adam of forknowynge of thy byrthe. had greate ioye and gladnesse. ¶Responce. Eua mater, The mother Eue conseurynge to the enmy. put out herselfe wyth man frome glory. changeynge lyfe into dethe. whose blyssed doughter obeynge to god ouercame the enmy. restored glory. chased away dethe [Page Cvii] and broughte agayne lyfe. Uerse. Laus deo, Praysyng and [...] god. that hathe puruayed to the frayle mother soche [...] ys made the mother of her father.

¶The [...] mother. ys Eue. the doughter ys oure lady that is mother of her father [...] for she is the mother of god. that ys father to all that he made.

[...]diccion. Ad [...]anos, O amyable vyrgyn. hel­pe [...] [...]he cruel parayles of thys worlde. Amen.

¶The seconde Lesson.

EIectus deni (que) Adam Thys Lesson tellyth of the gouernaunce of mankynde fro Adam vnto Abraham. and how Abraham. Isaac. and Iacob. and other patriarkes had knowlege. and [...] of the comynge of oure lady. lōge or she was borne. E [...]ectus deni (que). Adam cast oute of paradyse. had experyence in hymselfe. of the ryghtwesnesse [...] and mercy of god, dredynge god for ryghtwesnesse. and moste inwardely loueynge hym for mercy. all the tymes of hys lyfe. Bone vti (que). And well was the worlde disposed. as longe as they. that cam after hym dyd on the same wyfe. Cessantibus, But when men ceased to beholde the rytwesnesse. & the mercy of god▪ many of thē forgatte theyr maker Nam credebant, for they byleued tho thynges y t plesed them. Genes. vi. and ledde theyr lyues abhomynably in fylthe off esshelp luste. whiche thinge god gretly abhorrynge. slew all the dwellers of the worlde by fludde saue them whome by hys fore ordenaunce he saued by the Genes. vii. [Page] shyppe of Noe. to the restorynge of the worlde [...] Multiplicatus. yet when the peoule of mankynde [...] [...]l­typlyed ageyne. they felle thorughe the caty [...]ge of the wycked spyryte in apostasychy ydolatrye. from the worshypynge of very god. endytynge a lawe to them selfe contrary to goddes wylle. Sedd [...]u [...] But god moued of hys moste mercifull fatherly [...]. Genes. xii. vysyted Abraham the trrew folower of his faythe. and made couenaunte wyth hym and with hys progeny and fulfylled Abrahams desyre. Ca. 15.17. & 22 geuynge hym a son called Isaac. of whose progeny he behyghte. hys sōne criste to be borne. Vnde bene. wherfore yt is [...]wen wel credible. that ys was shewed also of god to abraham. that one of s [...]e doughters of hys ly [...]ag [...]. [...] clene vyrgyn. shulde brynge furthe the sonne of god. Creditur quo (que), yt ys also byleued that Abraham ioyed more of that doughter to come then of Isaac hys sonne. and loued her with more charite. then his sōne ysaac Intelligendum est, yt ys to be vnderstanded that Abraham y e frende of god. purchased not temporall goodes for pryde. or for couetyse. ne that he desyred a sōne for hy [...] owne bodely cōforte & for he was as a good gar­dener that faythfully seruynge hys lorde. plaunted a lytell braunche of a vyne in hys or [...]herde. vnderstandynge y therof vnnumerable vynce myghte be planted, and that a chosen vynyerde shulde be made therof And therfore he gathered douge. that the vynes ma­de fatte therof. shulde not fade. but be made plenteous to brynge furthe fruyte. Letabat [...]r quippe, That gar­dener was glad. for he knew that there shulde be a certayne tree amongest hys lytell plantes so hyghe and [Page Cviii] so delectable that yt shulde soueraynly delyte hys lorde to walke in the vyneyerde for fayrenesse of the tr [...] and that the same lorde shulde taste the sw [...]tnesse of y [...] And reste hym [...] syttynge vnder the shadow therof. Per hunc [...] By thys gardener. ys vn­ [...]stōded Abraham. and the lytel braunche of the vyne▪ Isaac hys sonne. And by the many vynes to be planted therof▪ all hys progeny. And by the dongue ar [...] vnderstonded. worldely ry [...]hesse. whyche Abra­ham godd [...] loued. desyred not. but to the sustenaunce of goddes peopl [...]. Perillam. By that fayre tree. ys be tokened the vyrgyn mary. And by the lorde almyghty god. that purposed not to come in to the vyneyerde that ye in to the progeny of Abraham. tylle that hye tre wer [...] there. that ys, tylle the gloriouse vyrgyn mary hys moste dere mother. were come to dew age. Cuius, whose moste innocente lyfe. ys lykened to fay­renesse. that god delyteth to see. whose workes soue­raynely pleasaunte to god. are vnderstonded by the swetnesse of the fruytes. And by the shadow. of hyr may den [...]y wombe. whome the vertew of the hyest be shadowed. Preseius ita (que), Therfore Abraham know­ynge that this vyrgyn that shulde brynge furthe god shulde come of his generacyon▪ he was more comforted of her. then of all sonnes & doughters of hys kyn­red. Hanc deni (que), And this faithe. and holy hope. that ys to saye. of the byrthe of the sonne of god. that was to come of the progeny of the same Abraham▪ the same Abraham lefte for herytage for greate faythe to Isaac hys sonne. Genes. xxiiii. And that ys wel ꝓued in that. that he made hys seruante whome he sente for the wyfe of [Page] hys sonne. [...]swere vpon [...] by hym that shulde [...] comynge. [...]ynge [...] d [...]be bor [...]e of hys lyn [...]ge [...] [...] also. Ibidem. 27. that Isaac by the blyssynge that [...] sonne Iacob [...] lefte hym [...] forsayde fay the & hope. Benedice [...], And Iacob blys­synge hys [...] sonnes, Genes. 49. [...]the by themselfe. lefte not to comforte hys sonne Iude. wyth the same herytage Vnde ver [...], whereof yt ys [...]eryly proued. that god lo­ued so hys mother wythout brgynnynge. that [...] had moste ioye of her or eny thynge was made & ry­ghte so he gaue hys frendes greit cōforte also. [...] that she shulde be borne, B [...]sic. And so. as fyrste to a [...] gels and after to the fyrste man. righte so afterwarde to patriarkes also. was gyuen grete comforte of the gloryouse mother of god to be borne. R. Intelligens, Abraham vnd [...]rstandynge that [...] that come of hym. shulde be lyke to the startes▪ ioyed more [...] the. and of thy sonne. O. fynder of grace. then of all other doughters and sonnes of hys ly­ [...]age. Uerse. Exultet, Therefore oure company more be glad. and holy ioye of the. and of thy blyssed sonne. as well [...] as father Abraham. Benedyccyon. Matervere. The mother of very charite. more lose the bondes of oure wy [...] ­kednes. Amen.

¶The thyrde Lesson.

UEre caritatis, Thys lesson rel­ly [...]h. how the ho­ly prophetes ioyed. and were comforted in al dysease by for knowynge. that they had of the comynge of oure lady. Vere caritatis. God ys the louer of very charite. and god is the selfe charyte. that shewed also grete [Page Cix] charyte to hys when he delyuered the people of Isra­el by hys power oute of the thraldome of Egypte. geuynge them a sōde moste plenteous. wherin they shulde dwelle in ꝓsperyte wyth all fredome. Horū quippe But the gylefull enmye. hauynge ful greate enuy to theyr prosperyte. drew them wyth hys cauellacions vnnūberably for to synne. Illi autem, And they not laborynge to wythstōde the deceytes of the fende. were wretchedly ledde to the worshypynges of Idols. set­tynge at noughte the lawe of Moyses. & forgettyng and moste folyly dispisynge that couenaūte that god made with Abraham. Respiciens vero, But after this mercyful god beholdynge his frēdes that serued hym deuoutly wyth ryghte faythe. and trew charite and wyth kepynge of the lawe▪ vysyted them mercyful­ly. And that they shulde be the more feruente in god­des seruyce. he set vp prophetes amongest them. that by them the enmys of god shulde turne ageyne to his loue. and to ryghte faythe yf they wolde. Vnde vere, wherfore yt is veryly to knowe. that as a hasty floude that shulde come downe frem the toppe of a mo [...]nte in to a depe vale. shulde brynge all thynges y t flowed therwyth in to the vale. whyche after meuyng of the water shulde be sene appere▪ righte so the holy goste vouched safe to slyde into the hartes of the prophetes bryngynge wyth hym oute of theyre lyppes tho wordes whyche he wolde shew to the correccyon of thys errynge worlde. Inter omnia, But amongest all thynges that slydde vnto them by thys swete flowde of the holy gooste▪ thys flowed mooste swetely in to theyre hartes. and thys flowed moste delectably oute [Page] of theyr lyppes▪ that god maker of all thynges. sh [...]lde vouche safe to be borne of a clene virgyn. and that wyth hys amendemente and satysfaccyon. he shulde by ageyne tho sowlles to endelesse blysse. whyche sa­thanas by the synne of Adam had throwen downe in to the synne of wretchednesse. Nouerūt etiam, They knew also of the inflowynge of this flowde. that god the father wolde be so welle wylled to mannes dely­ueraunce. that he shulde not spare hys onely begoten sonne. and that the sōne wolde be so obedyente to the father. that he shulde not denye to take a dedly body. And that the holy goste wolde moste gladly be sente wyth the sōne▪ and yet he was neuer departed from the father. Sed hoc etiam. But thys was also open y­nough to the prophetes. that. that sonne of ryght we [...] nesse goddes sonne. shulde not come in to the worlde. tyl there were rysen a starre out of Israel. that myght w t hys heate touche to the heate of the sonne. Per hanc, Therfore by thys starre ys vnderstonded. the vyr­gyn that shulde brynge furthe god. Per calorem, And by the the heate. ys vnderstonded her moste feruente charyte. wherby she shulde so towche to god. and god to her. that god shulde fulfylle wyth her all hys wyl. Et vere, And veryly as Prophetes gatte comforte in wordes. and warkes of hys sonne vnmade. and ma­kynge all thynges▪ righte also god gaue them greate comforte in theyre trybulacyons by thys forknowe­ynge. by whyche they knew that thys starre. that ys mary. shulde be made. Dolebant enim, For the prophetes sorowed gretly. seynge the sonnes of Israel forsake the lawe of Moyses. for theyr pryde and flesshely [Page Cx] luste. and seyng the ire of god falle vpon them. the charyte of god beynge farre from them. Exulrabant autem But they ioyed knowyng y t the selfe lorde & maker of y e lawe. shulde be pleased by thy mekenesse. & of y e cle­nes of thy lyfe. O. mary sterre most bryghte. and y t he shulde receyue them in to hys grace. that had prouo­ked hym to ire. and wretchedly ronne in to hys indignacion. Dolebant insuper, Farthermore the prophetes were sory. for the temple of god was destroyed. wherin the offerynges of god shulde be offered. But they ioyed. seynge that the temple of thy blyssed body shulde be made. whiche shulde receyue god hymselfe. in to yt wyth all comforte. Dolebant etiam, They sorowed also for the walles and gates of Ierusalem were de­stroyed. and the enmyes of god entered. and ouercam yt bodely and sathanas gostly. Sed exultabant, But they ioyed of the. O. mary moste worthy gate. knowynge that the moste stronge gyaunte that ys god himselfe. shulde take armure in the. by whyche he shulde ouercome the fende and all enmyes. Et sic, And thus veryly the prophetes. as welle as the patriarkes. were moste gretly cōforted of the. O. moste worthy mo­ther. Responce. O ineflabiliter, O. lytel mayden vnsperably tyche. in a powre towne. whyche receyued the sonne of the hye kynge sence vnto her. in to the hawlle of gladnesse. she fedde hym wyth desyred delyces. and gyrthe hym aboute wyth the armure of power. Uerse. Hic ad patriam, This ouercomer goynge agayne in to hys concre. made her quyen in endelesse praysynge. ¶Thys lytell mayden. ys oure reue­rence lady. that when she conceyued the sonne of god was lytell in age. and lytel in mekenes. and mayden [Page] in clennes. But she was riche in all graces & vertues The powre towne. is this worlde. whiche was fulle poore then from all goostly rychesse. And therfore yt was the more meruelous to fynde so ryche a mayden in so poore a towne. The kinge is the father of heuen that sente hys sonne Iesu cryste to thys glorious virgyn. that he shulde be her sōne also. And she receyued hym in to her worshyppfulle wombe. whiche was to hym an hawlle of gladnesse. for he was pleased and ioyfulle to dwelle therin. She fedde hym wyth dely­ces of her maydenly brestes. For the mylke therof and the fowde that he toke of her handes pleased hym as delyces moste desyrable. The armure of power is the holy body that he toke of her. where vpon he bare meny harde strokes in tyme of hys passyon. and so he ouercame all hys enmyes and oures. that are the fen­des of helle. And then as a worshypfulle ouercomer. he turned home agayne. by hys assencyon. and made the same vyrgyn quyne of heuen in her assumpcyon. there to be had in endelesse praysynge. and worshyp aboue all aungels and sayntes. ¶Uerse. Hosti fallaci, Eue gaue credence to the deceyuable enmy cō ­sentynge vnto hym. Responce. Prolem, Makynge subgecte to harde diche. the chyldren that she had not yet borne.

¶At Lawdes Antempne.

SCitote populi, knowe ye people that the vyrgyns sonne. ys the sa­me god that made vs. whome patriarkes desyred. whome prophetes preched. whose mercy abydeth w toute ende.

¶The Hympne.

DOlens Adam, Thys Hympne ye may ceasely vnderstande. by the fyrste lesson of thys sa­me daye for yt accordyth in all wyse therto. Dolens, Adam sorowynge of the speche that the serpente spake to Eue. mornynge in penaūce for that she byleued vnto hym. Gauisus est. Ioyed of the vyrgyn. whyche he knew shulde here god. vnder standynge. that she shulde neuer byleue to y e wordes of the fende. That is to say to the fendes suggestyon. or sturrynge. Luxit vxorem. He wylled that hyr owne wyfe had bene moste prowde. ioyenge for he knew before that the doughter shulde be mooste meke in all thynges. Que per, whyche by obedience hathe opened the [...]ates of heuen. y t the mother by pryde deserued to be shytte to all Uerse. Aue maria, Mary the doughter of Eue hauynge compassyon to the cruel mother. Responce. Aufert [...] Dothe a waye her repreues. brynge the auctoure of lyfe. ¶Antempne. Benedictus, Blyssed be thow moste worthy sower that haste sowen a grayne of y e beste where in the best lande. wette wyth the dew of the holy goste. whyche grayne deed ys meruelously multyplyed. wherwith aungels are fedde. wherby deade men lyue agayne. by whyche sycke men ar heled. wherby all thynges lyue. by whyche all thynges are restored. ¶Thys sower ys the father of heuen. the grayne ys the sonne. the erthe ys oure Lady. The grayne was sowen in the erthe by hys incarnacyon. yt was dede by hys passyon. And yt was multyplyed to many graynes. after hys assencyon. by conuersyon of peo­ple to crysten faythe. for eche good crysten man and [Page] and woman. ys a grayne of oure lordes garnyer. Benedicamus quem [...] Blysse we the Lorde. whome the mouthes of Prophetes behyghde [...] to be borne of a mother that neuer knew synne. B [...]n [...]dicamus domino [...] Blysse we the lorde that was behyght vs by the voyce of prophetes to be borne of the kynred of B [...]up [...].

¶At Pryme the Hympne.

VEni creator. There are spy­rytes created & made. that are aungels. & sowlles. And there ys a spyryte not made. but maker of all thinges. that is god hymselfe. and to thys spyryte maker. ye speke here in this hympne when ye saye. Veni creator, Come spyrite maker that comest in to the hartes of prophetes. that they shulde prophesy god, to be borne of a vyrgyn. Qui paraclitus, Thow that arte called a confortoure. be confortoure to wretches. thorugh prayer of this vyrgyn whome thow haste made a chaste mother. Antempne. Multe Many are the trybulacyons of the ryghtwes. and from them all thy sonne shall delyuer them. O. vyr­gyn conforte of the heup.

¶At Tyerce Antempne.

PRetende, Benygne God shewe thy mercy to thē that knowe the. that with the flowde of thy delyte. haste gyuen drynke to mary. whyche thrysted the aboue all thynges.

¶At sexte Antempne.

BEnedicta, Blyssed be thou mary. hawlle of fayrenesse tēple of the kynge of blys whose mercy we haue receyued. oute of y e myddes of thy moste holy wōbe

¶At none Antepmne.

HOli domina, Lady wyl thow not forsake vs in the fereful dome of thy sonne, to whome the father hathe gyuen all doume, whose rygh­twesnes heuens shall shew. whose lowke, all power shall drede. when he cometh to deme hys people. .v. Tu plasmator, O. thow meruelous excellente bryghtenesse. aboue all thynges that euer were made. . R. Tu placa, Pease thy sonne to vs. y u fylled ful of grace.

¶At euensonge Antempne.

OMnem potestatem. [...] O mekest of maydens, we arecte to thy hye sōne. al power. & all vertew [...] whiche settyth vp kynges & putteth them downe. that hathe done all thynges. what euer he wolde in heuen. & in erthe. & in see [...] in all depnesses.

¶The Hympne.

VIrgo deum, The fyrst verse of thys Hympne. ye sycke of the ioye that god and hys aungels. and Adam & Eue had▪ inforknowynge of the byrth of oure lady. In the seconde verse. ye speke of the ioye that patriarkes. and prophetes had of y e same. In the [Page] thyrde verse ye synge of the ioye. that hyr father and mother had of her. knowyng what she shulde be. In the forthe verse is sayde. that all oughte to ioye of her concepcyon. & byrthe. And in the fyfte verse, ye praye that ye maye worthely worshyp hyr byrthe. and by her prayer be delyueryd from synne. Therfore ye be­gynne and say thus. Virgo deum, Vyrgyn makynge god glad. geuynge solace to aungels, geuynge ioye to them that we­re, fyrste made. knowyng that y u shuldest be borne. Patriarcharū Thow gaue comforte to the hartes of patriarkes. & to the sowlles of prophetes that prophesyed the to be borne. O quanta, O. how greate ioyes were gyuen to thy father and mother. that knewe before suche one thow shuldest be. of the greate grace of god. Quis est, who ys yt. whome the concepcion of the mother of god maketh not glad. yther ioyful generacyon please hym. Da nobis, Therfore lady graunte vs so to worshyp thy byrthe that our synnes be losed. by thy pytefulle prayer. Antempne Sancta maria, Saynte mary socoure thow wretches. helpe the weke cōforte the mournynge. pray for the people. be meane for the clergy. pray for deuoute women. al more fele thy helpe. who euer they be y t often vse to haue mynde vpon the. Benedicamus Blysse we the sōne of the endelesse kynge. lorde of heuen. & of erthe. & of helle. for the cōcepcyon of hys mother. Benedicamus. Blysse we the sonne of the endelesse kynge. for the concepcyon of hys mother. Alleluya [...], &c,

¶At complyn Antempne.

MEmor Dominus. The lorde hauynge mynde of the myldenesse of hys spouse, en [...]red wyth ioye in to her tabernacle. [Page Cxii] ¶Thys spouse ys oure lady. the tabernacle is her holy wombe.

¶The Hympne.

VI [...]tum vitalem, Thys [...] by the fende. ¶And for the thyrde verse oure la­dy ys lykened to the rodde of Aaron. as ye shall vn­derstōde that as holy scripture sayeth. Numeri. xvii. god bad Moyses take of eche kynred of Israel. a rodde. of whyche [...] [...] put them in the tabernacle of god. on the morowe he came agayne and for [...] rodde of Aaron our gened and flowred and broughte furthe fruyte. And lyke as [...] f [...]rthe. or of water. and wythoute tareynge of tyme after eny kyndely workynge flowred and fruyted [...] ryghte so thys holy rodde oute gloryous lady. aboue all workynge of kynde. conceyued & [...]are our lorde Iesu cryste and therfore she ys lykened [...]o the rodde of Aaron. Victum vitalem, God gaue mankynde fowde of lyfe. [Page] wherin the enmy syue [...] venym by a worde of [...] Corda vatum, The holy goste fulfylled wyth [...] the hartes of prophetes [...] whome [...] st [...]rred to speke of a maruaylous vyrgyn. Que sicut. whyche as the rodde of Aaron. shulde meruaylously g [...]e fruyte [...] shulde br [...] tha [...]te. wyth the worde of the e [...]my. O Ies [...] [...]rayne trouthe. dwelle with vs cōtynewally. [...] falsehed of the cruel enmy. s [...]ey vs no [...] dece [...]u [...]ly. Antempne. Lumen ve [...]un [...] The very lyghte that thou haste broughte furthe. O. s [...]arre moste clere. mo [...]e shy­ne al abowte vs euery where. puttyng oute from oure wyttes the darkenesse of dethe.


Aue egina. Hayle quyene of heuens. mother of y kynge of aūgels. O. mary flowre of vyrgyns. as rose or [...]lye. gyue oute prayers to thy sonne for the helthe of crysten people.

HEre endeth the story of the Tweldaye. And be­gynneth the story of the wednesdaye,

ON wednesday at ma­tyns,

¶The Inuitatory. Ortum virginis,

Halowe we the byrthe of the virgyn and mother mary. worshy [...] we the lorde cryst her sonne.

¶The Hympne.

ERrorum pleno, Lyghte spryngeth oute to the worlde fulle of darckenesse. whyle mary cometh out of the preuy place [...] of her mother [...] wombe. Lux lucern, Lyghte is shewed by gettinge lyght [...] th [...] y [...] mary that begatte Iesu cryste. darckenesse of dethe is put awaye y e bonde of synne ys losed in the holy virgyn Tu luna, Thow arte the mone wythoute clowde. the beame of the hye sonne [...] by whose shynynge the dartes of the enmye. are more warely estewed. Tu cristallinus, Thow arte the cham­ber of crystall. wherin the mercyfulle kynge of blysse syttyng [...], [...]athe by the made an ende of oure wretchednesse.

Antempne. Corrige virgo, Uyrgyn moste prudence correcte thow oure vnwyse hertes: that thy sonne lokeynge from heuen. mote s [...] vs. vnders [...]d [...]nge and sek [...]ynge hym.

Antempne. Cepelle [...] Ma [...]y hope of all. putte awaye [...] wyckednesse frō oure tabern [...]s [...] for vpon y t. we caste our cure Antempne. Gloriose, The grace of the gloryouse mo­ther of god. mote delyuer oure sowles from dethe. and oure [...]e [...]e from slydynge [...] that we mote please before god in the lyghte of them that lyue. That ys of aūgels. and of sayntes in heuen. ¶By the fete in thys antempne. is vnderstonded the affeccyons of the harte. whyche may full sone [Page] slyde to synne, but yt they be the betetr kepte. Uerse. Al [...] initio. Mary was orde [...]yd the mother of god. from wy­thoute begynnynge. Responce. Que vere, whyche lo [...]ed god veryly wyth all her harte aboue all thynges. Benedicciō Nostre tenebras, The vyrgyn mother of wysdome. motely [...] the darckenesse. of oure ignoraunce. Amen.

¶The fyrste lesson.

ERrant homines. Thys lesson tellyth. why god gaue a lawe by Moyses. to hys people. and how holy a wedlocke was betwyxte Ioachym and Anne. And how. and why the day of her concepcion ought to be hadde in reuerence. Errant homines, Er then the lawe was gyuen to Moyses. men were longe tyme igno­raunte. not knowynge how they shulde gouerne thē selfe and theyr dedes in thys lyfe. & therfore they that were feruente in heate of the loue of god. ordeyned be sely theyr dedes and theyr maners. and they trowed to please god. Al [...] vero. But other that had not the loue of god. and dyd what euer them lyste. Hor [...] ̄ igitur, Therfore the goodnesse of god mercyfully condescen­dynge to theyr ignoraunce. ordeyned a lawe by hys seruante Moyses. by whiche they shulde be gouerned after all the wylle of god. Hec deni (que), And this lawe taughte how god. and the neybur shulde be loued. and how wedlocke betwyxte man. and woman shulde be kepte after the lawe of god. and of honeste. so that of suche wedlocke they shulde be broughte fourthe whome [Page Cxv] god wolde make hys owne people. Et vere, And treuly god loued this maner wedlocke so moche. that he ordeyned to take therof. the mooste honeste mother of his manhod. Vnde quemadmo dum [...] Therfore as an egle that flyeth on hye in the ayre. and beholdeth ma­ny woddes, shulde se one tre a far so sewrely rowted [...] that yt myghte not be rente vp. wyth eny blastes of wyndes [...] and the body of the tree. were so longe and euen. that no man myghte clymbe vp therby. whiche stode also in suche a place. that yt semed vnpossyble that eny thynge shulde falle thervpon from aboue. & the egle bysely beholdynge this tree. shuld make therin hys neste. wherin he wolde reste▪ so god to whome thys egle ys lykened. to whose syghte all thinges presente and to come. are clere and open▪ whyle he behelde all the right wys and honeste wedlockes. that shulde be from the fyrste makeynge of man. vnto the last day. he se none lyke in godly charyte and honeste. vnto the wedlocke of Ioachym and of Anne. Et id circo And therfore yt plesed hym. that the body of hys moste honeste mother whiche is vnderstōded by the neste shulde be bygotten of thys holy wedlocke. in whiche body he hymselfe shulde vouche [...]afe to reste with all conforte. Congrue, And conuenyently are deuoute wedlockes lykened vnto fayre trees. whereof the rou­te. ys suche vnyon of tow hartes. that ys to say. that they be wedded togyther. for that onely reason that worshyp and glory come therof to god hymselfe. Couenienter. The wylle also of suche wedded man or woman ys conuenyently lykened vnto fruytefulle braunches. when they kepe so the drede of god in all [Page] theyre workes. that they loue honestly togyther after the cōmaundemente of god. onely by cause of bryng­ynge furthe of chyldren to the praysynge of god. Ta­lium, For the gyleful fende may not atteyne with his myghtes and craftes to the hynesse of suche wedloc­kes. whan theyre ioye ys not else. but that worshyp and glory be gyuen vnto god. & when also no trybu­lacyon heuyeth them. but the vnworshypynge and o [...]ese of god. Tunc autem, Then also seme they to stande in sure place▪ when y e plente of worldely worshyppes or of rychesses. may not drawe theyr hartes vn­to loue therof or to pryde. Vnde quia, wherfore for god knew before. that the wedlocke of Ioachym & Anne shulde be suche▪ therfore he ordeyned that hys dwel­lynge place. that is to say the body of his mother shulde be gathered therof. O Anna, O. reuerente mother Anne. how precyous tresure barest thow in thy wō ­be. when mary that shulde be the moder of god rested therin. Vere sine, Treuly yt is to be byleued wythout eny doubte. that god hymselfe loued that matter of whyche mary shulde be formed & made. anon whan yt was conceyued and gathered in the wombe of anne. more then all the bodyes of men and women. by­gotten and to begotten of man and woman in all the worlde. Vnde venerabilis, wherfore worshypful anne may trewly be called the tresourye of almyghty god for she hydde in her wōbe. his tresoure. louely to hym aboue all thynges. O qm prope, O. how nyghe was the harte of god contynewally vnto hys tresoure. O qm pie, O how benygnely and gladly fastened he his eyne of his maieste vnto his tresoure▪ that sayeth [Page Cxvi] a [...]terwarde in [...] gospel. [...]ath. vi. Vbi est thesaurus tuus ibi est e [...]o [...] tuum, That ys. where is thy treasure there is also thy harte. Et [...]do [...] vere [...] And therfore yt is treuly to byleue. that aungels ioyed not alytel of thys treasu­re. when they knew that theyr maker whome they loued more then themselfe. loued that treasure so moche Qu [...]propter. wherfore yt were ful conuenyente & worthy that. that day were had of all in grete reuerence. on whyche. that mater was conceyued and gathered in Annes wombe. of whyche the blessyd body of the mother of god shulde be formed. whiche god hymselfe and all hys aungels loued wyth so moche charyte. [...]e [...]. Beata mater. Blessed mother anne. chest of the endelesse kynge. whyche hyd in the. the tresure moste acceptable to hym. wher wyth he enheryted hys onely begotten sonne. and made nedy folke riche. and delyuered wretched prysoners. Uerse. Exulta, Ioye y u reuerent mother of thy moste reuerent doughter. whiche brynge vyrgyn hathe bygotten hym that made al thynges. Benediccion. Stella maria, Moste mercy­full mary sterre of the see. socoure vs. Amen.

¶The seconde Lesson.

DEinde postquam, Thys lesson tellyth of the puttyng of oure ladyes sowle in to her body. and of her byrthe. And how aungels and men desyred her byrthe for diuerse causes. [Page] Deinde postqm. Farthermore after that blessyd matyer had a body formed in the mothers wombe. in couenable tyme as it was semynge yt to haue [...] then the kynge of all blysse. mored hys treasure. puttynge in to yt a lyuynge sowle. Et quemadmodum, And as a bee. that flyeth aboute flowry fyldes. serchyth bysely all grasses and herbes that hony may be gatheryd of. for of his naturall knowyng he can discerne. where the fayrer flowre burgenyth. whyche flowre yf he se yt not yet sprynge oute of the huske. yet he abydeth neuerthelesse delytablely with desyre. the spryngyng therof. that he may vse the swetnesse therof vnto hys pleasaūce▪ & lyke wyse. god of heuen. that beholdeth moste clerely al thinges. with the eyne of his mageste when he se mary yet hyd in the preuy place of her mothers wombe. to whome. he wyste in hys euerlastynge for knowynge [...] that no man of all the worlde. shulde be lyke in all verteu▪ abode her byrthe with all cō forte and ioye. that by the swetnesse of that maydens charyte. hys moste plenteous godly goodnesse shulde be shewed. O qm clare [...] O. how brighte shone that rysynge morowe tyde in annes wombe. when the lytel body of mary. was quyckened therin. by comynge of the sowlle. whose byrthe. aūgels and men. desyred to see. wyth so greate desyre. Verumptamen, Nethelesse [...] yt ys to marke. that as men that dwelle in tho londes were the sonne lyghtenyth them wyth hys beames as welle on nightes tyme. as on day tyme. desyre not the sprynge of the morowe tyde by cause of lyghte. whyle y e lyghte of the sonne is moche more clerer then [Page Cxvii] the lyghte of the morow tyde▪ but for they vnderstō ­de. that the morowe tyde. apperynge. the sonne shall go vp hyer. and theyre fruytes whyche they hope to g [...]ther in to theyre barnes [...] shall the soner and the more par [...]ytly waxe rype. of the benefyce of the hete ther of. Illarum autem, And they that dwelle in suche con­trees as are couered wyth darckenesse of nyghte. are not onely glad for that they knowe the sonne shall a ryse after y e sprynge of the morewe tyde. but also they are more reioysed. for they vnderstonde. that the mo­rowe tyde paste. they maye se tho thynges that they haue to do. Consimili modo, An lyke wyse holy aun­gels that dwelle in the kyngdome of heuen. desire not the sprynge of the morow tyde that ys to say. the byrthe of mary by cause of lyghte. for the very sōne. that ys god hymselfe. passed neuer from theyr syghte. but therfore they desyred the same vyrgyn to sprynge by her byrthe in thys worlde. for they knew welle. that god whyche ys lykened vnto the sonne. wolde shewe more openly by thys morowe tyde. hys moste chary­te whyche is vnderstōded by the heate. and that men whyche loued god shulde be made fruitefull by good workes. and that by the stable perseueraunce in good they shulde be made rype. so that aungels myghte gather them in to euerlastynge barnes. whyche are ly­kened to heuenly ioy. Homines vero, But men of this darcke worlde. knoweynge before. the byrthe of the mother of god [...] ioyed not onely therof for they vnderstode that theyr delyuerer shulde be borne of her. but they ioyed also for by cause that they shulde se the moste honeste maners of thys gloryous vyrgyn. And [Page] for they shulde [...]erue of her more playnely. wha [...] shulde be done [...]nd what shulde be fledde. Hec [...] virgo [...] Thys vyrgyn also. ys that rodde that I saye sayde before. Isaie. xi. shulde com out of the rowte of Iesse. Florem (que) And prophesyed that a flowre shulde sprynge oute therof. vpon whyche flowre the spyryte of god shulde reste. O virgans met [...]bilem, O vnspecable rodde. whiche whyle yt grew in Annes wombe▪ the pythe and the meywe therof abode more gloriously in heuen Hec ita (que) virgo, For thys rodde was so smalle. that yt turned lyghtly in the mothers wombe. but the pythe therof was so greate in lengthe and bredeth. that no mynde was suffycyente to thynke the gretenesse ther of. Non enim valuit, Thys rodde myghte not brynge fourthe the flowre. tylle the pythe gaue yt vertew of burgenynge by hys entre. Nec etiam, Nethe vertew of the pythe apperyd not openly. tylle the rodde gaue hys moysture vnto the pythe. Hec deni (que). Forsothe thys pythe ys the parsone of the sonne of god. who­me thoughe the father begat before lucyfer▪ Psal. 109. yet he apperyd not in the flowre. that ys to say in mannes body. tylle by the assente of the vyrgyn. whyche ys vnderstonded by the rodde. he toke the matyer of thys flowre of her moste clene blode in her maydenly wō ­be. Et quamuis, And thoughe the blyssed rodde. that ys to saye. gloryous mary. was departed from her mothers body in her byrthe. yet the sōne of god. was nomore departed from the father. when the vyrgyn bare hym bode [...]y in tyme. then when the father begat hym euerlastyngly w tout body. Spūs quo (que), & the holy [Page Cxviii] goste was vndepartabley in the father. and in the sō ­ne. from wythoute begynnynge. for they are thre persones. and one godhed. Responce. Strips iesse, The kynred of iesse. hathe broughte fourthe a rodde. and the rodde a flowre. and vpon thys flowre restyth the holy goste. Uerse. Virgo, The vyrgyn mother of god. ys the rodde. the flowre ys her sōne. Benedictio Matris cristi, The gloriouse byrthe of the mother of criste. be to vs euerlastynge gladnesse. Amen.

¶The thyrde Lesson.

IGitur sicuteternaliter. Thys lesson tellyth of thre flaum [...]es of charyte of the blyssed trynyte. to the helthe of man shynynge in heuen. And of other thre flaumbes of charyte of oure lady after her byrthe shynynge in erthe. And how men oughte to worshyp her natyuyte in erthe. and to thanke. and to prayse god hartely therfore. Igitur sicut. Therfore as there was endelesly one god­hed to the father. and the sonne. and the holy goste▪ so was there neuer in them dyuerse wylle. Vnde quem­admodum, wherfore lyke as thre flaūbes shulde come oute of one burnynge fyre. ryghte so oute of the goodnesse of goddes wylle. thre flaumbes of charyte. come euenly furthe vnto the parfeccion. & makynge of one worke. Flamma em̄, For the flaumbe of charyte. com­yng from the father. brente moste bryghtly before aū gels. when they knew. that hys wylle was benygnely [Page] to wylle gyue his loued sonne. Ioannis. iii. for the delyuer [...]nce of the thral seruante. Caritatis flamma, The flaum [...]e of charite cōynge from the sōne. Philipp. ii. was not hyd. when he wolde at the fathers wylle▪ sett hymselfe at noughte takynge the forme of a seruaūte. Flamma quo (que) [...] And the flaumbe of charyte comyng from the holy goste. was he not lesse feruent. when he gaue hymselfe redy to shew by open warkes. the wylle of the father. & of the sōne. & of hymselfe. Et qmuis, And though y e moste feruente charyte of thys godly wylle. shone by all heuens. geuyng vnspecable cōforte vnto aūgels. of his charite. yet ageyne byeng myghte not come therof to mankynde. after the euerlastynge fore ordenaunce of god▪ tyl mary were begotten. in whome shulde be kē deled so feruente a fyre of charyte. that the swete smoke therof styeng vp on hye▪ the fyre that was in god shulde pore yt selfe in to yt. & slyde therby in to thys colde worlde. Hec deni (que), Forsothe this vyrgyn after her byrthe. was lyke vnto a new lanterne not yet ly­ghte. & yet it muste be lyghte so. y t as the charite of god whiche is lykened to thre flaūbes. shynyng in heuēs an lyke wyse this chosen lanterne mary. shulde shyne w t other thre flaūbes of charite in this darke worlde. Prima quippe [...] The fyrste flaūbe of mary shone ful brighte before god when she behighte to kepe sekerly her maydenhed vndefowled to the worshyp of god vnto her dethe. Hanc vti (que), For god the father desyred so moche this moste honest maidenhed. that he vouched safe to sende therto hys loued sonne. wyth hys. and the sō nes. and the holy gostes godhed. Secunda marie, The seconde flaumbe of charyte of mary. apperyd in that that she bare downe her selfe bysely in all thynges. [Page Cxix] wy [...] vnthynckecable mekenesse. whiche certaynely pleased so moche the blyssed sonne of god. that he vouched safe to take of her mooste meke body. that wor­shypful body whiche was semly to be enhaūsed euer lastyngely aboue all thynges in heuen and in erthe. T [...] qun (que), The thyrde flaumbe was her obedyen­ [...]e in all wyse praysable. whyche drew so the holy goste vnto her. that by hym she was fulfylled wyth the gyftes of all graces. Et qmuis hec, And though thys blessed new lanterne. were not lyghtened anon after her byrthe. wyth these [...]lawmes of charyte: for there was to her as to other lytell enfawntes a lytel body. and a tender vnderstandynge. for whiche she mighte not vnderstande the wylle of god▪ yet god ioyed more of her. though she had yet ryghte noughte deserued then of all the good dedes of al men and women that were begotten before her in all the worlde. Nam quē ­admodum, For as a good harper shulde loue an harpe not yet redy. whyche he kn [...] before veryly shulde sowne moste swetely▪ so the maker of all thynges loued soueraynely the body and sowlle of mary. for he knew before that her wordes. and workes shulde plese hym aboue all melody. Credibile etiam, yt ys also knowen worthy to be byleue [...]. that as the sonne of mary had parfyt wytte anon as he was bycom man in her wombe. so also mar [...] after [...]er byrthe receyued wytte and vnderstōdynge in l [...]sse age then other chyldren. Cum ga [...]dii deus [...] Thefore whyle god and aun­gel [...] ioyed in heuen of her gloryous byrthe [...] men also in y e worlde mote worshyp her byrthe w [...]th ioye. yeldynge praysynge and glory of theyre [...] hartes [Page] for her. to the maker of all thinges. whiche [...] aboue all that he made. and ordeyned her to be [...]rne amonge y e same synners. whyche brought furthe the moste holy. the delyuerer of synners. Responde [...] Solem iust [...]tie, [...] of the see. that shulde brynge [...] the son [...]e of ryghtewesnesse the souerayne kynge [...] hathe [...] furthe shynynge to b [...]rthe. [...]erse, Gerner [...] [...] [...] ­ten men for to se godly [...]. ¶ where [...] respōce on the wednesday. hathe come furthe [...] to byrthe▪ on oure ladyes dayes the [...] concepcyon. and on saynte [...] ye saye thus. Hathe come furthe thys day to byrthe. .v. Hee virgo, Thys vyrgyn was shewed before [...] the voyce [...]f prophetes. Responce [...] Et nobis. And begotten to v [...] of the lynage of Dauyd.

¶At Lawdes A [...]tempne.

NAtiuitas, The byrthe of the Glory­ [...]ous vyrgy [...] mary of the sede of Abraham. [...] of the kynred of Iude. [...]le­re of the lynage of [...]auy [...]

¶The Hympne

TUmiro There ys a star [...]e cal­led the shy [...]annes starre. that standeth stable in [...]o place of [...] and therby by sh [...]men know in the [...] they drawe. and to this [...] out [Page Cxx] lady ys lykened. for they that are in tempestes of trybulacyon, or in nyghte of temptacyon in thys worl­de▪ yf they loke. & pray to oure lady▪ she wylle dresse ther wayes to the hauen of helth. farthermore yf eny haue desyre to delyte hym in thynges that are sauory to his taste. or fayre to his syghte. or swete to his smel he may turne to oure gacious lady. and fede all these myttes in her mooste delycyously. And therfore you say. Tu miro, Thow mary shypmannes starre. shy­nynge wyth a meruelous lyghte [...] lede vs frō the swalow of dethe. vnto the kyngdome of heuen. Tu nectare Thow arte swetter then py [...]ment to all that [...]aste the thow arte brighter then the lyghte of the sōne. to them that desyre to se the. Tu vero, Thow art veryly a swete smellynge lyllye. by whose odoure god ys drawen vnto the. to haue in the his dwellynge place. Ergo pie Therfore drawe vs wretche [...] mercyfully by thy swete sme [...]le. that we be not drawen in to helle by the lust of the worlde .v. Stella solem, A starre bryngynge furthe the sōne ryseth as the morow tyde . R. Quam [...] whome the courte of heuen prayseth w t fayre pray­synge. Antempne Natiuitas, Uyrgyn mother of god. thy byrthe hathe shewed ioye to all the worlde. for of the ys rysen the sōne of right wylnesse cryste oure god whyche hathe losed cursynge and gyuen blyssynge. and confounded dethe. and gyuen vs endlesse lyfe. Benedicamus. Blysse we the sone of the e [...]elesse kynge, lorde of heuen and of erthe. & of helles. for the byr­the of hys mother. Benedicamus, Blysse [...]ethe sonne of the endelesse kynge. for the byrthe of [...] mother.

¶At Pryme the Hympne.

[Page] IGnis ardore, The fayre­nesse of the worlde was welwed wyth brennyng of threfyres. A welle spronge vp in the myddes of the erthe. by whyche yt flo­ryshed agayne. O virgo. O vyrgyn welle of myrthe. wete thow ou [...]e welwed and dayed hartes with the dew of grace. that they be flowred in vertew. ¶These three fyers are these three synnes. Pryde. Couetyse. and flesshely luste. with whyche as saynte Iohn sayeth all the worlde ys fulle. Pri. Ioan .2. Oure la­dy ys the welle. that quenchyth these fyres. in her seruaunces. as thys hympne sheweth. Antempne. Natiuitatem, worshyp we the byrthe of the vyrgyn saynte mary whose gloryous lyfe lyghteneth all chyrches.

¶At Tyer [...]e Antempne.

REgali, Mary borne of kynges kyn. shyneth bryghtly. by whose prayers we aske moste deuoutly wyth har­te and tongue to be holpen.

¶At Sexte Antempne.

COrde et animo, Synge we glory to cryste wyth harte. and wylle. in mynde of the byrthe of mary the hye mother of god.

¶At none Antempne.

[Page Cxxi] DEus et angeli, God and aungels were gladde of the byr [...]he of the vyrgyn mary. therfore haue we yt in mynde wyth gladnesse Uerse. Regnum dei, The byrth of the mother of cryste gladdeth the kyngdome of god. Response. De qu [...], Of whome is sprōge to the worlde endelesse gladnesse.

¶At Euensonge Antempne.

GLoriose, Brynge we to mynde the moste worthy byrthe of y e gloryous vyrgyn mary. whiche hathe gotten the worthynesse of motherhed. and not loste the clennesse of maydenhed.

¶The Hympne.

GAude visceribus, In thys Hympne are seuen verses. In the fyrste verse ye calle all holy chyrche. and all heuen & erthe to praysynge of oure lady. In the three verses folowynge with a parte of the fyrste verse▪ ye shewe fourtene thynges. wherein oure lady ys to be praysed. The fyrste is her noble and worthy entre in to the worlde by her concepcyon. and byrthe. The se­conde ys. her holy conuersacyon in this worlde. The thyrde is. her most worshypful passynge oute of this worlde. The fourthe ys. that beynge vyrgyn she ba­re a chylde. The fyfte ys. that she abode vyrgyn euer after. The syxte is. that she gaue god so [...]e [...]e with her brestes. The .vii. ys. that she bare hym in her armes. [Page] that berysh all thynges. The eyghte ys. that she ys a kynges mother. The .ix. is. that she is the same kynges gate euermore locked. Ezech. xxiiii. His gate she is, for he tu [...]ed in to her holy wōbe. [...]amp; toke there a bo [...] of man [...]de. & wente oute of her when he was borne. And yet she is a gate euermore locked [...] for closenes of her vyrgynyte. bothe in hys concepciō. & in hys byrthe. The tente is. that she ys the starre of the worlde. as she ys called before in y e hympne at lawdes. the starre of the see. or the shypmannes starre. The .xi. ys. that she ys plenteous. and large in mercy. For as a flowre that spredeth a brode in hys fayrenesse. & floweth oute in swtenesse of smelle all abowte▪ so our lady ys fayre & cōfortable to all wretches. that loke to her warde. & geueth oute to them as a floudde▪ the swetnes of her mercyes. The .xii. ys that she is. the kynges septer or the kynges rodde. wherof yt is redde in scripture of a kynge that no man durstene myghte come to vncal­led at certeyne tymes vnder payne of deth. [...]este [...]. iiii. but yf the kynge, ꝓfered hym hys rodde or hys septer to towche Thys kynge is oure lorde god almyghty. to whome neuer ma [...] ne woman myghte come. after the synne of Adam. but by meane of this rodde. y t is our blyssed lady. The .xiii. ys. that she is the mother of god. And the .xiiii. is. that she is y e spowse of the endelesse kynge. ¶Then in the tother parte of the fyfte verse. & in the syxte verse▪ ye aske thre thynges. One. to be defended frō yuels. not by youre meryte. but by her mylde gyfte. A nother. to haue by her prayers. peace lōge endu­rynge. And the thyrde. to haue endelesse ioy of y blys of heuen. And in the seuente verse. ye pray the blyssed [...] [Page Cxxiii] father and sonne and holy goste. to graunte youre as­kynges. Therfore ye begynne & say. Gaude visceribus [...] blyssed mode [...] holy chyrche. in the yndrost [...] of [...]. that often h [...]ly west the holy feastes of saynte mary. And aūgels. erthe. and see mote ioye. [...] whose generacyō. ys glorious. whose lyfe. shyr [...]th wyth holy dedes. whose ende. hathe souerayne wor [...]hyp wythout ende. Quo virgo, whyche beynge [...] broughte furthe a chylde. and vyrgyn she a­byd [...]th. she gaue god s [...]u [...]ke wyth her owne [...]eates. & [...]he [...]are mekely in ferful armes. hym that [...]eryth her and all thynges. Felix. The kynges mother. blyssed [...] manyfolde praysynge. his gate endelesly close. s [...]ar of the worlde. the kynges rodde of flowynge flowre T [...] nanc [...] Now holy mother of god. and spowse of the rudeles kyng [...] we pray the mekely. that thow defende vs alway [...] in euery place by thy mylde gyfte. Sanctis, And that [...]how vyrgyn gette vs by thy holy pray [...]. the swete helpe of longe peace. and the endeles gyftes of the blyssed kyngdome. Presta, Graunte yt be so thow h [...] father. and thow onely sōne of the father. & graunte yt also thow spyryte of bothe [...] that lyuest & raynest one god. all the tyme of the worlde. that ys to say wythout ende. Amen. Antempne. Quando na­ta es, when thow arte borne moste holy vyrgyn. then ys the worlde lyghtened. A blyssed begynnynge. an holy rowte. And blyssed be the fruite of thy wombe.

¶At Complyn Antempne.

CAstitatem, Alytell tender mayden vowed chastyte to hym that ys hyest. ledynge amongest men an aungels lyfe. whose maydenhed god hathe worshypfully made fruytefull.

¶The Hympne.

FIt porta cristi, She [...] ys fulfyl­led ful of grace, ys made the open gate of cryste, and the kynge goeth thorugh yt. and yt abydeth close as yt was al­way before. Genus superni. The beginnynge of the lyghte aboue. hathe gone oute of the uyrgyns halle. The spowse, the age [...]byer the maker. the gyaunte of hys chyrche. Honor, [...] worshyp. & toye of hys mother, the greate hope of all that byleue. hathe losed our synnes by the bytterd a [...] kenesse of dethe. Antempne. O mulicrum, O mo­ste blyssed of women. socoure vs vnblyssed synners. and thow whome the verteu of the hyest hathe made grete wyth chylde▪ lyfte them mercyfully vp agay­ne. whome the burden of synnes beryth downe. Antempne. O florens rosa, O florysshynge rose, fay­re mother of god. o mylde vyrgyn, o moste plenteous vyne. thow that arte bryghter then the morow tyde. pray besyly for vs.

¶Here endyth the story of the Wednesday And begynneth the Story of the Thursday.

ON Thursday at mat­tyns. the Inuy [...]atory. Aue maria, Hayle mary, full of grace. that lorde is wyth the.

¶The Hympne.

QUem terra. The cloyster of mary beryth hym, that gouernyth the thre engynes, whome erthe. see. & fyrmamente, loueth, worshypeth. and prayseth. ¶By the cloyster of mary. vn­derstondeth her reueren­te wōbe. And by the thre engynes. vnderstondeth heuen. erthe. and helle. Cui luna, The maydens bowels fylled wyth the grace of heuen. bere hym. whome sonne and mone end all thynges [...] satur by theyr tymes. That is to say. they shew them subiecte to hym as hys creatures. in that that they kepe the tymes that he hathe sette them. As the sōne that seruyth to the daye. and the mone to the nyghte, and so furthe of all other thynges. Beata mater Blyssed ys that mother by gyfte of y e holy goste. whose hye ma­ker that holdeth the worlde in hys hande. ys locked in the cheste o [...] her wombe. ¶Oure lorde ys sayde to holde y e worlde in hys hande. for all the worlde ys full lytell in regarde of hys gretenesse. And as a man may do wyth a thynge that he hathe in his hande what he wylle. so ys all thynge in the power of hys handes. and all ys kepte in beynge by hym. Beata celi, Blyssed she ys by the messenger of heuen. and fruytefull she ys. by the holy goste. and he that ys desyred of crysten people is come oute by her wombe [Page] A [...], Clamanimus, we ha [...]e cryed to god most [...] and he hathe [...] by [...] chose [...] spou [...]. And they y t d [...]ued a pytte for vs. are fallen [...] them selfe. ¶Thys antempne is thus to meane, that y e father of heuen by prayer and desyre of hys chosen saruaūtes, se [...]te hys trouthe, that is the sōne of Iesu cryste by mary. to the redempeth of mankynde. & so by hym the fendes that made a pytte of pardyciō. & myschyef to man. bryngynge hym to synne [...] ar [...] fallen in the same pardycion for the more that they temp [...] & vex the chosen of god, the more payne & cōfusyon they hepe vpon themselfe A [...]. Congratulamini, Sonnes of men. thanke ye the sōne of god. that ys made the vyrgyns sōne aūgels [...]yenge. For he [...] che broken the lyons tythe that cruelly bote vs. ¶These te­che of the lyons. are the power of the [...]endes. y e wounded & bote man. when man agenste goddes cōmaūdemente, bote of y e appell in paradyse. A [...]. Flecta [...] ubi, Blessed Ihsieche knee be bowed vnto the. y e woldest make a vyrgyn thy mother. & thy selfe a man. y e thou shuldest gyue the heritage of heuen. to them that drede thy name. .v. Venit deus, God cam in to y e worlde by the vyrgyn mary. . R. Vt in celi, To brynge ageyne loste men. in to the blysse of heuen. Bn̄dicciō. Alma virgo. The holy vyrgyn of vyrgyns. mote praye for vs to oure lorde. Amen.

¶The fyrste Lesson.

BEnedictum marie corpus, This lesson tellyth of the vertues and fayrenes of oure lady in soulle. and in body. How parfitshe was in her yonge age. in hope. and drede. and loue of god. How dyscrete she was in abstynence of meate. and dryncke. How temperate in sleapynge. and [Page Cxxiiii] in wakynge. How stable in aduersyte. and in prosperyte. How she lo [...]hed and set at noughte all worldely rychesse. and worshyp How swete all thynge was to her that pleased god. and how bytter all thynge was to her. that was cōtrary to hym. How fayre her sou­le was by these vertues. in the syghte of god. & of hys aūgels in heuen. And how fayre her holy body was in the syghte of man. to the conforte and profyt of all that se her in erthe. In all these thynges. ye prayse her in this lesson and saye. Benedictum marie corpus, Conuenyentely yt accordeth to lyken the blyssed body of mary vnto a vessel moste clene. and her sowle vnto a lanterne moste clere. and her brayne. vnto a pytte of waters rūnynge vpon hye. and afterwarde comyng downe in to a depe valey. Nam cuin virgo [...] For when the vyrgyn came to that age. in whyche she myghte vnderstonde that very god was in heuen. and that he had made all thynges. and specyally man to hys en­delesse worshyppe. and that he shulde be iudge of all moste ryghteful. then the wytte and vnderstandyng ran vp from the brayne of the virgyn in to the heyghte of heuen as water rūnynge oute of a sprynge well Nam sicut, In hymno ad primas vespe­ras Natiuita­tis domini. For as the chyrche syngeth. that the sonne of god wente out frō the father. & turned agayne to y e father. though eyther of them were neuer deprted frō other▪ so the wytte. and vnderstandynge of the vyr­gyn. often styenge vp in to hyghnesse of heuens. cau­ghte god stabely by faythe. & swetely halsed hys most swete charyte. & turned agayne to yt selfe. Hanc quo (que) And this charite. with resonable hope. & drede of god she helde mooste sykerly. so enflawmynge her owne [Page] sowle by the same charite. that she beganne to burne in the loue of god. as a fyre moste feruente. Hic etiam, This wytte and also vnderstondynge of the virgyn made her body so subiecte to y sowle. for to sarue god that from thense furthe. the body obayed to the soulle wyth all mekenesse. O qin celeriter [...] O how swyftely the wytte. and vnderstandynge of the vyrgyn. toke the charyte of god. O qin prudenter. O howe warely she tresowred the charyte of god vnto her. Vnde sicut, wherfore lyke as a lyllye were planted or sette that shulde fasten yt selfe to the erthe wyth thre routes. by whyche yt shulde make yt selfe more stable. and sprede vp thre delytable flowres. to the conforte of them that behelde yt▪ so southly the charyte of god. sente or sowen from god in to thys gloryous erthe that ys to saye oure lady. fastened yt selfe to her body with thre vertues moste stronge. as yt were wyth thre rowces. by whiche also yt strengthed the same virgyns body And worshypfully yt at ay [...] y vyrgyn as to the soule wyth thre ornamentes. as wyth thre flowres mo­ste brighte. to the gladnesse of god. and of aūgels that behelde her. Prima gaudii [...] Therfore the fyrste stronge verteu of the vyrgyns body. was the strengthe of discrete abstynence. whyche tempered so in her. mea [...]e & dryncke. that eny slowthe or dulnesse. w tdrewe her neuer from the seruyce of god. for eny surfet suꝑfluyte Ne neuer she was made weke. or feble. to do y t she had to do. for eny vnmesurable scarsnes. Secūda vero The secōde was y e strengthe of tēperance of wakeynges. which tempered so her body. y for shortnes of slepe she was neuer dulled by eny heuynes. suche tyme as [Page Cxxv] her behoued to wake, ne for to moche sleape. she shor­ted neuer in the leaste poynte the tymes ordeyned of wakynge. Tercia quo (que), The thyrde was the streng­the of the stronge complexyon of the vyrgyns body. whyche made the same vyrgyn so stronge and stable that she bare euenly. bodely laboure and dysease. and transytory welthe of the body. not beyng sory of eny bodely aduersyte. or dysease. ne beynge gladde of eny bodely welthe or felysyte. Hoc insuper [...] Farthermore the fyrste ornemente or aray wyth whyche the charyte of god arayed the vyrgyn as to y e sowle. was this. that she prefar [...]ed in her harte tho medes that god shulde gyue his frendes, before the fayrenes of all thinges and therfore worldely rychesses were vyle vnto her as fylthe moste stynkynge. Hoc deni (que); The seconde ornamente that arayed her sowle was thys. that she had parfyt dyscrecion in her vnderstōdynge. how vnlyke worldely worshyp. is vnto gostly ioye. and therfore she abhorred to here worldely ioye. as corrupte ayre. that wyth hys stynke quencheth the lyfe of ma­ny. in shorte whyle. Illud vti (que), The thyrde aray that made her sowle gloryous. was thys. that tho thynges that pleased god. she helde moste swete in her harte And tho thynges that were odyous and contrary vnto god. she helde more bytter then galle. And therfore thys wylle of the vyrgyn drew her sowle so e [...]ectually to desyre very swetnesse. that her behoued not to taste gostly bytternesse after this lyfe. Ex hus, of these ornamen [...]es. the same vyrgyn apperyd so fayre aray­ed in sowle aboue all thynges that were made▪ that yt pleased god the maker. to fulfylle by meane of her. [Page] all hys behestes. Erat enim, For she was so strengthed by the vertew of charyte. that she fayled in noo good worke. and the enmy preuayled neuer in her. in the leste poynte. Vere procul dubio, Ueryly wythoute eny doubte yt ys to byleue. that as her sowle was moste fayre ageynste god. & hys aungels▪ so her body was moste acceptable in the eyne of all that behelde her. Et quemadmodum, And as god. and aungels ioyed in heuen of the fayrenesse of her sowle▪ righte so the fayrenesse of her body moste acceptable. was profytable and confortable in erthe. to all that desyred to se her. Videntes enim, For they that were deuoute, seyng her wyth how moche feruoure she serued god▪ were ma­de more faruente to goddes worshyp. In hus autem, And in them that were mooste redy to synne▪ the fer­uoure of synne was quenched anon by the honeste of her wordes & berynges. as longe as they behelde her Responce. Sancta, Holy and vndefowled maydenhod. I wote neuer with what praysynges I shal speke of the. For thou hast gyuen hym to thy lappe whome heuens myghte not take. Uerse. Benedictatu, Blyssed be thow in all women. and blyssed be y e fruyte of thy wombe. Benediccion. Vi [...]go, The vyrgyn that was gryete of an aungel. vouche safe to do awaye oure synnes. Amen.

¶The seconde Lesson.

NUlla lingua, Thys lesson tel­lyth. howe oure moste reuerente Lady. knowynge that god [Page Cxxvi] made her. and that he shulde be agenbyer of mankynde▪ dressed her wylle alonely to hys loue and seruyce How she was then aferde to dwelle with her frendes leste she shulde be hyndered by them from goddes seruyce. How besely she was to kepe her tongue. and her [...]ghte and all the wyttes. and membres of her holy body. clene from all vnꝓfytable thinges; to the worshyp. & glory of god. How glad she was to suffer try­bulacyons▪ and how parfyt in all goodnes and verteu. wherfore god loued her aboue all thynges & sente gabryel to gryete. and hys onely sōne to become man in her moste holy wombe Therfore ye say thus. Nul­la lingua, No tongue may telle prudently the wytte & vnderstondynge of the gloryous vyrgyn. conceyued and vnderstode god hymselfe in the same poynte that she had fyrste knowlege of hym. namely whyle all mennes mynde is to weyke and febel to thinke. how moche the blyssed wylle of the same vyrgyn made her selfe subiecte to the seruice of god. for yt pleased her to do all thynges with delyte. that she knew plesed god In [...]ellexit enim, For the virgyn vnderstode that not for her merytes god had made her a body and soulle. and gyuen her fredome of her wylle. bothe mekely to fa­uoure goddes cōmaundementes. and also to withstō de them if her lyste. And therfore the moste meke wylle of the vyrgyn vtterly determyned to sarue god w t all charite. as lōge as she lyued. for the benefytts that she had then receyued. thoughe he shulde neuer gyue her other thynge after. Cum autem, But when her vnderstondyng myghte knowe. that the same maker of all thynges. sulde vouche safe to be also the agenbyer [Page] of the soulles that he had made. & that he desyred not else to be gyuen vnto hym for rewarde of so greate laboure but the same soules. and y t euery man hathe fredome in wyl to plese god by good workes. or to ꝓuoke hym to wrathe by euell dedes▪ then y e wylle of the vyrgyn beganne besyly to gouerne her body in tem­pastes of the worlde. as a wyse shypman hys shyp. Nam sicut. For as a shypman dredyth. that hys shyp shulde perysshe by waues. or castaynge of waters. & the pereyles by whyche shyppes are often broken. g [...] eth skante oute of hys mynde. and dresseth surely the ropes and shyp tacle. And hys eyne beholden bysely towarde y e hauen where he desyreth to reste after hys laboure. and he laboureth that the goodes whyche ar put in his shyp. come to ꝓfyt of the trew owner. whome he loued moste▪ so trewly thys vyrgyn moste ware and wyse, anon after she had knowlege of the commaundementes of god the wylle of her began to go­uerne her body wyth all besynes. after the blowyng of them. Frequenter quidem, And often she dredde the dwellynge nye her kynne or neyghbours. leste that her prosperyte. or aduersyte whiche ar lykened to the tempestes of the worlde shulde. by wordes. or dedes make her the more heuy to sarue god. Omnia quo (que), And all thynges that were forboden by the lawe of god. she cōmended besyly to her mynde. fleynge them with all dylygence. leste as an harde pareyle of the fee they shulde lese her soulle spyrytually. Hec den [...] (que), Fo [...]othe thys praysable wyl tamed so and refrayned this vyrgyn and her wyttes, that her tongue was neuer meued to vnprofytable spekynges. And her [...] [Page Cxxvii] moste honeste. were neuer lyfte vp. to beholde eny vnnedeful thinge. Her eres were only lystenynge to tho thynges that longed to the worshyp of god. And she neuer put oute her handes. ne her fyngers. but to the profyt of herselfe. or of her neyghboure. And her fete she suffered neuer to moue one pase. but yf she dyscus­sed fyrste what profyte shulde come therof. Desidera­bat insuper, And furthermore the wylle of the vyrgyn desyred to suffer ioyfully all trybulacyōs of the worlde. that she mighte come in to y e hauen of treuthe. that ys. in the bosom of god. the father. Thys she desyred wythoute ceasynge. that worshyp and ioye shulde be yelded of her soulle. for her makynge. vnto god. whyche was moste dere loued vnto her. Et quia voluntas, And for the wylle of the vyrgyn fayled neuer in eny goodnesse. therfore god from whome all good thynges go furthe. enhaunsed her moste hye. in the hyenesse of all vertues. and made her shyne moste bryghtly in the fayrnesse of all vertues. Quis igitur, who therfore oughte to meruayle. that god loued thys vyrgyn moste aboue all▪ whyle he knew none that euer shulde be begotten of man & woman. whose wylle shulde not be bowed at no tyme to deadly or venyall synne. she only excepte▪ O quantum, O howe nye touched thys shyp. that ys to say. the vyrgyns body. vnto the most desyred hauen. that ys. to the dwellynge of god the father▪ when Gabryel came to her and sayde. Aue gra­cia plena, Luce. primo. Heyle full of grace. O qm honeste, O howe honestly the father sente hys sōne to the vyrgyn with oute the workynge of man▪ when she answered vn­to the aungel. Fiat michi secundum verbum tuum, Be yt [Page] to me after thy worde. Confestim nan (que), For a non the godhed was vnyed vnto the manhed. in the virgyns wōbe. and very god the sonne of god the father. was made man. and the sonne of the vyrgyn. Responce. Videte miraculum, Se ye a myracle. The lordes moder beynge a vyrgyn hathe conceyued. not knowynge mannes felyshyp. Mary standeth laden wyth a no­ble burden. and knoweth her selfe a mery moder. that knoweth not her selfe a wyfe. Uerse. Hecspeciosū. She hathe conceyued wyth chaste bowels hym that ys fayre in shape before the sōnes of men. And she beynge blyssed without ende. hathe broughte furth god and man to vs. Benediccion. Nos cum prole. The vyrgyn mary mote blysse vs. wyth her mercyfull sō ­ne. Amen.

¶The thyrde Lesson.

OConiunctionem. In thys lesson ye are enformed of foure thynges. Firste of the meruelous incarnacyon of oure lorde Iesu cryste. How the sonne of god. thoughe he were in the vyrgyns wombe. he was neuer the lesse in heuen. w t the father and wyth the holy goste. And howe the fa­ther and the holy goste. were alway wyth the sonne in the worlde. though the sonne alonely were become man. And howe in the mother was alway mayden­hed. and in the sonne was alway godhed. ¶These [...]onde thynge. that ye are enformed of. ys. to thanke and to loue oure lorde Iesu cryste for hys incarnacy­on. and oure redempcyon. ¶The thyrde thynge ys. [Page Cxxviii] of hys meruelous entre in to the vyrgyns wōbe and of hys longe abydynge therin. and of his meruelous goynge thense. ¶The forthe ys. that all folke shulde ioy of hys holy incarnacion. and pray our lady to defende them from the fyende in theyr lyfe. and in their dethe. and to brynge them to endelesse lyfe. O coniunceionem pulcherimam, O that moste fayre knyttyng to gyther. moste worthy. and acceptable in all wyse. Nam erat, For the body of the vyrgyn. was the dwel­lynge place to the sonne of god in the worlde. and in heuen ther was to hym the dwellynge of the trynyte all thoughe he dwelled ouer all in eche place by hys power. Erat virgo, The vyrgyn was fulle of the holy goste in body and soule. and the holy goste was in the father. He was also in the sonne become man. whiche sonne of god. had not only his dwellynge in the maydens bowels in the worlde. but also in the father. and in the holy goste in heuen. Pater quo (que), The fader also wyth the holy goste. had hys dwellynge in the sonne bycam man. all though the onely sonne very god. to­ke vnto hym mannes body. whyche though he were hyd after the beynge of hys godhed from mannes sy­ghte▪ yet before aūgels in his euerlastyng dwellyng he appered open and alway the same. Omnes igitur, Therfore all that haue very faythe. mote ioye to gy­ther. of that vnspecable knyttynge togyther. y t was made in the vyrgyn. by whiche knyttynge. the sonne of god toke to hym a body of mankynde. of her flesshe and blode. and the godhed was vnyed vnto the manhed. and the very manhed vnto the godhed. In hacsi­quidem, And in this moste acceptable vnyō ▪ neyther [Page] the godhed was mynysshed in the sōne. ne y e holenesse of the maydenhod in y e mother. Illi quo (que). Be they therfore asshamed and aferde. whiche byleue not. that the almyghtynesse of god. myghte do suche thynges. or thynke that his goodnesse thoughe yt myghte. wolde not do suche thynges. for saluacyon of hys creature. Si etiam. And yt be byleued that of power & of good­nesse he hathe done suche thynges▪ why is he not perfytly loued of them that doute not. but that he hathe done suche thynges for them▪ Ammaduertant igitur, Therfore take in youre hartes. and vnderstonde that as y e erthely lorde were worthy souerayne loue. whyche. whyle he were in moste worshyp. and plente of rychesses. herynge hys frende greued wyth repreues and dyspites. shulde of hys goodnes take vpon hym selfe. all the hurte and disease of his frende. that the same frende myghte behad in worshyp. the same lorde also perceyuynge hys frende troubeled with pouerte shulde then make hymselfe poure. that the same fren­de. myghte be made ryche. And farthermore yf he see the same frende wretchedly led vnto dethe. whyche he mighte not escape. but yf som man dyed for hym wyl fully. shulde then take hymselfe to dethe. that the same frende dampned to dethe myghte lyue in welthe▪ so also. for in these thre is shewed souerayne loue. no mā may say that euer eny man shewed more loue to hys frende in the worlde. then the selfe maker that is in heuen. Propterea ipse deus, Therfore the same god. bow­ed & enclyned hys mageste. comynge downe from he­uen in to the maydens wōbe. entrynge. not onely in one party of her body but geuynge hymselfe to y e vyrgyns [Page Cxxix] bowels by all her body. fourmyng to hymselfe moste honestly a body of man of the flesshe & blode of the onely vyrgyn. Et ideo, And therfore that mooste chosen mother is lykened cōuenyently to the brēnynge busshe. Exodi. iii. not hurte wyth brennynge. that moyses se. Nam ille. For he hymselfe whiche abode so lōge in the busshe that he made moyses obay & byleue tho thyn­ges that he tolde hym. and to hym askynge his name sayde. Ego sum qui sum, I am that am. that ys. this is my name w tout ende▪ the same god hymselfe abode in the vyrgyn so longe tyme. as yt is nedeful to other en faūtes to abyde in theyr moders bowels before theyr byrthe. Quemadmodum etiam, And as the same sonne of god entred w t hys godhed by all the vyrgyns body when he was cōceyued▪ so when, he was borne with godhed & manhod. as swetnesse cometh oute of a hole rose. so came he oute by all y e body of the same virgyn the maydenly glory abydyng hole in the motherr. Vnde quia deus, Wherfore syth god & aūgels. and after warde the fyrste man. & after hym patriarkes. & pro­phetes. one w t other vnnumerable frendes of god. ioyed. that. y t busshe that is to say the body of mary. shulde be so brennynge in charite. y t the sōne of god shulde vouche safe so mekely to enter in to yt. & so longe to a­byde therin. & so honestly to go out therof▪ therfore yt ys worthy that men & women also. now leuynge. be glad w t them with all ther harte. Quia sicut, Fo as the sōne of god. that is very & vndedly god w t the father & y e holy goste. entred in to thys busshe takyng in yt for them a dedly body▪ so oughte they in all haste to flye vnto the vyrgyn. that by her prayer endelesse lyfe be [Page] restored vnto them that ar dedly. whiche haue also deserued by theyr sines euerlastynge dethe. Et sicut deus, And as god abode in y e vyrgyn leste hys body shulde haue eny defaulte in age. or in mēbres. more then the bodyes of other chyldren. that he shulde myghtely o­uercom y t fende. whyche hathe gylefully made all subgette to y t lordeshyp of his cruelte▪ so also men oughte mekely to pray her. y t she make them abyde in theyr defense. leste yt happen them to falle in the snares of the fe [...]de. Quemadmodū etiam deus, And also as god went oute of y e same vyrgyn in to the worlde for to make o­pen the gate of the heuenly cōtre vnto mankynde▪ so oughte they mekely to praye her. that she vouche safe to be presente w t her helpe in theyre oute goynge from this wretched worlde. ꝓcurynge vnto them entre. in to the endelesse kyngdō of her blyssed sōne. R. Felix nan (que), Thow arte ful blyssed holy vyrgyn mary. and moste worthy all praysynge. For of y t ys rysen the sō ne of right wesnesse. crist our god .v. Ora pro populo, Pray for the people. by meane of y t clerge. pray for deuoute women. & all mote fele thy helpe. that vse to haue mynde vpon the .v. In vterum, Moste hye god cō downe in to the vyrgyns wōbe. R. In eo, Takyng therin the pryce of our fredom. ¶At lawdes. An̄

O Admirabile, O meruelous chaūge. The maker of mā kynde. takyng a quycke body of a virgyn vouched safe to be borne. & comynge furthe man w tout sede▪ hathe gyuen vs hys godhed. ¶Thys is the meruelous chaūge. that he toke our manhod. and gaue vs hys godhed. He came downe. & we ar lyfte vp. He becam dedly. and we ar delyuered from dethe.

¶The Hympne.

[Page Cxxx] YSaias que cecinit, Thys Hympne. tellyth that the prophesy of ysaie the prophete. ys fulfylled in the incar­nacyon of oure lorde Iesu cryste. Esaie. vii. Hys prophesy was that a mayde shulde conceyue and bere a sonne. as ys writen before on sōday in y t chapiter at lawdes And also that there shulde sprynge a rodde oute of the route of Iesse. Esaie. [...]i. as ys wryten also on sonday at the howre of sexte. These prophesyes. and suche other wereful­ [...]ylled in oure lady. as the Hympne tellyth. when ye say. ysaias, Tho thynges tha [...] ysaye prophesyed. are fulfylled in the vyrgyn. the aūgel hathe done hys me sage. and the holy goste hathe fulfylled. Maria, Mari hathe conceyued in wombe by the trew sede of worde The maydens bowels bere hym. that all the worlde taketh not. Radixiesse, Iesse the rowte hathe gyuen a flowre. the rodde hathe broughte fourthe fruite. The fruyteful moder hathe profered a byrthe. and abydeth vyrgyn. Presepe, He that ys auctoure of lyghte hathe suffered to be put in a crybbe. He made heuens wyth the father. and was cladde in clothes vnder hys mo­ther. Uerse. Tanqm sponsus. As a spowse arayed oute of hys fayre chambre. Responce. Processir, went the sonne of god oute of the pryuy closet of the may­dens wombe. Antempne. Latuit, The gyle of the deedly enmy was hydde in the flaterynge voyce of the serpente. that man shulde be caughte. The gretnes of godhed. was mekely hyd in y t lytel body of a weping chylde. that man shulde be wōne agayne. Maydenly honeste was hyd in a spowsed mother. that the enme [Page] shulde be cōfounded. Thus is crafte deceyued by crafte. and gyleys turned in to hys dore. Therfore pray­ [...]ynge and glory be to the sōne wyth the mother. and to the mother wyth the sōne. to whome aungels songe praysynges on hye. Benedicamus deuotis, Blysse we w t deuoute soulles the grete lorde. souckynge the maydenly teates of the moste meke vyrgyn. Benedi­camus celesti. Blysse we the heuenly lorde. norysshe [...] amongest seruauntes. of the maydens breste.

¶At Pryme the Hympne.

REx chryste, Cryste moste mercy­full kinge. haue thou oure hartes in pocessyō. y t we mote yelde the dew praysynges in all tymes. Memento, Auctoure of helthe haue mynde. that y e toke somtyme the shape of our body beyng borne of a clene vyrgyn Autempne. Iudicum. vi. Quando natus, when thou were borne vnspecably of a vyrgyn. Psalmo. lxxi. then were scryptures fulfylled. thow came as rayne in to o [...]ly [...]ce. to make mankynde safe. we prayse y t oure god. ¶Our lady is lykened to a flece. for she is all softe & profytable. Rayne when yt fallyth on a flyece. yt enteryth in softely w tout noyse. & yt is wronge out w t out hurte of the flyece. So our lorde Iesu cryste came downe in to this flyece our lady in softenes of mercy w tout noyse of rigoure or of worldly pompe. And he was borne of her w toute hurte of her maydenly clen­nes. And therfore ye say. Thou came downe as a rayne in to a f [...]y [...]ce.

¶At tyerce Intempne.

Exodi. iii. BVbum quem, we know that the busshe that Moyses se vnbr [...]nte berokeneth the kepynge of thy praysable vyrgynyt [...]. Mother of god pray for vs.

¶Moyses se a busshe as yt had bene all on fyre. & yet [Page Cxxxi] yt brente not. ye wa [...] oure lorde god. tha [...] appered vnto hym in the busshe in suche a lykenesse. So our lor­de god becam [...] in the vyrgyn ma [...]i, and her may den [...]ed [...]. antemp [...]tellyth.

¶At Sext [...] Antempne.

[...]erminauit, Esaie. xl. The route of lesse hathe burgoned. A starre is rysen of Iacob. Nu [...]e. xxiiii. A vyrgyn hathe borne a sauyour. we prayse the oure god. ¶Of the rowte of Iesse what yt [...] before on son [...] at the houre of sexte. ¶Iacob was called israel b [...] [...]nother name. and he was father of the twelue [...] whyche patriarkes came all the iewes. and therfore they are called the sonnes. or the chyldren of Israel. The prophete Balaam prophesyed. and sayde. that there shulde ryse a starre of Iacob. wherby ys vnder­stonde oure lorde iesu cryste. for he was borne amōge the iewes. And thys ys the starre that ye speke of in this antemne when ye say. a starre is rysen of iacob.

¶At none Antempne.

ECce maria, Lo mary ha [...]he begoten vs a Sauyoure. whome Iohn seynge. cryed. and sayde. Lo the lambe of god. lo he that doeth a way the synnes of the worlde. Uerse. Elegit sibi, The sōne of god hathe chosen hym a mother in erthe. Responce. Vt homini [...] That he shulde make god. mannes father in heuen.

¶At Euensonge. Antempne.

BEatus populus, That people is blyssed. whose god is Iesu. whome the vyr [...]yn gaue souc­ke. wo vnto them y truste in prynces sōnes of men. in whome is no [...].

¶The Hympne.

AUemaris stella. Thys hympne hathe seuen verses. In the fyrst verse ye prayse our lady of foure thynges. One is. that she is called the starre of the sat. for as that is confortable to shypmen so ys oure lady conforte to all that ar in bytternes of trybulacyon. or temptacyō in the see of thys worlde. And therfore her name Maria, ys as moche to say. as starre of the see. And so Aue maria, and Aue mari [...] stella ys all one sentence. ¶The seconde ys. that she ys the mother of god. ¶The thyrde ys. that she ys euerlast­ynge vyrgyn. ¶The fourthe. that she ys the gate of heuen. [...]oan. 1 [...]. Her sonne callyth hymselfe in hys gospell. [...] i [...]re. For as a man may not welcome into an [...]ole but by the dore. ne to the dore. but by the gate [...] so may there none come in to heuen. but by our lorde Ie [...] [...]riste. that ys the dore. ne to oure lorde Iesu criste. but by oure lady. that ys the gate. Therfore ye saye thus to her. Aue maris stella, Hayle starre of the see. holy mother of [Page Cxxxii] god. and alway vyrgyn. the blyssed gate of heuen. ¶In the seconde verse ye prayse oure lady of tow thynges. & one thinge ye aske of her. Fyrste ye thanke her for that she assented to the gretynge of Gabryel. for therby began ouer helthe. lyke as oure perdicyon began by the assen [...]e of Eue to the fende. The seconde for she hathe turned the wo y Eue broughte vs to. in to ioye. And so she hathe chaunged her name. Eua in to Aue for eua spelled bakwarde maketh Aue and eua, ys as moche to say as wo. And Aue ys a worde of ioye. Then ye aske of her. stablenes of peace. and say thus. Sumens illud aue, Takynge that Aue. of the mouthe of gabryel▪ grounde [...]s in peace. chaungeynge the name of eue. In the thyr [...]e verse ye aske of her foure thinges. that man nedeth to haue helpe in. after he ys fallen to synne. For by syn­ne he fallyth in foure greate mysthyues. ¶One ys. that he ys so bounde therin. that he may not of hym­selfe come oute therof. And as a man may yelde hym selfe bounde to a lorde. but he maye not be fre ageyn after. when he wylle▪ ryghte so ys yt of a man that maketh hymselfe thralle to the fende by dedly synne. And therfore ye pray oure lady that she wyll lose the bondes of synners. and make them fre. ¶Another mysthyef is. that when a man is fallen to deadly synne. the fende blyndeth hym so in his synn. that he can neyther se the pareyl y t he standeth in. ne how to gette hym helpe of delyueraūce. And therfore in thys ye aske oure ladyes helpe. ¶The thyrde mysthyef ys. the greate vengaunce that man deserueth by synne. bo­the temporall and euerlastyng. ¶And the fourthe is the losse of all goodes of grace & glory. And therfore [Page] ageynste all these foure mysthyefs. ye pray to oure lady and saye. Solue vincla reis, Lose thow the bondes from them that are gylty. for the fyaste. Gyue thow lyghte to them that are blynde. for the seconde. Do away oure yuels. for the thyrde. And aske all goodes. for y e fourthe. ¶In the fourthe verse. ye praye her to shew herselfe a mother. to god & to wretches. as a mother tendereth her chylde in all maner pareyl. and dysease that he ys in. so she vouched safe to shew motherly tendernes to vs. in al oure nedes bodely and gostly. And as a mother may gette of her sonne what she wylle resouably desyre of hym▪ so she vouche safe to spede oure erandes agenst god. that yt appere wel that she ys hys mother. Therfore ye say thus to her. Monstrate, Shew the to be a m [...] ­der. and he mote take prayer by the. that vouched safe to be thy sonne for vs. ¶In the fyfte verse ye prayse her in tow vertues. that ys. maydenhed. and myldenesse. and ye aske of her thre vertues. accordynge to the same. that ys delyueraunce from synne. myldenesse. and chasty­te. Therfore ye say thus. Virgo singularis, Singuler and mylde vyrgyn amongest all. make vs losed from synne. & mylde. and chaste. ¶In the syxte verse ye aske of her thre thynges. The fyrste is clene lyfe. The secōde is. trew contynewaūce therin vnto the ende. that ye may then haue trew passage. And the thyrde ys. endelesse ioye in the syghte and behowynge of god. Therfore ye say Vitam presta. Graunte vs clene lyfe. make redy a trew waye. that we seynge Iesu. more euermore be glad. ¶In the seuen the verse. ye prayse the blyssed trynyte. & say. Sit laus, Praysynge and worshyp be to god the souerayne fa­ther. to cryst. & so the holy goste. one worshyp to them [Page Cxxxiii] all thre. Amen. Antempne. Gaude eternaliter, Ioye thow endelesly vntouched mother that ar [...]e made all thynges vnto all. to y trynyte souerayne glory. gladnes to aungels. a delyuerer to prysoners. an heler to them that are sycke. a cōforter to them that are desolate. a promoter to the righteful. an helper to the synful moder to the sonne of god. Blyssed mote thow be euer lastyngely. and blyssed be the fruyte of thy wombe.

¶At Complyn Antempne.

QUoniam mandauit, For as moche as god hathe sente endelesse blyssynge to them that worshyp hys mo­ther▪ worshyp we her contyne wally with deuoute & meke seruyce.

¶The Hympne.

SPonse iungendo, The fyrste verse of thys hympne tellyth. how the father and the holy goste. were w t oure lorde iesu cryste in his mothers wombe. and therfore they are called hys collateral felowes. For collateral is sayde of one that is nye a nother by the tone syde of hym. And for the father is named before the sōne. & the holy goste after the sōne. & so the sōne is the secōde parsone in myd [...]es bytwix­te the fyrste and the thyrde. that is betwyxte the fader and the holy goste▪ therfore they are called collateral to the sōne. as yt were the father by y [...]one syde of the sōne. & the holy goste by the to [...]her syde. ¶The thyrde verse expoūdeth the fyrste & the secōde. where y e sowle of oure lady ys called the spowse of cryste. wherfore when master Peter that set youre seruyce was in doute: the fader of heuen spake to sainte Birgytte & sayd [Page] ¶Say he saieth to that preste my louer that he make that hympne. In Extrauagā Capitulo .v. Sponse [...]ungendo rilio, to stande as he hathe sette yt. For whyle holy cherche calleth all sowles the spouses of my sonne. moche more maye the sowle of mary be called hy [...] spowse. Sponse iungendo, The father & the holy goste were collateral felowes to the sonne. that was ioyned to the spowse. in the chambre of clere [...]sse, Stolanous, Thys noble yonge lorde. y [...] clad in a new weddynge robe. [...]e goe [...]h in a fayre glory. lyke in clothynge to hys spowsesse. Venterma [...]e, The wom [...] of mary [...] is the chambre. her soule is the spou [...]esse. The spouse is the lorde cryst. the clothynge ys hys kyngely body. O sponsam fecundis [...]mam, O spous [...]e moste plēteous y fylleth the courte of heuens [...] with the cōpany of fayre chyldren. to pray [...]ynge of the kyng of blysse ¶These fayre children are holy soules that are come to heuen by meane of thys meruelous spousayle that was betwyxte god and mary. Also this worde spouse. ys taken o [...]t [...]n bothe [...] or the man. & for the woman in comon̄ englyshe. but therfore here is made mensy­on of bothe to gyther. therfore that the tone shulde be knowen from the tother. I calle hym the spouse. and her the spousesse. And where the tone alone is spoken of. I calle h [...] spouse as ys before in the fyrste verse. & in many other places: Antempne. Glorificamus te we prays [...] the mother of god. for of the is cris [...]e borne Saue them all y worshyp the. An. Aue stella, Hayleday st [...]nre [...]ned y [...] yn of synners. p [...]ynce [...]. & qu [...]ene of the world [...] worthy to be called a synguler virgyn [...]ette thow the [...]. of thy power a shyle of [...]. ageynste the dart [...]s of y enmy. O cho [...]en spouse of god. [...] to vs the right way vnto endeles [...]e ioyes

[Page Cxxxiiii]HEre Endeth the story of the Thursday. and begynneth the story of the Fryday.

ON Fryday at mattyns. The Inuitatory. Regem virginis, Come ye. worshyp we the kinge. the maydens sonne. that was nayled on the crosse for vs.

¶The Hympne.

RElictis mundi friuolis, The sentence of thys hympne ys. y ye shulde leue all vayne thynges. and in the loue & praysynge. haue mynde on the passyon of oure lorde Iesu criste. & on the cōpassyon of hys moste reuerente mother oure lady. Relictis mundi, Leue we all [...] vanytyes. & playes and vayne ioyes of the worlde. and haue we often in mynde in oure hartes the tormentes of the vyrgyns sonne. Qui vere, whiche hathe veryly clensed vs. that were defowled w t many synnes▪ with thre lyquores that ys. w t wepynge teares. wyth blody swette. and wyth blode. Pensemus matris, Thynke we on the mo­ste sharpe thornes of sorowe. of y mothers tremelyng harte. whyle she se the body of her sonne. suffer so ma­ny folde paynes. Fons vite, The welle of lyfe. that gaue drynke of lyfe. was dryed w t thyrste. and whyle he playned hym of thyrste. they gaue hym galle in stede of hony. Auxit dolores, The sorowe of the mother. en­cresed the sorowes of the sonne. & the mothers sorowe was encresed. by the reproues, & paynes that her son fuffered. Sic nostra corda, O Iesu thy passyon mote so perce thorugh oure hartes. y t thy trew loue mote eue [...] [Page] dwelle in vs. .An̄. Propter preces, Cryste most strōge delyuerer. shal arte bycome man for vs. & haste suf [...]e­red repreues▪ delyuer vs. from the fylthe of synne. for the prayers of thy moste holy mother. that we be not swalowed in to y depnesse of helle. .An̄. Ne elōgeris Be not farre from vs. oure onely aduocate. but thy sōne Iesu was gyuen to drynke galle for our synnes mote by thy prayer make vs dronke in his loue. An̄ Benedictum, Blyssed be the name of maieste of the sō ­ne. of the virgyn mary. y hathe boughte vs lyfe with his dethe. All erthe mote be fylled w t his praysynge & eche tongue mote say. Amē. Amen. .v. Spineo serto The kynge of blysse was scorned w t a crowne of thornes . R. Vt nos, That he shulde worshyp vs with the crowne of endelesse ioye. Benediccion. Christo qui. To cryste y t boughte vs. the vyrgyn that begatte hint mote reconsyle vs. Amen.

¶The seconde Lesson.

OLoriosa virgo maria, This lessō tellyth of thre sorowes. or tribulaciōs. of our gl [...]ious lady The fyrste was of the drede of god. by whiche she was ful sore laboured. & troubeled. how she myghte flye yuel. & do good. The secōde was of y loue of god. whiche caused her bytterly to sorowe for the paynes that criste shulde suffer. or euer she wist that she shulde be hys mother. The thyrde was after she had cōceyued hym. whyle she bare hym in her wō be. For as she ioyed then of his cōcepciō. so she sorowed moste in wardely in thynkynge on his passyō. yet in all her trybulaciōs she be had her so paciently. & in her ioyes so warely▪ that yt was bothe ioye to god. [Page Cxxxvi] and to his aungels in heuen. & conforte and edifycacion to men that [...]e her in erthe. This lesson ye begynne thus. Luce. prim [...]. Glorio [...]a virgo maria, It ys redde. that the gloryous vyrgyn mary. was aferde in the gretynge of the aungel. whyche sothely had then no drede for eny pa­teyle of her body. but she drede leste the deceyte of the enmy of mankynde had come vnto her. to y hendrynge of her s [...]wle. Vnde vere inrel [...]gendū est. wherfore yt is veryly to vnderstonde that when she came to suche age. that her myghte & vnderstōdynge myghte receyue y knowlege of god & of his wylle▪ anon as she began resonably to loue god. so she began also resona­bly to drede hym. Cōg [...]ue [...]a (que). Therfore this virgyn may cōuenyently be called a florysshynge rose. for as a rose ys wonte to growe amongste thornes. so thys worshypful vyrgyn. grew in this worlde amōge tribulacions Et quen admodū, And as. the more the rose spredeth a brode in growyng. y more stronger & sharper is made y thorne▪ righte so this moste chosen rose mary. the more that she grew in age. the more sharpely she was pry [...]ked w t the thornes of stronger trybu­laciōs. Trans [...]ur [...]a den [...] (que), For after her yōge age was paste. the drede of god was to her the fyrste trybulacion. for she was not onely troubled wyth moste grete dreade in dysposynge herselfe to flye synnes. but also she was laboured with no lytel drede. in beholdynge how she myghte resonably. and pa [...]fytly do good de­des. Et quamuis, And thoughe she ordeyned wyth all watche & dylygence. her thoughtes. Wordes. & dedes. to the worshyp of god▪ yet she dredde that sōme defaute was in them. Considerent igitu [...], Beholde they ther­fore [Page] that are wretched synners. that boldely and wylfully w tout ceasynge do the lustes of dyuerse wyckednesses▪ how grete tormentes. & how grete wretched­nesses. they gather. and hepe to theyr owne sowles▪ when they se that thys gloryous vyrgyn. clene from all synne. dyd with drede her workes. whiche pleased god aboue all thynges. ¶ Deinde, Farthermore vn­derstandynge of the scriptures of prophetes. that good wolde become man. & that he shulde be tormented w t so many dyuerse paynes. in the body that he shulde take▪ anon therof the suffered greate trybulacion in her harte. for the feruente charite that she had vnto god. all though she knew not yet then. that she herselfe shulde be hys mother. Cum autem [...] But when she came to that age. that the sonne of god was made her sonne. & felte that he had taken that body in her wombe. that shulde fulfylle by hymselfe the scryptures of prophe­tes. then that moste softe role. semed to growe. & more to be spred abrode in her fayrenesse. and y thornes of tribulacion. pryckyng her more bytterly. were made stronger and sharper from day to day. Nam sicut. For lyke as in the conception of the sonne of god. there sprange vnto her a greate. & an vnspecable ioye▪ righte so in the thynkynge of his moste cruel passyon y was to come. many folde trybulaciō smote vpon her harte Gaude bat nan (que), For the vyrgyn ioyed. that hee sonne shulde w t very mekenesse brynge agayne his frendes to the blysse of the kyngdome of heuen▪ to whome the firste man had by his pryde deserued y payne of helle Dolebat vero, But she sorowed for she knew before. y lyke as a manne had synned in paradyse in all hys [Page Cxxxvi] membres by wicked concupysence▪ so her sonne shulde do satysfaccyō in the worlde. for the same mannes trespace by moste bytter de [...]he. of hys owne body. Exultabat virgo, The vyrgyn ioyed. for she conceyued her sonne wythout synne. and flesshely delectacyon. whome also she bare without sorow. Tristaba [...] quo (que) But she was heuy. for she knew before. y her so swete sonne. shulde be borne to moste fowle dethe. and that she herselfe shulde beholde hys passyons in moste an­guysshe of harte. Gaudebat etiam, The vyrgyn ioyed also. for she knew before that he shulde aryse from dethe. and that he shulde be enhaunsed euerlastyngly in souerayne worshyp. for hys passyon▪ yet she sorow­ed. for she knew before that he shulde be greatly pay­ned wyth spyteful repreues and harde tormentes. er he came to that worshyp [...] Vere indubitanter, It ys ve­ryly to be trowed. wythouten eny doubte that as the rose is sene standynge stably in his place. though the thornes that stande aboute be made more stronge. and more sharpe [...] so this blyssed rosemary. bare so strōge an harte. that though the thornes of trybulaciōs pricked her harte neuer so mother. yet they chaunged not her wyl. in eny wyse. but that she gaue herselfe moste r [...]dy to suffer and to do. whateuer shulde please god. Florenti ergo, Therfore she ye moste worthy lykened [...]o a rose. and veryly to arose in [...]herico, for as men redeth. that a rose of that place passeth in hys fayrenes other flowres [...] ry [...]hte so mary was moste excellente [...]n fay [...]enesse of honeste. and o [...] maners. aboue all ly­uynge in thy [...] worlde. excepte onely her blyssed sōne. Vnde sicu [...]. Wherfore lyke as god. and aūgelles. ioyed [Page] in heuen of her vertuous stablenesse▪ ryghte so men [...] beholdynge how pacyently she behaued her in tribulacions. and how warely in comfortes. wyed ryghte greately of her in the worlde. Respōce Sicut spinarum, As the nynesse of thornes lessyth not the smelle of the florysshynge rose▪ ryghte so. mother of cryste. the gretenesse of tribulacions myghte not lesse in the. the vertew of stablenes. for thow smelledyst wyth the swete smelle of all vertues. Verse. Assiste spes. Be thow that arte oure hope. redy presente to vs thy meke ser­uauntes in helpe. that neyther prosperyte lyfte vs vpne aduersyte bere vs downe. Benediccion. Qui nos saluauit, He that hathe saued vs. with the pryce of his blode▪ defende vs by y prayer of the vyrgyn hys mo­ther. Amen.

¶The seconde Lesson.

INter alia. This lesson tellyth of the sorowes that oure lady suffered after the byrthe of her sōne. vnto the tyme of his passyō. For she vnderstode the wordes of the prophetes. better then dyd the same prophetes themselfe. And therfore knowynge by her ꝓphesy what paynes her sōne shulde suffer in all hys holy body▪ she sorowed gretly as often as she behelde tho partyes of his body wherin he shulde suffer specyal paynes. So moche. that had not be hys often con­fortes▪ she myghte not haue abyden the tyme of hys passyon wyth her lyfe And thus begynneth the les­son. Inter alia. Amongste other thynges that the voyces of prophetes tolde before of the sonne of god▪ they tolde how harde dethe he wolde suffer in his moste innocence body in thys worlde▪ that menne togyther wyth hym. shulde haue euerlastynge lyfe in heuen. [Page Cxxxvii] Prophetabant, For the prophetes prophesyed and wrote. how the same sōne of god. for the delyueraunce of mankynde. shulde be bounde. and skourged. and how he shulde be ledde to the crosse. and how spytefully he shulde be treted. and crucyfyed. Vnde quia, Therfore as we byleue that tho prophetes knew wel. for what cause. vndedly god. wolde take to hym a dedly body and in so dyuerse maners be troubled in the same bo­dy▪ therfore chrysten faythe mote not doute. but that oure vyrgyn and lady whome god had ordeyned be­fore all worldes to be his mother. knew yt more clerely. Ne yt is not righteful to byleue that y cause was hyd from the same vyrgyn. why god vouched safe to be clad wyth mannes body in her wombe. Et vere. And veryly yt is to byleue wythoute eny doute. that she vnderstode by the inspyracyō of the holy goste all that the speches of the prophetes bytokened or men [...]e more parfytly. then the same prophetes. that of the same spyryte spake the wordes by mouthe. Vnde verissime, wherfore yt ys to byleue moste very. that when [...]he vyrgyn. after she had borne the sonne of god. by­ganne fyrste to touche hym with her handes▪ anon yt r [...]unne in to her mynde. how he shulde fulfylle the scriptures of ꝓphetes. Quando autem. Therfore when she wounde hym in clothes. then she behelde in her harte wyth how sharpe scourges all his body shulde be rente. so y t he shulde appere as a lypre. Recolligens quo (que), Also the vyrgyn wrappynge and gatherynge togy­ther the handes and fete of her lytel sonne easely in a bande. or cradel bande. broughte to mynde how har­de they shulde be persed thorugh on the crosse w t nay­les [Page] of yren. Aspiciens quippe, Beholdynge also she fa­ce of the same her sōne. moste fayre in shape before all sōnes of men: she thoughte how vnreuerently the lyppes of wycked men shulde defoule yt with theyr spyttynge. Reuoluebat etiam. The same moder also. had of ten in her mynde. wyth how grete strokes the cheke [...] of the same her sonne shulde be smytten. & wyth how greate repreues. and despytes. hys blyssed eres shulde be fylled. Modo considerans, Now cōsyderynge how hys eyne shulde waxe darke of y e flowynge in. of his owne blode▪ now how vpnegre medied wyth galle shulde be put in to hys mouthe. Modo ad mentem, Now bryngynge to mynde how hys armes shulde be bounde wyth ropes. and how his syne wee and al his veynes and ioyntes shulde be drawen oute on the crosse wythoute mercy. and howe hys harte rowtes shulde be drawen to gyther in hys dethe [...] and how [...]l hys glorious body. muste be tormented and payned wythin. a [...]d wythoute wyth all bytternesse. and anguysshe vnto the dethe. Sciebat enum, The vyrgyn also knew wel. that a spere moste sharpe shulde perse y syde of her sonne. and prycke thorugh the myddes of hys harte. after hys spyryte was passed on the crosse Vnde sicut, wherfore as she was moste glad. and ioy­ful of all mothers. whan she se the sonne of god borne of her. knowynge veryly that he was bothe god and man. dedly in hys manhod. but euerlastyngly vndedly in hys godhed▪ so was she moste sorowful and heuy of all mothers. for the knowynge before of hys bytter passyon. Per talem enim, And in suche wyse was her moste ioye medled alwayes with moste gre­uous [Page Cxxxviii] heuynes. as yf yt were sayde thus to a woman in chylde byrthe. Thow haste broughte fourthe a sō ­ne quycke and hole in all hys membres. but that payne whiche thow haddest in his byrthe. shall abyde w t the vnto thy dethe. Etilla, And she herynge thys. shulde be glad of the lyfe and helthe of her sōne. but of her owne passyon and deth she shulde be sory. Talis vti (que), Certaynely suche sorowe of a mother that came of y bethynkynge of payne and of dethe of her owne body shulde not be more greuous▪ then the sorowe of y e virgyn mary. as often as she had in mynde y e dethe that was to come of her moste loued sonne. Intelligebat, The vyrgyn vnderstod. that she sawes of prophetes had tolde before. that her moste swete sonne muste suffre many and greuous paynes. and also that ryghteful man Symeon. tolde. not from far as dyd the pro­phetes. but in the vyrgyns face. that the swerde of so­rowe. shulde passe thorugh her harte Vnde vere, Luce. secundo wherfore yt ys veryly to wytte. that as the powres of the sowle are stronger and more redy to fele good or yuel then the powres of the body▪ righte so the blyssed soule of the vyrgyn. that shulde be wounded wyth that swerde. was payned with more greuous sorowes or then her sonne suffered hys passyon▪ then the body of eny woman mighte suffer. before y e byrthe of her chylde. Ille nan (que), For that swerde of sorowe. came so mo­che the more nerer euery howre and tyme to the harte of the vyrgyn▪ as her beloued sonne approched more nere the tyme of hys passyon. Vnde sine dubio, Wher­fore yt is to trowe wythoute eny doute. that that py­teful and innocente sōne of god. hauynge sonnely cō passyon [Page] to hys mother▪ tempered her sorowes wyth often confortes. and else her lyfe myghte not haue suffered them. vnto the dethe of her sonne. Responce. [...]e [...]enniter, O mother of endelesse ioye. thy moste innocente sowle be endelesly blyssed. thorugh whiche past the swerde of sorowe. And thow sufferedyst yt wyth good wylle. that the swerde of endelesse dethe shulde not passe thorugh oure frayle sowles. Uerse. O ver [...] O moste ful of trew loue. graūte vs to loue hym parfytly▪ that wyth the blode of hys owne harte. boughte blyssed lyfe to vs. that were wretchedly deade. Benediccion. Passio virginis, The passyon of the vyrgyns sonne. cōmende vs to the handes of the hyest father. Amen.

¶The thyrde Lesson.

ED deni (que) tempore, Thys lesson te [...]yth of the sorowes that our lady su [...]ered in tyme of the passyō of her holy sonne. our lorde Iesu criste. And how her lyfe was kepte that tyme by myracle. and by the specyal gyfte of god. aboue all her bodely strengthes. And how af­ter hys dethe. and burynge▪ she was in maner conforted knowynge that all hys payne was ended. & that he shulde aryse the thyrde day to hys endelesse glorye and worshyp. Then ye begynne the lesson thus. Eo deni (que) tempore, what tyme the vyrgyns sonne sayde. Qu eritis me et non inuenietis, Ioan. v [...].That ys. ye shall seke me and ye shall not fynde me▪ the poynte of the swerde of sorowe. pry [...]ked bytterly the vyrgyns harte. Ipso [Page Cxxxix] quo (que). And farthermore whē he was betrayed of his owne dyscyple. and taken as yt pleased hym. of y enmys of trouthe. and of ryght wysnesse▪ then the swerde of sorowe smote thorugh the vyrgyns harte. & thorugh her harte rotes. and harde passynge thorugh her sowle. broughte moste greuous sorowes. to all y e mē ­bres of her body. Tociens enim, For as often as passyons and repreues were sayde agenste her moste loued sonne▪ so often was that swerde turned in her sowle wyth all bytternesse. Videbat quidem, She se her sōne smytte in the necke wyth wycked mennes handes. & scourged w tout pytye. & demed of the prynces of iew­es. to moste fowle dethe. and ledde wyth hys handes bounde. to the place of hys passyon. all the people [...]ryenge do the traytour on the cross [...]. and then he beryng the crosse on his shuldres. in moste werynesse. somme wente before hym. and drew hym bounde after them and other wente w t him and droue him fourthe with theyr fystes. and so they haryed. and ledde that moste mylde lambe. as a moste cruel beaste and wylde. Qui secūdum, Esaie. liii. whiche after the prophesy of ysaye▪ was so paciente in all his anguysshes▪ that as a shepe led to dethe w toute voyce. & as a lambe beynge stylle before hym y e clyppeth hī. so he opened not hys mouthe. Qui [...]icut, And as he shewed all pacyence in hymselfe▪ so hys blyssed mother suffered mooste pacyently all her trybulacyons. Et quemadmodum, And as a lambe goeth w t his mother whether euer she be ledde▪ righte so the vyrgyn mother folowed her sonne ledde to y e pla­ces of tormentes. Videns quo (que), And when the mother se the sonne scorned with the crowne of thornes. and [Page] his face made redde of the blode. and hys chekes rody of greate buffettes▪ she wayled in moste heuy sorowe & then for gretnesse of sorowe. her chekes waxed pale Sanguine quippe, And water of īnumerable teres ranne oute of the vyrgyns eyne▪ when y e blode of her sonne in hys scourgynge. flowed outte by all hys body. Videns demde, And farthermore when y e mother se her sonne cruelly spredde on the crosse▪ she began to fayle in all the myghtes of her body. Audiens vero, And he­rynge the sownde of the hamers when y handes and fete of her sonne were thyrled w t nayles of yron▪ then all the vyrgyns wyttes faylynge. the gretnesse of so­rowe threw her downe on y t erthe as deade. Iudeis ita (que) And when the iewes gaue hym drynke galle & vynegre. the anguysshe of harte dryed so the tongue & palate of the vyrgyn. that she myghte not then meue her blyssed lyppes for to speke. Audiens quo (que), And after­warde herynge that doleful voyce of her sōne. sayng in the stryfe and laboure of dethe. [...]th. .xxvii. Deus meus, deus me­us vt quid dereliquisti me, That ys. My god. my god. why haste thow forsaken me, And after that. saynge that all hys membres waxed styffe. & that enclynyng downe hys hed he brethed oute hys spyrite. then y e bytternesse of sorowe querkynde. & stopped so y e virgins harte. that no ioynte myghte be sene sturre. or meue. Vnde non, wherfore yt is knowen. that god wroughte not then a lytel myracle in that. that y e vyrgyn mo­ther woūded w tin furthe. with so many and so greate sorowes. sente not oute her spirite by dethe. when she be helde so moche her beloued sonne hanged betwyxte theues. naked & woūded. quycke. and deade. & smytte [Page Cxl] [...] all folke scornynge hym & nye all that knew hym fleyng away from hym. and many of them wrongly wandrynge from the ryghtnes of fayth [...]. [...] Therfore as her sonne suffered moste bytter d [...]the. aboue all lyuynge in this worlde▪ righ­te so his mother bare. & suffered moste bytter sorowes in her blyssed [...]owle. Commemorat, Holy scrypture also maketh mynde. Exodi. xxv. that god [...]ad moyses make an ar­ [...]e or a cheste & couer yt w t golde wythin and withoute. & kepe therin tho tables that god wrote w t hys fynger. This arke was somtyme borne of prestes in ba­tayle ageynste the enmyes of Israel. Primo. [...]e. .4. And ones yt haped y for synnes of the prestes & of the people. the arke was taken. & the prestes were slayne. And one of the prestes was called phynes. whose wyfe beynge gre­te w t chylde. when she harde that her husbande was slaine & the arke of god taken▪ anon she delyuered her chylde & dyed furthe with. for gretnes of has [...]y sorowes that sodenly fel vpon her. And thys is the wyfe of phynes. and the arke that this lesson spekyth of. The sorowes of whyche woman myghte not be lykened to the sorowes of the vyrgyn mary. that se the body of her blyssed sonne. whyche was fygured by the sayde arke. taken & fastened betwixte the nayles and the tre. Maiori, For the vyrgyn loued her sōne god & man wyth more charite▪ then euer myghte eny that was begotten of woman loue hymselfe or eny other. Vn­de quia, And therfore for yt semeth meruayle. y the wife of phines was deade of sorowes. whiche was gre­ued w t lesse sorowes. and mary lyued ageyne. y t was rent with greter sorowes▪ who mighte thynke other [Page] herein but that she kepte her lyfe. of the speciall gyft of almyghty god. agenste all bodely strengthes [...] Mo­nens. The sōne of god dey [...]nge. opened heuen. & mightely he delyuered hys frendes that were holden in hel R [...]scens, And the virgyn turnynge ageyne to lyfe kepte holely the ryghte fay [...]hi alone vnto the resurrecciō of her sōne. & meny that wretchedly erre [...] from the faythe. she correcte & broughte ageyne to the faythe. Mortuus, when her sōne was dede. he was taken downe of the crosse. & woūde in clothes & buryed. as other deade bodyes. And then all wente away from hym. and few byleued that he shulde aryse. Then also the pryckes of sorowe fled from the moders harte. & delectacion of cōfortes began softely to be renewed in her. for she knew y the tribulaciōs of her sōne were all to­gyther ended. & that he shulde aryse the thyrde day w t godhed & manhed to endelesse glory. and blysse. & that he shulde ne myghte from thense furthe. suffer no dys­ease. . R. Palluerunt. The chekes of the mercyful mother were pale when she se the sōne of her maydenhed all red in hys owne blode. And seynge hys handes. & his fete nayled thorugh she began anon to fayle all y myghtes of her body. And herynge the doleful cry of so worthy a sōne in y poynte of dethe [...] sorowes threw her downe to the erthe as deade. .v. Oinmensam [...] that greate charite whyche drew god. gouern [...]re of all. & the vyrgyn moste inocente to suffer suche thynges. that dampned seruantes shulde be saued. Versy. Vidit virgo, The vyrgyn se in the face of her mercyful sōne. . R. Qui quorum. The spyttynges of wycked men w t the flowynge of precious blode.

¶ At Lawdes Antempne.

[Page Cxli] MIfereatur, Hyest god mote haue mercy on vs by mea­ [...] of the. O. Modet of lyfe. whiche by thyne obedience ys mekely felowed vn to vs. & in thy syghte was dāpned for vs. by moste fowle dethe.

¶The Hympne.

ROgatus deus, This hympne tellyth of y gre­ [...] desyre. that olde fathers had of the cōyng of cryste. so moche y they asked. that he shul­de breke heuens. Esaie. 64. & come. as a man that hathe haste. brekyth & beryth downe that standeth agenste hym. yt tellyth also of hys cōynge. & of hys passyon. and of the cōpassyon of hys holy mother. And for as moche as an hympneis as moche to say as praysyn­ge. as I sayde on sondaye before the fyrste hympne [...] therfore all that is writen in eny hympne. is set. that [...]ye shulde entende to prayse. & to thanke therby god. & hys holy mother. for suche causes as a [...] cōteyned ther in. though ther be no special wordes expressed of pray synge. ne of thankyng [...]. And thus vnderstandeth ge­nerally of all hympnes. ¶In the secōde verse of this hymne. are named .xiiii. poyntes of ouer lordes pas­syon. wherof the laste is. swellynge of flesshe. For as ye may se when a man ys wounded [...] bothe sydes of the wounde swellyth and ryseth vp hyer then other partyes aboute yt. And when a man ys buffetted. or bette. the skynne. and y flesshe aryseth and swellyth. so dyd the holy flesshe. and body of oure lorde Iesu criste. When he was bounde and scourged. and buffetted and woūded. and bette so moche that the prophete sayeth. Esaie. liii. that he was in maner lyke a leper. All the other [Page] dele of thys hympne. ys playne of yt selfe, [...] God that was prayed to breke heuens and tor [...] me downe hether▪ came to vs in a vyrgyn wy [...] to make vs safe. Spura. flagella. Spyttynges. [...] a spere. thretenynges. repreues. the crosse. be [...]ynges. nayles. thornes. dethe. woundes. galle. bondes. swellynge of flesshe. Hoc sund, These are [...] that the vyrgyn [...]rayed for her so [...]. [...] delyuer vs. from greuous exyle. Paribulo, He ys [...] on the crosse. he ys ioyned to theues. he is forsaken ny of all, and so desolate he dyeth. O qm predigm, O how worthy are the ryuers of crystes blode on y crosse. And howe worthy are the ryuers. that the eyne of the mother vyrgyn. poured oute vnder the crosse. [...] O quantos, O how greate sorowes suffered the moder of lyfe. . R. Dumipsa, when lyfe dyed on the crosse in her syghte. .An̄. O virgo post deum, O vyrgyn syn­guler refute of w [...]etches after god. as we dowte not. but that thow broughtest to thys darcke worlde the shynynge of endelesse lyghte. whyche hathe lyghtned them. y sawe the shadowe of dethe▪ vouche safe now lady to brynge the lyghte that thow begatte. in to the hartes of darckenesse. that all vanyte dyspysed. they may knowe the trouthe. and not lese that moste wor­thy pryce. that of charyte was gyuen for them. Bene dicamus, Blysse we the innocente sonne of the vyrgin betrayed to deche for synners. leuynge lorde withou­te ende. Deo dicamus, Saye we endelesse thankes to god. that hathe wonne vs ageyne. and broughte vs from the mouthe of helle. vnto the halle of heuen.

¶At Pryme the Hympne.

SUmme mater, Moder of most gladnesse. ful of moste heuynes. seynge y e kynge of blysse. subgecte to the anguysshe of dethe. Danobis, Graūte vs to dyspyce y e worlde. and bysely. and ofte to haue in mynde. what thow suffredyst w t thy sōne that is so mercyful to vs. An̄. Christe patris, Cryste the onely sōne of the hye fa­ther. & the mekest virgyn. that was done on the crosse for vs. meke thow mercyfully oure proude hartes. y we may worshyp the mekely w t thyne aūgels.

¶At Tyerce. Antempne.

IESV benigne, Iesu benygne ageynbyer. as thow haste for the obedyence of y father. made oure synnes far from vs by thy passyon. so now also. put thou far away from vs by thy mothers prayer. the cōcupysence of the eyne. & of the flesshe. and the pryde of lyfe.

¶At Sexte Antempne.

TRemor terre, The tremblynge of the erthe. the brekynge of the stones. the darkynge of the sōne. wytnesse hym maker of all thynges. whome the vyrgyn mother begatte. therfore he mote graūte. that the hardenesse of our hartes be broken w t very cōtrycyon. that oure sowles mote blysse hym for theyr redempcion.

¶At None Antempne.

COnfiteantur, The kynge of heuen mote be praysed in his grete mercyes. that hathe not dysdayned to be put amongest theues. to ouercom the worste thefe. and to felow vs to aūgels. His moste reuerence [Page] mote presente oure sowles. to his moste merciful handes. .v. In vite mor [...]e, Cruel dethe cessed to lyue [...] in the dethe of lyfe. . R. Et gaudente, And merciful lyfe ca­me ageyne from dethe. the mother ioyenge.

¶At Euensonge. Antempne.

ANnuncietur, Be yt shewed in all erthe. how worshypfully he hathe done. whome y spouse of y endelesse kynge. hathe borne vnto vs He was closed in powdre. y t he shulde set vs made of pouder in the kyngdome of clerenes. He was taken of dethe. y t he shulde take prysoner the auctour [...] of dethe. He hathe broken the clausures of deth. & made open the gate of lyfe.

¶The Hympne.

SOL occidit iusticie, Thys hympne in the fyrste verse calleth our lorde Iesu criste the sōne of ryghtwysnesse. whose passyō is vnderstōded by the goyng downe of the sōne. when all the elementes semed to mourne on theyr maner. ¶The secōde verse tellyth how the sowle of our lorde iesu crist wente downe as lyghte to the darckenesse of helle. & toke thense the sowles that the fende had stol [...]. & rose vp ageyne to lyfe. ¶The thyrde & the forthe verse telle how our lorde ie­su cryst was hyd in our lady. as an arowe in a quy­uer. whiche shotte thorugh the fende. & slew dethe & gaue vs lyfe. and afterwarde turned ageyne to y e father ¶In the fyfte verse ye pray oure lady. y t as she was ful of ioye after y e dethe of her sōne. so she wyl delyuer you frō y e dethe of synne. & fylle you w t the ioye of grace. By this may be vnderstōded. all y hympne when ye saye. Sol occidit, The sōne of ryght wysnesse goeth downe. the starres of heuen waxe blacke. hye and harde stones are broken. and all the worlde trembeleth. [Page Cxliii] Lux oritur, Lyghte spryngeth in darkenesse. helle ys pryued of ro [...]ry. the vyrgyns sonne turneth agayne wyth wynnynge for the gyfte of hys blode. Celsi to­nantis, Mary the quyuer of the father of heuen hyd in her a darte. that smote thorugh the cruel enmy. why­che troubeleth all the worlde. Emissum telum, Cryste ys the darte shotte oute from the father that smote de­the. and dethe slayne. he gaue vs lyfe. & turned agey­ne lyuynge. to the father. O sūmi plena, O mother ful of souerayne ioye after the dethe of thy sonne. voyde vs from synnes. and fylle vs with grace of vertues. Antempne. Exulta feliciter [...] Ioy thow blyssedly. mo­ther of the mooste myghty ouercomer. whyche hathe slayne dethe. scatered the prowde. enhaunsed the me­ke. boughte ageyne caytyfes. purged the stynkynge. fylled the hungry. and gladded the hys mother. & mo­ste loued spouse wyth hys gloryous resurreccion. All creatures mote blysse hym. and worshyp hym. And to hys glory▪ all generacyōs mote praysyngly calle the endelesly blyssed.

¶At Complyn Antempne.

SAncte spei, The mother of ho­ly hope. clene with oute darckenesse of mysbelyue▪ dowted not. but that her sonne that was buried shulde aryse. vpon whome flowred the halowynge of the hye father. That is to say the power of godhed was shewed in hym in hys resurreccion Responce. In pace, He hathe slepte and rested in peace of the endelesse father. Uerse. Qui nascens, He y t went [Page] oute of the close wombe of the vyrgyn when he was borne [...] mighte not be holden in the clausures of dethe when he toke the worshyp of vyctory. that was hys resurreccyon.

¶The Hympne.

RUbens rosa, In the firste verse of thys Hympne oure lady is lykened to a fayre rose. that faded in coloure for plente of sorowe in tyme of her sōnes passyon. ¶In the seconde verse. oure lorde Iesu cryste ys lykened to golde hyd in the erthe. for the tyme that he was buryed. ¶The thyrde verse tellyth how in that tyme faythe abode onely in oure lady. ¶In the forthe verse. oure gloryous lady ys lykened to a lanterne that lyghtened all the worlde with faythe. whiche was then in darkenesse of mysbyleue ¶The fyfte verse tellyth how oure mercyful lady is vnderstonde by the coluer that Noe sente oute of his shyppe For lyke as that doufe came agayne to Noe. and broughte in her mouthe a braunche of the olyue tree. in token that y e ire god was quenched and the flode ceased. ryghte so oure moste pyteful lady bryngeth to mankynde hope of mercy and of forgyfnesse. ¶In the syxte verse ye praye her to sende in to youre hartes faythe. hope. and charite. Then ye begynne to prayscher in all these thynges. and saye. Rubens rosa. The redde rose waxed then pale when the vyrgyn so­rowed the dethe of her sonne. of whome the voice of ꝓphetes sayde. y he shulde suffer suche thynges. Aurum in luto, Golde ys hyd in the erthe. Wherewyth all the [Page Cxliiii] worlde ys [...]. whyle [...] to the [...]. and not dyfen [...] to a [...]yse. Marie spes, The hope of mary [...]. [...]hough all the people [...] [...] way she kepte faythe alone. trullyng so that he had sayde [...] O [...], O lanterne moste clere. that wyth her lyghte lyghtned all the worlde. that was shadowed w t darkenes. Ramum columba. The coluer y e bare a braū che to Noe. in token of mercy▪ bare y t lykenesse of mary. that broughte vs hope of forgyuenesse. Memento nostri. Lady haue mercy vpon vs. and lyghtne oure sowles wyth se [...]er hope. with hole faythe. and charyte. A [...]t. O mitissime, O moste mylde fauyoure. that praydest the father for thy crucyfyers. forgyue vs oure synnes. and gyue oure hartes very myldenesse by prayers of thy benygne mother. .vse. Qui de terra, Thow that madest vs of the erthe. & hyddest thyselfe in the erthe▪ saue vs whome thow haste so loued. R O benigne creator, O benygne maker. v. Parce no­stre, Spare oure fraylte. that for vs haste not spared thy dygnyte. R. O pie redemptor, O mercyful ageyne [...]yer. .v. Qui ex nostro. Thow that haste chosen the a mother of oure kynde. to whome thow shewest thyselfe a lyue after dethe ouercome. . R. O Inuicussime, O moste myghty ouercomer. delyuer vs. from the dethe of sowle. An̄. Mundi domina, Mary lady of the worlde. quyene of heuen. vyrgyn and mother of criste▪ here them that crye vnto the. helpe them that pray the. & gyue thow ou [...]e contynewally the incense of prayers for them. for whome thy sonne gaue oute hys blode.

¶Here endeth the story of the Fryday. and begynneth the story of the Saterday.

On Saterday atmat­tyns the Inuitatory.

In honore. In worshyp of the vyrgyn mary. take vp in to heuen▪ ioye we in the lorde.

¶The Hympne.

O Gloriosa, O gloryous lady hey­ued aboue starres. thou haste gyuen hym soucke w t thyne holy tra­tes. that made the by hys wysdome. Quod eua. Thow haste restored ageyne by thy holy sonne. that. that wretched Eue toke a way. Thow arte made the wyndowe of heuen. that wepers shulde enter in to heuens. Tu regis. Thow arte the gate of the hye kynge. and the brighte gate of lyghte. Ioye ye people ageyne boughte. that lyfe ys gyuen by a vyrgyn. ¶In this verse oure lady is called the gate of the hys kynge. for by her oure lorde iesu criste came in to this worlde. She ys also called the gate of lyghte. for by her mankynde entered in y t lyghte euerlastynge. An̄. Exaltara es, Holy mother of god. thow arte heyued vp to the kyngdome of heuen aboue all cōpanyes of aungels. Antempne. Paradisi [...] The gates of paradyse ar opened to vs by the thow gloryous vyrgyn wherin thow enterydest worshypfully wyth aungels. as an ouercomer. ¶As to vnderstandynge of thys antemne. yt ys to wytte that the gates of paradyse, and of heuen were shytte to mankynde by y e synne of Adam [Page Cxlv] and of Eue. and [...] oure lady. they were opened. for she broughte [...] oure lorde Iesu criste. whiche by hys passyon and hys [...]. opened heuen gates And [...] glory our lady in her assumpcyon entred those gates as an ouercomer. as thys antemp­ne [...]. ¶For yt was wonce to be vsed in Rome. that when any Captayne had vtterly ouercome the enmy [...] of the Cyte and wonne the lande or the pla­ce that was [...] ageynste them▪ then he was recey­ued in. at the gates of the Cytye. with thre maner of worshyppes. Fyrste all the people of the cyte came a­geynste hym wyth ioye. and wyth praysynge. Secō dely hys prysoners that he had taken. folowed after hym bounde. Thyrdly he was cladde in a goddes clothynge. and sette in a ryal [...] chayr [...]. that was drawen with four [...] whyte horses. & thus he was ledde wyth worshyp to the Capitoly. that is the hyest place of rome. And thys worshyp he shulde haue by dome. and assente of hys hoste that was with hym in batayle. & of the cenatours. that is to say. the aldermen of the cyte. & of the comon people. ¶And this worshyp was called in latyn. Triumphus, & therof cometh Triūphas, that ys the laste worde of thys antempne. and ys as moche to say. as to receyue suche worship. For al this sayde worshyp was done vnto our lady at her entre in to the cite of heuen. by cause she had worthyly ouercome the fende. and wonne mankynde ageyne to god by her sōne. and opende the gates of heuen. as is before sayde. ¶Therfore as the peple of rome came agenste suche a vyctoure▪ so all the cōpany of heuen came ioyfully to welcome oure gloryous lady in her assūpcion. [Page] And as his prysoners folow [...] aboūde after hym so all fendes are as thral prysoners to oure lady. and folowe after her so sore boūde. that they dare nothynge do ageynste her byddynge. And also as thy [...] vyctoure was clad in a goddes clothynge▪ so was y e glo­ryous sowle of our lady endewed and clad with thre dowryes of ioye of the blyssed trinyte aboue al other creatures. And as he was satte in a chayre. drawen of foure whyte horses▪ so the chayre of oure ladyes sowle. that ys her holy body. was taken vp. & gloryfyed wyth the sowle in foure dowryes. that longe to the body. And as he was led thus. to that hyest place of rome▪ so our moste reuerente lady. was sette hyest in heuen nexte vnto god. And as thys vyctoure had hys worshyp by the assente of the hoste. and of the se­natours. and of the people▪ ryghte so to the worshyp of oure myghty ouercomer this gloryous quyene oure lady. were assented wyth greate ioye all the hoste of aungels and the senate of the patriarkes and pro­phetes. and the comon people. of all holy sowles that then were in heuen. as ye may se afterwarde in the seconde lesson of thys same saterday. whyche accordeth moche to all this matter. And this I haue writen vpon thys antempne. for the laste ende semeth darckely spoken. withoute that yt haue som declarynge.. An̄. Speciosa, Thow arte made fayre and swete in thy delyces holy moder of god. .v. Ecce mulier, Lo the woman. that brekyth the hed of the gyleful serpente. R Prothoplaustorum, That had enmefully enuye to the glory of them that were made. That ys to saye. of Adam. and Eue. that were made fyrste of all man­kynde. [Page Cxlvi] Bn̄diccion. Confirmet nos. The gloryous mother of god moste pyteful. mote cōferme vs in faythe moste holy. Amen.

¶The fyrste Lesson,

DE longinquis partibus, Thys lesson ly­keneth oure blyssed lady to a quyene of a londe y t is called Ethiopia, or Saba, whiche ys called here. and also in the gospel. the quyene of y e sowthe. [...]ath. .xii. by cause that her lōde was sowthwarde frō iherusalem. This quyene harde telle of the wysdome and of the rychesse of kynge Salomon. 3. Regum. 10. and therfore she came to iherusalem to se hym. and to speke wyth hym. And when these all the glory that he was in. & hys wysdom. she was so a wondered therof. that she was all oute of herselfe and sowned for meruayle. ¶And how all this ys vnderstōde of oure lady. this lesson tellyth. wherin is shewed by this sayde exam­ple of the quyene. how oure holy lady behaued her before the incarnaciō of our lorde Iesu cryste. and in tyme of hys passyon. and after. & in the day of his resurreccion. and after hys assencyon. vnto her assumpciō De longinquis partibus, yt is red that the quyene of the sowthe came from far cōtryes to kynge Salomon. & seynge his wysdome. she had no spyrite for grete wō der. But when she had taken strengthes ageyne. she praysed the kynge w t her wordes. & worshyped hym wyth greate gyftes. Huic vti (que), To thys quyene. ys cōuenyently lykened the moste excellente quyene the vyrgyn mary. whose sowle wysely serchynge the or­der [Page] and ꝓcesse of all the worlde. from the begynnyng therof vnto the ende. and dylygently beholdynge all thinges that were therin. foūde nothinge therin, that she shulde desyre to haue or to here [...] but only y t she harde of god. Illam ita (que), But that she soughte w t all desy­re. and that she spyed bysely. tyl she had wysely foure be that wysdome that is cryste. the sone of god. why­che ys wythouten comparyson more wyse then Sa­lomon. [...] Videns autem, And the same vyrgyn seynge how wysely he wanne ageyne sowles. by the passy­on of hys body on the crosse. and opened the gates of heuen to them. whome the gylefulle enmy had won­ne to the dethe of helle▪ then thys vyrgyn was more nerer dethe. then was the quyene of the sowthe. when she semed so haue no spyryte. Christi deinde, And far­thermore when the passyon of cryste the sonne of god and hers. was ended▪ then y e same vyrgyn toke strēgthes ageyne and worshyped god wyth gyftes moste acceptable unto hym. For the presented to the same god mo sowles. wyth her holsom doctryne. then dyd eny other parsone after the dethe of Cryste wyth all theyr workes. In hoc etiam, yt ys also proued that she commended hym worshypfully with her wordes. in that that after the dethe of hys manhod. when many were in all wyse in dowte of hym. she alone affermed moste stablely. that he was the very sōne of god. endelesly undeadly in hys godhed. Tercia quippe die, And the thyrde day when the dyscyples dowted of hys re­surreccyon. and the women soughte his body bysely in the graue. and the apostles themselfe for greate an­ [...] of harte and dreade▪ closed them in to gyther [Page Cxlvii] [...] the vyrgyn mother thoughe the scrypture make no mynde that she spake eny thynge that tyme. yet it ys to byleue wythout dowte. that she wytnessed that the sonne of god was arysen in body to endeles glory and that. dethe shulde neuer more from thense furthe haue lordeshyp ouer hym. Item quamuis, And also tho the scripture say. [...] that mawdeleyne. and the apostles se fyrste the resurreccion of criste▪ yet without dowte yt is to byleue. that hys moste worthy mother knew yt veryly ere then they. and ere then they she se hym a lyue arysen from dethe wherfore she was moste fulle of ioye of harte. and praysed hym mekely. Ascenden­te vero, And when her blyssed sōne ascended vp to his glorious kyngdome [...] the vyrgyn mary was suffered to abyde in thys worlde to the conforte of the good. & to the correccion of them that erred. Erat enum, For she was the maystresse of the apostles. the confortoure of martyrs. the techer of cōf [...]ssoured. the moste clere my roure of vyrgyns. the confortoure of wydowes. the moste holsome coūseyloure of them that lyued in wed locke. and moste parfyt strengther of all. in the comon ryghte faythe. Apostolis nan (que), For she shewed and resonably declared to the apostles. when they came vn­to her. all thynges that they knew not parfitly of her soune: Martyres que (que), And martyrs she harted to suf­fer ioyfully trybulacyons. for the helthe of them. and of all. affermyng that she herselfe thre and thyrty yere before the dethe of her sonne suffered contynewally tribulacyon of ha [...] in all pacyence. Confessores, Far­thermore she taughte cōfessoures techynges of helthe [...] moste parfytly of her doctryne and ex­ample. [Page] discretely to ordeyne the tymes of the day and of the nyghte to the praysynge of god. and resonably and spyrytually to temper. sleape. and mete. and bo­dyly laboure. Ex eius quippe, Uyrgyns also lerned of her moste honeste maners. to gouerne them honestly, and to kepe se werly theyr maydenly clennesse. vnto the dethe. to flye moche speche. and all vanytyes and to dyscusse all theyre workes wyth busy thynkynge before. and to examyne them moste ryghtfully by spirytual weyghte in euen balaunce, Videns etiam, The gloryous vyrgyn tolde wydowes also to theyr con­forte. that though yt pleased her of motherly charyte. that her moste loued sonne shulde haue no more wyl­le to haue dyed in manhodde. then in godhed▪ yet her motherly wylle conforted her all togyther to the wylle of god. chusynge rather to suffer mekely all trybu­lacyons. to the fulfyllynge of goddes wylle. then for to dyssente from goddes wylle in eny thynge. for eny plesaunce of herselfe. Tali enim, And wyth suche spe­kynge. and wordes she made wydowes hertes. pacyente in trybulacyons. and stable & stronge in bodyly temptacyons. Cōsulebat insuper, Farthermore she coū sayled them that were wedded. to loue them togyther to body. and to sowle. withthrew. and not fayned charyte. and to haue an undepartable wylle. to all that were worshyppe to God. tellynge them of her selfe. how she gaue her faythe clerely to god. and how for hys loue. she neuer w tstode y t wylle of god in eny thynge. . R. Beata es virgo, Uyrgyn mary mother of god. y u arte blyssed. whiche haste byleued to the lorde. Tho thynges are fulfylled in the. that were sayd vnto the [Page Cxlviii] Lo show arte lyfte aboue the quyers of aūgels. Pray for vs to the lorde Iesu cryste. .v. Aue maria, Hayle mary ful of grace the lorde ys wyth the. Benedic. Filius marie, The sōne of the virgyn mary. mo [...]e clense vs. from the fylthe of synne. Amen.

¶The seconde Lesson.

OVoniam exsacri, Thys lesson tellyth of the assūpcyon of oure ladyes sowle how yt was sette nexte vnto god. and what soueraynte god gaue her aboue all the worlde. & aūgels and fendes. And how mekenesse was the cause of her greate glory in heuen. And how all aungels and ho­ly sowles in heuen ioyed of her comynge. And how greate a [...]ste god made them. at the comynge of that gloryouse sowle amongest them. And how the apo­stles in erthe wyth ioye & praysynge buryed her holy body. whiche was afterwarde taken vp. to endelesse blysse. Quoniam exsacri, For as moche as we haue lerned of the tenoure of the holy gospel. Luce. .vi. y t yt shall be met ageyne to eche one by the same mesure. y t he metyth to other. therfore yt semyth vnposyble. y t eny man my­ghte cōprehende or vnderstonde by mannes reasō. w t how grete worshypes the gloryous moder of god. ou­ghte to be worshyped of all. in y e paleys of heuen. whiche wroughte benyngly desyred goodes to so many. whyle she lyued in this worlde. Idci [...]co iustū, Therfo­re yt is byleued to be ryghtful. y t when yt pleased her sōne to calle her fro this worlde. all y t had the ꝑfytful fyllyng of her wylle. by her. were redy to thencrese of [Page] her worshyp. Vnde quia, wherefore. for the maker [...] all thynges fulfylled his pleasaūte wylle in the worldde by meane of her [...] therfore yt pleasyd hym with aū gels wyth hym. so gloryfy her in heuen. wyth soue­rayne worshyp. Etid [...]ir [...]o, And therfore god hymsel [...] heyued the virgyns sowle. anon when yt was departed from the body. aboue all heuens and gaue her the empyre vpon all the worlde & ordeyned her to be endelesly lady of aūgels. Qui quidem, whiche aūgels [...] afterwarde so obediente to the vyrgyn that they wolde leuer suffer al the paynes of helle▪ then they shulde in eny thynge ageynsay her preceptes. Super [...], God also made her so myghty aboue all wycked spyrites▪ y as often. as they ympugne eny man y t of the rite asketh y e virgyns helpe▪ anon at y e same virgyns wylle. they are aferde and fle farre a way. wyllyng [...] rather theyr paynes and wretchednes to be multiplyed vnto them. then the power of the same virgyn shulde haue lordeshyp vpon them in suche wyse. Et quia, And for as moche. as she was founde moste meke a­mongest all aungels, and men. and women. therfore aboue all thynges that are made. she ys made moste hye. and fayrest of all. and aboue all moste lyke vnto god hymselfe. Vnde vere, wherefore yt ys veryly to knowe. that as golde is had more worthy then other metals: so aūgels & soules ar more worthy then other creatures. Igitur quemadmodū, Therfore as gol [...] may not be formed in to eny workes w tout the ben [...]yte of fyre. & by puttynge to of fyre yt is made in to dyuerse formes. after y t crafte or wysdome of the goldesmyth. ryghte so the sowle of the moste blyssed vyrgyn. my­ghte not be made more fayrer then other sowles and [Page Cxlix] aungels▪ but yf her wylle that was euer beste, why­che ys lykened to a crafty goldesmythe. had made her redy before. to the moste brennynge fyre of the holy goste. so effectually. y t her workes shulde appere most acceptable to the maker of all thynges. Et quamuis, And thoughe golde be fourmed in to fayre workes. yet the crafte of the goldesmythe is not clerely sene. as longe. as that worke that ys made. ys closed in a darke howse. but when yt cometh in to the lyghte of the sonne. then the fayrenesse of the worke begynneth to shew more clerely therin▪ on the same wyse also. the moste worthy workes of thys glorious vyrgyn that arrayed her moste precyous sowlle in fayrest wyse. mighte not parfytly be sene. as longe as y e same sowle was kepte close. in the hydel of her deadely body. tyl the same sowle came to the brightnesse of the very sonne. that is the selfe godhed. Tune deni (que), But then all the cour [...]e of heuen. enhaunsed the same vyrgyn with souerayne praysynges. by cause that her wylle had so arrayed her sowle. y t by her fayrenesse. she pas­sed hyly the fayrenesse of all creatures. for whiche she appered moste lyke vnto the selfe maker. Huic ergo, Therfore there was ordeyned to thys gloryous sowle [...] from w tout begynnynge. a seate. full of glory most nye to y t trynyte hymselfe. Nam sicut, For lyke as god the father was in the sonne. and the sōne in the father and the holy-goste in eyther of them. when the sōne after the takynge of mannes body. rested in his moders wombe wyth godhed and manhed. the vnyon of the trynyte in all wyse vndeparted. and the vyrgynyte of the mother kepte vndefowled▪ ryghte so the same [Page] god. ordeyned to the blyssed vyrgyns sowle a man [...]y on. moste nye to the father. and to the sōne. and toche holy goste. that she shulde be partener of al the [...] that myghte be gyuen of god. Nullus etiam, The hap­nesse also of no harte ys suffycyente to thynke. howe greate ioye god made to hys felyshyp in heuen. when hys mooste loued mother passed from thys wretched worlde, as yt shall be veryly and openly knowen to all that wyth charyte desyre the cōtre of heuen. when they beholde god hymselfe face to face. Angeli quo (que). Aungels also ioyenge and thankynge the vyrgyns sowle. gloryfyed god. for by dethe of the body of criste hymselfe. ther felyshyp is fylled. and by the comynge of hys mother ther ioye is encreased. Adam denie (que), Adam also and Eue wyth patryarkes. and prophe­tes. and all the cōpany that was broughte oute of hel and other that come in to blysse after the dethe of criste ioyed of the comynge of the same vyrgyn in to heuen yeldynge worshyp and praysynge to god that honoured her wyth so moche worshyp. that so holyly. and gloriously broughthe fourthe her lorde & ageyne byer Apostoli etiam, The apostels also and al the frendes of god that was presente to the moste worthy deade bo­dy of the same vyrgyn. when her moste loued sōne bare with hym her glorious sowle in to heuen▪ worshyped her wyth meke seruice. enhan̄synge her worshyp ful body. with al glory. and praysynge that they myghte. Et vere, And all doute remeued. yt ys veryly to byleue. that as that body of the moste blessyd virgyn was borne deade to y e sepulture of the frendes of god▪ righte so it was worshypfully taken vp. a lyue with [Page Cl] the sowle. to endelesse lyfe. of the same god. her moste [...] sonne. Responce. Que est ista, who is this that hathe gone furthe as the sonne. and fulle of fayrenesse as ierusalem. Canti. .vi. The doughters of Syon haue sene her and they haue sayde her blyssed. & quyenes haue praysed her. Canti. .iii. Uerse. Que est, what ys she thys that ascen­deth by deserte as a lytel rodde of smoke of the swete smelle of myrre. and of franke encense. .Benedicciō Ad gloriam. The quyene of aungels mote lede vs to the glory of the kyngdome of heuen. Amen.

¶The thyrde Lesson.

QVIA ipsa veritas, This lesson tellyth of the assumpcion and glory of our ladyes moste holy body. & how glad Gabryel was of her meke aunswere. when he broughte her firste gretyng from god. w t Aue gratia plena, And houwe oughte wyth all deuocion. to say that salutacion. wyth wylle to leue synne and to do good dedes. that we may therby deserue to haue oure mercyfull ladyes helpe. worthely to recey­ue the moste worthy body of oure lorde Iesu cryste in the sacramente of the aulter. whyche ys lyfe and fode bothe to aungels and to men. Quia ipsa veritas, for as moche as the selfe trouthe that is the sōne of god. Math. v. and of the vyrgyn hathe counseylled all to yelde good for [Page] yuel▪ wyth how many goodes. ys the same god to be trusted. y t he rewardeth by hymselfe the doers of good dedes▪ Math. xix. Et quia, And for he hathe behote by hys gospel to gyue a hundereth folde for eche good worke▪ who may thynke wyth how greate gyftes of rewarde. he hathe made riche his moste reuerente mother. whiche sothely neuer dyd the leaste synne. & whose good workes also moste acceptable to god. haue no nombre [...] Nam sicut, For as the wylle of the same vyrgyns sowle. was the begynner of all good dedes▪ righte so also her most honest body was an instrumente moste able and contyne wally plyable. to the ꝓyt doynge of the same dedes. Vnde sicut vere, wherfore as we byleue veryly. that the ryght wysnes of god. all mennes body­es shall aryse in the fas [...]eday. and take rewarde with theyr sowles as theyr workes aske. by cause. that as eche mannes sowle was the begynner of all his workes. by puttynge to of wylle▪ ryghte so the body ioyned therto. fulfylled them all by yt selfe bodyly in de­de. Sicut igitur, Therfore as yt is to byleue wythoute eny dowte. that as the body of the sonne of god. that neuersynned. arose from dethe. and is glorifyed togyther wyth the sowle. righte so also the body of his moste worthy mother that neuer dyd synne▪ a few day­es after yt was buryd. yt was taken yp with the moste holy sowle of the same virgyn. by the vertew and power of god in to heuen. and wyth all worshyp. yt was gloryfyed to gyther. w t the same sowle. Et sicut. And as yt ys imposyble to eny mannes vnderstan­dynge. in thys worlde. to comprehende the fayrenesse and glory of that crowne wherwyth yt semed cryste [Page Cli] the sonne of god to be worshyped. and made glorious for hys passyon▪ ryghte so also may no man thynke the fayrenesse of that crowne. wyth whyche the vyr­gyn mary ys worshyped in body. & in sowle. for her godly obedience. Et quemadmodum, And as all the vertewes of the vyrgyns sowle praysed god her maker. whose moste holy body was afterwarde arayed w t the rewarde of all vertues▪ ryghte so also y e workes of the vyrgyns body praysed the same vyrgyn. mo­ste worthy mother of god. for she lefte no verteu vn­wroughte in the worlde. for whiche she knew. rewarde to be gyuen in heuen. to body. and to sowle. Vnde vere, wherfore yt is veryly to knowe. that as. excep­te only the moste holy sowle of criste. the sowle of his moder is most worthy. souerayne medes, for vertues & merytes. for she had no defaulte in good workes▪ righte so also. excepte only the body of criste. the body of his mother was moste worthy to receyue with her sowle the rewardes of merytes, lenger tyme then the bodyes of other. for yt fulfylled alwayes with the same sowle. all her workes that were euer beste. and neuer consented to eny synne. ¶ O qm potenter. O how mightyly shewed god his right wysnes. when he cast oute adam oute of paradyse. by cause that agenste o­bedyence. he eate the fruyte of the tre of knowyng in paradyse. that was forboden hym. O qm humiliter, O how mekely shewed god his mercy in this worlde by the virgyn mary▪ whiche may cōuenieutly be called the tre of lyfe. Pensate igitur, Thynke therfore how swyftely rightwysnes caste them oute in to wretchednesse. that inobedyently eate the fruyte of the tree of [Page] knowynge. Considerate etiam, Cōsyder also. how swetely. mercy calleth & draweth them vnto blysse▪ that by godly obedience desyre to be fedde with the fruyte of the tree of lyfe. Attendite insuper [...] And furthermore take hede. moste dere beloued. that when y e body of this moste honest vyrgyn wexed in the worlde. all the cō ­panyes of aūgels, desyred no lesse the fruyte therof. & ioyed no lesse therof y t yt shulde be borne▪ then of that grace that was done vnto them. that is to say. y t they knew themselfe. that they shulde be vndedly in heuenly ioye. & pryncypally that the greate charyte of god. shulde be shewed in mankynde. & that theyr felyshyp shulde encrese therof. Et ideo, And therfore the aūgel gabryel hasted hym gladly to the same vyrgyn. with a swyfte pace. and grete her charitably w t speche mo­ste worthy. and acceptable in all wyse. Vnde quia. wherfore. for the same vyrgyn. maystres of very mekenesse. & of al vertues. answered moste mekely vnto the aūgel. that was sente to her on message▪ therfore he ioyed. knowynge. that the desyre of his wylle. and of other. aūgels. shulde be fulfylled therof. ¶ Sed quia But for as moche. as we knowe veryly. that. that y e blyssed body. of the vyrgyn was lyfte vp in to heuen with the sowle▪ therfore yt ys holsomly coūseyled to deadly men. offenders of god. that they hastely ascen­de vp vnto her by very repentaunce of theyr synnes. that are dayly broken wyth dyuerse tribulacions in this vale of wretchednes. and doute not but that this woful lyfe shall be ended by dethe of theyr bodyes. Et si ex hu [...]us, And yf men desyre to be fedde of cryste. that is the fruite of this tree. laboure they fyrste w t all strengthes to bowe the smalle braūches of thys tree. [Page Clii] that ys to say. to grete with charite the same hys mother. as dyd the angel that was sente vnto her. stably lettynge her wylles to the fleynge of eche synne. and resonably ordenynge all her wordes. and warkes to the worshyp of god. Tunc enim, For then shall the sa­me vyrgyn lyghtely bedowed vnto them. geuynge them the suffrage of her helpe. to receyue the fruyte of the tree of lyfe. that ys the moste worthy body of cry­ste. whiche ys sacred w t you in handes of men. Quod qm dem, And whyche ys lyfe. and fowde to you syn­ners in the worlde. and to aūgels in heuen. ¶ Et quia christus, And for as moche as cryste desyreth w t bren­nynge desyre. the sowles that he boughte wyth hys owne blode, to the fulfyllynge of hys moste glorious cōpany▪ therfore study ye moste loued. to fulfylle al­so hys desyre. receyuynge hym wyth all deuocyon & charyte. whyche. by the moste worthy prayers of our vyrgyn mary. the same iesu her sonne vouchesafe to graunte you. that lyueth and rayneth with the fader and wyth the holy goste. without ende. Amen. . R. Super salutem, Aboue helthe & all fayrenesse. thow arte loued of the lorde. & arte worthy to be called the quyene of heuens. The quiers of aūgels. thy felowes. and thy cytesyns. ioy. v Valde rā, Ful gretly vs behoueth to worshyp her. that ys so holy and so clene a virgyn v. Ad coronam, The ouercomer is lyfte vp. to y e crowne of ioye. . R. Leuiathan, The fende ouercom. is put in darcke pryson.

¶At Lawdes Antempne

ASSumpta est, Mary ys taken vp. in to heuen. aungels ioye. praylynge they blysse god.

¶The Hympne.

[Page] NOn passus est. The kynge o [...] blysse hath not suffered hys mothers body to rotte. whero [...] he toke the hoste. by whiche he sheweth souerayne grace. Immo vexit, But he hathe borne yt with the sowle in to y e paleys of heuen. to receyue endeless [...] ioyes wyth the trynyte. Vt sicut, That as all the try­nyte dwelled to gyther in the vyrgyn. so all the vyr­gyn shulde abyde w t the same trynyte withoute ende Hinc plaudat, Therof mote ioye the halle of heuen. all the worlde. mote be glad. euery creature mote ioye & synge praysynges to god. Linguarum nulla. No tōgue mote be stylle. ne eny mannes harte be slowe in praysynge. but yt mote ioye to gyue thankynges to god. Uerse. Transplantatur. A rose is planted from iheric [...] in iherusalem. . R. Deum et angelos, That maketh god and aungels glad wyth her fayrenesse. Antene Que est ista, Canti. [...]vl. who ys she thys. that slyeth vp. as the morowe tyde arysynge. fayre as the mone. chosen as the sonne. ferefulle as an hoste of armed men wel ordey­ned to gyther. Benedicamus in laudem. Blysse we the lorde. that in praysynge of y e father. ha the blyssed hys mother mary wyth oute ende. Benedicamus domino. Blysse we the lorde that hathe sette hys mother with hym. in the paleys of heuen. Where she shall haue so­uerayne ioye withoute ende. For thys ys the virgyn worthy suche a pryuylege. Alleluya, alleluya, alleluya.

¶¶At Pryme the Hympne

UIrgopascentem Uyrgynfulle of grace, y t haste fedde hym. that fedeth aungels. and be­reth [Page Cliii] vp all thynges▪ forsake vs not that ar fatherlesse and motherlesse. A tuo celso; Beholde them that seke the from thy vpeseate. fede them. conforte them. and make them deuoute to thy sonne. Antempne. Maria virgo, The vyrgyn mary. is taken vp to the chamber of heuen. wherin settyth the kynge of kinges. in a seateful of starres.

¶At Tyerce Antempne.

INodore. we haue rōne in the swete smelle of thy oyntmē ­tes. Canti. prim [...]. The yonge maydens. haue loued the righte moche.

¶At Sexte Antempne.

BEnedicta. Blyssed be thow lady to thy sōne. for by y e. we are made comuner to the fruyte of lyfe. ¶The letter of this antempne in youre bokes as I vnder­stande ys thus. Benedicta filia tua domino. Therfore som thynke that they wolde amende yt sayng thus. Benedicta filia tu a domino [...] and so they make tua tow wordes. Other thynke that yt ys better to say after the vse of Sarum thus. Benedicta filio tuo domina, Nethelesse yf this saynge Benedicta filia tua domino, be the vse in eny lande wherof youre seruyce was taken, or else that youre seruice were sette so at the begynnynge. then ye oughte not to chaunge yt of your owne wylle. but with mekenesse to obaye. For there ys moche thynge wryten in holy scripture and in dyuine seruice of dyuerse vses. whiche symple folke can not easely vnderstande. & yet they oughte not to chaū ge [Page] it after theyr owne wyttes. but do reuerence [...] re lordes worde. & to hys seruy [...]. & ta [...]e the [...] to theyr ignorance. ¶And therfore if the [...] of this antempne be thus. Benedicta filia tua domino. then yt is sayde to the father of heuen. Blyssed be thy dowghter that is ours [...] to the lorde [...] or by [...]. that ys her sōne. for by hym she ys moste blyssed. Quia perte [...] thys ys sayde to oure lady. And meruayle not of so sodeyne a chaūge of spekynge. fir [...]e to the father. and then to oure lady. for holy scrypture ys fulle of suche maner of spekynge. Nethelesse all the hole antempne myghte be sayde to the father. for by his owne good­nesse & charite. we are made parteners of all goodes.

¶At None Antempne

PVlcra es, Thow art fayre in body. & fayre in sowle. doughter of ierusalem. fereful as an hoste of men of armes. wel sette in order. v. Nos terrigenas, This versicle hangeth vpon the responce before. where oure lady ys lykened to a rose. that was taken vp in iherico and plan­ted in ierusalem. that is to say. from the worlde. whiche is vnderstonde by iherico. vnto the blysse of heuen that is vnderstonde by ierusalem. And then it folowyth in the versicle. that the swete smelle of this rose. fedeth vs in erthe. that were made sycke by y t meate for boden. that is to say. by the apel that Adam and Eue eate of in paradyse. ¶Then in the responce before ye say thus. Transplantatur, A rose is plaūted from iheri­co in to ierlm̄. Nos terrigenas, Fedynge vs chyldren of the erthe w t smelle of swetnesse. . R. Qui, whyche of the meate forboden. were bytterly sycke.

¶At Euensonge Antempne.

[Page Clii] I AM letaris, Now ioyest thow oure lady. in tho thynges that were sayde to the. Thow arte entred y e lordes howse. berynge y e crowne of endelesse worshyp. Therfore all erthe mote ioye vnto god wyth ioynge aungels.

¶The Hympne.

[...] Q [...] glorifica, O vyrgyn mary. kynges dou­ghter of the kynred of Dauid. w t how gloryous lyghte shynest thow. syttynge on hye. a aboue al the aūgels of heuen. Tu cū virgineo Thow beynge chaste mother w t maydenly worshyp haste prepared to the lorde of aūgels. the halle of thy breste. with holy bowels. & therfore cryste that is god. is borne with a body. Quem cūtus, whome all y e worlde worshipeth & prayseth. to whome eche kne is now bowed of ryghte. of whome we aske by thy prayer y e ioyes of lyghte. darkenes caste a waye. Hoc largire, Graūte vs thys. thow father of lyghte. by thyne owne sōne. that lyueth & rayneth w t the holy goste in he­uens. rewlynge all worldes. Amen. Aū. Maria, Mary. mary. y u pryncipall. precious stone of all holynesse gyue vs to serue the mekely. & kepe vs marye fro the thousande. thousande gyles of the olde enmye.

¶At Complyn Antempne.

CVM io [...]ūditate, worshyp we with gladnesse the assūpcion of blyssed mary that she mote praye for vs. to the lorde Iesu criste.

¶The Hympne.

URina celi, The thre ierarchyes of heuen. the sō ne. the starres. the mone, the settynges togy­ther of starres. mote prayse god for y e. o. mary virgyn [Page] and mother. Aer cum volatilibus, The eyre with al that flyeth. the see. with all that swymmeth. y e erthe. with all that crepeth. and wyth all that hathe lyfe. Nxym brium [...] The snowe. the droppes of rayne. flowres fruites. & gresse. mote gyue dyuerse gyftes of praysyuges to god for thy glory. Omne genu, Eche knee of al that are in heuen. and in helle. and in erthe. mote be bowed to the lorde of heuen. that hathe sette the in ioy [...]. ¶In thys verse ye saye in the feaste of the Annūcyacyon. [...]lectatur celi domino, intranti te cum gaudio. That ys. be bowed to the lorde of heuen. entrynge in to the. wyth ioye. Omne momentum, Eche momente of tyme that passeth. mote blysse god in trinyte. w t thousande thou [...]ande thankinges. for the y t arte so worthy to be praysed. .An̄. O [...]ocūdissimam, O moste ioyful ioye. God the father halseth hys spowse. the sonne hys mother. the holy goste hys sacrary. all the chyualry of heuen. prayseth her moste worthy lady the vyrgyn marye. wyth vnspecable praysynge.


SAlue regina. Hayle quyene of mercy. hay­le lyfe. swetnes. and our hope. we exyled sōnes of Eue crye to the. To y e we syghe waylynge. and wepynge. in thys vale of teares. Haste the therfore our aduocate. turne vnto vs. tho thy mercyful eyne. & shew vs iesu. the blyssed fruyte of thy wōbe. after exyle. O mercyful. O meke O swete mary. .v. Salue celi, Hayle worthiest of he­uen. mylde. & benygne. y t arte the flowre of criste. & the ryuer of fayrenesse. Hayle meke. & mercyful mother. [Page Clv] O. mary. .R. O mercyful. .Uers. e Aue christi cella, Hayle celle of cryste. graūte vs alway to dyspyce the worlde and to ouercome the cruel enmy. Hayle meke and mylde mother o. mary. . R. O pyteful. .v. Vale pulcrum, Fare welle. fayre lylye. pease thy sonne to vs [...] that he purge vs from synne. for thy pyteful prayer. Fare welle mercyful and swete moder o. mary .R O. swete. .v. Virgo m [...]ter, Uyrgyn. mother of holy chyrche endel [...]sse gate of blysse. be to vs refute. to warde the father and the sōne. . R. O holy. .v. Virgo clemens, Noble vyrgyn. mercyful vyrgyn. swete vyr­gyn. o. mary. here the prayers of all that mekely crye vnto the. . R. O pyteful. .v. Funde preces, Geue oute prayers. to iesu cryste thy sonne. that was woūded and scourged. & fylled wyth galle. with thornes. and with spyttynge for vs. . R. O swete mary.

¶Here endeth the story of the Saterday. And thus ar ended all youre .vii. storyes.

BUt for as moche as yt happyth some tyme. that some in happes are neglygente in say­ynge. or syngynge therof▪ therfore I bryng now to youre mynde. a shorte lessō that our lorde iesu cryste taughte to saynt Maute. Libro .iii. sp [...]a lis g [...]e. reuelati on [...]. 009. ca. 30 whyche ys ful good to vse. in y e begynnynge. & at the ende. of eche howre of youre seruyce. ¶Fyrste by cause that the saynge of this seruice ys apaynge of decte. therfore our lorde bad that he that is boūde to pay this dette of his seruyce. shulde at the begynnynge of eche howre saye thus to our lorde. bothe w t harte. and with tongue. or [Page] at the leste w t the harte. Domine in vnion [...] qua ipse in terris laudes deo patri persoluisti, hanc tibi horam persoluo, that ys. Lorde I pay this howre to the. in that vnyō. by whiche thow beynge in erthe pay [...]est praysynges to god the father. And he that thus dressyth hys entente vp to god at the begynnynge. customably. & wyth busy study. and afterwa [...]d [...] in tyme of the same seruice kepyth stylle his mynde & entendeth to god as mu­che as he may▪ then as oure lorde sayeth. that seruice shall be so noble. & worthy before god the father. that yt shall be accōpted as yt were one w t the seruice. and praysynge that our lorde Iesu criste dyd hymselfe to the fader whyle he was in erthe. Ibidem. Ca. iii ¶And for yt is harde to escape at all tymes w toute som neglygence▪ therfore oure lorde bad that at the ende of eche howre. he shulde say thus. Deus prop [...]cius esto michi peccatori, that ys. God be mercyful to me synner. Or else thus. O agne mitissime miserere me [...]. that ys. O moste mylde lambe haue mercy vpon me. And if he forgette to say thus after eche howre. at the leaste that he say one of these prayers seuen tymes eche day when he hathe leyser. and thynke theron. For sythe thys worde. Deus ꝓpicius esto michi peccatori, was so vaylable to the pub­lycan. Luce. xviii. that as oure lorde sayeth. he gatte forgyuenes of all his synnes▪ why shulde yt not gette to a nother that sayeth yt with meke and contryte harte forgyuenesse of hys neglygence syth oure lordes mercy ys as redy to man now. as yt was then. ¶Therfore whyle these prayers ar thus ꝓfitable. and therw t so shorte me semeth yt were a greate dulnesse. not to wylle vse them. Oure lorde graunte vs euer to be trew and dy­lygente in thys holy seruyce. Amen.

¶Here begynneth of youre Feastes

FOr asmoche as youre seruyce ys of oure gloryous Lady whyche ye departed in seuen storyes. after the seuen daies of the wyke as is before sayde▪ therfore ye haue not ma­ny chaunges after the varyaūce of feastes. and ofte tymes of the yere. as the comon seruyce of the churche vseth. But in diuerse festes. and tymes ye say some of the same seuen storyes dyuersely as is moste acordynge therto. ¶And thus in the feastes of the Cōcepcyon. and of the Natyuyte of oure lady. ye saye the story of the wednesday. For in that story ys made moste specyall mynde of the same feastes. The same story is also sayde on sainte Annes day. For the holy concepcion. and byrthe of oure lady. wherof ys made mynde in that story. ys greate worshyp & praysynge to her mother Anne. of whome she was conceyued and borne in so greate holynesse. and clennesse. ¶In the feaste of the Annunciacion of oure lady and in all crystmasse tyme. And in y e feaste of Candelmas And in the feaste of the Uysytacyon of oure lady▪ ye say the story of y Thursday▪ by cause that story ma­keth moste speciall menciō of the Incarnacion of our lorde Iesu cryste. whyche ys worshyped in holy chyrche. in tho feastes. ¶In the feaste of the assūpcion. ye [Page] synge [...] of the Saterday. for yt [...] all ther [...]o [...] ¶On Myhelmasday. ye say the stor [...] of the mōday. For y e story tellyth what ioye & loue. aūgels had of oure gloryous lady from her firste makynge. Frō passyon sōday tyl Esterne. ye saye the story of y e fryday, for y e speketh moste of our lordes holy passiō and of the cōpassyon of hys moste louynge mother. ¶Other dyu [...]rse chaunges ye haue in these feastes. & tymes. as your ordynal sheweth more playnly. And the causes of suche chaunges. ye may sone parceyue youre selfe by the redynge of the same thynges in englysshe. For ye shall fynde that they haue som conuenyence to the feaste or to the tyme that they ar sette to be songe in. As in Penthecoste weke. ye say thys hymp­ne. Veni creator spirit [...]s, At youre howres. by cause yt spekyth moste of the holy goste. that is worshyped in holy chyrche that tyme. And on the same wyse ye say O, veneranda trinitas, In trynyte wyke. And so furthe of other. ¶But I wryte here only tho thynges that longe specyally. to some of these feastes. and are not conteyned in eny of the seuen storyes before. And specyally in foure feastes of oure lady. that ys the Con­cepcyon. the Natyuyte. the Puryfycacyon. and the Assumpcyon▪ ye haue speciall and proper chapiters and collectes. that are not wryten before. and therfo­re they shew now after.

¶In the Concepcion of oure Lady. at Euensonge at matyns. and at Tyerce The Chapyter.

[Page Clvii] DOminꝰ posseditme The lorde had me in the begynnynge of hys workes. ere then he made enythynge. from the begynnynge. I am ordeyned from wythouten ende. and of olde tymes. ere then the erthe was made. ¶Thys Chapyter ys taken of holy scrypture. and so are nye all the chapiters of youre seruice. Prouerbi. viii. And yt is expouned by doctoures of oure lorde iesu cryste that is the endelesse wysdome of the father. and sayeth these wordes of hymselfe. But here yt ys sette to be vnderstonde of oure lady. that was endelesly ordeyned of god to be worthyest of all creatures. as ye may se more playnely in the Sonday lessons. And so therby ye may esy­ly vnderstonde the sentence of thys chapyter.

¶The Oryson.

DEus qui beate. God that toldest be­fore. the cōcepcion of the blyssed virgyn mary. to her father & mother. by the foretellynge of the aungel▪ graunte this thy meyne to be defēded by her prayers. whose holy solemnytyes of concepcion. they worshyp. by accordynge besynesse. Per dominum nostrum,

¶At Sexte the Chapyter.

NEcdum erant abissi, Depnesse were not yet. & I was then cōceyued. Prouerbi. viii. welles of waters were not yet spronge vp. moūteynes were not yet sette in sadde heuynesse before hylles. I was broughte fourthe. ¶Thys is to meane. that or [Page] eny thynge was made, oure lady was fore ordeyned of god to be cōceyued. & borne in tyme▪ and to be moste worthy of all creatures.

¶At None. the Chapyter.

BEatus homo, The man is blyssed. that herith me. Prouerbi. viii. by obedience. And he y t daily waketh at my gates. And wayteth at the entrye of my dore. by hasty & redy cōynge to synge & rede my seruyce. He that fyndeth me by grace. he fyndeth lyfe euerlastyng. And he shall drawe helthe from the lorde. For as water ys drawen oute of a welle. so all helthe cometh from god. that ys the sprynge welle of all goodnesse.

¶In the Puryfycacyō of oure lady. at all Euensonges. at mattyns and at Tyerce. the Chapiter.

ECce ego mitto, Lo I sende myne aūgel. that shall make redy a way before my face. [...]alach. i [...]i. And the lorde that ye seke. shall sone come to hys temple. And the aūgel of y e testamente who­me ye desyre. ¶Here in thys Chapyter. bothe oure lorde iesu. and saynt Iohn̄ baptyste. are called aungels. not in kynde but in clennesse of leuynge & in offyce. Fyrste saynt Iohn̄ baptyste is called an aūgel. where the prophete sayde of hym iu the persone of the father of heuen. many yeres or saint Iohn̄ was borne, thus Ecce ego mitto angelum meum, Lo I sende myne aūgel qui proparabit viam ante faciem meam, that shall make redy a waye before my face [...] that is byfore my sōne iesu whiche is called the face of the father. for as a man is knowen by hys face. so ys the father knowen by the [Page Clviii] sonne. Before this face. saynt Iohn̄ made redy away for the prechyng & baptysynge of saynt Iohn̄ baptist was an entre & a way so the prechynge. & baptysyng of oure lorde Iesu cryste. Et statim veniet ad templū sanctum suū dominator quem vos queritis, And the lorde that ye seke shall come anon in his holy tēple. Thys was fulfylled in this holy feaste. when our lady offered her blyssed sōne in to the temple Et angelus testamenti, Luce. [...]. And the aūgel of testamente. that ys the new lawe of loue writen in the apostels hartes by the holy goste. Quem vos vultis, whome ye desyre. for the good people of the iewes. euer soughte and desyred moche the cōynge of cryste.

¶At Sexte the Chapyter.

EGo quasi vitis, Ecclesia. xxiiii. I as a vyne haue fruited the swetnesse of smelle. And my flowres ar fruite of worshyp. and of honeste ¶In this Chapyter. oure lorde ys lykened to a vyne. For as a vyne. the more yt standeth in heate of the sōne. the more swete ys the grape. or the wyne that ys the fruyte therof▪ ryghte so oure lady. for she was moste hote in loue. and in grace of the holy goste▪ therfore she broughte furthe the fruyte of swetnesse. that ys oure lorde Iesu cryste. the fruyte of her wombe. that ys swete to take in this worlde and in his sacramentes. and smelleth sweth in example of his holy cōuersaciō. ¶But it is meruelous that foloweth. when our lady sayeth And my flowres are fruite. In all trees. & herbes. the flowres go before. & the fruyte cōeth after. And often there are many mo flowres. then fruites. But all our [Page] blyssed ladyes flowres. that ys to saye her vertueus [...] were fruyteful. for no thynge was loste. but all that she thoughte. or saide. or dyd. or lefte vndone▪ all was entended to goddes worshyp. and to the ꝓfyte of her euen crysten. And therfore yt foloweth. of worshyp. that is to say to god. & of honeste. that is to say to good example of all other that se her. For by syghte of her. many were conforted & edyfyed. & neuer none hurte.

¶At None the Chapyter.

Ecclest. xxiiii. EGO mater pulcre dilectionis, I am a mother of fayre loue. & of drede, and of knowynge. and of holy hope. In me is all grace of way and of trouthe. in me is all hope of lyfe. and of verteu. ¶He oure lady ys called a mother of fayre loue, agenste god. & hys aūgel. and of drede. agenste al yuel spyrytes. And howe of knowynge. agenste all thynges. & of holy hope. agenste wretched mankynde For by her we may haue grace to go trewly in y way of helthe in thys lyfe [...] and hope to come to lyfe euerlastynge.

¶In the feaste of the Assumpcion. at Euensōge. at Lawdes. & at Tyerce The Chapyter.

Ecclesia. xxiiii. [...]Uasicedrus, I. am heyued as a cedre in lybane and as cypresse in mounte syon. I am hey­ued as a palme in cades. and as the plauntynge of a rose in iherico. ¶Here is named foure trees are these. Cedre. Cipresse. Palme. & a rosyer. Though these trees grew in diuerse places. yet in foure places they were moste excellente in tho contrees. That is to [Page Clix] say. she Cedre. in a mounte that was called lybane. And Cypresse in the mon̄te of Syon. And the palme tree, in a place that was called Cades And the rose in iherico, Therfore by these foure trees. is vnderstonde oure lady that was. and is. moste excellente aboue al creatures. ¶The Cedre. is a tree that groweth hye. & yt is so durable that yt rotteth neuer. So oure moste reuerente lady. was hiest in verteu in erthe. & now is hyest in blysse. And she neuer rotted. ne was corrupte in sowle. by eny maner synne. ne in body. in her lyfe. ne after her dethe. For the body with the sowle. ys in endelesse blysse. And therfore she saieth. that she is hey ned as a cedre in lybane. Cypresse is a tree. that smel­leth swete. & the smelle therof dryueth a way serpen­tes. & wormes. yt is also so stronge a tree. that yt boweeh neuer what burden so euer be layde theron. So oure gloryous vygyrn. by the swete smelle of her ho­ly leuynge. & of her prayers. dryueth a way the temptations of the serpentes of helle. & the wormes of yuel thoughtes. from them. that often by deuoute meditacion smelle so wardcher. She was also so stronge▪ y neuer prosperite myghte bowe her to eny maner va­nyte. ne aduersyte. to eny vnpacyence. And therfore she ys cypresse in mounte Syon. ¶The palme tree. ys smale byneth. and large aboue. and yt is euer gre­ne. So oure moste excellente lady was smale byneth fro the loue of all erthly thynges, and large vp warde by loue and desyre of heuenly thynges And therin she was euer grene. for she was alwaye ful of vertues. wythoute drynesse of synne. or of defawlte. And therfore she ys as palme in cades. ¶The rose grow­eth [Page] amongest thornes. and yet yt ys in yt selfe moste softe. yt conforteth also all the wyttes of man, bothe syghte. smellynge. touchynge. and tastynge. So oure moste swete lady. though she were borne amonge the iewes. that were as thornes by malycyous condycyons▪ yet she was clene from all theyr vyces. and moste softe. and gracious in all vertues. wherby she conforted her louers. in all theyr in warde wyttes. And therfore she ys called a rose in iherico.

¶The Oryson.

VEneranda nobis. The worthy [...]ful feste of this day. most gyue vs holsome helpe. in whyche day. the holy mother of god. passed vndert [...] ­porall dethe. and yet she myghte not be borne downe wyth the boudes of dethe. that begatte of herselfe thy sonne. oure lorde. that be [...]am man. Qui [...]ecum, That lyueth. and rayneth god wyth the in vnyte of the ho­ly goste wythout ende Amen.

¶At Sexte the Chapyter.

Cantice. iiii. TOtapulcraes, Thow arte all fayremy frende. and spotte is none in the. Come from the lyban my spowse come from the lyban. Come thou shalte be crowned. ¶Fayrenesse standeth in tow thinges. One in hauynge of all that lōgeth to fayrenesse And for thys was in our lady. bothe in body. & [...] therfore ye say vnto her. Thou arte al fayre. The secōdeys. in faylynge of all that ys con­trary to fayrenesse. And for thys ye saye to her. and [Page Clx] there is no spotte in the. ¶Lybane ys a mounte. and yt is as moche to saye. as whyte. and therfore yt betokeneth the hynesse of verteu. and of grace. From thys lybane oure lady was called as thys day. for from y e moste hynesse of grace & of verteu that myghte be had in erthe of eny creature [...] she passe to the moste hynesse of glory. And that not onely in sowle. but also after­warde in body. And therfore ys yt sayde here to her twyes Come from the lybane. Ones for the assūpcy­on of her sowle. a nother for the assūpcyon of her holy body. For firste was her glorious sowle called to blysse. and then her body. And bothe body and sowle to be crowned in endelesse rewarde. and therfore yt fo­lowyth for bothe. Come thow shalte be crowned.

¶At None the Chapyter.

QVasi oliua speciosa, I am hyned as a faire olyue tree in the fylde. Ecclesi. xxliii. and as a platan tree. by y e water in brode stretes. I haue gyuen swe­te smelle as cynamom. & bawlme that smel­lyth swete. And I haue gyuen swetnesse of smelle as chosen myrre. ¶The olyue tree bryngeth furthe fruite wherof ys made oyle. that betokeneth pytye and mercy. But there ys dyfference betwyxte the olyue y t growyth in gardyns. and the olyue that groweth in the fylde. For the olyue that growyth in gardyns. is seueral to the owners. but the olyue of the fylde ys co­mon to all. Therfore oure mercyfull Lady lykeneth herselfe rather to the olyue of the fylde▪ for her pytye and mercy ys alway redy to all that wylle calle ther [Page] to. in what degre soccur they be. ¶The platane. or the plane tree. hathe brode leues. that ys medcynable to hote yuels. wherby is vnderstonde the brode & lar­ge charyte of oure blyssed lady that spredyth ouer all bothe good and bad as longe as they are in thys lyfe. For all good are cōforted by her. And there is none so wicked in erthe. but that he hathe the lesse temptacion for her sake. And be a man or woman neuer so depe in synne▪ yf he wyl make hym selfe a brode and an opē strete by trew shryfte. and powre oute water of very contrycion▪ anon this plane tre that is oure pyteful lady. wylle sprede ouer hym the leues of her charyte. and hele hym from all brennynge temptacyon. and syckenesse of synne. And therfore she ys lykened to a platane tree by the water in brode stretes. ¶Cyna­mome. ys a spyce that ys drye. and hotte. and swete smellynge. So oure glorious lady was drye in body from all flesshely luste. by dyscrete abstynence. and clene vyrgynyte. She was also hotte in sowle. by [...]ruente loue to god. and charite. And she smelled swete. bothe in sowle. and in body▪ by good examples bodely and gostly of holy conuersacyon. ¶ Bawlme ys a tree. and all that ys therin. ys vertuous and profytable. bothe. the selfe tree. the fruyte. and the lycour So oure moste reuerente lady ys all full of grace. and of verteu. Her holy body. that is vnderstonded by the bawlme tree. was so worthy. that yt bare the sonne of god. And he ys her blyssed fruyte moste full of verteu. The braunches of the bawlme tree whn they are cutte. they stylle moste vertuous and swete lyquore. [Page Clix] Ryghte so the braunches of thys tree oure lady. that are the holy membres of oure lorde iesu cryste. when they were cutte wyth cruel scourges. with harde nayles. and wyth the sharpe spere▪ they stylled moste precyous and swetely coure to the helthe and redempcy­on of mankynde. ¶Myrre is a tree that groweth fyue cubytes in lengthe and the g [...]mme therof is bytter in taste. and swete in smelle. By the fyue cubytes. ys vnderstonded the fyue ioyes of oure lady that she had in erthe. By the bytter gomme. hys bytter sorowes. but in this feaste. all was turned to endeles swetnesse that is vnderstanded by the swete smelle. And therfore she sayth as chosen myrre. I haue gyuen swetnesse [...].

¶In the Natyuyte of oure Lady the Oryson.

HAmulis tuis, Lorde we beseche the. parte thow in to thy seruauntes the gyfte of heuenly grace. That. to whome the sonne borne of the blyssed vyrgyn mary was begy [...]nynge of helthe▪ the desyred solempnyte of her byrthe. mote gyue encrease of peace. Per eūdem. By the same oure lorde iesu cryste thy sonne. that ly­ueth and rayneth god wyth the in vnyte of the holy­goste wythoute ende. Amen.

¶At None. the Chapyter.

TRansite ad me, Passe vnto me all ye. Ecclesi. xxiiii. y t desyre me. and be fulfylled of my generacy­one. For my spyryte ys swetter then hony. [Page] and myne herytage ys swe [...]ter then hony. and hony [...]combe. ¶ Thys ys [...]hus to meane. Passe or come to me trustely. all ye that desyre me. for I am suf [...]ycyen­te to all. and ye shall nothynge lacke. but befylled of my generacyons. that ys of grace and of glory. that ys gotten to man by my sōne. for my spyryte is swetter then hony. for the tastynge of my loue ys swetter then eny erthly thynge. And myne herytage. that ys endelesse blysse. is swetter then hony and honycombe for yt fylleth all that ar therin. aboue all that may be thoughte or spoken.

Dani [...]lie iii. BE Nedicite omnia opela domini domino, Thys hympne was made of three men. whome the kynge of Babylone did caste in a grete burnynge furneys offyre. that fla­med vpon hye .xlix. cubites. by cause they wolde not worshyp an ymage by idolatrye at hys byddynge. But an aungel of god came downe and smote the flame of the fyre from tho thre men. vpon the kynges seruauntes that made the fyre. whyche were anon brente all to asshes. But tho thre men were nothynge hurte of the fyre ne dyscesed. ne the leste heare of theyr hed brente. And therfore they brake oute in praysynge of god. all wyth one voyce and sayde. Benedicite omnia opera domini, &c, These three mennes names are writen in the same hympne. in the laste verse saue tway­ne. One was called Ananye. a nother Azarye. and the thyrde Mysael. ¶This hympne ye synge in eche [Page Clxii] feaste of oure lady. wherin ye calle all creatures of heuen. and of erthe. of see. and of londe. and of the ayre aboue. to prayse and to thanke god. for the benefytes of grace and of glory. that he hathe done and gyuen to the glorious vyrgyn mary hys holy mother. ¶And for eche verse begynneth wyth blyssynge▪ ye shall vnderstonde that god blessyth man. by geuynge of hys gracious gyftes [...] but man blesseth god by do­ynge of praysynges. and of thankynges to god for hys gyftes. And also ioyenge of hys greate blysse. & goodnesse. And so calle ye all creatures to blysse god in this hympne ¶But vnresonable creatures. blesse and prayse god. in that. that they do. as god hathe made them. and ordeyned them to do. And also they are sayde to blysse god. in that. that man in beholdynge of them. ys [...]urred to blysse. and to prayse god theyre maker. that so meruelously hathe made them. They are also sayde to blysse god. when ma [...]for whome all erthely creatures were made. prayseth & blysseth god for the makynge. and for y e kepynge of them. and for all hys workes. ¶when man calleth aungels to the praysyng [...] of god. yt ys as moche to say. that he ioy­eth of the, ioye that they haue in the praysynge of god and that he desyreth God endelesly to be praysed for the. makynge of aungels to hys euerlastynge prays­ynge. ¶If all mankynde had bene vtterly losse. & neuer be boughte ageyne. then had all creatures that were made for man. be in maner loste. and the nom­bre of. aungels not fulfylled by man. And therfore sythman ys boughte ageyne by meane of oure lady [Page] and so the nombre of aungels to be fulfylled. and all erthly creatures restored ageyne in maner to the worthynesse of effecte that they were made for▪ yt is worthy that man shulde calle aungels. and all creatures. and all the workes of god to prayse hym. & to blysse hym. for that gloryous lady. Therfore ye synge and say. Benedicite omnia, All the workes of the lorde. blesse ye the lorde. prayse hym. and enhaunse hym vp on hy wyth outen ende. Pro honore, For worshyp. and glory of the moste worthy creature the vyrgyn Marye. mother of god. Benedicite angeli, Aungels of the lorde. blysse ye the lorde. heuens blysse ye the lorde. for worshyp. and glory. of y e moste worthy creature. the vyrgyn mary. mother of god. Benedicite aque, All waters that are aboue heuens. blysse ye the lorde. all vertues of the lorde blysse ye the lorde. for worshyp. and blysse of the moste worthy creature. the vyrgyn marye. mother of god. ¶For as moche as in thys verse is made mynde of waters that ar aboue heuens ye shall vnderstande. that there are seuentene heuens and y e syxteneth of these heuens. is called heuen of waters and of crystall. Not for that. there are eny wa­ters▪ but for yt meue [...]h as dothe waters. & yt ys harde and clere as crystall. And thys heuen ys called he­re in thys hympne waters that are aboue heuens. For there ar fourtene heuens bynethe yt. towarde the erthe. And in youre sequence on Sonday. yt ys cal­led heuen of crystall. when ye say. Cristallinum v [...]iste [...] latū, &c, As shall be sayde there more playnely. when we come therto. with oure lordes grace, Benedicite sol [Page Clxiii] Sonne and mone blysse ye the lorde. sterres of heuen blysse ye the lorde. for worshyp. and glory of the mo­ste worthy creature. the vyrgyn mary. mother of god Benedicite ymber, Reyne and dew blysse ye the lorde. eche spyryte of god mote blesse the lorde. for worshyp and glory of the moste worthy creature. the vyrgyn mary. mother of god. Benedicite ignis, Fyer and hea­te blysse ye the lorde. wynter and somer blysse ye the lorde. for worshyp and blysse of the moste worthy creature. the vyrgyn mary. mother of god. Benedicite ro­res, Dewes. and froste blysse ye the lorde. froste and colde blysse ye the lorde. for worshyp and blysse of the moste worthy creature. the vyrgyn mary. mother of god. Benedicite glacies, Ile and snowe blysse ye the lorde. nightes and dayes blysse ye the lorde. for worshyp and glory of the moste worthy creature. the vyrgyn mary. mother of god. Benedicite lux, Lyghte and darkenesse blysse ye the lorde. lyghtens. & clowdes blysse ye the lorde. for worshyp and glory of the moste wor­thy creature. the vyrgyn mary. mother of god. Bene­dicat teria, Erthe mote blesse the lorde. and prayse hym and enhaunce hym on hy wythouten ende. for wor­shyp and glory of the moste worthy creature. the vyrgyn mary. mother of god. Benedicite montes, Moun­teynes and hylles blysse ye the lorde. all thynges that growe in erthe blysse ye the lorde. for worshyp. & glo­ry of the moste worthy creature. the vyrgyn marye. mother of god. Benedicite fontes, welles blysse ye the lorde. sees & flowdes blysse ye the lorde. for worshyp and glory of the moste worthy creature. the vyrgyn [Page] mary. mother of god. Benedicite cete. whalles and all thynges that are meued in waters. blysse ye the lorde all the byrdes of the ayre blysse ye the lorde. for wor­shyp and glory of the moste worthy creature the vyrgyn mary mother of god. Benedicite omnes, All wyl­de beastes and tame beastes blysse ye the lorde. sōnes of men blysse ye the lorde. for worshyp and glory of the moste worthy creature. the vrygyn mary. mother of god. Benedicat is [...]ael, Israel mote blysse the lorde. & prayse hym and enhaunse hym vpon hye withouten ende. for worshyp and glory of the moste worthy cre­ature the vyrgyn mary mother of god. Benedicite sa­cerdotes; Prestes of the lorde blysse ye y e lorde. seruaū ­tes of the lorde blysse ye the lorde. for worshyp & glory of the moste worthy. creature the vyrgyn mary. mo­ther of god. Benedicite spiritus, Spirytes. and sowles of the ryghtwys blysse ye the lorde. holely. and meke in harte. blysse ye the lorde. for worshyp and glory of the moste worthy creature. the virgyn mary. mother of god. Benedicite anania, Ananye. Azary [...]. Mysael. blysse ye the lorde. prayse hym. enhaunse hym on hye withouten ende. for worshyp. and glory of the moste worthy creature. the vyrgyn marye. mother of god. Benedicamus patrem, Blysse we the father and the sō ­ne wyth the holy goste. prayse we. and enhaunse we hym on hye withouten ende. for worshyp. and glory of the moste worthy creature. the vyrgyn mary. mo­ther of god. Benedictus es domine, Lorde thou art blyssed in the fyrmamente of heuen. praysable and gloryous. and heyued aboue all thynges wythouten ende [Page Clxiiii] for worshyp and glory of the moste worthy creature. the vyrgyn mary. mother of god. Et tu super omnes, And thow vyrgyn mary. mother of god. blyssed aboue all creatures▪ vouche safe to cōmende vs. and ou­re places. to thy sonne. Amen.


¶Thys Boke was Imprynted at the desyre and in staūce of the worshypfull and deuoute lady Abbesse of the worshypfull Monastery of Syon. And the re­uerende fader in god. Generall cōfessoure of the same.

¶Here Endeth the Seconde parte of oure Ladyes Myrroure. Uery necessary for all relygyous persones and other good deuoute people Fynysshed and Im­pryn in the suburbes of the Famous Cytye of Lōdon withoute temple barre by me Richarde Fawkes. dwellynge in Durresme rentes or else in Powles churtheyerde at the sygne of the. A.B.C.

¶The yere of oure Lorde god a. the fourthe day of the moneth of Nouember.

Solided Honor, Et Gloria, Amen,

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