Guil. du Tielt. fe.
TO THE CATHOLIKES Of the Church of England.
FORASMVCH, as the ROMAN MARTYROLOGE is translated, and published in diuers other vulgar Languages; it hath byn thought conuenient, that our English Nation also, should be no longer depriued of vvhat others haue already inioyed, to their great Profit: who by hearing [Page] the dayly Memory of so many and eminent SAINTS read, & renewed, haue made thereby, no small progresse, in the spirituall affayres of their soule.
And hauing taken vpon me the publishing heereof, for the Comfort of many, who haue long wished, and desired to see it in print; I resolued by way of Dedication, to commēd the same vnto You, the CATHOLIKES of my Countrey; not doubting but you will receaue it with as gratefull an Acceptance, as my Good-VVill, and poore Endeauours haue byn alwayes ready, to attend on You, in such like Occasions.
The VVorke, is so much the more proper vnto You, by how [Page] much it setteth forth briefly the Sanctity and Prayse of those Holy WORTHIES, who in former tymes haue vndergone the like Persecutions, for the selfe-same FAITH & RELIGION, which You endure at this present, in our Countrey. And as they were most famous, throgh the World, for their Constancy and Zeale, in suffering for Christ, Losse of Goods, yea and of Life it selfe: so I trust, You shall also be renowned in future Ages, for the Pressures you now sustayne, in, and for the same Cause, both before God and Man.
The Translatour heerof, hath exactly followed the last, & most corrected Edition, and by comparing [Page] diuers Translatiōs togeather, hath endeauored, faythfully to expresse the true, and genuine sense of the Authenticall ROMAN Copy; therby to giue as much satisfaction to the Reader, as possibly he could, aswell in the proper Names of Places, as Persons, which are not so obuious to euery one, that is not acquainted with forrayne Countreyes, nor with the vulgar denominations therof in other languages.
For my owne part, I acknowledge, that although my Labour heerin hath not byn very great; yet my Desyre to profit my Coū trey, by publishing the same, hath not byn perhaps the least: since the Trāslatour being many [Page] yeares agoe departed this Life, I haue byn carefull to finish some things therof, not fully ended at his death; and to recommend to the cōmon View, what so deare a Friend, as he was, intended, if God had pleased to haue giuen him longer dayes.
I had once a determination, to haue adioyned vnto euery Day, in a word or two, the Saints of our owne Nation, as the Translatours into French, Dutch, and Flemish haue done those of their Countryes: But, because I did some yeares ago publish an English Martyrologe of the said Saints, and which shortly I also intend to reprint, with some Additions and Change, I hold it needlesse [Page] to adde any thing els heerunto at this presēt, to auoyd prolixity.
And if I shall vnderstand, that these my poore paynes, may be gratefull vnto You; I will endeauour to expresse the same heerafter, in some other thing of better Moment, that may tend also, to the greater aduancement of your spirituall Comfort and Consolation: And shalbe euer, most ready to remayne,
Are alwayes to be read in their order, as they yearly fall out, immediatly next before the Martyrologe, as followeth.
- On Saturday before Septuagesima-Sunday.
- The Sunday called Septuagesima, on which day the Church ceaseth to say the Canticle of our Lord, Alleluia, vntill Easter.
- On Tewsday after Quinquagesima-Sunday.
- Ash-wednesday, and the beginning of the most holy Fast of Lent.
- On Saturday before Palme-sunday.
- Palme-sunday, on which day our Lord Iesus Christ, according to the Prophesy of Zachary, entred into Hierusalem, sitting vpō an Asse, whom the multitude came out to meet, with bowes of palme in their hāds.
- On Wednesday in the holy Weeke.
- The Supper of our Lord, commonly called Maundy-Thursday, when Christ Iesus, the day before he suffered for our Saluation, instituted the Blessed Sacrament, & [Page] deliuered to his disciples, the mysteries of his body and Bloud to be celebrated.
- On Easter Eue.
- This is the Day which our Lord hath made, the Solemnity of Solēnities, & our Easter; on which the Holy Church doth celebrate the Glorious Resurrection of our Sauiour Iesus Christ, according to the flesh.
- On the Eue of the Ascension.
- Vpon the Mount Oliuet, the Ascension of our Lord Iesus Christ.
- On the Eue of Pentecost.
- The Feast of Pentecost, commonly called Whit-sunday; on which Day, the Holy Ghost descended visibly vpon the Apostles, in the forme of fiery tongues, being assembled togeather in Hierusalem.
- On Saturday after Whit-sunday.
- The Feast of the most Holy, and vndeuided Trinity, commonly called Trinity-sunday.
- On Wednesday after Trinity-sunday.
- The Feast of the most Blessed, and Venerable Sacrament of the Body of our Lord, commonly called Corpus Christi-day, instituted by Pope Viban the fourth.
A The first Day.
THE Circumcision of our Lord Iesus Christ, and the Octaue of his Natiuity. At Rome of S. Almachius Martyr, who by commaundment of Alipius Gouernour of the Citty, for saying; This is the Octaue of our Lords birth, giue ouer your superstitious worshipping of Idols, and abstayne from your vncleane Sacrifices; was killed by the Gladiatours, or Fencers at sharpe. At Rome also, in the way called Appia, the crowning with Martyrdome of thirty holy Souldiers, vnder Diocletian the Emperour. [Page 2] Moreouer at Rome of S. Martina Virgin, who vnder Alexander the Emperour, hauing endured diuers kynds of torments, at length obteyned the triumphant palme of Martyrdome, by the sword. At Spoletum of S. Concordius Priest and Martyr, who vnder Antoninus the Emperour, being first beaten with clubbes, then put vpō the Racke called Equuleus, afterwards starued in pryson, and there comforted by an Angell, finally ended his lyfe by the sword. The same day of S. Magnus Martyr. At Caesarea in Cappadocia, the deposition of S. Basill Bishop, whose chiefe Feast is kept vpon the thirtenth of Iune, on which day he was ordayned Bishop. In Ass [...]ica of S. Fulgentius Bishop of Novv called Alphaques. Ruspa, who in the persecution of the Wandalls, suffered much for the Catholique fayth, & for his great learning, by the Arians, and was bannished into the Ile of Sardinia; but afterward permitted to returne to his Bishopricke, renowned for his life and learning, made an holy end. In the Territory of Lyons, in the Monastery of S. Claude vpon the Mount Iu [...]ense. Iure, of S. Eugendus Abbot, whose lyfe shined with vertues and miracles. At Silui [...]n. Sauuigny of S. Odilo Abbot of Cluny, who was the first that cō manded the Cōmemoration of all Soules, [Page 3] should be kept in his Monasteries, the next day after the feast of all Saintes; which custome was afterward receaued, & approoued by the whole Church. At Alexandria the deposition of S. Euphrosyna Virgin, who in her Monastery, was renowned for the vertue of Abstinence, and Miracles.
¶ And in other places, of many other Saintes, Martyrs, and Confessors, and Holy Virgins; to whose prayers and merits, we humbly commend our selues. ℟. Prayse be to God.
In this manner the reading of the Martyrologe, is alvvaies to end.
B The second Day.
THE Octaue of S. Stephen the Protomartyr. At Rome the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who contemning the Edict made by Diocletian the Emperour, commanding, That such, as had any sacred Bookes, should deliuer them vp; made choice rather to deliuer theyr bodyes to the Executioners, then to giue Holy things to dogges. At Antioch the passion of Blessed Isidore Bishop. At Tomis in Pontus of Asia, of three holy Breethren Argeus, Narcissus, and Marcellinus a youth, who being taken among the new Souldiers, and refusing to serue, was vnder Licinius the Empe [...]our, [Page 4] beaten almost to death, and for a long tyme starued in pryson, at last drowned in the sea, finished his Martyrdome; but his two brethren were beheaded. At Millane of S. Martinianus Bishop. At Nitria in Aegipt of Blessed Isidore Bishop and Confessour. The same day, of S. Siridon Bishop. In Thebais of S. Macarius of Alexandria, Abbot.
C. The third Day.
THE Octaue of S. Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist. At Rome in the way called Appia, the birth-day of S. Anterus Pope, who suffered vnder Iulius Maximinus, & was buryed in the Church-yard of Callistus. The same day, of S. Peter, who at Aulona was crucifyed. In Hellesponte, of the holy Martyrs Cirinus, Primus, and Theogenes. At Caesarea in Cappadocia, of S. Gordius a Centurion, in whose praise is extant an excellent Oration made by S. Basill the Great, vpon his festiual day. In Cilicia of the holy Martyrs Zosimus, Athanasius a Notary, Theopemptus and Theonas, who suffered a famous Martyrdome in the persecution of Diocletian. At Padua of S. Daniel Martyr. At Vienna in France, of S. Florentius Bishop, who in the tyme of Gallienus the Emperour, was banished, and there ended [Page 5] his Martyrdome. At Paris of S. Genouefa Virgin, who consecrated to God by S. Germā Bishop of Antisiodorū. Auxerre was famous for her wonderfull vertues, and miracles.
D. The fourth Day.
THE Octaue of the holy Innocents. In Creta. Candia, the birth-day of S. Titus, who by S. Paul the Apostle was ordayned Bishop of that place; where after he had faythfully performed his office of preaching made an holy end, & was buryed in the Church, of which by the Blessed Apostle he had byn made Bishop. At Rome, of the holy Martyrs Priscus Priest, and Priscillianus Clarke, and of Benedicta a Religious woman, who in the raigne of the most wicked Iulian, were martyred by the sword. Also of Blessed Dafrosa wyfe to S. Fabian Martyr, who after the killing of her husband, being first bannished, was lastly vnder the same Prince beheaded. At Bolonia of the Saints Hermes, Aggaeus, and Caius Martyrs, who suffered vnder Maximian the Emperour. At Novv called Mahometa. Adrumetum in Affrica the Cō memoration of S. Mauilus Martyr, who in the persecution of Seuerus the Emperour, being by Scapula a most cruell Gouernour, [Page 6] condemned to be deuoured of beasts, receaued a Crowne of Martyrdome. Moreouer in Affrica, of the most famous Martyrs Aquilinus, Geminus, Eugenius, Marcianus, Quinctus, Theodotus and Triphon. At Lingonae. Langres of S. Gregory Bishop, famous for miracles. At Rhemes in France of S. Rigobertus Bishop and Confessour.
E The fifth Day.
THE Vigill of the Epiphany of our Lord. At Rome of S. Telesphorus Pope, who vnder Antoninus Pius after many labors obtayned a glorious Martyrdome, for the Confession of Christ. In Aegypt the Commemoration of many Holy Martyrs, who in the persecution of Diocletian were killed in Thebais by diuers kinds of torments. At Antioch of S. Symeon Monke, who liued many yeares standing in a pillar, & was therof surnamed Stylites, whose lyfe and conuersation was wonderfull. In England of S. Edward King, renowned for the vertue of Chastity, and working of Miracles. At Alexandria of S. Sincletica, whose famous actes S. Athanasius hath left wrytten. At Rome of Aemiliana Virgin, aunt to S. Gregory Pope, who being called vnto God by her [Page 7] sister Tharsilla before departed, went this day to our Lord. The same day of S. Apollinaris Virgin.
F The sixt Day.
THE Epiphany of our Lord. In the territory of Rhemes the Passion of S. Macra Virgin, who in the persecution of Diocletian, by commaundement of Rictiouarus Gouernour, being cast headlong into the fire, and receauing no hurt, had her breasts cut off, & afterward afflicted with a loathsome imprysonment, being also rolled vp and downe vpon sharpe potsheardes, and burning coales, in prayer departed to our Lord. In Affrica the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who in the persecution of Seuerus, tyed to a stake, where consumed with fire. At Rhe [...] dones. Reines in Britany of France of S. Melanius Bishop and Confessour, who after innumerable signes of his vertues, hauing his eyes cōtinually fixed vpon heauen, gloriously departed out of this world. At Ger [...]. Geris in Aegypt of S. Milamon Anchoret, who whilest he was drawen to haue beene made Bishop against his will, in prayer gaue vp his soule to God.
G The seauenth Day.
THE bringing back of the Child Iesus out of Aegypt. The same day the birth-day of Blessed Lucian Priest of the Church of Antioch and Martyr, who famous for learning and eloquence, suffered at Nicomedia for the Confession of Christ, in the persecution of Maximinus, and lyeth buryed at Helenople in Bithynia; whose prayses are wrytten by S. Iohn Chrysostome. At Antioch, of S. Clerus Deacon, who for the glory of his Confession being seauen tymes tortured, and pyned long in pryson, at last beheaded, ended his Martyrdome. In the Citty of Heraclea of the holy Martyrs Felix and Ianuarius. The same day of S. Iulian Martyr. In Dania. Denmarke of S. Canutus King & Martyr. At Papia. Pauia of S. Crispin Bishop and Confessor. In Dacia of S. Nicetas Bishop, who by preaching the Ghospell of Christ, made milde and meeke, most fierce and barbarous Nations. In Aegypt of S. Theodorus Monke, who was famous for holynes of life in the time of Constantine the Great, of whome S. Athanasius maketh mention in the lyfe of S. Antony.
A The eyght Day.
AT Bellouacum. Beauuais in France, of the holy Martyrs Lucian Priest, Maximian, and Iulian, of which, the two last were by presently beheaded; but blessed Lucian, who came with S. Dennis into France, after a great slaughter of his fellowes, not fearing with a stoute voyce, still to confesse the name of Christ, at last receaued the same sentence of death, which the former had suffered. Also of Saint Eugenianus Martyr. In Libya of the holy Martyrs Theophilus Deacon, and Helladius, who being f [...]st most cruelly torne, and then rolled vpon sharp potsheards, at last throwne into the fire, rendred vp their soules to God. At Hierapolis in Asia, of S. Apollinaris Bishop, who vnder Marcus Antoninus Verus florished for sanctity and learning. At Naples in Campania the birth-day of S. Seuerine Bishop, brother to Blessed Victorinus Martyr, who after the exercise of many vertues, full of holynes went to rest. At Pap [...]a. Pauia of S. Maximus Bishop and Confessour. At Metae. Metz of S. Patiens Bishop. The same day in Norici. Bauaria of S. Seuerine Abbot, who preached the Ghospell to that Nation, and is called their [Page 10] Apostle; his body being by diuine power brought to Lucullanum. Mont-feltro neere Naples, was afterwards from thence, translated to the Monastery of S. Seuerine.
B The nynth Day.
AT Antioch, vnder Diocletian and Maximian, the birth day of S. Iulian Martyr, and Basilissa Virgin his wife, who with her husband hauing kept Virginity, ended her dayes in peace: but Iulian (after he had seene many Priests, and Ministers of the Church of Christ, who for the cruelty of persecution had fled vnto them, to haue byn burned) by commaundement of Marcian the President, being diuersly tormented, receaued sentence of death: with whome also Antony a Priest, and Anastasius (whome raysed from death, Iulian had made partaker of the grace of Christ) and Celsus a child, with his mother Marcionilla, and seauen brethren and many others, did suffer. In Mauritania Caesariensis of S. Marciana Virgin, who deuoured by beasts accomplished her Martyrdome. At Smyrna of the holy Martyrs Vitalis, Reuocatus, and Fortunatus. In Africa of the holy Martyrs Epictetus, Iucundus, Secundus, Vitalis, Felix, and seauen others. At Sebaste [Page 11] in Armenia of S. Peter Bishop, brother to S. Basil. At Ancona of S. Marcellinus Bishop, who (as S. Gregory writeth) miraculously deliuered that Citty from burning.
C The tenth Day.
IN Cyprus of Blessed Nicanor, one of the seauen first Deacons, who admirable for his fayth and vertue, was most gloriously crowned. At Rome of S. Agatho Pope, who famous for holines & learning, dyed a naturall death. At Millane of S. [...]ohn surnamed the Good, Bishop and Confessour. In Thebais the birth day of S Paul the first Hermite who from the sixteenth yeare of his age, vntill an hundred and thirteene, led a solitary lyfe in the wildernesse; whose soule S. Antony saw carryed vp to Heauen, by Angells, amongst the quiers of Apostles & Prophets; but his feast is kept the fifteenth of this Moneth. At Constantinople of S. Marcian Priest.
D The eleauenth Day.
AT Rome the birth-day of S. Hyginius Pope, who in the persecution of Antoninus the Emperour, gloriously accomplished [Page 12] his Martyrdome. In Affrica of Blessed Saluius Martyr, in whose feast S. Augustine made a Sermon to the people of Carthage. At Alexandria of the holy Martyrs, Peter, Seuerus, and Leucius. At Fermo in Marc-Ancona. Picenum of S. Alexander Bishop and Martyr. At Amiens of S. Saluius Bishop and Martyr. At Brundusium. Brindisi of S. Leucius Bishop and Confessour. In Cappadocia in a Village called Magarisso, of S. Theodosius Abbot, who hauing suffered much for the Catholique Fayth, died at last a naturall death. In Thebais of S. Palaemon Abbot, maister to S. Pachomius. At Suppentonia neere the Mount Monte de San Siluestro. Soractes of S. Anastasaus Monke, and his fellowes, who called by a voyce from heauen went vnto our Lord. At Pauia of S. Honorata Virgin.
E The twelfth Day.
AT Rome of S. Tatiana Martyr, who vnder Alexander the Emperour, being first torne with iron hookes, and combes, then thowne vnto beasts, and cast into the fyre, but receauing no harme, was at last beheaded. In Achaia of S. Satyrus Martyr, who as he passed before an Idoll, & blowing vpon it made the signe of the crosse, [Page 13] forthwith the Idoll fell to the ground; for which cause he was beheaded. The same day of S. Arcadius Martyr, famous for noble Extraction, and Miracles. In Affrica of the Martyrdome of Zoticus, Rogatus, Modestus, Castulus, and of fourty souldiers. At Constantinople of the Saints Tigrius Priest, and Eutropius Reader, who suffered in the dayes of Arcadius the Emperour. At Tibur. Tiuoli of S. Zoticus Martyr. At Ephesus the passion of fourty and two holy monkes, who for the worshipping of holy Images, vnder Constantinus Copronymus, most cruelly tormented, accomplished their Martyrdome. At Rauenna of S. Iohn Bishop and Confessor. At Verona of S. Probus Bishop. In England of S. Benedict Abbot and Confessour.
F The thirteenth Day.
THE Octaue of the Epiphanye of our Lord. At Rome in the way called Lanicana, of fourty holy Souldiers, who for the Confession of the true Fayth, vnder Galienus Emperour deserued to be crowned with Martyrdome. In Sardinia of S. Potitus Martyr, who hauing suffered much affliction vnder Antoninus Emperour, and Gelasius President, at last finished his Martyrdome [Page 14] by the sword. At Novv called Semēder Singidunum in the vpper Misia of the holy Martyrs Hermylus, & Stratonicus, who vnder Licinius the Emperour, after cruell torments, were drowned in the riuer [...]ster. At Corduba, of the holy Martyrs Gumesindus Priest, and Serui-deus monke. At Pictauium. Poytiers in France the birthday of S. Hilarius Bishop and Confessour, who for constantly defending the Catholique faith being banished foure yeares into Phrygia, amongst other miracles raysed a dead man to life: but his feast is kept the day following. At Caesarea in Cappadocia of S. Leontius Bishop, who vnder Licinius first, and afterward vnder Constantine, did valiantly withstand the Gentils & Arrians. At Treuers of S. Agritius Bishop. In the monastery of Versia [...]um. Versy of S. Viuentius Confessor. At Amasea in Pontus of S. Glaphyra Virgin.
G The fourtenth Day.
AT Nola in Campania the birth-day of S. Felix Priest, who, as S. Paulinus wryteth, after many torments being cast into pryson by the persecutors, and layed bound hand and foote vpon snayle-shells and pot-sheards, was in the night loosed, and deliuered by an Angell: and the persecution [Page 15] ceasing, after he had by his holy example of life and learning conuerted many to the fayth of Christ, famous for miracles, ended his dayes in peace. In Iury of S. Malachias Prophet. In Mount Sina of thirty eight holy Monkes, slayne by the Saracens for the fayth of Christ. In Aegypt, in the Coū trey of Raithy, of fourty and three holy monkes, who for the Christian Religion were killed of the Blemmyes. At Millane of S. Datius Bishop and Confessour, of whome S. Gregory Pope maketh mention. In Affrica of S. Euphrasius Bishop. In Syria of S. Iulian of Saba, the elder, who in the tyme of Valens the Emperour, by vertue of miracles restored againe the Catholique fayth at Antioch, there almost extinguished. At Neocaesarea of S. Macrina Disciple of S. Gregory Thaumaturgus, and Grandmother to S. Basill, who brought him vp in the Christian fayth.
A The fiftenth Day.
IN the territory of Andegauum. Angiers, of S. Maurus Abbot, disciple of S. Benet, who being instructed by him from his infancy, how much he profited by his discipline, amongst other miracles, he declared by walking vpon the water (a strange thing, & not vsed [Page 16] since the tyme of S. Peter) and being sent into France, after he had there erected a famous Monastery, of which he was Abbot fourty yeares, glorious for miracles, rested in peace. In Iury of the holy Prophets Abacu [...], and Michaeas, whose bodies were found by diuine reuelation in the dayes of Theodosius the Elder. At Anagnia of S. Secundina Virgin and Martyr, who suffered vnder Decius the Emperour. At Novv called [...]al [...]er. Caralis in Sardinia of S. Ephisius Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Flauianus Iudge, after many torments ouercome by diuine help, at last beheaded, went victoriously to heauen. At Nola in Campania of S. Maximus Bishop. At Clermont in A [...]tergne [...] Auuergne in France, of S. Bonitus Bishop and Confessour. In Aegypt of S. Macarius Abbot, disciple to S. Antony, most famous for lyfe and miracles. Moreouer of Blessed Isidore renowned for holines of life, fayth, and miracles. At Rome of S. Iohn Calibita, who liuing for a time, in a corner of his Fathers house vnknowne, and afterward in a little cottage in the Iland of Tibur, in his death made knowne to his Parents, famous for miracles, was buried in the same place; where afterwards was erected a Church in his honour.
B The sixtenth Day.
AT Rome in the way called Salaria, the birth-day of S. Marcellus Pope and Martyr, who for confession of the Catholique Fayth, by commaundment of Maxentius the Tyrant, first beaten with clubs, was constrayned to serue beasts, with a publike guarde appointed ouer him, where apparelled in haire-cloath he ended his life. At Marocco in Affrica the passion of fiue holy Martyrs of the order of S. Francis, Berardus, Petrus, Accursius, Adiutus, and Otho. At Arelate. Arles of Saint Honoratus Bishop and Confessor, whose lyfe was famous for learning and miracles. At Opitergium. Vderzo of S. Titianus Bishop and Confessor. At Rhinocura in Aegypt of S. Melas Bishop, who vnder Valens the Emperour, suffering banishment with other afflictions for the Catholique fayth, rested in peace. At Fundi. Fondi in Campania of S. Honoratus Abbot, of whome S. Gregory Pope maketh mention. In the Monastery of Perone in France, of S. Furseus Confessor. At Rome of S. Priscilla, who deuoted herselfe wholy to the seruice of Martyrs.
C The seauenteenth Day.
IN Thebais of S. Antony Abbot, who being Father of many monkes, liued in great fame of lyfe and miracles; of whose Acts S. Athanasius hath written a worthy Treatise. His sacred body being found by reuelation in the dayes of Iustinian the Emperour, and brought to Alexandria, was there buryed in the Church of S. Iohn Baptist. At Lingonae. Langres of the Saints Speusippus, Eleusippus, and Meleusippus, all borne at a byrth, who togeather with their Graundmother Leonilla were martyred in the dayes of Marcus Aurelius the Emperour. At Rome the Inuention of the holy Martyrs Diodorus Priest, Marianus Deacon, and their fellowes, who in the time of S. Stephen Pope, whiles they celebrated the feast of Martyrs, in the place called Arenarium, the entrance of the Caue being stopt by the persecutours, and the vault ouer, broken downe vpon them, obteyned a Crowne of Martyrdome: At Bituricae. Bourges the deposition of S. Sulpitius Bishop, surnamed Pius, whose lyfe and death was pretious by many glorious miracles. At Rome in the monastery of S. Andrew, of the holy Monkes Antony, Merulus, and Iohn, [Page 19] of whome S. Gregory Pope maketh mention.
D The eighteenth Day.
THE Chayre of S. Peter the Apostle, wherein he first sate at Rome. There also, the Passion of S. Prisca Virgin and Martyr, who vnder Claudius the Emperour, after many torments, receaued a Crowne of Martyrdome. In Pontus, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Moseus, and Ammonius souldiers, who being condemned to digge in the mettall mines, at last were burned. There also of S. Athenogenes an anciēt Deuine, who when he was to be burned, song ioyfully a Hymne, which he left in writing to his disciples. At Turones. Tours in France of S. Volusian Bishop, who taken by the Gothes, and banished, gaue vp his soule to God. There also of S. Leobardus Anchoret, a man of wonderfull abstinence and humility. In little Britany of S. Deicola Abbot, disciple to S. Columbane. At Novv called Como. Nouocomum of S. Liberata Virgin.
E The nineteenth Day.
AT Rome in the way called Cornelia, of the holy Martyrs Marius, and Martha [Page 20] his wyfe, and of their children Audisax, & Abachum Noble Persians, who in the time of Claudius the Emperour, came to Rome for deuotion, and there being beaten with cudgels, racked, tormented by fyre, torne with iron hookes, and their hands cut off, Martha was at last killed in the place called Nimpha, and the others beheaded, and their bodyes burnt. At Smirna, the birth-day of Blessed Germanic [...]s Martyr, who in the flower of his youth, vnder Marcus Antoninus, and Lucius Aurelius, condemned to the beasts, by the force of Gods grace, without all feare, prouoked of his owne accord the beast prepared to deuoure him; & so torne and ground with his teeth, deserued to be incorporated into the true bread of Life Christ Iesus, for whome he dyed. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Paulus, Gerontius, Ianuarius, Saturninus, Successus, Iulius, Catus, Pia and Germana. At Spoletum the passion of S. Pontianus Martyr, who in the tyme of Antoninus the Emperour, after he had beene cruelly whipped, by commandemēt of Fabianus Iudge, was compelled to walke vpon hoat burning coles barefoote; wherwith receauing no harme, was then tormented vpon the racke called Equuleus, and with Iron hookes; And after all this being cast into [Page 21] pryson, where he was comforted by an Angell; throwne also vnto the Lyons, and tormented with boyling lead, was finally beheaded. At Laudum. Lodi of S. Bassianus Bishop and Confessour, who togeather with S. Ambrose valiantly resisted the Heretikes.
F The twentith Day.
AT Rome, the birth-day of S. Fabian Pope, who suffered Martyrdome in the tyme of Decius, and was buryed in the Church yard of Callistus. There also, at the place called Catacumbae, of S. Sebastian Martyr, who vnder Diocletian the Emperour, being Chiefe Commander of the first Band of souldiers, was for professing the Christian fayth, commanded to be bound in the midst of the field, & shot with arrowes by the souldiers, and finally beaten with clubbes vntill he dyed. At Nice in Bithynia of S. Neophytus Martyr, who being but fifteene yeares of age, was first cruelly whipped, then cast into a burning fornace, throwne also vnto the beasts, and yet receauing no hurt, still constantly professing the fayth of Christ, was finally beheaded. At Cesena of S. Maurus Bishop, renowned for vertues & miracles. In Palestine the birthday of S. Euthymius [Page 22] Abbot, who in the tyme of Marcian the Emperour was famous in the Church for zeale of Catholique discipline, and power of working miracles.
G The one and twentith Day.
AT Rome the Passion of S. Agnes Virgin, who vnder Symphronius Gouernour of the Citty, being cast into the fyre, but extinguished by the vertue of her prayers, dyed by the sword. Of whome thus writeth S. Hierome: Agnes the Virgin, by consent, of the tongues and pens of all Nations, hath borne away the chiefe prayse throughout all Churches; who surmounting both her Age, and the Tyrants cruelty, consecrated her Virginity to God by Martyrdome. At Athens, the birthday of S. Publius Bishop, who after S. Dennis of Areopagita, gouerned most laudably the Church of Athens▪ and renowned for learning and vertue, for the testimony of Christ receaued a glorious Crowne. At Tarragona in Spayne, of the holy Martyrs Fructuosus Bishop, Augurius, and Eulogius Deacons, who in the dayes of Galienus Emperour, first cast into pryson, then throwne into the fire, & their fetters burned, streching out their armes in [Page 23] prayer, in forme of a Crosse, accomplished their Martyrdome. Vpon whose feast S. Augustine made a Sermon to the people. At Trec [...]. Trois of S. Patroclus Martyr, who vnder Aurelianus the Emperour, deserued a Crowne of Martyrdome. In France in the Monastery of Augium. Ewe of S. Meinardus Hermit, who was killed by theeues. At Pauia of S. Epiphanius Bishop and Confessour.
A The two and twentith Day.
AT Valentia in Arragon of Spayne, of S. Vincent Deacon and Martyr, who vnder Dacian the most wicked President, after he had suffered imprisonment, hunger, the torture Equuleus, disioynting of his members, hoate fiery plates, the burning gridiron, and other torments, went triumphantly to heauen, there to receaue the reward of his Martyrdome. Whose glorious passion Prudentius hath elegantly set downe in verse; and S. Augustine and S. Leo the Pope do exceedingly commend. At Rome, at the waters called Saluiae, of S. Anastasius a Persian Monke, who after many torments of imprisonment, stripes & fetters, which he suffered at Cesaraea in Palestine, was by Cosro [...]s King of Persia grieuously afflicted, and at [Page 24] last beheaded; hauing sent before him to Martyrdome threescore and ten of his fellowes, who were drowned in a Riuer. His head was afterward brought to Rome, togeather with his Venerable Picture, at the sight whereof Diuels were driuen away, and diseases cured, as the acts of the second Councell of Nice do record. At Ebrodunum. Ambrun in France, of the holy Martyrs Vincentius, Orontius and Victor, who in the persecution of Diocletian were crowned with Martyrdome. At Nouara of S. Gaudentius Bishop & Confessour. At Sora of S. Dominicke Abbot, famous for miracles.
B The three and twentith Day.
AT Rome of S. Emerentiana Virgin and Martyr, who as yet but a Catechumen, or vnbaptized, praying at the sepulcher of S. Agnes (whose foster-sister she had beene) was stoned to death by the Gentils. At Philippi in Macedonia of S. Parmenas, one of the seauen first Deacons, who through the grace of God, faythfully fulfilling the office of preaching committed to his charge, vnder Traian, obteyned the glory of Martyrdome. At Caesarea in Mauritania of the holy Martyrs Seuerianus, and Aquila his [Page 25] wife, consumed by fyre. At Ant [...] noum. Anthios a Citty in Aegypt, of S. Asclas Martyr, who after diuers torments, being throwne headlong into a riuer, gaue vp his pretious soule to God. At Ancyra in Galatia of S. Clement Bishop, who oftentimes tormented, at length accomplished his Martyrdome vnder Diocletian. In the same place of S. Agathangelus, who suffered the same day vnder Lucius President. At Alexandria of S. Iohn, surnamed Eleemosynarius, Bishop of the same Citty, most renowned for his workes of mercy to the poore. At Toletum. Toledo of S. Ildefonsus Bishop, who for his singular integrity of life, & defēding the Virginity of the mother of God against certaine Heretiques that impugned the same, receaued of her a most white Vestement, and finally famous for Holynes, was called vnto Heauen. In the Prouince of Valeria, of S. Matyrius monke, of whome S. Gregory the Pope maketh mention.
C The foure and twentith Day.
THE birth-day of S. Timothy Disciple to S. Paul the Apostle, who by him created Bishop of Ephesus, hauing endured many bitter agonies for Christ, as he one day [Page 26] reprehended such as offered sacrifice to Diana, was stoned, & a litle after went to rest in our Lord. At Antioch of S. Babylas Bishop, who in the persecution of Decius, hauing greatly glorified God by his oftē sufferings and torments, ended his life gloriously in chaynes of iron, with which he commaunded his body to be buryed. There are said to haue suffered with him, three children Vrbanus, Prilidianus, and Epolonius, whome he had instructed in the fayth of Christ. At Neocesaraea of the holy Martyrs Mardonius, Musonius, Eugenius & Metellus, who being all burned, their reliques were throwne into the Riuer. At Fulginium. Fuligno of S. Felicianus, who created Bishop of the same Citty by Pope Victor, after many labours susteyned, in his decrepite old age, vnder Decius, was crowned with Martyrdome. Moreouer, of the holy Martyrs Thyrsus and Proiectus. At Bolonia of S. Zamas the first Bishop of that Citty, who consecrated by S. Dionysius Pope of Rome, did greatly propagate the fayth of Christ in those partes. Also of blessed Suranus Abbot, who in the tyme of the Lōbards flourished for sanctity of life.
D The fiue and twentith Day.
THE Conuersion of S. Paul the Apostle, which hapned the secōd yeare after our Sauiours Ascension. At Damascus the birth-day of S. Ananias, that baptized the same Apostle; who hauing preached the Ghospell at Damascus, Eleutherople, and in other places, was vnder Licinius [...]udge scourged, and torne with nerues; and finally stoned to death, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Antioch of the holy Martyrs Iuuentinus and Maximus martyred vnder Iulian the Apostata: on whose feast S. Io. Chrysostome made a Sermō to the people. At Aruernū novv called Clermont▪ Auuergne of the Saints Proiectus Bishop, and Marinus a Blessed man, who suffered Martyrdome by the Gouernours of that Citty. Moreouer of the holy Martyrs Donatus, Sabinus and Agapis. At Tomis in Scythia of S. Bretannion Bishop, who for holynes of life and zeale of the Catholique fayth, vnder Valens the Arrian Emperour, whome he stoutly resisted, was renowned in the Church of Christ. At Atrebatum. Arras in France, of S. Poppo Abbot, famous for miracles.
E The six and twentith Day.
AT Smyrna the birth-day of S. Polycarpus, Disciple to Saint Iohn the Apostle, who by him made Bishop of that citty, and Primate of all Asia, was afterwards vnder Marcus Antoninus, and Lucius Aurelius Commodus (the Proconsul sitting in Iudgement, and all the people crying out against him in the Amphitheater) cast into the fyre, but nothing hurt thereby, thrust through with a sword, receaued the Crowne of Martyrdome. With whome also, twelue other comming from Philadelphia, ended their liues in the same Citty. At Hippo-regius in Affrica, of the Saints Theogenes Bishop, and thirty six others, who in the persecution of Valerianus contemning temporall death, obteyned a Crowne of eternall life. At Bethleem-Iuda, the Departure of S. Paula Widdow, Mother to S. Eustochium Virgin of Christ, who descended of the noble bloud of Senators, forsaking the world, and distributing her goods to the poore, transported herself to the Praesepe Domini. Cribbe of our Lord, where adorned with many vertues, and crowned with long Martyrdome, she passed to a heauenly Kingdome. Whose life full of wonderfull [Page 29] Vertues, is written by S. Hierome. In the Territory of Paris of S. Bathildes Queene renowned for holynes of life and miracles.
F The seauen and twentith Day.
AT Constantinople of S. Iohn Bishop (for his goulden veyne of Eloquence sur-named Chrysostome) who by his preaching, and exemplar life much aduanced the Christian Religion; and after many labours ended his life in banishment. His body vpon this day was brought to Constantinople vnder Theodosius the younger; and thence translated to Rome, was placed in the Church of S. Peter. At Sora of Saint Iulian Martyr, who in the persecution of Antoninus, for that an Idolatrous Tēple fell to the groūd whilst he was tortured, gayned a crowne of Martyrdome with the losse of his head. In Affrica of S. Auitus Martyr. There also of the holy Martyrs Datius, Reatrius, and their fellowes, who suffered in the persecution of the Wandals. Moreouer of the Saints Datiuus, Iulianus, Vincentius, & other twenty & seauen Martyrs. At Rome of S. Vitalianus Pope. At C [...]u [...] manum. Mans the deposition of S. Iulian the first Bishop of that Citty, who was sent thither by S. Peter to preach the Gospell. In the monastery [Page 30] of Bobacum of S. Maurus Abbot.
G The eyght and twentith Day.
AT Rome the second feast of S. Agnes. There also of S. Flauianus Martyr, who suffered vnder Diocletian. At Apollonia of the holy Martyrs Thyrsus, Leucius & Callinicus, who in the dayes of Decius the Emperour, hauing all three endured diuers torments, Thyrsus and Callinicus were beheaded; & Leucius called by a voyce from heauen, giuing vp the Ghost, they all accomplished their Martyrdome. In Thebais of the holy Martyrs Leonides & his fellowes, who obtayned the palme of Martyrdome vnder Diocletian. At Alexandria, the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who by the faction of Syrianus an Arrian Captaine, whilst they were at Masse, were this day diuersly put to death. There also of S. Cyrill Bishop of that Citty, who most valiantly defending the Catholique fayth, famous for learning and sanctity, rested in peace. At Caesaraugusta. Saragoza of S. Valerius Bishop. At Con [...]a. Cuenc [...] in Spayne, the birth-day of S. Iulian Bishop, who bestowing the goods of his Church vpon the poore, & in Apostolicall manner, getting his liuing by the labour of his hāds, [Page 31] famous for miracles, rested in peace. In the monastery of Rhemes the deposition of S. Iohn Priest, a man of God. In Palestine of S. Iames Hermit, who for that he had fallen from his fayth, lay secretly a long tyme in a sepulcher doing pennance, & full of miracles went vnto our Lord.
A The nyne and twentith Day.
AT Rome, in the way called Nomentana, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Papias and Maurus souldiers, who vnder Diocletian the Emperour, for the confession of Christ, by commaundement of Laodicius Gouernour of the Citty, being cast into pryson, and their mouthes brused with stones, were after beaten with clubbes, and lastly scourged with leaden whippes, vntill they gaue vp the Ghost. At Perugia of S. Constantius Bishop and Martyr, who vnder Marcus Aurelius Emperour, for defence of the fayth, togeather with his fellowes, receaued the Crowne of Martyrdome. At Edessa in Syria of the holy Martyrs Sarbelius and Barbea his sister, who baptized by blessed Barsimaeus Bishop, were vnder Lisias Gouernour, in the persecution of Traian. crowned with Martyrdome. In the territory [Page 32] of Tricassinum. Trois of S. Sabinianus Martyr, who by commaundment of Aurelian the Emperour was beheaded for the fayth of Christ. At Millan of S. Aquilinus Priest, who thrust thorough the throate, with a sword, by the Arrians, was crowned with Martyrdome. At Treuers the deposition of Blessed Valerius Bishop, disciple to S. Peter. At Bituricae. Bourges of S. Sulpitius Seuerus Bishop, scholler to S. Martin, greatly renowned for his vertue and learning.
B The thirtith Day.
AT Antioch the Passion of S. Hippolytus Priest, who for a time deceaued with the schisme of Nouatus, but afterward by the grace of Christ, returning to the vnity of the Church, and being demaunded which was the truer sect, he detesting the heresy of Nouatus, and affirming that fayth which the Chayre of Peter did hould, ought to be imbraced, suffered for defence therof a glorious Martyrdome. In Affrica the passion of the holy Martyrs Felicianus, Philappianus, and an hūdred & twenty foure others. At Edessa in Syria of S. Barsimaeus Bishop, who after he had conuerted many Gentiles to the true fayth of Christ, and sent them before to be [Page 33] crowned with martyrdome, followed himselfe in triumphant manner, vnder Traian. There also of S. Barsem Bishop, famous for the grace of curing diseases, who banished into the furthest parts of that Countrey, for the Catholique fayth, by Valens the Arrian Emperour, there ended his dayes. Moreouer of S. Alexander, venerable for grauity & years, who for the constant profession of his fayth vnder Decius, in midst of his tortures gaue vp the Ghost. At Hierusalem the birth-day of S. Matthias Bishop, of whome many wonderfull thinges are recounted. This man, vnder Adrian the Emperour, hauing endured much for Christ, at length ended his dayes in peace. At Rome of S. Felix Pope, the third of that name, who much laboured for the Catholique fayth. At Pauia of S. Armentarius Bishop and Confessour. In the monastery of Malbodium. Maubeuge in Haynault of S. Aldegunde Virgin, who florished in the time of King Dagobert. At Millan of S. Sauina a woman of admirable deuotion, who as she prayed at the tombe of the holy Martyrs Nabor and Felix, departed to our Lord.
C The one and thirtith Day.
AT Rome, in the way Portuensis, of the holy Martyrs Cyrus & Iohn, who after [Page 34] many torments endured for the Confession of Christ, were beheaded. At Alexandria the birth-day of S. Metranus Martyr, who vnder Decius the Emperour, for refusing to vtter certaine blasphemous wordes, had by the Pagans his body all bruised with cudggels, and his face and eyes pierced with sharp reedes; and after many like torments, being thrust out of the Citty, was finally stoned to death. There also, of the holy Martyrs Saturninus, Thirsus, and Victor. In the same Citty of the holy Martyrs Tharsicius, Zoticus, Cyriacus, and their fellowes. At Novv called Callipolis. Cizicum in Hellespont of S. Triphenes Martyr, who hauing ouercome diuers torments, was at last killed by a bull, and so deserued the palme of Martyrdome. At Modena of S. Geminianus Bishop, renowned for miracles. At Millan of S. Iulius Priest and Confessour, in the dayes of Theodosius the Emperour. At Rome of S. Marcella widdow, whose worthy prayses S. Hierome hath left written. The same day, the Translation of S. Marke the Euangelist, whose body, at the taking of Alexandria in Aegypt by the Barbarians, was brought thence to Venice, & there most honourably placed in the chiefe Church, dedicated in his Honour.
D The first Day.
THE birth-day of S. Ignatius Bishop and Martyr, who was the third after S. Peter the Apostle that gouerned the Church of Antioch; and in the persecution of Traian the Emperour, condemned to the beasts, was sent bound to Rome, where in the presence of Traian himselfe, and the whole Senate, being first most cruelly tormented, and then cast vnto the Lyons, was torne to peeces in their teeth, and so became a sacrifice vnto Christ. At Smyrna of S. Pio [...]ius Priest & Martyr, who after many Apologies [Page 36] written for the Christian fayth, being thrust into a stinking prison, where by exhortations he encouraged many to suffer Martyrdome, most cruelly tormented, and pierced through with nayles, being layd also vpon a hoate burning fire, made a blessed end; with whome fifteene others were put to death. At Rauēna of S. Seuerus Bishop, who for his great merits, was elected by the signe of a Doue. At Trecae, Trois of S. Paul Bishop, who was very famous for holynes of life, and miracles. The same day, of S. Ephrem Deacon of the Church of Edessa, who after many labours endured for the fayth of Christ, renowned for sanctity & learning, vnder Valens Emperour, went to rest in our Lord. In Scotland of S. Brigide Virgin, who touching the wood of an Altar, in testimony of her Virginity, the same forth with became greene, and budded a fresh.
E The second Day.
THE Purification of the blessed Virgin Mary, called by the Greekes Hypapante, or, the Meeting of our Lord. At Rome in the way called Salaria the passion of S. Apronianus Notary, who being yet a Gētill, whilst he brought S. Sisinius out of pryson, & presented [Page 37] him before Laodicius the Gouernour, hearing this voyce from heauen, Come yee blessed of my Father, possesse the Kingdome which is prepared for you from the beginning of the world, was forth with baptized, & after receaued sentence of death for the confession of his fayth. Moreouer at Rome, of the holy Martyrs Fortunatus, Felicianus, Firmus, & Candidus. At Caesarea in Palestine of S. Cornelius Centurion, whome S. Peter the Apostle baptized, and ordayned Bishop of that Citty. At Orleans of S. Flosculus Bishop. At Canterbury in England the birth-day of S. Laurence Bishop, who next after S. Augustine gouerned that Church, and conuerted K. Edbald of Kent, the King to the fayth of Christ.
F The third Day.
AT Sebaste in Armenia the passion of S. Blase Bishop and Martyr, who after he had wrought many miracles, vnder Agricolaus President being cruelly whipped, and hanged vp by the hands, and his flesh all torne with iron Combes; cast also into a loathsome prison, & plunged into a lake, out of which he came sound and hole, by commaundment of the same Iudge, togeather with two boyes, was finally beheaded. [Page 38] Before him also, seauen Christian women being apprehended for gathering vp the droppes of bloud, which ran downe from his body whilst he was tortured, after cruell torments were beheaded. In Affrica of S. Celerinus Deacon, who kept in pryson ninteene dayes, loaden with fetters, irons, & otherwise tormented, made a glorious Confession of Christ; and with an inuincible courage ouercomming his Enemy, shewed vnto others, the way of conquering. Also of the holy Martyrs Laurentinus & Ignatius his Vncle, and Celerina his Grandmother, who were all crowned with Martyrdome before him: of whose renowned prayses, there is extant an Epistle written by S. Cyprian. There also of the holy Martyrs Felix, Symphronius, Hippolytus, and his fellowes. In the Towne of Vapinge, of the Saynts Tigides, and Remedius Bishops. At Lyons of the Saints Lupicinus and Felix, also Bishops. The same day of S. Anscharius Bishop of Brema, who conuerted the Danes & Sueuians to the fayth of Christ.
G The fourth Day.
AT Rome of S. Eutychius Martyr, who hauing endured a glorious Martyrdome, [Page 39] was buryed in the Church-yard of Callistus, whose Sepulcher S. Damasus Pope adorned with verses. At Forum Sempromj. Fossan-bruno of the holy Martyrs Aquilinus, Geminus, Gelasius, Magnus, and Donatus. At Themue in Aegypt the Passiō of blessed Philaeus Bishop of the same Citty, & of Philoromus a Coronel, who vnder Diocletian, when by no persuasion of kinred & friends, they could be withdrawne from offering their neckes to the sword, deserued triūphant Palmes: with whome an innumerable nūber of Christians in that Citty, following the example of their Pastour, were crowned with martyrdome. The same day of S. Rembertus Bishop of Brema. At Tre [...] ▪ Trois of S. Auentinus Confessour. At Pelusium in Aegypt of S. Isidorus Monke, [...]enowned for his merits and learning. The same day of S. Gilbert Confessour.
A The fifth Day.
AT Catana in Sicily the birth-day of S. Agatha Virgin and Martyr, who, in the dayes of Decius the Emperour, vnder Quinctianus Iudge, after imprisonement, buffers, racking, cutting off her breastes, & rowling vp & downe vpon potsheards & hoate coales, at last in pryson, whilst he [Page 40] she was praying, accomplished her Martyrdome. In Pontus the Commemortion of many holy Martyrs, of which some in the persecution of Maximianus, scalded with burning hoat Lead, others prickt vnder the nayles with sharpe reedes, and vexed with many cruell torments often iterated, deserued triumphant Crownes, by their glorious passion. At Alexandria of S. Isidorus Martyr who in the persecution of Decius was beheaded by Numerianus Generall of the Army, for the fayth of Christ. At Vienna of Blessed Auitus Bishop and Confessor, by whose fayth, industry, and admirable learning, France was defended from the infection of the Arian Heresy. At Brixino. Brixen of the holy Bishops Genuinus, & Albinus, whose lyues were renowned for miracles.
B The sixth Day.
AT Caesarea in Cappadocia the birth-day of S. Dorothy Virgin and Martyr, who vnder Sapricius President of that Prouince, first racked vpon the [...]orture Equuleus, and afterward long beaten with the twigs of Palmes, was at last beheaded; by whose Martyrdome Theophilus a Student, was cō uerted to the Fayth of Christ, who forthwith [Page 41] most cruelly tortured, ended his lyfe by the sword. The same day of the holy Martyrs Saturninus, Theophilus, & Reuocata. At Novv called Hamza. Emissa in Phaenicia of S. Siluanus Bishop who after he had gouerned the Bishoprick of that Citty for fourty yeares, was with two others cast vnto the beasts, vnder Maximinus Emperour, and so torne in peeces receaued the palme of Martyrdome. At Auuergne in France, of S. Antholianus Martyr. The same day of the holy Bishops Vedastus & Amandus, whose lyues and deathes were glorious for miracles; of whome the former was Bishop of A [...] batum. Arras, and the later of Traiectum. Mastricke. At Bolonia of S. Guarinus Bishop & Cardinall of Praeneste. Palestrina, renowned for sanctity of life.
C The seauenth Day.
AT Rauenna of S. Romualdus Abbot, Foū der of the Monkes of the Order of Camaldula, whose chiefe Festiuity is celebrated vpon the nineteenth of Iune. At Lōdon Augusta in Britany the birth-day of S. Augulus Bishop, who crowned with Martyrdome, deserued to receaue an eternall Reward. In Phrygia of S. Adaucus Martyr, an Italian of noble Extraction, who aduaunced to all [Page 42] degrees of Honour by the Emperours; whilst he was yet Treasurer, was crowned with Martyrdome, for the defence of his fayth. Also of many holy Martyrs, Inhabitants of one Citty, and disciples of the same Adaucus, who being all Christians, and constantly professing their fayth, were by Maximinus the Emperour consumed with fire. At Heraclea of S. Theodorus a Captaine, who vnder Licinius the Emperour, after many tormēts being beheaded, went victoriously to heauen. In Aegypt of S. Moyses a Venerable Bishop, who hauing first lead a solitary life in the desert, and afterward at the intercession of Mauuia. Queene of the Saracens, created Bishop, conuerted the greatest part of that wilde, and barbarous people to the fayth of Christ, where glorious for merits, he rested in peace. At Luca in Toscana. Tuscia the depositiō of S. Richard King of the English. At Bolonia of S. Iulian Widdow.
D The eyght Day.
AT Rome of the holy Martyrs Paulus, Lucius, and Cyriacus. In the lower Armenia, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Dionysius, Aemilianus, and Sebastian. At Alexandria the passion of S. Cointha Martyr in the [Page 43] tyme of Decius the Emperour, who apprehended by the Paynims, and led vnto the Idols, for that she refused to adore them, was fettered, & dragged through the streetes of the Citty, in most horrible manner, vntill she was torne in peeces. At Constantinople, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs, Monkes of the monastery of Dius, who bringing the Letters of S. Felix Pope, against Acacius, for defence of the Catholique fayth, were most barbarously killed. In Persia the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who vnder Gabades King of the Persians, were for the Christian fayth diuersly put to death. At Papia. Pauia of S. Iuuentius Bishop, who greatly laboured in preaching the Gospell of Christ. At Millane the deposition of S. Honoratus Bishop and Confessour. At Virodunum. Verdune in France, of S. Paul Bishop, renowned for miracles.
E The nynth Day.
AT Alexandria the birth-day of S. Apollonia Virgin, who in the time of Decius the Emperour, for that she refused to vtter impious words, hauing first all her teeth strooken out by the persecutors, and after threatned to be cast aliue into a great fyre, [Page 44] there prepared; she deliberating a while with herself, and sodenly breaking from them, inkindled with a greater flame of the holy Ghost, did voluntarily leape into the fyre, to the great astonishment of the Authors of that cruelty, wondring to see a womā more ready to accept of death, then they to execute the same. At Rome the passion of the holy Martyrs Alexander, & eight & thirty others, crowned at the same tyme. At Soli in Cypus of the holy Martyrs Ammonius and Alexander. At Antioch of S. Nicephorus Martyr, who vnder Valerian Emperour, with losse of his head gayned a Crowne of Martyrdome. In Affrica, in a Village called Lemlens of the holy Martyrs Primus, and Donatus Deacons, who defending an Altar in the Church, were killed by the Donatists. In the Monastery of Fontanelle, of S. Ansbert Bishop of Rotomagum. Roan. At Canusium. Canosa in Apulia of S. Sabinus Bishop and Confessour.
F The tenth Day.
AT Rome of the holy Martyrs Zoticus, Irenaeus, Hyacinthus, and Amantius. There also in the way Lauicana, of ten holy Souldiers Martyrs. More ouer in the way called Appia of S. Soteres Virgin and Martyr, who [Page 45] descended of noble Extraction, as S. Ambrose wryteth, and contemning, for the loue of Christ, the honourable Tytles & Honours of her parents, was for refusing to do sacrifice to the Idols, long and cruelly buffe [...]ed; and when she had ouercome many other tormēts, stroken with the sword, she went ioyfully to her Spouse. In Campania of S. Syluianus Bishop, and Confessour. At Stabubulum Rhodis. Male-uallis in the Territory Senones. of Sens, of S. William Hermite. At Monte-Cassino of S. Scholastica Virgin, syster to S. Benet Abbot, who saw her soule fly vp to heauē, in lykenes of a Doue. In the territory of Roan of S. Austreberta Virgin, renowned for miracles.
G The eleauenth Day.
IN Affrica the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Saturninus Priest, Datiuus, Felix, Ampelius, and their fellowes, who being assembled to pray, according to the manner of Christians, were in the persecution of Diocletian, apprehended by the souldiers, and suffered vnder the Proconsull Anolinus. In Numidia the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who in the same persecutiō, when refusing to deliuer vp holy bookes, according to the Edict of the Emperour. [Page 46] punished with diuers most cruell torments, were finally slayne. At Hadrianople of the holy Martyrs Lucius Bishop, and his fellowes, who greatly vexed by the Arians, vnder Constantius, Lucius ended his Martyrdome in prison; but the rest, being the chiefe persons of that Citty, when they refused to admit of the Arians, condemned in the Councell of Sardica, receaued sentence of death by Count Philagrius. At Lyons of S. Desiderius Bishop of Vienna, and Martyr. At Rauenna of S. Calocerus Bishop and Confessour. At Millane of S. Lazarus Bishop. At Capua of S. Castrensis Bishop. In the Village Nantonium. Landon, of S. Seuerinus Abbot of the Monastery of Novv called S▪ Maurice. Agaunū, by whose prayers the deuout King Clodoueus of France was deliuered from a long sicknes. In Aegypt of S. Ionas Monke, renowned for miracles.
A The twelfth Day.
AT Barcelona in Spayne of S. Eulalia Virgin, who in the tyme of Diocletian the Emperour, being racked vpon the torture Equuleus, tormented with iron hookes and fyre, at last crucifyed, receaued a glorious crowne of Martyrdome. In Affrica of S. Damianus a Souldier, and Martyr. At Carthage [Page 47] of the holy Martyrs Modestus and Iulianus. At Beneuentum▪ of S. Modestus Deacon, and Martyr. At Alexandria of two holy Infants Modestus and Ammonius. At Antioch of S. Meletius Bishop, who being often banished for the Catholique fayth, went finally to rest at Constantinople; whose renowned Vertues S. Iohn Chrysostome, and Gregory Nissene haue worthily set forth. At Constantinople of S. Antony Bishop, in the tyme of Leo the sixt, Emperour. At Verona of S. Gaudentius Bishop and Confessour.
B The thirtenth Day.
AT Antioch the birth-day of S. Agabus Prophet, of whome S. Luke maketh mention in the Actes of the Apostles, At Rauenna of the holy Saints Fusca Virgin & Maura her nurse, who in the dayes of Decius the Emper [...]ur, after many sufferings for Christ, by commaundment of Quinctianus President, accomplished their Martyrdome by the sword. At Meletine in Armenia of S. Polieuctus Martyr, who in the persecution of the same Decius enduring many torments, gayned a Crowne of Martyrdome. At Lyons of S. Iulian Martyr. At Tudertum. Todi of S. Benignus Martyr. At Rome of S. Gregory Pope, [Page 48] the second of that Name, who with great courage opposed himselfe against the impiety of Leo Isauricus; and sent S. Boniface to preach the Gospell in Germany. At Andegauum. Angiers the deposition of S. Lucinius Bishop, renowned for his holynes. At Lyons of S. Stephen Bishop, & Confessour. At Reate. Riete of S. Stephen Abbot, a man of wonderfull Patience, at whose death the holy Angels were present, and seene by all the company, as S. Gregory Pope relateth.
C The fourteenth Day.
AT Rome, in the way Flaminia, the birth-day of Blessed Valentinus Priest and Martyr, who after he had restored many sicke persons to their health, and instructed the Ignorant in the fayth of Christ, beaten with clubbes, was beheaded vnder Claudius the Emperour. Also at Rome of the holy Martyrs Vitalis, Felicula and Zeno. At Interamta. Teramo of S. Valentine Bishop and Martyr, who cruelly whipped, and then committed to pryson would not relent, was about midnight drawen thence, by commaundement of Placidus Gouernour of that Citty, and beheaded. There also of the holy Martyrs Proculus, Ephebus, and Apollonius, who [Page 49] praying by night at the body of S. Valentine, by commaundment of Leontius a Senator were apprehended, & put to the sword. At Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Bassus, Antonius, and Protolicus, who were drowned in the sea. Also of the holy Martyrs Cyrion Priest, Bassianus Lector, Agatho Exorcist, and Moyses, who all consumed with fyre, departed to heauen. There also of the Saints Dionysius, and Ammonius, who were beheaded. At Rauenna of S. Eleuchadius Bishop & Confessor. In Bithynia of S. Auxentius Abbot. At Su [...] rentum▪ Sorrento of S. Antoninus Abbot, who when the monastery of Monte-Cassino was destroyed by the Lombardes, retired himself into the wildernesse neere adioyning, and there renowned for holynes of life went to rest in our Lord: whose body is dayly glorifyed by miracles, especially in deliuering of possessed persons.
D The fifteenth Day.
AT Brixia. Brescia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Faustinus and Iouita, who vnder Adrianus Emperour, after many famous combats suffered for the fayth of Christ, obtayned a victorious Crowne of Martyrdome. At Rome of S. Crato Martyr, who [Page 50] with his wyfe, and whole family being baptized by S. Valentine Bishop, shortly after, togeather with them, ended his lyfe by Martyrdome. At Inter [...]mna. Teramo of S. Agapes Virgin and Martyr. Also the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Saturninus, Castulus, Magnus & Lucius. At Vasione. Vaison in France of S. Quinidius Bishop, whose death was pretious in the sight of God by many renowned miracles. At Capua of S. Decorosus Bishop and Confessour. In the Prouince of Valeria, of S. Seuerus Priest who by his teares reuiued a dead man, as S. Gregory wryteth. At Antioch of S. Ioseph Deacon. At Auuergne of S. Georgia Virgin.
E The sixteenth Day.
THE birth-day of Blessed Onesimus, of whome S. Paul wryteth to Philemon, whome also he ordayned Bishop of Ephesus, after S. Timothy, and committed vnto him the preaching of the word of God. This man being brought prisoner to Rome, and stoned to death for the fayth of Christ, was first buried there, & afterward translated to the place, where he had beene Bishop. At Cumae. Cuma in Campania the translation of S. Iuliana Virgin, and Martyr, who [Page 51] suffered at Nicomedia vnder Maximianus Emperour; being first most cruelly beaten by her owne Father Africanus, and after many wayes tormented by Euilasius the Gouernour (whose mariage she had contemned) was cast into pryson, where she openly encoūtred with the Diuell; & at last hauing ouercomme both fyre, and water, accomplished her Martyrdome, by being beheaded. In Aegypt of S. Iulian Martyr, with fiue thousand more. At Caesarea in Palestine of the holy Martyrs Elias, Hieremias, Esaias, Samuel, and Daniel Aegyptians, who hauing of their owne accord serued the Confessours of Christ, that were condemned to digge in the mettall mines of Cilicia, and returning thence, being apprehended, and cruelly tormented by Firmilianus President, were vnder Maximinus Emperour, lastly beheaded. With whome also S. Porphyrius seruant of Pamphilus the Martyr, and S. Seleucus a Cappadocian, hauing often suffered many combats, and tormentes for Christ; the one by fyre, the other by the sword receaued the Crowne of Martyrdome. At Bri [...] ▪ Brescia of S. Faustinus Bishop & Confessour.
F The seauenteenth Day.
AT Rome the Passion of S. Faustinus, whome foure and fourty others followed to the Crowne of Martyrdome. In Persia the birth day of S. Polychronius Bishop of Babylon, who in the persecution of Decius hauing his mouth all bruised with stones, stretching out his hands, and lifting vp his eyes to heauen, gaue vp his soule to God. At Concordia of the holy Martyrs Denatus, Secundianus, & Romulus, togeather with fourscore and six others all partakers of the same Crowne. At Caesarea in Palestine of S. Theodulus an ancient man, of the family of Firmilianus the President, who moued with the torments of Martyrs, was for the constant profession of Christ fastened to a Crosse, & by so noble a Triumph, deserued a glorious Crowne of Martyrdome. There also of S. Iulian a Cappadocian, who for kissing the bodies of the Martyrs, was accused for a Christian, and being brought before the Iudge was commaunded to be burnt with a slow fyre. In the territory of Taruanum. Teruane of S. Siluinus Bishop of Tolosa. In Scotland of S. Fintanus Priest and Confessour.
G The eighteenth Day.
AT Hierusalem the birth-day of S. Simeō Bishop, & Martyr, who by tradition is said to haue been the sonne of Cleophas, and kinsman to our Sauiour according to flesh. He was created Bishop of Hierusalem next after S. Iames the brother of our Lord, and in the persecution of Traian hauing endured many torments, finished his Martyrdome; all that were present, and the Iudge himself, admiring how a man of six score yeares of age, could with such fortitude & constācy endure the torment of the Crosse. At Ostia of the holy Martyrs Maximus and Claudius brothers, and Praepedigna wyfe to Claudius, with her two sonnes Alexander & Cutias, who descended of noble Extraction, were by commaundment of Diocletian first apprehended, and sent into bannishment; but afterward being consumed with fyre, they offered vp to our Lord a most sweet sacrifice of Martyrdome. Their holy Reliques being cast into a riuer, were found afterward by the Christians, and buryed neere to the same Citty. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Lucius, Syluanus, Rutulus, Classicus, Secundinus, Fructulus, and Maximus. At [Page 54] Constantinople of S. Flauianus Bishop, who for constantly defending the Catholique fayth at Ephesus, was by the faction of wicked Dioscorus, after sore beating and buffeting, cast into banishment, where within three dayes he ended his life. At Toledo of S. Helladius Bishop and Confessour.
A The nineteenth Day.
AT Rome the birth-day of S. Gabinus Priest and Martyr (brother to blessed Caius Pope) who cast into pryson by Diocletian, and there for a long time pined and afflicted, purchased the ioyes of heauen by a pretious death. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Publius, Iulianus, Marcellus, and others, In Palestine the Commemoration of many holy Monkes, and others, Martyrs, who for the fayth of Christ were barbarously slayne by the Saracens, vnder their Captaine Alemundarus. At Hierusalem of S. Zambdas Bishop. At Soli of S. Auxibius Bishop. At Beneuentum of S. Barbatus Bishop, who renowned for holynes of life, conuerted the Lombards, and their Captaine to the fayth of Christ. At Millan of S. Mansuetus Bishop & Confessour.
B The twentith Day.
AT Tyrus in Phoenicia, the Commemoration of the Blessed Martyrs, whose number only God knoweth, who vnder Diocletian the Emperour, were by Veturius Generall of the Army, killed one after another by diuers kinds of torments: first they had their bodyes all torne with whippes, then cast vnto diuers kinds of beasts to be deuoured, but preserued by diuine power from all hurt, and lastly by the fury of [...]yre and sword, they all accomplished their Martyrdome. All which glorious company were encouraged to this combat, by Tyranio, Siluanus, Peleus, and Nilus Bishops, and Zenobius Priest; who together with thē most happily obtayned a tryumphant Palme of Martyrdome. In the Iland of Cyprus of the holy Martyrs Pothamius and Nemesius. At Constantinople of S. Eleutherius Bishop, and Martyr. In Persia the birth-day of S. Sadoth Bishop, and of an hundred & twenty eight others, who vnder Sapores King of the Persians, for refusing to adore the Sūne, by cruell deaths obtayned renowned Crownes. At Catana in Sicily of S. Le [...] Bishop, who shined with vertues, and [...]racles. The same [Page 56] day of S. Eucherius Bishop of Orleans, who the more he was slaundered by enuious tongues, the more famous he became by miracles. At Tournay in France of S. Eleutherius Bishop and Confessour.
C The one and twentith Day.
IN Sicily the birth-day of seauenty and nyne holy Martyrs, who vnder Diocletian the Emperour by diuers kinds of torments, deserued Crownes for the confession of their fayth. At Adrumetum. Mahome [...]ta in Affrica of the holy Martyrs Verulus, Secundinus, Syricius, Felix, Seruulus, Saturninus, Fortunatus, and sixteene others, who in the persecution of the Wandalls, were crowned with Martyrdome, for confession of the Catholike faith. At Novv called Bethsan. Scythopolis in Palestine of S. Seuerianus Bishop and Martyr. At Damascus of S. Peter surnamed Mauimenus, who for saying to certayne Arabians, that came to visit him being sicke (Whosoeuer doth not imbrace the Christian Catholique fayth, is damned, as is your false Prophet Mahomet) was by them killed. At Rauenna of S. Maximianus Bishop and Confessour. At Metae. Me [...] of S. Felix Bisho [...] At Brixia. Brescia of S. Paterius Bishop.
D The two and twentith Day.
AT Antioch the Chayre of Saint Peter the Apostle, where the Disciples of Christ were first of all called Christians. At Novv called Halep [...]. Hierapolis in Phrygia of Blessed Papias Bishop of that Citty, Disciple of S. Iohn the Apostle, & Condisciple of S. Polycarpe. At Novv Famagost [...]. Salamina in Cyprus of S. Aristio, who, at the forsayd Papias witnesseth, was one of the seauenty and two Disciples of Christ. In Arabia the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who were most Tyrannically killed vnder Maximinus the Emperour. At Alexandria of S. Abilius Bishop, who succeeded S. Marke the Euangelist in the same sea, greatly renowned for his vertues. At Vienna of S. Paschasius Bishop, a man of great Learning and Holynes.
E The three and twentith Day.
THE Vigill of S. Matthias Apostle. At Sirmium of S. Sirenus Monke & martyr who being apprehended by commaundement of Maximian the Emperour, and confessing himself to be a Christian, was beheaded. There also the birth-day of feauē ty [Page 58] two holy Martyrs, who by suffering in the same Citty, obteyned an euerlasting Kingdome. At Rome of S. Polycarpus Priest, who togeather with S. Sebastian conuerted many to the fayth of Christ, and by his exhortation brought them to the glory of Martyrdome. In the Citty of Austurica. Astorga of S. Martha Virgin and Martyr, who suffered vnder Decius the Emperour, and Paternus Proconsull. At Constantinople of S. Lazarus Monke, who for paynting holy Images, was put to cruell torments, by commaundment of Theophilus the Emperour, surnamed Image-breaket. Iconoclasta. This man hauing his hand burnt with an hoate iron, but after miraculously cured, did paynt a new such Images, as were defaced, and at last dyed a naturall death. At Brescia of S. Felix Bishop. At Hispalis. Seuill in Spayne of S. Florentius Confessour. At Tudertum. Todi of S. Romana Virgin, who baptized by S. Syluester Pope, lead a holy lyfe, in caues, and dennes, renowned for the glory of miracles. In England of S. Milburge Virgin, daughter to the King of the Mercians.
¶ In the Bissextile (or Leap-yeare,) the foure and twentith Day is to be read twice, to wit, both vpon the 24. & 25. Day. And then vpon the [Page 59] 23. Day, is omitted in the beginning therof this Clause. The Vigill of S. Matthias Apostle. going forward with the rest. At Sirmium &c. And vpon the 24. Day is read only as followeth: The Vigill of S. Matthias Apostle. Also the Commemoration of many Saints, Martyrs and Confessours, and holy Virgins. To whose prayers &c. And vpon the 25. Day, is read as followeth heere vpon the 24. In Iury the birth-day of S. Matthias &c.
F The foure and twentith Day (or 25.
IN Iury the birth-day of S. Matthias Apostle, who after the Ascension of our Lord, being by the Apostles chosen in the place of Iudas the Traitor, for preaching of the Ghospell suffered Martyrdome. At Rome of S. Primitiua Martyr. At Caesarea in Cappadocia of S. Sergius Martyr, whose renowned actes are yet extant. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Montanus, Lucius, Iulianus, Victoricus, Flauianus, and theyr followes, who being Disciples of S. Cyprian, vnder Valerian the Emperour accomplished their Martyrdome. At Rhotomagum. Roan the passion of S. Praetextatus Bishop and Martyr. At Treuers of S. Modestus Bishop and Confessour. In England of S. Ethelbert King of Kent, whome S. Augustine [Page 60] the Apostle of the English conuerted to the fayth of Christ. At Hierusalem, the first finding of the head of S. Iohn Baptist, the Precursour of our Lord.
G The fiue and twentith Day. (or 26.
IN Aegypt the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudianus, Dioscorus, Serapion, and Papias, vnder Numerianus the Emperour. The two first hauing constantly endured exquisite torments, were beheaded for the confession of their fayth. Nicephorus, after he had ouercome the burning Gridiron, and the [...]yre, was by little and little cut in peeces. Claudianus and Dioscorus were burned; and Serapion and Papias beheaded. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Donatus, Iustus, Herena and their fellowes. At Rome the birth-day of S. Felix Pope, the fourth of that Name, great Grand-father to S. Gregory the Great, who wryteth of him, that he appearing to S. Tharsilla his Neere, called her to the Kingdome of heauen. At Constantinople of S. Tha [...]asius Bishop, a man of great learning and holynes, to whome is extant an Epistle written by Pope Adrian the first, for the defence of holy Images. At Nazianzum of S. [Page 61] Caesarius brother to S. Gregory surnamed the Deuine, who recordeth to haue seene him glorious amongst the troopes of Saintes.
A The six and twentith Day. (or 27.
AT Pergen in Pamphylia the birth-day of S. Nestor Bishop, who in the persecution of Decius, praying night and day for preseruation of the flocke of Christ, being apprehended, and promptly confessing the Name of our Lord, was by commaundmet of Pollio President, most cruelly racked on the torture Equuleus; and still constantly affirming that he wold neuer forsake Christ, crucified on a Crosse, went victoriously to heauen. There also the passion of the Saints Papias, Diodorus, Conon, and Claudianus, who were all martyred before S. Nestor. Moreouer of the holy Martyrs, Fortunatus, Felix, & seauen and twenty others. At Alexandria of S. Alexander Bishop, a renowned old man, who after S. Peter Bishop of that Citty, did cast out of his Church Arius the Priest, infected, and conuinced of heresy, and afterward, togeather with three hundred and eighteene Fathers, condemned him in the Nicene Councell. At Bolonia of S. Faustinianus Bishop, who by his preaching did greatly [Page 62] strengthen and increase that Church which had beene fore afflicted, and weakned by the persecution of Diocletian. At Gaza in Palestine of S. Porphyrius Bishop, who in the dayes of Arcadius the Emperour, ouerthrew the Temple, and Idoll Marnas; & after the suffering of many agonies, went to rest in our Lord. At Florence of S. Andrew Bishop and Confessour. In the territory of Arch [...] of S. Victor Confessour, whose prayses are written by S. Bernard.
B The seauen and twentith Day. (or 28.
AT Rome the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Alexander, Abundius, Antigonus, and Fortunatus. At Alexandria the passion of S. Iulian Martyr, who being so tormented with the Goute, that he could neyther go, nor stand, was with two of his seruants, that carryed him in a Chayre, presented before the Iudge, wherof the one denyed his fayth, the other called Eunus, togeather with his mayster, perseuering in the confession of Christ, were both set vpon Camels, and commaunded to be whipped round about the Citty, and finally in presence of all the people were burned. There also of S. Besas a souldier, who for rebuking those that insolently [Page 63] abused the foresayd Martyrs, was brought before the Iudge, and there constantly professing his fayth, was presently beheaded. At Hispalis. Seuill in Spayne the birth-day of S. Leander Bishop of that Citty, who by his preaching and industry, and by help of their owne King R [...]ardus, conuerted the West-Gothes from the Arian Heresy, to the Catholique fayth. At Constantinople of the Holy Confessours Basill, and Procopius, who in the tyme of Leo the Emperour, did valiantly behaue themselues, for vphoulding the worship of holy Images. At Lyons of S. Baldomerus, a man of God, whose Sepulcher is renowned for often miracles.
C The eight and twentith Day. (or 29.
AT Rome the birth-day of S. Macarius, Rufinus, Iustus, and Theophilus Martyrs. At Alexandria the passion of the Saints Caerealis, Pupulus, Caius and Serapion. There also the Commemoration of many holy Priests, Deacons, and others, who in the dayes of Valerian the Emperour, in the tyme of a great Plague, willingly gaue their liues, by seruing such as were infected; whome the faythfull deuout people were [Page 64] accustomed to honour as Martyrs. In the territory of Lyons, in the Locis I [...]s. Mountaynes of S. Claude, the deposition of S. Romanus Abbot, who there first lead a solitary life, and famous for Sanctity and Miracles, became afrerward the Father of many Monkes. At Pauia the translation of the body of S. Augustine Bishop, out of the Iland of Sardinia, by the help of Luitprandus King of the Lombards.
D The first Day.
AT Rome of two hundred & threescore holy Martyrs, who for confessing the Name of Christ, were by cōmandmēt of Claudius the Emperour, condemned first to digge sand without the gate called Salaria, and afterwards to be shot with arrowes by the souldiers in the Amphitheater. There also the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Leo, Donatus, Abundantius, Nicephorus, and nine others. At Ma [...] lia. Marseille of the holy Martyrs Hermes & Adrian. At Heliopolis of S. Eudocia Martyr, who instructed in the Christian Fayth, & [Page 66] baptized by Theodoius Bishop, was in the persecution of Traian, by commaundment of Vincentius President, crowned with Martyrdome by the sword. The same day of S. Antonina Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian for deriding the Gods of the Paynims, after diuers torments, being shut vp in a vessell, was drowned in a Lake by the Citty of Cea. At Werdt of S. Suibert Bishop, who in the tyme of Pope Sergius preached the gospell in Frizeland, Holland, and in other parts of Germany. At Andegauum. Angiers of S. Albinus Bishop, and Confessour, a man [...]enowned for Vertue and Holynes. At Cenomani. Mans of S. Siuiardus Abbot. At Perugia the translation of S. Herculanus Bishop, and Martyr.
E The second Day.
AT Rome in the way called Latina, of the holy Martyrs Iouinus and Basileus, who suffered vnder Valerianus and Gallienus Emperours. Also at Rome of many holy Martyrs, who vnder Alexander Emperour, and Vlpianus Iudge hauing bene long & often tormented, at last receaued sentence of death. At Portus Roma [...]. Porto of the holy Martyrs Pau [...], Heraclius, Secundilla, and Ianuaria. At Caesarea [Page 67] in Cappadocia of the holy Martyrs Lucius Bishop▪ Absolon, and Lorgius. In Campania the Commemoration of fourescore holy Martyrs, who for that they would neyther eate flesh that had beene offered vp to Idolls, nor adore the head of a Goate, were by the Lōbards most cruelly killed. At Rome of S. Simplicius Pope and Confessour. In England of S. Ceadda Bishop of the Mercians and Lindi [...] Northumbers, whose renowned vertues are recorded by S. Bede.
F The third Day.
AT Caesarea in Palestine, of the holy Martyrs Marinus a Souldier, & Asterius a Senator, the former of whome in the Persecution of Valerian being accused for a Christian, and examined by the Iudge, with a loude voyce confessing the same, with losse of his head purchased a Crowne of Martyrdome. Whose body when Asterius, wrapping it in his owne garment, tooke vpon his shoulders to carry away, was for that fact presently put to death, and so receaued himselfe the same honour, which he had shewed to the Martyr. In Spayne the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Hemiterius & Cheledonius, who being Souldiers in the [Page 68] Campe at Legio. Leon in Galicia, a storme of persecution there arysing, after many torments endured for the confession of Christ, were brought to Calagurris. Calahorra, & there crowned with Martyrdome. The same day the passion of the Saints Felix, Luciolus, Fortunatus, Marcias, & their fellowes. Moreouer of the holy souldiers, Cleonicus, Eutropius, & Basiliscus, who in the persecutiō of Maximianus vnder Asclepiades President, happily triū phed by the death of the Crosse. At Brixia. Brescia of S. Titianus Bishop & Confessour. At Bamberge of S. Chunegundes Empresse, wife to the Henry the first, Emperour who by his consent preseruing her Virginity, & enriched with the merits of good workes▪ ended her blessed dayes, & after her death was renowned for miracles.
G The fourth Day.
AT Rome in the way called Appia, the birth-day of S. Lucius Pope and Martyr, who being sent into banishment for the fayth of Christ in the persecution of Valerianus, and afterward by Gods permission suffered to returne againe to his Church, when he had greatly laboured against the Nouatian Hereticks, by losse of his head, accomplished [Page 69] his Martyrdome; whome S. Cyprian hath highly commended. At Rome also in the same place, of Nyne hundred holy Martyrs, who lye buryed in the Church-yard at S. Cecilyes. The same day of S. Caius a Courtier, and twenty seauen others drowned in the sea. At Nicomedia of S. Adrian Martyr, togeather with three and twenty others, who vnder Diocletian Emperour hauing their thighes bruised, accomplished theyr Martyrdome; but S. Adri [...] feast is kept vpon the tenth of September, when his body was translated to Rome. Moreouer, the passion of the Saints Archelaus, Cyrillus, and Photius. At Chersonesus the passion of the holy Bishops Basilius, Eugenius, Agathodorus, Elpidius, Aetherius, Capito, Ephraem, Nestor and Arcaedius. At Vilna in Lituania of Blessed Casimirus, sonne to King Casimirus, who was canonized for a Saint by Pope Leo the tenth.
A The fifth Day.
AT Antioch the birth-day of S. Phocas Martyr, who after many iniuryes suffered for the name of Christ, how gloriously he tryumphed ouer the old Serpēt, is euē vntill this day declared to the world [Page 70] by a miracle; which is, that if any one be bitten of a serpent, as soone as with a firme fayth he toucheth the gate of this Martyrs Church, is presently cured. At Caesarea in Palestine of S. Adrian Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian, for the confession of his fayth, by commaundment of Firmilianus President, being first cast vnto a Lyon, and afterwards slayne by the sword, receaued a Crowne of Martyrdome. The same day the passion of the Saints Eusebius a Courtier, with nyne other Martyrs. At Caesarea in Palestine of S. Theophilus Bishop, who vnder Seuerus Emperour, was greatly renowned for wisdome, and holynes of lyfe. Moreouer in Palestine vpon the riuer banke of Iordan, of S. Gerasimus Anchoret, who flourished in the tyme of Zeno the Emperour.
B The sixth Day.
AT Nicomedia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Victor and Victorinus, who togeather with Claudianus and Bassa his wyfe, hauing endured many torments for three whole yeares, at last cast into pryson, there ended their liues. At Terdona. Tortona of S. Marcianus Bishop & Martyr, who vnder Traian the Emperour, suffering for the confession [Page 71] of Christ, obteyned a crowne of Martyrdome. At Constantinople of S. Euagrius, who chosē Bishop by the Catholike party in the dayes of Valens the Emperour, was by him sent into banishment, where he ended his dayes. In Cyprus of S. Conon Martyr, who vnder Decius the Emperour hauing his feete pierced with nayles, & commaūded to rūne before a Chariot, falling vpon his knees in prayer, gaue vp the ghost. Moreouer the passion of fourty and two holy Souldiers Martyrs, who apprehended in Ammorium, & brought into Syri [...], after a glorious combat, as Conquerers receaued the triumphant palme of Martyrdome. At Bolonia of S. Basilius Bishop, who consecrated by S. Syluester Pope, did both by word and example in most godly manner, gouerne the Church committed to his charge.
C The seauenth Day.
IN the monastery called Fossa-Noua neere vnto Terracina of S. Thomas of Aquin Cō fessour and Doctour, of the Order of S. Dominicke, renowned for holynes of life, and profound knowledg in diuinity. At Tuburbum in Mauritania the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Perpetua and Felici [...]as, the last of [Page 72] whome (as S. Augustine recordeth,) being great with child, and her execution, according to the lawes, differred vntill she was deliuered, whilst she was yet in trauell, & in payne therof, was greatly comforted in being cast vnto the wylde beasts to be deuoured. There suffered also with them Reuocatus, Saturninus, and Secundolus, of which the last dyed in pryson, but the rest, vnder Seuerus the Emperour, were also cast vnto the beasts. At Caesarea in Palestine the passion of S. Eubulus, fellow and companion vnto S. Adrian, who two dayes after him, being first torne by the Lyons, and then slayne by the sword, was the last that receaued the Crowne of Martyrdome in that Citty. At Nicomedia of S. Theophilus Bishop, who sent into banishment for the worshipping of holy Images, there ended his life. At Pelusium in Aegypt of S. Paul Bishop, who for the same cause dyed also in bannishment. At Brixia. Brescia of S. Gaudiosus Bishop and Confessour. In Thebais of S. Paul, surnamed the Simple.
D The eyght Day▪
AT Antinoum. Anthios a Citty in Aegypt, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Philemon [Page 73] and Apollonius Deacon, who apprehended, and brought before the Iudge, for constāt refusing to sacrifice vnto Idols, hauing their heeles boared through, & most cruelly dragged through the Citty, at last beheaded, accomplished theyr Martyrdome. There also of the Saintes, Arianus President, Theoticus, & three others, whome the Iudge commaunded to be drowned in the sea, but their bodyes were brought to the shore by Dolphins. At Nicomedia of S. Quinctilis Bishop and Martyr. At Carthage of S. Pontius, Deacon to S. Cyprian, who enduring banishment with him, euen to his dying day, left written a notable worke of his life, and sufferings; and so continually glorifying God in all his labours, deserued at last the Crowne of eternall Lyfe. Moreouer in Affrica of the Saints Cyrillus Bishop, Rogatus, Felix, and another Rogatus; also of Beata, Herenia, Felicitas, Vrbanus, Siluanus and Mamillus. At Toledo in Spayne the deposition of S. Iulian Bishop & Confessour, renowned for holynes, and learning. In England of S. Felix Bishop, who conuerted the East-Angles to the fayth of Christ.
E The nynth Day.
AT Sebaste in Armenia, the birth-day of fourty souldiers of Cappadocia, who in the tyme of Licinins the Emperour, vnder Agricolaus President, after they had endured a most loathsome and stinking prison, & theyr faces all bruised with stones, being stripped naked, were in the coldest season of winter, left all night in the open ayre, where their bodyes, being frozen, fell in peeces; lastly hauing their thighes broken, accomplished their Martyrdome. The noblest amongst them were Cirion and Candidus; of all whose renowned praises S. Basill, and other Fathers haue made honourable mention in their wrytings. At Nyssa the deposition of S. Gregory Bishop, brother to S. Basill the Great, greatly renowned for his life and learning, who for defending the Catholique fayth, vnder Valens the Arian Emperour, was driuen out of the Citty. At Barcelona in Spayne of S. Patianus. Bishop, who famous for life, & grace in preaching dyed full of venerable old dayes, in the tym [...] Theodosius the Emperour. In Morauia of the holy Saints Cyrillus and Methodius Bishops, who cōuerted to the fayth of Christ, [Page 75] many Countreyes, togeather with their Kinges, in those parts. At Rome of S. Francisca Widdow, renowned for her noble Extraction, Holynes of life, and grace of miracles. At Bolonia of S. Catherine Virgin, of the Order of S. Clare, famous for sanctimony of life, whose body is there honoured with great Veneration.
F The tenth Day.
AT Apamea in Phrygia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Caius and Alexander, who in the persecution of Marcus Antoninus, and Lucius Verus, endured a glorious Martyrdome, as writeth Apollinaris Bishop of Hierapolis in his booke against the Cataphryges Heretickes. In Persia the passion of two & fourty holy Martyrs. At Corinth of the holy Martyrs Codratus, Dionysius, Cyprianus, Anectus, Paulus and Crescens, who in the persecution of Decius & Valerian, vnder Iason President were beheaded. In Affrica of S. Victor Martyr, on whose feast S. Augustin made a Sermō to the people. At Hierusalē of S. Macarius Bishop and Confessour, by whose persuasion the Holy Places there, were purged by Constantine and Helena, and adorned with sacred, and goodly Churches. At Paris the [Page 76] deposition of S. Droctoueus Abbot, disciple to S. German Bishop. In the monastery of Luxouium of S. Attalas abbot, renowned for miracles.
G The eleauenth Day.
AT Carthage of the holy Martyrs Heraclius, and Zozimus. At Alexandria the passion of the Saints Candidus, Piperion, and twenty others. At Laodicea in Syria, of the holy Martyrs Trophimus, and Thalus, who in the persecution of Diocletian, after many cruell torments, obtayned a Crowne of glory. At Antioch the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, wherof some by commaundment of Maximinus the Emperour, were broyled vpon hoate gridyrons, and a long tyme tormented before they dyed: others, by most cruell, and seuere punishments, receaued the triumphant palme of Martyrdome. Also, of the Saints Gorgonius and Firmus. At Corduba. Cordoua of S. Eulogiue Priest, who in the persecution of the Saracens, deserued to be made one of the Martyrs of that Citty, whose glorious Combats for the fayth of Christ, he had written with great zeale. At Sardis of S. Euthymius Bishop, who for worshipping of holy Images [Page 77] was by Michael the Imagébreaker. Iconoclast banished, and vnder Theophilus Emperour accomplished his Martyrdome. At Hierusalem of S. Sophronius Bishop. At Millan of S. Benet Bishop. In the territory of Ambianum. Amiens of S. Firminus Abbot. At Carthage of S. Constantine Confessour. At Babucum in Hernici. Campania of S. Peter Confessour, renowned for miracles.
A The twelfth Day.
AT Rome of S. Gregory Pope, and famous Doctour of the Church, who for many renowned Actes, and for conuerting the English to the fayth of Christ, is surnamed the Great, and called the Apostle of the English. Also at Rome of S. Maximilian Martyr. At Nicomedia, the passion of S. Peter Martyr, who being of the Chamber to Diocletian the Emperour, for complayning of the too cruell torments vsed towards the Martyrs, was by the Emperours commaundment, first hanged vp from the ground, and torne with whippes, then salt and vineger powred into his wounds, was at last broyled vpon a gridiron with a soft fyre, and so became the true heyre of S. Peters fayth, and Name. There also of S. Egdunius Priest, and seauen other Martyrs, [Page 78] who one by one, vpon diuers dayes were strangled, for the greater terrour of others. At Constantinople of S. Theophanes, who of a very rich man made a poore Monke, was by the wicked Emperour L [...]o Armenus, for worshipping of holy Images, two yeares imprisoned, and thence banished into Samo-thracia, there renowned for miracles ended his life in misery. At Capua of S. Bernard Bishop and Confessour.
B The thirtenth Day.
AT Nicomedia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Macedonius, and Patricia his wyfe, and Modesta their daughter. At Nice of the holy Martyrs Theusetas and Horres his sonne, Theodora, Nimphadora, Marcus, & Arabia, who all for the confessing of Christ, ended their Martyrdome by fire. At Hermopolis in Aegypt of S. Sabinus Martyr, who after many afflictions, at last drowned in a riuer, finished his Martyrdome. In Persia of S. Christina Virgin and Martyr. At Corduba, Cordoua of the Saints Rudericus Priest, and Salomon Martyrs. At Constantinople of S. Nicephorus Bishop who, as a constant defender of his forefathers Traditions, opposed himselfe, with great courage, for the defence of holy Images, [Page 79] against Leo Armenus the Image-breaker. Iconoclast, by whome being bannished, and enduring a long Martyrdome for foureteene yeares, went vnto our Lord. At Camerino of S. Ansouinus Bishop and Confessour. In Thebais the deposition of S. Euphrasia Virgin.
C The fourteenth Day.
AT Rome the birth-day of seauen and fourty holy Martyrs, who baptized by S. Peter the Apostle, whilst togeather with S. Paul, he was for nyne monethes kept prisoner in the place called Namertine, were all for the confession of the Christian fayth martyred in the persecution of Nero. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Peter and Aphrodisius, who in the persecution of the Wandalls receaued the Crowne, of Martyrdome. At Novv called Os [...]. Carrha in Mesopotamia of S. Eutychius, a Senatour, and his fellowes, who by Euelid King of Arabia, were killed for the confession of their fayth. In the Prouince of Valeria of two holy Monkes, whome the Lombards hanged vp vpon a tree, and there, though dead, were heard to sing, euen of their enemyes. In the same Persecution, also a Deacon of the Church of In [...] ▪ Marsico was beheaded, for confession of his [...]ayth. A [...] [Page 80] Halberstat in Germany the departure of S. Mathildes Queene, mother to Otho the Emperour, first of that name, renowned for Humility, and Patience.
D The fifteenth Day.
AT Caesarea in Cappadocia the passion of S. Longinus a Souldier, who is said to be the same, that pierced our Sauiours syde with a speare. The same day of S. Aristobulus Disciple of the Apostles, who hauing ended the course of his preaching, finished his Martyrdome. At Thessalonica of S. Matrona, who being seruant to a certaine Iewish Woman, and stealing euery day priuately to the Church to pray, at length taken by her Mistresse▪ & many wayes afflicted, was finally with great cudgels beaten to death, giuing vp her pure soule to God in the confession of her fayth. The same day of S. Menignus a Dyar, who was martyred vnder Deoius. In Aegypt of S. Nicander Martyr, who as he was diligently seeking for the reliques of holy Martyrs, deserued to be made a Martyr himselfe, vnder Diocletian the Emperour. At Cor [...]. Cordoua of S. Leocritia Virgin and Martyr. At Rome the birth-day of S. Zachariat Pope, who with great Vigilancy [Page 81] gouerned the Church of God, and enriched with merits rested in peace. At Reate. Riete of S. Probus Bishop, at whose death Iuuenall and Eleutherius Martyrs, were present. At Rome of S. Speciosus Monke, whose soule his brother saw carryed vp to heauen.
E The sixtenth Day.
AT Rome the passion of S. Cyriacus Deacon, who enduring a long and loathsome imprysonment, scalded with hoate burning pitch, hauing all his iointes grieuously stretched vpon the Racke, and beaten with clubbes, was at last, togeather with Largus and Smaragdus, and twenty others, by commaundment of Maximianus beheaded. But their chiefe festiuity is kept vpon the eyght of August, on which day theyr bodies were taken vp by Pope Marcellus, and honorably entombed. At Aquileia the birth-day of S. Hilarius Bishop, & Tatianus Deacon, who vnder Numerianus Emperour, and Beronius President, hauing byn [...] cruelly racked and tormented, togeather with Felix, Largus, & Dionysius finished their Martyrdome. In Licaonia of S. Papas Martyr, who for the fayth of Christ being whipped, torne with iron hookes, and forced to [Page 82] go in shooes stucke full of sparpe nayles, was lastly tyed to a tree, and so ended his Martyrdome; wherby that tree, which before was barren, became fruitefull. At Anazarbum. Axara in Cilicia of S. Iulian Martyr, who long tyme tormented by Marcianus the President, was at last sowed vp in a sacke with Serpents, & cast into the sea. At Rauenna of S. Agapitus Bishop and Confessour. At Cullen of S. Heribert Bishop, renowned for sanctity. At Aruernum. Auuergne the deposition of S. Patricius Bishop. In Syria of S. Abraham Hermit, whose famous actes are written by S. Ephrem Deacon.
F The seauenteenth Day.
AT Hierusalem of S. Ioseph of Arimathia a Senatour of Noble Extraction, & Disciple of our Lord, who taking downe his body from the Crosse, buryed it in a new sepulcher of his owne. At Rome of the Saints Alexander and Theodorus Martyrs. At Alexandria the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who for constant refusing to worship the Idoll Serapis, were cruelly put to death in the dayes of Theodosius the Emperour; who being aduertised thereof, gaue commaundement, that the Temple of Serapis [Page 83] should be destroyed. At Constantinople of S. Paul Martyr, who vnder Constantinus Copronymus for defence of holy Images, was burned. In Irelād the birth-day of S. Patricke Bishop and Confessour, who was the first that preached Christ there, famous for his wonderfull sanctity and miracles. At Cabillio. Cauaillon in France of S. Agricola Bishop. At Niuigella. Niuelle in Brabant of S. Gertrude. Virgin, who descended of noble parentage, despising the world, and spending all her lyfe in the exercise of pious workes, deserued at last to enioy her heauenly Spouse.
G The eighteenth Day.
AT Caesarea in Palestine the birth-day of S. Alexāder who cōming out of Cappadocia where he was Bishop, to visit the holy Places at Hierusalem (Narcissus Bishop of that Citty being a very old man) tooke vpon him by diuine Reuelation the charge of that Church, and afterward in the persecution of Decius, being sent to Caesarea, & there shut vp in prison for the cōfession of Christ, greatly reuerēced for his venerable yeares, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Augusta Rh [...] torum. Ausburge of S. Narcissus Bishop, who first preaching the Ghospell in Rh [...]tia, went afterwards [Page 84] into Spayne, and conuerted many to the Fayth of Christ at Girona, where in the persecution of Aurelian, togeather with b Gerunda. Felix Deacon, he receaued the triumphant palme of Martyrdome. At Nicomedia of ten thousand holy Martyrs, who for the confession of Christ were put to death by the sword. Also of the holy Martyrs Trophimus and Eucarpius. In England of S. Edward King, who killed by the treachery of his Stepmother, was renowned for many miracles. At Hierusalem of S. Cyril Bishop, who hauing endured many iniuryes by the Arrians, for the Catholique fayth, and oftentimes driuen out of his Church, famous for Sanctity of lyfe dyed in peace: of whose vnspotted fayth a Generall Councell wryting to Pope Damasus, giueth an honourable testimony. At Luca in Tuscia the birth-day of S. Frigidianus Bishop, renowned for miracles, whose festiuity is kept vpon the eighteenth of Nouember, when his body was translated. At Mantua of S. Anselmus Bishop and Confessour.
A The ninetenth Day.
IN Iury the birth-day of S. Ioseph Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At Surrentum. Sorrento [Page 85] of the holy Martyrs Quinctus, Quinctilla, Quartilla, and Marcus, with nyne others. At Nicomedia of S. Pancharius a Roman, who vnder Diocletian being beheaded, receaued the Crowne of Martyrdome. The same day of the Saints Apollonius, and Leontius Bishops. At Gaunt of the Saints Landoaldus Priest, a Roman, and Amantius Deacon, who sent to preach the Gospell by S. Martin Pope, became renowned for miracles after their death. At the Citty of Citt [...] di Penna. Pinna the birth-day of S. Iohn a man of great holynes, who comming out of Syria into Italy, erecting there a Monastery, became Father of many seruants of God; and when he had gouerned the same foure and fourty yeares, renowned for holynes, rested in peace.
B The twentith Day.
IN Iury of S. Ioachim Father to the blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. In Asia the birth-day of S. Archippus Companion of S. Paul the Apostle, of whome he maketh mention in his Epistle to Philemon, and to the Colossians. In Syria of the holy Martyrs Paulus, Cyrillus, Eugenius, and foure others. The same day of the Saints Photina a Samaritan, Ioseph and Victor her sonnes, and [Page 86] of Sebastian a Captaine, Anatolius, Photius, Photides, also Parasceues and Cyriaca systers, who all suffered Martyrdome for the cōfession of Christ. At Amisus in Paphlagonia of seauen holy Women, Alexandra, Claudia, Euphrasia, Matrona, Iuliana, Euphemia, & Theodosia, who were slayne for the confessiō of their fayth; after whome Derphuta, and her syster followed. At Apollonia of S. Nicetas Bishop, who sent into banishment for worshipping of holy Images, gaue vp his soule to rest. In the Monastery of Fontanelle of S. Wulfran Bishop of Senones. Sens, who resigning his Bishopricke, renowned for miracles, there ended his dayes in rest. In England the deposition of S. Cuthbert Bishop of Lindisfarne, who euen from his childehood to his dying day, was renowned for his holy workes and miracles. At Siena in Tuscia of Blessed Ambrose of the Order of S. Dominicke, famous for sanctity of life, preaching, & miracles.
C The one and twentith Day.
AT Monte-Cassino the birth-day of S. Benet Abbot, who restored the Monasticall discipline in the West, almost decayed, and wonderfully propagated the same. Whose life renowned for sanctity, & [Page 87] miracles S. Gregory Pope hath written. At Alexandria the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who vnder Constantius the Emperour, and Philagrius Gouernour, were slayne in the Church vpon Good-fryday, by the Arians and Gentils, breaking in vpon them. The same day of the holy Martyrs Philemon & Domninus. At Catania of S. Birillus, a Cat [...] na. who created Bishop by S. Peter, hauing conuerted many Gentils to the fayth of Christ, in a good old age, rested in our Lord. At Alexandria of Blessed Serapion Anchoret, and Bishop of Themuis, a man of great Vertue; who banished by the fury of the Arrians, went vnto our Lord. In the Territory of Lyons of S. Lupicinus Abbot, whose life was renowned for sanctity, & miracles.
D The two and twentith Day.
AT Narbone in France the birth-day of S. Paul Bishop and Confessour, Disciple a Narbona. of the Apostles, who is held by tradition, to haue beene Sergius Paulus the Proconsull, whome S. Paul the Apostle baptized, & left at Narbone, when he went into Spayne; where being made Bishop and carefully performing the office of preaching, [Page 88] famous for miracles, went vnto our Lord. At Terracina of S. Epaphroditus Disciple of the Apostles, who was ordayned Bishop of that Citty by S. Peter the Apostle. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Saturninus, and nyne others. The same day of the holy Martvrs Callinica and Basilissa. At Ancyra of S. Basill Priest and Martyr, who enduring many torments vnder Iulian the Apostata, gaue vp his soule to God. At Carthage of S. Octauianus Archdeacō, & of many thousand Martyrs, who were killed by the Wandalls for the Catholique fayth. There also of S. Deo-gratias Bishop of Carthage, who redeemed many of that Citty, made Captiues by the Wandalls, and famous for other pious workes, went to rest in our Lord. At Aux [...] mum. Osmo in Picenū. Marc-Ancona of S. Benuenutus Bishop. In Suetia of S. Catharin Virgin, daughter to S. Brigit. At Rome of S. Lea Widdow, whose vertues, and death S. Hierome relateth.
E The three and twentith Day.
IN Affrica of the holy Martyrs Victorianus Proconsull of Carthage, and of two brethren of Aqua-regia: also of Frumentius, and of another Frumentius, both merchāts, who [Page 89] in the persecution of the Wandalls, (as wryteth Victor Africanus Bishop) vnder Hunnericus the Arian King, being most cruelly tormented for their constancy in the Catholique faith, were famously crowned. Moreouer in Affrica of S. Fidelis Martyr. There also of S. Felix and twenty others. At Caesarea in Palestine of the holy Martyrs Nicon, & ninety nyne others. Moreouer the crowning of the holy Martyrs Domitius, Pelagia, Aquila, Eparchius, and Theodosia. At Antioch of S. Theodulus Priest. At Caesarea of S. Iulian Confessour. In Campania of S. Benet Monke, who being shut vp within a burning fornace by the Goths, the next day was found without any hurt.
F The foure and twentith Day.
AT Rome of the holy Martyrs Marke, & Timothy, who vnder Antoninus the Emperour, were crowned with Martyrdome. There also of S. Epigmenius Priest, who in the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Turpius the Iudge, being beheaded accomplished his Martyrdome. Moreouer at Rome the passion of blessed Pigmenius Priest, who vnder Iulian the Apostata, for the fayth of Christ was cast headlong into the riuer of Tybur, [Page 90] and drowned. At Caesarea in Palestine the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Timolaus, Dennis, Pausides Romulus, Agapius, Alexander, and of another Alexander, and another Dennis, who in the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Vrbanus President being beheaded, deserued the Crowne of eternall life. In Mauritania the birth-day of two brethren Romulus, and Secundus, who there suffered for the fayth of Christ. At Tridē [...]m. Trent the passion of S. Symeon a Chylde, most cruelly murdered by the Iewes, and afterward renowned by many miracles. At Sinnadis in Phrygia, of S. Agapitus Bishop. At Brescia of S. Latinus Bishop. In Syria of S. Seleucus Confessour.
G The fiue and twentith Day.
THE Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God. At Rome of S. Quirinus Martyr, who vnder Claudius the Emperour, after the losse of his goods, most loathsome imprysonement, and the torment of many strypes, was beheaded, and cast into the Riuer of Tybur: whome the Christians fynding in the Iland of Lycaonia, buryed in the Church-yard of Pontianus. There also of two hundred, threescore and two holy Martyrs. At Sirmium the passion [Page 91] of S. Irenaeus Bishop and Martyr, who in the tyme of Maximianus Emperour, vnder Probus President, after most bitter torments, and affliction of many dayes imprisonement, was at last beheaded. At Nicomedia of S. Dula mayd-seruāt to a certayne Souldier, who slayne for defence of her Chastity, deserued the crowne of Martyrdome. At Hierusalem the Commemoration of the Holy Thiefe, who confessing Christ vpon the Crosse, deserued to heare these wordes; This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise. At Laodicea of S. Pelagius Bishop, who in the tyme of Valens suffering banishment, and other afflictions for the Catholique fayth, went to rest in our Lord. At Pistoria of the holy Confessors Barontius, and Desiderius. In Antri a little Iland vpon the riuer of Lig [...] Loyre, of S. Hermelandus Abbot, whose holy conuersation of life is greatly commended by the fame of miracles.
A The six and twentith Day.
AT Rome in the way called Lauicana, of S. Castulus Martyr, Maister Z [...]t [...] ▪ [...]iu [...] ▪ of the with-drawing roomes in Diocletians Pallace, and a harbourer of Saints; who being thryce hanged vp by the hands, and thrice [Page 92] examined by the persecutours, perseuering in the fayth of our Lord, was throwne into a hole, & ouerwhelm'd with a great masse of sand cast vpon him, ended his Martyrdome. There also the crowning of the holy Martyrs Peter, Marcian, Iouinus, Thecla, Cassian, and others. At Pentapolis in Lybia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Theodorus Bishop, Irenaeus Deacon, Serapion, and Ammonius Lectors. At Sirmium of the holy Martyrs Montanus Priest, and Maxima, who for the fayth of Christ were drowned in a Riuer. Moreouer of the holy Martyrs Quadratus, Theodosius, Emanuell, and fourty others. At Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Eutychius, and others, who in the tyme of Constantius vnder George the Arrian Bishop, for defence of the Catholique fayth, were beheaded. The same day of S. Ludgerus Bishop of Monasterium. Munster, who preached the Ghospell of Christ to the Saxons. At Caesaraugusta. Saragoza in Spayne of S. Braulius Bishop and Confessour. At Treuers of S. Felix Bishop.
B The seauen and twentith Day.
AT Drizipara in Pannonia of S. Alexander a Souldier, who vnder Maximianus Emperour, after he had ouercome many [Page 93] torments for Christ, and wrought many miracles, with losse of his head, accomplished his Martyrdome. The same day of the Saints Philetus a Senatour, Lydia his wyfe, and Macedo and Theoprepides theyr children: also of Amphilochius a Captaine, and Cronidas a Notary, who were all killed for confessing of Christ. In Persia of the holy Martyrs Zanitas, Lazarus, Merotas, Narses and fiue others, who vnder Sapores King of Persia cruelly killed, deserued the palme of Martyrdome. At Salisburgum. Saltzburg of S. Rupertus Bishop and Confessour, who wonderfully propagated the Gospell in Bauaria, and No [...] cum. Styria. In Aegypt of S. Iohn Hermit, a man of great Holynes, who amongst other signes of his vertues, was replenished with the spirit of Prophecy, and foretold Theodosius the Emperour of his victoryes against the Tyrants Maximus, and Eugenius.
C The eight and twentith Day.
AT Caesarea in Palestine the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Priscus, Malcus, and Alexander, who in the persecution of Valerian, dwelling in the suburbes of the Citty, and seing the Crownes of Martyrdome were offered to such, as had the courage to [Page 94] accept thereof, inflamed with an heauenly ardour of fayth, went of their owne accord to the Iudge, and rebuked him for his cruell shedding of innocent bloud; whome he caused presently to be cast vnto the beastes, for the name of Christ. At Tharsis in Cilicia of the holy Martyrs Castor and Dorotheus. Also of the Saints Philetus and his fellowes, who were martyred vnder Adrianus the Emperour. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Rogatus, Successus, & sixteene others. At Rome of S. Xystus Pope, the third of that name, & Confessour. At Nursia of S. Speus Abbot, a man of wōderfull patience, whose soule, at his departure out of this life, was seene by all the Monke, to fly vp to heauen, in forme of a Doue. At Cabillio. Cauaillon in France the deposition of Blessed Guntramnus King of the French, who giuing himself wholy to the exercise of Piety, and contemning the vanities of the world, distributed his treasure to Churches, and the poore.
D The nyne and twentith Day.
IN Persia of the holy Martyrs Ionas and Barachisius vnder Sapores King of Persia, of whome Ionas pressed in a Vice, vntil his bones were broken, was diuided in the middest; [Page 95] the other hauing his mouth filled with burning pitch, was styfeled. At Heliopolis neere Mount Libanus of S. Cyrill Deacon and Martyr, whose liuer plucked out of his belly, the Gentils most brutishly deuoured. vnder Iulian the Apostata. At Nicomedia the passion of the holy Martyrs Pastor, Victorinus, and his fellowes. In Affrica of the holy Confessors Armogastes an Earle, Masculas a Maister of Interludes, and Saturus Steward of the Kings House, who in the persecution of the Wandalls, vnder Geisericus the Arrian King, hauing endured many grieuous torments and reproaches for the confession of the truth, finished the course of their Martyrdome. At Asta Pompei [...] Aste in Piemont of S. Secundus Martyr. In the monastery of Luxouium the deposition of S. Eustasius Abbot, Disciple of S. Columbane, who being Father of almost six hundred Monkes, was famous for holynes of life, and miracles.
E The thirtith Day.
AT Rome in the way Appia, the passion of S. Quirinus Tribune, who hauing Pope Alexander prisoner in his house, was by him, with all his family, baptized; and afterward vnder Adrian the Emperour, perseuering [Page 96] in the confession of his fayth, hauing his tongue plucked out, racked vpon the torture Equuleus, and his hands & feere cut off, obtayned finally a Crowne of Martyrdome, by the losse of his head. At Thessalonica the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Domninus, Victor, and his fellowes. At Constantinople the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who being of the Catholique Communion, were in the tyme of Constantius the Emperour, by Macedonius the Archheretike killed by diuers vnheard-of torments: For amongst others, pressing Christian womans breasts between the couers of chestes, so cut them off, & after seared them with a hoat iron. At Syluanectum. Senlis the deposition of S. Regulus Bishop Arelatum. of Arles. At Aurelia num. Orleans in France of S. Pastor Bishop. At Syracusa of S. Zozimus Bishop and Confessour. In Mount Sina of S. Iohn Climachus Abbot. At Aquinum. Aquino of S. Clinus Confessour.
F The one and thirtith Day.
AT Thecue in Palestine of S. Amos Prophet, who being often beaten with stripes by Amasias the Priest, was at last by his sonne Ozias thrust through the head [Page 97] with an iron barre; and so carryed halfe aliue into his Countrey, there gaue vp the Ghost, & was buryed with his Ancestours. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Theodulus, Anesius, Felix, Cornelia, and their fellowes. In Persia of S. Beniamin Deacon, who for that he would not cease to preach the word of God, was by King Isdegerdes pricked vnder the nayles with sharpe reedes, and finally hauing a thorny stake thrust through his body accomplished his Martyrdome. At Rome of S. Balbina Virgin, daughter to S. Quirinus Martyr, who baptized by S. Alexander the Pope, died in all sanctimony of life, and lyeth buryed neere to her Father, in the way called Appia.
G The first Day.
AT Rome the passion of S. Theodora sister to the famous Martyr Hermes, who suffering vnder Hadrian the Emperour, by Aurelian Iudge, lyeth buryed neere to her Brother, in the way called Salaria, not farre from the Citty. The same day of S. Venantius Bishop and Martyr. In Aegypt of the holy Martyrs Victor, an [...] Stephen. In Armenia of the holy Martyrs Quinctianus, and Irenaeus. At Constantinople of S. Macarius Confessour, who vnder Leo the Emperour for the defence [Page 99] of holy Images, ended his life in banishment. At Gratianopolis. Grainoble of S. Hugh Bishop who liued many yeares a solitary life in the wildernesse, and renowned for miracles went vnto our Lord. At Ambianum. Amiens of S. Wallericus Abbot, whose sepulcher is honoured with often miracles.
A The second Day.
OFS. Francis de Paula, the first founder of the Order of the Minims, who renowned for vertue and miracles, was canonized for a Saint by Pope Leo the tenth. At Caesarea in Palestine the birth-day of S. Amphianus Martyr, who in the persecution of Maximinus reproouing the President Vrbanus for sacrificing vnto Idols, being most cruelly tormēted by hauing his feete wrapped in flaxe and dipped in oyle set on fyre, was at last drowned in the sea, and so through fyre and water passed to an euerlasting repose. There also the passion of S. Theodosia a Virgin of Tyrus, who in the same persecution, for openly saluting the holy Confessors, as they stood at the Barre, and crauing of them to be remembred, when they should come before our Lord, apprehended by the souldiers, & brought before [Page 98] [...] [Page 99] [...] [Page 200] Vrbanus the President, hauing her sides and breasts by his commandment torne in peeces, was finally cast into the sea. At Lugdunum. Lyons of S. Nicetius Bishop of the same Citty renowned for Sanctity and miracles. At Comum. Como of S. Abundius Bishop and Confessour. At Lingones. Langres of S. Vrbanus Bishop. In Palestine the deposition of S. Mary the Aegyptian, surnamed the Sinner.
B The third Day.
AT Tauromeniū. Taormina in Sicily of S. Pancratius Bishop, who with the bloud of Martyrdome, sealed the Ghospell of Christ, which he had there preached, being sent thither by S. Peter the Apostle. At Tomis in Scythia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Euagrius and Benignus. At Thessalonica the passion of the holy Virgins Agapes and Chionia, vnder Diocletian the Emperour, who for the confession of Christ, being first starued in pryson, and afterwards cast into the fyre, but vntouched of the flame, in prayer gaue vp their soules to God. At Tyrus of S. Vlpian Martyr, who in the persecution of Maximianus, being sowed vp in a sacke, togeather with a Serpent and a dogge, was drowned in the sea. In the Monastery of Meditz in [Page 201] the East, of S. Nicetas Abbot, who for worshipping of holy Images suffered much vnder Leo Armenus. In England of S. Richard Bishop of Chichester, renowned for holynes & miracles. There also of S. Burgundofora Abbesse and Virgin.
C The fourth Day.
AT Thessalonica of the holy Martyrs Agathopolis Deacon, & Theodulus Lector, who vnder Maximianus the Emperour and Faustinus President, for the confession of Christian fayth, hauing a great stone tyed to theyr neckes, were drowned in the sea. At Millan the deposition of S. Ambrose Bishop and confessour, by whose endeauours, learning, and miracles, all Italy almost was conuerted to the Catholique Fayth, in the tyme of the Arian Heresy. At Hispalis. Seuill in Spayne of S. Isidore Bishop, famous for holynes of life & learning: who for his zeale of the Catholike fayth, and obseruation of Ecclesiasticall disciplyne was a great ornament vnto Spayne. At Cōstantinople of S. Plato Monke, who with inuincible courage opposed himself many yeares against Heretiques, breakers of holy Images. In Palestine of S. Zozimus Anchoret, who buryed the [Page 202] body of S. Mary the Aegyptian.
D The fifth Day.
AT Thessalonica of S. Irenes Virgin, who for hiding holy Bookes, contrary to the Edict of Diocletian Emperour, after she had suffered hard imprisonment, being shot with an arrow, was burned by commandement of Dulcetius President, vnder whome also her sisters Agapes, and Chionia had byn martyred before. In the Ile of Novv called Mete [...]. Lesbos the passion of fiue holy Martyrs. The same day of S. Zeno Martyr, who hauing his skin plucked off, & annoynted ouer with pitch, was so cast into the fyre. In Affrica the passion of many holy Martyrs, who in the persecution of Geisericus the Arian King, were killed in the Church vpon Easter day; and whilst the Lector songe Alleluia at the de [...]ke, he was shot throgh the throate with an arrow. At Vene [...]iae. Vannes in litle Brittany of S. Vincent Confessour, surnamed Ferrerius, of the Order of S. Dominicke, who wonderfull both in worke and word, conuerted many thousands of Infidels to Christ.
E The sixth Day.
AT Rome the birth-day of S. Xistus Pope and Martyr, who in the dayes of Adrianus the Emperour gouerning the Church, willingly suffered a temporall death, to gayne an eternall lyfe with Christ, vnder Antoninus Pius. In Macedonia of the holy Martyrs Timothy and Diogenes. In Persia of six score holy Martyrs. At Ascalo [...]. Scalona the passion of S. Platonides, and two other holy Martyrs. At Carthage of S. Marcellinus Martyr, who for defending the Catholique fayth, was slayne by the Heretiques. At Rome of S. Celestine Pope, who condemned Nestorius Bishop of Constantinople, and chased away Pelagius, both Hereticks. By whose authority also the holy Generall Councell of Ephesus was celebrated, against the sayd Nestorius. In Ireland of S. Celsus Bishop, Predecessour to S. Malachy. In Denmarke of S. William Abbot, renowned for sanctity of life, and miracles.
F The seauenth Day.
IN Affrica the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Epiphanius Bishop, Donatus, Rufinus & [Page 204] thirteene others. At Synope in Pontus of two hundred holy Martyrs. In Cilicia of S. Calliopius Martyr, who vnder Maximus Gouernour, after many other Torments, being crucifyed with his head downeward, was crowned with a Noble Martyrdome. At Nicomedia of Saint Cyriacus, and ten other Martyrs. At Alexandria of S. Peleusius Priest and Martyr. At Rome of S. Hegesippus, who liuing neere to the Apostles tyme, came to Rome Pope Anicetus, and there remayned vntill Pope Eleutherius, recording in a simple style the history of the Church, frō the passion of Christ vnto his dayes, imitating therein the simplicity of their liues, by the plainenesse of his stise. At Verona of S. Saturninus Bishop and Confessour. In Syria of S. Aphraates Anchoret, who in the tyme of Valens, defended the Catholique sayth against the Arians, by the power of Miracles.
G The eyght Day.
AT Alexandria of S. Aedesius Martyr, brother to S. Appianus, who openly reproouing a wicked Iudge, for committing consecrated Virgins to corrupters of Chastity, being apprehēded by the souldiers, & put to most cruell torments, was finally for [Page 205] Christ our Lord, drowned in the sea. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Ianuarius, Maxima, and Macaria. At Carthage of S. Concessae Martyr. The same day, the Commemoration of the Saints Herodion, Asyncritus, and Phlaegon, of whome S. Paul maketh mention in his Epistle to the Romans At Corinth of S. Dennis Bishop, who by his learning, and grace in preaching, not only instructed the people of that Citty and Country, but by his letters, informed also the Bishops of other Prouinces & Cittyes: & he so greatly honoured the Bishops of Rome, that he was accustomed to read their letters publiquely vpon Sundayes in the Church. He liued in the dayes of Marcus Antoninus, Verus, and Lucius Aurelius Commodus. At Turones. Tours of S. Perpetuus Bishop, a man of wonderfull holynes. At Ferentinum. Fiorentino in Campania of S. Redemptus Bishop, of whome S. Gregory Pope maketh mention. At Como of S. Amantius Bishop and Confessour.
A The nynth Day.
AT Antioch of S. Prochorus, who being one of the seauen first Deacons, renowned for fayth and miracles, receaued the Crowne of Martyrdome. At Rome the [Page 206] birth-day of the holy Martyrs Demetrius, Concessus, Hilarius, and their fellowes. At Sirm [...]uin the passion of seauen holy Virgins & Martyrs, who with the pryce of their bloud, bought vnto themselues life euerlasting. At Caesarea in Cappadocia of S. Eupsychius Martyr, who for ouerthrowing the Temple of Fortune, vnder Iulian the Apostata accomplished his Martyrdome. In Affricae of the holy Martyrs of Massilita, vpon whose birth-day S. Augustine made a Sermon. At Novv called Emet. Amida in Mesopotamia, of S. Acatius Bishop, who to redeeme Captiues, melted & sould the holy vessels of his Church. At Rothomagus. Roan of S. Hugh Bishop and Confessour. In the Citty of Ciuitas Di [...]n [...]is, siue Dia Augusta. Die, of S. Marcellas Bishop, famous for miracles. In Iury of S. Mary Cleophas, syster of the most Blessed Mary the mother of God. At Rome the Translation of the body of S. Monica mother to S. Augustine, which vnder Pope Martin the fifth, was brought from Ostia vnto the Citty, & there most honorably placed in the Church of the same S. Augustine.
B The tenth Day.
OF Ezechiel the Prophet, who by the Iudge of Israel, whome he rebuked for [Page 207] worshipping of Idols, was slayne in Babylon, and buryed in the sepulcher of Sem and Arphaxad the Progenitors of Abrahā, whereunto many were wont to resort, there to make their prayers. At Rome the birthday of many holy Martyrs, baptized by S. Alexander the Pope whilst he was in pryson; who being all put into an old rotten ship, were by commaundement of Aurelianus Gouernour carryed into the deepe sea, and there with stones tyed to their neckes to be drowned. At Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Apollonius Priest, and fiue others, who in the persecution of Maximinus were drowned in the sea. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs, Terentius, Africanus, Pompeius, and their fellowes, who vnder Decius the Emperour, and Fortunianus Gouernour being whipped, racked and diuersly tormented, at last beheaded, accomplished their Martyrdome. The same day of S. Macarins Bishop of Antioch, renowned for holynes and miracles.
C The eleauenth Day.
AT Rome of S. Leo Pope and Confessour, who for his renowned vertue & Merits is surnamed the Great. In his dayes was celebrated the holy Councell of Chalcedon, [Page 208] wherein by his Legats, he condemned Eutyches the Hereticke, and confirmed the Decrees therof by his authority. And after he had writtē many learned bookes, & decreed many things for the good of the vniuersall Church, and flocke of Christ, departed this life in peace. At Pergamus in Asia of S. Antipas, a faythfull witnesse of Christ, of whome S. Iohn maketh mention in his Apocalyps; who vnder Domitian the Emperour being shut vp in a hoat-burning Oxe of brasse, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Salona in Dalmatia of the holy Martyrs Domnion, & eight souldiers. At Gortina in Creta. Candia of S. Philip Bishop, renowned for life and learning, who in the dayes of Marcus Antoninus Verus, and Lucius Aurelius Commodus gouerning the Church committed to his charge, defended the same from the fury of the Gentils, and deceytfull practises of the Heretikes. At Nicomedia of S. Eustorgius Priest. At Spoleto of S. Isaac monke and Confessour, whose vertues are mentioned by S. Gregory. At Gaza in Palestine of S. Barsanuphius Anchoret, in the dayes of Iustinian the Emperour.
D The twelfth Day.
AT Verona the passiō of S. Zeno Bishop, who in the stormes of persecutiō, gouerned that Church with great constancy, and in the dayes of Galienus was crowned with Martyrdome. In Cappadocia of S. Sabas a Goth, who vnder Valens the Emperour, by Athanaricus King of the Gothes hauing suffered many cruell torments, was cast into a riuer. At which tyme also (as S. Augustine witnesseth) very many Gothes, for the Catholique fayth, were crowned with Martyrdome. At Bra [...]. Braga in Portugall of S. Victor Martyr, who being yet but a Cathecumen, for refusing to worship an Idoll, and with great constancy confessinge Iesus-Christ, after many tormēts being beheaded, was baptized in his owne bloud. At Fermo in Pi [...] num. Marc-Ancona of S. Vissia Virgin & Martyr. At Rome in the way called Aurelia, the birth-day of S. Iulius Pope, who hauing greatly laboured in defence of the Catholique fayth against the Arians, and performed many other notable thinges, renowned for holynes, rested in peace. At the Towne of In Franc [...]. Vaping, of S. Constantine Bishop and Confessour. At Pauia of S. Damianus Bishop▪
E The thirteenth Day.
AT Pergamus in Asia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Carpus Bishop of Thiatyre, Papulus Deacon, and Agathonica his syster, a blessed woman; also of Agathodorus, their seruant, and of many others, who after diuers torments, for Confession of their fayth, were crowned with Martyrdome in the persecution of Marcus Antoninus Verus, & Lucius Aurelius Commodus. In which persecution also at Rome suffered that famous man Iustinus the Philosopher, who after he had offered vp to the foresayd Emperours, his second Apology for the defence of the Christian Religion, and there in disputation had stoutly defended the same, being accused to be a Christian, by the deceytfull meanes of Crescens the Cynicke Philosopher (whose wicked life and manners he had rebuked) in recompence of his faythfull Confession, receyued the reward of Martyrdome. At Seuill in Spayne of S. Hermenigildus Sonne of Leouigildus, an Arian King of the West-goathes, who being cast into pryson for confession of the Catholique fayth, and refusing to communicate at Easter, at the handes of an Arian Bishop, by commaundment [Page 211] of his faythles father was beheaded, and so, for the losse of a temporall Kingdome, entred triumphantly into a Heauenly, both a King and Martyr. The same day the passion of the Saints Maximus, Quinctilianus, and Dadas, in the persecution of Diocletian. At Rauenna of S. Vrsus Bishop and Confessour.
F The fourteenth Day.
AT Rome in the way called Appia, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Tiburtius, Valerianus, and Maximus, vnder Alexander the Emperour, and Almachius Gouernour; of whome the two first being conuerted vnto the fayth of Christ by the exhortation of S. Cecily, and baptized by S. Vrbanus Pope, were for the cōfession thereof, beaten with clubbes, and afterward beheaded. But Maximus, being one of the Gouernours Chamber, mooued with their constancy, and comforted by an Angell, beleeuing in Christ, was so long beaten with whippes of lead, vntill he gaue vp the Ghost. At Interamua. Teramo of S. Proculus Bishop and Martyr. Also of S. Domnina Virgin and Martyr, togeather with other Virgins her fellowes. At Alexandria of S. Thomaides [Page 212] Martyr. The same day of S. Ardalion a Stageplayer, who whilst vpon the stage he scoffed at the holy Ceremonies of Christians, being changed vpon a suddaine, approoued the same not only in wordes, but with the testimony of his bloud. At Lyons of S. Lambert Bishop and Confessour. At Alexandria of S. Fronto Abbot, renowned for holynes of life and miracles. At Rome of S. Abundius Mansioner of the Church of S. Peter.
G The fiftenth Day.
AT Rome of the Saints Basilissa & Anastasia women of Noble Extraction, & Disciples of the Apostles, who persisting constant in the confession of their fayth, vnder Nero the Emperour, hauing first their tongues and feete cut off, at last beheaded obtayned the crowne of Martyrdome. The same day of the holy Martyrs Maro, Eutyches and Victorinus, who togeather with S. Fla [...]ia Domitilla, for the confession of Christ being first banished into the Iland Pontia, and afterward recalled thence vnder Nerua the Emperour, after that they had conuerted many to the fayth of Christ, were in the persecution of Traian, by commaundment of Valerian the Iudge, put to death by diuers [Page 113] kinds of torments. At Cordula in Persia of the holy Martyrs Maximus and Olimpiades, who vnder Decius the Emperour were so long beaten with clubbes, and whippes of lead vntill their heads being all bruised, they gaue vp the Ghost. At Ferentinum in Hernici [...]. Fiorentino in Campania, of S. Eutychius Martyr. At Myra in Lycia of S. Crescens, who receaued Martyrdome by fyre. Also of the holy Martyrs Theodorus, and Pausilippus, who suffered vnder Hadrian the Emperour.
A The sixtenth Day.
AT Corinth the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Callistus, Charisius, and seauen others, who all were drowned in the sea. At Casa [...]. augusta▪ Saragoza in Spayne the birth-day of eighteen holy Martyrs Optatus, Lupercus, Successus, Marcialis, Vrbanus, Iulia, Quinctilianus, Publius, Fronto, Felix, Caecilianus, Euentius, Primitiuus, Apodemius, and foure others, who are said to haue bene called Saturnini: All these vnder Dacian President of Spayne, were togeather put to diuers torments, and slayne; whose renowned Martyrdome Prudentius hath set forth in verse. There also of S. Encratides Virgin and Martyr, who after her body all torne, her breasts cut of, her liuer [Page 114] plucked out, and she yet remayning aliue, was cast into pryson, where putrifying in her wounds she obtained a Crown of Martyrdome. In the same Citty of the Saints Caius and Crementius, who persisting firme the second tyme, in the confession of their fayth, dranke finally of the cuppe of Martyrdome. There also of S. Lambert Martyr. At Palentia of S. Turibius Bishop of Asturica. Astorga, who by the help of S. Leo Pope, draue the heresy of the Priscillianists quite out of Spayne, and famous for miracles rested in peace. At Bracara. Braga in Portugall of S. Fructuosus Bishop. The same day of S. Paternus Bishop of Abrinca. Aurenches. At Valencene in the lower Germany, of S. Drogo Confessour.
B The seauententh Day.
AT Rome of S. Anicetus Pope and Martyr, who in the persecution of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, and Lucius Verus receaued the palme of Martyrdome. In Affrica the birth-day of S. Mappalicus Martyr, who (as S. Cyprian wryteth in his Epistle to the Martyrs & Confessours) with many others was crowned with Martyrdome. There also of the holy Martyrs Fortunatus & Marcianus. At Antioch of the holy Martyrs Peter [Page 115] Deacon, and Hermogenes his seruant. At Cordoua of the holy Martyrs Elias Priest, Paulus and Isidorus monkes. At Vienna of S. Pamagathus Bishop. At Terdona. Tortona of S. Innocentius Bishop & Confessour. At Ciste [...] tium. Cisteaux in Burgundy of S. Stephen Abbot, who was the first that in habited that solitary place, and ioyfully receaued S. Bernard with his fellowes, when they came thither.
C The eighteenth Day.
AT Rome of S. Apollonius a Senatour, who vnder the Emperour Commodus, and Perennius Gouernour, being betrayed by his owne seruant to be a Christian, was commaunded to giue an account of his fayth, which he did in a learned Booke by him written, and read in the Senate, yet neuerthelesse was by the sentence of the same Senate beheaded. At Messina the birth-day of a Messina. the holy Martyrs Eleutherius Bishop of Sclauonia, & Anthia his mother, who renowned for holynes of lyfe, and miracles, hauing endured diuers cruell tormēts by fyre, boyling oyle, pitch, and rasine; being cast also vnto the Lyōs, but nothing hurt by them, was at last togeather with his forsayd mother vnder Hadrian the Emperour killed. [Page 116] There also of S. Corebus Gouernour, who conuerted to the fayth by the said Eleutherius, was slayne by the sword. At Brescia of S. Calocerus Martyr, who being conuerted to the fayth of Christ by S. Faustinus and Iouita, vnder the same Hadrian, accomplished his glorious combat of Martyrdome. At Corduba. Cordoua of S. Perfectus Priest and Martyr, who was killed by the Mores, for inueying against the Sect of Mahomet. At Millan of S. Galdinus Bishop, who hauing preached a Sermon against the Heretiques, at the end therof, gaue vp his soule to God.
D The nineteenth Day.
THE birth-day of S. Timon, one of the first seauen Deacons: who hauing preached the Ghospell at Beroea and other places, came at last to Corinth, where being cast into the fyre by the Iewes and Gentils, as it is recorded, but nothing hurt therby, at last crucifyed on a Crosse accomplished his Martyrdome. At Melitine in Armenia of the holy Martyrs Hermogenes, Caius, Expeditus, Aristonicus, Rufus, & Galata all crowned with Martyrdome on one day. At Caucoliberis. Colibre in Catalonia the passiō of S. Vincent Martyr. The same day of the holy Martyrs Socrates and [Page 117] Dennis, who were thrust through with laū ces. At Hierusalem of S. Paphnutius Martyr. At Canterbury in England of S. Elphegus Bishop and Martyr. At Antioch in Pisidia of S. George Bishop, who for worshipping of holy Images, dyed in banishment. At Rome of S. Leo Pope, the nynth of that name, renowned for holines of life and miracles. In the Monastery of Laub [...] Lob, of S. Vrsmarus Bishop. At Florence of S. Cresentius Confessour, Disciple to S. Zenobius Bishop.
E The twentith Day.
AT Rome of the holy Martyrs Sulpitius and Seruilianus, who being conuerted to the fayth of Christ, by the persuasion, and miracles of S. Domitilla Virgin, for refusing to sacrifice to the Idols, in the persecution of Traian, was by Anianus Gouernour of the Citty, beheaded. The same day of the holy Martyrs Victor, Zoticus, Zeno, Acindinus, Caesarius, Seuerianus, Chrysophorus, Theonas, and Antoninus, who hauing bene diuers wayes tryed, for the fayth of Christ, vnder Diocletian accomplished their Martyrdome. At Tomis in Scythia of S. Theotimus Bishop, who for his great holines and miracles was honoured euen of the very barbarians [Page 118] & Infidels. At Ebredunum. Ambrun in France of S. Marcellinus the first Bishop of that Citty, who being inspired by God, came out of Assrica into France with S. Vincent & Domninus, and there by workes and miracles, conuerted the greatest part of the In habitans of the Alpes neere the sea coast, to the fayth of Christ; and is euen to this day glorifyed by miracles. At Antisiodorum. Auxerre of S. Marcianus Priest. The same day of S. Theodorus Confessour (who of the rough hayrygarment which he vsed to weare, was sur-named Trichinas) renowned for many miracles, especially against the diuels: Out of whose body there yssueth an oyntment which restoreth health to the sicke. At Mons Politia [...]us. Monte Pulciano, of S. Agnes Virgin, renowned for miracles.
F The one and twentith Day.
IN Persia the birth-day of S. Simeon Bishop of Seleucia and Ctesipbon, who by commaundment of Sapores King of the Persians being apprehended, loaden with irōs, and presented to the Tribunall, for refusing to adore the Sunne, and professing constantly the Name of Iesus Christ, was togeather with an hundred others (amōgst [Page 119] whome, some were Bishops, some Priests, & diuers others of the Clergy) first, along while starued in pryson; but afterward whē Vsthazanes the Kings Tutor (who had a little before fallen from the fayth, & reduced to pennance by S. Simeon) constantly endured martyrdome, the nextday being the Anniuersary of our Lords Passion, all the rest being put to the sword before his face, whome he exhorted to constancy, was himselfe also at last beheaded. There suffered with him Abedechalas and Ananias worthy men and Priests; Pusicius also Maister of the Kings Arrificers, who for encouraging Ananias, that began somwhat to stagger, boared through the necke about the grissle-bone, and his tongue drawen out, dyed a most cruell death. After whome also his daughter, a sacred Virgin, was killed. At Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Arator Priest, Fortunatus, Felix, Siluius and Vitalis, who dyed in pryson. Moreouer of the Saints Apollo, Isacius, and Crotates, who suffered vnder Diocletian. At Cāterbury in England of S. Anselmus Bishop, famous for holines of life and learning. At Antioch of S. Anastasius of Sinai, Bishop and Confessour.
G The two and twentith Day.
AT Rome in the way called Appia, the birth-day of S. Sother Pope and Martyr. There also of S. Caius Pope, who vnder Diocletian the Emperour was crowned with Martyrdome. At Smyrna of the Saints Apelles and Lucius, two of the first Disciples of Christ. The same day, of many holy Martyrs, who the next yeare after S. Simeon, vpon Good Friday, in diuers Regions of Persia, vnder Sapores King, were put to death by the sword for the Name of Christ. In which persecution also, suffered Azades an Eunuch, dearely beloued of the King: Milles a Bishop renowned for holines of life and miracles: Acepsimas a Bishop also, with his Priest Iames: Also Aithalas and Ioseph Priests, Azadan and Abdiesus Deacons, with many others of the Clergy: and many Monks also, & sacred Virgins, amongst whome was Tarbula the syster of S. Simeon, with her wayting-mayd, who tyed vnto stakes, sawed in peeces, were most cruelly killed: Mareas also, & Bicor Bishops, with twenty other Bishops, & almost two hundred & fifty of the Clergie. At Cordula in Persia of the Saints Parmenius, Helimenas & [Page 121] Chrysotelus Priests, Lucas and Mucius Deacons, whose triumphant Martyrdome is written in the passion of the Saints Abdon and Sennen. At Alexandria the birth-day of S. Leonides Martyr, who suffered vnder Seuerus. At Lugdunum. Lyons of S. Epipodius, who in the persecution of Antoninus Verus, togeather with Alexander his fellow being apprehended, and put to many cruell torments, finally beheaded, accomplished their Martyrdome. At a Senonae. Sens of S. Leo Bishop and Confessor. At Anastasiopolis, of S. Theodorus Bishop, renowned for miracles.
A The three and twentith Day.
THE birth-day of S. George Martyr, whose glorious passion the Church of God honoureth amongst the Crownes of other Saints. At Valence in France, the passion of the holy Martyrs Felix Priest, Fortunatus and Achilleus Deacons, who sent thither by Irenaeus Bishop of Lyons to preach the word of God, after they had conuerted the greatest part of that Citty to the sayth of Christ, being cast into pryson by Cornelius the Captaine, & sore whipped, hauing also their thighes broken vpon the wheele, & choaked with smoke whilest they were [Page 122] racked vpon the torture Equuleus, were at last beheaded. In Prussia the birth-day of S. Adalbertus Bishop of Prage and Martyr, who preached the Gospell to the Polonians, and Hungarians. At Millane of Saint Marolus Bishop and Confessour. At Tullū. Toul in Lorayne, of S. Gerard Bishop of the same Citty.
B The foure and twentith Day.
AT Rome of S. Sabas a Captaine, who being accused for visiting the Christians in pryson, and freely before the Iudge confessing Christ, was by commandement of the same Iudge, first burned with torches, and then cast into a Caldrone of boyling pitch, wherin whē he receaued no hurt, threescore & ten others by that miracle were conuerted, who all remayning constant in their fayth, dyed by the sword; and himselfe lastly drowned in a riuer, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Lyons in France the birth-day of S. Alexander Martyr, who in the persecution of Antoninus Verus, after long imprysonement, was so cruelly torne with whippes, that, the flesh beaten from his ribbes, his bowels were opened, & his inward partes seene; and finally crucified on a Crosse, he yielded vhis blessed [Page 123] soule. There suffered with him thirty and foure more, whose memoryes are kept vpon other dayes. The same day of the holy Martyrs Eusebius, Neon, Leontius, Longinus, and foure others, who in the persecution of Diocletian after cruell torments, were beheaded. In England the deposition of S. Mellitus Bishop, who being sent thither by S. Gregory Pope, conuerted the East-Saxons, and their King to the fayth. At Illiberis. Colibre in Spayne. of S. Gregory Bishop and Confessour. At Brescia of S. Honorius Bishop. In Ireland of S. Egbert Priest, & monke, a man of wonderfull humility and continency. At Rhemes of the holy Virgins Bona, and Doda.
C The fiue and twentith Day.
AT Alexandria the birth-day of S. Marke Euangelist, the Disciple & Interpreter of S. Peter, who writing his Gospell at the request of the Christians at Rome, tooke it with him, and went into Aegypt; where first preaching Christ at Alexandria, he founded that Church; but afterward apprehended for the fayth of Christ, bound with cordes, and dragged vpon stones, endured great torments; then being shut vp in prison, where he was comforted by the visiō [Page 124] of an Angell, and also by an apparition of our Lord, was finally called to the kingdome of heauen, the eyght yeare of Nero. At Rome in the Church of S. Peter, the Celebrity of the Greater Letanyes, instituted by S. Gregory Pope. At Syracusae. Syracosa of the holy martyrs Euodius, Hermogenes, and Callistus. At Antioch of S. Stephen Bishop & Martyr, who many wayes afflicted by the heretiques, that impugned the Councell of Chalcedon, was cast headlong into the Riuer Orontes, in the tyme of Zeno the Emperour. There also of the Saints Philo and Agathopodes Deacons. At Alexandria of Anianus Bishop, Disciple to S. Marke, and his successour in that Bishopricke, who greatly renowned for his vertues, rested in our Lord. At Laubiū Lob the birth-day of S. Erminus Bishop and Cō fessour.
D The six and twentith Day.
AT Rome the birth-day of S. Cletus Pope, who next after S. Peter gouerned the Church, and was crowned with Martyrdome in the persecutiō of Domitian. There also of S. Marcellinus Pope and Martyr, who vnder Diocletian was beheaded for the faith of Christ, togeather with Claudius, [Page 125] Cyrinus, and Antoninus. At which tyme the persecution was so great, that in the space of a moneth seauenteene thousand Christiās suffered Martyrdome. At Amasia in Pontus of S. Basil Bshop & Martyr, who vnder Licinius Emperour accomplished a glorious martyrdome. His body being cast into the sea, & by reuelation of an Angell found out by Elpidiphorus, was very honourably entō bed. At Braca [...] Braga in Portugall of S. Peter Martyr, & first Bishop of that Citty. At Viēna of S. Claren [...]ius Bishop and Confessour. At Verona of S. Lucidus Bishop. In the Monastery of Centula of S. Richarius Priest and Confessour. At Tr [...]. Troys of S. Exuperantia Virgin.
E The seauen and twentith Day.
AT Nicomedia the birth-day of S. Anthimus Bishop and Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian, for the confession of Christ being beheaded, obtayned the glory of Martyrdome: whose constancy the most part of his flocke following, the Iudge commaunded some to beheaded, others to be burned, and others to be put into little boates, & drowned in the sea. At Tharsus in Cilicia of the Saints Castor and Stephen Martyrs. At Rome the deposition of [Page 126] S. Anastasius Pope, a man of most rich Pouerty, and Apostolicall vigilancy; whome as S. Hierome writeth, Rome deserued not to haue long, That the Head of the world might not be cut off, vnder such a Bishop. For shortly after his death Rome was taken, and sacked by the Gothes. At Bolonia of S. Tertullian Bishop and Confessour. At Brixia. Brescia of S. Theophilus Bishop. At Constantinople of S. Iohn Abbot, who vnder Leo [...] [...]auricus greatly laboured for the worship of holy Images.
F The eight and twentith Day.
AT Rauenna the birth-day of S. Vitalis Martyr, father to the Saints Geruasius and Protasius, who for taking away, and decently burying the body of S. Vrsicinus, being apprehended by Paulinus the Consul, after he had endured the racke of Equuleus, was let downe into a deepe dungeon, and there ouerwhelmed with earth and stones, by such a Martyrdome wēt vnto our Lord. At Millan of S. Valeria Martyr, wyfe to S. Vitalis. At Atina. Atino of S. Marke, who ordayned Bishop by S. Peter the Apostle, first preached the Gospell to the Aequ [...] [...]olae. people of Italy bordering vpon the Sabines, and in the persecution [Page 127] of Domitian, vnder Maximus Gouernour, receaued the Crowne of Martyrdome. At Alexandria the passion of S. Theodora virgin, who for refusing to sacrifyce vnto Idols, being carried to the Stewes, a certaine Christian called Didimus, suddainly changing apparell with her, through the wonderfull fauour of God, deliuered her; but afterward in the persecutiō of Diocletian, vnder Eustrasius Gouernour, they being both taken, & beheaded togeather, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. The same day of the Saints Aphrodisius, Caralippus, Agapius, and Eusebius Martyrs. In Pannonia of S. Pollio Martyr vnder Diocletian the Emperour. At Prusa in Bythinia of the holy Martyrs Patricius Bishop, Acatius, Menander & Polyenus. At Turi [...] so. Tarazona in Spayne of S. Prudentius Bishop, and Confessour. At Co [...] nium. Pentina in Peligni Abbruzzo, of S. Pamphilus Bishop of Valua, famous for his charity to the poore, & working of miracles, whose body lyeth buryed at Sulmona.
G The nyne and twentith Day.
AT Millan of S. Peter Martyr, of the Order of S. Dominicke, who was slayne by the Heretiques, for the Catholique [Page 128] fayth. At Paphos in Cyprus of S. Tychicus Disciple to Saint Paul the Apostle, whome in his Epistles he calleth a most deare Brother, a faythfull Minister, and his fellowseruant in our Lord. At Cirtha in Numidia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Agapius, and Secundinus Bishops, who after a long banishment, in the persecution of Valerianus, in which the fury of the Gentils raged most against the Iust, were from the high degree of Priesthood, aduaunced to the glory of Martyrdome. There suffered in their company Aemilianus a Souldier, Tertulla, and Antonia Sacred Virgins, and a certaine Christian woman, with her two Twyns. The same day, of seauen holy Theeues, who being conuerted to Christ by S. Iason, did purchase by Martyrdome life euerlasting. At Brescia of S. Paulinus Bishop and Confessor. In the Monastery of Cluniacum Cluny of S. Hugh Abbot. In the Monastery of Molesmes, of S. Robert the first Abbot b Molismum. of Cisterce. At Rome of S. Catherine of Siena Virgin, of the Order of S. Dominicke, renowned for Sanctimony of life and miracles; whome Pope Pius the second canonized for a Saint.
A The thirtith Day.
AT Lambesis in Numidia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Marianus Lector, and Iames Deacon, the former of whome hauing long suffered many afflictions for the Confession of Christ, in the persecutiō of Decius, was the second tyme apprehended, togeather with his said Companion, and after most cruell & exquisite torments, being twice comforted by a light from heauen, were both at last, with many other Christians beheaded. At San [...] nes. Saints of S. Eutropius Bishop and Martyr, who being ordayned by S. Clement Pope, and sent into France, after he had there long preached the Ghospell, being bruized in the head, for testimony of Christ, made a glorious end. At Co [...] duba. Cordoua of the holy Martyrs Amator Priest, Peter Monke, & Lewis. At Nouara of S. Laurence Priest, and many other children Martyrs, of whome he had charge for their education. At Alexandria of the holy Martors Aphrodisius Priest and thirty others. At Ephesus of S. Maximus Martyr, who was crowned in the persecution of Decius. At Fermo in [...]ic [...] [...]u [...]. Marc-Ancona of S. Sophia Virgin and Martyr. At Naples in Campania of S. Seuerus [Page 130] Bishop, who among other miracles raysed a dead man to life, to conuince a lying Creditour of a certaine Widdow, and Orphans. At Euorea in Epyrus of S. Donatus Bishop, who liued in great holines of life in the tyme of Theodosius the Emperour. At London in England of S. Erconwald Bishop, renowned for miracles.
B The first Day.
THE birth-day of the blessed Apostles Philip & Iames; of whome S. Philip, after he had cōuerted almost all Scythia to the fayth of Christ, at Hierapolis a Citty in Asia being fastened to a Crosse, and ouerwelmed with stones, made a glorious end. But S. Iames, who is called the Brother of our Lord, & was the first Bishop of Hierusalem, being throwne downe from a pinnacle of the Temple, and his thighes broken, wounded also in the head with a Dyars staffe, [Page 132] gaue vp the ghost, and was buryed neere vnto the Temple. In Aegypt of S. Hieremias Prophet, who being stoned by the people, dyed at Taphnas, and was there buryed; at whose Sepulcher, as wryteth Epiphanius, the deuout people were wont to resort, to make their prayers, and taking dust from thence, did therewith heale the byting of Serpents. In France in the Territory of Viuaria Viuiers, of S. Andeolus Subdeacon, who with others being sent out of the East into France by S. Polycarpe, to preach the word of God, was vnder Seuerus the Emperour first beaten with cudgells, and then hauing his head deuided into foure parts, with a woodden sword, in the forme of a crosse, accōplished his Martyrdome. At Osca. Huesca in Spayne of the holy Martyrs Orentius and Patientia. At Sedune in France, the passion of S. Sigismund King of the Burgundians, who drowned in a well, was afterwards renowned for miracles. At A [...]tisiodo [...]um. Auxerre of S. Amator Bishop and Confessour. At Aus [...]iū Auch of S. Orientius Bishop. In England of the Saints Asaph Bishop, and Walburge Virgin. At Bergamo of S. Grata Virgin.
C The second Day.
AT Alexandria the birth-day of Saint Athanasius Bishop of the same Citty, renowned for holynes of life and doctrine, against whome thogh all the world almost conspired, he notwithstanding stoutly defended the Catholique fayth, from the time of Constantine vnto Valens, against both Emperours, Gouernors, & innumerable Arrian Bishops, by whome many deceitful practises to intrap him were contriued, so that he was forced to fly into most parts of the world, where finding no place of safe [...]y, at last returned to his owne Church, & there after many afflictions, and crownes of Patiēce, the six & fourtith yeare of his Priesthood, he departed to our Lord, in the tyme of Valentinian and Valens Emperours. At Rome of the holy Martyrs Saturninus, Neopolus, Germanus, and Caelestinus, who after many afflictiōs endured, being cast into pryson, there made an holy end. Moreouer of the Martyrs Exuperius and Zoes his wife, Cyriacus, & Theodulus their children, who suffered vnder Hadrian the Emperour. At Seuill of S. Felix Deacon and Martyr. The same day of S. Vindemialis Bishop and Martyr, who togeather [Page 134] with Eugenius and Longinus Bishops, resisting the Arrians, both by doctrine, and miracles, by commaundment of Hunnericus the Arrian King was beheaded. At Abula. Auila in Spayne of S. Secundus Bishop, of whome mention is made afterwards on the fifteenth day of May, togeather with others. At Florence of S. Antoninus Bishop, of the Order of S. Dominicke, famous for his holines of life, and learning.
D The third Day.
AT Hierusalem the Inuention of the holy Crosse of our Lord, vnder Constantine the Emperour. At Rome in the way called Numentana, the passion of the holy Martyrs Alexander Pope, Euentius and Theodulus Priests; of whome Alexander, vnder Hadrian the Emperour, and Aurelian Iudge, after he had endured imprysonement, fetters, the torture Equuleus, iron Clawes, and fyre, being at last pricked with sharp steeles in euery part of his body, ended his Martyrdome. But Euentius and Theodulus, after long imprisonment, being tormented by fire, were finally beheaded. At Narnia Narni of S. Iuueuall Bishop and Confessor. At Constantinople of the holy Martyrs Alexander a Souldier, [Page 135] and Antonina Virgin, who in the persecution of Maximian the Emperour, vnder Festus Gouernour, being condemned to the stewes, was by Alexander secretly deliuered thence, by changing apparell with her, & remayning there in her place; but she being taken againe, they were both togeather cruelly tormented: and lastly hauing their handes cut off, and cast into the fyre, after a noble combat endured for the confession of Christ, they both receaued a Crowne of Martyrdome. In Thebais of the holy Martyrs Timotheus and Maura his wyfe: whome Arianus the Gouernour after many tormēts, commaunded to be crucifyed on a Crosse, where hanging nyne dayes aliue encouraging ech other in their fayth, accomplished their Martyrdome. At Aphrodisia in In Asia minote. Caria of the holy Martyrs Diodorus & Rodopianus, who in the persecution of Diocletian were stoned by people of their owne Citty.
E The fourth Day.
AT Ostia in the mouth of the riuer Tibur, the birth-day of S. Monica Mother to S. Augustine, who hath left written her famous life, in the nynth booke of his Confessions. At the Mettle-mynes of Phennes [Page 136] in Palestine, the birth-day of S. Siluanus Bishop of Gaza, who in the persecution of Diocletian, by commaundment of Maximinus, with many others of the Clergy, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. There also of nyne and thirty other Marryrs, who being condemned to the [...]ynes, after many torments, and searing with hoat-burning irons endured, were at last all togeather beheaded. At Hierusalem of S. Cyriacus Bishop, who cōming thither to visit the holy places, was killed vnder Iuliā the Apostata. In Vmbria of S. Porphyrius Martyr. At Nicomedia of S. Antonia Martyr, who after many torments being hanged vp by one arme three dayes togeather, and kept two yeares in pryson, at last was burned by Priscillianus Presidēt, for the confession of Christ. At Laurcacum No [...]icorum. Laussen in the Dutchy of Styria. of S. Florianus Martyr, who vnder Diocletian Emperour, by commaundement of Aquilinus Gouernour, hauing a great stone tyed about his necke was throwne headlong into the riuer of Anisus. At Tharsis of S. Pelagia Virgin, who vnder Diocletian, being shut vp in a hoate burning Oxe of brasse, accomplished her Martyrdome. At Cullen of S. Paulinus Martyr. At Millan of S. Venerius Bishop, whose vertues are witnessed by Saint Iohn [Page 137] Chrysostome in a letter which he wrote vnto him. In the Territory of Petragoricum. Perigueux of S. Sacerdos Bishop of Lemouicum. Limoges. At Antisiodorum. Auxerre of S. Curcodomus Deacon.
F The fift of Day.
AT Rome of Saint Crescentiana Martyr. There also of S. Siluanus Martyr. At Alexandria of S. Euthymius Deacon, who dyed in pryson for the confession of Christ. At Thessalonica the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Irenaeus, Peregrinus, and Irenes, consumed by fyre. At Antisiodorum. Auxerre the passion of S. Iouin [...]anus Lector. At Leocata in Sicily, of S. Angelus Priest, of the Order of Carmelites, who was slayne by the Heretiques for defending the Catholique fayth. At Hirusalem of S. Maximus Bishop and Confessor, vnder Maximinus Emperour, who hauing one of his eyes plucked out, and one of his feete seared with a hoate iron, was condemned to the mettall mines. At Edessa in Syria of S. Eulogius Bishop and Confessor. At Arelatum. Arles in France of S. Hilary Bishop, renowned for sanctity of life and learning. At Vienna of S. Nicetius Bishop, venerable for holynes of life. At Bolonia of S. Theodorus Bishop, renowned for merits. The same [Page 138] day of S. Sacerdos Bishop of Sagun [...]ia. Siguenza. At Millan of S. Geruntius Bishop. There also the conuersion of S. Augustine Bishop, and Doctor of the Church, whome S. Ambrose instructed in the Catholique fayth, and baptized on this day.
G The sixt Day.
AT Rome of S. Iohn Euangelist, who by cōmaundment of Domitiā, brought prisoner from Ephesus to Rome, and there by sentence of the Senate, before the Gate called Latina, being put into a vessell of boyling oyle, came out more pure and liuely, then before. At Antioch of S. Euodius, who, as S. Ignatius writeth to the Antiochians, being created the first Bishop of that Citty by S. Peter the Apostle, ended his life by a glorious Martyrdome. At Cyrene of S. Lucius Bishop, of whome S. Luke maketh mention in the Acts of the Apostles. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Heliodorus and Venustus, with threescore and fifteene others. In Cyprus of S. Theodotus Bishop of Cyrinia, who hauing endured most grieuous persecution vnder Licinius the Emperour, at length, in peace of the Church, gaue vp his soule to God. At Damasco the birth-day of S. Iohn Damascene, [Page 139] renowned for holines of life and doctrine, who constantly opposed himselfe, both by word and writing against Leo Isauricus, in defence of holy Images; for which cause hauing his right Hand cut off, by commaundment of the said Emperour, and deuoutly commending himselfe, before an Image of our blessed Lady which he had defended, forth with receaued the same againe sound & whole. At Carrha in Mesopotamia of S. Protogenes Bishop. In England of S. Eadbertus Bishop of Lindisfarne famous for learning and piety. At Rome of S. Benedicta Virgin. At Salerno the translation of S. Matthew Apostle, whose holy body being brought out of Aethiopia, to diuers other countryes, was at last translated to that Citty, and there with great honour placed in a Church dedicated vnto his Name, in the tyme of Pope Gregory the seauenth.
A The seauenth Day.
AT Crac [...] uia. Cracaw in Polonia, the birth-day of S. Stani [...]aus Bishop and Martyr, who was slayne by the impious King Boleslaus. At Terracina in Campania the birthday of S. Flauia Domitilla Virgin and Martyr, neece to Flauius Clemens the Consull, who [Page 140] consecrated to God by S. Clement Pope, was in the persecution of Domitian, for the testimony of Christ, sent into banishment, into the Iland Pontia, with many others, where she endured a long Martyrdome; but being afterward brought backe to Terracina, after she had by her doctrine & miracles cōuerted many to the fayth of Christ, was at last, togeather with the Virgins Euphrosin [...] and Theodora, burned in her owne house, by commaundment of the Iudge, & so accomplished the course of her Martyrdome. The same day of S. Iuuenal Martyr. At Nicomedia of the holy Martyrs Flauius, Augustus, and Augustinus Brothers. There also of S. Quadratus Martyr, who in the persecution of Decius hauing byn often tortured, was at last beheaded. At Rome of S. Benedict Pope and Confessor. At Yorke in England of S. Iohn Bishop, famous for holines of life & miracles. At Pauia of S. Peter Bishop. At Rome the Translation of the body of S. Stephen the Protomartyr, which in the tyme of Pelagius Pope, was brought from Constantinople to Rome, and layd in the sepulcher of S. Laurence, without walls of the Citty, & is there still honoured with great concourse of deuout people.
B The eyght Day.
IN the Mount Garganus the apparition of S. Michael the Archangell. At Millan of S. Victor Martyr, by Nation a More, who in his tender yeares being made a Christian, and afterwards a Souldier in the Emperours Campe, when Maximianns would haue cō pelled him to sacrifice vnto Idols, perseuering constantly in the confession of his Fayth, was first grieuously beaten with clubbs, and afterward scalded with hoat melted lead, but by the protection of God receauing no hurt therby, at last by losse of his head, ended his glorious Martyrdome. At Constantinople of S. Acathius a Centurion, who in the persecution of Diocletian & Maximianus, being accused by Firmus the Tribune for a Christian, and cruelly tortured by Bibianus the Iudge, was there finally by Flaccinus Proconfull beheaded; whose body being by diuine power brought vnto the shore of Scyllacium, is there kept with very great honour. At Vienna of S. Dennis Bishop and Confessour. At Anti [...] odorum. Auxerre of S. Helladius Bishop. In the territory of Bisu [...] tium. Bezanson of S. Peter Bishop. In Scotland of S. Wiro Bishop.
C The nynth Day.
AT Nazianzum the birth-day of S. Gregory Bishop, for his singular knowledge in Diuinity, surnamed The Diuine; who restored the Catholique fayth decayed at Constantinople, and suppressed diuers Heresies then arising. At Rome of S. Hermes, of whome S. Paul the Apostle maketh mention in his Epistle to the Romans; who being made an acceptable sacrifice to God, adorned with many vertues, obtayned an heauenly Crowne. In Persia of three hundred and ten holy Martyrs. At Calli [...]. Caglio in the way called Flaminia, the passion of S. Gerontius Bishop of Ficode Ceruia. In the Castle of Vinde [...]num. Vendome the deposition of S. Beatus Confessour. At Constantinople the translation of the holy bodyes of S. Andrew Apostle, and S. Luke Euangelist out of Achaia; and of S. Timothy Disciple to S. Paul from Ephesus: but the body of S. Andrew being afterward brought to Amalfi, is there by concourse of deuout people greatly honoured: Out of whose sepulcher floweth a liquor continually, very soueraigne for many diseases. Moreouer at Rome the translation of S. Hierome Priest, and Doctour of [Page 143] the Church, from Bethleem Iuda, to the Church of S. Mary, named Ad Praesepe. At [...]. Bari in Apulia the translation also of S. Nicolas Bishop, from Myra a Citty in Lycia.
D The tenth Day.
AT Rome in the way called Latina the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Gordianus & Epimachus; of whome the former in the tyme of Iulian the Apostata, being long beaten with leaden whippes, for the confession of the name of Christ, was at last beheaded: whose body was in the night by the Christians buryed in the same Sepulcher, into which the Reliques of S. Epimachus Martyr had byn a little before translated from Alexandria, where for the fayth of Christ he had accomplished his Martyrdome. In the Land of Hus, of S. Iob Prophet, a man of wonderfull Patience. At Rome of S. Calepodius Priest and Martyr, who being beheaded by Alexander the Emperour, his body was drawne through the City, and cast into the riuer of Tybur; which being afterward found was by Pope Callistus buried. In this persecution there suffered also Palmatius a Consull, togeather with his wife and children, and fourty two [Page 144] others of his Houshold: Simplicius also a Senator, with his wyfe, & threescore & eight of his family: Felix also, with his wife Blanda: All whose heads were set vpon diuers gates of the Citty, for a terrour to the Christians. Moreouer at Rome in the way called Latina, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Quartus and Quinctus, whose bodyes were translated to Capua. At Leontinum. Lentini in Sycily of the holy Martyrs Alphius, Philadelphus, & Cyrinus. At Smyrna of S. Dioscordies Martyr. At Tarencum. Taranto of S. Cataldus Bishop, renowned for miracles. At Millan the inuention of the holy bodies of Nazarius & Celsus Martyrs, by S. Ambrose Bishop; who finding the body of S. Nazarius freshly bleeding, translated the same to the Church of the Apostles, togeather with the body of S. Celsus a boy, whome the same Nazarius had brought vp, who in the persecution of Nero, togeather with Nazarius was beheaded by Anolinus, the 29. Day of Iuly, vpon which day the feast of their Martyrdome is kept.
E The eleauenth Day.
AT Rome in the way called Salaria, the birth-day of S. Anthimus Priest, who [Page 145] after he had preached the Ghospell of Christ most laudably, was in the persecution of Dio [...]etian throwne headlong into the riuer of Tybur, but deliuered by an Angell, & carried into his owne Oratory, afterwards beheaded, ascended victoriously to heauen. The same day of S. Euellius Martyr, who being one of the houshould of Nero, by seeing the Martyrdome of S. Torpes, became a Christian, and for confession of the same was beheaded. Also at Rome of the holy martyrs Maximus, Bassus, & Fabius, who vnder Diocletian were slaine in the way called Salaria. At Camerino of the holy Martyrs Anastasius, and his fellowes, who in the persecution of Decius, vnder Antiochus Gouernour were killed. At Auximum. Osmo in Marc-Ancona of the holy Martyrs Sisi [...]us Deacon, Diocletius and Florentius Disciples of S. Anthimus aforesaid, who vnder Diocletian being stoned to death, accomplished their Martyrdome. At Varennes of S. Gangulphus Martyr. At Vienna of S. Mamertus Bishop, who for pacifying the wrath of God, first instituted in that Citty, the solemne Letanies, three dayes before the Ascension of Christ; which Custome the Vniuersall Church afterwards approued. At Sylu [...] niacum. Sauuigni the deposition of Saint Maiolus Abbot of Cluny; [Page 146] whose life was renowned for merits. At Septempe [...]a. San-Seuerino in Marc-Ancona, of S. Illuminatus Confessour.
F The twelfth Day.
AT Rome in the way called Ardeatina of the holy Martyrs Nereus & Achilleus Brothers, who togeather with Flauia Domitilla, whose Eunuches they were, hauing endured a long banishment in the Iland Pontia, and afterward cruelly whipped, for refusing to sacrifice vnto Idols, & for saying, that hauing bene baptized by S. Peter the Apostle, they could by no meanes sacrifyce vnto Idols, were finally by Minutius Rufus the Consull, beheaded. There also in the way called Aurelia of S. Pancratius Martyr who being but fourtene yeares old, vnder Diocletian beheaded, accomplished his Martyrdome. Moreouer at Rome of S. Dennis Vncle to the same Pancratins. In Sicily of S. Philip, surnamed Argyrion, who being sent into that Iland by the Bishop of Rome, conuerted a great part therof to the fayth of Christ, whose holines is famous in deliuering of possessed persons. At Salamina in Cyprus of S. Epiphanius Bishop, who greatly excelling in Doctrine, especially in the [Page 147] knowledge of the holy Scriptures, was renowned also for his holines of life, zeale of the Catholique fayth, liberallity to the poore, and power of working miracles. At Constantinople of S. German Bishop, famous for vertue and learning, who with great courage & constancy reproued Leo Isauricus for publishing an Edict against holy Images. At Treuers of S. Modoaldus Bishop. In the Citty of Calciata of S. Dominicke Confessour.
G The thirteenth Day.
AT Rome the dedication of the Church of S. Mary, called Ad Martyres, which hauing sometimes byn an Idolotrous Tē ple of all the Gods, named Pantheon, Pope Boniface the fourth consecrated to the Honour of the Blessed, and euer-Virgin Mary, and of all Martyrs, in the tyme of Phocas the Emperour. At Constantinople of S▪ Mucius Priest and Martyr, who vnder Diocletian the Emperour, and Laodicius P [...]oconsull, hauing first, at Amphipolis, endured many torments for the confession of Christ, & afterwards brought as farre as Bizantium, was finally beheaded. At Heraclea of S. [...]liceria Martyr, a Roman by byrth, who suffered [Page 148] vnder Antoninus Emperour, and Sabinus Gouernour. At Alexandria the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who for the Catholique fayth were killed by the Arians, in the Church of Theonas. At Traiectum. Maestricht of Saint Seruatius Bishop of Tungres, whose sepulcher, in testimony of his great holynes, when in the winter tyme all places round about were couered with snow, was neuer touched therewith, vntill by the Cittyzens industry, a goodly Church was built ouer it. In Palestine of S. Iohn, sur-named Silenti [...]rius.
A The fourtenth Day.
THE birth-day of S. Bonifacius Martyr, who vnder Diocletian and Maximian Emperours suffered at Tharsus in Cilicia; but afterward translated to Rome, was buryed in the way called Latina. In France of S. Pontius Martyr, who by his preaching and industry, hauing conuerted the two philips Emperours, to the fayth of Christ, vnder Valerianus and Gallienus obteyned the palme of Martyrdome. In Syria of the holy Martyrs Victor, and Corona, vnder Antoninus Emperour; of whome Victor, being put to diuers cruell torments by Sebastian the [Page 149] Iudge, when Corona (a Souldiers wyfe) with a lowde voyce, highly commended him for his constant suffering, and affirming that she saw two Crownes falling from heauen, one for Victor, & another for herself, was tyed to the bowes of trees, and torne in peeces by the violent flying backe therof; but Victor was beheaded. In Sardinia of the holy Martyrs lusta, lustina, and Henedina. At Rome of S. Paschalis Pope who tooke vp many bodyes of holy Martyrs out of caues, and honourably placed them in diuers Churches. At Ferentum. Ferento in Tuscany of S. Bonifacius Bishop, who, as S. Gregory Pope testifieth, euen frō his childhood was renowned for miracles. At N [...]ples in Campania of S. Pomponius Bishop. In Aegypt of S. Pachomius Abbot, who erected many Monasteryes there, and wrote a Rule for his Monkes, which was dictated vnto him by an Angell.
B The fiftenth Day.
IN Spayne of the Saints Torquatus, Ctesiphon, Secundus, Indaletius, Caecilius, Hesychius and Euphrasius, who being all ordayned Bishops at Rome by the holy Apostles, & sent into Spayne to preach the word of God, after [Page 150] they had brought many Cittyes and people to the subiection of Christ, they rested in our Lord, in diuers places of the same Kingdome; as Torquatus at Accū ▪ Guadix, C [...]e [...]phon at Vergium Vierzo, Secundus at A [...]u [...]a Auila▪ Ind [...]letius at Vrcū. Bera, Caecilius at [...]berum. Colibre, Hesychius at Carteia. Cartagena, and Euphrasius at [...] turgum. And [...]gar. At E [...]ora. Euora in Portugal of S. Mancius Martyr. In the Iland of Chio the birth-day of S. Isiodore Martyr, in whose Church there is a Well, whereinto it is recorded that he was cast, the water of which being often drunke healeth the sicke. At Lampsacum in Hellespont the passion of the Saints Peter, Andrew, Paul, and Dionysia. At Fausi [...]. Terranoua in Sardinia of S. Simplicius Bishop and Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian vnder Barbarus Gouernour, being thrust through with a [...]aunce, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Auūergne of the holy Martyrs Cassius, Victorinus, Maximus, and their fellowes. In Brabant of Dympna Virgin and Martyr, daughter to a King of Ireland, who for the fayth of Christ, and preseruing of her virginity, was by her owne Fathers commaundement beheaded.
C The sixtenth Day.
AT Eugubium. Eugubio in Italy of S. Vbaldus Bishop, renowned for miracles. In [...]sauria the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Aquilinus, and Victorianus. At Antisiodorum. Auxerre the passsion of S. Peregrinus the first Bishop of that Citty, who being sent into France with other of the Clergy by S. Sixtus Pope, after he had there preached the Gospell of Christ, deserued a Crowne of Martyrdome by being beheaded. At Vzalis in Affrica of the holy Martyrs Felix and Gennadius. In Palestine the passion of many holy Monkes, slayne by the Saracens in the Monastery of S. Sabas. In Persia of the holy Martyrs Audas Bishop, seauen Priests, nyne Deacons, & seauen Virgins, who vnder King Isdegerdes, enduring diuers kind of torments, accomplished a most renowned Martyrdome. At Amiens in France of S. Honoratus Bishop. At C [...]n [...] manū. Mans of S. Domnolus Bishop. At Trecae. Troys of S. Fidolus Confessor. In Scotland of S. Brandanus Abbot. At Foru [...] Iul [...]j. Friuoli of S. Maxima Virgin, who adorned with many vertues rested in our Lord.
D The seauententh Day.
AT Pisa in Tuscany of S. Torpes Martyr, who being an Officer vnto Nero the Emperour, and one of those of whome S. Paul wryting from Rome to the Philippians, mentioneth, saying: All the Saints salute you, especially those that are of the house of Caesar: was for the fayth of Christ, by commaundement of Satellicus cruelly buffeted, whipped, and cast vnto the beasts to be deuo [...]red, by whome being nothing hurt, at last beheaded, accomplished his Martyrdome, vpon the 29. Day of Aprill, but his feast is more solemnely kept this day, for the translation of his Body▪ In Affrica of S. Restituta Virgi [...] and Martyr, who in the tyme of Val [...]ri [...]n the Emperour, being many wayes tormented by Proculus Iudge, wat at last put into an old ship filled with pitch & tow, which set on fyre, the flame thereof turning vpon those that kindled the same, she there in prayer gaue vp her soule to God. Her body, togeather with the said ship, being miraculously brought to the Iland of Aenaria neere Naples, was of the Christians receaued with great reuerence: in whose honour Constantine the Great caused [Page 153] a goodly Church to be built in Naples. At Nouiodunum. Noyon of the holy Martyrs Heradius, Paulus, and Aquilinus, with two others. At Ch [...]lcedon of the holy Martyrs Solochanus and his fellow souldiers, vnder Maxim [...]anus Emperour. At Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Adrianus, Victor, and Basilla. At Herbipolis. Wirtzburge of S. Bruno Bishop and Confessour.
E The eightenth Day.
IN Aegypt of S. Di [...]s [...]orus Lector, who by the President of that Countrey, being most cruelly tormented, by plucking of his nayles, and scorching his sydes (in so much that the tormentors being terrifyed by the brightnes of an heauenly lyght, fell to the ground) at last burned with fiery plates accomplished his Martyrdome. At Camerino in Vmbria of S. Venantius Martyr, who being but fifteen yeares of age, was vnder Decius the Emperour, and Antiochus President, togeather with ten others beheaded. At Spoleto of S. Felix Bishop, who vnder Maximianus Emperour, obteyned the palme of Martyrdome. In Aegypt of S. Potamion Bishop, who being first persecuted vnder Maximinus, was after in the time of Constantius Emperour, by Philagrius the Arrian President, [Page 154] crowned with Martyrdome. At Ancyra in Galatia of S. Theodotus Martyr: also of the Saints Thecusa his Aunt, Alexandria, Claudia, Fama, Euphrasia, Matrona and Iulitta Virgins, who being brutishly sent vnto the Stewes by the President, but preserued from infamy by the power of God, hauing stones tyed to their neckes, were drowned in a lake; whose reliques when Theodotus had gathered togeather and honourably enterred, being apprehenhed by the said President, and most cruelly tormented, at last beheaded, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. At Vpsalum. Opslo in Swetia of S. Ericus King and Martyr.
F The nynetenth Day.
AT Rome of S. Pudentiana Virgin, who after she had endured infinite agonies and afflictions in the tyme of persecution, after she had most honourably buried the bodyes of many holy Martyrs, & distributed all her goods to the poore for the loue of Christ, was at length called to receaue her reward in heauen. There also of S. Pudens a Senatour father to the sayd Virgi [...], whō baptized by the Apostles, preserued his innocent Garment vnspotted vnto the [Page 155] Crowne of life. Moreouer at Rome in the way called Appia, the birth-day of the Saints Calocerus, and Parthenius Eunuches; of whome the former being chiefe Chamberlayne to the wife of Decius the Emperour, and the other also a principall Officer, for refusing to sacrifyce vnto Idols, were by the said Decius put to death. At Nicomedia of S. Philoterus Martyr, sonne to Pacianus the Proconsull, who after many afflictions vnder Diocletian the Emperour, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. There also of six holy Virgins and Martyrs, of whome the chiefest was Cyriaca, who freely rebuking Maximianus the Tyrant for his impiety, being most cruelly torne with whippes, was finally burned. The same day of Saint Peter de Morono, who of an Anchoret being created Pope, and called Celestinus the fifth, resigned his Dignity, and betooke himself agayne to a contemplatiue lyfe in the wildernesse, where renowned for vertues & miracles, he went vnto our Lord. At Canterbury of S. Dunstan Bishop. In Little Brittany of S. Iuo Priest and Confessor, who for the loue of Christ defended the causes of Orphans, Widdowes, and the Poore.
G The twentith Day.
AT Rome in the way called Salaria, the birth-day of S. Basilla Virgin, who descended of a Royall linage, and betrothed to a most noble Person, for refusing his marriage, was by him accused vnto Gallienus the Emperour to be a Christian; of whome it was decreed, that eyther she should take him for her husband, or dye by the sword; which when she refused to do, saying, that she was already espoused to the King of Kings, was presētly beheaded. At Nemausus. Nismes in France of S. Baudelius Martyr, who for refusing to sacrifyce vnto Idols, and persisting constant in the fayth of Christ, after he had byn cruelly whipped and otherwise tormented, by a pretious death obtayned the palme of Martyrdome. At Edessa in Syria of the holy Martyrs Thalalaeus, Asterius, Alexander, and their fellowes, who suffered vnder Numerianus Emperour. In Thebais of S. Aquila Martyr, who was cruelly torne with iron Combes, for the fayth of Christ. At Bituricae. Bourges in France of S. Austregisilus Bishop & Confessour. At Brescia of S. Anastasius Bishop. At Pau [...]a of S. Theodorus Bishop. At Aquila in In Vestinis. Abbruzzo of S. [Page 157] Bernardine of Siena, of the Order of S. Francis, who by word and worke greatly adorned Italy. At Rome of S. Plautilla, a woman of Noble Extraction, and mother to Blessed Flauia Domitilla, who baptized by S. Peser the Apostle, and renowned for all kind of vertues, rested in peace.
A The one and twentieth Day.
AT Caesarea Mauritania Casariensis. in Affrica the birth-day of the holy Martys Timotheus, Polius & [...]utychius Deacons, who for preaching the word of God in those partes, deserued to be crowned togeather with Martyrdome. At Caesarea in Cappadocia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Polieuctus, Victorinus, and Dona [...]us. At Cordoua of S. Secundinus Martyr. The same day of the holy Martyrs Synesius, and Theopompus. At Caesarea Philippi the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Nicostratus and Antiochus Tribunes, with diuers other souldiers. The same day of S. Valens Bishop, who with three childrē was put to death for the faith of Christ. At Alexandria the Commemoration of the holy martyrs Secundus Priest, and others, who in the festiuall dayes of Pentecost vnder Constantius the Emperour were commaunded to be cruelly killed by George [Page 158] the Arian Bishop. Also of other holy Bishops and Priests, who bannished by the Arrians, deserued to be made partakers of the glory of Confessours. At Nicla. Nizza in Sauoy of S. Hospitius Confessour, renowned for the vertue of abstinence, and spirit of Prophecy.
B The two and twentith Day.
AT Rome of the holy Martyrs Faustinus, Timotheus, and Venustus. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Castus, and Aemilius, who finished their Martyrdome by the fyre. These men (as S. Cyprian writeth) yielding in the first assault, for feare of the fire, became Conquerers in the second, by the help of our Lord, and euen more stronge then the fyre it selfe. In Corsica of S. Iulia Virgin, who by the death of the Crosse obteyned a crowne of Martyrdome. At Comana in Pontus of S. Basiliscus Martyr, who vnder Maximianus Emperour, and Agrippa President, being compelled to put on iron shooes, stucke full of hoate fiery nayles, besides the enduring of many other torments, at last beheaded, and cast into a riuer, purchased a Crowne of Martyrdome. In Spayne of S. Quiteria Virgin and [Page 159] Martyr. At Rauenna of S. Marcianus Bishop and Confessour. In the Territory of Antisiodorum. Auxerre of S. Romanus abbot, who serued S. Benet in his Caue, and after going into France, hauing there erected a Monastery, and left many disciples, and followers of his vertues went to rest in our Lord. At Aquinum. Aquino of S. Fulke Confessour. At Auxerre of S. Helena Virgin.
C The three and twentith Day.
AT Lingonae. Langres in France the passion of S. Desiderius Bishop, who seeing his flocke vexed by the army of the Vandalls, went to their King to intreat for them, by whose commaundment he was forthwith slayne; and so offeringe his lyfe for the sheepe committed to his charge, by the dint of sword went ioyfully vnto our Lord. There suffered also with him many others of his flocke which lye buried in the same Citty. In Spayne of the holy Martyrs Epitacius Bishop, and Basileus. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Quinctianus, Lucius, and Iulianus, who in the persecution of the Wandalls, deserued eternall crownes of Martyrdome. In Cappadocia the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who in the persecution of [Page 160] Maximinus, hauing their thighes broken, were killed. Also of many others, who at the same tyme in Mesopotamia, hanged vp by the feete, with their heads downeward, styfled with smoke, & consumed with a slow fyre, accomplished their Martyrdome. In the territory of Lyons of S. Desiderius Bishop of Vienne, who stoned to death, by commaundment of King Theodoricus, was crowned a Martyr. At Synnada in Phrygia of S. Michael Bishop. The same day of S. Mercurialis Bishop. At Naples in Campania of S. Euphebius Bishop. At Nursia, of the Saints Eutychius and Florentius Monkes, of whome S. Gregory Pope maketh mention.
D The foure and twentith Day.
AT Antioch the birth-day of S. Manahen, Foster-brother to Herod the Tetrarch, Doctour, and Prophet vnder the grace of the new Testament, who lyeth buryed in the same Citty. Also of S. Ioane wyfe to Chusas King Herods Steward, of whome S. Luke the Euangelist maketh mention. At Portus Romanus. Porto the birth-day of S. Vincent Martyr. At Brixia. Brescia of S. Afra Martyr, who suffered vnder Hadrian the Emperour. At N [...]nnetes. Nantes in the lesser Brittany of the blessed Martyrs Donatianus [Page 161] and Rogatianus brothers, who vnder Diocletian Emperour, for the confession of their fayth, being first cast into pryson, then racked vpon the torture Equuleus, and afterwards thrust through with a launce, were lastly beheaded. In Istria of the holy Martyrs Zoellus, Seruilius, Felix, Siluanus and Diocles. The same day of the holy Martyrs Meletius, a Coronell, togeather with two hundred & fifty two of his souldiers, who by diuers kindes of death accomplished their Martyrdome. Also of the holy Martyrs Susanna, Marciana, and Palladia, wiues to three of the foresayd souldiers, who with their little children were all broken in peeces. At Millan of S. Robustianus Martyr. In the Monastery of Lyrina of S. Vincent Priest, renowned for learning & holynes of life. At Bolonia the translation of S. Dominike Confessour, in the tyme of Pope Gregory the ninth.
E The fiue and twentith Day.
AT Rome in the way called Numentana the birth-day of S. Vrbanus Pope & Martyr, by whose exhortations and doctrine many (amongst whome were Tiburtius and Valerianus) receaued the fayth of [Page 162] Christ, and suffered Martyrdome for the same. Himselfe also hauing endured much for the Church of God, at last beheaded, obteyned the crowne of Martyrdome. At Novv called Busia. Dorostorum in Mysia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Passicrates, Valention, and two others, crowned togeather. At Millan of S. Dennis Bishop, who by Constantius the Arian Emperour, banished into Cappadocia for the Catholique fayth, there gaue vp his soule to God. His holy body was sent to S. Ambrose at Millan, by Aurelius Bishop, and the assistance of S. Basil the Great, as is recorded. At Rome of S. Bonifacius Pope, the fourth of that name, who dedicated the tēple of al the Gods, called Pantheon, to the honour of our Blessed Lady, named ad Martyres. At Salerno the deposition of Blessed Pope Gregory the seauenth, an earnest protectour, and defender of the Churches liberty. At Flor [...]nce the birth-day of S. Zenobius Bishop of the same Citty, renowned for holines of life and m [...] racles. In England of S. Aldelmus Bishop of Schi [...] [...]urgum. Sherborne. In the territory of Tri [...]assium. Troys of S. Leo Confessor. At Assisi in Vmbria the trā slation of S. Francis Confessour, in the tyme of Pope Gregory the nynth. At Verulo in He [...]ni [...]i. Campania the translation of S. Mary mother to S. Iames the yonger, whose holy body, [Page 163] is honoured with very many miracles.
F The six and twentith Day.
AT Rome of S. El [...]utherius Pope and Martyr, who conuerted many of the Roman Nobility, to the [...]ayth of Christ, and sent the Saints Damianus and Fugatius into Bri [...]any, who baptized King Luci [...]s with his Queene, & almost all his people. Also at Rome of the holy Martyrs Simitrius Priest, and two and twenty others, who suffered vnder Antoninus Pius. At Athens the birth-day of S. Quadratus Disciple of the Apostles, who by his fayth and industry gathering togeather the Church, dispersed through the feare of persecution, vnder Adrian the Emperour, offered vp vnto him a Booke in defence of Christian Religion, very necessary, and full of Apostolicall doctrine. At Vienna of S. Zacharias Bishop and Martyr, who suffered vnder Traian. In Affrica of S. Quadratus also martyr, vpon whose feast S. Augustine made a Se [...]mon. At Tude [...] tum. Todi of the holy Martyrs Felicissimus, Heraclius, & Paulinus. In the Territory of An [...] siodo [...]u [...]. Auxerre the Passion of S. Priscus Martyr, with a great nūber more of Christians. At Canterbury in [Page 164] England, of S. Augustine Bishop, who being sent thither, togeather with others, by S. Gregory Pope, preached the Gospell, of Christ to the English Nation; and there renowned for vertues & miracles, went to rest in our Lord.
G The seauen and twentith Day.
THE birth-day of S. Iohn Pope and Martyr, who by Theodoricus an Arian King of Italy being called to Rauenna, after long staruing in pryson, for the Fayth of Christ, there ended his lyfe. At Dorostorum in Mysia the passion of S. Iulius, who hauing byn an ancient souldier, and by licence giuen ouer the warres, was in the tyme of Alexander the Emperour, apprehended by the officers, and presented before Maximus the President; in whose presence detesting the Idolls, and constantly professing the Name of Christ, receaued the sentence of death▪ At Sora of S. Restituta Virgin and Martyr, who vnder Aurelianus Emperour, and Agathi [...]s Proconsull, in a combat for her [...]ayth, ouercomming the violence of the Deuill, the flattery of the world, and the [...]ruelty of her Tormentors, was at last togeather with other Christians beheaded, & [Page 165] crowned with Martyrdome. In the territory of A [...] batum. Arras of S. Ranulphus Marty. At A [...]ausia. Orange in France of S. Eutropius Bishop, famous for vertues and miracles. The same day the deposition of Venerable Bede Priest, renowned for holynes of lyfe & doctrine.
A The eight and twentith Day.
IN Sardinia of the holy Martyrs Aemilius, Felix, Priamus, & Lucianus, who for the fayth of Christ were crowned with Martyrdome. At Ca [...]notum. Chartres in France of S. Caraunus Martyr, who vnder Domitian the Emperour, by losse of his head obteyned a crowne of Martyrdome. At Corinth of S. Helconides Martyr, who being first, vnder Gordianus Emperour, and Perennius President, afflicted many wayes, and then againe tormented by Iustinus his Successor, but deliuered by an Angell; hauing also her breasts cut off, cast vnto the beasts, & tryed by the fyre, was at last beheaded, and so accomplished her Martyrdome. Also the passion of the Saints Crescens, Dioscorides, Paulus and Helladius. At The [...]uis in Palestine of many holy Monkes and Martyrs, who were killed by the Saracens, in the dayes of Theodosius the Yonger; whose sacred Reliques the [Page 166] Inhabitans gathering togeather, kept with great veneration and reuerence. At Paris in France, of S. German Bishop and Confessour, whose holynes of lyfe, and miracles how great they were, Fortunatus Bishop hath left written. At Millan of S. Senator Bishop, renowned for vertue and learning. At Vrgella in Spayne of S. Iustus Bishop. At Florence of S. Podius Bishop & Confessour.
B The nyne and twentith Day.
AT Rome in the way called Aurelia, the birth-day of S. Restitutus Martyr. At Novv called Cogne. Iconium a Citty in Isauria, the passion of the Saints Conon and his Sonne, of twelue yeares old, who vnder Aurelianus Emperour being broyled vpon a Gridiron, and oyle powred vpon them, racked vpon the torture Equuleus, & burned with fire, at last hauing their hands all bruised to peeces with a mallet, gaue vp the Ghost. The same day, of the holy Martyrs Sisinius, Martyrius and Alexander, who in the dayes of Honorius the Emperour, as S. Paulinus writeth, through persecution of the Gentills obtaytayned the crowne of Martyrdome in the Coūtry of Anaunia. At Caesarea Philippi of the holy Martyrs Theodosia mother to S. Procopius [Page 167] Martyr, & twelue other noble Matrons who in the persecution of Diocletian were beheaded. In Vmbria the passion of a thousand fiue hundred twenty fiue holy Martyrs. At Treuers of S. Maximus Bishop and Confessour, who very honourably entertayned S. Athanasius flying the persecution of Constantius. At Verona of S. Maximus Bishop. At Arcano in Latium, of S. Eleutherius Confessour.
C The thirtith Day.
AT Rome in the way called Aurelia, the birth-day of S. Felix Pope & Martyr, who vnder Aurelian Emperor was crowned with Martyrdome. At Turres. Torre in Sardinia of the holy Martyrs Gabinus and Crispulus. At Antioch of the Saints Sycus and Palatinus, who for the name of Christ endured many torments. At Rauenna of S. Exuperantius Bishop and Confessour. At Pauia of S. Anastasius Bishop. At Caesarea in Cappadocia of the Saints Basilius and Emmelia his wyfe, Father and Mother to S. Basil the Great, who in the dayes of Maximinus being banished, inhabited the deserts of Pontus; & the persecutiō afterward ceasing, leauing their children heyres of their vertue, rested in peace.
D The one and thirtith Day.
AT Rome of S. Petronilla Virgin, daughter to S. Peter the Apostle, who contemning the marriage of Flaccus a Noblemā, taking three dayes do deliberate, in the meane while attending to prayer and fasting, the third day, after she had receaued the holy Sacrament of Christs Body, gaue vp the ghost. At Aquileia of the holy Martyrs Cantius, Cantianus brothers, and Cantianilla their syster, who descended of the noble family of Anicius, vnder Diocletian and Maximian Emperours, for constant profession of the Christian fayth, togeather with their Scholemayster Protus were beheaded. At Turres. Torre in Sardinia of S. Crescētianus Martyr. At Comana in Pontus of S. [...]ermias Souldier, who vnder Antoninus Emperour being miraculously deliuered from many and most cruell torments, conuerted the Hangman to Christ, and made him partaker of the same crowne of Martyrdome, which himself first obteyned by losse of his head. At Verona of S. Lup [...]cinus Bishop. At Rome of S. Paschasius Deacon and Confessour, of whome S. Gregory Pope maketh mention.
E The first Day.
AT Rome of S. Inuentius Martyr. At Caesarea in Palestine of S. Pamphilus Priest & Martyr, a man of great holynes and learning, and very liberall to the poore, who in the persecution of Maximinus, being first tormented vnder Vrbanus President & cast into pryson, and afterward againe by Firmilianus afflicted for the fayth of Christ, togeather with others, accomplished his Martyrdome. There suffered at the same tyme Valens a Deacon, and Paulus, with [Page 170] nyne others, whose memoryes are celebrated vpon other dayes. At Augustodu [...]um. Austum of the Saints Reuerianus Bishop & Paul Priest with ten others, who vnder Aurelian Emperour were crowned with Martyrdome. In Cappadocia of S. Thespesius Martyr, who vnder Alexander the Emperour, and Simplicius Gouernour, after other torments was beheaded. In Aegypt of the holy Martyrs Ischyrion a Captaine, and of other fiue souldiers, who vnder Diocletian the Emperour, were diuersly put to death for the fayth of Christ. Moreouer of S. Firmus Martyr, who in the persecution of Maximianus being sore whipped, and stoned, was finally beheaded. At Perugia of the holy Martyrs Felinus & Gratinianus Souldiers, who vnder Decius diuersly tormented, by a glorious death receaued the Crowne of Martyrdome. At Bolonia of S. Proculus Bishop and Martyr, who suffered vnder Maximianus Emperour. At Olim Amenia. Amelia of S. Secundus Martyr, who vnder Diocletian cast into the Riuer of Tybur, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Typhernū. Castello in Vmbria of S. Crescentianus a Roman souldier crowned a Martyr vnder the same Emperour. In Vmbria of S. Fortunatus Priest, renowned for vertues and miracles. In the Monastery of Lyrina of S. Caprasius Abbot. [Page 171] At Treuers of S. Simeon Monke, who was canonized for a Saint by Pope Benedict the nynth.
F The second Day.
AT Rome the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Marcellinus Priest, and Peter Exorcist, who for instructing many in the Christian fayth vnder Diocletian, after cruell imprysonment, and very many torments, were by the commaundment of Serenus Iudge beheaded, in the place which was then called Sylua nigra; but afterward in honour of the Martyrs, changing the name, was called Sylua candida. Their bodies were buryed in the Caue neere to S. Tiburtius, & afterwards Saint Damasus beautifyed their tombe with an Epitaph in verse. In Campania of S. Erasmus Bishop and Martyr, who vnder Diocletian the Emperour, being first beaten with leaden whippes, & then grieuously bruised with cudgels, hauing also rasine, brimstone, lead, pitch, waxe, and oyle powred vpon him, and nothing hurt therby, was afterward at Formiz. Mola vnder Maximianus, againe put to many & most cruell torments, but still preserued by God for the confirmation of others in their fayth, at [Page 172] last called by our Lord, famous for Martyrdome, made a holy end: Whose body was afterwards translated vnto Caieta. At Lugdunum. Lyons of the holy Martyrs Photinus Bishop, Sanctus Deacon, Vetius, Epagathus, Maturus, Ponticus, Biblides, Attalus, Alexander, & Blandina, with many others, whose glorious and often combats, in the tyme of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, and Lucius Verus, are written in a Letter of the Church of Lyons, to the Churches of Asia and Phrygia: Amongst whome S. Blandina weaker then the rest in sexe, body, and meanenesse of condition, hauing endured more long and grieuous torments, and still remayning constant, slayne at last by the sword, followed the rest whome she had incouraged, to the triumphant palme of Martyrdome. At Rome of S. Eugenius Pope and Confessor.
G The third Day.
AT At [...] tium. Arezzo in Tuscany of the holy Martyrs Pergentinus & Laurētinus Brothers, who in the persecution of Decius, vnder Tiburtius President, being yet but children, after cruell torments endured, & many miracles wrought, dyed by the sword. At Constantinople of the holy Martyrs Lucilli [...]nus [Page 173] and foure children, Claudius, Hypatius, Paul, and Dennis; of whome Lucillianus hauing byn an Idolatrous Priest, and made a Christian, after diuers torments was cast into a burning fornace togeather with his fellowes, which being miraculously extinguished by a showre of rayne, they all remayned without harme: and lastly, he being nayled to a Crosse, and the children beheaded, vnder Siluanus Gouernour, accomplished their Martyrdome. There also of S. Paula Virgin and Martyr, who for gathering vp the bloud of the foresayd Martyrs apprehended, whipped, and cast into the fyre, but miraculously deliuered, was at last also beheaded, in the same place where Lucillianus was crucified. At Cordoua in Spayne of S. Isaac Monke, who dyed by the sword, for the fayth of Christ. At Carthage of S. Caecilius Priest, who conuerted S. Cyprian to the fayth of Christ. In the territory of Orleans of S. Liphardus Priest & Confessour. At Luca in Tuscany of S. Dauinus Confessour. At Paris of S. Crotildes Queene, by whose prayers her husband King Clodo [...]eus was conuerted to the fayth of Christ. At Anagnia of S. Oliua Virgin.
A The fourth Day.
AT Rome of the holy Martyrs Aret [...] and Dacianus. At Siscia. Sittis in Sclauon [...] of S. Quirinus Bishop, who vnder Galeri [...] President, hauing a milstone tyed to hi [...] necke, was cast into a riuer, but the ston [...] (as Prudentius writeth) swimming abou [...] the water, after he had long exhorted th [...] Christians, not to be terrified with his punishment, nor yet to wauer in their fayth by his prayers obteyned of God, that [...] might be drowned, therby to attayne vnto the glory of Martyrdome. At Brescia of S▪ Clateus Bishop and Martyr, vnder the Emperour Nero. In Pannonia of the holy Martyrs Rutilus, and his fellowes. At Attrebatum. Arras [...] S. Saturnina Virgin and Martyr. At Tibur. Ti [...] of S. Quirinus Martyr. At Constantinople of S▪ Metrophanes Bishop, and renowned Confessour. At Olim Mileius. Mela in Numidia of S. Optatu [...] Bishop, famous for doctrine and holines of life. At Verona of S. Alexander Bishop.
B The fifth Day.
IN Aegypt the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Marcianus, Nicanor, Apollonius, and [Page 175] others, who in the persecution of Maximinus accomplished a glorious Martyrdome. At Perugia of the holy Martyrs Florentius, Iulianus, Cyriacus, Marcellinus, and Faustinus, who in the persecution of Decius, were beheaded. At Caesarea in Palestine the passion of the Saints Zenaides, Cyria, Valeria, and Marcia, who by many torments went ioyfully to Martyrdome. At Tyrus of S. Dorotheus Priest, who suffering many afflictions vnder Diocletian, and liuing vntill the tyme of wicked Iulian, being an hundred & seauen yeares old, adorned his venerable age with Martyrdome. The same day of S. Bonifacius Bishop of Moguntium Mentz, who comming out of England to Rome, and sent backe into Germany, by Pope Gregory the second, to preach the fayth of Christ to that Nation, after he had conuerted a great number, specially those of Frizeland, to the Christian Religion, deserued to be called the Apostle of the Germans. And finally being put to the sword by the furious Gentils in Frizeland, togeather with Eobanus, and other seruants of God, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Cordoua in Spayne of S. Sancius a yong man, who though he had byn trayned vp in the Kings Court, endured notwithstanding a famous Martyrdome, [Page 176] for the fayth of Christ, in the persecution of the Arabians.
C The sixt Day.
AT Caesarea in Palestine, the birth-day of S. Philip, one of the first seauen Deacons, who renowned for vertues and miracles, cōuerted the Countrey of Samaris to the fayth of Christ, and baptized the Eunuch of Candaces Queene of Aethiopia; and finally ending his blessed dayes in peace, lyeth buryed at Caesarea, neere vnto three of his daughters Prophetesses, for his fourth daughter, full of the holy Ghost, dyed at Ephesus. At Rome of S. Artemius togeather with his wyfe Candida, and his daughter Paulina, who conuerted vnto Christ by the preaching and miracles of Saint Peter the Exorcist, and with all his family baptized by S. Marcellinus Priest, was by cōmaundment of Serenus Iudge, cruelly scourged with leaden whippes, and then beheaded. But his said Wyfe and Daughter, being thrust into a Caue, were there ouerwhelmed with stones and rubbidge. At Tharsus in Cilicia, of twenty holy Martyrs, who in the dayes of Diocletian and Maximian, vnder Simplicius Iudge, by diuers torments glorified [Page 177] God in their bodies. At Noniod [...]num. Noyon in Frāce of the holy Martyrs Amantius, Alexander, and their fellowes. At [...]aesul [...] ▪ Fiesoli in Tuscany of S. Alexander Bishop and Martyr. At Millan the deposition of S. Eustorgius the second, Bishop and Confessor. At Verona of S. Iohn Bishop. At Vesontio. Bezanson in France of S. Claudius Bishop. The same day of S. Norbert Bishop of Magdeburge, Founder of the Order called Praemonstratensis.
D The seauenth Day.
AT Constantinople the birth-day of S. Paul Bishop of the same Citty, who being often dryuen thence by the Arians for the Catholique fayth, and restored againe by S. Iulius Bishop of Rome, at last by Constantius the Arian Emperour, sent into banishmēt to Cucusa, a little towne in Cappadocia, was there strangled barbarously by the practises of the Arians, and so went vnto our Lord. Whose body afterward in the tyme of Theodosius the Emperour, with great honour, was translated to Constantinople. In Aegypt of S. Licarion Martyr, who torne with whippes of [...]ron fiery-hoate, & other most cruell torments, at last beheaded, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Cordoua of the holy [Page 178] Martyrs Peter Priest, Walabonsus Deacon, Sabinianus, Wistremundus, Habentius, and Hieremias Monkes. In England of S. Robert Abbot, of the Order Cisterce.
E The eyght Day.
AT Aquae. Aix in France of S. Maximinus the first Bishop of that Citty, who is sayd to haue bene the Disciple of our Lord. The same day of S. Calliopa Martyr, who hauing her breasts cut off for the fayth of Christ, & feared with a burning iron, roled also vpon sharp potshards, at last beheaded receaued the palme of Martyrdome. At Suessones. Soissons in France the birth-day of S. Medardus Bishop of Nouiomum. Noyon, whose holy life and death, are memorable by many renowned miracles. At Rotomagus Roan of S. Gildardus Bishop, brother to the forsaid Medardus, who both borne vpon on day, and vpon one day ordayned Bishops, being also vpon one and the selfe same day taken out of this lyfe, went togeather to heauen. At Senones. Sens of S. Heraclius Bishop. At Metis. Metz in Loraine of S. Clodulphus Bishop. In Olim Picenum Marc-Ancona of S. Seuerinus Bishop of San-S [...]u [...]rino S [...]ptempeda. In Sardinia of S. Sallu [...]anus Confessour. At Camerino of S. Victorinus Confessour.
F The nynth Day.
AT Rome, in Monte Caelio, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Primus and Felicianus, vnder Diocletian and Maximian Emperours, who hauing liued long togeather in our Lord, and diuers tymes, both togeather & seuerally, endured most cruell and exquisite torments, at last by sentence of Promotus President of Nomento, being beheaded, accomplished the course of their happy Combat. At Agennum. Agen in France the passion of S. Vincent Deacon and Martyr. At Antioch of S. Pelagia Virgin and Martyr, whose prayses S. Ambrose, and S. Chrysostome haue left written. At Syrac [...] sae. Syracosa of S. Maximianus Bishop, of whome S. Gregory Pope maketh often mention. In Scotland of S. Columba Priest and Confessour. At Edessa in Syria of S. Iulian Monke, whose worthy deedes S. Ephrem Deacon hath left written.
G The tenth Day.
AT Rome in the way called Salaria, the passion of S. Getulius a Noble, and learned man, and of his fellowes Caerealis, Amantius, and Primitiuus, who by commaundmēt [Page 180] of Hadrian the Emperour, being apprehended by Licinius that had byn Consull, first cruelly beaten, then cast into pryson, and lastly deliuered vp to the fyre, but receauing no hurt thereby, hauing their heads all bruised with cudgels, accomplished their Martyrdome. Whose bodies Symphor [...]sa the wyfe to S. Getulius gathering togeather, buryed honourably in a place belonging to her Mannour. At Rome in the way called Aurelia, the birth-day of S. Basilides, Tripodes, Mandales, and twenty other Martyrs, vnder Aurelianus Emperour, and Plato Gouernour of the Citty. At Nicomedia of S. Zacharias Martyr. At Prusias in Bithynia of S. Timothy Bishop and Martyr, vnder Iulian the Apostata. In Spayne of the holy martyrs Crispulus and Restitutus. In Affrica of the holy martyrs Aresius, Rogatus, and fifteene others. At Cullen of S. Maurinus Abbot and Martyr. At Pe [...]ra in Arabia of S. Asterius Bishop, who being greatly vexed by the Arians for the Catholique fayth, and bannished by Constantius the Emperour into Affrica, there dyed a glorious Confessour. At Antisiod [...] rum. Auxerre of S. Censurius Bishop. In Scotland of S. Margaret Queene, renowned for her Charity to the poore, and voluntary Pouerty.
A The eleauenth Day.
THE birth-day of S. Barnaby Apostle, who borne in Cyprus, and ordayned Apostle of the Gentils togeather with S. Paul, trauelled with him into many Prouinces, exercising the function of preaching the Ghospell committed to his charge; and lastly going into Cyprus, by a glorious Martyrdome, there adorned his Apostleship. Whose body (himself reuealing the same) was found in the tyme of Zeno the Emperour, togeather with S. Matthewes Gospell written with his owne hand. At Aquileia, the passion of the Saints Felix, and Fortunatus Brothers, who in the persecution of Diocletian & Maximiā, after they had byn racked vpon the torture Equuleus, and burning torches put vnto their sydes, (which by diuine power were forth with extinguished) and lastly after boyling oyle powred vpon their bellyes, perseuering constant in the confession of their fayth, were beheaded. At Bolonia of S. Parisius Confessour, and Monke of the Order of Camaldulum. Camaldoli. At Rome the translation of S. Gregory Nazianzen, whose holy Body hauing byn brought from Constantinople to Rome, & there [Page 182] kept a long tyme in the Church of our B. Lady in Campo-Martio, was by Pope Gregory the thirtenth with great solemnity translated to the Church of S. Peter, and there placed vnder the Altar, in a Chappel which for that purpose he had most sumptuously adorned.
B The twelfth Day.
AT Rome in they way called Aurelia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor, and Nazarius Souldiers, who in the persecution of Diocletian & Maximian, vnder Aurelius Gouernour, for the confession of Christ being cast into prison, and then torne with whippes called Scorpions, were at last beheaded. At Nice in Bithynia of S. Antonina Martyr, who in the same persecution, by commaundement of Priscillanus President, being sore beaten with cudgels, racked vpō the torture Equulaus, her sydes torne and scorched with fyre, was finally beheaded. In Thracia of S. Olympius Bishop, who expelled out of his Bishopricke by the Arians, dyed a Confessour. In Cilicia of S. Amphion Bishop & renowned Confessour, in the tyme of Maximinus Emperour. In Aegypt of S. Onuphrius Anchoret, [Page 183] who lead a solitary lyfe in the desert threescore yeares togeather, and famous for vertues and miracles rested in our Lord: whose memorable acts are written by Paphnutius Abbot.
C The thirteenth Day.
AT Padua of S. Anthony Confessour, borne in Portugall, of the Order of S. Francis, famous for preaching, holynes of lyfe, and miracles. At Rome in the way called Ardeatina, the birth-day of S. Felicula Virgin and Martyr, who refusing either to marry, or to sacrifice vnto Idols, was conuented before the Iudge, who seeing her remayne constant in the confession of Christ, after she had endured a darke and most loathsome imprysonement, being almost starued with famine, caused her to be so long racked vpon the torture Equuleus, vntil she gaue vp the ghost. Her body being throwne into a Priuy, was by S. Nicomedes taken out, and buryed in the same way. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Fortunatus, and Lucianus. At Biblus in Palestine of S. Aquilinae Virgin and Martyr, who being but twelue yeares of age, was vnder Diocletian the Emperour, and Volusianus Iudge, for the Confession [Page 184] of her fayth, first buffeted, thē whipped, and hoat burning bodkins thrust into her body, at last beheaded consecrated her virginity to God by Martyrdome. In In Pelignis. Abbruzzo of S. Peregrinus Bishop & Martyr, who by the Lombardes was drowhed in the riuer of Olim Aternū. Pescara. At Cordoua of S. Fandilas Priest and Monke, who in the persecution of the Arabians, being beheaded for the fayth of Christ obtayned Martyrdome. In Cyprus of S. Tryphillius Bishop.
D The fourtenth Day.
AT Caesarea in Cappadocia the Ordinatiō of S. Basil Bishop, who in the tyme of Valens the Emperour, famous for doctrine, and wisdome, and all vertues, greatly adorned the Church of God; and with inuincible constācy defēded the same against the Arian & Macedonian Heretikes. At Samaria in Palestine of S. Elizeus Prophet at whose sepulcher (as S. Hierom wryteth) the Diuels tremble: where also lyeth buryed the Prophet Abdias. At Syricusae. Syracosa of S. Marcianus Bishop, who ordayned by S. Peter Apostle after he had laudably preached the gospell, was killed by the Iewes. At Suessiones. Soissons of the holy Martyrs Valerius and Ruffinus, [Page 185] who in the persecution of Diocletian after many torments by the commaundment of Rictiouarus President were beheaded. At Cordoua of the holy martyrs Anastasius Priest, Felix monke, and Digna Virgin. At Constantinople of S. Methodius Bishop. At Vienna of S. Aetherius Bishop. At Rutenum. Rodes in France of S. Quinctianus Bishop.
E The fifteenth Day.
IN hodie Calabria Lucania at the riuer Silar, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, vnder Diocletian the Emperour, who being brought thither out of Sicily, after they had endured hoat boyling lead, and by the power of God ouercome the beasts, and other cruell torments, ended the course of their glorious combat. At Do [...]ostorum in M [...]sia of S. Hesychius a Souldier, who being apprehended with S. Iulius, was a little after him, vnder Maximus President, crowned with Martyrdome. At Cordoua in Spayne of S. Benildes Martyr. At Zephyrus in Cilicia of S. Dulas Martyr, who vnder Maximus President, for the name of Christ, being first whipped, thē layd on a fiery gridiron, & basted with boyling oyle, and otherwayes tormented, at last obtayned the [Page 186] palme of Martyrdome. At Palmyra in Syria of the holy Martyrs Libya and Leonides systers, and Eutropia a girle of twelue yeares old, who being diuersly tormented, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. At Valeucene the deposition of S. Landeline Abbot. At Aruernum. Auuergne of S. Abraham Confessour, renowned for holynes of life and miracles.
F The sixtenth Day.
AT Vesontio. Bezanson in France of the holy Martyrs Ferreolus Priest, and Ferrution Deacon, who being sent by Saint Ire [...]us Bishop of Lyons, to preach the word of God, were by Claudius the Iudge, after many torments endured, at last beheaded. At Tharsus in Cilicia, of the holy Martyr [...] Quiricus, and Iulitta his mother, vnder Di [...] cletian Emperour, of whome Quiricus being but a child of three yeares old, and seing his mother cruelly beaten in presence of Alexander the President, pittifully crying, was dashed against the steps of the Iudgment-seat, & so dyed; but Iulitta his Mother after many most grieuous strype, and torments, ended the course of her Martyrdome, by the losse of her head. At Mog [...] tiae. Mentz the passion of the Saints Aureus, and Iustin [...] [Page 187] his sister, and other Martyrs, who being in the Church at Masse, were killed by the Hunnes, in their incursion of Germany. At Olim Amathū ta. [...]mathusia in Cyprus of S. Tychon Bishop, in the tyme of Theodosius the yonger. At Lyons the deposition of S. Aurelianus Bishop of Arelatum. Arles. At Nāne [...]es Nants in little Brit [...]tany of S. Similianus Bishop and Confessor. At Misna. Miessen in Saxony of S. Benno Bishop. In Brabant of S. Lutgardes Virgin.
G The seauententh Day.
AT Rome the birth-day of two hundred, threescore, and two Martyrs, who in the persecution of Diocletian wer [...] put to death for the fayth of Christ, & buried in the old way of Salaria, at the foote of the hill Cucumer. At Terracina of S. Montanus a Souldier, who vnder Hadrian the Emperour, and Leontius Consull, after many torments, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. At Venafri of the holy Martyrs Nicander and Marcianus, who in the persecution of Maximian were beheaded. At Chalcedon of the holy Martyrs Manuel, Sa [...]el, and Ismael, who being sent to Iulian the Apostata, as Legats from the King of Persia, to treate of peace, and constan [...]ly refusing to [Page 188] worship the Idols, as the Emperour commaunded, were beheaded. At Apollonia in Macedonia of the holy Martyrs Isaurus Deacon, Innocentius, Felix, Ieremy, and Peregrinus Athenians by birth, who by Tripontius the Tribune put to diuers kind of torments, were lastly beheaded. At Olim Amenta. Ameria in Vmbria of S. Himerius Bishop, whose body was translated to Cremona. In the Territory of Bituricae. Bourges of S. Gundulphus Bishop. At Orleans of S. Auitus Priest and Confessor. In Phrigia of S. Hipatius Confessor. Also of S. Bessarion Anchoret. At Pisa in Tuscany of S. Raynerius Confessor.
A The eightenth Day.
AT Rome in the way called Ardeatina, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Marcus and Marcellianus brothers, who in the persecution of Diocletian being apprehended by Fabianus Iudge, and bound to a post, had sharpe nayles thrust into their feete; and when they ceased not, still to prayse the name of Christ, hauing their sydes pierced with launces, they went to the Kingdome of heauen, with the glory of Martyrdome. At Malaga in Spayne of the holy Martyrs Cyriacus, and Paula virgin, who [Page 189] being stoned to death, rendred vp their soules to God. At Tripoli in Phaenicia of S. Leontius a Souldier, who vnder Hadrianus President, together with Hipatius a Tribune, and Theodulus, whome he had conuerted vnto Christ, by many bitter torments, attayned the crowne of Martyrdome. The same day of S. Aetherius Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian hauing endured fyre, & many other torments, was beheaded. At Alexandria the passion of S. Marina virgin. At Burdeaux of S. Amandus Bishop and Confessour. At Sconaugia. Sconaw of S. Elizabeth Virgin, famous for obseruance of monasticall discipline.
B The nynetenth Day.
AT Millan of the holy Martyrs Geruasius and Protasius brothers, of whome the former, by commaundment of Astasius Iudge, was so long beaten with leaden whippes vntill he gaue vp the Ghost. The other being all bruised with cudgels, was at last beheaded. Their bodies by reuelation were found by S. Ambrose all besprinkled with bloud, and as fresh, as if they had bene martyred the same day. At whose translatiō a blind man touching their Cof [...]in, [Page 190] recouered his sight, and many vexe [...] with euill spirits were deliuered. At Rauenna of S. Vrsicinus Martyr, who vnder Paulinus Iudge, after many torments constantly endured for the confession of his fayth, being beheaded, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Sozopolis of S. Zosimus Martyr who in the persecution of Traian, vnder Domitianus President, after many bitter torments beheaded, went triumphātly to our Lord. At Ar [...] tium. Arezzo in Tuscany, of the holy Martyrs Gaudentius Bishop, and Culmatiu [...] Deacon, who in the tyme of Valentinia [...] were slayne by fury of the Gentils. The same day of S. Bonifacius Martyr, Disciple o [...] S. Romualdus, who being sent into Russia by the Bishop of Rome, to preach the ghospe [...] of Christ, after he had passed through fyr [...] without harme, and baptized both King & many of his people, being slaine by the Kings furious Brother, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. At Rauenna of S. Romualdus Anchoret, Founder of the Monkes called Ca [...]aldulenses, who restored the heremiticall discipline much decayed in Italy, and greatly dilated the same.
C The twentith Day.
THE birth-day of S. Siluerius Pope and Martyr, who refusing to restore Anthi [...]us an Hereticall Bishop, deposed by his Predecessor Agapitus, was at the instigation of the wicked Theodora Empresse, banished into the Iland of Pontia by Bellisarius, where pined away, through miseries sustayned for the Catholique fayth, departed this lyfe. At Rome the deposition of S. Nouatus Sonne to blessed Pudens the Senatour, and Brother to S. Timothy Priest, & to the holy Virgins [...]udeutiana and Praxedes, who were all instructed in the Christian fayth by the Apostles; and their Howse being afterward cō uerted into a Church, was called by the title of Pastor. At Tomis in Pontus of the holy Marty [...]s Paulus and Cyriacus. At Petra in Palestine of S. Macarius Bishop, who hauing suffered many afflictions by the Arians, and banished into Affrica, there rested in our Lord. At Seuill in Spayne of S. Florentia Virgin, sister to the Saints Leander, and Isidore Bishops.
D The one and twentith Day.
AT Rome of S. Demetria Virgin, who was crowned with Martyrdome vnder Iulian the Apostata. At Sy [...]a [...]usa. Siracosa in Sicily, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Rufinus and Martia. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Cyriacus, and Apollinaris. At Mogū [...]ia. Mentz of S. Alban Martyr, who after many labors and conflicts sustayned for the fayth of Christ, was made worthy the crowne of lyfe. The same day of S. Eusebius Bishop of Samosata, who in the tyme of Constantius the Arian Emperor, disguysed in a souldiers weed, visited the flocke committed to his charge, and confirmed them in the Catholique fayth; but afterwards vnder Valens, being banished into Thracia, when the persecution ceased in the tyme of Theodosius, he returned home to his Bishopricke, & as he was one day visiting againe his Diocesse, hauing his head broken with a tyle which an Arian woman let fall vpon him from a window, finally dyed a Martyr. At Novv called Cogne. Iconium in Licaonia of S. Terentius Bishop and Martyr. At Pauia of S. Vrsisinus Bishop and Confessour. At Tungres of S. Martin Bishop. In the Territory of Eb [...]m. Eureux, of S. Lu [...]fridus Abbot.
E The two and twentith Day.
AT Nola in Campania the birth-day of S. Paulinus Bishop and Confessour, who of a most Noble, and Rich man, became poore and humble for Christ, yea, & which more is, sould himself, to redeeme a widdows sonne, whome the Wandals, hauing wasted Campania, had led captiue into Affrica. He was famous, not only for learning, and holynes of lyfe, but also for his power ouer Deuils; whose great prayses S. Ambrose, S. Hierome, S. Augustine, and S. Gregory haue left written. His body being translated to Rome, is kept with great honour in the Church of S. Bartholomew in the Iland of Tybur, togeather with the body of the same Apostle. In the Mount Ararath, the passion of ten thousand holy Martyrs there crucifyed. At Novv called S. Alb [...] ▪ Verolame in Englād of S. Alban Martyr, who in the tyme of Diocletian, deliuering himselfe to the Persecutors, for the sauing a of Priest whome he had lodged in his house, after many torments was beheaded. There suffered with him one of the souldiers, which lead him to the place of execution, who by the way being conuerted vnto Christ, deserued to be baptized in [Page 194] his owne bloud. In Samaria of a thousand foure hundred and fourescore holy Martyrs vnder Gosroes King of Persia. The same day of S. Niceas Bishop of Romatiana, famous for doctrine, and holy conuersation of life. At Naples in Campania of S. Iohn Bishop, who was called to the Kingdome of heauen, by S. Paulinus Bishop of Nola. In the monastery of Cluny, of S. Consortia Virgin.
F The three and twentith Day.
THE Vigil of S. Iohn Baptist. At Rome of S. Iohn Priest, who vnder Iulian the Apostata was beheaded, in the way called Salaria, before the Idoll of the Sunne, & buryed by S. Concordius Priest, neere to the bodyes of other Martyrs. At Rome also of S. Agrippina Virgin and Martyr, vnder Valerianus Emperour, whose body being translated into Sicily, is there honoured with many miracles. At Sutrium. Sutri in Tuscany of S. Felix Priest, whose mouth by commaundment of Turcius Gouernour, was so long beaten with a stone, vntill he gaue vp the ghost. At Nicomedia the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who in the tyme of Diocletian the Emperour, lying hidden in mountaines and caues, ioyfully endured [Page 195] Martyrdome for the name of Christ. At Ph [...] ladelphia in Arabia, of the holy Martyrs Ze [...]on, and Zenas his seruant, who kissing the chaines of his Mayster in pryson, & beseeching him to accept of him for a pa [...]ten [...]r in his torments, apprehended by the souldiers, receaued with his mayster the Crowne of Martyrdome. In England of S. Edi [...] trudes. Audry Queene, and virgin, who renowned for sanctimony of life and miracles, went to our Lord: whose body eleauen yeares after her death was found vncorrupt.
G The foure and twentith Day.
THE Natiuity of S. Iohn Baptist Precursour of our Lord, Sonne to Zacharias and Elizabeth; who being yet in his mothers wombe, was filled with the holy Ghost. At Rome the commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who vnder Nero the Emperour being falsely accused for burning the Citty, were by his commaundment put to diuers kindes of death; of whome some put in beasts skinnes were cast to be torne of dogges, others were crucifyed, & others burned to serue, as it were, for lightes in the night. All these were Disciples of the Apostles, and the first fruites of Martyrs, [Page 196] which the Church of Rome, afterward very fertile in that kind, sent vnto our Lord before the death of the said Apostles. There also of the holy Martyrs Faustus, and three and twenty others. At Satalis in Armenia of seauen Brothers Martyrs, Orentius, Heroes, Pharnacius, Firminus, Firmus, Cyriacus, & Longinus souldiers, who for that they were Christians, being by Maximianus Emperour, first depriued of their military Cincture, and then separated from ech other, were carryed into diuers remote places, where in great misery and affliction they ended the rest of their dayes. At Cristolium in the Territory of Paris, the passion of the holy Martyrs Agoardus and Aglibertus, with innumerable others both men & women. At Augustodunum. Austum the deposition of S. Simplicius Bishop and Confessor. At Laubium. Lob of S. Theodulphus Bishop. At Stylo in Calabria of S. Iohn surnamed Therestus, greatly renowned for sanctity of life.
A The fiue and twentith Day.
AT Beroea the birth-day of S. Sosipater disciple to S. Paul. At Rome of S. Lucy Virgin and Martyr, with two and twenty others. At Alexandria of S. Gallicanus Martyr, [Page 197] sometimes Consull of Rome, who hauing byn honoured with glorious tryumphes, and deare to Constantine the Emperour, being conuerted to the Christian fayth by the Saints Iohn and Paul, retyred himself to Ostia at the riuer mouth of Tybur, where togeather with S. Hilarinus, he gaue himself wholy to Hospitality, and seruing of the sicke. The fame whereof being spread through the world, drew many thither from all parts, to see a man that had bene Senator, and Consul, washing the feete of the poore, couering their table, powring water on their hands, carefullly seruing the sicke, and exercysing other workes of piety: But being dryuen thence by Iulian the Apostata, he went to Alexandria, where by Raucianus Iudge, being vrged to sacrifice vnto Idols, and contemning his commaundment, by the losse of his head, was made a Martyr of Christ. At Sibapolis in Syria of S. Febronia Virgin and Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Lysimachus President, for defence of her fayth & thastity, being first whipped, and then racked vpon the torture Equuleus, torne with iron combes, and tormented by fyre; hauing also her teeth stroken out, and breasts cut off, at last being beheaded, & adorned [Page 198] with so many iewels of Martyrdome, went ioyfully to her Spouse. At Vesontio. Bezanson in France of S. Antidius Bishop and Martyr, who was slayne by the Vandalls, for the fayth of Christ. At Arhegium. R [...]eux of S. Prosper of Aquitane, Bishop of the same Citty, renowned for doctrine, and piety▪ who stoutly defended the Catholique fayth against the Pelagians. At Tautinum. Turino the birth-day of S. Maximus Bishop and Confessor, famous for learning and holines. In Holland of S. Adelbert Confessor, disciple to S. Willebrord Bishop. In the Territory of Gule [...]o neere Nuscum. Nosca, of S. William Confessour, founder of the Hermits of Mount-Virgin.
B The six and twentith Day.
AT Rome, in Monte Caelio, of the holy Martyrs Iohn and Paul Brothers, of whome the former being Steward, the other chiefe Secretary to Constantia Virgin, daughter to Constamine the Emperour; were vnder Iulian the Apostata, both beheaded, and so obteyned the triumphant palme of Martyrdome. At Trent of S. Vigilius Bishop, who whilst he endeauoured to roote ou [...] the reliques of Idolatry, stoned to death by the barbarous people, for the Name of [Page 199] Christ, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Cordoua in Spayne, the birth-day of S. Pelagius a youth, who by commaundment of Abdaramenus King of the Saracens, being pulled in peeces with tongues of iron, accomplished a glorious Martyrdome. At Valencenae. Valencene the passion of the Saints Saluius Bishop of Angolesme, and Superius Martyrs. Also the Festiuity of S. Anthelmus Bishop of Bellica. Bellay. At Pictauium. Poitiers of S. Maxentius Priest & Confessor, famous for miracles. At Thessaelonica of S. Dauid Hermit. The same day of S. Perseueranda Virgin.
C The seauen and twentith Day.
IN Galatia of S. Crescens disciple to S. Paul the Apostle, who making a iourny into France, did by his preaching conuert many there to the fayth of Christ; but afterward returning backe and ordayned Bishop of the Galathians, when he had confirmed that people, in the seruice of our Lord euen to the end of his lyfe, at last vnder Traian accomplished his Martyrdome. At Cordoua of the holy Martyrs Zoilus & nyneteene others. At Caesarea in Palestine of S. Anectus Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian vnder Vrbanus President, for exhorting [Page 200] others to Martyrdome, hauing ouerthrowne certaine Idols by vertue of his prayers, was commaunded to be whipped by ten souldiers; and afterward hauing his hands and feete cut off, at last be headed receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. At Constantinople of S. Sampson Priest, a great harbourer of the poore. In the territory of Turones. Tours of S. Iohn Priest and Confessor. At Varadin in Hungary of S. Ladislaus King, who is greatly renowned with miracles, euen vntill this day.
D The eight and twentith Day.
THE Vigil of the holy Apostles S. Peter and Paul. At Rome of S. Leo Pope, the second of that name. At Lyons in France of S. Irenaeus Bishop and Martyr, who, as S. Hierome wryteth, being disciple to S. Polycarpe Bishop of Smirna, and liuing neere the tyme of the Apostles, after he had valiantly resisted the Heretiques, both by word & doctrine, was in the persecution of Seuerus, togeather with most of the people of his Citty, crowned with a glorious Martyrdome. At Alexandria, in the same persecution of Seuerus, of the holy Martyrs Plut [...]rch, Serenus, Heraclides a Catechumen, Heron [Page 201] a new made Christian, and of another Serenus; of Rhades also a Catechumen, of Potamiaena, and Marcella her mother; amongst whome, the most famous was Potamiaena Virgin, who hauing first endured many & grieuous conflicts, for the defence of her virginity, and afterward put vnto most exquisite torments, and such as neuer had bene heard of, for the Christian fayth, was lastly togeather with her mother, consumed by fyre. The same day of S. Papius Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian being sore whipped, and cast into a caldrone of boyling oyle, and tallow, after other most horrible torments endured, was at last beheaded. At Traiectum. Maestricht of S. Benignus Bishop and Martyr. At Cordoua of S. Argymirus Monke and Martyr, who in the persecution of the Arabians, was slayne for the fayth of Christ. At Rome of S. Paul Pope and Confessor.
E The nyne and twentith Day.
AT Rome the birth-day of the holy Apostles S. Peter and Paul, who in the same yeare, and same day suffered Martyrdome vnder Nero the Emperour; of whome S. Peter being crucifyed, with his head [Page 202] downeward, in the same Citty, was buryed in the Vatican, neere to the Tryumphall Street, where his body is honoured of the whole world: But S. Paul being beheaded, and buryed in the high way of Ostia, is there also visited with Iyke honour. In the Castle of Argentomachum of S. Marcellus Martyr, who togeather with Anastasius a Souldier, was beheaded for the fayth of Christ. At Genua the birth-day of S. Syru [...] Bishop. At Narni of S. Cassius Bishop of the same Citty, of whome S. Gregory reporteth, that scarse any day of his lyfe passed, in which he did not offer the holy sacrifice of the Altar, to Allmighty God. And his lyfe agreed well therwith; for giuing all he had to the poore, in the tyme of his Masse he vsed to be wholy dissolued into teares. And at last vpon this day, on which euery yeare he was accustomed to come to Rome, hauing sayd masse, and giuen the body of our Lord, and his benediction to euery one present, he went forth with vnto our Lord. In Cyprus of S. Mary Mother of S. Iohn, surnamed Marcus. In the territory of Senones. Sens of S. Benedicta Virgin.
F The thirtith Day.
THE Cōmemoration of S. Paul the Apostle. At Lem [...] uices. Limoges in France of S. Martial Bishop, with two Priests Alpinianus and Austriclinianus, whose lyfe was very renowned in power of miracles. The same day of the Saints Caius Priest, and Leo Subdeacon. At Alexandria the passion of S. Basilides vnder Seuerus Emperour, who for defending S. Potamiaena Virgin, from the wantonnesse of vnchast persons, whilst he lead her to execution, deserued to receaue by her, the reward of that religious deed. For three dayes after she appearing vnto him, and putting a Crowne vpon his head, did not only conuert him to Christ, but after a short combat, by her prayers, made him a glorious Martyr. At Rome of S. Lucina disciple of the Apostles, who with her goods, relieuing the necessityes of the Saints, visiting the Christians that were in pryson, & burying of Marryrs, rested in our Lord, & lyeth buryed in a Caue neere vnto the sayd Martyrs, which her selfe had built. There also of S. Aemiliana Martyr. In the territory of Viuiers of S. Ostianus Priest and Confessor.
G The first Day.
THE Octaue of Saint Iohn Baptist. In the montaine of Her, the deposition of S. Aaron the first Priest of the Leuiticall Order. In England of the holy Martyrs Iulius & Aaron, who suffered a little after S. Alban in the persecution of Diocletian. At which tyme very many also in that Iland, suffering diuers and most cruell torments, by accōplishing their agonyes, arriued to the ioyes of heauen. At Machelin, the passion of S. Rumoldus Martyr, sonne to the King of Scotland, and Bishop [Page 205] of Dublin. At Rocca di Mon-Dragone. Sinuessa, of the holy Martyrs Castus and Secundinus Bishops. At Vienna of S. Martin Bishop, disciple of the Apostles. At Auuergne of S. Gallus Bishop. In the territory of Lyons the deposition of S. Domitianus Abbot, who there first lead an Eremiticall lyfe, but afterward gathering togeather many seruants of God in that place, renowned for vertues, miracles, and venerable olde age, went to rest in our Lord. In the territory of Rhemes of S. Theodoricus Priest, Disciple to S. Benignus Bishop. At Angolesme of S. Eparchius Abbot. At Emesa of S. Simeon Confessor surnamed Salus, who being made an Idiot for Christ, God manifested his high wisdome, by many great miracles.
A The second Day.
THE Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, when she went to S. Elizabeth. At Rome in the way called Aurelia, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Processus and Martinianus, who baptized by S. Peter the Apostle in the prison called Mamer [...]n, after they had endured the bruizing of their mouthes, the Racke, and torture Equuleus, beating with cudgells, burning with fyre, and [Page 206] other most cruell torments, vnder Nero the Emperour at last beheaded, were crowned with Martyrdome. At Rome the passion o [...] three holy Souldiers, who being conuerted to Christ by the Martyrdome of S. Pau [...] the Apostle, were togeather with him made partakers of heauenly glory. The same day of the holy Martyrs Aristo, Crescentianus. E [...]ychianus, Vrbanus, Vitalis, Iustus, Felicissimus, Felix, Marcia, and Symphorosa, who in the raging persecution of Diocletian the Emperour, were in Campania cowned with Martyrdome. At Winchester in England of S. Swithin Bishop, renowned for holines of life, and grace of miracles. At Bamberge of S. Otho Bishop, who preaching the Ghospell to the people of Pomerania, conuerted them to the fayth. At Turoues. Tours the deposition of S. Monegundes, a deuout religious woman.
B The third Day.
AT Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Tryphon, and twelue others. At Constantinople of the holy Martyrs Eulogius, and his fellowes. At C [...]sarea in Cappad [...]cia of S. Hiacinthus Chamberlayne vnto Traian the Emperour, who accused for being a Christian, [Page 207] and sorely whipped, was cast into pryson, and there consumed with hunger and famine, gaue vp the Ghost. At Clusium. Chiusi in Tuscany, of the holy Martyrs Irenaeus Deacon, and Mustiola a graue Matrone, who vnder Aurelian Emperour, enduring sundry and cruell torments, deserued the crowne of Martyrdome. The same day of the holy Martyrs Marcus and Mucianus, who for the confession of Christ were beheaded, togeather with a little childe, who with a loude voyce hauing admonished them not [...]o sacrifyce vnto Idols, was for that cause commaunded to be whipped; but he more earnestly then before confessing Christ; togeather with another called Paulus, who in [...]yke manner had encouraged the said Martyrs, was put to death. At Laodicea in Syria of S. Anatolius Bishop, whose wrytings were admyred not only of Religious persons, but euen of Philosophers. At Altinum. Altino, of S. Heliodorus Bishop, famous for his learning and holynes. At Rauenna of S. Dathus Bishop & Confessour. At Edessa in Mesopotamia the translation of S. Thomas the Apostle out of India, whose reliques were afterward brought to Ortona in Apulia.
C The fourth Day.
OF Oseas, and Aggaeus Prophets. In Affrica the birth-day of S. Iucundianus Martyr, drowned in the sea for confession of Christ. In the Territory of Bitu [...]cae. Bourges of S. Laurianus Bishop of Seuill, and Martyr, whose sacred Head was afterward carryed to Seuill in Spayne. At Sirmium of the holy Martyrs Innocentius, and Sebastia, with thirty [...]thers. At Madura in Affrica of S. Namphanion Martyr, with diuers others, whome he encouraged to the obtayning to Martyrdome. At Cyrene in Libya of S. Theodorus Bishop & Cōfessour, who in the persecutiō of Diocletian vnder Dignianus President, hauing byn sore scourged with leaden whippes, & his tongue cut out, went at last to rest in our Lord. The same day the festiuity of S. Flauianus the second Bishop of Antioch, and of Elias Bishop of Hierusalem, who for defence of the holy Councell of Chalcedon, being sent into banishment by Anastasius Emperour, went conquerers to our Lord. At Augusta Vindelico [...]m. Ausburge, of S. Vldaricus Bishop, renowned for Abstinence, Liberality, Vigilancy, and grace of working miracles. At Tours, the translation of S. Martin Bishop [Page 209] and Confessour; and the dedication there of his Church: Vpon which day also some yeares before, he had byn ordayned Bishop.
D The fifth Day.
AT Rome of S. Zoa Martyr, wyfe to S. Nicostratus also a Martyr, who paying at S. Peters body, vnder Diocletian Emperour being apprehended by the persecutors, and cast into a darke, and filthy pryson; being afterward hanged on a tree by her hayre, and necke, & a most loathsome smoke raysed vnder her, in the confession of her fayth, gaue vp the Ghost. In Syria the birth-day of S. Domitius Martyr, who for his vertues and miracles is greatly honoured by the inhabitants there about. At Cyrene in Libya of S. Cyrilla Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian, held a great while hoat-burning coles with Incense in her hands, least by letting the coles fall, she might seeme to offer the incense to Idols, and afterward most cruelly tormented, garnished with her owne bloud, went to her Spouse. At Hierusalem of S. Athanasius Deacon, who for defence of the holy Councell of Chalcedon, hauing endured all [Page 210] kind of torments by the Heretikes, at last dyed by the sword. In Sicily of the holy Martyrs Agatho, and Triphina. At Tomis in Scythia of the holy Martyrs. Marinus, Theodotus, and Sedopha. At Treuers of S. Numerianus Bishop and Confessour. At Septempeda. San-Seuerino in Marc-Ancona of S. Philumena Virgin.
E The sixt Day.
THE Octaue of the holy Apostles S. Peter and Paul. In Iudaea of S. Isaias Prophet, who vnder King Manasses being sawed in two, so dyed, & was buryed vnder the Oake Rogel, neere to the passage of the Waters. At Rome the birth-day of S. Tranquillinus Martyr, Father of the Saints Marcus and Maroellianus, who by the preaching of S. Sebastian Martyr, being conuerted to the Christian fayth, and baptized by S. Polycarpe Priest, was afterward ordayned Priest by S. Caius Pope; and as he was praying at the Tombe of S. Paul, vpon the Octaue day of the said Apostle, vnder Diocletian Emperour, being apprehended, & stoned to death by the Pagans, accomplished his Martyrdome. At [...]. Fiesoli in [...]soany of S. Romulus Bishop and Martyr, disciple to S. Peter the Apostle, who by his commandement [Page 211] hauing preached the Ghospel, of Christ in many parts of Italy, returning to Fiesoli, was vnder Domitian Emperour, with diuers others crowned with Martyrdome. In Campania of S. Dominica virgin & Martyr, who vnder Diocletian Emperour, for breaking in peeces certayne Idolls, being cast vnto the beasts, but not hurt by them, at last beheaded went vnto our Lord: whose body is kept at Tropea in Calabria, with great honour and veneration. The same day of S. Lucy Martyr, borne in Campania, who being apprehended by Rixius Lieutenant, and sorely tormented, at last conuerted him to Christ: To whome were ioyned Antoninus, Seuerinus, Diodorus, Dion, and seauenteen others, who were all made partakers of one and the same Crowne of Martyrdome. In the Territory of Treuers, of S. Goar Priest and Confessour.
F The seauenth Day.
AT Rome of the holy Martyrs Claudius Notary, Nicostratus Mayster of Requests, Castorius, Victorinus and Symphorianus, who being conuerted to the fayth of Christ by S. Sebastian, and baptized by S. P [...]li [...]rp Priest, were for seeking out and burying the [Page 212] bodies of holy Martyrs, by Fabianus Iudge commaunded to be apprehended, and after ten dayes triall, both by flattery and threates, when as he could by no meanes moue them to forsake their fayth, after they had byn thryce tortured, were finally throwne head-long into the sea. At Dyr [...]achiū. Durazzo in Macedonia of the holy Martyrs Peregrinus, Lucianus, Pompeius Hesichius, Papius, Saturninus & Germanus, all Italians by byrth, who flying the persecutiō of Traian, came to that Citty, where seeing S. Astius Bishop to hang vpō a Crosse for the fayth of Christ, openly professed themselues to be Christians, for which cause they were apprehended by commaundment of the President & drowned in the sea. At Alexandria the birth-day of S. Pantaenus, an Apostolicall man, and adorned with all kind of wisdome; who being inflamed with the feruour of his fayth, and deuotion to the word of God, went & preached the ghospel to those Nations, which lay vnknowne, in the furthermost parts of the East, and at last returning to Alexandria, vnder Antoninus Caracalla rested in peace. At Brescia of S. Apollonius Bishop & Confessor. In Saxony of S. Willebald the first Bishop of Eystet, who laboring in preaching the Ghospell with S. Boniface, [Page 213] conuerted many to the fayth of Christ. At Auuergne of S. Illidius Bishop. At Vrgella in Spayne of S. Odo Bishop. In England of S. Hedda Bishop of the West-Saxons. There also of S. Edilburge Virgin, daughter to Annas King of the Eastangles.
G The eyght Day.
IN the lesser Asia, of the Saints Aquila, and Priscilla his wyfe, of whome mention is make in the acts of the Apostles. At Portus Romanus. Porto of fifty holy souldiers, who being conuerted to the fayth of Christ by the Martyrdome of S. Bonosa, and baptized by S. Felix Pope, were slayne in the persecution of Aurelian. In Palestine of S. Procopius Martyr, who vnder Diocletian Emperour, being brought from Scythopolis to Caesarea, was for his first resolute answere, by Fabianus the Iudge, beheaded. At Constantinople the passion of many holy Monkes, called Abrahamits, who for opposing themselues against Theophilus Emperour, in defence of worshipping holy Images, were crowned with Martyrdome. At Herbipolis. Wirtzburge in Germany of S. Kilianus Bishop, who being sent thither by the Bishop of Rome to preach the ghospel, and hauing brought many to the [Page 214] fayth of Christ, was there, togeather with his two companions Colomannus Priest, and Totnanus Deacon, killed. At Treuers of S. Auspicius Bishop and Confessour.
A The nynth Day.
AT Rome, at the continually-flowing Waters, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Zeno, and ten thousand, two hundred, and three others. At Gortina in Cr [...]ta. Candi [...] of S. Cyrill Bishop, who in the persecution of Decius, vnder Lucius President, being cast into the fyre, & the bandes wherwith he was bound burned, but himselfe nothing hurt, so moued the Iudge by that strang miracle, that he then dismissed him. But being againe apprehended for preaching the fayth of Christ, was neuerthelesse by the same Iudge commaunded to be beheaded. At Thora by the Lake Velino in Vmbria, the passion S. Anatolia Virgin, and Audax; of whome, Anatolia, after she had cured many, in the Prouince of Marc-Ancona, that were sicke of diuers infirmities, & brought them to the fayth of Christ, by commaundment of Faustinianus Iudge being put to diuers torments, and deliuered from a Serpent that was set vpō her, at last stretching [Page 215] out her hands in prayer, was thrust through with a sword. But Audax, that was conuerted by seeing her deliuered from the forsaid serpent, being thereupon taken & committed to pryson, was forthwith crowned a Martyr. At Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Patermutbius, Copretes, and Alexander, who were slayne vnder Iulian the Apostata. At Martula of S. Brictius Bishop, and Confessour, who hauing suffered many afflictions for the Confession of his fayth vnder Marcianus Iudge, and afterward conuerted a great multitude of people to Christ, rested in peace.
B The tenth Day.
AT Rome the passion of seauen holy Brothers, sonns to S. Felicitas Martyr, to wit, Ianuarius, Felix, Philip, Syluanus, Alexander, Vitalis and Martialis, in the tyme of Antoninus Emperour, vnder Publius Gouernour of the Citty; of whome Ianuarius, after he had bene scourged with rods, & pined in pryson, was killed with leaden whippes: Felix and Philip were beaten to death with cudgells; Syluanus was throwne downe headlong from a steepy place; Alexander, Vitalis and Martialis were beheaded. [Page 216] Also at Rome of the holy virgins and Martyrs Ruffina and Secunda systers, who in the persecution of Valerian, and Gallienus, after many torments endured, at last the one hauing her braynes stroken out, the other beheaded, departed to heauen: whose bodies are kept with due honour and reuerence in the Church of S. Iohn La [...]eran, neere to the Font. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Ianuarius, Marinus, Nabor, and Felix, who were all beheaded. At Nicopolis in Armenia of the holy Martyrs Leontius, Mauritius, Daniel, and their fellowes, who vnder Licinius Emperour, and Lisiaes President, hauing endured diuers torments, finally cast into the fyre, accomplished their Martyrdome. In Pisidia of the holy Martyrs Bianor, and Siluanus, who hauing endured most cruell torments for the name of Christ, were lastly beheaded. At Iconium of S. Appollonius Martyr, who by the death of the Crosse, obteyned a renowned Martyrdome. At Gaunt of S. Amelberga Virgin.
C The eleauenth Day.
AT Rome of S. Pius Pope, who in the persecution of Antoninus, was crowned with Martyrdome. At Nicopolis in Armenia, [Page 217] the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Ianuarius & Pelagia, who being foure dayes togeather racked, & tormēted with clawes of iron, and sharpe potshards, accomplished their Martyrdome. In the territory of Se [...]ones. Sens, of S. Sidronius Martyr. At Iconium of S. Marcianus Martyr, who vnder Perennius President, by many torments obteyned a triumphant palme of Martyrdome. At Sida in Pamphylia of S. Cindeus Priest, who vnder Diocletian Emperour, and Stratonicus President, after many torments, being cast into the fyre, and nothing hurt, at last gaue vp his soule to God in prayer. At Brescia of the holy Martyrs Sauinus and Cyprianus. At Bergomum. Bergamo of S. Iohn Bishop, who was killed by the Arians, for defence of the Catholique fayth. At Cordoua of S. Abundius Priest, who for inueyghing against the Sect of Mahomet, was crowned with Martyrdome. In the territory of Pictauium. Poitiers, of S. Sabinus Confessour.
D The twelfth Day.
AT Millan of the holy Martyrs Nabor and Felix, who suffered in the persecution of Maximianus. In the monastery of Passiniano neere Florence, of S. Iohn Gualbert [Page 218] Abbot, founder of the Order of [...] In Cyprus of S. Iason, an anciēt Disciple of Christ. At Aquileia the birth-day of S. Hermagoras disciple to S. Marke the Euāgelist, & the first Bishop of that Citty, who for his miraculous cures, and by diligent preaching, conuerted many people to the fayth of Christ; & hauing endured diuers kind of torments, at last togeather with his Deacon Fortunatus, by the losse of his lyfe, deserued a perpetuall crowne. At Luca in Tuseany o [...] S. Paulinus, who being ordayned the first Bishop of that Citty by S. Peter, after many agonyes, vnder Nero the Emperour, at the foote of the hill Pisa, accomplished his Martyrdome, with others of his fellowes. The same day of S. [...]roc [...]us and Hilarion, who vnder Traian the Emperour and Maximus President, by most bitter torments attayned the tryumphant palme of Martyrdome. At Leontinum. Lentini of S. [...]pip [...]ania, who vnder Diocletian the Emperour, and Tertyllus President, hauing her breasts cut off, gaue vp her soule to God. At Toletum. Toledo of S. Marciana Virgin and Martyr, who for the fayth of Christ being cast vnto the beasts, and torne in peeces by a Bull, was crowned with Martyrdome. At Lions of S. Viuentiolus Bishop. At Bolonia of S. Patemianus Bishop.
E The thirteenth Day.
AT Rome of S. Anacletus Pope & Martyr, who after S. Clement gouerned the Church of God, and adorned the same by a glorious Martyrdome. The same day of the Saints Ioel and Esdras Prophets. In Macedonia of S. Silas, one of the first Christians, who being sent by the Apostles with S. Paul and Barnaby to the Churches of the Gentils, full of the holy Ghost, diligently performing his office of preaching, and enduring many afflictions for the glory of Christ, rested at last in peace. Also of S. Serapion Martyr, who vnder Seuerus Emperour and Aquila President, by fyre obtayned the crowne of Martyrdome. In the Iland of Chio of S. Mirop [...] Martyr, who vnder Decius Emperour, and Numerianus President being bruised with barres, went vnto our Lord. In Affrica of the holy Confessor Eugenius Bishop of Carthag [...], renowned for his fayth, and other vertues, who togeather with aboue fiue hundred of the Clergy of that Church, in the persecution of the Wandalls vnder Hunnericus the Arrian King, being by slaughter and famine greatly consumed (amongst which many were Lectors, [Page 220] and children of the Quyer) reioycing in our Lord, were sent into a farre, and cruell banishment. Amongst whome, the most noble were Salutaris Archdeacon, and Murittas, the second in office of the Church, who were now the third tyme honoured with the title of glorious Confessours, & perseuerance in Christ. In little Brittany of S. Turianus Bishop, and Confessour, a man of great simplicity, and innocency of life.
F The fourtenth Day.
AT Lyons the deposition of S. Bonauenture Cardinall, Bishop of Alba, and Doctour of the Church, of the Order of S. Francis, much renowned for doctrine & holynes of lyfe. At Rome of S. Iustus a Souldier, vnder Claudius the Tribune, who by the miraculous appearing of a Crosse being conuerted to the Christian fayth, and forth with baptized, bestowed all his goods vpon the poore; and afterwards apprehended by Magnetius Gouernour, and beaten with sinewes, tormented also with a hoatburing helmet put vpon his head, and cast into the fyre (but not the least hayre of his head touched with the flame) in the cōfessiō of his fayth gaue vp the Ghost. At Synope [Page 221] in Pontus of S. Phocas Martyr, and Bishop of the same Citty, who vnder Traian the Emperour, hauing ouercome both imprisonment, fetters, iron, and fyre, in the confession of Christ ascended to heauen. Whose holy Reliques were trāslated to Vienne in France, and there placed in the Church of the Apostles. At Alexandria of S. Heraclas Bishop, whose fame was so renowned, that Africanus the Historian wryteth of himselfe, how he went of purpose to Alexandria, to see him. At Carthage of S. Cyrus Bishop, vpon whose feast S. Augustine made a Sermon to the people. At Nouocomum. Como of S. Felix the first Bishop of that Citty. At Brescia of S. Optatianus Bishop. At Dauentry in Gelderland of S. Marcellinus Priest and Confessour. At Bamberge of S. Henry Emperour, the first of that name, who with his wyfe Chunegundes kept perpetuall Virginity, and persuaded Stephen King of Hungary, with allmost all his Realme, to receaue the fayth of Christ.
G The fifteenth Day.
AT Portus Romanus. Porto the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Eutropius, Zosima and Bonosa systers. At Carthage of S. Catulinus Deacon. [Page 222] (in whose prayse S. Augustine made a Sermon to the people) and of the Saints Ianuarius, Florentius, Iulia, and Iusta Martyrs, who were buried in the Church of S. Faustus. At Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Phillip, Zeno, Narsaeus, and ten Children. In the Ile of Tenedos of S. Abudemius Martyr, who suffered vnder Diocletian. At Sebasta of S. Antiochus a Phisitian, who was beheaded vnder Hadrian President; and when instee [...] of bloud there issued milke from his necke, Cyriacus the executioner being conuerted by that miracle, became also a Martyr. A [...] Pauia of S. Felix Bishop and Martyr. At Nisibis of S. Iames Bishop of that Citty, who being famous for holynes of life, learning, and miracles, was one of those Confessors▪ in the persecution of Maximinus, who in the Nicene Councell, condemned the peruerse opinion of Arius, by opposing against it, the word Homousion; and by whose prayers, & by the prayers of Alexander Bishop, Arius himself, by voyding out his bowels at Constantinople, receaued the worthy reward o [...] his iniquity. At Naples in Campania of S. Athanasius Bishop of that Citty, who hauing endured many afflictions, by his wicked Nephew Sergius, and banished thence to Verulo, consumed with misery, rested in our [Page 223] Lord, in the dayes of Carolus Caluus.
A The sixtenth Day.
THE birth-day of S. Faustus Martyr, who vnder Decius Emperour, being crucified on a Crosse, liued fyue dayes hanging thereon, & at last shot with arrowes, went vnto our Lord. At Sebasta in Armenia of the holy Martyrs Athenogenes Bishop, and ten of his Disciples, vnder Diocletian the Emperour. At Antioch in Syria the birth-day of S. Eustathius Bishop and Confessor, renowned for doctrine and holynes, who vnder Constantius the Arian Emperour, for defence of the Catholicke fayth, banished into Thracia, there rested in our Lord. The same day of S. Hilarinus Monke, who togeather with S. Donatus, being apprehended in the persecution of Iulian, and refusing to sacrifyce vnto Idols, sore beaten with cudgels, was finally at Aretium. Arezzo in Tuscany, made a Martyr: whose body was afterward translated to Ostia. At Treuers of S. Valentine Bishop and Martyr. At Cordoua in Spayne of S. Sisenandus Deacon and Martyr, who for the fayth of Christ was strangled by the Saracens. At Santone. Saints in France of the holy Martyrs Raineldes Virgin, & her [Page 224] fellowes, who were slayne for the fayth of Christ, by the barbarous people. At Bergamo of S. Domnion Martyr. At Capua of S. Vitalian Bishop and Confessour.
B The seauententh Day.
AT Rome of S. Alexius Confessor, sonne to Euphemianus a Senatour, who the first night of his Marriage, leauing his Spouse vntouched, forsooke his house, & after a long peregrination, returning to the Citty, was harboured for seauenteen yeares togeather, as a poore beggar, in a corner of his fathers house vnknowne; deluding so the world by a new deuise: But after his death, by a voyce heard in the Churches of the Citty, & also by a wryting of his owne being knowne, was in the tyme of Innocentius Pope, with great honour enterred in the Church of S. Bonifacius, and there renowned for miracles. At Carthage the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Speratus, Nartalus, Cythinus, Beturius, Felix, Aquilinus, Letatius, Ianuaria, Generosa, Bessia, Donata, and Secunda, who by commaundment of Saturninus Gouernour, for the confession of their fayth being cast into pryson, and bound vnto stakes, were afterwards beheaded. The reliques [Page 225] of S. Speratus, togeather with the bones of S. Cyprian, and the head of S. Pantaleon were afterward translated out of Affrica into France, and placed in the Church of S. Iohn Baptist at Lions. At Amastris in Paphlago [...]a of S. Hiacynthus Martyr, who hauing endured many afflictions vnder Castr [...]iu [...] President, dyed in pryson. At Tibur. Tiuoli of S. Generosus Martyr. At Constan [...]nople of S. Theodo [...]a Martyr, vnder Leo the Imagebreaker. Iconod [...]st. At Rome the deposition of S. Leo Pope; the fourth of that name. At Pauia of S. Ennodius Bishop and Confessour. At Antisio dorum. Au [...]erre o [...] S. Theodosius Bishop. At Millan of S. Marcellina Virgin, syster to S. Ambrose, who at Rome in the Church of S. Peter receaued the holy veyle, at the hands of Pope Liberius: Whose sanctimony of life the same S. Ambrose in his writings ha [...]h witnessed. At Venice, the translation of S. Mar [...]a Virgin.
C The eightenth Day.
AT Tibur. Tiuoli of S. Symphorosa wyfe to S. Getul [...]u [...] Martyr, with her seauen sonnes Crescens, Iulian, Nemesius, Primitiuus, Iustine, Stacteus and Eugenius; whose mother vnder Hadrian Emperour, for her inuincible constancy in fayth, being sore beaten [Page 226] aboue the face, and then hanged vp by the hayre, at last hauing a stone tyed to her necke, was throwne into the Riuer: But her Sonnes being stretched with pulleys vpon stakes, by diuers kindes of death, accomplished their Martyrdome. Their bodies being afterward translated to Rome, were in the dayes of Pope Pius the fourth, found in an Oratory of the Church of S. Angelus. At Carthage of S. Gundenes virgin, who by commaundment of Ruffinus Proconsul, being foure seuerall times racked, & torne with clawes of iron, pyned also in pryson, was at last beheaded. At Dorostorum in Mysia of S. Aemilianus Martyr, who in the tyme of Iulian the Apostata, vnder Capitolinus President, being cast into a burning fornace, receaued the triumphant palme of Martyrdom. At Traiectum. Maestricht of S. Fredericke Bishop and Martyr. In Galicia of Spayne, of S. Marina virgin & Martyr. At Millan of S. Maternus Bishop, who vnder Maximian Emperour for defence of the Church committed to his charge, being cast into pryson, & often whipped, renowned for the many confessions of his fayth, went to rest in our Lord. At Brescia the birth-day of S. Philastrius Bishop of the same Citty, who by word and writing greatly opposing the [Page 227] Heretiques, especially the Ariās by whome he was much persecuted, at last famous for miracles dyed a Confessor. At Metae. Metz in France of S. Arnulphus Bishop, renowned for holines and miracles; who imbracing an Eremiticall lyfe, made a blessed end. At Signi [...]. Segni of S. Bruno Bishop and Confessor.
D The nynetenth Day.
THE birth-day of S. Epaphras, whome S. Paul the Apostle calleth his fellow-prisoner; who by the same Apostle being ordayned Bishop of the Colossians, renowmed for vertue, & for stoutly defending the flocke committed to his charge, receaued the tryumphant palme of Martyrdome. Whose body lyeth at Rome, in the Church of [...]. Mary Maior. At Seuill in Spayne the passion of the holy virgins Iusta and Ruffina, who being apprehended by Diogenianus, & stretched vpon the racke, torne with Iron clawes, afflicted with lōg imprysonment, hunger, and diuers other miseries, at length Iusta died in prison; but Ruffina in the confessing of her fayth was beheaded. At Cordoua of S. Aurea virgin, who hauing fallen frō her fayth, but penitent for the same, by [Page 228] a new combat ouercome her enemies, with the price of her bloud. At Treuers of S. Martin Bishop and Martyr. At Rome of S. Simmachus Pope, who wearied a long tyme with the faction of Scismatikes, at last renowned for sanctity went vnto our Lord. At Verona of S. Felix Bishop. At Mount Scetis in Aegypt, of S. Arsenius Deacon of the Roman Church, who in the tyme of Theodosius retiring himselfe into a wildernes, renowned for all kind of vertues, and grace of teares, gaue vp his soule to God. In Cappadocia of S. Macrina virgin, syster to S. Basil the Great, and S. Gregory Nissen.
E The twentith Day.
AT Antioch the passion of S. Margare [...] Virgin and Martyr. In the Mount Carmelus of S. Elias Prophet. The same day the Festiuity of S. Ioseph surnamed the Iust, whome the Apostles appoynted to stand in Election with Matthias, to supply the place of Iudas the Traytor: and when the [...]ot fell vpon Matthias, he notwithstanding, by preaching and teaching, persisting in the seruice of our Lord, hauing also suffered great persecution of the Iewes for the fayth of Christ, in Iury went at last to [Page 229] rest: of whome it is recorded, that hauing drunke poyson, through his fayth in our Lord, receaued no hurt. At Damasco of the holy Martyrs Sabinus, Iulianus, Maximus, Macrobiu [...], Cassia, and Paula, with ten others. At Cordoua of S. Paul Deacon and Martyr, who for reprehending Infidell Princes, for their Mahometicall impiety, and cruelty to Christians, & for preaching of Christ very constantly, was slayne by their commaundment, and so ascended to heauen for his reward. In Portugal of S. Wilgefort Virgin and Martyr, who for the defence of her Fayth and Virginity, deserued a most glorious tryumph, by the death of the Crosse. In the Territory of Bullen in France, of S. Wulmarus Abbot, a man of wonderfull holynes. At Treuers of S. Seuera Virgin.
F The one and twentith Day.
AT Rome of S. Praxedes virgin, who being brought vp in all Chastity, and Sanctimony of life, giuing herselfe wholy to prayer, watching, and fasting, went to rest in our Lord, and was buryed neere vnto her syster Pudētiana, in the way called Salaria. At Babylon of S. Daniel Prophet. At Massilia. Marseille the birth-day of S. Victor, who [Page 230] being a souldier, and refusing either to follow the warres, or to sacrifice vnto Idols, first cast into pryson, and there comforted by an Angel, after diuers torments, at last ground to peeces in a Mill, accomplished his Martyrdome. There suffered with him three other souldiers Alexander, Felicianus, & Longinus. At Trecae. Troys of S. Iulia virgin and Martyr. There also the passiō of the Saints Glaudius, Iustus, Iucundinus, and fyue more of their fellowes, vnder Aurelianus Emperour. At Comana in Armenia of S. Zoticus Bishop and Martyr [...], who fuffered vnder Seuerus. At Argentoratum. Strasburge of S. Arbogastus Bishop, renowned for miracles. In Syria of S. Iohn Monke, Companion of S. Simeon.
G The two and twentith Day.
AT Massilia. Marseille the birth-day of S. Mary Magdalen, out of whome our Lord cast seauen Diuels, and who deserued first to see our Sauiour, after he was risen from death. At Philippi of S. Syntiches, of whome S. Paul the Apostle maketh mention. At Ancyra in Galatia the birth-day of S. Plato Martyr, who vnder Agrippinus Lieutenant being whipped, torne with iron clawes, and vexed with other most barbarous torments, [Page 231] at last beheaded, rendred vp his Soule to God: whose miracles in helping of Captyues, the Acts of the second Coū cell of Nice do testify. In Cyprus of S. Theophilus Pretor, who apprehended by the Arabians, when neyther by gyfts nor threates, he could be induced to deny Christ, was beheaded. At Antioch of S. Cyril Bishop, renowned for doctrine and holynes. In the Territory of Aruernum. Auuergne of S. Meneleus Abbot. In the Monastery called Blandine, of S. Wandregesilius Abbot, renowned for miracles. At Scythopolis in Palestine of S. Ioseph Earle.
A The three and twentith Day.
THE birth-day of S. Apollinaris, who being ordayned Bishop by S. Peter the Apostle, and sent to Rauenna, suffered there manifold afflictions for the fayth of Christ: Afterward going into Aemilia, and there preaching the Ghospell, and reducing many from the worship of Idols, at length returning to Rauenna, vnder Vespasian Emperour, accomplished a glorious Martyrdome. At Rome of S. Rasyphus Martyr. There also the passion of S. Primitiua virgin and Martyr. Also of the holy Martyrs Apollonius [Page 232] and Eugenius. The same day the sestiuity of the holy Martyrs Trophimus, and Theophilus, who vnder Diocletian the Emperour being first stoned, then scorched with fyre, at last beheaded, were crowned with Martyrdome. In Bulgaria of very many holy Martyrs, whome Nicepho [...]us the impious Emperour (spoyling the Churches of God) by diuers kindes of death, commanded to be killed At Cenomani. Mans in France of S. Liborius Bishop and Confessour. At Rome of the holy, virgins Romula, Redempta, and Herundines, of whome S. Gregory Pope maketh mentiō. The same day, the departure out of this lyfe of S. Brigit widdow, who after many peregrinations made to holy places, full of the holy Ghost, finally reposed at Rome: whose body was after translated into Sueuia. Her principall festiuity is celebrated vpon the seauenth of October.
B The foure and twentith Day.
THE Vigil of S. Iames the Apostle. At Tyro in Tuscany by the lake of Vulsino, of S. Christina Virgin and Martyr, who belieuing in Christ, and breaking in peeces the golden and syluer Idolls of her father, and giuing them to the poore, was by his commaundment [Page 233] first cruelly whipped, and otherwayes most grieuously tormented; then being tyed to a weighty stone, & cast into a Lake, but deliuered by an Angel, was after all this, vnder another Iudge, successour to her Father, againe most cruelly tormented; and lastly by Iulianus President after she had byn shut vp fiue dayes in a burning fornance, without any hurt, and by the power of Christ ouercome Serpents, hauing also hertōgue cut out, & shot full of arrowes, ended the course of her Martyrdome. At Rome in the way called Tiburtina of S. Vincent Martyr. At Amiterno in In Vestinis. Abbruzzo, the passion of foure score, and three holy souldiers, Martyrs. At Em [...] rit [...]. Merida in Spayne of S. Victor Souldier, who with his two brothers S [...]ercatius and Antinogenes in the persecution of Diocl [...]tian by diuers kind of tormēts accomplished his Martyrdome. In Lycia of the holy Martyrs Niceta and Aquilina, who being conuerted to Christ by the preaching of S. Christopher Martyr, obteyned palmes of Martyrdome, by losse of their heads. Also of the holy Martyrs Meneus and Capito. At Sen [...] nae. Sens of S. Vrsicinus Bishop and Confessor.
C The fiue and twentith Day.
OF S. Iames the Apostle, brother to S. Iohn the Euangelist, who about the feast of Easter, was beheaded by Herod Agrippa. His holy Reliques, were translated from Hierusalem to Galicia in Spayne, & there are had in great Veneration of that Nation, & much frequented by the great concourse of people from all parts, who for deuotion and Religion, go thither on pilgrimage. In Lycia of S. Christopher Martyr, who vnder Decius being sorely bruised with roddes of iron, and cast in the burning fire, but preserued by the power of Christ, at last shot full of arrowes and beheaded, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Barcino Barcelona in Spayne the birth-day of S. Cucuphates Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian vnder Dacianus President, hauing ouercome many torments, by the losse of his head went triumphantly to heauen. In Palestine of S. Paul Martyr, who in the persecution of Maximinus, by Firmilianus President, being condemned to death, and obteyning a short space to pray, first made intercession, with all his heart, for his owne Countrymen; then for the Iewes and Gentils, that they might [Page 235] come to the knowledge of the Truth; after for the whole multitude there present; lastly for the Iudge that condemned him, & the Hangman that was to execute the sentence; and so beheaded, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. There also of S. Valentina Virgin, who carryed to an Altar to sacrifice vnto the Idolls, and ouerthrowing it with her feete, being sorely tormented, togeather with another Virgin her companion, and after cast into the fyre, went ioyfully vnto her spouse. At Furconium in Vestinis, Forcono in Abbruzzo of the holy Martyrs Florentius & Felix Cittizens of Siponto. At Cordoua of S. Theodemirus Monke and Martyr. At Treuers of S. Magnericus Bishop and Confessour.
D The six and twentith Day.
THE departure out of the life of S. Anne mother of the B. Virgin Mary. At Philippi in Macedonia the birth-day of S. Erastus, who being left Bishop there by S. Paul the Apostle, was crowned with Martyrdome. At Rome, in the way Latina, of the holy Martyrs Simphronius, Olympius, Theodulus, and Exuperia; who, as it is recorded in the acts of S. Stephen Pope, obtayned the palme of Martyrdome by fyre. At P [...]rtu [...] Romanus. Porto of S. [Page 236] Hiacynthus Martyr, who being first cast into the fyre, & then throwne headlong into a riuer, but escaping without any hurt, was afterward by Leontius Consul, vnder Traian the Emperour beheaded; whose body Iulia a noble Matrone buryed in her mānour, neere to the Citty. Also at Rome of S. Pastor Priest, vnder whose Name there is yet extant a Title, in the Church of S. Pudentiana, vpon the Hill Viminalis. At Verona of S. Valens Bishop and Confessor. In the monastery of S. Benet neere Mantua of S. Simeon Monke and Hermit, who renowned for many miracles, in a good old age, re [...]ted in our Lord.
E The seauen and twentith Day.
AT Nicomedia the passion of S. Pantaleon Phisitian, who being apprehēded by Maximianus Emperour for the fayth of Christ, and racked vpon the torture Equuleus, and tormented with burning lamps, in the middst wherof he was comforted by our Lord appearing vnto him, at last by losse of his head, accomplished his Martyrdome. There also of S. Hermolaus Priest, by whose doctrine S. Pantaleon was conuerted. Also of the Saints Hermippus and Hermocrates [Page 237] Brothers, who after many torments, were by the same Maximianus beheaded, for the confession of Christ. At Nola of the holy Martyrs Felix, Iulia and Iucunda. At Vig [...] Bisegli [...]n Apulia of the holy Martyrs Maurus Bishop. [...]antalemon and Sergius, who suffered vnder [...]raian. In the Country of the Homeritae, the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who were burned vnder Dunaan the Ty [...]ant, for the fayth of Christ. At Cordoua in Spayne of the holy Martyrs George Deacon, Felix, Aurelius, Natalia, and Liliosa, in the [...]ersecution of the Arabians. At Ephesus the birth-day of the holy Seauen Sleepers, Maximianus, Malchus, Martinianus, Dionysius, Iohn, Serapion, and Constantine. At An [...]isiodorum Auxerre the deposition of S. Aetherius Bishop and Confessor. At Constantinople of S. Anthusa Virgin, who vnder Constantinus Copronymus, for worshipping of holy Images being whipped, and sent into banishment, rested in our Lord.
F The eight and twentith Day.
AT Rome the passion of S. Victor Pope and Martyr. There also of S. Innocentius Pope and Confessour. At Millan the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Nazarius, & [Page 238] Celsus a boy, who in the fury of persecution vnder Nero, after long pyning, and affliction in pryson, were by Anolinus beheaded. At Thebais in Aegypt, the Commemotation of many holy Martyrs, who suffered in the persecution of Decius and Valerianus. At what tyme, the Christians desiring to dye for the name of Christ, the crafty enemy of mankind, deuised certaine slow punishments to put them to death, wherby he meant rather to kill their soules, then their bodies. Of which number one, after that he had ouercome the torture Equuleus, hoa [...] fiery plates, and other torments, being annoynted ouer with hony, and his hands bound behind him, was placed in the hoat scorching sunne, to be stunge of waspes, & flyes. Another being layd among soft flowers, and by an impudent Harlot prouoked to lust, byting off his tongue, did spit it in her face. At Ancyra in Galatia of S. Eustachius Martyr, who after diuers kind of torments, being throwne into a riuer, but deliuered by an Angell, was at last by a Doue descending from heauen, inuited to lyfe euerlasting. At Milet [...]. Melasso of S. Acatius Martyr who vnder Licinius Emperour, after diuers torments being throwne into a burning fornace, but by the help of God preserued [Page 239] from hurt, accomplished his Martyrdome by losse of his head. In little Brittany of S. Sampson Bishop and Confessor. At Lyons of S. Peregrinus Priest, whose holines of life is testifyed by the glory of miracles.
G The nyne and twentith Day.
AT Tar [...]scum. Tarascón in Prouence of France, of S. Martha virgin, Harbourer of our Sauiour, and syster to Blessed Mary Magdalen and S. Lazarus. At Rome in the way called Aurelia of S. Felix the second, Pope & Martyr, who for defending the Catholique faith, being cast out of his Sea by Constantius the Arian Emperour, & slaine priuately at Cera in Tuscany, made a glorious end. His body being taken thence by the Clergie and buryed in the same way, was after translated to the Church of S. Cosmas and Damianus. And in the tyme of Pope Gregory the thirtenth the same was found there vnder the Altar, togeather with the reliques of the holy Martyrs Marcus, Marcellianus, and Tranquillinus, and with them, decently layd againe in the same place, the one & thirtith day of Iuly. Vnder which Altar, were also found the bodies of the holy Martyrs Abundius Priest, and Abundantius Deacon, which [Page 240] not long after, were solemnely translated to the Church of the Society of Iesus, vpon the Eue of their Feast. Also at Rome in the way Portuensis, [...] the holy Martyrs Simplicius Faustinus, and Beatresse, vnder Diocletian Emperour, of whome the two former after many tormē [...]s were beheaded. But Beatress [...] their syster, for the confession of Christ, was strangled in pryson. More [...]uer at Rome of the holy Martyrs Lucilla and Flora Virgins, Eugenius, Antoninus, Theodorus, and eighteene others, who suffered a [...]amous Martyrdome, vnder Gallienus Emperour. At Gangra in Paphlagonia of S. Gallinicus Martyr, who being cruelly whipped with [...]oddes of iron, & diuers other wayes tormented, at last cast into a burning fornace, gaue vp his soule to God. In Norway of S. Olau [...] King and Martyr. At Trecae. Troys in France of S. Lupus Bishop and Confessor, who went into England with S. German, to expell the Pelagian Heresy thēce; & by his continuall prayers defended the Citty of Troys from the fury of Attilas, that spoyled all France, & finally hauing most venerably executed the function of Priesthood for fifty two yeares, rested in our Lord. At Briocū. S. Brieu in little Brittany of S. Willyam Bishop & Confessor. Also the deposition of S. Prosper Bishop [Page 241] of Orleans. At Tud [...] [...]um. Todi of S. Faustinus Confessor. At Mamia of S. Seraphina.
A The thirtith Day.
AT Rome of the holy Martyrs Abdon & Sennen Persians, who vnder Decius. Emperour, being brought to Rome bound in chaynes, were for the fayth of Christ, first whipped with leaden whippes, and afterward beheaded. At Tuburbum in Affrica, of the holy virgins and Martyrs, Maxima, Do [...]atilla and Secunda, of whome, the two first [...]n the persecution of Valerianus being con [...]trayned to drink [...] [...]inega [...] and gall▪ then truelly beaten, and [...]ed vpon the torture Equuleus, broyled also vpon a gridiron, and [...]ubbed with hoate lime, were afterwards, togeather with Se [...]unda a Girle of twelue [...]eares old, cast vnto the beasts, who refu [...]ing to touch thē, they were finally behea [...]ed. At A [...] Assisi in Vmbria of S. Ruffinus Mar [...]yr. At Caesarea in Cappadocia of S. Iulitta Martyr, who clayming in Iustice, the re [...]titution of her goods, which were vniu [...]ly detayned from her by a certaine noble man, and he taking exceptions against her [...]or that she was a Christian, and therfore [...]ot to be heard; was commaunded by [Page 242] the Iudge to offer incense to the [...]dolls that so her cause might be heard, which she constantly refusing to do, being cast into the fyre, gaue vp her soule to God; but her body was nothing at all hurt thereby. Her renowned prayses are celebrated by S. [...] sil the Great, with most high commen [...]ation. A [...] Antisiodorum Auxerre of S. Vrsu [...] Bishop and Confessor.
B The one and thirtith Day.
AT [...]aesarea in Palestine the passion of S. Fabiu [...] Martyr, who refusing to carry the Ensigne of his [...]arrison, was for some few dayes cast into [...], and after once of twyce examined, and stil persisting in the confessions of his sayth, was by the Iudge condemned to [...] At Mil [...] of S. Calimerius Bishop and Martyr, who apprehended in the persecution of [...], and [...]ast headlong into a Well, finished the course of his Martyrdome. At Sy [...]ada in Phrygia of the holy Martyrs De [...]itur, S [...] cundus, and Di [...]nysius. In Syria of three hundred & fifty holy Monkes Martyrs, who [...]r defending the Councell of Chal [...]don, were slayne by the Here [...]iques. At [...] the departure out of this world of S. [...] [Page 243] Bishop of Auxerre, greatly renowned for his parentage, fayth▪ doctrine, and glorious miracles, who deliuered Britannia. England from the Heresy of the Pelagians. At Tagasta in Affrica of S. Firmus Bishop, renowned for the glorious confession of his fayth. At Siena in Tuscany the birth-day of S. Iohn Columbinus, [...]ounder of the Order called I [...]suati, renowned for holines of life, and miracles.
C The first Day.
AT Rome, in the Mount Esquiline, the dedication of the Church of S. Peter ad Vincula. At Antioch the passion of seauē holy Brethren, of the Machabees, with their mother, who suffered vnder King Antiochus, surnamed Epiphanes. Their reliques being translated to Rome, are kept with great reuerence in the forsayd Church of S. Peter ad Vincula. At Rome the passion of the holy virgins, Fides, Spes, and Charitas, who vnder Hadrian Emperour obtayned the crowne of [Page 245] Martyrdome. Also at Rome in the way Latina, of the holy Martyrs Bonus Priest, Faustus, and Maurus, with nyne others, recorded in the acts of S. Stephen Pope. At Philadelphia in Arabia of the holy Martyrs Cyrillus, Aquila, Peter, Domitianus, Rufus, & Menander, all crowned with Martyrdome vpon one day. At Pergen in Pamphylia, of the holy Martyrs Leontius, Attius, Alexander, and of six Husbandmen, who in the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Flauianus President were beheaded. At Gerunda. Girona in Spayne the birth-day of S. Felix Martyr, who by commaundment of Dacianus President was so long tormented, vntill he gaue vp his vndaunted Soule to God. At Vercellae. Vercelli of S. Eusebius Bishop and Martyr, who for the Confession of the Catholique fayth, being banished first into Scythopolis, and thence into Cappadocia by Constantius Emperour, and afterward returning home to his owne Church, was by the Arrians that persecuted him, put to death. In the territory of Paris of S. Iustinus Martyr. At Vienna of S. Verus Bishop. At Winchester in England of S. Ethelwold Bishop. In the Village of Liswin, of S. Nemesius Confessour.
D The second Day.
AT Rome, in the Churchyard of Callistus, the birth-day of S. Stephen Pope and Martyr, who in the persecution of Valerianus, being at the Altar, and the souldiers rushing in vpon him, with an vndaunted courage making an end of his Masse, was beheaded in his Bishops Seat. At Nice in Bithynia the passion of S. Theodota, with her three sonnes, of whome the eldest called Euodius confessing with great courage, the name of Christ, by commaundment of Nicetius Consull, being sore beatē with cudgells, was finally, togeather with his mother, and his other brothers consumed by the fyre. In Affrica of S. Rutilius Martyr, who flying from place to place for feare of persecution, and sometyme also redeeming his present daunger with money, being vnexpectedly apprehended, and presented before the President, was put to many torments, and lastly by the fire obtayned a crowne of Martyrdome. At Patauiū Padua of S. Maximus Bishop of the same Citty, who renowned for miracles, ended his blessed dayes.
E The third Day.
AT Hierusalem the Inuention of the body of S. Stephen the Protomartyr, & of the Saints Gamaliel, Nicodemus, & Abibo, reuealed to Lucianus Priest, in the dayes of Honorius the Emperour. At Constantinople the birth-day of S. Hermellus Martyr. In India neere to the Persians, the passion of many holy Monkes, and other Christians, who by commaundment of King Abenner, persecuting the Church of God, after they had beene afflicted with many torments, were killed: At Naples in Campania of S. [...]spren Bishop, who being cured of a great sicknes by S. Peter the Apostle, and afterward baptized, was ordained Bishop of the same Citty. At Augustodunū. Austum the deposition of S. Euphronius Bishop and Confessour. At Anagni of S. Peter Bishop, who first renowned for monasticall discipline, and afterward for his Pastorall Vigilancy went to rest in our Lord. At Philippi in Macedonia of S. Lidia a Seller of Purple, who by the preaching of S. Paul the Apostle, first of all in that Citty belieued in Christ. At Beroea in Syria, of the holy women, Marana and Cyra.
F The fourth Day.
AT Bolonia of S. Dominicke Confessour, Founder of the Order of Friars Preachers, renowned for sanctity and doctrine, who kept his Virginity vndefyled to the end of his life, and by his merits, raysed three dead men to lyfe. And when he had by his preaching, repressed Heresyes, and instructed many in religious, and godly lyfe, the sixt day of this Moneth he went to rest in peace. But his feast is kept on this day, by a Constitution of Pope Paulus the fourth. At Thessalonica the birth-day of S. Aristarchus Disciple, and vnseparable Companion to S. Paul the Apostle, of whome in his Epistle to the Colossians he writeth thus: Aristarchus my fellow-prisoner saluteth you. Being ordayned Bishop of the Thessalonians by the same Apostle, after many long agonies suffered vnder Nero, crowned by Christ, rested in peace. At Rome in the way called Latina, the passion of S. Tertullinus Priest & Martyr, who vnder Valerianus Emperour, after he had byn most cruelly bruised with cudgels, his sydes burned with fyre, & sore buffeted about the face; being racked also vpon the Torture Equuleus, and his synewes [Page 249] cut, accomplished his Martyrdome by the losse of his head. At Constantinople of S. Eleutherius Senatour, who for the confession of Christ dyed by the sword, in the persecution of Maximianus. In Persia of the holy Martyrs Ia, and her fellowes, who togeather with nyne thousand Christian Captiues, vnder Sapores King, afflicted with diuers torments, endured Martyrdome. At Cullen of S. Protasius Martyr. At Verona of S. Agabius Bishop and Confessor. At Turones. Toures of S. Euphronius Bishop. At Rome of S. Perpetua, who baptized by S. Peter the Apostle, conuerted Nazarius her Sonne, and Africanus her Husband to the fayth of Christ; and after she had buried the bodies of many holy Martyrs, loaden with merits of good workes, went to our Lord.
G. The fifth Day.
AT Rome in the Mount Esquiline, the Dedication of the Church of S. Mary ad Niues. Also at Rome the passion of three and twenty holy Martyrs, who in the persecution of Diocletian being beheaded in the old way Salaria, lye there buried, at the foote of the Hill Cucumer. At Augusta Vinde l [...]corum. Ausburge the birth-day of S. Afra Martyr, who of an [Page 250] Infidell being made a Christian by the instruction of S. Nancissus Bishop, and baptized with all her house, was for the confession of Christ burned. At Asculū Ascoli in Marc-Aucona, of S. Emygdius Martyr, who ordayned Bishop by S. Marcellus Pope, and sent thither to preach the ghospell of Christ, in the confession of his fayth, vnder Diocleti [...] Emperour, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. At Antioch of S. Eusignius souldier, who being an hundred and ten yeares of age, for obiecting to Iulian the Apostata the fayth of Constantine the Great, whome he had serued in the warres; and reprehending him as a forsaker of his Ancestours Piety, was by his commaundment beheaded. Also of the holy Martyrs C [...]ntidius Cantidianus, and Sobel, Aegyptians. At Catal [...]unum. Ch [...] in France of S. Memmius a Cittizen of Rome, who ordained Bishop of that Citty by S. Peter the Apostle, reduced the people committed to his charge, to the [...]ruth of the [...]oly ghospell. At Augustodu [...]. Austum of S. Cassianus. Bishop. At Theanum. Te [...]no of S. Parides. Bishop. In Engl [...]d of S. Os [...]ld King of the Northumber [...], whose Acts are recoūted by Venerable [...]. The same day of S. Nonna mother to S. Gr [...] g [...]ry Nazianzen. A [...] Septē pe [...]a. San-S [...]uerino in Mar [...] Ancona of S. M [...]rg [...]ret widdow.
A The sixt Day.
IN the Mount Thabor, the Transfiguration of our Lord Iesus Christ. At Rome [...]n the way called Appia, in the Churchyard of Callistus, the birth-day of S. Xistus the se [...]ond, Pope and Martyr, who in the persecution of Valerianus by being beheaded, re [...]eaued the crowne of Martyrdome. Also of [...]he holy Martyrs Felicissimus and Agapitus [...]eacons, Ianuartus, Magnus, Innocentius, and Stephen Subdeacons of the same Pope, who were all with him beheaded, and Iye bu [...]ied in the Churchyard of Praetextatus. There [...]uffered also with them Blessed Quartus, as writeth S. Cyprian. At Complutum. Alcala in Spayne of the holy Martyrs Iustus and Pastor brothers, who being yonge youthes, and going to Schoole, casting downe their bookes, did of their owne accord runne to Martyrdome; and forth with by commaundment of Da [...]ianus President, being apprehended and beaten with cudgels, were finally led out of the Citty, where exhorting ech other with great courage and constancy, they were stangled by the Hangman. At Rome of S. Hormisda Pope and Confessor. At Amida of S. Iames Hermit, renowned for miracles.
B The seauenth Day.
AT Aretiū Arezzo in Tuscany, the birth-day of S. Donatus Bishop & Martyr, wh [...] amongst other of his miracles, as writeth S. Gregory Pope, by his prayers made whole againe a sacred Chalice that had bin broken by the Pagans: and in the persecution of Iulian the Apostata being apprehended by Quadratianus Captaine of the Guard for refusing to sacrifyce vnto Idolls, wa [...] beheaded, & so accomplished his Martyrdome. There suffered also with him S. Hilarinus a Monke, whose feast is kept vpon the sixtenth day of July, when his body was translated to Ostia. At Rome of the holy Martyrs Peter and Iulian, with eighteene others. At Millan of S. Faustus Souldier, who vnder Aurelius Commodus, after many combats for Christ, obteyned the crowne of Martyrdome. At Nouocomum. Como the passion of the holy Martyrs Carpophorus, Exanthus, Cassius, Seaerinus, Secundus, and Licinius, who for the confession of Christ were beheaded. At Nisibis in Mesopotamia of S. Dometius a Persian Monke, who with two of his disciples, was stoned to death vnder Iulian the Apostata. At Roan of S. Victricius Bishop, [Page 253] who hauing bin a souldier vnder the forsaid Iulian, & casting away his military Cincture, was by the Tribune put to diuers torments, and after condemned to be beheaded; but the Executioner being stroken [...]lynd, and he vnbound escaped way. And [...]fterward being made Bishop, by prea [...]hing the Ghospell, brought the fierce and [...]rbarous people of Mo [...]ini Teruane, & Neruij Tour [...]y to the fayth of Christ, and finally ended his dayes in peace. At Catalaunum. Chaeallon in France of S. Donatianus Bishop. At Messina in Sicily of S. Albert Confessor, of the Order of Carmelits, renowned for miracles.
C The eyght Day.
AT Rome of the holy Martyrs Cyriacus Deacon, Largus, and Smaragdus, with twenty others, who in the persecution of Diocletian and Maximian, suffered vpon the sixtenth of March. Their bodies being bu [...]ied in the way called Salaria, S. Marcellus Pope, on this day translated into the Man [...]our of Lucina, in the way to Ostia; which [...]fterward were brought into the Citty, and placed in the Oratory of S. Mary, in Via lata. At Anazarbum▪ Axara in Cilicia of S. Marinus an old Man, who vnder D [...]ocletian Emperour and [Page 254] Lisias President being whipped, tacked and cruelly tormenced, at last cast vnto the beasts, ended his life. Also of the holy Man [...]yrs Eleutherius and Leouides, who by the fyre, accomplished their Martyrdome. In Persia of S. Hormisda Martyr, vnder King Sapores. At Cizi [...]us in Hellespo [...]e of S. Ae [...]ai [...] nus Bishop, who hauing suffered much fo [...] the worship of holy Images, vnder Lee the Emperour, at last ended his lyfe in banishment. In Creta. Candia of S. Myro Bishop, [...] nowned for miracles. At Vienne in France of S. Seuerus Priest and Consessor, who [...] king vpon him a long and paynefull peregrination from India, to preach the Ghospell in France, and comming to the foresayd Citty, conuerted there a great multitude of Pagans, to the fayth of Christ by his doctrine and miracles.
D The nynth Day.
THE Vigill of S. Laure [...]e Martyr. At Rome of S. Romanus a Souldier, who greatly mooned with the [...]orments of S. Laurence, desired to be baptized by him; for which cause being forth with accused, and beaten with eudgels, was finally beheaded. In Tuscany the birth-day of the holy Martyrs [Page 255] Secundianus, Marcellianus, and Verianus, who in the tyme of Decius being first whipped by Promotus Consull, and then racked vpon the torture Equ [...]lous, [...]orne with ir [...]n clawes; & their sides eruelly scorched with fyre, at last beheaded, deserued the [...] [...] phant palme of Martyrdome. At Verona of the holy Martyrs Firmus and Rusticus in the tyme of Maximianus Emperour. In Affrica, the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who in the persecution of Valerianus being encouraged by S. Numidious were cast into the fyre, and so obtayned tryumphant palmes. But Nu [...]idiens although himselfe was cast also into the, fyre with the rest, and ouer whelmed with stones, yet being digged out by his owne daughter, and found halfe alyue, was c [...]ed, and afterward de [...]ued for his vertue, to be admi [...]ed by S. [...], for a P [...]iest of the Church of Car [...] ▪ At Constantinople of the holy Martyrs Iulian, Marcian, and eight others, who for setting vp our Sauiours Image; at the brase [...] Gate; by cōmaundment of wicked Leo the Emperour, after many torments, were beheaded. At Catalaunu [...] ▪ Chaallon in France of S. Domitian Bishop and Confessor.
E The tenth Day.
AT Rome in the way Tiburtina, the birth-day of S. Laurence Archdeacon, who in the persecution of Valerianus, after he had endured many tormēts for Christ, as beating with scorpious, cudgels, with leaden whippes, & burning with fiery plates, at last broyled vpon a gridiron, accomplished his Martyrdome: whose body was buried by Blessed Hippolytus, & Iustinus Priest, in the Churchyard of Cyriaca, in the field Veran [...]. Also at Rome the passion of one hundred, threescore, and fiue holy Souldiers, Martyrs, vnder Aurelianus Emperour. At Bergomum Bergamo of S. Asteria virgin and Martyr, in the persecution of Diocletian and Maximian Emperours. At Alexandria the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, who in the persecution of Valerian. vnder Aemilianus President, hauing byn long afflicted with sundry and exquisite torments, at last by diuers kinds of death, obteyned the crowne of Martyrdome. At Carthage of the holy virgins and Martyrs Bassae, Paula, and Agathonica. At Rome of S. Deus-dedit Confessor, who euery Saturday gaue vnto the poore whatspeuer he gayned, by the labour of his hands, all the weeke.
F The eleauenth Day.
AT Rome, betweene the two Bay-trees, the birth-day of S. Tyburtius Martyr, who vnder Fabianus Iudge, in the persecution of Diocletian, being forced to walke barefoote vpon hoat burning coles, confessing Christ with greater constancy, was by the same Iudge commaunded to be lead three myles out of the Citty, and there beheaded. Also at Rome of S. Susanna Virgin who descended of a noble parentage, and neece to Caius Pope, being beheaded in the tyme of Diocletian, deserued the triumphant palme of Martyrdome. At Comana in [...]ontus of Saint Alexander Bishop, surnamed Carbonarius, who of a most learned Philosopher, hauing attayned to the eminent knowledge of Christian Humility, was by S. Gregory Thaumaturgus aduanced to the Sea of that Church, where famous for preaching, at last accomplished his Martyrdome by the fyre. The same day the passion of S. Ruffinus Bishop of the Marsi in Italy, & his fellowes, vnder Maximinus Emperour. At Ebro [...] cum. Eureux in France of S. Taurinus, who being ordayned Bishop of that Citty by S. Clement Pope, greatly dilated the Christian [Page 256] [...] [Page 257] [...] [Page 258] fayth by his labours and doctrine, and finally renowned for miracles, went to rest in our Lord. At Cambray in France of S. Gaugericus Bishop and Confessour. In the Prouince of Valeria of S. Equitius Abbot, whose holines is witnessed by the testimony of S. Gregory Pope. At Tude [...] ▪ tum. Todi of Saint Digna Virgin.
G The twelfth Day.
AT Assisi in Vmbria of S. Clare Virgin, Foundresse of the Order of the poore Women called Minorits, who renowned for sanctimony of lyfe and miracles, was by Pope Alexander the fourth canonized for saint. At Catana in Sicily the birth-day of S. Euplius Deacon vnder Diocletian and Maximian Emperours, who after he had bene long tortured for the confession of our Lord, at last obtayned the palme of Martyrdome by the sword. At Augusta Vinde [...]orum. Ausburge of S. Hilaria mother to S. Afra Martyr, who watching and praying at the sepulcher of her daughter, was for the faith of Christ by the persecutors cast into the fyre, and burned, togeather with her mayd-se [...]uants Digna, Euprepia, and Eunomia. There suffered also the same day, in the same Citty, Quiriacus, [Page 259] Largius, Crescentianus, Nimmia, and Iuliana, with twenty others. In Syria of the holy Martyrs Macarius & Iulian. At Nicomedia of the holy Martyrs Anicetus an Earle, & Photinꝰ his brother, with many others vnder Diocletian Emperour. At F [...] Falari in Tuscany the passion of the Saints Grascilianus, and Felicissima Virgin, who for the confession of their fayth hauing their mouthes fore bruised with stones, receaued the palme of Martyrdome by the sword, which they had long before desired. The same day, of the holy Martyrs Porcarius Abbot of the Monastery of Lirina, and of fyue hundred Monkes, who being slayne by the barbarous people for the Catholique fayth, were crowned with Martyrdome. At Millan the deposition of S. Eusebius Bishop and Confessor. At Brescia of S. Herculanus Bishop.
A The thirteenth Day.
AT Rome of S. Hippolytus Martyr, who for his glorious Confession, vnder Valerianus Emperour, after other torments, being tyed by the feete, to the neckes of wild horses, and so dragged through briars, and brambles, all torne to peeces, gaue vp the ghost. There suffered also the [Page 260] same day S. Concordia his Nurse, who being beaten before him with leaden whippes, wēt vnto our Lord, togeather with nyneten others of his house, who were beheaded without the gate Tiburtina, and buried with him, in the field V [...]rano. At Forum Syllae. [...]mola the birth-day of S. Cassianus Martyr, who for refusing to worship Idolls, was commaunded to be killed with penknifes by his owne schollers, to whome he was made hatefull for teaching them; whose strength how much the weaker it was, so much more grieuous was the payne of his Martyrdome by a lingring death. At Tude [...] tum. Todi of S. Cassianus Bishop and Martyr, vnder Di [...] cletian Emperour. At Burgos in Spayne of the Saints Centolla and Helena Martyrs. At Constantinople of S. Maximus Monke, renowned for doctrine, and zeale of the Catholique fayth, who for valiantly oppugning the Monothelits, hauing his hands cut off, and tongue plucked out by Constans the Hereticall Emperour, was finally banished into Chersonesus, & there ended his lyfe. At what tyme also two of his Disciples, both called Anastasius, with many others endured diuers grieuous torments, and banishments. In Germany of S. Wigb [...]t Priest and Confessour. At Pict [...] [...]ium. Poitiers of S. Rad [...]gundes Queene, [Page 261] renowned for Sanctimony of life, and miracles.
B The fourtenth Day.
THE Vigill of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At Rome the birth-day of S. Eusebius Priest, who for defending the Catholique fayth, being shut vp in a Chamber of his owne house, by commaundement of Constantius the Arian Emperour, and there perseuering constantly seauen moneths togeather in prayer, went to rest in our Lord: whose body Gregory & Oro [...]us Priests buryed in the Church-yard of Callistus, in the way Appia. In Illi [...] Sclauonia of S. Vrsicius Martyr, who vnder Maximianus Emperour, and Aristides President, after many bitter torments endured for the Name of Christ, was beheaded. In Affrica of S. Demetrius Martyr. At Apamea in Syria of S. Marcellus Bishop and Martyr, who pulling downe the Temple of Iupiter, was killed by the furious Gentills. At Todi of S. Callistus Bishop and Martyr. In the Iland Aegina, of S. Athanasia Widdow, renowned for monasticall discipline, and grace of miracles.
C The fifteenth Day.
THE Assumption of the most holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary. At Rome in the way Appia, of S. Tharsicius Acolyte, who being apprehended by the Paynims, as he was carriyng the holy Sacrament of Christes body, & examined what he carried; He iudging it an vnworthy thing to cast pearles vnto swyne, was so long beaten by them with cudgels and stones vntill he gaue vp the Ghost; who turning & searching his body in euery place, no part of the holy Sacrament, neyther in his hands, nor garments, could be found. The Christians taking vp his body, honourably enterred the same in the Church-yard of Callistus. At Tagasta in Affrica of S. Alipius Bishop, who hauing byn sometyme scholler to S. Augustine, and afterwards cō panion with him in his conuersion, was made worthy also of his fellowship, in his Pastorall function, and famous combats against Heretiques, and finally his partaker in celestiall glory. At Suessio Soissons in France of S. Arnulphus Bishop and Confessor.
D The sixtenth Day.
AT Rome of S. Titus Deacon, who when the Citty was taken by the Gothes, for distributing his money to the poore, by commaundment of a barbarous Tribune, was killed. At Nice in Bithynia of S. Diomedes Phisitian, who in the persecution of Diocletian, for the fayth of Christ being beheaded, accomplished his Martyrdome. Also the same day of thirty three holy Martyrs. At Ferentinum. Fiorentino in Campania of S. Ambrose Centurion, who in the persecution of Diocletian being diuers wayes tormented, and also cast into the fyre without hurt, was finally drowned, and so brought vnto the place of rest. At Millan the deposition of S. Simplicianus Bishop. At Auxerre of S. Eleutherius Bishop. At Nicomedia of S. Arsacius Cōfessor, who being a souldier vnder Licinius the Persecutour, became an hermit, & was so potent in working miracles, that he is said to haue dryuen out diuels by his prayers, as also to haue killed a huge draggon: And finally foretelling the destruction of that Citty, which shortly after was to happen, in prayer gaue vp his soule to God. At Cracouia in Polonia of S. Hyathinthus [Page 264] Cōfessour of the Order of S. Dominicke, who was canonized for a Saint by Pope Clement the eight. At Mons Pessulanus. Montpelier in Prouence of France the depositiō of S. Rochus Confessor, who by, the signe of the Crosse, deliuered many Cittyes in Italy from the plague. His body was afterward translated to Venice. At Rome of S. Serena sometyme wife to Diocletian the Emperour.
E The seauententh Day.
THE Octaue of S. Laurence Martyr At Carthage in Affrica of the holy Martyrs Liberatus Abbot, Bonifacius Deacon, Seruus & Rusticus Subdeacons, Rogatus and Septi [...]us Monkes, and Maximus a boy, who in the persecution of the Vandalls, vnder King Hunnericus, for the confession of the Catholique fayth, and defence of one only Baptisme, being put to diuers most cruell & vnheard of torments, at length nayled vpō the wood wherwith they were to be burned, and the fyre oftentymes kindled, but alwayes put out againe by the power of God, were finally by his commaundment brayned to death with Oars, and so obtayned a glorious Crowne of reward by Martyrdome. At Caesarea in Cappadocia the birth-day [Page 265] of S. Mamas Martyr, who from his childhood to his old age, hauing endured a long Martyrdome, at length in the tyme of Aurelianus Emperour, and Alexander President happily finished the same. Whose great praises S. Basill, and S. Gregory Nazianzen haue left written. In Acha [...]a of S. Myro [...] Priest and Martyr, who vnder Decius Emperour, and Antipater President, after many torments, was beheaded at Cyzicus. At Nicomedia of the holy Martyrs Stra [...]o, Philip, & Eutychian, who condemned to the beasts, & not touched by them, accomplished their Martyrdome by fire. At Ptolemais in Palestine of the holy Martyrs Paul, and Iuliana his sister, who suffered vnder Valerianus. At Interamna. Teramo of S. Anastasius Bishop, & Confessour.
F The eightenth Day.
AT Praenest [...]. Palestrina the birth-day of S. Agapitus Martyr, who being but fifteen yeares of age, and feruent in the loue of Christ, was apprehended by commaundment of Aurelianus Emperour, and cruelly whipped with raw sinewes; but afterward vnder Antiochus Gouernour enduring more grieuous torments, and cast also vnto the [Page 266] Lyons, without any hurt, was finally beheaded, and so crowned. At Rome of the Saints Iohn and Crispus Priests, who in the persecution of Diocletian, very carefully enterred many bodies of Saints; to whose merits themselues being afterward associated, deserued the ioyes of eternall life. There also of the holy Martyrs Hermas, Serapion, and Polyaenus, who being dragged through narrow, stony, and craggy places, gaue vp their soules to God. In Sclauonia of the holy Martyrs Florus, and Laurus, Grauers in stone, whose maisters Proculus & Maximus being first martyred, vnder Licion Presidēt, after many torments, themselues were drowned in a deep Well. At Myra in Lycia of the holy Martyrs Leo and Iuliana. At Metae. Metz in France, of S. Firminus Bishop and Confessor. At Rome in the way called Lauicana, of S. Helen Mother to the most pious Emperour, Constantine the Great, who gaue the first example to other Princes, to maintayne, and amplify the holy Church.
G The nynetenth Day.
AT Rome of S. Iulius Senatour & Martyr, who deliuered vnto Vitellius Iudge, and by him thrust into pryson, by commaundment [Page 267] of Commodus the Emperour, was so long beaten with cudgels, vntill he gaue vp the Ghost. His body was buryed in the Churchyard of Calepodius, in the way called Aurelia. In Cilicia the birth-day of S. Andrew Coronell, and his fellow-souldiers, who hauing obtayned a miraculous victory against the Persians, were therby cōuerted to the fayth of Christ; for which cause being accused to Maximianus Emperour, they were killed by the army of Seleucus President, in the st [...]aytes of the Mountaine Taurus. In Palestine of S. Timothy Martyr, who in the persecution of D [...]ocletian, vnder Vrbanus President, after he had ouercome many torments, was burned with a slow fyre. There also suffered in the same place Tecla, and Agapius; of whome, Tecla being cast vnto the beasts, and torne in peeces with their teeth, went to her heauenly spouse: But Agapius after he had endured many torments, his death was differred to a greater Combat. At Anagnia of S. Magnus Bishop and Martyr, who was killed in the persecution of Decius. In the Castle of Br [...]cola. Brimoigne in Prouence of France, of S. Lewis Bishop of Tolosa, renowned for holines of life and miracles, whose body being translated to Marseille, lyeth honourably enterred there, in [Page 268] the Church of the Franciscans. At Sistrique a village in France, of S. Donatus Priest and Confessour, who euen from his infancy endued with wonderfull graces, & fauours from God, became an Anchoret, and finally renowned for miracles went vnto our Lord. In the territory of Bituricae. Bourges of S. Marianus Confessor. At Mantua of S. Ruffinus Confessor.
A The twentith Day.
IN the Territory of Lingones. Langres the deposition of S. Bernard, the first Abbot of Clareuallis, renowned for sanctity of life, doctrine, and miracles. In Iury of S. Samuel Prophet, whose holy reliques (as writeth S. Hierome) were translated to Constantinople by Arcadius Emperor, & there honourably placed in a Church, neere to the place Septimus. The same day of S. Lucius Senatour, who by seing the constancy of Theodorus Bishop of Cyrene at his Martyrdome, was cōuerted to the fayth of Christ, wherunto he also brought Dignianus the President; with whome going to Cyprus, & there seing other Christians put to death for the confession of Christ, offered himselfe also therunto of his owne accord, and being [Page 269] straight beheaded, deserued the crowne of Martyrdome. In Thracia of thirty seauen holy Martyrs, who vnder Appellianus President, hauing their hands and feete cut off for the fayth of Christ, were finally cast into a burning fornace. Also of the holy Martyrs Seuerus, and Memnon a Centurion, who by one, and the same kind of death, went both Conquerers to heauen. At Cordoua of the holy Martyrs Leouigildus, and Christopher Monkes, who in the persecution of the Arabians being cast into pryson for defence of the Christian fayth, were beheaded, and their bodies burned. At Rome of S. Porphyrius a holy man, who instructed S. Agapitus the Martyr in the fayth, and doctrine of Christ. In the Iland Herion, of S. Philibert Abbot. At Alba in Hungarie, of S. Stephen King, who endued with diuine graces, first conuerted the Hungarians to the fayth of Christ. In the Castle of Chinon of S. Maximus Confessour, disciple of S. Martin Bishop.
B The one and twentith Day.
AT Rome in the Field Veran [...], of S. Cyriaca widdow and Martyr, who in the persecution of Valerianus when she had long employed herselfe, and all her substance [Page 270] in relieuing poore Christians, gaue also at last her life most willingly, by suffering Martyrdome for Christ. At Salona of S. Anastasius, of the Military Order called Cornicularij, who seeing S. Agapitus so constantly endure Martyrdome, and thereby conuerted to the fayth, was for the same put to death by Aurelianus Emperour, and so went a Martyr to our Lord. In Sardinia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Luxorius, Cisellus, & Camerinus, who in the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Delphius President were beheaded. In the territory of Gaualita. Vicarez of S. Priuatus Bishop and Martyr, who suffered in the persecution of Valerian and Gallienus. The same day of the holy Martyrs Bonosus and Maximianus. At Fundi in Italy of S. Paternus, who comming from Alexandria to Rome, to visit the Apostles sepulchers, and thence retiring himself neere to Fundi, after he had buried the bodies of many Martyrs, apprehended by the Tribune, dyed in pryson. At Edessa in Syria of the holy Martyrs Bassa, and her sonnes Theogonius, Agapius, and Fidelis, whome their godly mother exhorting to constancy, in the persecution of Maximianus, sent before her to receaue their Crownes by Martyrdome; and followed herselfe after ioyfully, by being beheaded. [Page 271] At Verona of S. Euprepius Bishop and Confessor. Also of S. Quadratus Bishop.
C The two and twentith Day.
THE Octaue of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At Rome in the way to Ostia, the birth-day of S. Timothy Martyr, who apprehended by Tarquinius Gouernour of the Citty, and pined with long imprysonment, for refusing to sacrifice vnto Idolls, being three tymes whipped, and otherwise grieuously tormented, was at last beheaded. At Portus Romanus. Porto of S. Hippolytus Bishop, greatly renowned for doctrine, who vnder Alexander the Emperour, for the worthy confession of his fayth, tyed hand and foote, and cast headlong into a deepe ditch, full of water, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome: whose body was buryed by the Christians, in the same place. At Augustodunū. Austum of S. Symphorianus Martyr, who in the tyme of Aurelianus Emperour, for refusing also to sacrifyce vnto Idols, being first sore whipped, and after cast into pryson, at last beheaded accomplished his Martyrdome. At Rome of S. Antoninus Martyr, who for freely professing himself a Christian, was condemned to be beheaded [Page 272] by Vitellius Iudge, and lyeth buryed in the way called Aurelia. Also at Porto aforesaid, of the holy Martyrs Martialis, Saturninus, Epictetus, Maprilis and Felix, with their fellowes. At Nicomedia the passion of the holy Martyrs Agathonicus, Zoticus, and their fellowes, vnder Maximianus Emperour, and Euth [...]lomius President. At Tharsus of the holy Martyrs S. Athanasius Bishop, also of Anthusa a Noble Woman whome he had baptized, and of two of her seruants, who suffered vnder Valerianus Emperour. At Rhemes of the holy Martyrs Maurus, and his fellowes. In Spayne of the holy Martyrs Fabricianus & Philibert. At Pau [...]a of S. Gunifort Martyr.
D The three and twentith Day.
THE Vigill of S. Bartholomew Apostle. At Antioch the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Restitutus, Donatus, Valerian & Fructuosa, with twelue others, who were crowned with the honour of a most renow [...]d Martyrdome. At Ostia of the holy Martyrs Quiriac [...]s Bishop, Maximus Priest▪ [...] Deacon, and their fellowes, who by Vlpianus Gouernour, suffered vnder Alexander Emperour. At Aegea in Cilicia of the holy Martyrs Claudius, Asterius, & Neon [Page 273] Brothers, who being accused by their stepmother to be Christians, vnder Diocletian Emperour, and Listas President, after many bitter torments, nayled to a Crosse, went tryumphantly to Christ. There suffered also after them Donuina, and Theonilla. At Rhemes in France the birth-day of the Saints Timothy and Apollinaris, who by suffering Martyrdome, deserued the kingdome of heauen. At Lyons of the holy Martyrs Mineruus, and Eleazarus, with his eight Sonnes. Also of S. Luppus Martyr, who from a seruile condition, being made partaker of Christian liberty, was honoured also with the crowne of Martyrdome. At Hierusalē of the S. Zacchaeus Bishop, who gouerned the Church of Hierusalem the fourth after S. Iames the Apostle. At Alexandria of S. Thomas Bishop and Confessor. At Vtica in Affricke of S. Victor Bishop. At Augustodunū. Austum of S. Flauianus Bishop. At Aruernum Auuergne of S. Sidonius Bishop, famous for doctrine and holines of life. At Tudertum. Todi of Blessed Philip, Founder of the Order of the Seruants of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
E The foure and twentith Day.
OF Saint Bartholomew Apostle, who hauing preached the Ghospell of Christ in India, & passing thence into the Higher Armenia, after he had there conuerted many to the fayth, was first by the barbarous people fleaed aliue; and then commanded, by Astyages the Kings Brother, to be beheaded, accomplished his Martyrdome. His holy body being brought first to the Iland of Lipara, was afterward translated to Beneuento, and lastly to Rome, where the same is greatly honoured in the Iland of Tibur by the faythfull people. At Carthage of three hundred holy Martyrs, in the dayes of Valerian and Gallienus, who amongst other torments, when the President had commanded them to be brought to a burning Limekill, and coles and frankincense to be brought also to his presence, he sayd vnto thē: Choose one of these two, Eyther offer incense vpon these coles to Iupiter, or cast your selues into the burning lyme; they being armed with fayth, and confessing Christ to be the Sonne of God, with great speed cast themselues into the fyre; where amongst the smoke, and vapours of the [Page 275] lyme, they were soone turned into dust; wherby, that pure troupe of Saints, deserued to be called Massa Candida. At Ostia of S. Aurea Virgin & Martyr, who hauing a great stone tyed to her necke, was drowned in the sea. Her body being cast vpon the shore, was buryed by S. Nonnus. In Isauria of S. Tation Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian vnder Vrbanus President, being beheaded, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. The same day of S. Eutichius disciple of S. Iohn the Euangelist, who hauing preached the ghospel in many Countryes, and also endured both imprysonment, whipping, and fyre, at last went to rest in peace. Also of S. George, surnamed Limniota, Monke, who for reprehending the wicked Emperour Leo for breaking of holy Images, and burning the Reliques of Saintes, hauing his hands cut off, and head burnt by his commandement, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Roan of S. Owen Bishop and Confessor. At Neuers of S. Patricius Abbot.
F The fiue and twentith Day.
AT Paris of S. Lewis Confessor, and King of France, renowned for holines [Page 276] of life, and miracles. At Rome of the holy Martyrs Eusebius, Pontianus, Vincentius, & Peregrinus, who vnder Commodus Emperour, being racked vpon the Equuleus, and otherwise tormented, beaten also with cudgels, and their sides burned with fiery plates; & still persisting most constant in the fayth of Christ, were so long beaten with leaden whippes, till they all gaue vp the Ghost. Also at Rome of S. Genesius a Iester, who on a tyme vpon the stage, in presence of Diocletian the Emperour, scoffing at the mysteryes of Christians, being suddainly by Gods holy inspiration, conuerted to the fayth and baptized, was forth with by commaundment of the said Emperour cruelly beaten with cudgels, long racked vpon the torture Equuleus, torne with clawes of iron, burned with torches, and still persisting constant in his fayth, saying: There is no King but Christ, for whome if I be killed a thousand tymes, you shall not be able to take him from my mouth, nor my hart; being beheaded, deserued the palme of Martyrdome. At Arelatum. Arles in France of another S. Genesius also, who being a Notary, & refusing to register the wicked Edicts, by which it was commaunded, that Christians should be tormented, casting downe [Page 277] the Records, and professing himself to be a Christian, was apprehended, and forthwith beheaded; & so being baptized in his owne bloud, obteyned the glory of Martyrdome. At Hispalis vetus. Italica in Spayne of S. Geruntius Bishop, who in the tyme of the Apostles preaching the Gospell of Christ in that Prouince, after many labours, died in pryson. In Syria of S. Iulian Martyr. At Tarragona of S. Maginus Martyr. At Constantinople of S. Mennas Bishop. At Maestricht of S. Gregory Bishop. At Naples of S. Patricia Virgin.
G The six and twentith Day.
AT Rome of S. Zepherin Pope and Martyr. There also of the holy Martyrs Irenaeus and Abundius, who in the persecution of Valerian for taking the body of S. Concordia out of a Priuy, were themselues cast into the same, and drowned: whose bodies being drawen out by Iustinus a Priest, were buried in a Caue neere to S. Laurence. At Albintimeliū. Vintimiglia a Citty in Liguria, of S. Secundus Martyr, a man of great renowne, and Captayne of the Theban Legion. At Bergamo in Lombardy of S. Alexander Martyr, who being also one of the same Legion, for the constant confession of the name of Christ [Page 278] being beheaded, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Nicomedia the passion of S. Adrian Sonne to Probus Emperour, who reproouing Licinius for the persecution he had raysed against the Christians, was by his commaundment killed. His body was buried at Agyropolis by his Vncle Domitius Bishop of Bizantium. In Spayne of S. Victor Martyr, who being slaine by the Mores for the fayth of Christ, obtayned a crowne of Martyrdome. At Capua of S. Rufinus Bishop and Confessor. At Pistoria of S. Felix Priest and Confessor.
A The seauen and twentith Day.
AT Capua in Campania the birth-day of S. Rufus Bishop and Martyr, who being a Senator was baptized by S. Apollinaris disciple of S. Peter, togeather with all his family. There also of the holy Martyrs Rufus and Carpophorus, who vnder Diocletian and Maximian suffered Martyrdome. At Tomis in Pontus of the holy Martyrs Marcellinus Tribune, and his wife Manna, and of his sonnes Iohn, Serapion, and Peter. At Leontinum. Lentini in Sicily of S. Euthalia Virgin, who for being a Christian, was by her owne brother Sermilianus killed by the sword, & [Page 279] so went vnto her Spouse. The same day, the passion of S. Anthusa the yonger, who for the fayth of Christ being drowned in a Well, receaued the palme of Martyrdome. At Bergamo of S. Narnus, who being baptized by S. Barnaby, was by him ordained the first Bishop of that Citty. At Arelate. Arles of S. Caesarius Bishop, a man of wonderfull holines and piety. At Augustodunū. Austum of S. Siagrius Bishop and Confessour. At Pauia of S. Iohn Bishop. At Ilerda. Lerida in Spayne of S. Licerius Bishop. In Thebais of S. Poemon Anchoret. At Sept [...] peda. San-Seuerino in Marc-Ancona, of S. Margaret widdow.
B The eight and twentith Day.
AT Hippo-Regius in Affrica the birth-day of S. Augustine Bishop, and famous Doctor of the Church, who being conuerted by S. Ambrose to the Catholique fayth, and by him baptized, defended the same most stoutly against the Manichees, & other Heretiques. And after many other labours sustained for the Church of God, went finally to Heauē for his reward. Whose Reliques were conueyed from his owne Citty first to Sardinia for feare of the barbarous people; and afterward by Luitprandus King [Page 280] of the Lombards, translated to Tic [...]. num. Pauia, where they are still honourably kept. At Rome the birth-day of S. Hermes a noble man, who (as we read in the acts of Blessed Alexander pope) being first cast into prysō, was afterward with many others slaine by the sword, and so accomplished his Martyrdome, vnder Aurelianus Iudge. At Briuas. Brioude in Auuergne, the passion of S. Iulian Martyr, who being companion to S. Ferreolus Tribune, and secretly seruing Christ in a souldiers habit, was apprehended in the persecution of Diocletian, and hauing his throat cut, dyed a cruell death. At Constantia. Contances in France of S. Pelagius Martyr, who vnder Numerianus Emperour, and Euilasius Iudge, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. At Salerno of the holy Martyrs Fortunatus, Caius, and Anthes, who were beheaded vnder Diocletian Emperour, and Leontius Proconsul. At Constantinople of S. Alexander Bishop, a renowned old man, by whose prayers Arius the Hereticke, condemned by the Iudgement of God, burst in the middest, and voyded forth his bowells. At Santones. Saints of S. Viuianus Bishop. Also of S. Moyses an Aethiopian, who of a famous Thiefe became an Anchoret, & conuerting many theeues, brought them to his Monastery.
C The nyne and twentith Day.
THE Decollation of Saint Iohn Baptist, whome Herod, about the feast of Easter beheaded; though his memory be kept on this day with great solemnity, when his Venerable Head, was found the second tyme; which being afterward translated to Rome, is there kept with great deuotion of the people, in the Church of S. Syluester, neere vnto Campus Martius. At Rome in the Mount Auentine, the birth-day of S. Sabina Martyr, who being beheaded vnder Hadrian Emperour obteyned the Crowne of Martyrdome. Also at Rome of S. Candid [...] Virgin and Martyr, whose holy body Pope Paschalis the first, translated to the Church of S. Praxedes. At Antioch in Syria the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Nicaeas and Paulus. At Constantinople of the holy Martyrs Hipatius an Asian Bishop, and Andrew Priest, who for the worshipping of holy Images, vnder Leo Isauricus, hauing their beards besmeared with pitch, and after set on fyre, and the skin of their heads plucked of, were finally killed. At Perugia of S. Euthymius a Roman, who flying the persecution of Diocletian, togeather his wyfe, & Crescentius his sonne, [Page 282] there rested in our Lord. At Metae. Metz of S. Adelphus Bishop and Confessor. At Paris the deposition of S. Medericus Priest. In England of S. Seb King of the East-Saxons. At Smyrna the birth-day of S. Basilla. In the territory of Troys of S. Sabina virgin, renowned for vertue and miracles.
D The thirtith Day.
AT Rome in the way to Ostia, the passion of S. Felix Priest, vnder Diocletian and Maximian Emperours, who hauing endured the torture of Equuleus, and condemned to death, as he was lead to execution, being met by a certaine man who professed himself a Christian, was for that cause forthwith beheaded with him. This mans name the Christians not knowing, called him Adauctus, because he was added to S. Felix, as partaker of his Crowne. Also at Rome of S. Gaudentia Virgin and Martyr, with three others. There also of S. Pāmachius Priest, greatly renowned for holines of lyfe and doctrine. At Colonia Sufetulana in Affricke of threescore holy Martyrs, slayne by the fury of the Gentils. At Adrumetum. Mahomet [...]a also in Affricke, of the Saints Bonifacius & Th [...] cl [...], who were the Parents of twelue Sonnes, [Page 283] all holy Martyrs. At Thessalonica of S. Fantinus Confessour, who enduring many afflictions by the Saracens, and dryuen out of his Monastery, where he liued in great abstinence; after he had brought many to the true fayth, rested at last in a good old age. In the territory of Meld [...]. Meaux of S. Fiaker Confessour. At Bolonia of S. Bononius Abbot.
E The one and thirtith Day.
AT Treuers the birth-day of S. Paulinus Bishop, who in the tyme of the Arian troubles, being banished for the Catholique fayth by Constantius the Arian Emperour, & euen, beyond the name of Christendome, wearyed out vnto death with change of bannishments, at last dying in Phrygia, receaued of our Lord the Crowne of his blessed passion. Also of the holy Martyrs Robustianus and Marcus. At Transaqua in Italy, neere to the Lake of Fuc [...] num. Rossiglion, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Cesidius Priest, and his fellowes, who in the persetion of Maximinus, were crowned with Martyrdome. At Caesarea in Cappadocia of the Saints Theodotus, Ruffina, and Ammia, of whome, the two first were parents to Mamas the Martyr that was borne in pryson, & [Page 284] Ammia was his nurse. At Athens of S. Aristides renowned for his fayth and wisdome, who gaue vp a Booke to Adrian the Emperour, treating of Christian Religion, & conteyning reasons of our doctrine; as also made an Oration in the presence of the said Emperour, wherein he manifestly prooued, that Christ IESVS was the onely true God. At Antisiodorū. Auxerre of S. Optatus Bishop & Confessour. In England of S. Aidan Bishop of Lindisfarne, whose soule when S. Cutbert being then a Sheepheard, saw carryed vp to heauen, forsaking his sheep, became a Monke. At Nuscum. Nosca of S. Amatus Bishop.
F The first Day.
IN Prouence of France, of S. Giles Abbot & Confessour. At Beneuento of twelue holy Martyrs Brothers. In Palestine of the Saints Iosue and Gedeon. At Hierusalem of S. Anna Prophetesse, whose Sanctimony the holy Ghospell relateth. At Capua in the way called Aquaria, of S. Priscus Martyr, an ancient Disciple of Christ. At Rhemes in France of S. Xystus Disciple of S. Peter the Apostle, who being by him ordained the first Bishop of that Citty, vnder Nero receaued [Page 286] the crowne Martyrdome. At Tudertum. Todi in Vmbria of S. Terentianus Bishop and Martyr, who vnder Hadrian Emperour, by cō maundement of L [...]tianus Proconsul, being racked vpon the torture Equuleus, & whipped with scorpions, hauing at last his tongue cut out, and beheaded, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Heraclea of S. Ammon Deacon, and fourty holy Virgins whome he instructed in the fayth, who vnder Licinius the Tyrant, togeather with them receaued the glory of Martyrdome. In Spayne of the holy Martyrs Vincentius and Laetus. At Populonia in Tuscany of S. Regulus Martyr, who comming thither out of Affrica, vnder Totilas accomplished his Martyrdome. At Senones. Sen [...] of S. Lupus Bishop and Confessor, of whome it is recorded, that on a certaine day, whilst in presence of the Cleargy, he sayd Masse at the Altar, there fell from heauen a [...]ewell, into his holy Chalice. Also at Capua of another Priscus Bishop, who was one of those Priests, that in the persecution of the Vandalls, being diuersly tormented for the Catholique fayth, & put into an old ship, came frō Africke to the shore of Campania, and there being dispersed into diuers places, and made Rulers of sundry Churches, greatly dilated the Christian [Page 287] fayth and discipline. His fellowes were Castrensis, Tammarus, Rosius, Heraclius, Secundinus, Adiutor, Marcus, Augustus, Elpidius, Canion, and Vindonius. At Aquino of S. Constantius Bishop, famous for the guift of Prophesy, and many other Vertues. At Cenomanum▪ Man [...] of S. Victorius Bishop. In the Tetritory of Constance at Aqua-dura, of S. Verena Virgin.
G The second Day.
AT Rome of S. Maxima Martyr, who togeather with S. Ansanus, for confessing of Christ, in the persecution of Diocletian being beaten with cudgels, gaue vp the Ghost. At Pam [...]. Pamiers in France of S. Antoninus Martyr; whose reliques are kep [...] with great veneration in the Church at Palentia. Also of the holy Martyrs Diomedes, Iulian, Philip, Eutychianus, Hesychius, Leonides, Philadelphus, Menalippus, and Pantagapas, of whome some by fyre, some by water, others by the sword, and Crosse, accomplished their Martyrdome. At Nicomedia of the holy Martyrs Zeno, and of Concordius and Theodorus his Sonnes. The same day the passion of the Saints Euodius, Hermogenes, & Callistas brothers. At Lyons in France the birth-day of S. Iustus Bishop and Confessor, [Page 288] renowned for holines of life, and spirit of Prophesy. This man resigning vp his Bishopricke, and with-drawing himself, togeather with Viator his Lector, into the wildernes of Aegypt, after he had for some yeares lead there an Angelicall life, went vnto our Lord, to receaue the crowne of Reward, vpon the fourtenth day of October, whose holy body, togeather with the reliques of Blessed Viator his Lector, was on this day brought vnto Lyons. There also of S. Elpidius Bishop & Confessour. Also in Mar [...] ▪ Ancona of another Elpidius Abbot, whose holy body, with great deuotion is kept in a towne of his owne Name. In the Mount Soractes, of S. Nonnosus Abbot, who by his prayers remoued a mighty great stone, besides many other miracles.
A The third Day.
AT Rome of S. Serapia Virgin, who vnder Hadrian Emperour being deliuered ouer vnto two lasciuious yong men, and could not be corrupted by them, nor yet burned with flaming torches, by commaundment of Berillus Iudge, beaten with cudgels, was lastly beheaded. She suffered vpon the twenty ninth day of Iuly, and [Page 289] was enterred by S. Sabina, in a monument of hers, ioyning to the place of buriall called V [...]ian; but her memory is kept more solemnly on this day, when both their Sepul [...]hers were finished, adorned, and the place itselfe dedicated to God for prayer. At Co [...]th the birth-day of S. Phoe [...]es, of whome S. Paul the Apostle writing to the Romans maketh mention. At Aquileia of the holy virgins and Martyrs Euphemia, Dorothy, Tecla and Erasma, who vnder Nero, after many torments, were beheaded, and buried by S. Hermagoras. At Capua of the holy Martyrs Aristeus Bishop, and Antoninus a youth. At Nicomedia the passion of S. Basilissa virgin and Martyr, who being but nyne yeares of age, in the perfecution of Diocletian, vnder Alexander President, hauing by the power of God, ouercome strypes, fyre, and the beasts, rendred vp her pure soule in prayer. Also of the holy Martyrs Zeno and Chariton, of whome the one was cast into a ca [...]drone of boyling lead, the other into a burning fornace. At Cordoua of S. Sandalus Martyr. The same day of the holy Martyrs Aigulphus Abbot of Lerina, and of his fellows monkes, who hauing their tongues, and eyes plucked out, were at last beheaded. At Tu [...] lum. Toul in Lorayne of S. Mansuetus Bishop and Confessor. [Page 290] At Millan the deposition of S. Auxanus Bishop. The same day of S. Simeon, surnamed Stylita, the yonger. At Rome the Ordination of S. Gregory the Great, a man of incomparable holines, when he was created Pope; who being compelled to take vpon him that burden, and seated in a higher throne, spread forth much brighter beames of sanctity to the world.
B The fourth Day.
AT Mount-Nebo in the lād of Moab, of S. Moyses the Lawgiuer and Prophet. At Ancyra in Galatia of three holy children Ruffinus, Siluanus, & Vitalicus Martyrs. At Cabilo. Cauaillon in France of S. Marcellus Martyr vnder Antoninus Emperour, who being inuited by Priscus President to an Idolatrous Banquet, and detesting such kind of meates, reprehē ded with great liberty all that were present for worshipping of Idolls; for which cause, by an vnheard off kind of cruelty being buryed in the ground vp to the gyrdle, and remayning in that manner three dayes continually praysing God, gaue vp his vndefyled soule to God. The same day of the holy Martyrs Magnus, Castus, and Maximus. A [...] Treuers of S. Marcellus Bishop and Martyr. [Page 291] The same day also of Saint Thameles, who had bene sometimes an Idolatrous Priest, with others of his followes, martyred vnder Hadrian the Emperour. Also of the holy Martyrs Theodorus, Oc [...]anus, Ammianus, and Iulianus, who vnder Maximian Emperour, hauing their feete cut off, and cast into the fyre, accomplished their Martyrdome. At Ariminum. Rimini of S. Marinus Deacon. At Naples in Campania the birth-day of S. Candida, who first met S. Peter comming to that Citty, & being baptized by him, afterward rested in our Lord. There also of S. Candida the yonger, renowned for miracles. At Viterbo of S. Rosa Virgin.
C The fifth Day.
AT Rome in the suburbes, of S. Victorinus Bishop and Martyr, renowned for holines and miracles, who by election of all the people, was chosen Bishop of Ami [...]rno, but afterward vnder Nerua-Traian, being banished, with other seruants of God [...]o Cutilia, where the stinking brimston-wa [...]ers do spring forth, was by commaundment of Aurelianus Iudge, hanged vp by the feet with his head downeward, which when he had endured for Christs sake three [Page 292] dayes togeather, went triumphantly crowned to our Lord; Whose body was honourably buried by the Christians at Amitern [...] aforsaid. At Portus Romanus. Porto the birthday of S. Herculanus Martyr. At Capua of the holy Martyrs Quinctius, Arcontius, and Donatus. The same day of S. Romulus an Officer in Traians Court, who for detesting the Emperours cruelty against Christians, being first whipped with roddes, was after beheaded. At Melitine in Armenia the passion of the holy souldiers Eudoxius, Zeno, Macarius, togeather with a thousand one hundred and foure of their fellowes, who casting off their military Cincture, in the persecution of Diocletian were killed for the confession of Christ. At Constantinople of the holy Martyrs Vrba [...]s, Theodorus, Menedemus, and seuenty seauen more of the Clergy, who by the commaūdment of Valens Emperour being put into an old ship, were drowned in the sea, for the Catholique fayth. At ( b) In the territory of Teruane, in the Monastery of Sithieu of S [...] Bertin Abbot. At Toledo of S. Obdulia virgin [...]
D The sixt Day.
OF S. Zachary Prophet, who in his old age returning from Chaldaea home [...] [Page 293] his Country, lyeth buried neereto the Prophet Aggeus. In Hellespont of S. Onesiphorus Disciple to the Apostles, of whome S. Paul maketh mention writing to Timothy, who togeather with S. Porphyrius by commaundment of Hadrianus the Proconsull, being sorely whipped, and drawne a peeces with wild horses, gaue vp his soule to God. At Alexandria the passion of the holy Martyrs Faustus Priest, Macarius, and ten more of their fellowes, who vnder Decius Emperour, and Valerius President being all beheaded for the name of Christ, accomplished their Martyrdome. In Cappadocia of the holy Martyrs Cottidus Deacon, Eugenius, and their▪ fellowes. In Affrica of the holy Bishops Donatianus, Praesidius, Mansuetus, German [...]s, and Fusculus, who in the persecution of the Vandalls by commaundment of Hunnericus the Arian King, for defence of the Catholique Verity, being all most cruelly beaten with cudgels, were afterward sent into banishment. Amōgst whome a Bishop also called Laetus, a worthy & most learned man, after long and many afflictions endured in pryson, was burned. At Verona of S. Petronius Bishop & Confessour. At Rome of S. Eleutherius Abbot, a great seruant of God, whome S. Gregory Pope writeth, to [Page 294] haue raysed a dead man to life, by his prayers, and teares.
E The seauenth Day.
AT Nicomedia the birth-day of S. Iohn Martyr, who seing the cruell Edicts against Christians, to hang vp in the Market-place, inflamed with the feruour of fayth, pulled them downe, and tore them in peeces; for which fact, being by commandement of Diocletian and Maximian Emperours, then resident in that Citty, put to all kind of cruell torments, endured them with such cheerefulnes of countenance & mind, as he seemed not to be any whit moued, or sadde. therefore. At Caesarea in Cappadocia of S. Eupsichius Martyr, who vnder Hadrian Emperour being accused for a Christian, was first cast into pryson; & after a while being deliuered, he sould his patrimony, and gaue the pryce therof partly to the poore, and partly to his accusers, as his great benefactors; but after this being apprehended againe, vnder Sapritius Iudge▪ torne in peeces, and thrust through with a sword accomplished his Martyrdome. At Pompeiopolis in Cilicia S. Sozontes Martyr, who vnder Maximianus Emperour being [Page 295] throwne into the fyre, gaue vp the Ghost. At Aquileia of S. Anastasius Martyr. In the territory of Augustodunū. Austum of S. Regina Virgin & Martyr, who vnder Olybrius Proconsul, hauing endured imprysonment, the torture of Equuleus, and burning with torches, at last beheaded, went ioyfully to her Spouse. At Tr [...] Trois of S. Nemori [...]s Deacon, and his fellowes Martyrs, who were slaine by Attilas King of the Hunnes. At Orleans in France the deposition of S. Euortius Bishop, who being first Subdeacon of the Church of Rome, was by the signe of a Doue sent from Heauen, ordayned Bishop of that Citty. In France of S. Augustalis Bishop and Confessour. At Capua of S. Pamphilus Bishop. In the territory of Paris of S. Clodoald [...] Priest and Confessour.
F The eyght Day.
THE Natiuity of the most Blessed, and Euer-Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. At Nicomedia of S. Adrian Martyr, with three and twenty others, who after many torments vnder Diocletian and Maximian Emperours, hauing their thighes broken, accomplished their Martyrdome, vpon the fourth day of March. Their Reliques [Page 296] were by the Christians transported to Bizantium, & there honourably buried; from whence the body of S. Adrian was vpon this day translated to Rome, and his feast chiefly kept. At Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Ammon, Theophilus, Neoterius, & two & twenty others. At Antioch of the holy Martyrs Timothy and F [...]stus. At Gaza in Palestine of the holy Martyrs Eusebius, Nestab [...], & Zeno brothers, who vnder Iulian the Apostata, by a multitude of Pagans violently oppressing them, were hewed in pe [...]ces & killed. There also of S. Nestor Martyr, who vnder the same Iulian, being by the said furious Gentils most cruelly tormented, gaue vp the Ghost. At Frisinghen in Bauaria of S. [...] Frising [...]. Corbinianus the first Bishop of that Citty, who ordayned by Pope Gregory the secōd, and sent thither to preach the Gospell, reaped a most plentifull haruest in France and Germany, and finally adorned with many vertues and miracles, ended his blessed dayes.
G The nynth Day.
AT Nicomedia the passion of the holy Martyrs Dorotheus, and Gorgo [...]ius, who hauing byn aduanced by Dioc [...]an the Emperour [Page 297] to very great Honour, were for detesting his cruelly against the Christians, commaunded to be first hanged vp in his presence, and all torne with whippes, then their skin to be pulled off, and rubbed ouer with salt and vinager, to be broyled vpon a gridiron, and last of all to be strangled to death. The Body of S. Gorgonius was afterward brought to Rome, and layed for a tyme in the way Latina, and thence translated vnto S. Peters Church. In Sau [...], thirty miles from Rome, of the holy Martyr [...] Hi [...]cynthus, Alexander, and Tiburtius. At Sebasta of S. Seuerianus a Souldier, vnder [...]ci [...]ius Emperour, who for often visiting th [...] fourty Martyrs, whilst they were in pryson, by commaundment of Lysias President being hanged vp with a great stone tyed at his feet, & cruelly beaten and torne with whipps, in middest of his torments gaue vp the Ghost. The same day the passion of S, S [...]rat [...], who for confessing Christ, being tyed to the boughes of two trees, and so drawne in p [...]ces, accomplished his Martyrdome. Also of the holy Martyrs Rufinus and Rufinianus Brothers. At Rome of S. Sergius Pope and Confessour. In the territory of Teruane, of S. Aud [...] ma [...]us. Omer Bishop. In Scotland of S. Qu [...]anus Abbot.
A The tenth Day.
AT Tolentino in Picenum. Marc-Ancona the deposition of S. Nicolas Confessour, of the Eremiticall Order of S. Augustine. In Affrica the birth-day of the holy Bishops Nemesianus, Felix, Lucius, and another Felix, Litteus, Polianus, Victor, Iaderes, Datiuus, and others, who in the furious persecution vnder Valerian and Gallienus, for their constant confessing of Christ, being first cruelly beaten with cudgells, then layed in fetters, and appointed to digge in the mettall mines, accomplished the agony of their glorious Confession. At Chalcedon of the holy Martyrs Sosthenes & Victor, who in the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Priscus Proconsul of Asia, after they had ouercome imprisonment, the beasts, and other torments, were condemned to be burned; but they saluting ech other with a holy kisse, whilst they prayed, gaue vp the Ghost. In Bithynia of the holy virgins Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora sisters, who vnder Maximianus Emperour, & Fronto President were crowned with Martyrdome. Also of the holy Martyrs Apellius, Lucas and Clemens. At Liege in the lower Germany of S. Theodardus Bishop [Page 299] and Martyr, who gaue his life for his flocke, and after his death became renowned for miracles At Rome of Saint Hilarius Pope & Cōfessour. At [...]ompostella in Spaine, of S. Peter Bishop, renowned for many vertues and miracles. In the Citty of Albiga. Albi in France, of S. Salutus Bishop & Confessor. At Nouara of S. Agapius Bishop. At Constantinople of S. Pulcheria Empresse, renowned for Religion and Piety.
B The elcauenth Day.
AT Rome, in the old way of Salaria, in the Churchyard of Basilla, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Protus and Hyacinthus Eunuches to blessed Eugenia, who vnder Gallienus Emperour, being accused for Christians, and refusing to sacrifyce vnto Idolls, were first sore whipped, and afterward beheaded. At Laodicea in Syria, the passion of the Saints Diodorus, Diomedes, and Didimus. At Leglo. Leon in Spayne of S. Vincent Abbot and Martyr. In Aegypt of S. Paphnutius Bishop, who was one of those Confessors, which vnder Maximianus Emperour, hauing their right eye pulled out, & maymed in the left legge, were condemned to digge in the mettall mynes; and afterward [Page 300] vnder Constantine the Great valiantly defending the Catholike Faith against the Ariās, adorned with many Crownes rested in peace. At Lyons the deposition of S. Patiens Bishop. At Alexandria of S. Theodora, who hauing vnaduisedly committed a fault, & becomming truly penitent for the same, in a religious weed, continued vnknowne, in wonderfull Abstinence, and Patience, vntill her dying day.
C The twelfth Day.
AT Alexandria the birth-day of the holy Martyrs H [...]eronides, Leontius, Serapion, Sel [...]sius, Valerian, and Strato, who vnder Maximinus Emperour were drowned in the sea for the confession of Christ. In Bithynia of S. Antonomus Bishop and Martyr, who flying the persecution of Di [...]cletian, came out of Italy thither, where hauing conuerted very many to the Christian fayth, was by the furious Gentills killed at the Altar whilst he sayd masse, and so became a sacrifice of Christ. At Mera in Phrygia, the passion of the holy Martyrs Macedonius, Theodulus, and T [...], who vnder Iulian the Apostata, after other torments, by commaundment of Almachius president, being layd vpon [Page 301] a hoat-burning gridiron, ioyfully accomplished their Martyrdome. At Iconium in Licaonia of S. Curonotus Bishop, who being beheaded vnder Perennius President, receaued the palme of Martyrdome. At Tic [...] num▪ Pauia of S. Iuuentius Bishop, of whome mention is made vpon the eight day of February, who being sent by S. Hermagoras Disciple to S. Marke the Euangelist, togeather with S. Syrus vnto that Citty, they both preached the Ghospell there for many yeares; and by their holy life, and miracles, spread abroad the light therof also to other Cittyes neere adioyning; and finally renowned in Episcopall dignity, they rested in peace. At Lyons the deposition of S. Sacerdos Bishop. At Verona of S. Siluinus Bishop. At Ande [...] ▪ Anderlec of S. Guido Confessor.
D The thirteenth Day.
AT Alexandria the birth-day of S. Philip, Father to S. Eugenia virgin, who resigning vp the Gouerment of Aegypt, obteyned the grace of baptisme; and was afterward by commaundment of Terentius his successour in that Office, as he was in prayer beheaded. There also of the holy Martyrs Macrobius, and Iulian, who suffered [Page 302] vnder Lycinius Emperour. The same day of S. Ligorius Martyr, who liuing in the desert, was killed by the Gentills, for the fayth of Christ. At Alexandria of S. Eulogius Bishop renowned for doctrine and holines of life. At An [...]e. gauum. Angiers in France of S. Maurilius Bishop, famous for innumerable miracles. At Senones. Sens of S. Amatus Bishop and Confessor. The same day of S. Venerius Confessor, a man of wonderfull holines, who lead an Eremiticall life in the Iland of Palmaria. In the monastery of Romaricū. Romiemond in Lorayne of S. Amatus Priest and Abbot, greatly renowned for the vertue of abstinence and miracles.
E The fourtenth Day.
THE Exaltation of the Holy Crosse, when Heraclius Emperour hauing ouercome Cosroes King of Persia, brought the same thence to Hierusalem. At Rome in the way Appia of S. Cornelius Pope and Martyr, who in the persecution of Decius being banished, was commaūded to be beaten with leaden whippes, and after with one and twenty others, men & women, beheaded. The same day also were beheaded Cerealis a souldier, and Salustia his wyfe, whome the [Page 303] same Cornelius had instructed in the Christian fayth. In Affrica the passion of S. Cyprian Bishop of Carthage, most renowned for holines of life and doctrine; who vnder Valerian and Gallienus, after a hard banishment, was beheaded six miles from Carthage, neere to the sea, and so accomplished his Martyrdome. There suffered also in the same place the holy Martyrs Crescentianus, Victor, Rosula, and Generalis. At Rome of S. Crescentius a Child, Sonne to S. Euthymius, who in the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Turpilius Iudge, in the way Salaria, ended his life by the sword. At Treuers of S. Maternus Bishop, Disciple to S. Peter the Apostles, who conuerted to the fayth of Christ the Inhabitants of Tongres, Cullen, Treuers, & other people adioyning. Also the same day the birth-day of S. Iohn Chrysostome Bishop of Constantinople, who by a faction of his aduersaries being sent into banishment, and recalled by a decree of Pope Innocentius the first, being greatly afflicted by the souldiers that guarded him, in the way homeward gaue vp his soule to God. But his feast is kept the 27. of Ianuary, vpon which day his holy body was, by Theodosius the yonger, translated vnto Constantinople.
F The fifteenth Day.
THE Octaue of the Natiuity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At Rome in the way called Numentana, the birth-day of S. Nicomedes Priest and Martyr, who for saying to those that would compell him to sacrifyce: I offer no sacrifice but to God Allmighty, who raigneth in heauen: being a long tyme beaten with leaden whippes, went vnto our Lord. In the territory of Cabllo. Cauaillon of S. Valerian Martyr, vvho by Priscus the President being hanged vp, & torne with iron clawes, and persisting immoueable in the confession of Christ, ioyfully praysing his holy Name was finally beheaded. At Marcianopolis in Thracia of S. Melitina Martyr, who vnder Antoninus Emperour, and Antiochus President, being drawne once or twice to the Idola [...]ous Temples of the Gentills, and the Idols still falling downe at her presence, after cruell tormēts was at last was beheaded. At Hadrianople of the holy Martyrs Maximus, Theodorus, & [...]sclepiodo [...]us, who were crowned vnder Maximianus Emperour. There also of S. Porphyrius a [...]ester, who in presence of Iuli [...] the Apostata, being on a tyme baptized in [Page 305] iest, was by the power of God suddainly changed, and professed himself a Christian; for which being forthwith commaunded to be beheaded, was crowned with Martyrdome. The same day of S. Nicetas a Goth who by commaundment of Athanaricus King was burned. At Cordoua of the holy Martyrs Emilas Deacon, and Hieremy, who in the persecution of the Arabians, after long imprysonment beheaded, accomplished their Martyrdome. At Tullum. Toul in Lo [...]aine of S. Aprus Bishop. Also of S. Leobinus Bishop of Carnu [...]um. Chartres. At Lyons of S. Albin Bishop. The same day the deposition of S. Aichardus Abbot. In France of S. Eutropia Widdow.
G The sixtenth Day.
AT Chalcedon the birth-day of S. Euphemia virgin & Martyr, who for the confession of Christ, vnder Diocletian Emperour, & Priscus Proconsul, hauing ouercome the torments of imprisonmēt, of strypes, wheele, fyre, weight of stones, beasts, whippes, sharp sawes, & burning fiery plates, being againe brought into the Theater and exposed to the beasts, after she had prayed to our Lord to receaue her soule▪ [Page 306] one of the beasts offering to fasten vpon her, and the rest licking her fe [...]e, gaue vp her vnspotted soule to God. At Rome of the holy Martyrs Lucia a noble Woman, & Geminianus, who vnder Di [...]cletian Emperour after they had beene sore afflicted with grieuous paynes, and long torments, at length beheaded obtayned a renowned victory of Martyrdome. Also at Rome in the way Flaminia of the holy Martyrs Abundius Priest, and Abundanti [...]s Deacon, who vnder the same Diocletian, togeather with Marcianus a Noble man, and Iohn his Sonne whome by their prayers they had raysed from death, were carryed ten miles from the Citty, and beheaded. At Heraclea in Thracia of S. Sebastiana Martyr, who conuerted to the fayth of Christ by S. Paul the Apostle vnder Domitianus Emperour, and Sergius President, hauing byn diuers wayes tormented, was finally beheaded. At Cordoua of the holy Martyrs Rogellus and Seruid [...]us, who hauing their hands and feete cut off, were beheaded. In Scotland of S. Ninian [...]s Bishop and Confessor. In England of S. Editha Virgin daughter to King Egdar, who being consecrated to God in a Monastery from her tender yeares, was rather ignorant of the world, then forsooke it.
A The seauententh Day.
AT Rome in the way Tiburtina, the birth-day of S. Iustin Priest & Martyr, who in the persecution of Valerian & Gallienus renowned for his glorious Confession of fayth, hauing buryed the bodies of S. Xystus pope, S. Laurence, Hyppolitus, and of many other Saintes, at last vnder Claudius accomplished his Martyrdome. Also at Rome of the holy Martyrs Narcissus & Crescention. In Phrygia of S. Ariadna Martyr vnder Hadrian Emperour. In England of the holy Martyrs Socrates & Stephen. At N [...] ui [...]d [...] num. Neuers of the holy Martyrs Valerianus, Macrinus, & [...]ordianus. At Austum of S. Flocellus a boy, who vnder Antoninus Emperour, & Valerian Gouernour, being sore afflicted, and torne in peeces by wild beasts obteyned the crowne of Martyrdome. At Liege of S. Lambers Bishop of Maestricht, who out of zeale reprehending certaine abuses in the King [...] Court, being for that cause slayne by wicked men, entred into the Court of heauen, there to liue for euer. The same day of S. Agathoelia maid-seruant to an Infidell woman, who being cruelly whipped a long [Page 308] tyme togeather, and otherwise afflicted to make her deny Christ, yet perseuering still in the confession of her fayth, hauing her tongue cut out, was finally cast into the fyre. At Cordoua of S. Columba virgin and Martyr. At Millan the deposition of S. Satyrus Confessor, whose renowned acts are recounted by his brother S. Ambrose. At Rome of S. Theodora Matrone, who in the persecution of Diocletian diligently serued the holy Martyrs. At Binghen in the Diocesse of Mentz of S. Hildegardes Virgin. The same day the Commemoration of the holy Markes imprinted by the wonderfull fauour of God, in the hands, feet, and side of S. Francis, Foūder of the Order of Minorits, which happened in the mountayne of Aluerne in Tuscany.
B The eightenth Day.
THE birth-day of S. Methodius Bishop of Olympia in Lycia first, and after of Tyrus, renowned for eloquence and learning, who in the end of the last persecution, as writeth S. Hierome, at Chalcis in Greece was crowned with Martyrdome. In the territory of Vienne in France of S. Ferreolus Martyr, who hauing the Authority of a [Page 309] Tribune, was by commaundment of Crispinus the wicked President, first apprehended, and cruelly whipped, then loaden with a great weight of chaynes, and thrust into pryson, out of which, his bands being miraculously loosed, and the dores open, he escaped; but being taken againe by those that pursued him, by losse of his head, receaned finally the palme of Martyrdome. Also of the holy Martyrs Sophia and Irenes. At Millan of S. Eustorgius the first Bishop of that Citty much commended by S. Ambrose. At Gortina in Candia of S. Eumenus Bishop and Confessor.
C The nynetenth Day.
AT [...] li. Puzzuoli in Campania of the holy Martyrs Ianuarius Bishop of Beneuento, Festus his Deacon, and Desiderius Lector, togeather with Sosius Deacō of the Church of Misenas, Proculus Deacon of Puzzuoli, E [...]iches and Acutius, who after many afflictions & long imprysonment were beheaded vnder Diocletian Emperour. The body of S. Ianuarius was brought to Naples, and there honourably enterred in the Church, where his holy bloud is kept in a violl of thristall, euen vntill this day; which being [Page 310] set neere to his head, waxeth liquid, and bubleth vp, as though it were fresh. At Nuce [...]. Nocer [...] the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Felix and Constantia, who suffered vnder Nero. In Palestine of the holy Martyrs Peleus, Nilus, and Elias, all Bishops of Aegypt, who in the cruell persecution of Diocle [...]an, with many others of the Clergy were consumed by fyre. The same day of the holy Martyrs Trophimus, Sabbatius, & Dorimedon a Senator, vnder Probus Emperor; of whome Sabbatius by commaundment of Atticus President, was so long whipped at Antioch, vntill he gaue vp the ghost: but Trophimus being sent to the President Perennius at Synnada, after many torments, togeather with Dorimedon being beheaded, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Cordoua, in the persecution of the Arabians, of S. Pomposa virgin and Martyr. At Canterbury in England of S. Theodorus Bishop, who being sent thither by Vi [...]alianus Pope, was renowned for doctrine and holines of life. At Tu [...] [...]. Tours of S. Eustochius Bishop, a man of great vertue. In the territory of Lingo [...], Langres of S. Sequanus Priest and Confessor.
D The twentith Day.
THE Vigill of S. Matthew Apostle & Euangelist. At Rome the passion of the holy Martyrs, Eustachius and Theopistes his wyfe, with their two sonnes Agapius and Theopistus, who vnder Hadrian Emperour being condemned to the beastes, but by the power of God not touched by them, were shut vp into a fiery brasen oxe, and so accomplished their Martyrdome. At Cy [...]icus in Propontis, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Fausta Virgin, and Euilasius, vnder Maximianus Emperour, of whome Fausta hauing her head shauen, to the horrour of the beholders, was hanged vp & tortured by the same Euilasius at that time an Idolatrous Priest, who whē he would haue cut her in two, and the Executioners could not hurt her, being therat astonished belieued in Christ; and whilst by commandement of the Emperour he was cruelly tortured, Fausta being pierced in the head & body with sharpe nayles, and put into a hoate burning panne, called by a voyce from heauen, togeather with the sayd Euilasius went vnto our Lord. In Phrygia of th [...] holy Martyr [...] D [...]nnis and Priuatus. Also of [Page 312] S. Priscus Martyr, who being stabbed into the body with sharp-pointed daggers, was beheaded. At Pergen in Pāphilia of the Saints Theodorus, Philippa his mother, and their fellowes, Martyrs, vnder Antoninus Emperour. At Carthage of S. Candida Virgin and Martyr, who vnder Maximianus Emperour hauing her body all torne with whips, was crowned a Martyr. Also of the holy Mattyrs Susanna daughter to Arthemius an Idolatrous Priest, and Martha. The same day of S. Agapitus Pope, of whose holynes S. Gregory the great writeth. At Millan of S. Clicerius Bishop and Consessour.
E The one and twentith Day.
THE birth-day of S. Matthew Apostle & Euangelist, who preaching in Aethiopia, was there Martyred. The Ghospell written by him in Hebrew, was by his owne reuelation found, togeather with the body of S. Barnaby Apostle, in the tyme of Zeno Emperour. In the Land of Saar of S. Ionas Prophet, who was buryed in Geth. At Rome of S. Pamphilus Martyr. There also in the way called Claudia, twenty myles from the Citty, the passion of S. Alexander Bishop, who vnder Antoninus Emperour for [Page 313] the Fayth of Christ, hauing ouercome fetters, cudgells, the torture Equuleus, burning with torches, tearing with iron hookes, beasts, and the fiery fornace, at last beheaded, obtayned a glorious crowne. His body was afterward translated into the Citty, by S. Damasus Pope, vpon the six & twenty day of Nouember, on which day he ordayned that his feast should be kept. In Phoenicia of S. Eusebius Martyr, who going of his owne accord to the Gouernour, and professing himselfe a Christian, after many torments was beheaded. In Cyprus of S. Isacius Bishop and Martyr. There also of S. Meletius Bishop and Confessour. In Aethiopia of S. Iphigenia Virgin, who baptized, and consecrated to God by S. Matthew the Apostle, dyed in all Sanctimony.
F The two and twentith Day.
AT Sedunum. Sitten in Switzerland the birth-day of the Holy Martyrs, Mauri [...]ius, Ex [...]perius, Candidus, Victor, Innocentius and Vitalis, with their fellowes of the Thebean Legion, who being killed for Christ vnder Maximianus Emperour, adorned the world with their glorious Martyrdome. At Rome the passion of the holy Virgins & [Page 314] Martyrs Digna and Emerita, vnder Val [...]ri [...] and Gallienus, whose reliques are kept ther [...] in the Church of S. Marcellus. At Chast [...]es [...] S. Ionas Priest and Martyr, who commin [...] into France with S. Dennis, by commaundment of Iulianus Gouernour being cruelly whipped, accomplished his Martyrdome At Ratisbone in Bauaria of S. Emeramus Bishop and Martyr, who to saue others [...]o [...] Christs cause, endured a most cruell death At Antinople in Aegypt of S. Iraides a Virgi [...] of Alexandria, with her fellowes Martyn who going forth of the Citty to draw water at a fountayne, and seeing a ship lade [...] with Confessors of Christ to passe by, leauing her bucket, forthwith ioyned hersel [...] vnto them; & being brought with them to Antinople, first of all, after many torments was beheaded; and after her, the Priests▪ Deacons, Virgins, and all the rest of her cō pany dyed the same death. At Meld [...]. Meaux of S. Sanctinus Bishop, disciple to S. D [...], who being by him ordained Bishop of tha [...] Citty, first preached the Gospell there. In the territory of Constance of S. Lau [...]n Bishop. At Pictauium. Poitiers of S. Florentius Priest. In the territory of Bourges of S. Syluanus Confessor. At Laudunum. L [...]on of S. Salab [...]rga Abbesse.
G The three and twentith Day.
AT Rome of S. Linus Pope and Martyr, who gouerned the Church of Rome next after S. Peter the Apostle, & being there martyred, lyeth buried in the Vatican neere to the same Apostle. At Iconium in Lycaonia of S. Thecla Virgin and Martyr who conuerted to the Fayth of Christ by S. Paul the Apostle, vnder Nero the Emperour hauing for the confession of Christ, & instruction of many, endured the fyre, beasts, and many other torments, comming to Seleucia, there finally rested in peace; whome the holy Fathers in their writings haue highly extolled. In Campania the Comemoration of S. Sosius Deacon of the Church of Misenas, from whose head the holy Bishop Iannarius seeing a fiery beame to ascend whilst he [...]ad the Ghospell, foretold he should be a Martyr; & not many dayes after, at the age of thirty yeares, togeather with the sayd Bishop he suffered Martyrdome, by being beheaded. In Affrica of the holy Martyr [...] Andrew, Iohn, Peter, and Anthony. In the territory of Constance of S. Paternus Bishop and Martyr. At Ancona of S. Constan [...] ▪ Mansionary of the Church of S. Stephen, [Page 316] renowned for miracles. In Spayne of the holy women Xantippa and Polyxena, disciples of the Apostles.
A The foure and twentith Day.
AT Augu [...]odunū. Austum the birthday of the holy Martyrs Andochius Priest, Thyrsis Deacon, and Felix, who being sent into France by S. Polycarp Bishop of Smirna, out of the East to preach the Ghospell, after they had byn sore whipped, and hanged vp a whole day togeather by the hands, cast also into the fyre but not burnt, at length hauing their neckes broken with barres, ended theyr Martyrdome. In Aegypt the passion of Saint Paphnutius, and his fellowes, Martyrs, who liuing a solitary lyfe in the wildernes, and hearing that many Christians were imprisoned, moued by the spirit of God, voluntarily offered himselfe to the Gouernour, professing the same Christian Fayth, by whome being first bound in iron chaines, and long tortured vpon the racke Equuleus, was finally with many others sent prisoner to Diocletian the Emperour, and by his commandmēt being nayled to a palme tree, and the rest slayne, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Chalcidon [Page 317] of fourty and nyne holy Martyrs, who after the passion of S. Euphemia, vnder Diocletian Emperour being condemned to the beastes, and miraculously deliuered from them, at last beheaded, went to our Lord. In Pannonia. Hungary of S. Gerard Bishop & Martyr. At Auuergne the deposition of S. Rusticus Bishop and Confessor. In the territory of Belouacum. Beauuais of S. Geremarus Abbot.
B The fiue and twentith Day.
IN the Castle of Emmaus, the birth-day of S. Cleophas disciple of our Lord, who by traditiō is said to haue byn killed by the Iewes, for the confession of Christ, in the same house, in which he had entertayned him, and was there honourably buryed. At Rome of S. Herculanus Souldier & martyr, who conuerted to Christ by the miracles, which he saw at the Martyrdome of S. Alexander Bishop, after many tormē [...]s vnder Antoninus Emperour, dyed by the sword. At Amiens in France of S. Firminus Bishop, who in the persecution of Diocletian vnder Rictiouarus President, after diuers torments was beheaded. At Damasco of the holy Martyrs Paulus and Tatta his wife, Sahinianus, Maximus, Rufus, and Eugenius their [Page 318] children, who being accused to be Chr [...] stians, and cruelly whipped, and otherwi [...] tormented, gaue vp their soules to God. I [...] Asia the passion of the holy Martyrs Bard [...] [...]ianu [...], Eucarpus, and six and twenty others The same day of S. Anathalon Cōfessor, disciple to S. Barnaby the Apostle, & Bishop [...] the Church of Millan. At Lyons the deposition of S. Lupus, who of an Anchoret, was ordayned Bishop. At Anti [...]odotū. Auxerre of S. Anachariu [...] Bishop and Confessor. At [...]lesae. Blois o [...] S. Solemnius Bishop of Chartres, renowned for miracles. The same day of S. Princip [...]u [...] Bishop of Soissons, brother to S. Remigius. At Anagnia of the holy virgins Aurelia and Neomisia.
C The six and twentith Day.
AT Nicomedia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Cyprian, & Iustina Virgin, vnder Diocl [...]tian Emperour, and Euthol [...] President, of whome Iustin [...] hauing endured many torments for Christ, & conuerted Cyprian to the fayth, who before was a Magitian, and had his by magicall practises attempted to bewitch her, was finally martyred with him. Their bodyes being [...]ast out to the beasts, but taken vp by night [Page 319] [...]f certaine Christian Marriners, & brought [...]o Rome, were honourably placed in the Church of Constantine, neere vnto the Font. At Rome of S. Callistratus Martyr, and fourty nine other Souldiers, who in the persecu [...]ion of Diocletian, by seing Callistratus sowed vp in a sacke, & cast into the sea, to haue by the power of God escaped drowning, were conuerted vnto Christ, and togeather with him endured Martyrdome. Also at Rome of S. Eusebius Pope. At Bolonia of S. Eusebius Bishop and Confessour. At [...] ▪ Brescia of S. Vigilius Bishop. At Albano of S. Senator. At Tusculum. Frescati of S. Nilus Abbot, Founder of the Monastery of Cripta-ferrata, a man of great holines. At Tiphernum. Cittad [...] Castello of S. Amantius Priest, famous for miracles.
D The seauen and twentith Day.
IN Egaea the birth-day of the holy Martirs Cosmas & Damianus Brothers, who in the persecution of Diocletian after many torments, hauing by the power of God ouercome fetters, prison, dangers of sea, of fire, crosses, stoning, and arrowes, were beheaded; with whome are sayd to haue suffered three of their brothers, Anthimus, Leontius▪ [...]nd Eupr [...]pius. At Rome of S. Epicharides [...] Senators [Page 320] wife who in the same persecution after she had beene beaten with leade [...] whippes, was beheaded. At Tudertum. Todi of th [...] holy Martyrs Fidentius and Terentius, vnder the same Diocletian. At Cordoua of the holy Martyrs Adulphus and Iohn Brothers, who in the persecution of the Arabians, for Christ were crowned with Martyrdome. At Sedunum. Sitten in Suitzerland of S. Florentinus Martyr, who togeather with S. Hilary, after he had his tongue cut out, dyed by the sword. At Byblus in Phoenicia of S. Marke Bishop, who is called also Iohn by S. Luke. At Millan of S. Caius Bishop, disciple to S. Barnaby the Apostle, who baptized the Saints Geruasius and Protasius, and hauing suffered many afflictions in the persecution of Nero, went to rest in peace. At Rauenna of S. Aderitus Bishop and Confessor. At Paris of S. Eleazarus Earle. In Han [...]onia. Hennault of S. Hiltrudes Virgin.
E The eight and twentith Day.
AT Rome of S. Priuatus Martyr, who being a leaper, and healed by S. Callistus Pope, was after vnder Alexander Emperour, beaten with leaden whippes for the fayth of Christ, vntill he gaue vp the ghost. There also of S. Stacteus Martyr. In [Page 321] Affrica of the holy Martyrs Martialis, Laurence, & twenty others. At Antioch in Pisidia of the holy Martyrs Marcus a Sheepheard, Alphius, Alexander, & Zosimus his brothers; also of Nicon, Neon, Heliodorus, & thirty souldiers, who belieuing in Christ through the miracles wrought by the forsaid Marcus, were in sundry places, by diuers torments, crowned Martyrs. The same day the passion of S. Maximus, vnder Decius Emperour. In Bohemia of S. Wenceslaus Duke of the Bohemians & Martyr, renowned for holines & miracles, who killed in his brothers house, went triumphantly to heauen. At Tolosa of S. Exuperius Bishop & Confessor, who how sparing he was in regard of himselfe, and how liberall towards others, S. Hierome hath left a memorable testimony. At Genu [...] of S. Salomon Bishop and Confessour. At Brescia of S. Siluinus Bishop. The same day of S. Eustochium Virgin, daughter to Blessed Paula, who being brought vp at the Manger of our Lord with other Virgins, renowned for merits, went to her Spouse. In Germany of S. Lioba Virgin, famous for miracles.
F The nyne and twentith Day.
IN the Mount Garganus, the famous memory of S. Michael Archangell, at what tyme a Church was there consecrated vnto his Name; small in respect of the exteriour forme, but greatly renowned with heauenly vertues. In Thracia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Eutychius, Plautus, and Heraclea. In Persia of S. Gudelia Martyr, who after she had conuerted very many to the fayth of Christ, and refusing to adore the Sunne & the Fyre, vnder Sapores King after many tormēts, hauing the skin plucked off her head, & nayled to a post, deserued a triumphant Crowne. There also of the holy Martyrs Dadas Kinsman to King Sapores, Casdoa his wyfe, and Gabdelas their sonne, who being depriued of their honour and dignity, and put to diuers torments, after long imprisonment, were beheaded. In Armenia of the holy virgins Ripsimes, and her fellowes, Martyrs, vnder King Tiridates. At Auxerre of S. Fraternus Bishop and Martyr. At Pontecuruo neere to Aquino, of S. Grimoaldus Priest and Confessour. In Palestine of S. Quiriacus Anchoret.
G The thirtith Day.
IN Bethleem-Iuda the deposition of S. Hierome Priest, and Doctor of the Church, who excelling in all kind of learning, and a dillgent imitatour of the most approued Monkes, hauing with the sword of his doctrine slaine many monsters of Heresies, at légth in a very old age, wēt to rest in peace, and was buryed there, at the Manger of our Lord: whose body being afterwards brought to Rome, is kept with due honour and Veneration in the Church of S. Maria Maior. The same day of S. Leopardus Martyr, one of Iulian the Apostata his retinew, who being beheaded at Rome, his body was afterward translated to Aquisgrane. At Solodorum. Solothurne in Suitzerland the passion of the holy Martyrs Victor and Vrsus, two of the renowned Thebean Legion, who first vnder Maximianus Emperour hauing byn cruelly tormented, were through a bright light shining from heauen, and the executioners falling to the ground, deliuered, but afterward apprehended againe and cast into the fyre, without any hurt, were finally beheaded. At Placentia of S. Antoninus Martyr, one also of the same Legion. The same [Page 324] day of S. Gregory Bishop of Great Armenia, who suffering very many afflictions vnder Diocletian, at last went to rest in peace. At Canterbury in England, of S. Honorius Bishop, and Confessour. At Rome of S. Sophia Widdow, Mother to the holy virgins, Fides, Spe [...], and Charitas.
A The first Day.
AT Rhemes in France of S. Remigius Bishop and Confessour, who conuerted the French-men to the Christian Fayth, and baptized Clodoueus their King; and when he had been Bishop threescore and ten yeares, renowned for holines and miracles, departed this life vpon the thirtenth day of Ianuary, but his feast is kept on this day, when his holy body was translated. At Rome of S. Areta Martyr, and of fyne hundred and foure others. At Tomis in Pontus of [Page 326] the holy Martyrs Priscus, Crescens, and Euagrius. At Vlissipo Lisbone in Portugall of S. Verissimus Martyr, togeather with Maxima & Iulia his systers, who suffered in the persecution of Diocletian. At Tournay of S. Piato Priest & Martyr, who comming from Rome into France with S. Quinctin and his fellowes, to preach the fayth of Christ, did afterward in the persecution of Maximianus accomplish his Martyrdome. At Thessalonica of S. Domninus Martyr vnder the same Maximianus. At Gant of S. Bauo Confessor. At Vrbs v [...]tus. Oruieto of S. Seuerus Priest and Confessor.
B The second Day.
AT Nicomedia of S. Eleutherius a Souldier, with innumerable others, who being falsely accused for setting on fire the Pallace of Diocletian, were by commaundment of that most cruell Emperour, killed by heapes; of whome, some were cut in peeces, others burned in the fyre, and some others cast into the sea; but the chiefest of them Eleutherius being long tortured, & at euery tormēt found more couragious then before, finally as gold tryed in the fire accomplished his victorious Martyrdome. In the territory of Attrebatum. Arras the passion of S. [Page 327] Leodegarius Bishop of Augustodunū. Austum, whome Ebroinus high Steward to King Theodoricus, after he had byn diuersly afflicted and tormented for the truth, commaunded to be killed. There also of S. Gerinus Martyr, Brother to the sayd S. Leodegarius, who was stoned to death in the same place. At Antioch of the holy Martyrs Primus, Cyrillus, and Secundarius. At Constantinople of S. Theophilus Monke, who being cruelly tormented by Leo Isauricus, for defending holy Images, & cast into banishment, went to our Lord. At Hereford in England of S. Thomas Bishop & Confessour.
C The third Day.
AT Rome in the place called Vrsus pileatus, of Saint Candidus Martyr. The same day of the holy Martyrs Dennis, Faustus, Caius, Peter, Paul, and foure others, who first vnder Decius hauing endured great persecution, and afterward vnder Valerianus tormented by Aemilianus President, at last receaued the palme of Martyrdome. In Westphalia amongst the old Saxons the passion of two holy Martyrs of the same Name called Ewaldi, Priests, who preaching there the ghospel of christ were killed by the Pagans: [Page 328] ouer whose bodies appeared a great light in the night, shewing where they were, and of what merit and fauour with God. In Affrica of S. Maximianus Bishop of B [...]g [...]ia, who being often, and sorely vexed by the Donatists, throwne downe head-long also from a high tower, and left for dead, renowned for his glorious confession, went at last to rest in our Lord. In Palestine of S. Hesichius Confessor, disciple to S. Hilarion, and his companion in trauell. In the lower Germany, in the Diocesse of Namur cum. Namures, of S. Gerard Abbo [...].
D The fourth Day.
AT Assisium. Assisi in Vmbria the birth-day of S. Fran [...]s Confessor, Founder of the Order of the Minorits; whose holy life, replenished with sanctity and miracles, is left written by S. Bonau [...]ture. At Corinth the birth-day of the Saints Crisp [...]s and C [...]i [...]s, of whome S. Paul the Apostle maketh mention writing to the Corinthians. In Aegypt of the holy Martyrs Marcus & Marcianus Brothers, and of almost innumerable others of both sexes, & all ages; of whome some after whipping, and other most horrible torments of diuers kindes, being cast into the [Page 329] fyre, others throwne headlong into the sea, some also beheaded, others starued, some nayled to gibbe [...]s, and others hanged vp by the feet with their head down ward, deserued a most glorious Crowne of Martyrdome. At Damasco of S. Peter Bishop and Martyr, who being accused to the Prince of the Saracens, for preaching the fayth of Christ, hauing his tongue, hands, and feete cut off, and nayled to a crosse, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Alexandria of the holy Priests and Deacons Caius, Faustus, Eusebius, C [...]are [...]on, Lucius, and their fellowes, of whome some were put to death in the persecution of Valerianus, others by seruing the Martyrs, receaued the reward of Martyrs. At Athens▪ of S. Hierotheus disciple to S. Paul the Apostle. At Bolonia of S. Petronius Bishop and Confessor, famous for learning, mi [...]acles, and holines. At Paris of S. Aurea Virgin.
E The fifth Day.
AT Mesina in Sicily the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Placidus Monke, disciple to S. Bene [...] ▪ togeather with his two brothers E [...]tychius and Victori [...]s, and Fl [...]i [...] his syster: Also of Donatus and Fir [...]a [...]us Deacons, [Page 330] Faustus and thirty other Monkes, who were killed for the fayth of Christ by Manuchas the Pirate. The same day the birth-day of S. Thraseas Bishop of Eumenia, who was martyred at Smyrna. At Treuers of the holy Martyrs Palmatius, and his fellowes, who in the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Rictiouarus President, endured Martyrdome. The same day the passion of S. Charitin [...] Virgin, who vnder Diocletian Emperour, & Domitius Cōsull being first tortured by fyre, and then cast into the sea, but by the power of God receyuing no hurt, hauing her hād [...] & feete cut off, & her teeth beaten out, gaue vp her soule in prayer. At Auxerre the deposition of the Saints Firmatus Deacon, and Flauiana Virgin, his syster. At Rauenna of S. Marcellinus Bishop and Confessor. At Valence in France of S. Apollinaris Bishop, whose life and death were renowned for vertues and miracles. The same day of S. Attilanus Bishop of Zamora, who was canonized for a Saint by Pope Vrban the secōd. At Rome of S. Galla Widdow, daughter to Simmachus the Consull, who after the death of her husbād perseuered all the dayes of her life at S. Peters Church in prayer, almes, fasting, and other good workes; whose most happy departure S. Gregory Pope hath left written.
F The sixt Day.
IN Calabria of S. Bruno Confessor, Founder of the Order of Carthusians. At Laodicea of S. Sagares Bishop and Martyr, an ancient disciple of S. Paul the Apostle. At Capua the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Marcellus, Castus, Aemilius, and Saturninus. At Agennum. Agen in France the birth-day of S. Fides Virgin and Martyr, by whose example Blessed Caprasius encouraged to Martyrdome, happily accomplished his agony. Also of S. Erotides Martyr, who being inflamed with the loue of Christ, ouercame the heate of fyre, by Martyrdome. At Treuers the Cō memoration of almost innumerable holy Martyrs, who in the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Rictiouarus President, by diuers kindes of death were killed. At Auxerre of S. Romanus Bishop and Martyr. At Opit [...] gium. Vderzo of S. Magnus Bishop, whose body lyeth buried at Venice.
G The seauenth Day.
IN Sueuia of S. Brigit Widdow. At Rome in the way Ardeatina, the deposition of S. Marke Pope and Confessor. In the Prouince [Page 332] of Augusta Euphratesia, of the hol [...] Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus Noble Romans vnder Maximianus Emperour, of whom Bacchus was so long beaten with raw si newes for the confession of Christ vntill h [...] gaue vp the ghost: But Sergius being forced to weare shooes stucke full of sharpe nayles remaining cōstant in his fayth, was finally beheaded. His body is kept at a place called of his name Sergiopolis, and honoured with frequent conc [...]rse of Christians, for the famous miracles wrought thereat. At Rome of the holy Martyrs Marcellus and Apul [...]ius, who being first disciples of Simon Magus, & seing the wonders which God wrought by the Apostle S. Peter, forsaking Simon, imbraced the Apostolicall doctrine, and after S. Peters death vnder Aurelianus Consull, obteyned a crowne of Martyrdome, and were buryed neere to the Citty. Also at Augusta Euphratefia of S. Iulia Virgin, who vnder Marcianus President accomplished her Martyrdome. At Pat [...] [...]ium. Padua of S. Iustina Virgin and Martyr, who baptized by S. Prosdocimus disciple to S. Peter, and persisting constant in the fayth of Christ, by commaūdment of Maximus Presidēt, thrust through with a sword, went to our Lord. At Bit [...]ricae. Bourges of S. Aug [...]stus Priest & Confessour. In the territory [Page 333] of Rhemes of S. Helanus Priest. The same day, the Commemoration of Sancta Maria [...] Victoria, ordayned by Pope Pius V. euery yeare to be obserued on this day, in memory of a famous victory obtayned by sea [...]gainst the Turkes, through the help and [...]ntercession of the Blessed Mother of God. And Pope Gregory the XIII. ordayned likewise, the annuall solemnity of the [...] of the Blessed Virgin, to be kept vpon the first Sunday of this Moneth, for the [...]me cause.
A The eyght Day.
THE birth-day of Blessed old Simeon, who in the Ghospell is read to haue taken our Lord Iesus in his armes. A Caesarea in Palestine, the passion of S. Reparata Virgin and Martyr, who for refusing to sacrifyce to Idolls, being put to diuers torments vnder Decius the Emperour, was finally beheaded; whose blessed soule was seene to ascend vp to heauen in the forme of a Doue. At Thessalonica of S. Demetrius Proconful, who after he had brought many to the fayth of Christ, by commaundment of Maximianus Emperour, being thrust through the body with a launce, accomplished [Page 334] his Martyrdome. There also of S. N [...] stor Martyr. At Hispalis. Seuill in Spayne of S. Pe [...] Martyr. At Laodicea of S. Artemon Pries [...] who vnder Diocletian ended his Marty [...] dome by fyre. In the territory of Lyons of [...] Benedicta Virgin and Martyr. At Ancona [...] the Saints Palatiates and Laurentia, who i [...] the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Dio [...] Presidēt, being sent into banishmēt, worn [...] out with labours and miseries went vnto our Lord. At Roan of S. Euodius Bishop and Confessor. At Hierusalem of S. Pelagia, sur-named the Penitent.
B The nynth Day.
AT Paris in France, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Denis of Areopagit [...] Bishop, Rusticus Priest, and Eleutherius Deacon; of whome, S. Denis being baptized by S. Paul the Apostle, and ordayned the first Bishop of Athens, going after to Rome was sent thence into France by S. Clement Pope to preach the ghospell; and comming to Paris, when he had for many yeares faythfully fulfilled the office committed to his charge, at last, togeather with his forsaid fellowes, after many grieuous torments, by commaundment of Fescennius being beheaded, [Page 335] accomplished his Martyrdome. The same day the commemoration of S. Abraham Patriarch, and Father of all faythfull Belieuèrs. At Iulia in the territory of Parma, in the way called Claudia, of S. Domninus Martyr, vnder Maximianus Emperour, who whilst he would haue fled the fury of persecution, being killed by those that pursued him, made a glorious end. At Cassino of S. Deus-dedit Abbot, who being cast into pryson by Sicardus the Tyrant, and there consumed with hunger, and other miseries, rested in peace. In Hannonia. Hennault of S. Gislen Bishop and Confessor, who resigning vp his Bishopricke, and leading a monasticall lyfe in a Monastery which himself had built, was famous for many vertues. At Hierusalem of the Saints Andronicus & Athanasia his wyfe. At Antioch of S. Publia Abbesse, who singing in the Quire, togeather with her systers, that verse of the Psalme, The Idolls of the Gentils, are siluer and gould; and, Let them that make them, become lyke vnto them, as Iulian the Apostata passed by, was by his commaundmēt sorely buffeted, and checked.
C The tenth Day.
IN the Iland of Creta. Candia, of S. Piny [...] Bishop of Gnossos, who flourished vnde [...] Marcus Antouinus Verus, and Lucius Aureliu [...] Commodus, leauing behind him in his wri [...] tings, as it were in a glasse, the liuely Imag [...] of his sanctity. At Cullen of S. Gereon Martyr with three hundred and eighteene others, who in the persecution of Maximianus, patiently endured the losse of their liues, for defence of the truth. In the territory of the same Citty also, of the Saints Victor and hi [...] fellowes, Martyrs. At Bonna in Germany o [...] the holy Martyrs Cassius and Florentius, with very many others. At Nicomedia of the holy Martyrs Eulampius, and Eulampia his syster, who hearing that her Brother was tortured for Christ, pressing into the middest of the people, and imbracing him, ioyned herself vnto his company, and being both cast into a caldron of boyling oyle, but by the power of God nothing hurt therby, were togeather with two hundred others wh [...] moued by that miracle belieued in Christ, beheaded, and so accomplished their Martyrdome. At Yorke in England of S. Paulinut Bishop, Disciple to S. Gregory Pope, who [Page 337] being sent thither, with others, to preach the ghospell, conuerted King Edwin, & his people to the fayth of Christ. At Populonia in Tuscany of S. Cerbonius Bishop and Confessor, who, as S. Gregory writeth, was renowned for miracles, both alyue and dead. At Verona also of another S. Cerbonius Bishop. At Capua of S. Paulinas Bishop.
D The eleauenth Day.
AT Tharsus in Cilicia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs, Tharacus, Probus and Andronicus, who in the persecution of Diocletian enduring a long and miserable imprysonment, & thryce tormented for the confession of Christ, at last beheaded obteyned [...]yumphant Crowne. At Vilcassine a village in France, the passion of the holy Martyrs Nicasius Bishop of Roan, Quirinus Priest, Scubiculus Deacon, and Pientia Virgin, vnder the President Fescenninus. Also the passion of the Saints Anastasius Priest, Placidus, Gene [...]s, and their fellows. In Thebais of S. Sar [...]as Disciple to S. Antony Abbot, who was there killed for Christ, by the Saracens. At Veso [...] tio. B [...]nson in France of S. German Bishop and Martyr. At Vzecia in Affrica of S. Firminus [...]hop and Confessor. In Scotland of S. Canicus [Page 338] Abbot. At Lyre in the lower Germany the deposition of S. Gummarus Confessor▪ At Rhedones. Renes in France of S. Aemilianus Confessor. At Tharsus in Cilicia of the Saints Zenaides, and Philonilla systers, who being kinswomen to S. Paul the Apostle, were also his Disciples in fayth. At Verona of S. Placidia Virgin.
E The twelfth Day.
AT Rome of the holy Martyrs Euagrius Priscianus, and their fellowes. At Rauenna in the way Lauretina, the birth-day o [...] S. Edistius Martyr. In Lycia of S. Donmin [...] Martyr, vnder Diocletian Emperour. In Affrica of foure thousand, nyne hundred, threescore, and six holy Confessors, and Martyrs, in the persecution of the Vandall [...] vnder Hunnericus the Arian King; of whom [...] some being Bishops, some Priests, & others Deacons, with great troopes of faythfull people ioyning themselues vnto them, were banished into a vast wildernes for defence of the Catholike Verity; who whilst they were lead thither by the Mores, many being forced forward with sharpe point [...] of speares, and beaten with stones, other [...] bound hand & foot and drawne through [Page 339] [...]and and stony places, and their bodyes [...]ent in peeces, at last by diuers other cruell [...]ormentes, obtayned a famous Martyrdome. The chiefest of these Priests of our Lord, were Felix and Cyprian Bishops. At Celena in Pannonia of S. Maximilianus Bishop of Novv called Ens. Laureacum. At Yorke in England of S. [...]ilfride Bishop & Confessour. At Millan of S. Monas Cōfessour, who was chosē Bishop of that Church by a miraculous light from [...]eauen that inuironed him, whilst they were in consultation who should be or [...]ayned. At Verona of S. Saluinus Bishop. In [...]yria of S. Eustachius Priest and Confessor.
F The thirteenth Day.
AT Troas in the lesser Asia, of S. Carpus disciple to Saint Paul the Apostle. At [...]ordoua in Spayne the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Faustus, Ianuarius and Martialis, who [...]eing first tormented vpon the racke Equ [...] [...]s, and after hauing their eye-lyds shauen, [...]eir teeth stroken out, their eares and no [...]s cut off, at last by fyre accomplished their Martyrdome. At Thessalonica of S. Florentius [...]artyr, who after diuers tormēts was bur [...]ed. In Austria of S. Colmannus Martyr. At Sept [...]. [...]uta in the Kingdome of Marocco in Affrica, [Page 338] [...] [Page 339] [...] [Page 340] the passion of seauen holy Martyrs, of th [...] Order of S. Francis, Daniel, Samuel, Angel [...] Domnus, Leo Nicolaus, and Hugolinus, who s [...] preaching the Ghospell of Christ, and confuting the Sect of Mahomet, after they ha [...] suffered many reproaches, [...]mprisonmen [...] and torments by the Saracens, at last behe [...] ded, obtayned the palme of Martyrdom [...] At Antioch of S. Theophilus Bishop, the sixt i [...] that sea after S. Peter the Apostle. At Turones. To [...] of S. Venantius Abbot & Confessor. At Sub [...]acum. Subiaco in Italy, of S. Cheli [...]onia Virgin.
G The fourtenth Day.
AT Rome in the way called Aurelia, th [...] birth-day of S. Callistus Pope & Mar [...] tyr, who by commaundement of Alexand [...] Emperour, being long starued with hunge [...] in pryson, and euery day beaten with cud gells, at last throwne headlong out of [...] window into a well, and drowned, de [...] serued a triumphant palme of Martyrdom [...] At Caesarea in Palestine of S. Fortunata virgi [...] and Martyr, who in the persecution of Di [...] letian, after she had ouercome the tortur Equuleus, fyre, beasts, and other torments gaue vp her soule to God; whose body wa [...] afterward translated to N [...]ples in Camp [...] [Page 341] Also of the holy Marryrs Carponius, Euaristus and Priscianus Brothers to the forsayd Virgin Fortunata, who being beheaded after [...]r, receaued in lyke manner the crowne o [...] Martyrdome. Also of the holy Martyrs [...]inus and Lupus. At Ariminum. Rimini of S. Gaudentius Bishop and Martyr. At Tudertum. Todi of S. Fortunatus Bishop, who as S. Gregory [...]riteth, was most renowned for casting [...]ut of diuells. At Herbipolis. Wirtzburge of S. Bur [...]ardus the first Bishop of that Citty. At [...]ruges in Flaunders of S. Donatianus Bishop of Rhemes. At Treuers of S. Rusticus Bishop. The same day the deposition of S. Dominicke surnamed Loricatus. In Italy of S. Bernard Confessour.
A The fifteenth Day.
AT Rome in the way called Aurelia, of S. Fortunatus Martyr. At Cullen the [...]irth-day of three hundred holy Martyrs, who in the persecution of Maximianus accomplished the course of Martyrdome. At [...]age of S. Agileus Martyr, vpon whose [...] S. Augustine made a Sermon of him to [...]he people. In Prussia of S. Bruno Bishop and Martyr, who preaching the Ghospell [...] to the Ruthenians, being apprehended [Page 342] and his hands and feete cut off, was finally beheaded. At Lyons of S. Antiochus Bishop, who after he had for many years most laudably gouerned the flocke committed to his charge obteyned a heauenly crowne▪ At Treuers of S. Seuerus Bishop and Confessour. At Argen [...]o [...]atum. Strasburge of S. Aurelia Virgin. At Cracouia of S. Hedwiges Duchess [...] of Polonia, renowned for her charity to the poore, and working of miracles; whome Pope Clement the fourth canonized for a Saint. In Germany of S. Tecla Abbesse.
B The sixtenth Day.
IN Affrica of two hundred, and seauenty holy Martyrs, crowned togeather. There also of the Saints Martianus and Saturianus▪ with their two brothers, who in the persecution of the Wandalls, vnder Geiser [...] ▪ the Arian King, being seruants to a certaine Wandall, were conuerted to the fayth of Christ, by S. Maxima Virgin their fellowseruant, and for their constancy therin being euery day beaten for a long tyme with knotted cudgells, euen till the bones appeared, & still miraculously healed againe, were at length sent into banishmēt; where after they had conuerted many barbarous [Page 343] people to the fayth of Christ, and obteyned of the Bishop of Rome a Priest, and others of the Clergy, which might baptize them, at last tyed by the feete to the end of swift-running Chariots, & dragged throgh a thorny wood, accomplished their Martyrdome. But Maxima, after she had endured many conflicts for her fayth, and by the power of God set free, being made Mother of many Virgins, in a Monastery, happily rested in our Lord. There also of the holy Martyrs Saturninus and Nereus, with three hundred, threescore and fiue others. At Cullen of S. Eliphius Martyr, vnder Iu [...]n the Apostata. Also of S. Bercharius Abbot and Martyr. In the territory of Bourges of S. Ambrose Bishop of Ca [...]u [...] cum. Cahors. At Mentz of S. Lullus Bishop and Confessour. At Tre [...]s of S. Florentinus Bishop. At Arbone in Germany of S. Gallus Abbot, disciple to S. Columbane.
C The seauententh Day.
AT Antioch the birth-day of S. Heron, disciple to S. Ignatius, who being ordayned Bishop after him, like a diligēt follower of his Maysters foot-stepps, for the loue of Christ, gaue his life for the flocke [Page 344] committed to his charge. The same day the passion of the Saints Victor, Alexander, and Marianus. In [...]ers [...] ▪ of S. Mamelt [...] ▪ Martyr, who being conuerted from Idolatry to the fayth of Christ by an Angell, was by the Gentills stoned to death, and drowned in a deepe Lake. At Constantinople of S. Andre [...] Monke, who for worshipping holy Images vnder Constantinus Copronymus, being oftentymes tormented, at last hauing one of his feete cut off, gaue vp his soule to God. At Arau [...]ca. Orang [...] in France of S. Florentinus Bishop, renowned for many miracles. At Capua of S. Victor Bishop, famous for sanctity of life and doctrine.
D The eightenth Day.
THE birth-day of S. Luke Euangelist, who hauing endured many afflictiōs for the name of Christ, full of the holy Ghost, dyed in Bithynia; whose holy reliques were brought first to Constantinople, & thence translated to Padua. At Antioch of S. Asclepiades Bishop, one of those renowned Martyrs, that gloriously suffered vnder Macrinus. In the Territory of Belua [...]um. Beau [...] of S. Iuctus Martyr, who being but a child, was killed by Ri [...]io [...]s Gouernour in the [Page 345] persecution of Diocletian, for the fayth of Christ. At Neocaesarea in Pontus of S. Atheno [...]s Bishop, Brother to S. Gregory Thauma [...]gus, who in the persecution of Aurelianus renowned for doctrine accomplished his Martyrdome. In Mesopotamia at the Riuer banke of Euphrates, of S. Iulian Hermit. At Rome of S. Triphonia, sometymes w [...]fe to Decius Emperour, who lyeth buryed in the Vault neere to S. Hippolytus.
E The nynetenth Day.
AT Rome the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Ptolomeus and Lucius, vnder Marcus Antoninus; of whome P [...]olomaeus, as Iustinus writeth, hauing conuerted a lewd woman to the fayth of Christ, and taught her to imbrace Chastity, being therfore accused by a certaine shamelesse fellow before Vr [...]cius the Gouernour, and cast into a loathsome prison, at last openly professing Christ his maister, receaued the sentence of death: The which Lucius freely reprouing, & professing himself a Christiā also. receaued the like sentence by the said Vr [...]icius. To whome was also ioyned a third, and condemned to suffer the same death, At Antioch of the holy Martyrs Beronicus & Pelagia [Page 346] Virgin, and nyne and fourty others. In Aegypt of S. Varus Souldier, who vnder Maximinus Emperour visiting, and relieuing seauen holy Monkes that lay in prison, and one of them dying, he would needes succeed in his place; after most cruell tormēts there endured, togeather with them obteyned the palme of Martyrdome. At Ebroi [...] Eureux of S. Aquilinus Bishop and Confessor. In the territory of Orleans the deposition of S. Veranus Bishop. At Salerno of S. Eusterius Bishop. In Ireland of S. Ethbin Abbot. At Oxford in England, of S. Frideswide Virgin.
F The twentith Day.
AT Au [...]a. Abia neere Aquila in Abruzzo, the birth-day of S. Maximus Deacon and Martyr, who for the desire he had to suffer, freely offered himself to the persecutors that sought him, & after a constant confession of his fayth, being racked vpon the torture Equuleus, and cruelly beaten with cudgells, at last throwne headlong from a steepy place, obtayned a crowne of Martyrdome. At Agennum. Agen in France of S. Capras [...]is Martyr, who to auoyd the fury of persecution hiding himself in a denne, and hearing of the [Page 347] torments which the holy Virgin Fides had endured for Christ, inflamed therewith, prayed vnto God, that if he thought him worthy of the glory of Martyrdome, a spring of water might flow out of a stone in the Denne where he lay; which God granting, he went confidētly to the place of combat, and vnder Maximianus Emperour, by a renowned conflict deserued the palme of Martyrdome. At Antioch of S. Artemius Prime-Captaine of the Emperour, who vnder Constantine the Great, hauing had chiefe Commaund in the warres, was by Iulian the Apostata, whome he had accused of cruelty towards Christians, grieuously tormented, beaten with cudgells, and finally beheaded. At Cullen the passion of the holy Virgins Martha and Saula with many others. At Minden the birth-day of S. Felicianus Bishop & Martyr. In Portugall of S. Irenes Virgin and Martyr. At Paris of the Saints George Deacon, and Aurelius. In the territory of Rhemes of S. Sindulphus Cōfessor.
G The one and twentith Day.
IN Cyprus the birth-day of S. Hilarion Abbot, whose life full of vertues and miracles S. Hierome hath left written. At Cullen [Page 348] the birth-day of the Saints Vrsula, and her fellowes, who for the Christian Fayth and defence of their Virginity, being killed by the barbarous Hunnes, ended their liues by Martyrdome. Very many of their holy bodies were buried at Cullen. At Ostia of S. Asterius Priest and Martyr, who, as is recorded in the Martyrdome of S. Callistus Pope, suffered vnder Alexander Emperour. At Nicomedia the birth-day of the Saints Dasius, Zoticus, and C [...]ius, and twelue other souldiers, who after many torments were drowned in the sea. At Marana in Syria neere Antioch, of S. Malchus Monke. At Lyons of S. Viatoy Deacon to S. Iustinus Bishop of the same Citty. At Laudunum. [...] of S. Cilinia Mother to S. Remigius Bishop of Rhemes.
A The two and twentith Day.
AT Hierusalem of S. Marke Bishop, a mā of great renowne and learning, who first of all the Gentils gouerned the Church of Hierusalem, and not long after obteyned the crowne of Martyrdome, vnder Antoninus Emperour. At Hadrianople in Thracia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Philip Bishop, Seuerus Priest, Eusebius and Hermes, who after imprysonment, and other torments vnder [Page 349] Iulian the Apostata were burned. Also of the holy Martyrs Alêxander Bishop, Heraclius Souldier, and his fellowes. At Fermo in Marc-Ancona of S. Philip Bishop and Martyr. At Osca. Hilesca in Spayne of the holy Virgins Numilon, and Alodia systers, who for confession of Christ being beheaded by the Saracens, finished their Martyrdome. At Cullen of S. Cordula Virgin, one of S. Vrsula's Company, who being terrifyed the first day with the slaughter of her fellowes hid herselfe, but on the morrow repenting her therof, discouered herself to the Hunnes, and last of all receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. At Hierapolis in Phrygia of S. Abercius Bishop, who flourished vnder Marcus Antoninus Emperour. At Roan of S. Melanius Bishop, who being ordayned by S. Stephen Pope, was sent thither to preach the Ghospell. At Fiesoli in Tuscany of S. Donatus a Scottish man by birth, and Bishop of that Citty. At Verona of S. Verecundus Bishop & Confessour. At Hierusalem of S. Mary Sal [...] me, who, as the holy Ghospell recordeth, was very carefull about the buriall of our Lord.
B The three and twentith Day.
IN Spayne neere vnto Cales, of the holy Martyrs Seruandus and Germanus, who in the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Viator Lieutenant, after torments, loathsomnes of pryson, affliction of hunger and thirst, and the toyle of a long voyage, which they endured being sore loaden with irons, finally ended the course of their Martyrdome, by being beheaded. The holy body of Germanus is kept at Emerita. Merida, and that of Seruandus at Seuill. At Antioch in Syria the birth-day of S. Theodorus Priest, who being apprehended in the persecution of wicked Iulian, after he had endured the torture of Equuleus, and many other most cruell torments, hauing also his sides burned with fiery lampes, and still persisting in the confession of Christ, finally ended his Martyrdome by the sword. At Constantinople of S. Ignatius Bishop, who being many wayes iniured, and dryuen also into banishment by Bardas the Emperour, whome he had reprehended for putting away his wyfe, called back againe & restored to his Bishopricke by Nicolas Pope of Rome, finally dyed in peace. At Burdi [...]ela. Bourdeaux of S. Seuerinus [Page 351] Bishop of Cullen, and Confessour. At Roan of S. Romanus Bishop. At Salerno of S. Verus Bishop. In the territory of Amiens of S. Domitius Priest. In the territory of Poitiers of S. Beuet Confessor.
C The foure and twentith Day.
AT Venu [...] Venosa in Apulia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Felix an Affrican Bishop, Audactus and Ianuarius Priests, Fortuna [...]us and Septimus Lectors, who in the persecution of Diocletian, hauing byn a long tyme vexed, and afflicted with imprisonment & fetters, both in Affrica and Sicily, by Magdellianus Gouernour, when Felix would by no meanes deliuer vp the sacred Bookes, according to the Emperours Edict, were all at the length beheaded. At Nagran a Citty in the Countrey of the Homerites, the Martyrdome of the Saintes Aretas, and three hundred and fourty of his fellowes, in the tyme of Iustinus Emperour, vnder Dunaan a Iewish Tyrant. After whome also a Christian woman was burned, whose little sonne, being but a child of fiue yeares old, and stammeringly confessing Christ, when neyther by feare or flattery, he could be stayed from running into the fyre, was finally [Page 352] burned with his Mother. At Cullen Cullen [...] S. Euergistus Bishop and Martyr. At Constantinople of S. Pr [...]c [...]us Bishop. In little Brittany the depositiō of S. Maglorius Bishop, whose body lyeth buried at Paris. In the Monastery of Vertan, of S. Martin Abbot. In Campani [...] of S. Marcus Anchoret, whose worthy prayses S. Gregory hath written.
D The fiue and twentith Day.
AT Rome of the holy Martyrs Chrysanthus, and Daria his wyle, who after many afflictions, which they had endured for Christ vnder Celerinus Gouernour, were commaunded by Nameri [...]us Emperour to be ca [...]t into a sandpit, in the way Salaria, & there to be ouer whelmed with earth and stones. Also at Rome the birth-day of fourty & six holy Souldiers, who being all baptized by S. D [...]ony [...]as Pope, were by commaundment of Claudius Emperour beheaded, and lye buried in the forsaid way of Salaria, togeather with an hundred & one & twenty other Martyrs, amongst whome were also [...]ou [...]e Christian Souldiers, The [...] [...]ōsius, Lucius, Marcus and Peter. At Su [...]sso [...]es. So [...]s in France of the holy Martyrs Crispinus and Crispin [...] Noble Romans, who in the [Page 353] persecution of Diocletian, vnder. Rictiouarus President, after most cruell torments being slayne, obteyned the crowne of Martyrdome; whose bodies were afterwards transported to Rome, and there honorably enterred in the Church of Saint Laurence, in In pane & perna. Palisperna. At Florence the passion of S. Miniates a Souldier, who vnder Decius Emperour striuing most valiātly for the fayth of Christ, was crowned with a famous Martyrdome. At Turr [...] Torre in Sardinia of the holy Martyrs Protus Priest, and Ianuarius Deacon, who being sent by S. Caius Pope into that Iland, vnder Diocletian, by Barba [...]ius the President were put to death. At Constantinople the passion of the Saints Martyrius Subdeacon, and Marcianus Chantor, who vnder Constantius Emperour, were slaine by the Heretiques. At Rome of S. Bonifacius Pope and Confessour. At Petragoricu [...] Perigueux in France, of S. Fronto, who being ordayned Bishop by S. Peter the Apostle, and sent thither with George Priest, after he had conuerted a great multitude of that Nation to Christ, famous for miracles rested in peace. At Brescia the birth-day of S. Gaudentius Bishop renowned for doctrine and holines. At Gaualo of S. Hilary Bishop.
E The six and twentith Day.
AT Rome of S. Euaristus Pope and Martyr, who vnder Hadrian Emperour adorned the Church of God with his bloud. In Assrica of the holy Martyrs Rogatianus Priest, and Felicissimus, who in the persecution of Valerian and Gallienus were crowned with a renowned Martyrdome: of whome S. Cyprian also writeth in his Epistle to the Confessours. At Nicomedia of the holy Martyrs Lucianus, Florius, and their fellowes. The same day of S. Quod-vult-Deus Bishop of Carthage, who togeather with his Clergy, being by Geisericus an Arian King, put into broken shippes without oares or sailes, and so committed to the sea, beyond all expectation aryued at Naples, and there in banishment dyed a Confessor. At Narbone of S. Rusticus Bishop and Confessor, who flourished in the dayes of Valentinianus, and Leo Emperours. At Salerno of S. Gaudiosus Bishop. At Papia. Pauia of S. Fulcus Bishop. Also of S. Quadragesimns Subdeacon, who raised a dead man to life.
F The seauen and twentith Day.
THE Vigill of the holy Apostles Simon and Iude. At Auila in Spayne the passion of the Saints Vincentius, Sabina and Christeta, who being most cruelly racked vpon the torture Equuleus vntill all their ioynts were loosed, and their brayns beaten out with great barres, accomplished their Martyrdome, vnder Dacianus President. At the Castle of Tyle, of S. Florentius Martyr. In Cappadocia of the holy Martyrs Capitōlina, & Brotheides her hand-maid, who suffered vnder Diocletian. In India of S. Frumentius Bishop, who being there first a Bond-slaue, and afterward ordayned Bishop by S. Athanasius, did greatly propagate the Ghospell of Christ in those Partes. In Aethiopia of S. Elesbaan King, who when he had ouercome the enemyes of Christ, sending his Crowne to Hierusalem, in the tyme of Iustinus Emperour, became a Monke as he had vowed, and finally in great holines departed to our Lord.
G The eight and twentith Day.
THE birth-day of the holy Apostles Simon Cananaeus, and Thaddeus, who is also called Iudas; of whome, Simon preached the Ghospell in Aegypt, and Thaddaeus in Mesopotamia; and afterwards going togeather into Persia, when they had conuerted an infinite multitude of that Nation to the fayth of Christ, accomplished their Martyrdome. At Rome of S. Cyrilla Virgin, daughter to S. Triphonia, who vnder Claudius Emperour, was put to death for Christ. There also of S. Anastasia the Elder, Virgin, and Cyrillus Martyrs, of whome, Anastasia in the persecution of Valerianus vnder Probus Gouernour being bound with chaines, buffetted, tormented with fyre, and whippes, and still persisting constant in the confession of Christ, hauing her breasts cut off, her nayles plucked off, her teeth broken in peeces, her hands and feete cut off, being finally beheaded, went triūphantly to her Spouse adorned with so many iewels of Martyrdome. Cyrillus also giuing her, at her request, a cup of water to drinke, for his reward receaued a Crowne of Martyrdome. At Como of S. Fidelis Martyr, vnder Maximianus Emperour. [Page 357] At Mentz of S. Ferrutius Martyr. At Melda. Meaux of S. Faron Bishop and Confessor. At Naples of S. Gaudiosus, an Affrican Bishop, who to auoid the persecution of the Vandalls, comming thence into Campania, in a Monastery at Naples made a holy end. At Vercells of S. Honoratus Bishop.
A The nyne and twentith Day.
IN Lucania in the Kingdome of Naples, of the holy Martyrs Hyacinthus, Quinctus, Felicianus and Lucius. At Sidon in Phoenicia of S. Zenobius Priest, who in the rage of the last persecution exhorting others to Martyrdome, was himselfe also made worthy of like honour. The same day of the holy Bishops, Maximilianus Martyr, and Valentinus Confessor. At Bergomum. Bergamo of S. Eusebia Virgin and Martyr. At Hierusalem the birth-day of S. Narcissus Bishop, greatly renowned for Holines, Patience, and Fayth, who liuing an hundred and sixteene yeares, departed to our Lord. At Augustodunū. Austum of S. Iohn Bishop and Confessor. At Cassiopis in the Iland of Corcyra of S. Donatus, of whome S. Gregory Pope writeth. At Vienna the deposition of S. Theodorus Abbot.
B. The thirtith Day.
IN Affrica the birth-day of two hundred and twenty holy Martyrs. At Tingis. Tanger in Mauritania the passion of S. Marcellus a Centurion, who vnder Agricolaus Lieutenant to the Gouernour, being beheaded accomplished his Martyrdome. At Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Chronion, Iulian, Macarius, and thirteene others, vnder Decius Emperour. There also of S. Eutropia Martyr, who for visiting the holy Martyrs, was with them so long tormented till she gaue vp the Ghost. At Caralis. Callari in Sardinia of S. Saturninus Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian, was beheaded vnder Barbarus President. At Apamea of S. Maximus Martyr vnder the same Diocletian. At Legio. Leon in Spayne of the holy Martyrs Claudius, Lupercus, and Victorius, sonnes to S. Marcellus the Centurion, who in the persecution of Diocletian and Maximian, vnder Dignianus President, were beheaded. At Aegaea in Cilicia the passion of the Saints Zenobius Bishop, & Zenobia his syster, vnder Diocletian Emperour, and Lysias President. At Altinum. Altino of S. Theonestus Bishop and Martyr, who was slayne by the Arians. At Paris of S. Lucanu [...] [Page 359] Martyr. At Antioch of S. Serapion Bishop, renowned for learning. At Capua of S. German Bishop and Confessor, a man of great holines, whose soule, in the houre of his death, was by S. Benet seene carryed vp to heauen. At Potentia. Potenza in Lucania of S. Gerard Bishop.
C The one and thirtith Day.
THE Vigill of All-Saints. At Rome the birth-day of S. Nemesius Deacon, and of Lucilla his daughter a Virgin, who when they could by no meanes, be brought to forsake the fayth of Christ, were by commaundement of Valerianus Emperour, beheaded vpon the fiue and twentith day of August: whose bodyes being first buryed by S. Stephen Pope, and afterward on this day more decently entombed by S. Xistus in the way called Appia, Pope Gregory the fifth translated into the Oratory of the Church of Sancta Maria Noua, togeather with the Saints Symphronius, Olimpius a Tribune, Exuperia his wyfe, and Theodulus his sonne, who being all conuerted by the industry of Symphronius, and baptized by the same S. Stephen, were crowned with Martyrdome. All whose bodies being there [Page 360] found in the tyme of Pope GREGORY the thirtenth, were more honourably placed vnder the Altar of the same Church, vpon the eight day of December. The same day of the Saints Ampliatus, Vrbanus, and Narcissus, of whome S. Paul maketh mention, writing to the Romans; who for the fayth of Christ were slaine by the Iewes & Gentills. At Augusta Veromanduorum. Saint Quintins in France of S. Quinctinus a Cittizen and Senatour of Rome, Martyred vnder Maximianus Emperour, whose body after fifty fiue yeares, was by the reuelation of an Angell found vncorrupt. At Constantinople of S. Stachys Bishop, who was ordeyned the first Bishop of that Citty, by S. Andrew the Apostle. At Millan of S. Antoninus Bishop, and Confessor. At Ratisbone of S. Wolfgangus Bishop.
D The first Day.
THE Festiuity of All-Saints, which in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of God, and of all holy Martyrs, Pope Bonifacius the fourth (hauing first dedicated to that vse the Temple of Pantheon) ordayned to be kept solemnely, euery yeare in the Citty of Rome: And afterward Pope Gregory the fourth decreed, that the same Festiuity which at that tyme, was diuersly kept in sundry Churches, should on this day perpetually be obserued with solemnity of [Page 362] the Vniuersall Church, in honour of All Saints. At Terracina in Campania the birth-day of S. Caesarius Deacon, who for many dayes being pyned in pryson, was togeather with S. Iulian Priest, put into a sack [...] and cast headlong into the sea. At Diuio. Dijon in Burgundy of S. Benignns Priest, who being sent into France by S. Polycarpe to preach the Ghospell of Christ, after he had bene diuers wayes most cruelly tormented, vnde [...] Marcus Aurelius Emperour, by Terentius Iudge, hauing his necke broken with an iron barre, and his body thrust through with a Launce, accomplished his Martyrdome. The same day of Saint Mary a bond-woman, who being accused for a Christian, vnder Hadrian Emperour, and first cruelly whipped, then racked vpon the torture Equuleus, & torne with iron hookes accomplished her Martyrdome. At Damasco the passion of the Saints Caesarius, Dacius, and fyue others. In Persia of the holy Martyrs Iohn Bishop, and Iames Priest, vnder Sapores King. At Tharsus of the Saints Syrenia and Iuliana, vnder Maximianus Emperour. At Auuergne of S. Austremonius the first Bishop of that Citty. At Paris the deposition of S. Marcellus Bishop. At Baio [...]. Bayeux of S. Vigor Bishop, who liued in the tyme of [Page 363] King Childebert of France. At Tibu [...]. Tiuoli of S. Seuerinus Monke. In VVastinum. Gastinois of S. Mat [...] [...]inus Confessour.
E The second Day.
THE Commemoration of all faythfull Soules departed out of this lyfe. The same day, the birth-day of S. Victorinus Bishop of Poitiers, who after he had written many learned bookes, as witnesseth S. Hierome, in the persecution of Diocletian, was crowned with Martyrdome. At Te [...] geste. Trieste the passion of S. Iustus, who in the same persecution accomplished his Martyrdome, vnder Manatius President. At Sebasta of the holy Martyrs Carterius, Styriacus, Tobias, Eudoxius, Agapius, and their fellowes, vnder Licinius Emperour. In Persia of the holy Martyrs Acyndinus, Pegasius, Aphthonius, Elpidephorus, and Anempodistus, with many others of their fellowes. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Publius, Victor, Hermes & Papias. At Tharsus in Cilicia of S. Eustochium Virgin & Martyr, who vnder Iulian the Apostata, after most cruell torments, gaue vp her soule in prayer. At Laodicea in Syria of S. Theodotus Bishop, renowned for many vertues. At Vienna of S. George Bishop. In the Monastery [Page 364] of Agaunum. S. Maurice in Suitzerland, of S. Ambrose Abbot. At Cyrus in Syria of S. Marcianus Confessor.
F The third Day.
THE birth-day of S. Quartus Discipl [...] of the Apostles. At Caesarea in Cappdocia of the holy Martyrs Germanus, Theophilus, Caesarius, and Vitalis, who in the persecution of Decius suffered a famous Martyrdome. At Caesaraugusta. Saragoza of innumerable holy Martyrs, who vnder Dacianus President o [...] Spayne, with wonderfull feruour, gaue thei [...] liues for Christ. At Viterbo of the holy Martyrs Valentinus Priest, and Hilarius Deacon, who in the persecution of Maximianus were for the fayth of Christ cast into the riuer of Tybur, with a great stone tyed to their neckes, but being miraculously deliuered by an Angell, finally by being beheaded, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. In England of S. Winefride Virgin and Martyr. In the Monastery of Clareuallis the deposition of S. Malachy Bishop of Connerthen in Ireland, renowned for many vertues and miracles, whose lyfe is written by S. Bernard Abbot. The same day of S. Hubert Bishop of Tungres. At Vienna of S. Domnus Bishop & [Page 365] Confessor. Also the deposition of S. Pirmi [...]us Bishop of Melda. Meaux. At Vrgella in Spayne of S. Hermengaudius Bishop.
G The fourth Day.
AT Bolonia of the holy Martyrs Vitalis, and Agricola, of whome the former being seruant to the latter, was made worthy to be his fellow in Martyrdome; vpon whome, the Executioners exercysed such cruell kinds of torments, that there was not left one place in his body without a wound; the which he suffering most constantly, in prayer gaue vp his soule to God. But Agricola being nayled to a Crosse with many nayles, ended his life. At the translation of whose bodies S. Ambrose being present, writeth that himself gathered vp the Martyrs nayles, triumphant bloud, and wood of his Crosse, and layd them vnder the holy Altars. The same day of the Saints Philologus, and Patrobas, disciples of S. Paul the Apostle. At Augustodu [...]. Austum of S. Proculus Martyr. In the territory of Vilcassine of S. Clarus Priest and Martyr. At Ephesus of S. Porphyrius Martyr, vnder Aurelianus Emperour. At Myra in Lycia of the holy Martyrs Nicander Bishop, and Hermes Priest, vnder [Page 366] Libanius President. The same day, the birt [...] day of S. Pierius Priest of Alexandria, wh [...] being excellently learned in the holy Scriptures, and renowned for purity of lyfe, [...] like a Christian Philosopher, wholy di [...] charged of all worldly impediments, v [...] der Carus and Diocletian Emperours (Theon [...] then gouerning the Church of Alexandria, taught the people with great applause an [...] commendation, besides the setting forth [...] diuers bookes; & after the persecution en [...] ded, spending the rest of his lyfe at Rome there finally rested in peace. At Ruthenum. Rhodes i [...] France of S. Amantius Bishop, renowned fo [...] holines of life and miracles. In Bithynia of S. Ioannicius Abbot. At Alba-Regalis in Hungary the deposition of S. Emericus Confessor sonne to S. Stephen King of Hungary. At Treuers of S. Modesta Virgin.
A The fifth Day.
OF S. Zachary Priest and Prophet, Father of S. Iohn Baptist. Also of S. Elizabeth Mother of the same most holy Precursor. At Terracina in Campania the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Felix Priest and Eusebiu▪ Monke, who hauing buried the bodyes of the holy Martyrs Iulianus and C [...]sarius, and [Page 367] conuerted many to the fayth of Christ, which were baptized by S. Felix, being at length apprehended togeather, and both brought to the Tribunal, when they refused to sacrifice vnto Idolls, cast into pryson, were the same night beheaded. At Nov [...] called Hama [...] ▪ Emesa in Phoenicia of the holy Martyrs Galatian, and Epistemes his wyfe, who in the persecution of Decius being first whipped, and then depriued of their hands, feete, & tongue, were finally beheaded. Also of the holy Martyrs Domninus, Theotimus, Philotheus, Siluanus, and their fellowes, vnder Maximi [...]us Emperour. Ar Millan of S. Magnus Bishop. At Brescia of S. Dominator Bishop. At Treuers of S. Fibitius Abbot. At Orleance of S. Latus Priest and Confessour.
B The sixt Day.
AT Thinis in Affrica the birth-day of S. Felix Martyr, who confessing himselfe to be a Christian, and his tormen [...] differed, was the day following (as relateth Saint Augustine, in his exposition of a Psalme vpon his Feast-day to the people) found dead in pryson. At Theopolis of ten holy Martyrs, who are sayd to haue suffered death by the Saracens. At [...]. Barcelona, [Page 368] of S. Seu [...]rus Bishop and Martyr, who fo [...] defence of the Catholique fayth, hauing [...] nayle strocken into his head, receaued th [...] crowne of Martyrdome. In Phrygia of S. Atticus. At Berges in Flanders of S. Winock▪ Abbot, renowned for many vertues and miracles, who in all humility serued, for long tyme, the Religious of his Monastery being his subiects. At Fundi in Campania o [...] S. Felix Monke. At Lemouica. Limoges in Aquitan of S. Leonard Confessor, disciple of S. Remigius Bishop, who being Nobly borne & making choyse of a solitary lyfe, was famous for holines and miracles, especially in deliuering of Captiues.
C The seauenth Day.
AT Padua the deposition of S. Prosdocimus the first Bishop of that Citty, wh [...] being ordayned by S. Peter the Apostle, & sent thither to preach the Ghospell, renowned for many vertues and miracles rested happily in our Lord. At Perugia of S. Herculanus Bishop & Martyr, who by the commaundment of Totylas King of the Gothes was beheaded: whose body as S. Gregory relateth, was found as whole, and fast vnited to his head, the fourtith day after i [...] [Page 369] was cut off, as if no edge of sword had touched it. The same day of S. Amarant [...]us Martyr, who being buryed in the Citty of A [...]b [...] ga. Albi, after he had ended the course of his faythfull agony, liueth gloriously in heauen. At Melitine in Armenia the passion of the Saints Hieron, Nicander, Hesychius, and thirty others, who were crowned with Martyrdome in the persecution of Diocletian, vnder Lycias President. At Amphipolis in Macedonia, of the holy Martys Auctus, Tautio and Thessalonica. At Ancyra the passion of the Saints Melasippus, Antonius & Carina, vnder Iuliā the Apostata. At Cullen of S. Engel [...]ertus Bishop, who for defence of the libertyes of the Church, and obedience to the Romaine sea, doubted not to suffer Martyrdome. At Alexandria of S. Achillas Bishop, renowned for doctrine, fayth, conuersation, and manners. In Frizeland the depotion of S. Willebrordus Bishop of Traiectum. Mastricht, who being ordayned by S. Sergius Pope, preached the Ghospell of Christ in Frizeland and Denmarke. At Metz of S. Rufus Bishop and Confessour. At Argentoratu [...] ▪ Strasburge of S. Florentius Bishop.
D The eyght Day.
THE Octaue of All Saints. At Rome i [...] in the way Lauicana, three myles fro [...] the Citty, the passion of the holy Martyr [...] Claudius, Nicostratus, Symphorianus, Castori [...] and Simplicius, who being first cast into pryson, & afterwards grieuously beaten with whips called Scorpions, when they could no [...] be drawne from the fayth of Christ, were cōmanded by Diocletian Emperor to be ca [...] headlong into the Riuer. There also in the same place, the birth-day of foure holy Martyrs Brothers Seuerus, Seuerianus, Carpophorus, and Victorinus, who vnder the same Emperour were beaten to death with leaden whippes. The names of these foure (which after many yeares were miraculously reuealed) when they could not then be knowne, it was ordeyned, that their yearely festiuity should be celebrated vpon this day, togeather with the former fiue, vnder the Name of the foure Crowned Martyrs, which custome also still continued in the Church, after their names were reuealed. Also at Rome of S. Deus-dedit Pope, who was of so great merit with God that with a kisse he cured a leaper. At Brema. Bremen [Page 371] [...]f S. Willehadus the first Bishop of that Citty, who togeather with S. Bonifac [...]us, whose disciple he was, preached the Ghospell in Frizland and Saxony. At Suessio. S [...]issons in France of S. Godfrey Bishop of Amiens, a man of great holines. At Verdun of S. Maurus Bishop and Confessor. At Tours of S. Clarus Priest, whose Epitaph was written by S. Paulinus.
E The nynth Day.
AT Rome the Dedicatiō of the Church of our Sauiour. At Amasia in Pontus the birth-day of S. Theodorus a Souldier, who in the tyme of Maximianus Emperour being first most cruelly beaten for the conlession of Christ, and then cast into pryson, where he was visited by our Sauiour himselfe, who appeared vnto him, and bid him behaue himselfe couragiously, & constantly, being afterward also racked vpon the [...]orture Equuleus, & torne with iron hookes, euen till his bowells appeared, was finally burned: whose prayses S. Gregory Nysen in an excellent oration hath celebrated. At Tyana in Cappadocia the passion of S. Orestes, vnder Diocletian Emperour. At Thessalonica of S. Alexander Martyr, vnder Maximanus. At Bituricae. [Page 372] Bourges of S. Vrsinus Confessor, who bei [...] ordayned at Rome by the successors of t [...] Apostles, was sent first Bishop to that C [...] ty. At Naples in Campania of S. Agrippinus B [...] shop, renowned for miracles. At Constan [...] nople of the holy Virgins Eustolia a Roma [...] and Sopatra daughter of Mauritius the E [...] perour. At Berytus in Syria the Memory our Blessed Sauiours Image, which bei [...] crucifyed by the Iewes in derision, d [...] powre out such plenty of bloud, that bo [...] the East and West Churches receaued [...] bundantly therof.
F The tenth Day.
THE birth-day of the holy Marty [...] Triphon, and Respicius, and Nympha Vi [...] gin. In the territory of Ag [...] [...]ha. Adge in Franc [...] of the holy Martyrs Tyberius, Modest [...] and Florentia, who in the tyme of Diocleti [...] hauing endured diuers torments, end [...] their Martyrdome. At Antioch of the hol [...] Martyrs Demetrius Bishop, Anianus Deaco [...] Eustosius, and twenty others. At Rauenna [...] S. Probus Bishop, famous for miracles. [...] Orleance of S. Monitor Bishop and Confesso [...] In England of S. Iustus Bishop, who toge [...] ther with S. Augustine, Mellitus, and othe [...] [Page 373] [...]ing sent into that Iland by S. Gregory [...]ope, to peach the Ghospell of Christ, re [...]owned for sanctity of life, reposed there [...] our Lord. At Mill [...] dunum [...] Mellun of S. Leo Confef [...]or. At Iconium in Lycaonia of the holy wo [...]en Tryphenna, and Tryphosa, who by the [...]reaching of S. Paul the Apostle, and exam [...]le of S. Thecla Virgin, greatly profited in Christian perfection. In the Iland of Pares. [...]sina of S. Theoctistes Virgin.
G The elcauenth Day.
AT Tours in France the birth-day of S. Martin Bishop & Confessour, whose [...]yfe was so renowned for miracles, that he was made worthy to be the raiser of three [...]ead men. At Cotyaeum in Phrygia the famous passion of S. Mennas an Aegyptian Souldier, who in the persecution of Dicole [...]n, casting off his Military Cincture, and [...]yring himselfe into the wildernesse, the [...]etter there to serue his heauenly King; [...]omming one day abroad, and with a free [...]oyce professing himselfe a Christian, was [...]st most cruelly tormented, and then [...] length, as he was vpon his knees in [...]rayer giuing thankes to our Lord Iesus Christ, by being beheaded, accomplished [Page 374] his Martyrdome, and after his death was renowned for many miracles. At Rauenna of the holy Martyrs Valentinus, Felicianus, and Victorinus, who suffered in the persecution of Diocletian. In Mesopotamia of S. Athenodorus Ma [...]t [...]r, who vnder the same Diocletian and E [...]eusi [...]s President, hauing byn tortured with fyre, and other most cruell torments, at last being condemned to be beheaded, when the Executioner fell downe, & no other could be found to cut off his head, in prayer on his knees he reposed in our Lord. At Lyons of S. Veranus Bishop, whose ly [...] was renowned for fayth, and many other vertues. In the Monastery of Cripta-ferrata neere Tusculum. Frescati, of S. Bartholomew Abbot, companion to Blessed Nilus, whose life he wrote. In the Prouince of Olim Samniū. Abbruzzo of S. Mennas Anchoret, whose vertues and miracles are renowned by S. Gregory Pope.
A The twelfth Day.
THE birth-day of S. Martin Pope and Martyr, who gathering a Councell at Rome, and therin condemning Sergius, Paulus, and Pyrrhus Heretikes, was by the commaundment of Constans the Hereticall [Page 375] Emperour, apprehended by deceypt, and brought prisoner to Constananti [...]ople, and thence bannished into Chersonesus, where for defēce of the Catholique Fayth pyning away with many miseries; famous for miracles, he ended his lyfe. His body was afterward translated to Rome, and buryed there in a Church dedicated to S. Siluester, & himselfe. In Asia the passion of the Saints Aurelius and Publius Bishops. In the Territory of Senones. Sens of S. Paternus martyr. At Gaunt of S. Liuinus Bishop & Martyr. In Polonia of the holy Martyrs Benedictus, Iohn, Matthew, Isaac, and Christinus Hermits. At Auignion in France of S. Rufus the first Bishop of that Citty. At Cullen the depositiō of S. Cuni [...]e [...]t Bishop. At Tu [...] so. Tarazona in Spaine of Blessed Aemilianus Priest, renowned for infinite miracles, whose marueilous lyfe is written by S. Braulio Bishop of Caesaraugusta. Saragoza. At Constantinople of S. Nilus Abbot, who being Gouernour of a Citty, became a Monke, renowned for learning and holynes of lyfe, in the dayes of Theodosius the yonger. At Complutu [...]. Alcala in Spayne of S. Didacus Confessour, of the Order of S. Francis, who was canonized for a Saint by Pope Xystus the fifth.
B The thirtenth Day.
AT Rauenna the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Valentinus, Solutor, and Victor, who suffered vnder Diocletian Emperour. At Aquae. Aix in Prouence, of S. Mitrius a most renowned Martyr. At Caesarea in Palestine the passion of the Saints Antoninus, Zebinas, Germanus, and Ennatha Virgin, who after that she had beene most grieuously whipped, was burned vnder Maximianus Emperour: but the other three for freely reprehē ding Aemilianus the President, whilst he sacrifyced to the Idols, were beheaded. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Arcadius, Paschasius, Probus, and Eutychianus Spanyards, who in the persecution of the Wandalls, when they would in no wyse yield vnto the Arian Heresy, were by Geisericus the Arian King sent into banishment, and there after most grieuous torments endured, were finally killed by diuers kindes of death. At which tyme also appeared the constancy of Paulillus a little boy brother to the forsaid Paschasius and Eutychianus, who when he could by no meanes be drawne from the Catholique fayth, being sorely beaten with cudgells, was finally condemned to most [Page 377] base seruitude. At Rome of S. Nicolas Pope & Confessor. At Turones. Tours of S. Britius Bishop, disciple to S. Martin. At Toledo of S. Eugenius Bishop and Confessour. At Auuergne of S. Quinctianus Bishop. At Cremona of S. Homobonus Confessor, who renowned for miracles was canonized for a Saint by Pope Innocentius the third.
C The fourtenth Day.
AT Heraclea in Thracia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Clementius, Theo [...]otus, and Philomenus. At Alexandria of S. Serapion Martyr, who vnder Decius Emperour being so long tormented, vntill all the ioynts of his body were loosed, and then throwne headlong from the toppe of his owne house, ended his Martyrdome. At Tr [...] ▪ Trois in France of S. Venerandus Martyr, vnder Aurelianus Emperour. Also in France of S. Veneranda Virgin, who vnder Antoninus Emperour, and Asclepiades President, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. At Gangra in Paphlagonia of S. Hypatius Bishop, who as he returned from the Great Councell of Nice, being stoned in the way by the Nouatian Heretiques, dyed a Martyr. At Novv [...]aman▪ Emesa the passiō of many holy womē [Page 378] who vnder M [...]dy a bloudy Captaine of th [...] A [...]abians, were for the fayth of Christ first most cruelly tormented, and then put to death. At Bolonia of S. Iucundus Bishop and Confessor. In Ireland of S. Laurence Bishop of Dublin.
D The fiftenth Day.
THE birth-day of S. Eugenius Bishop of Toledo & Martyr, disciple to S. Denis of Areopagita, who in the Territory of Paris receaued of our Lord a glorious Crowne of Martyrdome. His body was afterward translated to Toledo in Spayne. At Nola in Campania of S. Felix Bishop and Martyr, who from the fiftenth yeare of his age being renowned for miracles, at last finished the course of his Martyrdome, togeather with thirty others, vnder Marcianus President. At Edessa in Syria of the holy Martyrs Gurias and Samonas vnder Diocletian Empe [...], and Antoninus President. There also the passion of S. Abibus Deacon, who vnder [...]nius Emperour, and Lisanias President, being first torne with iron clawes, was finally cast in to the fyre. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Sec [...]ndus, Fidentianus, and Varicus. In little Brittany the birth-day of S. Machu [...]us [Page 379] Bishop, who euen from his tender yeares, was renowned for miracles. At Verona of S. Luperius Bishop and Confessor. In Austria of S. Leopoldus, Marques of the same Prouince, who was canonized for a Saint by Pope Innocentius the eight.
E The sixtenth Day.
IN Affrica of the holy Martyrs Ruffinus, Marcus, Valerius, and their fellowes. The same day of the holy Martyrs Elpidius, Marcellus, Eustochius, and their companions; of whome, Elpidius being a Senatour, & constantly confessing the name of Christ before Iulian the Apostata, was togeather with his fellowes first dragged at the tayles of wild horses, and afterwards cast into the fyre, accomplished a glorious Martyrdome. At Lyons the birth-day of S. Eucherius Bishop and Confessor, renowned for [...]ayth and learning, who being of the Noble Order of Senatours, tooke a religious habit, and of his owne accord shut himselfe vp in a Caue, where a long tyme seruing Christ in abstinence and prayer, was at last by reuelation of an Angell, solemnely placed in the Bishops sea of the same Citty. At Padua of S. Fidentius Bishop. [Page 308] At Canterbury in England of S. Edmund Bishop, whose holines of life God testifyed by the greatnes of his miracles. The same day the deposition of S. Othmarus Abbot.
F The seauententh Day.
AT Neocaesarea in Pontus the birth-day of S. Gregory Bishop, renowned for learning and sanctity; who for the signes & miracles which he hath wrought to the great glory of the Church, is surnamed Thaumaturgus. In Palestine of the holy Martyrs Alphaeus and Zacchaeus, who in the first yeare of the persecution of Diocletian Emperour, after many torments were condemned to death. At Cordoua of the holy Martyrs Acisclus, & Victoria, who in the same persecution, by commaundment of Dion the President, being most cruelly tormented, deserued a glorious crowne of Martyrdome. At Alexandria of S. Dionysius Bishop, who renowned for doctrine, and famous for the many afflictions and torments which he suffered for the confession of his fayth, full of venerable old yeares died a Confessor, in the tyme of Valerianus and Gallienus Emperours. At Orleans of S. Anianus Bishop, whose death was pretious in the sight of [Page 381] our Lord, by many miracles. In England of S. Hugh Bishop, who of a Charter-house Monke being ordayned Bishop of Lincolne, renowned for many miracles, rested in our Lord. At Turones. Tours of S. Gregory Bishop. At Florence of S. Eugenius Confessor, & Deacon to S. Zenobius Bishop of the same Citty.
G The eightenth Day.
AT Rome the Dedication of the Churches of the holy Apostles S. Peter & S. Paul. At Antioch the birth-day of S. Romanus Martyr, who in the tyme of Galerius Emperour, exhorting the Christians to withstand Asclepiades the Gouernour, that brake violently into the Church, and endeauored to ruyne the same, after most grieuous torments, and cutting out of his tongue (without which neuertheles he vt [...]ered the prayses of God) being finally strangled in the pryson, was crowned with a glorious Martyrdome. There suffered also before him a little boy named Barulas, who being demaunded, whether it were better to worship one God or many; when he answered that men ought to belieue in one God which the Christians do serue, being first sorely whipped, was afterward beheaded. [Page 382] Also at Anti [...] of S. Hesychius Martyr▪ who being a Souldier, and hearing it commaunded, that whosoeuer would not sacrifyce to Idolls, should put off his military Cincture, he presently cast away the same; for which cause, hauing a great stone tyed to his right hand, was commaunded to be throwne headlong into a Riuer. The same day of the Saintes Ori [...]u [...]us, & his fellowes, who in persecution of the Wandalls suffered for the Catholike fayth. At M [...]ntz of S. Maximus Bishop, who in the tyme of C [...]nstantius hauing suffered many afflictions by the Arians, dyed a Confessour. At Tours the deposition of S. Odo Abbot of Cluny. At Antioch of S. Thomas Monke, whose [...]estiuity the people of Antioch do yearly solemnize, for that by his prayers he ceased a great plague in the Citty. At Luca in Tuscany the translation of S. Frigidianus Bishop and Confessour.
A The nynetenth Day.
THE birth-day of S. Pontianus Pope & Martyr, who vnder Alexander Emperour being banished into Sardinia, togeather with Philip his Priest, and there beaten [...]o death with cudgells, finished his Martyrdome: [Page 383] But his body, was afterwards brought backe to Rome by S. Fabian Pope, & buryed in the Church-yard of Callistus. At Samaria of S. Abdias Prophet. At Rome in the way called Appia, the birth-day of S. Maxi [...]us Priest and Martyr, who suffering in the persecution of Valerianus was buried neere to S. Xystus. At Caesarea in Cappadocia of S. Barlaam Martyr, who although rude and ignorant, yet armed with the wisdome of Christ, ouercame the Tyrant, and vanquished euen the fire it self with the constancy of his fayth. Vpon whose Festiuity S. Basil the Great, made a famous Sermon. At Astigis. Eceia in Spaine of S. Crispinus Bishop, who being beheaded, obteyned the Crowne of Martyrdome. At Vienne in France of the holy Martyrs Seuerinus, Exuperius and Felicianus, whose bodies after many yeares being found out by reuelation, were by the Bishop, Clergy, and people of that Citty taken vp, and more honourably enterred, as they deserued. The same day of S. Faustus Deacon of Alexandria, who first in the persecution of Valerianus, being sent into banishment with S. Dionysius, was afterward vnder Diocletian, in his old age beheaded, and so accomplished his Martyrdome. In Isauria the passion of the Saints Azas, and of [Page 384] an hundred and fifty souldiers his fellowe [...] vnder Diocletian Emperour, and Aquilin [...] Tribune. At Marspurge in Germany the deposition of S. Elizabeth Widdow, daughte [...] to Andrew King of Hungary, who greatly renowned for workes of piety, & miracle [...] departed to our Lord.
B The twentith Day.
AT Messina in Sicily of the holy Martyrs Ampelus and Caius. At Tauri [...]um. Turino o [...] the holy Martyrs Octauius, Solutor, and Aduentor Souldiers of the Theban Legion, who vnder Maximianus Emperour, valiantly fighting were crowned with Martyrdome. At C [...]sarea in Palestine of S. Agapius Martyr, who vnder Maximinus being first condemned to be deuoured of the beasts, and nothing at all hurt by them, was finally cast into the sea, with stones tyed to his feete. In Persia the passion of the Saints Nersas Bishop and his fellowes. At Dorostorum in Misia of S. Dasius Bishop, who for not consenting to vncleanesse in the feast of the God Saturne, was vnder Bassus President put to death. At Nice in Bithynia of the holy Martyrs Bassus, Dionysius, Agapitus, and fourty others. In England of S. Edmund King [Page 385] and Martyr. At Constantinople of S. Gregory of Decapolis, who suffered many afflictions for the worship of holy Images. At Millan of S. Benignus Bishop, who gouerned the Church committed to his charge, with great constancy and piety, in many vexations of barbarous people. At Ca [...] lo. Cauaillon of S. Syluester Bishop, who in the two and fourtith yeare of his priesthood, in all vertue and holines departed to our Lord. At Verona, of S. Simplicius Bishop and Confessour.
C The one and twentith Day.
AT Hierusalem the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, in the Temple. The same day the birth-day of S. Rufus, of whome S. Paul the Apostle writeth to the Romans. At Rome the passion of the Saints Celsus and Clemens. At Ostia of the holy Martyrs Demetrius and Honorius. At Rhemes of S. Albert Bishop of Liege, and Martyr, who was killed for defence of the libertyes of the Church. In Spayne of the holy Martyrs Honorius, Eutychius & Stephen. In Pamphylia of S. Heliodorus Martyr, in the persecution of Aurelianus, vnder Aetius President: after whose Martyrdome his Executioners [Page 386] being conuerted to the fayth, we [...] drowned in the sea. At Rome of S. Gelas [...] Pope, renowned for learning and holine [...] At Verona of S. Maurus Bishop and Confessour. In the Monastery of Bobi in Lombardy the deposition of S. Columbanus Abbo [...] Founder of many Monasteryes, & the Father of many Monkes, who renowned fo [...] vertues and miracles, in a good old age reposed in our Lord.
D The two and twentith Day.
AT Rome, of S. Cecily Virgin and Martyr, by whose counsell and exhortation Valerianus her Spouse, and his brother Tiburtius came to belieue in Christ, and for the same suffered Martyrdome; after whose death Almachius Gouernour of the Citty, caused to be her first apprehēded, thē cruelly tormented by fyre, & finally beheaded, in the time of Marcus Aurelius Seuerus Alexander Emperour. At Colossus in Phrygia of the Saints Philemon and Apphias Disciples of S. Paul the Apostle, vnder Nero Emperour, who vpon the feast-day of Diana, being by the Gentills taken in the Church at prayer, were by the commaundment of [...]rtocles first whipped, and then thowne into [Page 387] a pit of earth vp to the middle, were there ouerwhelmed with stones. Also at Rome of S. Maurus Martyr, who comming out of Affrica to visit the Sepulchers of the Holy Apostles, vnder Numerianus Emperour, and Celerinus Gouernour of the Citty, was there martyred. At Antioch in Pisidia the passion of the Saints Marcus and Stephen, vnder Diocletiā Emperour. At Antisiodor [...]. Austum of S. Pragmatius Bishop and Confessour.
E The three and twentith Day.
THE birth-day of S. Clement Pope, who in the third place after S. Peter the Apostle, held the sea of Rome, and in the persecution of Traian banished into Chersonesus, being throwne into the sea with an Anker tyed to his necke, was crowned with Martyrdome. Whose body vnder Pope Nicolas the first, being brought to Rome, was very honourably placed in a Church there built & dedicated in his honour. At Rome of S. Felicitas the Mother of seauen sonnes Martyrs; who also after thē, by cōmaundment of Marcus Antoninus Emperour, was beheaded for Christ. At Emerita. Merida in Spayne of S. Lucretia Virgin & Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian [Page 388] vnder Dacian President, accomplished her Martyrdome. At Cyzicus in Hellespont of S. Sisinius Martyr, who in the same persecution after many torments, was beheaded. At Iconium in Licaonia of S. Amphilochius Bishop, who being companion to S. Basill and S. Gregory Nazianzen, both in the desert, & Episcopall dignity, after many combats suffered for the Catholike fayth, renowned for learning and holines of life, reposed in peace. At Agrigentum. Girgenti the deposition of S. Gregory Bishop. In the Village of Sainct-Trone, of S. Trudo Priest and Confessour.
F The foure and twentith Day.
THE birth-day of S. Chrysogonus Martyr, who hauing most constantly endured long imprysonment, fetters, & torments for the confession of Christ, being by commaundment of Diocletian Emperour brought to Aquileia, and there beheaded, and his body cast into the sea, finished his Martyrdome. At Rome of S. Crescentianus Martyr, of whome mention is made in the passion of Blessed Marcellus Pope. At Ameria in Vmbria of S. Firmina Virgin and Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian being hanged vp by the hands, & scorched [Page 389] with burning lampes, and otherwaies tormented, gaue vp her soule to God. At Co [...]th of S. Alexander Martyr, who vnder Iu [...]n the Apostata, and Salustius President, sought victoriously for the fayth of Christ, euen till death. At Cordoua of the holy Virgins and Martyrs Flora and Maria, who after long imprysonment, in the persecution of the Arabians, were killed by the sword. At Perugia of S. Felicissimus Martyr. At Millan of S. Protasius Bishop, who both in presence of the Emperour Constans, and also in the Councell of Sardica, stoutly defended the cause of S. Athanasius; and finally hauing taken very great paines for the Fayth, and Church committed to his charge, departed happily to our Lord. In the Castle of Bla [...] u [...]um. Blaie in Gascoigne of S. Romanus Priest, renowned for holines of life and miracles. In the territory of Auuergne of S, Portianus Abbot, who in the tyme of King Theodoricus was famous for miracles.
G The fiue and twentith Day.
THE birth-day of S. Catherine Virgin and Martyr, who for confession of the Christian fayth, being first cast into prison at Alexandria, vnder Maximinus Emperour, [Page 390] and afterwards most cruelly beaten with whippes called Scorpions, at length beheaded, accomplished her Martyrdome. Whose holy body being miraculously carryed by Angells vnto Mount Sinai, is there honoured with great reuerence, through the frequent concourse of Christians. At Rome of S. Moyses Priest and Martyr, whome S. Cyprian often comforted by his letters whilest he was deteyned in pryson: and when he had with inuincible fortitude and courage, withstoode not only the Gentills, but the Scismatikes also, and Nouatian Heretikes, was finally (as Pope Cornelius witnesseth) in the persecution of Decius crowned with a famous, and most renowned Martyrdome. At Antioch of S. Erasmus Martyr. At Caesarea in Cappadocia the passion of S. Mercurius Souldier, who by protection of his Angell-Keeper, hauing vanquished the Barbarians, and also ouercome the cruelty of Decius Emperour, enriched with the trophyes of his many combats, was finally crowned with Martyrdome. In Aemilia a Prouince of Italy, of S. Iucunda Virgin.
A The sixt and twentith Day.
AT Alexandria the birth-day of S. Peter Bishop of the same Citty, who renowned for all kind of vertues, was by commandment of Maximinus Emperour beheaded. There suffered also at Alexandria in the same persecution, the holy Martyrs Faustus Priest, Didius, and Ammonius; and also Phileas, Hesychius, Pachomius, and Theodorus Bishops of Aegypt, with six hundred & threescore others, who by the sword of the persecutor, were all sent to heauen. At Nicomedia of S. Marcellus Priest, who in the tyme of Constantius Emperour, being cast downe headlong from a rocke by the Arians, dyed a Martyr. At Padua of S. Bellinus Bishop & Martyr. At Augustodunū. Austum of S. Amator Bishop. At Constans in Germany of S. Conradus Bishop. At Fabriano in Picenum. Marc-Ancona of S. Siluester Abbot, Founder of the Congregation of the Monkes called Siluestrines. In the Territory of Rhemes the birth-day of S. Basolus Confessour. At Hadrianople in Paphlagonia of S. Stylianus Anchoret, famous for miracles. In Armenia of S. Nicon Monke.
B The seauen and twentith Day.
AT Antioch of the holy Martyrs Basil Bishop, Auxilius and Sati [...]rninus. In Persia of S. Iames surnamed Intercisus, a renowned Martyr, who in the tyme of Theodosius the yonger, hauing denyed Christ to please Isdegerdes King of Persia, for which cause his Mother, and his wyfe had with-drawne themselues from his company; at last by the goodnes of God returning to himselfe, he went vnto the King, and confessed againe his fayth, who being therewith extremely offended, commaunded him to be presently cut in peeces, and beheaded: at what tyme innumerable other Martyrs suffered in the same place. At Sebasta in Armenia of the Saintes Hirenarchus, Acacius Priest, & of seauen women Martyrs, by whose constancy Hirenarchus being conuerted vnto Christ, vnder Diocletian Emperour, and Maximus Presidēt, was togeather with Acacius beheaded. In Gallicia, at the Ryuer Caea, of the Saints Facundus, and Primitiuus, sonnes to S. Marcellus Martyr, who suffered vnder Diocletian Emperour, and Atticus President. At Aquileia of S. Valerianus Bishop. At Rhegium Galliae Narbonensis. Ries in Prouence, of S. Maximus Bishop and Confessor, [Page 393] who from his tender yeares, being adorned with all kind of vertue, was ordayned the first Abbot of the Monastery of Li [...]inum, and afterwards Bishop of the Church of Ries, where famous for sanctity and miracles, he finally rested in our Lord. In India neere to the Persians, of the Saints Barlaam and Iosapha [...], whose admirable acts S. Iohn Damascen hath left wrirten. At Paris the deposition of S. Seuerinus Monke, and Anchoret.
C The eight and twentith Day.
AT Rome of S. Rufus Martyr, who with all his family, vnder Diocletian Emperour, was put to death, for the fayth of Christ. At Corinth the birth-day of S. Sosthenes disciple to S. Paul the Apostle, of whome he maketh mention, writing to the Corinthians. This man of a Prince of the Synagogue, being conuerted vnto Christ, & cruelly beaten before the proconsul Gallion, gaue therby a most renowned testimony of the first fruits of his fayth. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Papinianus and Mansuetus Bishops, who in the persecution of the Wandalls, vnder Geisericus the Arian King, hauing their bodies sore burned with hoat fiery plates▪ [Page 394] ended a glorious Martyrdome. At what tyme also the holy Bishops Valerianus, Vrbanus, Crescens, Eustachius, Cresconius, Crescentianus, Felix, Hortulanus, and Florentianus being sent into banishment, finished the course of their liues. At Constantinople of the holy Martyrs Stephen the yonger, Basill, Peter, Andrew, and of three hundred and thirty nyne Monkes their fellowes, who vnder Constantinus Copronymus, for worshipping holy Images, being sundry wayes tormented, confirmed the Catholique verity with the effusion of their bloud. At Rome of S. Gregory Pope, the third of that Name, who renowned for holines of life, and good workes, departed to our Lord.
D The nyne and twentith Day.
THE Vigil of the holy Apostle S. Andrew. At Rome in the way Salaria, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Saturninus an old man, and Sisinius Deacon, vnder Maximinus Emperour, who after they had bene long afflicted in pryson, were by the Gouernour of the Citty cōmaunded first to be put vpon the torture Equuleus, with a great fire made round about them, and afterwards being dragged and scourged with sinewes, [Page 395] beaten also with cudgells, and whips called Scorpions, were finally beheaded. At Tolosa of S. Saturninus Bishop, who in the tyme of Decius Emperour, being apprehended by the Pagās, & brought to the Capitoll of that Citty, was throwne downe headlong from the highest staires of the same, wherby hauing his braynes dashed out, & his body all bruized, he rendred vp his worthy sou [...]e to God. Also the passion of the Saints Paramon, and of three hundred seauenty & fyue more of his fellowes, vnder Decius Emperour, and Aquilinus President. At Ancyra of S. Philomenus Martyr, who in the persecution of Aurelianus Emperour, vnder Felix President being first tryed by fyre, and then hauing his hands, feete, and head pierced with nayles, finished his Martyrdome. At Verulo of the holy Martyrs Blasius and Demetrius. At Tudertum. Todi of S. Illuminata Virgin.
E The thirtith Day.
AT Patras in Achaia, the birth-day of S. Andrew the Apostle, who hauing preached the Ghospell of Christ in Thracia and Scythia, was apprehended by Aegeas the Proconsull, and first cast into pryson, afterwards most cruelly beaten, and lastly fastened [Page 396] to a Crosse, and hanging thereon fo [...] two whole dayes togeather, teaching th [...] people, & praying our Lord that he migh [...] not be taken downe from the Crosse, being enuironed with a great light from heauen, gaue vp his pure holy soule to God. At Rome the passion of the Saints Castulus and Euprepi [...]es. At Constantinople of S. Maura Virgin and Martyr. Also of S. Iustina Virgin and Martyr. At S [...]n [...]ones. Saints of S. Troianus Bishop, a man of great holines, who dying heere on earth, doth by his many miracles euidently declare he liueth in heauen. At Rome of S. Constantius Confessor, who stoutly resisting the Pelagian Hereticks, was through their factions greatly afflicted, and therby made partaker of many merits. In Palestine of S. Zosimus Confessour, who vnder Iustinus Emperour, was renowned for holines of life, and miracles.
F The first Day.
OF Nahum the Prophet, who was buried in Begabar. At Rome of the holy Martyrs Diodorus Priest, & Marianus Deacon, with many others, who by commaundement of Numerianus Emperour were crowned with Martyrdome. There also the passion of the Saints Lucius, Rogatus, Cassianus, and Candida. The same day of S. Ansanus Martyr, who vnder Diocletian Emperour for the Confession of Christ, being apprehended, & cast into pryson at Rome, was afterwards [Page 398] brought to Siena in Tuscany, an there beheaded, ended the course of his Ma [...] tyrdome. At Ameria in Vmbria of S. Olympias who hauing bene sometymes Consul, an [...] conuerted to the fayth by S. Firmina, vnde Diocletian, being racked first vpon the torture Equuleus, finished his Martyrdome. A Arbellis in Persia of S. Ananias Martyr. At Narni of S. Proculus Bishop and Martyr, who after many famous workes of Charity performed, was commaunded by Totilas King of the Gothes to be beheaded. In the Citty of Casala of S. Euasius Bishop & Martyr. A [...] Millan of S. Castritianus Bishop, who in th [...] greatest troubles of the Church, flourished in all Vertue, and Religious Piety. At Brescia of S. Vrsicinus Bishop. At Ol [...]m Nomomum. Tournay in Flanders, of S. Eligius Bishop, whose holy lyfe is manifested by the number of miracles which he wrought. At Verdun of S. Agericus Bishop. The same day of S. Natalia wyfe to S. Adrian Martyr, who vnder Diocletian Emperour, did a long tyme serue the holy Martyrs in pryson at Nicomedia, and after their passion, she went to Constantinople, and there peaceably reposed in our Lord.
G The second Day.
AT Rome the passion of S. Bibiana Virgin, who vnder Iulian the wicked Emperour was so long beaten with leaden whippes, vntill she gaue vp the Ghost. There also of the holy Martyrs Eusebius Priest, Marcellus Deacon, Hippolytus, Maximus, Adria, Paulina, Neon, Maria, Martana, and Aurelia, who in the persecution of Valerianus, vnder Secundianus Iudge, finished their Martyrdome. Also at Rome of S. Pontianus Martyr, with foure others. In Affrica, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Seuerus, Securus, Ianuarius, and Victorinus, who were there crowned with Martyrdome. At Aquileia of S. Cromatius Bishop and Confessour. At Forum Cornel [...]. Imola of S. Peter Bishop of Rauenna, surnamed Chrysologus, renowned for doctrine and holines. At Verona of S. Lupus Bishop and Confessour. At Edessa of S. Nonnus Bishop, by whose prayers Pelagia the Penitent was conuerted to Christ. At Troas in Phrygia of S. Syluanus Bishop, famous for miracles. At Brescia of S. Euasius Bishop.
A The third Day.
IN Iury of the holy Prophet Sophonias. At Rome of the holy Martyrs Claudius Tribune, [Page 398] [...] [Page 399] [...] [Page 400] Hilaria his wife, and their sonnes Ia [...]o [...] & Maurus, with seauēty souldiers, of whome Claudius, vnder Numerianus Emperour, being tyed to a great stone, was throwne headlōg into the Riuer; but his sōnes, togeather with the souldiers were beheaded; and lastly Hilaria when she had buryed her sonnes bodyes, praying at their sepulcher, being apprehended by the Infidells, departed to our Lord. At Tingis▪ Tanger in Mauritania the passion of S. Cassianus Martyr, who hauing byn long tyme a [...]aylour, at length inspired from heauen, esteemed it a detestable thing to be an instrument, & actor in the slaughter of Christians; whereupon renouncing his office, & cōuerted to Christ, was finally made worthy of Martyrdome. Also in Affrica of the holy Martyrs Claudius, Crispinus, Maginas, Iohn & Stephen. In Pa [...] [...]onia▪ Hungary of S. Agricola Martyr. At Nicomedia the passion of the Saints Ambicus, Victor, and Iulius. At Millan of S. Mirocletes Bishop & Confessour, of whome S. Ambrose maketh mention. In England of S. Birinus the first Bishop of Dorchester. At Curia in Germany of S. Lucius King of Brittany, who was the first King of that Iland that receaued the fayth of Christ, in the tyme of Pope Eleutherius. At Siena in Tuscany of S. Galganus Anchoret.
B The fourth Day.
AT Nicomedia the passion of S. Barbara Virgin and Martyr, who in the persecution of Maximinus, after sore pyning in prison, burning with lampes, cutting off her breasts, and other torments, finished her Marryrdome by the sword. At Constantinople of the Saints Theophanes, and his fellowes. In Pontus of S. Meletius Bishop and Confessor, renowned as well for doctrine as holines of lyfe, and other vertues. At Bolonia of S. Felix Bishop, who had byn Deacon before of the Church of Millan, vnder S. Ambrose. In England of S. Osmund Bishop and Confessour. At Cullen of S. Annon Bishop. In Mesopotamia of S. Maruthas Bishop, who restoring the Churches of God sorely ruined in Persia, through the persecution of King Isdegerdes, famous for many miracles, deserued also to be honoured euen amongst his enemies. At Parma of S. Bernard Cardinall, and Bishop of the same Citty.
C The fifth Day.
AT Mutala in Cappadocia of S. Sabas Abbot, greatly renowned in Palestine, [Page 402] for holines of life, who stoutly laboured in defence of the Catholike Fayth, against the impugners of the Holy Councell of Chalcedon. At The [...]esta in Affricke of S. Crispi [...]a a Noblewoman, who vnder Diocletian and Maximian, for refusing to sacrifice vnto Idols, was by commaundement of Anolinus Proconsull beheaded: Of whome S. Augustine often makes mention. At Thagura also in Affricke, of the holy Martyrs Iulius, Potamia, Crispinus, Felix, Gratus, & seauen others. At Nicaea. Nice in Prouence, vpon the riuer Varu [...], of S. Bassus Bishop, who in the perfecution of Decius & Valerian, being racked vpon the torture Equuleus for the fayth of Christ, by Perennius President, burned also with fiery plates, beaten with cudgels, and whips called Scorpions, & cast into the fyre without any hurt, being finally pierced through the body with two great nailes, ended his glorious Martyrdome. At Pauia of S. Dalmatius Bishop & Martyr, who suffered in the persecution of Maximianus. At Corfinium. Pentina in Abbruzzo of S. Pelinus Bishop of Brundusium. Brindisi, who vnder Iulian the Apostata, when the temple of Mars by the power of his prayers fell to the ground, being cruelly beaten by the Idolatrous Priests, vpon whome they inflicted fourescore and fiue wounds, deserued [Page 403] finally the crowne of Martyrdome. Also of Anastasius Martyr, who for the great [...]eruor he had to su [...]er for Christ, offered himselfe voluntarily to the persecutours. At Treuers of S. Nicetius Bishop, a man of great holines. At Polybotum in Asia, of S. Iohn Bishop, sur-named Thaumaturgus.
D The sixt Day.
AT Myra, the chiefe Citty of Lycia, the birth-day of S. Nicolas Bishop & Cō fessour, of whome amōgst many miracles this memorable one is recorded, that being far distant, he dissuaded by admonitions & threats, the Emperor Constantine in a visiō, frō putting to death certaine persons, who had called vpon him for succour in theyr necessity. In Affrica of the holy women Dio [...]ysia, Da [...]iua, Leontia, and of a religious man called Tertius; also of Aemilianus a Phisitian, Bonifacius, and three others, who in the per [...]ecution of the Wandalls, vnder Hunnericus the Arian King, for defence of the Catholike sayth, being all most cruelly tormented, deserued the glory of renowned, and holy Confessours. There also of S. Maioricus, Sonne to the forsaid Dionysia, who being a yong youth, and trembling at the torments, [Page 404] was so encouraged, and animated with the words and lookes of his mother, that he became more strong then the rest, and in the middest of his torments gaue vp his soule to God; whome his pious mother taking vp in her armes, buryed in her owne house, and daily vsed to pray at his sepulcher. The same day of S. Polychronius Priest, who in the tyme of Constantius Emperour, whiles he sayd Masse at the holy Altar, was killed by the Arians. At Rome of S. Asella Virgin, who (as S. Hierome writeth) being blessed euen frō her mothers wombe, drew on her lyfe, in fasting, and prayer, vntill her very old age.
E The seauenth Day.
AT Millan the ordination of S. Ambrose Bishop and Doctour of the Church; by whose holinesse and doctrine the vniuersal Church of Christ is greatly adorned. At Alexādria the birth-day of S. Agatho, a Soldier, who in the persecution of Decius, for hindring certaine Pagans from abusing the holy Martyrs bodyes, & a suddaine out-cry of the comon people being raysed agaynst him, was apprehended, and brought before the iudge, where persisting constant in the [Page 405] confession of Christ, he was presently condemned to death. At Antioch of the holy Martys Polycarpus and Theodorus. At Tuburbum in Affrica of S. Seuerus Marryr, who in the persecutiō of the Wandals, vnder Hunnericus the Arian King, hauing byn very sore beaten with cudgells, and oftentymes lifted vp on high with pullies, and suddenly with the whole weight of his body, let fall vpon hard flin [...] stones, & otherwise cruelly tormented, at last obteyned the palme of Martyrdome. At Th [...] ▪ num. Teano in Campania of S. Vrbanus Bishop and Confessour. At Santones. Saints in France of S. Martin Abbot, at whose Sepulcher by the power of God, often miracles are wrought. In the territory of Meld [...] ▪ Meaux, of S. Phara Virgin.
F The eyght Day.
THE Conception of the euer-Glorious Virgin Mary Mother of God. At Rome of S. Eutychianus Pope, who hauing buryed with his owne hands the bodyes of three hundred fourty and two Martyrs. was vnder Numerianus Emperour, made worthy of Martyrdome himselfe, and buryed in the Churchyard of Callistus. At Alexandria of S. Macarius Martyr, who in the [Page 406] tyme of Decius, when the Iudge with many words went about to persuade him to deny Christ, & he with so much the more constancy did professe his [...]ayth, was at last commaunded to be burned alyue. At Treuers of S. Eucharius disciple to S. Peter the Apostle, and the first Bishop of the same Citty. In Cyprus of S. Sophronius Bishop, a most renowned defender, and ayder of Pupills, Orphans, Widdows, and of all poore and oppressed persons. In the Monastery of Luxo [...]. L [...] of S. Romaricus Abbot, who being a chiefe Nobleman in the Court of King Theodobertus; renouncing the world, was very famous for monasticall discipline. At Constantinople of S. Pa [...]apius Hermit, renowned for vertues & miracles. At Verona the Ordination of S. Ze [...]o Bishop,
G The nynth Day.
AT Toledo in Spaine, the birth-day of S. Leocadia Virgin and Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian Emperour, vnder Dacianus Gouernour of Spaine, being fore pined in pryson, when she heard of the cruell torments of S. Eulalia and other Martyrs, putting herself vp [...] her knees in prayer, gaue vp her vndefiled soule to [Page 407] God. At Carthage of S. Restitutus Bishop & Martyr, vpon whose feast S. Augustine made a sermon of him to the people. Also in Affrica of the holy Martyrs Peter, Successus, Bassianus, Primitiuus, and twenty others. At Lemouices. Limoges in France, of S. Valeria Virgin, and Martyr. At Verona of S. Proculus Bishop, who in the persecution of Diocletian, being with buffets and cudgells driuen out of the Citty, at length restored to his Church, reposed in peace. At Pauia of S. Syrus the first Bishop of that Citty, renowned for vertues and miracles. At Apamea in Syria of S. Iulianus Bishop, who in the tyme of Seuerus Emperour was very famous for holines of life. At Petragorici, Perigueux in France of S. Cyprian Abbot, a man of great sanctity. At Nazianzum of S. Gorgonia, sister to S. Gregory surnamed the Deuine, whose vertues & miracles himselfe hath written.
A The tenth Day.
AT Rome of S. Melchiades Pope, who hauing suffered great persecution vnder Maximianus, and peace restored to the Church, reposed in our Lord. The same day of the holy Martyrs Carpophorus Priest, and Abundius Deacon, who in the persecution [Page 408] of Diocletian, being first most cruelly beaten with cudgells, thē racked vpon the torture Equuleus, and afterwards long pyned in prison for want of meate, were finally beheaded. At Eme [...]i [...]a. Merida in Spaine the passion of S. Eulalia Virgin, who vnder Maximianus Emperour, and Dacianus President, suffering many torments for the confession of Christ at twelue yeares old, at length racked vpō the torture Equuleus, rent vvith iron clawes, and burning torches put to her sydes, she gaue vp her soule to God. There also of S. Iulia Virgin and Martyr, the inseparable companion of S. Eulalia, both in life and death. At Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Mennas, Hermogenes, & Eugraphus, who suffered vnder Maximinus. At Leon [...]inum. Lentini of the holy Martyrs Mercurius, and his fellowes Souldiers, who vnder Tertyllus Presidēt, & Licinius Emperour were beheaded. At Ancyra in Galatia of S. Gemellus Martyr, who after most grieuous torments vnder Iulian the Apostata, was crucified on a Crosse. At Vienna of S. Sindulphus Bishop & Cōfessor. At Brescia of S. Deus-dedit Bishop.
B The eleauenth Day.
AT Rome of S. Damasus Pope & Confessour, who condemned Apollinaris [Page 409] the Arch-hereticke, and restored Peter Bishop of Alexandria, that had beene cast out of his sea. He also found out the bodies of many Saints, & adorned their tombes with verses. Likewise at Rome the passion of S. Thraso, who nourishing, and maintayning with his owne goods, the Christians that laboured in the hoate Bathes, and other publike workes, as also those that were in prison, being apprehēded by commaundment of Maximianus, with two others, Pontianus and Pretextatus, was crowned with Martyrdome. At Amiens of the holy Martyrs Victoricus and Fuscianus, vnder the same Emperour, who by commandement of Rictiouarus President, hauing their nostrills, & eares first boared with certaine steeles, their temples pierced with burning nailes, their eyes pulled out, & their bodies shot full of arrows, were finally, togeather with S. Gentianus their host, beheaded. In Persia of S. Barsabas Martyr. In Spayne of S. Eutychius Martyr. At Placentia. Piacenza of S. Sabinus Bishop, renowned for miracles. At Constantinople of S. Daniel, surnamed Styli [...]a.
C The twelfth Day.
AT Rome of S. Synesius Martyr, who being ordayned Lector in the tyme of [Page 410] S. Xystus Pope, when he had conuerted many to the fayth of Christ, accused to Aurelianus Emperour, receaued the crowne of Martyrdome. At Alexādria of the holy Martyrs Epimachus & Alexander, who vnder Decius Emperour, after they had layne a long time in fetters, and byn diuersly afflicted for the Christian fayth, were at length burned. There also of the holy women Ammonaria Virgin, Mercuria, Dionysia, and another Ammonaria, of whome, the first in the same persecution of Decius, hauing ouercome most cruell and vnheard-of torments, was finally beheaded: but the three others, for that the Iudge being ashamed to be ouercome by women, and fearing least by vsing the same torments against them, he should be vanquished by their constancy, they were without more ado beheaded. At Treuers of the holy Martyrs Maxentius, Constantius, Crescentius, Iustinus, and their fellowes, who in the persecution of Diocletian suffered vnder the President Rictiouarus. The same day of the holy Martyrs Hermogenes, Donatus, and two and twenty others.
C The thirtenth Day.
AT Syra [...]. Syracosa in Sicilia the birth-day of S. Lucy Virgin and Martyr, who [Page 411] in the persecution of Diocletian being deliuered ouer, by commaundment of Pascha [...] that had beene sometymes Consul, to certaine naughty fellowes, corrupters of Chastity, therby to make her in [...]amous to the people, they were not able in any wise to mooue her out of the place where she stood, neither with ropes, nor yet with many yokes of oxen; whereupon encompassing her round with burning pitch, rasin, and bolling oile, when by the power of God, she was nothing hurt therby, being finally thrust through the throate with a sword, accomplished her Martyrdome. In Armenia the passion of the holy Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugenius, Mardarius, and Orestes, in the persecution of Diocletian; of whom Eustratius being there by Lycias first, and afterwards at Seb [...]sta, by Agricol [...]us Presidents, togeather with Orestes, afflicted with exquisite torments, at length cast into a burning [...]ornace, gaue vp his soule: but Orestes being layd vpon a fiery bedde of iron, departed to our Lord. The rest being all most cruelly tormented, vnder the forsaid Lysias, by diuers deathes finished their Martyrdome. Their bodies being translated to Rome, were very honourably placed in the Church of S. Apoll [...]. In Sardinia in [Page 412] the Iland Sulcitana, the passion of S. Antiochus, vnder Hadrian Emperour. At Cambray in France of S. Au [...]ber [...]us Bishop & Confessor. In the Village of Pontinum Ponthieu of S. Iudocus Confessour. In the territory of Argen [...]o [...]a [...]um. Stras [...] burge of S. Othilia Virgin.
E The fourtenth Day.
AT Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Heron, Arsenius, Isidorus, and Dioscorus a boy, of whome, the three first in the persecution of Decius being by the Iudge diuersly tormented, when he saw them all armed alike with constancy, commaunded them to be burned. But Dioscorus being sorely whipped, was by Gods permission set free, to the comfort of the Christians. At Antioch the birthday of the holy martyrs Drusus, Zosimus, and Theodorus. The same day the passion of the Saints Iustus and Abundius, who vnder Numerianus Emperour, and Olybrius President, being cast into the fire, but nothing hurt therby, were be headed. At Rhemes the passion of the Saints Nicasius Bishop, Eutropia Virgin his sister, & their fellowes, Martyrs, who were slaine by certaine barbarous people, enemies to the fayth of Christ. In the Ile of Cyprus, the [Page 413] [...]irth-day of S. Spiridion Bishop, who was [...]ne of those Confessours, that vnder Maxi [...]inus, hauing their right eye pulled out, & [...]heir left knee cut, were condemned to the [...]tall-mynes. This holy man renowned [...]or the guift of Prophesy and miracles, con [...]ounded an Ethnicke Philosopher, in the Councell of Nice, that scoffed at Christian Religion, and brought him to the fayth of Christ. At Berg [...] mum. Bergamo of S. Viator Bishop & Confessour. At Pauia of S. Pompeius Bishop. At Naples in Campania, of S. Agnellus Abbot, famous for miracles, who hath bene often seene with the Standard of the Crosse, to deliuer that Citty besieged, from the enemyes. At Millan of S. Matronianus Hermit.
F The fiftenth Day.
AT Rome of the holy Martyrs Irenaens, Antonius, Theodorus, Saturninus', Victor, & seauenteene others, who in the persecution of Valerianus suffered for Christ. In Affrica the passion of the Saints Faustinus, Lucius, Candidus, Caelianus, Marcus, Ianuarius, & Fortunatus. There also of S. Valerianus Bishop, who being aboue fourescore yeares of age, in the persecution of the Wandalls, vnder Geisericus the Arian King, for not deliuering [Page 414] vp the goods of his Church, was comma [...] ded to be cast out of the Citty, and all m [...] for bidden to succour him, either in the houses, or otherwise; who lying a lon [...] time in the cōmon way, in the open ayr [...] at last finished the course of his blesse [...] ys [...] in the consession, & defence of the [...]tho lique Verity. In the territory of Orleans [...] S. Maximinus Confessour. In the Countre [...] of the Ibe [...]i. Georgians, beyond the sea Euxivu [...] of S. Christiana a Hand-mayd, who by mi [...] racles conuerted that Nation to the fayth [...] Christ, in the time of Constan [...]ne the Great [...]
G The sixtenth Day.
OF the three children Ananias, Azarias [...] and Misael, whose bodies were burie [...] in Babylon in a certaine Caue. At Rauenn [...] of the holy M [...]royrs Valontinus, a Generall of Souldiors, [...]oncoxdius his sonne, Naualis and [...], who suffered for Christ, in the persac [...]ion of Maximianus Emperour. At Formi [...]. M [...]l [...] in Campania, of S. Albina Virgin and Ma [...]tyr, under Deaius Emperour. In Affrica the p [...]ssion of many holy Virgins, who in the persecution of the Wandalls vnder Hun [...] the [...] King, after many grieuous [...], of hanging vp by the [...]ands with [Page 415] weights, and hoat burning plates, happily accomplished their Martyrdome. At Vienna of S. Ado Bishop and Confessour. At Aber [...]ine in Hiber▪ nia. Scotland of S. Beanus Bishop. At Gaza in Palestine of S. Irenion Bishop.
A The seauententh Day.
AT Eleutheropole in Palestine of the holy Martyrs Flauianus, Calanicus, and fifty eight of their fellowes, who in the time of Heraclius Emperour were slaine by the Saracens, for the fayth of Christ. At Mas [...] lia. Marseille in France of S. Lazarus Bishop, whome our Lord is said in the Ghospell to haue raised frō death. At Bigard neere Bruxels of S. Viuina Virgin, whose great sanctimony is testified by her many miracles. At Constantinople of S. Olympia widdow. At Andan, in the Abbey called of the seauen Churches, of S. Begga Widdow, sister to S. Gertrude. The same day the translation of S. Ignatius Bishop & Martyr, who was the third, after S. Peter, that gouerned the Church of Antioch. His body being brought from Rome, where he suffered in the persecution of Traian, to Antioch, was there buried in the Church-yard of the Church, without the Gate of Daphuis: In which solemnity S. Iohn Chrysestome [Page 416] made a Sermon to the people. But afterwards his holy Reliques were again [...] translated to Rome, and with great honou [...] and veneration placed in the Church of S▪ Clement, togeather with the body of tha [...] most Blessed Pope and Martyr.
B The eightenth Day.
AT Philippi in Macedonia, the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Rufus and Zosimus, two of the number of those disciples, by whome the primitiue Church was foū ded, amongst the Iewes and Grecians; of whose happy Martyrdome S. Polycarpe writeth in an Epistle to the Philippians. At Laodicea in Syria, the passion of the Saints Theotimus, and Basilianus. In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Quinctus, Simplicius, and others, who suffered in the persecution of Decius & Valerian. There also of S. Moysetes Martyr. Also in Affrica of the holy Martyrs Victurus, Victor, Victorinus, Adiutor, Quartus, and thirty others. At Mopsuestia in Cilicia of S. Auxentius Bishop who hauing byn sometimes a Souldier, vnder Licinius Emperor, chose rather to cast off his military Cincture, then to offer grapes to Bacchus: and being afterward ordayned Bishop, renowned for merits, reposed [Page 417] in peace. At Turones. Tours of S. Gatianus Confessour who being ordayned the first Bishop of that Citty by S. Fabianus Pope, famous for miracles, rested in our Lord.
C The nynetenth Day.
AT Alexandria in Aegypt, of S. Nemesius Martyr, who through calumniation being presented to the Iudge as a theef, & [...]bsolued from that crime, was shortly after in the persecution of Decius accused to Aemi [...]anus the Iudge for a Christian, by whome being often and cruelly tormented, he was at last commaunded to be burned with [...]heeues; heerein resembling our Blessed Sauiour, who togeather with theeues was crucifyed. At Nice of the Saints Darius, Zo [...]us, Paulus, and Secundus Martyrs. At Ni [...]omedia of the holy Martyrs Cyriacus, Paulil [...]us, Secundus, Anastasius, Syndimius, and their [...]ellowes. In Mauritania of S. Timotheus Dea [...]on, who for the fayth of Christ after most cruell imprysonment, being cast into the fire, accomplished his Martyrdome. At Ga [...]a in Palestine, the passiō of the Saints Meures and Thea. At Antisiodo [...]. Auxerre of S. Gregory Bishop & Confessour. At Orleans of S. Adiutus Ab [...]ot, famous for the spirit of Prophesy. At [Page 418] Rome of S. Faucta Mother of S. Anastasia, renowned for her Noble Birth, and Piety.
D The twentith Day.
THE Vigill of S. Thomas Apostle. A Rome of the holy Martyrs Liberatus & Baiulus. At Alexandria of the holy Martyrs Ammon, Zeno, Ptolomaeus, Ingenes & Theophilu [...] Souldiers, who being present at the examination and torments of a certaine Christian, and seing him afraid, and euen ready to deny his fayth, endeauouring with thei [...] lookes and gestures to encourage him, wer [...] exclaymed against by the people: where fore comming forth into the middest and openly declaring thēselues to be Christians, by a famous combat constantly endured, they most gloriously triumphe in Christ. At Gelduba of S. Iulius Martyr. I [...] Arabia of the holy Martyrs, Eugenius & M [...] carius Priests, who by Iulian the Apostata for reprehending his impiety, being fir [...] most cruelly beaten, & then banished int [...] a vast wildernes, were finally beheaded. A Antioch the birth-day of S. Philogonius B [...] shop, who of an Aduocate being called b [...] God, to gouerne that Church, did, toge [...] ther with S. Alexander Bishop, and other [...] [Page 419] first enter into combat for the Catholique fayth against Arius the Hereticke; & afterward renowned for miracles, reposed in our Lord; whose yearly festiuity S. Iohn Chrysostome did vse to celebrate, with an excellent sermon, in prayse of his vertues. At Brixia. Brescia of S. Dominicke Bishop and Confessour.
E The one and twentith Day.
AT Calamina the birth-day of S. Thomas Apostle, who hauing preached the Ghospel to the Parthians, Medians, Persians, Hyrcans, and Brachmans, went at the length into India, where when he had instructed that people in the Christiā Fayth, being by the Kings commandement thrust through the body with a lance, ended his Martyrdome. His holy Reliques were first broght to the Citty of Edessa, and afterwards translated to Ortona in Apulia. In Tuscany of the holy Martyrs Iohn and Festus. In Lycia of S. Themis [...]ocles Martyr, who vnder Decius Emperour, offering himselfe to the Persecutours in the place of Dioscorus, who was sought for to death, being racked vpon the torture Equuleus, dragged, and beaten with cudgells, obteyned the crowne of Martyrdome. [Page 420] At Nicomedia of S. Glycerius Priest, who in the persecution of Diocletian, being many wayes tormented, at length cast into the fire, ended his Martyrdome. At Antioch of S. Anastasius Bishop & Martyr, who in the time of Phocas Emperour, was most barbarously slayne by the Iewes. At Treuers of S. Seuerinus Bishop and Confessour.
F The two and twentith Day.
AT Rome in the way Lauicana, betwixt the two Bay-trees, the birth-day of thirty holy Martyrs, who suffered all on one day, in the persecution of Diocletian. In the same place of S. Flauianus, who hauing bene sometyme gouernour of the Citty, was by Iulian the Apostata, first marked in the face, and then banished to the Waters called Taurinae, where in prayer he gaue vp his soule to God. At Ostia of the holy Martyrs Demetrius, Honoratus, and Florus. At Alexandria of S. Ischyrion Martyr, who for refusing to sacrifice vnto Idolls after many iniuries & reproaches, being thrust throgh the bowells with a sharp speare, ended his Martyrdome. In Aegypt of S. Chaeremon Bishop of Nilopolis, and very many other Martyrs; of whome, some in the persecution of [Page 421] Decius, being dispersed abroad by flight, & wandering in the wildernes, were slaine by wild beasts; others consumed with famine, cold and sickenes; & other some also being killed by barbarous people, and theeues, were all crowned with the glory of Martyrdome. At Nicomedia of S. Zeno a Souldier, who deriding at Diocletian the Emperour for sacrificing vnto Ceres, hauing his iawbones broken, and his teeth stroken out, was finally beheaded.
G The three and twentith Day.
AT Rome of S. Victoria Virgin and Martyr, who in the persecution of Decius Emperour, being betrothed to Eugenius an Infidell, when she would neither marry, nor sacrifice vnto Idols, after many miracles wroght, by which she cōuerted many Virgins to Christ, was by cōmandment of her Spouse, by the hang man stroken through the hart. At Nicomedia the birth-day of twē ty holy Martyrs, who in the persecution of Diocletian, after that they had bene afflicted with most grieuous torments, were put to death. In the same place, the passion of the Saints Migdonius and Mardonius, in the same persecution, of whome one being burned, [Page 422] and the other throwne into a pit, dyed. At what tyme also suffered a Deacon of S. Anthimus Bishop of Nicomedia, who as he carried letters to the Martyrs, being apprehended by the Gentils, and stoned, departed to our Lord. In Creta. Candia of the holy Martyrs Thcodulus, Saturninus, Euporus, Gelasius, Eunicianus, Zeticus, Cleomenes, Agathopus, Basilides, and Euaristus, who in the persecution of Decius, after many cruell torments, were beheaded. At Rome of S. Seruulus, of whome S. Gregory Pope writeth, that from his tender yeares, vntill the end of his life, lying sicke of the palsie, in a Porch neere to S. Clements Church, at length inuited by the harmony of Angells, he went thence to the glory of Paradise. At whose Sepulcher it pleased God to shew often miracles.
A The foure and twentith Day.
THE Vigill of the Natiuity of our Lord Iesus-Christ. At Antioch the birth-day of fourty holy Virgins, who in the persecution of Decius ended their Martyrdome by diuers kinds of torments. At Spoleto of S. Gregory Priest and Martyr, who in the time of Diocletian, & Maximian Emperours, being first beaten with knotted cudgels, & [Page 423] then cast into pryson, and layd vpon a hoate grydiron, hauing his knees also broken with iron barres, and his sides scorched with burning lampes, was finally beheaded. At Tripolis of the holy Martyrs Lucianus, Metrobius, Paulus, Zenobius, Theotimus, and Drusus. At Nicomedia of S. Euthymius Martyr, who in the persecution of Diocletian hauing sent many before him to Martyrdome, being thrust through with a sword, followed himselfe to the same crowne. At Burdigala. Burdeaux of S. Delphinus Bishop, who in the time of Theodosius flourished for sanctity of life. At Rome the birth-day of S. Tharsilla Virgin, Ant to S. Gregory Pope, of whome he writeth that in the houre of her death, she saw IESVS comming to her. At Treuers of S. Irmina Virgin, daughter to King Dagobertus of France.
B The fiue and twentith Day.
THE yeare from the Creation of the world, when in the beginning God created Heauen and Earth, fiue thousand, one hundred, ninety and nine: from the floud of Noe, two thousand nyne hundred fifty and seauen: from the Natiuity of Abraham two thousand and fifteene: from Moyses, & the comming forth of the people [Page 422] [...] [Page 423] [...] [Page 424] of Israel out of Aegypt, one thousand, fiue hundred, and ten: from the annoynting of Dauid, one thousand, thirty and two; the sixty and fiue weeke according to the Prophesy of Daniel; the hundred, nynety and fourth Olympiade; from the building of the Citty of Rome, seauen hūdred fifty & two; the two and fourtith yeare of the Empire of Octauianus Augustus, when the whole world was in peace, in the sixt age thereof, Iesus-Christ, Eternall God, and Sonne of the Eternall Father, intending to sanctify the world with his most blessed Presence, hauing byn conceaued of the Holy Ghost, & nyne monethes past after his Conception, is borne in Bethleem-Iuda of the Virgin Mary, and made man. The Natiuity of our Lord Iesus-Christ, according to the flesh. The same day, the festiuity of S. Anastasia, who vnder Diocletian Emperour, first suffering a harsh and rigorous restraint by her husband Publius (in which neuerthelesse, she was greatly comforted, and encouraged by S. Chrysogonus a holy Confessour of Christ) & afterwards by Florus President of Sclauonia a longer imprisonment, at length hauing her hands and feete stretched out, & bound to stakes; with fire kindled about her, accō plished her Martyrdome, in the Iland of Palmaria, [Page 425] into which she had byn carried with two hundred men, and seauenty women; who all by diuers kinds of death there ended their Martyrdome. At Rome in the Churchyard of Apronianus of S. Eugenia Virgin, who in the time of Gallienus Emperour after she had wrought very many miracles and gathered togeather many holy Virgins in the seruice of Christ, being along time afflicted vnder Nicetius Gouernour of the Citty, was finally beheaded. At Nicomedia the passiō of many thousand Martyrs, who when in the Natiuity of Christ they were assembled togeather in the church, to heare Masse & Communicate, Diocletian the Emperour commaūded the Church-doores to be shut, and fire to be made round about it; as also a vessell with Incense to be placed before the doores, and the common Cryer to pronounce with a lowde voyce, that such as would escape burning, should go forth, and offer Incense to Iupiter; & when they all with one voyce answered, that they would rather, and more willingly die for Christ, being consumed with fire, deserued to be borne in heauen, the same day that Christ vouchsafed to be borne in earth for the saluation of the world.
C The sixt and twentith Day.
AT Hierusalem the birth-day of S. Stephen the first Martyr, who was there stoned to death by the Iewes, not long after the Ascension of Christ. At Rome of S. Marinus a Senator, who vnder Carinus Emperor and Marcianus Gouernour, being apprehended for the Christian faith, & after a base manner racked vpon the torture Equuleus, torne with iron clawes, cast into a frying panne, but the fire turning into dew & he deliuered, thrown also vnto wild beasts but nothing hurt by them, at lēgth brought vnto the Altar to sacrifice, when the Idoll by his prayers fell to the groūd, being there beheaded obtayned the palme of Martyrdome. Also at Rome in the waye Appia, the deposition of S. Dionysius Pope, greatly renowned for piety, & labours which he su [...]ained for the Church. There also of S. Zosimus Pope and Confessour. In Mesopotamia of S. Archelaus Bishop famous for learning and holynes. At Maiuma in Idum [...]a of S. Zen [...] Bishop. At Rome of S. Theodorus Mā sionary of the Church of S. Peter of whome S. Gregory Pope maketh mention.
D The seauen and twentith Day.
AT Ephesus the birth-day of S. Iohn Apostle and Euangelist, who after the writing of his Ghospell, being sent into bannishment, where that diuine Reuelation was made vnto him, perseuering vntill the tyme of Traian Emperour, founded and gouerned the Churches of all Asia; and finally worne out with old age, the 68. yeare after the passion of our Lord rested in peace, and was buryed neere the vnto same Citty. At Alexandria of S. Maximus Bishop, greatly renowned for the confession of his fayth. At Constantinople of the holy Confessors Theodorus and Theophanes Brothers, who being brought vp from their childhood in the Monastery of S. Sabas, & afterwards for defence of holy Images opposing themselues against Leo, & Theophilus Armenus, Emperors, were by their commaundment first whipped, and then sent into banishment, where Theodorus died in pryson; but Theophanes, when peace at length was restored to the Church, being made Bishop of Nice, reposed happily in our Lord. There also of S. Nicerates Virgin, renowned for holines of life, vnder Arcadius Emperour.
E The eight and twentith Day.
IN Bethleem-Iuda the birth-day of the holy Innocents, who for Christ were put t [...] death by King Herod. At Ancyra in Galati [...] of the holy Martyrs Eutychius Priest, & Domitianus Deacon. In Affrica the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Castor, Victor, & Rogatianus▪ At Nicomedia of the holy Martyrs Indes an Eunuch, Domna, Agapes, and Theophila Virgins, with their fellowes, who in the persecution of Diocletian, after many combats for Christ by diuers kinds of death obteined the crowne of Martyrdome. At Neocaesarea in Pontus of S. Troadius Martyr in the persecution of Decius, to whome S. Gregory surnamed Thaumaturgus appeared in the midst of his torments, and animated him to suffer Martyrdome. At Arabissus in the lesser Armenia, of S. Caesarius Martyr, who suffered vnder Galerius Maximinus. At Rome of S. Domnion Priest. At Nursia of the holy Monkes Eutychius and Florentius, of whome S. Gregory Pope maketh mention. In Aepypt of S. Theodorus Monke, disciple of S. Pachomius. In the Monastery of Lyrinum, of Saint Antony Monke, famous for miracles.
F The nyne and twentith Day.
AT Canterbury in England the birth-day of S. Thomas Bishop and Martyr, who for the defence of Iustice, and liberty of the Church, being killed by the faction of certaine wicked men in his owne Cathedrall Church, departed to our Lord. At Hierusalem of S. Dauid King and Prophet. At Arel [...] tum. Arles the birth-day of S. Trophimus, of whome S. Paul maketh mention writing to S. Ty [...]othy, who being by him ordayned Bishop was first of all sent vnto that Citty to preach the Ghospell, from the fountaine of whose doctrine, as S. Zosimus Pope writeth, all France receaued streames of Christian fayth. At Rome of the holy Martyrs Callistus, Felix, and Bonifacius. In Affrica the passion of the holy Martyrs Dominicus, Vi [...]or, Primianus, Lybosus, Saturninus, Crescen [...]s, Secundus, & Honoratus. At Vienne in France of S. Crescens, disciple of S. Paul the Apostle, and the first Bishop of that Citty. At Constantinople of S. Marcellus Abbot. At Oxymum. Hiesnes in Normandy of S. Ebrulphus Abbot, and Confessour, in the time of King Childebert of France.
G The thirtith Day.
AT Spolet [...] the birth-day of the hol [...] Martyrs Sabinus Bishop, Exuperanti [...] and Marcellus Deacons, and Venust [...]anus Pr [...] sident, with his wife and children, vnd [...] Maximianus Emperour; of whome Marcell [...] & Exuperantius being first racked vpon th [...] torture Equuleus, then cruelly beaten wit [...] cudgells, torne with iron clawes, and ro [...] sted on both sides, ended their Marty [...] dome▪ but Venustianus, not long after, toge [...] ther with his wife & children was behe [...] ded: And S. Sabinus, hauing his hands c [...] off, and long pined in pryson, was finall beaten to death. Whose Martyrdomes, a [...] though they happened at sundry times, a [...] yet celebrated vpon the same day. At Al [...] xandria of the Saints Mansuetus, Seuerus, Ap [...] pianus, Donatus, Honorius, and their fellowes Martyrs. At Thessalonica of S. Anysia Marty [...] There also of S. Anysius Bishop of the sam [...] Citty. At Millan of S. Eugenius Bishop an [...] Confessour. At Rauenna of S. Liberius Bishop. At Aquila in Oli [...] V [...]i. Abbruzzo of S. Rain [...] rius Bishop.
A The one and thirtith Day.
AT Rome the birth-day of S. Syluester Pope, who hauing baptized Constantine the Great, and confirmed the Councell of Nice, after many holy labours & paines taken for the Church, happily reposed in our Lord. Also at Rome in the way Salaria, in the Churchyard of Priscilla, of the holy Martyrs Donata, Paulina, Rustica, Nominanda, Serotina, Hilaria, and their fellowes. At Senonae. Sens of the Saints Sabinianus Bishop, and Potentianus, who being sent thither by the Bishop of Rome, to preach the Ghospell, adorned that Bishoprike with their Martyrdome. There also of S. Columba Virgin & Martyr, who hauing ouercome the torments of fire, in the persecution of Aurelianus, was beheaded. At Rhetiaria of S. Hermes Exorcist. At Catania in Sicily the passion of the Saints Stephen, Pontianus, Attalus, Fabianus, Cornelius, Sextus, Flores, Quinctianus, Mineruinus and Simplicianus. The same day of S. Zoticus a Priest of Rome, who going to Constantinople, tooke there vpon him the care & protection of Orphanes. At Rauenna of S. Barbatianus Priest & Confessour. The same day of S. Melania the yonger, who [Page 432] going from Rome, with her husband Pinianus to Hierusalem, and there leading a Religious life, she in a Cloister of holy Virgins, and he in a Monastery of Monkes, both ended their happy dayes.
¶. And in other places of many other Saints Martyrs, Confessours, and holy Virgins, to whose prayers and merits, we humbly commend our selues. Resp. Prayse be to God.