PROEMIVM IN librum primum.
I Beare the scourge of iust
Lashing the lewdnes of
Let others sing as their good
Genius moues,
Of deepe desines, or els of clipping loues.
Faire fall them all, that with wits industry,
Doe cloath good subiects in true poesie.
But as for me, my vexed thoughtfull soule,
Takes pleasure, in displeasing sharp controule.
Thou nursing Mother of faire wisedoms lore,
Melancholy, I implore
Thy graue assistance, take thy gloomie seate,
Inthrone thee in my blood; Let me intreate
[Page]Stay his quicke iocond skips, and force him runne
A sadde pac'd course, vntill my whips be done.
Daphne, vnclip thine armes from my sad brow,
Blacke Cypresse crowne me whilst I vp do plow
The hidden entrailes of ranke villanie.
Tearing the vaile from damn'd Impietie.
Quake guzzell dogs, that liue on putred slime,
Skud from the lashes of my yerking rime.
Fronti nulla fides.
MArry God forfend,
Martius swears he'le stab,
Phrigeo, feare not, thou art no lying drab.
What though dagger hack'd mouthes of his blade sweares
It slew as many as figures of yeares
Aqua fortis eate in't, or as many more,
As methodist
Musus, kild with Hellebore
In autumne last, yet he beares the male lye
With as smooth calme, as
Mecho riualrie.
How ill his shape, with inward forme doth fage,
Aphrogenias ill-yok'd marriage.
Fond Physiognomer, complexion
Guides not the inward disposition,
Inclines I yeeld. Thou saist Law
Catoes often curst
Can take no hold on simpring
True, not on her eye, yet Allom oft doth blast,
The sprouting bud that faine would longer last.
Casca, right pure or
Yet each night drinkes in glassie Priapus.
Yon Pine is fayre, yet fouly doth it ill
To his owne sprouts, marke, his rank drops distill
Foule Naples canker in their tender rinde;
Woe worth when trees drop in their proper kinde!
Mystagogus, what meanes this prodegie?
Hiadolgo speakes gainst vsurie.
Verres railes gainst thieues.
Mylo doth hate
Clodius coockolds,
Marius the gate
Of squinting
Ianus shuts? runne beyond bound
Nil vltra, and hang me when on's found
Will be himselfe. Had Nature turn'd our eyes
Into our proper selues, these now right curious spies
Would be asham'd,
Flauia would blush to flout
Oppia calls
Lucina helpe her out.
If she did thinke,
Lynceus did know her ill,
How Nature, Art, how Art, doth Nature spill.
[Page]God pardon me, I often did auer
Quod gratis, grate, the Astronomer
An honest man, but I'le doe so no more,
His face deceau'd me; but now since his whore
And sister are all one, his honestie
Shall be as bare as his Anatomie,
To which hee bound his vvife, ô packstaffe rimes!
Why not, when court of starrs shal see these crimes?
Rodds are in pisse, I for thee
That twenty graines of
Oppium wilt not sticke
To minister to babes. Here's bloody dayes,
When with plaine hearbes,
Mutius more men slaies
Then ere third
Edwards sword. Sooth in our age,
Coribautes neede not enrage
The peoples mindes. You
Hellespont, with wrangling villanie
The swolne world's inly stung, then daine a touch,
If that your fingers can effect so much.
[Page]Thou sweet Arabian
Perfume this nastie age, smugge
Hath stinking lunges, although a simpring grace,
A muddy inside, though a surphul'd face.
O for some deepe-searching
To ferret out yon lewd
How now
Brutus, what shape best pleaseth thee?
Protean formes, thy wife in venery
At thy inforcemant takes; vvell goe thy way,
Shee may transforme thee ere thy dying day.
Gracchus heares, that hath retaild more lyes,
Broch'd more slaunders, done more villanies,
Fabius perpetuall golden coate
(Which might haue
Semptridem for a mott)
Hath beene at feasts, and led the measuring
At Court, and in each marriage reueling.
Palaephatus, comment on those dreames,
Hylus takes, mid'st dung-pit reeking steames
Athos hote house. Gramercie modest smyle.
Chremes a sleepe.
Paphia, sport the while.
Lucilla, new set thy ruffe, tut thou art pure,
Canst thou not lispe, (
good brather) looke demure?
Gallus, vvhat, a skeptick
VVhen chast
Dictinna, breakes the Zonelike twist?
Tut, hang vp
Hieroglyphickes. Ile not faine
Wresting my humor, from his natiue straine.
Difficile est Satyram non scribere. vvv—Iuve.
I Cannot hold, I cannot I indure
To view a big womb'd foggie clowde immure
The radiant tresses of the quickning sunne.
Let Custards quake, my rage must freely runne.
Preach not the Stoickes patience to me,
I hate no man, but mens impietie.
My soule is vext, what power will'th desist?
Or dares to stop a sharpe fangd Satyrist?
Who'le coole my rage? vvho'le stay my itching fist
But I will plague and torture whom I list?
If that the three-fold walls of Babilon
Should hedge my tongue, yet I should raile vpon
This fustie world, that now dare put in vre
To make
IEHOVA but a couerture,
[Page]To shade ranck filth, loose conscience is free,
From all conscience, what els hath libertie?
As't please the Thracian Boreas to blow,
So turnes our ayerie conscience, to, and fro.
VVhat icye
Saturnist, vvhat northerne pate
But such grosse lewdnes would exasperate?
I thinke the blind doth see, the flame God rise
From Sisters couch, each morning to the skies:
Glowing with lust. VValke but in duskie night,
Linceus eyes, and to thy piercing sight
Disguised Gods will show, in pesants shape,
Prest to commit some execrable rape.
Ioues lust pander,
Maias iugling sonne,
In clownes disguise, doth after milk-maides runne.
And fore he'le loose his brutish lechery,
The truls shall tast sweet Nectars surquedry.
Iunos brat, forsakes
Neries bed,
And like a swaggerer, lust fiered,
[Page]Attended onely with his smock sworne page,
Gallus, slilie slippes along, to wage
Tilting incounters, with some spurious seede
Of marrow pies, and yawning Oystars breede.
O damn'd!
Who would not shake a Satyres knottie rod?
When to defile the sacred seate of God
Is but accounted gentlemens disport?
To snort in filth, each hower to resort
To brothell pits: alas a veniall crime,
Nay, royall, to be last in
thirtith slime.
Ay me, hard world for Satyrists beginne
To sette vp shop, when no small petty sinne
Is left vnpurg'd, once to be pursie fat
Had wont be cause that life did macerate.
Marry the iealous Queene of ayre doth frowne,
That Ganimede is vp, and Hebe downe.
Albion liu'd in such a cruell age
That men did hold by seruile villenage.
Poore brats were slaues, of bond-men that were borne,
And marted, sold, but that rude law is torne,
And disanuld, as too too inhumane,
That Lords ore pesants should such seruice straine.
But now, (sad change!) the kennell sinck of slaues,
Pesant great bloods, and seruile seruice craues.
Bondslaues sonnes had wont be bought & sold,
But now
Heroes heires (if they haue not told
A discreet number, fore theyr dad did die)
Are made much of, how much from merchandie?
Tail'd, and retail'd, till to the pedlers packe,
The fourth-hand ward-ware comes, alack, alack,
Would truth did know I lyde but truth, and I
Doe know that fence is borne to miserie.
Oh would to God, this were their worst mischance,
Were not theyr soules sold to darke ignorance.
[Page]Faire goodnes is foule ill, if mischiefes wit
Be not represt from lewd corrupting it.
O what dry braine melts not sharp mustard time
To purge the snottery of our slimie time?
Hence idle
Cave, vengeance pricks me on,
VVhen mart is made of faire Religion,
Reform'd bald
Trebus swore in Romish quiere
He sold Gods essence, for a poore denier.
The Egyptians adored Onions,
To Garlicke yeelding all deuotions.
O happy Garlick, but thrice happy you,
Whose senting gods, in your large gardens grew.
Democritus, rise from thy putrid slime
Sport at the madnes of that hotter clime.
Deride their frenzie, that for policie
Adore Wheate dough, as reall deitie.
Almighty men, that can their Maker make,
And force his sacred body to forsake
[Page]The Cherubines, to be gnawne actually,
indiuiduum, really.
Making a score of Gods with one poore word,
I, so I thought, in that you could afford,
So cheape a penny-worth. O ample fielde,
In which a Satyre may iust vveapon weelde.
But I am vext, when swarmes of
Are still manur'd by lewd Precisians.
Who scorning Church rites, take the simbole vp
As slouenly, as carelesse Courtiers slup
Their mutton gruell. Fie, who can with-hold,
But must of force make his milde Muse a scold?
When that he greeued sees, with red vext eyes,
That Athens antient large immunities,
Are eye sores to the fates; Poore cells forlorne!
Ist not enough you are made an abiect scorne
To iering Apes, but must the shadow too
Of auncient substance, be thus wrung from you?
[Page]O split my hart, least it doe breake with rage
To see th'immodest loosenes of our age.
Immodest loosenes? fie too gentle word,
When euery signe can brothelrie afford.
When lust doth sparkle from our females eyes
And modestie, is rousted in the skies.
Tell me
Galliottae, what meanes this signe
When impropriat gentiles will turne
Sooner be damn'd. O stuffe Satyricall?
Whē rapine feedes our pomp, pomp ripes our fall.
When the guest trembles at his hosts swart looke,
The sonne, doth feare his stepdame, that hath tooke
His mothers place for lust, the twin-borne brother
Malinges his mate, that first came from his mother.
When to be huge, is to be deadly sick,
When vertuous pesants, will not spare to lick
The deuils taile for poore promotion.
When for neglect, slubbred
[Page]Is wan with greefe. When
Rufus, yawnes for death
Of him that gaue him vndeserued breath.
Hermus makes a worthy question,
Whether of
Wright, as
A siluer pispot fits his Lady dame?
Or ist too good? a pewter best became.
Agrippina poysons
Claudius sonne,
That all the world to her own brat might run.
When the husband, gapes that his stale wife would die,
That he might once be in by
The big paunch'd wife, longs for her loth'd mates death,
That she might haue more ioyntures here on earth.
VVhen tenure for short yeeres, (by many a one)
Is thought right good be turn'd forth
All to be
headdie, or
free hold at least
VVhen tis all one, for long life be a beast,
A slaue, as haue a short term'd tenancie
When dead's the strength of Englands yeomanrie,
[Page]VVhen invndatiou of luxuriousnes,
Fatts all the world with such grosse beastlines.
Who can abstaine? what modest braine can hold,
But he must make his shamefac'd Muse a scold?
Redde, age, quae deinceps risisti.
IT's good be warie whilst the sunne shines cleere
(Quoth that old chuffe that may dispend by yere
Three thousand pound) whilst hee of good pretence
Cōmits himselfe to Fleet to saue expence.
No Countries Christmas: rather tarry heere,
The Fleet is cheap, the Country hall too deere.
Codrus, harke, the world expects to see
Thy bastard heire rotte there in misery.
What? VVill
Luxurio keepe so great a hall
That he will proue a bastard in his fall?
come on fiue, S. George, by heauen at all,
Makes his catastrophe, right tragicall;
At all, till nothing's left,
Come on, till all comes off,
I haire and all,
Luxurio, left a scoffe
To leaprous filthes: ô stay, thou impious slaue,
Teare not the lead from off thy Fathers graue,
[Page]To stop base brokage, sell not thy fathers sheete,
His leaden sheete, that strangers eyes may greete
Both putrefaction of thy greedie Sire,
And thy abhorred viperous desire.
But wilt thou needes, shall thy Dads lackie brat
VVeare thy Sires halfe-rot finger in his hat?
Nay then
Luxurio waste in obloquie,
And I shall sport to heare thee faintly cry,
A die, a drab, and filthy broking knaues,
Are the worlds wide mouthes, all deuouring graues.
Samus keepes a right good house I heare▪
No, it keepes him, and free'th him from chill feare
Of shaking fitts; How then shall his smug wench,
How shall her bawd, (fit time) assist her quench
Her sanguine heate?
Linceus, canst thou sent?
Shee hath her Monkey, & her instrument
Smooth fram'd at
Vitrio. O greeuous misery!
Luscus hath left his female luxurie.
[Page]I, it left him; No, his old Cynick Dad
Hath forc'd him cleane forsake his Pickha'ch drab.
Alack, alack, what peece of lustfull flesh
Luscus left, his
Priape to redresse?
Grieue not good soule, he hath his
His perfum'd shee-goate, smooth kemb'd, high fed
At Hogsdon now his monstrous lust he feasts,
For there he keepes a baudy-house of beasts.
Paphus, let
Luscus haue his Curtezan,
Or we shall haue a monster of a man.
Paphus now detaines him from that bower,
And claspes him close within his brick-built tower.
Diogenes, th'art damn'd for thy lewd wit,
Luscus now hath skill to practise it.
Fayth, what cares he for faire
Cynedian boyes?
Veluet cap'd Goates, duch Mares? tut cōmon toies.
Detaine them all, on this condition
He may but vse the Cynick friction.
[Page]O now yee male stewes, I can giue pretence
For your luxurious incontinence.
Hence, hence, yee falsed, seeming, Patriotes,
Returne not with pretence of saluing spots,
VVhen here yee soyle vs with impuritie,
And monstrous filth, of Doway seminary.
What though
Iberia yeeld you libertie,
To snort in source of Sodom vilanie?
What though the bloomes of young nobilitie,
Committed to your
Rodons custodie,
Nero like abuse? yet neuer heere approch,
Your newe S.
Homers lewdnes for to broch.
Tainting our Townes, and hopefull Accademes,
With your lust-bating most abhorred meanes.
Valladolid, our Athens gins to tast
Of thy ranck filth, Camphire and Lettuce chast,
Are cleane casheird, now
Sophi Ringoes eate,
Candid Potatoes, are Athenians meate.
[Page]Hence Holy-thistle, come sweet marrow pie,
Inflame our backs to itching luxurie.
A Crabs bak'd guts, a Lobsters butterd thigh,
I heare them sweare is blood for venerie.
Had I some snout faire brats, they should indure
The new found
Castilian callenture:
Before some pedant Tutor, in his bed
Should vse my frie, like Phrigian
Nay then chast cells, when greasie
For his ranck
Fico, is surnam'd diuine:
Nay then come all yee veniall scapes to me,
I dare well warrant you'le absolued be.
Rufus, I'le terme thee but intemperate,
I will not once thy vice exaggerate,
Though that each howre thou lewdly swaggerest,
And all the quarter day, pay'st interest
For the forbearance of thy chalked score.
Though that thou keep'st a tally with thy whore.
Nero keepes his mother
And no strange lust can satiate
Tullus goe scotfree, though thou often bragg'st
That for a
false French-crowne, thou vaulting hadst
Though that thou know'st for thy incontinence
Thy drab repay'd thee,
true French pestilence.
But tush, his boast I beare, when
Brags that he foystes his rotren Curtezan
Vpon his heire, that must haue all his lands:
And them hath ioyn'd in
Hymens sacred bands.
Ile wincke at
Robrus, that for vicenage
Enters commen, on his next neighbors stage,
Ioue maintaines his sister, and his whore:
And she incestuous, iealous euermore,
Least that
Europa on the Bull should ride:
Woe worth when beasts for filth are deified!
Alacke poore rogues, what Censor interdicts
The veniall scapes of him that purses picks?
[Page]VVhen some slie, golden-slopt
Can cut a manors strings at Primero?
Or with a pawne▪ shall giue a Lordship mate,
In statute staple chaining fast his state?
VVhat Accademick starued Satyrist
Would gnaw rez'd Bacon, or with inke black fist
would tosse each muck-heap for som outcast scraps
Of halfe-dung bones to stop his iawning chaps?
Or with a hungry hollow halfe pin'd iaw (gnaw
VVould once a thrice-turn'd bone-pick'd subiect
When swarmes of Mountebancks, & Bandeti
Damn'd Briareans, sincks of villanie,
Factors for lewdnes, brokers for the deuill,
Infect our soules with all polluting euill.
Lucea scorne her husbands luke-warme bed?
(Because her pleasure being hurried
In ioulting Coach, with glassie instrument,
Doth farre exceede the
Paphian blandishment)▪
[Page]Whilst I (like to some mute
Halter my hate, and cease to curse and ban
Such brutish filth? Shall
Matho raise his name,
By printing pamphlets in anothers name,
And in them praise himselfe, his wit, his might.
All to be deem'd his Countries Lanthorne light?
Whilst my tongue's ty'de with bonds of blushing shame
For feare of broching my concealed name?
Balbus, the demure Athenian,
Dreame of the death of next
Cast his natiuitie? marke his complexion?
Waigh well his bodies weake condition?
That with guilt sleight he may be sure to get
The Planets place, when his dim shine shall set?
Curio streake his lims on his dayes couch,
In Sommer bower? and with bare groping touch
Incense his lust, consuming all the yeere
Cyprian dalliance, and in
Belgick cheere?
Faunus spend a hundred gallions,
Of Goates pure milke, to laue his stallions,
As much Rose iuyce? O bath! ô royall, rich
To scower
Faunus, and his salt proude bitch!
And when all's cleans'd, shall the slaues inside stinck
worse thē the new cast slime of
Thames ebb'd brink?
Whilst I securely let him ouerslip?
Nere yerking him with my Satyrick vvhip?
Crispus with hipocrisie beguile,
Holding a candle, to some fiend a vvhile?
Now Iew, then Turke, then seeming Christian,
Then Athiest, Papist, and straight puritan,
Now nothing, any thing, euen what you list,
So that some guilt may grease his greedy fist?
Damas vse his third-hand vvard as ill,
As any iade that tuggeth in the mill?
What, shall law, nature, vertue, be reiected,
Shall these world Arteries be soule infected,
[Page]With corrupt blood? Whilst I shal
Martia taske?
Or some young
Villius, all in choller aske,
How he can keepe a lazie waiting man,
And buy a hoode, & siluer-handled fan
With fortie pound? Or snarle at
Lollios sonne?
That with industrious paines hath harder wonne
His true got worship, and his gentries name
Then any Swine-heards brat, that lousie came
To luskish
Athens, and with farming pots,
Compiling bedds, & scouring greazie spots,
By chaunce (when he can like taught Parrat cry
Dearely belou'd▪ with simpering grauitie)
Hath got the Farme of some gelt Vicary,
And now on cock-horse, gallops iollilie
Tickling with some stolne stuffe his sencelesse cure,
Belching lewd termes gainst all sound littrature.
Shall I with shaddowes fight? taske bitterly
Romes filth? scraping base channell rogarie?
[Page]Whilst such huge Gyants shall affright our eyes
VVith execrable, damn'd impieties?
Shall I finde trading
Mecho, neuer loath
Frankly to take a damning periur'd oath?
Furia broke her sisters modestie,
And prostitute her soule to brothelrie?
Cossus make his well-fac'd wife a stale,
To yeeld his braided ware a quicker sale?
Shall cock-horse, fat-paunch'd
Milo staine vvhole stocks
Of well borne soules, with his adultering spots?
Shall broking pandars sucke Nobilitie?
Soyling fayre stems with foule impuritie?
Nay, shall a trencher slaue extenuate,
Lucrece rape? and straight magnificate
Iouian lust? Whilst my satyrick vaine
Shall muzled be, not daring out to straine
His tearing paw? No gloomie
Though to thy fortunes I disastrous fall.
I Marry Sir, here's perfect honestie:
Martius will forsweare all villanie:
(All damn'd abuse, of payment in the vvarres
All filching from his Prince, and Souldiers)
When once he can but so much bright durt gleane,
As may mainetaine, one more White-friers queane.
One drab more, faith then farewell villanie,
He'le cleanse himselfe to Shoreditch puritie.
As for
Stadius, I thinke he hath a soule,
And if he were but free from sharpe controule
Of his sower host, and from his Taylors bill,
He would not thus abuse his riming skill,
Iading our tyred eares with fooleries,
Greasing great slaues, with oylie flatteries,
Good fayth I thinke▪ he would not striue to sute
The backe of humorous Time, (for base repute
[Page]Mong dunghill pesants) botching vp such ware,
As may be salable in Sturbridge fare.
If he were once but freed from specialtie,
But sooth, till then, beare with his ballatry.
I ask'd lewd
Gallus when he'le cease to sweare,
And with whole culuering raging othes to teare
The vault of heauen, spetting in the eyes
Of natures Nature, lothsome blasphemies.
To morrow he doth vow he will forbeare:
Next day I meete him, but I heare him sweare
Worse then before, I put his vow in minde,
He aunswers me,
to morrow, but I finde
He sweares next day, farre worse then ere before:
Putting me of with (
morrow) euermore.
Thus when I vrge him, with his sophistrie
He thinkes to salue his damned periurie.
Sylenus now is old, I vvonder I
He doth not hate his triple venery,
[Page]Cold▪ writhled Eld, his liues-wet almost spent,
Me thinkes a vnitie were compotent:
But ô fayre hopes ! He vvhispers secretly,
When it leaues him, he'le leaue his lecherie.
VVhen simpring
Flaccus (that demurely goes
Right neatly tripping on his new blackt toes)
Hath made rich vse of his Religion,
Of God himselfe, in pure deuotion:
VVhen that the strange
Ideas in his head
(Broch'd mong curious sotts, by shaddowes led)
Hath furnish'd him, by his hote auditors
Of fayre demeanes, and goodly rich mannors,
Sooth then he will repent, vvhen's treasurie
Shall force him to disclaime his heresie.
VVhat will not poore need force? but being sped,
God for vs all, the gurmonds paunch is fed.
His minde is chang'd, but when will he doe good?
To morrow, (
I, to morrow by the rood.)
Ruscus sweares, he'le cease to broke a sute:
By peasant meanes striuing to get repute
Mong puffie Spunges, when the Fleet's defrayd
His reuell tier, and his Laundresse payd.
There is a crew which I too plaine could name
If so I might without th'
Aquinians blame,
That lick the tayle of greatnes with their lips:
Laboring with third-hand iests, and Apish skips,
Retayling others wit, long barrelled
To glib some great mans eares, till panch be fed,
Glad if themselues, as sporting fooles be made,
To get the shelter of some high-growne shade.
To morrow yet these base tricks thei'le cast off,
And cease for lucar be a iering scoffe.
Ruscus will leaue, when once he can renue
His wasted clothes, that are asham'd to view
The worlds proude eyes.
Drusus wil cease to fawne
vvhen that his Farme, that leakes in melting pawne
[Page]Some Lord-applauded iest hath once set free.
All will
to morrow leaue their roguerie.
When fox-furd
Mecho (by damn'd vsurie,
Cutthrote deceit, and his crafts villanie)
Hath rak'd together some foure thousand pound,
To make his smug gurle, beare a bumming sound
In a young merchants eare, fayth then (may be)
He'le ponder if there be a Deitie?
Thinking, if to the parrish pouertie,
At his wisht death, be dol'd a halfe-penny,
A worke of Supererogation,
A good filth-cleansing strong purgation.
Aulus will leaue begging Monopolies,
When that mong troupes of gaudie Butter-flies,
He is but able iet it iollily,
In pie-bauld sutes, of proude Court brauerie.
To morrow doth
Luxurio promise me,
He will vnline himselfe from bitcherie.
Alcides thirteenth act must lend
A glorious period, and his lust-itch end.
VVhen once he hath froth-foming Aetna past
At one and thirtie being alwayes last.
If not to
Day (quoth that
Much lesse
to morrow, Yes saith
For ingrain'd
Habites, died with often dips,
Are not so soone discoloured, young slips
New set, are easily mou'd, and pluck'd away,
But elder rootes, clip faster in the clay.
I smile at thee, and at the Stagerite,
VVho holds the liking of the appetite,
Beeing fedde with actions often put in vre
Hatcheth the soule, in qualitie impure,
Or pure. May be in vertue, but for vice,
That comes by inspiration, with a trice
Furius scarce fifteene yeres of age
But is straight-wayes, right fit for marriage
[Page]Vnto the deuill, for sure they would agree,
Betwixt their soules there is such sympathie,
O where's your sweatie habite, when each Ape,
That can but spy the shadow of his shape,
That can no sooner ken what's vertuous,
But will auoyde it, and be vicious.
Without much doe, or farre fetch'd habiture
In earnest thus, it is a sacred cure
To salue the soules dread wounds; Omnipotent
That Nature is, that cures the impotent,
Euen in a moment; Sure Grace is infus'd
By diuine fauour, not by actions vs'd.
Which is as permanent as heauens blisse
To them that haue it, then no habite is.
To morrow, nay, to day, it may be got:
So please that gracious Power clense thy spot.
Vice, from priuation of that sacred Grace,
which God with-drawes, but puts not vice in place.
[Page]Who sayes the sunne is cause of vgly night?
Yet when he vailes our eyes from his faire sight,
The gloomie curtaine of the night is spred.
Yee curious sotts, vainly by Nature led,
Where is your vice or vertuous habite now?
Sustine pro nunc doth bend his brow,
And old crabb'd
Scotus on th'organon
Pay'th me with snaphaunce, quick distinction,
Habites that intellectuall termed be,
Are got, or els infus'd from Deitie.
Dull Sorbonist, flie contradiction.
Fye, thou oppung'st the definition.
If one should say,
Of things term'd rationall,
Some reason haue, others meere sensuall.
Would not some freshman reading
Hisse, and deride such blockish foolerie?
Then vice nor vertue haue from habite place,
The one from want, the other sacred grace.
[Page]Infus'd, displac'd, not in our will or force.
But as it please
Iehoua haue remorce.
I will, cryes
Zeno, ô presumption!
I can, thou maist, dogged opinion
Of thwarting Cynicks. To day vicious,
List to their precepts, next day vertuous.
Seneca, thou belchest blasphemy.
To liue from God, but to liue happily
(I heare thee boast,)
from thy Phylosophie,
And from thy selfe, ô rauing lunacie!
Cynicks, yee wound your selues, for Destenie
Ineuitable Fate, Necessitie,
You hold doth sway the acts spirituall,
As well as parts of that we mortall call,
Where's then (
I will?) vvher's that strong Deitie,
You doe ascribe to your Phylosophie?
Confounded Natures brats, can
will and
Haue both theyr seate, & office in your pate?
[Page]O hidden depth of that dread Secrecie,
Which I doe trembling touch in Poetrie!
To day, to day, implore obsequiously,
Trust not
to morrowes will, least vtterly
Yee be attach'd with sad confusion,
In your Grace-tempting lewd presumption.
But I forget; vvhy sweat I out my braine,
In deepe designes, to gay boyes lewd, and vaine?
These notes were better sung, mong better sort,
But to my pamphlet, few saue fooles resort.
Libri primi, finis.
Liber secundus.
Proemium in librum secundum.
I Cannot quote a mott Italienate.
Or brand my Satyres with som Spanish terme.
I cannot with swolne lines magnificate,
Mine owne poore worth, or as immaculate
Task others rimes, as if no blot did staine,
No blemish soile, my young Satyrick vaine.
Nor can I make my soule a merchandize,
Seeking conceits to sute these Artlesse times.
Ordaine for base reward to Poetize:
Soothing the world▪ with oylie flatteries.
Shall mercenary thoughts prouoke me write?
Shall I for lucar be a Parasite?
Shall I once pen for vulgar sorts applause?
To please each hound? each dungie Scauenger?
To fit some Oystar-wenches yawning iawes?
With tricksey tales of speaking Cornish dawes?
First let my braine (bright hair'd
Latonas sonne)
Be cleane distract with all confusion.
VVhat though some
Iohn-á-stile will basely toile,
Onely incited with the hope of gaine,
Though roguie thoughts doe force some iade-like Moile
Yet no such filth my true-borne Muse will soile.
Epictetus, I doe honour thee,
To thinke how rich thou wert in pouertie
Ad Rithmum.
COme prettie pleasing symphonie of words,
Yee wel-match'd twins (whose like-tun'd tongs affords
Such musical delight,) come willingly
And daunce Leuoltoes in my poesie.
Come all as easie, as spruce
Curio will,
In some court hall to showe his capring skill.
As willingly come meete & iumpe together,
As new ioyn'd loues, when they doe clip each other.
As willingly, as wenches trip a round,
About a May-pole, after bagpipes sound.
Come riming numbers, come and grace conceite,
Adding a pleasing close, with your deceit
[Page]Inticing eares. Let not my ruder hand
Seeme once to force you in my lines to stand,
Be not so fearefull (pretty soules) to meete,
Flaccus is the Sergiants face to greete.
Be not so backward loth to grace my sence,
Drusus is, to haue intelligence
His Dad's aliue; but come into my head
As iocondly, as when his vvife was dead
Lelus to his home. Come like-fac'd rime,
In tunefull numbers keeping musicks time.
But if you hange an arse, like
Chremes dragg'd him from his brothell bed,
Then hence base ballad stuffe, my poetrie
Disclaimes you quite, for know my libertie
Scornes riming lawes; Alas poore idle sound,
Since I first
Phoebus knew, I neuer found
Thy interest in sacred Poesie.
Thou to Invention add'st but surquedry,
[Page]A gaudie ornature, but hast no part,
In that soule-pleasing high infused art.
Then if thou wilt clip kindly in my lines,
Welcome thou friendly ayde of my designes.
If not? No title of my sencelesse change
To wrest some forced rime, but freely range.
Yee scrupulous obseruers, goe & learne
Aesops dogge; meate from a shade discerne.
♂ ☿ Totum in toto.
HAnge thy selfe
Drusus, hast nor arms nor brain?
Some Sophy say, the gods sell all for paine.
Not so.
Had not that toyling
Thebane steled back
Dread poysned shafts, liu'd he now, he should lack.
Spight of his farming Oxe-staules.
Themis selfe
Would be casheir'd from one poore scrap of plefe.
If that she were incarnate in our time
Shee might lusk scorned in disdained slime,
Shaded from honor by some enuious mist
Of watry foggs, that fill the ill-stuft list
Of faire Desert, ielous euen of blind darke,
Least it should spie, and at their lamenes barke.
Honors shade, thrusts honors substance frō his place
Tis strange, when shade the substance can disgrace?
[Page]Harsh lines cryes
Curus, vvhose eares nere reioyce
But at the quauering of my Ladies voyce.
Rude limping lines fits this leud halting age,
Sweet senting
Curus, pardon then my rage,
When wisards sweare plaine vertue neuer thriues,
None but
Priapus by plaine dealing vviues.
Thou subtile
Hermes, are the Destinies
Enamor'd on thee? then vp mount the skies.
Aduance, depose, doe euen what thou list,
So long as Fates doe grace thy iugling fist.
Tuscus, hast
Benclarkes armes and strong sinewes,
Large reach, full fedde vaines, ample reuenewes?
Then make thy markets by thy proper arme,
O, brawnie strength is an all-canning charme!
Thou dreadlesse
Thracean, hast
Hallirrhotius slaine?
VVhat? ist not possible thy cause maintaine
Before the dozen
Enagonian, furnish him with slights.
Plutos wrath,
Proserpina can melt,
So that thy sacrifice be freely felt.
What cannot
Iuno force in bed with
Turne and returne a sentence with her loue.
Thou art too duskie. Fie thou shallow Asse,
Put on more eyes, and marke me as I passe.
Well plainely thus,
Sleight, Force, are mighty things,
Frō which, much, (if not most) earths glory springs.
If Vertues selfe, were clad in humane shape,
Vertue without these, might goe beg and scrape.
The naked truth is, a well clothed lie,
A nimble quick-pate mounts to dignitie.
By force, or fraude, that matters not a iot,
So massie wealth may fall vnto thy lot.
I heard old
Albius sweare,
Flavus should haue
His eldest gurle, for
Flavus was a knaue.
A damn'd deep-reaching villaine, & would mount
He durst well warrant him to great account.
[Page]VVhat though he laid forth all his stock & store
Vpon some office, yet he'le gaine much more,
Though purchast deere. Tut, he will trebble it
In some fewe termes, by his extorting wit.
When I in simple meaning went to sewe
For tonge-tide
Damus, that would needs go wooe,
I praysd him for his vertue, honest life,
By God, cryes
Flora, Ile not be his wife.
He'le nere come on. Now I sweare solemlie,
When I goe next, I'le prayse his villanie.
A better field to range in now a dayes,
If vice be vertue, I can all men praise.
What though pale
Maurus paid huge symonies
For his halfe-dozen gelded vicaries.
Yet with good honest cut-throate vsurie,
I feare he'le mount to reuerent dignitie.
O sleight! all-canning sleight! all-damning sleight!
The onely gally-ladder vnto might.
Tuscus is trade falne, yet great hope he'le rise,
For now he makes no count of periuries.
Hath drawne false lights from pitch-black loueries,
Glased his braided ware. Cogs, sweares, and lyes.
Now since he hath the grace, thus gracelesse be
His neighbors sweare, he'le swell with treasurie.
Tut who maintaines, such goods ill got, decay.
No, they'le stick by thy soule, they'le nere away.
Luscus my Lords perfumer had no sale
Vntill he made his wife a brothell stale.
Absurd, the gods sell all for industrie?
When, what's not got by hell-bred villanie?
Codrus my well-fac'd Ladies taile-bearer,
(He that some-times play'th
Flauias vsherer)
I heard one day complaine to
How vigilant, how right obsequious
Modest in carriage, how true in trust,
And yet (alas) nere guerdond with a crust.
[Page]But now I see, he findes by his accounts
That sole
Priapus by plaine dealing mounts.
How now? what droupes the new
Pegasian Inne?
I feare mine host is honest. Tut, beginne
To set vp whore-house. Nere too late to thriue
By any meanes at
Porta Rich' ariue;
Goe vse some sleight, or liue poore
Irus life,
Straight prostitute thy daughter, or thy wife.
And soone be wealthy, but be damn'd with it,
Hath not rich
Mylo then deepe reaching wit?
Faire age!
When tis a high, and hard thing t 'haue repute
Of a compleat villaine, perfect, absolute,
And roguing vertue brings a man defame.
A packstaffe Epethite, and scorned name.
Fie how my with flaggs, how heauily
Me thinks I vent dull sprightlesse poesie.
[Page]What cold black frost congeales my nūmed brain?
What enuious power stops a Satyres vaine?
O now I know, the iugling God of sleights,
With Caduceus nimble
Hermes fights,
And mists my wit. Offended that my rimes
Displaie his odious, world-abusing crimes.
O be propitious, powerfull God of Arts,
I sheathe my weapons, and doe breake my darts,
Be then appeas'd, I'le offer to thy shrine,
Heccatombe, of many spottedkine.
Myriades of beastes shall satisfie thy rage,
Which doe prophane thee in this Apish age.
Infectious blood, yee goutie humors quake
Whilst my sharp Razor doth incision make.
Hem nosti'n.
CVrio, know'st me? vvhy thou bottle-ale,
Thou barmy froth! O stay me, least I raile
Nil vltra, to see this Butterflie,
This windie bubble taske my balladry
With sencelesse censure.
Curio, know'st my spright!
Yet deem'st that in sad seriousnes I write
Such nastie stuffe as is
Such maggot-tainted lewd corruption?
Ha, now he glauers with his fawning snowte,
And swears; he thought, I meant but faintly flowte,
My fine smug ryme. O barbarous dropsie noule!
Think'st thou that
Genius that attends my soule,
And guides my fist to scourge
Wil daigne my mind be ranck'd in
Paphian showes?
Think'st thou, that I, which was create to whip
Incarnate fiends, will once vouchsafe to trip
[Page]A Paunis trauerse? or will lispe (
sweet loue)
Or pule (
Aye me) some female soule to moue?
Think'st thou, that I in melting poesie
Will pamper itching sensualitie?
(That in the bodyes scumme all fatally
Intombes the soules most sacred faculty.)
Hence thou misiudging Censor, know I wrot
Those idle rimes to note the odious spot
And blemish that deformes the lineaments
Of moderne Poesies habiliments.
Oh that the beauties of Invention,
For want of Iudgements disposition
Should all be soyl'd, ô that such treasurie,
Such straines of well-conceited poesie,
Should moulded be, in such a shapelesse forme,
That want of Art, should make such wit a scorne.
Here's one must invocate some lose-legg'd dame,
Some brothell drab, to helpe him stanzaes frame,
[Page]Or els (alas) his wits can haue no vent
To broch conceits industrious intent.
Another yet dares tremblingly come out,
But first he must invoke good
Colyn Clout.
Yon's one hath yean'd a fearefull prodigie,
Some monstrous mishapen Balladry,
His guts are in his braines, huge Iobbernoule,
Right Gurnets-head, the rest without all soule.
Another walkes, is lazie, lyes him downe,
Thinkes, reades, at length some wonted sleep doth crowne
His new falne lids, dreames, straight tenne pound to one,
Out steps some Fayery with quick motion,
And tells him wonders, of some flowrie vale,
Awakes straight, rubs his eyes, and prints his tale.
Yon's one, whose straines haue flowne so high a pitch
That straight he flags, & tumbles in a ditch.
His sprightly hote high-soring poesie
Is like that dreamed of Imagerie,
[Page]Whose head was gold, brest siluer, brassie thigh,
Lead leggs, clay feete; ô faire fram'd poesie.
Here's one, to get an vndeseru'd repute
Of deepe deepe learning, all in fustian sute
Of ill-plac'd farre-fetch'd words attiereth
His period, that all sence forsweareth.
Another makes old
Homer, Spencer cite
Like my
Pigmalion, where, with rare delight
He cryes, O
Ouid. This caus'd my idle quill,
The worlds dull eares with such lewd stuffe to fill,
And gull with bumbast lines, the witlesse sence
Of these odde naggs; whose pates circumference
Is fild with froth! O these same buzzing Gnats
That sting my sleeping browes, these Nilus Rats,
Halfe dung, that haue their life from putrid slime▪
These that doe praise my loose lasciuious rime:
For these same shades I seriously protest
I slubber'd vp that Chaos indigest,
[Page]To fish for fooles, that stalke in goodly shape,
What though in veluet cloake, yet still an Ape.
Capro reads, sweares, scrubs, and sweares againe,
Now by my soule an admirable straine,
Strokes vp his haire, cryes passing passing good,
Oh, there's a line incends his lustfull blood.
Muto comes with his new glasse-set face,
And with his late kist-hand my booke dooth grace,
Straight reades, then smyles & lisps (
tis prety good)
And praiseth that he neuer vnderstood.
But roome for
Flaccus, he'le my Satyres read.
Oh how I trembled straight with inward dread!
But when I saw him read my fustian,
And heard him sweare I was a Pythian,
Yet straight recald, & sweares I did but quote
Out of
Xilinum to that margents note,
I could scarce hold, & keepe my selfe conceal'd,
But had well-nigh my selfe and all reueal'd.
[Page]Then straight comes
Friscus, that neat gentleman,
That newe discarded
Who for he could cry (
Ergo) in the schoole,
Straight-way, with his huge iudgement dares controle
What so'ere he viewes,
that is prety, prety good,
That Epethite hath not that sprightly blood
Which should enforce it speake, that's
Perseus vaine,
Iuvenals, heere's
Horrace crabbed straine,
Though he nere read one line in
Or in his life his lazie eye let fall
On duskie
Perseus. O indignitie
To my respectlesse free-bred poesie.
Hence ye big-buzzing-little-bodied Gnats,
Yee tatling Ecchoes, huge tongu'd pigmy brats,
I meane to sleepe, wake not my slumbring braine
VVith your malignant weake detracting vaine.
VVhat though the sacred issue of my soule
I heare expose to Ideots controule?
[Page]What though I bare to lewd Opinion
Lay ope to vulgar prophanation
My very
Genius. Yet know my poesie
Doth scorne your vtmost, rank'st indignitie.
My pate was great with child, & here tis eas'd,
Vexe all the world, so that thy selfe be pleas'd.
A Cynicke Satyre.
A Man, a man, a kingdome for a man.
Why how now currish mad
Thou Cynick dogge, see'st not streets do swarme
With troupes of men? No, no, for
Circes charme
Hath turn'd them all to swine: I neuer shall
Thinke those same
Samian sawes authenticall,
But rather I dare sweare, the soules of swine
Doe liue in men, for that same radiant shine,
That lustre wherwith natures
Nature decked
Our intellectuall part, that glosse is soyled
With stayning spots of vile impietie,
And muddy durt of sensualitie,
These are no men, but
Ignes fatui, Glowormes, Fictions,
Meteors, Ratts of Nilus, Fantasies,
Colosses, Pictures, Shades, Resemblances.
Ho Linceus!
Seest thou yon gallant in the sumptuous clothes,
How brisk, how spruce, how gorgiously he showes,
Note his French-herring bones, but note no more,
Vnlesse thou spy his fayre appendant whore
That lackyes him. Marke nothing but his clothes,
His new stampt complement, his Cannon oathes.
Marke those, for naught but such lewd viciousnes
Ere graced him, saue Sodom beastlines.
Is this a
Man? Nay, an incarnate deuill,
That struts in vice, and glorieth in euill.
A man, a man: peace Cynick, yon is one,
A compleat soule, of all perfection.
What? mean'st thou him that walks al opē brested?
Drawne through the eare with Ribands, plumy crested?
He that doth snort in fat-fed luxury,
And gapes for some grinding Monopoly?
[Page]He that in effeminate inuention,
In beastly source of all pollution,
In ryot, lust, and fleshly seeming sweetnes,
Sleepes sound secure, vnder the shade of greatnes?
Mean'st thou that sencelesse, sensuall Epicure?
That sinck of filth, that guzzell most impure?
What he?
Linceus on my word thus presume,
He's nought but clothes, & senting sweet perfume.
His very soule, assure thee
Is not so big as is an Atomus:
Nay, he is sprightlesse, sence or soule hath none,
Since last
Medusa turn'd him to a stone.
A man, a man, Loe yonder I espie
The shade of
Nestor in sad grauitie;
Since old
Sylenus brake his Asses back,
He now is forc'd his paunch, and gutts to pack
In a fayre Tumbrell. VVhy sower Satirist
Canst thou vnman him? Here I dare insist
[Page]And soothly say, he is a perfect soule,
Eates Nectar, drinks Ambrosia, saunce controule.
An invndation of felicitie
Fats him with honor, and huge treasurie.
Canst thou not
Linceus cast thy searching eye
And spy his immynent Catastrophe?
He's but a spunge, and shortly needs must leese
His wrong got iuyce, when greatnes fist shal squeese
His liquor out. Would not some, shallowe head,
That is with seeming shadowes onely fed,
Sweare yon same Damaske-coat, yon garded man,
Were some graue sober
Cato Vtican?
When let him but in iudgements sight vncase,
He's naught but budge, old gards, browne foxe-furface
He hath no soule, the which the Stagerite
Term'd rationall, for beastly appetitie.
Base dunghill thoughts, and sensuall action,
Hath made him loose that faire creation.
[Page]And now no man, since
Circes magick charme
Hath turn'd him to a maggot, that doth swarme
In tainted flesh, whose foule corruption
Is his fayre foode, whose generation
Anothers ruine. O
Canaans dread curse
To liue in peoples sinnes. Nay farre more worse
To muck ranke hate. But sirra,
Seest thou that troope that now affronteth vs?
They are naught but Eeles, that neuer will appeare,
Till that tempestuous winds or thunder teare
Their slimie beds. But prithee stay a while,
Looke, yon comes
Iohn-á-noke, and
They'are naught but slow-pac'd, dilatory pleas,
Demure demurrers, still striuing to appease
Hote zealous loue. The language that they speake,
Is the pure barbarous blacksaunt of the
Their onely skill rests in
Abatements, stopples, inhibitions.
[Page]Heauy-pac'd Iades, dull pated Iobernoules,
Quick in delayes, checking with vaine controules
Faire Iustice course, vile necessary euils,
Smooth seeme-Saints, yet damn'd incarnate deuils.
Farre be it from my sharpe Satirick Muse,
Those graue, and reuerent legists to abuse,
That ayde
Astrea, that doe further right:
But these
Megera's that inflame despight,
That broch deepe ranchor, that doe studie still
To ruine right, that they their panch may fill
Irus blood; these Furies I doe meane,
These Hedge-hogs, that disturbe
Astreas Scean.
A man, a man: peace Cynick, yon's a man,
Behold yon sprightly dread
With him I stop thy currish barking chops.
what? meanst thou him, that in his swaggering slops
Wallowes vnbraced all along the streete?
He that salutes each gallant he doth meete,
farewell sweet Captaine, kind hart, adew.
He that last night, tumbling thou didst view
From out the great mans head, and thinking still
He had beene Sentinell of warlike Brill.
Cryes out
Que va la? zownds
Que? and out doth draw
His transformd ponyard, to a
Syrrenge straw,
And stabs the Drawer. What that
Ringo roote?
Mean'st thou that wasted leg, puffe bumbast boote?
What he that's drawne, and quartered with lace?
vvestphalian gamon Cloue-stuck face?
Why, he is naught but huge blaspheming othes,
Swart snowt, big lookes, mishapen Swizers clothes,
Weake meager lust hath now consumed quite,
And wasted cleane away his martiall spright,
Infeebling ryot, all vices confluence,
Hath eaten out that sacred influence
VVhich made him man.
[Page]That diuine part is soak'd away in sinne,
In sensuall lust, and midnight bezeling.
Ranke invndation of luxuriousnes,
Haue tainted him with such grosse beastlines,
That now the seate of that celestiall essence
Is all possest with Naples pestilence.
Fat peace, and dissolute impietie,
Haue lulled him in such securitie,
That now, let vvhirlewinds and confusion teare
The Center of our state, let Giants reare
Hill vpon hill, let westerne
Shake heauens vault, he with his Occupant,
Are cling'd so close, like dew-wormes in the morne,
That he le not stir, till out his gutts are torne
VVith eating filth.
Tubrio snort on, snort on,
Till thou art wak'd with sad confusion.
Now raile no more at my sharpe Cynick sound
Thou brutish world, that in all vilenes drown'd
[Page]Hast lost thy soule, for naught but shades I see,
Resemblances of men inhabite thee.
Yon Tissue slop, yon Holy-crossed pane,
Is but a water-spaniell that will faine
And kisse the water whilst it pleasures him,
But being once arriued at the brim▪
He shakes it off.
Yon in the capring cloake, a Mimick Ape
That onely striues to seeme an others shape.
Aesops Asse, yon sad cruilitie,
Is but an Oxe, that with base drugerie
Eares vp the Land, whilst some gilt Asse doth chaw
The golden wheat; he well apay'd with straw.
Yons but a muckhill ouer-spred with snow,
Which with that vaile doth euen as fairely show
As the greene meades, whose natiue outward faire
Breathes sweet perfumes into the neighbour ayre.
[Page]Yon effeminate sanguine
Is but a Beuer, hunted for the bed.
Cynick, see what yonder doth approach,
A cart? a tumbrell?
no a Badged coach.
What's in't? some man.
No, nor yet woman kinde,
But a celestiall Angell, faire refinde.
The deuill as soone. Her maske so hinders mee
I cannot see her beauties deitie.
Now that is off, shee is so vizarded,
So steep'd in Lemons-iuyce, so surphuled
I cannot see her face, vnder one hood
Too faces, but I neuer vnderstood
Or saw, one face vnder two hoods till now,
Tis the right semblance of old
Ianus brow
Her mask, her vizard, her loose-hanging gowne
For her loose lying body, her bright spangled crown
Her long slit sleeue, stiffe busk, puffe verdingall,
Is all that makes her thus angelicall.
[Page]Alas, her soule struts round about her neck,
Her seate of sence is her rebato set,
Her intellectuall is a fained nicenes
Nothing but clothes, & simpering precisenes.
Out on these puppets, painted Images,
Haberdashers shops, torch-light maskeries,
Perfuming pans, Duch antients, Glowe wormes bright
That soile our soules, and dampe our reasons light:
Away, away, hence Coach-man, goe inshrine
Thy new glas'd puppet in port Esqueline.
Martia, feare not, or looke pale, all's one,
Margara keepes thy set complexion.
Sure I nere thinke those axioms to be true,
That soules of men, from that great soule ensue,
And of his essence doe participate
As't vvere by pypes, when so degenerate,
So aduerse is our natures motion,
To his immaculate condition:
[Page]That such foule filth, from such faire puritie,
Such sensuall acts from such a Deitie,
Can nere proceed. But if that dreame were so,
Then sure the slime that from our soules doe flow,
Haue stopt those pipes by which it was conuai'd,
And now no humane creatures, once disrai'd
Of that fayre iem.
sence, plants
growth, like being as a stone,
But out alas, our
Cognisance is gone.
Finis libri Secundi.
Proemium in librum tertium.
IN serious iest, and iesting seriousnes
I striue to scourge poluting beastlines.
I invocate no
Delian Deitie,
Nor sacred of-spring of
I pray in ayde of no
Castalian Muse,
No Nimph, no femall Angell to infuse
A sprightly wit to raise my flagging wings,
And teach me tune these harsh discordant strings:
I craue no Syrens of our Halcion times,
To grace the accents of my rough-hew'd rimes;
But grim
Reproofe, stearne Hate of villanie,
Inspire and guide a Satyres poesie.
Detestation of foule odious sinne,
In which our swinish times lye wallowing.
[Page]Be thou my conduct and my
My wits inciting sweet breath'd
O that a Satyres hand had force to pluck
Some fludgate vp, to purge the world from muck:
VVould God I could turne
Alpheus riuer in
To purge this
Augean oxstaule from foule sin.
Well, I will try, awake impuritie,
And view the vaile drawne from thy villanie.
Inamorato Curio.
CVrio, aye me! thy mistres Monkey's dead,
Alas, alas, her pleasures buried.
Goe womans slaue, performe his exequies,
Condole his death in mournfull Elegies.
Tut, rather Peans sing
For that sad death giues life to thy delight.
Sweet fac'd
Corinna, daine the riband tie
Of thy Cork-shooe, or els thy slaue will die:
Some puling Sonnet toles his passing bell,
Some sighing Elegie must ring his knell,
Vnlesse bright sunshine of thy grace reuiue
His wambling stomack, certes he will diue
Into the vvhirle-poole of deuouring death,
And to some Mermaid sacrifice his breath.
Then oh,
oh then, to thy eternall shame,
And to the honour of sweet
Curios name,
[Page]This Epitaph vpon the Marble stone,
Must fayre be grau'd of that true louing one;
Heere lyeth hee, hee lyeth heere, that bounc'd, and pitty cryed,
The doore not op'd, fell sicke alas, alas fell sicke, and dyed.
Mirmidon, or hard
What sauage minded rude
But such a sweet pathetique
Would force to laughter? Ho
Thou art no Cuckold, what though
Ioue dallied
During thy warres, in faire
Alckmenas bed,
Hercules true borne, that imbecilitie
Of corrupt nature all apparantly
Appeares in him, ô foule indignitie,
I heard him vow himselfe a slaue to
Puling (
aye mee) ô valours obloquie!
Hee that the inmost nookes of hell did know,
Whose nere craz'd prowesse all did ouer-throw,
[Page]Lies streaking brawnie limmes in weakning bed,
Perfum'd, smooth kemb'd, new glaz'd faire surphuled,
O that the boundlesse power of the soule
Should be subiected to such base controule!
Big limm'd
Alcides, doffe thy honors crowne
Goe spin huge slaue least
Omphale should frowne.
By my best hopes, I blush with greefe and shame
To broach the peasant basenes of our name.
O now my ruder hand begins to quake,
To thinke what loftie Cedars I must shake:
But if the canker fret the barkes of Oakes,
Like humbler shrubs shal equall beare the stroakes
Of my respectlesse rude Satyrick hand,
Vnlesse the Destin's adamantine band
Should tie my teeth, I cannot choose but bite
To view
Mauortius metamorphiz'd quite
To puling sighes, & into (
aye me's) state,
With voyce distinct, all fine articulate
Lisping, Fayre saint, my woe compassionate,
By heauen thine eye is my soule-guiding fate.
The God of wounds, had wont on
Cyprian couch
To streake himselfe, and with incensing touch
To faint his force onely when wrath had end:
But now, mong furious garboiles, he doth spend
His feebled valour, in tilt and turneing,
With wet turn'd kisses, melting dallying.
A poxe apon't, that
Bacchis name should be
The watch-word giuen to the soulderie.
Goe troupe to fielde, mount thy obscured fame,
Cry out
S. George, invoke thy Mistres name;
Thy Mistres, and
S. George, alarum cry,
Weake force, weake ayde that sprouts from luxurie.
Thou tedious workmanship of lust-stung
Downe from thy skies, enioy our females loue,
Some fiftie more
Beotian gerles well sue
To haue thy loue, (so that thy back be true.)
[Page]O now me thinks I heare swart
Martius cry
Souping along in warrs fain'd maskerie,
Lais starrie sront he'le forth-with die
In cluttred blood, his Mistres liuorie.
Her fancies colours waues vpon his head,
O well fenc'd
Albion, mainly manly sped,
When those that are Soldadoes in thy state,
Doe beare the badge of base, effeminate,
Euen on their plumie crests, brutes sensuall,
Hauing no sparke of intellectuall.
Alack, what hope? when some ranck nasty wench
Is subiect of their vowes and confidence?
Publius hates vainely to idolatries,
And laughs that Papists honor Images,
And yet (ô madnes) these mine eyes did see
Him melt in mouing plaints, obsequiously
Imploring fauour, twining his kind armes,
Vsing inchauntments, exorcismes, charmes.
[Page]The oyle of Sonnets, wanton blandishment,
The force of teares, & seeming languishment,
Vnto the picture of a painted lasse:
I saw him court his Mistres looking-glasse,
Worship a busk-poynt, (which in secrecie
I feare was conscius of strange villanie.)
I saw him crouch, deuote his liuelihood,
Sweare, protest, vow pesant seruitude
Vnto a painted puppet, to her eyes
I heard him sweare his sighes to sacrifice.
But if he get her itch-allaying pinne,
O sacred relique, straight he must beginne
To raue out-right, then thus.
Celestiall blisse,
Can heauen grant so rich a grace as this?
Touch it not (by the Lord Sir) tis diuine,
It once beheld her radiant eyes bright shine:
Her haire imbrac'd it, ô thrice happie prick
That there was thron'd, and in her haire didst sticke.
[Page]Kisse, blesse, adore it
Publius, neuer linne,
Some sacred vertue lurketh in the pinne.
O frantick fond pathetique passion!
Ist possible such sensuall action
Should clip the wings of contemplation?
O can it be the spirits function,
The soule not subiect to dimension,
Should be made slaue to reprehension
Of craftie natures paint? Fie, can our soule
Be vnderling to such a vile controule?
Saturio wish'd him selfe his Mistres buske,
That he might sweetly lie, and softly luske
Betweene her pappes, then must he haue an eye
At eyther end, that freely might discry
Both hills and dales. But out on
That wish'd he were his Mistres puppie cur, to goe
And licke his Mistres fist, ô prettie grace,
That prettie
Phrigio begs but Pretties place.
Parthenophell, thy wish I will omit,
So beastly tis I may not vtter it.
Punicus, of all I'le beare with thee,
That faine would'st be thy Mistres smug Munkey,
Here's one would be a flea, (iest comicall)
Another his sweet Ladies verdingall
To clip her tender breech; Another he
Her siluer-handled fanne would gladly be,
Here's one would be his Mistres neck-lace faine,
To clip her faire, and kisse her azure vaine.
Fond fooles, well wish'd, and pittie but should bee,
For beastly shape to brutish soules agree.
Lauras painted lip doe daine a kisse
To her enamor'd slaue,
ô heauens blisse
(Straight he exclaimes)
not to be match'd with this!
Blaspheming dolt, goe three-score sonnets write
Vpon a pictures kisse, ô rauing spright!
[Page]I am not saplesse, old, or rumatick,
Hipponax mishapen stigmatick,
That I should thus inueigh gainst amorous spright
Of him whose soule doth turne
But I doe sadly grieue, and inly vexe
To view the base dishonors of our sexe.
Tush, guiltles Doues, when Gods to force foule rapes,
Will turne themselues to any brutish shapes.
Base bastard powers, whom the world doth see
Traus-form'd to swine for sensuall luxurie;
The sonne of
Saturne is become a Bull,
To crop the beauties of some female trull.
Now, when he hath his first wife
Metim sped,
And fairely chok'd, least foole gods should be bred
Of that fond Mule.
Themis his second wife
Hath turn'd away, that his vnbrideled life
Might haue more scope. Yet last his sisters loue
Must satiate the lustfull thoughts of
[Page]Now doth the lecher in a Cuckowes shape
Commit a monstrous and incestuous rape.
Thrice sacred gods, and ô thrice blessed skies
Whose orbes includes such vertuous deities!
What should I say? Lust hath confounded all
The bright glosse of our intellectuall
Is fouly soyl'd. The wanton wallowing
In fond delights, and amorous dallying,
Hath dusk'd the fairest splendour of our soule:
Nothing now left, but carkas, lothsome, foule.
For sure, if that some spright remained still,
Could it be subiect to lewd
Lais will?
Reason by prudence in her function
Had wont to tutor all our action.
Ayding with precepts of philosophy
Our feebled natures imbecilitie:
But now affection, will, concupiscence,
Haue got o're Reason chiefe preheminene.
[Page]Tis so, els how, how should such basenes taint
As force it be made slaue to natures paint?
Me thinkes the spirits Pegase
Should hoise the soule from such base slauery,
But now I see, and can right plainly show
Frō whence such abiect thoughts & actions grow.
Our aduerse body, beeing earthly, cold,
Heauie, dull, mortall, would not long infold
A stranger inmate, that was backward still
To all his dungie, brutish, sensuall will:
Now here-vpon▪ our Intellectuall,
Compact of fire all celestiall,
Invisible, immortall, and diuine,
Grewe straight to scorne his Land-lordes muddy slime.
And therefore now is closely slunke avvay
(Leauing his smoakie house of mortall clay)
Adorn'd with all his beauties lineaments
And brightest iemms of shining ornaments.
[Page]His parts diuine, sacred, spirituall
Attending on him, leauing the sensuall
Base hangers on, lusking at home in slime,
Such as wont to stop port Esqueline.
Now doth the body ledde with sencelesse will,
(The which in reasons absence ruleth still)
Raue, talke idlie, as't were some deitie
Adoring female painted puppetry
Playing at put-pin, doting on some glasse
(Which breath'd but on his falsed glosse doth passe)
Toying with babies, and with fond pastime
Some childrens sport, deflowring of chast time,
Imploying all his wits in vaine expence,
Abusing all his organons of sence.
Returne, returne, sacred
Inspire our truncks, let not such mud as this
Pollute vs still. Awake our lethargie,
Raise vs from out our brain-sicke foolerie.
Here's a toy to mocke an Ape indeede.
Reproofe, sparkle with threatning eye
Bend thy sower browes in my tart poesie.
Auant yee curres, houle in some cloudie mist,
Quake to behold a sharp-fang'd Satyrist.
O how on tiptoes proudly mounts my Muse,
Stalking a loftier gate then Satyres vse.
Me thinkes some sacred rage warmes all my vaines,
Making my spright mount vp to higher straines
Then wel beseemes a rough-tongu'd Satyres part,
But Art curbs Nature, Nature guildeth Art.
Come downe yee Apes, or I will strip you quite,
Baring your bald tayles to the peoples sight.
Yee Mimick slaues, what are you percht so high?
Downe Iack an Apes from thy fain'd roialtie.
What furr'd with beard, cas'd in a Satin sute
Iudiciall Iack? how hast thou got repute
[Page]Of a sound censure? O ideot times,
Whē gawdy Monkeyes mowe ore sprightly rimes!
O world of fooles, when all mens iudgement's set
And rests vpon some mumping Marmuset!
Yon Athens Ape (that can but simperingly
auditores humanissimi,
Bound to some seruile imitation,
Can with much sweat patch an Oration,
Now vp he comes, and with his crooked
Presumes to squint on some faire Poesie;
And all as thanklesse as vngratefull Thames
He slinkes away, leauing but reeching steames
Of dungie slime behind, all as ingrate
He vseth it, as when I satiate
My sparsiels paunch, who straight perfumes the roome,
With his tailes filth: so this vnciuill groome,
Ill-tutor'd pedant,
Mortimers numbers
With muck-pit esculine filth bescumbers.
[Page]Now th' Ape chatters, and is as malecontent
As a bill-patch'd doore, whose entrailes out haue sent
And spewd theyr tenant.
My soule adores iudiciall schollership,
But when to seruile imitatorship
Some spruce Athenian pen is prentized,
Tis worse then Apish. Fie, bee not flattered
With seeming worth, fond affectation
Befits an Ape, and mumping Babilon.
O what a tricksie lerned nicking straine
Is this applauded, sencles, modern
nō ledere, sed ludere non lanea, sed linea non ictus, sed nictus potius.
When late I heard it frō sage
Mutius lips
How il me thought such wanton Iigging skips
Beseem'd his grauer speech. Farre flie thy fame
Most, most, of me belou'd, whose silent name
One letter bounds. Thy true iudiciall stile
I euer honour, and if my loue beguile
[Page]Not much my hopes, then thy vnvalued worth
Shall mount faire place, whē Apes are turned forth.
I am too milde, reach me my scourge againe,
O yon's a pen speakes in a learned vaine.
Deepe, past all sence. Lanthorne & candle light,
Here's all invisible,
all ment all spright.
What hotchpotch, giberidge, doth the Poet bring?
How strangely speakes? yet sweetly doth he sing.
I once did know a tinckling Pewterer,
That was the vildest stumbling stutterer
That euer hack'd and hew'd our natiue tongue,
Yet to the Lute if you had heard him sung,
Iesu how sweet he breath'd. You can apply.
O sencelesse prose, iudiciall poesie,
How ill you'r link'd. This affectation,
To speake beyond mens apprehension,
How Apish tis. When all in fusten sute
Is cloth'd a huge
nothing, all for repute
[Page]Of profound knowledge, whē profoūdnes knowes
There's nought containd, but only seeming showes.
Old Iack of Parris-garden, canst thou get
A faire rich sute, though fouly runne in debt?
Looke smug, smell sweet, take vp commodities,
Keepe whores, fee baudes, belch impious blasphemies,
Wallow along in swaggering disguise,
Snuffe vp smoak whiffs, & each morne fore she rise
Visite thy drab? Canst vse a false cut Die
With a cleane grace, and glib faciliie?
Canst thunder cannon oathes, like th'ratling
Of a huge, double, full-charg'd culuering?
Then Iack troupe mong our gallants, kisse thy fist,
And call them brothers. Say a Satyrist
Sweares they are thine in neere affinitie.
All coosin germaines, saue in villanie.
For (sadly truth to say) what are they els
But imitators of lewd beastlines?
[Page]Farre worse then Apes; for mow, or scratch your pate,
It may be some odde Ape will imitate.
But let a youth that hath abus'd his time,
In wronged trauaile, in that hoter clime,
Swoope by old Iack, in clothes Italienate:
And I'le be hang'd if he will imitate
His strange fantastique sute shapes.
Or let him bring or'e beastly luxuries,
Some hell-deuised lustfull villanies,
Euē Apes & beasts would blush with natiue shame,
And thinke it foule dishonour to their name,
Their beastly name, to imitate such sin
As our lewd youths doe boast and glory in.
Fie, whether doe these Monkeys carry mee?
Their very names doe soile my poesie.
Thou world of Marmosets and mumping Apes,
Vnmaske, put of thy fained borrowed shapes.
[Page]Why lookes neate
Curus all so simperingly?
Why babbles thou of deepe Diuinitie?
And of that sacred testimoniall?
Liuing voluptuous like a
Good hath thy tongue: but thou ranke Puritan,
I'le make an Ape as good a Christian.
I'le force him chatter, turning vp his eye
Looke sad, goe graue. Demure ciuilitie
Shall seeme to say,
Good brother, sister deere,
As for the rest, to snort in belly cheere,
To bite, to gnaw, and boldly intermell
With sacred things, in which thou doost excell,
Vnforc'd he'le doe. O take compassion
Euen on your soules, make not religion
A bawde to lewdnes. Ciuill
Clip not the youth of
With vnchast armes. Disguised
I'le teare thy maske, and bare thee to the eyne
[Page]Of hissing boyes, if to the Theaters
I finde thee once more come for lecherers
To satiate? Nay, to tyer thee with the vse
Of weakning lust. Yee fainers, leaue t'abuse
Our better thoughts with your hipocisie,
Or by the euer-liuing Veritie,
I'le stryp you nak'd, and whyp you with my rimes,
Causing your shame to liue to after times.
SLeep grim
Reproofe, my iocond Muse dooth sing
In other keyes, to nimbler fingering.
Dull sprighted
Melancholy, leaue my braine
To hell
Cimerian night, in liuely vaine
I striue to paint, then hence all darke intent
And sullen frownes, come sporting meriment,
Cheeke dimpling laughter, crowne my very soule
With iouisance, whilst mirthfull iests controule
The goutie humours of these pride-swolne dayes,
Which I doe long vntill my pen displaies.
O I am great with mirth, some midwifrie,
Or I shall breake my sides at vanitie.
Roome for a capering mouth, whose lips nere stur,
But in discoursing of the gracefull slur:
Who euer heard spruce skipping
Ere prate of ought, but of the whirle on toe.
[Page]The turne aboue ground,
Robrus sprauling kicks,
Fabius caper,
Harries tossing tricks?
Did euer any eare, ere heare him speake
Vnlesse his tongue of crosse-poynts did intreat?
His teeth doe caper whilst he eates his meate,
His heeles doe caper, whilst he takes his seate,
His very soule, his intellectuall
Is nothing but a mincing capreall.
He dreames of toe-turnes, each gallant hee doth meete
He fronts him with a trauers in the streete,
Prayse but
Orchestra, and the skipping art,
You shall commaund him, faith you haue his hart
Euen capring in your fist. A hall, a hall,
Roome for the Spheres, the Orbes celestiall
Will daunce
Kemps Iigge. They'le reuel with neate iumps
A worthy Poet hath put on their Pumps?
O wits quick trauers, but
sance ceo's slow,
Good faith tis hard for nimble
[Page]Yee gracious Orbs, keepe the old measuring,
All's spoyld if once yee fall to capering.
Luscus what's playd to day? faith now I know
I set thy lips abroach, from whence doth flow
Naught but pure
Iuliat and
Say, who acts best?
Drusus, or
Now I haue him, that nere of ought did speake
But when of playes or Plaiers he did treate.
H'ath made a common-place booke out of plaies,
And speakes in print, at least what ere he sayes
Is warranted by Curtaine
If ere you heard him courting
Lesbias eyes;
Say (Curteous Sir) speakes he not mouingly
From out some new pathetique Tragedie?
He writes, he railes, he iests, he courts, what not,
And all from out his huge long scraped stock
Of well penn'd playes.
[Page]Oh come not within distance,
Martius speakes,
Who nere discourseth but of fencing feates,
counter times, finctures, slye
resolute Stoccataes,
Of the quick change, with wiping
carricado, with th'
Oh, by Iesu Sir, (me thinks I heare him cry)
The honourable fencing mistery,
Who doth not honor? Then fals he in againe,
Iading our eares, and some-what must be saine
Of blades, and Rapier-hilts, of surest garde,
Vincentio, and the
Burgonians ward.
This bumbast foile-button I once did see
By chaunce, in
Liuias modest companie,
When after the
God-sauing ceremonie,
For want of talke-stuffe, falls to foinerie,
Out goes his Rapier, and to
He showes the ward by
puncta reuersa.
incarnata. Nay, by the blessed light,
Before he goes, he'le teach her how to fight
And hold her weapon. Oh I laught amaine,
To see the madnes of this
Martius vaine.
But roome for
Tuscus, that iest-mounging youth,
Who nere did ope his Apish gerning mouth
But to retaile and broke anothers wit.
Discourse of what you will, he straight can fit
Your present talke, with,
Sir, I'le tell a iest
(Of some sweet Lady, or graund Lord at least)
Then on he goes. And nere his tongue shall lye
Till his ingrossed iests are all drawne dry;
But then as dumbe as
Maurus, when at play
H'ath lost his crownes, and paun'd his trim array.
He doth naught but retaile iests, breake but one
Out flies his table-booke, let him alone,
He'le haue 't i-fayth; Lad, hast an Epigram,
Wilt haue it put into the chaps of Fame?
Tuscus coppies, sooth as his owne wit
His propper issue he will father it.
O that this Eccho, that doth speake, spet, write
Naught but the excrements of others spright,
This ill-stuft truncke of iests, vvhose very soule
Is but a heape of Iibes, should once inroule
His name mong creatures termed rationall,
whose cheefe repute, whose sence, whose soule & al
Are fedde with offall scrapes, that sometimes fal
From liberall wits, in their large festiuall.
Come a loft Iack, roome for a vaulting skip,
Roome For
Torquatus, that nere op'd his lip
But in prate of
pummado reuersa,
Of the nimble tumbling
Now on my soule, his very intelect
Is naught but a curuetting
Hush, hush, cryes (honest
Phylo) peace, desist,
Doost thou not tremble sower Satyrist
[Page]Now iudiciall
Musus readeth thee?
He'le whip each line, he'le scourge thy balladry,
Good fayth he will. Phylo I prethee stay
Whilst I the humour of this dogge display:
He's naught but censure, wilt thou credite me,
He neuer wrote one line in poesie,
But once at Athens in a theame did frame
A paradox in prayse of Vertues name,
Which still he huggs, and lulls as tenderly
As cuckold
Tisus his wifes bastardie.
Well, here's a challenge, I flatly say he lyes
That heard him ought but censure Poesies.
Tis his discourse, first hauing knit the brow,
Stroke vp his fore-top, champed euery row,
Belcheth his slauering censure on each booke
That dare presume euen on
Medusa looke.
I haue no Artists skill in simphonies,
Yet when some pleasing Diapason flies
[Page]From out the belly of a sweet touch'd Lute,
My eares dares say tis good, or when they sute
Some harsher seauens for varietie,
My natiue skill discernes it presently.
What then? Will any sottish dolt repute
Or euer thinke me
Orpheus absolute?
Shall all the world of Fidlers follow me,
Relying on my voyce in musickrie?
Musus here's
Rhodes, lets see thy boasted leape,
Or els avaunt lewd curre, presume not speake,
Or with thy venome-sputtering chapps to barke
Gainst well-pend Poems, in the tongue-tied darke.
O for a humour, looke who yon doth goe,
The meager lecher, lewd
Tis he that hath the sole monopolie
By patent, of the Suburbe lecherie.
No new edition of drabbs comes out,
But seene and allow'd by
Luxurios snout.
[Page]Did euer any man ere heare him talke
But of Pick-hatch, or of some Shorditch baulke,
Aretines filth, or of his wandring whore,
Of some
Cynedian, or of
Ruscus nastie lothsome brothell rime,
That stincks like
Aiax froth, or muck-pit slime.
The newes he tells you, is of some new flesh,
Lately broke vp, spanne new, hote piping fresh;
The curtesie he showes you, is some morne
To giue you
Venus fore her smock be on.
His eyes, his tongue, his soule, his all is lust,
VVhich vengeance and confusion follow must.
Out on this salt humour, letchers dropsie,
Fie, it doth soyle my chaster poesie.
O spruce! How now
Piso, Aurelius Ape,
What strange disguise, what new deformed shape
Doth hold thy thoughts in contemplation?
Faith say, what fashion art thou thinking on?
[Page]A stitch'd Taffata cloake, a payre of slops
Of Spanish leather? O who heard his chops
Ere chew of ought, but of some strange disguise.
This fashion-mounger, each morne fore he rise
Contemplates sute shapes, & once frō out his bed,
He hath them straight full liuely portraied.
And then he chukes, and is as proude of this,
Taphus when he got his neighbours blisse.
All fashions since the first yeere of this Queene,
May in his studdie fairely drawne be seene,
And all that shall be to his day of doome,
You may peruse within that little roome.
For not a fashion once dare show his face,
But from neate
Pyso first must take his grace.
The long fooles coat, the huge slop, the lugg'd boot
From mimick
Piso, all doe claime their roote.
O that the boundlesse power of the soule
Should be coop'd vp in fashioning some roule!
[Page]But ô,
Suffenus, (that dooth hugge, imbrace
His propper selfe, admires his owne sweet face,
Prayseth his owne faire limmes proportion,
Kisseth his shade, recounteth all alone
His owne good parts) who enuies him? not I,
For well he may, without all riualrie.
Fie, whether's fledde my sprights alacritie?
How dull I vent this humorous poesie.
In fayth I am sad, I am possest with ruth,
To see the vainenes of fayre
Albions youth;
To see their richest time euen wholy spent
In that which is but Gentries ornament.
Which beeing meanely done, becomes them well,
But when with deere times losse they doe excell,
How ill they doe things well. To daunce & sing,
To vault, to fence, & trot a ring
With good grace, meanely done. O what repute
They doe beget, but beeing absolute,
[Page]Egging his maister to proceed from this,
And get the substance of celestiall blisse.
His Lord straight calls his parliament of sence,
But still the sensuall haue preheminence.
The poore soules better part so feeble is,
So cold and dead is his
That shadowes by odde chaunce somtimes are got,
But ô the substance is respected not.
Here ends my rage, though angry brow was bent,
Yet I haue sung in sporting merriment.