AS I laye musing in my bedde alone
My pyllowe remouinge. For slepe was gone
So troubled was my spirite by greuous agonye
Consideryng the state and staye of our beleue
The ofte chaunging therof christen hartes doth greue
Which standeth in no staye, it is the more pitie
God geue vs grace our lyues to amende
And true fayth in Englande agayne sende
For lacke of grace we haue gone astraye
Ensuing the steppes of wickednes alwaye
Our soules and bodyes by synne is corrupted
The thinges that of olde to God was begonne
We fondely agayne haue them fordonne
The badde for the good vnsemely placed
Experience hath taught vs it is well knowen
That euil men haue reped, that good men haue sowen
When Adam dyd lyue with Eue his wyfe
Genes. 3.
The serpent begonne to sowe some stryfe
Betwene our lorde and the soule of man
Perswadyng the woman of the appell to eate
Promysyng her wysedome therby to gette
Where sinne was vnknowē, there then it began
Thus by the breakyng of Gods cōmaundement
Mans soule was caught captyue by death to shent
Genes. 9.
When Abell and Cayne fyrst dyd begynne
[Page]Of their fruites to offer y
t then were growinge
On the earth to the lorde in worthy sacrifyce
Cayn slewe Abell there in that stede
With the Iawe bone of an Asse as we reade
Because the lorde dyd hys oblation despyse,
When oblation and sacrifice here first beganne
The deuill set stryfe betwene man and man
As the people beganne to encrease in number,
With vnclennes theyr soules they dyd incūber
Genes. 6.7.
That God dyd repent that euer he made man
And for that they would not repent & amende
The rayne from heauen to y
e earth dyd ascende
Wherwith was distroyed all creatures than
Thus was the worlde destroyed for synne
But Noye hadde an Arcke to saue hym in
When the floude was ended, then Noye gods preacher
Beganne fyrst to buylde to God an Iultare
Whereon he dyd offer swete incense & sacrifice
Which was so well accepted to God in heauen
That he sayde he would neuer dystroye agayne
All creatures from the earth by glage or otherwise
Genes. 22. Leuit. 9. Matth. 5.
Then aultares was vsed as the bokes doth tel
Of the Leuites, patriarkes, prophetes, & gospel
The Aungell to Abram from the lorde was sent
That Isaac his sonne in sacrifice should present
Genes. 10.
Vnto the lorde for so was his wyll
Abram then stode not this message to reason
But went with his sonne wyth all expedition
[Page]Vnto the mounte there Isaac to kyll
To sacrifice his sonne, Abram was content
As the lorde him selfe had geuen cōmaundemēt
Here maye you se thoughe some will prate
The aulter and sacrifice was not deuised of late
As the stories olde dothe truely tell
When Hanna the baren dyd fast and praye
1. Regum. 1.
And sacrifice to the lord as the storye doth saye
He gaue hyr a sonne, that hyte Samuell
With prayer and oblation God was pleased
The troubled hart, he therfore hath eased
When the Citezins of Niniue wickedly did liue
Ionas was sent them warning to geue
Within fortye dayes there subuersion to be
The Kyng in all the hast, sent commaundement then
That all shoulde repent, both woman and man
Their clothes not rendinge but their hartes inwardely
Thus by repentaunce, the Citie was saued
By prayer and fastynge, their paynes released
Israell beynge plaged with mortall Pestilence
2. Regū. 2.4.
Bauyd it knew it was for his insolence
From numberyng the people, from Dan to Bersaba
Then Dauid did cause to reare vppe an aultare
Wherevnto the lord he did sacrifice and offer
To cesse the plage of Israell and Iuda
When the people of olde the lorde had offended
By sacrifice acceptable their sinnes they clensed
Salamon the kyng and most wise of fame
3. Regum. 6.
Builded a temple to Gods honour and name
With ryches aboundant he dyd it beautyfye
Ceder, Oliue, & palme tree, there was not skant
Tynne, Copper, Syluer, nor Golde did there wante
Neyther stones precious or ornamentes costely
Of sockes and lauers, there was many a one
All of bryght brasse, they were made eche one
An aultare of Golde vnto the lorde he made
A tabell of the same, where the swete bread was layde
And Candelstickes ten on the aulcare standing
The lampes and flowers of golde were pure
Boules, peces, spones, and euerye masure
Rychely was wrought, for no coste sparinge
3. Regum.
Here may you see that the good fathers of olde
Destroyed no Aultares, but made some of golde
Many very fondly in argument doth stande
Act. 7.
That God doth not dwell in temple made with hande
As though the scripture ment so playnely
The heauens & whole earth are insufficient
God to attayne or kepe, a tyme or moment
But where his will is, there will he be
Yet is the churche an house to God buylded
Matth. 2.1. Esay 5.6
A place for his name, there euer to be praysed
Some thyng it is but labour loste
To bestowe on the churche one peny of coste
In Cope, crosse, or vestiment, or any other iewel
[Page]For sacrifice or offeringe God doth not care
Esay 58.
To fede the hungrye, and the oppressed to spare
Of suche good workes, the scrypture doth tell
This do they surmyse deuotion to oppresse
Counterfeyting holynes, and meaning nothing lesse
Matth. 2.
Christ hym selfe at his byrth was contente
To receaue of the kynges their offerynge and present
That they in the stable to hym dyd offer
And when he was of twelue yeares of age
Luke 2.
He came with his mother and his father sage
To offer in Ierusalem, accordyng to the maner
Thus our lorde Iesus would not in no wise
Offend the lawe thoughe we it despyse
Christ knowyng ryght well his death to drawe neare
Matth. 22.
He sent for an Asse, as it doth well appeare
Theron for to ryde to Ierusalem wyllingly
Some cutte downe bowes, and before him they strawed
Some put of their garmentes, & in the way thē layed
Syngynge altogether, Osanna God on hye
God was contente the people shoulde adore
With Body and goodes, he gaue it therfore
In all tymes past, suche was the Conclusion
When scysmes hathe bene, then true Religion
Was falsely peruerted as the booke sayes
Since the time that Peter in Rome dyd rayne
[Page]There hath bene scysmes, twenty and twayne
Petrus de Aliaco in concordantia theologie cū Astronomia. ca. 58.
This now excepted, begonne in oure dayes
Lyke to this scysme in this Realme neuer was
With so great destruction to sone now alas
Fiftene hundred yeares past we in writing find
Synce Lucy was Kyng of Englande by kynde
Whyche sent to the Pope called
That he woulde send or els sone come
This Realme to cōuerte to holy Christendome
Which sent Damian with his fellow Forganus
Then was this Realme to Christ conuerted
Which we agayne hath falsely subuerted
Although frō Rome these preachers were sent
To Christen this Realme by y
• Kinges consent
Shoulde we therfore our fayth agayne denye
Christ in Bethleē Iurie, a poore citie was borne
Matth 2. Luke. 27
In stable amōg beastes y
t fedde were with corne
Should this dimynyshe his power or his glorie
To gods pleasure & wil hūble soules shuld
To his workes & wordes, & not against thē saye
Trouble not thy braines thy faith for to skanne
For God is a great God, & thou a symple man
Yet is not in thy thought, to searche oute his wysdome
Eccle. 3. Rom. 11. Psal. l 18. Matth. 26. Marke. 14. Luke. 22. Iohan 6. 1 Cor. 11.
All thing of nothinge with his worde he made
The bread eke his body, when he the word sayd
And so to remayne tyll he agayne come
The Euagelistes & Apostle of this doth recorde
Saying take and eate the body of ouer Lord
Vpon this Scripture, & Christes owne saying
The sacrifice of the Masse toke the begynnyng
The Apostles thē selfes the same hath begonne
Alpheus in the selfe same yeare
Sayde Masse in Ierusalem, as it doth appeare
At the Penticost after Christes Ascention
This is not newe, thoughe foles surmyse
Agaynst the Masse to counterfeyte lyes
Iames the lesse in Ierusalem byshop did raigne
Eusebius in historia ecclessiastica. lib. 3. Ieronimus de uiris illustrisbus.
Peter in Antioche & in the East lādes certaine
And so in Rome twenty yeares and fiue
Andrewe to the Grekes in Constantinople did preache
Egeas Christ crucified he dyd well teache
In legenda Andreae.
The lambe dayly offered, and yet styll alyue
These thre Apostles sayd Masse in their dayes
Thoughe Satans satyllites agaynst it sayes
When this Iames was made fyrst byshoppe of Ierusalem
They ordeyned him ministers & deacons seuen
As the Actes of the Apostles dothe wel testyfie
Act. 6.
Stephen, Philip, procures: Timō & Permenas
With the other also, Nichanor, and Nicolas
Whych ministred to the people wel & worthely
Act. 2.
This was ordeined by y
e Apostles whole cōsent
According to the auctoritie, that God them sent
Ambrose. Ieronimus.
Many nowe dothe muse and fondely can chatte
Where Rome this auctoritie fyrst them gatte
Synce thay are but men, euen as we be
This auctoritie to y
e place forsoth was not geuē
[Page]The holy gost to y
e Apostles was sent frō heauē
Act. 2.
Them to ende we with power and auctorytie
Whych ordeined by lotte the Apostle Mathias
To be on the stede of the traytoure Iudas
Thus had the Apostles power as you may see
To ordeine in y
e churche ministers of eche degre
Ieronimus de uiris illustribus.
The people to gods lore and rules for to call
In al publike weales, wher good order is skant
There loue, rest, and ryches doth euer want
And sodenly are trapped in daungerous thrall
Matth. 12.
That realme or monarche can not long endure
Where good order doth want, you may be sure
The shyppe without guyde longe can not saile
Matth. 12. Iacob. 3.
Neyther can the puisantes of men preuayle
Withoute good rule, and order decente
In tyme all thynges hadde their begynnyng
And so in tyme shall returne to their endyng
For so it is ordeyned by gods iust consent
Eccle. 3.
We may not impute it as a faulte or cryme
That y
e Apostles and fathers ordeined in their tyme
When faith in England beganne first to springe
The Priestes in the churches did dayly Masse syng
And so dyd contynue and styll holde an
Tyll at the last as the storyes dothe tell
A kynge here dyd raygne, that faithe dyd expel
Dioclusion by name, that slewe saynt Albon
This man is holden as a martyr full good
And the other a tirant cruel and woode
Iosephus libr. 20.
Gayus Decius, Herode, and cruel Hero
Persecuted y
e churches with other tirantes mo
To kill and to slea was all their whole delyte
Peter and Andrewe on the crosse they spredde
Act. 12.
Iames they slewe, and Paule lost his hedde
Thus at goddes seruantes they hadde despite
Like as the Perselites doth nowe in our tyme
Skanne of their faith, and against it time
When Dioclusian and Maximilian forsoth dyd raygne
Eusebius. Beda.
There was .xvij. thowsande of volye martyrs slayne
So cruel was these tirantes fayth to delaye
That Peter and y
e Apostles so sore was affrayd
That in spelunkes & caues there thei masse said
Before the holy bretherne preuely eche daye
In legenda sancti Syluestri.
Til Siluester came, that bysshoppe ful good
That buylded stone Aultares, y
t before was of woode
Thys persecution helde on full as I wene
The space of two hundreth yeres and syxetene
Destroying the churche and good christianitie
The holye places to goddes honor dedicate
Regum. 12.
With heythen Maumentes they dyd maculate
Thus fayth was turned to infidelitie
This was forsoth a full pitious case
To plucke downe Christ, & set satan in his place
There was a bysshope that hyte by name Iue
Beda, lib. 2.
That came to England, and in Deuenshere did aryue
[Page]Which Christ & the faith to y
e people did preache
He was the kinges sonne of Perse, a good holy man
Hutte, hutte, and yught where his decons then
Which busied them selfes gods lore for to teach
In legenda sancti Iuonis.
These men were buried in Huntyngdon shiere
In a place called Slepe, as y
e story doth appeare
Yet was not this realme fully conuerted
Which was before by infidelitie subuerted
Tyll Gregorye in Rome Pope was there
He came into the markette, as it by chaunce fel
Where as he founde Englishe chylderne to sell
In legēda sancti Gregorij. Beda. lib. 1. ca. 23.
Demaūding of what coūtrie & nation they were
Aunswere was made of Englande they be
As Angles sayde Gregorye they seme to me
Then sent to Augustine with good intent
Which dyd aryue at Tanette in Kent
The kynge and the subiectes he cōuerted there
Beda. lib. 1. ca. 23.
Then fayth agayne began for to sprynge
Which then was receaued of subiectes & kynge
As in the Englishe Cronicles it doth appeare
Why should we at Rome nowe haue despyte
That chaunged our darkenesse agayne to light
Ethelbertus was then kynge, as I haue redde
Berta hyte the Quene, that much desired
Beda. idem.
To here Augustine preache gods worde deuine
Then dyd it chaunce, and folowe by successe
VVilhelmus lib. 1.
That the people conuerted bothe more and lesse
To Christes fayth, and holy doctrine
Then began Kynges Churches to buylde
[Page]Which were before with Idoles defyled
Then came to raygnyng by succession in time
Beda. lib. 3. ca. 13
Noble kynge Edgar, Oswoulde and Edwyne
That found & rebuylded mo then fortie abbeies
That were before by the Saxones destroyed
And eke by infideles, that the fayth denied
To counte some by name, as stories sayes
Whinchester, Wylton, Brought, and Ramsey,
Glastonbury, Abyngton, and also Thorney.
Edmund & Edward, ful noble kinges thei were
Which buylded worthely, & for no cost did spare
To erecte such places to gods honor and glorye
O Henry the seuenth a ful worthy king was he
Whose noble workes in Cambrydge you may se
And eke in Westminster both sūptuouse & costlie
Matth. 7.
As the good tree by the fruite is euer tryed
So are good men by their workes espied.
Thus noble kynges in olde time were content
To builde Abbeyes, and to endue thē with rent
There to remaine while y
e world should endure
Prayer, almose, and fastyng they ordeined there to be
And in indifferente of good hospitalitie
That the penylesse man of meate may be sure
And though he there taried dayes two or thre
No man would demaund from whence came he
O cursed Germany, woo be vnto the
That first nowe began to skowre the old heresie
Of the Caphernites and Arians with other diuerse mo
[Page]With the was harbored the cursed Luther
Decolampadius, Melancton, and Bullingere,
Carolstadious, Stalbrydge, and wicked Otho
Marke to what ende their learning is come
By warre and sedition, their Realme vndone
These cursed men and wicked teachers
Where cleane contrarie to gods holy preachers
that taught false libertie, deuout vertue to hide
Downe with the churche, y
e Masse, & the grayle
Prayer and fasting naught doth preuayle
That thing y
t was good, they myght not abide
That good men of olde, study to maynetayne
Nowe Antichristes preachers hathe destroyed agayne
Then Cupido and Venus in England beganne
As gods for to gouerne bothe woman and man
And auarice was ordeyned, then puruior to be
Their lust and their will, to supporte & vpholde
With aboundaunce of treasure of siluer & golde
Tyll weale and welth was turned to pouertie
Then be thought treason some rule to beare
Which sodenlie was caught, and takē in a snare
Yet chansed in England as I shall you tell
Nowe kyng Edbaldus, from the sayth fell
And gaue his beleue, to false maumentry
Beda. lib. 2. ca. 9.
Milletus the byssshoppe, then to flee was fayne
Tyll the kynge vnto Christ was turned agayne
Which thē was restored to his see in Cāterbury
The citezins of London would not in no wise
Leaue their infidelitie, and to Christ agayne rise
Rom. 13.
Helias made prayer to God agaynst Israell
Which slewe their prophetes, & their aultares downe fell
And I am lefte alone, and they my life seke
God aunswered and sayd there be yet left some
That by the adoption of grace to heauen shall come
With me to dwell, and my seruauntes meke
Thoughe some haue their faith by folye defiled
Yet some remayne constant and neuer chaūged
This storie doth resemble y
e people in these daies
That grinne at the ministers, & against y
e aultare sayes
Vtteryng out lyes couered with Ipocrisie
Yet some men did espye their deuillishe intent
And woulde in no wyse therevnto consent
Perceauing it was newe skowered heresie
Euen for the heresies y
t many hath bene burned
Fooles hath beleued, and there vnto turned
All the olde heresies that heretofore were
Were put in vse by Iohn Wyckeleffe here
And were confuted by William Wylford
He was a famous clarke & an english man borne
Whose workes containe those heresies eche one
Which he dyd confute, as the bokes recorde
Hony and poyson of swete floures are sucked
So truth and falshode on scripture is gathered
Some men there be that wil not beleue
No writing or storie except scripture it proue
As thoughe al were false, but the wryting there
[Page]The succession of kynges and eke lordes by hest,
The scripture dothe not tell of ciuill warre or conquest
Yet are they true, and in wryting do appeare
If you wil not beleue but what scripture sayeth
Then chaunge not the truth to peruerse waies
The Phariseis doubted, Christ gods sōne to be
Desiringe from heauen some wonderouse to see
Matth. 12.
By the proue thereof, y
e truth they might know
Euen so our Perselites doth as fondlye denye
The bread to be gods bodie, by his word verely
Vnlesse they see bloude in their tethe when they chowe
O you vipers byrdes, and adulterous nation
Your dulnesse of faith, hasteth faste your damnation
Reade out the stories, and marke to what ende
To the church destroyers, god dyd ofte sende
The bibell in diuerse places, doth well testifie
3. Regum. 13. Daniel. 4.5. Macha. 5.6.
What myserye and myschiefe hath bene in this lande
What penurie and plages haue we here founde
Synce we began fyrst the churche to destroye
That plage neuer in no Realme hath bene
But we in these dayes hath it felte or sene
Yet is but in vayne herein to enterdyte
What care thē befel, y
t at the church had despite
Wittenesseth well Cromwell as you wel know
Duddely the stoute with his felowes Aye
Their parte on the skaffolde full well did playe
[Page]That then were on hye, and nowe are full lowe
These men are to vs example and warning
To serue our lorde God, and obeye the Kynge
To saye all Amen, and to geue God the glorye
We her subyectes are bound for the state of her maiestie
For surely she is Gods chosen vessell
Lyke to our Quene▪ we may not well compare
Neither y
e wydowe Iudith, or yet quene hester
Whose worthy factes the bybel dothe tell
To eche of this women, God shewed ones his mercy
As he hathe diuerse times to our Quene Mari
17 Iudyth with wyne, & eke with fayre promise,
Holofernes ouercame, & slewe him in his dronknesse
Wherby she y
e citie of Bethulia hath preserued
But Mary our Quene, by prayer deuoute
Ouercame her enemies, beinge neuer so stoute
Withoute fayre promyse, or any gifte profered
God right wel heard her chast & humble praier
That sodenly stroke her enemies, & caused thē retier.
Hester made her prayers for the Iewes onlye
3 Which a man wente about by enuy to destroye
Whose prayer god heard, & the Iues deliuered
But Mary our Quene, prayed in generallye
That no bloude myght be shedde, of her frende or enemy
God heard her praier, and the matter so ended
A wonderfull myracle, euer to be remembred
[Page]That God wrought for our Quene, he euer be praysed
The fayth of Christ and all trewe religion
Wyth prayer and fasting, and eke good deuotiō
Was almoste gone oute of euery mans harte
The Churche, the aulter, & Gods sacred bodye
They robbed & spoiled, and their faith did denie
Lyke desperate wretches, thus played they their parte
All was forlorne, tyll good Quene Mary
Restored them agayne to gods honor & glorye
The sacramētes of y
e churche was new to begin
Adulterie & sacrilege was counted for no sinne
Nor y
• selling of o
[...]fices, to mayntayne briberye
The belles they plucked downe by subtil pretence
To coyne therof testers, grotes, and eke pence,
Thus al came to nought, til good quene Mary
Began for to raygne, as we ryght well se
That Iesus preserue, her graces maiestie
The churche Goddes spouse, was brought vnder trybute
With lawes vniust, and paymentes greate
The churche & the cōmons was greued yerely,
The catholyke fathers, y
t are good men in dede
Wrongfully were oppressed, and euill placed in their stede
That vsurpplie did rule, til good quene Marie
Deposed the prowde & the good men in chayne
She iustely vnlosed, and restored agayne
The noble lyon, that of colour is whyte
Gyltelesse they helde captyue, by enuy & spyte
Their purpose to cōpasse, they thought it so best
For this they wel knew, that if he were at large
he wold sone haue tēpered their madnes & rage
Brynging the vprorers agayne some to rest
O Englande reioyce at our good quene Mary
That iustely hathe losed the lion not gylty
Let vs al praie God bothe more and lesse
that hath sent vs a quene, our thralles to relesse
Wher w
t we were captyue bothe in soule & body
We may be right glad, y
e god hath now chaūged
A lambe for wolues, y
e vnsatiably deuoured
The realme & the cōmons w
tout pitie or mercye
God saue and preserue our noble Quene Mari
Ouer vs longe to raygne, let vs al pray hartlie
God saue the Quene.
Prayse be to god that a noble quene hath sent
Ouer vs for to raygne if we canne be content
That wel hath begonne to call thinges agayne,
The which were before by falsehead subuerted,
Agayne to Gods glorie, she hath them cōuerted
Amonge vs Christians euer to remayne
Sithe we were before deceaued with heresie
Let vs nowe be faythful, & geue God the glorie