THE MASSACRE AT PARIS. VVith the Death of the Duke of
Charles the French King, the Queene Mother, the King of
Nauarre, the Pri
[...]ce of
Condye, the Lord high Admirall, and the Queene of
Nauarre, with others.
PRince of
Nauarre my honourable brother,
Condy, and my good Lord Admirall,
Wishe[?] this vnion and religious league,
Knit in these hands thus ioyn'd in
nuptiall[?] rites,
May not desolue, till death desolue our liues,
And that the natiue sparkes of princely loue,
[Page] That kindled first this motion in our hearts:
May still be feweld in our progenye.
The many fauours which your grace hath showne,
From time to time, but specially in this:
Shall binde me euer to your highnes will,
In what Queen Mother or your grace commands.
Old Qu.
Thanks sonne
Nauarre, you see we loue you well,
That linke you in mariage with our daughter heer:
And as you know our difference in Religion,
Might be a meanes to crosse you in your loue.
Well Madam, let that rest:
And now my Lords the mariage rites perfourm'd,
We think it good to goe and consumate the rest,
With hearing of a holy Masse: Sister, I think your selfe will beare vs company.
Q. Mar.
I will my good Lord,
The rest that will not goe (my Lords) may stay:
Come Mother let vs goe to honor this solemnitie.
VVhich Ile desolue with bloud and crueltie.
Exit the
King, Q Mother, and the
Q. of
Nauar, and manet
Nauar, the Prince of
Condy, and the Lord high
Prince Condy and my good L. Admiral,
Guise may storme but doe vs little hurt:
Hauing the King, Qu. Mother on our sides,
To stop the mallice of his enuious heart,
[Page] That seekes to murder all the Protestants:
Haue you not heard of late how he decreed,
If that the King had giuen consent thereto,
That all the protestants that are in Paris,
Should haue been murdered the other night?
My Lord I meruaile that th'aspiring
Dares once aduenture without the Kings consent,
To meddle or attempt such dangerous things.
My L. you need not meruaile at the
For what he doth the Pope will ratifie:
In murder, mischeefe, or in tiranny.
But he that sits and rules aboue the clowdes,
Doth heare and see the praiers of the iust:
And will reuenge the bloud of innocents,
Guise hath slaine by treason of his heart,
And brought by murder to their timeles ends.
My Lord, but did you mark the Cardinall,
Guises brother and the Duke
How they did storme at these your nuptiallrites,
Because the house of
Burbon now comes in,
And ioynes your linnage to the crowne of France?
And thats y
e cause that
Guise so frowns at vs,
And beates his braines to catch vs in his trap:
Which he hath pitcht within his deadly toyle.
Come my Lords lets go to the Church and pray,
That God may still defend the right of France:
And make his Gospel flourish in this land.
Enter the Duke of
If euer
Hymen lowr'd at marriage rites,
And had his alters deckt with duskie lightes:
[Page] If euer sunne stainde heauen with bloudy clowdes,
And made
[...] look with terrour on the worlde:
If euer day were turned to vgly night.
And night made semblance of the hue of hell,
This day, this houre, this fatall night,
Shall fully shew the fury of them all,
Enter the
My Lord.
Now shall I proue and guerdon to the ful,
The loue thou bear'st vnto the house of
Where are those perfumed gloues which I sent
To be poysoned, hast thou done them? speake,
Will euery sauour breed a pangue of death?
See where they be my good Lord,
And he that smelles but to them, dyes.
Then thou remainest resolute.
I am my Lord, in what your grace commaundes till death.
Thankes my good freend, I wil requite thy loue,
Goe then present them to the Queene
For she is that huge blemish in our eye,
That makes these vpstart heresies in
Be gone my
freend[?] present them to her straite.
Enter a Souldier.
My Lord,
Now come thou forth and play thy tragick part.
Stand in some window opening neere the street,
[Page] And when thou seest the Admirall ride by,
Discharge thy
musket[?] and perfourme his death:
And then Ile guerdon thee with store of crownes.
I will my Lord.
Guise begins those deepe ingendred thoughts,
To burst abroad those neuer dying flames,
Which cannot be extinguisht but by bloud.
Oft haue I
leueld[?], and at last haue learnd,
That perill is the cheefest way to happines,
And resolution honors fairest aime.
What glory is there in a common good,
That hanges for euery peasant to atchiue?
That like I best that flyes beyond my reach,
Set me to scale the high Peramides,
And thereon set the Dradem of Fraunce,
Ile either rend it with my nayles to naught,
Or mount the top with my aspiring winges,
Although my downfall be the deepest hell.
For this, I wake, when others think I sleepe,
For this, I waite, that scornes attendance else:
For this, my quenchles thirst whereon I builde,
Hath often pleaded kindred to the King.
For this, this head, this heart, this hand and sworde,
Contriues, imagines and fully executes,
Matters of importe, aimde at by many,
Yet vnderstoode by none.
For this, hath heauen engendred me of earth,
For this, this earth sustaines my bodies waight,
And with this wiat Ile counterpoise a Crowne,
[Page] Or with seditions weary all the worlde:
For this, from Spaine the stately Catholickes,
Sends Indian golde to coyne me French ecues:
For this haue I a largesse from the Pope,
A pension and a dispensation too:
And by that priuiledge to worke vpon,
My policye hath framde religion,
O Diabole.
Fye, I am ashamde how euer that I seeme,
To think a word of such a simple sound,
Of so great matter should be made the ground.
The gentle King whose pleasure vncontrolde,
Weakneth his body, and will waste his Realme,
If I repaire not what he ruinates:
Him as a childe I dayly winne with words,
So that for proofe, he barely beares the name:
I execute, and he sustaines the blame.
The Mother Queene workes wonders for my sake,
And in my loue entombes the hope of Fraunce:
Rifling the bowels of her treasurie,
To supply my wants and necessitie.
Paris hath full fiue hundred Colledges,
As Monestaries, Priories, Abbyes and halles,
Wherein are thirtie thousand able men,
Besides a thousand sturdy student Catholicks,
And more of my knowledge in one cloyster keeps,
Fiue hundred fatte Franciscan Fryers and priestes.
All this and more, if more may be comprisde,
To bring the will of our desires to end.
[Page] Then
Guise since thou hast all the Cardes,
Within thy hands to
shuffle[?] or cut, take this as surest thing:
That right or wrong, thou deale thy selfe a King.
I but,
Nauarre, Nauarre, tis but a nook of France,
Sufficient yet for such a pettie King:
That with a rablement of his hereticks,
Blindes Europs eyes and troubleth our estate:
Him will we
Pointing to his Sworde.
But first lets follow those in France,
That hinder our possession to the crowne:
Caesar to his souldiers, so say I:
Those that hate me, will I learn to loath.
Giue me a look, that when I bend the browes,
Pale death may walke in furrowes of my face:
A hand, that with a graspe may gripe the world,
An eare, to heare what my detractors say,
A royall seate, a scepter and a crowne:
That those which doe beholde, they may become
As men that stand and gase against the Sunne.
The plot is laide, and things shall come to passe:
Where resolution striues for victory.
Enter the King of
Nauar and Queen, and his Mother Queen, the Prince of
Condy, the
Admirall, and the
Pothecary with the gloues, and giues them to the olde Queene.
Maddame, I beseech your grace to except this simple gift.
Old[?] Qu.
Thanks my good freend, holde take thou this reward.
I humbly thank your Maiestie.
Old Qu.
Me thinkes the gloues haue a very strong perfume,
The sent whereof doth make my head to ake.
Doth not your grace know the man that gaue them you?
Old Qu
Not wel, but do remember such a man.
Your grace was ill aduisde to take thē then,
Considering of these dangerous times.
Old Qu
Help sonne
Nauarre I am poysoned.
Q Mar.
The heauens forbid your highnes such mishap.
The late suspition of the Duke of
Might well haue moued your highnes to beware:
How you did meddle with such dangerous giftes.
Q. Mar.
Too late it is my Lord if that be true
To blame her highnes, but I hope it be
Only some naturall passion makes her sicke.
O d Qu
O no, sweet
Margret, the fatall poyson
Workes within my head, my brain pan breakes,
My heart doth faint, I dye.
She dyes.
My Mother poysoned heere before my face:
O gracious God, what times are these?
O graunt sweet God my daies may end with hers,
That I with her may dye and liue againe.
Q. Mar.
Let not this heauy chaunce my dearest Lord,
[Page] Forwhose effects my soule is massacred)
[...]nfect thy gracious brest with fresh supply,
[...]o agrauate our sodaine miserie.
Come my Lords let vs beare her body hence,
[...]nd see it honoured with iust solemnitie.
As they are going, the Souldier dischargeth his Musket at the Lord Admirall.
VVhat are you hurt my L. high Admiral?
I my good Lord shot through the arme.
VVe are betraide come my Lords, and let vs goe tell the King of this.
These are the cursed
Guisians that doe seeke our death.
Oh fatall was this mariage to vs all.
They beare away the
Queene and goe out.
Enter the
King, Queene Mother, Duke of
Guise, Duke
Anioy, Duke
Queene Mother.
My noble sonne, and princely Duke of
Now haue we got the fatall stragling deere:
VVithin the compasse of a deadly toyle,
And as we late decreed we may perfourme.
Madam, it wilbe noted through the world,
An action bloudy and tirannicall:
Cheefely since vnder safetie of our word,
They iustly challenge their protection:
Besides my heart relentes that noble men,
Onely corrupted in religion, Ladies of honor,
[Page] Knightes and Gentlemen, should for their conscience taste such rutheles ends.
Though gentle mindes should pittie others paines,
Yet will the wisest note their proper greefes:
And rather seeke to scourge their enemies,
Then be themselues base subiects to the whip.
Me thinkes my Lord,
Anioy hath well aduisde,
Your highnes to consider of the thing,
And rather chuse to seck your countries good,
Then pittie or releeue these vp start hereticks.
I hope these reasons may serue my princely Sonne,
To haue some care for feare of enemies:
Well Madam, I referre it to your Maiestie,
And to my Nephew heere the Duke of
What you determine, I will ratifie.
Thankes to my princely sonne, then tell me
What order wil you set downe for the Massacre?
Thus Madame.
They that shalbe actors in this Massacre,
Shall weare white crosses on their Burgonets:
And tye white linnen scarfes about their armes.
He that wantes these, and is suspected of heresie,
Shall dye, be he King or Emperour.
Then Ile haue a peale of ordinance shot from the tower,
At which they all shall issue out and set the streetes.
[Page] And then the watchword being giuen, a bell shall ring,
Which when they heare, they shall begin to kill:
And neuer cease vntill that bell shall cease,
Then breath a while.
Enter the
Admirals man.
How now fellow, what newes?
And it please your grace the Lord high Admirall,
Riding the streetes was traiterously shot,
And most humble intreates your Maiestie
To vifite him sick in his bed.
Messenger, tell him I will see him straite.
Exit Messenger.
What shall we doe now with the Admirall?
Your Maiesty were best goe visite him,
And make a shew as if all were well.
Content, I will goe visite the Admirall.
And I will goe take order for his death.
Enter the
Admirall in his bed.
How fares it with my Lord high Admiral,
Hath he been hurt with villaines in the street?
I vow and sweare as I am King of France,
To finde and to repay the man with death:
With death delay'd and torments neuer vsde,
That durst presume for hope of any gaine,
To hurt the noble man their soueraign loues.
Ah my good Lord, these are the
That seeke to massacre our guiltles liues.
Assure your selfe my good Lord Admirall,
I deepely sorrow for your trecherous wrong:
And that I am not more secure my selfe,
Then I am carefull you should be preserued.
Cofin, take twenty of our strongest guarde,
And vnder your direction see they keep,
All trecherous violence from our noble freend,
Repaying all attempts with present death,
Vpon the cursed breakers of our peace.
And so be pacient good Lord Admirall,
And euery hower I will visite you.
I humbly thank your royall Maiestie.
Exeunt omnes.
Enter Guise, Anioy, Dumaine, Gonzago, Retes, Montsorrell,
and Souldiers to the massacre.
Anioy, Dumaine, Gonzago, Retes,
Sweare by the argent crosses in your burgoners,
To kill all that you suspect of heresie.
I sweare by this to be vnmercifull.
I am disguisde and none knows who I am.
And therfore meane to murder all I meet.
And so will I.
And I.
Away then, break into the Admirals house,
I let the Admirall be first dispatchr.
The Admirall cheefe standard bearer to the Lutheranes,
Shall in the entrance of this Massacre,
[Page] Be murdered in his bed.
Gonzago conduct them thither,
And then beset his house that not a man may liue.
That charge is mine, Swizers keepe you the streetes,
And at ech corner shall the Kings garde stand.
Come sirs follow me.
Gonzago and others with him.
Cosin, the Captaine of the Admirals guarde,
Plac'd by my brother, will betray his Lord:
Guise shall catholiques flourish once againe,
The head being of, the members cannot stand.
But look my Lord, ther's some in the Admirals house.
Enter into the
Admirals house, and he in his bed.
In lucky time, come let vs keep this lane,
And slay his seruants that shall issue out.
Where is the Admirall?
O let me pray before I dye.
Then pray vnto our Ladye, kisse this crosse.
Stab him.
O God forgiue my sins.
Gonzago, what, is he dead?
I my Lord.
Then throw him down.
Now cosin view him well, it may be it is some other, and he escapte.
Cosin tis he, I know him by his look.
[Page] See where my Souldier shot him through the arm.
He mist him neer, but we haue strook him now.
Ah base Shatillian and degenerate, cheef standard bearer to the Lutheranes,
Thus in despite of thy Religion,
The Duke of
Guise stampes on thy liueles bulke.
A way with him, cut of his head and handes.
And send them for a present to the Pope:
And when this iust reuenge is finished,
Vnto mount Faucon will we dragge his coarse:
And he that liuing hated so the crosse,
Shall being dead, be hangd thereon in chaines.
Anioy, Gonzago, Retes,
if that you three,
Will be as resolute as I and
There shall not a Hugonet breath in France.
I sweare by this crosse, wee'l not be partiall,
But slay as many as we can come neer.
Mountsorrell, goe shoote the ordinance of,
That they which haue already set the street
May know their watchword, then tole the bell,
And so lets forward to the Massacre.
I will my Lord,
And now my Lords let vs closely to our busines.
Anioy will follow thee.
And so will
The ordinance being shot of, the bell tolles.
Come then, lets away.
[Page] The
Guise enters againe, with all the rest, with their Swords drawne, chasing the Protestants.
Tue tue, tue, let none escape, murder the Hugonets.
Kill them, kill them.
Loreine running, the
Guise and the rest pursuing him.
Loreine, Loreine,
follow Loreine,
Are you a preacher of these heresies?
I am a preacher of the word of God,
And thou a traitor to thy soule and him.
Dearely beloued brother, thus tis written.
he stabs him.
Stay my Lord, let me begin the psalme.
Come dragge him away and throw him in a ditch.
Mountsorrell and knocks at
Serouns doore.
Serouns wife.
Who is that which knocks there?
Mountsorrell from the Duke of
Husband come down, heer's one would speak with you from the Duke of
To speek with me from such a man as he?
I, I, for this
Seroune, and thou shalt hate.
shewing his dagger.
O let me pray before I take my death.
Despatch then quickly.
O Christ my Sauiour.
Christ, villaine, why darst thou presume to call on Christ, without the intercession of some Saint?
Sancta Iacobus hee was my Saint, pray to him.
O let me pray vnto my God.
Then take this with you.
Stab him.
Ramus in his studie.
What fearfull cries comes from the riuer Rene,
That frightes poore
Ramus sitting at his book?
I feare the
Guisians haue past the bridge,
And meane once more to menace me.
Ramus flye, if thou wilt saue thy life,
Tell me
Taleus, wherfore should I flye?
Guisians are hard at thy doore, and meane to murder vs: harke, harke they come, Ile leap out at the window.
Taleus stay.
Gonzago and
Who goes there?
Taleus, Ramas bedfellow.
What art thou?
I am as
Ramus is, a Christian.
O let him goe, he is a catholick.
Ramus, more golde, or thou shalt haue the stabbe.
Alas I am a scholler, how should I haue golde?
All that I haue is but my stipend from the King,
Which is no sooner receiu'd but it is spent.
Enter the
Guise and
Who haue you there?
Ramus, the Kings professor of Logick.
Stab him.
O good my Lord, wherein hath
Ramus been so offencious.
Marry sir, in hauing a smack in all,
And yet didst neuer sound any thing to the depth.
Was it not thou that scoftes the Organon,
And said it was a heape of vanities?
He that will be a flat decotamest,
And seen in nothing but Epetomies:
Is in your iudgment thought a learned man.
And he forsooth must goe and preach in Germany:
Excepting against Doctors actions,
ipsi dixi with this quidditie,
Argumentum testimonis est in arte fetialis.
[Page] To contradict which, I say
Ramus shall dye:
How answere you that? your
nego argumentum cannot serue, sirra, kill him.
O good my Lord, let me but speak a word.
Well, say on.
Not for my life doe I desire this pause,
But in my latter houre to purge my selfe,
In that I know the things that I haue wrote,
Which as I heare one
Shekins takes it ill:
Because my places being but three, contains all his:
I knew the Organon to be confusde,
And I reduc'd it into better forme.
And this for
Aristotle will I say,
That he that despiseth him, can nere
Be good in Logick or Philosophie.
And thats because the blockish thorbonest,
Attribute as much vnto their workes,
As to the seruice of the eternall God.
Why suffer you that peasant to declaime?
Stab him I say and send him to his freends in hell.
Nere was there Colliars sonne so full of pride.
kill him.
My Lord of
Anioy, there are a hundred Protestants.
Which we haue chaste into the riuer Rene,
That swim about and so preserue their liues:
How may we doe? I feare me they will liue.
Goe place some men vpon the bridge,
With bowes and dartes to shoot at them they see,
And sinke them in the riuer as they swim.
Tis well aduisde
Dumain, goe see it strait be done.
And in the mean time my Lord, could we deuise,
To get those pedantes from the King
that are tutors to him and the prince of
For that let me alone, Cousin stay you heer,
And when you see me in, then follow hard.
He knocketh, and enter the King of
Nauarre and Prince of
Condy, with their scholmaisters.
How now my Lords, how fare you?
My Lord, they say that all the protestants are massacred.
I, so they are, but yet what remedy:
I haue done what I could to stay this broile.
But yet my Lord the report doth run,
That you were one that made this Massacre.
Who I, you are deceiued, I rose but now.
Murder the Hugonets, take those pedantes hence.
Thou traitor
Guise, lay of thy bloudy hands.
Come let vs goe tell the King.
Come sirs, Ile whip you to death with my punniards point.
he kils them.
A way with them both.
And now sirs for this night let our fury stay.
Yet will we not that the Massacre shall end,
Gonzago poste you to Orleance,
Retes to Deep,
Mountsorrell vnto Roan,
And spare not one that you suspect of heresy.
and now stay that bel that to y
e deuils mattins rings
[Page] Now euery man put of his burgonet,
And so conuey him closely to his bed.
Anioy, with two Lords of Poland.
My Lords of Poland I must needs confesse,
The offer of your Prince Electors, farre
Beyond the reach of my desertes:
For Poland is as I haue been enformde,
A martiall people, worthy such a King,
As hath sufficient counsaile in himselfe,
To lighten doubts and frustrate subtile foes.
And such a King whom practise long hath taught,
To please himselfe with mannage of the warres.
The greatest warres within our Christian bounds,
I meane our warres against the Muscouites:
And on the other side against the Turke,
Rich Princes both, and mighty Emperours:
Yet by my brother
Charles our King of France,
And by his graces councell it is thought,
that if I vndertake to weare the crowne
Of Poland, it may preiudice their hope
Of my inheritance to the crowne of France:
For if th'almighty take my brother hence,
By due discent the Regall seat is mine.
With Poland therfore must I couenant thus,
That if by death of
Charles, the diadem
Of France be cast on me, then with your leaues
I may retire me to my natiue home.
[Page] If your commission serue to warrant this,
I thankfully shall vndertake the charge
Of you and yours, and carefully maintaine
the wealth and safety of your kingdomes right.
All this and more your highnes shall commaund,
For Polands crowne and kingly diadem.
Then come my Lords, lets goe.
Enter two with the
Admirals body.
Now sirra, what shall we doe with the Admirall?
Why let vs burne him for an heretick.
O no, his bodye will infect the fire, and the fire the aire, and so we shall be poysoned with him.
What shall we doe then?
Lets throw him into the riuer.
Oh twill corrupt the water, and the water the fish, and by the fish our selues when we cate them.
Then throw him into the ditch.
No, no, to decide all doubts, be rulde by me, lets hang him heere vpon this tree.
They hang him.
Enter the Duke of
Guise, and
Queene Mother, and the
Now Madame, how like you our lusty Admirall?
Beleeue me
Guise he becomes the place so well,
As I could long ere this haue wisht him there.
But come lets walke aside, thair's not very sweet.
No by my faith Madam.
Sirs, take him away and throw him in some ditch.
carry away the dead body.
And now Madam as I vnderstand,
There are a hundred Hugonets and more,
Which in the woods doe holde their synagogue:
And dayly meet about this time of day,
And thither will I to put them to the sword.
Doe so sweet
Guise, let vs delay no time,
For if these straglers gather head againe,
And disperse themselues throughout the Realme of France,
It will be hard for vs to worke their deaths.
Be gone, delay no time sweet
Madam, I goe as whirl-windes rage before a storme,
My Lord of Loraine haue you markt of late,
Charles our sonne begins for to lament:
For the late nights worke which my Lord of
Did make in Paris amongst the Hugonites?
Madam, I haue heard him solemnly vow,
With the rebellious King of
For to reuenge their deaths vpon vs all.
I, but my Lord let me alone for that,
Katherine must haue her will in France:
As I doe liue, so surely shall he dye.
[Page] And
Henry then shall weare the diadem.
And if he grudge or crosse his Mothers will,
Ile disinherite him and all the rest:
For Ile rule France, but they shall weare the crowne:
And if they storme, I then may pull them downe.
Come my Lord lets vs goe.
Enter fiue or sixe Protestants with bookes, and kneele together.
Enter also the
Downe with the Hugonites, murder them.
Mounser de Guise, heare me but speake.
No villain, that toung of thine,
That hath blasphemde the holy Church of Rome,
Shall driue no plaintes into the
Guises eares,
To make the iustice of my heart relent:
Tue, tue, tue, let none escape:
kill them.
So, dragge them away.
Enter the King of France,
Nauar and
Epernoune staying him: enter
Qu. Mother, and the
O let me stay and rest me heer a while,
A griping paine hath ceasde vpon my heart:
A sodaine pang, the messenger of death.
O say not so, thou kill'st thy mothers heart.
I must say so, paine forceth me complaine.
Comfort your selfe my Lord and haue no doubt,
But God will sure restore you to your health.
O no, my louing brother of
[Page] I haue deseru'd a scourge I must confesse,
Yet is there pacience of another sort,
Then to misdoe the welfare of their King:
God graunt my neerest freends may proue no worse.
O holde me vp, my sight begins to faile,
My sinnewes shrinke, my braines turne vpside downe,
My heart doth break, I faint and dye.
He dies.
What art thou dead, sweet sonne speak to thy Mother,
O no, his soule is fled from out his breast,
And he nor heares, nor sees vs what we doe:
My Lords, what resteth there now for to be done?
But that we presently despatch Embassadours
To Poland, to call
Henry back againe,
To weare his brothers crowne and dignity.
Epernoune, goe see it presently be done,
And bid him come without delay to vs.
Madam, I will.
And now my Lords after these funerals be done,
We will with all the speed we can prouide,
Henries coronation from Polonie:
Come let vs take his body hence.
All goe out, but
Nauarre and
And now
Nauarre whilste that these broiles doe last,
My opportunity may serue me fit,
To steale from France, and hye me to my home.
[Page] For heers no saftie in the Realme for me,
And now that
Henry is cal'd from Polland,
It is my due by iust succession:
And therefore as speedily as I can perfourme,
Ile muster vp an army secretly,
For feare that
Guise ioyn'd with the K. of Spaine,
Might seeme to crosse me in mine enterprise.
But God that alwaies doth defend the right,
Will shew his mercy and preserue vs still.
The vertues of our true Religion,
Cannot but march with many graces more:
Whose army shall discomfort all your foes,
And at the length in Pampelonia crowne,
In spite of Spaine and all the popish power,
That holdes it from your highnesse wrongfully:
Your Maiestie her rightfull Lord and Soueraigne.
Pleshe, and God so prosper me in all,
As I entend to labour for the truth,
And true profession of his holy word:
Pleshe, lets away whilste time doth serue,
Sound Trumpets within, and then all crye
viue la Roy two or three times.
Henry crownd: Queene, Cardinall, Duke of
Guise, Epernoone, the kings Mintons, with others, and the Cutpurse.
Viue la Roy, viue la Roy,
Sound Trumpets.
Welcome from Poland
Henry once agayne,
[Page] Welcome to France thy fathers royall seate,
Heere hast thou a country voide of feares,
A warlike people to maintaine thy right,
A watchfull Senate for ordaining lawes,
A louing mother to preserue thy state,
And all things that a King may wish besides:
All this and more hath
Henry with his crowne.
And long may
Henry enioy all this & more,
Viue la Roy, viue la Roy.
Sound trumpets.
Thanks to you al. The guider of all crownes,
Graunt that our deeds may wel deserue your loues:
And so they shall, if fortune speed my will,
And yeeld your thoughts to height of my desertes.
What saies our Minions, think they
Henries heart
Will not both harbour loue and Maiestie?
Put of that feare, they are already ioynde,
No person, place, or time, or circumstance,
Shall[?] slacke my loues affection from his bent,
As now you are, so shall you still persist,
Remooueles from the fauours of your King.
We know that noble mindes change not their thoughts
For wearing of a crowne: in that your grace,
Hath worne the Poland diadem, before
you were inuested in the crowne of France:
I tell thee
Mugeroun we will be freends,
And fellowes to, what euer stormes arise.
Then may it please your Maiestie to giue me leaue,
[Page] To punish those that doe prophane this holy feast.
He cuts of the Cutpurse eare, for cutting of the golde buttons off his cloake.
How meanst thou that?
O Lord, mine eare.
Come sir, giue me my buttons and heers your eare.
Sirra, take him away.
Hands of good sellow, I will be his baile
For this offence: goe sirra, worke no more,
Till this our Coronation day be past:
And now our solemne rites of Coronation done,
What now remaines, but for a while to feast,
And spend some daies in barriers, tourny, tylte,
and like disportes, such as doe fit the Court?
Lets goe my Lords, our dinner staies for vs.
Goe out all, but the
Queene and the
My Lord Cardinall of Loraine, tell me,
How likes your grace my sonnes pleasantnes?
His minde you see runnes on his minions,
And all his heauen is to delight himselfe:
And whilste he sleepes securely thus in ease,
Thy brother
Guise and we may now prouide,
To plant our selues with such authoritie,
as not a man may liue without our leaues.
Then shall the Catholick faith of Rome,
Flourish in France, and none deny the same,
Madam, as in secrecy I was tolde,
[Page] My brother
Guise hath gathered a power of men,
Which as he saith, to kill the Puritans,
But tis the house of
Burbon that he meanes.
Now Madam must you insinuate with the King,
And tell him that tis for his Countries good,
And common profit of Religion.
Tush man, let me alone with him,
To work the way to bring this thing to passe:
And if he doe deny what I doe say,
Ile dispatch him with his brother presently.
And then shall
Mounser weare the diadem:
Tush, all shall dye vnles I haue my will.
For while she liues
Katherine will be Queene.
Come my Lords, let vs goe seek the
And then determine of this enterprise.
Enter the Duchesse of
Guise, and her Maide,
Goe fetch me pen and inke.
I will Madam.
That I may write vnto my dearest Lord.
Mugeroune, tis he that hath my heart,
Guise vsurpes it, cause I am his wife:
Faine would I finde some means to speak with him
but cannot, and therfore am enforst to write,
That he may come and meet me in some place,
Where we may one inioy the others sight.
Enter the
Maid with Inke and Paper.
So, set it down and leaue me to my selfe.
She writes. O would to God this quill that heere doth write,
Had late been pluckt from out faire
Cupids wing:
[Page] That it might print these lines within his heart.
Enter the
What, all alone my loue, and writing too:
Iprethee say to whome thou writes?
To such a one my Lord, as when she reads my lines, will laugh I feare me at their good aray.
I pray thee let me see.
O no my Lord, a woman only must partake the secrets of my heart.
But Madam I must see.
he takes it.
Are these your secrets that no man must know?
O pardon me my Lord.
Thou trothles and vniust, what lines are these?
Am I growne olde, or is thy lust growne yong,
Or hath my loue been so
obscurde[?] in thee,
That others needs to comment on my text?
Isall my loue forgot which helde thee deare?
I, dearer then the apple of mine eye?
Guises glory but a clowdy mist,
In sight and iudgement of thy lustfull eye?
du[?], wert not the fruit within thy wombe,
Of whose encrease I set some longing hope:
This wrathfull hand should strike thee to the hart.
Hence strumpet, hide thy head for shame,
And fly my presence if thou looke to liue.
O wicked sexe, periured and vniust,
Now doe I see that from the very first,
[Page] Her eyes and lookes sow'd seeds of periury,
But villaine he to whom these lines should goe,
Shall buy her loue euen with his dearest bloud.
Enter the King of
Nauarre, Pleshe and
Bartus, and their train, with drums and trumpets.
My Lords, sith in a quarrell iust and right,
We vndertake to mannage these our warres:
Against the proud disturbers of the faith,
I meane the
Guise, the Pope, and King of Spaine,
Who set themselues to tread vs vnder foot,
And rent our true religion from this land.
But for you know our quarrell is no more,
But to defend their strange inuentions,
Which they will put vs to with sword and fire:
We must with resolute mindes resolue to fight,
In honor of our God and countries good.
Spaine is the counsell chamber of the pope,
Spaine is the place where he makes peace and warre,
Guise for Spaine hath now incenst the King,
To send his power to meet vs in the field.
Then in this bloudy brunt they may beholde,
The sole endeuour of your princely care,
To plant the true succession of the faith,
In spite of Spaine and all his heresies.
The power of vengeance now incampes it selfe,
Vpon the hauty mountains of my brest:
plaies with her goary coulours of reuenge,
Whom I respect as leaues of boasting greene,
That change their coulour when the winter comes,
When I shall vaunt as victor in reuenge.
Enter a Messenger.
How now sirra, what newes?
My Lord, as by our scoutes we vnderstande,
A mighty army comes from France with speed:
Which are already mustered in the land,
And meanes to meet your highnes in the field.
In Gods name, let them come.
This is the
Guise that hath incenst the King,
To leauy armes and make these ciuill broyless
But canst thou tell who is their generall?
Noty et my Lord, for thereon doe they stay:
But as report doth goe, the Duke of
Hath made great sute vnto the King therfore.
It will not counteruaile his paines I hope,
I would the
Guise in his steed might haue come,
But he doth lurke within his drousie couch,
And makes his footstoole on securitie:
So he be safe he cares not what becomes,
Of King or Country, no not for them both.
But come my Lords, let vs away with speed,
[Page] And place our selues in order for the fight.
Enter the King of France, Duke of
Guise, Epernoune, and Duke
My sweet
Ioyeux, I make thee Generall,
Of all my army now in readines:
To march against the rebellious King
At thy request I am content thou goe,
Although my loue to thee can hardly suffer,
Regarding still the danger of thy life.
Thanks to your Maiestie, and so I take my leaue.
Farwell to my Lord of
Guise and
Health and harty farwell to my Lord
Exit Ioyeux.
So kindely Cosin of
Guise you and your wife doe both salute our louely Minions.
he makes hornes at the
Remember you the letter gentle sir, which your wife writ to my deare Minion, and her chosen freend?
How now my Lord, faith this is more then need,
Am I thus to be iested at and scornde?
Tis more then kingly or Emperious.
And sure if all the proudest Kings in
Christendome, should beare me such derision:
They should know how I scornde them and their mockes.
[Page] I loue your Minions, dote on them your selfe,
I know none els but holdes them in disgrace:
And heer by all the Saints in heauen I sweare,
That villain for whom I beare this deep disgrace:
Euen for your words that haue incenst me so,
Shall buy that strumpets fauour with his blood.
Whether he haue dishonoured me or no.
Par la mor du, Il mera.
Beleeue me this iest bites sore.
My Lord, twere good to make them frends
For his othes are seldome spent in vaine.
Enter Mugeroun.
How now
Mugeroun, metst thou not the
Guise at the doore?
Not I my Lord, what if I had?
Marry if thou hadst, thou mightst haue had the stab,
For he hath solemnely sworne thy death.
I may be stabd, and liue till he be dead,
But wherfore beares he me such deadly hate?
Because his wife beares thee such kindely loue.
If that be all, the next time that I meet her,
Ile make her shake offloue with her heeles.
But which way is he gone, Ile goe make a walk on purpose from the Court to meet with him.
I like not this, come
Epernoune lets goe seek the Duke and make them freends.
Alarums within.
The Duke
Ioyeux slaine.
[Page] Enter the King of
Nauarre and his traine.
The Duke is slaine and all his power dispearst,
And we are grac'd with wreathes of victory:
Thus God we see doth euer guide the right,
To make his glory great vpon the earth.
The terrour of this happy victory,
I hope will make the King surcease his hate:
And either neuer mannage army more▪
Or elso employ them in some better cause.
How many noble men haue lost their liues,
In prosecution of these cruell armes,
Is ruth and almost death to call to minde:
But God we know will alwaies put them downe,
That lift themselues against the perfect truth,
Which Ile maintaine so long as life doth last,
And with the Q. of England ioyne my force:
To beat the papall Monarck from our lands,
And keep those
relicks[?] from our countries coastes.
Come my Lords now that this storme is ouerpast,
Let vs away with triumph to our tents.
Enter a Souldier.
Sir, to you sir, that dares make the Duke a cuckolde,
And vse a counterfeite key to his
priuie[?] Chamber doore: And although
[Page] you take out nothing but your owne, yet you put in that which displeaseth him, and so forestall his market, and set vp your standing where you should not: and whereas hee is your Landlord, you will take vpon you to be his, and tyll the ground that he himself should occupy, which is his own free land. If it be not too free there's the question: and though I come not to take possession (as I would I might) yet I meane to keepe you out, which I will if this geareholde: what are ye come so soone? haue at ye sir.
Enter Mugeroun.
He shootes at him and killes him.
Enter the
Holde thee tall Souldier, take thee this and flye.
Exit Soul.
Lye there the Kings delight, and
Guises scorne.
Reuenge it
Henry as thou list or dare,
I did it only in despite of thee.
Take him away.
Enter the
King and
My Lord of
Guise, we vnderstand that you haue gathered a power of men, what your intent is yet we cannot learn, but we presume it is not for our good.
Why I am no traitor to the crowne of France.
What I haue done tis for the Gospell sake.
Nay for the Popes sake, and thine owne benefite.
What Peere in France but thou (aspiring
Durst be in armes without the Kings consent?
I challenge thee for treason in the cause.
Ah base
Epernoune, were not his highnes heere,
Thou shouldst perceiue the D. of
Guise is mou'd.
Be patient
Guise and threat not
Least thou perceiue the King of France be mou'd.
Why? I am a Prince of the
Valoyses line,
Therfore an enemy to the
I am a iuror in the holy league,
And therfore hated of the Protestants.
What should I doe but stand vpon my guarde?
And being able, Ile keep an hoast in pay.
Thou able to maintaine an hoast in pay,
That liuest by forraine exhibition.
The Pope and King of Spaine are thy good frends,
Else all France knowes how poor a Duke thou art.
I, those are they that feed him with their golde,
To counter maund our will and check our freends.
My Lord, to speak more plainely, thus it is▪
Being animated by Religious zeale,
I meane to muster all the power I can,
[Page] To ouerthrow those sexious Puritan▪
And know my Lord, the Pope will sell his triple crowne,
I, and the catholick
Philip King of Spaine,
Ere I shall want, will cause his Indians,
To rip the golden bowels of America.
Nauarre that cloakes them vnderneath his wings▪
Shall feele the house of
Lorayne is his foe:
Your highnes needs not feare mine armies force,
Tis for your safetie and your enemies wrack.
Guise, weare our crowne, and be thou King of France,
And as Dictator make or warre or peace,
Whilste I cry
placet like a Senator,
I cannot brook thy hauty insolence,
Dismisse thy campe or else by our Edict,
Be thou proclaimde a traitor throughout France.
The choyse is hard,
I must dissemble.
My Lord, in token of my true humilitie,
And simple meaning to your Maiestie:
I kisse your graces hand, and take my leaue,
Intending to dislodge my campe with speed.
Then farwell
Guise, the King and thou are freends.
But trust him not my Lord, for had your highnesse,
Seene with what a pompe he entred Paris,
And how the Citizens with gifts and shewes
Did entertaine him and promised to be at his commaund:
[Page] Nay, they fear'd not to speak in the streetes,
That the
Guise durst stand in armes against the King,
For not effecting of his holines will.
Did they of Paris entertaine him so?
Then meanes he present treason to our state.
Well, let me alone, whose within there?
Enter one with a pen and inke.
Make a discharge of all my counsell straite,
And Ile subscribe my name and seale it straight.
My head shall be my counsell, they are false:
Epernoune I will be rulde by thee.
My Lord, I think for safety of your royall person,
It would be good the
Guise were made away,
And so to quite your grace of all suspect.
First let vs set our hand and seale to this,
(he writes.
And then Ile tell thee what I meane to doe.
So, conuey this to the counsell presently.
Exit one.
Epernoune though I seeme milde and calme,
Thinke not but I am tragicall within:
Ile secretly conuay me vnto Bloyse,
For now that Paris takes the
Guises parte,
Heere is no staying for the King of France,
Vnles he meane to be betraide and dye:
But as I hue, so sure the
Guise shall dye.
[Page] Enter the King of
Nauarre reading of a letter, and
My Lord, I am aduertised from France,
That the
Guise hath taken armes against the King,
And that Paris is reuolted from his grace.
Then hath your grace fit oportunitie,
To shew your loue vnto the King of France:
Offering him aide against his enemies,
Which cannot but be thankfully receiu'd.
Bartus, it shall be so, poast then to Fraunce,
And there salute his highnesse in our name,
Assure him all the aide we can prouide,
Against the
Guisians and their complices.
Bartus be gone, commend me to his grace,
And tell him ere it be long, Ile visite him.
I will my Lord.
My Lord.
Pleshe, goe muster vp our men with speed,
And let them march away to France amaine:
For we must aide the King against the
Be gone I say, tis time that we were there.
I goe my Lord.
That wicked
Guise I feare me much will be,
The ruine of that famous Realme of France:
For his aspiring thoughts aime at the crowne,
And takes his vantage on Religion,
To plant the Pope and popelings in the Realme,
And binde it wholy to the Sea of Rome:
But if that God doe prosper mine attempts,
And send vs safely to arriue in France:
Wee'l beat him back, and driue him to his death,
That basely seekes the ruine of his Realme.
Enter the Captaine of the guarde, and three murtherers.
Come on sirs, what, are you resolutely bent,
Hating the life and honour of the
What, will you not feare when you see him come?
Feare him said you? tush, were he heere, we would kill him presently.
O that his heart were leaping in my hand.
But when will he come that we may murther him?
Well, then I see you are resolute.
Let vs alone, I warrant you.
Then sits take your standings within this Chamber,
For anon the
Guise will come.
You will giue vs our money.
I, I, feare not, stand close, so be resolute:
Now fals the star whose influence gouernes France,
Whose light was deadly to the
Now must he fall and perish in his height.
Enter the
King and
Now Captain of my guarde, are these murtherers ready?
They be my good Lord.
But are they resolute and armde to kill,
Hating the life and honour of the
I warrant ye my Lord.
Then come proud
Guise and heere disgordge thy brest,
Surchargde with surfet of ambitious thoughts:
Breath out that life wherein my death was hid,
And end thy endles treasons with thy death.
Enter the
Guise and knocketh.
Halla verlete hey: Epernoune,
where is the King?
Mounted his royall Cabonet.
I prethee tell him that the
Guise is heere.
And please your grace the Duke of
[Page] doth craue accesse vnto your highnes.
Let him come in.
Guise and see thy traiterous guile outreacht,
And perish in the pit thou mad'st for me.
Guise comes to the King.
Good morrow to your Maiestie.
Good morrow to my louing Cousin of
How fares it this morning with your excellence?
I heard your Maiestie was scarsely pleasde,
That in the Court I bare so great a traine.
They were to blame that said I was displeasde,
And you good Cosin to imagine it.
Twere hard with me if I should doubt my kinne,
Or be suspicious of my deerest freends:
Cousin, assure you I am resolute,
Whatsoeuer any whisper in mine eares,
Not to suspect disloyaltye in thee,
And so sweet Cuz farwell.
So, now sues the King for fauour to the
And all his Minions stoup when
I commaund:
Why this tis to haue an army in the fielde,
Now by the holy sacrament
I sweare,
As ancient Romanes ouer their Captiue Lords,
[Page] So will
I triumph ouer this wanton King,
And he shall follow my proud Chariots wheeles.
Now doe
I but begin to look about,
And all my former time was spent in vaine:
Holde Sworde, for in thee is the Duke of
Guises hope.
Enter one of the Murtherers.
Villaine, why dost thou look so gastly? speake.
O pardon me my Lord of
Pardon thee, why what hast thou done?
O my Lord,
I am one of them that is set to murder you.
To murder me villaine.
I my Lord, the rest haue taine their standings in the next roome, therefore good my Lord goe not foorth.
Caesar shall goe forth, let mean consaits, and baser men feare death: tut they are pesants,
I am Duke of
Guise: and princes with their lookes, ingender feare.
Stand close, he is comming,
I know him by his voice.
As pale as ashes, nay then tis time to look about.
Downe with him, downe with him.
They stabbe
I haue my deaths wound, giue me leaue to speak.
Then pray to God, and aske forgiuenes of the King.
Trouble me not, I neare offended him.
Nor will I aske forgiuenes of the King.
Oh that I haue not power to stay my life,
Nor immortalitie to be reueng'd:
To dye by Pesantes, what a greefe is this?
Sextus, be reueng'd vpon the King,
Philip and Parma, I am slaine for you:
Pope excommunicate, Philip depose,
The wicked branch of curst
Valois his line.
Viue la messa, perish Hugonets,
Coesar did goe foorth, and thus he dyed.
He dyes.
Enter Captaine of the Guarde.
What haue you done? then stay a while and Ile goe call the King, but see where he comes.
My Lord, see where the
Guise is slaine.
Ah this sweet sight is phisick to my soule,
Goe fetch his sonne for to beholde his death:
Surchargde with guilt of thousand massacres:
Mounser of
Loraine sinke away to hell,
And in remembrance of those bloudy broyles:
[Page] To which thou didstalure me being aliue:
And heere in presence of you all
I sweare,
I nere was King of France vntill this houre:
This is the traitor that hath spent my golde,
In making forraine warres and ciuile broiles.
Did he not drawa sorte of English priestes,
From Doway to the Seminary at Remes,
To hatch forth treason gainst their naturall Queene?
Did he not cause the King of Spaines huge fleete,
To threaten England and to menace me?
Did he not iniure
Mounser thats deceast?
Hath he not made me in the Popes defence,
To spend the treasure that should strength my land:
In ciuill broiles between
Nauarre and me?
Tush, to be short, he meant to make me Munke,
Or else to murder me, and so be King.
Let Christian princes that shall heare of this,
(As all the world shall know our
Guise is dead)
Rest satisfied with this that heer I sweare,
Nere was there King of France so yoakt as I.
My Lord heer is his sonne.
Enter the
Guises sonne.
Boy, look where your father lyes,
Yong Guise.
My father slaine, who hath done this deed?
Sirra twas I that slew him, and will slay thee too, and thou proue such a traitor.
Yong Guise.
Art thou King, and hast done this bloudy deed?
Ile be reuengde.
He offereth to throwe his dagger.
A way to prison with him, Ile clippe his winges or ere he passe my handes, away with him.
But what auaileth that this traitors dead,
When Duke
Dumaine his brother is aliue,
And that young Cardinall that is growne so proud?
Goe to the Gouernour of Orleance,
And will him in my name to kill the Duke.
Get you a way and strangle the Cardinall,
These two will make one entire Duke of
Especially with our olde mothers helpe.
My Lord, see where she comes, as if she droupt to heare these newes.
Enter Queene
And let her droup, my heart is light enough.
Mother, how like you this deuice of mine?
I slew the
Guise, because I would be King.
King, why so thou wert before.
Pray God thou be a King now this is done.
Nay he was King and countermanded me,
[Page] But now I will be King and rule my selfe,
And make the
Guisians stoup that are aliue.
I cannot speak for greefe, when thou wast borne,
I would that I had murdered thee my sonne.
My sonne: thou art a changeling, not my sonne.
I curse thee and exclaime thee miscreant,
Traitor to God, and to the realme of France.
Cry out, exclaime, houle till thy throat be hoarce,
Guise is slaine, and I reioyce therefore:
And now will I to armes, come
And let her greeue her heart out if she will.
Exit the
King and
A way, leaue me alone to meditate,
Guise, would he had died so thou wert heere:
To whom shall I bewray my secrets now,
Or who will helpe to builde Religion?
The Protestants will glory and insulte,
Nauarre will get the crowne of France,
The Popedome cannot stand, all goes to wrack.
And all for thee my
Guise, what may I doe?
But sorrow seaze vpon my toyling soule,
For since the
Guise is dead, I will not liue.
Enter two dragging in the Cardenall.
Murder me not, I am a Cardenall.
Wert thou the Pope thou mightst not scape from vs.
What will you fyle your handes with Churchmens bloud?
Shed your bloud, O Lord no: for we entend to strangle you.
Then there is no remedye but I must dye.
No remedye, therefore prepare your selfe.
Yet liues my brother Duke
Dumaiue, and many moe:
To reuenge our deaths vpon that cursed King.
Vpon whose heart may all the furies gripe,
And with their pawes drench his black soule in hell.
Yours my Lord Cardinall, you should haue saide.
Now they strangle him.
So, pluck amaine, he is hard hearted, therfore pull with violence.
Come take him away.
Enter Duke
Dumayn reading of a letter, with others.
My noble brother murthered by the King,
Oh what may I doe, for to reuengethy death?
[Page] The Kingsalone, it cannot satisfie.
Sweet Duke of
Guise our prop to leane vpon,
Now thou art dead, heere is no stay for vs:
I am thy brother, and ile reuenge thy death,
And roote
Valoys his line from forth of France,
And beate proud
Burbon to his natiue home.
That basely seekes to ioyne with such a King.
Whose murderous thoughts will be his ouerthrow.
Hee wild the Gouernour of Orleance in his name,
That I with speed should haue beene put to death.
But thats preuented, for to end his life.
His life, and all those traitors to the Church of Rome,
That durst attempt to murder noble
Enter the
My Lord, I come to bring you newes, that your brother the Cardinall of Loraine by the Kings consent is lately strangled vnto death.
My brother Carden all slaine and I aliue?
O wordes of power to kill a thousand men.
Come let vs away and leauy men,
Tis warre that must asswage this tyrantes pride.
My Lord, heare me but speak.
I am a Frier of the order of the Iacobyns,
That for my conscience sake will kill the King.
But what doth moue thee aboue the rest to doe the deed?
O my Lord, I haue beene a great sinner in my dayes, and the deed is meritorious.
But how wilt thou get opportunitye?
Tush my Lord, let me alone for that.
Frier come with me,
We will goe talke more of this within.
Sound Drumme and Trumpets, and enter the King of France, and
Nauarre, Epernoune, Bartus, Pleshe and Souldiers.
Brother of
Nauarre, I sorrow much,
That euer I was prou'd your enemy,
And that the sweet and princely minde you beare,
[Page] Was euer troubled with iniurious warres:
I vow as I am lawfull King of France,
To recompence your reconciled loue,
With all the honors and affections,
That euer I vouchsafte my dearest freends.
It is enough if that
Nauarre niay be,
Esteemed faithfull to the King of France:
Whose seruice he may still commaund till death.
Thankes to my Kingly Brother of
Then heere wee'llye before Lucrecia walles,
Girting this strumpet Cittie with our siege,
Till surfeiting with our afflicting armes,
She cast her hatefull stomack to the earth.
Enter a Messenger.
And it please your Maiestie heere is a Frier of the order of the Iacobins, sent from the President of Paris, that craues accesse vnto your grace.
Let him come in.
Enter Frier with a Letter.
I like not this Friers look.
[Page] Twere not amisse my Lord, if he were searcht.
Epernoune, our Friers are holy men,
And will not offer violence to their King,
For all the wealth and treasure of the world,
Frier, thou dost acknowledge me thy King:
I my good Lord, and will dye therein.
Then come thou neer, and tell what newes thou bringst.
My Lord, the President of Paris greetes your grace, and sends his dutie by these speedye lines, humblye crauing your gracious reply.
Ile read them Frier, and then Ile answere thee.
Sancte Iacobus, now haue mercye vpon me.
He stabs the King with a knife as he readeth the letter, and then the King getteth the knife and killes him.
O my Lord, let him liue a while.
No, let the villaine dye, and feele in hell, iust torments for his trechery.
What, is your highnes hurt?
Nauarre, but not to death I hope.
God shield your grace from such a sodaine death:
Goe call a surgeon hether strait.
What irreligeous Pagans partes be these,
Of such as holde them of the holy church?
Take hence that damned villaine from my sight.
Ah, had your highnes let him liue,
We might haue punisht him to his deserts.
Epernoune all Rebels vnder heauen, shall take example by their punishment, how they beare armes against their soueraigne.
Goe call the English Agent hether strait,
Ile send my sister England newes of this,
And giue her warning of her trecherous foes.
Pleaseth your grace to let the Surgeon search your wound.
The wound I warrant ye is deepe my Lord,
Search Surgeon and resolue me what thou seest.
The Surgeon searcheth.
Enter the
English Agent.
Agent for England, send thy mistres word,
[Page] What this detested Iacobin hath done.
Tell her for all this that I hope to liue,
Which if I doe, the Papall Monarck goes to wrack.
And antechristian kingdome falles.
These bloudy hands shall teare his triple Crowne,
And fire accursed Rome about his eares.
He fire his crased buildings and incense,
The papall to wers to kisse the holy earth.
Nauarre, giue me thy hand, I heere do sweare,
To ruinate that wicked Church of Rome,
That hatcheth vp such bloudy practises.
And heere protest eternall loue to thee,
And to the Queene of England specially,
Whom God hath blest for hating Papestry.
These words reuiue my thoughts and comforts me,
To see your highnes in this vertuous minde.
Tell me Surgeon, shall I liue?
Alas my Lord, the wound is dangerous, for you are stricken with a poysoned knife.
A poysoned knife, what shall the French king dy e,
Wounded and poysoned, both at once?
O that that damned villaine were aliue againe,
That we might torture him with some new found death.
He died a death too good, the deuill of hell torture his wicked soule.
Ah curse him not sith he is dead, O the fatall poyson workes within my brest, tell me Surgeon and flatter not, may I liue?
Alas my Lord, your highnes cannot liue.
Surgeon, why saist thou so? the King may liue.
Oh no
Nauarre, thou must be King of France.
Long may you liue, and still be King of France.
Or else dye
Epernoune thy King must dye.
My Lords, fight in the quarrell of this valiant Prince,
For he is your lawfull King and my next heire:
Valoyses lyne ends in my tragedie.
Now let the house of
Bourbon weare the crowne,
And may it neuer end in bloud as mine hath done.
Weep not sweet
Nauarre, but reuenge my death.
Epernoune, is this thy loue to me?
Henry thy King wipes of these childish teares,
And bids thee whet thy sword on
Sextus bones,
That it may keenly slice the Catholicks.
He loues me not that sheds most teares,
But he that makes most lauish of his bloud.
Fire Paris where these trecherous rebels lurke,
Nauarre, come beare me to my Sepulchre.
[Page] Salute the Queene of England in my name,
And tell her
Henry dyes her faithfull freend.
Come Lords, take vp the body of the King.
That we may see it honourably interde:
And then I vow for to reuenge his death,
As Rome and all those popish Prelates there,
Shall curse the time that ere
Nauarre was King.
And rulde in France by
Henries fatall death.
They march out with the body of the King, lying on foure mens shoulders with a dead march, drawing weapons on the ground.