THE SOVLDIERS ACCIDENCE OR AN INTRODVCTION Into MILITARY DISCIPLINE, Containing the first Principles and necessary knowledge meete for Captaines, Muster Masters, and all young Souldiers of the Infantrie, or Foote Bandes.

ALSO, The Cavallarie or Formes of Trayning of Horse-Troopes, as it hath beene received from the latest and best experienced ARMIES.

A Worke fit for all Noble, Generous, and good spirits, that loue Honor, or Honorable Action.

— At nunc Horrentia Martis.

G. M.

LONDON Printed by I. D. for IOHN BELLAMIE, and are to be sold at his Shop at the three golden Lyons neere the Royall Exchange. 1625.

TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE, and THRICE Worthie Lords, Oliver, Lord Viscount Grandi­son; George, Lord Carew; Fulke, Lord Brooke; Arthur, Lord Chichester: And to the right Honora­ble, Sir Edward Conway, Knight, Sir Horrace Vere, Knight, Sir Edward Cecill, Knight, Sir Robert Man­sell, Knight, Sir Iohn Oagle, Knight, and Sir Thomas Button, Knight; Being the Lords and others of his Maiesties most Honorable Councell of Warre.

I Doe not presume ( Right Honorable) to offer this poore Tri­bute of mine Expe­rience, as a Modell whereby your Good­nesses might shape a­ny thing to adde strength to your owne vncontrolable knowledges; God forbid there should be in me such an impudent daring: But I humbly desire it may kisse your hands, as a sacrifice offered from your servant, or as a weaknes that stands in need of your protections: Vertue I know measureth every thing by its owne good­nesse, [Page] in which is exprest an infinite Cha­ritie, and you are that large Fountaine of vertue, that I cannot feare (how ever im­perfection may perswade me) but I shall touch of your noble waters; In your Ho­nors I know is power to iudge of my la­bour, and in you is authoritie to exercise mercie: and though you finde nothing written in it, but what you may reade ten thousand times better in your own brests, yet be pleased to thinke there be many puny scollars in our Kingdome (to which I haue ever desired to be a servant) that from these briefe Rules may gather more abler Iudgements. Therefore it is onely your noble favour and allowance, that must make it acceptable to those which neede it, and profitable to our Empire, which I wish to be serued by it. O then let these Graces flie from your Noble Na­tures, with that mildnesse that as I haue ever lived, I may die

Your Honors poore servant and Souldier, G. M.

¶ To the Reader.

KNowledge, which is the divine Mother of certaine Goodnesse, never came vnwellcome to an industri­ous Nature, for shee ever maketh a smooth way and a straight path; No more (I hope) shall this my labour to thee (Worthie Rea­der) since doubtlesse thou shalt finde in it many things New, (which is apt to catch covetous Spirits) somethings Necessarie (which are ever imbracst of Solid and Substantiall Iudgements). And I hope no­thing erring from Sense or Truth (which is such a Crowne, both to the worke, and thine owne satisfacti­on, that if thou beest any Master of Charitie, thou canst not giue me lesse almes then thanks for my paines taking,) I haue not labord mine owne, but thy profit, neither haue I measurd any thing in this Worke by any other Rule, then those wants which I found in my [Page] selfe when I first betooke me to the Warres, and had no other companions in my Bosome but Desire and Ignorance, the one being so contrary to the other, that had I had millions, I would haue given it for halfe the knowledge in this Booke, to haue reconcild, or at least expulst that ignorance which was so offen­siue vnto me. This for thine Industrie sake I haue performed, which if thou please to accept with that goodnesse of heart which it is meant, I haue got my desire, and will ever rest at thy service:

G. M.

¶ A Table of all the Materiall things contained in this Booke.

And first of the Infantrie.

TWo things referred to Commanders.
Sorting of Armes.
Election of man.
Arming of Pikes.
Arming of Musquetiers.
Arming of Hargobussiers.
Arming of Halberdiers.
Arming of the Ensigne.
Arming of the Lieutenant.
Arming of the Captaine.
The Formes of Trayning.
Imbattayling of men.
What a Ranke or Fyle is.
Of Flankes and Fronts.
The Continent of Ranke and Fyle, and the reason thereof.
The Devision of Companies.
The duties of the Corporall and the Lanspresado.
Foure things to be taught in Trayning.
1 The Carriage of Armes.
The vse of the Pike.
The vse of Shott.
How to giue Volleys.
Volleys Marching.
[Page]Volleys Standing.
Volleys vpon Advancement.
Volleys vpon a swift Retrayt.
2 Distance of place.
What distance is.
The vse of distances.
The names of distances, and the variation of names.
The measure of distances.
3 Of Marches.
The severall places of Officers.
Of Motions.
Diversitie of Motions.
4 Of the Sounds of the Drumme.
Vse of words.
The words of proper directions.
Of motions in distance or in forme.
Of motion in distance of Fyles.
Of motion in distance of Rankes.
Of motion in distance both in Fyles and Rankes.
Of motion in Forme of Fyles.
Of motion in Forme of Rankes.
Of motion in Forme both in Fyles and Rankes.
Of charging of Pikes.
Giving of Fire by the Flanke.
Of Constancie in words giuing.
What March and Motion is.
Word of particular Motions.
What Postures are.
1 The Postures of the Pike.
Postures Standing.
Postures Marching.
Postures Charging.
2 The Postures of the Musquet.
The Postures in Skirmish.
Postures in exercise.
[Page]Postures Standing.
Postures Marching.
Postures Charging.
Postures Discharging.
3 The Postures of the Hargobu [...].
A repetition by way of advise.
The dignitie of places.
A Table expressing Dignities.
The vse of the Table.
Leaders of Middle Fyles.
Middlemen to the Front and Reare.
Subdevision men.
The first sixe parts of Martiall discipline.
Carriage, Election, and Composition of Colours.
Mixture of Colours.
Captaines Colours.
Colonells Colours.
Superior Officers Colours.
Where Gentlemen may finde their Colours.
The libertie that Captaines take.
Of severall Mettalls and Colours.
The signification of Mettalls and Colours.
Of Bastard Colours, and their significations.
Offences in Colours.
Of Obedience and the vertue thereof.
The end of the first Table.

The second Table of the Cavallarie, or Trayning of Horse-Troopes.

THe difficultie in this Art.
The things considerable in this Art.
1 The election of men and horses.
[Page] 2 The arming of Gentlemen at Armes.
Arming for Triumph.
Arming of Launciers.
Arming of Light Horse.
Arming of Cuiraissiers.
Arming of Hargobussiers.
Arming of Dragons.
Arming of Captaines Cuirassiers.
Arming of Lieutenants.
Arming of Cornets.
Arming of the Trumpet.
Arming of Corporalls.
Arming of Captaines Hargobussiers.
Arming of Captaines of Dragons.
Difference betwixt the Cornet and Guydon.
A [...]vancement of Captaines of Horse.
3 The Formes of Trayning.
The Imbattayling of Horsemen.
The extent of a Fyle.
The extent of a Ranke.
The devision of a Horse-Troope.
Fiue things to be taught.
1 Manage of the Horse.
Words of Command.
The performance.
The words and the performance.
2 Carriage and vse of Armes.
The Postures of the Pistoll.
Postures Standing.
Postures Charging or Marching.
Postures Discharging.
Postures in Skirmish.
The best way to Teach.
3 Of distance of place.
Of Motion.
[Page] 4 Of Marches.
Words of especiall direction
The manner of Opening or Closing Rankes or Fyles.
Of doubling Rankes or Fyles.
Of doubling the Front divers wayes.
The turning of Faces.
Of Countermarching or Wheeling.
Observations in Countermarching.
Observations in Wheeling.
Observations in doubling the Front.
5 Of the Trumpet.
The first poynt of Warre, and its vse.
The second poynt of Warre, and its vse.
The third, and its vse.
The fourth, and its vse.
The fifth, and its vse.
The sixt, and its vse.
Speciall Notes.
The chiefe Officers in an Horse Armie [...]
Wherein the Iustice consisteth.
The places of great Officers.
The Composition of Regiments.
Whence directions are received.
The end of the second Table.


PAge 14. line 28. for before reade betweene. p. 18. l. 24. for Formes r. Forme. p. 31. l. 30. for lenitie r. leuitie. p. 32. l. 11. for not r. at. p. 33. l. 18. for yea r. yet. p. 41. l. 28. for Rooes reade Races.



THe Captaines of the men to be Trained for the Warres (whether they be Muster-Masters, or o­ther private Comman­ders) haue two things to be referred vnto them, that is, sorting of Armes, and the Formes or true Manners of Trayning.

For the Sorting of Armes, it is a good preporti­on to haue a Companie equally compounded of Armed men and Shot, the Armed men to be all Pikes (except the Officers.) The Shot to be at least halfe Musquets, the other halfe Harquebushes, but if the Shot could be two parts Musquets, it were better, but if all Musquets, then best of all.

[Page 2]Also care is to be had what men are put to every finde of Armes, the strong, tall; and best persons to be P [...]kes, the squarest and broadest will be fit to carry Musquets, and the least and nimblest may (if necessitie compell) be turned to the Harquebush; But aboue all other respects, it is to be considered to what Armes every man doth best frame him­selfe, for which cause it is not amisse, that the Cap­taine see the same men to vse severall Armes be­fore he doe appoint them certainly to carry any one.

Next he shall see that every man be well and suf­ficiently Armed with good and allowable Armes; That is to say, all his Pikemen shall haue good Spa­nish Morians, or els Steele Caps for their heads, well lined with quilted Caps, Curaces for their bodies of nimble and good [...]ould, being (at the least) high pike proo [...]e [...] large and well [...]ompa [...]t Gord­gets for their Neckes; Fayre and close ioyned. Ta­ces, to arme to the mid-thigh, as for the Pouldron, or the Vant [...]e, they may be spared, because they are but [...]. All this Armour is to be ra­ther of Russet, Sang [...]ine or Blacke colour [...] then White, or Milld, for it will keepe the longer from rust.

They shall haue strong straight, yet nimble Pikes of Ash-wood, well headed with Steele, and armed with plates downward from the head at least foure foote, and the full size or length of every Pike shall be fifte one foote, beside the head.

These Pikemen shall also haue good, sharpe, and broad Swords (of which the Turkie or Bilboe are [Page 3] best) strong Scabards, chapt with Iron, Girdle, Hangers, or Bautricke of strong Leather; and last­ly, if to the Pikemans Headpeece be fastned a small ring of Iron, and to the right side of his Backpeece (below his Girdle) an Iron hooke, to hang his Steele-cap vpon, it will be a great ease to the Soul­dier, and a nimble carriage in the time of long Marches.

All his Musquetiers shall be armed in good Spa­nish Marians vpon their Heads. About their bodies Bautrickwise from the left shoulder vnder the right arme, they shall carry Bandiliers of broad Leather, hauing made fast [...] vnto them at least twelue or thir­teene charges of wood or horne, well covered with Leather, and hanging by large long strings, that with ease they may be brought to the mouth of the Peece. And these Charges must containe Powder according to the bore and bignesse of the Piece by due measure.

They shall also haue Swords, Girdles, Hangers, or Bautrickes, and Bullet bags, in which they shall carrie their Moulds, Bullets, Wormes, Screwes, Rammer, and Pryming Iron.

Also they shall haue good and sufficient Mus­quets, of true size and bore, with cleane Barrels, and straight scowring stickes, headed at the one end with Rammers of horne, sutable to the bore of the Piece, and at the other, with boxes of iron in which to screw their Wormes, iron Rammers, and the like. The Cockes and Trickers of the Piece (for Seares are not good) shall be nimble to goe and come, and the Stocks shall be straight, & of very sound wood.

[Page 4]Lastly, for their right hands they shall haue Rests of Ash wood, or other tough wood, with iron Pikes in the neather end, and halfe hoopes of Iron aboue to rest the Musquet on, and double strong stringes fastned neare therevnto, to hang about the arme of the Souldier when at any time he shall haue occa­sion to traile the same; And the length of these Rests shall be sutable to the stature of the man, bea­ring his Piece so, as he may discharge it without stooping.

The Harquebushes shall be armed like the Mus­quets; The Rest onely excepted, and the quantitie of the Piece, and the Charges duely considered.

Your Halberdier shall be armed in all points like your Pike, onely in stead of the Pike he shall carry a faire Halberd, that is strong, sharpe, and well armed with plates of iron, from the Blade at least two foot downward vpon the Staffe, and fringed or adorned according to pleasure; And these Halberds doe properly belong vnto the Serieants of Compa­nies, who by reason of their much imployment are excused from Armes; Otherwise in the day of Bat­taile, or in the Battaile they are for guard of the En­signe, or matter of execution, and then to be armed as is aforesaid.

The Ensigne, or Bearer of the Captaines colours, shall be armed at all pieces to the mid thigh, as as Head-peece, Gorget, Curaces, Pouldrons, Vant­branes, and Taces, with a faire Sword by his side, and his Captaines Colours or Ensigne in his hand. The Lieutenants of Companies shall be armed like the Ensigne-bearer, and his weapon shall be a faire guilt Partizan.

[Page 5]The Captaines shall be armed as the Lieutenants, onely as much richer as they please, and their wea­pons to lead with, shall be Feather staues; But their weapons to serue or encounter the enemy with, shall be faire Partizans of strong and short blades, well guilt and adorned, according to their owne pleasures.

For the Formes or manner of Trayning; That forme is onely to be followed, which shall be soo­nest and easiest learned, and of most vse for all kind of service whatsoever, and which I take to be this Forme following.

First you shall draw your Company into two Battalions, or square Bodies (the Pikes by them­selues, and the Shot by themselues) which Bodies shall consist of Ranks and Files, and you shall draw them forth by Files or tens, man after man, or if they be much disorderly and vncapable, then draw them forth by halfe Files or fiues, and when they are so placed, by doubling those halfe Files, you may bring them to whole Files; which done, then placing the Pikes in the midst, wing them on either hand with your Shot, wherein if you haue Ha [...] ­quebushes (which are now out of vse with vs) you shall then giue to your Musquetiers the prioritie of place, that is, they shall make the outmost Files both of the right and the left hand.

Now for a Ranke, you shall vnderstand it is a Row of men placed Pouldron to Pouldron, or Shoulder to Shoulder, their faces being directed all one way; And a File is a Sequence of men stand­ing one behind another, Backe to Belly, extending [Page 6] from the first to the last man; And it is taken from the French word la Fila signifying a Thridd, be­cause men stand long wise and straight like a thrid, and the Files consist of single men downeward, as the Ranks consist of single men ouerthwart.

Now these Files in some discipline are called Flankes, because they doe flanker, or wall in the Battalia, and the Rankes are called Fronts, be­cause they stand formost and doe as it were affront the Battailes, and looke vpon the Enemie, but in truth none can properly be called the Front but the Ranke which standeth formost, nor any File be called a [...]lanke, but those which stand outmost, yet all are Ranks, and all are Files, and therefore those two names are without contradiction. Now lastly you shall vnderstand, that a Ranke may con­sist of as many men as you please (according to the number of your Company) But a File (howe­uer the Spaniards and Italians vse it in vncertaine depth) ought neuer to be aboue ten persons deepe (except it be in marching or in most especiall ser­uice, where advantage of ground requireth the contrary) The reason thereof, being that the first man hauing done his dutie in discharging his piece, may in the space that nine other men shall do their duties, and discharge their pieces distinct­ly one after another, be againe in readines & make his first place good, there to discharge his piece a­againe. Besides it is the readiest and best way for the drawing of Grosses and great numbers, into a­ny forme that you please, because according to this discipline, euery hundred men make a full [Page 7] Square, that is to say, iustren euery way.

This done you shall deuide one hundred men into foure Corporall shipps or Squadrons, and eue­ry Squadron, into as many Files as the number wil beare, and euery File into Fellowships or Camera-does, Th [...] Corporall of euery Squadron, shall be the leader of the chiefest file of the Squadron, and the Lanspresado: (who in the Corporalls absence, as vpon a guard or otherwise, doth all the Corpo­ralls duties) shall lead another file, and the most sufficient Gentlemen of euery Squadron shal be the leaders of the rost.

Now for the especiall duties of these two Offi­cers (which is the Corporall, and the Lanspresadoe) you shall vnderstand that the Corporalls chiefest du­tie is vpon guards at night, after the Watch is set, and the Sentinells placed [...] where so soone as the Sentinell shall call vpon any approach, lie shall im­mediately goe with his Sword drawne, or in espe­ciall cases (where the Enemy lodgeth neare) with a guard of two at least (being a Pike and a Shot) vnto the Sentinell, and making his Guard stand vp­on their guard he shall place the point of his sword to the breast of him that is to giue the Word, whe­ther he be Rounder, or other private passenger, and so with his eare to his mouth very closely re­ceiueth [...] Word, which if it be right he shall giue the partie passe; if otherwise he shall take him priso­ner, and disarme him, and either keepe him vpon his guard, or els deliver him to his superior Offi­cer: But if any resistance shall be offered then it shall be lawfull for him to kill him.

[Page 8]Also the Corporall shall in the time of service fee that every Souldier in his Squadron haue his Armes neate, cleane, and handsome; that they be not vnfurnished of Powder, Match, and Bullet; and the Lanspresadoe (as was before said) shall in the absence of the Corporall doe all the Corporals duties, and in the time of rest he shall call vpon his Squadron, and see them dresse, trimme, and scoure their Armes and Weapons, and teach them how best to doe the same. And also he shall see them cast their Bullets, if need require, and to such as are ig­norant, teach them how to doe the same, and shew them how to scoure their Pieces, and oyle them, and in time of necessitie, or vpon Cloying, how to vnbreetch them.

The Companie being thus devided, In the Trayning foure principall things are to be taught.

  • 1. First, the carriage and vse of Armes, conteined in divers Postures or Stations, expressing the formes of men in Armes.
  • 2. Secondly, Distance or proportion of place in Files and Rankes.
  • 3. Thirdly, March and Malion, contained in words of most especiall directions.
  • 4. And fourthly, all the sounds or beatings of the Drumme, and ordinarie words of direction (which are our Vocabula artis) and how by the Drumme, or the voice of a Commander, to moue and obey the direction.

1. The carriage of Armes must be comely and rea­diest for vse.

[Page 9]The vse of Pikes is either in receiving or giuing a Charge; Vse of the Pike. By being t [...]ught the first [...] the Souldier learnes to withstand Horse; By the second, to en­counter with the enemies Pikes, in which the vse of Armes is most in knowing when and how every man, and so every Ranke should giue his push.

In teaching the vse of Shot the Souldier must first learne how to carry his Piece, Vse of the Shot. then how to present it, and to take his levell, and how and when to giue his volley with those in his Ranke. All which shall be more plainly described when wee come to speake of Postures [...] And this part of Instru­ction is the proper office of the Serieants of Com­panies, for they should both teach the Shot the vse of their Armes, and be their Leaders in Service, if by an especiall commandement, a superior Offi­cer be not appointed.

In teaching to giue volleys, How to giue Volleys. the ancient and vul­gar manner of discipline (which is that the whole volley shall be given of all the Shot in one Battalia, or Troop, at one instant, as well of them behind as before) is vtterly to be condemned; For either the hind most must venture to shoot their fellowes be­fore through the heads, or els will overshoot, and so spend their Shot vnprofitably. Besides, the volley being once given, the Enemy comes on without impeachment or annoyance [...] But in stead of this kind of volley at once (which onely serues to make a great crack) let the first Ranke onely giue their volley, Volleys mar­ching. and if the Bat [...]ali [...] ma [...]ch, then that Ranke which hath giuen their volley to stand, and the se­cond to passe through it, and so giue their volley, [Page 10] and then to stand, and the third to come vp, and so consequently all the Rankes.

Volleys stan­ding.But if the Battalia stand, then the first Ranke ha­ving given their volley, shall fall back to the Reare, either in Wheele, or in Counter-march (according to the number of persons in the Ranke.) And the second Ranke come into their places, and so the third, and fourth, till the first Ranke be come to their places againe, and so to continue to the end of commandement.

Volleys re­tyring.But if the Battalia shall fall backe or retire, and loose ground; then shall all the Shot stand still, and no man advance a foote of ground; But the first Ranke in its due place shall giue their volley, and then fall backe behind the last Ranke, and then the second Ranke shall giue their volley in their due place, and so fall behind the first, and in the same manner all the rest, till they haue lost so much ground as to the Commander shall seeme conve­nient: And so the volley shall be still continued, whether in Marching, Standing, or Retyring, and the enemy never free from annoyance; All which is easily performed, if before the Motion you doe make all your Shot open their Files well, either to one or the other hand.

There are two other wayes of giuing fire, the one vpon advancement, the other, vpon a swift and speedie retrayt: Volleys vpon advancement. That vpon advancement towards an enemy when your men skirmish loose and dis­banded, must be done by Rankes in this manner; Two Rankes must alwayes make ready together, and advance tenne paces forwardes before the bo­die, [Page 11] at which distance a Sergeant (or when the bo­dy is great) some other officer must stand, to whom the Musquetiers are to come vp before they pre­sent and giue fire; first, the first Ranke, and whilest the first giues fire, the second Ranke keepe their Musquets close to their Rests, and their pans guar­ded; and as soone as the first are falne away, the second presently present and giue fire, and fall af­ter them: Now as soone as the two first Rankes doe moue from their places in the Front, the two Rankes next it must vnshoulder their Musquets, and make readie, so as they may advance forwards tenne paces, as before; as soone as the two first Rankes are fallen away, and are to doe in all points as the former; so all the other Rankes through the whole devision must doe the same by twoes one after another.

The manner of giving fire in a swift retrayt is as the devision marcheth away, Volleys vpon a swift retrait. the hinder most [...] of all (keeping still with the devision) maketh readie, and being readie, the Souldiers in that ranke turne altogether to the right hand, and giue fire, Marching presently away a good round pace to the Front, and there place themselues in Ranke to­gether, iust before the Front; As soone as the first Ranke turnes to giue fire, the Ranke next it makes readie, and doth as the former, and so the rest.

Next to the Carriage of Armes, you shall teach the knowledg of Distance or Seperation of places, Distance of place. being accounted a certaine orderly space betweene File and File, Ranke and Ranke, in such order and [Page 12] measure as the Gaptaine shall be disposed to nomi­na [...]e, which not being obeyed, the whole body of the Battalia is put out of order, and neither carrying proportion [...] nor true shape, are as men in rout or disorder [...] Therefore it ought carefully (of all things) to be observed and vsed according to the limitation or fitnesse of every Motion; For the Sta­tions of all Military persons, and the Motions in Armes, are not alwayes certaine, or in one steadie role [...] but do [...] continually interchange and alter agree a [...]y one with another; And the vse of this Distance is both in Rankes and Files, in Marches, and in Motions; In Files, as when they stand or march at the first Distance, which is called Closest, that is to say, Pouldron to Pouldron, or Shoulder to Shoulder, or when they stand or march at the second Distance, which is called Close, and is a foot and a halfe distance man from man; or when they stand or march at the third distance, which is called Order, which is three foote man from man; or when they stand or march at the fourth and last Di­stance, which is called Open Order, and is sixe foote betweene person and person.

So likewise in Rankes to stand or march Closest, is to be at the Swords poynt, to stand or march Close; is three foote, to stand or march at Order, is sixe foote, and to stand or march at Open Order, is ever twelue foote.

Now there be some Commanders which vary in the nomination of these termes, though not in Quantitie or Distance, for they will haue Close in Files to be Pouldron to Pouldron; Order, a foote [Page 13] and an halfe; Open-Order three foote, and Double-distance sixe foote [...] and so omit the word Closest.

And so like wise in Rankes, Close they will haue to the Swords poynt, Order three foote, Open Or­der sixe foote, and Double-distance twelue foote, and so not the word Closest at all.

Others vary it another way, and will haue but three Distances, that is to say; Open Order, which they will haue to be six foote both betweene ranke and fyle, Order three foote betweene Ranke and Fyle, and Close-order a foote and an halfe betweene Fyle [...] and Fyle, and three foote betweene Ranke and Ranke, and when they come to open Rankes, then they command Double-distance also, which they make twelue foote, and so by steps come to the fourth Distance also, but I preferre the first disci­pline, and hold the words fully as significant and most in vse, which aboue all things are to be estee­med and imitated.

Now to take the true measure of these Distances, The measure of Distances. because the eye is but an vncertaine Iudge, you shall take the distance of sixe foote betweene fyle and fyle, by commanding the Souldiers (as they stand) to stretch forth their arme [...], and stand so re­moued one from another, that their handes may meete. To take the distance of three foot betweene fyle and fyle, you shall make the Souldiers set their armes a kenbowe, and put themselues so close that their elbowes may meete, and to take the distance of a foote and an halfe, euery other Souldier in the Ranke shall set one arme a kenbowe, and his fellow shall neare touch it; And thus likewise in Rankes [Page 14] wee take the distance of sixe foote, when the but ends of the Pikes do almost reach their heeles that march before. Three foote in Ranke is when they come almost to the Swords poynt; and twelue foote is the length of a Pike charged ever.

Of Marches.Next vnto distance of place, is to be taught Mar­ches and Motions, and in teaching of Marches, af­ter euery man knowes his place, and is willed to obserue his fyle and ranke; In a plaine March, there is no hardnesse, nor yet in a Counter-march, if the Leaders of the fyles be well chosen, and that every man obserue well him that goes next before him. Besides, if there be any little disorder, the Officers keeping a good eye, and being every one of them in their due place, will easily reforme it.

Now for the places of the Officers, they are these:

The severall places of Of­ficers.The head of the Troope or Band is for the Cap­taine, and the Reare for the Lieutenant, except it be in a Retrayt, and then the Captaine should be in the Reare, and the Lieutenant at the Head. The Ensigne (in an ordinary Battalia) vpon the head behinde the Captaine, or within a Ranke thereof. But marching in an extended Battayle, then in the heart or midst of the Pikes. The Drummes are in a square Battalia to beate before the right and left wings. But in an extended Battayle, the eldest Drumme shall beate before the third and fourth ranke of Shot, which followeth next after the Cap­taine. The second Drumme shall attend the En­signe; and the third (if there be so many in one [Page 15] Companie) shall beate betweene the third and fourth Ranke of Shot, which marcheth in the Reare next before the Lieutenant. The Phiphes (if there be more then one) the eldest shall march with the eldest Drumme; and the second shall attend on the Ensigne. The Sergeants are extravagantly to march on each side the Company, and to see the Souldiers keepe their Rankes and Fyles, according to the Captaines appoyntment; as also to listen and performe any direction that shall come from the Captaine, or other Officer in chiefe: as also (vpon any occasion) to leade loose and disbanded fyles of Shot in Skirmish, or els devisions of Pykes or Shot in ordinary Marches, where superior Officers are absent.

Now to these Marches, Of Motion [...]. are added the teaching of Motions, because there are many such that are not Marches at all: As some without changing of place, in onely turning of their faces to the right hand, or the left, or about (that is to say) the meere con­trary way, to that they were at the Command gi­uen; which is necessarie if the enemy should charge of either side or behinde.

Some motions there are which change place; But yet no more then a remouing from one Ranke to another, or from one File to another, when as (commonly) though some doe remoue, yet others stand still; and these kinde of Motions are dou­bling of Rankes or Fyles, whereby the Battalia is made broader or longer, as the Enemy or the ground you haue, causeth you to make your Flankes, Fronts, Rankes, or Files greater or lesser. [Page 16] And here is to be noted in this doubling of Rankes or Fyles, that Rankes when they double to the right hand, must ever turne to the left hand to come to their former places againe, and if they be doubled to the left hand, they must turne on the right hand to come to their first places againe; And Fyles when they are doubled to any hand, by the doubling of Rankes to the contrary hand, they are brought to their first places againe. And so having doubled your Rankes to any hand, by the doubling of Fyles to the contrary hand, you also bring them to their first places againe.

There is also to be taught another Motion, in which all doe moue, and yet none doe march, which is the Opening and Closing either of Rankes or Fyles, and is of vs [...] not onely when you would haue one Ranke passe through another, or the whole Body of the Battalia make a counter-march, but when we would draw the Battayle quickly, and in order, more of one hand or other.

In teaching the Souldier how to know the sounds or Beatings of the Drumme, Of the sounds of the Drum. you must make them obserue not onely what the Drum doth beat, as whether it be a Call, a March, a Troope, a Battalia, a Charge, a Retrait, a Batterie, a Reliefe, and so forth, but also what time he keepes, for euer according to the measure of time, the Souldier is to march slow­er or faster, to charge with greater violence, or to come off with greater speede, also he shall know when by the Drum to attend his Captaines direc­tions, when to repayre to his Colour [...], and when [Page 17] to doe other duties. And many other beatings as occasion shall administer, and as by the sound of the Drum, you doe teach your Souldiers to march, so by the voice (at their first instruction) you shall teach them all other motions.

To make them therefore perfect in these and all other Motions, Vse of words. it is good to vse them to some cer­taine words, which being once learned [...] will serue for direction, and they must bee the wordes [...] now most in vse in our English Armies.

The words which are now in vse, both here and in the Netherlands, are these and such like [...] fol­lowing.

First for all Motions in generall, they must eyther be in Distance, or in Forme.

If in Distance, it must eyther be in File, or Rank, or in both together.

If the motion be in distance o [...] Files, it must ey­ther be in closing or in opening; If in closing, then your words of proper directions are th [...]se.

First hauing drawne your Ba [...]aile in order you shall say —

Leaders stand forward with your Files. The words of proper direc­tions.


  • Close your Files.
  • Close your Files to the right hand.
  • Close your Files to the left.

And all these three motions you shal doe eyther closest, close, to Order, or to open Order.

  • Open your Files.
  • Open to the right hand.
  • Open to the left.

[Page 18] Or to any order as aforesayd.

If in distance of Rankes, then also in closing or opening, if in closing— then

  • Close your Rankes.
  • Close your Rankes, from the front to the reare.
  • Close your Rankes, from the reare to the front.

And any of th [...]se to any order as aforesayd, and if in opening— then

  • Open your Rankes.
  • Open your Rankes, from the front reareward.
  • Open your Rankes from the reare forward.

And any of th [...]se to any order aforesayd,

And heerein is to bee noted that Rankes when they open, ought (for the most part) to open downeward, turning to the Reare, and if they close, it m [...]st euer be vpward to the Front.

Lastly if motion in distance, be both of Rankes and File [...] at one instant, then you shall say —

  • Files and Rankes close.
  • Files and Rankes open.

And both these to any order aforesayd.

Now if it be motion in forme, it is also in files, in rankes, and in files and rankes both together.

If it be motion in forme of files, the words of direction are —

  • Double your Files to the right hand.
  • Double your Files to the left.
  • Advance [...] Files to the right hand.
  • Advance your Files to the left.
  • Advance by devision to the right hand.
  • Advance by devision to the left.
  • [Page 19] Files ranke by conversion to the right hand.
  • Files ranke by conversion to the left.
  • Files ranke 3.5.7. &c.
  • Shorten your Files to 5.8. &c.
  • Lengthen your Files to 10.12.16. &c.
  • Files counter-march to the right hand.
  • Files counter-march to the left.
  • Files counter-march to both by devision.

And this counter-march may bee done divers wayes and manners, as after the manner of the Ma­cedonians, the Lacedemonians, the Persians, or out late and more moderne vse and fashion, & all these motions must be done to some one or other order as aforesayd.

If it be motion in forme of rankes, then the words are—

  • Double your rankes to the right hand.
  • Double your rankes to the left.
  • Rankes file by conversion to the right hand.
  • Rankes file by conversion to the left.
  • Rankes ranke. 5.7. &c.
  • Midlemen double the front to the right hand.
  • Midlemen double the front to the left.
  • Midlemen double to both by devision, to the right en­tire, and to the left entire.
  • Rankes counter-march from the right hand to the left.
  • Rankes counter-march from the left hand to the right.

In the manner as formerly in fyles, according to severall Nations, & when you will Counter-march to the right hand, the first ranke of Leaders onely must advance one stepp forward with the right leg, [Page 20] and then turne, and all the other ranks must march first vp to the place from whence the first ranke did counter-march before they turne; So likewise, if you will counter-march to the left hand, the first rankes must stepp forward, one stepp with the left legge, and then turne, and all the other rankes be­hind, must come vp to that place before they turne as before; The same order is to be obserued, when you will counter-march your Files; Also in coun­ter-marching, though both are here set downe for distinction sake, you are to name neither Rankes nor Files, but are onely to say—

To the right hand counter-march, or To the left hand counter-march.

Now if it be Motion in forme, both in Files and Rankes iointly together, then the words of directi­on are

  • Faces to the right hand.
  • Faces to the left.
  • Faces to both by devision.
  • Faces about, or all one.
  • Faces to the Reare. all one.
  • Wheele by conversion to the right hand.
  • Wheele by conversion to the left.
  • Wheele to both by devision.
  • Charge to the right hand.
  • Charge to the left.
  • Charge to both by devision.
  • Charge to the Front.
  • Charge to the Reare.
  • Charge to both front and reare by devision.

[Page 21]Now to reduce any of these words of direction to the same order or station in which the Souldier stood before they were spoken, you shall say— As you were.

Now in these words of generall directions, Charging of Pikes. this is principally to be regarded, that in charging with Pikes, halfe the Rankes are but to charge their Pikes, and the other halfe to carrie them advan­ced, or ported, so neare the heads of the formost as they may doe them no annoyance, either in Charging or Retyring; and they must also obserue when they doe Charge standing, to fall backe with the right foote, and Marching to step forward with the left.

There is also another motion in forme, Giuing of fire by the Flanke. which is the giuing of fire by the Flanke, or by whole Fyles one after another, which are strange to the Dutch, or Spanish, yet exceeding frequent with the Irish, and therefore necessary for our English vse. And that is for the beating or Clayring of Paces (which are narrow strait wayes through Woods and Bogs) and the words for direction are—

  • Cast of your fyles to the right hand.
  • Cast of your fyles to the left.
  • Cast of your fyles to both by devision.

Now for the most of these words there can be hardly better chosen. Constancy in words giuing. But it is not so materiall what words you first choose to trayne by; as it is to vse some words constantly: and yet the same words should be vsed generally through the Troopes of an Armie, or els it will breed confusion. And if it [Page 22] were also generally in the discipline of one King­dome, it were better and more absolute. What March & Motion i [...]. And thus much touching March and Motion; which is no­thing els but an actuall working of the bodie, con­tained in foure severall circumstances: The first be­ing a marching forward (as charging to the Front) the second backward (as by retrayt) the third side­wayes (as by closing, opening or doubling of fyles to either hand): and the last Wheeling (as by con­version or turning to either hand) all which must be performed as occasion shall be offered to the vn­derstanding of the Commander, observing every motion in true order, place, distance, and posture. All other motions in the mayne body of a Battalia being nothing but the parents of disorder and con­fe [...]sion; [...] Art, by the opinions of the Auncients [...] is o [...]ly the true Science of Warlike Motion, of the Emperiall Art of comely and well ordering of Battayle [...], Armes, Gestures, and Moti­ons, any of which will not indure monstrou [...] shape [...] [...].

Words of par­ticular motiō.Next vnto these words of generall Motions, wee will place the words of particular Motions, which onely concerne the manage, vse, and carriage of weapons. And these kinde of Motions are called in one present discipline Postures, What Postures are. that is, The true [...] of men in Armes, carrying all manner of mar [...]all weapons (in every Motion whatsoever) in the comeliest, [...]ad i [...] [...], and easiest way both to [...], and not onely making everything [...] very deligh [...]full to the eye, but also tak­ing [Page 23] away all dangers and disorders which might o­therwise happen, either through igno [...]an [...]e or rudenesse.

To speake then first of those Postures which be­long vnto the Pike, The Postures of the Pike. and are published by the most excellent Prince, the Count Ma [...]rice of [...], Prince of Orange; they are in number [...]one; That is to say, three which are exprest standing [...] [...]ixe ma [...]ching, and seaven charging.

The three which are exprest standing, are—

  • Lay downe your Pike.
  • Take vp your Pike.
  • Order your Pike.

The sixe which are to be done marching [...] are—

  • Advance your Pike.
  • Shoulde [...] your Pike.
  • Levell your Pike.
  • Sloape your Pike.
  • Cheeke your Pike.
  • Trayle your Pike.

The seauen which are done charging, are—

  • Port over hand.
  • Port vnder-hand.
  • Charge over-hand.
  • Charge vnder-hand.
  • Couch over-hand.
  • Couch vnder-hand.
  • Charge against the right foote, and t [...]aw yo [...] [...]ord over-arme.

As touching the Postures which belong to the Musquet, The Postures of the Mus­quet. they are fortie in n [...]mber, and are to be [Page 24] done; Fiue standing; three marching; eight-teene charging; and fourteene discharging: And are onely for Military Instruction in the time of Tray­ning, and to make the Souldier most exquisite and perfect. But in the time of present Service before the face of the enemy, or in fight, then all this great number of Postures, the Captaine shall reduce into three onely and no more.

The three Postures or words of Command, which are vsed for the Musquet in the face of the enemie, in Fight, or in Skirmish, are these—

  • Postures in Smirmish.
    1. Make readie.
  • 2. Present.
  • 3. Giue fire.

Postures in exercising.The Postures or words of Command which are vsed in ordinary Trayning, or daily exercising of the Souldiers, are these following—

First there are fiue to be performed standing.— That is to say—

  • Put on your Armes.
  • Prepare your Skirmish.
  • Rest your Musquet.
  • Your Sentinell Posture.
  • Your Saluting Posture.

The Postures which are to be performed in Mar­ching are these—

  • Shoulder your Musquet, and carry your Rest in the right hand.
  • Levell your Musquet.
  • Sloape your Musquet.

[Page 25]The Postures which are to be performed in Char­ging, are these—

  • Cleare your Pann.
  • Prime your Pann.
  • Shut your Pann.
  • Cast off your loose Cornes.
  • Blow your Pann.
  • Cast about your Musquet, with both your hands, and trayle your Rest.
  • Open your Charges.
  • Charge your Musquet with Powder.
  • Draw out your Scowring sticke.
  • Shorten your sticke.
  • Ramme in your powder.
  • Draw out your sticke.
  • Charge with Bullet.
  • Ramme in your Bullet.
  • Draw out your sticke.
  • Shorten your sticke and put it vp.
  • Bring your Musquet forward with your left hand.
  • Hold it vp with your right hand, and recover your Rest.

The Postures which are to be performed in Dis­charging, are these—

  • Carrie your Rest in your left hand, preparing to giue fire.
  • Sloape your Musquet, and let the Rest sinke.
  • In the right hand poyze your Musquet.
  • In the left hand carrie the Musquet, with the Rest.
  • In the right hand take your Match betweene the se­cond finger and the thumbe.
  • Hold the Match fast and blow it.
  • [Page 26] Cocke your Match.
  • Trie your Match.
  • Guard the Pann and blow your Ma [...]ch.
  • Open your Pann.
  • Present your Musquet.
  • Giue fire.
  • Dismount your Musquet and carrie it with the Rest.
  • Vncocke your Match and put it vp betweene your fingers.

Of the Har­gobus.Now touching the Postures of the Hargobus, I hold it needlesse here to insist or stand vpon them, since they are all one with the Musquet, (the Rest onely excepted) and whosoeuer is a good Mus­quetier cannot chuse but be a good Hargeletier. And therefore I referre it to mo [...]s particular prac­tise. And to make a Connexion of all that is before sayd, Repetition by way of advise. I would wish euery industrious Teacher, first to respect his men; then their Armes, and to sort and place each man according to his worth and cunning, not his wealth or birth; Then for his les­sons, first to bring him to an exquisite readinesse in the Postures, and true manage of weapons; Next to make him know all the Sounds or Beatings of the Dr [...]mme. Thirdly, the [...]rue distance of places and orderly proportions: Fourthly, the execution thereof in all manner of Marches and Motions. And lastly, a generall performance of all that hath beene spoken in the practise of Skirmishes and alte­ration of Battalions. So shall men become readie and not confused, as many are by silken and simple Tutors, who striue to teach many things together, but nothing in order.

[Page 27]Now for as much as dignitie of places is a most needfull Knowledge for every Commander, The Dignitie of places. both for the adornment of the Band, and the incourage­ment of the well deserving Souldier, I will shew you here a Table, containing the honor and digni­tie of places [...] as they haue beene observed by the most auncient Masters of Martiall discipline.


The Vse.

NOw for the Vse of this Table, The vse of the Table. you shall vnder­stand, that the figure 1. which standeth on the [Page 28] right hand, is the Leader of the right hand Fyle, and so the first and chiefest man in the Battalia, and that whole Ranke in which it standeth is the Front, so called, because the faces of the whole Companie are directed one way, and also every man in that Ranke is called the Leader or Captaine of the Fyle he leadeth. The figure 2. which leadeth the left hand Fyle is the second man. And the figure 3. (which is in the Reare) because there the backes are turned, is the third man, and the whole Ranke in which it standeth is called the Reare, or the Bringers vp. Then the figure 4. is the fourth man, & so forth according to the number of the figures, are the dignities of the places.

Leaders of middle fyles.Now here is also to be noted in this Table, that the figure 17. standing in the Front, is the Leader of the middle fyle to the left Flanke; and the figure 18. Leader of the middle fyle to the right Flanke; and so are called Leaders of the mayne devision.

Middlemen to the Front and Reare.The fifth Ranke from the Front downeward to­wards the Reare, are called Middlemen to the reare, and the sixt Rank are called Middlemen to the front, or the Leaders of halfe fyles.

Subdevision­men.Lastly, whensoever this Bodie, or any other what­soever (which containeth but ten persons in fyle) shall be devided in the midst betweene the Middle­men, then the last fiue Rankes to the Reareward are called by the name of Subdevision. And whensoe­ver the Reare shall double the Front, then are the Reare called Bringers vp, because they bring vp their halfe Fyles by Sequence.

These Rules knit vnto memorie, and practised [Page 29] with care and diligence, will make any Souldier perfect in the first sixe parts of Martiall discipline; The first sixe parts in Mar­tiall discipline as Election of men; Sorting of Armes; March or Motion; Distance; Posture; and lastly, the beatings of the Drumme.

Now to these I will adde a little touch or Essay, Carriage, e­lection, and composition of Colours. touching the Carriage, Election, and Composition of Captaines colours, or Ensignes, which is the honorable Badge or Marke of every Captaine, and in which both of late here at home, and also for­merly in forraine Nations. I haue seene as grosse absurdities, as any malice would wish to see in the folly of his Enemy, which doubtlesse must proceed from ignorance, since no Master of Reason would be guiltie of his owne iniurie.

You shall therefore vnderstand, Mixture of Colours. that all Colours belonging vnto private Captaines, ought to be mixt equally of two severall Colours, that is to say, (according to the rule in Herauldry) of Colour and Mettall, and not Colour on Colour, as Greene and Red, or Blew and Blacke, or such like, nor yet Mettall on Mettall, as White and Yellow, or Orreng­tawnie and White, for Colours so borne shew Bastar­die, Pesantrie, or dishonor. Now in the Corner which is next to the vpper poynt of the staffe, he shall car [...]ie in a faire large square, or Canton, con­taining a sixt part of the Colours, a plaine red Crosse in a white Field (which is the Ensigne of our Kingdome of England.) If the Colours doe be­long to a Colonell, Colonells Colours. they shall then be all of one en­tire Colour, or one Mettall, onely the red Crosse, or Ensigne of the Kingdome shall be in his due [Page 30] place, Superior Of­ficers Colors. as aforesaid. If they belong to a Colonell gene­rall, to the Lord Marshall of the Field, or any such Superior Officer, then they shall be all of one en­tire Colour, or Mettall, and the red Crosse or En­signe of the Kingdome, shall be in a verie little square or Canton, as in a twelft part of the Field, or lesse if it please them. But if they belong to the Generall of the Field, then they shall be of one en­tire Colour or Mettall, without any red Crosse at all, as was before sayd.

Thus much touching the generall Compositi­on and Carriage of Colours.

Where Gen­tlemen may finde their Colours.Now for a more particular election and vse ther­of, you shall vnderstand, that every Gentleman of Coate-Armour (being a private Captaine) ought to carry for his Colours, those two principall Co­lours which are contained in his Coate-Armour, being the Field and the chiefe charge thereof; which that no Ignorance may be busie to find out, they are evermore contained in the Bandrole, vpon which his Crest standeth: Being indeed a true type or figure of his Colours wreathed together, as the Support of his honor.

Now in as much as Captaines are not all Gentle­men of Coare-Armour, and so take vnto them­selues (in these dayes) a more particular freedome, affirming that honor is not Buckled to them, but to their vertues. And that vertue consists not in the same of Auncestors, but in their owne Actions, and defences of their Countries, Mistresses, Widdowes, and the Oppressed: And so may suite or elect their Colours, according to their hopes or imaginations. [Page 31] Taking (as it were) their honor from the parties they most reverence (which is a Paradoxe easily confuted.) I will here first shew you the nature and signification of Colours. And then some particu­lar offences, in which an indifferent mixture being made, the Composition must needs be noble and wholesome.

You shall first then vnderstand, that there be in Military honor nine severall faces, or Complexi­ons, that is to say, two which be called Mettals, as Yellow and White, figuring Gold and Silver, and [...]ea­ven, which are called proper Colours, as Blacke, Blew, Red, Greene, Purple, Tunnis, and Ermine; figu­ring seaven precious stones, of whose natures here to speake were tedious and needlesse, and of these, as before I said, mettall may not be carried on met­tall, nor Colour vpon Colour.

Now for the significations of these mettalls and Colours, you shall vnderstand, that Yellow betok­neth Honor, or height of spirit, which being never seperate from vertue, of all things is most iealous of of disgrace, and may not indure the least shadow of Imputation.

White signifieth Innocence or puritie of Consci­ence, Truth, and an vpright integritie without blemish.

Blacke signifieth Wisedome and Sobrietie, toge­ther with a severe correction of too much Ambiti­on, being mixt with yellow, or too much Beliefe aud Le [...]itie, being joyned with White.

Blew signifieth Faith, Constancie, or truth in Affection.

[Page 32] Red signifieth Iustice, or noble and worthy An­ger, in defence of Religion, or the Oppressed.

Greene signifieth good Hope, or the accomplish­ment of holy and honorable Actions.

Purple signifieth Fortitude with discretion, or a most true discharge of any Trust reposed.

Tunnis, or Tawnie, signifieth Merit, or desert, and a foe to Ingratitude.

Ermine (which is onely a rich Furre with curi­ous spots) signifieth Religion, or holinesse, and that all aymes are not devine obiects.

Now from these Colours, and their mixtures, are derived many bastard and dishonorable Colors, as Carnation, Orengtawnie, Popeniay, and such like, all which haue bastardly significations, as Craft, pride, wantonnesse, and such like; of which who so is desirous to vnderstand, let him looke into Du Tillet, and other French Authors, and he shall gaine satisfaction. For mine owne part, since they apper­taine not vnto honor, I will here omit them, and to those free spirits that haue gaind these noble pla­ces; from these considerations leaue them to their owne Elections, and Compositions, with these few advertisements following.

First, He that in his Colours shall carry full Coate-Armour, doth indiscreetly; for he puts that honor to hazzard, which he may with more honor keepe in safetie, and inticeth his enemie by such o­stentation to darre beyond his owne nature.

He that in his Colours beareth any one blacke spot [...] and no more; if it be round, square, or of any equall proportion, it shewes some blemish in the [Page 33] owner, and that his life is not voyde of some noto­rious scandall.

If the spot be of vnequall proportion, that is, longer or broader one way then another, it signifi­eth Funerall, or deadly Revenge; for such a spot is called an Hearse.

He that carryeth a Word in his Colours without a devise, carrieth a Soule without a Bodie.

He that carrieth a devise without a Word, carri­eth a Bodie without a Soule.

He that carrieth both Word and devise, carrieth both Soule and Bodie, yet if the devise carrie any humane shape, it is a grosse Bodie, and if the Word containe aboue three or foure words at the most (except it be the latter end, or beginning of some Verse) it is an imperfect Soule: But if both Word and devise be compleate; That is, Empresa and not Embleme, yea they are much fitter for Maskes, Tri­umphes, or Pageants, then the Field, or reall Acti­on; for the true mixture of Colours is devise e­nough for every Foote Souldier.

He that carrieth more Colours then two, except it be some small dash for an especiall note, or the Ensigne of severall Kingdomes, carrieth a sur­charge, and it is esteemed the Ensigne of Folly.

Now to conclude and knit vp this sleight Dis­course, with the true Cement which bindeth all the former duties faithfully together, every Souldier must especially regard obedience, a worke which is contained in three Circumstances, and every Cir­cumstance adorned with an especiall vertue. The first is Reverence from the Inferior to the Superior, [Page 34] in which is expressed Loue. The second, a Readi­nesse to take directions, and a willingnesse to be commanded, which is a performance of dutie: and the last, in the allowing of his Captaines Opi­nion, and approving his Iudgement; which is a certaine Character of modestie, wisedome, and dis­cretion. For that Captaine cannot be sayd to be perfect, that wants vertue worthie of Reverence; Authoritie fit for commandment, or Experience a­ble to direct and censure his Actions. And he that hath these, hath that Sufficiencie, that to disobay, is to die, as witnesseth all the best of the Romanes, who never spared any in that capitall and grosse trespasse of absurd disobedience. And to this I must also adde, that the tyrannie of Captaines in commanding with too great rigor, is as offensiue as the former disobedience: For as Montaigne saith; The Authoritie of them which teach, of­ten hinders those that would learne. And therefore nothing like manly Courtesie doth become a Commander.


THE CAVALLARIE; OR THE FORMES AND Manner of Trayning of HORSE, as it hath beene received from the latest and best experienced ARMIES.

Together with all such Knowledges as are meete for the practise of those that are profest Teachers, or profest Lear­ners of this Noble ART.

Arma virum (que) Cano—

By G. M.

LONDON Printed by I. D. for IOHN BELLAMIE, and are to be sold at his Shop at the three golden Lyons, neere the Royall Exchange. 1625.

THE CAVALLARIE; OR Trayning of the Horse-Troopes.

INfinite great (and nor without Difficultie in this Art. much difficultie) are the Consi­derations which dependeth on him that taketh vpon him to Teach, Command, and Governe a Troope of Horse; For to instruct Man onely (who is a reasonable creature, can vn­derstand my Language, and apprehend my direc­tions) though he be never so ignorant or peevish, yet there is much ease in the progresse, and what favour cannot perswade, authoritie and punish­ment may inforce; But to bring ignorant man and more ignorant horse, wilde man and madd horse, to those rules of Obedience, which may crowne every Motion and Action with comelie, orderly, and profitable proceedings; Hic Labor, Hoc O­pus.

To come then to the office or dutie of that Commander, Things consi­derable in this Art. who taketh vpon him to Trayne or Drill a Troope of Horse; he shall vnderstand, that there be three things referred to his Iudge­ment.

[Page 38] 1 First, Election of Men and Horses.

2 Secondly, Arming.

3 And lastly, the Formes or manner of Tray [...]ning.

Election of Men and Horses.For the Election of Men and Horses, they mu [...] be sutable to the Armes and Weapons (defensiu [...] and offensiue) which they carrie, which becaus [...] they are of divers kindes, and divers dignities And in as much as Horse-troopes consist all of one entire Bodie or Armes, and not of divers Bodies, or divers Armes in one Troope, (as Foote Com­panies doe) I will first giue you the names of every severall Troope of Horse, and after elect Men, Horse and Armes agreeable with each severall dig­nitie.

Arming of Gentlemen at Armes.In the old Warres, and before Fire was got to that height of excellence to which it is now arived, the first and principall Troope of Horse were cal­led, Men at Armes, or Gentlemen at Armes, be­cause the bodie of the whole Troope consisted of Noblemen, Knights, and Gentlemen. A Prince (for the most part) being ever their Commander; they were armed with defensiue Armes at all pe [...] ­ces, C [...]p a Pe, from head to foote; that is to say, with close Caskes on their heads, Gorgets about their necks, faire Brestplats of Hargobus proofe, and Backpeeces of lesse proofe for their bodies; Pouldrons for their shoulders, Vambraces for their arms, Gaunt­lets for their hands, Taces for the belly, Cui [...]ses for the knees, and Greaues for the legs and feete, [...]nd about their wa [...]ts rich Bases of Velvet, Sattin, S [...]ke, or other s [...]uffe, and Girdles and Hangers. For offen­siue [Page 39] Armes, they had faire guilt Swords and Dag­gers, strong Launces headed with Steele, a Case of short Pistols, with Priming-box, Flaske, key, and Bullet bag, a well armed Battellaxe, and a strong payre of Spurres on his heeles, with long neckes and long Rowells. His Horse should be strong, well shaped, of great courage, and throughly mand and ridden, he should (by all meanes) be stoned (because tyring hurts them not) of lustie age, and faire trotting: and of these Horses the Neopolitan is the best, the Greeke next, then the Spanyard, the English, the Almaine or the French. For his furni­ture, it should be either a Barbe of Steele, or a Capa­rison of Bend-leather, arming from the pole of the necke to the pomell of the Saddle, and so round a­bout his brest: as also from the hinder part of the Saddle over all his buttockes, and downe to the Cambrell: He shall haue a Shaffron for his fore­head, and for the other part of his head, an head­stall, and raynes of broad leather (the raynes being lyned with a small chayne of Iron to prevent cut­ting) and in his mouth a faire Bitt; on his backe a Steele-saddle, with three Girtes of double Webb, with Stirrops, Stirrop-leathers, and for his Tayle a faire Saker, with rich Tassels, and a strong Twyn­sell. This was the ordinarie Arming of the Gentle­men at Armes for the Field, onely some at their owne discretions would to the former peeces adde a Placcard to cover the brestplate, which was an ad­vancement of the proofe, but not an inforcement from Commandment. Arming for Triumph. Now if these Gentlemen were to arme for Triumph before the King or [Page 40] Queene, then to the peeces defensiue (before shew­ed) they ought to haue (if it were for the Tylt) a Grandguard for the Breast, a Pasguard for the left shoulder, and a Maine-fere for the left hand. If it were for the Tourney, then onely a Buffe for the chynne, and a lockt Gauntlet for the right hand.

Arming of Launceirs.The second Troope of Horse were called Laun­ciers or Demilaunciers, they were armed at all peeces from the head to the knee, like the Gentlemen at Armes, and their offensiue weapons were a Launce, a case of short Pistolls, a Battle-axe, Sword and dag­ger; strong horses, well ridden for the field, armed with a Steele-Saddle, Headstall, Raynes, Bit, Brest­plate, Crooper, Trappings, Girtes, Stirrops, and Leathers.

Arming of Light-horse.The third sort of auncient Horsemen, were cal­led Light-horse, and they were armed for defence with Burgenets, or Steele-caps, Gorgets, Curats, or Plate-coats, Gauntlets or Gloues of Male; for of­fensiue Armes, they had a slender chasing staffe, a single Pistoll, and sometimes a case, a Sword and dagger. Their horses were nimble light Gueldings, fayre trotting, and well ridden: the furniture for the Horse was a strong Headstall and raynes, a Bitt, a Morocco Saddle, Pettrell, Crooper, light trap­pings, and other necessaries sutable. The men to be handsome Yeomen or Serving-men [...] light tim­berd, and of comely shape, where it skils not much for the tallnes or greatnes of the bodie, but for the height of spirit, and the goodnesse of the inclinati­on. In which little David (many times) puts downe the greatest Goliah.

[Page 41]Thus for your knowledge, nor your example, I haue shewed you the severall Compositions and armings of Horsemen, according to the auncient times, when the Bow and the Hargobus had the first place, and the Musquet, and other fierie wea­pons lay obscured. But to come to these our pre­sent times, wherein the vttermost strength of the Fire is found out and explaned, and to shew you that which you must onely imitate and follow; you shall know, that all our Horse-troopes are re­duced to one of these three Formes.

The first and principall Troope of horsemen for the generalitie, Arming of Cuirassiers. are now called Cuirassiers or Pistol­leirs, and these men ought to be of the best degree, because the meanest in one of these Troopes, is e­ver by his place a Gentleman, and so esteemed. They haue for defensiue Armes, Gorget, Curats, Cu­tases, which some call Culets, others the Guard-de-Reine, because it armeth the hinder parts from the wast to the Saddle-crootch, then Pouldrons, Vam­braces, a left hand Gauntlet, Taces, Cuisses, a Caske, a Sword, Girdle, and Hangers. For offensiue armes, they shall haue a case of long Pistolls, fierlockes (if it may be) but Snaphaunces, where they are wan­ting [...] The Barrels of the Pistolls would be 26. inches long, and the Bore of 36. Bullets in the pound; Flaske, Priming-box, Key, and Moulds; their horses should be stoned, and of the best R [...]ces, fayre trot­ting, and well ridden for the Warres, that is to say, being able to passe a strong and swift Cariere, to stop close, to retire at pleasure, and to turne readily on both hands, either in large Rings or in strayt, [Page 42] especially, the Turne called Terra, Terra, the horse shall haue Saddle, Bridle, Bit, Petrell, Crooper, with leathers to fasten his Pistols, and his necessary sacke of carriage, with other necessary things according to the forme of good Horsemanship.

Arming of HargobusseirsThe second sort (of which many Troopes of Horse are compounded) are called Hargobusseirs, or Carbines, these men ought to be the best of the first inferior degree, that is to say, of the best yeo­men, or best Serving-men, having actiue and nim­ble bodies, ioyned with good spirits and ripe vn­derstandings; these men shall haue for defensiue Armes, Gorgets, Curats, Cutasses, Pouldrons, Vam­braces, and a light head peece, wide sighted, and the [...]ever to let downe vpon barres of Iron; for offen­siue Armes, he shall haue an Hargobus of three foot, three inches long, and the bore of twentie Bullets in the pound, with Flaske, P [...]iming-boxe, and moulds; or in stead of these, Cartalages which will serue either for this or any other peece on horse­backe; also a good Sword, and other accouter­ments according to his place. His horse shall be ei­ther a fayre stoned trotting horse, or a lustie strong Guelding well ridden, he shall be armed with a Mo­rocco Saddle, Bridle, Bit, Petrell, and Crooper, with the rest before shewed necessarie to his place.

Arming of Dragons.The last sort of which our Horse-troopes are compounded, are called Dragons, which are a kinde of footmen on Horsebacke, and doe now indeed succeed the light Horsemen, and are of sin­gular vse in all the actions of Warre; their Armes [Page 43] defensiue are an open headpeece, with cheeks, and a good Buffe coat, with deepe skirts; and for offen­siue armes, they haue a fayre Dragon filted with an Iron worke to be carried in a Belt of leather, which is buckled over the right shoulder, and vnder the left arme, hauing a Turn [...]ll of Iron with a ring through which the peece runneth vp and downe; and these Dragons are short peeces of 16. inches the Barrell, and full Musquet bore, with firelockes or snap-haunces: also a Belt, with a Flaske, pryming-boxe, key, and Bullet-bag, and a good Sword: the Horse shall be armed with a Saddle, Bridle, Bit, Pe­trell, Crooper, with Straps for his sacke of necessa­ries, and the Horse himselfe shall be either a good lustie Guelding, or a nimble stoned Horse. These Dragons in their Marches are allowed to be eleauen in a Range or File, because when they serue, it is many times on foote, for the maintenance or sur­prising of strayt wayes, Bridges, or Foords, so that when ten men alighteth to serue, the eleventh man holdeth their Horses: So that to every Troope of an hundred, there is an hundred and ten men al­lowed.

Now for the Arming of the superior Officers of these Troopes, Arming of Captaines. you shall vnderstand, that a Cap­taine of Cuirasseirs may be armed at all peeces Cap a Pe, in such sort as I shewed for the Gentlemen at Armes, onely he shall haue no Launce nor Battle-axe, but onely his Pistolls and Sword, his owne head, his Horses head, and his Horses buttockes may be p [...]umed. He may lead his men with a white Trunche on chargd on his right thigh. His place is [Page 44] on the head of his Troope before the Trumpet; he hath the absolute governmemt of his Troope, both for instruction and maintenance: onely he is to receiue all especiall Orders from his Colonell; His Colonell from the Serieant-maior of the field, and the Serieant-maior from the Marshall.

Arming of Lieutenants.The Lieutenant may be armed to the knee like the Captaine, and his owne head, and his Horses plumed; his place is at the Reare, and in Marches he may carry a Truncheon, but of a thicker size then that of the Captaines.

Arming of Cornets.The Cornet shall be armed and horst in all points both defensiue and offensiue, like the Lieutenant, onely in stead of the Truncheon, he shall carry charged on his right thigh, his Captaines Cornet, which (being a private Captaine) should be com­pounded of Colour and Mettall impaled, that is, the one halfe Colour, the other Mettall. The sub­stance of the Cornet should be of Damaske, and the forme must be almost square, (onely a little longer from the staffe then on the staffe, (and frindged a­bout sutablie. The staffe shall be small like a foote Ensigne, and not so long as an ordinary Launce; it must be headed with Steele, and either guilt or silverd; with fayre Tassels sutable to the Cornet. If the Cornet belong to a greater Officer, it shall then be of one entire Colour, of lesse quantitie and full square; And in this Cornet, the Captaine may carrie devise and word, or els none, at his owne pleasure.

Arming of the Trumpet.The Trumpet is not bound to any Armes at all, more then his Sword, which in former times was [Page 45] not allowed, but with the point broken: He shall haue a fayre Trumpet, with Cordens sutable to his Captaines Colours, and to his Trumpet shall be made fast a fayre Banner, containing his Captaines full Coate-Armour; he may weare Scarfe and fea­ther, and all other ordinary accouterments of a horsemen, and for his horse it shall be a good hack­ney, with Gentleman-like furniture.

The Corporalls shall be armed at all poynts, Arming of Corporalls. and horst like the mayne bodie of the Troope, onely in their right hands they shall carry Truncheons; for their office is, like the Serieants of Foote Compa­nies, to ride extravagantly vp and downe on either side the Troope, & to see them keepe their Rankes and Files, and that all things may be performed which shall come from the Captaines direction. They are likewise to supplie and doe all the duties of Corporalls, and Lamprizadoes of Foote, both vpon Scoutes, Watches, and Guards, as also to looke to the provision of all necessary things which appertaineth to the Troope, and where their own power cannot reforme, there to informe their superior Officers. And therefore these Officers are to be chosen out of the Troope, as the principall and best vnderstanding men therein.

The Captaine of the Hargobusseirs shall be armed, Captaine of Hargobusiers and his offi­cers. horst and accoutered at all points like the Lieute­nants of Cuirassiers; the Lieutenants of the Hargo­busseirs like the Cornet of Cuirassiers; and the Cor­net of Hargobusseirs like a priuate Gentleman of the troope of Cuirassiers.

[Page 46] Captaine of Dragons or his officers.The Captaine of dragons shall be armed like the Lieutenant of the Hargobusseirs; the Lieute­nant of Dragons like the Cornet of Hargobusseirs (the Cornet and Pistolls excepted for he shall car­rie the weapons of his owne troope) and the Guy­don (for these shall not be led with a Cornet) of the dragons shall be armed like a priuate Gentleman of Hargobusseirs. Difference be­twixt the Cornet and Guydon. And here is to be noted, that the difference betwixt the Cornet and the Guydon is much; for the Guydon is the first Colours that any Commander of horse can let flie in the field; This Guydon is of damaske friudged, & may be charged either with the Crest of him that is the owner thereof, or with other devise at his pleasure; It is in proportion three foote at the least deepe in the topp next the staffe, & vpon the staffe and so exten­deth downe narower and narower to the bottome where the ende is sharpe, but with a slitt devided into two peaks a foote deepe; the whole Guydon is sixe foote long, and should be carried vpon a Launce staffe. If the Captaine (owner of this Guydon) shall do a good dayes service, or produce from his vertue somthing worthy advancement, so that he is called to a better command, as to lead Hargobusseirs, or Cuirassiers, Then the Generall or officer in chiefe, shall with a knife cut away the the two peaks, & then it is made a Cornet which is longer one way then another; If (after that) he do any thing worthyly, whereby he is made by the King or Supreame, either Banneret or Baron, then shall his Cornet be made Iust square in forme of a Banner, which none may carrie in the field on [Page 47] horsbacke vnder those degrees; Now if these noble Customes be neglected and that men out of ambi­tion, vsurpation, Ignorance or Conivance, take to themselues other Liberties, let those great know­ledges which haue the cōmand of Armes reforme it, or ells vertue will fit mourning at the Ladder foote, because she hath not one true Round left to mount by.

Hauing thus giuen you a briefe touch of the e­lection of men and horses, and the manner of Ar­ming & appoynting them to each seuerall seruice, with some other especiall notes which (as stran­gers vnlookt for) haue encountred me by the way, and I hope are not all vnworthy your considerati­on, I will now proceede to the formes and manner of Trayning of men on horsbacke.

That forme (as I sayd before) is to be followed Formes of Trayning. which is soonest and easiest learned and fittest for all manner of seruice; Therefore supposing you haue a Troope of one hundred horse standing in Route, you shall first draw them out man after man, The extent of a filo. into as many files as the number wil containe, euery file consisting of six persons; that is to say a leader, two midlemen, a bringer vp, a follower be­tweene the Leader and the midleman to the Reare, and a Follower betweene the midleman to the Front, and the Bringer vp which is the last man in the file and called the Reare; for you must know that a Troope of horse consisteth of Ranks and Files as well as a Company of foote, and hauing set file vnto file close, that is Cuise vnto Cuise, or knee vnto knee, and made euery man to follow his [Page 48] Leader in an euen line, you shall then (hauing left some space betweene the rankes) make the rankes stand even, and in one lyne also, so that looking vpon the whole Battayle, you may see them pre­sent vnto you a iust square, then going to the head you shall finde you are sixteene in Ranke, and sixe in Fyle, which maketh nintie sixe men, to which adde three Corporalls, & the Clarke of the Troope (who is the Captaines continuall attendant) and there is the full Troope of one hundred Men and Horse. The extent of a Ranke. Where by the way vnderstand, that as in Foote Companies, so in Horse Troopes, a Ranke may consist of as many men as you please, accor­ding to the number of your Troope. But a Fyle ought never to be aboue sixe deepe, because that number is sufficient for dutie, and more are cum­bersome, and not so fit to take directions.

Devision of the Troope.This Troope of one hundred, you shall devide into three Squadtons, the first Squadron shall ap­pertaine to the Captaine, the second to the Lieute­nant, and the third to the Cornet; and vnder them the eldest Corporall shall command the Captaines Squadron, the second, the Lieutenants, and the youngest, the Cornets: And the Cornet himselfe shall ever march vpon the head of his owne Squa­dron. These Squadrons shall be devided into as many Fyles as the number will containe, and the principall and best vnderstanding Gentlemen of the Troope, shall be the Leaders, Bringers vp, and Middlemen of every Fyle.

Fiue things to be taught.The Troope being thus formed into Battayle, and devided into Rankes and Fyles; In Trayning [Page 49] there are fiue principall things to be taught.

First, the manage and government of the Horse, 1 contained in certaine motions of the hand, foote, and sometimes of the whole Bodie.

Secondly, the carriage and vse of Armes, con­tained 2 in divers Postures.

Thirdly, Distance or orderly proportion in 3 Rankes and Files.

Fourthly, March and Motion, contained in 4 words and Commands of especiall directions.

And lastly, the Soundings and Commands of the the Trumpet.

For the manage and government of the Horse, Manage of the Horse. though it be supposed that the Horse is ridden and made perfect before he came into the Souldi­ers hands, yet if the Souldier cannot (after an or­derly manner) make the Horse doe what he hath beene taught, and likewise correct, or helpe him (in due time) when the Horse shall either doe a­misse, or not doe with so comely a grace and dex­teritie as he ought. The motion without all que­stion will be full of disorder and confusion.

The first word therefore of Command to the Souldier, Words of Command. is—

Mount your Horse.

For it is to be supposed, no Horseman is so sim­ple, The perfor­mance. as not to know how to dresse or apparell his Horse, and therefore for the monture it is in this manner;

[Page 50]He shall first in his left hand take the Bridle-Rayne, laying his thumbe flat on the nearest side of the Rayne and his fore-finger, his great-finger and his ring-finger gryping the farre side, and the little finger he shall put betweene the Raynes, and so with the other hand stretching the Raynes to an even length, that the Horse may feele he is with­in restraint, the Horseman turning his left shoul­der to the Horses neare shoulder, shall put his left foote into the Stirrop, and then staying his left hand vpon the pomell of the Saddle, he shall bring his right hand to the hinder part of the Saddle, which as soone as he toucheth, he shall immediate­ly (without heaving or iumping) rayse his bodie from the ground, and bring it into the Saddle.

The other words of Command, are—

The Word.
Advance forward.

The perfor­mance.This the Souldier shall doe by thrusting both his legs forward at an instant, sodainly and strong­ly, and a little yeelding his bodie forward, (yet as covert as may be) and when you haue advanst e­nough, by restrayning your Bridle-hand, gently make the Horse stand still. And this Advancement shall be done either vpon footepace, vpon trott, or vpon Gallop, as the Captaine shall command — Then

The Word.
Retire your Horse.

The perfor­mance.This is to make the Horse retrayt or goe backe, which the Souldier shall doe by drawing in his Bri­dle-hand [Page 51] strayt, and observing that as the Horse yeeldeth and goeth backe, so he must also yeeld and make gentle his hand. And when he hath gone backe sufficiently, then the Souldier shall jert both his legs forward sodainly, and that will stay the Horse from retyring any further. — Then

Trot your large ring to the right hand.
The Word.
Trot your large ring to the left.
Gallop your large ring to the right hand.
Gallop your large ring to the left.

Any of these the Souldier shall doe by thrusting the Horse forward with his toes vpon the Stirrop, The perfor­mance. or with the helpe of the calues of his legges against the Horses sides, or els with the even stroake of his Spurrs, (in case of dullnes) and the Souldier shall obserue in this lesson to take a verie large Circum­ference, both for the Horses ease, and his owne in­struction. And there is no motion more necessarie then this, because it is vsed in every Charge, in e­uery Conversion, but chiefly in Wheeling.— Then

Set a strayte turne to the right hand.
The Word.
Set a strayte turne to the left.

This (if the Horse be readie) the Souldier shall doe, The perfor­mance. by drawing vp his Bridle-hand strayte, and turning it inward to the side on which he would turne, and then clapping the calue of his outward legge hard to the Horses side, and jetting it sodain­ly forward againe, and (if there be dulnesse) by gi­uing the Spurre on the outside also he shall make [Page 52] the Horse turne Terra, Terra, in as small a Circum­ference as may be. And this serveth for Counter-marches, Charges, or any sodaine Assault or Ingage­ment.— Then

The Word.
Passe sidewayes to the right hand.
Passe sidewayes to the left.
Passe sidewayes to both by devision.

The perfor­mance.Any of these the Souldier must doe by a constant restraynt of his Bridle hand, and (as it were) carry­ing the foreparts of the Horse to that side he would passe, as also laying his contrary legge, and some­times his Spurre to the contrary side, and so ma­king his hinder parts to goe equally with his fore­parts. And this lesson serues for the Closing and opening of Fyles.—Lastly

The Word.
Passe a Cariere and stop close.

The perfor­mance.This the Souldier shall doe by thrusting the horse violently forward both with his legs and bo­die, and giuing libertie to the Bridle. As soone as the Horse is started into his Gallop, he shall giue him the even stroake of his Spurres, once or twice together, and make the Horse runne to the height of his full speede, then being at the end of the Ca­riere (which will not be aboue sixe score or eight score yards) he shall then draw vp his Bridle-hand very hard and constantly, and laying the calues of both his legges gently to the Horses sides, make the Horse stop close to the ground, with onely a comely Aduancement. And this serveth for all man­ner of Charges, whether it be Horse against Horse, or Horse against Foote.

[Page 53]When your Souldier can doe these things per­fectly, Carriage and vse of Armes. he can then do as much as belongeth to the Manage and Government of the Horse: You shall then proceede to the second instruction, which is the Carriage and Vse of Armes, contained in divers Postures.

Now for as much as the principall Weapons on Horsebacke, are Pistolls, Petronells, or Dragons, and that all these are with fire-lockes, and those fire-lockes (for the most part) Snap-hances, because the other are too curious, and too soone distempered with an ignorant hand. I will therefore vnder the name of the Pistoll onely, (without any tedious Comment) giue you the names of the Postures, not doubting but every man of Command, will (vpon the reading) at the first sight finde out the application.

You shall vnderstand then that the Postures of the Pistoll-Snaphance, Posture of the Pistoll. are twentie-foure; whereof three are to be done standing, two Marching, four­teene Charging, and fiue Discharging.

The three Postures which are to be done standing, are—

  • 1. Prepare for Service.

    Which is to gagge the Flaske, and to put Bullets into your mouth.— Then

  • 2. The Scout Posture.
  • 3. The Saluting Posture.

The foureteene Postures which are vsed in Char­ging,—are

  • 1. Draw vp your Cocke.
  • 2. Secure your Cocke.
  • [Page 54]3. Open your Pann.
  • 4. Prime your Pann.
  • 5. Close your Pann.
  • 6. Shake off your loose cornes.
  • 7. Blow your Pann.
  • 8. Turne your Pistoll about into your left hand.
  • 9. Charge with Powder.
  • 10. Draw out your Scowring Sticke.
  • 11. Ramme in your Powder.
  • 12. Charge with Bullet.
  • 13. Ramme in your Bullet.
  • 14. Put vp your scowring sticke, and stand readie.

The fiue Postures which are to be performed in Discharging, — are

  • Draw downe your Hammer.
  • Vnloose your Cocke.
  • Present.
  • Giue fire.
  • Dismount your Pistoll, and put it vp.

Now as in Foote Companies, so in Horse-Troopes. In the time of present service, these ma­ny Postures are reduced vnto these three one­ly;

  • Postures in Skirmish.
    Make readie.
  • Present.
  • Giue fire.

The first is done Standing or Marching; The se­cond, in the Charge, and the last, in the face of the Enemie.

[Page 55]Now for as much as time is precious, The best way to Teach. this labour tedious, and men vnwilling to take long paines, it shall not be amisse (for the speedier perfecting of the men) first to labour the Leaders of the Fyles (which should be the most sufficient men of the Troope) in all these Lessons before shewed, and then to make every Leader to instruct the Fyle he leadeth, which will not onely make the Teachers striue to be excellent for their owne glory sake, but also stirre in the other (which are taught) a braue ambition to equall or exceede those that informe them.

After they can thus Manage their Horses, and handle their Armes in a decent manner; Distance of place. you shall then come to the third Lesson, which is, Distance of place, and orderly proportion. A matter necessary and dependant vpon every Forme of Battayle, and may not be absent eyther from Ranke or Fyle.

It is then to be vnderstood, that in Horse-troopes there are but two sorts of Distances or Orders, eyther in Rankes or Fyles; That is, Close Order, and Open Order, Close order in Fyles, is Cuish to Cuish, or knee to knee, and Open order in Fyles, is six foote (which is accounted an Horse length): So Close order in Rankes, is to the Horses Crooper, or with­out Streete, and Open order is sixe foote, aboue which the Rankes must never open. And there­fore that the Troop may March orderly and keepe their Distance truly, Of Motion. let the whole Troope in Mar­ching, mooue all at one instant, that is, when the head begins, then the Reare to be ready, so shall [Page 56] they seldome be found to erre disorderly. Also you must know, that when the Troope cometh to March in Battalia, that then they must March at their Close Order in Fyles, and at Open Order in Rankes. But when they come to doe the Evoluti­ons or motions in warre, then they must be at their Open-order, both in Fyles and Rankes. The di­stance betwixt Troope and Troope ought to be twentie-fiue paces; and betweene Regiment and Regiment fiftie paces. And thus much for distance or proportion of place.

Of Marches.The fourth Lesson succeeding for the vse of the Horse-Troopes, is March or Motion, both of the horse and man performed in an orderly and come­ly manner, without neglect of any of the three for­mer Lessons already described; for in all these mo­tions following, there must be a true Manage of the Horse, and government of the mans bodie, a for­mall and cunning carriage of the Weapon, and a due observation in keeping the iust measure and proportion in distances according to directi­on.

Words of e­speciall direc­tion.Now the words of especiall direction for the par­ticular Motions on horsebacke in any Battalia, are these or the like following.

  • Stand right in your Fyles.
  • Stand right in your Rankes.

And this is to stand truly man after man, and horse after horse; as also, man against man, and horse a­gainst horse. —Then—

  • Silence.
  • Open your Rankes.
  • [Page 57] Open your Fyles to the right hand.
  • Open your Fyles to the left.
  • Open your Fyles to both hands by devision.

And any of these to any order aforesaid.

  • Close your Fyles to the right hand.
  • Close your Fyles to the left.
  • Close your Fyles to both hands by devision.

And these also to any order aforesaid; also in o­pening the Squadron, you must ever first open the Rankes, which must be done downeward to the Reare, and then the Fyles. And in Closing; you must first close the Fyles, and then the Rankes, which must ever be done vpward towards the Front. — Then —

  • Double your Fyles to the right hand.
  • Double your Fyles to the left.
  • Double your Fyles to both by devision.

And this to any order aforesaid.—

  • Double your Rankes to the right hand.
  • Double your Rankes to the left.
  • Double your Rankes to both by devision.

And this to any order aforesaid.—

  • Middlemen double the Front to the right hand.
  • Middlemen double the Front to the left.
  • Middlemen double the Front to both hands by devi­sion.
  • [Page 58] Bringers vp double the Front to the right hand.
  • Bringers vp double the Front to the left.
  • Bringers vp double the Front to both hands by devi­sion.

And these to either order aforesaid. —

  • To the right hand turne.
  • To the left hand turne.
  • To both hands turne by conversion.
  • To the right hand about turne.
  • To the left as you were.
  • To the left hand about turne.
  • To the right as you were.

Now to reduce any Motion before shewed, to the same station, in which the Horseman stood before the Command given, you shall vse this generall word; —

As you were.

  • Countermarch to the right hand.
  • Countermarch to the left.
  • Countermarch to both by Conversion.
  • Wheele to the right hand.
  • Wheele to the left.
  • Wheele to both by Conversion.

Observation in Counter­marching:And in this Motion of Countermarching, you must obserue, that the Leaders (if it be in a standing Countermarch) doe advance forward full one Horse length before they turne, and then turne to which hand they are commanded, all the Rankes [Page 59] successiuely following, to make good the Leaders place of turning before they turne, and so to per­fect the Countermarch. But if it be to be done vp­on a greater advancement, then shall either a Cor­porall or other higher Officer stand at the place of turning, and the Leaders shall advance vp vnto him and there turne to either hand, according to direc­tion, and so successiuely all the rest of the Rankes in the Troope, till the Countermarch be made per­fect.

So also in the Motion of Wheeling, Observation in Wheeling. you must ob­serue, if the Troope be vnder an hundred, first to double your Front to the one or the other hand, ei­ther by the Bringers vp, or the Middlemen, before you Wheele, and then standing at their close order, to Wheele about, or otherwise at pleasure.

Againe, obserue when you Wheele to the right hand, to double your Front to the left hand; and when you Wheele to the left hand, to double your Front to the right hand; for so the Leaders of the right and left hand Fyles will keepe their places on that corner to which you Wheele.

Lastly, to reduce and bring every man into his first place againe, — You shall say, —

  • Fyles to the right (or left) hand open to your Open order.
  • Bringers vp (or Middlemen) to your first places as you were.

And in this Motion obserue, Observations that if the Bringers vp did double the Front, then shall the Middlemen being in the Reare first fall into their places, then [Page 60] the Follower, and lastly, the Bringer vp. And so if the Middlemen did double the Front, then those Middlemen being in the Front, shall in Counter­march fall into their first places, after them their Followers, and last of all the Bringer vp.

Of the Trumpet.The fift and last Lesson belonging vnto the Horse-troope, is to teach the Souldier the Sounds and Commands of the Trumpet, and to make him both vnderstand the Notes and Language of the Trumpet, as also in due time to performe all those duties and Commands, which are required by the Trumpet. And of these Soundings (which we generally call Poynts of Warre) there are sixe, which are most necessary for the Souldiers know­ledge. — The first is—

The first poynt of Warre.1. Butte Sella: — or—

Clap on your Saddles.

Which as soone as the Souldier heareth (in the morning, or at other times) he shall presently make readie his Horse, and his owne person, trusse vp his sacke of necessaries, and make all things fitting for Iourney.

The second is, —

The second.2. Mounte Cavallo — or —

Mount on Horsebacke.

At which Summons, the Souldier shall bridle vp his Horse, bring him forth, and mount his backe.

[Page 61]The third is —

3. Al'a Standardo, The third. — or —

Goe to your Colours.

Whether it be Standard Cornet [...] or Guydon, upon which sound, the Souldier with those of his Fel­lowship, shall trot forth to the place where the Cor­net is lodged, and there attend till it b [...] di [...]lodged. Also, this sound in the field, and in service, when men are dis-banded, is a Retrayt for the Horseman, and brings him off being ingaged, for as oft as he heares it, he must retire and goe backe to his Co­lours.

The fourth is, —

4. Tucquet, The fourth.— or —

March. —

Which being heard simplie of it selfe without addition, Commands nothing but a Marching af­ter the Leader.

The fift is, —

5. Carga, Carga, The fift.—or —

An Alarum, Charge, Charge.

Which sounded, every man (like Lightning) flyes vpon his enemie, and giues proofe of his va­lour.

The sixt and last is,—

6. Auquet, The sixt. —or —

The Watch.

Which sounded at night, Commands all that are [Page 62] out of dutie to their rest; and sounded in the mor­ning, Commands those to rest that haue done du­tie, and those that haue rested, to awake and doe dutie. And in these Sounds, you shall make the Souldier so perfect [...] that as a song he may lanquet or sing them, and know when they are sounded vn­to him.

Other Soundings there are; as, Tende Hoe, for listning, a Call for Summons, a Senet for State, and the like. But they haue reference to the greater Officers, and those haue no neede of my Instructi­ons.

Having thus run through all those parts which make vp a serviceable Souldier on Horsebacke, I will conclude this Discourse, with these few notes following.

Speciall notesFirst, You shall vnderstand, that the Cavallerie, or Horse-Armie, haue for their chiefe Officers the Generall of the Horse; the Lieutenant-generall of the Horse; and the Serieant Maior of the Horse, which in some discipline is called the Commissary-generall, or Colonell generall of the Horse. And betwixt these three, the whole Armie of Horsemen is devided. They haue also a Quarter-master, and a Provost-generall.

The Iustice resteth vnder the Councell-generall of Warre in the Armie.

The Generalls Regiment hath alwayes the Van­guard, and the rest alternately by turnes, as he that this day hath the Vanguard, the next day hath the Reare; and so of all the rest.

[Page 63]The Colonells haue their Regiments Compoun­ded of three or foure Troopes, and seldome aboue fiue, or vnder three; and the Colonells Troope ever Marcheth on the left Wing of the Regiment.

The Captaines of Horse receiue their directions from the Colonells; the Colo [...]ells from the Serieant-maior, and the Serieant-maior from the Lord Mar­shall.

Thus much I haue thought fit to impart, as an Introduction into these Military affayres, leaving to those larger and better enabled Spirits, the vn­bounded Field of Discourse, into which when they shall be pleased to enter, no doubt but the studious Observer, shall receiue a much more wor­thie satisfaction.


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