¶A Schoole for young Souldiers, Containing in briefe the whole Discipline of VVarre, especially so much as is meet for the Captaine to teach, or the Souldior to learne, that is, to trayne or to be trayned. Fit to be taught throughout England.
Reader for thy better direction obserue the course of the figures as they stand in order.
- To Captaines are referred two things.
- 1 Sorting of armes which should be
- 2 Halfe pikes
- And halfe shot:
- And the shot,
- Halfe Muskets,
- Halfe harquebusses.
- Or two partes muskets, and one part harquebus;
- The men for the weapons,
- 3 Strongest for pikes,
- Squarest for muskets,
- Nimblest for harquebus.
- The armours they shall weare shall be these following.
- 4 For the pike, a morian, curaces, gorget, pouldron, taces, sword, girdle, hanger and pike,
- The musket, a morian, bandileir, sword, girdle, hanger, bullet, bagge and rest,
- The harquebus, a morian bandilier, sword, girdle, hanger, and bullet bagge:
- Postures of the Pike. 15
- 9 order your pike,
- Aduance your pike,
- Set downe your pike
- Shoulder your pike,
- Leuell your pike,
- Slope your pike,
- Port your pike,
- Charge your pike,
- Check your pike,
- Traile your pike,
- Charge against the right foote and draw your sword,
- Charge your pike, backeward.
- Right to your first order,
- Lay down your pike,
- Take vp your pike.
- Postures of the Pike. 15
- 5 Formes of trayning diuiding euery company into
- 6 Squadrons
- Files
- Fellowships: and then teaching
- 7 Cariage of armes, which must be,
- 8 Most comely, euery seuerall weapon, learning these Postures following.
- 10 Vse of armes, which must be the
- 11 Vse of the pike, in receiuing or giuing a charge, the first being pike against horse, the second, pike against pike; vse of shot, is how to present his piece, take his leuell, and giue his volee.
- 12 March, in which
- 13 Euery man shall obserue
- his Leader, and them of each hand, mouing as they moue:
- 14 Motion is mouing
- 15 Without marching
- 16 As turning on any hand,
- 17 Changing of place,
- 18 As doubling of rankes or Files.
- 19 All mouing, yet none marching, as
- 20 Opening or closing of Ranks or Files.
- Postures of the Musket. 40
- March with the Musket-rest in the right hand.
- March, and with the Musket carry the rest.
- Sinke your rest, and vnshoulder your musket.
- Hold vp your musket with the right hand, & let it sinke in the left:
- In the left hand hold your musket, and carry your rest with it.
- Into the right hand take your match:
- Hold well your match between your fingers, and blow it:
- Cocke your match, Try your match:
- Blowe your match, and open your panne:
- Hold vp your musket, and present: giue fire,
- Take down your musket, and cary it with the rest:
- Vncocke your match,
- Ioyne your match againe betweene your fingers,
- Blowe your pan:
- Proine your panne, Shut your panne:
- Cast off your panne, Blow off your panne:
- Cast about your musket: Traile your rest:
- Open your charges: Charge your musket:
- Your scowring sticke draw out:
- Take your scowring sticke shorter:
- Ramme your powder,
- Your scowring sticke draw out,
- Take your scowring sticke shorter:
- Put vp your scowring sticke home;
- Bring forward your musket with the left hand,
- Hold vp your musket with the right hand, & recouer your rest: Shoulder your Musket,
- March and carry the Rest with it.
- Vnshoulder your Musket:
- Lay your Musket in the Rest:
- Hold your Musket on the rest,
- Hold your Musket in the Rest, and with the left hand only balance.
- Take your match into the right hand:
- Guard your panne, and stand readie.
- Postures of the Harquebuse. 42
- Shoulder your piece and march:
- Vnshoulder your piece:
- With the right hand hold it vp:
- In the left hand take the piece:
- In the right hand take the match:
- Hold well your match and blowe it:
- Cocke your match:
- Trie your match:
- Blowe your match:
- Open your panne:
- Present your piece:
- Giue fire:
- Take downe the piece, and in the left hand hold it:
- Vncocke your match;
- Ioyne it againe twixt your fingers:
- Blowe your panne:
- Proyne your panne:
- Shut your panne:
- Shake off your panne:
- Blowe off your loose cornes:
- Turne about your piece:
- To your left side let it sinke:
- Open your charges:
- Charge your peice:
- Your scowring sticke drawe out:
- Take your scowring sticke shorter:
- Ram your powder:
- Your scowring sticke drawe out:
- Take your scowring sticke shorter:
- Put vp your scowring sticke home:
- With the left hand, bring forward the piece:
- With the right hand hold it vp:
- Shoulder your piece:
- Hold your piece well on your shoulder, and march:
- Vnshoulder your piece:
- In the left hand let it sinke:
- With the left hand alone holde the piece:
- In the right hand take the match:
- Cocke your match:
- Trie your march:
- Blowe off your match:
- Guard your panne and stand ready.
- Postures of the Harquebuse. 42
- Postures of the Musket. 40
- 20 Opening or closing of Ranks or Files.
- 15 Without marching
- 7 Cariage of armes, which must be,
- 21 Sounds of the drumme, which is to know,
- 22 A march,
- A troope,
- A charge,
- A retreit,
- A call, The watch, going to the mine,
- 23 Words of direction, which are,
- 24 Leaders, stand forward with your Files,
- Rankes, open forward, 5 paces:
- Faces to the right hand,
- Faces to the left hand,
- Faces about:
- turne,
- Open your Files,
- Close your Files,
- Open your files to the right hand,
- Open your files to the left hand;
- Close your files to the right hand,
- Close your files to the left hand;
- Double your file to the right hand
- Double your file to the left hand.
- double your ranks to the right hād
- Double your ranks to the left hand
- As you were:
- Rancks from behinde close:
- Ranckes open backward, paces 5.
- Files on the right hand turne:
- Rankes on the right hand turne
- Front passe thorow,
- Followers passe thorow,
- Front as you were,
- Files as you were,
- Counter-march to the right hand,
- Counter-march to the left hand;
- Cast off your files to the right hād.
- Cast off your files to the left hand.
- double your front to the right hād
- Double your front to the left hand
- Double your rear to the right hād.
- Double your reare to the left hand
- 1 Sorting of armes which should be
LONDON Printed for Richard Higginbotham, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Cardnals hat without Newgate. 161 [...].