
[Page]THE ART OF ARCHERIE. Shewing how it is most ne­cessary in these times for this Kingdome, both in Peace and War, and how it may be done without charge to the Country, trouble to the People, or any hinderance to necessary Occasi­ons. ALSO, Of the Discipline, the Postures, and whatsoever else is necessarie for the attayning to the Art.

LONDON, Printed by B. A. and T. F. for BEN: FISHER, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the Signe of the Talbot without Alders-Gate. 1634.

TO The Sacred Maiesty of our Dread Soueraigne CHARLES, By the Grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland; Defender of the Faith, &c.


THIS Proiect which I offer to your Sacred [Page] Maiesty, how euer (for mine owne Vnworthi­nesse and Insufficiency, or the almost last Re­membrance of the wea­pon, which I striue to aduance) it may seeme vnworthy of your Gra­cious view or Conside­ration; yet I am confi­dent, if you please to lay your sacred eyes vpon it, you will allow it: For first, it will be [Page] honourable to your Kingdomes, through the Multiplicitie of good Souldiers; Terrible to your opposers, when they heare of such disci­ [...]lin'd Multitudes, and not troublesome to your Subiects; because it ney­ther puts them to one penny of extraordinary Expencee, takes from them one day of theyr necessary Affaires, nor [Page] loades them with any trouble or Vexation, ei­ther of Minde or Body; Onely it tyes them to the exercise and perfor­mance of that duty, to which they are bound both by the Lawes of God, Nature, and the wholesome Statutes of this Kingdomes, as the Treatise (I hope) will witnesse, when your Maiestie (or any by [Page] your Maiestie appoin­ted) shall reade it; In humble confidence whereof, I rest

Your Maiesties, poore Vassaile and Subiect, GERVASE MARKHAM.

TO The much honoured Gentleman, Mr. WILLIAM TRVMBALL, Esquire. Eldest Clarke to his Maiesties most Honourable Priuie Councell, and Muster-master-Generall of all England.


ALL Rivers and Ri­vellets, Fountaines and Waters what soe­ver, come from the Sea, and returne to the Sea, the [...] ▪ to acknowledge the Hap­esse of their Beginnings; the other, [Page] to restore the Rent & Tribute of their Duties. So all subiects receiue happi­nesse from their Souer aignes, and to them they ought to restore any thing that they can call happy within them; Hence, I have presumed in all Humili­ty and obedience, to present to his Sa­cred Maiestie, this little Treatise of The Art of Archerie▪ and how it may profitably be vsed in this King­dome, to the Aduancement of the Trayned Bands (to whose Glorie and Good, your place especially calles you to the Propagation and increase o [...] young Souldiers, and to the suppon and Re-edif [...]ing, of the now falling and almost vtterly ruin'd Societies [...] Bowyers and Fletchers: who [...] I am credibly informed, and part know by diuers true observations) [...] so shaken and decayed in their Estat [...] and Tradings, that without his M [...] ­iestie Assist, it is impossible for the [Page] to subsist. Then (worthy Sir) be pleased to lay your vertuous Hand to this Building, and make your selfe Master of many Hearts, and many Prayers, which (vnder your Pardon) you may thus effect, by procuring to be inserted into the Letters for Mu­sters; that the Supplyes may ap­peare with Bowes and Arrowes, and to bee exercised with the Trayned Bands, as more largely appeareth in the Treatise; This I d [...]re no further vrge, but leave it to your owne Good­nesse, which can better direct, then I [...]an Imagine.

Your Servant, GERV: MARKHAM.

TO THE WORSHIP­full, the Masters, Wardens, and Assistants, and to all the rest of the Worshipfull Com­panies and Societies of Bowyers and Fletchers within the Honourable City of London, and elsewhere.


IT is not out of any Ambition to get a Name, out of any hope of Future pro­ [...]t, nor out of any Disposition or [Page] loue I haue to Nouelties, which hath stirr'd me vp to this labour; But onely a sincere affection I beare to Truth and Goodnesse▪ which in former times were, and I doubt not but will bee againe, and euer, the best Friends and Companions to the Bow and Ar­row.

It is true, that in this Treatise, I haue (according to my weake Iudgment, and vnder the controle­mēt of better knowledges) shewed how the Bow and Arrow may a­gaine profitably bee employed, and Reuiued, without offence or Scandall; It now remayneth in you (if his Maiestie shall bee gra­ciously pleased, to put it in Exe­cution) to make good all my pro­mises; And that is, by furnishin [...] the Subiect with good Bowes▪ [Page] good Arrowes, and reasonable pri­ces, because defects in these, will both disgrace the Worke, and giue offence to the people; yet I would not haue you mistake me, that vnder this word Good, I meane the best and principall Bowes and Arrowes, As though euery man should necessarily be armed with Ewe and Horn-beame; no, Elme and Birtch, are Tymbers sufficient for priuate practise, and if they bee well wrought, Artificially cho­sen, and reasonably sold; the Subiect shall find no fault, nor the Exercise hinderance.

This (when you are call'd vp­on) you are to take into your considerations, which I know you can better doe, then I can instruct; therefore to it, and to the happy [Page] proceedings of these Beginnings, which may begin your Benefits, I leaue you and rest,

Your Well-wisher, Gervase Markham▪


A Generall Encomium or praise of Shooting both in Peace and Warre. Fol. [...]
That Shooting is most necessary for this Kingdome both in Peace and Warre, andhow it may profitably be vsed, without charge to the Coun­try, trouble to the People or hinde­rance to necessary Occasions. fol. 17
[Page]Chap. III.
Of the chiefe Point aimed at in Shoo­ting, and how to attaine it. Fol. 29
Chap. IV.
Of the Bow, and the vse. Fol. 34
Chap. V.
Of the Shooting-gloue, and the vse thereof. Fol. 36
Chap. VI.
Of the String, and the vse. Fol. 41
Chap. VII.
Of the Bow, the diuersities and the v­ses, What wood is best, the Choice, the Trimming, to keepe it in Good­nesse; and how to Cure all mis­chiefes. Fol. 48
Chap VIII.
Of the Shaft, and the vses. Fol. 73
[Page]Chap IX.
Of the Steele of the Arrow, the excel­lence and vse. Fol. 76
Chap. X.
Of the Feather, the Nature, excel­lence and vse. Fol. 88
Chap. XI.
Of the Arrow-head, the Invention, and seuerall vses. Fol. 100
Chap. XII.
Of the handling of Instruments, the time when, &c. Fol. 117
Chap. XIII.
Of comely Shooting, the Benefit and meanes, with the faults. Fol. 122
Chap. XIIII.
The first Posture, which is Standing. Fol. 132
[Page]Chap. XV.
The second Posture, which is Noc­king. Fol. 134
Chap. XVI.
The third Posture, which is Drawing. Fol. 136
Chap. XVII.
The fourth posture, which is Holding. Fol. 139
The fift Posture which is Loosing. Fol. 140
Chap XIX.
Of keeping a length, of Wind, and weather. Fol. 141
Chap. XX.
Principall obseruations from the time of the yeare. Fol. 148
[Page]Chap. XXI.
Of giuing Ayme, the Ease, and the Errours. Fol. 158
Chap. XXII.
Of taking true Standing, that is ad­vantagious. Fol. 160
Chap. XXIII.
Of streight Shooting, the Shifts and Helpes. Fol. 163

CHAP. 1. A Generall Encomium, or praise of Shooting, both in Peace and Warre.

SHooting is an Art necessary for the Knowledge of all sorts of Men, vse­full both in Peace and Warre; It is an honest pastime for the minde, and an wholesome [Page 2] exercise for the Body; Not vilde for Great-men to vse, nor costly for Poore-men to maintayne, not lur­king in holes and corners, for ill men at their pleasure to misuse it, but still abiding in the open sight and face of the world, for good men (if it bee any way faulty) by their wisedome to correct it.

Now touching the Antiquity of it, Claudian saith; That Nature first gaue the example of shooting by the Porpentine, which by shooting his Quils will hit any thing that fights with it, which Learned men after­wards imitated in finding out Bow and shafts: Plinie referreth it to Scythes, the sonne of Iupiter. Better and nobler Writers, as Plato, Cali­machus, and Galen, bring Shooting from Apollo, when hee flew Python; yet long before those dayes, wee reade expresly in the Bible of [Page 3] Shooting, and if wee shall beleeue Lira, Lamech killed Caine with a Shaft, which long continuance doth not a little praise the Art, be­sides, that it hath at all times and may still bee vsed by all men, the examples of the Antients are proofes vnresistable; Cyaxares King of the Medes and great Grand­father to Cyrus, kept a company of Scythians with him onely to teach his Sonne Astiages to shoote, and Cyrus, being a Child, as Zenophon sheweth, was himselfe taught the Art of Shooting; Darius was so exquisite in this Art, that hee cau­sed this Inscription to be grauen on his Monument:

DARIVS the King lyes buried heere;
That in Shooting and Riding had no peere.

[Page 4] Domitian the Emperour was so cunning in Shooting, that he would shoote betwixt a mans fingers stan­ding a farre off and neuer hurt him. Comodus also had so sure an hand, that there was nothing within his reach and shoote but hee could hit it in what place he listed: Themi­stius the Phylosopher commended Theodosius the Emperour, for three things which hee vsed of a Child, which were Shooting, Riding, and Feates of Armes: And not onely Kings and Emperours haue beene brought vp in Shooting, but also the best Common-wealths haue made excellent Edicts to main­tayne it. The Persians (which vn­der Cyrus conquered in a manner all the world) made a Law, that their Children from Fiue yeares old vnto Twenty, should learne three onely things, that was; To [Page 5] Ride, to Shoote, and to Speake Truth alwayes; The Romans had a Law, that euery man should vse Shoo­ting in the time of Peace, till hee was Forty yeares old, and that eue­ry House should haue a Bow and forty Shafts ready for all occasi­ons; If I should rehearse the Sta­tutes made in Parliament by the Kings of England for the advance­ment of Shooting, I should but tyre patience, let these therefore suffice already rehearsed; And how fit labour is for Youth, Mi­nos among the Grecians, and Licur­gus among the Lacedemonians doe shew, who neuer ordayned any thing for the bringing vp of Youth that was not joyned with labour; and that labour which is in Shoo­ting, is of all other the best; both because it increaseth Strength, and most preserueth Health, being not [Page 6] vehement but moderate, not ouer­laying any one part with weari­nes, but exercising euery part with equalnesse, as the Arme and Brest with drawing, the other parts with walking, being not so painefull for the labour as delightfull for the pastime, which Exercise by the Iudgement of the best Physitians is most allowable. Also by Shoo­ting, the mind is honestly imploy­ed, where a man doth alwayes de­sire to doe best, (which is a word of honesty) and by the same way that Vertue it selfe doth, coueting to come nighest a most perfect end or meane, standing betweene two extreames, eschewing Short, or; Gone, or on eyther side Wide; which caused Aristotle to say, that Shooting and Vertue, were like one another, and that Shooting of all other Recreations was the most [Page 7] honest, and gaue least occasion to haue Naughtinesse joyned vnto it, which two things, doe approue, that (as Tutors or Overseers) are fixed vnto it, and that is, Day-light and Open-place where euery man doth come, the keepers from all vnhonest Actions. If a man shoot foule at any time, it is not hid, it lurkes not in corners, but openly [...]ccuseth and bewrayeth it selfe, which (as wise men say) is the next way to amendment.

Now as Shooting is thus excel­lent in it selfe, and most allowable by both Antient and Moderne Authority and example in the time of Peace; So it is much more illu­strious, and by many degrees more profitable and with more vigour [...]o bee acquired in the time of Warre—as thus,—

[Page 8]The vpper-hand in Warre, next to the goodnesse of God (from whom all Victory commeth) stan­deth chiefly in three things; The Wisdome of the Prince, the Slights and Policies of the Commanders, and the Strength and cheerefull forwardnes of the Soldiers: The 2. first I will omit (they are Elements aboue mee) the last, which is the strength of warre, it abideth in the Souldier, whose chiefe praise and vertue is Obedi­ence to his Superiours, then to haue and handle his Weapon well; of which, the one must bee at the Captaines appointment, the other, lyeth in the Courage and exercise of the Souldier; yet of all Wea­pons, the best is that, where with least danger to our selues, wee may hurt our Enemies most; And that is, (as I suppose) by Artillerie, which now adayes is taken for G [...]nnesu and Bowes, which how [Page 9] much they doe in Warre, both dai­ly experience doth teach, and Peter Nannius of Lovayne doth very well set out in a Dialogue, wherein this is remarkable, that when hee hath shewed all the excellent commodi­ties of both, and some discommo­dities of Gunnes, as infinite cost, and charge, cumbersome carriage; And if they bee great, the vncer­taine leuelling, the perill of them that stand by them, the easier avoi­ding by them that are farre of. And if they be little, the lesse both feare and jeopardy is in them, besides all contrary winds and weather which doth hinder them not a litle; yet of all, in Shooting hee cannot rehearse any discommody; yea, so necessary hath Shooting been, and so highly set by, that to its lasting credit it is recorded, that when Hector and his Troians, would haue set fire on the Greeke ships, Teucer with his Bow [Page 10] made them recoile backe againe, And Troy it selfe could neuer be destroyed without the helpe of Hercules Shafts, which thing doth signifie, that though all the world were gathered into one Army, yet without Shooting they can neuer come to their purpose, and this may partly be collected out of the holy Scriptures, where it is recor­ded, that among the Iewes, nothing was so frequent or did so much good as Bowes; insomuch, Iosh. 13. that whē the Iewes had any great victo­ry ouer the Gentiles, the first thing that the Captaines did, was to ex­hort the people to giue all the thankes to God for the conquest, and not to their Bowes wherewith they had slaine their enemies. God when he promiseth helpe to the Iewes vseth no kind of speaking so much as this; That he will bend his [Page 11] Bow, and die his Shafts in the Gentiles blood; whereby it is manifest, that God will either make the Iewes to shoot strong shootes to ouerthrow their enemies, or at least, that Shoo­ting is a mighty powerfull thing in warre, wherevnto the high power of God is likened; David in the Psalmes, Psal. 7. 63. 74., calleth Bowes, The vessels of Death, A Bitter thing, a mighty Power, with like Attributes; yet one place more I must remember for the praise of Shooting; and that is, when Saul was slayne by the Phi­listines (beeing mighty Bow-men) and Ionathan his Sonne, who was so good an Archer, that he never shot shaft in vayne; the first Sta­tute David made, after hee came to the Kingdome; was, that all Israel should learne to shoot: 2. Sam▪ 1. 18. by which wee see what great use and Provision, even from the beginning, was a­mong [Page 12] the Iewes for Shooting. S [...] ­sostris the most potent King that e­ver was in Aegypt, overcame a great part of the World, onely by Archers, and in token how he van­quished all men, he set up in many places great Images to his owne likenesse, with a Bow in one hand, and a sharpe headed-Arrow in the other. The Prince of Samos, Poli­crates, was Lord over the Greeke Seas, and withstood the power of the Persians, onely by the helpe of one thousand Archers. The best part of Alexanders armie were Ar­chers, as Appian and others record, and they so strong, that sundry times they overcame their Ene­mies before any other weapon could come in to second them. But to let passe these foreine examples, I will conclude with this saying out of Pliny; If any man would call [Page 13] to mind the Aethiopians, Aegyptians, Arabians, Indians, Scythians, Sarma­thians and Parthians, hee shall per­ceive halfe the World to live in Sub­iection, overcome by the power and might of Shooting. Againe, Leo wri­ting concerning what Armes were best, sayth thus; Let all the youth of Rome be compelled to vse shooting, ey­ther more or lesse, and ever to carry their Bowe and Quiver about them, untill they bee forty yeares old. And in another place, he sayth; Let the Souldiers have their weapons well appointed, but above all other things regard most Shooting; especially in the time of peace, for the neglect of it one­ly, hath brought the whole Empire of Rome to Ruine. And againe, he saith thus to his Generall; Arme your Hoast as I have appointed you, but es­pecially with Bowes and Arrowes, for the power of it is infinite. And againe [Page 14] to the same Generall, thus; Artil­lerie is easie to bee prepared, and in time of need a thing most profitable, therefore wee straightly command you to make Proclamation to all men under our Dominions, which bee eyther in Warre or Peace, to all Cities, Boroughs and Townes, and finally to all manner of men, that every severall person have Bowe and Shafts of his owne, and every house (besides this,) to have a standing, bearing Bow and 40. Ar­rowes for all needs, and that they ex­ercise themselues, in Holts, Hills, and Dales, Playnes and Woods, for all manner of chances which may happen in Warre. Which Law of this good Emperour, if it were in force in England, those which now haunt Play-houses, Ale-houses and Tobacco­shops, I would presume, by little and little, bee brought to a better esteeme of themselves and a grea­ter [Page 15] loathing of those ill places. Last­ly, to conclude with our owne Nation; what Battayle haue wee ever fought eyther at home or a­broad and tryumphed, but the Bow (next unto God) hath carry­ed the honor, witnesse the famous Battaile of Cressie against Philip the French King, where (as our Adver­saries themselves doe confesse) was slain all the Nobility of France, onely by the English Archers: like unto this, was the Battaile fought by the Blacke Prince beside Poyc­tiers, where Iohn the French King, with his Sonne, and in a manner all the Peeres of France were ta­ken, besides 30000. which that day were slaine, and very few Eng­lishmen. As this, so the Battayle of Agincourt, is remarkeable, where Henry the fifth, with 7000. figh­ting men, and many of them sicke [Page 16] and vnable, yet such Archers, tha [...] (as the Chronicle doth report) most of them drew a yard, slew all the Chevalrie of France, to the number of 40000. and more, and lost not above 26. of the English. The bloody Civill Warre betwixt the two great houses of Yorke and Lancaster, where Arrowes flew on every side, will witnesse the pow­erfulnesse of the Bow, and as these, so a world of others, too tedious to recite. So that in conclusion, it cannot be denyed, but the Bowe hath done more wonderfull ex­ployts and brought home more Tryumphs, then any other weapon that ever was read of, cyther in Greeke or Latine Story, then that it should now fall sicke, languish, nay dye, and be buried in perpetu­all oblivion, O quam te memorem.

Chap. II. That shooting is most necessarie for this Kingdome both in peace and Warre, and how it may profitably bee vsed, without charge to the Country, trouble to the People, or any hinderance to necessary occa­sions.

WHatsoever I have for­merly spokē in praise of the Bowe, which I know to bee most worthy, yet I would not have the curious to mi­stake me, and thinke in it I derogate from other Weapons, and so call me a King Harry Captaine, or a man of an old Edition, out of date in these refined times, where no­thing is excellent, but that which is least excellent, Folly and Selfe-opinion; [Page 18] No, I am farre from such censuring, for I acknowledge th [...] Pike and Musquet to bee the elde [...] Brethren in Warre, and the Wea­pons wherewith I have both com­manded and beene commanded al [...] my life in the Warres: neythe [...] dare I carry a thought eyther t [...] weaken their power, or decreas [...] their number, my wish is, that hi [...] Majesty had for every ten an hun­dred. But when I looke into th [...] state of the Kingdome, to whic [...] my place in severall Countye [...] calles me, I finde there is a sele [...] and choyse company cull'd out [...] every Shire, which are called th [...] Cautionary or trayned Band, an [...] which are armed with Pike an [...] Musquet, yet with that difficult and vnpreparednesse, that authori­ty her selfe cannot deny, but if sod [...]ine and vnlookt for alaru [...] [Page 19] should rayse them, few Countyes would boast of absolute perfecti­on, but allow them (as they should [...]e) compleat in every thing be­ [...]onging vnto them, yet they are but [...]n handfull, and not to compare with the vnarmed, one in an hun­ [...]red; If then, to these Trayned [...]ands, there were an equall [...]umber or a much greater of well [...]isciplined Bowe-men, doubtlesse [...]ey would bee found of great vse, [...]nd not onely gaine glory to the [...]ingdome, but feare and amaze­ [...]ent to all those which durst to [...]tempt vs: And that this is, a [...]orke most necessary and most ea­ [...]e, without charge, trouble, or o­ [...]er difficulty, thus I approve it.

First, for the necessity, it is [...]owne to all those which eyther [...]ow vs, have heard of vs, or have [...]lt vs; that we are a potent, valiant, [Page 20] and daring Nation: not trusting vnto walled Towns, Castles, Fort [...] or concealed Stratagems, but vn­to the God of Battailes, a goo [...] Cause, and well manag'd Armes so that what Enemy soever wil [...] seeke vs, shall finde [...]s in the ope [...] field, where a Battaile must ever b [...] made the Arbitrator of our goo [...] or evill Fortune. If then, the chanc [...] of one day must decide our contro [...]versie, what better Art can bee v [...] ­sed in that extremity, then the Ar [...] of Multiplication, or bringing [...] most Multitudes to fight withou [...] disorder; for, according to the Pre [...] ­verbe, Many hands make lig [...] worke▪ and albe a few may pre [...] ­vayle through the vertue of Disci­pline, yet more will do more good if Valour and Wisedome bee no [...] wanting, as thus for example; [...] Battaile is to be fought, and [...] [Page 21] King brings into the Field 20000. [...]ed with Pyke and Musquet, to [...]ng a greater number with those [...]eapons is difficult or hurtfull, ey­ [...]er through the want of Armes, or [...]e necessity of other places: If [...]en, there bee 10000. strong and [...]ell exercised Bowe-men to joyne [...]to them, can any man be so sot­ [...]h as not to conceiue what terror [...]d amazement those Showers of [...]rrowes will bring to the Enemy, [...]t this bee judg'd by them that [...]ve seene the affright in Battailes, [...]r mine owne part, I cannot but [...]nceive it a worke of great neces­ [...]y, excellent vse, and infinite pro­ [...]able both to the King, and his Kingdomes.

Now touching the easie accom­ [...]lishment of this worke, without [...]arge or vexation, or so much as [...]grumbling to the common peo­ple▪ [Page 22] it may thus (if his Majesti [...] please) be effected.

There are (or at least there ough [...] to be) in every City, Towne, Ham [...]let and Village, a certaine sele [...] Company of the best and able [...] men both for person and estat [...] which should amount to a doub [...] number, or more then those whic [...] are called the Trayned men, as thu [...] If in a Towne there be one Train [...] man, then there, should be two [...] three of these: if two Trayned m [...] then foure, five, or sixe of these, a [...]cording to the ability and popul [...]rity of the place, and these bee cal [...]led Supplies, because from the [...] the Trained Bands are supplyed a [...] re-enforced vpon every alteratio [...] Change, death, old-age, or any [...] ther necessary avoydance; No [...] these Supplyes are bound to a [...]pearance at all Musters, as well as t [...] [Page 23] [...]rayned Bands and doe so, but ha­ [...]ng giuen in their names, they de­ [...]art away without any exercise or [...]ilitary instruction, and so spend [...]ut the rest of the day eyther in the [...]lehouse or some other place [...]here they laugh at those which [...]re taking paines and busie to be [...]structed; So that when they [...]ome to be called into the band [...]emselues, their Ignorance is so [...]reat, that they hurt both them­ [...]elues and others.

Now, if it would please his Ma­ [...]estie, or those to whom he hath [...]ispensed such authoritie, to com­ [...]and, that these Supplies should [...]iue their attendance with Bowes, [...]rrowes & Palizadoes, or Staues, [...]ssuming the likenes of the Paliza­ [...]oe & so to be exercised with the [...]rayned Bands which carrie Pike [...]Musquet; This Benefit would a­rise [Page 24] from such proceedings. First, a Glory to the Band by augmenta­tion of their numbers, an expertnes in the Souldier, by his acquaintince withall manner of weapons, and [...] dexteritie of Body, by the vse and knowledge of euery Military mo­tion; For, allow the Bow to be as despised a thing as either Envie or Ignorance would haue it, yet out of this discipline the Bowman shal learne these most necessary les­sons: First, all manner of Marches & Countermarches, Turnings & re­turnings; Wheelings imbattailings, doublings, and deductings, distance of place, how to Charge, Retyre, and how to giue showers or vol­leys vpon all occasions, the post­ure of the Bow and Arrow, which hath affinitie with the Musquer, and the postures of the Palizadoe, which is a good conduct to the [Page 25] Pike, he shall learne the beatings of the Drum, all words of Command, the power of his superior Officers, and indeed what not, that belongs to an ordinarie Souldier; So that when any of them shall be called into the trayned Band to handle other weapons, they will be found so skilfull and expert, that there can be no feare either of Confu­sion or disorder, and where his Maiesty hath one souldier now, he will then haue two or a greater Number.

Now if I shall be questioned touching the mixture of these seue­rall weapons, the Pike, the Mus­quet, and the Bow, or in what sort they may be imbattayled without disorder or hinderance of one weapon with another; I answer, that albe there are a world of more worthy Souldiers which can bet­ter [Page 26] demonstrate these things then my selfe, yet this is mine Opinion, and thus I conceiue it may be done both easily and profitably. In the dayes of Queen Elizabeth of thrice happy and blessed memory, when the vse of the Musquet was newly brought from beyond the Seas in­to this Kingdome, and the vertue thereof found and approued; yet was the weapon so scarce to be had, workemen so slow, and new altera­tions so vnpleasant, that the State was compelled to compound their Bands of three seuerall weapons, the Pike, Musquet, and the Harque­bush, or Calliuer, as I am able to shew by sundry lists, both of mine owne and others. But after the ex­pence of some small time, by the care of the Lords Liuetenants, and the diligence of their Deputies, the Bands were reduced into that estate [Page 27] wherein now they stand, which is, Pike, and Musquet only, and the Har­quebush cast off. Now instead of the Harquebush, and as the Harquebush, so would I haue the Bow imploy­ed, and as the Musquet doth wing the Pike; So I would haue the Bow to wing the Musquet, ob­seruing to keepe the numbers so iust and constant, that one weapon might not intermixe with another, but as three distinct and seueral bo­dies, (howeuer joyned in one Bat­talia) to be separated and disposed at the pleasure of the Commander; and because the Bow is a more rea­dy and quicker Weapon of dis­charge then the Musquet, the Cap­taine may by doubling and re­doubling, eyther Ranks or Fyles, make his showers of arrowes grea­ter or lesse, according to the ad­uantage of ground, the strength of [Page 28] his numbers, or the approach of the Enemie.

Many other things might be ad­ded to this little beginning, which were much to tedious to handle in this place; because, I onely desire but to open a little narrow way to a great deale of profit for the king­dome, which if it shall please Au­thority to accept and second, both my selfe and many others, much more worthy then my selfe, will bee ready with our vttermost endeauours to make good this pro­iect; Besides, the now almost halfe lost Societies of Bowyers and Flet­chers, will get a little warmth and, both praise their God, and pray for theyr King, from whom these good things issue. Not that the Coun­tries or Souldiers shall bee forc'd to any new charge or cost, by which extraordinary gaine may redound [Page 29] vnto them, but that the wholsome Lawes of the Kingdome (which bindeth euery man to be master of a Bow and Arrowes) may be a lit­tle awakened. And so I returne a­gaine to the Art of Archerie, and the true knowledge with vse of the Bow and Arrow, and all things else depending vpon them.

CHAP. III. Of the chiefe point aymed at in Shoo­ting, and how to attaine vnto it.

THe chiefe point or end whereunto euery man ben­deth his ayme when hee learneth to Shoote, is to hit the marke whereat he shooteth, and to the compassing thereof, there is re­quired two things; first, Shooting streight then keeping a length, and [Page 30] these are attained vnto, by knowing and hauing all things belonging to Shooting, & when they be knowne and had, then in the well handling of them; and of these, some belong to shooting straight, some to kee­ping a length, and some to both, as shall be declared seuerally at large hereafter.

Now touching the things belon­ging to Shooting, you shall vnder­stand, that all things are outward, yet some be outward Instruments for euery seuerall Archer to bring with him, proper for his owne vse, other things be generall to euery man, as the time and place serueth.

Those which I call outward In­struments, are the Bracer, the Shoo­ting-gloue, the String, Bow, and Shaft.

Those which are generall to all men, are the Weather, & the Marke; [Page 31] yet the Marke, is euer vnder the rule of the Weather.

Now the well handling of these and all other things, standeth in the man himselfe, for some handlings are proper to Instruments, some to the Weather, some to the Marke, and some rest in the man him­selfe.

Touching the handlings which are proper to Instruments, they be Standing, Nocking, Drawing, Hol­ding, and Loosing, from whence is­sueth all faire shooting, which nei­ther belongeth to Winde nor Wea­ther, nor yet to the Marke; for in a Raine and at no marke, a man may shoote a faire Shoot.

As concerning the handlings which are proper to the Weather, they are the knowledge of the Wind with him, or against him, a Side-wind, Full side-wind, Side­wind [Page 32] quarter with him, Side-win [...] quarter against him, &c.

Touching the handlings prope [...] to the Marke, they are heedfully t [...] reguard his Standing, to shoote [...] Compasse, to draw euermore a [...]like, to loose euermore alike [...] to consider the nature of the Prick [...] in Hils and Dales, in Strayts [...] Playnes, and winding places, and al [...]so to espy his marke.

Lastly, for the things remayning [...] with the man himselfe, they are th [...] avoiding of all affections and passi [...]ons which are the making or mar [...]ring of euery good Action. And [...] these things thus spoken of and [...] breifly discussed if they be well [...] knowne and handled, doubtlesse [...] they shall bring a man to such per­fection in shooting that fewe or none can exceed him, but if he [...] misse in any one of them he can ne­ [...]er [Page 33] hit the marke, and the more he [...]isseth, the further off he is in [...]hooting nigh the Marke. But as [...]n all other matters, so in this, the [...]irst Step or Stayre to be good, is [...]o know a mans fault and then to [...]mend it, for to mantaine it is dou­ [...]le to doe it.

Thus I haue packed together in [...] generall manner a small or short Analasis of the Art of Archerie; I will now vnloosen them againe, [...]nd taking as it were euery piece [...]nto my hand againe, discourse of [...]hem particularly and at large, be­ginning with the Instruments. And first of the Bracer.

CHAP. IV. Of the Bracer and the vse.

THe Bracer giueth the least scope to my discourse, be­cause it is an Instrument of no potent validitie, yet such an one as may not be omitted; there­fore you shall vnderstand, that the Bracer serueth for two purposes, the one to saue the arme from the stripe of the String, and his dou­blet from wearing; and the other, that the String glyding sharply and quickly of the Bracer may make the sharper shoote, for if the string should light vpon the bare sleeue, the strength of the shoote would stop and dye there; yet it is the best in my Indgement, to giue the [Page 35] Bow so much Bent, that the string [...]eed neuer come neare or touch [...]he mans Arme, and so should a man need no Bracer, as I know ma­ [...]y good Archers which seldome or neuer vse them, but it is not a Rule for generall Imitation; be­cause euery mans apparell is not of one fashion, nor euery one that fulnesse of Iudgement, that those which are continually and dayly exercised in the same haue.

In a Bracer, a man must take heed of three things; First, that it haue no Nayles in it, then that it haue no Buckles; and lastly, that the laces wherewith it is fastned be without Tags or Aglets; For the Nayles will sheare the string in sunder be­fore a man be aware, and so put his Bow into hazard, and the Buckles, Tags or Aglets, will (when a man least suspects it) raze and scratch [Page 36] his Bow, a thing both vncomely to behold, and dangerous for the weapon.

These Bracers are made for the most part of Spanish-leather, the smooth-side outward, and they be the best, sometimes of Spanish-lea­ther and the flesh side outward, and they are both good and tollerable, and others are made of hard, stiffe but smooth Bend-leather, and they be the worst and most dangerous, And thus much is spoken of the Bracer.

CAHP. V. Of the Shooting-glove and the vse thereof.

A Shooting-gloue is a necessa­ry armour or defence for the hand, to preserue it from hurting or galling, so that a [Page 37] man may be able in his fingers to beare the sharpnesse of the String to the vttermost of his strength, for when a man shooteth, the vio­lence and might of his Shoot lyeth in the foremost finger, and the Ring­finger; for the middle finger (which is the longest) like a Coward starts backe and beareth no weight of the String, in a manner at all; therefore, the two other fingers must haue thicker leather, and that must haue the thickest of all, whereon a man looseth most, and for sure loosing, the foremost finger is most apt, be­cause it holdeth best, and for that purpose, Nature hath yoaked it with the Thumbe. Leather, if it be next a mans skin will sweate, wax hard and chafe; therefore, Scarlet for the softnesse, thicknesse and wholesomnesse, is best to line the Gloue withall; but, if you finde [Page 38] that it helpeth not, but still the fin­ger hurteth, it is good then to take a Searecloth made of fine Virgin waxe and Deere Suet, and putting it next your hand draw on your Gloue; If yet you feele your finger pinched, then for beare Shooting, both because it is not possible for you to shoote well, as also, the continuall hurting of your Fingers by slow degrees, will make the time long ere you can be able to shoote againe.

A new Gloue pluckes many Shoots, because the String goeth not freely off, & therfore the fingers of the Gloue must be cut short, and trimmed with some sweete oynt­ment, that the String may glide smoothly away.

There be some, that with hol­ding the nocke of their Shaft too hard, rub the skin off their fingers, [Page 39] which is an errour, yet there is for [...]t two remedies, one to haue Goose­quils spinetted and sewed against the Nocking, betwixt the lyning of the Gloue and the Leather, which both openeth the fingers and helps the Shoote. The other, is to haue a rowle of leather sewed betwixt his fingers at the setting on of the finger-stals, which will so keepe his fingers asunder, that by no meanes he shall hold the nocke so hard, as before he did.

This Shooting-gloue, should al­so haue a purse on the backe of the hand, wherein the Archer shall euer carrie a fine linnen cloth and waxe, two necessary things, for any man that vseth shooting; Some men vse Gloues or the like on the Bow hand, for feare of chafing; because they hold so hard. But that er­rour happeneth (for the most part) [Page 40] when a Bow is not round, but [...] little square, therefore fine tempe­red waxe shall doe well in such a case, to lay where a man holdeth his Bow; yet I doe not condemne the wearing of a fine thin cut fin­gard-gloue on the Bow hand. And thus much concerning the Shoo­ting-gloue; which albe, they are but trifles in a generall opinion, yet to the young vnexperienced Scholler they are things of moment, and as well worthy his knowledge as those of greater value.

CHAP. VI Of the String and the vse.

THe Bow-String though it be but a little thing to the eye, and but a small twine in the hand, yet it is a thing of high esteeme and worthy of a mans best circumspection, onely the infelici­tie is, that in this Instrument a man is forc'd to put all his confidence in the honesty of the String-maker, and surely, the String-maker ought more diligently to be looked vnto by appoynted officers, then eyther Bowyer or Fletcher; because they may deceiue a simple man with more ease. An euill String brea­keth many a good Bow, yea no o­ther thing halfe so many; In warre [Page 42] if a string breake, the man is lost and is no man, for his weapon is gone; and though he haue two strings put on at once, yet he shall haue small leasure and lesse roome to bend his bow; and therefore, God send honest String-makers both for Peace and Warre.

Touching what a String ought to be made on, as whether of good hempe (according to our now mo­derne practise) or of fine Flaxe or Silke, I leaue it to the decyssion of the String-maker, of whom we must buy them who are most conuersant with the vertues of euery seuerall substance.

Eustathius vpon this verse in Homer‘Twang quoth the Bow, and twang quoth the String, out quickly the Shaft flew—’ [Page 43] doth tell, that in old time, they made theyr Bow-strings of Bul­lockes Tharmes, or Guts, which they twyned together as they doe Ropes, or as they doe great Harp­strings, or other like strings for great Instruments, which occasio­ned them to giue a great twang.

Bow-strings also haue beene made of the haire of an Horsetaile, and were called by reason of the substance wher of they were made, Hippias, as appeareth in many good Authors; Great Strings and little Strings be for diuers purposes, the great string is more sure for the Bow, more stable to pricke with­all, but flower for the cast; the lit­tle string is cleane contrary, not so sure, & therfore to be taken heed of, least with long tarying on it break your Bow, beeing more fit to shoot farre, then apt to prick neare; [Page 44] therfore when you know the nature of both big and little, you may fit your Bow according to your oc­casions.

In the stringing of your Bow, though this theame belong rather to the handling then to the thing it selfe; yet because the thing and the handling of the thing, be so joyn­ed together; I must needs some­times couple the one with the o­ther;

First therefore, in the Stringing of your Bow, The strin­ging of the Bow. you must marke the fit length of your Bow; for if the string be too short, the bending will giue, and at the last slippe, and so put the Bow in hazard; if it be too long, the bending must needes be in the small of the String, which being twyned hard, must needs knap in sunder, which is the vtter destruction of many a good Bow, [Page 45] moreouer, you must look that your Bow be well Nocked, for feare the [...]harpnesse of the Horne sheare in [...]under the String, which chanceth often, when in bending, the string hath but one wap to strengthen it withall; you must looke also, that your string bee streight and euen put on; otherwise, one end will writhe contrary to the other, and so in danger the Bow. When the string beginneth neuer so little to weare, trust it not, but away with it, for it is an euill saued peny that loo­seth a man a Crowne.

Thus you see, how many jeo­pardies hang ouer the poore Bow, by reason onely of the String, as when it is eyther too short, or too long, when the Nocke is naught, when the string hath but one wap, or when it tarrieth too long on the Bow; yet these, are not all the [Page 46] reasons for the breaking of the Bow, for it is broken diuers other wayes, and by diuers other meanes, as shall be declared.

In stringing your Bow, you must haue respect to much Bend and lit­tle bend, for they be cleane contra­ry one to the other. The little Bend hath but one commodity, which is in shooting faster and far­ther, the reason being, because the String hath so farre a passage ere it part with the Shaft. The great Bend hath many commodities, for it maketh easier shooting, the Bow being halfe drawne before; It nee­deth no Bracer, for the string stop­peth before it come to the Arme, it will not so soone hit a mans Sleeue, or other parts of his Gar­ments, it hurteth not the Feathers of the shaft as the low Bend doth, it also suffereth a man the better to [Page 47] espie his Mark [...]; Therefore let your Bow haue a reasonable good Bend, as about a Shaftment and more at the least, for the reasons before rehearsed.

Lastly, it is not amisse, if in the mid-part of the String, just where you Nocke your Arrow, you warpe it about for the space of foure fingers, with fine Silke well waxed, for it will both be a good defence for the String to keepe it from wearing, and also fill the Nocke of the Arrow the better, and make it flye with more certain­ty. And thus much of the Bow­string.

CHAP. VII. Of the Bow, the Diuersities and the Vses: what Wood is best, the Choyce, the Trimming, to keepe it in Goodnesse, and how to Care it from all mischieues.

TOuching the Bow, which is the chiefest Instrument in all this Art, diuers Coun­tries at diuers times, haue vsed di­uers Bowes and of divers fashions. Horne-bowes are vsed in some pla­ces at this day, and were much v­sed in the dayes of Homer; for Pan­darus, who was one of the best Shooters amongst the Troians, had his Bow made of two Goates-hornes joyned together, the length where­of, saith Homer, Iliad. 4. was, Sixteen hand­bredth, not much differing from [Page 49] the length of our Bowes. The Scriptures make mention of Brasse-bowes, Psal. 17. Iron-bowes, & Steele-bowes, all which were vsed of long time, and are yet at this day among the Turks; but yet they must needs be vnpro­fitable; for it Brasse, Iron, or Steele, haue their owne strength and vigor in them, they are far aboue a mans strength; If they be made meet for mans strength, their vigor is allay'd and their Strength nothing worth, to shoot any strong shoot withall.

The Ethiopians, made their Bowes of the Palme-tree, Herod. in Pol.. w ch seemed to be very strong, (but with vs out of ex­perience) being 4. Cubits in length. The Indians, haue their Bowes made of Reed, Herod. in Thalia. w ch are wondrous strong; & it is no maruel, they framed their Bow & shafts therof; for (as Herodo­tus reports) euery Reed was so big, that a man might make a Fisher boat thereof; Ap. lib. [...]. These Bowes, sayth Apian, in Alexanders life, gaue so great a [Page 50] stroake that no Armour or Shield, though it were neuer so strong was able to withstand it, the length of such a Bow was euen with the length of him that vsed it.

The Licians vsed Bowes made of a certaine Tree called in Latine Cornus, touching the name in Eng­lish, I can sooner prooue that other men call it false, then I can tell the right name my selfe; This wood is as hard as a Horne and very fit for Shafts, as shal be declared here­after.

Ovid sheweth, that Syrinx a Nymph and one of the handmaids of Diana, had a Bow of this wood, whereby the Poet meaneth, that it was the most excellentest for this purpose; As for Brazill, Elme, Wishe and Ashe, experience doth prove them to be but in the meane degree, and so to conclude of all [Page 51] woods whatsoeuer, the Ewghe is that whereof perfect Shooting would haue a Bow made; This wood as it hath long beene and is now general and common amongst vs, so was it in former times acqui­red and had in most price, especi­ally amongst the Romans, as doth appeare in this halfe verse of Vir­gil:

Taxit or quentur in Arcus—
Ewghe fit for Bow to be made on—

Now this Bow of Ewghe, ought to be made for perfect shooting at at the pricke, which Marke, because it is certaine and most certaine I will draw & ground all my Rules from that head onely, and the ra­ther, because whosoeuer is excel­lent at it, cannot be ignorant at any other Marke.

A good Bow is knowne as good [Page 52] counsaile is knowne, by the end, and profit we receiue by it; yet both the Bow and good counsaile, may be made better or worse, by the well or ill handling of them as experience teacheth vs; And as a man, both must and will take coun­saile of a wise and honest man, though he see not the end of it; So must an Archer of necessity, trust an honest & good Bowyer for a Bow, before he know the proofe of it. And as a wise, man will store vp counsaile before hand, to preuent future euils; so a good Archer, should euer haue three or foure Bowes before hand, least sodaine want might vndoe his pleasure.

Now, that you may escape gene­ral mistaking in the election of your Bow, I will giue you some Rules and Notions, which if you forget not, shall preuent many mistakings.

[Page 53]If you come into a Shop and finde a Bow that is small, long, hea­vie, and strong, lying streight, not winding, not marr'd with Wind­shake, Knot-gall, Wenne, Fret or pinch, then buy the Bow from my warrant, the best colour of a Bow that I finde, is when the Backe and the belly in working be much what after one manner, for such often­times in wearing, proue like Virgin waxe or Gold, hauing a fine & long graine from one end of the Bow to the other, for a short graine though it proue well sometimes, yet they are for the most part very brittle.

Touching the making of the Bow I will not greatly meddle, least I should be found to intrude vpon a­nother mans Occupation in which I haue no skill, and so like the Cob­ler goe beyond my Latchet; Onely I would desire all Bowyers to fea­son [Page 54] theyr Staues well, to worke and sinke them well, to giue them heats conuenient, and Tyllering plenty; For thereby, they shall both get themselues a good name, (and a good name increaseth profit) and also bring a singular commoditie to the whole Kingdome; If any man offend in this poynt, I am per­swaded they are onely those young Iourneymen, which labor more to make many Bowes speedily for gaine sake, then diligently to make good Bowes for theryr credit sake, cleane forgetting this Prouerbe, ‘Soone enough, if well enough.—’ wherewith euery honest Tradsman should, as with a Rule, measure his worke, hee that is a Iourney man & rideth vpō another mans horse, if he ride an honest pace, no man [Page 55] will disallow him; But, if hee ride post or beyond discretion, both he that oweth the Horse, and he that after shall buy the Horse may peraduenture haue cause to curse him; neither is this fault confined to any one place, but I feare too generally dispeirst in diuers parts of the Kingdome, to the great hure of that poore remnant of Archers which yet flourish, and to the great hinderance of the Kings seruice, if euer the vertue of that Weapon shall be reuiued; For belieue it as a maxime, that the Bow can neuer be made of too good wood, nor yet too well seasoned or truly made with heatings and tyllerings, neither the Shaft of too good wood, or too thorowly wrought, with the best Pinion feathers that can be gotten; especially, when a man therwith is to serue his Prince, [Page 56] defend his Country, and saue him­selfe from his Enemie.

But to returne againe to the true knowledge of a well Shooting Bow, you are to vnderstand, that e­euery Bow is made, either of a Bough, a Plant, or of the Boole of the tree. The Bough, commonly is very knottie and full of pinnes, weake, of small pithe, will soone follow the string, and sel­dome weareth to any faire colour; yet for Boyes and young begin­ners, it may serue well enough. The Plant, doth many times proue exceeding well, especially, if it be of a good and cleane growth, and for the pith of it, is quicke enough of cast, it will ply and bowe, farre before it breake, as all other young things doe. The Boole of the Tree is cleanest without Knots or Pins, hauing a fast and hard wood, by [Page 57] reason of his full growth, strong and mighty of cast, and is the best of all other for the Bow, if the Staues be euen clouen, and after­ward well wrought, not ouer­thwart the wood, but as the graine and streight growing of the wood leadeth a man; or otherwise, by all reason it must soone breake, and that in many Shiuers. These things are to be considered in the rough wood, and when the Bowstaues be ouer-wrought and fashioned; For, in dressing and picking it vp for a Bow, it is then too late to looke for it. But yet in these poynts (as I said before) you must when all is done, relye vpon the goodnesse of an ho­nest Bowyer to put a good Bow in­to your hand; yet not forgetting your selfe, those Characters which I haue already shewed you; neither must you sticke, for a Groat or a [Page 58] Shilling more then another man would giue, if it be a good Bow; For a good Bow twice payd for, is better thē an ill Bow once broken. Thus a shooter must begin, not at the making of his Bow like a Bow­yer, but a the buying of his Bow like an Archer, and when his Bow is bought and brought home, be­fore he trust too much vpon it, let him try and trimme it, after this manner.

First, take your Bow into the Field, shoote in it, sinke it with dead heauy Shafts, looke where it commeth most and prouide for that place betimes, before it pinch and so fret, then when you haue thus shot in it, & perceiues there is good shooting wood in it, carry it then againe to a cunning workman that is trusty, & let him cut it shor­ter, and pick it & dresse it fitter then [Page 59] before, let him make it come round compasse euery where and whip­ping at the ends, but with great discretion, least it whip in sunder, or else fret before you bee aware, let him also lay it streight if it hap­pen to cast, or otherwise need re­quire; and if the Bow be flat made gather it vp round, and so shall it both shoote faster for farre Shoo­ting, and also bee surer for neare Pricking.

Now albe, some lesse curious and more thrifty, may account this second trimming of the Bow, a pidling and needlesse worke, and that after a thing is once perfect there needes no amendment, let them vnderstand from mee, that it is no very good token in a Bow whereof nothing, when it is new and fresh, need to be cut away or a­mended; euen as Cicero sayth of a [Page 60] Young-mans wit and style. For e­uery new thing must haue more then it needeth, or else it will not grow better and better, but decay and bee worse and worse. New Ale, if it runne not ouer the barrell when it is new tunned, will soone loose both strength and head; and that Bow, which at the first buying without any more proofe or trim­ming, is fit and easie to shoote in, shall neyther bee profitable to last long, nor yet pleasant to shoote well. And therefore, as a young Horse, full of high courage and mettall, with artfull handling, is brought both to a comely pace and cunning manage; So a new Bow, fresh and quicke of cast, by sinking and cutting, is brought to a sted­fast Shooting. And an easie and gentle Bow when it is new, is not much vnlike a soft spirited boy [Page 61] when hee is young, yet as of an vn­ruly boy, with right handling, of­ten commeth a well ordered man; so of an vnfit & Staffish Bow, with good trimming, must needs fol­low alwayes a stedfast and true shooting Bow; and such a perfect Bow, as will neuer fayle or decay. And indeed such a Bow euery man ought to looke for, that will at­tayne to the end and perfection of perfect Shooting.

Now, touching the sauing and preseruing of this good Bow, when you are once possest of it and haue brought it to that perfection, of which I formerly spake, you shall then prepare a cloath, eyther of fine Harden or Woollen, well wax­ed, wherewith euery day you must rub & chafe your Bow till it shine and glitter withall, which action shall cause it both to carry an ex­cellent [Page 62] colour and complexion, and also bring ouer it (as it were) a crust, which will make all the out­side so slippery and hard, that ney­ther wet nor weather shall bee able to enter or hurt it, neyther yet any Fret or pinch be able to byte vpon it; insomuch, that you shall doe it more then extraordinary wrong before you can breake it. This la­bour must be done oftentimes, but especially when you come from Shooting; you must haue a great care when you shoote, of the heads of your Arrowes, of wearing Dag­gers, Kniues, Poynt tags or Aglets, least by any mischance they hap­pen to raze or scratch your Bow, a thing (as I sayd before) both vn­seemely to looke on, and dange­rous for Frets. Also, take heed of mystie and dankish dayes, for they are hurtfull to the Bow, and more [Page 63] dangerous then rayne; for in such weather, you must alwayes bee rubbing the Bow, or forbeare to shoote.

When your Bow is thus neatly trimmed and ordered, Of [...]he Bow-case. you may then put it vp into your Bow-case, which Bow-case seeing it is a de­fence or sauegard for the Bow, I will speake a little thereof; First, your Bow-case when you ride a­broad, must by no meanes bee too wide for your Bowes, for then one will beate against another and doe mischiefe, neyther must it be too strait, so that you shall bee forc'd to cram them in, for that would crowd them and lay them to one side, which would make them to winde and warpe; but it must bee of a fit proportion, easily filling and no more. A Bow-case of Lea­ther is not the best, for they are for [Page 64] the most part moyst, & hurt a Bow; therefore our best Archers, will haue for euery Bow a seuerall case, made either of fine Canuase, or woollen-cloth, but woollen cloth is the best, for it not onely keepeth them in sunder without hurt, but also preserueth a Bow in its full strength, that it will neuer giue for any weather; when your Bowes are thus cased vp seuerally, you may then put them vp into your leather case without danger.

At home in your owne house, wood cases made of dry wainscot, are very good for your Bowes to stand in, prouided alwayes, your Bow stand not too neare a stone­wall, for that will make him moist and weake, nor yet too neare the fire, for that will make it short and brittle.

Thus, I haue shewed you the ge­nerall [Page 65] preseruations of the Bow, I will now descend to those things which are to be auoyded for feare of breaking the Bow, and they be foure in number, viz. The String, the Shaft, by drawing too farre, and by Frets.

A Bow is broken by the String, 1 (as I haue partly shewed you be­fore) when it is either too short, too long, not perfectly put on, when it hath but one wappe, when it is put on crooked, when it is shorne by a sharpe nocke, or when it is suffe­red to tarry too long on, any of these make the string fayle and the Bow break, especially in the midst, the reason being, because the ends haue nothing to stoppe them but whip so farre backe, that the Belly must needs rise violently vp and split in pieces, as you may very ea­sily perceiue, when at any time you [Page 66] will bend a Bow backward; A Bow therefore that followeth the String is least hurt with breaking of the String.

Secondly, a Bow is broken by the Shaft, eyther when it is too short, so that you set it in your Bow or when the Nocke breakes, for the littlenesse, or when the String slips without the Nocke through the widenesse, then you pull it to your eare, and let it goe, which must needs breake the Shaft at the least, and puts both String, Bow, and all in hazard, because the strength of the Bow hath nothing in it to stop the violence of it; This kinde of breaking is most dange­rous for the standers by, for in such a case, you shall see sometimes the end of a Bow flie more then a score from a man, and as I haue noted it, is euer the vpper end of the Bow.

[Page 67]Thirdly, the Bow is broken by drawing too farre, two seuerall wayes, either when you take a longer Shaft then your owne, or else when you shift your hand too low or too high for Shooting, and misse the true midst of the Bow; and this motion is that, which pul­leth the backe of the Bow in sun­der and maketh it flie in many pie­ces; so then you are to obserue, when a Bow is broken, hauing the belly rissen vp either both wayes or but one, then the String brake it, when it is broken but in two pie­ces, and that in a manner euen or es­pecially in the vpper end, then the Nocke of the Shaft brake it, and when the backe is pulled in many peices, then ouer-drawing brake it. These tokens are alwayes most cer­taine, or very seldome doe misse.

The 4 th, and last thing, that brea­keth [Page 68] a Bow, are Frets or Gaules, w ch prepare and make ready a Bow for breaking by any of the three wayes formerly spoken off; and these Frets, are as well in the Arrow as the Bow, and they are much like a canker creeping and increasing in those places where they abide, which is euer the weakest and most indigent: And to cure this, your Bow must be picked & trimmed by a cunning workman, who will fore­see that it may come round in com­passe euery where; For, of Frets you must beware. If your Bow haue a knot in the backe, least the places which be next vnto it, be not strong enough to beare with the knot, or else the strong knot will fret the weake places next vnto it. Frets at first, are but little pinches, which assoone as you perceiue, picke the places about the pinch to [Page 69] make them somewhat weaker, and as well comming as where it pin­ched; and so the pinch will dye and neuer increase further or come to be a fret: Againe, Bowes most commonly Fret vnder the hand, not so much (as some suppose) for the moystnes of the hand, as for the heat of the hand, for heat (as Aristo­tle saith) is apt to loose and not to knit fast, and the looser the weaker, and the weaker more apt to Fret.

A Bow is neuer wel made, which hath not plenty of wood in the hand, for if the ends of the Bow be staffish, or a mans hand any thing hot, the belly must needs soone Fret.

Now, for the cure of these Frets, I haue not heard of any to any great purpose, more then to make the Fretted place as strong or stronger then any other, touching [Page 70] the filling of the Fret vp with the small Shiuers of a quill and Glew, (which some hold good) yet both by reason & mine opinion it must needs be starke naught, for put case the Fret doe cease then, yet the cause which made it fret before (which is onely weaknesse) is not taken away, and therefore conse­quently the place must needs fret againe. As for cutting out of Frets, together with all manner of pie­cing of Bowes, I vtterly dislike them, as things not fit for a good Archer, for pierced Bowes, are like olde houses which are more chargeable to repaire, then cōmo­dious to dwell in; and againe, to Swaddle a Bow much with bands, how euer necessity may make it vse full, yet it seldome doth any good, except it be to keepe downe a Spell in the Backe, otherwise [Page 71] bands eyther neede not when the Bow is any thing worth, or else Boote not when it is spoyled. And though I know many poore Ar­chers will vse pieced and banded Bowes, because they are not able to get better, yet I am sure if they consider it well, they shall finde it lesse chargeable and more pleasure, to bestow a Crowne on a new Bow then to giue tweluepence for pie­cing of an old, for better is cost vp­on some what worth, then expence vpon that which is naught worth. And this I write the rather, because I intreat onely of the perfection of Shooting.

Againe, there is another thing which will soone occasion a Bow to be broken by one of the wayes before named, and that is shooting in the winter leason when there is any great Frost; for Frosts are euer, [Page 72] wheresoeuer there is any waterish humor, as is in all kinde of wood, eyther more or lesse, and 'tis true, that all things frozen and Icie, will rather breake then bend; yet if any man must needs shoote at such a time, let him take his Bow and bring it to the fire, and thereby a little rub and chafe it with a waxed cloth, which will quickly bring it to that perfection that he may [...]afe­ly shoote without danger: This rubbing with waxe (as I said be­fore) is a great succour against all wet and moystnesse, and as youthus rub your Bow at the fire; so like­wise in the field and going betwixt your Markes, cither with your hand or else with a cloath, keepe your Bow in such a temper, as the frost may not annoy it.

And thus much concerning the Bow, how first to know what [Page 73] wood is best, then how to chuse a Bow, after how to trim it, then how to keepe it in goodnesse; and lastly, how to saue it from all harm and mischiefe. And although ma­ny, both can and may say more in this Subiect then my selfe, yet what I haue said is true, and I hope sufficient for any reasonable know­ledge.

Chap. VIII. Of the Shaft and the vses.

WHat Shafts or Ar­rowes were made of in former times, Au­thors doe not so plentifully shew, Herodot. Euterp. as of Bowes; yet Herodotus doth tell vs, that in the Riuer Nilus there was a Beast called a Water horse, of whose Skin after it was dryed, the Aegyptians made Shafts and Darts. [Page 74] The tree called Cornus, was so com­mon to make Shafts on, that in ma­ny good latine Authors, Cornus is taken for a Shaft, as in Seneca and this place of Virgill. Sene▪ Hipo.

Volat Itala Cornus.

Yet of all things that euer I mar­ked in any old Authors, Aenead: 9. eyther Greeke or Latine, for shafts to be made on, I finde not any thing so common as Reeds; Herodotus in de­scribing the mighty hoast of Xerxes, shewes that those great coun­tries vsed Shafts made of Reeds, as the Ethiopians, the Lycians (whose Shafts had no feathers, at which I much maruaile) and the Indians. The Indian Shafts were very long, as a yard and an halfe (according to Apian Apian, li. 8) or at the least a full yard, as affirmeth Quintus Curtius, which made them giue the greater blow, yet that great length made [Page 75] them more vnhandsome, and losse profitable for them that used them. In Creet and Italy, they made their Shafts of Reede also, and as they, so many other Countries beside.

The best Reeds for Shafts grew in Italie, especially in Rhemus, a flood in Italie. But because such Shafts, are neither easie for our English Nation to get, or if got, scarce profitable for vse, I wil leaue them vnhandled, and onely speake of those Shafts which our English Nation do most approue of at this day. And therefore you shall vn­derstand, that euery Shaft doth con­sist of three distinct parts, as the Steele, the Feather, and the Head, which make a compleate Arrow; and because they be each of them (how euer sleight in shallow Ima­gination) yet of great validity and worthy our best discourse, I will [Page 76] handle them seuerally and a part. And first, of the Steele.

CHAP. IX. Of the Steele of the Arrow, the excellence and vse.

The Steele or Body of the Arrow or Shaft, is, and may bee made of diuers Woods, as namely, Fifteene in number, as followeth:

  • Brazill,
  • Turkie-wood,
  • Fusticke,
  • Sugar-chest,
  • Hard-beame,
  • Birch,
  • Ashe,
  • Oake,
  • Seruis-tree,
  • Hulder,
  • Black-thorne,
  • Beeche,
  • Elder,
  • Aspe,
  • Sallow.

These Woods, as they are most commonly vsed, so they are most [Page 77] fit to be vsed, yet some are more excellent then others, as you shall heare in their proper place, and in this instrument as in your Bow, you must repose your confidence in the honest Fletcher. And although I cannot teach you to make a Bow or an Arrow, because it is the Art of the Artificers; yet, I will shew you those Rules and Characters, which shall make you able to judge and discerne the goodnesse and badnesse of a Shaft, which is as much, as a good Archer can re­quire.

First then, the Steele of an Arrow, must be well seasoned for feare of casting, and it must be wrought as the graine goeth or else it will ne­uer flye cleane or true; for as cloth cut ouerthwart and against the wooll, euer maketh an imperfect garment; So a knotty Steele may [Page 78] passe in a bigge Shaft, but in a little one it is intollerable, both because it wil neuer fly farre, & also because it is euer in danger of breaking; It cannot flye farre, because the strength of the shot is hindered and stopped at the knot, euen as a Stone cast into a smooth water will make the water mooue and make many circles; yet if there be any deepe or whirling plat in the water, the mo­tion will cease, and the circles va­nish so soone as they approach it, so is it, with a knottie Shaft that cannot flye when the ayre takes it; for eue­ry thing as it is plaine & straight of its owne nature, is fittest for farre moouing. Therefore, a Steele that is hard tost and in a Bow, without knot and streight (I meane not artificial­ly streight, as the Fletcher doth make it, but naturally streight as it groweth) is absolutely the best to [Page 79] make a Shaft on, eyther to goe cleane, fly farre, or to stand surely in any weather.

Now how bigge, how small, how heauie, how long, how short a shaft should be particularly for euery man (because I am bound to discourse of the generall Nature of this Nature of this Art, and not the hidden adiuncts) it cannot be discouered, no more then Rethori­cians can appoint any one kinde of words, Sentences, Figures and Tropes, for euery matter; but euen as the man and the Subiect doe re­quire, obseruing still that the fittest be vsed. Therefore, as concerning these contraries in Shafts, euery man must auoyd them, and draw e­uery extremity to his meane or in­different estate, which is the best in all things; yet if any man happen to offend in any excesse, it is better [Page 80] to offend in want and scantnesse, then in too much or ouerflowing; and it is better to haue a Shaft a lit­tle too short, then any thing too long; some what too light, then o­uer lumpish; a little too small, then a great deale too big; which thing, is not onely true in Shooting, but in all things else, w ch a man vnderta­keth, especially in eating & talking.

The offence of these contraryes cōmeth most, when a man is care­lesse and respecteth not of what kinde of wood his Arrow is made; for some wood belongs to the ex­ceeding part, some to the scant part, and some to the meane. As Brazill, Turkie-wood, Fusticke, Sugar-chest, and the like; make dead, heauie, lum­pish and cobling Shafts; the Hudder, Black-thorne, the Seruis-tree, Beech, Elder, Aspe, and Sallow, either for their ouer-weakenesse or lightnes, [Page 81] make hollow, starting, scudding, gadding shafts. But Birch, Hard­beame, some Oake, and some Ashe, being both strong enough to stand in a Bow, and also light enough to flye farre, are best for a meane de­gree, which is to bee sought out in every thing: And although I know some men shoot so strong, that the heauyest wood is light enough for them; and other some so weake, that the loose and lightest Wood will hardly serue them: yet gene­rally for the most part of men, the meane woods are the best; there­fore to conclude, that wood is al­waies best for a man, which is most correspondent to his strength. And thus, no wood of his owne nature, is eyther too light, or too beauie, but according to the strength of the Archer which doth vse it; and that Shaft which this yeare was for [Page 82] a man too light and scudding, for the selfe-fame man the next yeare may be too heauy and hobling: Therefore cannot I expresse other­wise, then generally what is the best wood for an Arrow, but let euery one when hee knoweth his owne strength, and the nature of euery se­uerall wood, prouide and fit him­selfe thereatrer; Yet as concerning Sheaf-Arrowes for the Warres (as I suppose) it were better to make them of good Ashe, as they were in former times, and not of Aspe, as they be now, for of all the woods that euer I prooued, Ashe being big is the swiftest, and giueth the fairest blow, by reason of its heauinesse; both which qualities the Aspe wan­teth; what the benefit of Armour is, euery man can judge by experi­ence, therefore that which pierceth it most, is most worthy; then Ashe [Page 83] being both swifter and heauyer, it must be the deeper wounder, and so fittest for the Sheafe; And thus much, of the choyce of seuerall Woods.

Now, as no Wood can bee abso­lutely meet for all māner of shafts, no more can one fashion of the Steele be fit for euery Archer; for those that be little brested, and big towards the head, called for theyr likenesse Capon-fashion, Rush­growne, and of some merry fel­lowes Bob-tayles, are fittest for them which shoot vnder-hand, be­cause they shoot with a soft loose, and straines not a shaft much in the Breast, where the weight of the Bow lyeth, as you may perceiue by the wearing of euery Shaft; a­gaine, the big-breasted Shaft is fit for him that shooteth right before him; as also, the Breast being weake [Page 84] cannot possibly withstand a strong pithie kinde of Shooting. Thus the vnderhand must haue a small breast to goe cleere away out of the Bow, and the fore-hand must haue a big breast to beare the great might of the Bow.

Euery Shaft must be made round & not flat, without Gall or [...], because roundnesse (whether you take example frō Heauen or Earth) is the fittest shape or forme both for fast moouing, and also for soone piercing of any thing, and therefore ARISTOTLE sayth; that Nature hath made the drops of Raine round, because it shall the sooner enter through the Ayre.

The nocke of the Shaft is di­versly made, for some be great and full, some handsome and little, some wide, some narrow, some deepe, some shallow, some round, some [Page 85] long, some with one Nocke, and some with a double Nocke, where­of euery one hath his seuerall pro­perty; as thus: The great and full Nocke may be well felt, and doth divers waies save a shaft from brea­king; the handsome little Nocke will goe cleane from the hand; the wide Nocke is naught both for breaking the Shaft, and also for suddaine slipping out of the string, when the narrow Nocke avoideth both these injuries: The deepe and long Nocke is good in the Warres for sure keeping of the String, the Shallow and round Nocke is the best of all other for our purpose in pricking, both for cleane deline­rance of a shoot, and fine sending a­way of the Arrow; and the dou­ble Nocke is for a double suretie of the Shaft. And this I thinke is suf­ficient touching the Steele of the [Page 86] Arrow onely in Generall.

Now for the piecing of an Ar­row with Brazill, Holley, or other heauye Wood, it is to make the end compasse heauie with the Fea­thers in flying, for the stedfaster shooting; for if the end were plumb'd heauie with Leade, and the Wood next it light, the head­end would euer bee downeward, and never flye streight. Now in piecing, you must conceiue that two points are euer enough for one shaft, least the moystnesse of the Earth enter too much into the pie­cing and so loosen the glew; there­fore many points are more pleasing to the eye, then profitable for vse; Some vse to piece their shafts in the Nocke with Brasill or Holley, to counterpoyse with the Head, & I have seene some for the same pur­pose, boare an hole a little beneath [Page 87] the Nocke, and put leade into it; yet for mine owne part, I allow not any of those wayes, because the na­ture of a Feather in flying (if a man mark it wel) is able to beare vp a wō ­derfull weight; therefore I imagine this manner of piecing at the nocke was drawne from this President; when a good Archer had broken a good shaft with which hee was much enamoured, both in loue to the Feathers, and out of a fancie not to loose what he did formerly af­fect, hee hath caused it thus to bee pieced, which others perceiuing, (without any examination of the cause, but pleas'd with the gaudi­nesse) haue presently imitated, and not onely cut one, but all in theyr Quiuer; A thing, in my judgement much more costly then necessary; therefore let no man make himselfe anothers Ape without argument, without discretion.

CHAP. X. Of the Feather, the Nature, excellence and vse.

THere is not any thing in all the Art of Archerie more seriously to be lookt into then the Feather of the Shaft; be­cause first a question may be asked, whether any other thing beside a Feather be fit for a shaft or no; then if a feather onely be fit, whether a Goose Feather onely or no; if a Goose Feather be best, then whether there be any difference as concer­ning the Feather of an old Goose or a young, a Gander or a Goose, a Fenny Goose or an vpi and Goose: Againe, w ch is the best Feather in any Goose the right wing or the left, the pini­on Feather or any other Feather; a white, a blacke, or a gray Feather; Thirdly, in setting on the Feather [Page 89] whether it is pared or drawn with a thicke Rib or with a thinne, (the Ribbe is the hard quill which di­uideth the Feathers▪ whether a long Feather bee better then a short, whether to be set on neare the Nocke or farre from the Nocke, whether to be set on streight or somewhat bowing, and whether one or two Feathers must runne on the Bow; lastly, in Couling or She­ring, whether it must be done high or low, whether somewhat Swine­backed (I must vse Archers words) or Saddle-backed, whether round or square shorne. And whether a Shaft at any time ought to be plucked, and how to be plucked; Of these things in their order.

First therefore, whether any thing else may be vsed but a Fea­ther, both Plinie in Latine, and Iu­lius Pollux in Greeke doe proue, that [Page 90] Feathers alwayes haue beene vsed; and but onely the Lycians of whom I reade in Herodotus, did vse Shafts without Feathers; vnderstand then, that onely a Feather is fit for a Shaft, and that for two reasons: First, because it is leath-weake to giue place to the Bow, then because it is of that nature that it will start vp after the Bow, which plate, wood or horne, cannot do, because they will not giue place; and againe Cloth, paper or parchment, cannot serue, because they also will not rise vp after the Bow; therefore the Feather onely is meet, for it will doe both; Now if you please to behold the Feathers of all manner of Byards, you shall see some so low, weake and short, some so course, stoore and hard, and the rib so brittle, thinne and narrow, that it can neyther be drawne, pared, nor [Page 91] well set on: So that, except it be a Swan feather for a dead shaft (as I know some good Archers haue v­sed) or a Ducks for a Flight, which lasteth but one shoote, there is no Feather but onely of a Goose, that hath all māner of cōmodities in it; & for the Peacocks Feather, which some men doe vse at a short Butt, it seldom or neuer keeps vp the shaft, eyther right or leuell, by reason that it is so rough and heauie; inso­much, that many which haue taken them vp for their gaynesse, haue layd them downe againe for theyr profit; So that I conclude, the Goose of all Feathers is the best for a compleat Archer, and he that will goe beyond it, let him be Hercules Scholler and not mine, who fea­thered his Arrowes with the wings of an Eagle, a Fowle that flyes so high, and builds so farre [Page 92] off, that I had rather content my selfe with the gentle Goose, then search for the others Feathers. E­specially, because the Goose brin­geth euen to a mans doore so many excellent commodities: for the Goose is mans comfort both in warre and peace, sleeping and wa­king, what praise soeuer can be gi­uen to shooting, the Goose may challenge the best part: how well doth shee make a man fare at his Table, how easily doth she make a man lye in his Bed, & how braue­ly doth her quils make vs write, & record euery occurrent: I doe not think that the Romans giue so much honour to the Goose for sauing the Capitoll, when they set her golden Statue thereon, and appointed the Censors to allow out of the com­mon Treasurie yearely Stipends for the maintainance of those Crea­tures, [Page 93] they did it not (I say) so much for that one good act, as for a world of others, which we dayly and al­most hourely receiue from them; insomuch, that if I were bound to declaime in the praise of any Beast liuing, I would choose the Goose: But leauing this digression: Now how a Feather must bee had▪ and what Feaaher is best; it followeth now, whether of a young Goose, or an old; the old Goose Feather is stiffe and strong, good for a winde, and fittest for a dead Shaft; The young Goose Feather is weake and fine, and are best for a swift shaft, and it must be caulled at the first shearing some what high: for in shooting, it will settle very much; The same things (although not so much) are to be considered both in Goose and Gander; A Fen­ny Goose, euen as her flesh is blac­ker, [Page 94] stoorer and vnwholsomner, so are her Feathers by the same rea­son courser, stoorer and worse for that purpose; whence it comes, that I haue heard many skilfull Flet­chers say, that the second Feather in some place, is better then the Pinion in other; Betwixt the wings is little differēce, but that you must haue diuers Shafts of one flight, feathered with diuers wings for di­uers winds; for if the Winde and the feather goe both one way, the Shaft will be carryed too much. The Pinion Feathers, as they haue the first place in the Wing, so they haue the first place in Feathering, this feather you may know before it be pared, by a baight which is in it▪ and againe, when it is coul'd by the thinnesse aboue, and the thickenesse at the ground, and also by the stiffenesse and finenesse, [Page 95] which will carry a Shaft better, fa­ster, and further then any other Fea­ther.

Touching the colour of the Fea­ther, it is the least of many other things to be regarded, yet is it worthy some notice; because for a good white you haue sometimes an ill gray, yet surely it standeth with good reason, euer to haue the Cocke feather blacke or gray; as it were to giue a man warning to Nocke right. The Cocke Feather is that which standeth aboue in right Nocking, which if you doe not obserue, the other Feathers must needs runne on the Bow, and so spoyle the shoote.

Now concerning the setting on of the Feather, you are principally to regard, that your Feather be not drawne for hastinesse, but pared with diligence and made streight. [Page 96] The Fletcher is sayd to draw a fea­ther; when he hath but one swap at it with his knife, And he is said to pare it, when he taketh leisure and heede to make euery part of the Ribbe apt to stand streight, and e­uen vpon the Steele. This thing if a man doth not take heede of, hemay chance to haue cause to say of his Fletcher, as we say of good meat ill drest; the Feathersare praise-wor­thy, but the Fletcher too blame.

The Rib in a stiffe feather may be drawne thinner, for so it will stand cleaner, on the shaft, but in a weake feather you must leaue a thicker Rib, for if the Rib w ch is the foundation ground whereon Nature hath set euery cleft of the feather be taken away too neare the feather; It must needs follow, that the feather shall fall and drop downe, euen as an hearbe doth w ch hath his Root too [Page 97] neare taken away with the Spade.

The length and shortnesse of the feather serueth for diuers purposes and diuers Shafts, as a long feather for a long, heauy and big Shaft, the short Feather for the contrary; a­gaine the short may stand farther, the long nearer the Nocke, your Feather must stand almost streight on, yet after that sort that it may turne round in flying; Now here I consider the wonderfull nature of Shooting, which standeth altoge­ther by that fashion which is most apt for quicke moouing, which is onely Roundnesse; for the Bow must be gathered round in draw­ing, it must come a Round com­passe, the String must be round, the steele round, the best nocke round, the Feather shorne somewhat round▪ the Shaft in flying must turne round, and if it flie farre it fly­eth [Page 98] a round compasse, for either aboue or beneath a Round com­passe hindereth the flying; More­ouer, both the Fletcher in the ma­king your Shaft, and you in Noc­king your Shaft, must take he [...] that two Feathers run equally on the Bow, for if one Feather runne alone on the Bow, it will quickly be worne & not able to match with the other Feathers, besides at the loose (if the Shaft be light) it will start, if it bee heauie it will hobble.

To coule, sheare or cut the Fea­thers of a shaft high or low, it must be done according as the Shaft is light or heauie, great or little, long or short: The Swine-backed fashi­on maketh the Shaft dead, for it ga­thereth more Ayre then the Sad­dle-backed doth, therefore the Saddle-backe is surer for danger of weather, and fitter for smooth [...] ­ing; [Page 99] Againe, to sheare a Shaft round, as they were wont in former times to doe, or after the Tryangle-fa­shion which is much vsed now; in these times, both are good: For Roundnesse is apt for flying of its owne nature, and all manner of Tryangles, (the sharpe point going before) is also apt for quicke en­tring; and therefore sayth CICE­RO, Ci [...]. de Nat. Deor That Cranes taught by Nature, doe in flying alwayes observe a Tryangle fashion, because it is so apt to pierce and goe through the Ayre.

Lastly, plucking of Feathers is naught, for there is no surety in it, therefore let euery Archer haue such Shafts, that hee may both know them and trust them vpon e­uery change of weather; yet if they must needs be plucked, pull them as little as can be, for so shall [Page 100] they be lesse constant; And thus I haue shut vp in a straight Roome, what can be sayd of the best Fea­ther, feathering and fashioning of a perfect Shaft, I will now proceed to the Head.

CHAP. XI. Of the Arrow-head, the In­vention and seuerall vses.

NECESSITIE, the Inuenter of all goodnesse (as the best Authors affirme) amongst other things, inuented the Arrow­head; first, to saue the end from breaking, then made it sharpe, that it might stick the better, after made it of strong matter, that it might continue longer, and last of all, ex­perience, and the wisedome of [Page 101] men hath brought it to such per­fection, that there is not any thing more profitable in all the Art of Archerie, either to wound a mans enemie in the warre, or pleasure himselfe and his friend, by hitting the marke at home, as is a right good Arrow-head, for where the Shaft wanteth an head, it is both vselesse and without esteeme.

Seeing then, the Head is of this necessity, it is needfull that we ap­ply our best powers in attaining them; Heads for the warres of long time, haue beene made not onely of diuers matters, but also of diuers fashions. The Troians had heads of Iron, as this verse spoken of Pan­darus sheweth.

Vp to the pappes, his string did be pull, his Shaft to the Iron—

[Page 102]The Grecians had heads of Brasse, as Homer saith, Odiss. 21 Vlisses shafts were headed when he slew Antinous and the other wooers of Penelope, and in another place of Homer, it is playne, that when Pandarus wounded Me­nelaus with his shaft, Iliad. 4 that the head was not glewed on, but tyed to the steele with a string, which is also affirmed by the commentaries in Greeke, whence I finde that Arch­ers in those times carried theyr Shafts without heads till they had occasion to vse them, and then set them on; which Homer againe se­condeth in the xxj th, Booke of his Odisses, where he tels how Penelope brought Vlisses Bow amongst her Suters; that he which could bend and draw it might be her husband, there (saith the Poet) attended on her a maid with a bag full of heads both of Iron and Brasse. The Scy­thians; [Page 103] also vsed Brasse heads, the In­dians had heads of Iron, the Aethio­pians made heads of hard, sharpe stones, as Herodotus and Pollux af­firme. The Germanes (as Cornelius Ta­citus writes) had their Shafts head­ed with Bone, and many countries, both of old time & now, vse heads of horne; but to conclude with the truth it selfe, Iron and Steele are of all other the most excellentest mat­ter on which to make Arrow-heads. Iulius Pollux varieth from vs in the appellation of these things, Pol. I. 10 for he calleth the Feathers the head, & this head that we speake of the point; but the reconcilement is so easie, wee need not argue it.

The fashions of heads are as di­uers as the matters whereon they haue beene made. The Ancients (saith Pollux) vsed two sorts of heads, the one he calleth [...], [Page 104] describing it thus, that it had two points or Barbes looking backward to the Steele, & the Feathers which is the same, which we call heere in England a broad Arrow-head, the other he calleth [...] hauing, two points stretched forward, which we call heere a forked head; Both these kind of heads were vsed in Homers dayes, for speaking how Teucer vsed forked heads, he saith thus to Agamemnon.

Eight good shafts haue I shot since I came,
[...]d. 8 [...]
each one with a forked head—

Pandarus and Vlisses vsed broad Arrow-heads, Hercules vsed forked heads, yet such as had three points or forkes. The Parthians in that great Battaile where they slew rich Crassus, and his sonne, Plutar. in Crassus. vsed broad [Page 105] Arrow-heads, which stucke so sure that the Romans could not pull them out. The Emperour Como­dus vsed forked heads, Herod. 2 whose fashi­on Herodotus doth describe most liuely; saying, that they were like the shape of a new Moone, where­with he could cut off the head of a bird, and not touch her bo­dy.

But letting passe the customes of the Antients: Our English heads which we customarily vse in the warres, are better then either for­ked heads or broad arrow heads; for first, the end being lighter they flye a great deale faster, and by the same reason giue a farre more deadly blow, and in my con­ceit (which is no Rule) if the lit­tle Barbs or Beards which they haue, were taken away they would be farre better, for this euery man [Page 106] will grant, that a Shaft so long as it flyeth turneth, and when it leaueth to turne, it leaueth to flye any fur­ther, and that euery thing which enters by a turning and boaring fashion, the more flatter it is the worse it enters, as a Knife though it be sharpe, yet it cannot boare so well as a Bodkin; therefore sayth Aristotle, Nature made euery thing round, that should pierce deepe; so that I conclude, eyther the Shaft doth not turne in flying, or or else our flat heads are hinderan­ces to the Shafts in entering. Now some may say, that a flat head both makes a greater hole, and stickes much faster: to this I say, that both the reasons are true, yet both insufficient; for first, the lesser the hole is (if it be deepe) the worse it is to heale, and a man when hee shooteth against his enemy, desireth [Page 107] rather that it should enter farre, then sticke fast; for what remedy is it I pray you, for him that is smitten with a deep wound, to pull out the Shaft quickly, except it be to hasten his death; thus heads which make a little hole and deepe, are better in the Warre, then those which make great and shallow; though they sticke never so fast in.

Iulius Pollux maketh mention of certaine heads for the warre, Poll. [...] which carryed fire in them, Psal. [...] and the Scrip­ture also speaketh somewhat to that purpose: Herod. vran. Herodotus speakes of a wonderfull Stratagem done by Xerxes, at what time he besiedged the great Tower at Athens, where hee made his Archers binde theyr Shaft heads about with Towe, and then set it on fire, and so shot them off: which being done by many, [Page 108] set all the places on fire, which were made of any matter that would burne: and besides so daz­led the enemy, that they knew not which way to turne them: But to finish these heads for Warre, I would wish, that all the Head-ma­kers in England, would make their Sheaffe-arrow heads more harder poynted then they be, or else as they are now out of vse, so they will bee without any power to hurt.

Now as concerning heads for pricking, which is one of the maine ends of this discourse, they are re­duced into diuers kinds, some are blunt heads, some sharpe, some both blunt and sharpe.

The blunt heads men vse, be­cause they finde them good to keepe a length, and it is true that they keepe a length, because a man [Page 109] pulleth them no further at one time then at another, for in feeling the plumpe end alwayes equally, hee may loose them, yet in the Wind and against the Wind, the weather hath so much power on the broad end, that no man can keepe a cer­taine length truely, with such an head: therefore a blunt head in a calme or downe Winde, is very good, otherwise, none worse.

A sharpe head at the end, with­out any shoulders (I call that a shoulder, which a mans finger may feele before it come to the poynt of the head) will pierce quickly through a Winde; but yet it hath two discommodities; the one, that it will keepe no length, because no man can pull it at a certainety, but it will come more or lesse through the want of the shoulder; and also, because men are affrayd of the [Page 108] [...] [Page 109] [...] [Page 110] sharpe poynt, for feare of setting it in the Bow; The second discom­modity is, when it is lighted on the ground, the small point will be euer in the danger of spoyling, which thing of all others, will soonest make a shaft to loose the length.

Now when men perceiued that blunt heads were good to keepe a length, but naught for a winde; and sharpe heads good to pierce a wind withall, but naught to keepe a length, the head-makers (informed both by the Archers and the Arti­ficers) and wisely weying the com­modities and discommodities of both sorts of heads, Inuented new files and other instruments where­with they brought heads for pric­king to such perfection, that in one head they lodged all the excellen­cies which were in both the other, [Page 111] without any discomoditie at all. These heads they call High-rigged, Crested, or Shouldred-heads, or Siluer-spoone-heads, for a resem­blance they haue to the knobs vp­on some Siluer-spoones. These heads are good both to keepe a length, and also to pierce the wea­ther with all. First, to keepe a length withall, because a man may cer­tainely pull it to the shoulder eue­ry shoote and no further, then to pierce the wind withal, because the point from the shoulder forward, breaketh the weather as all other sharpe things doe, so the blunt shoulder serueth for a sure length keeping, and the poynt for passing through a rough and foule weather. And thus much for the matter, shape and choyse of Heads.

Now touching the setting on of the head, albe it is the office of the [Page 112] Fletcher, rather then the Archer; yet it is within the compasse of your owne knowledge, to aduise him to set your head full on or close on. Full on, is when the wood is let hard vp to the end or stop­ping of the head, and close, is when there is wood left on euery side the shaft to fill the head withall, or when it is neither too little nor too great; If there be any fault in either of these points, the head when it lighteth on a stone or the hard ground will be in danger ey­ther of breaking, or some other mis­chiefe.

Touching the stopping of heads with leade or any thing else, I shall not need here to speake any thing, because euery Siluer-spoone or should red head, is stopped of it selfe.

Short heads are better then long, [Page 117] because the long head is worse for the workeman to file streight, and more difficult to keepe in a true compasse euery where; Againe, it is worse for the Fletcher to set on streight; and thirdly, it is alwaies in more daunger to be broken: And thus I haue done with the particu­lar Instruments, I will now pro­ceed to those which be Generall.

CHAP. XII. Of the handling of Instruments, the time when, &c.

TOuching the handling of Instruments which apper­taine to the Art of Arche­rie, you must, vnderstand, that to learne or do any thing with a mans hands, excellently or handsomely, or with an handsome excellence) it [Page 118] will aske the expence of long time and much practise; therefore hee that will approach to this perfecti­on (especially in shooting) must begin in his youth or child-hood; all creatures how wild or fierce so­euer, are by cunning handling ta­med, especially when they bee young; and as it is in naturall things, so it is also in those which be artificiall. The Potter can mold and cast his pots, to any forme he pleaseth, when his clay is new, soft, and workeable, and the waxe will take any print when it is warme and plyable; but when eyther the one or the other is old, hard, and of no yeilding quality, they are fitte [...] for the Dunghill then our Industry▪ So man in his youth, both with wit and body, is most apt and ply­able to receiue any cunning that can be taught him; especially, this [Page 119] Art of Shooting: therefore he that will come to the perfection there­of, must needs begin and practise in his youth, for it is an Art, and will aske at least a full Prentiship.

Yet mistake me not, for I speake not this to disharten any man from the practise of shooting, which hath neglected it in his younger yeares; for I am so farre from it, that I will proue, Wisedome may worke the same thing in a man, which Nature doth in a Child.

A child, by 3. things is brought to excellency; to wit, Aptnesse, Desire, and Feare: First, Aptnesse maketh him plyant like Waxe, to be formed a [...]d fashioned to any thing; Desire inflameth him to striue to equall or excell others, in noble actions: and Feare of them whom he is vnder, will make him labour, and take greater paine with [Page 120] diligent heed in learning any thing, whereof proceedeth at the least, Excellencie and Perfection: And as thus, so a man may by wisedome (in learning any thing and especi­ally to shoote) haue three like commodities also, whereby hee may (as it were) become young a­gaine, and so attaine to perfection. For what Aptnesse worketh in a Child, that the vse of weake Bowes will worke in a man; being vnder­neath his strength, and so easie that hee may come to faire shooting at his pleasure, prouided he flacke not his practise; for vse is that which will bring him both to faire shoo­ting, and at▪ last, to strong shoo­ting; next what, Desire prouoketh in a Childe, that let Shamefastnesse worke in a man; and lastly, the paine that Feare maketh a Boy vn­dergoe; that, let the loue of shoo­ting, [Page 121] excell and ouergoe in a man, and without these, there cannot bee any perfection: Thus you see, whatsoeuer a Childe can be taught by Aptnesse, Desire, and Feare, that may a man attaine vnto, by the vse of Weake Bowes, Shamefastnesse, and Loue; accor­ding to that of Cicero, That vse is a second Nature: and I dare be bold to affirme, that whosoeuer (which is of abilitie) will begin, and con­stantly perseuere, shall in the end, without question be an Archer.

CHAP. XIII. Of comely Shooting, the Be­nefit and meanes, with the Faults.

ALthough the best shooting, is that which is most come­ly, and that they are such Adjuncts as cannot bee divided; yet Cicero tels me, that as the chiefe poynt and most to bee sought, is Comelinesse, so this comelinesse on­ly, can neuer be taught by any Art or Craft, but may bee perceiued well when it is done, not described wel, how it should be done. Neuer­thelesse, there are many wayes to attaine vnto it, which wise men haue assayed, and though not abso­lutely in it, yet in other matters of like consequence▪ as thus, it is written, of Xeuxes, that taking vpon [Page 123] him to paint Helena in all her per­fection, chose out fiue of the fairest Maides in all his Country, and in beholding them, conceiued and drew out such a Picture, that it far exceeded all the pieces, that euer went before it; because the per­fections of all those fiue, was drawn into one portraiture: So likewise in shooting, if a man would set be­fore his eyes, fiue or sixe of the fai­rest and best approoued Archers, that euer he saw shoote, and of one learne to stand, of another to draw, of another to loose, and so take frō euery man, what euery man could doe best; I dare be bold to say, he should come to such perfection in comelinesse, as neuer yet any man attained vnto. But it may be you will expect, because I haue chosen that Theame, that necessarily I ought to speake something, in the [Page 124] way of instruction thereunto, but truely I must answer you, that I can teach you to shoot fayre, as Socrates once taught a man to know God, for when he asked him what God was, nay (sayd he) I can bet­ter tell you what God is not, as God is not euill, &c. Euen so can I say of faire shooting, that it hath not this nor that discommodity, & so drayning from it all discommo­dities in the end, leaue nothing be­hinde but faire shooting. And to doe this the better, you must re­member; that in the beginning, when I described generally the whole nature of Shooting, I told you that faire Shooting did pro­ceed from these fiue seuerall Po­stures: Standing, Nocking, Draw­ing, Holding, and Loosing: all which, I will goe ouer as succinctly and briefly as I can, describing the dis­commodities [Page 125] that men commonly vse in all parts of theyr bodyes, when they imploy them to these Actions, so that at any time when you shall erre or offend in any of the motions, you shall both speedi­ly apprehend it, and with as great diligence amend it.

Faults in Archers, doe exceed the number of Archers, and they prodeed from the vse of shooting without teaching; For Custome and vse separated from knowledge, and learning, doth not onely hurt shooting, but the most materiall & weightiest Actions in the world; and therefore, I wonder much at those people, which will offer to be the maintainers of vses and cu­stomes, without knowledge, ha­uing no other wordes in their mouthes but these, Vse, Vse, Cu­stome, Custome; which besides di­uers [Page 126] other discommodities, brings with it this mischiefe, that it takes from a man all hope of amend­ment.

There is nothing more true, then that in shooting, Vse is the onely cause of all the faults therin; whēce it comes, that Children are more easily and sooner taught to shoot excellently then Men; because Children may bee taught to shoot well at the first: Men haue more trouble to vnlearne theyr euil Cu­stomes, then they haue labour af­terward to come to good Shoo­ting.

All the discommodities, which ill custom hath grafted in Archers, can neyther be quickly pulled out, nor yet soone reckoned by mee, they are so many; For one shoo­teth his head forward, as if hee would byte the Marke, another, [Page 127] stareth with his Eyes, as if they should flye after his Arrow; ano­ther, winketh with one eye & ope­neth the other, as if hee shot in a Stone-bow; one maketh a sowre face, another a wry countenance; one bleereth out his tongue, ano­ther biteth his lip, & another hol­deth his Necke awry; In drawing, some fetch such a Compasse, as if they would turne about, and blesse the Field, others haue their hand now vp, now downe, that a man cannot discerne where­at they would shoote, another waggeth the upper end of his Bow one way, & the neather end another: another will stand poynting his shaft at the marke a good space, and by & by he will giue him a whip & away, ere any man is aware, another will make such a wrastling and strugling with his Instruments, as [Page 126] [...] [Page 127] [...] [Page 128] if he were able shoote no more as long as he liued; Anothet draw­eth his shaft softly to the midst, and by and byit is gone you cannot tell how; Another draweth his shaft low at the brest as if he would shoote a rooueing marke, and presently he lifteth vp his hand prick-height; Another maketh a a wrinching or cringing with his Back, as though a man pinched him behind; Another cowreth downe and thrusts out his Buttocks, as if he were shooting at Crowes; An­other setteth forward his left leg, and draweth backe with his Necke and shoulders, as if he were pulling at a rope or else were afraid of the marke; Another draweth his shaft well vntill within two fingers of the head, and then he stayeth a little to looke at his marke, which done, he pulleth it vp to the head and so [Page 129] looseth, which manner of shooting although some excellent Archers doe vse it, yet it is a Fault; and good mens faultes are not to be Imi­tated.

Once I heard of a man, which v­sed a Bracer on his cheeke, other­wise he had torne all the skin from one side of his face with his draw­ing-hand, Another I haue seene, which at euery shoote after the loose would lift vp his leg so farre that he was euer in danger of fal­ling; Some will stampe forward and some leape backward, and all these faults are eyther in drawing or loosing, with a world of others, which any man may easily per­ceiue and so endeauour to avoide them:

Now there be other faults after the shaft is gone from the Bow, which onely euill custome hath [Page 130] brought vpon men, of which the worst is, when men will cry after their shafts either with execrations or other vnseemely words, much vnfit for so honest a Recreation; questionalesse such words are the Symptoms of an euill mind, and dis­play a man that is subiect to immea­surable affections; good-mens eares doe abhorre them, and an honest man will avoyd them. Now be­sides these, there be others, which haue others faults; as some will take there Bow and writh and wring itto pull in there shaft when it flieth wide, as if he droue a cart; some wil giue two or three strides forward dauncing and hopping after his shaft, as long as it flyeth; some with feare to be too farre gone runne backward as it were to pull their shaft backe, another runneth for­ward, when he feareth to be short [Page 131] heauing after his Armes as though he would helpe the Arrow to flye; another runs aside to pull his Shaft streight, one lifteth vp his heele & so holds it till the shaft be falne, another casteth his Arme backward after the loose, and another swings his Bow about him like a whi [...]ler before a Pageant to make roome; with a world of other errors, now out of my remembrance. All which, Montaigne in one of his Es­sayes, cals the Discharging of passi­ons vpon a wrong subiect. Now these Antick gestures, disfigure and take away all comlinesse from this noble action; So, that Archer which is voyd of all these crimes, cannot but possesse the perfection of com­lines in this Art, which how soeuer it cannot be exprest to the life, in words, yet (I will according to my small knowledge) giue you some [Page 132] small Character thereof, which if any man shall please to follow, though I cannot make him vtterly Faultlesse, yet his Faults shall nei­ther quickly be perceiued, nor yet greatly rebuked. And this method I will draw from these fiue princi­pall Postures; Standing, Nocking, Drawing, Holding, and Loosing, which being done in perfection, containe the Substance of all faire Shooting.

CHAP. XIIII. Of the first Posture, which is Standing.

THe first Posture or Poynt which a man ought to ob­serue when he goeth about to Shoote, is to take such Foot­ing and Standing, as shall be both [Page 133] comely to the eye, and profitable for the action he hath in hand, set­ting his countenance and all other parts of his body, after such a ge­sture and port, that both all his Strength may be imployed to his owne most absolute aduantage, and his Shoote made and handled to the high contentment and delight of euery well judging beholder; And first, a man must not goe to it too hastily, for that is Rashnesse, nor yet be too tedious or make too much a doe about it, for that is Curiosity. Next, the one foote must not stand too farre from the o­ther least he stoop too much, which is most vnseemely; nor yet too neare together, least he stand too streight vp, for then he shall ney­ther vse his strength well, nor stand as he ought, stedfastly; the meane betwixt both these must be kept. [Page 134] A thing more pleasant to behold when it is done, then easie to be taught how it should be done.

CHAP. XV. Of the second Posture, which is Nocking.

TO Nocke well, is the easiest point in all the Art of Ar­chery, and containeth no more but ordinary warning, onely it requireth diligent heed giuing; First in putting the Nock betweene your two first fingers, then bring­ing the shaft vnder the String and ouer the Bow, then to set the shaft neyther too high nor too low, but euen and streight ouerthwart the Bow; For vnconstant Nocking, maketh a man loose his length, and besides that, if his Shaft hand bee [Page 135] high, and the Bow hand low, or o­therwise if they be contrarily pla­ced, both the Bow is in danger of breaking, and the Shaft if it be lit­tle, will start, and if it be great it will hobble.

You must obserue euer, to Nocke the Cocke Feather vpward, as I told you before, when I described the Feather; and bee sure that the String slip not out of the Nocke, but with your Thumbe before, & a finger on each side behind, hold it fast till it be drawne, for should it happen otherwise, all were in ha­zard of breaking.

Chap. XVI. Of the third Posture; which is Drawing.

DRawing well, is the best part of Shooting; the An­cients in times past, vsed a­nother manner of drawing then we doe: For they drew low at the Brest, and to the right Pap; as is described by Homer: The noble women of Scythia, vsed the same fashion of shooting low at the breast, and because their left Paps hindered them, they caused them to be cut away when they were young, vpon which action, they tooke to themselues the name of Amazons. But now in these dayes, contrary to that custome, we draw to the right Eare, & not to the Pap; [Page 137] now whether the old way in drawing low to the Pap, or the new way to draw aloft to the eare, bee better; Percopius an excellent Greeke Author doth decide: Percop. Hist. Pers. shew­ing that the old fashion in drawing to the Pap was naught, hauing no pyth in it, and therefore (sayth he) is Artillery dispraised of Homer, who calleth it weake, and able to doe no good. But drawing to the Eare, he greatly prayseth, as a way whereby men shoot stronger, lon­ger, and deeper; drawing therefore to the Eare, is better then to draw to the Breast: and now I call it in­to my minde, I neuer read in any Author whatsoeuer, of any other kinde of shooting, then drawing with a mans hand eyther to the Breast, or to the Eare, and yer I haue turned ouer all Homer, Hero­dotus, and Plutarch, which makes [Page 138] me not a little wonder, how and when Crossebowes first came up, see­ing they are so forgotten by the best Historians: Leo the Emperor would haue his Souldiers draw quickly inward, affirming it made a Shaft flye fast: but in shooting at Prickes, hasty drawing is neyther sure nor comely. Therefore to draw easily and vniformely, (that is to say) not wagging your hand vpward nor downeward, but still obseruing one time and fashion, vntill you come to the Ridge or shouldring of the Head, is best both for profit, skill and Comely­nesse.

CHAP. XVII. Of the fourth Postare: which is Holding.

HOlding is an Action, that must not bee of long conti­nuance, for to stand any time vpon it, you put the Bow in danger of breaking, and also spoyle your shoot; It must be so little, that it may be perceiued better in a mans mind and imagination, when it is done, then seene with a mans Eyes as it is doing: for in one moment, the Shaft both approacheth to the Eare, and departeth from the Bow.

CHAP. XVIII. Of the Fifth Posture: which is Loosing.

LOosing, is of the Nature of Holding, and asketh as spee­die a motion; for it must be so quicke and hard, that no gyrd may be perceiued; and againe, so soft and gentle, that the Shaft flye not as if it were sent out of a Bow­case: The meane betwixt both these (which is perfect loosing) is not so hard to be followed in shooting, as it is hard to be described in tea­ching: If you will shoot fayre, in Loosing you must take heed of hit­ting or touching any thing about you; which caused Leo the Empe­rour, to command all his Archers in Warre, to haue their heads pow­led, [Page 141] and their Beards shauen, least the hayre of their head should hin­der the sight of the Eye, or the hayre of their Beards stop the course of the string; a world of o­ther Precepts there be, but these I hold sufficient for fayre shoo­ting.

CHAP. XIX Of keeping a length, of wind and weather.

HAuing handled (as I hope) sufficiently this Theame of faire shooting, there re­maineth nothing now but shooting streight, and keeping a length, to make a man hit the marke, which is the full end of this discourse; now to shoot streight, or keepe a length, cannot be done without some ex­cellent [Page 143] knowledge in the wind and Weather, therefore I will ioyne them together, and discoursing of each in their proper places, shew what belongs to the keeping of a length, and what to shooting streight.

The greatest enemies to shoo­ting, are the winde and the weather, by which true keeping a length is chiefly hindred, which accident, if it were not, men by ordinary in­struction might be brought to wonderfull neare shooting. For it is no maruaile if the little poore shaft, being sent alone so high into the ayre amidst the rage of wind and weather, one blast hurling it one way, and another, another. It is I say, no maruaile if it both loose the length, & misse the place where the Shooter had thought to haue found it. Greater matters then [Page 143] Shooting are vnder the rule of the weather, and will of the winde; as sayling on the Seas, and things of like nature, and as in Sayling the chiefest poynt of a good Master, is to know all tokens, which belong to the change of weather, and the course of the Windes, that thereby he may with more safety come to the Hauen; euen so the best pro­perty of a good Shooter, is to know the Nature of the Windes with him & against him, by which he shall sooner hit the Marke. Wise Sea-masters, when they cannot win the best Hauen, are glad of the next that is good; and Shooters, al­though they cannot hit the marke, will be glad, and labour to come as neare as they can. All things in this World, are imperfect and vn­constant, therefore let euery man acknowledge his owne weaknesse, [Page 144] and onely glorifie him which is all perfection. The Saylor that put­teth forth in all weathers, seldome escapes Shipwracke, and the Shoo­ter, which maketh no difference of Seasons, but holds all alike, shall neyther boast of winnings nor of vertue. Little Boates and thinne Boards, cannot indure the rage of Tempests, and weake Bowes and light Shafts, cannot stand in a rough Wind. And belieue it, what Ar­cher soeuer shooteth ignorantly, considering neyther fayre weather nor foule, true or false standing, Nocking, Feather, nor Head, Draw­ing nor Loosing, nor yet any com­passe; shall alwayes shoot short and gone, wide and farre off, and neuer come neare, except by chance hee stumble on the Marke; For Igno­rance is nothing else, but absolute Blindnesse.

[Page 145]A skilfull Archer will first with diligent vse and marking the Wea­ther, learne to know the Nature of the Wind, and will with wisedome measure in his mind, how much it will alter his shoot either in length keeping, or in streight shooting; & so with changing his standing, or taking another Shaft which hee knoweth to bee fitter for his pur­pose, eyther because it is lower feathered, or else of a better wing, will so handle with discretion his Shoot, that he will seeme rather to haue the weather vnder his rule by such care and circumspection, then the Weather to rule his Shaft by a­ny sodaine changing. Therefore in shooting, there is as much diffe­rence, betwixt an Archer that is a good Weather-man, and him that knoweth nor obserueth any thing, as is betwixt a blind-man and him that can see.

[Page 146]Moreouer, a perfect Archer must seriously learne to know the sure flight of his Shafts, that he may be bold alwayes to trust them: Next, he must learne by continuall expe­rience to know all kind of wea­thers, the signes when it will come, the Nature when it is come, the di­uersity and alteration when it chan­geth, and the decrease and dimini­shing when it ceaseth: These things thus knowne and obserued, and e­uery shoot diligently pondred, thē ought our Archer to compare the Weather and his Footing together, Of Foo­ting. and with discretion measure them, so that whatsoeuer the Weather shall take away from his Shoot, the same shall just footing restore againe; This poynt well knowne, and discreetly handled, bringeth more profit and commendations to the Archer, then any other se­condary [Page 147] obseruation whatsoeuer.

He that will know perfectly the Wind and Weather, must put dif­ference betwixt times, and seasons, for diuersitie of times cause the di­uersity of weather. As in the whole yeare there are foure diuersities of times, the Spring, the Summer, the Fall, and Winter, so likewise in one day, there are also foure diuersities of Time; the Morning, Noone- [...]ide, Afternoone and Euening; and all these, both alter the weather and change a mans Bow and Strength, and to know that this is so, is e­nough for an Archer, and not to search the cause why it should be so, for that is the office of the learned.

CHAP. XX. Principall Obseruations from the Time of the yeare.

IN considering the time of the year, a wise Archer will follow a good Seaman; In winter and rough weather, small Boates and little Pinkes for sake the Seas. And at one time of the yeare, no Gallyes come abroad. So likewise, weake Archers vsing but small and hol­low Shafts, with Bowes of little pith, must be content to giue place for a time; yet I speake not this to discourage any weake Shooter, for as there is no Shippe better then a Gally in a soft and calme Sea, so no man shooteth more comely or nearer his marke, then some weake [Page 149] Archers doe in a fayre and cleare day.

Thus you see euery good Ar­cher must know, not onely what Bow and Shafts are fittest for him to shoote withall, but also what times and seasons are meetest for him to shoote in. And truely in all other Matters, and amongst all the degrees & estates of men, there is no man that doth anything more discreetly for his commendations, or more profitable for his owne aduantage, then he which doth and will know perfectly for what mat­ter, Action and time he is most apt and fit; And here (were it not vari­able from the discourse I haue in hand) I could enter into a large field of inuection, against those which onely labour to struggle to turmoyle themselues in those mat­ters and affaires which are neither [Page 150] fit for their capacities nor conso­nant to their bringing vp; but Cin­thius Aurem vellet, I will turne a­gaine to the Action of Shooting, in which I will perswade all wise Archers, alwayes to haue their in­struments fit and obedient for their owne strength, and then euermore to waite and attend for such time, weather and seasons, as is most a­greeable with the action they goe about: Therefore, if the weather be too violent and vnfit for your shooting, leaue of for that day and attend a better Season, For he is a Foole that will not goe when Ne­cessity driueth.

Yet to make some larger dis­cription of the weather concerning shooting, I would haue you re­member (as I told you before) that in the whole yeare, the Spring, Sum­mer, Fall, and Winter; and in one [Page 151] day, the Morning, Noone, After­noone, and Euening, altereth the course of the weather, the pith of the Bow, and the strength of the man: And in euery one of these the weather altereth; as sometimes windie, sometimes calme; one while cloudy, another cleare, some­times hot, sometimes cold; the wind sometimes moyst and thicke, sometimes, dry and smooth, &c.

A little winde in a misty day stoppeth a shaft more then a good whistling wind in a cleare day; nay I haue seene (when there hath bin no wind at all) the ayre so Misty and thicke, that both the markes haue beene wonderfull great. And once I heard in Cambridge, the down-markeat Tweluescore-prick, for the space of three weekes was thirteenescore and an halfe, and into the wind (not being very great [Page 152] a great deale aboue foureteene­score.

The wind is sometimes plaine vp and downe, which commonly is most certaine and requireth least knowledge or circumspection, so that a meane Shooter with meane furniture (if he can shoote home) may make shift to doe well.

A side-winde, tryeth a good Ar­cher and good Furniture, for some­time it bloweth a loft, sometime low by the Ground, sometime it bloweth by blasts & sodaine gusts, and sometime continueth all in one manner, sometime a quarter wind with him, & more & again, as much against him; all w ch, by a man cast­ing vp a little light grasse or other­wise by his owne experience, shall easily finde out. To see the wind it is impossible, the nature of it is so fine and subtill, but by carefull ob­seruation [Page 153] a world of experience may be gathered; especially in a Snow wherein one may perceiue, that the wind goeth by streames and not whole together, and in this Obseruation, though the experi­ence will breed in a man a greater admiration at the Nature of the winde, then cunning in the know­ledge of the winde; yet thereby he shall learne, that it is no wonder at all, though the best Archers loose their length in shooting, seeing the wind is so variable in blowing.

The Master of a Ship, be he ne­ [...]er so Skilfull, may by the vncer­tainety of weather loose both life and goods; no wonder then if a good Archer, by the selfe same wind, so variable in it owne nature, and so insensible to our nature, loose not onely a Shoote, but a Game.

[Page 154]The more deceiuable the Wind is, the more care must the Archer haue of those beguilings; hee that doth mistrust, is seldome ouer-rea­ched: for although hee cannot at­taine to that which is best, yet hee will be sure to auoyd that which is the worst.

Againe, besides these Winds, you must take heed, if at any time you see any Cloud appeare and gather by little and little against you; or if a shower of Raine bee approa­ching, for then the driuing of the Weather and the thickening of the Ayre will increase your Marke, but when the Shower is gone, and all things cleere and calme, the Marke will be as it was at the first, and you are to alter your shooting new againe.

You must also take heed (when you shoot) whether one of the [Page 155] Markes or both, standeth a little short, or vnder the couert of an high Wall, for there you may ea­sily be beguiled, as thus; If you take Grasse, & cast it vp to see how the Wind stands, many times you will suppose to shoot downe the Wind, when you shoot cleane a­gainst the Wind, & there is a strong reason for it; because the Wind which commeth against you, at the wall▪ reboundeth backe againe, and whirleth euen to the Pricke, and sometimes much further; and then turneth againe, euen as a violent water doth against a Rocke, or any other high Brey; which example of water, though it be more sensi­ble to a mans eyes, yet it is not more true then this of the Wind: Insomuch, that the casting vp grasse (which should be a tel troth) will flye that way, which indeed is [Page 156] the longer way, and so easily de­ceiue the Archer which is not heed­full.

To preuent this inconuenience, it is good for you when you come in the midst, betweene the Marks, where the field is most open, and the Wind at greatest liberty, and there to cast vp eyther a Feather, or some light Grasse, and know how the Wind standeth, which done, to hye to the Pricke with all speed possible, & according as you found the Wind in the Mid-way, so to frame your shoot at the Marke.

Take heed also, when you shoot neare the Sea-coast, although you are two or three miles from the Sea, for there (if you be diligent to marke) you shall espy in the most cleere day, wonderfull alterations, which cause strange effects in shoo­ting: And as thus neare the Sea, [Page 157] so likewise take heed when you shoot neare any Riuer side, especi­ally if it ebbe and flow, for if then you obserue the Tide, the weather and accidents proceeding from them, you can hardly be a looser. And thus (according to my weake knowledge) I haue shewed you the nature of the Wind and Weather, wherein if any man find eyther de­fect or insufficiency, I shall intreat him to amend it out of his owne much better Experience; conclu­ding the Chapter with this admo­nition, of which I spake before, that after the knowledge of the weather thus attained, that then our Archer take heed to his Standing, that hee may thereby win as much in the Ground, as hee lost by the Weather.

CHAP. XXI. Of gi [...]ing Ayme: the Ease and Errors.

TOuching the giuing of Ayme I cannot tell well what to say, onely that in a strange place, it taketh away all occasion of foule play, which is the onely commendations it can require: But in my Iudgement, it hindereth the knowledge of Shooting, and maketh men more negligent; which eclipseth the former glory; but al­low it (as men would haue it) vse­full, yet (though Ayme bee giuen neuer so) you must trust to your owne skill, for you cannot take Ayme at another mans Shoot, nor at your owne neyther; because the Weather will alter in a minute, and [Page 159] that sometimes at one Marke, and not at the other; and will trouble your Shaft in the Ayre, when you can perceiue no Wind on the ground, as I haue seene many shafts doe, which haue tumbled aloft in a very faire day; There may be faults also in Drawing and Loosing, and many things else, which are requi­red in the keeping of a just length; which though your Ayme be ne­uer so certaine, yet your error may be vndiscouered: therefore make vse of your Ayme and your Iudge­ment, by a serious discourse with­in your selfe, and reconciling them by the ayde of your owne experi­ence, make them both vsefull and profitable: This I haue brought in as a Parenthesis, not so much for the validity, as that I would not leaue any thing forgotten.

CHAP. XXII. Of taking true Standing, that is aduantagious.

THe next thing to the know­ledge of the Weather, is perfect Footing, or taking a true aduantagious standing: There­fore, in a side Wind, you must stand somewhat crosse into the wind, for so you shall shoot the furer; when you haue taken yuour footing, then looke vpon your shaft, that neyther wet nor earth be left vpon it, for that will make it loose the length; looke also on the head, lest it haue had any stripe at the last Shoot, for a stripe against a stone, many times will both spoyle the head, crooke the Shaft, and hurt the Feather; the least of all which, will make a man [Page 161] loose his length: which to repaire, and for the auoydance of these ge­nerall euils, which happen euery shoot, I would haue our Archer to carry by his side, a fine, short, close cōpact powch, in which he should haue a Fyle, a Stone, a Hurfish­skin, and a cloth to wipe his shafts cleane vpon euery occasion; These things must a man carefully looke vnto, euer when he taketh vp his Shaft, he must also take heed, that the head be not made too smooth, for that will make the Arrow flye too farre, the meane therefore, is best proportion; the next to these things, followeth the Bow, the handling whereof, I haue handled already; as for Nocking, Drawing and Loosing, they are not vndiscus­sed, I will but therefore rub your memory ouer with this Precept, that to looke at the head of your [Page 162] Shaft at the Loose, is the best help for keeping a length, yet some are of opinion, that it hindereth excel­lent shooting, because a man hath then no certainty of shooting streight, chiefly in that he beholds not his Marke, but for mine owne part, were I to shoot at a Lyne, and not at a Marke; I would alwayes looke at my Arrowes end. But of this I will speake more in the next Chapter, and now conclude, that who so marketh his Weather dili­gently, keepes his Standing justly, holds the Nocke truly, drawes and looseth equally, & keeps his com­passe certainely, can neuer misse his length.

CHAP. XXIIII. Of Shooing streight, and the Helpes.

TOuching the Art to shoot streight, I will first shew you what Lessons old Ar­chers haue found to attaine there­vnto, and then, what wayes are best to accomplish the same.

As the Weather belongeth chief­ly to the keeping a length, yet a side-wind appertaineth to shooting streight; and the nature of the Pricke also, is to shoot streight; The length or shortnesse of the Marke, is alwayes vnder the Rule of the weather, yet there is something in the Marke, worthy to bee marked of an Archer.

If the Pricke stand on a plaine [Page 164] streight ground, they are the best to shoote at; If the marke stand on an hill side, or the ground be vne­quall with hollownes and turning wayes betwixt the markes, a mans eye will take that to be streight w [...]ch is crooked. The experience of this thing, is seene in painting and other Arts, where crookedlinesse appeare streight by shadowes: But to pro­ceed, the chiefe cause why a man cannot shoot, is because they looke at their Shaft, which fault com­meth for want of instruction when a man is young; for he that learnes to shoote by himselfe, being afraid to pull the shaft out of the Bow, looks still at his Arrow; And cu­stome confirmeth this Errour, as it doth many other, and men conti­nue longer in this fault, because it hath so good a vertue in the kee­ping of a length, therefore to keepe [Page 165] this fault and yet shoote streight, Some Archers haue found out this Inuention, to espie a tree, or an hill beyond the marke, or else to haue some notable thing betwixt the markes on which he might fixe his eye & his hand: And, that this is so, there was once an excellent Archer which tooke all his implements, his Quiuer and other necessaries & layd them in the mid-way betwixt the markes, which the by-standers supposed he did for safety sake, but the end of his drift was to make him shoote streight; there be other Archers which will espy a marke a Bow wide off the pricke, and then place himselfe on that hand the pricke is on; which thing, how much good it doth a man, he will hardly bel [...]cue, that doth not proue it.

Others, and they no meane Ar­chers, [Page 166] chers, in drawing looke at the mark vntill they come almost to the head, then they looke at the shaft, but at the very loose, with a second sight, they find their marke againe. But this way, and all the other be­fore rehearsed, are but shifts and fooleries and not to be imitated in shooting streight, the onely way worthy pursuit is alwayes to haue your eye vpon your marke, and as I hold, it is the readiest and easiest way, to come to shoote streight, chiefly if it be practised in youth, and confirmed in elder age.

Now there is yet a scruple in mens minds, which is the best way to looke at the marke; as whether betwixt the Bow and the string, or aboue or beneath the hand, and ma­ny other wayes beside. But it is not much materiall, which way a a man lookes at his marke, if it va­rie [Page 167] not from comely shooting, the diuersity of mens standing and drawing, causeth diuers men to looke at their markes diuers wayes, yet they all leade a mans hand to shoote streight, if nothing else stoppe; so that comelinesse is the onely iudge of best looking at the Marke. Some men wonder, why in casting a mans eye at the Marke, the hand should goe streight: But sure­ly, if he considered the nature of a a mans eye, he would not wonder at it: For this I am certaine of, that no seruant to his Master, no child to his Father is so obedient, as euery joynt and piece of the bo­dy is to doe, whatsoeuer the Eye bids. The Eye is the guide, the ruler, and the succourer of all the other parts; the hand, the foot, and other members, dare doe nothing without the Eye, as doth appeare in [Page 168] the night, or darke Corners.

The Eye is the very Tongue wherewith wit and reason doth speake to every part of the body, and the wit doth not so soone fig­nisie a thing by the Eye, as every part is ready to follow, or rather preuent the bidding of the Eye. This is plaine in many things, but most euident in Fence and fighting, (for as I haue heard men say) there every part standing in feare to haue a blow, runnes to the eye for helpe, as Infants doe to the Mother; the foote, the hand, and all waite vpon the Eye. If the eye bid the hand either beare off, or strike, or the foote either goe forward, or backward, it doth so. And that which is most wonder of all, the one man looking stedfastly at the other mans Eye and not at his hand, will e [...]en as it were read in his eye, [Page 169] where he purposeth to strike next; for, the eye is not any thing else, but a certaine window for wit to shoote out her head at.

This wonderfull worke of God, in making all the members so obe­dient to the Eye, is a pleasant thing to remember, and looke vpon; therefore, an Archer may be sure in learning to looke at his mark when he is young, alwayes to shoote streight. The things that hinder a man which looketh at his mark to shoot streight, be these; Aside wind, a Bow eyther too strong or too weake, an ill arme, when a feather runneth on the Bow too much, a bigge brested-Shaft for him that shooteth vnder-hand, because it will hobble; a little brested-shaft for him that shooteth aboue the hand, because it will start: a paire of winding prickes, and many o­ther [Page 170] things, which you shall marke your selfe, and as you know them, so learne [...]o amend them. If a man would leaue to looke at his shaft, and learne to looke at his marke, he may vse this way, which a good shooter told me once that he did. Let him take his Bow in the night, and shoot at two Lights, and there he shall be compelled to looke al­wayes at his marke, and neuer at his shaft. This way once, or twice vsed, will cause him forsake look­ing at his shaft, yet let him take heed of setting his shaft in the Bow.

Thus you see, to shoote streight is the least Mastry of all, if a man order himselfe thereafter in his youth, and as for keeping a length, I am sure, the rules which I gaue will neuer deceiue; so that there shall lacke nothing, either of hit­ting [Page 171] the marke alwayes, or else ve­ry neare shooting, if the fault be not only in your owne selfe, which may come two wayes; either in hauing a faint heart, or courage, or else with suffering your selfe o­uermuch to be led by affection; if a mans minde faile him, the body, which is ruled by the mind, can neuer doe his duty; if lacke of cou­rage were not, men might doe more Maisteries, then they doe, as doth appeare, in Leaping and Vaul­ting.

All affections, and especially Anger, hurt both minde and body, the mind is blinded thereby, and if the mind be blind, it cannot rule the body aright. The body both Bloud and Bone, as they say is brought out of his right course by anger, whereby a man lacketh his right strength, and therefore can­not [Page 172] not shoote well. If these things be auoided (whereof I will speake no more, because they belong not properly to shooting) and all the precepts which I haue giuen, dili­gently marked, no doubt any man shall shoote, as well, as euer any man did.

This Discourse handled by me (as I know well,) not perfitly, yet as I suppose truly, the world must take in good parte, wherein, if diuers things doe not altogether please, yet it may pardon.


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