LONDON, Printed by Augustine Matthewes. Anno 1622.
WHen I consider (Greatest of Princes and my most gracious Prince) that all men which passe their dayes in this World, with loose and vntyed Endes; (neither binding thē to the Kings Seruice, their Countries Profit, nor their owne particular aduancement) doe but wander and goe astray like weary Trauellers lost on some wilde and vntract wildernes, and cannot be said to Iourney but to Toyle. And when J see that an idle man is nothing else but the Deuils cushion, on which wickednes sits, whilest Sloath sleepes on his bosome, I could not then chuse but rouze vp my spirits to vndertake some labour, which might both deliuer me from this errour, and (by calling backe the account of my first times) shew that there is something in me in the present which with a constant faithfulnes desires to doe your Hignesse and my Countrey seruice.
Warre (gracious Sir) hath been euer my Mistresse, and though I could not get so neere her as J wisht, yet I haue euer loued her as J ought: and though I haue not been worthy to participate with her Glory, yet she hath been pleased to daigne me her bloody fauours, and to fixe them so sure, that (whilst I am) the Scarres will neuer part from my body. Hence it comes, that I bring this [Page]sacrifice to her Altar, and only desire I may offer it vp before your Goodnes, making you (as you are) the great Captaine of this honourable Band, which howsoeuer I heere haue rankt their Names, yet doubtlesse in their hearts wil continually be a noble emulation who shall approch you nearest in the feruencie of true Loue, or the height of a worthie Admiration. The Subiect (though peraduenture darkned by my blunt Language) is worthy your most Princely attention: for Warre is onely proper to Princes, since they (and none but they) may (vnder God) defend their owne by the Sword, relieue their oppressed neighbours with the Sword, cut downe all trayterous and rebellious weeds vnder the Sword: and lastly, acquire great Conquests, & enioy true Fame through the Sword; for indeed but they for themselues, and others by their Authoritie, none else may draw the Sword.
Jt is true (mightie Sir) that your thrice worthy Father my dread Soueraigne hath sheathed his Sword, and by his sacred Wisedome saued the blood of many Christians, all his leuels (as by his owne vnimitable pen is protested) are at true Pietie, and God which is best pleased with Peace, hath crownd his daies with such Peace, that Warre could not bring any of his progenitors the midway to his glory: his Peace and Patience (in the dayes of our admired Elizabeth) made his passage smooth & easie to his lawfull Inheritance, & he entred the Throne with such an vniuersall Ioy, and applause of his people, that the admiring French cried out in amazement, What without a Blow, O wonder! But this was God, and by him hath his Maiestie shut vp euery backe [Page]dore that could let in Diuision: yet how long this Peace shall continue God in his wisdome (not man) is able to reckon. I know though Licurgus made his Laws constāt by War, yet Numa made his more happy by Peace, & though the first may indure yet the later shalbe more eternall, and both of necessitie must still lodge neere to remembrance. It was Iosephs counsel, In plentie to prouide for dearth, and in peaceable times to secure Armes is no needles consideration. It is not doubted but a wise Prince may gouern the worlde with an Oliue Branch (for so did the Romans) yet when the sword comes, the bough must yeld; for the leafe can but perswade, tis the Steele which must enforce, and where both are vnited, there euer is Tranquility most faire & most flourishing; Your Highnes is an Heire of many kingdoms, and may iustly haue occasion to command many swords, either to recouer your right in forain parts, or relieue your friēds in other parts; and though we inioy the sweetnesse of Peace, and pray continually for the preseruation of the same peace, yet must not Warre be made altogether a stranger: but as it is said of Death, To prepare for it, giues no approach vnto it: so to prepare & be ready at all times for war, is no frost that can nip the pleasant blossoms of peace, for both are the handmaids of Kings, the one beares his Commandements, the other his Loue, the one makes him powerfull amongst his neighbors, the other rich amongst his owne people: So that taking the true poize of this Subiect, to whom can J better offer this Tribute, then to your gracious selfe (not as an addition to your knowledge (farre be such arrogance) but as an Aduocate to plead my dutie) in whō all perfections [Page]flow to so entire an excellence, that Art and Nature haue left in themselues no power to promise any thing beyond you: Be therefore (Gracious Sir) pleased to protect this poore endeauour of your plaine Souldier, and how euer it comes (like Truth) naked into the world, yet let it finde shelter in the Shadow of your Royall Countenance; First in respect you are the vndoubted Heire of my dread King, and so J your vassall owe you all my Goodnes; next, in regard Warre is my subiect, whose Triumphs J hope shall euermore attend you; and lasty, for your owne deare vertues sake which is the Foode, Life and Soule of euery Souldier. To this and only this great Senate of your diuine perfections J humbly submit my Labours, beseeching the God of Heauen and Earth to blesse your Highnesse with all true and perfect happines to the Glory of his greate name, the good of his Church, and the vnspeakeable Comfort of the King, and vs that are his People.
WOrkes of this Nature (in different Sir what euer you bee) as they are not without many difficulties, so they seldome or neuer passe without many differing Censures, and those alwayes led according to the Opinions of such as gouerne them; some being full of mercifull Interpretation, some of scornefull Pittie, and some of Seueritie, which it is no Iniustice to call Tyranny. Any or all which since I haue made my selfe liable vnto them by this Publication, blame mee not if I seeke to reduce them to their noblest and best Countenances by my iust and vnfained excuses.
It is true that I neuer had a daring to thinke there was an absolute perfection in any of my labours; for I knew mine owne Strength, and the many Precipices, which lay before mee, into some of which I must necessarily fall, though not through the rudenesse of Ignorance, yet for some especiall ends to which I had tyed my selfe almost by a Legall condition: and therefore hauing no refuge but this PREFACE, let mee be held excusable, if I make it yeeld Reasons for such escapes, as those which are not familiar with my Bosome, may take for Mistakings.
And of these the first which I thinke will bee called vnto memory, is some Misplacings or Errours in my Raunge, as namely, the omission of that Noble and Vertuous Lady, the Lady Dispenser, who although shee may truely challenge the first place in this Roll of Nobilitie, and that both her owne Goodnesse, and her Sonnes most noble parts, together with a strong Bond of Blood by which I am bound, ties mee rather to hunt and finde out any thing that might adde to their Greatnesse, then lose or let passe the least tittle belonging to their true Honour; yet in as much as the tendernesse of her sexe, and the vnfit proportions which are betwixt her and a Subiect of this harsh, rough, and vnpleasant nature, tels me how vnproper such applications haue euer beene held both in all times past, and in these which are now present amongst vs, I could not but imagine such an omission rather an ornament to Order, then an abatement of any due which is proper to vertue.
Next this, the Raunging of the Earle of CASTLE-HAVEN, the [Page]Viscounts of COLCHESTER and ROCHFORD, as also the two noble Heires of WORCESTER and SVFFOLKE, may draw on some curious exception, because I haue rankt them but as Barons, and as they sit in Parliament, whereas their places containe an higher estimation. To these exceptions I haue Appologiz'd in the Proems of their Epistles; but for a further satisfaction: true it is, that these Epistles (though but now published) yet were written long before, and at such time as the Range was proper (to most of them) without any serious exception. Besides, I must confesse I haue written another Semi Centurie of Epistles appertaining onely to Honour, which I consecrate to the greater Nobilitie, and in them already haue ranged the Greatest; therefore to haue omitted these (being men of such noble worth and antiquitie) how euer mine errour now be pardonable, it had then beene past excuse. Hence it is, I haue rather made choice to bee too bold with some, then to neglect others, and howsoeuer in some places I may bee thought to skip or take too large strides, leaping ouer some, to attaine others, yet it is neither partialitie, nor singularity in affection; but rather a compeld Method which I must pursue out of the dutie I owe to the greatnesse of Place and Vertue. Besides, hauing confined my selfe to the true proportion of Decads, & those Decads iumping into a iust Semi-Centurie of Epistles, whose number is fiftie two and no more, I must either breake the whole frame of mine intended Building, or else leaue some names to an after-remembrance, at which if any repine, saying mine owne libertie might haue bestowed on mee a limit of more largenesse: to that I must ingeniously confesse, that howsoeuer I might haue assumed more labour, yet I could haue hardly (in this subiect) found out more fit matter: for hauing made my Mounture as high as the Generall, it was not in me to seeke to ascend aboue it, least stepping but one haires breadth beyond my knowledge, I might so haue fallen backe with disgrace, and ruin'd my whole labour.
Some peraduenture (yet but the ignorant) may condemne, or at least question why I elected this manner of writing in Epistles, rather then other Formes, which are now more frequent amongst vs, to which I answere, That I tooke this way for the most ancient, best, and noblest President: and hauing in my selfe a freedome of choyce, I held that Ambition, an honest and praise-worthy Desire, which conducted mee to follow those Steps which so many renowned and famous men haue not onely pursued, but also left vnto the world as a rule worthy our Imitation: for thus in Epistles write many of the excellentest Phylosophers, as Tullie, Seneca, and a world of others: Thus writ the best Poets, as Ouid, Horace, Martiall, and the like: thus haue Kings written, as Dionysius: thus haue Emperours written, as Aurelius: thus haue Popes written, thus haue Bishops; nay, thus haue the sacred Fathers of the Church written: and thus haue writ the most blessed Apostles.
Lastly, (for euery small Moate appeares a Beame to the eye of Curiositie) some may except against some little litterall, and indeed no [Page]faults escaped in the Printing: to which I can but say, that if our Language (which questionlesse is now as perfect, as significant, and as glorious as any other) stood vpon its owne ground-worke without the Bases of other Dialects, then there might bee one ready, certaine, and high way in which to walke and finde out true Orthographie, but the French will challenge multiplicitie of Letters, the Italian gloriousnesse in sound, the Dutch a filling of the mouth, the Latine his puritie, and the Greeke his mysterie: so that indeed to satisfie all, is more then many mens labours; and I must begge, if any small escapes happen to encounter with your eye-sight, let a fauourable mercy cure it, and I shall not onely be thankfull, but praise a nature which is accompanied with so honest a patience.
A Table conteining all the principall heads and Arguments handled in this Booke.
- THe motiues to this Worke. 1
- The Necessity of Warre. 5
- The glory of a Souldier. 9
- The Honour of a Souldier. 13
- The Vertues of a Souldier. 17
- The Reward due to Souldiers. 21
- Voluntaries. 25
- Leauying of Souldiers. 29
- Arming of Shot. 33
- Arming Pikes. 37
- THe Oath of a Soulder and Distribution. 41
- Centinells. 45
- Rounders. 49
- Clearkes and Harbingers. 53
- Dummes and Phiphes. 57
- Lanspesados. 61
- Corporalls. 65
- Serieants. 69
- Ensigne. 73
- Lieutenant. 77
- OFficers of Cauallerie. 81
- Master Gunner 85
- Trench-master. 89
- Waggon-master. 93
- Forrage-master. 97
- Victuall-master. 101
- Prouost-Marshall. 105
- Iudge-Marshall. 109
- Scout-master. 113
- Lieutenant of the Ordnance. 117
- MVster-Master 121
- Quarter-master. 125
- Captaine of Pioners. 129
- Captaine of Foote. 133
- Captaine of Horse. 137
- Serieant-maior of a Regiment 141
- Lieutenant Colonell of Foote. 145
- Lieutenant Colonell of Horse. 149
- Foure Corporals of the Field. 153
- Counsell of Warre. 157
- COlonell of Foote. 161
- Colonell of Horse. 165
- Serieant-Maior Generall. 169
- Colonell-Generall 173
- Lieutenant Generall of Horse. 177
- Treasurer. 181
- Master of the Ordinance 185
- Marshall. 189
- Lieutenant Generall. 193
- Generall. 197
THE ARGVMENT. The Motiues to this Worke.
WHen (my good Lord) I intended this worke, and had fixt with my selfe a resolution to range in this Battalion, the noble Troupe of all our suruiuing English Barons, in such sort as I had formerly seene in some other Presidents; Mee thought the leading of the Right hand File did properly poynt at your Lordship, both in respect the Subiect is much too rough and vnpleasant for the well tuned eares of fearefull and modest Ladies, as also that the clangor and shrill noise of the trumpet and drumme, are rather full of affright then pleasure, & do sooner astonish then delight the tender softnes of a sweet Ladie: so that vnder your Lordships name I must couer both your kinswoman and your owne greatnesse; and to you in this Epistle giue a briefe account of those especiall Motiues which haue stirred me vp to vndertake and performe this labour, in such sort as it is heere (though bluntly and plainly) yet with all truth and care faithfully effected.
I must confesse, I neither expect nor wish for greater priuiledge then others haue found which haue runne before me in Tracts of the like nature, but euer stand ready to receiue the Battery of Censure and Opinion, onely from the daring ignorant, pray heartily for some helpe and assistance; for they neuer hold faire quarter, but still carrie poyson in their weapons, whereas Iudgement and Learning are euer noble and like Achilles, if they hurt yet cure againe in the same instant. Me thinks I heare one question how a man vnlearned, and hauing spent so long a time in the warres, could find leasure to arme himselfe for others instruction, or how where few or no Bookes are, yet Bookes should thus bee daily created; another obiects, how I (hauing attained no greater place than the Title of priuate Captaine) can finde out Rules by which to direct [Page 2]and gouerne more publique and powerfull Officers, and the last (though not the least in the bundle of Envie) demands how I dare professe this Trade of making Booke-Souldiors, as if the Arte of Warre were not better attain'd by Practise than Contemplation; to all which I must returne this one ioynt and entire answere; first, it is not vnknown to those which best know me, that I was euer a louer of the Muses, and as I spent my Summer Progresse in the warres, so I consumed my Winters quiet in the wholsome delights of forraine Accademies; and if I be any way short in Scholler-like perfection, questionlesse the defect proceeds much rather from mine owne dulnesse, than desire to rest at that point which might in some sort expresse me a Scholler. Thirtie and odde yeares I haue spent abroad in these imployments; and sure the Prentiship is so sufficient, that a very dull Mechannick might in that space haue writ himselfe Master of his occupation, and the greatest trewant (much sooner a willing mind) might without wonder in that time attaine to the highest degree in the grauest Studie: and questionlesse this I must say for the Warres, that euen in Garisons and Campes, I haue profited more by conference with noble Spirits, than by any priuat Meditation, though pen'd with the greatest luster: so that ioyning together Practise and Obseruation, had I been duller then Malice could wish me, yet I could not but haue made much vse of my deseruings, and finding it Honestum, Vtile, Delectabile, how could mine Admiration chuse but still search to find out the perfection? For this Ne Sutor vltra, I haue seene so many vndertakings (of men which neuer saw the Warres) passe with that applause and reuerence, that I imagined, although my Suruey was neuer so little, yet I might more freely labour in this worke, and make mine experience of greater force, both for mine owne knowledge, and others satisfaction. Againe, howsoeuer my Fortune hath staid in the middle way or halfe path to Greatnes, yet hath both my Blood and it made me worthy to commerce and confer with great persons, and to obserue the greatest Actions: so that marrying to mine owne Readings the manage of their approued wisdomes, I could not be so weakly fortified, as to make doubt of mine owne strength, or to suppose it is not able to beare me a much higher pitch than at this time mine Ambition will giue me leaue to presume. Lastly, for the title of a Booke-Souldier (than which there is not a more distastfull sound to the eare of a military Professour) I confesse a meere Phormio is vnfit to tutor Hanibal, and a meere Aiax (which hath nothing but his anger) is lesse fit then Vlisses to weare Achilles armour; but there must euer bee such a perfit mixture in the composition which is made between them, that the Souldier must neuer be without one cup of the Muses Nepenthe, nor the Scholler so vnnimble, but that at any command he may be able to dance a Lauolta to the tune of the Cannon, Caesar must be able to write his Commentaries, and Tullie know how to put on his Armor when Rome is ready to be fired.
That the Subiect it selfe must lie at the mercy of Censure, the very Times doe allow it: for Peace hath made vp her garland with such sweet [Page 3]Flowers, that the bitternes of Lawrell is not to bee disgested, and euery one can say to his companion, Take downe your harps againe, and hang vp your Armes on the willowes: breake no sleeps with your drums, nor let the barbed Steed either spurne the earth, or chide the bit which restraines him: let Souldiers now turne Tradesmen; for Minerua hath cast away her lance, & the Booke of the seuen Arts is become both her playmate and pillow. Is not Ianus temple now closed, and yet shall Warre speake loud to affright vs? hath not this land been harrowed many yeres with Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans? haue not our selues within our selues in the Barons wars, and in the mightie diuisions of Yorke and Lancanster spent blood enough? hath not the iniuries of France, the reuenge of Spaine, and the falshood of Ireland opened wounds enough, but that now when God hath sent vs a peaceable Prince, a hopefull Issue, happie Vnion, and a generall calmenesse with all that dwell farre or neere about vs, shall we now sing of warre, or let the sound of the drumme thunder amazement amongst vs? O no tis a labour needlesse, and a seruice thanklesse. Well, all this I confesse, and more then this will solemnly affirme, that Peace is the sweetest tune which euer warbled in a Christians eare, euen sacred from heauen: for it is said, I will leaue my Peace with you; most desired of good men, and such a blessing to vs that enioy it, as searching amongst all the Treasures both of heauen and earth, none is found to mankind more deare or precious; so that we are infinitly bound to praise God, and pray for the King, by whose mercy and wisedome wee haue found so gracious a possession.
But because Peace is to be desired, shall Warre bee vtterly neglected; because we enioy the sweet taste of Tranquilitie, shall we cast away the wholesome bitternesse of Warre, or because the Summer quarter hangs vpon vs, shall we thinke Winter will rot on the Skie, and stand in need of no prouision, God forbid: the world and her proiects tels vs the contrary; nay, the Sauiour of the world hath prophesied to the contrary, affirming that At the end of the world there shall bee warres and rumours of warres, and therefore howsoeuer we are now blest with an hauenly possession of Peace, yet we are but Tenants at will, and these secure times best fit martiall meditations. Warre is the teeming mother, and doth in as much abundance bring foorth Souldiers, as Peace doth decay them; and questionlesse since both are alike incertaine to our apprehensions, it is needfull we be equally prouided for eithers entertainment, and to vnderstand that as Pietie, Pouertie, Humilitie, Loue and Vnitie breed Peace, so from her may descend Plentie, Pride, Contempt and Discord, the foster children of Warre and Distemper: for there must euer be vicissitudes and changes amongst men which are mortall: so that I conclude, In these quiet times there cannot be a more necessary watch-word than Arma virum (que) cano, nor in the heat of furie a sweeter salutation than Pax vobis: the motto of life is Memento mori, the sound of death, Arise to Iudgement: He that will liue, must learne how to die; and he that will die, must learne how to liue eternally. These considerations haue [Page 4]set an edge on my desires, and so fortified my Resolution, that it is not able to sinke vnder any other perswasion, or if it would, yet are there many other inducements and motiues, which would still keepe life in my first opinion, as my dutie to God, my seruice to my Prince and Countrey, and mine endeared affection to my priuat friends and companions, to all which as I am bound by seuerall engagements; so to them all I must giue seuerall accounts of the seuerall rights, their merits and worthes may truly challenge from me. God himselfe hath professed an exacting the account of Talents, and that strictly; My Prince (by whose sacred prouidence we enioy our tranquilitie, euery man resting vnder his owne Vine in safetie, and feeding on his Fig-tree with delight and pleasure) will expect that we (in our lower callings) shew both obedience and will to preserue the Peace his wisdome hath planted; my Countrey from her Natiues cannot demand a lesse rent than their endeauors; and my friends to whom I am bound for ciuill commercement, must either taste the benefit of my wel-taken paines, or hold me ingratefull. These are the motiues which haue fixt me to this labour, and hence I haue assumed this Method of writing these short Essayes or Epistles, being a forme both exact and ancient, found out by the grauest Fathers, followed by the rarest Orators, allowed by all Moderne Writers, and left as a President vnto vs by the best Authours: So that being clensed both from Innouation and ostentation, hauing in it a generall profit, and a particular end to goodnesse, being all mens ayme, all mens aduancement; I doubt not but it will appeare faire to your Lordship and to your noble Ranke, hauing this Maxime still to keepe my hope in safetie, that Bonum est quod omnes appetunt.
The Argument. The necessitie of Warre.
I Goe not about (my Lord) in this Epistle, either to awake your courage, or instruct your knowledge, but rather to recount vnto you those Rules and Arguments, to which both your owne and your Ancestors actions may giue most true and liuely examples: Therefore howsoeuer I shall be forced like the Dogs on the bankes of Nylus to feed running and but catch heere and there at these dangerous waters, yet if your Lordship shall be pleasd to take them to a constant consideration, I doubt not but they shal deliuer you matter worthy both of your delight and studie.
It is true, that in my former Epistle I haue sleightly pointed at the necessary care which belongs to this military Art, euen in the quietest and most secured times. It behoues me now to shew the necessitie both of the Art and thing it selfe not only at other times, but all times, for it is a profession Sine qua non, and is as old as the world: for as Perfection entred, Flattery followed, and Force draue both out of that blessed habitation. When the world was so poore, that it had but three men only, yet one of them then slew his brother, and as the world grew riper, so force increased, and (as some of the first Rabbins affirme) ambitious Lamech slew his grandsire Cain with an arrow, which was euer accounted a military weapon: and although this proue not a lawfull necessitie, yet it infers that when the sword is in the hand of a wicked possessor, then violence and outrage follow and pursue one another, till noble Warre, and his best friend Fortitude either restraine their furie, or punish their trespasse: for this is warre needfull, and hence it comes that the ruling Sword ought euer to be swayd by Iustice arme, for it is the power of the Law which [Page 6]doth reason to all men, and the measure of Right which shares out things by a iust and equall proportion. I confesse it were a note of excellent modestie, if (as Tullie perswaded) the Sword would giue place to the Gowne, and it might well be assumed, as greater Hostes (in their owne houses) giue precedency to meaner Guests, or as we say of doating parents, that they are content to be made Fooles by the wit of their children. But to ascribe it as a due or right, is not right: for the Gowne can but meditate and say, In Iustice this ought to bee done, when the Sword saith, For Iustice sake this is done.
It is not to be argued but a meere Scholler deserues much better then a meere Souldier, in as much as the head is a wealthier member than the Arme, but the compounded man which consisteth of equall and excellent parts, is farre aboue them both; for hee sees and doth, knowes and can execute; An head armelesse, or an Arme headlesse, makes but vp a lame Commander; Isadas rashnesse finds shame instead of Laurell, and Xerxes Cowardise (though it know how to cloath the Ocean with Shippes) runnes from the Persians with reproach and dishonor; It is true that the Orators in Rome (by the name of Senators) did long time sway that Infinite Empire, giuing Lawes to Peace, and Rules to Warre, Kings gouern'd as they commanded, and Generalls fought as they directed. But when Caesar returned to Rome, and was adorned both with knowledg and action, who then durst withstand him? nay though he affected the Diadem, (an ambition of all others most hatefull to their natures) yet who but obeyed him? did Brutus? did Cassius? did Tullie? did Cato? did any in the large Beadrole of his fatall Conspirators, by eloquence reclaime him? no, twas with Ponyards, force euermore must master force, and it is the violent stroke of one nayle which euermore must driue out the other, Caesar was a Cedar, not a Willow, he that would bring him downe must lay the Axe to his roote, not bend his toppe with an Engine; It is certaine the Romans vs'd all the art of practise, all secresie in Treason, and all the shame in Libells; they had cunning enough to let the people know Caesars faults and their owne losses, they could put Freedome in his best Garments, and make Profit appeare as gloryous as an Angell, yet all was but as dust scattered in the winde, and t'was only the Stabbe, and nothing but it alone that preuailed, To descend nearer to our owne familiar knowledge, what Senator is there which euer liued, or what Orator that euer pleaded, who giuing Sentence on a delinquent, could by force of his eloquence perswade the wretch to runne himselfe to the Gallowes, put on the noose and leape from the Ladder with Dulce quia sponte, no; life is a dearer companion to mans nature, and when that is forfeit, the Sherife (which is his countries Souldior) must with his armed Band, compell him to the bloody Altar▪ and as in this, so in all cases whatsoeuer, that are allied to Compulsion, whether it be the execution of writs, obedience to lawes, the setling of Estates and Manners; where the conscience will not be perswaded, there the Sword must enforce and vse his commandement; [Page 7]Should forraine enemies vpon false suggested Titles inuad vs, our swords (vnder God) must defend vs? should our Soueraignes loose any part of their lawfull Rights, our Swords are bound to regaine them? should Traytors like Hydras, increase by killing, yet must the Sword suppresse them? should Rebells spring like the growth of the Dragons teeth, yet must the Sword consume them? and should our Neighbours or allies be opprest, or true religion supprest, yet must our Swords maintaine them? so that we may conclude in all cases whatsoeuer, whether Fas or Nefas, either to strengthen Iustice, or weaken iniury, to guard Vertue, or to combate Vice: yet there is a strong necessity why the Sword should still be required.
Let vs therefore giue the Sword his due, and say it is the eldest sonne of Honor, and let vs giue that Royall Commander his deserued admiration, who though he haue sheathed his owne, and almost all the Swords in Christendome, yet still stands fortified with so powerfull a preparation; that with them of Colen, the whole world may cry out, it is a madnes to thinke to resist a Prince so good, so wise, and so fortunate; War neuer had so many Schooles in the time of Troubles, as his Peace hath Academies to expresse the depth of Martiall discipline; euery man now is more then a master in that braue Art, and Infants and Children as they are going to the schoole, can teach one another the vse of Weapon, March, Motion and Posture; so that strangers and forraine Nations haue beene heard to say, What will the English doe? if this continue, euery child like Hercules will be able to kill a Serpent in his Cradle.
But to proceed againe to the necessity of this designe, and to shew that Peace should be nothing else but a foster Nurse vnto Souldiers, take a Suruey of all Gouernments, whether Assirians, Persians, Greekes or Romans, and we shall see that the Peace which they enioyed at home, euer brought them forth those Souldiers which conquered abroad, for Warre is a deuourer, and only desires action, giues little leasure to meditation. Or to come a little nearer to our selues, let vs looke into the deeds of great Henry of France, and we shall see that though the Arsenal of Paris, had in fiue and twenty yeares seene foure mightie preparations yet was the last (which had inioyd the longest peace) the greatest and most transendent, being (as the Duke of Suylly reported) of that infinite space and largenesse, that the first day it was knit together, it seemed both to promise victory, and to sing the triumph, and the Terror was so great, that it stroke Ielousie into all the Kings friends, and feare amongst his enemies, for the Sword was drawne that might command; but no man knew to whome it would speake; power and valour, like thunder in the hand of Iupiter, was ready to fall in a twinckling, yet was no enemy seene, no peace broken, no warre proclaimed. This was the ability of a right peace, and by these helpefull prouisions, he became both feared, beloued and admired: what shall we say of the peace in the Netherlands, but that euery day it hath almost begot them a new army, and euery night intic'd to the Seas an inuincible Nauy; So that through [Page 8]prouidence they are becommed so infinitely rich, both in the one and the other prouision, that of them may be said, as was said of the Secular Triumphs, Come and see that which was neuer seene, and which no man liueing euer thought to see; a Nation that stood in need of all, now needed of all, and she that was taught of all, now teaching all others; this wonder hath peace wrought, and this profit haue they gaind by exercising peace with a hurtlesse Matiall imployment; I could inferre as much for Spaine, and say that her peace at home, bred her Souldiers to guard her gettings abroad, and that neither the vnwholesomnesse of the Equinoctiall line, nor the vninhabited Tropycks (so much feared of our forefathers) hath had so much power to consume men; as martiall discipline (in times of calmnesse) hath had strength to reuiue them, and like the best Alchymie to make infinites grow from a single seede or proiection.
To conclude then, (for the necessity of Warre was neuer accounted a Paradox) Armes and Soulderie are the Cronicles of Princes, the hazards of Battayles their Theaters, and the Iustice of their warlike cause their Honor, Perfection and Tryumph; so that he which will liue long in mens memory, must build this Pyramed whereon his name must stand, strong, vpright and euen; he that will fill his Theater with shouts and plaudyties, must grapple with Lyons and Tygers, and he that will tryumph in perfection, must haue all the foure vertues chaynd to himselfe, not to his Charyot, so shall his armes bee lawfull and needfull; and howsoeuer the curious may account him a meane Captaine, yet shall not the whole world produce the Character of a better, a more needfull or a more renowned Souldior.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Glorie of a Souldier.
SInce in the Time past we haue no interest at all, and in that of the present we can challenge no more but an Instant, how behouefull is it (noble Sir) for euery man to bee carefull to what ends his Imployments ayme, that the expence thereof may returne both an acceptable rent to such as may challenge his Seruice, and also some glory to himselfe, by leauing behind those parcels which may giue others cause of honest Imitation. This (my Lord) hath directed me into this path which now (with all earnestnesse) I follow, and this emboldeneth mee to send this Epistle to your Lordship, to giue you a iust account of my Time, Studie, and Seruice, which as it is not altogether a Stranger, so I hope it may a little reuiue againe those thoughts, which howsoeuer you may be pleased to lay by, yet I know you will neuer vtterly forsake or abandon.
I haue in the former Epistle shewed the necessary vse both of Warre, and the Souldier, and that as the maine Columbe of a Common-wealth, it keepes all estates vpright and euen. Now I am to ascend to the Glorie thereof, then which there is not any flame of profession whatsoeuer that can aspire beyond it, or of the goodnesse of his fires make a Starre more fixed and enduring: for as all Arts are sooner attained then this, by quiet studie, warme ease, and sound rest, neither perplexing the mind, nor putting the body in danger: so the Souldier (whose ends are euer high and great) findes difficultie in all his designes, dangers in his attempts, and death both the Crown and Song of his Conquest and Triumph: nor are they sutable to any particular proportion, but euen married and allied to euery warlike action; as, whether with Alexander he seeke the conquest of the world, or with Hanibal striue but to defend a particular citie: for [Page 10]Souldiers cannot march farre sitting still, nor compasse much with poore endeauors, as their aymes are great, so must be their actions and as their desires are infinite, such must be their dangers: which considered, it must necessarily follow, that their glory ought farre to exceed all others. Souldiers are for the most part men of great and incomparable Spirits, which is such a glorious Garment, and so precious a Iewell wherewith to adorne Vertue, that it sets her forth in the highest degree of all excellencie and perfection, where on the contrary, base, low, little and straight minds, who haue nothing of price in them but life, not any thing wise but their feares, nor any Bountie more than a continuall affection to worldly riches. These are in no sort fit for emploiments of this Martiall and high nature. The true Souldier takes Scipio for his example, and is like him, spare of speech and euer musing; lookes vpon Salust, and with him is secret in his counsels, but open in his actions; and admires Furius Camillus, with whom hee is neither puffed vp by any successe in Fortune, nor yet abashed or deiected, though his designes runne neuer so desperately to ruine and disorder. Hence it comes, that the greatest Princes stile all men of Warre their Fellow-Souldiers; and the meanest amongst them (in the way of Vassailage) disdaine to serue the greatest persons, well may they serue vnder them, but cannot be truly said to serue them: their hands they may commaund to vse the Sword, not to carry a Trencher; their minds they may inflame with courage, not quench with flattery; and their bodies they may sacrifice to Glory, but not offer vp either to their Lusts, Pride, or Ambitions.
All Warres are either Offensiue or Defensiue, to inuade others, or preserue themselues, either of which no man ought to vndertake but for a glorious purpose. To God belongeth our actions, to him therefore and his Glorie ought all Warre to bee dedicate: For Warres offensiue or Inuading, they must euer be either to plant Gods Name and Christian Religion amongst vs, or else to regaine those Rights and Dominions, which (formerly being giuen from God) haue been iniuriously taken and withheld from the true and lawfull owners: and of this we haue plentifull examples in holy Writ, both in the Stories of Moses, Iosua, Dauid, and the Maccabees, of which (if wee should speake particularly) some haue been commaunded by Gods owne mouth to make warres, to destroy, yea to take no Truce, but to kill euery liuing Soule: others haue themselues assumed Armes, to these ends, and by these examples; and some haue regained their vniust losses by a lawfull Warre, vnder a diuine authoritie. As these, so other great mindes (though much lesse in true holy knowledge, and with a much scanter Warrant) furnished with great successe, haue imbarked themselues into great actions, and preposing humane ends, as Scales to their high Thoughts, haue become gloriously victorious in the world; as Ninus in the first age, Cyrus in the second, Alexander in the third, and Caesar in the fourth: all these haue had glorious ends, and famous Names, and their memory will continue whilst Time hath continuance. But when I fixe them against the Sunshine [Page 11]of Christian and godly Captaines, such as was our first Richard in the Holy land, Burbon before Rome, Great Henrie of Fraunce against the League, or our renowned Henries of England pulling their Birthrights from such as vsurped them: then me thinks like new Starres they are either lost at their first finding, or like eclipsed lights haue in themselues no beautie but such as is borrowed.
The Glory which appertaines to a perfit Souldier is of a two-fold Nature, the one Terrestriall, the other Celestiall: of the first no doubt euery Heathen Conquerour will be a glorious partaker, and memorie shall keepe their memories, as long as Marble, Brasse, or the leaues of Bookes shall endure: But the Champions of the Almightie shall be glorified for euer and euer, both heere in the world, and after beyond all worlds. First therefore let Gods Battels be fought, for that is the Tithe of our duties: Next, our Princes, for that is the Rent of our Seruice: and lastly, our Countries, for that is the Fee due from our Gratitude: and in these two latter obligations there ought to be such a corespondence with Goodnesse, that Princes ought not to ingage themselues in any action without God, because God will not commaund vs any imployment but by the Prince, whom hee hath assigned his Deputie, forbidding vs Warre but for the King, and not to dare (in any semblance whatsoeuer) to leuie or raise Armes, but by and at the especiall commaundement of the King: for so glorious is the profession of a Souldier, that it is onely to bee raised for God by the King. Subiects in other things haue great Priuiledges, in this they are confined, for Warre is Gods great businesse, and whosoeuer leads, he still should be Generall.
Now for warres Defensiue (which questionlesse are more warranted) they haue likewise most glorious ends: For when God hath giuen to a people a Prince either by iust Conquest, or lawfull Succession, if then the violence of Tyrannie, the falshood of Treason, or the greedinesse of Ambition, seeke to subuert and dispossesse what God hath planted: O how iustly then are Armes assumed, and how infinite is the Glory which depends on so noble a Reformation! Slaughter (a thing most odious to God and Nature) in this case Heauen doth not onely permit it, but commaund it; and men-killers in this seruice shall bee crowned not alone with Oake, but with Lawrell; nay to such perfection they attaine, that men dying with wounds of this vertuous nature, like so many Martyrs (with their last gaspe) they are borne triumphantly into heauen: I meane not those wicked Darers, which make the Warres their whoore, on whom they vent the pollutions of their swaggering Natures, making Rapin, Ryot, and Disorder the three cornerd cap to couer the head of their purpose. But such as vndergoe the cause of Conscience, whose Warrant is from God, and whose actions are mooued by a sollid and stedfast dutie fixt on their Prince and Countrey. These doubtlesse (how great soeuer the streame of Blood be which they spill) shall shine with Martyrs at the last day; yea, though accompanied [Page 12]with weaknesses of more then a tollerable proportion, yet is the cause so good, that their hope cannot chuse but ascend to an infinite measure.
To conclude then mine Epistle; if both in warres Offensiue and Defensiue the cause bee so good, and the action so full of Splendor, how much Glory ought to be ascribed vnto them: as the glory of apparell and ornaments of person, Crownes and Plumes, Scarfes and Garlands, Glory of the liuing (as great mens praises, and meane mens admirations,) and Glory of the dead (as Tombes and Collosses, Achiuements, Hearses, Temples, Trophies, and eternall Epitaphs) this they purchase with Blood, this they deserue by Vertue; this makes them beloued at home, and redoubted abroad; this makes good Princes seeke them, and bad Princes feare them; and this who not affords them, must to himselfe affoard, He is not vertuous.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the true Honor of a Souldier.
HOwsoeuer your Lordships owne experience being apparelled in all the richest garments belonging to the noble art of Warre, (as Obseruation in executions, Consideration in Counsailes, and wisdome in the election of the one or the others aduantage) may make mine Epistle apeare naked, or at least but thinnly clad in respect of your greater knowledg; yet when I see how the greatest Captaines haue beene inflamed with their Souldiers actions, and that Alexander from a silent muse, would runne into a martiall distraction at the warlike sound of the Ionian musique, how euer strooke by the hand of a meane musitian; I could not but add courage to my labour, and rather enlarge my desires then abate them, knowing that who sings to the skilfull, shall euer reape praise or instruction, but to play to the rude and not knowing, Scorne is his portion, for betwixt ignorance and art, no vertue yet could make a perfit reconcilement. To you then (my Lord) that are a Souldier, to you that know a Souldier, and to you that loue a Souldier I send this Souldierly salutation, which howsoeuer the weakenesse of words may deface; yet your Lordshippe shall fiind it hath an honest ayme, and though it hit not the Bird in the eye, yet I doubt not but it will be so direct it will shed some of her feathers.
If any Raunge of persons in the world deserue true honour, it must needs be the Souldier; for as his disposition holdeth the neerest alliance to it, so doth his merrits by an infallible Interest, iustly and truely claime it; for the very Basse or Ground whereon all his actions are [Page 14]built, must be nothing else but goodly peeces of honourable and noble perfection. The protection of Ladyes, the defence of Orphans, the reliefe of Widdowes, to helpe the good, to ease the grieued, and to make strong the weake; all these are noble designements, and to these all souldiers are tyed by a thousand chaines of vertues making; Nay, if the weake contend with him, he is bound (as the seruant of Honor) either to yeeld, or at least (though with losse) to come to a faire composition; Flint striketh not fire out of woole but out of Steele, nor must the Souldier dart his flames downe on the Riuers, but send them vp to reflect on the mountaines, his heart must be vndaunted when hee meetes with power; but soft and vulnerable when it grapples with disabilitie, this made Numa apease Iupiter with heads of garlicke, not heads of men; and this made Alexander execute the rigor of his vowe rather on the Asse then on his keeper, and hence came that heroicke and memorable saying that Mercy pardoneth those who haue not deserued it, and the Iuster that wrath is, the more commendable is Mercy; all the quarells of Souldiers must be Iust, for no ocasion must enforce him to vndertake an vnworthy thing, he must warre for God, his Prince and Country oppressed; not for enuy, displeasure, or to make his bounds without limit, hee must be mooued for goodnesse selfe, not gaine (which mooues euery marchant or peasant) and when all the vertues of a souldier haue brought him to the toppe of felicitie, yet must not the prosperitie of his affaires, any thing withdrawe his minde from the loue of peace and a laudable friendshipp, and to this the very heathens may giue rules to our christian Nations, for thus war'd Scipeo in Affirica, Scilla in Spaine, and Caesar amongst the Gaulls, by this Augustus closed vp the Temple of Ianus, and for this Tiberius sent Drasus to see the warrs in Illyricum; and to conclude these noble entendments made Henry the great of France, to saue Paris when he might haue spoyled it, & at Longeuall when the desolation of all the strangers army was in his power; and that with one breath hee might haue hewed them in pieces, euen then he puts downe his Pystoll and saued them saying, Hee would not let them suffer harme, which were not in case to doe any.
As thus there Actions ought to bee honorable, so likewise must bee their words and speaches, maintaining that Truth and Iustice in their language, as once being engaged vnder the faith of a Souldier; no danger or extreamity whatsoeuer may haue the least shew or suspition, either to change or abate it, this made Fabritius say that he which tooke away his enemie otherwise then by Iustice, or the euent of warre was a coward, and seemed to feare that which he should contemne; and this made Tiberius tell a Prince of the Celies, that Rome had a sword to kill with, not an Appothecaries shoppe; this was it which euer made Marcellus inuoke the Sunne to gaze on his actions, and the contrary to this made the King of Bithinia a by word to all Nations, and an example of falshood and the breach of hospitality.
As the Actions and words of Souldiers must thus bee compannion'd [Page 15]with honor, so must also their thoughts and inward intentions; making their mindes nothing else but neate and curious vessels wherin to carry the sacred liquor of care and pretious Honor; nay their very affections and passions must bee gouernd and swaid by honorable motions, they must loue for honor, hate for honor, desire nothing but honor, and dare any thing for the defence of honor; If honor suffer or hang in the ballance ready to be ouerswaid with the poyze of iniurie, then must the souldier march through thicke and thinne, through fire, frost; floods and Seas: through shot, wounds, blood; nay euen into the very iawes and deuouring teeth of eminent and certaine hazard, all for the repriue of so deare a thing as innocent honor. And on the contrary part, if honor forbid any attempt (how glorious and gratious soeuer in humaine apprehension) yet must not then the noble Souldier dare to touch it, no not so much as bend a thought against it, were all the crownes and garlands in the world stackt downe for his recompence; no luker must intice him, no pleasure seduce him, nor any glory inchaunt him. Honor is the Souldiers Mistris, and her commandements are so sacred that it were high Treason to God, to nature and good manners to violate her least Statute; Besides he is so curious of disgrace, and so iealous of any imaginary imputation, that whosoeuer will enioy her must bee as carefull and fearefull to perserue her vnspotted, Oh Sacred Honor thy knot is inuiolable, and betwixt thee and vertue is such a faithfull coniunction that no wisdome will, no Charme can, and no good Sword dare euer seeke to deuide you.
But pause a little, for me thinkes I heare some obiections thundred against me? what? doe all Souldiers enioy Honor? no: nor doe all deserue her? excellent were that Edict, if all that deserue her might enioy her; what? is she then incertaine? no neither; only shee is coy in her wooing, and comes to her louers after a sundry fashion; yet let no Souldier be discouraged, for whosoeuer truly doth deserue her; shall be sure to enioy her, either here, or in a place of better residing; for there is no maxime truer then this, that men are full of blindnes, and such as often haue the distribution of Honor doe sometimes mistake their marke, and hit a contrary obiect, yet notwithstanding whosoeuer truely deserueth; let him thus farre assure himselfe; he shall either finde honor, in this world; or in the present, or in the future time, or (which is best of all) in another world, euen to the vttermost length of the longest eternity.
But doth the honor of a Souldier heere take vp its Inne and rest; hath it no other harbor but his Actions, Words and Thoughts? yes, the very gestures, shewes and outward fashions of a Souldier must also be honorable, no looke, no behauiour, no countenance whatsoeuer but like Achilles Speare must both wound and heale, to his friends he must be amiable and chearefull, and throwing his beames of loue into their bosomes, like Romulus dart they must haue the vertue to take roote, and by no other strength be able to be remooued, thus shall his sweetenesse [Page 16]drawe and fixe Soules inseperably vnto him, and thus shall a noble popularity arme him with a loue which no violence can conquer; to this sweetnesse of countenance, he must adde the cheerefulnes of his valour and by the examples of his person draw all hands to assist him, hee must be the first in assaults and last in retraites, in all keeping such a composed hermony of distinct and noble parts, that from the characters of his well framed graces, all his followers may draw, Courage, Care or Controulment; On the contrary part, his countenance to his Enemie must be terrible, his blowes heauy and frequent, his aduantages so soone gained, and his disaduantages so soone perceiued that the world in the least of these perfit things may know how to shape or modell forth all the sundry parts of Honor, in the most compleatest perfection.
To conclude this Epistle, he that shall thus linke euery facultie in him to Honor; shall be able in any assault of fortune whatsoeuer to expresse these three noble duties: first that of a King (shewing authority and good fortune) then that of a Captaine (ordering things speedily, wisely, without disorder, without danger) and lastly that of a Souldier making good euery place where hazards are most liberally bestowed; this is a Souldiers Honor, and this is most excellent.
THE ARGVMENT. The Ʋertues of a Souldier.
SInce (my good Lord) the Profession of a Souldier is necessary, his ends glorious, and his qualitie honourable, let vs now enter into consideration what kinde of person is fittest to vndergoe this excellent calling: and in this might bee held an infinite disputation; but the rules of Symetrie lose here their proportion, I must therefore conclude that the fittest man to make a Souldier, is a perfit Gentleman: for generous Spirits are euer aptest for great designes; yet in respect multitudes compound armies, and that Gentlemen are not of that infinite increase in all parts to supply them; I must this affirme in the right of all Souldiers, that whose great minde soeuer willingly carrieth him to the imbracing of this noble Profession, whatsoeuer his Birth be, his minde is generous; and although his imployment may rest at the lowest degree of Fortune; yet vpon the first apprehension of Vertue, equall Iustice should allowe him the Stile and Reward of a Gentleman of the Companie. Next Birth, his Education should be liberall and free; neither in the seruitude of Apprentices, nor basenesse of Slaues, for both are badges of vnworthinesse. The earliest age to passe Musters, is at seuenteene: for before the bodie is weake in performance, and after it will daily grow more mature till it attaine to perfection. Losse of time is offensiue, and as Hypocrates saith of Physicke, so shall a Souldier finde of the Warres, that it is Ars longa, Vita breuis. For his Size or Proportion, he would be wisht generally, Strong, Actiue, Comely, and Perfect; and though of these all cannot bee found to fill vp all places, yet the more [Page 18]the better and fitter for this purpose. The Warres (no doubt) can produce men which haue weake Sences, and worse Limbes, yet commonly they are such on whom wounds in Seruice haue bestowed those fauours, and so are accounted no Scarres but Glories; for Honour euer sets her Seale deepe on her valiantest seruants, and those which thus carry the stampe of great actions, are (for the most part) men of experience, and though fitter for direction then execution, yet so behoouefull for both, that without them sometimes the whole Bodie of Armes would reele and wauer: But when I come to thinke of a minde befitting a Souldier, I can onely say this, That how curious, costly, plaine or deformed soeuer the Cabanet be, yet must it necessarily be filled with all manner of Vertues; Vice must bee as that deadly foe with whom he will neuer make Truce, or euer capitulate; and the Bulwarke to withstand her assaults, must be his Pietie and Religion; vnder the guard of these he must finde his securitie: for hee who euery day comes to hazzard his life, had need bee prepared for a good passage; he must be valiant (for that is a Souldiers proper vertue) valiant to conquer his Countreyes foes, and valiant to ouerthrowe his owne passions. What great attempt is done but by daring? Alexander that had swomme ouer the armes of the Sea Helisponte, will not bee stayed at the passage of the Riuer Granicke; Caesar will bee seene at Pharsalia, Augustus at Philippi, and Varro in Spaine. To conclude, all the perfection of Fortitude in one Christian Souldier, Henrie the great of Fraunce, will bee seene to take Eaux, with but eight men in his company, and when a slaue clapt his Harquebuze to his bosome, saying, (Now I could) the King strooke it away with his Pistoll, and replied, (But doe what God will let thee.) At the taking of Cahors, the next vnto him was slaine, and when mens courages began to faint, it is said that his valour did like liquid Bitumen, set all on fire that were about him. At Nerac with ten horse hee receiued the charge of three hundred; made good his ground, and recouered his safetie with such warlike discretion, that the Marshall Marignon blushing, cried out His Fortune was infinite. Infinite others I could recite, but this is is enough to shew that a Souldiers valour link't with discretion, is seldome or neuer forsaken of good Fortune.
To this Valour then, Wisedome must needs be ioyned; for if in any condition of men true Iudgement be requisite, it must be in a Souldier, for to him belongs the discerning eye which seperates God from Euill, right from wrong, and faire play from Iniurie, both in graue consultations, where the State and Prince are engaged, as also in cases of Religion, where God and mans Conscience haue an equall partaking. Also vpon present occasion, when Battering, Assaulting, Mining, sometimes fighting hand to hand, giuing and receiuing aduantage according vnto times and seasons are in the Solstice of their Greatnes, what Iudgement is then to bee applied, who is so simple as hath not a sence to imagine. To this Wisedome must Iustice be annexed, and as our Souldier himselfe must be Iust, so Iust must bee is quarrell, and as Iust the vse and [Page 19]manage of his weapon; his lawfull Prince must imploy him, not the heate of his owne Blood or desire of Action; his Alleageance must moue him, not hope of Aduauncement; and his Conscience must tie him, not Spoyle or Boot-haling. The Sword that is imbrewed in Christian blood, must haue a strong acquittance, or the Soule that rul'd it must answere for Blood; therefore let rather the commaundement of him that hath power constraine thee, then thine owne ambition leade thee, and being constrained, make not all fish which comes to thy net, take not all thou canst catch, nor force not all thou canst subdue: remember the losse of Blood is dangerous, if Nature doth not consent vnto it, nor the Physition allow it. Know it is so necessary for the preseruation of mans body, that from what part soeuer it goes, we must seeke to stay it; and to that purpose Numa made a Law, and Licurgus obserued a Law; therfore in all thine attempts, spare blood as much as conueniently thou canst: Raze no Temples, deface no Monuments, nor defile Virgins: hold that Maxime amongst Souldiers for a Paradox, which affirmes, That when men enter by assault, it is lawfull to vse all manner of outrage and violence. Iustice hath an euener Scale, by which to measure mens actions, and for mine one part I am of opinion, that howsoeuer it bee a Militarie Position grounded on two causes: the one, to deterre the enemie from standing to the last minute; the other, to encourage those whose endes are spoyle and reuengement, yet there is a fayrer path vnto Conquest, and the cruellest Princes that euer breath'd haue stayed themselues in this carriere, where by the examples of other sufferings, they haue lookt into their owne frailties, and seeing they were but men, haue acknowledged that somewhat might happen in an instant, which might make them no more what they were, or send them somewhere else, or leaue them not to be at all; and indeed I haue seene worthy Commanders most strictly forbid it.
Lastly, our Souldier must both in himselfe and in all things bee exceeding Temperate, commanding himselfe in all passions, without Anger, Feare, Hate, or Lust, in such sort as he may euer stand vpon himselfe, and be to himselfe the selfe Supporter. To his enemies he must bequeath his Anger; to God, his Feare; to vice, his hate; and if hee lust at all, it must be euer after Vertue. He must be Temperate in dyet; for Souldiers are euer subiect to excesse: which I rather gather to proceed from their wants at other times, then from the naturall inclination of an vnrestrained fancie; for as our Feastes commonly succeed our Fastes: so when Souldiers haue been griped with hunger, and then come to the ouerflow of abundance, Moderation leaues them, and desire findes no curbe by which to be restrained. But because such as will doe much, must of necessitie suffer much, let our Souldier in this place arme himselfe with all the strength of indurance, let him make companions of long Marches, sharpe Abstinence, painefull watchings, early wakings, and hard lodgings: let him take Silence by the tongue, and Secrecie by the bosome; let him wooe all distemperatures, and stieke them as fauours [Page 20]about him, the malice of the ayre, of heate, of cold, of drought, and of moysture; let no step want Care, nor any motion its Vigilance; euery Bush may yeeld a Bullet, euery Foard a Skirmish, and euery By-path a danger, Bridges may bee broken, Passages barrocadoed, men may become Spies, and the ayre it selfe may be made vnwholesome. This let him learne to know, this let him learne to indure, and this will make all hazards familiar. To conclude, as to this life of a Souldier doth belong all the miseries that can be conceiued: so to the same must bee fixt as an Armour, the greatest Patience that euer was professed: so shall our Souldier bee victorious euery way, and all the vices of Basenesse, Rashnesse, Murther, Robbery, Rauishment, Folly, Dulnesse, Riot, Deceit, Pride and Couetousnesse, which like so many infections lurke about Armies, shall as disperst clouds flie from his presence, and leaue him to the world beloued and admired.
THE ARGVMENT. The Reward of a Souldier.
HAuing Imbarqued my selfe into this Ocean of Millitary profession, there is no remedy (my very good Lord) But howeuer crazie or vntight my pore Vessell be, it must stil put forth into the Sea; & (though storms speak neuer so loud) wrastle among them, being now too late either to fould vp Saile or cast Anchor; since shame is a nearer Neighbour to the Retraite, then hope or glory could be to the Onset: Be it then your Lordships noble fauour to saue this pore Epistle from the wracke of Enuy, and when it shall ariue at your presence, bee pleased to heare the Message it shall deliuer, and I doubt not but though it can bring litle to fortifie or augment your knowledge, yet it shall leaue behind something worthy to be retayned in your best Memory.
I haue (my Lord) in the foregoing Epistles discoursed how Necessary, Glorious, Honorable, and Vertuous the profession of a Souldier is; It resteth now that I proceed to the Reward or Merrit due to so excellent a calling; for there can be no capacity so absurd or vngratefull as to deny a duty so fit and absolutly belonging, and which indeed ought neither by Couetousnesse to be made lesse, nor by any vsurpation to be conferred or past ouer to a Subiect of a lower Station, how gaudy or glorious soeuer in common or perticular aprehension.
The Reward of a Souldier is no new thing, neither is it deriued from any weake circumstances; for it hath Gratitude as a guid to leade it, and Good-Example as a sweete companion with which it holdeth continuall Fellowship, so that when at any time this duty of Reward is neglected by them in whom this Office of distribution consisteth; there not only hapneth an imputation of forgotten thankefulnesse, (which is a great breach to all humaine society, but also a violent suppressing or keeping downe of vertue, by depriuing the world of those presidents which should inflame and stirre others to noble achiuements (which is the vtter ecay and losse of Courage,) for all Merit hath its Reward, and euery Reward begeteth a new Merit from the brauery of the example; It is no new thing, for it began in the first world, euen in that which [Page 22]was most goulden, for doe but search ouer the Sacred Scriptures & you shall finde them exceeding plentifull both of examples and Commandements which may be suited to this purpose; as first in Moses who hauing authority from God himselfe to goe before the Israelites and to lead them vnto warre, hee that was Gods greatest Generall, and the greatest Gouernour of the greatest Army, he that commanded all and was obeyed of all, that made Colonels ouer Tribes, and Captaines ouer companies, that being ordered himselfe by God, ordered all his martiall affaires according to Gods appoyntment; was not he that thus pleased God, of God singularly rewarded? yes doubtlesse, & that in an infinite measure, for besides his eminent command and greatnes, God vouchsafed to speak with him face to face, to direct him in all his designes, to giue blessinges to all his proceedings, & (which neuer any but himselfe could boast off) to discouer vnto him so much of his Heauenly Essence as mortality was able to behold, or mans nature reach to in the height of admiration; God Created him a Duke ouer Israell, victorious in many Battailes, and hath spread his fame so vniuersally ouer the face of the whole world, that it cannot decay or perish, but shall continue to the end of the world; nether was this Reward of martiall excellence bounded only vpon Moses and no other, but dilated and extended fourth it selfe, euen to the lowest Souldier in his Campe & meanest wel deseruer; for in recompence of their prowesse he gaue them that land which flowed with milke & hony.
To Iosua (who was appoynted Moses successor) God gaue the like honors, the like Reward, and the like admiration; nay he made the Sunne attend his Battels, and wheresoeuer he set downe his foote, there fortunate Conquest euer stood by him. What shal I speake of Dauid (who for his Conquest got both a Crowne and the Kings daughter) and a world of others: of which examples the Scriptures are infinite rich, for euen our Sauiour Christ himselfe doth not only alow the Souldier his pay, but also in many places speaketh of the greatnes of the Centurions and their worthy aduancements; which proofes, since they are aboue all poofes, it is needles to wade further into humaine examples; But let euery one in whom the power of rewarding of Souldiers doth consist, apply himselfe to doe as his Master hath done before him; who although for his excellency and perfection he be altogether vnimitable, yet in as much as he accepteth this Quantum in Nobis; let them striue to doe the vttermost of their endeauours, and know that God accepteth a willing attempt, though it be done neuer so weakly.
But the question (in this place) resteth what the Reward is, which Souldiers may most propperly challenge: to which I reply, that there are in this world three most especiall things, which as Honorarie and Hereditary rights depend and belong to euery well deseruing Souldier; that is to say Fame, Honor and Wealth, for without these hee can hardly subsist, because they are the matter or Cement which gleweth or bindeth him and his vertue inseperably together.
To speake then of the first, there is nothing which a Souldier ought to [Page 23]desir in this world before a good Fame, for it is the food of his reputation and nourisheth Honor with such sweete milke, that it growes so able and strong as no disaster or mischance of Fortune can moue or shake it, much lesse abase or subuert it, neither ought he to thirst after any thing with a more greedy appetite then after good Fame, because it quencheth al the flames of euill report, and maketh Slaunder so dumbe & toungty'd, that it dare not suffer bad words to haue any alliance with murmuring, nor false bruits with rash iudgements of publique actions, neither dare acknowledge any vertue to be greater then that of obedience; Now as this must be a good Fame, so it must be a true Fame not a false shaddow, ether suborned from the vulgar by deceite, or arrogated by power from other mens bloody sweats or dangerous achiuements, it must not be politique vices daub'd ouer with vertuous habits, as Cruelty with Iustice, Basenesse, with Humility, Prodigality with Bounty, or Auarice with Thrift; for all these are piebald counterfeite reproaches and no true Fame; that which is good Report indeed like gold can neither rot nor bee changed into any other metall; it will endure the teste of the strongest Enuy, and abide the touch of the purest wisdome or iudgement; It is not so light or insubstanciall to be carryed about the ayre with euery whirle-wind, nether yet so dull and leaden heel'd, but vpon any noble and worthy occasion it can flie to the vttermost corners of the earth, and like a curtaine, cloath all the Ayre from one side to another; This is that which a Souldier may pursue without disgrace, and posesse without malice, yet when he is come within distance (and that like an eager Faulcon it stoopes to his luer) let him rather receiue it then assume it, for it is a coy Mistris at which a man may reach but not snatch, yet if any iniuriously should seeke to rauish it, or depriue the deseruing owner of it, I am of this opinion; that if in any case a Duell might be admitted, then this is the president,
The second reward belonging to a Souldier is Honor, which as men must endeauour to deserue, so Princes must vouchsafe to bestow; neither ought they to hoodwinke their eies in these occasions, but Lyon like to see into Deserts both sleeping & waking, for as Souldiers must scatter & lose their actions, so Princes must find them and cloath them with a merit due to their goodnes, for it is no part of the nature of a good Souldier to hunt after Honor, or like a rauenous Beast to make prey his obiect; much lesse to buy it with bribes, or make it his whore with which to fornicate, tis blood, not gold which hath euer beene the price of Honor, and howsoeuer base people are cōmonly the best hoarders of gold, & so with that witchcraft inchaunt many times vndeserued Honor vnto them, yet let the true Souldier lose that imperfectiō (for the act is vnworthy) & let it suffice him to deserue it though others inioy it; It is not questionable but euery man in his due place (by the mediation of his vertue) should receiue Honor according to his Range, as the Generall of an Army Royall may well deserue to ranke with a Duke (for from thence I boubt not but Dux first tooke his originall) a Liuetenant generall with [Page 24]an Earle, the Martiall of the Field with a Viscount, the principall Colonels with Barons; and the inferior Commanders with inferior places, according to the pleasure of the Prince, and worthynes of his vertue, for as Honor is only the Princes by right, so in the distribution thereof he ought to performe all rights; All whatsoeuer the Souldier can say is his; in that hath the Prince the greater interest, which finding to be imployed only in his commandements, how is he bound both vnto Truth & Care that the distribution of Honor be iustly performed, in which whensoeuer he swarueth from the right path he not only indangers his vertue, but makes a pittifull hazard of his owne Honor and Safety.
The last but least Reward of a Souldier is Wealth or temporall Goods; which howsoeuer in some measure they may be dispised, yet are they so necessary for our frailtie; & such a defence against the tempests of War, that without them a Souldier can neither performe nor continue the duties of his Calling, and therefore the bestowing or vse thereof admits great consideration, for they are to be accommodated both to the qualitie of the person, and nature of the place in which the Souldier is imployed; fitting the proportion of the Souldiers entertainement to the greatnes or smalenes of his rancke and aduancement, neither should the limitation of this entertainement bee circumscribed within the bounds of the Warres only; but howsoeuer they wane or decrease yet should the well deseruing Souldier at no time bee neglected, and herein the King of Spaine obserueth a most noble course, who to all Officers of what Raunge soeuer, continually doth allow pensions for life suitable to their degrees, how euer either the sessation of warre, or Imbecillity of person makes them vnfite for imployment: Competency is a conuenient Bounty, and though to nourish Armyes weaken the powers of the richest Princes, yet to relieue Officers & men of eminēt & high vertue, is an obligatiō to which they are bound by a rule in Contiēce; for to this purpose Constantine built the great Colledge of Saint Iohns neare Ierusalem; Spaine boasts the great reuenewes due to the order of Calatraua; and we here in England keepe the memory of Master Suttons famous foundation. The Romans did studie many other rewards for Souldiers as Tryumphs, orders of Knighthood, Rings, Funeral orations, Crownes, Garlands, Roabes & a world of other deuices; all which were as Spurs to set them forward in the Careire to vertue through all dangers whatsoeuer, that doing almost Actions impossible, they not only brought the greatest but the best part of the world vnder their subiection; And doubtles there is nothing in the world that can so soone summon vp a mans spirits to vertue as the hope of reward, for it is the Adamāt which draweth the Iron heart aloft, making it soare into the clowds & to be insēsible of those paines, which without this matter of prize would make things (fecible & easie) seeme inaccessible, difficult & not to be indured; let no man then rob Honors workman of his hyer; but rather ad & fill vp his measure to the hyest continent, so shall he giue the Angels cause to reioyce, fill the world with praise, & make the hearts of men a sacrifice to his goodnes.
THE ARGVMENT. Of Ʋoluntaries.
THe Range of this Epistle did no sooner point me to your Lordship, when presently there arose in my remembrance a thousand figures of those fauours and delights which in the first Spring of mine age I had gathered from your noble Goodnes, all which did not onely inuite, but constraine me to a serious consideration how I might beautifie & adorne this sacrifice of my pen, to make it appeare vnto you like my heart, both faithfull and vnchanging. But when I lookt into the bluntnesse of mine owne nature, the vnfitnesse of Curiositie in so rough a subiect, and the little valew of words, if Sence doe not compound the Musique, I presently concluded that the neerest way to my purpose was to bee farthest off from affectation, and that your Lordship would then soonest beleeue there was no sparke of my first affection quencht or concealed, when you saw I sought still to serue you with the same plainnesse and Truth which I had euer professed.
The matter which I am to discourse in this Epistle is the dignitie and vse of those Souldiers, which we call by the name of Voluntaries, being a ranke of men which voluntarily, and of their owne meere motion, without any constraint at all, doe betake themselues vnto the Warres, grounding the strength of their desires thereunto, vpon some vertuous and honest purpose, and of these there are diuers kindes, as some Noblemen, some Gentlemen, and some Yeomen, all Freemen, Good men, Able men, and these haue diuers inducements to draw them to this purpose, as either some especiall obligation of seruice to the Generall, or some other great person then commanding in the warres, or else an inflammation of courage, kindling a desire to behold the warres, and [Page 26]to learne the misteries therof, either they are stirred vp with the goodnes of the quarrell, or else admonished thereunto by a vertuous, emulation in beholding the glory of other mens aduancement: for thus was Hanibal sent to the warres, and brought vp in his fathers pauilion: thus Tiberius made Drusus a Souldier; and thus went Iugurth to Affrica, that hee might become Scipios Scholler: this made Henry the great of France, a Generall at ten yeares of age: this made the Duke of Austria to be stiled the sonne of Fortune; and this makes the Prince of Orange (that now liueth) the admiration of all Souldiers, and questionlesse in a noble Spirit nothing appeareth of greater lustre: for it is a rule, that whosoeuer will endeauour to command, he must first learne to obey; and hee that will hereafter be imitated, must himselfe haue the practise of others imitations.
These Voluntaries for the most part arme themselues according to their owne pleasures; for they are both intended to bee men of wealth and abilitie, and also a great ease to the publike purse, in as much as they ought to liue on their owne charge, without the Princes pay, or the warres exhibition: it is also lawfull in them to make election in what manner thay will serue, whether on horsebacke or on foot, or on both, as the occasion of present seruice shall administer vnto them: for hauing both horse and attendants to accommodate them in euery necessitie, they need not be absent in any Seruice, but may be witnesses of whatsoeuer is done, bee it either after the one, or the other manner. These as they receiue no pay, so they passe no Musters, neither are they tied to any strictnesse of any particular dutie, but as free and noble Gentlemen may bestow their houres in any honourable fashion: They may onely claime the benefit of the Generals Table, and a principall respect both from the greatest and the lesser Commanders: for thereby there is not onely brought a sweetnesse both to their expence and hazards, but also it giueth a notable incouragement to others to pursue the like course, and so become more enabled to performe excellent things, when either their King or Countrey shall haue cause to imploy them. And for mine owne part I haue seene, when in the necessitie of affaires, and when the approch of the enemy hath awakened a double Regard to preuent danger, that these voluntary Gentlemen haue beene more diligent in Watches, and more seuere in performing all manner of duties then any mercenary Souldier whatsoeuer; in which they haue shewed both a singular affection to the profession they had vndertaken, made themselues a great deale more able and perfit: and lastly breed both a delight in the well deseruing, and a shame and reproach to those Sluggards whose Cowardise and Sloth hath to the by-standers administred any euill examples.
Voluntaries may challenge in all Marches the most honourable and principall places of the Battell (which are vnder commaundement) as in the morning vpon the point or head of the Vauntguard, and at night (vpon retrait) at the foot or last part of the Reare. If it be in priuate Companies, they ought (in curtesie) to haue the leading of the principal Files, to be in the Reare, or amongst the Middle men and Subdiuision at their [Page 27]owne election, for wheresoeuer they march, they are euer a grace to the Battalia, and both by their courage and example make euen the dullest, apt for to follow their imitation.
Voluntaries were wont to be but some few especiall persons in an Armie, and were accounted Rara Auis in terris: but in these our latter succeeding times, when Generals haue (out of popularitie) been lesse sparing of Honour, and more prodigall (then their forefathers) in bestowing all manner of martiall Bounties, what through the enticement of Loue, the hope of Aduancement, and the incantation of Knighthood, the number of them hath been infinitly increased: so that the mixture being wonderfully vnproper, and the Priuiledges which they assumed needlesse, and without distinction, they haue bred such a confusion, that in Marching, Fighting, Lodging, nay not so much but in Victualing they haue rather brought foorth the fruits of Trouble and disorder, then either ease or perfection to any part of the Armie: and of this both Fraunce and England haue tasted in a very large measure; the first inforcing the King to erect his Blanch-Cornet, the other seeing imbarqued both for Cadiz and the Islands a Regiment of Voluntaries, farre surmounting any other through the whole Armie; some led by their owne ambition, some by their wiues, and some (as they say dogges goe to Church) onely for company, without either noble end, or almost a tollerable purpose: for as they were led on by vaine glory, so commonly they were followed by want, and finished with disgrace and dishonor: for their pride (for the most part) made them foes to Discipline, and their feares and follies kept them in such an extrauagant course, that as well might a man rule a herd of wild Bulles as a Band of such vnruly Colts, in whom was neither wisdome, order, nor discretion: And to make this good, I dare affirme, that in one seruice, I saw a whole afternoone spent (by excellent Commanders) in putting two hundred Voluntaries into order, and yet all labor lost, nor was at any time seene to the number of fiftie that stood in their true places. I haue seene them also when they haue been to march into the field, so pusled for want of knowledge where to place themselues or their vassals, and so offensiue to the Generall, by an vndecent crowding and thronging about him, that the particular Officers of the field, as the Scout-masters and Corporals of the field were neither able to approach to receiue direction, nor yet able to passe into the armie, to deliuer aduertisements, where had the company of Voluntaries been competent and orderly, they might then haue bin instructed, that the best places had bin neerest to the best persons; and in cases of attempts the likeliest to encounter and meet with the enemy. But how these may truly bee called Voluntaries, I know not: for euery one that is able to suite his bodie in rich clothes, vnlesse he likewise apparell his minde in an obedient and formable fashion, in neither worthy the name, priuiledges, nor respects which are due to men of this supposed Vertue. It is therefore to bee vnderstood, that the noble Voluntary indeed ought to be a man of Vertue and Iudgement, Noble in his carriage, and ready to giue all maner of [Page 28]good examples: he ought to keepe a table at his owne charge, both for the entertainment of such by whose discourse he might reape profit, and also for an ease to the General, whose bounty might otherwise be stretcht vnto too high a reckoning: and to conclude, they ought to be but few in number, and those of principall regard and estimation; for this fluxe is a torrent which drowneth and ouerwhelmeth both Discipline and Order, and from hence it hath come to passe, that I haue knowne diuers discreet Generals, which haue both proclaimed and inserted in their Articles, that no man (of what condition soeuer) without his speciall licence, but vpon paine of death within such a limitation of time should either inroll himselfe vnder some one or other Captaines colours, or else to depart from the Armie: by which meanes the multitude of Voluntaries were lessened, and none allowed but such as were of the Generals owne election; a course questionlesse full of great prouidence, for by that meanes many weake Troupes and Companies were made strong, much disorder was preuented, and a generall beauty & grace was spread through the whole armie, no man hath receiued losse in his entertainement, vnnecessary checks haue been taken away, and the benefit of the Voluntaries bountie hath done good through the whole armie, where as to haue erected whole Troupes or new Companies onely of Voluntaries. if the State should take exceptions thereat, and denie the entertainement, then must the Captaines vndergoe either checke and losse, or others meanes must be shortned to draw his within compasse.
Thus I haue shewed the Nature, the Honour, the Vse, the Benefit, and the Offence of Voluntaries, of which I know your Lordship in your owne noble Experience haue had a sufficient triall, so that to detaine you with any longer Relation, were but to ouerdoe what I onely striue to doe in the best perfection: and therefore I will here knit vp mine Epistle with this Protestation, That if in it you will be pleasd to discerne my loue, in that loue your Lordship shall euer finde an honest and faithfull Seruice.
THE ARGVMENT. Of Leuying of Souldiers.
THere is hardly a greater action, or of more importance in a Common wealth (my noble Lord) then that of Leuying of Souldiers, because Armies are the Strengths of Nations, the Saftie of Kings, and the Scourge of oppressors, for by them wee take possession of our rights, with them we trample and tread vpon iniury, and through them we find the ready path which leades to peace and Tranquility, so that in leuying & making of these Infinite Bodies; (if a true care and proportion be not held in euery member) there will grow disorder and deformitie in the shape and so consequently weakenesse, by which there will be wanting both ability to performe, and fortunate successe which is the Crowne and glory of euery Conquest.
It is to be vnderstood therefore that all Leuyes whatsoeuer (of Souldiers are directly from the Kings, and what Subiect soeuer shall dare to leuye men for any warrelike purpose without his especiall authority, runnes not only into the danger of life, but the losse both of his goods and honor; whence it comes that the Prince being moued to these martiall occasions; giues his power either to the Lords of his priuy Counsell, to his Viceroyes & Presidents, to his Lords Liuetenants, or other commissioners (such as shall seeme best in his wisdome) to leuye such Colonyes, Bands or companyes as shall be meete for his vse and seruice, and herein from him only (as the principall fountaine) must first of all be deriued the strength of their authority, and after according to the letter of their Commission; they may substitute and appoint such ministers [Page 30]vnder them for this purpose as shall seeme best in their discretions, (inlarging and restrayning according to the limitation of the Graunt which was first receiued from his Maiestie) whether it be to the Captaines themselues, (who are to receiue the men leuyed) to their Officers, or other especiall commissioners according to Custome and order, In all which there ought to bee great faithfulnesse and diligence vsed, and honest men, able men and (as neare as may be) valiant men should be chosen and that without partiality, malice, iniury or distemperance.
Now for the manner of leuying of Souldiers with vs here in England it is done two manner of wayes, that is to say, either by the sound of the Drumme or by presse; If it be by the sound of the Drumme then it is a Commission granted for all such as will voluntarily of their owne free wills thr [...]st themselues vnder such a Captaines command and so receiuing his presse mony he is as firmely vnder his commandment as if he had beene prest by any stricter Commission, and this way of leuying of Souldiers is generally vsed ouer the most partes of Christendome; But if it bee any especiall presse, then there commeth a Commission from the Lords of the Counsell to the Lords Liuetenants, Deputie Liuetenants or other nominated Commissioners for musters, which declaring the number of men, manner of leuye, and place of Rendeuous, they presently direct their warrants to the cheife Constables of hundreds, and the chiefe Constables their warrants to the petty Constables of Townes and hamlets, which petty Constables doe at the day appointed bring bofore the Commissioners so many able and sufficient men as they were charged within their warrants, & from them, the Lord Lieutenant, his Deputie or other Commissioners chuse and presse out, (by giuing to euery man twelue pence in currant money) so many as shall make vp the number contained in his Commission, & these men so prest he deliuereth ouer either to the Captaine or his Officers, or to some other Conductor to be brought to the Rendeuous at the time perfixed; together with conduct money at the rate of eight pence a day for their charges, and either Clad, Armed, or vnarmed according to the words of the Commission.
This hath beene the auncient manner of leuying and raysing Souldiers in our Kingdome, nor doe I thinke that any wisdome can finde out another way which can promise more equitie or faire dealing, especially as long as the execution of these Commissions are performed by the Lieutenants themselues who generally are great Princes, and men of that singuler vertue and goodnes that both the loue they beare their Countryes and the care they haue of their owne honors, makes them scorne to exprsse either Spleene or Reuenge in so poore a busines, But when these Commissions come out of their fingers and are disperced vnto many, and amongst them factions and dissentions doe arise, then one striues to defend one part, another another; one will shew his malice in thrusting forward, another his power in detayning backe, one will haue his reuenge satisfied, another will haue his pitty admired; that to [Page 31]conclude little equitie can be perceiued in their proceedings, and lesse vertue arises from the fruits of their elections, for many times the decreped and vnfit are pact'd to the warrs & the able are kept at home, who laughing in their sleeues pray for continuance of those larrs by which he sits at home and sleepes out vexations; here might a man finde out many other grieuances, as the protections of liueryes, the friendship of bribes, and the suite of By-standers, all which doe often make the King ill serued, and beleeue it in cases of great consequence these perticular humors crosse great designes; O how excellent were it, if in these common businesses men would set a part all priuate affections and but only regard the King and his seruice and study (as they ought) only the aduancement thereof, then should we see (as Virgill saith) Pollio's returne and the golden Age would be restored againe to vs and our Children; But this is O Vtinam, a wish that vanisheth assoone as it is breathed, and therefore I could wish that in these Inferior Commissions which goe to a generallity; their might be a mixt powre, that is to say; to the Commissioners and Captaines, and that ioyntly they would set a part all partiality, for the Commissioners which are Gouernors of the Country best know the estate thereof, and what is most wholesome for the generall Body, (though of what belongs to the warres many of them are vtterly ignorant) and so the Captaine which best knowes what belongs to the warres and must with the hazard of his life lead those men euen vnto the face of the enemie, he likewise may be vnskilfull in the wants of the Country; so that compounding an honest Body of them both there can be neither knowledge nor perfection wanting.
Experience hath long time since taught me this, that when the Captaine is not in Commission he may say and informe what hee pleaseth, but the Commissioners will performe what they list, for they haue voyces which will drowne him, and a deafenesse which hee cannot open; whereas bearing with them an equall authority, then his thunder must be as lowd, and being an honest man no leuye but will bee performed without wronge or disparagement, and herein by all meanes these Captaines must not thinke too wel of themselues, (scorning as it were) to receiue their men, but sending downe their inferior Officers, stay themselues either at the Court to pursue some new hope, or in the Cittie to prouide new cloathes. Now that any other should bee mixt with the Commissioners it is not fit nor is there any president; for though the Inferior Officers may be discreete and honest, yet it is the Captaine (which is chosen by the Lords of the Kings Councell) which is probably sufficient.
Touching the leuyes of Souldiers which are made in the Countries and sent away by Conductors, (which indeed ought to be men that know the warrs and liue with good fame and Reputation in their Countryes) I haue amongst them obserued much foule dealing, as first how they haue skimmed the Country of all the froathy, base and deboysed Creatures which haue liued therein, then how they haue packt away all their [Page 32]worst Armes, & lastly how those Conductors haue vnder the pretence of Sicknes & infirmity for small Bribes made sale of the best of that lamentable Company; as if it had beene a kind of deadly sin to haue brought any man with a good countenance in view of the Army; Nay beleeue it so pitifull haue I beheld the Regiments which they haue brought ouer, that like Pharaohs leane Kine they haue looked as if they would deuoure all the fat in the Army; and surely had that Preacher seene them which preached in Kent before the Generalls of the Portugall action; he would againe & againe thanked these Conductors, for carring away all the dispised and base Rascalls of the Nation.
To conclude howsoeuer these errors & corruptions haue crept in at some backedore (which humour or Couetousnesse hath set open) yet it is no fixed euill nor any generall infection, but like a Batte flies far from the light of vertue, lurking in the darke corners of those harts where Anger and Reuenge had first gotten possession, & from thence no doubt it will soone depart when Truth (the Herauld of a good Conscience) shall once declare vnto them the foulnes of their offence, & what iniury they doe both to God, their King and Country, when in the least partickle or imagined poynt that can be (which hath refference to the leuying or raysing of a royall Army) they swerue or go awry from that path which leades to the fulnesse of al Integrity & Iustice; let them be pleased but to looke into the Histories of the World, whether the Asyrians, Persians, Greekes or Romans and they shall see how they euer stroue to leuye for the warrs, Young men, Strong men, Able men, Good men, Richmen, Gentlemen, they shall in no place finde a president for excuse, nor by any Imprecation of Mother, teares of the Wife, or sighs of the Widdow, learne to make a weeping Oration how to saue or keepe backe their Sonnes, Husbands or Kinsfolke from going to the warrs or coueting to take their last sleepes (and the sweetest) on the Bedde of Honor; They knew the glory of the great Goale, and what Crownes were preserued for a Millitary Martyr, and therefore they reioyced at their entrance thereunto, and thought no Musicke had a sweeter sound then that which rang in their Eares the Leuye of a Royall Army to defend a cause that was Noble, Honest, and Religious.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Arming of Shot.
HAuing proceeded (my Lord) thus farre in my range of Militarie Intendments, and brought it past the leuie of mens persons; which persons as they compound companies, so of those Companies arise Regiments, & of those Regiments are made the whole and entire body of the Armie. It remaineth now that we come to a certaine distribution or diuision of these persons, of which able I shall haue a more large occasion to speake in the next Decade; yet since here it falles so fit to my purpose, I will only diuide the Souldiers which haue beene formerly leuied into two sorts, the one Shot, the other Pikes; and of the Shot we will suppose them to be either all, or (at least) most part of them Musquets, and the rest Bastard Musquets, for Harquebusses I cannot allow in this place, because they are growne out of vse, and can by no means make their encounter good where the Musquet is opposed against them: for the one killing at twentie score, the other hardly at six, how is it possible hee should come to play within his distance, before all or the most part of the body be ouerthrowne and destroyed?
Now for the election of the Bodies which are fittest to carry the Musquet they must be such as are strong, square, and of a good, sollid, & well knit constitution: and for such as are more weake, little, and nimble, to them the Bastard-Musquet may be put, for with a little vse, and skilfull instruction they will be brought to order and mannage that peece with as great ease as either Harquebusse or Pistoll.
When thus a choice is made both of the man & weapon, you shal then arme him after this manner, that is to say, vpon his head he shall weare [Page 34]a good and sufficient Spanish Morian well lined in the head with a quilted cap of strong linnen, and bound downe with lined eare-plates vnderneath his chinne; about his body Bautricke-wise, from the left shoulder and vnder the right arme he shall carrie a Bandiliere of broad Leather, or other richer stuffe (well stiffened) according to his abilitie, or the pleasure of his Captaine; and to this Bandiliere shall bee fastened by long double strings (at least a quarter of a yard in length a piece, that they may with more ease be brought to the mouth of the Musquet) one large priming charge made small at the vpper end, and at least twelue other charges, all made of some tough light wood, or else of horne, and couered with leather, but not of plate or leather entirely, for they are subiect to crushing & bruising, and being once out of fashion, they are hardly recouered, neither will they containe the powder in such ample manner as formerly they did, of which the Souldior must be exceeding carefull: for euery charge must bee made fit to containe so much powder as will giue the peece her full lading, and neither more nor lesse: for as ouercharging hazards the breaking of the Musquet, so vndercharging makes her not able to carrie to the full randon. He shall also haue by his left side a good and sufficient Sword with a basket hilt of a nimble and round proportion after the manner of the Irish; strong Scabards of liquord or well rosend leather, Chapes of yron, and Girdles and Hangers sutable to the same; as for the Blade, it should be broad, strong, and somewhat massie, of which the Turkie, or Bilboe are the best: at his girdle hee shall also carrie his Bullet bagge: in which hee shall beare his Moulds to cast his Bullets: also his Wormes with which he shall cleare his peece when at any time it is cloid either by mischance or ignorance, and his Screwes with which he shall vnloose euery vice-pinne or engine about the Musquet, when he either intends to take it in peeces, or else to scowie it, to mend any thing that is out of frame, or otherwise to vnbreech it; and lastly, he shall carrie in it his priming yron, being a small artificiall wiar, with which he shall clense and keepe open the touch-hole of his peece, so as the priming powder may enter in and make the peece goe off vpon the first touch of any sparke with which it encounters; all this perfitted, he shall bee armed with a good and very sufficient musquet, being of as neate and nimble a cast as can bee made, prouided it bee strong, cleane wrought, and of a good temper of yron, the Barrell must bee in length foure foot and a halfe, and the bore according to the size of a full Musquet, and tried by the gage or allowance of the Tower of London, the Stocke must be straight, cleane and smoothe wrought, without knots or flawes in any part, but especially towards the lower end, the extreamest part at the nether end below the breech, should be at least eight inches in depth, flat and smoothe, so as if the peece happen a little to recoyle, yet it may not offend the Souldiers body, and the wood of which these Stockes are made, would be either good Wallnut-tree, good Peare-tree, or some other fast, firme, and smoothe light wood, which is neither apt, through the shortnesse of the graine quickly to breake, nor yet through [Page 35]the largenesse to split or riue in sunder: you must haue regard that the barrell be smooth, euen, and not galled within, that it carry the full bore equally cleane throughout, and not carry Musquet bore at the top, and hardly Harquebusse in the bottome? for it is an abuse too frequent amongst our Gun-makers, and the effect is nothing else but deceit, and the peece of such a bore is hardly so good as a Pistoll▪ see that the pan be tight, and the touch-hole vnworne; for if it bee otherwise, the one will scatter and lose the powder, the other will blow backe in the Souldiers face, or else recoyle and doe greater mischiefe and on the contrary part, if the hole be too little, the powder will want passage, and the piece will hardly go off, without much toyle and great losse of labour: see that the breech be strong and close, all the screwes and pinnes about it fast and sure, the scowring stick straight, round, smooth, and headed with a rammer of yron sutable to the bore of the peece: let the Cocks and Trickers be nimble to goe and come; for as concerning Seares they are vtterly out of date, and the Inconueniences are found in our daily experience: for vpon euery motion or touch of the Souldiers garments, they are apt to make the piece flie off before there is occasion, killing sometimes him that marcheth behind, sometimes him that is before, sometimes sets fire on him that beares it, and sometimes wounds his Officer that comes to giue him direction; so that for these and the like mischiefs they are vtterly forbidden, neither is the charge of a Tricker greater then that of a Seare; and whosoeuer shall bee drawne to reformation, there wil be found little or no ods at all in the bargain, only the stupidity and blockishnesse of our ignorant & wilfull Plebeians is so great, that but with huge difficultie they can neuer be brought to relish any alteration, especially if there be but the value of one penny betwixt them and their first custome, or that any debausht fellow, who hath either runne from his Colours, beene an vnder-slaue to a Sutlers boy, and now for his last refuge keeps a Tipling house in the Countrey for men of his equall qualitie: If he (I say) will but affirme what they surmise, it is not the wisedome of Nestor, nor the experience of Caesar, no not Apollos Oracle which is able to change any part of their resolution: to this I haue been a pregnant witnesse, and at this I haue often smiled, chiefly when I haue seene some of more eminent condition, how well they could be pleased to be flattered in their owne, yet a false opinion: But to returne againe to the arming of this Souldier, he shall haue for his right hand a handsome Rest of Ash or other light wood, with an yron pike in the nether end, and an halfe hoope of yron aboue to lay the Musquet in when hee rests it, and double strong strings shall be fastened neere thereunto to put ouer the left arme, when at any time the Souldier shall haue occasion to traile the same. Now as touching the length of these Rests, there is not any certaine quantitie thereof; for howsoeuer generally they are foure foot and vpward, yet they should be according to the stature of the partie which beares them, carrying the Musquet so euen, that hee may in a comely manner discharge at a leuell without very much bending either [Page 36]of his shoulders or bodie. Lastly, if about his necke hee haue a piece of Buffe or quilted leather, cut in the proportion of a large Gorget, and extending to the vttermost poynts of his shoulders, he shall finde both profit and ease therby: for it will both saue his garments from wearing with the Musquet, and also make the burthen lesse and more easie.
To conclude then, for the Bastard Musquet (which differeth nothing from the full Musquet, but in the bore onely, and the charges which must be made sutable to the bore) they are of excellent vse, for they carrie as farre as the full Musquet, and pearce as deepe (though their bore be lesse) and their lightnesse and nimblenesse to those which are weaker, and of much lesse abler bodies, is such an ease and comfort, that they are able both to hold out in Marches and in Seruice with any man how strong or potent soeuer. Now for their arming, it is in all poynts like that of the full Musquet without any difference: for as their Seruice is alike, so alike are their Accoutrements, and what adornes the one, is as seemely and becomming for the other, so that it shall be needlesse to wade further in this Discourse, but leaue the rest to the discretion of the Captaine in whose power it is to alter and dispose of his Armes according to his owne will and the rule of his Iudgement.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Arming of Pikes.
SInce (my Lord) you are by his Maiesties fauor the Viceroy or President of your Country, on whom all these Military actions depend, I cannot be perswaded but any thing which comes cloathed with this Title (and carrying the Badge of experimented Truth) shall find from you a noble respect; for I know not any to reward vertue but vertue; nor any in these secure times that will looke on a Souldier but he that hath a daily vse of his knowledge; if such you Lordship looke for; this questionles will not hurt you, and how euer it want something that you desire, yet in the volume you shall find enough to giue an honest satisfacton.
The course to which I am drawne in this Epistle is the manner of arming the Pike, which being the first and most principall weapon which guardeth an Armie, may challenge from euery Commander the seuearest respect in adorning thereof; I doe not meane the greater & more eminent sort of persons which serue with this weapon, but only the priuate and common Souldier, such as make not vp one Fyle or one Ranke, but fashion whole Bodyes and Grosses of what quantitie soeuer.
The persons for this weapon are to be chosen out of the better sort of men, such as are tall, comely, actiue and valiant, yet in this choyce you are not so constantly to stand vpon proportion and outside as discreetly to consider the setled inclination of euery Souldier and to what armes by his owne nature he is principally adicted; In which Inquisition, that you may be sure not to faile, it is not amisse for euery Captaine to apply [Page 38]his men vnto sundry weapons and to that which he seeth him approach with the greatest facility and delight, in that to stay him and incourage him; for so shall the Commander be best serued and the Souldier grow skilfull with the least amaze and trouble. When therefore you haue attayned a body answerable to the vse and vertue of this weapon, you shall then arme him after this manner; vpon his head hee shall weare a good and sufficient Spanish Morian well lined within with a quilted Cap, of strong huswiues linnen, for Buckram which is the vsuall lyning is too course and galleth the Souldiers head, as also it is too stiffe and vnplyable, by which meanes it will not quilt like the other; the eare plats shall bee lined also, and with a string be made fast vnder his neather chap, which will keepe the Morian constantly vpon his head and breed lesse trouble to the Souldier in the heare of encounters; The auncient custome of arming the Pikemans head hath beene with a Burgonet, but the inconvenience, thereof hath beene found, for when the Burgonet is made fast vnto the head, if in a charge the Enemie hit vpon the hye, broad Crest which goeth thwart the crowne of the head (with the push of his Pike) then it is ten to one but hee either breaketh the Souldiers necke or at least ouerthroweth him to the ground, or if to saue the hazard the Burgonet be loose or the string vnder the chappe breake, then he disarmeth his head and so leaueth him in greate danger at euery encounter; And hence it is that all Burgonets are disallowed and only the Morian or close round cappe of steele with a small welt on the top thought meete for the vse of this Souldier.
About his necke he shall haue a large, easie and well compast Gorget arming as close to his doublet as is possible (prouided it pinch not) and ouer this Gordget vpon his body he shall cast a payre of Curaces, that is to say the breast plate and backe part; which Curaces shall be of a nimble and good mould, and fashioned according to the nearest, easiest, and fittest apparell which is for a mans body, for though the variation of our apparell be Infinite and without either reason, measure or order, yet it is not meete that armes should bee so changeable, but that rather a man should frame his apparell to his Armes, then his Armes to his apparell for needle and thrid will doe the one, but fire and the hammer is required to the other; these Curaces must be at least hye Pike proofe for that is the allowance of our Nation; to bee greater is but burd'nous to the Souldier and bringeth neither ease nor profit; as for the leathers and Buckles with which informer times this Armor was fastned about the Souldier, they shall now be neglected, and instead thereof euery seuerall member of the Armour shall be made fast about them with Claspes of Iron, hooked or pinned together either with hookes or cleft pinnes of Brasse or Iron; for the leathers at euery encounter are soone cut in pieces, but these neuer, at the neather part of his Breast-plate hee shall haue a payre of faire lardge Taces; reuited in sundry Ioynts and made in such true compasse that they may arme close all the Belly and forepart of the Souldier euen downe to his midde thigh; vpon his shoulders hee [Page 39]shall haue a large payre of well moulded Pouldrons which shall arme him from the top of the Shoulder down to the Elbow. But as, touching the Vantbrace (which armeth from the elbow to the hand) they are not greatly materiall in this case, neither are they respected or required in our Musters. It is true that the Pouldrons and Taces are many times likewise neglected, the first because it hindreth a little the vse of the arme, the latter because of the burthen and some hiderances in swift marches, but in as much as they are still required by all our supreame Commanders and that the benefit farre exceedeth the trouble, therefore in this discourse I must giue them all possible allowance; Lastly all these seuerall parts of Armor is rather to bee of a Russet or blacke collour then mil'd, for they are least perceiued in the night, are fittest for secret Ambuscadoes and preserueth it selfe the longest time from Rust and putrefaction.
In his right hand he shall haue a stronge, straight, yet nimble Pike made of a well growne Ashe, and headed with a Pike of steele, being also armed with plates of Iron downeward from the head at least foure or sixe foote deepe vpon the staffe: the Pike shall bee in length full fifteene foote besides the head, It hath beene an auncient Custome to arme Pikes in the mid'st (Iust in that place where the Souldier shall carry it when hee either marcheth or shouldereth it) either with cloathe, veluet, silke or other stuffe (either according to fancy or in obseruation of the Captaines Colours) for the space of eighteene Inches or thereabouts, but by reason of some suggestyons against it, as nourishing of the worme, fretting the Pike with dust and such like; it is now not so much respected, yet in that I know it is comely to the eye, and some helpe to the younge Souldier in shewing him the true place where he shall carry his Pike in Marching, Shouldering, Sloaping and the like, I will therefore leaue it to the discretion of euery Commander, assuring my selfe that howsoeuer curiossity may repine, yet notwithstanding Iudgement may make it tollerable.
The Pikeman shall haue by his left side a good, sharpe and broad Sword, (of which the Turkye or Bilboe are the best) the length of the blade being a full yard and one inch, the hilt of Basket fashion, round and well compast, the scaberd of strong leather, chapt with Iron, and to carry his Sword either Girdle & Hangers of strong leather, or broad Bautrickes of the same substance, but Hangers are the best if they be side and large, espetially when hee shall come to receiue the encounter or charge of Horse, where couching his body downe low with the bending of his Pike, the Bautrick girdle (being loose) is apt to fall (by the poyze of the Sword) in a troublesome manner before him, so as he shall neither readily draw it out, nor nimbly vse his Pike by reason that his Sword will hange dangling before him. There be some that except against the perfixed and certaine length of the Sword, alleadgeing that all weapons should be accommodated to the fitnesse of the person, (allowing the shorter arme the longer Sword and the longer arme the shorter [Page 40]weapon) and not be bound to a generall disaduantage: but howeuer there doth appeare some reason herein, yet is the distinction somewhat too nice, for if the short arme bee allowed the long sword, will not the long arme (who hath equall choyce) bee owner of the like weapon; where is then the short armes aduantage? and so againe by arguing from the contrary you shall find, that no difference in body ought to make a difference in weapons, but there should euer remaine a constant president, although now and then it may bee varyed at the Commanders discretion, and suer, then that size formerly expressed, there cannot be a better limmit.
Lastly if to the Pikemans Morion be fastned a strong ring of yron, and to the right side of his backepiece below his girdle, an yron hooke to hange the Morion vpon, it will be a great ease for the Souldier, and a nimble Cariage in the time of long Marches; for there is not any thinge more grieuous to a man then ouer heating of his head, neither haue I at any time found a quicker cause for sicknes and distemper. Thus I haue deliuered the most substantiall and perfectest way of armeing an ordinary Pikeman or common Souldier, such as may passe borh ours or any other indifferent Muster. And though busie Apprehensions might find out many other curiossities and niceties to adde to this relation, yet in as much as I know they will but rather offend Patience, then better Knowledge I am willing to let them remaine still in the bottome of their owne Ocean, and if any man will find them let him sound for them, for mine owne part I only serue Truth, and to her I dare bringe no Sacrifice but a constant Experience.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Souldiers Oath and Distribution.
I Haue (my Lord) in the former Decad intreated of the choice and election of the common Souldier belonging to the Infantrie or foot Companies, and how to arme both the Musquet and Pike, which are all the weapons generally vsed in our Moderne warres, and of which indeed hee is onely capable: for to other weapons doe belong other Ceremonies, and they are either put into the hands of inferiour Officers, or else vnto Gentlemen of Companies, as the Partizan, the Halbert, the Target, and the like. It now resteth that I proceed to the other duties of a common Souldier, of which none is more eminent and necessarie then his Oath; for it not onely bindeth him to Obedience, which is the principall linke in all martiall Discipline; but is also such a pledge betwixt God and his Conscience, that whensoeuer the deuill or malice assaults him, it like a strong Bulwarke stands betweene, and beats the battery backe euen to the seducers destruction.
When therefore an Armie is raised, it then resteth that an Oath be administred to the common Souldier for his fidelitie, which the Antients found exceeding necessarie in diuers respects, for although the seueritie of the Lawes were a Bit sharp enough & strong enough to curbe and restrain the furie of any wild or vntamed spirit, either from Disloyalty, Disobedience, or any treacherous Practise whatsoeuer: yet hath experience found out that the Soldier who by a continual familiaritie with affright and dangers, is growne aduenturous, hardie, and valiant, and by gazing death in the face at euery houre and season, and almost in euery attempt [Page 42]which he either doth or suffers, so that hee reputes him no more but a word, a toy, or an idle shadow, and will many times with as great alacritie daunce and runne post to the gallowes, as Vertue would flie to a glorious action, that therefore another chaine must bee found out, whose linkes being smoother, smaller, and more cunningly and closely compact together, though they doe not bruise, hurt, or nip, yet they should binde faster, stronger, and with greater assurance, then any terror of death or bodily torment whatsoeuer; and this was an Oath, which calling God to be a witnesse of his Loyaltie and Faith, doth so knit and make fast his Conscience to an honest meaning, that hauing any true sparke of Christianitie within him, no motion can arise to infringe or violate the same, but presently his Conscience hath Arguments to suppresse it, and his Resolution as a most valiant Chiefe, tramples and treads it downe as a thing pestilent and noysome to his Fame and Honour, for howsoeuer a Souldier feares not death, yet hee expects Ioy after death, and whatsoeuer thrustes betwixt him and that hope, is his mortall enemie.
The words of this Oath are various and incertaine, nor is there any constant President thereof, but it hath its limitation, according to the purposes of the Generall, and the necessitie or occasions of the action, being contained in a certaine Booke or Scedule of Articles which expresse all the Souldiers duties in the Warre both towards God, his King, the Generall, and euery other Officer or Chiefe, commaunding within the Armie, all which (when the Souldiers are mustered, and gathered together) shall in solemne wise bee openly read vnto them by the publique Notarie of the Armie, which finished hee shall speake vnto them thus, or to the like purpose.
This is the effect and manner of the Souldiers oath, and it ought to be performed with the greatest Solemnitie that may be, and in the presence of the Generall, the Lieutenant Generall, or the Master de Campo, at the least. This oath hath sometimes been deliuered without any repetition of the latter words by the Souldiers, but onely by holding vp of their hands▪ which is as much and as forcible: as if they should lay their hands on a Booke, for it is the consent which maketh strong the obligation, and bindeth the Conscience both before God and man.
The Souldier being thus sworne, it remaineth then to make a true distribution or vse of them; In which it is to be vnderstood, that all Souldiers [Page 43]are of two sorts, as either of the Cauallerie, which is seruing on horsebacke, or of the Iufantery, which is seruing on foot, and betweene these there hath bin held a tedious difference touching prioritie of place, and precedencie in estimation, some allowing it to the Horsman, saying He is more worthie, more puissant, more swift, more dexter, and more seruiceable, that a Horseman may at his pleasure be a footman, but a Footman not (A conuerso) at his pleasure be a Horseman, that the Horseman is more fit for all sorts of imployments, that he discouereth things a farre off, and subdueth whatsoeuer is neere at hand, that he performeth three duties at one instant, namely that of the Launce, that of the Sword, and that of the Fire, which no Footman can doe, that he hath alwayes a Gentlemans place, and a Gentlemans entertainment, that for the most part he hath euer some one or other attendant, man or boy, to wait vpon him, and to conclude, that no Footman whatsoeuer but holdeth it a degree of Aduancement to be made an Horseman. Now there are others which affirme, that the Footman is more noble, saying, that he is as nimble as the other is puissant; that he can with lesse difficultie answer an Allarum or a charge, that hee marches as surely (though not as speedily) that he is able either to make good or assaile all Assaults and Breaches, that he can scale wals and Towers, beat Trenches, Mines and Ditches, and indeed set his foot and conquer where no Horse is able to approach; that he first possesseth Townes, Cities and strong holds, and onely from his bountie giueth to the Horsman the benefit of his Quarter; that howsoeuer the Horseman be much swifter then he, yet when they come into any Straits, as Paces, Lanes, Mountaines, or the like, that then the Horseman is in a fatall and desperat danger, if the Footman make not his passage good; that the Footman in his trauel, though he cannot boast of the Horsemans ease, yet when he comes to his iourneys end, hee wants all the Horsemans trouble, for hee hath no Forrage to seeke out, no Stable roome to prouide, nor no horse to dresse, hee saith, that multiplicitie of attendants, are multiplicitie of charges, and when he drawes any such thing vnto him, it is for his pleasure, not necessitie: and to conclude, the charge of a Horseman is so great, that it containeth the valew of tenne Foot, yet one Foot according to the computation of all manner of imployments is as auaileable and necessarie as any Horseman. Thus they argue one against the other; but the resolution of the doubt is, that the greatest number or principall strength whereof the armie doth consist, that to it the prioritie of place is to be giuen: and hence it comes, that with vs here in England, both in the old & first times, when our Browne-Bill men and Archers made vp the Body, strength and perfection of the armie, and that the Horse were but small handfuls, and now in these present daies when the Pike and Musquet are the very matter on which our Armies doe consist, the Footmen hath the chiefest honour and glory of our Conquests, and the first place or ranke is so duely his, that our Kings and Generals in the ancient battels haue beene seene (when the Armies haue ioyned) to allight from their horses, and put themselues into the [Page 44]midst of the maine battell of Foot: But on the contrary part, in France, where the people are much more nice and delicate, and not so able as ours to indure long and tedious Marches, they doe for the most part all mount themselues on horsebacke: so that their Armies haue and do euer most consist of Horse, and the Horseman is he that hath the greatest preheminence amongst them.
Hauing thus reconciled this disputation betweene the Cauallarie and Infantrie, it is the great Souldiers Office to distribute his men into these diuisions according to the necessitie of his affaires, and the abilitie of mens persons, appointing some to be Horsmen, and some to be footmen: which done, he shall subdeuide his Horsemen according to his abilitie in Armes, the custome of Countries, and the accommodation of the place wherein they are to serue, making some Launciers, and some Pistollers, some Light-Horsemen, and some Carbines, for all these are necessary in an Army, hauing their distinct and seuerall places, seuerall Seruice, and seuerall times and seasons, as shall bee shewed more largely when I come to intreat of their seuerall subiects.
The Footmen likewise shall also bee subdiuided according to their talnesse in stature, their strength of body, and nimblenesse in action, making some Pike-men, some Halberdiers, and some Targetiers, some Musquets, some Bastard-Musquets, and some Harquebusses, according as your ability of Armes are able to prouide, for although it were to bee wisht that all the shot of the Infantry might bee full Musquets, yet if the quantitie be wanting, you must then supply it as neere the qualitie as can be, and rather then leaue a man vnfurnished, let him haue Bastard-Musquet, Harquebusse, nay the old Englishmans lost weapon, a good strong Bowe and Arrowes.
Thus I haue shewed your Lordship in this briefe Epistle the effect and manner of the Souldiers Oath, and the generall distribution of his person, wherein if I haue not handled euery poynt with that exact fulnesse which a diligent capacitie would require, it must bee conceiued that my iourney is long and intricate, and I shall touch at one and the same thing in diuers places; so that whatsoeuer is darke or obscure here, shall receiue sufficient light in another Epistle: Bee your Lordship then pleased (in whom I haue euer found an honourable respect, and to whom I haue euer been bound for many noble fauours) to looke ouer these rude-disgested lines; and when they haue spoken as much as belongs to their message, thinke they would onely intimate this more, that the Writer loues you, and that loue shall euer make him ready to serue you.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Sentinell or Centinel.
HAuing (my Lord) in my former Epistles passed ouer the Important Circomstances depending vpon a Millitary professor, euen to the distribution and deuission of the Armie, I will now descend to the seuerall Offices, Ranks and places depending on the same, of which the meanest and lowest in all the Bundle of Common Souldiers (though exceeding necessary and important) is the Sentinell or outmost watchman of the Armie, who indeed is called the wall of the Campe, for in the Carefulnesse of his Eie and Vnderstanding consisteth much of the generall safety, he is bound vnto the lowest seruices, and to the performance of all inferior and vnder duties, and although hee bee of the greatest number, yet is he of the least regard, and receiues the least entertainement, neither doth any ignorance excuse him, but euen the first houre hee commeth either into the Field or into Garison hee is liable to this Office and duty, which to expound in briefe words is this.
After the Corps de guard (which is a Squadron of some fiue and twentie or thirty persons) is drawne fourth (whether it be in Campe or in Garison) & placed where the Enemy is aptest to make his approaches, presently the Serieant, Corporall, or other Officer which hath Command of the Corps de guard shall out of the common Souldiers drawe his Sentinell, & conduct him thirty or forty paces from the Corps de guard into that passage or way by which the enemie or others are likely to come, and there he shall place him with his Piece charged (for it is intended that Sentinels for the most part should be all Shot) his Rest fixed, the Musqet leuelled, the Match cocked and the Pan guarded, commanding [Page 46]him not to suffer any Creature whatsoeuer to passe by, but with a cunning and diligent eie to looke about, and if any come within his view or knowledge, first to call with a loud voyce Qui va la or who goes there? then if the other replie A Friend or the like, the Sentinell shall presently command him to stand without approaching a foote farther, which if he refuse to obey the Sentinell may then shoote and kill him, but if he stand, then shall the Sentinell call aloud Corporall, Corporall; to which the Corporall shall replie Holla, and so presently come away and with his Sword drawne receiue the word from the passenger whatsoeuer he be: thus shall the Sentinell with all carefull diligence watch and not suffer any man passe by him or to come within such a distance as the partie may assaile the Sentinell or take aduantage either of his weapon or person, vpon paine of most grieuous punishment; neither shall hee slacke any duty or quit his placetill either his Corporall come and relieue him (which according to the danger of the place or the strength of the Company is a longer or a lesser time) or else that by some apparent danger he shooteth off his Piece and so giueth to the rest an alarme. The Sentinell is a man of so meane trust that in our Armies he is not credited with the watch-word, but only like the Roman Goose must cry out and exclaime when the Capitall is in danger, he is a man that must wrastle and outfacce any extreamity, not respecting the cruelty of any season, nor leaueing hit Station either for Frost, Snow, Haile, Thunder or Tempest.
These Sentinels in case of ordinary attendance as in quiet Garisons or where the Enemie is farre off remooued, there they may stand single and alone, but if it be in a Seidge, or in Campes where the Enemie lies neare one to another, there by all meanes they shall stand double, that is to say two, one a little distance from the other, yet in such sort that they may discerne one another, and be assisting each to other, vsing all the diligence that may be both of Eies and Eeares, and being both as silent as the dead of night it selfe. If the weather be violently cold and piercing, one of them may walke whilst the other doth watch: if it bee extreame darke one of them may with his eare lie & listen to the ground whilst the other lookes about to see if any thing doe approach him, and thus one may helpe the other, so that nothing can passe without the verdge of their knowledge. Now if it happen (as many times it doth) that there be Sentinell beyond Sentinell one standing at least thirty or forty paces nearer to the Enemie then the other; then shall that which standeth nearest to the Enemy be a single Sentinell, the other shall bee double, and when the single Sentinell perceiueth any approach of troops or companies then shall he retire to the double to declare his discouery; and when all three perceiueth it then they may giue the alarme. And herein is to be noted that all Settinels in generall whatsoeuer they bee, ought not in any wise to acknowledge any man of what degree or qualitie soeuer the be: were it his Captaine or any other Officer of the Campe, but to keepe him out at a full distance till the word bee receiued.
[Page 47]If vpon mine assertion of the low estate & meane quality of an ordinary Sentinell it be demanded whether al Gentlemen of Companies be vtterly excluded from this place and duty, I answere no: for in some cases it is a matter of so great consequēce that indeed none but Gentlemen ought to be made Sentinels as when it is vpon the face of the enemie, or when Camps, Trenches, or Mines ioyne so neere one to another, that contrary factions may (as it were) discourse and talke one vnto another, each striuing to circumuent and cut off the Sentinels and Guards which belong to each other, in this case both for the enabling of their Iudgments and knowledge, to shew their obediēce & willingnes to preuēt all mischieues that might threaten or disturbe the Army, and to giue vnto the world a iust & due proofe of their magnanimitie and valor, they not only obtrud and thrust forward themselues to this seruice, but also make earnest and great suite to attaine it, knowing that the action it selfe deserues infinite praise, & the danger requires all the absolute parts of a Souldier; as wisdome, courage, foresight, care and preuention: these Sentinels are called of some, Perdues or lost Sentinels, of others Forlorne or Desperate Sentinels, and they stand sometimes on horsebacke and sometimes on foote as the conuenientnes of the place & fitnes of the ground will allow, & he must carry himselfe with that secresie & discretion that neither eye nor eare may challenge his aboad, for should the enemy haue any inckling or perseuerance of his standing, it were an action almost impossible either to saue his owne life or make his retrait with safety, for thus was the Spanish Captaine Salazer cut off by the troops of Francis the French King the night before he retired from the Towne of Landresic; and thus haue diuers in like case perished when Indiscretion hath ruled them; the most memorable things which these forlorne Sentinels are to attend, is the affaires of the enemie, what preparation hee maketh for secret sallies, In what manner his Troops lodge, and whether he intendeth any secret remoue or goeth about to dislodge his Armie. This Sentinell may not in any wise haue the word, because of the great perill in which he standeth of surprising & being taken Prisoner, whereby the word may be inforced from him and his whole party brought within the compasse of most certaine destruction, yet notwithstanding although the word be detained from him, it is very conueniēt that he haue a different counter-signe by which he may be knowne and receiued when at any time he hapneth to returne, and againe if he doe happen to come off with safety, he must be wondrous carefull that all his relations and informations be most certaine & true, for to be either so far transported with feare that he cannot distinguish sounds; or so dull with amazement that his eies cannot deserne constant and cleere obiects, by which meanes he giues a confused Intelligence, there is nothing but dishonor which will redound to himselfe, and losse & hinderance to those vnto whom he would tender al his best endeauors, & like Considius who (imployd in these affaires) by a mistake of his eyes and bringing vnto Caesar a false and contrary message, made in one moment a shipwracke of that Fame and Reputation, which [Page 48]he had beene thirty yeares in gaining both vnder Sylla and Crassus: for all other ordinary Sentinels of which I spake in the former part of this Epistle, being thus but in the first degree of a common Souldier; there is from them expected no more but common duties, neither is there any more trust or affiance in them then necessity inforceth, but if he be a man of valor, wisdome, apprehension, care & obseruatiō, shewing in himselfe an abilitie both to doe and indure, there is no doubt but his Captaine (except he be too much vnthankefull) will take notice of his vertues and quickly aduance him to better estimation. The Sentinell and whole Corps de guard shall march to their place of watch armed at all parts according to the right belonging to the weapon he carieth, and their relieuing those which had the watch before them, shall performe their duties withall secresie and silence. Of these Sentinels there would be at least twenty in euery Squadron: for vpon many occasions many are set forth, and being but relieued three or foure times in a night, yet euery one will haue worke enough and no mans hand shal be empty. It hath beene an argument with some that the Rounder passing within eight or ten paces of the Sentinell, that he may passe by with a Salute only, without giuing the word, & that the Sentinell may permit and suffer the same, but it is an erronious opinion and doth not agree with good discipline, for hee that is one of the eies of the Armie and vtterly fordidden during his time of watch to acknowledg any creature whatsoeuer, whether he come from the Campe or from the Towne, from the friend or from the enemie, for wayes & passages in the night doe not distinguish persons, he that stands to guard stands to suspect, and the tolleration of one escape may draw on a million.
If the formost single Sentinell shall stay any passenger, he shal neither call his Corporall nor demand of him the word, but hauing staid him, he shal bring him to the double Sentinell and they shall call the Corporall who shall receiue it. To conclude this Epistle, it hath beene the manner of the Spanish discipline in their warrs to let the Sentinell haue the word, so that he doth receiue it both of the Rounders and other passengers; but how dangerous & hurtfull it hath beene vnto them, that exployt of Sir Roger Williams (of noble memory) and Sir Martin Skinke (when they attempted their passage to Venlow) will most worthily witnes, where in stead of giuing the word they tooke the word and slew the Sentinels, and made their passage good euen to the Tent of the Generall (the noble Duke of Parma) whom they made flie out of his bedde in his shirt, and had they not had other ends which did guid them, it was supposed at that instant they might haue taken him prisoner; This I shew that to this inferior place should be attributed no greater priuiledge then is conuenient, for being the meanest amongst the meanest, it is enough if their eies and eares doe their duties, for their tongues it is too nimble an engine, and should be laden with no more poyze then it might beare without either trouble or danger.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Rounder.
MOst honourd and worthy Lord, so great is the renowne of your thrice noble father, and so precious vnto me the consideration of that ancient, excellent and happy stocke from whence you take your deriuation, that were there nothing in me but Dulnesse & Lead; yet I could not but kindle in my heart some sparks of admiration, and willing flames of affectionate loue to your seruice, so oft as I read the story of your forefathers excellencies in the goodly Table of your owne liuing vertues. Be pleased then noble Sir (to whose blood I am not vtterly a stranger) to cast your eye ouer this my rough weake labour, & though it be a descant set to the Drumme, and not to the Violl, yet I hope it shal beat so tuneably into euery right and perfit courage, that by the working effects thereof many shall be drawne from their neglect of martiall Intendments, and my selfe both reuiued and rewarded when I shall giue my heart some hope that I haue exprest the loue and dutie I beare to your Name and Honour.
The word Ronda, which both in Spanish and Italian doth signifie a Rounder, is taken in the plurall number for a certaine select company of Gentlemen, or well deseruing Souldiers, who for the merit of their Seruice (exprest in their valour and obedience, and the honest and faithfull performance of those inferiour duties which are liable to the first entrance of euery common Souldier) haue beene aduanced by their Captaine from the title of a common man to be a Gentleman of a Companie, the priuiledge whereof doth not onely free and discharge him from the humble and meaner duties, as that of the Sentinell, and the like, but [Page 50]doth also exhaust and raise vp his entertainement, therein making a difference betweene them and the vulgar persons, and these be called Gentlemen Rounders, or Gentlemen of the Round, whose dutie and office is to visit the Corps du guards, the Sentinels, Scouts & Watches at sundry houres in the night, to cause them to obserue the lawes, statutes, and ordinances of the armie, and to see whether they bee vigilant and ready so as no surprise, Sally, priuate Iniury, or other secret Stratagem be wrought or performed against the body of the Armie; and for this cause they walke continually round about from Sentinell to Sentinell, and from Guard to Guard. If it be in a Garrison round about the walles of the towne, and if in a Campe, then round about the fortification thereof either within or without, and through euery passage which approcheth to the same, by meanes of which circular course or round walke which they vndertake, they haue the name of Rounders, or a Gentleman of the Round.
These are in the immediate next degree before the Sentinell, and howsoeuer the Captaine hath power in his owne company to dispence with places and duties of this nature; yet in true & seuere discipline this place was first allotted for yong Gentlemen of good Blood and discent, who desirous to aduance their fortunes in the warres, haue (for pay) thrust themselues vnder the commands of sundry Captaines, for whose encouragement and respect both this place and dutie, and an aduancement of some greater pay (then that to a common Souldier) was instituted and ordeined; and questionles there is great reason there should be some distinction betweene them and the vulgar: And although for knowledge sake it is sometimes a glory vnto them to stand Sentinell, yet it must bee out of their voluntary motion: for no constraint ought to inforce them thereunto. These Gentlemen as they are Rounders are trusted with the Word, which no Sentinel may be; they are the leaders or Captains of Files in the company wherin they serue, and may challenge the most honorable places in all Marches, & such as are the most likely to come to the first encounter of the enemy; they may challenge now and then entertainmēt at the Captains own table, and being without disparagement, of cleare blood and vertue, euen the General himselfe should not contemne them; and doubtles, these extraordinary graces doe infinitely oblige thankfull minds; and in cases of Mutiny or any other priuate disorder, doe much strengthen the Commander, for being right Gentlemen, & of sweet conuersation, they will euer haue in the company some to depend vpon thē, so that howsoeuer mischiefes runne, they will commonly haue the greater, assuredly the better part to adhere vnto them; and indeed it ought to be their study, that as they are respected aboue the vulgar, so they should excell the vulgar in the vertues of Fidelity, Valour, Secrecy, Patience, Abstinence and Continence, and as others serue for gaine, so they must serue for Glorie and aduancement.
Now to descend to the particular duty of the Rounder, he ought first to set the watch either in company or in squadron, whether it be in Garison or in the field, & to march with his fellowes in Armes to the place where [Page 51]the Corps du guard is appointed, and there to place himselfe in a comely and silent manner till the Corporall haue set out all his Sentinels, and that the first round is gone about, which ought to be performed by the Captaine of the Watch himselfe or some other supreme Officer, then after some small pause, the Captain, Lieutenant, Serieant, or Corporall which hath the charge of the Corps du guard, shall call foorth two Gentlemen Rounders (for it is to be vnderstood that they ought euer for the most part to go double and not single) and to these in very silent manner hee shall deliuer the Word, giuing them great charge of care and secresie therein, and so forthwith they shal passe away vpon the Round, with such ordinary Armes as they vsually carry, which for the most part is the Pike, for that is accounted the Gentlemans weapon. Now being on vpon the Round, they must with a very curious eye, and a quicke eare obserue any cause of danger bee it neuer so light, they must take a suruey of all Rampiers, bulwarks, trenches & mines whatsoeuer they encounter with, and behold if they can perceiue any thing dangerous about thē, & according to the brightnes or obscurnes of the aire, so must their vigilance be augmented; for if it be clear & light, then must their eies be their best Intelligēcers; if it be cloudy, dark & vnperceiuable, then must their eares inform them, and they must diuers times stand still and listen whether they can heare any speech or conference, and obserue of what consequence & value the words are; also if they can heare any trampling of horses fect, any clashing of armors, or if they can discern any glimpse of fire or sparklings of Marches, and the like: any of which when they perceiue, they shall either conceale themselues till it approch them that they may discouer it, or else draw as neere vnto it as they can with conuenience, and if they find eminent danger, either retire and giue notice, or els raise the alarme, but if it be in case of equality, then by calling & receiuing the Word, giue passage, or otherwise for want therof take them prisoners, & bring them to the Guard; but vpon any resistance, then it is lawfull to kill as being an enemy, but not otherwise. Thus passing along vpon the Round, when they come vnto the Sentinels, they must make their approches with all the art and cunning that can be deuised, and with all silence stealing neere vnto them, watch whether they be asleep, or whether they stand carelesly out of order, & not vpon their guard: they shall by perswasion, intisement or insinuation trie if they can come within them, if they can take their weapons from them, or if they will admit them to passe by without calling their Corporall (as knowing that they are Gentlemen of their Company, and of their familiar acquaintance) or the like careles escapes, which they shall put to the vttermost triall, then they shal presently call the Corporal, to whom declaring their negligence and offence, another Sentinel shall be forthwith placed, and the offending one caried to the Guard shall by his superior officer receiue seuere & condigne punishment. The reasons of euery which attempt I forbeare to set downe, because they would but ouerburden so short an Epistle; and no man (I hope) that shall happen vpon this discourse, will haue so shallow an vnderstanding as not to conceiue [Page 52]how dangerous the least of these escapes may prooue to the body of an Army. It hath bin a question whether the Gentlemen Rounders may wink at these offences, and only by giuing sharp admonishment to the Sentinel, or peraduenture a drie blow or two conceale it from his superior officer: but it is most certaine that they may not, but in dutie ought truely to reueale vnto him all materiall things whatsoeuer which hath hapned vnto them in going of the Round: But if in the Round they find all things wel, and to their contentment, and that the Sentinels are vigilant and carefull, so as nothing can escape or passe by them, then when the Sentinel shal say Quiva la, or Who goes there? the Rounder shall reply, A Friend: when the Seutinell shall say Stand, the Rounder shall answer, Call your Corporall; then when the Corporall approcheth, the Rounder shall in his eare deliuer the word with all secrecy, which being true, the Corporall shall say, Passe along; and so the Rounder shall depart to the next Sentinell, and in that maner from Sentinell to Sentinell till he haue gone round about, and be come to his owne Corps du guard againe.
If the Rounders in passing the Round shall encounter with other Rounders, then they which first discouer, shall first call, and first challenge the word, but if both discouer at one instant, & as it were call in one moment, then they shall enterchangeably both giue and receiue the word, that is to say, that Rounder which receiueth the word, his cōpanion to the contrary partie shal giue the word, so that on both sides the word shalbe both giuen and taken, one of each party hauing the swords point at his bosome, for whosoeuer receiueth the word, must draw his sword, and he that deliuereth it, must tender against it his bosome; for the maner of the encounter it is thus; the first discouerer calleth Qui-va-la, the other reply The Round; the first answereth the Round also: then they meet a little distance asunder, and hee that first discouered, receiues the word, and his Companion giues it, and so à conuerso. Now if the Rounders be sent out so early in the night that they meet the Captaine of the watch (who should go the first Round) then of him they must take notice, & both one after another deliuer him the word, and so doing reuerence, passe along. To conclude and finish vp this dutie of the Rounder, if they shall in their round meet either with the Generall of the Army, or the Gouernour of the garrison vndisguised and like himselfe in all parts both of person and attendants, so that without excuse they must know him, then to him they shal giue the word also, but to no other whatsoeuer (more then such as are before specified) no not to his owne Captaine, nor to the Captaine of the watch, after the first Round is performed: and of these Rounders there must bee at least two or more in euery Squadron, who performing this dutie twice or thrice euery night, or as necessity shall requier, will no doubt both keepe the Watches in good order, & bring much safetie to the Armie. In some places they haue Round houses, where the Captaine of the watch and all the Rounders together remaine all night, who setteth out his Rounders each halfe houre or houre, according to the space of the Round.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Clerke and Harbenger.
THe great Respects which many Ties both of Blood and Fauour haue bound me daily to acknowledge to your Lordship, are as so many alarumes to awaken me (in the depth of my Meditation) and to pronounce vnto me how vnworthy I were if in this Cattalogue of Martiall designes I should omit the memory of your name and Honor, I doe know the Studie you affect, and when it shall please either God or the Kingdome to call you to the practise, I doubt not but there will be found in you such a Readinesse of Will, and such an ability both of Person and Courage, that all the lost or consumed Epitaphs of your noble Progenitors shall as new Texted Records be read a farre off in your Honorable disposition, till when I beseech your Lordshipe Anchor one houre vpon this Epistle; and howsoeuer the words be roughly and plainely thrust together, yet shall the matter giue you content, for it brings with it a witnesse of certaine knowledge, and the mind of a writer which without flattery will euer honor and loue you.
The Clerke of a Band in a Company of well disciplin'd Souldiers (being a man worthily worthy of the place and Office which hee holdeth) I cannot fo fitly compare to any thing as to an honest Steward of a noble and well gouernd Family, for their faithfull cares and seruices are knit and made vp almost of one and the same Members; each being drawne by his Industrie, fore-sight and prouidence to haue a care of his Commanders honor and profit, and of the weale and good estate of all those which haue any dependance vpon them.
It is true that in the Clerke of a Band is not required much Souldiery or Martiall vnderstanding, for he is rather to bee a pen-man then a [Page 54]Sword-man, yet by all meanes no Coward, for that slauish feare is a great weakener of honesty and a discouerer of deceitfull paths (which he must by all meanes auoyd) it teacheth him how to flatter the world, to disesteeme all the lawes of true friendship, to addulterate only with his owne pleasures; and to make of himselfe, (to himselfe) both a Mistris and a prodigall Seruant, he that feares to die can neuer bee Master of a good Conscienee, and when that is hackneyd vpon either by Couetousnes, or Pride, there is no respect of persons but all things are sweete which bring him gaine, though in the vildest manner that may be. Let the Clerke of the Band then by all meanes be chosen a man of great honestie and Integrety, discreete and ciuill in his behauiour; of temperate qualitie and modest countenance, hauing in him a certaine Grauity, or face of authority which may euen challenge and as it were command both loue and respect from the Souldier; he must of necessity be a good pen-man, writing a swift, legible and readie hand; he ought to haue good skill in Arithmaticke and the knowledge both of whole and broken Numbers; at the worst he must be prefit in casting al manner of accounts and able in Merchantlike manner to keepe the account betweene debtor and creditor; If he haue the Lattin tongue he is a Treasure, but if to it also the vnderstanding of other Languages he is an inestimable Iuell, for so he shall be able to trucke with strangers for the benefit of the Company, and also to Interpret and take charge of Prisoners when any are taken.
It is the Office and duty of this Clarke to keepe the Rolls and muster Bookes conteining the names and surnames of the whole Company, and these hee shall haue in sundry and diuers manners, as in one Booke or Roll according to the Armes and weapons which they carry, sorting euery seuerall Armes by themselues, as first all the Officers in their true Rankes, then all the Pikes and short weapons, then the Musquets and Harquebusses or bastard Musquets if there be any.
In another Booke or Rolle all their names according to their Squadrons hauing the Officers of euery Squadron first, then the Gentlemen, and lastly the common Souldier, and in the third Booke or Rolle all their names as they March in their owne perticular Battalia and according to the dignity of their places; so that when the Muster-master or Captaine shall come to make a generall call of the Campany, he may deliuer them the first Booke; If it be to goe to the watch and to reckon any one Squadron he may deliuer the second Booke; and if it be to question or find out any one perticular man as he stands in the Grosse, whether he haue quit his place or remaine according to dutie, that then hee may vse the third and last Booke, and of these hee shall neuer be without sundry Coppies, of which first Booke he may tender one to the Muster-master when he is commanded, another to his Captaine, a third to his Lieutenant, and a fourth for himselfe, which hee ought to keepe as a president, for in it hee shall enrolle all Souldiers as they are entertained, carefully keepe their Enteries, their Deaths and Discharges; and this first Booke shall be written at large and in Folio, not hauing aboue [Page 55]seauen names at most vpon a page, that hee may the better insert any exchange, defect, absence, death, or other faults which may procure a checke, that so an euen reckoning may bee kept betweene the Captaine and the Souldier: Out of the second Booke hee shall giue a Coppie to euery Corporall of his owne true Squadron, so that when he is to goe to his watch or to doe any other necessary dutie, he may by it call them together and see that no man be wanting, and this booke must be written like the former because of Casualties, Death, or Alteration; Out of the last Booke which is according to March or Dignite of places, he shall take Coppies and giue them to the Serieants fixing to euery name the figure of the place in which he marcheth, as to the name which leadeth the right hand File the figure 1. to the name that leadeth the lefthand File the figure of 2. to the name of the bringer vp of the righthand File or first in the Reare the figure 3. and to the name of the bringer vp of the lefthand File or second in the Reare the figure 4. and so fourth of all the rest according to martiall discipline and as shall bee shewed more lardgely in the Office of the Serieant, so that if any man shall quitte his place either in March or other exercise, the Serieant may immediately find his name and see due punishment extented, and this may either be written in a booke or in a large Table at the discretion of the Clerke and Serieant.
The Clerke shall (as conuenient leasure will suffer him) once in a weeke reade to the whole Company the Lawes and Articles of the Armie; and if there be no Minister or Preacher about them, he shall at conuenient times, (as at the setting of the watch or breaking vp of the same) reade diuine prayers vnto them.
He shall receiue from the Treasurer or vnder-treasurer, all the pay belonging to the Captaine and Souldiers, and see faithfully and truely distributed to euery man his due according to the Captaines directions, and he shal keepe a faithfull Audit between the Captaine and all others, clearing euery reckoning without doubt or disorder, hee is to receiue from the victualer all proportions of victuals, & to keep a due account of the prizes thereof, he is to receiue all Prouaunt Apparell, with the value of the same, and he is to receiue all manner of Munition and Armes which is necessary for the whole Company, and of all these hee shall keepe true records, fetch out the Certificates and kepe all reckonings euen betweene his Captaine and all Officers. This Clerke is hee which ought to be both the Companies Phisition and the Companies Marchant, for he ought by Information to the Captaine and by his directions to prouide all things necessary for them, both in sicknesse and in health, defaulking the same out of their wages or other allowance of the Captaines: If any man shal happen to be slaine, or otherwise to depart out of this life, the Clerke of the Band shall administer vpon his goods, and making a true Inuentory or praysure thereof, (after his debts and defaulcations are paid) shall bee answerable for the rest to his next of blood, or else such on whome by Will he had formerly bestowed it. He [Page 56]shall also keepe a true note of the time of his death, whereby a Certificate may be made to the Muster-master, and so that neither the Prince may be deceiued in his pay, nor yet the victualers ouer reckon the Captaine in the multiplicitie of their victualls; He is to see that such as are wounded be duely dressed by the Surgeons, and if that any bee taken Prisoner, hee is to awaken his Captaines memory touching their Ransome.
To conclude if he be a good Clerke he is an excellent member both for Captaine and Souldier, for it is impossible that any Captaine should thriue if he haue an euill and vnconscionable Clerke, for the waies are so infinite by which hee may deceiue him, that not all the eies and tongues which are vpon Rumors outside, can either deserne or vnfold them till the mischeife be so rotten that no medecine can cure it; and on the other side if he be all for the Captaine and haue no honest respect towards the Souldier, then vnlesse the Captaine be a Saint, the mischiefe is much more hainous, for all being fish that comes to his net, he will deuoure vp the Companie ten times worse then the Enemie; and therefore a most especiall care would be had to the ellection of this Officer, for hauing the distribution of all the Captaines waters, it is in his power ether to kill or comfort at his pleasure.
There is another Officer depending vpon a foote Companie, which in some small parts resembleth this, and is called in the warrs a Furrier or Harbenger, one that in marching and watching hath no command at all; But when the Company is drawne into Garison, then he taketh vpon him the effect of his authority, which is from the Serieant Maior (or other Officer his Deputie) to receiue all Billets due for the Companie, and to distribute them to the Company so as euery man may be acommodated according to the abillity of the place and necessitie of the times, he is also vpon the placing of a Campe to attend the Quarter-master generall, and hauing receiued his proportion of ground and discription of Streets, he is to quarter his owne Company and to allot to euery man the ground whereon to place his Cabbin. Euery iudicious Captaine may out of his Companie soone picke out a man fit for this purpose, for the art is easie and if at any time he should doubt, he might behold example enough round about him. These, although they haue a certaine power, yet are but common Souldiers, neither can they well be Ranckt with the Officers of a Company, for in these is only but a kind of Trust, in the Officers is both a Trust and Commandment, as the discourse already hath shewed to your Lordship, which if it bee either briefer then you wish, or longer then your leasure in the reading could assigne it: Remember my (Lord) that Souldiers howsoeuer they loue swiftnesse in their Actions, yet they cannot indure to haue their Tales broken.
THE ARGVMENT. Of Drummes and Phiphes.
IT is (Noble Sir) your honour'd place and Birth which makes me fixe your name to this Epistle, and it must be your Vertue and loue to the Souldier, which must make mee appeare blamelesse in your opinion: for I must confesse, I haue nothing to rise vp betweene my selfe and your good thoughts, but onely this, That howsoeuer now we are spectators and beholders of our neighbours troubles, yet we haue beene our selues vpon the Stage, and may be againe when God shall take his Protection from vs, and therefore this Art of Warre is neither to be contemned nor forgotten.
To proceed then in my Range of Martiall dependants, the next which doth precede those which I haue ouerpassed, are the Drumme and Phiph, which for as much as like the former they are Officers of power, and not of commaund, therefore I may in no wise giue them place before the Commanders, only I will allow them according to their place in March, and their greatnesse in entertainment to be the best of priuate Souldiers; and as they are Instruments of direction and incouragement to others: so are they by superiour Officers to be directed themselues. Now albe I doe ioyne these two Officers together, and that in Ranke and pay they are all one, yet it is to be vnderstood, that the Phiph is but onely an Instrument of pleasure, not of necessitie, and it is to the voice of the Drum the Souldier should wholly attend, and not to the aire of the whistle; for the one (which is the Drumme) speakes plainely and distinctly, the other [Page 58]speakes loud and shrill, but yet curiously and confusedly, and therefore the Drumme being the very tongue and voyce of the Commander, he is to haue an exceeding carefull and diligent eare vnto all the wordes of directions (and are called our Vocabula Artis) which shall proceed from the Captaine, and accordingly to performe and speake it in his beatings; for to mistake and do contrary, as to beat a Retrait when he is commanded to Charge, or to beat a Charge when men are to retire, were a thing of that danger, that the armie might perish by the action. Therefore as it is behouefull that euery Drum take heed to his directions, so it is as necessary, that euery Souldier bee diligent to learne and vnderstand all the vsefull beatings of the Drumme, and that the Drumme himselfe be willing and pliable to instruct and informe whosoeuer of his company that is desirous to be informed in the same; and to make plaine vnto them the alteration of notes, and how they differ in their significations, and which way (with the most ease) they may apprehend the same. Of which Beatings of the Drum, these are the most behouefull & vsefull for euery raw Souldier to learne. First, in the morning the discharge or breaking vp of the Watch, then a preparation or Summons to make them repaire to their Colours; then a beating away before they begin to march; after that a March according to the nature & custom of the country (for diuers countries haue diuers Marches) then a Charge, then a Retrait, then a Troupe, and lastly a Battalion, and a Battery, besides other sounds which depending on the phantasttikenes of forrain nations are not so vseful: for according to the opinion of Sir Roger Williams, Drums are but onely to direct, it is the man which must fight: Neither ought a man to be (like Captaine Hindar) so nice or curious in the beatings of the Drumme, proportioning the body, legges, head, hands and euery motion so exactly to euery stroke or doubling of the Drumme, as if it were almost a treason in Nature to walke without that Instruments assistance. These superstitious curiosities in matters of so weake importance, are disparagements to wise mens reputations; and when they take vpon them to frame a Custome of almost impossible actions, they so loose themselues in the fondnesse of their designes; that many excellent vertues wherwith they stand possest, neither can nor will be discerned through these black clouds of phantastique resolution: For thus Hindar taking vpon him to write a Booke of this vnnecessary subiect (though he had many rare knowledges in him) yet had them so cast out of mens memories, that the more he labored to get beliefe, the more he lost the credit of his estimation. And yet this I must say for him, that it is supposed by many well iudging Souldiers, that he was one of the first which gaue light to our late Postures, and formable motions, and albe not in that perfection in which they now are, yet questionlesse, hee found out the Grounds and Bases whereon others did erect their goodlier buildings: Let therefore the Drumme studie Art and plainnesse, for that is the best to draw a dull mind to apprehension; and when his duties in the Field are finished, if then being retired into the Tent, he haue then other artificiall and Musical straines, wherwith to [Page 59]steale away the minds and eares of his hearers, it will be a great honour vnto him; neither for mine owne part haue I heard more sweet or more solemne melodie, then that which the Drumme and Flute hath afforded.
It is the Office of the Drumme to make all Proclamations, and with an audible voyce to declare all the commaundements of the Generall or Captaine: they are to call and summon the Souldiers together to performe all manner of duties, and when any dies, the Drumme with a sad solemnitie must bring him to his graue, for it is the only mourner for the lost, and the greatest honor of Funerals: whence it comes that any man dying (aboue the degree of a common Souldier) the Drum performing the last dutie, may for his fee challenge the Sword of the deceased.
It is the Office of the Drumme to summon all Townes before they be besieged, and to carie the Generals Defiances or Braues to the enemy, accordingly as he shall be directed; he is the ordinary Messenger to carrie all messages to and fro betweene the Generall & the enemy, and between Commander and Commander, but especially at such time as faire Quarter is holden: At night when the watch is to be set, the Drumme▪ Maior beginneth first to beat it, and then after him all the rest in their order through the whole Armie or Garrison, and then after prayers are said, they conduct their Squadron to their Corps du guard, & so attend to giue seconds to euery Alarme. A Drumme (though martiall in euery part of his calling) is yet rather a man of Peace then of the sword, and it is most dishonourable in any man (wittingly and out of his knowledge) to strike him or wound him: and yet questionlesse many of them are exceeding valiant, and indeed no lesse they ought to bee: for valour and courage is necessary in all their imployments, for his place is euer at his Captaines heeles, it is he that brings the Battels to ioyne, hee stands in the middest when Swords flie on all sides; he brings them to pell, mell, and the furie of execution; and it is he that brings them both on and off, when they are either fortunate, or abandoned and forsaken.
The Drumme that will be accounted absolute, and euery way fitting for his place, must besides the exquisitenesse and skilfulnesse in his Art and Instrument, and the Rudiments of Martiall Discipline, bee also a good Linguist, and well seene in forraine Languages: for by the carrying of Messages, he must commerce and haue to doe with people of sundry Nations, which (for want of knowledge being discharged by any second person, it is a great disparagement to the Drumme, and his Ignorance makes him a seruant which otherwise might be a Master. It is also the Office and dutie of the Drumme to carry Ransomes, and pay the agreements betweene his side and the enemie: It is hee that must trucke and compound for Prisoners; hee must bring them home when they are redeemed, and place them in safetie; and it is he that must conduct Pledges, carry them and recarry them, and leade to the enemy and his owne Tents such Hostages and Prisoners as shall be exchanged: he may vpon tolleration from the Generall, carrie Challenges and Defiances from one enemie to another, and either for Honour or Ladies [Page 60]loues make composition for single Encounters, prouided it bee vpon foot, as with the Push of the Pike, the Locking of Halberds, the Ioyning of Partizans, the Crossing of Swords, or else the Exchanging of Bullets: but if it be vpon Horseback, then it is the office of the Trumpet, and the Drumme hath no interest in it.
To conclude therefore mine Epistle (for I feare I haue beene tedious to your Lordshippe, and like a weary Traueller am loath to goe out of the beaten path wherein I take delight) it is most necessary that the Drumme and Phiph bee men of verie able and praise-worthie qualities, and of comely and well shaped proportions, and indued with all these especiall Vertues which should adorne a perfect Souldier, as Obedience, Silence, Secrecie, Sobrietie, Valour, and Loyaltie, that so they may bee the great Examples of duetie to those which shall liue about them: close in all Counsels, Temperate in deliuering Messages, Stout in performing the will of their Commaunders, and faithfull in all their vndertakings: all which will bee as so many Crownes and Garlands to adorne their good deeds; and by that meanes Vertue will neuer forsake them, nor will true Reward and Merit lose a Purchase it hath got with so much Honour.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Lanspesado.
BBeing curious (my noble Lord) not to let passe any thing that may challenge dependance vpon this discourse which I haue taken in hand (though of neuer so small and vnrespected consequence) I thought meete to rest in this Epistle vpon the Office of the Lanspesado, which notwithstanding, it bee the meanest and lowest of all Offices of commandment and indeed but the very shaddow or apparision of another Inferior place; yet in respect it is the first and of equall antiquitie with many: I will not sticke to bestow two houres Meditation vpon the same. And therefore to begin first of all with the name of this Officer, it is to be vnderstood that Lanspesado (which is the first and meanest Officer in an Armie that hath any Commandment) is the same whom the Romans cal'd Decario, others Cabo-de-Camarado, Cabo-de-Camara or Lanse-spezzate, any or all which signifie a Deputie Corporall, and was indeed in the auncient discipline a Commander of ten persons, for when companies were first compounded, they were then deuided into Squadrons, and the Squadrons into Files, and the Files into fellowships or Camarados, & ouer these fellowships were made Leaders or Chiefes which they called Lanspesados being (as it were) the principall man of eleauen, but in our moderne warrs it a little varieth, for now when companies are deuided into Squadrons, ouer ths Squadron is appointed a Corporall, and vnder the Corporall a Lanspesado, who as his Deputie and in his absence (whether it be vpon a Guard, Watch or otherwise) is to performe all his duties and Office; but in the presence of the Corporall, hee is only the leader of a File, and hath the charge or ouerlooking of halfe a Squadron, otherwise of this officer is little more required then of euery other ordinary and common Souldier.
[Page 62]These ought to be elected out of the most sufficientest of all the meaner Ranke of persons, and to be of a carefull, obedient, and actiue spirit, of a subtill & wise disposition, they ought to be the best experimented of that Ranke and to be voyd of turbulent qualities, louers of concord and enemies of muteny and sedition; if they be old & experienc'd Soudiers; euerry man almost is able with sufficiencie to discharge this place, but if they bee sluggish, Base and debosht fellowes, there is no Practise, Experience, nor Instruction whatsoeuer which can make them capable of ruling of other. Againe if they bee new leuyed Souldiers, and haue neuer seene the warrs, then there will be some difficultie in the election, and a man can hardly discharge what he doth not know. But questionles, it is hard if in the number of fiue and twenty men, two may not be found which haue either seene or had some small tast of the warres; yet suppose they haue not, it then behoueth the Captaine to looke into their naturall Inclinations and their aptnes, willingnes & loue vnto martiall exercise, and from thence to chuse out such as hee findes quickest of apprehētion, fullest of care, vigilance, valor and obseruation, who by the helpe and assistance of his other Officers (whose aduice in this election he ought to require) may be made worthy and fit to take vpon them this commandment. But beware by all meanes of making choice of a Drunkard, Ruffian, or Prophane person, for they are most pernicious in these places, yet if any small falt happen, seeke by admonition to reclaime it, or else by threatning to displace him, for in the warres there is not any thing more disgracefull, or grieuous to a Souldier, then to be pulld backe or cast from authority, since all men stand at the ladder foote, and only indeauor to arise and get vp vpon the Scale of aduancement. So that I conclude if any of these Inferior Officers bee subiect to some crimes, yet the very shame of dishonor and falling, will so afflict & torment him, that it will inforce him to endeauor amendment; but if the wound be desperate, it is no matter though hee perish, and the chang is wholesome; for we must suppose that at the first leuying or raising of men, their humors cannot bee knowne, neither is it fit to giue Rule (though neuer so meane) to an vnruly person. Thus much I thought to write touching his election, & haue the longer Insisted thereon, because being elected there is some difficultie & trouble in the remoue. It now remaineth that I proceed to his aptnes or fitnes for the same; for which there are many strong reasons, as first that there is no encrease of pay or peculier charge to the State, neither is there any thing in it to wooe his continuance thereunto, more then a little hope of glory, for his reward is only Superiority of place and hope of aduancement, which is from that place to a Corporall, thence to a Serieant, and thence successiuely according to his merit & fortune, which hope makes him strong in his diligence, and carefull in all his duties, striuing in all things to outshine his companions, and as he is in a place aboue them, so in the merit thereof to exceede them, and both in Marches, Skirmishes, and euery other occurrent of warre, to be vnto them an example and president.
[Page 63]Touching the perticular duty of this Lanspesado and what he is to exercise in his place; first it is to be vnderstood that he is the Captaine or Leader of that File which is next in true degree below his Corporall (of whose Squadron he holdeth his place) and is to giue them all examples of good, ready and perfit seruice, leading them on vpon the enemie (in such sort as he is commanded) withall courage, counning and dexterity, and bringing them off with equall care, good order, and discresion; He is to looke that euery Souldier within his Command or Deuision, haue his armes neate, cleane, and well scowred, that he be furnished with all Implements and accoutrements belonging vnto the weapon wherewith he serueth; as Powder, Match, Bullet, Armes, and all things else whatsoeuer which belongeth either to the Musquet or any other weapon, hee is to giue the Souldiers encouragement, and to make any thing facile and easie vnto them, which shall trouble their mindes or seeme hard and doubtfull, as also to hold them in the perseuerance of good actions, and to declare the honor and worth that is in Diligence and Obedience; he is to aduertise and giue notice vnto his Commander if he vnderstand of any malecontents, or men whose spirits are apt to muteny and sedition, or whose speach and language tendeth therevnto; hee is also to discouer all manner of thefts or purloynings (whether of victualls or other matter) and any Iniury whatsoeuer which shall be done betweene peason and person, for he being within the Cammarade or fellowship, and a man of equall quality and ranke (more then the name and shaddow of his place) and feeding and lodging continually amongst them. It is intended (considering the freenes of such mens thoughts, & how vnapt they are to conceale what they imagine) that nothing can be done or pretended to which he shall not be preuie (of what nature soeuer the mischeife be) if he be discreete & honest: he shall be watchfull and diligent to listen after all alarmes, and when hee heareth any, to awaken and rouse vp those of his Deuision and to see that they issue not rudely or vnprouided, but with their armes about them in a decent and necessary fashion; and to his vttermost power doe all thinges that may bring on or further the seruice. In their watch they are Deputy Corporals, and when the Corporall is absent the Lanspesado shall take his place; command the Guard, appoint, set forth & relieue Sentinels, he shall take the word, receiue Prisoners taken in the watch, deliuer them ouer vnto his Superior Officer, & indeede doe all things whatsoeuer which belongs to the Corporall, and to this end, as in his owne place, so in the Corporalls also he shall be pregnant and ready, (the substance whereof followeth in the next insuing Epistle) lastly it is his duty to instruct his Deuision in all the rudiments which belongs to their places as well in the manage of their Armes, as in the comely and well keeping of the same, and to that end hee shall shew them how to keepe their Armours & weapons from Rust, & with what Ingredience, how to take their Pieces assunder and to make them cleane, and when need is how to vnbreech them; he shall (if need be) cast their Bullets for them, dry [Page 64]their powder, and haue alwayes spare match in a readines, or at least instruct them how to doe it themselues, for that shall be to him some ease and to them a greater profit.
Thus hauing shewed the duty of this Officer I will now returne to his vse, which though it consist in many things and all without any extraordinary charge, yet the greatest vse of all, is when Battalions are deuided or subdeuided into many petty fractions, then this Inferior Officer (who in a greater Body would be Ignorant) in this lesser Body will bee as knowing as any Officer can be. And superior Officers who command Battalions, Regiments, Companies and Squadrons, hauing many vnder their commands, cannot attend to reuisite and looke into Files and halfe Squadrons, or see (being farre remoued) whether they stand in their true and perfit distance, in this case this Officer is as helpefull as any (to them which command in cheife) and obserues all proportions, qualities and motions both of such as follow or such as front with him; for indeed, the motions in Files I can compare to nothing more fitly then to the dauncing of the old measures, in which if there be a good Leader, that by his eare can truely distinguish the sound of the Instrument, and knowes when to double or single, forward, backward, sideway and on either hand, or when to begin and when to end, that then it much skills not what the followers counnings be. So in Files if there be a perfit Leader & but tractable obseruers, hardly can any Ignorāce do hurt in the motiō, but here me thinks an old Souldier that loues not booke knowledge, pulls me by the eare, and saies: what? haue all warrs these distinctions? or haue these places beene from the beginning? beleeue it, I haue beene in seruices where if you should speake of Decario or Lanspesado, they would take it for some heathen Greeke, or a more dangerous language: to which I answer, that indeed they are not vsed in all warrs, much lesse in euery company, but I dare with constancie affirme that the best vnderstanders in Martiall Discipline, doe with all seuerity both vse them and apply themselues vnto them, finding them so necessary and behouefull, that where there is a neglect or disdaine thereof, there without all question the company hath a wound, and the whole Armie wants (if not more) yet one feature of an excellent beautie.
Some latter writers haue giuen this name a farre different interpretation, calling them voluntary Lieutenants or Knights of Saint Georges Squadron, and applying them to the duties of a Gentleman of the companie or a Rounder; but it is only a fancie, and I haue already shewed what they are and what depends vpon them: therefore in mine Epistle I will auoid disputation and only conclude, that what I haue writ, mine experience hath seene, and what I affirme, all readings will allow to haue the best authoritie.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Corporall.
LEt it not (my Lord) be offensiue, if for an houre or lesse I begge you from your more serious thoughts, to vouchsafe the reading of this blunt Epistle: for beleeue it (noble Sir) there must bee an Affection to your Goodnesse to moue me, and some hope in the labour that this seruice will Inne the time you spend in the traffique, or else questionlesse I should wish my selfe halfe lost, and the papers consumed: howsoeuer, it is Warre (which is the Garland of Nobilitie) and though time be neuer so pretious, yet none can be said to be lost that is bestowed on so worthy a Subiect.
The Corporall (to whom now my discourse leads me) is he whom the Spaniard cals Cabo de Esquadra, and being a degree aboue the Lanspesado, is the Commander of a whole Squadron, which Squadron is commonly the fourth part of a Company that is compounded of one hundred; and it is diuided into two Camarados or fellowships, each containing twelue persons, that is to say, ten Sentinels, one Gentleman, and a Lanspesado, so that the whole Squadron is twentie foure men besides the Corporall, which makes vp a full square of fiue (which is the least Battalion.) Now though I here set downe this certaine number, to expresse an vncertaine quantitie, yet know it is in the Captaines power to make his Squadrons bigger or lesse at his own pleasure; yet this proportion is most fit (though not alwayes constant) and therfore most necessary, yea the old Souldiers doe, and the good Souldiers will finde it most best.
This Corporall ought to be a man carefully chosen out, and indued with Valor, Vertue, Diligence and Experience; he ought to be of reuerend and graue yeares, thereby to draw on respect, but withall of a sound Iudgement: for experience without it, is but like a Iewell in the bottom of the [Page 66]sea, which neither adornes it selfe nor others; hee must be a cherisher of vertue, and a louer of concord, for he is said to be the father of his squadron, and must therefore loue them and prouide for them as for his naturall children.
Touching the quality of his place, he is first to ouersee the Lanspesado, that he doe his dutie in all occasions, & that the Armes of his Squadron be kept neat and cleane, as hath been formerly shewed, that euery man haue such munition as belongs to his place, that hee keepe it safe, and make no waste thereof, but vpon needfull occasions: he shall stirre them vp to goe neat in their apparell, and reproue them for any thing that is contrary to the articles of the Army: he shall see them ready to perform any dutie when they are commanded; and he shall call them often to the exercise of their Armes, and according to his skill, bee ready to instruct them: he shall at the setting of the watch bring forth his Squadron in a decent and comely manner, and hauing (from the Serieant or other superiour Officer) receiued the Word (in a secret and reuerend sort) hee shall then draw them to the Corps du guard, where it is his place to prouide coale, wood, or other fuell to keepe a continuall fire, both for the sauing of Match, lighting of Cressets, or for other commodities: then hee shall draw forth his Sentinels, and place them (according to the necessity of the times) either Single or double, Perdues or otherwise, and he shal giue them their charge and directions, and place them in their Sentinell posture; then vpon his returne he shall call foorth the Gentlemen Rounders, and send them abroad to make a search of the watch, and to see that euery Sentinell doe his dutie, which to performe he shall giue them the Word in their eares seuerally: then he shall place himselfe vpon the Corps du guard, and both sit silently himselfe, and cause others to doe the same, that hee may the better apprehend any call whatsoeuer: Assoone as the Sentinell calleth, he shall answer Holla, and immediatly go either himselfe single, with his sword drawn, or (in especiall cases where the enemy lodgeth neere) with a guard of two at least (being a Pike and a Shot) vnto the Sentinell, and making his Guard stand vpon their guard, he shall place the point of his Sword to the left brest of him that is to giue the Word (whether he be Rounder or other priuat messenger, & so fixing his point to his brest with his left thumbe (laying his eare to his mouth very closly) receiue the Word, which if it be right, he shall giue the party passage, if otherwise, he shall take him prisoner, and disarme him, then lead him to his guard, and there keepe him till it be morning, or else deliuer him to his superiour officer: but if any resistance be offered, then it shalbe lawfull for the Corporall to kill him: thus he shall continue his watch till it be day, or that other companies come to relieue him; and he shall according to the season of the weather, the danger of the place, & the strength of his Squadron, change and relieue the Sentinels so oft as he pleaseth, and alwayes prouided that in the first Round, if the Captaine of the watch come himselfe, or the Generall vndisguised, that then the Corporall shal take notice therof, and not receiue the Word but giue it: and that all these things may [Page 67]with more readinesse be performed, it is meet that the Corporall haue in perfit memory both the names and surnames of all in his Squadron; also if it be vpon a new encampment, or vpon the first sitting down of a siege, he shall then take his directions for placing the Sentinell, either from the Scout-master, or some other of his owne superiour officers; and where the dangers are eminent, or (in common opinion) desperat, there the Corporal shall place for Sentinels, the oldest Souldiers he hath, men of greatest importance, or Gentlemen of speciall ranke and vertue: and lastly, he shall haue an especiall care not to giue the word to any new or raw Souldiers, but to such as are of knowledge and experience, for any small mistake or omission might breed a disturbance ouer all the Armie.
It is also the Office of the Corporall, when the Company liueth vpon Prouant victuals, to receiue from the Clerke, Serieant or other Offficer, all the prouant-victuals which do appertaine to his Squadron, and to see the same weighed and truly shared amongst them with all indifferencie and equality, without any respect of persons, or hope of lucre and commoditie, and shall see, that in their Cabins and lodgings they do so accommodate themselues, that they may liue together like louers & companions, neither pestring themselues so together that they may breed infection or sicknes, nor yet like melancholy Hares, liue so alone and retired, that men may imagine their musings to be nothing els but dreames and plots of future mischiefe: and truly it is held for a maxime (amongst vnderstanding Souldiers) that a busie mind in an idle or retired body, is like an vnruly and tempestuous wind, which being long restrain'd, and breaking out with all his strength and malice about it, ouerturnes and teares vp by the roots whatsoeuer withstands it, Nay euen in Princes themselues it is mightily disallowed, and they are said, when they doe affect too much solitarinesse, to be like cag'd vp Lions, which neuer walke abroad, but either to affright or hurt; and hence it comes, that Caesar neuer suspected Brutus alacritie, but euer feared Cassius melancholy, and therefore let the Corporall be carefull to keepe his Squadron from these extremities.
When the Corporals Squadron goes forth to serue vpon the face of the enemy, he shall himselfe leade the principall Fyle, and by his example both make them come on with all brauery, and by his obseruations make them most diligently obserue all the commands of their Superiours: he must not allow any to set his foot before him, or to outstrip him in courage (prouided he exceed not the bounds of discretion) neither must any expresse the knowledge of command more then himselfe; for he must equally vnderstand both how to obey, & how to command, & therwithal it must be mixt with such a tēperance, that he must neither ouerdoe nor vnderdoe, lest he vtterly vndoe; for the one shewes Rashnes, and the other Basenesse, both which are faults of that extremitie, as they neuer haue power to issue forth, but still punishment ouertakes them. It is likewise a part of his dutie (if he be a Shot) to obserue that none of his Squadron discharge too soone or amazedly without aduise, for then they seldome hit, and men are naturally so prone to come to an end of their feare and [Page 68]trouble, that the fault of leisure is seldome perceiued: besides, when they discharge before the enemy be come within the distance of point-blank, they not onely lose their labour, but giue the enemy leaue to approch without danger, and so are either put to rout, or else performe some greater inconuenience: for this manner of too early discharging discouers an vnnaturall feare, and where that is, neither can Aduise nor true Leuell be taken, but as it is the child of Confusion, so confused are all things which either mixe or come neere it. To conclude, when men discharge their shot with leisure and discretion, and that the volley goes wholly and entirely together, when leuell is truly taken, and the Obiect not supposed, but constantly perceiued, then doth ten Shot more good then an hundred, and the example and wounds which proceed from so strong a Resolution, more shakes the hearts of the enemy, then all the fires, affrights or noises that Gunns, Arts, or mens voices can vtter; and that this may be performed with better perfection, the Corporall shall teach his Squadron how to giue their peeces their full lading, and how to ramme in their Bullets to the best aduantage of the blow: so that all things concurring in a decent and artificiall forme together, the Discipline may be so absolute, that no newe Curiositie or Inuention can start vp to amend it.
Infinite much might a knowing Experience write of this mans Place and Office, and of the variation of opinions touching the same, but my desire is to draw as neere as I can to our best moderne Practise, and to that discipline which is most frequent in our Nation, that whosoeuer shall come to apparell his mind in these Instructions, may not walk forth py-bald and Antiquely suited, but in such an habit as all his Countrey-men may know him, allow him, and indeed imitate him; all other I account but gaudie Boskage, or idle Crotesco worke, on which whensoeuer a man fixes his eye, though he finde Art and Proportion in the knots, trayles and deuices, yet if hee gaze on the Faces and Figures, he shall find them gastly, vgly, halfe maimed, and out of all comely proportion.
THE ARGVMENT. The Office of a Serieant.
I Could wish (my good Lord) that this Epistle which I dedicate to the name and honor of your noble House, had in it as great a hope of eternity as your vertues, for then I know, not so much as enuy would rise vp against it, but it would last beyond all Times & find no end or period, either in Age, Rust, or the worlds Consumption: but all humaine writings are mortall, & mine I know is borne weake and sickly, therefore since it cannot liue as it would, yet shall it last as longe as it can, and euen to the last gaspe affirme, that your owne worth hath cald me; and the honor of your house bound me to the dedication of this seruice.
To discribe then the Office of an ordinary Serieant of a Band, it is to be allowed that he is one of the most needfull, and ought to be one of the most heedfull instruments in the whole Armie, and indeed his name Importeth no lesse which I take to be Seruians. He hath in the body of the company no Raunge at all, but is extrauagant and going vp and downe to ouersee all Raunges, his command (how euer it be generally disposed) would in perticular consist of two Squadrons, which are fifty men or more at discretion, and may propperly bee called a Serieancie, which though it be a new tearme yet it is not vnfit. They ought for their election and qualities of minde to be valiant, expert, vigilant and diligent; For his armes howsoeuer some allow him a Corslet & the apurtenances, yet with vs (except in assaults a Scalados) he hath only a good Sword and a faire Halbert, which is a short and ready weapon, apt for him to mannage and handle in any place of straitenes or other inconuenience: with it he keepeth all the Band in order and maketh them in Marching, Standing, and all motions to keepe their Rankes and Files in [Page 70]an euen comely and true proportion, and if any be so incorrigible or absurd that admonition will not reclaime him, then with that weapon hee may enforce him; and by turning the blunt end towards him shew hee might strike, yet forbeares: for but in fatall cases should a Souldier bee stricken, as in the face of the enemie when one mans disorder might hazard the whole Battaile, in that case the Seriant may kill him, for one may put in Rout tenne, ten an hundred, and an hundred ten thousand; he is when the the Drumms beate, the Colours flie, & the Souldiers are gathered together, to see euery man raunged in his true place according to the nature of his weapon, drawing vp the Files and placing them in square or other proportion according to the direction of his Captaine. If any loose Files of shot goe forth to serue, the Serieant is to be their leader, except (by an especiall commandment) a superior Officer be appointed; He is the Herauld or Pursuiuant belonging to the Captaine for he carrieth all his messages, directions and commandments to the company and assoone as the word is giuen, sees it effected and performed; he must carry of and on (in all Skirmishes according to directions) men that are spent or hurt and hee bringeth in new supplies to releiue them. He must be Hic et vbique ready vpon any matter of consequence to goe euen to the Generall, and to declare vnto him all proceedings, and hee ought to haue that vnderstanding to giue a good account vpon demaund of perticultars; he is to fetch the watchword from the Serieant Maior or other supreame Officer and to carry it to the Captaine; he is also to deliuer it to the Corporalls and that with all carefulnes and secrecie, for by Martiall Law it is death to discouer it contrary to appointment. If any muteny happen in the company the Serieant vpon commitment shall guard them till they bee deliuered ouer to the Prouost; hee ought to bee a punnisher of all sinne, and an encourager to vertue: In the absence to the superior Officers he commands as much as the Captaine, he deuids euery Squadron to the places which are most fitting, conducts them to their watches, directs both the Corporalls and Souldiers what they are to doe, and appoints how all the Sentinels must be placed to the best aduantage. To be short it is one of the maine and principall points of his Office (as conueniencie will giue him leaue) to draw forth the short and to teach them the manage and true vse of the Peece, and how in the comliest and brauest manner that may be to conforme both the weapon and their bodies to the most excellentest Postures: as first by laying a Musquetiers Armes confusedly before him, to command him to Take vp his Armes, that is to say (hauing his Morian on his head, and his Sword by his side) he shall first take vp his Bandeliers with his right hand, and put them on with the same, then take vp his Match and put one end betweene his little finger and his Ring finger of the left hand, and the other end betweene the Ring finger and the great finger, of the same hand, then take vp his Rest and put it into his left hand, then stepping forward with his right Legge, take vp the Musquet within a hand full of the vpper end ank so raise it vpright, then letting his hand sinke, [Page 71]let him Iert it vp without sloping and so catch it by the breech and then laying the Rest to it let him shoulder it, then the Serieant shall command him to Prepare for Skirmish; that is to say, hee shall light his Match at both ends, put Bullets in his mouth and change his Rest if it bee in his right hand into his left: Then the Sergeant shall teach the Souldier to Rest his Musquet, then The Sentinell Posture, then the Saluting Postures and all these Postures are to be done standing still.
After this he shall teach him the Postures which are to be performed in marching, as Shoulder your Musquet, and carry your Rest in your right hand, Leuell your Musquet, and Slope your Musquet.
Then the Postures which are to be performed in charging as, Cleere your Pan: Prime your Pan: Shut your pan: Cast off your loose powder: Blow your pan: Cast about your Musquet with both your hands and traile your Rest: Open your charges: Charge your Musquet with powder: Draw your scouring Sticke: Shorten your Sticke: Rame in your powder: Draw out your Sticke: Charge with Bullet: Rame in your Bullet: Draw out your Sticke: Shorten your Sticke and put it vp: Bring your Musquet forward with the left hand: Hold it vp in your right hand and recouer your Rest.
And lastly he shall teach him the Postures which are to be performed in discharging, as Carry the Rest in the left hand preparing to giue fire: Slope your Musquet and let the Rest sinke: In the right hand poyze the Musquet: In the left hand carry the Musquet with the Rest: In the right hand take your Match betweene the second finger and the thumbe: Hold the match fast and blow it: Cocke your Match: Trie your Match: Guard your pan and blow your match: Open your pan: Present your Musquet: Giue fire: Dismount your musquet and carry it with the Rest: Vncocke your match and put it vp betweene your fingers.
Now assoone as your Sergeant hath taught all these Postures perfectly and that the Souldier can doe them readily, nimbly and exactly, with a comely grace and a braue presence, he shall then instruct the Souldier how to reduce and bring all this great number of Postures (as namely) the fiue which are done standing, the three marching, the eighteene charging, and the fourteene discharging (which are only for Military Instruction) into three only and no more, and which three he shall only vse in seruice or before the face of the enemie and no other, and they are thus pronounced.
Make ready which containes all the Postures which are done either standing still or marching; the next, Present, which containes all the Postures in Charging; and lastly, Giue Fire, which containes all the Postures in Discharging. Besides these he shall also teach them how to giue their vollies with those in their Ranke, as when the first Ranke haue giuen their vollie (if the Battalia march) then that first Ranke to stand still and the second to passe through it and so giue their vollie and then to stand, and the third to aduance vp and so consequently all the Rankes, but if the Battalia stand, the first Ranke hauing giuen their vollie shall fall backe to the Reare either in wheele or in countermarch, and [Page 72]the second Ranke shall come into their places and giue their vollie and so consequently all the rest; but if the Battalia fall backe or Retire, then shall all the shot stand still and no man aduance a foote of ground, but the first Ranke shall giue their vollie and then fall backe to the Reare, so likewise the second Ranke, and fall backe in like manner, and so all the rest till they haue lost so much ground as to the Commander shall seeme sufficient, so shall the vollie still be continued and the enemie neuer free from anoyance.
To conclude, a good Serieant is an admirable benefit, and if he liue and execute his place well any long time, no man deserueth aduancement before him, for besides all that hath beene spoken of him, hee is of wonderfull vse in all Scalados, Assaults, Mines, or things of that Nature; and if to beautifie all the precedent vertues, he likewise be inriched with any small proportion of learning, espetially in the Art of Arithmaticke, whereby he may iudge of the alteration and proportion of sundry bodies and how to deuide and subdeuide numbers at his pleasure, then I dare affirme he is an absolute Serieant, nor can his Captaine wish or desire a rarer or better Iewell to depend vpon his person.
THE ARGVMENT. The Office of the Ensigne.
THe Ensigne or Alferes (as the Spaniard cals him) is (my good Lord) the first great Officer of a priuate Company: for all the former (howsoeuer necessary) are but petty and low places, this only the first of Eminence and Account; and therefore in his election great consideration is to bee had, and to the making vp of his perfection many great vertues are required, as Valour, Wisedome, Fidelitie, and Honestie: he hath the guard of his Captaines Colours, and therein is trusted with his Honour and Reputation, and if hee be comely of person, strong and amiable, hee is a greater glorie to his place, and more becomming in Seruice: but because in the Warres, Officers expect to be aduanc't by Succession, as a Lieutenant to rise to bee a Captaine; an Ensigne, a Lieutenant; the eldest Serieant, an Ensigne; the Corporall, a Serieant; and the Lanspesado, a Corporall: I will leaue to argue more of his choice, and onely affirme, it is enough if he be vertuous, for that makes him worthy.
This Ensigne wee corruptly call Antient, and I haue seene it written Antefigne, but for mine owne part I rather take it to come of Insignia, because in the first times men carried therein their Armes or Coat-Armour. God himselfe did first appoynt Ensignes for the children of Israel in their seuerall Tribes, & by that Imitation it succeeded to the Grecians, Romans, and all sorts of warlike Nations. They were in the first ages or wondrous great consequence: for those which wanne them did beare them and carry them as their owne, neither might the loser euer beare [Page 74]any after, except he wanne them in the field: but when the inconuenience of this was found, and it proued grieuous that one Christian should thus dishonour another, then men began to forbeare the carrying of Armes, and only fixed therein a Deuise or Empresa, and some but the only variation of two seuerall colours (and so are called Colours) as we doe now at this present; therfore to proceed to the accoutrements of our Ensigne; He shall be armed at all peeces from the mid-thigh vpward with a faire Sword by his side, and his Captaines Colours or Ensigne in his hand, which Colours if they belong to a priuate Captaine ought to bee mixt equally of two seuerall colours, that is to say (according to the rules of Herauldry) of Colour and Mettall, and not colour on colour, as Greene and Red, or Blacke and Blew, or such like, nor yet mettall on mettall as White and Yellow, or Orangetawny and White: for colours so borne, shew Bastardy, peasantry, or dishonor. Now in the corner which is next to the vpper part of the Staffe, hee shall carry in a faire large square or Canton (containing a sixth part of the Colours) a plaine Red crosse in a white field (called Saint Georges crosse) which is the Ensigne of our kingdome of England. If the colours doe belong to a Colonell, they shall then be all of one entire colour, or one entire mettall, only the Red crosse or Ensigne of the kingdome shall be in his due place as aforesaid. If they belong to a Colonell generall, to the Lord Marshall of the field, or any such superiour Officer, then they shall be all of one entire colour or mettall, and the Red crosse or Ensigne of the kingdom shall be in a very little square or canton, as in an eight part of the field, or lesse if it please them; But if they belong to the Generall of the field, then they shall be of one entire colour or mettall without any Red crosse at all. Now for as much as I haue seene here at home, and also in forraine nations (in the carriage of colours) as grosse absurdities as any malice could wish to behold in the folly of his enemy, and that doubtlesse it proceeds from ignorance (since no master of Reason would be guiltie of his owne Iniury) I will therefore here a little make bold to amplifie the same.
It is then to be vnderstood, that euery Gentleman of Coat-armor (being capable to beare Colors, ought to carry them compounded of those two principall colours which are contained in his Coat-armour, being the field and the chiefe charge thereof, which that no Ignorance may be busie to finde out, they are euermore contained in the Band-role vpon which his Crest standeth, being indeed a true tipe or figure of his colours wreathed together as the support of his honour.
Now in as much as Captaines are not all Gentlemen of Coat-armor, and so take vnto themselues (in these dayes) a more particular freedome, and say, that Honor is not buckled to them, but to their vertues, and that vertue consists not in the fames of Ancestors, but in their owne actions, and defences of the Church, their Countrie, King, and the oppressed, and so may suit or elect their colours according to their hopes and imaginanations, taking (as it were) Honor from any obiect they fancy: I will here therefore first shew you the nature and signification of colours, and then [Page 75]some particular offences: in which an indifferent mixture being made, the composition must needs be Noble and wholesome.
There be in military Honor nine seuerall complexions, and are distinguished by two names, the one Mettall, & the other Colour. Of Mettals there be two, as Yellow and White (figuring Gold & Siluer) and of colours there be seauen, as Blacke, Blew, Red, Greene, Purple, Tawnie and Ermine, the dignitie of all which being compared to Vertues, Heauenly bodies, and Precious stones, is a labour too great to discourse in so short an Epistle.
For the signification of these colours, Yellow betokeneth Honour, or height of Spirit, which being neuer separate from vertue in all things is most iealous of disgrace, and may not indure the least shadow of imputation.
White signifieth Innocence, or puritie of Conscience, Truth, and an vpright Integritie without blemish.
Blacke signifieth Wisedome and Sobrietie, together with a seuere correction of too much Ambition being mixt with Yellow, or too much beleefe and leuitie being ioyned with White.
Blew signifieth Faith, Constancie, Truth in affection, or honorable loue.
Red signifieth Iustice, or noble and worthy Anger in defence of Religion or the oppressed.
Greene signifieth Good Hope, or the accomplishment of holy or honourable actions.
Purple or Purpure signifieth Fortitude with discretion, or a most true discharge of any trust reposed.
Tawnie or Tunnis, signifieth Merit or desert, & is a foe to Ingratitude.
Ermine signifieth Religion or Holinesse, and that all aymes are at diuine Obiects.
Now from these Colours and their mixtures, are deriued many Bastard and dishonourable colours, as Carnation, Orangetawnie, Popeniay, and the like, all which haue Bastardly significations, as Craft, Pride, Wantonnesse, and such like, of which who so is desirous to vnderstand, let him looke into the French Authors, and he shall gaine satisfaction; for mine owne part, since they appertaine not vnto Honor, I will heere omit them, and to those free Spirits which haue gained (deseruedly) these noble places from these considerations, leaue them to their owne elections, with these few aduertisements following.
First, hee that in his Colours shall carry Coat-armour, doth indiscreetly, for he puts that honour to hazard, which he may with more honour keepe in safetie, and inticeth his enemy by such ostentation to dare beyond his owne nature.
He that in his Colours beareth any one blacke spot and no more, if it be round, square, or of any equall proportion, it shewes some blemish in the owner, and that his life is not void of some notorious Scandall. But if the spot be of vnequall proportion, that is longer or broader one way then another, it signifieth Funerall or deadly reuenge, for such a spot is called an Heirse.
[Page 76]He that carieth a Word or Motto in his Colours without a Deuise, carieth a Soule without a Body: he that carieth a Deuise without a Word, carieth a Body without a Soule: he that carieth both Word and Deuise, carieth Soule and Body; yet if the Deuise carry any humane shape, it is a grosse body: and if the Word containe aboue three or foure words at the most (except it be the latter end or beginning of some Latine verse) it is an imperfit Soule: but if both Word and Deuise be compleat, and that it is Empresa and not Embleme, yet they are much fitter for Maskes, Triumphs, & Pageants then the field or honorable action; for the true mixture of Colours is deuise enough for euery Souldier. Lastly, he that cacarieth more colours then two, (except it be some small dash for an especiall note, or the Ensigne of seuerall kingdomes) carrieth a surcharge, and it is esteemed the Ensigne of Folly.
To conclude then with the Office of this Ensigne-bearer, he is to take charge of his Captaines Colours, to keepe them safely, to attend them duely at all commandements of his Superiors, and to defend them with the vttermost of his life in all dangers whatsoeuer; he shall carry them in such place as his Superiors appoint, and according to his Captaines ranke and antiquitie: he shall neuer lodge nor dislodge them but with a Guard, nor at any time shall leaue them abandon'd or forsaken: he may in Garrison challenge the first and principall lodging, & that the Souldiers may know it (to repaire thither) he shall hang the Colours out in some conuenient place for a notice: hee is to chuse vnto him foure or fiue especiall Gentlemen, who as his mates and companions in all seruices, shall march about him to guard them: if he enter any Towne wall or Breach, he shal plant his Colours on the same: the more tatter'd and ragged they are, the more noble they are; and when any of his Company die, he shall at the buriall traile his Colours after the body to doe honour to the Funerall, but when the body is in the ground, hee shall then tosse them vp and display them. In the absence of the Captaine and Lieutenant, he commands as absolute Captaine, but in their presence is bound to obey them. Amongst the Spaniards hee is of greater account then the lieutenant; but with vs it is not so, only he is a Gentleman of high worth; and if the dignitie of his vertue answere the worthinesse of his place, there is nothing but Time and the hand of God that can bee able to stay him from being raised to a Captaine.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Liuetenant.
I Assure my selfe (my worthy Lord) that no tune in musicke whatsoeuer can be so pleasant and delightfull in your eares as this song of warre, since euen from your Infancie you haue beene rockt and brought a sleepe with her ditties; your noble and valiant Father hauing no other lullabie to still you, nor no other discourse to inchaunt you, then the repetition of those deeds which by his noble assistance brought Peace to a miserable, vnnaturall and halfe lost Country. I cannot thinke; but before you had strength fully to thinke, you tooke delight to behold him armed, and when his armes haue cirkled you with steele, doubtlesse you haue smiled at so glittering an Imbracement; what should then make me hold backe this Dedication? questionlesse nothing, for since you were borne a Souldier, bred a Souldier, and liue a Souldier, there is a necessary dependance, that in the rules of charitie you must sometimes listen to old Souldiers discourses.
The Subiect I am to Intreat of, is the nature and Office of a Liuetenant of a foote Company, who (next the Captaine) is the greatest Officer in the Band and commandeth the Ensigne and all other Officers below him; the Captaine he only obeyeth, all others obey him, all the vertues that are required in all that we haue passed ouer, ought in this Officer to be ful summed & knit firmely together, & if he be truly capable of his place, he ought to haue passed himselfe through all the former Offices, for without their distinct knowledges he cannot aspire to perfection: nay he ought to haue the vertue & skill of the Captaine, since in his absence the entire command is prest down vpon his shoulders: his duty is to ouersee both the Officers and whole Band, & that their duties be duely [Page 78]performed, and by his owne examples of patience and diligence, animate all to perseuer in the way of well doing, his armes are as the Ensignes: only his weapon is a guilt partezan, his place of command (in the Captaines presence and marching into the field) is in the Reare, but in returning home or after seruice, then in the head of the Batell, but in his Captaines absence, then he is as the Captaine, and the eldest Serieant supplies his place; he hath power to commit any man vnder the degree of an Officer, and the Officers in the absence of the Captaine; the Lieutenants of Colonels and the greater Officers Liuetenants, are in curtesie called Captaines, and as the youngest Captaines of their Regiments may sit in Martiall Courts and speake their oppinions, but haue no voyces. Liuetenants are Captaines of the Watch when it comes to their course, and shall that night haue a double Squadron of his owne Company, for as two Squadrons make a Serieancie, so two Serieancies make a Liuetenancie: and indeed the best composition of a Captaines Companie is two hundred Souldiers, a Captaine, a Liuetenant, an Ensine: foure Serieants and eight Corporalls, what other lesser commands haue crept in amongst vs, hath bin either the necessity of greatnes to content their followers, or the Ambition of Ignorance to carry the title of Captaines; and truely a greater number are cumbersome, so that knowing what is conuenient, there the Anchor should be fixed.
Next, to the orderly Gouernment of the Company, and prouiding of all thinges necessary for their best accomodation; it is the Office of the Lieutenant to Traine and Drill his men, according to the art and skill of a good Souldier. In which action, that forme of Trayning is only to be followed which shall be soonest and easiest learned, that agrees with the present discipline of the times, and is of most vse for all kinde of seruice: As first, to draw his company Fyle after Fyle into a square Battalion, consisting of Rankes and Fyles, placing the Pikes in the midst, and the Shot equally diuided on either side. Hee shall then let them vnderstand that a Ranke, is a row of men placed pouldron to pouldron, their faces being directed all one way, and a Fyle is a sequence of men standing one behind another, backe to belly, and extending from the first to the last man, it is taken from the French word La file, which signifies a thred, because men stand longwise and straight like a thred, and these consist of single men downward, as Rankes consist of single men ouerthwart. A Ranke may consist of as many men as you please, but a File (how euer the Spaniards and Italians vse it vncertaine) ought neuer to bee aboue ten persons deepe (except it be in marching, or especiall seruice where aduantage of the ground requireth the contrary) for the first man hauing discharged his Peece may in the space that nine other men shal discharge their Peeces one after another, be againe in readynes and make his first place good, there to discharge his Peece againe; besides, it is the readiest and best way for the drawing of Groses and great numbers into any forme whatsoeuer.
Next hee shall teach them the carriage and vse of their armes, especially [Page 79]the Pike, (for the Musquet is in the Office of the Serieant) the manage wherof he shall deuide into these Postures; first three standing, that is, Lay downe your Pike: Take vp your pike: Order your pike: Then sixe marching, as, Aduance your pike: Shoulder your pike: Leuell your pike: Slope your Pike: Checke your pike: and Traile your pike: and lastly, seauen charging, as, Port ouer hand: Port vnder hand: Charge ouer hand: Charge vnder hand: Coutch ouer hand: Couch vnder hand: Charge against the right foote and draw your Sword ouer arme.
When these are perfect he shall teach them distance of place in Files and Rankes, as when he would haue the Files to march Closest, then the distance is pouldron to pouldron, or shoulder to shoulder; if but Close, then the distance is a foote and a halfe man from man: If at their Order, then the distance is three foote betweene man and man: and if at Open-Order then the distance sixe foote betweene man and man: so likewise in Rankes Closest is at the Swords point: Close is at three foote, Order at sixe foote and Open-Order at twelue foote. Now there be some that vary in the tearmes but not in the distance, for they wil haue Close, Order, Open-Order and Double Distance and not the word Closest, at all; but the scruple is small and may be left to euery Commanders discretion.
After this he shall teach them March and Motions: In the first whereof is little art more then in obseruing truly their Rankes and Files, and distance in places: For Motions they vary diuersly and some are no Marches, as when The Souldier turnes but his face on one hand or other or about: Some Motions change place, yet no more then a remoouing from one ranke to another, or from one File to another, in which, though some remoue yet others stand stil, as in doubling of Rankes or doubling of Files: and in this Motion is to be obserued that Rankes when they double to the right hand, must euer turne on the left to come to their place againe: and if they be doubled to the left hand they must turne on the right hand to come to their pltces againe; so likewise Files when they are doubled to any hand, by the doubling of Rankes to the contrary hand they are brought to their first place againe, and so of Rankes in the same nature.
To conclude, there is another Motion to be taught in which all doe moue and yet none doe March, and that is the opening or closing either of Ranks or Files & is of great vse when one Ranke should passe through another, or the whole body of the Battalion make a Countermarch, or when the Battell should bee drawne speedily more of one hand or another.
Lastly, the Lieutenant shall teach his Souldier how to know all the sounds or beatings of the Drumme, in which he shall make him obserue not only what the Drumme doth beate, but also what time and measure hee keepeth, and according to that time and measure so to march slower or faster, to charge with greater violence, or to come of with more speede, also he shall teach them to know when by the Drumme to attend the Captaines directions, when to repaire to their Colours and [Page 80]when to doe other duties, and as thus by the Drumme in seruice, so by his voyce and the words of directions, in Trayning he shall make them doe whatsoeuer hee pleaseth, and therefore the Liuetenant shall haue perfecttly in his memory all the words of directions which are accustomably spoken: As, Close your Files, To the right hand: To the left hand: and all these shall be done either Closest, Close, to Order or open Order: Then Open your Files, to the right hand: To the left hand, and these to any order. And thus to open or close Rankes and to any Order, with this obseruation, that Rankes when they open ought to turne to the Reare and open downeward, and when they close to close vpward; then Files and Rrankes close: Files and Rankes open and these to any order also: then Double your Files: To the right hand: To the left: Aduance your Files, to the right hand: to the left: Aduance by deuision, to right hand or left: Files ranke by conuersion, to the right hand, to the left: Files ranke, 3. 5. 7. &c. Shorten your Files to 5. 8. &c. Lengthen your Files to 10. 12. 16. &c. Files countermarch, to the right hand: to the left: Double your Rankes, to the right hand, to the left: Rankes file by conuersion: to the right hand, to the left: Rankes ranke 5. 7. &c. Middle men double your front: to the right hand, to the left: Double to both by deuision: Rankes countermarch &c. as in Files. Then faces to the right hand, to the left: to both by deuision: Faces about: Wheele by conuersion to the right hand, to the left: to both by deuision. Charge to the right hand, to the left: to both by deuision. Charge to the Front: Charge to the Reare. Charge to both by deuision: then to reduce any of these words to the same Order or Station in which the Souldier stood before they were spoken, the word is, As you were: And herein is to be obserued that in Charging with Pikes halfe the Rankes are but to Charge and the other halfe to carry them aduanced or ported, so neare the heads of the formost as they may doe them no anoyance, either in Charging or Retiring, and they must also obserue when they doe Charge standing to fall backe with the right foote, and marching to step forward with the left.
Thus I haue shewed in a briefe Epistle the large extent of the Liuetenants Office, in which if I be either obscure by reason of the compendiousnes thereof, or a little confused in snatching here and there at his duties without setling constantly vpon any one; I hope your Lordship will call to minde it is an Epistle, the lawes whereof alowes me the libertie of familiar speech, not of subtill argument, and for mine owne part I had rather leaue many nice wits vnsatisfied, then your minde cloyed or tyred,
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Officers of Caualarie.
IF I could loue Fortune in any thing (my worthie Lord) I should surely loue her in this, that your noble Name & this noble Subiect haue the chance to meet together, and imbrace in this short Epistle: for it is not onely Warre (which your Honour I know will both loue and allowe) but it is the best and noblest kind of warre with which now I must crowne this third Decad, Warre on Horsebacke, Warre which is compounded of two most excellent Ingredians, Man which is the neerest to God in his Image, and the Horse which is the neerest to man of all sensible creatures in vnderstanding: the one I know you must loue for himselfe, the other I know you will loue for the goodnesse of his vse, and both being dedicate to the Seruice of their King and Countrey cannot but draw a respect of greater valew: If it be so, what can take my pen from the paper, or but draw the shadow of an affright before mine Epistle; trust me, I think nothing: for being arm'd with a purpose which hath no end but vertue, I know I shall encounter with a fauourable Interpretation, and thats to me beyond all merit, all profit.
I haue (my Lord) in the former Decads, briefly runne ouer all the Inferiour or lower Officers of the Infanterie, in which I haue touched their Elections, Vertues, Vses, Duties, it remaineth now that I likewise ascend as many steps in the Cauallarie, or Horse-Cornets, and though not in so many and so large discourses (for that were to make infinite gates to little cities) yet will I so linke and chaine them together; that one shall not peepe (with an halfe face) ouer the others shoulder, but stand open and plaine, that each may bee knowne by his owne true and naturall complexion.
[Page 82]All Horse-Troups commonly doe consist of common Souldiers, Corporals, a Quarter-Master, a Trumpet, a Clerke, a Cornet, and a Lieutenant. These Troups are also of sundry sorts, as Men at Armes, or Launciers, the armed French Pistoleirs, the Carbines, and the Light-horse. The first of these are armed at all pieces from the head to the knee, with a close Caske and Curaces of Pistoll-proofe, a Lance in his right hand, a Sword by his left side, and a case of Pistols at the forepart of his Saddle: the Horse is caparison'd with strong Leather, a Headstall, Noseband, and Raynes, with a faire Bit in his mouth, a Saddle plated before and behind with Steele, Brest-plate or Petterell, Crooper, Trappings, and Saker. The Horse himselfe should be of the proudest and best generation, of the largest Size, his pace trotting, for the most part stoned (though lustie, strong and large Gueldings may be tollerable) and exceeding well ridden and manadg'd for the Warres, being quicke and nimble to start into a swift cariere, easie to stop, and ready to turne on both hands without any disorder or knauish qualitie: the vse of these are to charge vpon Pikes, to breake their Battalions, and to put them into rout and disorder.
The second sort, which are armed Pistolleirs, are in all points to bee accoutred like the former Launciers, without any difference, onely instead of the Lance and short Pistoll, he shall haue a case of long French Pistols of full two foot barrell, but not with French locks (for they are oft out of temper, nor knowes euery simple and raw Souldier how to handle them) but with good strong Snaphaunces or fire-lockes: they serue for the same vse which the former doe, onely they doe not charge fully so farre home, but hauing let slie their Pistols, wheele, charge and come on againe, they are of admirable benefit, and doe soone disorder a battell, and being disordered, they are great executioners.
The third sort which are Carbines, are armed Petronels, they haue for Armes a faire Burgonet or Morian on his head, a Gorget, Curaces of proofe, and Pouldrons to the elbowe, but no more: they haue Swords by their sides, and at their Saddles faire Petronels, with Flaxe, Touch-boxe, Bullet-bagge, and other necessaries: the Horse should be a strong, nimble tall Guelding, swift, couragious, and well ridden; hee should haue a Headstall, Raynes and Bitt, a Petrell, Cropper, and a faire Buffe Saddle of the Morocco fashion: the vse of them is as Musquets amongst Pikes, for they wing the Launces or Pistolleirs, and deliuer their volleys further off, and when Battels are broken, they are great executioners.
The last sort are the Light-horse, whose Armes are a Morian or Steele cap for his head, a Gorget, and a light paire of Curaces onely, or else a Iacke, a Plate coat, or a Shirt of Male, in his right hand a slender Chasing stasse, and at his Saddle pommell a case of short Pistols: his horse should bee of a fine light, nimble, trotting Guelding of a middle size, and well ridden, his furniture a small Headstall, Raynes and Snaffle, a light Scotch Saddle, a Petterell, and a Crooper: their vse is to gallop foorth and to discouer, to charge vpon loose wings of Shot, to search [Page 83]and find out vnknowne passages, and when Battels are broken, to pursue the chase, and to finish vp the execution.
To these the Low-countries haue produced another sort of Horsemen, which their experience there haue found out to be of notable vse, and they call them Dragoons, which I know not whether I may tearme them Foot-Horse-men, or Horse-Footmen: for they are Musquetiers on horsebacke, and are imployed for the taking and maintaining, or at least for preuenting the enemy from taking of Passages or Foords which leade ouer Riuers: These mounted Musquetiers are euer eleuen in a raunge, and when they come to the Passage, ten of them doe alight, and the eleuenth holdeth the Horses, which threeding their bridles one into another, is very orderly done, and with great speed; and when they come to remount againe, they finde their horses in readinesse for them. The Bodies or whole companies euer consist of one hundred & ten men, that is to say, an hundred for Seruice, & ten to take charge of the Horses.
In Horse-Troupes the common Souldier is Sentinell as in the Foot-company, neither is there any difference (more then the Horse) betweene them and the foot Sentinels, either in order or dutie: they haue also their Companies deuided into Camarados or Fellowships, which march, cabin, and feed together; two Camarados make a Squadron, which Squadron is euer commanded by a Corporall, and the Office of the Corporall of Horse containeth in all points the full duties of both the Corporall and Serieant of foot. The Quarter-master of Horse is the same which the Harbinger or Furrier of the Foot is: the Trumpet the same which the Drum & Phiph is, onely differing in the tearmes and sounds of the Instrument: for the first point of warre is Butte sella, Clap on your saddles; Mounte Cauallo, mount on horseback; Tucquet, march; Carga, carga, an Alarme to charge; Ala Standardo, a retrait, or retire to your Colours; Auquet, to the watch, or a discharge for the watch, besides diuers other points, as Proclamations, Cals, Summons, all which are most necessary for euery Souldier both to know and obey.
The Clerke of the Troupe is the same that the Clerke of a Band of Foot is, and the Cornet or Guydon is the same that the Ensigne on foot is, and he ought euer to haue two or three faithfull & valiant friends in his Range, which in all charges will haue an extraordinary care of his Colours, which is the Captaines honour, and the Companies safetie. Now to speake a little of the Guydon or Colours themselues, howsoeuer in our latter times either by pride or ignorance they haue been infinitly abused (euery man taking vpon him to carry what he pleaseth, & in what forme he pleaseth) yet it is most certain that no man vnder the degree of a Banneret may carry them square, but they must bee of Damaske, either with Deuise or without, three foot deep at the top, and so narrower to the nether end, which must be with two corners or peakes, which whensoeuer he is made a Baron, or Knight Banneret, those corners are cut away, & the Guydon is made square: these Colours are carried vpon a Lance, and are in length full two yards or better: this Gentleman which carrieth this [Page 84] Cornet hath all the Priuiledges which an Ensigne of Foot hath, and in his Captaine and Lieutenants absence commandeth the Company, and by either of their deaths ought in right to bee aduaunced into their places. In the Quarter hee is lodged as well as his Captaine, and in all Marches hath the leading of the middle File, & followeth next after his Captaine.
A Lieutenant of a Troupe of Horse suiteth in all things with a Lieutenant of Foot, and in the absence of the Captaine commandeth with absolute power, and hath the principall place in all Marches, but in the presence of his Captaine he hath then but the second place; and as his Captaine marcheth on the Head, so he marcheth at the Reare going on vpon Seruice; but in returning backe from Seruice, the Captaine marcheth at the Reare, and the Lieutenant on the Head: for the most honourablest place is alwayes that which is neerest to the enemy, and where he is most likeliest to charge; which being proper and most peculiar to the Captaine, the second place must needs consequently follow to bee the right of the Lieutenant.
A Horseman (not hauing leaue to assault) hath no part in the sacke or pillage of a towne, for it is a seruice to which his Horse cannot approch, and if for the greedinesse of gaine hee forsake his Mounture without leaue, then he deserueth no bootie but punishment: yet if his horse shall happen to be slaine (or any other honourable meanes set him on foot) he may then put himselfe into a Foot band, and by a lawfull authoritie both proceed to the Assault, and also by good right receiue what benefit soeuer shall redound to his fortune. Many other circumstances and ceremonies there be, which because I shall haue occasion to touch more amply in other places, therefore I will omit them in this Epistle, and onely conclude with these inferiour Offices of the Caualerie, which although I haue but poynted at, yet being duely weighed with those of the Foot, which are more largely discoursed, I hope there will little or nothing bee found wanting which may giue to any reasonable mind a sufficient satisfaction.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Master Gunner.
MEn and money (my good Lord) are the Sinewes, Nerues and Strength of the warres, but Munition, Shot and Powder are the fuell, Foode, nourisher and maintenance of the warrs, wherefore hauing intreated of all the Inferior Officers belonging to the bodies of men, and how and in what sort they ought to be imployed; I will now enter into the discourse of some Inferior Officers belonging to the munition or matter of Ordinance, and in it I will first begin with the Office or Charge of the Master Gunner who is a principall and Important Officer depending and belonging to the Master of the Ordnance, and is a kind of middle or needfull Officer to take away many troubles and vexations from the Master of the Ordnance, and to command all the Inferior Gunners, Clerkes, Harbengers, Maiorals, Gill-Masters and other depending vpon the Ordnance, to be carefull in their seuerall places, and to see that all things expected at their hands be performed without neglect, Sloath or Remisnes, espetially all the Inferior Gunners whom hee shall suruey very strictly, and see that they be skilfull, ready, and carefull in Charging, Discharging, Leueling, Mounting, and Guarding their Peeces; and he shall also see that all necessary prouisions which are needfull, or any way behouefull to the manage or true vse of the same be in no sort wanting; as all kind of Bullets, of all sizes for all Peeces, of all proportions, Powder of all kinds both Serpentine and corne powder: Spunge, Cotton, Match, Linstocks, Priming-Irons, Instruments, Quadrats and Rules by which to take the leuell and lay the Peece in his true mounture, Taladres and other Engines by which to mount or dismount any Peece, to take it vp and downe, or to lay it, tosse it, or turne it at his will and pleasure, [Page 86]he shall haue also all manner of Cartages both of great and lesser forme, all sorts of Coffers, Trunkes, and Boxes for the hansome and necessary carriage of all needfull implements whatsoeuer depending on his Office, with their seuerall characters and markes by which readily to finde out any thinge which hee shall haue occasion to vse in any sudden seruice. It is his Office also to see sufficient prouision made of all sorts of Carriages either for the Field or Fleete, and that they be of right shape, strength and fast binding; He shall cause prouision to bee made for great store of good and sound Axletrees, of which the best are those of Yengh, the second best, those of Elme, and those which are tollerable are of Ash; there must bee choice of Wheeles well lined with yron and double bound with yron, and strong Nailes whose heads are square, thicke and high, and vnto all these he shall haue good stoore of Ladles of seuerall quantities and seuerall lengths, Ramers sutable to the boares of all manner of Peeces, and Coines with which to raise vp the breech of the Peece higher or lower as either his will or occasion shall direct and lead him; and besides all these, it is his Office to see prouided great store of yron Crowes, Shouels, Mattocks, Spades, Leauers, Gabions, Baskets, Ropes, and Cordage of all size, Chaines, old Iron, Nailes, Flints, and what else is proper for the charging of murthering Peeces.
This Officer is to haue an especiall care and vigilant respect to any casualtie or danger which may happen by fier, (for they are much Incident and liable thereto) and many miserable and tragicall issues haue proceeded from a carelesse looking to the same, therefore the preuention thereof must not alone rest in his owne bosome, but in his diligence and watchfulnes ouer others, and to see that they place euery thinge so safely and vnder so sure a Guard, that all such mischeiues (by probabilitie) may be preuented, and euery Canoniere so ready in his duty, that through his good examples and necessary prouisions nothing may happen to breede an after repentance; and wheresouer these prouisions shall either march or abide, he shall be sure to haue a guard of expert Souldiers euer about them, both to repulse the enemie and keepe others off from offering any anoyance vnto them. It is his Office to looke to the goodnes and soundnes of euery Peece and that they be free from cracks, galls or flawes, whereby the Peece may be in danger to breake, since no such accident can happen without the eminent perill and distruction of many men which are about it; and questionlesse in mine owne experience I haue knowne many lamentable and Tragicke disasters which haue chanced through such escapes, as once I knew a drunken Canoniere who vpon the discharge of a Peece throwing his Linstocke into a barrell of powder which stood behind him, blew vp both himselfe, the whole poope of the Shippe, and diuers others which were about him: Also I knew a another Shippe not far from Ramekins in Zeland, which by the breaking of a Peece was sunke in the Sea, and lost both men and goods to a wonderfull great valew, the like hapned at the beseidging of the Forte at Brest in Brittany and diuers braue Gentlemen were [Page 87]burnt and spoyled, so that I conclude these accidents being so ordinary and incident to happen, it is very behouefull for the Master Gunner so far foorth as lies in his power to haue a watchfull and carefull eie to the preuention of the same.
In some armies and some disciplines the, Fire-master and the Master-Gunner are all one without any difference or alteration either in authority or duty, but generally through all armies it is not so, but they are deuided and made two seuerall and distinct places, the Fier-Master being he that hath the art how to make and compound all manner of Fier-workes, and hath the charge for the vse and imployment of the same, and the Master-Gunner only medleth with the Ordnance and the other Engines which I haue already rehersed; but these latter times in which men haue more greedy and free spirits then in the former times, producing men which had a sufficient vnderstanding in both the misteries or arts: they haue for the sauing of double fees and double wages, brought these two Officers into one, and comprehended them vnder the greater Title, which is the Master-Gunner.
The Fire-master then (as I said) is an Officer which hath Intermedling and to doe only with the making, mixing and compounding of all manner of fire-workes or wild-fiers, which both in Land-fights, but especially in Sea fights are of wonderfull great importance, as in all assaults and ioyning of Battels, in Mines, in Trenches, and in the fiering of Townes and Pauillions, in the grapling of Ships, Boordings, or seting fier on the Sailes, Tackles, or any part which it toucheth, so that as the Fier-Master maketh and compoundeth these wild-fiers, so also he hath the ordring and disposing of them; giuing commandment when, where, and in what manner to vse them, for, then wild-fier there is nothing in the warrs of more especiall vse, neither is there any thinge found of greater violence either to destroy or breed affright and amazement in the enemie, for it is a fier not to be quenched, and burneth with that most Implacable fury, that being once fixed, it neuer leaueth till all be consumed that is round about it; it is fometimes fixed vnto Arrowes & so shot into townes, amongst Tents or where any occasions are offerd: It is sometimes made vp in balls and cast amongst the assaults either at a breatch, the entrance of a gate, or where any presse or throng are gathered together, and sometimes it is cast abroad and at large in a confused manner, when men will scower a Trench or Ditch, or driue men out of a strength which is open and weakely guarded; and for this purpose the Fier-master must not be without very great store of Arrowes, Balls, and Boxes of Iron, which being-full of sharpe bearded Pikes may catch hold and sticke in whatsoeuer it toucheth, whereby the fier once catching hold, will not after be put out or extinct till all things neare it be consumed.
Now that there may be no spare or want of this matter, but that al things may be plentifull and in great perfection; It is the Fier-masters charge to prouid that he haue alwaies in his Office great store of Pitch, Tarre, [Page 88]Aquanitae, Arsnicke, Mercurie, Brimstone, Cole of younge Hassell; Salt-peter, Salt-niter, Rossin, Waxe, Camphire, Tutia, Calc: viua, Sal-gemma, Terpentine, Vinegar, Alexandrina non preparata, Rasapina, beaten Glasse, Bay-Salt, vnslact Lime, Bole Armonicke, the fyllings of Iron, Sarcacolla, Aspaltum Iudaicum, the powder of Pygions dunge, the powder of Bay-tree stalkes, and diuers Oyles, as Hogs grease, Linsed Oyle, common Lampe Oyle, Oyle of Iuniper, Oyle of Eegges, and the Oyle of Salt peter: and these shall bee accomodated in seuerall bagges, Bottles and Glasses according to their seuerall natures, also hee shall haue vnder his charge, barrels of peeblestones, morter-peeces and other Engines of like nature, and with these ingrediens, he shall make his fire-workes according to art, casting some in one forme and some in another, of which there are a world of presidents; and Time euery day (according to the wit of man) bringeth forth new and nottable Inuentions: for indeede it is a subiect of that bewitching nature, that the more a man looketh and laboreth into it, the more and more greater mischeiues he shall still finde to flow and arise from it.
To conclude, these Officers (whether they be ioynt or seperate, whether they be two, or but one, yet they ought to be exceeding Ingenious, very carefull, daring and faithfull, for they haue much to doe with Inuention, more with mischances, and most of all with perills and dangers: As for their Trust it is so great that the very health and safety of Armies lye continually in their fingers.
Both these Officers haue their dependance vpon the Master of the Ordnance, and are to attend his directions in all occurrents and occasions whatsoeuer, therefore it is fit they be still neere vnto his person, and that whatsoeuer proceedeth from him they see presently performed with faithfulnes and diligence.
Here I might amplifie my discourse and enter into the discouerie of other arts belonging to this Office, as the mounting of Artillerie, the taking of a true leuell, & the weights and proportions both of the powder and Bullet, with many other secrets which relie vpon that knowledge, but I reserue that for a more fit and conuenient place, knowing it will suite much better and more propperly agree with another Epistle.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Trench-Master.
THough (sweet Lord) the tendernesse of your yeares might challenge a more milde and softer Subiect then this harsh and rough clangor of affrightfull Warre, and deep-amazing Alarmes, yet when I call to mind the excellencie of your Noble Blood, and see how it springs out of the two heroicke Fountaines of Rutland and Willoughbie, (the first whereof Nature and dutie commands me to honour, the other the goodnes of their owne vertues) me thinks I see that strong promise of great Spirit within you, that it seemes to say, If the great Henrie of France playing amongst the Boyes of Pau was at ten yeares old chosen for a Generall, why not you (at as young) be fit for Souldierly cogitations, doubtlesse you are, doublesse you will be, and in that assurance I am bold to knocke at your eare with this short and plaine Epistle, which when you haue pleased to reade, if you finde nothing in it for your present vse, then lay it by, tis ten to one but ere an age or lesse be consumed, you shall find occasion to reuiew it; and though you finde nothing absolute and rare, yet something there may be in it worthy your obseruation and knowledge.
The next degree or Station aboue the two Officers last named, and who also is a dependant vpon the Master of the Ordnance, taking from him most of his commands and directions, is the Trench-master, who by some (and not vnproperly) is called the Engine-master, the qualitie of whose Office consisteth generally in matter of Fortifications, Immurings, and [...]ntrenchments, for he is both to fortifie the Campe, and also to make the approches. It is he that must communicate and mixe Art and Nature so well together, that lending to either the perfections which it wanteth, [...] [...]kes the vniuersall Body of his worke absolute and impregnable, [Page 90]for as Nature in some places may bee a great assistance vnto him for the perfecting of his worke, so Art in other places must either take all authoritie vpon her, or the whole worke bee left naked and weake to any approch or assault of the enemy: so that in this Officer or Trench-master must bee a knowledge (at the first apprehension or viewing) how much Nature can any way helpe him in his worke, and how much Art is necessary to the bringing of Nature to the fulnesse of perfection: for it is to be vnderstood that Nature is a good houswife, and saueth much charges in all Fortifications, when Art is a prodigal, and lauisheth out both coine and mens labours, therefore in this mans Office is required a good husbanding of both their conditions, and a finishing of the purpose he goeth about at as easie and small a charge as may be.
He is an Officer at whose hands are required a two fold dutie, the one of Safetie, the other of Hurt or Annoyance: for to his friends he must be a strength and safeguard, and to his enemies a plague and mischiefe. It is requisite that in his election he be chosen a man of learning and experience, especially skilfull in the Mathematickes, and all Geometricall rules and proportions, and that he haue the authority of long practise & sound knowledge to countenance and defend whatsoeuer hee vndertaketh, for in his Braine and Brest, and the strength of his profession consisteth the safetie of the whole Armie which is lodg'd within the compasse of his intrenchments, for his Art must be their wall of defence, and by the square of his iudgement is their securitie lost or made perfect.
When therefore the plot of Ground for emcamping is appointed and chosen out by the Lord Marshall, and that the Quarter-master hath deuided it into sundry large quarters for the generall receit of the whole Armie, then shall the Trench-master forthwith stake out the vttermost verge and extreamest part thereof for the best aduantage of the Campe, and the greatest hurt and annoyance that can be to the enemy, which done, according to the best proportions which will agree with the nature of the ground, and those formes into which the Marshall and Quarter-masters haue formed the Campe, he shall draw his Intrenchments and Fortifications, girdling and surrounding the same in such manner about, that the enemy may in no wise make any attempt thereupon without his certaine losse and hindrance, and making all his approches and entrances to the Campe with such intricate Art, and vnder such Guards and defences of its owne strength, that the enemy may neither haue hope nor abilitie at any time to giue vpon the same, but when hee shall returne backe repulst and laden both with shame and dishonour.
I haue in mine owne experience knowne some principall great Commanders, as namely Sir William Pelham (a noble and renowned Souldier) who was Lord Marshall in my Lord of Leicesters time in the Low countries and after him Sir Francis Vere, who both by experience and obseruation were wonderfully skilfull in this kind; and notwithstanding both of them had most excellent Officers vnder them, and men of exceeding rare knowledge in these practises, yet in these great & important affaires [Page 91]of Fortifications and Assurances in guarding of the Campe, they still performed all things by their owne proper Commaund and directions, neither could any danger (how eminent or certaine soeuer) either in the viewes, approches, or discouery of places fit to be fortified, deterre or keepe them backe, but notwithstanding they both receiued many great, and almost deadly wounds, yet still they performed those seruices in their owne persons. But this was the perfection of their knowledge and the absolute rarenesse of their courage (which is not alwaies found out in men of their high place and commaundement) therefore it is expedient that in euery Army there should be this distinct and especial officer, both for the generall safetie of the Souldier, that hee may march without hazard to the approches & outward skirts of the campe, which (as it were) outfaceth the enemy, and also being there, may be defended against any Sallies, Stratagems, or other annoyances, as also to haue a freedome of power to mount their Ordnance at pleasure, and to make Mounts to receiue the Artillery; also to raise Caualiers, to digge Mines vnder earth or running Trenches to any Curtaine or Bulwarke, whereby either the whole frame, or at least the Or [...]chion, Tronera, or Pendent may bee molested or destroyed, beside a world of other new deuices, both to secure the camp, and repulse the enemy, when he shall vndertake any attempt against it.
This officer must haue a ready and pregnant skill in casting out the true proportion of all manner of Trenches, forming the depths and breadths thereof according to Art and the imployment for which they were first framed. It behoues him to know how to forme and modell out all sorts of Bulwarks, making them large and massie, how to make election of his earth for toughnesse and firmenesse, how to ramme it, pile it, and in case the mould be light and subtill, then in what sort to temper and mixe it, and to bring it to a body that shall be tough, closse, and sollid; then how to cast his ditches both about and betweene each seuerall Bulwark, how to frame his Gabions, Parapets, Tenazas, Tyzeras, Dients, and Casamats, how to make his Ports or Gates, and in what sort to fortifie them with Draw-bridges, Rastels, Senacenescas, or Portcluyses; then where to make his Terraplene or places of Retrait; and lastly how to modell and smooth out the Campania raza or plaine Champaine without all the workes beforesaid, by which the enemy may haue no ground of aduantage wherby to disturbe the Campe, Towne, Fort, or other place which hee hath fortified.
To conclude, it is the office of this Trench or Engine-master to be skilfull and experienced in all manner of Plots and Platformes whatsoeuer, and that he is able by his owne vnderstanding and industry to accommodate & apply himselfe to any kind of Situation or piece of ground whatsoeuer, knowing how either to fortifie or supplant it vpon the first view, being therto called either by his place or any especiall commandement.
In France two Noblemen of great and good Blood, the one called Count Pedro of Normandy, and the other the Lord of Brey, haue been exceeding famous, & much commended for the singularitie of their knowledge [Page 92]in this excellent Art, and in our Nation I doubt not but those two I first spake of, namely, General Vere, and Marshall Pelham, are notable Presidents to all ages that shall follow, of the rare and hidden perfection which is contained in the same: or should the dulnesse of our last times grow so blockish or stupid, as to forget men of their Fame and Merit, yet to doe this Iland honor, I could reuine the names of two others, who in this Art haue not been ouerrunne by any strangers, that is to say, the two honorable Knights, Sir Richard Hansard, and Sir Iosias Bodley, being both famous Schollers, expert Souldiers, and rare Mathematicians; and indeed hauing had that exquisite benefit by Trauel, that few in their daies could outstrip them, especially Sir Richard Hansard, who in the warres of Hungary, Poland, & Transyluania, had reaped that knowledge and experience which brought backe to his King and Countrie a large and plentiful tribute, and to himselfe a most worthy and fit imployment. Neither was the other much inferior, who in all the warres of his time was neuer out of action, but so ioyned his studie with practise and experience, that hee bound his Countrey infinitely vnto him; and howsoeuer respected, yet questionlesse none euer yet better deserued.
I could here enter into a very large field, and find a world of excellent plants, which grew and flourished in this Art, as namely, Dexter, Diggs, Smith, and many others who were good Schollers, most excellent Mathematicians, and rare Enginiers, but the discourse of their works would aske rather a whole Volume then the last part of this short Epistle. Let it then suffice, that the Trench-master or Engineir (of whom I haue intreated) hauing the perfections already recited, and to them added a speciall circumspction, to regard both the outward and inward situation of places, and how to prouide remedies against euery annoyance, whether it consist in Altitudes, Longitudes, or Latitudes, or in any other frame or forme whatsoeuer, that then without all question he is a man of skill: and whensoeuer he is called vpon by any especiall commandement, he may without amazement take vpon him the Protection of the Armie.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Wagon-Master.
THe warrs (my much honored Lord) hath long since both by Sea and Land challenged you for a noble Master, neither hath Peace at any time made you forget either her Goodnes or Necessity, for in your worthy Viceroyshipe when nothing but Oliues were planted about euery mans habitation: yet then you kept the Laurell in remembrance, and by errecting a Schoole of warre in your Gouernment shewed Peace how excellent a thing it was still to keepe War as her most trustiest seruant. This (noble Sir) hath incouraged me to dispatch this Epistle vnto you, and to entreat you when it shall bring a blunt Souldiers salutation, to conceiue that notwithstanding the Barbarous opinion of the contrariety of Armes and Learning, (making it almost a worke of Impossibility to lodge them both together in one person) yet it is but an vnreasonable Paradox, and rather taken from those which know Furie, then such as would vnderstand Courage, to which, though your honord selfe be to your selfe the best witnes (being a possessor both of the one and the other vertue) yet will I labour to aproue in this volume, that as Mars and Mercurie; there cannot liue together two more faithfull or fayrer Companions.
The succeeding Office to which this Epistle directs me, is that of the Waggon-master or Carriage-Master being an Inferior Officer belonging to the Liuetenant Generall of the Horse, of whose election there ought to be a great and especiall care, for he ought to be a man of exceeding good Consideration and Trust; well staied in manners and discreete in all his actions, for to his charge is deliuered the conduct and guard of all the Baggage and Necessaries belonging to the whole Armie, which being either purloyned by Knaues, sackt by the Enemie, or any wayes dismembred [Page 94]and lost by negligence of his eie or care of well looking vnto, the Souldier is spoyled both of his foode and eternall comforts, and being made a prey to all extreamity, his life is in a manner forfeited and the armie weakened, to the great losse of their affaires & the dishonor of the Generall vnder whose conduct they remained; whence it comes that this Officer ought to be chosen with a more then ordinary strictnes and the care to be vsed therein should weigh an equall ballance with any Officer of his nature and condition: nay, in some cases more or lesse, according to the consequence of his affaires and occasions, for in long and tedious marches in an enemies Country that is poore and wasted or barreine and depopulate, (so that there is neither hope of supplie nor assurance of any Foode or Comfort) there is this Officer of great import and without the assistance of his place, the armie can but a little while continue either in strength or abilitie, for it is his partage and charge that must calme all rough and vnwholesome Seasons, must make barren places fruitfull, and indeede must find furniture and reliefe for all the aduersities either of Time or Fortune. But in good and plentifull Countries, where the seasons are milde and pleasant, the Haruest ripe and swelling, Townes peopled, and euery corner (as it were) a Storehouse of wholesome Foode and Raiment, there the Souldier may bee more bold, and though this Officer bee wanting, yet may the Souldier still be his owne puruior, and day by day replenish both his body and knapsacke with all matters necessary for his owne accomodation; besides, in these plentifull and well peopled places, where there is no want of any thing but that which should make abundance infinite, there the Armie shall euer haue great resort of Victuallers, Vianders, Sutlers and all occupations to relieue euery want before it be complaind of; so that vsing them with any proportion of affection or moderation, though this Officer be wanting yet shall the Armie not feele any sufferance vnder the hand of Necessity.
To come then to the perticular charge and nature of his Office hee hath (as before I said) the Charge and Commandmend of all Horses, Mules, Garrons, Waggons, Carts, Sleads and other implements whatsoeuer, to carry & conuey all the needfull Baggage either of Meate, Drinke, or Apparrell which any way dependeth vpon the Armie: and not only appointeth vnder him all such ministers as shall see the same mounted and laden out of euery seuerall quarter, but also being so furnished, placeth them in aray and Rankes as he purposeth they shall March, designeing euery man to his place and order, which no man shall dare or presume to breake, vpon paine of either hauing so much money defaulted and taken from his wages, or else some other bodily punishment at the discretion of the Waggon-Master. And that these Necessaries or Baggage of the Armie may be conueyed with greater safetie, the Officers of the Horse and Commanders of Infantrie, are to allow vnto the Waggon-Master a good and sufficient Guard both of Horse and Foote to secure the Luggage and to bring it safe to the Rendiuous, where it is to bee [Page 95]vnladen in the seuerall Quarters. With this Baggage doth march all women of what qualitie soeuer, whether they be Wiues, Laundresses, or Seruants: all Boyes belonging to Horse or Foote, and all base and idle persons being generally comprehended vnder the title of Baggage people, (how necessary or vsefull soeuer) and indeede they are Creatures of a most base and vnhappy condition; none vnder heauen induring greater slauerie or contempt; especially the Horse Boyes, who are vp early and downe late, that eate little and labour much, that finde no end of their trauell nor beginning of their rest, to whome the day is too short for their Iourneing, and the night not longe enough to finde out their Masters prouisions; Forrage being farre to seeke, Straw hard to get, Boughes for their Cabines ill to come by: many times in danger of Bullets with ranging; wants drawing on sloathfull sicknesses, sloathfull sicknesses speedy death, and indeede but in death I know little they haue to call their comfort, so that to conclude of a thousand; what with the Bullet, Sicknes, Sword, Famine, Gallowes and other mischances (except their Masters bee much the honester men) scarce one liues to boast he is as old as the horse he keepeth. Only some blacke Swanne amongst the rest (who hath beene by God strangely preserued) I haue obserued to come to aduancement, and from Souldiers Horse-boyes proue valiant and braue Captaines, but it hath beene like Winters Thunder, hardly aboue one Cracke in a mans remembrance, and therefore they may well be accounted amongst the Baggage, for in the world are not found creatures of a more Baggage nature; their education in the warres and their continuall early exercise in body, so steelling their dispositions, that if they liue to come to any mature age, some proue Freebooters (betweene whom and the Deuill hardly goes the sheares) some Fugitiues, and some (whom God endueth with more spetiall grace) Souldiers, yet of them the least and hardest to be found out in the compasse of mans memory.
Now for the propper place wherein this Officer is to march with all his Baggage and prouisions, (although the Range and Marshalling of the vnruly company be in the discretion of the Waggon-master) yet is his owne place at the appointment of the Serieant Maior, who is to consider in the marching of the Armie, vpon what poynt thereof the enemie is most likely to assaile; as if it be vpon the head or vantguard, then all the Baggage shall march in the Reare; and if it be on the Reare, then shall the Baggage take their place in the Van, for where the greatest safetie is, there this necessary-weakenesse should euer finde their security: so likewise if the ememie should giue vpon the right side of the Battell, then must the Baggage passe vnto the left, and if vpon the left side, then must it likewise passe vnto the right: thus shall the Battell still become a wall to their goods, and where the strength and abilitie thereof consisteth, there shall their goods and weaker persons remaine as in a mansion meetest of all for their safety, neither can this luggage, munition nor dispised persons (vpon any assault or ioyning with the enemie) bee any [Page 96]hindrance to the armie, but they shall haue full liberty to exercise their armes without being anoyed or falling foule vpon the Waggons.
The Horsemen which are to guard the Baggage ought to be either light horse or else Carbines, or if it might be a company of such Dragons as were but lately produced, which are certaine Horse-men lightly armed, carrying short snaphaunce Peeces whose barrels are no more but iust sixteene inches longe, and board at full Musquet boare: which taking a Musquet charge, will carry (as all proofe can witnes) directly twelue score point-blanke.
These Shot shall scower before the baggage, that if any of the enemies stragling Horse shall offer to make Incurssions vpon them, they may instantly resist them and beate them backe to their maine bodies: But if it be so that the armie march in a place of safety and where there is no danger of the enemie, then shall the luggage haue their place in the middest of the vauntguard alwaies, with a stronge guard of pikes and shot continually about it, and the Waggon-master in the head thereof to giue directions vpon any alteration, which will be very commodious for the Souldier, who by this forwardnes of the Baggage shall not stand to waite and expect, but finde his Tent pitcht assoone as he commeth, and all things which can accomodate his wearines to be ready and prepared; Lastly it is the Office of the Waggon-master to looke to the goodnes and sufficiencie of all the Waggons and other carriages which hee hath in his charge, to see that the bodies be whole and tyght, the wheeles stronge and well bound, the axletrees vnstrained and well clouted, and all the harnes and implements belonging to the cattell for draught that it be firme, new and vntatterd; and to this end he shall euer haue neare and about him men of these trades, as Codders, or Knackers, Cartwrights, Smiths and the like, with whatsoeuer is needfull for their vse (which hee shall receiue by appointment from the master of the Ordnance,) and so he shall keepe euery thinge perfect and in good order, both to the Generalls good, the Souldiers profit, and his owne reputation, for howsoeuer some other smaller thinges depend vpon his knowledge; yet these I haue already shewed, are the maine substance of his cares, and the full duties which are expected in his Office.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Forrage-Master.
SO little am I knowne to your Lordship, that much I dare not presume from you, only that honest purpose which dare guide mee, will I hope (seconded by your vertue) informe you, that nothing either in this Epistle I offer, or in the end that I assume, will, or deserue your contempt or amazement. Caesar (though in a goodlier Table) was content to expresse himselfe by the like figure; and if I, labouring to be his Scholler, repeat what lessons I haue learned in our latter contentions, be it your goodnes to vouchsafe me hearing, and though the Map be much too scant to expresse the great world I would decipher, yet may your noble acceptation make vnto it so perfect a Scale, that without any intricacie or hardnesse you may take the vttermost measure of all my purpose.
I am conducted in this Epistle to the Office and dutie of the Forragemaster, or Prouidador de la Cauallo, being another great officer depending vpon the Lieutenant-Generall of the Horse, and from him is to receiue a competent Guard of Light-horsmen or Dragoones mixt with some certaine Foot-Pike and Shot, which may protect and defend his Forragers when they goe foorth to seeke and prouide all things necessary for the reliefe and accommodation of the Horse-quarter.
The especiall dutie of this Forrage-master is (after he hath his Guard in readinesse) by the sound of a Trumpet, to call together all his Forragers or seruants, which are to be imployed in this labour, being a compound Rabble of all manner of meane & inferior seruants, as Horsemens Boyes, Footmens Boyes, Boores, common Lackeys, and the like; and for such Horsmen [Page 98]as haue no boies, they must Alternis vicibus (being of one Camerade) serue themselues, some at one time, some at another, till euery man haue done his perfect dutie. When these are thus gathered together, they shall be armed both for defence & seruice, with Sythes, Sickles, Hooks, Axes, Browne bils (if the Army haue any such weapon) or else with old Halberts, or the like necessary tooles, as also good Swords and other engins, some to mow and cut downe Hay, Straw, young Corne, Pulse, Grasse, or the like, some to hew downe boughes and young watlings to make Cabins, and some to force dores and windowes, or to teare and pull down whatsoeuer withstands them. Being thus accoutred, the Forrage-master shall mixe with them a conuenient number of Cariages, Sleads, Tumbrels, and horses of burthen, to bring home such prouisions as he shall get, and then putting them into the heart or center of his Guard; hee as their chiefe leader shall conduct them forth to such conuenient places as he knoweth will affoord him those necessary commodities which hee seeketh, and herein he shall haue a great respect to the time and season of the yeare, as if it bee in the Spring, then he shall seeke for the earliest grasse, the tender yong blades of Wheat, Rye, or any thing that hath bin preserued greene all the Winter, as the leaues of Coleworts or Cabbages, the rootes and branches of Carats, or any other sweet root that is pleasant and not sharpe or biting: for of these horses will feed, grow fat, and the more they labour, the more wholesome it is for their bodies. If it bee in the Summer, he shall seek out for young Hay or Grasse ready to be mowne, for Corne of all kinds which is halfe ripe, & for any Pulse that is sprung vp although it be not codded. If it be in the Haruest, then he shall seeke forth all kind of ripe corne or pulse, especially Oats, Wheat and Barley: for the eares will feed the horse, and the straw will serue for litter; for ripe Rye it will make a horse scoure and shoot, and the lesse he eateth, the better it will bee both for his body and seruice. Lastly, if it bee in the Winter, then shall the Forrage-master seeke into Barnes and houses, and no graine, come, hay or straw commeth amisse whatsoeuer, so that as soone as he hath gotten a proportion sutable to his desire, hee shall then cause it to bee trust vp and laid into the Cariages, and so being brought home to the Campe, it is the Forrage-masters office to see it equally deuided into euery seuerall Horse-quarter. But if this cessement or taxation of horse-forrage be drawne from the friend, then it is the office of the Forrage-master to Rate the Boores, and both to set prises of their graine, and all other horse-prouisions, and also appoint in what manner it shall be brought to the Campe, and then how to be distributed to euery quarter, without partialitie or extortion.
The Forragers are to attend vpon the Forrage-master, in all these marches after a decent and comely sort, that is to say, they shall all goe out together, and not stragling or disperst one from another; for if the enemy doe lie any thing neere at hand, it is the principall aduantage hee looketh for to cut off such loose desperates; and therfore at the sound of the Trumpet they shall all march together (guarded as aforesaid) and so continue [Page 99]till their labour and seruice be finished without any separation, for feare of sudden slaughter or surprise, then which there is not an action of greater danger: for if any of these loose fellowes should happen to be taken prisoners, and so the enemy wrest from them some secret matter depending on the Army, it might be a mischief to which a thousand of their liues were not able to make a conuenient recompense, & the aduauntage which the foe might gaine thereby, doth so farre outweigh all the benefits of their future seruice, that they haue nothing but curses and disdaine to liue with them euer after.
As thus the Forrage-master is to see them march foorth together and likewise keepe together, without disordering the body by any quitting or stealing out of their Ranks; so is he likewise to haue care that they all come home together, for these Forragers haue many times that wickednes of disposition within them, that if the eye of the chiefe Officer once neglect them (so as they can make escape from the Company) presently they hide themselues in passages and obscure waies, disguising their faces with Scarfes or close Caskes, and so lie in wait to rob and spoile their owne fellowes, who being newly arriued at their quarter, and intic't by the pleasantnes of the ayre to walke abroad and view the bounds or borders of the Countrey adiacent, are presently by an aduantagious blow, or an vndreampt of bullet on the sudden knockt downe to the earth, and so by our owne straglers dispoyled, robbed, and sometimes murdered; which to preuent, there is nothing so auaileable as the diligent care and vigilance of the Forrage-master, whose eye is the onely salue which can cure these mischiefes: for by looking to their escapes, and most seuerely punishing all those which shall first attempt to offend in this nature, they will quickly bee reduced to order, and feare, which is the terror of euery base and vnder-valued courage, will like a sharp Bit raine them in, & keep mischiefe in despight of his owne will from running into disorder.
It is also the office of this Forrage-master, when he approcheth any of those places where he findeth (in part or whole) the commodities he seeketh, to haue a circumspect regard to the situation of the place, and in what manner those commodities grow there, as also what aduantage the ground or any place neighbouring neere vnto the same, may haue for the placing and concealing of any ambush or other stratageme which may put himselfe and his company in danger, and finding any suspition or doubt thereof; it is his part presently to collect what ground of aduantage may againe relieue himselfe if any such vnlookt for accident should happen; and hauing armed himselfe against the worst of all disastrous suppositions, he shall yet notwithstanding dare to engage either himselfe or his company further then he hath a safe and assured retrait, whereby to bring them off in despight of all the politike engines which the subtiltie of the enemy can deuise.
Lastly, when the Forrage-master bringeth hom his Bootie (which is all necessary prouisions belonging to the Horse-troupes) he shall (before it be shared) make in his owne account a true value and estimation thereof, [Page 100]and if he find it bee in any great measure or large quantitie, so that the abundance amounteth to a very plentifull ouerplus, then shall hee first of all deduct out of the whole Grosse a competent proportion to serue all the Troups of horse for the present, and then (the necessitie of their occasions, and the profit of the Armie desiring such frugalitie) he shall cause the rest to be stored and laid vp in some conuenient prouision house, and thence weekely (by his inferiour Officers) haue it deliuered out to the Clerks of the Troups without any lauish expence, or vnthrifty consumption of the same: and questionlesse a better care cannot be preserued, for I haue knowne in mine owne experience, when at our first sitting downe before a place besieged, comming vnexpected and before such prouisions could bee taken from our possessions, wee haue found wondrous great plentie of all sorts of these accommodations, yet hauing carelesly wasted and consumed the same, without remembring any necessities that might arise from future times; and being by the stubbornenesse of the enemy fixt to the continuance of a lingring Siege, we haue vndergone such penury and want, that it hath bin questionable whether the Besieger or the Besieged haue sustained at the hand of Fortune the greater calamitie, whereas the smallest spark of Care in the beginning, had fixt such a sure nayle in the wheele of Fate, that nothing would haue troubled vs which had the least shadow or shape of Necessitie.
Many other complementall Obseruations might bee added to the nature of this office, but being partly immateriall to my purpose, and partly such neere dependants to the things already discussed, that the one is no more but an exposition of the other, I will neither bee tedious to your Lordship, nor a breaker of order in the method I haue vndertaken, but shut vp mine Epistle with this Conclusion, That whosoeuer doth as much in this Office as is already deliuered, albe hee doe not all that can be imagined, yet he shall doe as much as any necessary Reason can be expected.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Ʋictuall-Master.
FOr me to Coine vnto your Lordship any new complement whereby to insinuate more then mine Ignorance vnderstands, were a thing stranger then my strangenes vnto you; Therefore I only take by the hand (in this place) the necessitie of your noble Range (to which I am bound) and the goodnesse of your honorable minde (which I know will giue allowance to euery worthy study) these I hope shall excuse mee; and for these I know you will so farre know me, as (in reading this Epistle) you shall finde me worthy your notice, more I will not begge; lesse I dare not desire, and this I hope I shall euer reape from your noble vertue.
The next Officer assending in this warlike legend (and with which I am to account in this Epistle) is that of the Victuall-Master, Prouant-Master or Purueyor of victuals for the whole Body of the Armie, and is indeede a principall and eminent person holding a place both of great Trust, Care and Estimation; his generall dependance is vpon the Armie and the Generalls especiall Commandments, but the perticular looketh most at the Treasurer; for he supplyeth all those necessities which he is not able to furnish.
The ellection of this man ought to be out of the best sort of Gentlemen, hauing in him both the dignity of Blood and the glory of vertue, with the one to feele and pitty mens wants and extreamities, and with the other to giue a speedy, honest and an wholesome remedy: he ought to be endued with three especiall vertues, as first Wisdome (which he is to exercise in making his prouisions,) then Temperance, (which is to gouerne him in the expence of his commodities according to order) and [Page 102]lastly Frugalitie, (by which to increase and keepe good his store in an honest, profitable, and thrifty manner) he should be a man of yeares and great experience both in the natures of men, the necessities of the warrs, and the proportioning of allowances; but especially he must be a man notably well seene in all manner of houshold prouisions, knowing both the Rates of all manner of victualls, the places where best to find them, and the safest and wholesomest way how to keepe and preserue them, he must not in any wise be a Begger, for he that hath neglected to feede himselfe, will either little regard how hee feedeth others, or else so extreamely feed himselfe first, that other men will sterue whilst he is in surfeting. To conclude, he must in no wise be a hard harted or couetous person, for Couetousnes is the mother of many vices, and if this Officer, either to gaine at cheape Rates by vnsound and insufficient victuals, or to keepe them (till the extreamity of times doe compell the Souldier to accept them) store them till they rot and turne to putrifaction, and then force them on those where deniall can not be heard nor relieued; then belieue it, this man doth his Prince and Country most wicked seruice; hath the curse of the liuing and the blood of many slaughter'd Soules hanging at his elbow, for from this ground (aboue others) doe mutenies and deuisions amongst Souldiers arise, which is seldome apeas'd but with death; and from hence in mine owne experience I haue obserued two such insurrections, that they started the whole Armie with amazement.
Touching the nature and qualitie of this Officer, he is to make prouision for the Armie of all kind of victualls whatsoeuer, carefully and faithfuly, and for that purpose is to haue at euery Rendiuous or place of Garrisson, a fit and conuenient Store-House, in which to pile vp and accomodate the same, whether it be Bread, Bisket, Cheese, Butter, Fish, Beefe, Bacon, Meale, Pease or any other prouision; which according to warrants from the Superior Officers, (nominating the number of men in list of euery company) he shall deliuer out proportionably according to such a rate for euery man Per diem, and being stil assured to keepe his proportions within the compasse of the Souldiers common allowance of ordinary lendings, as for example; If the Souldiers lendings be after the Rate of Three Shillings by the weeke, then shall the victuall-master allow him victualls at the rate of foure pence by the day and a penny for drinke, which amounts to two shillings and eleauen pence the weeke, the remainder when the Captaine commeth to rekcon with the Treasurer, by the Victuallers certificates shall (or at least should) be an arrerage due to the Souldier; and thus according to the proportion of any wages, and in this expending of victualls it is to be supposed that euery Victuall-Master ought to accommodate his victualls vnto the place in which they are spent; as if it be in Garison or setled Campe, then hee shall spend those victualls which are worst for carriage and most troublesome for the Souldier to dresse; as Butter, Bread, Fish or the like, except his plenty be great, and then he may let them haue two daies flesh, [Page 103]as ether Beefe or Bacon, for Sundaies and Thursdaies; two daies Butter as on Monday & Tuesday; one day Cheese as Wensday; and two dayes Fish as Friday and Satterday.
But if it be in Marching or Iourneying, then hee shall giue them the victuals which is most easie for carriage, and the longest lasting, as Bisket, Beefe ready boyld, Cheese, or the like. Now for the proportions how much conueniently may sustaine a man a day (though they must be rated according to the plenty of the store and the prizes by which they are attained) yet for example sake, and according to the experience of those warres which I haue seene, halfe a pound of Bisket, and halfe a pound of Butter hath beene at fit daies proportion for one man, or a pound of Bread and halfe a pound of Beefe or else Bacon; a full daies proportion, or otherwise halfe a pound of Bisket and a pound of Cheese; likewise a pound of Bisket and a Poore-Iohn betweene two men for one day, or two pound of Bisket and a Haberdine betweene foure men for one day is a great proportion, halfe a pound of Bisket and foure herrings is one mans allowance for one day, and so is a quart of Pease boyld, or a pint of Rice with the ordinary allowance of Bisket.
The Victuall-Master, whilst he is in the friend Country may send forth his warrants or potents for the bringing in of all manner of victualls at their ordinary prizes, and in such manner (if the Souldier receiue his wages in money) he shall retaile it backe without aduantage; for no exaction in any wise should be taken on the Souldier, especially in case of foode, for it is the nourisher of his strength and courage, and that being abated he can neither march well nor fight well; as thus victualls are brought in by the Friend, so being in the enemies Land, it is the Office of the Victuler to consider the qualitie and season of the place, for if the Country it selfe be rich and well furnished, and therewithall suddenly Inuaded; no doubt but great plenty of prouisions will be found, vpon which it is his Office to ceaze, and withall care to see it ordered and preserued for the best benefit and vse of the Armie, and to that end hee is continually to haue attending on him in good pay at least sixe Substitutes or vnder Officers to keepe accounts and deliuer out prouisions, besides good and sufficient Bakers, Butchers, Fishmongers, Hucsters and Coopers, besides Porters and luggage Carriers, to rummage and order things according to his directions, and doubtlesse it is found in the warres that there is greater husbandry in preseruing things then in prouiding, since plenty and scarcity are these two extreames which oftest doe make Souldiers Wastfull; For in Abundance it is the nature of course bred creatures to imagine that the spring hath no bottome, and in the time of penury assoone as the chearefulnesse of reliefe but once shines vpon them, presently the greedinesse of their natures falls into such excesse, that nothing but Ryot and Drunkennes is made the Steward of their expences.
This only is to be cured by this worthy Officer, for his fit distribution makes the one moderate, and his skilfull preseruations makes the other [Page 104]discreete. And indeede to speake the truth, a wise and iudicious Victuall-Master which knowes by Powdering, Turning, Cleansing and Drying, how to keepe his victualls sound and sweete, from Moulding, Sowering, Rotting or Stinking, is the Souldiers best Phisition, and giues him nothing but what brings health to his body, pleasure to his tast, and contentment to his minde.
This Officer must be both for himselfe and others, a skilfull and cunning Auditor, keeping his Bookes and Reckonings faithfully and iustly both betweene himselfe and the Treasurer for generall and great receits, betweene all such as shall bring in prouisions, and his vnder victuallers, but aboue all betweene his owne conscience and the Souldiers wants, whom (vnder so many Colours) he may wring; that vnlesse his owne soule speake vnto him, there is no other Argus that can spie out his mischieues: Therefore for the preuention of all wrongs, and that no cunning may walke in Truths vppermost Garment; there is strictly required at this Officers hands a solemne and religious Oath, by which hee is bound to serue Iustly, vprightly, and truely in his place, hauing alwaies his Bookes of account in a readines, that whensoeuer he shall bee called vpon, either by the Generall or Treasurer, hee may with all diligence make knowne the vttermost depth of his actions, and declare his faithfulnesse and integritie both to his Prince, his Country and the Armie in which he serueth: neither shall he be more carefull of himselfe then of his Clerkes and Inferior ministers; prouiding that they as himselfe doe Iustly in all things, and that Iniurie and Extortion lye not Bed rid or sicke in his Office: which if he performe as he ought, then is he a noble and renowned Officer, and howsoeuer his mortall part dye, yet shall the memory of his Immortall Goodnes suruiue as long as any Souldier holds his remembrance.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Prouost-Marshall.
I Bring to you (my deare Lord) in the tribute of this short Epistle, two great Homages which I owe, the one to the memory of your noble Grandfather (to whose honourable fauours I was infinitly bound in my Seruice to the late Queene Elizabeth of blessed memory) and the other to your worthy selfe (from whom I haue euer receiued that respect, which not to acknowledge, would hang as a Sereine or rotting Mildew vpon any thankfull nature) be pleased then to heare it speake at your best leasure, and though it haue neuer so rude an vtterance, yet you shal find it beares a worthy affection both to your Name and Honor.
The Office vpon which I touch in this place (my best Lord) is that of the Prouost-Marshall, which howsoeuer the Generall (through his greatnes and priority of place) hath power to confirme and appoint, yet commonly the Gentleman which is designed therunto, is alwaies nominated and recommended by the Lord Marshall of the field, being his vnder Officer, and one vnto whom is deliuered the charge and keeping of all Delinquents and criminall offenders whatsoeuer.
This Office I haue seene in mine experience to carry a double and two-fold estimation (yet rather out of corruption then true ground) men iudging of the good or euill thereof according to the worthinesse or vnworthinesse of the partie which held it, the honest, wise, & vnderstanding man swaying it with Reputation and Renowne. The foolish, base, and contemptible person ordering it with a regard of as much or more Imputation: But all this is fault in Election, not in Place; for it is certaine, the Office in it selfe is both worthy, necessary and good, a calling fit for a Gentleman of Blood and qualitie, and a degree wherein a man [Page 106]may expresse any vertue to the life, both with applause and admiration. It is also of great profit and aduauncement (which inferres Merit) and there is knit vnto it a singular Trust, which must euer allow of much Faith and Wisdome: I cannot compare it in our ciuill gouernment to any office neerer then that of our Vnder-Sherifes, which howsoeuer the prouerbe is, Twise an Vnder-Sherise, euer a Knaue: yet it is but corruption that makes good the Adage; for I know many honest men that many yeares haue had the place, yet many times better then a world of those which contemne it. But to proceed, the Gentleman which should be elected to this place of Prouost-Marshall, would bee a man of great Iudgement and Experience in all Martiall Discipline, well seene in the lawes and ordinances of the Campe, and such a one as knew well the vse, benefit and necessitie of all things belonging either vnto Food or Raiment, he should bee a louer of Iustice, impartiall in his dealings, and free from the transportation of Passions: he should haue an eare that contemptuously could beat backe, not furiously drinke in Slander and rayling language: hee should haue an eye that could gaze on all obiects without winking, and an heart full of discreet compassion, but not toucht with foolish or melting pitie. In briefe, he ought to be only the Lawes seruant, and indeed to challenge no more in himselfe, then so much as exprest to her his obedience.
For the nature of his Office, hee is first the great and principall Gaoler of the Armie, hauing power to detaine and keepe prisoner whosoeuer shalbe committed vnto him by lawfull authoritie; and though some contemptuously haue cal'd him the Hangman, or executioner of the Army, yet it is not so, but as our Sheriffes of Counties are bound to find slaues for such needfull vses: so he by his place is obliged to find men and other implements for all such occasions, and to that end hath allowance for many attendants of all sorts and conditions, and many Substitutes, which are called Vnder-Prouosts, who haue likewise allowance of attendants to dispatch any execution how suddenly soeuer commanded, and to that end it is not lawfull for the Vnder-Prouosts to goe at any time without Halters, Withs, or strangling cords of Match, euer about them. The Pruoust-Marshall hath the charge of all manner of tortures, as Gyues, Shackels, Bolts, Chaines, Bilbowes, Manacles, Whips, and the like, and may by his Ministers vse them, either in case of Iudgement or Commandement from a Marshall Court, or otherwise vpon vnrulinesse at his owne discretion: hee is by his officers to see all places of Execution prepared and furnished with Engins fitting to the Iudgement, whether it bee Gallowes, Gybbets, Scaffolds, Pillories, Stocks or Strappadoes, or any other Engine which is set vp for terrour and affright to such as behold it.
This Officer hath the guard and keeping of all such Prisoners as are taken in the warres, till they be either ransomed, exchanged, or by the General otherwise disposed; & in this case the nobler his vsage is, the greater will the praise be of his humanitie & vertue. If any Drums or Trumpets shal happen to come from the enemy, they are by the Prouest marshall to be entertained, accommodated and prouided, vnlesse it shall please the [Page 107]Lord Marshall himselfe otherwise to dispose of them. And that all these duties before said may with more efficacie and lustre be performed, hee shall haue his Quarter in the strongest and most securest part of all the Armie; and in all Marches he is also to haue the place of greatest safetie, for the assurance of his Prisoners.
Moreouer, it is the Office of the Prouost-Marshall, by authoritie of the Lord Marshal, to guard with a good Conuoy of men, both to the camp, in the camp, and from the camp, all maner of Victualers, Vianders, Marchants and others which bring any prouisions to the campe, and assoone as they are entred, he shall rate and set prize (in a reasonable & indifferent maner) vpon all their goods, and secures them from the insolence of the Soldier, prouiding that no man take any thing from them without payment: hee also looks to the proportions of true Weights and Measures, and reconciles any difference in buying and selling, for which labour he hath of the Prouidadors or Marchants, the Hides and Tongues of all manner of cattell that are kill'd, and euery weeke sixpence a piece in money numbred for their stalles, which sixpence a weeke he is accountable for vnto the Lord Marshall, for to him that fee is belonging.
It is likewise the Office of the Prouost-Marshall, to see that the Market-place of the Campe bee once in two dayes swept and kept sweet and cleane, that all garbage and filthinesse bee burnt and consumed, that no man doe the office of nature but in places conuenient, and that in the whole Campe or Garrison there may not be any thing which may turne to a generall annoyance.
The Prouost-Marshall must haue an especiall care to the keeping of the peace, and to apprehend the least occasion which may tend to the breach of the same, hee must preuent all Mutinies, Quarrels, and disorders, and that no such vnciuill dissention may haue strength to out-face or withstand the power of his command: hee shall euer haue attending about him a guard of his vnder Prouosts and seruants, who with short truncheons in their hands, according vnto Military forme, shall enforce obedience to any lawfull commandement which proceedeth from him, and hauing taken them in their actuall transgressions, to commit them to Prison, or the Bolts, as the nature or euill example of the crime deserueth; for it is a dutie expected at this Officers hands, to be a ready suppressor of all vice and disorder, and to bee a maintenance and aduauncer of all those which haue any semblance or likenesse with an honest, sober and ciuill inclination; whence it behooueth him to haue a ready and quick iudging eye between the good and bad, so that he may in an early houre restraine all immoderat and vnlawfull Gaine, and rather compell the Cut-throat to kill himselfe with enuy, then to consume others with the rust and canker of his vnsatisfied Couetousnesse. It is also a maine point in this Officers dutie, to discouer the lurking subtilties of treacherous Spies, and by learning the true interpretation of mens Words, lookes, manners, formes, and habits of apparell, to bee able to turne the inside of their hearts outward, and to pull out that little deuill of malicious deceit, though he lye [Page 108]hid in neuer so darke a corner; and truly a better seruice cannot be done, nor is there any Art sooner learned if a man will apply his knowledge but seriously thereunto.
To conclude, the last dutie of the Prouost-Mashall, is (after the Watch is set at night) to suruey the Army, and see if it remaine calme and still, and that no disorderly noyses or tumults keepe any part of it awake and not silent; and in this suruey, if he encounter with any immoderat fires, or superfluous candle-lights, he shall cause them to be put out and extinguished; or if he heare in Sutlers cabins or other harbors any Drunkards, Tobacco takers, or other vnruly persons, whose noise is both offensiue to the Campe, and giueth to others an euill example, he shall presently suppresse them, and make them depart, or else vpon grosser disorder, commit them: for besides the vndecency and vnfitnesse of the action, such clamors and noises are more then hurtfull in a Campe, epecially being any thing neere where the Sentinell standeth: for it is an interruption and hindrance through which he cannot possibly discharge his dutie.
Thus I haue briefly runne ouer all the maine points in which the duty of this Officer doth consist, and though not with those amplifications and inlargements, which might be required in a greater and more spacious Volume (to which no law in this Art of writing will allow me) yet I know (like a reasonable handsome picture) your Lordship may (if you please) iudge by it of euery feature in the liuing proportion, which if nobly you vouchsafe to doe, you pay mee the greatest Interest my loue can wish, and I will studie more and more to bee your seruant.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Judge-Marshall.
You are (my noble and worthy Lord) happie in your owne growing fruitfulnesse to all goodnesse, happy in your descent from your Parents noble vertues, and happy in the hopes of all that doe or shall depend vpon you, whence I make bold to send you this poore Epistle as an acknowledgment of my seruice, not to plead merit, but to signifie my wishes to the prosperitie of your Spring and flourishing beginning. If you please to reade it you shall finde nothing in it that is vncomely, if you neglect it, yet is it the figure of such an affection as wisht it for your seruice; how euer I know your goodnes, and dare boldly knocke thereat, for I know it is a Gate that must not be shut against any honest or worthy endeauour.
The Subiect whereof I intend to intreate in this Epistle, is of the Iudge-Marshall, or as some call him (by the old Roman name) the Praetor, or Iudge in all Martiall causes. This is a renowned and reuerend Officer (as some suppose) attendant; but as I confidently imagine rather an assistant to the Lord Marshall, for he is not alwaies designed, nominated, and appointed by the Generall or Lord Marshall, but oftner by the King himselfe and his Regall authoritie, which greatnesse in election proues the dignitie and worthines of his place, for it is a rule in all the Titles of Honor whatsoeuer, that as that is the greatest, which riseth immediatly from God and not from the King, so those are the next best which rise immediately from the King; and not by a second from the Kings Commission: but letting passe the curiossity in his appointment, let it suffice vs that his place is of great Reuerence and respect, and the man which ought to be elected thereunto, should be a person of sincere and holy life, Learned, Religious, and of a sound and approued knowledge in [Page 110]matters of Iustice and Equitie, he should haue a conscience like an Innocent and spotlesse Virgin, delicate, quicke and tender, yet fit to receiue no impression or stampe but that of goodnes, for he hath to doe with the bloods and liues of men, and no addulterate censure committed against them, but pulles with incessant cries vengeance from heauen to consume the Author; I haue knowne (in mine owne experience) called to to this place both reuerend and famous Diuines, and sometimes learned and worthy Ciuilians, either of which haue discharged the place withall contentment and admiration, mannaging all their actions, both with a Religious feare of Gods Indgements, and a carefull duty to the preseruation of Iustice; but yet if a man had libertie to wish in this place the fulnesse of perfection, me thinkes a man that had the mixture of both these excellent qualities were sure of the best composition, and would farre exceede the single Ingredian; that is to say, either Diuine Ciuilian, or a Ciuill-Diuine would farre surpasse a smple Diuine or simple Ciuilian.
It cannot be denied but in as much as the Ciuill Law hath the greatest sway in all marshall crimes & controuersies, therefore it is necessary the Iudge of these errors should be learned in that profession; so on the other side, since there is no constant path but it may walke whither soeuer the Conscience please to giude it, there is a strong necessity that Religion and Diuine knowledge come in for an assistance, least by a small mistake the flatterd Conscience may goe awry, and then there is no fall but into a Precipice.
Diuers I confesse haue written Military and Marshall lawes, and of all those not any with a more worthy or memorable approbation then our Reuerend and learned Doctor Sutolife, (whom I long knew in the wars and much reuerenced for his infinite vertues) being a man so able and vncontrolable through the merit of his owne rare experience that few comes neare, none equals him: yet he I know will modestly confesse that those lawes cannot alwaies be certaine in all places; for Generalls themselues continually taking vpon them to make new lawes aptest and fittest for the present Times, find sometimes those things which were imagined most fit, at other times to bee held the most inconuenient, and what was at one time most dangerous, at another time is most sufferable and wholesome; so that still there must be a Quere left (as our Common Lawyers tearme it) and there is no constant Law (but the Iudges Conscience) for all manner of occasions, maine Trespasses only excepted, as Treasons, Conspiracies, Contempt of Officers, Cowardise, Theft, and the like: all which by setled rules are euermore most seuearely punnished: so that to a well mixed Law to haue a Iudge of a better mixed temper, is the best election that can bee found out by any noble and well tried Iudgement.
Times in the Warres makes the nature of Offences differ, for I haue seene a man who for stealing of a Hat or such a trifle, nay for going but out of his Quarter or breaking his array, hath beene kild or hang'd [Page 111]vp Imediately, when at another time great fellonies haue beene committed but yet escaped, horrible offences pardoned, and grosse Iniuries highly praised; this hath beene the working of Times and the Conscience of the Iudge, neither will I stand in this place to argue either the one or the others greater goodnesse.
The Praetor or Iudge-Marshall being thus chosen, his place and Office is the same almost in effect and qualitie which they carry in our ciuill Citties and Townes, whom we call by the names of Recorders, for as those are the Mouthes, Iudgements and Censures of the Supreame Magistrate which we call Maior, Baily or Alderman, condemning or acquitting all such as are brought before them for any criminall offence, of what nature or condition soeuer, because it is supposed the higher Magistrate is not learned in the Misterie and Science of the Lawes: So is this Praetor or Iudge-Marshall the voice, Censure and opinion of the Lord Marshall of the Armie, hauing full power and authority to drawe vp, Ingrosse and pronounce all Sentences and Processes drawne & agreed vpon in a Marshall Court against any Delinquent or Capitall offender whatsoeuer; and for that cause he hath his seate and place in all Marshall Courts next vnder the Lord-marshall, where he sitteth and heareth all complaints, euidences and proofes which are brought in against any criminall offendor; taking ample notes thereof and reducing them into heads both for his owne and all the other Captaines helpes which are Iudges in the same Court; which being heard at large and vpon solemne oath; he then calleth in the offendor and against him layeth all the Inferences, Accusations, and Imputations which had formerly beene alleadged, together with the proofes and assertions, receiuing the Delinquents ample and full answer to the same, with all those testimonies and excuses which he can produce: which done and the offending partie withdrawne, the Praetor discourseth to all the Court his opinion of all he hath heard, what agreeth with the lawes, and what standeth against them, discussing all doubtfull questions, and truely and sincearely declaring how far the nature of the Offence extendeth; of which, when his speach is ended he craueth their Iudgement.
Then the puny Captaine first, and so successiuely all the rest one after another giue their opinions of the nature of the offence, and what punnishment it deserueth; then in conclusion the Lord marshall himselfe (if he be present) giueth the finall sentence; which finished, the Praetor causeth the sentence to be drawne, which being read by him to the whole Table, (to that effect which the Lord-marshall pronounced) immediately the Prisoner is called for againe, vnto whome after the Praetor in a solemne and learned Oration hath ript vp the qualitie and pernitiousnes of his sinne and the excellencie of the Lawes in cutting off the crueltie of such sinnes, and then sawdering vp the wounds of a torne and declacerat Conscience with diuine and wholesome counsell, forthwith he shall reade vnto him the full tenor of his sentence, in such sort as it is there written; and then deliuer it into the hands of the Prouost-marshall [Page 112]to see it put in execution. And in this manner hee shall deale with all other controuersies whatsoeuer; obseruing still to keepe in affaire and large Booke, handsomely ingrost vp, all Complaints, Proceedings, and Sentences whatsoeuer which shall passe before him, as well for his owne discharge, as the honor of the Court, and satisfaction of all such as shall haue occasion vpon any controuersie or question to search or ouer-looke the same.
And this is the greatest part and effect of the Iudge-Marshalls Office in our Courts of warre, though in other Countries they haue further imployments; as the answering of forreigne Messengers, the drawing of Proclamations, controule of victuallers and the like; yet since for these we haue other perticular and distinct Officers, I will impose no more vpon this then his due place challengeth, but only conclude thus. That if hee discharge his place rightly in manner and forme as it is discribed, he shall questionlesse doe to himselfe a great honor, and performe a most acceptable worke both to God, the world, and all good Christians.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Scout-Master.
THough I am (my Lord) a stranger to your person, yet in as much as you are descended from the blood of the Ancient, Great, and Noble Somerset, to that I may draw necre for shelter, It hath many times shadowed our House; and though the Frosts of Time and Fortune bite neuer so cruelly, yet will not all the leaues (I hope) shed. Be then pleased (Sir) that I may solicite you to read this Epistle, the tale is plaine (for it comes from a Souldier) It is true (for I haue Experience to beare me witnes) and that it is modest, feare not (for a Gentleman sent it.)
Concerning this Office of the Scout-master, or Captaine of the Vantcurrers, there haue been many variable disputations touching his dependancie, nor is the reconcilement setled or made perfect in all mens opinions, some fixing him vpon the Lord Marshall, some on the Generall of the Horse, and some on the Lieutenant Generall of the Horse, and indeed some on none, but as a publike Officer of great and eminent importance to subsist onely of himselfe. True it is that the last opinion is most strong, if we draw into consideration the varietie and change of his duties, for they are so many and so diuers, that indeed he cannot be sayd to depend of any one, but of all, and may be truely called The Campes generall Seruant: yet if we come to particulars, and put those many duties into seuerall Balances, we shall find that the weightiest of all belongs to the Lord Marshall. It is certaine he is beholden to the superiour Officers of the Horse for his Guard, so are they likewise to him for his Discoueries; but the most important matters and secrets of his knowledge, that is [Page 114]the Lord Marshals, & if on any, then on him he must fix his dependance.
Touching the election of this Officer, he ought to be a man of infinit great Valour and Iudgement, very skilfull in the knowledge of the Countrey wherein he serueth, a good Cosmographer, and describer of the situations of places, and such a one as by his eye can suddenly frame vnto himselfe a Map of whatsoeuer he discouereth. Two things he must especially beware of, Rashnesse and Credulitie: for the first with many dangers will continually make spoyle of his labours, the other with too light trust will make him liable to vntruths, which is an euerlasting imputation.
The two principall parts of his Office consist, the one in Discouering, the other in Guarding: his dutie in Discouering, is for the most part exercised when the Armie marcheth, at which time he is to receiue from the Lieutenant Generall of the Horse (or some other by his appointment) a competent Guard or troupe of Horsemen, being for the most part all Light-horsemen or Dragoones, and with these the Scout-master shall ride before the Armie, and scowre all the wayes and passages through which it shall march, and this he shall doe with all silence and swiftnesse, taking still into his consideration the nature, ease, and dangers of all Passages, Riuers, and Bridges: he shall gage and sound the depths of all Foards, try their bredths, and how many may march ouer in breast, see whether the Shallow goe ouer straight, and in a direct line or crooked, and whether the Channell be hard, muddie, or opprest with great stones, blocks, bushes or the like, he shall likewise obserue all Hils, Valleys, Straits, Woods, Bogs, and all aduantages or disaduantages whatsoeuer: For howsoeuer it may be presumed that the Generall, either by his friends, by the imployment of Spies, by Traytors or some other aduisoes, nay by his own knowledge may haue some Notion or assurance of his passages, yet in respect of the present mutabilitie of times, and the stratagems of the enemy (which can neuer be idle in these busie affayres:) this Officers can in no wise bee wanting; for by common experience we see, what was yesterday; nay, within this houre passable, may at this instant be possessed by the enemy, or by his deuises impeached: Foards are soone choakt vp with Calthropes, Bridges are soone broken, conceal'd Ditches easily cast, Pitfals & Mines in strait wayes quickly dig'd, and an infinit world of other impediments to hinder an Armie; all which it is the Office of this Scout-master to discouer: yet with such care and circumspection, that still hee be sure to prouide for himselfe and his company a good and a safe Retrait, for howsoeuer (in places of danger) he be not bound to ingage himselfe so farre, that the enemy might cut betweene him and the Army, yet is hee not vpon a small apprehension to cut his course so short, as thereby the Armie might be toucht with the least hazard. It is his part therefore to mount vp to the highest ground of aduantage, and where he may view the greatest Hemisphere or Horyzon that is about him, and thence looke and obserue the Countrey euery way, and if any difficultie of places be in his eye to discouer, hee shall send foorth certaine Vant-curriers before [Page 115]him, being men of knowledge, valor & iudgment, who shall make plaine whatsoeuer to his eye remaineth doubtfull; and if in this seruice their valours shall transport them further then his directions, and so they become engaged (which is a fault of an vnexcusable nature) yet shall he second them, and bring them off, if there be any possibilitie in the hazard. Nor shall he thus alone cleare the way which is directly before, but also hee shall send foorth his Vantcurriers on euery side, and cleare the way round about him, & what impediments soeuer he shal encounter withall; if out of his owne power he cannot relieue them, he shall immediatly retire, and informe the Lord-marshall, and from him receiue either assistance, or some new directions.
When the Quarter-master shall attend the Lord-marshall about the Alodgement and Quartering of the Armie, it in then the Office of the Scout-master to attend him also, and with his best Iudgement and knowledge to take a serious and iudiciall suruey of the ground, and from the situation thereof to obserue all aduantages and disaduantages which may be either with, or against them, and with a modest freedome to deliuer his opinion, and the reasons thereof vnto the Lord-marshall.
Againe, when the Marshals Trumpet shall set the Watch, instantly the Scout-master shal haue his Guard of Horsmen assigned vnto him either by the Generall or the Licutenant-Generall of the Horse. If there be not (as in most disciplines there are) a certaine course or rule who continually shall guard him; and these being mounted, he leadeth without the camp, who watch and guard the same all that night, and are indeed truly those whom we call Sentinels Perdues; for there he placeth them in their seuerall places Sentinell-wise round about the Campe, giuing them strickt charge vpon paine of death not to stirre vntill they bee relieued. As for the Marshalling of them, it is according to his owne iudgement, or neere, or farre off, as time and the dangers require: for if the Campe be small, and the number great, then hee placeth them thicker, and relieueth oftner; but if the Campe be wide, and the number small, then they are thinner, and their duties longer. When the Watch is relieued, the Scout-master relieueth his Sentinels and Scouts, and the Campe not remouing he continueth his Ward for the day also, but in no wise after the same manner as hee did his Watch, but according to his discretion and iudgement hee shall alter his ground and place of Scouting: for hee ought to vnderstand that all his endeauors are to discouer the enemy, but yet to keepe himselfe close and concealed, and therefore (as neere as he can) in watching he shall seeke to plant his Scouts in valleys and descending grounds, where their eyes may take the best prospect betweene the light and the earth; but in the day time he shall make his Guard vpon the hils, whence his eyes may fetch the largest distance: In the seasons which are tempestuous and bitter, then he ought to relieue often, but if calme and gentle, he may suit his troubles according. Assoone as the Army riseth, it is his place to passe on before to the purposes already rehearsed: and if he make no speedy returne back againe, it argues a cleare [Page 116]coast, yet must he not be too long absent, but in some conuenient space of time now and then present himselfe to the Armie, least they suspecting his interception, might be drawne into some puzzle or amazement.
This in effect is the whole substance of the Scout-masters Office, which though in some particular points it differ from the ancient Roman discipline, who neuer at any time would vouchsafe to place lost Sentinels neere the Campe, or desperate Scouts farre off, and remooued from the Campe: and notwithstanding that Florus, Bellay, and many braue Historians doe wonderously approue of their disallowance thereof, and condemning our discipline as somewhat too tyrannous therein, alleaging it either opens a way whereby the outward Sentinell may more easily bee corrupted, or the inward Sentinell made a great deale more negligent and carelesse, by relying their trust on those which are without; yet did not modesty and good manners detaine me from arguing against so great, so ancient, and so well approued Masters: doubtlesse I could hold a strong, a long, and almost an vnrefellable disputation therein: but it shall suffice, my silence shall pleade me guiltie of yeelding vnto them, and I must and will euer confesse, that the Romans were great Souldiers, and accomplisht mightie and heroicall Actions, yet with this Protestation I will vndauntedly conclude mine Epistle, That at this day the Art and Discipline of Warre is as absolute and perfect amongst vs, as euer it was amongst the old Romans.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Liuetenant of the Ordnance.
HE that shall shippe himselfe (my Lord) vpon so great a discouery as (in this worke) I haue vndertaken, and stands bound to satisfie so many noble persons as I haue made mine Aduentures, must (though hee borrow much from Knowledge) yet begge a great deale more from Hope; and as he passes some great Seas with Assurance, so hee must passe others by Chaunce; In the latter whereof, though he be euer accompaned with feare and doubt, yet being happily past and finding some end of his purpose. It, he makes a Iewell to crowne his voyage; your Lorship is an Ocean and I must aduenture to saile vpon your patience with this Epistle: If I passe cleere, as I doubt not (for fame reports you learned) you shall make me much happier then I am by your knowledge, and your selfe a little richer by one poore mans affection.
This Office and Officer (of whose nature I am to discourse to your Lordship) we call the Liuetenant of the Ordnance or vnder Captaine of the Artillery, and is indeede no lesse then the Substitute, or immediate next in command and authority to the Master of the Ordnance or Great Captaine of the Artillerie: a man which for his ellection ought to haue many singuler good parts, as Learning, Wisdome, Valour, Temperance and all the spacious degrees of an honest and worthy frugalitie. He ought to be a Souldier from his Cradle, for he can haue no experience to old, nor indeed is there any experience either young or old which (once in his [Page 118]life) will not come within the compasse of his necessity; he had neede be more then a Freeman, for though they may deale with any Trade, yet he must deale with all Trades, and therefore aboue all studies the Mathematicks are fittest for his reading; to conclude, if he be but Industrious and honest, the one will shew him skill, the other vse, and both together will make him a subiect fit for these vndertakings.
The Office of the Ordnance is of that great and singuler importance that few in the armie exceede it, and indeede so weighty as with great difficulty any one man is able to passe through and fully to discharge it: whence it comes that there are allowed vnto him many assistants, especially one aboue the rest; who being next to himselfe, we call by the name of his Liuetenant, and in truth whatsoeuer may belong to the care of the Master, all that is euer within the compasse of his authority also; for not only in his absence doth he carry the generall care of all proceedings within that perticular affaire, but also in his presence hath a particuler reference to the ordering of many duties which as burthens too grose and heauie, are remoued from the Master to the Liuetenants shoulders: and therefore it is requisite that wheresoeuer the Master of the Ordnance is absent, there the Liuetenant be euer present, as if the Master be in the Campe, then must the Liuetenant bee at the Breach or Curtaine, if thee Master bee at the Breach, then the Liuetenant at the Store-house, the mine or some other place of necessarie Imploiment, and indeed the Offices doe so necessarily depend one vpon another, that the perfection of this mans duty can hardly bee deserned, till with the other (which is the greater) it bee arteficially compared, and therefore in the Office of the Master of the Ordnance, this Office of the Liuetenant shall be made more plaine and easie. But to proceede, this Officer hath vnder him many Inferior Officers, as Master-Gunners, Canoniers, Waggon-master, the Furrier and diuerse Clerkes, besides Gun-makers, and Carriage makers, and others of meaner dependance; so that he is as a middle man betweene the Master of the Ordnance and his Inferior Officers, giuing an account to one, and taking account from others, and by reason of his more generall cōmercement with those men (who haue their only dependance on him, and finde all their necessities relieued by him) he hath a more liberall and free power both to heare from them, and see in them many negligences and escapes which the Master can in no wise behold, and which, it is his duty and place to see reformed, either by his owne power, or by complaint to the Master, who is not to dispute or craue Testimonie in any thing which the Liuetenant shall declare vnto him.
It is the Office of this Liuetenant to see that both the Master Gunner and all his vnder Gunners doe their duties in obseruing and mannageing their Peeces, in mounting, dismounting, in their diligence in charging and discharging; lading, leueling and whatsoeuer else belongs to their art and cunning, and to the end that his eie may bee of more force, both in the finding out and mending of all errors which shall [Page 119]come within the compasse of his knowledge; it is very conuenient that he himselfe be skilfull and expert in the same knowledge, so as vpon euery error or fault discerned, he may bee able not only to correct and controule, but also to instruct and teach the Ignorant how and in what manner to amend any escape in what sort soeuer committed.
It is his especiall duty to see that his Store-house or place of change be continually furnished withall manner of prouisions both for Artilerie, Munision and all sorts of Armes, both offensiue and defensiue; as Ordnance ready mounted with all their cooplements, Ornaments, Tires, and necessaries which belong vnto the same, as Cannons for Batterie, from the least to the greatest size; as from sixe to tenne inches in board or height, and carrying bullet from forty foure to seauenty pound weight; demie-Cannons which carry bullet from twenty foure to thirtie pound weight; Culluerins from sixteene to twenty pound, Demie-Culluerines, Faulcons, Faulconets and Sakers; Quintalls of Cannon-powder and other powder, and Oxe hides to couer and defend the same; Shot of Iron, Leade, and stone in great quantitie and for all manner of Peeces, Match in great abundance, Iron shouells, Mattocks, Pickaxes, Axes, Hatchets, Hookes, Planks, Boards, Maunds, Baskets, Nailes for Tyers, and all other purposes, Sawes Sledges, Iron barres, Crowes, Augers, Engines for all purposes; Chargers, Ladles, Rammers, Spunges, Chaines, Cart-clouts, Weights, all sorts of Smiths tooles, Horse-shoos and Nailes, Cordage, Coffers, Candles, Lanthorns, Ceare-cloathes, Soape, Tarre, soft Grease, Scalling ladders, beside a world of other things which are needlesse to resite and yet depend on the Ordnance; He shall haue also in store all manner of small shott as Musquets, Dragoones, Pistolls and the like; with all manner of Implements belonging vnto them either for Horse or Foote; also all sorts of Launces, Pikes, Murrions, Corslets, Swords, Daggers, Girdles, Hangers, Bandeleers, Bulletbagges, Flaskes and Touch-boxes for Horsemen, Carbines or Petronells, and indeede generally all manner of Armes whatsoeuer; for it were an infinite thing in this short Epistle to reckon vp all which appertaines to this great Office: Now as this Store house is to bee furnished with all these seuerall prouisions, so likewise it is to be accomodated with men of all the seuerall Trades belonging to such prouisions as Mine-masters, Smiths, Founders, Coopers, Carpenters, Wheele-wrights and the like; all which as they are vnder the Guard of the Liuetenant of the Ordnance, so it is his Office to see them prouided of all maner of necessaries belonging to their Trades, which by vertue of his warrants or potents hee shall raise from any man that is owner thereof (being a friend) at such Rates and Prizes as by the Master of the Ordnance shall be appointed, and also he shall call vpon the pay-Master of the Artillery (if any defect shall bee in that behalfe) for the true payment of all wages to all these or any other which are vnder his commandment, and if the defect bee in the Treasurer, he shall then enforme the Master of the Ordnance and from him receiue order for the redresse of the same, and then hee shall also ouersee [Page 120]that the Clerke of the Ordnance doe truely and faithfully keepe an account both of the paies and all other charges belonging to the Office by Libranzas, or Tickets sent either from the Master of the Ordnance himselfe, or else from his Liuetenant; and lastly he shall see that the Puruior generall (which some call the Committie of the Ordnance) doe make al his prouisions (whether it be of Bastiments or other necessaries depending either vpon the Office, or the people appeteining vnto the Office) in a good and sufficient manner, without either Crueltie or remisnesse; neither offending the Friend from whom he raiseth these profits by any vniust and vnlawfull exactions, nor yet wronging the place by want of such necessary commodities, either through his slacknes in duty, Bribery or any other soft-hearted or pratiall forbearance.
To conclude this Epistle (because I shall haue ocasion to amplifie it a great deale more in the office of the Master of the Ordnance) it is the Office of the Liuetenant of the Ordnance to deliuer vnto euery Captaine or his Officer whom he shall appoint for that purpose (vpon Iust and approued defects, or vpon warrant from the Master of the Ordnance; all manner of supplies of Armes and Munition whatsoeuer, whether belonging to the Pike, Musquet or any other weapon whatsoeuer as also Powder, Match, Bullet or Lead, (according to the nature of his prouisions) and the same so deliuered shal defalke out of the Captaines Count, & reckoning by the returne of his certificate into the hands of the Treasurer, vnder Treasurer or their deputies. Many other things depend vpon this Office, but these are the most materiall, and from them (by an easie exposition) may be reduced all the rest, so that I may very well cast Anchor here and rest till by the course of Time and my purpose in these proceedings I be inforced to saile into a much larger Ocean.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Muster-Master in Warre.
I Know (my Lord) that to expresse you as you are in the true dignitie of your place, were to set you farre before the first in this great Range: for as you are the Sonne of an Earle, so you stand vpon an higher Scale, and by the curtesie of our Land, moue where you may behold these moue below you. But when I consider how I haue formerly made bold with a noble Peere of your owne Ranke (I meane the Heire of the Noble house of Worcester) and finde that as you are Earles sonnes, and so walke before in Curtesie, so you are Barons, and by that true right sit in the Vpper House of Parliament (which other Earles sonnes cannot doe) I could not but conceiue that this smaller lampe gaue the clearer light, and that by placing you in this Range, I darkened not, but did much rather adde to your splendor, by shewing that as you may march amongst the sonnes of Earles, in case of Triumph, so you may sit amongst the Peeres of the land in matter of Iustice. It is farre from me to dreame of any abatement in your Greatnesse; for so farre haue I been bound to the noble goodnesse of your thrise worthy Father, that I must protest from the plaine truth of an vnspotted affection, if I were able to adde or bring one sparke of glory to the Altar of your great Name, I would doe it with all fulnesse, all swiftnesse, though the malice of the whole world as a greedy torrent lay ready to ouerwhelme me.
But to proceed to the discourse at which mine occasion now pointeth; It is the Office of the Muster-master, of which there are two kinds, the one in Warre, the other in Peace; and howsoeuer they agree in name, yet in nature they haue little coherence: but since it is of the first (as namely the Muster-master in Warre) vpon whom now I must discourse: [Page 122]I will omit all circumstance and disputation, and plainly fal to the discussing of his Office.
First, touching the nature of the person himselse, it is certaine, that (for the most part) Muster-masters in the warres are very odious vnto Captaines; for in seruing of his Prince truly, and in mustering stricktly he wipeth much vndue profit from the Captaine, and spoyleth him of those payes, which it may be he had hop'd should haue relieued many of his necessities: on the other side, if the Muster-master doe conniue & blance at faults either for affection, or profit, then must he necessarily be an euill seruant to the State, and the end of all his worke can be nothing but disgrace and reprehension: so that I conclude, it is the honest Muster-master and the honest Captaine which must agree and liue in a wholesome concord together; the Captaine being carefull (as neere as in him lies) to keepe his Company strong and according to couenant; and the Muster-master abiding a considerat man, free from corruption, neither standing too punctually on small trifles, nor yet so wilfully blind as not to see errors that are grosse and palpable; let vprightnes therefore be done on all sides (for to discourse of Iniuries might instruct or open a way vnto Iniury) so shall the Prince be well serued, the Captaine better payed, and the Muster-master best of all reputed.
Touching the election of a Muster-master for the warres, he would be a man of good reckning and account, a man honest, discreet, vpright, and one that feareth God: he should be an able man both in Person, Knowledge, and Substance, and indeed ought to see all equitie and Iustice performed between the Prince, the Captaine, and the Souldier; he ought to haue the two best parts of a Gentleman, Valour, and Temperance, for howsoeuer there haue bin a false position held a mongst Souldiers, that Muster-masters must be Pen-men, and not men of the Sword, yet there is errour in the conceit, for I haue in mine owne experience knowne Captaines and Muster-masters equally to exchange and alter their conditions, Muster-masters becomming Captaines, and Captaines Muster-masters, and indeed not without great reason; for beleeue it, this place euer deserueth a full Captaines experience. Againe, whereas in the old & lesse orderly times it was not lawfull for the Muster-master to take Musters without the presence of the Treasurer, the rude Soldier taking vpon him an ill libertie to bend his Pike vpon him vnlesse hee came vnder that protection; yet it is now otherwise, and the Muster-master may take his view or musters of the Souldiers when he please, where he please, and in what maner he please, prouided it be done with an honest vprightnes, without any enuious crueltie against the Captaine, or by withdrawing from the Souldier his full meanes and due reckoning.
As concerning the principall parts of his office and dutie, they consist chiefly in the taking of Musters, that is to say, in the taking of a full and perfect view of all the seuerall Souldiers of euery Band and Troupe, as well the officers from the first to the lowest, as the others which are inferiour, collecting into a Booke the names and surnames of euery person, [Page 123]their ages, haires, complexions, and other especiall markes as also their Armes and Weapons of euerie seuerall kinde; their Horses, Furnitures, and other especiall markes to them belonging, with whatsoeuer else may auaile and helpe his knowledge heereafter when hee shall haue a cause to take a reuiew of the same. And that this may be done more effectually, and for the discharge of those greater officers (as our Lord Lieutenants or their deputies) by whom armies are first raised; euery Captaine (at his arriuall at the maine Rendiuous) shall (when hee bringeth his Souldiers before the Muster master to bee first viewed and receiued into pay) deliuer to the Muster-master the Indenture which passed betweene him and the Lord Lieutenant, or his Deputie, at whose hands he receiued his men, and by that, the Muster-master shall call & view euery man and his seuerall Armes particularly by themselues, which found iust and according to the Indenture and the Instructions of the Generall, presently the Muster-master shall giue vnto the Captaine a Warrant of Entery containing the Captaines and his officers names, together with the full number of Souldiers as they are allowed in list, with their seuerall payes and entertainments, & the day from whence such pay shall enure or begin, which Warrant signed vnder the Muster-masters hand and seale, the Captaine shall deliuer to the Treasurer or vnder-Treasurer, and from thenceforth receiue his pay accordingly.
The second taking of Musters, is when the Souldiers are to depart into the field, or goe vpon any present or great seruice, at which time the Muster-master shall (by a Booke receiued from the Captaine or his Clarke, and compared with his owne first Booke) take a view of all the Souldiers and Armes, & finding them strong and sufficient giue them (by a bill vnder his hand) full allowance for their meanes as was before shewed.
Now the third taking of Musters is after seruice performed, or when there is supposed to be any losse or decay in the Army; and this Muster he shall take by the first & second booke ioyntly compared together and recording downe all such as shalbe lost either by the Sword, by sicknesse, or by any other casualtie; also to take speciall notice of the exchange or alteration of any Soldier, or when any new man is entred, that an honest and true account may be kept betweene him, the Captaine and the Souldier for full count and reckoning, and in this muster (or any other) if hee shall find the company not to be full or in strength according to the list, then shall he defalke and make checke vpon the same; and in his certificat vnto the Treasurer shall set downe the true and full number which shall be paid, and no more.
As thus at these three especiall times he shal take these seuerall viewes, so shall he also doe at any other time when the Generall shall appoint, or vpon the suit of any Captaine (who hauing bene checkt and hath againe made vp his Company strong as before) desireth to haue it againe reuiewed, that he may receiue certificat for his full entertainment. And in this taking of Musters or viewes, it is a great caution which euery Muster-master ought to obserue, that by all meanes as hee makes seuerall distinctions [Page 124]of names and Armes, so he must also distinguish nations & persons, and not suffer the French to passe vnder the name of English, nor Italian vnder the Dutch; for it is a matter of great consequence, & such vndistinguisht mixtures haue bred many confussions in the greatest armies, and therefore after the first warning they are to be checkt and punisht seuerely. If the Army liue vpon lendings, then at euery six moneths end there is a count and reckoning to be had betweene the Prince and euery Souldier which hath suruiued and liued in the armie the full space of six moneths and vpward, as thus for example: the ful pay of euery common Soldier is eight pence per diem, which amounteth to foure shillings eight pence the week: so that hauing but three shillings a week lendings, there remaineth twentie pence a weeke to reckon for at the sixe moneths end, which commeth to betwixt forty shillings or seuen nobles a man, which commonly is paid in prouant apparell. It therefore appertaineth to the Muster-master by comparing his seuerall Books together, and noting the deaths and exchanges of men, to make out his certificat to the Prouant-masters or Treasurer, what apparell or money shal be deliuered to euery Captaine. This dutie I haue knowne performed by an officer called the Controller of Musters, which because it stands vpon no old foundation, but by him that euilly found it out, was as euilly put in execution, I would be loath therefore either to giue it allowance or president. And therfore to conclude this Epistle, it is to be vnderstood, that for as much as armies are large, and extend into many parts, so as it is impossible for any one man to exercise all these duties in his owne person, and in euery place; therefore euery Muster-master hath allowed vnder him diuers Deputies or Substitues, which are called the Commisaries of Musters, who haue the full powers of Muster-masters, and may performe all things in such sort as hath been formerly declared, and haue for the same competent allowances, besides commonly the dead pay of one priuat Souldier from euery Captaine that is within his Muster. Little more then what I haue declared doth depend vpon this Officer, and all that is said if hee discharge with an vpright and vnpartiall conscience, I dare be bold to affirme before your Lordship, that a better member (of his ranke and place) is hardly to be found in the Armie.
THE ARGVMENT. The Office of the Quarter-Master Generall.
WHen (my good Lord) I call to mind the Nobilitie and Antiquitie of your honord Name (which I euer loued) and the excellency of your disposition (which I cannot chuse but admire) pre [...]ently mee thinks all my hast is but slow which drawes me to this duty. But when I bring into my consideration your learning, wisedome and experience, then me thinkes mistrust in mine owne strength, makes euery thing too nimble, and I feare I flie vnto you with those errors vpon my wings, which reason tells me I might better haue concealed. But you are good, you are noble, and they haue long since told me the vanitie of my feares, since what I write being cloathed in a knowne Truth and publique Benefit, (to which you haue euer beene a support, euer a maintenance) nothing can come to your hands which shall not returne crowned with your fauours. In this hope armed I send forth my weake Epistle, and howseouer strictnes of opinion may search out how to finde some naked places by which to assault it, yet (great Lord) let it but finde the shaddow of your fauour; and beleeue it, then I will not feare the greatest enuy which can rise against it.
The Office (my Lord) of a Quarter-Master-Generall in an Armie is of no small Importance, but ought to carry Greatnes in himselfe, greatnesse in his place and greatnesse in the least shadow of his smalest duty, and howsoeuer he hath much correspondence and as it were adhering [Page 126]to a kind of dependance vpon the Lord Marshall and the Serieant Maior-Generall of the Field; yet is he of an absolute and powerfull authority, and howsoeuer he receiue from them matter whereupon to worke, yet are the duties of his place absosute in himselfe and rather subiect to aduice and assistance then to any controlement.
He ought in his ellection to be a man of great respect and reuerence in the Armie, full of sound knowledge in Marshall Discipline, and excellently well read in diuers of the liberall Sciences, especially, Arithmeticke, Geometrie, and Astronomie, besides a pregnant vnderstanding in the Art of Suruey or the measuring of Grounds and drawing them into sundry partitions, being able vpon view to take the best aduantage thereof for any singuler purpose, especially for the allodgement or accomodation of men in the easiest and safest manner that may be.
The first maine part of his duty is (when the Lord-Marshall goeth forth to make ellection of the ground whereon to encampe the Armie) to summon together all the Inferior Quarter-Masters belonging to euerie seuerall Regiment, and those Quarter-Masters to call together euery Furrier or Harbenger belonging to each seuerall Band or Company, and being attended on by these (in as comely an equipage as may bee) to attend vpon the Lord-Marshall to the place where he intendeth to place the Campe; and after the ground is a littell superficially suruaid, and as it were pointed out by the Marshalls eie, the Quarter-Master-generall then with the assistance of the Scout-Master shall ride about that peece of ground which the Marshall had first appointed out, and suruaying euery aduantage and situation of the same, finding out where the approches are fittest to be made, and where the fortyfications are most necessarie to be raised; He is first to deliuer his opinion thereof to the Lord-Marshall, together with all the commodities and discommodities which he shall perceiue to depend vpon the place, so that after due consultation had thereof by the Lord Marshall and his assistants, presently the forme of the entrenchment shall be staked out, the limits of the Market-place appointed, and the Site of the Generalls Tent measured forth and laid according to the best comoditie of the place, which performed, the Quarter-master-generall shall deuide the whole ground into as many large bodies and great maine streets as there are seuerall Regiments conteined in the Armie, and according to the dignitie of their places allot out quarters for euery Regiment whither they be Horse or Foote, and in such places as are most conuenient for the ease, strength, sweetnesse, and safeguard of the Armie, and knowing by the number of men conteined in euery Regiment, how much ground will serue to receiue them without pestring or annoying one another, and so as their lodgings may receiue them and their Armes with all conueniencie, each man shall haue sufficiencie and no man too much; and in this manner of quartering he shall first assigne the place for the Generalls pauilion and place of assembly, then the market place and place for munition, then all the horse and foote in their seuerall Regiments, then the victulers, the waggons [Page 127]and all manner of Baggage; giuing to each their distinct places, and deuiding one quarter from another by conuenient and large streetes; which assoone as he hath done, then the inferior Quarter-masters of the perticuler Regiments shall deuide those large quarters which were allotted them by the Quarter-master-generall into lesser streets, and in them shall lodge euery company by it selfe, giuing to the Colonell of the Regiment the first and especiall place, to the Liuetenant Colonell the second, the Serieant Maior of the Regiment the third, and so to euery Captaine afterward according to his antiquitie; so that when euery man is acomodated and hath his Tent or Cabine pitcht vp, the whole Campe may be like an vniforme and handsome built Cittie, without any confusion or disorder, and the Streets passing in such wise one into another that one company may come vnto another, and one Regiment passe by another; and all approach into the Market-place, or place of generall assemblie, either vpon an Allarme or other commandment, without disturbance, trouble or amazement one to another; and againe, in quartering thus of the Armie, the Quarter-master-Generall shall seriously obserue to quarter the Munition euer in the strongest and securest place of the whole Armie, as also the place of assembly (which is to aunswer all allarmes and is the Rendeuous vpon euery amazement of the entire Armie) it shall both haue as much strength as the nature of the place can affoard it, and also some other arteficiall guard whereby to rebate and driue backe the fury of the enemie. Againe, if the Armie be compounded of many seuerall Nations, it is the care and duty of the Quarter master Generall to quarter euery Nation by it selfe, and to deale so equally and indifferently betweene one nation and another, suiting their accommodations with such an euen and well proportioned hand, that no exception or dislike may be taken of any part, but all men receiuing their Indifferent content, there may arise no cause of Muteny or Emulation; which euer is most aptest to spring from these or the like grounds, as I could recite a world of Instances would either leasure or the limits of my paper allow it.
It is true that all grounds doe not giue equall strength, and therefore assoone as the Lord Marshall hath appointed out the most commodious place whereon to fixe the Campe, it is then the Quarter-master-Generals duty to share and deuide it into the seuerall perticulars as hath beene before shewed, and in those deuisions he shall (as nere as conueniently hee can) deuide all those naturall strengths in such wise that euery Supreame Offcer may participate something thereof, and what is wanting in the worke of nature, to leaue it to be supplied by art through the diligence of the Trench-master or Engne-master to whose charge it aperteineth
Now for the generall Marshalling or Quartering of a Campe; that I may giue a little taste or essay thereof, it is to be vndrestood that in the Center or mid point of the Campe shall bee first lodged the Generalls Sanderd, and nere vnto it his Pauilion; from whence shall bee deriued two maine great streets each crossing the other, then vpon one side of [Page 128]the Generall shall be quartered the Lord Marshall, on the other side the Treasurer with extraordinary Gentlemen of high Ranke, whether Embassadors or others; on the third side shall be quartered the Munition, and on the fourth shall lie the Market-place; and these foure streets shall butt on the foure corners as South North, East and West, In a Streete behinde the Generall shall be quartered the Liuetenant Generall of the Horse, behind the Lord Marshall the Liuetenant Generall of the Foote, and behind the Munition the Master of the Ordnance and the Serieant Maior of the Horse and Foote, according to their Ranke and antiquitie of Commandments; behind them the Victuallers, Butchers Cookes, Bakers and the like; behind them carriage horses, draught Oxen and Cattell for the Campe, and behind them the Waggons, Waggoners, Carters, Laborers and Pioners, and in a Quarter opposite against them the Gunners and Officers of the Ordnance, all the Carpenters, Wheele-wrights, Smiths and Labourers: and in another quarter opposite to them are quartered all the Armorers, Cutlers and other Tradesmen belonging to the Store, as also Tailors, Shoomakers and the like; then lastly about the outmost verge or outer Ring of the Campe, (yet within the fortification) is (as a guard) placed all the great Ordnance, vpon a Vaamure of earth arteficially cast vp before them; then the general Intrenchmēt of the Campe shall be about threescore or fourescore paces without the Ordnance, which shall not be drawne into any euen line, but into as many angles as may be. And thus your Lordship hath a briefe Fac simile of the Quarter-Masters Office, which though it be not so exact in euery Geometricall proportion as Art could wish it, yet is it (I hope) drawne into so nea [...]e a resemblance, that no eie but may Iudge of that which is perfect when his reading or experience shall at any time encounter with it.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Captaine of the Pioners.
THe infinit bond (my deare respected Lord) in which I stood euer bound to your thrice noble father, and the happy memory of your hardly to bee equal'd grandfather (who in his life time was one of the greatest pillars which supported our poore House) are inducements so strong to call vp my seruice to attend you, that besides the generall Obligation of the worke, yet in mine owne nature I could not suffer this Epistle to escape you, but as it necessarily fals vpon your noble Range, so I must earnestly beseech your Lordship to imagine, that howsoeuer it lispe or stammer out a plaine and homely salutation, yet it wishes you as many true and worthie felicities as the best Art can number, or the smoothest tongue with the delicatest Rhetoricke can declare.
The Office on which mine Anchor in this place taketh hold, is (my good Lord) that which we call in the warres, the Captain or chiefe commander of the Pioners, who of himselfe is a man of good regard and esteeme, and one in whom there ought to be all the Gentlemanlie & best parts of a good Soldier; for by how much his command is ouer a raskally, rude, ragged, and vnciuill regiment of barbarous and ill-taught people, by so much should his Temperance & vertue more exceed, that he might tame and frame their minds to a ciuill obedience, then which no labour can be more thankfull vnto God, nor pleasing vnto men, being the onely testimony of a sound iudgement, and the worke of the best desired examples. It is true, that these Pioners are a confused masse of labouring people, brought vp only to digge and delue the earth, without any ciuill nourture, or indeed decent humanitie, and therefore are not reckoned [Page 130]Souldiers, neither come neere by many degrees either to that list or reputation, but are so farre contrary to all things which haue any shew of honor, that it is one amongst the punishments of criminals, when any common Souldier shall commit a sleight offence, sauouring either of carelesnes, slouthfulnes, or basenes, then presently to take away his Sword, and make him a Pioner, which in times past I haue knowen so hatefull and intollerable to euery quick and vnderstanding spirit, that they would with more alacrity haue run to the Racke, the Bolts or Strappado, nay euen to death it selfe rather then to this mortall (as they supposed it) degradation: such contempt was the poore Pioner in, and so disgracefull appeard that change to the Souldier; yet questionlesse this I must affirme, that at all approches, mounts, trenches, and vnderminings, the poore Pioner is in as great danger, as often slaine, and both comes on vpon his worke, and goes off from his worke with as doubtfull and as great hazards as any man in the Army of what place or ranke soeuer; only it is the bare opinion (without ground) which makes it vile, & the meannesse of their condition: for the seruice it selfe is both noble and necessary, nor can an Army be or subsist without them. And hence it hath come to passe that in these our latter warres (especially in the Low countries, and vnder the commaund of the most excellent Prince of Orange) to take away this ill grounded opinion of the basenesse of Pioners, and to saue an infinit matter of expence (which otherwise must haue been disburst vpon these particular prouisions) they haue caused all their common souldiers in generall to turne Pioners, making them weare both Swords & Spades, which questionles at first they drew on by gentle, politike, and smooth degrees, as in some great case of necessitie, where present assurance would allow no stay, but that all men must be imployed: and to this doubtlesse some great Commaunder (with his owne hand) gaue the first example; or else they were inticed by the promise of some extraordinary allowance (as what is it with which profit will not make most men dispence) so that in the end finding many of these oceasions, and faining some, at last it grew to a custome, and what at first with some difficultie they entreated, now they began boldly to commaund; so that collecting the infinite charge which was saued, and the great expedition and also exactnes with which their workes are performed, they began to make it penall in any man which should refuse this (late but despised) vndertakings. To which some of our English Commanders, more willing (for their owne ends) to gratifie the Dutch, then to prouide for their owne Countrey-mens ease and safety, gaue so farre way, that now it is a thing vtterly vnrecouerable amongst them; for mine owne part I doe know, and must euer acknowledge that it is the dutie of euery braue and generous Spirit (in cases of great necessitie) to imagine that no danger, toyle or basenes can be too much, where either the glory of God, the seruice of his Prince, or the safetie of his Countrie is ingaged: but in all occasions, and at all times to make the well-deseruing Souldier an ordinary packe-horse, I cannot but thinke the discipline too strickt, and that it doth as it were giue a wound of discouragement [Page 131]to euery generous breast, making the sweet delight of the wars turne irkesome and vnpleasing. Besides it was neuer yet disputable in any discipline of warre, but that Pioners were euer necessary, both for the making of Mines, Trenches, & Passages, for the carying and recarying of all maner of Engines, for placing bridges, loading and vnloading of all kind of munition, and many other works of importance, for which ends they are euer armed with Spades, Crowes of yron, Leuers, Pickaxes, Baskets, and wheele-barrowes, to which whosoeuer shall imploy the necessary Souldier, shall be sure euer to want his hand in a more needfull labour.
Now for the especiall dutie of the Captaine Generall of this Regiment, he is first to looke to the keeping of them in good order, concord and obedience, to see that they haue their pay and intertainment (according to their rates) in as due and fit manner as any other common Souldiers; that they keepe safely, and make not away any of the tooles or instruments wherewith they are armed, and that they be continually in readinesse vpon euery call for any imployment.
If the Lord-Marshall, the Serieant-Maior, or the Trench-Master shall draw the platforme of any Trench, whether it be for the fortification of the Campe, or for the assailing of any besieged Towne, whether it be to bring men to the assault, or else to throw vp and countermine any worke of the enemies, presently vpon the first summons giuen to the Captaine of the Pioners, he shal raise so many of his men as shall be commanded by the Lord Marshall or other superiour Officer, and with them (armed with all tooles conuenient for the seruice) shall march to the head or beginning of the Trench, and hauing receiued directions, together with the forme and figure of the worke which is to be made, hee shall foorthwith take a spade, and himselfe dig vp the first turfe, and then all the Pioners by that example shall instantly fall to their labor, and dig the Trench according to directions, during which time he shall be euer with them, giuing them all maner of incouragement, and prouiding that euery man do his dutie without slacknes, neglect, or any slouthfull action: If he find that the labor be sore and difficult, he shall then at his discretion relieue them, by bringing new supplies, and sending away those that are ouerwearied, that they may be againe refreshed; and thus he shal without ceasing cause the worke to be continued, till euery thing be finished according to the will of the superiour Commander. And in this worke is to be obserued, that if it be to be done in the face of the enemy, and where their shot may freely play vpon them, that then ere the Pioners begin to dig, they shall plant barrels and great vessels fil'd with earth and plac't in double rowes before them, vnder whose guard, or the guard of some other wall, hill, mount or gabion they shal begin to dig, til they haue couered themselues in the earth, & then they are past perill, and may proceed to work at their pleasures; and whensoeuer they either come from their work, or go vnto their worke, still their Colours must flie before them; for the Captaine of Pioners is as capable of Colours as any other Captaine whatsoeuer, and may beare them mixt with the Ensigne of the kingdome in what maner [Page 132]himselfe pleaseth. As thus he bringeth them to the digging of Trenches & Mines, so also it is his dutie to bring them to the making of Bulwarks or Mounts placed vpon Angles, some lading & carying the earth in barrels, baskets, and wheele-barrows, by which are framed the Trauesses or flankers of the Bulwarke, the Orechion which is the guard or shoulder of the Bulwark, the Curtaine which is the Front, the Counterfront, which are the Spurrs, the Pestils or Parapets, the entrance in & out, and the place for the Artillery, some ramming, some knocking in piles to fasten the earth, and some cutting vp turfe & sods with which to assure the groundwork; and as in these, so in all other matters of Fortifications, these Pioners are of very necessary vse, and the Captain shalbe sure to haue them euer ready vpon any moment of warning, as either when any new workes are to be framed, or any old repaired: for albe these Fortifications of earth are better resisters of the Cannon then those of stone worke, and both make lesse ruines and also are lesse assailable, yet they are but of short continuance, and will quickly decay by reason of the loosenesse of the mould, if they be not continually visited with carefull eyes, and presently mended by artificiall & good workmen. To conclude, it is the office of the Captaine of the Pioners to see his Regiment euer quartered as neere vnto the munition as is possible, both because they are properly appertaining thereunto (being the men to carry and recarry, to load and vnload the same) as also because all the necessary tooles and Engines wherwith they worke, and which they must daily alter according to the alteration of their labors, are stored and preserued in the same.
This is the substance and effect of this office, the which howsoeuer a greater knowledge may cloath in a great number of more wordes, yet I dare assure your Lordship, they will still but arriue at the same end, and though the Garment may bee somewhat better to looke on, yet it will be little more easie, more in fashion, or longer lasting.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Captaine of Foot.
EVery one (my Lord) is so great a louer of his owne designes, that he is easie to be flatterd with any hope that can lend beauty to the same, yet I hope it shall not so fare with me in this Epistle, for since you haue with all felicitie linckt in Marriage with that sweetest Goodnesse, to whose Noble Father I stand bound for almost all the strengths of my present fortunes, I doubt not but my hopes will conuert to assurances in your fauour, and howsoeuer this Epistle challenge your attention for at least a couple of minuts, yet in as much as it shall bring you a plaine tale from an honest breast, and a willing seruice from a faithfull heart, I feare not but you will vouchsafe to accept it. Beleeue it (honord Sir) there is no flattery in it, for neither are you a subiect on whom I durst vent such follie, nor haue I a soule (I hope) guilty of so base a condition.
A Captaine of Foote or of the Infantrie, is the highest of all priuate Commanders and yet the lowest of all that command in cheife, and howsoeuer there is abilitie in a Captaine to create Inferior Officers; yet cannot a Captaine by any meanes make a Captaine, but he is euermore deriued from the King himselfe, or from his especiall authority granted to Generalls of Armies. The Lords of his Priuie counsell, the Gouernors of Garrisons, Viceroyes or Presidents of Countryes, or else to the Lords Liuetenants of perticular Shiers: so that hence we may collect, [Page 134]that none but men of true merit ought to aspire to these places of Renowne and Honor; but there are three maine Torrents (as namely Fraud, Flatterie and Bribes) which oftentimes blowes the Bias of this Bowle the contrary way.
To speake then briefely what a Captaine of Foote should be, (not what he is) they ought first for their ellection to be Gentlemen both of Blood and Qualitie, who hauing Haniball-like beene trained vp in the warres euen from their Infancie, and passing through all the Inferior places of Command, Anchor now with good opinion at that of the Liuetenant; whence for his experience he is worthy to bee aduanc't to a Captaine, (for it is an heartbreake to an expert Souldier to bee commanded by an ignorant Cheiftaine) let our Captaine then in briefe be a man that feares God, skilfull in his profession, (as hauing past through all the Inferior Offices below him) vertuous in his examples, wise in his actions, politique in his affaires, valiant in troubles, carefull in daungers and vigilant in all occasion.
For matter of his duty he shall bee wonderfull circumspect in the ellection of his Inferior Officers, prouiding such as are fit to gouerne, not such as he must be compelld to instruct, and herein he shall giue the first taste or season of his perfection, for in chusing those which are worthy, he sheweth the worthines of his owne knowledge, and in chusing those which are vnfit, hee expresseth the weakenesse of an ill Iudging Nature.
The companie fit for a Captaine to command, are full two hundred be besides the great Officers, for a lesse number is Insufficient, & a greater full of trouble, it would be deuided into two equall parts, of which one would be all Pikes, & the other all Musquets, & ouer both his Liuetenant shall gouerne absolute in his absence, and as the second in command whensoeuer the Captaine is present. He shall haue an Ensigne who shall carry his Colours or Honor, (being of noble and no base mixture) Hee shall haue a Surgeon to whom euery Souldier shall allow one weekes pay towards the leuying of his Chest of Salues and Instruments: Hee shall haue two Drummes and two Phifes, foure Serieants each commanding fifty Souldiers, eight Corporalls each commanding foure and twenty, and sixteene Lanspesados each commanding eleauen; and out of all these he shall ellect one of the best vnderstanding, whom he shall make the Furrier or Harbenger for the appointing out of the allodgments for the whole Company.
Touching the foure Squadrons into which the whole Body of the Companie is deuided, the first (which shall be compounded of the most expertest and principall men of the companie) shall appertaine to the Captaine himselfe, and bee called his Squadron (for in it the greatest commander in the Army may traile a Pike and serue without disparagement) the second shall belong to the Liuetenant: the third to the Ensigne, and the fourth to the eldest Serieant; this done he shall first by examples and perswations incite all his Souldiers to the seruice of God, which consisteth in Timor and Amor, then to obedience towards their [Page 135]Commanders abiding in Reuerentia exhibenda, In mandato suscipiendo and In Iudicio subeunda; and lastly to a true performonce of their duties in all the actions of Military Discipline, and may bee briefely drawne into these few heads, sound of the Drumme, Posture, Distance and Motion.
It is the Captaines duty to looke to the appeasing of all debates, and so to roote out the seeds of sedition that no Muteny may spring vp amongst his Souldiers; He shall suppresse (as much as in him lies) all euill liuers, & where Instruction workes no cure, there let sharpe examples make others fearefull; He shall boldly and brauely lead them on to all encounters of the enemie, charge before them and with them, and bring them off with care and discretion: He shall not at any time suffer them to breake their Array or March out of order, for such disorder is the ouerthrow of an Armie, and from the tolleration of one euill, will in an Instant springe a thousand more Inconueniences; and therefore it is the duty of a good Captaine, not to giue way to any licentious attempt, but rather by the constancy of his seuerity to take away all hope from Incorrigible and wilfull offendors.
The weapon with which the Captaine shall serue in his owne person is very much disputable in these daies amongst the best Souldiers, some for brauery wil carry nothing but a rich Feather-staffe, all wrought, guilt and curiously tasselled, but this eueryone knowes is not fit to fight withall, for neither is it of abilitie to wound deepe, nor of length or substance to encounter either with Pike, Partizan, Halbert, nor with a good Sword and Target. Others will serue with a Pike, but that is found much too vnnimble and troublesome for his place, for hauing once brought his men vp to the push, he can haue no more vse of that weapon, their pressing upon him, taking from him all meanes aboue once to charge it. And some will serue with a Sword and guilt Target, but that is found as much too short, and ere he can get within the enemies Pike his life will bee in great hazard: so that in conclusson (according to the oppinions of the best Souldiers) the only weapons for a Captaine, are a faire Feather-staffe in the time of Peace or for glory in a Garrison, but in the time of seruice and in the face of the enemie, then a faire guit Partizan richly trim'd, being not aboue twelue inches of blade, sharpe and well steeled, for it is able to encounter against any manner of weapon; as for the Spanish priuiledge to serue sometimes with the Harquebush, and sometimes the Musquet; neither are the weapons suiting for his place, neither can a Captaine applie himselfe to their execution without an vtter wound to all his directions.
If the Captaine be commanded to any peece of seruice (of what nature soeuer) he shall goe to it willingly and cheerefully, making good all his superiors directions to the vttermost commandment, but not exceeding the limits (though intic't with neuer so great hopes) for it is not lawfull for him to take vpon him a knowledge, which his superior hath concealed from him. When his turne commeth to the Captaine of the Watch or Guard, he shall send his Serieant to the Serieant Maior to fetch [Page 136]the Word, or to some other that hath order for the same, and by that Word (at night) he shall direct all his Sentinels and Corpes de Guards, and himselfe in person shall goe the first Round, yet receuing the Word not giuing it; but when he pleaseth the to search Sentinels or Rounds, out of a voluntary disposition, then he shall giue the Word and not receiue it; He shall be obedient to all the Supreame Officers of the Field, to his own Colonell, the Liuetenant Colonell and Serieant Maior of his owne Regiment: He shal prouide for all necessaries belonging to his company; as Money, Meate, and Munition: He shall euer lodge and haue his Tent amongst them, feede with them, and giue them all the examples of hardnesse and frugaltie.
To conclude and finish vp this Epistle, hee shall bee of a sweete and temperate disposition amongst them, intreating, aduising, instructing and commanding them with all the noble & pleasing Language that Nature, Art or study can produce, and not as men teach Dogges, or Bear-wards Apes with Bitts and Blowes, for it is an vnmanly and absurd crueltie, neither begetting loue nor respect, but Ingendring hate and discontentment, whereas if he did rightly looke into the true nature of his condition, the Father should be no more tender ouer his Children then the noble Captaine ouer his well deseruing Souldier, for that will linke and ioyne them together as men made of one peece, and as hauing but one head to contriue, one heart to encourage, one hand to execute, and but one soule to flie to Eternity.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Captaine of Horse.
HOwsoeuer (my Lord) the question hath been disputable amongst all the greatest Masters of this Military Science, whether the Captaine of Foot or the Captaine of Horse should take the prior Precedencie, yet I notwithstanding all the Arguments (doubtfully discussed on either part, and of which I haue also treated in a former Epistle) will be contented to submit my selfe to the common and most generall receiued opinion; which is, that the Horseman (though not in particular, yet in the ordinary vse) ought to receiue the vpper hand in dignitie: for in France amongst their Gentlemen at Armes, and also amongst the Reisters, the Lieutenants, albe they haue not place nor voyces in Marshall Courts, yet hold themselues in all Rankes equall with Captaines of Foot, yet not euery Lieutenant of Horse, but some of an espetiall order, for it is to be conceiued, that in Horse troupes all are not of one lineage (as Foot-Companies are) but differ in dignitie, order, and estimation, according to the worthinesse of the Armes which the Horseman beareth: for in the first times when Horsemen were in the height of their glories, the Lieutenant to a Troupe of Gentlemen at Armes, was accounted better then a Captaine of an hundred Foot; a Lieutenant of Launciers his equall; and a Lieutenant of Light-horse his next and imediate younger brother, and before all Lieutenants of Foot whatsoeuer: so in like manner in these our present times, a Lieutenant of a Troupe of compleat armed French Pistoliers, is reputed better in degree then a Captaine of an hundred Foot, a Lieutenant of the late [Page 138]inuented Dragoones (being not aboue sixteene inche Barrell, and full Musquet bore) the Foot-Captaines equall, and the Lieutenant of a Troupe of Harquebussiers or Carbines his immediate younger Brother. Againe, Horsemen challenge the dignitie of their places according to the numbers which they hold in list, and according to the manner and forme of raising those numbers; for a Captaine of a hundred Horse (notwithstanding any former Antiquitie) is better then a Captaine of fiftie; A Captaine of an hundred and fiftie, will euer take place of a Captaine of one hundred and a Captaine of two hundred Horse carry on his left hand a Captaine of an hundred and fiftie Horse; and so contrariwise ranking with the Foot fiftie Horse, precedes an hundred Foot; an hundred horse, two hundred foot, and so of all numbers whatsoeuer: and to this the Horsemen doe adde sundry Reasons, saying, that a man may as easily raise fiue hundred Foot, as fiftie Horse; and a thousand Foot, as one hundred Horse: now if the Captaine raise this Troupe of his owne charges, it must needs argue that hee is of greater estate, and hath made himselfe liable to a greater charge then any Footman can doe, and so consequently deserueth a greater respect from the Magistrate, and more serious reuerence from the common people. But if the Prince raise the Companies, then it includes, that he inferres vpon the Horseman the greater Trust, and so of necessitie the greater honour. Lastly, there is required from the Captaine of Horse a greater vnderstanding, and a much deeper Consultation in the manage of his affaires then from the Footman, which greater Vertue must carry with it the greater Place, or else there will be partialitie, and not vprightnesse in the Iudgement.
Touching his Election, the Horse-Captaine must haue all those vertuous parts which are acquired in the Foot-Captaine, and that with a more larger and fuller measure of perfection, in as much as he hath not onely to doe with Man, but with Beastes also, and must by the excellencie of his owne gouernment tame and bring to obedience both wilde Man, wilde Horse, and sometimes Boyes wilder then either the one or the other creature. And to this Fasickle or bundle of vertues (which are needlesse againe to repeat) hee must haue one other excellencie added, which is as good, as great, as necessary, and as glorious as any of the other, and that is, he must bee a perfit and absolute Horseman, not knowing (like one of our Signe-Saint Georges) onely how to bestride and sit vpon a horse faire armed without motion, but how and in what manner both to mooue himselfe and the horse, making an vnreasonable Beast doe reason to all his commaundements, and by the motions of his hand, legge, or body, to vnderstand as from a sensible language to performe all things belonging to the mans reasonable pleasure. In plainenesse hee shall not onely bee a good Horseman himselfe, but also shall with diligence labour to make his whole Troupe good Horsemen, teaching them first how to sit vpon their horses in a faire and comely pasture, carrying their bodies straight and vpright, the right hand bearing [Page 139]his Launce, or Pistoll coucht vpon his thigh, the left hand (with the Bridle raine) vnder the guard of the pommell of the Saddle, and the legs close and straight by the horses side, with the Toes turned a little inward, and the horse standing constantly and firme without rage or distemperance, yet in all his beautie and glory, his lip alone playing vpon the Curbe, his Necke bended, his Head couched, and the Raines of the Bridle vnstrained, which are all the Postures to be vsed in standing still: then how to put him foorth either by yeelding of the body, or thrusting forward of the mans legs into a short or large trot (with all the Postures beforesaid) which is as much as is required in marching; then how by the euen stroke of both the Spurres to passe into a swift carriere, and first to dismount the Launce from the thigh; secondly, to gather in the arme, and to lay open the right elbow, bringing the Launce towards the Rest, and lastly, to lay it vpon the Rest, and turne the poynt inward to make good the breach or encounter, which three Postures are all that belong to charging: then how to gallop the field, either in large Rings, middle or lesse Rings, either on the one or the other hand, carying his body euen and straight, without bending forward or backward, or declining more to one hand then the other; and then his Launce being broken, to draw foorth his Pistoll, with the right hand to raise the cocke, and either to charge it (if it haue been discharged) or to prepare it for a discharge on a second encounter; and this is as much as is required in falling off, and comming on againe. Then how to manage; that is, vpon a gentle gallop to passe forthright in an euen line, & to encounter either with the sword or the Battle-axe, in which hee is to obserue, first his Posture of setting forward and drawing his Sword ouer his Bridle arme, then the raising of his arme, and carying it close by the side of his body, then (at the encounter) the discharging it vpon the Helmet of the enemy, then passing by, and hauing broken it, to stop gently and vpon the halfe stop to turne swiftly and roundly, and then vpon the turne Terra, Terra, to enter into single combat: then lastly, how to retire backe, or to make the horse flie sidewayes either on the one side or on the other, according as the aduantage of fight shall giue him occasion, and in all these to vse the posture of vpright and constant cariage, both of body and weapon, which no words but practise, is able to deliuer to an ignorant vnderstander.
For the generall parts of this Captaines dutie (as much as concerneth the ciuill gouernment of his company) they are all those which belong to the Captaine of Foot, only with an augmentation of care, in as much as he hath to prouide both for Man and Beast: and therfore it is his Office after the wholsome accommodation of his men, to looke to the best prouisions which may be had for his horse, according to the nature and necessitie of the place in which he liueth, as if it be grasse, hay, straw, forrage, dry corne, raw corne, pulse, or the like, and of these to know which is most wholesome, which vnwholesome, and accordingly to moderate and temperat the diet of his horses. As if he haue good dry hay, wholesome grasse, or drie corne, he may then suffer his horses to feed liberally, [Page 140]to rest from trauell if occasion be, and to water as oft as he please; but if he haue nothing for his horse, but Forage, raw corne, or pulse, hee shall then let them feed sparingly, giue much exercise, and water not aboue once in a day: it is also meet that he know the nature of all horse foods to preuent surfet and diseases in his horses; as that sweet Hay is nourishing; Straw, extreme binding; and Forage, cooling and loosning; Wheat nourisheth much, but soone cloyeth a horse; dry Barley or old Mault breedeth the heart-burning in a horse, and will (if he eat much) make him subiect to tyring; Rye will force him to shoot, scowre, and indeed makes a horse weake and sicke: but Beanes, Pease, and Oates (so they be sweet and dry) are the most wholesome and naturall for a horse: but if otherwise, they breed the Belly-ake, Bots, and other foule diseases, and therefore to preuent all mischiefes, bee sure (if you can) to giue them rather vnthrasht then thrasht, for the straw will correct many euils which would else follow.
To conclude, for all priuat duties belonging to this Captaine, as for his Enrolling, Mustering, receit of Pay, distribution of Victuals, Quartering, taking of his true Range and Place, obedience to his supreme Officers, and all things else whatsoeuer belongeth to his particular person; they are the same (quantities only excepted) which belong to the Captaine of Foot, and in that Epistle may be read and vnderstood by any diligent or skilfull Interpretation.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Serieant Maior of a Regiment.
WHen (my Lord) I saw you in the warres fighting and bleeding, your noble courage commanded my tongue to praise you, but when (wounded my selfe) I felt your bounty and fauour, you then compelld my heart to loue you. O let me to these two bring you a thrid (though plaine) yet an honest and faithfull Seruant, and that is this short Epistle, which if you shall please to reade, then shall you nobly binde my Tongue, my heart, and pen euer to serue you; The Sacrifice I send you is Warre (in it I know you haue beene well pleased) the Altar from whence it arises is mine Affection (Honor should not dispise it) and the Place to which I would haue it ariue is your good Opinion; where if it find harbour like a plummet cast into a faire calme Sea; from one poore prick it shall driue many large and plentifull Circkles.
The course into which (by this warlike range) I am now conducted, brings me (in this place) to fixe vpon the Office of the Serieant-Maior of a Regiment, or Squadron of men compounded of sundry Companies, being as it were a little deminitiue Battell or Colonie, ouer which the Colonell is as Generall, the Liuetenant Colonell as Liuetenant Generall, the Serieant-Maior as Marshall, and the rest of the Captaines as the Inferior Commanders.
The Serieant-Maior of a Regiment is euer some especiall Captaine of most approoued and noble desert (as it were) outstriping and running before the rest, either in Experience, Vnderstanding, Valour, or else (which is least accountable) in the Colonells perticuler affection, and so hath giuen vnto him this place of precedencie and commandment before the [Page 142]rest of the Inferior Captaines. It is true that hee ought very carefully to be chosen, both in respect of his Wisdome and Temperance, but especially for his skill and experience, for there is much more required from him then from an ordinary Captaine, and touching the reuerence of his place, he ought to be a man of eminent note both beloued and feared, for there is in him a generall power of controlment, so that should the least want of perfection draw him into contempt, it were an vtter losse to his Reputation, and an infinite great weakening to the whole Seruice. It is then to be vnderstood, that if the Regiment or Battalion consist (which I wish, and whereto all approued Souldiers both auncient and moderne giue allowance) of one thousand men deuided into fiue seuerall Companies, and each Company holding the contents of two hundred men a peece, that then the Serieant-Maior hath his raunge iust in the mid'st, two marching before him (that is to say the Colonell and the Liuetenant-Colonell) and two marching behind him (which are the two youngest and Inferior Companies) so that two command him, and two are commanded by him; yet in the absence of the Colonell and Liuetenant-Colonell, he then commandeth all the fiue Companies, and hath superior command aboue all Captaines and Inferior Officers whatsoeuer, being as the Colonell himselfe.
The Serieant-Maior of a Regiment is the imediate next degree aboue an ordinary Captaine, and reputed in all places to precead them as being their elder Brother. Now touching the effects of his duty and Office in the Regiment, he is (as before I said) the Marshall of the whole Battalion or Squadron, and as the one ruleth and formeth what proportions soeuer he pleaseth of the whole Army, so this man deuideth, subdeuideth, and fashioneth what figures and formes he pleaseth of his owne Regiment, and as the Serieant-Maior of the Armie bringeth vp, (by the appointment of the Marshall) great Grosses compounded of sundry Regiments to make vp the forme and figure of the Battell he intendeth: so doth this Serieant-Maior of a Regiment bring vp vnto the Serieant-Maior of the Armie, either all or part of his Regiment, (in such forme as hee shall bee appointed) to the making vp of the Grosse and greater Body; wherein is to be noted that as Serieants of Bands are assistant to the Serieant-Maiors of Regiments for deuiding of perticular Spuadrons, Files or halfe Files, for the making vp of any Body whether it consist of odde, euen, broken or whole numbers (according to directions) so the Serieant-Maiors, of Regiments are assistant to the Serieant-Maior of the Armie, in bringing vp to him what Deuisions or Bodies soeuer shall bee called for, whether they consist of ods, euens or any other certaine or vncertaine number, for it is a thinge impossible either for Lord-Marshall or the Serieant-Maior of an Army, to take vpon him the manage of euery mans perticular company, or to do those great and powerful duties which are expected at their hands without some strong & sufficient assistance, whence it comes that the priuate Captaines, by the assistance of the ordinary Serieants keeping their companies or order, the Serieant-Maiors [Page 143]of Regiments by the care of the priuate Captaines keeping the Regiments in true forme, and the Serieant-Maior of the Army by the skill of the Serieant-Maiors of Regiments being able to forme Grosse Bodies into what figure hee thinkes conuenient, the Lord- Marshall of the Field may in a trice and vpon the Instant of any word giuen, Forme, vnforme, change or alter any Battell according as either the aduantage of the ground, the manner of the enemies marching or any other perticuler occurrent shal administer occasion. And that this duty may be performed with all carefull seuerity, euery Serieant-Maior of a Regiment (either in long marches or otherwise) is allowed his hackney to ride on from company to company, and to looke that as the Captaines doe range their Companies in an orderly and true forme, that so likewise the whole Regiment consist of an euen, iust and beautifull proportion, and not suffering any man (of what degree soeuer) either through Pride, Stubbornesse, Neglect, Couetousnes of Pilage, or any other dilitory & weake excuse, to breake or goe out of his Ranke, or to disproportion any part of the maine Body by any rude or vncomely Posture, but vpon the first apprehension thereof, seuearely to rebuke the same and compell a speedie reformation: for it is a customary thinge in the warres that men of great Birth and qualitie doe vsually traile Pikes, and what through the guard of their Captaines fauor, the rashnesse of their owne youthfull wills, the presumption of other mens examples, and the assuming of an vnnecessary freedome from some other perticuler beholdingnes, they grow oft times disorderly and vnruly and will not bee commanded by the ordinary Sergeants, or at least the Sergeant dare not command, where he knowes admonition will but bring backe contempt to breed a much worse example; in this case the Serieant-Maior is presently to arme himselfe with his owne power and to let such offendors know, that Blood hath no priuiledge if once it rebell against Obedience, and that Gentlemen doe runne backe from their vertue into the Bassenes of euery earthtie condition, when they forget that their Commanders haue a Goodnes worthy their Obodience, an Authority fit to exercise their Patience, and a Knowledge to which they ought to tie their vttermost Diligence; Nay, it is certaine that a Gentleman cannot expresse Loue in any thing more then in Reuerence, Dutie in nothing like Obedience, nor Modestie but when hee admires his Commanders Excellence. Our Serieant-Maior then being a Captaine and a principall Commander, is to roote out enormities and to plant these vertues in euery Souldiers bosome, neither will the blood of hot and vntamed Spirits be so apt to boyle ouer and exceede the Bounds of Rreason when they are commanded by a greater then themselues, as they are when an Inferior (in their owne opinion) seekes to restraine them; And therefore it behooues the Serieant-Maior in these reprehentions, not only to shew his owne but also all other Officers authorities that are below him, limming and painting them out in such liuely (but dreadfull Colours) that hee may strike a terror and feare into all offenders.
[Page 144]The Serieant Maior of a Regiment vpon all encampments or allodgements of the Armie is to attend the Serieant-Maior of the Field, & when the Campe is deuided out into Regiments, he with his Quarter-Master shall take the Regiment belonging to his Colonell according to his Colonels antiquitie or greatnes of place, and first shall demonstrate to the Quarter-Master which way to contriue and cast his maine streets according to the greatnes or littlenes of the ground and the best conuenience for passing in and out; then where to place the Colonells Tent and Colours, where the Liuetenant Colonells, and where his owne, and for the rest they are to be referred to the Quarter-Masters discretion.
If the Regiment shall be remoued far from the Armie, either placed in Garrison, or to defend or offend some other place, then shall the Serieant-Maior both in the Field or otherwise performe both the Office of the Serieant-Maior and of the Marshall, shall summon Courts of Warre with the assistance of his fellow Captaines and proceede to triall against offendors, shall proportion out all Allodgments and Encampings, and with his best Skill fortefie the same, shall vpon any fight draw the Battell into order, giue to euery man his place according to lot or Antiquitie and (taking his directions from the Colonell) shall either Charge, Second, or bring off according to his discretion, with many other Circumstances as Time and occasion shall administer in the mannaging of affaires,
Lastly it is the Office of the Serieant-Maior to take care of all the Guards and Watches which are about the Regiment, and if there bee no greater Officer then himselfe, there to giue the Word and to appoint the Corps de Guard and Sentinells, if there be a more Superior, then from him the Serieant-maior shall receiue it and so giue it to the Captaines and such Inferior Officers as haue the Guard for that instant; Many other slighter ceremonies there are which belong to the Serieant-maiors of Regiments, but either inclusiuely or plainely they are contained in some one or other of the heads wee haue already argued, and therefore I will conclude mine Epistle with this admonition, that if the Serieant-maior be as he is intended, a man Valiant, Learned, Quickwitted, Wise, Experienced, and most dutyfull to all his Superiors by whom hee is to bee directed, then questionlesse here hee shall finde sufficient either to enlarge, or at least to giue his knowledge a moderate vnderstanding.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Lieutenant-Colonell of Foot.
IT is not much materiall (my Lord) whether I trouble you with many reasons for my writing, since the whole scope of mine intent is amply enough set foorth in the first Epistle, nor is it greatly necessary that I pleade any serious excuses, since the little knowledge I haue of your Lordship can expect no more mercie then what proceeds from your owne Iudgement. It sufficeth me to haue a greedinesse of desire to preserue to the last of time a perpetuitie of that noble Range wherein GOD and the KING hath plac't you, that howsoeuer Death, Mischance, or Barrainnesse (which euer labours to locke great Names in Obliuion) struggle to make some forgotten, yet to all succeeding ages it shall be knowne that once they were, and Time hath no Sithe to cut downe or consume them. This (my Lord) may be an Embleme of some loue, and that rather craues acceptation then pardon, and the subiect it selfe may worke to the bettering of your knowledge, and sure in such goodnesse there is no presumption, so that I must conclude my complement with this Maxime, That Affection is a Present which few noble Spirits haue euer despised.
The Office of which I am to argue to your Lorship, is that of the Lieutenant Colonell of a Foot Regiment, the Etymologie of whose Name, Foundation, and Inuention I will not heere insist on, because I shall haue a stronger occasion to discusse it in another Epistle, let it suffice me onely in this place to say that the Lieutenant Colonell of Foot is [Page 146]the second Captaine or principall Commaunder ouer a Regiment, and had his beginning or first frame from many necessary occasions; as first in respect that the Colonell himselfe, who is the first Moouer and giuer of life to the whole Regiment, hauing but one Body (how euer by secondary meanes it causeth motion in many places) yet of it selfe it hath euer but abiding in one place at one time, nor can but with difficultie and trouble discharge diuers things in diuers places, as also in that the Colonell is capable of more great places then one, as namely, to be a Colonell, and also one of the Counsell of Warre, that hee may sometimes haue especiall dependance vpon the Generall (when peraduenture his Regiment is remooued and farre distant) as also that hee may be absent, sicke, or hurt, vnder any of which the Armie must in no wise suffer iniury: therefore it is ordained, that euery Colonell shall haue his Lieutenant-Colonell, who in his absence shall with a full and absolute authoritie sway and gouerne the whole Regiment, commaund the Serieant-Maior, and all other inferiour Captaines, and according to the sway of true Equitie and Iustice (obseruing the Lawes and Ordinances of Marshall proceedings) shall preserue an harmonious concord cleane throughout the body of his whole commandement.
The election of this Lieutenant-Colonell ought to be in the Colonel himselfe: for where there is not a mutuall agreement and concord amongst and betweene all the superiour Officers, but either emulation, distrust, or a strugling to tread downe new raised aduancement, riseth against one another, there without all question shall neither true discipline be pursued, nor yet prosperitie busie to attend any part of their actions: but yet notwithstanding it many times falles out that the Generall preserueth to himselfe the election of these Officers, and either by the couenant of power, or the consent of the Colonel establiseth such as he thinketh to be most meet for these places▪ but howsoeuer or whosoeuer maketh the election, it is meet it bee done with great consideration and iudgement, and that euery man should be ranged according to his desert and merit, and that neither Affection, Ostentation, nor Garments should carry away these eminent places, but that as men chuse Wines by their strengths and goodnesse, so they should elect these by their vertues and noble indeauours, placing them there where no particular enuy should shake them, and weighing them in so true and euen a Balance, that no subtill ierke either of a couetous hand, or blind loue, may make that seem heauy which indeed is but light ayre, or of lesse substance, so shall the King bee well serued, the kingdom better preserued, and honest men the best of all pleased: then vpon euery accident of death, or change of aduancement, men should not like virginall lacks be skipping vp here and there, and in euery corner, but take a modest, due, & lawfull remooue after the Schoolemens rule, who euer did couple Antiquitie and Desert with Preferment, and not mens seduced opinions, yet with this one generall exception, that if any man by an extraordinary valour (testified in some noble and heroicall exploit) should merit farre beyond the compasse of other mens deseruings, [Page 147]that then it might bee lawfull for such a man to aspire without enuy, and either to passe cheeke by ioll, or precede his forerunners; as also if any man through his extraordinary Wisdome, Iudgement, and experience, by his laborious study, or painfull endeauors, should better enable himselfe for the discharge of some places then others of his ranke, it were Iniustice not to let him goe before them; for both the whole body of the Army by (such a strictnesse) might want the vse of a notable member, and the losse of encouragement, by omitting so worthy an example, might breed a dulnesse in other excellent spirits to desist from the like perfection, when they saw there was no Garland preserued for them, but that which was of the lowest and meanest condition. And as thus the extraordinary deseruer should take large and wide strides, so on the contrary part, men that are slaues to Sloth, Cowardise, Ignorance, and Basenesse, they should haue manakled hands and fettred feet, that they might neither reach nor ouertake Vertue, but at the pleasures of their Chiefetaines be changed, remoued, or lost from remembrance.
For the particular dutie of this great Officer, it will appeare more fully in the discussion of the Office of the Colonell himselfe, in as much as whatsoeuer doth belong to him, doth in his absence appertaine to his Lieutenant, and he shall with as great care and ample authoritie looke to the healthfull estate of the whole Regiment as the Colonel himselfe, giue directions to his Serieant-maior, see performed all cōmandements which shall come from the Generall, or the Lord-marshall, & at no time be absent from any Court of Warre, or other serious consultation: hee shall see that all the Captaines doe faithfully obey the Colonell, the inferiour Officers, the Captaines, and the common Souldiers, all that haue any shadow of commandement. He is to examine all controuersies whatsoeuer which shall arise betweene Souldiers and their Officers, or Officers and their Captaines; and if the Colonell be absent, he shall not onely heare, but determime them (vnlesse they appeare Capitall, and then he shall referre them to a Marshall court) but if the Colonell be present, then he shall deliuer him a true relation thereof, and according to his directions (and taking the assistance of those Captaines which are not in question) proceed to a censure.
The Lieutenant-Colonell shall bee a faithfull Aduocate in all causes betweene the Colonell and his Captaines, for all manner of accommodations and prouisions, whether it bee neglect of Pay, Prouant, or other necessaries, and to that end shall goe to the greater Commanders (in whose power it is) for a speedy redresse of whatsoeuer shall molest them, he shal be conuersant and familiar not onely with all the Captaines, Lieutenants, and Ensignes within his Regiment, but also with all the Serieants, and lower Officers, most Gentlemen of Companies, and the greatest part of the best reputed and most experienced Souldiers, being able to call most of them by their names and surnames: for beleeue it, in the pinch and extremitie of sharpe warre, this sweetnesse of a particular knowledge, will work infinitly in mens minds, and make them both stand, when feare [Page 148]doth affright them, and also turne backe againe, when the fury of dispaire doth chase them. It is his Office to haue a carefull and seuere eye ouer all the Sutlers, Vianders, and Victuall masters within his Regiment causing the Serieants & other Officers to looke that they Skaunce not nor exact vpon the common Souldiers, but to sell their prouisions at such rates and acessements as shal be agreed and set downe by the superiour Officers of the Army, without cousinage in weights, measures, or any vnwholesome and vnmarkeable wares, of which offences when any shall be conuicted; instantly to see the same seuerely punished, to the publique and fearefull example of all such as shall be apt to runne into the same hazard. But if they exercise their Trades orderly and decently in a ciuill manner, then the Lieutenant-Colonell shall see them with a sufficient guard of Souldiers defended from all outrages and inconueniences, paying weekly such imposts and taxes therefore as shall bee imposed vpon them either by the Lieutenant-colonell or the Serieant-maior.
This in effect is the full continent of all those duties which depend vpon this Officer, which if any desire to haue more largely expounded, let them be pleased to looke into the Office of the Colonell himselfe, and from it he shall gaine a more large Exposition.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Lieutenant-Colonell of Horse.
I Was neuer (my Lord) more desirous to gather a generall knowledge, then willing to Impart it for a generall Benefit; wherein howsoeuer I may seeme like an empty vessell (amongst many full ones) to sound the lowdest vpon the slightest knocking, yet it is a pardonable fault, in as much as I hurt no man but my selfe, vttering that treasure which I should lay vp, & giuing away in a moment all I haue beene gathering in the whole course of my life. Be it then as the world shal censure & let the full handed man be still most sparing: for mine part I shal euer hold this proposition, that in seeking to doe lesse good to my selfe, that I may doe more to my weake neighbours, I shall neither offend the deuine Maiestie (whose glory I would aduance in all my labors) nor tyer your Lordshippe to whom (in this Epistle I couet to giue Satisfaction.
That point of place vpon which I am to touch in this discourse is the Office of the Liuetenant Colonell of a Horse-Regiment, who (as I said in a former Epistle) touching his ellection, vertuous disposition, and all ciuill gouerments within or concerning his Regiment, differeth in no point from that of the Liuetenant Colonell of a Foote Regiment, being euer the second Captaine and hauing the second commandment ouer the whole Regiment; Acting either in person or by commandment whatsoeuer hee shall be appointed vnto by his Colonell; But if the Colonell bee absent, then he hath the first and principall authoritie in the Regiment carrying not only his person but voice in euery direction.
For the composition of a Colony of Horse; It consisteth sometimes of [Page 150]three Companies or Troopes of Horse, sometimes of foure, but seldome of fiue, except it be in case of great fauor or especiall aduancement, and these Companies or Troops are for the most part not aboue one hundred men apeece, sometimes one hundred and fifty, seldome two hundred, except for the like occasions; and the dignity of this place excelleth according to the greatnes or littlenes of the Commandment, Honor being herein swaied by the number of the persons, and also by the nobilltie of the weapon; Gentlemen at armes outshining Launceirs or Pistoleirs, Pistoleirs of more respect then Petronels or Carbines, and Carbines then Dragoons or Light-Horsemen, for of all these are compounded seuerall Colonies, and ouer euery Colonie seuerall Commanders, as the Colonell, the Liuetenant-Colonell, the Serieant-Maior a Quarter-Master and a Prouost, which generall command is answered in euery perticular Command, by a Captaine, a Liuetenant, an Ensigne; if it be to Gentlemen at Armes, a Cornet, if it be to Launciers, and a Guydon if it be to Dragoones or Light-Horsemen, two or more Corporalls and a Harbenger, with Inferiors not worthy any especiall note or mention in this Treatise.
The perticular duties which (aboue others) doe most concerne this Officer are first to looke that the whole Regiment bee well armed according to the nature and qualitie of the Colony, as if they be of the two better sorts which are to encounter Horse against Horse or Horse against Pike; then to be compleat and full armed (as hath beene bofore declared) or else if they be of the two inferior sorts which are to discouer, to spoyle Forragers, to Watch, to Ward, to Scout, to serue for great Caualgadas or Ambuscados and to Skirmish, then to bee light Armed and most nimbly mounted (according to a former instruction,) and if to both these and the former be allowed (for euery two men) a light boy mounted on a small Hackney to attend them, it will not only bring a benefit to the Colony but also make the seruice to be better performed, and where the Liuetenant Colonell findeth any defect in these armings hee is out of his owne perticuler authoritie to see there bee a speedy Reformation.
It is his Office to see that his Colonels Regiment doe not at any time lose the true dignity of their places, but in as much as it is a Rule in Armes that in all marches the Generalls Regiment shall euer haue the Vantguard, and the rest alternately by turnes, that is to say, he that this day hath the Vauntguard the next day shall haue the Reare; hee shall therefore carefully looke to those changes and when his Colonels turne commeth; hee shall challenge the same and not suffer any man to step in betweene him and his Honor; and likewise in what place of the Armie soeuer his Regiment doth march; he shall obserue that the Colonels companie continually doe take their place vpon the left wing of his owne Regiment; also he shall see (that in true Marshalling of the Regiment) the Colonels, Cornet or Guiddon doe march euer vpon the head, the Liuetenant Colonels and the Serieant-Maiors Cornets one Ranke behind the Colonels, and the Inferior Captaines, one Ranke behinde the Liuetenant [Page 151]Colonels and the Serieant-Maiors. Also he shall haue a speciall respect to the marching of euery Officer, and that they keepe their due places in due forme (that is to say) that the Captaine and the other Officers doe each of them march vpon the head of his owne Squadron, the Liuetenant only excepted who shall march in the Reare accompaned with the Quarter-Master, and the eldest Corporall shall march vpon the head of the Liuetenants Squadron, for it is the priueledge of his place and a due which he may require in all Armies. Againe the Liuetenant Colonell shall looke to the orderly seperation and deuiding of all his Regiment, seeing them cast into Rankes and Files according to true marshall discipline, prouiding that the Files be neuer aboue fiue men deepe; for it is impossible to bring in depth more hands to fight at one instant; he shall also see that when they march in Battalia then they shocke close together and as it were ioyne Cush to Cush; But if it be to performe any Euolution or alteration of figure whether of greater or lesser quantitie, then he shall see that they obserue at least sixe foote distance (which is supposed to be a full Horse length) betweene one horseman and another; lastly when Regiments come to be drawn together and ioyned one with another in their seuerall Battalias, then shal the Liuetenant Colonel see that there be a double distance held (which is fiue and twenty Foote) betweene euery seuerall company in his Regiment, and a double, double distance (which is fiftie Foote) betweeene his Regiment and any other, so that in all motions on Horsebacke there is only to bee obserued but these foure certaine distances, the first Close (as Cush to Cush) the second Open (which is sixe foote) the third Double-Distance (which is fiue and twenty foote) and the last Double, Double Distance (which is fifty foote) & of these but two of them are to be vsed in discipline, as ether in seruice vpon the face of the enemie, or in drilling and exercising the Troops to make them perfect for seruice, & those are the first two, Close and Open, wherein the Liuetenant Colonell is to obserue that when at any time he causeth the Squadrons to open entierly, that then he must first open the Rankes and after the Files, and in closing of the Battalia, he must first close Files and then Rankes, and in both these he must vse only but the two first Distances, as if he close Files it must be Close, that is Cush to Cush, leauing no streete at all, & if he open Files there must euer be sixe foote distance betweene one File & another; so likewise in Rankes, if hee close them it must be to the Horse buttocke without leauing any streete at all, and if hee open them it must bee sixe foote betweene the buttocke of the former horse and the head of his follower; also in marches the Rankes must neuer open aboue sixe foote neither in any other Motion whatsoeuer. Now that the Troops may march orderly and keepe their true distances in a direct and Souldierlike manner; He shall obserue that wheresoeuer his Regiment mooueth, that then all moue together in one Instant and assoone as the head or Vanguard beginneth, that in the same time the Reare bee ready to follow, so shall they still keepe their proportion Iust, neither shall any error [Page 152]be found in their proceedings. No lesse necessary then these Rules already declared, are the words of Command by which euery Troope or Regiment is gouerned and directed, and therefore it is the Liuetenant Colonels charge to prouide that not any Captaine in his Regiment vse any friuolous, or new words of his owne Inuention, but only such as shall be generally receiued through the whole Armie, for an vnknowne language is such a Babilonian confusion in the eares of an ignorant Souldier, that nothing but amazement and error accompany such speeches; Therefore the words which are continually in vse are to be commended to euery Officers memory, which because they differ in nothing from those which command the foote, I will therefore referre you to that former Epistle in which all the generall words of directions are at large declared.
For all other perticularities which shall necessarily depend vpon this great Officers duty, you must haue patience to behold them in the Office of the Colonell himselfe; to whom since hee is the Imediate second and chiefe Substitute, it is therefore to be imagined that whatsoeuer the Colonell is liable to performe, that (in his absence) the Liuetenant Colonel must see effected after the best and most respectiue manner that may be, for any remisnesse or slacknes in him carrieth with it a double Iniurie; one to himselfe and another to his Colonels reputation, and in the warres euery small omission is dangerous, for a man ought not to erre twice. I could wander infinitly in this maze and make one occasion beget another, but I should then both breake promise with your Lordship and my selfe, and instead of an Epistle send you a troublesome paper, but I will be faithfull to my first purpose, and only knit vp mine Epistle with this; That if the Liuetenant Colonell doe containe himselfe within the Bounds already prescribed, howsoeuer a greater debt may bee challenged, yet without doubt little more can well be proued.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the foure Corporals of the Field.
THe weakest knowledge (my Lord) that one man can get of another, is that of the Eye, for it is shallow, and can sinke no deeper then the vtmost skin, vncertaine and apt to change with euery infirmitie, and imperfect being swayed by the violence and furie of passion, the Eare is a much better Intelligencer, and doth more truely declare our minds to others, and others to our selues: so that being the principall Sence both of Instruction and Friendship, wee ought in all our designes to labour for its greatest satisfaction. I am (my Lord) a stranger to your Eye, with your Eare I would faine Insinuate, and though I can bring you but a plaine and dull sound, yet questionlesse (if you please to examine the notes aright) how euer you find little Musicke, yet you shall relish a great deale of concord, of which the latter is more sweet, though the other be more cunning: but whatsoeuer it be, yours it must now be, for so my vow hath made it, so doth the Range and Ranke of your noble place commaund it.
The next great Officers preceding the former, and vpon whose Range I am in this place hapned, are the Foure Corporals of the Field, who haue their dependance only vpon the Serieant-maior, and are called his Coadiutors, or Assistants, being (according to the manner & custome of our late moderne warres in number but foure and no more, who for their election ought to bee Gentlemen of great Dexteritie, Knowledge, and Iudgement, such as haue at least been Captaines in other times, and for their preferments are aduanced to these places, wherein they haue no particular commands of any particular Companies, which doe peculiarly belong [Page 154]to themselues, but haue a generall charge and care of the whole Army: they ought to bee men of great respect and estimation, hauing gotten that authoritie of Trust and Beliefe amongst the common Souldiers, through the prosperity of their affaires, that whatsoeuer they command or direct, may bee performed with a kind of religious seueritie, as matters of high worth and importance; for in an Army there cannot be a greater blemish, then when these men shall come within the compasse of contempt or misdoubting. Besides, if these noble parts should be absent which are required in men of this high place and qualitie, the disrepute not only seazeth vpon them, but vpon the Serieant-maior also; whēce it commeth, that although the Generall himselfe doth many times take vpon him the nomination and election of these Officers, yet particularly they doe belong only to the Serieant-maior: for as the whole Army is to him but one entire and full Company, so are these Corporals his inferiour Officers, by whose skill and conduct he gouerneth and disposeth of the whole Bodie.
Touching the particular duties belonging to their place, they are continually in all occasions of Action to accompany and attend vpon the Serieant-maior, who being a man of infinit imployment, as hauing a body that must bee almost in all places, and that at one instant, and a voyce which like thunder, must bee heard neere, farre off, and indeed through euery corner; yet for as much as his materiall body cannot be so transported, therefore he hath these foure Gentlemen his Coadiutors or Substitutes, who being dispersed at the foure corners of the Army, doe (as the foure winds ouer the world) carry and conuay his directions ouer all the Army; which that it may be done with more fulnesse of perfection, the Serieant maior shall with these foure Corporals of the field from time to time continually consult & communicat both his proper Authoritie, and also the greatnesse of his affaires, and making them as his especiall Counsellors, by whose experience and skill all his endeauors are to be assisted: neither shall he alone doe them this particular honor in himselfe, but also make all Captaines and inferior Officers in the Army both to hold their persons in reuerence, and also to performe their commaundements with care, respect, and diligence.
These Corporals of the field then (being knowne Officers of this eminence in the fild) are to carry the directions of the Serieant-maior ouerall the Army, and whether it march, stand still, or fight, they are to passe from place to place, and see performed whatsoeuer shall proceed either from him or the Lord Marshall, sometimes bringing vp Regiments, and ioyning them into greater bodies, somtimes deuiding and lessening them into smaller parts, sometimes sorting and drawing one weapon from another, disposing the Pikes one way, and the Shot another, sometimes culling out speciall Bands for speciall purposes, either for Wings, Forlornes, or else to entertaine or relieue Skirmishes, and sometimes disposing of Guards for the safetie of the Munition and Baggage; all which as they are to performe them onely by directions, and not the authority of their [Page 155]owne iudgements, so likewise they shal doe them speedily, faithfully, and valiantly. And as thus they are vpon the dayes of battell (or when any necessary preparation is to be made) continuall drummes in the eares of the Foot-companies: so vpon commandement (likewise) they must bee shrill Trumpets to sound to the Horse-troups also, drawing them either one way or other, according as they shall be commanded, whether it bee in framing any great Body or battel, or in separating Regiments, sending some to guard the great Ordnance, some to answere the enemies Horsemen, some to charge vpon the Pikes, and some to scowre off & on round about the field, to spie all aduantages, and see in what part the enemy is most weakened. And that all these things may be done almost as soone as spoken, it is meet that all these foure Corporals of the Field bee exceeding well mounted of most nimble, swift, tough, and well winded horses, by the assistance of which, in a trice they may passe from one place to another, seeing euery one of their cōmandments put in execution before they passe to another direction: and heerein is to be obserued that these foure Corporals are to bee obeyed in all their commandements with as great feruency and respect as any other superior Officer whatsoeuer: for indeed they are no other then their voices, nay sometimes the voyce of the Generall or the King himselfe.
These Corporals haue the raunging of Battels, and the shaping or proportioning of the figure according to the Serieant-maiors demonstration, distributing themselues (as it shal please the Serieant-maior, or Lord Marshall to appoint) to sundry weapons, one bringing vp Pikes, another Shot, a third the great Ordnance, and the fourth the Pioners or Myners: one shall send the Men at Armes one way, another shall send the Pistoliers another way, a third shall giue directions to the Carbines, and a fourth shall place the Dragoones where their seruice may be most conuenient. Thus shall euery man haue his hands full, the enemy continually bee assailed and offended, and Order at no time either shooke or broken. Neither shall these Officers alone (in the action and heat of Battell) haue only regard to the managing and disposing of their owne Troups & Bands, but also shall keepe a vigilant eye vpon the orders and disorders of the enemies Battels; and vpon Information thereof vnto the Serieant-maior (and receiuing new Instructions) with all Valour, Readinesse, and skill to alter and frame his owne Bands anew, in such wise as may best answere those aduantages which they haue already taken: neither in these actions and alterations shall they performe them with a silence or dumbnesse (as if they were afraid to awaken the Souldier) nor yet with such an hastines or rashnes, as if the losse of a minute were the losse of the whole Army, nor yet expressing feare in their amazement, or tyranny in the crueltie of their Language: they shall not driue men before them like herds with shouts and blowes, neither shall they let them behold more sharpnesse in their frownes, then can bee on their enemies swords, but euery action which proceedeth from them, shall be accompanied with honorable and couragious words, whereby the Souldier may still be more and more inflamed [Page 156]with the loue of danger and vertue. It is also a part of their office, that if any Captaines, Officers of Foot-bands, or other foot Souldiers, to whom for some respects of sicknes or infirmitie, may be (by their Superiours) Hackneys allowed to ride vpon, that yet notwithstanding all such (when they come within one mile of their allodgement) shall by the appointment of the foure Corporals of the field alight from their horses, and put themselues into their due and proper places, and so march to the place of encamping, which it is presupposed the Serieant-maior and these foure Corporals of the field with other Officers hath already viewed and made conuenient for their entertainment; neither being ariued at the place of encampment, shall any Company offer to lodge or disband it selfe, till they haue receiued licence and directions so to doe from one of the foure Corporals of the field.
Many other by-authorities are transferred vpon these Officers, as distribution of victuals taken from the enemy, prouision of fewell, lights, and other necessaries belonging to the night watchings, and indeed almost any thing which hath a generall dependance on the whole Armie before the face of the enemy; yet in as much as they are rather intruded and thrust vpon them by greater authoritie then rightly to be challenged, I will not here daigne a recapitulation of the same, but finish vp mine Epistle with this assurance, that whosoeuer shall performe faithfully what hath already been declared, need not feare the debt of any greater dutie which can be demanded.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Counsell of Warre.
IT is (my Lord) God which hath called you to Honor, and it is that Honor which enforceth me vnto this dedication; to omit any, were to breake a linke in that golden Chaine which with all my skill I studie to pollish; and to adde any other besides your selues, were to put disagreeing Mettals together, which not fixing according to Art, would shame both me and my labors; pardon me therfore though I be bould in this short Epistle to call vpon your noble name, you see the motiues which inflame me and the Subiect which I couet to aduance, to the first I would bring eternity, to the latter loue; and to both an immortall lodging within the house of Memory. The world speakes you noble and I am bound to beleeue her, yet if you shall please to expresse your selfe further in the protection of this poore labor, you shall tie me in two Bonds more, the one of Seruice the other of Admiration.
It is certaine (my good Lord) that as no great matter (of what nature or kind soeuer it consist) can be well effected or brought to passe, without a serious deliberation and graue aduise, painefully expostulated amongst men of sound and approued Iudgements, so aboue all other marshall men (which haue the command and charge of great Armies) ought still to be accomodated with men of infinite Skill, Wisdome and Vertue, who communicating amongst them their affaires, and disputing the reasons and occasions of euery occurrent, may (as from noble Oracles receiue an happie discussion of all the doubts and hazards whatsoeuer, and the rather since the manage of their designes dependeth vpon so great and waighty a consequence as mens liues, Estates, and Fortunes, the reuolution of Kingdomes, the destruction of Lawes both Diuine and Ciuill, [Page 158]and many times the vtter Ruine and subversion of all Piety and Religion; any or all which are brought as wealthy prizes and laid down at the stake to be wonne and lost vpon euery chance of Fortune; hence it comes that it is thought conuenient a Generall of the wars (aboue many other Princes) should be carefully armed with a sound, Wise and Religious Councell; First to proue the action of his vnderstanding to be lawfull, Iust and agreeing both with diuine and humaine Vertue; next that he may be furnished with all the Nerues, Health and Strength of the Warres, as Money, Munition, Victuall, Able men and Forraigne Confederates; and lastly that he may haue an easie, frequent & safe passage therevnto, both for the transportation and reliefe of Seconds, as also for the necessitie of a suer and quiet Rendeuous when any crosse mischance shall checke or seeme to thwart the successe of his proceedings.
When therefore a Generall is ingaged in these great Businesses of the Warres, and hath for the happy ruling of his affaires appointed all his Superior Officers, he is then out the whole and entier number to select an especiall company of the most Religious, Stoutest and Wisest men to be of his Councell; wherein although in some Campes there be some particuler men, which by the dignities of their place and Office doe challenge a priuiledge to be of his Counsell, as namely all Colonels and their equals, yet it is to be vnderstood, that from hence hath growne a disstinguishment of Counsels and according to the variation of Marshall Courts, so they haue altered both in eminence and application; some being generall as in the triall and iudging of criminall offendors, and to this all Captaines enrouled within the Generals List may freely and by their owne right be admitted; others are more especiall, as where the debatement of prouisions, the raising of Taxes, and the ordering of the publique affaires of the Campe are handled, and to these all Colonels and Officers within their range are admitted, and doe consult and conclude with the Generall for all the prosperities and benefits which doe appertaine vnto the Armie; but the last Counsell of all is a great deale more priuate, and the matters which are handled therein are of that consequence for secresie and effect, that it were vnfit and not allowable so many should be drawne thereunto, or that all sorts of men should pertake of euery State negotiation, or those powerfull stratagems which indeed should lodge in the strongest and safest Bosomes, for norwithstanding men of great experience and valor, or men of high Birth and Ranke, may in a short space of time asscend to command a Colonels place in the Field, yet may Learning, Iudgement, Secresie and diuers other vertues (without which a Preuie Counsellor cannot subsist) be so farre remoued and distant from his nature, that it were a sinne against Safetie to admit such trust to his Bosome; so on the other side men of meaner and lower aduancement, who are not capable of those high places in the Armies, may yet be much apter to aduice and haue a better and stronger Fort wherein to keepe secrets from perishing, then those of an higher calling, and therefore (not without good warrant) are many times chosen; and admitted [Page 159]to this noble place of Trust and preferment. But in consideration that the Armie consisteth of so many seuerall great Commanders; their is no likelihood but in so frequent and plentifull a choice a man may finde enow to supply this Roome without disparagment, wrong or exception; neither neede it be intended that any such shall be without an eminent place, since men of Godly, vertuous and experienced vnderstandings, who are True, Secret, Liberall and of Free mindes are euer aptest for the best places of what nature soeuer. Thus Alexander tooke Parmenio, Clytus and all the oldest of his Father Phillips Commanders to aduise and strengthen him in all his warlike occasions; thus Caesar held Cato that by his aduise he might ruine Pompey; thus Anthony preuailed during the life of Publicola; & thus Augustus held himselfe fortunate in the counsels of Dollobella; but what neede I stand on these forraigne Instances, wee see enow to point at within our owne remembrance, did not Philip the second of Spaine giue to Don Iohn Duke of Austria, that braue Souldier Don Lewis de Zuniga to counsell him in all Marshall occasions? and did not our Edward the third doe the like for his Sonne the Blacke Prince, when hee chose for his Councellors the Earles of Warwicke, Suffolke, Salisburie and Oxford by the strength of whose aduice in the Battle of Poyteirs, he not only ouerthrew all the flowers of France, but also tooke Iohn their King and Philip his sonne Prisoners; Infinite are the Examples to proue the necessitie and excellencie of a graue and aduised Councell, and as aboundant the Rcords of their perishing who despising Councell haue runne rashly and headlong on, guided by nothing but their owne opinions, for so did Crassus when he brought himselfe & eleauen Legions to be sacrifised in Parthia, thus did Tiberius Gracchus when he had his braines dasht out in the Capitoll; and thus did Caius Gracchus who was made a bloody sacrifice on the top of mount Auentine for the much aduised tempting of his fortune.
To conclude this point then there is nothing more necessary then a sufficent Councell of Warre; for they are more auaileable in Marshall Discipline then either Armor or weapons, & more braue exploits haue been acheiued by wisdome and policie then euer could be brought vnder by violence and darring.
To speake then generally of this especiall and priuate Councell of Warre, and who in common Intendement are (according to the generall custome of Nations) supposed meetest to succeed and Rise vnto the same; they are these especiall Officers following, who by vertue of their first places are euer capable of this second: because none of lesse merit and desert, may or ought to assume vnto the sway and command of the first dignity. Of these Priuy Counsellors the Lieutenant Generall of the Horse hath the first place; the Lord Marshall hath the second; the Master of the Ordnance the third; the Treasurer of the Warres the fourth, and the Master de Campo who is the eldest Colonell in the Field) the fift: but if the number of Councellors arise to any greater extent, then they are chosen out of other great personages of eminence and worth at the discretion [Page 160]of the Generall; as for the Colonels of the Infantrie they are (as before I said) of a Counsell extrauagant concerning mater domestique, but for such as are either forraigne or priuate, they haue no medling at all; This priuie Counsell of Warre are to deale in matters that are profound, dangerous, and difficult, and are to argue and dispute them with sound vnderstandings and cleare iudgements, whence it comes that men of meane capassites & vnder valued Thoughts are excluded from these aproaches; and none lycenced to ascend thereunto; but such as haue high spirits, vnrestrained thoughts and Princely cogitations, which vertues in what Cabinet soeuer they be found, though the outside be neuer so plaine and simple, yet is the Iewell so rare and precious, that Kings disdaine not to weare them; neither ought men to faile in bestowing of them their due Praise and Reuerence.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Colonell of Foot.
TRauell (my Lord) as a famous Diuine of our Church affirmes, perfecteth Wisdome, and Obseruation is the perfection of Trauell, either of which when they are neglected or despised, a man may returne home to his Countrey like a stall-fed oxe to the Market, with a thicke ribbe, but a leane forehead, and how euer his body may bee couered with fat and faire clothing, yet will his mind bee emptie, thinne, and naked. That I may not bee guiltie of this carelesnesse, I haue in this Epistle presumed to call your Lordship to bee a witnesse of some part of my Obseruations, wherein if breuitie make mee appeare more sleight then the grauitie of the Subiect would require, my hope is you will bee pleased to conceiue that it is onely an Epistle, no serious discourse, to which I stand engaged.
The matter at which my Penne in this place arriueth, is the Office of the Colonell of a Foot Regiment, who amongst the old Romans was called the Tribune, or Ruler of the common people, and commanded a Tertio, or Regiment: the name Colonell is but moderne and new, and little longer then since the dayes of Charles the fift, Francis the French King, and our Henrie the eight of England, who called those Colonels whom the old Spaniards called Maistres de campo, and were such as had the commandement of two, three, or more Captaines vnder them, yet in the first times it was not so, but these whom we call Colonels were then called Dux or Duces, which signifieth Leaders or Directors, and of these amongst the Romans there were three seuerall kindes, as first Duces Militares, [Page 162]and were ordinarily those which continually marched with the Armies, and had the charge of one thousand men; the second Duces Prouinciales, who commanded all the Souldiers within one prouince, and the third were Duces Limitanei, who had the commaundement of all those Souldiers, who liued vpon the Marches or Frontiers of Countries bordering vpon the enemy, and were to withstand all maner of assaults and forraine Incursions.
For the Regiment or full number of men which euery Colonell should command, they are exceeding diuers and vncertaine, at no time holding any iust rule or quantitie: for they sometimes containe fiue hundred men, sometimes a thousand, now fifteene hundred, then two thousand; nay, three, foure, and sometimes fiue thousand, and to these numbers of Foot haue also bene added some Horse, but the President is not vsuall: and for mine owne part as I said in a former Epistle, I hold it best agreeing with good discipline, that no Regiment should exceed the number of one thousand, and those deuided into fiue Companies, and euery Company to containe two hundred.
For the election of this Colonell of the Infantery, or Foot-companies, he is principally to bee chosen by the King and Prince himselfe, and not by the Generall, without some especiall Commission, as also by the assistance of the Counsell of Warre, and some other deliberation. This Officer ought to be a man of wonderfull experience and knowledge in the Warres, and one so farre transcending all others which are of any Ranke below him, that as a Pharohs Tower, he should be a Lanthorne to guide euery wandring Souldier to the perfection of his duty; nay so great an extent he hath for the vse of his vertue, that being alone with his Regiment in any place remooued from the rest of the Armie, hee ought to haue all the perfections of Authoritie, Prudence, and Valour, which belong euen vnto the Generall himselfe, for his power is as absolute, and his command reacheth to as large and spatious limits.
For the particular parts of his office, he is first of all the absolute Commander & director of al the Captaines & other Officers which are within his Regiment, & doth at his wil & pleasure dispose them whether it be in quiet garrison, in the field, or in the face of the enemy; and as they are thus to be obedient to him, so is he likewise to obey all the hests & commaundements of the Lord Generall, and to doe all his appointments, of what nature soeuer, as whether he be commanded to the Siege, Battery, or Assault of any Citie, Fort, or Castle, whether to defend townes, trenches, and ditches, or otherwise to encounter the enemy hand to hand, vpon the Champaines or places of much lesse aduauntage, whether it be to giue Battell, to make Incursions, to Retire, to carrie and conuey Bridges, to guard the Ordnance, or to performe any other warlike euolution, all must bee performed by him with that chearefulnesse and alacritie of spirit, that hee may appeare rather to flye to those encounters, then by calling doubts into his consideration, to stand amazedly fearefull like one that were drawing the picture of cowardise [Page 163]without any Copie more then his owne Imagination.
The Colonell in times past hath had the power to elect, or at least to nominate all his owne Captaines, but since it hath been assumed and taken from him by the power of the Generall, so that now though he command all in his Regiment, yet he electeth none but his owne Lieutenant (who in curtesie hath the title of a Captaine, and in all meetings may take his place as the punie Captaine of that Regiment) his Ensigne, his Serieants and the other inferior Officers of his owne Band. This Company belonging to the Colonell, shall take precedencie of place before all other Captaines of the Regiment, and his Colours shall flye at least a ranke or two before any other. Now that hee may the better know how to rule and gouerne all the Officers within his Regiment, it is necessary, that hee endeauour himselfe to learne all that belongs to euery mans particular dutie, euen from the La [...]nspesado to the Office of the Serieant-maior, and to see that euery dutie bee iustly and Souldier-like performed.
The Colonell ought to haue his Company compounded of some certaine number of men more skilfull and better experienc't then any of the rest, with whom as well as with the Captaines, he ought to consult, and take aduise in euery doubtfull businesse: for it hath beene found many times by experience, that the priuate Souldier who hath serued in the Warres both a Prentice and a Iourney-man, will yeeld more sollide and substantiall reasons for any vndertaking, then many more glorious outsides, whose traffique with the Warres hath been more pleasant and easie: and therefore these plaine (but well-vnderstanding) men shall haue their payes and meanes aduaunced aboue the rate of other men, that those which behold it may see, that vertue wheresoeuer she lodgeth, will still be found out and rewarded.
The Colonell is to prouide that all Martiall discipline bee duely obserued, that the Guards and Watches be augmented or diminished, according as occasion shall administer, that the Lieutenant-Colonell and the Serieant-maior receiue their directions in a due and conuenient time, and that in the administration of Iustice hee carry an vpright and euen Ballance, neither swaruing to one hand nor the other, but gouerning all things with such wisedome and discretion, that the Souldiers may both loue and feare him, the Captaines grow proud to become his Imitators, and the General himselfe rest indebted to him for the benefit of his good and commendable examples.
In this Colonels power is the punishment of all sorts of offences, euen to the vttermost of life and death; it is hee that may both make and repeale Lawes and Edicts at his pleasure, and hee is the ciuill Iudge in all causes and controuersies, whether it touch honour, person, goods, or priuate dissention; it is he that must prouide Victuals, Money, and Apparell for his Souldiers; and when any slacknesse is found in other superior Officers, it is hee that must appeale to the Generall, and seeke reformation. No Captaine within his Regiment ought to entertaine any new [Page 164]Souldier but by his priuitie and consent, and especially if hee bee of any forraine Nation.
To conclude, the Colonell is to bee armed at all points like the Captaine, onely his Leading weapon, and Feather-staffe is of a much lesse proportion; and albe he is a Commander of Foot, yet he hath his Hackney allowed him, and ought euer to be found for the most part on horsbacke; onely when his Regiment shall bee commaunded to sally foorth, and serue vpon the enemy, then (all his Captaines hauing their seuerall places assigned them) he shall alight from his Horse, and leade foorth his Regiment in his owne person. These are the principall parts of the Colonels Office, to which if he shall please to ioyne Experience in things to be done; Knowledge by Histories, of things which haue beene done; if he haue an vnspotted Fame, an vndaunted Heart, and a beloued disposition; if Goodnesse guard him, and Fortune serue him, let Enuie burst her gall, yet shall he be sure the Bitternesse shall neuer touch him.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Colonell of Horse.
WHerefore (my noble Lord) serues the tongue of the Learned, if not to speake words in a fit and conuenient Season? and what should a pen doe in the hand of Experience, if Nigard like he will not vouchsafe to spare vs any of his Beneficiall obseruations? for mine owne part if either of these would haue risen vp in our Theater, I would haue thought my selfe happy to haue sitten a dumbe (but admiring) Auditor; yet to the first which is Learning (whom I euer courted but could neuer attaine) since I am a Stranger; with the other (which is Experience) I will make bould; for she hath beene my Guide in Trauell by Land, my Pilot vpon the Seas, and my Schoole-master in the warres; Sir, I know to whom I write, to a Noble man that is Learned, to a Noble man that is an Experienc't and an approued Souldier: beleeue me I am not so ambitious to imagine I can send you any thing new, any thing worthy your Studie; no, mine imperfect Offers come to serue you, not to Instruct you, and therefore I beseech you accept them as coole water which may refresh a Thirstie, Weary, and Ignorant Knowledge, not milke to delight and nourish a Knowing Vnderstanding; so shall you giue strength to my hopes, and adde to the check-role of your seruants another faithfull Obseruer.
The Office vpon which I pitch in this Epistle, is that of the Colonell of Horse, which is a Noble and Honorable place, and so much the more [Page 166]Noble as it excelleth in the dignitie and worthines of the weapon which he commandeth; The name hath no larger extent or signification then the Colonell of the Infantrie, only the dignitie of the person thus far excelleth; that of what sort of weapon soeuer his Colony be compounded; yet in himselfe he is euer a man at Armes, and though his Regiment bee but of Dragoones yet loseth he no Honor either in his place or person: but sitteth amongst the greatest Colonels according to his degree an equall Brother and Companion; only contenting himselfe to be an elder or younger according to his antiquitie in command, and the honor of the weapon by him commanded.
I need not insist much vpon his election since I haue already named the place Noble, which inferreth as great and as singuler vertues as can by any tongue be named, by any pen described, by any heart conceiued, neither need I make my way long and tedious in coming vnto the generall parts of his duty, especially so much as concerneth the ordinary common-wealth and wholesome gouernment of his Regiment, in Health, in Concord, in Plenty, and in the performance of true Marshall Discipline, since indeed he is so neare a Kinsman, nay rather Brother or Fellow Companion with the Colonell of the Infantrie, that in obseruing the first, this latter doth (as it were) dilate and lay it selfe open to the intelligence and apprehension of euery indifferent Iudgement, yet for as much as the alteration of weapon, and addition of the Horse breedeth a diuersitie in some particuler duties; therefore to those I will returne and shew how they are to bee mannaged in the designes of warre-like preparations.
It is a very materiall thing and an especiall duty in euery Colonell of Horse to looke that all his Regiment be well mounted and armed according to that proportion of Armes ouer which he is to Gouerne; as if his Regiment consist of Gentlemen at Armes, that then they be compleate armed in good Armor of high proofe from the close Caske downe to the Greaue, and at all peeces, a large, straight Launce well headed with steele, an arming Sword, and a Mace or Battle Axe at his Saddle pomell; a couragious, strong and tall stooned Horse, a steele Saddle, and the Horses head, necke, brest and buttocke barbed with Pectron, Trappings, Crinier and Chieffront, his Bridle double rained, and well lined with a strong wyre chaine, and the head-stall sutable with the like wyre lining also. To euery Gentleman at Armes should belong, three, foure or more attendants mounted on Horse-backe, though in a lower Ranke, who are to waite vpon their necessaries, and to take charge of their spare Horses, for these men at Armes are all intended to bee men of great Blood and Qualitie, to be the owners of Rich Estates, and such as follow the wars only for Honor and the loue of vertue, and put themselues vnder command, not so much for Instrution as for orders sake and to leaue behind them the benefit of a good example. If his Regiment consist of Pistoleers, he shall see them armed compleat to the Cush; strong Horses or Guelding of the largest size, deep Saddles, broad Trappings, a faire Sword [Page 167]and a long Pistoll. If his Regiment consist of Carbines, then to haue (as hath beene said in a former Epistle) light Curats, a Spanish Morrian, a left Gauntlet and no more, a faire Sword or Curtleaxe, a strong nimble Guelding, a Morocco Saddle and furniture sutable; but if the Regiment be but Dragoones, then a Spanish Morian and no other Armor, a light Guelding, a good Sword and a faire Dragoone.
When he hath his Regiment thus orderly armed, it is then the duty of the Colonell to looke vnto their March, their place of attendance, and maner of Seruice, as if they be men at Armes, (who are heauily armed) then their Marches must be slow and seldome, as namely, when the Army doth dislodge, and not vpon euery sleight occasion. Their place is vpon each side of the maine Battell, yet in a somewhat remoued and farre distance, for in marching too nere the foote bands they may giue offence, as being sodainely enforced to charge & then wanting sufficient ground for retraite, they often fall in amongst their owne bands and so compell them to Rout and disorder; their seruice is two fould, for they must ether encounter with the enemies Men at armes, or else breake in amongst the Pikes, and disranke or ouerthrow them; they are also sometimes to relieue the Carbines or Dragoons when they are ingaged, and in retraits to make stands vpon the enemies, and so keepe them from the execution. If they be Pistoliers then their March is more swift and more generall; yet not so great as to be worthy the name of Trauell; their place is a good pretty distance before the men at Armes, and they troope together in large Squadrons, the Cornet being lodged within three of the first Rankes, and their Seruice is to breake vpon the Battell of Pikes after they haue beene a little shaken and disrankt by the men at Armes, by volleys of Short, or any other amazement; also they doe sometimes encounter the enemies horse, & doe follow the chase to finish vp the execution. If they bee Carbines, their March is sodaine and vpon most occasions; their place is before the Pistoleirs and the troupe in wings, or sleeues with their Guydon placed in the middest of the Rankes, as for their Seruice, it is principally against the Foote-shott, especially in Champaines where they are vnguarded, either with Hedge, Ditch, Wall, or other place of aduantage. Lastly, if they be Dragoones, their march is for the most part, vpon the swiftest gallop; their place in Scouts, Forragings, and vpon all needfull discoueries; and the effect of their principall Seruice is to defend and make good all passages ouer Riuers, as Foards, Bridges, Mill-dames, and the like, all Strait wayes, Hills, Valleyes, and other places of Retraite, they may vpon occasion alight from their horses and serue on foot, spoyling all Forragers and Pillagers, assayling Troupes in their lodgings, and when they finde themselues drawing into any inconuenience, they may presently mount againe and retyre into their safety. But if they be so farre engaged that they cannot well come off, then must the armed Pistoleirs come in and assist them; and therefore in this case the Colonell is to foresee that in the composion of his Regiment, the Dragoones be chosen from the ablest, nimblest, and most [Page 168]actiue men that can be got, being of that dexteritie and quicknes of spirit that they may be able to vault to and from their Horses at pleasure, and to carry their Pieces so close guarded in their left hands, that in performing of any of these suddaine actions there may bee found neither trouble nor hinderance; lasty when they haue performed their duties they shall then retyre behind the Pistoliers and there prepare themselues againe for a new onset.
It is also a speciall care belonging to this Colonel, to giue directions for the daily trayning and teaching of his Regiment, especially if they serue with fire on Horsebacke, for if a man be neuer so good a Horseman and yet but an ill Shot, or if he be neuer so good a Shot, and yet but an ill Horseman, there will be such disparity and vntowardnesse in his actions that all his labour will be to little and no purpose; let therefore diligence and practise, good opportunity and good instructions make the Souldier exquisite in what he vndertaketh, and it will bring honor to the Colonell, and benefit to the generall Seruice. And that the Seruice may be the more effectually performed, it is requisite that the Colonell haue euer attending vpon his person (as his dayly and houshold seruants) an excellent Smith, or Farryer, who shall euer be furnished with Horseshooes, nayles, and drugges, both for inward and outward applycations; a very good Sadler, and all things belonging to his occupation, and a skilfull rough Rider, that may tame and reclayme stubborne Iades, and instruct the Souldier how, and in what manner to become a resonable Horseman.
Last of all it is the Colonels duty to haue a perfect Rolle of all the Bands within his Regiment, as well Officers, as others, seeing them mounted and armed, and then giuing allowance to their sufficiency, hee shall giue directions for the disposing of the Troopes.
From him or his Substitute, the Trumpets shall take all commandements; and whensoeuer the Regiment riseth, the Colonels Cornet shall first flie abrord, to which all the rest shall repaire, and from him shall receiue order for their imployment, whether it be to Watch, to Scour, to discouer or else to relieue others: He shall appoint such as shall guard the Lord Marshall, the Forrage-Master and the Victuallers: He shall dispose the manner of all Skirmishes, and so place, his Troupes that one may second the other in such wise: that if any be repulst yet being relieued they may haue time to regather themselues into order, and either mainetaine a second onset or retire backe againe into their owne strength; This is the full effect of the Colonels Office that commandeth Horse, and these things (with the rest which belong to the Colonell of Foote) being seriously obserued, his place shall be fulfilled with much renowne, and his person adorned with vndying Honor.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Serieant-Maior Generall.
THe affaires (my Lord) of my poore Fortunes haue euer been hindrances to my Studie, so that howsoeuer I might in my nature affect it, yet still by Fortune I haue been debarred that happie felicitie, so that your Lordship can expect from me but rude and vnpolisht Gatherings, yet such as they are, I tender them freely, boldly: All men speake you Noble, that perswades mee, and you are an owner of Willoughbies Blood (of which my poore selfe am also a sharer) and that almost seales vnto mee a deed, of assurance; and you are the much honoured kinsman of my dearest respected kinsman, worthy Sir Perciual Willoughbie, to whose loue I am so much bound, that I cannot study a better Rent then to doe you seruice: all these together bring this Epistle vnto you; which (great Sir) I beseech you be pleased to reade; the little I can get, I am no niggard of; nor was I euer more desirous to gather, then willing to distribute to the good of my Countrey. Many I know (this way) might Alexander-like giue talents, but they thinke the World not worthy so much, and if the World would imbrace their Mites, it is an almes too poore for rich Reputations: so that hence they are silent, yet still I keepe on my Pilgrimage: you are one of the Saints to whose Altar I am vowed, and though I haue but a poore Root to offer thereon, yet I will lay it downe with as great confidence, as if it were a Snow-white Bull crown'd with Garlands, knowing, that nothing makes Giftes great, but good mens Acceptations.
This great and renowned Office (of the Serieant-maior Generall) is so large & spacious, that to lend but one word to euery great article which [Page 170]necessarily depends vpon his knowledge, would aske more paper then I haue bestowed on all which haue gone before him; and therfore (as Geographers doe) I must intreat your Lordship in a little pricke to suruey a great kingdome.
To speake then first of his election, the power thereof commonly remaineth in the Generall, and the care therof ought to be more then of any of the former: for being the generall Minister of an entire Armie, and hauing his authoritie and vse extending it selfe into all manner of Marchings, Imbattellings, and Encampings, we need say no more of his person but this, he should bee a man both inward and outward of a most absolute perfection. His place is before all Captaines and Colonels, except the Colonell Generall) for they receiue their directions from him, he from the other; his Actions and Imployments are euer for the most part in the face of the enemy and the greatest vse or necessitie of his person is euer in the places of most certaine danger; It behoueth him to be exceeding Skilfull in the framing of Battalions which some define to be a congregation or multitude of men placed in such an orderly forme, that they may come to fight without hindring one another, whereby euery hand being necessarily imployed, they may attaine to the end of their purpose which is glory and conquest; so that to his charge is left the framing of the proportion, the gouerment in marching and the order in fighting; In his Brayne there ought to be (at least in his bosome or some other conuenient place must be) a cattalogue of the iust number of the Army, together with the true sortment and diuision of euery weapon; and in his memory he must euer carry ready framed the formes and proportions of sundry Battailes, as quadrats or squares, the equall or vnequall, Tryangles, diamunds and the like, any of which he is to sorte & fashion to the Grounde, according as the necessity of the place requireth, euer regarding to giue those Formes the greatest preheminence which are able still to bring the most hands to fight at one instant without disorder or trouble, as in the champayne the broade Square is best, the bastard or base square where there is aduantage of hedge, diche, water, wood or marrish, and the vnequall and imperfect proportion in Straytes, amongst Hylls and Mountaines or in craggie or rockie places. It is his place to take away all disorder from vnruly and Ignorant souldiers, by letting them vnderstand the constant and true place of euery Ensigne; as which shall make vp the first rankes, Square or diuision, which the second, which the third and so of the rest; wherein although some doe alow a constant rule yet many times it varieth vppon lot and may better be referred to the Serieant-maiors discretion, who is to prouide that not the companies which challenge it by right but the companies which are euer best armed be still put into the vangard, he shall after he hath framed his Battaile of pykes lyne them with shot on eytherside, and not so onely, but he shall also haue sundry loose wings of Short trouping by them, in a pretty distance remote, which shall euer be ready to entertayne any skirmish and keepe the Battayle from disquiet; also he shall seriously prouide for the [Page 171]safety of his shot when the enemies horse aboundeth much, by drawing out certaine ranks of pykes proportionable to the loose vnguarded shot vnder whose safety (vpon euery extremity) they shall retyer and then againe make good their places till the seruice be finished.
It is the Serieant-maior Generals office vpon any day of Battayle to goe to the Generall or Colonell Generall and from one of them to take his directions; knowing whether the Generall will haue his owne Regiment to haue the vant-guard or no, or otherwise the Battayle or reare; which resolued he shall then atend the Lord Marshall to the ellection of the field, In which it behotueth the Serieant-maior to be very skilfull in the situation of the Country and to know the distance of places and the difficulties of euery passage with all the seuerall circumstances which shall depend vppon the same, as well for the guard and safety of his owne, as for the hindrance and anoyance of the enemy so that althings being assured, he may then cause the Drumme-maior to beate a remoue, and all the Captaines being assembled to the place of armes; he shall thence (by the directions of the Lord Marshall) draw forth the Battayle, disposing euery Commander into the places which are most conuenient, and framing his Maniples and diuisions sutable to the passages through which they are to march, yet by no meanes into a lesse then a third or else fourth part of the front, and keeping euery diuision iust tenne deepe and neither more nor lesse, and herein he shall haue respect, that in drawing vp the Maniples to make an entyre Battayle, the Ensignes may fall into their due places, as namely the Generalls vppon the head, the Lieutenant generall, the Lord Marshall, the Master of the Ordnance, the Treasurer, the Colonell general, and the Serieant-maior Generall one ranke within the Battell, the Colonels of the Infantiue a ranke behinde them, and the Captaines a rank behind them. He shall haue an especiall care for the safe garding of the munition & baggage, placing it either before, behind, or on any side where the enemy is least suspected, It is at his discretion to make stands (which some call Altoes or Hallts) when and at what time he please; whereby the souldier may be refresht when he is weary with trauell, and it must be done in places fit and commodious for the same, as where there is cleane running water, some shelter, yet a large prospect, so as no souldier may offer to straggle, but the Officers may both perceiue him, & reprehend him. Now that all these duties may be the better performed, this Officer is intended to be euer on Horsebacke, yet not vpon a horse of warre, but rather vpon a comely and nimble Hackney, on which he may ride in amongst the Ranks, & passe from File to File, seeing euery man to performe his dutie in a carefull and modest manner, and herein is to be obserued, that if in his passages to & fro, he doe happen to encounter or meet with the Generall (although on foot) yet shall not the Serieant-maior alight from his Horse, but keepe his seat, for it is his particular preheminence, neither shall he dismount at any time in the day of battel, for any such errour is a cloud betwixt him and glory; for being on foot, he is no more then one man, but mounted on horsebacke, and assisting with [Page 172]directions, he supplieth the places of many hundreds; his Armour must be light and nimble, being the same pieces which belong to a Foot-Captaine, and in his right hand he shall beare a Trunchion, with which hee may correct any man that wilfully offendeth, as also with it to seperate vnruly horses, carriage, or baggage which troubles the Battalions, or to demonstrat and point out to any thing which he commandeth; his ordinary place is neere the person of the Generall, or the Colonell generall; for from them hee must take many instructions: if any Squadrons or maine Bodies be broken, hee is to bring Supplies, and sawder them vp againe: he is called the Guide of the Battel, and therfore to looke that all things succeed rightly. When the Army is encampt, hee giueth the first directions for the Corps de guards, & charge for the Sentinels; it is he that reacknowledgeth the Quarters, and taking his orders from the Lord Marshall, prouideth for the generall safty of all the Armie, as the Watch, the Ward, the Scout, Guard for the Munition, Entrenchments and the like, of all which I haue entreated something in the former Offices.
The Serieant-maior is first to take notice of alarmes of all kinds, and to examine the causes, then to giue information to the Generall and Lord Marshall, and so to proceed according to order.
It is a very landable dutie in the Serieant-maior Generall, if in the day of Battell, he select and appoint a certaine number of Souldiers, who from time to time shall draw forth the hurt, maimed, and slaine parties, which else would trouble the Squadrons, and to conuey them to cure, or other place for other purpose. It is his office to appoint the orders and formes of Camisados and Ambuscados, to direct the place where, the order how, and the manner and forme of Silence: he ought to awaken and stirre vp the Generall to the prouision of all kind of Armes, and is to see the necessitie of euery Regiment supplied. To conclude, he must be a generall Father ouer all the Armie, and to prouide the good of the Souldiers, as for his naturall children: he is to heare the complaints of all the inferior Serieant-maiors of Regiments, and to see that they may haue speedy dispatches. This is the greatest substance, and the most materiall parts which depend vpon this great Officer, which his owne vnderstanding may amplifie according to the administration of occasions; so that fixing knowledge and vse together, the world will become rich by his help, and others much fortified by his encouragements.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Colonell Generall.
DAnger euer (my good Lord) stands at the doore where Intermedling enters, and hardly shal a man either tarry or returne but some mischeife still will bee tripping at his heeles, especially when men meddle with great mens businesses, which is like the paring of a Lyons claw, where if the least cut procure paine, it is ten to one but the cutter is made guilty of his owne distruction; I confesse I am ascended into a Subiect beyond mine experience, yet on this side my reading, so that as it may bee dangerous for me to resolue any thing in them from mine owne Iudgment, yet it shal be thanks worthy in me to write their owne & their equal Authority, Necessities require hazard sometimes, and since it is needfull that I speake something both of this and the other subiects following, let me not be blamed if modestly I tempt reprehension; your Lordship is one of the oldest fixed Starres within the Spheare of our Court, to a better experience I cannot flie, vnder a nobler Nature I cannot suffer; be pleased then to reade this poore Briefe, and how euer in low words it treat of high things, yet when the meaning shall be truely expounded, nothing shall bee found but an honest admiration fixt vpon all Heroicall vertue.
The Colonell-generall of the Infantrie, or as some call him the Liuetenant-Generall of the Foote ought to bee a man of noble descent, high place, and great authority both in vertue and prudence, for hee hath a Supreame and especiall commandment ouer all the Foote Bands which are contained within the whole Armie; and when he is chosen according to desert and merit, he is then presupposed to be a man of Infinite [Page 174]experience and iudgement, being the eldest and principallest Souldier in all the armie (which hath not a place of greater precedence) except by some extraodinary merit (which is almost gotten within the Ranke of miracles) he be out gone by some of his latter and much younger Companions; for it is certaine that no Generall can (without the Cloud of much enuy) giue a precedency away from so many worthy and renowned Colonels, but vpon rare desert, or in case of some superexcellent perfection.
This doubtlesse was the rule of the first World, when men imagined that Honour lay in the hands and not in the Bloud, and when such as had the bestowing of these places (being mearely men without any other addition) could looke no way but forward, that is, to the obiect on which they had fixed their contentments; or downeward to the meanes wherby they might compasse their Ambitions, euen then when Honour was so temporary and mortall, that any Frowne, Thunder or Lightening of Greatnesse could kill, split, and vtterly consume it. But in these latter Times, since Wisdome (maryed to Diuinitie) began to build vp this goodly Temple of true Honor whose eies are so cleere and truly set, that she can locke backward to see what she was, & vpward to finde the cause from whence true glory proceedeth; since men came to know on whom to depend and whom to thanke, since Honor came to gaine the eternitie of an hereditary right and that all tittles and tenures were false and sophisticate, but such as mearely depended on heauen; since this (I say) was knowne and approued, all these great and materiall Offices haue had another manner of disposing; and this place of a Colonell-Generall of a Foote Armie hath beene and is many times bestowed vpon younge Princes and Noble men, who inuited by the powerfulnesse of their vertues, haue betaken themselues vnto the warres, and euen at their first entrances haue had these places conferred vpon them, as in the occurrents of all estates we may see many present examples, sometimes for a protection and countenance to the cause taken in hand, and an inciting and stirring vp other men, (which haue dependance on those great persons) to aspeedy immitation and following of their courses, and sometimes to gratefie the great deeds and beneficences of their famous progenitors; or else as a Schoole or Accademie wherein Nobilitie being to be brought vp in all the waies of perfection, they haue these formes or Rankes of proceedings allowed for their exhaltation, nor is it without good Ground of Reason, for howsoeuer the Office carry in it a great preheminence or supreame authority, yet in the execution thereof there is little expected from the person more then countenance of the place and a noble ciuill Gouernment, the sway and effect thereof being fully and in all perfection to be discharged by the Serieant-maior generall, the Colonels and the vnder Officers belonging to their Regiments. So that I inferre although this place (for honors sake and the aduancememt of a braue deseruer) might properly apertaine to an ancient, graue and well deseruing Souldier, yet also to giue merit to a fresh and faire springing [Page 175]hope, and to keepe the Flowers of true honor in their nature luster; it may with as good right be bestowed vpon Princely and Noble personages in whom there is a liuing hope of many forme great actions, though at the beginning they be punies in the warres and haue nothing but the Theoricke knowledge to commend their fortunes.
To this Colonell-generall, the Serieant-Maior of the Armie, all Colonels of Foote, and with them all priuate Captaines of Foote and their Inferior Officers must continually bee obedient, for they are (as it were) Liuetenants and Substitutes vnder him, taking at his hands all orders and directions by which to mannage the whole Armie, and therefore it is the Office and duty of the Colonell-generall daily and at speciall appointed times to call the Serieant-maior and the Colonels of the Foote companies vnto him, and with them as with the best Councellors of estate to confer and reason of all matters appertaining to his place and Office, taking from them that sound aduice and instruction, which coopling and mixing with his owne noble determinations may make all his directions most sound and perfect. And that he may imploy nothing more then his noble countenance and fauour to euery warlike proceeding, the Serieant-maior is pleased to take vpon him all bodily labors, and to ride vp and downe the Army with his directions, and to see all things performed which any way appertaines to his great Place and Office; ranging euery Battalion (euen that of the Liuetenant-generall or Colonell-generall of the Foote himselfe) in such marshall order as shall be fit for any warlike imployment, whether it be marching, fighting, incamping, beseigeing, assaulting or retiring, all which paine the Colonell-generall taketh both for a fauor and a debt, and returneth him for requitall all his best fauours and endeuors for the aduancement of any serious occasion which concerneth his person.
This Colonell-generall hath the mannage and gouernment of all publique and priuate affaires of the whole Army on foote, whether it be in Battle, Campe, Ranging, and disposing of all manner of persons according to his will and pleasure, giuing the honor and dignitie of places (in all dangerous seruices) as he thinketh to be most conuenient; he sendeth foorth great or small parties for Skirmishes or other publique encounters (as seemeth best liking to himselfe) and grants vnto them reliefes and seconds when he thinkes occasion fit, and what numbers he holdeth best proportionable for the effect of the seruice; It is in his power to regard and prouide for all the necessary and fit accomodations which belong vnto the Foote Armie, whether it be Munition, Victualls, Apparrell or any necessarie thing belonging either to the nourishment of life or the generall defence of the persons; as intrenchments, fortifications places of approach, sallies and all other aduantages or disaduantages, which may either be defensiue or offensiue to his party, or in the like case much auailing or much annoying the enemie; and in any of these designes where either he shall heare complaint for slacknesse of duty or the performance of true care, he is to call the offenders before him, and to [Page 176]giue reprehension or punishment by imprisonment, or other defaul [...]ation of pay, as shall seeme best to his discretion; but if the offence be capitall, and of any extreame nature, then he is to referre the partyes to a Martiall Court, (which Court he hath power to call at his best pleasure) and there see all Delinquents punished according to the nature of their offences.
As thus he hath the generall punishment of crimes, and calling in question of all iniuries within the Foote Armie, so is he likewise to bee the author of all concord & tranquillitie within the circuiets of his commands, and to that end if any differences or deuisions shall fall out betweene any of the great and supreame Officers in the Armie, or between Captaine and Captaine, or Captaine and priuate Gentleman; whether it concerne place, matter of Honor, vsurpation of Office, disobedience, or any other crime; he shall out of his authority (so it bee before the Generall taketh notice thereof) call the parties before him and iudicially heare the whole proceedings; either reconciling and making euen the controuersie, or else referring it vnto the Generall or a Marshall Court, according as the nature of the Busines requireth; These are the most materiall things belonging to this great and eminent place which being honorably pursued, there is no doubt but he shall gaine the loue of all good men, and raise vnto himselfe pillars of glorious report, which shall keepe his name to eternitie.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Lieutenant Generall of Horse.
THis Discourse (my Lord) which I am enioyned to tender to your Goodnesse, to your hopes, is but a due Rent belonging to the great place to which God and your Birth hath called you; and therefore I send it for your Reading, for your disposing; yet for the vse of all men, especially those which stand affected to the imitation of noble and most heroicall designes; your Lordship is young, your Lordship is hopefull: beleeue it, Youth and Hope, or hopefull youth cannot spend houres that are free for Recreation, in a more wholsome or truely delightfull Study: for mine owne part, I can ascribe little merit in the workmanship, it is the matter it selfe which must commend the building. Breuitie I know will a little deface it, for indeed a volume were too scant a Map for so worthy a Subiect; but as it is, it must now bee your Lordships, yet (for your noble fathers sake, with whom I was much acquainted) beleeue it, hopefull Sir, no more it, then the Authour which hopes he shall euer loue you.
As the Colonell-generall hath a principall and supreame command ouer all the Infantrie or Foot-companies, disposing and gouerning them in all proceedings according to the strict rule of true Marshall Discipline: so the Lieutenant-Generall of the Horse hath the eminent controll and commandement of all the Cauallerie or Horse-Regiments of what nature or composition soeuer.
This great Officer ought to bee (touching the election of his particular person) no lesse then the former great Commaunder of the Foot, [Page 178]that is to say, a noble man both of Blood and Vertue, truely descended from great and Heroicall parents, the memory of whose former actions, may as in a liuing Chronicle suruiue and continue to succeeding times in the hopes and forward promises of the sonnes most flourishing vertues: neither is this Blood and Vertue to bee vnaccompanied with excellent parts, as Valour, Wisedome, Temperance, and Experience; nay indeed in this mans nature may bee required as much and as many vertues as in the Generall himselfe, onely in the matter of Experience (if Blood, Honour, and the Princes fauour fortifie and giue countenance to the commandment) there may be some dispensation: for we haue beheld in our owne times, not one but diuers examples thereof; as if we looke but vpon the very first leafe of the History, which speakes the life of the noble Earle of Essex (for in my conscience hee did not imagine hee liued, vntill hee entred into the warres) we shall find that euen at his first approch to the warres when he went vnder the Earle of Leicester into the Low Countreys; he discharged this place with all honour, all admiration; and was without doubt Infinitely worthy of the same, for he was sonne in law to the Generall, highly recommended by the Queenes Maiestie and a man borne of a Millitary, noble and renowned father; and although he were at that time but twenty yeeres of age, yet he was of that Infinite greatnesse of spirit, and had a minde so excellently compounded of all maner of vertuous inclinations, was so great a louer of Iustice and in him selfe so much bound to the perfections of Temperance and Iudgement, that neuer man ruld in a place or came off from a place with more honour and lesse enuie, for he held (as it were) a continuall trading with the elder and more experienst Souldiers, framing all his affrayres by their aduices; and by his Affabilitie and Bounty (though his estate could neuer boast of Infinites) wanne such respect and loue amongst all men, that neither time nor the powerfulnesse of any great wrath, was euer able to find a tombe in which to inclose his memorie; But some will say this president is rare and may not inferre an authoritie, but I say no; for as it, I could recite a world of others did not the breuitie whereunto I am tyed restraine me.
But to my purpose, The office of the Lieutenant Generall of the Horse; is first respectiuely as other Captaynes to looke to the happy gouerment of his owne Troupe of horse, and so consequently of his owne regiment: which done he is to haue a generall eye of suruay ouer all other Collonels of horse, their Regiments, Officers and Souldiers, for indeed all are comprised within his charge, neither can any offence or disparagement happen amongst them; which (as a fingar writing vpon a wall) will not point at his disreputation, and therefore not only his eie but the eies of all his Officers and Ministers ought continually to watch and guard ouer all their affayres; preuenting (as much as in them lyes) all maner of disorders, and where the weaker powers are resisted; there to complaine to this eminent and hie officer from whom Iustice may be executed (without respect) in the highest nature.
[Page 179]The Lieutenant Generall of the horse ought to haue deliuered vnto him both by the Muster-master Generall and the Collonels and Captaines of the Cauallarie two true Rolles or Indentures contayning the Catalogue or lyst of all the Commanders, officers and others whatsoeuer which doe any way belong to the Cauallarie, with the nature and condition of their places, their imployments, Fees and Intertainements, by which he is bounde to doe all men Iustice that are vnder his commande, and to prouide that no exaction or extortion be vsed betwixt the rich and poore, the Paymaster and the souldier, the Officer and such as owe vnto him obedience; In briefe any thing that is amisse within this great Officers commandement, shall by him be sodainely and assuredly amended; and at what time soeuer the Colonels shall complayne vnto him of wants indured from the superiour Officers, or the Captaines, of wants sustained from the Colonels, meaner officers from the Captaines, or the common Souldier from the Inferior Officers; he shall Instantly bend his eare to such complaynts, and if it be within the limitation of his power shall see speedy redresse for the same, If otherwise, he shall then (with all earnestnesse) mediat with the Generall and not leaue the pursute; till he see a reformation or punishment according to the nature of the offence.
It is in the particular power of this Officer onely to distinguish the seuerall armes and the seuerall Imployments of all the Cauallarie disposing the Battalions as shall seeme most conuenient in his Iudgement; directing who shall be vantcurriers, Scoutes or discouerers, who of the Vangard, who of the Battails, who shall make vp the Wings, and who the Reare: it is he that appointeth the horse Guard for the Lord Marshall, the attendance for the Forrage-master and Victualers, what horse shall drawe the Ordinance, what the Wagons, and which beare the Luggage. It is in his power to lay Rates, Taxes and Aseassements vpon all Boores and Farmers for all maner of horse prouisions; to giue to euery Regiment his alowance or proportion of grounds to graze or feede on, and the rates of Hay, Straw and Prouander which they shall receiue from the Purueiours or Forrage masters, at all encampings or other sittings downe of the Armie, whether it bee setled or remoouing, he shall see that the Seriant-Maior and Quarter Master Generall doe allow and lot out a fit and conuenient peece of ground, spacious, fit and commodious for the encamping of the Horse quarter, and shall giue an especiall charge, that the Regiments be diuided equally with very large Streets betweene Regiment and Regiment, that the Companies doe not encroach one vpon another, neither one man deceiue another, but that an equality and indifferency may be vsed on all parts, each taking his true proportion by measure, layd out by the Quarter-Master. And if any question arise which the Colonels, and the Captaines themselues cannot decide, then to appeale to this Officer, and from him to receiue order for all reformations.
If any Preyes or Booties of Horses shall be taken from the Enemy, eyther by way of Incursion, surprizing of the Enemies Quarters, giuing [Page 180] Camisados, or by any other Ambuscados. This Officer shall presently ceaze them by vertue of his place and authority, and those which he shall finde fit for seruice in the Warres, hee shall distribute into the Regiments for the re-inforcing of their Troopes, and such as are not, he shall bestowe some vpon the Ordnance, some vpon the Wagons, and some vpon the Baggadge.
To conclude, as he is the minister of all Equity and Iustice, a fault-finder in all things which are contrary to order: so must hee bee likewise a Father of Concord and Amitie amongst his people, sawdering vp all crakes and flawes, which either the tendernesse of Honour shall too quickly finde paynefull, the malice of a foule mouth too rudely prouoke, or the weakenesse of a rashe nature through a false Interpretation seeke to Reuenge. This if he doe he shall giue Heanen the Rent it expecteth, and men the Equity they sue for; He shall be to the World a patterne of Vertue, and God in requitall will make him a precident of Glory.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Treasurer of Warre.
BEsides my Hopes and Desires to raise vnto your Lordship, and all the range or noble Ranke of our English Barrons a Temple wherein your names might bee kept to eternall memorie; I haue also found something else to enflame me to the prosecution of this labor; as namely an Instruction for the weake and Ignorant, and a little fortification vnto stronger mindes, by calling somethings backe vnto memory, which being laid by for some small time, might through forgetfulnesse peraduenture else haue beene hardly reuiued: my hope is your Lordship shall find nothing vnpleasant in the Iourney of this Epistle but the stile, and that I hope the meaning will excuse, for howeuer I am not an affecter of new phrase (which many couet) yet belieue it I am a louer of Truth and plainenesse, which I know your Lordship will not despise; because it is the best Herauld to display a mans honest actions.
This great Officer (of whom I am now to intreat) ought only to bee chosen by the King, and although Princes doe not euer looke to the Nobilitie of his Blood, yet ought they most precisely to respect the Nobilitie of his minde and naturall inclinations; for the Treasurer of an Armie ought to be a Gentleman, Wise, Frugall, not Couetous, yet rich (and what is almost a miracle) a man of infinite compassion; He must bee Wise both in respect hee is euer of the Priuie Councell of the warres, and so bound to discerne and looke into all occurents, as also in that he is to iudge of the necessities of mens occasions, and ought by [Page 182]a foreseeing Iudgement to know how and in what manner to inlarge Bounties; he must be Frugall because he is trusted with the Kings Treasure (which is the Nerues and Sinewes of the Warres) which by any lauishnes of an open and vnrestrained hand will soone dissipate and consume away without returne of Benefit to the Kings seruice; preferment to him who liueth vpon vnfit Gaines, or Honor to him whose hand was guided with a blind imagination: But if he arriue at the vice of Couetousnesse which is the roote of all mischeiues; Infinite must the Calamities be which will grow from his Branches, as coosnage in the multiplicitie of supposed fees, extortion in loanes before hand, & vnmeasurable vsurie vpon euery due summe, contrarie to the very rule of the Deuills prerogatiue; besides a most generall defrauding of the Prince with false accounts, vniust supposed debts, and a world of other desceptions: that he ought to be rich there is nothing more necessary, both because he may be the better able to make account and render satisfaction, (in case the Diuell and Couetousnes drawne him to disorder) as also by his credit and reputation, to bee able to take vp and raise new summes, if the Treasure chance not to come in, according to expectation. Now lastly that he ought to be compassionate and full of mercy I appeale to the conscience of euery poore Commander and Souldier, who (If hee should out of the cruelty of a currish disposition bind himselfe to pay nothing but that which were due, nor any thing before it is due) would without all question perish sometimes for want of foode, if too great a seuerity were obserued. It is therefore fit that out of a clement and gentle disposition the Treasurer be pittifull to such as want, and notwithstanding they haue nothing due at the present, yet to lend a conuenient portion, and in the future time to repay himselfe againe; for beleeue it from these small fauours at the Treasurers hands doe arise singuler good fruits to the Souldiers; as sometimes a preuention of dispaire; a forestalling of Murthers, Thefts and Pillages, a quenching of mutenies, Enuie and repinings, with a world of the like, into which men are apt to imbarque themselues, when they are grownd and gnawne with calamitie and want, and haue in them neither patience nor discourse out of which to find any resistance.
The Treasurer must haue vnder him many Subtreasurers and inferior Officers, all which ought to be exceeding skilfull in Audit and matter of account; of which some are to keepe a diligent account of his receits & charges where with he may be burdned, & standeth accountant; others of his disbursments & layings out, keeping true bookes of account betweene the vpper Treasurer and all Officers of receits through the whole Armie; hauing the acquittances of euery Regiment by themselues, and faire bookes of record by which to approue euery acquittance.
Ouer these Inferior Officers the high Treasurer is with a carefull eie to looke, prouiding by all meanes that they take not extraordinary fees, or by any arteficiall flatterie or promise of fauors; incite free Spirits to inlarge or increase their fees, making the hundred penny (which I know [Page 183]not by what right the challenge) sometimes sixe pence and sometimes twelue pence more then the true Sum amounts to, for indeed all is extortion or at least an vsurie of an vnlawfull creation. Besides it is neither lawfull for the high Treasurer himselfe nor for any of his ministers to Intermeddle with the buying of Captaines accounts or reckonings, or to take aduantage of their prodigalities and lauish humors of expence, for it is most certaine that howeuer it make rich Treasures, yet it will be suer to make miserable Souldiers, for the particuler vnthriftinesse of the Captaine will like a leaprosie dispearse it selfe and corrupt the blood of the whole company, for it is ordinarily noted in the warres; that the Thriftie Captaine hath commonly the warmest clad men, but the Beggerly or Bare Captaine hardly any but a ragged Regiment.
It is a thing most iust, honorable and fit in Princes to pay duely; for the least failing is a Scourge that whippes forward Inconueniences; and Treasurers in the warres, if they get but the colour of excuse from the Princes forgetfulnesse, know (as the prouerbe saith) with a wet finger where to finde Oppression, and then fornicating with that cloud beget practises and cruelties worsethen ten thousand Centaurs.
The Treasurer is to command from the Muster-master-generall a perfect List or Rule of all Commanders, Colonels, Captaines and Officers with their full allowances as they stand rated by the Prince, Generall or Councell of State, together with a certificate of all checks and defalcations; which is both a rule for the Captaine what to receiue, and an authority to the Treasurer what to pay; neither is the Treasurer alone to be gouerned by the certificate of the Muster-master only, but also he is to require the certificates of the Master of the Ordnance, the Victuall-master and Prouant-master, that a iust and equall due may bee held betweene the Generall and his Souldiers,
It is againe the Office of the Treasurer to receiue all Tribuits, Taxes, Tailliages and Impositions which shall be imposd and laid vppon any Citties, Townes or Countries where any Conquest is made or other booty of Treasure is got or to be gotten. It is hee that receiueth all moneyes which the Collegates or assistants in the warres doe contribute, or which by any other contract is brought into the Armie.
He hath the Superintendancie or ouerlooking ouer all Victuallers and Prouaunt-masters belonging to the Campe, and to such places whither Treasure cannot with conueniencie be conuaid; thither he doth appoint what victuallers shall passe, and with what victuales for the reliefe of Souldiers, till they doe returne where their pay with the defalcations may againe be restored.
To conclude, this eminent and great Officer with his dependants and Subtreasurers, as the Purueyor-generall, Victuall-master, Pay-master, Clerks and others, ought to bee carefull that contentment bee giuen from the best to the meanest Creature in the Armie, remembring that the foode of words and Aire are of such crude and hard disgestion, that they are not only dangerous to mans life, but also breed in men such wicked and [Page 184]euill Spirits, that the plague and mortalitie of a consuming Rancon hardly euer after departs from their bosomes. But the worthy and renowned Officer that knowes his true dutie, and doth it, hee that feares God, doth the will of his King, and giues comfort to his poore distressed bretheren; beleeue it that man whilst bee wanders on the earth, is a fauorite in the Court of Heauen, and the King of Kings will tell him, Those that Honor me, I will Honor.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Master of the Ordnance.
MAns Nature (my Lord) I know is exceeding greedie of Newes and new things, and indeed so violent in that way, that it had rather faine then want, and the force of the obiect is so great, that whilst it fils the mouthes of many, it possesses the soules of some, and brings admiration to all: this great thing, this gaudie thing, I dare in no wise present to your Honour, for they are but bred of Lies, and fed by Credulitie, my discourse tends to a clean contrary purpose, it hath Truth to guard it, Experience for warrant, and some Instruction (which cannot bee so called if it want benefit) please then my Lord to read this Epistle (which though it come from him you know not) yet if it shews you any thing worthy knowledge, be assured both he and it will bee ready to acknowledge your Lordship in any other seruice.
The Master of the Ordnance (which in some Disciplines is called the Generall of the Artillery) is or should be a person of great Grauitie, Valour, Wisedome and Experience, and indeed a man of noble discent and parentage, being chosen to the place by the Prince himselfe, and seldome by any inferiour Substitute. His Office is a place of great importance, and extendeth it selfe into two maine Branches, the one euer at home, and the other abroad: for as he hath the charge of the Artillery or Munition in the Campe, so hee hath care of all the Forts, Castles, and fortified places which are remoued, or lie farre off from the Campe; yet in the guard and respect of that Armie, neither hath he alone the care of their saftie, but also the manner how to keepe them safe, and to that end [Page 186]is to draw sundry circumstances into his consideration, as the situations and strengths of all places whatsoeuer, whether Mediterranell or Maritine, mountainous or plaine, or indeed any or all of these conioyned and mixt together; then what places are strengthened by Nature, and what must bee made strong by Art, the forme of the strength, as being fittest both to defend it selfe, and offend the enemy, the seueral sorts of formes, as whether it be circular, square, or contriued into many angles: and lastly the matter wheron the strength is made, as whether it be Earth, Stone, Bricke, Timber, or any other materiall and binding substance.
He is also to draw into his consideration the nature and qualitie of all Fortifications, and that they are made and framed as well to withstand the offence of Artillery, as to defend and keepe able themselues by the helpe of Artillery; and for this cause it is most necessary that the Master of the Ordnance bee skilfull in the knowledge of all sorts and sizes of great Peeces, as whether they bee Royall (which are the greatest) or vnder Royall (which are the lesser) yet all to be imployed in the matter of Battery. The Royall are those which we call the Culuerin, the Quarter Cannon, the Demy cannon, the Cannon, the Double cannon, the Cannon-Pedera, the Basilisco, and indeed any peece which shooteth a Bullet from seauenteene pounds weight or vpwards: and the Vnder-royall are the Demy culuerin, the Saker, the Minion, the Falcon, the Falconet, the Rabinet, the Harquebusse a Croek, and indeed any peece which shooteth a Bullet from seuenteene pound weight downewards, and this Ordnance is the Master not onely by his authoritie and potents to prouide and raise, either by put chase, prize, or casting, as the abilitie of the place where hee resideth will affoard, but also to see them mounted either vpon Carriages for the field, vpon Bulwarks, Forts, Castels, Towne-wals, or any other place of defence or offence, as shall appeare best in his iudgement: and to this end he shall be of approoued iudgement in all manner of Fortifications, and able to direct the inferior Officers vnder him (as the Lieutenant of the Ordnance, the Engine-master, the Trench-master, Captaine of the Pioners, and the like) in the framing of Bulwarks, Curtaines, Caualeros, Tenazas, Tizeras, Dientes, casamats, Teraplenes, Trenches, Ditches, or any thing belonging to their owne safetie, or the enemies annoyance; as also how to refortifie any place that is decayed, or in the first erection by ill directions hath been made contrary to Art, whereby the platforme is to bee new moulded and reformed: and herein he ought to be capable of discerning (vpon a serious view) any hindrance and annoyance whatsoeuer, which shall accompany his worke, as whether it be without the situation of the worke, as if there bee hills, plaines, riuers, lakes, valleys, rockes, woods, vineyards, orchards, gardens, monasteries, old Churches, or any other Edifices, Seas, Isles, Bayes, or the like, or else within the situation, hauing regard to the wall, and euery quality thereof, the height and thicknesse of the Terraplene, the strength of the Gates, the depth of the Ditches, whether wet or drie, how waters are conuaid into it, whether by open and naturall channels, or by close and secret Conduits, the altitude of the [Page 187]place, as whether it be aboue or below other buildings that are about it, with a world of other obseruations; all which if they breed any annoyance or inconuenience he shall be able immediatly to reforme and cure, making the place safe and strong, howsoeuer Nature hath promised the contrary; and in this worke hee shall haue great care to husband euery thing as frugally as is possible, & to be respectiue ouer the Princes purse, vsing Stone where stone is plentifull, Bricke, where Bricke is made, and Timber, where Timber groweth; and where any of these are wanting to vse either strong Turfe or Earth, or any other matter which the place affoordeth.
As thus the Master of the Ordnance hath these Commandements in remote, forraine and out places, so hath he in the Campe as eminent and great controlments; for there the generall charge of the whole Artilery dependeth vpon him and his necessary substitutes, of which the principall are the Lieutenant, the Clerke of the Ordnance, the Pay-master, the Purueyor Generall, foure Scribes, foure Stewards, an Harbenger, a Chancellour, diuers Interpreters, a Preacher, a Physition, a Surgeon, a Trumpet, all Enginers and Refiners, and a Guard both of Foot and Horse, Gentlemen and halberdiers, and ouer all these seuerall places (of the most materiall whereof I haue already written) he is the chiefe Superintendant, and hath the power to dispose of all things according to his pleasure and Iudgement, as also hee hath the commaund, choise and controllment of all Gunners and Cannoniers whatsoeuer, and both giueth vnto them their seuerall allowances, and doth allot them their seuerall attendants.
It is also in the power of the Master of the Ordnance to prease and haue vnder him both Ship-wrights, Boat-wrights, and other necessarie Carpenters, who at his appoyntment shall frame Boates, Barges, and other Vessels, which may bee portable, and at pleasure taken in sunder and ioyned, for the transportation and carriage of the Army ouer any great riuers, or small armes of the Sea, by fastning those Boats together, and making Briges thereof strongly boarded & planckt, and well rayled on either side, as hath been done in diuers forraine Armies, and also with vs here at home in the yeare Eightie eight, when the Armie & prouisions were passed ouer the Thames betweene Kent and Essex: so that of these Boats for Bridges should neuer be in the Army vnder the number of fortie at the least, ouer which charge (vnder the Master of the Ordnance) should be a Captain of the Boats, two Ship-wrights, a Master-Carpenter to planke them, twentie Saylers and Calkers, a Guard of Horsemen to conduct them, two Smiths and their men to haue charge of the Iron-works, a Master of the Cables, Anchors, and Graplings, a Wheel-wright and certaine Carters to driue the Carriage.
The Master of the Ordnance appointeth vnder his hand-writing the numbers and proportions of all maner of prouisions of Munition which shall attend the Armie, and deliuereth it to the Lieutenant, the Lieutenant seeth them prouided, and distributed to the inferiour Officers, and the [Page 188]inferiour Officers keepe them in charge, and dispose or deliuer them out as they shall receiue warrant either from the Master of the Ordnance, or his Lieutenant.
Vnder the command of the Master of the Ordnance, is the Cariage-master, the Clerke of the Cariages, the Harbenger, the Steward, the Gil-master, a Prouost, two Carpenters, two Farriers, and all the Carters, Horse, Oxen, and all that draw any kind of Munition; and he or his inferiour Officers doe not onely proportion out what weight euery Cariage shall draw, but also what number of cattell shall bee in euery draught, according to the weight with which they are laden; as to draw a Cannon, thirtie beasts; a Demy-cannon, twenty beasts; a Culuerin, foure and twentie beastes; a Saker, twelue beasts, and so of the rest answerable to their bignesse, eight beasts in Cart with two wheeles will draw twentie hundred weight; in a Waggon with foure wheeles, thirtie or fortie hundred weight; and so likewise answerable to the same proportions: and to the Carriages the Master of the Ordnance shall allow a competent number of attendants, to lade and vnlade the Carriages: and last of all, shall see that a reuerend and good order be kept, both in the prouision, keeping, and disposing of all things whatsoeuer hath beene already rehearsed; so shall he crowne himselfe with all the glories which are due to his place, and make the truth of his renowne a large and easie Staire by which to climbe to the highest aduancement.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Lord Marshall.
THere be two things (most noble Lord) which aboue all others doe most weaken and distracte the Sense of the painefulest writer, that is a Serious and deepe Subiect, and a learned and well Iudging Eare, at both which I am arriued in this Epistle; for the matter being Warre howeuer neglected by Ignorance, yet amongst the best knowledges hath beene of sacred estimation; and your noble Eare (to whom I consecrate these much vnpolisht and Rude gatherings) hath so longe beene fed with all the excellencies which Art is able (in his best Trimme) either to inuent or adorne: that there is nothing can possibly proceed from me (if it haue any good Season) which hath not long before beene more gloriously lodged in your owne most Noble Experience; Blame me not then (honord Sir,) if I a little shake in this Dedication, hauing mine owne wants to leade me, and your vertues to amaze me, the action may very well become my feare, yet if (out of your greater goodnesse) you shall be pleased to giue strength to mine attempt, I doubt not but that courage shall awaken in me some new industesie which may proue worthy both of your view and Studie.
The Lord Marshall of an Armie aboue all other Officers ought to be a most approued Souldier, for howsoeuer in the greatnesse of other great places in the warres; there may be a dispensation of skill; Countenance and Vertue being as requisite as Knowledge & Iudgement, yet in this Office it may not be so, for this man aboue all others hath the [Page 190]greatest place of action and direction in all the Armie, and howsoeuer he hath more to command then any, yet all they haue no power to dispence or lessen the least dutie belonging to his person, for howsoeuer the Generall or Liuetenant-Generall may precede him in place, yet they ought not in knowledge, since both themselues and the whole Armie, both Horse and Foote are bound to moue only by his direction; and though to the Generall (who is his Commander) hee may not say this or that you must doe, yet he may say here and in this place your Honor ought to stand; and therefore what manner of man this great person ought to be, for Wisdome, Temperance, Valour and Vertue, euery one is better able to discribe and Iudge, then to finde out a person sutable to the imployment.
Next the Generall the Lord Marshall hath the supreame command of the whole Field, and therefore his Trumpet is first in the morning to discharge the Watch, and his Troope ought first of all to bee mounted; for it is an honor which the Armie alloweth him by reason of the infinit paines which he taketh in his owne perticuler person, neither shall his Troope Watch or Ward but are discharged of that duty by reason of their other more serious occasions. After He and his Troope are mounted, he marcheth to the outmost borders of the Campe and there makes a stanst till the whole Armie be Ranged, neither quits his place till the last man be on foote; He is himselfe in all things both assistant and directiue to the Generall of the Horse and the Serieant-Maior. All the day longe he is tied to no Battalion, but at his owne pleasure may bestow his owne person; sometimes accompaning the Generall, sometimes leading his owne Troope, and indeed alwayes where the greatest occasion of necessity is and where the enemie is most likely to assaile and aduenture, for his place is most honorable and where honor is, there should be his residence. As his person, so his Troope also is not tied to any especiall or certaine place, but may varie and alter as danger and honor shall giue occasion, still supplying whatsoeuer is weakest, and as a prepared Champion must continually bee ready to entertaine the enemie vpon all his approaches, & at night vpon retraits; the Reare is his place and he bringeth it vp with courage and safetie; then being come to the Campe he stayeth till euery man be dismounted and the whole Armie lodged, and then he with his Troope dismounteth; he taketh oder for the Scouts, aduiseth with the Serieant Maior for the Guards, vieweth the strengths of the Campe and seeth there be no decay in the ditches or entrenchments.
The Lord Marshall is the supreame and only powerfull Iudge in all causes of Life and Death, in criminall offences and controuersies of all manner of natures, and prouideth for the due execution of all the Lawes, Bandos, Articles and Institutions which shall be appointed by the Generall to be obserued and to see due punishment executed for any breach of the same; whence it proceeds that he ought to be exceeding well read and learned in all Marshall Lawes, the customes of Countries, [Page 191]the degrees of Honor and the distributions of Bloods, places and imployments; and that he may the better proceed in these affaires; he is to bee assisted with diuers learned and experienc't Officers vnder him; as the Iudge- Marshall and Prouost-Marshall (of whose Offices I haue already written,) an Auditor and two Clerkes, the vnder Prouosts, Gaoylers and Executioners, Corigidors or Beadles to punnish the Infragantie or vnruly; and twenty or thirty Gentlemen for a continuall Guard about him: The Iudge-Marshall is to assist him in all difficult & curious interpretations of the lawes, and in deciding such controuersies as shall happen in the taking of prisoners, in the flying of Colours, and in sitting in Marshall Courts according to the dignity of places; he is to direct the Scout-Master in all his proceeding and to receiue from him all the Intelligences and obseruations which he hath found out in his discoueries, and to deliuer vnto him any other instructions which had formerly beene neglected.
It is the Office of the Lord Marshall to giue order to the Master of the Ordnance both for his march and for his passage, both where, when and which way all his prouisions shall goe for the best aduantage and safetie, and at the planting of Artillerie or making of Batteries, the Marshall is to ouersee the proceedings, and to giue directions vpon any doubt or misaduenture; he is to giue order vnto the Victuall-master, Waggon-master and all Officers of their natures, both for their allodgments, Stores and all other necessarie accomodations; and against all violences or iniuries which shall bee offerd them, hee is to see a carefull and speedy Reformation.
When the Armie is to bee incamped in any new place, the Serieant-maior-generall, the Quarter-master-generall, the Serieant-maiors of Regiments, the Scout-master, and all inferior Quarter-masters (with a sufficient Guard of the best Horsemen) are to attend him, and hee out of his owne power with the modest aduise of the Serieant-maior-generall, the Quarter-master-generall, and the Scout-master-generall shall assigne the place wherein the Campe shall be pitched, the manner, forme and proportion it shall carry, the bounds it shall containe, and the distinction of euery place and commoditie, aduantage, strength or discommoditie, which it shall please him to annexe vnto the same; and according to his pleasure and demonstration, so shall the Quarter-master-generall see it deuided, leauing the intrenchment to the Trench-master, and the other Inferior deuisions to the Serieant-maior-generall, the Serieant-maiors of Regiments and to their Quarter-masters.
It is in the power of his Office also (after the Armie is incamped) hauing taken a view of all the Posts and Guards of the Campe, to appoint all the Regiments, in what manner they shall place their Corps de Guards, the Scouts & Sentinels, so as no man may passe either in or out; but to be continually vpon their discouery, and likewise to prouide for all other Reparations, Fortifications and Srengths which are to be made for the safetie of the whole Armie. And as thus in the constant setling of the [Page 192]Armie, so in the Marching and remouing thereof, the Lord Marshall is to haue an especiall regard to his strength and abilitie to encounter with the Enemie, & whether it be meete to enter into the face of Battell or no, or whether the times be ripe for matters of execution or else to deferre and keepe of all occasions of encounters; In which if he find himselfe the weaker; Hee shall then order his Marches through Rockie Mountanous, and as ill accessible places as he can finde out, thereby to adde a naturall strength to his Armie so as the Enemie may in no wise assault him, and still to haue the lighter sort of Horsemen to March so neare vnto the Enemie that continually vpon euery alteration hee may haue a speedy notice of any particuler preparation; but if the necessitie of the march be through Champains & Plaines where the nature of the ground affoardeth no assistance, then the Lord Marshall must by all politique deuises make his Caualrie or Horse Armie, appeare so great and innumerable as is possible, which (being the greatest executioners in such Victories) will not a little amaze and distract the Enemie in his approaches; and so of the contrary part reputing himselfe the stronger, he is to obserue all aduantages, and by the discouerie of his Scouts to take oportunitie and to charge at the best aduantage.
Lastly, as in Encamping and Marching, so he is to hold especiall regards in the remouing of the Campe, whether it be by night or day, In which as the day remoue is audacious and bold without any respect of ceremonie; so must the night Remoue be full of Policie, Silence and great Diligence, and the march or good array to be held with all care and Industry, for this manner of Remoue is but one haire difference from flight, and therefore it requireth all the skill and art of the Marshall, and all the care and obedience that can be required in the Souldier; for it is a Rule in Martiall Discipline, that no Remoue by night can be absolutely secure, and then being done without securitie it must needs Inferre necessitie, and that necessitie requireth all the strength which can bee comprehended either in Art or Valour.
Into a world of other accourrens I could runne in this vnlimited Office, but I imagine I haue already touched the most materiall, and therefore he that shall applie the strength of his endeauours to performe as much as is already deliuered, though he cannot asscence to the highest Spheare in euery curious apprehension (yet beleeue it) he shall rest in such an excellent middle (which indeed is the best) path, that none can or shall receiue more scorne then those which dare to be his Scorners.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Lieutenant-Generall.
AFter so long a progresse (my Lord) as I haue held in these Discourses (of the nature of the Warres) no maruell though my minde bee taken vp with Wearinesse, with Dulnesse but the first is an offence, and I ought not to entertaine it, the latter is a benefit, and so agreeing with my nature, that I see not how I can refuse it: for howsoeuer we call it a Disease, yet I find it still taketh vp its lodging in a retired Imagination, where vanities are expulst, or at least contemned. If therefore that sollid humour shall take any thing from the cheerefulnesse which I ought to expresse in these substantiall and high places, be your Lordship pleased to conceiue, it is no sencelesse dowsinesse, but rather a painfulnesse in my nature, which though I cannot euery way resist, yet I will striue as much as I can to adorne, both to giue your Lordship, and also the world that debt of contentment which I know I am owing.
This high place of which I am to entreat, being the of Lieutenant-Generall, is diuersly vnderstood, as when an absolute Generall (sent by a Prince) daubing Ambition, is intituled but a Lieutenant-General, although he haue the full power of an absolute Generall: and the other is when a Generals Lieutenant in the presence of the Generall, standeth as his second in all Powers and Authorities whatsoeuer: but this is not in all Armies, nor all Disciplines, but either in the presence of an absolute Prince, who for the ease of his affaires and designes, appoints a Lieutenant; [Page 194]or when some Nobleman of high Ranke and Qualitie (elected to a place of this eminence) being either of young yeares, or little practise in the warres, a meaner man, more approoued and exquisite in the knowledge of those affaires, is nominated and made his Lieutenant: or where many Noble personages doe desire Imployment, to saue the increase of Officers which may draw an increase of charge, a Lieutenant-generall may well be appointed: or lastly, where two Nations ioyne in an equall charge, for the dispatch of a resolued Warre, there the one may nominat one great Officer, & the other another; as it fell out in our remembrance, when Queene ELIZABETH giuing ayd to the States of the Low countries: by agreement she nominated the Earle of Leicester for Generall, and the States nominated the Count Hollack for Lieutenant-generall, and so of all the other great and supreme Officers: but according to the manner of the most ancient discipline, it hath euer beene held a place vnnecessary, and for the most part omitted: yet notwithstanding when such a man is chosen, he ought to be a man of singular vertue, whereby to accommodate a place of such singular expectation; of great Birth, and greater Dignitie, hauing power to command all the great and mightie persons of the Army; and a great Souldier, hauing the commandement of all Souldiers, and in the absence of the Generall a man so vtterly without limit, that he is not to acknowledge any Superiour.
This man, howsoeuer the Generall hath a great power in his nomination, yet his election ought to be from the Prince himselfe, with the aduice of his Councell of State: for as he is a yoke-fellow and companion with the Generall, so he is the seruant of his Country, and when they are poiz'd together, the greater dutie must rob him of the much lesser obseruation: wherefore it is requisite this man be excellent and accomplisht in euery perfection whatsoeuer, as that of Religion, Wisedome, Experience, Policy, Grauitie, Secresie, Counsell, Modestie, Temperance, Valour, Magnanimitie, Care, Vigilance, Constancie, Liberality, and Resolution: for if but any one of these haue a withered leafe, howeuer the Tree may flourish, yet still there will bee in euery constant Gazer some one or other marke of Imputation.
The most materiall parts of his Office consisteth in Counsels, and the debatements of all serious designes, when they are iudicially cald vpon, and so argued to the vttermost benefit and strength of the Army, as also in vttering (to the Armie) all the directions and commandements which at any time proceed from the Generall; for in truth the substance of his place cannot bee intituled by any more worthy name, then to bee called the Eccho or voice of the Generall; for he is to all the great Officers of the Armie the Interpreter of whatsoeuer the Generall intendeth, and therfore it is exceeding necessary that he which commandeth in so high a place, should be as highly renowned for all high and excellent vertues, which may adorne either his mind or knowledge, and bee (as it were) a Lanthorne or bright lampe, by which euery man might haue a cleare and shining Light, to guide and direct him in the swift Race and [Page 195]Cariere to all Noble and Praise-worthie Attchieuements.
In this mans power (vnder the sufferage of the Generall) is the election of many Captaines, and other great places, which according to the singularitie of his owne Goodnesse will euer bee more singular and profitable both for the Prince and Armie: for a good man will euer studie to abound in good men, when the euill and vicious striue still to bee attended by men of their owne nature and disposition; and the good Captaine bringeth forth the good Souldier, but the good Souldier, the noble, happy, and famous actions. These premises duly considered, it behooueth this our Lieutenant Generall for his experience and inward knowledge to be no Scholler, but a Master in the Art of Warre, to be redoubted and valiant in the extremitie of all Attempts, yet without Furie or Rashnesse; to be full of graue and admired authoritie, by which the very glimpse or shadow of his countenance may bee able to strike an awefull reuerence into the hearts and mindes of all that shall behold him: and lastly, he must be the delight and fauourite of Fortune, that all the actions and attempts which he shall take in hand, may concurre and follow with all blessed successe, and most happy proceedings: for thus the old Romans chose still their Lieutenants, and thus they went foorth armed with great experience; and thus they euer returned home adorned with stately and famous Triumphs.
Againe, in this man these excellencies are to be required more then in any other: for be he of which sort of Lieutenants (absolute) a man shall please to elect, yet on him the greatest burthen of affaires must euer depend: for notwithstanding Kings and Princes are commonly pleased to be present with their Armies themselues in person, yet if they haue not that large benefit of Experience which is requisite in such needfull and potent occasions, yet carrying with them Lieutenants-Generals of graue, ancient, and renowned experience, who as true seruants to their King, and kind Fathers to their Countries, are able to manage and passe through all the doubtfull encounters depending vpon the Warres, there is no feare but all things will succeed well, and the temper of his sound and more abler Iudgement will bring to his Countrey many famous and happy Conquests, and to his King a new name of power and authoritie, by which hee shall be admired and feared of all Nations, and all people, which dare to oppose or trie the effects of his Fortunes.
This Lieutenant-generall of ours, as hee must haue true Magnanimitie and Martiall valour, carefully respecting euery Action belonging to the warres, so he is to haue also a singular industrie to put euery thing in practise, and an agile and quicke readinesse, prompt to effect and bring euery thing to passe; besides a Constancy and true Fortitude of minde to passe through all hazardous dangers, and by the discourse of Reason to lay euen and smooth those rough and thornie wayes, which either striue to interpose his designes, or else as it were (against all likelihood) to thrust in and stand prepared (with the Bug-beare shaddow of a little oddes) to iustle or throw downe his Fortunes; and hence it is necessary that this [Page 196]great and powerfull Officer haue his mind fortified and enriched with all the Stratagems and Policies of Warre, by the vse and imployment whereof he shall giue a greater testimonie of his Wisedome and Experience then of any other practise whatsoeuer: for to what purpose were experience, if the fruit thereof doe not appeare and shine in his actions, wherefore it is the strength of this mans dutie, to put all things in execution with great care, diligence and vigilance; and by a naturall and secret instinct to find out and re-acknowledge the natures, dispositions and inclinations of all the enemies Commaunders, and to finde which are Bold, which Rash, which Fearefull, which Wise, and which Inconsiderat, that by making his applications sutable to their imperfections, hee may attaine to the ends of his purposes with much greater ease, & many times with much lesse losse or bloody effusion. A world of other obseruations are required in this great mans Office; but in as much as they are in as neere a linke of alliance to the absolute Generall himselfe, I will heere knit vp this Epistle, and referre the rest as a binding Fillet, with which to circle and gird together the next following, and last concluding Epistle.
THE ARGVMENT. Of the Generall.
IT falls out many times (my Lord) that the minde like a couragious Hauke (which plies her wings & labours to get vp high into the Aire) if still it be ouerlaid with its owne toile, must of necessitie in the end either flag her wings or stoope to a faulse prey, not being able to doe any thinge because it hath done too much, For too prodigall an expence of Spirits makes the minde heartlesse; Nay some I haue knowne of that weakenesse of temper, that but to thinke of that which they must doe, hath taken away all abilitie to doe what they should; But of these infirmities I hope your Lordship shall acquit me, for as a chearefull hope was the first Author of mine vndertakings, so heare an assured comfort in your noble acceptance (to whose Blood and House I must euer acknowledge a particuler debt of seruice) I doubt not but will fixe a worthy Seale to the end of my labors; I know many might haue done this worke sooner, better, but since they are pleased to sit with foulded vp aimes and only studdie how to be rid of Time, let it not be imputed to me error or arrogance that I haue writ my knowledge, for though it adde nothing to a full growne strength, yet I doubt not but it may giue nourishment to the young and sickly.
Being come to the last Confines of this Militarie discourse, I am in this place to handle the particuler duties and vertues of an absolute Generall or the only one great and entier Commander ouer an Armie Royall, wherein is to be vnderstood that the name or title of Generall (as it is respectiuely in it selfe) is to be taken diuers and sundry waies, for some are absolute and without seconds, as were the foure principall monarches of the world, to wit, the Assirrian, the Persian, the Gretian and the [Page 198] Roman, some not altogether so absolute, yet depending vpon one and the same authoritie; as for example, Iulius Caesar who notwithstanding he was but at first a seruant to the Seuant, yet aspiring to the height of his ambition, the greatest stile that hee affected was but to be Imperater (which signifieth a Generall) and the most glorious Title (at this day) which any Prince can attaine is but Generall, yet this great Diamond is still more Glorious and Sparkling, according to the Wealth and Arte in the setting; for an absolute Soueraigne being made Generall ouer many Princes and many Nations, and going to a holy Warre against the enemies of God and sinceare Religion, he is esteemed the best and most renowned Generall of all others; Next him is the absolute King which holdeth dependance on none, but leadeth forth his owne Battels and people, to defend his Rights against Rebels; Intruding Iniurers or vnlawfull Vsurpers, then the Heires apparent vnto absolute Kings, as our Blacke Prince, Philip Dolphin of France, and Philip sonne to Charles the fift of Spaine, or the like; and lastly lawfull Generals made by absolute Princes, as the Duke of Austria in Spaine, the Dukes of Burgundy and Guyse in France, Pembroke, Sussex, Leicester, and Essex in England; and of these Generals there are also a diuers kinde, grounding the greatnes of their places from the greatnesse of their Commissions; being Stiled, some by the name of Generals (as our Leicester was in the Low-Countries) some Liuetenants without the addition of Generall (as the Earle of Essex was in Ireland) and some Liuetenant-Generals as the Earle of Ormund was in the same Kingdome, the Lord Grey and diuers others, for it is a Rule amongst Princes to qualifie these Titles according as either Factions or Iealousies shal guid them: nay, sometimes to Ioyne two Generals in one Commision, as Norris & Drake into Portingall, and the Earle of Essex and the Earle of Nottingham into Spaine.
For the vertues which are to be acquired in the brest of this vnlimited Commander, howeuer some would seeke to bring them into a proportionable number, yet I affirme that questionlesse he ought to haue All without limitation, no vertue excepted, and the vices which hee must shunne, should likewise be All, and no vice accepted; this is hee which ought to be loued and obeyed at home, and redoubted and admired abroad: He ought to gouerne the courages of the greatest, and the wills of the meanest. In matters that are declyning and desperat, his constancy ought to be Inuincible, and his valour so firme that with amazement, hee might stricke dead the hearts of his enemies, and make the very weapons drop out of the hand of the most resolued opposers: it is he that ought to be darling of Fortune, and to whom Chance should offer as a Sacrifice both Townes, Castles and Prouinces, as if they had beene taken in Nettes and throwne at his feete as lawfull Tributs, and yet not to imagine that this Body yeelded a greater shaddow after, then before his Victories, he must not robbe the Gods of their heads, to fixe them on his owne Statues, but like the Sunne, shine indifferently to all men, only appeare terrible and scortch the proud, rash and ouer curious [Page 199]Gazers; his Inclination as it must only bend to Armes, yet it must not looke awry from learning: he must inure his body to trauell, and feede his mind with paine & pleasure at one instant, & howsoeuer Fortune at any time shall dart aduerse accidents against him, yet must his resolution maintaine so strong a Guard about him, that she may confesse his spirit greater then her violence, and his Wisdome beyond the Stratagems of her seuearest designes; he must haue Wisdome to maintaine the Flowre of his vertue that it wither not before it haue brought forth the expected fruits, and Care to keepe that Oliue branch euer greene which he shall purchase with the price of Blood, hazard of his life, and the losse of the goodliest and most flourishing yeares of his age: he ought to bee a Dauid in valour, a Solomon in wisdome, and an Ezekias in zeale, making the world know what a great Iudgement can doe in a great Fortune, a great modestie in a great power, and a victorious arme in a renowned Triumph. To be briefe, this Generall is he, which ought to be a Godly man, a Good man, Great, Mercifull, Wise, Happy, most Honor'd, and most Worthy, which howsoeuer some may imagine to be a man sooner found in Eutopia, then any of our owne discouered Kingdomes, yet doubtlesse many such there are, and at least so neare as can be, such a man for this place ought euer to be elected.
Touching the power of his Commandment, let it suffice me briefely to say that as he commands all; so the commandments which belong vnto all, are truely his, and he vnto the whole Armie must be the cheife and principall Moouer. Touching his Skill and Gouerment, in direction, in preuention, and in Marshall Discipline, it ought to be so Illustrate and Shining, and so able to inchant with the felicities of his Fortunes, that not only his owne people, but all that farre or neere stood to gaze on his proceedings (how euer the wind blow vncertainly, or his course seeme doubtfull) yet with all willingnesse might be proud to Imbarque themselues in that vessell, whose Pilot in gouerning the Helme was so aboue wonder, that euen the Seas (as a second Neptune) seemd euer to obey him. And hence it appeares that hee ought to bee a Souldier euen from his Cradle, running through, or at least respecting euery place and distinction of Office from the lowest Sentinell, to the last great place of his present abiding, and that not in one kind, but in both also, Horse and Foote, making vp (as it were) one singuler Arte with both their perfections, and coupling together euery Nerue so with Studie and Obseuation, that all things may appeare easie and within the leuell of his Conquest; to this end his power must be absolute and vnrestrained, that flying with vnpinion'd wings it may seeme to be hid within the Skie of the greatest Actions: In which way nothing can prosper him so much as Pietie and Religion, for fearing God, it will not only pull vpon him a blessing, but administer to his people noble examples.
His Birth (howeuer Plato be differing in opinion, fearing least the regard of Blood should drownd the regard of vertue) ought to be Noble, for the great Spirit neuer declines but when it turnes backe on persecution, [Page 200]it is they and only they which climbe by sure or safe Stayres; Lower Fortunes when they rise commonly either Iumpe and bound vp too suddenly, or stride and climbe so vnaduisedly, that danger tripping at their heeles, shame often thrustes them downe with a thousand disgraces; but if they get vp by a true and direct way, then they ennoble themselues; nor doth Honor lose any grace when hee placeth Merit aboue him. This Officer would be of ripe and vnderstanding yeares, for youth is traueling, but hath not attained to the iourney of experience, and age (how able soeuer it compound the minde) yet it still must lodge in a Weake and Impotent body. His features and proportion ought to bee comely and delightfull, for models are better and with more delight taken from faire Structures, then Ruinous buildings; and his Speach would be gracefull, pleasant and succinc't, for in the warres it is a vertuous charme, and accounted the most wholesomest Inchantment.
To conclude, he ought to haue a principall regard of his owne safetie; for Generals when too freely they thrust themselues into dangers, are not carelesse of their owne but of the health of the Armie, and the trespasse is made against the publique, when any rashnesse hales the priuate into danger; let him therefore only outbraue danger not wooe it, let him with a bold for head and face fired with Courage, a heart discreete, and a minde that can preuent what Fortune dare to threaten, not run into, but resist hazards; so shall he excell in good Fortunes and the world shall confesse that nothing he attempts, but is assisted with Glory, Grauetie, Iudgement and Bouldnesse.