Remember man both night and daye.
Thou must nedes die, there is no nay.
THy mortall body formed of clay,
Will sone reuolue and passe a waye:
But yet the time, houre, or day,
Vncertain is, wherfore I say.
Remember man.
In youth or pleasure,
if thou put thy trust,
In honour, treasure, or yet in lust:
Sone all thy ioy shall turne to dust,
For remedilesse hens thou must.
Remember man.
All high estate and dignitie,
Pompe, glory, wealth and soueraintie:
It can not prolong thy life pardie,
But all shall tourne to vanitie.
Remember man.
The mo thy yeres, the shorter is thy life,
Against death there is no strife:
And no kin, frend, childe, nor wife.
For thy pore wil be pensife.
Remember man.
Then helpe thy soule, while thou arte here,
For though thy frend be neuer so nere:
When thou art dead, and laid on bere,
They all with thy goodes make good chere.
Remember man.
Art thou so folish for to beleue,
That they thy soule wil releue:
Or yet thy goodes in almese geue.
Which to forgo, did thee sore gruee?
Remember man.
Nay, nay, they wil say openly,
It were much sinne, and great folly,
On him to rue or take pity,
That kept his goodes so nigardly.
Remember man.
While thou hast goodes, do almes deedes,
Let vertue destroy all vicious weedes:
And sowe in thy soule, the holsome sedes
Of sorowe and repentaunce that to heauen ledes.
Remember man.
Send forth before to make thy way,
Charitable dedes, which shall and may:
Conduct thee surely without delay,
Paradise to wynne, at the endlesse day.
Remember man.
Call also to thy memory,
This world fraile and transitory:
Ful of foule sinne and misery,
To heauenly blesse cleane contrary.
Remember man.
Of Christ Iesu the veruent loue,
Remember man all thing aboue,
Whom pity did stire, and also moue:
To suffer death for thy behoue.
Remember man.
The fearful day of strait iudgement,
Fyxe well in thy intendement:
Where man and woman shall soxe repente,
Their sinfull life and time mispent,
Remember man.
For getnot the infinite paines of hell.
Being so feruent and so fell:
That nothing can speake, nor yet tell,
Where dampned soules shall euermore dwell.
Remember man.
Remember thy ioy inestimable,
So pleasaunt and so delectable,
Of paradise so comfortable,
Prepared for persons laudable,
Remember man.
Man, if thou kepe this thing in minde.
And to thy maker be not vnkinde:
Eternall ioy thou shalt then finde,
Ordained by god for all mankinde.
Remember man.
The ioyes of heauen, the paines of hell,
The passion of Christ, his death so fell:
The worlde and death, consider thou well,
And Domes day, loue euery deale.
Imprinted at London by Willyam Powell for Willyam Pickering dwelling at Sainct Magnus corner. Anno. 1566. 21. August.