¶The forme and shape of a Monstrous Child / borne at Maydstone in Kent, the .xxiiij. of October. 1568.
AT Maydstone in Kent there was one Marget Mere, Daughter to Richard Mere of the sayd Towne of Maydstone, who being vnmaryed, played the naughty packe, and was gotten with childe, being deliuered of the same childe the .xxiiij. daye of October last past, in the yeare of our Lord. 1568. at .vij. of the clocke in the after noone of the same day being Sonday. Which child being a man child, had first the mouth slitted on the right side like a Libardes mouth, terrible to beholde, the left arme lying vpon the brest, fast therto ioyned, hauing as it were stumps on the handes, the left leg growing vpward toward the head, and the ryght leg bending toward the left leg, the foote therof growing into the buttocke of the sayd left leg. In the middest of the backe there was a broade lump of flesh in fashion lyke a Rose, in the myddest whereof was a hole, which voyded like an Issue. Thys sayd Childe was borne alyue, and lyued .xxiiij. houres, and then departed this lyfe. Which may be a terrour aswell to all such workers of filthynes & iniquity, as to those vngodly liuers. Who (if in them any feare of God be) may mooue them to repentance and amendement of lyfe, which God for Christes sake graunt both to them and vs. Amen. Witnesses hereof were these, William Plomer, Iohn Squier Glasier, Iohn Sadler Goldsmith, besides diuers other credible persons both men and women.