¶ Here is a necessarye Treatyse for all maner persons to reade, and hath to name, the Maydens Crosse rewe.

IAnus Byfrons, amyddes Ianuary
With his frosty berde, & thycke loches rore
Begen the colde calenda [...] of February
Right than I thought, how lōge me before
My mayster Lydgate, dyd applye hym sore
Fables to fayne vnto moralyte
To shewe the euyll theyr iniquyte.
¶ All this consyderyd to my bedde I went
Fallynge a slepe than full ryght shortly
And in this slumbre me thought incontynent
By an olyue tre I was full sodaynely
Where sat a Mayde complaynynge rufully
Beatynge her handes, and vnder bowes dyd shrowde
In the maner folowynge bewaylynge all alowde.
¶ Alas she sayde I may nowe sorowe euer
My good frende is gone whiche wolde haue remayne
The tyme so past se nowe shall I neuer
Therfore no wonder thoughe that I complayne
With syghes depe [...]nd with mortall payne
My flowrynge age I spent in vanyte
With all wretched foly and fragalyte.
¶ I toke no hede vnto dame reason
Whiche these prouerbes folowynge dyd me tell
Vpon all the letters to haue conclusyon
So was I ruled by thre enemyes so fell
As the worlde, the flesshe, and the fende of hell
But as I may, I wyll them specify
Eche after other as I harde them truely.
ALas ryot ledeth the brydyll rayne
Alas that I loued so concupyscence
Alas tyme past may not turne agayne
Alas that I lost it by neclygence
Alas to lernynge I had no dylygence
Alas that euer I loued vnhappynes
Alas I haue banyshed reason and sadnes.
Beware thou youth euermore of ydlenes
Beware of pryde, and also enuy
Beware of wr [...]the, be ruled by mekenes
Beware of couetuousnes and of glotony
Beware also of the synne of Lechery
Beware ryght well also of presumpcyon
Beware and wyse also of false rebellyon.
Coueyte heauen with dedes of Charyte
Coueyte connynge with all thy busynes
Coueyte the company of dame fydelyte
Coueyte wysdome and all stablenes
Coueyte repentaunce for the wretchednes
Coueyte measure for thy bodely wealthe
Coueyte the waye also of thy soules healthe.
Drede god also aboue euery kynge.
Drede for synne euermore the vengeaunce
Drede for the tyme, the tyme of rekenynge
Drede for to do thy neyghboure anoyaunce
Drede aboue other thy selfe for to auaunce
Drede for to do euyll alwaye certayne
Drede euermore also thy souerayne.
Exyle from the falshode and flatery
Exyle from the euermore the vycyous
Exyle also vyle speche and rebaudry
Exyle all thynges nowe superstycyous
Exyle dysdayne whiche is presumptuous
Exyle foly and dyssymulacion
Exyle alwaye also detraccion.
Folowe the trace of truth and ryghtuousnes
Folowe example of vertuous gouernaunce
Folowe bounte and also lowlynes
Folowe measure in all thy purueaunce
Folowe wysdome by good remembraunce
Folowe Iustyce without corrupcion
Folowe conscyence at euery season.
Gladly be ruled by counceyll prudent
Gladly enclyne alwayes to reason
Gladly to lerne be thou moche dylygent
Gladly take tr [...]uth to thy companyon
Gladly forsake the yll operacyon
Gladly serue God and thy prynce also
Gladly be pacyent in trouble and wo.
Haue good respect vnto thynges all
Haue thou no doubte of holy scrypture
Haue God in thy mynde most memoryall
Haue gentyll chere and countenaunce demure
Haue good remorse to euery creature
Haue most thy trust in Goddes goodnes
Haue not thy trust in worldely ryches.
I knewe nothynge in youth what I was
I wolde not knowe the steppes of vertue
I thought full lytell howe my youth sholde pas
I wolde nothynge the carnall vyce exchewe
I thought good fortune wolde me well renewe
I was [...]ed or that I was ware
I lytell thought of myne after care.
Knowe fyrst God and thy selfe secondly
Knowe well thy prynce by dewe obedyence
Knowe thy neyghboure well and certaynely
Knowe well connynge by dewe expetyence
Knowe well in whom thou mayst haue confydence
Knowe well the pore and not hym forsake
Knowe hym well that thou of counsayle make.
Loue God also aboue euery thynge
Loue thy neyghboure and cherysshe thy wyfe
Loue not ryot nor backe reakenynge
Loue alwaye peace and auoyde the stryfe
Loue in honeste to lede thy lyfe
Loue euer myrth and vertuous dysporte
Loue to the wofull to gyue ayde and comforte.
Moche myschyfe cōmeth of great debate
Moche drynke doth wysdome aswage
Moche sorowe doth the courage abate
Moche euyll greueth a great outrage
Moche medlynge letteth great auantage
Moche Ioye grounded vpon vnyte
Moche harme doth growe of instabylyte.
Nothynge is sweter than the dewe of grace
No man may taste it, but by Sapyence
No man without charyte may heauen purchace
No man without laboure may haue a scyence
Nothynge to man is better than pacyence
No earthly ryches, but it is transmutable
No man without maners can be conuenable.
O mortall man ryse out of deedly synne
O foolysshe love of worldly vanyte
O vnkynde man to amende the bygynne
O man remembre Goddes benygnyte
O man Goddes goodnes consydre and se
O man remembre howe he graunteth space
O man in tyme nowe take the gyfte of grace.
Please God thy maker, and kepe his cōmaundement
Please not thy flesshe, by carnall affeccyon
Please well thy prynce and be to hym obedyenc
Please not the worlde with hole occasyon
Please the causer of thy fyrst creacyon
Please not the Deuyll, by Pryde, Enuy, and Ire
Please hym aboue, that is the heauenly Empyre.
Quare deo fui sic contrarius
Quare heu non ipsum amaui
Quare noloissem cum habuerim tempus
Quare ve sic semper peccaui
Quare mundum ego frequentaui
Quare me sequetis o tu vir in vanis
Quare laboras sic mundi inanis.
Ryght greuously I haue God offended
Ryght nought I thought vpon his Iustyce
Ryght lytell I thought for to be a mended
Ryght oft I dyd my neyghboure preiudyce
Ryght well I thought fortune shulde suffyce
Ryght lytell I thought on my soules healthe
Ryght so my mynde was all on worldly wealthe.
Supporte not wronge vnto ryght contrary
Supporte Iustyce with all thy dylygence
Supporte not thy seruaunt to do vylany
Supporte no man whan he doth offence
Supporte alwaye the grounde of Capyence
Supporte pouerte in the tyme of nede
Supporte alwaye the ryghtfull man to spede.
Truth may be bolde in euery maner of place
Truth is good and must nedes endure
Truth doth his seruaunt call vnto great grace
Truth is ryght fayre and a precyous treasure
Truth is worshyped of euery creature
Truth is good both in worde and dede
Truth of God shall haue rewarde and mede.
Wo worth falshode nowe euery where aryued
Wo worth also false ymagynacyon
Wo worth pryde whiche hath mekenes depryued
Wo worth nowe flatery and dissymulacyon
Wo worth doublenes and detraceyon
Wo worth debate without extynguysshement
Wo worth also a corrupt Iudgement.
Xp̄i time semper potentiam
Xp̄i vide ac quin (que) vulnera
Xp̄i tūc pete misericordiam
Xp̄i decem serua mandata
Xp̄i sit nomen in memoria
Xp̄i mors liberet nos a morte
Xp̄i nos saluet omni ip̄e.
Ye that lyst heauen nowe for to attayne
Ye must apply to vertuous gouernaunce
Ye in this worlde must yet take a payne
Ye must not folowe your sensuall pleasaunce
Ye sholde your ende haue in remembraunce
Ye must forgyue as you wolde haue forgyuenes
Ye than shall come to the glory that is endles.


¶ Alas these prouerbes, whiche I haue you tolde
I lytell regarded in the tyme so past
But nowe by reason I do them beholde
Full well is hym that may haue grace [...] lost
Beware ryght well, spende not your youth in wast
Lese no tyme, but spende it vertuously
Than shall ye come to hea [...]en merely.
¶ I wretched mayde plouged all in care
The tyme so past may ryght sore bewayle
That the flesshe with slouth had me in a snare
Alas the Deuyll dyd me ryght sore assayle
The worlde also dyd gyue me a battayle
These thre me fettered in a deadly place
Tyll I was helpt out by good dame grace.
¶ Whiche me hath set in his garden grene
Vnder this olyue tree to synge ryght swetely
Amyddes this arber so ryght fayre and shene
Gyuynge great lawdes vnto God almyghty
Whiche me hath brought out of vayneglory
And there with all she beganne to synge
Lawdes to her maker in the fayre mornynge.
¶ The cocke crowed and I dyd awake
Greatly musynge vpon my vysyon
And vnto me I brefly began to take
Penne and ynke for to wryte that season
All that I had harde without abusyon
Preyenge you all that it doth here or se
To Pardon me of your benygnyte.

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