The Maidens complaint of her Loves inconstancie.
Shewing it forth in every degree,
Shee being left as one forlorne,
With sorrowes she her self to adorne,
And seemes for to lament and mourne.
To a delicate new tune.
YOu maides and wives and women kind,
Give eare, and you shall heare my minds,
Wherein Ile shew you most perfectly,
A false young mans inconstancy.
For which I sigh, and sob, and weepe,
To see false men no faith can keepe.
I love where I have cause to hate,
Such is my foolish fickle state,
My time I spend in griefe and woe,
Which sure will be mine overthrow.
I sigh, and sob, and then doe weepe,
For that false men no faith can keepe.
My Love to me doth prove untrue,
And seemes to bid me now adue,
O hatefull wretch, and most unkinde.
To beare so false and wicked minde.
It makes me sigh, and sob, and weepe,
To see false men no faith can keepe.
He's fled and gone, for which I grieve,
I with no maiden him beléeve,
For he with tempting speeches will
Séeke others now for to beguile.
That they with me may sigh and weepe,
And say that men no faith can keepe.
Shall I be bound that may be frée,
Shall I lode them that love not me?
Why should I thus séeme to complaine?
I sée I cannot him obtaine.
Which makes me sob, and sigh, and weepe
To see that men no faith can keepe.
O shall I wéepe, or shall I sing?
I know not which will fit mourning:
If that I wéepe it will breede me paine,
If that I sing 'twill ease my braine.
Therefore Ile sigh, and sob, and weepe,
To see false men no faith can keepe,
The Iewel's last, the thiefe is fled,
And I lye wounded in my bed:
If to repent I should begin,
They'l say 'twas I that let him in.
Therefore Ile sigh, and sob, and weepe,
To see false men no faith can keepe.
My minds to him was alwayes true,
For which I now have cause to rue,
Would I had never séene his face,
Nor trod the paths of
Cupids race.
For now I sigh, and sob, and weepe,
To see false men no faith can keepe.
The second part; To the same turne.
VVHat hap hath any hée or shée,
That can but live at libertie
And not be troubled as I am,
As by my song you understand,
It makes me sigh, and sob, and weepe,
To see false men no faith can keepe.
I cannot take my quiet rest,
To thinke on him that I lou'd best:
Sometimes when I doe thinke to sléepe,
Then thought of him makes mee to Wéepe.
I cannot choose but sigh, and sob,
To thinke of him that doth me rob.
'Tis true indéede he robbeth me,
Of my content and libertie:
My heart can now no comfort finds,
To thinke on him that probes unkinde.
I cannot choose but sigh, and weepe,
To see false men no faith can keepe.
My head doth ake, my eyes are sore,
And I can find no helpe therefore:
My body's fainte and I am weake,
My tongue is tyed I cannot speake:
Yet still I sigh and sob, and weepe,
To see that men no faith can keepe.
My dayes are short my life's not long.
I cannot will declare my wrong.
Yet in some part, I here doe show,
That you the cause herof may know,
Wherefore I sigh and sob and weepe,
To see that men no faith can keepe.
His tempting eyes, and smiling lookes,
Now séeme to me like bayted hookes,
Which are but layd for to betray
The fish that's gréedy of his prey.
Therefore I sob, and sigh, and weepe;
To see that men no faith can keepe.
When first with me he came in place,
He did me with his armes imbrace,
He kist me on't, and swore that he
Would neuer haue no one but me.
Yet now he makes me sob, and weepe;
To see that men no faith can keepe.
With words most faire he did intreat,
Untill my favour he did get:
But him uncertaine I doe find,
And changing like the wavering wind.
Which makes me sigh, and sob, and weepe,
To see that men no faith can keepe.
He vow'd to beare a faithfull mind,
But he is otherwise inclind:
Hée now doth séeme as strange to me,
I cannot have his company.
Which makes me sob, and sigh, and weepe,
To see that men no faith can keepe,
Thus séemes my love to doe me wrong,
Wherefore Ile here conclude my song:
Ile never trust false men no more,
Nor doe as I have done before.
For which I sigh, and sob, and weepe,
To see that men no faith can keepe.
London printed for H. G.