A STRANGE AND WONDERFVLL Prognostication: Or rather, PRENOMINATION of those Accidents which shall, or at least are likely to happen, as may be conie­ctured by the heauenly Influences; Foretelling the wondrous direfull Euents which shall fall out in all Christen­dome, as may be collected by the Rules and Directions of Astrology, in this yeare 1624.

Written by Anthonio Magini, an Italian Professor of the Mathematickes, and much experienced in Astronomy: And now faithfully translated into English.

Printed at London for Nathanael Butter. 1624.

The Preface, shewing in what man­ner this Kalender or Prognostication is to be vnderstood.

TO come to our Almanacke and Prognostication, which hath aboue two hundred declarations or points, and therefore if the one halfe, or the fourth part, be but true it will be well.

Furthermore, it is to bee vnderstood, that the things happen not iust the same time, houre, or day they are predicted, but are deferred sometimes for a little while; for you know that water in a Kettle hanged on the fire boyles not presently, and euen so is it with the operation of the Planets or Signes of the Firmament.

A small proofe of the last yeare. 1623.

Sayd hee not what was to happen betwixt the Rhyne, Elbe, and Weser, and in the Northerne parts of the world?

Did he not likewise speake of a Match, as also where the warre should be, and how farre it should extend?

Hee predicted likewise a battell of a certaine Prince, and the defeat of his souldiers vpon the thirteenth of Au­gust, of which the Boers of Westphalia should tel strange things.

Likewise he talked much of treason, and of a simul­tated peace, as is knowne to Holland and Hungary. And [Page] made also mention of the Forces that should march vpon the frontier of Turky and Hungary, designing the inua­sion of Bethlem Gabor.

Moreouer, hee predicted also that the plague should reigne mightily in the Northerne Lands, as hath after­wards beene seene in Polonia, Lituania, Sweden, and East-Friesland, in which lands there died aboue 200000 persons of the Sicknesse.

Obserue likewise what he saith of the dearth, the like being hardly knowne by any man now liuing.

And concerning the East-Indies, haue not the Pro­testants made such an inuasion in it as was neuer done before.

Likewise we will not forget that which he told of the West-Indies, and of the great alteration in the Romane Empire.

Moreouer, hee predicted that the Northerne Lands should want both bread and wine, which seemed to be vn­likely, seeing it was a fertile yeare, and that all the fruits of the field were ripe, and caried into the barnes, and there was also great store of fish catcht, vpon which acci­dent the prices of al other victuals are vsed to fal, but the dearth increased dayly against all expectation.

He sayth also that about the Haruest or August, many should be slaine vpon the frontiers of Hungary.

Here beginneth the Italian Sooth-sayer, or Prognostication, practised by An­thonio Magini, Professor of the Mathe­matickes at Bononia in Italy.


THe yeares in former times took not their beginning as they do now, a 1. Circ. of Chr. b 2. Steph. oct. c 3. S. Ioh oct. d 4. Titus. e 5. Edward f 6. Three Kings. for some be­gan it when the Sun was in the midst of the Firmament; and others, when it was neerest vnto them; and we make the be­ginning of it when the Sunne is furthest from vs, to wit, in Capricornus.

So that our Winter beginneth vpon the the 22 of September. And I find, hauing ouer-looked all the celestiall Signes, that Saturnus and Iupiter going into Leo, goe backwards as the Crabs doe, Mars in Aqua­rius, Venus and Mercurius in Sagitarius, and Luna neere at hand, trauelling as a messenger vp and down; when the Moone shall be in Taurus, and begin to en­crease, then we shall haue the eight after the birth of Christ, and the same is the first day of the yeare, and shal be gouerned as followeth, by the power of God.

The 5, being full Moone, are Saturnus and Iupiter declared Lords of this yere, & Luna is also to be an aid of them. And first to speake of her gouernment, Sunday. G 7. Valentius. a 8. Erhardus. b 9. Iulianus. c 10. Paulus her. d 11. Higinus pa. e 12. Benedictus. f 13. Hilar. Epis. she shal cause a cold, vnhealthfull, deare, & miserable time.

Concerning Saturnus, hee shall also vse his won­ted cruelty, and goe about to spoile euen the child in the Cradle; and in seuerall places, as vpon the height of 48 and 53 degrees, doe great hurt, as in Bohemia, [Page 2]Hungary, Morauia, Silesia, Germany, Polonia, and o­ther Countries bordering vpon the Low-Countries.

Sunday. G 14. Pontian. a 15. Jesus nam. b 16 Marcellus. c 17. Anton. op. d 18. Prisc. virg. e 19. Herental. f 20. Fab. Sebast. The 13, with the last quarter of the Moone, is Mars in Pisces, which is certainly an ill signe (for bad trees giue bad fruits, & lame messengers bring bad newes) and he causeth the Sea to bee set on fire, through the power of Neptunus, and shall also goe about to breake the Peace, which could be concluded in these times, making great steps euen into the Indies, and incites the Waterlanders (or Hollanders) to the battell, shew­ing them all the riches of the world, so that many na­tions of Europe shall hearken to him, being desirous to be deliuered from the cryes of the hungry, and to find a better Country then they inhabit.

Sunday. G 21. S Agneta. a 22. Vincentius. b 23. Emerent. c 24 Timotheus. d 25. Pauls co [...]u. e 26. Policarpus. f 27. Ioh. Chrisost. The 20, with the full Moone, was Venus and Mer­curius aboue the head of Sagitarius, the one being somewhat whorish, and the other somewhat knauish. About this time will much treason and deceit bee in­tended, and that shall euen come from lands that lye farre off at the other side of Hell, seeing that Luci­fer reigneth, therefore looke to your selfe, so shall it happen that the Crane shall inuite the Fox, who shall find himselfe deceiued at last.

The 27, being the first quarter of the Moone, ought his Holinesse to looke a little to the Alpes, for there shall strange signes be seene, and many conspirations be made with them of S. Marck (the Venetians.)

[Page 3]The 28 commeth the Sunne into Aquarius, Sunday. G 28. Carol. Mag a 29. Valerius. b 30. Septuages. c 31. Isaac. who running swiftly to the warre, in the hot Countries, seemes to confirm the former, leauing the cold coun­tries behind infested or vexed with famine, pyracies, and inundations.

The last of this Moneth shall Iupiter and Mercurius be opposite, as likewise Saturnus and Venus, and there was a strange tricke played, but it seemed not cleanly to be done. But Luna although shee was in Cancer came neuerthelesse to them which dwell vnder the Creuice, namely, the Sea-cocks, and brought tydings that Shield-bearer would ayd them vpon the fronti­ers of Turky.


d 1. Bridget. e 2. Marie. f 3. Blasius Bish. Sunday. G 4. Rembertus. a 5. Agatha. b 6. Dorothea. c 7. Richardus. d 8. Salomon. e 9. Apolonia. f 10. Ireneus.THe 4, being full Moone, is the Sunne yet in Aqua­rius, and Saturnus, and Iupiter in Leo, and doe not cease yet from running these ill courses, and to vse ill deuices, to take the gold from one another, giuing iron onely in lieu of it; which newes being brought into Spaine, vpon 35 degrees it will cause great murmure and discontentment. And Iupiter shall goe about to remedie it by the meanes of his goodnesse, and make many friends with gifts, whereby the purse will bee emptied, neuerthelesse he will keepe counsell.

The 11, being the last quarter, was Mars in Aries, or [Page 4] in the hurting Ram, walking very desperately, shew­ing that his children vnder the gouernment of Satur­nus and Iupiter, in the Northerne parts of Europe suf­fered famine, and that hee would reuenge it in the South. To which effect hee had caused the Fleet of Neptune to be gathered together by Triton, & would himselfe in person visit the cashes of India, to relieue his children with them.

Sunday. G 11. Desiderius. a 12. Gandent. b 13. Tranquil. c 14. Valentius. d 15. Craton. mar e 16. Iuliana. f 17. Constantia.This shall cause ioy on the one side, and heauinesse on the other, for there breedeth continually quarrell wheresoeuer is question made of hauing & keeping: for the one shall thinke that by reason of his long pos­session, anothers good is his own. Therefore ye Com­manders looke too that through treason you bee not frustrated of your designe.

Sunday. G 18. Simon bish a 19. Sabinus. b 20. Gallus con. c 21 Coronat. d 22. S. Peters. e 23. Bissext. cor. f 24.The 18, being new Moone, was Venus in Capricor­nus, and gaue order to Mercurius that he should looke to his businesse, and play his part well, seeing that al­most the gods were out of their owne houses, seeking helpe and ayd of other, and especially betwixt 35 and 46 degrees. And the Bird of Iupiter had lost many of her chiefest feathers, and hee sent to the Peacocke and the white Eagle, to borrow other feathers to ayd himselfe in time of necessity with flying. By this pre­sent meeting are vnderstood all the allies of Spaine, the Emperor and all his States, but concerning their de­maund it is yet vncertaine whether they shall ob­taine it.

The 19 commeth the Sunne into Pisces, which is a good signe for the Fishers, but ill for them that goe to catch Birds.

[Page 5]Betwixt the 23 and 24 you shall find this yeare a day to be remoued, and it is certaine that nothing is stedfast without alteration or commotion, and euen in such manner shall the heauinesse remoue from the one place to the other: and if it should bee told vnto which they should happen, it would but bereaue them of their ioy. The Gods to preuent all this, had caused Argus with his 100 eyes to keepe watch. But Mercurius hauing cut off his head, presented the eies vnto the Bird of Iune, which is the Peacocke, whom the Gods haue set on the high Mountaines to watch what Austria, Germany, Italy, France, England, the Low Countries, and Polen, doe.

The 25, being the first quarter, the Hollanders re­ceiue tydings of their victories in foraine Countries. And Luna was in Cancer, which is her water Creuice, and is a good signe for them; and when it happens to her, that decreased mightily the Romish Empire. Therefore looke to yourselfe, that you shew them in the dreame through the Angell of Iacob, another way into the Empire, yea euen with a play in Lent, but take heed of the end.


THe 5, with the full Moone, was Saturne still in the middest of heauen in the fiery Lyon, and Iupiter walked vp and downe on the same height, intending to asswage the former anger of the Lyon, but he min­ded something else, seeing that Sol came toward him, so that all the Elements shewed their power to goe towards the Northerne places of the West-Indies, whereupon the Sunne, Moone, Windes, and Waters droue with great force vnder the Aequator or Line towards the Islands of Cuba and Hispaniola, euen in such manner that many did maruell at it. And Iupiter, who would shew his power, lost a piece of his beard, thinking onely to stay the streames: but alas, it was in vaine, seeing that Iupiter (whose Masts reach vnto the skies) was himselfe in the Fleet which caried in her co­lours Batauia and a Lyon) whom Iupiter thought to tye so fast that he should not be able to moue a vaine, but he lost idlely his labour.

The 12 being the last quarter, Iupiter commanded his Bird the Eagle, to take the pan by the tayle to look how many egges the Boers threw into the pan; and to learne his subiects to liue sparingly, in Lent, wher­upon many were blacke and starued.

[Page 7]O poore husbandmen that liue betwixt the East and the blacke Sea, and especially you that liue about the riuers of Elbe, Weser, Rhyne, and Donow. In the same time was Mars in the house of Death, namely, in Taurus, or the wild Bull, with his steeled or strong hornes, vsing there such violence, that hee will make mankind almost weary of their liues. And euen in the same time there shall also be a Basilisque or Cokatrice that shall brood egges, of which the young ones shall be seene in many places. Venus was in Aquarius, and Luna in Capricornus, all the Planets being in strange houses, which surely betokens some strange thing, as the Starres also of the East, South, and North passage vpon the height of the Spanish and Netherlandish Seas. Towards Turky and France is also something seene which is not pleasing to the Gods.

The 19 being new Moone, there is also about Mexi­ca or Noua Hispania a darknesse in the Sunne seene, which wil cause great alteration in those lands, as like­wise in Congo, the red Sea, Goa, and other places of the East-Indies, for they are almost all vpon one cly­mate.

The Sun comming into Aries, there shall a strange and wonderfull ioy be heard, and night and day shall then be of one length, and the graines in the Northern parts shall be sold better cheape then they were at the last Haruest when all the barnes were full.

[Page 8]The 26, being the last quarter, there shall at the be­ginning of the sweet time be spoken of great warlike preparations, but they shall not all come to effect, by reason of some small Gods (vnderstand thereby neu­trall Princes) neuerthelesse there shall vpon the ap­pointed time a Fleet of Neptune be set abroad, and he that shall goe with it vnder the earth, shall haue good successe, for the Sunne is in a good Climate, and this is likewise a fertile yeare in generall, few Countries onely excepted, in which shall deadly vapours and mists rise out of the earth, and poyson both fields and trees, and are shortly euen against nature out of the East to come into the West, contrary to the foremen­tioned course of the Firmament.


THe 3, being full Moone, are Saturne and Iupiter yet in Leo, and puffed vp with pride, thought the Kings House to bee their owne: vpon the same day towards the euening they were on a sudden afraid, for there happened in the 10 degree of Libra, a darknesse in the Moone by reason of a faintnesse shee fell in, as shall be seene in Europe, and shall last aboue 3 houres. During this darkness there shal be some traytors who shall seeke to couer or excuse themselues, and many theeues shall seeke to bring their bootie into other Lands, and many scores shall not bee paid, by reason of sudden sicknesse.

The tenth, being the last quarter, when the egges of Easter shall be diuided, so shall Mars be in Gemini, which shall cause pitifull cries of disarmed people, which shall howle and lament as women and children. Therfore seeing that Saturnus a deuourer of children, is Lord and Gouernor of this yeare, it will be best for the disarmed and faint-hearted to giue themselues in good time vnder a Protector who may defend them, or they may otherwise timely goe vnder the earth, and flye to the other world.

The hot Feuers shall reigne mightily, and especial­ly in the lands which haue great Riuers to runne to the Sea, for the waters shall be spoyled through bad [Page 10] confluences, and they that shall drinke of them shall suddenly die, looke then to the streames of Donaw, Elbe, Weser, Ems, Mase, Rhyne, Schelde, Lore in France, and the Po in Italy.

The 17, being new Moone, you shall haue a dark­nesse of the Sun being yet in Pisces, and shall be seene by them which lie vnder the Meridian of Italy, as like­wise by them which dwell about the Straights of Ma­gellan, as the Patigones and other nations about them, where it shall doe his operation as well as in these parts.

The 18 commeth the Sunne into Taurus, at which time there shall many goe to the warre, and the Mer­chants which haue great store of munition prouided, may make then good cheare. Venus being then still in Pisces, she shal very cunningly seek to make a match, but shee and all her adherents shall get disgrace for thanke. But on the other side, there shall the next mo­neth something else appeare in the Northerne land, and shall be against the Romane Empire. Now hus­bandmen looke to it, for Mars is now in action, and Neptune goeth on with his resolued enterprise, and commeth into a Country in which Ceres and Bacchus shall be honoured, neuerthelesse keep your horse sad­led, for some thinke to surprise you with an ambush, and to make hauocke of your goods. All manner of beasts shall be sold at deare rates vnder Taurus, and e­specially about the Riuers of Ems, Rhyne, Weser, and the Donow: But on the other side, they shall in the West-Indies bee giuen for almost nothing, and there [Page 11] shall new Townes and Cities bee built by a Nation, whose eyes are as browne as the eyes of Whitings: and this shall bee done before the Sunne commeth againe into Taurus.


THe third (being full Moone) vpon Crosse-day, was Saturne in the 12 degree, and Iupiter in the 22 degree aboue Leo, at great strife, the one would haue it thus, and the other so: and in the meane time gathe­red S. Iacob his Schalpes: Iupiter would faine haue had peace to rest himselfe a while, but Saturnus would not condiscend vnto it; whereupon Leo considering their debate, shewed the doore to them both, and gaue them leaue to walke. But Iupiter saw from aboue that the Eagle (his Bird) was in great distresse, and had a heauie crosse on his necke or backe. This will with­out question draw great misery and calamity vpon Polonia, Germany, or some other parts of the Empire, vnlesse there happen some alteration in Gemini,

The 9, with the last quarter, was Mars in Gemini, and walked towards the Creuice, which can turne at the left and right side, and chiefly by water, and is with his armed Cizers to bring Mars ouer into the West, for both the wind and streame will fauour him. At the same time shall the Waterlander (or Hollander) haue good successe by water, and especially in some Lands which lye farre from his owne Country, and [Page 12] vnder another Climate, as likewise vnder this, but there is yet one new tiding to bee told, which time will reueale. At the same time shall Pegasus beginne something in the Northerne parts, about the height of Lituania and Polonia, where the King of the Gods in­tends to make some great enterprise, and hangs the Eagle a shield or Skushion about the necke. And cast now a little an eye vpon Transiluania, about the Flood Irydanus, the Peacocke hangs her tayle downe, and shall be destroyed by many children of Saturnus. The Lilies or Fleurs du lis rise both about the sides of the water, and in the Mountaines of Swisserland; and euen about the same time a most ioyfull tydings shall bee heard.

The 17, being full Moone, Venus is on the Ram, and makes great haste to come vpon Taurus that hor­ned beast, meaning thereby Europe.

Luna is likewise seene in Taurus, but the Peacocke the Bird of Iuno can tell you how she is pleased, looke but vpon her actions.

The 20 beganne the ioyfull play, for Luna went from Gemini, and Sol came with his golden beames in her roome, and there shall bee heard a harmony of many instruments; Mercury plaies vpon his pipe, Nep­tunus bloweth the horne of Triton, sitting vpon the wooden horse, and euery one did as hee was minded: Mars being yet in Gemini.

In the meane time commeth Mathusalem with the fearfull Deaths head, whose heires are Serpents, and they all dyed that saw it, therefore looke not a­bout at that time, but goe straight on your wayes.

[Page 13]The fiue and twentieth, being the first Quar­ter, leapt Venus from Taurus and came in Gemi­ni, in which the Sunne ranne her course, and would as well as the rest eate of the banquet su­gar: all sweet Meates shall bee good cheape, and shee did eate so much of it, that her belly began to swell: but whether it bee now poyson of Traytors, or that shee shall breed sweete twinnes, you shall perceiue it vnder Virgo, by three that beareth Roses, and if shee happen to rest there; so shall it bee an ill time for them which were vsed to get their liuing vnder Mars, but neuerthelesse they shall play the bride of Whitsontide, although there bee not an Eare or Graine in the Barnes, but they shall shake it, if it be not within it is without: Venus hauing in the meane time gotten her Horses to her Cha­riot, rides with a Thundry noyse through the Ayre, vntill shee commeth in Leo; and if Mars bee not asswaged in this time, take your tooles in your bagge and walke to the Blacke Moun­tayne.


THe first, being full Moone and all Fruites increasing, Mars was sicke or seemed or fained at least to be so, hauing a cloath ty­ed abut his Head. And Saturne and Iupiter were in Leo, and Sol in Gemini. Venus sits now vpon Europa as a rider vpon his Horse, and willing (with sweet or wollen kisses which shee hath [Page 14] stolne from the lame) to set one of her friends vpon her (Europa) the Angels rose out of their sleepe, and tooke Roses and Lillies in the hand. Whereupon all the branches of Bohemia (seeing that Luna was in Sagitarius) rose vp. Mercurius played so well that some were fallen in a sleepe, but if he keepes no better watch then Argus did, and continue his piping, all is spoyled, and hee sits as dangerously as a Lowse vpon a Combe.

The 8. th, being the quarter of the Moone, were many Trees that stood very faire, but were not yet peeced about their nether-parts, and many fruits pulled on their bootes, with inten­tion to see what doings there were abroad, but before they were almost ready, the Diuell was in such a rage, that they had presently in their Spring, their head bitten off by Taurus, and their rootes almost pulled out by Leo. Whereupon was Iupiter compelled to goe from Leo, and Saturnius followed him close at his heeles. And Mars comming in the meane time in Cancer, was very much discontented, by reason that there were so many that had conspired to kill him, and tolde to his Widowes, that hee was a­gaine on horsebacke vnder Cancer, seeing he had gotten Mercurius on his owne side, and were running both in one spurre, (or tooke both one course) and would make it so, that the Calues-skinnes (young men hee meanes) should suffer much.

The 12. th, being new Moone, came Luna like­wise in Cancer. Conferring this time by the for­mer [Page 15] as I obserued, that whensoeuer they come so many Butchers in Cancer, that the Sea-cocks haue much winde in their head, and that euen to their owne good. Therefore looke to the Turkish Pirats, the blacke Sea-cockes, and vpon the Gulfe of Venice, the Mediterranean Sea, and all Riuers that are Nauigable, as likewise vpon the East Sea, betwixt Polonia, Russia, and Prusen, and chiefly to the water called the Zouth-Sea, and see whether it ends not all in batteries or Battels; to bee briefe, they shall there euery­where bee in action, some publikely, and some priuatly, but you must not vnderstand that it shall onely be on the Water, but they that shall Commaund ouer them shall put on their yron Gauntlets, fearing to be pinched of the Creuice.

The 15. th, shall there bee a Coniunction of Iupiter and Mars, and they shall seeke to couer one another: When this shall happen I would wish the Husbandman not to pay his Rent a­fore-hand, seeing that the Children of Mars will demaund it againe of them.

Hereupon, so commeth Sol againe vpon the 19. th, with his golden armour in Cancer, and walketh so with Mars towards the West. This is a signe, that Mars or his Messengers, shall get great booties of Gold and Siluer in the West, and especially they that are mencioned on the 12. th day heere before, and it shall goe as Ebbe and Flood, for that which is taken from the one shall be giuen to the other; Whither this will smart, you may euen by the Elements and her [Page 16] Children perceiue. To be briefe, the fortune of the one is the mishap of the other.

The 24. th, being the first Quarter, so shall the catchers of Crabbes get good returnes out of the East Indies, of a Treasure that was long bu­ried betwixt Brasill and Guinea, about a banke on which Sol keepes his Dinner, and Mars shall happen to burne there his fingers.

The last day, it is full Moone, then you shall finde many Chests that are full, but more hol­low bellies and emptie Barnes, but bee patient for a while, for you shall shortly haue plentie e­nough of all kinde of Fruites.


THe 7. th, being the last Quarter, so was Leo deliuered from the rage of Iupiter and Saturnus, vpon pasport giuen vnto them. Assoone as Iupiter came in Virgo, asked the Mayd with a heauie minde, where that the prouision of Corne was? and hee promised to send it within few dayes, and wished that her Children that dwell in the Low-lands, and a­bout the ouer-watring Riuers, should not eate it Greene; which if they did, the moysture of it should ingender burning and hot Sicknesses, and many thousands should dye before they should come to the taste of the Flower of the new Corne, of which the Catchers of the Crabbes shall haue a part, namely vpon the 52. 54. and 46. Degrees. And hee will neither ex­cuse [Page 17] the Maydens on the fieldes themselues, of which many shall account themselues happie, as giuing no sucke, nor being troubled with children, neuerthelesse, they will grieue much for their beloued which are gone to the warres, and other voyages.

The 14. came Mars with the new Moone to Leo, desiring aide of him before his death; the Lyon standing in some need of him, began to giue eare vnto him: and when they were yet walking together, the Cannon began to thun­der, whereupon these two friends cast both their eyes downe, and seeing the play to goe on, it seemed that they tooke delight in it, for wal­king yet in the Heauen, they looked very mer­rily, and they seemed rather to be inclined to laughing then crying, and their Boyes vnder­standing this, besides Saturnius (who was yet in Leo) they made together such noise with laugh­ing, that the whole earth quaked: And it may be that this vnsatiable dire (thought to get his bellie full of Children) To be briefe, the wicked shall haue the vpper hand, but alas, they walke with the Deuill and the Death.

The 21. came Sol likewise in Leo; I seeing that they were enlightened by the brightnesse of the Sunne, it seemed vnto me, that the gods tooke pleasure that mortall men set so one vp­on an other with slashing, striking, murthering, and firing: yea, stonie hearts would haue cryed if they had seene the damps and vapours that were in Polonia, Germany, Italy, Spaine, and the [Page 18] Lowe Countries: France and England being excep­ted, in which the Starres had not their will.

The 23. being the first quarter, they were bu­sie about the burying of the dead, but they could not agree amongst themselues vpon the deuision of the goods of the dead: whereupon they tooke one another by the haire, although the Gouernours had forbidden it, for their bloud was too hotte. The Region turnes also much to the West, so that it is likely that there is also something to doe, and chiefly about the Zouth Sea, where the Griffons or gold-eaters dwell.

The 30. was very perfectly by cleere Moone­shine written with three crosses, which Mercu­rius (being in Leo) could see very well, and was to drawe them very skilfully off as was com­manded vnto him; but he taking great delight in the ruine of another, he leapt presently vp, and went amongst the rest, and threw cunning­ly a Pedlers stall vnder the feet by a tricke which he had. Whereupon there came other which tooke the Wares presently vp, and he set them at worke being fit for Warres, but consumeth many men. But the new gouerning Godds make no difficultie therefore, and say, who is slaine he is paid.


THe 6. being full Moone, were both Mars, Saturnus, Venus, Sol, and Luna altogether appearing in the course of the Sunne, as [Page 19] well by water as by land, with their burning Torches; and commanded Mercurie to conduct the Waggon in such manner, that the Aduo­cate or Speaker of the Husbandman was dri­uen to say Quisquis delirat plectuntur Achiui.

That is to say, the Boare must pay for the ill deedes, actions, and dycing, ill play of these great Masters (which if it were but the Boare alone) for such great Armadoes or Armies need not to be set forth to play onely the poore Boare, but it is to bring some great Masters ei­ther in or out of their Kingdome, vnder the Go­uernment of this Zodiacke, for I finde none that will giue ouer or desist: and concerning Iupiter himselfe, he is as Herbinger gone before, to procure that Virgo shall haue something to bring to the Table.

The 12. so shall there bee a coniunction of Saturnus and Mars, and the operation of it shall be seene before 14. dayes runne at an end (or are expired.)

The 14. being new Moone, so begin they to doe their operation, and that not onely by wa­ter vnder Neptunus, but also by land vnder Mars, and chiefly in the Northerne lands of Europe, the Armies are marching in seuerall places, and the Husbandman lets his Plowe rest, and the Shipper hoyseth his Sayles vp, the one makes roome for the other, and that which the one hath gathered, the other consumeth: to bee short, the world goeth quite contrarie, and the Netherlanders themselues also shall goe with [Page 20] their heads downewards, to diue after the earth­ly gold; others will goe to fill the ayre with their renowne, which stands as firme as a Castle in the skie: there shall also another come forth, which shall be desirous to haue a Starre aswell in heauen as his Confederates: but to be briefe, euery one striue for the higher boord or place, whereupon there is a great strife to happen, both betwixt Beasts and Birds, and after the end of the battell, so shall the ayre be infected, by the noisome smell of the dead carkasses.

The 19. commeth Sol in Virgo, leauing yet some of the afore-mentioned Counsellers in Leo, where they are rayling being almost in a rage: And there shall without any doubt, ma­ny desperate spirits be found; yea, aswell a­mongst beasts as men.

The 20. being the first quarter, so shall the coniunction before mentioned shew her selfe more plaine, and especially towards the Sou­therne Lands, Poland hath likewise to expect something out of Sweden. Looke vpon the King of the Gotts, and Hungarie, which drinke other drinke: of Italy we haue spoken before, Spaine get shelles, and Signeur will couer him­selfe with Letice and Roses (which is seene in Baetauia it selfe) and that in a laughing manner, but when the one laughs, so weepes the other, that is the course of this yeare.

The 28. being full Moone began the streames of the Ocean Sea to cease, and to stand still, to harken after the rumour that was spread abroad [Page 21] of the Sunne who should turne his head to the South, leauing the Northerne quarters with many sicknesses and dead ones, but he shall keepe a certaine limited course, euen as the fierce thunders, and the hurlewindes doe: In the East and West Indies shall the seruants of Mars fight, and Mars shall receaue a deadly wound, but recouer his health againe, Saturnus shall burne his head, by reason that his anger shall be greater, when he commeth in Virgo.


THe 4. being the last quarter, is Lucifer onely in Leo, he is to doe much hurt, and shall vse such cruelty, as Mars himselfe neuer imagined; yea, he gets so much vantage, that he can shew his power according to his owne pleasure, but I pitty them vpon whom it lights: And if his reigne might haue beene of any continuance, hee would haue destroyed the one 4. part of mankinde, and sent them to the earth, to looke what is become of their Ancestors. And thereupon, so shall the Moun­taines in Italy, Sicilia, and they also that are in the East and West Indies cast vp both fire and smoake; and there are likewise to happen fierce Thunder-bolts and Earthquakes, and other [Page 22] elementary alterations, which shall mightily mooue the world to her selfe and repent if it be not too late (according to the Prouerbe) to boyle a Posset when the man is dead: there­fore looke to it, it concerneth your owne selfe.

The 12. is the new Moone, vpon Thursday against the euening are both Sol, Iupiter, Mars and Venus, in Virgo, being altogether very sorie and heauie, and at the same time so groweth the Sunne darke vpon 52. degrees by the Line in the South, and vpon 51. to 54. on the North side of the Equinoctiall shall the blow be felt, so that Italy and Spaine shall be in great danger. Mercurius as a swift Messenger, bringeth ty­dings of a certaine battaile, and was therefore as sorrie as a Souldier is, when a louse of his falleth in the fire. It seemeth that the afore­mentioned Gods would faine put the Woolfes skinne off, and drawe the Sheepes skin on, and to ouer-rule Mars, seeing that he had play­ed such a crooked or left-handed tricke, and desired him to consider what damage the Townes and Countries had receaued, and how much pretious bloud of man there was spilled: as likewise how much hurt mankinde had re­ceiued by famine, miserie, pestilence, and the other plagues which the God of Gods appoin­ted vnto it.

The 20. is the first quarter of the Moone, and you shall then finde out, that Mercurius is in Libra, to weigh ouer all the Merchandizes, but [Page 23] the Messenger is too light, and the Iustice too meeke, not auoyding many wicked accidents which it could doe, for to doe ill, aydes to feed the war, and the warre makes some rich, but they resemble the Beast which deuoures the gold, and the more it eates groweth more hungery, so that all will be ill, vnlesse the insti­gators and ringleaders be set in the fore-front at the approach.

The next day being the 21. commeth Sol in Libra, and makes both night and day of one length, but the goods and Lordships shall still vnequally bee deuided.

The 26. is full Moone, and Sol being in Li­bra shall be aboue the Netherlands, end borde­ring Countries which are neere it. Vpon this day, there shall in the euening about 9. of the clocke, a darkenesse on the Moone bee seene e­uen vnder Pisces, what this signifieth shall the time shew. But it is certaine, that the learned hold it for an ill signe, and to presage a gene­rall ruine, robberie, and violence, and causeth also some to die, but especially them vnto whom it is showne. But the wicked will not cease to oppresse the innocent, and take no warning, and thinke on these plagues onely when they are sleeping, and leaue all care to the Birds which haue small legges.


THe 4. it is the Last quarter, Saturnius departs then from Leo, which is a good signe, but neuerthelesse, there are many things heere before mentioned, which shall doe their operation in this moneth, the expe­rience it selfe teacheth this vnto vs, and it needs no proofe being here before expressed, and especially in the yeare of 22. and 23. Now vpon the same day aforementioned, so shall Saturne, Iupiter, and Mercurie be in Virgo, and Mars, Venus, Sol, and Luna in Libra, which are good Signes of peace, and without doubt so shall the one or the other Potentate bee de­liuered of the Warre which shall goe to an­other.

The 12. it is new Moone, and then goe all the afore-mentioned Signes equally one with another, which happens but seldome, and will without question presage something, but that will expect such a time as it was in the yeare 1618. (in which I wrote this) he shall be mis­taken: But let vs set this aside and behold o­ther confluences, and Signes, which are not knowne to the common people; And I finde that at this time there shall many places be fie­red vpon the 45. degrees about the Riuer of Donaw, and the fields betwixt the Riuers of Elbe and of the Rhine, and they which dwell [Page 25] about the Mase and the Scheld shall see the smoake arising thence. The West Indians shall likewise about the same time see many Sayles or armed Shippes (as well in the North as South Sea) being loaden with hope; the Brasilians shall also receaue a gree­ting at the same time.

The 19. being the first quarter, is Sol, in Scorpio, and bringeth this afore-mentioned Company in this order; yea, euen by a tyding which commeth out of the East Indies, some degrees in the South by the Equinoctiall line, declaring, that both heauen and earth were full of the rumour and certaine newes of the miserable state of the Romane Empire; for the Gold Mines are destroyed about the same time, and Neptunus, the friend of March hath lent his helping hand too it. And the Hollan­ders (according to his relation) carry them­selues so, both in the East and West Indies, that the Spaniards shall feele it. Vpon the same they went in such manner to worke, as if Mars and Saturnus would before their depar­ture turne all topsie turnie, casting all things to the ground, and amongst other, a Nation that carrieth the red Lyon, which made a great breach with other that carried Luna in their armes.

The 29. raigned yet all the former Planets, and sought to effect that which was intended, but warre going an vncertaine time on, aswell [Page 26] by water as by land, many fled in the meane time from the one Land to the other; some to escape the warres, others the Plague, and some the dearth and famine. And euen about this time, so shall there fall vpon the Earth much fire, & flames rising from the poysoned and in­flamed Starres, the place on which it falleth are to be shunned, for this is a signe of the Plague which is out of the Northerne Lands, to come to the West and Southwest.

These are all heauie Thunder-bolts, and showres, after which is many times a faire Sun­shine seene, and the like shall happen to some Nations, of which was almost no helpe.

About 150. yeares agoe was likewise an alte­ration in Christendome (the Planets standing then as they stand now) but it euanished quickly.


THE second day after All-Saintes is the last quarter of the Moone, the Sunne is yet in the poysoning Scorpio, and you shall seldome as long as he abides there, haue any good issue, and hee shall chiefely annoy them, which are neerest vnto him, for vpon the same time, viz. In illo tempore, went great for­ces out of Affrica into Spaine, and there shall [Page 27] likewise a great number goe to the Northerne lands, as also to Gallia, Batavia, and Hungaria, but they shall not haue any good successe, as the Histories shall declare at large. And when I consider the matter well, so finde I that yet to stand firme, which is written in the great Opera to the full in an ample manner, but it is not for euery mans dyet, but I will put my finger in the earth, and smell in what land I am. But it is enough for the learned.

The 10. is full Moone, and Luna is in Scorpio, and Saturnus and Iupiter in Virgo, but Iupiter is very heauie.

Mars and Venus being in Libra, although they make yet little or nothing of the matter, are neuerthelesse better now then in the last Sum­mer to be spoken withall. Hauing now taken the hight of some Corpora that raigne. I per­ceaue that there will be yet a great alteration on the foot of the Alpes, whence both the Ri­uers, namely the Rhine and the Donaw take their beginning: as likewise along the Strand to­wards France behinde Sicilia (perhaps Sicilia and Portugal) and in other strange Countries which are opposed against them. There shall likewise many rise in the North about Polonia and Lituania along the Easterne Sea, and goe towards the South.

The 17. is the first quarter: And then shall there an Armie be deuided to surprise another, but the designe shall partly be discouered, the [Page 28] fight will not end without shedding of blood, and there are many materials to be left be­hinde, although the assalted shall not quite be ouerthrowne. Vpon the same time is there likewise some sodaine exploit to bee made in manner of an excursion in Lituania, and Tarta­ria, neuerthelesse, men shall be solde as beasts.

On the 19. is the Sunne in Sagitarius, and it will then mend shortly, for the great courage and heate of many shall be spent, whereby the warres will slacken and decrease.

The 24. is full Moone, and diuers aspects of the Planets are come towards the South, and Southwest, comming there out of the East; the North-landers shall be glad therefore, and fill their Chests with bootie.


THe third being the last Quarter, so was Mars, Iupiter, and Venus, in the Aspect, which will cause a great alteration; for seeing that Saturnius, Luna, and Iupiter were found in Virgo, there shall be some great Ma­sters, that shall become faint-hearted, and be desirous to lay their Armes downe, to mooue thereby other to doe the like, thinking that they will dance as he pipes before them. But his lesser will not condescend to it, seeing that Mars was on the same day yet in Scorpio, and [Page 29] gaue to him a great and manly courage, and said that it was now the right time to take re­uenge of the Enemie. Moreouer, so was Neptu­nus likewise come by the shadow of Luna vnder the Tropicus to giue ayde vnto him, that is to say, that the Heathens which pray to the Moone, shall ayde the Lutherans, (to hitte the naile right on the head) and the proofe or de­monstration is to be seene on the crosse Starre.

The 5. is Saturne, Iupiter, Mars and Mercurius in the fourth aspect, and Mercurius sitting on the Sterne, seekes by policie and craft to con­duct the Ship into another port, yea, vnder the Maiden Brit.

The 10. it being new Moone, and the wa­ters very high in seuerall parts of the world, The Sunne being yet in Sagitarius, causeth strange fortunes and accidents, both in Hunga­ria and Polonia, and likewise in other parts of Europe, but especially about the Riuer of Rhine. Venus being at the same time very heauy, was in the Ram, and cryed then for the losse of some of her louers which she had in former times, but it went with her as the Prouerbe saith, the cryes are all lowde and the teares hotte, true loue is soone forgot, and returned so againe to­wards vs with a fainted heauinesse. Iupiter and Mercurius; which are in the fourth Aspect, with diuers other Coniunctions and Aspects presage that it is a dangerous and deceitfull time, as will appeare shortly vpon the hight of [Page 30] Spaine and Italy, so that all the Northerne lands shall haue reason to looke to themselues, for there is some danger hanging ouer their head, and chiefely ouer them where the warre was this last Summer.

The 17. it is the first quarter, and Luna in Aries: when the Sunne shall goe from Aries, then shall many things (of which wee haue spoken here before) be manifested and appeare, and especially concerning the Indies, to the great griefe of the Bird of Iupiter, or of the Eagle, and to the ioy and comfort of them that dwell in the Wood of vnmercifulnesse: whereby is vn­derstood, Batauia or Gallia inter Rhenum, and their next neighbours shall bee sorie because they prosper and doe well, but their heauinesse will shortly turne in ioy, when they shall also receaue some part of the bootie. But shall still thinke that the meate is fatter in their neigh­bours dishes then in their owne.

The 19. is Sol in Capricornus and Saturnius (the Ruler of this yeare) in Libra, and shall loose there his Gouernment, and shall the next yeare not bee set so high, by reason of his crueltie. Hereupon, shall the plague decrease in Eu­rope, and euery one shall haue time to inroll his dead ones, which died within the last foure mo­neths, both by warre and her ordinary fol­lowers.

The 24. it is full Moone, and then shall the persecution against an innocent Nation cease, [Page 31] whereupon, if some other which are of a worse humour and life, doe not mend themselues, Mars when hee commeth from Scorpio shall shoot a poysoned Dart into their intralls. You shall yet before the end of this yeare, heare strange tydings, both out of Greece, Persia and Turkie, and shall tend to great preiudice of the Bird of Iupiter. There are yet other things to be told, but seeing that mine Incke begins to freeze, and my Parchment to shrinke, I will therefore make an end, and commend you to the most mercifull God.


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