THE True Narration of the Entertainment of his Royall Maiestie, from the time of his depar­ture from Edenbrough; till his receiuing at London: with all or the most spe­ciall Occurrences. Together with the names of those Gentle­men whom his Maiestie honoured with Knighthood.



AT LONDON Printed by Thomas Creede, for Thomas Millington. 1603.

To the Reader.

AFter long trauell, to bee informed of e­uery particular, as much as diligence might preuaile in; this small worke of his Maiesties Recei­uing and royall En­tertainment is brought forth which though it may seeme to haue bene too long deferred, yet seeing nothing therof hath bene publike; no time can be too late, to expresse so excel­lent a matter; wherein the dutifull loue of many noble Subiects so manifestly appea­red to our dread Lord and Soueraigne: and his Royall thankfulnes in exchange for that, which was indeed but dutie: though so a­dorned with munificent bounty, that most houses where his Highnesse rested, were so [Page]furnished by the owners, with plenty of de­lights and delicates, that there was discerned no negligence; but if there were any offence, the sinne only appeared in excesse; as more at large you shal hereafter perceiue: where the truth of euery thing is rather pointed at, than stood vpon.

All diligence was vsed to get the names of those Gentlemen, that in sundry places receiued the honor of Knighthood, & what the Heraldes haue in register, are duly set downe, both for name, time, and place. If any be omitted, let it please [...] him to sig­nifie their names, and the house where they receiued that honor; and there shall be addi­tions put to this Empressiō; or at least (which wil be by order more fitly) placed in the next Many I am sure there are not missing, and only in that point we are somewhat doubt­full: the rest is from his Highnesse departure from Edenbrough: his comming to London, so exactly set downe, as nothing can be added to it, but superfluous words; which we haue striued to auoyd.

Thine T. M.

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