¶A Newe Ballade.

O Dere Lady Elysabeth, which art our right and vertous Quene
God hath endued the w t mercy & fayth, as by thy workes it may be sene
Wherefore good Quene I counsayle thee, Lady Lady.
For to beware of the spiritualtie most dere Lady.
Haue you not rede of your progenitours, which was before you many a yere
How they endured many sharpe showers, as by the cronicles it doth appere
And many of them came to euell hap, lady lady,
And all was through the forked cap most dere Lady.
¶Haue you nat rede of Wyllyam Rufus the second kyng hereof that name
How he was slayne moste maruelous, all through the curssed seede of caine.
Tyrell kyllede hym with an arrowe, Lady lady
Yet som men sayed he shot at a sparow moste dere Lady.
¶Haue you not rede of good Kyng Iohn, how by them he was vndone
The Bishop of Canterbury y e wicked mā, accused him to the court of Rome
They enterdyted his lande as the cronicle sayeth, Lady Lady.
A monke poysoned him to his death, moste dere Lady.
¶Haue you not rede of the second Richard, who was the black princes sōne
How they handled him full hard, and famished him til lyfe was donne
In Powles they made him a funerall Lady Lady,
To blinde the peoples eyes withall, mooste dere Lady.
¶Haue you not rede of the sixt Henry which was a good and a simple man
The Cardinall of Wynchester truly, made him lose, that hys father wanne
The good Protector his vncle dere, Lady Lady,
The priestes kept war with him a longe yere moste dere Lady.
¶Then came your father, King Henry y e .viii. which was a prince of victory
And he deposed them all straight, when he had spyed their Idolatry
If this be trewe as trewe it was, Lady, Lady,
God graunt your grace may do no lesse most dere Lady.
¶Thē came your brother king Edward, which was a good & vertuoꝰ child
And to gods word he had regarde, but the wicked priestes hath hym begilde
And raysed vp trentalles in euery place, Lady Lady,
And some of them preached agaynst his grace most dere Lady,
¶Then came your syster quene Mary, & for fiue yeres that she did rayne,
All that was done Edward and Hary, her wicked priestes made it but vaine
They brought in agayne the Romyshe lore, Lady Lady,
Whiche was banished longe before, moste dere Lady.
¶Then God sent vs your noble grace, as in dede it was highe tyme
Whiche dothe all popery cleane deface, and set vs forth Gods trewe deuine
For whome we are all bound to praye Lady Lady,
Longe life to raigne bothe night and day, moste dere Ladye.
quod. R.M.

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