Here foloweth the Interpretacoin of the names of goddes and goddesses as is reherced in this trety •se folowynge as Poetes wryte
- [Page]¶Phebus is as moche to saye as the Sonne.
- ¶Apollo is the same or elles God of syght.
- ¶Morpleus Shewer of dremis
- ¶Pluto God of hell.
- ¶Mynos Iuge of hell.
- ¶Cerberus Porter of hell.
- ¶Colus the wynde or God of the Eyre.
- ¶Dyana Goddesse of wode and chase.
- ¶Phebe the Mone or Goddesse of waters.
- Aurora Goddes of y e morowor sprȳg of y e daye
- ¶Mars God of batayll
- ¶Iupiter God of wysdom.
- ¶Iuno Goddesse of rychesse
- ¶Saturne God of colde.
- ¶Ceres Goddesse of corne.
- ¶Cupydo God of loue.
- ¶Othea Goddesse of wysdome.
- ¶Fortune The varyant Goddesse
- ¶Pan God shepherdes.
- ¶Isys Goddesse of frute.
- ¶Neptunus God of the se.
- ¶Mynerue Goddes of y e batail or of heruest
- ¶Bachus God of wyne.
- ¶Mercuryus God of langage.
- ¶Venus Goddesse of loue.
- ¶Dyscorde Goddes of debate & stryffe
- ¶Attropos Dethe
¶Here endeth y
e interpretacyon of the names of Goddes & Goddesses as is reherced in the / treatyse folowynge as poetes wryte.
WHan Phebus the crabbe had nere his cours ronne
And toward y
e Leon his Iourney gan take
To loke on Pyctagoras spere / I had begonne
¶Syttyng all solytary allone besyde a lake.
¶Musyng on a maner how y
• I myght make.
¶Reason and sensualyte in one to accorde.
¶But I coude not bryng about y
e manacorde.
¶For longe er I myght slepe me gan oppres
¶So ponderously I coud make none obstacle
¶In myne hede was fall suche an heuinesse.
¶I was fayne to drawe to myne habytacle.
¶To rowne w
t a pylow me semyd best tryacle.
¶So leyde I me downe my dysease to releue.
¶Anone cam in Morpleus & toke me by y
e sleue
¶And as I soo lay halfe in a traunse
¶Twene slepyng & wakyng he bad me aryse.
¶For he sayd I must yeue attendaunce.
¶To the grete Courte of Mynes the Iustyse.
¶Me nought auayled ayene hym to sylogyse.
¶For hit is oft sayd by hem that yet lyues.
¶He must nedes go that the deuell dryues.
¶Whan I see noo better but I must go.
¶I sayd I was redy at his cōmaundement.
¶Wheder that he wolde me lede to or fro.
[Page] ¶Soo vp I arose and forth with hym went.
¶Tyll he had me brought to the parlament.
¶Where Pluto sate and kepte is estate.
¶And with hym Mynos the Iuge desperate.
¶But as we thyderwarde went by the way.
¶I hym besought his name me to tell.
¶Morpleus he sayde thou me call may.
¶A syr sayde I than where do ye dwell.
¶In heuen or in erthe eyther elles in hell.
¶Nay he sayde myn abydyng most comonly
¶Is in a lytyll corner called fantasy.
¶And as sone as he thyse wordes had sayd.
¶Cerberus the porter of hell w
t his cheyne.
¶Brought theder Colus ī ragges euyll arayd
¶Agaȳ whom Neptunꝰ & Dyana dyd cōpeȳt
¶Saynge thus O Mynos y
u Iuge souerayn.
¶Gyue thy cruel iugemēt ayē this traytour so
• we may haue cause to preyse thy lord Pluto
¶Then was there made a proclamacyon.
¶In Plutoos name cōmaunded scylence.
¶Vpon the payn of strayt correccyon.
• Dyana & Neptunꝰ might haue audience.
¶To declare her grefe of the grete offence.
¶To hem do by Colus wheron they cōpl
¶And to begyn Dyana was constreyned.
¶Whyche thus begyn as ye shall here.
[Page] ¶Saynge in this wyse. O thou lorde Pluto.
¶Wyth thy iuge Mynos syttyng w
t the in fere
¶Execute your fury vpon Colus soo.
¶Accordyng to thofence that he to me hath do
¶That I haue no cause forther to appele.
¶Whyche yf I do shall not be for youre wele.
¶Remembre fyrst how I a goddesse pure.
¶Ouer all desertes / forestes and chaces.
¶Haue the guydynge and vnder my cure.
¶This traytour colus hath mani of nu places
¶Destroyd w
t his blastes & daily me manaces
¶Where ony wood is he shall make it playne.
¶If he to his lyberte may resorte ageyne
¶The gretest trees that ony man may fynde
¶In forest to shade the dere for her comforte.
¶He breketh hē asōder or rendith he rote & rīde
¶Out of the erthe this is his dysporte.
¶So that the deere shall haue noo resorte.
¶Wythin shorte tyme to noo maner shade
¶Where thorough the game is lykly to fade.
¶Which to my name a reproche synguler.
¶Sholde be for euer whyle the worlde laste.
¶And to all the goddes an hygh dyspleyser.
¶To see the game soo destroyed by his blaste.
¶Wherfore a remedy puruey in haste.
¶And lete hym be punysshed after his offence.
¶Cousyder the cryme and yeue your sentence.
¶And whan Dyana had made her compleȳt
¶To mynos the Iuge in Plutoos presence.
¶Came forth Neptunꝰ w
t vysage pale & feynt
¶Desyrynge of fauour to haue audyence.
¶Saynge thus Pluto to thy magnyfycence.
¶I shall reherce what this creature.
¶Colus hath done me out of mesure.
¶Thou knowest well that I haue the charge
¶Ouer all the se and therof god I am.
¶No shyp may sayl Keruel / bote ne barge.
¶Grete karyk nor hulke w
t ony lyuyng man.
¶But he haue my saueconduyte than.
¶who me offendith wythin my Iurysdyccyon▪
¶O wyth to submyt him to my correccyon.
¶But in asmoche as it is now soo.
¶That ye hym here haue as your prysonēre
¶I shall shew my compleynt soo.
¶wherfore I pray you that ye wyll here.
¶And let hȳ not escape out of your daungerē.
¶Tyl he haue made full sethe & recompence
¶For hurt of my name thrugh his grete offēce
¶Fyrst to begyn this Colus hath ofte.
¶Made me to retorne mi course agein nature.
¶wyth his grete blastes whan he hath be alofte
¶And charged me to labour fer out of mesure
t it was gtete merueyl how I might endure
¶The com of my swete wyll testyfy.
[Page] ¶That on the se bankes lye beten full hye.
¶Secundly where my nature is.
¶Both to eb & flowe aud so thy course to kepe.
¶Ofte of myne entent hath he made me mys
¶where as I shulde haue fylled dykes depe.
¶At a full water I myght not theder crepe.
¶Before my season came to returne ageyn.
¶And than went I faster than i wold certayn
¶Thus he hathme dryuen ayen myn entente
¶And contrary to my course naturall.
¶where I shuld haue be he made me absente
¶To my grete dyshonour & in especyall.
¶Oo thynge he vsed that worst was of all.
¶For where I my sauegard graunted
¶Ay in that coste he comonly haunted
¶Of very pure malyce and sylfwyll.
¶Theym to destroy in dyspyte of me.
¶To whome I promised doth in gode & yll.
¶For to be her protectour in all aduersyte.
¶That to theym shulde fall vpon these.
¶And euen sodenly or they coud beware
¶wyth a sodeyn pyry he lapped theym in care.
¶And full oft syth wyth hys boystous blaste.
¶Or they myght bewar̄ he drof hē on y
e sond
¶And other whyle he brake top sayl & maste.
¶which caused theī to peryssh or thei cā to lond
[Page] ¶Then cursed they the tyme y
t euēr thei me fād
¶Thus amonge the people lost is my name.
¶And so by his labour put I am to blame.
¶Consyder this mater and ponder my case.
¶Tender my compleynt as rygure requyreth
¶Shew forth youre sencence w
t a breef clause
¶I may not longe tary the tyme fast expyreth
¶The offence is grete wherfore it desyreth.
¶The more greuous payn and hasty iugemēt
¶For offence don wylfully wyl non auysement
And whā y
e god pluto a whyl had hī bethought
¶He rowned w
t mynos what was to do.
¶Then he sayde openly loke thou fayl nought
¶Thy sentence to yeue wythoute fauoore soo.
¶Lyke as thou hast herde the causes the too.
¶And so euenly dele twene thise partyey twein
¶That none of hē haue case on y
e other cōpleint
¶Thenne sayd mynos full indyfferently.
¶To Dyana & Neptunus is there ony more.
¶That ye wyll declare ageyn hym openly.
¶Nay in dede they sayd we kepe none in store /
¶we haue sayd Inough to punysshe hym fore
¶If ye in this mater be not parcyall.
¶Remembre your name was wont to be egall
¶Well than sayd Mynos now let vs see.
¶What this boystous Colus for hȳself cay say
[Page] ¶For here / Prima facie to vs doth appere.
¶That he hath offended no man can say naye
¶wherfore thou Colꝰ wythoute more delaye
¶Shape vs an answere to thyne accusemente
¶And elles I must procede vpon thy iugemēt
¶And euen as colus was onward to haue said
¶For his excuse / came in a messengere.
¶Fro god Appolo to Pluto and hym prayde.
¶On his behalfe that he wythoute daungere
¶wolde to hym come & brȳge wyth hym in fere
¶Dyana and Neptunus vnto his banket
¶And yf they dysdeyned hȳself he wold hē fet.
¶Moreouer he sayde to god Appolo
¶Desyred to haue respyte of the iugemente
¶Of Colus bothe of Mynos and Pluto
¶So Dyana & Neptunꝰ were therwith cōtēt
¶And yf they were dysposed to assente
¶That he myght come vnto his presente
¶He it desyred to knowe his offence
¶What say ye herto sayd Pluto to hem tweyn
¶wyll ye both assente that it shal be thus
¶ye sayd the goddesse for my parte certeyne
¶And I also sayd this Neptunus
¶I am well plesid quod this Colus
¶And whan they had a whyle thꝰ
togy d spoke
¶Pluto commaunded the court to be broke
¶And than togeder went they in fere.
¶Pluto and Neptunus ledynge the goddesse
¶whome folowed Cerberus w
t his prysonere.
¶And alderlast wyth grete heuynesse.
¶Came I and Morpleus to the forteresse.
¶Of the god appolo vnto his banket.
¶where many goddes and goddesses met.
¶Whan Appolo se that they were come.
¶He was ryght glad & prayed theym to syt.
¶Nay sayd Dyana this is all and some.
¶ye shall me pardone I shall not syt yet.
¶I shall fyrste know why Colus abyde.
¶And what execucyon shall on hym be doo
¶For his offence / well sayd Appollo.
¶Madame ye shall haue all your plesere.
¶Syth that it wyll none other wyse be.
¶But fyste I pray you let me y
e mater here
¶why he is brought in this perplexyte.
¶well sayd Pluto that shall ye sone se.
¶And gan to declare euen by and by.
¶Bothe theyr complayntes ordynatly.
¶And whan Appolo had herd the reporte
¶Of Pluto in a maner smylynge he sayd.
¶I se well Colus thou hast small comforte.
¶Thy selfe to excuse thoumayst be dysmayde.
¶For to here so grete cōpleyntes ayen the layd
¶And notwythstondyng if thou can say ought
[Page] ¶For thyne own wele say and tary nought
¶Forsoth sayd Colus yf I had respyte.
¶Hereto an answere cowd I counterfete.
¶But to haue her grace more is my delyte.
¶wherfore I pray you all for me entrete.
That I may by your req̄st her gode grace gete
¶And what payn or greef ye for me prouyde
¶wythout ony grutchyng I shall it abyde.
¶Lo good dame sayd god Appollo.
¶what may he do more but sew to your grace.
¶Beholde how the teres from his eyen goo.
¶It is satysfaction half for his trespace.
¶Now gloryoꝰ goddes shew your petioꝰ face
¶To this pore prysoner at my request.
¶All we for youre honour thynke thus is best.
¶And yf it lyke you to do in thys wyse.
¶And so to foryeue hym clerely his offence.
¶One thynge surely I wyll you promyse.
¶If he ought rebell and make resystence
¶Or dysobey vnto your sencence.
¶For euery tree that he maketh fall.
¶Out of the erthe an / C / ryse shall.
¶Soo that youre game shall not dyscrease
¶For lacke of shade i dare vndertake
¶well syr Appolo sayd she than wyll I cease
¶Off all my rancour and mercy w
t you make
[Page] ¶And than god Neptunus of his maner spak
¶Sayng thꝰ appolo though dyana him relese
¶yet shall he sue to me to haue his pease.
¶A sayd Appolo ye wende I had forgete.
¶You for my lady Dyana the goddesse.
¶Nay thynke not so for I wyll you entrete.
¶As well as her wythoute longe processe.
¶wyll ye agre that Phebus your maystresse.
¶May haue the guydyng of your varyaunce.
¶I shall abyde quod he / her ordynaunce.
¶Wel than quod appolo I pray you goddꝭ all
¶And goddesses that ben here presente.
¶That ye companable wyll a borde falle.
¶Nay than sayd Othea it is not conuenyente.
¶A dew ordre in euery place is expedyente.
¶To be hadde wherfore ye may not lette.
¶To be your own marshal at your own bāket
¶And whan appolo se it wolde none other be
¶He called to hym Aurora the goddesse.
¶And sayd though ye wepe ye shall before me.
¶Ay kepe your course and put yourself in p̄sse
¶Soo he her set fyrste at his owne messe.
¶wyth her moyst clothes w
t teres all be spreȳt
¶The medewes in may snew therof her cōpleīt
¶Dext her sat Mars myghty god and strong
¶wyth a flamme of fyre enuyroned all aboeut
[Page] ¶A crown o yron on his hede a spere ī his hōd
¶It semed by his chē as he wold haue fought.
¶And next vnto hym as I perceyue mought.
¶Sat y
e goddesse Dyana in a mantell fyne.
¶Of black sylke purfyled w
t poudred ermine
¶Lyke as he had take y
e mantell & the rynge
¶And next vnto her arayed roally.
¶Sat the god Iupyter in his demenynge.
¶Full sad and wyse he semed sykerly.
¶A crowne of tynne stood on his hede.
¶And that I recorde of all phylosophers.
• lytyll store of Coyne kepe in her cofres.
¶Ioyned to hȳ in syttyng next there was
¶The goddesse Iuno full rychely besene.
¶In a sercote y
t shone as bryght as glas
Of goldsmyth werk w
t spāgles wrought beden̄
¶Of royall ryches wanted she none I wene.
¶And next to her sat the god saturne.
¶That oft syth causeth many one to morne.
¶But he was clad me thought straungely
¶For of froste & snowe was all his aray.
¶In his honde he helde a fawchon all blody
¶It semed by his chere as he wold make a frai
¶A baudryck of Isykles about his neckegaye
¶He had. and aboue on hygh on his hede.
¶Couchid w
t hayl stōes he wered a croū of lede
¶And nexte in ordre was set by his syde.
¶Ceres the goddesse in a garmente.
¶Of sacke cloth made w
t sleues large & wyde
¶Embrowdered wyth sheues and sycles bent
¶Of all maner greynes she sealed y
e patente.
¶In token y
• she was goddes of corne.
¶Olde Poetes saye she beryth the heruest horn
¶Then was there set the god cupydo.
¶All fresshe & galaunte and costly in aray.
¶Wyth ouches and rynges he was beset so.
e paleys therof shōn as though it had be day
¶A kerchyff of plesaūs stood ouer his helm ay
¶The goddesse Ceres he loked in the face.
¶And wyth one arme he her dyde enbrace.
¶Next to Cupido in order by and by
¶Of wordly wysdum sat the forteresse.
¶Called Othea chyef grounde of polycy.
¶Reuler of knyghthode of prudence y
e goddes
¶Clad all in purpure was she more & lesse.
¶Saaf on her hede a crowne there stode.
¶Couched wyth perles oryent fyne & good.
¶And nexte to her was god Pluto set
¶Wyth a derke myste enuyrond al about.
¶His clothy was made of a smoky net.
¶His colour was bothe wythin & wythoute.
¶Foule / derke & dȳme his eyen grete & stoute.
¶Of fyre & sulfure all his odoure wase.
[Page] ¶That wo was me whyle I beheld his face
¶Fortune the goddesse w
t her perty face.
¶Was vnto Pluto next in order sette.
¶Varyant she was ay in shorte space.
¶Her whele was redy to turne wythout let.
¶Her gowne was of gawdy grene clamelet
¶Chaungeable of sondry dyuerse colours.
¶To y
e condycyons accordȳg to her shoures
¶And by her sat thoughe he vnworthy were.
¶The rewde god Pan of shepherdes y
• gyde
¶Clad in russet frese & breched lyke a bere.
¶Wyth a grete terbox hangyng by his syde.
¶A shepcrok in his hōd he spared for no pryde.
¶And by his fete lay a prekered curre.
¶He rateled in y
e throte as he had y
e murre.
¶Isys the goddes bare hym company.
¶For at the table next she sat by his syde.
¶In a close kyr ell embrowdered curyously
t braunches and leues brood large & wyde.
¶Grene as any grasse in y
e somer tyde.
¶Of all maner frute she had the gouernaunce
¶Of fauours odyferous was her sustynauns
¶Next to her than was god Neptunus set.
¶He sauoured lyke a fyssher
[...] before
¶It semed by his clothes as they had be wet.
About hȳ ī his gyrde
[...]sted hīg fysshes mani a xx
[Page] ¶Of his straunge aray merueyled I sore.
¶A shyp wyth a top and sayle was hys creste.
¶Me thought he was gayly dysgysed at y
e fest
¶Than toke mynerue the goddes her sete.
¶Ioyntly to Neptunus all in curas cladde.
¶Gaūtelettis on hōdes & sabatoūs on her fete
¶She loked about as though she had be mad.
¶An hamer and a sythe on her hede she hadde
¶She wered two bokelers one by her syde.
¶that other ye wote were this was al her prīd
¶Thā cam y
e god bachꝰ & by her set hȳ doun
¶Holdynge in his honde a cuppe full of wyne.
¶Of grene vyne leues he wered a Ioly croun
¶He was clad in clustres of grapes gode & fine
¶A garlonde of yuy he chose for his sygne.
¶On his hede he had a thredbare kēdall hode.
¶A gymlot and a fauset therupon stode.
¶Next hym sat phebus wyth her colour pale.
¶Fat she was of face but os complexon feynte.
She sayd sherewled Neptunꝰp & made hȳ vayl
¶And ones in y
e monthe w
t phebꝰ was she meīt
¶Also ne were she Ceres were ateynte
¶Thus she sat & tolde the myght of her nature
¶& on her hede she wered a croun of siluer pure
¶Ioyntly to her Marcuryus toke his see.
¶As came to his cours wytnesse the zodyake.
[Page] ¶He had a gylden tonge as fyll for his degree
¶In eloquence of langage he passed al y
• pake
¶For in his talkyng noman coud fynde lake
¶A box wyth quycksyluer he had in his honde /
¶Multyplyers know it wel in euery londe
¶By hym sat dame Venꝰ w
t colour crystalline
¶Whos long here shone as wyre of gold bryȝt
¶Cryspe was her skyn her eyen columbyne
¶Rauysshed myne herte her chere was so lyȝt
¶Patrones of plesaūce be named wel she myȝt
¶A smocke was her wede garnysshed curyusli
¶But all other she had a wanton eye
¶On her hede she wered a red coper crowne
¶A nosegay she had made ful plesauntly
¶Bytwene her & aurora Apollo set hym doune
¶Wyth his beames bryght he shone so feruētly
¶That he therwyth gladyd al y
e company
¶A crown of pure gold was on his hede set
¶In syne y
t he was mayster & lorde of y
• banket
¶Thus was the table set round aboute
¶Wyth goddes & goddesses as i haue you told
¶Awaytyng on the bord was a grete route
¶Of sage phylosophers & poetes many fold
¶There was sad Sychero & Arystotle olde
¶Tholome Dorothe wyth Dyogenes
¶Plato Myssehala and wyse Socrates
¶Sortes & Saphdrꝰ w
t hermes stode behynd
¶Auycen & Aueroys wyth hem were in fere
¶Galyen & ypocras that physyk haue in mynd
¶wyth help of Esculapyō toward hē drowner
¶Vyrgyle Orace Ouyd and Omere
¶Euclyde and albert yaue her attendaunce
¶To do the goddꝭ & goddesses plesaunce
¶Horeberded Orpheus was there w
t his harpe.
¶And as a poyt musycal made he melody
Other mīstral had thei non saf Pan gā to carpe
¶Of his leud bagpyp which caused y
e compani
¶To law yet many mo ther wē yf i shuld notly
¶Som yong som old both better and werse
¶But mo of theyr names can I not reherce
¶Of al maner deyntes there was habūdaūce
¶Of metes & drynkes foyson plenteuous
¶In cam Dyscord to haue varyaunce
¶But there was no roum to set her ī that hous
¶The goddis remembred the scysme odious
¶Among the thre goddesses y
t he had wrought
¶At the fest of Peleus wherfore they thought
¶They wold not w
t her dele in a venture
¶Lest she hem brought to som inconuenyente
¶She seyng this was wroth out of me
¶And in that grete wrath out of y
e paleyse wēt
¶Saȳg to herself that chere shuld thei repent
¶And anone w
t Attropes happed she to mete.
[Page] ¶As he had ben a gost came in a wȳdȳg shete
¶She toke hymby y
e hond & rowned in his ere
¶And told hy of the banket y
• was so delycate.
How she was receyued & what chere she had y
¶And how euery god sat in his astate
¶Is it thus
qd attropos what in y
e deuyls date
¶well he sayd I se well how the game goth
¶Ones yet for your sake shal I make hē wroth
¶And whan she had hym al togyder told
¶From her he departed & of her toke his leue /
¶Sayng y
t for her sake his way take he wolde
¶In to the paleys his maters to meue
¶And or he thens went he trowed hē to greue.
¶wyth such tydynges as he wold hem
¶So forth he went & spake wordes fell
¶Whan he came in the p̄sence of y
e goddis alle
¶As he had ben mad he loked hym a bout
¶His shete from his body downe he let fall
¶And on a reud maner he saluted al the route
¶wyth a bold voys spekyng wordes stoute
¶But he spake all holow as it had ben one
¶Had spoke in a nother world y
• had wo begon
¶He stode forth boldly w
t grym countenaūce
¶Sayng on this wyse as ye shal here
¶All ye goddes yeue attendaunce
¶Vnto my wordes w
tout all daungere
¶Remembre how ye made me your offycere
¶Al tho wyth my darte fynally to chastyse
¶That y
u / dysobeyed or wolde your law dyspise
¶And for the more surete seiled my patent
¶Gyuyng me full power so to ocupy
¶Wherto I haue enployed myn entent
¶And that can dame Nature testefy
¶If she be examyned she wyll not it denye
¶For whan she forsakyth ony creature
¶I am al redy to take hȳ to my cure
¶Thus haue I deuly wyth al mi dylygence.
¶Executed the offyce of olde antyquyte
¶To me by you graūted by your comyn sētēce
¶For I spared none hygh nor low degre
¶So that on my parte no faute hath be
¶For as sone as ony to me commytted was
¶I smote hȳ to y
e hert he had none other grace
¶Ector of Troy for al his cheualry
¶Alexander thegre te & myghty conqueroure
¶Iulyus Cezar w
t al his companye
¶Dauyd nor Iosue nor worthy Artur
¶Charlis the noble that was so gret of honour
¶Nor Iudas Machabee for al his trew herte
¶Nor Godfrey of Boleyn coud me not asterte
¶Nabugodonozor for al his grete pryde
¶Nor the kyng of Egypt cruel Pharao
[Page] ¶Iason ne Hercules wēnt they neuer so wyde.
¶Cosdras Hanyball nor gentyll Sypyo.
¶Cyrus Achylles nor many a nother mo
¶for fayr nor foule gat of me no grace
¶But al be at y
e last I seased hem w
t my mace.
¶Thus haue I brought euery creature
¶To an ende bothman fysshe foule and best
And euery other thyng in whomedame nature
¶Hath ony Iurysdyccion eyther most or lest
¶Except oonly one in whome your be hest
¶Is to me broke for ye me promysed
That my myght of non̄ shold haue be dyspysed
¶Wherof the aontrary daoe I well a uow
¶Is trew for one there is that wyl not apply
¶Vnto my correction nor in no wyse bow
¶To the dynt of my darte for dole nor desteny.
¶What comfort he hath nor the cause why
¶That he so rebellyth I can yot thynk of ryȝt
But yf ye hȳ graūted your alders safcondyght.
¶And yf he so haue than do ye not as goddis.
¶For a goddys wrytyng may not reuersed be.
¶yf it shold I wold not gyue you ii pesecoddꝭ
¶For grāut of your patent of offycenere of fee.
¶wherfdre in this mater do me equyte
¶Accerd&g to my patent for tyl this be do
¶ye haue nomore my seruyse nor my gode wy
¶And whan al the goddis had attropos hered
¶As they had ben wode brayd vp attones
¶& sayd they wold not rest tyll he were conq̄red
¶Taken an dystroyed body blode and bones
¶And that they swere grete othes for y
e noms
¶Her lad to dyspyce that was so malapert
¶They sayd he shuld be taught for to be so pert
¶Wel sayd Appollo yf he on erth be
¶wyth my brennyng chare I shall hȳ cōfound
¶In feyth quod neptunus & he kepe these
¶He may be well sure he shall be drownd
¶A sy rsayd Mars this haue we wel found
¶That ony dysubeyed oure goodly precept
¶We may well thynk we haue to long slept
¶But neuertheles where I may hym fynd
thūd & lyghtning about I shall hȳ chase
¶And I quod Saturnus before and behynd.
t my bytte cold shall shew hȳ harde grace
¶well sayd Mercuryus yf I may se his face.
¶For euer of his spech I shall hym depryur
¶So that hym were better dede than alyue
¶Ye quod Othea yet may he well be
¶In the eyr where he wyll & ax you no leue
¶wherfore my counseyl is that all we
¶May entrete Neptunꝰ his rahcour foryeue.
¶And than I dout not Colus wyl hȳ myscheus
¶So may ye be sure he soal you not escape
[Page] ¶& ellis. of you anger he wyll make but a iape.
¶But for to tel you how Colus was brought.
¶In daungere of Pluto yei had I forget
¶wherfore on this mater forther wyl I nouȝt.
¶Procede tyll I therof haue knowlege you let
¶It besell on a day the weder was wete
¶And Colus thought he wold on his dysport.
¶Goo tn reioyse his spyrytis and comforte
¶He thought he wold se what was in y
e groūd
¶And in a krauers forth he gan hym dresse
¶A drough had the erthe late before found.
¶That caused it to chyne & krauy more & lesse /
¶Sodenly by wete constreyned by duresse
¶Was the ground to close his suꝑfycyall face.
¶So streyt that to scape colꝰ had noo space
¶This seyng Colus be styll wythin abode.
¶Sekȳg where he myȝt haue gene fer or nere.
¶Auone he was espyed and one to Pluto rode
¶And told hȳ how Colus was in his daūgere
¶Than sayd he to Cerberꝰ fet me y
• prysonere /
¶Tyl I haue hȳ sene let hȳ not go at large /
¶As y
e wylt answere of hem I yeue the charge
¶Thus was this Colus take prysonere
¶Than happed it so that thhsame day
¶Pluto had prefyxed for a grete mater
¶Mynos to syt in his robe of Ray
[Page] ¶Wherfore Cerberꝰ toke the next way
¶And led hȳ to the place where the court shalbe
¶where I told you Morpleus brought me
¶So thyder came Dyaua caryed in carre
¶To make her compleynt as I told you all
¶And so dyd Neptunus y
t doth make and mar
¶Walewyng w
t his wawys & tōblyng as a ball
¶Her matters they meued fal what may befall
¶There was the fyrst syght y
• euer I them saw
¶And yf I neuer do eft I care not a straw
¶But now to my matter retourne agayn
¶And tu begyn new where I left.
¶whan al the goddis had done her besy payne.
¶The way to contryue how it shuld be reft
¶Of his lyf Attropos had no cause eft
¶To cōpleyn than Phebus stert vpon her fete /
¶And sayd I pray you let me speke a word yet
¶Othea menyth wel to say on this wyse
¶But al to entret Neptunꝰ thope shall notnede
¶Me semyth I alone durst take y
e entesprise.
¶Er I am begyled or ellie I shal spede
¶How say ye Neptunus shal I do this dede.
¶Wyl ye your rancour seale at my request
¶Madame quod he reule me as ye lykyth best
¶G ramercy sayd she of your good wyll
¶That it pleysyth you to shew methatfauorus
[Page] ¶Wherfore the goddys hygh pleysur to fulfyll
¶Performe my desyre & leue al olde rancoure
¶For our elders wele & sauyng of oure honour
¶Agayn this colus that ye long haue had
¶It is done quod he forsoth than am I gladd
¶Sayd he now than Colus be y
u to vs trewe
¶Kepe well the eyr and oure grete rebell
¶May we than sone euer to vs subdew
¶Yes and that quod Colus shall here tell
¶No where in the eyr shall he rest nor dwel
¶If he do ther of put me in the faute
¶Wyth my bytter blastes so shal I hȳ asaut
¶What sayd the god Pluto what is his name.
¶That thus presumyth agayn vs to rebell
¶Vertu quod attropes y
t haue he mykyl shame
¶He is neuer confoūded thus of hȳ here I tell
¶A sayd this pluto in dede I know hȳ wel
¶Ho hath ben euer myn vtter ennemye
¶Wherfore this mater agayn hȳ take wyll I
¶For all the baytes y
t we for hym haue layde
¶Wythout my helpe be not worth a pere
¶For though ye all the contrary had sayd
¶yet wold he brede right nigh your althris ere
¶No maner of thynge can hym hurt or dere
¶Saue only a sone of my bastard
¶Whos name is vice he kepyth my vawarad.
¶Wherfore you Cerberꝰ now I the charge
¶Of Colus & wyl that thou heder fet
¶My dere sone Vyce & say that I hȳ charge.
¶That he to me come wythout ony let
¶Armed at all poyntes for a day is set
¶That he w
t Vertu for al y
e goddis sake
¶In our defence must on hym batayl take.
¶Forth then went Cerberus w
e his fyry chein
thyd vyce as he cōmaūded was
¶Agayn noble Vertu y
e batayl to dereygne
¶On a glydȳg serpent rydȳge a grete pace
¶Formed lyke a dragon scaled hard as glas
¶whoos mouth flammed fyre w
eout fayll
¶wyngꝭ had it serpentyne & a long tayll
¶Armed was vyce all in cure boyll
¶Harde as horne blacker fer than sute
¶An vngoodly sort folowed hym perde
¶Of vnhappy capteyns of myschyfe crop & rot
¶Pryde was the fyrst y
• next hȳ rode god wote
¶On a roryng Lyon next whom̄ came Enuye
¶Syttyng on wolfe he had a scornful eye
¶Wrath bestrode a wyld bore & next hȳ gā ride.
¶In his hond he bare a blody swerd
¶Next whom cam couetise y
•goth so fer & wide
¶Rydȳg on a Olyfaūt as he had ben a ferd
¶After whom rode Gloteny wyth his fat berd
¶Syttyng on a bere wyth his grete bely
[Page] ¶And next hȳ on a gote folowed Lechery
¶Sloth was so slepy he came all behynd
¶On a
dull asse a full wery pase
¶Thyse were y
e capteins that vyce coud fynde
¶Best to set his feld & folowon the chase
¶As for pety capteyns many mo there was
¶As sacrylege symony & dyssymulacyon
¶Manslaughter mordre theft & extorcyon
¶Arrogaūce Presūpcyon wyth contumact
¶Contēpcyon Cōtempt & Inobedyence
¶Malyle Frowardnes grete Ielasy
¶wodnes Hate Stryf and Impacyence
¶Vnkyndnes Opp̄ssyon w
t wofull neglygēce.
¶Murmur Myschef Falshod & detraccyon
¶Vsury Periury Ly and adulacyon
¶Wrong Rauyne Sturdy vyolence
¶Fals Iugement w
t Obstynacyon
¶Dysceyt Dronknes & Improuydence.
¶Boldnes in yll w
t foule and Rybaudy.
¶Fornycacyon Incest and Auoutry
¶Vnshamfastnes w
t Prodygalyte
¶Blasfeme vaynglory & worldly vanyte
¶Ignoraūce Dyffydence w
t Ipocrysy
¶Scysme Rancour Debate and Offence
¶Herely Errour w
t Idolatry.
¶New fangylnes and sotyll false Pretence
[Page] ¶Iordynat desyre of worldly excellence
¶Fayned pouerte wyth apostasy
¶Dysclaunder scorn & vnkynd Ielousy
¶Hoordom baudry false mayntenaunce
¶Treyson abusyon and pety brybry
¶Vsurpacyon w
t horryble vengaunce
¶Came alder last of that company
¶All thyse pety capetayns folowed by and by.
¶Shewyng theymself in the paleyse wyde
¶And say th
[...]y were redy that batayl to abyde
¶Idylnes set the comyns in a ray
¶Without the palayse on a fayr felde
¶But there was an ost for to make a fray
¶I trow suche a nother neuer man beheld
¶Many was the wepyn amonghē y
t they weld
¶What they were y
• came to that dysporte
¶I shall you declare of many a sondry sort
¶There were bosters crakers & brybours
¶Praters sasers strechers and wrythers
¶Shamefull shakelers soleyn slauedours
¶Oppressours of people and myghty crakers
¶Mayntenours of quarels horryble lyers
¶Theues traytours w
t false heretykes
¶Charmars sorcerers & many scysmatykes.
¶Preuy symonyakes wyth false vsurers
¶Multyplyers coyn wasshers & clyppers
[Page] ¶Wrong vsurpers wyth grete extorcyoners
¶Bachyters Glofers and fayre flaterers.
¶Malycyous murmurers with grete claterers
¶Tregetours Tryfelers Feyners of tales.
¶Lastyuous lurdeyns and Pykers of malys.
¶Rouners Vagabundes Forgers & lesingis.
¶Robbers Reuers Rauenous Ryfelers.
¶Choppers of Chyrches Fynders of tydynges
¶Merrers of maters and mony makers.
¶Stalkers by nyght wyth Euysdroppers.
¶Fyghters Brawlers Brekers of loue dayes
¶Getters Chyders Causers of frayes.
¶Tytyuyllis Tyraūtis w
t Tourmentours.
¶Corsyd apostatis Relygyous dyssymulers:
¶Closshers Carders wyth comon hasardours.
¶Tyburne colops and Purskytters.
¶Pylary knyghtys double tollyng Myllers.
¶Gay Ioly tapters w
t hostelers of the stewes.
¶Hores and Bawdes that many bale brewes
¶Bold blasfemers wyth false Ipocrytes.
¶Brothellers Brokers abhomynable swerers.
¶Dryuylls Dastardes dyspysers of ryghtis
¶Homycydes Poyseners & comon morderers
¶Scoldis Caytyues Comberous clappers.
¶I dolatres Enchauntors w
t false regenates.
¶Sotyl ambydextrys and sekeers of debatis.
¶Pseudo Prophetes false Sodemytes.
¶Quesmers of chyldren wyth fornycatours.
¶wetewoldes that suffre syn in their syghtis.
¶Auoutrers and abhomynable auauntours.
¶Of syn grete clappers & makers of clamours
¶Vnthryftes & vnlustes came al to that game
t luskꝭ & loselis y
• might not thryue for sham̄
¶These were the comons y
e came
thider y
e day.
¶Redy bowne in batayl Vertu to abyde.
¶Apollo theym beholdyng began to say.
¶To the goddys & goddesses beyng there y
¶Me semyth conuenyent an herowd to ryde
¶To Vertu & byd hȳ to batayl make hȳ boune
¶Hȳself to defend forsoth it shal be sone.
¶And let hym not be sodeynly take.
¶All dyspurneyed or that he beware.
¶For than shold our dyshonour awake.
¶If he were cowardly take in a snare.
¶Ee quod Vyce for that haue I no care.
¶I wyll auauntage take where I may.
¶That heryng Morpleus p̄uely stale away.
¶And went to warne Vertu of al this afray.
¶And bad hȳ awake and make hymself strong
¶For he was lyke to endure that
¶A grete mortall shoure er. it were euensonge.
t Vyce wherfore he bad hym not longe.
¶Tary to send after more-socoure.
[Page] ¶If he dyde it shold torne hym to dolour.
¶And brefely the mater to he declared.
¶Lyke as ye haue hard begynnyng and ende.
¶Well quod Vertu he shall not be
¶To the feld I wyl go how it wende.
¶But gramercy Morpleꝰ myn own dere frēde
¶Of your trew hert & faythfull entente.
¶That ye in this
mat to meward haue ment.
¶This done Morpleus departed away.
¶Fro Vertu to the palayse retornȳg agayn.
¶None hym aspyed that I dare well say.
¶In whych tyme Vertu dyde his besy payn
¶People to reyse his quarell to maynteyn.
¶Ymagynacyon was his messengere.
¶He went to warne people both ter & nere.
¶And bad hem come in all hast they myght
¶For to strength Vertue for wyth out fayll.
¶He sayd he shold haue long or it were nyght.
¶Wyth Vyce to do a myghty strong batayl.
¶Of vngracyoꝰ gestes he bryngyth a gret tayll
¶Wherfore it behouyth to help at this nede.
¶And after this shal Vertue rewar yo
r mede
¶Whan ymagynacyon had gone his cyrcuyte
¶To Vertue & frendis thus all about.
¶Wythin short tyme many men of myght
¶Gadered to Vertu in all that they myght.
[Page] ¶They hym comforted & bad hȳ put no doute.
¶His vtter enmy Vyce to ouerthrowe.
¶Thoughe hw
t hȳ brouȝt neuer so gret arow
¶And whan Vertu se the sustaūce of his oost
¶He prayed all the comons to the feld hem hye
¶Wyth her pety capteyns both lest and moste
¶And wyth his capteyns shold folow redely.
¶For he sayd he knew well y
t vyce was ful nye.
¶And who myght fyrst of y
e feld recouer y
e cētre
¶Wold kepe out y
• other he shuld not esely ētre
¶Then sent he forth Baptym to y
e feld before
¶And prayed hym hartely it to ouerse.
¶That nomaner trayn nor cotlrop therin wor̄
¶To noy nor hurt hym nor his meyne.
¶And whan he thyder came he began to se.
¶How Vyce his purseuannt cryme orygynall.
¶Was entred before and had seased vp all.
¶But as sone as herof Baptym had a syght.
¶He fled fast away and left the feld alone.
¶And anone Baptym entred wyth his myght.
¶Serchyng al about where this crym̄ had gon̄
¶But the feld was clene defaut foūd he none.
¶Then came Vertu after with his gret oste.
¶And his myghty capteyns both lest and most▪
¶But to enfourme you how he thyder came.
¶And what maner capteins he to y
e feld brouȝt.
[Page] ¶Hymselfe sekerly was the fyrst man.
¶Of all his grete host y
e thyderwarde sought.
¶Syttyng in a chare y
e rychely was wrought.
¶Wyth golde and peerles & gemmes precyous.
¶Crowned with laurer as lord vyctoryous.
¶Foure doubty knyghtes about y
e chare went.
¶At euery corner one hit for to gyde.
¶And conuey accordyng to. Vertue his entent.
¶At the fyrst corner was Ryghtwysnesse y
e tyde.
¶Prudence at the seconde was set to abyde.
¶At y
e thryd strength y
e fourth kept temperaūce.
¶These y
e chare gyded to. Vertue his pleasaūce.
¶Next to y
e chare seuen capyteyns there roode.
¶Echone aftre other in ordre by and by.
¶Humylyte was y
e fyrst a lambe he bestroode.
¶With contenaūce demure he rood full soberly.
¶Afawcon gentyll stood on his helme on hy.
¶And next after hym came there. Charyte.
¶Rydyng on a tygre as fyll to his degre.
¶Boody as a roose ay he kept his chere.
¶On his helme on hyghe a pellycan he bare.
¶Next whom cam pacyēce y
• no where hath no pere
¶On a camell rydyng as voyde of all care.
¶Afenix on his helm stood so forth gan he fare.
¶Who next hym folowed but lyberalyte.
¶Syteng on a dromedary y
• was both good & fre.
¶On his helm for his crest he bare on ospray.
¶And next after hym folowed abstynence.
¶Rydyng on an hete was trapure and gay.
¶He semed a lorde of ryght grete excellence.
¶A popyniay was his crest he was of gret dyffēce.
¶Next hym folowed chastyte on an vnicorne.
¶Armed at all poyntes behynde & beforne.
¶A tortyldoue he bare on hyghe for his crest.
¶Than came good besynesse last of y
e seuen.
¶Rydyng on a panter a sondry coloured best.
¶Gloryously beseen as he had come from heuen.
¶A crane on his hede stood his crest for
[...]o steuen.
¶All these .vii. capteyned had standardis of pryce.
¶Eche of hem accordȳg after his d
¶Many pety capteyns after these went.
¶As trew feyth & hope mercy pease & pyte.
¶Ryght trouth mekenesse w
t rood entent.
¶Goodnes concorde & parfyte vnyte.
¶Hoe est trewe loue with symplycyte.
¶Prayer fastȳg preuy almysdede.
¶Ioyned with y
e artycles of the crede.
¶Confessyon contrycyon & satyffaccyon.
¶With sorow for synne & grete repentaunce.
[...]euenesse of trespas w
t good dysposycyon.
¶Resystence of wrong performȳg of penance.
¶Holy deuocyon wyth good contynaunce
[...]de hem folowed with the sacramētis
[Page] ¶And sadnesse alse wyth the commaūdementes
¶Suffraunce in trouble wyth Innocensy
¶Clennes contynence and virgynyte
¶Kyndnes reuerence w
t curteysy
¶Content & pleased wyth pyteous pouerte
¶Entendyng wel mynystryng equyte
¶Twene ryght & wrong hole indyfferently
¶And labouryng the seruyse of god to multyply
¶Refuse of ryches & worldly vaynglory
¶Perfeccyon wyth perfyght contemplacyon
¶Relygyon professyon wel kept in memory
¶Verry drede of god wyth holy predycacyon
¶Celestyall sapyence wyth gostly inspyracyon
¶Grace was the guyde of al this meyne
¶Whome folowed konnyng w
t his genealogy
¶That is to say gramer and Sophystry
¶Phylosophy naturall logyke and Rythoryke
¶Arsmetrycke geometry wyth astronomye
¶Canon and Cyuyll melodyous musyke
¶Noble Theology and corporal physyke
¶Moralyzayson of holy scrypture
¶Profound poetry and drawȳg of pycture
¶Thyse folowed connyng &
thyd wyth h
[...]n cān
¶Wyth many one mo offryng her seruyie
¶To Vertu at that nede but notwythstōdȳg than
¶Some he refused and sayd in nowyse
[Page] ¶They shuld wyth hym go & as I coud auyse
¶Thysewore her names fyrst Nygrōmancy
¶Geomansy magyke and glotony
¶Adryomansy Ornomancy w
t pyromancy
¶Fysenomy also and pawmestry
¶And al her sequeles yf I shal not lye
¶Yet connyng prayed Vertu he wold not deny
¶Theym for to know nor dysdeyn his eye
¶On hem to loke wherto Vertu graunted
¶How be it in his werres ge wold not they haūted
¶So had they connyng lyghly to depart
¶From Vertu his feld and they seyng this
¶By comyn assent hyred them a carte
¶And made hem be caryed toward Vyce Iwys.
¶Fro thens forth to serue hȳ this wold, not mys
¶For loth they were to be maysterles
¶In stede of the better the worse there they ches
¶But forth to relese al the rrmenaunt
¶Of pety capteins that wyth Vertue were
¶Moderate dyet
and wysdom auenant
¶Euen weyght and mesure ware of contagyoꝰ gē
¶Loth to offend ann louyng ay to lere
¶Worshyp and profyte w
t myrth in maner
¶Thyse pety capteyns wyth Vertu were in fere
¶Comons hem folowed a grete multitude
¶But in came pyson to that other syde
[Page] ¶I trow there was not brefely to conclude.
¶The .x. man that batayl to abyde.
¶Yet neuertheles I shal not from you hyde.
¶what maner people they were & of what secte
¶As nere as my wyt therto wyll me derect.
¶There were noble and famous doctours.
¶Example yeuers of lyuyng gracyous.
¶Perpetuel prestes and dyscrete confessours.
¶Of holy scrypture declarers fructuous.
¶Rebukers of syn & myscheues odyous.
¶Fysshers of soules & louers of clennes.
¶Dyspysers of veyn and worldly rychesse.
¶Peasyble prelatys Iustycyal gouernours.
¶Founders of chyrches wyth mercyfull peres.
¶Reformers of wrong of her progenytours
¶On peynfull pore pyteous compassyoners
¶well menyng marchaūtes w
t trewartefecers
¶Vyrgyns pure and also Innocentes
¶Hooly matrones w
t chast contynence
¶Pylgrymes & palmers w
t trew laborers
¶Holy heremytes goddys solycytours
¶Monesteryal monkes & well dysposed freres
¶Chanons and nonnes feyth ꝓfessoures
¶Of worldly people trew coniugatours.
¶Louers of Cryst Confounders of yll.
¶And all that to godward yeue her good wyll
¶Mayntenours of ryghte verey penytentes.
¶Dystroyers of errour causers of vnyte.
¶Trew actyf lyuers that set her ententis
¶The dedis to performe of mercy and pyte
¶Contemplatyf people that desyre to be.
¶Salytary seruauntis vnto god alone.
¶Rather thē to haboūd in rychesses echone.
¶Thyse wyth many mo than I reherce can
¶were come thyder redy that batayl to abyde.
¶And take such part as fyl to Vertu than
¶Vyce to uoercome they hoped for al his pride
¶Al though he had more people on his syde
¶For the men that Vertu had were ful sure.
¶To trust on at nede & connyng in armure
¶Macrocosme was the name of the feld
¶where this grete batayll was set for to be
¶In the myddys therof stode cōsyence & beheld
¶whyche of hem shold be brought to captyuyte
¶Of that noble tryūph Iuge wold he be
¶Synderesys sate hȳ wythin closed as a park
t his table in his honde her dedys to marke.
¶To come in to the feld were hygh wayes .v.
¶Fre to both partyes large brode and wyde
¶Vertu wold not tari but highed hȳ
thyd bliue
¶Lest he were by vyce deceyued at that tyde
¶Long out of the feld loth was he to abyde
¶In auenture that he out of it were kept.
[Page] ¶For thā wold he haue thouȝt he
had to long slept
¶In this mene tyme whyle Vertu thꝰ ꝓceded
¶For hȳ & his people the feld for to wynne.
¶He charged euery man by grace to be guyded
¶And al that euer myght y
e feld to enter ynne.
¶In all that season went orygynal synne.
¶To let Vyce know how Baptym w
t his hoste.
Had entred Macrocosme & serched euery cooste
¶A sayd Vyce I se well it is tyme.
¶Baners to dysplay & standardes to auaunce.
¶Al most to long haddest y
u taryed cryme.
¶To let vs haue knolege of this purueyaunce.
¶Yet I trow I shal lerne hem a new daunce.
¶Wherfore I commaund you al w
tout delaye
¶Toward the felde draw in all the hast ye may
¶Than sayd y
e god Pluto y
t al men myȝt here
¶Vyce I the charge as thou wylt eschew.
¶Our heuyous Indȳgnacyō y
u draw not arere
¶But put y
e forth boldly to ouerthrowe Vertu.
¶In fayth quod Attropos & I shal after sew /
¶For yf he escape oure hondys this day.
¶I tell you my seruyse haue lost for ay.
¶Forth than rode Vyce w
t al his hole strength
¶On his stede serpentyne as i told you byfore.
¶The ost that hȳ folowed was of a grete lēgth.
¶Amōg whō were penoūs & g
[...]yt̄s mani a scor̄
[Page] ¶Of hys pety capteynes he made many a kniȝt
¶For they shuld not fle but manly w
t him fight
¶He doubed Falshod wyth Dyssymylacyon.
¶Symony Vsury Wrong and Rybawdy.
¶Malyce Deceyt Lye wythout Extorcyon.
¶Periury Dyffydence and Apostasy.
¶Wyth boldnes in yl to bere hym company.
¶Thyse .xiiii. knyghtes made vyce that daye.
¶To wyn her spores they sayd they wold assay
¶In lyke wyse Vertu doubed on his syde:
¶Of pety capteyns other fourtene.
¶Whyche made her auou wyth hym to abyde:
¶Hor spores wold they wȳ y
• day shold it be
¶Thyse wore her names yf it be as I wene
¶Feyth▪ Hope & Mercy Trouth & also Ryght.
t Resystence of wronge a full hardy wyghte
¶Confessyon Contrycyon wyth Satysfaction
¶Verrey drede of God Performȳg of penaūce
¶Perfeccyon Connyng and Good dyspocision
¶And all knyt to Vertu they were by alyauns
¶Wherfore to hym they made assuraunce.
¶That feld to kepe as long as they myght.
¶And in his quarel agayn Vyce to fyght.
¶The lord of Macrocosme & rewler of y
e fee
¶Was called Frewyll chaunger of the chaūce:
¶To whome Vertu sent embassatours thre
[Page] ¶Reson dyscresyon & good remēbraūce.
¶And prayed hȳ be fauorable his honoure to ēhās
¶For but he had his fauour at y
e poynt of nede
¶He stood in gret doute he coude not lightly spede.
¶In lyke wyse. Vyce embassatours thre.
¶For his party vnto Frewyll sent.
¶Temptacyon foly & sensualyte.
¶Prayng hȳ of fauour that he wolde assent.
¶To hȳ as he wolde at his cōmaundement.
¶Haue hȳ eftsones whan he lyst to call.
¶On hȳ for ony thȳg y
• afterward myght fall.
¶Answere yaue he none to neyther party.
¶Saue oonli he sayd y
e batayll wolde he se
¶To wete whiche of hȳ shold haue y
e vyctory.
¶Hit hȳg in his balaūce y
e ambyguyte.
¶He sayd he wolde not restrayne his lyberte.
¶Whan he come where sorow shold awake.
¶Than it shold be know what part he wyl take
¶Whan. Vertu & Vyce be her ambassatours.
¶Knew of this answere they stood in gret doute.
¶Neuertheles they seyd they wold ēdure tho shours
¶And make an ende shortly of y
t they wēt aboute.
¶Soo forth came. Vyce w
t all his grete route.
¶Er he came at y
e selde he sent yet priuely.
¶Sensualyte before in maner of a spy.
¶Whiche sewe y
e felde w
t his vnkynde seede.
[Page] ¶That caused Vertu after mykyll woo to feele
¶For therof grewe nought but all oonly weede.
¶Whiche made the grounde as sleper as an yele.
¶He went ayene to vice & tolde hym euery dele.
¶How he had done and bad hym come a way.
¶For he had so purueyde y
e vyce sholde haue y
e day▪
¶Soo as it happed at y
e felde they mete.
¶Frewyll vertu and vice as tripartite.
¶Saaf vertu a litil before the felde had gete.
¶And ellis his auātage forsoth had be fullyght
¶Not for then encombred so was neuer wyght▪
¶As vertu & his men were with the ranke. wede
¶That in y
e felde grew of sensualitees fede
¶But as soone as vyce of vertu had a syght.
¶He gan swage gonnes as he had be woode
¶That heryng vertu cōmaunded euery wyght
¶To pauyce hym vnder the sygne of y
e rode.
¶And bad hē not drede but kepe styll where thy.
¶It was but a shour shold soue cōfoūde
¶wherfore he cōmaūded thē stād & kepe her groūd stode.
¶And whan vyce cam nerer to the felde.
¶He callyd sore for bowes & bad hem shote faste
¶But vertu & hys meyny bare of with y
e sheld.
¶Of the b
[...]yssyd Trynyte ay tyll shot was past.
¶And whā shot was done vyce cam forth at last.
¶Purposyng the felde wyth assaute to wyn.
¶But v
(er)tu kept it long he myght not
ent theryn.
¶All that tyme Frewyll stode & hym bethought.
¶To which he myȝt leue & what ꝑe he wold take.
¶At last sensualite had hȳ so fer brought.
¶That he sayd playnly he v
(er)tu wold forsake.
¶And in vyce hys quarell all his power make.
Nota Iwis quod reason y
t is not for the beste.
¶Noforse sayd frewyll I wyll do as my lyst.
¶Vertu was full heuy when he see frewyll
¶Take part with vyce but yet neuerthelesse.
¶He dyde that he myght the felde to kepe styll.
¶Tyll vyce with frewyll so sore gan hȳ oppresse.
¶That he was constranyed clerely by duresse.
¶A lytyll tyne abacke to make abew retret.
¶All thyng consydered hit was the best feet.
¶Fyrst to remembre how vyce parte was.
¶Ten ayen one strenger by lyklynesse.
¶And than how frewyll was with hym alas.
¶Whoo coude deme vertu but in heuynesse.
¶Moreouer to thynke how that slyper grasse.
¶That of sensualyte hys on kynde seede grew.
¶Vnder foot in standyng encombred vertew
¶Yet notwitstondyng vertue his men all.
¶Nobelly theym bare and faught myghtyly.
¶How be it y
e sleper grasse made many of hē fall.
¶And from thense in maner departe sodenly.
¶That seyng vyce his hoost began to shout & cry.
¶And sayd on in Pluto name on & all is oure.
[Page] ¶For this day shal Vyce be made a conquerour.
¶Thus Vertu was by myght of vyce & Frew
¶Dryuen out of the feld it was the more pyte yll
¶How by it yet Baptym kept his ground styll.
¶And w
t hym abode feyth hope & vnyte.
¶And konnynge also w
t a grete meyne.
¶Confessyon contrycyon were redy at her hond.
¶And Satysfaction Vyce to wythstond.
¶But al the tyme whyle Vertu was away.
¶A myȝty conflycte kept they w
t Vycys rout.
¶And yet neuertheles for al that grete afray.
¶Hope stod vpryght & feyth wold neuer lout
¶And euermor̄ sayd Baptym syres pu
[...] no dout.
¶Vertu shal return & haue his entent.
¶This feld shal be ours or let me be shent.
¶And whyl thyse pety capteȳs sustend thꝰ y
e feld
¶Wyth Vertu his reward come good ꝑseuerauns
¶An hugy myȝty hoost & whan he beheld.
¶How Vertu hym withdrew he toke dysplesaūs.
¶And whā he to hȳ cam he sayd ye shal your chās
¶Take as it fallyth wherfore returne ye must.
¶Yet ones for your sake w
t Vyce shal I Tust.
¶Alas that euer ye shold lese your honour.
¶And therwyth also y
e hygh ꝑpetuel crown.
¶Which is for you kept in the celestyal tour.
¶Wherfore be ye called chrystys champyon.
[Page] ¶How is it that ye haue noo compassyone.
¶On baptyme feyth & hope konnyng & vnite.
¶That stād so hard bestad & fyght as ye may see.
¶All the tresour erthely vnder y
e fyrmamēt
¶That euer was made of goddys creacyon.
¶To reward theym euenly were not equyualent.
¶For her noble labour in his affleccyon.
¶Wherfore take vpon you your Iurisdyccyon
¶Rescu yonder knyghtes & recontynu fyght.
¶And els a dew your crown: or al your gret myȝt
¶With these & suche wordys as I haue you tolde
¶By good perseueraunce vttred in this wyse.
¶Vertu hym remembred & gan to vexe bolde.
¶And sayd yeue trew knyghtis to rescu Iauyse
¶Let vs no lengar tary from this entrepryse.
¶Agayn to y
t felde soo Vertu retourned.
¶That caused hē be mery y
t lōg afore had morned
¶Auaunt baner
qd he in y
e name of Iesu
¶And with y
t his people set vp a gret shoute.
¶And cryed with a loude voce a Vertu a Vertu.
¶Then began Vyce his hoost for to loke a boute.
¶But I trow ꝑseueraūce was not long withoute
¶He bathed his swerd in his foos blood.
¶The boldest of hem all not ones hȳ withstoode.
¶Constaūce hym folowed & brought hȳ his spere
¶But when ꝑseueraūce saw Vyce on his stede.
[Page] ¶Noman coude hym let tyll he came there.
¶For to byd hym ryde I trow it was no nede.
¶All Vertu his oost prayed for his good spede.
¶Agayn Vyce he rode with his grete shaft.
¶And hym ouerthrew for all his so
[...]yll craft.
¶That seyng Frewill came to conscyence.
¶And gan hym to repente y
t he with hym had be.
¶Prayeng hym of coūsell for his grete offence.
¶That he agayn Vertu had made his arme.
¶What was best to doo to hymylyte:
Qd conscyence must y
u go so he hym thyder sent
¶Dysguysed y
t he were not knowen as he wente.
¶And whan he thyder came humylyte hym toke.
¶A token & bad hym go to conffessyon.
¶And shew hym his mater with a peteous loke
¶Whiche done he hym sent to contrycyon.
¶And fro thensforthe to satysfaccyon.
¶Thus fro poost to pyler was he made to daūce.
¶And at the last he went forthe to penaūce.
¶But now for to tel you whē Vyce was outhrow
¶A gret part of his oost about hym gan resorte.
¶But he was so febyll y
• he coude noman know.
¶And whan they se y
t they knew no comforte.
¶But caryed hym a way be a preuy porte.
¶And as they caryed dyspeyre with hȳ met.
¶With Vyce his rewarde he cam theym for to fet
¶Then came there downe goodly ladyes tweyn.
¶From the hyghe heuen aboue the fyrmamente.
¶And sayd the gret Alpha & Oo moost souereyn.
¶For that nobell tryumphe had hem thyder sent.
¶One of hem to dryue Vyce to grete tormente.
¶With a fyry strong y
• she bare in her hande.
¶And so he dede dyspere & all his hole bande.
¶The name of this lady was called Prestyence.
¶She neuer left Vyce ne none y
t wolde hȳ folow.
¶Tyll they were cōmytted by y
e dyuyne sentence.
¶All to payne perpetuell & Infynyte sorow.
¶Right wysnes went to se y
t nomā shold hē borow.
¶Thꝰ al entreted sharpely were they tyll Cerberꝰ
¶Had hem beshut within his gates tenebrꝰ.
¶And all y
e whyle y
t Prestyēce w
t her scorge smert
¶To rewarde Vyce gan her thus occupy.
¶With all his hole, bende after her desert.
¶That other gloryoꝰ lady y
• came fro heuē on hy.
¶Hauyng in her honde the palme of vyctory.
¶Came downe to Vertu & toke hym to y
t p̄sent.
¶Sayeng thus that Alpha & Oo hath hym sent.
¶And as ferre as I ryght coude vnderstonde
¶That ladyes name was Predestynacyon.
¶Vertu & his oost she blessyd with her honde.
¶And in heuyn graunted hem habytacyon.
¶Whereto eche of hem reseruyd was a crowne.
¶She sayd in token that they enherytours.
[Page] ¶Of the glory were & gracious conquerours.
¶Wych done the ladyes 'ayen to gyder met
¶And towarde heuen vp they gan to sty
¶Embraced in armes as they had ben knyt.
Togyd w
t a gyrdyl but so sodenly.
¶As yy wer̄ vanysshyd saw I neuthȳg w
t ey.
¶And anone Vertu wyth al his company.
¶Kneled doūn & thāked god of y
t vyctory.
¶Yet had I forget whan Vyce was ouerthrow.
¶To haue told you hou many of Vycys hoost.
¶Gan to seke pease & darked doūn ful low.
¶And besought mercy what so euer it coste.
¶To be her mene to Vertu els y
•y wē but lost.
¶And some in lyke wyse to feyth & hope sought.
¶What to do for pease they sayd they ne rouȝte.
¶Some also Baptym sewed to be her mene.
¶Som to one som to other as thei hē gete myȝte.
¶But al to Confessyon wēt to make hē clene
¶And as y
•y came to cōsyēce he theȳ bad go lyȝte.
¶Er thā old attropes of hē had a syȝt.
¶For yf he so theym toke lost they wē for euer
¶He sayd Vyce to forsake better late thȳ neuer.
¶Som eke for socour drew to circūcision.
¶But by hȳ coud they gete but smal fauoure.
¶For he in that company was had but in
elesse to feyth he bad hē go laboure.
[Page] ¶Prayng theȳ for oldē acqueyntāce theȳ socoure
qd feth for his sake I shal do y
• I may doo
¶But fyrste for the best way baptym go ye to.
¶For by hym sonest shal ye recouer grace.
¶Which shal to Vertu bryng you by processe.
¶Wherfore in ony wyse loke ye make good face.
¶And let noman know of your heuynes.
¶So they were by baptym brouȝt out of destres
¶Turned al to Vertu & whan this was done.
¶Vertu cūmaūded Frewyl before hym come.
¶To whom thus he sayd I haue grete merueyl
¶Ye durst be so bold Vyces party to take.
¶Who bad you do so & yaue you that counseyl.
¶Iustly vnto that ye shal me preuy make.
¶Then sayd Frewyll & swemfully spake.
¶Knelyng on his kne wyth a chere denyng.
¶I pray you syr let pyte your eres to me enclyne.
¶And I shall yow tel the verrey soth of all.
¶How it was & who made me that way drawe.
¶For soth sensualyte his ꝓpre name they call.
¶A sayd reason then I know wel that felowe.
¶Wyld he is & wanton of me stant hȳ none awe.
¶Is he so
qd Vertu wel he shall be taught.
¶As a player shuld to draw another draught.
¶And w
thal came sadnesse wyt his sober chere.
¶Bryngyng Sensualite beyng ful of thought.
[Page] ¶And sayd that he had take hym prysonere.
¶A welcome sayd Versu now haue I y
e I souȝt.
¶Blessed be the good lord as y
e wold it is nought
¶Why arte y
u so wanton he sayd for shame.
¶Or y
• go at large y
u shalt be more tame.
But stōd a part a whyle tyl I haue spoke a word
¶Wyth Frewyl a lytyl & then shaite y
u knowe.
¶What shalbe thy fynaūce then he saydin bord
¶Vnto Frewyl the bend of your bowe.
¶Begynnyth to s
[...]ake but suche as ye haue sowe
¶Must nedes repe there is none waye,
¶Notwythstondȳg that lette what ye can saye.
¶What is your habilite me to recompense.
¶For the grete harme that ye to me haue do.
¶Forsoth sayd Frewyll in open audyence.
¶But oonly Macrocosme more haue I not loo.
¶Take y
t yf it pleyse you I wyl that it be soo.
¶Yf I may vnderstond ye be my good lorde.
¶In dede sayd Vertu to that wyll I accorde.
¶Then made Vertu Reason his leyftenaunte.
¶And yaue hī a grete charge macrocosme to kepe
¶That done Sensualite yeld hym recreaunte.
¶And began for anger bysterly to wepe.
¶For he demed surely hys sorowe shold not slepe
¶Then made Vertu Frewyll bayl
vnd Reason.
¶The feld for to ocupy to his behoue that season.
¶And then sayd Vertu to Sensualyte.
¶Thou shalt be rewarded sor thy besynesse.
¶Vnder this furme al fragylyte.
¶Shalt y
u forsake both more and lesse.
vnd the guydȳg y
u shalt be of sadnesse.
¶All though it somwhat be agayn thy herte.
¶Thy Iugement is gyuen y
u shalt it not asterte
¶And euyn w
e that came in dame Nature.
¶Sayeng thꝰ to Vertu syr ye do me wronge.
¶By durcsse & constreynt to put this creature.
¶Gentyll Sensualyte y
t hath me ꝓued longe.
¶Clerely from his lyberte & set hym amonge.
¶Theȳ that loue hȳ not to be her vn
¶As it were a cast away or a sho cloute.
¶And perde ye know well a rewlehaue I must
¶Wythin Macrocosme forsoth I say not nay.
Od Vertu butsēsualyte shal not ꝑform your lust
¶Lyke as he hath do befor this yf I may.
¶Therfro hȳ restreyn sadnesse shal assay.
¶How be it ye shal haue your hoselyberte.
¶Wythin Macrocosme as ye haue had fre.
¶And whan Vertu had to Nature sayd thns
¶A lytyll tyne his ey castyng hym besyde.
¶He se in a corner stondyng Morpleus.
¶That hȳ before warned of y
e verely tyde.
¶A syrs sayd Vertu yet we must abyde.
¶Here is a frend of ours may not be forgete.
[Page] ¶After his deserte we shall hȳ entreate
¶Morpleꝰ sayd. Vertu I thāke you hertely.
¶For your trew herte & your grete laboure.
¶That ye lyst to come to me soo redely.
¶Whan ye vnderstod y
e comȳg of that shoure.
¶I thanke god & you of sauȳg of mȳ honour.
¶Wherfore this preuylege now to you I grāt
¶That w
tin Macrocosme ye shall haue your haūt
¶And of fyue posternes y
e keys shall ye kepe.
¶Lettyng in & out at hȳ whome ye lyst.
¶As long as in Macrocosme your
fad wyll crepe.
¶Blere whos ey yewyll hardely w
t your myst
¶And kepe your werkes close there as in a chyst
¶Saaf I wold desyre you spare Pollucyon.
For no thȳg may me plese y
e soūeth to corrupcyon.
¶And whā he had thꝰ sayd y
e keyes he hȳ toke.
¶And toward his castell w
t his people went
¶Byddȳg reason take good hede & about loke.
¶That sēsualite by Nature were not shēt.
¶Kepe hȳ short he sayd tyll his lust be spēt
¶For better were a chylde to by vnbore.
¶Than let hȳ haue y
e wyll & foreuer be lore.
¶And whā olde Attropos had seen & herd all this
¶How Vertu had opteyned astonyed as he stood,
¶He sayd to hȳse lfe som what there is amys.
¶I trow well my patent be not all good.
[Page] ¶Sayeng to the goddys I see ye do but iape.
¶After a worthy whew haue ye made me gape.
¶How a deuyll way sholde I Vertue ouerthrow.
¶When he dredeth not all your hole route.
¶How cā ye make good your patēt wold I know
¶Hit is to Impossable to bryng that aboute.
¶For stryke hym may I not y
t is out of doute.
¶A good Attropos sayd god Apollo.
¶An answere conuenyent shall thou haue hertō.
¶The wordes of thy patent dare I well say
¶Stretche to no forther but were dame Nature
¶Hath Iurysdyccyon thē to haue thy way Nota.
¶And largesse to stryke as longet to thy cure.
¶And as for Vertu he his no cryature.
¶Vnder the predycament conteyned of quantyte
¶Wherfore his dystruccyon longeth not to the.
¶A ha sayd Attropos then I see well.
¶That all ye goodys be but couēterfete.
¶For oo God there is that can euerydell.
¶Tourne as hym lest bothe drye & whete.
¶In to whoos seruyce I shal assay to gete.
¶And yf I may ones to his scruycece me.
¶Your names shal be put to oblyuyone.
¶Thus went Attropos fro the paleys wrooth.
¶But in the mene tyme whyle y
e he there was.
¶Glydyng by the paleys resydyuacyon gooth.
[Page] ¶Towarde Macrocosme with a pēynted fase.
¶Clad lyke a pylgryme walkyng a grete pase.
¶In the forme as he had ben a man of ynde.
¶He wede haue made reson & fadnesse both blȳde
¶With sensualyte was he soone aqueynted.
¶To whome he decared his mater pryuely.
¶Yet he was espyed for all his face peynted.
¶Then reson hy comauded pyke hȳ thēs lightly.
¶For his ease
qd sadnesse so coū eyll hym wyll I.
¶Soo was sensualyte ay kepte vnder foote.
¶That to resydyuacyon myght he doo no boote.
¶Then went he to Nature & asked her auyse.
¶His entent to opteynde what was best to doo.
¶She sayd euer syth Vertu of vyce man y
e pryse.
¶Reson with sadnesse hath rewled the felde soo.
¶That I & sensnalyte may iytyll for the doo.
¶For I may noo more but oonly kepe my cours.
¶And yet is seusualyte strenger kept & wours.
¶Thꝰ herȳg resydiuacōn fro thēs he went ageyn
¶Full of thought & sorow y
t ehe myght not spede.
¶Than reson & saduesse toke we dehokes tweyn.
¶And all wylde wātonesse out y
e felde gan wede.
¶With all thr slyper grasse y
e grewe of the sede.
¶That sensualyte before therin sew.
¶And fro thens forth kept it clene for vertew
¶Than began new grase in the felde to spryng.
[Page] ¶All vnlyke y
t other of colour fayr & bryght.
¶But then I aspyed a meruelous thyng.
¶For the groūde of y
e felde gan wex hore & whyt.
¶I coude not conceyue how y
e be myght.
¶Tyll I was enformed & taught it to know.
¶But wher vertu occupyet must nedes wel grow
Yet in the mene tyme while the felde thus grow.
¶And reson with sadnesse therof had goueraūce.
¶Many a preuy messenger thyder sent Vertew.
¶To know yf it were guyded to his plesaūce.
¶Now prayer eft fastyng & often tyme penaūce.
¶And whan he myght goo preuely almesdede.
¶And bad hȳ to his power helpe where hese nede
While y
e felde thus rewled reson with sadnesse.
¶Maugre dame Nature for all her carnall might
¶Came thyder Attropos voyd of all gladnesse.
¶Wrapped in his shete & axed of ony wyght.
¶Coude wysse hym the vay to the lorde of light.
¶Or ellis where myght fynde ryghwysnesse.
¶Forsothe sayd reyson I trowas I gesse.
¶At Vertu his castell ye may soone hym
[...]ye lyst the laboure thyder to take.
¶And there shall ye know yf ye be not blynde.
¶The next wey to the lorde of lyght I vndertake.
¶So thyder went Attropos petycyon to make.
¶To ryghtwysnesse preyeng that he myght.
¶Be take in to the seruyse of the lorde of lyght.
¶What sad ryghwysnesse y
u olde dotyng foole.
¶Whome yast thou seruyd syth the worlde begā
¶But oonlh hym where hast y
u go to scole.
¶Whethery art y
u doubl cor elles the sam man.
¶That thou were fyrst a syr sayd he than.
¶I praye you hertely holde me excused.
¶I am olde & febell my wyttys are dysused.
¶Well sayd ryghtwysnes for as moche as thow.
¶Knowest not thy mayst̄ thy name shal I chaūge
¶Dethe shalt y
u be caled from hēs forward now
¶Among all the peple that shal be had straūge.
¶But whan y
u begynnest to make thy chalaūge.
¶Dredde shalt thou be where so thou become.
¶And to noo creature shalt thou be welcome.
¶And as for theym whome thou dedest serue.
¶For as moche as they presume on hem to take.
¶That hygh name of god they shal as they deꝓue
¶Therfore he rewarded I dare
¶Wyth payn ꝑpetual among fendes blake.
¶And her names shall be put to oblyuyon.
¶Among men but it be in dyrysyon.
¶Aha fayd Attropos now begȳne I wexglad.
¶That I shal thus auenged of hem be.
¶Syth they so long tyme haue made me so mad.
qd ryght wysnesse here what I say to the.
¶The lorde of lyght sent the wordeby me.
[Page] ¶That in Macrocosme sesyne shalt thou take
¶wherfore thy darte redy loke thou make
¶And as soone as Vertue that vnderstood
¶He sayd he was pleased that it sholde soo be
¶And euen forth with he cōmaunded presthood
¶To make hym redy the felde for to se
¶So thyder went presthode with benygnyte
[...]g thyder the blessyd sacrament
¶Of Eukaryst but fyrst were thyder sent
¶Confessyō contrycyon and satysfaccyō nota
¶Sorow for synne and grete repentaunce
¶Holy deuocyon with good dysposycyon
¶All these thyder came and also penaunce
¶As her dewte was to make purueaunce
¶Agayn the comyng of that blessyd lorde
¶Feyth hope & charyte therto were acorde
¶Reason with sadnesse dyde his dylygence
¶To clense the felde within and without
¶And whan they se the bodely presence
¶Of that holy Eukaryst lowly gan they lout
¶So was that lorde receyued out of dout
¶with all huble chere debonayre & benygne
¶Lykly to pleasure it was a grete sygne
¶Then came to the felde the mynyster fynall
¶Called holy vnccyon with a crysmatory
¶The fyue hye wayes in especyall
[Page] ¶Therof he anoȳted & made hit sanctuary
¶whome folowed deth which wolde not tary
¶His feruent power there to put in vre
¶As he was cōmaūded graūtyng dame Nature
¶He toke his darte called his mortall aunce
¶And bent his stroke towarde the feldes herte
¶That seyng preesthode bad good remembraūce
¶Towarde the felde tourne hym & aduerte
¶For except hym all vertues thense must sterte
¶And euen with that dethe there sesyne toke
¶And then all the company clercly hit forsoke
¶And as soone as dethe thus had sesyne take
¶The colour of the felde was chaūged sodeynly
¶The arasse therin seere as though it had be bak
¶And the fyue hygh wayes were mured vpon hy
¶That fro thēs forwarde none entre shold therbi
¶The posternes were also without lette
¶Bothe in warde & outwarde fyne fast shette
¶Whiche done sodeynly dethe vanysshed a way
¶And Verty exalted was aboue the fyrmament
¶where he toke crowne of glory
t is ay
¶Preparate by Alpha & oo omnypotent
¶The swete frute of macrocosme
thyd whȳ wēt
¶And on all this mater as I stood musyng thus
¶Agayn fro the felde to me came Morpleus
¶Sayēg thus what chere how lyketh y
e this fyght
[Page] ¶Haste thou seen ynough or wyll thou see inore
¶Nay syr I sayd my trouthe I you plyght
¶This is suffycente yf I knew wherfore
¶This was to me shewed for therof he lore
¶Coueyte I to haue yf I gete myght
¶Folow me quod he and haue thy delyght
¶Soo Thym folowed tyll he had me brougt
¶To a foresquare herber walled round aboute
qd Morpleꝰ here maist thou y
t thousought
¶Fynde yf thou wyll I put the out of doute
¶Alytyll whyle we stood styll there withoute
¶Tyll wytte chyef porter of that herber gate
¶Requyred by stodye lete vs in there ate
¶But whan I came in meruayled gretly
¶Of that I behelde & herde reporte
¶For fyrst in a chayre apparaylled royally
¶There sate dam doctryne her childern to exorte
¶And about her was many a sondry sorte
¶Some wyllyng to lerne dyuerse scyence
¶And some for to haue perfyte intellygence
¶Crowned she was lyke an Emperesse
¶Wich iii. crownes standyng on her hede on by
¶All teyng about her an Infynyte processe
¶were to declare I tell you certaynly
¶Neuerthelesse some in mynde therof haue I
¶whiche I shall to you as god wyll yeue me grace
¶As I sawe & herde tell in short space
¶Fast by Doctryne on that one syde
¶As I remembre sate holy Texte
¶That opened his mouthe to y
e people wyde
¶But not in comparyson to Glose y
e sate nexte
¶Moralyzacyon with a cloke contexte
¶Sate & Scrypture was scrybe to theym all
¶He sate ay wrytyng of that that sholde fall
¶These were tho that I there knewe
¶By no maner waye of olde acqueyntaūce
¶But as I before saw theym with Vertewe
¶Company in felde & hauyng dalyaūce
¶And as I thus stood halfe in a traunce
¶whyle they were occupyed in her besynesse
¶Aboute the wallesmyn ey gan I dresse
¶where I beheld the meruaylous story
¶That euer I yet sawe in ony pycture
¶For on tho walles was made memory
¶Syngulerly of euery creature
¶That there had byn bothe forme & stature
¶whoos names reherse I wyll as I can
¶Bryng theym to mynde in ordre euery man
¶Fyrst to begynne there was in portrature
¶Adam & Eue holdyng an apell rounde
¶Noe in a shyp & Abraham hauyng sure
¶Aflyntstone in his honde & I saaclay bounde
¶On an hyghe moūte Jacob slepyng sounde
¶And a long ladder stood besyde
¶Joseph in a Cysterne was also there that tyde.
¶Next whom stode Moyses with his tables two
¶Aaron and Vrre his armes supportynge
¶Ely in a brennyng chare was there also.
¶And Elyze stode clad in hermytes cothynge.
¶Dauyd wyth an harpe and a stone slynge.
¶I saye Jeremy and Ezechyell.
¶And closed wyth Lyons holy Danyell.
¶A bacuc Mychee wyth Malachy.
¶And Jonas out of a whales body comynge.
¶Samuel in a Temple & holy zachary.
¶Besyde an aulter all blody stondynge.
¶Dsee wyth Judyth stood there conspyryng.
¶The deth of Oloferne & Salamon.
¶A chylde wyth hys swerde dyuydynge in two.
¶Many mo prephetes certeynly there were.
¶Whoos names now come not to my mynde.
¶Melchysedech also Jespyed there.
¶Brede & wyne offryng as fell to his kynde.
¶Ioachym & Anna▪ stode al behynde.
¶Embraced in armes to the golden gate.
¶And holy Iohan Baptyst in desert sat.
¶And now comyth to my remembrunce.
¶I am auysed I saw Sodechy:
¶And Amos also with sober countenaunce.
¶Stondyng wyth her faces towarde Sophony.
¶Neemy & Eldras bare hem companye.
¶The holy man Iob as an Impotente.
[Page] ¶Then folowed in pycture wyth Thoby pacyent
¶Thyse wyth many mo on that one syde.
¶Of that grene herber portrayed were.
¶A sayd Morpleus a lytyll tyme abyde.
¶Turn thy face where thy backe was ere.
¶And beholde well what thou seeste there.
¶Than I me turned as he me badde.
¶With herte stedfaste & countenaunce sadde.
¶Where I sawe Peter wyth his keyes stonde.
¶Poule wyth a swerde and Iames also.
¶Wyth a sealop & Thomas holdyng in his honde
¶Aspere and Phylyp aproched hym to:
¶Iames the lesse nexte hem in pycture loo.
¶Stode wyth Bartylme w whych was all flayn
¶Symon & Thadee shewed how they were slayn
¶Mathy and Barnabe drawȳg lottys stode
¶Nexte whome was Marke a Lyon hym by.
¶Hys boke holdyng & Mathew in his mode.
¶Resembled an aungell wyth wyngys glyouly.
¶Luke had a calfe to holde his boke on hye.
¶And Iohan wyth a cuppe & palme in his honde.
¶An Egle bare his book thus saw I shem stonde
¶G regory and Ierome Austyn and Ambrose.
¶Wyth pyllyōs on ther hedes stode lyke doctors
¶Bernard wyth Amselme and as I suppese.
¶Thomas of alquyne and Domynyk cōfessours
[Page] ¶Benet and Hew relygyous gouernours.
¶Martyn & Iohan with bysshops tweyne.
¶Were there also and Crysostom certayne.
¶Behynd all thyse was worshypfull Bede.
¶All behynde and next hym stood Orygene.
¶Hydynge his face as he of his dede.
¶Had hem a shamed ye wote what I mene.
¶For of errour he was not al clene.
¶And on that syde stode laste of alle.
¶The noble ꝓphetyssa Sybell men her call.
¶Let me remembre now I you pray
¶My barayn is so thynne I deme in my herte
¶Some of the felyshyp that I there say.
¶In all this whyle to haue ouersterte.
¶A benedicite none ere coude I aduerte.
¶To thȳke on Andrew the apostle w
e his crosse.
¶Whome to forgete were a grete losse.
¶Many one were peynted on that wall.
¶Whoos names come not to my remembraūce
¶But thyse I marked in especyall.
¶And moo coude I tell in countenaunce.
¶Of tyme but forth to shewe you the substaunce.
¶Of this mater in the myndys of that arbere.
¶Sat Doctryne coloured as ony crystall clere.
¶Crowned as I tolde you late here before.
¶Whoos apparayl wos worth tresour Infynyte
[Page] ¶All erthyly rychesse count I no more.
¶To that in cōparyson valewȳg thē a myte.
¶Ouer her hede houed a culuer fayr & whyte.
¶Out of her byll ꝓceded a
[...]rete leme.
¶Downward to Doctryne lyke a sonne beme
¶The wordes of Doctryne yaue grete redolēs
¶In swetnesse of sauour to her dyscyples al.
¶It fer exceded myr & frankencense.
¶Or ony other ire spyce or els galle.
¶And whan she me espyed anone she gan me cal.
Ad cōmaūded morpleꝰ y
• he shold brȳ me nere
¶For she wold me hew theffect of my desyre.
¶She sayd I know the cause of thy comyng.
¶Is to vnderstond be myn enforma
¶Sensyble the mater of morp-leus his she wynge
¶As he hath the led about in vesyon.
¶Wherfore now I apply thy natural reason.
¶Vnto my wordes & or thou hens wend.
¶Thou shalt it know begynnyng and ende.
¶For whan Colus to pluto was broughte:
¶By hys owne neclygence taken prysonere.
¶Wythin the erth for he so fer soughte.
¶Sygnyfyed is nomore be that matere.
¶But only to shew she how it doth appere:
¶That welth vnbrydeled at thyneye.
¶Enbraseth mysre wle and oft causyth foly.
¶For lyke as Colus beyng at his large
¶Streyted hymselfe thrugh his own lewdenesse
¶For he wolde deele where he had no charge
¶Ryght soo wantons by her wyldenesse
¶Ofte sythe bryng hymselfe in dystresse
¶Be cause they somtyme to largely deele
¶what may wors be suffred thā ouermykell weel
¶By Mynos the Iuge of hell desperate
¶May be vnderstonde goddys ryghtwysnes
¶That to euery wyght his payne deputate
¶Assygneth acordyng to his wyckednes
¶Wherfore he is called Juge of cruelnes
¶And as for Dyana & Neptunus compleynte
¶Fygured may be fooles reason feynt.
¶For lyke as they made her suggestyon
¶To haue me Colus from cours of his kynde
¶whiche was Impossyble to bryng to correceyon
¶For euermore his lyberte haue wyll the wynde
¶In lyke wyse fooles other whyle be blynde
¶wenyng to subdew with her one honde
¶That is ouermykell for all an hole londe
¶But what foloweth therof that shall thou here
¶when they were come to the bankete
¶The grete Apollo with his sad chere
¶Soo fayre & curtously gan theym entret
¶That he made her beerdys on the new gete
¶Loo what wysdome doothto a foole
[Page] ¶wherefore are children put to scoole
¶Ofte is it seen with sobre contenaunce
¶That wyse men fooles ouercome ay
¶Tornyng as hem lyst & all her varyaunce
¶Chaunge from ernest in to mery play
¶what were they bothe amendeth that day
¶when they were dreuen to her wyttes ende
¶were they not fayne to graunt to be his frende
¶Ryght soo fooles when they haue done
¶All that they can than be they fayne
¶Gyue vp hed mater to oblyuyone
¶without rewarde they haue nomore brayne
¶And yet ful ofte hath hit be sayne
¶when they it haue foryete & set at nought
¶That they full dere haue afterwarde it bought
¶And as for all tho that represent
¶To be called goddys at that banket
¶Resemble false ydollys but to his entent
¶was Morpleus cōmaunded thyder the to fet
¶That thou sholdest know the maner & the get
¶Of the paynym law and of her byleue
¶How false ydolatry ledeth hem by the sleue
¶For soone vppon the worldys creacyon
¶when Adam and Eue had broke the precept
¶whiche clerkes call the tyme of deuyacyon
¶The worldly people in paynym law slept
[Page] ¶Tyll moyses
vnd god the tables of stone kept
¶In whiche tyme Poetes feyned many a fable
¶To dyscrete Reason ryght acceptable
¶And to the entent that they sholde sounde
¶To the ecres of hem the more pleasantly
¶That theȳ sholde rede or here they yaue theȳ a groūd
¶And addid names vnto theȳ naturally
¶Of whom they spake & callid hē goddis hy
¶Some for the strength & myght of her nature
¶And some for her sotyll wytty coniecture
¶By nature thus as the seuen planettes
¶Haue her propre names by Astronomeres
¶But goddys were they called by olde Poetes
¶For her gret feruency of werkyng in her speres
¶Experyence preueth this at all yeres
¶And for as other that goddys called be
¶For sotyll wytte that shall I teche the
¶How they by that hyghe name of god cam
¶In this sayd tyme the people was so rude
¶That what maner creature man or woman
¶Coude ony newelte contryue and conclude
¶For the comon wele all the multytude
¶Of the comon people a god sholde hym call
¶Or a goddesse after hit was fall
¶Of the same thyng that was so newe founde
¶As Ceres for she the crafte of tylthe fonde
[Page] ¶wherby more plentouously corne dyd haboūde
¶The people her called thrugh out euery londe
¶Goddesse of corne wendyng in her honde
¶Had layn all power of cornes habundaunce
¶Thus were y
e Paynems deceyued by ignoraūce
¶In lyke maner Isys was called the goddesse
¶Of frute for she fyrst made it multuply
¶By the name of graffyng & soo by processe
¶The name of Pan gan to deyfy
¶For he fyrst founde the mene shepe to guy
¶Some toke it also by her condycyon
¶As Pluto Fortune and suche other doon
¶Thus all that Poetes put vnder couerture
¶Of fable the rurall people hit toke
¶Properly as acte refusyng the fygure
¶whiche errour some of hem neuer forsoke
¶Ofte a false myrour deceyueth a mannes loke
¶As thou mayst dayly pryue at thyne ey
¶Thus were the paynyms deceyued generally
¶That seyng the dedely enemy of mankynde
¶By his pouer premyssyue entred the ymagys
¶within the Temples to make the people blynde
¶In her ydolatry standyng on hyghe stagys
¶In somoche whoo vsed daūgerous passagys
¶Ony maner way by water or be londe
¶when hyd his sacryfyce his answere redy fonde
¶Thus duryng the tyme of deuyacion
¶From Adam to Moyses was ydolatry
¶Through the worlde vsed in comon opynyon
¶These were the goddys that thou there sy
¶And as for the a wayters that stood hem by
¶They polytyke Phylosophers & Poetes were
¶whiche feyned the fables y
• I speke of here
¶Then seased the tyme of deuy acyon
¶when Moyses receyued that tables of stone
¶Entryng the tyme of reuocacyon
¶On the mounte of Synay stondyng allone
¶God yaue hym myght ayene all his fone
¶And then began the olde testament
¶whiche to the people by Moyses was sent
¶And that tyme dured the Incarnacyon
¶Of Cryste and then began it to sese
¶For then came the tyme of reconcylyacyon
¶Of man to god I tell the doutlese
¶When the sone of man put hym in prese
¶wylfully to suffre dethe for mankynde
¶In holy scrypture this mayst thou fynde
¶This Reconcylyacyon was the tyme of grace
¶when foūded was the chirche vpon y
e fayre stōe
¶And to holy Peter the keye delyuered was
¶Of heuen hell dyspoyled was anone
¶Thys was mankynde delyuered from his fone
¶wnd then began the newe testament
¶Whiche .iii. tymes a sondry dyuyded
¶Mayst thou heresee yf thou lyst beholde
¶The fyrst behynde the in pycture in prouyded
¶The seconde of the lyft honde shew prophet olde
¶The .iii. on the ryght honde here it is to y
• tolde
¶Thus hast thou in vysyon the verey fygure
¶Of these .iii. tymes here shewed in portrayture
¶That is to say fyrst of deuyacyon
¶From Adam to Moyses recordyng scripture
¶Seconde fro Moyses to the Incarnacyon
¶Of Cryst kepeth reuocacyon cure
¶And as for the thyrd thou mayst be verrey sure
¶wyll dure from thens to the worldes ende
¶But now the .iiii. must thou haue in mynde
¶whiche is callid ꝓperly y
e tyme of pylgremage
¶After some & some named it otherwyse
¶And call hit the tyme of daungerous passage
¶And some of werre that fully hit dyspyse
¶But what so it be named I wyll the auyse
¶Remembre it well and prynte it in thy mynde
¶wherof the fygure mayst thou me behynde
¶And elles remembre thyselfe in thyne herte
¶How Vyce & Vertue dayly theym occupy
¶In maner one of hem hym to peruerte
¶Another to bryng hym to endeles glory
¶Thus they contynue fyght for the vyctory
¶Hit is no nede herof to tell the more
[Page] ¶For in this short vysyon y
u hast seen it before
¶And as for Attropos greuous compleynt
¶Vnto the goddys betokeneth noo more
¶But oonly to shew the how frendely constreȳt
¶On a stedfast herte weyeth full sore
¶Good wyll requyreth good wyll ayene therfore
¶Dyscorde to deth hathe ay byn a frende
¶For Dyscorde bryngeth many to her ende
¶Wherfore Dethe thought he wolde auenged be
¶On his trendes quarell yf that he myghte
¶For her gret vnkyndnesse in somoche as she
¶was among hem all had so in despyte
¶And at that banket made of soo lyte
¶whiche caused hym among hē to cast in a bone
¶That foūde theȳ gnawyng ynough euerichone
¶Thus ofte is seen on frende for a nother
¶wyll say & doo and some tyme maters feyne
¶And also kynnysmen a cosyne or a brother
¶wyll for his alyer he haue cause compleyne
¶And where that he loueth doo his besy peyne
¶His frendes mater as his owne to take
¶whiche oft sythe causeth mychyll sorow awake
¶Be hit ryght or wrong he chargeth not a myte
Ap towarde that poynt he taketh lytyll hede
¶So that he may haue his frowarde appetyte
Per sormed he careth not how his soule spede
[Page] ¶Of God or Deuyll haue suche lytyll drede
¶How be it one there is that lord is of all
¶whiche to euery wyght at last rewarde shall
¶And as for y
e batayl betwene Vertu holde
¶Soo playnly appereth to the inwardly
¶To make exposycyon therof new or olde
¶were but superfluyte there fore refuse hit I
¶In man shall thou fynde y
t were kept dayly
¶Lyke as y
u hast seen it fowtyue before thy face
¶The pycture me
behynd the weth it ī lytyll space
¶And as for Macrocosme it is nomore to say
¶But the lesse worlde to the comon entent
¶whiche applyed is to man both nyght & day
¶Soo is man the felde to whiche all were sent
¶On bothe partyes & they that thyder went
¶Sygnyfye nomore but after the condycyon
¶Of euery manes opynyon
¶And as for the noble knygt Perseueraunce
¶whiche gate the felde when it was almost gone
¶Betokeneth nomore but the contynuance
¶Of vertuous lyuyng tyll dethe hath auergone
¶who soo wyll doo rewarded is anone
¶As Vertue was with the crowne on by
whiche is noo more but euerlastyng glory
¶And as for Prestynacyon
¶That eche of hem rewarded after his deserte
[Page] ¶Is to vnderstonde nomore but dampnacyon
¶To vycyous people is the verey scourge smert
¶Rewarde for they fro Vertue wolde peruert
¶And endelesse Ioye is to hem that be electe
¶Rewarded & to all that folow the same secte
¶And as for the keyes of the posternes fyue
whiche were to Morpleꝰ rewarded for his laboure
¶Sygnyfye not elles but whyle man is on lyue
¶His fyue inwarde wyttes shall be euery hour
¶In his slepe occupyed in hele & in langour
¶with fantasyes tryfels Illusyons & dremes
¶whiche Poetes call Morpleus stremes
¶And as for Residiuacyon is nomore to say
¶But after Confessyon tornyng ayene to synne
¶whiche to euery man retornyth sauns delay
¶To vycyous lyuyng agayn hym to wynne
¶whyle ony man lyueth wyll it neuer blynne
¶That cursed conclusyon for to bryng aboute
¶But Reason with Sadnes kepe it styll oute
¶Here hast thou properly the verrey sentence
¶Herde now declared of this vysyon
¶The pycture also yeueth clere intellygence
¶Therof beholden with good dyscresyon
¶Loke well aboute and take consyderasyon
¶As I haue declared whether hit soo be
¶A syr quoth Morpleus what tolde I the
¶Hast thou properly the verey sentence
¶Loke on yon wall yonder before
¶And all that tyme stood I in a wyre
¶whiche way fyrst myn hert wolde yeue more
¶To loke in a stody stood I therfore
¶Neuethelesse at last as Morpleus me badde
¶I loked forwarde with contenaunce sadde
¶Where I behelde in portrayture
¶The maner of the felde euen as it was
Shewed me before & euery creature
¶On bothe sydes beyng drawyng in small space
¶Soo curyously in soo lytyll a compace
¶In all this worlde was neuer thyng wrought
¶Hit were Impossyble in erthe to be thought
¶And when I had long beholde that pycture
qd Morpleus how longe shalte thou loke
[...] as a dastard on yon portrayture:
¶Come of for shame thy wytte stante a croke
¶I heryng that myn herte to me toke
¶Towarde the fourthe wall tornyng my vysage
¶where I sawe Poetes & Phylosophers sage
¶Many one moo than at the banket
¶Serued the goddes as I sayde before
¶Som were made standyng & som in chayris set
¶Som lokyng on bokys as they had stodyed sore
¶Som drawyng almenakis & in her hondis bore
¶Astyrlabes takyng the altytude of the sonne
[Page] ¶Among whome Dyogenes sate in a tonne
¶And as I was lokyng on that fourthe wall
¶Of Dyogenes beholdyng the ymage
¶Sodeynly Doctryne began me to call
¶And bad me tourne towarde hyr my vysage
¶And soo then I dyde with humble corage
¶whan thynkest y
u she sayd hast y
u not thentent
¶Yet of these foure walles what they represent
¶The pycture on the fyrst y
t standeth at my bake
¶Sheweth the y
e present tyme of pylgremage
¶Of whiche before I vnto the spake
¶whiche is the tyme of daungerous passage
¶The seconde dyscrettly agayne my vysage
¶The tyme expresseth of Deuyacyon
¶whyle paynyme lawe had the domynacyon
¶The thryd wall standyng on my lyfe honde
¶The tyme representeth of Reuocacyon
¶And the fourthe standyng on my ryght honde
¶Determyneth the tyme of Reconsylyacyon
¶This is the effecte of thy vysyon
¶wherfore the nedeth nomore theron to muse
¶Hit were but veyne thy wyttes to dysuse
¶But duryng the tym of Reconsylyacyon
¶Thy tyme of pylgremage loke well y
u spende
¶And then well gracyous Predestynacyon
[...]he to glory at thy law ende
[Page] ¶And euen with that came to my mynde
¶My fyrst conclusyon that I was aboute
¶To haue dreuen er slepe made me to lute
¶That is to say how Sensualyte
t Reason to acorde myght be brought aboute
¶whiche caused me to knele downe on my kne
¶And beseke Doctryne determyne that doute
¶Oo lord god sayd Doctrȳe canst y
u not withoute
¶Me that conclusyon bryng to an ende
¶Ferre is fro the wytte & ferther good mende
¶And euen with that Dethe gan appere
¶Shewyng hymselfe as though that he wolde
¶His darte haue occupyed within that herbere
¶But there was none for hym yong nor olde
¶Saue oonly I Doctrine hym tolde
¶And when I herde hyr with hym comon thus
¶I me withdrew behynde Morpleus.
¶Dredyng full sore lest he with his dart.
¶Through Doctrynes wordes ony entresse.
¶In me wolde haue had or claymed ony part
¶whiche sholde haue caused me grete heuynesse
¶within whiche tyme & short processe
¶Came thynder Reason and Sensualyte.
¶A quoth Doctryne ryght welcome be ye
¶Hit is not long sythe we of you spake
¶Ye must er ye goo determyne a doute
[Page] ¶And euen with that she the mater brake
¶To theym & tolde hit euery where aboute
¶I wolde haue be thens yf I had moute
¶For fere I loked as blake as a cole
¶I wolde haue cropen in a mouse hole
¶what quoth Doctryne where is he now
¶That meu
[...]d this mater straunge & dyffuse
¶He is a cowarde I make myn auow
¶He hyded his hede his mocyon to refuse
¶Blame hym not
qd Reason alway y
t to vse
¶when he seeth Dethe soo nere at his honde
¶Yet is his part hym to withstonde
¶Or at the leste way elles fro tym flee
¶As longe as he may who dooth other wyse
¶Is an ydeote quoth Sensualytee
¶who dredeth not Dethe wyse men hym dyspyse
¶what said Doctryne how long hathe this gyse
¶Be holden & vsed thus a twixe you tweyne
¶ye were not wonte to acorde certeyne
¶yes quoth Reason in this poynt alway
¶To euery man haue we yeuen our counsayll
¶Dethe for to flee as long as they may
¶Al though wo otherwyse haue done our trauayl
¶Eche other to represse yet withoute fayll
¶In that poynt oonly dyscordeth we neuer
¶Thus condescended therin be we for euer
¶A ha sayd Doctryne then is the conclusyon
¶Clerely determined of the gret doute
¶That here was meuyd & halfe in derysyon
¶She me then called & bade me loke oute
¶Come forthe she sayd & feere not this route
¶And euen with that Reason & Sensualyte
¶And Dethe fro thens were vanysshed all thre
¶Then loked I forthe as Doctryne me badde
¶when Dethe was gone me thought I was bolde
¶To shewe myselfe but yet was I sadde
¶Me thought my doute was not as I wolde
¶Clerely and openly declared & tolde
¶Hit sowned to me as a parable
¶Derke as a myhe or a fayned fable
¶And Doctryne my conceyte gan espy
¶wherfore sayd she standest thou soo styll
¶wherin is thy thought arte thou in stody
¶Of thy questyon hast thou not thy fyll
¶To the declared tell me thy wyll
¶Herdest thou not Reason & Sensualyte
¶Declared thy doute here before the
¶Forsothe quoth I. I herde what they sayde
¶But neuerthelesse my wytte is so thynne
¶And also of Dethe I was so afrayde
¶That hit is out where hit vent ynne
¶And so that mater can
[...] I not wynne
¶without your helpe & benyuolence
[Page] ¶Therof to expresse the veray sentence
¶Well quod Doctryne then yeue attendaunce
¶Vnto my wordes & thou shalt here
¶Openly declared the concordaunce
¶Atwene Sensualyte & Reason in fere
¶If thou take hede hit clerely dooth apere
¶How they were knette in one opynyon
¶Bothe agayn Dethe helde contradyccon
¶Whiche concordaunce nomore sygnyfyeth
¶To playne vnderstandyng but in euery mane
¶Bothe Sensualyte & Reason applyeth
¶Rather Dethe to flee then with hit to be tane
¶Loom that poynt accorde they holly thane
¶And in all other they clerely dyscorde
¶Thus is trewly set thy doubtfull monacorde
¶I heryng that kneled on my kne
¶And thanked her lowly for her dyscyplyne
¶That she wouchesafe of her benygnyte
¶Of tho gret doubtes me to enlumyne
¶well was she worthy to be called Doctryne
¶If it had be nomore but for the solucyon
¶Of my demaunde & of this straunge vysyon
¶And as I with myne hede began for to bow
¶As me well ought to do her reuerence
¶She thens departed I can not tell how
¶But within a moment gone was she thens
[Page] ¶Then sayd Morpleus let vs go hens
¶what sholde we here tarye lengere
¶Hast thou not herde a generall answere
¶To all thy materes that thou lyst to meue
¶My tyme draweth nere that I must rest
¶And euen therwith he toke me by the sleue
¶And sayd goo we hens for that sholde I best
¶As good is ynough as a grete fest
¶Thou hast seen ynough holde the content
¶And euen with y
t forthe with hym I went
¶Tyll he had me brought agene to my bedde
¶where he me founde and then pruyely
¶He stale awaye I coude not vnderstande
¶were he became but sodeynly
¶As he came he went I tell you veryly
¶whiche done fro slepe I gan to awake
¶My body all in swet began for to shake
¶For drede of the syght that I had sene
¶wenyng to me all had be trew
¶Actuelly done where I had bene
¶That batyll holde twene Vyce & Vertew
¶But when I see hit hit was but a whew
¶A dreme a fantasy & a thyng of nought
¶To study theron I had nomore thought
¶Tyll at the last I gan me bethynke
¶For what cause shewed was this vysyon
[Page] ¶I knew not wherfore I toke pen & ynke
¶And paper therof to make mencyon
¶In wrytyng takyng consyderacyon
¶That noo defaute were found in me
¶wheron accused I ought for to be
¶For slouthe that I had left hit vntolde
¶Neyther by mouthe nor in remembraūce
¶Put it in wrytyng where thorugh manyfolde
¶wayes of accusaciō myght torne me to greuaūce
¶All this I sawe as I lay in a traunce
¶But wheder it was with myne ey bodely
¶Or not in certayn god knoweth & not I
¶That to dyscerne I purpose not to dele
¶Soo large by my wyll it longeth not to me
¶were hit dreme or vysyon for your owne wele
¶All that shall hit rede here rad or se
¶Take therof the best & let the worst be
¶Try out the corne clene from the chaff
And then may ye say ye haue a sure staff
¶To stande by at nede of ye Wyll it holde
¶And walke by the way of Vertue
¶But al wey beware be ye yong or olde
¶That your Frewyll ay to Vertue more
¶Apply than to Vyce the easyer may be bore
¶The burden of the felde that ye dayly fyght
¶Agayn your .iii. enemyes for all her gret myght
¶That is to say the Deuyll & the Flesshe
¶And also the worlde with hith his glosyng chere
¶whiche on you loketh euer newe & fresshe
¶But he is not as he dooth apere
¶Loke ye kepe you ay out of his daungere
¶And soo the vyctory shall ye obteyne
¶Vyce fro you exyled & Vertue in you reyne
¶And then shall ye haue the trūphall guerdon
¶That god reserued to euery creature
¶Aboue in his celestyall mansyon
¶Ioye & blysse in fynyte eternally to endure
¶wherof we say we wolde fayne be sure
¶But the way thyderwarde to holde be we lothe
¶That oft sythe causeth y
e good lord to be wrothe
¶And by our deserte our habytacyon chaūgeth
¶Fro Ioye to payne & woo perpetuelly
¶From his gloryous syght thus he vs estraūgeth
¶For our vycyous lyuyng thorugh our owne foly
¶wherfore let vs praye to that lorde of glory
¶whyle we in erthe be y
• he wyll yeue vs grace
¶So vs here to guyde that we may haue a place
¶Accordyng to oure Regeneracyon
¶which heuenly spyrytes his name to magnyfy.
¶whiche downe descendeth for oure redempcyon
¶Offryng hymselfe on the crosse to his
fad on hy
¶Now benygne Ihesu that boren was of Mary
¶All that to this vysyon haue gyue her audyence
[Page] ¶Graunte eternall Ioye after thy last sētence
¶Here endeth a lytyll Treatyse named The assemble of goddes