A Short Interpretation of the Lords Praier: Necessary for all Housholders to learne, and to teach their Children and Seruants.
OVR Father, by
- Benefit of Creation,
- Priuiledge of Conseruation,
- Piety of Adoption,
- Recouerie of Saluation,
- Omnipotency.
- Prouidence.
- Grace.
- Thy onely Sonne.
Which art in Heauen,
- Raigning,
- Illuminating,
- Disposing,
- Excelling,
- Thy Power.
- The brightnesse of thy Light.
- Thy Mercy.
- Thy Glory.
Hallowed be thy name,
- Of vs,
- In vs,
- Without vs,
- Abo [...]e vs,
- Honest Conuersation.
- Cleane Conscience.
- Good Fame.
- The Angelicall Representation.
Thy Kingdome come the
- Heauenly Countrey,
- Holy Church,
- Faithfull Soule,
- Sacred Scripture,
- Reuelation.
- Assumption.
- Iustification.
- Erudition.
Thy will be done in Earth, &c. in
- Simplicity of Heart,
- Chastity of body,
- Feruency of Prayer,
- Truth of Worke,
- Humility.
- Abstinence:
- Often vse,
- Discretion.
Giue vs this day our daily bread, of
- Humane Necessity
- Spirituall Doct [...]
- The blessed Sacrament,
- Eternall Blisse,
- The Body is nourished.
- The Soule is fed.
- God is honoured.
- The Body with the Soule is glorified.
And forgiue vs our trespasses, not
- Retaining malice in Heart,
- Reproching in word,
- Doing euill for euill,
- Refusing to do good for euill,
- To Purity.
- To mildnesse.
- To Piety.
- To true Christianity.
And leade vs not into temptation,
- Suddaine,
- Importunate,
- Deceitfull,
- Violent,
- Dismaieth.
- Wearieth.
- Circumuenteth.
- Ouerthroweth.
But deliuer vs f [...]m euill. of
- Worldly Aduersity,
- Diuelish subtilty,
- Mans Cruelty,
- Euerlasting Calamity,
- Disquieteth.
- Vexeth.
- Preuaileth.
- Tormenteth.
Amen, that is, Let it be so. with
- Attentiue Cogitation,
- Sincere Speech,
- Daily Exercise,
- Continuall Desire,
—To the Glory of GOD.
The third Impression.
Printed at London by IOHN OKES, and are to be sold by ANDREVV▪ DRIVER, at his Shop at Staple-Inne Gate in Holborne. 1627.