❧ The prices of Fares and passages to be paide vnto watermen from London to Grauesende, and like wise from Grauesende to London, and to euery common place betwene. And also betwene London Bridge and Windesoure, and so to euery common place of landyng betwene London Bridge and Wyndesoure.
- IN Primis that no owner or occupier of the common fare of Grauesende barge, shall take of any person from London to Grauesende, or contrarye aboue two pence for euery person, so as the same sume of two pence for euery person amount to the sume of iiij. s.
- Item, that no owner or occupier of any tylte boate with iiii. ores and a steresman, take for his fare from London to Grauesende, to or fro aboue foure pence the person, so as the same foure pence a man do amount to vi. s viii. d. & for euery ore aboue foure ores to haue xii. d. an ore .vj. s. viij. d
- Item, that euerye owner or occupier of a whirrey from London to Grauesende to or fro, shal not take anye more for hys whole fare, yf he be requyred, then ij. s.
- Item, that the owner or occupyer of a tyde boate from London to Grenehyue or grayes Thorrock, or to any place of lyke dystaunce, shall not take of anye one personne to or fro aboue a penye, so as the whole fare mounte to xij. d.
- Item, for a tilte boate with foure ores and a sleresman to and fro not aboue .vi. s. and for euery ore aboue foure ores xii. d. an ore .vj. s.
- Item, that no whyrrey with two ores take from London to Grene hyue, Greyes Thorock, or like distaunce to or fro aboue xx. d.
- Item,that no owner or occupyer of any tide boate from London to Purflete or lyke distaunce, to or fro, shal take of any one personne aboue a penye, so as the hole fare maye amounte vnto, x. d.
- Item, for a tilte boate with foure ores and a steresman from London to Grith or Purflete, or like distaunce, to or fro, not aboue fyue shyllynges for hys whole fare .v. s.
- Item, that no whyrryman with two ores take from London to Purflet or lyke dystaunce to or fro, aboue xviij. d.
- [Page] Item, that no owner or occupyer of anye tyde boate frome London to Rayneham or Erith, or like distaunce to or fro doo take aboue a peny of any one person.
- Item, for a tylte boate with foure ores and a steresman to or fro not aboue fyue shyllynges for his whole fare .v. s.
- Item, that no whyrrymanne wyth two ores take from London to Rayneham, or Erith, or lyke distaunce aboue .xvj. d.
- Item, that no owner or occupyer of anye tyde boate frome London to Wolwich, or lyke distaunce, to or fro, take of any person aboue a peny.
- Item, that no whyrryman with two ores take for his fare frome London to Wolwich to or fro, aboue .xij. d.
- Item, that none of the occupiers of anye of the common tyde botes afore rehersed, shall take of anye person, that shall come aborde of any of the sayde boats by the waye betwene London and Grauesende aboue the pryce for the same boate limitted.
- Item, that no whyrryman wyth a payre of ores, shal take for his whole fare from London to Grenewich to or for aboue .viij. d. with the tyde, & against tide .xiid
- Item, no whyrrymanne wyth a payre of ores, shall take for his fare from Ratcliffe to Grenewich, or contrarye aboue. iiij. d. with the tyde, & against tide .vi d
- Item, that no whyrryman wyth a payre of ores, take for his fare frō Lodon to Ratcliffe or Limehouse or like distaunce to or fro aboue iiij. d. with the tyde, & against tide .vi d
- Item, that from Lyon keye, or Saynt Oliffes, to. S. Katherine or Radriffe, or like distaunce, no whyrryman take for his fare aboue ij. d.
- Item, that no whyrryman wyth a pare of ores, take for his fare from the olde Swanne, P [...]per Alley, Saynt Mary Oueries or the three cranes, to Westminster, Lambeth, Whitehall, or lyke distaunce to or fro aboue .iiij. d.
- Item, that noo whyrrymanne wyth a payre of ores, take for his fare, from Pawles wharfe, Quene hithe, Parishe garden or y e blacke Fryers to Westminster, or White hal, or lyke distaūce to or fro aboue iij. d.
- Item, that no whyrryman wyth two ores, take from the Whyte Fryers, or tēple brydge, to white Hal, or Westminster, to or for aboue ij d.
- Item, the lyke pryce from White Friers, or Temple bridge, to Saynt Marye Oueryes, Pepper Alley or thre cranes to or fro.
- Item, that no whyrrye take for his fare from the olde Swanne, Pepper Alley, Sayncte Marye Oueryes stayres, the three Cranes, or Quene hirh, to or fro Lambeth aboue.
iiij. d.
- [Page] Item, that no whyrrey take fro Pawles Warfe, Parishe Garden the Blacke Fryers, or Whyte Fryers, to Lambeth to or fro aboue .iij.d.
- Item, that no whyrrey with a pare of ores, doo take for hys fare, crosse ouer the water betwene London bridge & Westm. not aboue .j.d.
- Item, that noo skuller take crosse ouer the water, with a pare of sculles for hys fare aboue. o [...]
- Item, that noo whyrryman with a pare of ores take for hys fare from london to Chelsey, or like distaunce to or fro aboue .vj.d.
- Item, that noo whyrrey man with a pare of ores take of anye person from London to Putney, Fullam, or Barnelmes to or fro for his whole fare aboue .x.d.
- Item, that no owner or his deputie of anye tilte boate with foure ores, and a steresman take for his fare from london to Chelsey or like distaunce to and fro, so that the boate do go and come in a day, or els to agre with the owner or occupyer thereof not aboue fyue shillings and for euery ore aboue foure ores, twelue pence an ore .v.s.
- Item, that no owner or his deputie of any tylte boate, with foure ores and a steresman, take for his fare from london to Putney or lyke distaunce, so that the boate do go and come in one day, not aboue vi.s and for euery ore aboue foure ores to haue twelue pence an ore .vj.s.
- Item, that noo whyrrey with a payre of ores, take of anye person, from london vnto Cheswicke or Mortlake, or lyke dystaunce for hys whole fare to or fro aboue .xvj.d.
- Item, that no owner or his deputie of any tilte boate with foure ores and a steresman, take for hys fare from London to Cheswicke or Mortlake or like distaunce to or fro (so that the boate do go & come in one day) not aboue vi.s. & for euery ore aboue iiii. ores .xii.d. an ore .vj.s.
- Item, no whyrryman with a pare of ores to take of any personne from london vnto Brayneford, Thistelworth, Richmond bancke, or Twyckenham for hys fare to or fro aboue. .xviij.d.
- Item, that noo owner of a tylte boate or his deputye, wyth foure ores and a steresman, do take for his fare from london to Breineford Thistelworth, Rychmonde Bancke, Twighnam, Tuddington, and Kingston, or like distaunce, to and fro (so that the boate may goo and come in one day) nor aboue .vi.s.vii.d. and for euery ore aboue foure ores to haue twelue pence an ore .vj. [...] viij d.
- [Page] Item, the common tilte boate of Kinston not to take of anye one person from thense to london or contrary aboue foure pence a peace.
- Item, no whyryman with a payre of ores to take for hys whole fare from london to Toddington or kingston to or fro aboue .xx.d.
- Item, no whyryman with a pare of ores to take for his whole fare from London to Hampton Courte, to or fro aboue .ij.s.
- Item, no owner or occupyer of anye tylte boate shall take for hys fare from london to Hampton towne, with iiii. ores, and a steresman aboue viii.s. and for euery ore aboue iiii. ores xii.d. an ore .viij.s.
- Item, no whyrriman to take for his whole fare from London to Otelandes, or or fro aboue .iij.s.
- Item, that no owner or his deputie of any tylte boate, with foure ores & a steresman take for his fare from london to Sonbery, Wiltō, Sheperton, Maybrydge, Otelandes, Chersey, or Stanes, to or fro, not aboue nine shyllynges, and for euerye ore aboue iiii. ores twelue pence an ore .ix.s.
- Item, that no whyryman take for his fare from london to wyndsoure aboue .iiij.s.
- Item, that no owner or hys deputie, of any tylte boate wyth foure ores, and a steresman, take for his fare from London to Wyndesoure, not aboue .x.s. and for euery ore aboue .iiii. ores .xii.d. an ore .x.s.
God saue the Quene.
- Bacon. C.S.
- Penbroke.
- E. Rogers.
- VV. Peter.
- VV. Northamton.
- E. Clynton.
- F. Knolles.
- Ri. Sackefyld.
- F. Bedforde.
- VV. Havvarde.
- VV. Cissell.
- N. VVotton.
❧ Imprinted at London in Powles Churcheyarde, by Iohn Cawood, Prynter to the Quenes Maiestie.
Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.
The Rates and Pryces that euery pertyculer person oweth to paye for his fare or passage vnto Watermen or Whirreymen from London Brydge to Wyndesoure, and likewyse from Wyndesoure to London Brydge, and to euerye common landyng place betwene the same two places hereafter is breifely declared.
Frō thold swā Peper ally s. mary oueries, or y e three Cranes. | THe hole fare of a whyrrey with .ii. ores. to Westminster, Lambeth, Whitehall, or other places of like distaunce to or fro. | iiii.d |
frō poules wharfe quenehith parish garden or y e Blacke Friers. | The hole fare of a whyrrey with two ores to Westmynster, or Whytehall, or other place of lyke dystaunce. | iii. d. |
From y e whyte fryers or Temple Brygde. | The hole fare of a Whyrrey with two ores to Whythall or Westminster to or fro. | ii.d. |
From y e whyte fryers or Temple Brygde. | The hole fare of a whyrrey with two ores to Saint Mary Ouereys, Pepper Alley, or the iii. cranes to or fro. | .ii.d. |
frō paules wharfe, parish gardē the blacke friers or whitefryers. | The hole fare of a whyrrey with two ores to or fro Lambeth. | iii.d |
Crossynge the Ryuer. | A whyrrey with two ores for crossynge ouer the Ryuer betwene London Brydge and Westmynster. | i.d |
A Sculler for the lyke labour. | ob. | |
From London Brydge to chelsey to and fro. | The hole fare of a whyrrey with ores. | vi.d |
From London to putney, Fulham or barnelmes to and fro. | The hole fare of a whyrrey with ores. | x.d |
From londō to chelsey or a like distaūce to & fro | The hole fare of a Tylte boate with .iiii. ores and a Steresman for one daye. | v.s |
From londō to Putney or lyke distaūce to & fro | The hole fare of a tylte bote with foure ores and a steresman for one daye. | vi.s. |
From cheswike or Mortlake or lyke dystaunce to or fro. | The hole fare of a whyrrey with ores. | xvi.d |
Of a tylte boate with iiii. ores and a steresman for one day. | vi.s. | |
From londō to brayneford thistelworth rychmond banke, or twyckenham, to and fro. | The hole fare of a whyrrey with ores. | xviii.d. |
And of a tylte boate with .iiii. ores and a steresman to or fro the sayde places & also to or fro Todingtō & Kingston for one day. | vi.s.viii.d | |
From londō to kingston or tuddington to & fro | The fare of one personne in the common tylte boate of the sayde towne. | iiii.d. |
From londō to hamton Courte to and fro. | The hole fare of a whyrrey with ores. | xx.d. |
From londō to otelāds to & fro. | The hole fare of a whyrrey with ores. | ii.s. |
From londō to Sonbery Wiltō sheapertō, Way bridge, Otelāds chartseye or stanes to or fro. | And of a tylte boate with iiii. ores and a steresman. | viii.s |
The hole fare of a whyrrey with ores. | iii.s | |
From londō to Windesoure to and fro. | The hole fare of a tylte boate with iiii. ores and a steresman. | ix.s |
The hole fare of a whyrrey to or fro with ores. | iiii.s. | |
And of a tylte boate with iiii. ores and a steresman. | x.s. | |
[Page] | Item, that no owner or occupyer of anye tyde boate frome London to Rayneham or Erith, or like distaunce to or fro doo take aboue a peny of any one person. | |
Item, for a tylte boate with foure ores and a steresman to or fro not aboue fyue shyllynges for his whole fare. | v. s. | |
Item, that no whyrrymanne wyth two ores take from London to Rayneham, or Erith, or lyke distaunce aboue. | xvj. d. | |
Item, that no owner or occupyer of anye tyde boate frome London to Wolwich, or lyke distaunce, to or fro, take of any person aboue a peny. | ||
Item, that no whyrryman with two ores take for his fare frome London to Wolwich to or fro, aboue. | xij. d. | |
Item, that none of the occupiers of anye of the common tyde botes afore rehersed, shall take of anye person, that shall come aborde of any of the sayde boats by the waye betwene London and Grauesende aboue the pryce for the same boate limitted. | ||
Item, that no whyrryman wyth a payre of ores, shal take for his whole fare from London to Grenewich to or for aboue. | viij. d. with the tyde, & against tide .xiid | |
Item, no whyrrymanne wyth a payre of ores, shall take for his fare from Ratcliffe to Grenewich, or contrarye aboue. | iiij. d. with the tyde, & against tide▪ vi d | |
Item, that no whyrryman wyth a payre of ores, take for his fare frō Lodon to Ratcliffe or Limehouse or like distaunce to or fro aboue | iiij. d. with the tyde, & against tide▪ vi d | |
Item, that from Lyon keye, or Saynt Oliffes, to. S. Katherine or Radriffe, or like distaunce, no whyrryman take for his fare aboue | ij. d. | |
Item, that no whyrryman wyth a pare of ores, take for his fare from the olde Swanne, Peper Alley, Saynt Mary Oueries or the three cranes, to Westminster, Lambeth, Whitehall, or lyke distaunce to or fro aboue. | iiij. d. | |
Item, that noo whyrrymanne wyth a payre of ores, take for his fare, from Pawles wharfe, Quene hithe, Parishe garden or y e blacke Fryers to Westminster, or White hal, or lyke distaūce to or fro aboue | iij. d. | |
Item, that no whyrryman wyth two ores, take from the Whyte Fryers, or tēple brydge, to white Hal, or Westminster, to or for aboue | ij d. | |
Item, the lyke pryce from White Friers, or Temple bridge, to Saynt Marye Oueryes, Pepper Alley or thre cranes to or fro. | ||
Item, that no whyrrye take for his fare from the olde Swanne, Pepper Alley, Sayncte Marye Oueryes stayres, the three Cranes, or Quene hirh, to or fro Lambeth aboue. | iiij. d. | |
[Page] Item, that no whyrrey take fro Pawles Warfe, Parishe Garden the Blacke Fryers, or Whyte Fryers, to Lambeth to or fro aboue. | iij.d. | |
Item, that no whyrrey with a pare of ores, doo take for hys fare, crosse ouer the water betwene London bridge & Westm. not aboue. | j.d. | |
Item, that noo skuller take crosse ouer the water, with a pare of sculles for hys fare aboue. | o [...] | |
Item, that noo whyrryman with a pare of ores take for hys fare from london to Chelsey, or like distaunce to or fro aboue. | vj.d. | |
Item, that noo whyrrey man with a pare of ores take of anye person from London to Putney, Fullam, or Barnelmes to or fro for his whole fare aboue. | x.d. | |
Item, that no owner or his deputie of anye tilte boate with foure ores, and a steresman take for his fare from london to Chelsey or like distaunce to and fro, so that the boate do go and come in a day, or els to agre with the owner or occupyer thereof not aboue fyue shillings and for euery ore aboue foure ores, twelue pence an ore. | v.s. | |
Item, that no owner or his deputie of any tylte boate, with foure ores and a steresman, take for his fare from london to Putney or lyke distaunce, so that the boate do go and come in one day, not aboue vi.s and for euery ore aboue foure ores to haue twelue pence an ore. | vj.s. | |
Item, that noo whyrrey with a payre of ores, take of anye person, from london vnto Cheswicke or Mortlake, or lyke dystaunce for hys whole fare to or fro aboue. | xvj.d. | |
Item, that no owner or his deputie of any tilte boate with foure ores and a steresman, take for hys fare from London to Cheswicke or Mortlake or like distaunce to or fro (so that the boate do go & come in one day) not aboue vi.s. & for euery ore aboue iiii. ores .xii.d. an ore. | vj.s. | |
Item, no whyrryman with a pare of ores to take of any personne from london vnto Brayneford, Thistelworth, Richmond bancke, or Twyckenham for hys fare to or fro aboue. | xviij.d. | |
Item, that noo owner of a tylte boate or his deputye, wyth foure ores and a steresman, do take for his fare from london to Breineford Thistelworth, Rychmonde Bancke, Twighnam, Tuddington, and Kingston, or like distaunce, to and fro (so that the boate may goo and come in one day) nor aboue .vi.s.vii.d. and for euery ore aboue foure ores to haue twelue pence an ore. | vj. [...] viij d. | |
[Page] Item, the common tilte boate of Kinston not to take of anye one person from thense to london or contrary aboue foure pence a peace. | ||
Item, no whyryman with a payre of ores to take for hys whole fare from london to Toddington or kingston to or fro aboue. | xx.d. | |
Item, no whyryman with a pare of ores to take for his whole fare from London to Hampton Courte, to or fro aboue. | ij.s. | |
Item, no owner or occupyer of anye tylte boate shall take for hys fare from london to Hampton towne, with iiii. ores, and a steresman aboue viii.s. and for euery ore aboue iiii. ores xii.d. an ore. | viij.s. | |
Item, no whyrriman to take for his whole fare from London to Otelandes, or or fro aboue. | iij.s. | |
Item, that no owner or his deputie of any tylte boate, with foure ores & a steresman take for his fare from london to Sonbery, Wiltō, Sheperton, Maybrydge, Otelandes, Chersey, or Stanes, to or fro, not aboue nine shyllynges, and for euerye ore aboue iiii. ores twelue pence an ore. | ix.s. | |
Item, that no whyryman take for his fare from london to wyndsoure aboue. | iiij.s. | |
Item, that no owner or hys deputie, of any tylte boate wyth foure ores, and a steresman, take for his fare from London to Wyndesoure, not aboue .x.s. and for euery ore aboue .iiii. ores .xii.d. an ore. | x.s. |
God saue the Quene.
- Bacon. C.S.
- Penbroke.
- E. Rogers.
- VV. Peter.
- VV. Northamton.
- E. Clynton.
- F. Knolles.
- Ri. Sackefyld.
- F. Bedforde.
- VV. Havvarde.
- VV. Cissell.
- N. VVotton.
❧ Imprinted at London in Powles Churcheyarde, by Iohn Cawood, Prynter to the Quenes Maiestie.
Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.