
IAMES BY THE GRACE OF GOD, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ire­land, defendor of the faith &c. The pre­amble. To all to whom these presents shall come gre­ting. Whereas wee are credibly informed, as well by our right trustie and right wel­beloued Cosin and Counselor Charles Earle of Nottingam Lord high Admirall of England, and Captaine Generall of our Nauy Royall, as also by our principall officers of our said Nauy, how slenderly and deceiptfully, aswell our owne Ships and Barges, as also other Shippes, Boates, Pinnaces, & like vessels of our Marchants, and other our sub­iectes, vsed in continuall seruice and trafficke, are made and wrought, to the great losse, danger, and preiudice of vs and our said subiectes, and also of the great, needlesse and wastfull charge and expences which wee doe from time to time beare and susteine in building and repairing of our owne Shippes and Pinnaces, which are and haue beene the chiefest and greatest defence of this our Realme, [Page 2] from the assaults of such enemies as haue practized the ouerthrow of the same: Wee weighing the manifould dangers, losses, and hinderances, which might and were likely more and more to ensue thereof, if speedy remedy be not therefore had and prouided. And intending to prouide for the strengthning of these our Kingdomes and Dominions, with sufficient Shipping for defence and ser­uice thereof. And to th'intent that aswell our selfe might from time to time be furnished, stored, and supplied with the fittest and ablest Ship-wrights, and worke-men for the building, making, and repairing of our owne Shippes, Pinnaces, and other vessels. As also that our Marchants, and other our subiects might also in their worke and buil­ding, from time to time, be stored and supplied with skil­full, able, and sufficient Ship-wrights and work-men. And for the better suppressing of deceiptes and abuses of diuers persons, which should take vpon, without sufficient skill and knowledge to make or repaire any Shippes, Boates, Pinnaces, or other vessels, to the great danger and hin­drance, as well of our selfe, as of diuers other our louing subiectes. Wee did by our Letters Patents vnder the great Seale of England, bearing date the two and twenteth day of Aprill: In the yeare of our raigne of England, France, and Ireland the third, and of Scotland the eight and thirteith; Incorporate the Company of Ship-wrights, and the Persons being Ship-wrights or Carpenters, vsing the art or mistery of building and making of Shippes, within our Realme of England, and dominion of Wales, by the name of Maister, Wardens, and Cominaltie of the Art or Mistery of Ship-wrights of England, and did grant vnto them by our said Charter, or Letters Pattents, diuers Preuiledges, Liberties, and immunities, mentioned and contayned in the saide Letters Pattents, tending to the reformation of the saide Abuses and deceites. And where­as diuers defects and imperfections haue been: sithence [Page 3] by experience found to be in the said Charter aswell in the extend thereof to what persons it should extend, As also in the want of sufficient aucthoritie and meanes to gouerne and order the said Corporation and the men and members thereof, and the affaires of the same, and the Shipwrights, workemen, apprentices and seruants vsing the said art, and for want of power and meanes to reforme, preuent, or­der and correct many contempts, misdemeanors, deceits, and offences in the said art or misterie, and the matters and things thereunto appertaining, and to punish stubborne, obstinate, and disobedient persons of that profession, whereby manifold errors, deceits, & inconueniences are stil practised, and continued, to the great hindrance of the Na­uigation of this kingdom, the often losse & hazard of mens liues and goods, and the especiall preiudice of our owne ser­uice and the Common-wealth. The rea­sons and ground of this Char­ter. Know yee that wee for re­formation, amendment, and supplie of the defects and im­perfections aforesaid, and for redresse of the said great and manifold errors, enormities, deceits, and inconueniences, at the Petition of the said Master, Wardens and Comi­naltie, and for the great desire wee haue, that good and con­uenient lawes, orders, and ordinances should be establi­shed and vsed in and about the Corporation and Compa­nie, and the said Art or Misterie, and for the aduancement of the good estate of the Shipping and Nauigation of this Kingdome, to the good seruice both of our selfe and the Common-wealth, Haue of our especiall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, granted, constituted, and or­dained, and by these Presents for vs our heires and successors doe grant, constitute and ordaine. Who are to bee of the Corpo­ration. That all and euery per­son and persons being Ship-wrights, Calkers, or Ship-car­penters, or in any sort vsing, exercising, practising, or pro­fessing the Art, trade, skill or misterie of building, making, trimming, dressing, grauing, launcing, winding, drawing, stocking, or repairing of Ships, Caruels, Hoyes, Pinnaces, [Page 4] Crayers, Ketches, Lighters, Boates, Barges, Wherries, or any other vessell or vessels whatsoeuer vsed for Nauigation, fishing or transportation within or about our Realme of England and dominion of Wales, or of making, trymming, or repairing of Masts, Toppes, Pullies, Pumpes for ships, Oares, or any other instruments or appurtenances of wood thereunto belonging, or any other Carpentrie worke what­soeuer belonging to, or vsed, occupied, or imployed, in or about any Shippes, Pinnaces, or other vessell or vessels a­boue mentioned, or in any sort appertaining to shipping, sayling, rowing, stocking, launching, or Nauigation, shall from henceforth foreuer be, and shall be taken and accoun­ted to be one body Corporate and politique in matter, deede and name, The name of the Cor­poration. By the name of Master, Wardens and Cominaltie of the Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Red­rith in the Countie of Surrey, and them by the name of Ma­ster, Wardens and Cominaltie of the Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith in the Countie of Surrey, wee doe for vs our heires and successors really, fully, and wholly e­rect, make, ordaine, create, incorporate, constitute and de­clare by these presents, one body corporate & politique in matter, deede and name. And wee will and by these pre­sents: for vs our heires and sucessors, of our especiall grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion, doe graunt to the said Master, Wardens, and Cominaltie and their successors for euer. That they by the said name of Master, Wardens and Cominalty of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid, shall from henceforth haue perpetuall succession. And that they and their successors by the said name of Master, Wardens & Cominaltie of the said Art or Misterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid, be and shall be at all times hereafter a bodie Corporate and politique a­ble, & capable, in deed & in law, to haue, hold, occupie, en­ioy, possesse, and retaine all and singuler vsages, customes, li­berties, priuiledges, immunities, iurisdictions, franchises, [Page 5] preheminences, benefits, profits and commodities whatso­euer to them heeretofore granted or belonging, or heere­after to be graunted or belonging, or incident, requisite or fitte, to or for them, or for such a Corporation to haue and enioy, of what kind, nature, or qualitie soeuer they shall be, to them and their successors for euer. And that also by the same name of Master, Wardens, and Cominaltie of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid, they shall and may be able and capable in law to haue, hold, purchase, receiue, take, possesse and enioy aswell any man­nors, mesuages, landes, tenements, rents, reuersions, ser­uices, and other hereditaments in Fee, to them and their successors for euer, As also all and singuler goods, chattels, and other things whatsoeuer, and the same manners, messu­ages, lands, tenements, rents, reuersions, hereditaments, goods, chattels, and other the premisses, and euery or any part or parcell thereof, to demise, graunt, let, set, assigne, and dispose at their will and pleasure, and to make seale and accomplish all deedes, euidences and writings, of, for, and concerning the same and euery parcell thereof in that be­halfe needfull, necessarie, or conuenient to be made or had. And that they and their successors by the same name of Master, Wardens, and Cominaltie of the Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid shall and may be per­sons able and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answere and to be answered, to defend and to be defended in all, or any Court or Courts, place or places, iurisdiction, or iurisdictions whatsoeuer, and before any Iudge, Iudges, Iustices or other person or persons, officer or officers whatsoeuer, in all and singuler actions, plaints, Pleas, suits, quarrels, causes, matters and demaunds of what­soeuer kinde, nature, qualitie or sort, in such manner and forme, & by all those waies and means, and to such end and purposes as any other Corporation or any our liege peo­ple of this our Realme of England, being Corporations or [Page 6] persons able and capable in deede or law, may or can haue, hold, purchase, receiue, possesse, enioy, retaine, giue, grant, demise, alien, assigne, dispose, plead and be impleaded, an­swere and be answered, and to defend and be defended, or do permit and execute, by any lawful waies or meanes what­soeuer. And also that the said Master, To haue a Common Seale. Wardens, and Co­minalty of the Art or Mysterie of Shipwrights of Redrith aforesaid, shall and may make or cause to be made, and may haue a Common Seale for them and their successors for e­uer to serue for the ensealing, doing and confirming of all and singuler their causes, affaires and businesse whatsoeuer. And that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Ma­ster, Wardens, and Cominaltie and their successors the same Seale at their will and pleasure from time to time to breake, deface, alter, change and make new, as to them shall seeme most meete and conuenient. To haue a Master, three War­dens, and sixteene As­sistants. And further we will, and for vs, our heires and successors, we do grant by these presents. That from henceforth for euer there be, and shall be one Master, three Wardens, sixteene Assistants of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Red­rith aforesaid, to be constituted and chosen, in such manner and forme as heereafter in these presents is expressed and specified. And for the better execution of the premisses, and also for the good rule and gouernment of the Master, Wardens, and Cominaltie of the Art or Mysterie of Ship­wrights aforesaid, from time to time, for euer we haue as­signed, ordained and constituted, And by these presents, for vs, our heires and successors, do assigne, name, ordaine, and constitute our welbeloued subiect Phinees Pett, Nominati­on of the first Master. our ser­uant and Master Ship-wright, to be the first Master of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights, willing that the said Phinees Pett be and shall continue Master of the said Art or Mysterie, from the day of the date of these presents, vntill the morrow after the feast of Saint Bartholmew Th'apostle now next ensuing, and then from thenceforth vntill some [Page 7] other meete and sufficient man of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights aforesaid, be elected, & sworne to execute the said Office of Master of the said Art or Mystery of Ship­wrights of Redrith aforesaid, according to the ordinances and prouisions in these presents expressed and limited, if the said Phinees Pett shall so long liue, vnlesse the said Phinees Pett shall happen in the meane-time for some misgouern­ment or other iust cause to be remoued, whom for such iust cause, we will and ordaine to be remoueable according to the forme heerein expressed. And also we haue assigned, ordained, named, and constituted, and by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, do assigne, name, ordaine, and constitute our welbeloued subiects, Nominati­on of the first War­dens. William Burrell, Nicholas Symonson, and Thomas Dymock, three other Ship­wrights to be the first three Wardens of the Art or My­sterie of Ship-wrights aforesaid, Willing that they the said William Burrell, Nicholas Symonson, and Thomas Dymock shall be and continue Wardens of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights, from the day of the date of these presents, till the morrow after the feast of Saint Bartholmew the A­postle, now next ensuing the date heereof, and from the morrow after the said Feast, vntill three other meete and sufficient men of the Art or Mysterie of Shipwrights afore­said, be to the said Offices of Wardens elected and sworne to execute the same according to the ordinances, and pro­uisions in these presents limited and expressed, if they the said William Burrell, Nicholas Symonson, and Thomas Dy­mock shall so long liue, vnlesse they, or any of them, re­spectiuely in the meane-time shall be remoued for their mis­gouernment, or for some other iust cause; whom for such iust cause, wee likewise will and ordaine to be remoue­able according to the forme heerein expressed. And moreouer for the better assistance and counsell of the said Master and Wardens in and about the execution of their seuerall Offices, wee haue assigned, named, ordai­ned [Page 8] and constituted, and by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, doe assigne, name, ordaine, and constitute our welbeloued subiects Mathew Baker, Nominati­on of the first Assis­tants. William Bright, Ed­ward Stephens, Nicholas Clay, Iohn Apslin, Peter Pett, Tho­mas Ienkins, Iohn Graues, Robert Bourne, Iames Marshe, William Hedger, Thomas Wells, William Pickes, Iohn Maye, Edmund Iordan, and Richard Watford to be the first and pre­sent sixteene Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie, Willing that they the said Mathew Baker, William Bright, Edward Stephens, Nicholas Clay, Iohn Apslin, Peter Pett, Thomas Ien­kin, Iohn Graues, Robert Bourne, Iames Marshe, William Hed­ger, Thomas Wells, William Pickes, Iohn Mare, Edmund Ior­dan, and Richard Watford, and all other Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie for the time being, shall be and continue Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid for and during their naturall liues, and shall from time to time be aiding, counselling, and assisting vnto the said Master and Wardens for the better gouern­ment, rule and direction of the said Master, Wardens, and Cominaltie of the said Art or Mysterie, and euery member thereof, vnlesse they or any of them shall be remoued from the same place of Assistant or Assistants, for some misde­meanor or other iust cause; whom for such cause, we like­wise will and ordaine to be remoueable according to the forme heerein also expressed. And for the better establish­ment of this our good intention and purpose, and for the perpetuall, and constant continuance, direction, rule and gouernment of the whole body of the said Art or Myste­rie, and euery member thereof, The day of election of Masters & Wardens. wee will and ordaine, That on the morrow next after the said feast of Saint Barthol­mew the Apostle, yearely heereafter, the Master, Wardens, and Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights aforesaid, for the time being, or the greater part of them for that intent and purpose to be assembled at, or in their com­mon House or Hall, shall elect, choose and nominate one [Page 9] person who hath formerly beene Warden of the said Art or Mysterie, to be Master of the said Art or Mysterie for the next yeare then following, and shall at the same time elect, choose, and nominate out of the said Assistants, three that shall like­wise be Wardens of the said Art or Mysterie, which said Ma­ster and Wardens, so as aforesaid nominated, elected and chosen, shall be and continue Master and Wardens of the said Art or Mysterie, vnto the said terme of one whole yeare then next ensuing, and further vntill some Master and War­dens shall be respectiuely elected, preferred and chosen there­unto, they and euery of them, first taking a corporall oath vpon the holly Euangelists before the Master and Wardens, being their last predecessors or any two of them, or before the Assistants of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie, or the greatest part of them, for the due execution of their seuerall Offices respectiuely, and also the oath commonly called the Oath of Supremacie: which Oathes wee doe by these presents giue power and authoritie to the said Master and Wardens for the time being, or any two of them, or to the said Assi­stants, or the greater part of them, to minister and take of the person and persons so elected accordingly, and then euery such Master, Warden and Wardens so remoued, shall then instantly be chosen & elected to be assistant or assistants, and so to remain assistant or assistants in the roome and place of him or them that shal be so chosen out of the said assistants to be Master, Warden and Wardens, first taking his or their corporall oath or oathes, before the then Master and War­dens of the said Art or Mysterie for the time being, or any two of them, for the due execution of their said Offices and places of assistants before they take vpon them the execution of the same; which Oath wee doe likewise giue power and aucthoritie to the said Master and Wardens, or any two of them to minister and take accordingly. And further our will and pleasure is, And wee doe by these presents, for vs, our heires and successors grant, ordaine, and appoint, that the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the greatest number [Page 10] of them, To bee re­moueable for misde­mean or & and others chosen. so often as any offence or misdemeanor shall hap­pen to be committed or done by any of the said Master, War­dens or Assistants, shall and may congregate and gather themselues together in their Common Hall, and shall and may haue power and aucthoritie to remoue any or so many of the said Master Wardens and Assistants as they shall finde to haue committed any such Offences or misdemeanors from their said place or places, and elect others in his or their roome, according to the forme heerein expressed, and that when, and as often as it shall happen, the Master and Wardens of the said Art or Mysterie for the time being, or any of them to die and depart out of this life, or otherwise for any reasonable or lawful cause be remoued or be dismissed from his, or their, or any of their Office or Offices of Master and Wardens aforesaid, or any of them within the yeare wherein they or any of them shall be so elected and chosen as is aforesaid, That then, and so often it shall and may bee lawfull to and for the Master, Wardens, and Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie then for the time being, or the greater part of them, within fifteene daies next after such death, dis­mission, or remouing of such Master or Wardens, or any of them, to nominate, preferre, elect and choose any able and sufficient person or persons out of the said Assistants in the steed and place of him or them so dying, remoued, or dismis­sed, to be and continue Master and Wardens, or Master and Warden of the Art or Mysterie aforesaid, for and during the residue of the same yeare, and from thence vntill some other person or persons shall be elected and chosen vnto the said Office or Offices of Master and Wardens or Warden of the said Art or Mysterie according to the ordinance and prouisi­on in these presents expressed. And that this course shall from time to time be taken as often as the case shall so re­quire. And that hee or they so nominated, chosen and pre­ferred to any of the Office or Offices aforesaid, before he or they shall enter into the execution of the said Office or Offi­ces, shall take a corporall Oath vpon the holy Euangelists, be­fore [Page 11] the Master and Wardens of the said Art or Mysterie be­ing their last predecessors, or any two of them, for the due execution of the said Office or Offices, and also the oath commonly called the Oath of Supremacie, which Oathes we doe by these presents giue power and aucthoritie to the said Master and Wardens for the time being, or any two of them, to minister and take accordingly. And if it happen any of the Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie to dye or to be remoued from their, or any of their said offices of Assi­stants for some reasonable cause. That then, and so often it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie for the time being, or the greater part of them then being or remaining, within conuenient time after the death or remouing of any the Assistant or Assistants as aforesaid, to choose or make one or moe person or persons being of the most honest, discreete, skilfull and sufficient Shipwrights, or workemen of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie to be Assistant or Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie. To continue in the said Office or Offices during his or their naturall life or liues, except they or any of them, for some reasonable cause shall happen to be remoued out of their said Office or Offices as aforesaid. First taking his or their Corporall Oath or Oathes before the Ma­ster and Wardens of the said Art or Mysterie for the time being, or any two of them well and truely to execute the said Office or Offices in all things concerning the same. And that so often as the case shall require; which Oath wee doe by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, giue full pow­er and aucthoritie to the said Master and Wardens, or any two of them to minister and take accordingly. And our will and pleasure is, and wee doe by these presents grant and ordaine. That if any person or persons named or elected to be Master, Warden, or Assistant of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie as aforesaid, shall wilfully, and obstinately, without good and iust cause or excuse, reiect or refuse, the said Office or Place of Master, Warden, or Assistant re­spectiuely, [Page 12] or after hee hath agreed thereto shall wilfully and obstinately, To be fined for refusall or neglect. without good and iust cause or excuse, reiect or neglect the same or the execution and performance thereof, Then the Assistants of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie, or the most part of them, shall or may impose vpon euery such person so refusing or neglecting the Office or Place of Master or Warden, the Fine of Tenne poundes or vnder, and vpon euery person so refusing or neglecting the Office or Place of Assistant the Fine of Twentie Nobles or vnder, to be paid to the vse of the said Corporation. To be had, taken and leauied of the goods and chattels of such person or persons so refusing or neglecting, and fined as a­foresaid by way of distresse, or otherwise by action of Debt, Bill, plaint, or Information, wherein no essoine, protection, or wager of Law shall be admitted or allowed to the defen­dant. And this to be done from time to time, when, and as often as the case shall so require. And moreouer our will and pleasure is, And wee doe by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, grant and ordaine, that there shall or may be from henceforth for euer in all and euery conuenient and needefull place and places of our Kingdome of England and Dominions of Wales, one or more honest sufficient and skilfull person or persons of the said Art or Mysterie which shall be, To appoynt Deputies in remote pla­ces. and shall be called the deputie or deputies of the Ma­ster, Wardens, and Assistants of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie to be from time to time heereafter elected, nomi­nated, and appointed by the said Master, Wardens, and Assistants, or foure of them, whereof the Master and one of the Wardens of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie for the time being, to be alwaies two, and to continue in the place or places, of deputie or deputies of the Master, War­dens, and Assistants of the said Corporation, Art or Myste­rie for the time being, from the time of there said election, for the space of one whole yeare then next ensuing, or vntill hee bee for some iust cause remoued, and some other of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie, be elected, nominated, [Page 13] and sworne to the said Office or place of deputie or deputies according to the true intent and meaning of these presents. And moreouer wee will and ordaine, that in case, and when, and as often as it shall happen any of the said place or places of deputie or deputies, by death or departure, or amotion for iust cause (which amotion for iust cause, wee will from time to time shall and may be done) or otherwise shall hap­pen to be or fall voyde. That then, and so often from time to time, within conuenient time, after such auoidance, the same Office or Place, Offices or Places, shall be supplied or filled vp, by nomination, election, and preferment of some other person or persons of the said Art or Mysterie, ac­cording to the fourme before expressed, and the purport and true meaning of these presents. And wee will, ordaine and command, that euery person that shall be from henceforth named, and chosen to bee deputie or deputies, to the said Master, Wardens, and Assistants, during the time, that hee or they or any of them, shall continue in his or their Office or Offices, Their duty and office. place or places of deputy-ship, doe, and shall from time to time imploy the vttermost of his and their endeuours, abilities, and skill, in the due execution of this our Charter and Letters Patents, and of euery braunch, ar­ticle and thing therein contained, and of all good and whole­some lawes, orders, and ordinances, which at any time heere­after shall be made and constituted by the said Master, War­dens, and Assistants in euery respect, according to the true intent and meaning of the same, and of these presents, and in all other causes, matters and things concerning the good and welfare of the said Art and Mysterie, And that they the said deputies, for the time being, and euery of them shall bee from time to time accomptable to the said Master, War­dens, and Cominalty and their successors, for all summes of money, profits and commodities by them, or any of them to be collected or receiued, by reason, or in respect of his said Office or Offices, place or places of deputie or deputies, and shall further before he or they execute or vndertake the same [Page 14] Office or Place of deputie or deputies, take a Corporall Oath before the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or any foure of them, whereof the said Master and one of the Wardens to be alwaies two, or their deputie or deputies, in that behalfe of and for the true and due execution of the said Office and place, and also the oath commonly called the Oath of Su­premacie, which Oathes wee doe by these presents giue full power and aucthoritie to the said Master, Wardens, and As­sistants, or any foure of them; whereof the said Master and one of the Wardens to be alwaies two, or to their deputie or deputies, in that behalfe to minister and take of euery such deputie or deputies accordingly. Andour will and pleasure is, and wee doe by these presents for vs, our heires and suc­cessors, grant and ordaine, that if any person or persons so named or elected, to be deputie or deputies to the said Ma­ster, Wardens and Assistants of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie for the time being as aforesaid, shall accept the same office and deputation, and then after shall wilfully and obstinately without good and iust cause or excuse, refuse to attend or execute the same. So as no person so nominated be compelled against his will, to hold such place of deputati­on aboue the space of two yeares together. That then the said Master, Wardens, and Assistants, or the more part of them shall or may impose vpon euery such person so refusing to exercise the said Office or Place after such acceptance thereof as aforesaid, a reasonable fine not exceeding Twenty Nobles, To bee leauied and paid to the vse of the said Cor­poration, And further wee will, and by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, doe grant vnto the said Master, Wardens, To haue a Clarke. and Cominaltie, and their successors. That they the said Master, Wardens, and Cominaltie, and their succes­sors shall and may haue, take and entertaine one honest and discreete person in manner and for me heereafter in these pre­sents expressed to be nominated and chosen, which shall be, and be called the Clearke of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights, And wee haue assigned, made, [Page 15] constituted, named and ordained. And by these presents for vs our heires and successors, doe assigne, make, constitute, name, and ordaine our welbeloued subiect and seruant Ri­chard Newman to be the present Clearke of the said Corpo­ration, Art or Mysterie. To bee and continue in the said Of­fice during the terme of his naturall life, vnlesse he for some misdemeanour shall be remoued, dismissed, or shall surrender the same: Which Office wee will shall be vsed and exercised by himselfe or his sufficient deputie or deputies, such as the said Master and Wardens of the said Art or Mysterie for the time being, or any two of them shall allow of. And that from time to time, and at all times after the death, surrender, or remouall of the said Richard Newman, the said Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie for the time being, or the greater part of them shall or may choose, name, and make any other discreete man to be Clearke of the said Art or Mysterie. And that he which shall be so chosen and made Clearke of the same Corporati­on, Art or Mysterie after the death, remoueall or surrender of the said Richard Newman as is aforesaid, shall and may ex­ercise and enioy the said Office of Clearke of the said Cor­poration, Art or Mysterie for the terme of his life. The said Clearke so to be nominated after the death, or remouall of the said Richard, or his surrendor of his Office as aforesaid, first taking his Corporall Oath vpon the holy Euangelists be­fore the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Corpo­ration, Art or Mysterie for the time being, or the greater part of them well and truely to execute the said Office of Clearke of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie, in all things ap­pertaining to the said Office to the vttermost of his power according to his skill and knowledge, and so often, from time to time, as often as the case shall require: which Oath wee do by these presents giue full power and aucthoritie to the said Master, Wardens and Assistants or the greater part of them to minister and take accordingly. And further our will and pleasure is, And wee doe by these presents for vs, our heires [Page 16] and successors, Power to choose infe­rior officers giue and grant to the said Master, Wardens and Cominaltie of the said Art or Mysterie, of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid, and their successors, That it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master, Wardens and As­sistants and their successors for the time being, or the greater part of them from time to time, when, and as often as occa­sion shall require, or to them in that behalfe shall seeme con­uenient, likewise to name and appoint any other inferiour Officers, Ministers and members as shall be needfull and ex­pedient, in to, or for the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie, or the good gouernment and affaires thereof, and the same and euery or any of them from time to time, and at all times at their like will and pleasure to displace, remoue, put out or discharge, and him or them or others in his or their place, roome, or steed so remoued expelled, displaced, or dischar­ged to take in againe, place or appoint of new, and in like manner to doe and performe, when and as often as he, they, or any of them shall fortune to die or to depart this life be­fore hee or they be so remoued, expelled or discharged. And also wee will and grant by these presents for vs, To take in any person to bee of the compa­ny and a­gain to dis­place them our heires and successors, to the said Master, Wardens and Cominaltie and their successors. That the said Master, Wardens & Assistants and their successors for the time being, or the greater part of them shall or may from time to time and at all times heereaf­ter at their like will and pleasure admit, receiue and take what­soeuer person or persons being our naturall borne subiects, as well within this our Realme of England as in other our do­minions and places, being vnder our obeysance, and not o­therwise, which would bee, and are, or shall be willing and de­sirous to bee of the said Corporation as a member or mem­bers thereof, and that all and euery person and persons so to be admitted, receiued and taken in by the said Master, War­dens and Assistants, or the more part of them shall from the time of his or their admission, be called and accompted a brother, and member, or freeman of the said Corporation indeede and in name. And also that the said Master, Wardens [Page 17] and Assistants or the greater part of them shall or may again, at their will and pleasure when, and as often as to them or the greater part of them in that behalfe it shall vpon good and iust occasion seeme most meet and expedient, remoue, displace, and discharge all and euerie such person or persons so admitted, receiued and taken in as aforesaid, of and from the said corporation. And to th'intent that as well our selfe, our heires and successors, as also our Marchants and other our subiects may from time to time heereafter, be better fur­nished, stored and supplied with cunning, skilfull and suffici­ent Ship-wrights and workemen of that kinde, for the ma­king, building, and repairing of Ships, Pinnaces and other vessels, and for the auoiding, suppressing, or preuenting as much as in vs lieth of the manifold abuses and deceits, there­in daily practised and committed by such persons as are alto­gether vnskilfull, hauing neuer beene trayned or brought vp as apprentices in the said Art or Mysterie, according to the lawes and statutes of this our Realme of England. Keeping & retayning of Appren­tices. Wee doe therefore of our more especiall grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion for vs, our heires and successors, will and grant to the said Master, Wardens and Cominaltie of the said Art or Mysterie of Shipwrights of Redrith and to their successors for euer. That euery freeman of the said compa­ny shall and may from time to time heereafter, haue, take and keep one or moe apprentice or apprentices, to be trained and brought vp vnder him in the said Trade, Art or Mysterie of a Ship-wright, And that euery such apprentice shall bee by couenants bound by and to his Master that shall so entertain him as aforesaid, duly and truly to serue him as his apprentice, for and during the full space and terme of seuen yeares at the least, and to be ordered and vsed to all intents and purposes according to the custome of the Citie of London, And that the same couenant of apprentiship to be made by writing, in­dented and registred or enrolled at their Common hall be­fore themselues in their said Corporation by their Clearke or his sufficient deputie or deputies for the time being, and that [Page 18] such enrolement shall be good and effectuall in the law, To be boūd and enrol­led at their Common Hall. to all intents and purposes against vs, our heires and successors, and against all person and persons whatsoeuer, Any law, sta­tute, custome or vsage to the contrarie in any wise notwith­standing. Willing and by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, straightly charging and commanding that no Shipwright,, Calker, or Shipcarpenter, or any other be­ing a Freeman of the said Corporation, and vsing, exerci­sing, practising, or professing the said Trade, Skill, Art or Mis­tery of building, making, trimming, dressing, grauing, launching, drawing, stocking, or reparing of any Shippes, Pynnaces or other vessell or vessels whatsoeuer for nauiga­tion or traffick, shall or may at any time or times hereafter receiue, haue, entertaine, or keepe any apprentise, or other seruant, being not alredy free of the saide corporation, or not hauing serued with some other Shipwright in the same Trade to be vsed, exercised, trayned, or brought vp vnder him in the said trade, art, or mistery as aforesaide, except he first cause euery such his seruant or apprentise, to be bound vnto him by Indenture, for the saide tearme of seauen yeares at the least, or for so many yeares as together with the yeares which he hath serued in the said trade as aforesaide, shall make vp the number of seauen yeares, and doe likewise cause his saide Indenture of apprentiship to be registred, or enrol­led before the Clarke of the said company, or his deputy for the time being as aforesaide, within one month next after the taking thereof, vpon paine of our heauy displeasure, and of such fine or other punishment as by the lawes and statutes of this Realme, or by the lawes and ordinances already made, or hereafter to bee made by the said Master, Wardens, and Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie for the time being, or the greater part according to the true intent and meaning heereof, shall or may be inflicted vpon him or them that shall offend therein. Courts and consulta­tion. And further our will and pleasure is, And wee doe by these presents for vs, our heires and successors of our especiall grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion [Page 19] grant to the said Master, Wardens and Cominalty, and to their successors, That it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, and their suc­cessors, or the greater part of them, when and as often as to them, or the greater part of them, it shall seeme neede­full or expedient, to assemble, conuocate and congregate themselues together, at or in the Common Hall or house being now at Redrith in the County of Surrey, or in any o­ther place or places for the same conuenient, and then, and there to keepe Court and consultation for the said Corpo­ration, Art, or Mysterie and the affaires thereof, and the perquisites, issues and profits of the said Court or Courts so to be kept and held, to leauie, take and perceiue to and for the vse of the said Corporation, for the better main­tenance and preseruation thereof, without any account to be made or rendred to vs, our heires, or successors in that behalfe. And that also it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the grea­ter part of them being so assembled as aforesaid (whereof the Master and one of the Wardens to be alwaies two) then and there to treate, consult, common, determine and agree amongst themselues, or with any person or persons whatsoeuer of, vpon, and concerning the good estate, be­nefit, conseruation and wholsome rule, gouernement and ordering of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie, and the men, apprentices, worke-men, worke-man-ship, and all other the affaires & things to the same belonging, or ther­upon in any wise depending. Power to make lavves. And at, in, and vpon such their assemblies, meetings and conferences, to make, ordaine and constitute such, and so many good, wholesome, and reaso­nable lawes, statutes, articles, constitutions, orders, and ordinances whatsoeuer, as to them or the greater part of them being then and there present (whereof the Master and one of the Wardens for the time being to be alwaies two) shall seeme reasonable, neccessarie, meete and conue­nient, for, touching or concerning the premisses, and for [Page 20] the better aduancement, performance and continuance of the same, and also for the better directing how and in what order and manner the said Master, Wardens and Comi­naltie, and all other person and persons vsing the said Art or Mysterie within our said Realme of England and Do­minion of Wales, shall demeane and behaue themselues, aswell in all and singuler matters and things touching or concerning the said functions, ministeries, and businesses touching or concerning the said Art or Mysterie as afore­said, And the same lawes, orders, Articles, and constituti­ons so made or any of them to put in vre and execute ac­cordingly, and at their will againe to reuoke, alter or change, when and as often as occasion shall thereto require. And our further will and pleasure is, And wee do by these pre­sents for vs, our heires and successors, graunt and com­mand, that whatsoeuer is or shall bee concluded and a­greed vpon at any such assembly or meeting of the said Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Art or Myste­rie for the time being, or the greater part of them (where­of the Master and one of the Wardens for the time being to be alwaies two) and the same entred and registred in some publique booke to be kept, for that purpose the same shall be holden as lawes, ordinances and statutes, amongst them to bee put in vre and execution, and shall binde all persons of the said Corporation, Art or Mysterie, & all Ship­wrights and worke-men of that profession, in any Place, Port, Hauen, or Towne within our said Realme of Eng­land and Dominion of Wales, aswell the subiects of the same our Realme and Dominions as strangers, & aliens, for or during the time of their being, in or vpon any part of our said Realme, Coasts or Dominions, or any Creekes or Harbors of the same, to obserue, obey and performe the same from time to time in all things, as the same ought to bee vpon the paines, penalties and punishments in the same, to be imposed, inflicted and lymited. So alwaies as the said lawes, statutes, articles, orders, ordinances, paines, [Page 21] penalties, and punishments, and euery of them bee agreea­ble to reason and iustice, and not contrary or repugnant to the lawes, statutes, rights or customes of this our Realme of England, nor derogatory to the Iurisdictions and pre­heminences of the Lord High-Admirall of England, for the time being, or to the Court of Admiraltie of Eng­land or the Iudges Register or Marshall of that Court for the time being or any of them. And wee do further will and grant if any person or persons whatsoeuer shall offend a­gainst any of the said lawes, Offendors to be fined. statutes, ordinances so made or to be made as aforesaid, or shall violate, transgresse or breake any of them. That then it shall and may be law­full to and for the said Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie for the time being, or the grea­ter part of them (whereof the said Master and one of the Wardens to be two) to impose and inflict all and singuler such paines, penalties, punishments, fines and amercia­ments, and forfetures, or any of them in the said lawes, statutes and ordinances limited vpon all and euery such person or persons so offending or transgressing the same, as they in iustice according to their wisedomes and dis­cretions, and the nature, quantitie and qualitie of the fault, shall thinke fit, and the same fines, penalties, amer­ciaments and forfaitures, or any of them in the said lawes, ordinances, and statutes, or any of them, or in their orders to be grounded thereupon, to be appointed and specified of the offendors, and euery of them to aske, leauie, ga­ther and receiue, and for default of paiment, that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master, Wardens and Cominaltie to distraine the goods and chattels of such offendor, and the same to keepe till they shall be satisfi­ed, or otherwise to bring their action for the same accor­ding to law. And our will and pleasure is, That all and singuler fines, forfaitures, sum and summes of money what­soeuer or heereafter to be due, and receiued by reason of the said decrees, orders or ordinances, shall be to the vse [Page 22] commodity and sole benefit and behoofe of the said Cor­poration without any account or other thing therefore to vs, our heires or successors to be yeelded, paid, rendred, made or done in that behalfe, without any let, trouble, molestati­on or interruption of any person or persons whatsoeuer for the same. Power to leauie and recouer du­ties, fines, &c. by dis­trease or ac­tion of Det. And wee haue further of our more especiall grace, certain knowledge, and meere motion giuen and gran­ted, and by these presents for vs, our heires and successors doe giue and grant vnto the said Master, Wardens and Cominaltie, and to their successors for euer. That it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master and War­dens of the said Art or Mysterie for the time being, by themselues or by any their sufficient deputie or deputies, Officer or Officers, or any other person or persons by them for that purpose to be authorised or appointed by writing vn­der their common seale, from time to time, & at al times here­after in lawfull manner, to aske, leauie, haue, receiue and take in all and euery place and places within our said Realme of England and Dominion of Wales, aswell of euery Ma­ster workeman, ship-wright, or other person or persons that shall heereafter make or build, or cause to be made or built any newe ship or ships, vessell or vessels of the bur­den of 100. Tunnes, or more or lesse, all and singuler such profits, dues, dueties, fees, allowances, sum and summes of money whatsoeuer, after such rate, and in such manner and forme as at any time or times heeretofore, themselues, their predecessors, by any name or names of Corporation by, vnder, or by force and vertue of any former Charter or Letters Patents to them or any of them giuen or graunted or by any other lawfull and reasonable way or meanes haue or ought to haue receiued, had, taken or enioyed the same by way of tonnage, quarterage, poundage or other­wise, And also all and euery such fines, amerciaments, pe­nalties sum and summes of money as shall be by force and vertue of these or Letters Patents, our any their lawes, or­ders, ordinances, statutes or institutions alreadie made or [Page 23] hereafter to be made, for the good gouernment of the said company, assessed or imposed vpon any person or persons whatsoeuer, as shall offend or transgresse contrary to the true intent and meaning of the same, to the sole vse, benifit, and behofe of the saide company, without any accompt to be yeelded, made, or giuen, to vs our heires or successors for the same. And if any person or persons whatsoeuer, of the saide Art or Mistery, shall at any time or times hereafter re­fuse, deny, or neglect to satisfie and paie all and euery such dues, duties, alowances, fines, amerciamentes, penalties, sum or summes of money as shal be so imposed or assessed, or wherewith he or they shall be charged as aforesaid vpon law­full demaund thereof to him or them made, either by the said Maister and Wardens for the time being, or any of them or any their deputie or deputies, officer or officers as afore­saide. That then it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Maister and Wardens for the time being, or any of them, by themselues or by their sufficient deputy or deputies, officer or officers so authorised as aforesaid, to enter and distraine any the goods or chattels of the person or persons so offen­ding, denying, or withholding the same, in any place or places whatsoeuer, where the same goods and chattles, or any of them shall or may be found, and the same to take, beare, and carry away, and with him or them to detaine and keepe for and to the vse of the said company, till such fines, summe, or summes of money shall be fully satsfied and paied, or otherwise that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Maister Wardens, and Cominalty for the time being to sue for and recouer the same dues, duties, alowances, fines, amerciaments, penalties, impositions, summe and sums of mony, in any of our Court or Courts of record. By Accion of debt, bill, plaint, information, or by any other lawfull waies or meanes whatsoeuer. And these our Letters Pattents or the enrolment thereof shall be a sufficient war­rant in that behalfe, vnto the saide Maister Wardens, and Cominalty, and to all and euery their deputy and deputies, [Page 24] officer and officers, Restraint from disco­uery of the secrets of of the trade. and to all and euery other person and per­sons whatsoeuer for the doing therof. And to the end that the secrets of the said Art or Mysterie and the manner of our English building and new making of Ships, Pinnaces, and other vessels, should for more strength and safety of our Realmes and Kingdomes be kept secret, to, and within our selues and our said Realmes and Dominions, and alto­gether vnknowne to aliens and strangers of other Nations, Our will and pleasure is, and wee doe by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, straightly charge and com­mand that no person or persons whatsoeuer of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights, doe at any time or times heereafter, directly, or indirectly, by any waies or meanes whatsoeuer, presume, or attempt to discouer, or make knowne to any forrainer or stranger, not being a naturall borne subiect of vs, our heires or successors, or not being naturali­zed or indenized, nor to any other person or persons not be­ing free and sworne of and to the saide corporation, nor be­ing a seruant or apprentice to the saide art or mistery, the secretts of the said trade, art, or mistery, or the speciall man­ner of our English building or new making of Shippes, Pinnaces, or other vessells as aforesaid, nor to take any alien or stranger borne, being not naturalized or indenized to be his or their apprentice or seruant, vpon paine of our high displeasure, and of such further punishment as by the lawes and statutes of this Realme, or the ordinances and lawes, so made, or to bee made by the said Master, Wardens, and As­sistants or the greater part of them as aforesaid, can or may bee inflicted vpon such offendor or offendors for the same. And to the end our will and pleasure heerein may be the bet­ter obserued and performed and the offendor punished, wee doe further by these presents giue and grant, for vs, our heires and successors to the said Master, Wardens, and Com­minalty, and their successors. That if at any time heereafter, any person, or persons of the said Art or Mistery, shall offend in discouering the secrets of the said Trade, Art, or Mis­tery [Page 25] to any forrainer or stranger not beeing a naturall borne subiect of vs our heires or successors, or otherwise naturalized and indenized as aforesaid, or to any other person or persons not beeing free and sworne of the said Corporation, or not beeing a seruant or apprentice of or to the said Art or My­sterie, or shall take any alien or stranger borne to bee his or their apprentice or seruant contrary to this our said command and the true intent and meaning of these pre­sents. That then, and so often, it shall & may be lawfull to and for the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the grea­ter part of them beeing assembled as aforesaid, to impose vpon euery such offendor a reasonable fine according to the qualitie of his offence at the discreation of the said Ma­ster, Wardens and Assistants or the more part of them, the same fine to be forfaited and paid by the person or persons so offending, to the sole benefit, vse and behoofe of the said Corporation, for the better mainteinance and vpholding of the same, and the releeuing of the poore of the said Corporation. And our further will and pleasure is. Punishmēt of such as shall depart from their worke and be muti­nous. And wee doe by these presents for vs, our heires and successors of our more especiall grace certain knowledge and meere motion, graunt to the said Master, Wardens and Cominaltie, and their successors for euer, that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the greater part of them, wherof the Master and one of the Wardens to bee alwaies two, to examine and punish by fine or such other correction as the qualitie of the offence shall deserue, and require, euery person which shall vnlawfully depart or goe away from his worke after he hath beene hired or agreed withall for wages before the time or times of his retainer or retainers be expired, or shall be found to grow mutinous stubborne, or disobedient, or any waie a prouoker, inticer or seducer of any other to any mutinie or disobedience, to the hurt or iniurie, or like­ly-hood of hurt or iniurie of the said Corporation, or of the good gouernment and order therein, or of any ser­uice [Page 26] whatsoeuer, Hearing of complaints. And also to examine, heare and order all and euery the complaints of or against any ship-wrights or other worke-men of the said Corporation, Art, or pro­fession, or of or against any of his or their Iourney-men, apprentices or seruants. And of our more ample grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion, Searches & surueyes. and for the better suppressing and reformation of the deceits and abuses first aboue mentioned, wee will and haue giuen and graunted, and by these presents for vs, our heires and successors doe freely and absolutely giue and graunt to the said Master, Wardens and Comminaltie of the Art and Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid, and to their successors for euer for the time being and to euery of them. That it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master and Wardens or any two of them for the time being, and also to and for any two of the said Assistants or other two per­sons beeing skilfull, or which heereafter shall bee skilfull in the said Art or Mysterie being thereunto deputed and aucthorised by writing vnder the common Seale of the said Master, Wardens and Cominaltie, first taking his or their Corporall Oath or Oathes vpon the Euangelists, be­fore the Master and Wardens, or any two of them for the due execution of their said Offices or Places, which Oath wee doe by these presents aucthorise the said Master, and Wardens, or any two of them to minister and take ac­cordingly at all conuenient time or times, taking with them if neede so require a Constable or any other his Maiesties Officer or Officers of the Citie, Towne or Place to search, view and suruey all manner of timber, wood, and other stuffe prouided, prepared, and fitted for the buil­ding, making, or repairing of any Shippes, Pinnaces, or other vessels in any place or places whatsoeuer within our Realme of England and Dominion of Wales, or in either of them. And also to search, view, and suruey all and e­uery the workes and worke-man ship of all and euery per­son and persons whatsoeuer in making, working, building, [Page 27] or repairing or which heereafter shall make, worke, build, or repaire any manner of Ships, Pinnaces, boats, or o­ther vessels whatsoeuer within our said Realme of England and Dominion of Wales or either of them, And that it shall and may be lawfull to & for the said Master & Wardens, or any two of them, or their deputies so aucthorised as afore­said, all and singuler Shippes, Pinnaces, Boates and other vessels heereafter to be built, to view, search and suruey, and such of them whereof the timber-worke, at the time of such search, shall not be fully finished, and which, at the time of such search, view, or suruey, so to be made as a­foresaid, shall be found to be insufficiently, falsely, and deceitfully, made, wrought or repaired, as they must needes be by that meanes dangerous to such as shall vse or im­ploy them, to arrest and stay vntill the same shall be re­formed, amended, repaired, & made fit for Nauigation. And our further will and pleasure is, that if the said persons before by these presents aucthorised, to make such search as aforesaid, or any of them shall happen to finde any sap­pie wood, red-wood, or other insufficient wood or timber, to be put into any Shippes, Pinnaces, or other vessells, or hewen, wrought, & fitted for that purpose, That then the said persons or any of them shall forth-with charge and warne the makers or owners of such Shippes, Pinnaces or other vessells forthwith to take away the said sappy wood, red­wood, and other insufficient wood and timber, and to sup­ply the same with other sufficient timber and wood. And if within conuenient time after such charge and warning giuen as is aforesaid, the said sappy wood, red-wood, and other insufficient wood and timber be not taken away, and the same supplied with other good and sufficient timber and wood as is aforesaid. That then, it shall and may bee lawfull to and for the said Master and Wardens, or any two of them, or any two of the said Assistants, or any such deputie or deputies as aforesaid to take and deface all such sappy wood, and red-wood, and all and singuler such other [Page 28] timber and wood, which vpon any such search, and view, and after conuenient admonition and warning giuen. to take the same away and to supply it with better and more sufficient wood and timber, they shall finde to bee put in or apparantly intended to be put into any Ship, Pinnace, or other vessell, or hewen, cut out, or wrought for that purpose, manifestly tending to the preiudice and damage of vs, our heires and successors, or of any other our lo­uing subiects, Marchants and Marriners, whose goods and liues are hazarded, & often lost by reason of such ill stuffe (the vse of all which sappy and red-wood & other insufficient stuffe) we do hereby for vs, our heires and successors, straightly prohibit and restraine to be vsed or imployed in any sort in or vpon any shippe or other vessell. And our will and plea­sure is, and wee doe by these presents, for vs our heires and successors, grant vnto the said Maister, Wardens, and Com­minalty and to their successors for the time being, That it shall and may bee lawfull to, and for, the said Master, War­dens, and Assistants for the time beeing, or the greater part of them, whereof the Master and one of the Wardens to bee alwaies two, to impose and inflict such punishment vppon e­uery offendor in that behalfe, either by fine or imprisonment, or both of them, as by the lawes and statutes of this Realme or by any lawes or ordinances, to bee made by the said Cor­poration, as is aforesaid, shall, or may bee imposed or in­flicted vppon them for their offence in that behalfe: Or o­therwise, that the said Master and Wardens or any two of them or such other person or persons, so authorized, as afore­said, and which vpon the search shall find any of the deceipts and abuses aforesaid, shall complaine thereof to some Iustice or Iustices of the Peace, within the place or county where such deceipts and abuses shall bee found. And wee doe by these presents, for vs, our heires, and successors, straightly charge and command, all, and euery our Iustice and Iustices, of the Peace whatsoeuer, to whom any such complaint or complaints shall so bee made as is aforesaid, that they and [Page 29] euery of them, shall by all good and lawfull waies and meanes examine and find out the truth of the said complaints, abuses and deceipts. And if vpon due examination thereof, they shall find that any such abuses and deceipts, haue beene com­mited as aforesaid: That then they cause the party or parties, so offending, to be indited or otherwise punished, for such his, and their abuses and deceipts, either before our Iustices of Peace, in the county where the same abuses and deceipts shall be committed and found at their Sessions of the Peace, or be­fore the Iustices of Assize of the same county, or before any other lawfull Iudge or Iudges, to the end that the said person, or persons so offending, may receiue such condigne punish­ment, as by the lawes and statutes of this Realme can or may bee inflicted vpon him, or them, for his or their offence or offences, in that behalfe. And our will and pleasure is, And wee doe by these presents, for vs, our heyres and successors, straightly charge and command the said Master, Wardens, and Assistants, of the said Art or Mistery and their successors, for the time beeing, that once in euery month at the least, such search bee made as is aforesaid, And that the authority heereby in that behalfe, to them giuen, be put in due execu­tion, without any respect of persons, or partiality whatsoeuer. Prouided alwaies neuertheles, and our will & pleasure is, that neither the Master, nor Wardens, of the said Art or Mistery, for the time beeing, or any their Deputy or Deputies, so au­thorized to search as is aforesaid, shall not by coullor of these Letters Pattents, meddle with, or doe any thing to the hin­derance, stay, or preuention of any Shippe, Pinnace, or other Vessell that is or shall bee at the time of such their search as aforesaid, ready to go forth for any intended voyage or iour­ney, or the Master, Owner, Marriner, Saylors, or other Offi­cers of the same. Any thing in these presents to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. Power to trade be­yond the seas. And further of our meere especiall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere mo­tion, wee doe by these presents, for vs, our heires, and suc­cessors, graunt vnto the said Master, Wardens and Commi­nalty, [Page 30] of the said Art, or Mistery of Ship-wrights of Redreth aforesaid and their Successors for the time beeing: That it shall and may bee lawfull to, and for all and euery person and persons, lawfully vsing or exercizing, or which heereafter shall lawfully vse, or exercize the said Art or Mistery, by themselues, their seruants, or Deputies at any times heereaf­ter, to buy and prouide in any the places beyond the seas, all such timber, Plancks, Masts, Deales, Sparres, wood and wooden stuffe, and also all Pitch, Tarre, Rozen, and Oyle as they shall thinke necessary or conuenient, for the building, reparing, grauing, or fitting of Shippes, Pinaces, or other Vessels, and the same so bought, and prouided, shall and may from time to time, for euer heereafter, bring or cause to bee brought into this our Realme of England and Dominion of Wales or any part or place thereof, and the same discharge, and lay on Land, paying to vs, our heires and successors the full custome, poundage, and other dueties due, or which heereafter shall bee due to vs, our heires or successors; Any Law, Statute, Custome, Proclamation, or any other matter, cause or thing to the contrary notwithstanding. And whereas for the better mainteinance of Nauigation, and incouragement of our louing subiects, to increase ship­ping within this our Realme, Surueying of Tounage there is and hath bin of ancient time an allowance giuen by vs, and our predecessors of fiue shillings sterling, for euery Tunne of any new buil­ded Ship to be rated according to the burden of the said ship, so as the said ship did containe in burden one hundred Tonnes or vpwards in Tonnes and tonnage, which lauda­ble custome wee being pleased to continue, and finding it also conuenient aswell for the auoiding of abuses that might be offered in rating and setting downe the tonnage of the said ships and otherwise, as also that the builder might haue his right and due allowance of tonnage, to appoint some person or persons of knowledge and experience, for the surueying and ouerseeing of the true rates and tonnage in that behalfe, Wee did by our Letters Patents vnder [Page 31] the great Seale of England, bearing date the 24. day of Aprill, in the third yeare of our raigne, giue and graunt to Iohn Grent gentleman, for and during his naturall life the Office and place of Surueyour of the tonnage and burden of all new builded Shippes of the burden aboue mentio­ned or vpwards, from time to time within this our Realme of England, together with the wages and fee of twelue pence by the day of lawfull money of England, for the exercising of the said Office or place, together with all and singuler other Fees, profits, commodities and allowances whatsoeuer to the same place or Office in any wise due, in­cident or appertaining, with a Prouiso or clause therein men­tioned, that the said Iohn Grent in the rating and setting down of the tonnage & burden of the saidnew builded ships from time to time should vse the aduice and assistance of one of our ship-wrights to be nominated and appointed by our High Admirall of England for the time being, And that all and euery such bill and bills of tonnage as should be pre­sented to vs, to be signed for the said allowance of fiue shillings vpon euery Tonne of the burden of the said Ships should be first allowed vnder the hand of the said Suruey­our, and signed by the said Admirall or his deputie for the time being as hath beene accustomed. And whereas by our Letters Patents, bearing date the 28. daie of Ianuary, in the fourth yeare of our Raigne wee did graunt, or mention to graunt vnto Humfrey Iobson gent. for and during his naturall life the Reuersion of the said Office or place of Surueyor of the tonnage and burden of all new builded ships of the burden of one hundred Tonnes, aboue mentioned, or vp­wards from time to time, within our Realme of England next after the death, forfaiture or surrendor of the said Iohn Grent, together with the wages and fee of twelue pence a day for the exercising of the said office, place, and all, and sin­guler other Fees, profits, commodities and allowances whatsoeuer to the same place or office in any wise due, inci­dent or appertaining As in, and by the said two seue­rall [Page 32] Letters Pattens more at large appeareth. And whereas of late we haue bin much wronged, defrauded, and abused, in that sundry of the said shippes for want of exact viewing, sur­ueying, and measuring, haue beene ouer-rated in their bur­then and tonnage, wherby wee haue beene charged with the payment of a greater allowance, then in truth wee ought to haue beene. Know yee therefore, that we reposing a speciall trust and confidence, in the faithfulnesse, experience, care, and honest and true circumspection of the Master, Wardens and Comminalty, of the said Art, or Mistery of Ship-wrights. And to the end, that we, our heires, and successors, may not at any time from henceforth, in like sort be defrauded, wron­ged, or abused, do of our speciall grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, giue and graunt to the said Master, War­dens, and Comminalty, and to their successors for euer, the office, function, and place of Surueyour of the tonnage and burthen, of all new builded Ships of the burthen of an hun­dred tonnes aboue mentioned or vpwards from time to time, within this our Realme of England, Together with the said wages and fee of twelue pence by the day, and all other fees, proffits, commodities, and allowances whatsoeuer, to the said office, or place in any wise due, belonging, incident or ap­pertaining, And them the said Master, Wardens, and com­minalty and their successors wee doe by these presents, for vs, our heires, and successors, nominate, ordaine, make and appoynt Surueyours of the tonnage and burthen of all new builded Shippes from time to time, within this our Realme of England, and Dominion of Wales. To haue, hold, exer­cise, and enioy the said office, function, and place, and also, to haue, receiue, and perceiue, the said wages and fee of twelue pence by the day, immediately when, and from, and after such time, as the Estate and interest, Estates and interrests graunted or mentioned to be graunted to the said Iohn Grent, and Humfrey Iobson respectiuely, by death, surrender, for­feiture, or other occasion, cause, or meanes whatsoener is, are, or shall bee voyde, ended, or determined, and whenso­euer [Page 33] the said office or place shall first happen, or become void vnto the said Master, Wardens, and Cominaltie, and to their successors for euer. And for the better and more ex­act examination, iudging and finding out from hence forth of the true burden and tonnage of euery Ship, and vessell, that is or shallbe capable of, or intended to haue or require the said alowance. Wee doe hereby for vs our heires and suc­cessors ordaine, decree, grant, limit, and appoynt, and also straightly charge and commaund the said Master and War­dens for the time being, by themselues or their deputies, be­ing honest, skilfull, and sufficient persons, as well to goe on bord euery such shipp and vessell, and there to view and de­cerne whether shee be sufficiently and substancially built, as is fit and required in that behalfe, that is to say with two Orlops at conunnient distance, strong to carry ordnance aloft and alowe with her fore-castell and halfe deck close for feight. As also to cause euery such Shipp and vessell to be brought on ground, and by, from, and according to an ex­act measure taken of her length, breadth depth, & draught, in water so to rate and sett downe the true burden and tonnage thereof, and to certifie the same by Letters testimoniall, vn­der the common scale of the said Corporation, and the hands of the said Master and Wardens of the said Art or Mystery for the time being, as they will euer after be ready vpon their oaths & aleagiance to approue the same. And our will & plea­sure is, and wee doe by these presents for vs, our heires and suc­cessors straightly prohibit, charge and command that no per­son or persons whatsoeuer shall or may at any time or times hereafter be capable of, or persume to take, receiue or demand the said alowance of fiue shillings a tonne as aforesaid, vntill such due measuring, rating, & certificat be first had & made as aforesaid. Willing and requiring as well our Lord High Tresu­rer, and Lord High Admirall of England, & our Tresurer & Chancellor of our Exchequor: as also the said Iohn Grent, and Humfrey Iobson, and all other persons whome it may concerne to take notice of our wil and pleasure in this behalfe. [Page 34] Any former grant, prouision, limitation, custome, or vsage, to the contrary heereof in any wise notwithstanding. And more­ouer for the better maintaining, strengthning, and vphold­ing of the said corporation, and the suppressing, and refor­ming, as well of the manifould errors, deceiptes, and abuses, practized in the said profession, art, and mystery, as also of the disorders, and misdemeanors of diuers wilfull, stuborne, and disobedient persons of the said profession, Art, or Mys­tery, which can very hardly by any other meanes be redressed, restrained, or reformed, and for the better continuing, set­ling, and establishing of good orders, Power to punish. discipline, and gouern­ment amongst them, for the especiall good of our owne ser­uice, and the generall benefit of all our louing subiects, as well Marchants as others, wee doe of our more ample grace, certaine knowledge, and meere motion, for vs our heires and successors, giue and grant to the said Master, Wardens, and [...], and their successors for euer by these pre­sents. That if any person or persons now practizing, vsing, or professing, or which hereafter shall practise, vse, or professe the said Art, or Mystery, or any thing therevnto appertai­ning, shall wilfully or obstinately oppose, or resist the order, rule and gouernment of the said Master, Wardens, and As­sistantes of the said Art or Mystery for the time being, or shall refuse to obey, or to submit him, or themselues to this our Charter, or Letters Pattents, and to such wholsome lawes, orders, ordinances, and institutions as are or shall be made by force and vertue thereof as aforesaid, tending to the good seruice of vs and our common-wealth, and to the good estate and preseruation of the said Art or Mistery, or shall not well and honestly carry, behaue, and demeane him, and them­selues towardes the Master, Wardens, and Assistants of the faid Art or Mistery, for the time being, and their deputy or deputies or other inferior officers respectiuely, according to the true intent and meaning of these presents, but after due and conuenient warning, notice, or admonition giuen to him or them in that behalfe shall still wilfully and obstinate­ly [Page 35] persist, perseuere, or continue in any wilfull, stuborne, obstinate, or disobedient course, tending to the hurt and preiudice of vs, our heires and successors, or any our louing subiects, or the order rule and gouernment aforesaid, either by insufficient, negligent, or deceitfull working, or not per­forming of his or their duties, or by purloyning, imbeazling of stuffe, or by vnlawfull and disorderly departure from his or their worke, after he or they haue bene hired and such like, or shall doe or commit any act or acts directly or indirectly to the preiudice or hindrance of the said Corporation, or the good estate and procedings thereof, either by wilfull absenting him or themselues from the Common-Hall, and meeting vpon due warning, or by deniall of ordinary and iust duties, or shall by mutinies, combinations, conspira­cies, or any such like wicked or vnlawfull course, or practise, persist, or continue in the wilfull breach, neglect, or con­tempt of this our Charter, or any thing herein contained, or any law, ordinance, or institution, made by force of these presents. That then in all and euery or any of these cases be­fore mencioned, it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master, Wardens, and assistants, or any three of them, whereof the Master and one of the Wardens to be alwaies two, seuerally to correct and punish such offendor or offen­dors according to the quantity and quallity of his or their offence or offences, according to the lawes and ordinances of the said Corporation, and according to the lawes and statutes of the realme in that behalfe respectiuely. Imprison­ment of of­fendors. And whereas the greatest number of the workmen and other per­sons imployed in the trades aforesaid are soe very pore and nedy, and of meane condition as no pecuniary mulct can take hold of them, and likewise so rude and disordered as noe or­dinary or ciuill censure can moue them to yeelde obedience to rule or gouernment. And therefore some sharpe and se­uere coertion and constraint must necessarily be vsed towards them in many cases. Therefore our will and pleasure is, and wee doe by these presentes will and ordaine: That if any per­son [Page 36] or persons now vsing, or which shall hereafter vse or ex­ercise, within the said realme of England, or dominion of Wales, the said Art, Trade, or Mistery of Ship-wrights, or other the workes or trades aforesaid shall obstinately resist and withstand the gouernment of the said Maister, Wardens and Assistants, or their lawfull deputy or deputies, and shall after admonition and warning giuen vnto them, or any of them in that behalfe wilfully persist in such disobedient course either by deceitfull working or by vnlawfull departure from, after they haue bene hired, or within the time or times of their retainor, or shall by combination, conspiracies, or o­ther vnlawfull practises, seeke to ouerthrow, destroy, and bring into contempt the powers, preuiledges, and authori­ties by these presents giuen and granted to the said Maister, Wardens, and Cominalty, and their successors for the vni­uersall benifit and good of our said Realme, dominion and subiects. That the [...], or in such cases, the Lord Admirall of England for the time being, vpon complaint and profe ther­of made to him, shall take the body or bodies of all and eue­ry such notorious offendors and keepe them vnder arrest, vn­till they shall conforme themselues, and reforme what they haue done amisse as aforesaide. And for so much, as a great part of the said Art or Mystery are continually for the most part imploied, and attendant vpon the seruice and nauigati­on of vs our heires and successors. We therefore of our espe­ciall grace, doe will and grant for vs our heires and succes­sors. That the saide Maister, Wardens and Cominalty, or any of them, or their, or any of their successors shall not at any time or times hereafter be informed, put, placed, or im­pannelled in or vpon any Assizes, Iuries, Inquests, or at­taintes whatsoeuer, Freedome from Size or Sessions before any Iudges, Iustices, or Com­missioners of vs, our heires or successors out of the Citties, Townes, Boroughs, Parishes or places where they or any of them doe or shall happen to dwell, vnlesse they haue lands or tenements lying out of the said Citties, Townes, Bo­roughs, Parishes or places, by reason whereof they or any of [Page 37] them ought to be charged, nor shall at any time be pressed or inforced to serue vs our heires or successors as Land-soldi­ers, but doe absolutely and freely discharge them and euery of them from any such seruice and attendance. And wee doe further by these presents, for vs our heires and successors straightly charge and commaund all and euery Sheriffes, Bai­liffes, and other officers of vs our heires and successors that they & every of them doe from time to time forbeare to put or impanel any of the said Maister, Wardens, and Cominal­ty, or any their deputies or apprentises, in or vpon any such Iuries, or inquests as is aforesaid, contrary to our said mean­ing & intent, vpon paine of our displeasure, & of such paines, penalties, and imprisonments as by the lawes of this our Realme can or may be inflicted or imposed vpon them or any of them for their contempt, in doing contrary to our royall pleasure and commandment in that behalfe. And whereas the Master, Wardens, and Cominalty of the said Art or Mis­tery of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid, and their and euery of their deputies and apprentises being continually for the most part charged and chargeable to be ready and prouided at an howers warning vpon diuers seruices and imployments as well at the Sea, for the necessity, defence, and safety of our realmes and kingdomes, and for the use and imployment of our Marchants for continuance and increase of trade and commerce with forraine Nations, for the benefit and pro­fit of vs and our subiects, as also to giue attendance within our Kingdomes for the new building, repairing, and trim­ing as well of the Shippes, Pinnaces, and vessels of vs, our heires & successors, as also of the Ships Pinnaces, and vessels of our Marchants and subiects. Therefore our will and plea­sure is. That if it shall hapen the said Maister, Wardens, and Comminalty, or other persons, which by the true intent and meaning hereof are and ought to be discharged from such seruice vpon Iuries or Inq [...]ests, shall by Sheriffes, Bailiffes or other officers, ignorantly or wilfully be put and impan­nelled to serue vpon Iuries, and Enquests, contrary to our [Page 38] true intent and meaning, in that behalfe, in certaine our former Letters Pattents graunted, and also in these presents renued. And that any of the said persons beeing absent from their houses, and places of habitation, at such times as they were, or shall bee sommoned or warned to appeare vpon a­ny such Iuries or enquests, could not, nor cannot plead or alleadge the said former Letters Pattents nor these presents, or the priueledges and authorities hereby giuen and granted vnto them, for their discharge in that behalfe, whereby di­uers issues, fines, and amercements are many times retur­ned against them, contrary to our true intent and meaning: Wee doe therefore graunt for vs, our heires and successors, vn­to the said Master, Wardens, and Comminalty, and their suc­cessors for euer: That if any issues, fines, and amercements shall be returned, forfeited or imposed by, or vppon any of the said person or persons of the said Corporation, Trade, Art, or Mistery, for or in respect of not doing, or not performing of any of the said seruices or other things whereof they are hereby exempted or freed, or mentioned to be exempted or freed: That then the same person or persons, his, or their heires, executors, administrators and assignes and euery of them, and all his and their landes, tenements, goods, and chattels shall be for euer freed and discharged of and from the same issues, fines, and amerciaments, and euery of them. And wee doe require and commaund the Barons of our Es­chequer that in respect of the pouerty of many that are to be releeued in this case, they giue them all expedition and ease in the proceedings and pleading for their discharge in that behalfe. Submissi­on to the Charter. And because this Corporation of Ship-wrights hath bin principally instituted & made for the mainteinance and encrease of Nauigation and for the better and more sub­stantiall making, building and repairing of ships, and also for the trayning vp & instructing of Ship-wrights, Ship-carpen­ters, labourers, and workemen to make them more ready, able and skilfull for seruice, All which things do very greatly con­cerne the defence, safety, wealth and profit of our selfe, our [Page 39] Kingdomes and subiects. Therefore wee doe not onely straightly charge and command all and euery person and per­sons which are or shall be of the Cominaltie of this Corpo­ration. That they doe dutifully submit themselues to such good and wholesome lawes, statutes and ordinances as shall be heereafter ordained and made by vertue of these Letters Patents for the gouernment, rule, order and direc­tion of this Corporation, and of all the members thereof, But wee doe also straightly require, charge and command all Masters, Wardens, and Assistants, deputies and other the principall Officers of this incorporation now being, and that heereafter shall bee. That they and euery of them in their seuerall Offices and places, doe carefully, diligently and cir­cumspectly looke to the due and seuere execution of all such lawes, statutes, and ordinances so to be made as aforesaid, that the same may be truely performed and accomplished according to the tenor and true meaning of the same, vp­on paine of our heauy displeasure and indignation and of such punishment and imprisonment as by our lawes may be inflicted on them and euery or any of them, wherein our meaning is to extend the greater punishment vpon such as hauing offices and places of trust and charge commit­ted vnto them, shall by wilfulnesse, negligence, remisnesse, partialitie, or otherwise offend themselues, or suffer o­thers to offend in those things, whereof they ought to bee the reformers and redressers, and at whose hands wee expect to receiue and haue amendement and reformati­on of all offences that shall bee committed by any o­thers in that behalfe. And forasmuch as the pouertie of Ship-wrights and persons belonging to the said Cor­poration is now much more increased then in former times, and not able to be releeued, supported and maintained, by the duties and reuenues of the said Corporation which heertofore they haue had, or were enabled to haue, being so small in yeerely value. Power to purchase. Therefore, and to the end, the said Ma­ster, Wardens, and Comminalty and their Successors, may [Page 40] bee from henceforth the better enabled, from time to time to beare and sustaine their charges and expences drawne, and occasioned by reason of the Corporation, and to releeue and maintaine the poore of the same, wee haue of our more espe­ciall grace, certaine knoledge, and meere motion, giuen and graunted, and by these presents, for vs, our heires, and suc­cessors, doe giue and graunt vnto the said Master, Wardens, and Comminalty, of the said Art, or Mistery of Ship wrights of Redrith aforesaid, and to their successors, especiall licence, and free and lawfull faculty, power and authority, that they, & their successors for euer, shall and may, not onely haue, re­ceiue, and purchase to them, and their successors for euer, to their owne proper vse and behoofe, as well of vs, our heires, and successors, as of any other person or persons whatsoeuer, Mannours, Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Rectories, Tithes, Rents, Reuersions, Seruices, and other Hereditaments what­soeuer, which are not held of vs, our heires, and successors, in chiefe, or by Knights seruice, nor of any other by Knights seruice. So alwaies that the same Manours, Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Rectories, Tithes, Rents, Reuersions, or Hereditaments, by the said Master, Wardens, and Commi­nalty, or their successors, so to bee receiued, purchased, obtained, or had as aforesaid, doe not exceed the cleare yeer­ly value of forty pound by the yeere, aboue all charges, de­ductions and reprizes. The Statute of Lands & Tenements, not to bee put in Mortmaine, or any other Statute, Act, or Ordinance, prouision, restraint, or any other matter, cause, or thing whatsoeuer to the contrary notwithstanding. And further wee haue giuen and graunted, And by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, wee doe giue and graunt special licence, and ful & free power & authority to any and euery of the subiects of vs, our heires and successors, and to all and euery body and bodies Corporate and Politique, and other person and persons whatsoeuer, and to euery of them; That they and euery of them, shall and may, giue, graunt, bequeath, assigne, or by any wayes or meanes whatsoeuer, [Page 41] alnie, deuize, or assure vnto the said Master, Wardens and comminalty, and to their successors for euer, any Mannours, Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Rectories, Tithes, Rents, Re­uersions, Seruices, and other Hereditaments whatsoeuer, which are not held of vs, our heires, or successors in chiefe, or by Knights seruice, The Kinges charge. or of any other by Knights seruice, So that the same Mannours, Lands, Tenements, and other the premisses so as aforesaid to bee giuen, graunted, assigned, or deuised, doe not exceed in the whole, the cleare yeerely va­lue of forty pound per annum aboue all charges, deductions and reprizes: The Statute of Lands and Tenements, not to bee put in Mortmaine, or any other Act, Statute, Ordinance, Prouision or restraint, or any other matter, cause or thing whatsoeuer to the contrary notwithstanding. And finally we doe by these presents, for vs, our heires and successors, straightly charge and command, Aswell the Lord Admirall of England for the time beeing, and also the Iudge of our Ad­mirality and principall Officers of our Nauy, and al Viz. Ad­mirals, Marshals, Sergeants, and other officers of our Ad­miralty, As also the Lord Mayor of our Citie of London, and the Sheriffes, Iustices, Constables, and other officers, and ministers of the said Citie for the time being, And also the seuerall Mayors of our Cities of Bristoll and Ro­chester, and of our seuerall Townes of Yarmouth, Ply­mouth, Dartmouth, Ipswich, Southampton, Woodbridge, Hull, and Newcastell, respectiuely for the time being, And all other Mayors, Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, Bayliffes, Con­stables and other officers and ministers of vs, our heires and successors whatsoeuer within our said Realme of England and Dominion of Wales, That they and euery of them be from time to time and at all times heereafter helping, aiding, and assisting to the said Master, Wardens and Cominalty, and to their successors and to euery or any of them for the time being, and to euery of their deputie or deputies, Offi­cer or Officers for the time being for euer, aswell in and for such search, view, and suruey so to be made as aforesaid, As [Page 42] also for and in the execution of all and singuler graunts, or­dinances, lawes, constitutions and orders heerein contained, or heereafter vpon, or by vertue of these presents to be made allowed and approued in all things, according to the true intent and meaning of the same, vpon paine of our high displeasure, and as they will answere the contrary. And these our Letters Patents or the Inrolement thereof shall be good and effectuall in the Lawe to the said Master, War­dens and Cominalty, and their successors, to all intents con­structions and purposes, against vs, our heires and succes­sors for euer. Any Act of Parliament, statute, Law, Pro­uision, Proclamation, restraint, or other matter, cause, or thing whatsoeuer to the contrary thereof in any wise not­withstanding. Prouided alwaies that these our Letters Pa­tents, or any thing therein contained, shall not in any wise extend or be construed to extend or be prei [...]ditiall to our Cinque-Ports, or to the liberties or members of the same or any of them, or to any Iurisdiction, power or aucthority of the Lord-warden of the Cinque-Ports for the time be­ing, which hee hath, or in any wise or sort hee ought, or may lawfully vse, exercise or claime, to or with the office of the Lord-warden of the Cinque-Ports, or of any other of­fice or offices, belonging, incident or appertaining to the said office of Lord-warden of the Cinque-Ports. Any graunt, power, priuiledge, matter or thing, before in these presents contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstan­ding. Although expresse mention of the true yearely valew or certenty of the premisses or of any of them, or of any other gifts or graunts by vs or any of our Progenitors or Predeces­sors to the said Master, Wardens, & Cominaltie, before these times made in these presents is not made. Or any statute, act, ordinance, prouision, Proclamation or restraint before this time had made, set forth, ordained, or prouided, or any other thing, matter or cause whatsoeuer to the contrary notwith­standing. In wittnesse whereof wee haue caused these our Letters to be made Patents. Witnesse our selfe at Westmin­ster [Page 43] the sixt day of May in the 10. yeare of our Raigne of Eng­land, France and Irland, and of Scotland the fiue and fortieth.

To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come Thomas Lord Ellesmere Lord Chauncellor of England, The Pre­amble. Sir Thomas Flemming Knight Lord cheef Iustice of England, and Sir Edward Coke knight Lord cheefe Iustice of his Maie­sties Court of Common Plees, Send greeting in our Lord God euerlasting. Whereas in a certaine Act or Statute in the Parliament holden at Westminster the fiue and twentieth day of Ianuary in the Nineteenth yeare of the Raigne of the late king of famous memory Henry, after the conquest the sea­uenth, made and ordained for the weale and profit of the sub­iects, it was amongst other things ordained, established and enacted, that no Master and Wardens and fellowship of Crafts or Misteries or any of them, no rulers of guildes or fraternities should take vpon them to make any Acts or or­dinances, ne to execute any Acts or ordinances by them theretofore made in disinheritance or diminution of the Kinges Prerogatiue or of others, nor against the com­mon profit of the people, but if the same Acts and ordi­nances were examined and approued by the Chancellor, or Treasorer of England, or cheefe Iustice of either Bench, or three of them, or else before the two Iustices of Assises in their Circuit or Progresse in the Shire where such Acts or ordinances be made vpon paine or forfaiture of xl. li. for euery time that they doe the contrary. As by the said Act of Parliament doth and may appeare. Know you now that Phinees Pett Master of the Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith in the County of Surrey, and William Bright, Nicholas Symonson and Nicholas Clay now Wardens of the said Art ot Mysterie, with the whole Assent and consent of the Assistants of the same, willing and desiring the said Act of Parliament in all and euery thing to be duely obserued and kept, the twentieth day of Iuly, in the yeare of the Raigne of our Soueraigne Lord Iames by the grace of God King of [Page 44] England, France and Ireland, defendor of the faith &c. the tenth, and of Scotland the fiue and fortieth, haue exhibited to vs a certaine Petition containing diuers Articles, Acts and or­dinances for the better order, rule and gouernment of the said Art or Mysterie of Shipwrights, and of the person and persons now practising and professing, or which heereafter shall practise or professe the said Art or Mysterie, or any thing thereunto appertaining, dwelling, and inhabiting, or which heereafter shall dwell and inhabit within the Realme of England, or Dominion of Wales, and for the Common weale and conseruation of the good estate of the said Art or Mysterie of Shipwrights, And haue instantly desired vs, that wee all and euery their Acts and ordinances heereafter men­tioned by them to vs exhibited, would examine and approue, and them and euery of them to correct and amend in due and conuenient manner and forme, as the said recited Act of Parliament requireth. Wee well perceiuing and conside­ring their said supplication to be good and acceptable ac­cording to their said desires, and by the aucthoritie of the said Act of Parliament to vs giuen all and euery their Acts and ordinance so to vs exhibited haue seene read & wel vnder­stood, and all and euery of them examined, corrected and re­formed, the tenor whereof heereafter followeth, viz.

Inprimis it is ordained that vppon the day of election of new Master and Wardens of the said Corporation the same Master and Wardens so to be elected, Election of Auditors. shall choose foure persons, whereof two to be of the Assistants, and the other two to bee of the better sort of the Cominaltie of the said Art or Mysterie who are not Assistants who haue cal­led the Auditors of the said Company for the Accompts and reckonings of all such Officers and Accompts of the said Art or Mysterie, are, or ought to be Accomptable for or concerning any money, goodes, plate, profits or other things belonging or appertaining to the said companie of the said Art or Mysterie, To continue in the said place [Page 45] for the space of one yeare after such election, and if any of them dye or be remoued, another or others to be cho­sen in his or their roome or roomes. Which Accompts and reckonings by them so taken and allowed, shall be de­liuered to the Clearke of the said Company to be fairely entred into a booke of remembrance, to be prouided and kept of purpose, for which hee is to haue such reasonable allowance as the said Auditors or two of them shall thinke fitte. And whosoeuer shall refuse the said Office of Audi­tor beeing thereunto elected, shall forfait and pay to the Master and Wardens of the said Art or Mystery for eue­ry time so refusing to the vse of the said Corporation the summe of forty shillings of lawfull money of England. Election of Stewards.


Item it is ordained that the said Master and Wardens vpon their said Election day shall choose and appoint two sufficient persons of the said Corporation not beeing of the Assistants, which shall be called the Stewards, Aswell for the making and prouiding of the Dinner and Feast for the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, and better sort of the Companie vpon the said election day, As also v­pon their Quarter daies when there shall be a meeting for the disposing of businesses and affaires concerning the said Corporation. And whosoeuer shall refuse or neglect the execution of the said place of Steward, being thereunto elected, shall for euery time so refusring, forfait and pay to the said Master and Wardens, to the vse of the said Corporation Fortie shillings of lawfull money of Eng­land.


Item it is ordained that euery person of the said Cor­poration vpon warning giuen by the Beadle or any other for that purpose appointed, The company to heare a sermon vpon the elec­tion day. shall yearely from henceforth vpon the day of Election of new Master and Wardens Assemble themselues together at their Common Hall at Redrith aforesaid, and from thence in a decent manner, [Page 46] shall accompanie the said new Master and Wardens too and from the parrish Church to heare a Sermon, where they shall continue from the begining to the end thereof. And euery person so warned, and making default, not hauing a lawful and reasonable excuse, shall forfaict and pay to the said Maister and Wardens, to the vse of the said Corporation, for euery such offence fiue shillings of lawfull money of England.


Item it is ordayned that vpon the said election day, For proui­ding a din­ner vpon the election day. the old Master and Wardens shall make and prouide a conue­nient dinner to the New Master and Wardens then e­lected, and to such of the better sort of the company as shall be warned or inuited thereunto, towards the charge whereof euery person so inuited of the company shall pay two shillings of lawfull money of England. Aud whosoe­uer being lawfully warned commeth not, shall notwithstan­ding pay the said two shillings, which if it be denied or deferred to be paide vpon demaund, the party deferring shall forfaicte to the said Master and Wardens for euery such de­niall three shillings fower pence of lawfull English money.


Item it is ordained that the said Master and Wardens and two of the said Assistants for the time being, Election of Beadles. at the least, shal from time to time, so often as to them shall seem meet & con­uenient to elect and choose one or moe honest person or per­sons to be their honest Beadle or Beadles, who shall be at all times attendaunt vpon the said Master and Wardens, & be at their lawful commandements. As well to summon & warne all persons of the said Corporation, and to make returne of their answers, as also concerning all other affaires of the said Cor­poration wherein there shal be cause to imploy him or them.


Item it is ordayned that the Master and Wardens of the said Art or Mistery, For hauing a Chest with foure lockes and keyes. shall at all times hereafter haue one substantiall Chest with fower seuerall lockes, and keies for the safe keeping of all moneys, Plate, goods, Letters [Page 47] pattents, euidences, ordinances, accomptes and writinges to the said Corporation belonging, or appertayning. Which fower keyes shall alwaies bee and remaine in the seuerall custodies of the said Master and Wardens for the time be­ing, who shall be all present at euery opening of the said Chest. And if any by necessary occasion shall be letted that he cannot be then present, hee shall appoint one of the Assi­stance to take his keye and supply his rome in his absence.


Item it is ordayned that the said Maister, Searches and sur­ueies. and Wardens, or any three or two of them, or any two or more of the assistants, or any their deputy or deputies shal once euery month or oft­ner if neede require, dilligently view, search, and suruey, as wel all Ships, Pinnaces, Boates, Barges, Leighters, Wherries, and other veffels whatsoeuer, now built or hereafter shall be built in any place or places within the realme of England, or domi­nion of Wales, or either of them, and all timber, planke, and other stuffe prouided fit, or prepared for the building, making, trimming, or repairing of any such Ships, Pinnaces, Boates, or any other vessels, as also all and euery the workes and worke­man-ship of al and euery person and persons whatsoeuer vsed or imployed in the said Art or Mystery, or anything there­unto appertaining. And all such Ships, Boates, Barges, Lighters Wherries, and other vessels, which vpon any such search view, or suruey, they shall finde to bee substan­cially wrought or framed, they shall put the marke or seale of the said Company in some conuenient place, if they thinke fitt to testifie the same. And such of the said Ships or other vessels, (whereof the timber-worke shall not be fully finished) as they shall finde to be so insufficiently or deceiptfully made, and wrought or repaired as they must needes be dangerous to such as shall vse them to arrest and make stay vntill the same shall be amended, and made fit for Nauigation. And all such insufficient wood, timber and stuffe, as they shall finde to be put into any Ship, Boate, or vessell, or hewen, wrought, or fitted for that purpose, they [Page 48] shall charge the builders or owners thereof forthwith to take the same away, and to supply it with others that shall be good and sufficient, which if within conuenient time af­ter such charge or warning they shall deny, deferre, or neg­lect to doe. That then it shall be lawfull to and for the said Master and Wardens, or any two of them, or any two of the said Assistants, or deputies aforesaid to impose and assesse vp­on euery offendor for euery such offence, to the vse of the said Corporation fiue pound of lawfull mony of England, or lesse at their discretion.


And because many vnskilfull persons, None to be set to worke vnles he hath beene aprentice to the trade. and such as haue not bene brought vp as Apprentises in the said Art, or Mis­tery haue taken vpon them to vse the same, whereupon hath ensued sundry complaints of insufficient worke-man­ship, to the preiudice and discredit of the Companie, and the gouerners thereof. It is therefore ordained that no per­son or persons, practizing, or professing the said Art or Mistery, or any thing thereunto appertaining, shall from hence forth retaine, imploy, or set to worke any Ship-wright Carpenter or professor in the said Art or Mistery vnlesse he shall haue serued therein as an apprentice seauen yeares at least, and whosoeuer shall offend therin, shall forfaicte and pay to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation, forty shillings of lawful money of England.


Item it is ordayned that the said Master and Wardens shall forthwith duly examine, For distinc­tion & ap­probatiō of Mr. worke­men inquire, and informe themselues, how many persons of the said profession are at this present able and fitt, and of sufficient knowledge, skill, and practise to be alowed and continued as Maister-workemen in the said Art or Mistery. And them and euery of them at a generall Court or assembly, shall admit and cause to be registered in the booke of Ordinances of the said Corparation. And that from thence forth noe person of the said Corporation shall take vpon him the charge or place of a Maister-work­man [Page 49] in the saide profession, or any thing therevnto apper taining, or the doing or performing of any worke or busi­nes, by the day or great, either in making, building, gra­uing, trimming, or repairing of any Ship, Pinnace, Boate or other vessell, or in directing, guiding, leading, or ha­uing the charge or ouersight of any busines, worke or work­men, in the said Art or Mistery, vntill he shall haue serued therin seauen yeares or more as an Apprentice, and shall bee approued, licenced, and admitted by the said Master War­dens and Assistants, or the greater part of them by wri­ting, vnder the common seale of the saide Corporation, to be a sufficient worke-man: And whosoeuer shall offend contrary to this Ordinance, shall forfaicte and pay to the said Maister and Wardens, to the vse of the said Corpo­ration, fiue pounds of lawfull money of England.


Item it is ordained that no person or persons of the said Corporation, Admittance of yard-kee­pers. shall from henceforth bee admitted to take vpon him or them to be a yard keeper, except hee be thereunto licenced and alowed by the said Maister War­dens and Assistants, or the greater part of them, where­of the Maister and two of the Wardens to be alwaies three, by warrant in writing vnder the common seale of the said Corporation, vpon paine of forfaicting to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Coporation, fiue pounds of lawfull money of England, for euery month that he shall keepe a yard contrary to this Ordinance.


Item it is ordayned that noe person or persons of the said Corporation, Taking of apprentices. Art or Mistery, shall from hence forth keepe any Apprentice at all, vntill he shall haue beene an ap­prentice seauen yeares or more in the said Art or Mistery or shall be alowed to be a sufficient worke-man, by the said Master Wardens and assistants or the greater part of them. And that no Iorneyman shall retaine or keepe any more then one Apprentice, at any one time vntill he be a­lowed [Page 50] and licensed to be a master work-man. Nor any master worke man shall haue or take aboue the number of two Apprentices at any one time, vntill he shall be an Assist­ant of the said Corporation. Nor any Assistant aboue the number of three at any time vntill he shall be a Warden of the said Corporation: Nor any person being or hauing beene a Warden aboue the number of foure at any one time vntill he shall be Master of the saide company, nor any person beeing or hauing beene a Master aboue the number of fiue at any one time. And whosoeuer shall offend this ordinance, shall forfaicte and pay to the said Master and Wardens, to the vse of the said Corporation, fiue pounds of lawfull money of England. Prouided alwaies that it shall be lawfull to and for euery person and persons hereby au­thorized, to retaine or keepe one or moe apprentice or ap­prentices at any time within the space of two yeares before the expiration of the tearme of any such apprentice, to take another prentice to succeed him that is growing nere the end of his time as aforesaid. And that two apprentices in this case shall be accompted but as one.


Item it is ordained that noe person of the said Art or Mistery shall retaine or keepe any person in the said pro­fession, Binding en­rolling and presenting of Appren­tises. aboue three months before he bring him to the Hall or place appointed to be there bound apprentice by the Clarke of the compay or his deputie or deputies, for seuen yeares at the least, not to expire before he be foure and twenty yeares old, and to be there enrolled before the said Master and Wardens, or two of them, or before their de­puties in remote places according to the true intent and meaning of his Maiesties Charter, in that behalfe, paying such ordinary alowances for the same, as heretofore hath beene vsually accustomed, that is to say two shillings sixe pence for presenting, sixe pence for enrolling, and foure pence to the Beadle. And whosoeuer shall offend in bind­ing his Prentice else where, shall forfaict and pay to the [Page 51] said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corpora­tion, for euery such offence forty shillings of lawfull mo­ney of England, and for euery weeke that he shall keepe him vnbound after the said three months ten shilling of like money.


Item it is further ordered, Formerly bound to be enrolled at the Hall, that for all apprentises formerly bound elswhere their Maisters shall within three months next ensuing (vpon paine of forty shillings to be imploy­ed to the vse of the said Corporation) bring their Inden­tures to the said Clarke, or his deputies, to the end the same may be by him regestred and enrolled, for which they shall pay such fees and alowances as are before expressed, viz. two shillings sixe pence for presenting, sixe pence for enrolling, Making of Indentures. and foure pence to the Beadle.


Item it is ordayned that all Indentures for prentices of the said Corporation, shall be from henceforth made by the Clarke of the said Company for the time being, or his deputies, for which he may receiue and take the vsuall alowance of sixtene pence a pare, vpon paine of forfaict­ing for euery pare made elsewhere to the vse of the said Clark three shillings foure pence of lawfull money of Eng­land. And it is further ordered, that the foresaid charge of presenting, binding and enrolling shall be paid by the friends of the prentice, Setting o­uer of Ap­prentices. except the Master be otherwise conten­ted.


Item it is ordayned that noe person or persons of the said Art or Mistery shall bargaine, sell, giue or set ouer his pren­tice or prentices, without the special priuity, licence, and consent of the said Master and Wardens, or their deputies in remote places, to the end they maye forsee that they may be set ouer to such as may lawfully take them and shall be able to teach them their trade, and find them all things neces­sary, [Page 52] vpon paine to forfaict to the said Master and War­dens to the vse of the said Corporation for euery such of­fence forty shillings of lawfull money of England. And if it hapen any person of the said Corporation to dye and depart this life, leauing any apprentice who hath serued two yeares or aboue of his tearme. It is ordayned that it shall be lawfull for the widdow of the party deceased to make her best benefit of him, during her widdow-hood that shee can. And that vpon request made to any Master worke­man of the said Art or Mistery that he hath meanes to im­ploy him, hee shall set him to worke for such reasonable wages as he is able to earne. But if at the time of his Mast­ers decease he shall not haue serued the full time of two yeares, or that the widdow die before the expiration of such apprentiship, or that his Master shall giue ouer his pro­fession. That then it shall be lawfull for the said Master and Wardens and their deputies, to assigne and set ouer euery such apprentice, to such persons as they shall thinke con­uenient. And if they refuse so to serue them, to correct and punish them according to the quality of the offence and person. Submission to the ordi­nances.


Item it is ordayned that euery person of the said pro­fession shall vpon reasonable warning in that behalfe giuen repaire and come to and before said Master Wardens and assistants, or foure of them (whereof the Master and one of the Wardens to be alwaies two) or before their deputies at such time and place as shall be by them appoynted, and then and there respectiuely shall yeeld their consents, and willingly subscribe their names and take their corporall oaths to be ministred by the said Master and Wardens, or their deputies, to doe their best endeauor to and for the due per­formance and execution of his Maiesties Charter in al points according to the lawe, and of all and singular such whole­some and lawfull ordinances, constitutions, and orders as by vertue thereof are and shall be made, approued, and a­lowed, [Page 53] and so yeeld himselfe, and be registred a freeman of the said Art or Mistery: At which time of such alowing and registring euery Master Worke-man shall pay to the said Master and Wardens a fine of fiue shillinges: euery yard kee­per thirtene shillings foure-pence, & euery Iorney-man three shillings sixe-pence, or lesse according to the discretion of the said Master and Wardens, for and to the vse of the said Corporation. And whosoeuer shall offend in any part of this ordinance, shall for euery time so offending forset and pay to the said Master and Wardens to the use of the said Cor­poration, twenty shillings of lawfull money of England.


Item it is ordained, Appearance at the Hall vpon sum­mons. that the said Master and Wardens or their deputie or deputies in remote place or places with­in the Realme of England and Dominion of Wales, or either of them by their beadle or other Officer for that purpose to bee appointed at any time or times, as often as they shall thinke fitte, summon and warne all person and persons of the said Art or Mysterie, to come and ap­peare before them either at the common Hall, or at any other conuenient place or places respectiuely, And that euery person so lawfully summoned for what cause soeuer it bee concerning the needefull affaires of the said Art or Mysterie which doth not come and appeare at the day, time and place accordingly, hauing no iust cause of excuse shall forfait and pay to the said Master and Wardens, to the vse of the said Corporation for his contempt and fail­ling at the first time twelue pence, at the second time two shillings, at the third time foure shillings, and so euery time increasing double vntill hee or they summoned doe make their appearance, But if any of the Assistants of the said Art or mysterie shall bee summoned to appeare at the Hall or other conuenient place, vpon a certaine day and hower appointed (which hower vppon euery Court day shall bee eight of the clock in the morning at the fur­thest, and shall make default not alleadging a reasonable [Page 54] excuse shal be sent in writing to the said Master and Wardens at the place and hower appointed) hee shal forfait to the said Master & Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation for e­uery default, at the first time two shillings, at the second time foure shillings, at the third time eight shillings, and so euery time increasing double vntil he shal make his appearance, to be paid & satisfied by the said Master and Wardens before he shal be admitted to sit downe or take place againe amongst them. And if any person vpon demand made shall refuse or deferre to pay the said fine or fines imposed vpon him or them as aforesaid, hee shall forfait and pay to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation for euery time so refusing or deferring twenty shillings of lawfull money of England. Restraining of worke on Sundaies.


Item it is ordained that no person of the said Corpora­tion shall worke or cause to be wrought any thing in or a­bout the said trade vpon any Sunday, vpon paine to forfait sixe shillings and eight pence for euery offence to the said Master and Wardens, the one halfe thereof to bee to the vse of the said Corporation, and the other halfe to him that will informe thereof being a Ship-wright or Officer belonging to the said Corporation. Against in­ticing away of prentices


Item it is ordained that no person of the said Corpora­tion shall at any time counsaile, intice, procure or perswade any seruant or apprentice of the said profession to any dis­order, or dishonest, vnlawfull action, or to leaue or forsake his trade or calling, or vnlawfully to depart or runne away from his Masters seruice, either before or after he is bound, And whosoeuer shall offend therein, shall forfait and pay for euery such offence to the said Master and Wardens to the vse aforesaid the sum of fortie shillings of lawfull money of England, or else to be corrected according to the quality and condition of the person.


[Page 55] Item it is ordained that if any apprentice of the said Art or Mysterie shall at any time complaine to the said Master and Wardens or to any their deputies for lacke of meat drinke apparrell or for any vnlawfull correction or misuseage, Or if any Master shall complaine of his appren­tice for any matter of misdemeanor whatsoeuer. That then in euery such case it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master and Wardens, or any their deputies, or any two or three of them to send for the partie against whom any such complaint is made, and to take such order therein as they shall thinke agreeable to iustice and equitie, which whosoeuer shall refuse to stand to, shall bee punished by reasonable fine or otherwise according to the quantitie and qualitie of the offence and person, And the like course and order shall be holden against disobedient seruants and prentices in correcting and punishing them when their stub­bornes shall be growen to such a head or height as their Ma­ster Mistresse of Dame cannot rule them. And it is fur­ther ordained that if any prentice shall before the end of his terme marrie or contract himselfe to any woman or vn­lawfully depart or run away from his Masters seruice, he shall loose the benefit of all his time and seruice past, and either be­come new bound to his Master for seuen yeares, or else make him such recompence as the said Master and Wardens or their deputies, or any three of them shall thinke fit and reasonable, who shall likewise inflict vpon him such other exemplary punishment, either by fine, correction, or other­wise as by iustice the nature and quality of the offence shall deserue.


Item it is ordayned that euery person now vsing, Contribu­tions for mainte­nance of the Corporati­on. prac­tising, or professing, or which hereafter shall vse, practice, or professe the said Art or Mistery, or anything therevnto belonging, shall be from time to time contributory, and shall beare and pay vnto the said Master and Wardens for the time being, or their deputie, or deputies for that pur­pose [Page 56] authorised all such reasonable summe and sums of mo­ney, for taxes, tallages, and other impositions, aswell or­dinary as extraordinary as shall be thought fit, and shall a­gree with reason and indifferency to be assessed or imposed vpon him or them for the time being, as well for the ne­cessary seruice of our soueraigne Lord the King his heires and successors, as also for the maintenance, support, and vp­holding of the said Corporation, and all other the needfull affaires, causes, and thinges whatsoeuer, for and concerning the common good, wealth, and estate of the said Corpo­ration, according to their seuerall abilities. And euery one that shall refuse to pay and discharge the same portion of money, which shall be so reasonably assessed, rated, and taxed vpon him as aforesaid, shall forfait and pay to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation fortie shillings of lawfull money of England, for euery time that hee or they shall so refuse contrary to the true mea­ning of this Ordinance. Suppres­sing of con­spiracies a­gainst Charters and or­dinances.


Item it is ordained that euery person and persons of the said Art or Mysterie shall at all times heereafter be and shew himselfe to bee of good and honest behauiour, and bearing both in word and deede toward the said Master, Wardens, and Assistants, and their deputies, Officers, and Ministers for the time beeing and euery of them, and shall bee, and shew himselfe to bee tractable, conformeable and obedient tou­ching all and euery their lawfull constitutions, ordinances, causes and matters concerning the said Art or Mysterie, And if any person shall at any time heereafter be found wilfully obstinate, stubborne or disobedient, or in any wise resisting against the said Master Wardens and Assistants or any of them or any their deputies Officers or Ministers to the let hinderance, or disturbance of the due execution of their said Offices, or shall at any time begin attempt or make any priuie assemblie, conuenticle, counsell, or conspi­racy against the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, for [Page 57] the time beeing or any of them, or in any sort tending to the violation or breach of any good ordinance or order now in force or hereafter to be made and ordained for the good gouernment of the said Corporation, or shall at any time directly or indirectly practise or attempt any thinge which may in any wise be preiuditiall or hurtfull to the lawfull and good estate of the said corporation, or hauing knowledge or notice of any vnlawfull attempt, practise or conspiracy, shall not within conuenient time discouer the same to the said Master Wardens and Assistants, or their deputies or some of them, and this or any of these things being proued before the said Master and Wardens or three of them by the testimony of two honest and sufficient witnesses. It is ordained that euery such offendor shall for euery such offence contrary to this ordinance, forfaict and pay to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation forty shillings of lawfull money of England: And it is further ordayned that no person of the said pro­fession vpon paine of forty shillings to be imposed and lea­uied as aforesaid shall after sufficient warning giuen imploy or sett any such insolent and disobedient person to worke vntill he hath submitted and conformed himselfe, accord­ing to his Maiesties expresse pleasure in that behalfe decla­red in the said Charter. None of the compa­ny to reuile another.


Item it is ordayned that no person of the said Art or Mis­tery shall openly or priuily reuile, miscall, or misuse with evill speches of reproach any of the said company, or vse any vnciuill or vndecent tearmes against any of them, vpon paine to forfaicte and pay for euery time so offending, to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Cor­poration fiue shillings of lawfull money of England.


Item it is ordained that euery person and persons now practising or professing, Payment of quarterage. or which hereafter shall practise or professe the said Art or Mistery or anything thereunto ap­pertaining, [Page 58] shall truly satisfie and pay to the said Master and Wardens or their deputie or deputies for that purpose au­thorised towards the maintenance and vpholding of the said Corporation a certaine contribution in the name of Quar­terage, according to the rate and proportion following, that is to say, euery Iorney-man not hauing or keeping any ser­uant or apprentice at all shall pay foure pence euery quar­ter, that is to say sixteene-pence a yeare, and euery Ior­ney-man keeping or licenced to keepe one seruant or ap­prentice sixe-pence a quarter that is two shillings a yeare, euery Master worke-man eight-pence a quarter that is two shillings eight-pence a yeare, and euery Yard-keeper and As­sistant twelue-pence a quarter that is foure shillings a yeare. All which seuerall portions of money shall vpon the quar­ter day be brought or sent to the Hall, or place appoin­ted for the quarterly meeting, and paid to the said Master and Wardens or their deputies, without any deferring or further delay. And whosoeuer shall willfully refuse, deny, or faile to make payment thereof at the time and place a­foresaid, shall forfet and pay to the said Master and War­dens to the vse of the said Corporation, for euery such re­fusall, denying, or failing sixe shilings eight-pence of lawfull money of England.


Item it is ordayned for the better experience and cunning to bee had in the said Art or Mistery, Perfecting the compa­ny in the Knowledge of the Trade and for the better ser­uice to his Maiesty and the Common wealth, that euery person or persons that doe or shall vse practise or professe the said Art or Mistery any or thing thereunto appertaning, as the making, building, caulking, or reparing of Ships, Pin­naces, Boats or other vessells, or the making or triming of Masts, Oares, Pumpes, Tops, Pullies, or any other In­struments of wood pertayning to shipping, shall practise and exercise themselues and their seruants in euery perticular point and mistery of the said profession, as members of one entire body and branches of one and the selfe-same [Page 59] Art or Mistery, to the end they be not hereafter diuided to the great inconuenience both of his Maiesties seruice, and Common wealth. And if any person or persons shall be hereafter found remisse, or disobedient therein, he shall be reasonably fined and punished at the discretion of the said Master and Wardens or the more part of them.


Item it is ordained that euery Iorney-man of the said Art or Mistery, Coming to, & departure from worke being hired for wages by the day, or week, shall betwixt the midst of the months of March and Septem­ber come and be at their worke at or before halfe an hower before sixe of the clock in the morning, and continue at worke and not depart vntill halfe an hower after six at night reseruing onely conuenient times of eating and sleeping in the sommer time. And betwixt the midst of September and the midest of March, shall be and continue at their worke from the spring of the day in the morning vntill night of the same day, except the times appointed for dinner, vp­on paine to loose and forfet foure pence for euery hower of wilfull absence, and two pence for euery hower of neg­ligent absence, to be deducted and defalked out of his wa­ges that shall so offend to the vse of the said Corporation. Continu­ance at worke be­gun.


Item it is ordained that if any person of the said profes­sion shall be lawfully retained into worke or seruice by the day or great, and shall vniustly and vnlawfully leaue or de­part from the same vntill such time as the same worke shall be fully finished, he shall forfet and pay to the said Master and Wardens for euery such offence forty shillings of law­full money of England to the vse of the said Corporation. And it is further ordayned, that if any Yard-keeper or Mas­ter worke-man of the said Art or Mistery, after he hath re­tained any Iorney-man into his worke or seruice, shall with­out any iust or reasonable cause put him away and enter­taine another, he shall forfet and pay for euery such offence to the said Master and Wardens, to the vse of the saide [Page 60] Corporation, tenne shillinges of lawfull money of Eng­land.


Item it is ordayned for the better supporting of the said Corporation, Tonnage of Ships & poundage vpon old taske worke and for the maintenance and releiuing of the poore, aged, and decayed persons of the same, euery per­son of the said Art or Mistery that shall hereafter make or build any new Ship or vessell of the burden of one hundreth Tunnes and vpward, shall pay and contribute to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the poore aged and de­caied persons of the said Corporation sixe-pence of lawfull money of England, for euery tunne that euery such Ship or vessell shall containe in burden. And that euery person of the said company that shall hereafter make or build any new Ship, Pinnace, Boate, Barge, Lighter, or any other vessell or vessells whatsoeuer, from one hundreth Tunnes downewards to a wherry, shall pay to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation, three-pence for euery Tunne that any such smaller Ship or vessell shall containe in burden, and for euery Wherry foure-pence of lawfull money of England. And lastly, that euery person of the said profession, Art, or Mistery, that shall fom hence forth directly or indirectly take, performe or doe any old taske­worke, or shall amende or repaire any old Ship, Pynnace, Caruell, Hoy, Boate, Lighter, or other vessell by the great, or taske, shall pay and contribute to the said Master and War­dens, to the vse of the said Corporation twelue-pence of lawfull money of England, for euery twenty shillings that all or any such old worke shall amount vnto. And who­soeuer shall refuse, with-hold, or deny the paiment of the said impositions or any of them or any part therof, after demaund thereof made by the said Master and Wardens or any of them or any their deputies as aforesaid, shall forfaite and pay to the said Master and Wardens, to the vse of the poore of the said Corporation for such refusall ot deferring, double the va­lue of any such imposition.


Item it is ordayned that for the vse and purpose afore­said, Poundage of persons that goe to Sea euery person of the said Art or Mistery, that shall from henceforth be hired to goe to sea for wages, or shares, shall pay and contribute to the said Master and Wardens two pence for euery twenty shillings, that his wages or shares shall amount vnto. And that whosoeuer shall refuse to pay the same vpon demaund, shall forfaict to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation double the va­lue, and tenne shillings for euery weeke that the same shall bee afterwards detained.


Item it is ordained that noe person of the said Art, No insuffici­ent person to goe to Sea. or Mistery, shall at any time hereafter, be hired, serue, or goe forth to sea as a Carpenter in any Shippe or vessell, vnlesse he shall first giue notice thereof, and re­gister his name at the common Hall, vpon paine of tenne­shillinges to be forfaicted to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation, for euery time doinge the contrary. And that noe seruant or apprentice vpon paine of fiue pounds to be forfaicted by his Master, to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation, shall serue or goe for Master-carpenter of any Sip or vessell to sea, except his sufficiency be first examined and approued by the said Master and Wardens, or their deputies, vnder the common seale of the said Corporation.


Item it is ordained that once in euery month, or oftner if neede shall require, Keeping of monthly & quarterly Courts there shall be kept and holden by the Master and Wardens of the said Art or Mistery, at their common Hall or some other conuenient place, one Court or assembly, for the said Art or Mistery, for the hearing of causes and complaints, and deciding and determining of all questions, debates, and controuersies, concerning the af­faires and busines of the said Art or Mistery, or betweene [...]he workemen or members therof. At which Court or assem­bly [Page 62] so to be kept and holden, the said Master and Wardens shall or may call so many of the said Assistants as they shall thinke fit and may conueniently be there, to be aiding and assisting to them in all and euery matter and thing that shal be then and there propounded or moued. And it is ordained that foure times in the yeare, that is to say vpon the feast day of Saint Michaell Th'arkeangell, the feast day of Saint Iohn Th' Appostle, the feast day of Th'annunciation of St. Mary the Virgin, and vpon the feast day of the Natiuity of Saint Iohn Baptist, if they fall not vpon a Sunday, or ells the day following, there shall be holden for the said Art or Mistery foure generall Assemblies, or Courts, which shall be called the foure quarter dayes of Assembly, vnto which there shall be summoned the whole body of the said Cor­poration, or so many as may conueniently be there. At which time all the ordinances of the said Art or Mistery, if neede shall so require shall be distinctly read vnto them to the end they may the better learne to keepe and obserue the same. And likewise it is ordered that these ordinances or the Coppies thereof shall be sent into the seuerall need­ful places of the Realme of England and dominion of Wales, to the end the like course may be held and taken by the deputies there. And whosoeuer shall make default in ap­peareance at any of the said quarter dayes, hauing no law­full or iust excuse in that behalfe, shall forfet and pay to the said Master and Wardens for the time beeing, to the vse of the said Corporation tenne shillings of lawfull mo­ney of England.


Item it is ordayned and established that euery person of the said Art or Mistery shall vpon his appeareance before the said Master and Wardens or any three or two of them or any their deputies, Restraining of worke to any forraine Prince. become bound in fiue hundreth Pounds of Lawfull money of England to the said Master and War­dens for the time being, vpon Condition to be endorsed or subscribed to this effect following, that is to say. That [Page 63] they nor any of them shall at any time voluntarily worke beyond the seas for any forraine Prince or State or volun­tarily giue any direction or aduice to any other person or persons to worke for any such forraine Prince or state with­out speciall licence first had and obtained by warrante in writing vnder the hands of three of the Lords of his Ma­iesties most honorable priuy Counsell his heires or succes­sors at the least. And likewise take his Corporall oath to such effect as is mentioned in the said condition-And whoso­euer shall refuse to enter into such bond and take such Cor­porall oath as aforesaid shall forfet and pay to the said Mast­er and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation fiue pounds of lawfull money of England, and from thence­forth to be disabled to be of the said Corporation or So­ciety. For making and entring of which said bond the Clark for the time being shall or may take twelue-pence, and for entring and ministring the said oath eight pence.


Item it is ordayned that yerely within twentie dayes at most after the newe Master and wardens shall be chosen and sworne, Yeelding vp of accompt. the old Master and Wardens in their common Hall or in some other conuenient place shall present, exhibit, and declare vnto them in the presence of foure at least of the Assistants a true and iust accompt to be exacted and alow­ed of by the auditors of the company of and for all his and their receiptes and payments concerning the said Art or Mistery, who vpon their said accompts shal be alowed al and euery such reasoable costs charges & expences as they or any of them shall haue disbursed or expended for or about the ne­cessary affaires, occasions, or businesses of the said Art or Mistery. And then and there shall not onely deliuer the said bookes of accompts vnto the said Master and Wardens, but also all money, plate, and goods, together with the said keyes of the said Chest, and all other thinges whatsoeuer be­ing or remaining in his or their custody or possession or which they or any of them shall or may be duely or lawfully charg­ed [Page 64] to haue receiued to the vse of the said Company, or else for such thinges as they cannot presently deliuer, they shall within one month next following the determina­tion of the said Accompt, well and truly pay, content, satis­fie, and deliuer the same and euery part thereof vnto the said new Master and Wardens for the time being, to the vse and behoofe of the said Company. And whosoeuer shall make default thereof, shall for euery day after the said month is ended forfet and pay to the said new Master and Wardens, to the vse of the said Corporation forty shillings, vntill he or they shall haue made full payment and satisfaction there­of, according to the true intent and meaning of this ordi­nance. And if it shall happen any of the said Master and Wardens to be slack or negligent in making or deliuering in the said accompts in manner as aforesaid or be found faul­tie or vntrustie therein, such offendor shall forfet and pay to the said new Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation, such reasonable summes of money and fines, as shall be assessed by the said new Master and Wardens or the more part of them for the time being. The like course and order to be held by the deputies in remote places vpon paine of forfetting to the said Master and Wardens tenne shillings for euery day after the month is ended that he shall make default in satisfiing and deliuerie to the said Master and Wardens or their succeding deputie or deputies, such money, goodes, and other thinges as they or any of them may lawfully be charged to haue in their handes to the vse of the said company, besides such further fines as they shall thinke to impose vpon them for their slacknes in giuing vp their accomptes. Deciding of controuer­sies.


Item it is ordayned that the said Master and Wardens shall imploy their true & best endeauor to order, compound, and appease all complaints and controuersies betweene the brethren and members of the said Corporation, to the end to preuent all occasions of sute in law by one of them [Page 65] against another.


Item it is ordained that noe person of the said Art or Mis­tery shall retaine, To restrane the discoue­ry of the Se­crets of the trade. keepe, or set to worke any stranger borne, or reueale or discouer to any stranger or other person, not free, or seruing for his freedome in the said Art or Mis­tery, the secrets of the same Art, or the speciall manner of English building vpon paine of tenne pounds. Nor shall discouer to any person not free or a member of the said Corporation, any speciall points of the Charter or ordinance, or of any busines or matters that at any meeting at the Hall or else where shall be propounded, debated, or con­cluded, to the preiudice of the said Corporation, vpon paine of fiue pounds to be paid to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation.


Item it is ordayned that no Yard keeper, For imployment so the company at their dwel­ing places. builder, or Mas­ter Workman of the said Art or Mistery inhabiting or dwel­ing in any Port, Hauen-Towne, or place within the precincts aforesaid, shall retaine, imploy, or set to worke the people or work-men of any other Porte, or place, as long as he may haue sufficient and able worke-men of his neighbours dwelling within the same Port or place, for reasonable wages toperforme his worke, vpon paine to forfet to the said Mast­er and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation for e­uery person he shall entertaine or imploy, contrary to this ordinance fiue shillings, and tenne shillings for euery weeke that after warning giuen he shall imploy or set him to worke. And it is ordayned that the Inhabitants of any Porte, Ha­uen, or place within the precincts aforesaid, shall not at any tyme hereafter be imployed, retained, or set to worke, in any other place, except hee be first licensed and authorised in writing by the said Master and Wardens or their depu­ties of that precinct or place where he seeketh or is de­sirous to be set to worke, and except he pay and contribute towards the reliefe and maintenance of the poore of the said [Page 66] Corporation, three-pence of lawfull money of England, or lesse at the discretion of the said Master and Wardens out of euery daies wages that he shall be there imployed, to be retayned by him that setteth him to worke, who shall be answerable or accomptable, vpon paine of twenty shillings to be imposed vpon euery one that contrary to this ordinance shall imploy any man, or shall refuse to con­tribute as aforesaid to be paid to the vse of the said Cor­poration.


Item it is ordayned that noe person that is or shall be onely a Caulker shall retaine or keepe aboue one prentice at any one time. An order for Calkers And that noe seruant or prentice of the said profession shall be set or suffred to Caulke vnder wa­ter in grauing, vntill he hath or shall haue serued two yeares at least, vpon paine of three shillings foure-pence for euery Tide, to be paide by him that shall set any such seruant or Apprentice to worke contrary to this ordinance, to be paid to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation.


Item it is ordayned that if any of the Assistants of the said Art or Mistery shall dye or depart this life. Buriall of the Assistans That then the residue of the Assistants, or so many as can conueniently be there (being for that purpose warned) shall in a decent manner be at the buriall vpon paine of fiue shillings for e­uery one making default, to be paid to the said Master and Wardens to the vse of the said Corporation. For which said warning, the Beadle is to be alowed fiue shillings for his paines by the Executors or friends of the deceased


Item it is ordained that if any person or persons of any other trade or profession whereof there is speciall vse in the said Art or Mistery as Caruers, Freemen to be imploy­ed be one Forrayners. Ioyners, Inborers, Smiths, Painters &c. shall bee admitted into the freedome of the said Corporation, they shall bee imploied in their proper Art [Page 67] or Mistery before the forrayners, so long as it shall be no disaduantage to the common good, or to any other perticu­ler person that shall haue cause to vse them.


Item it is ordained that if any person or persons vsing, or exercising, Di [...]stray­ning for Fines. or which hereafter shall vse or exercise the said Art or Mistery or any thing therevnto appertayning in any place or places within the precincts aforesaid doe or shall infringe, breake, or not obserue any Act or Ordinance in these points expressed, and doe or shall deny, refuse, de­lay, or deferre to pay any such sum or summes of money as shall happen at any time hereafter to be forfetted or due to be paide to the said Master and Wardens for any paine, penalty or forfeiture, touching any of the ordinances in these presents expressed, and doe or shall deny, refuse, delay, or deferre to pay any such sum or sums of money as shall hap­pen at any time hereafter to be forfetted or due to be paid to the said Master and Wardens for any paine, penalty, or forfetture touching any of the ordinances in these presents expressed, limmited and appointed. That then it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master and Wardens or any two of them or their deputie or deputies or any other person or persons by them in that behalfe to be appointed, either by themselues or else if neede bee taking with them one Constable, Bailiffe, or Headborough or any other of the Kinges officers at all, or any time or times or their will and pleasure to enter into the howse or howses, Boothes, Shops, Ware-howses and Yards of him so refusing, deny­ing, delaying or defering to pay any such paines, penalties, forfetures, or any other summe or sums of money by him or them due or payable, and to distraine the goods of all and euery such parties offending, and to carry away, retaine and keepe the same vntill the said paines, penalties, forfet­tures, or any other summe or summes of money aforesaid and euery part thereof shall be fully satisfied and payed, or [Page 68] otherwise to leauy or fue for, and recouer the same by any lawfull meanes: And this to doe from time to time so often as need or occasion shall require.


And to th'intent that his Maiesties pleasure expressed in the said Charter and Letters Pattents may be the better obey­ed, Deputy As­sistants in the Thames, and all the orders, ordinances, and constitutions, in these presents contayned, may without any respect of persons, con­niuence or parcialitie from time to time be duly executed and performed. It is ordained that not onely in euery needful place and places within the realme of England and dominion of Wales, there be from time to time election made of the most able and sufficient persons to be deputies in all remote pla­ces, that the Charter and ordinances may be there duely and truly executed. But also more especially in the riuer of Thames, where there is greatest imployment, and greatest numbers of people of the said Art or Mistery are inhabiting and resi­ding. It is likewise ordayned that there be for euer sixteene of the most able, wise, discreete, and substanciall persons and workemen who shall be called the deputie Assistants of the said Art or Mistery for the time being. Of whom yearely vpon the feast of Saint Mathew the Apostle there shall be choyce made of two to be their Wardens and Gouernors for the yeare following. The said deputie Assistants, taking their Corporall oath for the due execution of their places, shall respectiuely endeauor themselues to put in execution within the River of Thames all the lawes and ordinances herein contained, and hereafter to be made for the com­mon good, weale and proffit of the said Corporation, and all the grants, powers, and authorities granted by the Kinges Maiesty to the said Master Wardens and Cominalty. They shall inquire and informe themselues from time to time of all manner of abuses, complaints and misdemeanors con­trary thereunto, which if they be of ordinary importance they shall examine and decide amongst themselues, referring alwaies matters of more serious consequence to the Master [Page 69] and Wardens. They shal be assisting to the Master and War­dens in their Searches, and in leauying of fines and collect­ing of duties &c. They shall keepe Court euery sixe weeks at the Hall, where the Clarke shall attend vpon them to ad­uise with them and register their proceedings. To these Courts they may summon and warne by the Beadle any of the Comi­nalty or common Worke-men or Iorney men within the ri­uer, and fine them if neede bee. They shall continew in their places vntill they come to be Yard-keepers or Assistants, and be remoueable vpon iust occasion, and others chosen in their places or steedes. Lastly they shall be accomptable and fineable for neglect according as the deputies in remote places.


And for somuch as by their said Charter there is an oath to be administred to the said Master, Oath of the Wardens, and Assistants, and also to Iorney-men vpon their admittance, and noe fourme of the said oath set downe. It is ordered and decreed that the fourme of the said oath shall bee as followeth. That is to say

The Oath of the Master. You shall be true to our Soue­raigne Lord the Kings Maiestie, Maister &c. his heires and successors, and you shall endeuour your selfe the best you can iust­ly lawfully and indifferently to execute and cause to be ex­ecuted your Office of Master so farre forth in euery respect as lawfully you may, And in like manner shall obserue and cause to be obserued all the good and lawfull Orders, Ordinances and Constitutions herein contained, and heere­after to be made for the common good, weale and profit of the said Corporation, and all the grants, powers and aucthorities granted by the Kings Maiestie, to the Master, Wardens and Cominaltie of the Art or Mysterie of Ship­wrights of Redrith in the Countie of Surrey, without spa­ring any person, for affection, meede, dreade, or promise of reward during the time you shall remaine and be in the said Office of Master. And of all and euery such goods, [Page 70] plate and summes of money, or any other thing or things that by reason of your said Office shall come to your hands or possession, you shall according to Th'ordinances heere­in specified, make a good, true, iust and plaine accompt, or else pay such fines as you shall be ordered to pay for your not so doing. You shall not for any malice, nor for loue or affection, assesse any person in a greater or lesser summe than after the quantitie and qualitie of his offence according to your discretion and according to th' ordinan­ces in these presents mentioned. So help you God.


The like Oath for the Wardens and Deputies, respectiuely, mutatis mutandis.

The Oath of the Assistants, You shall sweare that you shall bee true to our Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie his heires and lawfull successors, and you shall indeauour your selues so farre forth as you lawfully may, to the best of your skill, aswell for and concerning the giuing and v­sing your faithfull aduices and counsell to the Master and Wardens of the Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Red­rith in the Countie of Surrey, for the time being, for their more better execution of their said Offices, And to giue & vse your faithful aid and assistance in euery respect as much as in you lyeth, and lawfully you may doe for the due ob­seruation of all the good and lawfull ordinances heerein contained or heereafter to be made according to the true intent and meaning of the same, and of the powers, grants, and aucthorities granted by the Kinges Maiestie to the Master, Wardens and Cominaltie, without sparing or impeaching any person or persons whatsoeuer either for affection or malice or in respect of any reward, meede, dread, or promise of reward during the time you shalbe an As­sistant touching the said Art or Mysterie. So help you God.


The Oath of euery one that is made free, You shall be true to our Soueraigne Lord the King to his heires and succes­sors, [Page 71] you shall be obedient from time to time in all matters lawfull to the Master and Wardens of this Art or Myste­rie of Ship-wrights for the time being, and readie to come to their lawfull summons except you haue a lawfull excuse. Or else you shall pay such reasonable penalties as you shall forfait for your disobedience according to the Ordinances heeretofore made by the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie. Which Ordinances and euery of them to your power you shall obserue and keepe, and all the lawfull counsels of the Master, Wardens and Comi­naltie of the said Art or Mysterie, which at any time of assem­bly shall lawfully be had in Communication among them then at their common Hall, you shall keepe secret & not dis­close the same to any person of the same Cominaltie, nor to any other, & especially to any such person whom the same matter doth concerne and touch. So help you God.

All which Ordinances and constitutions in manner and forme aforesaid at the request of the said Phinees Pett Ma­ster of the said Act or Mysterie of Ship wrights and of the said William Bright, Nicholas Symonson, and Nicholas Clay now Wardens and Cominaltie of the same by aucthoritie and vertue of the said Act of Parliament made in the said nine­teenth yeare of King H. 7. Wee the said Chauncellor and cheefe Iustice of either Bench aforesaid haue, seene, read, ex­amined and perused, and for good laudable and lawfull Or­dinances constitutions and Oathes so far as we lawfully may, wee doe allow and approue by these presents. In witnesse whereof wee haue heereunto subscribed our names and set to our seales the tenth day of September. In the yeares of the "1612" Raigne of our Soueraigne Lord Iames by the grace of God King of England, France and Ireland, defendor of the faith &c. the tenth, and of Scotland the fortieth.


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