OH Almightie God and heauenly Father, which by thy great wisdome and power, hast created and made heauen and earth, the Sea, and all things conteined therein, and hast made man thy most principall and excellent creature, and giuen him wisdome to rule and gouerne all other Creatures, with commaundement to serue and honor thée, and to doo such workes as are most acceptable to thy godly will. And of thine aboundant grace hast endewed thy seruant, a good brother of our Company with that pitifull mind to consider his poore and néedy brethren, and to bée the donor of this blessed Charitie, whereby both I, and others poore and néedie aged, are daily relieued. And as I do acknowledge the same to procéede of thy grace, so I giue thée most high and harty thankes therefore, and with my whole hart, I humbly beséech thée, to blesse the true Catholike Church here in Earth, and in it this Church of England, and long to preserue our noble Quéene, with her honorable Counsell, and to prosper our Company, the Marchanttaylors in generall, and euery particular member of the same, and to assist them with thy continuall fauour, to shew more such déedes of mercy and pitie, for reliefe of the poore distressed, for the which thou hast promised, of thy mercy speciall reward, by the mouth of Iesus Christ our Sauiour. And likewise I beséech thée. Oh Lord to kéepe and preserue this noble Citie of London, and to prosper it with thy blessings of health, and wealth, vnder our most godly and peaceable Prince, and to giue vnto all the Companies, and members of the same, thy grace to shew themselues alwaies thankfull, in doing such workes as are best pleasing to thy diuine Maiestie. Graunt this Oh Father, for Iesus Christ thy déere Sonnes sake, to whom with the holy Ghost the Comforter, thrée persons in one eternall godhead, be all hononr, dominion, power, and glory, both now and for euermore. Amen.