


Compiled and set forth by the speciall Licence and Command of the Kings most Excel­lent Majesty: For the sole use of the Company of DISTILLERS of London.

And by them to bee duly ob­served and practized.


[Ornate border]


WHereas our Sove­raigne Lord the Kings most Excel­lent Maiesty hath been gratiously plea­sed, by His Royall Letters Patents under the Great Seale of England; To Incorporate (together vvith us) the Distillers &c. in and about Lon­don, into one intire body politique, [Page 2] and Company of Distillers of Lon­don. And amongst divers powers and immunities unto us and our suc­cessours by the said Letters Patents granted, His Maiesty hath therein given speciall command, That a Book of Rules and Directions con­cerning Distillation of Strong-wa­ters, &c. and making Vinegars, &c. should be compiled, and by us ap­proved and allowed: as by the sayd Letters Patents or Charter of In­corporation, more at large doth ap­peare. In obedience to his High­nesse sayd Commands, this present Book hath been composed, entitu­led THE DISTILLER OF LONDON. VVhich Book and the Rules and Directions therein contayned, wee have examined and corrected, and doe well approve and allow of the same, and every part thereof; signi­fying [Page 3] and declaring, to the whole Company of Distillers and their suc­cessours, (and whomsoever else the same may concern) That the Rules and Directions therein contayned, are good and warrantable; and may safely be followed and practised, by all the members of this Company, and their successours, in preparing, composing, distilling, and making the severall kinds and sorts of wares therein nominated and expressed, (and others of like nature) and these severall kinds and sorts of wares and merchantdizes, being according­ly, duly ordered and made; cannot be otherwise, than good, sound, and warrantably merchantable; and such as may very well serve, to and for most uses and occasions, whereunto any of those kinds and sorts of wares and commodities, are or may bee re­quired; [Page 4] aswell for spending within any of His Maiesties Realmes, Do­minions, and Plantations, &c. as for victualling of Ships for any voyage or undertaking whatsoever, or wheresoever: and for transportation by way of merchandise, into any the parts beyond the Seas, in the usuall way of commerce and trade. In confirmation of the reallity here­of, we have hereunto subscribed our Names.

  • THEODORUS de MAYERNE, Regiarum Majestatum Medicus primarius.
  • THOMAS CADEMAN Medicus Regineus.


Azure. a Fesse wavie, Argent; between a Sunne drawing up a Cloud distilling Drops of Raine proper. And a Distillatory, double armed; Or. with two Wormes and bolt recea­vers Argent. (the Creast) on an helme mantled Gules dubled argent; And a Torce, Argent, and Azure. A Barley garbe, wreathed about with a Ʋine branch, bearing Grapes, all proper. (Supporters) A Russe, and an Indian savage, in their proper habits. with the Motto, in an Escroll, &c.

To the Society and Company of DISTILLERS OF LONDON. And to every particular Member of the same:
The Present MASTER, FOUNDER, VVardens, & Assistants of that Company,
wish increase of Know­ledge, and Endlesse Happinesse.

IT hath been observed in all ages, that the most excellent of Humane Arts, that ever were invented by the inge­nuity of Men of the most infallible judgements, that even those Arts have not retained their first perfection longer, than they have been confined within the limits of their Au­thors, or like Artists practice. For no sooner have they been divulged abroad, amongst the inconsiderate multitude, and so become the subject of their im­ployments, [Page 6] but those Arts have been thereby expo­sed to eminent danger, of being corrupted through blind Ignorance, or wilfull Error. Among the rest, (as a hereditary evill incident to all Arts) it may as truely be said of this Art and Mystery, the subject of our discourse; for no sooner was the practice there­of, taken up as the last refuge of men inexpert, and of decayed fortunes: (who have (in all times) been ushered in, and instructed by such as themselves.) But forthwith it fell extreamely short of its former excellent esteem, and true perfection; and by degrees is grown so deformed, that Artists either doe not, or rather are ashamed to acknowledge it, to be the same thing, so strangely is it transformed. But our inten­tions are not to obraid the ignorance or folly of any, but rather endeavour the information & direction of such of our members (as wanting the true knowledge of this Art) have runne into errours and absordities in their practices. And for our more orderly proceed­ing in that behalfe, have first made diligent search, to discover and finde out the causes of these confused disorders, both in the trade, and amongst the practi­tioners. And finde them principally to arise from want of power to regulate the true professours, and meanes to suppresse, or at least stop the current of the disorderly and inordinate intrusion of Inter­lopers into the practice of this Art: who by their prepostrous wayes of working, and frequent use of base and unsound materialls, have brought scandall, [Page 7] not onely upon the works of this Art, (the wares) but also on the Art, and Artists themselves. For sup­pression and future prevention of such delinquents, and their erronious wayes; and releife, and reforma­tion, of the present DISTILLERS, and their lawfull successours. His Majesty hath been graciously plea­sed, to supply us with the meanes to performe both: By Incorporating us, into one intire body politick, and granting us and our successours, powers and immuni­ties, tending to reformation, and good government for time to come. And being thus enabled by his Majesties favour: and in obedience also to his High­nesse Royall Commands, (in the said Letters Pa­tents) VVe have prepared and made ready, these Rules and Directions following, aptly fitted and com­posed, for the imitation and practice of all the mem­bers of this Company, and their successours. And having therein rejected and utterly forbidden, the use of base unsound materialls and ingredients, and taken away the abusive use, or misimployment, of those that are sound and warrantable. Jt now remaines that you, together with us, doe henceforth yeeld all ready conformity, to these instructions and directions, and rightly and duly put the same in pra­ctice. And as we, (with constant resolutions) have hitherto undergone the care and trouble, of procuring things tending to reformation and settled govern­ment of the Company; so now we expect (as justly we may) that you will second us, cheerefully with your [Page 8] best abilities, to perfect and establish this good work. Jn this book wee have purposely incisted, principally on the most inferiour and ordinary sorts of wares, such as are most usually required for trade and com­merce, forraigne and domistick. And therein have applyed our selves, to accommodate all sorts of people, that shall have occasion to use our wares. And here it is not amisse by way of admonition, to give a touch of what you are (by our Charter and Ordinances) strictly required and enjoyned to observe and doe: that is, That neither the present Members of this Company, nor any of them, nor any of our successours at any time hereafter, under any pretence whatsoe­ver: Doe presume to distill or make any of the kindes or sorts of wares here expressed, or any other sorts of like nature, any way meaner, weaker, or otherwayes inferiour to those here prescribed. (For, by yeelding to humour some sorts of people in that particular, of making poore conditioned wares, it hath been the ve­ry bane of the Trade, and scandall to the Art, and Artists.) But you are not denyed the making of any of these, or like kindes and sorts of wares and mer­chandizes (according to Art) as much better, richer, or stronger, as you please. And to that purpose we have heere made provision, in some competent manner, to furnish you with Rules and Directions to distill and make richer and higher prized wares and merchan­dizes of those kindes: as also for enriching and bet­tering of divers of those meanest sorts here set down; [Page 9] either by addition of greater quantities of the same, or more sorts of ingredients; to the Rules whereunto those additions are properly referred: unto which, if any shall yet desire to adde more, or other ingredients; they ought to bee persons so qualified, and of such abilities, as are able to give an Artlike account for their so doing: others, by tampering, pretending to amend, will rather indanger spoyling all. VVe are here to admonish both our present members and suc­cessors also, to disclaime the abusive practices of some of the professors of our Art: who, either by giving their undeserving wares, appellations of note, proper only to the best approved Authors rules and compositions, of this kind, purposely to delude the buyers, by such their false glosses; or else by adding to their warrant­able wares, impertinent (if not rediculous) titles: to the former (or worse) ends. These abuses (being of scandalous nature) if henceforth any shall presume to commit, they are to expect sharp reprehention, if not punishment, for their folly and deceipt. Also all the present members of the Company, and our suc­cessours, are to take speciall notice, That they are by the Ordinances, as also by their Oathes, strictly re­quired, To place the true and proper names and titles of every sore of wares (made ready and fitted for sale) respectively, upon each particular vessell con­taining those wares, standing in their Shops or else­where: As also, on all such vessells of wares as shall be put up for sale, or sold; in some evident place, & le­gible [Page 10] manner, that it may be visible to all whom it may concerne: and that they also place their owne proper Mark (allowed them out of the Hall) on all the vessels contayning the wares they sell, in manner as by our Charter and Ordinances is required. And now to returne to such as desire to imitate the best appro­ved Authors in their titles; let not such doe those Au­thors the injury, to deprive them of the least jot of the true compositions proper to those titles; nor alter the nature of their excellent things, by unartlike or prepostrous working. If you vary in any particular from their Rules, bee sure to adde to the excellency and goodnesse of the thing, else let their prescripti­ons be intire: otherwise you may undergoe a censure, and deservedly suffer for your errours. And here our duty requires us all (that are Distillers by profession and Trade) to acknowledge with thankfulnesse, the great care and industry (in adding of divers excellent Rules hereunto, and circumspect perusall and cor­rection of this Book) performed by the Right VVor­shipfull Sir Theodore de Mayerne Knight, First Physitian to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesty, Founder and perpetuall principall Assistant of this Company of Distillers: And the Right VVor­shipfull Doctor Thomas Cademan, Physitian to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, First, and present Master of the same Company. And now least we frame our gate over large for our little City, wee shall con­clude with this one admonition, That seeing we have [Page 11] here forbidden the use of unsound materials and in­gredients, and prescribed for use, only such as are sound and warrantable. If any member of this Com­pany or their successours, having these Directions (which all must have and observe, that intend to pra­ctice this Art) shall yet notwithstanding, make un­marchantable wares, of any of these kindes, (or any other of like nature) or wares any way inferiour to these prescriptions: Such may deservedly, not only un­dergoe the censure of palpable ignorance, or malicious wilfulnesse; but also justly suffer whatsoever by the Lawes of the Kingdome, Ordinances of the Company, or otherwise, may be imposed or inflicted on them, for their delinquency. And so in assured confidence of the respective and willing conformity of you all, in all things; doe bid you all, heartily farewell.

  • HENRY PINSON, Assistant.
  • ROGER PALMER, Assistant.
  • IOHN BREVVER, Assistant.
  • GEORGE SNELLING, Assistant.
  • IOHN BAYLEY, Assistant.
  • DANIEL CAGE, Assistant.
  • THOMAS DALLOCK, Assistant.
  • HENRY GREENE, Assistant.
  • THOMAS COE, Assistant.
  • FRANCIS HEATH, Assistant.
  • WILLIAM BESSE, Assistant.
  • IOHN WOODS, Assistant.
  • WILLIAM WILKS, Assistant.
  • HENRY BOYCE, Assistant.
  • HUGH BOWYER, Assistant.
  • IOHN CARWYTHAM. Assistant.


WHereas some of the Professours of Distillation in and about London, have heretofore usually drawne Strongwaters and Aquavitae, &c. out of Wines, Low-wines, and Small-spirits, &c. by one alone immediate ex­traction, [Page 14] operation, or distillation, (contrary to the most approved forme of working in this our Art) and have been so opinionated of their owne hereditary erroneous wayes, that they have esteemed the manner and order here taught, to bee altogether unnecessary and improvident, in that there is here required Redistillation, which they have ever thought to bee superfluous: Not considering, that what they save by their seeming thrift, they lose double, in the excellency of their wares, and otherwise. Wherfore that such may not only acquit themselves of an aspersion of ignorance (not undeservedly cast upon them) but also vindicate both their owne, and the Com­panyes reputation, for time to come. The Di­rections following, are henceforth by them and every member of the Company, and their suc­cessours, duly and exactly to bee observed and practized from time to time for ever hereafter.

THat all wines, Lees of wines, Low-wines, and Spirits under proofe, whatsoever, (in­tended for making of rich or high Spirits, Strong-waters, or Aquavitae &c.) Be first distilled, extra­cted, or drawn into strong proofe spirit, (wher­by they may be corrected and cured of their na­turall, harsh, distastefull, unsavory, or evill qualities,) before they bee compounded with in­gredients, [Page 15] or extracted and drawn into rich or high Spirits, Strongwaters, or Aquavitae; ac­cording to Art, and as is required in the ensuing Rules.

ANd because many grosse absurdi­ties have been frequently practized in adulterating some, and abu­sing others, of the materials used in Distillation, and otherwise by DISTILLERS, by such as only, respect their owne particular gayne; regarding neither the profit or credit of DISTILLERS, that have been necessitated to make use of such their ill-conditioned wares: VVherefore, that these grievances may bee re­moved for time to come; The Directions fol­lowing, are strictly to be observed and practized by all the members of this Company and their successours, from time to time for ever.

THat no Afterworts or Wash (made by Brewers, &c.) called Blew-Iohn, nor musty unsavory or unwholsome Tilts or Dregs of Beere or Ale; nor unwholsome or adulterated wines, or Lees of wines, nor unwholsome Sugarwaters; musty unsavory or unwholsome retourned Beere [Page 16] or Ale; nor rotten corrupt or unsavory fruits, druggs, spices, herbs, seeds; nor any other ill conditioned materials of what kinde soever, shall henceforth bee distilled, extracted, or drawne in­to Small-spirits, or Low-wines, or be any other wayes used, directly or indirectly, by any the members of this Company, or their successours, at any time hereafter for ever.

ANd whereas of late times the small Spirits or Low-wines, made and sold aswell in and about London, as else­where in this Kingdome, have been generally complayned of, for their mean, weak, and poore condition: whereby many inconveni­ences have faln upon most of the DISTILLERS in generall: And that not through the alone practi­ces of such as have no just title to, or interest in, this Incorporation; but even by some of the DISTILLERS themselves, who (notwithstanding their pretences, of being necessitated thereunto) have justly deserved reproofe, for yeelding to be Actors in a thing of such ill consequence to DISTILLERS in generall. Wherefore, that those abuses and disorders may now bee taken away, [Page 17] and the like prevented for time to come, the en­suing Rule, is duly to be observed & practised.

THat no Small-spirits or Low-wines, shall henceforth be distilled, extracted, or made, and be allowed to be sold, put to sale, or used, by any of the members of the Company, or their successours; But such only, as out of which, by one alone redistillation, extraction, or operation, may bee produced in quantity, at least one third part thereof, of good strong Proofe Spirit, such as is required in the Rules ensuing, for making rich or high Spirits, Strongwaters, or Aquavi­tae, &c. under such paines, penalties, and punish­ments, as by the Lawes of the Kingdome, Ordi­nances or Orders of the Company, or otherwise; may bee imposed or inflicted, on the contemners, neglecters, or opposers of these Directions.

The names of the severall Waters and Spirits, contained in this Book, Alphabetically exprest, according to their Latine Appellations.

Page. Rule.  
  v. Aqua Annisi, Anise seed water
  o. Aq. Angelicae Angelica water
  c. Aq. Absynthij Wormewood water
  yo. Aq. Balsamitae, Balsamint water
  ya. Aq. Caryophilorum, Clove water
  vo. Aq. Caryophilatae Avens water
  ns. Aq. Calendulae Marigold water
  ny. Aq. Carui Caruway water
  yt. Aq. Cinnamomi communis, Cinnamon water common
  ye. Aq. Cinnamomi optimi, Cinnamon water proper
  no. Aq. Carminativa, Winde water
  na. Aq. ad Crapulam, Surfeit water
  nc. Aq. Diaphoretica, Water to procure sweat
  vn. Aq. Florum, Water of flowers
  vv. Aq. Fructuum, Water of fruits
  yr. Aq. Faeniculi dulcis, Sweet Fennell water
  nr. Aq. Lavendulae, Lavender water
  r. Aq. Limonum, & Aurantii, Lymon and Orenge waters
  a. Aq. Melissae, Balme water
  t. Aq. Menthae, Mint water
  yn. Aq. Majoranae, Marjerome water
  nv. Aq. Praetiosa Pretious water
  nn. Aq. Nucis Moschatae Nutmeg water
  ne. Aq. Pestifuga Plague water
  e. Aq. Rorismarini Rosemary water
  yc. Aq. Rosasolis Vulgarly so called
  vy. Aq. Roris Solis Ros solis proper
  ys. Aq. Stomachica minor Stomack water small comp.
  yy. Aq. Stomachica major Stomack water great comp.
  nt. Aq. Anti Scorbutica Scorbuticall water
  vs. Aq. Salviae Sage water
  y. Aqua vitae Aquavitae 1 sorts
  n. Aqua vitae Aquavitae 2 sorts
  yv. Vsquebach. The Irish appellation.

The Characters expressing the quantities, qua­lities, and kinds of Materials and Ingredients used in this Worke.

Q. S. ⟨Sufficient quantity.⟩
ana ⟨of Each⟩
S. A. ⟨According to art⟩
B.M. ⟨Hott Bath.⟩
M. ⟨Handfull⟩
Qr. ⟨Quarter⟩
gr. ⟨graine⟩
⟨Dram or ⅛ ounce.⟩
⟨Pound, or 16 ounces⟩
⟨Reed roses⟩
⟨Cloue gilliflouers.⟩
⟨Reed Poppie.⟩
⟨Reed Saunders.⟩
A ⟨Allum.⟩

The ten small Italica Letters (of the Alphabet) below, are in all respects to be esteem'd and valued, in whole numbers and fractions; as the numerall figures and cipher in Arithmetick, are:

As in Example.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0.
y n v o c a t e r s

y / o y / v y / n v / o &c.


THE DISTILLER OF LONDON. OR, RVLES and DIRECTIONS FOR Preparing, Composing, Distilling, Extracting and making OF RICH-SPIRITS, STRONG-VVATERS, and AQUAVITAE, &c.

Rule I.
TAke Strong proofe spi­rit, ♓ es. e.
Aniseseeds bruised, ♓ y. y.c.
Distill them into strong proofe spirit, S.A.  

[Page 22]

℞ Strong proofe spirit, Q. S. e.
Aniseseeds, ♓ n. v y / o.
Caruway ana,y / o.  
Coriander ana,y / o. v.
Distill them into strong proofe spi­rit, S.A.  
℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ es. Q. S.
Aniseseeds the best, brused, ♓ c. e.
Distill them into strong proofe spirit.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, S.A.c. e.
℞ Strong proofe spirit Q.S. e.
Angelica roots, ♓ y y / n. or n y / o. or
Angelica herb, green, ♓ t y / n. yn.
Aniseseeds, ♌ ya. y.c.
Slice the roots thin, or bruse them and the seeds.  
Distill them into strong proofe spirit:  
Dulcifie with white sugar ♓ c. e.
℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓. es. Q. S.
Aniseseeds best, brused, ♓. y. y.c.
Wormwood common, leaves and seeds stript and dry, ♓ n. v y / n.
Distill them into strong proofe spi­rit, S. A.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ c. y / n.
℞ Strong proofe spirit, Q.S. e.
Herb Balme dry, ♓ v. o y / n.
Aniseseeds, ♓ y. y.c.
Distill them into strong proofe spi­rit, and dulcifie with white sugar Q.S. S.A. e.

[Page 24]

℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ es. Q. S.
Speire Mint dry, ♓ v. o v / o
Aniseseeds best, ♓ y. y.c.
Distill them into strong proofe spirit.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ c. Q. S.
℞ Strong proofe spirit, Q. S. e.
Rosemary stript, dry, ♌ vs. v.
Aniseseeds best, ♌ ya. y.c.
Distill them into strong proofe spirit.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, Q.S. e.
℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓. es. Q. S.
Lymon pils dry, ♌ vs. v.
Aniseseeds best, ♌ ya. y.c.
Bruise the pils and seeds.  
Distill them into strong proofe spi­rit, S. A.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ c. e.
℞ Strong proofe spirit, Q. S. e.
Speire Mint, dry,  
Lovage roots, dry,  
Aniseseeds, ana,y. y.c.
Calamus Aromaticus,  
Sweet Fennell seeds,  
Imperatoria roots,  
Wormwood dry, stript, ana,e.  
Caruway seeds, ana,a. c.
Coriander seeds, ana,a.
Cumyne seeds,  
Cloves, ana,v. n y / n
Bruise them that are to bee bruised.  
Distill them into strong proofe spi­rit, S. A.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ c. e.

[Page 26]

℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ es. Q. S.
Calamus aromaticus, ♌ a. c.
Guiacum greene barke,  
Avens rootes dry,  
Gallingall, ana,o. v y / o
Citron, pills dry,  
Orenge pills dry,  
White Cynamon, ana,v. n y / n
Wormwood Comon dry  
Wormwood Romayn dry  
Speire mint,  
Rosemary topps,  
Sweet Marjerom,  
Wilde Time, all dry, ana,n. y y / n
Nuttmeg, ana,n y / n n.
Cynamon ana,n y / n
Cubebs ana,y y / n y y / o
Cardamums ana,y y / n
Sweet Fennell, seeds, ana,c. y / n
Coriander seeds, ana,c.
Aniseseeds, ♓ y y / n n.v.
Bruise them all that are to bee bruised.  
Distill them into strong proofe spirit.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ y s. S.A. ya.
℞ Strong proofe spirit Q. S. e.
Sweet Marjerom dry, ♓ v. c.
Aniseseeds, ♌ y a. y.c.
Caruway, ♌ o. v y / o
Calamus aromaticus, ♌ a. c.
Bruise them.  
Distill, and Dulcifie, with white sugar, Q. S. S.A. e.
℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ e s. Q. S.
Aniseseeds, ♓ y. y.c.
Cloves, ♌ n. y y / n
Caruway seeds, ana,o. v.
Distill them into strong proofe spirit, S. A.  
Then add to the Distilled water  
Licorice, spa. ana,n. v.y y / n
Raysins, sol. ana,n.
Bruise the Licorice and Raysins,  
Dulcifie with browne sugar, ♓ c. e.
Stirre them well together and so let it stand, y s. dayes, and then (being Fine) draw it off, and keepe it for use.  
℞ Strong proofe spirit, Q. S. e.
Balsamint dry, ♓ n. v.y y / n
Aniseseeds best, ♓ y. y.c.
Caruway seeds, ♌ o. v.
Lymon pills dry, ♌ e. a y / n
Bruise them that are to be brui­sed.  
Distill them into proofe spirit.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ c. S.A. e.

[Page 29]

℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ es. Q. S.
Cynamon of the best, ♌ e. a y / n
Cloves, ♌ n. y y / n
Caruway seeds, ana,o. v.
Marygold Flowers,  
Aniseseeds, ana,ya. y.c.
Bruise them.  
Distill them into strong proofe spirit, S. A.  
Then add to the Distilled water  
Licorice spanish, ♓ y. y.c.
Raysins, sol, ana,c. e.
Browne sugar, ana,c.
♂— ♌ o. v.
Bruise the Licorice and Raysins, Stirre them well together, And let them stand, y n. dayes, then being cleere, it may bee drawne for use.  

[Page 30]

℞ Strong proofe spirit Q. S. e.
Cloves of the best, ♌ ys. y.
Aniseseeds, ♌ ya. y.c.
Distill them into strong proofe spirit.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ c. e.
℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ e s. Q. S.
Cynnamon of the best, ♓ c. e.
Aniseseeds, ♌ ys. y.
Distill them into proofe spirit, S.A.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ t y / n yn.
℞ Strong proofe spirit Q. S. e.
Cynnamon best large, ♓ ys. ya.
Distill them into proofe spirit, S.A.  
Take white Sugar, ♓ yn y / n ns.
Rose water, ♓ o. a.v.
Make them into a syrrup, and dul­cifie therewith S. A.  
℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ es. Q. S.
Sweet Fennell seeds, ♓ c. e.
Caruway seeds, ♌ o. v.
Aniseseeds, ♌ ya. y.c.
Distill them into proofe spirit.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ c. e.
℞ Strong proofe spirit, Q. S. e.
Marigold flowers new ga­thered, pickt cleane, n. pecks heaped, Q.S.
Bruise them.  
Sweet Fennell seeds,  
Aniseseeds, ana,ys. y.
Distill them into strong proofe spirit,  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ c. e.
℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ es. Q. S.
Caruway seeds, ♌ vs. v.
Aniseseeds, ♌ ys. y.
Rosemary dry, ♌ o. v.
Lymon pills dry.  
Cloves, ana,v. n y / n
Distill them into proofe spirit, S.A.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ c. e.
℞ Strong proofe spirit Q. S. e.
Nuttmegs best, ♌ ns. n.
Aniseseeds, ♌ ys. y.
Bruise them.  
Distill them into proofe spirit, S.A.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ c. e.

[Page 33]

℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ es. Q. S.
  • Enulacampana,
  • Avens,
  • Angellica,
  • Cyperus,
  • Calamus aromaticus,
  • Sassafras, ana,c.
y / n
Zedoarie, ana,o. v.
Galligall ana,o.
Cassia Lignea,  
Lygnum Rhodium,  
Yellow Saunders, ana,v. n y / n
Cytron, pills dry, ana,a. o v / [...]
Orenge pills dry, ana,a.
Cynnamon, white,  
Ginger, ana,c. y / n
Cynnamon best, ♌ ns. n.
Cubebs, ana,n y / n n.
  • White Chervile,
  • Basill, ana,v y / n
  • Coriander, ana,ys.
  • Sweet Fennell ana,ys.
  • Anise, ♌ ns.
Bruise them.  
Distill them into proofe spirit, and Dulcifie with fine sugar, ♓ yc. S.A. no.
Let it stand till it be fine, then draw it off and add Musk ♉ y. gr. a
Ambergreice ♉ o. gr. no.
Then let it cleere and draw it for use.  
℞ Strong proofe spirit Q. S. e.
Enulacampana roots dry,  
Aniseseeds, ana,y. y.c.
Cyperus rootes,  
Bark, of the roots of Baytree, or asmuch leaves.  
Sassafras with the bark.  
Cynnamon, white, ana,a. o v / o
Calamus aromaticus  
Orenge pills dry, ana,o. v.
Mynts, redd,  
Elder flowers, ana,c. y / n
Camomile flowers, ana,c.
  • Sweet Fennell, ana,v y / n
  • Caruway, ana,v y / n
  • Angelica, ana,v y / n
Coriander seeds,  
Graines of paradise,  
Ginger, ana,n y / n n.
  • white ana,ys.
  • long ana,ys.
Bruise them all grosly.  
Distill them into strong proofe spirit. S. A.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ ys. ya.
Draw it for use, when it is perfectly cleere.  

[Page 36]

℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ es. Q.S.
Butter-burr roots, dry, ♓ n. v.y y / n
Valerian (common) roots,  
Aniseseeds, ana,y. y.c.
Vincetoxicum roots,  
Sassafras roots, with the bark, ana,e. a y / n
Angellica herbe, dry,  
Cardus benedictus,  
Great Valerian, herbe and roots, all dry,  
Scordium, ana,yn. y.y y / n
Cowslippe flowers, ana,ys. y.
Marigold flowers, ana,ys.
Iuniper berries, ♌ ns. n.
Bruise them all.  
Distill them into proofe spirit,  
Dulcifie with fine white sugar, S.A.ys. ya.

[Page 37]

℞ Strong proofe spirit, Q.S. e.
Iuniper berries, ♓ n. v.y y / n
Enulacampana roots, dry, ♓ y. y.c.
Calamus aromaticus,  
Gallingall, ana,o. y. y / o
Wormwood, ana,n y / n y v / n
Speire Mint, ana,n y / n
Red Mint, all dry, ana,n y / n
Caruway, seeds, ana,n. y y / n
Angellica seeds, ana,n.
Sassafras roots, with the bark,  
White Cynnamon, ana,v. n y / n
Nuttmegs, ana,y. v / o
Maces, ana,y.
Ginger, ana,y.
Cloves, ana,y.
Red poppie flowers, ♓ o. a y / n
Aniseseeds, ♓ n y / n o.
Bruise them all.  
Distill them into proofe spirit.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ ys. ya.

[Page 38]

℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ es. Q.S.
Horse Reddish roots, dry, ♓ n. v.y y / n
Enulacampana roots, dry,  
Aniseseeds, ana,y. y.c.
Water, Cresses,  
Winter, Cresses,  
Garden, Cresses,  
Scurvey-grasse (garden)  
Trefoyle (water)  
Sweet Chervile, ana,a. y / nv / o
Arsmart, ♌ e. v / oy / n
Musterd, seeds, ana,v. n y / n
Bank-cresse, seeds, ana,v.
Rockett, seeds, ana,v.
Reddish seeds, ana,v.
Citron pills, dry,  
Orenge pills, dry,  
Cynnamon (white)  
Maces, ana,o. v.
Bruise them all.  
Distill them into strong proofe spirit, S.A.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, Q.S. y.
For use, take, t. parts of this spirit, and, y. part, of juice of Lymons, (or more) mingle them together, and dulcifie it with white sugar, Q.S.S.A.  
℞ Strong proofe spirit, Q.S. e.
Butter-Burr-roots, dry, ♓ y. y.c.
Garden Valerian roots, dry,  
Common Valerian roots, dry,  
Angelica roots, ana,a. y / nv / a
Imperatoria, ana,a.
Gentian, ana,a.
Enulacampana, ana,a.
Snake-grasse roots, ana,a.
Contra yarva, ana,y / o v.
Zedoarie, ana,y / o
Gallingall, ana,y / o
Rue leaves dry, anac. y / n
White Horehound, anac.
Scordium, anac.
Carduus benedictus, anac.
Elder flowers, ana,v. n y / n
Lavender, ana,v.
Maces, ana,v.
Cytron pills, dry,  
Iuniper berries, ana,e. a y / n
Greene Walnuts, with the husk, ♓ y. y.c.
Venice Treakle ana,n. v.
Mithridate ana,n.
Aniseseeds (best) ♓ y y / n n.v y / n
Campheire, ♌ y. v / o
Bruise or slice them as is most proper.  
Distill them into strong proofe spirit, S. A.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, ♓ ys. Q. S.
For use, let the partie infected  
℞ of this water, ♌ y. mingled with warme possett drink, (or any water proper in that case,) And bee kept very warme and sweat well thereupon.  

[Page 41]

℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ es. Q. S.
Lavender leaves, dry, ♓ v. o v / oy / n
Lavender flowers, dry, ♓ n. v.y y / n
Maces, ♓ y / n or a y / n
Nuttmeg, ♓ y. y.c.
Lavender-Cotton, dry, ♓ n. vy y / n
Stechados, ♓ y / n a y / n
Bruise them that are to be bruised.  
Distill them into proofe spirit, S.A.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, Q. S. ya.
℞ Strong proofe spirit, Q. S. e.
Great Sage, dry, ♓ v. o v / oy / n
Redd Sage, dry, ♓ n. v.y y / n
Lavender, flowers, ana,y. y y / ny.
Sage, flowers, ana,y.
Lavender Cotton, dry, ana,e. a y / n
Southernwood dry, ana,e.
Nuttmeg, ♌ ys. Q. S.
Bruise or beat them as is most proper.  
Distill them into proofe spirit, S. A.  
Dulcifie with white sugar, Q. S. ya.
℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ es. Q. S.
Ros solis, gathered in due season and cleane pickt, ♓ o. a.v.
Iuniper berries, ♓ v. o v / oy / n
Sassafras roots, with the bark,  
Caruway seeds, ana,y / o v.
Marigold flowers, ♓ y. y.c.
Aniseseeds, ♓ y y / n n.v y / n
Bruise them that are to bee bruised.  
Distill them into strong proofe spirit, S. A.  
Take hereof, ♓ t. add thereto, ♓ y. of Aqua Number, nv. dulcified.  
Licorice bruised, ♓ y. y y / n. ♉. y.
Dulcifie it with white sugar, ♓ ys Q. S.
If you add none of the aforesaid Water, then in stead thereof  
℞ Musk, ♉ y.  
Ambergreice, ♉ v.  
Colour it with the tincture of, ♃. or, ☉. Q.S. S.A.  
℞ Strong proofe spirit, Q. S. ♓. e.
And put it into a wide mouthed pott, (or other vessell) stopt very close.  
℞ Those severall flowers follow­ing in their seasons, and being cleane pickt, put them to your spirit in your pott. Viz.  
Stock Gilliflowers, of all three sorts,  
Damask, Roses,  
Musk Roses,  
Sweet Bryer flowers,  
Clove Gilliflowers,  
Lillium convallium,  
Citron, flowers (or pills dry,)  
Orenge flowers (or pills dry,)  
Tillia flowers,  
Garden Time, flowers,  
Lymon Time, flowers,  
Wilde Time, flowers,  
Lavender, flowers, ana,y / n a y / n
Marigold, flowers, ana,y / n
Cammomile, flowers, ana,y / n
Mellilot, flowers, ana,y / n
Elder, flowers, ana,y / n
Being furnished with all your flowers as above, when you would distill them, adde to them,  
Aniseseeds, ♓ n.  
Coriander, ♓ y. v.y y / n
Bruise the seeds. It were best to bruise all the flowers, as you put them up into the spirit, for their more orderly working. y.c.
Distill them into strong proofe spirit, S.A.  
Then adde to the distilled water ☉. ♃, and Elder flowers, ana,y. y.c.
After yn. dayes infusion, it may be drawne off.  
Then dulcifie it with white sugar, ♓ ys. y.
And being fine, may be drawne for use.  
℞ Strong proofe spirit, ♓ es. Q.S.
Iuniper berries, ♓ o. a.v.
Quince parings dry, ana,n. v.y v / n
Pyppin parings dry, ana,n.
Lymon pills dry, ana,ya. y.c.
Orenge pills dry, ana,ya.
Nuttmeg, ♌ o. v.
Anise seeds, ♓ n. v.y y / n
Cloves, ♌ n. y y / n
Distill them into proofe spirit, S.A.  
To the spirit, adde  
Straweberries bruised, ana,c. e.
Rasspisses bruised, ana,c.
Stirre them well together, and after ys. dayes, it being cleere, may be drawne off.  
Then dulcifie it with sirrup made as hereafter is taught.  
And so let it stand till it be cleere, and then draw it off, for use.  
℞ Strong proofe spirit, Q.S. e.
Avens roots, ♓ o. a.v.
Orris roots, ana,n. y y / n
Nutmeg, ana,n.
Yellow Saunders, ana,n.
Maces, ana,n.
Lignum rhodium, ana,y. v / o
Saffron, ana,y.
Storax, ana,y.
Benjamyne, ana,y.
Angelica roots, ♌ v. n y / o
Lymon pills greene, ♓ y / n a y / n
Sweet Fennell, seeds, ana,y. y.c.
Anise seeds, ana,y.
Cloves, ♌ y y / o y.
Romaine Wormwood,  
Mint dry, ana, Mv.  
Stechas flowers,  
Red Roses, ana, Mo.  
Sweet Marjerome, ana, Ma. Q.S.
Balme, ana, Ma.
Burnett, ana, Ma.
Time, all dry, ana, Ma.
Alkermes berries, ♌ n. y y / n
Bruise them that are to be bruised.  
Distill them into proofe spirit, S.A.  
Dulcifie with sirrup thus made.  
℞ Rose water, ♓ o. a.v.
White sugar, ♓ ys. Q.S.
Boyle it to a sirrup hight, then straine it, and put it on the fire againe; adde thereto,  
Confiction of Alkermes, ♌ o. v.
Sirrup of Gilliflowers, ♓ y. y.c.
Amber greice (dissoved in Rose water) ♉ y. gr. a.
And so let these boyle a little till they be incorporated with the sirrup, and so keepe it for use.  

ADDITIONS TO Enrich those precedent Rules, to which (by numbers) these are referred: viz.
To Rules. I. & II.

℞ ♃. ☉. △ and ♂. or any of them severally, Q. S. And infuse them in Aquavitae, or proofe spirit, till the Tincture be drawne out; then drawe off your Spirit, and reserve it (close stopt) for use.

When you have occasion to use it, take ♌ e. thereof to ♓ t y / n of this water, and that will give it a sufficient colour, or you may take more at pleasure, without inconvenience.

[Page 50]

℞ Aniseseeds, ana,c. (or Q.S.) e.
White sugar ana,c. (or Q.S.)
S. A.  
℞ Caruway seeds, ana,v. n y / n
Coriander seeds, ana,v.
Calamus aromaticus,  
Zedoarie, ana,o. v v / o
Anise seeds,  
Cassia Lignea, ana,y / n a y / n
Angelica roots, ♌ e. a y / n
(or Herbe Angelica, ♓ n.) (♌ v.y y / n)
White sugar, ♓ n y / n (or Q.S.) o.
℞ Cynnamon,  
Cubebs, ana,o. v y / o
Sweet Fennel seeds, ana,y / n a y / n
Anise seeds, ana,y / n
Cloves, ana,v. n y / [...]
Caruway seeds ana,v.
Nuttmegs, seeds ana,v.
Wormwood dry, ♌ ys. y.
White sugar, ♓ n y / n o.
℞ Time, garden,  
Penny royall, ana, Mv. Q. S.
Cardamums, ♌ n. y y / n
Anise seeds, ana,y / n a y / n
Sweet Fennell seeds, ana,y / n
Balme dry, ♓ y. y.c.
Nuttmeg, ana,o. v y / o
Ginger, ana,o.
Callamus ar. ana,o.
Gallingall, ana,o.
Cynnamon, ana,o.

[Page 52]

℞ Anise seeds ana,y. y.c.
Speire Mint dry ana,y.
Callamus aromaticus, ♌ o. v y / n
White sugar, ♓ n y / n o.
℞ Sweet Fennell seeds ana,e. a y / n
Cynnamon ana,e.
Anise seeds ana,y. y.c.
Rosemary dry ana,y.
Caruway, ♌ n. y y / n
Speire Mint dry, M n. Q.S.
White sugar, ♓ n y / n o.
℞ Caruway seeds, ♌ o. y v / o
Anise seeds, ana,y. y.c.
Lymon pills dry ana,y.
White sugar, ♓ n y / n o.
In like manner, and quantities, make your Composition, with Orenge pills dry, S.A.  
℞ Cynnamon, ♌ c. y / n
Cloves, ♌ n. y y / n
Lymon pills dry, ♌ v. n y / n
Sugar, ♓ n y / n o.
℞ Sweet Fennell ana,c. y / n
Cynnamon ana,c.
Nutmeg, ♌ v. n y / n
Sugar, ♓ n y / n o.
℞ and adde to the spirit, y / n as­much as the Rule, of every par­ticular [Page 54] Ingredient therein expres­sed. And instead of ♂. give it the tincture of ♃. ☉. or △. Q.S.S.A.  
℞ Musk, ana,y / n ana, gr. v.
Amber greice ana,y / n
White sugar Candy, in stead of common white sugar, Q.S.S.A.  
In respect that Musk, in some cases, may give offence to the Re­ceiver, It is requisite to omitt the use thereof, in some of your water of this kind, to serve for such speciall uses.  
℞ Sweet Fennell seeds, ♓ c. y / n
Caruway seeds, ♌ o. v y / o
Anise seeds, ♓ y. y.c.
Cynnamon, ♌ e. a y / n
Cloves, ♌ n. y [...]/n
Sugar, ♓ n y / n o.

[Page 55]

℞ Cynnamon, ana,c. y / n
Sweet Fennell, ana,c.
Caruway, ana,n. y y / n
Cloves, ana,n.
Marigolds, gallons, n. Q.S.
Sugar, ♓ n y / n o.
The sirrup for dulcifying this water, is thus to bee made.  
℞ Apricocks ana, Q.S.
Quinces, ana,
Cherries ana,
English Currans ana,
All full ripe, and of equall weight, when they are thus prepared as followeth.  

Pare the Quinces and Apricocks, and take out the stones and kernels, and slice them very [Page 56] thinne, stone the Cherries and bruise them, and the Currans. Then lay them into a flatt Bason or pann, thus. A layne of fruit of a fingers thick­nesse, and then a layne of white powder sugar of like thicknesse, and so proceed in order layne upon layne, till all be layd into the Bason, then powre on gently good Aqua-vitae, till all bee covered therewith, and so let it stand houres, n. Then bruise or posh them all together, and presse out the juice as dry as possible you can thorow a thick linnen bag. Then take the juice and let it stand till it be setled cleere, which juice by a gentle exallation in, B. M. boyle up to a sirrup hight, S. A. and keepe it for use.

To every, ♓ e. of the spirit, put, ♓ y. of this sir­rup, and when it is cleere, drawe it off for use.

RVLES and DIRECTIONS for the Company of DISTILLERS of LONDON, in generall: But more especially for such of them, as now doe, or hereafter shall, make Ʋinegars, &c.

WHereas upon due examination it hath plainely appeared; That many insufferable inconveniences have of late falne upon this Company and their Trade, in generall; by reason of the disorderly and abusive expence and imploy­ment of Brewers After-worts (called Wash) In­somuch that thereby, not only those of this Com­pany that have had no hand herein, but even the Distillers themselves that have beene the Delin­quents, have intollerably suffered both in their [Page 58] Reputation, and great decay of their Trades, by these their alone inconsiderate practices. For re­formation of the present disorders and abuses, and future prevention of the like. These ensuing admonitions and directions, are strictly to be ob­served and practiced. Ʋiz.

THat no Member or Members of this Com­pany, or their Successors, nor any of them, at any time hereafter for ever, by any way or meanes whatsoever, (directly or indirectly) shall or may, use, dispose, convert or imploy, any After-worts (or Wash, made by Brewers or others) into Vi­negar, Beere-egar, or Ale-egar, or either of them: or to or for any other use or imployment what­soever, except only to distill the same into Low-wines or Spirits, to be redistilled into proofe Spirit, for the uses aforesaid, according to the true intent and meaning of these Directions. As they and every of them respect their oathes, by them taken (when they were made free, and received into this Incorporation) And will un­dergoe the penalties provided, or to be provided, by the Ordinances of this Company, or other­wise, to be imposed or inflicted on the Contem­ners, Neglecters, or Opposers hereof.

Rule I.

PRovide three sweet tuns (or smaller caske,) place them orderly on scantlings; provide good sound white ♑. and such well conditioned liquid Materials as are proper for this use, Q. S. (not musty in any case.) Then number your tuns, 1. 2. 3. Fill tun, 1. with ♑. within, a. inches of the bungue, stop the bungue with cork, or wood very close, and let it stand, and in few dayes it will gather heat, then being conveniently hot, fill up the vessell within, v. inches of top full, with your liquid Materials, without Dregs. Stop it close againe. And at that instant in like manner as before, fill tun, 2. with ♑. after a few dayes, that will be hot as the former was, then finding it conveniently hot, draw of tun, 1. and put it into tun, 2. and stop both close. At that present fill tun, 3. with ♑. and order it in every respect as you did the former. And when tuns, 1 & 3. have ga­thered heat sufficient, fill up tun, 1. with fresh li­quor [Page 60] (as at first) and draw of tun, 2. and put it into tun, 3. and so let tun, 2. gather sufficient heat again. Then draw of tun, 1. and put it into tun, 2. And at that present, you may draw off tun, 3. and put it into a store Caske. for having passed, 3. times through the ♑. is thereby become to be, good merchantable ware.

And so in like order, supply one Vessell from another, till you have finished your work, S.A.

VVhen all your liquid Materials are spent, so that you have no more to continue your work, then be sure your tuns stand neere full, till you are provided of more liquor, to put upon your ♑. for if your ♑. (standing dry) should wax hot, you having nothing proper to supply the same, your ♑. will soone decay and be utterly spoyled.

In summer or warme weather, the ♑. will ga­ther sufficient heat in, n. or, v. dayes, but in win­ter it will require more time.

Rule II.

TAke ns. Qr: of good sound ♀. convert it into yss. □. of good serviceable ware (at the most) you must allow to this quantity, good sweet, ⚹. at least, ♓ ca. And being well wrought S. A. put it into sweet Caske (sweet oyle butts are best) fill them within, e. inches of the bungues (being layd upon scantlings in the sunne) let not the head work over at the bungues, and it will sink to the bottome. Prepare little covers of wood fitt to cover the bungues, and larger covers to lay over them, to defend it from raine falling in­to the Caske. Let the bungues stand open only when the sunne shines hot upon the Caske, but in close or wet weather and nights, let both co­vers be alwayes kept on.

When the first head of the liquor is falne, then draw it from the Lee, into another cleane sweet Caske. And so afterwards from Caske to Caske, as there shall be cause, till it come to per­fection. [Page 62] Then draw it off into other sound caske, and so house it for use.

The largest caske are the fittest to house and keepe your wares in, for store.

If your wares grow long and ropie, then put a fit quantity of, A. into it, work it well together, S. A. And it will grow short againe.

A CATALOGVE of the MATERIALS and INGREDIENTS used in the precedent Rules.


  • Angelica,
  • Avens,
  • Butter-Burr,
  • Calamus aromaticus,
  • Cyperus, long,
  • Contra yerva,
  • Enula campana,
  • Galingale,
  • Gentian,
  • Ginger,
  • Horse Redish,
  • Imperatoria,
  • Licorice,
  • Lovage,
  • Orris,
  • Sassafras,
  • Scordium,
  • Snakegrasse
  • Valerian
    • common
    • garden,
    • great,
  • Vincetoxicum,
  • Zedoaria.
  • Lignum Rhodium,
  • Saunders
    • red
    • yellow
Barks & Pills.
  • Bay-tree roots,
  • Cassia Lignea,
  • Cynnamon
    • common
    • white
  • Cytron,
  • Guiacum,
  • Limon,
  • Orenge,
  • Pippins,
  • Quinces,
  • Sassafras.
  • Angelica,
  • Arsmart,
  • Bay leaves,
  • Balme or Bawme,
  • Burnett,
  • Brookelime,
  • Balsamint or Cost­mary,
  • Carduus benedictus,
  • Chervile, sweet,
  • Clarie,
  • Callamint,
  • Cresses
    • water
    • garden
    • winter
    • banke
  • Costmary or Balsa­mint,
  • Horehound, white,
  • Lavender leaves,
  • Lavender Cotton,
  • Mint
    • speire
    • red
  • Marjerome, sommer,
  • Penny royall,
  • Rosemarie,
  • Rockett,
  • Ros solis,
  • Rue,
  • Sage
    • red
    • great
  • [Page 65]Scurvie-grasse, common, garden
  • Staechados,
  • Southernewood,
  • Scordium,
  • Time
    • wilde
    • garden
    • Lymon
  • Tarragon,
  • Trefoile, water
  • Valerian, great
  • Worm-wood common romaine
  • Cowslip,
  • Cytron,
  • Commomile,
  • Elder,
  • Gilliflower, clove
  • Gilliflo: stock, 3 sorts
  • Iasmine,
  • Lavender,
  • Lillium Convallium,
  • Marigold,
  • Melilote,
  • Orenge,
  • Poppie, red
  • Roses
    • red
    • damask
    • musk
    • bryer
  • Saffron,
  • Sage,
  • Staechas,
  • Tillia, or Lyndentree,
  • Time
    • garden
    • Lymon
    • wilde
  • Woodbyne (or ho­ney suckle.)


  • Anise,
  • Angelica,
  • Basill,
  • Caruway,
  • Cardamums,
  • Cresse, bank
  • Chervile, sweet
  • Coriander,
  • Cummyn,
  • [Page 66]Fennell, Sweet
  • Grayns of paradise,
  • Musterd,
  • Redish,
  • Rockett,
  • Scurvie grasse, garden
  • Wormewood, com­mon.


  • Apricocks,
  • Alkermesberries
  • Barley, maulted
  • Bay berries
  • Cardamums
  • Cherries
  • Currans
    • forraigne
    • English
  • Cubebs
  • Cloves
  • Grapes
  • Hopps
  • Iuniper berries
  • Maces
  • Nutmegs
  • Pepper
    • white
    • long
  • Quinces
  • Raspis, red
  • Raysins, sol
  • Straw berries
  • Saffron
  • Walnuts greene with husks,
  • Zedoaria.
  • Lymons,
  • Walnutts green, with the husks.
Others of divers kindes.
  • Amber greice,
  • Allum
  • Benjamyne,
  • Camphire
  • Confiction of Al­kermes,
  • Methredate,
  • Musk,
  • Treakle, Venice
  • [Page 67]Sirrup of Gilliflowers,
  • Storax,
  • Sugar, of divers sorts.
Liquid Materials.
  • Wines of all kindes,
  • Beere and Ale,
  • After-worts, or Wash
  • Sugar-waters,
  • Tilts, Dregs, Lees, or grounds of Beere or Ale,
  • Lees of wines,
  • Spirits of wine,
  • Rosewater.
Mens works have faults, since Adam first offended;
But those, in these, are thus to be amended.

Page 9. line 12. reade undeserving. p. 10. l. 13. r. prescriptions. p. 34. l. 4. r. sweet Chervile. p. 37 margent, l. 5. r. ♉ y y / o marg. l. 11. r. ♌ ya. p. 39. marg. l. 1. & 6. r. ♉ v y / o p. 40. marg. l. 5. r. ♉ y y / n p. 42. marg. l. 5 & 7 r. ♉ v y / o p. 43. marg. l. 5. r. gr. a. l. 6. r. gr. yE. p. 44. marg. l. 2 & 3. put them a line higher. p. 45. marg. l. 4 & 7. r. ♉ v y / o p. 46. marg. l. 2. r. ♉ v y / o l. 5. r. ♉ n y / n p. 47. marg. l. 3. r. ♉ v y / o l. 5. reade ♉ v y / n

The Oath of every free Member.

YOu shall be faithfull and true to our Soveraigne Lord the KINGS MAJESTIE, His Heires and Successors, and in all matters and things lawfull and reasonable; you shall bee obedient to the Master Wardens Assistants and governours of this Company, and their Successours, and shall be ready and wil­lingly come, to all their summons, (except you have lawfull cause to be absent) or else you shall pay all such penalties and fines as you shall forfeit (according to the Ordinances of this Company) for breaking the same. All the Ordinances, Acts. and Orders, made or to be made, for the weale, rule, and good government of this Com­pany, you shall to your power observe and keepe; or else pay such fines and penalties as you shall forfeit by reason of your disobedi­ence, or breaking the same. All the lawfull secrets of the Trade Art and mysterie of DISTILLERS, you shall conceale and keep; And all lawfull counsels and consultations, words, matters, and things which you shall at any time heare, or know, spoken or done, at any Assembly of the Company, at the Hall or other place, that doth concerne the government of the Company, reformation of abuses, or regulation of refractorie persons; you shall nor divulge, declare, or make knowne to any person whatsoever, whereby the good go­vernment, redresse of abuses, or regulation of disorderly persons be hindred, prejudiced, or prevented. All this you shall faithfully and truely doe and performe to the utmost of your power. So helpe you God, &c.

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