¶Instructions for the Ministers, and Churchwardens, of the seuerall Parishes, of the Citie of LONDON.
  • 1 THat his Maiesties Declaration published A o D ni. 1628. before the Articles of Religion, for setling all questions in difference, be strictly obserued.
  • 2 That speciall care bee had concerning Lecturers in euery Parish, for whom these directi­ons ensuing are to be followed.
    • 1 First, that in all Parishes, the afternoones Sermons, be turned into Cate­chizing by question and answer, where, and whensoeuer there is no great cause apparent, to breake this ancient, and profitable order.
    • 2 That euery Lecturer doe read Diuine Seruice, according to the Liturgie, Printed by authoritie, in his surplice, and hood, before the Lecture.
    • 3 That where any Lecture is set vp in a Market Towne, the same be read by a Company of graue, and Orthodoxe Diuines, néere adioyning, in the same Diocesse, and that they preach in Gownes, and not in Cloakes, as many vse to doe.
    • 4 That if a Corporation doe maintayne a single Lecturer, he be not suffered to preach, till he professe his willingnesse to take vpon him, a liuing with cure of Soules, within that Incorporation; and that he do actually take such Benefice, or Cure, so soone as it shall be fairely procured for him.
  • 3 That the Minister, and Church-wardens, in euery Parish, or one of them, doe by wri­ting, vnder his, or their owne hands, certifie vnto the Archdeacon of London, or his Officiall, at or before the 28. of this present Ianuarie, (and afterward at, or be­fore euery Visitation) the Christian, & Sire-names of euery Lecturer, in their Pari­shes, and the place where hee preacheth (whether exempt, or not exempt) together with his quality, and degree.
  • 4 That they doe in like manner, certifie the names of such Men, as being not qualified by Law, doe kéepe Chaplens in their Houses.
  • 5 That they doe further certifie the names of all such as absent themselues from, or are neg­ligent in comming to Diuine Seruice, aswel prayers, as Catechizings and Sermons.
  • 6 That the Ministers and Churchwardens of euery Parish successiuely, doe kéepe a seuerall copie of these Instructions, by them, wherby they may be the better informed of their dutie, and that the sayd coppies be shewed at euery Visitation, when they shall present all such persons as haue disobeyed these Instructions, that according to his Maiesties pleasure, such as doe conforme, may be incouraged, and such as are refractorie, may be punished.

Tho: Pask [...] Archd: LONDON.

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