To the most Honorable assembly of the Commons House of Parliament.
The Binders of Bookes in London doe most humblie shew

THat in Anno Domino 1619. the Goldbeaters in London by the procure­ment of Sir Henry Bretton Knight, and Docter Eglisham obtained a Char­ter of Incorporation: for procurement whereof (besides other annuall pay­ments) Doctor Eglisham receiueth of the said Goldbeaters at the least 200. lib per annū. But what recompence Sir Henry Bretton hath; the Petitioners cannot declare.

That by colour of that new Incorporation, & for satisfaction of the said yeare­lie payments the Goldbeaters haue combined and confederated together, and bound themselues, both by bond and oath to sell all Gold foliate onely at one place and at one rate, both good and bad: by which meanes they haue inhaunced the price thereof a ful eight part viz. 1. d. ob. in euerie shiling, to the great impouerish­ment of the Petitioners and other his Maiesties subiects.

That the said Companie of Gold beaters exceed not 30. in number, of which nū ­ber sixe onely reape the profit of the others labours, for the residue are bound to sell all their Gold foliate to those sixe at the old rates: which sixe sell the same to the Petitioners at the new inhaunced prices.

That the said Goldbeaters are free of other seuerall Companies in London, where they still bind their Apprentices. That they vse all possible meanes to di­minish their number. So that in short time although the Goldbeaters in London will be but few, yet they will sell their Gold foliate at what prices they list for their priuat gaine, but to the preiudice of the Common Wealth.

The petitioners further shewe, That of all the Gold foliate which is spent they spend vpon the binding and adorning of bookes not aboue the value of 300 lib. per annum. the residue being spent on Coaches and other vnnecessarie things.

The Petitioners therefore most humblie praie that either the Goldbeaters maie be ordered to sell at their owne houses their Gold foliate at the old Rates. Or that the importation of Gold foliate from forraine parts may be tolerated. By which meanes not onely Gold foliate wil be sold better cheape. But also a great quantitie of Gold will be brought to his Maiesties Mint yearely, which the Goldbeaters now spend, by reason of the prohi­bition of the importation of Gold foliate from beyond the Seas.

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