[blazon or coat of arms]

The Oath of euery Free-man of the Citie of LONDON.

YEe shall sweare, that yee shall be good and true to our Soueraign Lord King Charles, & to the heires of our said Soueraigne Lord the King. Obeysant and obe­dient yee shall be to the Maior and Ministers of this City. The Franchises and Customes thereof ye shall maintaine, and this City kéepe harmlesse in that that in you is. Ye shall be Contributory to all manner of charges within this City, as Summons, Watches, Contributions, Taxes, Talla­ges, Lot and Scot, and to all other charges, bearing your part as a Frée-man ought to doe Ye shall colour no Forraigne goods, vnder or in your name, whereby the King or this City might or may lose their customes or aduantages. Ye shall know no Forraigner to buy or sell any Merchandize, with any other forraigner within this City or fran­chise thereof, but ye shall warne the Chamberlaine thereof, or some minister of the Chamber. Ye shall implead or sue no Frée-man out of this City, whiles ye may haue right and law within the same City. Ye shall take none Apprentise, but if he be Frée-borne (that is to say) no bondmans son, nor the childe of any Alien, and for no lesse terme than for seuen yéeres, without fraud or deceit: and within the first yéere yee shall cause him to be enrolled, or else pay such fine as shalbe reaso­nably imposed vpon you for omitting the same. And after his termes end, within conuenient time (being required) ye shal make him frée of this City, if he haue well and truly serued you. Ye shall also kéepe the Kings peace in your owne person. Ye shall know no gatherings, con­uenticles, nor conspiracies made against the Kings Peace, but ye shall warne the Maior thereof, or let it to your power. All these points and articles ye shal well and truly kéep, according to the lawes & customes of this City, to your power. So God you helpe.

God saue the King.

Printed by Robert Young, Printer to this Honourable City [...]

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