I. G. M.
By the Major.
WHereas the infection of the Plague is daily dispersed more & more in diuers parts of this City and the Liberties therof, aswell for that the houses infected haue not been, nor yet are kept shut vp, according to the Proclamation, and many Precepts and Orders in that behalfe made and taken, aswell by the Kings most excellent Maiestie, as by mee and my Brethren the Aldermen, as also for that the people infected, and whose houses are infected (against all honestie, humane ciuility, and good conscience, seeking as it were rather the desolation of the Citie, and of this Kingdome by dispersing of the infection, then otherwise) do daily intrude themselues into all companies, both priuate and publike, aswell at Sermons as elsewhere, and doe flocke and follow the dead to the Graue in multitudes, one still infecting another, to the displeasure of Almighty God, and great griefe of his Maiestie, to vnderstand of the destruction of his Subiects in such wilfull and desperate manner. To the end therefore that the cause of further infection, which may happen by any of the aforesaid occasions (if God be so pleased) may be taken away, and the Kings Subiects (whom in his Princely and gracious care had ouer them, he tendereth as dearely as himselfe) may be preserued from that perill. These are in Gods Name to exhort and perswade, and in his Maiesties Name straightly to charge and command all persons whatsoeuer, inhabiting within this Citie and the Liberties thereof, whose houses now are, or hereafter during this Visitation, shall be infected with the Plague, vpon their Allegiance, and due obedience, that they doe owe vnto our said Soueraigne Lord the King, to keepe their said houses shut vp, for the space of xxviii. dayes next after the buriall of any dying of the Plague out of their said houses, And that the people infected, and of the said infected houses, doe continue in their said houses, during the said time of xxviii. dayes, and none of them goe abroad, but onely for necessarie food, and with red wands in their hands, and doe not come into, or frequent any publike assemblies, nor follow the dead infected bodies to the Graue, vpon paine of his Highnesse heauy displeasure and imprisonment of their bodies so offending by the space of ten dayes, without bayle or maynprize: Requiring also, and charging all Churchwardens, Constables, Beadles of Wardes, Clarkes and Sextons of Parishes, and all other Officers and Ministers within this Citie and the Liberties thereof, euery one of them in his place and office, carefully to looke vnto the performance of the premisses, and of all other orders formerly set downe by the Lord Maior and Aldermen of this Citie for the time being, or by me and my Brethren the Aldermen, concerning the auoyding of the Plague, vpon like paine as aforesaid. Giuen at Guild Hall, the fift day of Aprill, 1625.
❧ God saue the King. ❧