[blazon or coat of arms]

[blazon or coat of arms]

❧By the Major.❧
A Proclamation for the prices of Tallow and Candles.

THe Lord Maior and Aldermen his Brethren, hauing ta­ken knowledge of the excessiue prices of Tallow & Can­dles vttered and sold within the City of London: and fin­ding vpon search and suruey made of the store of Tallow and Candles in the hand of the Tallow Chandlers, and Candlemakers, aswell English as Strangers, within this City and Liberties thereof, that diuers of them not contented with reasonable profit, in vttering and selling of Candles and Tallow, haue engrossed vnduly into their hands, great quantities both of Tallow and Can­dles, thereby to enhance the prices thereof: Inasmuch as the principall sale lieth in the hands of few. For remedy whereof, the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen, haue conceiued it very expedient and needfull, to set prices according to former presidents vpon Tallow and Candles vttered within this City. And therefore do by these presents, ordaine, publish, and declare, that no Butcher or other person whatsoeuer, shall from henceforth vtter or sell, or cause to be vtte­red or sold within this City or Liberties, any English Tallow aboue the price of twentie sixe shillings eight pence the hundred weight. And that no Tallow Chandler, Candlemaker, or other person whatsoeuer, that do, or shall make, vtter, or sell any Candles made of Tallow, within this City or Liberties thereof, shall at any time heereafter, vtter or sell, or cause to be vttered or sold, any tallow Candles aboue the prices hereafter mentioned: that is to say, good Cotton Candles for foure pence farthing the pound, and good Weeke Candles for three pence three farthings the pound, and not at any higher price or prices. And the said Butchers, Tal­low Chandlers, Candlemakers, and such other persons afore mentioned, are hereby straight­ly charged and commanded, to obey and keepe the saide rates and prices set vpon Tallow and Candles as aforesaide, vntill further order to the contrary be taken by the Lord Maior and Aldermen his Brethren, vpon paine and perill that will fall thereon.

God saue the King.

Printed at London by William Iaggard, Printer to the Honourable City of London, 1620.

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