[blazon or coat of arms]

❧An Acte of common Councell.

WHere at a court of common Councell, holden at the Guild-hall of this Citty of London, on the tenth day of Nouember, in the xxix. yeere of the raigne of our soueraigne Lady the Queenes most excellent Maiesty that now is. Before the right honorable George Bonde Lorde Maior of the saide Citty, and the right worshipfull the Aldermen his brethren, and the commons in the same common Councell assembled. It was amongest o­ther things enacted, established, and ordered: that from after the viii. day of the same moneth of Nouember, vntill the feast of the byrth of our Lord God, whych shalbe in Anno Domini, 1589. in all and euery case and causes, where the seller of any cloath or cloathes what­soeuer, Linnen or Wollen, Kersies, Fryses, Rugges, Bayes, Cottons, or other cloathes or thinges whatsoe­uer, shalbe by vertue of any Actes, custome, vsage or ordinaunces heretofore established or vsed within the sayde Citty. By common Councell or otherwise for the payment of any quantity summe or sums of money whatsoeuer vsuallie payed, or to be payed by any seller in the Citty of London, or the liberty, or the Suburbes thereof, for or by the name of Hallage: That then the buyer of all and euery such Cloath or Cloathes, Linnen or Wollen, Ker­syes, Fryses, Rugges, Bayes, Cottons or other Cloathes or thinges whatsoeuer, shall by vertue of the sayd acte be charged & chargeable to pay like quantity summe or summes of mony, as hath been, is or shalbe vsually payd or paiable by the seller. The same to be payed to the hande or handes of such person or persons, as shalbe appoynted from tyme to tyme, by the Lord Maior and courte of Aldermen for the time being, or by the gouernours of Christs Hospitall or the more part of them, for the collection of the mony which shalbe due and paiable by such sellers, to be imployed towards the charges of the buylding of Blackwel Hall. And it was likewise enacted y t if any person or persons, which after y e said xiii. day of this present moneth, shal buy or cause, or procure to be bought any such cloathes, Lynnen, Kersyes, Fryses, Rugges, Bayes, Cottons or other thinges whatsoeuer before expressed, or in true vnderstanding or meaning intended by this acte. And shall not vpon demaunde to him or them, to bee made by such person or persons, as are or shalbe appointed for collection thereof as aforesayd, before the Saterday night next after such demaund, pay or cause to be payd to the same person or persons so appoynted, or to bee ap­poynted, such quantitie summe or summes of money as is appointed, meant and truely intended by this Acte. That then euery person which shall denie or fayle to pay such quantity summe or summes of money, shall for eue­rie penny which he shall so denie, refuse, and fayle to pay, forfeite and paie the summe of iii. shillings iiii. pence, to be leuied by distresse of the goods and Cattels of such person or persons, which shall so denie, refuse and fayle, whersoeuer they shalbe foūd by such person or persons, as are or shalbe appointed as aforesayd. And it was then further enacted by th'authoritie aforesayd, y t if any cloathes, eyther Linnen or Wollen, Kersies or other things before expressed or intended by this Acte, which shalbe brought to thys Citty, shalbe harboured or receyued in anie house, Shop, Chamber, or other place within this Cittie out of Blackwell hall, or the place where cloathes shal­be appoynted to be solde. That then if such person or persons in whose house, Shop, Chamber, or place, the same cloathes or other thinges as aforesayd, shalbe so harbored or receiued, shall not before Saterday night, next af­ter demaund, pay to the Collectors appointed for y t purpose as aforesayd, or to some one of them, all such summes of mony to the vse aforesayd, as should haue beeue due for Hallage of the same cloathes or other thinges, if the same had beene brought to Blackwell hall and there bought and solde: then such person or persons, shall forfeite the sum of iii. shillings iiii pence for euery penny, which so should haue beene due. The same penalty to be recoue­red by action of debt, bill, playnt, or information, commensed or exhibited, and pursued in the Queenes Maiesties court holden in the vtter chamber of y e Guild-hall of this Citty, commonly called the Maiors courte, by and in the name of the Chamberlaine of this Citty, or else to be leuied by way of distresse by y e person or persons, which are or shalbe appoynted as aforesayd, all which summes of mony so to be recouered eyther by distresse or otherwise, ouer and aboue the charges of the sute, shalbe imployed in and about the building of the sayd Blackwell hall.

God saue the Queene.

¶Imprinted at London by Hugh Singleton, Printer for the Cittie of London.

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