❧ Articles to be enquired of, what orders haue bene put in execution, for the restreinyng of the infected of the plague, within the Citie of London and liberties thereof.
IN Primis, what nomber, what Persons, & out of whose houses, any haue dyed of the plague, since the first of August last past, Weekely, with in the sayd Citie, and liberties.
Item, what were the names of the Persons so dead, who be the Maisters & owners of the houses out of which they dyed, as also the names of the Parishes in which the sayd houses be.
Item, what Orders were taken for the restreinyng of the sayd Persons, dwellyng in the sayd houses infected, from the Company of others not infected. Whether their doores, and Shoppes, were shut vp and marked, and for how long tyme.
Item, what prouision and Order, was taken for the relief of the poore sorte in the sayd tyme of the plague, beyng by the sayd Orders restreined from goyng abroad.
Item, whether there hath bene any breach of the sayd Orders. If there haue, then by whom, & whether the sayd parties offenders, haue bene duely punished for transgressing the sayd Orders.
Item, whether there hath bene any partiallitie vsed, either in restreinyng the poore vpon infection of plague, more then the rich. Or in sparyng of the rich transgressing the good Orders taken for the stay of the infection, and punishyng the poorer sorte.
God saue the Queene.