SEEING that with Gods assistance I haue victoriously conquered this Towne of FARNABUCCO, I could not omitt according to my duty, participate vnto you, what is passed therein as farr as present tyme will permitt.

In the Bay of S. Vincent hauing found the Generall LONCK with his accompanyed Shipps, wee weare in all (after some weekes being gathered together 53. sayles of Shipps, with healthy and sickly Souldiers, sayled from thence the 26. De­cemb. 1629. towards the coasts of Brasill, where wee came the 12. February, in the clymake of 8. degrees, where there came vnto vs some Shipps and Pynnaces, which had lost vs and weare sent out before vs, so that afterwards wee weare 56. sayle; Whereafter serious deliberation wee resolued to fall vpon the Ennemy in twoo places, to witte I with 2400. Soul­diers and 300. Saylers, with 300. Saylers more to the traine being deuided in 16. Shipps, were resolued to land about 2. Myles towards the North of Fernambucco: And the Gene­rall LONCK hauing by him two other strong Companyes in the other Shipps towards the Recyf, hauing resolued the 15. February to effect our enterprise. The Generall going to the Recyf, but by reason those of the Castell had heard of our comming, they had sunck certayne shipps in the mouth of the Hauen, so that the Generalls desseyn toock noe effect allbeitt hee did his best indeauours with shott of Cannon; in the meane tyme in the afternoone I went towards the shoare in certayne Sloopes, where there did apeare many Souldiers, both foote and horse; and being landed in their sight, where­vpon the rest of our Souldiers followed out of the other Shipps with 2. Peeces that shott 3. lb Iron, and because it be­gann to growe euening, wee weare forced to lodge vpon the strand: Next morning very early I did send the Boats towards the Shipps, and separated my Troupes in three Regiments. [Page 13]The Auantguarde where I was in person, aswell in marching as in landing, was commaunded by Leftennant Eltsz: The Battell by Leftennant Steyncallenfells: The Rierguarde by Major Houcks, marching on the strand towards the Towne, comming by Rio Dolce was a smale Riuer, which wee weare forced to wade to the middle in water, where wee had the first assault, wheare the Ennemy as I am aduised weare about 1800 Men, both foote and horse, did resist vs but after a hard Skermish, and many being dead and hurt on both sides, but least of our side they weare putt to flight. Notwithstanding they had a running Riuer for their aduantage. Comming somwhat further, stood another Troupe vpon the strand, but after little resistance did also retired in the Woods, showing themselues the third tyme, durst not stay for vs; so that with all diligence seing them so frighted, I marched towards the Towne, drawing neare therevnto with the Auantguarde and Battaille, did amount vnto the Iesuitts Cloyster, where the Backgates weare bollwarckt, and wee in clyming, sawe them in the Cloyster arme themselues, but after some resistance, and hauing seene our courage, they fleyed, leauing behind them many dead and wounded, and of our Men weare also some slayne. In the meane tyme the Trenches and For­tes haueing notice heereof, and seing the Rearguarde, ma­king so hastily vpon them, after many shott with Canon, and some dead and hurt, did also flie away, leauing behinde them their Fortes which weare, after strenghtened by our Men, and so with Gods mercy are become Masters of the Towne, hauing lost in all about 50. or 60. Men.

I haue besett the Iesuits Cloyster (where I am lodged) with Trenches. The 20. February with consent of the Counsell; wee did commaund Leftennant Steyncallenfells to make an Enterprise in the night vpon the Forte that stands vpon the Recyf towards the land, whoe hath quitted himselfe therein, and stormed therevpon twoo houres long, but our lathers [Page 14]being to shorte, was thought good to retire, to saue our men with the losse of 20. dead and 40. hurt of our Men, and 12. of theirs. Wherevpon the 23. February hauing thought fitting with consent of the Counsell, to fall vpon the sayd Towne with Approaches, wherevpon present order was given for▪ preparation therevnto, which being done the 27. February▪ wee begann the Worke vnder commaund of Leftennant Eltsz, who made the same night a Trench against the Castell, betweene this Towne and the Recyf, and the day following the Battery allmost finished, and when Major Houcx went to relieue him, I went thether also and stayed there till the day following till the Battery was finished: and three half Cannon planted therevpon, and hauing shott all that day and next day being the second currant, hauing also shott the whole morning till about 9. a cloack, began to parle with mee, and sett vp a white sheete, sending a Captaine vnto vs with whom I haue agreed, that they leauing the Forte, shall departe without ancient or burning Matches, leauing behinde them all Artillery, as also all Amunition and Provision, which wee thinck they haue caste in the Sea and carryed away, because wee found none therein. Further wee urged them to promise not to rayse any Armes against the States in 6. Moneths. This being done, wee thought fitting to demaund the other Castel vpon the Recyf, which layes in the Sea. In the meane tyme the Generall, the Admirall and Vice-Admirall had notice thereof, who comming did approue thereof, and was putt in practise by sending a Drumme, and they sent out a Leften­nant, but leauing another in hostage, with whom by authori­ty from his Commandor wee agreed vpon conditions as for­merlie, which beeing presentlie subscribed one both sides, they marched out, and so in the afternoone wee were master of both Forts and Hauen, as also of the whole Recyf. The next day beeing the 3. March, wee gaue order to the Lieu­tennant Steyncallenfelts to make an assault vpon the Iland of [Page 15]Antonio Va [...] cituated ouer against the Village of the Re­cyf, which he [...] put in practise, and beeing sett ouer found noe bodie, there God bee praised, all beeing fled at the newes of the goeing ouer of the Towne and Castles, so that hee lod­ged his Troupe in the Cloister vpon the Iland, where with the Towne and strong Holdes are all in our command none excepted, wee haueing wanted in this exploict the principa­lest Souldiours, which are yet behinde where my best men are, yea myn owne Companie, where is wanting all the Offi­cers and aboute 1800. Men not manie more or les. I doubt not but my Lords the Directors of the West-India Compa­nie will secunde vs in this Victorie, to the ende they maye in time enioye the fruites hereof, and beeing as it is in effect a place (beeing secunded) invinceable of good tempe­tance, haueing good water and good flesh, a place where most of the Trafique of all Brasill hath beene driuen, and beeing once setled in peace, by Gods grace shall bee driuen againe, and is abel to keepe in subiection all Brasill. With which I hope through the afright, which is in the whole Land, to make such a progres in the Land, that your Highnesses shall haue an euerlasting name thereby, and so with this place keepe all the coast of Brasill in aw, and take awaye all there Traffique and the Navigation, which is the onelie meanes to withdraw the Traffique of these parts from our common Enimie the King of Spanie, and so bring the Inhabitants to a mutuale friendship and Aliance.

The good God blesse and prosper your Highnesses, and make you nursers of his people, to the praise and glorie of his holie name, and confusion of his and our Enimies.

Was subscribed your Highnes humble Seruant D. V. WEERDENBURGH.

DECLARATION OF T [...] [...]

A the greate Fort vpon the Land-Recif, ca [...] [...]orge.

B the Fort vpon the Sea-Recif.

C a niew began Fort.

D Povo or Village by the Pack houses.

E Povo the Haven.

F the smale Fort vnder the Towne.

G the Iesuites Colledge.

H the greate Church.

I S. Berto.

K Carmo.

L S. Iuan.

M R. de la Vada.

  • 1. Iesütten Kirch
  • 2. Grosse Kirch
  • 3 Das Giesshaiss.
  • 4 Hafen do die Schiffversüneken worden
  • 5. Kl [...] Schantz under der Stadt
  • 6 Grost [...] Schantz [...]ff [...] Land Reciff
  • 7 Schantz [...]ffder See Re [...]ff
  • 8. Packh [...]tiser so im Brank stehen
  • 9 Brenn ende Barche [...]
  • 10 Al [...]ier ist das volck [...]ns Land ges [...] worden

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