¶A Thankesgiuing and Prayer for the safe Child-bearing of the Queenes MAIESTIE.

O Eternall God and mercifull Father, since lineall Succession is vnder thee the great security of Kingdomes, and the very life of peace: Wee therefore giue thee most humble and hearty thankes, for the great blessing which thou hast begun to worke for our Royall King Charles, and this whole State, in gi­uing the Queenes Maiestie second hopes of a long desired Issue. And as we giue thee hearty and bounden thankes for this; so wee humbly pray thee to perfect this great blessing thus begunne, to preserue her from all dangers, and to be with her by spe­ciall assistance in the houre of Trauell. Lord make her a happy Mother of successefull Children, to the increase of thy Glory, the comfort of his Maiestie, the ioy of her owne heart, the safety of the State, and the preseruation of the Church and true Religion amongst vs. Grant this euen for Iesus Christ his sake, our onely Sauiour and Redeemer, Amen.

LONDON. Printed by Robert Barker and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.D.C.xxix.

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