¶ The Letanie and Suffrages.
O God, the father of heauen haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners.
O God the father of heauen: haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners.
O God the sonne, redemer of the worlde: haue mercye vpon vs miserable synners.
O God the sonne, redemer of the world: haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners
O God the holy ghoste, proceding from the father and the Sonne: haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners.
O God the holy ghoste, procedyng from the father and the sonne: haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners.
O holye, blessed, and glorious Trinitie, thrée persones and one God: haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners.
[Page] O holye, blessed, and glorious Trinitye, three persons and one God: haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners.
Remember not Lord our offē ces, nor the offēces of our fore fathers, neither take thou vengeaūce of our sinnes: spare vs good Lorde, spare thy people, whō thou hast redemed wyth thy most precious bloude, and be not angry with vs for euer
Spare vs good Lord.
From al euil and mischief, frō sinne, from the craftes and assaultes of the deuyl, from thy wrathe, and from euerlastyng dampnacion.
Good Lorde delyuer vs.
From al blindnes of hart, frō pride, vainglory, and Hipocrisy, from enuy, hatred and malice, [Page]and all vncharitablenes.
Good Lord delyuer vs.
From fornication, and all other deadly sinne, and from al the deceites of the worlde, the flesh, and the deuyll.
Good Lord delyuer vs.
From lightnings & tempests, from plage, pestilence, and famine from battaile, and murder, and from sodayne death.
Good Lorde delyuer vs.
From all sedicion and pryuye conspiracie, from all false doctrine and heresye, from hardnesse of harte, and contempte of thy woorde and commaundement.
Good Lord delyuer vs.
By the mistery of thy holy incarnaciō, [Page]by thy holy natiuitie and circumcision, by thy baptisme, fasting, and temptacion
Good Lorde delyuer vs.
By thyne agonie and bloudye sweate, by thy crosse and passion, by thy precious death and buriall, by thy glorious resurrection and ascention, & by the comming of the holy ghost.
Good Lord delyuer vs.
In al time of our tribulacion, in al time of our wealth, in the houre of death, and in the daye of indgement.
Good Lorde delyuer vs.
We synners dooe beseche thee to heare vs, O Lord God, and that it maye please thee to rule and gouerne thy holy churche vniuersall in the right way.
[Page] We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it may please the to kepe Elizabeth thy Seruaunt, our Quene and Gouernour.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it may please the to rule her hart, in thy faith, feare and loue, and that she mai alwaies haue affiaunce in thee, and ever seke thy honor and glory.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it may please thee to be her defēder & keper, giuing her the victory ouer al her enemies
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it may please thee to illuminate al bishops, pastours and ministers of the Churche, with true knowledge and vnderstanding of thy worde, and that both by their preachyng [Page]& liuing, they may set it forth and shewe it accordingly.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it may please thee to endue the lordes of the counsail, and al the nobiliti, with grace wisedome, and vnderstanding
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it maye please thee to blesse & keepe the magistrates giuing them grace to execute iustice, and to maintain truth
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it maye please thee to blesse and kepe all thy people.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it maye please thee to geue to all Nacions, vnitye, peace, and concord.
We bescehe thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it mai please the to giue [Page]vs an harte to loue and dreade thee, and diligently to liue after thy commaundementes.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it mai please the to giue al thy people encrease of grace to heare meekely thy woorde, and to receiue it with pure affection, and to bring forth the fruites of the spirite.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it maye please thee to bryng into the way of truthe, al suche as haue erred and are deceyued.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it maye please thee to strengthen suche as do stand, and comfort & help the weake harted, and to rayse vp theym that fall, and small ye to beate [Page]down Sathan vnder our fete,
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it may please the to succour, help, and comfort, al that be in daunger, necessitye, and tribulacion.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it may please the to preserue all that trauaile by land or bi water, al womē laboring of child, al sick persons & yong children, and to shew thy pity vpon all prisoners & captiues.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it may please thee to defend & prouide for the fatherlesse childrē and widowes, and al that be desolate & oppressed.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it maye please thee to haue mercy vpon all men.
[Page] We beseche thee to heare vs good Lorde.
That it may please the to forgiue our enemies, persecutors and sclaunderers, and to turne their hartes.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lord.
That it may please the to giue and preserue to oure vse the kindly fruites of the earth, so that in due tyme we maye enioy them.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lorde.
That it may please the to giue to vs true repentaunce, to forgeue vs all our, synnes, negligences and ignoraūces, and to endue vs with the grace of thy holy spirit, to amend our liues accordyng to thy holy worde.
We beseche thee to heare vs good Lorde.
Sonne of God, we beseche the [Page]to heare vs.
Sonne of God, we beseche thee to heare vs.
O lambe of God, that takest away the sinnes of the worlde.
Graunt vs thy peace.
O lambe of God, that takest away the synnes of the world.
Haue mercye vpon vs.
O Christ heare vs.
O Christ heare vs.
Lord haue mercy vpon vs.
Lorde haue mercye vpon vs.
Christ haue mercy vpon vs.
Christ haue mercye vpon vs.
Lord haue mercy vpon vs.
Lorde haue mercye vpon vs.
Our father whych art in. &c. And suffer vs not to be led into temptation.
But delyuer vs from euyll. Amen.
The V
O Lorde deale not wyth vs after our synnes.
The Aunswere.
Neither rewarde vs after our iniquities.
Let vs pray.
O God merciful father that despisest not the sghyng of a contrite hart, nor y
e desire of such as be sorowful, mercifullye assist our prayers, y
t wee make before the in al our troubles and aduersities, whēsoeuer they oppresse vs, and graciously heare vs, that those euils, which the craft and subtiltie of the deuil or man worketh against vs, be brought to nought, and by the prouidēce of thy goodnes, they maye be dispersed, that we thy seruantes, beyng hurt by no persecutiōs,
[Page]may euermore giue thankes vnto thee in thy holy churche: through Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen.
O Lorde, aryse, helpe vs, and delyuer vs, for thy names sake.
O God, we haue heard w t our cares, and our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes y t thou didst in their daies▪ and in the old tune before the.
O Lorde aryse, helpe vs, and delyuer vs, for thyne honour.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, and to the holy gost As it was in the beginning is now, and euer shall be worlde without ende. Amen.
From our enemies defend vs, O Christ.
Graciously looke vpon our afflictions.
[Page] Pitifully behold the dolour of our hart.
Mercyfully forgeue the sine of thy people.
Fauourabli with mercy heare our prayers.
O sonne of Dauid haue mercye vpon vs.
Bothe now and euer vouchesafe to heare vs, O Christ.
Graciously heare vs, O Christ.
Graciously heare vs, O Lord Christ.
The Versicle.
O Lord let thy mercy be shewed vpon vs.
The Aunswere.
As we do put our trust in thee.
Let vs pray.
WE humblye beseche thee O father, mercyfullye to looke vpon our infirmities, and for the glory of thy name sake, tourne from vs those euilles that we most ryghtously
[Page]haue deserued: And graunt that in all our troubles, wee may p
[...]ur whole trust & confidence
[...]ercye, and euer more seru
[...]ee in holines and purenes of lyuyng to thy honour and glorye, through our onelye mediatoure and aduocate Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.
O God, whose nature and propertie is, euer to haue mercye and to forgeue, receiue oure humble peticions: and though we be tyed and bound with the chaine of our sinnes, yet lette the pytyfulnes of thy great mercy lose vs: for the honour of Iesus Christes sake, our mediatour and aduocate.
[Page] ALmighty and euerlasting God, which onely workest great maruciles: sende downe vpon our Bisshops and curates, and al congregacions cō mitted to their charge, y e helthfull spirite of thy grace, & that they maye truelye please thee: Poure vpon them the continuall dewe of thy blessing: graūt this, O Lorde, for the honour of our aduo [...] [...]nd mediator Iesus Christ. Amen.
GRaunt we besech thee, O almighty God, that we in our trouble put our whole confidence vpon thy mercy, that we agaynste al aduersitie, bee defended vnder thy protection graunt this, O lorde God, for [Page]our onely mediatoure and aduocate Iesus Christes sake. Amen.
☞ A prayer of Chrisostome.
ALmighty GOD, which hast giuen vs grace at this time with one accord, to make our common supplications vnto thee, and doest promise that when two or three be gathered together in thy name, y u wylt graunt their requestes: fulfyll now, O Lord, the desires and peticions of thy seruauntes, as may be most expedient for theym: grauntyng vs in thys world, knowledge of thy truth, and in the world to com, life euerlasting. Amen.