THE POORE MANS CRY. Wherein Is shevved the present miserable estate of mee IOHN LILBƲRNE, Close prisoner in the Fleete.

ALSO An humble Petition to his Maiesties Honorable privy Councill, for meantenance that I famish not.

Pro. 21.13. Who so stoppeth his eares at the cry of the poore, he also himselfe shall cry and not be heard.
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Published by a backe friend of the English Popish Prelates, 1639.

Courteous Reader:

IT is not without the special wisdome of God, to set forth the king­dome of Antichrist vnder the name & title of a Beast: For looke as Beasts do exercise all kinde of cruelty, and no favour is to be expected from them: so it is with the inhuman Prelates, their delight is only in the blood of the Saints: and as for Pittie, Compassion, Charritie &c. there is no more in them then in Dogs. I could giue many instances Witnes lately their offering of two hun­dred pounds to one in London, to betray his friend into their bloody hands. It seemes there is now some scarsity a­mong these Wolues, that they will giue soe much monie for one poore sheep. of their beast-like doings this way: but it needs not, considering how the same is already knowne vnto all men in all places. Besides in this short Relation, thou shalt haue as much proued as I do here affirme of them: namely that they are without naturall affections, inhumane, barberous. Such as Please not God, and are contrarie to all men 1 Thess, 2.15. fulfilling herein (as did Iudas) the Prophesies recorded of thē in the Revelation, viz. to be Serpents, Scorpions, and the Spirits of Divels, making warre against the Saints and to overcome them.

The consideration of whose cruelty, is to advertise euery faithfull man, to looke to it, that he well prepare himselfe; to fight with these Beasts, that so whensoever the Lord shall call him to warree this way, he may by the power of the Lambe overcome, and possesse the Crowne of life.

Thy exiled friend and namelesse Country-man.

To all the people of God, that loue the Lord Iesus Christ in truth and sincerity, and desire the vvelfare and prosperity of his poore afflicted Saints & Seruants.

DEarely beloued Brethren, and fellow heires of the same Kingdome and Crowne of Glory with mee. I am at this present constrained to declare vnto If we will be like vnto God we must haue our eares open to heare the cry of the oppressed, and our hāds ready to releeve them in what we are able. you, and truely to say with the Prophet Jeremiah, in the third of his Lamen­tations, that I am the man that haue seene & felt afflictions, by the rod of Gods wrath. Also I am aboue measure forced to send forth vnto you, and cry out aloud, to make my grievous deplorable & lamentable com­plant, knowne vnto you, of the barberous cruelty & tiranies, that Prelates and Iaylors haue for a long time together, and still do, exercise vpon mee, labouring by vnheard of cruelty, to take away my life privatly This hath been constantly their practice, barberously to mur­der the Saints in se­cret: knowing their cause to be so wicked, that if it should come to be openly discouered all good men would detest it & them. in a hole and corner, that so it might be noysed abroad, not daring in regard of my vnspotted innocency, to bring me againe into the publique view of the Kingdome, and therefore doe they tortour my poore weake body, with vnparaleld Paganish and Heathenish cruelty. Howsoever wee cannot but greeve to heare of such cruell sufferings: yet wee maie herein rejoyce, that we se these mar­ked slaves of Antich. so farre to fulfill the scriptures, as that we may infallibly con­clude, that they are the Locusts which came out of the bot­tomlesse pit.

A breife Relation of part of which, you may read after these lines, in my Humble Petition to the Noble Lords for mean­tenance, which J sent the last week to the Wardens of the Fleete, having leave of them for a Scribe to write it, and they kept it all night, and Warden Jugram sent me this word back againe: that he would deliuer no Petitiō vnles I would recant and submitt. That is, turne Papist and see he might be sure to haue liberty enough, and prefer­ment also. J answered him back again, that if any of my adversaries would shew mee wherein I had broken any of my Soveraignes Lawes, J would submit without any conditions, [Page 4]to all that they wovld desire of mee. Or if they see that I am erronious in my Iudgment, J would dispute it with them, and if they could groundedly, by the authority of the word of God, shew and proue, that I hold one errour. I will be bound pub­liquely to recant, in every Citty of the Kingdome. And I said to my Keeper at severall times, and so I do still, I desire no favour at his hands, nor any Bishop in the Kingdome, for if I be an offender, I desire the extreamity of the law may be in­flicted vpon me to the vtmost, for J had rather (I professe vnto you) chuse to morrow to dy at Tyburne or It is no marvaile that the Scotsmen will haue no Bishops among them. Consi­dering that it is bet­ter, that aman were put to the cruelst death that could be devised, then to be vnder their hands. Smithfield, then to bee still induring of my Constant Extraordinarie bodily paines and torments, which haue been so great, that I do as­sure you many times, they haue almost distracted me of my sences. And if they will not do this, then seeing my owne estate is spent, and all my kindred hath from the beginning left mee: Gods people when they suffered vnder the pagans, had this favour shewed them: that ther friēds might come freely to them: & supply their wāts. But the Prelates for cruelty are far worse then the Heathens, for when they once get a man into their prison, they will not suffer any body to vi­sit him, but rather do seeke by some secret way to murder him. & my weake condition is so exceeding chargable vnto me, standing mee in more in one week now, then would keep me fiue weekes if I were wel, And also seing that any that will take compassiō of my low estate, are not suffered to come at me, to releeue mee, I desired the Warden (having none at all to do it for me besides him) that hee according to his place & office, would truly make my miserable condition known to to the LORDS, that J may haue a competant allowance from them to sustaine nature, that so I may not perish in this deplo­rable & weake condition, and this (said I) hee being my chiefe Keeper, hee is bound to do it, at his & your perrell be it, for I know if my innocent blood should this night by cruelty be takē awaie, the Lord would raise vp some, that will require of you & him, a strict account how it was shed: & though you keep me so close, that there be but few at my death, yet you knowe not what great troupes may com to my burial: Who shall accom­pany thy body to the grave I know not: But this J know Angels shall accompany thy soule to Heaven. But as for that blood s [...]cker Laud: J verily beleeve (except he repent) the Devill will accompany him to hell torment. remember but the late great multitude Such a company would follow Laud and his crew If they knew when the king & state would hang them at Tiburne. that came to the Fleet, & attended M, Burton & M. Prinne out of the Cittie, and if any thing but [Page 5]good follow vpon this, you & hee are the sole cause of it, ther­fore as you wil answer it before King and State, look to it, for I am my Soveaignes faithfull and leige subject Let it be observe that it was never yee seene (nor I hope shall be) that ther was any man of his profession iustly tainted for a Traitor to the King & cuntry, whereas the Prelates in all ages since the Devill erected them haue beē proved the most noto­rious traitors that ever were in the world, & might iusttice take place, it would bee proved that they who are now aliue are notorious ones. yea one as faith­full to his Crowne as any whatsoever that breathes in all his Dominions, for if it can be proued that ever I broke any of his lawes, I will submit vnto, and suffer whatsoever authoritie wil laie vpon mee: therefore be not you & hee the Bishops Agents to take awaie my life in my close imprisonment, for you vse me worse & more tiranically, then ever any traitour in England was vsed, yea worse then the Gun-powder traitours were vsed. I haue read a great part of the Booke of Martyrs, with some Histories of the like kinde: and J will meantaine it, that such an vnparaleld Act of crueltie and barborous tiranie, as haue been exercised vpon mee, is not to be found in them all. Yea wicked bloodie Bonner Seing thier wick ednes is come to such a height, & fulnesse, and they doe go be­yond in cruelty the crelst Tirants that e­ver were: My hope is that their destruction & ruin is at hād. and that hee will cause the lād to spue them out, and so s [...]nd them packing to their owne place. Amen Amen. himselfe, never did the like to any of the Saints as haue been done vnto mee, for while they lived, he would either suffer their friends to come at them, to releeue them, or else he would allow them meantenance to preserue life in them, but neither of these can I enjoy, also hee would dispute with them himselfe, and send for others likewise to do it, and vse all meanes to winne them to himselfe, but none of these haue I yet found, though J haue often desired it: and promised to recant, if it could be shewed that I held any errors. Againe hee would take away their lines, Without doubt the Prelates would do so too, but are restrained: Now it is humlby desired, that they who thinke it not fit that the Bishops should haue their will in taking our lines away: that they suffer them not in the meane time to use us worse. if they broke any of the lawes or would not submit vnto them, but though I haue not broken any of the Kings lawes, and haue offered so faire as I haue done, and haue desired & longed to meet with death, yet can I not be rid of my misery, but you keep me in a tormen­ting When these Tormentours feele hell torments, then they will know what it is to torment others, condition, full of extreamitie and bodiliepaine, that I can neither get ease sitting nor lying, being vnable to go with­out great miserie, being alwaies as it were in the panges of death, & yet cannot meet with it. But said I to M. Iohn Murry & M. Morgan a Papist, tell the Warden from mee, that [Page 6]vnlesse the Bishopps, by the law of the land, and the word They can shew as much word of God for what they doe; as they doe shew mercy and goodnesse in their actions: and that is in both none at all. of God, will shew me my offence, I will never submit, nor re­cant, in the least, while breath is in my body, and therefore it is but in vaine to h [...]pe for it, for if he and I should liue toge­ther as longe as Methusalah did, which was almost a thou­sand yeares, yet he should never get mee to goe against the sweet peace of a good conscience, or recant that which J am perswaded is a truth, yea if hee should exercise all the cruelty in the world upon mee, though he should locke mee in an Iron chest, that I could neither stirre hand nor foote, and feede me with channell water, and with bread made of saw dust, hee might well take away my life and beeing from the earth, but he should never make me goe, against my consci­ence, for I am kept by the power of God, through faith vnto salvation, and Crowne of glory that is so rich in my eyes, that I dare not deny Christ, nor his truth, though all the crueltie in the world should be inflicted upon mee, least he deny mee before his father, which is in heaven: Yet most miserable it is, that I should perish by cruelty, in my close condition, being a faithfull subject to the King, & neuer broke any of his lawes. And let my tormentors looke to it, as they will answer it, for I haue heard that the Honorable Lords, Howsoever the Bishops do cause the Godly to be cruelly vs­ed in Preson. Yet I am perswaded that neither the King nor the Temporall Lords of his majesties coun­cil, do know of it. For it is not possible if they did that they would suffer it, considering how much it is a­gainst nature to ex­ercise cruelty vpō any creature: much lesse on man who carries Gods owne image. which haue beene made acquainted with my cruell vsage, protested they would not beleeue, that the Warden dealt so with mee: this with much more that then I said, with some prisoners taking notice of my condition, but especially Sr. Richard Gravenner, a worshipfull Knight, J do not marvaile that the knight would not receive it for a­truth. For the truth is: such is their cru­elty shewed to such as are against their pla­ces, that vnles it were seen with the eyes, one would scarce beleeve it. For this I do affirme & will make it good: that no Rogue in any Iayle of the Land, is so basely & barberously handled. Not that the Keepers desire to vse thē so, but are charged secretly by the Bb. so to do, & threatened to loose their places if they shew favour to them. who sent to the Warden about it, which I think put him in some feare, that he durst not well denie my reasonable request, in delivering my petition, so hee sent a scribe to me, to draw it oner a gaine, and to leave out the most of it, espe­ciallie about my lying in Irons in my sicknesse, which I would not leave out, This shewes that their cruelty is exercised only by the Bishops meanes. only I omitted this clause, who suffers for his conscience sake, which was most accepted against, and the old [Page 7]women that tends mee, delivered the petition againe to him vpon tuesday last, tobedeliuered it to the Lords the next day, but he put me of with delaies, that neither vpon wednesdaie at night, nor yet vpon thursdaie could I not in the least know, what was done in it, vntill this present Frydaie morning, that my keeper after many sendings for him, befor he would come at me, told me the Warden had deliuered it to the Clarke of the counsell, but it was not yet answered, yea but (said I) was it deliuered to the Lords, and read before them or no, for it may be deliuered to the Clarke of the counsell, and yet ne­ver come to their eares, or hands, that I know not saith hee, I pray you then tell the Warden, that I desire to know of him, whither it were delivered to the Lords, yea, or no, or whi­ther hee will deliuer it, which if he refuse to doe, I having none to do any thing about it for mee, as hee, and you verie well know, for all my kindred hath left mee, in regard the Bishop of Canterburie, Was there ever such a Tiran [...] heard o [...]: that seekes to un­do whole families, for the mallace which he beares to some perticular persons. If there were nothing else to stirre up the hearts of people against him this were enough. in reveng, hath fallen upon my Father, about his outward estate, hauing now for a longe time together, beene in suit, for all his land, which suit hath cost him many a thousand pound, and hath beene heard before the King, and Nobles, and all the Iudges of the land, and the Bishop I know not how that Judge did an­swer the Caterpil­lar J should say Kan kerbury: But if I had heard him speak it. J should haue set my eyes upon him, and said unto him as Paul did to his Bro­ther E [...]imas the sor­cerer, O full of all suttilty, and all mis­chiefe, thou child of the Divell, thou e­nimy of all righte­ousnes, wilt thou not cease to per­vert the right ways of the Lord. in priuate, hath spoken to the Iudges of the Circuit, a­gainst my Father, for my sake, which one of thē told my eldest Brother of, and this hath bred mee a sore affliction, from all my kindred, but especiallie frō my Father This is on of their common practises: to set the father against the sonne, the King against the Subject. But Christ will set himselfe against them one day., which hath made him write to my youngest Brother, here in London, to beware of mee, and my stepps, for I haue beene the greatest griefe vnto him, that ever came to him, soe that I haue noe friend left that I know of, to follow it for mee.

Therefore in regard the Warden deales so with me, J shall be forced to proclaime abroad & make the Kingdome ring The Kingdome rings enough already with the Prelates cruelty, for they are minded by all sorts of people good & had, a most bloody generation: insomuch as the nation is weary of them: & desire to he rid of them, as of their sorest & greatest plague,, with his and the Prelaes cruelty towards mee, seing they still do, as formerly they haue done; by all meanes possible, that [Page 8]my Iust and murnefull complaint, might not come vnto the Honorable Lords This hath beene their constant prac­tise: to keepe from the King and State their secret & bloody acts: for they wel know that if it should be known how many they make away in Prison, by hard vsage: they wold smart for it. eares, and therefore I must be constrained to condeavour to get one delivered whether he will or no, and make him it may be, smart for his vnwarrantable cruelty, that hee inhumanly hath exercised vpon mee, not only since I came into your custody, but also before: who kept me close prisoner, well nigh foure monthes together, before my cruell publique suffering, and would not suffer me to take the ayre, the space of one houre: though J haue often sent to him and desired it. For which close imprisonment, hee himselfe told me, hee had no order from the Lords, Hee meanes the Temporall Lords. for doubtles he knew that it was the Prelates desire, that he should vse him as Cruellie as could be: besides I do beleeve, that were it not to giue them con­tent, no keeper in the Land would shew soe much inhumanity & barberousnes as some doe. neither would he shew me any, but said all my punishment was little enough for me: because I was so refractory and stubborne, when before his face J desired to know wherin, & this J will depose vpon my oath before King & State. For (hee) I verily beleeue kept me vp at the Bishops private instagation, Thou mayst be sure of that. for is there any basensse vsed to­wards Gods people: but they are cheife causers of it. but coloured it over with another pre­tence: because J was not able to procure two Aldermens fel­lows, according to his demande, of two thousand pouud bond, for my safe imprisonment, when he had me vnder many locks, & I being as peaceable a prisoner as any in the Fleete.

This and much more of his cruelty exerised vpon me from time to time, as J am able larglie to particular, which I thinke he will not be able to answer, & therfore he dares nor let my miserable estate be made known vnto the Lords, for feare he himselfe smart soundly for it, being a maine cause of it.

But tell him from mee, that I am almost murdered with cruelty, my strength being gone and my life euen at deaths doore. therefore J do protest in the presence of God, if I haue not speedy redresse oue way or another, I will proclaime a­loude his & the Prelates wickednes & barberous tyrany. And know this for thy comfort that many thousands of vs, do cry aloud in thy behalfe; & for many other sufferers with thee, vnto the Lord, that he would avenge himselfe on his enimies. And J beleeve Gods wrath is not farre from them. & I dovbt not but to make him and them smart for it: seeing he will not according to his place (the Lords having sent to him & my Doctour: to know how it is with mee) make them truely [Page 9]acquainted how submissiue I am to any reasonable demande, as I declared to his face when I was last before him, but seekes by cruelty to take away my life: hoping in regard of my great weaknes and paine, that J will suddenly die, and there wilbe an end of me. And then may saie This hath beene anciently their practice when they mur­dered the Saints in prison by barbarous usage; to devise notorious lyes for their excuse, but the Lord who sees their wick­ednesse will bring them forth one day for it, to their shame before men and An­gels. I dyed of long sicknes and weaknesse, and so colour over their tyrany and crueltie, for he dares not let his and the Bishops crueltie be knowne, but seeks by all means to hide it from the Noble Lords No doubt the noble Lords & Peeres doe know a great deal of their treachery, & villany: yet not halfe of it, for it is one of their speciall imploymēts to keep from the King and state the knowledge of their base actions, and hence it is that they striue soe much to suppresse al books that are writen in the discouery of their actions, for they wel known, should the land know what they doe it would spue them out. & Peeres of the Land, whom I know haue more Humanity, Nobilitie and mercie in their heroycall breast: then for nothing & with­out any just offence, to take awaie a poore young mans life in a corner. Now the very speaking of these things (to some of my compassionate friends, that came vp to my lodging to se me, who would receiue no wrong of my Keeper) hath struck him to the very heart, and made him looke soe paile as if he would haue fallen down dead at my bed side, & it so affrighted him: that now he will not let any come to me, but hath refused to let many come at me, that haue desired to cōmunicate to my necessities, neither can I now scarce get himselfe to come vp to mee. But (saith hee) that which you set your hand too, (before Sr. John Bankes) hath vndone you, well if it haue (said I) yet I am sure there is nothing in it, either against the King or his lawes Its true I accused the Bishops of High Treason, So much hath beene from time to time offered to bee proued, in the chiefest Courts of the Land, yea if some parliament had stood they would haue been ere this time censured & executed for Traytors, & this they know well enough, insomuch as a Parliament; to them, is as Drake was to the Spaniard. & mentioned the Parliament lawes of the Land for proofe of it. Also their publique renouncing of the King and State, in the Censure of Noble Doctor Bastwick, in the High Commission Court. And J offered vpon my life to make it good, and this I spake. also before many Prisoners through the grates of my window, desiring them beare wittnesse of this: and much more which I then spake, and now againe to you my Brethren; vnderstand­ing well what I say, and J will affirme it: that all the Bishops in England that had a hand in the Censuring of Dr. Bastwick in the High Commission Court, are Traytours to the King & [Page 10] State, as I will proue by severall Acts of Parliamet, vpon paine of loosing my head; if I may haue a legall proceeding against them. Therefore make it knowne: Jt is made known to the whole nation, and proved clearely in many Bookes, as the Abreviate Syons Plea, &c. Besides the people generally take them no other­wise. for hee that conceales Treason, (by the lawes of the Land) is guilty of punishment, as well as the Traitour himselfe, therefore looke to it, for J am able to proue what J say. But as for my Petition, J am out of all hopes of any releefe by it, in regard it is not yet, neither do I think it wil ever be delivered to the Lords by the Warden. And also I do verily thinke it will be found, that hee and the Bishops as J haue accused them before mauy witnesses: even the same day fell sicke, and as J haue formerly said, they haue conspired together, by tiranicall cruelty, of set purpose to take awaie my life and blood, which is almost spent alreadie that so I might not liue to make (their Pagan like wickednes and barberous tirnanie) knowne. And therefore was I laid in Irones for a long time together, even in my sicknesse, in which I laid night and day, with my hands and feet fast in the Fetters, my Bootes & stockens being on my legs for many nights together, Without (I verilie thinke,) the least order from the Honorable, Lords, they hoping by this meanes, to put an end to my daies, which they haue almost done. For as I then tould my Doctor, the coldnesse of my Irones, they being verie straite vpon the wrists of my Armes, which struck an ague soe to my heart, that J thought I should haue dyed in a sudden fitt of paine. when none was with mee, and I verily thinke it had killed me ere this, if I had not followed my Doctours advise, in being at charges to get a wider made, which sent for to the Smiths, my Keeper delaying to do it for mee, though I much desired it of him: that so I might haue wrapped cloaths enough about it, to keep awaie the peircing cold, which proceeded from the coldnesse of the Irones. It is a thing which the Prelates doe much labour about, namely to perswade the King and his Councill that the Puritants in writings against their cruelty do greatly disgrace the Government of the Land. But if the thing were truly cō ­sidered; that which hath made the Eng­lish nation Contemptible in the eyes of the world, is the in­humane practises of Bishoppes, for where shall a man heare of so vile and bloody a practice as this.

O yee Heavens and earth, that is to say: you true Churches & Christian Common wealths, (as you are called) stand amazed [Page 11]and wonder: at the barberous and savadge crueltie, (of bloody Bishops & Iaylours) exercised vpon mee, a poore weake and young stripling, without any just cause at al, only because I love the Lord Iesus Christ & am a faithfull subject to my Prince, Were thou not a faithfull subject to thy Prince, the Pre­lates would never hate thee, for what Priest or Iesuit haue they ever so hādled. & Country, and wil not suffer (as much as in me lies) to be ruinated by Ambitious, Treacheros popish Prelats. For if my strēgth of bodie (which is now exceeding weake) would serue, and a fit oppertunity, I could write a large & Lamentable complaint vnto you, that one would hardly beleeue: Yes? many would beleeve it. For it is certain, & I here re­port it of knowledg; that in all the Popish countries where I haue beene, there is not that cruelty now exercised by Bis. any where, as there is in England. The Pre­lates in Poland, Spaine, France, are not halfe so vile. Much lesse sinne as those doe against knowledge and con­science. that ever such barberous crueltie should (be in England) vpon a poor weak and innocent young man. Now this may make your spirits within you to faile: in rememberance of your great sinne & want of courage, It is iust vvith God, that he should keepe these Canaa­nites amongst us: as pricks in our side, in regard wee shew not our selves more zealous of his glory in the releefe of our Brethren. in looking to me in my great & sore sicknesse, that you laboured not for some redresse for mee; who haue suffered al that I haue done, for the glorie of God, and your good and welfare, to free you from bloody tiranicall Lordly Prelates. Oh therefore remember what the Angell of the Lord said, Iudgs 5. Curse ye Meroze with a bitter curse, because the inhabi­ants thereof came not out to the help of the Lord against the mighty. And the spirit of God in Jeremiah 48. saith, Cursed be he that doth the work of the Lord negligently & carelesly. Now you being the Lords people, you are bound to do his worke: and to second those that do it, [...] they who haue brauely fought a­gainst the Bish. had beene followed my minde giues me they had been dovvn ere this time, I do not meane any fighting vvith carnall Weapons, but professing openly and boldly the truth, and suffering chearfully for it. to the vtmost of your power. But how you haue failed in doing this duty of loue to mee, judg yee, for I am now in Pauls condition when hee first answered before Nero, had none to stand by him, but all forsooke him. Ah my Brethren if at the last there be any couraige in you for Christ and his truth, or any bowels of mercie and compassion in you towards mee, his faithfull and innocent servant that suffers for his truth, I humblie beseech & intreate you to looke with loue and a fauourable eye vpon my low estate, and suffer me not to loose my life in a hole and corner, and so perish in my deplorable condition. Which if you do not looke the better to [Page 12]mee, to make mee some speedy helpe, otherwise I am like shortly to loose my life, for I do protest in the presence of my God from my verie soule, that I am dailie affraid, that I shall pri­vatelie be murdered, There be many that do think so too; and haue an eye at thy condition. Now if things fall not out wel; we do not doubt but justice will yet take place amongst us, if not the Lord will right the poore mans case. by secret cruel practises from William Laud the great Prelate and traytour of Canterburie, & Iames Jugram the cruell tinannicall corrupt Machavillion warden of the Freete. And therefore once more for our Christ his sake J earnestlie desire you, that some of you would by all faire & peaceable meanes, labour for some redresse for mee, by taking this my following petition, to deliuer to the King, Oh, that it vvould please his Majestie but to here once the case of his poor sub­jects, and to take in­formatiō vvhat they suffer at the hands of the Prelates. I am persvvaded, vvere he rightly possessed of their doings, hee vvould be so farre frō putting forth his little singer to esta­them in Scotland, as that he vvould soone vvith both hands cast them out of Englād. or to the Lords, and acquaint them if it bee possible trulie and throughly with my deplorable miserie and lamentable condi­tion, and to the shame of England, & all true hearted English men, I am like for my innocencie to be murdered in my close, cruell imprisonment, hauing to my knowledge, never broken any of my Soveraignes lawes; or disobeied anie, that are in lawfull autoritie, which if it can be proued against mee, I pro­mise to submit, to whatsoever they will desire of me. I know they haue used much meanes, that my petitions should not haue audience, therefore I praie you, be not repulsed at the first deniall, but let your importunitie giue them no rest, and I doubt not, but to haue redresse, to the confusion of my capi­call enemies the Prelates, which if you out of base, & fearfull cowardlines refuse The covvardlines and fainthartednesse of our nation, is that which hath made the Prelats to domineer so ouer us, now what slaue would not take authority vpon him, if his Mr. giue way to it. to do, it it is your great sin, for saith the spirit of God. Cursed is he that is affraid of the face of man: and I know, If I perish in this my forsaken condition, my in­nocent bloud will lie heavie upon your heads, who haue neg­lected your dutie towards mee, In this particular, all that I de­sire at the King, J hope if the King and counsell be made acquainted with it, they will see to it as that the blood of this young man may not ly upon the Land. & Nobles hands is, but the one of these 3. things, which yet in England was never denied to anie traitour.

First, Jf I be an offender, and deserued death, I refuse not to dy, but desire that it may be inflicted upon mee, in a legal [Page 13]way to the utmost, without any mercy at all. Were a man a murderer a Trayter a Witch, &c. What could the magistrate doe more then pro­ceed by law: Now consider the cruelty of the Prelates, vvho seek to haue the people o [...] God proceed­ed against in a more cruell vvay.

Secondly, If not this, then that my friends that would take compassion on me, might be suffered with freedome to come at me, to relieve mee. It is such a cruel­ty, as vvas never heard of in the vvorld to be practi­sed by any Tirants but the Prelates. Namly, to shut men up in noysome Dun­geons, & forbid all people to bring thē any releefe. It vvere unmercifull to shut up any bruit beast & not giue it food, for a man vvould rather kill it out of the vvay, then tiranise ouer it in such a sort.

Thirdly, if this neither, then seeing I am at extraordinarie charges, in regard of my sicknesse, and weaknesse; and my estate is spent, my humble desire is, that they would allow me a competent allowance, to sustaine nature, & preserue life. No doubt if ei­ther the King or the Councill, vnderstand what is here desired, but they will grant it, for vnlesse they be Bishops, an Eng­lish man is mercifull by nature. Jt may be the answere to my petition, may by the cunning of the suttle fox of Lambeth, who hitherto hath stopped and intercepted all meanes, that haue beene used for my redresse, both to the King, and Nobles. Therefore I earnestly desire of you, that so me of you would dailie come to my pittifull Purgatorie & inquire how 'tis with me, & whether I be devoured in the flames thereof or no, for the Bishops tirannicall crueltie, and inveterate hatred against me, and my jaylors doggednesse, and savagenesse is such, that I do assure you upon the word of a true and faithfull souldier of Jesus Christ, that I feare, if you neglect me, as you haue done, and do not looke well after mee, in hauing a daily vigilant eye, to the fleete, I shall shortly by one meanes or other, haue my life taken from me, in a corner, therefore as you loue my Maister Christ, haue brotherly care of me, his faithfull servant.

I shall not neede (I hope) in this my exceeding great weak­nesse, hauing gone alreadie beyond my present strength, in a halfe blinde condition, to write these lines my selfe, without Inke unto you, being aboue measure pressed in my spirit to do it, inregard I am so exceeding tormented with bodilie Paine, especially in my head by reason of my long closenesse, and the crueltie that I under went in the daie of my publicke suffering, that my soule is not able to containe it selfe, in silence any lon­ger, seast I become guiltie of my owne blood. To laie down a­ny more arguments vnto you; but desire you to read two late [Page 14]printed bookes, the one is called The Beast is Wounded. Or the Scots Newes, and put forth by Iohu Bastwicks Younger Bro­ther, It is pitty that young Bastwick puts not forth more bookes, but it may be he hopes their ruin is at hand, & in that regard thinkes it not necessary to write. & the other is Called A Light for the ignorant. And in them you shal find your dutie punctually laid down how to detest the wicked Lordlie Bb. as the Divel himself whose officers they are, & with all lawfull power, to keep, & assist those that groan under their tirannie, & in a lawful & right waie seeke deliuerance from them. So remembring my brotherly loue vnto you, and returning my humblest thankes vnto you for your loue alreadie manifested vnto mee; and bestowed vpon mee, for which the Lord hath a recompence in store. My soule now lying a bleeding before my God, That which giues us case to think that their cursed King­dome is comming down: It is in regard of the many effectu­all prayers which are dayly put up to God against them, and it is obserued how the Lord doth in a speciall manner now moue the harts of his Children this way to seek him, as if he meant to prepare away by their pray­ers for to bring in his judgments upon the Kingdom of the Beast. earnestlie, and uncessantlie crying vnto him with manie teares proceeding from a too too much burdened and wounded spirit, and his Sion, and the downfall of all Gods enimies, which he for his mercies sake hasten and accomplish.

Now vnto Iehovah, the Lord of Hosts, and our faithfull and powerfull God, I committ and commend you, & rest.

Your faithfull & courraigious Brother, in great tribulation for the purity of the truth of Christ, and publique bearing witnesse theretoo, JOHN LILBVRNE. Etatis suae 22.
The fore-mentioned Petition followes.

To the Right Honourable, the Lords, and others, of his Majestyes most Honourable privie Councill.
The humble Petition of IOHN LILBVRNE Close prisoner in the Common Jayle in the Fleete.

HVmbly sheweth, that your Petitioner hath beene about ten moneths close prisoner, the greatest part whereof hath been in the wards of the Fleete, where hee hath beene so closely kept, that no friends haue beene suffered to come at him, to reliefe him; to speake with him. And alsoe for a great time together, hath layen in letters of Iron, vpon both handes and legs, and so it hath pleased God, inregard of the exceeding greatnesse of his sore punishment, and misery which he hath layen under, to bring bodily weaknesse upon him, and a heavy and dangerous sicknesse, which he hath laid many moneths together, which hath brought him many times even to deaths doore, which yet with weaknesse and patience, hee hath undergone, though hee rather hath desired to haue chosen present death, then to haue felt the constant bitternes, of those bodily torments, & paines; which in this miserable condition, he hath groned vnder.

Now forasmuch as your petitioner hath in all humble manner besought his Majesty, and your Honours, for a little liberty to take some aire for the preseruation of his life, but no answere could he receiue, being now out of all hopes, to obtaine his humble, and reasonable request, yet remaines as close as ever, in which regard he hath continued very weake, and in ex­ceeding much bodily paine and misery: being forced in this his weaknes, to keepe the coldnesse of his Irons from his Tender flesh, to lye for a long time together in his bed, in stockings and bootes, which sicknes in regard of the greatnes, and long continuance of it, and being forced to a constant course of Physick, and to keepe a dyet of Phisicall things, to keepe life in his body which hath beene extraordinary chargeable to him, and hath exhaus­ted and spent all his estate, and being from the first beginning unto this day forsaken by his kindred and friends and left to the world.

Hee is therefore forced in regard of want of meanes, to keepe life & sub­stain nature in this his sicknes. To Petition most humbly to your honours, that out of compassion to him, in his great distresse, who suffers for his conscience sake) in which he is like to perish, to grant him a competent allowance, to preserue life, that he may not dye for want of food. And as in duty bound shall ever pray.


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