Described in the three late Voyages and Plantation made by Monsieur de Monts, Monsieur du Pont-Graué, and Monsieur de Poutrincourt, into the countries called by the French men La Cadie, lying to the Southwest of Cape Breton.

Together with an excellent seuerall Treatie of all the commodities of the said countries, and maners of the naturall inhabitants of the same.

Translated out of French into English by P. E▪




MOst excellent Prince:

my Author (knowing that there are someworks so naturally great of themselues, that they challenge the gratious protecti­on of Princes) hath offered this his Historie to the Royall patronage of the most Christian King, two Queenes, and the Dauphin, to the end it might stirre them the more to prosecute the popula­ting of the lands heerein described, to bring the Naturals thereof (Sauage and miserable people) to ciuilitie and right knowledge of God, and so to the saluation of their soules. Assuming the like presumption, I haue hoped (notwithstan­ding the defects which necessarily attend a stranger, who can neuer attaine the naturall Idiome of this eloquent lan­guage) that it might not be an iniury to your Highnesse; but an addition of Honor, and safetie of tbis worke, if I should dare to inscribe your Princely name on the forehead there­of Which bouldnesse, the noble vndertaking of the English Nation hath nourished, who haue so lately begun (by the permission, and vnder the protection of his excellent Maie­stie, your most Royall Father) to plant Christianitie in Vir­ginia, being one continent, & next adioining land to these. [Page] For who may better support, and manage magnanimous actions, such as be the peopling of lands, planting of Colo­ries, erecting of ciuill Gouernementes, and propagating of the Gospell of Christ, (which are Royall and Princely foun­dations) then those whom the King of Kings, hath establi­shed as Atlasses of kingdoms & Christian common weales? God hath necessitated in his Prophecie, Kings and Queenes to be nursing Fathers and nursing Mothers of his Church: so that he hath not onely committed the gouernment of a ripe and strong body, able to subsist, but hath imposed the care of the tendernesse and infancie thereof vpon them. A­lexander being yet young, would haue runne in the Olym­pian games if kings had runne there; now Kings doe run; now Princes doe worke in the Lords haruest, to spread that name which must gather the elect from the vtmost endes of the world, if not in their persons, yet with their authori­tie and meanes. I know your Highnesse would not be inferi­our, but rather excell in so noble an action: such an emula­tion is pleasing to God; your birth leadeth vnto it; Christi­an charitie inuiteth you to be chiefe worker in the sauing of millions of soules: The necessitie of your Countrie of Great BRITAINE, (ouer populous) doth require it: And lastly your poore Virginians doe seeme to implore your Princely aide, to helpe them to shake off the yoke of the diuel, who hath hitherto made them liue worse then beasts, that hence­foorth they may be brought into the fould of Christ, and (in time) to liue vnder your Christian gouernmēt: So then hauing thus runne, you shall obtaine an euerlasting Crowne of glory, being as well planter, as defender of the Faith.

Your Highnesse humblest seruant, P. ERONDELLE.

To the Reader.

GEntle Reader:

The whole volume of the Nauigations of the French nation into the West Indies (comprised in three bookes) was brought to mee, to be trans­lated, by M. Richard Hackluyt, a man, who for his worthy, and profitable labours, is well know­en to most men of worth, not onely of this kingdome, but also of forrain parts: and by him this part was select­ed and chosen from the whole worke, for the particu­lar vse of this Nation, to the end, that comparing the goodnesse of the lands of the Northerly parts heerein mentioned with that of Virginia, which (though in one, and the selfe same continent and both lands adioyning) must be far better, by reason it stands more Southerly, neerer to the Sunne, greater encouragement may be giuen to prosecute that generous and godly action, in planting and peopling that Country, to the better pro­pagation of the Gospel of Christ, the saluation of innu­merable soules, and generall benefit of this land, too much pestred with ouer many people. Which transla­tion (as I haue said) is but a part of a greater volume. If therefore you finde that some references of things men­tioned in the former part of the said volume are not to be found in this translation, do not thinke it strange, in asmuch as they could not wel be brought in, except the whole volume should be translated, which of purpose was left vndone, as well to auoid your farther charges, as because it was thought needlesse to translate more then concerneth that which adioyneth to Virginia. [Page] What good the English Nation may reape of this worke, by the onely description that is found therein of Nations, Ilands, Harbours, Bayes, Coasts, Riuers, Rockes, Shoulds, Sands, Bankes, and other dangers, which the Saylers into those parts may now the more easily finde, and auoid, by the knowledge that this translation giueth them of it, let the Nauigators iudge therof, who (for want of such knowledge) haue found themselues in euident perill of death, and many alto­gether cast away. If a man that sheweth foorth effe­ctually the zealous care he ▪hath to the well-fare, and common good of his country, deserueth praises of the same, I refer to the iudgement of them that abhor the vice of ingratitude (hatefull aboue all to God, & good­men) whether the said M. Hackluyt (as well for the first procuring of this translation, as for many workes of his, set out by him for the good, and euerlasting fame of the English Nation) deserueth not to reape thankes. As for this my labour, if it be censured fauorably, and my good affection (in vndertaking the transla­ting of this worke, for the benefit of this land) taken in good part, it will en­courage me to endeauour my selfe to doe better heereafter.

The Table of the contents of the Chapters.

The first Booke.
WHerein are described the three late Voiages, Naui­gations, and Plantation of New France (otherwise called La Cadia) by Monsieur de Monts, Monsieur du Pont-grauè, and Monsieur de Poutrincourt.

  • CHAP. I. The Patent, and Commission of the French king to Monsi­eur de Monts for the inhabiting of the Countries of La Ca­dia, Canada, and other places in New France, from the 40. degree to the 46.
  • CHAP. II. The voiage of Monsieur de Monts into New France: ac­cidents hapned in the said voiage: the causes of the Isie bankes in new found lands: the imposing of names to certaine Ports: the perplexitie wherein they were by reason of the staeie of their other shippe.
  • CHAP. III. The leauing of Port du Mouton: the accidents of a man lost in the woods the space of 16. daies: Baie Françoise, or the French Baie: Port Royall: the Riuer of l'Equille: a Copper Myne: the mischiefe of golden Mines: of Diamonds: Turkie stones.
  • CHAP. IIII. The description of the riuer Saint Iohn: and of the Isle Saint Croix: the man lost in the woods found out 16. daies af­ter: examples of some strange abstinencies: the discords of the Sauages deferred to the iudgement of Monsieur de Monts: the fatherly authoritie among the said Sauages: what hus­band they chuse to their daughters.
  • CHAP. V. A farther description of the Iland Saint Croix: the enter­prise of Monsieur de Monts difficult and generous, yet prose­cuted [Page] through enuie: thereturne of Monsieur de Poutrin­court into France: the perils of the voiage.
  • CHAP. VI. The buildings of the Ile Saint Croix: the Frenchmens discommodities in the said place: vnknowen sicknesses: of their causes: of the people that be subiect to it: of Diets, badde Wa­ters, Aires, Windes, Lakes, corruption of Woods, seasons, dis­position of bodies, of young, of old: the Authors aduise touch­ing the gouernment of health, and cure of the said diseases.
  • CHAP. VII. The discouery of new lands by Monsieur de Monts: fabu­lous tales and reports of the riuer and fained towne of Norom­bega: the refuting of the Authors that haue written ther­of: fish bankes in New found land: Kinibeki: Chouäcoet: Malebarre: Armouchiquois: the death of a French man killed: mortalitie of Englishmen in Virginia.
  • CHAP. VIII. The arriuall of Monsieur du Pont to Saint Croix: the habitation transferred into Port Royall: returne of Monsieur de Monts into France: the difficultie of hand Milles, the furniture of the said Monsieur du Pont, for the discouery of new lands beyond Malebarre: Shipwracke: Forecast for the returne into France: Comparison of these voiages with them of Florida: the blame of those that dispraise the tillage of the land.
  • CHAP. IX. The first motiue and acceptation of the voiage by Monsie­ur de Poutrincourt, together with the Author into New France: their departure from Paris to goe into Rochell.
  • CHAP. X. The name of our shippe called the Ionas: the shallow water of Rochell is the cause of the hard going out: Rochell a refor­med towne: the common people is insolent: Croquans: the accident of the shipwracke of the Ionas new preparation: weake Souldiers are not to be placed vpon frontiers: the Ministers of Rochell doe pray for the couersion of the Sauages: the smal [Page] zeale of ours: the Eucharist carried in voiages by the ancient Christians: the diligence of Monsieur de Poutrincourt at the very point of shipping.
  • CHAP. XI. Their departure from Rochel: Sundry meetings of ships and Pirates: stormy sea about the Açores, and whence it proceedes: Why the West-windes are frequent in the West-sea: From whence the windes doe come: Porpeses doe prognosticate stormes: Meanes to take them: The describing of them: Of stormes: Their effects: Of calmes; What is a Gust of winde: How it is made: The effects thereof: The bouldnesse of Ma­riners: how reuerence is giuen to the Kings ship: The suppu­tation of the voyage: Hot sea, then coold: The reason of it: And of the Banckes of Ise in New-found-land.
  • CHAP. XII. Of the great Bancke of Morues or Coddes: Of the sound: Our comming to the said Bancke: The description thereof: The fishing of New-land-fish: And of birdes: The greedinesse of the birdes called by French-men: Happe-foyes: Diuers perils: Gods fauours: The causes of frequent and long mistes in the Westerne-sea: Land markes: The sight of it: Maruel­lous odours: The boording of two Shaloupes: The landing at the Port Du Mouton: The comming to Port Royall: Of two French-men remaining there alone among the Sauages.
  • CHAP. XIII. The happy meeting of Monsieur du Pont: His returne to Port Royall: Reioycing: Description of the confines of the said Port: Coniectures touching the head and spring of the great riuer of Canada: Sowing of corne: Monsieur du Ponts re­turn into France: Monsieur de Poutrincourts voyage vnto the country of the Armouchiquois: Faire Rie sprung foorth without tillage: The exercises and maner of liuing in Port Royall: The Medowes of the riuer de l'Equille.
  • CHAP. XIIII. Their departing from the Ile Saint Croix: The bay of Marchin: Choüakoet: vines and grapes: The liberality of [Page] the Sauages: The land and people of the Armouchiquois: The cure of an Armouchiquois wounded: The simplicity and igno­rance of that people: Vices of the Armouchiquois: Suspition: People not caring for clothes: Cornesowed, and Vines planted in the Armouchiquois countrie: Quantity of grapes: Abun­dance of people: dangerous sea.
  • CHAP. XV. Dangers: vnknowen language: The making of aforge and of an ouen: Crosses set vp: Plenty: A conspiracy: Disobedi­ence: Murther: The flight of three hundred against ten: The agility of the Armouchiquois: Bad company dangerous: The accident of a musket that did burst: The Sauages insolency: Their timorosity, impiety, and flight: The fortunate Port: A bad sea: reuenge: The counsell and resolution for the returne: New perils: Gods fauours: Monsieur de Poutrincourts ar­riuall at Port Royall: How he was receiued.
  • CHAP. XVI. The Condition of the corne which they sowed: The instituti­on of the order of bon-temps: The Sauages behauiour among the French-men: The state of Winter: Why raines and fogges be rare in this season: Why raine is frequent betweene the Tropiques: Snow profitable to the ground: the state of Ianua­rie: Conformity of weather in the ancient and New France: Why the spring is slow: The tilling of gardens: Their crop: A water mill: A Manna of Herrings: Preparation for the re­turne: Monsieur de Poutrincourts inuention: The Sauages admiration: Newes from France.
  • CHAP. XVII. The arriuall of the French: Monsieur de Monts his society is broken, and why: The Couetousnesse of them that rob the dead: Bonfires for the Natiuity of the Duke of Orleans: The departing of the Sauages to goe to wars: Sagamos Member­tou: Voyages vpon the Coast of the French Bay: Base tra­ficke: The towne of Ouïgoudi: How the Sauages doe make great voyages: Their bad intention: A steele Mine: Sea woules (or seales) voyces: The state of the Ile Saint Croix: [Page] The Sauages loue towards their children: the returne into Port Royall.
  • CHAP. XVIII. The Port de Campseau: our departure from Port Royall: Fogges of eight daies continuance: A Raine-bow appearing in the water: The Port of Saualet: Tillage an honourable exer­cise: The griefe of the Sauages at Monsieur De Poutrin­court his going away: Returne into France: Voyage into Mount S. Michell: The fruites of New France presented to the King: A voyage into New France after the returne of the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt into France.

The second Booke.
COntaining the customes and maners of life of the West Indians of New France, compared to them of the ancient people of these parts; and specially to them that bee in one and the selfe same parallele and degree.

  • CHAP. I. Of the Natiuitie: custome of the Hebrewes, Cimbres, Frenchmen and Sauages.
  • CHAP. II. Of the imposing of names: the abuses of them that giue the names of Christians to Infidels: Names haue not beene giuen without occasion.
  • CHAP. III. Of the bringing vp of children: of the Women of our time: of the ancient Germain Women.
  • CHAP. IIII. Of the loue towards Children: the Sauage Women loue their children more then the Women of these parts vse to do: and the cause why: wherein New France is profitable to the ancient France: Possession of the land.
  • CHAP. V. Of Religion: the origine of Idolatrie: he which worshipeth nothing is more capable of Christian Religion than an idolater: [Page] the Canadians Religion: People easie to be conuerted: the Astorgie and impietie of the Christians of this day: the giuing of foode and teaching of Arts is the meanes to conuert Sauage people: of the name of God: of certaine Sauages already Chri­stians in minde: the Religion of the Sauages in Virginia: fabu­lous tales concerning the Resurrection: the Simulachers of gods: the Floridians religion: the error of Belle-forest the Cosmographer: the worshipping of the Sunne: the kissing of hands: the Brasilians vexed by the diuell: they haue some ob­scure knowledge of the generall floud: and of some Christian which anciently hath beene among them.
  • CHAP. VI. Of the Soothsàiers, and Aoutmoins: of Priesthood: the Idols of the Mexicans: the Indian Priests are Phisicions with­all: pretence of Religion: the Aoutmoins subtilties: how they call vpon diuels: songs to the praises of the diuell: the Sab­bath of the Sauages: Bonefiers vpon Saint Iohns daies: Vrim and Thummim: the office of Priesthood successiue: of the Caraibes, deceiuers like to the sacrificers of the Idoll Bell.
  • CHAP. VII. Of the Language: the Indians be all diuided in languages: time bringeth an alteration in the toungs: the conformity of them the causes of the change of tongues: since when the trade of Beuers hath beene: the Sauages pronunciation: of the an­cient Hebrewes, Greeks, Latines, and of the Parisians: the Sauages haue particular tongues, not vnderstood by New found land men: the Sauages maner of reckoning.
  • CHAP. VIII. Of learning: the inuention of letters is admirable: the anci­ent Germains were without letters: the letters and Sciences were among the Gaullois, before that either the Greeks or Latins had them: the Sarronides were in the old times Di­uines and Philosophers among the Gaullois: the Bardes were Poets: thereuerence that was vsed towards them: the reue­rence of Mars towards the Muses: the king his eldest daugh­ter: the Basilicke fastned in the temple of Apollo.
  • [Page] CHAP. IX. Of Clothes and of Haires: to what end Garments were made: the nakednesse of the ancient Picts: of the moderne Aethiopians: of the Brasilians: the Sauages of New France more honest: their Cloakes of skins: the ancient Hercules his garment, of the ancient Germains, of the Gothes: the Shooing and Hoseing of the Sauages: the couering of the head: the Haires of the Hebrewes, Gaullois, Gothes: the Or­dinance for the Priests to weare Hats: Shauen men.
  • CHAP. X. Of the shape and dexterity of the Sauages: Mans forme is the most perfit: the violence done to Nature; the Brasilians be short nosed: The rest of the Sauages be handsome men: halfe dwarfes: the Patagons be Gyants: The fauour of the Sauages: the description of the Westerly flies: Why the Americans are not blacke: From whence proceedes the heat of Affrica: And the coolenesse of America being in the selfesame degree: Of the colour of the haires and of the beard: When the Romans began to weare beardes: ihe Sauages are not hairy: Hairy women: The ancient Gaullois and Germans had their haires yellow like gold: Their lookes, voices, eies: The women shrew: The eies of the men of Taprobane, of the Sauages, and Scythians: Of the lips: Monstruous bodies: The agility of the body: What the Naires of Malebaris doe for to be nimble: What people haue agility: The Indians skilfulnesse in swimming: A sharpe sight: The Sauages sense of smelling: Their hatred a­gainst the Spaniards.
  • CHAP. XI. Of the ornaments of the body: Of the painting of the He­brewes, Romans, Affricans &c. ancient Englishmen, Picts, Gothes &c. West-Indians: Of the markes, razings, and inci­sions on their flesh: Of the markes of the ancient Hebrewe, Ty­rons and Christians: The reproouing of the painting of the face, and other paintings of the body.
  • CHAP. XII. Of the outward ornaments: The two Tyrants of our life: [Page] The superfluity of the ancient Rome: The excesse of Ladies, of their wiers and periwigges: Colouring of haires: Eare-rings: Bracelets, garters, buskins and shooes: What pearles are, Matachiaz, Vignols, Esurgni: Carkanets of iron, and of gold.
  • CHAP. XIII. Of mariage: The Iewes custome: The widdowes do blacken their faces: the prostituting of Maidens: the continency of the Souriquois women: the maner to make sute to a maid for mari­age: the prostituting of maidens in Brasill: of the Pox: the cure thereof: the chastitie of the ancient German women: reason for the Sauages continency: the Floridians doe loue women: Ithy­phalles: Degrees of consanguinity: The Gaulloise women fruitfull: Poligamy without Iealousie: Diuorce: What a man ought to doe hauing a bad wife: Abstinency of the widowes: The Infidels haue whoredome in abomination.
  • CHAP. XIIII. Of the Sauages Tabagie, or banquet: The manner of liuing of the Sauages of the hether lands: How the Armouchiquois vse and serue themselues with their Corne: the ancient Itali­ans did the like: the assembly of the Sauages, making their Tabagy: the women eat by themselues: the honour giuen to women amongst the ancient Gaullois and Germans: the bad condition of them among the Romans: What they haue beene that haue established the Roman Empire: the manner of li­uing of the ancient Romans, Tartarians, Moschouites, Getu­lians, Germans, Aethiopians, of Saint Iohn Baptist, of Aemi­lian, Traian, Adrian: and of the Sauages: Salt not altogether necessary: the Sauages doe sometimes suffer want: their su­perstition: Of their gluttony and of Hercules: the Brasilians food: Anthropophagy: Strange prostituting of maidens: communalty of life: the Sauages Hospitality, of the Gaullois and Germans: Of drinking, the sirst Romans had no vines: the Beere of the ancient Gaullois, and Aegyptians: the ancient Germans did hate wine: How wine is necessary: Tabacco: the drinking one to another: the drinke of the Floridians and Bra­silians: Hidromel.
  • [Page] CHAP. XV. Of dances and songes: The origine of dances in the honour of God: dances and songes in the honour of Apollo, Neptune, Mars, of the Sonne, of the Salians: Praesul: Socrates dance: The dances turned into bad vse: How much dangerous: All Sauages doe vse dancing: To what end: Orpheus his foo­lish song: Why we sing to God: The songes of the Souriquois: Of holy people: Of the Gaullois Bardes: Sonnets made by the commandement of Charolus Magnus: The song of the La­cedemonians: The dances and songes of the Sauages: The o­rations of their Captaines.
  • CHAP. XVI. Of the disposition of the body: Phthisie: The sweatinges of the Sauages: the Phisitions and Chirurgions of the Floridi­ans, Brasilians and Souriquois: Cures made by Charmes: A maruellous report of the despising of griefe: Triall of constancy: Suffering of torments for the honour of Diana and of the Sun: the long liues of the Sauages: the causes thereof, and of the shortning of our daies.
  • CHAP XVII. The mens exercices: of Bowes and arrowes, Maces, Buck­lers, fishing lines, Rackets: the Sauages Canowes, or boates, and their fashion: Canowes made of willowes, of paper, of lea­ther, of hollowed trees: the originall of the fables of the Syrens, or Mermaidens; long trauels through the woods; pottery of Earth; the tillage of the ground; the ancient Germans had no lands proper or peculiar to them; the Sauages are not labori­ous; how they manure the land; double sowing, and double Haruest; How they liue in Winter; the Sauages townes▪ of the originall of townes; the first builders in the Gaulles; of the word Magus: Philosophy hath beene first found out by the Barbarians; the plaies and games of the Sauages.
  • CHAP. XVIII. The womens exercices; the woman is called pierced or hol­lowed; the women are saued in bringing foorth of Children; of purification; the hard condition of the women among the Saua­ges; [Page] ges; of mattes, currying and dressing of leather; their making of Baskets, Purses, Dies, Dishes, Matachiaz, Canowes; the loue of the Sauage women towards their husbands; their cha­stity; A faire obseruation vpon the Hebrew names of the man, and of the woman.
  • CHAP. XIX. Of Ciuilitie; the first Ciuilitie, is the obedience to God and to the parents; the Sauages be Slouenly at their Ban­quets, for want of linnen; the repast of the ancient Gaullois and Germains; of the arriuing of the Sauages into any place; their Greetings; likewise of the Greekes, Romans, and Hebrewes; of the saluting in Sneezing; Item in the beginning of Letters; of the Farewell; the Sauages reuerence to their Fathers and Mothers; Curse to him which honoreth not his Father and his mother.
  • CHAP. XX. Of the Vertues and Vices of the Sauages; the Principles of Vertue are invs, euen from our birth; of force, and greatnesse of courage; the ancient Gaullois were without feare; the Sa­uages are reuengefull; wherin temperance consisteth; whether the Sauages are indued therewith; wherein Liberalitie con­sisteth; the Sauages Liberality; they disdaine the couetous pelting Merchants; their Magnificence, Hospitality, Piety towards their Fathers and Mothers; of their Iustice; the ex­ecution of Iustice; the incredible euasion of two Sauages, pri­soners, wherein the Sauages be diligent and slothfull.
  • CHAP. XXI. Of Hunting; the originall thereof; to whom it belongeth; to what end Kings are chosen; hunting the image of War; the first end thereof; the interpretation of one verse of the 32. Psalme; all Sauages doe hunt; when and how; the discription of the hunting of the Ellan or Stagge; the Sauages hounds; the Sauages haue Rackets at theirfeet when they hunt; their continuance in hunting; faire inuention of them for the Kitch­ing; their womens duty after the hunting; the fishing or hun­ting of the Beuer; the discription of the same; her admirable [Page] building; how she is taken; from whence anciently the Beuers did come; Of Beares; Leopards; the discription of the beast called Nibachés; Wolues; Conies &c. the Cattell of France do profit well in New France; Maruellous multiplicatin of Beasts; of the beasts of Florida, and of Brasill; the Sauages are truely noble.
  • CHAP. XXII. Of Hauking; the Muses doe delight in hunting; hawking is a noble exercise How the Sauages take their fowle; Ilands swarming with birds; the foules of Port Royall; Of a bird cal­led Niridau: of glistering flies; Turky or Indian Cocks; the foules of Florida, and of Brasill.
  • CHAP. XXIII. Of Fishing; a comparison betweene Hunting, Hauking and Fishing; an Emperour delighting himselfe in Fishing; Plato his absurdity; Fishing permitted to Churchmen; the feed­ing vpon fish is the best and wholesomest food: euery Fish dreads the Winter, and withdraweth himselfe, they returne in the Spring time; a manna of Smelts, Heerings, Pilchers, Sturgeons and Salmons; the maner of taking of them by the Sauages; the abuse & superstition of Pythagoras; the San­ctorum of New found land fishermen; of the shell Fish of Port Royall; the fishing of the Codde; whether Cods doe sleepe; the cause why fishes sleepe not; fishes hauing stones in their heads (as the Codde) doe feare Winter; Oile (or traine) of fish; the fishing of the Whale; wherein the hardinesse and bouldnesse of the Sauages is to be admired; Hippopotames: the infinite multitude of Mackerels; the Idlenesse of the peo­ple of this day.
  • CHAP. XXIIII. Of the Land: which is the good ground: Terra Sigillata, is in New France: the fructifying of Monsieur de Poutrin­courts Sowings: which is the good Dung: of Turkie (or Indi­an) Wheat, called Mahis: how the Sauages doe mend their grounds: how they Sowe; the temperature of the Aire doth serue to production; Barnes vnder ground: the cause of the [Page] slothfuluesse of the Sauages of the hither lands neere vnto vs; Hempe; of Vines; when they were first planted in Galia; of Trees, Tabacco, and the maner and vse of it; the foolish gree­dinesse after Tabacco; the Vertues thereof; the error of Bel­le-forest: of the rootes called Afrodiles, or ground Nuts; a consideration vpon the miserie of many people: the tilling of the ground is a most innocent exercise; Gloria adorea: of the Fruit trees, and others of Port Royall, of Florida, and of Bra­sill; the despising of Mines; Fruits to be hoped in new France.
  • CHAP. XXV. Of the war: to what end the Sauages doe make war: The Orations of the Sauages Captaines: their surprises: the ma­ner to foretell the euent of the war; the succession of Captaines; the Sauages armes; of excellent Archers; from whence comes the word Militia: the cause of the Sauages feare: their ma­ner of marching in War: a warlike dance; how the Sauages doe vse the victory; of the Victime, sacrifice; Punishment; the Sauages will not fall into their enemies hands: the trophies of their enemies heads: of the ancient Gaullois; of the moderne Hungarians.
  • CHAP. XXVI. Of Funerals; the lamenting for the dead; the burying of them is a worke of humanity; the custome of the Sauages in this respect; of the preseruing of the dead bodies; of the mour­ning of the Persians, Aegyptians, Romans, Gascons, Brasili­ans, Floridians, Souriquois, Hebrewes, Queenes of France, Thracians, Locrians, ancient Christians; the burning of the moueable goods of the deceassed, a faire lesson to the Couetous; the customes of the Phrigians, Latins, Hebrewes, Gaullois, Germains, and Sauages for this respect; the burying of the dead; What people doe bury them: who burne them, and who preserue them; Of the funerall gifts shut vp in the sepulchers of the dead; the same reprooued; the couetousnesse of the In­fringers of Sepulchers.

Noua Francia.

The three late voyages and plan­ tation of Monsieur De MONTS, of Monsieur Du Pont grauè, and of Monsieur De Poutrincourt, into the Countries called by the Frenchmen La Cadia, ly­ing to the Southwest of Cap Breton; together with an excellent seuerall Treatie of all the commo­dities of the said Countries: and ma­ners of the naturall inhabitants of the same.


The Patent of the French King to Monsieur DE MONTS, for the inhabiting of the Countries of La Cadia, Canada, and other places in new France.

HENRY by the grace of God King of France and Naturre. To our deare and welbeloued the Lord of Monts, one of the ordinarie Gen­tlemen of our Chamber, greeting. As our greatest care and labour is, and hath alwaies beene, since our comming to this crowne, to main­taine and conserue it in the ancient dignitie, greatnesse and splendor thereof, to extend and amplifie, as much as lawfully may be done, the bounds [Page 2] and limits of the same. We being, of a long time, informed of the situation and condition of the lands and territories of La Cadia, mooued aboue all things, with a singular zeale, and deuout and constant resolution, which we haue taken, with the helpe and assistance of God, author, di­stributor, and protector of all kingdomes and estates, to cause the people, which doe inhabite the Countrie, men (at this present time) barbarous, Atheists, without faith or religion, to be conuerted to Christianitie, and to the be­leefe and profession of our faith and religion: and to draw them from the ignorance and vnbeleefe wherein they are. Hauing also of a long time knowen by the relation of the sea Captaines, Pilots, Marchants and others, who of long time haue haunted, frequented and trafficked with the people that are found in the said places, how fruitfull, com­modious and profitable may bee vnto vs, to our estates and subiects, the dwelling, possession, and habitation of those countries, for the great and apparent profit which may be drawen by the greater frequentation & habitude which may be had with the people that are found there, & the trafficke and commerce which may be, by that means safely treated and negotiated. Wee then for these causes fully trusting on your great wisedome, and in the know­ledge and experience that you haue of the qualitie, condi­tion and situation of the said countrie of La Cadia: for the diuers and sundry nauigations, voiages and frequentati­ons that you haue made into those parts, and others neere and bordering vpon it: Assuring our selues that this our resolution and intention, being committed vnto you, you will attentiuely, diligently, and no lesse couragiously and valourously execute and bring to such perfection as we desire: Haue expresly appointed and established you, and by these Presents, signed with our owne hands, doe com­mit, ordaine, make, constitute and establish you, our Lieutenant generall, for to represent our person, in the countries, territories, coasts and confines of La Cadia. To [Page 3] begin from the 40 degree vnto the 46. And in the same distance, or part of it, as farre as may be done, to establish, extend and make to be knowne our name, might and au­thoritie. And vnder the same to subiect, submit and bring to obedience all the people of the said land and the bor­derers thereof: And by the meanes thereof, and all lawfull waies, to call, make, instruct, prouoke and incite them to the knowledge of God, and to the light of the faith and Christian Religion, to establish it there: And in the exer­cise and profession of the same, keepe and conserue the said people, and all other inhabitants in the said places, and there to command in peace, rest and tranquillitie, as well by sea as by land: to ordaine, decide, and cause to be executed all that which you shall iudge fit and necessarie to be done, for to maintaine, keepe and conserue the said places vnder our power and authoritie, by the formes, waies and meanes prescribed by our lawes. And for to haue there a care of the same with you, to appoint esta­blish, and constitute all officers, as well in the affaires of warre, as for Iustice and policie, for the first time, and from thence forward to name and present them vnto vs: for to be disposed by vs, and to giue letters, titles, and such pro­uisoes as shall be necessarie. And according to the occur­rences of affaires, yourselfe with the aduice of wise and capable men, to prescribe vnder our good pleasure, lawes, statutes and ordinances conformable, as much as may be possible, vnto ours, specially in things and matters that are not prouided by them: To treat and contract to the same effect, peace, alliance and confederacy, good ami­tie, correspondencie and cōmunication with the said peo­ple & their Princes, or others, hauing power or command ouer them: To entertaine, keepe, and carefully to obserue, the treatises and alliances wherein you shall couenant with them: vpon condition that they themselues performe the same of their part. And for want thereof to make open warres against them, to constraine and bring them to such [Page 4] reason, as you shall thinke needfull, for the honour, obedi­ence and seruice of God, and the establishment, mainte­nance and conseruation of our said authoritie amongst them: at least to haunt and frequent by you, and all our subiects with them, in all assurance, libertie, frequentation and communication, there to negociate and trafficke lo­uingly and peaceably. To giue and grant vnto them fa­uors and priuiledges, charges and honors. Which intire power abouesaid, we will likewise and ordaine, that you haue ouerall our said subiects that will goe in that voiage with you and inhabite there, trafficke, negociate and re­maine in the said places, to retaine, take, reserue and ap­propriate vnto you, what you will and shall see to be most commodious for you, and proper to your charge, qualitie and vse of the said lands, to distribute such parts and por­tions thereof, to giue and attribute vnto them such titles, honors, rights, powers and faculties as you shall see ne­cessarie, according to the qualities, conditions and me­rits of the persons of the same countrie or others. Chiefe­ly to populate, to manure, and to make the said lands to be inhabited, as speedily, carefully & skilfully, as time, places & commodities may permit. To make thereof, or cause to be made to that end, discouerie and view along the mari­time coastes and other countries of the maine land, which you shall order & prescribe in the foresaid space of the 40 degree, to the 46 degree, or otherwise as much and as farre as may be, along the said coast, and in the firme land. To make carefully to be sought and marked all sorts of mines of gold and of siluer, copper, and other mettals and mine­rals, to make them to be digged, drawne from the earth, purified and refined, for to be conuerted into vse, to dispose according as we haue prescribed by Edicts and orders, which we haue made in this realme of the profit and be­nefit of them, by you or them whom you shall establish to that effect, reseruing vnto vs onely the tenth penie, of that which shall issue from them of gold, siluer, and cop­per, [Page 5] leauing vnto you that which we might take of the other said mettals and minerals, for to aide and ease you in the great expenses that the foresaid charge may bring vnto you. Willing in the meane while, that as well for your securitie and commoditie, as for the securitie and commoditie of all our subiects, who will goe, inha­bite, and trafficke in the said lands: as generally of all others that will accommodate themselues there vnder our power and authoritie; you may cause to bee built and frame one or many forts, places, Townes, and all other houses, dwellings and habitations, Ports, Hauens, retiring places and lodgings, as you shall know to be fit, profitable and necessarie for the performing of the said enterprise. To establish garrisons and souldiers for the keeping of them. To aide and serue you for the effects a­boue said with the vagrant, idle persons and masterlesse, as Idle and ba­nished men imploied in this businesse.well out of townes as of the countrie: and with them that be condemned to perpetuall banishment, or for three yeeres at the least out of our Realme: Prouided alwaies that it be done by the aduice, consent, and authoritie of our officers. Ouer and besides that which is aboue menti­oned (and that which is moreouer prescribed, comman­ded and ordained vnto you by the commissions and pow­ers, which our most deare cosen the Lord of Ampuille Ad­mirall of France hath giuen vnto you, for that which con­cerneth the affaires and the charge of the Admiraltie, in the exploit, expedition, and executing of the things a­boue said) to doe generally whatsoeuer may make for the conquest, peopling, inhabiting and preseruation of the said land of La Cadia, and of the coastes, territories ad­ioining, and of their appurtenances and dependencies, vnder our name and authoritie, whatsoeuer our selues would & might doe, if we were there present in person, al­though that the case should require a more speciall order, then we prescribe vnto you by these Presents: To the contents whereof wee command, ordaine, and most ex­preslie [Page 6] doe enioine all our Iusticers, officers and subiects, to conforme themselues: And to obey and giue attention vnto you, in all and euery the things abouesaid, their cir­cumstances and dependencies. Also to giue vnto you in the executing of them, all such aid and comfort, helpe and assistance, as you shall haue need of, and whereof they shall be by you required; and this vpon paine of disobe­dience and rebellion. And to the end no body may pre­tend cause of ignorance of this our intention, and to busie himselfe in all, or in part of the charge, dignitie and au­thoritie which we giue vnto you by these presents: Wee haue of our certaine knowledge, full power and regall au­thoritie, reuoked, suppressed and declared voide, and of none effect heereafter, and from this present time, al other powers and commissions, letters and expeditions giuen and deliuered to any person soeuer, for to discouer, peo­ple and inhabite in the foresaid extention of the said lands, situated from the said 40 degree, to the 46, whatsoeuer they be. And furthermore we command and ordaine all our said officers, of what qualitie & condition soeuer they be, that after these Presents, or the duplicate of them shall be duely examined by one of our beloued and trusty Counsellers, Notaries and Secretaries, or other Notarie Royall, they doe vpon your request, demand and sute, or vpon the sute of any our Atturneis, cause the same to be read, published, and recorded in the records of their Iuris­dictions, powers and precincts, seeking, as much as shall appertaine vnto them, to quiet and appease all troubles and hinderances which may contradict the same. For such is our pleasure. Giuen at Fountain-Bleau the 8 day of Nouember: in the yeere ofour Lord 1603: And of our reigne the 15. Signed HENRY: and vnderneath, by the King, Potier; And sealed vpon single la­bell with yellow waxe.


The voyage of Monsieur De Monts into New France: what accidents hapned in the said voyage: The causes of the Icie banks in New found land: The imposing of names to certaine Ports: The per­plexitie wherein they were by reason of the stay of the other ship.

MOnsieur De Monts hauing made the Commissions and Prohibitions before said, to be proclaimed thorow the Realme of France, and especially thorow the Ports and maritime townes thereof, caused two ships to be rigged and furnished, the one vnder the conduct of captaine Timothy of New-hauen, the other of captaine Morell of Honfleur. In the first, he shipped him­selfe, with good number of men of account, as well Gen­tlemen as others. And forasmuch as Monsieur De Pou­trincourt was, and had beene of a long time, desirous to see those countries of New France, and there to finde out and chuse some fit place to retire himselfe into, with his fami­lie, wife and children, not meaning to be the last that should follow and participate in the glory of so faire and generous an enterprise, would needs goe thither, and ship­ped himselfe with the said Monsieur De Monts, carrying with him some quantitie of armours and munitions of The setting foorth out of New-hauen.warre; and so weighed anckers from New-hauen the se­uenth day of March, 1604. But being departed some­what too soone, before the Winter had yet left off her fro­zen weed, they found store of Icie banks, against the which they were in danger to strike, and so to be cast away: But Danger.God, which hitherto hath prospered the nauigation of these voiages, preserued them.

One might wonder, and not without cause, why, in the same parallel, there is more Ice in this sea than in that [Page 8] of France. Whereunto I answer, that the Ices that be found in those seas are not originary frō the same climate, but rather come from the Northerly parts, driuen with­out any let thorow the vast of this great sea by the waues, stormes, and boisterous flouds, which the Easterly and Northerly windes doe cause in Winter and Spring time, and driue them towards the South and West: But the French seas are sheltered by Scotland, England and Ire­land: which is the cause that the Ices cannot fall into it. An other reason also might be alleaged, and that is the mo­tion of the sea, which beareth more towards those parts, because of the larger course that it maketh towards Ame­rica A perillous storme.than towards the lands of these our parts. The perill of this voyage was, not onely in the meeting of the said bankes of Ice, but also in the stormes that vexed them: One of them they had that brake the galleries of the ship: And in these turmoiles, a Ioyner was caried away by a sea or flash of water to the next doore of death, ouerboord, but he held himselfe fast at a tackling, which by chance hung out of the said shippe.

The voyage was long by reason of contrarie windes, Winde com­monly good in March for the New found lands. The Ile of Sablon or Sand.which seldome hapneth to them that set out in March for the New found lands, which are ordinarilie caried with an East or Northren winde, fit to goe to those lands. And ha­uing taken their course to the South of the Ile of Sand or Sablon, or Sand, for to shunne the said Ices, they almost fell from Caribdis into Scylla, going to strike towards the said Ile, during the thicke mists that are frequent in that sea.

In the end, the sixt of May they came to a certain Port, where they found captaine Rossignol of New-hauen, who did trucke for skins with the Sauages, contrarie to the Kings inhibitions, which was the cause that his ship was Port du Ros­signol.confiscated. This Port was called Le Port du Rossignol, hauing (in this his hard fortune) this onely good, that a good and fit Harborough or Port, in those coasts beareth his name.

[Page 9] From thence coasting and discouering the lands, they arriued at another Porte, very faire, which they named Le Port du Moutton, by reason that a Mutton or Wether Le Port da Moutton.hauing leaped ouerboord and drowned himselfe came a­boord againe, and was taken and eaten as good prize. By such accidents many names haue anciently beene giuen on the sudden, and without any great deliberation. So the Capitol.Capitol of Rome had his name, because that in digging there, a dead mans head was found. So the citie of Milan Milan.hath beene called Mediolanum, that is to say, halfe wooll, for that the Gaules, casting the foundation thereof, found a Sowe halfe couered with wooll: and so of sundry others.

Being at the Port du Moutton, they cabaned and lodged themselues after the sauage fashion, expecting newes of the other ship, wherein was the victuals and other neces­sarie prouision for the foode and entertainment of them About 100. Planters.that were to Winter there, being about an hundred men in number. In this Port they tarried a moneth in great per­plexitie, for feare they had that some sinister accident had hapned to the said other shippe, who set out the tenth of March, wherein was Monsieur Du Pont of Honfleur, and the said Captaine Morel. And this was so much the more important, for that of the comming of the said ship depen­ded Deliberation vpon the re­turne into France.the whole successe of the businesse. For euen vpon this long tarying, it was in question whether they should returne into France or no. Monsieur De Pourtrincourt was of aduice that it were better to die there; whereto the said Monsieur De Monts conformed himselfe. In the meane while many went a hunting, others to fishing, for to store the kitchin. Neere the said Moutton Porte there is a place Store of Co­ replenished with Rabbets and Conies, that they almost did eat nothing else. During that time Monsieur Cham­plein was sent with a shalloup to seeke farther off a fitter place to retire themselues, at which exploit he tarried so long, that deliberating vpon the returne, they thought to leaue him behind: for there was no more victuals: and [Page 10] they serued themselues with that, that was found in the said Rossignols shippe, without which they had been for­ced to returne into France, and so to breake a faire enter­prize at the very birth and beginning thereof; or to starue, hauing ended the hunting of Conies, which could not still continue. Now the causes of the staie of the said Monsieur Du Pont, and Captaine Morel, were two; the one, that wanting a Cocke-boate, they imploied their time in the building of one, in the land where they arriued first, which The English Porte. Campseau Port.was the English Port: The other, that being come at Campseau Port, they found there foure ships of Baskes, or men of Saint Iohn de Luz, that did trucke with the Saua­ges, contrarie to the said Inhibitions, from whom they tooke their goods, and brought the Masters to the said Monsieur De Monts, who vsed them very gently.

Three weekes being expired, and the said Monsieur De Monts hauing no newes of the shippe he looked for, he deliberated to send along the coast to seeke for them, and Note heere the good na­ture and dili­gence of the Sauages.for that purpose dispatched some Sauages, to whom hee gaue a French man for companie with letters. The said Sauages promised to returne at the time prefixed, being eight daies, whereof they failed not. But as the societie of man and wife, agreeing well together, is a powerful thing; so these Sauages before their departure, had a care of their wiues and children, and required victuals for them; which was granted. And hauing hoised vp sailes, within few daies after they found those that they sought for, at a place La Baye des Iles.called La Baye des Iles, who were themselues in no lesse feare or griefe for the said Monsieur De Monts, than he of them, because they found not, during their voiage, those markes and signes that were agreed vpon betweene them, which is, that Monsieur De Monts should haue left at The Ice cō ­meth farther to the South than Camp­seau. Campseau, some crosse on a tree, or letter there fixed, which he did not, hauing farre ouer-shot the said Camp­seau, by reason that for the said Iced bankes, he tooke his way somewhat farre on the South, as we haue said. So [Page 11] hauing read the letters, the said Monsieur Du Pont, and Monsieur Du Pont goeth to Canada, to trade for Furres.Captaine Morel gaue vp the victuals and prouision that they had brought for them that should Winter there, and so returned backe towards the great riuer of Canada, for the trade of skinnes or furres.


The leauing of Port du Moutton: the accident of a man lost in the woods the space of sixteen daies: Baye Françoise, or French Baye: Port Royal: The riuer of L'Equille, a Copper mine: The mischiefe of golden mines: of Diamonds: Turky stones.

AL New France in the end being conteined in two ships, they waighed ankers from Porte Du Mout­ton, for to imploy their time, and to discouer lands as much as might before Winter. We came to Cape de Sa­ble, Cap De Sable, or the Sandie Cape. Saint Maries Baye. Faire place to inhabite. Mines of Iron and Sil­uer.or the Sandie Cape; and from thence we sailed to the Baie of Saint Marie, where our men lay at anker fifteene daies, whilest the lands and passages as well by sea as by riuer might be descried and knowen. This Baye is a very faire place to inhabite, because that one is readily carried thither without doubling. There are mines of Iron & Sil­uer; but in no great abundance, according to the triall made thereof in France. Hauing soiorned there some 12 or 13 daies, a strange accident hapned, such as I will tell you. There was a certaine Churchman of a good fa­milie in Paris, that had a desire to performe the voyage with Monsieur De Monts, and that against the liking of his friends, who sent expresly to Honfleur to diuert him therof, and to bring him backe to Paris. The ships lying at anker in the said Baye of Saint Marie, he put himselfe in An acci­dent of a man lost in the woods the space of 16. daies.companie with some that went to sport themselues in the woods. It came to passe, that hauing staied to drinke at a brooke, hee forgat there his sword, and followed on his way with his companie: which when he perceiued hee [Page 12] returned backe to seeke it: but hauing found it, forgetfull from what part he came, and not considering whether he should goe East or West, or otherwise (for there was no path) he tooke his way quite contrarie, turning his backe from his companie, and so long trauelled that hee sound himselfe at the sea shoare, where no ships were to be seen, (for they were at the other side of a nooke of land farre reaching into the sea) he imagined that he was forsaken, and began to bewaile his fortune vpon a rocke. The night being come, euery one being retired, he is found wanting: hee was asked for of those that had beene in the woods, they report in what maner he departed from them, and that since they had no newes of him. Whereupon a Pro­testant was charged to haue killed him, because they quarrelled sometimes for matters of Religion. Finally, they sounded a trumpet thorow the forest, they shot off the Canon diuers times, but in vaine: for the roaring of the Sea, stronger than all that, did expell backe the sound of the said Canons and trumpets. Two, three and foure daies passe, he appeareth not. In the meane while the time ha­stens to depart, so hauing taried so long that hee was then held for dead, they weighed ankers to goe further, and to La Baye Fran­çoise.see the depth of a Baye that hath some 40 leagues length, and 14 (yea 18) of bredth, which was named La Baye Francoise, or the French Baye.

In this Bay is the passage to come into a Port, wherein­to our men entred, & made some abode, during the which they had the pleasure to hunt an Ellan, or Stagge, that crossed a great lake of the Sea, which maketh this Port, and did swimme but easily. This Port is enuironed with mountaines on the North side: Towards the South be small hils, which (with the said mountaines) doe powre out a thousand brookes, which make that place pleasanter than any other place in the world: there are very faire falls of waters, fit to make Mils of all sorts. At the East is a ri­uer betweene the said mountaines and hils, in the which [Page 13] Ships may saile fifteene Leagues and more, and in all this distance is nothing of both sides the Riuer but faire me­dowes, which riuer was named L' Equille, because that the The riuer of L' Equille.first fish taken therein was an Equille. But the said Port, for the beauty thereof was called Port Royall. Monsieur Port Royal. De Poutrincourt hauing found this place to be to his liking demanded it, with the Lands thereunto adioyning, of Monsieur De Monts, to whom the King had by commis­sion, before inserted, granted the distribution of the lands of New France from the 40. degree to the 46. Which place was granted to the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt, who since hath had letters of confirmation for the same of his Maiestie, intending to retire himselfe thither with his familie, and there to establish the Christian and French name, asmuch as his power shall stretch, and God grant him the meanes to accomplish it. The said Porte contai­neth eight leagues of circuit, besides the riuer of L' Equille. There is within it two Iles very faire and pleasant: the one at the mouth of the said riuer, which I deeme to be of the greatnesse of the Citie of Beauuais: The other at the side of the mouth of an other riuer, as broad as the riuer of Oise, or Marne, entring within the said Porte: The said Ile be­ing almost of the greatnesse of the other: and they both are wooddy. In this Porte, and right ouer against the for­mer Ile, we dwelt three yeares after this voyage. We will speake thereof more at large heereafter.

A Copper Mine. In the 28. and 29 chap. of the second booke of the whole vo­lume vntran­slated. From Port Royall they sailed to the Copper mine▪ wher­of we haue spoken before else where. It is a high rocke betweene two Bayes of the Sea, wherein the Copper is conioyned with the stone, very fa [...]re and very pure, such as is that which is called Rozette Copper. Many Gold­smithes haue seene of it in France, which doe say that vn­der the Copper Mine there might be a golden Mine: whch is very probable. For if those excrements that na­ture expelleth foorth be so pure, namely, small peeces that are found vpon the grauell at the foote of the Rocke, when [Page 14] it is low water, there is no doubt that the mettall which is Things first to be proui­ded in new the bowels of the earth is much more perfect, but this is a worke that requireth time. The first mining and work­ing is to haue bread, wine and cattell, as we haue said else where. Our felicitie consisteth not in Mines, specially of gold & siluer, the which serue for nothing in the tillage of the ground, nor to handicrafts vse. Contrariwise, the a­bundance of them is but a charge and burthen, that keep­eth man in perpetuall vnquiet, and the more he hath there­of, the lesse rest enioyeth he, and his life lesser assured vnto him.

Nota. Before the voyages of Peron great riches might haue beene set vp in a smal place, in stead that in this our age by the abundance of gold and siluer the same is come at no value nor esteem: One hath need of huge chests and cof­fers to put in that, which a small budget might haue cōtai­ned. One might haue trauelled with a purse in ones sleeue, & now a Cloake-bag and a horse must expresly be had for ‘that purpose. We may iustly curse the houre that greedie auarice did carry the Spaniard into the West, for the wo­full euents that haue ensued thereof. For when I consider that by his greedinesse he hath kindled & maintained the warre thorow all Christendome, and his onely studie hath beene how to destroy his neighbors (and not the Turke) I cannot thinke that any other but the diuell hath beene the author of their voyages. And let not the pretence of religion be alleaged vnto mee: for (as we haue said else­where) they haue killed all the ofspring of the Countrie with the most inhumaine torments that the diuell hath beene able to excogitate. And by their cruelties haue rendred the name of God odious, & a name of offence to those poore people, and haue continually and daily blas­phemed Esaiah 52. vers. 5.him in the midst of the Gentils, as the Prophet reprocheth to the people of Israel. Witnesse him that had rather be damned, then to goe to the Paradise of the Spa­niardes.’

[Page 15] The Romaines (whose couetousnesse hath beene vnsa­tiable) haue made cruell wars to the nations of the Earth, but the Spanish cruelties are not to be found out in their histories. They haue contented themselues to ransacke the nations which they haue ouercommed, and not to de­priue them of their liues. An ancient heathenish author, Patronius Arbiter.making triall of his poeticall humor, findeth no greater crime in them, but that if they found out or discouered some people that had gold, they tooke them for their ene­mies. The verses of this Authour haue so good a grace that I must needs insert them heere, though I intend not to alledge much Latine.

Orbem iam totum Romanus victor habebat,
Quàmare, quàterra, quà sidus currit vtrumque,
Nec satiatus erat. grauidis freta pulsa carinis
I am peragrabantur: siquis sinus abditus vltra,
Si quaforet tellus quae fulvum mitteret aurum,
Hostis erat: fatisque in tristia bella paratis
Quaerebantur opes.—

But the doctrine of the wise Sonne of Sirach teacheth vs a contrary thing. For knowing that the riches which Ecclesiast. 31. ver. 8. 9. 10.are digged vp, euen from as deepe as Plutoes dennes, are that which some one hath said, irritament a malorum, hee declared That man to be happy that hath not runne after gold, and hath not put his hope in siluer and treasures; adding, that he ought to be esteemed to haue done wonderfull things among all his people, and to be the example of glory, which hath beene tempted by gold, and remained perfect. And so by a con­trary sense the same to be vnhappy that doth otherwise.

Now to returne to our Mines. Among these Copper rockes there is found sometimes small rockes couered with Diamons fixed to them. I will not assure them for fine, but Diamonds.that is very pleasing to the sight. There are also certaine shining blew stones, which are of no lesse value or woorth than Turkie stones. Monsieur De Champdorè our guide Turky stones.for the nauigations in those countries, hauing cut within a [Page 16] rocke one of those stones, at his returne from New France he brake it in two, and gaue one part of it to Monsieur De Monts, the other to Monsieur De Poutrincourt, which they made to be put in gold, and were found woorthy to be pre­sented the one to the King by the said Poutrincourt, the other to the Queene by the said De Monts, and were very well accepted. I remember that a Gold-smith did offer fifteene crownes to Monsieur De Poutrincourt for that he presented to his Maiestie. There be many other secrets, rare and faire things within the ground of those Countries, which are yet vnknowen vnto vs, and will come to the knowledge and euidence by inhabiting the prouince.


The description of the riuer Saint Iohn: and of the Ile Saint Croix: The man lost in the woods found out 16. daies after: Examples of some strange abstinences: The discord of the Sa­uages deferred to the iudgement of Monsieur De Monts: The fatherly authoritie amongst the said Saua­ges: What husbands they chuse to their Daughters.

HAuing viewed the said Mine, the companie pas­sed to the other side of the French Baye, and went Saint Iohns Riuer.towards the bottome of the same: Then turning backe came to the riuer of Saint Iohn, so called (as I thinke) because they arriued thither the soure & twentieth of Iune, Dangerous comming in.which is S. Iohn Baptists day. There is a faire Port, but the entrie or mouth is dangerous to them that know not the best waies, because that before the comming in there is a long banke of rockes, which are not seene nor discouered, The fall of a Riuer.but onely at low water, which doe serue as for defence to this Port, within which, when one hath gone about a league, there is found a violent fall of the said riuer, which falleth downe from the rockes, when that the sea doth ebbe, with a maruellous noise: for being sometimes at an [Page 17] ker at sea, we haue heard it from aboue twelue leagues off. But at full sea one may passe it with great ships. This riuer is one of the fairest that may be seene, hauing store of Ilands, and swarming with fishes. This last yeere 1608. 1608.the said Monsieur de Champdorè, with one of the said Monsieur De Monts his men, hath beene some 50 leagues vp the said riuer: and do witnesse that there is great quan­titie Vines.of Vines along the shore, but the grapes are not so bigge as they bee in the country of the Armouchiquois: There are also Onions, & many other sorts of good hearbs. As for the trees they are the fayrest that may be seene. Great grapes among the Armouchi­quois. Abundance of fishes. The Com­moditie of voyaging by the riuer.When we were there we saw great number of Cedar trees. Concerning fishes the said Champdorè hath related vnto vs, that putting the kettle ouer the fire, they had taken fish sufficient for their diner before that the water was hot. Moreouer this riuer, stretching it selfe farre within the lands of the Sauages doth maruellously shorten the long trauels by meanes thereof. For in six daies they goe to Gashepè coming to the bay or gulfe of Chaleur, or heate, when they are at the end of it, in carying their Canowes some few leagues. And by the same riuer in eight daies they goe to Tadoussac by a branch of the same which com­meth from the North-West. In such sort that in Port Roy­all one may haue within 15. or 18. daies newes from the Frenchmen dwelling in the great riuer of Canada, by these waies: which could not be done in one moneth by sea, nor without danger.

The Ile of S. Croix, 20. leagues from S Iohns riuer. Leauing Saint Iohns riuer, they came following the coast 20. leagues from that place, to a great riuer (which is properlie sea) where they fortified themselues in a little Iland seated in the middest of this riuer, which the said Champlein had beene to discouer and view. And seeing it strong by nature, and of easie defence and keeping, besides that the season began to slide away, and therefore it was behouefull to prouide of lodging, without running any farther, they resolued to make their abode there. I will [Page 18] He that will possesse a land ought to place himselfe in the maine or firme land. not sift out curiously the reasons of all parts vpon the reso­lution of this their dwelling; but I will alwaies be of opi­nion, that whosoeuer goes into a countrie to possesse it, must not stay in the Iles, there to be a prisoner. For, before all things, the culter and tillage of the ground must be re­garded. And I would faine know how one shall till and manure it, if it behoueth at euery houre in the morning, at noone and the euening, to crosse a great passage of water, to goe for things requisite from the firme land. And if one feareth the enemy, how shall he that husbandeth the land, or otherwise busie in necessarie affaires, saue himselfe if he be pursued? for one findeth not alwaies a boat in hand, in time of neede, nor two men to conduct it. Besides, out life requiring many commodities, an Iland is not fit for to begin the establishment and seat of a Colony, vnlesse there be Currents and streames of sweet water for to drinke, and to supplie other necessaries in houshold, which is not in small Ilands. There needeth wood for fuell, which also is not there. But aboue all, there must be shelters from the hurtfull winds and colde: which is hardly found in a small continent, inuironed with water of all sides. Neuerthe­lesse the Companie soiorned there in the midest of a broad riuer, where the North wind and North-West bloweth at will. And because, that two leagues higher there be brooks that come crosse-wise to fall within this large branch of sea, the Ile of the Frenchmens retreat was called Saint Croix, 25. leagues distant from Port Royal. Whilest that they begin to cut downe Cedars and other trees of the said Ile to make necessary buildings, let vs returne to seeke out Master Nicolas Aubri, lost in the woods, which long time since is holden for dead.

As they began to visit and search the Iland, Monsieur de Champdorè (of whom we shal henceforth make mentiō, by reason he dwelt foure yeeres in those parts, conduct­ing the voyages made there) was sent backe to the Bay of Saint Mary, with a Mine-finder, that had beene caried [Page 19] thither for to get some Mines of siluer & Iron, which they did. And as they had crossed the French Baie, they entred Returne to the Baie of Saint Marie, where the lost man was found again. The long Ile.into the said Baie of Saint Marie, by a narrow strait or passage, which is betweene the land of Port Royal, and an Iland called the Long Ile: where after some abode they going afishing, the said Aubri perceaued them, and began with a feeble voice to call as loud as he could; and for to helpe his voice he aduised himselfe to doe as Ariadne did heeretofore to Theseus,

Candidaque imposui longae velamina virgae,
Scilicet oblitos admonitura mei.

For he put his handkercher, and his hat on a staues end, which made him better to be knowen. For as one of them heard the voice, and asked the rest of the companie, if it might be the said Monsieur Aubri, they mocked & laugh­ed at it. But after they had ipied the mouing of the hand­kercher and of the hat, then they began to thinke that it might be hee. And comming neere, they knew perfect­ly it was himselfe, and tooke him in their Barke with great ioy and contentment the sixteenth day after he had lost himselfe. Diuers in this later age haue stuffed their books and histories with many miracles, wherein is not to bee found so great cause of admiration as in this. For during these sixteen daies hee fedde himselfe but by (I know not Cheries.what) small fruits, like vnto Cheries, without kernel, (yet not so delicate) which are scarsly found in those woods. And indeed in these last voyages a speciall grace and fauor of God hath beene euident in many occurrences, which we will marke as occasion shall be offered. The poore Au­bri (I call him so by reason of his affliction) was, as one may easily thinke, maruellously weakened. They gaue him food by measure, and brought him backe againe to the companie at the Iland of Saint Croix, wherof euerie one receaued an incredible ioy and consolation, and espe­cially Monsieur De Monts, whom it concerned more than any other. Doe not alleage vnto me the Histories of the [Page 20] Maide of Confolans, in the Countrie of Poictou: which was two yeares without eating, some six yeares agoe, nor of an other neere Berne in Swisser-land, which lost (not yet full ten yeares ago) the desire and appetite of eating, during all Plin. lib. 7. Cap. 2.her life time, and other like examples: for they bee acci­dents hapned by the disordering of nature. And concer­ning that which Pliny reciteth, that in the remotest parts of the Indies, in the inferiour parts of the fountaine and spring of the riuer Ganges, there is a nation of Astoms, that is to say, Mouthlesse people, that liue but with the onely odour and exhalation of certaine rootes, flowers and fruits which they assume through their noses: I would hardly beleeue it, but would thinke rather that in smelling they might bite very well of the said rootes and fruits: As also those that Iames Quartier mentioneth to haue no mouths, and to eat nothing, by the report of the Sauage Donnacona, whom he brought into France to make recitall thereof to the King, with other things as voide of common sense and credit as that. But imagine it were true, such people haue their nature disposed to this maner of liuing, and this case is not alike. For the said Aubri wanted no stomacke nor appetite, and hath liued sixteene daies, partlie nourish­ed by some nutritiue force, which is in the aire of that countrie, and partly by those small fruits before spoken: God hauing giuen him strength to endure this long want Iohn Wier in the treatie De ieiuniis com­ment.of food, preseruing him from the step of death. Which I finde strange, and is so indeed. But in the Histories of our time there be found things of greater maruell. Among o­ther things of one Henry de Hasseld, merchant trafficking from the Low Countries to Berg in Norwege: who hauing heard a belly-god Preacher speaking ill of the miraculous fasts, as though it were not in Gods power to doe that which he hath done in times past, prouoked by it, did as­say to fast, and abstained himselfe three daies from eat­ing: At the end whereof, being pinched with hunger, tooke a morsell of bread, meaning to swallow it downe [Page 21] with a glasse of Beere: but all that stucke so in his throate, that he remained forty daies and forty nights without ei­ther eating or drinking. That time being ended, he vomi­ted out by the mouth that which he had eaten and drunke, which all that while remained in his throat. So long an ab­stinence weakned him in such sort, that it was needfull to sustaine and restore him with milke. The Gouernour of the countrey hauing vnderstood this woonder, called him before him, and inquired of the truth of the matter: where­of being incredulous, would make new triall of it, and ha­uing made him carefully to bee kept in a chamber, found the thing to be true. This man is praised for great pietie, specially towards the poore. Sometime after being come for his priuate affaires to Bruxelles in Brabant, a Creditor of his, to bereaue him of his due, accused him of heresie, and so caused him to be burned in the yeere 1545.

Ibidem. And since one of the Chanons of the citie of Liege, ma­king triall of his strength in fasting, hauing continued the same euen to the seuenteenth day, felt himself so weakned, that vnlesse he had beene suddenly succoured by a good restoratiue, he had quite perished.

Ibidem. A yongue Maid of Buchold, in the territorie of Munster in Westphalia, afflicted with griefe of minde, and vnwilling to stirre or goe abroad from home, was beaten by her mo­ther for the same, which redoubled her dolour, in such sort, that hauing lost her naturall rest, was foure moneths without either drinking or eating, sauing that sometimes she did chaw some rosted apple, and washed her mouth with a little Ptisane.

Euagrius lib. 1. of the Eccle­siasticall hi­storie. cap. 3. Baronius vpon the Martyrol. Rom. 9. Ian [...]. The Ecclesiasticall Histories, among a great number of fasters, make mention of three holy Hermites, all named Simeon, which did liue in strange austeritie and long fasts, as of eight daies, and fifteene daies continuance, yea longer, not hauing for all their dwelling but a Columne or Hermitage where they dwelt and ledde their liues: by reason whereof they were named Stelites, that is to saie, [Page 22] Columnaries, as dwelling in Columnes.

But all these before alleaged, had partly resolued them­selues to such fasts, and partly had by little and little ac­customed themselues to it, so that it was not very strange for them to fast so long: which was not in him of whom we speake. And therefore his fast is the more to be admi­red, by so much as that he had not in any wise disposed himselfe thereto, and had not vsed these long austerities.

After he had beene cherished, and they soiourned yet sometime, to order the businesse, and to view the lands round about the Ile Saint Croix, motion was made to send backe the shippes into France before Winter, and so they that went not thither to Winter, prepared themselues for the returne. The meane while the Sauages from about all their confines came to see the maners of the Frenchmen: The Sauage submit themselues to the censure of Monsieur De Monts in in their vari­ances.& lodged themselues willingly neere them: also in certaine variances hapned amongst themselues, they did make Monsieur De Monts Iudge of their debates; which is a be­ginning of voluntarie subiection, from whence a hope may be conceaued, that these people wil soone conforme them­selues to our maner of liuing.

Amongst other things hapned before the departing of the said ships, it chanced one day, that a Sauage called Bi­tuani, The fathers authoritie in mariage.finding good relish in the kitchin of the said Mon­sieur De Monts, setled himselfe therein, doing there some seruice: And yet did make loue to a Maide, by way of marriage; the which not being able to haue with the good liking and consent of her father, he rauished her and tooke her to wife. Thereupon a great quarrell ensueth. And in The cause the of Sauages­pleaded be­fore Monsieur De Monts.the end the Maid was taken away from him, and returned to her fathers. A very great debate was like to follow, were it not that Bituani complaining to the said Monsieur De Monts for this iniury, the others came to defend their cause saying, (to wit▪ the father assisted with his friends) that he would not giue his daughter to a man, vnlesse he had some meanes by his industrie to nourish and maintaine both her [Page 23] and the children that should proceed of the mariage: As for him he saw not any thing that he could doe: That he loitered about the kitchin of the said Monsieur de Monts, not exercising himselfe ahunting. Finallie, that he should not haue the maide, and ought to content himselfe with that which was passed. The said Monsieur De Monts ha­uing heard both parties, told them, that he detained him not, and that the said Bituani was a diligent fellow and should goe ahunting to make proofe of what he could do. But yet for all that they did not restore the maide vnto him, vntill he had shewed effectually that which the said Monsieur De Monts had promised of him. Finally, he go­eth Store of Sal­mons. Beuers. Matachias be laces, beades, bracelets, or such trincketsafishing, taketh great store of Salmons, the maide is redeliuered him, and the next day following he came, clo­thed with a faire new gowne of Beuers well set on with Matachias, to the fort which was then a building for the Frenchmen, bringing his wife with him, as triumphing for the victory, hauing gotten her, as it were by dint of sword: whom he hath euer since loued dearely, contrarie to the custome of the other Sauages: giuing vs to vnder­stand, that the thing which is gotten with paine, ought to be much cherished.

By this action we see the two most considerable points in matter of mariage to bee obserued among these peo­ple, guided onely by the law of nature: That is to say, the fatherly authority, and the husbands industrie: A thing which I haue much admired, seeing, that in our Christian Church, by I know not what abuse, men haue liued many ages, during which the fatherly authority hath beene dis­pised and set at naught, vntill that the Ecclesiasticall con­uentions haue opened their eies, and knowen that the same was euen against nature it selfe: And that our Kings by lawes and Edicts haue reestablished in his force this father­lie authority: which notwithstanding in spirituall maria­ges and vowes of religion hath not yet recouered his anci­ent glorie: And hath (in this respect) his proppe but vp­on [Page 24] the Courts of Parlaments orders, the which oftentime [...] haue constrained the detainers of Children, to restore them to their parents.


The description of the Iland of Saint Croix: The enterprise of Monsieur De Monts difficult and generous, yet persecu­ted through enuie: The returne of Monsieur De Poutrincourt into France: the perils of the voiage.

BEfore we speake of the Ships returne into France, it The descrip­tion of the Ile of Saint meete to tell you how hard the Ile of Saint Croix is to be found out, to them that were neuer there. For there are so many Iles and great Baies to goe by, before one be at it, that I wonder how euer one might pierce so far for to finde it. There are three or foure mountains, imminent a­boue the others, on the sides: But on the North side, from whence the riuer runneth downe, there is but a sharpe pointed one, aboue two leagues distant. The woods of the maine land are faire and admirable high and well growen, as in like maner is the grasse. There is right ouer against the Iland fresh water brookes, very pleasant and agreeable, The fruitful­nesse of the Soile.where diuers of Monsieur De Monts his men did their businesse, and builded there certaine Cabanes. As for the nature of the ground it is most excellent and most abun­dantly fruitfull. For the said Monsieur De Monts hauing caused there some peece of ground to be tilled▪ and the same sowed with Rie (for I haue seene there no wheat) he [...] was not able to tarry for the maturitie thereof to reape it: and notwithstanding, the graine, fallen, hath growen and increased so wonderfully that two yeeres after wee reaped and did gather of it as faire, bigge and waightie, as any in The Iland halfe a league in compasse.France, which the soile had brought foorth without any tillage: and yet at this present it doth continue still to mul­ltiply every yeere. The said Iland containeth some halfe a [Page 25] league of circuit, and at the end of it on the sea side, there is a Mount or small hill, which is (as it were) a little Ile severed from the other, where Monsieur de Monts his Canon was placed: There is also a little Chapell built after the sauage fashion. At the foot of which Chapell there is such store Store of Mus­sels.of mussels as is wonderfull, which may be gathered at low water, but they are small: I beleeue that Monsieur De Monts people did not forget to chuse and take the biggest, and left there but the small ones to grow and increase. As for the exercise and occupation of our Frenchmen, during the time of their abode there, we will mention it briefely, hauing first conducted backe our ships into France.

The Sea and maritime charges in such enterprises as that of Monsieur De Monts, be so great, that he who hath not a good stocke and foundation shall easilie sinke vnder such a burthen, and for to supplie, in some sort, those expences, one is forced to suffer and beare infinite discommodities, and put himselfe in danger to bee discredited among vn­knowen people, and which is worse, in a land which is vn­manured, and all ouer growen with forests. Wherein this action is the more generous, by so much as the perill is more euidently dangerous; and notwithstanding all this, fortune is not left vnattempted, and to treade downe so ma­ny thornes that stop the way. Monsieur De Monts his shipes returning into France, he remaineth in a desolate place, with one barke and one boate onely. And though he is promised to be sent for home at the end of the yeere, who may assure himselfe of Aeolus and Neptunes fidelitie, two euill, furious, vnconstant and vnmercifull Masters? Behold the estate whereunto the said Monsieur De Monts reduced himselfe, hauing had no helpe of the King, as haue had al those voiages that haue beene heeretofore described (except the late Lord Marquis de la Roche) and yet it is he that hath done more than all the rest, not hauing yet lost his hold. But in the end I feare he shall be constrained to giue ouer and forsake all, to the great shame and reproch [Page 26] of the French name, which by this meanes is made ridicu­lous and a by word to other nations. For (as though one would of set purpose oppose himselfe to the conuersion Enuy vpon the priuiledge granted to Monsieur De Monts vpon Beuers.of these poore Westerly people, and to the setting forward of the glorie of God and the Kings) there be men start vp, full of Auarice and Enuie: men which would not giue a stroke, or draw their swords for the Kings seruice (as Monsieur De Poutrincourt shewed one daie to his Maiesty) men which would not indure the least labour in the world for the honour of God, which doe hinder that any profit be drawen from the very prouince it selfe, to furnish to that which is necessarie to the establishment of such a worke, hauing rather that Englishmen and Hollanders reape the profit thereof than Frenchmen, and seeking to make the name of God vnknowen in those parts of the world. And such men, which haue no feare of God (for if they had any they would be zealous of his name) are heard, are beleeued, and carry things away at their plea­sure.

Now let vs prepare and hoise vp sailes. Monsieur De Poutrincourt made the voyage into these parts with some men of good sort, not to winter there, but as it were to seeke out his seat, and finde out a land that might like him. Which he hauing done, had no neede to soiorne there any The returne of Monsieur De Poutrin­court into France.longer. So then the Ships being readie for the returne, he shipped himselfe, and those of his company, in one of them. The meane while the fame was from all sides in these parts, of the wonders made in Ostend, then besieged by their Highnesse of Flanders, alreadie three yeares pas­sed. The voyage was not without stormes and great perils: for amongst others, I will recite two or three which might be placed among miracles, were it not that the Sea-acci­dents are frequent enough, not that I will, for all that, dar­ken the speciall fauour that God hath alwaies shewed in The first perill.these voyages.

The first is of a gust of winde, which in the middest of [Page 27] their nauigation came by night instantlie to strike in the sailes, with such a violent boistrousnesse that it ouerturned the ship in such maner, that of the one part the keele was on the face of the water, and the saile swimming vpon it, without any meanes or time to right it, or to loose the tackles. On the sudden the sea is all afire, and the Mariners themselues, all wet, did seeme to bee all compassed with flames, so furious was the Sea (the Sailers call this fire Saint Goudrans fire) and by ill fortune, in this sudden surprise, there was not a knife to be found for to cut the cables or the saile. The poore ship, during this casualtie, remained o­uerturned, caried continually, one while vpon Mountaines of waters, then another while suncken downe euen to hell. Briefely, euery one did prepare to drinke, more than his belly full, to all his friends, when a new blast of winde came, which rent the saile in a thousand peeces, euer after vnprofitable to any vse. Happy saile! hauing by his ruine saued all this people; for if it had beene a new one they had beene cast away, and neuer newes had beene heard of them. But God doth often trie his people, and bringeth them e­uen to deaths doore, to the end they may know his pow­erfull might, and feare him. So the ship began to stur and rise againe by little and little: And well was it for them that she was deepe keeled, for if it had beene a fliboate with a flat bottome and broade belly, it had beene quite ouerturned vp side downe, but the ballast, which remained beneath, did helpe to stirre her vpright.

The second danger. The second was at Casquet (an Ile or rocke in the forme of a Caske, betweene France and England, on which there is no dwelling) being come within three leagues of the same, there was some iealousie betweene the Masters of the ship (an euill which oftentimes destroieth both men and faire enterprises) the one saying that they might dou­ble well enough the said Casket, an other that they could not, and that it behooued to cast a little from the right course for to passe vnder the Iland. In this case the worst [Page 28] was that one knew not the houre of the day, because it was darke by reason of mistes, and by consequent they knew not if it did ebbe or flow. For if it had beene floud they had easily doubled it: but it chanced that it was turning water, and by that meanes the ebbe did hinder it. So that approching the said rocke they saw no hope to saue themselues, and that necessarily they must go strike against Necessitie maketh vs seeke to God. The diuellish­nesse of re­uengefull de­ Then euery one began to pray to God, to craue pardon one of another, and (for their last comfort) to bewaile one another. Heereupon Captaine Rossignol (whose Ship was taken in New France, as we haue said before) drew out a great knife, to kill therewith Captaine Timothie, Gouer­nor of this present voyage, saying to him, Doest thou not content thy selfe to haue vndone me, but wilt thou needs yet cast me heere away? but he was held and kept from doing of that he was about to doe. And in very truth it was in him great folly, yea rather madnesse, to goe about to kill a man that was going to die, and he (that went to giue the blow) in the same perill. In the end as they went to strike vpon the rocke Monsieur De Poutrincort, who had alreadie yeelded his soule and recommended his fami­ly to God, asked of him that was at the top if there were a­ny hope; who told him there was none: Then he bad some to helpe him to change the sailes, which two or three one­ly did, and already was there no more water but to turne the Ship, when the mercy and fauor of God came to helpe them, & turned the ship from the perils wherein they saw themselues. Some had put off their doublets for to seeke to saue themselues by climbing vpon the rocke, but the The third danger.feare was all the harme they had for that time: sauing that some few houres after, being arriued neere to a rocke called Le nid a L'aigle, the Eagles nest, they thought to goe bord it, thinking, in the darknesse of the mist, it had been a Ship, from whence being againe escaped they arriued at New Their return at New ha­uen.hauen, the place from whence they first set out. The said Monsieur De Poutrincourt hauing left his armours and pro­uisions [Page 29] of war in the Ile of Saint Croix, in the keeping of the said Monsieur De Monts, as a gage and token of the good will he had to returne thither.

The fourth perill. But I may yet well set downe heere a maruellous dan­ger, from which the same vessell was preserued, a little af­ter the departing from Saint Croix, and this by a bad acci­dent, which God turned to good. For a certaine tipling fellow, being by night stealingly come downe to the bot­tome of the ship, for to drinke his belly full, and to fill his bottle with wine, hee found that there was but too much to drinke, and that the said ship was alreadie halfe full of water: in such sort, that the perill was imminent, and they had infinite paines to stanch her by pomping. In the end being come about they found a great leake, by the keele, which they stopped with all diligence.


The buildings of the Ile Saint Croix: The French-mens dis­commodities in the said place: Vnknowen Sicknesses: of their causes: of the people that be subiect to it: of diets, bad waters, aire, windes, lakes, corruption of woods, seasons, disposi­tion of bodies, of yongue, and old: the Authors ad­uice vpon the gouernment of health, and cure of the said diseases.

The building at the Ile of S. Croix. DVring the foresaid Nauigation, Monsieur De Monts his people did worke about the Fort; which hee seated at the end of the Iland, opposite to the place where he had lodged his Canon. Which was wisely considered, to the end to command the riuer vp & down. But there was an inconuenience, the said Fort did lie to­wards the North, and without any shelter, but of the trees that were on the Ile shore, which all about hee comman­ded to be kept, and not cut downe. And out of the same Fort was the Switzers lodging, great and large, and other small lodgings, representing (as it were) a Suburbe. Some [Page 30] had housed themselues on the firme land, neere the brook. But within the Fort was Monsieur De Monts his lodging, made with very faire & artificiall Carpentrie worke, with the Banner of France vpon the same. At another part was the store-house, wherin consisted the safety & life of euerie one, likewise made with faire Carpentry worke, and coue­red with reedes. Right ouer against the said store-house, were the lodgings and houses of these Gentlemen, Mon­sieur D'oruille, Monsieur Champlein, Monsieur Champdorè, and other men of reckoning. Opposite to Monsieur De Monts his said lodging, there was a gallerie couered for to exercise themselues, either in play, or for the workmen in time of raine. And betweene the said Fort and the Plat­forme, where lay the Canon, all was full of gardens, wher­unto euerie one exercised himselfe willingly. All Autumne quarter was passed on these works, and it was well for them to haue lodged themselues, and to manure the ground of the Iland, before Winter; whilest that in these parts pamphlets were set out vnder the name of Maistre Guillaume, stuffed with all sorts of newes: By the which, amongst other things, this Prognosticator did say, that Monsieur De Monts did pull out thornes in Canada: and all well considered, it may well be termed the pulling out of thornes, to take in hand such enterprises, full of toiles and continuall perils, with cares, vexations, and discom­modities. But vertue and courage that ouer commeth all these things, makes those thornes to be but Gilliflowers and Roses, to them that resoule themselues in these heroi­call actions, to make themselues praise-worthy and fa­mous in the memorie of men, despising the vaine pleasures of delicate and effeminated men, good for nothing but to coffer themselues in a chamber.

Three discō ­modities in wintering at S. Croix. The most vrgent things being done, and hoarie snowie father being come, that is to say, Winter, then they were forced to keepe within doores, and to liue euery one at his owne home: during which time, our men had three spe­ciall [Page 31] discommodities in this Hand, videlicet, want of wood, (for that which was in the said Ile, was spent in buildings) lacke of fresh water, and the continuall watch, made by night, fearing some surprise from the Sauages, that had lodged themselues at the foot of the said Iland, or some Wickednesse of manie Christians.other enemie. For the malediction and rage of many Christians is such, that one must take heed of them much more than of Infidels. A thing which grieueth me to speak: would to God I were a liar in this respect, and that I had no cause to speake it! When they had need of water or wood, they were constrained to crosse ouer the riuer, which is thrice as broad of euery side, as the riuer of Seine. The riuer of Roan.It was a thing painfull and tedious, in such sort that it was needfull to keepe the boat a whole day, before one might get those necessaries. In the meane while the cold and snowes came vpon them, and the Ice so strong, that the Sider was frozen in the vessels, and euery one his mea­sure was giuen him out by waight. As for wine it was di­stributed but at certaine daies of the weeke. Many idle sluggish companions dranke snow-water, not willing to take the paines to crosse the riuer. Briefly, the vnknowen Vnknowen Sicknesses▪sicknesses like to those described vnto vs by Iames Quar­tier, in his relation, assailed vs. For remedies there was none to be found. In the meane while the poore sicke crea­tures did languish, pining away by little and little, for want of sweet meats, as milke or spoon-meat for to sustain their stomacks, which could not receaue the hard meats, by reason of let, proceeding from a rotten flesh, which grew and ouer-abounded within their mouths: And when one thought to root it out, it did grow againe in one nights space more abundantly than before. As for the tree cal­led Annedda, mentioned by the said Quartier, the Saua­ges of these lands know it not. So that it was most piti­full to behold euery one, very few excepted, in this mise­rie, and the miserable sicke folkes to die, as it were full of life, without any possibilitie to be succoured. There died [Page 32] The number of the dead and sicke. Dangerous moneths. of this sicknesse 36, and 36 or 40 more, that were stricken with it, recouered themselues by the helpe of the Spring, assoone as the comfortable season appeared. But the dead­ly season for that sicknesse is in the end of Ianuarie, the moneths of February and March, wherein most common­ly the sicke doe die, euery one at his turne, according to the time they haue begun to be sicke: in such sort, that hee which began to bee ill in Februarie and March, may escape, but hee that shall ouer-haste himselfe, and betake him to his bed in December and Ianuarie, hee is in dan­ger to die in Februarie, March, or the beginning of Aprill, which time being passed, he is in good hope, and as it were assured of his safetie. Notwithstanding some haue felt some touch thereof, hauing beene sharply handled with it.

Monsieur De monts being returned into France, did con­sult with our Doctors of Physicke vpon the sicknesse, which (in my opinion) they found very new & vnknown, for I doe not see, that when we went away, our Pothecarie was charged with any order for the cure thereof: and not­withstanding seemeth that Hippocrates hath had know­ledge of it, or at least of some that was very like to it. For in the Booke De internis affect. he speaketh of a certaine maladie, where the belly, and afterward the spleene doe swell and harden it selfe, and feele grieuous and sharpe gripes; the skinne becommeth blacke and pale, drawing towards the colour of a greene Pomgranet: the eares and gums doe render and yeeld a bad sent, the said gums dis­ioining themselues from the teeth: the legs full of blisters: Northerly people sub­iect to the land disease of New France.the limbes are weakned, &c.

But specially the Northerly people, are more subiect to it than other more Southerly nations. Witnesse the Hol­landers, Frizeland men, and other thereabout, amongst whom the said Hollanders doe write in their nauigations, that going to the East Indies, many of them were taken with the same disease, being vpon the coast of Guinie: a [Page 33] dangerous coast, bearing a pestiferous aire a hundred leagues farre in the sea. And the same (I meane the Hol­landers) being, in the yeere 1606, gone vpon the coast of Spaine, to keepe the same coast, and to annoy the Spanish Nauie, were constrained to with-draw them­selues, by reason of this disease, hauing cast into the sea two and twentie of their dead. And if one will heare the witnesse of Olaus magnus, writing of the Norther­ly Olaus magnus, Lib. 16. cap. 5 [...]. Nations, of which part himselfe was, let him hear­ken to his report, which is this: There is (saith he) yet an other martiall sicknesse (that is, a sicknesse that afflicteth them which follow the warres) which tormenteth and affli­cteth them that are besieged, such whose limbes thickned by a certaine fleshy heauinesse, and by a corrupted bloud, which is betweene the flesh and the skinne, dilating it selfe like wax: they sinke with the least impression made on them with the fin­ger; and disioineth the teeth as ready to fall out: changeth the white colour of the skinne into blew: and causeth a benumming, with a distaste to take Physicke, and that disease is called in the vulgar tongue of the countrey Sorbut, in Greeke [...], per aduenture because of this putrifying softnesse, which is vn­der Euill disposi­tion of the body cor­rupteth the meates.the skinne, which seemeth to proceede of indigesting and salt meats, and to be continued by the cold exhalation of the walles. But it shall not haue so much force where the houses are inward wainscotted with boords. If it continue longer, it must be driuen out by taking euery day wormwood, as one ex­pelleth A medicine for the stone.out the roote of the stone, by a decoction of stale Beere drunke with butter. The same Author doth yet say in an other place, a thing much to be noted: In the beginning It is in the 9. booke, ca. 38▪ (saith he) they sustaine the siege with force, but in the end, the Souldier being by continuance weakned, they take away the prouisions from the inuaders, by artificiall meanes, subtilties This is to be noted.and ambushments, specially the sheepe, which they carry away, and make them to grase in grassie places of their houses, for feare that through want of fresh meats they fall into the loth­somest sicknesse of all sicknesses, called in the country language, [Page 34] Sorbut, or Scoruie. Sorbut, that is to say, a wounded stomacke, dried by cruell torments, and long anguishes: for the cold and indigesting meats, greedily taken, seeme to be the true cause of this sick­nesse.

I haue delighted my selfe to recite heere the very words of this Author, because he speaketh thereof as being skil­full, and setteth foorth sufficiently enough the land disease of New France, sauing that he maketh no mention of the stiffening of the hammes, nor of a superfluous flesh which groweth and aboundeth within the mouth, and that if one thinke to take it away, it increaseth still; but well speaketh The opening of a dead bo­die.he of the bad stomacke. For Monsieur De Poutrincourt made a Negroe to be opened, that died of that sicknesse in our voyage, who was found to haue the inward parts ve­ry sound, except the stomacke, that had wrinckles, as though they were vlcered.

Causes of the said disease. And as for the cause proceeding from salt meats, it is ve­rie true, there are many other causes concurring, which feed and entertaine this sicknesse: Amongst which I will place in generall the bad food, comprehending with it the drinks; then the vice of the aire of the countrey, and af­ter the euill disposition of the bodie: leauing the Physi­cians In the begin­ning of the book De aere, aquu, & sift it out more curiously. Whereunto Hippocrates saith, that the Physicion ought also carefully to take heed, in considering the seasons, the windes, the aspects of the Sunne, the waters, the land it selfe, the nature and situation of it, the nature of men, their maner of liuing and exercise.

What foode causeth the land disease. As for the food, this sicknesse is caused by cold meats, without iuice, grosse and corrupted. One must then take heed of salt meats, smokie, mustie, raw, and of an euill sent, likewise of dried fishes, as New-found land fish, and stinking Raies: Briefly, from all melancholy meates, which are of hard digesting, are easily corrupted, and breed a grosse and melancholie bloud. I would not (for all that) be so scrupulous as the Physicians, which do put in the number of grosse and melancholie meates, Beeues­flesh, [Page 35] Beares, wilde Bores and Hogges flesh (they might as well adde vnto them Beuers flesh, which notwithstan­ding we haue found very good) as they do amongst fishes the Tons, Dolphins, & all those that carie lard: among the birds, the Hernes, Duckes, and all other water birds: for in being an ouer curious obseruator of these things, one might fall into the danger of staruing, and to die for hun­ger. They place yet among the meats that are to be shun­ned, bisket, beanes and pulse, the often vsing of mi [...]ke, cheese: the grosse and harsh wine, and that which is too small, white wine, and the vse of vineger: Beere which is not well sodden, nor well scummed, and that hath not hoppes enow. Also waters that runne thorow rotten Bad waters.wood, and those of lakes and bogges, still and corrupted waters, such as is much in Holland and Frizeland, where is obserued that they of Amsterdam are more subiect to paulfies and stifning of sinewes, than they of Roterdam, for the abouesaid cause of still and sleepie waters: which besides doe ingender dropfies, dysenteries, fluxes, quarten agues, and burning feuers, swellings, vlcers of the lights, shortnesse of breath, ruptures in children, swelling in the veines, sores in the legges: finally, they wholly belong to the disease whereof we speake, being drawen by the spleene, where they leaue all their corruption.

Sometimes this sicknesse doth also come by a vice, which is euen in waters of running fountaines, as if they be among, or neere bogges, or if they issue from a muddie ground, or from a place that hath not the Suns a­spect. So Pliny reciteth that in the voiage which the prince Plin. li. 25. [...] Caesar Germanicus made into Germany, hauing giuen order to his armie to passe the riuer of Rhine, to the end to get still forward in the countrie, he did set his campe on the sea shore, vpon the coast of Frizeland, in a place where was but one onely fountaine of fresh water to be found, which notwithstanding was so pernicious, that all they that dranke of it lost their teeth in lesse than two yeeres [Page 36] space, and had their knees so weake and disiointed, that they could not beare themselues. Which is verily the sick­nesse whereof we speake, which the Physicians doe call Stomaccacè. Scelotyrbè. Stomaccacè, that is to say, mouthes sore, and Scelotyrbè, which is as much to say, as the shaking of thighs and legs. And it was not possible to finde any remedie, but by the Britannica, an herbe.meanes of an hearbe called Britannica, or Scuruie-grasse, which besides is very good for the sinewes, against the sores and accidents in the mouth: against the Squinancie, and against the biting of serpents. It hath long leaues, drawing in colour to a dark greene, and produceth a black roote, from which liquor is drawen, as well as from the leaf. Strabo saith, that the like case hapned to the army that Strabo. Monsieur d [...] Ioinuille. The Gouitres of Sauoye. Aelius Gallus brought into Arabia, by the commission of Augustus the Emperor. And the like also chanced to king S. Lewes his armie in Egypt, as the Lord de Ioinuille report­eth. Other effects of bad waters are seene neere vnto vs, to wit, in Sauoy, where the women (more than men, be­cause they are of a colder constitution) haue commonly swellings in their throats, as bigge as bottels.

What aire is against health. Next to waters, the aire is also one of the fathers and in­genderes of this sicknes, in boggy and watrish places, and opposit to the South, which is most often rainy. But there is yet in New France another bad quality of the aire, by reason of lakes that be thicke there, and of the great rot­tennes in the woods, whose odour the bodies hauing draw­en vp, during the raines of Autumne and winter, easily are ingendred the corruptions of the mouth, and swelling in the legges before spoken, and a cold entreth vnsensibly into it, which benummeth the limbes, stifneth the sinewes, constraineth to creepe with cruches, and in the end to keepe the bed.

Windes. And for as much as the windes doe participate with the aire, yea are an aire running with a more vehement force than ordinary, and in this quality haue great power ouer the health and sicknesses of men, we will speake some [Page 37] thing of it, not (for all that) straying ourselues from the sequell of our historie. What windes be healthfull and vnhealth­full.

The Easterly winde, called by the Latins Subsolanus, is held for the healthfullest of all, and for that cause, wise buil­ders giue aduice to set their buildings towards the aspect of the East. The opposit to it, is the winde called Fauori­nus, or Zephirus, which our Sea-men doe name West, which in these parts is milde & fructifying. The Southern winde (called Auster by the Latines) is in Affrica hot and drie: But in crossing the Mediterranian sea, it gathereth a great moistnes, which maketh it stormy and putrifying in Prouence and Languedoc, The opposite to it is the Nor­thern winde, otherwise called Boreas, Bize, Tramontane, which is colde and drie, chaseth the cloudes and sweepeth The windes haue not one and the selfe same qualitie in all places.the airie region. It is taken for the holsommest next to the East winde. But these qualities of the winde, found and noted in these parts, make not one generall rule thorow ouer all the earth. For the North-winde beyond the Equi­noctiall line is not colde as in these parts, nor the South-winde hot, because that by a long crossing, they borrow the qualities of the regions thorow which they passe: be­sides that the South-winde at his first issue is cooling, ac­cording to the report of those that haue trauelled in Affri­ca. In like maner there be regions in Perou (as in Lima and the plaines) where the North-winde is vnholsome and noysome. And thorow all that coast, which is aboue 500. leagues in length, they take the South-winde for a sound and fresh cooling winde, and which more is, most milde and pleasant: yea also that it doth neuer raine by it (according to that which Ioseph Acosta writeth of it) cleane contrary to that we see in this our part of Europe. And in Spaine the East-winde, which we haue said to be sound, Lib. 3 cap. 3.the same Acosta saith, that it is noisome and vnsound. The winde called Circius, which is the North-west, is so stor­mie and boistrous in the Westerly shores of Norwege, that if there be any which vndertaketh any voyage that way, [Page 38] when that winde bloweth, he must make account to be lost and cast away: And this winde is so colde in that regi­on, that it suffereth not any tree, small or great to grow Olam magnus Lib. 1. Cap. 10.there: So that for want of wood they must serue thēselues with the bones of great fishes, to seeth or rost their meats, which discommodity is not in these parts. In like sort we haue had experience in New France that the North-winds are not for health: And the North-east (which are the Sicke folkes and beasts doe feele the winde and weather a­ [...]omming.colde, strong, sharpe and stormy Aquilons) yet worse: which our sicke folkes, and they that had wintred there the former yeare, did greatly feare, because that likely, some of them drooped away, when that winde blew, for indeed they had some sensible feeling of this winde: As we see those that bee subiect to ruptures endure great pangs when that the South-winde doth blow: And as we see the very beasts to prognosticate by some signes the change of weather. This noisome qualitie of winde proceedeth (in my iudgement) from the nature of the countrie thorow which it passeth, which (as we haue said) is full of lakes, and those very great, which be (as it were) standing and still waters. Whereto I adde the exhalation of the rotten­nesse of woods, that this winde bringeth, and that in so much greater quantitie, as the North-west part is great, large and spacious.

Seasons. The seasons are also to be marked in this disease, which I haue not seene nor heard of, that it beginnes to work, nei­ther in the spring time, Summer nor Autumne, vnlesse it be at the end of it, but in Winter. And the cause thereof is, that as the growing heat of the Spring, maketh the humours closed vp in the winter to disperse themselues to the extre­mities of the body, and so cleareth it from melancholy, and from the noisome humors that haue beene gathered in Winter: so the Autumne, as the Winter approcheth, draweth them inward, and doth nourish this melancholie and blacke humor, which doth abound specially in this season, and the Winter being come sheweth foorth his ef­fects [Page 39] at the costs and griefe of the poore patients. Galen Galen. Com. 35. lib. 1. de nat. hum.yeldeth a reason for the same, saying that the humors of the bodie, hauing beene parched by the burning of the Summer, that which may rest of it, after the heat is expul­sed, becommeth foorthwith colde and drie: That is to say, colde by the priuation of the heat, and drie in as much as in the drying of these humors, all the moistnesse that was therein hath been consumed. And thereby it commeth that sickenesses are bred in this season, and the farther one go­eth, the weaker nature is, and the vntemperate coldnesse of the aire being entred into a bodie alreadie thereto dispo­sed, doth handle it (as it were) at a becke and at will, with­out pitie.

I would adde willingly to all the foresaid causes the bad Bad foode and discom­modities of the Sea.foode of the sea, which in a long voiage brings much cor­ruption in mans bodie. For one must of necessity, after foure or fiue daies, liue of salt meate, or to bring sheepe a­liue, and store of poultry; but this is but for Masters and Commanders in ships: and we had none in our voyage but for to reserue and multiplie in the land whither we did go. The mariners then and passengers doe suffer discommodi­tie as well in the bread, as in meat and drinke, the biskit be­commeth dampish and rotten, the fishes that are giuen them alike, and the waters stincking; they which carie sweet meates, be it flesh or fruits, and that vse good bread, good wine and good brothes, do easily auoide those sicknesses; and I durst (in some sort) be answerable vnto them for their healthes, vnlesse they be very vnhealthfull by nature. And when I consider that this disease is as well taken in Holland, Frizeland, in Spaine and in Guinie, as in Canada, I am brought to beleeue that the chiefe cause thereof is in that which I haue said, and not peculiar nor particular to New France.

Disposition of bodie. After all these causes and considerations, it is good in euery place to haue a wel disposed body, for to be in health and liue long. For those which naturally gather colde and [Page 40] grosse humors, and haue the masse of their bodie pory. Item they that be subiect to the oppilations of the spleene, and they that vse not a sturring life, but sitting and without frequent motion, are more apt and subiect to these sicknes­ses. Therefore a Physitian might say that a student is not fit for that Countrie, that is to say, he shall not liue there in health: nor those which ouertoile in labors, nor melan­choly people, men which haue drowsie dreaming spirits, nor those that be often visited with agues, and such other sort of people. Which I might easily beleeue, because that these things doe heape much melancholy, cold and su­perfluous humors. Notwithstanding I haue tried the contrarie, both by my selfe and by others, against the opi­nion Sagamos is a Sauage word which Signi­fieth a Lord, a ruler, or a Captaine.of some of ours, yea of Sagamos Membertou himselfe, which plaieth the Soothsaier among the Sauages, who (arriuing in that countrie) said that I should neuer returne into France, nor Monsieur Boullet (sometimes captaine of Monsieur De Poutrincourt his regiment) who for the most part of the time hath had agues there (but he did farewel.) And they themselues did aduise our labourers to take but small labour in their worke (which counsell they could The author his exercise in New France.very well obserue). For I may say (and that truely) that I neuer made so much bodily worke, for the pleasure that I did take in dressing and tilling my gardens, to inclose and hedge them, against the gluttony of the hogges, to make knots, to draw out allies, to build arbours, to sowe wheat, rie, barly, oates, beanes, pease, garden hearbs, and to wa­ter them; so much desire had I to know the goodnesse of The labour of the minde.the ground by my owne experience. So that Summers daies were vnto mee too short, and very often did I worke by Moonelight. Concerning the labour of the minde, I tooke a reasonable part of it; for at night, euery one be­ing retired, among the pratings, noises, and hurliburlies, I was shut vp in my studie, reading or writing of something. Yea I will not be ashamed to speake, that being requested by Monsieur De Poutrincourt, our Commander, to bestow [Page 41] some houres of my industrie, in giuing Christian instru­ctions The pietie of the Author of this our small company, for not to liue like beasts, and for to giue to the Sauages an example of our maner of life, I haue done it, according to the necessitie, and being thereof requested, euery Sunday, and sometimes extraor­dinarilie, almost during all the time we haue beene there; And well was it for me that I had brought my Bible, and some bookes vnawares: for otherwise it had beene very difficult for me, and had beene cause to excuse me of that worke. It hath not beene without fruit, many witnessing vnto me that they had neuer heard so much good talke of God, not knowing before, any principle of that which be­longeth to Christian doctrine: And such is the state wher­in liue the most part of Christendome. And if there were any edifying of one part, there was backbiting on the other, by reason, that vsing a French liberty, I willingly spake the truth. Whereupon I remember the saying of the Prophet Amos, They haue hated (saith he) him that repro­ued them Amos. 5. verse. 10. in the gate, and haue had in abomination him that spake in integrity. But in the end we became all good friends; And amongst these things God gaue me alwaies a sound and a perfect health, alwaies a good taste, alwaies mery and nimble, sauing that hauing once laien in the woods, neere to a brooke in snowey weather, I was touched with a Crampe or Sciatika in my thigh a fortnights space, not loosing my appetite nor stomacke for the same; for indeed I tooke delight in that which I did, desiring to confine there my life, if it would please God to blesse the voy­ages.

Of Children. I should be ouer tedious, if I would set downe heere the disposition of all persons, and to speake concerning chil­dren that they are more subiect to this sicknesse then o­thers, for that they haue very often vlcers in the mouth and gummes, because of the thin substance that abound in their bodies: and also that they gather many crude hu­mours by their disorder of liuing, and by the quantity of [Page 42] fruits they eate, being neuer filled with it, by which m eans they gather great quantity of waterish bloud, and the spleene being stopped cannot soake vp those moisturs. Of aged folkes.And as for old folkes that haue their heat weakened, and cannot resist the sicknes, being filled with crudities, and with a cold and moist temperature, which is the qualitie proper to stirre vp and nourish it: I will not take the Phy­sitians office in hand, fearing the censuring rod: and not­withstanding (with their leaue) not touching with their or­ders and receits of Agaric, aloes, rubarbe, and other ingre­diens, I will write heere that which I thinke more ready at hand for the poore people, which haue not the abilitie and meanes to send to Alexandria, as well for the preseruation of their health, as for the remedie of this sicknesse.

Aduice for the sicknesses of New France. It is a certaine axiome that a contrary must be healed by his contrarie. This sicknesse proceeding from an indige­stion of rude, grosse, cold and melancholie meates, which offend the stomacke, I thinke it good (submitting my selfe to better Iudgement and aduice) to accompany them with good sawces, be it of butter, oyle, or fat, all well spi­ced, to correct as well the quality of the meate, as of the bodie inwardly waxen colde. Let this be said for rude and grosse meates, as beanes, pease, and fish: for he that shall eat good capons, [...] [...]idges, good duckes and good rabets, he may be [...]sured of his health, or else his body is of a very bad constitution. We haue had some sicke that haue (as it were) raised vp from death to life: for hauing Good Wine.eaten twice or thrice of a coolice made of a cocke, good wine taken according to the necessity of nature, is a soue­raigne preseruatiue for all sicknesses, and particularily for this. Master Macquin and Master Georges, worshipfull Marchants of Rochel, as associates to Monsieur De Monts, did furnish vs with 45. toones of wine, which did vs very much good. And our sicke folkes themselues, hauing their mouthes spoiled, and not being able to eat, haue neuer lost the tast of wine, which they tooke with a pipe. The same [Page 43] hath preserued many of them from death. The yong buds of hearbs in the Spring time be also very soueraigne. And besides that reason requireth to beleeue it, I haue tried it, Hearbs in the spring time.being my selfe gone many times to gather some for our sicke people, before that those of our garden might be v­sed, which restored them to their taste againe, and com­forted their weake stomacks.

And as for that which concerneth the exterior parts of the body, we haue found great good in wearing woodden pantaphles, or patins with our shooes, for to avoide the moistnesse. The houses neede no opening, nor windowes on the Northwest side, being a winde very dangerous: but rather on the East side, or the South. It is very good to haue good bedding (& it was good for me to haue caried things necessary to this purpose) and aboue all to keepe himselfe Stooues.neat. I would like well the vse of Stooues, such as they haue in Germany, by meanes whereof they feele no Win­ter, being at home, but as much as they please. Yea they Stooues in gardens.haue of them, in many places, in their gardens, which doe so temper the coldnesse of winter, that in this rough and sharpe season, there one may see Orenge-trees, Limon-trees, Figge-trees, Pomgranet-trees, and all such sorts of trees, bring foorth fruit as good as in Prouence. Which is so much the more easie to doe in this new land, for that it is all couered ouer with woods, (except when one comes in the Armonchiquois countrie, a hundred leagues further of The countrie of the Ar­mouchiquois 100. leagues distant from Port Royall.then Port Royall) And in making of winter a sommer one shall discouer the land: Which not hauing any more those great obstacles, that hinder the Sunne to court her, and from warming it with his heat, without doubt it will be­come very temperate, and yeeld a most milde aire: and well agreeing with our humour, not hauing there, euen at this time, neither colde nor heat that is excessiue.

The Sauages that know not Germany, nor the customes thereof, doe teach vs the same lesson, which being subiect to those sicknesse (as we haue seene in the voiage of Iames [Page 44] Quartier) vse sweatings often, as it were euery moneth, The Sweat­ings of the Sauages.and by this meanes they preserue themselues, driuing out by sweate all the colde and euell humors they might haue gathered. But one singular preseruatiue against this perfi­dious sicknesse, which commeth so stealingly, and which hauing once lodged it selfe within vs, will not be put out, is to follow the counsell of him that is wise amonst the wise, who hauing considered all the afflictions that man giue to himselfe during his life, hath found nothing better Ecclesi. 3. verse. 12. and 22.then to reioice himselfe, and doe good, and to take pleasure in his owne workes. They that haue done so, in our company, haue found themselues well by it: contrawise some al­waies grudging, repining, neuer content, idle, haue beene Meanes of mirth.found out by the same disease. True it is, that for to inioy mirth it is good to haue the sweetnesse of fresh meates, fleshes, fishes, milke, butter, oyles, fruits, and such like, which we had not at will (I meane the common sort: for alwaies some one, or other of the company did furnish Monsieur De Poutrincourt his table with wilde foule, ve­nison or fresh fish) And if we had had halfe a dosen kyne, I beleeue that no body had died there.

It resteth a preseruatiue, necessarie for the accomplish­ment Necessitie of hauing wo­men into the country.of mirth, and to the end one may take pleasure on the worke of his hands, is euery one to haue the honest com­pany of his lawfull wife: for without that, the cheare is neuer perfect; ones minde is alwaies vpon that which one loues and desireth; there is still some sorrow, the bodie becomes full of ill humours, and so the sicknesse doth breede.

And for the last and soueraigne remedie, I send backe the Tree of life.patient to the tree of life (for so one may well qualifie it) which Iames Quartier doth call Anneda, yet vnknowen in Sasafras.the coast of Port Royall, vnlesse it bee, peraduenture the Sasafras, whereof there is quantitie in certaine places. And it is an assured thing, that the said tree is very excellent. But Monsieur Champlain, who is now in the great ri­uer [Page 45] of Canada, passing his winter, in the same part where the said Quartier did winter, hath charge to finde it out, Monsieur Champlein is now this pre­sent yeare 1609. in Ca­nada.and to make prouision thereof.


The discouery of new Lands by Monsieur De Monts: fabu­lous tales and reports of the riuer and fained towne of Norom­bega: The refuting of the authors that haue written thereof: Fish bankes in New found land: Kinibeki: Chouacoet: Mallebarre: Armouchiquois: The death of a French man killed: Mortality of Englishmen in Virginia.

THe rough season being passed, Monsieur De Monts wearied with his badde dwelling at Saint Croix, de­termined to seeke out another Port in a warrner countrie, and more to the South: And to that end made a Pinnesse to be armed and furnished with victuals, to fol­low the coast, and discouering new countries, to seeke out some happier Port in a more temperate aire. And because Monsieur De Monts his voi­age for the discouery of new Lands.that in seeking, one cannot set forward so much as when in full sailes one goeth in open sea, and that finding out baies and gulfes, lying betweene two lands, one must put in, be­cause that there one may assoone finde that which is sought for, as else where, he made in this voyage but a­bout six score leagues, as wee will tell you now. From Saint Croix to 60. leagues forward, the coast lieth East and West; at the end of which 60. leagues, is the riuer cal­led by the Sauages Kinibeki. From which place to Male­barre Kinibeki 60. legues from Saint Croix,it lieth North and South, and there is yet from one to the other 60. leagues, in right line, not following the baies. So farre stretcheth Monsieur De Monts his voy­age, wherein he had for Pilot in his vessell, Monsieur De Champdore. In all this coast so farre as Kinibeki there is many places where shippes may be harbored amongst the [Page 46] Ilands, but the people there is not so frequent as is be­yond that:’ And there is no remarkable thing (at least that may be seene in the outside of the lands) but a riuer, where­of many haue▪ written fables one after another, like to those that they (who grounding themselues vpon Hannos Plin▪. lib. 3. cap. 1.his Commentaries, a Carthaginian captain) haue fained of Townes built by him in great number vpon the coasts of Africa, which is watered with the Ocean sea, for that hee plaied an heroycall part in sailing so farre as the Iles of Cap Vert, where long time since no body hath beene, the Nauigation not being so secure then, vpon that great sea, as it is at this day by the benefit of the Compasse.

Therefore without alleaging that, which the first wri­ters (Spaniards and Portingals) haue said, I will recite that which is in the last booke, intituled, The vniuersall Histo­rie of the West Indies, Printed at Douay the last yeere 1607. in the place where he speaketh of Norombega: For in re­porting this, I shall haue also said that which the first haue written, from whom they haue had it.

Fabulous tales of the riuer Norombe­ga. Moreouer, towards the North (saith the Author, after he had spoken of Virginia) is Norombega, which is known well enough by reason of a faire towne, and a great riuer, though it is not found from whence it hath his name: for the Barbarians doe call it Agguncia: At the mouth of this riuer there is an Iland very fit for fishing. The region that goeth along the sea, doth abound in fish, and towards New France there is great number of wilde beasts, and is verie commodious for hunting; the Inhabitants doe liue in the same maner as they of New France.’ If this beautifull Towne hath euer beene in nature, I would faine know who hath pulled it downe: For there is but Cabanes here and there made with pearkes, and couered with barkes of trees, or with skinnes, and both the riuer and the place Pemtegoet.inhabited, is called Pemtegoet, and not Agguncia. The riuer (sauing the tide) is scarce as the riuer of Oyse. And there can be no great riuer on that coast, because there are [Page 47] not lands sufficient to produce them, by reason of the great riuer of Canada, which runneth like this coast, and is not foure-score leagues distant from that place in crossing the lands, which from else-where receiued ma­nie riuers falling from those parts which are towards Norombega: At the entrie whereof, it is so farre from hauing but one Iland, that rather the number thereof is almost infinite, for as much as this riuer enlarg­ing it selfe like the Greeke Lambda Λ, the mouth where­of is all full of Iles, whereof there is one of them lying ve­ry farre off (and the formost) in the sea, which is high and markable aboue the others.

But some will say that I aequiuocate in the situation of Norombega, and that it is not placed where I take it. To Oiection. Answer▪this I answer, that the author, whose words I haue a little before alleaged, is in this my sufficient warrant, who in his Geographicall Mappe, hath placed in the mouth of this riuer in the 44. degree, and his supposed towne in the 45. wherein we differ but in one degree, which is a smal mat­ter. For the riuer that I meane is in the 45. degree, and as for any towne, there is none. Now of necessitie it must be this riuer, because that the same being passed, and that of Kinibeki, (which is in the same height) there is no other riuer forward, whereof account should be made, tell one come to Virginia. I say furthermore, that seeing the Bar­barians of Norombega doe liue as they of New France, and haue abundance of hunting, it must be, that their prouince be seated in our New France: For fiftie leagues farther to the Southwest there is no great game, because the woods ‘are thinner there, and the inhabitants setled, and in greater number then in Norombega.

True it is that a sea Captaine, named Iohn Alfonse, of Xaintonge, in the relation of his aduenturous voiages, hath An other Fa­bulous report of the Riuer of Norom­bega.written, that, hauing passed Saint Iohns Iland (which I take for the same that I haue called heeretofore the Ile of Bacaillos) the coast turneth to the West, and West South­west, [Page 48] Note this well. as far as the riuer of Norombergue, newly discouered (saith he) by the Portugais and Spaniards, which is in 30. degrees: adding that this riuer hath, at the entire thereof many Iles, bankes, and rockes, and that fifteene or twenty leagues within it, is built a great towne, where the people be small and blackish, like them of the Indies, and are clo­thed with skinnes, whereof they haue abundance of all sorts. Item, that the bank of New found land endeth there: and that that riuer being passed, the coast turneth to the West, and West Northwest, aboue 250. leagues towards a countrie where there is both townes and castels. But I see very little or no truth at all, in all the discourses of this man:’ and well may he call his voiages aduenturous, not for him, who was neuer in the hundreth part of the places he describeth (at least it is easie so to thinke) but for those that will follow the waies which he willeth mariners to follow. For if the said riuer of Norombega be in thirtie de­grees, it must needs be in Florida, which is the contrarie to all them that euer haue written of it, and to the verie truth it selfe.

Concerning that which hee saith of the banke of New­found The great Bancke of Newfound­land. Banquereau. banc Iacquet. land, it endeth (by the report of mariners, about the Ile of Sablon, or Sande) about Cap Breton. True it is, that there is some other bankes, that be called Le banque­reau, and Le banc Iacquet, but they are but fiue or six, or ten leagues, and are diuided from the great banke of New found land. And touching the men in the land of Norom­bega, they are of faire and high stature. And to say, that this riuer being passed, the coast lieth West, and West Northwest, that hath no likelihood. For from Cap Breton, so farre as the point of Florida, that lieth ouer against the Ile De Cuba, there is not any coast standing West North­west, onely there is in the parts ioyning vpon the true ri­uer called Norombega, some fiftie leagues coast, that stand­eth East and West. Finally, of all that which the said Iohn Alfonse doth report, I receaue but that which he saith that [Page 49] this riuer, whereof wee speake, hath at the comming in many Ilands, banks and rocks.

Kinibeks. The riuer of Norombega being passed, Monsieur De Monts went still coasting, vntill hee came to Kinibeki, where a riuer is, that may shorten the way to goe to the great riuer of Canada. There is a number of Sauages Ca­baned there, and the land beginneth there to be better peopled. From Kinibeki going farther, one findeth the baie of Marchin, named by the Captaine his name that The bay of Marchin. 1607. Chouakoet. The ground manured.commandeth therein. This Marchin was killed the yeere that we parted from New France 1607. Farther is an o­ther baie called Chouakoet, where (in regard of the former countries) is a great number of people: For there they till the ground, and the region beginneth to be more tempe­rate, and for proofe of this, there is in this land store of Vines. Yea euen there be Ilands full of it, (which be more Vines.subiect to the iniuries of the winde & cold) as we shall saie Malebarre.heereafter. There is betweene Chouakoet and Malebarre many baies and Iles, and the coast is sandie, with shallow ground, drawing neere to the said Malebarre, so that scarce one may land there with barkes.

The people that befrom Saint Iohns riuer to Kinibeki (wherein are comprised the riuers of Saint Croix and No­rombega) are called Etechemins: And from Kinibeki as far as Malebarre, and farther, they are called Armouchiquois. The Armou­chiquois trai­tours and theefes.They be traitours and theefes, and one had neede to take heed of them. Monsieur De Monts, hauing made some stay at Malebarre, victuals began to be scarse with him, and it was needfull to thinke vpon the returne, specially seeing all the coast so troublesome that one could passe no further Shoulds stretching farre into the sea. Violent death of a Frenchman of Saint Mallos.without perill, for sholds that stretch farre into the sea, in such wise that the farther one goeth from the land, lesser depth there is. But before departing, a Carpenter of Saint Mallos died casually, who going to fetch water with some kettles, an Armouchiquois seeing fit opportunity to steale one of those kettles, when that the Frenchman tooke no [Page 50] heede, tooke it, and ran away speedily with his bootie. The Malouin running after, was killed by this wicked peo­ple: And although the same had not happened, it was in The swiftnes of the Armou­chiquois.vaine to pursue after this theefe: for all these Armouchi­quois are as swift in running as Gray-houndes: as we will yet further say in speaking of the voiage that Monsieur De Poutrincourt made in the same Country, in the yeere 1606.1606. It greeued sore Monsieur De Monts to see such a thing, and his men were earnest for reuenge (which they might doe, for the other Barbarians were not so far from the Frenchmen but that a musket shot might haue skared them, which they had already on, rest to leuell euery one at his man) but the said Monsieur De Monts, vpon some considerations, which many other of his place and digni­tie, might haue missed to consider, made euery one to put downe their musket cockes, and left them alone, not ha­uing hitherto found a fit place to make a setled dwelling. And so the said Monsieur De Monts caused all things to be in a readinesse for the returne to Saint Croix, where he had left a good number of his men, yet weake by the winter sicknesse, of whose health he was carefull.

Monsieur De­Monts difficul­tie in his en­terprise. Many that know not what belongeth to the sea, doe thinke that the setting of an habitation in an vnknowen land is easie; but by the discourse of this voiage, and o­thers that follow, they shall find that it is far easier to say than to doe, and that Monsieur de Monts hath exploited many things this first yeare, in viewing all the coast of this land euen to Malebarre, which is 400. leagues, follow­ing the same coast, and searching to the bottome of the Baies: besides the labour hee was forced to, in causing houses to be made at Saint Croix, the care he had of those which he had brought thither, and of their returne into France, if any perill or ship-wracke should come to those that had promised him to fetch him at the end of the yeere. But one may runne and take paine to seeke Ports and Ha­uens where fortune fauoureth: yet she is alwaies like to [Page 51] herself. ‘It is good for one to lodge himself in a sweet milde Climat, when one may chuse, notwithstanding death fol­lows vs euery where.’ I haue heard of a Pilot of New Hauen The mor­talitie of the English in Virginia, like that of the Frensh in New France. Virginia is in 36. 37. 38. degrees of la­titude. Praise of the temper of Virginia. Bad fare the chiefe cause of the sicknes. Things need­full.that was with the Englishmen in Virginia 24. yeares agoe, that being come thither, there died 36. of them in three moneths. Neuertheles Virginia is taken to be in the 36. 37. and 38. degrees of latitude, which is a good temperate country. Which considering, I yet beleeue (as I haue al­ready said before) that such mortality commeth by the bad fare. And it is altogether needfull to haue in such a countrie, at the very beginning, houshold, and tame cattell of all sorts, and to cary store of fruit trees and grafts, for to haue there quickly recreation necessarie to the health of them that desire to people the land. That if the Sauages themselues be subiect to the sicknesse, wherof we haue spoken, I attribute that, to the same cause of euill fare. For they haue nothing that may correct the vise of the meates which they take: and are alwaies naked amongst the moistures of the ground, which is the very meanes to gather quantitie of corrupted humours, which cause those sicknesses vnto them, as well as to the strangers that goe thither, although they be borne to that kinde of life.


The second voyage made by Monsieur Du Pont-Grauè. The arriuall of Monsieur Du Pont to Saint Croix: The ha­bitation transferred in Port Royall: returne of Monsieur De Monts into France: the difficultie of hand Milles: The furni­ture of the said Monsieur Du Pont for the discouery of new lands beyond Malebarre: shippe-wracke: forecast for the returne into France: Comparison of these voyages with them of Florida: the blame of those that dispraise the tillage of the lande.

THe Spring time season being passed in the voyage of the Armouchiquois, Monsieur De Monts did tem­porise at Saint Croix for the time that he had agreed [Page 52] vpon, in the which if he had no newes from France, hee might depart and come to seeke some shippe of them that come to New found land for the drying of fish, to the end to repasse in France within the same, he and his companie, if it were possible. This time was alreadie expired, and they were readie to set sailes, not expecting more any suc­cour The arriuall of Monsieur Du Pont. 1605.nor refreshing, When Monsieur Du Point, surnamed Grauè, dwelling at Honfleur, did arriue with a company of some fortie men, for to ease the said Monsieur De Monts and his troupe, which was to the great ioy of all, as one may well imagine: and canon shots were free and plentiful at the comming, according to custome, and the sound of trumpets. The said Monsieur Du Pont, not knowing yet the state of our French men, did thinke to finde there an assured dwelling, and his lodgings readie: but considering the accidents of the strange sicknesse whereof we haue spoken, he tooke aduice to change place. Monsieur De Monts was very desirous that the new habitation had beene about 40. degrees, that is to say, 4. degrees farther then Saint Croix: but hauing viewed the coast as farre as Malebarre, and with much paine, not finding what hee desired, it was deliberated to goe and make their dwel­ling in Port Royal, vntill meanes were had to make an am­pler Transmigra­tion from S. Croix to Port Royal.discouery. So euery one began to packe vp his things: That which was built with infinite labour was pulled downe, except the Store-house, which was too great and painefull to be transported, and in executing of this, many voyages are made. All being come to Port Royal they found out new labours: the abiding place is chosen right New buil­dings.ouer against the Iland, that is at the comming in of the ri­uer L' Equille, in a place where all is couered ouer and full of woods, as thicke as possible may be. The Moneth of September did already begin to come, and care was to be taken for the vnlading of Monsieur Du Pont his ship, to make roome for them that should returne backe into France. Finally there is worke enough for all. When the [Page 53] ship was in a readinesse to put to sailes, Monsieur De Monts hauing seene the beginning of the new habitation, shipped himselfe for his returne with them that would fol­low him. Notwithstanding many of good courage (for­getting the griefes and labours passed) did tary behinde, amongst whom were Monsieur Champlain and Monsieur Champdorè, the one for Geographie, and the other for the conducting and guiding of the voyages that should be ne­cessary to be made by sea. Then the said Monsieur De The returne of Monsieur de Monts into France. Monts hoised vp sailes, and leaueth the said Monsieur Du Pont as his Lieutenant and deputie in these parts, who wanting no diligence (according to his nature) in making perfect that which was needfull for to lodge both himselfe and his people, which was all that might be done for that yeare in that country. For to goe farre from home in the Winter, and after so long a toile, there was no reason. And as for the tillage of the ground, I beleeue they had no fit time to doe it: For the said Monsieur Du Pont was not a man to be long in rest, nor to leaue his men idle, if there had beene any meanes for it.

Traffike with the Sauages. The Winter being come, the Sauages of the country did assemble themselues, from farre to Port Royal, for to truck with the Frenchmen, for such things they had, some bring­ing Beauers skinnes, and Otters (which are those whereof Beuers, Ot­ters, and Stagges.most account may be made in that place) and also Ellans or Stagges, whereof good buffe may be made: Others bringing flesh newly killed, wherewith they made many good Tabagies or feasts, liuing merily as long as they had Tabaguia is a Sauage tearme, signi­fying banket.wherewithall. They neuer wanted any bread, but wine did not continue with them till the season was ended. For when we came thither the yeare following, they had been aboue three Moneths without any wine, and were very glad of our comming, for that made them to take againe the taste of it.

Hand Mils. The greatest paine they had, was to grinde the corne to haue bread, which is very painfull with hand-mils, where­all [Page 54] the strength of the bodie is requisite: And therefore it is not without cause that in old time, bad people were threatned to be sent to the Mill, as to the painefullest thing that is: to which occupation poore slaues were set to, be­fore the vse of water and winde-mils was found out, as the Prophane histories make mention: and the same of the Exod. 11. ver. 4. 5.comming of the people of Israel out of the land of Aegypt, where, for the last scourge that God will send to Pharao, he declareth by the mouth of Moises, that about midnight he will passe thorow Aegypt, and euery first borne shall die there, from the first borne of Pharao, that should sit vpon his throne, to the first borne of the maide Seruant which grindeth at the Mill. And this labor is so great, that the Sauages (al­though they be very poore) cannot beare it, and had ra­ther to be without bread, then to take so much pains as it hath beene tried, offering them halfe of the grinding they should doe, but they chused rather to haue no corne. And I might well beleeue that the same, with other things, hath beene great meanes to breed the sicknesse spoken of, in The number of the dead.some of Monsieur Du Pont his men: for there died some halfe a dosen of them that winter. True it is, that I finde a defect in the buildings of our Frenchmen, which is, they Fault in their buildings.had no ditches about them, whereby the waters of the ground next to them did runne vnder their lower-most roomes, which was a great hindrance to their health. I adde besides the bad waters which they vsed, that did not runne from a quicke spring, but from the neerest brooke.

The furniture of Monsieur Du Pont to go to the disco­uery of new lands. The winter being passed, & the sea nauigable, Monsieur Du Pont would needes atchieue the enterprise begun the yeere before by Monsieur De Monts, and to goe seeke out a Port more Southerly, where the aire might be more tem­perate, according as he had in charge of the said Monsieur De Monts. He furnished then the barke which remained with him to that effect. But being set out of the port, and full readie, hoisted vp failes for Malebarre, he was forced [Page 55] by contrarie winde twice to put backe againe, and at the third time the said Barke strake against the rockes at the The wracke of their Bark.entire of the said Port. In this disgrace of Neptune, the men were saued with the better part of prouision and merchandise; but as for the Barke it was rent in peeces. And by this mishap the voyage was broken, and that which was so desired intermitted. For the habitation of Port Royall was not iudged good. And notwithstanding Causes of de­lay in esta­blishing the dwelling place of the French is, on the North and North-west sides, well sheltered with mountaines, distant some one league, some halfe a league from the Port and the riuer L'Equille. So we see how that enterprises take not effect according to the desires of men, and are accompanied with many perils. So that one must not woonder if the time be long in establishing of Colonies, specially in lands so remote, whose nature, and temperature of aire is not knowen, and where one must fell and cut downe forrests, and be constrained to take heed, not from the people that we call Sauages, but from them that terme themselues Christians, and yet haue but the name of it, cursed and abhominable people, woorse then woolues, enemies to God and humane nature.

This attempt then being broken, Monsieur Du Pont knew not what to doe, but to attend the succour and sup­plie that Monsieur De Monts promised, parting from Port Royall at his returne into France, to send him the yeere following. Yet for all euents he built an other Barke and a Shaloup for to seeke French shippes in the places where they vse to dry fish, such as Campseau Port, English Port, Misamichis Port: the Baie of Chaleur (or heat,) the Baie of Morues or Coddes, and others in great number, ac­cording as Monsieur De Monts had done the former yeere, to the end to ship himselfe in them, and to returne into France, in case that no shippe should come to succour him. Wherein he did wisely, for he was in danger to heare no newes from vs, that were appointed to succeed him, as it shall appeare by the discourse following.

[Page 56] The compa­ring of these later voiages. But in the meane while wee must consider that they, which in these voyages haue transported themselues in these parts, haue had an aduantage ouer those that would plant in Florida, which is in hauing that refuge beforesaid, of French shippes that frequent the New found lands for fishing, not being forced to build great shippes, nor to a­bide extreme famines, as they haue done in Florida, whose voyages haue beene lamentable for that respect, and these by reason of the sicknesses that haue persecuted them, but they of Florida haue had a blessing for that they were in a milde and fertill countrey, and more friendly to mans health then New France, spoken of else where. If they haue suffered famines, there was great fault in them, for not hauing tilled the ground, which they found plaine and champion: Which before all other thing is to be done, of them that will lodge themselues so farre The blame of them who at this day despise the manuring of the ground.from ordinarie succour. But the Frenchmen, and almost all nations at this day (I meane of those that be not borne and brought vp to the manuring of the ground) haue this badde nature, that they thinke to derogate much from their dignitie in addicting themselues to the tillage of the ground, which notwithstanding is almost, the onely vo­cation where innocencie remaineth. And thereby com­meth that euerie one shunning this noble labour, our first Parents and ancient Kings exercise, as also of the greatest Captaines of the World, seeking to make himselfe a Gen­tleman at others costes, or else willing onely to learne the Gods punish­ to deceaue men, or to claw himselfe in the Sunne, God taketh away his blessing from vs, and beateth vs at this day, and hath done a long time with an iron rodde, so that in all parts the people languisheth miserably, and we see the Realme of France swarming with beggers and va­gabonds of all kindes, besides an infinite number, groa­ning in their poore cottages, not daring, or ashamed to shewfoorth their pouertie and miserie.


The first motiue and acceptation of the voyage by Mon­sieur De Poutrincourt, together with the Au­thor, into New France: their departure from Paris to goe into Rochel.

The third voiage made by Monsieur de Poutrincourt. ABout the time of the before mentioned shipwracke, Monsieur De Monts being in France, did thinke carefully vpon the meanes how to prepare a new supplie for new France. Which seemed hard and difficult to him, as well for the great charges that that action requi­red, as because that Prouince had beene so discredited at his returne, that the continuing of these voyages any lon­ger did seeme vaine and vnfruitfull. Besides, there was some reason to beleeue that no bodie would aduenture himselfe thither. Notwithstanding, knowing Monsieur De Poutrincourt his desire (to whom before he had giuen part of the land, according to the power which the King had giuen him) which was to inhabite in those parts, and there to settle his family and his fortune, together with the name of God, he wrote vnto him, and sent a man of purpose to giue him notice of the voyage that was in hand. Which the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt accepted Monsieur De Poutrincourt accepteth the voiage of New France.of, leauing all other affaires, to attend on this action, though he had sutes in law of great weight; to the prose­cuting and defence whereof, his presence was very requi­site: And that at his first voyage he had tried the malice of some, which during his absence prosecuted against him with rigour, and at his returne gaue ouer and became dombe. He was no sooner come to Paris, but that he was forced to depart, not hauing scarse time to prouide for things necessarie. And I hauing had that good happe to be acquainted with him some yeeres before, asked mee if I would take part in that businesse? whereunto I demanded a daies respit to answer him. Hauing well consulted with [Page 58] my selfe, not so much desirous to see the countrie (for I The causes of the Au­thors voiage.knew well that there was woods, lakes and riuers, and that one must goe ouer seas (which I had before done in the Straights) as to bee able to giue an eie iudgement of the land, whereto my minde was before inclined: and to auoid a corrupted world I engaged my word vnto him, being induced thereto specially for the vniustice done to me a little before, by some Presidiall Iudges, in fauour of a Par­sonage of eminent qualitie, whom I haue alwaies hono­red and reuerenced: Which sentence at my returne hath beene recalled, by order and sentence of the Court of Par­liament, for which I am particularly obliged to Monsieur Seruin, the King his Aduocate Generall, to whom doth belong properly this Eloge, attributed according to the letter, to the most wise and most magnificent of all Kings. Psal. 5. 4. Thou hast loued Iustice and hated iniquitie.

So it is that God awakeneth vs sometimes, to stirre vs vp to generous actions, such as be these voiages, which (as the world doth varie) some will blame, other some will ap­prooue. But without answering any body in this respect, I care not what discourses idle men, or those that cannot, or will not helpe mee, may make, enioying content­ment in my selfe, and being readie to render all seruice to God and to the King in those remote lands, that beare the name of France, if either my fortune or condition call me thither, for there to liue in quiet and rest, by an accep­table pleasing labour, and to shun the hard and miserable life, whereto I see reduced the most part of men in this part of the World.

To returne then to Monsieur De Poutrincourt, as he had dispatched some businesses, he inquired in some Churches if some learned Priest might be found out, that would goe with him, to relieue and ease him, whom Monsieur De Monts had left there at his voiage, whom we thought to be yet liuing. But because it was the Holy weeke, in which time they are imployed, and waite on confessions and [Page 59] shriuings, there was none to bee found; some excusing themselues vpon the troubles and discommodities of the sea, and the length of the voyage, other deferring it till af­ter Easter. Which was cause that none could be had out of Paris, by reason the season hasted on, time and tyde tarry for no man, so then we were forced to depart.

There rested to finde out fit and necessary workemen for the voyage of New France, whereunto was speedilie prouided, price agreed vpon for their wages, and mony giuen before hand in part thereof, to beare their charges to Rochell, where the rendes vous was, at the dwelling hou­ses of Master Macquin, and Master Georges, worshipfull Marchants of the said Towne, the associates of Monsieur De Monts, which did prouide our furniture and prouision.

The parting from Paris. Our meaner people being gone, three or fower daies af­ter we tooke our way to Orleans, vpon Good Friday, for there to solemnise and passe our Easter, where euery one accomplished the dutie vsuall to all good Christians, in ta­king the spiritual food, that is to say, the holy Communion, seeing we did vndertake, and were going on a voyage. From thence we came downe the riuer Loyre to Saumur, with our cariage: and from Sawmur we went by Touars and Maran to Rochell, by hackney horses.


The name of our Ship called the Ionas: The shallow water at Rochell is the cause of the hard going out: Rochell a reformed Towne: the common people is insolent: Croquans: the accident of ship-wracke of the Ionas: new preparation: weake souldiers are not to be placed vpon the frontiers: The Ministers of Rochell doe pray for the con­uersion of the Sauages: the smalzeale of ours: the Eucharist caried in voiages by the anci­ent Christian: the diligence of Monsieur De Poutrincourt at the very point of Shipping.

[Page 60] BEing come to Rochell, we found there Monsieur De Monts, and Monsieur De Poutrincourt, that were come in Post, and our ship called the Ionas, of the burthen of 150. tonnes, readie to passe out of the chaines of the Towne, to tary for winde and tyde. The tyde I say, because that a great ship laden, cannot come to sea from Rochell, but in spring tydes, vpon the new and full moone, by reason that in the towne roade there is no sufficient depth. In the meane while we made good cheare, yea so good, that we did long to be at sea to make diet: which we did but too soone, being once come thither: for during two whole monethes we saw not a whit of land, as we will farther tell anone. But the workemen, thorow their good cheare (for they had euery one two shillings a daies hire) The praises of Rochell.did play maruellous pranckes in Saint Nicholas quarter, where they were lodged, which was found strange in a towne so reformed as Rochell is, in the which no notorious riots nor dissolutions be made; and indeed one must behaue himselfe orderly there, vnlesse he will incurre the danger either of the censure of the Maior, or of the Ministers of the Towne. Some of those disordered men were put in prison, which were kept in the Towne-house till the time of going, and had beene further punished, had it not beene vpon consideration of the voyage, where they knew they should not haue all their eases, but should afterwards pay deere enough their madde bargen, in putting the said Ma­ster Macquin and Master Georges to so much trouble, to keepe them in order. I will not, for all that, put in the num­ber of this disordred people, al the rest, for there were some Croquans (Sig­nifying hookes) why so called.very ciuill and respectiue. But I will say that the common people is a dangerous beast. And this maketh me remember the Croquans war, amongst whom I was once in my life, being in Querci. It was the strangest thing in the world to see the confusion of those woodden shooed fellowes, from whence they tooke the name of Croquans (that is to say [Page 61] Hookers) because that their woodden shooes, nayled be­fore and behinde, did hooke or sticke fast at euery steppe. This confused people had neither rime nor reason among them; euery one was Master there; some armed with an hedge-hooke at a stafes end, others with some rusty sword, and so accordingly.

Negligence in the keep­ing of the Ionas. Our Ionas hauing her full loade, was in the end rowed out of the Towne into the roade, and we thought to set out the 8. or 9. of Aprill. Captaine Foulques had taken the charge for the conducting of the voyage. But as common­monly there is negligence in mens businesses, it hapned that this Captaine (who notwithstanding I haue knowen very diligent and watchfull at sea) hauing left the ship ill manned, not being in her himselfe, nor the Pilot, but only 6. or 7. mariners good and bad, a great South-east winde arose in the night, which brake the Ionas cable, fastend with one onely ancker, and driueth her against a forewall which is out of the towne, backing and proping the Tow­er of the chaine, against which she strake so many times, that she brake and sunke downe; and it chanced well that it was then ebbing, for if this mishap had come in flowing time, the ship was in danger to be ouerwhelmed with a farre greater losse then we had, but she stood vp, and so there was means to mend her, which was done with speed. Our workemen were warned to come and helpe in this ne­cessity, Hyred work­men negli­gent.either to draw at the pompe, at the Capestane, or to any other thing; but few there were that endeuoured themselues to doe any thing, the most part of them going away, and most of them made a mocke of it. Some hauing gone so far as to the oare, went backe complaining that one had cast water vpon them, being of that side that the wa­ter came out of the pompe, which the winde did scatter vpon them. I came thither with Monsieur De Poutrin­court, and some other willing men, where wee were not vnprofitable. Almost all the inhabitants of Rochell were beholding this spectacle vpon the rampiers. The sea was [Page 62] yet stormy, and we thought our ship would haue dashed oftentimes against the great Towers of the towne. In the end, we came in with lesse losse then wee thought of. The ship was all vnladen, being forced to tackle and furnish her anew. The losse thereby was great, and the voyages al­most broken off for euer: for I beleeue, that after so many trials, none would haue ventured to goe plant Colonies in those parts; that Country being so ill spoken of, that eue­ry one did pittie vs, considering the accidents happened to The courage of Monsieur De Monts and his associates.them that had beene there before. Notwithstanding Mon­sieur De Monts and his associates, did beare manfully this losse. And I must needs be so bold as to tel in this occurrāce that if euer that country be inhabited with Christians and ciuill people, the first praise thereof must of right be due to the Authors of this voyage.

This great trouble hindered vs aboue a moneth, which was emploied in the vnlading, and lading againe of our ship. During that time, we did walke sometimes vnto the places neere about the towne, and chiefly vnto the Con­vent of the Cordeliers, which is but halfe a league off from The fron­tiers ought to be furni­shed with good Soul­diers.the towne: where being one Sunday, I did maruell how in those places of frontier, there is no better garrison, having so strong enemies neere them. And seeing I take in hand to relate an history of things, according to the true maner of them: I say that it is a shamefull thing for vs, that the Mi­nisters of Rochell, pray to God euery day in their Congre­gations The Ministers doe pray for the conuersi­on of the Sa­uages.for the conuersion of the poore Sauage people, and also for our safe conducting, and that our Church-men doe not the like. In very truth we neuer required neither the one nor the other to doe it, but therin is knowen the zeale of both sides. In the end, a little before our departing, it came to my minde to aske of the Parson or Vicar of Ro­chell if there might be found any of his fraternity that would come with vs, which I hoped might easily be done, because there was a reasonable good number of them: and besides, that being in a maritime towne, I thought [Page 63] they tooke delight to haunt the seas: but I could obtaine nothing: and for all excuses, it was tolde me, that none would goe▪ to such voyages, vnlesse they were mooued with an extraordinary zeale and pietie: And that it would bee the best way to seeke to the fathers▪ Iesuites for the same. Which we could not then doe, our ship hauing almost her full lading. Whereupon I remember to haue heard oftentimes of Monsieur De Poutrincourt, that after his first voiage, being at the Court, an Ecclesiasticall per­son, esteemed very zealous in the Christian religion, de­manded of him what might be hoped for in the conuersion of the people of New France, and whether there were any great number of them. Whereunto he answered▪ that a hundred thousand soules might be gotten to Iesus Christ, (naming a number certaine for an vncertaine.) This Cler­gie man making small account of such a number, said ther­upon by admiration, is that all! as if that number did not deserue the labour of a Church-man. Truly though there were but the hundreth part of that, yea yet lesse, one must not suffer it to bee lost. The good Sheepheard hauing a­mong Math. 18. vers. 12. hundred sheepe one astray, left the 99. for to go and seeke out the one that was lost. We are taught &) I be­leeue it so) that though there were but one man to be saued, our Lord Iesus Christ had not disdained to come, as well for him, as he hath done for all the world. In like maner, one must not make so smal account of the saluation of these poore people, though they swarme not in number as with­in Paris or Constantinople.

Custome of the ancient Christians, carying the Eucharist in their voyages. Seeing it auailed me nothing in demanding for a Church­man, to administer the Sacrament vnto vs, be it during our nauigation, or vpon the land: The ancient custome of the Christians came into my minde, which going in voyage did carry with them the holy bread of the Eucharist, and this did they, because they found not, in all places, Priests to administer this Sacrament vnto them, the world being then yet full, either of Heathens or Heretickes. So that it [Page 64] was not vnproperly called Viatic, which they carried with them trauelling on the way: yet notwithstanding I am of opinion that it hath a spirituall meaning. And considering that we might be brought to that necessity, not hauing in New France but one Priest onely, (of whose death wee heard when we came thither) I demanded if they would doe vnto vs, as to the ancient Christians, who were as wise as we. I was answered that the same was done in that time for considerations which are not now at this daie. I Saint Ambrose in his funerall oration for his brother.replied that Satirus Saint Ambroses brother, going on a voyage vpon the sea, serued himselfe with this spirituall Physicke (as we read in his funerall oration made by his said brother Saint Ambrose) which he did carry in Orario, which I take to be a lynnen cloth, or taffita: and well did it happen vnto him by it. For hauing made ship-wracke, he saued himselfe vpon a bord, left of his vessels wracke. But I was as well refused in this as of the rest. Which gaue mee cause of wondring: seeming to me a very rigorous thing to be in worse condition then the first Christians. For the Eucharist is no other thing at this day then it was then: And if they held it precious, we doe not demand it to make lesser account thereof.

Let vs returne to our Ionas. Now shee was laden and brought out of the towne into the roade: there resteth no­thing more than fit weather & tide: which was the hardest Hardnesse to come foorth from a Port.of the matter. For in places where is no great depth, as in Rochell, one must tarry for the high tydes of the full and new Moones, and then paraduenture the winde will not be fit, and so one must deferre, till a fortnights time. In the meane while the season goeth away: as it was almost with vs. For we saw the houre that after so many labours and charges, we were indanger to tary for lacke of winde, be­cause the Moone was in the waine, and consequently the Bad suspition of Captaine Foulques.tyde. Captaine Foulques did not seeme to affect his charge, making no ordinary stay in the ship: and it was reported that other Merchants, not being of Monsieur De Monts [Page 65] his societie, did secretly solicite him to breake off the voy­age. And indeed it hath beene thought that he caused vs to make wrong courses: which kept vs two monethes and a halfe at sea, as heereafter we shall see. Which thing the The dili­gence and care of Monss-De Poutrin­courts.said Monsieur De Poutrincourt perceiuing, himselfe tooke vpon him the charge of Captaine of the ship, and went to lie in her, the space of fiue or six daies, for to get out with the first winde, and not to loose the opportunity. In the end, with much a doe the eleuenth day of May 1606. by the fauour of a small Easterly winde, he went to sea, and made our Ionas to be brought to the Palisse, and the next * A place so called neere being the 12. of the same moneth, came againe to Chef de bois (which be the places where ships put themselues for shelter from windes) where the hope of New France was assembled. I say the hope, because that of this voyage, did depend the continuance or totall breach of the enter­prise.


Their departure from Rochell: Sundry meetings of ships, and Pirats: Stormy Sea about the Açores, and whence it proceeds: Why the West windes are frequent in the West sea: From whence the winds doe come: Porpeses doe prognosticate stormes: meanes to take them: the describing of them: of stormes: their effects: of Calmes: what is a gust of Winde: how it is made: the effects thereof: the boldnesse of mariners: how reuerence is giuen to the Kings ship: the supputation of the voyage: hot sea: then cold▪ the reason of it: and of the banckes of Ice in New-found Land.

13. of May. 1606. THe Saturday, Whitsoneue 13. of May, we weighed our anckers, and sailed in open sea, so that by little and little wee lost the sight of the great towers and town of Rochell, then of the Iles of Rez & Oleron, bidding [Page 66] France farewell. It was a thing fearefull for them that were not vsed to such a dance, to see them caried vpon so moue­able an ellement, and to be at euery moment (as it were) within two fingers bredth to death. We had not long sai­led, but that many did their endeuour to yeeld vp the tri­bute Meetings of Neptune. In the meane while we went still forward, for there was no more going backe, the plancke being once taken vp. The 16. of May we met with 13. Holanders, go­ing for Spaine, which did inquire of our voyage, and so held their course. Since that time we were a whole moneth, seeing nothing else out of our floting towne, but Skie and Meeting of a Pirate or out­lawed.water, one ship excepted, neere about the Açors, well fil­led with English and Dutchmen. They bare vp with vs, and came very neere vs. And according to the maner of the sea, we asked them whence their ship was. They told vs they were New-found-land men, that is to say going a fishing for New-found-land-fish. And they asked vs if we would accept of their companie: we thanked them: ther­upon they dranke to vs, and we to them, and they tooke another course. But hauing considered their vessell all set with greene mosse on the belly and sides, we iudged them to be Pirates, & that they had of a long time beaten the sea, in hope to make some prise. It was then that we began to Neptunes sheepe.see, more than before, Neptunes sheepe to skip vp (so doe they call the frothy waues, when the sea beginneth to stur­and to feele the hard blowes of his Trident. For common­ly Why is the sea stormie about the Aç that place before named the sea is stormy. If one aske me the cause why: I wil answer, that I thinke it to proceed of a certaine conflict between the East & westerly windes, which doe encounter in that part of the sea, and especially in Summer, when the West windes doe rise vp, and with a great force pierce and passe thorow a great distance of sea, vntill they finde the windes of these parts, which doe resist them; Then it is dangerous for a ship to be at these windy encounters. This reason seemeth the more probable vnto me, in this, that vntill we came neere the Açores we had the [Page 67] winde fit enough, and afterward, we had almost alwaies either South-west or Norweast, little North and South, which were not good for vs, but to saile with the bowline: For Easterly windes we had none at all, but once or twice, Westerly windes ordi­nary in the Westerne Sea.which continued nothing with vs (to speake of.) Sure it is that the Westerly windes doe raigne much a long that sea, Whether it be by a certaine repercussion of the East winde which is stiffe and swift vnder the Equinoctiall line, wher­of we haue spoken else-where, or because that this Western land, being large and great, also the winde that issueth from thence doth abound the more. Which commeth especi­ally in Summer, when the sunne hath force to draw vp the from whence the windes doe come.vapors of the earth, for the windes come from thence, issu­ing from the dennes and Caues of the same. And therefore the Poets doe faine that Aeolus holdeth them in prisons, from whence hee draweth them, and giueth them liberty when it pleaseth him. But the spirit of God doth confirm it vnto vs yet better, when he saith by the mouth of the Pro­phet, that Almighty God, among other his maruels, draw­eth Psal. 135.the windes out of his treasures, which be the Caues whereof I speake. For the word treasure fignifieth in He­brew, secret and hidden place.

He bringeth foorth the cloudes from the earthes furthest parts,
the lightnings with the raines he makes, and them impartes,
on some in his anger, on others for pleasures:
The windes he draweth foorth out of his deepe treasures.

And vpon this consideration, Christopher Columbus, a Genwaie, first nauigator of these last ages vnto the Ilands of Amerika, did iudge that there was some great land in the West, hauing obserued, sailing on the sea, that continuall windes came from that part.

Continuing then our course, we had some other stormes & hindrances procured by windes, which we almost had alwaies contrary, by reason we set out too late: but they that set out in March haue commonly good windes, be­cause [Page 68] that then the East, Noreast, and Northern windes doe raigne, which are fit and prosperous for these voiages. Porpeses doe prognos­ticate storms.These tempests were very often foretold vs by Porpeses, which did haunt about our ship by thousands, sporting themselues after a very pleasant maner. Some of them did The way to take for their so neer eapproaching. For some men waited for them at the beke head (which is the forepart of the ship) with harping Irons in their hands, which met with them sometimes, and drew them in abord with the helpe of the other sailers, which, with iron hookes (which they call Gaffes) tied at the end of a long powle, pulled them vp. We haue taken many of them in that sort, both in going and comming, which haue done vs no harme. There bee The descripti­on of the Por­pese.two sorts of them, some which haue a blunt and bigge nose, others which haue it sharpe; we tooke none but of these last, but yet I remember to haue seene in the water some of the short-nosed ones. This fish hath two fingers The Porpeses hot bloud doth comfort the sinewes.bredth of fat, at the least, on the backe When it was cut in two, we did wash our hands in his hot blood, which, they say, comforteth the sinewes. He hath a maruelous quan­tity of teeth along his Iawes, and I thinke that he holdeth fast that which he once catcheth. Moreouer the inward parts haue altogether the taste of hoggs flesh, and the bones not in forme of fish bones, but like a foure footed creature. The most delicate meat of it, is the finne which he hath vpon the backe, and the taile, which are neither fish nor flesh, but better then that, such as also is in sub­stance of taile, that of the Beuers, which seemeth to be scai­led. A Beauers taile is dainty meate.These Porpeses be the onely fishes we tooke, before we came to the great bancke of Morues or Codfish. But far off we saw other great fishes, which did shew, out of the water, aboue halfe an akers length of their backes, and did thrust out in the aire aboue a speares height of great pipes of water, thorow the holes they had vpon their heads.

Stormes, and their effects. But to returne to our purpose of stormes: during our voiage, we had some which made vs strike downe saile, [Page 69] and to stand our armes a crosse, caried at the pleasure of the waues, and tossed vp and downe after a strange maner. If any coffer or chest was not well made fast, it was heard to rowle from side to side, makeing a foule noise. Sometimes the kettle was ouerturned; and in dyning or supping, our dishes and platters flew from one ende of the table to the other, vnlesse they were holden very fast. As for the drinke, one must cary his mouth and the glasse, according to the motion of the ship. Briefely it was a sport, but some­what rude, to them that cannot beare this iogging easily. For all that, the most of vs did laugh at it: for there was no danger in it, at least euident, being in a good ship, and strong to withstand the waues. We had also sometimes Calmes wea­risome.calmes, very tedious and wearisome, during which, we washed our selues in the sea, we danced vpon the decke, we climbed vp the maine top, we sang in muficke. Then Whirle­winde, what it is, how it is made: the effects there­of.when a little small cloude was percerued to issue from vn­der the Horizon, we were forced to giue ouer those exerci­ses, for to take heed of a gust of winde, which was wrap­ped in the same cloud, which dissoluing it selfe, grumbling, snorting, whistling, roaring, storming, and buzing, was a­ble to ouer turne our ship vp-side downe, vnlesse men had beene ready to execute that which the Master of the ship (which was Captaine Foulques, a man very vigilant) com­manded them. There is no harme in shewing how these gusts of winde, otherwise called stormes, are formed, and from whence they proceed. Plinie speaketh of them in his Plin. lib. 2. cap. 48.naturall history, and saith, that they be exhalations & light vapours raised from the earth to the colde region of the aire: and not being able to passe further, but rather forced to returne backe, they sometimes meet sulphury and firy exhalations, which compasse them about, and binde so hard, that there come, thereby a great combat, motions and agitation, between the sulphury heat, and the airy moist­nesse, which being constrained by the stronger enemy to run away, it openeth it selfe, maketh it selfe, waie, whistleth, [Page 70] roareth and stormeth, briefely becometh a winde, which is great or lesser according that the sulphury exalation which wrappeth it, breaketh it selfe and giueth it way, sometimes all at once, as we haue shewed before, and sometimes with longer time, according to the quantity of the matter wher­of it is made, and according as, either more or lesse, it is mo­ued by his contrary qualities.

The maruel­lous assurance of the good Mariners, in their sea-la­bours. But I cannot leaue vnmentioned the wonderful courage and assurance that good sailers haue in these windie con­flicts, stormes and tempests, when as a ship being caried and mounted vpon mountaines of waters, and from thence let downe, as it were, into the profound depthes of the world, they clime among the tacklings and cordes, not on­ly to the maine top, and to the very height of the maine mast, but also, without ladder steps, to the top of another mast, fastened to the first, held onely with the force of their armes and feet, winding about the highest tacklings. Yea much more, that if, in this great tossing and rowling, it chanceth that the maine saile (which they call Paphil or Papefust) be vntied at the higher ends, he, who is first com­manded, will put himselfe stradling vpon the maine yard (that is the tree which crossed the maine mast) and, with a hammer at his girdle, and halfe a dosen nailes in his mouth, will tie againe and make fast, that which was vntied, to the The boldnes of a Switzer, at Laon.perill of a thousand liues. I haue sometimes heard great ac­count made of a Switzers bouldnesse, who (after the siege of Laon, and the citie being rendered to the Kings obedi­ence) climbed and stood stradling vpon the thwart branch of the crosse of our Ladies church steeple of the said towne, and stood there forked wise, his feet vpward: But that, in my iudgement, is nothing in regard of this, the said Swit­zer being vpon a firme and solide body, and without mo­tion, and this contrariwise hanging ouer an vnconstant sea, tossed with boistrous windes, as we haue sometimes seene.

After we had left these Pirats spoken of before, we were [Page 71] vntill the 18. of Iune, tossed with diuers, and almost con­trary The 18. of Iune.windes, without any discouery, but of one ship far off from vs, which we did not boord, and yet notwithstan­ding A ship.the very sight thereof did comfort vs. And the same An other we met a ship of Honfleur, wherein Captaine La Roche did command, going for New-found-landes, who had no better fortune vpon the sea then we. The custome is at The vailing of Marchands ships to a ship Royall.sea, that when some particular ship meeteth with the King his ship (as ours was) to come vnder the lee, and to present herselfe, not side by side, but bias wise: Also to pull down her flagge, as this Captain La Roche did, except the flagge, for shee had non, no more had we, being not needfull in so great a voyage, but in approaching the land, or when one must fight. Our sailers did cast then their computation, Computati­of the voy­age.on the course that we had made. For in euery ship, the Master, the Pilot, and Masters Mate doe write downe eue­ry day of their courses, and windes that they haue follow­ed, for how many houres, and the estimation of leagues. The said La Roche did account that they were then in the Fourty fiue degrees, and within a hundred leagues of the Bancke. Our Pilot, called Master Oliuer Fleuriot, of Saint Maloe, by his computation said that we were within 60. leagues of it: And Captaine Foulques within 120. leagues. I beleeue he gaue the best iudgement. We receiued much contentment by the meeting of this ship, and did greatly encourage vs, seeing wee did begin to meete with ships, seeming vnto vs that wee did enter in a place of acquain­tance.

Sea water milke warme, then colde. But by the way a thing must be noted, which I haue found admirable, and which giueth vs occasion to play the Philosophers. For about the same 18. day of Iune, wee found the sea-water, during three daies space, very warme, and by the same warmth, our wine also was warme in the bottome of our ship, yet the aire was not hotter then before. And the 21. of the said moneth, quite contrarie we were 2. Great cold.or 3. daies so much compassed with mistes and coldes, that [Page 72] we thought our selues to be in the moneth of Ianuary, and the water of the sea was extreame colde. Which continu­ed with vs vntill we came vpon the said Bancke, by reason of the said mistes, which outwardly did procure this colde The reason of this Anti­peristase, and the cause of the Ices of New-found-lande.vnto vs. When I seeke out the cause of this Antiperistase, I attribute it to the Ices of the North, which come floating downe vpon the coast and sea adioyning to New-found-land, and Labrador, which wee haue said else-where is brought thither with the sea, by her naturall motion, which is greater there, then else-where, because of the great space it hath to runne, as in a gulfe, in the depth of America, where the nature and situation of the vniuersall earth doth beare it easily. Now these Ices (which some­times are seene in banckes of tenne leagues length, and as high as Mountaines and hils, and thrice as deepe in the wa­ters) holding, as it were, an Empire in this sea, driue out farre from them, that which is contrary to their coldnesse, and consequently doe binde and close on this side, that small quantity of milde temperature that the Summer may bring to that part, where they come to seat and place them­selues. Yet for all that, I will not deny but this region in one and the selfe-same paralell is somewhat colder then those of our part of Europe, for the reasons that we will a­leage heereafter, when we shall speake of the fowlnesse of In the 16. chapter. Second ex­perience.seasons. Such is my opinion: being ready to heare ano­ther mans reason. And being mindefull heereof, I did, of purpose, take heed of the same, at my returne from New France, and found the same warmenesse of water (or very neere) though it was in the Moneth of September, within fiue or six daies sai­ling on this side of the said bancke, whereof we will now intreate.


Of the great Bancke of Morues or Coddes: of the Sound: our comming to the said Bancke: the description thereof: the fishing of New-found-land-fish: and of birds: the greedinesse of birds, called by Frenchmen Hap-foyes, that is to say, liuer-catchers: diuers perils: the fauours of God: the causes of frequent and long mistes in the Western sea: Land-markes: the sight of it: maruellous odours: the boording of two Shaloupes, the landing at the Port du Moutton: the comming into Port Royall: of two Frenchmen remaining there alone amongst the Sauages.

BEfore wee come to the Bancke, spoken of before, which is the great Bancke where the fishing of greene Cod-fishes is made (so are they called when they are not dry, for one must goe alande for the drying of them) the sea-faring-men, besides the computation they make of their course, haue warnings when they come neere to it, by Warnings neere the great Bancke. Birds called by French­men, Godes, Fouquets, Happefoies.birds, which are knowen: euen as one doth them of these our parts, returning backe into France, when one is within 100. or 120. leagues neere it. The most frequent of these birds, towards the said Bancke, be Godes, Fouquets, and other called Happe-foyes, for a reason that we will declare anone. When these birds then were seene, which were not like to them that we had seene in the middest of the great sea, we began to thinke our selues not to be farre from the said Bancke. Which made vs to sound with our lead vpon a Thursday the 22. of Iune, but then we found no bottom. What the sound is, and how it is cast.The same day in the euening, we cast againe with better successe: for we found bottome at 36. fadams. The said sound is a peece of lead of seuen or eight pound waight, made piramidall wise, fastened at one or diuers lines: and [Page 74] at the biggest end, which is flat, one putteth some grease to it, mingled with butter: then all the sailes are stricken downe, and the sound cast: and when that the bottome is felt, and the lead draweth no more line, they leaue off leting downe of it. So our sound being drawen vp, brought with it some small stones, with a white one, and a peece of shell, hauing moreouer a pit in the grease, whereby they iudged The arriuall to the fish Bancke.that the bottome was a rocke. I cannot expresse the Ioy that we had, seeing vs there, where we had so much desired to be. There was not any one of vs more sicke, euery one did leape for Ioy, and did seeme vnto vs to be in our owne country, though we were come but to the halse of our voy­age, at least for the time, that passed before we came to Port Royall, whther we were bound.

Of the word Bancke: and description of the fishing Bancke. Heere I will, before I proceed any further, decipher vnto you, what meaneth this word (Bancke) which paraduen­ture putteth some in paine to know what it is. They som­times call Banckes a sandy bottome which is very shallow, or which is a drie at low water. Such places be mortall for ships that meete with them. But the Bancke whereof we speake, are mountaines grounded in the depth of the wa­ters, which are raised vp to 30. 36. and 40. fadams, neere to the vpper face of the sea. This Bancke is holden to be of 200. leagues in lenght: and 18. 20. and 24. leagues broad, which being passed there is no more bottome found out, then in these parts, vntill one come to the land. The ships being there arriued, the sailes are rowled vp, and there, fishing is made of the greene fish, as I haue said, whereof we shall speake in the booke following. For the satisfying of my reader, I haue drawen it in my Geogra­phy call Map of New-found-land, with prickes, which is all may be done to represent it. There is, farther off, other banckes, as I haue marked in the said Map, vpon the which good fishing may be made: and many goe thither that know the places. When that we parted from Rochel, there was (as it were) a forrest of ships lying at Chef de Bois, [Page 75] (whereof that place hath taken his name) which went all in a company to that country, preuenting vs (in their go­ing) but onely of two daies.

Hauing seene and noted the Bancke, wee hoisted vp sailes and bare all night, keeping still our course to the West. But the dawne of day being come, which was Saint The fishing of Cod.Iohn Baptists Eue, in Gods name we pulled downe sailes, passing that day a fishing of Cod-fish, with a thousand mirthes and contentments, by reason of fresh meates, whereof we had asmuch as we would, hauing long before wished for them. Monsieur De Poutrincourt, and a yong man of Retel named Le Feure, who, by reason of the sea­sicknesse were not come out from their beds nor cabanes, from the beginning of the Nauigation, came vpon the hatches that day, and had the pleasure, not onely of fishing of Cod, but also of those birds, that bee called by French mariners, Happe-foyes, that is to say Liuer-catchers, because Happe-foyes Why so cal­led.of their greedinesse to deuour the liuers of the Cod-fishes that are cast into the sea, after their bellies bee opened, whereof they are so couetous, that though they see a great powle ouer their heads, ready to strike them downe, yet they aduenture themselues to come neere to the ship, to catch some of them, at what price soeuer. And they which were not occupied in fishing did passe their time in that sport. And so did they, by their diligence that wee tooke some thirty of them. But in this action one of our ship­wrights fell downe in the sea. And it was good for him that the ship went but slow, which gaue him meanes to saue himselfe by taking hold of the rudder, from which he was pulled in a boord, but for his paines was well beaten by Captaine Foulques.

Sea-dogges skinnes. In this fishing we sometimes did take sea-dogges, whose skinnes our Ioyners did keepe carefully to smooth their worke withall. Item, fishes called by Frenchmen Mer­lus, which be better then Cod, and sometimes another kinde of fish called Bars: which diuersity did augment our [Page 76] delight. They which were not busie in taking neither fishes nor birdes, did passe their time in gathering the hearts, guts, and other inward parts (most delicate) of the Cod-fish, which they did mince with lard and spices, and Excellent sawsiges made with the inwards of Codd.with those things did make as good Bolonia sausiges, as any can be made in Paris, and we did eat of them with a very good stomacke.

On the euening we made ready to continue our course, hauing first made our Canons to roare, as well because of Saint Iohn his holy day, as for Monsieur De Poutrincourts sake, which beareth the name of that Saint. The next day some of our men tolde vs they had seene a Bancke of Ice. And thereupon was recited vnto vs, how that the yeare be­fore, Men saued vpon a banck of Ice.a ship of Olone was cast away, by approaching too neere to it, and that two men hauing saued themselues vp­on the Ice, had this good fortune, that another ship, pas­sing by, the men tooke them in aboord them.

The weather in those seas contrary, then in ours. It is to be noted that from the 18. of Iune vntill wee did arriue at Port Royall, we haue found the weather quite otherwise to that we had before. For (as we haue already said) we had colde mistes or fogges, before our comming to the Bancke (where we came in faire sunshine) but the next day, we fell to the fogges againe, which (a far off) we The causes of mists on the West sea.might perceiue to come and wrappe vs about, holding vs continually prisoners three whole daies, for two daies of faire weather that they permitted vs: which was alwaies accompanied with colde, by reason of the Summers ab­sence. Yea euen diuers times wee haue seene our selues a whole sennight, continually in thicke fogges, twice with­out any shew of Sunne, but very little, as I will recite heereafter. And I will bring foorth a reason for such effects which seemeth vnto me probable. As wee see the fire to draw the moistnesse of a wet cloath, opposite vnto it, like­wise the sunne draweth moistnesse and vapours both from the sea and from the land. But for the dissoluing of them, there is heere one vertue, and beyond those parts another, [Page 77] according to the accidents and circumstances that are found. In these our countries it raiseth vp vapours onely from the ground, and from our riuers: which earthly va­pours, grosse and waighty, and participating lesse of the moist ellement, doe cause vs a hot aire, and the earth dis­charged of those vapours, becomes thereby more hot and parching. From thence it commeth, that the said vapors, hauing the earth of the one part, and the Sunne on the o­ther, which heateth them, they are easily dissolued, not re­maining long in the aire, vnlesse it be in winter, when the earth is waxen colde, and the Sunne beyond the Equinocti­all line, farre off from vs. From the same reason proceedeth the cause, why mistes and fogges be not so frequent, nor so long in the French seas, as in New-found-land, because that the Sunne, passing from his rising, aboue the grounds, this sea, at the comming thereof, receiueth almost but earthly vapours, and by a long space retaineth this vertue to dissolue very soone the exhalations it draweth to it selfe. But when it commeth to the middest of the Ocean, and to the said new found land, hauing eleuated and assumed in so long a course a great abundance of vapours, from this moist wide Ocean, it doth not so easily dissolue them, as well, because those vapours be colde of themselues, and of their nature, as because the Element which is neerest vnder them, doth simpathize with them, and preserueth them, & the Sunne beames being not holpen in the dissoluing of them, as they are vpon the earth. Which is euen seene in the land of that countrie, which (although it hath but small heat, by reason of the abundance of woods) not­withstanding it helpeth to disperse the mistes and fogges, which be ordinarily there, in the morning, during summer, but not as at Sea, for about eight aclocke in the mor­ning they begin to vanish away, and serue as a dew to the ground.

A small bancke, I hope the reader will not dislike these small digressions, seeing they serue to our purpose. The 28. day of Iune, we [Page 78] found our selues vpon a little small bancke (other then the great Bancke whereof we haue spoken) at forty fadams: and the day following, one of our Sailers fell by night into the sea, which had beene lost if he had not met with a ca­ble, A Mariner fallen by night in the sea. Land markes.hanging in the water. From that time forward, we began to descrie land▪markes (it was New-found-land) by hearbes, mosses, flowers, and peeces of wood, that we al­waies met, abounding the more, by so much we drew neere to it. The 4. day of Iuly, our saylers, which were appoin­ted The discoue­ry of S. Peters Ilands. Plain disco­very of the Land.for the last quarter watch, descried in the morning, ve­ry early, euery one being yet a-bed, the Iles of Saint Peter. And the Friday the seuenth of the said Moneth, we disco­uered, on the Lar-boord, a Coast of land, high raised vp, appearing vnto vs, as long as ones sight could stretch out, which gaue vs greater cause of Ioy, then yet we had had, wherein God did greatly shew his mercifull fauour vnto vs, making this discouery in faire calme weather. Being yet farre from it, the bouldest of the company went vp to the maine top, to the end to see it better, so much were all of vs desirous to see this land, true and most delightfull habita­tion of Man. Monsieur De Poutrincourt went vp thither, and my selfe also, which we had not yet done. Euen our dogges did thrust their noses out of the ship, better to draw and smell the sweet aire of the land, not being able to containe themselues from witnessing, by their gestures, the ioy they had of it. We drew within a league neere vnto it, and (the sailes being let downe) we fell a fishing of Codde, the fishing of the Bancke beginning to faile. They which had before vs, made voyages in those parts, did iudge vs Cap. Breton. The Bay of Campseau. Eight be at Cap-Breton. The night drawing on, we stood off to the sea-ward: the next day following, being the eight of the said moneth of Iulj, as we drew neere to the Bay of Campseau, came, about the euening, mists, which did continue eight whole daies, during the which we kept vs at sea, hulling still, not being able to goe forward, being re­sisted by West and South-West windes. During these [Page 79] eight daies, which were from one Saturday to another, God (who hath alwaies guided these voyages, in the which not one man hath beene lost by sea) shewed vs his speciall fauour, in sending vnto vs, among the thicke fogs, Gods fauour in danger.a clearing of the Sunne, which continued but halfe an houre: And then had we sight of the firme land, and knew that we were ready to be cast away vpon the rockes, if we had not speedily stood off to sea-ward. A man doth some­times seeke the land, as one doth his beloued, which sometimes repulseth her sweet heart very rudely. Finally, vpon Saturday the 15. of Iulj, about two aclocke in the after noone, the sky began to salute vs, as it were, with Cannon shots, shedding teares, as being sory to haue kept vs so long in paine. So that faire weather being come again, Calme wea­ther.we saw comming straight to vs (we being fower leagues off from the land) two Shaloupes with open sailes, in a sea yet wrathed. This thing gave vs much content. But whilst Maruellous odours cum­ming from the land.we followed on our course, there came from the land odors vncomparable for sweetnesse, brought with a warm wind, so abundantly, that all the Orient parts could not procure greater abundance. We did stretch out our hands, at it were to take them, so palpable were they, which I haue admired a thousand times since. Then the two shaloups did ap­proach, The boord­ing of two shalopes.the one manned with Sauages, who had a Stagge painted at their sailes, the other with Frenchmen of Saint Maloes, which made their fishing at the Port of Camseau, but the Sauages were more diligent, for they ariued first. Hauing neuer seene any before, I did admire, at the first The Sauages goodly men.sight, their faire shape, and forme of visage. One of them did excuse himselfe, for that he had not brought his faire beuer gowne, because the weather had beene foule. He had but one red peece of frize vpon his backe, and Mata­chiaz Matachiaz be carkanets, necklaces, bracelets, and wrought girdles.about his necke, at his wristes, aboue the elbow, and at his girdle. We made them to eat and drinke. During that time they tolde vs all that had passed, a yeere before, at Port Royall (whither we were bound. In the meane [Page 80] while, them of Saint Maloe came, and tolde vs as much as the Sauages had. Adding that the wensday, when that we did shunne the rockes, they had seene vs, and would haue corne to vs with the said Sauages, but that they left off, During the mists at sea, it is faire wether on land▪ A discommo­ditie brings a reason we put to the sea: and moreouer that it had beene alwaies faire weather on the land: which made vs much to maruell: but the cause thereof hath beene shewed before. Of this discommodity may be drawne heereafter a great good, that these mists will serue as a rampier to the country, and one shall know with speed what is passed at sea. They tolde vs also that they had beene aduertised, some daies before, by other Sauages, that a ship was seene at Cap Breton. These French men of S. Maloe were men that did deale for the associates of Monsieur De Monts, and did complaine that the Baskes, or men of Saint Iohn De Lus (against the King his Inhibitions) had trucked with the Sauages, and caried away aboue six thousand Beauers The care of the sauages for their wiues.skinnes. They gaue vs sundrie sorts of their fishes, as Bars, Marlus and great Fletans. As for the Sauages, before to depart, they asked bread of vs, to carry to their wiues, which was granted and giuen them, for they deserued it well, being come so willingly to shew vs in what part wee were. For since that time we sailed still in assurance, and without doubt.

The depar­ting of some of our com­pany going aland. At the parting, some number of ours went aland at the Port of Campseau, as well to fetch vs some wood and fresh water, whereof we had neede, as for to follow the Coast from that place to Port Royal in a shaloup, for we did feare lest Monsieur De Pont should be at our comming thither already gone from thence. The Sauages made offer to goe to him thorow the woods, with promise to be there with­in six dayes, to aduertise him of our comming, to the end The Sauages doe trauell much way in small cause his stay, for as much as word was left with him to depart, vnlesse he were succoured within the 16. day of that moneth, which he failed not to doe: notwithstanding our men desirous to see the land neerer, did hinder the same [Page 81] which promised vs to bring vnto vs the next day the said wood and water, if we would approch neere the land, which we did not, but followed on our course.

Mistes. Calmes. The Tuesday, 17. of Iuly, we were, according to our accustomed maner, surprised with mistes and contrary wind. But the Thursday we had calme weather, so that whether it were mist or faire weather we went nothing for­ward. During this calme, about the euening, a Ship­wright, The perill of many Mari­ners.washing himselfe in the sea, hauing before drunke too much Aqua-vitae, found himselfe ouertaken, the cold of the sea water striuing against the heat of this spirit of wine. Some Mariners, seeing their fellow in danger, cast them­selues Drunkennesse causeth diuers perils.into the water to succour him, but his wits being troubled, he mocked them, and they not able to rule him. Which caused yet other Mariners to goe to helpe; and they so hindred one another, that they were all in danger. In the end there was one of them, which, among this con­fusion, heard the voice of Monsieur De Poutrincourt, who did say to him, Iohn Hay looke towards me, and with a rope that was giuen him, he was pulled vp, and the rest withall were saued. But the Author of the trouble fell into a sicknesse, that almost killed him.

Port du Rossig­noll. After this calme we had two daies of fogges. The Sun­day 23. of the said moneth, we had knowledge of the Port Du Rossignoll, and the same day in the afternoone, the Port au Mou­ton.Sunne shining faire, we cast anker at the mouth of Port Du Mouton, and we were in danger to fall vpon a shold, being come to two fathams and a halfe depth. We went aland seuenteene of vs in number, to fetch the wood and water, whereof we had need. There we found the Cabins and lodgings, yet whole and vnbroken, that Monsieur De Monts made two yeeres before, who had soiourned there by the space of one moneth, as we haue said in his place. What growes in the land at Port au Mon­ton.We saw there, being a sandy land, store of Oakes, bearing acornes, Cypresse-trees, Firre-trees, Bay-trees, Muske-roses, Goose-beries, Purslen, Raspies, Fernes, Lysimachia [Page 82] (a kinde of Sammonee) Calamus odoratus, Angelica, and other simples, in the space of two houres that we taried there. We brought backe in our ship wilde peaze, which we found good. We had not the leasure to hunt after ra­bets that be there in great number, not far from the Port, but we returned aboord as soone as we had laden our selues with water and wood: and so hoised vp sailes.

Le Cap de Sable. Long Iland. The Bay S. Mary. The arriuing to Port Roy­all. Tuesday the 25. day we were about the Cap De Sable, in faire weather, and made a good iourny, for about the euening we came to sight of Long Ile, and the Bay of Saint Marie, but because of the night we put backe to the sea­ward. And the next day we cast anker at the mouth of Port Royall, where we could not enter by reason it was ebbing water, but we gaue two Cannon shot from our ship to salute the said Port, and to aduertise the Frenchmen that we were there.

Difficulties in comming in. Thursday the 27. of Iuly we came in with the floud, which was not without much difficultie, for that we had the winde contrary, and gusts of winde from the moun­taines, which made vs almost to strike vpon the rockes. And in these troubles our ship bare still contrary, the Poupe before, and sometimes turned round, not being able to doe The beauty of the Port.any other thing else. Finally, being in the Port, it was vn­to vs a thing maruellous to see the faire distance and large­nesse of it, and the mountaines and hils that inuironed it, & I wondered how so faire a place did remaine desert, being all filled with woods, seeing that so many pine away in the world, which might make good of this land, if onely they had a chiefe gouernor to conduct them thither. By little and little we drew neere to the Iland, which is right ouer against the fort where we haue dwelt since: An Iland I say, the most agreeable thing to be seene in her kinde, that is possible to bee desired, wishing in our selues to haue brought thither some of those faire buildings that are vn­profitable in these our parts, that serue for nothing, but to retire wildefowle in, and other birds. We knew not yet, if [Page 83] Monsieur Du Pont was gone or no, and therefore we did expect that he should send some men to meet vs; but it was in vaine: for he was gone from thence 12. daies before. And whilest we did hull in the middest of the Port, Mem­bertou, the greatest Sagamos of the Souriquois (so are the Sagamos signi­fieth Captain.people called with whom we were) came to the French­fort, to them that were left there, being only two, crying as a madde-man, saying in his language; What! You stand heere a dining (for it was about noone) and doe not see a great ship that commeth heere, and we know not what men they are: Suddenly these two men ran vpon the bul­warke, and with diligence made ready the Canons, which they furnished with pellets & touch powder. Membertou, without delay, came in a Conow made of barkes of trees, with a daughter of his, to view vs: And hauing found but friendship, and knowing vs to be Frenchmen, made no alarme. Notwithstanding one of the two Frenchmen left there, called La Taille, came to the shore of the Port, his match on the cocke, to know what we were (though he knew it well enough, for we had the white Banner displai­ed at the toppe of the mast) and on the sudden foure volly of canons were shot off, which made innumerable echoes: And from our part, the fort was saluted with three Canon shots, and many musket shots, at which time our Trumpe­ter was not slacke of his dutie. Then we landed, viewed the house, and we passed that day in giuing God thankes, in Praises of the two French­men left a­lone in the fort of Port-Royall.seeing the Sauages cabins, and walking thorow the me­dowes. But I cannot but praise the gentle courage of these two men, one of them I haue already named, the other is called Miquelet: which deserue well to bee mentioned heere, for hauing so freely exposed their liues in the con­seruation of the welfare of New France. For Monsieur Du Pont hauing but one barke and a shaloupe, to seeke out to­wards New-found-land, for french ships, could not charge himselfe with so much furniture, corne, meat and mar­chandises as were there; which he had beene forced to cast [Page 84] into the sea (and which had been greatly to our preiudice, and we did feare it very much) if these two men had not aduentured themselues to tary there, for the preseruing of those things, which they did with a willing and ioyfull minde.


The happy meeting of Monsieur Du Pont: his returne vnto Port Royall: reioycing: description of the confines of the said Port: coniecture touching the head and spring of the great Ri­uer of Canada: sowing of Corne: the returne of Monsieur Du Pont into France: the voyage of Monsieur De Poutrin­court vnto the countrie of the Armouchiquois: faire Rie sprung vp without tillage: the ex­ercises and maner of liuing in Port Royall: the Medowes of the riuer De L'Equille.

The tilling of the ground. THe Friday, next day after our arriuall, Monsieur De Poutrincourt affected to this enterprise, as for himselfe, put part of his people to worke in the til­lage and manuring of the ground, whilest the others were emploied in making cleane of the chambers, and euery one to make ready that which belonged to his trade. In the meane time those people of ours that had left vs at Camp­seau, to come along the coast, met (as it were miraculously) The meeting with Monsieur Du Pont.with Monsieur Du Pont, among Ilands, that be in great number in those parts. To declare how great was the ioy of each side, is a thing not to be expressed. The said Mon­sieur Du Pont, at this happy and fortunate meeting, retur­ned backe to see vs in Port Royall, and to ship himselfe in the Ionas, to returne into France. As this chance was bene­ficiall vnto him, so was it vnto vs, by the meanes of his ships that he left with vs For without that, we had been in such extremity that we had not been able to goe nor come any where, our ship being once returned into France. He [Page 85] arriued there, on Mondy the last of Iuly, and tarried yet in Port Royall vntill the 28. of August. All this moneth we made merry. Monsieur De Poutrincourt did set vp and o­pened a Hogshed of wine, one of them that was giuen him for his owne drinking, giuing leaue to all commers to drinke as long as it should hold, so that some of them drunke vntill their caps turned round.

At the very beginning, we were desirous to see the coun­try vp the riuer, where we found medowes, almost conti­nually aboue twelue leagues of ground, among which, brookes doe run without number, which come from the hils and mountaines adioyning. The woods very thicke on the water shoares, and so thicke, that sometimes, one cannot goe thorow them. Yet for all that, I would not make them such as Ioseph Acosta reciteth those of Peru to be, Ioseph Acosta lib. 4. ca. 30.when he saith: One of our brethren, a man of credit, told vs, that being gone astray, and lost in the Mountaines, not know­ing what part, nor which way he should goe, found himselfe a­mong bushes so thicke, that he was constrained to trauell vpon them, without putting his feet on the ground, a whole fort­nights space. I refer the beleeuing of that to any one that will; but this beleefe cannot reach so farre, as to haue place with me.

Land like to that which God promi­sed to his people. Deut 8. vers. 7. 8. Now in the land whereof we speake, the woods are thin­ner farre off from the shoares and watrish places: And the felicity thereof is so much the more to be hoped for, in that it is like the land, which God did promise to his people, by the mouth of Moyses, saying: The Lord thy God doth bring thee into a good land, of riuers of waters, with fountaines and depthes, which doe spring in fields, &c. A land where thou shalt eat thy bread without scarsitie, wherein nothing shall faile thee, a land whose stones are of Iron, and from whose Moun­taines thou shalt digge brasse. And further in another place, confirming the promises for the goodnesse and state of the land that he would giue them. The country (saith he) wher­in Deuter. 11. vers. 10. you are going for to possesse it, is not as the land of Aegypt, [Page 86] from whence you are come foorth, where thou diddest sow thy seed, and wateredst it with the labour of they feet, as a garden of hearbes. But the country thorow which you are going to passe, for to possesse it, is a land of mountaines and fields, and is wa­tred Heereupon the 3. chap. with waters that raineth from heauen. Now according to the description that heeretofore we haue made of Port Royall, and the confines thereof, in describing the first voi­age of Monsieur De Monts, and as yet we doe mention it heere, brookes doe there abound at will, and (for this re­spect) A bundance of brookes.this land is no lesse happy than the country of the Gaules (now called France) to whom King Agrippa (making an oration to the Iewes recited by Iosephus in his warre of the Iewes) attributed a particular felicity, because Iron stones. Mountaines of Brasse.they had store of domesticall fountaines: And also that a part of those countries is called Aquitaine, for the same consideration. As for the stones which our God promiseth that should be of iron, and the mountaines of Brasse, that signifieth nothing else, but the Mines of Copper, of Iron, and of steele, whereof we haue already heeretofore spoken, and will speake yet heereafter. And as for the fields (wher­of we haue not yet spoken) there be some on the West side Lakes and brooks vpon the moun­taines.of the said Port Royall. And aboue the Mountaines there be some faire ones, where I haue seene lakes and brookes, euen as in the vallies. Yea euen in the passage to come foorth from the same fort, for to go to sea, there is a brooke, which falleth from the high rockes downe, and in falling disperseth it self into a small raine, which is very delight­full in Summer, because that at the foote of the rocke, there are caues, wherin one is couered, whilest that this raine fal­leth so pleasantly: And in the caue (wherein the raine of this brooke falleth) is made (as it were) a Raine-bow, when the Sunne shineth: which hath giuen me great cause The forme of a Raine bow, vnder a caue. They trauell three leagues in the woods.of admiration. Once we went from our fort as farre as the sea thorow the woods, the space of three leagues, but in our returne we were pleasantly deceiued, for at the end of our iourny, thinking to be in a plaine champion country, [Page 87] we found our selues on the top of a high Mountaine, and were forced to come downe with paine enough, by reason of snowes. But Mountaines be not perpetual in a country. Within 15. leagues of our dwelling, the country, thorow which the Riuer L' Equille passeth, is all plaine and euen. I haue seene in those parts many countries, where the land is all euen, and the fairest of the world. But the perfection Country well watered.thereof is, that it is well watered. And for witnesse where­of, not onely in Port Royall, but also in all New France, the great riuer of Canada is proofe thereof, which at the end of 400. leagues is as broade as the greatest riuers of the world, replenished with Iles and rockes innumerable: ta­king Coniecture vpon the spring of the great Riuer of Canada.her beginning from one of the lakes which doe meet at the streame of her course (and so I thinke) so that it hath two courses, the one from the East towards France: the o­ther from the West towards the South sea: which is ad­mirable, but not without the like example found in our Europe. For the riuer which commeth downe to Trent and to Verone proceedeth from a lake which produceth a­nother riuer, whose course is bent opposite to the riuer of Lins, which falleth into the riuer Danube. So the Nile issu­eth from a lake that bringeth foorth other riuers, which discharge themselues into the great Ocean.

Which is the first mine. Let vs returne to our tillage: for to that must we apply our selues: it is the first mine that must be sought for, which is more worth than the treasures of Atabalipa: And he that hath corne, wine, cattell, wollen and linnen, leather, iron, and afterward Codde-fish, he needeth no other treasures, for the necessaries of life. Now all this is (or may be) in the land by vs described: vpon the which Monsieur De Pou­trincourt Sowing of corne.hauing caused a second tillage to be made, in fif­teene daies after his arriuall thither, he sowed it with our French corne, as well wheat and rie, as with hempe, flax, turnep seed, redish, cabidges & other seeds: And the eight day following, hee saw that his labour had not beene in vaine, but rather a faire hope, by the production that the [Page 88] ground had already made of the seedes which she had re­ceaued. Which being shewed to Monsieur Du Pont, was vnto him a faire subiect to make his relation in France, as a thing altogether new there.

20 Of Au­gust. The 20. day of August was already come, when these faire shewes were made, and the time did admonish them, that were to goe in the voyage, to make r [...]dy. Whereun­to they began to giue order, so that the 25▪ day of the same moneth, after many peales of ordinance, they waighed an­ker to come to the mouth of the Port, which is commonly the first daies iourny.

Cause of the voyage made into the country of the Armou. thiquois. Monsieur De Monts being desirous to reach as farre in­to the South as he could, and seeke out a place very fit to inhabite, beyond Malebarre, had requested Monsieur De Poutrincourt to passe farther than yet he had done, and to seeke a conuenient Port in good temperature of aire, ma­king no greater account of Port Royall than of S. Croix, in that which concerneth health. Whereunto the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt being willing to condescend, would not tarry for the spring time, knowing he should haue other employments to exercise himselfe withall. But seeing his so wings ended, and his field greene, resolued himselfe to make this voyage and discouery before winter. So then he disposed all things to that end, and with his Barke ankered neere to the Ionas, to the end to get out in A whale in Port Whilest they lay there for a prosperous winde the space of three daies, there was a Whale of meane big­nesse (which the Sauages doe call Maria) who came euery day into the Port, with the morning floud, playing there within at her pleasure, and went away backe againe with the ebbe. And then, taking some leasure, I made, in French verses, a farewell to the said Monsieur Du Pont and his company, which I haue placed among the Muses of New France.

Parting from Port Royall. The 28. day of the said moneth each of vs tooke his course, one one way, and the other another, diuersly to [Page 89] Gods keeping. As for Monsieur Du Pont he purposed by the way to set vpon a Merchant of Rone, named Boyer, who (contrary to the Kings inhibitions) was in those parts to trucke with the Sanages, notwithstanding he had beene deliuered out of prison in Rochell, by the consent of Mon­sieur De Poutrincourt, vnder promise he should not go thi­ther; but the said Boyer was already gone. And as for Mon­sieur De Poutrincourt, he tooke his course for the Ile of S. Croix, the Frenchmens first abode, hauing Monsieur De Champdore for master and guide of his Barke: But being hindered by the winde, and because his barke did leake, he was forced twice to put backe againe. In the end hee quite passed the Bay Françoise, and viewed the said Ile, Faire Rie found at S. Croix.where he found ripe Corne, of that which two yeares be­fore was sowed by Monsieur De Monts, which was faire, big, waighty, and well filled. He sent vnto vs some of that Corne to Port Royall, where I was requested to stay, to looke to the house, and to keepe the rest of the company there, in concord. Whereunto I did agree (though it was referred to my will) for the assurance that we had among our selues, that the yeare following we should make our habitation in a warmer country beyond Malebarre, and Their mea­ning is to plant beyond Malebarre to the South­ward. A ditch profi­tably made.that we should all goe in company, with them that should be sent to vs out of France. In the meane while I employed my selfe in dressing the ground, to make inclosures and par­titions of Gardens, for to sow Corne and kitchin hearbes. We caused also a ditch to be made all about the fort, which was very needfull to receaue the waters and moistnesse, that before did run vnderneath among the rootes of trees, What store of workemen and labourers in New France.that had beene fallen downe: which paraduenture did make the place vnhealthfull. I will not stand in describing heere, what each of our other workmen and labourers did particularly make. It sufficeth that we had store of Ioyners, Carpenters, Masons, Stone-caruers, Locke-smithes, Tay­lers, Their exer­cise and ma­ner of life.Boord-sawyers, Mariners, &c. who did exercise their trades, which (in doing their duties) were very kindly [Page 90] vsed, for they were at their owne liberty for three houres Mussels, Lap­sters, Crabs.laboura day. The ouerplus of the time they bestowed it, in going to gather mussels, which are at low water in great quantity before the fort, or Lapsters, or Crabs, which are in Port Royall vnder the Rockes in great abundance, or Cockles, which are in euery part in the Oase, about the shores of the said Port: All that kinde of fish is taken with­out net or boate. Some there were that sometimes tooke Good proui­sion of wilde-fowle.wilde-fowle, but not being skilfull, they spoiled the game. And as for vs, our table was furnished by one of Monsieur De Monts men, who prouided for vs in such sort that we wanted no fowle, bringing vnto vs, sometimes halfe a dosen of birdes, called by French men, Outards (a kinde of wilde geese) sometimes as many mallardes, or wilde geese, white and gray, very often two or three dosen What quan­tity of bread and wine.of larkes, and other kindes of birds. As for bread, no body felt want thereof, and euery one had three quarts of pure and good wine a day. Which hath continued with vs as long as we haue beene there, sauing that, when they, who came to fetch vs, in stead of bringing commodities vnto vs, helped vs to spend our owne (as we shall haue occasion heereafter to deelare) we were forced to reduce that por­tion to a pinte; and notwithstanding there was very of­ten some thing more of extrordinary. This voyage (for this respect) hath beene the best voyage of all, whereof we are to giue much praises to the said Monsieur De Monts, and his associates Monsieur Macquin and Monsieur Georges Preseruatiue against the sicknesse of New France.of Rochel, in prouiding so abundantly for vs. For truely I finde that this Septembrall liquor (I meane wine) is, a­mong other things, a soueraigne preseruatiue against the sicknesse of that country: And the spiceries, to correct the A cleare and pure aire.vice that might be in the aire of that region, which neuer­theles I haue alwaies found very cleere and pure, notwith­standing the reasons that I may haue alleaged for the same, Allowance.speaking heeretofore of the same sicknesse. For our allow­ance, we had Pease, Beanes, Rice, Prunes, Raisons, dry [Page 91] Codde, and salt flesh, besides Oyle and Butter. But when­soeuer the Sauages, dwelling neere vs, had taken any quan­tity of Sturgions, Salmons, or small fishes; Item, any Be­uers, A kinde of stagge or red Deere. The liberall na [...]ure of the Sauages. Ellans, C [...]abous, (or fallow Deere) or other beasts, mentioned in my farwell to New France, they brought vnto vs halfe of it: and that which remained they exposed it sometimes to sale publikely, and they that would haue any thereof did trucke bread for it. This was partly our maner of life in those parts. But although euery one of our workemen had his particular trade or occupation, yet for all that it was necessary to imploy himselfe to all vses, as many did. Some Masons and Stone-caruers applied themselues to baking, which made vs as good bread as is made in Paris. Also one of our Sawyers, diuers times made Ch [...]rcoale made in New France.vs Coales in great quantitie.

Wherein is to be noted a thing that now I remember. It is, that being necessary to cut turffes to couer the piles of wood, heaped to make the said coales, there was found in What earth is in the me­dowes.the medowes three foot deepe of earth, not earth, but grasse or hearbes mingled with mudde, which haue heaped them­selues yeerely one vpon another from the beginning of the world, not hauing beene mooued. Neuerthelesse the greene thereof serueth for pasture to the Ellans, which we Ellans in the Medowes.haue many times seene in our medowes of those parts, in heards of three or foure, great and small, suffering them­selues sometimes to bee approched, then they ran to the woods: But I may say moreouer, that I haue seene, in cros­sing two leagues of our said medowes, the same to be al tro­den with trackes of Ellans, for I know not there any other clouen footed beasts. There was killed one of those beasts, not farre off from our fort, at a place where Monsieur De Monts hauing caused the grasse to be mowed two yeares before, it was growen againe the fairest of the world. Some might maruell how those medowes are made, seeing that all the ground in those places is couered with woods. For satisfaction whereof, let the curious reader know, that in [Page 92] high spring tides, specially in March and September, the floud couereth those shores, which hindereth the trees there to take root. But euery where, where the water ouer­floweth not, if there be any ground, there are woods.


Their departing fromthe Ile of S. Croix: the baye of Mar­chin: Choüakoet: vines and grapes: the liberality of the Sauages: the land and people of the Armouchiquois: the cure of an Armouchiquois wounded: the simplicitie and ignorance of the people: vices of the Armouchiquois: suspicion: people not caring for clothes: cornesowed, andvines planted in the country of the Armouchiquois: quantitie of grapes: abundance of peo­ple: dangerous Sea.

LEt vs returne to Monsieur de Poutrincourt, whom we haue left in the Ile Saint Croix. Hauing made there a reuiew, and cherished the Sauages that were there, he Pemptegoet.went in the space of foure daies to Pemtegoet, which is that place so famous vnder the name of Norombega. There needeth not so long a time in comming thither, but he taried on the way to mend his barke: for to that end he had brought with him a Smith and a Carpenter, and quantity of boordes. He crossed the Iles, which be at the Kinibeki.mouth of the riuer, and came to Kinibeki, where his barke was in danger, by reason of the great streames that the na­ture of the place procureth there. This was the cause why he made there no stay, but passed further to the Baie of The bay of Marchin. Marchin, which is the name of a Captaine of the Sauages, who at the arriuall of the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt, began to crie out aloud Hé Hé: whereunto the like an­swer was made vnto him. He replied, asking in his lan­guage, What are ye? They answered him, Friends: And thereupon Monsieur De Poutrincourt approching, trea­ted amity with him, and presented him with kniues, hat­chets, and Matachiaz, that is to say, scarfes, karkenets and [Page 93] bracelets made of beades, or quils made of white and blew glasse; whereof he was very glad, as also for the confede­racy Confederacy.that the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt made with him, knowing very well that the same would be a great aide and support vnto him. He distributed to some men that were about him, among a great number of people, the presents that the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt gaue him, to whom he brought store of Orignac, or Ellans flesh (for the Baskes doe call a Stagge, or Ellan, Orignac) to refresh the company with victuals. That done, they set sailes to­wards Choüakoet, where the riuer of Captaine Olmechin The riuer of Olmechin. Port De Cho­ü, and where the yeare following was made the war of the Souriquois and Etechemius, vnder the conduct of the Sa­gamos Membertou, which I haue described in verses, which verses I haue inserted among the Muses of New-France. At the entry of the Bay of the said place of Choüa­koet An Iland of vines.there is a great Iland, about halfe a league compasse, wherein our men did first discouer any vines (for, although there be some in the lands neerer to Port Royall, notwith­standing there was yet no knowledge had of them) which they found in great quantity, hauing the truncke three and foure foot high, and as bigge as ones fist in the lower part, the grapes faire and great, and some as bigge as plummes, other lesser: but as blacke, that they left a staine where their liquor was spilled: Those grapes, I say, lying ouer bushes and brambles that grow in the same Iland, where the trees are not so thicke as in other where, but are six or seuen rods distant a sunder, which causeth the grapes to be ripe the sooner; hauing besides a ground very fit for the same, grauelly and sandy. They taried there but two houres: but they noted, that there were no vines on the North-side, e­uen as in the Ile Saint Croix are no Cedar-trees, but on the Westside.

The riuer of Olmechin. From this Iland they went to the riuer of Olmechin, a Port of Chauakoet, where Marchin and the said Olmechin brought to Monsieur De Poutrincourt a prisoner of the [Page 94] Souriqouis (and therefore their enemy) which they gaue vnto him freely. Two houres after there arriued two Sa­uages, The galant­nesse of the Sauages. Port de la Heve.the one an Eteshemin, named Chkoudun, Captaine of the riuer Saint Iohn, called by the Sauages Oigoudi: The o­ther a Souriquois, named Messamoet, Captaine or Sagamos of the riuer of the Port De La Heve, where this prisoner was taken. They had great store of Merchandises trucked with Frenchmen, which they were comming to vtter, that is to say, great, meane, and small kettles, hatchets, kniues, gownes, short cloakes, red wast coates, bisket, and other things: whereupon there arriued twelue or fifteene boats, The Sauages doe paint their faces.full of Sauages of Olmechins subiection, being in very good order, all their faces painted, according to their wonted custome, when they will seeme faire, hauing their bow The Oration of Messamoetand arrow in hand, and the quiuer, which they laid downe a boord. At that houre Messamoet began his Oration before the Sauages: ‘Shewing them, how that in times past, they often had friendship together: and that they might easily ouercome their enemies, if they would haue intelligence and serue themselues with the ami­tie of the Frenchmen, whom they saw there present to know their Country, to the end to bring commodities vn­to them heereafter, and to succour them with their forces, which forces he knew, and he was the better able to make a demonstration thereof vnto them, by so much that hee which spake, had before time beene in France, and dwelt therewith Monsieur De Grandmont, Gouernour of Bay­onne.’ Finally, his speech continued almost an houre with Messamoets af­fection to the French men. The largesse and liberality of Messamoets.much vehemency and affection, with a gesture of body and armes, as is requisite in a good Oratour. And in the end he did cast all his merchandises (which were worth a­boue 300. crownes, brought into that country) into Olme­chin his boat, as making him a present of that, in assurance of the loue he would witnes vnto him. That done the night hasted on, and euery one retired himselfe. But Messamoet was not pleased, for that Olmechin made not the like orati­on [Page 95] vnto him, nor requited his present: For the Sauages haue The Sauages be liberall.that noble quality, that they giue liberally, casting at the feet of him whom they wil honor, the present that they giue him: But it is with hope to receiue some reciprocall kind­nesse, which is a kinde of contract, which we call, without name, I giue thee, to the end thou shouldest giue me. And that is done thorow all the world. Therefore Messamoet from that day had in minde to make war to Olmechin. Notwith­standing A Corne▪country, beanes, pum­pions and grapes.the next day in the morning, he and his people did returne with a boate laden with that which they had, to wit, Corne, Tabacco, Beanes and Pumpions, which they distributed heere and there. Those two Captaines Olmechin and Marchin haue since beene killed in the wars. In whose stead was chosen by the Sauages one named Bessabes, Bessabes▪ Englishmen.which since our returne hath beene killed by Englishmen: And in stead of him they haue made a Captaine to come from within the lands, named Asticou, a graue man, vali­ant Asticou.and redoubted, which, in the twinkling of an eye, will gather vp 1000. Sauages together, which thing Olmechin and Marchin might also doe. For our Barkes being there, presently the Sea was seene all couered ouer with their boates, laden with nimble and lusty men, holding them­selues vp straight in them: which we cannot doe without danger, those boates being nothing else but trees hollow­ed after the fashion that we will shew you in the booke fol­lowing. From thence Monsieur De Poutrincourt following on his course, found a certaine Port very delightfull, which A very good Port.had not beene seene by Monsieur De Monts: And during the voyage they saw store of smoke, and people on the shore, which inuited vs to come aland: And seeing that no account was made of it, they followed the barke along The agility of the Armouchi­quois. Happy people if they had the know­ledge of God.the sand, yea most often they did outgoe her, so swift are they, hauing their bowes in hand, and their quiuers vpon their backes, alwaies singing and dauncing, not taking care with what they should liue by the way. Happy people! Yea, a thousand times more happy than they which in [Page 94] [...] [Page 95] [...] [Page 96] these parts make themselues to be worshipped; if they had the knowledge of God and of their saluation.

Fifes. Monsieur De Poutrincourt hauing landed in this Port, behold among a multitude of Sauages a good number of fifes, which did play with certaine long pipes, made as it were with canes of reedes, painted ouer, but not with such an harmony as our Shepheards might doe: And to shew the excellency of their art, they whisled with their noses in gambolling, according to their fashion.

A Sauage wounded. And as this people did runne headlong, to come to the Barke, there was a Sauage which hurt himselfe greeuously in the heele against the edge of a rocke, whereby hee was inforced to remaine in the place. Monsieur De Poutrin­court his Chirurgion, at that instant would apply to this hurt that which was of his art, but they would not permit it, vntill they had first made their mouthes and mops about Their mouthes and mops about him that was hurt.the wounded man. They then laide him downe on the ground, one of them holding his head on his lap, and made many baulings and singings, whereunto the woun­ded man answered but with a Ho, with a complaining voice, which hauing done they yeelded him to the cure of the said Chirurgion, and went their way, and the patient also after he had beene dressed: but two houres after hee came againe, the most iocund in the world, hauing put a­bout his head, the binding cloth, wherewith his heele was wrapped, for to seeme the more gallant.

The day following, our people entred farther into the The presents of a Sauage woman. Hempe very faire. Beanes. Quantity of grapes.Port, where being gone to see the Cabins of the Sauages, an old woman of an hundred or six score yeares of age, came to cast at the feet of Monsieur De Poutrincour, a loafe of bread, made with the wheat called Mahis, or Mais, and in these our parts, Turky or Saracin wheat, then very faire hempe of a long growth; Item beanes, and grapes newly gathered, because they had seene French men eat of them at Chauakoet. Which the other Sauages seeing, that knew it not, they brought more of them than one would, emula­ting [Page 97] one another▪ and for recompence of this their kind­nesse, The simplici­ty and igno­rance of peo­ple.there was set on their foreheads a filler, or band, of paper, wet with spittle, of which they were very proud. It was shewed them, in pressing the grape into a glasse, that of that we did make the wine which we did drinke. Wee would haue made them to eat of the grape, but hauing ta­ken it into their mouthes, they spitted it out, so ignorant is this people of the best thing that God hath giuen to man, next to bread. Yet notwithstanding they haue no want of wit, and might be brought to doe some good things, if they were ciuilized, and had the vse of handy craftes. But they are subtill, theeuish, and traiterous, and though they be naked, yet one cannot take heed of their fingers; for if one turne neuer so little his eies aside, and that they spie the op­portunity to steale any knife, hatchet, or any thing else, they will not misse nor faile of it; and will put the theft between their buttockes, or will hide it within the sand with their foot so cunningly, that one shall not perceiue it. Indeed I The bad na­ture of the Armouchi­quois.doe not wonder if a people poore and naked bee theeuish; but when the heart is malicious, it is vnexcusable. This people is such that they must be handled with terrour: for Note how the Armouchi­quois must be dealt withall.if through loue and gentlenesse, one giue them too free accesse, they will practise some surprise, as it hath beene knowen in diuers occasions heeretofore, and will yet heere­after beseene. And without deferring any longer, the se­cond day after our comming thither, as they saw our people busie awishing linnen, they came some fifty, one following another, with bowes, arrowes and quiuers, in­tending to play some bad part, as it was coniectured vpon their maner of proceeding; but they were preuented; some of our men going to meet them, with their muskets and matches at the cocke, which made some of them run away, and the others being compassed in, hauing put downe their weapons, came to a Peninsule, or small head of an Iland, where our men were, and making a friendly shew, deman­ded to trucke the Tabacco they had for our merchandises.

[Page 98] The next day the Captaine of the said place and Port, came into Monsieur De Poutrincourts barke to see him: we Suspition for the comming of Olmechin.did maruell to see him accompanied with Olmechin, seeing the way was maruellous long to come thither by land, and much shorter by sea. That gaue cause of bad suspition, al­beit he had promised his loue to the Frenchmen. Not­withstanding they were gently receiued. And Monsieur De Poutrincourt gaue to the said Olmechin a complet gar­ment, wherewith being clothed, he viewed himselfe in a glasse, and did laugh to see himselfe in that order. But a The trouble of garments.little while after, feeling that the same hindred him, al­though it was in October, when he was returned vnto his Cabins, he distributed it to sundry of his men, to the end that one alone should not be ouerpestered with it. This ought to be a sufficient lesson to so many finnical, both men and women, of these parts, who cause their garments and brest-plates to be made as hard and stiffe as wood, wherein their bodies are so miserably tormented, that they are in their clothes vnable to all good actions. And if the weather be too hot they suffer in their great bummes with a thousand folds, vnsupportable heats, that are more vn­tolerable, than the torments which felons and criminall men are sometimes made to feele.

Now during the time that the said Monsieur De Poutrin­court was there, being in doubt whether Monsieur De Monts would come to make an habitation on that coast, as Corne sow­ed, and vines planted.he wished it, he made there a peece of ground to be tilled, for to sow corne and to plant vines, which they did, with the helpe of our Apothecary Master Lewes Hebert, a man, who, besides his experience in his art, taketh great delight in the tilling of the ground. And the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt may be heere compared to good father Noah, who after he had made the tillage most necessarie for the sowing of corne, he began to plant the vine, whose effects he felt afterwards.

As they were a deliberating to passe farther, Olmechin [Page 99] came to the Barke to see Monsieur De Poutrincourt, where hauing taried certaine houres, either in talking or eating, he said that the next day 100. boates should come, contai­ning 100. boates of Sauages.euery one six men: but the comming of such a num­ber of men, being but troublesome, Monsieur De Poutrin­court would not tarry for them; but went away the same Malebarre. Perill of to Malebarre, not without much difficultie, by reason of the great streames and sholds that are there. So that the Barke hauing touched at three foot of water onely, we thought to be cast away, and we began to vnlade her, and put the victuals into the Shaloup, which was behinde, for to saue vs on land: but being no full sea, the barke came a­flote within an houre. All this Sea is a land ouerflow­ed, as that of Mount Saint Michels, a sandy ground, in which, all that resteth is a plaine flat country as far as the Mountaines, which are seene 15. leagues off from that place. And I am of opinion, that as far as Virginia, it is all Note. Great quanti­ty of grapes.alike. Moreouer, there is heere great quantity of grapes, as before, and a country very full of people. Monsieur De Monts being come to Malebarre in an other season of the yeare, gathered onely greene grapes; which he made to be preserued, and brought some to the King. But it was our good hap to come thither in October, for to see the Heereupon chap. 7.maturity thereof. I haue heere before shewed the difficul­ty that is found in entering into Malebarre. This is the cause why Monsieur De Poutrincourt came not in with his Barke, but went thither with a shaloup onely, which thirty or forty Sauages did helpe to draw in: and when it was full tide (but the tide doth not Two fa­dames tide onely.mount heere but two fadames high, which is seldome seene) he went out, and retired himselfe into his said barke, to passe further in the morning, as soone as hee should or­daine it.


Dangers: vnknowen languages: the making of a forge, and of an ouen: Crosses set vp: plenty: a conspiracy: disobedience: murther: the flight of three hundred against tenne: the agility of the Armouchiquois: bad company dangerous: the accident of a Musket that did burst: the insolency of the Sauages: their timorosity, impiety, and flight: the fortunate Port: a bad sea: reuenge: the counsell and resolu­tion for the returne: new perils: Gods fauours: the arriuall of Mon­sieur De Poutrincourt at Port Royall: and how he was receiued.

THe night beginning to giue place to the dawning of the day, the sailes are hoised vp, but it was but a ve­ry perilous nauigation. For with this small vessell Danger.they were forced to coast the land, where they found no depth: going backe to sea it was yet woorse: in such wise that they did strike twice or thrice, being raised vp a­gaine onely by the waues, and the rudder was broken, which was a dreadfull thing. In this extremity they were constrained to cast anker in the sea, at two fadams deepe, and three leagues off from the land. Which being done, Daniel Hay (a man which taketh pleasure in shewing foorth his vertue in the perils of the sea) was sent towards the Coast to view it, and see if there were any Port. And as he was neere land he saw a Sauage, which did daunce, singing yo, yo, yo, he called him to come neerer, and by Oigoudi, or S. Iohns riuer. Sauages of sundry nati­ons, vnder­stand not one another.signes asked him if there were any place to retire ships in, and where any fresh water was. The Sauage hauing made signe there was, he tooke him into his shaloup, and brought him to the Barke, wherein was Chkoudun Captaine of the riuer of Oigoudi, otherwise Saint Iohns riuer; who being brought before this Sauage, he vnderstood him no more [Page 101] than did our owne people: true it is, that by signes he com­prehended better than they what he would say. This Sa­uage shewed the places, where no depth was, and where was any, and did so well indenting and winding heere and there, alway the led in hand, that in the end they came to the Port shewed by him, where small depth is: wherein the barke being arriued, diligence was vsed to make a forge A forge and an ouen made.for to mend her with her rudder, and an ouen to bake bread, because there was no more bisket left.

Fifteene daies were imployed in this worke, during the which Monsieur De Poutrincourt, according to the lauda­ble A cresse set vp.custome of Christians, made a Crosse to be framed and set vp, vpon a greene bancke, as Monsieur De Monts had done two yeeres before at Kinibeki and Malebarre. Now among these painefull exercises they gaue not ouer make­ing good cheere, with that which both the sea and the land might furnish in that part. For in this Port is plentie of fowle, in taking of which many of our men applied them­selues: specially the sea larkes are there in so great flights that Monsieur De Poutrincourt killed 28. of them with one Abundance of larkes and fishes.Caliuer shot. As for fishes, there be such abundance of Porpeses, and another kinde of fish, called by Frenchmen Soufleurs, that is to say, Blowers, that the sea seemes to be all couered ouer with them. But they had not the things necessary for this kinde of fishing, they contented them­selues then with shell-fish, as of Oysters, Skalops, periwin­cles, Shell-fish.whereof there was enough to be satisfied. The Sa­uages of the other side did bring fish, and grapes within Grapes. Rush-baskets.baskets made of rushes, for to exchange with some of our wares. The said Monsieur De Poutrincourt seeing the grapes there, maruellously faire, commanded him that wai­ted on his chamber, to lay vp in the Barke a burthen of the vines from whence the said grapes were taken. Our Apo­thecary M. Lewes Hebert, desirous to inhabit in those coun­tries, had pulled out a good quantity of them, to the end to plant them in Port Royall, where none o [...] them are, al­though [Page 102] the soyle be there very fit for vines. Which neuer­thelesse (by a dull forgetfulnesse) was not done, to the great discontent of the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt and of vs all.

After certaine daies, the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt, seeing there great assembly of Sauages, came ashore, and to giue them some terrour, made to march before him one The triall of French wea­pons before the Sauages.of his men, flourishing with two naked swords. Whereat they much wondred, but yet much more when they saw that our Muskets did pierce thicke peeces of wood, where their arrowes could not so much as scratch. And therefore they neuer assailed our men, as long as they kept watch. And it had beene good to sound the Trumpet at euery Good instru­ction.houres end, as Captaine Iames Quartier did. For (as Mon­sieur De Poutrincourt doth often say) One must neuer laie bait for theeues, meaning that one must neuer giue cause to an enemy to thinke that he may surprise you: But one must alwaies shew that he is mistrusted, and that you are not asleepe, chiefely when one hath to doe with Sauages, which will neuer set vpon him that resolutely expects them; which was not performed in this place by them that bought the bargain of their negligence very deare, as we will now tell you.

See in the next booke. Fifteene daies being expired, the said Monsieur De Pou­trincourt seeing his barke mended, and nothing remaining Signes of be done, but a batch of bread, he went some 3. leagues distant within the land, to see if he might discouer any sin­gularity: But in his returne he and his men perceaued the Sauages running away thorow the woods in diuers troupes of 20. 30. and more; some bowing themselues as men that would not be seene: others hiding themselues in the grasse not to be perceiued: others carrying away their stuffe, and Canowes full of corne, for to betake them to their heeles: Besides the women transporting their children, and such stuffe as they could with them. Those actions gaue cause to Monsieur De Poutrincourt to thinke that this people did [Page 103] plot some bad enterprise. Therefore being arriued he com­manded his people, which were a making of bread, to re­tire themselues into their Barke. But as yong people doe Yong men disobedient.often forget their duty, these hauing some cake, or such like thing, to make, had rather follow their likerish appe­tite, than to doe that which was commanded them, taried till night without retiring themselues. About midnight Monsieur De Poutrincourts care. Monsieur De Poutrincourt thinking vpon that which had passed the day before, did aske whether they were in the barke; and hearing they were not, he sent the shaloupe vnto them, to command and bring them aboord, where­to Disobedi­ence.they disobaied, except his Chamberlain, who feared his master. They were fiue, armed with muskets and swords, which were warned to stand still vpon their guard, and yet (being negligent) made not any watch, so much were they addicted to their owne wils. The report was, that they had before shot off two muskets vpon the Sauages, bicause that some one of them had stolne a hatchet. Finally, those Sa­uages, either prouoked by that, or by their bad nature, came at the breake of day without any noise (which was very easie to them, hauing neither horses, waggons nor woodden-shooes) euen to the place where they were a­sleepe: And seeing a fit opportunity to play a bad part, Murther done by the Saua­ges.they set vpon them with shots of arrowes, and clubs, and killed two of them. The rest being hurt began to crie out, running towards the sea shoare. Then hee which kept watch within the barke, cried out all affrighted, O Lord! our men are killed, our men are killed. At this voice and cry, euery one rose vp, and hastily, not taking leasure to fit on their cloathes, nor to set fire to their matches, ten of Succour▪them went into the shaloup, whose names I do not remem­ber, but of Monsieur Champlein, Robert Grauè (Monsieur Du Pont his sonne) Daniel Hay, the Chirurgion, the Apo­thecary, and the Trumpeter: All which (following the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt, who had his sonne with him) came aland vnarmed. But the Sauages ran away as [Page 104] fast as euer they could, though they were aboue three hun­dred, besides them that were hidden in the grasse (accor­ding to their custome) which appeared not. Wherein is to be noted how God fixeth, I know not what terror in the face of the faithfull, against infidels and miscreants, accor­ding to his sacred word, when he saith to his chosen peo­ple: Deutero. 11. vers. 25. None shal be able to stand before you. The Lord your God shall put a terrour and feare of you ouer all the earth, vpon which you shall march. So we see that 135000. Madianites, Iudges 7. fighting men, ran away and killed one another before Gedeon, which had but 300. men. Now to thinke to follow after these Sauages, it had beene but labour lost, for they Armouchiquois be swift.are too swift in running: But if one had Horses there, they might pay them home very soundly, for they haue a num­ber of small paths, leading from one place to another (which is not in Port Royall) and their woods are not so thicke, and haue besides store of open land.

Whilest that Monsieur De Poutrincourt was comming ashore, there was shot from the Barke some small cast pee­ces vpon some Sauages, that were vpon a little hill, and some of them were seene fall downe, but they be so nimble in sauing their dead men, that one knew not what iudge­ment The burying of the make of it. The said Monsieur de Poutrincourt, see­ing he could get nothing by pursuing of them, caused pits to be made to bury them that were dead, which I haue said to be two, but there was one that died at the waters side, thinking to saue himselfe, and a fourth man which was so sorely wounded with arrow shots, that hee died being brought to Port Royall; the fifth man had an arrow stick­ing in his brest, yet did scape death for that time: But it had beene better he had died there: for one hath lately tolde vs that he was hanged in the habitation that Mon­sieur De Monts maintaineth at Kebeck in the great riuer of Conspiracy.Canada, hauing beene the author of a conspiracy made a­gainst his Captaine Monsieur Champlein, which is now there. And as for this mischiefe it hath beene procured by [Page 105] the folly and disobedience of one, whom I will not name, because he died there, who plaied the cocke and ringlea­der Leaud compa­nie casteth yoong men away.among the yong men that did too lightly beleeue him, which otherwise were of a reasonable good nature; and because one would not make him drunke, he sware (accor­ding to his custome) that hee would not returne into the Barke, which also came to passe. For the selfesame was Rash oathes take some­times effect to the costs of the swea­rers. Accident by a Musket burst.found dead, his face on the ground, hauing a little dogge vpon his backe, both of them shot together, and pierced thorow with one and the selfesame arrow.

In this bad occurrence, Monsieur Du Ponts Sonne, a­boue named, had three of his fingers cut off, with a splint of a musket, which being ouer charged did burst, which trou­bled the company very much, that was afflicted enough by other occasions: Neuerthelesse the last dutie towards the dead was not neglected, which were buried at the foot of the Crosse that had beene there planted▪ as is before said. The insolen­cie of the Sauages.But the insolencie of this Barbarous people was great, af­ter the murthers by them committed; for that as our men did sing ouer our dead men, the funerall seruice and praiers accustomed in the church, these raskals, I say, did dance and howled a far off, reioycing for their traiterous treche­rie, and therefore, though they were a great number, they The timo­rousnesse of the Sauages.aduentured not themselues to come and assaile our people, who, hauing at their leasure done what we haue said be­fore, because the sea waxed very low, retired themselues vnto the Barke, wherein remained Monsieur Champdorè, for the gard thereof. But being low water, and hauing no The impiety of the Saua­ges.meanes to come aland, this wicked generation came againe to the place where they had committed the murther, pul­led vp the Crosse, digged out and vnburied one of the dead corps, tooke away his shirt, and put it on them, shewing their spoiles that they had carried away: And besides all this, turning their backes towards the Barke, did cast sand with their two hands betwixt their buttockes in derision, howling like woolues: which did maruellously vex our [Page 106] people, which spared no cast peeces shots at them; but the distance was very great, and they had already that subtilty as to cast themselues on the ground when they saw the fire put at it, in such sort that one knew not whether they had beene hurt or no, so that our men were forced, nill or will, to drinke that bitter potion, attending for the tide, which being come, and sufficient to carry them aland, as soone as they saw our men enter into the shaloup, they ran away The Sauages slight. The courage of the Saga­mos Schkou­ swift as gray-hounds, trusting themselues on their agi­litie. There was with our men a Sagamos named Schkou­dun, spoken of before, who much disliked their prankes, and would alone goe and fight against all this multitude, but they would not permit him, so they set vp the Crosse againe with reuerence, and the body which they had digged vp was buried againe, and they named this Port, Port Fortunè. Port Fortunè.

The next day they hoised vp sailes, to passe further and discouer new lands, but the contrary winde constrained them to put backe, and to come againe into the said Port. The other next day after, they attempted againe to goe farther, but in vaine, and they were yet forced to put backe vntill the winde should be fit. During these attempts, the Sauages (thinking, I beleeue, that that which had pas­sed betweene vs was but a iest and a play) would needs come againe familiarly vnto vs, and offered to truck, dissembling that they were not them that had done those villanies, but others, which, they said, were gone away. But they were not aware of the fable, how the Storke be­ing taken among the Cranes, which were found doing some dammage, was punished as the others, notwithstan­ding she pleaded that she was so far from doing any harme, that contrariwise she did purge the ground from Serpents, which she did eat. Monsieur De Poutrincourt then suffered The shelles of mother of pearles.them to approch, and made as though he would accept of their wares, which were Tabacco, Carkenets and brace­lets made with the shels of a fish called Vignaux (and Esur­gni [Page 107] by Iames Quartier in the discouery of his second voy­age) of great esteeme among them: Item of their Corne, beanes, bowes, arrowes, quiuers, and other small trash. And as the society was renued the said Poutrincourt com­manded nine or ten that were with him, to make the matches of their Muskets round, like to a round snare, and that when he should giue a signe, euery one should cast his string vpon the Sauages head that should be neere him, and should catch him, euen as the hangman doth with him that he hath in hand: And for the effecting of this, that halfe of his people should goe aland, whilest the Sauages were busie a trucking in the shaloup: which was done; but the execution was not altogether according to his desire. For he intended to serue himselfe with them that should be ta­ken, as of slaues to grind at the hand-mill and to cut wood; wherein they failed by ouer much haste. Neuerthelesse six Reuenge.or seuen of them were cut in peeces, which could not so well run in the water as on the land, and were watched at the passage, by those of our men that were aland.

That done, the next day they indeuored to goe farther, although the winde was not good, but they went but a lit­tle forward, and saw onely an Iland six or seuen leagues off, to which there was no meanes to come, and it was cal­led L'ile douteuse, the doubtfull Ile, which being conside­red, L'ile douteuse.and that of one side the want of victuals was to be fea­red, and of the other that the winter might hinder their course, and besides they had two sicke men, of whom there was no hope of recouery; counsell being taken it was re­solued Resolution for the re­ returne into Port Royall: Monsieur De Poutrin­court besides all this, being yet in care for them whom he had left there, so they came againe for the third time into Port Fortunè, where no Sauage was seene.

Vpon the first winde, the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt weighed anker for the returne, and being mindfull of the Their re­turne. Perill.dangers passed he sailed in open sea: which shortned his course, but not without a great mischiefe of the rudder, [Page 108] which was againe broken: in such sort that being at the mercy of the waues, they arriued in the end, as well as they could among the Ilands of Norombega where they mended it. And after their departure from the said Ilands they came Menane, an Iland about six leagues in length, betweene S. Croix and Port Royall, where they taried for the winde, which being come somewhat fauourable, parting from Perill.thence new mischances happened. For the shaloup being tied at the Barke, was stricken with a sea so roughly, that with her nose, shee brake all the hinder part of the said barke, wherein Monsieur De Poutrincourt and others were. And moreouer not being able to get to the passage of the A very swift current.said Port Royall, the tide (which runneth swiftly in that place) carried them towards the bottom of Bay Françoise, from whence they came not foorth easily, and they were in as great danger as euer they were before, for as much as seeking to returne from whence they came, they saw them­selues Perill.carried with the winde and tide towards the Coast, which is high rockes and downe fales, where, vnlesse they had doubled a certaine point that threatned them of wrake they had beene cast away. But God will, in high enter­prises, trie the constancy of them that fight for his name, and see if they will wauer: He bringeth them to the doore of death, and yet holdeth them by the hand, to the end they Deut. 32. ver. 39.fall not into the pit, as it is written: It is I, it is I, and there is none other God with me. I kill, and make a liue: I wound, and I heale: and there is no body that may deliuer any out of my hand. So we haue said heeretofore, and seene by effect, that although in those Nauigations a thousand dangers haue presented themselues, notwithstanding not one man hath beene lost by the sea, although that of them, which doe onely go for fishing, and to trade for skins, many there be that perish there: witnesse foure fisher men of S. Maloe, that were swallowed vp in the waters, being gone afishing, Good consi­derations.when as we were vpon our returne into France: God be­ing willing that we should acknowledge to hold this be­nefit [Page 109] of him, and to manifest by that meanes his glory, to the end that sensibly men may see that it is he, which is the author of these holy enterprises, which are not made of co­uetonsnes, nor by vniust effusion of blood, but of a zeale to establish his name and his greatnesse among nations that haue no knowledge of him. Now after so many heauenly fauours, it is the part of them that haue receiued them, to say as the Kingly Psalmist, well beloued of God:

Psal. 73. vers. 23. 24.
Yet neuerthelesse by thy right hand thou holdst me euer fast:
And with thy counsell dost me guide to glory at the last.
What thing is there that I can wish but thee in Heauen aboue?
And in the Earth there is nothing like thee that I can loue.

After many perils (which I will not compare to them of Ʋlysses, nor of Aeneas, fearing to defile our holy voya­ges The arriuall of Monsieur De Poutrincourt.with prophane impurity) Monsieur De Poutrin­court arriued in Port Royall the 14. day of Nouember, where we receiued him ioyfully, and with a solemnity al­together new in that part. For about the time that we ex­pected his returne (with great desire, and that so much the more, that if any harme had happened him, we had beene in danger to haue confusion among our selues) I aduised my selfe to shew some iollity going to meet him, as we did. And for as much as it was in French verses made in haste, I haue placed them with the Muses of Noua Francia by the title of Neptunes Theater, whereunto I refer the Reader. Moreouer to giue greater honour to the returne, and to our action, we did place ouer the gate of our Fort, the Armes of France, enuironed with Laurell Crownes (whereof there is great store along the woods sides) with the Kings poesie, Duo protegit vnus. And vnder, the Armes of Monsieur De Monts, with this inscription, Dabit Deus his quoque finem: And those of Monsieur De Poutrincourt, with this other inscription, Inuia virtuti nulla est via, both of them also enuironed with garlands of Bayes.


The condition of the corne which they sowed: the institution of the order of Bon temps: the behauiour of the Sauages among the Frenchmen: the state of winter: why raines and fogges be rare in this season: why raine is frequent betweene the tro­picks: snow profitable to the ground: the state of Ianuary: conformity of weather in the ancient and New France: Why the spring is slow: the tilling of gardens: their Crop: a water Mill: a Manna of Herrings: preparation for the returne: Monsieur De Poutrincourts inuention: the Sauages admiration: Newes from France.

THe publike reioycing being finished, Monsieur De Poutrincourt had a care to see his corne, the greatest part whereof he had sowed two leagues off from our Fort, vp the riuer L' Equille: and the other part about our The state of Corne.said Fort: and found that which was first sowen very for­ward, but not the last, that had beene sowed the sixth and ten daies of Nouember, which notwithstanding did grow vnder the snow, during Winter, as I haue noted it in my sowings. It would be a tedious thing to particularise all that was done amongst vs during Winter: as to tell how the Coales. The vse of the compasse in land voiages.said Monsieur De Poutrincourt caused many times coales to be made, the forge-coale being spent: That he caused waies to be made thorow the woods: That we went tho­row the Forests by the guide of the Compasse, and other things of such nature. But I will relate that, for to keepe vs merry and cleanly, concerning victuals, there was an or­der The instituti­on of the or­der of Bon temps.established at the table of the said Monsieur De Pou­trincourt, which was named L' ordre de bon temps, the or­der of good time (or the order of mirth) at first inuented by Monsieur Champlein, wherein they (who were of the same [Page 111] table) were euery one at his turne and day (which was in fifteene daies once) Steward and Cater. Now his care was that we should haue good and worshipfull fare, which was so well obserued, that (although the Belly-Gods of these parts doe often reproch vnto vs that we had not La Rue La Rue aux Ours, or Beare street, is, as Pie-corner, or such a Cooke place in London. aux Ours of Paris with vs) we haue ordinarily had there, as good cheare as we could haue at La Rue aux Ours, and at farre lesser charges. For there was none, but (two daies before his turne came) was carefull to goe ahunting or fish­ing, and brought some dainty thing, besides that which was of our ordinary allowance. So well, that at breakfast we neuer wanted some modicum or other, of fish or flesh: and at the repast of dinners and suppers, yet lesse; for it was the great banquet, where the Gouernour of the feast, or Steward (whom the Sauages doe call Atoctegi) hauing made the Cooke to make all things ready, did march with his napkin on his shoulder, and his staffe of office in his hand, with the colar of the order about his necke, which was worth aboue foure crownes, and all them of the order following of him, bearing euery one a dish. The like also was at the bringing in of the fruit, but not with so great a traine. And at night after grace was said, he resigned the Colar of the order, with a cup of wine, to his successor in that charge, and they dranke one to another. I haue heere­tofore said that we had abundance of fowle, as Mallards, Outards, Geese, gray and whit, Partriges and other birds: Item, of Ellans (or stagge flesh) of Caribous (or Deere) Be­uers, Otters, Beares, Rabbets, Wilde-cats (or Leopards) Nibachès and such like, which the Sauages did take, wher­with we made as good dishes of meat, as in the Cookes shops that be in La rue aux Ours (Beare street) and grea­ter store: for of all meates none is so tender as Ellans flesh (whereof we made good pasties) nor so delicate as the Be­uerstaile. Yea we haue had sometimes halfe a dosen Stur­gions Store of Stur­ one clap, which the Sauages did bring to vs, part whereof we did take, paying for it, and the rest was per­mitted [Page 112] them to sell publikely, and to truck it for bread, Before in chap. 13.whereof our people had abundantly. And as for the or­dinarie meat brought out of France, that was distributed equally, as much to the least as to the biggest. And the like with wine, as we haue said. In such actions we had al­waies 20. or 30. Sauages, men, women, girles and boies, The vsage of the Sauages.who beheld vs doing our offices. Bread was giuen them gratis, as we doe heere to the poore. But as for the Saga­mos Membertou and other Sagamos (when any came to vs) they sat at table eating and drinking as we did: and we tooke pleasure in seeing them, as contrariwise their absence was irkesome vnto vs: as it came to passe three or foure times that all went away to the places where they knew that game and Venison was, and brought one of our men with them, who liued some six weekes as they did without salt, without bread and without wine, lying on the ground The Sauages haue care of the French­men.vpon skinnes, and that in snowy weather. Moreouer they had greater care of him (as also of others that haue of­ten gone with them) than of themselues, saying, that if they should chance to die, it would be laid to their charges to haue killed them: And heereby it may be knowen that we were not (as it were) pent vp in an Iland as Monsieur De Villegagnon was in Brafill. For this people loue Frenchmen, and would all, at a neede, arme themselues for to maintaine them.

But, to vse no digression, such gouernment as we haue spoken of, did serue vs for preseruatiues against the coun­try Mortality.disease. And yet foure of ours died in February and March, of them who were of a fretful conditiō, or sluggish. Bad winde.And I remember I obserued that all had their lodgings on the West side, and looking towards the wide open Port, which is almost foure leagues long, shaped ouale-wise, be­sides they had, all of them, ill bedding. For the former sicknesses, and the going away of Monsieur Du Pont, in that maner as we haue said, caused the quilt beds to be cast away, for they were rotten. And they that went with the [Page 113] said Monsieur Du Pont carried away the sheetes and blan­kets, challenging them as theirs. So that some of our peo­ple had sore mouthes, and swollen legges, like to the Phthi­siques: Phthisies. Numbers. 11. vers. 33. and Psalm. 106. vers. [...]5.which is the sicknesse that God sent to his people in the desert, in punishment for that they would fill them­selues with flesh, not contenting themselues with that whereof the desert furnished them by the diuine proui­dence.

The state of Winter wea­ther. Why raines and mists be scarse in win­ter. We had faire weather almost during all the Winter. For neither raines nor fogges are so frequent there as heere, whether it be at sea or on the land: The reason is, because the Sunne beames, by the long distance, haue not the force to raise vp vapours from the ground heere, chiefely in a country all woody. But in Summer it doth, both from the sea and the land, when as their force is augmented, and those vapours are dissolued suddenly or slowly, according as one approcheth to the Equinoctial line. For we see that Why it rai­neth between the Tropiques.betweene the two Tropiques it raineth in more abundance both at sea and on the land, specially in Peru and Mexico, than in Africa, because the Sunne by so long space of sea, hauing drawen vp much moistnes from the maine Ocean, hee dissolueth them in a moment by the great force of his heat; where contrariwise towards the New found lands they maintaine themselues along time in the aire, before they be turned into raine or be dispersed: which is done in Summer (as we haue said) and not in winter: and at sea more than on the land. For on the land the morning mists serue for a dew, and fall about eight a clocke: and at sea they dure two, three, and eight daies, as oftentimes wee haue tried.

Seeing then wee are speaking of Winter, wee say that raines being in those parts rare, in that season, the Sunne likewise shineth there very faire, after the fall of snowes, which we haue had seuen or eight times, but it is easily melted in open places, and the longest abiding haue beene Snow is pro­ February. How so euer it be, the snow is very profita­ble [Page 114] for the fruits of the earth, to preserue them against the frost, and to serue them as a fur-gowne. Which is done by the admirable prouidence of God for the preseruation of men, and as the Psalme saith,

Psal. 147. vers. 16.
He giueth Snow like wooll, hore frost
Like ashes he doth spread,
Like morsels casts his Ice.

And as the skie is seldome couered with clouds towards New found landes in Winter time, so are there morning Frosts when they are.frostes, which doe increase in the end of Ianuary, Februa­rie and in the beginning of March, for vntill the very time of Ianuarie, we kept vs still in our dublets: And I remem­ber The state of Ianuary.that on a Sunday, the 14. day of that Moneth, in the af­ternoone, we sported our selues singing in musike vpon the riuer L' Equille, and in the same moneth we went to see the Corne two leagues off from our fort, and did dine merily in the Sunn-shine: I would not for all that say, that all other Conformity of weather in East and West France.yeares were like vnto this. For as that winter was as milde in these parts, these last Winters of the yeares 1607. 1608. haue beene the hardest that euer was seene; it hath also been a like in those countries, in such sort that many Sauages di­ed through the rigor of the weather, as in these our parts many poore people & trauellers haue been killed through the same hardnesse of Winter weather. But I will say, that the yeare before we were in New France, the Winter had not beene so hard, as they which dwelt there before vs haue testified vnto me.

Let this suffice for that which concerneth the winter sea­son. But I am not yet fully satisfied in searching the cause, why in one and the selfesame parallell the season is in those Wherefore is the season of New France more slow by a moneth than in these parts, and the leaues appeare not vpon the trees but to­wards the end of the Moneth of May: vnlesse we say that the thicknesse of the woods and greatnesse of Forrests doe hinder the Sunne from warming of the ground: Item, that the country where we were is ioyning to the sea, and ther­by [Page 115] more subiect to cold, as participating of Peru, a coun­try likewise cold, in regard of Africa: And besides that, this land hauing neuer beene tilled is the more dampish, the trees and plants not being able easily to draw sap from their mother the earth. In recompence whereof the Winter there is also more slow, as wee haue heererofore spoken.

Dressing of gardens. The cold being passed, about the end of March the best disposed amongst vs striued who should best till the ground, and make gardens, to sow in them, and gather fruits thereof. Which was to very good purpose, for we found great discommodity in the Winter for want of gar­den hearbes. When euery one had done his sowing, it was Good crop from the ground.a maruellous pleasure in seeing them daily grow and spring vp, and yet greater contentment to vse thereof so abun­dantly as we did: so that this beginning of good hope made vs almost to forget our natiue country, and especially when the fish began to haunt fresh-water, and came abun­dantly Abundance of fishes.into our brookes, in such innumerable quantity that we knew not what to doe with it. Which thing when I consider, I cannot wonder enough how it is possible that they which haue beene in Florida haue suffered so great famins, considering the temperature of the aire, which is there, almost, without Winter, and that their famine began in the moneths of April, May and Iune, wherein they could want for no fish.

The care of Monsieur De Poutrincourt in prouiding for them that should come after him. The building of a water-Mill. Whilest some laboured on the ground, Monsieur De Poutrincourt made some buildings to be prepared, for to lodge them which he hoped should succeed vs. And con­sidering how troublesome the hand mill was, he caused a water-mill to be made, which caused the Sauages to admire much at it. For indeed it is an inuention which came not in­to the spirit of men from the first ages After that, our work­men had much rest, for the most part of them did almost nothing. But I may say that this Mill, by the diligence of our Millers, did furnish vs with three times more Herrings [Page 116] Abundance o [...] Herrings. Pilchers. then was needfull vnto vs for our sustenance. Monsieur De Poutrincourt made two Hogsheads full of them to bee salted, and one hogshead of Sardines, or Pilchers to bring into France for a shew, which were left in our returne at S. Maloes, to some Merchants.

Among all these things the said Monsieur De Poutrin­court did not neglect to thinke on his returne. Which was the part of a wiseman, for one must neuer put so much trust in mens promises, but one must consider that very of­ten many disasters doe happen to them in a small moment Preparation for the re­turne.of time. And therefore, euen in the Moneth of Aprill, he made two Barkes to be prepared, a great one and a small one, to come to seeke out French-ships towards Campseau, or New-found-land, if it should happen that no supply should come vnto vs. But the Carpentry-worke being fi­nished, one onely inconuenience might hinder vs, that is, Great ouer­sight. Monsieur De Poutrincourt his inuention.we had no pitch to calke our vessels. This (which was the chiefest thing) was forgotten at our departure from Rochel. In this important necessity, the said Monsieur De Poutrin­court aduised himselfe to gather in the woods quantity of the gumme issuing from Firre-trees. Which he did with much labour, going thither himselfe, most often with a boy or two: so that in the end he got some hundred pounds weight of it. Now after these labours, it was not yet all, for it was needfull to melt and purifie the same, which was a necessary point and vnknowen to our ship-Master Mon­sieur De Champ-dorè, and to his Mariners, for as much as, that the pitch we haue, commeth from Norwege, Suedland, Bricke made in New France.and Danzick. Neuerthelesse the said Monsieur De Poutrin­court found the meanes to draw out the quintessence of these gummes and Firre-tree barkes: and caused quantity of brickes to be made, with the which he made an open furnance, wherein he put a limbecke made with many ket­tles, ioyned one in the other, which he filled with those gums and barkes: Then being well couered, fire was put round about it, by whose violence the gum enclosed with­in [Page 117] the said lembeckemelted, and dropped downe into a ba­son; but it was needfull to be very watchfull at it, by rea­son that if the fire had taken hold of the gum, all had beene lost. That was admirable, especially in a man that neuer saw any made. Whereof the Sauages being astonied did say, in words borrowed from the Basques, Endia chauè Why the Sa­uages call all French men Normands. Normandia, that is to say, that the Normands know many things. Now they call all Frenchmen Normands, except the Basques, because the most part of fishermen that goe a­fishing there, be of that nation. This remedy came very fit­ly vnto vs, for those which came to seeke vs were fallen into the same want that we were.

Now, as he which is in expectation hath neither con­tentment nor rest vntill he hath that which he desireth; likewise our men, in this season had often their eies vpon the great compasse of Port Royall, to see if they might dis­couer any ship a comming; wherein they were oftentimes deceiued, imagining sometimes they had heard a Canon­shot, other while to perceiue a saile: and very often taking the Sauages boates, that came to see vs, for French sha­loups. For at that time great number of Sauages assembled themselues at the passage of the said Port to goe to the wars against the Armouchiquois, as we Newes out of France.will declare in the booke following. Finally, that which was so much expected and wished for, came at length, and we had newes out of France, on the Ascension day in the fore­noone.


The arriuall of the French: Monsieur De Monts his society is broken, and why: the couetousnesse of them that doe rob the dead: bonfires for the natiuity of the Duke of Orleans: the de­parting of the Sauages to goe to warres: Sagamos Member­tou: voyages vpon the coast: Bay Françoise: base trafficke: the towne of Ouigoudi: how the Sauages doe make great voyages: their bad intention: a steele Mine: The voyces of Sea woolues or Seales: the state of the Ile S. Croix: the loue of the Sauages towards their children: the re­turne into Port Royall.

THe Sunne did but begin to cheere the earth, and to behold his Mistres with an amorous aspect, when the Sagamos Membertou (after our praiers solemnely made to God, and the break-fast distributed to the people, according to the custom) came to giue vs aduertisment that he had seene a saile vpon the lake, which came towards our The old Sa­uages haue good sight.Fort. At this ioyfull newes euery one went out to see, but yet none was found that had so good a sight as he, though he be aboue 100. yeeres old; neuerthelesse we spied very soone what it was. Monsieur De Poutrincourt, caused in all diligence the small Barke to be made ready for to goe to view further. Monsieur De Champ-dorè and Daniel Hay went in her, and by the signe that had beene told them, be­ing certaine that they were friends, they made presently to Salutations by Canon­ charged foure Canons & 12. fawkonnets, to salute them that came so far to see vs. They on their part did not faile in beginning the ioy, & to discharge their peeces, to whom they rendered the like with vsury. It was onely a small barke vnder the charge of a yong man of Saint Maloes, na­med Cheualier, who being arriued at the Fort, deliuered his letters to Monsieur De Poutrincourt, which were read [Page 119] publikely. ‘They did write vnto him, that for to helpe to The cōtents of the letters written to Monsieur De Poutrincourt. saue the charges of the voyage, the ship (being yet the Io­nas) should stay at Campseau Port, there to fish for Coddes, by reason that the Merchants associate with Monsieur De Monts, knew not that there was any fishing farther than that place: Notwithstanding if it were necessary he should cause the ship to come to Port Royall. Moreouer, that the The Socie­ty of Monsi­eur De Monts broken, and why.society was broken, because that contrary to the King his Edict, the Hollanders, conducted by a traiterous French­man, called La Ieunesse, had the yeare before taken vp the Beuers and other Furres, of the great riuer of Canada; a thing which did turne to the great dammage of the Socie­tie, which for that cause could no longer furnish the char­ges of the vnhabiting in these parts, as it had done in times past.’ And therefore did send no body for to remaine there, after vs. As we receaued ioy to see our assured succour, we felt also great griefe to see so faire and so holy an enterprise broken: That so many labours and perils past should serue to no effect: and that the hope of planting the name of Monsieur De Poutrincourt. his resolu­tion.God and the Catholike faith should vanish away. Not­withstanding, after that Monsieur De Poutrincourt, had a long while mused heereupon, he said, that although he should haue no body to come with him, but onely his fa­mily, he would not forsake the enterprise.

It was great griefe vnto vs to abandon (without hope of returne) a land that had produced vnto vs so faire Corne, The English nation going to Virginia with a zea­lous intent to plant true re­ligion and so to [...]se Christs bles­sed flocke, no doubt he will be their lea­der.and so many faire adorned gardens. All that could be done vntill that time, was to finde out a place, fit to make a setled dwelling, and a land of good fertility. And that being done, it was great want of courage to giue ouer the enterprise, for another yeare being passed, the necessity of maintaining an habitation there, should be taken away, for the land was sufficient to yeeld things necessary for life. This was the cause of that griefe which pierced the hearts of them which were desirous to see the Christian Religion established in that country. But on the contrary, Monsieur De Monts, [Page 120] and his associates, reaping no benefit, but losse, and hauing no helpe from the King, it was a thing which they could not doe, but with much difficulty to maintaine an habitati­on in those parts.

Monsieur De Monts is en­uied. Now this enuy for the trade of Beuers with the Sauages, found not onely place in the Hollanders hearts, but also in French Merchants, in such sort that the priuiledge which had beene giuen to the said Monsieur De Monts for ten yeares, was reuoked. The vnsatiable auarice of men is a strange thing, which haue no regard to that which is ho­nest, so that they may rifle and catch by what meanes soe­uer. Robbing from the dead.And thereupon I will say moreouer, that there haue beene some of them that came to that country to fetch vs home, that wickedly haue presumed so much as to strip the dead, and steale away the Beuers, which those poore people doe put, for their last benefit, vpon them whom they bury, as we will declare more at large in the booke following. A thing that maketh the French name to be o­dious, & worthy disdain among them, which haue no such sordide quality at all, but rather hauing a heart truly noble The Sauages be of a noble minde.and generous, hauing nothing in priuate to themselues, but rather all things common, and which ordinarily doe pre­sent gifts (and that very liberally, according to their ability) to them whom they loue and honor. And besides this mis­chiefe, it came to passe that the Sauages, when that we were at Campseau, killed him that had shewed them the Sepulchers of their dead. I need not to alleage heere what Herodote reciteth of the vile basenesse of King Darius, who thinking to haue caught the old one in the nest (as saith the prouerbe) that is to say, great treasures, in the Tombe of The faire de­ceit of Semi­ramis. Semiramis, Queene of the Babylonians, went away altoge­ther confounded, as wise as he came thither, hauing found in it a writing, altogether contrary to the first hee had read, which rebuked him very sharply for his auarice and wickednesse.

Let vs returne to our sorowfull newes, and to the griefe [Page 121] thereof. Monsieur De Poutrincourt hauing propounded to some of our company, whether they would tarry there for a yeare, eight good fellows offered themselues, who were promised that euery one of them should haue a hogs­head of wine, and corne sufficiently for one yeare, but they demanded so great wages that they could not agree. So re­solution was taken for the returne. Towards the euening Bonfires made for the natiuity of the Duke of Orleans.wee made bonfires for the natiuity of my Lord the Duke of Orleans, and began afresh to make our Canons and fal­conets to thunder out, accompanied with store of Musket shots, hauing before sung for that purpose, Te Deum Lau­damus.

The said Cheualier bringer of the newes had borne the office of Captaine in the Ship that remained at Campseau, Refreshings sent to Monsi­eur de Poutrin­court.& in this condition there was giuen to him, for to bring vn­to vs six Weathers, 24. Hens▪ a pound of Peper, 20. pounds of Rice, as many of Raisens, and of Prunes, a thousand of Almonds, a pound of Nutmegs, a quarter of Cinamon, two pounds of Maces, halfe a pound of Cloues, two pounds of Citron rindes, two dozen of Citrons, as many Orenges, a Westphalia gamon of Bacon, and six other gamons, a hogshead of Gascoine wine, and as much of Sacke, a hogs­head of poudred Beefe, foure pottles and a halfe of oile of Oliue, a Iar of Oliues, a barrell of Vinegar, and two Sugar­loaues: but all that was lost through Gutter-lane, and we A likorish tricke plaied to Monsieur De Poutrincourt.saw none of all these things to make account of: Neuerthe­lesse I haue thought good to name heere these wares, to the end that they which will trauell on the seas may prouide themselues therewith. As for the Hens and Weathers it Sea prouisionwas told vs that they died in the voyage, which we easily beleeued, but we desired, at least, to haue had the bones of them: they told vs yet, for a fuller answer, that they thought we had been all dead. See vpon what ground the consuming of our prouision was founded. For all that, we gaue good entertainment to the said Cheualier and his company, which were no small number, nor drinkers like [Page 122] The Marquis of Pisani a most sober man in drink­ing. to the late deceased Monsieur Le Marquis de Pisani. Which made them like very well of our company: for there was but Cider well watred, in the ship wherein they came, for their ordinary portion. But as for the said Che­ualier, euen the very first day he spake of a returne, Mon­sieur De Poutrincourt kept him some eight daies in delaies, at the end whereof, this man willing to goe away, the said Cheualiers bad speeches told to Monsieur De Poutrin­court. Monsieur De Poutrincourt put men in his Barke, and de­tained him, for some report, that he had said, that being come to Campseau, he would hoise vp sailes and leaue vs there.

Fifteene daies after, the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt sent a barke to Campseau, with part of our workmen, for to begin to pull downe the house. In the beginning of Iune The Sauages goe to the warres.the Sauages, about 400. in number, went away from the dwelling that the Sagamos Membertou had newly made, in forme of a towne, compassed about with high pales, for to goe to wars against the Armouchiquois, which was at Cho­üakoct some 80. leagues distant from Port Royall; from whence they returned victorious, by the stratagems which I will declare in the discription that I haue made of this war in French verses. The Sauages were neere two moneths in the assembling themselues thither. The great Sagamos Membertou had made them to be warned during, and before the Winter, hauing sent vnto them men of pur­pose, namely his two sonnes Actaudin and Actaudinech, to appoint them there the randez-uous, or place of meeting. What man Membertou is.This Sagamos is a man already very old, and hath seene Captaine Iames Qartier in that country, at which time he was already married and had children, and notwithstan­ding did not seeme to be aboue 50. yeares old. He hath beene a very great warrier in his yong age, and bloody during his life: which is the cause why hee is said to haue many enemies, and he is very glad to keepe himselfe neere the French men, to liue in security. During this gathering of people, it behooued to make presents vnto him, and [Page 123] gifts of Corne and Beanes, yea of some barell of wine, to feast his friends. For he declared to Monsieur De Poutrin­court Membertou his declara­ these words: I am the Sagamos of this country, and am esteemed to be thy friend, and of all the Normands (for so call they the French men, as I haue said) and that you make good reckoning of me: It would be a reproch vnto me if I did not shew the effects of this loue. And notwith­standing, whether it be through enuie, or otherwise, ano­ther Sagamos, named Shkoudun, who was a good friend to Bad report against Mem­bertou.the French, and vnfained, reported vnto vs, that Mem­bertou did plot some thing against vs, and had made an Oration to that purpose. Which being vnderstood by Monsieur De Poutrincourt, he sent suddenly for him, to astonish him, and to see if he would obey. Vpon the first Membertous obeisance.sending he came alone with our men, not making any refu­sall. Which was the cause that he was permitted to returne backe in peace, hauing first beene kindly vsed, and had some bottell of wine, which he loueth, because (saith he) that when he hath drunke of it, he sleepeth well, and hath no more feare nor care. This Membertou told vs, at our Membertou his liberality. A Copper Mine.first comming thither, that he would make the King a pre­sent of his Copper Mine, because he saw we make account of Mines, and that it is meet that the Sagamos be Curteous and liberall one towards the other. For he, being Sagamos, esteemeth himselfe equall to the King, and to all his Lieu­tenants: And did say often to Monsieur De Poutrincourt The Sauages praise them­selues.that he was his great friend, brother, companion and equal, shewing his equality by ioyning the two fingers of the hand, that be called indices, or demonstratiue fingers. Now although this present which he would giue to his Maiesty was a thing that he cared not for, notwithstanding that proceedeth from a generous and good minde of his, which deserueth as great praises as if the thing had beene of grea­ter value. As did the Persian King, who receiued with as good a will a handfull of water from a poore Country man, as the greatest presents that had beene made vnto him. For [Page 124] if Membertou had had more, he would haue offered it li­berally.

Monsieur De Poutrincourt being not willing to depart thence, vntill he had seene the issue of his expectation, that is to say, the ripenesse of his Corne, he deliberated, after that the Sauages were gone to wars, to make voyages along Voyages vp­on the Coast of the French Bay.the Coast. And because Chaualier was desirous to gather some Beuers, he sent him in a small barke to the Riuer of S. Iohn, called by the Sauages, Oüigoudi, and to the Ile Saint Croix: And he, the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt, went in a shaloup to the said Copper Mine. I was of the said Cheualier his voyage: we crossed the French Bay to goe the said riuer, where, as soone as we arriued, halfe a do­sen Salmons newly taken, were brought to vs: we soiour­ned there foure daies, during which, we went into the Assemblie of Sauages a feasting.Cabins of Sagamos Chkoudun, where we saw some 80. or 100. Sauages, all naked, except their priuy members, which were a making Tabagy (that is to say, abanquetting) with the meale that the said Cheualier had trucked with Filthy tra­ding.them for their old skinnes full of lice (for they gaue him no­thing but that which they would cast away:) So made he there a trafficke which I little praise. But it may be that the odour of lucre is sauory and sweet, of what thing so euer it be, and the Emperor Vespasian did not disdaine to receiue in his owne hands, the tribute which came vnto him from the pissing vessels of Rome.

Being among those Sauages, the Sagamos Chkoudun would needes giue vs the pleasure, in seeing the order and gesture that they hold going to the warres, and made them all to passe before vs, which I reserue to speake of in the Oüigoudi towne.booke following. The Towne of Oüigoudi (so I call the dwelling of the said Chkoudun) was a great inclosure vpon an hill, compassed about with high and small trees, tied one against another, and within it many Cabins, great and small, one of which was as great as a Market hall, wher­in many housholds retired themselues: And as for the [Page 125] same where they made their Tabagie, it was somewhat lesse. A good part of the said Sauages were of Gachepè, Gachapè is the beginning of the great ri­uer of Canada. How the Sa­uages doe make great voiages.which is the beginning of the great riuer of Canada; and they told vs, that they came from their dwelling thither in six daies, which made me much to maruell, seeing the di­stance that there is by sea, but they shorten very much their waies, and make great voiages by the meanes of lakes and riuers, at the end of which being come, in carying their Canowes three or foure leagues, they get to other riuers that haue a contrary course. All these Sauages were come thither to goe to the warres with Membertou against the Armouchiquois.

But because I haue spoken of this riuer of Oüigoudi, in Monsieur De Monts voiage, I will not at this time speake more of it. When we returned to our Barke, which was at the comming in of the Port, halfe a league off from thence, sheltered by a causie that the sea hath made there, our men, and specially Captaine Champ-dorè, that conducted vs, were in doubt, lest some mischance should happen vnto vs, and hauing seene the Sauages in armes, thought it had beene to doe vs some mischiefe, which had beene very ea­sie, for we were but two, and therefore they were very glad of our returne. After which, the next day come the wi­zard The subtilty of an Autmoi [...] or Sauage Soothsaier.or Soothsaier of that quarter, crying as a mad-man towards our barke. Not knowing what he meant, he was sent for in a Cocke boat, and came to parly with vs, telling vs that the Armouchiquois were within the woods, which came to assaile them, and that they had killed some of their folkes that were ahunting: And therfore that we should come aland to assist them. Hauing heard this discourse, which according to our iudgement, tended to no good, we told him that our iournies were limited, and our victuals also, and that it was behouefull for vs to begone. Seeing himselfe denied, he said that before two yeares were come about, they would either kill all the Normands, or that the Normands should kill them. Wee mocked him and [Page 126] told him that we would bring our Barke before their Fort to ransacke them all; but we did it not, for we went away that day: And hauing the winde contrary, we sheltred our selues vnder a small Iland, where we were two daies: du­ring which, some went a shooting at Mallards for prouision; others attended one the Cookery: And Captaine Champ­dorè and my selfe, went along the rockes with hammers A Mine of Steele.and chisels, seeking if there were any Mines. In doing whereof we found quantity of steele among the rockes, which was since molten by Monsieur De Poutrincourt, who made wedges of it, and it was found very fine steele, wher­of hee caused a knife to bee made, that did cut as a razor, which at our returne he shewed to the King.

From thence we went in three daies to the Ile S. Croix, being often contraried with the windes. And because we had a bad coniecture of the Sauages, which we did see in great number, at the riuer of S. Iohn, and that the troupe Menane.that was departed from Port Royall was yet at Menane (an Ile betweene the said Port Royall and S. Croix) which Good watch. Seales voices.we would not trust, we kept good watch in the night time: At which time we did often heare Seales voices, which were very like to the voice of Owles: A thing contrarie to the opinion of them that haue said and written that fishes haue no voice.

The arriuall in the Ile of Saint Croix. The state of the same. Being arriued at the Ile Saint Croix, we found there the buildings, left there all whole, sauing that the Store-house was vncouered of one side. We found there yet Sacke in the bottome of a pipe, wereof we dranke, and it was not much the worse. As for gardens, we found there Coale­worts, Sorrell, Lettuces, which we vsed for the kitching. Turtles.We made there also good pasties of Turtle Doues, which are very plentifull in the woods, but the grasse is there so high that one could not finde them when they were killed and fallen in the ground. The court was there, full of whole caskes, which some ill disposed Mariners did burn for their pleasures, which thing when I saw, I did abhor, and I did [Page 127] iudge, better than before, that the Sauages were (being The Sauages of better na­ture than ma­ny Christians.lesse ciuilized) more humane and honester men, than ma­ny that beare the name of Christians, hauing, during three yeares, spared that place, wherein they had not taken so much as a peece of wood, nor salt, which was there in great quantity, as hard as a rocke.

A number of Iles. Going from thence, we cast anker among a great num­ber of confused Iles, where we heard some Sauages, and we did call to make them come to vs. They answered vs with the like call. Whereunto one of ours replied, Oüen Kirau? that is to say, What are ye? they would not discouer them­selues. But the next day Oagimont, the Sagamos of this ri­uer, came to vs, and we knew it was he whom we heard. He did prepare to follow Membertou and his troupe to the warres, where he was grieuously wounded, as I haue said in my verses vpon this matter. This Oagimont hath a daughter about eleuen yeares old, who is very comly, which Monsieur De Poutrincourt desired to haue, and hath The loue of the Sauages towards their children.oftentimes demanded her of him to giue her to the Queene, promising him that he should neuer want Corne, nor any thing else; but he would neuer condiscend thereto.

Being entred into our Barke he accompanied vs, vntill we came to the broad sea, where he put himselfe in his sha­loup to returne backe; and for vs we bent our course for Port Royall, where we arriued before day, but we were Arriuall into Port Royall.before our Fort, iust at the very point that faire Aurora be­gan to shew her reddy cheekes vpon the top of our woody hils; euery bodie was yet asleepe, and there was but one that rose vp, by the continuall barking of dogges; but we made the rest soone to awake, by peales of Musket shots and trumpets-sound. Monsieur De Poutrincourt was but the day before, arriued from his voyage to the mines, whi­ther we haue said that he was to goe: and the day before that, was the Barke arriued that had carried part of our workmen to Campseau. So that all being assembled, there rested nothing more than to prepare things necessary for [Page 128] our shipping. And in this busines our Water-Mill did vs very good seruice, for otherwise there had been no meanes to prepare meale enough for the voyage, but in the end we had more than we had need of, which was to the Sa­uages, to the end to haue vs in remembrance.


The Port de Campseau: our departure from Port Royall: fogs of eight daies continuance: a Raine-bow appearing in the water: the Port De Saualet: tillage an honour able exercise: the Sauages griefe at Monsieur De Poutrincourts going away: returne into France: voyage to Mount Saint Michael: fruits of New France presented to the King: a voyage into New France after the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt his re­turne.

VPon the point that we should take our leaue of Port The discripti­on of the Port De Campseau.Royall, Monsieur De Poutrincourt sent his men, one after another, to finde out the ship at Campseau, which is a Port being betweene seuen or eight Ilands, where ships may be sheltered from windes: and there is a Bay of aboue 15. leagues depth, and 6. or 7. leagues broad. The said place being distant from Port Royall aboue 150. leagues. We had a great Barke, two small ones, and a sha­loup. In one of the small Barkes some men were shipped that were sent before. And the 30. of Iuly the other two went away. I was in the great one, conducted by Monsieur De Champ-dorè. But Monsieur De Poutrincourt, desirous to see an end of our sowed corne, tarried till it was ripe, and The parting from Port Royall. Eight daies mist.remained there eleuen daies yet after vs. In the meane time, our first iourny hauing beene the passage of Port Royall, the next day, mistes came and spread themselues vpon the sea, which continued with vs eight whole daies: du­ring which, all we could doe was to get to Cap De Sable, which we saw not.

[Page 129] In these Cimmerian darknesses, hauing one day cast an­ker in the sea, by reason of the night, our anker driued in such sort, that in the morning, the tide had carried vs a­mong Ilands; and I maruell that we were not cast away, Perill. Abundance offaire Cod.striking against some rocks. But for victuals, we wanted for no fish, for in halfe an houres fishing we might take Codde enough for to feed vs a fortnight, and of the fairest and fattest that euer I saw, being of the colour of Carpes; which I haue neuer knowen nor noted, but in this part of the said Cap De Sable; which after we had passed, the tide (which is swift in this place) brought vs in short time as farre as to the Port De La Heue, thinking that we were no Port De la Heue.further than the Port Du Mouton. There we taried two daies, and in the very same Port we saw the Coddes bite at the hooke. We found there store of red Gooseberies, and a Marcassite of Copper Mine: we also made there some trucking with the Sauages for skinnes.

From thence forward we had winde at will, and du­ring that time it happened once, that being vpō the hatch­es, I cried out to our Pilote Monsieur De Champdore, that we were ready to strike, thinking I had seene the bottome of the sea; but I was deceiued by the Raine-bow which did The Raine­bow appea­ing in the water.appeare with all his colours in the water, procured by the shadow, that our boarespright saile did make ouer the same, being opposite to the Sunne, which asembling his beames, within the hollownesse of the same saile, as it doth within the clouds, those beames were forced to make a re­uerberation in the water, and to shew foorth this wonder. In the end we arriued within foure leagues of Campseau, at a Port, where a good old man of Saint Iohn De Lus, called Captaine Saualet, receiued vs with all the kindnesse in the world. And for as much as this Port (which is little, but very faire) hath no name, I haue qualified it in my Geo­graphicall Port Saualet. 42. voyages made in New found land.Map, with the name of Saualet. This good ho­nest man told vs that the same voyage was the 42. voyage that he had made into those parts, and neuerthelesse the [Page 130] New-found-land-men do make but one in a yeare. He was maruellously pleased with his fishing; and told vs moreo­uer that he tooke euery day fifty Crownes worth of fish, Good fishing.and that his voyage would be woorth 1000. pounds. He paied wages to 16 men, and his vessell was of 80. tunnes, which could carry 100000. dry fishes. He was sometimes Sauages vn­portunate.vexed with the Sauages that did cabine there, who too boldly and impudently went into his ship, and carried a­way from him what they listed. And for to auoid their troublesome behauiour, he threatned them that we would come thither, and that we would put them all to the edge 150. Leagues off [...]hey feare the French­men, inhabi­ted beyond that.of the sword, if they did him wrong. This did feare them, & they did him not so much harme, as otherwise they would haue done. Notwithstanding whensoeuer the Fishermen came with their shaloups full of fish, they did chuse what seemed good vnto them, and they did not care for Codde, but rather tooke Merlus, or Whitings, Barses or fletans, a kind of very great Turbots, which might be worth heere in Paris aboue foure crownes apeece, and paraduenture six or more, for it is a maruellous good meat, specially when they be great, and of the thicknesse of six fingers, as are those that be taken there. And it would haue beene very hard to bridle their insolency, because that for to doe it, one should be forced to haue alwaies weapons in hand, and Saualet his the worke should be left vndone. The good nature and honesty of this man was extended, not onely to vs, but al­so to all our people that passed by his Port, for it was the passage to goe and come from Port Royall. But there were some of them that came to fetch vs home, who did worse than the Sauages, vsing him as the Souldier doth the poore peasan, or country Farmer, heere: a thing which was ve­ry grieuous for me to heare.

We were 4. daies there, by reason of the contrary wind. Then came we to Campseau, where we taried for the other Barke, which came two daies after vs. And as for Mon­sieur De Poutrincourt, as soone as he saw that the corne [Page 131] might be reaped, he pulled vp some Rie, root and all, for to shew heare the beauty, goodnesse and vnmeasurable height of the same. He also made gleanes of the other Exceeding faire Corne.sorts of seedes, as Wheat, Barly, Oates, Hemp, and others, for the same purpose: which was not done by them that haue heeretofore beene in Brasill and in Florida. Where­in I haue cause to reioyce, because I was of the company and of the first tillers of that land. And heerein I pleased my selfe the more, when I did set before mine eies our an­cient father Noah, a great King, great Priest, and great Pro­phet The tillage of the ground is an honoura­ble exercise., whose occupation was to husband the ground, both in sowing of Corne and planting the Vine: And the ancient Romane Captaine, Seranus, who was found sowing of his field, when that he was sent for, to conduct the Romane Armie: And Quintus Cincinatus, who all dusty did plough foure akers of lands, bare headed and open stomackt, when the Senats Harold brought letters of the Dictator­ship vnto him; in sort, that this messenger was forced to pray him to couer himselfe, before he declared his Embas­sage vnto him. Delighting my selfe in this exercise, God Faire Wheathath blessed my poore labour, and I haue had in my gar­den as faire wheat as any can be in France, whereof the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt gaue vnto mee a gleane, when he came to the said Port De Campseau.

The Sauages returne from the wars. He was ready to depart from Port Royall, when Mem­bertou and his company arriued, victorious ouer the Ar­mouchiquois. And because I haue made a description of this war in French Verses, I will not heere trouble my pa­per with it, being desirous rather to be briefe, than to seeke out new matter. At the instant of the said Member­tou he taried yet one day. But it was pitious to see at his de­parting The Sauages teares at the going away of the French men., those poore people weepe, who had beene al­waies kept in hope that some of ours should alwaies tarry with them. In the end promise was made vnto them, that the yeare following, housholds and families should be sent thither, wholly to inhabit their land, and teach them trades [Page 132] for to make them liue as we doe, which promise did some­what Meale left be­hinde.comfort them. There was left remaining ten hogs­heads of Meale, which were giuen to them, with the Corne that we had sowed, and the possession of the Mannour, if they would vse it, which they haue not done. For they cannot be constant in one place, and liue as they doe.

Monsieur De Poutrincourt his going a­way. The eleuenth of August the said Monsieur De Poutrin­court departed, with eight in his company, from the said Port Royall, in a Shaloup to come to Campseau: A thing maruellously dangerous to crosse so many baies and seas in so small a vessell, laden with nine persons, with victuals necessary for the voyage, and reasonable great quantity of other stuffe. Being arriued at the Port of Captaine Saualet, he receiued them all as kindly as it was possible for him: And from thence they came to vs, to the said Port of Camp­seau, where we taried yet eight daies.

The depar­ting from New France. The third day of September, we weighed ankers, and with much adoe came we from among the rockes, that be about the said Campseau. Which our Mariners did with two shaloups that did carry their ankers very farre into the sea, for to vphold our ship, to the end she should not strike against the rockes. Finally, being at sea, one of the said shaloups was let goe, and the other was taken into the Ionas, which besides our lading, did carry 100000. of fish, as well drie as greene. We had reasonable good winde vntill we came neere to the lands of Europe: But we were not ouercloied with good cheere, because that (as I haue said) they who came to fetch vs, presuming we were dead did cramme themselues with our refreshing commodities. Our workmen dranke no more wine, after we had left Port Royall: And we had but small portion thereof, because that which did ouer abound with vs, was drunke merrily in the company of them that brought vs newes from The sight of the Sor­lingues.France.

The 26. of September we had sight of the Sorlingues, which be at the lands end of Cornewall in England, and [Page 133] the 28. thinking to come to Saint Maloes, we were forced Then of France.(for want of good wind) to fall into Roscoff in Base Bre­taigne, where we remained two daies and a halfe, refre­shing our selues. We had a Sauage who wondred very much, seeing the buildings, steeples, and Wind-mils in France: yea also of the women, whom he had neuer seene clothed after our maner. From Roscoff (giuing thankes to God) we came with a good winde vnto Saint Maloes. Wherein I cannot but praise the watchfull foresight of our Master, Nicolas Martin, in hauing so skilfully conducted vs in such a nauigation, and among so many bankes and dangerous rocks, wherewith the coast, from the Cap of Vshant to Saint Maloes, is full. If this man be praise wor­thie, in this his action; Captaine Foulques deserueth no lesse praises, hauing brought vs thorow so many contrary windes, into vnknowen lands, where the first foundations of New France haue beene laid.

The voyage vnto S. Mi­chael. Hauing taried three or foure daies at Saint Maloes, Mon­sieur De Poutrincourts sonne, and my selfe, went to Mount Saint Michael, where wee saw the relikes, all, sauing the Buckler of this holy Archangell. It was told vs that the Lord Bishop of Auranches, had, foure or fiue yeares ago, forbidden to shew it any more. As for the building, it me­riteth The eight wonder of the be called the 8. wonder of the world, so faire and great is it, vpon the point of one only rocke, in the middest of the waues, at full sea. True it is, that one may say that the sea came not thither when the said building was made. But I will replie, that howsoeuer it be, it is admirable. The complaint that may be made in this respect, is, that so many faire buildings are vnprofitable in these our daies, as in the most part of the Abbies of France. And would to God that by some Archimedes means, they might be transported into New France, there to be better emploied to Gods ser­uice and the Kings. At the returne we came to see the fish­ing of Oysters at Cancale.

After we had soiorned eight daies at Saint Maloes, we [Page 134] Monsieur De Poutrincourt his industry. came, in a Barke, to Honfleur, where Monsieur De Poutrin­court his experience stood vs in good stead, who seeing our Pilots at their wits end, when they saw themselues be­tweene the Iles of Ierzy and Sare (not being accustomed to take that course, where we were driuen by a great winde, East South-East, accompanied with fogs and rain) he tooke his sea-chard in hand, and plaied the part of a Pilot, in such sort that we passed the Raz Blanchart (a dangerous passage for small Barkes) and we came easily, following the coast of Normandie, to Honfleur; for which, eternall praises be giuen to God. Amen.

Haruest of New France, shewed to the King. Being at Paris, the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt pre­sented the King with the fruits of the land from whence he came, and especially the Corne, Wheat, Rie, Barly and Oates, as being the most precious thing that may bee brought from what country soeuer. It had beene very fit to vow these first fruits to God, and to place them in some church among the monuments of triumph, with more iust Plin. lib. 18. cap. 2.cause than the ancient Romanes, who presented to their country Gods and Goddesses Terminus, Seia, and Segesta the first fruits of their tillage, by the hands of the Priests of the fields, instituted by Romulus, which was the first order in new Rome, who had for Blason, a hat of the eares of Corne.

Outardes, or wild Geese, presented to the King. The said Monsieur De Poutrincourt had bred tenne Ou­tards, taken from the shell, which he thought to bring all into France, but fiue of them were lost, and the other fiue he gaue to the King, who delighted much in them; and they are at Fonteine Belleau.

Vpon the faire shew of the fruites of the said Country Priuiledge of Beauers con­firmed to Monsieur De Monts. Three ships sent 1608.the King did confirme to Monsieur De Monts the priui­ledge for the trade of Beuers with the Sauages, to the end to giue him meanes to establish his Colonies in New France. And by this occasion he sent thither in March last, Families, there to begin Christian and French Common­wealths, which God vouchsafe to blesse and increase.

[Page 135] The said ships being returned, we haue had report by Newes from New France since our comming from thence. Monsieur De Champ-dorè, and others, of the state of the Country which we had left, and of the wonderfull beauty of the Corne that the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt had sowed before his departure, together of the graines that be fallen in the gardens, which haue so increased that it is an incredible thing. Membertou did gather six or seuen bar­rels of the corne that we had sowed: and had yet one left, which he reserued for the Frenchmen, whom he looked It is very dan­gerous to teach the Sa­uages the vse of gunnes.for, who arriuing he saluted with three Musket shots and Bonfires. When it was laid to his charge that hee had ea­ten our Pigions, which we left there, he fell aweeping, and embracing him that told it him, said, that it was the Ma­charoa, that is to say, the great birds which are Eagles, Eagles.which did eat many of them, while we w [...] there. More­ouer, all great and small, did inquire how we did, naming euery one by his owne name, which is a witnesse of great loue.

From Port Royall, the said Champ-dorè went as farre as Chouakouet, the beginning of the Armouchiquois land, where he pacified that nation with the Etechemins, which was not done without solemnity. For as he had begun to speake of it, the Captaine, who is now instead of Olmechin, named Astikou, a graue man and of a goodly presence, how sauage soeuer he be, demanded that some one of the said Etechemins should be sent to him, and that he would treat with him. Oagimont, Sagamos of the riuer S. Croix, was ap­pointed The Sauages wisdome.for that purpose, and he would not trust them, but vnder the assurance of the Frenchmē he went thither. Some presents were made to Astikou, who, vpon the speech of peace, began to exhort his people & to shew them the cau­ses that ought to induce them to hearken vnto it. Wherunto they condescended, making an exclamation at euery article that he propounded to them. Some fiue yeares ago Monsi­eur De Monts had likewise pacified those nations, and had declared vnto them, that he would be enemy to the first of [Page 136] them that should beginne the war, and would pursue him. But after his returne into France, they could not containe themselues in peace. And the Armouchiquois did kill a Sou­riquois Sauage, called Panoniac, who went to them for to trucke merchandise, which he tooke at the storehouse of the said Monsieur De Monts. The warre aboue mentioned happened by reason of this said murther, vnder the con­duct of Sagamos Membertou: the said warre was made in the very same place, where I now make mention, that Monsieur Champlein is now in the riuer of Ca­nada. Cattell. Fruit trees. Vines. Hempe. Monsieur de Champdorè did treate the peace this yeare. Monsieur Champlein is in another place, to wit in the great riuer of Canada, neere the place where captaine Iames Quartier did winter, where he hath fortified him­selfe, hauing brought thither housholds, with cattell and diuers sorts o [...] [...]ite-trees. There is store of vines, and ex­cellent hempe, in the same place where he is, which the earth bringeth footh of it selfe. He is not a man to be idle, and we expect shortly newes of the whole discouerie of this great and vncomparable riuer, and of the countries which it washeth on both sides, by the diligence of the said Monsieur De Poutrincourt his resolu­tion Champlein.

As for Monsieur De Poutrincourt, his desire is immuta­ble, in this resolution to inhabit and adorne his Prouince, to bring thither his familie, and all sorts of trades necessa­ry for the life of man. Which, with Gods helpe hee will 1609.continue to effect all this present yeare 1609. And, as long as he hath vigor and strength, will prosecute the same, to liue there vnder the Kings obeysance.

The second Booke of the History of Noua Francia, containing the fashions and maners of life of the people there, and the fertility of the Lands and Seas mentioned in the former Booke.

ALmighty God, in the creation of this world, hath so much deligh­ted himselfe in diuersity, that, whether it be in Heauen, or in the Earth, either vnder the same or in the profound depth of wa­ters, the effects of his might and glory doe shine in euery place. But the wonder that far exceedeth all others, is, that in one and the selfe same kind of Creature, I meane in Man, are found more va­riety than in other things created. For if one enters in­to the consideration of his face, two shall not be found who in euery respect doe resemble one another: If he bee considered in the voice, the same variety shall be found: If in the speech, all Nations haue their proper and peculiar language, whereby one is distinguished from the other. But in maners and fashion of life, there is a maruellous difference, which (without troubling [Page 138] our selues in crossing the Seas to haue the experience thereof) we see visibly in our very neighborhood. Now forasmuch as it is a small matter to know, that people differ from vs in customes and maners, vnles we know the particularities thereof; a small thing is it likewise to know, but that, which is neere to vs: but the faire Science is to know the maner of life of all Na­tions of the World, for which reason Vlysses hath beene esteemed, because he had seene much and knowen much. It hath seemed necessary vnto me to exercise my selfe in this second booke vpon this subiect, in that which toucheth the Nations spoken of by vs, seeing that I haue tied my selfe vnto it, and that it is one of the best parts of an History, which without it would be defectiue, hauing but slightly and casually handled here aboue those things that I haue reserued to speake of heere. Which also I doe, to the end, if it please God to take pitie of those poore people, and to worke by his holy spirit, that they be brought into his fold, their children may know heereafter what their Fathers were, and blesse them that haue employed themselues in their conuersi­on, and reformation of their vnciuility. Let vs therefore begin with man from his birth, and hauing in grosse marked out what the course of his life is, we will conduct him to the graue, there to leaue him to rest, and also to repose our selues.

Of the Natiuity of Man.

THe authour of the booke of Wisdome, called Salomon, witnesseth vnto vs a most true thing, that All men haue a like entrance into the world, and the like going out. But ech seuerall people hath brought some ceremonies, after these were accomplished. For some haue wept, seeing the birth of man vpon this worldly Theater. Others haue reioyced at it, as well because Nature hath giuen to euery creature a desire to preserue his owne kinde, as for that, Man hauing beene made mortall by sinne, he desireth to bee in some sort restored againe to that lost right of immortality, and to leaue some visible image issu­ed from him, by the generation of children. I will not heere discourse vpon euery Nation, for it would be an infi­nite thing. But I will say that the Hebrews at the natiuity of their children did make some particular ceremonies vn­to them, spoken of by the Prophet Ezechiel, who hauing Ezech. 16. vers. 23. charge to make a demonstration to the Citie of Hierusa­lem of her owne abomination, doth reproch vnto her, saying, that she is issued and borne out of the Cananaeans Country, that her father was an Amorite, and her mo­ther an Hittite. And as for thy birth (saith he) in the day that thou wast borne thy nauell was not cut, neither wast thou wash­ed in water to soften thee, nor salted with salt, nor any wise Iulian. imp. Si­don. Car. 7. Claudian. in Ruffin. lib. 2. swadled in cloutes. The Cimbres did put their new borne children into the snow to harden them: And the French­men [Page 140] did plunge theirs into the riuer Rhine, to know if they August. epist. ad Maxim. Philos.were legitinate: for if they did sinke vnto the bottome they were esteemed bastards, and if they did swimme on the water they were legitimate, meaning (as it were) that French-men ought naturally to swim vpon the waters. As for our Sauages of New France, when that I was there, thinking nothing lesse than on this History, I tooke not heed of many things which I might haue obserued: But yet I remember, that as a woman was deliuered of her child they came into our Fort, to demand very instantly for some grease or oyle to make the child to swallow it downe be­fore they giue him the dugge or any food: they can ren­der no reason for this, but that it is a custome of long con­tinuance. Whereupon I coniecture that the diuell (who hath alwaies borrowed ceremonies from the Church, as well in the ancient as in the new law) would, that his peo­ple (so doe I call them that beleeue not in God, and are out of the Communion of Saints) should be anointed like to Gods people: which vnction he hath made to be inward, because the spirituall vnction of the Christians is so.

Of the imposition of names.

AS for imposition of names, they giue them by tradi­tion, that is to say, they haue great quantity of names, which they chuse and impose on their chil­dren. The dignity of eldership or first borne.But the eldest sonne commonly beareth his fathers name, adding at the end some diminutiue: as the eldest of Membertou shall be called Membertouchis, as it were the lesser, or the yonger Membertou. As for the yonger Son, he beareth not the Fathers name, but they giue him such name as they list: And hee that is borne after him shall beare his name, adding a syllable to it: as the yonger of Membertou is called Actaudin, he that commeth after is called Actaudinech. So Memembourré had a sonne named [Page 141] Semcoud, and his yonger was called Semcoudech. It is not for all that a generall rule, to adde this termination ech. For Panoniacs yonger Sonne (of whom mention is made in Membertous warre against the Armouchiquois, which I haue described in the Muses of New France) was called Panouiagués: so that this termination is done according as the former name requireth it. But they haue a custome The chang­ing of names.that when this elder brother, or father, is dead, they change name, for to auoid the sorrow that the remembrance of the deceassed might bring vnto them. This is the cause why, after the decease of Memembourré, & Semcoud, (that died this last Winter) Semcoudech hath left his brothers name, and hath not taken that of his father, but rather hath made himselfe to be called Paris, because he dwelt in Paris. And after Panoniacs death, Panoniagues forsooke his name, and was, by one of our men, called Roland: which I finde euill and vndiscreetly done, so to prophane Christians names, and to impose them vpon Infidels: as I remember of another that was called Martin. Alexander the Great (though he was an Heathen) would not that any should beare his name, vnlesse he should render himselfe woorthy thereof by vertue. And, as one day a souldier, bearing the name of Alexander, was accused before him to be voluptu­ous and lecherous, he commanded him, either to forsake that name, or to change his life.

The Brasiliens (as Iohn De Leri saith, whom I had rather follow in that which he hath seene, than a Spaniard) im­pose names to their children of the first thing that com­meth before them, as if a bow and string come to their imagination, they will call their child Ourapacen, which signifieth a bow and a string, and so consequently. In re­gard of our Sauages, they haue at this day names without signification, which peraduenture in the first imposing of them, did signifie some thing, but as the tongues do change the knowledge thereof is lost. Of all the names of them that I haue knowen, I haue learned none, sauing that [Page 142] Chkoudun signifieth a Trowt: and Oigoudi the name of the riuer of the said Chkoudun, which signifieth to see. It is ve­ry certaine, that names haue not beene imposed, to what thing soeuer, without reason. For Adam gaue the name to euery liuing creature, according to the property and na­ture thereof, and consequently names haue beene giuen to men signifying something: As Adam signifieth▪ Man, or that which is made of earth: Euah signifieth, the Mother of all liuing: Abel, weeping: Cain, possession: Iesus, a Sauiour: Diuell, a Slanderer: Satan, an aduersarie &c. Among the Romans, some were called Lucius, because they were born at the breake of day; Others Caesar, for that the Mothers belly was cut at the birth of him that first did beare this name: In like maner Lentulus, Piso, Fabius, Cicero, &c. all nick-names, giuen by reason of some accident, like our Sauages names, but with some more iudgement.

Of the feeding of their Children.

Esay 49. vers. 15. ALmighty God, shewing a true Mothers duty, saith by the Prophet Esay: Can a woman forget her child, and not haue compassion on the Sonne of her wombe? This pity which God requireth in Mothers, is to giue the brest to their children, and not to change the food which they haue giuen vnto them before their birth. But at this day the most part make their brests to serue for alurements to whoredome, and being willing to set themselues at ease, free from the childrens noise, do send them into the Coun­try, where peraduenture they be changed or giuen to bad nurses, whose corruption and bad nature they sucke with their milke. And from thence come the changelings, weake and degenerate from the right stocke whose names they beare. The Sauage women beare a greater loue than that towards their yong ones: for none but themselues doe nourish them: And that is generall thorowout all the West [Page 143] Indies: likewise their brests are no baites of loue, as in these our parts, but rather, loue in those lands is made by the flame that nature kindleth in euery one, without annexing any arts to it, either by painting, amorous poisons or o­therwise. And for this maner of nursing their children, are the ancient German women praised by Tacitus, because that euery one did nurse their Children with her owne brests, and would not haue suffered that another besides themselues should giue sucke to their children. Now our Sauage women do giue vnto them, with the dugge, meats which they vse, hauing first well chawed them: and so by little and little bring them vp. As for the swadling of them, they that dwell in hot Countries and neere the Tropicks, haue no care of it, but leaue them free vnbound. But draw­ing towards the North, the mothers haue an euen smooth boord, like the couering of a drawer or cupborod, vpon which they lay the child wrapped in a Beauer fur, vnles it be too hot, and tied thereupon with some swadling band, whom they carry on their backes their legges hanging downe: then being returned into their Cabins they set them in this maner vp straight against a stone or some thing else. And as in these our parts, one giues small fea­thers and gilt things to little children, so they hang quan­tity of beades and small square toies, diuersly coloured, in the vpper part of the said boord or plancke, for the deck­ing of theirs.

Of their loue towards their children.

THat which we haue said euen now, is a part of true loue, which doth shame the Christian women. But after the Children be weaned, and at all times, they loue them all, obseruing this law that Nature hath grafted in the hearts of all creatures (except in leaud slippery wo­men) to haue care of them. And when it is question to de­mand [Page 144] of them some of their children (I speake of the S [...] ­riquois, in whose land we dwelt) for to bring them into France, they wil not giue them: but if any one of them doth yeeld vnto it, presents must be giuen vnto him, besides large promises. We haue alreadie spoken of this at the end of the 17. chapter. So then I finde that they haue wrong to be called Barbarous, seeing that the ancient Romans were far more Brabarous than they, who oftentimes sold their The cause why the Sa­uages loue their children more than we doe in these parts.children for to haue meanes to liue. Now that which cau­seth them to loue their children more than we doe in these parts is, that they are the maintenance of their fathers in their old age, whether it be to helpe them to liue, or to de­fend them from their enemies: And nature conserueth wholly in them her right in this respect. By reason where­of that which they wish most is to haue number of chil­dren, Gens. 2. vers. be thereby so much the mightier, as in the first age of the world, when virginity was a thing reproouable, be­cause of Gods commandement to man and women to in­crease, multiply and replenish the earth: but after it was filled, this loue waxed maruellous cold, and children be­gan to be a burthen to fathers and mothers, whom many haue had in disdaine, and haue verie often procured their Meanes to ease the fami­lies of France.death: Now is the way open for France to haue a remedy for the same. For if it please God to guide and prosper the voyages of New France. whosoeuer in these parts shall finde himselfe oppressed may passe thither, and there end his daies in rest, and that without feeling any pouerty: or if any one findeth himselfe ouerburthened with children, he may send halfe of them thither, and with a small portion they shall be rich and possesse the land, which is the most assured condition of this life. For we see at this day, labor and paine in all vocations, yea in them of the best sort, which are often crossed through enuy and wants: others will make a hundred cappings and crouchings for to liue, and yet they doe but pine away. But the ground neuer de­ceaueth vs, if we earnestly cherish her. Witnesse the fable [Page 145] of him, who by his last will and testament, did declare to his children that he had hidden a treasure in his Vineyard, and as they had well and deepely digged and turned it they found nothing, but the yeere being come about, they gathered so great a quantity of grapes, that they knew not where to bestow them. So thorow all the holy Scripture, the promises that God maketh to the Patriarches Abra­ham, Isaac and Iacob, and afterwards to the people of Isra­el, by the mouth of Moses, is, that they shall possesse the To possesse the land is a rich, as a certaine heritage that cannot perish, and where a man hath wherewith to sustaine his familie, to make him­selfe strong and to liue in innocency: according to the speeches of the ancient Cato, who did say, that common­ly Plin. lib. 18. cap. 5.Husbandmen, or Farmers Sonnes be valiant and strong, and doe thinke on no harme.

CHAP. 5.
Of their Religion.

MAn being created after the image of God, it is good reason that he acknowledge, serue, worship, praise and blesse his Creator, and that therein he imploy his whole desire, his minde, his strength and his courage. But the nature of man hauing been corrupted by sinne, this faire light that God had first giuen vnto him, hath beene so darkned, that he is becom therby to lose the knowledge of his beginning. And for as much as God sheweth not himself vnto vs by a certaine visible forme, as a father or a King might doe; man finding himselfe ouercome with pouerty and infirmity, not setling himselfe to the contemplation of the wonders of this Almighty workman, and to seeke him as he ought to be sought for, with a base and brutish spirit, miserably hath he forged to himselfe gods, according to his owne fancy: And there is nothing visible in the world, but hath beene deified in some place or other: yea euen in that rancke and degree, imaginary things hath also beene put, as Vertue, Hope, Honour, Fortune, and a thousand [Page 146] such like things: Item infernall gods, and sicknesses, and all sorts of plagues, euery one worshipping the things that he stood in feare of. But notwithstanding, though Tuliie hath said, speaking of the nature of the gods, that there is no nation so sauage, or brutish nor so barbarous, but is seaso­ned with some opinion of them: yet there haue been found, in these later ages, nations that haue no feeling thereof at all: which is so much the stranger that among them, there Idolaters in Virginia.were, and yet are, Idolaters, as in Mexico and Ʋirginia. If we will we may adde heereunto Florida. And notwith­standing, all being well considered, seeing the condition both of the one and of the other is to be lamented, I giue more praise to him that worshippeth nothing, than to him who worshippeth creatures without either life or sense, for at least, as bad as he is, he blasphemeth not, and giueth not the glorie due to God to an other, liuing (indeed) a life not much differing from brutishnesse: but the same is yet more brutish that adoreth a dead thing, and putteth his confidence in it. And besides, he which is not stained with any bad opinion, is much more capable of true adoration, than the other: being like to a bare table, which is ready to receiue what colour soeuer one will giue to it. For when any people hath once receiued a bad impressiō of doctrine, one must roote it out from them before another may be placed in them. Which is very difficult, as well for the ob­stinacy of men, which doe say, our fathers haue liued in this sort: as for the hindrance that they giue them which doe teach them such a doctrine, and others whose life de­pendeth thereupon, who doe feare that their meanes of gain be taken from them: euen as that Demetrius the siluer­smith, Act. 19. vers. 24. The Sauages easie to be conuerted to the Christian religion. Iames Cartier.mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles. This is the reason why our Sauages of New France wil be found more easie to receiue the Christian doctrine, if once the Prouince be thorowly inhabited. For (that we may begin with them of Canada) Iames Quartier, in his second relation, reciteth that which I haue said a little before, in these [Page 147] words, which are not heere laied downe in the former Booke.

‘This said people (saith he) hath not any beleefe of God The Saua­ges religi­on in Ca­nada.(that may be esteemed) for they beleeue in one, whom they call Cudoüagni, and say, that he often speaketh to them, and telleth them what weather shall fall out. They say that when he is angry with them hee casteth dust in their eies. They beleeue also, that when they die they goe The state of soules after death.vp into the starres, and afterwards they goe into faire greenefields, full of faire trees, flowers and rare fruits. After they had made vs to vnderstand these things, wee shewed them their error, and that their Cudoüagni is an e­uill Spirit that deceiueth them, and that there is but one God, which is in Heauen, who doth giue vnto vs all, and is Creator of all things, and that in him we must onely be­leeue, and that they must be baptised, or goe into hell. And many other things of our faith were shewed them: which People ea­sie to be conuerted. Agoiuda signifieth wicked.they easily beleeued, and called their Cudoüagni, Agoiuda. So that many times they requested our Captaine to cause them to be baptized, and the said Lord (that is to say, Don­nacona) Taiguragni, Domagaia, with all the people of their towne came thither for that purpose: but because we knew not their intent and desire, and that there was no body to instruct them in the faith, wee excused our selues to them for that time, and bad Taiguragni and Domagaia to make them vnderstand that we would returne another voyage, and would bring Priests with vs and Chréme, telling them, for an excuse, that one cannot be baptized without the said Chréme, which they did beleeue. And they were very glad of the promise which the Captaine made them to returne,’ and thanked them for it.

Monsieur Champlein, hauing of late made the same voy­age which the Captaine Iames Quartier had made, did discourse with Sauages, that be yet liuing, and reporteth the speeches that were betweene him and certaine of their Sagamos, concerning their beleefe in spirituall and heauen­ly [Page 148] things, which I haue thought good (being incident to The Saua­ges beleefe and faith. this matter) to insert heere; his words are these: ‘The most part of them be people without law, according as I could see and informe my selfe, by the said great Sagamos, who told mee that they verily beleeue there is one God, who hath created all things. And then I asked him, seeing that they beleeue in one onely God: by what meanes did hee place them in this world, and from whence they were Of the cre­ation of man.come? He answered mee, that after God had made all things, he tooke a number of arrowes, and did sticke them into the ground, from whence men and women sprung vp, which haue multiplied in the world vntill now, and that mankinde grew by that meanes. I answered him, that what he said was false: But that indeed there was one one­ly God, who had created all things both in Heauen and Earth. Seeing all these things so perfect, and being no bo­dy that did gouerne in this world, he tooke slime out of the Earth, and created thereof our first father Adam: And while he did sleepe, God tooke one of his ribes, and formed Euah thereof, whom hee gaue to him for company, and that this was the truth that both they and we were made They be­leeue one God, one Sonne, one Mother, and the this meanes, and not of arrowes, as they did beleeue. He said nothing more to me, but that he allowed better of my speech than of his owne. I asked him also if he belee­ued not that there were any other but one onely God? He said vnto me that their beleefe was: There was one onely God, one Sonne, one Mother, and the Sunne, which were foure. Notwithstanding, that God was ouer and aboue all; but that the Sonne was good, and the Sunne, by reason of the good which they receiued of them: As for the Mo­ther, shee was naught and did eat them; and that the Fa­ther was not very good. I shewed him his error according to our faith, whereunto he gaue some credit. I demanded of him if they neuer saw nor heard their ancestors say that God was come into the world: He told me hee had not seene him: but that anciently there were fiue men, who tra­uelling [Page 149] towards the setting of the Sunne, met with God, Of fiue men whom the Sauages beleeue to haue seene God. Men trans­formed in­to stones:who demanded of them, Whither go yee? They answered, We goe to seeke for our liuing: God answered them, You shall finde it heere. But they passed further, not making a­ny account of that which God had said vnto them; who tooke a stone and therewith touched two of them, who were turned into stones: And he said againe to the three o­thers, Whither goe yee? and they answered as at the first time: and God said vnto them a gaine, Passe no further, you shall finde it heere: and seeing that they found no And into they passed further: And God tooke two staues, and touched therewith the two formost, who were transfor­med into staues. But the fift man staied and would passe no further: And God asked him againe, Whither goest thou? Who made answer, I go to seeke for my liuing: and God told him, Tarry and thou shalt finde it: and he staied without passing any further: And God gaue him meat, and he did eat of it: and after he had made good cheare he returned among the other Sauages, and told them all that you haue heard. He also told me, that at another time there was a man who had store of Tabacco (which is an hearbe Of an o­ther Man whom the Sauages be­leeue to haue spo­ken with God. Tabacco.the smoke whereof they take) and that God came to this man and asked him where his pipe was: The man tooke his Tabacco pipe and gaue it to God, who dranke very much Tabacco. After he had taken well of it, God brake the said Tabacco-pipe into many peeces, and the man as­ked him, Why hast thou broken my Tabacco-pipe, and thou seest well that I haue none other? And God tooke one which he had, and gaue it him, saying vnto him: Lo, heere is one which I giue to thee, carry it to thy great Saga­mo, let him keepe it; and if he keepe it wel, he shall not want any thing, nor any of his companions: The said man tooke the Tabacco-pipe, which he gaue to his great Saga­mo, who (whilest he had it) the Sauages wanted for nothing in the world: But that since the said Sagamo had lost this Tabacco-pipe, which is the cause of the great famine [Page 150] which sometimes they haue among them. I demanded of him, whether he did beleeue all that; he told me, yes, & that it was true. Now I beleeue that that is the cause why they say that God is not very good. But I replied and said vnto him, that God was all good, and that without doubt it was the Diuell that had shewed himselfe to those men, and that if they did beleeue in God as we doe, they should want no­thing that should be needfull for them: That the Sunne which they saw, the Moone and the Starres, were created by the same great God, who hath made both Heauen and Earth, and that they haue no power, but that which God I doe not thinke that this Theo­logy may be expounded to these people, though one could per­fectly speak their lan­guage.hath giuen them: That we beleeue in that great God, who by his goodnesse did send vnto vs his dearely beloued Son, who being conceiued by the Holy Ghost, tooke humane flesh within the virgin wombe of the Virgin Mary, hauing been 33. yeeres on earth working infinit miracles, raising vp the dead, healing the sicke, driuing out Diuels, giuing sight to the blinde, shewing vnto men the wil of God his Father, for to serue, honour and worship him, hath spilled his bloud, and suffered death and passion for vs, and for our sinnes, and redeemed mankind, being buried and risen a­gaine, went downe into hell, and ascended vp into Hea­uen, where he sitteth at the right hand of God his father. That this was the beleefe of all Christians, which doe be­leeue in the Father, in the Sonne, and in the holy Ghost, which be not for all that three Gods, but are one selfesame and one onely God, and one Trinity, wherein there is no­thing before nor after, nothing greater nor lesser. That the Virgin Mary, Mother to the Sonne of God, and all men and women that haue liued in this world, doing Gods com­mandements, and suffered Martyrdome for his name, and who, by the permission of God, haue wrought miracles, and are Saints in Heauen in his Paradise, pray all for vs vn­to this great diuine Maiestie, to pardon vs our faults and sinnes, which we do against his law and commandements: And so by the Saints praiers in Heauen, and by our owne [Page 151] that we make to his diuine Maiestie, he giueth vs what we haue need of, and the Diuell hath no power ouer vs; and can doe vs no hurt. That if they had this beleefe they should be eue as we are. That the Diuell should not be able to doe them any more harme, and they should not want what should be needfull for them. Then the said Sa­gamo said vnto mee, that he granted all that I said. I de­manded of him what ceremony they vsed in praying to their God: he told me that they vsed no other ceremony, but that euery one did pray in his heart as he would. This is the cause why, I beleeue, there is no law among them, neither doe they know what it is to worship or pray to God, and liue the most part as brute beasts: And I beleeue that in short time they might be brought to be good Chri­stians, if one would inhabit their land, which most of them doe desire. They haue among them some Sauages whom What Sa­uages speake to the Diuell.they call Pilotoua, who speake visibly to the Diuell, and he telleth them what they must doe, as well for warres as for other things: And if he should command them to goe and put any enterprise in execution, or to kill a French man or any other of their nation, they will immediately obey to The Saua­ges do be­leeue firm­ly in dreames.his command. They beleeue also that all their dreames are true; and indeed, there be many of them which doe say that they haue seene and dreamed things that doe happen, or shall come to passe: but to speake thereof in truth they be visions of the Diuell, who doth deceiue and seduce them.’ So farre Monsieur Champleins report. As for our Souriquois, and other their neighbours, I can say nothing else, but that they are destitute of all knowledge of God, haue no Adoration, neither doe they make any diuine ser­uice, liuing in a pitifull ignorance; which ought to touch the hearts both of Christian Princes, and Prelates, who ve­ry A lesson for Christian Princes and Prelates.often doe employ vpon friuolous things that which would be more than sufficient to establish there many Co­lonies, which would beare their names, about whom these poore people would flocke and assemble themselues. I do [Page 152] not say they should goe thither in Person, for their pre­sence is heere more necessary, and besides euery one is not fit for the Sea: but there are so many persons well dispo­sed that would imploy themselues on that, if they had the meanes: They then that may doe it are altogether vnex­cusable. To all sorts and degrees of people.Our present age is fallen, as one might say, into an Astorgie, wanting both loue and Christian charity, and retaine almost nothing of that fire which kindled our Fathers either in the time of our first Kings, or in the time of the Croisades for the holy land; yea contrariwise if any venture his life, and that little meanes he hath, vpon this generous Christian worke, the most part doe mocke him for it, like to the Salamandre, which doth not liue in the middest of flames, as some doe imagine, but is of so cold a nature that shee killeth them by her coldnesse. Euery one would runne after treasures, and would carry them away without paines taking, and afterward to liue frolike; but they come too late for it, and they should haue enough if Luk. 12. vers. 31.they did beleeue, as is meet to doe, in him that hath said: Seeke first the kingdome of God, and all these things shall be gi­uen vnto you ouer and aboue.

Let vs returne to our Sauages, for whose conuersion it resteth vnto vs to pray to God that it will please him to open the meanes to make a plentifull haruest to the further manifestation of the Gospell: for ours, and generally all those people euen as farre as Florida inclusiuely, are very easie to be brought to the Christian religion, according as I may coniecture of them which I haue not seene, by the discourse of Histories. But I finde that there shall be more facility in them of the neerer lands, as from Cap-Breton to Malebarre, because they haue not any shew of religion (for I call not religion vnlesse there be some Latria and di­uine seruice) nor tillage of ground (at least as farre as Cho­uakoet) which is the chiefest thing that may draw men to beleeue as one would, by reason-that out from the Earth commeth all that which is necessarie for the life, after the [Page 153] generall vse we haue of the other Elements. Our life hath chiefely need of meat, drinke and clothing. These people (as one may say) haue nothing of all that, for it is not to be called couered, to be alwaies wandring and lodged vnder foure stakes, and to haue a skinne vpon their backe: nei­ther doe I call eating and liuing, to eat all at once and starue The right meanes to bring the Sa­uages to ones deuotion. Gen. 28. 20.the next day, not prouiding for the next day. Whosoeuer then shall giue bread and clothing to this people, the same shall be, as it were, their God, they will beleeue all that he shall say to them. Euen as the Patriarch Iacob did promise to serue God if he would giue him bread to eat and gar­ments to couer him. God hath no name: for all that wee can say, cannot comprehend him. But we call him God, because hee giueth. And man in giuing may by resem­blance be called God. Cause (saith S. Gregorie Nazianze­ne) Greg. Nazian in the oration of the care for the poore.that thou beest a God towards the needie, in imitating Gods mercifulnesse. For man hath nothing so diuine in him as benefits. The heathen haue knowen this, and a­mongst others Pliny, when he saith, that it is a great signe Plin. lib. 2. 7.of diuinitie in a mortall man, to helpe and aide an other mortall man. These people then enioying the fruits of the vse of trades and tillage of the ground, will beleeue all that shall be told them, in auditum auris, at the first voice that shal sound in their eares: and of this haue I certain proofes, because I haue knowen them wholly disposed thereunto by the communication they had with vs; and there bee some of them that are Christians in minde, & do performe the acts of it, in such wise as they can, though they be not baptised: among whom I will name Chkoudun, Captaine (alias Sagamos) of the riuer of Saint Iohn, mentioned in the beginning of this worke, who, whensoeuer he eateth, lifteth vp his eies to heauen, and maketh the signe of the crosse, because he hath seene vs doe so: yea at our praiers he did kneele downe as we did: And because he hath seene a great crosse planted neere to our fort, he hath made the like at his house, and in all his cabins; and carieth one at [Page 154] his brest, saying, that he is no more a Sauage, and acknow­ledging plainly, that they are beasts (so hee saith in his language) but that he is like vnto vs, desiring to be instru­cted. That which I say of this man, I may affirme the same almost of all the others: And though he should be alone, yet hee is capable, being instructed, to bring in all the rest.

The Armouchiquois are a great people, which haue likewise no adoration: and being setled, because they ma­nure the ground, one may easily make a congregation of them, and exhort them to that which is for their saluation. Lib. 1. chap. 7.They are vicious and bloody men, as we haue said heere­tofore: but this insolencie proceeds for that they feele themselues strong, by reason of their multitude, and be­cause they liue more at ease than the others, reaping the fruits of the earth. Their countrie is not yet well knowen, but in that small part that wee haue discouered, I finde A conformi­ty betweene the Armou­chiquois and the naturall Virginians. The religion of the Virgi­nians.they haue conformitie with them of Virginia, except in the superstition & error, in that which concerneth our sub­iect, for as much as the Virginians doe begin to haue some opinion of a superior thing in nature, which gouerneth heere this world. They beleeue in many gods (as an En­glish Historian that dwelt there reporteth) which they call Montóac, but of sundry sorts and degrees. One alone is chiefe and great, who hath euer beene, who purposing to make the world, made first other gods, for to be meanes and instruments, wherewith he might serue himselfe in the Creation and in the gouernment. Then afterwards the Sunne, the Moone and the Starres, as demy gods, and in­struments of the other Principall order. They hold that the woman was first made, which by coniunction with one of the gods had children. All these people doe generally beleeue the immortality of the soule, and that after death good men are in rest, and the wicked in paine: Now them that they esteeme to be the wicked are their enemies, and they the good men: In such sort that, in their opinion, they shall all after death be well at ease, and specially when [Page 155] they haue well defended their country, and killed many of their enemies. And as touching the resurrection of the Fabulous tales of the resurrection.bodies, there are yet some nations in those parts that haue some glimpse of it. For the Virginians doe tell tales of cer­taine men risen againe, which say strange things: As of one wicked man, who after his death had beene neere to the mouth of Popogusso (which is their Hell) but a god sa­ued him, and gaue him leaue to come againe into the world, for to tell his friends what they ought to doe for to auoide the comming into this miserable torment. Item, that yeare that the English men were there, it came to passe within 60. leagues off from them (as said the Virginians) that a body was vnburied, like to the first, and did shew, that being dead in the pit, his soule was aliue, and had tra­uelled very farre, thorow a long and large way, on both sides of which did grow very faire and pleasant trees, bea­ring the rarest fruits that can be seene: and that in the end he came to very faire houses, neere to the which he found his father, which was dead, who expresly commanded him to returne backe and to declare vnto his frinds the good which it behooued them to doe for to enioy the plea­sures of this place: And that after he had done his message Hist. gen. of the Indies. 4. booke, the 124. chap.he should come thither againe. The generall History of the West Indies reporteth, that before the comming of the Spaniards into Perou, they of Cusco and thereabout, did likewise beleeue the resurrection of the bodies. For seeing that the Spaniards, with a cursed auarice, opening the sepulchers for to haue the gold and the riches that were in them, did cast and scatter the bones of the dead heere and there, they praied them, not to scatter them so, to the end that the same should not hinder them from rising a­gaine: which is a more perfect beleefe than that of the Sadduces, and of the Greekes, which the Gospell and the Luc. 20. vers. 27. Act. 17. vers. 32.Acts of the Apostles witnesse vnto vs that they scoffed at the resurrection, as also, almost all the heathen antiquity hath done.

[Page 156] Some of our Westerne Indians, expecting this resurre­ction, haue esteemed that the soules of the good did got into heauen, & them of the wicked into a great pit or hole, which they thinke to be far off towards the Sunne setting, which they call Popogusso, there to burne for euer: and such is the beleefe of the Ʋirginians: The others (as the Brasilians) that the wicked goe with Aignan, which is the euill spirit that tormenteth them: but as for the good, 4. Esdras 7. ver. 31. 32. S. Paul to the Heb. ch. 11. at the end. Orig. 2. booke of principles.that they went behinde the Mountaines to dance and make good cheere with their fathers. Many of the ancient Christians, grounded vpon certaine places of Esdras, of S. Paul, and others, haue thought that after death our soules were sequestred into places vnder the earth, as in Abra­hams bosome, attending the iudgement of God: And there Origen hath thought that they are as in a Schoole of soules, and place of instruction, where they learne the causes and reasons of the things they haue seene on the Earth, and by reasoning make iudgements of consequences of things past, and of things to come. But such opinions haue beene reiected by the resolution of the Doctours of Sorbone in the time of King Philip the faire, and since by the Coun­cell of Florence. Now if the Christians haue held that opi­nion, is it much to these poore Sauages to bee entred in those opinions that we haue recited of them?

As concerning the worshipping of their gods, of all them that be out of the Spanish dominion, I finde none but the Virginians that vse any diuine seruice (vnlesse we will also comprehend therein, that which the Floridians doe, which we will recite heereafter) They then represent their gods in the shape of a man, which they call Kevuasovuock. One onely is named Kevuas. They place them in houses and Temples, made after their fashion, which they call Ma­chicómuck, wherein they make their praiers, singing and S. Aug. 4. de Ciuitate Dei cap. 31.offering to those gods. And seeing we are fallen to speake of infidels, I praise rather the ancient Romans who were a­boue 173. yeares without any images of Gods, as S. Au­gustin [Page 157] saith. Numa Pompilius hauing wisely forbidden to make any, because that such a foolish and senseles thing made them to be despised, and from this contempt came, that the people did cast out all feare, nothing being better than to worship them in spirit seeing they are spirits. And Plin. lib. 2. cap. 7.indeed Pliny saith: That there is nothing which sheweth more the weaknesse of mans wit, than to seeke to assigne some image or figure to God. For in what part soeuer that God sheweth himselfe he is all sense, all sight, all hearing, all soule, all vnder­standing: and finally he is all of himselfe, without vsing any organe. The ancient Germans instructed in this doctrine, not onely did admit no images of their gods (as saith Ta­citus) but also would not that they should be drawen or painted against the walles, nor set in any humane forme, esteeming that to derogate too much from the greatnes of the heauenly power. It may be said among vs that figures and representations are the bookes of the vnlearned: but leauing disputations aside, it were fitting that euery one should be wise and wel instructed, and that no body should be ignorant.

The Sauages haue the in­dustrie both of painting and caruing. Our Souriquois and Armouchiquois Sauages, haue the industry both of painting and caruing, and doe make pi­ctures of beasts, birds and men, as well in stone as in wood, as pretilie as good workemen in these parts; and notwith­standing they serue not themselues with them in adorati­on, but onely to please the sight, and the vse of some pri­uat tooles, as in Tabacco-pipes. And in that (as I haue said at the first) though they be without diuine worship, I praise them more than the Virginians and all other sorts of peo­ple, which more beasts than the very beasts worship and reuerence senselesse things.

The Floridi­ans. Captaine Laudonniere in his History of Florida, saith that they of that Country haue no knowledge of God, nor of any religion, but of that which appeareth vnto them, as the Sunne and the Moone; to whom, neuerthelesse, I finde not in all the said History that they make any adoration, [Page 158] sauing that when they goe to warie, the Paracousi maketh some praier to the Sunne for to obtaine victory, and which being obtained he yeeldeth him praises for it, with songs to the honour of him, as I haue more particularly spoken in my first booke the 10. chapter. And notwithstanding Belleforests false report. Monsieur De Belleforest writeth to haue taken from the said History that which he mentioneth of their bloudie sa­crifices, like to them of the Mexicains, assembling them­selues in one field, and setting vp there their lodges, where after many dances and ceremonies, they lift vp in the aire and offer to the Sunne, him vpon whom the lot is fallen to be sacrificed. If he bee bold in this thing, he presumeth no lesse where he writeth the like of the people of Canada, whom he maketh sacrificers of humane bodies, although they neuer thought on it. For if Captaine Iames Quartier hath seen some of their enemies heads, dressed like leather, set vpon peeces of wood, it doth not follow that they haue beene sacrificed, but it is their custome to doe so, like to the ancient Gaulois, that is to say, to take off the heads of their enemies whom they haue killed, and to set them vp in, or without their Cabins as a Trophee: which is vsuall thorow all the West Indies.

To returne to our Floridians, if any one will call the ho­nour they doe to the Sunne, to be an act of religion, I will not contrary him. For in the old time of the golden age, when that ignorance found place amongst men, many (considering the admirable effects of the Sunne and of the Moone, wherewith God vseth to gouerne things in this low world) attributed vnto them the reuerence due to the Creator: And this maner of reuerence is expounded vnto Iob 31. vers. 26. 27.vs by Iob, when he saith: If I haue beholden the Sunne in his brightnesse, and the Moone running cleere: and if my heart hath been seduced in secret, and my mouth hath kissed my hand: this also had beene an iniquity to be condemned: for I had de­nied the great God aboue. As for the hand kissing it is a kind of reuerence which is yet obserued in doing homages. [Page 159] Not being able to touch the Sunne, they stretch forth their hands towards it, then kissed it: or they touched his Idoll, and afterwards did kisse the hand that had touched it. And into this idolatry did the people of Israel sometime fall, as we see in Ezechiel. Ezech 8. ver. 16. Brasilians.

In regard of the Brasilians, I finde by the discourse of Iohn De Leri (whom I had rather follow than a Spanish Authour, in that which he hath seene) that not onely they are like vnto ours, without any forme of religion or know­ledge of God, but that they are so blind and hardned in their anthropophagie, that they seeme to be in no wise ca­pable of the Christian doctrine. Also they are visibly tor­mented and beaten by the diuell (which they call Aignan) and with such rigor, that when they see him come, some­times in the shape of a beast, sometimes of a bird, or in some strange forme, they are as it were, in despaire. Which is not with the other Sauages, more hitherward, towards New-found-land, at least with such rigor. For Iames Quartier reporteth that he caseth earth in their eies, and they call him Cudoüagni: & there, where we were (where they call him Aoutem) I haue sometimes heard that he had scratched Membertou, being then, as it were, a kinde of Soothsaier of the Country. When one tels the Brasilians that one must beleeue in God, they like that aduice well enough, but by and by they forget their lesson and returne againe to their owne vomit, which is a strange brutishnes, not to be willing at the least to redeeme themselues from the diuels vexation, by religion Which maketh them vnexcusable, seeing also they haue some memory remai­ning in them of the generall flood, and of the Gospell (if it be so that their report be true) for they make mention in their songs that the waters being once ouerflowne, did couer all the earth, and all men were drowned, except their Grandfathers, who saued themselues vpon the high­est In the first booke third Chapter.trees of their Country. And of this flood other Saua­ges, mentioned by me else where, haue also some tradition. [Page 160] As concerning the Gospell, the said de Leri saith, that ha­uing once found occasion to shew vnto them the begin­ning of the world, and how it is meet to beleeue in God, and their miserable condition, they gaue eare vnto him with great attention, being all amazed for that which they had heard: and that thereupon, an ancient man, taking vpon him to speake, said, that in truth he had recited won­derful things vnto them, which made him to call to minde, that which many times they had heard of their Grandfa­thers, that of a long time sithence a Mair (that is to say, a stranger, clothed and bearded like to the Frenchmen) had beene there, thinking to bring them to the obedience of the God which he declared vnto them, and had vsed the like exhortatiō vnto them: but that they would not beleeue him. And therefore there came another thither, who, in signe of acurse, gaue them their armours, wherewith since they haue killed one another: and that there was no like­lihood they should forsake that maner of life, because that all their neighbour Nations would mocke them for it.

But our Souriquois, Canadians and their neighbours are not so hardened in their wicked life, no neither the Virgini­ans nor Floridians, but will receiue the Christian doctrine very easily, when it shall please God to stirre vp them that be able to succour them, neither are they visibly tormen­ted, beaten and torne by the Diuell, as this barbarous peo­ple of Brasil, which is a strange malediction, more parti­cular vnto them, than to other Nations of those parts. Which maketh me beleeue that the voice of the Apostles may haue reached so farre, according to the saying of the said old ancient man, to which hauing stopped their eares, they beare a particular punishment for it, not common to others, which peraduenture haue neuer heard the word of God, since the vniuersall floud, whereof all those Nations, in more than three thousand leagues of ground haue an ob­scure knowledge, which hath beene giuen them by traditi­on from father to sonne.

Of the Sooth-saiers and Masters of the Ceremonies among the Indians.

I Will not call (as some haue done) by the name of Priests, them that make the ceremonies and inuocations of di­uels among the West Indies, but in as much as they haue the vse of sacrifices and gifts that they offer to their Gods, Hebr. 8. vers. 3.for as much as (as the Apostle saith) euery Priest or Bishop is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices: such as were them of Mexico, the greatest whereof was called Papas, who of­fered incense to their Idols, the chiefe of them was that of the god whom they did name Vitzilipuztli, although ne­uerthelesse, the generall name of him, whom they held for supreame Lord and author of all things, was Viracocha, to whom they attributed excellent qualities, calling him Pachacamac, which is, Creator of Heauen and Earth: and Vsapu, which is, admirable, and other such like names. They had also sacrifices of men, as them of Perou haue yet, which they sacrificed in great number, as Ioseph Acosta Ioan. Acosta, lib. 5. ch. 20. 21.discourseth thereof at large. Those may be called Priests or Sacrificers: But in regard of them of Virginia and Flori­da, I doe not see any sacrifices they make, and therefore I will qualifie them with the name of Wisards, or Masters of the Ceremonies of their religion, which in Florida I finde to be called Iarvars, and Ioanas: in Virginia, Vuiroances: in Brasill Caribes: and among ours (I meane the Sori­quois) Aütmoins. Laudonniere, speaking of Florida: ‘They haue (saith he) their Priests, vnto whom they giue great credit, because they be great Magicians, great Soothsaiers and callers on diuels. These Priests doe serue them for Physicians and Chirurgians, and carrie alwaies with them a bagge full of hearbes and drugges to physicke them that be sicke, which be, the most part, of the great pockes: for they loue women and maidens very much,’ whom they [Page 160] [...] [Page 161] [...] [Page 190] call the daughters of the Sunne. If there be any thing to be treated, the King calleth the Iarvars, and the ancientest men, and demandeth their aduice. See moreouer what I haue written heeretofore in the sixt Chapter of the first Virginia.booke. As for them of Virginia, they are no lesse suttle than them of Florida, and do procure credit to themselues, mak­ing them to be respected, by trickes or shew of religion, like to them that we haue spoken of in the last chapter, Atosta 6. booke ch. 19.speaking of some dead men risen vp againe. It is by such meanes, and vnder pretect of religion that the Inguas made themselues heeretofore the greatest Princes of America. And them of these parts that would deceiue and blinde the people haue likewise vsed of that suttelty, as Numa Pom­pilius, Lisander, Sertorius, and other more recent, doing (as saith Plutarke) as the plaiers of tragedies, who desirous to shew foorth things, ouerreaching the humane strength, haue refuge to the superior power of the Gods.

The Aoutmoins of the last land of the Indies which is the neerest vnto vs, are not so blockish but that they can make the common people to attribute some credit vnto them. For by their impostures they liue and make themselues esteemed to be necessary, playing the part of Physicions and Chirurgions as well as the Floridians. Let the great The Physici­ons and Chi­rurgions of the Sauages. Sagamos Membertou be an example thereof. If any body be sicke, he is sent for, he maketh inuocations on his diuell, he bloweth vpon the part grieued, he maketh incisions, sucketh the bad bloud from it: if it be a wound he healeth it by the same meanes, applying a round slice of the Bea­uers stones. Finally, some present is made vnto him, ei­ther of venison or skinnes. If it be question to haue newes of things absent, hauing first questioned with his spirit, he rendreth his oracles commonly doubtfull, very often false, but sometimes true: as when he was asked whether Pano­niac were dead, he said, that vnlesse he did returne within fifteene daies, they should not expect him any more, and that he was killed by the Armouchiquois. And for to haue [Page 16] this answer he must be presented with some gift. For there is a triuiall prouerbe among the Greekes, which beareth, That without mony Phoebus Oracles are dumbe. The same Membertou rendered a true Oracle of our comming to Monsieur du Pont, when that he parted from Port Roy­all, sor to returne into France, seeing the 15. daie of Iuly passed without hauing any newes. For he did maintaine still, and did affirme that there should come a ship, and that his diuell had told it him. Item when the Sauages be a hun­gred they consult with Membertous Oracle, and he saith vnto them, Go yee to such a place & you shal finde game. It happeneth sometimes that they finde some, and some­times none. If it chance that none be found, the excuse is, that the beast is wandering and hath changed place: but so it comes to passe, that very often they finde some: And this is it which makes them beleeue that this diuell is a god, and they know none other, to whom notwithstand­ing they yeeld not any seruice nor adoration in any forme of religion.

How the Aoutmoins inuocate the Diuell. When that these Aoutmoins make their mowes and moppes, they fix a staffe in a pit, to which they tie a cord, and putting their head into this pit, they make inuocations or coniurations in a language vnknowen to the others that are about, and this with beatings and howlings, vntill they sweat with very paine: yet I haue not heard that they some at the mouth as the Turkes doe. When this diuell is come, this master Aoutmoin makes them beleeue that he holdeth him tied by his cord, and holdeth fast against him, forcing him to giue him an answer before he let him goe. By this is knowen the subtilty of this enemy of nature, who begui­leth thus these miserable creatures, and his pride withall, in willing that they which doe call vpon him, yeeld vnto him more submission then euer the holy Patriarches and Prophets haue done to God, who haue onely praied with their faces towards the ground. A song to the praise of the Divell.

That done he beginneth to sing some thing (as I thinke) [Page 164] to the praise of the diuell, who hath discouered some game vnto them: and the other Sauages that are there doe an­swer, making some concordance of musicke among them. Then they dance after their maner, as we will heereafter say, with songs which I vnderstand not, neither those of ours that vnderstood their speech best. But one day go­ing to walke in our Medowes along the riuer, I drew neere to Membertous cabine, and did write in my table booke part of that which I vnderstood, which is written there yet in these termes; haloet ho ho hé he ha ha haloet ho ho hé, which they did repeat diuers times. The tune is in my said table booke in these notes: re fa sol sol re sol sol fa fa re re sol sol fa fa. One song being ended, they all made a great ex­clamation, saying E! Then began againe another song, saying: Egrigna hau egrigna he he hu hu ho ho egrigna hau hau hau. The tune of this was, fa fa fa sol sol fa fa re re sol sol fa fa re fa fa sol sol fa. Hauing made the vsuall exclamation they began yet another song which was: Tameia alleluia tameia dou veni hau hau hé hé. The tune whereof was: sol solsolfafarererefafasolfasolfafarere. I attentiuely hark­ned vpon this word alleluia repeated sundry times, and could neuer heare any other thing. Which maketh mee thinke that these songs are to the praises of the diuel, if not­withstanding this word signifie with them that which it signifieth in Hebrew, which is, Praise ye the Lord. All the other Nations of those Countries doe the like: but no bo­dy hath particularily described their songs, sauing Iohn de Leri, who saith that the Brasilians doe make as good agree­ments, in their Sabbaths. And being one day at their so­lemnity he doth report that they said, Hè hè hè hè hè hè hè hè hè hè; with this note: fa fa sol fa fa sol sol sol sol sol. And that done they cried out and howled after a fearefull maner the space of a quarter of an houre, and the women did skip violently in the aire vntill they fomed at the mouth: then began againe their musike, saying: Heu heür aüre heür a heür aüre heüra heura ouech: the note is, fa mi re sol [Page 165] solsolfa mire mire mi vt re. This author saith that in this song, they bewailed their deceassed fathers, which were so valiant, and neuerthelesse they comforted themselues for that after their death, they were assured to goe to them be­hinde the high Mountaines, where they should daunce and be merry with them. Likewise that they had, with all ve­hemency, threatned the Ouetacas their enemies to be in ve­ry short time taken and eaten by them, according as the Caraibes had promised them: and that they had also made mention of the floud spoken of in the former chapter. I leaue vnto them that doe write of Demonomanie to philoso­phize vpon that matter. But moreouer, I must say that whilest our Sauages do sing in that maner before said, there be some others which doe nothing else but say He or Het (like to a man that cleaueth wood) with a certaine motion The daunces of the Saua­ges.of the armes: and daunce in round, not holding one ano­ther, nor moouing out of one place, striking with their feet against the ground, which is the forme of their daunces, like vnto those which the said De Leri reporteth of them of Brasill, which are aboue 1500. leagues from that place. After which things our Sauages make a fire and leap ouer Leuit. 20. ve 2. 3. Deuter. 12. vers. 31. and 18. vers. 10. and 4. of Kin. 17. ves. 17. 31. Psal., as the ancient Cananites, Ammonites, and sometimes the Israelites did: but they are not so detestable, for they doe not sacrifice their Children to the diuell, thorow the fire. Besides all this, they put halfe a pole out of the top of the Cabin where they are, at the end whereof there is some Matachias, or some thing else tied, which the diuell cari­eth away. Thus haue I heard the discourse of their maner of doing in this matter.

S. Iohns bon­fire. There may be heere considered a bad vse to leape ouer the fire, and to make the children to passe thorow the flame in the fire made vpon S. Iohn Baptists day; which Theod. vpon the 16. chap. of the foorth booke of Kings.custome indureth yet to this day among vs, and ought to be reformed. For the same commeth from the ancient ab­ominations that God hath so much hated, whereof The­odoret speaketh in this wise: I haue seene (saith he) in some [Page 166] Townes piles of wood kindled once a yeare, and not onely chil­dren to leape ouer them, but also men, and the mothers bearing their children ouer the flame, which did seeme vnto them to be as an expiation and purification. And this in my iudgement was the sinne of Achaz.

These fashions haue beene forbiddeen by an ancient Can. 65. Synod. 6. in Trullo.Councell holden at Constantinople. Whereupon Balsa­mon doth note that the 23. daie of Iune (which is Saint Iohn Baptist eue) men and women did assemble themselues at the Sea shore and in houses, and the eldest daughter was dressed like a bride, and after they had made good cheare and well drunke, daunces were made, with exclamations and fires all the night, prognosticating of good and bad lucke. These fires haue beene continued among vs, vpon a better subiect. But the abuse must be taken away.

The diuell will be serued as God. Now as the diuell hath alwaies beene willing to play the ape, and to haue a seruice like to that which is giuen to God, so would hee that his officers should haue the marke of their trade, to the end to deceiue the simple people the better. And indeed Membertou, of whom we haue spo­ken, as a learned Aoutmoin, carieth hanged at his necke the marke of this profession, which is a purse trianglewise, couered with their imbrodery worke, that is to say with Matachiaz, within which there is I know not what as bigge as a small nut, which he saith to be his diuell called Aoutem, which they of Canada doe name Cudouagni, as saith Iames Quartier. I will not mingle sacred things with prophane, but according as I haue said that the diuell plai­eth the ape, this maketh me to remember of the Rational or Pectoral of iudgement, which the high Priest did carry be­fore him in the ancient law, on the which Moses had put Ʋrim and Thummim. Now Rabbi Dauid saith that it is not knowen what these Ʋrim and Thummim were, and it see­meth that they were stones. Rabbi Selomoh saith that it was the name of God Iehouah, an in effable name, which he did put within the foldes of the Pectoral, whereby he made [Page 167] his word to shine. Iosephus doth thinke that they were Twelue pretious stones. S. Hierome doth interpret these two words to signifie Doctrine and Truth.

And as the Priestly office was successiue, not onely in the house of Aron, but also in the family of the great Priest of Memphis, whose office was assigned to his eldest sonne af­ter him, as Thyamis saith in the Ethiopian History of Helio­dorus: Euen so among these people this office is successiue; and by tradition they doe teach the secret thereof to their eldest sonnes. For Membertous eldest sonne (who was na­med Iudas, in iest, for which he was angry, vnderstanding it was a bad name) told vs, that after his father, he should be Aoutmoin in that precinct: which is a small matter: for euery Sagamos hath his Aoutmoin, if himselfe be not so, but yet they couet the same, for the profit that commeth thereof.

The Brasilians haue their Caraibes, who trauell thorow the villages, making the people beleeue that they haue communication with spirits, through whose meanes they can, not onely giue them victory against their enemies, but also, that of them depends the fertility or sterility of the ground. They haue commonly a certaine kinde of belles or rattles in their hands, which they call Maraca, made with the fruit of a tree, as bigge as an Estriches egge, which they make hollow, as they doe heere the bottels of the Pilgrims that goe to Saint Iames: And hauing filled Those bot­tles, or ratties are made of Pompions.them with small stones, they make a noise with them, in their solemnities, like the bladders of hogges: and going from towne to towne they beguile the world, telling the people that their diuell is within the same. These Maracas or Rattles wel decked with faire feathers, they sticke in the ground the stafe that is thorow it, and doe place them all along and in the middest of the houses, commanding that meat and drinke be giuen to them. In such wise that these The impo­sture of the Caraibes.cogging mates, making the other poore idiots to beleeue (as the Sacrificers of the idoll Bel did heeretofore, of whom [Page 168] mention is made in the History of Daniel) that those fruits doe eat and drinke in the night: euery housholder giuing credit thereto, doth not faile to set neere these Maracas, meale, flesh, fish, and drinke, which seruice they continue by the space of fifteene daies or three weekes: and during that time they are so foolish as to perswade themselues that in sounding with these Maracas, some spirit speaketh vn­to them, and attribute diuinity vnto them. In such sort that they would esteeme it a great misdeed to take away the meat that is presented before those faire belles, with which meates those reuerend Caraibes doe meerely fatten themselues. And so vnder false pretexts, is the world de­ceiued.

CHAP. 7.
Of their Language.

THe effects of the confusion of Babel are come in as farre as to those people whereof we speake, as well as in the hither world. For I see that the Patagons doe speake another language than them of Brasil, and they otherwise than the Peroüans, and the Peroüans are distinct Sundrie lan­guages.from the Maxicans: the Iles likewise haue their peculiar speech: they speake not in Florida as they doe in Virginia: Our Souriquois and Etechemins vnderstand not the Ar­mouchiquois: nor these the Iroquois: briefely, euery Nation is diuided by the language: yea in one and the selfe same Prouince there is difference in language, euen as in Gallia the Fleming, they of Basse Bretaigne, the Gascon and the Basque doe not agree. For the Authour of the History of Virgnia saith, that there euery Wiroans, or Lord, hath his peculiar speech. Let this be for example, that the chiefe man or Captaine of some precinct (whom our Historians Iames Quartier and Laudonniere, doe call by the name of King) is called in Canada, Agohanna; among the Souriquois, Sagamos; in Virginia, Wiroans; in Florida, Paracussi; In the [Page 169] Iles of Cuba, Cacique: the Kings of Perou, Inguas, and so foorth. I haue left the Armouchiquois and others, which I know not. As for the Brasilians they haue no Kings, but the old ancient men, whom they call Peoreroupichech, be­cause of the experience they haue of things past, are they which doe gouerne, exhort and dispose of all things. The very tongues are changed, as we see, that with vs we haue not the language of the ancient Gaullois, nor that which was in Charolus Magnus time (at least it doth differ very much) the Italians doe speake no more Latin, nor the Gre­cians the ancient Greeke, specially in the sea coasts, nor the Iewes the ancient Hebrew. In like maner Iames Quartier hath left vnto vs a kinde of Dictionary of the language of Canada, wherein our Frenchmen that haunt there, in these daies, vnderstand nothing: and therefore I would not insert it heere: onely I haue there found Caraconi which signifieth bread, and now they say Caracona, which I e­steeme to be a word of Basque. For the satisfaction of some I will set heere some numbers of the ancient and new lan­guage of Canada.

The old. The new.
1 Segada. 1 Begou.
2 Tigeni. 2 Nichou.
3 Ashe. 3 Nichtoa.
4 Homacon. 4 Rau.
5 Oniscon. 5 Apateta.
6 Indaic. 6 Coutouachin.
7 Ayaga. 7 Neouachin.
8 Addegue. 8 Nestouachin.
9. Madellon. 9 Pescoüadet.
10 Assem. 10 Metren.
The Souriquois doe say. The Etechemins.
1 Negous. 1 Bechkon.
2 Tabo. 2 Nich.
3 Chicht. 3 Nach.
[Page 170] 4 Neou. 4 Iau.
5 Nan. 5 Prenchk.
6 Kamachin. 6 Chachit.
7 Eroeguenik. 7 Coutachit.
8 Meguemorchin. 8 Erouiguen.
9 Echkonadek. 9 Pechcoquem.
10 Metren. 10 Peiock.

Conformity of languages. For the conformity of languages, there are sometimes found words in these parts, which doe signifie some thing there, as Iohn de Leri saith, that Leri signifieth an Oister in Brasil: but very few words are found which come in one and the selfesame signification. In Maffeus his Orient all Sagamos doth also signifie a King in the East Indies.History I haue read Sagamos in the same signification as our Souriquois doe take it, to wit, a King, a Duke, a Cap­taine. And they that haue beene in Guinèe say, that this word Babougic signifieth there a little child, or a fawne of a beast, in that sense as the said Souriquois take that word, as this French word Moustache, which commeth of Mi­stax, and that which we say in French boire a tire-larigot, which I construe in English to drinke till ones eies be out, commeth of Larygx Lariggos &c. And the Greeke words Paradeisos, Bosphoros, come from the Hebrew [...] and [...].

The cause of the change of languages. But concerning the cause of the change of the language in Canada, whereof we haue spoken, I thinke that it hath happened by a destruction of people. For it is some eight yeeres▪, since the Iroquois did assemble themselues to the number of 8000. men, and discomfited all their enemies, whom they surprised in their inclosures. To this I adde the trafficke which they make from time to time for their skinnes, since the French men came to fetch them: for in the time of Iames Quartier Beuers were not cared for. The hats that be made of it are in vse but since that time: not that the inuention thereof is new: for in the ancient orders Beuer-hats.of the Hat-makers of Paris, it is said that they shall make [Page 171] hats of fine Beuers (which is the Castor) but whether it be for the dearenesse, or otherwise, the vse thereof hath beene long since left off.

Of the pro­nounciation. As for the Pronounciation, our Souriquois haue the Greeke (ȣ) which we call (v), and their words doe com­monly end in (a) as Souriquois, Souriquoa: Captaine, Ca­pitaina: Normand, Normandia: Basque, Basquoa: vne Martre (a Marten) Martra: a banquet, Tabaguia: &c. But there are certaine letters which they cannot well pro­nounce, that is to say, an (v) consonant, and (f) in stead whereof they put (b) and (p) as for fevre (which is a smith) they will say (pebre.) And for (Sauvago, which signifieth Sauage) they say Chabaia, and so call they themselues, not knowing in what sense we take that word. And yet they pronounce the rest of the French tongue better than our Gascons, who, besides the turning of (v) into (b) and of the (b) into (v,) were yet discerned in the last troubles and badly handled in Prouence, by the pronouncing of In the booke of Iudges ch. 12. vers. 6.the word (Cabre, in stead whereof they did say (Crabe,) as aforetime the Ephraiimtes hauing lost the battel against the Galaadites, thinking to scape away, were well knowen in passing the riuer Iordan, in pronouncing the word Shib­boleth, which signifieth an eare of Corne, in stead whereof they did say Sibboleth, which signifieth the foord of a riuer, asking if they might well passe. The Greekes had also a sundry pronunciation of the selfesame word, because they had foure distinct tongues, varying from the common speech. And in Plautus we read that the Peaenestins not farre distant from Rome did pronounce Konia, in stead of Ciconia. Yea euen at this day the good wiues of Paris doe yet say, mon Courin, for mon Cousin, which is my Co­zen: and mon Mazi, for mon Mari, which signifieth hus­band.

The Sauages haue a parti­cular tongue. Now to returne to our Sauages: although that by reason of trafficke many of our Frenchmen doe vnderstand them, notwithstanding they haue a particular tongue, which is [Page 172] onely knowen to them: which maketh me to doubt of that which I haue said, that the language which was in Canada in the time of Iames Quartier is no more in vse. For to ac­commodate themselues with vs, they speake vnto vs in the language which is to vs more familiar, wherein is much Basque mingled with it: not that they care greatly to speake our languages: for there be some of them which do sometimes say, that they come not to seeke after vs: but by long frequentation they cannot but retaine some word or other.

Their maner of numbe­ring. I will farther say, that concerning the numbers (seeing we haue spoken of it) they doe not recken distinctly as we doe, the daies, the weekes, the moneths, the yeares; but doe declare the yeares by number of summes, as for 100. yeares, they will say Cachmetren achtek, that is to say 100. Sonnes, bitumetrenaguè achtek 1000. Sonnes, that is to say 1000. yeares: metren knichkaminau, tenne Moneths, tabo metren guenak 20. daies. And for to shew an inumera­ble thing, as the people of Paris, they will take their haires or hands full of sand: And after that maner doth the holy Scripture like wise vse sometimes to number, comparing (Hiperbolicalie) armies to the sand that is on the Sea shore. They also signifie the seasons by their effects, as for to make a man to vnderstand that the Sagamos Poutrincourt will come at the spring time, they will say, nibir betour, Sa­gmo (for Sagamos, a word shortned) Poutrincourt betour kedretch; that is to say, the leafe being come, then will the Sagamos Poutrincourt come certainly. Therefore as they haue no distinction neither of daies nor of yeares, so be not they persecuted, by the vngodlinesse of their Creditors, as in these parts: neither doe their Aoutmoins shorten, nor lengthen, the yeares for to gratifie the Brokers and Ban­kers, as did, in ancient time, the Idolatrous Priests of Rome, to whom was attributed the gouernment and disposing of Solin▪ Politi. List. cap. 5.times, ofseasons and of yeares, as Solin writeth.

Of the vse of letters.

Of letters. IT is well knowen that these Westerne Nations haue no vse of letters, and it is that, which all them that haue written of them doe say they haue most admired, to see that by a peece of paper I giue knowledge of my will from one end of the world to the other▪ and they thought that there should be enchantment in this paper. But that is not so much to be wondred at, if we consider that in the time of the Romane Emperours, many Nations of these parts knew not the secrets of letters, amongst whom Taci­tus Dutch men.putteth the Germans (who at this day doe swarme with men of learning) and he addeth a notable sentence, that good maners are in more credit there, then good lawes else­where.

Gaullois. As for our Gaullois, it was not so with them. For euen from the old time of the golden age they had the vse of let­ters, yea (by the leaue of those godly doctours who do call them Barbarous) before the Greekes and Latines. For Xenophon (who speaketh largely of them, and of their be­ginning in his Aequiuoques) doth witnesse vnto vs, that the letters which Cadmus brought to the Greekes were not so much like to the Phaenicien letters, as the Galatees were, that is the Gaullois. Wherein Caesar did Aequiuocate in saying that the Druides did vse of Greeke letters in priuate matters: for contrariwise the Greekes haue vsed of the See heereaf­ter the 17. Chapter. Gaullois letters. And Berose saith that the third King of the Gaullois, after the floud, named Sorron, did institute Vni­uersities in these parts: and Diodorus doth adde that there was in the Gaulles Philosophers and Diuines called Saroni­des (much more ancient then the Druides) which were greatly reuerenced, and vnto whom all the people did o­bey. The same Authours doe say, that Bardus, first King Diodor. lib. [...]. Biblioth.of the Gaullois did inuent both rymes and musike, [Page 174] brought in Poets and Rhethoricians, who were called Bardes, whereof Caesar and Strabo make mention. But the same Diodore writeth, that Poets were among them in such reuerence, that when two armies were ready to strike, ha­uing their swords drawen, and the iauelins in hand to giue the onset, those Poets comming, euery one did surcease and put vp their weapons: so much doth wrath giue place to wisedome, yea among the wildest Barbarians, and so much doth Mars reuerence the Muses, saith the Authour, So I hope that our most Christian, most August, and most victorious king Henry the Fourth, after the thundring of besieging of townes and battels is ceased, reuerencing The Kings eldest Daugh­ter is the Vni­uersity of Pa­ris. Gesnerus in the treaties of Serpents.the Muses, and honoring them, as he hath alreadie done, not onely he will reduce his eldest daughter to her ancient glory, and giue vnto her being a roiall daughter, the pro­prietie of that Basilic, fastened to the temple of Apollo, who, by an hidden vertue, did hinder that the Spiders should weaue their webbe along his walles: But will also establish his New France, and bring to the bosome of the Church so many poore soules which that countrey beareth, al starued for the want of the word of God, who are as a pray vnto hell: And that for to doe this hee will This French zeale should stirre vp the English cou­rage for Vir­ginia.giue meanes to conduct thither, Christian Sarronides and Bardes, bearing the Flower-deluce in their hearts, who will instruct and bring to ciuilitie those barbarous peo­ple, and will bring them to his obedience.

Of their clothing and wearing of their haires.

GOd in the beginning did create man naked, and in­nocent, made all the parts of his body to bee of ho­nest sight. But sin hath made the members of gene­ration to become shamefull vnto vs, and not vnto beasts which haue no sinne. It is the cause why our first parents [Page 175] hauing knowen their nakednesse, destitute of clothes, did Gens. 3.sow figge leaues together for to hide their shame there­with: But God made vnto them coates of skinnes, and clothed them with it; and this before they went out of the gardē of Eden. Clothing then is not only to defend vs from cold, but also for decencie, and to couer our shame. And neuerthelesse many nations haue anciently liued, and at this day doe liue naked, without apprehension of this shame, decencie, and honestie. And I maruell not of the Brasilien Sauages that are such, as well men as women, nor of the ancient Picts (a nation of great Britaine) who (He­rodian saith) had not any vse of clothes, in the time of Se­uerus the Emperour: nor of a great number of other na­tions that haue beene and yet are naked: for one may say of them, that they be people fallen into a reprobate sense, and forsaken of God: But of Christians which are in Aethiopia vnder the great Negus, whom we call Prester-Ihon; Nakednesse of the Aethio­pians.which, by the report of the Portingals that haue wri­ten histories of them, haue not their parts which wee call priuie members, any waies couered. But the Sauages of New France and of Florida, haue better learned and kept in minde the lesson of honestie, than those of Aethiopia. For they couer them with a skinne tied to a latch or gir­dle of leather, which passing between their buttocks, ioin­eth the other end of the said latch behind. And for the rest of their garments, they haue a cloake on their backs, made with many skinnes, whether they be of Otters or of Bea­uers: and one only skin, whether it be of Ellan, or Stagges skinne, Beare, or Luserne, which cloake is tied vpward with a leather riband, and they thrust commonly one arme out, but being in their cabins, they put it off, vn­lesse it be cold: And I cannot better compare it than to pictures that are made of Hercules, who killed a lion and put the skinne thereof on his backe. Notwithstanding they haue more ciuilitie, in that they couer their priuie The Wo­men.members. As for the women, they differ onely in one [Page 176] thing, that is, they haue a girdle ouer the skin they haue on: and doe resemble (without comparison) the pictures that be made of Saint Iohn Baptist. But in Winter they make good Beuer sleeues, tied behind, which keepe them very warme. And after this maner were the ancient Ger­mans clothed, by the report of Caesar and Tacitus, hauing the most part of the body naked.

As for the Armouchiquois and Floridians they haue no furres, but onely shamois: yea the said Armouchiquois haue very often but a peece of matte vpon their backe, for fashions sake, hauing neuerthelesse their priuie mem­bers Gods proui­dence.couered. God hauing so wisely prouided for mans infirmitie, that in cold countries he hath giuen furres, and not in the hot, because that otherwise men would make no esteeme of them. And so for that which concerneth the body. Let vs come to the legges and feet, then we will end with the head.

Of Hosing. Our Sauages in the Winter, going to sea, or a hunting, doe vse great and high stockings, like to our boote-hosen, which they tie to their girdles, and at the sides outward, there is a great number of points without tagges. I doe not see that they of Brasil or Florida, doe vse of them, but see­ing they haue leather, they may as well make of them, if they haue need as the others. Besides these long stock­ings, Shooing.our Sauages doe vse shooes, which they call Me­kezin, which they fashion very properly, but they can­not dure long, specially when they goe into watrie pla­ces, because they be not curried, nor hardened, but onely made after the maner of Buffe, which is the hide of an Ellan. Howsoeuer it be, yet are they in better order then The Gottes clothing.were the ancient Gottes, which were not throughly ho­sed, but with buskins or halfe bootes, which came some­what higher than the anckle of the foote, where they made a knot, which they bound with horse haires, ha­uing the calfe of the legge, the knees and thighes naked. And for the rest of their garments they had leather [Page 177] coates pleated: as greasie as Lard, and the sleeues downe to the beginning of the arme. And on those Ierkins in stead of gold lace, they made red borders, as our Sauages doe. Behold the state of those that ransacked the Romane Empire, whom Sidonius Apollinaris Bishop of Auuergne, Sidon. Ca [...]m. 7. & [...]p. 20. lib. 4.doth describe after this maner, going to the Councell of Auitus the Emperour, for to treat of peace:

—Squalent vestes, acsordidamacro
Linteapinguescunt tergo, nec tangere possunt
Altatae suram pelles, ac poplite nudo
Peronem pauper nudis suspendit equinum, &c.

The Sauages head-attire. As for the head attire, none of the Sauages haue any, vnlesse it bee that some of the hether lands trucke his skinnes with Frenchmen for Hattes and Cappes: but ra­ther both men and women weare their haires flittring o­uer their shoulders, neither bound nor tied, except that the men doe trusse them vpon the crowne of the head, some foure fingers length, with a leather lace: which they let hang downe behinde. But for the Armouchiquois & Flo­ridians, as well men as women, they haue their haires much longer, and they hang them downe lower than the girdle when they are vntrussed: for to auoide then the hin­drance that they might bring to them, they trusse them vp as our horse-keepers doe a horses taile, and the men doe sticke in them some feather that like them, and the women a needle or bodkin with three points after the fashion of The Sauage Women weare Bod­kins.the french Ladies, who also weare their needles or bodkins that serue them partly for an ornament of the head. All the ancient had this custome to goe bareheaded, and the vse of hats is but lately come in. The faire Absalon was 2. Sam. 18. vers. 9.hanged by his haires at an Oake, after he had lost the bat­tell against his fathers army, and they did neuer couer their heads in those daies, but when they did mourne for some misfortune, as may be noted by the example of Da­uid, who hauing vnderstood his sonnes conspiracy fled Ibid▪ 15. ver. 30.from Ierusalem, and went vp the Mountaine of Oliues [Page 178] Ester. 6. vers. 12. weeping and hauing his head couered, and all the people that was with him. The Persians did the like, as may be gathered by the Historie of Aman, who being comman­ded to honour him whom he would haue to be hanged, to wit Mardochee, went home to his house weeping, and his head couered, which was a thing extraordinary. The Ro­mans at their beginning did the like, as I gather by the words which did command the hangman to doe his office, recited by Cicero and Titus Liuius in these termes: Vade lictor, colliga manus, caput obnubito, arbori infelici suspendito. And if we will come to our Westerly and Northerly peo­ple, we shall finde that the most part did were long haires, like vnto them that we call Sauages. That cannot be deni­ed of the Trans-Alpin Gaullois, who for that occasion gaue the name to Gallia Comata; whereof Martiall speaking saith;

—Mollesque Flagellant Colla comae.

Our French Kings haue beene surnamed hairy, because they did weare their haires so long that they did beat downe to the backe and the shoulders, so that Gregory of Tours speaking of King Clouis haires, he calleth it Capil­lorum Flagella. The Gothes did the like, and left to hang ouer their shoulders great flockes of haires curled, which the authours of that time doe call granos, which fashion of Concil. Bracca­rens. 1. Can. 29.haires was forbidden to Priests, also the secular apparell, in a Councell of the Gothes: and Iornandes in the History of the Gothes reciteth that King Atalaric would that the Priests should were the Thiare, or hat, making two sorts of people, some whom he called Pileatos, the others Capillatos, which these tooke for so great a fauour to be called hairy, that they made mention of this benefit in their songs: and notwithstanding they braided not their haires. But I finde by the testimony of Tacitus that the Sueuians a Nation of Germany did wreath, knit, and tie their haires on the crowne of their heads, euen as we haue said of the Souri­quois and Armouchiquois. In one thing the Armouchiquois [Page 179] doe differ from the Souriquois and other Sauages of New-found-land, which is, that they pull out their haires before, which the others doe not. Contrary to whom, Pliny reci­teth Plin. 6 booke chap. 13.that at the descent of the Ripheen Mountaines ancient­ly was the region of the Arimpheons, whom we now call Muscouites, who dwelt in forests, but they were all sha­uen as well men as women, and tooke it for a shamefull thing to weare any haires. So we see that one selfe same fashion of liuing is receiued in one place and reiected in a­nother. Which is familiarily euident vnto vs in many o­ther things in our regions of these parts, where we see ma­ners and fashions of liuing, all contrary, yea sometimes vn­der one and the same Prince.

Of the forme, colour, stature, and actiuity of the Sauages: and incidently of the flies in those Westerne parts: and why the Americans be not blacke, &c.

AMongst all the formes of liuing and bodily crea­tures, that of man is the fairest and the most per­fect. Which was very decent, both to the creature and to the Creator, seeing that man is placed in this world to command all that is heere beneath. But although that Nature indeuoureth herselfe alwaies to doe good, not­withstanding shee is sometimes short and forced in her actions, and thereof it commeth that we haue monsters and vgly things, contrary to the ordinary rule of others. Yea euen sometimes after that nature hath done her office, we helpe by our artes to render that which she hath made, rediculous and misshapen: As for example, the Brasilians are borne as faire as the common sort of men, but comming out of the wombe, they are made deformed in squizing of their nose, which is the chiefest part wherein consisteth the beauty of man. True it is that as in certaine Countries [Page 180] The Brasili­ans be short nosed. they praise the long noses, in others the hawke noses, so a­mong the Brasilians it is a faire thing to be flat nosed, as al­so among the Moores of Africa, which we see to be all of the same sort. And with these large nostrils, the Brasilians are accustomed to make themselues yet more deformed by Art, making great holes in their cheekes, and vnder the lower lippe, for to put therein greene stones and of other colours, of the bignesse of a tester: so that those stones be­ing taken away, it is a hideous thing to see those people. But in Florida, and euery where, on this side the Tropique of Cancer, our Sauages be generally goodly men, as they be in Europe: if there be any short nosed one it is a rare thing. They be of a good stature, and I haue seene no dwarffes there, nor any that drew neere to it. Notwith­standing (as I haue said elsewhere) in the Mountaines of the Iroquois, which are beyond the great fall of the great riuer of Canada, there is a certaine Nation of Sauages, little men, valiant and feared euery where, which are more often as­sailers than defenders. But although that where we dwelt the men be of a good height, neuerthelesse I haue seen none so tall as Monsieur De Poutrincourt, whose talenesse be­commeth him very well. I will not speake heere of the Patagons, a people which is beyond the riuer of Plate, whom Pighafetta in his voyage about the world, saith to be of such an height, that the talest among vs could scarse reach to their girdle. The same is out of the limits of our New France. But I will willingly come to the other cir­cumstances of body of our Sauages, seeing the subiect cal­leth vs thereunto.

They are all of an Oliue colour, or rather tawny colour, like to the Spaniards, not that they be so borne, but being the most part of the time naked, they grease their bodies, The colour of the Saua­ges. The importu­nity of flies.and doe anoint them sometimes with oile, for to defend them from the flies, which are very troublesome, not onely, where we were, but also thorow all that new world and euen in Brasil, so that it is no wonder if Belzebub [Page 181] prince of flies hath there a great Empire. These flies are The discripti­on of the flies of New France.of a colour drawing towards red, as of corrupted bloud, which maketh me to beleeue that their generation com­meth but from the rottennesse of woods. And indeed we haue tried that the second yeare, being in a place somwhat more open, wee haue had fewer of them than at the first. They cannot endure great heat, nor winde: but other­wise (as in close darke weather) they are very noysome, by reason of their stings, which they haue, long for so small a body: & they be so tender that if one touch them neuer so little they are squised. They begin to come about the 15. When the flies come in and when they goe out.of Iune, and doe retire themselues in the beginning of Sep­tember. Being in the Port De Campseau in the moneth of August I haue not seene nor felt any one; whereof I did wonder, seeing that the nature of the soile and of the woods is all one. In September, after that this vermine is gone away, there grow other flies like vnto ours, but they are not troublesome, and become very bigge. Now our Sa­uages The Sauages remodies a­gainst the saue themselues from the stinging of these crea­tures, rubbe themselues with certaine greases and oiles, as I haue said, which make them foule and of a tawnish colour. Besides that alwaies they lie on the ground, or be exposed to the heat and the wind.

But there is cause of wondering, wherefore the Brasili­ans, and other inhabitants of America betweene the two Tropikes, are not borne blacke as they of Africa, seeing that it seemeth it is the selfesame case, being vnder one and the selfesame parallell and like eleuation of the Sunne. If the Poets fables were sufficient reasons for to take away this scruple, one might say that Phaeton hauing done the foo­lish deed in conducting the Charet of the Sunne, onely Africa was burned, and the horses set againe in their right course, before they came to the New world. But I had ra­ther From whence commeth the burning of Africa.say, that the heat of Lybia, being the cause of this blacknesse of men, is ingendred from the great lands ouer which the Sunne passeth before it come thither, from [Page 182] whence the heat is still carried more abundantly by the swift motion of this great Heauenly torch. Whereunto the great sands of that Prouince doe also helpe, which are very capable of those heates, specially not being watered Frō whence proceedeth the cooling of America.with store of riuers, as America is, which aboundeth in ri­uers and brookes as much as any Prouince in the World: which doe giue perpetuall refreshing vnto it, and makes the region much more temperate: the ground being also there more fat, and retaining better the dewes of Heauen, which are there abundantly, and raines also, for the rea­sons abuesaid. For the Sunne finding in the meeting of these lands those great moistnesses, he doth not faile to draw a good quantitie of them, and that so much the more plentifully, that his force is there great and maruel­lous: which makes there continuall raines, especially to them that haue him for their zenith. I adde one great rea­son, that the Sunne leauing the lands of Africa, giueth his beames vpon a moist element by so long a course, that he hath good meanes to sucke vp vapors, and to draw toge­ther with him great quantitie thereof into those parts: which maketh that the cause is much differing of the co­lour of these two people, and of the temperature of their lands.

Black haires. Let vs come to other circumstances, and seeing that we are about colours, I will say, that all they which I haue seene haue blacke haires, some excepted which haue a­bram colour haires: but of flaxen colour I haue seene none, and lesse of red: and one must not thinke that they which are more Southerly be otherwise: for the Floridi­ans and Brasilians are yet blacker than the Sauages of New found land. The beard of the chinne (which our Sauages call migidoni) is with them as blacke as their haires. They all take away the producing cause thereof, except the Sa­gamos, who for the most part haue but a little. Membertou hath more than all the others, and notwithstanding it is not thicke, as it is commonly with Frenchmen. If these [Page 183] people weare no beards on their chinne (at the least the most part) there is no cause of maruelling. For the ancient Romans themselues, esteeming that that was a hinderance vnto them, did weare none, vntill the time of Adrian the Emperour, who first began to weare a beard. Which they tooke for such an honour, that a man accused of any crime, had not that priuiledge to shaue his haires, as may be gathered by the testimonie of Aulus Gellius, speaking A. Gel. li. 3 c. 4.of Scipio, the sonne of Paul. As for the inferiour parts, our Sauages doe not hinder the growing or increasing of haires there. It is said that the women haue some there al­so. And according as they be curious, some of our men haue made them beleeue, that the French women haue beards on their chinnes, and haue left them in that good opinion, so that they were very desirious to see some of them, & their maner of clothing. By these particularities one may vnderstand, that all these people haue generally lesser haires than we: for along the body they haue none at all: so farre is it then that they be hairie as some thinke. This belongeth to the inhabitants of the Iles Gorgades, from whence Hanno the Carthaginien captaine brought two womens skinnes, which he did set vp in the temple of Iuno for great singularitie: But heere is to bee noted what we haue said, that our sauage people haue almost all their haires blacke: for the Frenchmen in one and the selfesame degree are not commonly so. The ancient au­thors The corpo­rall qualities of the anci­ent Gaullois. Polybius, Caesar, Strabo, Diadore the Cicilian, and particularly Ammian Marcellin, doe say, that the anci­ent Gaullois had almost all their haires as yellow as gold, were of high stature, and fearefull for their gastly lookes: besides quarelsome and readie to strike: a fearefull voice, neuer speaking but in threatning. At this time those qua­lities are well changed. For there are not now so many yellow haires: nor so many men of high stature, but that other nations haue as tall: As for the fearefull lookes, the delicacies of this time haue moderated that: and as for [Page 184] the threatning voice, I haue scarse seene in all the Gaules but the Gascons, and them of Languedoc, which haue their maner of speech some what rude, which they retaine of the Gotish and of the Spaniard, by their neighbour­hood. But as for the haires it is very farre from being so commonly blacke. The same author Ammian saith also, that the women of the Gaules (whom he noted to be good shrewes, and to bee too hard for their husbands, when they are in choler) haue blue eies: and consequently the men: and notwithstanding in that respect wee are much mingled: which maketh that one knoweth not what The beauty of the eies.rarenesse to chuse for the beautie of eies. For many doe loue the blue eies, and others loue them greene: which were also in ancient time most praised. For among the Sonnets of Monsieur de Couci, (who was in old time so great a clerke in loue matters, that songs were made of it) greene eies are praised.

The Germans haue kept better than we the qualities which Tacitus giueth them, likewise that which Ammian reciteth of the Gaullois: In so great a number of men (saith Tacitus) there is but one fashion of garments: They haue blue eies and fearefull, their haires shining as gold, and are very corpulent. Pliny giueth the same bodily qualities to the people of the Taprobane, saying that they haue redde haires, their eies blue, and the voice horrible and feare­full. Wherein I know not if I ought to beleeue him, con­sidering the climate, which is in the 8, 9. and 10. degrees onely, and that in the kingdome of Calecute, farther off than the Aequinoctial line, the men are blacke. But as for our Sauages, concerning their eies, they haue them neither blue nor greene, but blacke for the most part, like to their haires: and neuerthelesse their eies are not small, as they of the ancient Scythians, but of a decent greatnesse. And I may say assuredly and truely, that I haue seene there as faire boies and girles, as any can be in France. For as for the mouth, they haue no bigge moorish lippes, as in Afri­ca, [Page 185] and also in Spaine; they are well limmed, well boned, and well bodied, competently strong: and neuerthelesse we had many in our company who might haue wrestled well enough with the strongest of them: but being hard­ned, there would be made of them very good men for the warre, which is that wherein they most delight. Moreo­uer, Monstrous bodies. Plin. 6. booke, cap. 31.among them there is none of those prodigious men whereof Pliny maketh mention, which haue no noses in their faces, or no lips, or no tong: Item, which are without mouth, & without nose, hauing but two small holes, wher­of one of them serueth for to breath, the other serueth in stead of a mouth: Item, which haue dogges heads, and a dogge for king: Item, which haue their heads on the brest, or one onely eie in the middest of the forehead, or a flat broad foot to couer their heads when it raineth, and such like monsters. There is none also of them which our Sauage Agohanna told captaine Iames Quartier that hee In this au­thor his se­cond booke, chap. 25.had seene in Saguenay, whereof we haue spoken heereto­fore. If there be any blinde with one eie, or lame (as it hapneth sometimes) it is a casuall thing, and commeth of hunting.

Being well composed, they cannot chuse but be nim­ble and swift in running. We haue spoken heeretofore of the nimblenesse of the Brasilians, Margaias and Ou-etacas: Nimblenesse of bodie, lib. 1. cap. 25.but all nations haue not those bodily dispositions. They which liue in mountains haue more dexteritie than they of the vallies, because they breath a purer and cleerer aire, and that their food is better. In the vallies the aire is gros­ser, and the lands fatter, and consequently vnholesommer. The nations that be between the Tropikes, haue also more agilitie than the others, participating more with the firie nature than they that are farther off. This is the cause why Pliny speaking of the Gorgones and Iles Gorgonides (which Gorgones.are those of Cap Ʋerd) saith, that the men are there so light of foote, that scarse one may follow them by the eye­sight, [Page 186] in such maner, that Hanno the Carthaginian could not catch any one of them. He maketh the like relation of the Troglodytes, a nation of Guinee, whom hee saith are called Therothoens, because they are as swift in hunting vpon the land, as the Ichthyophages are prompt in swim­ing in the sea, who almost are as seldome wearie therein as a fish. And Maffeus in his Histories of the Indies re­porteth, that the Naires (so the nobles and warriours are called) of the kingdome of Malabaris, are so nimble and so swift, as it is almost incredible, and doe handle so well their bodies at will, that they seeme to haue no bones, in such sort, that it is hard to come to skirmish against such men, forasmuch as with this agilitie, they aduance and re­coile as they list. But for to make themselues such, they helpe nature, and their sinewes are stretched out euen Sesame a kind of corne, Pli­ni. li. 18. ca. 10.from seuen yeeres of age, which afterward are anointed and rubbed with oile of Sesamum. That which I say, is knowen euen in beasts: for a Spanish Genet or a Barbe is more liuely and light in running, than a Roossin or Ger­main Curtall; an Italian horse more than a French horse. Now although that which I haue said be true, yet for all that there be nations out of the Tropikes, who by exer­cise Hazael. 2. Samuel 2.and Art come to such agilitie. For the holy Scripture maketh mention of one Hazael an Israelite, of whom it witnesseth, that he was as light of foot as a Roe bucke of the fields. And for to come to the people of the North, the Heruli are renouned for being swift in runing, by this verse of Sidonius:

Cursu Herulus, iaculis Hunnus, Francusque natatu. And by this swiftnesse the Germans sometimes troubled very much Iulius Caesar. So our Armouchiquois are as swift as grey hounds, as we haue said heertofore, and the other Sauages are little inferior vnto them, and yet they do not force nature, neither doe they vse any Art to run well. But as the ancient Gaulois, being addicted to hunting (for [Page 187] it is their life) and to warre, their bodies are nimble, and so little charged with fatte, that it doth not hinder them from running at their will.

Their dexte­ritie in swim­ing. Now the Sauages dexteritie is not knowen onely by running, but also in swimming; which they all can doe: but it seemes, that some more than others. As for the Bra­silians they are so naturall in that trade, that they would swimme eight daies in the sea, if hunger did not presse them, and they feare more that some fish should deuoure them, than to perish through wearinesse. The like is in Florida, where the men will follow a fish in the sea, and will take it vnlesse it be too bigge. Ioseph Acosta saith so much of them of Peru. And as for that which concern­eth breathing, they haue a certaine Art to suppe vp the water, and to cast it out againe, by which meanes they will remaine easily in it a long time. The women likewise haue a maruellous disposition to that exercise: for the Hi­story of Florida maketh mention that they can passe great riuers in swimming, holding their children with one arme: and they climbe very nimbly vp the highest trees of the countrey. I will affirme nothing of the Armouchi­quois, nor of our Sauages, because I tooke no heed to it: but it is very certaine that all can swim very cunningly. For the other parts of their bodies they haue them verie perfect, as likewise the naturall senses. For Membertou (who is aboue an hundred yeeres old) did see sooner a shaloupe or a Canow of the Sauages, to come afarre off vnto Port Royall, than any of vs: and it is said of the Bra­silians and other Sauages of Peru hidden in the moun­taines, that they haue the smelling so good, that in smel­ling of the hand, they know if a man be a Spaniard or a French man: And if he be a Spaniard, they kill him with­out remission, so much doe they hate him for the harmes that they haue receiued of them. Which the abouesaid Acosta doth confesse when he speaketh of leauing the In­dians Acosta. lib. 6. cap. liue according to their ancient policie, reprouing [Page 188] the Spaniards in that. And therefore (saith he) this is a thing preiudiciall vnto vs, because that they take occa­sion to abhor vs (note that he speaketh of them who doe obey them) as men who in all things, whether it be in good, whether it be in euill, haue alwaies beene, and still are, contrary vnto them.

Of the Paintings, Markes, Incisions, and Ornaments of their body.

IT is no maruell if the Ladies of our time do paint them­selues: for of a long time and in many places that trade hath had beginning. But it is reprooued in the holy bookes, and made a reproach by the voices of the Pro­phets, as when Ieremy threatneth the Citie of Ierusalem: Ierem. 4. vers. 30. When thou shalt be destroied (saith he) what wilt thou doe? though thou clothest thy selfe with skarlet, though thou deck­est thy selfe with Ornaments of gold, though thou paintest thy face with colours, yet shalt thou trim thy selfe in vaine: for thy louers will abhor thee, and seeke thy life. The Prophet Ezech. 23. vers. 40. Ezechiel maketh the like reproach to the Cities of Ierusa­lem and Samaria, which he compareth to two leaud har­lots, who hauing sent to seeke out men comming from far, and being come, they haue washed themselues, and painted their faces, and haue put on their faire ornaments. The 4. Kings. 9. vers. 30. Plin. lib. 33. cap. 7.Queene Iesabel doing the same, was for all that cast downe out of a window, and bare the punishment of her wicked life. The Romans did anciently paint their bodies with vermillion (as Pliny saith) when they entred in triumph into Rome, and he addeth, that the Princes & great Lords of Ethiopia made great account of that colour, wherewith they wholly painted themselues red: also both the one and the other did serue themselues therewith to make their god fairer: And that the first expence which was allowed of by the Censors and Masters of Accounts in Rome was [Page 189] of the monies bestowed for to colour with vermilion the face of Iupiter. The same author reciteth in another place, Plin. lib. 6. cap. 30.that the Anderes, Mathites, Mosagebes and Hipporeens, people of Libya, did plaister all their bodies ouer with red chaulke. Briefely, this fashion did passe as farre as to the North. And thereof is come the name that was giuen to the Picts, an ancient people of Scythia, neighbours to the Gothes, who in the yeare 87. after the Natiuity of our Lord Iesus Christ, vnder the Empire of Domitian made courses and spoiles thorow the Iles which lie North ward, where hauing found men who made them resistance, they retur­ned backe without doing any thing, and liued yet naked in their cold Countrie vntill the yeare of our Lord 370. At which time vnder the Empire of Valentinian being ioy­ned Ammian lib. 26. & 27.with the Saxons and Scots they tormented very much them of Great Britan, as Ammian Marcellin reciteth: and being resolued to remaine there (as they did) they deman­ded of the Britons (which now are Englishmen) wiues in marriage. Whereupon being denied, they retired them­selues to the Scots, of whom they were furnished, vpon condition that the masculine race of the Kings comming to faile among them, that then the women should succeed in the Realme. Now these people were called Picts, be­cause of the paintings which they vsed vpon their naked bodies, which (saith Herodian) they would not couer with Herod. 3. booke.any clothing for feare to hide and darken the faire painting they had set vpon it, where were set out beasts of all sorts, and printed with Iron instruments, in such sort that it was vnpossible to take them off. Which they did (as Solin saith) euen from their infancy: in maner that as the child did grow, so did grow those fixed figures, euen as the markes that are graued vpon the yong pompions. The Poet Claudian doth also giue vs many witnesses of this in his Panegyriques, as when he speaketh of the Emperour Hono­rius his Grand-father:

Ille Leues Mauros, nec falso nomine Pictos
[Page 190] Edomuit—And in the Gothicke warre
—Ferroque not at as
Perlegit exanimes Picto moriente figur as.

This hath beene noted by Monsieur de Belleforest, and afterward by the learned Sauaron vpon the obseruation that Sidoine de Polignac maketh thereof. And albeit that our Celtique Poitevins, called by the Latines Pictones, be not descended from the race of those (for they were anci­ent Gaullois euen in Iulius Caesars time) neuerthelesse I may well beleeue that this name hath beene giuen them for the same occasion as that of the Picts. And as customes once brought in among a people are not lost but by the length of many ages (as we see yet the follies of Shroue-Tuesday to continue) so the vses of painting, whereof we haue spo­ken remaineth in some Northerly Nations. For I haue heard sometimes Monsieur Le Comte D'Egmond tell, that he hath seene in his yong yeares them of Brunzwich come in­to his fathers house with their faces greased with painting, and their visage all blacked, from whence peraduenture this word of Bronzer may be deriued, which signifieth in Picardy to blacke. And generally I beleeue that all those Northerly people did vse painting, when they would make themselues braue. For the Gelons and Agathyrses, Nati­ons of Scythia like the Picts, were of this fraternity, and with Iron instruments did colour their bodies. The Eng­lishmen Tertul. de ve­land. virgin. Iornandes de bello Got. Isidor. lib. 16. cap. 23.likewise, then called Britons, by the saying of Tertullian. The Gothes, besides the Iron instruments, did vse vermillion to make their faces and bodies red. Briefely, it was a sport in the old time to see so many Antikes, men and women: for there are found yet old Pictures, which he that hath made the History of the Englishmens voyage into Virginia hath cut in brasse, where the Picts of both sex are painted out, with their fair incisions, and swords hang­ing vpon the naked flesh, as Herodian describeth them.

The West Indians. This humour of painting hauing beene so generall in these parts, there is no cause of mocking, if the people of [Page 191] the West Indies haue done, and yet do the like: which is vniuersall & without exception among those nations. For if any one of them maketh loue, he shall be painted with blue or red colour, and his Mistres also. If they haue veni­son in abundance, or be glad for any thing, they will doe the like generally. But when that they are sadde, or plot some treason, then they ouercast all their face with blacke, and are hideously deformed. Touching the body, our Sa­uages apply no painting to it, which the Brasilians and Floridians doe, the most part whereof are painted ouer the bodie, the armes and thighes with faire branches, whose painting can neuer be taken away, because they are prick­ed within the flesh. Notwithstanding many Brasilians doe paint onely their bodies (without incision) when they list: and this with the iuice of a certaine fruit which they call Genipat, which doth blacke so much, that though they wash themselues, they cannot bee cleane in ten or twelue daies after. They of Ʋirginia, which are more of this side, Virginia.haue markes vpon their backs, like to those that our mar­chants doe put vpon their packs, by the which (euen as the slaues) one may know vnder what Lord they liue: which is a faire forme of gouernment for this people: see­ing that the ancient Roman Emperors haue vsed the like towards their souldiers, which were marked with the Imperiall marke, as Saint Augustine, Saint Ambrose, and Aug. contra Parmen. lib. 2. cap. 13. Ambros. in the funerall ora­tion of Va­lentin.others doe witnesse vnto vs. Which thing Constantine the Great did likewise, but his marke was the signe of the Crosse, which he made to be printed vpon the shoulders of his souldiers, as himselfe saith in an Epistle which hee wrote to the king of Persia, reported by Theodoret in the Ecclesiasticall historie. And the first Christians, as march­ing vnder the banner of Iesus Christ, did take the same marke, which they printed in their hand, or on the arme, to the end to know one another, specially in time of perse­cution, as Procopius saith, expounding this place of Isaiah: One will say, I am the Lords, and the other will call Isai. 44 5. [Page 192] himselfe with the name of Iacob: and the other will write with his hand, I am the Lords, and will surname himselfe with the Galat. 6. name of Israel. The great Apostle S. Paul did beare the marks of the Lord Iesus Christ in his flesh, but it was yet after another maner, that is to say, by the bruses, which he had on his body of the stripes that he had receaued for his name. And the Hebrewes had for marke the Circumci­sion of the foreskinne, by the which they are sequestred from other nations, and knowen for Gods people. But as for other bodily incisions, such as anciently the Picts did make, and the Sauages doe yet make at this day, they haue beene anciently very expresly forbidden in the Law of Leu. 19. 28. Deut. 14. 1.God giuen to Moses. For it is not lawfull for vs to disfi­gure the image and the forme that God hath giuen vnto vs. Yea the pictures and paintings haue beene blamed and reprooued by the Prophets, as wee haue noted else­where. And Tertullian saith, that the Angels which haue discouered and taught vnto men their paintings and coun­terfetted things, haue beene condemned of God: allea­ging for profe of his saying, the booke of Enochs prophe­cie. By these things aboue recited, wee know that this hether world hath anciently been as much deformed and sauage as they of the West Indies: but that which seem­eth vnto mee most woorthie of wondering, is the naked­nesse of those people in a cold countrie, wherein they delight, euen to harden their children in the snow, in the riuer, and among the Ice, as we touched heeretofore in an other chapter, speaking of the Cimbres and French-men. Which also hath beene their chiefest strength in the conquests that they haue made.

Of their outward ornaments of the body, bracelets, Carkenets, Eare-rings, &c.

WE that doe liue in these parts vnder the autho­ritie of our Princes, and ciuilised common­wealths, haue two great tyrants of our life, to whom the people of the New world haue not beene yet subiected, the excesses of the belly, and the ornament of body, and briefly all that which belongeth to brauerie, which if we should cast off, it would be a meane to recall the golden age, and to take away the calamitie which we see in most part of men. For hee which possesseth much, making small expence, would be liberall, & would succour the needie, whereunto he is hindred, willing not onely to maintaine, but also to augment his traine, and to make shew of himselfe, very often at the costs of the poore Psal. 14. ver. 4. and 53. vers. 5.people, whose bloud hee sucketh, Qui devorant plebem meam sicut escam panis, saith the Psalmist. I leaue that which belongeth to food, not being my purpose to speake Plin. lib. 33. cap. 11.of it in this Chapter. I leaue also the excesses which consi­steth in houshold implements, sending the reader backe to Pliny, who hath spoken amply of the Roman pompes and superfluitie, as of vessels after the Furvienne and Clo­dienne fashion, of bed-steades after the Deliaque fashion, and of tables all wrought with gold and siluer imbossed; where also he setteth out a slaue Drusillanus Rotundus, who being Treasurer of the higher Spaine, caused a forge to be made for to worke a peece of Siluer-plate of fiue quintals weight, accompanied with eight other, all weighing halfe Matuchias be bracelets, carkenets, and other iollities.a quintall. I will onely speake of the Matachias of our Sa­uages, and say, that if we did content our selues with their simplicity we should auoid many troubles that we put our selues vnto to haue superfluities, without which we might liue contentedly (because Nature is satisfied with little) and [Page 194] the coueting whereof makes vs very often to decline from the right way, and to stray from the path of iustice. The excesses of men doe consist the most part in things which I haue said I will omit, which notwithstanding I will not leaue vntouched, if it come to purpose. But Ladies haue alwaies had this reputation, to loue excesses in that which The first booke Padag. cap. 10.concerneth the decking of their bodies: And all the Mo­ralists who haue made profession to represse vices haue mentioned them, wherethey haue found a large subiect to speake of. Clement Alexandrine making a long nume­ration of womens trinckets (which he hath the most part taken out of the Prophet Isaiah) saith in the end, that he is weary to speake so much of it, and that he maruelleth that they are not killed with so great a weight.

Let vs take them then by those parts wherein they be Tert. in the booke of wo­mens orna­ments.complained of. Tertullian maruelleth of the audacious­nesse of man, which setteth himselfe against the word of our Sauiour, which said: that it is not in vs to adde any thing to the measure or height that God hath giuen vnto vs: and not­withstanding A lesson for the women of our time. Ladies endeuour themselues to doe to the contra­ry, adding vpon their heads cages made of haires, fashioned like to loaues of bread, to hats, to panniers, or to the hollownesse of scutchions. If they be not ashamed with this superfluous enor­mity, at least (saith he) let them be a shamed of the filth which they beare: and not to couer a holy and a Christian head with the leauings of another head, per aduenture vncleane, or guilty of some crime, and ordained to a shamefull death. And in the same place, speaking of them which do colour their haires: That is called Crecuphantia. I see some (saith he) who doe change the colour of their haires with saffron. They are ashamed of their Countrie, and would be Gauloise women, or German women, so much doe they dis­guise S. Cypr. in the booke of the virgins clo­thing. S. Hierom. Epi. to Lata. themselues. Whereby is knowen how much red haires were esteemed in the old time. And indeed the holy Scripture praiseth that of Dauid, which was such. But to seeke it out by art, S. Cyprian and S. Hierome, with our Tertullian doe say, that the same doth presage the fire of [Page 195] hell. Now our Sauages, in that which consisteth in the bor­rowing of haires, are not reprouable: for their vanity stretcheth not so farre: but for the colouring of them, for as much as when they are merry, and paint their faces, be it with blue or with red, they paint also their haires with the same colour.

Now let vs come to the eares, to the necke, to the armes and to the hands, and there we shall finde wherewith to busie our selues: these are parts where iewels are easily seene: which Ladies haue learned very well to obserue. The first men which haue had piety in them haue made conscience to offer any violence to Nature, and to pierce the eares for to hang any precious thing at it: for none is Lord of his owne members to abuse them, so saith the Ci­uilian Ʋlpian. And therefore when the seruant of Abra­ham Gens. 24. ver. 22.went into Mesopotamia for to finde out a wife for Isa­ac, and had met with Rebecca, he put vpon her forehead a iewell of gold hanging downe betweene her eies, and also bracelets of gold vpon her hands: for which reason it is said in the Prouerbs, that A faire woman which lacketh dis­cretion Prou. 11. ver. 22. is like a golden ring in a swines snout. But men haue taken more licence than they ought, and haue defaced the workmanship of God in them, to please their owne fancies. Wherein I doe not wonder at the Brasilians) of whom we will heereafter speake) but of ciuilised people, which haue called other nations barbarous, but much more of the Christians of this age. When Seneca did complaine Senec. 7. of be­nefits.of that which was in his time; The follie of women (saith he) had not made men subiect enough, but it hath beene yet behoue­full to hang two or three patrimonies at their eares. But what patrimonies? They carry (saith Tertullian) Ilands and Farme-houses vpon their neckes, and great registers in their eares containing the reuenues of a great rich man, and euery finger of the left hand hath a patrimony to play withall. Final­ly, he cannot compare them better than to condemned men that are in the Caues of Ethiopia, which the more they are [Page 196] culpable, so much the richer are they, because that the fet­ters and bolts, wherewith they are tied, are of gold. But he exhorteth the Christian women not to be such, ‘for as Plin. lib. 9. cap. 35.much as those things are certaine markes of lasciuiousnes, which doe belong to those mischieuous oblations of pub­like vnchastity. Pliny, albeit he was an heathen, doth no lesse abhor those excesses. For our Ladies (saith he) for to be braue doe beare hanging at their fingers those great pearles which are called Elenchus, in fashion of pearles, & haue two of them, yea three at their eares. Yea they haue inuented names to serue themselues therewith in their cur­sed and troublesome superfluities. For they call Belles, them which they carry in number at their eares, as if they did take pleasure to heare pearles gingling at their eares. And that which▪is more, the huswifly women, yea the poore women also, decke themselues therewith; saying, that a woman ought to goe as seldome without pearles, as a Consull without his Vshers. Finally, they are come so farre as to adorne their shooes with them, and garters, yea their buskins are yet full and garnished therewith. In such sort that it is not now any more question to weare pearles, but they must bee made to serue for paue­ment,’ Fol. the end to tread but vpon pearles. The same Authour doth recite that Lollia Paulina forsaken by Caligula, in the common feasts of meane men was so ouerladen with Emeralds and with Pearles, on her Plin. lib. 33. c. 3.head, her haires, her eares, her necke, her fingers and her armes, as well in colars, necklaces, as bracelets, that all did shine at it, and that she had of them to the woorth of a million of gold. The same was excessiue: but shee was the greatest Princesse of the world, and yet hee doth not say that she did weare any on her shooes: as he doth yet complaine in some other where that the Dames of Rome did weare gold on their feete. What disorder! (saith hee) Let vs permit the women to weare as much gold as they will in bracelets, at their fingers, at their necks, at their eares, and [Page 197] in kark [...]nets and bridles, &c. must they for all that decke their feete with it? &c. I should neuer make an end, if I should continue this speech.

The Spanish women in Peru do go beyond that, for their shooes are set ouer with nothing but plates of gold and siluer, and garnished with pearles. True it is that they are in a countrie, which God hath blessed abundantly with all these riches. But if thou hast not so much of them, do not vex thy selfe at it, & be not tempted through enuy: such things are but earth, digged and purified with a thousand troubles, in the bottome of hell, by the incre­dible labor, & with the life of men like vnto thee: Pearles are but dew, receaued within the shell of a fish, which are Pearles what they be.fished by men that be forced to become fishes, that is to say, to be alwaies diuing in the depth of the sea. And for to haue these things, and to be clothed in silke, and for to haue robes with infinite foldes, we turmoile our selues, wee take cares which doe shorten our daies, gnaw our bones, sucke out our marrow, weaken our bodies, and consume our spirit. He that hath meat and drinke is as rich as all these, if he could consider it. And where those things doe abound, there delights doe abound, and consequent­ly vices: and to conclude, behold what God saith by his Prophet: They shall cast their siluer out into the streetes, and their gold shall be but dung, and shall not deliuer them in the Ezec. 7. 19. day of my great wrath. Hee that will haue further know­ledge of the chastisements wherewith God doth threaten the woman that abuse carkenets and iewels, which haue no other care but to attire and decke themselues, goe with their breasts open, their eies wandring, and with a proud gate, let him reade the third chapter of the Prophet Isaiah. I will not for all that blame the Virgins which haue some golden things, or chaines of pearles, or other iewels, also some modest vesture: for that is comlinesse, and all things are made for the vse of man: but excesse is that which is to be blamed, because that vnder that, very [Page 198] often is lasciuiousnesse hidden. Happie are the people which not hauing the occasions to sinne, doe purely serue God, and possesse a land which furnisheth them of that which is necessarie for life. Happie are our Sauage peo­ple if they had the full knowledge of God: for in that case they be without ambition, vaine-glorie, enuie, auarice, & haue no care of these braueries, which wee haue now de­scribed: but rather doe content themselues to haue Ma­tachias, hanging at their eares, and about their necks, bo­dies, armes, and legges. The Brasilians, Floridians, and Armouchiquois, doe make carkenets and bracelets (called bou-re in Brasill, and by ours Matachias) of the shelles of those great sea cockles, which be called Vignols, like vnto snailes, which they break & gather vp in a thousand pee­ces, then doe smooth them vpon a hot stone, vntill they do make them very small, and hauing pierced them, they make them beads with them, like vnto that which wee call Pourcelaine. Among those beads they intermingle be­tweene spaces other beads, as blacke as those which I Iet.haue spoken of to be white, made with Iet, or certain hard and black wood which is like vnto it, which they smooth and make small as they list, and this hath a very good grace. And if things are to be esteemed for their fashion, as we see it practised in our merchandises, these colars, skarffes, and bracelets made of great periwincles or pour­celaine, are richer than pearles, (notwithstanding none will beleeue me heerein) so doe they esteeme them more than pearles, gold or siluer: And this is that which they of Beades much esteemed.the great riuer of Canada in the time of Iam. Quartier did call Esurgin (wherof we haue made mention heertofore) a word which I haue had much ado to know, and which Belleforest the Cosmographer vnderstod not, when hee would speake of it. At this day they haue not any more of them, or else they haue lost the knowledge to make them: For they vse Mattachias very much, that are brought vn­to them out of France. Now as with vs, so in that country, [Page 199] women doe decke themselues with such things, and will haue chaines that will goe twelue times about their necks, hanging downe vpon their brests, and about their hand wrests, and aboue the elbow. They also hang long strings of them at their eares, which come downe as low as their shoulders. If the men weare any, it will bee onely some yong man that is in loue. In the country of Virginia where Pearles in Virginia. Copper.some pearles be found, the women do weare carkenets, co­lars and bracelets of them, or else of peeces of copper (made round like small bullets) which is found in their mountaines, where some mines of it are. But in Port Roy­all, and in the confines thereof, and towards New-found land, and at Tadoussac, where they haue neither pearles nor vignols, the maides and women doe make Mattachi­as, with the quilles or bristles of the Porc-epine, which they die with blacke, white, and red colours, as liuely as possibly may be, for our skarlets haue no better lustre Excellent skarlet die.than their redde die: But they more esteeme the Matta­chias which come vnto them from the Armouchiquois countrey, and they buy them very deare; and that be­cause they can get no great quantitie of them, by reason of the warres that those nations haue continually one a­gainst another. There is brought vnto them from France Mattachias made with smal quilles of glasse mingled with tinne or lead, which are trucked with them, and measured by the fadam, for want of an ell: and this kind of Merchan­dise is in that country, that which the Latins doe call Mun­dus muliebris. They also make of them small squares of sundry colours, sowed together, which they tie behinde, on the little childrens haires. The men doe not much care for them, except that the Brasilians doe weare about their neckes halfe moones of bones very white, which they call y-aci of the Moones name: And our Souriquois doe like­wise weare some iollities of like stuffe, without excesse. And they which haue none of that, doe commonly carry a knife before their brests, which they doe not for ornament: but [Page 200] for want of pocket, and because it is an implement which at all times is necessary vnto them. Some haue girdles made of Matachias, wherewith they serue themselues, only when they will set out themselues and make them braue. The Autmoins or Sooth-saiers do carry before their breasts some signe of their vocation, as we will heereafter say. But as for the men of the Armouchiquois they haue a fashion to weare at their hand-wrests, and aboue the ancle­bone of the foot, about their legs, plates of Copper, fetter­wise, and about their wasts girdles, fashioned with Cop­per quils as long as the middle finger filed together the Herodian the 3. booke.length of a girdle, euen iust of that fashion which Herodian reciteth to haue beene in vse among the Picts, wherof we haue spoken, when he saith, that they girded their bodies and their necks with iron, esteeming that to be a great or­nament vnto them, & a testimony of their great riches, e­uen Sauage other Barbarians do to haue gold about them. And there are yet in Scotland Sauage men, which neither ages, nor yeeres, nor the abundance of men could yet reduce vnto ciuilitie. And although that (as we haue said) the men be not so desirous of Matachias as the women, notwith­standing the men of Brasill, not caring for clothing, take great pleasure to decke and garnish themselues with the feathers of birds, and doe vse those wherewith we vse to fill our beds whereon we lie, and chop them as smal as pie­meat, which they die in red, with their Brasill-wood, then hauing anointed their bodies with certaine gums, which serue them in stead of paste or glue, they couer themselues with those feathers, and make a garment at one clap, after the anticke fashion: which hath made (saith Iohn de Leri in his Historie of America) the first of our men that went thither to beleeue that the men which be called Sauages were hairie ouer all their bodies, which is nothing so. For (as wee haue alreadie said) the Sauages in what part soeuer, haue lesser haires than we. They of Florida doe also vse this kinde of downe, but it is onely about their heads, to [Page 201] make themselues more vglie. Besides this that wee haue said, the Brasilians doe make frontlets of feathers, which they tie and fit in order of all colours: those frontlets be­ing like in fashion to those rackets or periwigges, which Ladies vse in these parts, the inuention whereof they seeme to haue learned of those Sauages. As for them of our New France, in the daies that be of solemnitie and re­ioycing among them, and when they goe to the warres, they haue about their heads as it were a crowne made with long haires of an Ellan or Stagge, painted in redde, pasted, or otherwise fastned, to a fillet of leather of three fingers bredth, such as Iames Quartier saith he had seene with the King (so doth he call him) and Lord of the Saua­ges, which he found in the towne of Hochelaga. But they doe not vse so many ornaments of feathers as the Brasili­ans, which make gownes of them, cappes, bracelets, gir­dles, and ornaments for their cheekes, and targets vpon their loines, of all colours, which would bee more tedious than delightfull to specifie, since it is an easie matter for euery one to supplie the same, and to imagine what it is.

Of Marriage.

HAuing spoken of the Sauages garments, deckings, ornaments and paintings, it hath seemed good vn­to me to marry them, to the end the generation of them be not lost, and that the countrie remaine not desert. For the first ordinance that euer God made, was to in­crease and multiply, and euery creature capable of gene­ration to bring foorth fruit according to his kind. And to This is in the glosse of the Talmud in the Treatie of Idolatrie.the end to incourage young folkes that doe marrie, the Iewes had a custome anciently to fill a trough with earth, in the which, a little before the wedding, they did sowe barley, and the same being sprung, they brought it to the Bridegroome and the Bride, saying: Bring foorth [Page 202] fruit and multiply as this barley, which brings foorth sooner than all other seeds.

Now to returne to our Sauages, many thinking (as I be­leeue) that they be some logges of wood, or imagining a Common-wealth of Plato, doe demand if they haue any marriage, and if there be any Priests in Canada to marrie them. Wherin they seeme to be very raw and ignorant. Canadians.Captaine Iames Quartier speaking of the marriage of the Canadians, in his second relation saith thus: ‘They obserue the order of marriage, sauing that the men take two or three wiues. And the husband being dead the women doe neuer marrie againe, but doe mourne for his death all their life long, and doe daube their face with coale beaten to powder and with grease, the thicknesse of a knife, and thereby are knowen to be widowes. Then he goeth fur­ther: They haue another bad custome with their daugh­ters: The pro­stituting of Mai­dens.For being come to be marriageable, they are put all in a stewe house, abandoned to all commers, vntill they haue found out a match: And all this haue wee seene by experience. For we haue seene the houses as full of these maidens,’ as is a Schoole of boies in France. I would haue thought that the said Iames Quartier had (touching this prostituting of maides) added somewhat of his owne, but the discourse of Monsieur Champlein, which is but six yeres since, doth confirme the same thing vnto me, sauing that he speaketh not of assemblies: which keepeth me frō Souriquois.contrarying it. But among our Souriquois there is no such thing: not that these Sauages haue any great care of con­tinencie and virginitie, for they doe not think to doe euill in corrupting it: But whether it be by the frequentation of French-men or otherwise, the maides are ashamed to doe any vnchast thing publikely: and if it happen that they abandon themselues to any one; it is in secret. The first booke, ch. 4.Moreouer, he that will marrie a Maid it behooueth him to demand her of her father, without whose consent shee shall be none of his, as we haue already said heeretofore, [Page 203] and brought foorth the example of one that had done o­therwise. And if he will marry, he shall sometimes make loue, not after the manner of the Esseens, who (as Iosephus Iosephus of the warres of the Iewes, lib. 2. cap. 12.sayeth) did try the maidens by the space of three yeeres, before they married them, but by the space of six months or a yeere, without abusing of them: will paint his face that he may seeme the fairer, and will haue a new gowne of Beuers or Otters, or of some thing else, well garnished with Matachias garded and laid ouer in forme of parch­ment lace of gold and siluer, as the Gothes did vse heere­tofore. It is meete moreouer that he shew himselfe valiant in hunting, and that they know him able to doe some thing, for they doe not trust in a mans meanes, which are none other than that which he getteth by his daies labor, not caring any wise for other riches than hunting: vnlesse our maners make them to haue a desire of it.

The prostitu­ting of the Maidens in Brasil. The Maidens of Brasill haue liberty to prostitute them­selues assone as they are able for the same, euen as them of Canada. Yea the fathers do serue for pandors to their daugh­ters, and they repute for an honour to communicate them to the men of these parts that goe thither, to the end to haue of their race. But to consent vnto it, would bee too damnable an abomination, and that would deserue rigo­rous punishment, as indeed for the slacknesse of men God hath punished this vice in such wise, that the fore hath been communicated in these parts, euen to them that haue been too much addicted after Christian wenches and women, The the sicknesse which is called the pox, which before the discouery of those lands was vnknowen in Europe: for these people are very much subiect to it, and euen they of Florida: but they haue the Guayac, the Esquin, and the Sa­safr Guayac. Esquin. Sasafras., trees very soueraign for the cure of that leprosie, and I beleeue that the tree Annedda, whose wonders we haue recited, is one of these kinds.

One might thinke that the nakednesse of this people would make them more lecherous, but it is not so. For as [Page 204] The chastity of the anci­ent Germans, and of the Sa­uages of New France. Caesar giueth the Germans this commendation, that they had in their ancient Sauages life such a continency, as they reputed it a thing most vile for a yong-man to haue the company of a woman before he came to the age of 20. yeares: and in their owne disposition also, they were not mooued thereunto, although that pell mell, all together men and women, yongue and old did bathe themselues in riuers: So also may I say for our Sauages, that I neuer saw amonst them any vnseemely gesture or vnchaste looke, & I dare affirme that they be lesser giuen to that vice than we in these parts. I attribute the cause thereof, partly to this their nakednesse, and chiefely to the keeping bare of their head, from whence the matter of generation hath his originall: partly to the want of hot spices, of wine, and of meats that doe prouoke to that which is primary signe Itiphalles. Tabacco contrary to Venus.of vncleane desires, and partly to the frequent vse which they haue of Tabacco, whose smoake dulleth the senses, and mounting vp to the braines hindereth the functions of Ʋenus. Iohn De Leri praiseth the Brasilians for this con­tinencie: neuerthelesse he addeth, that when they are an­grie they call sometimes one another Tiuiré, that is to say, So domite, whereby it may be coniectured that this sinne raigneth among them, as Captaine Laudonniere saith it doth in Florida: and that the Floridians loue the feminine sex very much. And indeed I haue heard, that for to please the women the more they busie themselues very much a­bout that which is the primary signe of vncleane desires, whereof we spake euen now; and that they may the bet­ter Great store of Ambergris.doe it, they furnish themselues with Ambergris, wherof they haue great store, which first they melt at the fire, then iniect it (with such paine, that it maketh them to gnash their teeth) euen so farre as to the bone Sacrum, and with a whippe of nettles, or such like thing, make that idoll of Maacha to swell, which king Asa made to be consumed into ashes, and cast it into the brooke Cedron. On the o­ther side the women vse certaine herbes, and endeuour [Page 205] themselues as much as they can to make restrictions for the vse of the said Ityphalles, and to giue either partie their due.

Contract of marriage. Let vs returne to our marriages, which are better than all these rogueries. The contracters do not giue their faith betweene the hands of Notaries, nor of their Sooth-saiers, but simply doe demand the consent of the parents: and so they doe euery where. But heere is to be noted, that they keepe (and in Brasill also) three degrees of consanguinity, Degrees of consangui­ the which they are not vsed to contract marriage, that is to wit, of the sonne with the mother, of the father with his daughter, and of the brother with the sister. These excepted, all things are permitted. As for dowry, there is no mention of it. Also when any diuorce hapneth, the husband is bound to nothing. And although that (as it hath been said) there is no promise of loialtie giuen before any superior power, neuertheles in what part soeuer, the wiues keepe chastitie, and seldome is any found that brea­keth it. Yea I haue heard oftentimes say, that in yeelding The Sauage women in the venerious action.the dutie to the husband, they make themselues often­times to be constrained: which is rare in these parts. For the Gaulloise women are renowned by Strabo to bee good Porters (I meane fruitfull) and breeders: and contrariwise The fruitful­nesse of the women of the Gaules.I doe not see that the people doe abound as in these parts, although that they all labour for generation, and that Po­lygamie is ordinarie with them, which was not among the ancient Gaullois, nor among the Germans, though they bee a more rustike people. True it is that our Sauages doe kill one an other daily, and are alwaies in feare of their enemies, keeping watches vpon their fron­tiers.

This frigidity of Ʋenus bringeth an admirable and in­credible thing among these women, and which was not to be found euen among the wiues of the holy Patriarch Ia­cob, which is, that although they be many wiues to one husband (for Polygamie is receiued thorow all that New Polygamie. [Page 206] world) notwithstanding there is no iealousie among them: which is in Brasill, a hot Country as well as Canada: But as for the men, they are in many places very iealous: and if the wife be found faulty she shall be put away, or in dan­ger to be killed by her husband: And in that (as for the spirit of ielousie) there needes not so many ceremonies as those that were done amongst the Iewes, recited in the Numbers 5. vers. 12. and so following. S. Aug. against Manicheus the 19. booke, chap. 26.booke of Numbers. And as for diuorcement, not hauing the vse of letters, they doe it not in writing, in giuing to the wife a bill signed by a publike notary, As S. Augustin doth note, speaking of the said Iewes: but are contented to cell to the parents, and vnto her, that she prouide for her selfe: and then she liueth in common with the others, vn­till that some body doe seeke after her. This law of putting away hath beene receiued almost among all Nations, ex­except among the Christians, which haue kept this pre­cept of the Gspell, that which God hath ioyned together, let no man put a sunder. Which is most expedient and lesse See the Com­mentor of Ben-Sira.scandalous: And very wisely did Ben-Sira answer (who is said to haue beene nephew to the Prophet Ieremy) being asked of one, who had a leaud wife, how hee should doe by her: Gnaw (saith he) that bone which is fallen to thee.

As for the widows, I will not affirme that which Iames Quartier hath said of them in generall, but I will say, that where we haue beene, they staine their faces with blacke, when they please, and not alwaies: if their husband hath beene killed, they will not marry againe, nor eat flesh, vn­till they haue seene the reuenge of his death. And so we haue seene the daughter of Membertou to practise it, who after the warre made to the Armouchiquois, heereafter described, did marrie againe. Except in that case, they make no other difficulty to marry againe, when they finde a fit match.

Sometimes our Sauages hauing many wiues will giue one of them to their friend, if he hath a desire to take her [Page 207] in marriage, and shall be thereby so much disburdened. Touching maidens that be loose, if any man hath abused of Abominable whore dome among the Infidels. A note for the English Magistrates in Virginia. Numb. 25. 11. 12. 13. them, they will tell it at the first occasion, and therfore it is bad iesting with them: for the chastisement ought to bee very rigorous against them that mingle the Christian blood with the Infidels, and for the keeping of this iustice Monsieur de Ʋille-gagnon is praised, euen by his enemies: And Phinees the Sonne of Eleazar the Sonne of Aron be­cause he was zealous of the law of God and appeased his wrath, which was about to exterminate the people, for such a sinne, had the couenant of perpetuall Priest-hood, promised to him and to his posterity.

The Tabagie.

The Sauages doe say Taba­guia, that is to say, a feast. THe ancient haue said Sine Cerere & Baccho friget Venus, that is, without Ceres and Bacchus Venus is cold. Hauing then married our Sauages, it is meet to make dinner ready and to vse them after their owne ma­ner. And for to doe it one must consider the times of the marriage. For if it be in Winter they will haue Venison from the woods, if it be in the Spring time or in Summer, they will make prouision of fish. As for bread there is no talke of it from the North of New-found-land, vntill one come to the country of the Armouchiquois, vnlesse it be in What Sa­uage coun­tries haue come.trucking with French-men, for whom they tarry vpon the sea shoares, sitting on their tailes like apes, as soone as the Spring time is come, and receiue in exchange for their skins (for they haue no other merchandise) bisket, beanes, peasen and meale: The Armouchiquois and other Nations more remote, besides hunting and fishing haue wheat, cal­led Mais, and beanes, which is a great comfort vnto them in time of necessity. They make no bread with it: for they haue neither Millnor Ouen, and they cannot knead it o­therwise than in stamping it in a morter, and in gathering [Page 208] those peeces the best they can they make small cakes with it, which they bake betweene two hot stones. Most often they drie this Corne at the fire, and parch it vpon the Plin. lib. 18. cap. 2. & 10.coales. And after that maner did the ancient Italians liue, as Plinie saith. And therefore one must not so much won­der at these people, seeing that they which haue called o­thers barbarous, haue beene as barbarous as they.

If I had not recited heeretofore the maner of the Sauages Tabagi (or banket) I would make heere a larger descripti­on: But I will onely say that when we went to the Riuer Saint Iohn, being in the towne of Ouigoudi (so may I well call a place enclosed replenished with people) we saw in a great thicket 80. Sauages all naked, except the middle parts, making Tabaguia with meale they had of vs, whereof they had kettels full. Euery one had a dish made with the barke of a tree, and a spoone as deep as the palme of ones hand, or more: and with this they had veni­son besides. And heere is to be noted, that he which enter­taineth the others doth not dine, but serueth the compa­ny, as very often the Bridegroomes doe heere in France.

The women do not eate with the men. The women were in an other place apart, and did not eat with the men. Wherein may be noted a bad vse among those people, which haue neuer beene vsed among the na­tions of these parts, specially the Gaullois and Germains, which haue admitted the women, not onely in their ban­quets, but also in their publike counsels, (specially with The good condition of the women among the Gaullois. See yet here­after in the 16. chapter of the constan­cie of wo­men. the Gaullois) after they had pacified a great warre which arose betweene them, and did decide the controuersie with such equitie (as Plutarch saith) that thereby ensu­ed a greater loue than euer before. And in the treaty that was made with Annibal, being entred into Gallia, to goe against the Romans, itw as said, that if the Carthaginien­ses had any difference against the Gaullois, it should bee decided by the aduice of the Gaulloise women. It was not so in Rome, where their condition was so base, that by the law Voconia, the very father could not make them to inhe­rite [Page 209] more then of the one third part of his goods: And the Emperour Iustinian forbiddeth them in his decrees to ac­cept the awardship which had beene deferred vnto them: which sheweth either a great seueritie against them, or an argument that in that countrie they haue a very weake spirit. And after this sort be the wiues of our Sauages, yea in woorse condition, in not eating with the men in their Tabagies: and notwithstanding it seemeth vnto mee that their fare is not in their feasts so delicate, which ought not to consist only in eating and drinking, but in the socie­tie of that sex which God hath ordained vnto man for to helpe him and to keepe him companie.

It will seeme to many that our Sauages doe liue verie poorely, in not hauing any seasoning in those few messes that I haue named. But I will replie that it was not Cali­gula What men haue raised Rome to her greatnesse.nor Heliogabalus, nor such like that haue raised the Romane Empire to his greatnesse: neither was it that Cooke who made an imperiall feast all with hogs flesh, disguised in a thousand sorts: nor those likerish compani­ons, who after they haue destroied the aire, the sea, and the land, now knowing what to finde more to asswage their gluttonie, goe a seeking wormes from the trees, yea doe keepe them in mew, and doe fatten them, for to make thereof a delicate messe: But rather it was one Curius Dentatus who did eat in woodden dishes, and did scrape radishes by the fire side: Item those good husbandmen The maner of liuing of the ancient Romans and other nati­ons.whom the Senate did send for, from the plough for to con­duct the Romane armie: And in one word those Romans which did liue with sodden food, after the maner of our Sa­uages: for they had not the vse of bread but about 600. yeres after the foundatiōof the city, hauing learned in tract of time to make some cakes grossely dressed & baked vn­der the embres, or in the ouen. Pliny author of this report, Plin. lib. 18. ca. 8. 10. 11.saith, moreouer that the Scythians, now Tartares, doe also liue with sodden food and raw meale as the Brasilians. And neuerthelesse they haue alwaies beene a warlike and [Page 210] mightie nation. The same saith, that the Arympheens (which be the Moscouites) doe liue in forests (as our Sa­uages do) with graines and fruits which they gather from the trees, without mention neither of flesh nor of fish. And indeed the prophane Authors doe agree, that the first men did liue after that maner, to wit, of corne, graines, pulse, acornes, and mastes, from whence commeth the Grerke worde Phagein, to wit, to eate: some particular nations (and not all) had fruits: as peares were in vse among the Argiues, figges with the Athenians, almonds with the Medes, the fruite of Cannes with the Ethiopians, the Car­damuin with the Persians, the dates with the Babilonians, the Treffle or three leaued grasse with the Egyptians. They which haue had none of those fruits haue made war against the beasts of the woods and forests, as the Getulians and all the Northern men, yea also the ancient Germans, not­withstanding they had also meates made of milke: Others Ichthyophages. Aethiopians doe liue of Grashoppers.dwelling vpon the shores of the sea, or lakes and riuers, liued on fishes, and were called Ichthyophages: others li­uing of Torteses, were called Chelonophages. Part of the Ae­thiopians doe liue of Grashoppers, which they salt and har­den in the smoake in great quantitie for all seasons, and therein do the Historians of this day agree with Plinie. For there is sometimes clouds of them, that is to say, such infi­nite numbers, that they hide the clouds; and in the East The food of S. Iohn Bap­tist. S. Hie­roms 2. book against Iouian. S. Augnstin vpon the 14. chap. to the Romans, vers. 15. Niceph. li. 1. cap. 14. Ammian. l. 18. likewise, which destroy all the fields, so that nothing re­maineth vnto them to eate but those grashoppers, which was the food of Saint Iohn Baptist in the desart, according to the opinion of Saint Hierome and Augustine: Although Nicephorus thinketh that they were the tender leaues of the toppes of trees, because that the Greeke word achrides signifieth both the one and the other. But let vs come to the Romane Emperour, best qualified. Ammian Mercel­lin speaking of their maner of life, saith that Scipio, Aemi­liar, Metellus, Traian, and Adrian, did content themselues ordinarily with the meate of the campe, that is to say, [Page 211] with Bacon, cheese, and bruvage. If then our Sauages haue Sturgeons, Salmons, and other fish.venison and fish abundantly, I doe not thinke them ill fur­nished: for many times we haue receaued of them quan­titie of Sturgeons, of Salmons and other fishes: besides their venison, and Beuers which liue in ponds, and liue partly on the land, partly in the water. At least one lauda­ble Antropophagesthing is knowen in them, that they are not men eaters, as the Scythians haue beene aforetime, and many other na­tions of these parts of the world; and as yet are at this day the Brasilians, Canibals, and others of the new world.

Bred. The inconuenience which is found in their maner of life is, that they haue no bread. Indeed bread is a food ve­ry naturall for man, but it is easier to liue with flesh, or with fish, then with bread onely. If they haue not the vse of salt, the most parte of the world doe vse none. It is not altogether necessary, and the principall profit thereof consisteth in preseruing, whereunto it is altoge­ther proper, Notwithstanding if they had any to make some prouisions they would be more happie then vs. But What time is hard for the Sauages.for want of that they sometimes suffer some need: which hapneth when the winter is too milde, or the latter end of the same. For then they haue neither venison nor fish, as wee will declare in the chapter of hunting: and are then constrained to feed vpon the barkes of trees, and on the parings of skinnes, and on their dogges, which (vpon this extremitie) they do eate. And the historie of the Floridi­ans saith, thas in extremitie they eate a thousand filthes, euen to the swallowing downe of coales, and to put earth in their spoone meate. True it is that in Port Royall there is alwaies shell fish, so that in all cases one cannot die there for hunger. But yet haue they one superstition Superstition of the Saua­ges, and of the Christi­ans. Plin. lib. 22. ca. 2. that they will not feed on mussels, and they can alleage no reason for it, no more than our superstitious Christians which will not bee thirteene at a table, or which feare to paire their nailes on the Friday, or which haue other scru­pulosities, true apish-toies, such as Plinie reciteth a good [Page 202] number of them in his naturall historie. Notwithstanding in our company seeing vs to eate of them they did the like: for we must say heere by the way, that they will eate no vnknowen meat, but first they must see the triall of it by The Sauages suspitious.others. As for beasts of the woods they eate of all them, the woolfe excepted. They also eate egges, which they go gathering along the shoares of waters, and they doe lade their Ca [...]owes with them, when the Geese and Outardes haue done laying in the Spring time, and they vse all, as The sobriety and gluttony of the Saua­ges.well them that be old as new. As for modestie they vse it being at table with vs, and eate very soberly: but at home in their owne houses (as the Brasilians) they stretch out their bellies as much as they can, and doe not leaue eating as long as there is any meat: And if any of ours be at their Tabagie, they will bid him doe as they doe. Notwithstan­ding Hercules, oxe eater.I see no gluttonie like to that of Hercules, who alone did eate whole oxen, and did deuoure one from a Paisan called Diadamas, by reason whereof hee was called Bu­theues, or Buphagos, Oxe-eater. And without going so far, wee see in the Countries of these parts greater gluttonies then that which one would impute to the Sauages. For in the diet of Ausbourg was brought to the Emperor Charles the fift, a great whoreson which had eaten a calfe and a sheepe, and yet was not full: And I doe not know that our Sauages doe waxfatte, or that they haue great bellies, but that they are nimble and swift, like to our ancient Gaullois and high Allemans or Germans, who by their agilitie, did trouble very much the Roman armies.

The meat of the Brasilians. The food of the Brasilians are serpents, crocodills, toads and great lizards, which they esteeme as much as wee doe capons, leverets, and conies. They also make meale of white rootes, which they call Maniel, hauing the leaues of Paeoniamas, and the tree of the height of the Elder tree: Those rootes as bigge as the thigh of a Man, which the woman doe crumble very small, and eat them raw, or else they make them to seeth well in a [Page 113] great earthen vessell, sturring it alwaies as the comfit­makers doe make suger plummes. They are of very good taste, and of easie disgestion, but they be not fitt to make bread, because they dry and burne themselues, and al­waies return into meale. They haue also with this Mahis or Mais, which groweth in two or three months after it is sowed: and that is a great succour vnto them. But A strange prostitution.they haue a cursed and an vnhumane costome to eat their prisoners, after they haue well fatted them. Yea (a most horrible thing) they giue them in marriage the fairest maidens they haue, putting about their necks as many halters as they will keep him moons. And when the time is expired they make wine of the said Mais and rootes, wherewith they make themselues drunke, calling all their friends. Then he that hath taken him knocketh him on the head with a clubbe, and deuideth him into peeces, and make carbonnadoes of him, which they eat with a singular pleasure aboue all meats in the world.

Commonalty of life. Furthermore all Sauages generally doe liue euery where in common: the most perfect and most woorthy life of man, seeing that he is a sociable creature, the life of the an­cient golden age, which the holy Apostles would haue re­stored againe: But being to establish the spirituall life, they Hospitality.could not execute that good desire. If it happens then that our Sauages haue venison, or other food, all the company haue part of it. They haue this mutuall charity which hath beene taken away from vs since that Mine and Thine haue come into the world. They haue also Hospitality, a ver­tue peculiar to the ancient Gaulois (according to the wit­nesse of Parthenius in his Erotigues, of Caesar, Saluian and others) who did constraine trauellers and strangers to come into their houses and there to take their refreshing: A ver­tue which seemeth to haue conserued her selfe onely with the Nobility and gentry: for among the other sort we see her very weake and at the point of death. Tacitus giueth the same praise to the Germans, saying that with them all [Page 214] howses are opened to strangers, and there they are in such assurance that (as if they were sacred) none dare doe them any injury; Charity and Hospitality which are mentioned Leuit. 19. ver. the law of God who said to his people: The stranger which soiourneth among you, shall be vnto you as he which is borne among you, and you shall loue him as your selues: for you haue beene strangers in the land of Aegypt. So doe our Sauages, which, sturred vp with an humane nature, receiue all strangers (except their enemies) whom they accept in their commonalty of life.

Of drinking. But we haue spoken enough of eating, let vs now speake of drinking. I know not whether I ought to place among the greatest blindnesses of the West Indians to haue abun­dantly the most excellent fruit that God hath giuen vnto vs, and they know not the vse thereof. For I see that the Plin. lib. 18. cap. 4.ancient Romans were a long time (as Pliny saith) without either Vines or Vine-yards: And our Gaulloas did make beere, the vse whereof is yet frequent in all Gallia Belgica: And this kind of drinke did the Aegyptians also vse in for­mer times (as saith Diodorus) who attributeth the inuenti­on thereof to Osiris. Notwithstanding after that the vse of wine was come among the Romans the Guallois tooke so good a taste in it, in the voyages that they made there with their Armies, that they continued afterwards the same Strabo.way. And afterward the Italian Merchants did draw much money from the Gaullois with their wine that they Caesar.brought thither. But the Germans knowing their owne nature subiect to drinke more then is needfull would haue none brought to them, for feare that being drunke they Tacitus.might be a pray to their enemies: and contented them­selues Wine forbib­den among the Germans.with beere: And notwithstanding because the con­tinuall drinking of water ingendreth crudities in the sto­macke, and thereby great indispositions, the nations haue commonly found better the moderate vse of wine which Psal. 104. vers. 16. 17.hath beene giuen of God to reioyce the heart, as bread for to strengthen him, as the Psalmist saith: And the Apostle [Page 215] S. Paul himselfe doth councell his Disciple Timothy to vse it by reason of his infirmity. For wine (saith Oribasius) re­createth Oribasius, in the first book of things cō ­modious and easie, ch. 12. and quickneth our heat: whereby, by consequence, the disgestures are made better, and good bloud is engendred, and good nourishment thorow all the parts of the body where the wine hath force to pierce: and therefore they which be weake­ned by sicknesse doe recouer by it a stronger being, and doe like­wise renew by it an appetite to their meat. It breaketh the sleame, it purgeth collericke humours by the vrine, and with his pleasant odour and liuely substance gladdeth the heart of man, and giueth strength to the body. Wine taken moderatly is the procurer of all those goodeffects, but if it be drunke vnmeasu­ably it produceth effects quite contrary. And Plato willing Plate in his shew foorth in one word the nature and property of wine: That which warmeth (saith he) beth body and soule, is that which is called wine. The Sauages which haue no vse of wine nor of spices, haue found out another meanes to warme the same stomake, and in some sort to breake so ma­ny crudities proceeding from the fish that they eat, which otherwise would extinguish their naturall heat: it is the hearb which the Brasilians doe call Petun, that is to say, Ta­bacco, Tabacco.the smoake whereof they take almost euery houre, as we will declare more at large when we come heereafter to speake of that hearbe. Then as in these parts one drink­eth to another, in presenting the glasse to him to whom one hath drunke (which is done in many places) so the Sa­uages willing to feast some body and to shew him signe of amity, after they haue well taken of that smoake, they pre­sent the Tabacco pipe to him that they like best. Which custome to drinke one to another is not new, nor particu­lar to the Flemings and Germans: for Holiodorus in the Holiodor. first booke 1. cha. and. 3. booke ch. 3. Aethiopian History of Chariclea witnesseth that the same was a custome altogether vsed in the Countries whereof he speaketh to drinke one to the other in token of friendship. And because it was abused, and men were appointed to constraine them that would not pledge, Assuerus King of [Page 116] the Persians at a banket that he made to all the principall Ester. 1. ver. 8.Lords and Gouernors of his Countries, did forbid by an expresse law to force any, and did command that euery one should be serued after his owne will. The Aegiptians did vse no forcing, but not withstanding they drunke vp all, and that by great deuotion. For after they had found out the inuention to applie painting and Matachiz vpon siluer they tooke great delight to see their God Anubis Plin. lib. 33. cap. 9.painted in the bottome of their cups, as Pliny saith.

Our Sauages Canadians, Souriqnois and others are far from these delights, and hauing nothing but the Tabacco spoken of by vs to warme their stomakes after the crudi­ties of waters, and to giue some smatch to the mouth, ha­uing that in common with many other Nations, that they loue that which is biting, such as the said Tabacco is, which (euen as wine or strong beere) taken (as it is said) in smoake, maketh giddy the senses and in some sort, procureth sleep: So that this word drunkard is among them, by this word The Floridi­ans drinke. Escorken▪, as well as amongst vs. The Floridians haue a certaine sort of drinke called Casinè which they drinke all hot, which they make of certaine leanes of trees. But it is not lawfull for euery one to drinke of it, but onely to the Paraousti, and to them that haue made proofe of their val­lour in the warres. And this drinke hath such vertue that as soone as they haue drunken it, they become all in a sweat which being past, they be fedde for 24. houres by the nou­rishing The drinke of the Brasilians.force of the same. As for them of Brasil they make a certaine kinde of drinke which they call Caoü-in, with roots and a graine called Mil which they put to seeth and soften in great earthen vessels, made in the maner of a tub, ouer the fire, and being softned, it is the office of the wo­men to chaw it all, and to set them againe to seeth in other vessels: then hauing left all to be setled and skimmed, they couer the vessell vntill that it must bee drunken: and this drinke is as thicke as lees, after the manner of the defrutum of the latins, and of the taste of sowre milke, [Page 217] white and red as our wine is: and they make it in euery season, because that the said rootes doe grow there at all times. Furthermore they drinke this Coü-in somewhat warme, but with such excesse that they neuer depart from the place where they make their feasts vntil that they haue drunke all out, though there were of the same a tun for eue­ry one. So that the Flemings, high Duch-men, and Swit­zers are but yongue nouices in that trade in regard of them. I will not speak heere of the Ciders & Peries of Nor­mandy, nor of the Hidromels, the vse whereof, by the re­port of Plutarch, was long before the inuention of wine: Plutar. in the 4. of the Sym­posiaq. Cha. 5.seeing our Sauages vse none of it. But I haue thought good to mention the fruit of the vine, by reason that New France is plentifully furnished therewith.

Of their Dances and Songs▪

VVHen the belly is full then comes mirth (saith the Prouerb) it will not be then vnfit to speake of dancing after feasting. For it is also said of the people of Israel that after they had well filled their bel­lies Exod. 31. ver. 6. 19. Dances insti­tuted in di­uine things. they arose for to plaie and dance about their golden Calfe. Dancing is a thing very ancient among all people. But it was first made & instituted in diuine things, as we did now marke an example of it: and the Cananites who did worship the fire, did dance about it & sacrificed their children vnto it. Which maner of dancing was not inuen­ted by the Idolaters, but rather by the people of God. For Iudges 21. v. 19. 21. 2. King. 6. c. we read in the booke of Iudges that there was a solemnity to God in Silo where the maidens came to dance at the sound of the fluit. And Dauid bringing backe the Arke of Couenant into Hierusalem, went before it in his shirt, dan­cing with all his strength.

As for the Heathen they haue followed this fashion. For Plutarch in the life of Nicias sayth that the Townes [Page 218] of Greece had a custome euery yeere to goe into Dellos for to celebrate the dances and songs in the honour of A­pollo. And in the life of Licurgus the Orator, saith that he did ordaine a very solemne dance in the Pyree vnto the ho­nour of Neptune, with a wager of a hundred crownes price to the best dancer, and to the second of 80. crownes, and The muses the third of 60. The Muses▪ daughters of Iupiter doe loue dancing: and all they that haue spoken of them make vs to goe seeke for them vpon the Mountaine Parnassus, where (say they) they dance, at the sound of Apolloes Harpe.

The College of the Saliens. As for the Latins, the same Plutarch sayth in the life of Numa Pompilius that he did institute the coledge of the Salians (which were Priests dancing and gamboling, and singing songs in the honour of God Mars) when that a Buckler of brasse fell miraculously from Heauen, which was a gage from that God for the conseruation of the Em­pire. Ancyle.And that Buckler was called Ancile, but for feare that it should be stolen away he caused 12. others to bee made a like named Ancilia, which were carried in the warres, as wee did heertofore our Oriflamme, and as the Oriflamme. Labarum.Emperour Constantine did the Labarum. Now the for­most of those Salians that did lead the others in the dance Praesul. Festus lib. 16.was called Praesul, that is to say, first dancer, prae alijs Salians, sayth Festus, who taketh from that the name of the French-people, which were called Salians because they did loue to dance, to skippe and to gambole: and of Salique Law.these Salians are come the lawes which wee call Saliques, that is to say Lawes of dances.

So then to come againe to our purpose, the dances haue beene first instituted for holy things. Whereto I Arrian of the gests of Alex­ander. Dances profi­table for health. will adde the testimony of Arrian, who sayth that the Indians which did worship the Sunne rising, did not thinke to haue duely saluted him, vnlesse their songs and prayers were accompanied with dances.

This kinde of exercise was since applied to another vse, [Page 219] that is to say, for the gouerment of health, as Plutarche sayth in the treatie for the same. So that Socrates himself (howsoeuer precise and reformed) tooke pleasure therein, for which cause he desired to haue a house large and spa­cious, as Xenophon writeth in his bancquet, and the Per­sians Xenophon. Duris.did expresly vse the same, as Duris writeth in the seuenth of his histories.

But the delights, laciuiousnesse, and disorders did conuert them since to their owne vse, and the dances haue serued for proxenetes and broakers of vnchastity, as wee find it but to much, whereof wee haue testimonies in the Gospell, where wee finde that it cost the life of the great­est that euer arose amongst men, which is Saint Iohn Bap­tist. And Arcesilaus sayd very well, that dances are ve­noms, sharper then all the poisons that the Earth bring­eth Plutar. in the 7. of the Sym­pose. quest. 5.foorth, for as much as by a certaine incitement they insinuate into the Soule, wherein they communicate and imprint voluptuousnesse and delectation, which the bodies properly doe affect.

All Sauages doe dance. Our Sauages, and generally all the people of the west Indies, haue time out of minde the vse of dances. But lasciuious Pleasure hath not yet so farre preuailed against them as to make them dance at the pleasure thereof, a thing which ought to serue as a lesson to the Christians. The vse then of their dances is for foure ends, either to please their gods (let who will call them diuels it is all one to me) as wee haue marked in two places before, or to cheare vp some body, or to reioyce themselues of some victory or to preuent sickenesses. In all these dances they sing, and make no dombe shewes, as in those dances whereof the Pythienne Oracle speaketh, when hee saith: It behooueth that the beholder vnderstand the dancing stage plaier, al­though he be dombe: and that hee heare him though hee Dombe ge­stures.doth not speake: But as in Delos they did sing to the ho­nour of Apollo, the Salians to the honour of Mars, like­wise the Floridians doe sing to the honour of the Sunne, to [Page 220] whom they attribute all their victories: not, for all that so filthily as Orpheus, inuentor of the heathenish diuelish­nesles, of whom Saint Gregorie Nazianze mocketh him­selfe in an oration, because that among other follies, in an A foolish fil­thy song to Iupiter.himme he speaketh of Iupiter in this wise: O glorious Iu­piter! the greatest of all the gods, which art resident in all sorts of dung, as well of sheepe as of horses and mules, &c. And in another himme that he maketh to Ceres, he saith, that she discouereth her thighes for to submit her body to her Paramours, and to make hir selfe to be tilled.

Our Souriquois doe make also dances and songs to the The Songs of the Christians to God.honour of the diuell, which sheweth them their game, and that they thinke to gratifie him: whereof one needeth not to maruell, because that we our selues, that be better instructed, doe sing Psalmes and Songs of praise to our God, for that he giueth vs our daily food: And I doe not Cicero in the Oration for Murena.see that a man who is a hungred haue any great lust ei­ther in singing or dancing: Nemo enim saltat feré sobrius, saith Cicero.

Also when they will feast any body, they haue no fai­rer The Dances and songs of the Souriquois Sauages.gesture, in many places then dancing: as in like maner if any one maketh them a feast, for all thankes giuing, they betake themselues to dancing, as it hath beene seene som­times when Monsieur de Poutrincourt did giue them their dinner, they did sing songs of praises vnto him, saying, that he was a braue Sagamos, who had made them good cheere, and which was their good friend: which they did comprehend very mistically vnder these three words, Epigico iaton edico: I say mistically: for I could neuer know the proper signification of euery of these words. I beleeue that it is of the ancient language of their forefa­thers which is out of vse, like as the old Hebrew is not the Iewes language at this day, and was alreadie changed in the time of the Apostles.

Praises of the braue Cap­taines. They sing also in their common Tabagies, the praises of the braue captaines and Sagamos that haue killed many of [Page 221] their enemies. Which was practised anciently in manie nations, and is practised yet amongst vs at this day; and is found to be approoued and of decencie, in the holie Scripture, in the Canticle of Debora, after the ouerthrow Iudges cha. 5.of king Sisara. And when yoong Dauid had killed the great Goliath, as the king did returne victorious into Ie­rusalem, the women came out of al the towns, and met him 1. Of Samuel, 18. ver. 6. 7.with tabrets, rebecks, and timbrels, dancing and singing merily, saying by course and answering one another; Saul hath slaine his thousand, and Dauid his ten thousand. Athe­neus Gaullois Diodo. Atheneus in the 6. booke of the banket of the wise.saith, that the Gaullois had Poets named Bardes, whom they reuerenced very much: and those Poets did sing Viua voce the deeds of vertuous and famous men: but they did write nothing in publike, because that writing maketh men slothfull and negligent in learning. Notwith­standing Charolus Magnus was of an other opinion: For The Songs of the French­men.he caused songs to be made in the vulgar tongue, contain­ing the deeds and acts of the ancient, and commanded that the children should be made to learne them by heart, and that they should sing them, to the end, that their me­morie should remaine from father to sonne, and from race to race, and by this meanes others should be stirred vp to doe good, and to write the actions and deeds of valiant men. I will further say heere by the way, that the La­cedemonians Plutar. in the life of Lycur­gus. Lacedemonians had a certaine maner of dancing which they vsed in all their feasts and solemnities, which did repre­sent the three ages: to wit, the time past, by the old men which did say in singing this burthen; We were heereto­fore valorous: the present, by the yoong men in the flow­er of their youth saying: We be so now at this time: the fu­ture, by the children, who did say, We shall be so too, when our turne comes.

What are the Sauages dan­ces. I will not busie my selfe in describing all the fashions of the gambols of their ancient predecessors, but it suf­ficeth me to say that the dances of our Sauages are made without remoouing from one place, and notwithstanding [Page 221] they are all in a round (or very neere) and doe dance with vehemencie, striking with their feet vpon the ground, and lifting themselues vp as in halfe a leape: And as for their hands they hold them close, and their armes in the aire, in forme of a man that threatneth, with a motion of them. As for the voice, there is but one that singeth, bee it man or woman: all the rest do & say, Het, het, as some that breath­eth out with vehemencie: And at the end of euery song, they all make a loud and long exclamation, saying Héeee. For to be more nimble, they commonly put themselues starke naked, because that their gownes made of skinnes doe hinder them: And if they haue any of their enemies heads or armes, they will carrie them about their necks, dancing with this faire iewell, which they will sometimes bite, so great is their hatred euen against the dead. And for to end this chapter as we began it, they neuer make a­ny Tabagie or feast, but that there is a dance after it: And afterward if the Sagamos be disposed, according to the state of their affaires, he will make an oration of one, two, The orations of the Saga­mos of one 2. or 3. houres continuance.or three houres continuance, and at euery demonstration asking the aduice of the companie: if they approoue his proposition, euery one will crie out aloud Hé e e e in signe of allowing and ratifying of the same. Wherein they giue him very attentiue audience, as wee haue seene many times: And also when that Monsieur De Poutrincourt did feast our Sauages, Memberton, after dancing made an oration with such vehemencie that he made the world to woonder, ‘shewing the curtesies and witnesses of friend­ship that they receaued of the Frenchmen, what they might hope of them heereafter; and how much their presence was profitable, yea necessarie vnto them, because that they did sleepe in securitie: and had no feare of their enemies, &c.’

Of the disposition of their bodies: and of their Physike and Chei­rurgie.

WE haue said in the last Chapter that dancing is profitable for the preseruation of health. Also it is one of the causes why our Sauages do de­light so much in it: But they haue yet some other preser­uatiues which they vse very often, that is to say, sweates, whereby they preuent sicknesses. For they be sometimes touched with this Phthisie wherewith the men of Captain Phthisie first booke chap. 16. Iames Quartier and Monsieur De Monts were annoied, which notwithstanding is but seldome. But when it hap­neth they haue in Canada the tree called Annedda, which Annedda.I terme the tree of life for the excellencie thereof, where­with they heale themselues; and in the countrie of the Ar­mouchiquois they haue Sassafras, and in Florida Esquine. Sassafras▪ Esquine.The Souriquois which haue none of these kinds of woods, doe vse sweats, as we haue said, and they haue their Aout­moins for Phisitions, who for that purpose doe digge in the The Sauages stowes or hot houses.ground, and make a pit which they couer with wood and bigge flatte stones ouer it: then they put fire to it by a hole, and the wood being burned they make a raft with poles, which they couer with all the skinnes and other couerings which they haue, so as no aire entereth there­in, they cast water vpon the said stones, which are fallen in the pit, and doe couer them: then they pu themselues vnder the same raft, and with motions the Aoutmoin sing­ing, and the others saying, (as in their dances) Het, het, het, they put themselues into a sweat. If they happen to fall into sicknesse (for one must die in the end) the Aout­moin doth blow, with exercisings, vpon the member grie­ued, doth licke it and sucke it: and if that be not sufficient, he letteth the patient bloud, scotching his flesh with the [Page 224] point of a knife, or some thing else. If they doe not heale them alwaies, one must consider that our Physicians doe not alwaies cure their patients neither.

The Physiti­ons in Florida. In Florida they haue their Iarvars, who continually carry a bagge full of hearbs and drugges hanging about their necks to cure the sicke, which are for the most part sicke of the Pox: and they blowe vpon the parts affect­ed, vntill they draw the very bloud from it.

The Brasilians Physicians. The Brasilians Phisitions are named among them Pa­gés (they be not their Caraibes or Southsaiers) who in suc­king as aforesaid, they endeuour themselues to heale dis­eases. But they haue one sickenesse which is vncureable, which they call Pians, proceeding of lecherie, which notwithstanding little children sometimes haue, euen as them in these our parts that be full of pock-holes, which commeth vnto them (as I thinke) from the corruption of their Parents. This contagion doth conuert it selfe into boiles broader then the thombe, which disperse them­selues throughout all the bodie, and euen as farre as the face, and being touched therewith they beare the marks thereof all their life time, fowler then lepers, as well Brasilians as other nations. As for the sicke bodie his diet, they giue him not any thing, vnlesse he asketh for it: and without taking any other care of them, they cease not to make their noise and hurly burlies before them, drinking, skipping and singing, according to their custome.

The Souri­quois cheirur­geons. As for the wounds, Aoutmos of our Souriquois, and their neighbours, doe licke and sucke them, vsing the Beuers kidney, whereof they put a slice vpon the wound, and so doth heale it selfe with that. The ancient Germans (saith Tacitus) not hauing yet the Art of Cheirurgie did the like: They bring (saith he) their wounds to their Mothers and to their Wiues, who are not afraid neither to number them, nor to sucke them: yea they bring them vittails to the campe, and exhort them to fight valiantly: so that sometimes armies readie to runne away, haue beene restored by the pray­ers [Page 225] of the women, opening their breasts to their husbands. And afterwards they willingly vsed the womens aduices and coun­sels, wherein they esteeme some holy thing to be.

And among the Christians, many (not caring for God no longer then they receaue good gifts of him) doe seeke for the healing of their diseases by charmes and helpe of Witches: So among our Sauages the Aoutmoin hauing some sore in cure, inquireth often of his diuell to know whether he shall heale or no: and hath neuer no answer but doubtfully, by if, or and. There bee some of them which sometimes doe make incredible cures, as to heale one that hath his armes cut off. Which notwithstanding I know not, why I should finde it strange, when I consider what Monsieur de Busbeque writeth in his discourse of his Embassie into Turkie the fourth Epistle.

‘Comming neere vnto Buda, the Basha sent some of his houshold Seruants to meete vs, with many Haraldes and officers: But among the rest a faire troupe of yong men on horse-backe, remarkable for the nouelty of their or­der. They had their heads bare and shauen, vpon the which they had made a long bloudie slash, and thrust diuers feathers of birds within the wound, from whence the very pure bloud did trickle downe: but insteed of shrinking at it, they went lifting vp their heads with a laughing countenance. Before me marched some foote men, one of them had his armes naked and hanging down on his sides: both which armes aboue the Elbowe was thrust quite through with a knife that stucke fast in them. Another was naked from his head to the nauell, hauing the skinne of his-backe so iagged vp and downe in two places, achwart which he had made to passe, an hatchet of armes, which he did carry in scarffe wise as we would doe a cuttleaxe. I saw another of them who had fixed vp­on the crowne of his head a horse shooe with many nailes, and of so long continuance that the nailes were so fixed and fast in the flesh, that they stirred not. Wee entred [Page 126] into Buda in this pompe, and were brought into the Ba­shas house, with whom I treated of my affaires. All this youthly company little caring for their wounds were in the lower court of the house; And as I was a looking on them the Basha asked of me what I thought of it: All well said I, except that these men doe with the skinne of their bodies, that which I would not doe with my coat: For I would seeke to keepe it whole. The Basha laughed, and we tooke our leaue.’

The triall of the Sauages constancy. Our Sauages doe very well sometimes make triall of their constancie, but we must confesse that it is nothing in regard of the things aboue rehearsed. For all that they do is to put burning coales vpon their armes, and to suffer their skinnes to burne, so that the marks thereof doe re­maine there for euer: which thing they doe also on other parts of the body, and shew these marks to say that they Romans.haue a great courage. But the ancient Mutius Sceuola did much more then that, burning courageously his arme in the fire, after he had missed the killing of king Porsenna. If this were of my purpose I would declare the customes Lacedemonians.of the Lacedemonians, who did make euery yeare a feast to the honour of Diana, where the yong boies did shew their triall by whipping of themselues: Item the custome of the Persians.ancient Persians, who worshiping the Sunne, which they called Mithra, none could be receiued to that fraternity vntill he had giuen his constancy to be knowen, by foure­score kindes of torments, of fire, of water, of fasting, of so­litarinesse, and other things.

But let vs return to our Sauages Physicions & Chierur­geons. Although the number of them be but small, yet so it is that the hope of their liuing doth not consist wholy in Healthfull Country.that trade. For as concerning the ordinary sicknesses they are so rare in those parts, that the verse of Ouid may be ve­ry well applied vnto them:

Si valeant homines ars tua Phaebe iacet:

In saying Si, pro Quia. For these doe also liue a great [Page 227] age, which is commonly seuen score or eight score yeare. Long liues.And if they had our commodities to liue by forecast, and industry to gather vp in summer for the Winter, I beleeue they would liue aboue three hundred yeares. Which may be coniectured by the report that we haue made heereto­fore of an old man in Florida, who had liued that great age. In such sort that it is no particular miracle of that which Pliny saith that the Pandorians doe liue 200. yeares or that they of Taprobane are liuely and nimble at a 100. yeares old. For Membertou is aboue a 100. yeares old, and yet hath not one white haire on his head, and so ordi­narily be the others. And that which is more in euery age they haue all their teeth, and go bareheaded, not caring at least to make any hats of their skinnes, as the first did that vsed them in these parts of the world. For they of Pel [...]po­nesus The first ori­ginall of hats.the Lacedemonians did call a hat Cynen, which Iuli­us Pollux saith to signifie a dogges skinne. And of these hats doe yet the Northerly people vse at this day, but they are well furred.

Concord is a cause of long life. That which also procureth the health of our Sauages, is the concord which they haue among them, and the smal care they take for the commodities of this life, for the which we torment and vex our selues. They haue not that ambition, which in these parts gnaweth and fretteth the mindes and spirits, and filleth them with cares, mak­ing blinded men to goe to the graue in the very flower of their age, and sometimes to serue for a shamefull spectacle to a publike death.

I dare also, and that very well, attribute the cause of this disposition and long health of our Sauages, to their maner of life, which is after the ancient fashion, without curiosity. For euery one doth grant that Sobrietie is the mother of And although they sometimes exceed in their Ta­bagies or feasts, they diet themselues afterwards well e­nough, liuing very often eight daies more or lesse with the smoake of Tabacco, not returning to hunting vntil they [Page 228] be a hungry. And that besides being nimble they want no exercise, some way or other. Briefely there is no mention amongst them of those short ages which doe not out passe fourty yeares, which is the life of certaine people of Ae­thiopia (as Pliny saith) which doe liue of Locustes (or gras­hopers) Multitude of officers is the signe of a cor­rupted estate.salted in the smoake. Also corruption is not a­mong them, which is the fostering mother of Physitions and of Magistrates, and of the multiplicity of officers, and of publike extortioners, which are created and instituted for to giue order vnto it, and to cut off the abuses. They haue no sutes in law (the plague of our liues) to the prosecuting whereof we must consume both our yeares & our meanes, and very often one cannot obtaine iustice, be it either by the ignorance of the Iudge, to whom the case is disguised, or by his owne malice, or by the wickednesse of an Attur­ney that will sell his Clyant. And from such afflictions do proceed the teares, fretfulnesses, and desolations, which Ecclesiast. 30. at the end of the chapter.bring vs to the graue before our time. For sorrow (saith the wise man) hath killed many, and there is no profit in it. Envy and wrath shorten the life, and care bringeth old age be­fore the time. But the ioy of the heart is the life of man: and a mans gladnesse prolongeth his daies.

The exercises of the Men.

AFter health, let vs speake of exercises which be the maintainers and protectors thereof. Our Sauages haue no base exercise, all their sport being either the wars, or hunting (whereof we will speake seuerally) or in making implements fit for the same (as Caesar witnesseth of the ancient Germans) or a dancing (and of that we haue Bowes and arrowes.already spoken) or in passing the time in play. They make then Bowes and Arrowes▪ bowes which be strong and without finenesse. As for the arrowes it is an admirable thing, how they can make them so long and so straight [Page 229] with a knife, yea with a stone onely, where they haue no kniues. They feather them with the feathers of an Eagles taile, because they are firme, and carry themselues well in the aire: And when they want them they will giue a Beauers skinne, yea twaine for one of those tailes. For the No wise trade to sell any weapons to them.head, the Sauages that haue traffike with French-men doe head them with iron heads which are brought to them. But the Armochiquois & others more remot haue nothing but bones, made like Serpents tongues, or with the tailes Sicnau, or Seekanauk, a fish in Vir­ginia.of a certaine fish called Sicnau, the which fish is also found in Ʋirginia by the same name (at least the English Histo­rian doth write it Seekanauk.) This fish is like to a Crauise lodged within a very hard shell, which shell is of the great­nesse of a dish, a long taile, likewise hard (for it is shell and sharpe). His eies are vpon his backe, and is very good meate.

Mases, or clubs, shields. They also make wooden mases or clubbes, in the fashi­on of an Abbots stafe, for the warre, and shields which co­uer all their bodies, as did our ancient Gaullois. As for the Quiuers that is the womens trade.

Fishing lines. Hempe. For fishing. The Armouchiquois which haue hempe doe make fishing lines with it, but ours that haue not any manuring of the ground, doe trucke for them with Bowe-strings made with guts. Rackets. French-men, as also for fishing hookes to baite for fishes: onely they make with guttes bow-strings, and rackets, which they tie at their feet to goe vpon the snow a hun­ting.

And for as much as the necessity of life doth constraine them to change place often, whether it be for fishing (for euery place hath his particular fishes, which come thither in certaine season) they haue neede of horses in their re­mooue for to carry their stuffe. Those horses be Canowes Canowes, or boats.and small boates made of barkes of trees, which go as swift­ly as may be without sailes. When they remooue they put all that they haue into them, wiues, children, dogges, kettles, hatchets, Matachiaz, bowes, arrowes, quiuers, [Page 230] skinnes, and the couerings of their houses. They are made in such sort that one must not sturre, nor stand vp when he is in them, but crouching or sitting in the bottome, other­wise the marchandize would ouerturne. They are fower foot broad or thereabouts, in the middest, and are sharpe towards the ends: and the nose is made rising, for to passe commodiously vpon the waues. I haue said that they make them of the barkes of trees, for the keeping whereof in measure, they garnish them within, with halfe circles of Ceder wood, a wood very souple and pliable, whereof Noahs Arke was made. And to the end they leake not, they couer the seames (which ioyne the said barkes toge­ther, which they make of rootes) with the gumme of firre­trees. They also make some with willowes very properly, which they couer with the said gumme of Firre-trees: a thing which witnesseth that they lacke no wit, where ne­cessity presseth them.

Many nations of these parts haue had the like in times past. If wee seeke in the holy Scripture, wee shall finde that Moses mother, seeing shee could hide her child no Exod. 2. v. 3.longer, she did put him in a little Chest (that is to say in a little Canowe: (for Noahs Arke, and this same small chest is one same word [...] in Hebrew, made of reede, and Canowes made of wil­lowes. daubed it with slime and pitch: then put the childe in it, and laid it among the bullrushes by the shoare of the Riuer. And the Prophet Isaiah threatning the Aethiopians and Assyri­ans: Woe (saith he) vnto the Countrie which sendeth by sea Ambassadors in paper vessels (or rushes) vpon the waters, say­ing: Paper Canowes. Messengers goe yee quickly, &c. The Aegyptians, neighbours to the Aethiopians had in the time of Iulius Caesar, the same vessels, that is to say, of paper, which is a rinde of a barke of a tree: witnesse Lucan in these Lucani. 4. booke.verses:

Conseritur bibula Memphitis cymba papyro.

Plin. lib. 4. ca. 16. But let vs come from the East and South to the North: Pliny saith, that anciently the Englishmen & Scotishmen, [Page 231] fetched Tinne in the land of Mictis, with Canowes of Wil­lowes sewed in leather. Solin saith as much, and Isidore, Isidor. li. 19. cap. 1.which calleth this fashion of Canowes, Carabus, made of Willowes, and enuironed with oxe hides all raw, which (saith he) the Saxon Pirats doe vse, who with those instru­ments are swift in flight. Sïdoneus de Polignac, speaking of Sidon. Carm. 7.the same Saxons, saith,

—Cui pelle salam sulcare Britannum
Ludus, & assuto glaucum mare findere Lembo.

The Sauages of the North towards Labrador, haue cer­taine small Canowes of thirteene or foureteene foote long, and two foot broad, made of this fashion, all couered with leather, yea ouer head, and there is but one hole in the midst, where the man putteth himselfe on his knees, ha­uing halfe his body out, so that he cannot perish, furnish­ing his vessels with victuales before he commeth in it. I The originall of the Sirens fables.dare beleeue that the fables of the Sirenes or Marmaidens come from that, the dunces esteeming that they were fi­shes, halfe men or women, as they haue fained Centaures by seeing men on horsebacke.

Canowes of holowed▪ trees. The Armouchiquois, Ʋirginians, Floridians, and Bra­silians, doe make another fashion of Canowes, for hauing neither hatchets nor kniues, (except some copper ones) they burne a great tree very straight, at the foot, and fall it downe, then they take such length as they will, and vse to burne it in steed of sawing it, scraping the burnt part of the tree with stones: and for the hollowing of the vessell, they doe continue the same. In one of those boats six men will saile with some stuffe, and will make long voiages. But these kinde of Canowes are heauier than the others.

Long voiages in the woods. They also make long voyages by land, as well as by sea, and they will vndertake (a thing vncredible) to goe twentie or thirtie yea fortie leagues through the woodes, without meeting with any path or Inne, and without ca­rying any victuales but Tabacco, and a tinder box, with their bow in hand, and their quiuer at their backs. And we [Page 232] in France are much troubled when we haue neuer so little lost our way in some great forrest. If they be pressed with thirst, they haue the skill to sucke the trees, from whence They are commonly Birch trees.doe trickle downe a sweet and very pleasant liquor, as my selfe haue tried it sometimes.

In the countries where they vse tillage, as in that of the Armouchiquois, and farther off, the men doe make an infinite quantitie of Earthen pots, like in fashion to Potterie of earth.night caps, in which they seeth their meats, flesh, fish, beanes, corne, pompions &c. Our Souriquois did so an­ciently and did till the ground, but since that French-men doe bring vnto them kettles, beanes, peason, bisket and other foode they are become slouthfull, and make no more accompt of those exercises. But as for the Armou­chiquois which haue yet no commerce with vs, and them that are further of, they till the ground, doe fatten it The tilling of the groūd. Germans.with shells of fish, they haue their families distinct▪ and their plots of ground about them; contrary to the ancient Germans which (as Caesar saith) had not any field proper, neither did they dwell aboue a yeere in one place, hauing almost no other liuing then milke, flesh, and cheese, thinking it too tedious a thing for them to tary a whole yeere of purpose, for to reape a haruest. Which is also The Sauages be not labo­rious.the humor of our Souriquois and Canadians, who, and all others (as wee must needs confesse) are nothing labori­ous but in hunting. For, the manuring of the ground, the women doe take the greatest paines in it, who amongst them doe not command at home, and doe not make their husbands to go to the Market, as they doe in many pro­uinces in these our parts, and especially in the Country of Iealousie.

The Floridi­ans tillage. Sowing twise a yeere. As for the tillage of the Floridians, heare what Lau­domniere saith of it: They sow their corne twise a yeere, that is to say, in March and in Iune, and all in one and the selfe same lande. The said Mill from the time that it is sowed vntill it be ready to be reaped, is not aboue three [Page 233] monthes in the ground. The six other monthes they suffer Plowing.the ground to rest. They also gather faire Pompians and very good beanes. They doe not dung their land: onely when they will sow, they set the weeds on fire which are growen during the six monthes, and burne them all. They till their land with an Instrument of wood, which is made like to a broad pickaxe, wherewith they digg their vines in France: They put two graines of mill together. When the lands are to be sowed, the king commandeth one of his men to call his subiects together euery day to come to labour, during the which, the king causeth great store of that drinke whereof we haue spoken to bee made. In the season that the Corne is gathered, it is all carried into the common store-house, where it is distributed to eue­ry one according to his qualitie. They sowe but so Their liuing during the Winter.much as they thinke will serue them for six moneths, and that very hardly: for during the winter they retire them­selues three or foure moneths of the yeere into the woods: where they make little houses of Palme leaues, to lodge themselues in, and there doe liue of acornes, of fish which they take, of oysters, of Stagges, Turkie hennes, and other beasts that they take.

The townes of the Saua­ges. And seeing they haue townes and houses, or Cibanes, I may yet well put this among their exercises. As for the Towns, they be multitudes of Cabins, made somwhat Pi­ramide wise, others in forme of a cottage, others like gar­den bowres, compast as it were with high pales of trees ioined one neere the other, euen as I haue set out the town of Hochelaga, in my mappe of the great riuer of Canada. Furthermore, one must not maruel of this shape of a town, which might seeme simple: seeing that the fairest townes of Moscouie haue no better inclosure. The ancient Lace­demonians would haue no other walles then their courage The begin­ning of townes.and valour. Before the generall sloud Cain did builde a town, which he named Henoch (I beleeue it was no other­wise made then those of our Sauages) but he did feele the [Page 234] wrath of God which pursued him, and had lost all assu­rance. Gen. 4. 20.Men had but Cabins and Pauillions, and as it is written of Iabal the sonne of Hada; that he was the fa­ther of the dwellers in Tabernacles and of Shepheards. After the floud they builded the tower of Babel, but this was folly. Tacitus writing of the maners of the Germans, saith that in his time they had not any vse neither of lime nor stones. The English Britons much lesse. Our Gaullois were then, from many ages before, come to ciuility. But yet The first buil­der in the Gaulles.were they along time in the beginning without any other habitations than Cabins: and the first Gaullois king that built townes and houses, was Magus, who succeded his fa­ther the wise Samothes, three hundred yeeres after the floud, eight yeeres after the natiuitie of Abraham, and the one and fiftie yeere of the raigne of Ninus, as Berosius the Chaldean doth say. And although they had buildings, they lay notwithstanding on the ground vpon skinnes, like to our Sauages. And as in the ancient times the names were giuen which contained the qualities and acts of per­sons, Magus was so called, because hee was the first buil­der. For in the Scythian and Armenian language (from whence our Gaullois came shortly after the floud) and in the ancient Gaullois toong, Magus signifieth a builder, saith the same Author, and so hath Iohn Annius of Viterbe very well marked: from whence came our names of the The Gaullois Philosophers. Diog. Laert. in the begin­ning of the liues of Phi­losophers. Games of the Sauages.Townes of Rothomagus, Neomagus, Nouiomagus. So like­wise Samothes signifieth wise, and the old Gaullois Philosophers were (before the Druides) called Samothe­ans, as Diogenes Laertius reporteth, who confesseth that Philosophie did begin from them whom the Greeke va­nitie did call Barbarous.

I will adde heere for an exercise of our Sauages, their play at hazard, whereunto they are so addicted that sometimes they play out all that they haue: And Iames Quartier writeth the same of them of Canada, in the time that hee was there. I haue seene a kind of game that they [Page 235] haue, but not thinking then to write this treatie, I tooke no heede to it. They put some number of beanes co­loured and painted of the one side in a platter: and ha­uing stretched out a skinne on the ground, they play there vpon, striking with the dish vpon this skinne, and by that meanes the beanes doe skippe in the aire, and doe not all fall on that parte that they be coloured: and in that consisteth the chance and hazard: and according to their chance they haue a certaine number of quils made of rushes, which they distribute to him that winneth for to keepe the reckoning.

Of the Womens exercises.

THe woman was giuen in the beginning vnto Man, not onely for to aide and assist him, but also to be the store house of generation. Their first exercise then that I will attribute vnto her, after that she is married is to bring foorth goodly children, and to assist her hus­band in this worke: for this is the end of marriage. And therfore is she very wel and fitly called in hebrew [...] The woman is called Pier­ced.that is to say pierced, because it is meete that she be pier­ced, if shee will imitate our common mother the Earth, which in the Spring time, desirous to bring forth, openeth her bosome for to receaue the raine and dewes which the Marriage re­quisite for planters in a new possessed Land. Great encou­ragement for the honestly minded that goe to inha­bite in those parts. heauen powreth vpon her. Now I find that this exercise shalbe requisite for them that will inhabite New France to bring foorth there store of creatures, which shall sing the praises of God. There is land enough to nourish them, so that they be willing to worke: and their condition shall not be so miserable as it is with many in these partes, which doe seeke to emploie themselues and doe not find wherein: and albeit they find it, yet very often is their labour vnrewarded and vnfruitfull. But in that countrie he that will take pleasure, and as it were sport himselfe [Page 236] with sweete labour, he shall be assured to liue out of bon­dage, and that his children shall yet be in better state then himselfe was. The first exercise then of the woman is to worke in generation, which is a labour so faire and so me­ritorious, [...]. Tim. 2. 15.that the great Apostle. S. Paul, to consolate them in the paines they take in that labour hath said: that the woman shall be saued through bearing of children, if they remaine in faith, and loue, and holinesse with modesty. That is to say, If she instruct them in such sort that the god­linesse of the mother may be knowen by the good insti­tution of the children.

This first and chiefest article being mentioned, let vs come to the others. Our Sauage women after they haue brought foorth the fruite of this exercise, by I know not what practise, doe obserue without law that which was Leuit. 12. purification.commanded in the lawe of Moses touching purifica­tion. For they shut vp themselues a parte, and know not their husbands for thirty yea fourty daies: during which time they doe not leaue for all that from going here and there, where they haue businesse, carrying their children with them, and taking care for them.

Heere aboue chap. 14. I haue said in the chapter of the Tabagie that among the Sauages, the women are not in as good a condition as they were anciently among the Gaullois and Germans. For (by the report of Iames Quartier himselfe) they labour more then the men, saith he, whether it be in fishing, be it in til­ling or in any thing else. And notwithstanding they are neither forced, nor tormented: but they are neither in their Tabagies nor in their counsels, and doe the seruile busines­ses, for want of seruants. If there be any venison killed, they goe to flay it and to fetch it, yea were it three leagues off: and they must finde it out by the onely circumstance that shall be described to them by words. They that haue prisoners doe also employ them to that, and to other la­bours, as to goe fetch wood with wiues: which is folly in them to goe fetch drie and rotten wood very farre [Page 237] off for to warme them, although they be in the middest of a forrest. True it is that the smoake is very irkesome to them: which it may be is the cause thereof.

Touching their smaller exercises; when the winter doth approch they prepare that which is necessary to oppose themselues against this rigorous aduersary, and make mattes of rushes, wherewith they garnish their Ca­bins, Mattes.and others to fit vpon, and all very artificially, yea also colouring their rushes, they make partitions in their workes, like to them that our gardeners doe make in their garden knots, with such measure and proportion as no­thing is found amisse therein. And because that the body The currying and dressing of skinnes.must also be clothed, they curry and supple the skinnes of Beuers, Stagges and others, as well as can be done heere. If they be little they few many together, and make cloakes, sleeues, stockens, and shooes, vpon all which things they make workes which haue a very good grace. Item they Panniers.make Panniers of rushes and rootes, for to put their neces­sities in, as corne, beanes, peason, flesh, fish and other things. They make also purses of leather, vpon which Purses.they make workes woorthy of admiration, with the haires of Porckepines, coloured with red, black, white and blew, which the colours that they make, so liuely that oures seeme in nothing to be comparable to them. They also ex­ercise Dishes.themselues in making dishes of barke to drinke, and put their meates in, which are very faire according to the stuffe. Item skarfes, necklaces and bracelets which they Matachia▪and the men doe weare (which they call Matachia) are of their making. When the barkes of trees must be taken off in the Spring-time, or in Summer, therewith to couer their howses, it is they which doe that worke: As likewise they labour in the making of Canowes and small boates, when Canowes▪they are to be made: And as for the tilling of the ground (in the countries▪ where they vse it) they take therin more paines then the men, who doe play the gentlemen, and haue no care but in hunting, or of warres. And notwith­standing [Page 238] all their labours, yet commonly they loue their The womens loue to their husbands.husbands more then the women of these our parts. For none of them are seene to marry againe vpon their graues, that is to say presently after their decease, but rather doe tarry a long time. And if he hath beene killed, they will eat no flesh nor will condescend to second marriage vntill they haue seene the reuenge thereof made: A testimony both of true loue (which is scarse found among vs) and al­so of chastity. Also it happeneth very seldome that they haue any diuorcements, but such as are voluntary. And if they were Christians they would be families with whom God would dwell and be well pleased, as it is meet it should be so, for to haue perfect contentment: for otherwise Faire obser­uation vpon the names of the Man and the woman. Aben Hezra on the 2. cha. of the Prouer. 17. vers.marriage is but torment and tribulation. Which the He­brewes great speculators and searchers into holy things, by a suttle animaduersion, haue very well noted, for Aben Hezra saith, that in the name of the man [...] and of the woman [...] the name of God, Iah, is contained: And if the two letters which doe make this name of God be taken away, there shall remaine these two words [...] which do signifie fire and fire, that is to say, that God being taken away it is but anguish, tribulation, bitternesse and griefe.

Of their Ciuility.

Math. 15. v. 2. ONe must not hope to finde in our Sauages that ci­uility which the Scribes and Pharisees did require in the Disciples of our Lord. For which their ouer great curiosity he made them such answer as they deserued. For they had brought in ceremonies and customes which were repugnant to Gods commandement, which they would haue straightly to be obserued, teaching vngodli­nesse vnder the name of Piety. For if a wicked child did giue and put into the common box of the temple that [Page 239] which appertained to his father, or to his mother, they (for to draw this profit) did iustifie this wicked Sonne, a­gainst the commandement of God, who hath aboue all things commended & commanded the childrens obedience and reuerence towards them that haue brought them into the world, which are the image of God, who hath no need God wil haue no oblation made of ano­ther bodies goods.of our goodes, and doth not accept the oblation that is made vnto him of the goods of another. The same Scribes and Pharisees did also bring in, a ciuility to wash hands, which our Lord doth not blame but in as much as they made the not obseruing of it, to be a great sinne.

Sauages. I haue no cause to praise our Sauages in those kind of ciuilities, for they wash not themselues at meales, vnlesse they be monstrously fowle: and not hauing any vse of linnen, when their hands be greasie they are constrained to wipe them on their haires, or vpon their dogges haires. They make no curiosity of belching, being at meales: which the Germans and others in these parts do as well as they. Not hauing the art of ioyners worke they dine vp­on the broad table of the world, spreading a skinne where they eat their meat, and sit on the ground. The Turkes Gaullois.also doe the same. Our ancient Gaullois were no better then they, who (Diodorus saith) did vse the same, spreading on the ground dogges skinnes, or woolues skinnes, vpon which they did dine and suppe, making themselues to be Germanes.serued by yongue boies. The Germans were more rude. For they had not learning, Phylosophy, nor so much de­licatenesse as our Nation, which Caesar saith to haue had the vse of a thousand things by the meanes of their Naui­gations on the seas, whereby they helped the bordering people of Germany, who vsed some small ciuilitie, and more humanity then the others of their Nation, by reason of the communication they had with our people.

Sauages arri­uing in some place. As for the complements that they vse one towards an­other comming from farre they may very briefely be reci­ted. For we haue many times seene Sauage strangers to [Page 240] arriue in Port Royall, who being landed, without any dis­course, went straight to Membertous cabin, where they sat downe, taking Tabacco, and hauing well drunken of it, did giue the Tabacco-pipe to him that seemed to be the worthiest person, and after consequently to the others: The Sauages salutations.Then some halfe an howre after they did begin to speake. When they arriued at our lodgings, their salutation was, Ho, ho, ho, and so they doe ordinarily: but for making of curtesies and kissing of hands they haue no skill: except some particulars which indeuoured themselues to be con­formable vnto vs, and seldome came they to see vs with­out a hat, to the end they might salute vs with a more so­lemne action.

The Floridians Salutations. The Floridians doe make no enterprise, before they assemble their Counsell diuers times: and in these assem­blies when they arriue they salute one another. The Pa­raousti (whom Laudonniere calleth king) placeth himself alone vpon a seate which is higher then the others: where, one after another, they come to salute him, and the el­dest beginne their salutation, lifting vp twise both their hands as high as their faces, saying Ha, he, ya, ha, ha, and the others doe answer Ha, ha. And they sit euery one vp­on seats which are about the Counsell chamber.

Now whether the salutation Ho, ho, doe signifie any thing or no (for I know no particular signification in it) yet notwithstanding it is a salutation of Ioy, and the onely voice Ho, ho, cannot be made but almost in laugh­ing, testifying thereby that they are glad to see their friends. The Greeks haue neuer had any thing else in The Greekes salutations. Plato in Char­mide. The salutati­ons of the La­tins and He­brewes. their salutations, but a witnessing of Ioy by their word Chaire; which signifieth, be ye merry: which Plato dis­liking was of aduice that it were better to say Sophroney, be ye wise. The Latins haue had their Aue, which is a wish of happinesse: sometimes also Salue, which is a wishing of health to him whom one saluteth. The Hebrews had the verbe shalum which is a word of peace and of [Page 241] health. According vnto which Our Sauiour did com­mand Math. 10. 12.his Apostles to salute the houses where they should enter in, that is to say (according to the interpretation of the common translation) to pronounce peace vnto them: which salutation of peace was from the first ages amongst the people of God. For it is written that Iethro, Moses fa­ther in law, comming to reioice with him for the graces that God had done vnto him and vnto his people, by the deliuering of them from the land of Aegypt, Moses went Exod. 18. 7. out to meet his father in law, and hauing bowed himselfe kissed him: and they saluted one another with words of peace. Wee Frenchmen doe say, Dieu vous gard, that is, God keepe you, Dieu vous doint le bon Iour, God giue you good mor­row; Item Le bon Soir, good Euening. Notwithstanding there be many, who ignorantly doe say, Ie vous donne, Le bon Iour, Le bon Soir, that is to say, I giue (or bid) you good morow, good euening: A maner of speech which would be more decent, by desiring and praying to God that it be so. Angels haue sometimes saluted men, as he who did say to Gedeon: Most strong and valiant man, the Lord is Iudg. 6. 12. with thee. But God saluteth no body: for it belongeth to him to giue saluation, and not to wish it by praier.

Salutation in Sneezing. The Heathen had yet a ciuilitie in saluting them which did sneeze, which custome we haue kept of them. And ‘the Emperour Tiberius, the saddest man in the world (saith Pliny) would be saluted in sneezing, although he were in his Coach &c. All those ceremonies and institutions (saith the same Authour) are come from the opinion of them which think that the gods will assist our affaires.’ Out of these words may be easily coniectured that the salutati­ons of the Heathen were praiers and vowes for health, or other felicity, that they made to the gods.

The ancient fashion in the beginning of letters. And as they did such things in meetings, so did they vse the word Ʋale (be ye well, be ye in health, as wee vse to say in English fare you well) at the departure: yea in letters and Epistles; which also they began alwaies [Page 242] with these words: If you be in health, it is well: I am in Senec. ep. 15. health. But Seneca saith that this good custome was bro­ken in his time: As at this day among vs it is to write clownish like to put in the beginning of a letter, God keepe you in health: which was in times past a holy and christi­an maner of writing. In stead of this Vale, which is often found in the holy Scriptures, we say in our language Of A Dieu, God be with you. A Dieu God be with you, wishing not onely health to our friend, but also that God doe keepe him.

But our Sauages haue not any salutation at the depar­ture, but onely the A Dieu which they haue learned of vs. And to finish this discourse where wee began, they are to be commended for their obedience that they yeeld The Sauages obedient to their their fathers and mothers, to whose commandements they obey, doe nourish them in their old age, and defend them against their enemies. And heere with vs (oh mi­serable thing!) there is often seene the childrens sutes in law against their parents: books of the fatherly power are seene published, concerning the childrens withdraw­ing from theit obedience. An vnworthy act for children that be Christians, to whom may be applied the speeches Tit. Lib. 1. Decad. 1. Deut. 27. 16.of Turnus Herdonius, recited in Titus Liuius, saying, that there is no speedier deciding and taking vp of any matter, then betweene the father and the sonne; a thing that might be dis­patched in few words: for if he would not obey and giue place to his father, vndoubtedly euill should come to him. And the word of God which is a thunder boult saith: Cursed be he who honoureth not his Father and his Mother, and all the people shall say Amen.

Of the Vertues and Vices of the Sauages.

VErtue like vnto wisedome, disdaineth not to be lodged vnder a meane roofe. The Northerly nati­ons are the last that haue beene brought to ciuilitie: [Page 243] And notwithstanding, before that ciuility, they haue done great actions. Our Sauages, although they bee naked, are not voide of those vertues, that are found in men of ciuili­tie, For euery one (saith Aristotle) hath in him, euen from his Arist. 6 Eth▪ chap. 13. birth, the principles and seedes of vertue. Taking then the fowre vertues by their springs, we shall finde that they participate much of them. For first concerning fortitude and courage, they haue thereof as much as any nation of the Sauages (I speake of our Souriquois and of their alli­ed) in such sort, that ten of them will alwaies aduenture themselues against twentie Armouchiquois: not that they be altogether without feare (a thing which the fore alea­ged Aristotle doth reproch to the ancient Celtien-Gaullois, The ancient Gaullois were with­out feare.who feared nothing, neither the motions of the earth, nor the tempests of the sea, saying, that this was the property of an hairebraine fellow) but with that courage they haue, they esteeme that wisedome giueth vnto them much ad­uantage. They feare then, but it is that which all wise men doe feare, and that is death, which is terrible and dreadfull, as she that rifleth all, through which shee pas­seth. They feare shame and reproch, but this feare is co­sen germane to vertue. They are stirred to doe good by What it is that the Sa­uages doehonour, for as much as he, amongst them, is alwaies hono­red, and getteth renoune to himselfe that hath done some faire exploit. Hauing these things proper vnto them, they are in a mediocritie, which is the very seate of vertue. One point maketh this vertue of force and courage vn­perfect in them, that is, they are too reuengefull, and in that they put their soueraing cōtentment, which inclineth Sauages re­ brutishnesse. But they are not alone, for all those nati­ons how farre soeuer they may stretch themselues from one Pole to the other, are infected with this vice. The Christian Religion onely may bring them to reason, as in some sort she doth with vs (I say in some sort) because that wee haue men very vnperfect, as well as the Sauages.

Temperance. Temperance is another vertue▪ consisting in the medio­critie [Page 244] in things that concerne the pleasures of the body: for as for that which concerneth the minde he is not called temperate or vntemperate, who is mooued with ambiti­on, or with desire to learne, or that emploieth his time in toies. And for that which concerneth the body, tempe­rance or vntemperance, is not applied to all things that might be subiect to our senses, vnlesse it be by accident, as to colour, to a picture: Item to flowers and good sentes: Item to songs and hearing of orations, or commedies: but rather to that which is subiect to feeling, and to that which smelling seeketh by arts, as in eating and drinking, in perfumes, in the venerian act, to tenise play, to wrest­ling, to running, and such like. Now all these things do depend of the will; which being so, it is the part of a man to know how to bridle his appetites.

Our Sauages haue not all the qualities requisite for the perfection of this vertue. For as for meates we must ac­knowledge their vntemperance, when they haue where­with, and they doe eat parpetually, yea so farre as to rise in the night to banquet. But seeing that in these our parts many are as vicious as they, I will not be to rigorous a Censurer of them. As for the other actions there is no more to be reprooued in them then in vs: yea I will say lesse, in that which concerneth the Ʋenerian action, wher­to they are little addicted: not comprehending heere, Heeretofore chap. 13.for all that, them of Florida, and in hotter countries, of whom wee haue spoken heeretofore.

Liberality. Liberalitie is a vertue as worthy praise, as auarice and prodigalitie, her opposites are blame worthy. It consist­eth in giuing and receauing, but rather in giuing in time and place, and according to occasion, without excesse. This vertue is proper and befitting great personages, which be as it were Stewards of the goods of the earth, which God hath put into their hands, for to vse them li­berally, that is to say to distribute them to him that hath none, not being excessiue in needlesse expences, nor too [Page 245] sparing where magnifiicencie is to bee shewed.

Our Sauages are praise worthy in the exercise of this vertue, according to their pouerty. For as we haue said before, when they visit one another, they giue mutuall presents one to the other. And when some French Saga­mos commeth to them, they doe the like with him, casting at his feete some bundle of Beuers, or other furres, which be all their riches: And so did they to Monsieur de Pou­trincourt, but he tooke them not to his owne proper vse, but rather put them into Monsieur de Monts his store­house, because he would not goe against the priuiledge giuen vnto him. This custome of the said Sauages pro­ceedeth but from a liberall minde, and which hath some generositie. And although they bee very glad when the like is done vnto them, yet so it falleth out, that they be­gin the venture, and put themselues in hazard to loose their merchandise. And who is hee amongst vs that doth more than they, that is to say, which giueth but with in­tention to receaue? the Poet saith,

Nemo suas gratis perdere vellet opes▪

There is no body that giueth, intending to loose. If a great personage giueth to a meane man, that is for to draw some seruice from him. Euen that which is giuen to the poore, is to receiue the hundred fold, according to the promise of the Gospel. And for to shew the galantnesse of our said Sauages: they doe not willingly cheapen, and do content themselues with that which is giuen them ho­nestly with a willing minde, disdaining and blaming the fashions of our petie merchants, which bee an houre a Heeretofore 1 booke chap. 17.cheapning for to buy a Beuer skinne: as I saw being at the riuer Saint Iohn, whereof I haue spoken heeretofore, that they called a yoong merchant of Saint Maloes Mer­catoria, which is a word of reproch among them, borrow­ed of the Baskes, signifying as it were, a hagling fellow. Finally, they haue nothing in them but franknesse and li­beralitie in their exchanging. And seeing the base maners [Page 246] of some of our men, they demanded sometimes, what they came to seeke for in their countrie, saying, that they came not into ours: and seeing that wee are richer than they, we should giue them liberally that which we haue,

Out of this vertue, there groweth in them a magnifi­cence which cannot appeare, and remaineth hidden, but for all that they are prouoked by it, doing all they can for to welcome their friends. And Membertou was very de­sirous that so much honour should be done vnto him as to shoot off our Canons when he did arriue, because he saw that the same was done to the French Captaines in such a case, saying that it was due vnto him, seeing that he was a Sagamos.

Page 224. Heere Hospitality may be mentioned, but hauing spo­ken theereof heeretofore, I will refer the Reader to the chapter of the Tabagi, where I giue them the praise attri­buted to the Gaullois and ancient French-men for this re­spect. True it is that in some places there be some which be friends for the time, and take their aduantage in necessi­tie, as hath beene noted in Laudonniere his voyage. But we cannot accuse them in that, least we also accuse our The pietie of the Sauages towards their parents.selues, which doe the like. One thing I will say that be­longeth to fatherly Pietie, that the children are not so cur­sed as to dispise their patents in old age, but doe prouide for them with venison, as the Storkes doe towards them that haue ingendred them. A thing which is the shame of many Christians, who being weary of their Parents long life, doe oftentimes strip them before they goe to bed, and so doe leaue them naked.

They vse also humanity and mercy towards their ene­mies wiues and little children, whose liues they spare, but they remaine their prisoners for to serue them, according to the ancient right of seruitude, brought in amongst all the nations of the other world, against the naturall liberty. But as for the men of defence they spare none, but kill as many of them as they can catch.

[Page 247] As for iustice, they haue not any Law neither deuine nor humane, but that which Nature teacheth them, that one must not offend another. So haue they quarels very seldome. And if any such thing doe chance to happen, the Sagamos quieteth all, and doth iustice to him that is offen­ded, giuing some bastanadoes to the wrong doer, or con­demning him to make some presents to the other, for to pacifie him, which is some forme of dominion. If it be one of their prisoners that hath offended, he is in danger to goe to the pot. For after he is killed no body will re­uenge his death. The same consideration is in these parts of the world. There is no account made of a mans life that hath no support.

Execution of iustice made by the Saua­ges. One day there was an Armouchiquois woman, prisoner, who had caused a country-man of hers, prisoner, to escape away: & to the end to trauel and passe on the way she had stollen from Membertous cabin a tinder-box (for with­out that they can doe nothing) and a hatchet. Which be­ing come to the knowledge of the Sauages, they would not proceed on the execution thereof neere vnto vs, but they went to Cabin themselues fower or fiue leagues from Port Royall, where she was killed. And because she was a woman, our Sauages wiues and daughters did execute her. Kinibech-coech a yong maide of eighteene yeares of age, faire and well spotted with colours, gaue her the first stroake in the throat, which was with a knife: An other maide of the same age, handsome enough, called Me­tembroech, followed on, and the daughter of Membertou which we called Membertou-ech-coech made an end. We reprooued them sharpely for this cruelty, whereof they were all ashamed, and durst not shew themselues any more. This is their forme of Iustice.

Another time a man and a women, prisoners, went cleane away, without tinder-box or any prouision of meat. Which was hard to be performed, as well for the great di­stance of way, which was aboue 300. leagues by land be­cause [Page 248] it behooued them to goe secretly, and to take heed from meeting with any Sauages. Neuerthelesse those poore soules pulled off the barke of certaine trees, and made a little boat, with the barke of them, wherein they crossed the Bay Françoise, and got to the other shoare ouer against Port Royall, shortning their way aboue one hun­dred and fifty leagues: and got home into their Country of the Armouchiquois.

Wherein the Sauages are diligent and slothfull. I haue said in some place that they are not laborious, but in hunting and fishing, louing also the labour taken by sea: sloathfull at all other painefull exercise, as in the ma­nuring of the ground, and in our mechanicall trades: also to grinde Corne for their owne vse. For sometimes they will rather seeth it in graines, then to grinde it by handy strength. Yet notwithstanding they will not be vnprofi­table. For there will be some meanes to employ them, to that whereunto they be inclined by nature: without for­cing it, as heeretofore did the Lacedemonians to the yongue men of their Common-wealth. As for the children, ha­uing yet taken no byas, it will be easier to keepe them at home and to employ them in those things that shall be thought fit. Howsoeuer it be, hunting is no bad thing, nor fishing neither. Let vs see then how they behaue them­selues therein.

Of their Hunting.

Gens. 1. v. 29. GOd, before sin, gaue for food vnto man euery hearbe bearing seed vpon all the earth, and euery tree wherein is the fruit of a tree bearing seed: without making mention of the spilling of the bloud of beasts: And notwithstanding after the banishment from the Garden of pleasure, the labour ordained for the punishment of the said sinne required a stronger and more substantiall food then the former: so man full of carnallity accustomed [Page 249] himselfe to feed vpon flesh, and did tame certaine number of beasts for to serue him to that effect: though some would say that before the floud no flesh was eaten: for in vaine Genes. 4. vers. 4. 20.had Abel been a shepheard, and Iabel father of shephards. But after the floud, God renewing his couenant with man: Genes. 9. Vers. 2▪ 3. The feare and dread of you (saith the Lord) shall be vpon eue­ry beast of the Earth, and vpon euery fowle of the Heauen, with all that mooueth on the earth, and vpon all the fishes of the Sea: they are giuen into your hands: all that mooueth ha­uing The begin­ning of the right of hun­ting. life shall he vnto you for meat. Vpon this priuiledge is formed the right of hunting: the noblest right of all rights that be in the vse of man, seeing that God is the Authour of it. And therefore no maruell if kings and their Nobili­tie Why it ap­pertaineth to kings and to their nobility▪haue reserued it vnto them, by a wel concluding reason, that if they command vnto men with farre better reason may they command vnto beasts. And if they haue the administration of Iustice to Iudge malefactors, to ouer­come Rebels, and to bring to humane societie wild and Sauage men: with farre better reason shall they haue it for to doe the same towards the creatures of the aire, of the forrests and of the fields. As for them of the sea wee will For what end kings haue beene chosen.speake of them in another place. And seeing that kings haue beene in the beginning chosen by the people for to keep & defend them from their enemies, whilst that they are at their necessary works, and to make warre as much as need is for the reparation of iniury, and recouery of that which hath been wrongfully vsurped, or taken away: it is very reasonable and decent that as well them as the nobility that doe assist and serue them in those things, haue ‘the exercise of hunting, which is an Image of warre, to the end to rowse vp the mind and to be alwaies nimble, ready to take horse,’ for to goe to encounter with the ene­my, to ly in ambush, to assaile him, to chase him, to trample him vnder feete. There is another and first aime The first end of hunting▪in hunting, it is the food of Man, whereunto it is desti­nated, as is knowen by the place of Scripture afore allead­ged: [Page 250] yea, I say, so destinated that in the holy language it is but one and the selfe same word [...] for to signifie hunting (or venison) & meat: As among a hundred places this of the one hundred thirtie two Psalme. Where our God hauing chosen Sion for his habitation and perpetuall rest, promiseth vnto her that he will aboundantly blesse Interpretati­on.her victuals, and will satisfie her poore with bread. Vp­on which place Saint Hierome tearmeth Ʋenison, that which the other translators doe call Ʋictuals, better to the purpose then Widow in the common translation.

Hunting then hauing beene granted vnto man by a heauenly priuiledge, the Sauages throughout all the West Indies doe exercise themselues therein without distincti­on of persons, not hauing that faire order established in these parts, whereby some are borne for the gouernment of the people and the defence of the Country, others for the exercising of arts and the tillage of the ground, in such sort, that by this faire oeconomie euery one liueth in safety.

This hunting is made amongst them chiefely in the The winter dwelling.winter. For all the Spring and Sommer time, and part of Autumne, hauing fish aboundantly for them and their friends, without taking any paines, they doe not much seeke for other food. But in winter when that fish goeth away, feeling the cold, they forsake the sea shoars and cabinne themselues within the woods, where they know to haue any pray: which is done as farre as the Countries that approach neer to the Tropique of Cancer. In the coun­tries where Beuers are, as throughout all the great Riuer of Canada, and vpon the coasts of the Ocean, as farre as the Country of the Armouchiquois, they doe winter vpon the shoars of lakes, for the fishing of the said Beuers, whereof wee will speake in due place: but first let vs The descrip­on of the El­lan or Stagg.speake of the Ellan, which they call Aptaptou, and our Basques Orignac.

It is the tallest creature that is, next vnto the Droma­daire [Page 251] and Camell, for it is higher then the horse. His haires be commonly of gray colour, and sometimes of dunne or fallow, almost as long as the fingers of ones hand. His head is very long and hath almost an infinite order of teeth. He beareth his hornes double like the Stagge, but as broad as a plancke, and three foot long, garnished with sprigges growing vpward all along vpon one side. His feet be forked as the Stagges but much more flat. His flesh is short and very delicate. He feedeth in the medowes, and liueth also of the tender cropes of trees. It is the plentiful­lest thing that the Sauages haue, next to fish.

Fit time to hunt. Wee may say then that the best and fittest time for the said Sauages, to all hunting by land is the Winter season, when that the forrests be hoarie, and the snow deepe, and especially if vpon the snow there comes a hard frost which doth harden it. Then being well clothed with a cloake fur­red with Beuers, and sleeues on the armes tyed together with a latch: Item stockens made with the leather of El­lans like to Buffe (which they tie at their girdles) and shooes on their feet of the same leather, very finely made, they goe with their Bow in hand, and the Quiuer on their backes, that way that their Aoutmoin hath shewed them (for we haue said heeretofore that they consult with the Oracle when they are a hungry) or some where else, where they thinke they shal not loose their time and labour. They haue dogges or hounds, almost like to foxes in forme and bignesse, and of haires of all colours▪ which follow them, and although they doe not spend nor call neuerthelesse they can very well finde the haunt of the beast which they seeke for, which being found they pursue her couragi­ously, and they neuer giue her ouer vntill they haue her downe: And for to f [...]llow the game more easily, they tie Rackets at their feet.rackets (thrise as great as oures) vnder their feet, with the which they runne swiftly vpon that hard snow without sincking. If it be not hard enough, yet they giue not ouer hunting, but will follow the chase three daies together, if [Page 252] Their con­stancy in hun­ting. neede be. Finally, hauing wounded her to death they so tire her with their hounds, that she is forced to fall downe. Then they cut and rip her belly, giue releefe to the hun­ters, and take their share of it. One must not thinke that they eat the flesh raw, as some doe imagine, and as Iames Quartier himselfe doth write, for they carry alwaies, go­ing The Sauages doe carry Tinder-box in the woods.through the woods, a Tinder-boxe before their brests, for to make fire when hunting is done, where the night doth force them to tarrie.

Wee went once to the spoile of an Ellan left dead vpon the brinck of a great brooke about two leagues and an halfe within the lands: where we passed the night, ha­uing taken the snowes for to lodge vs. Wee made there a very dainty feaste with this venison, more tender then any other kind of flesh: and after the rost wee had sodden meat, and broth aboundantly, made ready at an instant by a Sauage, who did frame with his hatchet a tubbe or trough of the body of a tree, in which he boiled his Faire inuenti­on of a Sa­uage for the kitchin.flesh. A thing which I haue admired, and hauing pro­pounded it to many, who thought themselues to haue good wits, could not finde out the inuention of it, which notwithstanding is but briefe, which is, to put stones made red hot in the fire in the said trough, and to renew them vntill the meat be sodde. Ioseph Accosta reciteth that the Sauages of Perou doe the same.

The chiefe hunter being returned to the cabines tel­leth the women what hee hath done, and that in such a place which he nameth to them, they shall finde the veni­son. The womans duetie.It is the said womens dutie to goe and flaie the Ellan, the Deare, Stagge, Beare, or other game, and to bring it home. Then they make good cheere as long as there is any prouision: And he that hath hunted, is he that hath the lesser share: for their custome is, that hee must serve the others, and eateth none of his owne purchase. As long as the winter continueth, they lacke none of it: and there hath beene some one Sauage that in a hard season hath [Page 253] killed fifty of them for his part, as I haue sometimes heard.

Why the Be­uer is not ta­ken in Sum­mer. As for the hunting of the Beuer, it is also in Winter that chiefely they vse it, for two reasons, one of them we haue alleaged heeretofore, the other because that after Winter this beast sheddeth her haires, & hath no furre in Summer. Besides that when in such a season they would seeke out for Beuers, hardly should they meet with any, because this creature is Amphibie, that is to say, earthly and wate­rish, Amphibie.and more waterish then otherwise: And hauing no inuention to take her in the water, they might be in dan­ger to loose their paines. Notwithstanding if by chance they meet any in Summer time, Spring time, or Autumne, they faile not to eat it.

The descrip­tion and fish­ing of the Be­uer. Behold then how they catch them in Winter time, and with most profit. The Beuer is a beast very neere as bigge as a shorne sheepe, the young ones be lesser, the colour of his haire is of a chest-nut colour. His feet be short, the fore­feet haue clawes, and the hinder feet with fins, like geese; the taile is as it were, skailed, almost of the forme of a sole­fish, notwithstanding the skaile goeth not off. It is the best and delicatest part of the beast. As for the head it is short and almost round, hauing two ranckes of iawes at the sides, and before fower great sharpe teeth one by another, two aboue and two beneath. With these teeth he cutteth small trees, and powles in sundry peeces, wherewith he buil­deth his house. That which I say is an admirable and in­credible The Beuers cabin or denne.thing. This creature lodgeth himselfe vpon the brinckes of lakes, and there he first maketh his couch with straw or other things fit to lie vpon, as well for him as for his female: raiseth a vaut with his wood, cut and prepared, which he couereth with turffe, in such sort that no winde enters therein, for as much as all is couered and shut vp, except one hole which leadeth vnder the water, and by that way he goeth foorth to walke where he listeth. And because the waters of the lakes doe sometimes rise, he ma­keth [Page 254] a chamber aboue the lower dwelling, for to retire himselfe, if in case any inundation should happen: In such sort that some Beuers cabin is aboue eight foot hight, all made with wood, piramide wise, and dawbed with mudde. Moreouer it is held that being amphibie, as we haue said, he must alwaies participate with water, and that his taile be dipped in it: which is the cause why he lodgeth himselfe so neere a lake▪ But being suttle he contenteth not himselfe with that which we haue said, but hath moreouer an issue into another place out of the lake, without any ca­bin, by which way he goeth on the land and beguileth the hunter. But our Sauages being aware of it, take order for the same, and stop this passage.

How the Be­uer is taken. When they will, then, take the Beuer, they pierce through the ise of the frozen lake, about his cabin, then one of the Sauages thrusteth his arme into the hole▪ tarying the comming of the said Beuer, whilest that another goeth vpon this ise, striking with a stafe vpon it for to astonish him, and make him to returne into his lodging. Then one must be nimble for to seaze on his necke, for if one catch him by any part where hee may bite, hee will bite very sore. The flesh thereof is very good, almost as if it were mutton.

And as euery Nation hath commonly somthing peculiar that it bringeth foorth, which is not so common with o­thers; So anciently the Realme of Pontus had the same for the producing of Beuers, as I learne it out of Virgil, where he saieth.

—Ʋirosaque Pontus Castorea.

Sidon. Apol. in carm 5. And after him of Sidonie de Polignac Bishop of Auvergne in these verses,

—Fert Indus ebur, Chaldaeus amomum,
Assirius gemmas, Ser vellera, thura Sabaeus,
Attis mel, Phoenix palmas, Lacedaemon olivum,
Argos equos, Epirus equas, pecuaria Gallus,
Arma Calybs, frumentalibes, Campanus iacchum,
[Page 255] Aurum Lydus, Arabs guttam, Panchaia myrrham,
Pontus castorea, blattam Tyrus, aera Corinthus, &c.

But at this day the land of Canada beareth the bell away for that respect, although that some of them are brought out of Moscouy, buy they are not so good as ours.

Our Sauages haue also made vs to eat of Beuers flesh, which was very good and tender, and like to beefe: Item, of Leopards, resembling much the wilde cat; and of a beast which they call Nibathes, which hath his pawes almost to the apes pawes, by meanes whereof he climeth ea­sily vpon the trees, yea he laieth his young ones there. He is of graiesh haires, and his head like to a foxes. But he is so fat that it is almost incredible. Hauing described the principall game, I will not stand to speake of woolues (for they haue some, and yet eat none of them) nor of Lucerns, Otters, Conies, and others which I haue mentioned in my farwell to New France, whereto I referre the reader▪ and to the recitall of Captaine Iames Cartier.

Hogges. Neuerthelesse it is good to shew heere that our French cattell profiteth very well in those parts. We had hogges which haue multiplied very much. And although they had a stigh, they did lie a broad, euen in the snow and du­ring the frost. We had but one weather, which prooued A Weather.very well, althogh he was not taken in by night, but was in the middest of our yard in Winter time. Monsieur De Poutrincourt made him twice to be shorne, and the woll of the second yeare hath beene esteemed in France better by two sous in the pound, than that of the first. Wee Fiue Souse make six pence Eng­lish. Outards a kinde of wild geese. had no other houshould-cattell, but hennes and pigi­ons, which failed not to yeelde the accustomed tri­bute, and to multiply aboundantly. The said Monsieur de Poutrincourt tooke comming out of the shell small Outards which hee did very will breed, and gaue them to the King at his returne. When the country is once stored with those creatures and others, they will encrease so much that [Page 256] Maruellous multiplicati­on of beasts. one shall not know what to doe with them, like as in Perou, where are at this day, and long since, such quantity of Ox­en, kine, swine, horses and dogges, that they haue no more owners, but doe appertaine to the first that doe kill them. Being killed they carry away the hides to trafficke withall, and the carkases are left there: which I haue many times heard of them that haue beene there, besides the wit­nessing of Ioseph Acosta.

The beasts of Florida and Virginia. Comming into the Country of the Armouchiquois, and going farther towards Virginia and Florida, they haue no more Ellans nor Beuers, but onely Stagges, Hindes, Roe­buckes, Deeres, Beares, Leopards, Lucernes, Onces, woolues, wilde-dogges, Hares and Conies, with whose skinnes they couer their bodies, making Chamois of them of the biggest beasts. But as the heat is there greater then in the Countries more Northernly, so they do not vse furres, but plucke out the haires from their skinnes, and very of­ten for all garment they haue but halfe bretches, or a small cushion made with their mattes, which they weare on that side that the winde doth blow.

But they haue in Florida Crocodils also, which doe as­saile them oftentimes in swimming. They kill some of them sometimes, and eat them. The flesh whereof is very faire and white, but it smelleth of muske. They haue also a cer­taine Lions.kinde of Lions which little differ from them of Africa.

Brasilians. As for the Brasilians they are so far from New France, that being as it were, in another world, their beasts are quit Tapirroussou.differing from those that we haue named, as the Tapirous­sou, which if one desireth to see, he must imagine a beast halfe an Asse and halfe a Cow, sauing that her taile is very short. His haires draw towards redde, no hornes, eares hanging, and an asses foot. The flesh therof is like to beefe.

They haue a certaine kinde of small Stagges and hindes, Stagges.which they call Seou-assous, whose haires be as long as Goates haires.

[Page 257] But they are persecuted with an euill beast which they call Ianou-arè, almost as tall and swift as a Gray-hound, much like to the Once. Shee is cruell, and doth not spare them if she can catch them. They take sometimes some of them in snares, and do kill them with long torments. As for their Crocodils they be not dangerous.

Wilde-boares. Their wilde-boares are very leane and vnfleshie, and they haue a fearefull grunting and crie. But there is in them a strange deformity, which is, that they haue a hole vpon the backe, through which they blow and breath. Those three be the biggest beasts of Brasill. As for small ones they haue seuen or eight sorts of them, by the taking whereof they liue, and also of mans flesh: and are better and more prouident husbands then ours. For one cannot find them vnprouided, but rather hauing alwaies vpon the Boucan (that is to say a wooden grate somewhat high built vp­on foure forks) some venison or fish, or mans flesh: and with that they liue merrily and without care.

Anthropopha­ges men ea­ters. The Sauages of New France be truely noble. Now leauing there those Anthropophages Brasilians, let vs returne to our New France, where the Men there are more humane, and liue but with that which God hath giuen to Man, not deuouring their like. Also wee must say of them that they are truely noble, not hauing any action but is generose, whether we consider their hun­ting, or their employment in the warrs, or that one search out their domesticall actions, wherein the women doe exercise themselues, in that which is proper vnto them, and the men in that which belongeth to armes, and other things befitting them, such as we haue said, or will speake of in due place. But heere one must consider that the most parte of the world haue liued so from the beginning, and by degrees men haue beene ciuilized, when that they haue assembled themselues, and haue formed common-wealths for to liue vnder certaine lawes, rule and policie.

Of Hawking.

SEeing that wee hunt on the land let vs not ouerstray our selues, least if wee take the sea, wee lose out Prou. 1. 17.fowles: for the wise man saith, that in vaine the net is spred before the eies of all that haue wings. If hunting then be a noble exercise, wherein the very Muses themselues take delight, by reason of silence and solitarinesse, which brings foorth faire conceits in the minde: in such sort that Plin. second Epist. 6. of Diana (saith Pliny) doth not more frequent the mountaines then Minerva. If, I say, hunting be a noble exercise, hau­king the 1. booke. Psal. 8. farre more noble, because it aymeth at an higher subiect, which doth participate of Heauen, seeing, that the inhabitants of the aire are called in the sacred Scrip­ture, Volucres coeli, the foules of the aire. Moreouer, the exercise therof doth belong but to kings, & to the nobles, aboue which their brightnesse shineth, as the Sunnes brightnesse doth aboue the starres. And our Sauages be­ing of a noble heart, which maketh no account but of hunting and martiall affaires, may very certainly haue right of vsage, ouer the birds that their land doth affoord them. Which they doe likewise, but with much difficul­ties, because they haue not (as we haue) the vse of guns. They haue enough, and too many birds of pray, as Ea­gles, Laynards, Faulcons, Tiercelets, Sparow-haukes, and others, which I haue specified in my farewell to New France, but they haue neither the vse nor industrie to A sport they haue in France to shoote at the picture of a bird, set at a stake.bring them to seruice, as the French Gentlemen: and therefore they loose much good fowle, hauing no other meanes to seeke after them, or to take them but onely with the Bowe and arrowes, with which instruments they doe like vnto them who in France shoote at the Geay in time of middle-lent: or creepe along the grasse, and go to assaile the Outardes, or wild Geese, which doe graze in [Page 259] the Spring time, and in Summer along the medowes▪ Sometimes also they carrie themselues softly and without making any noise in their canowes and light vessels made with barkes of trees, euen to the shores where the Ma­lards and other water fowle are, and there strike them downe. But the greatest abundance they haue, come from certaine Ilands, where such quantitie of them are, to wit, of Malards, Margaux, Roquettes, Outards, or Great aboun­dance of wa­ter foule.wilde Geese, Curlies, Cormorants, and others, that it is a woonderfull thing, yea that which captaine Iames Quar­tier reciteth, will seeme to some altogether vncredible. When we were vpon our returne into France, being yet beyond Campseau, wee passed by some of those Ilands, where in the space of a quarter of an houre, we laded our barke with them, wee had no need but to strike downe with staues, and not to go about to gather vntill one were wearie a striking. If any man doth aske why they flie not away, one must consider that they be birds onely of two three, or fower moneths old, which haue beene there hatched in the spring time, and haue not yet wings great enough to take slight, though they be well fleshie and in good plight. As for the dwelling of Port Royall we had The foule of Port Royall.many of our men that furnished vs with them, and parti­cularlie one of Monsieur de Monts his houshold seruants, called François Addeni, whose name I insert heere to the end he be had in memorie, beecause he alwaies prouided for vs abundantly with it. During the winter he made vs to liue onely of Mallards, Cranes, Hernes, Woodcocks, Partriges, Blackbirds, & some other kinds of that country birds. But in the spring time it was a sport to see the gray Geese and the bigge Outardes (a kinde of wilde Geese) to keepe their Empire and dominion in our meddowes▪ and in Autumne the white Geese, of which some did al­waies remaine for a pawne: then the sea Larks flying in great flocks vpon the shores of the waters, which also ve­ry often were paied home.

[Page 260] Touching the birds of pray, some of our men tooke from the nest an Eagle, from the top of a Pine-apple tree, of the monstrousest height that euer I saw any tree, which Eagle Monsieur de Poutrincourt did breed for to present her to the king, but she brake her ties, seeking to take her flight, and lost her selfe in the sea comming home. The Sauages of Campseau had six of them pearched neere to their cabins, at our comming thither, which wee would not trucke for, because they had pulled off their tailes to to feather their arrowes. There bee such a quantitie of them in those parts, that often they did eat our pigeons, and it did behooue vs to looke narrowly to them.

The birds that were knowen vnto vs, I haue enrowled them (as I haue said) in my farwell to New France, but I haue omitted many of them, because I knew not their names. There also may be seene the description of a little Niridau, an admirable little small bird. Flies.small bird, which the Sauages doe call Niridau, which li­ueth but with flowers, and she did come noising in my eares, passing inuisibly (so small is shee) when in the mor­ning I went to take a walke in my garden. There will be seene also the discription of certaine flies, shining in the euening, in the spring time, which doe flie vp and downe the woods in such a multitude that it is woonder. For the birds of Canada, I also refer the Reader to the report of Captaine Iames Quartier.

A wonderfull foule. The Armouchiquois haue the same birdes, whereof there are many which are not knowen vnto vs in these parts. And particularly there is one kinde of water foule which haue their bils made like two kniues, hauing the two edges one vpon another: and that which is worth the wonde­ring at, the vppermost part of the said bill is shorter by the one halfe then the lower-most: in such wise that it is hard to thinke how this bird taketh her food. But in the Spring Turkie­cockes.time the cockes and hennes, which we call Indien or Turkie cockes doe flie thether as wandring birdes, and soiorne there without passing further hetherward. They come [Page 259] from the parts of Ʋirginia and Florida. There be yet, be­sides Come from Virginia. Birds and foules of Vir­ginia and Flo­rida▪ these, Partridges, Parrats, Pigeons, Stocke-doues, Turtle-doues, Blacke-birds, Crowes, Tiercelets, Faulcons, Laniers, Hernes, Cranes, Storckes, Wilde-geese, Mallards, Cormorans, white Aigrets, red, blacke, and gray ones, and infinite sorts of foule.

As for the Brasilians they also haue store of Turkie-cockes and hennes, which they name Arignan-ouslou, of whom they make no account, nor of their egges: In such maner that the said Turkie-hennes breede their young ones as they can, without so much a doe as in these parts. They haue also duckes but because they goe heauily they eat none of them, saying that they would hinder them from running swiftly. Item a kinde of Pheasants which they call Iacous: Other foules which they name Mouton as bigge as peacocks: some kindes of Partridges as bigge as Geese, called Mocacoüa: Parrats of sundry sorts, and many other kindes altogether vnlike vnto ours.

Of their Fishing.

OPpian, in the booke that he hath made vpon this subiect, saith, that in the hunting of beasts and of Comparison betweene hunting, hau­king, and fishing.birdes, besides the facility, there is more content­ment and delight then in fishing, because that a man hath many retreats, one may get himselfe into the shadow, one may meet with brookes to quench his thirst, one may lie downe on the grasse, one may take his repast vnder some shelter. As for birdes one may take them in the nest and with bird-lime, yea of themselues very often they fall into the nets. But poore fisher-men cast their baite vpon an vncertainty; yea, double vncertaintie, as well because they know not what aduenture shall happen vnto them, as because they are vpon an vnconstant and vn­tameable Element, whose very sight onely is fearefull: They are alwaies wandering from place to place, sub­iects [Page 262] to tempests, and beaten with stormes and winds. But yet in the end he concludeth that they are not desti­tute of all pleasure, but rather that they haue enough, when they are in a Shippe well built, well tight, well closed, and swift in sailing. Then cutting the waues they goe to sea, where the great skulls of deuouring fishes are, and casting into the sea a line well twisted, the weight of it is no sooner in the bottome, but that as soone the baite is snatched vp, and suddenly the fish is drawen vp with An Emperour delighting in fishing.great pleasure. And in this exercise did Marc Antonia, the Sonne of the Emperor Seuerus delight himselfe very much: notwithstanding Platoes reason, who forming his common-wealth hath forbidden his Citizens the ex­ercise of fishing, as vnnoble, and iliberall, and fosterer of idlenesse. Wherein he did grossely aequiuocate, specially when he chargeth fisher-men with idlenesse. Which is so euident that I will not vouchsafe to refute him. But I mar­uel not of that which he saith of fishing, seeing that with the same he also reiecteth hauking, vpon the same reasons. Plutarch saith that it is more laudable to take either a Hart, a Roebuck, or a Hare, then to buy them: but he wadeth not so farre as the other. Howsoeuer it be, the Church, which is the first order in humane society, whose Priest­hood is called Royall by the great Apostle Saint Peter, hath permitted fishing to church-men, and forbidden hunting and hauking. And indeed, to say that which is most probable, the food of fish is the best and foundest of Aristotle 8. of the History of beasts. c. 9.all, for as much (as Aristotle saith) that it is not subiect to any sicknesse: from whence commeth the common prouerb: Sounder then a fish. So that in the ancient hiero­glyphickes a fish is the simbole of health. Which notwith­standing I would meane, eaten whilest it is new. for o­therwise (as Plautus saith) Piscis nisi recens nequam est, it is nothing woorth.

Now our Sauages doe eat it new enough, as long as it lasteth: which I beleeue to bee one of the best Instru­ments [Page 263] of their health and long life. When winter com­meth, Fishes doe retire them­selues in Winter.all fishes are astonished, and shunne the stormes and tempests, euery one where he may: some doe hide themselues in the sand of the sea, others vnder the Rocks, others doe seeke a milder country where they may be bet­ter at rest. But as soone as the mildnesse of the Spring time doth returne, and the Sea doth calme it selfe, as af­ter a long siege of a Towne, Truce being made, the peo­ple being before a prisoner, issueth forth by troupes to goe and take the aire of the fields and to reioice them­selues: So those Citizens of the Sea, after the gusts and furious stormes be past, they come to enlarge themselues through the salted fields, they skippe, they trample, they make loue, they approach to the shoare and come to seeke the refreshing of fresh water. And then our said The fishes rendez-vous.Sauages that know the Rendez-vous of euery one, and the time of their returne, goe to waite for them in good deuotion to bidde them welcome. The Smelt is the first fish of all that present himselfe in the Spring. And to the end wee goe no further to seeke out examples then at our Smelts in great quantity.Port Royall, there be certaine brooks where such skulls of these Smelts doe come, that for the space of fiue or six weeks one might take of them sufficient to feed a whole Citie. There be other brooks, where after the Smelt Herrings.commeth the Herring, with like multitude, as we haue al­ready marked else where. Item the Pilchers doe come in their season, in such aboundance that sometimes willing to haue some thing more for our supper then ordinary, in lesse then the space of an houre, wee had taken enough of them to serue vs for three daies. The Dolphins, Stur­geons Dolphins, Sturgions, Salmons.and Salmons doe get to the head of the Riuer in the said Port Royall, where such quantitie of them are, that they carried away the nets which we had laid for them, by reason of the multitude of them that we saw there. In all places fish aboundeth there in like maner, as wee our Fishing of the Sauages.selues haue seene. The Sauages doe make a hurdle, or [Page] weare, that crosseth the brooke, which they hold almost vpstraight, propped against wooden barres, archwise, & leaue there a space for the fishes to passe, which space they stop when the tide doth retire, and all the fish is found staied in such a multitude that they suffer it to be lost. And as for the Dolphins, Sturgions and salmons, they take them after that maner, or doe strike them with harping irons, so that these people are happie. For there is nothing in the world so good as these fresh meats. And I find by my The abuse of Pithagoras.reckening that Pythagoras was very ignorant, forbidding in his faire goulden sentences the vse of fishes without di­stinction. One may excuse him, in that fish being dumbe hath some conformity with his sect, wherein dumbnesse (or silence) was much commended. It is also said that he did it because that fish is nourished in an Element enemy to mankinde. Item that it is a great sinne to kill and to eat a creature thar doth not hurt vs. Item that it is a delicious & luxurious meat, not of necessity (as indeed in the Hiero­glyphiques of Orus Apollo, fish is put for a marke of delica­cie and voluptuousnesse) Item that he (the said Pythagoras) did eat but meats that might be offered to the gods: which is not done with fishes: and other such toies recited by Plutarch in his Convivial questions. But all those supersti­ons be foolish: and I would faine demand of such a man if being in Canada he had rather die for hunger then to eat fish. So many anciently to follow their owne fancies, and to say these be we, haue forbidden their followers the vse of meats that God hath giuen to man, and sometimes laied yoakes vpon men that they themselues would not beare. Now whatsoeuer the Philosophy of Pythagoras is, I am none of his. I finde better the rule of our good religious men, which please themselues in eating of flesh, which I liked well in New France, neither am I yet displeased when I meet with such fare. If this Philosopher did liue with Ambrosia and of the food of the Gods, and not of fishes, of which none are sacrificed vnto them. Our said [Page 265] good religious, as the Cordeliers, or Franciscans of Saint Maloes, and others of the maritime townes, together with the Priests, may say that in eating sometimes fish, they eate of the meat consecrated to God. For when the The French men that goe there a fish­ing. Sanctorum. New found land men doe meet with some woonderfull faire Codde, they make of it a Sanctorum, (so doe they call it) and doe vow and consecrate it to Saint Frances, Saint Nicholas, Saint Leonard and others, head and all, whereas in their fishing they cast the heads into the sea.

I should be forced to make a whole booke if I would discourse of all the fishes that are cōmon to the Brasilians, Floridians, Armouchiquois, Canadians, & Souriquois. But I will restrain my selfe to two or three, hauing first told that in Port Royall there is great beds of Muscles, wherewith Muscles.we did fill our Shallops, when that sometimes wee went into those parts. There be also Scallops twise as bigge as Scalloppes.Oysters in quantitie. Item Cockles, which haue neuer Cockles. Sea Chest­nuts.failed vs: As also there is Chatagnes demer, sea Chest­nuts, the most delicious fish that is possible to bee: Item Crabbes and Lobstarts: those be the shell fishes. But one Crabbes. Lobstarts. A Port of eight leagues▪ compasse.must take the pleasure to fetch them, and are not all in one place. Now the said Port being eight leagues compasse, there is (by the abouesaid Philosophers leaue) good sport to row in it for so pleasant a fishing.

The fishing of Codde. And seeing wee are in the Countrie where the Coddes are taken, I will not yet leaue off worke, vntill I haue spo­ken something thereof. For so many people and in so great number goe to fetch them out of all the parts of Eu­rope euery yeere, that I know not from whence such a swarme may come. The Coddes that bee brought into these parts are either drie or wet. The fishing of the wee fish is on the banke in the open sea, on this side New found land, as may be noted by my Geographicall mappe. Fif­teene Banke: See heeretofore in the 1. book chap. 12.or twentie (more or lesse) mariners haue euery one a lyne (it is a corde) of fortie or fiftie fathams long, at the end whereof is a hooke baited, and a lead of three pounds [Page 266] waight to bring it to the bottome: with this implement they fish their Coddes, which are so greedie, that no soo­ner let downe, but as soone caught, where good fishing is. The fish being drawen a shippe-boord, there are boords in forme of narrow tables along the ship where the fish is dressed. There is one that cutteth off their heads and cast­eth them commonly in the sea: Another cutteth their bel­lies and garbelleth them, and sendeth backe to his fellow the biggest part of the backe-bone which hee cutteth a­way. That done, they are put into the salting tubbe for fower and twentie houres: then they are laid vp: And in this sort doe they worke continually (without respecting the Sunday, which is the Lords day) for the space of al­most three moneths, their sailes downe, vntill the lading be fully made. And because the poore mariners doe en­dure there some cold among the fogges, specially them that be most hastie, which begin their voiage in Februa­rie: from thence commeth the saying, that it is cold in Canada.

Drying of the Codde. As for the drie Codde one must goe a land. There is in New-found-land and in Bacaillos great number ef Ports, where Ships lie at Ancker for three months. At the very breake of day the Mariners doe goe two or three leagues off in the sea to take their lading. They haue euery one filled their shaloupe by one or two a clock in the after­noone, and do returne into the Port, where being, there is a great Scaffold built one the sea shoare, whereon the fish is cast, as one cast sheaues of corne through a barne window. There is a great table whereon the fish cast, is dressed as aboue said. After six houres they are turned, and so fundry times. Then all is gathered, and piled to­gether; and againe at the end of eight daies put to the aire. In the end being dried it is laid vp. But there must be no fogges when it is a drying, for then it will rot: not too much heat, for it would become red: but a temperate and windy weather.

[Page 267] Whether the Codde doth sleepe. They doe not fish by night because then the Cod will not bite. I durst beleeue that they be of the fishes which suffer themselues to be taken sleeping, although that Op­pian is of opinion that fishes, warring and deuouring one another, as doe the Brasilians and Canibals, are alwaies Why fishes sleepe not.watchfull and sleepe not: excepting neuerthelesse the Sargot onely, which he saith putteth himselfe in certaine caues to take his sleepe. Which I might well beleeue, and this fish deserueth not to be warred vpon, seeing he maketh warrs vpon none others, and liueth of weeds: by reason whereof all the Authours doe say that he chaweth his cudde like the Sheepe. But as the same Oppian saith that this fish onely in chawing his cudde doth render a moist voice, and in that he is deceaued, because that my selfe haue heard many times the Seales, or Sea woolues, Heeretofore first booke, chap. open sea, as I haue said elsewhere: He might also haue aequiuocated in this.

The same Cod leaueth biting after the month of Sep­tember is passed, but retireth himselfe to the bottome of the broad sea, or else goeth to a hotter country vntill the Spring time. Whereupon I will heere aleadge what Pliny Plin. lib. 9. c. 16.noteth; that fishes which haue stones on their heads doe feare winter, and retire themselues betimes, of whose number is the Cod, which hath within her braines two white stones made gundole wise and iagged about: which Stones in the Cods head.haue not those that be taken towards Scotland, as some learned and curious man hath tould me. This fish is won­derfully greedy, and deuoureth others, almost as bigg as himselfe yea euen lobsters, which are like bigge Lan­goustes, and I maruell how he may digest those bigge and hard shells. Of the liuers of Cods our New-found-land-men doe make oiles, casting those liuers into barels set in the Sunne, where they melt of themselues.

There is great trafficke made in Europe of the oile of the fish of New-found-land. And for this only cause many Fish oile or traine.go to the fishing of the whale, and of the Hippopotames, [Page 268] which they call the beast with the great tooth or the Mor­ses: of whom some thing we must say.

Fishing of the Whale. Plin▪ li. 9. ca. 3. The Almighty, willing to shew vnto Iob how won­derfull are his works: wilt thou draw (saith he) Leuiathan with a booke, and his tongue with a string which thou hast cast in the water? By this Leuiathan is the whale meant, and all fishes of that reach, whose hugenesse (and chiefely of the whale) is so great, that it is a dreadfull thing, as wee haue shewed elsewhere, speaking of one that was cast on the Coast of Brasill by the tide: And Plinie saith that there be some found in the Indies which haue fower acres of ground in length. This is the cause why man is to be admired (yea rather God, who hath giuen him the courage to assaile so fearefull a monster, which hath not his equall on the land.) I leaue the maner of taking of her, described Oppian of fish­ing the 5. booke. S. Basil 10. Ho. vpon the 6. daies of crea­tion. The riuer where the Whale is fished. by Oppian, and S. Basil for to come to our French-men, and chiefely the Basques, who doe goe euery yeare to the great riuer of Canada for the Whale. Commonly, the fishing thereof is made in the riuer called Lesquemin towards Ta­doussac. And for to doe it they goe by skowtes to make watch vpon the tops of rockes, to see if they may haue the sight of some one: and when they haue discouered any, foorth with they goe with fower shaloupes after it, and ha­uing cunningly borded her, they strike her with a harping iron to the depth of her lard, and to the quicke of the flesh. Then this creature feeling herselfe rudely pricked, with a dreadfull boisterousnesse casteth herselfe into the depth of the sea. The men in the meane while are in their shirts, which vere out the cord whereunto the harping iron is tied, which the whale carrieth away. But at the shaloupe side that hath giuen the blow there is a man redy with a hatchet in hand to cut the said cord, least perchance some accident should happen that it were mingled, or that the Whales force should be too violent: which notwithstan­ding hauing found the bottome, and being able to goe no further, she mounteth vp againe leasurely aboue the wa­ter: [Page 269] and then againe she is set vpon with glaue-staues, or pertuifanes, very sharp, so hotly that the salt-water pierce­ing within her flesh she looseth her force, and remaineth there. Then one tieth her to a cable at whose end is an an­ker which is cast into the sea, then at the end of six or eight daies they goe to fetch her, when time and opportunity permits it they cut her in peeces, and in great kettles doe seeth the fat which melteth it selfe into oile, wherewith they may fill 400. Hogs-heads, sometimes more, and som­times lesse, according to the greatnesse of the beast, and of the tongue commonly they draw fiue, yea six hogs-heads full of traine.

How the In­dians doe take the Whale. Ioseph Acosta▪ [...] 5. c. 15. If this be admirable in vs, that haue industry, it is more admirable in the Indian people, naked and without arti­ficiall instruments: and neuerthelesse they execute the same thing, which is recited by Ioseph Acosta, saying that for to take those great monsters they put themselues in a Canow or Barke, made of the barkes of trees, and bording the Whale they leape nimbly on her necke, and there doe stand, as it were on horse-backe, attending the fit meanes to take her, and seeing their opportunity, the boldest of them putteth a strong and sharpe stafe, which he carrieth with him, into the gap of the Whales nostrils (I call no­strill the condut, or hole thorow which they breath) foorth with he thrust it in far with another very strong stafe, and maketh it to enter in as deepe as he can. In the meane while the Whale beateth the sea furiously, and raiseth vp mountaines of water, diuing downe with great violence, then mounteth vp again not knowing what to do through very rage. The Indian notwithstanding remaineth still sitting fast, and for to pay her home for this trouble, fix­eth yet another like stalke in the other nostrill, making it to enter in, in such wise that it stoppeth her winde quite, and taketh away her breath, and he commeth againe into his Canow, which he holdeth tied at the side of the Whale with a cord, then retireth himselfe on land hauing first tied [Page 270] his cord to the Whale, which he vereth out on her; which whilest she findeth much water, skippeth heere and there, as touched with griefe, and in the end draweth to land, where foorth with, for the huge enormity of her body, she remaineth on the shore, not being able to mooue or stur herselfe any more. And then a great number of Indians doe come to finde out the Conquerer for to reape the fruit of his conquest, and for that purpose they make an end of killing of her, cutting her and making morsels of her flesh (which is bad enough) which they drie and stampe to make powder of it, which they vse for meat, that serueth them a long time.

Morses. As for the Hippopotames, or Morses, we haue said in the voiages of Iames Quartier that there be great number of them in the Gulfe of Canada, and specially in the Ile of Ile de Brion. Brion, and in the seuen Iles, which is the riuer of Chische­dec. It is a creature which is more like to a Cow then to a Hippopotame, or riuer But we haue named it Hippopotamus that is to say the horse of the riuer, because Pliny doth so call them that be in the riuer Nilus, which notwithstanding do not altoge­ther resemble the horse, but doth participate also of an oxe or a cow. He is of haire like to the seale, that is to say, daple graie, and somewhat towards the redde, the skinne very hard, a small head like to a Barbarie Cowe, hauing two ranks of teeth on ech side betweene which there is two of them of ech part hanging from the vpper iaw downward, of the forme of a young Elephants tooth, wherewith this creature helpeth her selfe to climbe on the rocks. Because of those teeth, our Mariners doe call it La beste a La grand' dent, the beast with the great teeth. His eares be short and his taile also, he loweth as an Oxe, and hath wings or finnes at his feete, and the female calleth her young ones on the land. And because that he is a fish of the whales kind and very fatte, our Basques and other Mari­ners doe make oile thereof, as they doe with the whale and they doe surprise him on the land.

[Page 271] Plin. li. 8. c. 25. Those of Nil (saith Pliny) are clouen footed, the maine, the back, and the neighing of a horse, the teeth issuing foorth as to a wild Boare. And he addeth, that when this creature hath beene in the corne for to feed, he goeth away backwards, vpon his returne for feare hee should be fol­lowed by his traces.

I doe not purpose to discourse heere of all the sorts of fishes that are in chose parts, the same being too spacious a subiect for my historie, because also that I haue specified a good number of them in my farewell to New France. I will say onely that by maner of pastime on the coasts of New France, I will take in one day fish enough for to serue as foode for a longer time then six weeks, in the places where the abundance of Codde is: for that kinde of fish is there most frequent. And hee that hath the industry to take Mackrels at sea, may there take so many that he shall Infinite mul­titude of Mac­kerels.not know what to doe with them, for in many places I haue seene infinite numbers of them close together, which did occupie more space there three times then the market hals of Paris doe containe. And notwithstanding I see a The idlenes of people in these daies.number of people in our countrie of France, so rechlesse, and so idle in these daies, that they had rather die for hun­ger, or liue in slauerie, at the least to languish vpon their miserable dunghill, then to endeauour to get out of the mire, and to change their fortune by some generous acti­on, or to die in it.

Of the qualitie of the Soile.

VVE haue made prouision in the three last chap­ters of venison, of foule, and of fish; which is much. But in our old ancient France, bread and wine being our vsuall sustenance, it would bee hard vnto vs to make heere our aboade, vnlesse the land were fit for the same. Let vs then enter into consideration of it, [Page 272] and let vs put our hands into our bosome, to see if the dugges of this mother will yeeld any milke to nourish her children, and as for the rest, wee will take what may bee Plin. l. 18. c. 5. Which is the good land.hoped for of her. Attilius Regulus, twise Consull in Rome, did commonly say, that one must not choose places ouer ranke, because they are vnhealthfull; neither places ouer barren, although one may liue healthily in them. And with such a modetate soile did Cato content himselfe. The ground of New France is such, for the most part of fatte sand, vnder which we haue often found clay ground: and of that earth did Monsieur de Poutrincourt cause a quanti­tie of bricks to be made, wherewith he builded a furnance to melt the gum of the firre tree, and chimneies. I will say farther, that one may make with this earth such operati­ons, The earth of New France hauing the same effects as terra sigil­ with the earth which we call terra sigillata, or Bolus Armenicus, as in many occasions our Apothecarie master Lewes Hebert most sufficient in his Arte, hath made triall of it; by the aduice of Monsieur de Poutrincourt: yea euen when that Monsieur du Pont his sonne had three fingers cut off with a musket-shot, which did burst being ouer­charged, in the countrie of the Armouchiquois.

This prouince hauing the two natures of Earth that God hath giuen vnto man for to possesse, who may doubt but that it is a land of promise, when it shalbe manured? Wee haue made triall of it, and haue taken pleasure there­in, which neuer did all them that haue gone before vs, The blessing of God vpon our labour.whether it be in Brasill, whether it be in Florida, or in Ca­nada. God hath blessed our labours and hath giuen vnto vs faire wheate, Rie, Barly, Oates, Peason, Beanes, Hempe, Turneps, and garden hearbs: and this so plentifully that the Rie was as high as the tallest man that may be seene, and we did feare that this height should hinder it from bringing foorth seed: But it hath so well fructified that 150. eares of corne from one french-graine sowed there hath yeelded one hundred and fifty Eares of corne, such as by the testimony of my Lord Chancellour, the Iland of Cicilia nor the countrie [Page 273] of Beausse doe yeeld none fairer. I did sow wheate, with­out suffring my land to rest, and without dunging it at all: and neuerthelesse it grew vp in as faire perfection as the fairest wheate in France, although the corne and all that wee did sow was to long kept. But the new corne which the said Monsieur de Poutrincourt did sow before his de­parture from thence grew vp so beautifull that it was won­derfull, according to the report of them that haue beene there a yeere after our departure. Whereupon I will say that which was of mine owne doing, that in the month of Aprill in the yeere 1607 hauing sowed too thicke & too 1607 neere one to the other, some few grains of the Rie that was gathered at Saint Croix (the first dwelling of Monsieur de S. Croix is 25. leagues from Port Royall. Monts, some twenty fiue leagues from Port Royall) these graines did multiplie so aboundantly that they choaked one another, and came to no good perfection.

The fertiity of the ground mended. But as for the ground mended, dunged with our hogs dung, or with the sweepings of the kitchinne, shels of fish, or such like things, I would not beleeue▪ vnlesse I had seene it, the excessiue loftinesse of the plants that it hath produced euery one in his kinde. Yea the Sonne of Mon­sieur de Poutrincourt, a yong Gentleman of great forward­nesse, hauing sowed graines of Oringes and of Citrons in Orenges▪ Citrons.his garden, they sprung plants of a foote high at three months end. We did not expect so much, and notwith­standing we tooke pleasure therein, emulating one ano­ther. I referre to any mans Iudgement if the second triall will be done with a good courage. And heere I must say by the way that the Secretary of the said Monsieur de Monts, being come into those parts before our departure, did say that he would not for any thing in the world, but to haue made the voyage, and that vnlesse he had seene The abuse of them that haue discredi­ted the coun­try of Canada.our corne, he would not haue beleeued it. Behold how continually the country of Canada hath beene discredited (vnder whose name all that land is comprized) not know­ing what it is, vpon thereport of some Mariners, who [Page 274] onely doe goe to fish for Coddes, and vpon the rumor of some sicknesses, which may bee avoided in maintai­ning of mirth. So that men be well furnished of necessa­ries.

But to continue our purpose of the mending of the ground, whereof wee spake euen now, one certaine an­cient Authour saith that the Censors of Rome did let to farme the dunghils and other vncleanenesse, which were drawen out of sinckes for 1000 tallents a yeere (which is woorth 600000 French-crownes) to the Gardeners of Rome, because that it was the excellentest dung of all: And there was to that end Commissioners ordained for to cleanse them: Likewise the bottome and Channell of the Riuer Tybre, as certaine ancient inscriptions, which I haue sometimes read, doe record.

The land of the Armouchiquois doth beare yeerely such corne as that which wee call Sarrazen wheate, Turkie Plin. l. 18. c. 7. &. 10. The Virgini­ans haue two haruests in the yeare. The maner of fatting, til­ling, and sow­ing the grounds. wheate, and Indian wheate, which is the Irio or Erysimon fruges of Pliny and Columella. But the Ʋirginians, Flori­dians, and Brasilians, more southerly, make two har­uests a yeere. All these people doe till their land with a woodden picke-axe, weed out the weeds and burne them, fatten their fieldes with shell-fish, hauing neither tame Cattell nor dung: then they heape their ground in small heapes two foote distant one from another. and the month of Maie being come, they set their Corne in those heapes of earth as wee doe plant beanes, fixing a stick, and put­ting foure graines of corne seuerally one after another (by certaine superstition) in the hole, and betweene the plants of the said corne (which groweth like a small tree, and is ripe at three months end) they also set beanes spotted with all colours, which are very delicate, which by reason they be not so high, doe grow very well among these plantes of corne: Wee haue sowed of the said corne this last yeere in Paris in good ground, but with small profit, hauing yeelded euery plant but one eare or two, and yet [Page 275] very thinne: Where in that country one graine will yeld foure, fiue and six eares, and euery eare one with another aboue 200 graines, which is a maruellous increase. Which Theophrastus in the 8. booke of plants.sheweth the prouerbe reported by Theophrastus to be ve­ry true, that it is the yeere that produced the fruit, and not the field: That is to say, that the temperature of the aire, and condition of the weather, is that which maketh the plants to budde and fructifie more then the nature of the earth. Wherein is to be wondred that our Corne grow­eth Our corne profiteth bet­ter in their ground then their corne in ours.better there, then their corne heere. A certaine testi­monie that God hath blessed that country, since that his name hath beene called vpon there: Also that in these parts, since some yeeres, God beateth vs (as I haue said elsewhere) with rods of iron, and in that country he hath spred his blessing aboundantly vpon our labour, and that in one parallele and eleuation of the Sunne.

This Corne growing high, as we haue said, the stalke of it is as bigge as Canes, yea bigger. The stalke & Corne taken greene, haue a sugar taste, which is the cause why the Mowles and field Rattes doe so couet it, for they spoiled me a plot of it in New France. The great beasts, as Stagges and other beasts, as also birds doe spoile it. And the Indians are constrained to keepe them as wee doe the vines heere.

Barnes vnder ground. The Haruest being done, this people laieth vp their Corne in the ground, in pits which they make in some discent of a hill, for the running downe of waters, fur­nishing those pits with mattes: and this they doe because they haue no houses with loftes, nor chests to lay it vp o­therwise: then the corne conserued after this maner, is out of the way of Rats and Mise.

Sundry nations of those parts haue had the same inuen­tion to keepe corne in pits. For Suidas maketh mention of it vpō the word Seiroi. And Procopius in the second book of the Gothicke warre, saith that the Gothes besieging Rome fell within the pits, where the inhabitants were [Page 276] woont to lay their Corne. Tacitus reporteth also that the Germans had such pits. And without particularising any farther, in many places of France that keepe at this day [...]4. chap.their corne after that maner. We haue declared heereto­fore in what fashion they stampe their Corne, and make bread with it, and how by the testimonie of Pliny, the an­cient Italians had no better industrie then they.

The cause why the Cana­dians haue giuen ouer their tillage. They of Canada and Hochelaga, in the time of Iames Quartier, did also till after the same maner, and the land did affoord them Corne, Beanes, Peason, Milions, Pom­pions, & Cucumbers, but since that their furres haue been in request, and that for the same they haue had bread and other victuals, without any other paines, they are become sluggish, as the Souriquois also, who did addict themselues to tillage in the same time.

Hemp. But both the one and the other nation haue yet at this time excellent Hempe, which the ground produceth of it selfe. It is higher, finer, whiter, and stronger then ours in these our parts. But that of the Armouchiquois beareth at the top of the stalke thereof a cod, filled with a kinde of Cotton.cotten, like vnto silke, in which lieth the seed. Of this cotton, or whatsoeuer it be, good beddes may be made, more excellent a thousand times then of feathers, and sof­ter than common cotten. We haue sowed of the said seed, or graine in diuers places of Paris, but it did not prooue.

We haue seene by our Historie, how along the great Vines and grapes.riuer, beyond Tadoussac, Vines are found innumerable, and grapes at the season. I haue seene none in Port Roy­all, but the land and the hils are very proper for it. France had none in ancient time, vnlesse peraduenture along the Aurel. Victor in Prob. when the Vine was first planted in France.coast of the Mediterranean sea. And the Gaullois hauing done some notable seruice to the Emperour Probus, they demanded of him for recompence, permission to plant Vines: which he granted vnto them: But they were first denied by the Emperor Nero. But why doe I aleadge the Gaullois, seeing that in Brasill, being a hot countrie, there [Page 277] was none vntill that the Frenchmen and Portugeses had planted some there: So there is no doubt but that the Vine will grow plentifully in the said Port Royall, seeing likewise that at the riuer Saint Iohn (which is twentie leagues more Northward than the said Port) there be ma­ny of them: yet for all that not so faire as in the countrie of the Armouchiquois, where it seemeth that Nature did delight herselfe in planting of them there.

And for as much as we haue handled this subiect, speak­ing of the voiage that Monsieur De Poutrincourt made the­ther, we will passe further, to declare vnto you that the most part of the woods of this land be Oakes and Wal­nut-trees, Oakes. Nut-trees. Plumb-trees.bearing small-nuts with fower or fiue sides, so sweet and delicate as any thing may be: And likewise Plumb-trees which bring foorth very good Plumbes: As also Sassafras, a tree hauing leaues like to Oake-leaues, but Sassafras.lesse iagged, whose wood is of very good sent, and most excellent for the curing of many diseases, as the pox, and the sicknesse of Canada, which I call Phthisie, whereof we Phthisie. 1. book. c. 13.haue discoursed at large heeretofore.

They also plant great store of Tabacco, a thing most precious with them, and vniversally amongst all those na­tions. It is a plante of the bignesse of Consolida maior, the Tabacco and the vse of it.smoake whereof they sucke vp with a pipe in that manner that I will declare vnto you, for the contentment of them that know not the vse of it. After that they haue gathe­red this hearbe, they lay it to dry in the shade, and haue certaine small bagges of leather, hanging about their neckes or at their girdles, wherein they haue alwaies some and a Tabacco-pipe with all, which is a little pan hollowed at the one side, and within whose hole there is a long quill or pipe, out of which they sucke vp the smoake, which is within the said pan, after they put fire to it with a cole that they laie vpon it. They will sometimes suffer hunger eight daies, hauing no other sustenance then that smoake. And our Frenchmen who haue frequented them are so be­witched [Page 278] with this drunkennesse of Tabacco, that they can no more be without it, then without meat or drinke, and vpon that doe they spend good store of mony. For the good Tabacco which commeth out of Brasil doth some­times Foolish gree­dinesse of some men af­ter Tabacco.cost a French-crowne a pound. Which I deeme foo­lishnesse in them, because that notwithstanding they doe not spare more in their eating and drinking then other men, neither doe they take a bit of meat nor a cup of drinke the lesse by it. But it is the more excusable in the Sauages, by reason they haue no greater deliciousnesse in their Ta­bagies, or bankets, and can make cheere to them that come to visit them with no greater thing, as in these our parts one presents his friend with some excellent wine: In such sort that if one refuseth to take the Tabacco-pipe, it is a The Sauages doe thinke that God hath taken Tabacco.signe that he is not a friend. And they, which among them haue some obscure knowledge of God, doe say that he ta­keth Tabacco as well as they, and that it is the true nectar, described by the Poets.

This smoake of Tabacco taken by the mouth, in suck­ing, The vertues and proper­ties of Taba­ a child that sucketh his dugge, they make it to issue thorow the nose, & passing thorow the conduits of brea­thing, the braines are warmed by it, and the humiditie of the same dried vp. It doth also in some sort make one gid­die, and as it were drunke, it maketh the belly soluble, mi­tigateth the passions of Venus, bringeth to sleepe, and the leafe of Tabacco, or the ashes that remaine in the pan healeth wounds. Yea I will say more that this nectar is vn­to them so sweet, that the children doe sometimes sup vp the smoake that their fathers cast out of their nostrils, to the Belle Forest.end that nothing be lost. And because that the same hath a tart biting taste, Monsieur de Belleforest, reciting that which Iames Quartier (who knew not what it was) saith of it, will make the people beleeue that it is some kind of pepper. But whatsoeuer sweetenesse is found therein I could neuer vse my selfe to it, neither doe I care for the vse and custome to take it in smoake.

[Page 279] Rootes Afro­dilles. There is yet in the land of the Armouchiquois, certaine kinde of Rootes as bigge as a loafe of bread, most excel­lent for to be eaten, hauing a taste like the stalkes of Arti­chocks, but much more pleasant, which being planted do multiply in such sort, that it is woonderfull. I beleeue that they be those which be called Afrodilles, according to the description that Pliny maketh of them: ‘These Roots Plin. l. 21. c. 17. These seem to be ground▪ nuts. (saith he) are made after the fashion of smal turneps & there is no plant that hath so many roots as this hath: for some­times one shall find fower score Afrodilles tied together. They are good rosted vnder the imbers, or eaten raw with pepper,’ or oile and salt.

Considerati­on of the mi­serie of many. Considering all this, it seemeth vnto mee that these are men very miserable, who being able to liue a countrie life in quiet and rest, and take the benefit of the ground, which doth pay her creditor with so profitable an vsurie, doe passe their age in townes in following of sutes in law, in toiling heere and there, to seeke out the meanes how to beguile and deceaue some one or other, taking such pains as doe euen bring them to their graue, for to pay their house rent, for to be clothed in silke, for to haue some precious moueables: briefly for to set out and feed them­selues with all vanitie, wherein contentment is neuer to be found. ‘Poore fooles! (saith Hesiod) which know not Hesiode in the booke of workes and one halfe of these things with quiet is more woorth then all heaped together with freatfullnesse: nor how great benefit is in the Malous and the Daffadilles. The Gods certainely haue hidden from men the manner of li­uing happily. For otherwise one daies labour would be sufficient for to nourish a man a whole yeere, and the day following he would set his Plough vpon his dunghill,’ and would rest his Oxen, his mules, and himselfe.

The tilling of the ground full of inno­cency. This is the contentment which is prepared for them that shall inhabite New-France, though fooles doe despise this kind of life, and the tilling of the ground, the most harmeles of all bodily exercises, and which I will tearme [Page 280] the most noble as that which sustaineth the life of all men. They disdaine (I say) the tillage of the ground, and notwithstanding all the vexations wherewith one tormen­teth himselfe, the sutes in law that one followes, the wars that are made, are but for to haue landes. Poore mother! what hast thou done that thou art so despised? The other Elements are very often contrarie vnto vs, the fire consu­meth vs, the aire doth infect vs with plague, the water swalloweth vs vp, onely the earth is that which comming into the world, and dying, receaueth vs kindly, it is she alone that nourisheth vs, which warmeth vs, which lod­geth vs, which clotheth vs, which contrarieth vs in no­thing, and shee is set at naught, and them that doe ma­nure her are laughed at, they are placed next to the idle and bloud-suckers of the people. All this is done heere a­mong vs: But in New-France the goulden age must be brought in againe, the ancient Crownes of eares of corne must be renewed; and to make that to be the first glory Pli. 18. booke ch. 3.which the ancient Romans did call Gloria adorea, a glory of wheate, to the end to inuite euery one to till well his field, seeing that the land presenteth it selfe liberally to them that haue none.

Being assured to haue corne and wine, there resteth but to furnish the Country with tame cattell: for they will breede there very well, as we haue said in the chapter of hunting.

Of fruite-trees, there be but few, besides nut-trees, Heeretofore ch. 21.Plumb-trees, and small chery-trees, and some hazell­nut-trees. True it is that all that which is within the land Orenge-trees not yet discouered, for in the country of the Iroquois there are Oreng-trees, and they make oiles with the fruite of trees. But no French-men nor other Christians haue beene there yet. That want of fruit-trees is not to be found very strange. For the most part of our fruits are come out of other places: And very often the fruites beare the name of the country from whence they haue been brought. The [Page 281] land of Germanie is good, and fruitfull: but Tacitus saith, The trees and▪ fruits of the land in Port Royall.that in his time there were no fruit-trees.

As for the trees of the forests the most common in Port Royall be Oakes, Elmes, ashes, Birch (very good for Ioiners-worke) Mapels, Sicomores, Pine-trees, Firre­trees, White-thornes, Hazell-trees, Willowes, Bay­trees, Bay trees commonly grow in warme coun­tries.and some others besides which I haue not yet mar­ked. There is in certaine places store of Strawberries, and Raspises. Item in the wooddes small fruit, blew and redde. I haue seene there small Peares very delicate: and in the meddowes all the winter long, there be certaine smal fruits like to small apples coloured with redde, whereof wee made Marmelade, for to eate after meat. There bestore of Gooseberries like vnto ours, but they grow redde. Item those other smal roūd gooseberries which we do cal Gue­dres. And Peason in great quantitie along the sea shoares, Guedres be a kinde of Co­rinthes.the leaues whereof we tooke in Spring time, and put a­mong our old Peason, and so it did seeme vnto vs that we did eate greene Peason. Beyond the said Baie Françoise, that is to say, in the riuer S. Iohn, and Saint Croix, there is store of Cedar trees, besides those trees that I haue named. As for them of the great riuer of Canada, they haue beene specified in the second booke, in the relation of the voya­ges of captaine Iames Quartier, & of Monsieur Champlein.

Trees of Flo­rida. Those of Florida be Pyne trees (which beare no kernels in the fruits that they produce) Oakes, Wall-nut trees, blacke Cherrie trees, Lentiskes, Chest-nut trees (which be not naturall as in France) Cedar trees, Cypres trees, Palme trees, Holy trees, and Wilde vines, which climbe vp to the trees, and bring foorth good grapes. There is a kind of Medlers, the fruit whereof is better and bigger then that of France: there are also Plumbe trees which beare a very faire fruit, but not very good, Raspises: A small graine which we call with vs bleues (blewes) which are very good to bee eaten. Item roots which they call Hassez, whereof in their neede they make bread.

[Page 282] Trees of Bra­sill. The prouince of Brasill hath taken her name, as wee thinke, of a certaine tree which we call Bresill, and the Sa­uages of the countrie Arabouton, it is high, and as bigge as our Oakes, and hath the leafe like to the Box leafe. Our French men and others doe goe into that countrie for to lade their shippes with it. The fire of it is almost without smoake. But hee that would thinke to whiten his linnen with the ashes of that wood, would farre deceiue himselfe. For he should finde it died in redde. They haue also Palme trees of sundry sorts: And trees the wood whereof, of some, is yellow, and others violet. They haue also some that haue the sent of Roses, and others stinking, whose fruits are dangerous to be eaten. Item a kinde of Guayac which they name Hinouraé, which they vse for to cure a disease called among them Pians, as dangerous as the Pox. The tree which beareth the fruit that wee call the Indian Nut, is called among them Sabaucaië. They haue also Cot­ten trees, of the fruit whereof they make beds, which they hang betweene two forks or posts. This countrie is hap­pie in many other sorts of fruit trees, as Orenge trees, Ci­tron trees, Leamon trees, and others, alwaies greene, whereby the losse of that countrie where the Frenchmen had begun to inhabite, is so much the more greeuous vn­to them that loue the welfare of France. For it is more than euident, that the dwelling is there more pleasant and delightfull then the land of Canada, for the temperature of the aire. True it is that the voiages thither are long, as of fower and fiue moneths, & that in performing of them somtimes wants must be endured, as may be seene by the The benefit of taking the season of the yeare.voiages made thither in the time of Ville-gagnon: But to New France where we were, when one beginneth his voi­age in due season, the voiages are but of three weeks, or a moneth, which is but a small time.

If the sweetnesse and delicacies be not there, such as they are in Perou, one must not say therefore that the countrie is nothing woorth. It is much that one may liue [Page 283] there inrest & ioyfully without taking care for superfluous things. The couetuousnesse of men hath caused that no countrie is thought good, vnlesse there be Mines of gold in it. And sots as they be, they doe not consider that the The despising of gold and siluer of France is now vnfurnished of the same: And Germany also, whereof Tacitus said, that he knew not whether the gods in their anger or in their fauour had de­nied gold and siluer to that Prouince. They doe not see that all the Indians haue not any vse of siluer, and liue more contentedly then we. If we call them fooles they may say as much of vs, and peraduenture with better reason. They know not that God promising to his people a happy land he saith that it shall be a land of Corne, of Barly, of Vines, of Fig-trees, of Oliue-trees, and of Hony, where they shal Deut 8 v. 8 [...].eat their bread without scarcity, &c. And for all mettels he giueth them but Iron and Copper, least that gold and siluer make them to lift vp their heart, and forget their God: And he will not that when they shall haue kings they Deut. 17 v. 17.should hoord vp much gold or siluer. They doe not con­sider that Mines be the Church-yards of men: That the Spaniard hath consumed therein aboue ten millions of poore Indian Sauages, instead of instructing them in the Christian faith: That there be Mines in Italy, but that the Plin. l. 33. c. 4.ancients would not giue leaue to worke in them for the preseruation of the people: That in the Mines is a thicke aire, grosse and infernall, where one neuer knoweth when it is day, or night: That to doe such things is to seeke to dispossesse the diuell of his kingdome. That it is a thing vnworthy to a man to bury himselfe in the entrailes of the earth, to seeke out for hell, and miserably to abase himselfe vnder all vncleane creatures: He to whom God hath gi­uen an vpright forme, and his face looking vpward, for to behold the Heauen, and to sing praises vnto him: That in Countries where Mines be, the land is barren: That we doe not eat neither gold nor siluer, and that the same of it selfe doth not keepe vs warme in Winter: That he which [Page 284] hath Corne in his Barne, Wine in his seller, Cattell in his Medowes, and afterwards Codde-fish and Beuers, is more assured to haue gold and siluer, then he which hath Mines Mines in New finde victuals. And neuerthelesse there be Mines in New France, as we haue mentioned elsewhere. But that is not the first thing that one must seeke for, men doe not liue with opinion onely. And this consisteth but in opi­nion, nor the precious stones neither (which are fooles ba­bles) wherin one is most often deceiued, so well art can counterfeit nature: witnesse him that did sell, some fiue or six yeeres since, vessels for fine Emerald, and had made himselfe rich by the folly of others, if he could haue plaied his part aright.

Fruites to be hoped for in New France. Now without making shew of any Mines, profit may be made in New France of diuers furres that be there, which I finde are not to be dispised, seeing that we see so much enuy against a priuiledge that the King did grant to Monsieur de Monts for to helpe to establish and settle there The like may be to Eng­land from Virginia.some French Colony. But there may be drawen a generall commodity to France, that in the scarsity, of victuals, one Prouince may succour the other: which might be done now if the Country were well inhabited: seeing that since we haue beene there the seasons haue alwaies beene good in it, and in these our parts rough to the poore, which doe die for hunger, and liueth but in want and penury: in stead that there many might liue at their ease, who it were better to preserue then to suffer to perish. Besides fishing being made in New France, the New-found-land-ships shall Good consi­derations.haue nothing to doe but to lade, arriuing thither, in stead that they are forced to tarry three moneths there: and shal be able to make three voiage for one.

Of exquisit woods I know none there, but the Cedar and the Sassafras: but good profit may be drawen from the Firre and Pruse-trees, because they will yeeld aboundance of gumme, and they die very often thorow ouer much li­quor. This gumme is very faire like the Turpentine of Ve­nice, [Page 285] and very soueraigne for medicines. I haue giuen some to some Churches of Paris for Frankensence, which hath beene found very good. One may moreouer furnish the Citie of Paris and other places of France with Sope-ashes, Sope ashes.which at this present be all bare and without woods. They who finde themselues afflicted may haue there a pleasant place to retire themselues into, rather then to yeeld them­selues subiect to the Spaniard, as many doe. So many fa­milies as be in France ouercharged with Children, may diuide themselues, and take there their portion with those small goods and moueables as they haue. Then time will discouer some thing a new: and one must helpe all the world, if it be possible. But the chiefest good one must aime at, is the establishment of Christian religion, in a Country where God is not knowen, and the conuersion of these poore people, whose damnation crieth vengance against them that may, and ought to employ themselues thereto, and to contribute, at least with their names, to that effect, seeing that they gather vp the fat of the earth, and are constituted Stewards of the things of this world.

Of their Warre.

OF possessing of land commeth warre: And when one hath established himselfe in New-France, some greedy fellow peraduenture will come to take away the labour of honest painefull men. This is that which many doe say. But the state of France is (God be praised) too well setled, for to be affraid of such trickes. We are not now in the time of leagues and partialties. There is none that will beginne with our king, nor make aduentu­turous enterprizes for a small purchase. And though any one would doe it, I beleeue that the remedies haue beene thought vpon alreadie. And moreouer this action is for religion, and not to take away anothers goods. This [Page 286] being so, Faith maketh one to march bouldly with assu­rance, and to passe through all difficulties. For be­holde what the Almightie saith by his Prophet Isaiah to them whom he taketh in his tuition, and to the French­men And by con­sequent to the English­men of Vir­ginia.of New-France: Harken vnto me you that follow Iu­stice, and that seeke after the Lord. Behold the rocke out of which you were cut, and to the deepe of the Cisterne from whence you haue been drawen; That is to say, consider that you are French-men. Looke to Abraham your father and to Sara who hath brought you foorth, how I haue called him he being all alone, and haue blessed and multiplied him. There­fore assuredly the Lord will comfort Sion &c.

To what end the Sauages doe make warre. Our Sauages doe not ground their wars vpon the pos­session of the land. Wee doe not see that they encroatch one vpon another for that respect. They haue lande e­nough for to liue and for to walke. Their ambition is li­mited within their boundes. They make war as Alexan­der the great did make it, that they may say I haue beaten you: or else for reuenge in remembrance of some iniurie receaued, which is the greatest vice that I find in them, because they neuer forget iniuries: Wherein they are so much the more excusable, because they doe nothing but that which our selues doe also. They follow nature: And if wee refraine any thing of that instinct, it is the com­mandement of God which maketh vs to doe it; whereun­to many doe stoppe their eies.

Therefore when they will make warres, the Sagamos who hath most credit among them, maketh them to know the cause why, the rendez-vous, and time of the assem­bly. The Sauages Orations.Being arriued he maketh long orations vnto them vpon the occasion which is offered and for to encourage them. At euery proposition he demandeth their aduise, and if they giue consent they all make an exclamation, say­ing Hau: if not, some Sagamos will beginne to speake, and Surprizes of the Sauages.say what he thinketh good of it: being both the one and the other well heard. Their warres are made but by sur­prizes, [Page 287] in the darke of the night, or by Moone-shine, by ambushments or subtiltie. Which is generall throughout all those Indies. For we haue seene in the first booke in what fashion the Floridians doe make warre: And the Bra­silians doe no otherwise, And the surprizes being done they come to handie blowes, and doe fight very often by day.

The maner to foretell or▪ presage the euent of the warre. But before they goe from home, ours (I meane the Souriquois) haue this custome to make a fort▪ within which all the yongue men of the armie doe put themselues: where being, the women come to compasse them about and to keepe them as besieged. Seeing themselues so enuironned they make sailies, for to shunne and deliuer themselues out of prison. The women that keepe watch doe repulse them, doe arrest them, doe their best endeauour to take them. And if they be taken they lay loades at them, doe beate them, strippe them, and by such a successe they take a good presage of the warre they goe to make. If they e­scape it is an euill signe.

They haue also another custome concerning some one particular man, who bringing an enemies head, they make great feasts, dances and songs for many daies: and whilest these things be in doing they strippe the Con­queror, & giue him but some bad ragge to couer himselfe withall. But at the end of eight daies or there about, af­ter the feast, euery one doth present himselfe with some thing, to honour him for his valour.

Succession of Captains. The Captaines amongst them take their degree by suc­cession, as the regalitie in these our parts (which is to be vnderstood if the Sonne of a Sagamos imitateth the ver­tues of his father) for otherwise they doe as in the old time when that first the people did chuse kings: whereof Iohn de Meung Author of the Roman de la Rose, speaking hee saith: that, They chused the tallest, that had the biggest bo­dy, and biggest bones amongst them, and made him their Prince and Lord. But this Sagamos hath not an absolute [Page 288] authoritie among them, but such as Tacitus reporteth of the ancient Germaine Kings: ‘the power of their Kings, saith he, is not free, nor infinite, but they conduct the people rather by example, then by commandement. In Virginia and in Florida they are more honoured then a­mong The naturall Virginians doe honour their kings. The Sauages armes.the Souriquois. But in Brasill he that hath taken and killed more prisoners they will take him for Cap­taine, and yet his children may not inherite that dignitie.

Their armes are the first which were in vse after the cre­ation of the world, Clubbes, bowes, arrowes: for as for slings and Crosse-bowes they haue none, nor any wea­pons of iron or steele, much lesse those that humane wit hath inuented since two hundred yeeres, to counterfaite the thunder: nor Rammes or other ancient engins of bat­terie.

Heeretofore the first book. chap. 15. They are very skilfull in shooting an arrow, and let that be for an example which is recited heeretofore of one that was killed by the Armouchiquois, hauing a little dogge pierced together with him with an arrow, shot a farre off. Yet I would not giue them the praises due to many nations of this hither world, which haue beene famous for that exercise, as the Scythians, Getes, Sarmates, Goths, Scots, Parthians, and all the people of the East, of whom a great number were so skilfull, that they had hit a haire: which the holy Scripture witnesseth of many of Gods people, namely of the Beniamites, who going to warre Iudges ch. 10. vers. 15. Eccellent Archers.against Israel: Of all this people (saith the Scripture) there was seuen huudred chosen men, being left-handed: all these could fling a stone at an haires breadth, and not faile. In Creete there was an Alcon so skilfull an archer, that a dragon carrying away his Sonne, he pursued after him and kil­led him without hurting his child. One may read of the Emperour Domitian that he could direct his arrow farre of between his two fingers, being spred abroad. The wri­tings of the ancient make mention of many who shotte birds through, flying in the aire, and of other wonders [Page 289] which our Sauages would admire at. But notwithstand­ing they are gallant men and good warriers, who will goe through euery place being backt by some number of French-men: and, which is the second thing next vnto courage, they can endure hardenesse in the warre, lie in the snow, and on the ise, suffer hunger, and by inter­mission feede themselues with smoake, as we haue said in the former chapter. For warre is called Militia, not From whence commeth this word malice, or Militia. Vl­pian. l. 1. §. vlt. D. de. tistum. mil. Mat. 6. v. 34.out of the word Mollitia, as Vlpian the lawyer, and others would haue it, by an antiphrasticall manner of speaking: But of Malitia which is as much to say as Duritia, Kakia: or of Afflictio, which the Greekes doe call Kakosis. And so it is taken in Saint Mathew where it is said that the day hath enough of his own griefe Kakia that is to [...]y his afflicti­on, his paine, his labour, his hardenesse, as Saint Hierome doth expound it very well. And the word in S. Paul Ka­kopatheson Hierom. opist. ad 247. A­mand. Hos kalos stratiotis Ieson Christion, had not beene ill translated Dura, that is, Suffer affliction as a good soul­dier of Iesus Christ, insteed of Labora, harden thy selfe with patience, as it is in Ʋirgill,

Durate, & rebus vosmet seruate secundis▪

And in another place he calleth the Scipios Duros belli, to signifie braue and excellent Captaines: which hardnes and malice of warre Tertullian doth expound Imbonit as in the booke that he hath written to the Martirs, for to ex­hort them to suffer afflictions manfully for the name of Iesus Christ: A souldier (saith he) cannot come to the wars with pleasures, and he goeth not to the fight comming foorth from his chamber, but out oftents and pauillions stretched out, and tied to stalkes and forkes, Ʋbi omnis duritia & imbonit as & insuauit as, where no pleasure is.

Now although the war which is made comming foorth out of tents and pauilions is hard, yet notwithstanding the life of our Sauages is yet harder, and may be called a true milicia, that is to say, malice, which I take for hardnesse. And after this maner doe they trauell ouer great countries [Page 290] through the woods for to surprise their enemy and to as­saile Subiect of the Sauages feare.him on the sudden. This is that which keepeth them in perpetuall feare. For at the least noise in the world, as of an Ellan which passeth among branches and leaues, they Heretofore cha. 17.take an alarme. They that haue townes after the maner that I haue described heeretofore, are somewhat more as­sured. For hauing well barred the comming in they may aske quiva là who goeth there? and prepare themselues to the combat. By such surprises the Iroquois being in number eight thousand men, haue heeretofore extermina­ted the Algumequins, them of Hochelaga, and others borde­ring vpon the great riuer. Neuerthelesse when our Saua­ges vnder the conduct of Membertou went to the warre against the Armouchiquois, they imbarked themselues in shaloupes and Canowes: But indeed they did not enter within the Country, but killed them on their frontieres in the Port of Choüakoet. And for asmuch as this war, the cause thereof, the counsell, the execution, and the end of it hath beene described by me in French verses, which I haue annexed vnto my poem intituled the Muses of New France I refer the reader to haue recourse to it, because I will not writ one thing twise. I will onely say that being at the riuer Saint Iohn, the Sagamos Chkoudun a Christian and Frenchman, in will and courage, made a yong man of Retel, called Lesevre, and my selfe to see how they goe to the warres: And after their feast they came foorth some foure-score out of his Towne, hauing laied downe their mantles of furre, that is to say starke naked, bearing euery one a shield which couered all their body ouer, after the fashion of the ancient Gaulois, who passed into Greece vn­der the Captaine Brennus, of whom they that could not wade the riuers, did lay themselues on their Bucklers, Their maner of marching to the wars. A martiall­dance.which serued them for Boates, as Pausanias saith. Besides these shieldes they had euery one his wodden mace, their quiuers on their backes, and their bow in hand: march­ing as it were in dancing wise. I doe not thinke for all [Page 291] that, that when they come neere to the enemy for to fight, that they be so orderly as the ancient Lacedemonians, who from the age of fiue yeares were accustomed to a certaine maner of dancing, which they vsed going to fight, that is to say with a milde and graue measure, to the sound of flutes, to the end to come to blowes with a coole and setled sense, and not to trouble their mindes: to be able also to discerne them that were couragious from them that were fearefull, as Plutarch saith. But rather they goe furiously, Plutar. in the treaty of the refraining of cboler. and in the Apophth.with great clamors and fearefull howlings, to the end to astonish the enemy, and to giue to themselues mutuall assurance. Which is done amongst all the Westerly In­dians▪

In this mustering our Sauages went to make a turne a­bout a hill, and as their returne was somewhat slow, we tooke our way towards our barke, where our men were in feare, least some wrong had beene done vnto vs.

How the Sa­uages doe vse with the vi­ctory. In the victory they kill all that may make resistance, but they pardon the women and children. The Brasilians con­trariwise do take prisoners as many as they can, and reserue them for to be fatnéd, to kill and to eat them in the first as­sembly they shall make. Which is a kinde of sacrifice a­mong those people that haue some forme of religion, from whom those men haue taken this inhumane custome. For anciently they that were ouercome, were sacrificed to the gods who were thought to be authours of the victory, whereof it came that they were called Ʋictimes, because that they were ouercome: Victima à Victis: They were also called Hosties, ab Hoste, because they were enemies. They that did set foorth the name of Supplice did it almost vpon the same occasion, causing supplications to be made to the Gods of the goods of them whom they condemned to death. Such hath beene the custome among many Na­tions to sacrifice the enemies to the false gods, and it was also practised in Perou in the time that the Spaniards came thither first.

[Page 292] 1. Samuel. 15. vers. 33. We read in the holy Scripture, that the Prophet Samu­el cut in peeces Agag king of the Amalekites, before the Lord in Gilgal. Which might bee found strange, seeing that there was nothing so milde as this holy Prophet was. But one must cōsider heere that it was by a special motion of the spirit of God which stirred Samuel to make him­selfe executioner of the the Diuine Iustice against an ene­mie of the people of Israel, in steed of Saul, who had neglected the commandement of God, which was en­ioyned to smite Hamaleke and to put all to the edge of the sword, without sparing any liuing soule; which hee did not: and therefore was hee forsaken of God. Samuel then did that which Saul should haue done, he cut in pee­ces a man who was condemned of God, who had made many widdowes in Israel, and iustly did receaue the like paiment: to the end also to fulfill the prophecie of Bala­am, Num. 24. v. 7.who had foretold long before that the king of the Is­raelites should be raised vp aboue Agag, and his king­dome should be exalted. Now this action of Samuel is not without example. For when they were to appease Exod. 32. v. 27. 1. King. 18. vers. 40. Act. 5. v. 5.the wrath of God, Moyses said: Put euery man his sword by his side: and slay euery man his brother, and euery man his companion, and euery man his neighbour. So Elijah made the Prophets of Baal to be killed. So at Saint Peters words Ananias and Saphira fell downe dead at his feete.

Now to returne to our purpose, our Sauages as they haue no religion, so make they no sacrifices: and besides are more humane than the Brasilians, forasmuch as they eate no mans flesh, contenting themselues to destroy them, that doe annoy them. But they haue such a generositie in them, that they had rather die then to fall into the hands of their enemies. And when Monsieur de Poutrincourt tooke reuenge of the Armouchiquois, which murthered some of our men, there were some who suffered them­selues rather to bee hewed in peeces, then that they would bee carried away prisoners: or if by maine force [Page 293] they be carried away, they will starue or kill themselues. Yea also they will not suffer the dead bodies of their peo­ple to remaine in the possession of their enemies, and in the perill of their owne liues, they take them and carrie them away: which Tacitus doth also testifie of the ancient Germains, and it hath beene an vsuall thing with all gene­rous nations.

The victorie being gotten of one side or other, the vi­ctorious cutteth off the heads of the enemies slaine, how great soeuer the number of them is, which are diuided a­mong the captaines, but they leaue there the carkase, con­tenting themselues with the skinne, which they cause to bee dried, or doe tanne it, and doe make trophies with it in their cabins, taking therein all their contentment. And some solemne feast hapning among them (I call feast whensoeuer they make Tabagie) they take them, and dance with them, hauing them hanging about their neckes at their armes, or at their girdles, and with very rage they sometimes bite at them: which is a great proofe of this disordinate appetite of reuenge, wherof we haue somtimes spoken.

Diodor. 6. booke Biblios. Tit. Liue. 1 de­cad. 10. booke. Our ancient Gaullois did make no lesse trophies with the heads of their enemies than our Sauages. For (if Dio­dorus and Titus Liuius may bee beleeued) hauing cut them, they bring them backe from the fielde hanging at the petrall of their horses, and did tie or naile them solemnely, with songes and praises of the vanquishers (according to their customes) at their gates, as one would doe a wilde boares. As for the heads of the no­bles Strabo lib. 4. Geogr.they did enbalme them and kept them careful­ly within cases, for to make shewe of them to those that come to see them, and for nothing in the world they would restore them, neither to kinsemen nor any other. The Boians (which bee the Bourbonnois) did Idem lib. 3. Decad. 3.more. For after they had taken out the braines, they did giue the skuls to Goldsmiths for to garnish them with [Page 294] gold, and to make vessels of them to drinke in, which they vsed in sacred things and holy solemnities. If any man thinketh this strange, he must yet finde more strange that which is reported of the Hungarians by Viginere vpon Ti­tus Liuius, of whom he saith, that in the yeere 1566. be­ing neere Iauarin, they did licke the bloud of the Turkes heads which they brought to the Emperor Maximilian: which goeth beyond the barbarousnesse that might bee obiected to our Sauages.

Yea I must tell you that they haue more humanity then many Christians, who within these hundred yeeres haue committed in diuers occurrences, vpon women and chil­dren cruelties more then brutish, whereof the histories be full: and our Sauages doe extend their mercie to these two sortes of creatures.

Of their funerals.

THe warre being ended, humanity doth inuite vs to bewaile for the dead, and to bury them. It is a worke wholy of pietie, and more meritorious then any other. For he that giueth succour to a man whilst he is a life may hope for some seruice of him, or a recipro­call kindnesse: But from a dead creature wee can expect nothing more: This is that which made that holy man Tobie to be acceptable to God: And for that good office, they that employed themselues in the burying of our Sa­uiour are praised in the Gospell. As for teares and mour­nings Eccles. 38. ve. 16. 17.behold what saith the wise Sonne of Sirach, My Sonne power forth teares ouer the dead, and begin to mourne as if thou hadst suffered great harme thy selfe: and then couer his body according to his appointment, and neglect not his bu­riall. Make a grieuous lamentation, and be earnest in mour­ning, and vse lamentation as he is worthy, and that a day or two, least thou be euill spoken off.

[Page 295] This lesson being come, whether it be by some traditi­on, or by the instinct of nature, as farre as to our Sauages, they haue yet at this day that common with the nations of these parts to weepe for the dead, and to keepe the bo­dies of them after their decease, as it was done in the time of the holy Patriarches Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob, and since. But they make strange clamours many daies toge­ther, as we saw in Port Royall, some monthes after our ar­riuall into that country (to wit in Nouember) where they made the funerall ceremonies for one of theirs, named Pa­nonic who had taken some marchandises out of Monsieur de Monts his store house, and went to trucke with the Ar­mouchiquois. This Panoniac was killed, and the body brought backe into the cabins of the Riuer Saint Croix, where our Sauages did both weepe for him and enbalmed him. Of what kinde this balme is, I could not know, not being able to enquire of it vpon the places. I be­leeue they iagge the dead corpses and make them to dry. Certaine it is that they preserue them from rottennesse: which thing they doe almost throughout all these Indies. He that hath written the history of Virginia saith that they Virginia.draw out their entralles from the body, flea the dead, take away the skinne, cut all the flesh off from the bones, drie it at the Sunne, then lay it (enclosed in mattes) at the feete of the dead. That done they giue him his owne skinne a­gaine, & couer therewith the bones tied together with lea­ther, fashioning it euen so as if the flesh had remained at it.

It is a thing well knowen that the ancient Aegyptians did enbalme the dead bodies, and kept them carefully. Which (besides the prophane Authours) is seene in the holy Scripture, where it is said that Ioseph did commande his Seruants and Phisitions to embalme the body of Iacob Genes▪ 50. v. 5his father. Which he did according to the custome of the country. But the Israelites did the like, as it is seene in the 2. Paralip▪ 16 v. 14. &. 21. vers. 19.holy Chronicles, where it is spoken of the death of the kings Asa and Ioram.

[Page 296] From the Riuer of Saint Croix the said deceassed Pano­niac was brought into Port Royall, where againe he was wept for. But because they are accustomed to make their lamentations for a long continuance of daies, as during a month fearing to offend vs by their cries (for as much as their cabins were but some fiue hundred passes off from our forte) Membertou came to intreat Monsieur de Pou­trincourt not to dislike that they should mourne after their wonted manner, and that they would be but eight daies in performing of it. Which he easily granted them: And then afterwards they began the next day following, at the breake of day, their weepings and cryings, which we did heare from our said fort, taking some intermission on the middest of the day. And they mourne by intermission eue­ry cabin his day, and euery person his turne.

It is a thing woorthy maruelling that nations so far di­stant doe agree in those ceremonies with many of the he­ther world. For in ancient times the Persians (as we read in many places of Herodotus, and Q. Curtius did make such lamentation, did rent their garments, did couer their heads, did cloath themselues with a mourning garment, which the holy Scripture doth call Sackcloth, and Iosephus Schema tapeinon. Also they shaued themselues, and their horses and mules, as the learned Drusius hath noted in Ester. 4. v. Drus. obseru. 12. cap. 6.his obseruations, alleaging for this purpose both Herodote and Plutarch.

The Aegyptians did as much, and peraduenture more, in that which concerneth lamentations. For after the death of the holy I Fatriarke Iacob, All the ancients, men of cal­ling, and the Counsellers of the house of Pharao, and of the Countrie of Aegypt went vp in great multitude euen as far as to the corne floore of Atad in Canaan, and did weepe for him with great and grieuous complaints: In such sort that the Cananites seeing it did say: This mourning is grieuous to the Aegyptians: and for the greatnesse and no­uelty of the same mourning they called the said floore [Page 297] Abel Misraim, that is to say the mourning of the Aegyp­tians.

The Romans had hired women to weepe for the dead, and to relate their praises by long mournefull complaints: and those women were called Praeficae, as it were Praefectae, because that they did beginne the motion when it was needefull to lament, and to relate the praises of the dead.

Mercede quae conductae flent alieno in funere preficae multo & capillos scindunt, & clamant magis, saith Lucilius by the report of Nonius: Sometimes the very trumpets were not neglected at it, as Ʋirgill testifieth in these words:

It coelo clamor, clangórque tubarum.

I will not heere make a collection of all the customes of other nations: for it would neuer be at an end: But in France euery one knoweth that the women of Picardy do lament their dead with great clamors. Monsieur des Ac­cords amongst other things by him collected reciteth of one, who making her funerall complaints, that she said to her deceassed husband: Good God! My poore husband thou hast giuen vs a pittifull farewell! O what farewell! It is for euer. O what long congie! The women of Bearn are yet more pleasant. For they recount during the time of a whole day the whole life of their husbands. Lamia­mou, la mi amou: Cara rident, oeil de splendou: Cama leugé bet dansadou: lo mé balen balem, lo m'esburbat: mati de pes: fort tard cougat: and such like things: That is to say; My loue, my loue: smiling countenance: bright eie: nimble legge: and good dancer: mine owne valiant, mine owne valiant: ear­ly vp, and late a bedde &c. Iohn de Leri reciteth that which followeth of the Gascoin women: yere, yere, ô le bet rene­gadou, ô le bet iougadou qu'here, that is to say: ô the braue swaggeren, ô what a faire player he was! And thereupon he reporteth that the women of Brasill doe howle and bawle with such clamors, that it seemeth that it be some assembly of dogges and woolues. He is dead (will some women [Page 298] say drawing their voices) he was so valiant, and who hath made vs to eat of so many prisoners: Others making a Quire apart will say: Oh what a good hunter and what The Tovoupi­nambaoults are enemies to the excellent fisher he was! Oh what a braue knocker down of Portuges and of Margaias he was! of whom he hath so well auenged vs. And at the pause of euery complaint they will say: he is dead, he is dead for whom we do now mourne! whereunto the men doe answer, saying: Alas it is true! we shall see him no more vntill we see him be­hinde The Brasili­ans beleeue the resurre. ction.the mountaines where we shall dance with him! and other such things. But the most part of these people doe end their mourning in one day, or some what more.

As for the Indians of Florida, when any of their Para­oustis dieth they weepe three daies and three nights con­tinually and without eating: And all the Paraoustis, that be his allies and friendes, doe the like mourning, cutting halfe their haires as well men as women in token of loue. And that done there be some women ordained, who du­ring the time of six Moones doe lamente the death of their Paraousti three times a day, crying with a loud voice, in the morning, at noone, and at night: which is the fashion of the Roman Praefices, of whom we haue, not long since, spoken.

For that which is of the mourning apparell, our Souri­quois doe paint their faces all with blacke; which maketh them to seeme very hidious: But the Hebrewes were more reprouable, who did scotch their faces in the time of mour­ning, Ierem. 41. v. 3.and did shaue their haires, as saith the Prophet Iere­mie: which was vsuall among them of great antiquity: By reason whereof the same was forbidden them by the Leuit. 19. v. 27. of God in Leuiticus: You shall not cut round the corners of your haires, neither marre the tufts of your beards, and you shall not cut your flesh for the dead, nor make any print of a Deut. 14. 1. marke vpon you. I am the Lord. And in Deuteronomie: you are the children of the Lord your God, you shall not cut your selues, nor make any baldnesse betweene your eies for the dead. [Page 299] Which was also forbidden by the Romans in the lawes of the twelue tables.

Herodotus and Diodorus doe say, that the Aegyptians (chiefly in their Kings funerals) did rent their garments, and besmeered their faces, yea all their heads: and assem­bling themselues twise a day, did march in round, singing the vertues of their King: did abstaine from sodden meats, from liuing creatures, from wine, and from all daintie fare during the space of 70. daies, without any washing▪ nor ly­ing on any bed, much lesse to haue the company of their wiues: alwaies lamenting.

The ancient mourning of our Queenes of France (for as for our Kings they weare no mourning apparell) was in white colour, and therefore after the death of their hus­bands they kept the names of Roines blanches (white Queenes.) But the common mourning of others is, at this day in blacke, qui sub personarisus est. For all these mour­nings are but deceits, and of a hundred there is not one but is glad of such a weed. This is the cause that the ancient Soli [...], cap. 17. Valer. li. 2. c. 1▪ Thracians were more wise, who did celebrate the birth of man with teares, and their funerals with ioy, shewing that by death we are deliuered from all calamities, wherewith we are borne, and are in rest. Heraclides speaking of the Locrois, saith, that they make not any mourning for the dead, but rather banckets and great reioycing. And the wise Solon knowing the foresaid abuses doth abolish all those renting of cloathes, of those weeping fellowes, and would not that so many clamors should be made ouer the dead, as Plutarch saith in his life. The Christians yet more wise did in ancient time sing Alleluia at their burials, and this verse of the Psalme, Reuertere anima mea in requi­em tuam, Psal. 11 [...]. v. 7 quia Dominus benefecit tibi,

And now my soule sith thou art safe,
returne vnto thy rest:
For largely loe the Lord to thee,
his bounty hath exprest.

[Page 300] Notwithstanding because that we are men, subiect to ioy, to griefe, and to other motions and perturbations of minde, which at the first motion are not in our power, as saith the Philosopher, weeping is not a thing to be bla­med, whether it be in considering our fraile condition, and subiect to so many harmes, be it for the losse of that which we did loue and held deerely. Holy personages haue bene touched with those passions, and our Sauiour himselfe wept ouer the Sepulchre of Lazarus, brother to the holy Magdalein. But one must not suffer himselfe to be carried away with sorrow, nor make ostentations of clamors, wherewith very often▪ the heart is neuer a whit touched. Whereupon the wise sonne of Sirach doth giue Ecel. 22. v. 11vs an aduertisement, saying: Weepe for the dead, for he hath lost the light [of this life] but make small weeping, because he is in rest.

The Sauages doe burne the moouable goods of the deceased. After that our Sauages had wept for Panoniac, they went to the place where his cabin was whilst hee did liue, and there they did burne all that hee had left, his bowes, arrowes, quiuers, his Beuers skinnes, his Tabac­co (without which they cannot liue) his dogs and other his small mooueables, to the end that no body should quarrell for his succession. The same sheweth how little A faire lesson for the Coue­tous.they care for the goods of this world, giuing thereby a goodly lesson to them who by right or wrong doe runne after this siluer diuell, and very often doe breake their necks, or if they catch what they desire, it is in making bankerout with God, and spoiling the poore, whether it be with open warre, or vnder colour of iustice. A faire les­son I say to those couetous vnsatiable Tantalusses, who take so much paines, and murther so many creatures to seeke out hell in the depth of the earth, that is to say, the Luk. 16. 9. Hierom. epist. 2. ad Nepotian.treasures which our Sauiour doth call the Riches of ini­quitie. A faire lesson also for them of whom Saint Hie­rome speaketh, treating of the life of Clearks: There bee some (saith he) who doe giue a little thing for an alme, to the [Page 301] end to haue it againe with great vsurie; and vnder colour of giuing some thing, they seeke after riches, which is rather a hunting than an almes: So are beasts, birds, and fishes ta­ken. A small bait is put to a hooke to the end to catch at it silly womens purses. And in the Epitaph of Nepotian to Heliodore: Some (saith he) doe heape money vpon money, and making their purses to burst out by certaine kinde of serui­ces, they catch at a suare the richesse of good matrons, and be­come richer being Monkes, then they were being secular. And for this couetousnesse the regular and secular haue beene by imperiall Edicts, excluded from legacies, whereof the same doth complaine, not for the thing, but for that the cause thereof hath beene giuen.

Let vs come againe to our burning of goods. The first people, that had not yet couetousnesse rooted in their hearts, did the same as our Sauages do. For the Phrygians (or Troyians) did bring to the Latins the vse of burning, not onely of mooueables, but also of the dead bodies, making high piles of wood for that effect, as Aeneas did in the funerals of Misenus:

Virgil. 6. Aeneid.
—& robore secto
Ingentem struxere pyram—

Then the body being washed and annointed, they did cast all his garments vpon the pile of wood, frankincense, meats, and they powred on it oile, wine, honie, leaues, flowers, violets, roses, ointments of good smell, and o­ther things, as may be seene by ancient histories and in­scriptions. And for to continue that which I haue said of Misenus, Virgil doth adde:

Purpureásque super vestes, velamina nota
Conijciunt: pars ingenti subiere feretro, &c.
—congesta cremantur
Thura, dona, dapes, fuso crateres oliuo.

Aeneid. 1 [...]. And speaking of the funerals of Pallas a young Lord, friend to Aeneas:

Tum geminas vestes, ostróque, auróque rigentes,
[Page 302] Extulit Aeneas—
Multaque praeterea laurentis praemia pugnae
Aggerat, & longo praedam iubet ordine duci:
Addit equos & tela, quibus spoliaverat hostem.
And vnderneath:
Spargitur & tellus lachrimis, sparguntur & arma.
Hinc alij spolia occisis direpta Latinis
Conijciunt igni, galeas, ensésque decoros,
Fraenáque feruent esque rotas: pars munera nota
Ipsorum clypeos, & non faeliciatela,
Setigerósque sues, raptásque ex omnibus agris
In flammam iugulant pecudes—

1. Samuel, last chap. In the holy Scripture I finde but the bodies of Saul and of his Sonnes to haue beene burnt after their ouerthrow, but it is not said that any of their mooueables were cast into the fire▪

The old Gaullois and Germains did burne with the dead bodie all that which he had loued, euen to the very beasts, papers of accounts and obligations, as if by that meanes they would either haue paied, or demanded their Caesar in the 6. booke of the warre of the Gaullois.debts. In such sort, that a little before that Caesar came thither, there was some that did cast themselues vpon the pile where the body was burned, in hope to liue else where with their kinred, Lords, and friends. Concerning the Germains, Tacitus saith the same of them in those termes: Quae viuis cordi fuisse arbrit antur in ignem inferunt etiam animalia, seruos, & clientes.

These fashions haue beene common anciently to many nations, but our Sauages are not so foolish as that: for they take good heede from putting themselues into the fire, knowing that it is to hot. They content themselues then in burning the dead man his goods: And as for the body they put him honourably in the graue. This Pano­niac of whom wee haue spoken was kept in the cabin of Niguiroet, his father, and of Neguioadetch, his mother, vn­till the Spring time, when that the assembly of the Saua­ges [Page 303] was made for to goe to reuenge his death: In which assembly he was yet wept for, and before they went to the warres they made an end of his funerals, and carried him (according to their custome) into a desolate Ilande, towardes Cap de Sable, some fiue and twenty or thirtie leagues distant from Port Royall. Those Isles which doe serue them for Church-yardes are secret amongst them, for feare some enemy should seeke to torment the bones of their dead.

Plin. l. 7. [...]. 56. Pliny, and many others, haue esteemed that it was foo­lishnesse to keepe dead bodies vnder a vaine opinion that after this life one is something. But one may apply vn­to him that which Portius Festus Gouernour of Caesarea did foolishly say to the Apostle Saint Paul: Thou art be­sides Act. 26. v. 34. thy selfe: much learning hath made thee mad. Our Sa­uages are esteemed very brutish (which they are not) but yet they haue more wisedome in that respect then such Philosophers.

We Christians doe commonly bury the dead bodies, that is to say, we yeeld them to the earth (called Humus, from whence commeth the word Homo a Man) from which they were taken, and so did the ancient Romans before the custome of burning them. Which amongst the West Indians the Brasilians doe, who put their dead into pits digged after the forme of a tunne, almost vp­right, sometimes in their owne houses, like to the first Ro­mans, according as Seruius the Commentor of Virgill doth say. But our sauages as far as Perou do not so, but rather do keepe them whole in Sepulchers, which be in many places as scaffoldes of nine and ten foote height. the rooffe wher­of is all couered with mattes, whereuponthey stretch out their dead rancked according to the order of their decease. So almost our Sauages doe, sauing that their sepulchers are lesser and lower, made after the forme of Cages, which they couer very properly, and there they lay their dead. [Page 304] Which we call to bury, and not to interre seeing they are not within the earth.

Now although that many nations haue thought good to keepe the dead bodies: yet it is better to follow that which nature requireth, which is, to render to the earth that which belongeth vnto her, which (as Lucrece saith)

Omniparens eadem rerum est commune sepulchrum

Tul. in the 2 booke of the lawes which Xenophon a­leadgeth. Also this is the ancientest fashion of burying, saith Ci­cero: And that great Cirus King of the Persians would not be otherwise serued after his death then to be restored to the earth: ô my deare children! (said he before he died) When I haue ended my life, doe not put my bodie, neither in gould nor in siluer, nor in any other sepulcher, but render it foorth­with to the earth. For what may be more happy and more to be desired then to ioine himselfe with her that produceth and nou­risheth all good and faire things? So did he esteeme for va­nity all the pompes and excessiue expences of the Pyra­mides of Aegypt, of the Mausolees and other monuments made after that imitation: As the same of Augustus, the Great, and magnificall masse of Adrian, the Septizone of Seuerus, and other yet lesser, not esteeming himselfe after death more then the meanest of his Subiects.

The Romans did leaue the entombing of the bodies, hauing perceiued that the long warres did bring disorder vnto it, and that the dead corps were vnburied, which Arnob. lib. the lawes of the twelue Tables it was behoouefull to bury out of the towne, like as they did in Athens. Wher­upon Arnobius speaking against the Gentils: Wee doe not feare (saith he) as you thinke, the ransacking of our graues, but wee keepe the most ancient and best custome of burying.

Pausanias (who blameth the Gaullois as much as he can) saith in his Phociques, that they had no care to bury their dead, but we haue shewed the contrary heeretofore: And though it were so, he speaketh of the ouerthrow of the army of Brennus. The same might haue beene said of the Nabateens, Who (according to Strabo) did that [Page 305] which Pausanias doth obiect to the Gaullois, and buried the bodies of their kinges in dunghils.

Our Sauages are more kinde then so, and haue all that which the office of humanitie may desire, yea euen more. For after they haue brought the dead to his rest, euery one maketh him a present of the best thing he hath. Some doe couer him with many skinnes of Beuers, of Otters and other beastes: others present him with bowes, ar­rowes, quiuers, kniues, Matachiaz, and other thinges. Which they haue in common, not onely with them of Florida, who for want of furres, doe set vpon the sepul­chers the cuppe wherein the deceassed was accustomed to drinke, and all about them they plant great number of ar­rowes: Item they of Brasill who doe bury with their dead, thinges made of feathers and Carkenets: and they of Pe­rou, who (before the comming of the the Spaniardes) did fill their tombes with treasures: But also with many na­tions of these our partes, which did the same euen from the first time after the floud, as may be coniectured by the writing (though deceitfull) of the Sepulcher of Semi­ramis Queene of Babylon, containing that he of her suc­cessors that had neede of mony should make it to be ope­ned, and that he should finde there euen as much as he would haue. Whereof Darius willing to make triall, found in it nothing else but other letters speaking in this sorte: Ʋnlesse thou wert a wicked man and vnsatiable thou wouldst not haue, through couetousnesse, so troubled the quiet of the dead, and broken downe their Sepulchers. I would thinke this custome to haue beene onely among the Hea­then, were it not that I finde in Iosephus his history that Ioseph. 7. booke 12 th. of the anti­quity of the Iewes. Salomon did put in the Sepulcher of Dauid his father a­boue three millions of gould, which were rifled thirteene hundred yeeres after.

This custome to put gould into the Sepulchers being come euen to the Romans, was forbidden by the twelue tables, also the excessiue expences that many did make in [Page 306] watering the bodies with precious liquors, and other my­steries that we haue recited heeretofore. And notwith­standing many simple and foolish men and women did or­daine by will and testament, that one should bury with their bodies their ornamentes, ringes, and iewels (which the Greekes did call entaphia) as there is a forme seene of L. Medico. D de auro, arg. &c. leg. L. fer­uo alieno. D. de leg. 1. L. & si­quis. D. de re­lig. & sump., reported by the lawyer Scaeuola in the bookes of the Di­gestes. Which was reprooued by Papiniam and Vlpian likewise ciuill lawyers: in such sort that for the abuse thereof the Romans were constrained to cause that the Censors of the womens ornamentes did condemne, as sim­ple and effeminated, them that did such thinges, as Plu­turch saith in the liues of Solon and Sylla. Therefore the best course is to keepe the modesty of the ancient Patri­arches, and euen of king Cyrus, whom we haue mentioned before, on whose tombe was this inscription, reported by Arrian.

Thou that passest by, whomsoeuer thou beest, and from what parte soeuer thou commest, for I am sure that thou wilt come: I am that Cyrus who got the dominion to the Persians: I pray thee enuie not this little parcell of grounde which co­uereth my poore body.

So then our Sauages are not excusable in putting all the best ornamentes they haue into the Sepulchers of the dead, seeing they might reape commodity by them. But one may answer for them that they haue this custome e­uen from their fathers beginning (for we see that almost from the very time of the floud the like hath beene done in this hither world) and giuing to their dead their furres, Matachias, Bowes, Arrowes, and Quiuers, they were thinges that they had no neede of.

And notwithstanding this doth not cleere the Spani­ardes from blame, who haue robbed the Sepulchers of the Indians of Perou, and cast the bones on the dunghill: nor [Page 307] our owne men that haue done the like, in taking away the Beuers skinne, in our New-France, as I haue said heere­tofore. Heeretofore 1. booke. ch. 17. I sidor. ad Ca­sium scholasti­cum, Epist. 146.

For as Isodorus saith of Damiette in an Epistle: It is the parte of enemies voide of all humanitie to robbe the bodies of the dead, which cannot defende themselues, Nature it selfe hath giuen this to many, that hatred doth ceasse after death, and doe reconcile themselues with the deceassed. But riches make the couetous to become enemies to the dead, against whom they haue nothing to say, who torment their bones with reproach and iniury. And therefore not with­out cause haue the ancient Emperors made lawes, and ordained rigorous paines against the spoilers and de­stroiers of Sepul­chers.

All praises be giuen to God.

The Errata.

PAge 8. for Ile of Sand or Sablon, or Sand. read Ile of Sablon or Sand. p. 9. for Pourtrincourt r. Poutrincourt, p. 14. for Peron r. Perou. p. 42. for haue raised r. haue beene raised, ib, for toones r. tonnes. p. 52. for Point r. Pont.

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