Great Britains Beauties, OR, The Female Glory; Epitomized, In Encomiastick Anagramms, and Acrostiches, Upon the highly honoured Names of the QUEENES most gracious Majestie, and the Gallant Lady-Masquers in her Graces glorious Grand-Masque. Presented at White-Hall on Shrove-Tuesday at night, by the Queenes Majestie and her Ladies. With Disticks, and Illustrations, upon their severall Anagramms, being in number fifteene, whose Names ensue in order on the next side.
Published by Authoritie.
Framed, and formed, by the humble Pen of FRANCIS LENTON, the Queenes Poet.
LONDON, Printed by Marmaduke Parsons, for Iames Becket, at the Inner Temple Gate. 1638.
- 1 The QUEENES Majestie.
- 2 Dutchesse Lenox.
- 3 Countesse Oxford.
- 4 Countesse Southampt:
- 5 Countesse Carnarvan.
- 6 Countesse Newport.
- 7 Countesse Portland.
- 8 La: Anne Rich.
- 9 La: Katherine Howard.
- 10 La: Elizabeth Cecill.
- 11 La: Dorothea Sidney.
- 12 La: Elizab: Feilding.
- 13 La: Frances Howard.
- 14 M ris. Victoria Carey.
- 15 M ris. Saphia Nevill.