THE Touchstone of Complexions. Generallye appliable, expedient and profitable for all such, as be desirous & carefull of their bodylye health. CONTAYNING MOST easie rules & ready tokens, where by euery one may perfectly try, and throughly know, aswell the exacte state, habite, disposition, and constitution, of his owne Body outwordly: as also the inclinations, affections, motions, & desires of his mynd inwardly.
First written in Latine, by Leuine Lemnie, and now englished by Thomas Newton.
Nosce teips um.
Imprinted at London, in Fleetesreete, by Thomas Marsh. Anno. 1576.
❀ Cum Priuilegio.
TO THE RIGHT honorable, his singuler good Lorde, Sir VVilliam Brooke Knighte, Baron Cobham, and Lorde Warden of the Cinque Portes: Thomas Newton, his humble Orator, wisheth long life, encrease of honor, vvith prosperous health, and eternall felicitye.
SVndrye tymes (right Honorable and my singuler good Lorde) debating with my selfe the chiefe causes, why Artes and disciplines do (in these Alcyon dayes of ours) so vniuersallye flourishe, althoughe I knowe well ynoughe that sundrye men can coigne sundry reasons, and alledge manifolde verdictes and probable argumentes therfore: yet in my simple iudgement, nothing more effectually whetteth the wittes of the studious, nor more lustelye [Page] he awaketh the courages of the learned, then doth the fauourable furtheraunce and cheereful coūtenaunce, of the Prince and Nobility. For, honor, preferment, dignity, & prayse, feedeth nourisheth and mainteyneth, bothe Artes and vertues: and Glorye is a sharpe spurre, that vehementlye pricketh forward gallāt heades, and pregnaūt natures, to attempt worthy enterprises. VVe see, that thīg to be greedely (and as it were, with a certayne kinde of Ambition) on al handes soughte for and pursued, whereunto the Prince and Peeres are studiouslye enclined. And therfore the lesse meruail is it, though in Royalmes and Countries gouerned by barbarous Princes, & monstruous Tyrannes, learning be vtterlye prouigated: and thoughe the Muses taking their flight thence, do abandon that soyle, where they see thē selues so slenderlye regarded, and so [Page] churlishlie entertayned. As contrarywise, where they be reuerenced, cherished maynteined & had in pryce, ther doe they endenizō thēselues, & settle their dwellings. And this surelye (my L.) do I think to be one, or rather an only cause, which in this old age & later caste of the worlde, rayseth vp among vs, such a plentiful Haruest of rype and excellent wittes, conspicuous in euerye facultie: because by speciall Priuiledge frō the Almightie, and of his great bountie and gracious goodnesse towardes vs, we haue such a godlye, vertuous, & learned Princesse, & such an honorable State of noble Personages, themselues not only in euerye seueral Arte singulerly skilled, but also to the professors thereof (lyke terrene Gods) benigne and bounteous. Of whom, may bee sayde that, whiche (though of vnlike persons) Cicero reported of Socrates, saying, that there [Page] were further & deeper matters to be conceyued and thought of Socrates, then in all Plato hys Bookes, coulde be purported or fully decyphered. VVhose lenities and fauourable inclinations, would not, neyther ought to bee abused (as they are by some to muche) with the Patronage of euery friuolous fācy & tryflyng toye, tending neyther to profitable vse in the cōmon wealth, nor to anye auaileable purpose, touching publique society. VVhereas many of thē, if they coulde finde in theyr harts, otherwise to tickle their pennes with matters of better importaunce, and employe their golden giftes to the aduauncemēt of vertue and commoditye of their Countrye: in steede of beinge fine Architectes and contriuers of matters offensiue and scandalous, they might eternize themselues (like good mēbers and worthy Ornamentes of their Countrey, within the [Page] Beadrolle of Fame and perpetuitie. VVhat opiniō that inuincible Prince Alexander of Macedonie, had of all vayne Artes, foolish baables, phantasticall toyes, and curious deuises, well appeareth by the rewarde, whyche he in presence of his Nobles, and Souldiers, publiquely gaue vnto a certain dapper fellow (one of hys hoaste) who partlye vpon a brauery and ostentation of his cunninge, but chieflye in hope of some magnificente rewarde, did before the Kings presence, cast or throw a kind of smal Pulse, called a Cichpease, through a Needles eye, beīg set a pretie distaūce of, & that manye times without anye missing. VVhich vayn trick, & thriftlesse deuise, (sauouringe altogether of a little foolish curiositie, and nothing at al, of any expediēt vse or cōmodity) many of the beholders with admiratiō cōmended, and deemed right worthye of recompence. In fine, because the [Page] skilfull Squier, shoulde not loose the hoped fruicte, of that hys practized knacke, and notable singularitie: the Kinge rewarded him onelye with a Bushell of Cichpeasō. A cōdigne guerdon (doubtlesse) and verye fitte to counteruayle such a peeuishe Practise and vnnecessarie Mataeotechnie.
A great folly therfore & forwardnes is it in mannes nature, to bestow such great study, payn, care, cost, & industry in attayning suche needlesse & friuolous tromperies: the hauinge whereof, nozzeleth the hauer & Artist, in loytering idlenes, & breedeth otherwise greate inconuenience in the bodie of the whole common wealth: VVhiche deformitie and abuse, manye learned Clerkes bewaylinge, haue in eche of their seueral professions, by wryting and otherwise graphicallye depainted. And among many, this Author whom I now (vppon confidence of the generosity [Page] of your noble nature) presume to present and exhibite vnto your Lordshippe, goinge a neerer way to worcke then many others, doth not onely) by artificial contēplation) wade into the very Gulphe & Camaryne of mannes apparaūt wilfulnesse: but also rushing into the verye bowles of Nature, bewrayeth, & (as with a pensil) liuely setteth downe the affections, condiciōs, plyghtes, habites, and dispositions, of euery seueral Complexion. And, as one that wel knew himselfe not to bee borne only for himselfe, hath franckly, frendly, and learnedly bequeathed the Talent of his knowledge to a publique and vniuersall commoditye. In readinge whereof, I am perswaded, that none of indifferent iudgemente, shall thinke his oyle & labour lost, neither his time and trauaile mispent: at least wyse, if it were with like grace in any respect, deliuered out in English, as he hath done, and left it in the Latine.
[Page] But surelye I haue done my beste, trusting that others in recompence of my trauail, wil not, vpō a Splene, requite me with their worste, neyther miscō strue my meaning, which was in plain tearmes and vulgare phrase to goe as neere to my Authours plotforme, as my adle head could well imagine.
And now being arriued to Land, after a prety long voyage and pleasant saylinge, in this hys Philosophicall Sea, I approach in moste dutifull humility, wyth suche Newes and VVares, as I haue heard, seene, read, and gotten, vnto your Honor, whom for many respectes, I mistruste not, but wyll honorablie daigne to heare mee. And now doe I stande at the Barre of curtesie, to heare your Lordshippes doome, concerning this my temerity. The comfortable expectation wherof, putteth me in no small hope, that all the better sort (mooued by your Lordshippes example [Page] wil bee the more easie and readie, to dispence with my vnmellowed adolescencie. As for the frowarder and eluisher Crew, which be so daintie mouthed, that nothinge can please, & so squeymish stomacked, that nothing can satisfie, let this poore Booke (in Goddes name) take his chaunce amōg them, as it falleth out: yea let it be as AEsope his fyle, to grate and grynde their viperous teeth withall. Sure I am that their seuere and Criticall cē sures, can no more disquiet me hereafter, then the Conscience of myne own imbecillitie hath terrified and displeased me alreadie. Yet if thinges were to bee obteyned and compassed by wyshing, I wold that neither this Booke, neyther anye other heretofore by mee published, should offend anye, no not the verie waywardest. But because my case may peraduenture now stande no better, then it did longe agone, [Page] with the Philosopher Theodorus Atheniensis, who complayned of greate discurtesy shewed vnto him, because those thinges which he gaue with the righte hand, were snatched vp and taken by his Auditorye, with the lefte: meaning thereby his workes and Lectures, whiche he publishinge to good purpose, were wrested, and sundrely by captious carpers, canuassed with sinister interpretations: therfore for refuge I flee into the Sanctuary of your Lordships wonted clemencie, with trust, thence not to be shouldred out and reiected, but freely to bee allowed the benefite of your goodnesse, that I may leane vpon the staffe of your approued wisdome & aucthoritie, and creepe vnder the Targe of youre fauorable prorection, against the currish bawling, & rancklinge tooth of barking Theon. In assured hope whereof I rest: beseechinge God to endue and blesse you, with the [Page] Right honourable Lady Francis, your Lordships vertuous and louing wife, with the riche giftes of his heauenlye grace, and with continuaunce of prosperous health both of soule and body, to his honor and glory, your own desyres and comfortes, and to the profite of this your natiue Countrey.
¶FOR THE MAINTENAVNCE AND PRESERuation of Health (being the best and chiefest thing that any man in this life can vvish or desire) it is most requisite to haue a perfect knovvledge of oure ovvne bodyes.
The first Chapter.
CICERO that worthy father of al learninge and eloquence, Lib. 2. Offic. sayth (& in my opinion righte pithilre) that man his healthe is preserued, by knowledge of his owne body, and by vsing such things as are thereto eyther beneficiall or hurtfull: finally in continencie of life, ordrlye vsage of bodye, Mainteners of health. and forbearing of pleasures, which in my iudgement are not so hurtful to the body, as they be pernicious to the minde. It behoueth therefore and it standeth euery man vpon, perfectly and thorowly to know the habite & constitution of his owne bodye, which consisteth in a temperament a mixture of foure qualities, hoate, moyst, cold and dry. [Page] For by this meanes shall he be a great deale better able to keepe himselfe in healthe, and to wythstand sicknes or recure diseases whensoeuer they happen.
And sithens naturall health is nothinge els but a right constitution and state of the body and all partes thereof, Health. wherby euery seuerall mēber dischargeth & orderly executeth his proper fūction, office, duty and action, wythout any maner of let or greeuaunce: and sithence Sicknesse, as an affecte contrary to nature, Sickenes. eyther makinge worse or altogether hindering this action, molestinge & payning nature, cleane contrary to health and naturall soūdnesse: I cannot see how any man conuenientlye can eyther keepe himselfe in that present state of good health wherein hee is, or restore the same being empayred and discrased, vnlesse he haue the knowledge of his owne bodye, & be ripe and skilfull in the temperament thereof.
And albeit the Soule be farre more excellent then the body, Soule. and be the better part of mā, for the furniture and garnishing wherof, I would haue the chiefest care and industry bestowed: yet notwythstanding, I iudge it right needefull also to haue a diligent eye and respect to the body, leaste (otherwise) it should be a burthen to the Soule, and hinder it from matters of more wayght and worthines. For the body being healthfull, euerye member doth his office and dutie, and is to the minde (at whose commaundement it standeth) obeysaunt and seruiceable. To this ende is that [Page 2] worthy saying of the Poet Iuuenal.
Which giftes of bodye & minde, True goods. whosoeuer is endued wythall, vnto him can no surer and stedfaster possession happen: & agaīst them preuayleth neyther the instabilitie of fortune, neyther cā the mutability of worldly ficklenes chalēg either ryght or superiority. For greate wealth, Health passeth gold. large possessions, sumptuous buildinges, huge reuenewes, ample patrimonyes, glorious titles, and Honourable Styles in cōparison of these are of none accompte, neyther serue they to anye vse, nor bringe to man any cōtentacion. Consider what the Poet doth here say, and by these, cōsider of all the rest.
Wherefore sithe health of bodye and health of minde are by good righte to be reckened amonge the chiefest goods and of all other the best: reason requyreth, and expedient also is it for all men, in procuring and preseruing y e same, to bestow their chiefest care and whole diligence: and both for themselues & for so many as depend vpon them, earnestlye to desire these comfortable stayes, and cheerishmentes of life, the better & more commodiously to passe the race of this transitory pilgrimage wythoute dislykinge or greeuaunce. For if wee will credite Horace:
He therfore that gladly would runne his race & pleasaūtly passe forth his whole dayes, must haue speciall care to keepe himselfe in perfect healthe: but first and prīcipally in the health of mind, and nexte of body, wythoute whose perfecte state and soundnes, the minde it selfe is not rightly susteyned, vpholden nor comforted. For by the ignoraunce or not knowinge of our owne selues, and [Page 3] by negligente loking to the state of our owne bodyes and mindes, Nosce te ipsum. we are haled, and (will wee nill wee) throwen into sondrye diseases and innumerable affections, and (like a shippe ful fraighte w t wares in tempestuous & boisterous weather) caryed and dashed vppon the rockes of perturbation. Whereby it commeth to passe that manye are by death cutte of, euen in theyr lustyest time, which haue no care, no orderly respect, nor choise, in preseruation and maintenaunce of theyr bodely health. To this very ende and effecte, is that holesome admonition of the wyseman: Take heede to thy selfe, Eccles. 7 least thou die before thy time.
By which sayinge, hee warneth euery one, so to order and dispose his lyfe, Death by ill diet many times hastened before his due time that throughe riot and vntemperate dealing, he hasten not his death before his time, and before he haue in a maner rūne halfe his race.
Now let euery man cōsider with himself, how myserable and how wearysome also it is to haue a bodye neuer in health but altogether martyred w t sicknes and soares, & (reason beinge mastered, banished and oppressed) to haue the mind defiled and vtterly wyth inward vices polluted. Howe can lyfe (I say) be vnto such a man pleasaunte or sweete, or howe can the minde bee quiet and well stayed? Forsomuch therefore as nothing is better then health, let euery man diligently looke to the same, and marke how much he hath swarued and strayed from moderate order and temperature.
[Page] This consideration wyth himselfe shall worke in him much good effecte, and stand him in greate steede, that in case his bodye be lustie and healthfull, hee maye in the same state stil continue and cheerish it wyth helpes and preseruations thereto conuenient. But if it be fallē into worse plight, and not in so good case of soundnes as before it was, then to seeke wayes and meanes how to recure & bring it againe to his former state of healthines. For as humours are easely chaunged one into another, and suffer mutuall transmutacion throughe moderate exercise, and such conuenient meats and nourishmēts, as to natural heat are cherishable: So agayne the ill & distempered state of bodye, throughe holesome diet and order, is made lustier and refourmed into better. And euen as wee see members fractured, burste, wrenched and dislocated, to be brought into theyr right places agayne: so may health (beinge empayred) bee restored and reduced into his former integritie. For the mindes and bodyes of men be in a maner as it were yong Sproutes & trees, which being artificially handled, and cunninglye dealt wythall (yea although afore wield and vnfruitfull) yet as Virgill sayth.
[Page 4] Contrarywyse, if the husbande be negligent & carelesse, his grounde becommeth barrayne, rugged, ouergrowen wyth wredes and disabled frō bearinge any grayne that is good or profitable. The like reason is to be yelded of the mindes of men. The minde. For there be many excellent witts and very towardly natures, which by vnthrifty company and lewd education, do degenerate from their good inclination of nature, and become altogether rebellious, wilfull, lewde and barbarous. Some againe, whose nature is proue and inclinable to euill, yet by helpe of learninge and good education are reclaymed and wonne from theyr froward disposition & become worthy members, stayes & ornamentes in theyr Country. And therefore no man is to thincke or perswade himselfe, that an ill nature may not be altered, sithēce rude wittes, not yet trayned to any discipline and learning, may like soft waxe, or as tractable and moyst claye, be fashioned, framed and made applyable to learne any knowledge, and vertue, any ciuilitye: and by artificiall instruction bee trayned to conceyue Artes and behauiour both comely and commendable. Thus likewyse in graffinge and planting (which is as wittie a deuise & as proper a feate as any) we see wild trees to chaunge their olde nature, and to beare fruite both holsome and toothsome. Amonge wyeld Beastes also, we see how the dilligence, forecast, wit and pollicie of man maketh them tame & seruiceable. An example hereof maye wee see in [Page] Mago, a worthy Duke amonge the Carthaginiās, who (as Plinie sayth) ib. 8. ca. was the first among them that durste wyth his hande stroake and handle a tamed Lion: 7. for which Acte, his Countreyfolks attaynted him, as one, whom they thought not amisse to restrayne from liberty and debarre from authority, Mago made Liō tame. for y t his wysedom and wyse dealings seemed so excellent, y t they iudged him a man able to perswade any thing y t him listed, who had thus straungely trayned and tamed a wylde Lion.
But that persons of Melancholique nature or of any other constitution whatsoeuer, (so that the distemperature haue not beene of to long cō tinuaunce and the party to farre striken in age) may be altered and brought to a better state, there is no mā that needeth to doubt. For who doth not plainly see, that strong and very hoate wyne, wyth cold water, or other milder licour, is & may be alayed? Semblably againe, wyne that is smal, myngled, and of watry relice, yet beinge put to other licour that is stronger and of a better grape, is quickened, and made both better and sharper. And so humours in a man being eyther of themselues euil, or meeting wyth others of other quality, are through theyr cōmixtion therewith, qualifyed and waxe milder, and leauinge theyr owne naturall qualitie are altered into an other, of straunger nature, effect, and operation. Thus is the heate of Choler, by accesse and myxture of bloude & phlegme, mitigated. Thus is phlegme by admixtion of yelow Choler, heated, and much [Page 5] [...]bated from his owne colde and moyste quality, becomming therby lesse hurtful to the body. And in like sort may we conclude of all the rest.
Such nourishments and meates as engender good bloude & iuyce are hereunto very auayleable, out of which the humours & spyrits (which be the incensours and stirrers forwarde of the minde) obtayne and receyue theyr nature. VVhat maketh good digestion. Now, there is nothinge more effectuall to make good & perfecte digestion and to stirre vp the Spirites, then sleepe, exercise, and wyne, so y e same be pure, good, and moderatelye vsed, as the other also must bee. For so doth it stirre vp & make syncere, liuely and cleare Spirites, from whence proceedeth cheerefulnes, ioy, quicknes and myrth of the minde. For the meates & nourishments (which by nature are laboured into humours) being eaten and washed downe wyth good and holsome wyne, haue freer passage into all the parts of the body, and distribute theyr nourishment into them more effectually. There is nothing therefore y t so much banisheth phāsyes & sorrow out of a mans minde, Eccle. 31. as pleasaunt merye companye, and moderate vse of wyne. And of this, VVhat maketh a man merie. did that precise and sterne natured Zeno, giue a notable example: whose minde was so muche estraunged from all pleasaunte conceites & ordinarye curtesies of cō mon humanitye, that hee was neuer at all moued wyth any affections, no not such as be naturallye incidente and engraffed in euery man. And yet when he was a litle whittled wyth wyne, he began [Page] to chaunge his copye, and to be as mery and as bone a companion as who was best. And beinge on a time asked by one of his merye mates, how it happened, that he being otherwyse so wō derfully seuere and crabbed, yet at the wyne was so pleasaunt and conceiptuous: hee merelye aunswered, that he was like to a kinde of Pulse called Lupines. The nature of Lupines. Which kinde of Pulse, although they be naturally bitter, and by their bitternes, of force to kill wormes, yet the same being steeped & soaked in water, renounce and leaue all bitternes and become both sweete & pleasaunt. And this is naturally giuen to all men, that when the body is refreshed wyth meate and drinck, al bitternes, sorrow and heauines is expelled, and banished. For the Spirites by moderate drinking of wyne are styrred vppe, and the mind of man, (which in them that be fasting and hungry is faynt, weake and like vnto fier raked ouer wyth ashes, almost quenched) A dead man heauier thē a lyuing. is reuyued. And this is the cause, why a dead body is heauier thē a lyuing, because all his Spirites are vanished and departed out of him: and so likewyse is a fasting persō heauier then one that hath filled his belly: and one y t slepeth waightier then one y t watcheth. And therfore my fashion is to aduise and counsell, Melā cholique folkes and sullen natured personnes, to vse banquetting and good cheere amonge honest and mery cōpany. For thus, after Plato, wryteth the Poet.
Which man (although churlish, sterne & frowning) yet did wyne so much driue away his naturall seueritye and grimme countenaunce, that amonge the other guestes, he became a pleasaunte companion, and of manners very gentle and familiar. For this worthy Gentleman, (although otherwise he was a very precise comptroller, and of Stoicall grauity) perceyued wel ynough, that mās nature required som relaxatiōs & delights, and y t it may not lōg cōtinue, wythout som myrth & pleasaunt recreation. Let therefore euery man take surueigh of himself, and serch out, what his nature most desitreth, in what state his body stā deth, what thinge it is that he feeleth himselfe to be holpen, and what to be offended wythall. And if he finde the plighte and state of his bodye to be in equability and perfect temperatenes, it shalbe good to cheerishe and preserue it wyth his like: but if it shrinck from his sayd temperate habite, and decline to an intēperatenes, then had it neede to be holpen and recured wyth his contraryes.
Thus if a man throughe aboundance of humours, Euery man must search out his ovvn inclination and nature. and stoare of bloude and Spirites, feele himselfe prone to carnalitie and fleshlye luste, let him by altering his order & diet, enioyne to himselfe a more strict ordinary, & frame his dealings to a more stayed moderation. But if hee feele [Page] himselfe to bee of nature somewhat sulleyne and sterne, & giuē somwhat to be wayward, whyning, testye, churlishe, and intractable then reason wylleth, suche a one to bee reclaymed to an order and trade of life, gentler and pleasaunter, insomuch it shall not be ill for such a one to frequent daūcing, It is some [...] [...] time good to chaunge nature. singing, womens flatteryes, alluremēts and embracings: prouided alwayes, that all the same be not otherwyse done nor ment, but in honestye and comelines, wythin a reasonable measure, & also within the bounds of lawfull wedlock. For the state of Matrimony (as Columella aduoucheth out of Xenophōs booke of Household) Lib. 12. Cap. 1. is in such sorte appoynted by nature, that in it is conteyned not onely the pleasaūtest, but also the profitablest societye of life. And least mankinde in processe of tyme, Genes. 2. should come to an vtter ruine and decay, it pleased God by this lawfull meanes to ioyne man and woman together, that of theyr inseperable combinacion, the state of man should & might by mutual helpe one of an other, be eased and cō forted: and that (beside the loue and desire that they haue to bring furth children) The commoditie of matrimony. they mighte be tyed and bound together equally and indifferentlye to participate all fortune whatsoeuer shoulde betyde.
But for so much as approued and skilfull mē that haue written bookes for the mayntenaunce of mens health generally, doe specially set downe these three principall thinges:
I take it to be the best waye, to reduce the whole substaunce of the matter & mayntenaūce of health to this prescribed rule and direction. For seing that measurable repaste and feeding (all surphet and glotony being banished) maketh a sound body: seing (I say,) exercise by shaking of all drow tsinesse and slouth, maketh the bodye stronge and liuely: then no more, but harkē what a short lessō Virgill giueth for the other.
¶Of the nature and differences of Spirits, what they worke in mans body, and what affections they cause. The second Chapter.
FOrasmuche as the Spirite is the originall maintener and conueigher of naturall heate, [Page] whereunto moysture necessarilye adhereth: & that the Soule (by the mynisterye and ayde thereof) perfourmeth her powers and faculties, and atchieueth all her actions: it is requisite here next to discourse vpon it, and vppon all the differences thereof. For seinge there be three especiall thinges, The bodye consisteth in thre things. in whose temperature and moderation, the health of mans body doth prīcipally cōsist, vz. vitall moysture, naturall heate, & Spirite, which combineth all thinges, and imparteth his force, vertue & nature, vnto them: our present purpose being considered, we cannot by order choose, but of necessity must presētly somwhat speake therof. Vitall moysture is the nourishmente and matter of naturall heate, Humour. whereupon it woorketh, and by the benefite therof is maintayned and preserued. With this Humour or vitall moysture, is naturall heate fed and cheerished, and from the same receyueth continuall mayntenaunce, Heate. and from it participateth vitall power, whereby all Creatures do liue, are nourished, encreased, preserued & procreated. Spirite is the seate and caryer of Heate, Spirite. by whose helpe and mynisterye, it is conueyed and sente by the conduites and passages of the Arteryes, to euery seuerall part of the bodye. Wherefore worthyly is this Spirite thought to be the chiefe and principal Instrument, that procureth and executeth euery action.
These three do vnseperably cleaue together, & mutuallye helpe one an other, and cannot be sundered, wythout present death of the party, and for [Page 8] this cause, do wee thus in one definition expresse, conclude and comprehend, theyr force and nature wythin one definition. Naturall heat is nothīg els, but an originall humour, wyth vitall spirite and heate totally moystened. But forasmuch as Spirite conteyneth vitall heate, and is of all the faculties, ruler and directer, spredeth it self most swiftly throughoute the whole body, caryeth and extendeth his powers into euery part thereof vniuersally, & besyde this, doth manifestly chaūge and alter the state both of body and minde: therefore as the rest require great labour and diligēce vpon them to be bestowed, so specially vpon this is y e chiefest care to be takē, to restore, mayntein, and cheerish it. For if it be sincere and pure, not mingled wyth anye straunge or forrayne quality, it causeth tranquillity of minde, frameth maners in good order & fashiō, and finally qualifyeth and calmeth all affections.
But if it be any whitte infected, or wyth anye vyce soyled, then is the quietnes of the minde disturbed and stirred to manye inconuenient enormities. For, as great blustering wynds vppon the Sea and Lande, cause greeuous, terrible and raginge tempestes, and much other harme to ensue: So likewyse, if the Spirites be disquieted & oute of frame, they ingender and procure diuers [Page] sortes of affections in the minde, & carye the same (mauger all reason) like a shippe wythout guide and Rother, vppon the rockes of sondry inconueniences. Now the thinges wherewyth our inwarde Spirites are moste dulled, Things hurt full to the spirits of man. quenched, and damnifyed, are these: fulsome Ayre, ouermuich carnal copulation, vnseasonable watching, excessiue heate, chafing and labour, longe fasting, heauines of the minde and sadnesse: Accordinge to that saying of the wyse man: A mery hart maketh a lustie age, Prouer. 17 but a sorovvfull Spirit dryeth vp the bones. Heauinesse bringeth olde age before the times, and carefulnes vveareth avvaye a mans dayes. Eccle. 30.
But quiet and seasonable sleepe, good, pure & wel relished wyne, Things cō fortinge the Spirits. meery company, moderate exercise, sweete sinelles and fragraunt sauours, refreshe the Spirits, quicken and reuiue them, yea being dulled and greatly impayred. Which is euident to be seene in such as falling into traūces and lying (for a time) as dead, yet by the smell of sweete sauours are broughte againe and recouered into theyr former state.
For seinge that the Spirite is a certayne vapour, effluence or expyratiō, proceding out of the humours, What Spirite is. it standeth vs vppon, to vse the moste exquiste diet that may be, to thend that the meates and nourishmēts being laboured into good & holesome iuyce, may make the Spirits, pure, syncere and perfect. And thus, sweete ayre, pleasaūt sentes, deuoyd of grosse and fustie vapours, strykinge [Page 9] vp into the brayne, do marueylously comfort and clarifye the instruments of the Senses, and enable them to do & perfourme al theyr proper actions.
And although y e Heart in a mā, be as the Wel spring or fountaine, The heart is the fountaine of life. from whom the Spirits are deriued, because the Arteryes come from it, euen as synewes from the Brayne, and veynes from the Lyuer: yet notwithstanding, accordinge to y e diuersitye and nature of the place, they are called by other names, and haue other powers appropriate vnto them. Of these and al other faculties reigning in man, the principall and oryginall beginning is at the very principles and beginninge of generation, to witte, generatiue seede and femynine bloude: which be afterwarde conserued and maynteyned by nourishmentes, euen as the flame is wyth oyle: and out of these the Spirits proceede.
For y e better vnderstāding of all which things, I will particularly set downe the procreation of the Spirits, wyth theyr nature, power, differēce and effectes: beginninge first at the powers and faculties natural. For by theyr office is it brought to passe, that the meate we eate is concocted & turned into the nourishmēt of the body. Also ther be foure vertues, whereby all lyuing Creatures wyth meate receyued, are nourisshed & encreased: The first attractiue, the secōd retentiue, Foure natural povvers. the third digestiue, and the fourth expulsiue. To wich vertues or powers, appendant and belonging [Page] to all the parts of the body, the first & chiefe originall of the Spirites oughte to be referred. For first, assoone as the meate is mynced & chawed wyth the teeth, The office of digestiō. it descēdeth into the stomack, beinge thither attracted, then digested, and made substantiall and turned to the proper nourishmēt and encrease of the member. And such part or porcion thereof, as serueth not to this vse, it refuseth and reiecteth. Here therefore the Spirite hath his first beginning. And if nature be good & stronge in this office of digestion, it happeneth thereby that the Spirites be made pure, cleare, and syncere: Howe affections are caused. but if concoction bee hindred, or any other distemperatnes happen, thē is the meate altered and chaunged into vaporous belchinge, stinking fumes, and fulsome breathing, which ascending vp out of the stomack, disturbe and hurt the brayne and minde, insomuche y • such persons are easely & quicklye prouoked to brawlinge, chiding, strife and dissention. For when the Humours be not sufficiently and ynough concoted and attenuate, vnpure Spirites proceede out of them, enforcing a manifest alteration of the state, aswell of the body as of the minde. Cruditie hurtfull. And therefore in anye wyse, cruditie is to be auoyded, because it maketh ill humours & troubled Spirits, aswell of meates of good iuyce, as of those y • are bad: albeit the diseases engendred by want of concoction of meates hurtfull, bee worse and of more daunger. For they cause loathsome smelles and fulsome belchings, and make the body to breake [Page 10] oute illfauourably in euerye place wyth scabbes, botches, blaynes, and mangmesse.
For when there is aboundance of humours in the body, Oppilation and putrefaction, the original cause of diseases. it cānot be chosē but Agues must nedes bee engendred of that continuall obstruction and putrefaction: and stoare of diseases muste needes spring oute thereof, vnlesse those excrementes by continual labour and conuenient exercise be purged, and the humours reduced into good bloud. For then a sweete pleasaūt sente proceding therout, comforteth the head and tempereth and connenientlye moysteneth the brayne. Otherwyse, if concoction be troubled, there do strike vp into the head, grosse & fumie vapours, such as by exā ple we see greene woode to make, that is smered and couered ouer wyth pitch and talowe. And hereupon it happeneth that the minde sometime conceyueth straunge and absurde imaginations, yea sometimes falleth into dotage, rauing, madnesse, phrensie, melancholy, furie or some other distemperaunce.
But if the Stomacke do his parte and office throughly, if concoction be not altogether hindered, and that the passages aboute the Lyuer, and the other partes of the body, do giue free passge to y e humours, then y e vaspours ascēding vp into the head, are nothing so hurtfull, neyther do they greatlye disturbe and trouble the inward minde: and yet is not a man altogether cleare and free from affections: but they be such (I saye) as hee hath in his owne power, easely to qualifye, stay, [Page] and inhibite. Naturall Spirite therefore beinge made of the purest alimente in the Lyuer, is the beginninge of the residue. For by it is the vitall spirite and the animall also nourished, insomuch that the power or facultie animall, vseth the spirit natural as an instrument to these great affections and motions, whereunto (retecting and litle regarding right reason) we are many times prouoked. For euen as in a ciuill tumulte and sedicious vprore among the common people, y e Magistrate hath much ado to appease and mollifye the wilfull peoples rage and headinesse: so likewise reason is not able easely to subdue the lewd affections, and vnbrydled motions, that grow by immoderate gurmandyze, surphet, and dronkennesse. What riott bringeth a man to. For who is hee, that being throughly whittled in drinck, doth not beastly rushe into venerous luste, and filthy desires? For when the body is bumbasted wyth drincke, and bellycheere, the priuities and secrete partes do swel, and haue a marueylous desire to carnal coiture.
Hereof it commeth, that suche persons are delighted wyth vnchaste Rhythmes, and songes of rybaldry, odious to honest eares, and pernicious to the mind, vndecent hopping and dauncing, vnseemely clipping and kissing, and much other filthy behauiour. By this meanes that mynsing mynion, throughe her fyne and lasciuious daunfynge, Matth. 14 Iohn Baptist beheaded. caused the heade of holy Iohn Baptiste the forerunner of Christe, to be chopped of: for the [Page 11] kingee mynde was so enchaunted wyth her filthy and pernicious loue, that (cleane abādoning all reason and right iudgemente) he graunted to her the head of him, whose holsome admonitions and counsell hee was wonte before pacientlye to heare and well to like of. Which Euangelical example is a warning to all Noble men, and as many as haue the gouernmente of common weales, that they cruelly rage not agaynste the innocente neyther tormente and put to death, such as painefully and syncerely preach the truth, but rather by all meanes to wythstande and roote oute such as be fauourers of factions, Disturbers of publique peace ought to be rooted out. & enter into any practises contrary to righte and conscience, onely to disturbe the publique tranquillity, and to preiudice theyr Country.
The workemanship and frame of mans body consisteth of manye partes, and therein as in the state of a Common wealth be conteyned many orders and sondry offices. The fourme of a cōmon wealth. In the Common wealth there be the poore Comminaltie, lowest in degree, in which nōber are reckned drudges, Porters, Saylers, Coblers, Tinkers, Carters, Tipplers, handy Artyficers, filthy Bauds, Butchers, Cookes, Botchers and such lyke: next in degree to them are Marchants and Trafiquers, amonge whom, some by crafte and subtiltie, enueigle and deceyue others of meaner calling and ability: albeit, there be also of them, which practise theyr trade honestly and commendablye, not by collusion and fraudulēt dealing, but by godly [Page] and necessary meanes. After them, are the high Magistrates and Peeres of the Realme, who by due admynistration of the Lawes and politicall ordinaunces, keepe the rude multitude in due order of obedience, and see publique peace and trā quillity maynteyned. Last of all, are they whose office beinge of higher authority, do instructe and trayne vp the residue in the true knowledge of Christian religion: and to plant in them an vndoubted fayth, of theyr saluation at God the Fathers hande, throughe his sonne Christe. The like order, comelynesse and agreemente is in the body of man, wherein euery part doth properly & orderly execute his peculiar office. And hereuppon S. Paule by example of the harmonye and agreement of mans body, 1. Cor. 12. and all the parts therof, taketh occasion to perswade and exhort euery man to do his office and duty, Members of mans body. and carefullye to labour in his vocation. For all the members of the body be so lyncked and knitte together, and such participacion and cōsent is betweene them, that if one of the smallest toyntes, or the little toe be hurt or payned, the whole body is distempered and oute of quiet. And thus (as Chrysostome sayth). if the foote or one of the fingers endes bee pricked wyth a thorne or other sharpe thing, al y e other mēbers are ioyntly greeued aswel as they, in so much that the head, which is the honourablest parte of all other, stoupeth to beholde it, the eyes looke downe, the hands offer theyr diligent seruice to pull out the pricke, and to binde vp the [Page 12] wounde. So lykewyse there is no part of the body, which in such case desyreth not to help his afflicted fellow member.
Aptly therefore and very properly (as Liuius witnesseth) did Menenius the Oratour for example, Li. 2. Dec. 1. vse this persuasion, at what time the commō people in a ciuill broyle, rebelliously disobeyed & stubbernelye maligned the Senatours and Nobility: likening this theyr iarring and discorde, to the sedicious contencion and falling out of the members of mans body amonge themselues.
By which witty deuysed fable, he perswaded thē to forsake theyr mad enterpryses, and to returne euery man in peace home to his owne house. For as in the bodye, so lykewyse in a common wealth, mutuall sedition and ciuill variaunce, tendeth to the spoyle and ouerthrowe of the whole: but contrarywyse, Concorde keepeth and vpholdeth all things, & preserueth aswel the Common wealth, as the body of man in perfecte staye and order. Howe frendlye they all do agree together, and how of so many partes, euery member doth perfourme his office and duty, euery man in himself by experience seeth. No mēber in the whole body, but it serueth to some necessary vse. For there is no part nor mē ber thereof (be it neuer so small) but it caryeth w t it not onely a comly shape and proporcion, but also otherwyse serueth for some necessary vse and purpose, of the whole body and euery part thereof.
And first to begin from the lowest to the highest. The Foundement, Entrailes, Stomacke & [Page] procure the sustenaunce and healthe to the chiefe members, by whose helpe & mynisterie, the meate being throughly digested, is proportionably distributed by the veynes, vnto euery seuerall part of the whole body. But if the Entrayles (appointed for the concoction of nourishmente) bee weake and feeble, or if any other impedimente or fault be in them, whereby the meate concocted cā not haue due recourse and passage to nourish the body, thē doth al go to wrack, and turne into corruption, mynistringe matter and occasion to Agues, and all other kinde of diseases. Signes wherby to know when a man is not wel at ease. Which by certayne tokens maye partly bee knowen and felt aforehand, that a man in such case commonly loatheth his meate, hath a puling stomacke, and is enclyned to gaping, vomite, stretching, & stiffenes in his body.
And because the Spirits exhaled by humours, do participate w t other qualityes, & therby distē per the brayne, it commonly happeneth that such persons become thereby wayward, testye, and verye easely caryed into sondrye other affections of the mynde. For natural Spirite being caused in the Lyuer, cannot be made pure, neyther attenuated into ayrie substaūce, vnlesse that viscousnesse be clearely purged & free from all affection. But vitall spirite hath his originall procreation and beginninge of the naturall, Vital spirite. which is spread and diffused from the hearte by Arteryes into all the bodye, & frameth in mā diuers maners, accordinge to that grossenes or subtilitie which it receyueth [Page 13] partly of the nourishmente, and partly of the condition of the Ayre, and state of the Regiō. So, they that dwell Northward and in cold regions, Northern people. by reason of grosse bloud and thicke Spyrites, are seene to be bolde and full of venturous courage, rude, vnmanerlye, terrible, cruell, fierce, and such as wyth very threatening countenaunce and manacinge wordes, make others to stande in feare of them. As concerning any daungerous exploite, they are not a whitte afrayde to hazarde theyr bodyes in the aduenture of anye perillous extremitie. Which courage and disposition of nature, is not to be founde amonge the people of Asia: for they be but mere meycockes, and persōs very effeminate, shrynkinge at the least mishappe that happeneth, and wyth the smallest griefe and feare that can bee, theyr hartes fayle theim, & they as white as a kerchiefe. Which difference of minde & stomacke, Lucane in the hurlyburlies of the ciuill warres, in these Verses expressed and vttered.
For whatsoeuer they be that haue thick grosse bloude, Grosse blud haue consequently corpulent and stronge spirites, and herevppon it groweth that they wil beare a grudge in memorye a longe time, and not easelye forgette those motions and heddines that they once take: & hereuppon also it happeneth y t many of them being woūded or hurt in fight, vppon the sight of their owne bloude, do runne vpō their enemy more fiercely and egrely, and bestow theyr blowes more vehemently, then afore.
But they that haue thinne bloude, haue also slender spirits, Thin bloud. and suche as soone passe awaye. Such are soone angry & at the first very raging, but by and by theyr anger is asswaged and cooled, and assone as they haue a wound or see theyr owne bloude, they are readye to faynte and fall downe.
But to know how to qualifye, brydle, and subdue those greate affections and motions of the minde, that are engendred by greate heate of the spirites: I iudge it not amisse for euery man, to search oute, by what kinde of Spirit he is most [Page 14] ledde, to what motions in dealinges hee findeth himselfe most endaungexed, how feruente or how remisse the agitacions of his minde be. For by this meanes, may those thinges that consist without mediocritie, be reduced and brought to temperatenes and moderation. Nowe, this diuersitie of Spyrites, oute of whiche springeth such and so great diuersities of natures and maners, conceyue and take sondry alterations at the humours. Thus the Soule (although it be singuler, & as Cicero tearmeth it, vnigena, yet bringeth forth sondry and manifolde actions, according to the nature of the Spirites, Whēce the diuersitie of natures cō meth. and differences of the instrumentes. Hence commeth such and so great variety & diuersity in the thoughts, desyers, affections, actions and perturbatiōs in mens minds, insomuch that reason and discretition wythoute a speciall assistaunce of heauenlye grace, can scarcely tame and represse the same.
For when the naturall and vitall facultie, together wyth the naturall and inwarde Spirites waxe somewhat stronge, Rebelliō in the body. and partlye by aboundaunce, partly by the qualitye of meate and nourishment, haue attayned strength and power: they reiect and cast away the brydle of reason, & draw the spirit animal also (for they be al deryued out of one fountayne) into their faction & disordered rebellion. Wherby it happeneth, that when any lewde deuyse or wilfull thoughte aryseth in the minde of man, he is prone ynoughe to runne into dissolute riot, libidinous lust, filthy and shameful [Page] pleasures: & if he fortune to espy any pretie wēch or beautifull damsell, Levvde thoughts. that liketh his phantasie, his minde is strayght wayes enflamed and set on fire wyth vnlawfull desyre of her person, for the satisfying of his vnbridled concupiscence: and by reason of the stoare of humours and cōcourse of Spyrites resorting thither frō euery part of his body, his priuities vndecētly swel, & his mēber of generatiō becometh stiffe, so y t many times it happeneth, mans mind to be ouercome & drowned in fleshly concupiscence, vnlesse by the speciall grace of Almighty God, and by meditating vppon the holsome preceptes expressed in his sacred Word, hee stoutlye wythstande the Sommons of suche naughtye desyres. This promptnes and inclination to euill, is naturally ingraffed in man. The imaginations and thoughtes of mans heart, Gen. 6. & 8. (sayth Moses) are onelye euill and prone to vvickednes, euen from their youth and first beginninges. But the blessed and most comfortable comming of CHRISTE toke away this blemish, who by his precious death and glorious resurrection, abolished the calamitie, and cancelled the bondes of that myserye, whereto Adams transgression had brought vs.
The consideration wherof ought in y s mindes of all men to worke thus much, that because their spirites are prouokers and prickers forwarde both to vices & vertues, euerye one shoulde wyth more carefull consideracion and heede, attende & loke to conserue and gouerne them orderly.
[Page 15] And althoughe the Animall Spirite be more excellent thē the other, Spirite animal. and before the rest in dignity, yet in order is it the later. For out of the naturall, which resembleth vapour, and proceedeth by vertue of the Lyuer, from bloud, it produceth the vitall, whiche is of Aerye nature, and mynistreth vnto it nourishment. And the vitall doth procreate the Animall, which by reason of his thinnesse and subtility is ayrie. For it being laboured, prepared and made in the contexed net, celles and cornerie ventricles of the brayne, is greatly wyth sweete smelles nourished, and with fragrant things refreshed and cherished. From it is fetched and deryued al the power and facultye which the soule hath, and from it do al actiōs issue and proceede, making the same appliable to all functions. Well worthy therefore is this animall spirite deemed the proper instrument of the soule to all the sences, for mayntenaunce of mouinge and nimblenes, and for preseruation of the strength, and firmitie of the Muscles & Synewes: for it transporteth and diffuseth his vertues and powers (as the workemaisters of actions) into the Synewes that haue the power of feeling and mouing.
All the instruments therfore of the Senses, indued wyth this power and vertue of the Spirite Animall, attayne thereby stablenes, for the atchieuement of their functions and charges: as for example, If the wayes and passages whereby this spirite oughte to goe and haue passage, bee [Page] stopped & affected, the power of mouing and feeling is taken away, as we euidently note and see to happen in the Apoplexie, Palsey, Tetanus, and many diseases moe. And this spirite Animall is conueighed into the Synewes, euen like the beames of the Sunne through a cleare shyninge glasse. And euen as a fiery heate pearceth and entreth into a glowyng hoate yron, y t is very hard, insomuche that the some therewyth becommeth softe and tractable: so dothe the Spirite that is finest and thuinest, slylte slyde into the Synewes. All thinges therefore that neede feelinge, mouing and agilitie, requyre the force, ayde and power of the spyrite Animall: As those that by nourishment are to be maynteyned, continued, and kepte, requyre the naturall and vitall faculties and spirites. Hee therefore that woulde preserue his spirites vndemnifyed, and them make moste syncere and perfecte, must endeuour at any hande to keepe his body in right good plight and order.
For as Galene witnesseth: The keepinge of a good temperamente and order, 12. Meth. is a singuler ayde and helpe to conserue the naturall faculties, and to cheerishe the spirites. And as vnkindly blastes and vncouth whyrlewyndes, do sondrywyse affect our bodyes, and not of men onely, but also of Beastes, Corne and Plants, eyther throughe their tomuch moystnes or tomuch drynesse, or finally by their nipping cold or parching heate: Euen so the Spirites within vs, eyther throughe their aboundaunce or qualitie, engender & bringe [Page 16] forth sondry affectes in vs, and manifestly alter y • state aswel of body as of mind. For where the Spirites be grosse, thicke and cold, it happeneth the minde to be ouerclowded & (as the dymmed Sunne) not to shyne brighte out. And this is the reason, that persons in this sort affected haue duller wittes, and blunter capacities. For proofe wherof, we are to see and consider, such as are borne and bred neere to the Pole Articke & ycie Sea, who (for the most part are very huge & stronge bodyed, but for witte and learning, mere doltes & Asseheads: albeit this Nacion through the greate care & singuler wysedome of the moste noble Prince Erick kinge of Svveden, Erick kinge of Sweden. is nowe trayned to more ciuill order, & haue their mindes wyth goodlye qualityes right vertuously adourned.
But such as haue their Spirits moderatelye cold, are persons constant, sted fast, Germans and faythfull to deale w tal, and euery thing which they atēpte, is aduisedlye and earnestly done, so that lightlye they wil not start from their once conceyued opinion: but by reason of their coldnes & fayntnes of heate (excepte industrious education cause the contrary) commonly they be not very quick witted nor of very precise iudgemēt, neither yet craftye and deceitfull, nor such as by suttle driftes & wylinesse, seeke to supplāte and vndermyne their ennemie.
But they that haue moyst spirites (so that the Hollāders same be moderate) eyther by the nature of the region [Page] or quality of the ayre, where they dwell, are quicke and readye conceyuers of anye thinge, but not long retayninge the same in memorie, but forgetting as quicklye, as they conceyue speedelye. Euen like to very moyst and softe waxe, that wil not easely take anye printe or forme. Hollanders forgetful & sleepie. And therefore they bee oblyuious, sleepie, vnapte to learne Artes and oecupations, dull witted and grosse headed: and as they haue bodyes burlye, bigge & moyste, so is their memorie ill and forgetfull, which iudgement is also to be giuen of those bodyes which bee constituted in a vehemente drynesse.
And hereuppon it commeth, that olde men by meanes of their drynesse ioyned with coldnes, Old men & children, forgetfull. are obliuious, & so are Childrē likewyse, by reasō of theyr tomuche moystnes. And these qualities make men also fearefull, timorous and faintharted, in repulsinge and sufferinge mishappes and aduersitie, which is a thing peculiar to womenkinde.
Notwithstanding, education, institution and discipline, Education altereth nature. altereth the vsuall nature, and ordinary conditions of euery Region: for we see the common sorte and multitude, in behauiour and maners grosse and vnnurtured whereas the Nobles and Gentlemen (altering theyr order & diet, and digressing from the common fashion of their pezantly countreymē) frame themselues & theirs, to a verye commendable order, and ciuill behauiour.
[Page 18] But if this moystnes bee w t measurable heate somwhat warmed, as it is in them which dwel in playne and open Countryes, Zelāders. where fewe Trees grow, as in Zeland, where cōmonly in wynter y e people be greeuously nipped w t cold, & in Sōmer scorched w t parching heate, those countreymē (I say) as they haue bodies big, strōg, toyling, painful & laborious, burly limms, boisterous mēbers & rough skīnes: so likewise haue they mīds stubborne, churlish, testie, vncurieous, clubbish, & vnmanerly: Notw tstanding they be of iudgemente sharpe & of industrious forecast: for tradê of marchan̄dise very ready and skilful, The nature of such as be borne and bred neere the Sea. and in their dealings right warie and cyrcumspecte. The rest of the Low Coūtryefolks, being better stored w t Trees ouershadinge and defendinge them from wynds, and which dwell in soyles of holesomer ayre, wherin is lacke neither of pleasaūt running ryuers, or delightfull Springes of freshe water, to fructifye the same, are of mylder nature, & not so blunte as the others, but of them some be wyser and fitter to atchieue any waighty matter then other some be. Flemyngs So, the Flemynges for pythynesse in their speach and subtility of inuention are very excellent.
Brabanders setting asyde all sternenes and seuerity, Brabanders. wyth their decēt meery natures and frēdly curtesye, winne the hartye good willes of men: yea wyth a certayne pleasaunte grace, facility of speach, and allurementes of woordes, they ordinarily enterlard their grauity.
[Page] But if the breast and brayne bee endued wyth Italians. a Spirite perfused wyth temperate moysture and heate, such as be of that speciall constitution, are in their dealinges, watchfull, sharpe, industrious, in forecast, quicknes of wit, industry of nature, excellencie of learninge, notable vtteraunce, and flowinge eloqu [...]nce, surpassing other men. Italians wil couertly beare a secret grudge in mynde a great while. Finally such personnes wil beare in memorie a long time things past, and will not lightly suffer any grudge to grow out of remēbraūce. And if any wronge bee done vnto them, they will reuyue the memory therof after many yeares: yea so destrous bee they of reuenge, that they will not forgette a priuate grudge or offence euen amonge themselues. Which affection I do ascribe vnto heate, which doth so exceedinglye exulcerate & distemper their mynds wyth indignacion, that, humour and moystnes, is not able to alay, quēch and qualefye it. So vnstayedlye for the more parte be the myndes of this people caryed with wilful motions, somewhyle inwardly and closely keepyng within theyr owne brestes theyr conceyued deuises, and somewhyle openly to the world, bursting out in hoate termes of outrage.
Neere approching to them in quality (but yet [Page 18] somewhat differing) are Englishmen: Englishmen. who being of heate more weake and lesse boylinge, (as the which is well enter medled, ouercome and qualefyed by moystnes) are of stature comely and proportionable, & of body lustie and well complexioned, But to the studies of humanity, not so greatly giuen, and in exquistie Artes not so well furnished. But if they hold on their course as they beginne, I meane, to apply theyr mindes to worthy and excellent matters, theyr dexterity for the attaynment of any notable atchieuaunce surpasseth, and theyr forwardnes to anye Artes or mysteries, is foūd to be right apt & inclynable. And because they haue somwhat thick spyrits, Englishmen and Scottes haue greate stomacks & angry. slēderly perfused wyth heate, they wil stomacke a matter vehemently, and a long time lodge an inward grudge in their heartes, whereby it happeneth y t when theyr rage is vp, they will not easily be pacifyed, neither cā theyr high and hauty stomackes lightly be conquered, otherwyse then by submission, & yelding to theyr minde and appetite.
But if the spyrite through heate of the hearte and quality of the ayre or region, Spaniard [...] be very hoate, it likewyse bringeth forth and causeth hoate and quicke motions, yet such as by reason of their tenuitie and thinnesse by litle & litle wil be cooled. And this is the cause, that some of them when their bloud is vp, will rashlye and vnaduisedlye attempte any thinge, and not eare for any perills so they may bring to passe, what their desire is to compasse. Also when they conceiue in minde the [Page] doing of any thing, as they be at the beginninge, marueylous wilful & tooto heady with mighte & main to set forward their purpose, hardly admitting anye counsel to the contrary: so againe, their minds many times be wauering, vnstedfast and vnquiet, except their inclinacions by the reyne of reason be the better bridled.
Which thinge is commonly incident to angry persons, and such as be desyrous of reuenge, and to suche also as haue somewhere fixed their loue inordinately, whose minds flootinge and ballancinge vp and downe with varietie of phantasies, are easely and quickly caryed hither and thyther, by affection, neyther stedfast nor aduysedly resoluing vppon any certaine resolution. But this Countrye borne people, Spaniardes haue good wittes. if they earnestly frame themselues to the attaynemente of anye Artes (though the same be neuer so hard and curious) yet do they profite in the same wonderfully, & cary away great commendation.
Such as haue thinne spirites temperatelye hoate, haue sharpe and ready wittes, and prompt and flowing vtteraunce: Frenchmen. vppon whom also these gifts of nature are bestowed, that for deuyse and inuention they be very sharpe and ingenious: for [Page 20] braue settinge oute and beautifyinge of a matter, Frenchmen prompt and ready witted. plentyfull and copious: and suche as for the explayning of their meaninges and purposes haue talke and tongue at will. And as touching the inward inclination of their mindes and maners, they be liuely felowes, lusty, dapper, nimble, lackinge no grace of pleasaunte gesture. Manye of them which lacke good bringing vp and haue not beene trayned in learning and ciuilitie, are of disposition, wauering, vnconstant, captious, deceitfull, falseharted, destrous of alterations and tumultes, babblatiue, and full of muche vaine tattling: in consultacion and counsell so suttle and craftie, that whatsoeuer they once conceyue in mynde or purpose to do, without delay that do they iudge best, forthwith to be enterprysed, & out of hande to be atchieued: and whereunto so euer they addict their mindes, therin proue they right excellente.
Seing therefore, the diuersitie of spirits, and the differences of wittes and maners proceedeth of the condition and nature of the Place, Ayre, Countrey and nourishmente, let euery man foresee in himself, which way he may best prouide for the maintenaunce of his health, and to shunne all such thinges as may in any wise harme, annoye, crushel, or empaire either his health or Spirits.
It is therefore most expediente to obserue the best order of diet and life that conueniently maye be folowed, Good diet, & holesome Ayre. and to liue in the holesommest ayre. For these be the things that restore health when [Page] it is decayed or empaired, and which make the Spirites most pure and syncere. For if the bodye do abounde and be full of ill humours, if the Spirites bee vnpure, and the brayne stuffed full of thicke fumes proceedinge of humours, the bodye and Soule consequentlye cannot but suffer hurte, and bee thereby likewise damnifyed. Hence proceedeth (as from the verye cause) such rauing dotage, & distraughtnes of righte witts, hence issueth blockishnes, foolishnes, madnes, and furie, in so much that they thinck sometimes to see those thinges that are not before their senses to see, and to heare suche woordes as no man speaketh. For imaginatiō in them is marred, common sense (which iudgeth and discerneth all thinges) is preiudiced, memorye decayed, sighte dymmed, their eyes dazelled, and all the faculties of the Soule (that is to saye) all the naturall powers, whereby it accomplisheth all his functiōs, are enfeebled, & perfourme their offices, duties, and operations both faintly and remissely.
But if the Spirite animall be perfectly pure & ayrie, (such as is the sent of Bloud exactlye laboured) not onely the sight of their eyes is cleare and good, but all the other Senses both external and internall are perfecte, and perfourme their functions and ministeries orderlye, duelie, and conueniently.
¶Of the Spirit vniuersall, generally inspired into the whole world, & all y e parts therof. Which being from God aboue, breathed & put into man, infuseth and endueth his minde wyth speciall and peculiar giftes. And by the waye also, in this Chapter, is entreated of good and ill Angells, which being entermingled with the humours & spirites, cause sondry chaūges and mutations in mens minds. The thirde Chapter.
THat power of the Spirite which is infused and breathed by God aboue, Spirite of Nature. into these lower bodyes, is it, that disposeth and moueth this frame and masse of the world, fostereth, strēgtheneth and cheerisheth all that is wythin the compasse and coape of Heauen conteyned, stretchinge and extendinge his force farre and wyde. For why, this gouerneth and ruleth all thinges, maketh all thinges fruitfull, and vnto the same imparteth vitall heate. Neyther is there anye cause why a man should thinck or perswade himself, that there is any other power able to do these things, then that Spirite, by whom from the very beginninge, The Spirite of the Lord. the world and all such thinges as are visiblie seene wyth the eyes, and sensiblie perceyued by the sences, were brought into so comely [Page] and beautiful order. For by the VVord of the Lord, Psalm. 33 vvere al things made, and by the breath of his mouth, al the comlynes, beautie and furniture thereof. Genes. 1. For he doth maintayne and strēgthen al thinges, and giueth povver vnto euerye thinge to encrease and multiplye in their ovvne kinde, Iohn. 1. and to maintayne and conserue themselues.
Thus the wonderfull Creatour of Nature, by his word and Spirite, put into all thinges y • were created, a power precreatorie, & the order of their encreasinge & propagation, for continuaunce of theyr kinde, posteritie, and succession: y • is to witte: the Spirite of GOD beinge diffused into euery Creature, susteyneth and maynteyneth Plantes and all liuing creatures aswell man as beasts, by whom they liue and haue their beinge. There is nothinge therefore in the whole worlde, but it feeleth the strong power of God, & is satisfyed wyth the plenteousnes and fulnesse therof. For when Heaūe and Earth were made, and the first Elemēts, (y t is, the first beginnings of things constituted) The Spirite of God moued vppon the waters: that is to saye, made moyste and liquide matter (otherwyse barreyne) to be fruitefull.
The very meaning of which saying, Basill surnamed the Greate, did verye well and liuelye expound in these woordes: The Spirit of GOD (sayth hee) moued vpon the top or vpper face of the water. Hexa. lib. That is to say, did nourish and giue a vitall fruitfulnes and a quickeninge Soule to [Page 21] the moyste Element and to all other Creatures, in such sort, that all thinges wyth the Spirite of God were moystened & warmed, euen as a Bird or Fowle that sitteth vpon her egges, who gyueth vitall power and heate, to that whereuppon she doth sit and couer.
An example whereof we are to take at a Hen, Gen. 1. which giueth life vnto her egges, & bringeth oute frō thence the shape of a perfect creature. Now, whereas the Spirite of God is said to swymme vppon the waters, or to rest vppon a moyst Element, this is to be vnderstoode of the fecunditie, y t is infused and put into it. But whereas the vniuersall nature of thinges, and all Creatures that breath and haue being, do enioy this gifte of Diuine spirit, & through the vertue thereof haue their essēce, yet namely and aboue al others, Mē, by singuler priuiledge & speciall prerogatiue are fully endued wyth all things, & haue their minds taken out of a porcion of Gods owne spirite, as Cicero sayth, or rather accordīg to the testimony of the holy Scriptures, haue receyued the breath of life, and an Image after the similitude of God himselfe. The Poet Ouid had from the Hebrevves a litle sparke of vnderstanding touching this opinion, and that did he vtter in these Verses.
Which sentence S. Paule beinge studyed in a more heauenlye kind of Philosophie, went about to inculke into the minds of the Athenians, with intent to draw thē, frō their old rooted superstitions & inueterate errours, & to perswade thē in beholding the goodly frame & beautiful workemā ship of the world w t al the furniture and ornamēt therof (wherin Almighty God sheweth out to al men a taste or proofe piece of his diuinitie) therby to acknowledge his diuine power, and by seinge his woorkes to agnyze his omnipotencie. For in this sort he preached vnto them: God vvhich made the vvorld, Actes. 17. and all that are in it, and is Lorde of Heauen and Earth, dvvelleth not in Temples made vvith handes, neither is vvorshipped vvith mens hands, as though hee needed any thing, seing he himselfe giueth life and breath to all men euery vvhere. For in him vve liue, moue, and haue our being: as a certaine of your ovvne Poets sayth: Aratus in Pheno. for vvee are also [...] Generation.
Now, man at the hands of his Creatour, being furnished wyth such excellent gifts and garnishmentes of minde, as first to be endued wyth a natural and internall spirite, and then to be moued and inspyred w t a Diuine spirite, hath also (notwithstanding) externall spirites recoursing into his body and mynde. Men of olde tyme called [Page 22] them by the name of Genij, Angels. the bookes of the holy Byble termeth them (in respect of their office and mynisterye) Angels: which is asmuch to say as Messengers: because they bringe the cōmaūdmentes and will of God vnto vs. Hebr. 1. S. Paule calleth them, mynistring Spirits, appointed to certayne offices and purposes, and to mynister for their sakes which shalbe heyres of Saluation. Cicero and others that neuer knew God nor religion aright, calleth them familiar or domestical Gods, hauing vnder their protection the care of mans lyfe and safetye, and giueth them the name of Lares, Lares. or Penates, or Dij Tutelares. And of them they make two sorts, the good Angels and the badde: Good Angels. because the good pricketh a man forward, to grace, goodnes, vertue & honesty: y e other eggeth him to lewdnes, Ill Angels. mischiefe, shame, villany, and all kinde of loose dishonestie. For this is their onely drift, and pretence specially, to plunge a man in as much mischeife as they can, & drawe him from God as farre as may be.
Now, for so much as Spirits be without bodies, they slyly and secretly glyde into the body of man, euen much like as fulsome stenche, or as a noysome and ill ayre, is inwardly drawē into the body: and these not onely incense and pricke a mā forward to mischiefe, but also like most pestilent Counsellers, promyse to the party reward & impunitye. By this meanes the wylie Serpente enueigled Adam, Sayinge: You shall not die therfore, but ye shall be as Gods, knovving good [Page] and euill. For the Deuill (hauinge his name hereof) is most subtile and crafty, Daemō, à sciendo. and lacketh not a thousand sleightes and pollicies to bryng a mā to mischiefe. Yea, his fetch is slyly to insinuate himselfe into our mindes, cogitations, counselles and willes, 2. Para. 26 albeit it is not easye for him to bring his purpose aboute, for so muche as Eod alone knoweth the heartes of men, and vnto him onely be all our deuyses and thoughts open and manifest. Hee is (sayth Paule) the discerner of the thoughtes and of the intentes of the hearte: Hebr. 4. neyther is there any Creature, vvhich is not manifest in the sight of him: but all thinges are naked & open to his eyes. Psalm. 7. Which thinge also Dauid declareth: God (sayth he) is the tryer of the verye hart and Reynes, That is to saye, hee perfectlye searcheth out and knoweth all thinges, findeth a way into the most secrete corners, and innermost places. And hee bringeth in an example, taken from the intrayles that bee fardest of. For there is nothing in mās body, inwarder then the heart and Reynes: in somuch that the concocted meate must be conueyghed by many crooked bywayes & wyndings, before it can be brought thyther. Furthermore he specially nameth those partes, for y t, out of them chiefely the thoughtes and cogitacions of the mynde, and all lycentious lustes and dissolute desyers, do proceede and springe, which are not nor cannot lye hyd, or vnespyed of God.
Forsomuch therefore, as these deuilles bee ayrie spyrits, and aswell by long vse and practise, [Page 23] as also by pollicie of nature are of greate experience and by long tryall know much: How the deuil learneth the thoughts of mē. euen by coniectures and tokēs which they espy in the eyes, countenaunce, gesture and other motions of the body of man, they slylie gather and ghesse the inward dispositions and thoughtes of the mynde, whych to a man of great experience and witte, is no great hard matter to do. One man a deuill to an other. And therfore euen as lewde and deceitfull marchaunts, practyse all wayes and meanes to spoyle others, leauinge no occasion vnattempted, to cyrcumuent and catche them at vnwares and vnprouyded: so lykewyse the deuilles lye in wayte to catche vs at a vauntage, and the godlyer anye one in conuersation of life & maners is, the busyer and earnester are they wyth theyr poyson to stinge him. In such sorte, the deuill was not awhit afrayde by al maner of shiftes to tempte euen Christe himselfe, thinking to haue perswaded or inueigled him with Ambition, Matth. 4. Gluttonie, or desyre of rule & Souereignty. Neyther was he ashamed to assaulte Paule also, partly carying him into a boastinge and pryde of mynde aboue measure, 2. Cor. 12. and partlye by incensynge his aduersaryes with spightfull rage and cruelty against him.
The holy man Iob also was wonderfully shaken vp, Iob. 30. and driuen to suffer the violent brunts of his moste terrible temptations: but God who rewardeth and recompenceth all thinges, made an end of that conflict, prescribing the Feend his limitts, how farre he should extend his tyranny. [Page] Whereby we are to learne and vnderstande, that deuils can nothinge preuaile against vs, Howe farr [...] deuils are able to hurte vs. neither do any further harme to vs, thē it pleaseth God to suffer and permit them to do.
Now, albeit their vse and fashion is, manye & sondry wayes to assault men which way to hurte them, yet specially they seeke & trye all such meanes as they can, to vanquishe and seduce them, w t those inclynations and properties that are peculiar, naturall, and indifferente to all.
Thus, do they incite and egge those that abound with Bloud, Humours giue occasion to vices. and be sanguine complexioned, to riot, wātonnesse, drunkēnes, wastfulnes, prodigality, flithy and detestable loues, horrible lustes, incest, and buggerie. Them that be Cholericke, to testines & anger, to brawling and chydinge, contention, rayling, quarellinge, fightinge, murther, robbery, sedition, discord, and to put all these in proofe and practize, they will minister many allurements and sondry occasions. Them that be Melācholique, vnto enuy, emulation, bitternesse, hatred, spright, sorcery, fraude, subtlety, deceipte, treason, sorrow, heauinesse, desperation, distrust, and last of all to a lamētable and shamefull end. Them y t be phlegmatick, they helpe forward, to slouth, drowsynesse, bitternesse, sluggardy, slacknes, sleapines, rechlesse vnhedynes, and to a despysinge of all vertuous and good exercyses.
And furthermore as pure subtyle ayre breatheth into lyuīg Creatures & into greene herbs, [Page 24] a liuely and holsome spirite: so likewise the good Angels imparte holesome ayre, and with a pleasaūt sweete inspiratiō refresh our inward minds.
Againe as a pestilente winde induceth sickenesse and infection: so do euill Spirites exhale & breath out a pestiferous poyson, & to the mindes of men bring mischiefe and destruction. Sapien. 1. For by them came the first spot, ruine and destruction of mankinde, so y t there was no other way to bryng him to his first excellency, dignity and perfection, but onely by that most wōderful restorer, Gen. 2. Christ. And because the imbecillitye & weakenes of mās nature is such, that hee is not able to withstande the subtile ambushes & deuises of this his moste raginge ennemy Sathan, Christe being ascended into Heauen, caused to be sent downe a Comforter, to hold vs vp, and giue vs inuincible courage against all the deuils crafty suggestiōs. What the Holy Gh [...] worketh [...] vs. This is he that inspyreth into our mynds sondry good giftes, assuringe vs of the good will of God towards vs, and shakinge away all distruste, bringeth vs by Christ vnto the father. For he stirreth vp and comforteth our mindes, and encourageth vs in such sort, that boldlye & with an assured truste, Gal. 4. we dare to hope and aske all thinges of him, and cry vnto him for helpe, by the name of Father. Moreouer y • Spirite which God hath inspyred into our harts, doth certify and witnesse wyth our Spyrits, that wee be his Sonnes, and Heyres, Rom. 8. yea Coheyres wyth Christe. The spyrite of God therefore, confyrming oure mindes, [Page] doth engraffe in vs fayth, grounded vppon the word of God, which fayth engendreth an assured trust & confidence toward him, wyth an vndoubted hope to obtaine his promises.
And forasmuche as these vertues be not ydle, Fayth bringeth forth workes. they do produce and bringe forth moste plentifull fruites of Charity, to the perfourmaunce wherof, the holy Ghoste the Comforter, w t his strēgth armeth vs, and with his ayde protecteth vs in the truth, to continue and perseuer constant, stedfast and immutable, wythout being seduced and caryed lightly into erronious opiniōs and superstition: which is nothinge els (as Eusebius witnesseth) but a false and counterfeyte shadowe of true Relligion, De preparat. Euāg. lib. 1. grounded vpon no sounde doctrine or foundation of Scripture: In this sorte according to the saying of the Poet Horace. Superstition.
And it oftentimes falleth out (sayth Cicero) that many in seeking after the best thinges, Tuscul. 3. misse their purpose, and are deceyued, not so much vppon wyll, as by mystaking theyr way, and vsinge a wrong course. Rom. 10. Thus doth S. Paule deeme the Jewes not altogether forlorne, and estraunged from godlynesse, but ledde wyth a certayne feruentnes and zeale to Godward, although not accordinge to knowledge: so that they do not altogether erre in their affection towarde Godlynes, Zeale withoute knowledge. but rather vppon ignoraunce and lacke of better vnderstandinge: and because they go blindlye to worke and folter in their dealinges without any iudgemente, they are destitute of the Spirit of God. Wythin the leuell and daunger of this vice, are al they, that obstinately either maintaine or wilfully suffer anye olde inueterate errours, & such as can abyde nothinge of all that to be altered, which by little and litle hath crept into vse, & by custome had some continuance. Which mē if they had within them this bounteous Spirite, no doubte there would not be such diuersity of opinions and doctrine in mens myndes as nowe there be. But let no man thinck these thinges to be superfluously spoken, or cleane besyde the purpose, neyther let him lay in my dishe this sayinge [Page] of Horace.
For the heauenly Spirite, is the guyde & gouernour of the Spyrites of mans bodye, which are then more qualefyed, quieted, and kept vnder better order, when they be gouerned and ledde by the conducte and direction of this Spyrite. For if they once begin tumultuously to ruffle & styre vp sedition wythin the bodye,
¶Of the Elements of Humaine body, and of the first qualities of beginnings of generation, where of man consisteth and is made. The fourth Chapter.
ALl the Complexion & temperamente of mās bodye proceedeth from the powers of the Elementes, and not of the Humours: IIII. Elemētes. and of them is the whole bodye tempered and compounded.
[Page 26] The Elements be in number foure, Fyre, Earth, Ayre, and Water, and vnto them are appendant so many qualytyes: Hoate, Colde, Moyst, Drye: which of the Ayre encompassyng vs, and of oure meates nourishinge vs, do take and conceyue eyther profite or harme. For being eyther in excesse or defecte, the qualityes are depraued and corrupted, and throughe theyr corruption engender many and sondry diseases.
But the thinges which dispose and affect our bodyes, Tuēd. valet. lib. 1. are (sayth Galen) of two sortes: the one, takyng his beginning euen at our Natiuity and byrth, deryued and issuying from the very prynciples of Generation as from a roote, which possiblie cannot bee auoyded: the other, such, as man may declyne, as thinges estraunged from oure bodyes, not naturallye in vs engraffed, but externally happening, and yet (nathelesse) such, as are as apt and ready to disquiet and annoy oure bodyes, as those that be naturally planted in vs. And these bee, Meate and Ayre a like necessary. Meate and Dryncke, wherewyth wee restore all such ouerdrye or ouer moyste substaunce, as to the body is requysite. And these twayne, if they bee eyther immoderately taken, or bee corrupte and vnholesome, they do engender great stoare of excrements and sondry diseases. Next vnto these is the Ayre, that compasseth and on eche syde enuyroneth vs, which beinge eyther extreemelye hoate or drye, or ouermuch moyste or colde, causeth & enforceth a manifest alteration in the state of the whole body.
[Page] But to come somewhat neere and more aptlye to declare this matter: it is to be vnderstanded, that the verye beginninges of mans nature and principles of his generation, is feminine Bloud & Seede generatiue. The one as it were of certayne apt, conuenient, and tractable matter, like moyst claye or soft waxe, is ready to fashion oute and proportion anye thing that the workemā employeth it vnto: And the Seede, is as it were y e workeman himselfe. Both these thinges consist and are made of the same generall Elements, and conteyne within them the qualityes aboue specifyed: but the difference amonge themselues is in the order and measure of their temperamēt. For in the seede, The nature of seede and bloud. there is more of fierye and ayrie substance, that is to say, it is pertaker of aethereal Spirite. In the Bloud, there is more of watry and earthy: albeit in this last, the heate is aboue colde, and moyst aboue dry. For wee maye not say and affirme, that Bloud is dry, like boanes, but to be moist. Now is Seede dryer thē Bloud, and yet it is also moyste, fluible & liquide. Thus on both sydes, the oryginall of mans generation proceedeth of moyst substaunce, & yet so, y t thence is laboured and made other partes of the bodye y t be drye, as Synewes, Veynes, Arteryes, Bones and Grystles. Now, that which in the wōbe is conceyued, and together of those principles fourmed, waxing dryer, taketh (as it were) y e first lineamentes and proportion of euerye member, & afterward comming to perfect shape, taketh further [Page 27] encrease, & so groweth to his iuste bignesse and decente quantitye. And when it hath raught to his ful growth and bignesse, (as when the boanes for want of nourishmente are no longer plyable) then doth a man ceasse from further growīg, Cause of talnesse. & waxeth neither taller nor broader. For comely talnesse and length of personage commeth and is caused of the aboundaunce of heate and moysture, where the Spyrite is throughlye and fully perfused.
And if it happen that any, eyther old or yong, throughe sicknes or some other affect, to fal into a cold and dry habite or disposition, their bodies become and are leane, wrynckled, slender, illfauoured, thinne and lancke, and their lymmes weake and crooked. It fareth by them, muche like as it doth by Horses, Oxen, or such like beastes, that are skanted & nipped of their fodder & feeding: or as it doth by Trees and other greene Herbes, that lacke the iuyce of the ground, & not conueniently watered.
Therefore a fashiō that some Scholemasters & others that take the charge vpon them to teach and boorde yonge boyes, is (mee thinckes) both lewde & vnconscionable: who beinge at a playne bargaine and certaine stint of money, reasonably agreed vppon betweene theym and the childrens frendes, pinche theyr poore pupills and borders by the belly, and allowe them meate neyther sufficient nor yet holesome, yea not onely beastly, sluttishlye, & nippinglye vse they the seely childrē, but [Page] threatninglye enforce them to beare oute the labour of theyr studyes, [...]ildren [...]ulde not s [...]āted of e [...]r victu [...]. wyth a slender allowance, and small pittaunce of vnsauery resty fleshe, stinking fish, and hoary vinewed bread: which thing causeth them to be ill complexioned & coloured, the shape, comlynes and beauty of theyr bodies to degenerate & growe out of fashion, the quicknes, courage, lyuelynes and sharpenes of their wit to decay, theyr spirits to be dulled, & al y e liuely vertues & towardnes of y e mynd, which before was in them (eyther by the benefite of Nature, or by y e industry of the parentes, Naughty & vnholesome meate spilleth nature. or finally by the onely & special gift of Almighty God) to be extinct & vtterly quenched: insomuch y t neyther theyr mynd is enflamed w t desire to attein & atchieue any worthy attēpt, nether frame they thēselues vnto those thī gs, wherūto they were inclinable, & by nature apt & towardly. As touching y e outward case of their body, they cōmōly breake out, & haue their bodyes pinked ful of scabs, & by reasō of ill humours, ouerwhealed & engrayled with lothsome blisters, blaines, Shorte stature how it commeth. byles & botches. Wherby it commeth to passe, y t in growth they seldom come to any personable stature, to y e vse of their ful powers, to perfect strēgth & firmity of theyr members, or to any hādsom scature, or proper cōpo [...]iō of bodily proportion: & the cause is, for y t in their tender & growyng age, being kept vnder by famine, and skanted of conuenient meate and drincke, theyr natiue moysture which requyreth cōtinual cheerishing & mainteynaūce, was skāted & debarred of his due [Page 28] nourishment & cōpetent allowance. Whereupon, the vital iuyce being exhausted & spēt, they arriue to old age sooner thē otherwise they should doe, & are snatched vp by death long before their time.
Now, that affect & plight which bringeth the body into a cold & dry disposition, Olde age. is called Olde age, because it is the cause of corruption, decay & destruction of all aswell Creatures lyuinge, as Plants & herbes. Death, what it is. For death is nothing els, but the extinction of nature, that is to saye, of the naturall Heate, & naturall Humour. In which two things, life consisteth: to which extinction & ende many are brought sooner then they should be, either through want and defect of nourishment, or throughe vntemperate life, as toomuche carnall company with women, vnseasonable watchinge, heauines of mynde, thoughte, and manye other causes, which hasten old age, & bring death vnloked for, before his time, contrarye to the order of age and course of Nature. Do we not see many old mē, Lustye olde age wherof it cōmeth. lusty, mery and wel complexioned, strong of limmes, good footemē, &. in their old dayes as fresh & actiue as many yong mē be: all which cō meth vpō no other cause, but that in their youthfull dayes, they liued orderly & wel, and spent not their adolescencie in vnruly riot & lechery. Againe, there be of youngmē a great nūber, weake, worne to the bare stumps, feeble, lame, fainte and impotēt, dry as a kixe, pale as ashes, & wāne colored, for that they spent & exhausted all the pithe and strength of theyr youth and adolescencye, [Page] in wanton sensuality, disordered riot, and immoderate vse of Venerous daliaūce, cōsuming therin the very floure and prime of their lusty age. For euen as pleasaūt & gay March floures in y e Springe of the yeare, with nipping weather and sharpe Northernelye wynds, [...]hat ma [...]th yonge [...]e weake. do fade and wyther away againe: so likewyse, youth and flourishing age, by vsing ill order and fashion, is dryed vppe before his due time, and ere it come to his full rypenes.
Therefore, to decline and shunne such things as be hurtful, and to prolonge lyfe many yeares, and to bring to passe, that olde age shall not be tedious, cumbersome, and burdenous, but easye, pleasaunt, and delightful, it lyeth a man in hand, to take that order and trade, whereby health may be maynteyned and still preserued, or if it happen to be discrased and empayred, how it may againe be restored and bettered. What thīgs are hurtfull to health. The thinges that hinder and crushe it, and which do weaken, alter and corrupt the temperament that naturally is in vs, are not fewe. For the Humours of the body, receiue and take sondry qualityes accordinge to the faculties that be in our nourishmente, and in the order of our vsual diet. Wherunto are to be added, Bathes, Heate, Exercise, Cold, Wearynes, Thyrst, Hūger, Sleepe, Rest, the state of y e Ayre, and affections of the mynde: all which do sondry wayes, alter the habite and state of our bodyes, & for the most part, maketh them worse. By this meanes, the bodye that was hoate and moyste, is [Page 29] by litle and litle broughte to be cold and drye, or to some other ill qualitye. Also as yeares & age steale on vs, as times come and go, as the world frameth w t vs, eyther forward or backwarde, in prosperitye or aduersity, in good fortune or bad, manye thinges happē vnto a man which shake & shrewdly batter a mās good health. Vnto which effect, the Poet Horace, very aptly in my opynion wryteth thus:
Wherunto accordeth y t same sentence of holy Iob, where hee doth liuely expresse & set out the fraile, momentanie, vaine, & trāsiory state of mans life, and to how manye discommodities, daūgers aud chaunges, the same is subiecte and endaungered: A man (sayth hee) that is borne of a vvoman hath but a short time to liue and is full of myserie, he commeth vp and is cut dovvne like a goodlye flovver, Iob. 14. and vanisheth avvay like a shadovv, & neuer continueth still in one state.
For as yeares do passe and mans age doth march forward, there still happen chaunges and mutacions. For age is no other thing but the race or course of life, or the time that wee haue to runne from oure Infancie till wee come to olde age, in which time, the state and constitution of [Page] mans Bodye is altered, and steppeth from one temperamente to an other, and at lengthe (natiue heate beinge extincte) by death is diuorced and broughte to finall dissolution.
Thus hath Infancie, Infancie. (which of all others is the moystest) in it, great aboundaunce of naturall heate, and in the fourth or seuenth yeare suffreth mutacion, & in those yeares commonly we be in great daunger.
Nexte after it, Childhod is Childhoode, contynuinge till aboute the fiftenth yeare of oure Age, and the same subiecte to no few hazards and discommodities.
Pubertie, Pubertie. is prone and subiect to very manye inconueniences, which taketh his ende at the age of xviii. yeares.
As for wylfull and slypperye Adolescencie which endeth at xxv. yeares, Adolescencie. is (as the others) subiect to sōdry casualties & mutacions, as dayly experience sheweth.
Youth or flourishing Age, wherein the body and mynde be in their chiefeste prime and iolitye, Youth. lasteth till a man bee xxxv. yeares olde: durynge which Age, Bloude beareth swaye aboundantlye, and Humours somewhat waste, whereby it happeneth that this temperamente in continuaunce and processe of time, beginneth to bee taken for Hoate and Drye, whereas Adolescencye is aboundantlye stoared both of moysture, and heate.
[Page 30] Mans Age reacheth to the fiftyeth yeare or somewhat further, Mās age. in which tyme man is in his full rypenes, and leauing former pleasures and delightes, his mynde aduysedlye, carefullye, and wysely dealeth in euery thinge that he enterpryseth. But the Bodye standeth at one staye, suffreth no great mutacion, till sixtie three, or sixtie fiue yeres of age: for then Age hasteneth on apace, and draweth towarde his longe home, and then beginneth the bodye to be colde and drye, beinge the firste enteraunce and steppe into Oldeage, which is the nexte neyghboure to decrepicie and dotage, that standeth at the pittes brincke, neerest vnto death. Which as it is not rashlye to be wyshed for, so neyther is it amonge Chrystians at all to bee feared, Death to the faythful not to be feared. consyderynge that the Soule beinge by Fayth assured of a better and sweeter lyfe, and hauinge an vndoubted hope of a Resurrection, oughte in this poynte to bee throughly perswaded, and be ful wylling cheerefullye to departe hence. In the meane space, whyle hee hath to runne his race in this worlde, euerye man maye so behaue himselfe and qualefye his dealynges, that through temperate vsage and orderlye moderation of lyfe in youth, hee maye bee furnished wyth helpes, and haue in stoare some of his former strenghte, the better to passe ouer his Olde Age, and therein to feele the lesse tediousnes. For whereas euerye other Age hath hys certayne tyme and prescripte [Page] terme how longe it shall last: onely Old age, hath no time to it appointed, but to liue as longe as hee maye, and to wayte for death and bid it welcome when soeuer it commeth.
Pythagoras very properly applyeth the foure quarters of the yeare, The times of the yeare compared to the ages of man. that is, Springe, Sōmer, Autumne and Wynter, (being times comprehē ded wythin the two A Equinoctia & the two Solstitia) to the fower ages of man: Whose sayinge and opynion Ouid in Verses to this effecte descrybeth.
This chaungeable alteration, this conuersion, mutabilitye, inconstancye, and inclination of thinges from one to an other, in the whole course of nature, doth manifestlye argue and proue all thinges to be momentanie, vaine, transitory, brittle, ruinous and vanishinge, & as a flower of the field quickly fading away.
Seinge therefore the bodye continuallye slydeth into worse and worse case, suffreth many detrimentes, whereby our strength and powers be empaired, and manye wayes both inwardlye and outwardlye enfeebled, it standeth vs vppon, not negligently, but carefully to loke to the conseruation thereof, and so carefullye to prouyde for the same, that it may continue in state sound & health ful, so long as nature hath limitation. Here is no neede of anye examples, reasons or proofes, (sithens euery man is therein throughly experienced and perswaded) how vnwillinge al men in generall bee, to leaue the sweetenes of this lyfe, w t what greate care, study & industrye euery man will striue to keepe his body in health, and ridde it from sicknesses and diseases, which do not onely for the time greuously assault, bruise, torment & afflict the body with paine and doloure, but also set before oure eyes a certayne representation or shew of death it selfe.
I will not here speake of the disquietnes and [Page] trouble, wherin the mynde thereby is plunged, & of the manyfolde affections at such a time specially oppressing the same. Who is he I pray you, that being in these so great and so many calamities turmoyled, in these vexatiōs, miseries, griefe and shortnes of life so charged and ouerwhelmed, would not gladly seeke some remedy and mitigation of his dolors, and prouyde for some helpes to comfort & ease his irksome labours? Which thinges who soeuer is desyrous to seeke and obtayne, must not thincke, that things momentany, Trāquillity and quietnes of mind as wealthe, rychesse, honours, Lordshippes, greate possessions, fayre houses, sumptuous and costly apparell after the brauest guyse and maner wrought and deuysed, Temperament. can helpe him thereto: but a quiet & well stayed mynde, free and cleare from all perturbations: and next to that, a sound and healthfull body, that is free from sicknes: which be the best and chiefest things that a mā can aske and haue at the bountefull hands of God, so lōg as hee hath in this world to continue his pylgrimage.
¶The fift Chapter, describing what Crasis or Temperamēt is: wherin consisteth the plighte, state, constitution, and complexion of euery mans bodie.
[Page 32] CRasis or temperamente (for the order of oure worke requyreth the same by definition to be declared) is an agreemēt, Temperament. and conueniencie of the first qualities & Elementes amonge themselues: Or, and equall mixture or proportion of the qualityes of the Elements, wherin no excesse blameworthy or faultye is to be founde. Contrarywyse, Intēperature is that, Intemperatures. which is compact of the disagreeable and vnlike powers of Elemēts and qualities, and swarueth from moderation. And as in Musicall Instruments there is perceyued a certayne accord of times and a sweete agreeable harmonie in stryking the stringes, y t no vnpleasaūt discord or būgling iarre, dislyke y e curious eare of the hearer: so lykewyse in a temperate habite of the body, there is an apt and conuenient mixture and temperature of the Elements and qualities, insomuch that no one qualitye can by it selfe be shewed, but a constante, absolute and perfect composition, & minglinge of the qualities and Elements all together. And as in makinge Salades, Sauces, or medicines of many & sōdry herbes, the Compounds be al mingled together, and euery of the ingredients becom as one, insomuch y t no one thinge appeareth or can by it selfe be discerned or perceyued: so likewyse happeneth it in y e qualities of the Elemēts, of whose mixture cōmeth & is made at our creatiō & natiuity, y e first original of our substāce. In which tēperatures & mixtures, there be ix. seueral differences, wherof one is temperate, & in eche respecte absolute, lac [Page] nothing that is thereto requisite, in the which no one of the clementall qualityes exceedeth or passeth an other, but be in an equal measure & euen proportiō, w tout any thing amysse or any distēperaunce at all. Eyght bee intemperate, whereof Foure be symple, and Foure compounde.
That temperature which is only hoate (wherin heate surmoūteth cold) is the equality of moysture and drynesse. Cold, wherein coldnes beareth dominton: Moyst, wherein moysture chiefly ruleth: And dry: where drynesse is aboue moysture, the reste beinge a lyke and equall, that is to say, tempered wyth hoate, and cold.
The compound temperatures which be compoūd of two qualities together, are these: hoate & moist, Hoate and dry: Cold & moyst: Cold & dry: of whom the constituion of the bodye (which the Greekes do call [...], and the common sort, Complexion) amonge the Phisitions is named and termed, of that which in the myxture, beareth chiefest swaye: For wyth them, that body is called hoate, where is moste stoare of heate. Drye, wherin drynes raygneth. And lykewyse of the residue. So, the composition of medicynall drouges, wherin be sōdry ingredientes, hath hys name of some such one of the same as is chiefest, and more of force then the other: as Dianucum, Diacappar. Compound drouges named of some one of the chiefest Ingredientes. Hiera picra, Diaphenicum, Oleum Vulphinum. &c.
Now, because I would haue this matter exactly vnderstoode (as a thyng not onely to Physitions, [Page 33] but to all y • destre to lyue in health) right holesome and auayleable, I will as farre as I am able, and as diligentlye as I can, declare and set out the reasons, order and effecte of euery one. And first wil I begin with the state of the Temperate nature, or at least, I will pourtraict & set before your eyes, a patterne and image thereof, first cōceyued in mynd or imaginatiō: not y t there is any such to be shewed in the whole world, neither can any such be found in deede (vnlesse peraduenture (as a man should say, that God speciallye and originallye had priuiledged some suche from heauen:) but I wil set it downe, for y • all y t other natures in mē are & ought hyther to be referred, & by this rule to be tryed: that euery man may perfectly behold, what in himself is to much and what too litle. Neyther let a mā be ouerrash and hasty in seing a body that is of hoate habite, to iudge heate in the same, to be aboue moysture, or colde to preuayle aboue drynesse: vnlesse hee haue a very diligente and carefull respecte to this perfecte temperature, and first set it before his eyes as a marke whereunto to leuell and direct his dealing and iudgement.
¶Of a Complexion, perfectly and exactly temperate. The Sixt Chapter.
[Page] THe temperate state of bodye that is in ech respect perfecte & absolute, requyreth very diligentlye to be handled, and throughlye to be discoursed, for that I would haue the whole mynde therevnto to be directed, & al the rest of the states or habites of the body to it applyed and leuelled, as it were by rule & lyne, y • euery man may note and obserue in himself howe farre he is of, from good & sound disposition, or integritye of temperature, & what way he were best to take, to bring himself (as neere as he can possibly) into his former state againe. For the farther from this, that any man is, in worse case of health is hee, and a great deale readier to fall into diseases of body, & perturbatiōs of mynde. A body y t is in eche respect perfect & sound, may most aptly be termed & called Polycletlabus Rule. Polycleti Regula. Which prouerbe is appliable to al such thīgs as are done most perfectly & wel, wherin there is nothīg lacking nor amisse: so y t all other thīgs ought by it, as by a Touchstone to be tryed. The Metaphore is takē of one Polycletus an excellent & skilful Image maker, whose cunning & grace of workmanship (as Fabius witnesseth) Lib. 20. Cap. 10. farre surpassed al others. He in ihs art of Imagery so artificially hādled his worke, & finished the same w t such excellent perfectiō, that al other Caruers & Statuaryes in proportioning & framynge theyr Images, set hym before them as an absolute Patterne for imitation. This Prouerbial fygure or phrase of speach, vsed Galen in his booke De tuēd. valetud. Where he describeth and setteth downe the best state of body that may [Page 34] be as Polycletus Rule, that is to say, so neately & comely set out, w t such iust congruēt Symmetry & proportionable commensuration, as to beholde is right pleasaunt and delyghtful. And therefore such thinges as are wrytten of the beste state of body, worthely and by good reason ought to be referred to a thing y • is most perfect & absolute. Whereupon wee heere do describe and set oute a state and habyte of body after such a sorte, as Cicero & Fabius do an Oratour, whom they would haue to be ymitated, & after such sort as S. Chrysostome and Erasmus do describe and furnish out a Preacher: De Sacerd. De ratione conc [...]onandi. to thend that such as study Eloquēce or as are appointed to instruct & preach to the ignorāt, should frame thēselues (as neere as possibly they may) after the exāple & patterne there set downe before them. And although he do not in al points throughly attaine to y t perfection that hee doth conceiue in mind, yet ought he, & reason it is that he should go forward therin: and although y e things which we study & seeke for, be very hard & difficult, yet ought we not to despayre of y e obtayning our purpose, nor cowardly to recoyle & faint in industry. Many mē (sayth Cicero) De Oratore. being in despayre & out of hope euer to com to thend of their purpose, are afraid to giue any onset, or to put the matter in any tryal & practise: because (forsothe) they haue no hope euer to winne it. For the best things, ought not vpō dispairt to be giuē ouer, & in things y t be excellent, those are to be accōpted great, which are next & neerest to y e best.
[Page] Therefore haue I thought good to set downe & to shadow out the best state of Bodye, that by the view and paterne therof, diligently imprynted in mynde, and stedfastlye marked by eye, euery man may imitate & expresse the same, or come as neere thereunto as possibly he may.
Such a body therefore, Notes or markes of a body perfectly tēperate. whose patterne wee do here exhibite and shewe, hath all his Senses fresh & perfect, euery of y e faculties natural, duelie doing his office and function wythoute stop, impediment or greeuaūce. His memory is stedfast and holding fast, for that, his brayn is neither too moyst nor too drye: his mynde quick, sharpe and industrious, wyselye and cyrcumspectly dealinge in euery thing that he taketh in hand, his maners and conuersation honeste and vertuous, in none of his doinges and conuersacion, digressing or swaruing from comelynes, his witte singuler and excellent, of nature quiet, curteous, and subiect to no ill affections, abandoninge all rashnes, and workinge all things by good iudgement and consideration, of notable and surpassing towardnesse, plenteouslye garnished wyth many singuler gyfes and commendable qualities, in lyfe and cō uersatiō, vpright & vnreprooueable, in so much that hee maye well serue for a notable paterne of vertue (that is to say) a most absolute perfection of nature in euery point. For in him plentifully appeareth and is euidētly descryed, humanity, gentlenes, frugality, equitye, modestie, and a continent moderation of all affectiōs: in attemptinge [Page 35] and atchieuing his affayres and busynes, neither rash and heady, neyther slow and lingryng, as one that forsloweth and delayeth his businesse from day to day: but in forcasting and forscinge what may betyde, vseth aduyse & counsaile, and in bringing y e same to effect & passe, adhibiteth cōuenient speede and quickenes: in the mutable happes & sodayne chaunces of fickle Fortune, hee is not lightly dismayed, nor brought into feare, & therefore neyther puffed vp w t swellinge pryde in prosperitye, neyther throwen downe and vtterly discouraged in aduersitye, but suffereth all the discommodityes of lyfe with a mynde stoute, cheerefull and inuincible, and such a one as will not at any hande be drawen away frō his cōstancy and settled determination. To which effect, this saying of the Poet Horace aptly agreeth:
Unto which disposition S. Paule framed himselfe, Rom. 8. and requireth the same affection in all them that are ingraffed in Christe, and haue consecrated themselues to embrace his truth and religion, [Page] that euen as he was for his part, so euery mā semblably should certaynly and vndoubtedly be resolued & perswaded, that nothing (be it neuer so dreadful and terrible) should be able to seperate and pull vs frō the loue of God which is in Christe Iesus, to whō wee haue addicted and surrendred our selues by profession.
Such a one therefore as we do here shadow out and describe, is in heart and mynd so well settled and perfectly stayed, that he is not to be drawē to either party, or to wauer and totter this way and y • way, but perseuereth still in one stay of stedfastnes & cōstancy, without any kind of alteration or mutability. In him there are (in deede) affectiōs, but yet such as bee natural & not discōmendable, Affections naturall. as, loue and zealous affectiō to his wife, Childrē and such as hee wisheth wel vnto, whom as hee doth not fondly cocker and suffer to runne at rā don, or to haue the ful scope of theyr owne wanion wils: so againe, is he not to thē bitter, strait, rigorous, spightful, wayward nor stubborne, but so, that in familiar communication and company with them, he vseth a gentle mi [...]es, seasoned w t an earnest and reuerend grauity, wythoute much prattling & tatrlīg, wythout byring skoffes, & vpbrayding tauntes, [...]oural vncomely and vnciull ies [...]hinge, pleasauntlye conceyted, and meerye wyth honestye, not Vsing therein anye filthynes or rybauldrye: and as hee is moste farre of from all malapert scurrility and scenicall gesture, so is he [Page 36] agayne most farre from sulleyne sterne seuerity, & from Stoycall indolency: for who wyll not iudge them boyde of all humanity, and wythoute anye sense of mans nature?
Lykewyse in maners & order of lyfe hee is altogether vnlyke both to Democritus and also to Heraclitus: whych two persons in nyppinge Satyre, were by the Poet shaken vp and set oute in theyr cōlours. For
And not onely in the inward mynd of man, do these ornamentes and giftes of nature appeare & expresselye shew out themselues, but euen in the outward shew, shape and behauiour of the bodye there is euidētly descryed and perceyued a comely grace and portlye dignity. For in the countenaunce, whych is the Image of the mynde, in the eyes, which are the bewrayers and tokentellers of the inward conceiptes: in the colour, lineamentes, proportion and feacture of the whole [Page] bodye, there appeareth a kinde of heroicall grace and amyablenes, insomuch that the very viewe & sighte thereof, allureth and draweth euery one by a certayne secrete sympathie or cōsent of Nature to loue it, wythout any hope of profite or commodity thereby to bee reaped or receyued. The body is decently made & featly framed, conteyninge an absolute construction and comely frame of al the parts together. The head not aslope cornered, but rounde and globewyse fashioned, the hayre of fayre aburne or chesten colour: the forhead smoth, cheerefull and vnwrynckled, beautifyed wyth comely eyebrowes, and greatly honoured wyth a paire of amyable eyes, not holow, but delightfully standinge out. The colour freshe, sweete and pleasaunte. The cheekes and the balles therof steygned and dyed in a perfect hew of whyte and redde, and that naturally, speciallye in the lusty yeares of Adolescencie. The porte & state of the body bolt vprighte, the gate or goinge framed to comelynes, not nycely affected nor curiously counterfaicted, as it were Players & disguysed Masquers, Counterfaite gate. who by a kinde of vpstarte & stately gate, hopeth the rather to winne credite, estimation and authority, and to be made more accompte of, amonge the common people. The tongue prompt and ready, distinctly and sensibly able to pronounce and deliuer out his meaning, in wordes of gallant vtteraunce.
There are besyde these, certayne other things, necessarily and according to the condition of mās [Page 37] nature, requisite. For in eating and drinking he vseth moderacion, and through holsome exercise, concocteth well his meate and distributeth the same to the good nourishment of the body: for the better perfourmaunce wherof, he eyther vseth a liuelye & straynable voyce, or els conuenient walkinge. Whereby it happeneth that in the bodye there is gathered very small store of excrements, and sleepe is the quieter and sounder, not disturbed, not empeached, nor troubled w t anye absurde and troublesome dreames. And if anye shapes, fourmes or likenes of thīgs do vissblye seeme in dreames, to appeare and offer themselues to his mynde, when the night is well spent, and the cō coction of meates throughlye finished, such representations surelye happen not withoute some diuination, that is to saye, they import & signifie no vayne, nor friuolous predictiō or foreshewing of thīgs to come, but earyeth a presage that is wel to bee considered, and not lightlye to be neglected.
But in this frayle and transitory lyfe of man, in this so great corruptiō & inclinatiō of nature, I do not see, to whō these thīgs ought more aptly to be applyed thē to Christ himselfe, of whom Dauid prophecyed: calling him, Psalm. 45. Fayrer then the childrē of mē, ful of grace & sweetenes of words, vnto whō no mā may be thought cōparable. For as he, aboue al others in all kindes of vertues aboundātly garnished, with integrity of lyfe, mildnes of maners, excellencye of doctrine, straungenes [Page] of myracles, and vnspeakeable diuinity, drew and allured y e greatest part of the World into an admyration and loue of him: so also hee wanted nothing of all those things that can eyther be deuysed or in mynde conceyued. Christ a paterne of perfection. Who therefore doubteth, but that he which had al gifts, had also a body most beautifull & comely? And although his Diuinity be rather to be respected and considered, and the vse and purpose for which hee was sent and giuē vnto vs: yet is there nothing to the contrary, but wee may in mynde suppose & iudge that there was in him such an excelling forme of bodelye shape, as for such a dignitye and maiestie was fit and worthy. For his outward port and heroicall stature was agreeable to his worthynes, and consonante to the Diuinity and inward gifts of his mynd, Ioan. 1. which he bountefully powred oute vppon vs. And therefore in descrybing an exact constitution of the bodely state of man, wee ought to chose no better patterne, nor set any perfecter exemplar before oure eyes, eyther for the bodye or the mynde, then him alone. For in hym (as S. Paule sayth) Collos. 2. are hidde all the treasures of knowledge and wysedome, and in whom dwelleth corporallye all fulnesse of Diuinitie. For no blemishe nor faulte was in him, Heb. 4. to no sicknes or sinne was hee prone and subiect.
Nowe, whereas wee reade, that someiyme he was in speache very earneste and hoate: in reprouing vyces, Ioan. 11. very vehement, & sharpe: wyth teares and weepinge to haue sorrowed and lamented, [Page 38] and in angry moode to haue testifyed howe much he detested the haynousnesse of some lewde facte: the same was a token and argumente of his singuler gentlenes, gracious fauoure and hartye goodwill that he bare to all men. For, hee beinge wonderfullye desyrous of the Soule health of all mankinde, was angrye and sorye that many, (whose amendemente and not destruction hee so earnestlye wyshed) did so wilfullye and stubbernelye persiste in theyr errour, Christ voyd of all ill affections. refusinge and despysinge such a fitte occasion to repente, and attayne theyr Saluation, there so freely and fitly to them offered.
Let this suffice, as touching the absolute state and perfecte disposition of mans bodye. Nexte whereunto is that age that is fresh, flourishing, & in his chiefe prime: specially that, which from very infancie hath bin well instituted, and commē dablye trayned vp, which (yet notwythstanding) doth euen strayghtwayes fade, & in continuaūce cannot but at length vtterly faynt & passe awaye. For as in other thīgs, so likewyse in mās nature, all things that had beginning, do dye and decay, and things that had increasing, waxe also olde, & after a certaine race of time here runne, do hasten towards their death, & vanish away to nothinge. Which mutability & inconstancie is a good warninge & lesson for euery one of vs, to despyse these fraile and transitory things, which so soone passe away, & to lift vp our hearts and mynds, to such thinges as are parmanent and eternall.
[Page] Which thing S. Paule, goeth earnestly about to beate into our heads, where he sayth: If yee be rysen againe vvith Christe, Collos. 3. seeke those thinges vvhich are aboue, vvhere Christe sitteth on the righte hand of God: Set your affections on heauenly things and not on earthly things. Heb. 13. For vve haue not here any abyding Citie or place of continuall dvvelling, but vve seeke for one to come, vvhose builder and maker is God: Heb. 11. VVho ( as S. Peter sayth) hath called vs out of darckenes into his merueylous lighte and appointed vs to life euerlasting. 1. Pet. 2.
¶Of a hoate Complexion. The vij. Chapter.
AMonge those that digresse from a meane, and differ from temperatenes, the hoate complexioned bodye is first to be spoken of. For as it is the first in order, so for cōseruation of health, it is better then the reste. Hoate complexion. And hee namely is to be thoughte and accompted hoate, in whom that quality of heate aboundeth & excelleth the other that be moderately constituted, that is, those that be tempered wyth moyst & drye. Of which state and condition if a man bee disposed throughly to searche oute, and marke all the notes and signes, he shall by proofe finde, that whosoeuer is of that Complexion & constitution, is of stature comely [Page 49] and of shape and beauty agreeable and consouāte to manly dignitye: Tokens of a hoate Complexion. of body not grosse sat or corpulent, but reasonably & faste fleshed For heate dissolueth and dissipateth all fatte things: of conler red or (if bloude be too hoate and boyling, as in them that dwel in hoate regions and parching countryes) browne or tawnie. For there be in euery bodye (accordinge to the condition of the ayre and region (sondry degrees of heate, Degrees of heate in man. and diuers considerations and differēces, both of this and of the other qualities also. The Indians, AEthiopians, Moores, Asians, AEgyptians, Palestines, Arabians, Greekes, Italians, Spanyatds, Polonians, Muscouites, Germaines, Frenchmen, Duchmen, &c. are of sondry and different Complexions, & euerye one in his kinde hath of heate, seuerall and sondry differences.
For euen as fewel and matter combustible for Fier, is some hoater and more burning then some other is, and as the fier panne or hearth wherein is burnt eyther Seacoales, fattie turues of the nature of bitumen, the burning lyme of chaulkye clay called Naphtha, oyle, pitch, rosen, or (finally to speake of wood,) Oke, Hornebeame, Larche, Byrch, Elme, Popler, Wyllow, the fier is vehementer and the hearth is of heate sometime extreme, sometime more soft & mylde: So likewyse in euery mās body according to the nature of the place, and order of lyfe and dyet, this heate is encreased or dyminished, and this is the very cause that men be of so sondry colours, and of hayres so [Page] diuers & differēt: for in euery hoate Cōplexioned body mixed with moderate humour, the skīne is rough & hayrie, the beard fayreand comly, but the hayres of the head somwhat differ, & by reason of heate, are of other colour. For hayres being generated of a fuliginous & grosse excremente of the third concoction, Black haytes. become black, when as (the vapour being aduste by force & power of heate) the excrement is turned into an exact fuliginousnes.
Curled and crooked hayres proceede of a drynesse of Complexiō, Curled hayres. caused through immoderate heate: or els, by reason of the straictnes and narrow issue of the pores, where y e rootes of the hayres be fastened. For then haue they much adoe to peepe vp and finde any right way to appere out, whereby it happeneth that they growe crooked, curled & frysled, & specially in them, in whō it so happeneth naturally, beīg not artyficially procured nor by toto superfine curiostly frisled: as some nyce dames & Prickmedainties, which curiously combe & bring theyr hayres into a curled fashion and crysped lockes, therby y e more to set out their beauty, & to cōmend themselues (as they thinck) after a more glorious shewe to the beholders.
Therfore all they y t dwel in hoate & dry regions, haue hayre black, & of smal growīg, curled, crisp, and as the Egyptians, Spaniardes, AEthiopians, Moores, and all other which in nature and condition, ars lyke vnto them. For we see many in euery region, yea of them that dwell Northwarde towarde the Pole Arctick, which (if we consider [Page 40] theyr hayres, colour, & cōplexiō of their whole body) seeme rather like foreyners & straūgers, then Con̄trey borne people. So amōg y • Netherlāders & low Duchmē bordering vpon y e Sea, many be black & curle heyred, & tawnyskīned, specially they which in Sōmer are much in y e heat of y e Sūne, & vse much labour: howbeit this variety of bodyes may be referred to sondry causes, Varietie & diuersity of body. as eyther to the nature of the Coūtrey & Regiō, or to the power & facultie of theyr meats & nourishmēt, or els finally to the hiddē ymaginatiōs of the womā or, mother. Which ymaginations are of so great force & efficacie, Imagination. that the things by her in mynd earnestly ymagined in & at the very instant time of her cō ceptiō, is deryued into the infant & child then begotten. For this Sexe being wanton, VVomēs intemperaunce. toying, & stedfastly eying euery thing y t is offered to sight, it happeneth that the naturall facultie being then in workinge & formyng of the child, directeth her cogitatiōs & inward cōceiptes y • way, & bringeth vnto y e Infāt, an other forein shape & forme, in nature & cōditiō altogether vnlike y e right parēts.
This euen in oure dayes and of late yeares hath bin by experience found true: A true report. at what time y e Emperour Charles, y e si [...]t of y t name, coming out of Spaine into y • lowe Countryes, arryued there wyth a wel appointed nauy of royal shippes, hauing in his cōpany a goodly trayne of noble Gē tlemē & yeomē. Many womē therabout, being thē great w t child, through much beholdīg & wel eying those galāt Spaniards, after ix monethes brought [Page] theyr Infantes and children, hauing eyebrowes and hayres blacke and curled, and in all respects coloured like Spaniards. And this happened not amonge filthye Corteghians & common brothelles (whom it might well be thought to haue bin vnderlinges & hackeneyes to those hoate natured and lecherous Nation) but the same fell so oute also, among right honest & tryed Matrones, (whose approued chastitye and vertuous dispositiōs were so irreprooueable, that they were not to be once charged wyth the lest suspicion of any such lewednes) and yet these affections and impressions in theyr children tooke place accordingly.
In lyke maner, whē y • Emperour Maximilian (who was descēded of the house of Austrich) had also the gouernment ouer the Low Countreyes, the women being much in compaignie and sighte of the Germaynes, brought forth theyr Children with yelowe flexen hayres, and in eche poynt lyke to Germaynes. For they and all other as many as are borne and bred in cold and moyke Countryes, haue hayres fine, streight and somewhat ruddie, and beardes of the colour of brasse: for y t the heares are neyther adusted by the Sūne, nor yet by any inward heate: for hauinge moysture plentifully and issues oute at the poores easye ynough, the aboundance of the excrements, wherwyth they be nourished, maketh the hayres thick, and the adustion which causeth the colour to bee blacke, it maketh weake. Blacke hayre therfore [Page 41] commeth of vapour by heat aduste, when the excrement is wrought and turned into an exact fuliginousnes. Black hayre The cause that produceth yellow hayre, is when the vapour is not much adust and heated, for that which is then impressed in the skinne, Yelovv. and seeketh eruption, is the feculent excrement of yelow Choler, and not of Melancholie. But white hayre cōmeth of Phlegme and of a humoure cold and moyst. Whyte. Redde hayres, as they be meane betweene yelow and whyte, Redde. so doth the generation of it proceede of a certayne nature, meane betweene Phlegme and Choler.
Now, they that dwel in countryes temperate and betweene these, haue of hayre much stoare, stronge, somewhat blackishe, meanely thicke, and neyther altogether thicke and grosse, nor altogether streight & plaine. Which differēces Galene applyeth to euery seuerall age. For as touching the colour, Lib. 2. de Temper. he ascrybeth such hayres as yong Infantes haue, to the Germaynes: of suche as be in their best flourishynge yeares, to Spaniards and Mauritanians: and of them that be Spryngalds or in the beginning of theyr Adolescencie, to such as inhabite temperate Countryes. In the natures also of bodyes, the hayre is of forme & colour according to the difference and respect of Ages and Countryes.
For tender age and Childhoode is bare without hayres on the bodye, Why children h [...]e no bea [...]des. or els wyth verye smal, soft and mosye hayre onelye, because eyther there be n [...] pores in theyr skinnes for the exhalatiō to [Page] euaporate and grow to the bignesse of hayres, or els there wanteth effluxe and fuliginous excrement, wherewithall the small threads of the hayres, are wont to be drawen and produced oute. But when they bee come neere aboute the age of xiiii. yeares, they beginne to bourgen and shewe forth, lytle and weake. Lustye and flourishinge Age, hath hayres stronger, fuller bushed & blackishe, for that, the pores and passages then beginne to open and be enlarged: and finally stoare of fumous exhalation aboundeth in those partes of the bodye, which are apte to generate and produce hayre, as the Heade, Chinne, Arme pittes, & Priuities. For although the Breaste, Armes, & Thighes, in some that be of very hoate complexion & abound with fuliginous vapoure, be seene to be rough and hayrie, yet do those hayres grow, neither so copiouslye nor to anye greate length: which thing (for example sake) in certayne drye and musculious places of the bodye, as the eyebrowes & eyelyddes may euidētly be perceyued.
Therefore the muche stoare and thicknes of hayre commeth of aboundaūce of humours: Much store of hayre how it commeth. and the colour thereof is according as the heate is of greatnes. Therefore all those partes in mans body are most rough and hayrie, which abounde in moste heate. For it attracteth the vaporous fumes that issue from humours, and fashioneth the same into a hayrie nature. And for this cause, many Springhaldes haue not in that Age anye heardes, neither any other partes of their bodies hayrie.
[Page 42] My order is (to such as resort to me for aduise and counsell, howe they maye make their beardes to growe) to open and make wide their pores & passages, by applying and geeuinge to them such thinges as stirre vp heate in those partes, & bring out humours, altering & concocting the same into the vse of hayres. The Lintment that I customably make for this purpose is this. To make the bearde grow. R. of Reede or Cane rootes, Brionie rootes, Beete, Radish, Floure de lice, Onions, of ech alike, viz the quantity of foure Ounces, sixe fatte figges brused & stamped very small, Maydenheare, Sothernvvod, Dill, of eche one handfull: seethe these all together in sweete and well relyced wyne, then force & wringe out the licoure and streine it throughe a strayner, then put to it freshe butter neuer salted, pure honie, Ana. ii. oun mces, Oyle of Almonds both sweete and sower, Oyle of Sesama about the quantity of i. oūce, Oximel Scyllitic. halfe an oz. the powder or meale of Lineseede, Nigella, Fenugreke, wel sifted and throughly boulted in a fine boulter, one Pugil or smal graspe, of y e gūme Labdanū one oūce. Let al these be set vpon y e fier and stirred with a sticke til they be thick ynough to make a Limment withall. To what part of y e body soeuer this liniment is layd and applyed, it maketh hayre to grow: and if the Chinne or bare Cheekes bee therewith annoynted, the same wil quickly be hayrie and haue a comely bearde.
For it openeth and relaxeth the skinne beynge thycke, and maketh the passage and [Page] and euaporaciō for y e humours, of whō throughe the helpe and operation of heate, the first buddīg out and generation of hayres proceedeth. And if the baldnes or barenesse of hayre proceede not eyther of eldershippe in yeares, or els by reasō of some sicknesse, or vicious humours as bodyes infected wyth some lothsome disease, or wyth French Pockes, commonly are (for the bodyes of such persons euen in the secretest partes, become in eche place pylde, and sheedeth all their hayre like vnto Trees, whose leaues fall of, if in the roote raigne anye saltishnes or venemous licoure) this liniment is a present helpe and remedy: but the body must first by Purgation be clē sed from all ill and filthy humours inwardly.
But to proceede in my purpose & matter: womē by y e very same reason that yong Stryplings are, haue no hayre on theyr bodyes, but be smothe and slicke skinned, sauinge onelye theyr heades & crowne where their hayre groweth in marueylous great plentye, Women ful of hayres on their head. for that the vapours do very much & aboundantly ascend vpward. In their other partes their skinne is smothe and vnhayrye, because moysture is aboue heate. Sauing y • in and about theyr secrete pryuityes, Hayrie women, lecherous. where also hayrinesse appeareth, such women as be greatlye destrous of carnall lust and copulacion, be verye roughe and thick growenr with hayre thereabout, and the more lecherous, the more hayrie & fruictfull. And the cause whye some women (otherwyse aboundinge wyth generatiue seede) do not [Page 43] conceyue and beare children, is nothing els but y • want of heate. For euen as a fenny and very wet grounde beareth no corne but choketh it vppe, so likewyse a wombe that is slypperie, Barenuesse inwomē & vnablenes in men to get Childrē. is not fit for conception. In like maner also, there be some yonge men, who maryinge to soone, and ere they be fully rype, are vnfruictfull and not able to get any children, for that they lacke manly strength, & theyr seede to cold and thinne. It is therefore by reason of heate, that men be hayrie and bolder then women be. But if heate encrease in mans body vnmeasurably and aboue a mediocrity, and that through Choler y e bloud be styrred and toomuch enflamed, it oftentimes turneth into meere desperate rage & furie. Heate causeth holdnes. And hereof it commeth, that many beinge angred and theyr bloud eyther wyth publicke or wyth pryuate iniuryes styrred, in theyr desperate moode, will Bedlemlyke runne vppon theyr Ennemyes wyth myndes enraged. The hoater of complexion therefore y • euery man is, and further of from moderate temperature, the hayryer is his bodye, and the fiercer is his courage. Which thinge by Iuuenal is right well expressed, where he sayth:
For vehemēt heate maketh men stoute of courage, [Page] rage, fierce, testie, crafty, suttle, industrious, politicke, of which sorte of men wee fynde in wryting, some, that not onely in their outward parts, but in their very Entrailes and inwarde partes, also haue bin found rough and hayrie. Lib. 11, Cap. 37 Plinie maketh mention of one Aristomenes Messenius, who by his subtyle Stratagemes and warlicke shiftes is sayd (being alone) to haue put to flight, whole Bands of men. Which thing is a plaine Argumente and tokē aswel of his craftinesse and suttletie, as also of his excellente and wonderfull fortitude. This man after he had slaine CCC. Lacedemonians, was by them once or twyse takē captiue & cast into prysō, but escaped their hands by creepinge oute at a litle narrowe hoale in the pryson as Foxes and Weesels do. The suttlety of Aristomenes. Beinge agayne taken he espyed conuenient time when his keepers & Iaylers were well whittled w t wyne & faste [...]ulled, & then crawled & rolled himself to the fler, and there burninge a flonder the Cordes and Gyues wherewyth he was tyed, together wyth y • parte of his body where they were fastened, escaped agayne. Being taken the third time, the Lacedemonians his ennemyes, meaninge to make sure woorke wyth him, and desyringe to see what was within him, ripped his breast, and foūd his heart to be ouergrowen wyth hayre. Iudie. 15. & 16. Hereby we are to coniecture and gesse, what māly heate and strength there was in Sampson, who w t the Iaw bone of an Asse slue a Thousād persons, and pullinge vp the Doares of the gate of the Citie, the [Page 44] two syde poastes, wyth the barres and all, layed them vpon his shoulders and caryed them vp to the toppe of an hill: Who breaking a sonder the coardes & bandes wherewith he was tyed, boldly and wythout any feare set vppon them y t lay in wayte for him: and pulling downe the mayne pillers of the house, oppressed and slue a wonderful multitude of his ennemies. No lesse notable & wonderfull was the stoute valiaunce of Dauid, 1. Reg. 17. who flercelye flyinge vpon a Lyon, and likewise vppon a Beare that came with open mouth to haue deuoured his flocke of Sheepe, slewe them both, and afterwarde vanquishinge and foylinge that proude and despiteful Philistine Goliah, cut of his head, and brought the same wyth him into the Cittie as a worthy Trophee and Monumēt of his noble Prowesse and victorie. For this cause also is Sangar the sonne of Anath in Sacred Chronicles registred & enrolled, Iud. 3. who flew of the Philistines vi. hundred men wyth a Ploughe share, or (as some do translate it) wyth an Oxe goade. And althoughe such men as these for the most part be of strength and courage inuincible, yet is it manye tymes seene, that a great sorte of them are ledde and caryed headlonge by wilfull affection and vnrulynesse of mynde, to committe and attempte thinges neyther honest nor allowable. Whose inclination being such, that (if they woulde be guided by vertue) they were able and of power to compasse right worthy exployts, and lacke no meanes nor helpes for the atchieuinge [Page] and furtheraunce thereof, yet do they oftentimes take the worse waye, geuing themselues to notable vyces, and by craftines, subtilitye, coseninge, filching, murther, and bloudshedding, seeke to enriche themselues and to come by wealth, dominion, power and authority. These men quighte abandoning the vertues, of Maguanimitie & Fortitude, desyre rather y e name of harebrayned boldnes and cruelty, then of valiaunce and stoutenes.
In the attempte and aduenture of anye daunger, Bold rashnes. they shewe themselues couragious and hardy, but this theyr courage and hardynesse tendeth not to any commodity or profite of their common wealth and Country, but of a certayne pryuate luste, affection, and disorderlye outrage in themselues, to feede theyr owne sensual phantasyes, and wylfulnes: and so they maye haue theyr willes & theyr turnes serued, they make no great conscience, how the common state of theyr Country fareth.
Thus, manye times by proofe wee see, yonge men of ryght good hope and towardnes, through lewde compaignie of disordered Rakehelles, Vertues defaced and marred by vices. to degenerate frō the vertuous inclynation of theyr owne maners, into lewdenes and villa [...]e and whereas by foldwing y e disposition of theyr owne vertuous nature, they mighte full well thryue, & be in great likelyhoode to become righte worthy and famous members of their Countrey, they seeke to compasse and bringe the same to effecte, through ill Artes and discommendable meanes, [Page 45] in the learninge and practise wherof, they shewe themselues as industrious and take as greate paynes, as woulde conducte and bringe them to matters of better excellencie, and a greate deale worthier renowne.
And as dull spirited, heauy, slouthfull & sleapy persons, commonly do not bringe to passe nor atchieue anye memorable acte, either for goodnes or harme notorious, neither attempte any greate feactes or noble enterpryses: So contrariwise these persons are sit and apt to euery thinge, that they set theyr myndes vnto, whether it be good or badde, vertue or vice: neither is anye thinge so harde and cumbersome, but (if they bende thereto their minde and industry, they will compasse and ouercome it, and therein attaine to a notable excellencie. And therefore in my opinion Plato iudged right wisely, Lib. 6. de Rep. in saying that, horrible wickednes, and gracelesse desperate villanie proceedeth not of a lowtishe and dull nature, but rather of a noble and excellente minde, that is marred & corrupted by ill custome and lewde education. And such persones as these, bee of a hoate complexion and disposition of bodye, which pricketh them forward to do and execute such pranckes. For they that be cold (because they be fearefull & dastardly) neuer yet (as the prouerbe sayth) deserued tryūph for any worthy exploite done, neither dare to giue the onset and enterprise, to anye thing wherin is any great difficulty, daunger, or odde singularity.
[Page] They therefore that haue hoate bodyes, are also of nature variable, and chaūgeable, ready prōpt, liuely, lusty and applyable: of tongue, trowling, perfect, & perswasiue: delyuering their words distinctly, plainlye and pleasauntlye, with a voyce thereto not squekinge and slender, but streynable, comely and audible. Bigge voyce. The thing that maketh the voyce bigge, is partlye the wydenes of the breast and vocall Artery, and partly the inwarde or internall heate, from whence proceedeth the earnest affections, vehemente motions, and feruent desyers of the mynde. But if ciuil and vertuous education be lacking, they many tymes become cogging shifters, crafty cosoners, slye makeshiftes, nymble conueighers & foystinge filchers, troublesome and seditiously natured, vnconstante, waueryng, fraudulent vntrusty and factious.
And for that their loynes be verye hoate, they are also for the most parte greatlye geeuen to leacherie and whoorehunting, and thrall to all other pleasures of the body. Unto which vyce if they muche yelde and addicte themselues, frequenting it excessiuely aboue measure, it happeneth y • by reason of ouermuch profusion and wast of humour, they become bald and pilde on the forparte [Page 46] of their head sooner then otherwyse they shoulde: their colour also fadeth away and decayeth, their eyes waxe dimme and bleared, their temples fall down, their legges & buttocks waxe thīne & wearish, their lustines fayleth, their face is lanke and leane, and finally all the beautye and comelynesse of the body thereby decayeth and perysheth, besyde a greate many of other discommodyties and inconueniences whereunto they be subiecte: As first, to Consumptions and ill fauoured habites or lyking of the bodye, Feeuers hecticke, which takinge once holde in the inwardest partes, and throughlye settling in the boanes and marowe, bryngeth the body into apparante consumption. But if men of this constitution and complexion do circumspectly looke to theyr health, and order their bodyes and minds well and conuenientlye, they are healthfuller and lustyer then anye other men, and seldome happen to be sicke, or to gather anye superfluous aboundaunce of ill humours, which bringe putrefaction and corruption to the whole body. For the moderate substaunce of naturall heate, defendeth and maketh them free from all sickenesses and greeuaunces.
It is expediente therefore and behoouefull, to vse a ryghte orderlye diet and good trade of life. And besyde these, that serue to the constitution of Mannes bodye, there be Sixe thinges which beinge carefully looked vnto, and [Page] diligently obserued, are able to keepe vs in good health, Things not naturall. so that wee vse and not abuse the same, otherwise then orderly and conueniently. For the will of God the maker of all things, hath put these thinges to dispose at our owne choise and election. Galene calleth them, causes conseruatorie, because they serue & are able to keepe our bodies in good state, Artis Medicae 85. if they bee orderlye and conuenientlye vsed. The Phisitions of later time call them by the name of thinges not naturall: not for y t they bee withoute nature: but for y • they be thinges that be not naturally within but wythout vs: and for that, by theyr vse and effect and by the order of their qualitye and measure, they do empaire and dainnyflte nature if they bee not well and aptlye vsed. Of the which sorte are these: Ayre that enclooseth vs, Meate and Drincke, Exercyse and Reste, Sleepe & Watch, Euacuation and retention, and the Affections of the mynde: all which, natural heate requireth as things necessary and needefull to her conseruation and healthfull mayntenaunce.
First the Ayre doth somtime slyly and closely, sometime manifestlye and apparantlye, Ayre. enter and breathe into y e bodye, where it either corrupteth or els refresheth the spyrites within, sometime w t corrupt and stinking sauour, and sometyme wyth holesome and sweete afflation. Fulsome & pestilēt ayre more hurtful then pestilent meat And this is to be noted, that vnholesome Ayre, and contagious or pestilēt sents, do more harme to sound health, then meate that is of veuemous qualitye. For [Page 47] the meate may by vomite be cast vp again, wheras the Ayre and all thinges liquide, if they once catch possession in the vitall partes, and enter into the veynes, they settle so surelye and take suche strong possession, that hardlye it is to remedy and againe thence to dispossesse them. Seing therfore, that the Ayre encompassinge and conteyning vs, doth so diuersly affecte our bodyes (for beside the pestilente exhalations that slylie by it bee conueighed into the lappes of the lunges, it either heateth, dryeth, cooleth or moysteneth to much) euery man is to stand surely vppon his owne gard and diligently to loke to himselfe, that he be not therby harmed. For as to temperate bodyes, holesomest ayre is fit and requisite: so to bodyes lacking of temperatenes, that ayre is to be accompted best, wherein contrary qualityes excel. Thus to a body that is hoat, cold ayre is to be applyed: to moyst, Contraryes are remedied by their cōtraryes. drye best serueth: for cold, hoate: and for dry, moyst: and if the same may not otherwyse be had, it is expediente by Arte to procure it. And therefore in hoate and drye diseases, or in verye soultery hoate weather,
The better to qualefie and mitigate this hea [...]e, Doggedayes. it shalbe verye good to sprinckle on the pauemē is [Page] and coole the floores of our houses or chambers wyth springing water, and then to strew them ouer wyth Sedge, & to trimme vp our Parlours with greene boughes, freshe herbes or vyne leaues: which thing although in the Low Coūtrey it be vsually frequented, yet no Nation more decētly, more trymmely, nor more sightly then they do in Englande. For, not long agone traueylinge into that flourishinge Ilande, Englande praysed for clenly trim minge their houses. partlye to see the fashions of that wealthy Countrey, wyth mē of fame and worthynesse so bruited and renowined, and partlye to visite VVilliam Lemnie, in whose company and weldoing, I greatly reioyce (as a father can not but doe) and take singuler cōtentatiō inwardly, euen at my first arryual at Douer, and so alōg my iourney toward London, which I dispatched partly vppon Horsebacke, and partly by water, I sawe and noted manye thinges able to rauishe and allure any man in the worlde, with desyre to trauatle and see that so noble [...] Countrey. For beinge broughte by D. Lemnie (a skilfull Phisicion and w [...]l thoughte of there for his knowledge and experience) into the companye of honourable and worshipfull Personages, euerye Gentleman and other woorthy Person shewed vnto mee (beinge a Straunger borne and one that neuer, had beene there before) all pointes of most fre [...]dly curtesye, and taking me first by the hand louingly embraced and badde me righte hartely welcome.
For they be people very ciuill and wel affected to [Page 49] men well stryken in yeares, and to such as beare anye countenaunce and estimation of learninge, which thing they that halfe suspect and haue not had the full tryall of the maners and fashions of this countrey, wil skarcely bee perswaded to beleeue. Therefore, Learned me and aged greatly reuerenced in England. francklye to vtter what I thincke of the incredible curtesie, and frendlinesse in speache and affabilitie vsed in this famous Royalme, I muste needes confesse, it doth surmount and carye away the pricke and price of al others. And besyde this, the neate cleanlines, the exquisite finenesse, the pleasaunte and delightfull furniture in euery point for household, wonderfully reioyced mee, their Chambers & Parlours strawed ouer with sweete herbes, refreshed mee, their Nosegayes finelye entermingled wyth sondry sortes of fragaunte floures in their bedchā bers and priuie roomes, with comfortable smell cheered mee vp and entierlye delighted all my Sences And this do I thinck to be the cause y t Englishmen, lyuing by such holsome and exquisite meate, and in so holesome and healthful ayre, be so freshe and cleane coloured: their faces, eyes and countenaunce carying with it, and representing a portly grace and comelynesse, geueth out euident tokens of an honest mind: in language verye smoth and allectiue, but yet seasoned and tempered within the limits and bonds of moderation, not bumbasted with any vnseemely termes or infarced w t any clawing flatteries or allurementes. At their Tables althoughe they be verye [Page] sumptuous, and loue to haue good fare, yet neyther vse they to ouercharge themselues wyth excesse of drincke, neither thereto greatly prouoke & vrge others, but suffer euery man to drincke, in such measure as beste pleaseth himselfe, which drinck (being eyther Ale or Beere) most pleasaūt in taste and holesomely relyced, they fetch not frō foreine places, but haue it amonge themselues brewed.
As touching their populous and great haū ted Cities, y e fruictfulnes of their ground & soyle, their liuely Springes and mighty Riuers, their great Heards and flockes of cattel, their mysteries and Art of weauing and clothmaking, their skilfulnes in shootīg, it is needlesse heere to discourse: seing the multitude of Marchaunts, exercysinge the traffique and Arte of Marchaundize amonge them, and Ambassadours also sense thyther from forraine Princes, are able aboundantly to testifie, that nothing needeful & expediente for mans vse and commoditie lacketh in that most noble Ilande.
But to fal into my matter againe, from whēce I haue a little digressed: we must be no lesse warie and precise in choise of the Ayre, wherein wee liue, then of the meate and drincke wherby we be fedde, susteyned and nourished. Wherefore, to defende the bodye from being lightly and easelye attainted with Sicknes, Meate & drincke. or frō being made subiect and open to Agues, it standeth vs vppon, to acquaint and accustome our selues to the beste [Page 49] meates, and such as encrease or engender no ill iuyce nor corrupt humours: the same meates to be taken at due houres and seasonable times; and also in good order and moder [...]te quātity.
For (as Columella sayth) like as it is [...] the fielde or ground arable to be weaker then the husbandman that tilleth and breaketh it vp, Lib. 1, Cap. 3. least if the ground be stronger and p [...]euayle, the tyller or husband be crushed or ouermaystered [...] likewyse expedient and meete it is, that the meate be weaker and vnder the powers and [...]aystrye of nature, both that the stomacke be not ouer [...]loyed and charged wyth superabundance or excesse, & also for the speedser concoctiō and better digestion thereof. Which thinge is hardly brought to passe, [...] the stomacke is too muche pampered and [...], and the meates either ill and vnholesome, [...] diuers and repugnaunt qualities amonge themselues: or finallye when neyther respect, order nor mean [...] of [...], custome, houres, age, nor [...] is obserued.
These c [...]cumstances also thincke I good to bee prescribed in the Acte of carnall copulation, namely to yong [...] folkes, who vppon their new ma [...]y [...]g [...], wyth vnaciable beastlynesse and frequ [...]ci [...] of coiture, thincke to ouercome and tyre their wyues, whereas they yet remayne still vnsatisfyed, and the men vtterly spend and soked. In diet also and order of lyfe this thing is to bee obserued, specially where the body passeth not the bounds of temperaunce and moderation, that as [Page] neere as is possible, nothing be eaten & vsed, but those things that be lyke or as very agreeable to nature as conuentently may be: for to feede vpon contraryes is a thing righte hurtfull and daungerous, which thinge in eche seuerall age, tyme, countrey, and custome (which altereth a man frō his owne nature to an other) is greatly to be respected, wayghed and considered.
Thus no children requyre moyst nourishmēt, Moyst nourishmēt fittest for children. and thinges that be very hoate and dry are not to be prescribed and giuen to them, because y e same is a hinderaunce to there growth. For which cause Plato and Galene do forbidde Children y e drinkyng, Lib. 2 de leg lib 1. de tuend. Valetud. yea the [...]stinge of Wyne, because the drinkinge thereof setteth their bodyes in heate, filleth their heads wythfumes, & bringeth great annoyaunce to their myndes. Wyne hurt full to children. Yea they be of opinion, that for bigge Stryplings of full growth to drincke wyne, is not allowable, except: it be verye sparinglye and litle [...]e cause it caryeth them headlonge into anger, maketh them prompte and readye to pursue [...]centious lustes and inordinate affections, and also dulleth and troubleth that part of the mynde which is rationall. But they that be entryng into mās state (because they then consyste and be in theyr best temperamente) requyre such dyer and nourishmente as is holesome and temperate. As for example, Veale, Muttō, Porke, Henne, Kydde, Egges, fine Mā thet bread of the best and cleanest Wheate. For Youth and mās Age, because, they draw [...] ard [Page 50] heate and somwhat to drynesse: Qualefiers and al [...]yers of the heate of bloud. and for that their bloud waxeth hoate, speciallye in Sōmer season: it is best to alay and qualefie y • same heate, wyth thinges that be moderately moyste: such as these, Buglosse, Orrage, Mallowes, Spinach, y e herbe Pacience, Lactuce, Purselane, Melons, Cucumbers, Cheeries, Corncile berryes, and of these many, for hurtinge and annoyinge the stomacke, may be boy [...]ed: or if we eate thē raw in Saletts, it shalbe righte good to myngle & put vnto them, Rocket, Cresses, Mynte, Watercresses & Gardē Dragon worte, which nowe a dayes groweth in a maner in euerye Garden. By this meanes shall wee bringe to passe that heate shall not too much preuayle or get the vpperhand by ouermaystring naturall moysture. Therefore when a man of a hoate complexion, or of an other constitution, beginneth to grow into distemperature, it shalbe expediente for him to alter nature to her contratyes: for by thinges lyke, [...] are diseases procured, and by distemperaunce nourished.
Therefore at anye time, when soeuer thou art disposed to alter y • state of thy bodye and to driue away sicknes, enioyne to thy selfe a contrarye order of Dret and vsage, but yet so, that nature bee not in posthaste, but leysurely and by litle and [...] sle translated to an other custome. For as it is a wysemans parte (sayth [...]ullye) by litle and litle to wy [...]d oute himself and shyft of those frendships which he greatly lyketh not: Li. 1. Off. so likewise an [Page] old rooted custome may not be hastely and sodēly chaūged, but softly, leysurely, and discretely. For sodaine alteration and chaung bringeth the body into daunger, and is very preiudicial to health. But this is specially ment of the body: for in the state of the mynde, there ought to be neither stop nor delay, but immediately and oute of hand to abandon and banishe all lewde maners and dishonest enormities.
Furthermore as in yong men all thinges are to be reduced to the perfection and syne of temperature, and euery way to be attempted for the amendement of that which in them is amysse, and for framyng of their bodies to a right proportion or agreeablenesse: so in Aged persons nothinge ought to be rashly taken in hād or inconsiderately attempted: for that, it is a great deale better for that Age, still to continue in such thinges as they haue been trayned vp and accustomed vnto, Ill customes must by little and litle be taken away. (yea although they be somewhat butifull) then to beginne any newe alteration in their diet and order of lyuing. Contrary wyse yong men must striue and assaye to alter, and bringe themselues from those things y t be nought and hurtfull, although they haue ben vsed therto euen since they were children. For their strength and powers are wel ynough able to suffer a moderate alteration: and because they may lyue a longer while, it is to bee hoped that they (by chaunginge and framynge themselues to a better custome and order) maye receyue therby profite, and be otherwyse beneficiall [Page 51] to their countrey: Chaunge in olde men, daūgerous. But an olde man, if he goe aboute to shake from him or to chaunge that order of life, which by long vse and domestically hee hath frequented, doth but loose all his labour, & trauayleth therein all in vayne. For althoughe he proceede somewhat forward therin, and seeme to haue wonne thereby some parte of his desyre, yet shal he lacke tyme and space to gleane and enioy any fruite of his wyshed estate.
He doth heerein much like to him that (being spent in yeares & euen at the pittes brincke, carefully and busely saueth and purueigheth (the neerer y t hee cōmeth to his iourneyes end & hath lesse way to go) Cicero in Senect. greater store and foyson of victual for his wayfaring expences: a thinge, in the opinion and iudgemente of Cato so absurde, as nothinge more. In which doinge hee wasteth all his labour and dealeth much like (sayth Galene) to [...] man that in his old doating and decrepite dayes, Lib. 5. de tuēd. Val. goeth aboute to learne some Arte or occupation: whereas more meete it were for such a one to cal to remembraunce what a small time by course of nature he hath here to remaine, and that his cō tinuaunce here cannot be long, but muste be packing awaye and depart to his long home.
Seinge therefore olde Age is to enioye and take no commoditie by chaunginge vsuall diet & ordinary custome of lyuing, it is better by euerye maner of way to cheerishe and comforte it, and to heate and humect his colde and drye bodye wyth nourishment conueinente, then doubtfully and by [Page] haphazard, and otherwyse then that age permitteth, to begin any new order: sythence olde age is weake and feeble, and not well able to beare oute euen the least disdiete that maye bee: but if it fall thereinto, hardly and with very much adoe can it escape and recouer it selfe out againe.
But forasmuch as naturall heate by moderate motion or exercise is encreased and strēgthened, The profite th [...]t cōmeth by exercise. and the Body and mynd of man (wearyed wyth troublesome busynesse and cares) is destrous with reste & quietnes to bee refreshed, & to haue some reasonable truce & relaxation: euen as good heede and greate regard hereof in euery seueral Cōplexion would be had (for according to euery mās nature, is y e same sonderly to be vsed) so in this hoate state & Cōplexion of body for the better maintenaunce and conseruation of health, it would be well loked vnto and cyrcumspectyle considered. Nothinge is holesomer nor more auayleable for health, then seasonable Exercyse & conuenient motion. For by it the quicknes and vigour of the mynde is reuyued, the faynt drowsye Spyrites styrred vp and awaked, the soule and mynde checred and exhilarated, all the parts of the body & all the senses both within and w tout made nimble, actiue, perfect and ready to do their proper functions: the colour fayrer & fresher, appetite prouoked & sharpened, y e possages & pores opened, & y e cōceptories of the Veynes enlarged and made bigger, (whereby humours haue freer passage & way into euery seuerall part of the body) [Page 52] excremēts commodiously purged, concoction speedelyer finished, & the iuyce or humours (being well cococted) better distributed to the sustenaunce and nourishmente of euery member in the body: last of all, when the mynd is quyet & calme, then is sleepe sound and quiet also, and not interrupted nor broken wyth phantastical dreames & nightly imaginations, yea then be al things duly, seasonably, and orderly vsed and done, when the meate is throughly concocred and excrements by euacuation purged: which by too vehement motion are drawen into the disposition or habite of the body, & stop the streit & narrow, pores therof.
When a man is disposed to exercise himself, Order of exercise. it shalbe good to prepare his body therto by bēding and bowing thereof, & to stretch out his synewes and other parts of his body, which peraduēture for want of exercise are stiffe, thereby to make thē nymble & plyable. By this meanes shal hee wyth no greeuaunce or wearines vse exercise, and so lōg is it good for him to bestirre his body, til his lymmes begin somewhat to swel, & a fresh ruddy colour in his face & body, w t sweating to appeare: which so soone as it happeneth & is plainly to be perceyued, it behoueth streightwayes to ceas frō exercise, & to chafe y e body no further: for if it be cōtinued lōger & not stinted, by & by y e colour vanisheth awaye, & the body becōmeth dry & lancke. And like as hoat cōplexioned mē, if they vse vehement & swift motion, & wyth exercise heat & chafe thēselues throughly, they haue thereby bodyes [Page] slender and (by reason their naturall humoure is spent) somewhat enclyning to drynesse: so againe, Slouthe and ease hurtful. if they liue idly or giue themselues to drawsynes, or to spending their time in riot; distemperaunce, loytringe, slouth, wantonnes, ease & nyce delytes, they growe full of humours, and ware wouderous grosse, fatte and corpulent. I maye peraduenture seeme to the s [...]emish and full stomacked Reader, to bestawe herein [...]o wo [...]des then for such a matter are needeful, but le [...] him vnderstād that our purpose herein tēdeth to this onely end, to admonish al men in general and namely Students and men of honourable byrth, Aduertisement to the s [...]dious. a [...]d such as further and fauour goad Studies and vertuous Arts and disciplines, not to meddle with painful and vehemente stronge exercises (specially when they be fasting or immediatly after meales;) neyther to sit at their Bookes at vnseasonable houres, wearing away themselues still wythin doores, and greatly wassing their animall spirites & the faculties naturall of their bodyes. For in both these sortes; I see measure or meane in them wantinge: whereof I purpose more at large to speake, when I come to the discourse of the drye Complexion. Furthermore forasmuch as there be sondry and diuers sorts of Exeraise, and euery sort not apte & decente for euery Age: let euerye man trye and consider in himselfe whereto hee is by nature most apt and inclinable. Horace in Arte Poet.
[Page 53] As for Wrestling, Sortes of exercise. Coytingo, Tennis, Bowlinge, Whorlehattinge, liftinge greate waightes, pitching the harre. Ryding, Running, Leapinge, shooting in Gunnes, swymming, tossing y e Pyke, Tyltinge, Barryers and Tourney, are reckened amonge the exercises of strong men: albeit some, of them (because they are violently and forciblye, done, haue of a mery beginninge, a heauy and lamentable endinge: as of late yeares it happened vnto the French King Henry the seconde of that name, Frēch king killed in runninge at the Tylt. 1559. & stoute Prince and of courage muincible: who in a royall. Iusting or running at the Tylt, for the more solemnization of a nuptiall Pompe thē prepared, receyued his deathes wounde, with a splint or shyuer of a broken speare, which pearced & gotte in at the sight hoales or beauer of his Helmet, and stroke the king into the eye, and so to the braine, whereof he sodainly fell into an Ague, and after a few dayes dyed.
There be other kinds of exercise not of so great trauaile as these, Gentler exercises. and lesse troublesome: as to bee caryed in wagons, or to be rowed in Boates: sō drye sortes of frictions: walking eyther softly or apace, Singinge and Musicall melodie, chaunted eyther with liuely voyce, Musick chere [...]h & maketh meerie the mynd of man. or played vpon swete Instrumentes, to the eares & mynde righte pleasaunt and delightfull, dryuing awaye heauynes, and cheering and reuyunge the Spyrites, when they are damped wyth thoughtes, and carefull pensiuenes. And if thereto be vsed a cleare and lowde reading of bigge tuned sounds by stoppes [Page] and certayne Pauses, as our Comicall felowes now do, that measure Rhetorick by theyr peeuish Rhythmes, it will bryng exceeding much good to the Breast and Muscles. No lesse ease and profite lykewyse shall a man thereby finde for the openyng of hys pypes, and expelling thence al obstructions, specially if hee vse himselfe a litle to holde in his breath, and pinching together his lyppes, wyth his cheekes full blowen, to let his breath gushe oute wyth a full & sturdye sounde. De valet. lib. 5. But this, in yonge men (sayth Galene) is to bee moderated till they be at consistente Age, and in mornynges when the body is emptye and not infarced, neyther wyth the nightly exercyse of venerous pastimes afore, wearyed and weakened.
This Exercyse also of al others is most chiefly cōueniēt & good for them y t eyther by imperfectiō A fit exercise for crokebacked persons of nature or by negligēce of Nurses are crookebacked: For y e Muscles of their bulke & breast, and the lappes or bellowes of theyr Lōges being drawen together & crooked toward, theyr backs, causeth thē to be shortwynded, which by this meanes is greatly eased, & they therby made to fetche their wynd a great deale better & w t more facility. Horses of good courage & breed [...], when they feele the Spurre, with coursinge, tramplinge and f [...]tching the capre, caryre, or curuetty, do y e very same thinge naturally, with their snuffing Nosethrils (a tokē wherby to know & good coragious Horse) which men do, when they holde in theyr breath, & stroute out their C. jeekes. This trick [Page 54] to make thē snuffe, y • Horscorsers vse, by pinching them by the Noses: To try good horses. and if thereupon they forthwyth puffe and blowe, they take it for a certayne signe and sure token that the same horse is good, and hath in him no hidden nor secrete fault. For if he pace not well, if he fling oute wyth his heeles and kicke, if he haue a stiffe legge or a blynde eye, and such like outward impediment, it is euident by sight and loking on to be perceyued, & by other outward tokens, ought and may easelye be found out and tryed.
I could heere repeate a great sort of other exercises moe, Recreatiōs not commē dable. as Dyce, Tables & Cardes, but because they bee the pastimes & recreations of ydle persons & to be done standing still or sittinge, and againe, be not in y • nōber of cōmendable delights, & laudable solaces, I haue spared in this place to speake anye thing of them. For men of good nature and disposition, when they haue any spare time from their other earneste busynesse, desyre & frequente such solaces & sportes as are ioyned w t honesty, Husbandry praysed. such as are the pleasures of y e countrye & practize of husbādry, which brīgeth w t it not only pleasure but profite & gaine also, & y e plentifully & w tout any dislykīg toyle. For the master or owner of the ground needes not w t his owne handes, to moyle & toyle, digge and delue, plough, and carte, sow, harrowe, & breake cloddes, to digge aboute his trees and cleanse awaye the superfluous and hurtful earth, sithence he may take lesse paynes, by committing the doing thereof to his Hindes [Page] and meigniall Hyerlings whom he may dayly ouersee and by word of mouth, berke, or figne, appointe what he will haue to be done and taken in hand. Which thing is meant by Terence, where he bringeth in one old mā reprouing an other, for drudging and moylinge in his grounde himselfe, saying thus: The toyle and labour vvhich thou takest vvith thyne ovvne hands, Heau. sce. 1. Act. 1. if thou vvouldest bestovv the same in ouerseeinge thy folkes, and setinge them to their busynesse, thou shouldest haue more vvorke done by a great deale.
The owners foote maketh a fruitfull fielde, (sayth the Prouerbe) and the Maysters eye fatteth the horse. Now when we leaue of from exercyse and come to our meate and drincke, which restoreth strength, we must be very wary & carefull that we ouercharge not our stomackes wyth superabundaunce and saciety. For as too much abstinence and hunger is oftentymes hurtfull, Saciety or fulnes of Stomacke to be eselievved. so too much fulnes and saciety is neuer profitable & holesome: for there wyth the Stomacke is too-much stuffed and distempered with cruditye, engendring oppilation and putrefaction, the verye breeders and procurers of Agewes and al other diseases. To maynteyne & preserue bodely health in perfect stay and soundnes, all thinges are to be done in due order and by right choyse of iudgement, so y t according to the precept of Hyppocrates, Epidi 6. Aphor. 5. Labour or Exercyse, Meate, Drynck, carnal Acte, all muste be vsed in measure, and be done in their due time and order. Hereby wee see, that by [Page 55] his opynion, healthynes must take his beginning at Exercyse, after which meate and drincke commeth next, The harme of Venerie or Carnall Copulatiō. then: Slepe and last of an carnall Act, meetest for them (sayth Galene) [...] vsually haue recourse thereto and feele sheve by leaste harme, & that is for [...] Age: for so Olde age and dry bodyes it is exceedingly hurtfull and most pernitious.
Neyther [...]it without daunger and harme, to be frequēted of those that be of [...] Complexions, specially being vsed oute of season or immoderately, or when the weather is hote. In the Spring time it is more tolilerable and holesome, after that the bodye is with moderate [...] meate and brincke heated and moystened, and being also before sleepe. For by this meanes, the wearynesse [...] doing, is by Sleepe incontineutly [...] cased, and repayred.
¶Emptynesse and Repletion.
THis moderation is in other thinges also to be obserued, as when the body requyreth w t meate and brincke to the refreshed, or being wyth humours app [...]ete, defyreth [...] prouided alwayes that good consideration be had, what strength the bodye is of, what nature is able to beare, and how farre herein a man may safely apuenture. Which thing also in well and cyrcumspectly to be waighed and [...] of, in openyng [Page] of Veynes, in prouokinge sweate, in procuring laskes, in skowringe and purginge the Entrailes, and prouokinge vomites: for in these, regard and respecte muste be had both of time, age, custome, nature and Countrey.
Neither ought any man of custome to vse and try any of these experiences rashly vpon himself, except great cause therunto moue him, or that he be troubled with much aboundaunce of noysome humours, which requyre eyther by purgation or els by euacuation to bee expelled. Bloudlettīg not rashlye to be enter pryled. For in euerye Coūtry almost there be some, which at all seasōs of the yeare vse to be let bloude, or els by scaryfyinge the skinne to be cupped, to the no small hindraunce daunger and empechmēt of their health: for together with the bloude (which is the treasure of lyfe) Bloud & spirite the treasure of life. there passeth out no smal deale of the vitall Spirite; whereby the whole bodye falleth into great coldnes, and nature weakened, & therby made lesse hable to performe her woorke and function. Not good for men in health to vse medicine. So likewyse, others without any aduyse of the Physitions wyll swallowe Pylles & dryncke Purgations, whereby they enfeeble their strength and hasten old age before the time.
The same now and then happeneth to sondry in prouoking vomite, Vomite seldome to be prouoked. wha thinke it good & holesom once or twyse in a Moneth, to cleare, & emptye y e filthy sincke of their gorged. Carkasses this waye: whereas it is at no hand expedient & good for them that be in health, to haunt this beastlye custome, neyther to be ruled by anye that shoulde [Page 56] thereunto counsell them.
And whereas some take hold of a certaine saying in Hippocrates, De ratione vict. lib. 1. whereby they ground the vse hereof to be good, such men in my opynion do not throughlye conceiue and vnderstande his full meanyng in that place. For he beinge dayly cō uersaunt and practizinge Physicke, amonge such a Nation and people, whose fashion and ordinarye custome was to keepe reuell rexe, and vse all kinde of ryotous and ingluuious guimandyze, did not prescrybe vnto them any lawes or orders for vomitinge: but if they shoulde fortune to ouercharge themselues wyth excesse and surphet, he iudgeth it a better way for him that hath vsed himself to vomite euery Moneth, to continue the same two dayes together, that the seconde daye maye make cleare ryddaunce of the remaynder of the first daye, rather then at the ende of xv. dayes eftsones to renue the same. For by that meanes shall hee expell and sende oute the humours that were engēdred of his former surphet and distemperaunce, & kepe his body free from future sickenes. So that this reuerente and Aged Phistition in that place exhorteth no man to vomite, When to vomite. for anye holesomenes that is therein, but iudgeth suche manet of euacuation to bee expediente for them that wyth excesse and immoderate feedinge haue surphetted or whose stomackes throughe crudity & corruptiō of the meate, & drincke before eaten, betch vp sower stynkinge fumes, whereof y • one cōmonly happeneth in cold stomackes, & the [Page] other, in hoate. So the wyse Hebrevv, Iesus the sonne of Syrach, in euery place exhort̄g to frugalitye & moderation, Eccle. 31. willeth thee if thou feelest thy selfe to haue eaten too muche and more then thy health cā well brooke, to aryse and go thy wayes and to cast it our of thy stomacke, least otherwyse thou bring thy body in daunger of Sicknesse, but he would not haue any man customably to vse it. Let not him that desyreth to lyue till hee be olde, To what persons vomyting is hurtfull. vse vomytinge often, specially if hee be longe and round necked, eyther very slender or verye grosse bodyed, or streict and narow brestes. But hee y t leadeth his lyre temperatelye, shall not neede to seeke anye helpe at vomytinge for conseruation & mayntenaunce of his health.
Sleepe and Watch.
SLeepe and watche are after one lyke reason & waye to bee considered of, which being moderatelye vsed, & within the bounds of mediocrity frequēted, are very auayleable to health, & bring wyth them most needefull commodityes.
Sleepe is nothing els but a restinge of the Animal facultie, and a Paws [...]ng from the actions and busynes of the day, wherby the vertues of the bodyes being faynt, and the powers thereof beinge resolued, are reuyued and made fresh againe, and all the wearie members & Senses recomforted. For when the powers natural be fresh and lusty, natiue heate gathering it self inward, is of more [Page 57] force and strongly applyeth concoction, perfourming the same not onely in the Stomack, but also through the whole body besyde, whose vapour and pleasaunt sent moysteneth the brayne, & bringeth asleepe the Instrumentes of the Senses. The commodities of sleepe. Nothing therfore after meate moderately taken, is to the body holsommer thē seasonable Sleepe: for it refresheth the wearyed powers of the body, styreth vp the Spirites, recreateth the mynde, putteth away sorow, & bringeth a man into good and quiet temper. Neyther can health in anye wyse be continued and maynteyned in any parte of the bodye, withoute this amyable recourse and due vse of watch and Sleepe: whereby we wythdraw our selues for the time, from oure earneste busynesse, and at seasonable houres geeue recreation to our wearyed Spyrits. And after sleepe, fal againe to our busynesse and affayres, whether they be to be done wyth labour of the body or industry of mynde. For howe could mans mynde continue still in his perfect vigour and strength, if these thīgs by turnes be not vsed, if this varietye of lyfe and quiet resting after labours of the day, be not intermingled? These make the state of oure life the lesse yrksome and burdenous, and vs to be thereof lesse wearye & cloyed. For as Ouid doth rightlye say,
[Page] The Sūne beīg once vp, sōdry delightful sights appeare, & innumerable galant spectacles of the world & nature, presēt thēselues vnto vs, to chase & driue troublesom fācies, dūps, & cogitaciōs, out of our careful & p̄ēsiue minds. And loke what cō modity we reape by the dayes trauaile, that doth Sleepe in y e night coūteruayle & requite. The day appointed for labour, and the night for rest. For as the day seruīg for watch & dispatch of our needefull busynesse, doth exercise the body, & in hope of Sleepe maketh al thinges lighter and easyer: so the nighte being appointed for rest, bringeth w t it a forgetfulnes of the dayes toyle, & a sweete end of y e labour therof. Wherfore we may not be negligent, remisse and slacke in the due consideracion of these thinges, but carefully beware y e they bee not, eyther vnseasonably, disorderly, or vnmeasurably frequented. So that Sleepe (which belongeth to Eight hours for Sleepe. y e night) may be continued neere about the space of 8. houres, or (if Supper were somewhat large and full) somewhat longer. Howbeit in some persons it is not to be measured, so much by the nomber of houres, as by the soundnes & profundity of Sleepīg, as Porters, Whyrrimē, vehement Laborers, Sound Sleepers. Caryers, Saylers &c. For these & such lyke (for that, their braynes are very moyst) do sleepe marueylous soundlye and cānot be awaked but with much adoe: because their naturall vertue being resolued wyth ouermuch exercyse, desyreth by Sleepe, to be refreshed, and w t the humydity y t descendeth from the brayne, to be repayred & restored: whereby it happeneth that y t vertue Animall, and Instrumentes of the Senses, [Page 58] being lulled in ease and fast deteyned, Sleepe most soundly seazeth vppon them. And y t thing which wearynesse causeth in greate labourers & such as vse much exercyse, Whye children and Dronkerdes be sleepye. y e same doth moysture and refrigeration in children and dronken folks: for in both of them, heate recuyling to the hearte, (which is the welspring of y e vitalfaculty) & the head likewise stuffed w t tumosities, sleepe happeneth and stealeth vpon them.
But they y • haue the nookes & celles of theyr brain slēderly moyst, Who bee soone awaked oute of sleepe. are ready to awake at euery litle styrīg or waggīg, for y t the thinne vapour & smal fume which possesseth y e head, being nothing thicke, doth quickly vanish & passe away. For I haue knowē mauy, worne in a maner to y e stumpes, partly by ouermuch study, partly by Agues & Uenerie, who in their sleepe, plainly & perfectly vnderstoode euery word spoken by the stāders by, insomuch y t beinge awaked w t the least noyse y • might be, they could recōpt & rechearse y e most part of those things which had bin there spoken & vttered. Not after the guise & fashiō of some, which of set purpose at bāquets will coūterfaite thēselues dronken & a sleepe. Wylie winkers. For these good fellowes vnder colour of being cupshot & heauy headed, do slily vndermine, espie & marke what euerye man sayth at y • boord, specially of such words, intētes & meanings, as mē being heated & wel whytteled in wyne, do then report, and vnaduysedly vtter. This trick not they only, but promoting Catchpoles, Catchpoles. and crafty Scoutes, that raung about the country, to espye how men liue & what they doe, [Page] notīg the dealings and narrowly sifting the lyfe, behauiour, and maners of other men, whereby they gleane to themselues no small gaine & commoditye. For the fourth parte of the goodes, for their catchpollinge, falleth to them, for their lot and share: which thing maketh them to be very prying, double diligent, and inquisitiue, where to haue a purchase, and by other mens losses to enrich and greaze themselues. The Poet Iuuenal (a very precise and notable reprehender of vyces, and one that would neuer go behind the doore to tell men their faults) sheweth that this was a custome vsuall and ordinary amonge Baudes and Cuckolds (nay rather wyttoldes) which for hyre would be contented to let out theyr wyues to opē prostitution, or whē they had anye persons in suspicion and iealousye. And to the intent the Adulterous Lecherers mighte the more freely and licentiouslye haue the vse of their wyues bodyes, these fellowes as thoughe they had beene busyed in other matters, and looking an other waye, or as thoughe their myndes, eyes, and facultyes animal had bin earnestlye fixed and bente vppon other cogitations, tooted and gazed into the toppe of the house and vewed some trimme feelings, or Images and pictures, liuely paynted & set out in their Parlours and Chambers. For thus doth the Poet depaynt and set forth in his colours, one of this generation: and by this one, geueth a light to lead and dyrect our coniectures to iudge of the rest.
The very same thinge also setteth downe Ouid, and to the same purpose, albeit by other occasion taken.
But now againe to fal into my byas, and leauinge this digression to retourne to my purpose: I say, nothing doth so much conserue, renue, reuiue and cheerish the powers of body and mynd as Sleepe in the night, takē about an houre and a halfe after Supper. The maner howe to lye in bedde. At which time it is best, first to lye on the righte syde, that the meate maye descende and approche better to the Lyuer, and be the easelyer digested. Howbeit it is not altogether amysse nor vnholesome for them that haue feeble digestions, to lye somewhat groueling and prostrate on their bealyes, specially if their Stomacke bee charged wyth anye superfluity. The commoditye whereof, to them whose bellyes bee somewhat swelled and styffe, is right profitable, [Page] both for the digestiō of the meate, & asswaging of all inflation and paine of the Stomacke, Lying vpon the backe very vnholsome & daū gerous. & casing of ache and gryping in the bowelles. Lying flat vpon the backe is most hurtful and daungerous: for so manye as sleepe after y • sorte, lye wyth their mouthes open, their eyes staryng, their eyelyddes vnclosed, sleeping very vnquietly, and without any refreshing or ease, by reason that the Muskles of their breast & necke be drawen hard together. And besyde diuers other discommodityes, they be oftentimes troubled with the night Mare, and falling sicknes, and are also subiecte to Palseys, Crampes and Apoplexies: which diseases also are incidēt to them that sleepe at Noone, or mydday vppon their beddes.
Let no man therefore of custome vse himselfe to sleepe in the day time, Sleeping in the day hurtfull. vnlesse he be thereto driuen by wearynesse and lassitude gotten throughe heate or labour, or when hee hath ouerwatched himselfe the night before. For in such case, a nap at noone may without harme be allowed & borne w tall. And euen as Sleepe vnseasonablye or vnmesurably takē either by day or night maketh mē dull, The harmes of ouerwatching. obliuious, lazye, faint, heauy, blockishe, and marreth both wtt and memory: so agayne, watching being not within medtocrytie and measure vsed, dryeth the brayne, affecteth the senses, empayreth memory, dymmeth eyesighte, marreth the Spirites, wasteth naturall humour, hyndereth concoction, and finallye consumeth all the grace, beauty, comelynes and state of the whole body.
The Perturbations and affections of the mynde.
VVHat harme and inconuenience the mynd suffereth throughe perturbations & vnruly affections bearing sway in the same, as Hatred, Anger, Wrath, Enuy, Feare, Sadnes, immoderate ioy, anguish, pensiue cares & thoughts, wyth many other troublesome motions, repugnaunt and greatly squaring from reason, there is no man but he hath eyther in himselfe by experience tryed, or by obseruation in others sufficiently noted. For what man in this so great imbecillity and frowardnes of nature, is not wyth some of these tempted and assayled? All mē subiect to affections. And althoughe some bee better able then other some, eyther to withstande or to qualefie and subdue his affections, yet is there no mā so perfect y t is not to some of them thrall and subiecte. How violent and vnrulye these affections be in some, which yeld their natures whollye to the impatencie thereof, and how greatly they disturbe and bring out of frame both the mynde and body, by manyfest examples is daily seene For many haue procured to themselues present death & destruction throughe rage, The greate hurts of affections. anger, shame and immoderate ioy: by reason, that the heart being lefte destitute of bloud and vitall Spirite fainteth, shrynketh, and is dissolued. Which felfe same thing (albeit by an other and diuers reasō) oftētimes happeneth also in feare, [Page] sorrow and sodaine frightes, at which times the heart is oppressed wyth too much abundaunce of bloude, and the vitall Spirite choak [...]d and stopped. Angre (which is a passion so lyke to fury and madnesse, Angre. as nothing in y e world more) what force it hath, and how much it altereth the state & outward shewe of the body, appeareth chiefly by countenaunce, colour, grymme visage, cruell and fierye eyes, puffinge & wrynkled nosethrilles, byting lyppes, enraged mouth, trembling & shakinge lymmes, vnsteadye gate, stammerynge and fearefull voyce. This affection or rather perturbation of the mynd, when it once reiecteth the rule of reason, and groweth into disordered outrage, is offensiue and troublous to others, but chieflye and specially, the party himselfe (therew t affected) throweth himself into perill of death, or at least into diseases very daūgerous. The mynd therfore must be reyned by reason, and curbed by temperaunce, that it yeld not to affections, but procure to it selfe quietnes & tranquillity, Tuscul. 5. which (as Tullye witnesseth) is the chiefeste pointe that helpeth vs in this lyfe to lyue well and happely. Tranquility of mynde. Which none can haue, sauing he, that can subdue and mayster his affections, and shake of the tyrannous yoke of lewd vices: & this is by no other meanes to be brought to passe, but by a fyrme & assured truste and beliefe in God onelye, and the same to bee stedfastly grounded vppon his holye Worde and Heauenlye Spyrite: by whose directiō a mā shal not fayle to haue the gyft of Tēpeperaunce, [Page 60] to qualefye all his wilful affections, Temperāce. & to withdraw and keepe him backe from all licentious lust, Goddes holye spirite subdueth & qualy fieth outragyous affections. Insolencie, immoderate ioye, excessiue myrth, hatred, angre, desyre of reuenge, greedye scrapyng, couetousnesse, and all other victous affections whatsoeuer. And by this meanes both the partes of man, that is to saye, both Soule & Body, (which by a certayne Sympathie or mutuall consent and conspyracie agree together) shal be in perfect state and soundnes withoute beinge wyth any Sicknesse, or greeuous malady distempered.
¶Of a cold Complexion. The viij. Chapter.
BEcause the cold Cōplexion is cleane cōtrary and opposite to the hoate Constitution: and for that, this is the worst of al others, & furthest from y t state which is perfectest & best: I wil addresse my next speach to discourse vpon it, to thēd (if it be possible) it may be amended and brought to a better case. For sithens lyfe doth consist in a temperature of hoate & moyste, whereby bodies encrease to their growth, and attaine to manlye strength and stature: worthelye and by good reason, may this be accompted of al others y e worst, for that, in euery point and respecte (that tendeth to the furtheraunce of strength & mayntenaunce [Page] of health) it helpeth no whit, neyther geeueth any encrease thereto at all. For consideringe that in it there lacketh heate, and all the powers and faculties naturall, it is not able for the weakenes of the Instrumentes and Organes, to attracte & digest that nourishment y • is moyste, nor to make it lyke and consubstantial witht he body and mē bers. Heate the stayer and maintener of lyfe. And euen as naturall heate of all the faculties in the bodye is strongest to do his functions: so, Cold is cleane contrarye vnto it, and fit for no function, specially concerninge the Acte of Nature in the alteration of nourishment. Cold the decay & spoile of life. For in it, is no maner of vtilitie or help touchīg the conseruation & maintenaunce of the bodye, eyther in the offyce of concoction and digestion, or in anye of the other vertues or powers of Nature. But yet, Cold coupled wyth heate. in this quality (although it wāt of integritye and temperature) there is alwayes some heate, but the same is very fainte, weake, and throughe colde, blunte and feeble. For if heat shoulde totallye fayle, or bee vtterlye extinguished, life coulde not continue. Therefore in this body, heate is not altogether consumed and wasted, but cold is aboue it and ouercommeth it, and in the mixture of y e other qualityes, In cold bodyes heate doth not altogether lacke. is more in quā tity and stronger then any other, and thereuppon hath it his name to be termed, Cold. And therefore so longe as lyfe remayneth in man, and anye portion of vitall heate in the body, it is good and expedient by al wayes and meanes to styrre vp & cheerishe naturall heate with nourishment & exercyse conuenient, that it be not through cold, oppressed [Page 61] and troden downe. For there is no greater enemyes thereto, then Slouth, ydlenes and cold meats: as hereafter shalbe more at large declared. Some (I thincke) do marueile how men of this constitution and complexion can continue and liue, sithens their bloud being cold, theyr vertues Animal and Spirable be decayed and dead. Creatures in touching cold. But let euery mā note, that there be many Creatures of most cold nature, as the Salamandet, the Fyer worme, the Torpedo of the Sea, and many fishes moe, wherof some be of nature so extreeme colde and chillinge, that if they touch fyer, they streightwayes quenche it, as it were yce: & some do so astonne the lymmes of them, that touche them, that they haue no feelinge nor sense in their handes or lymmes a good whyle after. The bloude of Fishes is cold.
There is no kinde of Fyshes (which by myne owne experience I am able to aduouch and testifye) that hath warme bloud, sauynge Whorlepooles, Porpeses and Seales, or Sea Calues, which haue hayrie skīnes, Tonyes, Dolphines, and as many as are rough skinned or thicke leatherye hyded, such as (amonge those that liue aswell vppon land as in water) are the Beuer and the Otter. What sorts of fishes beinge taken oute of the water liue longest. These haue warme bloude, but all others haue cold. And for this cause Monsters of the Sea being taken oute of the Water, do by reason of theyr inward heate and store of warme bloude, liue longe: whereas other sortes of fishes aswell of the Sea, as of fresh waters, assoone as they bee taken oute of the Water, [Page] or cast on shore geeue but certaine gaspes and die immediatly: which is an vndoubted argumente and certaine token, that in them is very muche cold and congealed humour, and of heate very litle. For which reason, they bee not able to bee kept longe, but will soone putresse, if they be not streightwayes salted, Eatynge of fishe hurtfull to them that are giuen to be solytarie. or put in pickle.
By this may easie contecture be made, of what plight & bodely state, those persōs be, which stil eate fyshe, and lyue a solytarye life, withoute keeping company with others, and being forbidden fleshe (which the Father of Nature hath created and appointed wyth thankesgeeuinge of all men Genes. 1. Act. 10. to be eaten) do commonly feede vpon rotten stinking Saltfysh. 1. Tim. 4. Which kind of people (for many of that stampe and disposition haue for many yeares vsed may aduyse in Phisicke) I am wont to perswade & counsell, that they shoulde drincke after them, good, stronge and pure wyne, and abandoning all idlenesse and slouth, vse continuall Exercise.
I haue knowen sondry of them that throughe grosse and claminie glewysh phlegme, haue gotten the Letharge or drowsse euill, the Apoplexie, the Crampe, Solytary lyuers subiect to the Apoplexie. Polsey and W [...]ye mouthes. There is none of these persons, but hee aboundeth and is replete wyth much Phlegme, and Phlegmaticke excrementes, which maketh them lumpish, and sleapie, forgetfull, [...]low of body and mynde, & pale coloured, except some time at the comminge of some of their especiall frendes they bee heated [Page 62] with wyne, and thereby haue dumpes dryuen out of their myndes. For by this meanes their colour is made fresher, and all heauie drowsynesse banished and chased out of their myndes.
If therfore thou desyre to haue a paterne of a colde complexioned person, ryghtlye pourtrayed oute vnto thee, set before thine eyes, men that by profession of lyfe, liue in this order, and by their former wonted trade of dyet, are broughte vnto this habite, yea although aforetime they were of a disposition and maner of lyfe cleane contrary.
These men doe liue, A Snayles life. but their life is like the Periwinkle or Snaile, whose substaunce consisting of a congealed licour, & concrete moysture, is liquefied and resolued into the same. Which thing is to be tryed and prooued by castinge vpō them Salt, or glasse, or Alume: for therwith they presently resolue and consume into a liquide substaunce.
And as men and mute Creatures, so also sondry Plantes and great stemmed hearbes, Venemous Herbes. are endued with this quality: which by reason of their deletory coldnes bringe destruction vnto Creatures, as [...]ēbane, Mādrake, Napellus, Solanum Mortiferum, Aconitum, the iuyce of black Popie called Opium, which although in respect of their temperament and clementary qualitie, they bee colde in the fourth and higheste degree, yet by the benefite of vitall heate dissusing it selfe from celestiall thinges into these lower bodyes, they doe liue and flourish in a freshe verdure. For in euery [Page] nature, & especially humayne, there is a certaine celestial or diuine vertue, ouer & beside that which is constituted of feede and of the feminine bloud. For y e warme & calefactiue Spyrit, which a litle afore we sayde was infused into the whole worlde, and into all the particuler parts thereof, laboureth vppon the Elementes, and geeueth life to all thinges, and finally woorketh in them that vertue and efficacie, whereby throughe propagation they encrease, and procreate kindes like to themselues, and produce a Creature of the same nature they themselues be. For the first procreation of lyuing creatures being produced & made of Elementall concretion and of the Parentes Seede, which is a portion or parte of the purest & best concocted bloude, then doth nature, (whose skilful workmāship no hand nor curious craftesmā is able by imitation to resēble or reach vnto) hauing her original, diuine & supernal, applyeth the woorke she hath in framynge, bringeth her thinges to perfect passe, conueigheth the powers animall, wyth the Spyrites vital, and vertues effectuall into the matter she hath in hande, by whose mynistery shee perfectly finisheth all the lymmes, proportioneth all the lineaments, fitteth them to the rest of the mēbers of the bodye, & gyueth such shape & proportion to the thinges animated, as daily we see represēted & set before our eyes. This wonderfull force of nature which we elswhere haue shewed to yssue & flow frō the most abundant fountaine of Diuinity, beinge diffused [Page 63] into ech part of y e whole bodye, moueth & slyrreth the masse thereof, directeth & gouerneth the mynd and vnderstanding, & maketh the same applyable to sondry actions: by whose benefite and help euē those thīgs do liue & haue their being, which are stiffe and nummed w t cold, althoughe heate in thē be faint & feeble: which (least it should altogether droupe & be vtterly extīguished, & least y u cold quality, wherto y e drye is of affinity should toomuch preuaile & encrease) must be styrred vp & excyted w t hoate fomentatiōs. For whē natural moysture is all wasted & inward heat extinct, thē death approcheth & the whole frame of the body tēdeth to dissolution & ruine. It cōmeth thē to passe euē as Salomō by an elegāt & apt similitude describeth, Eccle. 12. y t when the cōposition & knittinge together of the body is lewsed a sonder & strēgth decayed & gone, thē shal mā be tourned again into dust, frō whēce he was taken & made, & the Spirite shal retourne into his euerlastinge dwellinge, & to God which made it. But to theud euery mā may perfectlye know the nature & cōdicion of this cōplexion and constitucion. I wil compendiously as it were by the way, set downe certaine marks & tokēs wherby it shal easely be knowen. Tokens of a colde Complexion. A cold Complexiō if it be cōpared to a hoate, hath al properties cō trary. For euē as heat beīg diffused into ech part of y e body imparteth his quality vnto y e humours & maketh y e body, & y • parts therof to be of colour ruddie: so cold imperteth his quality vnto y e mē bers & humours, & maketh y e body of colour pale and vnsightly.
[Page] But if we be disposed particulerly to marke & obserue al the notes and tokens thereto incident, we shall finde in the colde complexioned body, all things contrary and diuerse from the hoate. For the bodye is pilde and smoth, the hayre loose and soft, of colour partakinge wyth redde and white, and quickly shedding. The skinne in touching, cold, Idlenes maketh the body fat and cold. & vnder it, some store of fatnes. For when heat in mās body is faīt & dul, fatnes engēdreth: which, as it much happeneth to y e feminine Sexe, so also breedeth it in many others that liue ydle & at ease, withoute labour or exercise. And for this cause through immoderate coldnes y e bodye waxeth grosse, fat, and corpulent: againe, by immoderate heate, (which melteth awaye and dissolueth fat) the body is made leane and drye.
For there be manye thinges not comminge to man by nature, or from his natiuitye and beginning, but accidentally and otherwise procured: as eyther by chaunginge of the ordinary custome of life, or by alteration of diet, or by heate, labour, slouth, solitarinesse, lumpishnes, feare, sorrowe, care and sondry others: many wayes chaunginge the state of the body: making it somtime slender & leane, sometime fat & corpulent. Which thinges also to the making of the colour of y e face & bodye fayre or foule, good or badde, are of no lesse force, and efficacie. Heate maketh good colour. For what thinges soeuer do excite and stirre vp natiue heate, as Laughter, myrthe, exercise, wyne &c. do make the face pleasauntlye & freshlye coloured: but such thinges as be cold, & [Page 65] suppresse heate, Cold wasteth and taketh awaye colour. as cold ayre and nypping wynd, toomuch drynkinge of water, immoderate sleepe, ouermuch eatinge of cold meates, feare, sadnesse, carefulnes, & such like, make the body to be white coloured.
Thus, they that be of cold Complexions, are white coloured, vnlesse this quality grow & surmount to an excesse and great intension. For then it declyneth to aswart and leaden colour, Wanne colour. such as we see in men in the cold Wynter, the wynde being at North, whose cheekes, Noses, lyppes, fyngers and eares are swart and wanne, wyth stiffe cold benummed. But yet this commodity they haue by colde, that it maketh them very hungry & greedye of meate, and not easely satisfyed, albeit they do not well digeste nor concocte it. And if the tunicles of their Stomack together wyth the cold, haue in them any sowrish or sharpe humour, they are in eating insaciable and very rauenous feeders: The hungry Sicknesse. which affecte is called Canina appetē tia, the Dogges appetite, or y e hungry Sicknes: which is qualefyed and taken away by drynking the purest & strōgest Wyne. To proue y t appetite is sharpened wyth colde, Cold things stirre vp appetite. maye well appeare by Salades and sondry other sower and tarte Condimentes, which wee vse in Sommer season to prouoke appetite wythal. And as natiue heate maketh men nymble and actyue, Cold persōs drowsie and vnweldie. so cold causeth them to be slouthfull, loytering, sluggishe, drowsy and vnapt to any labour or exercyse: because they lacke the Instruments wherwyth to do any such [Page] functions.
Such persons haue foltering tongues, and nothing ready in vtteraūce, a nyce, soft, and womā nish voyce, weake & feeble faculties of Nature, ill memory, blockish wit, doltish mynde, courage (for lack of heate & slendernes of vital spyrit) feareful and tymorous, & at the wagginge of euery strawe afrayed. These and such like defects and wāts of Nature, The help & cure of a cold body. must we to y • vttermost of our power study to amende, by vsing a wholesome diete and exquisite trade of lyuing, which consisteth in a tē perament of hoate and moyst.
In this body especially it is expediēt to excite and cheerishe natiue heate w t exercyse, and wyne y t is pure & good, and with meates y t be calefactiue: of which sort are such Byrds as bestyrre & much exercise themselues w t flying, Foules hard of digestion as Sparrowes, Lynets, Chaffinches, Culuers, Partriches, Phesauntes, Blackbyrdes, Thrushes, Figgebyrds & (among those that be homish and tame) Capons and Cockes: for Duckes, Swānes, Geese, Cootes, Gulles, Hearneshoes & other Water foules, requyre a very strong stomacke to digest them. Of foure footed beasts fittest for this nature, are Veale, Meates fit for cold persons. Mutton, Pigge, and Conye. Amonge fruicts and such as the earth by tillage and industrye of man bringeth forth, y e best are these, Almonds sweete & sower, Peachkernelles, Dates, dry Figges, Reysons y • kernels being taken out, Coraunts, Pyne apples.
And because the increase of our Gardeins lē deth [Page 66] vs many helpes to this vse and purpose, I thincke it good also not to omit them, for y t they be easye euery where to be had & neither costly nor chargeable: Gardeine store. of which sort is Parseley, certayne kinds of Carrets, Seahollie, Skirwyke rootes, Thystle, Artichoke, Nauew, radish, Chichpease, Cresses, Rocket, Mynte, Wormewodde gentle, & such as in Wynter serue for Cōdiments & sauce, Onyons, Garlicke, Leekes, steeped in water to take away their ranke sauour & strōg smel: or els for them y t cannot wel abyde the strong ayre & sent of these, maye put into their meate outlandish and forraine spyces, as the Germaines and Englishe Nacion cōmonly vse: as Ginger, Saffron, Peper, Graynes, Cassia Cynamome, Nutmigges. And persons of meaner callinge & smaller abilitie, & such as are not wel able to beare out the cost of these things, may take out of their owne hoomish gardeins & groūd, such things as in strēgh and operation counteruayle these aforesayd, y t is to wit, Rosemarie, Basil, sauerie, Organie, Maiorame, Dill, Hoat Condimentes. Sage, Baulme &c. For w t these & many others of like sort, may the defects of Nature be beaten down, & y e faults therof of ouercome, and therby y e body by litle & litle, maye be to a better and quieter state reduced. For if drynesse or Siccity should līck in & ioyne w t this quality, thē truly life (which consisteth in hoat & moyst) cānot long continue: but needes must out of hand, come to finall ende: whereof in the Chapter folowing I purpose somwhat more at large to discourse.
¶Of a Drye Complexion. The ix. Chapter.
FOrasmuche as that disposition and habite of bodye which is drye, is muche like to that state and complexiō which is cold, yea next vnto it: I will briefly declare, what I thincke thereof, & by what meanes it maye be expunged and bettered. These ii. qualityes bee in a maner alike distant from perfecte and good temperatenes, in what age soeuer they happen: howbeit in Oldeage this drye distemperaunce, can hardelyer and wyth much more adoe be qualefyed and vanquished then in Youth, whē the same ill habite commeth through Sickenes or incontinencie of lyfe. For as Oldmen by reason of theyr age and long continuaunce of yeares haue bodyes drye, barreyne and forworne: So lykewyse Yongmen by dissolute lyuing, vnseasonable watching, and immoderate Venerye, brynge their bodyes before their due time to a cold and drye distemperaunce: & hastening their owne deathes by wasting theyr vitall humour, arryue to their last endes, and dye by naturall death aswell as Oldmē do, although in deede sooner then otherwyse they might do.
And it is called naturall, because it is common to all men alike, and not able by anye meanes to be declyned. For Oldage or the laste cast of mā, is not to be accompted naturall, in such sorte as [Page 67] encreasing & nourishing be, which are the workes of nature, and whereby the naturall facultye continueth and maynteyneth it selfe: but because it so falleth oute necessarily and by the due course & right order of Nature. For this is natures decreed order, that all thinges hauynge beginning, must also haue endyng, and arryue to their finall decaye: for otherwyse death should vnproperlye and vnaptly be termed Naturall, consideringe it is rather against Nature, and a professed enemye to our life.
For if Sicknesse (which I accompt as a step or as a Summer to death) be an habite & state cō trary to Nature, If men bee loath to be sicke, it followeth that they be loth to die. either deprauing or at least hindring the actiō therof: how much more is Death to be deemed a thing contrary to Nature, which quight abolysheth and vtterly despoyleth lyfe?
For nothyng is more repugnaūt to the lawes of Nature, then to dye, & to be depryued of this most pleasaunt light and breath. Which thing euerye man maye trye, and in himselfe fynde most true, when soeuer hee calleth to mynde, and deepely wyth himselfe falleth into anye cogitacion of the same: Death dreadfull. for it dryueth a certayne fearefulnes, terrour & dread into his mynde, that (were not his mynde armed & strengthened wyth an vndoubted hope and expectation of an other better lyfe hereafter) there could nothing be more miserable nor in worse case, then mans life is. For what thing could delyuer vs out of feare, carefulnesse, desperation and distruste, sauinge onely a firme [Page] trust in Gods mercy, that our Soules after this corporall dissolution, shalbe trāsported to a place of eternal ioy and felicitie? As for death, it was not brought into the world by Nature: for y • vglye face of Sinne, Sinne the cause of sicknes & death and the wilful transgression of Gods preceptes at the beginninge of the worlde gaue vnto vs this deadly wounde, & wrapped vs in: all this mysery. Therfore death is called Naturall, not in respecte of Nature, but of the consequence: because it hangeth indifferently ouer all mens heads, Sap. 2. as common indifferently to all, and sparing none: yea all thinges be wythin the compasse and reach thereof.
Now forasmuch as there be two sorts of death, the one Violente & the other Natural: 2. Kindes of death. that kind of death is of Philosophers & Physitions called naturall, which happeneth vnto Oldemen & such as are in that bodely state that Oldemen be: that is to say Cold and Drye, wythout sense or feeling of any payne: for in them, their languishinge and forspent body forsaketh their Soule, and not the Soule their body. Insomuch that they dye in a maner as though they fell softly asleepe, whereas others (dyinge by meanes of casualty, ruine, fyer, sword, Squinste, Pleurysse, Inflāmatiōs of the Lunges or other diseases happening to a mā in his fulnesse of humours) dye a violent death, struggling painfully, and long languishing in extreme agonies before they giue by the Ghost. So that the Soule is perforce compelled to abandō and forsake the body, lyke a Ghest that fleethout [Page 68] of a ruynous house, that is weatherbeaten and much shakē w t force of tēpest, only to auoyde further daūger. And hereupon doth Cicero very notablye wryte, De Senect. that Yongmen and suche as bee in their flourishinge and lustye Age and full of humours, do dye and take their ende muche like as when a great flaming fyer is sodeinlye quenched with great stoare of Water: Againe, he sayth that Oldmen decease like fyer, that of it owne accord quencheth and wythout anye other violence goeth out. What a deale of smoake, what soote, what sparkles do we see fly vp into y e ayre? what crackling & noyse doth the great nūbre of sparkes make, when we assay to quench a light burninge flame? or with powring great abundaunce of water, to slecke a great heape of woode layed al vppon one fyer? Wherby we may coniecte, what vehement and painefull struggling, what sharpe conflicte, what raginge sturre and stryuing is in a Yonge bodye: when as throughe violence of Sicknesse or other destenie, the lustynesse of his Nature (being not yet spent) & his warme heat, and lyuely Spyrites be oppressed and stifled.
To this ende, is that elegante and apt comparison of Cicero: For (sayth hee) as rawe and vnrype apples are not plucked from the Tree but by violence and force: but beyng rype, fall downe of theyr owne accord, or wyth little touchinge: So lykewyse the lyfe of Yonge men is taken away with force, but of Oldmen, by maturitie and rypenes.
[Page] This thought I good heere to enterlace, as a thing not greatly besyde my purpose, diligentlye aduertyzing all men euen from theyr infancy and childhoode to shunne and declyne all such things as are preiudiciall to their bodyes and harmeful to theyr health, whether the same procede of outward or of inward causes.
Whosoeuer therefore is desyrous to keepe himself from beynge toosoone Old, To be long lyued. and to prolonge his lyfe as longe as may be, must very diligently take heede of many lettes and hinderaunces that damuifye and lye in wayte to preiudice hys lyfe, but namely and specially let him haue a carefull eye to keepe himselfe from this Dry plight & state of body. And by what mennes he may so do, after certaine [...]tes first geeuen, whereby to knowe what person is of this Complexion, I will briefly and compendiously geeue plaine instructions: asking to all Students and personnes politick, (doubtlesse) right [...] me, profitable and expedi [...]t to be know [...].
All they therfore that eyther of the Nature of their owne bodelye state and Complexion, Notes of a dry Cōplexion. or by any defect in their Parents at theyr byrth & procreation, or finally by any accidentall myssehappe or custome of lyuing, as by wāt of foode, thought, watch, heauynes of mynd, or immoderate labour, haue commonly bodyes slender and thinne: and their shinne (where drynesse is great) skuruye, rugged, vnseemely and lancke, like vnto hungerstarued horses, that lacke meate and attendaunce: [Page 69] of colour ill fauoured, swarte, and yelowe as a Kites foote, and at the last grymme visaged, sower coūtenaunced, faced lyke death, fylthy, loothsome, and leane as a Rake: to conclude, in all respects resembling the Physsognomy and shape of Enuye, described by Ouid.
[Page] And because drynesse feedeth vppon, and wasteth all their humour, Baldnes cō meth for lacke of humour. they be thinne hayred and waxe soone bald, crooke nayled, their voyce feeble and slender, and sometime squeakinge, (by meanes that drynes exasperateth their vocall artery) their pulses beatīg faintly, slow gate, holow eyed, pale lypped, shrunken temples, hanging cheekes, cold & crūpled eares, of stature not greatly tal, & of sleepe (which is a most sweete refuge, release, & truce from laboures and cares) through distemperature of the braine, very litle. And if theyr braine be altogether drye and hoate, Dry brayne causeth ill Memory. then is theyr Memory nought and in a maner none at all: then be they very oblyuious, blockeheaded and heauye spyrited. For sythens the Spyrits fayle and be defectiue, which (as cleare & syncere vapoure) proceede out of purest bloud by y e benefit of heate & haue great force & vertue in directing & mouīg forward actiōs: it is not possible y t the faculties & powers naturall beinge destitute of their forces, should performe & rightly discharge their due & peculiar functions. But if the vertue or power Animal be perfect & vigorous, & the brain not altogether destitute of heate, thē is y e memory stedfast, firme & retentiue, for as immoderat moystnes causeth forgetfulnes & doltish folishnes, as in yong Children & dronkards appeareth: so moderate drynesse w t the helpe of measurable heate, maketh a good and faithfull Memory, Good Mē morye. & highlye furthereth toward the attainment of Prudence & Wysedome. For a drye brightnes, induceth a [Page 70] mynde full fraught wyth wysedome: & the more store of moystnes that is therein, the lesse is the wit: which thing wee do also note and see to come to passe by the ayre, when y e weather is skowling and not cleare. For the Starres shine not bright out, when the ayre is wyth cloudes and foggye mystes ouercast and darckened.
Nowe the cause why manye in their Oldage, doate and become very forgetful (albeit this Age be sayd to be most dry) yet y e same happeneth not by reason of drynes, but of coldnes: which manifestly preiudiceth and hindereth all the vertues & offices of y e mynd. For out of it spryngeth madnesse, losse of right wits, amazednes, rauing, dotage, and wante of the righte vse of the Senses, whereby the vertues of Nature be so oppressed & ouercharged, y e they be thereby eyther altogether disabled from perfourming their functions, or at least, do the same very faintly and feeblie.
Therefore when Memory is perished or affected, it procedeth of some cold distēperature, Restoring [...] of the memorye. which must with things moderately hoate▪ be remoued and expugned. For to humect or to arefie, is not the best way. But if coldnes be ioyned w t moystnes, then to vse arefactiō: & if it be lynked w t drynesse, then to vse humectacion. Now, if this quality be not throughly settled and rooted, these signes and tokens aforesayd, do not exactly aunswere to this descriptiō: but as the distēperaūce by litle & litle groweth & encreaseth, so do they appeare & shew forth thēselues euery day more and more.
[Page] Which happeneth namely to them that be affected wyth this habite, not naturally but casuallye and accidentally, or by some sicknes of the bodye, or by some vexation of mynde. For Temperamentes are subiect to many and sondrye alterations: In some, heate wasting & spending vp moysture, induceth a dry distemperaunce, and manye tymes too much stoare of moysture quight quencheth heate: and manye there are, vnto whom vehement coldnes bringeth drynesse: which is the worst distemperuance of all others, and to Nature moste hurtfull: for that it hastenethe Oldeage and bringeth a man to death longe before his time.
The body of euery one is then inwardly drye, Galen lib. 5. de tuen. Val. when it is neyther able to attract and draw nourishment into the Veynes, neyther sufficiently able to digest and enioy the benefite therof: wherby it happeneth, that the pryncipall partes and Entrailes (appointed for concoction of the meates) be dryed vp, & the resitdue (seruinge to purge excrementes) do abound wyth Phleginatick humours. Which thing hath made many to stumble & ouershoote themselues, who haue thoughte Old men to be moyst of Complexion, whereas me solide parts, the Arteryes, Panicles, skinnes synewes and muskles are not moyste, but the capacities, receptoryes and pores which stande the body in steede, to expell superfluityes, are endued wyth some moysture: and hereupon the body (by reason of weake and feeble heate) ceasseth to bee [Page 71] nourished, and is finally brought into an exteme drynesse. And therefore not without good reason doth Galene thinck that this is the worst plight Lib. 6. de tuend. val. and state that the body can be in. For the same thinge that happeneth to men aged and stryken in yeares, happeneth to manye Yongmē euen frō their first beginninge. And therfore it is needeful to humect and warme them with moderate exercyse, moyst and hoate nourishment, but speciallye with hoate and sweetish wyne: for sower & harde wynes be hurtfull to this Complexion, Hard wynes or of the second sort. & namely to Old men, excepte they be well sweetened wyth Sugar or honie. This thing also ought to be obserued in the eating of Mylke, Mylke. which is made for them a greate deale better and holesomer, if it be well seasoned with these or such like condimentes. For by this meanes, shall no obstructions by eating therof be engendred, neyther needeth the Stone and grauel in the reynes therby to be feared: And for doubte of beinge at anye time wyth the same troubled, (because it cōmeth and is bredde of grosse toughe humour and meat of hard digestion) such thinges should be prescribed vnto them, as open obstructiōs and prouoke Uryne, Herbes hauing vertue to make one to pisse, of which sort these Herbes, Gardensmallage, Sperage, Alkakēgie, Cheruyle, Saxifrage, Christa marina, Betonie, Maydenheare, Rosemarie flowers: and (if the bealy be bound or costiue) Mercurye Fumitorie, bastarde Saffron with a Prysane, Sea colewortes boyled in broth wyth fat flesh, Malowes, Arrage, Elite, all sorts [Page] of Dockes, Nettles, Hoppes, yong Elderbuds, specially in the Spring time of the yeare, or such other as be in their chiefest vertue in Sommer & Autumne, as Cheries, Plummes, Figges, and Mulberyes being eaten at beginning of Meales. For whereas Horace in a learned and elegante Verse commēdeth vnto vs Mulberies, thinking the same best to be eaten last and at the lat [...]er end of dinner, he did it not by way of any Phisicke or holsomnes y • is therein (being so taken,) but for that, the common vse and custome, was so to eate them. His Verses be to this effect:
For these and also Grapes, Peaches, Corneilbearies & such as will not be kepte long in Sō mer, oughte to be eaten before other meates, for if they be otherwyse preposterously taken or oute of order, they putrefie and corrupt the bodye and fill the bealy full of wynd. In Wynter season also there are many things y t make the bealy soluble and skowre y e Gutts & Entrailes: as Muste, dry Figges, & great Reysons, Damaske prunes, [Page 72] eyther stewed or steeped in some licoure, puttinge thereunto a good quantitie of Sugar or honie. Wherunto are to be added, these that haue an expediēt vertue in medicines, Sene, Polipodie, Manna, Epythyme, Cassia, Rhabarbe, and the infusion of Hebene or Lignum Indicum, Mirobalanes, Thamar or Dates of India, and all these to be geeuen eyther in Whaye, or in the broath of a Henne.
And forasmuch as for preseruation of health, and dryuing away diseases not onely in Oldmē but in all others that be subiect to any sicklie affection, there cannot be any holesomer thinge then Turpentine, Turpentine holesome. it deserueth also to be reckened in y e number of these aforesayd. For it not onely mollyfyeth and looseth the healy without all harme & daunger, but also purgeth and skowreth all the Entrailes, and inwarde partes, as the Lyuer, Mylte, Reynes, Lunges and Lightes: but it must be of y e best sort and cleare shyning through, not counterfecte nor paltered withall.
And y e best is that, which issueth out of y e Larch, the Pyne, or the Firre tree. I haue prooued this to bee of moste effectuall and soueraigne force to prouoke Vryne in them that coulde not well pysse, to breake the stone and grauell: in the Strangurie: and in the fylthye & vlcerous dropping or effluxion of y e Vryne, called of the Duchmen Den Druyper: in the Goute aswell of the hands as feete: in curing the loathsome botches, & [Page] contagious pollutions of the Priuye members & secrete parts, gottē by hauing carnal knowledge w t cōmon Brothelles & Pocky harlots: in curīg and helping al inwarde grieues & infections accōpanying the same disease: wherof many settle so deepely w tin the boanes, y t the pellicles, rymmes, Synewes, Muskles, Tēdons or Chords throughe outrage of humours are shrunkē, crumpled, spoyled, & haled a sonder. And albeit Galenes vse was, Lib. 3. de tuen. Val. lib. 5. tuē. val. to mynister the same in the bignes & quātity of a Fylberd Nutte, sometime of two & sometime three: yet my custome is (because I would that it should the better penetrate and searche into all the Veynes and parts of the body) to make it after the maner of a Potion, myngling wyth it som distilled water, or els some wyne. For it wyll become liquide without any fier, and through cō tinuall chasing it wyll easely be brought to a notable whitenesse, and that is this sorte to bee done:
First I take an oūce or two of right and perfect Turpentine (wherein is neyther fraude nor legter du mayne vsed) Preparīg of Turpē tine. it doe I bruyse & dissolue wyth a Pestil in a Mortar, and adde thereto a litle of the Yolke of an Egge: then do I myngle and put to it two or three ounces of the water of Alkakengie or Smallage, To make Turpentine liquide and potable. or some other licour, accordingly as the Nature of the disease, or state of the person seemeth to requyre: All these do I beate together, till they be wel myxt and incorporate: the myxture wilbe of such a pleasaunt mylkye [Page 73] whytenes as though it were Creame: yea my pacientes are perswaded that it is soe in deede, & none other thing which I giue them to drincke. I also vse to make it into litle round Pilles, and rouling it in fine vnleauened wafer Past, to giue it them to swallow downe, or els in y • softe pappe of a Quince, but first must the Turpētine be wel washed in Rose water, or Fenel water, to take away his resinie tallage.
And because nothing to this Cōplexion which we heere describe, Sleepe. is holesomer then sounde and quiet Sleepe, (for therwith all the members are generally moystened, and w t conuenient warmth refreshed) it shalbe good for a person thus complexioned, to take his full ease and sleepe in a soft bedde, largely and somewhat plentifully: For Sleepe in the night is the refreshing & makinge lusty agayne both of the body and mynde.
And when Sleepe is shaken of, it shalbe righte commodious to vse rubbing or friction, neither soft nor hard, Friction. but meane betweene both, the profit whereof to them that vse it is almost incredible: For it styreth vp vital strength, it calefyeth moderately, and maketh distribution of the nourishment into the body easyer, and readier, speciallye [Page] if it be done with the wette hand, or with a moyst and course cloth. For who doth not perceiue y t the hands, cheekes, armes, neck and cares, being rubbed, will waxe ruddie, and with heate gather bloud into those parts.
And although the vse of rubbing and annoynting, amonge vs nowe a dayes be cleane growen out of custome, yet in tholde tyme men vsed it very often, as a meane to keepe themselues in perfect health, and to strengthē their bodily powers. So Augustus Caesar on a certayne tyme espyinge his old compaignion Pollio, being aboue an hū dreth yeares olde, demaunded of him what order he vsed in conseruinge himselfe in such perfecte sounde strength, and in so lustye and greene olde age: vnto whom his aunswere was, that he came to it, by vsing, within, Wyne: wythout, Oyle,
Men in tholde time did not riottouslye abuse oyntmentes and Oyles, to satisfye their effeminate delicatenes & nyce wantonnes, but for safegard and preseruation of health, thereby the better to keepe themselues from Sicknesse. For vnctions and Frictions orderlye and duelye vsed (for there by many sorts thereof as Galene witnesseth) eyther indense the body, Lib. 2. de tuen. Val. that the Ayre & wyndes should not batter and damnyfie it: or els rarefie it, that it be not stopped and inwardly pestered, which abūdaunce of fullginous humours and oppilacions. Sixe sorts of Frictions. Hard Rubbing doth snarle together and condense the body: Sost, lewseth and resolueth it: Much, doth extenuate & dimynishe: [Page 74] Meane, hath a power to make it encrease & fill: Rough draweth out humours to the vtter parts: Gentle and smooth taketh away nothing, but reteyneth his force and power in the parts. Among these sorts of frictions, that which is in a mediocritie, is most behoouefull for those persons y t be olde and leane. For as hard and styffeleathered bootes y t haue lyen lōg vnoccupyed, by being suppled in Oyle are made softe: So likewyse y e bodyes of Fol & Dry persōs, being stroaked ouer & humected inwardly w t Wyne, & outwardlye with Oyle, lay asyde al seueritie, z loke w t a cheerefull and liuely countenaunce.
To proue that this vse of vnctions in the old time was of diuers sorts, beside the testimony of sacred Scriptures, Lucae. 7. besyde y e reporte of Solinus, & Plinie. Strabo in his description of the maners & fashions of the Indians doth sufficientlye testifye. Lib. 15. Physicke (sayth hee) amonge them consisteth in meates, not in medicines: and of Medicines, they best allow of vnctiōs & Cataplasmes: al other being (as they thinck) not voyde of harme & annoyaunce. Therew t they customablye propulse sicknesse, mitigate heate, driue away lassitude & wearynesse, reuiue their wearyed powers & feeble Spyrites, refreshing themselues therewith, euen as we by sweete smelles do recreate our inward soule, and restore the faint faculties of naure.
No lesse commodious and profitable to this body, Artificiall Bath. is a warme Bathe of sweete water: for it doth humect and calefie, it dissolueth lassitude, it [Page] mollyfyeth hard and stiffe partes, it disperseth by euaporation the abundaunce of humours, it resolueth wyn [...]yn [...]sse, and procureth Sleepe: for y t it humecteth the brayne wyth a pleasaunt vaporous and deawye moysture. But the naturall Bathes, Naturall Bathes. which haue all their vertues of Alume, Yron, Lyme, Ockre, Brymstone, Saltpeter, Bitumen, Leade, Brasse, Copper &c. are not so holesome for this Complexion and Nature, vnlesse y e party do first aske aduyse of some fkilfull and trusty Phisition, openymge vnto him the whole state of his body, whereby he may vppon the conssideration therof, geeue iudgement whether it be good and expedient for him to aduenture into the same.
Carnall lust and Venerous Act, Carnal dealing wyth womē very hurtfull to dry and cold complexiōs as it is an vtter ennemye to all drye Natures, so especially to it moste hurtfull to them that besyde drynesse are also cold. No lesse hurtfull is ouer much exercyse, wearynesse, watch, carefunesse & thought, longe abstynence from meate and drincke, heauynes of mynde and anger, wherewyth such complexioned mens myndes are seldome styrred: but when they be throughly chafed & angred, hardly will they be pacifyed and quieted againe.
And because vnseasonable Study is a thinge that greatly wearyeth & weareth Students, Studying by night and Candlelight hurtful, making, when leane, and exhausting their bodyes: a measure and meane also would be therein vsed. For we se [...] many great and painfull Studentes, still sitting at their Bookes, wythout taking any [Page 75] regard to their bodily health (by the helpe wherof the good state of the mynde is holden vp & mainteyned) to looke wyth wearyshe faces, pale and without bloude, nothing almost on their bodyes, but skinne and boane, the ventricle and stomacke feeble & vnable to digest their meate their strēgth and powers cleane worne out and exhausted.
For by wearying themselues wyth late watchīg, and sittinge at their study till farre in the nighte, their Animall Spyrites through toomuch intē sion be resolued, and their natiue humyditie dryed vp. Wherefore it is requisite to vse therein a moderacion, and narowlye to looke to the preseruation of health, Bodelye health. least otherwyse throughe continuall poring and study▪ the body chaunce to pyne away & fall into some Consumption. For as Plutarch sayth: Of al the good thinges that learninge bryngeth to man, De tuēd. Valet. nothinge more excellent can be geuen to the body, then to be in perfect health, and wythout impedimente, eyther for the attaynmente of the knowledge of Vertue, or for the necessarye vse of lyfe. For if sicknesse or gyddynesse of the head hyppē, streightwayes the mynde beinge destitute of the helpe of the bodye, drowpeth, Bodye and mynde sick and wel together▪ quayleth, and is neyther lustye nor actyue in doynge his ordinary functions: but together wyth his Companion and fellow of all his labours the bodye, is mutuallye affected and alyke distempered. For which cause Pla [...]o hys counsell is right commendable, aduysing vs neither to exercyse the body wythout the mynde, nor [Page] the mynde without the bodye: but to keepe as it were an equal poyze of matrymoniall cōsent and agreemente together betweene them, as it were betweene man & wyfe.
Forasmuch therefore as the inwarde and natiue heate by exercyse and motion, is encreased & strengthened, and the mynde reuyued and made lustyer: it standeth all Studentes vppon, and as many as be sickly & of wearish or quaysie health, to vse themselues thereunto, and namelye to such kinde of exercyse as bryngeth wyth it no wearysōnes or lassitude, but which is stayed w tin y • boū des of mediocrity: of which sort is a decēt straynable and cleare voyce, and reading or declaming wyth a lowde and bigge sound, which is as expedient and as profitable a thing as any, to open y e breast, to stirre vp the Spyrites, and to cleare the heart from all grosse and fulsome vapours. A holesome exercise for students.
Notwythstandyng, this must by the way diligētly bee obserued, that they maye not streyne theyr voyce to speake ouerbigge and lowde, when they be eyther throughly harneysed wyth wyne, or ful gorged wyth meate. For the Spyrit and breath ouerreaching and streyning it self wyth toomuch and too violēt braying out, exasperateth the vocal Arterie, and many tymes causeth eyther inflammation in the throate, or els by breaking some of the small veynes, maketh them to spit bloud.
There be other sortes of recreations, wherewyth men of this calling and vocation, may wel refresh themselues, takinge (for y e tyme) reasonable [Page 76] truce wyth theyr other appoynted studyes & busynesse: Moderate banquetting not discommēdable. as moderate banquetting and making mery among honest and pleasaunt conceipted cō pany, such (I meane) as know how to vse themselues in eche respect, and can frame theyr talke, & place their wordes according to time, Recreation of the mynd age, person present, and to some profitable purpose of Iyfe: in earnest and graue matter vsing graue speach, Comelye mirth at the Table. and in sporting myrth, merye deuyses and pleasaunte cōferēces: hauīg in their mouthes no kind of lauish talke, but onely such as to the hearer may be both pleasaunt and profitable. In which poynt, many digresse from comelynesse, & do not greatly delighte theyr Audience, for that theyr table talke neyther serueth for the tyme, neither is to the hearers eyther pleasaunt or commodious. For whēanye wayghty & perplexed matters be in question, or among them debated, these busie tāglers be euer buzzinge. Thus, many euen in their Wagons, at the Myll, in the open streates and crosse wayes, in theyr Wheries & Boates, yea euen vpon theyr Alebenches, will take vpon them to reason of the holy Scriptures, and to dispute of Religion. But how? forsooth, euen after such a sorte as men, whose bellyes be full paunched, & bumbasted as much as the skinne will holde, doe argue and reason of frugalitie & thryft. Which kinde of people, right aptly & worthely (although in a matter of lesse accompt) the Poete Persius in his tyme quipped and rahated, where hee sayth:
But let them rather yelde to the holesome admonition of Horace, wryting thus:
[Page 77] Hereuppon it commeth, that many vtterly ignorant and meere blinde in the Holy Scriptures and matters touching the state of their Soules, suffer themselues so wilfullye and headlongly to be faryed away by theyr owne sensual affections: for that, they busye themselues where they should not, Curiosity in searching to high miste-ries. and leauell not at that mark wherevnto their mynde ought principally to direct it selfe, entermedlyng and troubling their braynes wyth scrupulous quiddities and diffuse questions, hauing such spyced consciences, that sometime they are myered and sland in doubt of things most plaine and manyfest: and lodging once w tin their harts any erronious doctrine or superstitious opyniō, wauer n Fayth, and doubt in conscience, & myssyng the ryght Hauen & sure Ankerholde, wherevnto they shoulde onely truste, runne vppon the rockes of humaine tradicions, and throwe themselues wilfully vppon the daungerous Shelues of mens phantasticall traditions and inuented trumperyes. And therefore because, the mynde of man is euer busye and diuerslye iarring and vnsettled wythin it selfe, and neither in word, deede, opyniō, nor in the whole order of life so firme and constant as is to be wyshed: I woulde aduyse & counsell euery one, that desyreth to liue in tranquillity of conscience and quietnes of mynde, to dispose all his actions, purposes, deuyses and meaninges, into tymes and oportunityes thereto conuenient, doing euery thinge in his due order, & apoyncting to ech function his proper turne, and [Page] tempestiuitye: and not confusely to shuffle vp and myngle one thing wyth an other in disorder, nor to wrap and entangle himselfe in many matters at once: which thing is ment by these sayinges of the Preacher, Eccle. 3. where hee appoynteth conueniente seassons and orderlye times for eche functions of this lyfe, and assigneth to euery thing his proper and due office: so that the nighte which is a time appoynted for rest (banishyng all phantasyes) is to be passed and spente in Sleepe, & not to be entermedled wyth those busynesses & cares which belong to the daye. The tyme to eate his meate, the time to relaxe and sport his body, the tyme to refresh his powers and reuyue his Spyrites, let him so precysely and orderly obserue: that laying asyde (for the time) all other cares and cogitations, he onely attende to his meate, Eche thinge ought to be done in his due time & right order. meerilye & decently cheerishyng his body, not suffering himself to be interrupted, or otherwyse disquieted during the time fo his ordinarie repaste, and vsuall meales.
Thus, whē we resort to the places of publique prayer, to heare godly Sermons, when we pray, and offer vp vnto God our deuout meditations, al such things as may in any wise hinder our deuotion, ought then to be secluded and layed asyde from vs, that our mynds may onely erect it selfe vpward to Godward, and to thincke on nothing but heauenly thinges. This also both in publicke and pryuate matters, in common Pleas & domestical Affayres, in the traffique and trade of [Page 78] Marchaundize, when a man hath dealings with himselfe or bargaining wyth other men, oughte circūspectly to be obserued: for by vsing this ordinarye custome and trade of lyfe, hee shall reape great commodity and feele great ease in himselfe, al the dayes of this his earthly Pylgrimage.
¶Of a Moyst Complexion. The X. Chapter.
BEcause radicall or originall humour is the maynteiner and feeder of naturall heate, and the thinge that preserueth and maynteyneth lyfe, euen as Oyle doth nourish the flame in the Candlewieke: therefore the Complexion that is therof constituted is not ill, neyther to be myslyked. For both Phisitions & Philosophers cōmend y e temperature which is moyste, as not altogether disagreeing and straunge from naturall disposition. And although in yong yeres it be not all of the best: Moyst Cō plexion. Yet when further age and heate be ioyned to it, it becommeth much better and perfecter. For moystnes will quickly conceyue and take heate, and is both ready and plyaunte to be wrought and framed which way a man wyl, euen lyke moyst clay that will take any maner of print or forme. It helpeth therefore wonderfullye to nourishment, and is of very great force and efficacy touching y e height, talnes & growth of man.
[Page] For albeit moystnes hindreth the other functiōs, and of it selfe helpeth them in executing theyr actions nothing at all, but is rather altogether weake, and vneffectuall, (because it is neyther fit to attract, neyther to reteyne, neyther to expell:) yet being ioyned and perfused wyth heate, it helpeth and bringeth something to passe, and furthereth the other qualitye in the alteracion of those thinges which bee conioygned amonge themselues.
For as water being no lesse cold then moyste, through heat of fyer, boyleth things that be raw: making the same wholesome foode for mans body: Or, as Oyle in the fryinge panne, throughe the heate of fyer & burning coales, Heate in mā likened to the Sūne, and moysture to the Moone. becōmeth most skaldynge, & boyleth & fryeth fishes fitte & meete for the sustenaunce and meate of man: So likewyse moystnes in a mās body ioyned wyth naturall heate, worketh many effects in the body, euen as the Moone doth in y • Earth, through the light that shee boroweth at the Beames and shyninge rayes of the Sunne. The influēce & force of the Moone. For as this Planet in her monthly course refresheth woods and fields, geeuing to all earthly things growth & encrease, causing y e Sea to obserue his tydes in Creekes, Hauens, Roades and Shoares, and to ebbe and flow according to her course and motion, & as she is neerer or further of, sometime wyth swellynge floudes filling them, sometime wyth lowe ebbes emptying them, as she also doth Oysters and all shelfish beside: So lysewyse this wholesome vital [Page 79] humour, moystening eche mēber in the body, maketh the same full of iuyce and moysture: & therefore they that bee of this nature and complexion, are long liuers, if they keepe themselues within moderation, and that the moystnes for wante of heate, growe not toomuch oute of square and beyonde measure. For as toomuch abundaunce of water quight quenche fier: so too much stoare of moysture oppresseth naturall heate.
But if these ii. qualities, concurre and meete together in a moderate temperatenes, and that neyther moysture be too abundaunt, neither heat too remisse and faint, thē (certes) all the offices of nature are most exactly perfourmed. For when heate hath moystnes plyant, ready and obedient, it attracteth the meate, and verye well concocteth the same: and beinge reduced and broughte into the likenesse or fashion of deawe, distributeth and disperseth the same into the verye innermost and secretest partes of the whole body, geeuinge nourishment to the members, wherevnto it is made like and consubstantiall.
Moystnes therefore throughe the helpe & furtheraunce of heate is of wonderfull force in geeuing nourishmente to the body, causinge it to encrease and grow vppe, in other functions beynge weake and feeble. For in it, is neither vertue attractiue, concoctiue, alteratiue nor digestiue, but yet it is of some force as touching the vertue expulsiue, by reasō of the slyppery nature which is in it.
[Page] For wee commonly see that those persons which be grosse, corpulent and moyst of body, are for the most part loose bealted and soluble, by reasō that their power retentiue is not fyrme and stronge, & because their pores and passages are made open and wyde, for the humours to passe out.
In Bodyes which be hoate and drye, al things happen contrary, because in them the power retentiue is strong, but the expulsyue (by meanes of drynesse, and for that, the passages be empayred & decayed) is faint and weake: whereby it happeneth that in their auoyding of excrements, going to the stoole and skowringe theyr Entrailes, they strayne themselues sometime all in vaine wyth Coughing, hawkinge & vomytinge, & yet be not able by euacuation to ease themselues.
Thus the moyst Complexion being aduersary to the dry, hath all things and propertyes in a maner from it contrary, euen as the case standeth betweene Children and Olde folke. For in Childhoode, heate by litle and litle encreaseth, & hauyng more store of moystnesse, groweth more & more, til they come to ful age and mans strength. But in Old age, this heate by litle and litle decayeth, and when moysture is all wasted a man falleth into a cold and drye distemperaunce, and finally thereby brought to his death. The conditiō of which qualities, as we haue a litle before described, so in this place the order of our present matter now in hand, craueth to haue some certaine argumentes and tokens shewed, howe and [Page 80] whereby to knowe a moyste Complexion. Hee that is of this Constitution and temperature, The tokens of a moyste body. (cleane contrary to the dry disposition) hath a body soft, not rugged and roughe, whyte skinned, and withoute hayre, the veynes and ioyntes not standinge oute nor greatlye appearinge, heyre plaine and flatte, and for the moste parte thicke withall, which in women euidently appeareth. For yong damselles and Maydens, beinge anye thing growē in lustie age, haue their heads thick heyred, and longer then Yongmen haue.
Albeit manye tymes it happeneth to this bodye, as it doth to plashie wet grounde, wherein by reason of ouermuch moystnes and wette, no yong trees, no Shrubbes, nor grasse groweth, as it also falleth out in very dry and hungry groūd, where no moysture is at all. For where toomuch wette is, there the hayres grow thinne, because heate wanteth power and lacketh strengthe, to bring out the pores and worke the humour vnder the skinne into hayre: and for this same cause, happeneth it also that the heyres bee of coloure Whyte, bright, Yealow or Redde, which in continuaunce of tyme and space of yeares (as heate more encreaseth) begynne a litle to incline to blacke colour: theyr countenaunce and foreheade pleasaunte and cheerefull, Graye eyes. their eyes Greye and bright, standing out forwarde, liuely and quicke, and by reason of the purenes of theyr Crystalline humour, cleare, brighte, amyable and smylinge: all which bee tokens and signes of a good [Page] nature and vertuous disposition, a quiet mynde, plaine, simple & vprighte dealinge, and finallye of such good towardnes as geeueth an vndoubted and certayne proofe of curtesye and humenity.
For in them is no gallie bitternesse, as is in Cholericke persons, Moyst complexiōs not geuen to be malicious & spightful. whose malignaunt humours incite and pricke them forwarde into sondry inconuenient affections: whereas they that be of moyst complexions are not so lightly angred, nor so fumysh and desyrous of reuenge. And forasmuch as heate doth not incende & set on fyer moysture, Moyste natures not fumish and testy. the mynde of these mē is nothing so easely heated and chafed, but rather is farre more quiet, calme and myelde.
Now, as touching the shape, feacture, proporcion and forme of their bodyes: Tokens of a moyst complexioned body. it is to be bee noted that these complexioned personnes be of stature meane, bigge set, rather then tall, graunde paunched, & stroutingly bellyed, which commeth partly by nature, and partly by the custome and order of lyuing, by ydlenesse and ease, wante of exercise, bolling, swilling, longe sleepe, and manye wayes besyde, whereby the body groweth and becommeth burly, fat and corpulent.
I could heere recite al the other tokens of ech seuerall part of mans body, that is of this moyst constitution and complexion, as y e Nose in a maner camoysed and flat, wyth the grystlie end blūt and bigge, swollen and blowen Cheekes, rounde Chinne, & many signes moe: but they do shew the [Page 81] seuerall nature and quality of ech singuler parte by it selfe, and not of the whole bodye in generall: Euery parte of the body is by it selfe seuerally to be considered & hath his proper temperature. so that we may not by one small part geue iudgment of the whole body, but of euery proper in [...] ber, speciall consideration must be taken: albeit for the most parte, they resemble and participate in nature and temperament wyth their chiefe and principall Entraile, that is to say, the Heart and Lyeuer.
Concerning the inwarde notes and tokens of the mynde: Men of this Complexion, as theyr mynde is nothinge quicke, The state of the mynde in moyst cō plexions. so neyther is theyr tongue (being the interpreter of y e same) prompt, readye or quicke, because it is so drowned in ouermuch moysture, that it is not well able to aduaunce and set out it selfe in good and cleane vtteraunce: their wit neyther sharpe nor fine, theyr courage base and nothing haultie, not attēptinge any high enterpryses, nor caryng for any glorious and difficult aduentures: and the cause is, for y •, heate whych is the thing that pricketh forward & emboldeneth to take in hand worthy attempts, is in them very weake and small: for this cause, are mē quicker witted, Why men be wyser then womē. deeper searchers out of matters, and more diligente and rype of iudgemente then women: for a woman compasseth and doth al thinges after a worse sort, and in goyng about affayres and making bargeins, hath not the lyke dexterity and seemelynesse that a man hath. And vnto this ende apperteyneth and may be referred that saying of the wyse man. Eccl. 42 It is better to be [Page] vvith an ill Man, thē vvith a frendly VVomā. &c. Whych is by reason and effecte of heate, which whosoeuer lacketh, or els haue feeble and faynt, are for the most part persons effeminate, nyce, tē dor, wythout courage and spyrite, sleepie, slouthfull, weakelings, meycockes, and not apt nor able to beget any Children, because their Sperme is too thinne and moyst, and therby vnable to peece and ioyne together wyth the womans seede generatiue. For albeit the desire of carnall knowledge and venerous actes for the most parte proceedeth of a slypperie & moyst dispositiō of body, and is to persons of this temperature lesse hurtfull then to others: yet forasmuche as this moystnes & humour is slowly forced forward by heate, and the members of generatiō not filled w t swelling spyrit, it foloweth y t they be vnto carnall coiture fūbling, slow, & not greatly therto addicted, neither therein take anye greate delectacion or pleasure. And hereupon it happeneth, y t fat womē and corpulente, haue greater desire to fleshly concupiscence and bodely luste in Sommer, Carnall lust in Sommer to mē hurtfull. then in Wynter: because in Sōmer, heat enkindleth moysture & styrreth vp Venus, but in men (cōtrarily) it quencheth it: for manly strength, by immoderat heate, is resolued and enfeeblished.
Likewyse these herbes, Rue prouoketh lust in women, but taketh it vtterly awaye in men. Thyme, Rue, & many others that be very hoat & dry, quēch and take away in men all desire of carnall lust, because they wast the generatiue humour, whereas women therby are much prouoked, & stirred to venerie, by enforcing heat into theyr secret parts & pryuities. [Page 82] And for this cause, whē y • Genitoryes or mēbers of generation begin once to grow into coldnes, & y t y e generatiue humor is not forced nor calefyed by natural heat, then are such things good to bee mynistred to the parties, as are of power able to stirre vp the loynes & w t a certaine tickling cōcupiscēce to prouoke the genital seede w t desire to be expelled. Now, how such persōs may keepe thē selues in bodely health, cleare & free frō sicknes, heere meane I briefly to decy [...]hre.
First, Diet meete for a moyst Cōplexiō. because health consisteth in a tēperamēt of hoat & moyst, this cōstitutiō ought to vse a moyst diet, y t is to saye, such nourishment & foode as is therunto famyliar & much of affmity: & such whert in is reasonable good store of heat, of which sorte is sweete wyne, Mylke, Rye breade, Rere egges, Veale, Porke, Pigge, bigge lābes waterfoules, beanes, Chestnuts, Chitchpease, Dates, Reyss, Figges, Almonds, Pyne apple kernels, hāginge & sweete grapes, such as Muskadell grapes are, Sea fish, Braynes. Amōg garden or pot herbes: Lettice, Arrage, Rape, Parseips, Carets, Melons, Cucumbers, but good heede must be takē y • he vse not to eate to [...]much of any of these, for feare of making the body excede to much in moystnes. For by ouermuch moyst diet & fare, Phlegme & cold [...]āmy humours, causing sundry daūgerous diseases be engēdred, to wit, y • Apoplexie, Crāpe (through fulnes or, els abundante of Phlegme) browsy euil, Palsey, fallīg Sicknes, Astonmēt & insensiblenes, of the lymmes, when as the power [Page] Animall is so venummed and depryued of his function, that all sense of feelynge and moouinge is taken away, Diet ouer moyst, hurtful. and a man sodainly thereby (as it were by some presēt reueng sent to him by Gods great wrath) is styfled. This bodye therefore must be conserued wythin the boundes and rules of healthynesse and temperaunce, vsing expedient exercyse, and shaking away al slouth and ydlenes: specially, it shal behooue him to haue good regard orderly to euacuate and purge his bodelye excrements, to go to the Stoole, to pysse, to aryse betymes in the morning, and frequente some conuenient exercyse, and by vsing a somewhat vehemente motion or walkinge, to styre vp his inward or naturall heate.
As concerning Sleepe, in this body it ought to be moderately vsed, Moderate sleepe good for moyst persons. not exceedinge the space of vi. houres at the furthest. For it is better to Sleepe lyttle and somewhat wyth watching to soke away humous, then immoderatly to bolne, Moyst folks must sleepe but very litle. swell and therewyth throughly to be cloyed. As for example, we see those which geeue themselues too much to bellycheere and Sleepe, to become therwyth so grosse and corpulent, y t their Chinne hangeth downe danglinge, and ioyneth to theyr breast, and as the Poet Persius sayeth:
Whereby it happeneth that suche persons are [Page 83] oftentimes euen vpon the sodaine cast into diseases. For their veynes and arteryes being slender and streict, and also voyd of bloud and Spyrite, theyr natural heate is quickly and for euery light cause oppressed and styfeled, which thing is ment by Hyppocrates where he sayth: Lib. 2. Aphor. 44. They that be by nature very porzy & grosse, liue as long as they that be slender bodyed: because theyr pores bee wyde, and their conceptacles of bloude large, so that lightlye no outwarde or inwarde causes can greatly hurte them. Which persons althoughe with dainty fare, idle life and much Sleepe, they bring themselues many times to this porzynes & corpulencie, yet they be not so daungerously sicke, whē any discrasie happeneth, as they that be of y e same constitution and state from their firste begīning. For although some which in their youth were slender & leane, happen afterward to be fat, grosse, and fleshie: yet their veynes, Arteryes and other passages and cunduites of their bodyes remaine still large and wyde: which thing plainlye appeareth, whensoeuer they (feeling themselues not wel at ease) haue any occasion to be let bloud. For in this accidentall habite of body, althoughe the party be fat and forgrowen, yet the veynes lye not hid & vnappearing, as in them that naturally be grosse: but swel out and plainlye appeare to the eye, offering thēselues to the Laūce, by incisiō hāsomly to be cut. Therfore although this moyst Cōplexion, being cherished by heat, be laudable & good, for that it prolongeth life, differreth and [Page] keepeth away Oldage, & suffereth not the body to grow into drynesse: yet if it exceede toofarre, or stand in the point of extremity, it is daungerous. For when by reason of the veynes beinge ful, the body ceasseth to be nourished, and the faculties of nature (which distribute nourishmente) intermit their office and cannot worke, in this case needes must the body go to wracke and incurre inconuenience, so that eyther sodaine death therupon ensueth, or els (al least) some rupture of y • Vessels and veynes happeneth.
These things being considered, it shalbe good, speedely and in time to forsee & breake this habite and disposition, and by y • meanes of moderate euacuation, abstynence, and watchinge to preuente further daunger: vsing such a prescripte diet and ordinary, as best serueth to reduce the bodye into a safer and lesse daungerous Constitution. For this is genera lye to be noted, y t a bodye is not to be accompted & reckened moyst, Moystare feedeth & nourisheth heate. in respecte of abundaunce of excrements and humours, but of a temperate moystnes of all the parts and of the whole, proportionably together: wyth which tēperate moysture, naturall heate is fedde and nouryshed, and life therby many yeares prolonged.
THE SECONDE BOOKE, WHER IN AS IN A GLASSE is plainly and liuelye described the perfecte state and expresse Image of euery particuler Nature: By the vvhich euery man may most readily finde out the very right Constitution, plight, condition, affect and disposition of his ovvne Body.
¶Of a Compounde Complexion. The first Chapter.
COmpounde Complexions, consistinge of two qualities a piece, are in nūber foure, like as y • symple be: vz, hoat and Moyst: Hoat and Dry: Cold and Moyst: Colde & Drye: vnto whom there belong and are appendant so many Humours, diffused into euery parte of the whole body: Bloud, Phlegme, Choler & Melācholie. Accordinge to the nourishment that a mā is fed withall, humours eyther encrese or diminish. These, according to y e nature of nourishmēt receyued, are encreased or diminished: & suffring chaūg & alteration are easelye one into an other transmuted. And albeit these humours (being of great force diuers wayes, and sondryly affecting the bodye, yea the [Page] wyth fulsome, and vnpleasaunte exhalations and sentes is oftentimes greatly annoyed and encū bred, euen as ill & naughtye wyne bringeth to the brayne affects both hurtful and daūgerous) The grosse exhalacion of humours hurtfull to the minde: as dead and fulsome wyne, is to the body. may not be accompted Elementes, neyther are able to constitute any Complexion: yet are they endued wyth Elementall qualitye and vertue, and helpe much to the conseruation & keeping of the whole body in good plight and order.
For as wee see the fyer to be fedde wyth matter combustible: and Torches, Lynkes, Candles and such like nouryshed wyth Oyle or some other rosennye and fattie substaunce: so lykewise the elementall qualities and all the powers and faculties of nature derpued into y e vital & spermaticke seede of our Parents, do stande in continuall neede of nourishment. For if the body should not be susteyned wyth nourishment, or if the humours (which moystē euery particuler member) should lack the preseruatyues and fomentations wherewyth they be maynteyned, the whole frame of mans body must of necessity decaye, and be vtterly dissolued, and euery part thereof vanishe away into his lyke, whereof it was generated, or into that; whose nature it conteyneth wythin it selfe, whether it do participate with Fyer, Apre, Earth, Concord & harmony in mans body. Water, or drawe neere in nature and be famylier to any of them. They depend mutually one of an other, and are stedfastly maynteyned by the helpe and stay one of an other. Neyther is there any parte in mans body so small, so vyle [Page 85] or so abiect, that hath not respect to the comelynesse and conseruation of the whole bodye, & doth orderly discharge his due office and proper function whereunto it was created. And this I would not haue to be onely spoken and ment of y • vse and vtility of euery of the members & partes seuerally, but also of the humours, which by the helpe of nourishment, do meynteine, supporte and vnderproppe the temperamente and complexion of eche body: and by the helpe of naturall heate, do geeue increase and growth to al the members generally.
For which cause Hippocrates and Galene, De Natu▪ humana. not wythout good reason apoint the foure naturall humours (being perfect and pure) the Elements of Creatures endued wyth bloud: Humours after a sort are the elemēts of man. for out of theym commeth a secundarie oryginall of oure procreation. For they mynister matter plentifully, and helpe highly in the breedinge and shaping of the Infante or yonglinge, specially if the body be well ballassed wyth good holesome meates, and now and then heated wyth a draught of good wyne: for without these, Venus games are perfourmed but faintly & sorilie: which thing seemeth to be ment by the yong Strypling Chremes in Terence, who being sober beganne to abhorre and loath his harlot and Concubine: but beynge wel whittled in wyne, to take therin gret delight and pleasure, and not scarse able to qualefie himselfe from committinge further follie wyth her, as in this Prouerbiall sentence he flatly professed.
For the Testicles, Genitories and members of generation draw vnto them frō the principall mēbers and conuert into Seede, the best & most exquistielye concocted humours. Which seede, hauing [...] great store of effectuous & profitable Spyrit is the worker of heate & of all the other faculties, and in the begetting and procreation of Children is the chiefe parent and causer. Into it, is a wonderful vertue and diuine power (by Gods good will and appoyntmente) infused, for the shaping and fashioning of the yong Creature, The force, and vertue of Seede. wythin the mothers wombe: for it produceth a fruict of seemely & most beautifull workemanship, rightly shapen and in ech poynt perfectly proporcioned, if the Seede (wherof it was begotten) do issue from a sound and holesome body: for otherwyse, if the seede be of a diseased, corrupt and infected bodye, Sounde parents beget sound Children. the issue and ofspringe cannot choose but be monstruous and deformed.
Somewhat therfore to recreate the Reader & to make this argument more plausible, delightfull and populer, I will depaint and set downe y • nature and condition of the Humours that rule and beare sway in mans bodye, because they produce and bringe forth their lyke qualities. For Bloud is partaker of Hoat and moyste: Choler of hoat and Dry: Phlegme of Cold and moyste: [Page 86] and Melancholie of Cold and dry. Therefore that Temperament which is Hoate and moyst, may very well be referred to a Sanguine man: Hoat and dry, to a Cholerique: and so forth of the rest: but yet so, that wee confesse the Complexion and temperament of mā not to grow or proceede elsewhere, then of the Elemental qualities, for of thē haue they theyr names & not of y • Humours.
First therefore there be iiii. Elements, Fyer, Elemētes 4. Qualities 4. Humours 4. Ayre, Earth & Water, which of al things made, are the original beginnings. Next are the Qualities, that is to say, the myxture of Hoat, Cold, Mayst and Dry: of whō, proceede the differences of Complexions. Last of all, the foure Humours, whose force and Nature, y e seede comprehendeth and conteyneth wythin it: vnto whom (besyde the qualities which are to it in steede of an Instrumente and not of a woorker) the chiefe cause next vnder God, of the fourmyng and creation of al y e parts is truly to be attributed. These holesome humours, to the conseruation of health and mayntenaunce of lyfe are right necessary and profitable. For of them do consist and of them are nourished the entyer parts of all Creatures, and for this cause, so long as a man lyueth, he can neuer want these without great detrimēt & daūger of his health. Notwythstanding according to the course of time and season of the yere, according to the quality of y e ayre enclosing vs, accordinge to y e condition of the place where we dwel, and according to the nature of ech age, they are encreased or dimynished.
[Page] For Bloud being the best of all the humours and endued with heate and moysture, The nature of bloud. is in his chiefe pryme & force in the Spring season: namely peculier and proper to lustye flourishinge age, which commonly is of a sanguine and ruddie colour, which neuerthelesse wanteth not also in the other Natures.
Phlegme, Phlegme being like vnto water, is of nature colde and moyst, and taketh his encrease in wynter, and engendreth diseases like vnto it selfe.
Choler, Choler. beinge of qualitie hoate and drye, resembleth tyer, & hath his most force in Sommer, which although in sight and touching, it appeare moyst, and of colour yelowish, like Maluesey, yet in operacion, power and effect, it is hoat & of ardent nature.
Melancholie, Melācholie. not vnlike to Earth, cold & drye, encreaseth and taketh force in Autumne, this is the dryer and grosser part of bloud, and the dreggie refuse thereof.
All these differences of humours, whē a veine is opened (for it is not all pure bloude that gussheth thereout) In bloud all the other humous are mixed. is plainly of all men to be perceyued. First, before it be cold, it doth shewe and represent to the eye, an ayrie & fomy Spirit, which by and by vanisheth awaye: then an exact & pure licour of most perfect and excellente ruddynesse, y • which is pure and right bloude: When a veine is opened, all the humours are ocularly to be seene. in which there swymmeth Choler, and sometime toughe clammye Phlegme, sometime liquide and thinne, according to the nature, condition and state of mā: [Page 87] Last of all, if you tourne vp the whole masse or lumpe, you shall finde Melancholie, altogether of colour blacke. And thus euerye humour abundinge in the bodye, bewrayeth it selfe by his owne proper colour: insomuch that sometime y • bloud that issueth out of the veynes, liquefyeth and is dissolued into Choler or Phlegme, or clottereth & thickeneth into Melācholie, & reteyneth either no colour or very litle of bloud. And if a man were disposed by taste to haue further knowledge in these humours, Humours haue both colour and tast. he maye with his tongue and palate aswell iudge and discerne the relyce and tallage thereof, as he doth their colour by his eye. For Bloud is sweete & in a maner of the relyshe and tast of mylke, because it is much like and of kinne vnto it: Choler is bitter, of the nature of Gall: Phlegme, vnsauery as water, and without all qualitye, so longe as it is not rotten, nor myxt wyth other humours, for then is it eyther salt or sowrishe. Melancholie, is sharpe, eigre [...] tarte. These tastes and relyshes there is no mā [...]hat perceyueth and feeleth not, when as in voanyting & perbraking hee casteth vp any of them: yea in sweate and euen in the spettle, these tastes are manyfestlye descryed & perceiued: Spettle and Sweat, haue their force & power of humours. for of these h [...]mours they haue & participate their powers & facultyes, and with their qualityes are they endned.
¶Of a Hoate and moyst Complexion: and by the way: of the disposition and nature of a Sanguine man. The ij. Chapter.
HAuing heretofore set downe the descriptiō of symple Complexions and temperatures, which bee so termed, for that they consiste of one onely quality, bearyng swaye and dominion more thē any of y • rest: by course of my purposed work, I am next to entreate of them that are compoūd.
For in the very beginning and first entraūce of this worke, my promyse and ful intent was to set downe and describe such a Complexion and state of body, as was in euery point perfect and absolute: and to repulfe & keepe away al such harmes and inconueniences as in anye wyse mighte empayre, health, or brynge the bodye from his good state into worse case and taking. I haue therfore thought it good here in this place first to inserte the temperament that is hoat and moyst: because it is n [...]ereste and lykest to the best. For no state of body (sauing onely the best and chiefeste) is better or more commendable then this, nor any that longer prolongeth life, and keepeth backe Didage, so that the same consist and be wythin y • limittes and compasse of temperatnes, that is, of hoate and moyst. Therfore sithens this state among al that be compound, is accōpted chiefeste: wee muste stande vppon the discourse therof the more narowly and precysely, and the rather [Page 88] because sundry Physitiōs make no mo but soure differences, grounding their reasons (and not altogether painly) y t it is not possible (as Galene wytnesseth [...]) that any temperature or distemperature Tuēd. Val Lib. 6. De Tēp. 1 can long continue alone and symple: For somuch as necessarilye it adopteth and taketh to it an other. For y • Hoate (consumynge & wastinge moysture) engendreth and bryngeth drynesse: Temperatures subiect to chasige. Cold, consuming & wasting nothing, after a sorte encreaseth humour. Semblably, the Dry quality in those ages that a Creature groweth and encreaseth, maketh it hoater: but when it decreaseth and draweth towarde decay, it maketh colde and dryeth the solide partes of the body: but the Receyuers and conceptacles of the humours it filleth wyth excrements, which thing in Oldmen is plainly to be discerned & perceyued, who aboūde and are ful of Phlegme, Old men by nature dry: but in conditiō moyst. spitting & spatteringe a [...] theyr mouth, w t their Noses euer dropping and sneuillye.
Which thing later Phisitions (euē of our time) as yet obseruing, reiecting symple temperatures (which notwythstanding may not wel be so shak [...] of and forgottē) appoint onely foure, to wit, them that be cōpound: vnto whō they haue geeuen names (not of their qualities but (somwhat vnaptly) of those cōmonly termed & knowē humours, y • is to say Sāguine, Cholerique. Phlegmatique, & Melācholique: by y • squyer & leauel of whō, they wold haue these 4. differēces of cōplexiō or tēperature, to be reduced & tryed. Which dealīg & reasonīg of theirs, as it sauoreth of populer iudgmēt & [Page] learning to the common sort, very plaussble: so standeth it not with the precise opynion and censure of them that would haue eche thing skanned and measured in his righte nature and kinde.
In the meane season, Dissensiō & diuersitie of opinions, daungerous I as one desirous to recō cyle Physitions thus factiously iarrynge in opynion (and woulde God this vniformitye and attonement were also broughte to passe in matters of Religiō, for the better quieting of many mens Consciences) both parties shall suffer the chiefe place to be assigned and geeuen to y e hoate and moyst Complexion (excepting alwayes as I said before, the temperatest of all, whereunto as at a marcke we must direct our mynd and leauel our whole matter, that by it euery man may trye his owne nature) which so lōg as it is in his perfect strength, vigour & quality, produceth & bringeth foorth a Sanguine man.
And thus, there is in a maner no differēce, neither preiudiciall to anye partye, eyther to call it by the name of a hoate and moyst Complexion, or els by the terme of a Sanguine man: who by the benefite of this holesome humour, conteyneth & hath within him these qualities; albeit Bloud it selfe (for wee will keepe all thinges wythin their prescripte limittes) doth not engender and cause heate and moystnes, but rather heate and moysture produceth Bloud.
Now, Bloud of all iuyces and humours, is y e best, and to mans life an alimente and maintener chiefly appropriat, famylier and domesticall: for [Page 89] throughe the force & The profite of bloud. furtheraunce of vitall Spirite (which is the preseruer, and sēder of natural heate into euery part of the bodye, Bloud is conueighed by the cunduytes and Vesselles of y e Arteryes and Veynes, & so both nourisheth, mainteyneth and preserueth the whole body.
And for that, this pure, cleare, defecate, loouely and amyable Iuyce, is the special thing y t conserueth euery lyuinge Creature in his beynge, & wherein also consisteth the lyfe and vigour of euerye nature that lyueth by breath: therefore the Hebrew Lawmaker Moses, Leuit. 17. The cause why Moses forbad the eating of Bloud [...] by the direction and appointmente of God himselfe, forbadde all maner of bloud to be eatē, because y e lyfe of al Creatures cōsisteth in bloud, & is therwyth nourished and mainteyned euen as the flame of a Candle is with the Oylie weeke: as it plainly appeareth, by a man that bleedeth verye much, whose bodye is then in euery part cold, wanne & (for want thereof) fayntinge, and in a maner readye to geeue vp the Ghost. I haue knowen many, Bloude not rashlye nor vnaduisedly to be let. whose vitall spyrite bleedinge out and yssuinge together wyth their bloud, haue been thereby brought into great daunger of their liues. And therefore this treasure of Lyfe, must moste carefullye be conserued, because it is of all Humours the most excellent & wholesome.
Nowe, Whēce th [...] Arteries & Veynes spring. as the Arteries (which abounde more wyth vitall spyrite then wyth bloud) spring from the heart: so, the Veynes (which conteyne more bloud then ayrie spyrite,) proceede and spryng frō [Page] the Lyeuer, and are dispersed abroad in brauches and fibres into euerye, yea the verye furtheste places of the body. The Lyuer, the shop of Bloud. For the Lyuer is the shoppe and chiefe workemaster of grosse & thicke bloude, althoughe the first oryginall thereof be ascribed to the Heart, The heart, fountaine of bloud. by whose power & faculty the bloud is made and throughly wrought: & being endued wyth vitall spyrite, conueigheth naturall heat to eche part of the body.
Bloud and vital Spyrite are in their chiefest Pryme and most abound in lusty and flourishing yeares, The colour sheweth what humours be in the body. albeit there is no age y t lacketh the same: although in old worne age, bloud begynneth to draw to a coldnes, & the vital spyrit, then neyther so hoate, neither so stronge and effectuous: which thinge as it is in them well to bee obserued and perceyued by their frequente gestures and often moouing of the body and the partes thereof: yet specially maye it be seene & noted by their colour, which in a yonge lusty Stryplyng and youthfull body of good constitution is ruddy and fresh: but in them that be further stryken in yeares, or further of from this temperamente, is not so pure, so beautifull, nor so pleasaunt to behold, for that, all their comelynesse & beauty is eyther faded awaye, or throughe some euill humours, and hidden imperfection or blemishe appeareth in them worse then in the yonger sort.
So, many being affected or distēpered in their Splene, wombe, Lyuer, ventricle and Lunges, are commonly either pale, yelow, tawnie, dunne, [Page 90] duskie, or of some other ill fauoured colour.
There is no surer way (sayth Galene) certainly to knowe the humours and iuyce in a Creature, Tuend. val. lib. 4. then by the colour and outward complexion. If the body loke very whyte, it is a token y t phlegme in that body, chiefely reigneth & most aboundeth. If it be pale or yelow, Affectes of the mynde chaung the colour of the face and body. it argueth the humour to bee greatly Melancholique and Cholerique, and the bloude to be freshe and reddye: if it be blackish, it betokeneth blacke adust Choler, specially if no outwarde accidentall occasion happen, as great heate or chafing, labour or wearynesse: or if the mynde bee not intoxicate, and perplexed wyth affectes and passions, as Angre, Ioye, Sorow, Care, pensyuenes: for these make the humours sometyme to resort vnto the skynne & vtter parts, and sometime to hyde and conueyghe themselues farre inwardly: and for this cause, wee see men y • are fumish and testy to be in a marueylous heat, proceeding not of any sticknesse or discrasse but of ▪the motion and stirring of the humours: againe, them that be affrighted and in mynde amazed, to be pale. Some to loke as wanne as Lead, some whyte and swartie, sometyme blewyshe, sometime of sondrye colours: all which betoken crude humours and raw iuyce to beare rule and swaye in the bodye, eyther of phlegme, glasselyke & toughe, or of some other sort, or els many rottē humours clamped vp in y • bodye, which by outward tokēs and signes bewray & shew themselues what they be, and what they signifie.
[Page] They therefore that be of a hoate and moyst constitution, and haue greate store of bloude wythin theim, are of a purple and reddie coloure, softe, warme and smooth skinned: comely of stature, & of reasonable feacture, fleshye bodyed, and a little roughe, aburne heyred, redde or yealow bearded, and comely bushed: of which feac [...]ure, plight and bodely shape the Scripture witnesseth that Dauid was: 1. Reg. 16. who beyng (after that Saule was cast of and reiected) appointed King, and onnoy [...]ted by Samuel, was of a brownish Complex [...]ō, excellent beauty, well fauoured in sight, and [...] [...]tenaūce very cheerefull and amyable. Such a comety grace and Princelye shape, was to be scene in the moste victorious Prince Philip Kinge of Spayne, Philip king of Spaine. and souereigne Ruler of all the lowe Countreyes, his Grace being heere wyth vs the last yeare at Zickzey outwardly arguyng in him a most myld nature and a mynde most vertuously disp [...]sed.
There be yet manye other notes, markes, and tokēs appertayning to this Constitucion, which a man may not alwayes safely truste vnto as infallible, because they suffer alteration and chaūge by age, and yeares, yea almost in euery momente of tyme: but yet so, that by them appeareth alwayes certayne and vndoubted tokens, that the state of the same bodye aforetime hath beene and was in this ryght good case, plight & constitutiō, albeit now altered or perhaps clene decayed. For as greate, huige and sumptuous houses, beynge [Page 91] falne downe and decayed, shewe euidently by the ruynes and delapidations therof, of what hugenesse and magnificence they earst were, howe curious and busye the frame was, howe skilful and industrious the Architecte and workeman was: so in a laudable state, Constitution and habite of body, which is decayed and faded from his former disposition, there appeare certayne reliques, notes, and tokens of the good temperament that aforetime was in the same. Albeit sometime through greeuous sicknes or by some great mysfortune and outward calamity, mans nature is so frushed and damped, that al the vigour of the body, all the beauty, comelynes and shape thereof is nypped and cleane abolyshed, like a goodly fayre buildyng that is eyther by tempeste shaken & battered, or by mysfortune of fyer vtterly burnte and wasted. Thus, feare, astonment, sodaine a [...] frighting, the dread of daungers or death sodainly threatened, do so wast and destroy the powers, forme, shape and beauty, and so cleane altereth some mē frō that they were afore, as though they had neuer bene the same.
Whereof there happened in our tyme a notable and straunge example in a yong Gentleman A straunge example of a yongman, sodainly become graye headed. of noble byrthe and Parentage. Who in the Court of the late Emperour Charles they farre ouershooting himselfe, wythout regard of dutye, remorse, or reuerence of the place, had carnallye defloured a certayne yong Gentlewoman, whom he loued exceedingly: which fac [...] to be perpetrated [Page] vpon the bodyes of yonge Ladyes, and noble virgins, is accompted a thinge most haynous, & punishable by death, yea although no force be offered to the damosell: and although by secrete cō sent and apparant likelyhoodes she greatly seeme not to ret [...]t an amorous suite to her, in such sort tendered. This Gentleman therfore was cōmitted to pryson, lookynge the next day folowinge to be executed & put to death. For this is narowly loked vnto, y • no [...]e presumyng or daring to cō mit any such villanie, or to distein the Honour of the Princes Court w t such lewd & filthy pollution, shal escape scotfree or go away vnpunished, according to the greatnes of those his wilful & libidinous demerites. Languishyng all y • nighte in great perplexitye, griefe, agonie & sorowe, & al the while conceyuyng inwardly in mind, the terrour & dread of death so neere approchīg, he was so altered and chaunged, that at his arreignment the next day, none of his owne famyliar acquaintāce, neyther yet the Emperour himselfe could knowe him. So much had the horrour of death & the despayre of any pardon win fewe houres pallifyed his colour, and altered the state of his former cō stitution. All his beauty, comely shape & fresh cō plexion was (as it were) so faded and exiled, his face so incrediblie dis [...]nowledged, his colour (of fresh & cleare) turned into wan, swartye, & deathlike, his countenaunce to behold, loathsome & vglie, his head couered ouer (w t graye heyres, (farre vnmeete for those yeres) his beard sluttish, dryueling [Page 92] & filthy, w t spattering sneuel deformed. The Emperour earnestly fixing his eye vppon him & suspecting him not to be the self same man which had committed the fact, One sodainly gray headed. mistrusted that some other person had beene put in his place: whereuppon he commaunded present search to be made, & y • matter to be throughly boulted out, whether it were the selfe same party or no, and whether his hoare heyres and gray beard, were counterfeited by some confectioned oyntments, (artificially for the nonce coloured) or no. But the matter being found true and plaine, and no deceipte nor coloured collusion therein vsed: his Maiestie was at the sight therof so astonned: that his former resolution and purpose to haue the saide Gentleman punished, was now tourned into compassiō ouer his pytifull case, and iudging him to haue alreadye suffered punyshment suffycient, pardoned him hys lyfe and remitted his offence.
The honourable, Nicholas Mychault of Indeuelda, a Gentleman in great fauour wyth hygh Prynces, & of all Noblemen worthylie esteemed, demaunding of mee on a tyme, sitting at the table, the cause of thys so straunge and sodayne chaunge: I aunswered, that y e very cause thereof proceeded of nothinge els then of his extreeme feare, and vehement thinking vpon that daunger wherewyth he saw himselfe distressed: the remē braunce and cogitation whereof searched the very innermost Senses in his body. For that trouble & affection so neerely touched him and so greuously perplexed his mynd, y • al vital heat & spyrit [Page] was in him in a maner vtterly extincte, whereby eche part of the body, streightwayes altered and chaūged frō the fresh & comely colour which they had before, into an vglie and vnsightly habite: insomuch that the rootes of the hayres (which he y • vaporous humyditie that lyeth within the skinne be nourished and preserued fresh in colour) Why some men euen sodainly are chaunged in Complex i [...]n and colour. when the same humydity fayleth, and in place thereof a cold & dry quality reigneth, do drye vp and cleane lose their former [...]atyue Complexiō and colour: euen as grasse, that wantinge the moystnes of the earth to cōfort it, cānnot but wyther & patch away. For euen as the Leaues of Trees, & the braū ches of greene (Vynes seruing to defend y • grapes from the iniury of weather) are by extremyty of heate, hayle, rayne, and Northren blastes, (which sometime blusterouslye blowe in the Sō mer season) altered from a pleasaunt greene verdure into a yealowysh tawnie colour: So lykewyse the natural Complexion, Iustynesse, and shape of the body, drowpeth and decayeth, and the hayres (which of thēselues are no part of y • body, but an appentise, superfluitye and ornamente to the body) lackinge the strength and humyditye y e nourisheth them, become hoarye and graye longe before their due time: which thinge wee see commonly happen to all those that spende their time in the warres or in daungerous traueyles on the Sea, or which bee much troubled & visited with sicknesse, wherein is a certaine ymagination of [Page 93] verye death in their myndes. For they remember and looke for nothing els, they thinck vppon nothing somuch when they stand in battayle array, ready at the sound of the Trompet to ioyne with the Enemye, and to try it out by dent of sworde, but euen there presently eyther to slay or be slaine, makinge accompte thence neuer to escape aliue: vnlesse peraduenture they be such, as wyth longe custome haue so hardened and enured theyr mindes in many lyke daungerous bruntes, that they neyther feare death nor care for daunger. Of which sort we see sondry old beatē Souldiours, and such as haue been long and throughly experienced in many a sharpe storme vpon the raging Sea.
Of such force is a throughly settled ymagination (as by many Argumentes elsewhere I haue declared) Imagination. that a woman at the time of her conception, stedfastly fixing her ymagination vppon any thinge, deryueth & enduceth certayne markes and tokens thereof into the Infant: which thinge is well ynough knowen to happen also vnto mē, that ardentlye & earnestly fixe theyr imaginatiōs and thoughtes vppon any thing. And thus, did the cōtemplation of Christ, nayled on the Crosse, imprinte certayne strakes, stampes, and marks, vppon the handes and feete of S. Frauncis, if (at leastwise his religious sectaryes, fautours, & followers deserue herein any credit:) for y e Images and Pictures in his name & resemblaunce made and enthronyzed in Churches, holding his hāds [Page] stretched out and open, are carued of such fashiō, and shew him to haue been such a one.
In what perplexity, distresse, agonie and feare our Sauiour Christ was, euen by this to euery man euidently appeareth, that, he fixing his mind vppon the instant daunger wherein he presently stoode, Luke. 22. and as it were before his eyes beholding his death now imminent and at hand, the sweate trickeled downe his body to y e groūd lyke drops of bloude. Feare of death more terrible thē death it self. For the terrour and feare of death, deepely sinking into a mās imagination, is farre more greeuous & terrible then death it selfe: for many haue theyr Senses so astonnyed & benummed, y • death happeneth vnto them w tout any feeling of paine at all, Who dye in maner with out paine. as they y • dye of y e Apoplexie, or drowsie Euill, or such as fall into traunces, whom the beholders cannot perceiue to feele any maner of paine, but to synck down, fallyng (as it were) into a sleepe or slumber.
And thus, in daungerous aduētures and perilles hazarded by Sea and lande (which to the eyes and mynd represent a very Image of death) there is no man but feeleth in himselfe motions of feare, The cause of fearefulnes when a man is in daūger and looketh pale vpon the matter, for y •, his bloud at the sight of such dreadfull extremytie, recuyleth and fleeth into the innermost partes of his body. For when as all the parts of the body be forsaken of theyr vitall iuyce, there is none of them that throughlye and well executeth his righte function and office: the feete stagger and stumble, the eyes dazzel, the lustynesse of the mind [Page 94] drowpeth and is dulled, the cheeks seeme flaggie and hanging downe, the tongue stammering and the teeth gnashing and whetting.
There is no man (be he neuer of so constant & stout a heart) but is at one sodayne chaunce or other appaulled, A wyseman sometime is put in▪ feare. & therewith shrinketh in courage: but yet so, that straight wayes abandoning feare, and ankoring his firme trust vppon God, he eftsones recouereth his courage, and banyshing dastardly feare, remayneth constant & vnterryfyed: And if y e case so stand those imminent daungers be not conueniently to be auoyded, couragiously and stcutly obiecteth himselfe to the push of any hazards, with vnappaulled stomacke going through stitch wyth his purpose.
Therefore, there is no creature lyuinge by breath, vnto whom death is not dreadfull and terrible, Astonnishmēt of mind taketh away the feeling of pain. because it bringeth destructiō and vtter dissolution vnto all: vnlesse onelye to suche whose myndes bee stupefyed and their Senses blunted and vnperfecte: as, olde decrepite persons, yong Infantes, fooles, Madmen and Rauers, which haue no remembraunce or cogitatiō of any thing that is fearefull and formidable, neyther feele anye payne and griefe, as others, whose brayne is firme and sounde, and theyr Anymall [Page] faculty perfect do: but specially (as I sayd before) they that are oppressed wyth the Lethargie, Apoplexie or in Traunces & sownings w t do as it were by litle & litle cloase their eyes, and seeme as though they fell into a gentle slumber without feeling any payne at all.
The effect of this my ouerlong discourse tendeth to this end, that although there be in the body of man many goodlye furnitures, and in the mynde sondry excellent ornamentes, yet notwithstanding, the life of man is subiect euery where & in all places to innumerable casualties, myssehapps and inconueniences, and is on ech syde beset & torne in peeces wyth suche a number of myseryes and byrecknyngs, as euery way weaken and appayre the perfecte vigoure and lustye state thereof. But if no myschaunce or harme assault the same, it may in good case & temper many yeares continue: as by frugality, holesome diet, & orderly qualification of all affections: insomuche that euen till the yeares of decrepicie, there doe appeare the tokens and markes, of a righte good Constitucion and habite: which thinge is manifestlye to bee seene by some that in Oldage are as lusty, and haue their wittes as freshe and youthlyke, and their bodyes not so barreine, vnactiue & fruitlesse, as many Yong men haue.
Now, forasmuch as the lustly and full growen age of Adolescencie, doth consiste in a temperament of hoate and moyst, continuyng in a maner for the most part in a moderate meane of equability, [Page 95] and perfourming all his actions throughlye and inculpablye, so also as touchinge the maner and order of Sleepe, it keepeth such stinte and measure as is not greatly to be mysliked. For their Sleepe is quiet and nothing troublesome, nor disturbed with any distemperaunce or nightlye vanityes. For the brayne is moystened and refreshed with a sweete pleasaunt vapour, so that the mynde thereby is not troubled with any maner of absurde annoyaunces, but onelye the labours, exercyses and deuyses of the daye, and the needefull cares for the dailye mayntenaunce of this life: the perfourmaunce whereof resteth and apperteyneth for the daye to accomplish.
These doth the mynde and imaginatiue parte of man deuyse and studye vpon, toward mornyng, after a man hath slept his deade or sounde sleepe: which is so quietly done, that therein is no phā tasticall dreamyng. And if the mynde and spyrite do then reuolue and debate in dreame anye other straunge or vnaccustomed thing, then onely suche as falleth out for the day to consider vppon, the same (certes) signifyeth abundaunce of ill Humours to be pestered within the bodye, causinge the troubled spyrites to sende manye confused ymaginations and vaine foolishe visions vp into the chiefe Castle of the mynde: and of such sonde dreames to interprete, or prognosticate any euent or happe of future thinges to depend, or rashlye to gather any signification or meaninge, is childishe, vayne, wicked, and superstitious, as the [Page] Scripture plainly & flatly witnesseth. Notw tstā ding, Leuit. 19. sometimes dreames (such I meane as are sent heauenly suggestion) happen not without some diuination and infallible presage or foresight of things to come. Deut. 13. For our heauenlye father vseth now and then to admonish and awake our drowsy myndes and retchlesse natures, Dreames sometime sent from God. laying before vs in visions and dreames somewhile good and holesome, sometime ill and lamentable happes, thereby to try, whether yet at length wee will be obeysaunt to his admonitions or shryncke asyde and refuse the lore of his prescriptions and commaundmēts. For many being hoodwinked and bewitched wyth the tryfling doctrine and friuolous traditions of mans inuention, reiecte and forsake the pure and cleare founteyne that perpetually yeldeth most aboūdant store of the euerlasting water of lyfe, and seeke after ryuers that are dryed vp (and as Hieremie termeth it) Cap. 2. digge to themselues Cesternes and broken pitts that can holde no licour or drop of holesome dotryne. That worthy constante, and throughlye tryed Souldiour Iob, Cap. 7. bemoaneth his owne case, offirming that in the nighte season hee was sore disquieted with troublesom dreames and dreadfull vysions. To what vse and purpose sleepe serueth. For the nature & office of Sleepe, being nothinge else then a mitigation of labours & a quiet surceassing (for the time) frō toyle, and a refreshinge of the bodye, with the busy cares and dealings of the day before wearied: from these cares & troubles, did not his Sleepe in the nighte [Page 96] disburden and ease him, but rather encreased and doubled the same: that his minde still remayning terryfied with dreadful dreames and apparitiōs. For thus doth he reason with himself, and these complaints doth he vtter in that his worthy dialogue or rather Tragicomicall discourse: If I thincke to my selfe, that my bed d [...] shall comfort mee and mitigate my griefe, and that I shal haue some ease and refreshing vppon my Couch, then troublest thou me vvith dreames and makest me afrayed throughe visions, insomuch that I vvishe for death, to come and make an end of al my sorovves.
As touching the inwarde notes of this complexioned The vertue and force of bloud as touching the framinge of the inwarde dispositiō & maners of the mynde. body and his inclination of mynde (for a man ought in ech point and respect throughlye to be viewed and considered) a hoate and moyste quality incident to bloude, produceth in men diuerse natures, and accordinge to the more or lesse mixture of other humours, frameth in them sondry maners and diuers dispositions. They that be meere Sanguine, Persōs mere Sanguine, for the most part starcke fooles. and haue none or very litle Melancholy or Choler mixed therwyth (as most neerelye approchinge to the nature and Sense of brute beasts) are commonly doltes and fooles, or at least, not greatly cumbred wyth much witte. For sythēs (as Galene sayth) sharpnes & finenes of wit cōmeth of Choler, Constācy and stedfastnes of Melancholie, Commēt 1. de nat human & Phlegme to the framynge and disposinge of the maners, helpeth nothing, neyther standeth in anye steede: it remayneth [Page] then, that simplicity and foolishnes proceedeth of Bloud. Thus are yong Cattell (which in comparyson of the elder ones, haue greate stoare of Bloude) for the most part (as wee see) foolishe, sotlike and bettleheaded: as Kyddes, Calues, yonge Sheepe, Lambes, young wyeld Kidds or Roebuckes, yong Kyttons, and the yonge of all other dumme Creatures besyde: and amonge Men, the neerer that any one approcheth to the nature of brute Beasts, the more lyke vnto them in maners and conditions is hee. Which thing any y t is but meanely skilled in Natures works, may easely iudge and discerne, euen by certayne significations of theyr eyes and countenaunce: eche of which is as a glasse wherin to behold, and whereby to discouer the inward affections of the mynde.
In many men there is a greate resemblance & affynitie in nature wyth other Beastes, and the further that these digresse from the puritie of tē perament, the lesse sway in them beareth Reason, Iudgment, Vnderstanding, willingnes to doe good, Wysedome, and discretion: to be short, they are partakers of all those things that are commō to Beasts.
And thus, there bee many which eyther for lack of good educatiō, or through this deprauatiō of Nature, degenerate into Beastes, and in all their actiōs in one poynt or other, resemble them in conditions. Man a Wolfe. Many, like Wolues are bloudsuckers, extortioners & raueners: Many like [Page 97] [...]erce, Mic. ca. 7. cruell, outragious and terrible, lyinge in wayte to sheede bloud, Man a Lyon and hunting theyr brother to death. As the Prīce vvil, so sayth the Iudge. Lykewyse sayth Ezechiel: Cap. 19. Iehoakim is become a Lyō, vvhich hath learned to spoyle & deuour folk to make vvidovves, Mā an Ape. destroy their houses, & make their Cities desert. Some be as foyinge, gesturous, and counterfe [...]cting of any thing by ymitacion as Apes. Man a Foxe Some Forlyke, are suttle, wylie, deceiptfull, and crafty to entrappe and catche the innocent at aduauntage. And in lyke sorte, there be others, which resemblyng the nature and conditions of other beastes, and degeneratinge from theyr integrity and excellencie humaine, eyther degenerate quite into Beasts, or at least become much lyke vnto them. Children▪ quick, stir [...]nge and playing, and the cause why. As for Childrē & yonge Stryplinges aboute 14. or 15. yeares of age or vnder, by reason that theyr bloude is pure and ful of swelling spyrit, are still styrring, quick, nymble, actiue, wanton, vnmodest, malapert, saucie, proude, wythoute wit, and much giuen to toying and playinge: for wee see them as wanton as Calues, that is to say, in mowyng w t theyr mouthes, in voyce, gesture, becks, clapping of hands, light songes, vayne ioyfulnes, where there is no cause, immoderate myrth, disordered fysking Vp & downe, and vncertayne motion & gate: all which do signify a shuttle waueryng nature, & a mynde subiect to great mutability and vncōstancy, procedyng and caused of the boyling of theyr bloude wythin them, which boyleth vp, & as it were seetheth [Page] in theyr V [...]ynes, Boylinge of bloud in youth, like to spurging of newe wyne in the Tunne. euen as new Wyne, Ale, or Beere spurgeth and worketh in the Tunne.
Hereuppon the Netherlanders and Lowe Duchmen, haue deuysed certayne prouerbial termes, wherewyth they are wonte commonlye to quippe those yonge princockes and lustye gallantes whom they see ouerioyed or toofarre gone in wanton iolity, makynge themselues as ridiculous and iestyng stockes to the whole companye. Neyther are they incited to these immoderate pleasures through reason or auy well stayed discretion, but by impotencie of mynde and wylfull affection, digressing and swaruyng from modestye, temperaunce and moderacion: y • lack wherof googleth theyr vnstayed heades, and caryeth them into many inordinate pranckes of childishe insolencie. Playig with the heade what it signifyeth. They also bewraye theyr owne vnconstancie and vnstayed mynds by much shaking of their heads, and continual playing and toying wyth theyr handes and feete, insomuch that some accompt them no better then starke mad, or persons distract of their right wittes. Neyther do they sind themselues occupyed in any earnest matter that is to any good purpose, neyther shew they forth eyther in woordes or deedes any piece of wysedome, but vndecētly for theyr age, & lasciuiouslye retourne vnto their boyishnes agayne, whereas meeter it were in respect of theyr time passed, nowe to fall to some thryft, and to frame theyr lyfe after the prescription of some good order.
[Page 99] Hereuppon doe wee vse a Prouerbiall similitude taken of the nature and conditions of yonge Calues, which in the Sprynge tyme of the yeare (in y e greene pastures, when theyr bellyes be ful) skippe and leape vp and downe, wantonlye and toyingly fysking and iumpynge, now this waye, nowe that waye, nowe rounde about, one whyle raysing themselues vppon the forefeete, an otherwhyle vpon the hynder Leggs: whose maners & fashyōs, such yōg youthes as in their daily order of lyfe do imitate and resemble, are sayde in latine vitulari, which is, to bee as wanton and toying as a yonge Calfe: or not to haue shedde all theyr Calues teeth: or that theyr Iawes ytche with Caluishe wantonnes:
The Booke of Wysedome (fathered and asscrybed vnto Salomon sayth: Sapien. 4. Spuria vitulamina nō agent radices altas, nec stabile fundamentum collocabunt: Bastarde Slippes shal take no deepe rootes nor laye any fast foundation.
By these Phrases of speach, we meane that wilfull and vnruly age, which lacketh rypenes and discretion, and (as wee saye) hath not sowed all theyr wyeld Oates, but as yet remayne withoute eyther forcast or consideration of any thinge that may afterward turne them to benefite, playe the wanton yonkers, and wilfull Careawayes. Seyng therfore y t Adolescencie and youthful age [Page] consisteth in a constitucion of Hoat and moyst, & is fuller of bloud then anye other: it is to this place therefore namely and specially to be referred. Neither can any plighte or Complexion of the body more aptly be applyed vnto it, then this: for all the qualityes, fashions and marks of this Age and State, agree thereunto. Which thing I see was well obserued by Horace in his description of the Nature & inclination of youthful Age, where he sayth:
And if they happen to lyncke themselues in companye wyth anye lewde Counsellours Lewd and ill disposed Coūsellours do youth mutch harm (as in this slypperie and daungerous age commonlye is seene) theyr fickle heades, & flingbrayned wits be easelye allured and drawen into follye, and to pursue that waye which is worste. For beynge now in theyr most wilfull age, and standing vppon [Page 99] the most doubtful and daungerous poynt of al, betweene vertue and vyce, lacking experience, and voyde of all good aduyse and counsel, & misseled by the peeuish allurements of theyr associats, they runne for the most part headlong vnto that which they see the common multitude embrace, & are readye to slyde into that trade of lyfe which of all other is worst and most pernicious.
But if (in lieu of these) they harken and geeue good care to the holsome admonitions of some faythfull and vertuous Tutour, Good counsell and vertuous education bringeth youth to goodnes. and by his prescription frame the order of theyr lyfe and conuersation in theyr tender yeares (for in this Age is Stuffe, matter, and towardnes, both good and excellent, if good education do polishe, and a skilfull workeman haue it in handling) no doubt they are to be broughte to much goodnesse. For such is the force and power of bloud in mans body, specially when throughe accesse of age it groweth to heate, and dailye more & more encreaseth in vitall spyrite, that it causeth a promptnes of mynde, Bloud vseth the helpe of other humours in framing the manners. quicknesse in deuyse, and sharpenesse in practyze, which by dailye vse & exercyse atteyneth in thend to wysedome, knowledge and experience of many things. And thus by the benefite of nature [Page] and good bringinge vp, it is broughte to passe that they be garnished wyth many excellent giftes of the mynde, and throughe a readye vtteraunce in the discourse of matters, bee to theyr Countrey a greate staye and ornament.
And althoughe hoate and drye natured men (which are the Cholerique) be right well furnished and skilfull in perfecte vtteraunce, Difference betweene Sang [...]ine & Cholerick. vehemence of speach and readynesse of tongue: yet is there not in them such waighte of woordes and pythynesse of Sentences, neyther can they so well rule their owne affections, because in theyr reasonynges and discourses they be very earnest and hastye. And this in such persons is not onelye by the pronunciation of their woordes, but also by their swyft gate and hastye pace, easye to be perceyued.
This difference also is betweene them, that the Cholerique are bitter taunters, Cholericke persōs great flouters. dry bobbers, nyppinge gybers and skornefull mockers of others, but the Sanguine nothinge giuen that waye, Sāguine curteous and myld natured. meddle not at all wyth such dogge eloquence, neyther vse to hit men ouer the thummes wyth any such figuratyue flowtes, whereat manye men are commonlye as heynouslye offended, and take the matter in as greate snuffe, as they would, to be Crowned wyth a Pyssebolle: but they be pleasaunt and curteous natured, meerye [Page 100] without scurrility, and ciuill without fylthy rybauldrye, behauinge themselues orderlye in all companyes, cumbersome and odious to none, but delightfull and welcome to all.
But if it happen that Bloude bee alayed or myngled with other Humours, and by course of Age to become hoate, as namely if it bee mixed with yelowe Choler, wherewyth the Humours are stirred vp, or to participate with anye other Humoure whatsoeuer: Inciination of nature. It is seene, that as the mixture is, so the manners, disposition, delighte, trade, and inclination of man, falleth oute accordinglye. As thus, suppose a Bodye c [...]ieflye to consiste of these three, Best proportion & measure of blod to other humours. Bloude, Choler, and Melancholye, whereof two partes to be Bloude, and the other thirde parte to bee Choler and Melancholye equallye proportioned: Of these three, thus mixed together, proceedeth such a Complexion and bodelye habite. as produceth sundry motions, affections, and inclinations of the minde, and which doth inwardlye dispose, fashion and frame their Natures and dispositions (yea before they breake oute into woordes) enhablinge them fitte and meete to discharge and execute the parte of anye personne, that wee either of oure selues take in hande, or which by nature and publicke function is to vs assigned.
And as we see, Nature in producing hearbes and floures, and paintyng them out in braue attyre and colours, to shew forth a most excellente and inimitable workemāship, and right gallantly to sette the same out to the gazing view of ech greedie eye, clad wyth many, and the same most pleasurable differences of goodly verdure, some lyghte and entermedled wyth whytishe, some of a sadde or darke greene, some watrishe, blunkette, gray, grassie, hoarie, and Lecke coloured, whereof euerye one hath theyr proper vertues, & peculier effectes: So likewyse, Bloud beinge myngled wyth humours of other quality, conceyueth other force and other colour and yet (nathelesse) not quite bereft and depryued of a Bloudy of Sanguine colour: insomuch that it pearceth into the very innermost corners of the mynde, incensing to sundry actions. And althoughe the Planetts and Starres, stretch oute theyr influence, and extend theyr force mightely vppon these lower bodyes: yet is it the Humours and Elemental [Page 101] qualityes which doe constitute the complexion of humayne body, and cause diuers sorts and sondry differences of Natures and maners. Humours of more force then the pl [...] nets. And in this sorte, doth this constitution whereof wee now speake, breede and bring foorth into the Theatre of this world, some that be stout Braggers and shamelesse praters, some Parasites & clawbackes, some Dolts and cockscombes, some selfe pleasers, which thinke more of themselues, then all the rest of the Towne besyde doth, some Mynstrelles and Pypers, some gracelesse Ruffians and Spendalls, ryotously wastyng and consumyng their Patrimony: Some Dycers and Gamsters, some Trēcher frends and Coseners: some Counterfaiters, Skoffers, Tumblers and Gesturers, some Iugglers, & Legier du maine players, wyth a great rablemente of other lewde Lubbers of other sorts besyde.
[Page] For slthens they neither obserue stay, nor moderation in their liues and conuersation, neither frame to liue in any good and laudable order, but loyter and haunte the companye of wilfull and lewdly disposed persons, Bloude eggeth a man to riot and wilfuines. it commeth to passe that in maners they proue starke noughte and gracelesse and by meanes of the heate and abundaunce of bloude, prone and prompte to pursue the inticements of all sensuall lustes and vnbrydled affections, reputinge the chiefest felicitye to consist in pleasure. And of this sort are al Riotours, all Banqueters and dissolute lecherers, whose whole care, industry and delight, night and daye, is to drowne themselues in the gulph of Sensuality and bellycheere. They liue (as the Prouerbe is) a Minstrelles life, that is to say, nycely, ydly, & altogether in a maner vpon other mens coste: and for that they keepe neither ho, nor measure in their affections, but wholly addicte themselues to ingluuions excesse, vnseasonable watchinge, and immoderate lust of carnall venerie, therefore their bodies lye open to al such diseases and Sicknes, as consist in y e fulnes of humours: namely, the Squinzye, and swellinge of the Iawes, Inflammations of the kernels of y • mouth, and the Uuula, swelling of the fundemēt, Pyles, Hemorrhoydes, bleeding at the Nose, Pleurysie, Stitches, Inflammation of the Lunges, and many other: for all these, it shalbe moste expedient to be let bloud. To this number is also to be added the Ague Ephemera, or Diaria, so named [Page 102] because cōmonly it is of no longer thē one dayes continuance, Ephemera, or Diaria albeit sometime it lasteth till the fourth daye: and hereunto is to bee referred the Sweating Sicknesse (which because it beganne first in England, is called the English Sweate) the Accident of which disease is sowning & greenous pame at the heart, ioyned with a bytinge at the Stomacke, The English Sweate a kinde of the Ague Ephemera. whereby a man is no lesse payned then if the heart if selfe (beinge the fountcyne of life) should through anye contagious ayre, be infected and oppressed: As by proofe it fell out in the Moneth of September 1529. at what time al the Low Countreyes were in a maner generally visited with this contagious Sweate, When the Sweatinge sicknes first began in Belgie. and pestilent Ephemera, proceedinge of corruption of the Ayre, wherewith so many as were infected, were brought into great terrour, tremblinge and sowning throughe feeblenes of mynde and pantinge: their heart labouring & beating within them extremely. During which infectious time of vistacion, there happened an other mischiefe and inconuenience which made the matter a greate deale more lamentable: For certaine ignorante Empyrykes contrary to the Rules of Arte, Blinde Byards. and without taking any regard or consideration to y e strength and powers of nature, violentlye kepte their Patients, sweating the space of xii. houres: whereby many by extreeme heat, ouercome, were with their bolsters & many bedclothes styfled vp.
Seing now that corruption of the Ayre is the cause of this greeuous maladye or Ephemerall [Page] Ague, and that the Symptoma or Accidēt therof (which euen attendeth and wayteth vppon it, lyke as the shadow on y e body) is greeuous payne at the heart and sownyng, so is the Sweat it self the Crysis thereof, wherby Nature being strong, dispelleth and sendeth oute moyste fulsome fumes and sty kinge Humours, and consequentlye banisheth the disease: In what sort [...]o sweat and how longe. it must therfore at any hād be moderate, and not aboue the space of iiii. or vi. houres at the most, according to the imbecillitye and strength of nature. For toomuche, cleane throweth downe all the strength, and vtterly destroyeth the vitall spyrites.
Nowe, why this disease is tearmed by y e name of the English Sweat, I suppose grewe hereuppon, for that the people of that Countrey be oftē therewith attached, partly through theyr curious and dainty fare and great abundance of meates, wherewyth they cramme themselues very ingluuiously, euen as the Germaynes & Netherlāders do wyth dryncke: and partly (which I noted at my late beyng in that Realme, about the tyme of Mydsommer) by reason that the ayre wyth them is troubled, cloudy and many tymes wyth foggie dampes ouercast, wherby is engendred the cause and originall both inwardlye and outwardlye of this disease: Englishmen subiect aboue other Countreyes to the swearinge sickenesse. the vehemēcy wherof, bryngeth thē into a bloudy sweating, wherw t they must wrestle & stryue as wyth a most fierce & strong ennemy, and which they must endeuour wyth al might to supplant: hereupon happen Traunces and sownynges [Page 103] throughe feeblenesse of body and mynde, faynting and drowpyng of the spyrites, decaye of powers, stopping of the pypes and voyce, and life almost thereby cleane yelded vppe, and the partye brought euen vnto deathes doore.
For this Countrey people (not able to abyde any great trauayle and labour, as beinge persōs cockering themselues in much tender nicetye and effeminate lyfe, are verye procliue and apte to be throwen thereby into the languishyng extremity of this perillous disease. It is expediente for them therefore to be recomforted, cheryshed, reuiued and refreshed wyth sweete odours, and with the drynkinge of pure good Wyne. And hereupon commeth it that this Nation peculiarly and almost daily vseth to dryncke Maluesay or Secke, to comfort & restore their Stomackes when they be quaysie or surcharged wyth excesse of sundry curious dishes: which thing I finde to haue beene vsed and put in vre by men of elder time, to helpe such discrasyes: whose order was with this wyne, to dryue away, payne at the hart, Stitches, Sowning or Traūces, Cholick, fretting of the guttes, and bellye ache. Thus, the Poet luuenal trumpeth a certayne myserable Chuffe and niggardlye Pinchpenie, for that, he denyed to geeue a litle wyne to one of his frends that fell into a sowne or traunce, through feeblenes & toomuch sweating 'being in great daūger of his lyfe.
They that be of this constitution (ouer & beside these afore rehearsed greeuaunces and discommodities) are subiect to other Agues no lesse daungerous: wherof one proceedeth of putrefyed and rotten bloud, the other withoute anye note or signe of putrefaction is caused of inflammation of bloud. Both these sorts of Agewes y e Greekes comprehend in this word Synochus, and the Latinistes Continuum, because it is continuall, without geeuing to the Pattent anye truce or intermission: for whē the fit commeth, it leaueth not of, Hoat and moyst Complexiōs subiect to putre faction. but continueth for many dayes together. And that Age which is hoate and moyste is more subiect to these kinds of Agues then anye other, for it quickly conceyueth & taketh putrefaction throughe oppilation, specially in the Spryng time of the yeare, when as Humours freshly encrease: & much the sooner if they vse anye distemperan̄ce or leade on ydle and restfull lyfe wythout ordinary exercise. For when the Pores and spyramēts whereout bloud is wont to haue difflation & vaporous [Page 104] expulsion be stopped, the partye cannot choose, but growe into putrefaction and y e vitall partes with fulsome corruption to be infected.
For euen as close houses whereinto the winde, hath no maner of accesse: and as Garmentes, fetherbeds and Mattresses, Cushions, Sheetes & Blankets, Carpets and Counterpoynts become mustie and ill sented, vnlesse they bee now & then shaken and hanged out in the open Ayre: so likewise doth the body of man become putrefyed, corrupte, stinkinge and rotten, if it accustome not it selfe to exercyse and agitation. For by that order and meane, are excrementes euacuated, & al fulsome fumes and exhalations proceding out of them, dissipated.
To keepe themselues therefore the better frō Sicknes, and to be the lesse open and subiecte to Agewes, it shall behoue thē, to vse seasonable exercise, (abādoning al slouth and drowsynes) duly obseruing a moderation in meat & drinck, sleepe, watche, and carnall coniunction. And in the begining of the Springe, it shall be good for them to be let bloud, or by fcarysycation to be cupped. But if they be loath or vnwilling after that way to be emptyed, Receiptes Laxatiue & soluble. to preuent future daungers, let them take some such purgatiue medicines, as make the bealy soluble, namely Cassia fistula, Syrup. Ros. Laxat: Diaprunum simplex, Syrup. de Epythymo, and Fumitorie, Polypodie, Mercurie, Manna, or honnie of the Ayre, and Whaye.
[Page] And in vsing of exercyse this must diligentlye be taken heede of, Howe exercise is to be vsed. that it be not frequented & vsed, eyther when y e parties be replete wyth humours and excrements, after meate, or when their Stomacks be full. For being in eyther of these sorts vsed, The head taketh hurt by the disorder of the in feriour mē bers. it filleth the heade full of fumes & vapours, (which chiefe Member being distempered and diseased, all the inferiour members lykewyse suffer griefe and participate discrasie wyth it) it bredeth Rhewmes, Catarrhes and distillations, it maketh heauye, and bryngeth oppilation to the Lyeuer. Oppilation of the liuer from whēce it cōmeth. For violent motion dryueth the meats beyng vncōcocted into y e narrow streits of y e veynes, where they stop the passage of the Humours, and make an open way & occasion vnto putrefaction.
When any such inconuenience happeneth, our parts be, forth wyth to seeke remedy for the same, by applying thereto such thinges as are of force to take away and dispatch all those annoyaunces that sticke in the way, and hinder them from hauing theyr ryght courses. Tuend. Val. 6. Of which sort (sayth Galene) are, the infusion of Wormewoode gentle, stieped in Wyne, or Wormewood wyne, called Absynthytes, Succorye and Endyue, Doder, Egrymonie, Wormwod holsome for the liuer. Things puttinge away oppilation. Rhabarbe, the seedes of Anyse and Fenel, Peache kernelles, bitter Almonds, great Reysons wyth the kernelles taken out, Oximell sympl. eche of these to bee geeuen before meate, when concoction is perfectly made.
[Page 105] The same regard and consideration is also to be obserued and kepte in doynge the carnal Acte of Generation: Harmes of Venetie & carnall copulation. for toomuch vse thereof enfeebleth the powers, and through inflāmacion arysing thereof, engendreth Goute and paine in the Ioyntes. For there be some so wylful, that without respect at all of concoction or cruditie, without any consyderation and difference of nighte or day (quight neglecting the oportunity thereto belōging,) do greedily desyre, and inordinately hasten (for this tickling luste can brooke no delaye) to satisfye and staunche their fleshly motions in this kinde of pleasure: and in the vse thereof be so insaciable and so farre passe y e boundes of moderacion and qualification thereof, that they waste and destroye the pyth and synewes of theyr whole bodyes. For carnall Acte taketh away & exhausteth that power of the body which serueth to concoct the meate and to conuert the same into Bloud: which if it be not accordingly accomplished nor syncerely wroughte, then falleth it oute, that very great store and abundance of excrementes & superfluous humours be engendred, which breede and cause innumerable diseases. Albeit to many, Commodity of Venery. this v [...] of Carnalitie (vnlesse it be out of all measure) bringeth no hurt at all: for seasonable and tempestiuious coiture riddeth awaye great store of Phlegme, and skowreth awaye other Humours, which being engēdred w tin a mā, damnyfye and annoye the body and mynde.
And this thinge is to be obserued and marked in [Page] yonge lustye Damselles and Virgins, which remayne long vnmaryed, or which by professiō of chastitye are wayned and debarred from Wedlocke. For besyde their vnruly motions of tickeling lust, Seede beīg corrupt, is cause of much incō [...]enience. besyde theyr secrete flames and burning affections they be ill coloured, and nothing pleasauntly complexioned, their myndes vnstedy and out of quiet frame, by meanes of a naughty vapour that ascendeth vpward and disturbeth their brayne. And hereuppon it is, that sometyme in Imagynation, thinking thēselues to lye wyth mē by beholding or touchinge of them, they be troubled in theyr sleepe wyth the night Mare, and the effluxiōs of seede, wherw t they pollute thēselues in the nighte season: Hereuppon commeth trembling & quaking of the heart, by reason of grosse fumes, which inuade the pannicle or coffyn of the heart, called Pericardion, and lye heauelye vppon the body pressinge it downe as though they were night Hegges, or Hobbegobblins.
Them that be maryed, which lawfullye maye vse this carnal knowledge wyth their owne wyues, and they that dissolutely leade a leacherous life, and runne ryot on whorehuntinge, are to bee aduysed and counselled, not to yelde themselues too much therunto, Moderatiō of Carnall dealinges. least afterward they bewayle their lamenes and lacke of strength, when as all their vitall iuyce shalbe cleane gone and exhausted: whereof the wyse Solomon geeueth to euery man a ryght holesome exhortation and aduertisement, that a man should not geeue ouer or enthrall [Page 106] his credite and honour to harlottes, Prou. 8. nor to spende and consume his lustye yeares in hauntinge the companie of Whores, who greedilye gape to defeat and spoyle him both of his wealth and strength, as they, that will neuer bee satisfyed and glutted, neither with Venus games and coiture, neyther wyth rewardes and expences, but remayne still insaciable, Whores in lecherous lust neuer satisfyed, nor in rewards. and euer crauinge more. Let eche man therefore take herein good heede to himselfe, leasse in the ende when hee is cleane wyped from all his wealthe and bodelye strength, hee mourne, and wyth syghes bewayle his former wylfulnes, and the decaye of his forspent and wearish body.
Therefore to escape cleare withoute takings any harme by immoderatly vsing this venerous acte, Art. Modic. 86. so much space of time (by Galene his prescription) oughte to bee vsed betweene, that neyther anye resolution bee thereby perceyued and felt, neither lassitude: And agayne, that a man maye feele himselfe lighter and lustyer, and hauing disourdened and disbalassed himselfe of his prouocatiue supersluous Sperme, to fetch his breath the better. Also a conuenient and fitte time ought to bee taken, to witte, when the bodye is meanelye constituted, neyther too full nor too emptie: of which matter elsewhere wee are to speake more at large.
But if anye Sanguine complexioned person, (the better to serue God) be delighted in leading [Page] a single and vnmaryed lyfe, by profession of chastytie: him do I counsayle and aduyse very cyrcumspectlye and precysely to consider his owne state, disposition and nature, whether he be well able to qualefy and kepe vnder, this disordered & vnruly affection or no. For in such a waightye case a man must cyrcumspectly looke about him, and very aduysedly forsee, that hee do not inconsyderately tye himselfe to any profession wythout iudgemēt, choyse, and discretion, least his foolish rashnes brynge him afterwards to repentaunce, when he shall feele himselfe surcharged, and vnhable to weild the burdē which he hath takē vppon him to beare. Sperme or Seede. For the Sperme or Seede of Generation, being a redounding excremente and superfluous Humour (residue and remayninge of the last alimente, and comminge from the vessells of y • Testicles, wher it is exactlye fourmed, and throughly laboured) is employed to begette yssue: yea y e natural power & faculty, is desyrous to haue this collection of Humour to be purged, and by the euacuatinge thereof to be eased of a troublesome and intollerable caryage, euen as y e other partes of the body (for theyr partes) desyre to bee disburdened of theyr superfluous excremēts: to wit, vryne, ordure, spettle, sweat, sneuel, spattling and Phlegme.
Right good and holesome therefore haue Ieuer deemed that worthy admonition and Counsell of CHRIST in the Gospel, Matth. 19 1. Cor. 7. and of the Apostle lykewyse, that they which can comprehend [Page 107] this matter, and are able to perfourme and kepe it, should remayne chast, and ioyfully embrace the same as a heauēly gyft: assuryng themselues that Gods Diuine assistaunce in so godlye a purpose, will not fayle them: wythout which all that man purposeth or taketh in hand is frustrate & vayne, as besyde S. Paule, Sapient. 8 the wyse Kyng Salomon witnesseth. For it is not to bee doubted but a man may subdue and vanquish this slyppery affectiō, (althoughe verye hardly) and by lyuing a continent lyfe, maye perfourme his determinate resolution and vow, so it be done and taken in hande, onely vppon zeale and deuotion, the better thereby to entend Gods seruice, Continency and Chastity a speciall gift of God. and geeue himselfe to heauenly contēplacions. For they that be wrapped in many cares, and (shakīg away from them all slouth and ydlenesse) do mortifie themselues & spend their time in watchinge, hunger, sparefeeding, earnest study, fasting and prayer, continuall meditation of holy Scripture, and painful preaching night and day, (wherby this kinde of Deuils is cast out,) Matth. 17 they I say) feele not themselues greatly moued in desyre to this thing: For why? these that I meane, do willinglye & voluntarily, not forcibly & superstitiouslye betake themselues to this kinde of life: the better thereby to applye theyr euangelical function, and more freely to intende the sacred study of Diuinity.
Of a colde and moyst Complexion: which setteth out and declareth the condition, state and nature of persons Phlegmaticke. The iij. Chapter.
NExt after the Hoate & moyst Constitution, order requyreth to describe and set oute the Cold & moyst Temperature, wherein reigneth & aboundeth Phlegme: whereof (after bloude) no small porcion is diffused into euery part of the body. And this Humour draweth somewhat neere to the nature of Bloude, and is in affinitye with it, both in respecte of essence, and society of their conceptoryes. For it is (as it were) a certayne Bloud vnconcoct, Phlegm the matter of Bloud. or a rudimente and first beginning of Bloud yet vnperfect, & not exactly laboured: a resēblaunce, shew, or paterne whereof, we may well behold in Muste or new Wyne, whyle it is yet hoate, and newly taken & wringed out of the Presse. The myxture of the Humours compared to wyne. For (as Galene righte learnedly noteth) the subtyle and ayrte part of the Wyne (which is y e some or spurging therof) boyleth vp to the toppe, and vnderneath, is an vnsauery Humour, in relyce like to y e nature of sweetishe water, which being excocte, settled, cleansed and fyned from the dregges, obteyneth and is broughte to the nature of pure and good Wyne. [Page 108] And albeit Phlegme be whytishe, and haue no rednesse in it at all, yet being excoct, and the coldnes thereof taken away and subdued by the force and efficacie of heate, it is reduced and broughte into a ruddie & fresh coloured licour. And euē as naturall Phlegme (which participateth w t a certaine sweetenes) is through heate conuerted and wrought into Bloud and redde colour: so likewyse Bloud in the Dugges or Teates, Mylke of Bloud. partly of the nature of the place where it resteth, and partly of the heate of the heart (neere vnto whom the Pappes are placed) is broughte and turned into Mylke, whyte and gaye coloured. For this cause, some (as superstitious & Phylosophicall as Pythagoras) abstayned, not onely from eating of flesh, The cause why Pytha goras Scholers woulde eate no Mylke. but also from Egges and Mylk, because they reckened and accompted the same no other then liquide flesh, because the on [...] being a certaine space couered and kepte warme by the naturall heate of the Henne sitting thereuppon, wil wythin fewe dayes bring forth a Chicken: & the other (if the colour were chaunged) they accompted euen very bloud.
But this seemeth to many a thing very straūg and prodigious, Mylke in the breastes of yonge Children. that yonge: Children newlye borne (yea of the Male kinde) haue Mylke in the Nypples of theyr Dugges, runninge out eyther of it owne accord, or easely with the fingers [...] sed & pressed out: which thing I my selfe vpon a certaine time fynding by experience & tryall true, aduysed the partyes at certayne times to [...] [Page] and force it out, least otherwyse it should clotter, congele and curd together into an hard substāce. For this Mylkie licour in children, is engendred of the great and abundaunte alimente, which at those [...]ssues, nypples and spoutes, by nature of the place, and helpe of the Heart (which is the founteyne and Welspryng of heate) is conuerted into Mylke. Now, the Mammiles or dugges (which be the Receptacles of Mylke) beinge spongie and hollow, and the glandulous or kernellie flesh wythin them, Kernellie fleshe as in the dugges. bloudlesse and whyte, do transmute and alter y t bloud which they receyue, into Mylke: for euery part of the body, altereth and chaungeth his nourishment, makynge it in colour, similare, lyke, and familiar to it selfe.
And thus, the generatiō of Mylk & Sperme is made of bloud throughlye and exactly concocted: Euery parte of the body hath his seueral vertue and of the nature of those parts wherin they be laboured, become in colour (as wee see) white and mylkie.
Thus also the Lyeuer being of substaūce (as it were) coagulate bloud, engendreth a raddy liquide substaunce: the Lunges causeth a fomie & froathie licour: the commissures or setting together of the Ioyntes, a glewish humour: y e tōgue, spettle: the holow bones produce and bring forth white marowe, as the Ridge bone of the backe & the brayne do, where als thinges are exactlye laboured. For in Lambes and other yong cattel, the marow is not white but bloudy. Euery part therefore of the body worketh his humour like to [Page 109] it selfe, and transmuteth it into the nature, wherof it selfe is.
No man therfore ought to thincke it absurdly spoken in sayinge and affyrminge Phlegme by the force and facultie of the Lyeuer to be altered and chaunged into Bloud. And this liquide & thinne humour in the bodyes of all Creatures is to purpose and vse, no lesse profitable then necessary. For being conueighed euery way into the Veynes, The vse and effect of Phlegme. it qualefyeth and alayeth the heate of Bloud & Choler: finally it maketh the Ioyntes nymble and styrringe, kepinge them from beinge stiffe and lumpish through drynesse: and last of al it nourisheth all Phlegmaticke members, and them continueth in lusty state.
And although there be commonly no certaine place assigned where Phlegne resteth, The place where Phlegme, is. yet the greatest part is still in the Stomack or ventricle, wherin the meate is first boyled and altered into a thinne iuyce or liquide substaunce. For we see men that haue surcharged theyr Stomackes, in vomyting and perbraking, sometimes to cast vp great abundance of loathsome, clammie & tough Phlegme, or to scowre and euacuate the same through the guttes: those I meane that haue excessiuelye and ingluuiouslye surphetted eyther in eating or drinking. Whose heades (consequently) being filled wyth moystysh vapours, those fumosities strykinge vpwarde as in a Stillatorie, grow into a thicke, fylthy, and sneuillie phlegme, whereby through [...] coldnes of the brayne, the parties [Page] becommeth subiect and open to sundrye diseases, as the Poze, Diseases ꝓocedinge of Phlegme. Murre, Hoarsenes, Coughe, and many others, of which sort is the Rheume or distillation of humours from the heade, wherewith in the Lowe Countryes of Belgia both rich and poore, highe and low, in Wynter season are much troubled & fynde by experience to bee true, and yet they be people commonly healthy, and as sounde as a Bell.
Insomuch that I sometimes am dryuen into a wonder, to consyder how such abundance of filthie humours shoulde rest in the head, which nature one whyle at the mouth, an other whyle at y e Nose and Throte expelleth and purgeth.
The head therfore and the Stomacke (namely and much more then any of the other parts) are pestered with the excrement of Phlegme, The he [...]d & Stomacke, the engendrers & cō ceptacles of Phlegme. specially if a man vse to eate such meates as be cold and moyst, and discontinue exercyse, whereby it happeneth that this humour being too crude is very hardly to be concocted, and brought into an holesome iuyce, profitable & auayleable for the body.
For it is a certayne vliginous moystishnes and superfluous excrement, which ought rather to be sent out and purged that waye which nature speciallye alloweth, and whereby most conuenientlye [Page 110] she is wonte to exonerate herselfe. For as the originall of this inconuenience beginneth first at the Stomacke and afterward infesteth the heade (as we may plainly perceiue & obserue by Wyne copiouslye quaffed and swilled, which althoughe it descende downe into the Stomacke, yet doth it assayle and distemper the heade) it standeth vs therfore vpō, carefully to foresee y • in those parts, as litle of this Phlegmaticke excrement as may bee, bee engendred: because the harme and inconuenience redoundeth to the generall harme and detrimente of the whole body.
And as it fareth in a Realme or Kingdome, The harmes of a bodye, and of a Realm first beginne at the head. in a Common wealth, in a Cruile Pollicie or Corporation, in anye Honourable householde or worshipfull Famylie: so likewyse in the Body of man, that disease of all others is moste daungerous & ill, which taketh his oryginall beginning at the heade and principall members. For the harme diffuseth and spreadeth it selfe into all the inferiour partes of the body, and them greatly damnifyeth. As (for more plainnesse) let euery man take an example at any house which he enioyeth & hath in occupation. For euen as those houses that wil hold out neither wynde nor weather, be very vnholesome to dwell in, and a greate backfrend to health: or when the Ridges or Roofes thereof bee ill tymbred and (for wante of good lookinge too) runneth in ruine, and taketh water as often as anye rayne falleth: So [Page] lykewyse, as longe as the heade is distempered and affected wyth this baggage Phlegme, and distilling Humour, both it and the rest of the body can neuer be in perfect health. For beinge it selfe of a cold and moyste nature, it quickly drinketh vp vapours out of a watrish stomack, & beyng thereby replete wyth humiditye, moysteneth likewyse, Prou. 19. & 17. those partes that be vnder it: yea this distilling Phlegme is as noysome and greeuous to it as a brawling and scoulding wyfe is to a quiet man. A brawling wife is lyke the top of a house wher throughe it is euer dropping.
For out of the heade continually do Humours distill and (lyke soote oute of a Chymney) fall downe into the Throate, Eares, Nose, Eyes, Breast and Lunges: wherupon happen tumors & swelling of the eyes, Bleyreyednesse, drynesse of sight, whyzzing and running in the eares, hardnesse of hearing, and sometime behinde the eares Impostumes, Diseases ꝓceedinge of Rewmes & Catarthes. botches and wexekernelles, besyde many sortes moe: for the Instrumentes of the tongue be affected, the voyce hindered, yea sometime stopped that a man is not able to vtter out a plaine worde. The Syn [...]wes, Pellicles, Muscles, Wesantpype, and Veynes of y e throte, called Iugulares, and the partes that serue to frame y • voyce, beyng surcharged wyth toomuch Humour (as in dronkē persōsis manifestly to be seene) make the tongue vnperfecte, foltering and stammering, and all the members to reele and staggar, their words double and not intelligible, insomuch that at sometimes they bee not able to [Page 111] speake one plaine word, nor in sēsible tearmes to declare their owne meaning. Drōken mē stammer & double in their speach And thereby being by nature otherwise vnreadye and in vtteraunce staggering, and now also throughly whitteled & soaked in Wyne, theyr tongue doubleth, slammereth and foltereth a great deale more: insomuche that they bring oute their wordes by stoppes and pauses, like thē that haue the hicket: & such persons cannot speake softly and stillie, because their voyce commonly is stopped and kept back, which maketh them to force out their words y e lowder. They must therefore earnestlye striue and accustome themselues roundly and distinctly to deliuer out theyr wordes, Stammere [...] cannot speake softly. for otherwyse their tongue through defaulte and imbecillitye, and lackynge stablenesse fayleth them, and furthereth them nothing in theyr pronunciation: but chatter & babble so obscurely, that no man can vnderstand any thynge of that they saye: For we see them to be scarce able to vtter euen a few woords wyth one streynable tenor and treatable vniformitie, but sometime slowly and dreamingly drawyng them oute: and sometime powryng oute by lumpes the same, as fast as the tongue can rolle.
The selfe same thinge which superfluitye and distemperaunce of drincke, bringeth vnto the haunters thereof, doth the dystillation of Humours and defluxion of Phlegme, bryng to them that be troubled with y e Catarrhe, which (beside these) is accōpanyed also wyth sūdry other incō ueniences, to euery one of sharpe iudgement wel [Page] knowen and easelye perceyued. For who so is disposed exactlye to syfte and searche oute the verye markes and tokens of a Cold and moyste Complexion, Nature of persōs Phlegmatike. shall finde them (throughe abundaunce of that Humour and qualitye) to bee sleepie, lazye, slouthful, drowsie, heauie, lumpish and nothinge quicke at their busynesse: as they commonlye bee, which mynde nothinge else then gurmandyze and bellycheere, and vse seldome exercise.
Wee see also amonge Beastes, Fowles, and other Creatures both wyeld & tame, What Beastes, fowles, & fishes be holesomest to eate. that such as vse litle or no exercise, but lurke still in hoales and Caues, and be pēt vp, and franked cowpes, are neither so holesome, neyther so sit for man to eate, as others, that are greatly exercysed and vse much styrryng. Such waxe (in deede) very fat, and grow bigger bodyed (I cannot deny) but the nourishmente which they geeue to the bodye, is somewhat vnholesome and excrementall: as amonge fyshes, Ecles and other slippery fyshes that lye stil myeringe themselues in mudde, vsing no exercise, styring or agitation of body.
And this is the cause why Eeeles being deade (contrary to the nature of all other fyshes) floate not aboue water, A dead E [...]le floateth not aboue water, & why. by reason that they feede vppon muddie and standing water.
But that euery man maye throughly and perfectly know the state and cōdition of this Body, it must be painted oute in his righte colours, and [Page 112] is to be descrybed by his owne proper indications, markes, Notes of a cold and moyst body and tokens. All they therefore that are of this habite (if their Constitution be naturall and not accidentallye happeninge) are grosse, pursie and fatte bodyed: their stature not so tall as bigge set, and stronglye pitched, their skinne soft, white, and vnhayrie, their Muscles and Ueynes not appearing but lying inwardlye, insomuch that when occasion serueth to bee lette Bloud, the same Ueynes do not apparauntlye shewe oute themselues. The hayres of theyr head be eyther whyte or duskie blacke, or els of the colour of Barley strawe, which will not fall of, nor become balde, till after a longe time, [...] but they soone waxe hoarye for wante of heate, and imbecillity of the member, which is not of ability to excoct the nutriment, into the vse and comelynes of Hayres.
For hoarynesse is (as it were) a certayne refuse vinewed baggage, of Phlegme putrefyed, Whereof hoarie hayres come. or a fustie dank [...]shnesse vnder the skinne, wherof (throughe w [...]nte of heate) proceedeth hoarynesse and whytenesse of the H [...]yres. Such a lyke hoarie Downe, or vinewed mouldynesse, wee see to bee in Loaues of Breade and Pyes, that bee somewhat longe kepte vnspente, and also in Vaultes, Hoaryne [...]e in meates. Arche Roofes, Syelynges, hoales and Cellers vnder the grounde, and other musty, fulsome, dark, fylthy, and stinking places. Their Pysse and Uryne whyte and verye little [Page] or rather nothinge at all ruddie. Theyr Excrementes; and Ordure, thinne and liquide: theyr Sleepe verye sounde, and longer then health requireth, not without stoare of sundry Dreames, whereby (and not vainly or deceitfully) maye bee neerely coniectured and founde oute, Dreames shewe and bewray the disposition, state & Cō plexion of the bodye. of what disposition the body is, and what Humours therein chiefely reigne. For the causes and original beginninges of these thinges proceede oute of the body: which althoughe they be referrible to outward causes, or to the actiōs and deuyses, which the mynde earnestly conceyueth, deliberateth and forecasteth in the daye time: yet is it easye ynoughe for the learned and skilfull Physition to discusse the meaninges, and expounde the euentes thereunto incident.
For, as concerning Dreames by Diuine motion sent into the mynde of man, Naturall Dreams interpretable. & not depending vppon naturall causes) none is able to yeld anye certaine interpretation, wythout a speciall pryuiledge of Heauenlye inspyration. Thus, Diuine Dreames. they that be of Cold and moyst Complexiō, in Dreames imagine and thincke themselues dyuinge ouer head and eares in Water, Dreames of the Phlegmatick. or to be in Bathes & Baynes: which strayght wayes argueth great stoare of Phl [...]gme to fall out of the head, into the nape of their necke, Iawes, vocall Arterye and Lunges. Semblably, if they dreame of Hayle, Snow, Yse, storme & Rayne, it betokeneth abundance of Phlegme, sometime thicke and grosse, sometime thinne and liquide.
[Page 113] If a man in his Dreame thincke himselfe to be styfeled and strangled, or his voyce stopped & taken from him, it argueth him to be subiecte and like ynough shortly to be troubled wyth y e Squī zie, priuation of speach, murre, or finallye eyther the Drowsye sicknesse, or the Apoplexie.
In this sort (as Galene wytnesseth) there was a certayne man, which dreamed that one of his Legges was turned into a Stone: which man within a whyle after, throughe a colde Humoure that fell downe into it, was taken wyth the Palsey.
Now, althoughe too scrupulous and curious obseruation of Dreames bee prohibited, yet is there no charge geeuen to the contrary, but that wee maye lawfullye search out the meaninges of all such as consiste wythin the compasse and reason of thinges naturall, the Authour and conseruer whereof is God himselfe: Leuit. 19. Deut. 13. so that wee do y e same without anye superstitious vanity of Diuination, neyther therin fixinge any assured hope and trust, neyther terrifyed wyth any feare of the euentes thereof.
Whensoeuer therefore naturall Dreames do happen wherein be neyther mockeryes nor illusions of mynde (for all these are banished & put to flight by reposing a firme and constant trust in God) they admonishe and put euerye man in remembraunce to looke wel to his health, and to amooue and decline all such occasions and inconueniences, as may eyther empayre and damnifye [Page] health, Wee maye not rashlye credite all Dreames. or enforce any perturbatiōs of Dreames. For the Imaginations and phantasyes which in Sleepe be offered, and seene apparātly in Dreames by night when a man is at rest to occurre & busye his mynde, are caused and styrred by vapours & fumes proceeding out of the humours & agitation of the Spyrite Animall: in some of which Dreames and Imaginations, the mynde renueth the memorie and thinketh vppon some busynesse and actions that fall for the daye, some plainly signifye the abundaunce of Humours, or els some earnest & greedy desyre to cōpasse somewhat, which we would very fayne bring to passe.
Hereupon they that are thyrstie, glut themselues and swill vp drincke abundantly, they that be hungry deuoure meate greedily and insaciablye. Thus lykewise, they whose Genitoryes and priuie partes be swelled with stoare of excrementall Seede and spermatike Humour, or in the daye tyme did earnestly fixe their eyes and mynde vppon anye beautifull and fayre yonge Woman, Pollution & effluxion of Seede, howe it hapneth. do in their Sleepe thinck themselues to enioy their desyred purpose, and throughe imaginatiue dealinge wyth her, defyle themselues wyth nightlye pollutions. For the Soule (when the body is in sounde Sleepe, and al the outwarde senses at rest) wythdrawinge it selfe into the innermoste partes of the body, perceyueth, vnderstandeth, & beholdeth those actiōs which y • body is to do by day, and loke what things the body desyreth and longeth after, the same doth the Soule enioye as [Page 114] presente by Imagination. Hereupon, I thincke were these Prouerbes first deuysed: Canis panē somnians. The Dogge dreameth of bread, of raūging in the Fields, & of hunting. For what things soeuer, a man earnestly and exceedingly desyreth, or hath his mynde still running on, y e same (being a Sleepe) hee thinketh and dreameth vpon in the night.
Whereunto it is like ynoughe that Esay the Prophete alluded, where hee sheweth that the counsayles and deuyses of the wicked shall come to noughte, and vanishe awaye like smoake & as Dreames seene by nighte: Cap. 29. Euen as (sayth hee) a hungrye man Dreameth that hee is eatinge, and vvhen hee avvaketh is yet hungrye and emptie: And as a thristy man Dreameth that hee is drinkinge, and vvhen hee avvaketh, is yet faynte and thirstie: Euen so fareth it vvith them that gape and seeke after innocente Bloude to glutte their crueltie therevvith, A place of Esay expo [...] ded. for they shall misse theyr purpose like them that Dreame, and not obteyne the thinges vvhich they earnestly desyre or thincke themselues sure to compasse & bring about.
Nowe, Tokens of a colde and moyst complexion. to satisfye them that are desyrous to knowe the inwarde notes and tokens of a Colde and moyste Complexion, and Phlegmaticke persons: I wyll heere by the waye set downe the same, & declare of what Nature, condition, maners, conuersation and order of lyfe they bee: [Page] howe beit, there is no cause, whye anye man should hope to fynde in them of this constitution and plight, any stoare of excellēt, singuler, & rare gyftes, syth in them appeareth small quicknes of wit, smal worthynesse or excellency of mynd, smal sharpenes of iudgement & learning, small knowledge or skill in atchieuing and compassing matters: for that, the same with prudence and wysedome cannot conueniently be brought about. For those that are numbred and referred into the order of this Complexion, are persons of no verye sharpe and exact iudgement or (as the Prouerbe by interpretatiō soūdeth) Emūctae naris, Reason yelded howe these Prouerbes, Emū cte naris, & Obesae naris first began. fine witted: as (cōtrariwyse) they whose noses be stuffed with Phlegme & sneuil, are likewyse by y e Prouerbe tearmed Obesae naris, grosse witted, applying by Translation, the faulte from the bodye to the mynde. For as both theyr tallage, taste, smelling, and other obiectes of their Senses, bee blunte & grosse: so are they likewyse in mynde & witte dol [...]ish and dull, slouthfull and lumpish: finally neyther by nature neyther by vse, forecasteful, sharp witted, nor craftie: by reason theyr naturall heate is languishyng and feeble, and drowned in moyst quality and cold Humour: & therefore also their memory is very fayleable, oblyuious, and nothing at all (in a manner) retentiue: Theyr speach (as likewyse their pulses & maner of gate) slow and soft.
But this in them specially deserueth commē dation, that they be gentle and quiet of nature, [Page 115] not greatlye addicted to venerous daliaunce, Prayse of a Phlegmatike person. not fumishe, testy or soone angred, being such as (although they be thereto prouoked) wil not lightly chafe and fret: & to be short, not geeuen to fraude and subtilty, cogging and foysting, craft and cousonage, wrangling and quarelling, as the Cholericke are. And because commonlye they be assayled with many and sundry diseases, for that they be geeuen to sit still, louing their ease and ydlenes, first they are to be enioyned and prescribed a Diet that is hoat, Phlegmatik persōs must vse exercyse wherof in the Discourse of the Cold Complexion and also of the Moyste, hath beene spoken abundantly: and next, they are to be perswaded & pricked forward to vse themselues to exercise. Lib. 1. For sluggishnes and slouth (as witnesseth Celsus) dulleth the body, but labour and exercise maketh it firme and lustye: the one bringeth Oldage before the time, the other maketh Adolescencie and youth to last long. And therefore stronger motions and exercyses are for these persons more requisite, least (otherwyse) the humour toomuch encrease, and heat quayle & be enfeebled.
Let them therfore vse in y e mornyngs to walke abroade, and namely vp hilles and s [...]epe places, when they be yet fasting & their stomacks empty: yea it shall not bee amysse to vse the same after meate, but these stirrings and bodely agitations must be done with a very soft pace: and those y e be about mydday, swyfter and faster, (which precept [Page] is expediēt for them that be hoate and moyst to obserue) but yet (as Galene sayth) not so faste and vehemente as they vse, Tuend. Val. lib. 5. when by occasion of some earneste busynesse they bee dryuen to make speede and hast. It shall be good also for them, to continue long fasting, and to vse sparing suppers. For as all they y t be in perfect health, may and ought at Supper to feede somewhat largely and (excepte custome be to the contrary) be allowed to eate more fully and liberally: so againe, to them that be of this Complexion, The Phlegmatik must vse light suppers. a spareful and light supper is most fit and agreeable: because y e brayne shall thereby be the lesse encumbred & disquieted wyth fumes and exhalaciōs, in the night ascending and proceedinge out of the Stomacke. For these be they, that engender distillations and Catarrhes, out of whome spryngeth swarmes of many diseases. And that the same may the better be auoyded and declyned, I will breefely set downe the differēces of this Phlegmatique Humour, what effect is thereby wroughte, and what diseases ensue aud grow thereuppon.
OF Phlegme there be foure sorts of differē ces or kinds: Foure kinds and effectes of Phlegme Sweete, or (if it be crude) vnsauoury, making mē drowsy and heauy, desyring to Sleepe more then nature requyreth: by reason that the Brayne which is a principall member, and the oryginal of all Senses, is moystned and made cold.
[Page 116] Sower, maketh hungry: For the mouth of the Ventricle or Stomake, Gal. de. Plenit. endued wyth this Humour, is styrred vp to an appetite and desyre of meate: Saltish, maketh thyrstye and nippeth the Stomacke. Glassie, in toughnes and coldnesse passinge all the others, bryngeth loathsomnes and abhorryng of meate.
The myeldest and leaste hurtfull of all these, Sweete Phlegme. is the Sweete: which (after that concoction is once dispatched) is bettered and turned into the nature of Bloude: which yet (notwithstandinge) wanteth not his poyson and malignaunt nature, except all the inconuenience thereof be throughly by heate excocted. For it maketh loose, softe, and rysing tumours or blysters, whyte whythoute any rednesse, and other whealie breakinge out of Phlegme besyde, in the vtter parte of the skinne, as mattrye, skabbes, wheales, pushes, and pymples in Women and yonge folkes, which sometime breake out and are full of matter and fylthy corruption: but it causeth not great ytch nor heat, as the skabbednes which commeth of salte Phlegme or abundaunce of Choler doth, which is endued wyth a sharpe byting & brynyshe saltnes.
Sower Phlegme (in quality and effect resembling & like vnto Melancholyke iuyce in cōtinuāce of time gathered into y e stomack) Sower Phlegme. is lesse cold then the Glassye, and more cold then the Sweete Phlegme. This doth pricke and byte the Stomacke, & wyth mordication annoyeth it: for being [Page] endued with a sense most exquisite, it is offended wyth that Humour which is of sharpest quality: For the sauoure and relyce thereof is so tarte, eigre and bytter, that if it chaunce to be perbraked and caste vp by vomite (as in Wynter and Autumne seasons happeneth) it astonneth and bringeth out of tast, y e tongue, the roofe of the mouth, y e Chawes, and setteth the teeth on edge, no lesse then Veriuyce, or the iuyce of vnrype and sharpe grapes, called of the fyner sort of Physitiōs Omphacion, and of the common sorte Agresta: in somuch that the relyce and tallage thereof will remayne and be hardlye qualefyed, alayed or taken awaye. This kinde of Phlegme settled in the mouth of the Stomack or ventricle, and impertinge vnto it, some porcion of his sowrnes and sharpenes, engendreth an insaciable lustinge to meate and (as wee saye) a doggish appetite, incident commonly to women wyth chyeld, Doggishe appetite. about iii. monthes after their conception, speciallye if they be with child with a gyrle: who being in heat feeble, and of strength faint and quaisie, it chaunceth that their natures be not wel able to cōcocte those Phlegmaticke humours: and thereuppon it is, that they haue such puelinge and squemishe stomacks, and be so much troubled wyth wambling and belching. For theyr chiefe desyre and special longing, being for sharpe and sower things: they greatly therby annoy their ventricle, & gather together many ill humours.
Not women onelye, but men also be subiecte [Page 117] hereunto: for whom the best way is, to vse to eate meates of heating nature, and to drincke wyne of the purest and best sort. For if this Humoure should chaunce to putrefie within the bodye, it then engendreth the Ague Epiala (so called, Epiala. because they that haue the same, be in body inwardlye of greate heate and outwardlye stiffe with extreeme Colde:) for this Humour beinge enkindled and sette on heate, maye wel bee lykened to greene flame or as wet woode, which sendeth out nothīg but stoare of thick moyst smoak, by reason y t moystnes letteth & hindereth the heat, y t it cannot breake out: & they that haue this impediment for the most part haue not onely alteration and chaunge in their Complexion and coloure, but annoyaunce and inconueniēce also in their mynds.
Salte Phlegme (which hath some affynitie with Choler) is engendred of the commixtion of Choler, Salte Phlegme. or of a saltishe or Whayie humiditye: or els of Phlegme putrefyed: the sharpenes whereof beinge once enkindled, bryngeth not styffenes and colde, but a shyueringe and shakinge to the whole body. And among all y e kinds of Phlegme none is worse nor more hurtful then is this. Harmes of salt Phlegm For in what part of the body soeuer it settleth, it breedeth and engendreth great dolours and painfull gryeues, and through the byting force that is in it, affecteth the members of the body with vlcerous lassitudes, it defourmeth and vglyfyeth the skinne wyth dry, skuruye, skalie, mangie, and fylthye [Page] eruptions or breaking oute, as Tettars, & Ringwormes, Leprosie, skurfe, ytche, skabbednes &c. But if it be myxed wyth Melancholie & other naughty Humours, it bryngeth the skuruie Elephantiasis (which is the Hebrevves Lepry) y e vlcerous Herpes, rūning Cankers, Frēch Pockes & manye diseases moe, which pitifully pearce & eate the flesh, euen vnto the hard boane.
Glassie Phlegme (so called, Glassie or clammie Phlegme. for that it resembbleth and is like to moltē Glasse) is of al others the coldest, wherefore it is very hardly to be concocted or brought into any holesom, familier and domesticall humour. It occupyeth and besiegeth for the most part, the Heade, stomack, & Entrailes, payning them with very greeuous and troublesome discrasyes. For it pricketh, woundeth, teareth a pieces & tormēteth: What parts of the body be subiect to Phlegme And this Phlegme beynge glewyshe and clammye like Byrdlyme, or such as the stuffe is, whereof drinkinge Glasses be made, is so tough and lymie, that skantly will it be parted asūder: yea it cleaueth so fast to those narow conceptacles where it resteth, that nature stryuing and bickering wyth such a straunge and vncouth Humour, is dryuen to suffer greeuous payne and tormente, before she can be able cleane to banish away and ridde herselfe from it. Great is the inconueniēce, and sundrye and intollerable be the diseases & greeues caused therby: as namely y e Cholicke, wrynging of the Guttes, payne & gryeping of the Bowelles: difficultie and excoriation in auoyding naturall ordure: great lust & desire often to go to the stoole, wythout beinge able [Page 118] to euacuate or auoyde any thinge at al, vnlesse peraduenture a smal quātity of glassy Phlegme, and fylthy baggage, and that not without greate labour and enforcement of nature.
For remedy and ease of which affects and all other greeues and gryepinge of like sort, my custome and vse is to amende and recure with nothing better then outwardly wyth fomentes, and inwardly by inections and Clysters, Vse of Clysters. which skowreth and cleane washeth away al Phlegme before engrossed, clamped and gathered together. Herewyth are all those distemperaunces and annoyaunces of health in the lowest partes, withoute daunger of any Agew, qualifyed and holpen: vnlesse the payne be too outragious and vehement: for that, therein is neither putrefaction nor inflā matiō, and also for the ignobility of the member. But if this kind of Phlegme should assault any chiefe and pryncipall member, and besyde putrefaction, grow into inflammation, it bringeth the Agues called Lipyrias: and in this case the Patiente feeleth in the innermost partes of his Bowelles, Cold, Heate dissolueth moysture, euen as the Sūne doth yse. & in his vtter parts, Heate. For euen as y e heat of the Sunne melteth & dissolueth yse, snow and hayle, & turneth the same into fluible & liquide water: so likewise doth the fits of an Agew cut asunder and liqueste grosse & clottered Phlegme: & thus it is seene, y t in one and y e same body there is both heat & cold felt & perceyued, at one & the selfe same time: like as appeareth in thē y t sit by a fyer, hauīg wet & moyst cloths vpō their [Page] backes, or in them that handle snowe or yce with their hands, whose members at one selfe same time and instant, feele both heat and cold.
But for that, All men in daunger to phlegme. the most part of mē be in Wynter, specially troubled wyth one kynde or other of Phlegme, it standeth them vppon diligentlye and by all meanes they can, to accustome themselues to hoate meates, and of the same to make exacte & perfecte digestion. For throughe cruditye and lacke of perfect concoction in the Stomacke, is engendred great abūdaunce of naughty baggage and hurtufll Phlegme, Crudlty engendreth Phlegme. endaungeringe and euidently damnifying (as much as any thing in the world els) health and welfare. Therefore all such thinges as be very Cold and Moyste, must in any wise bee eschued, as Sothernely wyndes, plaine and smooth fyshes, Wyeldings, Crabbs: and of herbs, Lactuce, Purselaine, Cucumbers, Melons, Gourds, Mushromes: or if any of these come in place to be eaten, let them be vsed wyth hoate sauces and condiments, and conuenient exercise, and such also as be of nature able to cutte and attenuate grosse and clammie Humours, to dispell wyndinesse, and suffer little or no Phlegmaticke excrementall Humour at all to rest w tin the body: for by these not onely the bodye, but the mynde also is caryed away, and by affections shrewdlye mysseledde.
Preseruatiues and helpes for the Memorie: with meanes and wayes to remoue and take away all inconueniences, harmes and hindraunces thereof. The iiij. Chapter.
FOrasmuch as both y e distemperature that is Cold & Moyst, and that also which is Colde and Dry, growing into excesse and drawinge into extremitie, oppresseth and deadly woundeth the Memory: I haue thought good into this worke to inserte and enterlace some such notes as maye serue to the furtheraunce thereof and preseruatiō of it from all such myssehappes, harmes and discōmodities as in any wyse threaten thereunto annoyaunce. And howe the same is to be done and brought to passe, I purpose compendiouslye by the way to declare: sythens not to Studentes only, but to al sorts of men in general, it shal be a thing right expedient and profitable. For al the actions and dealinges either publike or priuate, which a man taketh in hand, and enterpryseth: all his affayres, cogitations, deuyses, meditations, cares, purposes and studyes, & all labour and industry y e is taken for doing and speaking, wherin is any exercise at all of y e minde, All thinges done by memory. cānot be brought aboute and accomplished withoute the helpe of [Page] Memorie. For in this Treasure, the speciallest & chiefest parte of reason, vnderstāding and iudgment resteth: and out of it, as out of a moste rich and plentifull Storehouse is fetched and taken a cōplete furniture of most hiddē and farre fetched matters. Which power and vertue of Memory, if it further & helpe vs not, as a faythfull maintener and keeper of the things which wee deuise, ymagine and learne: all (be it neuer so precious & excellent) goeth to wrack and is raked vp in obliuion.
The proper and peculiar place, assigned & allotted for Memorie, is the Braine, the mansion & dwelling house of wit and all the Senses: which being affected or by anye distēperature discrased, Memory resteth in the Braine. all the functions and offices of nature are semblably passioned: insomuch that wit, reason, vnderstāding and iudgement being once empayred, aud diminished: there steppeth in place, Sottage, forgetfulnes, amazednesse, dotage, folishnes, lacke of right wits, doltishnes & idiocie. Which affects & imperfections may happen to mē many wayes, as by some blow or wound in the head, by some rupture or cracking of the Skull, by some fall or cōtuston, by pestilent diseases & maladies, which (of the contagion of Ayre on eche syde enclosinge vs) inspyreth infection into our bodyes: and besyde externall accidentes, which sometime cannot well be auoyded, there bee some harmes which through our owne wilfulnes and disorder, wee heape vppon our selues, incurring thereby much [Page 120] inconuenience: and these be, Surphettes, Drunkennes, Gluttonie, vnseasonable watchinge, Things hurtful to the Memory. meates colde and Phelgmaticke, immoderate vse of Venery, and carnall company wyth Womē, thereby the quicknes of witte is blunted and waxeth dull, Carnal knowledge of women is a weakening to the body Reason, Vnderstanding and Iudgement dymmed, and the strength of nature in many, so weakened and enfeebled, that in three dayes space or more after, vneth is it able to recouer y e vigour & lusty plight wherin it was before.
And not this discommodity alone, but certaine other sicklie and foule affections insurge therevpon, no lesse pernicious to the mind, then daungerous to the body, vtterlye ouerthrowinge, oppressing and ruinating the power Memoratyue. For euen as toomuch drynes of the brayne (gotten through excessiue surphet, lacke of expediente foode, A dry brain hath litle remembraūce and Venerie) is very hurtful to Memory, because that quality is nothing apte to take anye impressions, or fourmes of thinges (for drynes & hardnes taketh no printes nor Images) so also toomuch moysture (proceding of ydlenes, slouth, immoderat sleepe & moyst meats) quight destroy & drowne Memory Moysture (in deede) is more A moyste braine vnhable to remember. capable, & wil soner take y e print & formes of things, but by reasō of softnes, the same taryeth not, but passeth away agayne: euen as stāpes or Seales, being affixed and imprinted into substance or matter that is toomoyst, liquide and fluible, maketh therin no stampe, forme or print, but such, as presētly fleeteth and immediatly vanisheth awaye agayne.
[Page] Forasmuch therefore as the vertue and power Memoratiue, consisteth in a sure, faythful, and stedfast keeping and conseruation of Images, it foloweth, that the same in Childrē and in as many others as haue moyst Braynes, is weak & nothing retentiue. Old folk, & yonge Children haue ill memories, but the reason of the one is contrary to the other. Old folkes also haue the same imbecillity and forgetfulnes, and the reason is, because their braynes be so cold and dry, that nothinge is able to enter or fyrmelye to bee imprynted therein: and for these causes, both sortes of them be obliuious and nothinge Memoratyue. For of this (as also of all the inward senses) the power and facultie is according to the temperature of the Brayne. For oute of the grosse substance of that part, Temperature of the braine, the maintenāce of Memory. or whē the Spyrits and Humours therein be grosse, thicke and wyth manye vapours pestered, proceedeth Obliuion, slownes to vnderstande, & hardnes to conceyue. Againe, of a moyst Brayne, that is too liquide, commeth forth a dul or blunt sense, and a Memory nothing retentyue but sonne forgetting. And a dry Constitutiō of the Brayne maketh a very weake and ill memory: by reason, that it wil not easely admit anye impression (euen like vnto a piece of Leade, Yron or Steele, which will not easelye suffer the poynte of anye engrauinge Toole to enter and pearce into it.
A good stedfast and fryme Memory therefore is to be referred vnto the disposition and temperature of the Brayne: & this power of the minde, is ascribed to the benefite of Nature: but yet so, [Page 121] that it may be holpē and maynteyned in his perfect state by Arte, Memory, the gifte of Nature, and is by Arte holpen and made better. and if perhaps it decay or take harme, yet through care & industry, it may againe be restored. And therfore special care must be employed, and great diligence taken, that the bodye may in perfect health and sound constitution be preserued: that moderatiō both in life and diet be vsed: always within the compasse of temperaūce and frugality: that y • meate be exactly concocted: that the mynde be in peaceable tranquillitye, and free from troublesome affections: that no myssehappe betyde to disturbe and dimme the same: for lustynesse of body & mynde, holesomnes of Ayre, temperature of the Brayne, perfect Constitution of all y e Sēses, the Spyrits, both Animal & Vital (which proceede of y • Humours) being cleare and syncere, bee greate helpers & most auayleable preseruatyues for the maintenaunce of Memory.
For by these it happeneth that all the faculties of the Soule (among which Memory is chiefe) be fresh and perfect, that nothing of al that which we eyther by view of eye, cogitation, witte, learning or meditation conceyue, slippeth oute of our remembraunce. Yea, many thinges that were thought to be cleane forgottē, and cancelled with obliuion, be reuiued as fresh in Memory & seeme to the eye as plainly, as thinges but newly done: in somuch, that although sometimes wee forgette what we did but yesterday, yet perfectlye can wee remember thinges done many yeares agoe, when we were Children. The reason whereof I take [Page] to be this, The reason why childrē cā remēber things long afore done. for that, tēder age and Childhode, gredily, attentyuely & wyth great admyration fyxeth things in mynde, and is apt, readye, willinge and ful of courage to cōceyue what is put vnto them. For whyse the mynd is yet free from carking cares of the worlde, and not ouercharged or busyed with waighty matters and dealings, it retayneth suerer and kepeth faster in Memory those things which are instilled into it in childishe yeares, their minds beinge yet free from al other cūbersome disquietations.
Now, although Memory and Remembraūce of things, be conceyued in the forepart of y e head, where the common witts or Senses specially resteth, yet those thinges y • are by the benefyte therof attayned, be kept and fostered in the hynder part. And therfore they do very wel, which keepe their Nucha and nape of their necks warme, The Nucha and nape of the necke must bee kept warm. and fense themselues safe from the daunger of cold, & iniurye of wyndes: For these partes beinge distempered or affected, bringe a man in daunger of the fallinge Sicknesse, the Drowsye euill, Astonment, Palsey, Crampe, and Oblyuion.
Wherefore it shalbe right good and expedient to remoue and take away all such hindraunce & discommodities as preiudice and hurt Memory. And becaus many and sundry thinges settle in mans mynde and Memory, A mā would bee glad to forget some things. euen against his wil: such things (I meane) as he would not gladlye remember, but rather would be willing to forget and commit to oblyuion, as some lewde and loose [Page 122] pranckes, dishonestly aforetyme perpetrated, are: and agayne, manye good and holesome thinges, which are expedient and needefull to be remembred, slyppe out of mynde and be forgotten: a mā is in these poynts to take diligente heede and regard that he do not (as y e Cōmon sort vse) without anye choyse and difference eyther neglect, or retchlessely forslowe the due orders of both these things, indifferently. Those things therefore which a man would gladlye remember, it shal be good for him to thincke vppon, and many times wyth himselfe in mynde to meditate and reuolue: and such as he woulde fayne shake of & forget, as hurtfull and pernicious to his mynde, let him w t reason and iudgement stoutly resist and striue against. For as by the corruption of our nature (which is fallen away, Mans corrupt nature more, prone to ill thē to good. from his first integritye) we be a great deale readyer and apt to that which is nought, then to that which is good: and farre more proclyue to conceyue and learne the same, then thinges of better importaunce and purpose: so also those that be ill, sticke faster in memory, & not easelye to be shaken of or abolyshed, without greate adoe and difficulty. Which thing caused Themistocles to demaunde of one which professed to teach him the Arte of Memory: Themistocles wyshed to learn the art of forget fulnes. Whether there were anye Sciēce y t could rather teach him the Arte of Obliuion: for (sayd hee) I can wel ynough remēber what I lust, but I cānot so easely forget such thīgs as are settled in my mind vnwillingly and otherwise then I would desyre.
[Page] For some things we would be gladder to forgette then to remember, for somuch as manye men bee of such nature that they cannot abyde to haue olde soares rypped vp, Olde grudges are to be forgottē. and stale grudges (lōg agone stille aud pacifyed) by new rehearsalls reuyued and brought fresh agayne into question. To which ende apperteyneth this Prouerbe. A mischiefe vvel quieted and brought a slepe, vvould not be stirred anevv, nor rubbed vp a freshe.
Now, wheras there be many helpes and sundrye furtheraunces deuysed by Rhetoricians to preserue & corroborate Memory: I haue thought it good here not to stande tediouslye in particuler recytall thereof: and the rather because manye of them be very curious, and wythout marueylous precyse carefulnes scarcelye able to be obserued: for the sharpenes of witte and vnderstandinge w t such a rable of preceptes, is ouercloyed, and the natiue vertue of Memory ouerwhelmed. But among al other helpes and preseruatyues of Memory, this namelye is to be considered, that y e body may in perfect health be maynteyned, Healthe the strengthe of the Memorye. without being endaungered to Sicknesses, specially such as may disturbe and damnifye the head.
Sleepe must be moderatelye vsed, not lyinge vppon the backe, but on the one syde: the mynde quiet and calme, free from all busynes and troublesome garboyles. Crudity and surphet the spoylers of Memory.
Now, forsomuch as this faculty of the Soule is brittle, tender & delicate, there is nothing that [Page 123] woorketh more harme thereunto, then Cruditie, Ryot, Intemperaunce, Surphet and dronkennes.
In the meane season, for the preseruinge and cheerishinge of the Memorye, all helpes must be vsed & all furtheraunces, which any way may cō duce to y e mainteynāce & increase of the same must be put in vre & practize: among which, is: continuall vse and exercyse of wryting and speaking: adhibiting therein order, reason & measure, & not patteringe the same ouer rashlye, confuselye or without aduysement. There is nothing in the world more refreshed, maynteyned and strengthened, throughe care, study, industry, dilligence, regard and heede, then Memory: Againe, nothing in the world through negligence, slouth, securitye and carefulnes, so soone marred and defaced.
And euen as it is a meere vanity and foolishe braggrie (as one sayth) in this Myraculous gift of Memory, Ad Herē Lib. 3. tit. 7. to boast of Arte rather then of Nature: so againe, I deeme him a righte wyse man, that bestoweth care & diligence to make the gifts of Nature and qualityes of his mynde, flouryshing, pregnaunt and fruictful: euen as the good and thryftie Husbandman by manuraunce doth vnto his ground, to make it ranke and fertile.
And now, Memorye greatly helped and preserued by lighte Suppers. that I may here set downe precepts of Phisicke, to keepe this fyelde from growing? barreyne, first of all I am to aduyse such as bee desyrous to preserue and keepe this goodlye and necessary Vertue perfect and stedfast, to vse light [Page] Suppers, or if he happē to make full and larger suppers, to walke after it: to be meery and pleasaūtly conceipted: to lay asyde (for the time) earnest cares: and not to perplexe his brayne wyth troublesome thoughts, nor his mynde with scrupulosities. And after he hath in this sort after Supper, spent an houre and a half, let him go to bedde and take his naturall reste, lyinge vpon the right syde: and arysing earely in the morning, let him exonerate nature by all those officiall members that serue for euacuation and auoydinge of bodely excrementes: First, let him rubbe his tō gue, and combe his heade gently with an Yuorye Combe, let him vse to haue his heade polled, specially if the season of the yeare, the Countrey and Custome requyre or permitte it: for to vse it in Wynter, or where the weather is extreeme Cold, it is no lesse hurtfull and vnholesome, then foolishe and ridiculous. For they bereeue, take away and disapoynte themselues of those helpes & defences of Nature, which propulse colde and other outwarde iniuryes, & in steede thereof keepe their heads warme w t other deuysed couertures.
But when the weather is myelde and calme, and the Countrey temperate, I myslike not (as touchinge healthynesse of bodye) shauinge of the crowne of the head. For thereby grosse vapours which hurt the Memory, haue more scope and liberty to euaporate and fume oute. And therefore some in my opynion, take a holesome way for [Page 124] healthynesse (so they do it without anye maner of superstition otherwyse) which go pollshorne and haue theyr heads shauen to the hard scalpe. In som, shauinge of the head is a helpinge to Memory, & in other some a hindraunce. For by this meanes all they that are encombred wyth Rhewmes, Catarrhes, and headach, fynde much ease, and so do all they that haue theyr eyesighte (through abundaunce of Humours) dymme, and theyr hearing thicke, and theyr smelling stopped: insomuch that for the redresse of certayne diseases of the head, Shauinge of the Bearde helpeth Memory. losse of right witts, feeblenes of brayne, dottrye, phrensie, Bedlem madnesse, Melancholicke affections, furie and franticke fitts, Phisitions deeme it the beste waye to haue the hayre cleane shauen of. Which in my iudgemēt is not to be taken as a vayne or absurde fable, for that both experience and reason perswadeth and enforceth some credite thereto: forsomuch as euery man after his beard hath beene trimmed or cleane shauen of, feeleth himselfe a greate deale meryer, and lesse wayward and ouerthwart then he was before.
Furthermore my ordenarye custome is to aduyse them that haue defectyue and dymme eyes, and that be thicke of hearynge, or subiecte to the poze, to haue theyr heades rubbed, and theyr Beardes shauen or some such order and fashion, as maye moste commodiouslye serue for those partes: And accordinglye as euerye Countrye hath his peculier guyse, to vse the Barbers helpe in trymmynge [Page] and handling y e same: for after y e same, euery man looketh both smugger and fayrer, and is also of mynde more myeld and tractable, so that his outward courage seemeth to reioyce & to be pleasaūt and lustye: his Memory made more perfecte and cleare: his Spirits (which are they y e moue vs to do this and that) reuyued and styrred vp: and all the Senses (a litle afore dulled and broughte as it were a sleepe) shewe forth themselues in theyr most brauery and perfection.
And if he vse now & thē to rynse and wash his mouth, Iawes and palate: to rubbe his teeth, to wype and cleanse his Nose, to picke his eares & mundify them from al baggage & fylthynesse, stil to dilate & to open his breaste wyth Coughinge, hawking, neesing and popping or smacking with the mouthe, to exonerate his lower partes, as the Ventricle, Mylte, Lyuer, Bowelles, Bealie and Bladder of their ordinary Excrements: not onelye the Memorye, but also all the Organes of the mynde besyde, and euery seuerall faculty of the Soule shalbe well enhabled throughlye and wythout stoppe or let, to discharge and do their proper functions and offices.
And because for the most parte, the Colde and Moyst quality is most hurtfull to Memory and oppresseth it, therfore the same by his contraries is to be subdued & maystered: by such (I meane) as haue vertue, power, and efficacy, to wast and dispatche superfluous Humours, and to strengthen and comfort the Brayne: of which sort are [Page 125] these: Thīgs good for the Memory. Nuttmigges, speciallye those that are not cleane dry, rotten, and without iuyce, Rosemarye flowers, and the stemmes therof & all confectiōs made w t the same: sweete Maioram, Baulme, Stychas of both sortes, Pionie rootes, and the yonge bearies thereof, mystleden, Hyssope, and Sauoury, Herbes that sharpen the witte. which being boyled wyth meates, yeldeth forth a pleasaunte smell and sauour, for it flourisheth greene in Wynter & wythereth not: & in the number of these, adde Betonie, Cowslips, Maron, Restoratiues and remedies for the Memory being empayred or decayed throgh coldnes & moysture. or common Organie or welde Maioram, Basil, roots of flower Delyce of both sorts, Enula Cāpana, Radishe which is a roote vsuallye echwhere eaten at meales in Sommer to prouoke an appetite: and among forreyne and outlādish Spices, Zedoaria, Cloues, Macis, which is the rynde that couereth y e Nutmigge, Gynger, specially greene & condite in Honie, righte Gladē, Cassia, Cynamome, Cubebes, Myrobalanes condite or preserued in honie.
The more parte of all these may eyther be reduced into Syrupes, or stamped into powder or Condiments: or els the decoction or infusion of them may be taken, specially of such as dwel in Cold and Moyste places, and be of nature verye Phlegmaticke. To restoare a Memorye seemig past all recouery. For they that be stryken in yeares and their Humours dryed vp and exhausted, had neede to haue aswell their bodyes as the Instrumentes of theyr Senses moystened, & wyth nourishinge alimentes of sweete and pleasaunt quality to be humected, as the Ryndes of [Page] Citron, that is, of Pomegranades condite, Lyquirice, water Lillie commonlye named Nenuphar, Buglosse, Borage, Reysons (the stones being taken out) Coraunts and all such as do moderately calefie and humecte. Of which sort are these, Honie, Sugar, Wyne that is swetish, Butter and new layed Egges, Pyneapplekernelles, sweete Almonds that be not fustie, vinued nor old, Onyons ill both for the eyes & Memory. Nutts called Pistacia, Chestnutts meanelye parched, and fylberds: for Walnutts be hurtful to the Memory, and so are Onyons, because they annoy the eyes wyth a dazeling dymnes, through a hoate vapour, Lactuce dimmeth the sight. Rapes very beneficial & restoratiue▪ for the eyes. euen as Lactuce doth with cold, through a somniferous vertue and power in it.
But Rapes and Turneppes eyther sodde or boyled, do wonderfully clarefye the eyes, and are very beneficiall for the sight, and they that be disposed to try, shal fynd it by experience very true: by reasō of their great stoare of hoat & moyst flatuousnes, whereby they also encrease generatiue Seede, and stirre vp Venus, specially being cō dite with Gynger.
As touching what kinds of smal Braynes be best for this purpose, What sorts of Braynes be beste for Memory. this is first to be vnderstā ded, that there cannot be any thing of more vertue and strength to comforte Memory and keepe it in a right sound perfection, then y e Braynes of Partridges, next of Sparrowes, and all such Byrds as be naturally much styrring, & exercise themselues still in flickering and flying, wherof in an other place we shal speake more at large.
[Page 126] Washing of y e head, although many greatly mislyke not, Washing of the head. yet do I counsell none to vse it. For it weakeneth the skull and Braine panne, and maketh it at euery small cold and blast of wynd, subiect to distillations & Catarrhes. But to wash y e feete in a decoction of Baye leaues, Rosemary & Fenel, I greatly disalow not: for it turneth away from the head vapours & fumes dimming and ouercasting the minde.
Now the better to represse fumes and propulfe vapours frō the Brain, it shalbe excellēt good after Supper, to chaw w t the teeth (y e mouth being shut) a few graynes of Coriander first stieped in veneiger, Coriander. wherin Maiorā hath bin decocted, & thē thinnly crusted or couered ouer w t Sugar. It is scarce credible what a special cōmodity this brī geth to y e memory. No lesse vertuous & soueraign is the cōfection of Quinces called Diacidonion, Conserue of Quinces. if a prety quantity thereof be likewise takē after meat. For it disperseth fumes, & suffreth not vapours to strike vpward, & y e fame effect also haue certayne graynes of Mastix swalowed.
Also it is right excellent & cōfortable now & then to smell to such things as yelde a sweete & odoriferous sauour, Sweet smels cōfortable to the spirits. namely such as be of nature pearsing & calefactiue, as Lignū Aloes, Clofegelofres Rosemary flowers, Basil, Nigella, Ambregryce, Syuet, redde Roses, Hony suckle flowers, Frēch spyknard, and many other y • yelde forth a stronge smel, but the seme right pleasaunt, comfortable, & delightfull. All these refresh the Spirits, & wyth [Page] their soote sauours wonderfullye comforte the Brayne.
If a man or woman seeme (to outward iudgment) in a maner past recouery, The confectiō of Anacardus good for the Memory. and be broughte to extreeme obliuion, as they be y t haue y • disease called Lethargus or the drowsye euill: it shalbe right good for them to annoynt y e outsyde of their Nucha and nape of their necks wyth the Oyle of Castor, To restoare speach. Nigella, Euphorbe, Costus, Rocket, and inwardly to take a litle of the confection of Anacardus, or els therewyth to rubbe the tongue. For is dissolueth Phlegme that is extremelye colde, moyst, and viscous: Insomuch that it restoreth speach to them that be striken wyth y e Apoplexie, and recureth the staggeringe and stayinge of the tongue, bringinge it againe to his righte vse: Which thinge maye also be done and broughte to passe wyth Oximel Scillit. and Aqua vite, wherein a fewe graynes of Rocket haue beene stieped.
Vnto these helpes, To restoare the right vse of the tōgue to them that haue the Apoplexie. in daungerous and desperate discrasies (when nothing else will helpe) we flee for refuge and succour: but in distemperaū ces and grieues that be myelder, and not of such extremity, others now rehearsed may serue, as Syrupe de Stichade. Dia Anthos dulcis, Aur [...]a Alexandrina, The vertue of Lignum Aloes. Dia castorium, Pliris cum Musco, Triacle and Mythridatum.
By experience and daily proofe it is founde true, that Agalochus (commonly called Lignum Aloes) being eyther vsed in perfume, or smelled [Page 127] vnto with the Nose, hath a marueylous vertue to corroborate the Brayne & refresh the Senses: insomuch that beinge stamped, A Cocke to crow continnally without ceassing. puluerized, and myngled wyth some Cloues and the boane of a Rauens harte, and then all mixed with Oyle of Nigella, hath such souereigne vertue in strengthening & comfortinge y • Braine, that if the head of a Cocke be therewith annoynted, he wil crowe continually without any ceassing.
¶Of the state and disposition of a hoate and dry body: with a Discourse of the nature, condition, maners, and inclination of a Cholericke person. The v. Chapter.
FOrsomuch as among the outward things of Nature, All thinges subiect to chaunge. there is nothing of any longe continuaunce and stability, neither that long keepeth it selfe at any certayne state and vigour, but all subiect to decay, alteration, and case worse and worse: truly the state of mankinde doth specially and more then anye other, suffer sundry alterations, and is subiecte to great chaunge and mutability. Thus, is a Hoate and Moyst Complexion, in processe and tract of time, brought into a state Hoat and Drye, For, Heate by litle and litle [Page] [...] [Page 127] [...] [Page] both slyly and closely wast and consume naturall Humour, and bringeth all the body into drynesse: which quality for prolongation and lengtheninge of lyfe, is the greatest ennemy that can bee. For as the flame in a Torche or Taper feedeth vpon the combustible matter thereof, and is therewith nourished, which being all wasted and consumed, the same flame also quencheth and no longer burneth: so likewyse natiue heate by little and little weareth away, and diminisheth the iuyce & moysture, wherewith it is nourished, and finally bringeth the cause of destruction both to it self, and to the whole body beside.
Nowe, that constitution of body, which consisteth of a hoate and dry qualitye and thereof hath his name, A Cholerick man. hauinge warme Humour throughe these qualities encreased, maketh and constituteth a Cholericke man, by reason of the greate stoare of Choler which is in him: Choler natural and besyde nature. of which Humour there be two sortes and differences: the one natural, the other besyde nature. Natural Choler is the excrement of bloud concoct, bitter in sauour, and in colour and effect fyerie. When the heate of the Lyuer is moderate, then is it yealow and shyninge: but when this viscositye is ouermuch enkindled, then doth Choler also boyle w t heate, and is of colour darcke, Yelowish, like vnto Pruse Bier, called in Dutche Iopen Bier, or like vnto Oyle or melted Butter, when it is burned, and with much frying becommeth blackishe of colour: whereby it commeth to passe that the [Page 128] colour before Yelowe, chaungeth and is turned into a sadde blacke: which sometime apparauntly vttereth and sheweth it selfe in the vtter parte of the skinne, whensoeuer this Cholerique Humour diffuseth and disperseth it selfe into the same skinne.
Choler hath in the body two offices: for parte of it being mixed wyth the bloud, The office of Choler. passeth into the Veynes, to make the same more conuenientlye to penetrate into euery one of the narow passages, & to bee conueighed to such members as requyre & haue neede of the nourishment of Choler. The other part, is sente to the bladder of the Gall, annexed and tyed to the nether ende of the Lyuer, wherein the wonderfull prouidence of Gods Almighty handyworke wel appeareth, in y •, he hath appointed the same Entraile, whereunto he hath geeuen an admyrable vertue to attract and helpe digestion, to be also a receyuer and Receptorye of superfluous and vnprofitable Humour: to thentent no harme or inconuenience should thereby in any wise happen to the other members.
For Choler is of that nature y • yeldeth out a fiery force, whose motion (as it were a fier brande) stirreth vp and incēseth our minds to hasty moodes and furious rages. Anger what it is. And for this cause Angre is defined to be a heate and certaine boylinge of the Bloud aboute the Heart, wherewith the Braine also beinge excyted by Choler, is set in a heate and testines, desyrous of reueng, whensoeuer any iniury is offered. And to the lower parts [Page] prouoke and irrite the Guttes and Bowelles to auoyde superfluous excrementes: For which purpose, Natures prouidence hath deuised and framed sundry passages needeful for y • purginge, conueighaunce and euacuation of all such superfluous Humours: to witte, the Kidneyes and the Vryne Pypes, the empty or fasting Gutte called Intestinum Ieiunum (which through y e sowrenes of Choler flowinge into it, continuallye dryueth out the Excrements, By what partes of the body Choler is purged.) the Bladder, Eares, and Pores, appointed for the auoydaunce and expulsion of sweate. And in the most parte of these, if obstructions shoulde happen, all the whole fylthy masse of noysome Humour, is thereby kept within the body, and then geeueth violente assaulte to some of the principall partes. So when the bagge or Bladder of the Gall or Receptacle of Choler, is not able to exonerate it selfe of that baggage, drosse and superfluity, which it drewe from the Lyuer: it emptyeth and casteth it eyther into the Uentricle, or els into the holownesse of the Lyuer. And thus it commeth to passe, that Choler being diffused and spred ouer all the body, imperteth both his qualitye and colour to the Bloud.
Hereof commeth the Iaundice (named Morbus Regius, Iaundice. for y •, it requyreth a moste exquisite dict, and Princelike fare) which maketh all the body Yelowe as a Kytes foote, and coloured like Saffron or as Syluer, that is stroaked ouer w t Gold.
[Page 129] And if the small and slender Gutts be therewith teinted, it putteth a man to intollerable torment & payne. Wringynge of the small Gutts. This passion is called Iliaca Passio, the wrynginge of the Gutts, and also Conuoluulum, for that, the Guttes do seeme to puckar and crū ple together like the string of an Harpe, or any other Instrument.
This disease commeth either of an inflammation, or of costyuenes, when the ordure is drye & hard parched, and no sufficiente stoare of Cholerique Humour to expel & scowre awaye the Excrements. So if the vpper part of the Gutt be affected, the meate is caste vp: if the neither, ordure auoydeth at the mouthe: by reason that the Tuell or foundment is so closely shut, that not so much as a poore fyest can passe or get out thence. Manye affects besyde, doth Choler engender, as Tertian and burning Agues, when as it putrefyeth without the Veynes, which because they be largely and diligently set out in sundry Bookes of Phisicke, by many & sundry learned Phisitians published, I thincke it best here to surceasse from anye further recitall and declaration thereof.
But I purpose now briefly by the way to shew the nature and cōditions of a Hoat and dry Cō plexion, & then of a Cholericke person, Notes wherby to know a hoate and dry Cōplexion. & finallye by what markes and tokens they are to be perceyued, discerned, found out and knowen. And first to speake of the outwarde signes: A body of this Constitution is hoat, slender, leane musculous, [Page] of decēt bignesse and meane stature: and although some be of growth and talnes but smal & litle: yet are they liuely, daper, quicke, [...]ymble, and as litle Bees, euer stirrynge and whyskinge about, And
Of colour they be brownish, aburne or somewhat ruddie, specially whē their angry moode is vp, or their bodyes chaufed and set in heate wyth exercyse: & some be pale or yelowish. Their skinne rough: their arteries and Veynes bigge and apparaunt, & not lying hidden vnder the flesh: theyr Vryne redde, saffron coloured, or bright yelowe according to the proportion of Choler and heate: Their Pulse quicke and swyft, as also their gate and maner of going is. Their tongue rolling at pleasure, ready and flowing in vtteraunce: theyr haire blacke: and in some, curled and naturallye fryzeled: when as the heate and drynesse is verye great and vehement: Neyther will the same tyll after long time waxe hoarie and gray, but yet by reason of drynesse soone waxe bald. Their Nose crooked like a Hawkes bill: and in manye, especially Germaynes, Polonians, Hungarians and Dutchmen, Yealow hayre. redde beardes, and bright yealowye hayre, which commeth of glitteringe cleare shynynge Choler, that is not adusted wyth feruente heate. Redde beards. In the Lowe Countryes, those that be [Page 130] redde hayred (are of the vulgar sorte) noted, as men subiecte to some naughtye disposition and lewd conditions, secretely harboroughing within their minds.
For as Themistocles his Tutour gaue iudgmente of no meane thinge, Nature of Themistos cles. like to proue & come to passe in his sayd Scholer, but that hee woulde be eyther a singuler staye and ornamente to hys Countrye, or els some notable plague and detrimente to the same: so also the Belgiana, by a common and vsuall by worde among them, saye, that at the hands of such persons, eyther thinges most excellent, or els most villanous, are to bee expected and hoped for. Furthermore in their daylye speache they vse this as a common Prouerbe amonge them, Rooden baert selden goedt oft van goeden aerdt, Which is as much to say, y • Redde bearded men are seldome of anye good disposition: for that, in the whole course of theyr lyfe, maners, conuersation, dealinges, byinge, selling, & bartering, they seeke to vndermyne and ouereach others w t slye shifts and craftye bargaynes, euidētly arguyng, what cūning dealing lurketh w tin them to entrappe and deceiue other mē.
Which disposition and inclination, as I can not deny but is found true in verye many of that Constitution, for wante of vertuous bringinge vp, Red beard [...] argueth not alwayes an ill disposed person. and laudable institution: So againe, do I know many, hauing such coloured Beards, whose commendable qualities, and rare vertues haue aduaunced them to Honourable [Page] roumes and dignityes. For euen in Princes Courts, in Assēblies of Nobles, Peeres, & Magistrats, amonge honest substantial Trafiquers, and namely of those that dwell Northernely, wee see very manye of tryed Vertue, & singuler wisedome, right worthely wyth integritye & vprightnes admynistringe their Publique charges and functions wherein they be placed.
Now, whereas some haskerdly Peizaunts, & rascall persons, hauinge such coloured beards, be pratlers and praters, in keeping counsell, as close as a Syeue, settinge all vppon sixe and seuen, without any regard or consideration of anye thinge, Dingthryftes and Spendalles, the same do I impute to lewde education, which draweth the procliuity of their Nature to vntoward and pieuish maners. For hereof it cōmeth, that such persons be found to be vnconstant, Wylie Foxes. crafty, deceitfull, suttle, wylie, cogginge, turning the cat in the panne, full of leigier de mayne, & so fickle of word and deede, that a man may not wel & safely deale wyth them nor truste them, as persons in whom there is no more holde then is of a wet Eele by y • [...]ayle, and in anye bargayne or dealing be it neuer so intricate and cumbersome, can fynde meanes to slyp the coller and wyende themselues oute of daunger. Wherevnto if other imperfections & defectes of the bodye be added, they argue yet a worse Nature & more geeuen to mischiefe: whervppon the Poet Martiall very aptly sayth:
Which disposition is rooted in them, partlye throughe the influence of the Planetes, viz. of the Sunne and Mercury, & partly (which I rather take to be the chiefe and speciall cause) throughe thynnes of Cholerique Humour and of vncleane Spyrits, which being enduedwith a subtile heat, pricketh a styrreth them forwarde to put in practyse such kinde of pranckes and Pageauntes. Furthermore amōg these kinde of persons, there be some diuersly disposed, and of sundry conditions, wranglers, busye medlers in other mens matters, yallers, hoat as a toast, Choplogicks, & pratlers, wyth tongue at wil, and are as Iuuenall fotlie sayth:
Such commonlye are Dizardes, Gesturers, Stage players, Iugglers, Tumblers and Rogish pedlers, ydly raunging about the Country, Iangling pratlers, Fortuile tellers, mynstreis & such other lyke busye bragginge Counterfeictes, looking bigge vpon the matter, and in theyr maner of gate, hands, coūtenaunce, eyes and speach, ful of gestures, impudently presumyng to shuffle themselues into euery companye and place of assembly, hauing an Oare in euery mans Boate, and entermedling in other mens matters, wherin they haue nothing to deale. In Sleepe, very vnquiet, leaping sometime out of their bedds, because their Spyrits be very hoat, which incyte & awake thē vp (euen beyng a sleepe) to motion & walking about. For Choler frameth and fashioneth the mynds of men many wayes, producing and causynge in them diuers maners, phansyes, delightes and inclynations. And hereuppon it happeneth that whosoeuer is of a hoate and drye Constitution, & reckened in the number of Cholericke men, is naturally fierce, arrogante, imperious, stately vntractable and vnruly:
But as hee is by Nature verye testye and soone angry, so is his Cholerique moode soone alayed and pacifyed.
Nowe, sythens besyde yealowe Choler which onely is called Naturall, there be dyuers other differences thereof also, wee muste orderlye entreate as occasion falleth out, of euery one particulerly.
First of Yelowe Choler is engendred Pale, Pale or Citrine Choler or of the colour of a Pomecytron, meane betwene greene and yelowyshe. It beareth chiefe swaye at the beginninge of the Sprynge, in yonge men and bodyes not yet come to their full growth, when as freshe Bloude newlye sprowteth in theyr Bodyes. Whereuppon, that Age speciallye at this tyme of the yeare is muche subiecte to Tertian Agewes, Tertian Agues. namelye if this Humoure throughe obstruction do putrefye, and beynge scattered withoute the Veynes, happen to bee enflamed. Muche lyke whereunto is the [Page] Bastard Tertian: so called, for that, it is engendred not altogether of Yelowe Choler, but hath some part of Phlegme also ioyned wyth it. Bur [...]ing Age [...]es. For Burning Agewes do proceede and be enkindled of redde Choler, putrefyinge and rotting within the Veynes, which bringe a man into ydle talke, Phrenste and rauing. For they that be herewith affected conceyue in theyr myndes certayne fonde and absurde imaginations, thinking themselues to see some tertible apparitiōs and sights, wherby in the nights they be greatly troubled in their sleepes and sore affrighted.
They dreame of fyer and burning of houses & Townes, and thincke all the worlde to be in an vprore and hurly burlye, Cholericke folkes haue many dread full and terrible Dreames. killinge and sleying one an other: and some of these phantasticall imaginations sometime happen to a man wythout any Agewe, when as the fumosity of Choler stryketh vp into the Brayne. Which if they happen of any longe continuaunce to disturbe the bodye and mynde, it shalbe most expedient to take an other order of diet, and foorthwyth to purge Choler by vomyte, sweate, and euacuation by Siege, which may be conueniently done wyth Radix Pontica, and such things as prouoke Vryne, as these [Page 133] Herbes: Alkakengie, Sperage, Gardeyne Parslye, Anyse seede, Howe to purge Choler. and Fenell seede: forbearyng all hoate, fat and sweete meates, which are very apte to be turned into Choler, excepting onelye Reysons & Liquirice: and onely to eate such thinges as are of vertue to qualefye and alay the heate of Bloud.
And specially Sleepe must be prouoked with Lactuce and other salet herbes, Slepe whole som & good for Cholericke folke. that do humecte and refresh the Brayne and all other parts of the body. For albeit to hoat and dry complexions, and all Cholericke persons many things be both hurtful and pernicious, yet is nothing more noysome and preiudiciall then vnseasonable labour, watch, long forbearing of victuals, fumish anger and testynesse, Venus and immoderate company of Women. For euery of these doth waste and consume the strength and powers of Nature: neyther may any thing be conueniently taken frō them that be drye and leane maye marye, they had rather neede to be franked and tenderlye fedde w t delicate fare and deinty cheere, to restoare and mayneteyne them: then eyther to be skanted, or to take that which wasteth nature. For es Cattle best lyketh in rāke pasture wherin is good grasse and water ynough: so do they of this Complexion require exquisite fare. And euen as those Trees and Sprayes that do not burgen and ramifye, would not be lopped nor cutte: so likewise wearish weakened bodyes (lacking many things in respect of a firme habite of bodely constitutiō) [Page] oughte not in any parte to be weakened, neyther can well spare any thinge to be taken away from them.
But there is an other kinde of Choler, swaruing and degenerating from Natural order and meane, Yolkie Choler. called of Phisitions Yolkie Choler, borowing his name of the yolke of an Egge, whose colour and consistencie, it doth neerelye resemble. For by meanes of his excessiue heate it is thickishe, and of colour f [...]ery, and verye yelowe: which if it should happen to putrefye and bee enflamed, it breedeth Agues most ardente and burning. Therefore forsomuch as this kinde of Choler is shrunke and gone from mediocritye, it shalbe expedient to frame a cleane contrary diet, and to ensue an other maner of order, for the subduing and dryuing away of this straung quality. For if a man should still cheerish and tender it w t his like nourishmentes, he should do nothing else but exasperate the distemperaunce, & encrease the tyranny therof, and make it more vehement.
There is also an other kinde of Choler, called Leekish, Leekish or greeue Choler. so named because it is as grene as a Leeke, which is bred and engendred in the Stomacke, through naughty and corrupte iuyce, & of certain grosse potherbes: of which sort, are Garlicke, Leekes, Onyons, Cresses, Rocket, Colewortes, Betes, Cheruyle. For when as Nature is not able to subdue and mayster these and suche like nourishmēts, they be tourned into a Leekish or greene Choler, which being sometime parbraked [Page 134] and cast vp by vomyte, leaue in the tongue & Chawes, a certayne bitter relice and sharpe sauour, insomuch that w t other sweete licour it is hard to be gotten away and abolished. Also this noysome Humour sometime is engendred in the Lyuer and Veynes, by meanes of some greeuous sicknes, whē as yolkie coloured Choler is adust with vehement inflammation of straunge heate, which to vomyte vp by perbraking, Lib. 2. praedict. ca. 39 Hippocrates affirmeth to be most daungerous.
Out of this proceedeth yet an other excremēt, worse then any of the rest, Rustie or Brassie Choler. called (of a likenes that it hath with rusty brasse) Rusty or Brassie Choler, which is engēdred of Leekish or greene Choler vehemently adust. For when the humidity is with intensed heate excocted, it becommeth dry & resembleth the rust of Brasse: which thinge wee may plainly perceiue by hoat glowing things, extremely burnt in the fyer, whereunto the nature of Choler maye verye aptly be compared. For the force and vertue of fier, chaungeth the wood, first into burning coales, then into blacke coales, and last of all, when the fyer hath quite consumed all, and heate is slaked, into Ashes. So likewyse in the body of mankinde, Choler is first of saffrō colour, then (as heat encreaseth) Leekishe, somewhat contrary to nature: next Brassie or rustie, & last of al, blewish or skie colour, like vnto Wadde an Herbe that Fullers and Dyers vse in colouring and dying their clothes, which last of all is tourned into perfect black Choler or Melācholy.
[Page] All these sortes of Choler, endued wyth virulent and poysonous qualityes, infecte the mynde wyth lewde conditions, and the body wyth loathsome diseases, whereof many be of such malignaunt nature, that hardly wil be cured: as eating Cankers, corrodinge vlcers, runninge pockes, loathsome tettars or ryngwormes in the face, Morphew, the Carbuncle, wyeld fier or S. Antonies fier, Herpes, the eating & deuouring Vlcer called Estiomenus, The Wolfe [...], disease. and of Courtiers (who commonly more then others are thereto subiect) named the Wolfe: for it exulcerateth the skinne, and eateth the fleshe to the very boanes, rottinge and putrefyinge the same, depryuing the member of lyfe, and from feeling of any paine, besyde many other loathsome and cōtagious diseases, proceeding and sprynging out of the common syncke and concurrencye of these Humours, in somuch that a man in this case caryeth about wyth hym nothing els, but a stinkinge rotten and corrupte Carkasse: ‘And loathsom lymms, replete vvith mattry fylth. Virg. AEneid. 1.’
¶Of a colde and drye Complexion: wherein the Nature and condition of a Melancholique person (because hee is of this temperature & subiect to Choler) is at large declared: wyth remedies how to qualefie and subdue the same, fullye decyphered The vi. Chapter.
THose bodyes of all others are in worst case & habite, which consiste and be constituted of y e combination and composition of Cold and Dry. For considering that the mayntenaunce and conseruation of lyfe consisteth in Hoat and Moyste: who is he that can rightlye commende or allowe that quality and constitutiō of body, which weareth away & wasteth these fomentations or cheerishmentes of lyfe, beyng the chiefe & onely [...] of health and welfare? For we see in the whole course of Nature, and in all thinges within the vniuersall Worlde, Plantes, Herbes, all Creatuers endued wyth life, Men and all that lyue by breath, when they be once depryued, or lacke heat and moysture, quickly to decay, & growe vnto destruction.
For none other thing is Death, neyther can anye fitter definition be deuysed for it, then to saye, Death. that it is an abolishment and destruction of lyfe & [Page] Nature spirable, & an extinctiō of the first qualities, wherof the Humours haue their being and mayntenaunce. Man subiect to many casualties. Whensoeuer therfore a man arryueth & is broughte into these qualityes, either by Sicknesse, Nature, or by Age and course of yeares, let him make his ful reckning that Death is not farre of. For as touching vncertayne, haps and sodaine casualties which euery minute of an houre hauge ouer all our heades generallye, I thincke not meete hytherto to be referred, nor in this place to be reckened: for y • they happē violētly and agaynst Nature, making an ende of lyfe sooner then by course of nature else should bee. Which happes and chaunces as they ought not to terrifye and dismaye any man, eyther iourneying or Seafaring (forasmuch as euery Christiā oughte to commende and referre the successe and euent of his whole affayres and busynes, into the hands of God his Diuine prouidēce & pleasure, and vnto him onelye wyth firme Fayth to leane: So also in this plight and disposition of bodye, (threatned with death and extreeme dissolution) there is no cause why a mā should quayle in courage, or retchelessely (by all conuenient meanes he may) neglect to tender and cheerish his body: but so longe as anye sparke of lyfe lasteth, neuer to ceasse to vse all such helpes and foments, as may serue to the prolongation of his dayes. For God of his bounteous liberality, hath gratiously geeuen and appoynted manye thinges, whereby the same may well and fully be brought about.
[Page 135] For as fruictlesse trees, by pruning and industrie are made fruictfull: and as barrayne groūd, (wearyed with long tyllage) wyth dunging and composting, is agayne restoared to fertility: so likewyse bodyes that bee drye, are wyth nourishment fit for the restoration of Nature, comforted, and brought euen vnto the full appoynted & prefixed terme that by Nature is limitted, as it were into the Hauen that we longe wished. Which hope of prolongation and lengtheninge of lyfe, no man of reasonable and indifferente iudgement in consyderation of Humaine thinges can disalow, so that, euery man herein (submitting his will & mynde vnto his Maker and Creatour in whom all thinges haue their beinge and consistence) referre his dealings and desyres, What limitation oure prayers and wyshes ought to haue. vnto his godlye dispensation and appoyntment, acknowledginge all things (whatsoeuer they be) to be gouerned & directed by the decree of his omnipotente pleasure.
But because Melancholy is subiect vnto a cold and dry quality, neither can anye plighte or state of body (proceedinge hence) be worse then it, nor more incommodious to health: therefore it seemeth needeful, to make some further discourse of the condition, nature, effect, strength and differences thereof, and how greatlye it affecteth both the body and the mynde of man.
For all mē for the most part at the beginning of the Sprynge and Downefall of the Leafe (at which season of the yeare this Humour doth [Page] most ryfely abound) are subiect to Melācholicke affectiōs, No man but is subiect to Melācholy. namely those that be Magistrates and Officers in the Commonwealth, or Studentes which at vnseasonable times sit at their Bookes & Studies. For through ouermuch agitatiō of y e mynd, Students muche troubled wyth Melācholy. natural heat is extinguished, & y e Spyrits aswell Animall as Vitall, attenuated and vanish away: whereby it cōmeth to passe, that after their vitall iuyce is exhausted, they fall into a Colde & Drye constitution.
And of this Melancholike Humour there be two differences, Two sorts of Melācholy. the one Naturall, the other beside Nature. That Melancholie which is naturall and familiar to a man, is mylder and lesse hurtfull then the other. For being caryed and conueyghed into the Veynes together wyth the Bloud, it nourisheth the members that be of lyke Nature and cōdition to it selfe, & vnto them mynistreth nourishmente, as the Boanes, Grystles, Ligaments and Synewes.
For this Humour is not vnlike vnto Beasts feete when they be soddē and brought into a Iellie, which in eatinge, Whereto Melācholy is like. cleaue to the fyngers and lyppes, as tough as Brydlyme: whereby it causeth Bloud to haue a good power retentyue, and to be thicker: because when it is ioyned with perfect Bloud, and wyth the sweetenes thereof tempered and alayed, as a sower grape with Hony or Sugar, it thereuppon becommeth in tast and relyce not altogether sower or bitter, as those thinges that exasperate the Iawes and Palate, but [Page 136] somewhat tart and sowrysh, and as it is commō ly tearmed, The taste & relyce of Melācholy. Ponticke: such a relyce I meane, as is in a grape (out of which new Must is pressed) being not as yet come to his perfect rypenes and maturytie, such as in the latter ende of Autumne is brought out of Germany and Fraūce into the Lowe Countryes, to slaunche and sill the glutting desyre and greedynesse of some: which beinge very sower in tast, (insomuch y t it seemeth to take away the vpper skinne of the tongue,) theyr vse is to condite wyth hony and hony combes: to make it (for them that haue quaysye stomackes) better relyced, & pleasaunter in taste. And as y e dreggs, mother, or settlinges of Oyle, reteyne a tallage of the Oyle: and as the Lees of Wyne keepe a certayne tast, relyce and smell of the Nature of Wyne: Euen so Melācholicke iuyce which proceeded from Bloud, reteyneth the spettle and tast thereof. Wherefore this Humour maye seeme somewhat vnproperly to be called Atra bilis, sythens there is in it no adustion, De locis affect. lib. 3. cap. 5. but (as Galene sayth) a bloud or Melancholike iuyce, which is nothinge els then the dryer and thicker parte of bloud, altogether lyke vnto dregges and Lees, y t settleth in the bottom of the vessel, and conserueth the strength & vigour of the Wyne, and suffreth it not to wast and vanish. And as the Lees or Dregges of Wyne called in Dutch Droesen or Moeder, serue to good vse and purpose, for the making of Aqua vite wythall: Euen so Melancholicke iuyce which (it I may so plainly terme [Page] it) is y • setling and refuse of Bloud, hath in it an holesom vse and commodity. For one part goeth into the Veynes, and helpeth bloude: the other part (much like to the former) is drawen by the Lyuer into the Splene or Mylt: The vse and Nature of the Mylt. & hauing thence afterwards issue into the Stomacke, (on the left syde wherof it lyeth) styrreth vp appetite to meat, throughe the sharpnesse and sowrenes that is in it. This viscous substaunce being soft thinne, fungous, and like vnto a Spūge, is the Chāber of Melācholie, and a Receptory appoynted by nature, to draw out vnto it, the dregges of Bloude: and sometimes so much swelled wyth aboundāce of excrements, as though it would oppresse and kill a mā: according whereunto the Cappadocian Baude in Plautus bewayleth his owne case in these woords:
Which part of y e body because it is a great hinlet to nymblenes and agilitye, The Mylte hindereth agility and quicknes of body. and a fowle cūbersome loade to Runners, Postes, Currours and speedy Messengers, the ignoraunt commō people sometime thoughte and were perswaded, that the beste waye was, cythe: to haue this viscous substaunce [Page 138] quight taken out, or els to be cauteryzed. Mylt cānot be taken away. But in very deede it is not without great daunger and hazard of life to be taken oute, no more then the Testicles or Stones can from the Castor: which is a kinde of Beaste that lyueth both in water and on land: whom hūters (reporting a flymflam tale of Robinhoode) do absurdely affyrme, that wyth their owne teeth they byte away their owne Stones, and for sauegarde of their lyues throwe the same at those, which pursue and chase them. Yet notwithstāding this viscousnes, if it swel and bolne ouermuch, may be qualefyed, kept downe and repressed by vsing Roman & cō mō Wormwood, [...]etrach, Polipodie, Sene, Epythyme, Rosemary, Capers, Doder, Fumitory, Hartstongue, bitter Almonds, Peach kernels, Tamarixe & swete Broome: For y e more y t it encreaseth & waxeth bigger, the more the bodye pyneth away, & becōmeth leaner: The Splene lykened to a Princes Exchequer or Treasury so y t very aptly did Traiane the Emperour compare & lyken a Princes Exchequer to the Splene. For as when a Princes Coffers be full stuffed, & his Treasuries enriched, y t common people be wringed, pinched & empouerished: so, whē the Splene waxeth bigge & encreaseth, the body is pyned away and wasted w t leannesse. For somuch therefore as God his carefull prouidence hath made and ordeyned this mēber to purefie y • Lyuer, & to purge and skum awaye the grosse & feculent part of the Bloud: it stādeth euery mā in hand, by al meanes possible, carefully to forsee, y • it incurre not any inor [Page] take any harme. For if the Splene or Mylte should suffer obstruction, or fall into imbecillitye and weakenes: the Melācholike iuyce disperseth it selfe into euery part of the body, makinge the skinne to be of a sootie and dunne colour: and further disquieteth the mynde, wyth sundry straung apparitions, and phantasticall imaginations.
But if it throughlye perfourme the office, The Mylte causeth a mā to laugh & be mery. for which it was ordeyned, & do exactly drincke vp y • drossie feculencie of Bloud, it maketh a mā thervppon wonderfull meerye and iocunde. For when the Bloud is syncerely purefyed, and from all grossenes and feculencie purged, the Spyrits consequently are made pure, brighte and cleare shyninge: Whose purity and clearenes causeth y e mynde to reioyce, and amonge meery companiōs to laughe and delight in pretie deuyses, mery cō ceiptes and wāton phansies. Which thing likewyse commonly happeneth to them, that moysten and whittle themselues well wyth wyne: who (althoughe otherwyse in dealinges they be naturallye sterne and surlie, Wyne cheereth the hartes of them that bee seuere & maketh them as merye as a Pye. and outwardlye in countenaunce and maner of gate, pretendinge a kinde of seuerity:) Yet beinge somewhat heated wyth Wyne, and lighting in the company of amorous & beautifull Damosells, they set cocke on hoope, and shake away from them al their former grimnes, and wayward maners, and become as meery as the meryest.
And thus haue I my selfe knowen some, and that of no meane callinge, who (eyther through [Page 139] inclynation of their Nature or custome of lyfe) cleane geeuen from all companye, lookinge wyth face and countenaunce grim [...]e and seuere, wyth browes knyt together & frowninge, wyth eyes sullen, sterne, terrible, glauncing asyde and eskāted, What time Melancholike persons be out of measure mery. ynough to make such as meete them afrayde to loke vppon them: who (notwythstā ding) when they haue beene in company w t yonge pleasaunte Maydens and meery Gentlewomen, haue (for the whyle) forgone & layed asyde their seueritye and Stoycal precysenes, and in Dauncinge haue shaken their legges, and footed it as roundly as the best: But the meery conuocation being dissolued, and the solemne myrthe fynished, haue eftsones retourned to their Olde Nature, wanted maners, and accustomed grauity.
My aduyse and counsell to them in this case is, Beste for grim and seuere folkes to vse mery company. to exhort them to vse such mery compaignyes: and often to frequent such pleasaūt conferences: thereby to acquainte themselues wyth curtesye & familiar humanitye, discontinuinge and abandoning that their former counterfeite and disguysed seuerity: and to dispose their minds to the wel lyking of Nuptiall society.
To them therefore that be Splenetique and sicke of the Mylte, and to as many moe, as are of Nature, sorowfull, lumpish and sow [...]measurable drynking of Wyne, exercyse of body, company & meery felowship bryngeth both a sound health, and a pleasaūtnes of lyfe. For by framyng themselues this way, naturall heate is strengthened, [Page] and (lyke fier with often styrring and rakinge) begīneth to shyne, glitter & sparckle: the wearyed and lāguishing spyrits (when this synke of Melācholie is once exhausted & al fuliginousnes banished) are reuiued, & w t their shyning brightnes clarifye & illuminate all y e senses, whose mynisterie the minde vseth, making them ready and apte throughlye to atchieue and execute their due offices, actions and charges. And therefore this old Verse (althoughe not curiouslye penned and fyled) which is common almoste in euerye mans mouth, seemeth to me not altogether absurd: neyther much swaruinge from truth.
In English thus:
From the functions of which Entrailes, The souereigntye of the heart. the Heart which is the founteyne of lyfe and natural heat, and the oryginall of vitall spyrite, is not excluded: as in whom, resteth the chiefest and moste pryncipal power and faculty, in the exployting of any thinge incident to Nature. Of it, such famous men as excell, and be renowmed for wysedome [Page 140] and experience, are called Cordati: & they that want, Cordati. and are further of, from the same, are termed by names, taken of the impotencie & imperfection of the mynde in that behalfe, & of such affections as differ moste from Temperaunce and moderation. Herevppon are they that nosle themselues in Slouth, ydlenesse, negligence, lazynesse & ease (neyther addicting themselues to any profitable studie, tendinge to the Glorye of God, neyther to their owne auayle and furtheraunce in dyrectinge them to anye vertuous lyuinge, Socordes. are called Socordes. And an other sort worse then these (called Vecordes) be they, Vecordes which ymagine and deuise in their mind nothing but fraud, collusion, deceipt, murther, treachery, burninge, treason, spoyle of their felow cytizens, destruction to their natiue Countrey: and finally in theyr mindes laye the Platforme and weaue the toyle, of most villanous myschyeues.
Which inwarde vyces, and gracelesse outrages of the mynde, euidētly and apparaūtly descry and shew oute themselues in the eyes, face, countenaunce, forehead, eyebrowes, and in all the outward shape and habite of the body besyde: & if it so happen that they be therein taken tardye, they frette and fume, they slampe and stare, they stand mute and speachlesse, they stagger and solter, they cogge and dissemble, they wrangle & face out the matter, they flatly denye the deede, or else aunsweare so doubtfullye and perplexedlye, [Page] y • a mā cānot tel▪ wher to haue them finally eyther they will laye the faulte in an other mans necke, as did Adam: Genes. 3. or els coigne odde shyftes to cleare themselues. And if we be desyrous to haue a paterne of such a one, Catiline. let vs beholde Catiline, a factious yonker, (as Salust reporteth) and armed wyth the brandes of sedition against his frendes and Conntrey: whose colour (through the conscience of his vngratious deedes, & disquietnes of mynde) was pale as ashes, and without anye bloude, his eyes terrible and grymme, his pace & gate somewhile quicke, and somewhyle slow, and in whose face and countenaunce a very harebrained and raging madnesse appeared.
Wyth the like furie and outrage was kinge Saule incensed, to commit murthers & manye other detestable enormyties. 1. Reg. 20 Cayn also stynged with the same furyes and remorse of mynde for killinge his brother, fell into desperation and vtterly mystrusted any forgeeuenes or mercy. For when as the Lord God examyned him of y e murther which he had committed, Genes. 4. and charged him w t the haynous cruelty thereof, Cain as thoughe he had bene guyltlesse in the matter, flatly aunsweared, that hee could neither tell what was become of his brother, Cain a patterne of desperation. neyther where hee was, nor howe he fared, nor what he did, but impudētly auerred himself vtterly ignoraūt of al dealings touching the same.
Of the defectes of the heart and infirmity of y e minde and reasonable part, are they termed Excordes, [Page 141] in whom is restaunte some parte of Melancholie, but the same brutishe: for they be voyd of reason, foolish, blockeheaded, doltishe, dull and doating, whom some plain wryters cal insensate. S. Paule, reprouing the Galathians of foolishnes, Gal. 3. calleth them [...], that is to say, grossewitted, dullards, blockes, fooles and not of capacity able to conceiue thinges good and holesome, but starters backe from the profession and doctrine wherein he had instructed them.
And therefore the Brayne or principalitye of Reason, Agreement betwene the Heart and the Braine. conspyreth and agreeth with the strēgth and power of the heart, and these twaine do mutually ayde one an other: so that they (in whom reigneth wit, reason, iudgemente and vnderstanding) are very aptly called Cordati, discrete and wyse. For by the meanes of those helpes and furtheraunces, they stoutly attempte and couragiously compasse great and waightye matters, and what soeuer the mynde conceyueth, they by direction and guyding of wysedome, bring to passe and execute.
The other afore rehearsed Entrailes, The Gall is the foūteina of Anger. haue also their proper force and efficacie, as the Gal ministreth cause and occasion to Anger, brawlinge, contention, T [...]e Lyuer causeth lust and carnall desire. chydinge and quarellinge. The Lyuer abounding with Bloud, & heated w t Wyne, incyteth the Reynes to y e desyre of amorous embracements, fleshly concupiscence, lecherous lust, riot and lasciuiousnes. The heart, by help of the [Page] Lūges, the vocal Artery and tongue (which serueth for vtteraunce of woordes and internall deuises) expresseth and vttereth the cogitatiōs and meanings of the mynde. The Splene or Mylt (if it be not otherwise empeached) maketh a man exceedingly to delite in iestinge, The Mylte beinge in right case, cause of myrthe and cherefulnes laughter, myrth, pastime and wātonnes, mynding no earnest matters, but letting the world slyde, geeueth himselfe to passe the time merilye. Contrariwyse if it bee surcharged and ouerwhelmed with toomuch cō fluxe of fylthye Humour, and be debarred or disappoynted of the ordinarye helpe and ayde of the Lyuer, either through imbecillity or obstruction, then bringeth it manye discommodities and annoyaunces, no lesse hurtful and preiudicial to the mynde then to the bodye, The Mylte affected, maketh the mynde heauy and sad, as Heauynesse, sorowe, sadnesse, feare, and dread of myssehappe to come, carefulnesse, thought, desperation & distrust, y t ▪ is to say, cleane out of hope of any better Fortune. Which affections and perplexities cast a mā into exceeding griefe, Perturbations of mind torment, vexation and martyrdome, wearing away his beauty, and wasting his bodely comelynesse, and making him to loke lyke syluer al fustyed wyth chimney soote, or as bright and handsome things in a reekie house that are besmered, dusked and smoked.
For when the dregges & refuse of Humours haue recourse thyther in greater abundaunce then the heate and naturall power of the member is able to wield and qualefye, y e greater is the decaye thereof, and much more daungerously is it [Page 142] oppressed. For as a Porter or labouringe man which caryeth burdens, heauier then his strength will allowe, cannot but fall downe vnder the waight, thereby many times hurtinge both himselfe, and spoyling his cariage: So when greater stoare of Melancholique iuyce is conueighed & deryued into this viscous member, then it is eyther able to beare or by concoctiō to ouercome, it is thereby sundry wyse distempered and brought into many diseases.
For when the Splene is affected, the Stomacke consequently suffreth cruditie, Diseases of the Splene. loathing of meate, and is much infested wyth breakinge of sower wynde vpwarde: the Hypochondrion or wast, and the heart strings inflated and swolne, y e body becommeth slender and thinne, the gummes vlcered with mattry wheales, the teeth wān coloured, rustie, loose, hoarish & rotten, theyr mouth stinking, their Chawes rammishe, ‘And throate vpbelching fulsome breathes. Pers. Sa. 4.’
Into the number of these sicklie distemperaū ces and affects of the Mylt, I reckē also the diseases, y t of old writers were named Stomaracce & Scelotyrbe, in Dutch, namely of the Phryselanders (of whom manye in the Sprynge and Autume be ther w t troubled) vulgarly called Schoirbuick, & of some Barbarous wryters, Scarrificatiō of y e belly. It cōmeth & is engēdred of much [Page] corrupte baggage, and filthye [...]yncke of naughtye Humours, which shyfting out of the Mylte into the Stomack, beerayeth the teeth and gummes with a certaine loathsome and contagious infection: and for that, a parte thereof falleth downe into the feete, it is presently seene that the Leggs and Knees shrincke together and waxe weake, y e ioynts lewse and enfeebled, the colour alonge the Thighes and Hammes, euen to the soale of the foote, of sundry hewes, and vglie to beholde. The nature and curatiō of which disease, because it is exactly discoursed and learnedly handled already in a seuerall booke by it selfe, by D. Guil. Lemnie, I deeme superfluous & needlesse here [...]n this place any further to prosecute.
But all these discommodities and inconueniences of the Mylt might the better be borne w tal, so that the lowest members and the abiect & ignoble parts, were onely subiecte to the harmes & annoyaunces thereof, (and yet are these no lesse necessary in a body, then Pryuies and Synks in a house which serue to scoure and cary out al fylty Sullage) but when the principall members, and Organes of witte and Reason, chaunce with semblable harme to be attached, and with sundry affectiōs be distēpered, y e case requyreth, greater diligence and care to be employed, for the packinge awaye of such backfrendes and ennemyes. For the fulsome vapours (which as it were out of a dampishe Marshe or stinkinge Camerine,) stryke vpward, do annoy y e Brayne w t greeuous [Page 143] and odious fumes, and distemper the Spirits Animall wyth a straunge and forreine quality. Hereof commeth disquietnes of mynde and alienation of right witts, Signes of a destēpered Brayne. absurde cogitations, troublesom Dreames, gyddinesse of the head, ringing of the eares, dazeling of eyes, mournefall sighes, trembling and beating of heart, a mynde sorowfull, cōfortlesse, perplexed, pensiue and feareful: insomuch that they which be in this sort affected, distrust, & be afrayed aswell of their frends as of their enemyes, looking about them for feare of daunger euery mynute of an houre, trembling at euery smal noyse and wagging of a leafe, Tormentes of an vnquiet mynde. & ready for feare to runne into a mouse hoale, althoughe there be no cause of anye such feare at all: and if they be demaūded y • cause why they so pine away themselues, with needelesse care and bootelesse sorowe, eyther they will make no aunsweare at all: or if they do, very vnwillingly & wyth much ado. Insomuch that thereupon they wil desyre to shift and conueighe themselues oute of all companye, not abyding anye felowship nor conference with frends, but peaking in darke corners and secrete solitary places, Timon a hater of all men. lyke Timon (syrnamed [...], because he hated all men) and Bellerophō, who (as Homere reporteth) assayed to shake of his carefull thoughtes and pensiue dolours by bestowing himselfe in some waste wildernesse or solytary corner.
By many and sundrye wayes do men fall into this ill case and habiting, who afore were cleare & free ynough from it. Causes of Melācholy affections. Some by the stayinge of their Hemorrhoides, and stopping of their naturall Purgations or Flowers, or by the restraynt of some ordinary and accustomed issue. Some be brought into it, through long sorrow and heauynesse for the death of their Parentes, or some greate losse of worldly wealth, or finally by myssing and beyng disappointed of some great desyre and expectation, which they hoped & had, of some thing to come to passe.
Yea there be some that haue fallen into this Melancholike habite by watchinge in the nighte at their Studye at vnseasonable houres, by leading a peakish and solitary life, by hunger, penurie and streict fare, or els by vsing and accustoming some kinds of nourishments, whereby they brought themselues into a cold & drye distemperaunce. Many through the conscience of their former myssedeedes, and remorse of their wicked and abhominable lyfe aforetime ledde: haue plū ged into these Melācholike affects, dryuing thē selues many times into such great incōueniēces, Torment of an vnquiet and guiltye conscience. that what with blindnesse, furi [...], madnesse & wāte of right mynde, they become weary of their liues, [Page 144] and suffer manye horrible and bitter torments. For as Iuuenal right aptly sayth:
Behold here (gētle Reader) the panges, vexations, feares and torments of a wicked mynde & of an afflicted Conscience, Remo [...] Consci [...] for wi [...] deedes denounced by God to lighte vppon so many as forsake his lawes, and rebelliously contemne his commaūdements: inso much y • (as the Prophet sayth) he sendeth vppon them, Esay [...] the Spyrit of dizzenesse or gyddynesse, & maketh them to erre in euery good worke, euē as a Drunken man staggereth in his vomyte, so that by reason of their blyndnesse of Hearte, & contempte of God, and his Worde, in any distresse or calamitye, yea in the horror of Death, [Page] they haue nothing wherewithall to comfort their weakenesse, Despysinge of Gods word, auenged and punished. or to salue their troubled consciences w tal: but haue al theyr witts, deuyses & thoughts perplexed and confused: because they leane to a broken wall, that is, to a thing without strength, not able to relieue them, but rather sit to hurte them: Esay. 36 Leaning to a broken reede. and as Esay sayth, They put their trust, in a broken staffe of Reede: Whereby he meaneth, that they repose their hope and confidēce in that, which is so farre from being able to helpe & stay them, 4. Reg. 18. that it rather hurteth so many as leane vnto it, Ezech. 29. and (as Ezechel sayth) bruiseth and renteth theyr handes.
There are besyde these, manye other Examples whereby God putteth the wicked in feare, and threateneth plagues to such as despyse & forsake his word and Commaundement. If thou (sayth he) refuse to harken to the voyce of the Lord thy God, Deut. 28. he vvil smyte thee vvith madnesse & blyndnesse, & geeue thee an vnquiet hearte, & dasing eyes & sorovv of mynd: & thy lyfe shall hang in doubt before thee: and thou shalt feare both day & night, & shalt haue no assuraūce in thy lyfe. In the morning thou shalt say, vvould God it vvere night: and at night thou shalt say, vvould God it vvere Morninge, for feare vvherein thy hearte shalbe, and for those sightes and visions vvhich thyne eyes shall see. Againe in another place, he sheweth what plagues, disenses and vexations he will send vpon them. I vvill (sayth the Lord) and that quickly, Leuit. 26. visite you, vvith cold, hunger, & [Page 145] extreme heates: you shall flee vvhen as no man follovveth you, and the noyse of a shakinge leafe shall make you afrayde: and vvhen yee flee the svveard, you shal fal, no mā folovving vpō you, & your soule shall pyne avvay in your vnrighteousnes, and myssedeedes. No whitte better happes doth Ieremie the Prophet thūder out vpon thē y • shrinke from God and resist his word, seeking to oppresse y e worshippers therof in truth, Saying: Be thou not terrible vnto mee O Lord, Iere. [...] for thou art my [...]ope, in the day of my tribulatiō & affliction: Let my persecutours be confounded, but not mee: Let them be afrayde, and not mee. Bringe vppon them the time of their plague, and bruyse them vvith double contrition. For when a mā is both tormented in mynde, and afflicted wyth the losse of worldly wealth, Double c [...] trition. and also distempered and out of good frame in body, that mā is with double contrition plagued.
Forsomuch therefore as these Melancholike furyes and perturbations proceede of sundry and diuers causes, it is expediente first of all, to take away the headspryng of the whole mischiefe, & to pluck vp by the rootes that inconuenience which distēpereth the mynde. The next is, to cheerishe & tēder the body wyth all conuenient & behoouefull attendaunce: and by al meanes possible to assay, somewhat to ease and mitigate those greate distemperaunces that infest aswell their bodyes, as theyr myndes. For surelye the case of these kinde of persons is to bee pytied, insomuch that [Page] none (except such as make non accompt of honesty and humanity) eyther will or ought to flowte or mocke at them, but rather will lament & be sorie to see them brought into such pytiful taking, and to be so lamentably fallen from the iudgement of right witte and reason.
S. Paule hath a worthye saylinge, which also may well ve applyed to these persons. Let him (sayth he) that thinketh himselfe to stande, 1. Cor. 10. take heede lest he fall: Whereby he aduyseth and admonisheth euery man (in the whole course of this lyfe) not to be too proud of any prosperity & welfare, neyther (in putting toomuch trust therin) to promyse vnto himself security. For it may com to passe, y t by some mysfortune or outward accidente he may be taken tardie, & fall himselfe into worse diseases both of body and mynde, and greater thē they, whom a litle afore he so much skorned and mocked.
But because euery one may readily vnderstād and knowe the notes & tokens of a cold and drye Complexion, Notes of a cold & drye Complexiō. I will heere by the way describe & shew aswel the euidēt marks of the bodely shape outwardlye, as those of y e mynd inwardly, which in words, deedes and conuersatiō, shew out them selues apparantly: and finally what effecte Melancholy worketh. And because Melancholike nature is subiect to this Constitution, the same signes and tokens are also hyther to be referred. For whosoeuer is disposed to haue ful tryal of a cold and dry complexioned body, and throughlye [Page 146] eyeth them that be Melancholicke, shall at y e first sight, plainly perceyue them in al poynts to agree together. For these complexioned persons are of body ill fauoured, leane, dry, lank, pylde skinned, and wythout hayre, crokenayled, which throughe drynesse or siccitie become and grow crooked, euē like horne or leather that crumpleth together: specially when this habite is throughlye by continuaunce settled, and wyth encrease of qualities hath taken deepe rootes, as appeareth in them y • be worne w [...]th sicknes and Oldage.
And because al the parts of the body do fade, drowpe, Persōs Ph [...]gmatick [...] coloured. and be no longer nourished, it happeneth that the haires waxe thinne, and by little & little fall of, and the face becommeth pale, yelowyshe & swarty. For in all them that be Splenetique, y e colour fadeth and decayeth, the feete swel, y e Stomack is with crudity distempered, and by reason of ill humours hauing influence into it, is many times troubled & subiect to belking & sower vomitting, y • breaking out wherof, doth greatly ease them. As touching y e notes & markes of their minds, they are churlish, whyning, wayward & ill to please, stubborne, intractable, obstinate, greedy of worldly goods, & couetous of money, pinching and sparing, whē they haue got it, & not daringe to spēd or bestow vpon thēselues such things, as the necessity of mās life for vse requyreth. A man may also know thē by their kind of gate: for they vse a certaine slow pace & soft nyce gate, holdinge down their heads, w t coūtenaunce & loke so grim [Page] and frowninge, as thoughe they were lately come out of Trophonius denne, Trophonius Denne. S. Patrickes Purgatory. or oute of some Caue vnder the ground (such as the fabulous yawning of the earth in Irelande, commonlye tearmed S. Patrickes denne or Purgatorye) is. To conclude, the grimme and surlye Planet of Saturne, together wyth Melancholie so disposeth them, y t (as though they were bound by vow to sylence & taciturnity) a man shall scantly get a word out of their mouthes. These therfore and many other lyke, are incident vnto that cōplexion and habite, which is cold and drye: and do ordinarily accompanye that kinde of naturall Melancholie, which is somewhat is digressed from his righte state and purity.
But y t, which is in y e body beside & cōtrary to nature, is farre worse and more pernicious: Three sorts of vnnatural Melācholy. and it is aptlie tearmed blacke Melancholie, whereof there bee three sortes or differences. One is of Melancholike iuyce, turned eyther by putrefaction or combustion of straunge and forreyne heat into Ashes, like Wood, or other combustible substaunce burnt, & wyth the force of fier brought into Cinders. That which is putrefyed hath a sower, sharpe and tart quality. That which proceedeth of heate, doth adure or burne, and wyth his sharpe and byting Nature doth much infes [...]e and disquiet the body, differing from Melancholike iuyce as Lees burnt, do frō Lees & feces not burnt: For these feces and Lees which were neuer adusted and burnt, are a great deale myelder [Page 147] then those wherof Aqua vite or Aqua Composita is made. The seconde which is worst of all, is compact and made of yealowe or yolkie Choler aduste, whereby it commeth to passe that it is blacke, like pytch, and shyneth like to Ieate, Bitumen, Colophonia, and as certayne resynie stuffe, intermyngled and perfused wyth a Yelowyshe & blacke shyning, by reason of the fierye consistence of the parts, in that thicke and compact matter. It is therefore blacke of coloure when it is not much aduste, burned & enflamed like vnto Walworte, or Elder berryes, Pryuet, Peonie beries, or the Kernelles of blacke Cheryes and blacke Grapes: the iuyce whereof dyeth and coloureth a mans hands, wyth a blacke or bloudy colour. And if it happen to bee enflamed and set in extreme heate, The col [...] of Mela [...] choly en [...]med. then is it of coloure entermingled with a purple shyning, lyke glowyng hoat Gold, newly burnt in the fyer. If it be immoderatelye and toomuch enflamed, it bringeth the mynde into furious fitts, phrenticke rages, and brainsicke madnesse: Contrarylye, when all thinges consiste wythin mediocritye, it causeth and bringeth forth sharpnesse of witte, excellency of learning, subtility of inuentiō, eloquence of tongue & right skilful vtteraunce, w t knowledge howe to speake. The last kinde of Melancholy, is engendred of y e adustion o [...] Phlegme.
Forasmuch therfore as there be so many sorts of Melācholie, and because Melancholique persons be of so sundry cōditions, maners, natures, [Page] inclinatiōs, bodely proportions, complexiōs & colours, therfore euery one must be founde out and knowen by the proper markes and tokens, peculiar, incident and appertayning to them. Signes of suche as bee subiecte to Melācholy. For they that be broughte into this case and habite by Choler or bloud adust, haue bigge swolne veynes: for they swell wyth wyndynes, their bodyes tawnie coloured, and very rough withall, thicke hatred and bushie, by reason of thabundaunce of heate, swelling and bigge lippes, by reason of the concourse of Humour and flatuous spyrite, into the higher parts, wheruppon it also happeneth y t their eyes sometime be eminent and bearing out: Againe, sometime (whē Humours decrease) hollow and standyng inwarde: sometime swyft mouing and twynckling, sometimes staying, vnmoueable and not at all quiuering: the tōgue (which is interpreter of all secreets of the mynde) somewhile quicke and ready, somewhile stammering, foltering & vnable to delyuer out a playne word: which distemperaunce and affecte, Stāmeringe of tongue. may many tymes happen by occasion of the time of the yeare, Age, Countrey, weather foggie and dimme, or fayre and cleare, and finallye by the quality of meate and drincke, and hereuppon maye it be endūed with some cold Humour.
This Humour is manyfolde and of sundrye sorts, wonderfullye framinge in the bodyes and mynds of men diuers dispositions, and in them constituting sundry habites, maners and conditions. For it may after a sort be resembled vnto Yron. Seacoales or Charcoales, which beinge [Page 148] flered, appeare glowing hoate, shyning lyke burnished Golde, and burninge the members of the touchers: but being quenched, they looke blacke, cankered & rustie. Euen so Melancholie, albeit it be cold and drye, and in colour drawinge somewhat vnto blacknes, yet reteyneth it some heat of the faculty and nature of that, Melancholy hath some heate in it. frō whēce it came, that is to saye, Choler or Bloud. For so the Dregges or mother of Oyle, the feees or vineger of Wyne, Embers and Coales, retayne and haue a certaine smacke or nature of the Brandes whē they smoaked and were on fler. Therefore Melancholie is not altogether without heate, but reteyneth some deale of that quality in it. For although it be a long while ere it wyll be enflamed and throughly heated, like Yron which must both be mollifyed and tempered wyth force of moste ardent & bituminous coales, & also w t the helpe of blowing Bellowes, for y e making of y e same malleable & apt to the Forge & Anuile: yet beyng once throughly heated, hath such an excessiue glowing ardentnes, y • there cānot be any thinge more adustiue. And hereupon, in a maner all at one instāt & w tout any time betwixt, do we see them sodeinly chaūged frō laughter & myrth, into sorrow & pē stuenes. For whē this Humor is once heated (because frō it proceede & come bright & syncere Spirits) these Melancholike persons are exceedingly set vpō their mercy pin, & (past al godsforbod) iocund, & pleasurably geeuen to singing, daūcing skippīg & spōrting, & (cōtrary to their accustomed [Page] to eueryone curteous, affable, liberal and frendly, yea altogether pleasauntlye disposed and not squemish to offer a kind kisse & embracemēt vnto any lusty wench: and nothing then so much desyring as mariage, therby to enioy the hoped fruict of Children, and to haue their name in remembraunce to posterity: very earnestlye bewaylinge their losse of former time, repenting that they had not long agone tyed themselues to the World, & maryed. Melancholike persons fickle headed and vnconstant. But when this great heat is cold, and the earnest panges of this newfāgled mynde settled, whē their Bloude waxeth cold, & their spyrites at reste, they go backe from all former resolutions, and are ready to vnsaye al that euer they sayde before. They condemne and deteste yesterdayes deedes, and are much ashamed of their owne ouerslight and foolishnes.
Whensoeuer therefore Melancholie groweth into much coldnes, Affectes of Melancholie, cold. it taketh away from a man his sharpenes of witte and vnderstandinge, his assured hope and confidence, and all his manlye strength and courage, so that he hardly eyther attempteth or archieueth any matter of excellency & worthynes: for such be doltish, dull, slow, and lū pishe, vnapt to atteyne, learne and conceyue anye good disciplines or commendable Arts: and this happeneth in that kinde of Melācholie, which is mixed wyth greate stoare of colde, Doltishe or Asselike Melancholie. and toughe Phlegme. Whereby it commeth to passe, that such kinde of men (lyke Asses or other brute beastes) be blockish, vnapt, dull and forgetfull.
[Page 149] But they, whose Melancholie is wyth moderate heat qualefyed, The force of Melancholie much encreased. and w t Bloud & other syncere Humors humected & alayed, haue excellēte good witts and sharpe iudgements, and seeme to doe many thinges so notablye as thoughe they were furthered and inspyred by some Diuine instincte or motion. Probl. sect. 30. Quest. 13. And for this cause doth Aristotle not vnaptly lyken & compare this Humour vnto Wyne. For as Wyne produceth and causeth sundry, & the same verye ridiculous fashions according to the seuerall nature of euery man, and according to the effect and operation of the Wyne it selfe, (for one force and effecte hath Spanishe wyne, an other French, an other, Maluesye, an other Corsycke, and an other Rhenish) so Melancholie causeth diuers maners and sundry constitutions. And hereuppō in the Dutch phrase of speach, Sundry cō ditions of Drouken folkes. there are reckened vp certaine conditions and delightes of Drunken men. Some beinge cupshot, are contentious & brawling: Some stil, and neuer a woorde but mumme: Some verye babblatiue and keeping a foule coyle: some weeping, howling and heauy couraged. Yea some of this beastly Crew we see to be threatners, cruel, bitter, fierce, spightful, arrogant, selfwilled, vainglorious, proude, wanton, lasciuious, toying, full of foolishe gesture, vnquiet, vnstable, geeuen to carnall Luste, and loues desire, but as Iuuenall sayth:
[Page] For drunkards and Melancholike persons are very lecherous and desyrous of womens cō panye, Melancholyke folkes lecherous. by reason that theyr genitall members swell and be wyth inflations distended: but all their courage is streightwayes layed, and al venerous lustynesse soone quayled, Drunkards in the act of generation, very weake and feeble. insomuch that their wyues manye tymes, be defeacted of theyr hope, and thincke themselues wyth childe, when they be not so in deede, by reason that theyr bellyes be swelled and inflated wyth wynde, rather then wyth Seede.
Melancholye therefore and Drunkennesse, are in cōdition alike. For Drunkards are ledde with many affections and phanstes, gybing and gesturing as though they were Stage Players. For as Horace very aptly wryteth:
Thinges no lesse ridiculous and foolishe are [Page 150] lykewise to bee seene in persons Melancholike: for many in their daily dealings, shew very apishe and fonde fashions, and (althoughe theyr witts be nothing at all empayred or alyenated) yet doe they occupie themselues in matters lighte, tryflinge, vayne and friuolous. For they be distempered in theyr right Witte, feedinge theyr owne phantasies, and doatinge not earnestlye and in deede, but after a pleasaūt sort, as persons dwelling in a delightful and pleasurable madnesse: insomuch that there be some of them which thinke themselues ill apayde, and be right sory that they haue recouered the right state of their witts and come well home againe: sharpely expostulating wyth their welwilling frends, which frendly laboured and toke paynes for their recure: and blaming them as men that had rather done them harme then good. One of this plighte, a Grecian borne, & of no base house & pedagrew, doth Horace depaint and set out vnto vs thus:
So synce the time that I first begā to professe Phisick, many haue bin brought vnto me, whose mynds ranne vppon absurde imaginations and fonde Phātastes. Certaine historyes of Melancholike persons There was one which thought himselfe to haue a Nose so bigge, and of such a prodigious length, that he thought hee caryed about wyth him the Snoute or Mussell of an Oliphant, and that the same in euery thing that hee went about, hindered him: insomuch that sometime (as he thoughte) it laye in the dishe wherein his meate was. The Phisition was sense for, who suspecting (as truth was) y e same to be nothing els then a Melācholike affectio, hādsomly, closely, & cleanly cōueighed a lōg Pudding vnto his Nose: that done, he toke hold of a piece of the very typpe of the fleshe thereof, and wyth a Barbers rasure finely cut away y e Nose which in Imaginatiō y • party afore thoght himself to haue: and immediatly thervpon bringing his Pacient a sleepe wyth a kinde of confected drinck, and prescribing [Page 151] vnto him a holesome diet otherwyse, banished and toke quight away frō him, all y e feare of harme and inconuenience, which afore enconbred him.
An other Hypochondriake person, that is to say, one, whose Hartstrynges were embolned and swolne wyth Melancholie Humour and inflammatiōs, was verily perswaded, y e hee had frogges and Toades in his bealie, which gnawed & eate asunder his Entrailes: neyther could he by any man be perswaded to thincke the contrary: The Physition to make him more obedient and wylling (for Melancholike folkes will hardly be disswaded or brought from theyr opynions, that they once lodge wythin their owne cōceipts) soothed his sayings, and plainlye affyrmed that of certaynty there were such thinges within him in deede as hee reported.
Hereuppon after the partye had taken a Purgation, and vsed the helpe of a Clyster, there was a meane founde to put some such crawlynge vermyne into the basen of his close Stoole. Now, when the Purgation had wroughte his nature & effect, he made many Syeges and the same verye abundantlye: and after viewe of his excrements taken, and seyng therein what kinde of creatures swymmed, he rested satisfyed in mynde, and dismissed from him that foolish and vayne opynion before conceyued.
An other there was which thought his Buttocks were made of glasse, insomuch that he durst [Page] not do any thing but standing, for feare least if he should sitte, he should breake his rum [...]e, and the Glasse flye into peeces. These and such like kinds of Dotage and foolery, which eyther prouoke others or themselues to laughter and gladnesse, are quieter (as Hippocrates sayth) and nothinge fierce and outragious. But those which proceede of a certayne studie and carefull meditation are worse, as they that be accompanyed w t a certayne furious temerity and rashnes, sodainly and vnloked for, damnyflyng and preiudycinge both themselues and others.
After this like sort euen within our Memory, a certayne Gentleman fell into such an agonie, & fooles paradise, that he thoughte himselfe dead, & was in himselfe perswaded to bee departed oute of this life, and hereuppon when his frends and acquaintaunce with all kinde of fayre speeches, A notable story and reporte of a certaine Melancholike man. flattering termes and chyding words had assayed to restoare him to his former strength and powers now decayed: he turned the deafe eare to all that they sayde, and refused all that they to him offered, affyrminge himselfe to be deade, and that a man in his case [...]needed no sustenaunce or nourishment. So long continued he in this fonde Humour, till he was ready to sterue for hunger. When the seuenth day was now at hand (longer then which day, Such as hee sterued vp with famine elye vpō the seuēth day. sterued & famished persons cannot liue) they beganne to deuyse with themselues which way to heale this absurd passion and distemperaūce of their freend. They vsed therfore [Page 152] this pollicie: They caused certayne counterfeit persons lapped in their shrowdinge sheetes, and tyed after y e maner of dead Corses that be layed vppon Coffyns, and caryed to buriall, to be broughte into a darke Parlour: where these disguysed persons sitting down at the Table, which was wel furnished wyth choyse of sundry dishes, tell to theyr victualls lustely. The Passioned partly beholdyng these fellowes, demaunded of them whereabout they went, and what kinde of people they were: They aunsweared, y e they were dead men. What? (quoth hee) do dead men eare and dryncke? Yea (sayd they) and that shalt thou prooue true, if thou wilt come and sit wyth vs. Streightwayes skipped this Pacient out of his Bedde, and with the other counterfect dead men, fedde very well and largelye: and after Supper was hee broughtt into a Sleepe by a drincke of purpose made for that intent. For they that bee distraught of their right witts, Slepe easeth the ydlenes of the brain or rauing. must be handled artyficially, and by no way so soone recured and broughte into order, as by Sleepe. So by Sybilla as Virgill wryteth, was tamed,
[Page] It resteth now, to shew by what meanes & order Melancholike affections many be expugned or at least mitigated. How to expunge and beat downe Melācholy. Fyrst we must search out howe and whereupon this disease toke his beginning, and in what part if consisteth. For seyng there be iii. differences of Melancholie, one principally affecting the Brayne: Three sorts of Melācholye. and other, the whole bodye: the thirde Hypocondriacall or flatuous, which comming of crudity and ill Humours, distempereth the Brayne by consente: these do requyre to be by sundry and seueral wayes recured. If the whole bodye therefore be opplete and filled wyth Melancholie iuyce, it shalbe best to beginne the cure wyth letting the party Bloud: Whē to let Melancholike persons bloud. in the reste, this remedie is thoughte vnprofitable, and to no purpose, except ouermuch abundaūce of Bloud seeme to requyre the same. Thus also, for the Stitch, & swelling of the Splene, or for a Quartaine Ague, it is right excellēt and good to be let bloud in y e Veyne called Splenetica, in the inside of the left Arme.
Furthermore forasmuch as these kinds of mē be for the most parte costyue, it shalbe very profitable and requisite, Good for Melancholike persons to bee laxatiue & soluble. gently to make them soluble & laxatyue w t Aloe, Epithyme & smal fearne. For when the Entrailes be slipperye, and that the excrements may conueniently scowre awaye and be auoyded, lesse vapours and fumosyties do ascend and stryke vp warde: wherefore Hippocrates is of opynion, Lib. 6. Aph. 48. that it is righte holesome for persons Splenetique and Melancholicke, to be laxatiue: [Page 153] Finallye y t the Hemerrhoydes, swellinge of the Ueynes w t Melācholyke bloud, swellinge of the tuell, and the Pyles to breede and swell in the Fundemente and neyther partes, Spirits shuffle themselues in, amōg the humors is for theym that be frantique and out of the righte course of their wits, very good. And although euill Spyrites dommixe thēselues w t humours, making y • same a great deale fiercer and vehementer, yet the chiefeste cause and founteine of all this mischiefe and inconuenience is to bee imputed to the outrage and domination of Humours. For when noysom Humours be purged & grosse fumosities dispersed, the furie is well calmed, and the mind broughte agayne into his former state and perfection.
Therefore it shalbe moste for their ease & profite, to procure euacuatiō to y e whole body, namely by y e part, whereby nature most alloweth to be purged: Melancholy folkes must keepe them selues soluble. and that, leysurably and by conueniente order of times: for it is not good to stirre such coales as these, wyth any stronge medicines and purgations: then must they haue prescrybed vnto them, a right good and precise diet, and eschue all such things as engēder thick bloud: as Beefe and Bulles flesh, Bacon, and such as hath beene long bryned, or hanged in the smoke and hardned, wherūto are to be added Brawn & Beares flesh, and Venyson ofred Deere, whiche cōmonly is brought in, for a seruice at Noble mens tables: & Hares flesh, which cōmonly is vsed for a festiuall dish, to furnish out the Table, when frends meete [Page] to make meerye. Insomuch, that I cannot but meruayle at the vsuall fashion of Dutchmen and Netherlanders, amonge whom this fleshe is. as highly estemed & desyred as anye: neyther thincke they any banquet sumptuous & festiuall ynough, Hare geeueth Melā cholike nourishment. vnlesse one dish therof be Hare: whereas no flesh in y • world is neerer of nature vnto Melacholie then it. For it is cold & dry, vnlesse the seely beast bee firste well coursed and hunted, Hare the holesō [...]er [...] [...]g [...]hly hunted for that is the way to make it somewhat more hoat, toothsome, and holesome.
Euery part of this beast, is of a drying force & vertue, Ahore good for manye purposes in Phisicke. & is endued with an astringent facultye, both the hayres, the skinne, the bloud, the Mawe and the flesh. For the Mawe of a Hare myngled wyth red Wyne and dronck, stoppeth the bloudy Flixe y • commeth of the excoriation and gnawīg of the bowelles: it also stayeth womens termes: the haires being burnt or chopped smal, are a present and right souereigne thing to stay any great fluxe of bloude in a wounde. The Brayne wasteth the superfluous moysture and dryuelinge of the mouth, and maketh the teeth to grow: y • Huckle boane, the commissures & ligaments thereof, are good to breake the stone. The flesh also of an Hare, if it be much eaten and vsed, cureth the rewine that falleth out of the head, and helpeth y • Epilepsie or falling Sicknes, which is a disease engendered of grosse and clammie Phlegme: so that ech one of these doth sufficientlye proue, this Beast to be drye, & Melancholike, as the whole [Page 154] condition and nature thereof, plainly sheweth: namely the fleshe which in colour enclyneth to a blacknesse.
Now, whereas some both of old & later time, haue beene and yet be perswaded, that the eating of Hares flesh, maketh men pleasaunt and merily disposed: and not that onely, but also in bodelye shape and coūtenance to be faire, galant, & beautiful: I do not thinke, neither am I of opyniō, y e any such thing can happen through eating y e flesh of such a fearefull and timorous seely Creature: but y e rather hereuppon it had his beginning: because whē meery Compaignions are disposed to make good cheere, they commonly vse to inuite call into their compaignies some beautifull Damosells, and pleasaunt Peates to passe away the time more merily: whereas they that be of small accoumpt and harde fauoured to the eye, are neuer requested vnto any such pleasurable assembly, but be suffred to sit still at home, being reputed in cōparison, but as grosse Stuffe & of the second sort, and such as neuer (according to y e prouerbe) tasted or eate of an Hare. Which thinge y e Poet Martial in a certayne pleasaunt Epigrāme doth intimate vnto his Ladye and Mistresse, in words to this effect.
Which opynion of auncient & long time agone in many mens heads settled, To eate a Hare, a Prouerbe. I suppose hereuppon toke his first beginning (for hither to of none hath it beene expounded) that he which had been at any solemne & festiual banquet, ( such I means wherein Hare is one seruice) appeareth for y e next seuen dayes, curteous, pleasaunt, iocund and ful of mery conceipts. For when a man hath bene in pleasaunt company and at good cheere, where all thinges haue but meerilye discoursed, & the tyms ioyously passed, there appeare for the space of certayne dayes after in hys face and countenaunce, forehead, browes, lippes, eyes and beckes (for all these are be wrayers and tellers of the minde inwardly) great tokens of myrth and alacrytie, Moderate myrthe and bāquetting stirreth vp a pleasaunt colour and reuiueth the Spirits. and many arguments do outwardly testify the chereful dispositien of the internal Spyrits. For the body being heated wyth laughing and ioyinge, w t kissing and dalying, wyth dauncinge, Wyne, and singing, is made fresher and better coloured, for that the Bloud is diffused into the vtter part and habite of the body. These are therfore the causes, why the eating of an Hare dryueth away and dispelleth the Cloudy cares of the mynd, maketh the countenaunce cleare and delectable, & the face ruddie, fayre, and wall complexioned,
[Page 156] For as they that be angrye, or perplexed wyth feare, The outvvard countenaunce of a man, bewrayeth the inwarde affections of his mind are commonly seene to be of a troubled and disquiet mynde, and by manye outward signes to bewray the affections of their afflicted consciēce: euen so they that haue the world at wyl, and their hartes farre from all carefull affections & troublesome perturbations, shewe forth sure and certayn tokens therof in the body outwardly: yea the verye countenaunce, colour, face, forhead, eyes, mouth and generallye all the other fashions & gestures thereof, do pretend and witnesse a certain securitye of mynde that is at peace and quietnes wythin it selfe.
Now, Diet for Melancholicke persons. as touching Diet: Let them that bee of this cold and dry Constitution, and they that bee Melācholike, accustome themselues to such meates as be of good and laudable iuyce, & to drincke that wyne which is of the best sort and purest: let them lye in very soft beds and sleepe wel & longe, let them eschue & forbeare all things that be salte and sower: & aboue all things, let them take heede of crudity, let thē vse moderate exercise & styrring of thēselues. For as maryshes & standing waters become dampish and stynking: so likewise the body lacking exercise, gathereth fulsoments & pestilent sauours. If violent motion & exercise be vnto them painful and laborious, they may recreat and exercise themselues wyth pleasaunt singing, Musical instruments and delectable and walkinges.
Let them banish away all affectiōs of the mind, heauinesse, sorrow, thought, hatred, anger, indignation, [Page] enuye, &c. Neither let them suffer any such to lodge wythin their hearts: let them also auoyd solitarynesse, long abstinence, & lassitude: and let them vse at possible meanes to restore theyr right powers, Liquide meates do quickly non rish. first wyth meats and nourishments that be liquide (for they do quicklyest nourish, and encomber not the Stomacke greatly in concoction) but when their powers bee encreased, let them acquainte themselues, and vse meates that be solide and substantiall. Let theyr bread be of the fynest wheate, Such as bee subiecte to sicknes and quaisie, must eate but little bread. and let them eate thereof but measurablye and sparinglye: for it is hardlye concocted, and taryeth longe in the stomacke: and therefore to Labourers, Caryers, Maryners, Carters and such like, it bryngeth strength, & engendreth flesh durable & fast. Now, they that in time of perfect and sound health, The cause that brīgeth a stronge breath. do vse to eate litle bread: haue strong breaths and stinking mouthes. This proporciō therfore is requisite, there in to be vsed, to eate twyse asmuch in bread as in victuall or other cates.
As concerning the order that they are to keepe for Dinner and supper, vnlesse custome be to the contrary, or that they be troubled wyth distillations of the heade, let their Supper be larger and more in quantitye then dinner: foreseene, that immoderate faciety & surphet be alwayes eschued.
To be short, & to knit vp this matter wyth an holesome aduyse and counsell: let all such things as be prejudicial to health, Holesome exhortatiō. and hasten oldage before [Page 157] his tyme, be put away and banished. Chiefly and especiallye maynteining and keeping wything our selues tranquillity and constancy of mynde, Quietnes & tranquillity of mynd maketh all in good order and frame. which gift we are most humbly and earnestly to craue at his handes, which most bountefully bestoweth and powreth out his blessed giftes & lyberalitye vppon vs, who is God our heauenlye Father, and his deare & eternall Sonne Christ our onely Sauiour. For besyde y • ōutward gifts and things transitorye, which at his bountifull handes, for oure vse & cōmodity we moste abundātly tast and enioy, he also directeth our mindes wyth his holye Spyrite, and moueth our cogitations & wills euery minute, to ensue that is good and godly. He vrgeth and pricketh vs forwarde continually, so that wee feele the motions of his mighty power working in our harts, by strēgthning and confyrming our Fayth, that we thereby constantly leaning to the promyses of God, maye rest in a sure trust and vndoubted hope, to be afterwards made partakers of his Heauenly ioy in euerlasting felicity. Amen.
- ADolescencie. 29.
- Aduertisemente to Studentes. 52
- Affections natural. 35
- Affections hovv and vvhereof they come. 9.
- proceding of surphet & dronkēnesse. 10. & 59.
- Affections of the mynde alter the colour, & cō plexion of the face and bodye. 90.
- Affections cōmon to al men. 59. harmes thereof. ibid.
- Ague called Ephemera. 102.
- Ague called Epiala. 107.
- Agues tertian. 132
- Agues burning. ibid.
- Agreement betvvene the harte & the brain. 141
- Anacardus good for the memorie. 126
- Angels good and euill. 22. & 24
- Angels entermingle and shuffle in, themselues among our humours. 153
- Anger. 58. 128. 141
- Apoplexie. 126
- Aristomenes his suttle shifting 43
- Arteries. 89
- Astonishment. 94
- BAldnesse hovv it commeth. 69
- Banquetting fit for persons melancolique. 5
- moderately vsed commendable. 76
- Bathes Artificiall. 74
- Bathes naturall. ibid.
- Beard hovv to make it grovv. 42
- [Page] Beard redde, not alvvayes a token of ill nature. 130.
- Best thinges and excellent, muste not vpon dispayre be geeuen ouer. 34
- Bloud hath all the other humours mixed in it. 86 87. 89.
- Bloud forbidden by Moyses lavv to be eaten, & vvhy. 89.
- Bloud of greate force in framing the disposition & maners. 96. 99
- Bloud boyleth in young persons like spurginge of nevv vvyne in the tunne. 98
- Bloud prouoketh to vvilfulnes. 101
- Bloudletting not rashly to be enterprised. 55. 89
- Bloud and spirite the treasure of lyfe. ibid et 86
- Bloud of fishes colde. 61
- Blynde byardes. 102
- Body ful of sicknesse maketh lyfe vnpleasaūt. 3
- Body consisteth of three thinges. 7
- Body cold and drye hovv it looketh. 27
- Body and mynde, vvhole and sicke together. 75
- Bolde rashnes. 44
- Brabanders. 17
- Braggers. 101
- Brayne drye, causeth il memory. 69. 120
- Brayne moyste, nothinge retentiue nor memoratiue. 120
- Brayne temperate, the mayntenaunce of memorye, ibid
- Braynes best to be eaten for the helping of memorye. 125
- [Page] Braynes distempered, by vvhat signes vve may knovve them. 143
- Bread. 156
- Brothes, and liquid meates, soonest nourish and are quickliest digested. ibidē.
- Cayne, a paterne of desperation. 140
- Caloes. 99
- Canis panem somnians, a prouerbe. 114
- Catchpoles. 58
- Carnall act, hurtfull to drye and cold complexions. 74. hurtful in Sommer. 81. vveakeneth the body. 120. & 133. dulleth the vvit and memory. ibid. harmes therof. 105. commodities therof. ibid. moderation. ibid. very hurtfull to olde men and al dry persons. 55
- Cause of fearefulnes in daungers. 93
- Cause vvhy many die in lustiest age. 3
- Charles the V. 91
- Chaste lyuing. 7. 107
- Chaunge in old men daungerous. 51
- Children forgetfull and vvhy. 16. muste not bee skanted of reasonable victualles. 27. vvithout beardes vvhy. 41. sleepie. 58. stirring & quicke vvhy. 97. remembring thinges done long agoe 121.
- Childehoode. 29
- Choler. 86. of tvvo sortes. 127. the office and propertie therof 128
- [Page] Choler by vvhat partes of the body it is purged. 128. 133.
- Choler pale or citrine. 132
- Choler yolkie. 133. Leekish or greene. ibid. Rustie or Brassye. 134
- Cholericke folkes dreame many dreadful dreames. 132
- Cholericke persons, great flouters. 99
- Christ for bodely shape, a patcine of perfection. 37. voyde of al ill affections. 38
- Clysters. 118
- Cocke hovv to make him crovv cōtinually vvith out ceassing. 127
- Cold, the decay of lyfe. 60. vvasteth colour. 65
- Cold bodies not altogether vvithout heate. 60
- Cold persons drovvsie and vnvveldie. 65
- Colde thinges stirre vp appetite. ibidē.
- Comparison betvvene a common vvealth and a body humaine. 11
- Cōpoūd medicines named of some of the chiefe ingredientes. 32
- Compound complexions four. 84
- Complexion moyst. 78
- Complexion drye. 65
- Complexion cold, 60
- Complexion hoate. 38
- Complexion temperate and perfect. 33
- Complexion hoate and moist. 87. subiect to putrefaction. 103
- Complexion colde and moyst. 107
- Complexion hoate and drye, or cholericke, 127
- [Page] Cōplexion cold and dry, or melancholicke. 135.
- Concorde in a Realme. 12
- Concord in mannes body. 84
- Cōtinēcie & chastity a speciall gyft of God. 107
- Contempt of God and his vvord punished. 144
- Contrition. 145
- Conuenient exercise holsome. 7
- Coriander. 126
- Countenaūce outvvard bevvrayeth the affectiō of the mynde invvardely. 156
- Countenaunce, the image of the mynde. 36
- Counterfeit gate. 36
- Colour shevveth the complexion. 89
- Coūsellours levvdly disposed do much harm to youth. 98
- Counsel good, profitable to youth. 99
- Coughe. 109
- Creatures moste cold in touching. 61
- Crasis. 32
- Crisis. 102
- Cruditie hurtfull. 9. 118
- Custome that is il, must by little and little be altered. 50
- Curiositie in searching highe mysteries. 77
- DAuid slevve a Lyon, a Beare, & Goliah. 44
- Death vvhat it is. 135. & 28.
- Death eyther violent or naturall. 67
- Death by yll dyet and surphet, hastened before his tyme. 3
- [Page] Death, of it selfe dreadful. 67
- Death to the faythfull not terrible nor dreadful. 30
- Death vvithout any payne. 93
- Dead persons heauier then liuing, & vvhy. 5
- Degrees of heate in man. 34
- Democritus nature alvvayes laughing. 36
- Description of a body perfectly temperate. 34
- Deuil a crafty and slye spirite. 22. hovv he learneth the thoughtes of mā 23. his long experyence in mischiefe. ibid. his temptations ibidē. hovv farre he is able to hurt. ibidem.
- Dyet for colde persons. 65
- Difference betvveene sanguine and cholericke folke. 99
- Dynner. 156
- Diseases proceding of phlegme. 109. of Catarrhes, and Rheumes. 110
- Diseases of the Splene or Milt. 142
- Discorde and dissention in a country, vvhat mischiefe it bringeth. 12
- Disturbers of publique tranquillitie muste bee rooted out. 11
- Diuersitie in natures. 14
- Diuersity in opinions 88
- Doggish appetite. 116
- Dogdayes. 47
- Doltes. 101
- Dreames after perfect concoction in the night, happen not in vayne. 37. 95
- [Page] Dreames shevv the disposition and complexion of the bodie. 112
- Dreames naturall are interpretable. ibid
- Dreames diuine. ibid.
- Dreames peculier to phlegmatik persons, ibid.
- Dreames not rashly to be credited. 113
- Dronkardes sleepy, and vvhy. 58
- Dronkardes stammer and dovvble in their speache. 111. their sundry condicions. 149. in the act of generation, vveake, lumpishe and feeble ibidem.
- Dycers. 101
- EAsterlye people fearful, and timerous. 13
- Education altereth nature. 16. 99
- Eele, beinge dead floateth not aboue the vvater. 111.
- Eyes. 80
- Elementes of mannes bodie. 25. 86
- Elementes fovver. 26
- Emptines. 55
- Englishmen. 18. vvel coloured. 48. sumptuous at their table. ibid.
- England for cleanlynesse & neatnes, praised. 47
- Englishmē more subiect to the Svveate, then other nacions. 102
- English Svveat vvhen and vvhere it began. ibid.
- Erick kinge of Svveden. 16
- [Page] Euery mā must search out his ovvn inclinatiō 6
- Euery member in the bodie serueth to some necessary vse. 12
- Euery part of the body hath his seuerall office & vertue. 108
- Euills must be cured by their contraries. 47
- Exercise conuenientlye vsed verye holsome. 7. vvhat profite cōmeth thereof. 51. order therof. 52. sortes thereof. 53. vvhen to be vsed. 104.
- Exercise fitte for crookebacked persons. 53.
- Fayth bringeth foorth good vvorkes. 24
- Fasting persō, heauier thē one that hath eatē meate. 5
- Famished persons dye the seuenth day. 151
- Feare of death, vvorse then death it selfe. 93
- Fishes hauing vvarme bloud. 61
- Fishes liuing long after they be taken out of the vvater. ibid.
- Fish, ill for surly and solitary persons. 61
- Flemminges. 17
- Foode holsommest to eate. 111
- Forgetfulnesse of some thinges is best. 121
- Forme of a common vvealth 11
- Foules hard of digestion. 65
- Foure naturall povvers or Vertues. 9
- Frenchmen. 18. prompt and readie vvitted. 19
- French kinge killed at the Tylt. 54
- Friction 73. Sixe sorts thereof. ibid.
- Fulnesse of stomacke hurtfull. 54
- [Page]Gall, the fountain and vvelspring of anger. 148
- Garden herbes good for cold bodies. 66
- Generation of milke. 108
- Generation of sperme. ibid.
- Germaines. 16
- Good dyet. 19
- Good for euery mā throughly to knovv his ovvn complexion. 1
- Grosse bloud. 13
- HArte, the fountayn of lyfe. 9, 89
- Hare maketh melancholicke nourishment, 133. being hunted and chased is muche holsō mer. ibid. good for many purposes in physicke. ibidem.
- Harme to a Realme and to a body, first procedeth from the head. 110
- Harme of venerye and carnall copulation vvith vvomen. Vide carnal acte.
- Hayre blacke. 39. & 41. Curled, 39. Yealovve, 41. 129. VVhite, ibid. Red, ibid. Aburne, ibid.
- Hayres hoare. 112
- Head harmed by the disorder of the lovver mē bers. 104
- Head and stomacke engendrers and receptacles of phlegme. 109
- Heate likened to the Sūne, and moysture to the [Page] Moone. 78
- Heate causeth boldenesse. 43 maketh good colour. 64.
- Health vvhat it is. 1. passeth gold or treasure. 2
- Health asvvell of mynde as of body to be cared for, because the one cannot vvell be vvithout the other. 2
- Health sundry vvayes assaulted, crushed and altered. 29
- Heraclitus nature alvvayes vveping. 36
- Herbes that are venemous. 62
- Herbes prouoking vrine. 71
- Herbes good for the memorie. 125
- Herbes hoat, good for cold bodies. 66
- Hoate complexion. 38. Tokens thereof. 39
- Hoarinesse in meates. 112
- Hoarcenesse. 109
- Hollanders. 16. forgetfull and sleepie. ibid.
- Holsome aire. 19. as necessary for bodyly healthe as holsome meat and drincke. 26
- Holsome exhortation. 156
- Holy ghost, vvhat he vvorketh in vs. 24
- Humours are chaunged one into another. 3
- Humours ministre occasion vnto each seuerall complexion, to ensue seuerall vices. 23
- Humours grosse, as hurtfull to the mind, as dead vvine to the body. 84
- Humours after a sort, are the elements of man. 85. 86.
- Humours of more force then the Planets. 10
- [Page] Hungry sicknesse. 65
- Husbandry praysed. 54
- IAundise. 128
- Idlenesse. 64. maketh the body fatte & colde ibid.
- Imagination of man, euil from his birthe. 14. & 19.
- Imaginacion of vvomen at the time of their cō ception. 40. 93
- Infancie. 29
- Intemperature vvhat it is. 34
- Influence and force of the Moone. 78
- Inclinacion of nature. 100
- Ihon Baptist beheaded. 10
- Italians. 17. their nature. ibid.
- Iugglers. 101
- KErnellie fleshe in the dugges. 108. alterethe bloud into milke. ibid.
- Knovvledge of the case o four ovvn bodies, verie expedient. 2
- LEaning to a broken reede. 144
- Learned & aged mē, reuerēced in Englād. 48
- Lettice, ill for the eyesight. 125
- [Page] Levvd thoughtes. 14
- Lyuer, the Shop of bloud. 89
- Lyuer prouoketh and eggeth to carnall Iust. 141
- Lignum Aloes. 126
- Limitation for our prayers and vvishes. 136
- Lyquide meates sonest & quickliest nourish. 156
- Long life, hovv it may be orderly procured. 68
- Lupines a kinde of pulse, the nature & operatiō thereof. 5
- Lying in bed on the right side, best. 58
- Lying vpright vpon the backe, daungerous. 58
- MAgo tamed a Lyon. 4
- Maluesey. 103
- Mainteyners of health. 1
- Many good vvittes by ill education & levvde cō pany marred. 4
- Mannes age. 30
- Man a VVolfe, 96. An ape. 97. A Lion, A Fox &c. ibid.
- Mammiles or dugges, the receptacles of Milke. 108
- Manns corrupt nature, more prone to ill then to good. 122
- Man, daylie subiect to casualties. 135
- Matrimony pleasaūt and profitable, & the cause vvhy it vvas first by God instituted. 6
- Measurable feeding most holsome. 7
- Meates fitt for cold persons. 65
- [Page] Melancholie. 86
- Melancholie may be altered. 4
- Melancholie incidēt to al mē, especially to Studentes. 136
- Melancholie of tvvo sortes. ibid. vvherunto it is like. ibidē.
- Melancholy vvhat relish and tast it hath. 137
- Melancholie vnnatural of 3. sortes. 146. 152
- Melancholy enflamed, vvhat colour it hath. 147.
- Melancholy hath in it some heate. 148
- Melancholy cold, vvhat affectes it causeth. 148
- Melancholy, doltish or asselike. ibid.
- Melancholy vvel tempered bringeth foorth excellent vvitts, and sharpe iudgement. 149
- Melancholy hovv it may be qualified and expugned. 152
- Melancholik persons, somtimes out of measure mery. 139
- Melancholick affections hovv they come. 143
- Melancholick persons, fickle headed and inconstant. 148
- Melancholick persons lecherous. 149
- Melancholicke passions, and certain histories of sundrie persons of that Complexion. 150
- Melancholick person, fully persvvaded that hee had Frogs and Toades in his belly. ibid
- Melancholick persons imagination of a longe nose. ibid.
- Melancholick person that thought his buttocks [Page] vvere made of glasse. 151
- Melancholicke person that thought himself to be dead. ibid.
- Melancolick persons are best to be laxatiue and soluble. 152
- Melācholick persons, vvhē to be let bloud, ibid.
- Melancholick persons diet. 156
- Members of the body hovv they agree, and be lincked together. 11.
- Memory good. 69. hovv it may be restored. 70
- Memory vvhere it resteth. 119. vvhat things be thereto hurtfull. 120. is maintayned & preserued in a temperate brayne. ibid. ill in old folks & children, and vvhy. ibid.
- Memory the gift of nature, but by Arte preserued and holpen. 121
- Memory by healthynes strengthned, by crudity and surphet spoyled. 122. by light suppers preserued, and bettered. 123
- Menenius a vvise oratour, by telling a fine deuised Fable of the members of mannes body, dissvvaded the Nobles and Cōmons from ciuile vprore & discord. 12
- Men vviser then VVomen, vvhy. 81
- Morphevv. 134
- Moyst nourishment fittest for children. 49
- Moist complexion. 78. not geuen to be malicious, spightfull, fumishe and testy. 80. their diet 82. their stint of sleepe. ibid.
- Moistnes. 79
- [Page] Moisture feedeth and nourisheth heate. 83
- Murre. 109
- Musicke cheareth the minde. 53
- Milke 71
- Milke is vvhite bloud. 108. neuer eaten by Pythagoras, and vvhy. ibid.
- Milke in the breastes and dugges of young Infantes, asvvel male as female. ibid. vvhere it is generated and made. ibid.
- Minde in moist complections. 91
- Minstrells. 101
- Milt, and the vse therof. 137. Hindreth agilitye of the body. ibid. cannot be taken avvay. 138. likened to a princes Exchequer. ibidē. prouoketh laughter. ibid. being vvel & in good case, and plight, causeth mirth and chearefulnes. 141 being distempered, affected, or out of righte course, causeth a heauy minde. ibid.
- Mirth hovv it is caused. 5
- Mirth at the table. 76
- Mirth and pleasaunt company profitable for Melancholicke persons. 5. 139.
- Mirth moderately vsed, & banquetting, reuiueth y e Spirites & maketh a mā fresh coloured. 154
- Mixture of humoures compared to vvine. 107
- NAturall heate. 8. 60.
- Nature of Spermaticke seede, and feminine [Page] Bloud. 26
- Nature of persons phlegmaticke. 111
- Northren people. 13. 16
- Nosce teipsum. 3
- Notorious villaines procede not from loutis he natures, but from excellent mindes, corrupted & by levvde education marred. 45
- Notes of a dry complexion. 68
- Notes to knovv a Phlegmatick person, and his nature. 112
- Notes vvherby to knovv a Cholerick complexion. 129
- Notes of a Melancholicke Complexion. 145
- Notes and nature of a Sanguine person. 101
- Nucha or the nape of the necke must be kepte vvarme. 121
- Oldage. 28. hath no certaine nūber of yeares appointed, hovv long it lasteth, as ech other age hath. 20.
- Old men forgetful and vvhy. 16. sometimes as lustie as youngmen, and vvhy. 28
- Oldmen by nature drye, but in condicion moyst 88. much harmed by vsinge carnall copulation and venerie. 55.
- Olde grudges. 122
- Onyons ill for the eyes, and memory. 125
- [Page] Oppilation of the Liuer, hovv it commeth. 104. hovv to bee auoided. ibid.
- Oppilation and putrefaction, the original cause of all diseases. 10
- PArasites. 101
- Partes of the body subiect to Phlegme. 117
- Patrickes purgatory. 146
- Persons mere sāguine, cōmōly starke fooles. 96
- Persons Apoplectique. 129. hovv to restore thē to the right vse of their tongue. ibid.
- Perturbations of the minde. 59. 141
- Philip king of Spayne. 90
- Phlegme, the matter of bloud. 107. the vse & effect therof. 109. vvhat place of the bodie it is in. ibid. Diseases grovving through it. ibid.
- Phlegme. 86
- Phlegme of 4. sortes. 115
- Phlegme svveete. 116
- Phlegme sovver. ibid.
- Phlegme salt. 117. harmes thereof. ibidē.
- Phlegme glassie. ibid.
- Phlegme common to al men. 118
- Phlegmatique persons il coloured. 146
- Phlegmatique persons praysed. 115
- Phlegmatique persons must eate light suppers. 115.
- Phlegmatique persons must vse exercise. ibid.
- [Page] Playing vvith the head vvhat it signifieth. 98
- Pockes. 134
- Polycletus rule. 33
- Povver attractiue. 9
- Povver retentiue. ibid.
- Povver digestiue. ibid.
- Povver expulsiue. ibid.
- Poze. 109
- Proportion of bloud to other humours. 100
- Prouerbes, emunctae naris, & obesae naris, expoū ded. 114
- Pubertie. 29
- Putrefaction. 10
- Pypers. 101
- Pythagoras. 30. his comparing of th' ages of mans lyfe, to the four quarters of the yeare. ibid.
- QVaysie stomackes. 156
- Qualefiers of the heate of bloud. 50
- Qualities. 86
- Quinces conserued. 126
- Quietnes and tranquillitie of mind. 156
- RApes good for the eyesight. 125
- Rebellion in the bodie, 14
- Receiptes laxatiue. 104
- [Page] Recreations discommendable. 54. 76
- Remorse of conscience for vvicked deedes. 144
- Repletion. 55
- Restoratiues for the memorie. 125
- Ringvvormes. 134
- Riot and bellicheare. 10
- Rue prouoketh lust in vvomen, extinguisheth it in men. 81
- SAmpson. 43. his great strength. ibid.
- Sangar. 44. vvith a plough share slevve. 600. Philistines ibid.
- Sanguine persons curteous, and milde natured. Vide Bloud. 99.
- Scottes. 18
- Scoffers. 101
- Secke. 102
- Seede. 85. 105. 106. pollution and effluxiō therof hovv it hapneth. 113
- Shauing of the beard helpeth memory. 124
- Shauing of the head. ibid.
- Short stature. vvherof it commeth. 27
- Sicknesse vvhat it is. 12
- Signes of sicknesse approching. ibid.
- Sickly persons must eate little bread. 156
- Signes of a brain distempered. 143
- Signes of suche as bee subiecte to melancholy. 147.
- [Page] Sinne cause of sicknesse and death. 67
- Sleepe and the commodities thereof. 57. & 73. time & space therof. 57. to vvhat vse it serueth. 95. good for Cholerick persons. 133
- Sleepers soundly. 57. Small & vnquiet sleepers. 58.
- Sleepe by day, ill and vnholsome. 58. good for rauing or Idlenesse of the brayne. 152
- Sleeping person heauier then a vvatching. 5
- Slouth and ease. 52
- Sound Parents beeget sound children. 85
- Solitarie persons subiect to the Apoplexie. 61
- Snailes life. 62
- Soule. 12
- Sounding. 133
- Soueraigntie of the hart. 109
- Spaniardes. 18
- Spettle. 87
- Speach hovv to be restored. 126
- Spirite. 7 vvhat it is 8. requireth great care. ibid. being in good case & tēper causeth tranquillitie of mynde. ibid. being distēpered it vvorketh sūdry motiōs & bringeth disquietnes. ibid vvhat thinges bee thereto moste hurtfull, and vvhat most comfortable. ibid. 19. & 20. greatly comforted vvith svvete smelles. 126
- Spirite animall and theffects thereof. 15
- Spirite vital. ibid
- Spirite of nature. 20
- Stammers, 111. cannot speake softlye. ibidē. [Page] & 147.
- Stitches. 103
- Stinking breath hovv it commeth. 156
- Stomacke and head engendrers and keepers of Phlegme. 109
- Store of hayre hovv it commeth. 41
- Strong breath and stinking mouthes. 156
- Studie by candlelight hurtful. 74
- Studentes exercises. 75
- Superstition. 24
- Supper. 156
- Svveate. 87
- TAlnesse of personage. 27
- Temperance. 60
- Temperature, vvhat it is. 32. nine differences thereof. ibid. subiect to chaunge. 88
- Testicles. 85
- Tettars. 134
- Text of Esay expounded. 114
- Themistocles vvished to learne the Arte of forgetfulnes. 122. his nature & disposition, vvhile he vvas young. 130
- Thinges making good digestion & spirites. 5
- Thinges good for the memory. 125
- Thinges not natural, sixe. 46
- Thinne bloud. 13
- Three most holsome thinges for health. 7
- [Page] Timon, a deadly hater of al men, and al companye. 143
- Time for euery matter. 77
- Tokens of a cold complexion. 64
- Tokens of a moist body. 80
- Tokens of the dispositiō of phlegmaticke persons. 114
- Tokens of sanguine persons. 99
- Tormentes of an vnquiet minde, and guilty cō science. 143
- Tranquillitie of minde. 31. 59
- Traunce. 103
- Triall of good horses. 54
- Trophonius Denne. 146
- True goodes. 2
- Tumblers. 101
- Turpentine. 72
- Turpentine, hovv to prepare it. ibid. to make it liquide and potable. ibid,
- VEnerie, Vide Carnall acte.
- Veyne opened, shevveth oculerly, ech of the four humours, 86
- Veines from vvhence they spring. 89
- Vertues defaced and marred by vices. 44
- Vitall moisture. 7
- Vitall spirite. 12
- Vlcers. 134
- [Page] Vnholsome meates spilleth nature. 27
- Vnablenes in some to beget children. 43
- Vomite must be seeldome prouoked. 55
- vvhen to vomite. ibidē. to vvhat persons it is most hurtful. 56
- Voyce. 45
- WAnne colour. 65
- VVasshing of the head. 126
- VVatching ouermuch hurtful. 58
- VVavvvard persons. 12
- VVhores. 106
- VVolfe, a disease. 134
- VVomen full of hayre on their heads. 42
- VVomen hayrie lecherous. ibid. cause of barrennes in vvomen. 43
- VVormevvood holsome for the Lyuer. 104
- VVringing in the small Guttes. 129
- VVyfe bravvlinge, and skoldinge, likened to a dropping house. 110
- VVylie Foxes 130
- VVylie vvinckers. 58
- VVyne, hurtfull to children. 49. maketh the hart mery. 138.
- VVisemen sometime fearefull. 94
- Yoūgmen somtimes vveake, vvearish, & feeble, [Page] and vvhy. 28
- Youngman sodenly gray headed. 91
- Youth. 29
- ZEale vvithour knovvledge. 25
- Zelanders. 17
- Zeno. 5